The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 27, 1861, Image 2

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SATURDAY, /,PRIL 27, 1 5
The I atest News.
The intelligence we received last night was
of an important and cheering character. The
twills of the energy and determination of the
awakened people of the North are now be
coming plainly evident. Washington has
been reinforced by a large body of troops, via
Annapolis, and the whole line of railroad be
tween these two points is in working order.
Friendly relations existed between the people
and the soldiers, as the latter proved liberal
purchasers of the supplies of the former, and
scattered on their way gold dollars and not
leaden bullets.
The Baltimore almerican, of yesterday, ei
presses an earnest desire for peace, and pub
lishes the strong Union speech recently deli
vered by Judge DOUGLAS. It was supposed
in that city that further reinforcemeute were'
about to be thrown into Fort McHenry.
Meanwhile, our troops are marshalling in
all the Northern States, and will shortly ap
pear in great force upon the disputed ground
around the capital.
In the camp of our enemies there is also
much activity displayed, but their numerical
inferiority is made plainly apparent by the
character of the measures they have adopted.
A fugitive from Virginia reports that every
man capable of bearing arms is obliged to do
so, or to See from the State. It is supposed
that by the, close of this week 20,000 troops
would be concentrated at Richmond, as well
as large bodies at Norfolk and Harper's Ferry.
Detachments were on their way North from
Georgia and South Caroliea, and other South
ern States. It is alleged that Governor
LETOSER has ordered the Virginia troops to
act strictly on the defensive, and not to assist
Maryland, or to invade the District of Golnm.
Ida ; but, on the other hand, threats are fre
quently made that Washington will soon be in
the possession of the Rebels.
A large number of slaves have already fled
from the border counties of Maryland into
Pennsylvania, but in many parts of the South
the journals allege that their negroes are as
anxious to fight against the Northern troop
as the white population.
• A letter from Pensacola, dated April 18, to
a Secession journal, says the flying artillery
which left New York a short time before the
attack on Fort Sumpter, has arrived in that
quarter, where it will doubtless do good
Late News from North Carolina
We had an interview last night with two
gentlemen of Northern birth, who have re
sided for some months past in North Caro
lina. They left that State on Thursday
morning, and proceeding to Portsmouth, ax
rived here safely, via Baltimore. They re
port that previous to the battle at Fort
Sumpter and the secession of Virginia, the
general current of sentiment was strongly in
favor of the Union, and the rash conduct of
South Carolina was much censured; but re
cently Secession has been popularized, and
a Convention is to meet on the first
of May, which will, no doilbt, declare the
State to be out of the Union. Great efforts
are made to organize military companies, but
so far few or no reinforcements have been sent
into Virginia, and the Rip Van Winkle people
have contented themselves with fortifying the
forts they have stolen from the American
people, and tarring and feathering Northern
business agents. Every able-bodied man is
pressed into the military service, or obliged
to leave the State, and even the free negroes
are expected to fight for the rebel cause ; but
they will not do so willingly. - A Home Guard
is to be formed, to watch the slaves, and keep
them at work; and all the troops that can be
equipped are to be sent to join the great
"dash on Washington," which is confidently
expected as soon as possible.
The National Cause.
The good work of consolidating the mighty
strength of the North, organizing our citizens
into effective military companies, turnmg our
energies into one great channel of patriotism
for the salvation of the country, and hasten
ing the departure of troop§ for the proteetion
of the capital, goes bravely on. Much as has
been done within a limited period, the pre
dominating feeling of the hour Is one of
feverish impatience and chafmg discontent,
because still greater activity is not manifested
and still more energy displayed. A burning
zeal fills all hearts, and the great NAPOLEON
himself, if he were alive and accomplished
to-day greater feats in consolidating armies and
in directing mighty martial movements than
any which distinguished his wonderfnl career,
would yet fall far short of the expectations
and wishes of the American people. While
the Rebels of the South have been preparing
for their present treasonable demonstration
for many long months, it is a significant indi
cation of the comparative weaknms of their re
sources, and of our power, that we are already,
after an effort of but a few weeks, far better
prepared for the impending conflict than our
antagonists. had we devoted half as ranch
time and attention towards a -resolute effort
for the maintenance of a Government as they
have to destroy it, we would to-day have half
a million of men in arms, and be prepared at
short notice to conquer and to bold every
disputed point from Mason and Dixon's line
to the Gulf of Mexico.
Tho feeling of the moment is almost tor
vernal, that we are fighting now for the Union
and the whole Union, and that, fully apprecia
ting all the difficulties and all the dangers of
its preservation, we are prepared, at all
hazards, to meet and overcome them. The
territory of the Republic throughout its whole
extent rightfully belongs to its ieyal citizens,
and to no one else. We did not buy Louisi
ana, nor fight for Texas, nor clear Florida of
her Seminoles for the miserable Rebels who
now throng the soil of those States, but for
the whole American people. The men who
have fattened upon our bounty and waxed
rich by cultivating our land are entitled to
protection, and shall receive it so long as they
arefaithful in their allegiance to our flag. But
when they array themselves in arms against
our country, they forfeit their chief and only
valid title to their estates; and while they
have the right to the enjoyment of the fruits
of their labors, and a right to the property
they have acquired, they have no more right
to assume supreme control over our domain
and to turn its resources into an element of
hostility and aggression upon those whose
valor and treasure acquired it for them, than the
very worms that crawl througi► its soil The
people are for the Union, ready aad willing
to protect all its citizens in every section.
But the awakened spirit which has been
aroused in the North is so determined that it
will lose its last dollar and sacrifice its last
man before it will surrender the authority or
submit to a severance of the territory of this
great Confederacy, and so irresistible that
those who have arrayed themselves in arms
against it must choose between obedience,
annihilation, or expatriation.
The Rebels of the South have labored under
the misapprehension that public sentiment
would be divided in the North, and that the
only war which could be made upon them
would be but a mere partisan attack on the
part of the National Administration, in which
they would have nearly as many friends as
foes in the Free Staten. On the contrary, the
only tear now le, not that the Adminietratien
will do too much, but not enough to maintain
the honor of the country an& to enforce the
Jacksonian maxim which is deeply enshrined
in every American heart. Those who are
most earnest and eager in advocating it are
the very men who, in former days, have
earnestly fought for the rigtts of the South,
and who, if need be. will fight for them yet.
But they will never consent to a destruction
of any of the privileges which they possess
as American citizens, nor to have terms and
conditions imposed upon them by rebels and
traitors in arms, nor to have the glorious
fabric of our free Government overturned by
a gang of desperate conspirators, until all
thelr powers of resistance to these nefarious
designs prove unavailing. With the rash
and bitter complaints against the poll.
cy of the Administration, in not evincing
More resolution and activity than it has yet
displayed, which are so freely hurled against
it by a portion of the Northern press, without
distinction of party, we confess tbat we do
not sympathize. It is evident that due allow
ance is not made for its peculiar and even
critical position. It may almost be said to
deliberate under the very guns of the enemy,
and for a considerable period the capital was
completely at the mercy of its unscrupulous
and desperate foes. Even now its safety is
not entirely assured. With the city of Balti
more in its rear, thoroughly hostile and capa
ble of furnishing a large force to assail it, or
at least to cut off its communication with the
North, and with the - whole line of the Rani
more and Ohio Railroad in the hands of the
Rebels, it has perhaps more to fear from this
quarter than from any other, and if a diversion
is not made at once which will show the peo
ple of that city that they will shortly find am
ple employment for all their energies to defend
their own homes, Washington may again be
isolated by them.
It is not singular that men in the critical
situation of our rulers at the Federal capital,
and who were fully conscious of the perils by
which they were environed, should have al
lowed themselves to be somewhat engrossed
by their own perils, and that they should not
be as active in laying plans for extensive cam
paigns and subduing large districts of country
as men who, at a safe distance, are snugly
ensconced in a vast metropolis, with hun
dreds of thousands of armed men immediately
surrounding them, ready to rush into vigorous
action, and with unlimited resources at their
command. We can now better than ever be
fore appreciate one great cause of the effi
ciency and vigor of the military movements
of such great nations as England and France,
which are evidently due not only to the na
tional power they possess, but to the estab
lishment of their capitals in such vast cities
as London and Faris, where the concen
tration of vast resources of every kind,
and of an immense population, at once
encourages and gives efficient support to
every important gigantic undertaking, whether
it be of a peaceful or warlike character. We
do not doubt that it Mr. LINCOLN and his Cabi
net had been located during the last two weelta
at Philadelphia or New York, where they
could have fully realized the determination,
the enthusiasm, and the power of the mighty
legions, who are ready to place at their dispo
sal their lives and their fortunes, for the ad
vancement of the great national cause, they
would have felt more resolute and determined
than they have been in the depressing, gloomy,
and dangerous atmosphere of Washington,
surrounded, as they have been, by a hostile
population, with an iron cage apparently clo.
sing around them, into 'a more and more com
pact and deadly limit, day after day, and with
the officers of the regular army and navy,
upon whom. they had, in a great measure,
relied, basely deserting them in scores.
All this, however, we hope, will soon be
remedied, and after a pathway, broad, clear,
and unbroken, hetween our Lsovernment and
the loyal people who support it, Is opened,
we hope a future may be carved out worthy of
the character and energies of the American
people, and the holy object for which they are
ready to sacrifice all that is dear to them.
War in Europe.
The last intelligence from Europe, only
eleven days old, prepares us for some imme
diate and grave changes in the relations of the
different Powers. These changes, in all like
lihood, will be effected by means of War.
The prospect of affairs strongly resembles
that in the early part of 1859, when Austria,
without waiting for a formal declaration of
war, endeavored to steal a march upon Vicroa
Emararruza by invading Piedmont, with the
undoubted purpose of attempting to °conk
Turin, before a French army could cross the
Alps to prevent that great wrong. The world
recollects, history already has recorded, but
the Emperor of Austria apparently forgets the
issue of that attack. The Piedmontese troops
met and resisted the invasion. France came
to the assistance of its gallant ally. The
united armies beat back the invaders, and,
after a short campaign, Lombardy, wrested
from the yoke of Austria, became part of
V/07011 Eiruaarstrat's territory.
Austria, at the time when the Hungarians
threaten to recover their nationality and in
dependence, has collected 200,000 near the
Quadrilateral, within easy proximity to that
Lombardy which she lost in 1859, and is evi
dently bent upon mischief,—the great object
being to prevent the consolidation of the King
dom of Italy ander VICTOR EMMANUEL. What
was rashness in 1859,—when Austria bad the
King of Naples and the three Anstro-Italian
Grand-Dukes, with the Pope, to aid him,—
would be madness in 1861. Naples and
Sicily, part of the Estates of the Church, and
-the Duchies of Tuscany, Farina, and Node
na, are now under Freres. Eicassenm's sway,
thriving under and apparently satisfied with
it. A matter of time, and of very short time,
seems to be the possession of the whole of
Italy by VICTOR EMMANUEL. No one can ex
pect that Austria, beggared and bankrupt as
she is, can at one and the same time crush the
Hungarians and renew a war in• Italy. The
Emperor of Austria may make the attempt,
but its issue can readily be predicted.
Idereeeer, the failing health of the Pope
may make a great change in European politics.
The fmccesaor of Pro Nano will scarcely , be
found among the French Cardinals. The
election will be between the German and
Italian Cardinale, and if an Italian be elected
to the triple crown of the Pontificate, he will,
at all events, possess more nationality than a
German. At the Dame time, toe, Galina=
is in bad health, at Turin. An Italian war,
minus that great soldier in arms, would be
untoward indeed. It is positively asserted
that, even if quite restored to healtb, he world
not make any effort to conquer Venetia, at
Much is reported of the activity of NA
ematou in increasing and improving his naval
as well ashis military forces. England, which
appears to have got rid of her foolish fear of
a French invasion, has greatly reduced, this
present year, her military and naval forces,
and is ready to continue neutral, if possible.
Moreover, with a failing off of- more than
$4,000,000 in the Quarter's Revenue, (besides
that the Income Tax, which has yielded
$700,000,000 since 1842, expired on the 6th of
April), and a fearful famine and pestilence in
India, England cannot afford to go to war.
She sees, in Narozzoe's increased and in
creasing armantents, only a preparation for
again defending Vievoit Emmen., should he
be again assailed by Austria. That assistance
will certainly be afforded, if needed. It will
have to be paid for, too—as the alliance of
1850 was recompensed b y the cession of Nice
and Savoy. It is not improbable that Sar
dinia may become a French island ere long ;
and it has not been so valuable to Vicron
EMMARTrit, at any time, as to make him par
ticularly anxious for ret aining it, provided that
he can obtain the support of France, in ex
change, which would make him actual King of
England and Switzerland took the initiative
in recognizing VICTOB EMILANIIZT. King of
Italy; Sweden and Norway, Denmark and
Portugal, have followed that lead.
Prussia can scarcely have an excuse for sid
ing with Austria in an attempt to recover Lom
bardy by force. Russia is too busy with the
Poles to be able to act against France and
There is a rumor that France has offered to
secure European territory, (probably in Tur
key,) as an equivalent for Venetia, to be given
up to VICTOR. Estesinam. It is a question
whether England would consent to this dis
memberment of "the sick man." All ap
pears to rest with Austria. The first company
of Germans she marches into Lombardy will
be to
Cry haw*, and Let gip the dots of var.
Defeat. and disgrace would follow, no doubt,
but as Austria to eminently obotinata,
and foolish, it is to be apprehended that she
will precisely do what common sense would
suggest her to leave undone.
The Foreign Ministers at Washington.
A gentleman, who recently reached this city
from the Federal capital, inform us that up
to a very recent period the representatives of
foreign Goveinments, who reside there, had
been utterly disgusted with the want of vigor
shown by our Government in cbeckikag the
movements of the Rebels who had assailed it,
and that they had been compelled to suppose
that we were about to duplicate the deplora
ble history of Mexico, and to fall into an in
extricable state of anarchy and confusion.
But since they have witnessed the manner in
which the proclamation of the President was
responded to, and beheld the great, and, to
them, unexpected, uprising of the American
people it has occasioned, they were at once
amazed and delighted with this evidence of
our patriotism, and of our determination to
place in the field a force before which treason
would be compelled to cower and hide its hi
deous head. We have no doubt that the
tenor of their despatches to Europe has been
very essentially modified by this wonderful
demonstration, and that thus a new, and, we
trust, an insurmountable obstacle has been
created to the recognition of the Rebel com
missioners by any of the European courts.
The Union Fe elin a in Maryland.
All is not lost in Maryland. We have be.
tore us a copy of several resolutions, which
wore passed by the Ceail county Union Con
vention, in the town of Elkton, on April 23.
They are plain and unmistakable in their lan.
guage, and speak the words of loyalty and
patriotism. Here is the first
Resolved, That the Union of the States ism less
dear to us now, when in the extremity of the dan
ger of disruption, than in Its brighter days, when
those who would now strike a blow fatal to its in
tegrity professed attachment to it SeoesSion is MO
less a wrong now than at any former period, and,
in this holm of extreme danger to our country and
Government, we renew our declarations heretofore
made of fealty to the Government of the United
States, and will continue to hope for its vindication
from the assaults of its enemies, and ice perpettiiV
to the latest generation.
The cry of cg No coercion" is declared to
be the auxiliary and handmaid of Disunion,
and the defence of the country is declared to
be the duty of the citizens. The resolutions
say that the attack on Fert Sumpter shows
that the worst features of treason and rebellion
animate the people of the Confederate States,
and that the object of the Montgomery cabal
is declared to be the subversion of the best
Government on earth. They renew their al
legiance to an unconditional Union, and de
nounce the calling of an extra session of the
Legislature as dangerous to the continuance
of Maryland in the old Confederacy, and cal
culated to precipitate upon the people all the
horrors of civil war. A committee of safety
is organized and a Union Convention directed
to be called.
By the Associated Press from Perryville
we are told that the most indisputable evi
dences have been received of a powerful re
action in the city of Baltimore. The Stars
and Stripes have been - raised at two or three
points, and there is a great feeling, it is said,
among the business men in favor of the re
establishment of trade. The Baltimore Sun,
which has been the moat effective' because
the most cunning and unscrupulous of the
treasonable papers South, is writing long lead
ers of a conservative character, and protest
ing against the passage of a Secession ordi
nance by the Legislature.
We take these indications of Union feeling,
and especially this eleventh-hour repentance
of Baltimore, for what they are worth. There
is but one way for this State and its metro
polis to show their devotion to the Union.
They must destroy every Disunion banner in
the State, rebuild the bridges on the railroads,
open the communication to the capital, feel-
Mate the passage of the troeps from the North,
and become loyal to the General Government.
We want a guarantee from Baltimore that no
more unarmed citizens of Pennsylvania shall
be murdered on her highway while in the dis
charge of their duty to their country, and we
are satisfied that privilege will speedily be ob
tained, peaceably it we can, forcibly if we
must. We have the right and power to force
a clear and unbroken passage through Mary
land, and the will to , exercise it. The day for
trifling has passed, and the people of Balti
more must choose between submuision to our
'not demands and a terrible fate.
Erg - Three of the leading citizens of New
York yesterday passed through this city, on
their way to Washington, who were for
mally authorized to tender to Mr. Limns,
on behalf of the States of New York and
Massachusetts, seventy-flue thousand men
and thirty million dollars to aid hint in at
once opening a clear and unbroken communi
cation with the capital in a direct route
through the State of Maryland and the city of
State of Things Now :
Prom our Speoutl toorrespondentj
BALTIKORII, April 20., P. X.
An enormous change has come over the Mee of
things since day before yesterdel. The result of
the special election has been a crasher on the Se•
Cession feeling. This medicine worked admirably
all day yesterday, and to-day it has culminated
in almost a complete reaction. Instead of Union
men Seeing for their lives, it is now Secessionists
from their fears.
The gradual encircling of Baltimore by General
Scott's base line of operations, the impending
march of Federal troops directly through the oity,
from Havre•de•Grace and York, and the now oer
tett sweep down through the valley ofHagerstown
of the Charchersbnrg solemn, to the Virginia
boundary, and thence to Washington on the Vir
ginia side of the Potomao, have set men to think
ing, and afforded a sense of relief from the oppres
sion of the. Secession mob, that is truly grate
ful. Unionism is once more rising, and in a few
short hours more will be on the top of the wave.
If the Legislature that assembled at Frederick
City to-day at noon does not prempitate the revo
lution upon us before Monday next, we all feel
safe. What we all want, Beoeasionista and Union
ists, is, the armed occupation of Baltimore by a
United States force sufficient to overawe all rebel
lion. Why does not General Scott give it to us at
once? Do you wonder at our impatience?
Valuable Information.
SIB : On looking over the military manuals of
this country I could not find any rule for clearing
a street of a lawless mob, mob at; mumultod our
troops few days ainoe at Baltimore.
I therefore send you the following plan which,
perhaps, if it had been adopted in the Baltimore
riot, the Musaahusetts regiment might have pissed
Qeneral Small's unarmed regiment through with
safety, as also taught the Baltimoreans a lesson not
to he soon forgotten.
If you approve of the suggestion, I shall feel
obliged by your giving it a place in you valuable
paper; it may be of use on some future ocoasiou.
FRED. C. HARVEY, Philadelphia.
809 Race street, 27, 4mo.
S SMUT risme
A column at open, half, or quarter distance,
tormed In a street, or in narrow ground, where
deployment is impracticable, may be required to
fire either when advancing or retiring. It could
be performed in the following manner
1 arIitZET.M.INIA, Al,vesncxao.-Three oonspenies
will be ordered to advance from the column, leav
ing sufficient room between them and the remain
der of the column for a gun, or body of cavalry, to
form. The second - • and third companies wiU olose
on the first. When required to fire, the two front
companies will kneel down, and the third will fire
over their beads; the second will then receive the
word Wren:, on which it wilt spring up, and on
the word 'AZ/11 will deliver its fire ! lastly, the
front company will fire kneeling, each company
loading as soon as it has fired. The leading com
pany may then be ordered to rise and charge, or
the first and mond companies may be ordered to
open out to half distance from the rear, and the
whole then wheeled back by platoons to each side
of the street, to allow the gun to fire between
them, or the cavalry to charge : it may occasion
ally be of use to extend files along each side of the
street, to fire up into their windows.
the leading division will give its fire, shoulder
arms, face outwards by platoons, file right and
left to the rear, reform company, load, and remain
halted, until its front is again clear, or the whole
column is put in motion. The moment the front
of the second company is clear it will give its fire,
face outwards by platoons, and file to the rear as
above directed; and so on by companies in suc
cession the companies thus follow each other in
anooesitioss. When the frontlf the column neon
pies the whole breadth of the street, the outward
tiles of companies will double in the rear, to give
the companies which have fired room to pass
It must never be forgotten, in entering towns or
villages occupied by the insurgents, that the first
thing to be done, on gaining a footing in the place,
to clear the houses on both flanks, end tile
column should, on no account, premed through the
streets without previously occupying the houses
on either hand, the troops employed for that pur
poem breaking through partition walla, or pushing
on from house to house, so so to accompany the
march of the main body and protect its flanks.
Penn. C. Sunny.
Ems? Psuz.—Notices of New Publioatione;
Vice President Stephens at Richmond; Weekly
Review of the Philadelphia Markets; The Reg!.
mental! of the HOMO Guard. POlllll% Rios .-1n
Memory 9f• our 7.4loam:tooth! Soldiers who were
murdered in Baltimore ; Religious Intelligence--
The War in the Churches; Letters from Camp
Scott; Marius Intelligence.
[From the Baltimore Amerioan of April 26.1
We learn from a gentlemen who left Annapolis
yesterday morninggthat there bad been a great in.
crease in the number.of troops landed on Wednes•
day andyesterday.' ~Thi 'enclosure of the Naval
Aoademy was literally'illled.with them. The pd.
vette were not geoerolltellowel to enter the city,
but the Moore were moving ' shout In every di
rection, end making purchases to each an extent as
to cause quite a brisk business among the shop
keepers. '.Chey were also purchasing horses and
vehlolee, and paying large prices for them. Horses
not worth a ISM bad been eold to thew ae hip es
$250 and $3OO Oar informant said that there was
Boaroely a horse left within six miles of the city.
An incident'allowing the mechanical representa
tion among the forces is related in connection with
the seizure of the Annapolis Railroad depot. Th e
locomotive was found to be Bo deranged as to be
useless A call was immediately made on the
troops for machinists, an engineer and fireman,
when a score or more of these professions stepped
forward from- the ranks and preieeeded to the de.
pot. One of the machinists, on looking at the lo
comotive, claimed it as an old acquaintance, be
having been foreman of the shop in which it was
constructed. Of course, it was Boon pat in run.
ping order for the conveyance of baggage to the
The steamer Pioneetarrived here last evening
from her special trip to the Eastern Shore to bring
up the members of the Legislature from that seo-
Wm of the Otate, baying accomplished her mission.
She did not stop at Annapolis, but reports four
large steamers lying off the Naval Academy. Th e
Constitution rr as also lying in Annapolis Roads,
ea that the rumor of her being at the month of the
Patapsco is altogether unfoandod.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning, the Seventh
regiment was at the Juootion, having walked
from Annapolis, a large concourse of people from
the neighborhood having collected to view the
stirring scene. About 11 o'clock en immense
train was in readiness on the Washington road,
consisting of freight and passenger oars to the
number of fifteen, carrying one thousand men
and their baggage, which moved off for Washing
ton, arriving there about 12 elcloak.
At two o'clock in the afternoon another thou
sand men reached the Junction, about which time
the train from Washington had returned, and
when our informant left they were about taking
their departure for Washington, A force of two
hundred men were lett at the Junction, and all
along the line of the Annapolis road picket guards
were stationed at such distances as to be able to
come to the assistance of each other if attacked.
Every barn end shed had its quota, and all the
prominent points were so guarded as to prevent
surprise, and watch the bed of the road. At each
of the bridges about thirty men were stationed.
Along the Washington road, from the Junction
to the capital, a large force is also stationed, and
all the bridges are etrongly guarded. The soldiers
mixed among the people, and quite a number
visited the town of Laurel during the day to make
It was understood that the military train would
continue running all night, though it proceeded
with great caution, roaring that some obstruction
might be placed on the track.
Frominformation'gleaned from those who ac
companied the train and other sources, it would
appear that reinforcements are being very rapidly
thrown into Washington. Ono train, which passed
the Junetion this morning, was said to have con
tained 981 men ! Up to the latest accounts 3,000
troops had passed the Junction going toward the
capital, and 6,000 more were on the march be
tween Annapolis and the Junction, leaving 1,000
at Annapolis. It is said that the Government has
in use on the road other cars than those seised at
Washington and Annapolis, and it is supposed
that oars have been transported from the Phila.
delpbia road by the steamer Maryland, now ply
ing regularly between the Eluegnehaitrut and An
There is but little evidence of ill-feeling on the
part of the inhabitants along the line of the road
toward the troops. Many incidents are related as
showing their avoidance of everything calculated
to offend, or in any way trespassing on. private
rights. The soldiers were buying freely of the
inhabitants, striking bargains for poultry and
spring chickens, and paying , whatever price was
asked. In one instance a squad of New Yorkers,
being bountifully entertained with substantial
Maryland fare, at the nominal price of a quarter a
head, paid their host a dollar each as a mark of
their appreciation of the quantity and quality of
their repast.
[From the Baltimore American ]
There is little that is new to note in connection
With the condition of affairs in this city. The mili
tary preparations are still progressing, but the
public mind each day regains composure, and the
city resumes more of its ordinary aspect. Some
little excitement was occasioned yesterday by the
report that Fort Monenry was communicating by
signal with a Government steamer lying at the
mouth of the river. The intelligence from below
=keg no mention of any steamer there. A reve
nue cutter communicated with the fort during the
day, and afterwards proceeded down the river.
The-communication with Washington is still in
terrupted, the train which left yesterday not going
beyond the Annapolis Junction, the remainder of
the road being occupied by the Federal Govern
ment in the transportation of troops. ,
The movement. toward Washington is reportel
to be very active. Three thousand passed - the
Junction yesterday, going toward Washington, she
thousand were reported to be en route between tin
Junction and Annapolis, =done thousand remain
ing at Annapolis. The steamer Pioneer, which
came up last night, reports four large strainers Ij
ing off Annapolis. The frigate Constxtutzon was
also there. It is said that General Scott will soda
have ail the Woe at Washington be dociros at the
present time, and that the obstruction to trawl
will then be removed.
A large number of the members of the Legisii--
tura arrived here yesterday, and will proceed to
Frederick this morning in a special train. The
Legislature meets at noon, and it is now thought
that a quorum of members will be pretnd. The
Governor had not reached the city last night, and
a steamer was despatched to Annapolis to bring
him and the members who may have assembled
there to the city.
The Mayor and Board of Police being satisfied
that by . removing the prohibition upon the expOrt
of provisions, breadstuff's, and coal, the home sup
ply will be increased and the price reduced, they
have, in compliance with the unanimous wish of
the mercantile community, ordered,the removal of
the prohibition. The supply at present rehandle
A rumor that got a wide circulation yesterday,
and was received with joyous eagerness, was to
the effect that a prominent, gentleman here had
received a letter from Gov. Letcher stating tint
Virginia had called out her troops to prevent is-
VarliOn either from the North or the South, and
with the view of maintaining the State as long as
possible in a condition to mediate between the two
On tracing the rumor to its settme t we learned
that it is definitely known that Gov. Leteber has
lamed orders to the demanders of the Virginie
troops, directing them to make no aggressions
across the borders. either of Maryland or the Dis
trict of Columbia, and to sot only on the defensive.
We have heretofore called attention to the fact
that the section of the ordinance under which the
Virginia forces are called out, deelares that it is
I done to resist " invasion of the State."
[Prom t , ..e Washington National Republican, April re.]
Attitude of Maryland.
In the conference with the President, on
Sunday, by the Mayor and several citizens of Bal.
=ore, the asicut of the fetreee tv f9rk9flr tetilFg
eerily to march troops through Baltimore, in artier
to avoid a probable collision with He excited popu
lace, was planed upon the express ground that
other routes through Maryland to this eapital
should remain unobstructed. And two suoh feasi
ble routes were specially named by General eioott,
who was assisting at the eel:dere:moo: ,
From Perryville, opposite Havre-de-Grace, by
water to Annapolis, and thenee by rail.
From the Relay station, on the Baltimore and
Harrisburg railroad, by a march acme the coun
try to the Relay station on the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, at' the junetten of the Washington
branch, and tnenoe by rail.
But it is now apparent that the Secessionists,
although probably a minority, have so far ob
tained the control of affairs in Maryland, by Knob
Agleam* and terror, that they are emboldened to
resist the march of troops to the relief of this capi
tal, not merely through Baltimore, but through
any part of the State. And they have made such
an impression upon. Governor. Bloke mind, that
that functionary, instead of restating them, even
seconds their demands.
The two steamers, which arrived at Annapolis
on Sunday morning with troops, were still off that
town on Monday morning, the manifest reason of
the detention being the opposition of the people to
their landing and marching to this plain, Apil l
as will be seen by Governor Reward's reply, pub
lished on our first page, Governer Hicks has ad
vised, not only that these troupe be withdrawn,
but that no troops shall be marc hed to Washington
through any part of Maryland.
Having given such advice as that The did not go
far enough when he proposed that this Government
should submit its difficulties with a Maryland mob
to the arbitration of au estimable British noble
man. He should have proposed that Lord Lyon.
be requested to use his good offices to induce one
of the British Princes , if one coul d found with.
nerve enough to cross the Atlantic, and assume the
Government of a country unable to govern Wolf.
A gentleman who arrived here on Monday even
ing from Augasta, Georgia, reports that two thou
sand South Caroline troops were expected to be
sent up by rail to Riehmond in the next train after
the one he came in. From Richmond Senator
Mason, of Virginia, was a fellow•passenger as far
as Alexandria. Crowds of excited men were found
at the various stations, and were addressed by Mr.
Mason, who promised them that they would all be
in Washington in a few days. Vice-President
Stephens wee en route to Richmond.
The Baltimore Sun is filled with lying letters
and despatches from various points in Maryland,
all indicating a perfect unanimity in favor of Se
cession. Our information is, that "a majority of
the people of Maryland are really for the Union,
and that present appearances are only the result
of mob violence and terror. We predict that,
with sufficient national forces stationed in Mary
land to give the Union men courage to speak eut,
they wilt be found to outnumber their opponents.
VIRGIIII.A.—Wo were told on Monday, by an old
resident of Fairfax county, that a notice was under
stood to be posted upon the court house, directing
all persona of Northern birth to leave the county in
fifteen days. We hear to-day that several have
already arrived here, in their flight from the fury
Of the revolutionists, of course, leaving their pro
perty behind. More will follow. It is expected
that they will generally need assistance, and, we
doubt not, will receive it
PICTORIALS.-WeEanrtea are indebted to Cal
lender Zs Co., South Third street, for the Mus
crated London News, of April 13. It is a double
number, with a adored supplement, containing
"Spanish Cialtrabandista," by. R. Anode% and
"The State Entry of Lord Elgin into Pekin."
There ale twentythree wood engravings, among
which may be especially aetieed faillege copies
of Leslie's " Sancho Penn," and Rosa Bonheure
" Three Brothers." We also. have the illustrated
News of the World, of the 13th lust , with a good
portrait of General Scott among its woOd•erigra
vinyl, and a supplement portrait, on steel, of Mr.
Henry Compton, tbe English omedicia.
Seizure of Arms at St. Louis.
A qualm STORY.
Yon, April /A —A Chicago despatch Rub-
Sighed in the Etrontng Post, says that, last night,
a strong force of Illinois troops entered fit. _ Louis
and took front the arsenal 21,000 at of arms, a
park of artillery, and an immense quantity of
ammunition, ate. There was no fighting• 0)
The Movement'ot Troops.
By Telegraph to Tho Prem.
By Overland Special Express.—From
• WAsurrwrox, April 23, 1801.
The polity of starving the people of Washington
oily has already had the effeat of driving a number
of families into Maryland, Virginia, and more die
tent points. Adams' Express Company has been
overrun with applications for transportation of fur
niture and goods of all descriptions. The trains
which are permitted to leave for Baltimore, by the
Government, which has at last taken possession of
that public improvement, are crowded with pas
!engem chiefly women and children. Many
the suspected oharaotera of the oily have left,
and not a few of the timid have followed the ex
ample, Provisions have increased in price enor
mously, and a scarcity, real or speculative, has
already taken place I visited the market this
morning at an early hour, and found every kind
of vegetable commanding almost double pries.
Farmers and butchers, whilst asking the highest
rate& fur , beef and mutton, are free in the expres
gicm that this would probably be their last visit to
The great grocers here, George it Thomas
Parker, who have had an immense supply of pro
visions and other necessaries of life en hand, have
refused to sell in any large quantities.
Lieutenant Beckwith, of the War Department,
has seat out messengers to purchase hay for the
cavalry and flying Artillery new in quarterti here,
You will perceive how easy it is to adopt the sterva•
tion policy upon such a community as ours. Wash
ington city is not surrounded by the richest coun
try in the wOrld, and independent, therefore, upon
those counties of Virginia and Maryland which
have yielded agricultural products and raised fine
cattle.- When this source of supply is cut off
scarcity almost immediately ensues. It is true
that this policy of the Disunionists is calculated to
read fearfully upon themselves; because, when
they lose their market, and receive none of the
gold and silver of Uncle Sam, they must depend
upon their own depreciated currency. Yet its ef
fect upon the Government, in its present state, is
almost beyond description..
At a reasonable calculation, there are at least
eight thousand troops here, composed of regulars
and volunteers, and including in the latter those
from the District of Columbia and other places,
now in quarters in this pity.
As I write, I can see with my marine glass
a large force landing at Greenleaf Point, near
the navy yard. The red stack of one of the
Steamers shows her to -be the Keystone State.
I just learn that it is . the Keystone State and
the Pawnee; returned from Norfolk, with some
hundreds of sailors and merle's.
The presence of additional troops doubtless
will increase the demand for all the neoeasariea
of life.
What is tie:lnference from this condition of
things? I clearly think that unless the Mary
land authorities allow a peaceful passage to our
troops, and permit the capital of the country to be
supplied with provisions, communication between
Washington and the free States must be opened
with the sword, the bayonet, and the cannon.
Their authorities must choose whether they will
allow our trains and troops peacefully to pass
through Baltimore, or whether they will secure to
the Government another route. If they do not,
theespital will be provisioned, proteoted, and de
fended it every hazard. The insane men in the
South, who have led the Disunion conspiracy, have
latterly exulted in their temporary successes, but
when they see, whilst destroying thezdeolvos, they
have notimpaired, but only awakened the latent
powers of the Government, they will probably
pause before attempting what, no doubt, has been
a part of their programme--an attack upon the
city of Wallington.
I haie not time to write more. The number of
resignations in the army and navy sines) Saturday
has been great. Both the Magruders—John, of
the flying artillery, and George, of the navy,—
together,witif that pat of the service, Lieutenant
Mittry ~_ w ho has been honored with bounties by
the Government for years past, and has begged
his way beck - after the naval courts of inquiry
retired him from the servioe,—have resigned,
together with many more. o.ccssroxer..
By another Overland Nessenger.
Hiar.Exenuao, April 28
WASHIROTOM, April 24 —Among the arrivals
here from Philadelphia unhurt, after many-tribu
sad Capt. It. Vonan, Company D., Washington
Brigade Pennsylvania Volunteers. '
The Government is selling flour to citizens for
seven dollars a barrel.
The son of Major GIORGZ M. Littraf LPN of Read
ing, has been appointed from the Ringgold Artillery
to a second lieutenanoy in the regular army.
This young gentleman, however, proceeded with
alaorith in the volunteer corps to ',Mob be is at
tached, upon the desperate service to which it was
The removal of all batteries or troops upon the
bloke of the Potomac, in order to keep free the
navigation of that river for the use of the Govern
ment, will be enforced. All vessels are stopped
at Fort Washington and examined.
Not an instance hes occurred among the pri
votes in the Marine Corps where a term of service
has expired that re-enlistment has not instantly
taken place. The breve fellatio say that this is
not the time to desert the flag which has So long
proteoted them.
It is rumored that a jealousy exists between Pre
sident DAVill Mal Gen, Bienninenn. The latter
looks up too largely for the Presidential military
aspirations, and then may result trouble among
the rebels in consequence. 000ABIONAL.
HARRISBURG, April 26, 1861.
, The Saveara RZGDIENT, or NEW YORK, AND
ON Tawitanar, when our IneSSOTWIT left. They
were received with tumultuous demonstrations of
applause. , Ileavy roads delayed the reception of
your despatches to-night.
[Bpescal Despatch to The Poses.]
Dwriat, Del., April 26, 1861
Governor BURTON' has jnat issued the following
proclamation, in replying to President Lismorm'a
nell for !troops :
Or DEL/Malta
Whereas, a requisition has been male upon the
undersigned, as the Executive of the said State
of Delaware, by the Seeretiry of War, for one
regiment, aoudads% of seven hundred and eighty
men, to be immediately detached from the militia
of this State, "
.to serve as infantry or riflemen,
for the- period of three months, unless sooner dis
charged :" And, whereas. the lawi of this State
do not oonfer upon the Executive any authority
enabling him to comply with such requisition,
there being no organised militia, nor any law re
quiring snob organisation : And,whereas, it is the
daty of all goof and law. abiding oitisene to pre•
serve the peace and sustain the laws and Govern
ment under which we live, and by which our aid
lens are protected :
Therefore, I, WILLIAM Bunron, Governor of the
said State of Delaware, recommend the formation
of volunteer oompaniee for the protection of the
lives and property of the people of this State
against violence of any sort, to which they may be
exposed. For these purposes, such companies,
when formed, will be under the control of the
State authorities, though not subject to be ordered
by the Executive into the United States service—
the law not vesting in him such authority. They
will, however, have the option of offering their
services to the General Government for the de
fence of its Capitol and the support of the Consti
tution and laws of the country.
In witness whereof, I have caused the great seal
of the State of Delaware to be hereunto affixed.
[n. s Done at Dover, this twenty-fifth day of
day of April, in the year of our Lord,
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, end of
the independence of said State the eighty-fifth.
By the Governor.
ZDWARD BIDUSLY, Fearotary of State
Reported Stampede of Slaves.
Hatuismraa, April 28.—The rumor of an attaok
by the Marylanders on Hanover village, York
county, Pa., on Tuesday last, was occasioned by a
great stampede of negroes. Reliable accounts say
that Whole families of slaves are crossing into
Adams, York, and Franklin counties of this State.
The total; logs of slaves to Maryland since the
troubles begat is reported at five hundred.
Great fears are entertained ho the border
<modes of Maryland of the departure of the en
tire slave population.
PERRYVILLZ p Md , April 28.—The steamer Wy
oming has Jost arrived from Annapolis!, which she
Let at 10 &otos& thia morning
Two transport steamers, the Marion and Mont
gomery, from New York, under oonvoy of the brig
Perry, arrived at Annapolis during the night.
The 69th Now York regiment was disembarking
when the Wyoming left.
The road to Washington was reported to be all
olear Gen. Kelm, of Pennsylvania, had gone on
to Waehington.
It was expected that the United Mates frigate
Constztution would sail for New York to-day.
Her midshipmen were all on board.
The Landing of Troops at Aunapolis.
Departure of , the 7th for Washllngton.
Thaw Youir, April N.—The steamer Baltic, ar
rived from Annapolis, brought home a number of
invalids belonging to the Seventh New York Re
giment. Her pilot says that the Potomac is strong
ly fortified on both sides. The steamer C gumbia,
alao arrived from Annapolie ' reporta that the troop'
on the Baltic, Columbia, Curler, and Coatza
coalcos, landed, at Annapolis on the 24th instant,
amidst the greatest enthusiasm. The. Seventh
Regiment marched out about ten miles from An
napolis, and, as several volleys were heard shortly
after starting, it was supposed that skirmishing
had taken place.
On Thursday morning three propellors arrived
from .11avre-do Grace with Eastern troops.
As the Columbus left Annapolis yesterday morn
ing several sharp volleys were distinotly heard.
The Orman of the Columbza think that the com
munication had to be foram' open.
Left at Annapolis the cutter Harriet Lane and
the steamers Coatzacoaleos, Boston, and Cuylor.
The latter was discharging stores. Passed off the
month of the Potomao the steamers Marton, Ala
bama, fames Adger, and United States brig P 8797,
and off the nsonth of theßappahannook the steamer
The steamer Maryland arrived at Annapolis on
Thursday morning, with naval ofrmara and men '
and a geed supply of guns, to fortify Annapolis,
Passed on Thursday afternoon the .steamer De
Soto, which took on board the crews of two small
boats, supposed to he this hands of the captured
light ships, or Union men fleeing from Virginia,
The lights on Capes Barmy and Charles are ex
tinguisted; and the light-ship removed from the
station at the month of the Potomac.
The officers of the Co/umbia fear that the
steamer Postnzeo has been captured, but this ie
probably unfounded.
Peanvvrx.r.s, Md., April 26 --The Baltimere
Sun, of this morning, received here, aye that a
passenger train left for Washington yesterday
morning, but on approaching the Annapolis Juno
tion found the Federal troops lining the road.
The train put back, the conductor apprehending
that it would be seized. The Seventh New York
Regiment and part of the Massachusetts volunteers
took up the line of marsh from Annapolis on Wed
nesday morning, and, arriving at the junction at
10 o'elook yesterday morning, left for Washington.
The train returned to the Junction at 4 o'clock
P. M., and again left with the Massachusetts
meat. On the arrival of the Seventh Regiment at
Washington, they marched up Pennsylvania ave
nue to the President's Ronse, and from there to
the War Department.
. Six thousand volunteers are in Richmond, ready
for service. The Virginia troops are erecting a
battery at Yorktown, and another three Miles
above Riobniond
The steamship Jamestowcn is being fitted up at
Richmond for a war vessel.
Four thousand troops are at Harper's Ferry,
and 3.500 at Norfolk, and It is sald that there will
be 25,000 at Richmond by the close of the week.
The schooner Annie .T. Russell, with a oargo of
wheat for a Massachusetts port, has been seised at
It la reported that the troops at Harper's Ferry
have been ordered to another point, and it le sup
posed will move to a position tear the capital.
The Baltimore Sun has a leader which seems to
indicate that a conservative influence is gaining
ground in Baltimore. The Sun emphatically de
clare/ that It la not a Beaman paper, and eaye
that the ?imago by the Legislature of an ordi.
pence of seoession would be an arrogation of power
not vested in it. It advocates the calling of a State
convention, elected directly from the people.
The same paper dente' the stones of violence to
'Union men in Baltimore.
The Stars and Stripes Displayed by the
Psniervu.Ln, April 26—levening.—Tbe commu
nication with Baltimore is becoming muoh im
preyed. The steamer whit* lett at one o'clock
this afternoon arrived here just as the evening
train was about to start for Philadelphia. It was
boarded in the stream by the captain of the Fairy,
whir& brought the passengers to Perryville.
Among the passengers going North are five
Maine timber men, ordered out. of Virginia.
They report that three eohooners, the Gen. Knox,
Vsaory, and Georgetz, of Maine, had been seised
in the Pamunka river, Virginia. Cannon had
been placed on board the Gen. Knox and the Bo-
cession flag hoisted. The men were ordered to
leave on Saturday and placed under guard. They
obtained a pass from Governor Letoher oat of the
State, but were Mopped frequently. At Baltimore,
being intercepted by the troopo, they appoeled to
Gen. Trimble personally, who expressed regret
that travellers were interfered with, and protested
their departure.
Intelligent men from Baltimore express confi
dence that the Secession mob rule will 15001 be
overturned. The leader of the Sun of to-day is
regarded as a most favorable symptom, and an
Index of future events. A gentleman declared
pabliely in the parlor et Barntun'a Rotel, that the
Secession flag would not be allowed in that city
many dap.
The most indisputable evidences have been re
ceived to-eight of a powerful reaction of public
aouthnent in Baltimore. A gentleman, whose ve
rnally cannot be questioned, states that before he
left this morning, he was gratified to see the stars
and stripes flying over the Minute Pden'e head
quarters, and on Buteher's bill. The edema of the
Union luau smug to have Leen more powerful than
clamor would have been, and the rabid Secession
ists have defeated their own purposes. There is a
great feeling among the business men, for the re
establishment of trade, and their silent conserva
tism it gradually changing to open Unionism.
There is no doubt as to this state of affairs.
One of the passengers left Washington at 31
o'clock yesterday afternoon, when all was quiet.
There was no news of importance. lit had heard
nothing there of the rumor that Lord Lyons had
appealed to President Lincoln for an armistice of
sixty days. Ile witnessed the arrival of the
Seventh New York Regiment on the afternoon of
hie departure ; ail the regiment 'were reported
well. They had built a bridge on the road and
repaired the rails. While the Eighth Idassa
abusetts Regiment was moving to Washington
orders were received to stop at the Junction and
guard that point.
The Keystone State at Neu , York.
Nuw Tam, April 26.—The steamer Keystone
State hag arrived from Washington with forty or
fifty bags of mail matter for the East and West,
and the despatches and instructions for Mr.
Adams, the newly-appointed minister to England.
The whole was under the shame of General
Twiteheil, of Boston. Colonel Bonneville, of the
United States army, was a passenger.
The Keystone State was , well armed to resist
any attack, but no attempt to molest her during
her run down the Potomac was made.
The transport steamer Coimmina hag arrived.
Wittiem BURTON
Hanniganas, April 26.—The whole number of
regiments of volunteers called for from Pennsylva
nia are filled. But Governor Curtin has 'written
to Washington asking that he be permitted to re
ceive the additional regiments offering, so as to
raise the quota of Pennsylvania to twenty-six or
thirty regiments.
Naval Items.
Naw Yoan, April 26.—The steamer Mount Ver
nvahas been chartered, and will be fitted up as
gun boat:
The steelier Roanoke has steam up, and is pro
pared to carry 1,500 men.
Minute Nen.
Pennsylvania's Quota.
A Bearer of Despatches.
nitnit/SIMMG, April 28 —A large number of Vir
ginians arrived here this evening, via Chambers
burg. They, were required to tike the test oath
and take up arms, or be imprisoned. Some of
them took the oath when compelled, and limn es
caped, while others escaped without. They are
mostly from Fairfax county.
John J. MeElhone, Esq., the well-known Con
greFeional reporter. arrived to-night from Wash
ington, the bearer of Government despatches. He
left Washington at 2 o'olook yesterday afternoon.
He reports Washington safe for the present. The
communication with Annapolis is perfecitlyopened.
He confirms the advioes that the Seventh Regi
ment of New York, and other forces, had safely
arrived. Large qUalltitlOS of flour aro dopeeited
in the Capitol.
The Virginians say that full fifteen thousand
troops of that State aro under arms.
The neinfereernenta at the Capital..
The Fugitive Virginians.
HARRISBI7IIII, April 26.—Positive official adviceS
received to-night show that 4,000 Northern troops
entered Washington before four o'clock yesterday
afternoon, and that an abundant supply of provi
sions was followieg them. Perfect security is now
felt in Washington with regard to its defame.
The steamer Koystesto State, snorted by the
Pawnee, passed up the Potomac , without molesta
tion, and reached Washington on Wednesday
night, and landed 250 marines and sailors. They
left the seine reght, No attempt was made to In
terrupt their progress.
One cf the Virginians arrived to-night was for.
merry an officer of the Federal Rowe of Repre
sentatives, and a Brechinridge Democrat. He
brought the title-deeds of hie eggs with him, bat
expects that hie property, worth $90,000, will be
Oonfisoated. Re reports that every man is com
pelled to serve the State or leave.
""tinns Wanted to portaly Annapolis.
New Yours', April 26.—Senator Wilson has been
oommissioned by the Government to obtain large
guns for the defence of. Annapolis, and also bears
a request to Gov. Andrew for two additional regi.
manta of Massachusetts troops.
Arrival of the Steamer De Soto.
REECE& OF A WRECKED eßzw—worrsolNGs OF
. _
ittn - tN VilteilElA.
New YORK, April 26.—The steamer Dc Soto
has arrived from Annapolis which she left on
Thursday. The D 6 Soto took thither the Fifth
Massachusetts Regiment and the Boston Flying
Artillery, with their heists.
The purser reports that the De Soto pinked np
two boats at sea off Dividing Creek. One contained
Capt. Adams and the crew of the schooner T 0.
Thompson. Their vessel was wrecked on the 9th
instant, on Bluff Point, Virginia, and they were
notified to leave in two hours or take the oath to
fight for the South. Two of them were thrown info
prison at Lanoeston, Va., one of whom is a British
'abject. The others took to a boat and were pinked
up by the Do Soto. The other boat contained a
number of wood choppers, belonging to Maine,
who had been warned to leave. Those thrown into
jail are to be starved or take oath to fight for the
The schooner Westover, arrived from Richmond,
reports that, after leaving, the captain was com
pelled to bring hie vessel to City Point again, but
was released by order of the Governor.
The steam-tug Yanlee, having been repaired,
sailed Ibis afternoon with sealed orders.
The steamers Thomas Stoann, Patapsco, and
Loc=al "'pint have been cbittieriai by the Govern
Among the passengers of the Baltic are Sena
tors Foote and Wilson, Professors Smith, Win
look, and Rogers, with their families.
The steamers Augusta, Star of Mc South, and
Ronda have been chartered by the Government.
The steamer Boanok - e has 800 bbl' bxead and
other provisions on board:
New York Military Movements.
ALmiur, April 26.—Five thousand stand of
arms were received from Springfield, and for
warded to the Elmira depot.
One hundred and ninety-four companies were
enrolled at noon to-day, including the German
Turners, Col. Prima Sigel, an officer of expert
erns in Europe, Waist, Dilard, instruotor of in
fantry tactics at West Point, has been tendered
the majorehip of Cob Townsend's Regiment, and
will accept if he can obtain leave.
Col. Delafield, ea-superintendent of West, Point,
is serving in the Governor's staff
Letter from Harrisburg.
Correspondence of The Press.)
ELARRIBBURG, April 24,1E60
I have spent this afternoon at Camp Curtin, and
derrire to campy a brief space in The FMCS to say
how gratified I have been with what I there saw
and heard. I came here with the idea that all
was confusion and disorder, but lam glad to ray
that I was most tusraeably disappointed. A more
resolute and determined body of men I never eaw
together. They are eager for fight, and, to make
this fight effective and successful, they submit to the
military discipline in the spirit of a eohool-boy
who has determined to go up the ladder of fame
to its topmost round. Squads of men were drilling
in all parts of the large enclosure. They were in
tent on learning to be effective, and this drill, con
stant and unwearied, had made a most dietinotive
impression on 'them. They marobed with groat
preeision, and a few more days will make them
soldiers who will perform prridigies of valor when
they confront the dastardly foes of this Union.
The enthusiasm of these troops is unbounded.
They have sworn terrible vengeance on the dire
turbars of the public peace, and there is but one
voice, and that is, " THROUGH BALTIMORI, BUT
NWT= AROUND IT !" Colonel Longneeter, of the
9th Regiment, said to me : "We are going
through, Baltimore, and if the Government issues
any other order we will not obey it .! We will go
into the streets of that city, and if they fire on us
from the houses, we will break from the ranks,
burst into the houses, and fire the town " I tell
you, these men are terribly in earnest. They ere
treasuring in their hearts a fearful vengeance for
the blood already spilled. If the Government
stands in the way of these defenders of our honor,
they will trample on all their orders, end execute
their own oalmly-tionsiAered programme of re.
venge. I verily believe that if Mr. Lincoln and
his advisers should take a single step backward.,
which I do not at all fear, the uprising and upheav
ing North would tear them from their seats and
hurl them from power.
In the oamp at this place the men are well eared
for. Their provisions are excellent and abundant.
I wait into the quarters of the gallant Captain
Henry R. GM., of Chester county, and tried a
gpicitat'a fare. Ilia beef, bread, and coffee were
as palatable as an epicure could desire. To be
sure, we did not have silver forks and china
dishes, but the coffee, out of a tin cup, and the
roast beef, laid on a piece of excellent wheat
bread, was as dainty to my taste as though it had
been served up by a Prenoh cook, Let me
say to you that Captain (lass offered his com
pany to the Governor on last Wednesday week,
and on the following Monday be left West Chester
with nearly 300 men, who were organised at this
place into three companies, A, B, and 0, and now
compose a part of the Ninth Regiment, command
ed by Vol Henry-0. Loneneeker, of Allentown.
Col. L. is a graduate of West Point, served with
distinction in the Mexican war, and has for the
pact two years ably represented Bucks and Le
high in the National Congress at Washington. Ile
does not know the meaning of the word fear, end
I predict the country will hear a good tale from
the Ninth Pennsylvania Regiment.
It is not a little curious to wee the vast number
of volunteers drilling and marching about the
grounds in all conceivable kinds of dress. They
have net yet been uniformed. nor have they their
arms as yet, but all these will be ready by to-mor
row. Old mad Anthony Wayne said, a soldier
never felt his importance and power until he was
dressed in uniform rod bad at his side an effective
arm of defence These being added to the deter
mined air of the troops here, will make them
terror to the mad devils who are now about to reap
the whirlwind of Northern wrath.
There are two points of attack spoken of here—
Baltimore and Richmond. I think Ido not mis
take when I say these two cities will be overran
by the Northern hordes and conquered. No other
towns, not excepting Charleston, so richly deserve
to be punished. Charleston played a bold and
manly game, bat Baltimore and Richmond have
sneakingly deceived the country. They pretended
to be for the Union, while at the same time they
were, like a prison -breaker, riling off its most che
riehed links. Let Baltimore and Richmond, there
fore, begin early to erect their barricades, and
make up their defences
Let rue in conclusion say to your readers, that
the stories that have gone abroad in regard to the
confusion and inefficiency at Camp Curtin are not
true. Ido not believe the annals of military dis
cipline contain a ease where so much has been ac
complished in so short a space of time. And then
again the report Is abroad that the men collected
here have annoyed the citizens of Harrisburg and
depredated on them. This is equally untrue. A
Breekinridge Democrat, and a distinguiahed law
yer, told me this evening that no men could have
behaved better. He spoke of their eonduct in the
highest terms. All this speaks well for our Penn.
syrventa volunteers.
Gov. Curtin has accepted 19,000 troops, and re
fused 20,000, and stillithe cry is, take us for the
conflict. • G. W. P.
The Liberality of a Citizen.
A correspondent writes:
I have seen by to-day's Press that Mr. George
Callaghan, of the Twenty-fourth ward, with cern
mendable patriotism, has purchased a complete
set of Colt's revolvers for a company in his ward,
which is prepared to o to the seat of war. It
should also be known that be has laid in a stock of
_provisions to feed the families of those or his em
ployees who have volunteered their services. The
company is called the Quaker City Guard. Mr.
Callaghan's expenses will not be less than five
thousand dollars. Re is an Irishman by birth, and
a Douglas Democrat, bat be says that all parti
sanship should be sunk for the safety of our flag,
The Darby Passenger Railroad has generously
granted free passes to the men ooming and going
from drill. Let other railroads imitate the good
example. VI NMI X
WEEIC.---ThOMEA t Bons' tell on Mutiny next, at
10 o'clock, on.the premises, 725 Walnut street, the
veluable residence and furniture.
And at the Ezehange, same day, at 12 o'olook, a
large amount of stooks and real estate.. Bee
pamphlet eatalogues issued is-day.
On Wednesday, Ist of May, on the premises, the
splendid oonntry seat and fstruittize of George
McHenry, Esq. Bate absolute.
floe advertisements of tbe throe salsa.
Tact auaassop:slasiast evening was caused
by the burning . of &tont ahimney in the neighbor
hood of Eighth and Lombard somata.
The military news Rinse our last built ht ie
watortally olaskurd. 'I9 following Retail are
ottr i .
Last evening Mr. Felix Van Reuth, and hi / er,t,
Adolph and Rana Van Reuth, arrived in tbi tt ti '
from Herring's Run, five mike from h a t % 7
and dad%
The gentlemen gave quarters to oue httodttcra
Gen. Small's volunteers, and thereby obtaluul L i, - ;
enmity of the Baltimore mob. They were ord pi ".:
away,. and, taking a double team, arrived la r ,',7
last night, bringing with them one of Gen , s in ;l l °
wounded men, a number of gone, and a lot ti t
gage. They are whele-souleu patriots,
that they are true to the Union though their zi4 t
property atonic! be congseateu by traltua, 11. 1 5
at the American limo, the or . ,, ta q ,
are boarding
resort of the satins. Mr. Van Reuth btu but 1.4,"
money. Be ii In groat distress; his boom, bee ter:
burned to the ground, and he sl ept With his Irv;
in an open boat two nights oo the /int [aver. r;
our at ono° come up with 1 1101:18 for lbr,-
gallant German. He has yielded all for count:.
sake ; let him not starve in a Union end beteroltj't
Yesterday afternoon the Baltimoreans who we ,
obliged to flee from their homes on ficonant'tl
their political sentiments, reassembled at
Hall of the Hibernia Engine House.
Mr. James A. Freeman wog uslltsl to the eh , ,
the minutes of the last meettog ogre reed and
The following committee of ten MRS anaemic ;
to colleot funds for the relief of the sufferers:
L. DaWPOTI, 139 South Eleventh street ;• Iv
Truitt, 529 Market Street; Towneend 2htroe
Eighth and- Chestnut streets; Samuel E u
6,; 0 h,
18 South Front street; B, C.Knight, earner,f
Chestnut and Water streets ; A. J. Derbyenir'e
100 North Delaware avenue; E. C. Biddle, v ,
South Third street ; Dillwyn Parrish, 1017 Chit
wheel ; Thos „g Ridgway, 911 Arch street, ,j.!
M. Marie, 711 Market street. The committee
meet this efternoort.
One of the Marylanders arose and related te,,
adventures of nine of them who were forced ~
leave Baltimore at the same time. On le st
day morning, most of ne having been nanfiei and
advised by some friends on the Disunion Ode to
leave, we met at a friend's house, and amaigh
furnished us, left at 3 o'olook in the t0 n ,,,,, g
fieh-wagons, After travelling some time, they ,40,,
refuge in a warehouse. On Thursday emu;
they procured n breakfast at a IMAM, and thee to o t
a train for Philadelphia, where they were received
as brothers. phut speaker was much affected
while relating big travels, and the tears blew'
down his cheeks ea each mord was spol m
The next speaker said he was a Baltimorean,
and was proud of it, and, if God spared him, he
would visit that city again, and be revenged
on those traitors. Baltimore would yet be true to
the Union, and he did not think there weak be
any neoessity for reducing the pity to ashes Them
are but two clones there who are engaged I:
aotual conflict against the Government. It is not
" Plug Uglies," it ie kid•gloved gentlemen; ill,
an aristocracy there which does not exist in the
Northern States; it is a crowd of °soaped convictr,
led on by moneyed MOH These are the oriel that
are doing the work, and not the " Ping 11gliel,'
who; if existing now, would crash down all tan.
sion. You have not got to fight the " Plug
they will be found by your side, lighting for the
stars and stripes (Applause.' Ile would Ctn.
mend these men, wan had lett their whoa std
little ones penniless behind, to our especial art.
After some further remarks, the meeting ad.
pruned These people are true objects of patting
benevolence, and all that ie received by thtni Phil
only be taken as a loan.
The regiment of Pennsylvania volonteere "diet
has been quartered at the Baltimore depot was
removed on Thursday to the large tent trgi t l
on Washington street, below Broad, The grcoll
Is covered with canvas, and laid with straw
About seven hundred men have encamped then
The Bleeping arrangements are more oozfv:tat;
than they were at the depot. The troops art
drilled on Broad street every day. A parties ti
the, depot has been fitted up as a hospittd fat it,
use of the soldiers. The Firet-dietriot police sta.
tion was heretofore need for that purpose.
There was great activity among the troops bo ,
longing to the First Division yesterday mcrnitg
It is not what time they will march, but
it is expected that they will leave the city eit'ar
to-day or early next week. Gao. Cedwalader, It
is understood, desires to have his men fell;
equipped, armed, and in regular war trim ores',
ens to Die departure.
The First Regiment, First Brigade, YlreDlti.
alon P. V., commanded by Col. John F. Bale•,
assembled yesterday morning on York anise
above Callowhill street, by order of Gen. Wells ,
der. This regiment is composed of four or he rigs
companies, the members all being Germane. But
few of the men had uniforms, and none but tbe Of.
oars were armed. The men are a hardy Set, end
look as if they could stand a fierce firbt without
flinching. Many of them have already been ea•
gaged 1G hard service in Europe. Tho regiment Is
to be furnished with rations to-day.
The powder magazine near Fort 1111 in ie now
wall guarded. Lieutenant Fuller has detailed a
squad of policeman for that purpose. They we ell
armed with muskets, and aro under the manna
of the superintendent.
The Washington Grays expected toleave eh city
last night. They were mustered into the rtiw
States service on Thursday. There are twssm•
panics. one commanded by Capt. Parry, ati . 'd
other by Capt. Murphy. It wee thought that T.
Grape would depart Thursday night, and the to
tired members, numbering about sixty, aelembled
at the armory, Franklin Hall, to bid farewell 1,
their comrades. and to Cheer them on in their el ,
eion upon behalf of their country. The corps PC.
copied Washington Square yesterday morning.
and were drilled with meekete, They were vary
profioient, and wit] take rank among the beat db
cdplined troops of the State.
A portico of the Independent Rangers, under
command of Capt. William Mo loft Wadi
ington-atreet wharf on Thnreday afternoon, st
o'clock, and proceeded down the Delaware They
were not uniformed, but were fully armed. The
object of their errand was a mystery, It est m•
mored in the city lest evening that Capt. MeNallis
bad captured a Seoession schooner, which recently
frightened the good folk of Cheater.
On Thursday afternoon there was a gatheritg of
our citizens in the First ward to raise the 1181101211
flag on the steeple of the Passyunk Whew!
Church. Spirited addresses, expressive of the
Christian patriot, were delivered by Der II
Butter, Rev. M. Sheeleigh, and Rev. Dirket
The exercises were nominated with religious ter
vices. Prayer was offered, the Scriptures Sere
read, and tee choir sang in fine style. together sob
hymn., moral of our animating 3tatiau#l
Things are going forward there with locomotive
speed, and with perfect order and system. Fill
hundred and nineteen females are now employed
mewing for the manufactory, Thie le indera W
of the large number of ladies who have volunteered
for the good work, and of the cutters wto ere to
played. A large number of sewing machines haw
been put in use, and clothing is turned out under
the supervision of Messrs. Mai tin and Keno; a;
rata thhe Nauid asiantoh the fielnitialed. Ce;i
Thursday night 21,019 garments had been cut, IN
moat of these have been made up and delivered
The pressure is great on the establishment for el'
monts for the troops that are being pashed terse!
but Its resources aregreat, and the present demsd,
heavy as it it will soon be supplied.
Most of the volunteers, who are &IMO Cum;
South, have been furnished with the new reel
tion garments made at the Girard House, and they
were seen in every direotion in the streets ye
day morning. The uniforma are neat, serriceatle.
becoming, and exceedingly comfortable ,
sack coats, loose and easy to the form ; blue plea•
loons, cut large and free; gray flannel shirts, opt
at the neck, and fatigue caps, contrast farorib i l
with the tight padded coats, leather stake 10
hats, shakos, An., of a by-gone day.
The Board of Brokers showed their devotiat
the Union yesterday, by raising an Immenee
from the Exchange. The hunting is 60 by 20 feet,
being the largest in the city. The occasion PO
celebrated by singing the " 6tar.6pangla
tier" in the room occupied by the Board, The eu
was rung with fine effect. The following De l
stanza, written for the oettasion, was added:
And now on our soil, when vile traitors wail
That glorious flan by all nation' resstOirdi
Defiant we fromlibright folds to the tale.
and swear rebeliion it 'hall nr)ineteet ni'
Yee! we mew ro defend
To the last bloody end
The Red, 'White. and Blue, which in neon still lite.
And that Star-Spangled Ham ner in triumph tha:ll,6'.
O'er ell the taw lend of the free Pod the brave ',, ‘ ,l
The following petition was circulated through'
out the city yesterday, and signed by hundred! :
To lita Exultancy the Prusident of the
Rut : The undersigned, citizens of the
States, deem it their duty, in view of the
fore ble
and continued interru ption of conanonic t , o,
with the capital of the country by reEideni..el
Baltimore, to make known to you, in an telPh eu , e f
and solemn manlier, this universal ieotiarl
the citizens of the count in favor the nia?t,o
diate reopening of that c ommunication ; aaa
their name to demand that the gallant Ine
, have to nobly responded to the call of the Govi./1
ment in the time of its peril ellen not be o" le t%
jeop a rdy, either for supplies Sr zelnfet 11/
~ ti
from any considerations of policy, °IP"
mercy to Rebels.
An open pathway to our national osOfil is t ,_
b _ e
nation'. right, and wit be bad end malitalnec
peaceably g coo clan, forcibly if we mutt.
A 1
.Thia corps met for final organization at No T .
be ;
North Second street on Thursday erasilDgsvoi.
elected as their commander Col.
well known as one of the original Teranßleortte
who is well fitted for the arduous Pei w
hue been appointed They preprint to tag
of the right stamp, to the number of teretY,,p
The rrorniting of fi ce is at ice. 1-10 Sou
Com t l Er A.
street. Room The name of ths ,
der being a host in itself, there is no dout
, k ;
rank. will be speedily filled up with ill ,
mnterial Th service arms and newe l ' s ' `
7, l3 iii
ment will be e
identical with the original
Ranger service A meeting will lie held
at ,
232 North Second letreet, this evening
Thig iS a new company, intended for,tei.r,%,:.
eervice which hem an armory in the WO' b le ,
of the bnildirg to the rear of the State FeDe,,
armory. at Fifth and Chestnut street/
Smith commands, and recruits are wanted.
To tr•
A meting of the eursivirg ieeinberS 0
Sohn Bu t ler's dragoon sempany. Whith etr
the Mexican campaign, 1•88 held to
evening, and resolved to offer their eerviete,
the formation of a company to
h eir t
the President of the United Szates, tinder the. ac
mandoof Capt David W. Morris.
WORD Prtig Raffia
come off at the National Guards' Ball Stee r
day. Capt. John Damps, of oompartY
its. pt;
a sword and equipments loom hie recru
speeches were made. and sentiments of a Pai r ,
eharacter expected. Capt DUMB; PclS el24 ;soi
confide pre s entat i on ,, p made ffice. end hie ee c .
in the special reference te
Lorbearanse and putout.