The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 27, 1861, Image 4
FOREIGN NEWS. Till ANIIRICAN TARIFF AND THE IRON TRADS.—A feeling akin to consternation pervaded a portion of the iron trade on 'change at Wolverhampton on the intelligenee that the new American tariff bill bad, in all probability, become law. Should this bill bosoms law, it will prove most disastrous to the iron trade of Great Britain, inannuoh as scarcely any iron of British make pen, with awash a duty as that proposed, find any sale in the American mar kets. On bars, the principal description sent out, the inereneed duty would be more than a guinea a ton. On Imbpi,.ohiefly used by the Southern Staten for 'baling their cotton, £2 6s ; On boiler plates, £1 14s; and on all Made of sheet iron, £ 1 17a. The increase on hardware will be in th e men propor tion. On best oast and ahem' ateel the proposal:l argess would be 92 Fur cent. ; second quality, 120; aai ra one temper), 81 ; table blade, 136 ; common hoe and fork, 167; round machinery, 154; beet G ar man, 216; second quality, 241; boat sheet (oast), 34; hoe anti. abovel (oast), 142; best quality blis ter, 103; seeond ditto, 211; gin saw steel (best), 873; and second quality, 123 per cent. Til RAILWAY Hoer.—ln the middle of last year the railways in operation in the United Kingdom had 127,450 persona in their employment, and the railways in course of coostruotion employed 53 923 more. making in all 181.373. On the railroads in operation there were 3601 stations. There were 1051 miles of railroad in course of construction, and ttpiri theta were employed 7351 artificers, and 42,- 126 " laborers;" bat the word . 0 navvy" does not ea m to be admissible in these retsina made to the Board of Trade. The Dees OF CARLISLE ON RETIVALS.—In his sermon at the cathedral, on sorrow for sin, on Sun day afternoon, tee Dean of. Carlisle warned his bearers against those ebullitions of fanaticism and enthusiasm which eharaoterize the so-called reli gime revivals of the present day. Re condemned "revivals," as shallow_ and superficial, and ex pressed his regret that they had been the means of mending several persons to the madhouse. He could not tell why they were called °• revivals;" they were conversions, attended with great excitement and terror. Be thought they should pray that th e i r emo tions might be restrained within the bounds of Christian 'eobriety. For these rapid oonversiona he raw no models in the Scriptures for this passing at once from the frantic terrors of bell and plunging at once into happiness, pesos, and joy, and going to convert others, he found no precedents there, unless theywere exceptional, and they must not draw an ordinary practice from practices which were very few and. extraordinary. God forbid that he should soy a word to check wholesome zeal ; as he had often said, he feared not at what pace they travelled, so that they kept to the rail of God's word, but it they left that,-the consequences were terrible and fatal --Cumber/and Parquet. Miss Martineau is a confirmed invalid, seldom moving beyond her chamber and study. She ie la boring under disease of tha heart, which any hour may terminate fatally. She is quite aware of her state, and ands In active intellectual exeroise—in leaders for the Daily News, artio!es for 071C8 a Week, and a volume or two on hand—her best so lace. It is said she has wntten a oopious autobio graphy. dins. Germ's Wits. —The will of Mrs. Gore, the novelist. hes beeo,proved by her son, Mr. Augustus Frederick Wentworth Gore. The personalty was sworn under £14,000. Mrs Gore also possessed en estate called Toe Lodge, near Halifax, Nova Sco tia, with abut 12 000 sores of land in that country, besides 400 shares in the Dublin and Belfast June don Railway, valued at 417,000 Mrs. Gore bee left a eon and daughter. Her daughter, who is the wife of Lord Edward Thynoe ' Al. P came into the full enjoyment of 200 on her m other's decease, and the testatrix has given her a farther sum of 000. Mrs. Gore has bequeathed to her son ail the remainder of her property, real and personal, and of every description, in England and else where, and has appointed him h r residuary lega tee. Mrs. Gore gives a singular direetion to her son. It is to this effect. that "heis to prevent, as r4tlch as in his power lies, any posthumous notice, or biography, or republication of my works, and I wistildm to look ever and burn any of my papers, giving to his sister any object as a memorial of her mother." Great distress prevails amongst the muslin wea vers in some parts of ULttor. The Irish assizes, now in progress, afford prac tical evidence of the absence of serious orimes in the country, with two or three exceptions. THE YELVARTON MARRIAGE CASE —An action is, , 1110 believe, still in dependence before the Court of !elision, having for its object to establish the va lidity' of the, alleged Scotch marriage of Major Yelverton with Miss Longworth. The action has been allowed to sleep, by a sort of consent of both parties till the result of the action in the Irish Court of Common Pleas, indirectly involving the time point, should have been concluded, but it is now likely to resume its progress.—Srotsmatt. A correspondent of the Cork Southern. Reporter writes: Mejor Yelverton, in his crow; examintvion, le reported to have raid that, without gentle blood, there could be no lady. Education, virtue, ac complishments, religion, were nothing without the gentle bl wd. Well, perhaps his blood is most gentle, since his grest-grandfather had a butcher's stall in the town of Newcastle, comity Limerick, and his grandfather married his own cook; so be tween the butcher and the cook, his blood mina be the real sezngzse a:mita of the Spaniard. FRANCE. The Budget for 1862 haa bean laid before the Le. &tatty. Body. The expenditure is estimated at nearly £BO,OOO 000 sterling, and the estimated re ceipts show a surplus of nearly half a million. The increase of expenditure over 1861 is set down at about Si 500 000. The largest increase is in the war department, which shows an excess of a little over £1 000,000 sterling, owl g partly to the re organisation of the artillery and military train, to the increase of salaries, and to the addition of three cents per man for improving the food of the troops. The Morning Herald's Perla correeponttont aye : " A report is current in well informed cir cler that the Austrian envoy has been instracted, by telegraph, to formally request the French Go vernment to disavow Prince Napoleon's revolu tionary speech." The .lifonteeirr of the ith announces that Duke Teacher do la Pagorie and General Idontanban have been appointed senators. The Momtiner also contains decrees appointing several vice admirals. rear-admirals, ar.d other high naval functionaries. PARIS, March 7.—The MiTe3 affair is Said to be assoma.g a more serious aspect. Re is kept in aloes custody, and not allowed to communicate with any one for the present Collett Meygrel, receiver•general at Lona le Satdnier, has. it lucid, been removed from his poet; and thn name of Da rochoesen is again spoken of as being in some way connected with Mil es. The. Princess Clothildo having been born hi March, 1543, has just completed her eighteenth TRH BISHOP or POISIERS.—The Paris corre spondent of the Times says: the report addressed by the Minister of Justice to tbe Council of State, on the "Pontius Pilate" pamphlet of the Bishop of Poitiers, bits been sent to that prelate by order of the Vounail. Be bas, I believe, oigbt or ten dap to put in bin defence, and then both will be ex awned by tbe Cormoil and reported upon. The °Metals of Orleans and Poitiers have bten " in- vited" by their superiors to cam attending the receptions of the bishops of both dioceses. They, of course, must obey ; but, in retaliation, the in habitants of both plums who were accustomed to attend the aotrios of the prefects have oessod to do •so. The Paris correspondent of thellforning Herald, writing on the let, says : The Bishop .1 Poitiers, whose somewhat profane parallel between the Em peror and Pontius Pilate has led to his proseoution, is undoubtedly, a man of spirit. Yesterday (ac earding to a private letter before me) a eommiesa- ry of police waited upon him at the Episcopal pa lace to summon him before the prefect, in order to receive notice of the prosecution against him. The Bishop agreed to accompany him, but asked per mission to dress. He presently re-appeared before the eyes of the astonished official in fall canonicals, with mitre and crozier, and professed his readineee to walk through the %recta in that costume. The oommissaire, well knowing that this would lead to a riot, muttered an excuse, and beat a precipitate retreat Toe Government is indefatigable in improving the weapons with which the French soldiers are armed. Anew bayonet has been distributed to the flank companies of the 331 and 34th regiments of Infantry, who form part of the 4th Corps d' Armin,. This bayonet is intended to replace the sabre-poniard now carried by the flank compa nies only, but it is to be extended to the entire in fantry. It is shape,' iike a straight triangular sword, deeply hollowed in the middle, with two /grooves and a back underneath. Its handle is of horn, ornamented with steel. The musket to which this new bayonet la fitted is rifled, and the barrel is not so long as those of the rifles now need by infantry soldiers. Compensation, however, is made for that differenee by the bayonet, which is 71 centimetres long, including the handle. The Pause and Pays say that the Czar will elaborate a reject of Constitution for amnia as soon al the question of emancipation of the serfs &WI be solved. 1-'ItI; . SSIA. According to reliable information Prussia has, in the Conference on the affairs of Syria, pronomed a ousapromiee tending to the prolongation of the French occupation until Jane. SPAIN. In the Senate, the Government announced that cruisers would be stationed upon the coast of Africa, and would be authorized to visit Spud)* and Bog. llah vessels in order to prevent the slave trade. The liliniertela again repelled Lord Palineraton's co aneationci regarding the 'lave trade as adjust The Ministry have pronounced themselves in fa vor of the temporal power of the Pope. The Mlnietry have declared that they consider the priject of a partition of Rome between the Pope and Victor Emmanuel as unworthy of serious dis etweion The idea of transferring the Papacy to Jerwralem they stigmatise as absurd, and state that Europe must reserve within her the ohief of the Chtuoh. TURKEY. Constaatit' top]. journals and letters to the 20th February say that the arrest and imprisonment of Pi( Mites were known in the Turkish capital the preceding day, and caused the ti , most consterna tion The news does not seem to have been gene rally disseminated, as It was only by abort tele. Pam that the startling intelligence was communi cated. In the coarse of the evening the Grand Vizier annosuieed to several persons that immedi ate Aleilltilea would be taken to shwet the last batch of bah drawn on the incarcerated banker. ITALY- A latter from Rome rays that Arehbitthop Outten ti to be created a cardinal. Fourteen flats are vacant. The Skills= intend to celebrate Garibaldi's tribitle day by a general holiday. The resent speech of Prince Napoleon in the Senate is translated verbatim in the official Gazette Thereto not a well in the Eternal City an w hi c h there Jo not chalked up, " Vice Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy." p rand i g lL hag alimisstol lie mite, compendia a hundred persons. Be and his Queen are making preparations for deparittra to Bavaria- They arn, ?idling their oarrisgee, and have dismissed their household. The Journa l of pome annottneas that the sum reacted for Peter ' s Pence, from all parts of the Catholic world, amounts to 2,500,000 wadi (the sena is bf 35e) But, it adds, this sum is far out. weighed by the vast number of prayers that have Wks tdrared up by the faithful 4 . for the triumph ofthe Church over her enemies." ft thit Count Caro= has, in diplomatic wayn~lt-tuder notice the - necessity of settling the - Roman question. Ti. OA e uel Jiturnai notilea the blockade of the ditaddiatapimbas. ..11ostilidos.heve commenced. An-WApileasehiltave left Messina except then" of gnglend and Almeziea. The Familia captains have declared their intention of remaining in order to protect the property of their countrymen. l' Italie says: "According to dee- Patches received here from General Olaidini, the resistance of General Pergola, governor of the *Re dd of Messina, arises from orders received by the latter from Francis IL The siege will commence in a few days." Baron Plana has been arrested at Naples for having posted np seditious placards in the streets. The Pungolo of Milan states that the bombard ment of Gaeta has cost twenty-five millions of francs. A subscription has been opened throughout Italy in aid of the population of Gaeta, whir& suf fered co much during the bombardment. Prime Carignan, lieutenant of the kingdom, hes put his name at the head of the list for a subscription of 10,000 francs. The Gsornale di Verona (a poor authority) of the 2,5 th nit says that Mancini is now at Caprera g , to arrange the next expedition with hie lieuten ant, Garibaldi." Letters from Italy state that Garibaldi is prepa ring for a landing in Illyria. Men are being_re oruited for his legion in Paris, Lyons , and Max- In the bill conferring lhe title of King of Italy upon Victor Emmanuel, the clause ae proposed by a commission of the Senate, adopting the formula of Victor Emmanuel 11. by Divine Providencia, and the votes of the nation, was temporarily withdrawn on the motion of the Minister of Joe tioe, in order to be made the subject of a sew rate bill. INDIA. In the northwestern provinces four or ftve hun dred are dying daily from famine. 3he famine extends to the southward and includes Travail- GENERAL NEWS. Sam= FOR SMUOOLI24O.—The New York World has the following : "We have received information, from sources deserving the fullest re- Hance, that there are persons now doing business in this city who are making extensive arrange ments to cheat the Federal Government out of its revenue on foreign goods by importing them into Savannah under the low rotes of the free list of the present or the prospective tariff of the South ern Confederacy, and smuggling them North, coastwise and overland, to compete with the goods honestly imported by honest merchants here, un der the higher rates of the new tariff which goee into operation on the Ist of April." PIKE'S PEAK FAnn.—People who imagine that edibles are scarce in the new Territory of Co lorado should read the following from the Denver Noiss of March 9 : " At a private dinner party in this pity, a day or two since; there were on the table, brook trout, fresh shad, mountain grouse, black-tailed, deer, mountain sheep, wild goose, wild turkey, mallard duck, fresh radishes, green peas, lettuce, asparagus, green corn and tomatoes, besides all other varieties of meats and vegetables that usually grace a sumptuous board If there bad been room on the table, a wild oat fricassee and wolf 'a liver would hove been added to the lay out." BY the Rio papers we have some items of later news from Buenos Ayres and Montevideo. M Sarmiento bad accepted his appointment to the United States, and was to leave for hie post some time in February. Elections of new deputies to Congress name off on January 14 In Buenos Ayres, resulting in the triumph of the so•oailed " Liberty Cin4" party, -which the preeent Government seems disposed to favor. Trade in that city was brisk. A Rivatt SuctraNci.—The New Orleans Delta Faye that the communication between the Red river and the kliseissippi is being gradually out off. The former is taking itself off to the Gulf by way of Atchafalaya into Barulokie Bay. Un. less something is done to prevent the Red river from seceding New Orleans will lose a large amount tat valuable traffic. A company it talked of to keep the channel open. It is thought it will cost 12,000,000 SUPPOSED SUICTDE Or A PASSENGER ON THE HUNTSVILLE.-0. Ahlstrone, a cabin passenger on board the meninebip Huntsville on her last trip, was missing on the first night out from New Yotk. The supposition is that be committed suicide by jumping overboard, as bit strange appearance was observed previously.--hrnimb Republican of March. 16. TENACITY or LrrE.---ln Portsmouth, N. H., during a snow-storm on the lath of January last, a Shloghae hen was buried beneath a drift. Oa the 11 h of February a thaw occurtod, and the hen stepped from her prison apparently as livelyas ever, bat mnoh reduced in weight. TuE steam frigate Roanoke, now at the Brooklyn Navy-yard, has bean ordered to be fitted for sea with all possible despatch. A large force of meabanles and laborers were put to work on Ohturday, who continued to labor through the on tire day Numbly. A LEGISLATIVE GEM.—The Legislature of 11Imola, intendine, to pass a law to prevent fast driving over bridges, Les, in fact, parsed a law to prevent driving any animal or vehicle over any b3ldge in future at all. VrearnA Lirmsrapirair.--in the Home, on Friday, the bill exempting tho Orange and Alexandria Railroad from the payment of in terest till 1864 on $400.000 due the btate, was Mat. A RAVING LUNATIC, in an asylum in Cali fornia, was restored to reason by seeing her father, from whom she bad long been separated. A WEALTItr PLANTER went mad at Jack. eon, Miss., on account of the depreciation of hie negroes. Last week he ant his throat SIX TOILING LADIES were presented with diplomas, at the closing of tbe lest term of the New England Female Medical College. ONE of two Polish burglars was arrested at Cincinnati on Saturday night, and $3,000 worth of silver recovered. Tire newest roguery denounced is that of altering dents of a oommon date to that of the rare one of 1799. GOVERNon MAGOPPM, of Kentucky, has vetoed the bill authorizing the banks of that State to issue $4,000,000 in notes. THE total expenses of the New York Fire Department for the paatyear foot up the handsome sum of $298,000! No TAXER IN ILLINOIS.—It is a fact which should be known, that no State tax is to be levied in Dlinois for the neat two years. A PATENT for the use of sugar in making ale has been taken out in England, for whloh an er.orroons sum has been offered by Alsopp's house. AT Montgomery, Alabama, last week, they were feasting on ripe strawberries. Bold Attempt at Bank Robbery in New [From the New York Tribune of yesterday.) A bold and daring attempt to rob the New Tork Exchange Bank came to light yesterday morning. The bank was about to be opened for toe usual haziness of the day, when the cashier tried to enter the apartment at the roar of the counting room, where the vault and safe are loca ted. His efforts to do so, however, proved unavail ing, and a blacksmith was cent for, who, after re moving a portion of the stone-work around the lock, encooeded in opening the door. A curious sight at once met the eyes of the speetaters A large hole yawned in the middle of the door, and a mass of dirt was piled around. It was evident that burglars had entered the most valuable loca lity of the whole building. Beneath the feet of the cashier, and the astonished clerks who crowded around him, was the aperture, which apparently led to some unknown subterranean region. The bank books, which bad always occupied a position on the top of the safe, had mysteriously disap peared, while the safe itself exhibited marks of violent usage at the hands of burglars. It was now twelve o'cleak, and three hours had been spent in opening the door. A messenger was immediately sent to give notice to the police of the attempted robbery, and the valiant blacksmith at once threw himself into the hole for the purpose of making ex plorations. He stumbled Almost immediately upon the bank books, which the burglars had thrown there for the purpose of expediting their operations with the safe. Without stopping to remove them, however, be erawled along the passage, hardly two feet In height, the bottom of which wag floored with rag carpet, and at length, after crawling near ly seventy feet, he emerged in a dark basement, piled up in all directions with rolls of rag carpet Here his view was greeted with a large and select assortment of burglar's tools, and every requisite material for excavation. He groped around for a moment, and at last came in contact with the door, which he found unfastened. Opening it, and ail: vending several elope, he emerged into the street, in time to meet Capt. Jamison, of the Third ward, with a coned of his men. He at once related his discoveries to that °fiber, end, accompanied by him, returned to the bank 'vault of the underground passage. The bank books were now removed from the tunnel, and found to be complete. The only thing missing, eo far as discovered, is a tin box, the . property of Mr- A. L Peek, a broker doing bumpers on the corner of Broadway and Maiden lane, the contents of which were $2OO in gold end $BOO in unourrent hank notes. Mr. Peek has been accustomed to tend this box, with various BUM of money therein, to the bank, for safe keeping, for upward of twelve years past. Owing to its rise, it has never been placed in the safe, but simply laid in the vault. Inquiries. by the police developed the fact that the robbers had been engaged for nearly six weeks in their underground labors. It appears that about six weeks ago a Mail{ giving hie name as Thomas Burke, purchased the basement occupied U a Car pet store from its former proprietor, John Aloook, paying the latter the sum of 81,100 for stook and good will. Every effort was made by the polio to find Al cock but so far their endeavors have proved una vailing. Harmony Roberts, keeper of a porter house over the carpet basement, and who rented the latter to Burke, was arrested on suspicion. Ilia case will be examined to-day. The parties supposed to be implicated in the rob bery are Daniel Bartlett and Joseph Myers, two well-known English burglars, who were arrested about three months ago in this immediate vicinity, but Inbeequently discharged on a habeas oorpni. The following is a list of the burglarious and other implements found in the vault, the passage way, and the carpet basement 1 large jackscrew; 1 small do. ; 1 large crowbar ; 1 small do. ; 1 compound driver; 2 jimmies; 1 iron bar ; I large sledgehammer; 3 braces ;.1 hatchet; 1 fore-plane ; 1 mallet ; 1 hand.vloo ; 3 files ; 1 claw-hammer; 1 screw-driver; 1 chiral; 3 sawn; 1 pivot; 56 drills; 2 cold algae ; 2 011-cans; 1 large iron poker; 2 spades; 2 shovels; 1 carpenter's square ; 1 demijohn of whisky. The estimated value of the above implements is given as-$6OO or *BOO- They are said by iseohardos to be .the finest and best-linished articles of the kind. The burglars' outlay, it will be seen, bras been about $2,000, not estimating the time and labor employed in the excavation of the underground Pain . ' • Mr. Ptak puts in a claim to the above inventory, and to the stock of the carpet basement, to remu nerate himself for the loss of his money, and thinks that be will be amply repaid if his claim is al lowed. The safe, which the burglars were so unarm- Aftrell in opening, &mislead property valued at $300,000, $50. 000 of which wee in money, and $20,000 in negotiable bonds. The remainder, how ever, would have proved useless in the hands of the robbers. PHILADF,L,pRIA Demo OF TRADE. EDMUND A. weruDER, EDWARDR BUz 4r, CoxmiTTET Or TRIC morpra C. bIuDLE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philactdphia. - ., Ohm Flaorwing Liverpool. moot; Bark Nes EagleiH•nney MOM ar k_ sareaps ~ Baakan __ Havana, von Brsg Havana:mon Bahr J A Ontfia, Foster— • • Cianfrearaa, area MARINE INTELLIGENCE. o :Caria4:torrAliminzmain= Stil4 RISE2I-,. -6 18-BUSY 12 WATEII.------ 44 ARRIVED. Bark Aohllles. G.llatgther, from London Jan 7th. and the Downs 9th, in ballast to Thin Richardson & Co. .snerienned a continuation of heavy gale, from RW, W,and NW; hes been 31 days on the coast. with N and NK gales. with anew hall, and Sleet, Took a pilot inside the Breakwater .73d inst. 26th nit. lat 33.10ng 44 g r. passe d a ship showing a white with red square in centre; Bth inet. lat 34 N. long 63 55. signalised a etx topsail-yard ship showing a Menai with red. white. and blue stripe,. red union. one yellow star 14th. Chinootesane bearing W 215 miles, spoke so Aid; from Wilmii gton. NC. for Boston. li n g , Ocean fete. (Dan) Morrow. from Barbadoes 10th inst. in ballast to r Penteton. Passed in the bay bark A I Harvey, from Cienfuegos. andsohr M B Smith, from Matanzas. Brig Wm Crawford, Falker, from Saco, in ballast to captain. Behr Margaret. ( Br) Belford. 9 days from Halifax, with 800 bble herring to Kennedy, Stairs & Co. Bohr Baena Vista, Lynch. 6 days from Norfolk. with shingles to Semi Bolton & Co. • Bohr A tt Cannon. Nowell iI days from Mobile. with cotton to Baker & Folsom. lath Mat, 80 miles north of Hatters% in a hurricane which lasted hal an hour, ost deck load of empty musks the caption at the same time being washed over the rail. halms rescued hi the mate, Behr r Carlton. Blister, 4 days from riew York, with indite to D Cooper. Bohr Vandelia Cooper. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jag L Bowler & Co. Bohr Sarah Warren. Hollingsworth. 1 day from Little Creek Landing. Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. hoer Mary, Hendrickson, 2 days from Odessa, Del, with eorn to Jag L Bewley & Co. Bohr Hannah Warwick. :Shropshire, from New York. in no. lost to Otrilnaton & Cox. Bohr T Lake. Perin, from Hew York, in bailaat to C A Ifeckseher & Co. • Bohr Bea Witch, Tyler, front New Yo2l‘, in ballast to JR White & CO. Bohr Marietta Hand. Tarry, from New York, in bal last to Nevin. Sawyer & Co. "oh! W W Brainard. Bowditoh. from New York, in ballast to Nevin. Sawyer & Co. Behr H B Bascom. Tomlin. from New York, in ballast to ("sheen & Co. Soh* 7f W Benton. TIVVIOr. from Piermont, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & CaldwatL CLEARED. Steamship Virginia, Kelly, Norfolk and Richmond, T Webster. Jr. - Steamship Delaware. Cannon. N York. J Allilerdice. Ship Frigate Biro. Johns, London, Workman & Co. Bark Jas Smith. Brewer, N York, E A Bonder & Bark Mary Acille., Kellar, Cork and a market, do Brig Charientio Means. Matanzas, do Brie Ormus. Hater, Boston. Blaklaton & Cot. Rehr J W Hall. yl, rshman, Be ana. tiso It *Tres , Bohr Mulgrave, (Br) Romkey, Halifax, Kennedy, Stairs & Co. Bohr .Amartine, Johnson, liVilmington. NC. D S Stet son & Co. Bohr Cornelia. Noyes, Brooklyn, "Van Dusan, Norton Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, Provincetown, N- Sturte vant & Co. Bohr H Warwick, Shrop hire. Lynn, Blakistan & Cot. hillientindoah, Hewitt. Norfolk. do Bohr ft P Simmons Barrett, Boston, do Behr Fs W Benton. Taylor, Lynn, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr T Lake. Scull, Salem, C A Deokenher & Co. Behr Bee Witch. Tyler Newport. JR White & Co. Behr Marietta Hand, TOM, Pawtucket. Nevin, Saw yer & Co. Bohr W W Brainerd, Bowditch. Providence. do Rohr B Bascom. Tomlin. Fall River, Wean & Co, BtrJ B ithriver, Double, Baltimore, A Droves, Jr. SAILED. The packet ship Wyoming. Burton. left Walnut street wharf, esterday morning m tow of tug America. taking out the following cargo and 40 passengers in forward cabin and-steerage:-100 tierces beef, 14 bales rags, 86 boxes ebeese,l6B salted bides,4o6 tierpes and 81•Oble lard, i 1 oases f•ar work, 20 car wheels, 2 vireos and 4 oases marnmery.lB hhrl. quercirron bark, 0931 Michele corn. M 889 do wheat, 1038 bbts boar,lbox grain nickel, 1 keg nails, 1 box hardware, and 6 boxes mdse. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LIMES. Del. March 25. There are five sohnonere at the Breakwater, the only vessels there. Wind otE. Youra. &o. M. W. HICKMAN. o.orroonondente of Prem.) READING. Mardi 26. The following boats from the Union Canal ;mend into the Schuylkill Canal to day. bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follow: Two Brothers and Sarah Alice, pig iron to Cabeen do Go: Arctic. do to C 0 Smith & Co; Elias Reber. lumber to Elias Reber; Mai Anderson, flour &o to Win Kline. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kensington. Baker. cleared at Borden 26th inst. for Phdadelphia, Ship Issue JeSues. Drinkwater, for Calcutta, entered for loading at Liverpool 6th inst. Ships Philadelphia, Persia. and Tuscarora, Were ldg at Liverpool PM inst. 'or Philadelphia. Ship Linda. Favorin,from New 1 ork, at Valparaiso 14th nit. Ship Monsoon., Baker. for Hampton Roads, sailed front Callao .oth nit ship Jnventa, YOUII4. from Chinch& Islands, at Callao 18th ult. far Cork, getting ready for sea. Ship John Prager- tierhert, for Charleston, sailed from Liverpool Bth inst. t Sagamore, Treadwell, from Liverpool. at Cal cutta let ult. Ship Jabez Snow. Snow, for London, cleared at Cal i:mita 2d ult. ship S L. Fitzgerald, Green, sailed from Valparaiso 16th Feh for - Baltimore. . Ship Gulf Stream, Sprague, cleared at Havre Bth inst. for flew Orients!. Ship Uncle Joe, Pinkbam, for Philadelphia, entered for loading at Liverpool OM mat • ShiP Sew Bangs, Bartlett, cleared- at Liverpool 6th inst for Calcutta. Ship Harrisburg, Wisvrell, at Genoa 4th inst. from New Orleans. Ship Sebastian Cabot, Watts, for Hampton Roads, was loading at Chincha Islands nth Feb. - snip Penman. Roberta. from New York 6th Nov. for Ran Franciaca, was spoken 88th Dee lat 8 S. long M. Ship Golden state. Kaalett. at Qum mecum 7th inst. from San Francisco. and sailed 9th for Liverpool. bark Lizzie, Nickerson, at Valparaiso 16th Feb. for Taltat and Poposa, to load ore for Baairnore at 8/7 per ton. Bark Emma. Cushing. from New York for Rio de Ja neiro. was spoken 13th inst, Mt 130 S. long SO W. Brig San Antonio, Collins, hence, arrived at Savannah 22d ,net. Brig Daniel Malony, Steelman. from Boston. arrived at Savannah 224 inst. Bohr L B Myeradflomerii, for Beaufort, o!eared at fla vannah 22d inst Behr r ilea and Rebecca, Prom, at ravannah 22d inst. for New York. Schr Eveline, Yorke, hence, arrived at Havana 18th instant schr S Clark, Moult, hence, arrived at 13oston 23.1 inst. Bohr J 8 Weldon, Smith, heaoe, arrived at Boet..n 24 b 'nat. Bohr C li rarstairs, Robinson. from Charleston, at Boston 24'h inst. debt H CSorihner, Carney, from New Orleans, at N Yo - k 26th inst. Bohr Rebecca Knight. Endicott, hence, arrived at Boston 25th inst. Soh: Neptune, Magee, cleared at Boston Roth inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr 9 hoe Borden, Wrightington, hence, arrived at Fall River 23d mat. Sabre H R ttraatott. Long hence for Salem. and Vey Tfaley,,Maley. from Georgetown, DC, for Boston, sailed. from Mores. NJ, Md inat. Bahr Carthagena, Kelly, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 24th inst. Sohn ales Henderson.. Crowell, and Gilbert Green. Weaver. for Philadelphia, sailed from Near Bedford 23d inst. Bohr La B Ferguson, Chase, from Philadelphialth Met, Goal laden. for Charleston. BC. went into sat/eras Inlet 14th in and dur ng the storm dragged out of the bay and amok. Toe crew ohms to the rigging. where they repudned until 10 o'clock -sturdy" morning. when they were taken off' by the surf boats in an exhausted non& tion having saved nothingibut the clothes they had on at the time of the disaster. The vessel and cargo will prove a total leas. HAIR RESTORATIVE. THE ONLY PREPARATION STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR. EVERT DAY. And testimoniare, new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society whose united testimony none oo -Id resist, that Prof. W ood's Hair Restoruu TO will restore the told and ray , and preserve the hair of the youth Mold age, in a l t its youthful beauty l• BLTTLE Causs. Mic h., Deo. 21. MSS. Yaw , . WOOD: Thee willt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my heed all fell off over twenty yearn age, eatmed by a complicated chrome dis ease, attended with an - eration on the head. A con tinual course of snaring t hrough life having redneed me to a gate of dependence, I nave not been able to obtain stuff for cape, neither have I been able to do them np, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from oold. This induced me to pay Brine & Houses almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the let of Augnstlest. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though ebort4 it is also coming in all over my heed. Peeling ciantid*nt that ano.her lauge bottle would restore it entirely and permanently. .I feel anxious to persevere in Its Usie, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would MSc thee if thee wouldst not be willing to mend me an order on pine agents for a bottle, and resolve to thyself the Scripture declaration —" The reward ie to those that are kind to the widow and the Whorl/es." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ltoonisn. Noble co.. Indiana. Feb, 5 , 1i119. r goy. 0.7. WOOD: Dear sir : in the latter part of the year DM. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a canoe unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short span- of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almoin entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head snort', after became gray ; so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indians. BIT more. casual ac quaintances were not eo much at, a loaf to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more in tiniate acenainraneee were to race/mine me at 1 atomic, made application to the most skilful phyei piano in the country, trot, receiving no assearanoe from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to nay fate, until fortunately, in the latter part of the year rest, your Heetorntwe was recommended tome by a druggist, es being the most reliable Hair Reetorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satiefaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol. lam' worth of your Reiterative, arid as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can M L a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of SO wonderrul an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and aimusuitan oes, who, I am happy to Inform :you, are tudng it with like robot Very reepeotfullY, Yount A. . LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway. and gold by all dealers through out tee orld. The Restorative ie put up in Bottles of three sizes. viz: large. medium, and in all; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, retail,' for two dolleire a bottle; the large holds a 1 quart, le per cent. more in proportion, and re _ tails forila a bottle. 0 J. WOOD & CO" Pr_oprietory,444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 M ARK ET Street, St. Louie, Mo. And mold by all good Druggists and Fanny Goods Deal ers. Sold in this city hr B. A. FAHNEBTOCK, & Co., Noe. 7 and 9 North FIFTH Street. and HABeARD & Co., TWELPI H and CH- STAUT etreeta ooMenwf tr BUSINESS CARDS. TAMES M. SOOVEL, Nn. U 3 P T LUM N ME soave Front. inh2l-lm' CAXtucx, U.O. TILLMAN. ATTORNEY-AT. 00 LAW, JERSEY SHORE, Pennsylvania. Collections promptly made in Clinton and Lyooming counting. RREICTIS TO Mews. Waiter & }Carib. Philadelphia ; J. H. Humes, Jerre Shore Mom*. Sarozott & Co., Philada. 4. hanker, zlekler, a Co. Philado Friabsouth &Co Philada.; L. O. ASOIOT, Look ',even; Yard. Oilatore, & Co., Pailada.; Thstoher & Woddrop,.Philada4 Rey nolds. Rowell & Reiff. Pinlada. fele-ft GJ. is mill, Optiomermay ILA and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 524 WAL NUT ?Meet, ormenta Independence &mare, formerly Of No. 173 Cbeetnut gtreet. Ptuledelehie. jeltt3m. ToIIN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, ay Nos. 31T and 319 WALNUT auset.(basement stores. between Third and Fourth, north side.) Phila delphia. N. B.—Pine Old Whiskies always on hand. (Established in ISO.) ja.19.1y 7AT COOLS. , JAY COOKE & 00., BANKERS! 114 SOUTH THIRD STEET. (First door north of the Oirard WA.) Jai -7m PHILADELniIk UAW SON NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDKRS,_ No.. 819 wad 621 MINOR Duces, Demean Mikes and iWiftut meets, PILIADISL,rsiA. PAWBOPI, JAS. B. PrICNOLOWI iril-17" FIIGITET di SONS, 0,70 INFO)! TE 6 9 1 1111 . 1114.A a .18.181•8 PP) jell adourtment of tolerable CI LUC, whie they Wier at low rates, for surto? an prolred I,TEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIDAVIJNE. JOY, COE„ & Co. 800 been Appointtst Pole IMO fnitsitelphis for mg *noncom/ oinnuating I"Per, cn Pounnamminif m nuenoe. 811111118611 men are soverturitm in the beet news pem of oily and country, at the oMoms of CO E o. co.. Advertising Agents, Finn and Criarrzt Streets: Philadelphia ; Tribune Building'. New York.. 10dg-if MURPIIY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIMS. STOII.E.FOLEY, & JiMMON, rto, 333 at.urlyr sTrmaw, Rog leave to infirm ija) ltailr EL oalCo ltl yntoPl A. 01 _ L l 2l ( a interested in buddeco n, thawo f a commotion In bnalnas9= JOHN NEWS 5 Civil Fugulear, (author and inventor of the above wen kncrira plan of iron bridge ' ) and are prepared to execute ?OM min 1111 1' 1 00 01 Tae aolinti7. from his damps manal anyetintendanne. ...' . ii letters retallohlaror mid meltaatter Amid be ad rased to JOWI w. 13108.1", Civil Su . - 110WIIP Far STO . ti, VIGLICT. & TON 'HE PRESBO-'.PHII..AtiELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1861. COMP. THE RELIANCE Imam ansizat LOSS .OR DAMAGE Hy, FIR,, ou Home; Stow, end other Velum hunted " Or raff i rU . at an d on i f IWO_ TO, ohandixe in town or untry. CASH CAPITAI422I co I,IIO 0-ASSETS 1317.142 04. Which i sinvested es FAlows, In first mortgagee on city property, Worth double the amount.- ;. —19182,900 OD Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 Per east. first mortgage loan, at• • •-• CAM Ilo Pemmylvania Co.'! 6 per cent. es- . amid mortgage load,(11 1 0,0 00 27,91)0 60 Huntingdon and. Brad TOP Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan-- --- 4,000 00 Ground rent, firet-olase—... . 2.432 Collateral loans, well secured-- -- 2A60 C O R D City of Philadelphia 6 per 20.060 Allegheny Connty 6 per eer.t. Pa.. R. loan.- 10,000 011 g_om Koisl Bank 5.133 01 Mechanic's' Bank stook -- 2 812 ISO Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stook-- , 40.0 e so The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co,'s stook 28.800 00 The CoUnty Fire insurance Co.'e mock—. /.300 CIO The Delaware M. o. Insurance Co.'s stook- vio Union Mutual Insurance GOB scrip- --- 380 00 Bills receivable— . 14.302 74 Book accounts. accrued interest. 7104 66 Crush o a h and 11 644 64 8817,141 04 The Nlutuel principle' combined with the imourby of %Stook Dritntru, entitles the insured to portxolvtto in the Preilts of the Company. without liability for losses. Losees promptly adjusted and raid. DIEaCTOBB: wm Tingley, Samuel Bispham, ham Rbompeon, Robert Steen, Fre.eriok brown, William Musser, Witham Stevenson, Beni. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Harebell Hill. H. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Tolond. Charles Leland. G. D. Rosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles is. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Blunt', Pittsburg. CLAM. TINGLEY, President. B. M. lIINCTIMAN, Secretary. February 16, 1861. 1013 THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE OOMPANY • . F. BATCHFORD BTAREs MORDECAI L•DAWAONI WILLIAM MCI EE, ONO. U. aTVART, LALBRO FRAZIER, 3 . 0011, IL BROWN. IN M. ATWOOD, N. A. PATINESTOCE. BRIM T. TREDICE, ANDREW D. CABs, IitRICRY WHARTON J. I& ERRINGER. F. N . ATCH.FORD STARR, Braftdent. CHARLES W. COXE. Searetary. .., - fell. PENN.MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPNY L No. 921 CHVATertIT street, PloledelPhia. CHA TER PhaPEl'tr4L. ALL filE PROFITS DITTO+ D AMONG THE IN -Bu.RED. • . Insure Lives for short term or for the whole term pf life ; gronkatinuities and En dowments; purchase . Life Intonate in heal Notate, and Make al oronmeta de prtutmg on the eeneingoocios of life. • They aot as EXeentOrs, Administrators, Assignew Trustees and Guardians. .assr.Ts oF THE COMPANY, January 1.1111. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate.- .$312,981 97 United States stooks. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of .Phila delphia. &e. . Premium ii..tei,lans Pennsylvania. North Pennselvania Rail roads. and County six per cent. bonds— 892 BO Bank, insurance, railroad. canal stooks sm. 97 at 7 49 Cash on hand, agents' haleneesi. &e..„ 13.200 14 W. G. PIooRITIAn tfAk ;. MUTUAL INISURANON COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, 01710 E, No. SOS WALNUT STREET, OF ELIMADELPHA.. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRE,CTORIS: 81,071,123 02 DANIEL L. MILLER, Pres,del.t. bANITJ EL B. BTOR ha. Vice President. JOll/1 11ORNOR, Rem etar.Y. ultal DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN guRANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Penney Wears, Ulls. Offiee H. corner of THIRD and WALNUT OM% . . • . „ , PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, 1 On Yrmails, Carta, To nil ontte of the World. Fremkt, on onno t7 l ßi l4AN.D o lNp a yßzir i i2B nagee. Till Rana ' f tta Un' i Land - FIRE . ". On MerebnArdige generaLlT. On Stores, illwellinc Rouses, aco. /415.1611!, OP TRII COMPANY. • - November 1, 1801. OICO,OO united State', Live oent. loss— .....15104,60u 00 United States six er cent. Tre "asory Notes. (with awned Interest).— 110,463 56 100,000 Pennsylvania State five esn loan. 52,550 00 11,000 do. do. six do. do. 21,060 00 122.040 Philadelphia City six cent. lam. 125,205 37 50,000 Tennessee State Live cent. loan— 14,000 00 00.000 Pennsylvania Ramiro gd mortgage six ir cent. bonds 45,000.00 16,000 300 shares. stook Germantown ties Company,interest and prempal riterantOed bY the OW of Phila dolphin—— LIMO OD SAO 100 shares ren.sylvaniaßailroisc SADO OD 3.000 100 shares north Pennsylvania Rail- road C0r0p5ny.......„ . POO 00 1,200 BO shares_Philaaelphia ice 80at ....... . Steam Tug Comp any .,.._.. ,-1000 00 no shares Philadelpia ant Ravre de- Grace Steam Tow. boat Company. 350 OD MO 1 shares Philadelphia .E.l.ohfingo lin 00 Commies—- 1,000 2 shares ConGientainotei Go.-- - $268,700 Dar. Omit $50,222.24. Market Ya 1.81134,206 71 Bills reoeivable, tor insurances made.— 222.222 42 Bonds and mortgagee.— ---- 84,500 00 Real estate—— 61453 85 Balances due at Agenoies—freminms on Ma rine Policies; interest. and other debts due the Company— • . KAM 02 Berm and stook of sundry Insurance and other Companiea LOS 60 Cast on hand—in 'make.— .611 16 ' in dralter--. 00 '10,106 a Comm In DIRECTOR2I. _ William 616,Di1n, Beranek E. Stokes, Edmund A. sondar, • 3. F. Peinatou, rhoogalue Paulding. Henry &lout obn R.Tetirdoo, "Edward Darinintos, ohn G. Davis,, B. JoileaThooka, James Trannap, tinenoer 'William Eyre, kes C. Head, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton. William C. Ludwig, Jacob P.-.Tenes. Joseph R. Beal , Japes B. M'Farlandi Dr. R. M. Illuirton, Joithus P. 'Byte. George C. (Alper, Johnßemote, Pittsteg, Meat Oraii;. D. T. B. Morgan, " Charles Reny, M A. Berstir Si kt WiLidAARTI l'realdent. 711013. 43. RAND, Vice President. • EMMY LYLBURN. Secretary. - sol7-tf IN 811 RA N 01: 0 0 lef r A la 'Y OrTELE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MAL DIN E INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND 15. RICE I.AN GE BUILDINGS. Chartered in Sacio.poo—Feb. I.96o;egeh value, $4.;8,709 77. All invested in gourd anti available tisourines—oon bnue to Insure on Veneta - and - GWgoes, Stooks of MerphandiseLko„,_on liberal term & DIKEcTORS. Henry D. Bherrerd, George H. Stuart, Sixneon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Clarlea Maealeeter, Tobias Wagner, William B. Rraitb, Thomas B. Watteon, John D. Budd, lienry G. Freeman, - William It. White. Charles B. Lewin. GeoC. Carson. HENRYI' D. SHERRERD, Preiddent, WILLIAM HARPER., BeoretarT. Jeg-t: VIRE INSURANOE. MEUHANTOS' w- INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. I3S North SIXTH Street. below Rues. insure Build ings, Spode, and. Merchandise generally from loss or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to adjust all losses prompuy, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public. nritsesoms. • William Morgan, Robert Flarc_gan. Francis Cooper, Michael Mousey, filworge L. Doughertr. Edward Pdagovera.. Jamey filfirtin, Thwart PvcinAligkt James DIATOM, JODI/ wromiay, Matthew McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Cesauly, Thomas Hemphili. Bernard H. Hulsenutn, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clara, Francis McManus, eliohsal Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Secretary. oata-gre -1-0-A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE • CO., INCORPORATED 1310— CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia, Raving, a large paid-up Capital Stook and Sloping, invested in sound and available rteenrities. continnos to insure on Dwellings Stores. Furniture Merchandise, Vessels in port and their canoes, andother . personse property. All losses liberally and promptly adJusled. DiftliCTOR.S. _ Thna._o_. Maris. John Linos, - John Welah Lames R. Campbell, Samuel a . ajort.„-,n, Edmund 0. Dundh. ratrioir Brady, Ches. W. Poeltnes. Israel Morris. TRO4IAO It. MARIS, Presideui. ALI; EH:1: C. h. CRAWFORD. Secretary. fell-t[ ANTHRACITE INSURANOE COffiPA ?tY.—Aithorifed Capital 1406,110D—CEARTER PERPETUAL, °Mos No. 311 WALNUT Street. between 'MN ma Fourth street, Philadelphia. Thi s C om pany will Insure against loss or Sumo by Flys, on tkuld rem Formtsre. and Merchandise gems !spy. Auto, Platine inntrancele on Fassall, cargoes, and Freights. Inland insurall sans OTT the wimp. UllithtUUßS Josiah liartishi. John Ketcham. John K. Makunan, Jlt.f iu . V A IE araddent. WM. F. le, This Premdeni. W. ea. boonstary. stol-11 Jacob PAN.. D. Luther. Jp. Derma roving* filer lister. FXCIIA.NGE INSURANCE COMPANY —Office No. 400 'WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Mouses and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either . limited Or per- DI /LECTORS t Jeremiah Boman, Thomas Marsh. John Q. Gionodo, Charles Thompson, ward D. Roberts, James T.-Hale. asmnel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, ;Leah= C. Role, John J. Griffiths. JERPMIAII BONSALL, Prsaident. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President .tliclisan Cos. Secretary. jell SAVING FUNDS. gAITING FUND-FIVE PERTIENT. IN. TER ReT.—orATIOPtAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, sonthweet corner of Third, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Penney'. The °Mee le open every day from Vine o'clock In the morning till five o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Tiotradeyevenings till eight o'elook. - Ron. Inert Y L. BENNER, Provident. ROBRRT SEt.FRIDGE, Vice President. WiLLtent J. Lana, Seoretary. Hon. nem 1,. Benner. hdward L. (..'arter, kßobeenrt Selfridge. el IC Ashton, u. La n ndreth Monne. aul•IT "A Mile. but often, Alla the Pune." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND,, No. l 136 Routh FOURTH Street, betwen! Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors',money neared by _qtovernment, Mate, and City Loaner ammo nem, Mort. k Imes, teo. deems sa f ety ;whim Company moiety better than large profits,r oonsequentll will run no risk with depo sitors' money. but have it at all times ready to return with 5 per cent. interest , t o the Owners as t h e y have always done. This Company WWII! impended. Females married or single, and M43:10111,00012 deposit in their own right, and such deposits eau be withdrawn <num by thear consent. charter perpemsd. Inoorporsted by the State o f pooonteents, with authority to receive LARGEfm triages' and Assentors. AND SMALL Rome RROEIVED.- i ()Moe open daily, tram 9 to a o'clock, and on :Wednesday evening until II o'clock.. DIRECTORS. .41 lank: Shannon, Cyrns Cadwallader, i 1 tits° Sl oan, Ohs e Russell, E 1 Jeremiah Comfort . It ek r ri l liegin ir f.' . - 4 Nicholas Eittenhonse. Nathan Smedley, . Jai. H. Sallerthissits. Jere Yaks", ' lIJACOrB A IIIWITON, President. cyan! CADWALLADER• Treasurer. apit-ly " A Dollar laved la ma. earned." JUST REOZIVED, per Annie liitribsll, 3Y " from Liverpool, Ma n der, Wetwor,.. Maridor's proporomorm: Os 'Vainest seoniti. in ,l ikjors, Si Mx Extract / &Jars, 2bs Extract Bolladonner, inl 1.00 Zs rat sot Tarazaci. m th fan, so Ma Vin Ral.Colatuol, in lb bottloo, §k ia iinooloi Root., bottle s . ion ise mot. isillii i ;boiss4 : soo irfisSiii44lllll 71, lad 49 jialarrEl9l9-194 IHIL 0 ,p El SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS READ AO FIE. By the use of theme ratio the periodical 'mulcts of /Vet- VOW or Sick !hada. ha maybe pr,evented and if taken at the commencement of an attsiiii immebeite relief from pain and efolmeee will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea mud Head ache to which female. are somitdect. They sot gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness, For Literary Moe, &attests, Delicate Females, and all penman of sedentary habits, they are valuable as s Lazalies, improving the appalls, giving Om and vi,or to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully oondnoted experiments, having seen in nee many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vest amount of pale and suffering from Headaohe, whether originating in the iisrvosis sittern or from 11 , demised Mate of the sea- Whelk; . . . , They are entirety tha n tibmpeeiticill, Mid may be taken at all ttmee with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the abuses of any dies ersesete Hayti raaidara is easy to administer them to BZWARE Or 00IINTERZEITS! The genuine lame Ave eigustaie: of Henry C. Braldint on esoli Box. Sold by Dramatic inid all other Dealers in Mediolnee. A Don tall be sent by meal prepeld on receipt Of She All entire 0494141 be •ddr HENRY 0. SPA . 268.795 2 4 . 237,684 68 THE FOLLOWING E.NOORSEMEPiIIi OF CEPHALIC WILL CIONVIRCR ALLIVRO RtIFF BR FROM SPEEDY AND MIRE .CURE /8 *ITHIN As that testtriunsicsis ani xs sotiMed by Zr. OPALD- Mos they .fiord ienquestimerzhis proof of the cif easy et, this truty'seiettri j 4c distorero. MR. SPALDING. I 6617 e tried your Cephalic, 'rills' and 1 Uke teem so .art that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a ewer the first box I tot Nth you. Bend the Pills by maul. end oblige Your Oblfiterva nt JAMS KENNEDY. MR. SPALDING. Pia J.wish you to se. il ins one more box of your Cephalic frilhr I have rtteigunt a gnat Baal of hateht from them. Yours respectfully. . MARY AN BTOIKIIOUSE. /initial MIST, RIINT'INGIIOI I I Cottmriti Pa. i I IS January , 1861. R. C. SPALDING , . Yon will please Rend me two boxes of your Cephalic PULL. Send them Mimed ately. .. .._ ____ entows_ P. S.-1 have recoiled ono box atliour Pins, and find thorn excellent. DeLzas Visas H. C. Seel.nneis,EK."l -Mos./ea. 13•1601. Please fin enclosed twenty-five cede, al( Is t e anot r hor_r_x_ of your eao alio ri ll s. They fir% t e rsav v uz it at leave ever stied. Bele Ve A o T WyERdp m O. • Bntmtivf Dec. ni 1850. I- o.l l yemonor Esq. wislefor some circulars "or large show bills, to Wing Your Cephalic Pins more ciiialeedarly before m y cue . Tomas. if you have annum of** kind please send One of Toy customers. who is subjeot t 6 severs sieh Headache. (usually lasting two days.) was cured of an attack ;aims hour by your Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully yolm. W. D. WILKES. KEiTLY C. SPALDTNO. .No. 48 Cedar at, N. Y. DRAM : Inelosedlind twenty-five cents. (18.) for which send box of Cephalic, Pills." send toaddreas of Rev, Win, C. Piller. lleynoldskurg. Franklin Co., Ohio. Your Pills work liken charm—ears Hottittoke almost instaater. _ _ Ma, Braque. Not long most ignt tdioitfor h box of Cenhabo Pill. for the oure of the Nervous Kemal - v - oh° end Costiveness, end received the lame. and • they had so gobd as "ha that I was *aura to wend for MOTS. Please tend by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER. Ypeilsati. Prom Ma Examiner, Norfolk, re. cephelie Flu aeoompllah the object for whLoh they were made, via.: Cure of headaohe in Milts forma. Prom the Rzaminer, Norfolk* F. 9'hey have Men tented in more than a thomuhnd with entire enemas. 'Awn !)st Demotrat, Si Si.i4d, Mina. _ . are, , If you or bays been troubled with the headaohe, send for a box, [Cephalic Pine.] Po that you mar bane them in este of an &Melt. The Cephalic poi an mid to be a remarkably *Rho tive remedy for the headuche.and one of the very heat for that very frequent complaint which has ever been dieoevered. Prom the Western R. R. Gazette, Chir4lo, RI. We heartily endorse Mr. Hasidim", and his unrivalled 4kyhr►ho PAIL, From tile Hasateha rangy Star ' Aaaateha, Va. We ere Imre that periwig mfferinitlrith the headache, who try them, will idiot to them. idrnm the .Southgre Palk blinder, Nets Origami La. Try them ! you that are *Minted. and ere are Bare that your testimony can he added to the already anatercas hat that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. !*Vora *h St. Laois Democrat. The immense demand for the article (Cephalic rate) is rapidly Increasing. apalthng would not oottn - eot his name with en u ncle he did not bow to pollees real merit. The testimony In their User is strong , . from the most trliatiotatne slattern .Fran the Datil, N• 1039 Newport, IL. I. Cephalic , Pills an taking the place of all kinds Fran Ms Oformereial Bones'. Bones, Mast said to be very sande= for the headaehe. Franca. Commercial, OtemOman', Ohio. Ballerina humanity can now be reamed. F. Carrell Brewster.. oseph B. am. Joseph 'Jerk Possums Lee, s ~ Junes L. &ephemera. A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED SLUE win elm ten times their cost asauelln‘ll ECONOMY! DISPATCH' Gir" A /STITCH IN TIMM &vie Ninn."lBll 1.11 Iloßidellta will happen: even inSimil-teinilated familia', it is Piny damtabla to bays same eheap and convenient was for repairing Furniture. Toys, Crixike ry, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meats all snob emergencies, and no household can afford to do without it. it is aiming needy. and up to the stacking point. _ " izteErtni IN EVERY IlOtium" E!MiMSiMZEIIM HENRY O. SPALDING. NO. 40 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. . An nettaitp,antennilded POMP= are: rttlnntrtintlto intm of gothic' tounspootithrtniblky Ithitafibna ottaff PREPARED'OLITE.. wonklaantion *rams to .n 4 SI amine before purchasing, and nee that the full moot 61 !" 14 9% REVAULAP - II VW OUR& ; soutterfeir iNipis = arrniSi 6lel dijait 13EAliAOHEI PRIOE. 25 GENTS. 48 CEDAR RTRKKT, NEW YORK SPAWINEFe4 HEADACHE; THAT A THEIR REACH. nisolivii.t.m, Conn., Feb. 6,1861. KLURFORD, Pa., Feb. 6,1881 RZYNOLDSBIIRG. FRANKLIN CO., Oilio, 1 January 9,1861. Truly YOUTIN WM. C. FILLER. YPSILANTI.. Mien, Jem. 14, 1863 Frermthe Advertise', Providence, Freon the almtne, 41:144:empart, hum. Prom the Advertiser, Providma, AL. I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDINGr'S PREPARED GLUE SAVE ?SE PIECES! OAVTION, RAILROA.D LINES. ' IR I I B6 I, l Es .. Piti: Aff 4. 1186:TEIAMANIPN e ri A 4 111 1 0 411"111 T.;: ir : Vv w, ORkehi P LD ' ,• 1 . AND AY LAO • • liots W5.5)45Y-51. WHAM, FOL L OWS DIPOT WILL L.dAVIS AS VI L A WIN. Ate A. 94., :lb% Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ao- 3im Clcdn '• yl n -.--1---Cril.Fifil 12 At SA. ,_ a Camden s-Jd _AMY . . • AeooTiodation•—• . —.—. --..,-- Ativil t ~ via Camden and Jersey Olt,. Morning , 00. 9 4 --- —"---- -- " -- driieT 6E7 A. 11 3 E A. M., via KewangtOn an , Ar Itt e P rn . MBl.Olikraetia.diii-inTA—mboyAnoo-m—mo- 3°a 'dation _--- —.— _..-.....-.... .. ~. 6M. At 2 I' M.. via Camden rind Amboy, O. and A. lhx fruir— --- ..... '--- --** 3 p° A s).g P. 51.0n0. teneinaton and Jamey Citg. Eve ning Express.-- -- -...—. -- 2 CO At 43f P. M., via Kensington and Jersey Ott. 3d ClresTioket-- __ an d ...... -.. ... 326 Ate P M Jersey ~ via Camden and CIO, Bvenflig 1 M p.l -.....4 ' .... .. , . .- •• - ~.,.. - -• . ~. • 3 03 13, L At 1 P. M:rvraiiiiiiiiim - rinic7erkry 'OITA Oi;uth'- lem ail --.•......-,...• • . ...-.....—. 225 At 6,1". M. r via Camden and Ambor.,./000mmods tion,-(Freight and Passenger } -Int Class Ticket_ 1 7b Do. do. 2d Class TiOket- 1 6fl Th 6, M Mel Lino runs dilly. The ILNI PM, South ern Ma.l,Siturdays eXcllte4. For 13olvidone. Easton, Larribii tfill6, F,Elininttun. ito., at 7.10 A l it. and SP. M., from Kerounglarl. For Water Otip.Strouttsburg, aorta:mu, Wilgesbarre. Montrose, Great Bend, &a, 7.1 0 A. M. from Kensington , via Delsware. Lackawanna and Western R. It, FrieMectth (Thunk, Allentown, and Bathlehem at 7.10 A.M..(thie train connects with 'rain leaving Easton at P. 61./ and direot through at 3 P. M. from Ken sirton. For Mount Holly, ate and & A. M., : and 06 Y. rg For, Freehold. at 6 A. M.. and I P. Pd. , WAY LINES. ...For Bristol, 'greaten, (to., at MO A. M., 3,4..% and ISM P. M. from Kennington.. For Palmyra, Riverton Delano, Beverly. Burling ton l4 ' Florence Dordentoirn, &0., at DM. 5, Oi and 6 . p. Eig' ! For New York, and Way Lines leave Konington Depot, take the oars, on Fifth street, above Walnut. half an hour before departure. The ears run into the dwt, and on arrival of each train. run from the depot. Fift.g Pounds of Buggsge,only, allowed ecoh Pk 114611- f,Z,Z174117.1:::: r 4:P i gt..7:17 t h i l a rarearro g vili Ally pounds tope paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pouno, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept bY sPeoial contrast W . nol9 M. H. OATZMEE. Agent. OLIANGIN W' HOURS. PHILADELPNIA. Wile. BILAGTON, API D BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1841, PASSENGER TRAIN LIAY.I2 ‘DELPIIIA: Ea Baltimore at. 8.15 A. I; A ) 12 anon (Expreen and MAO P. M. For Cheater at 15 A. 111.,.4 noon, 4.16 and ri 10.60 P. M. For Wilnogton at 8.15 A. 02.. 12 noon, 4.15 and 10.50 P. M. For New Castle at 8.18 A.M. and 4.16 r. M. For Maddletoirn at 8.16 A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8,16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For narrington at 8.16 A. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. For Farmington at 8.15 .A. M. For Seaford at 8.16 A. N. For Sallebnry at 8.0 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHIL/ DELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.90 A. M. (Express), 10.12 A. M., and 6.10 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 7.96 and 11.20 M., 146 and 8.20 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 1.10 P. M. Leave Peaford at 2.60 P. M. Leave Farmington at 4.10 F.M. Leave Milford at. 4 P. M. Leave Harriairtori at IMP. M. Leave Dover at 0.06 A. M. and 5.25 P. M, Leave Middletown 10 . 06 A. M. and 640 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M., 7.36 P. M. Leave Cheater at 8.20 A. M., 13.04,_2.22. and 9P. rd. Leave Baltimore for Sri 111Abniv and De a w a r e RailrossAt WILES FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Cheater at 8.45 A.M.. 1238 and 11.71 P.llO. Leave Wilmintlon at 9.25 A. M., 12 55 P. M.. and 12 A. M. FREIOILT TRA,I9I, with Passenger Car attached. roll nin em.follogri; • Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Places at S P.M. Leave Wilmin.don Tor Perryville and ?stern:lodide places at &P. M. Leers Wilmington for hilmelptua and intermediate plates' at 3.15 P. M. aye Baltimore for liavre-de-Ordoe and intermediate place. at 4.15 P. M. • ON SUNDAYS Only at 10.60. P,M. from Philadelphia to Eattiamo. Only at 5.10 P. M. from Baltimore to Philatelphia. feB S. M. FELTON. President. WINTER ARRAN(,}E -11 NT .—PHILADELPHIA, ORMAITTIIM NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On 8,72 d after MONDAY, Nov. 14.1860, - FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, d, 8,9, 10. 11, and 12 A. M., 1, r 33i, 4.5.5 M, 6,7, 8, 1 1, , 101(and 113 P. M. Leave Clermantown, a, 7, 1 734, 8. 8, .900, 11 and 11l A bl., 1,3, 3,4,5, 5, eM. 7.8. 9, and 103 f, . : 51. ON SONDAYO. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 min, A. M., 8. 7, add nrs Leave Germantown, C.lO cnn. A. M,,1.10 lair., 5, and 9% P. M. CRESTNUT Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10. sad 11 A. 111., 0, 4. 4, 5. and 103( P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10. 7.53,_ 8.40, and 9.40. and 11.40 A. M., 1.40, 3.40. 0.10. and 8.40 I'. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. PE.. 9. and 71!. M. Leave Cheituut Bill, 749 min, A. M., 1759, 6.46, and 9.10 min. Y. M. . FOR OONSTIOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6.60, 7X, 905. and 11.05 min. A. M., 1.05, 3,05, 4M. 5.55, and 11!4 P. AI. Leave Norristown, 6. 7, 8.06, 0, and 11 A. M., IM, 4M. and 6P. M. ON Airillkit. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M and 3 P. 33., to Norris town. , Leave Norristown, 7„N‘ A M. and 5 P. 51. FOR MANAY UNK. Leave Philadelphia, 5.50, 734,.. 9.05, and 11.08 A. M., LO5. 2.05,3.05.43 i, 5.55,8.05. 113( P. M. Leave Manearnak. SM, 7%, 8.35.9 M. 11M A. 41..1, 316, 11, OM. and 93( P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. M., s and 7 Y. 111. Leave Mantiyunkam A. M 034, and 8 F. m. IL E. SMITH General Superintendent. nolo-ti DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Strews. 4 1 N C t l r A R NTA R R;g I II4 4 A S D n . - FOR BETHLEHEM_,_ DOYLESTO N.. MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON. and ECKE.)..Y. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On end after MON DA. Y. December 3.1860. Passenger Trainevri leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, .Phila dolphin, daily, (Mindere eximpted), as fonowa ; At 6.20 A. bl. _LEXerega)..for Bethlehem, Allentown. Manch Chunk;.lll.2lBton, ha. At 2,45 P. M., (r.aprese ), for Bethlehem, Fenton, Ac. `Phu tram reaches Wanton at 6 P. M... and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. At IP. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Maui* Chunk, . At 9A, AL and 4 NL_, for Dorlestonni At F. M., for Fort weektnir,ton. • The 6.20 A. M. Express train makes close connection with the' Lehigh Valley Railroad -at Bethlehem bemg the !honest and most dee/rabic route to all points in the Lehigh ooal region. TRAINS FOR PHIL'A.DELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. M., 9.15 A. M., and 5.22 P M. Leave Doylestown at 7.26 A. M. and 5.20 P. M. Leave Fort Waaainaton at 6.45 A. M. ON BllNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 0.60 A. M. Philadelphiafor 'Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. ' Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Fare to Beth ehem._sl 6a I.Fere to Manch Chunk. s 2 60 are to Beaton. 1 at 1 Fare to Doylestown..._.BO Through Tickets must be proeume at the Ticket Mum, at WILLOW Street, or BERKO Street. in orde to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (sauna Sunday Trains) commit at Berke Street with Fifth aM Muth-streets, and Second and Third-sheets Passenger Railroad., twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. den-tf . ELL IN CLARK. Agent. istinimm. PHILADELPHIA VIM AND R DINO BAIL OAS).—PASECaNGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING. and HARRISBURG. on and altar Nov. 18611. MORNING LINER, DAILY. (Sundays egooteda_ Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLAW IIIL Streets. PRILADELPILIA.ITeeven er entrance. on Th irteenth and on Callowhill streets at BA. connecting at Harrietmra with the PEN SYLV RAIL RLAD. 1 P. M. train running to 'ttabnrg ; t e CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.05 P. M. train mon ' , NE to Chamberebute Carlin e, &a.t_and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Bun bur, rea. • AFTERNOON LINE& Leave New. Depo t __, earner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL &rept'', PHILADELPHIA,(Paagenger entranoee PO Thirteenth and on Callowhill etreere,) for POTTS VILLE and' HARRISBURG. at SAW. AL, DAILY, for READING only, at !JO P. fd.. DAILY, (Bandar' ex- VIIITAIICEIS VIA. PHILADELPHIA AND READING OAR FIOM FHILADILI.I2, To PD cerdaville—.— 281. Reading— —..-- 59 Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon M I and Lebanon Valley R.N. Harruparg— ...--.112 • Hanylun —.-121. Millersbarg—. —142 - vorton Junction—Ma FaibluT..... 81.• orthuniberland teargarg. — l2 —YR ifisPort —. —209 erseEllhore Look Raven —195 Ralston.- ---. —spj Willioanwort sod /glair* Fauns. ,187 Railroad, The a A..m . ..7anr 0..70 P. K. train oonneot dailL bt pport Clinton, -excel:44)4, with the CATA WISSA, WILLIAMSfORT, :sad 1 ERIE RAILROAD, making- close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada the West and Ehmthweat. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Owner of BROAD and CALLO'WHILLtreets. • • suss-ti W. H. MeILHENNEY. eiloretary TIIE PENNSYLVANIA 0E N I ICA7 ~_Fate OAR. . Uto.,MILIMPMMYBEE WiAOl.. ' . • 1861. sampme 1861. _ . WRR 9.liPAOltar TIM ROAft___lB kii . : 4 7 :GRA& TO Mnt' /Pi TREE COUPITR . • ' _ THREE TragrOttell PABBEROER fah BETWEEN Pillim nkLPtilA AND PI BURR, connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains in goirtou, - Mew York, and 41 points boss, and.= the num Depot at Pittebu_rg th Through Trams. to and om all,poirat in the West, Northwest, and gonthwest --thus tarnishing taoihnes for the traimporintion of Passengers munotamed for speed and comfort by MY sit I :g r ip t i ' l, m a t i i t s. and Fast bine* ran Omagh' ti - Pittsburg, without abate of Cars or Conductors. All traryjk a Pair re Traina nngr i neltO w t it glitiort i ng 1: rig rats ad much to t he safety of travailers. Smelting are aw ed to etch p r it ibt,Arohirm much rear Man f ra w Nir Dili% Y : Mail and Feet Linn. gas 111714,1eayss Pralatelphia at era Alt. Lust . WO A. . Train leaves " lera_P„ M. AY TRAMS LEAVE Al POLLoWgr p ~ a iiirrifsburg Acsommedation, via Cohunbia, 2 P. It. mains drat r• arkeeberg " • 12.50 P. M. West Chester Passengers will 1 take& . ll ail, Parkes burg Accommodation. and_C_Orambia ...-..,.. Pao/engem for linninst, Wilhanurport, •r 'ra j Ba.fer le./Ceram Falls, and intermediate taints, leating Phi ladelphia_at 8 . 80 A. M. and 2P.M. go directly throe h . glekelo wirord may be obtained at the ollees o tits . El cmdli ihrin hikedelphia, New York, Bostozi, or I re i mut chemßeettrard at any , of thertant 011100 e in the West; alio ooh hotrA any f the regales no of gloamers en the Momnionimi or Ohio N AT Farealways as law, cad time as IMAM. bus by shy aka Rasta. For in.tgAr ilderMatlAti m anDlr atike Pasenger gla glop. roomier% owner of °Yeah Au 4 Market Street.. Whir rattle 0 of etr ie 4 Weekral 00121leigirara of tko RIM r " fals " ° M itta rAINNIT I D lili Is T. MAIM • TkOisennsetien eIL-. 1 .- a u hi the 4ragriradhspip at Pittsburg, beading drayage or terrace of /Olt; together with theisaving o tune , are advantages iminit u tie by mums= o f Freight, and tha vs - hatantaand Shippers entra mg the transpeastlan their Freight to this CompaLy, eau oily with song: flertin ittinitedy_transit.• . • . RUM RAT= OF FREIGHT to and from any Para in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ors at ;at fi times as farbrabis as Ufa thsrsod by NNaar ßeassad .Be s oastkralar wogs* oeskegos " 0 11Falum Ia- Firr "ilia& Cinemas ir Shimfts Dimling, mob to, it Mixes either of the felionto of tks Om. . •• • ; D A gIIEWARII Vitalist 1411.Plerse &Cs., ranteoville, O.; i J. Johnseen.Araley Ygl4.,gateo:Motiladr: By.; Ormsby ts_frs.,&,,,perop • H. W. prawn & CO. Cinetittlan, tr.; &Wimp btert_cluoi . ........",1) i It- i t. ideldrant,AdtiAtten, =ad co. R. /let 74 r • Viet: 4.. c , ' 1 , 1 IXi 1 1 ri11,7 M .' W . ‘ l oj ' f Aruba= 4la ' i_JAIA B, Bap, Maier & ei., ISt, Louis • oil ohs. A. , ........, Tom.; Hams & Ennt_,..ors, Ttnn.; Har t.,gs & Co., Chicago , DI, .• W. R. R. omits. Anon. ; or ,o Preieht Agents ef Aatirceds a t smut mats use est. - A. EINEIISION. Jr. Plitiadalissa. • - • W (t i.ooifilf g•Nortnstritiosere, 4 i • :AV , ~ 1 Aster or IIL wows at, ft?. 1.23101 t yo. If at ter . erest, Heston -1.• • Frit Al Freight Agent Tbils • • 0 , Oen moist Agent roan. grain Been Altoona. Pa. ialtly i i a li ol mig WEST ORESTER AND .P.UILADELPSIA: RAILROAD, VIA hiNDLA.. SPRING ARRANGEMENT On and after Monday. march 1.1, i 361, the trains tell wave Philadelphia. from the Depot, northeast earwig of Eighteenth ann NlSfket streets, at 8.00 A. M.. and altalle P. Pit The Freight Train, with Pludainf t er oarattaglied, leave Wait at A. M. running es tar as the Baltimbre Centml Janet:ion. - On Ilariciays, leave Phil delPhia at I 11.13 and *P. M 4 leave West Cheater at 7.30 A. M. and L.% P. M. ' The train" leaving Philadelphia et nt . , and 4 P.M. connects' Pennelton with Milne on the rhi1ed.... 8 4 , " and Baltimore Central Railroad- for Sennett o xford. km. ERNS nail/ " General annenntendent. lEXPRESII COMPANILEN. TO ADAMEFEIMISS 1210..0Mos y l e n C hi l i WlWTftses,, forwards L 73anarsotes. ;at Wl tt ei r euUt.11741,11:403/Vg FURNISS, BRINLBY," & 00., Pro. 4119 MARKET STRHET. UNIIHRWRITRIESHLIS. FOR °ROM OF 'BRI TISH HOOPS. BC;inallSollYr freak *MT cct bawd stop John Trnake. - Plt ay POMO. I March 79. at 10 0 0106 ..- oases prints, ainabante• iiiiigositelin 100 0 r. balaannas.jaeonate, cambrice. Mao. .pateltt tti . An. SALE OF rammer DRY GOODS. On Fnday !denting, March 29, at 10 °Voce, by catalogue, on sim months , MCA- - 400 package!' and Ws or taw and staple French dry comprising a general assortment llanyea end catalogues ear on morning of sale. PARIs oRASIFIALOte SUN. Rloß QUALIFY. On Fedtry. Minntiog. sto sneer Paris b rookie horde t Mahn shawl& assorted ocilor.. end bleak& MO Faris and Scotch printed abates, Ehoige nor: pattern,. PANOOAST. AUCTIONEER, Sue /No moor to B. Scott. Jr., 431 CHESTNUT SU StFE O G O ODS,TSCERIO AND IMPORTEI) I RY , E BROIDERIES. MILLINERY GOODS, &b., by oats. on a credit. This Morning'. „ March If ,couonenoitts at la o'clock. EDIT ROINERIEBs A line of late styles einorcridered PP:Met and book °ottani. eats, flouncing no. LINEN 0+ MDR BANDEEROBIEPS. 2to lots Wittig' hemstitoh.d and'Wain lindn cam. brio handkorohiefd rents' plain 3-4 do.; ladies' nest stglatnek do. MO dozen super snow. drop and dßmCsk napkinin. PARIa FL 4 )WE it B. StO cartons Paris artificlial flowers, of late sfifinn styles. ROOF scitTS, id lots Superior quality ste.i.onng hoop shir r• TS M MTb RIBEO si A fell line of rioli miring stylsii ranoy silk and velvet trimming. of latest and most same patterns. W .4.TE GOUDA. so lots assorted quality white cambric fancy stripes and check cambric!. Swiss indslins. Po mimics haat' . &a,_ frIOStF.R.Y. .NO lONS;PORTE.MONNAIE O, Ogo. Also, Morocco and fancy parte- Entainaien, buok - .lsin rums, keakties, huaiati, shirts and drawers, needle., b, aide, ace. LARGE AND ATTRADTIvE SA. WRAPPERS, &o. ~. On Trinrsday Mo rni ng, March Z. at 10 o'clock,. 200 gents' fancy and claln.wrappers dressing gowns, snicking jacket , fie., of van; amt. food all. wool Cash mere. de laine. Cashmere prints, add o'ber all made and trimmed in a superior meduii4. fat Ant olini,. 0-rr retail sales. or Now arranged for esanunation. BHFRIFF'S SALE. 23T00K OF C"Ga RS. TOBACCO, PRIRFIIKERY, FANCY GOODS. PIP PORTS-MONNAIES, &o. . On Friday Morning. Marith 29, on the gamiest,. northwest Isomer of Fifth and Chestnut streets. by order or /Sheriff— full stook (If fine atgars. erriokifig and cheering to bacco, pieerSoheura and fancy pipes. fancy goods. porta meliorate, perfumery. &0., all of first quality, seleoted for best retail sales. FIXTURES. Also, 'the superior fixtures, consisting or eounttir, drawers, fine plate-glees canes, fine show-eases, tkei Also. good will and unexp•red term aflame. PHILIP FORD it 00. ! AUUTIONICERS, A No. 530 MARKET street and eal. MIROR 66 i;ARGE SAWS OF 1.000 CAFES Bons, SHOES, ,AND BROGANS. OA Tbnreeey. Morning', Dlarch 23, st 10 o'clook freemely, will be sold 1,000 cam men's, boys', and yerittre nal kir , . and grata beeraoalf, grata, and enamelled ' Maws, Coutes. gaiters,Oxford ties, aro.: women's, mineral', and children's calf, kid, grain. and heeled boots sea Shoes, baskina, slippers, gaite-s. &O.; also! a larks arid desirable assortment of firet-elaes etty-made Wgoods oven for examination; With catalogues, earn , on the mo rninc of sale, OFF WE OF TUE PHIL #DELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Purr,AnktYlGA. atareh 13,1861, The Rates of Fieight and Tolls on Anthracite Coal, transported by this Company, will be follow s, oft end after March 18.18E1, until further notice • 08051 - .. • • - - - ii • . • i i . ... i d 1 • :., • 0 29 I g E.) I. .4,, - --• r. - 4 ; m a X •43 5.. -- -------...... 04 SS Rsohmood —Fira.i a9l XIS] 40,1 18 L b .: i ll% 9 1. 1 t1;::: 7":". I Lil l IP 10 it 1 11 , " 9. l4 ,7 t ;s wil tr_lriii/ k 1"........ 1q 1 341 I Is , trol it rails or oobily - 4.. ... 188 1 ISO 130 115 " Atinaitiink.—...—. 135 1 180 120 11 5 " 1 . gbert's .. —......,... 186 lat 136 1 110 " Conshohooken—...—... 176 117 110 1 1 105 " BWecte Furna00,........ 196 194 1)7 107 102 " Rambo's —. ...... . 124 1 115 1 1 101 " Nornatown or Brlgp • . 125 1 116 I as, 100 _tort Kennedy........ . 117 1 1 100 99 1 94 " Vale) F0rg0—.......... • 114 113 1.06 961 91 " Pbccnixville—........ 104 107 1 ea " Itoyer's F0rd............... 10a lOs i /TT 82 " Aranungo—... —..—.... 105 104 973 87 82 " Limeriek .—.—........' ' 103 101 011 80 " ~io - l s 0wn............ • 97 901 80 75 41 0n,41555ti..--,;...... - 91 OS 86; 76 11 " 06005.07 .....—.. : 90 91 841 74 69 " lisrdaboro...... .......». 90 89 82; 7 07 " Einar ...... ..... ... 'X' 89 CI 73 67 " Readinc ....—:-.;........... .85 82 7 65 00 Tu0kert0n........'...... 71 70 BS 83 48 " Leesvorc !.... :.—.... 68 67 00 45 " Mohrevnle.--,... .—:: .67 86 49 45 " Bheemaketinfter........ . 117 66 49 45 " Hamburg • ..:....... 89 68 81 41 36 " Port 4.:115t0n—............ St 51 4 Si ... o.onrn ............:........- ' zi 44 • - • • . OTWirldnlrg ............ - 4i TIDE BEITISB AND NORTD AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL RTEANI- 04;o - Ond Cabin ramtage— The ships from New York Doll at Gortridarbor. bor.'The ships from Boston call at Bahian and Cork Han PRIMA. Capt. J unkina. [AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA. Ca _pt. Stone. 'CANADA. Capt. Lang. ARIA, Capt. G. Lott. !AMERICA, oroodie. AUSTRAL ASI E. AN NIaGARe. Capt. Anderson Capt. E.Atrkley. LUqOPA, Capt. S. Leitch. St lA. inner barldins.) These vowels carry a clear white tient as meet-head ; green on starboard brow; red on port bow. AMR RIGA. oAnley,_leaves Boston. Wednesday, Mar. d AUSTRALASI AN. . " N. York, Wednesday, Mar. U NIAGARA, Moodte, " _Boston, Wednesday, Mar. PO ARABIA, Stone. " N. York. Wednesday, Mar Si , CANADA, t edema," itoston, 4W ednesday , April 3 ? AFRICA. Shannon. " Si ork, edussuay. April 10 DROP!" Cook, •• Dorton. Wednesday. April 17 PF RBI A , Junius, " paid rk.Wednesday. April 24 B-rthe not secured untifor. An experieno d Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be atioountable for Gold. Silver, tadlion,Speole, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are stilled therefor, and the• value thereof therein expressed. For freight or to ardr app ly t • N. mini RO. 4 Bowling Green, New York. • • " MIURA ROUTE.— ritit.mmunut AND Ele htiktA 'ROAD. ID , , ROUTE hi 'Tamaqua, Catgerwea,_Re. pe Wilkeebarre,Boraziton 'Llanvill !Citron W. 1.- liameeort_ Term Relutes, ento's, tram *Ural& Messrs Fella, Rochester, Cleveland . strai t Made. Maces°, At Lorne. Milwaukee. and all points orth Sad Wert. ClarEar trains will leave th e new Deno ` of the Phi fasit t°l3 4 figt.A 4 P. A... 67, 1="0T, "Don Je l t krwlull street.) daily (ttandayi esoeptod), for above "mi t A I VITY4FIL-.-.-r.,-",',., , •••••...-..0.a rula hAr,..._.,..,-,-..e.00f: 111 be, Lm A. M. train connects et rt fcrr Lee • Patton Berantirta r eta o •f t n 1 t berm _ .._ CU CRAWANNA AND B Rtr L O r el - e above trams make ireet c.ortritiostal rs wt trains of the New oriLand , , algae .1 3141110 lama Fat arid Thalfalo, - trev o an K116.11/110 York Cen tr al Railroads, from el points North and Besiege oheokoa to Elmint, Buffalo, and assmobsioe Bridge, and ell I:.# ennmliate solace. ;rote oan be . rooared at the -Philadelethe. and LI Railroad Lt r ' 'e T. et ( if 'e. northwest corner of TH and CA LIN ' Ittml, - and_at treseeger v t Depot, 0011:219T 0 • CHB Et.• mid ut u wpa., THROW E EBB F El ( ni TRAI N Leave the Phil thalelna and Reading Depot. armed awl Cillawhill etre ' te 11l lly (Sundays excepted), for a Pointe Warta . Drift at IF. , Fretants ma. delivered before I P. N. is IfillarS their ggtriEhe i ems its . For er info • : wift at Freight Depot, TRIRT rit and C 0 # WM/4h or to CllAlk,ll._ /1 'EN.JjantiAlrient, Rertawaell owner RIX Sae lOR aele--tr 3.{ll=tie 4ortk t[s4 Suubury MI Gala I. I. NOTIOE.—OHNSTER VALLEY' RAILROAD.—PAO - TRAI 8 OR DOWNINEPTOWN R IND IN TERAIRDIATE SDATIONS.—On a n d. after ny, the Paareuger .Trains for' DOWPIF TOWN will start from the new Passenger floret. of the Fiala rZtika and D f i gL a rCAV l k a l l l L irt rlAZtrr y, " n i slel r de VeldilgerErii for Downingtown leaves at 8.00 A. Pd. AFTFRISOON TRAIN for DointinatoWn leaVes at BAlLTltenidette eneestedi. By order of the Board of Managers or the Philadel phia and Reading AttikolidgolasjWitt: - • ant —•- - W. H. , Rten.tausterfiNtarstitlY. , " ititAlltriVOLMHT I. RIB TO NOJUrOLK AND The bine via , 19140r4 et, Vit., will bettuuroatinued An' the resent. Line will oke thepleee_et-Wer WWY. Belthleerev_ sent PAMITZEL'II WerelionseilS24llAVAß , Street. will berterearded with deartteb.wod etas low rotten by any ether Lute. N. F. ILESSIE v et 11 , CT' IrradiMirigtig• inimmEWEST.CLHASTI3 'maNsPENAWc z it MLA VAt • OAD, leave d. pot 4 corner Ewe. y M VIITEIV. at LAD ISM P. M . s 4 TIF PIIILADZLPHIA Ta R RA-COTT A WORKS. !Moe and Ware Roommil 010 CHESTNUT Street. ornamental CP limey Topa. eanien Vilma and Statuary. Utmost° Flogriug Ttle. arehitso ural Ornament.. ITSPRAZ d i.7. 9 a z • N4 1 1%. 'Amon , maned De aln rate. Water ripe. warranted w stand measure. cheap and durable. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. Illustrated I.'latalurlasaast by Meal on applostion by letter. S.. EIARRISON. APIR C/4 EIPTI,VT iptreet. MUD,' Lit- I-TX Molt ; &e."—adrieribla Mu. Noa. l iit s jihad Mack ow. hygo.inedisni. eg g maall. in amorara laeketes of choir* late-osasht BA. &000 bide. New Rah Eastport. sad Labrador Net news. otehoirrewaslities.. 1200 boxes earn maw swami Warring& 11.000 boa= extra new 5101 Ile MOD boxes bore nine He= 100 bbls.iffselansa hire Fish, BO Jr.enreir am bless 25 bbis. new Bali 1.& OD. 1021) Quintals Gread Nana Codfish. 200 boxes Herkner-oounty Cheese. La stare and landing, ammo " • • NU & N g NNAIro-RAL _ ,_ , PIiSUROPNRUMORIA, OR OATTLR .11PID4MID.. - ._ ) • ' ' r " CATZL D i jWs l e% i ft s begx Dew varied Zs el his. r Also" medicines for all kiwi f ' t das= in &mei._ • '” EE WARILANTED. OIL siOnit: Wgril iLD WARKS.DITAD, Cit - MOND , wA.R.RANTRp, on. mos UN 2 ; g WARRANTED. Og MOD 113,144 • irds-ephoW3re . .. : , SUEILL NOTIO.E.-81IIP.PEBS WILL _Pleb* bike kk otitis that the -Booth .CiOntiitalL Co. bore: tliedentimited forwarding ati thmagh freight. nd thAtBil goodie fehnerly soneigned to them mast now be °enslaved to'!" lity wheel. • Mean. T. is. T. fortes:lli en geode to their address. • •A: & Po No 32a North INNAKVEa, attAVE-AONSB URA?? M 7 ittookor env. oftnw ant ti to be sold at vary redimd Mama Pleaeq i ex amine , :before ettratuuang snowball*, at Ater of feWSM: A. w 1,..4 • . RADAR A. Items, bo. : at. VHBDAUK._ollBditt_.«..e... - . fat nib Isy Jan 4 mad CTION. r i nra l MMMa By order of the BortrUf hlepegers. mhl4-Im W. R. aardt.RbNNEY. &W 7. SNIPPING. imam Ns* 'oar. TO tivnkpoi. . Chief Cabin Pearage---- &Gond Cabin Pa/ware___. PROM HORTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief RAILROAD LINES. .i!ikll7t 4 , 4A!4 , BY AUCTION NI THOMAS it FATNS. IT -is • Nos. IZIO end 141 NouN' 749e.11,, (Tomcat,' Nos. ed,ii,d ; THE NEAT MODERN ftEtirDNcji . 1 , 4 Fifteenth street, will he held et priTatis sale 891 11 , dam at a moderate 'nee._ 5 sno STOCK AND Ebel, -411'M tiAidge AA' THE !' EXCHANGE EVERY 1 up , " rlonabiLlp a each property iaelled 1repa,,,..4}. . ad ill or tg tZirbleh We publish, on the Berard — lt it ape thoneand eatcog..,,, unre or r f tC t'r i i thrTaldu iteeoripttons of all th e proprrblo nol ofify llTcr 4 7lPtetde , Y. ... kg3c h. AT PRIVATe 't - Y to Bf.LE se we cr ial fret }live egn o oon , or real estate at . sale, including erVeti_.:lti nytion or car and gin', property. Pirated Ilemi . ~- ' .......,15 Ivo at the eUteri PRIVATE IMA:A ,REGIATER. - p pltem Real estate onto. red on 0 - Nfritite ac e re ., and odvertiod onefunonolir in nu. .1 0 ; 1 5lio eels sbje t ilt, ca wbioh one thoueand copies are meit,,, t t . reet c mlilr., tree of charge. YBILATItet , PHIA. TR DE SALE TV P , SDAY, APRILO, teat. - The recital' Philadelphia Trade Sale of Bulk 4 01 91861, instead of M nom* elates. Statiory. &a, 4fte Tuesday morning. aro 10,4 formerly muumuu:led. REAL ESTATE SALT-.APRIL TWO-BTORY a nd CK Pate're between 'twelfth Thirteenth, ate 3..tuth ol i l4 - 1? illetori street, Bsooed ward, LOTS Poe 376 and an, sectron Plon them c eme. IIiKEE.STORY BRlR%DWirtd,fNg, g ei street, north of Carpenter street, Fast ware, " 44 % Sale id Neg. 130 and 141 South Fourth Ptreat BUFErtiott FURNITURE, FRENota- t LA BURS, ?LUSO- PORT E 188EIA Celt? On Thursday Morning. Ell At 0 elelrtek. at the Auction store, an elenthnt excei m ier rr t o tt r enti a - rve hen ts d , f e u t r . n . t , tu f r r e oin ele t eag : i p e s lap" ; f o n n t,l 4 l fine housekeeping, removed to the store for coov es 444 nn itc ce . c! Also, superior drum furniture, viz t a ll" , Ita. '-, FURNITURP Nil Aleo, a dock of Walnut an mahogany cabi net Ihrre.. BripEßliiit term 64 F a l 41 ' Nfa" ORTE. BACtATELLt; 9. ( dts, sT.B A t s t VieletE, OS tie 7, aOS 34 1/ 5, BEDS lk eal/Mat CARPETS. &c. CARD .—Our sSle ilk-morrow mornme. m the Au.' 'Stirs writ comprise. besidas ISO lots of exedlantaau''"'d band furniture, stook of Vabitit and manorial' a°. furniture, pianoforte, TOSOW melode on , t tourers. bagatelle table, balls And amp., ding(' g t am engine, beds and bedthOZ. clon e aid ware. Brifeasta aureate, &m., forming an stirecejr• sortment, writthy the attention of Missend nth, ri r t : • sirens el entrahaelre. A GF. o,,, , ploguatt lie* ready and the artlcks xrra n 10. for examination. &se. a small steam amine. Also, 6 llegatelle table balls and Cur, co .arle 5322133 Areignee's Sale. STANDARD. VAL II . LYLE. AND eLEGkirr 80011, On Thursday and :'rider Evenings, March Si and Z. salt be sold, by order 0 1 aY novel, , as ortment of valusb4 sad InterilYl mom mato t , them fillet London etlitnine. in elegem Wilm a " . * OFF t T.BIUPRII ,n B :: vj3Gngg he At 8 o'clock on 1 7 71 day evening. 4 8.4. blee slips ehow-oYea, dohs. elegant book ;vie, zugh to order by Lejambre. SALE AT THE H. S. ARSENAL—NEAT hatm t HOLD FURNITUIts, iientitoßs, BRUSSELS CARPETS: • On Friday Morning. 29th Mat ,at RI o'eloak. at the ••• menet, tear e rs . 1 ferry. the neat household franiture. Diatom, ee tn { l, Atiso the Kitchen lurniture atd stens& ir mei be clammed on the mender of nue, all o'clock. lOW The Sprung and Pine street elm smug ev e " Gh minutes. LT Obits Fourth Role at the Girard Ho use , EAR-ROOM. FIXTUltne, CHANBELIEIt. FOUlitarrl, F lig PIJA TED WARE, ton qaturday Morning, SClth irist.. 10 o'clock, at the guard Roase.C4 l ,, nut 'tree, bel• w Ninth event, the her fstwe i , 40 ' OoMpritlng steam table, with marble top had nioai dishes ; oyster • ar, with marble top;She casino. and fixtures, fine pitted soda water nnetnin, la n e sg pla_ted punch bowl, ice Water pitcher/ mop Law n ; aniree urn, large chaffing cat ghint smitten, large ouant)ty, of preserved pie onontity ntnaka annpreeerve Jars, superior °Moe Ostia ao lir Map to examined on the day titling tat ni t , Rath cats Sale for Amon:a of the United State', OF DANIAT CLOTtilm:. •fFI HEAD, 07ER. gOATS. MRS, WOOl,, COTTON, AND LAL THER COT ING.a. On Saturday Morning. _ . W N'l, at 10-o'olook. at the Auction itcoma.lle Th• dn, l bine th. •,ad, No ; lb. de.,No. 19 4100 white and brown do., No 30 ; OS the onmeoa ,Aor. 40; 900 The blue ointon and wool cuttings; I gin ton • 600 ?he dark kereeyn ,• Thu canteen ; 200 lb@ 614 ram% 460 the tent ; 1,000 Ths sole btather : 371 crest anti ; 616 fatigue jaoSete • 166 coats: 114 loins trouser.; p pairs stwkinrs ; Se Pin .kets ; 366 owl Weser, lie imaged clothing, military equipments, &" nrr For parttoulars nee catalogues. FIFTH SALE, AT THE OMAR D HOUSE ? SHERI N STREET. SUPERIOR CHAMBER. FURNITURE CARPETS. &0.. Ego. On Tuesday eiorning. April 2. at 10 &moos, by catalogue , at the oirt% House, Ctisstont street. below Ninth, the own ohsmber turniture. me-tiding rosewood anti 'salon hq• steads, dreaming bureaus, wastananos wardrotst.fis Mir and spring rn%Ltresses feather bees, &O. CIHPEreI, Oa. OTHI, Ao. A large quantity of fine Brunel, velvet, and Imperil corpora oil cloths, &o a IS'', 20 MAUI Of walnut and mahogany cottage fem. tors. LP May be examined the day previous to Waken 9 to 3 o'clock. Rale No. 723 Pole Street. SUPPRIOR PUoIIIT Kb, lABOE, MIR ROI, YINA OM PAINTINGS. TAYzaTitY GARvi.D. &a. On Wednesday Morning. A pill 3, at ID ci'olook i , at 110.7Z3 Pine street. hl cat Josue, the entire furniture of a gentleman deelost; housekeeping. cornetts ng rosewood drawingrow turn tyre. !opener dining room mat ol , amber fins• lure large fine French-plate mantoi and pier minor,' fine original oil writings elegant tepee , r 7 sod Brut eels carpets. aro. tho ' lntonen furniture. Sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the imams of the Bale. • - - dministrator's Peremptory Fee, CANAL NUation Nivia, Will be sold. On Wednesday April 3. At 5 o'olnalr, P. ,at WI. L Ald- AI ISI . REET WHARF. RleVeUtill. Without raltal7o, AD undivided fourth pinto:7lo6omi. 84lioonerJAMINI es, 190 tons burden ; 1110 . 101011 90 'eat keel, 17,6 feet be an, an a feet hold ; to' en?. with all her ferniture. venue , . arc-ion s. tidily . &o. The sesael is in good sa ling order, hamot lately titled out with a new aud of mule She in, . examined at William-street wharf, Richmond, tv. tile day of sale. Terms—Cash. 8R1) to be paid at the time of at. Sa.e absolute. - $l9O - 75 ar I !I? REAL ESTATE EIALE.-APRIL thrDhans' Court dale—EAtate of A. O. Query' &sated. LIT&to EV-STORY BRICK DWELLINfit AND TW , OF 0 ROO r• D Washington street, 405 t OrBral : sun strop, • ell.oond ward. t3eme Estate A .FRAMV. MEPSUAGF.. SAKE. gisLOSE AND LOT FOROUN. east side of Port stmt. south of Tandr street, Twelfth ward. ELEOAN COU ..T RY BEAT, ab 04 sores C. 1••••. l•i•h suEarbor nei..n nod oth•r fire-01 , •• Im PrOVSMenti Wambiunon two abo mile teat of tbt old York Mei. and about h mtu Dom Jenturteer Tve ittottl• n is a very desirable one, and the 440000 hands' weir laid out VALO .ALDING LOT. N. F., sotner of ilf booth and Coates street, 40 by 70 feet. CARD.—Bale at No. IUI Chadian Street FIRST-OLABI3 OIIGcNA UIL * • MTV , ..BAR'. lD V eLUAlibit EN GRA VINGZSTATrErin ir MAR rrtrE AND B►UNZE A ricj,Esti 9. OUTIKELE AND VERTU. ENO with th* tut ti ELEGAN r AND COSTLY HOUSLFI I P.lOl TU RE. r 4 P. 1111 OH REITN UT htreet. Will be sold on the 17th Ala% Kr Panto tars in cettalognea. ll'he house re to let. possession 18th 4 Also, to be sold. Pew. No. 43 Bt. Luke's Charon. MOBES NATHANB, A U TIONE F, AND COJIMINBION hiNACHANT, !Nuked sorner of ai7CT and R.&GE Btreeta. NAThit NB' GREAT KALE OF FORFEIIkI/001 5 OVER 3.000 LOTel OF VALUABLE FORFEITED AR 11,:l.F:1 1, 1000hursday Norma,. March 28. at clock. at Moses Diathans'Anetla noose. egos. lee and lo? North Bixth sirrehadjoisiti the se nthebet corner of Bigth and Bane stratitelogrA ilig of - DIAMONFB. GOLD AND SILVER WATCBV. GOLD CHA NO. FINK GOLD J. Wridi Y. ke. Being from NathaLs' Principal rstablittimest. Every article will positively be sold, without the leer reserve. viz.: 3darnificent magic case, hunting-etas, deubleasd and doable-bottom 18 carat not sok, bneti.h rit tt lever watohes, extra tail 4ewelled, and of the sum .. ; atojproirid and best makers; superior hunting -WI 'D ome-face 18 carat full Jewelled detached NINO led warehag, the most of them full 13 jewels, and of the ten makers; superior hunti• Ir• case and open-fate hers' watches. 18 tiaras fine gold and full Jewelled cf IM most-approved makers floe gola doves, Swiss, and French w atches; hunting woe. don rc peae ant double-bottom lei:qtrsh patent lever vetoes. bn helevi silver mines, extra full isTelled and of tit est and most approved makers; sliver &MOMS* tent ever and leptne watch's, ext a fall of the vers best makers; silver Eng , ish Freed. se Swiss wet hes of every variety and kind; Morel finger-rings and breast pins brilliant. of the 4 , 11_7 1 ' ter • fine void finger-rings, seal-rings. breatt*P 2 : brooches. pencil oases and pens, bracelets, Mies p! seta, 'Teem:ilea eve glasses ; silver spectacles; .1 4 gold vet, neoir. fob, and chatelaine obelus; and sleeve bettors; silver pencil-oases; neaklaidli gold seals, keys, charms, and Jewelri of ovor7 gr ' r gold The attention of watch-makers, jewellers , ael"' and private purchasers is respectfully invited 10111 extensive sale, it Wine the largest and beet &aortae•+ of rocas ever tiered at pnblio auction, and evert Pm Me offered will positively be sold, without the leas es' serve whatever. there - ore great bargains can be hid. 11167. The goo ds will be or..a for examination the del previous, and on the morning of tMOBEBh- sale M FITZPATRICK BROM. A 111' ALA.* TIONBERP, 604 O.IIESTRUT Mtrt at, Ow BALES IivARV EVENING, At 7 &slack, of Doses, etationery end tenor gr:,..; wetebes, prows. cloaks, Liver plated war*, CE"'" paintings, zipiszoal instraiMeiith &o. Al7O, 71110775 dig Geode, hoots and shoes, end 7.1 1 ebaseAre o every esorlptioni DAY GANES every Monfty, Wednesday, day et o'clock A. M. PSJITATE BALM. At private sale several Large consignments oily:at* jewelry, books, stationery, tolver7plated Ware, °tio, fancy goose, too. To which is solicited the attettlat 6 city and oenntry merchants ande_rs. Comdgnments solicited of an mail of maressabs for either public or private males. YIP Liberal coah advances mode on consignmotti. Out-door Wee eronintl. attended to. PENN STRAII ENGINE ASD jp su, BOILER WOR REAFIE & LE''' . T Y Wr i f . 1 Tim CIAL sr • .BLAwcsbafit. and ' , ' D ''. . , haMit te r many ream °e e l rt enowiedlepoyagop exohuovely tom L ,., tai and repairing Blame and River Entir , "• 4 ' . ' Sad low preorartioron Boats, Water Tenn. emcee; kg., &a. t reepeotrally o ff er their aerv.oce to the P'•`':' as beintir rimexed to oantrant for Engler' 4) , ~. MM. _ _. xiver and. Dialavem , Kevin IC'S: differelit Wow. aro peewee to tree ~.... = 1 ,1 21 1h wolok despatch. Every demoription ofrv, l l;.j insinad ‘ e at the shortest notice, Sigh log rd. ... , Fine, TubaLar. mid Cylinder 8011efe0;,,,, EiliiiiinapraMA oluwooal uon. fforgi ore, m , ' . o n, Ed u llgti iron Oran! Cleetinge t or ?II dosory _ holLed with &VI:;C basin sng , end all e.her wo . ..... "TIM I S " 110001,0oWeinOr all work arm At , Mr: lota t free o charge, and work -usroah/- 1 pary:WrZie.rbh.raf'°ltan":, l 4,ll._Zati;° , fo Wee are provided with 'hearth block,. r& 1 4 " " ter redoing heavy or light weittag. JACOB O. REAFIL. /ORR P. LEVY , MAORI and PALMER auto. --- IiVAIIIMAIII lIMUSICK, /OEM S. COI. WILLWt 31. 1111WIMICK. ISAIMST NOW! gOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTR AND WASHINGTON STRNS7II. ALERRICH 41 BONS, .ENGIN SERB AND MACH ,N , r , e , Hanufaotare High and . Low Nomura Steam fat , tor Lewd, ver, sad min i , e , toC t Boilers. Geaometers, Tana,iron Boats, k • ings of all hands, either iion p_r! braes. iron Frame Roo& for um Workw, Workftterf. road Station'. &o. Xetorts and this Menbigery o f th e ham wad twog Droved oonatmenon. ooh hyery desernitton i eLprition Rum. Raw. and t Vaenum Steam Trains. Defamatory, Filters, Pumping FaF ik to. le Agent' for N. Rittman's Patent Mao • — ,l Ansaratas NeamTtnts Patent .team 8 mar b egat Raman & Wobey " Patent Centrifugal Sagsr 5 '105.1 Mallehine itIIIMOUNT MACHINE WORKS, fil WOOD St.. betwnen.Twentrfiret 364 4 , 0 , 93. kaftaltahou _The undexaignea, ettooesaor to the latta firm of fz . t WOOD Ina heretofore. nrtisurotch, th e t r i g i r i m n a t i are s gel itei .115asintSile*deirs. Lard thl Froli cs ' Sh Thatt ith i erg r ailaohine work in general.... ff - tit . 0 ,1 1 0 satiananot. of thefirtZllswenite_tailrrigillen°l fir• TuOblafi nitn lelphia. Jan. n. 18D. -6" --- , No 9 '' FOLNT PLEASANT FOUNDRY , ,-,,,: 'slum strpet,ireneingto..Philadevfne•- , MANI H. Taxm ialorm hes (mods Wisp i'f 3 r - `i,i sherd the entire stook of Patterns at rho *WI - . .3 s. 0 /11P SCOW Pre!Pftret !: reioetreordere ior,' c o . sort_Slow Mill , tillP. BOBO; 4341 " ra 1•1r; . Mr°lll "Wine Outings Dome k , WONT OF AlllllllOlllll. to dry or moo mu- pRivY wzma—owNEßs OF Ve1:1 JR- PERT Y—The Only place. Jo rfi r i gleipsad msd disidibted 'hut ' she -1m• r.TO : 11+1:4 :AarAo ID) :(004