The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 21, 1861, Image 3
Philadelphia Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. FIRST DAY. The Annual Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church assembled yesterday morning, at the Union Church (Rev A. Cookman'a), Fourth street, below Aroh at 9 o'cicck, Rev E S Janes in the chair. Nearly the whole number of delegates, comprising some two hundred and fifty members, were present. The galleries of the church were almost raielettively warted by ladies. The territory covered by this Conference in cludes that part of Pennsylvania east of the Sue• qualianna river and south of the Blue Mountains; the State of Delaware, and that part of the State of Maryland lying east of the Chesapeake Bay. Thus it will be seen that north and south of Mason cud Dixon i e line Is represented ; and this will no doubt give interest and variety to the proceedings of this body. to these secessionary and resole tionary times it can scarcely be expected that the church embracing free and slave territory should escape the excitement of the world around it. Rev Bishop Janes opened the Conference by the reading of lessons from the Psalms and fourth chap ter of 2d Corinthians, and the singing of the 777th hymn " And are Ire 7elt And see each other's face," &0., followed by prayer by the Bishop . The sacrament of the Holy Communioii was then administered to the clergy and laity present. This was a scene of deep interest It was closed by the timbal prayers, read by Rev_ Henry Conelsser_ The Bishop thenuddreeeed the Conference. The mastery of the last session, Rev. R. H. Pattison, called the roll of members. Rev. It H. Pattison was elected secretary of the present session. George . W. Lybrand, A. Higgins, and J. T, Gracey, were appointed assistants. Eight and abaft o'clock was selected as the hour of meeting each day, and twelve as the boar of ad journment. The stewards of the last Conference were reap- pointed for the present session. A committee to superintend public worship during the session was appointed. ae fellows : A. Cookman, G. D. Carrow, W. C. Robinson, J. B. McCullough. and J. Castle. The usual standing committees were appointed. George W Lybrand, W. J. Paxson, E. J. D. Pepper, H. S Thompson, A. T. retort, and W. J. Stevenson were appointed a committee to prepare the minutes for publication. On motion of Rev Dr. Quigley and Rev. P. Coombe, a committee of thirteen was ordered on the state of the Church, to be selected by the chair. The Presiding Elders were appointed a Com mime en Missions Rules for the government of the Conference were adopted. The Bishop then called the names of thoee mina ten who have been one year upon trial in the Con ference The Committee on Examination reported, and the Presiding Elders represented favorably the following. and they were continued : Randolph Craig, Isaac Meat, Theodore Stevens, David 0. Hudson, Nicholas M. Brown, and Jacob 0. Sypherd. Thomas L Jones wag discontinued at his own request. The following were also continued : Theoplillua L Tomkinson. William h Pugh. A court of eleven members was ordered to try the appeal of William Williams from the decision of the Quarterly Conference of Bedding Church. Philadelphia. A similar court of eleven was ordered to try the appeal of R. Shields from the decision of the Quarterly Conference of Salem Church, Philadel phia. The Chair announced the following standing oommittece Sunday School Cammettee—Ll. E. Gilroy, W. ill'Coomba, J. R. Andrew, J. S. Cook, E. Miller, . Dyson. Education Committee—J. B. Merritt, C. Cook, 'W H. Brisbane, A. W- Milby, W. Bishop, T. Cunningham. F171471e8 COennlitrae—W. C. Robinson, J. R. Meredith, S. W Thomas, W. J. Paine, L. D. (McClintock, J Bough. On Tract Cause—J A. Massey, J. Dickerson, pi F Bern J. W. Neel:obey, D. L. Patterson, Pi D Kurtz 1 On General &oat:les—B. S Thompson, Abel 1./reward, William Major, W. M. Ridgway, B. T. pardner, J- T Graeey.. i On lilissionarN &anti; es—Osage A. Ph rebus, W. B. Wilton, J. A. Brindle, W. M. Dalrymple, 3. G. Rare. On Bible Cause—Wm Barnes, J. D Curtis, A. W. it McCarter, F. Moore, G. W. Mu llin. Illesnoirl—B P. Price, C. F. Turner. Pmperaneo—Neggril f, Flinery, V, Ony, Rink, P. J. ?or, Wzn. Merrill, J. H. Ligbt- . committee of irquiry was appointed on• the eof Wm. W. Wheaton—Bees. Joseph Castle, D. Carrow, and H. E. Gilroy, were appointed. The Ball of the stewards was made the order for o'clock this morning. the time having been extended, the Conference inmost at 12t - o'clock, with the benediction, by Bey. Dr. Hodgson. yens.-Poi ix .A RAILROAD ()AIL—WC ve obtained the following version of an incident . sh happened on Monday In a passenger rail. oar. .t was the afternoon of that day of shifting tern• shire and sky, and at the hour when ladies to congregate on Eighth and upon Cheat. !treats to shop and to promenade. The as oonsequently crowded. It was a yellow rhich ran eastwardly, upon a certain avenue toable track, and the conductor was a band man, whore neck-tie and bosam were 'not delicately kept than hill car. this eventful day, an ancient physician, senses were keenly acute, leaned in a corner oar upon a gold headed cane lie was one eta benefactors of his kind who bad under & long familiarity with deaths and patients ; at he instinctively sniffed—or se Pickwick have le, ;• eoitiled " the air. Ile was a ape health gauge in this respect, and his cape •gacity at detecting foul airs, infectious pur 1, and supposed pi:nineteen, caused him at di Ames, to pass for a Reporter—inasmuch as be pi contrived to get up sensations,. cording to custom, therefore, Dr. --- bad Grated but a moment when he began to " lie drew one breath, and immediately ted his eyes; a mond breath, his mouth was as; eta third. he looked bard at the oondne and vociferated, in a tone of great indigna- Conductor, there's smell-pox in this car— •ii it!" ere was involuntary consternatian_ A mi lady, in inatf-colored bonnet, attempted to bat recollected herself, shine there was no to seise her. A. little woman. with a pale, as face. looked ones at an infant on her and bounced for the door A boy, with a, suddenly swept toward the platform ; and ,e ladies, Midtllo-aged and handsome, with a sassed scream, shouted that they were to be cat!" whole oar was vacated, except two little who didn't know what it meant, and a veiled in, whe eat bolt upright in a corner. that the Doctor walked, with a stern, deter. I eye. Re lifted the veil from bar face she it resist. abashed oonductor peeped beneath the ; the livid, purple scare were Still unhealed; mean was contagion itself. the same spirit of silent yielding, she low. her head, dropped her veil, and left the ve. ancient " sniffier" looked not unlike en t mariner, 'wins the couplet upon his lips: Was Death her crew. and were there two? Wee Damn that woman's mate ?" ..a.mnym a Summate —Fox CILABR. nemplated, some weeks ago, a review of tmerous suburban villages located in the 'ri ot Philadeiphla. A friends sends na the ing cbaracteristio account of Fox Chase, a tat village upon Second street, within the of the consolidated city 'pleasant village is situated in the Twenty ward, Philadelphia, on the Second street Ike, about seven miles from the city. Daring 'ears after it received the appellation of a s." it did not improve, but within the last ix years it has been looking upward in the and probably now numbing 300 inhabitants. , in the village two store!, doing a good Ind well supplied with good and cheap two hotels, with obliging landlords and :commodations ; two blacksmiths whose ■re heard early and late; two butch ith five carte to serve their Meat; issons, with six to eight journeymen, aee carpenters, with about fifteen hands, to erect new buildings or repair old ones; °makers, with five or six hands employed tbinet-maker, one mill-wright, one wheel '• and earriago-maker, one saddler and trim me one tailor, a celebrated manufactory, and a turnitg and hame esta- Int—all of which are doing a good business. is a large two-story public school-bonne, we teachers, and averaging about one bun 1911a, where, under the inetrnetion of the ineipal, Mr. Charles A Singer, the youth Ail to make good progress in their studies; physiotans, to take charge of the health ununity. To the turning establishment, run byoteam, the proprietor contem n:meeting two run of atones, for grinding d feed The village is connected :with iphia by a turnpike road, and with Frank the old plank-road, now tornpiked. The er railway from this place to connect with inkford and Southwark road, will be bullt ling summer, as the first instalment bee d and the rails pertly hauled. This will titisens within an beer's ride of Plsiladel :Were is a daily mail to this place from , and two Mee of stages ore direct to and to city. daily, and the other to Frankford day. There are many handsome building lthin a abort distance of the village, upon - which ornamental and substantial edifices can areetad by citizens for summer real There le not a church of any denomina the place, bat the Baptiste, Methodists, and aliens Dave each a church with:33 a reasons - tame, yet we have often wondered that bevoien perataa have not erected a church 'ox Chace ere We time, INBANB AT TAB ALASHOUtiE. —The extent at the Maebouse devoted to the urea Menne has long been too much crowded tit of carrying out fully the benevolent MIS of these who have charge of these old unfortunate individuals; but still lee been don; At during 1860, of the 272 who weer, in the hoepitel on the drat of V. 1860, 33, or 12 per eent. were disohar . ged ." and improved, while of the 187 admitted 1860. (among whom were many chronic ''. 59, or 311 per cent.. were discharged cured nproved. Of the 167 men who were the tat on the first of the year, only 5, or in 3 per were diicharged, while of the 132 who were' . ted during the year. 18 or 131 per cent., I ischargea owed. In reference to use testi- tile Board say that it would no doubt be tine ry to the tat-payers of the city tot at the don a first-close footing The nth can to pay high prices for treatment in in. aced or private institutions ; but the great inq clam of the community, and those who newly poor or depraved, cannot pay the charged le matt beepitale, and the rend the age will not allow the insane of thine f the community , to suffer for the want of treatment even If the safety of the column id not require provision to be mate for them Rog to an estimate, the oast, to the city, of 'Wag the benne poor Is meetly 5100 a year it is therefore a matter of $lOO a year gain city for every cure that is made, and of the amount of toes for every cue that homer e and a permanent pnblie burden Of the Dumber treated leet year, thollo Of font') ‘t6 81 .7 Predominated, about 40 per cent of le nnm bee being natives of Ireland ; nearly mt. were natives of Oermanir, arid the a mt. of foreign birth was 6214 while thole 'an birth amounted to 351 per Gent. • Taa G E am & N 110SITILV.—="11118 corpora tion was chartered by lbe Legialature at the see- Ilion of 1860. The Board of Managers hams, within a few days past, purchased a property la the northern part of the city, with buildings erected thereon. admirably adapted to the immediate wants of the Hospital, which will enable them to proceed without delay, and ate little expense in fitting up and preparing the establiabment for Im mediate ocunpanoy. The ground and buildings are sitaated on Penn Brook Farm, the estate of Mrs. Norris, in the Twenty drat ward, fronting on Nineteenth:Twentieth. and Lancaster streets, and corers an area of nearly four acres. The property was purchased for $20,000, and will be taken pos. Nation of on the first of April. " THE PROTERTA.NT EXCEfANar."—We call attention to an advertisement under this head in our columns. They supply all kinds of help for either men or women. All persona sent from this office are recommended by some one of the Execu tive Board. In the city of Dublin, such an insti tution hal existed for more than sixty years, and has worked admirably for employers and employed. No housekeeper especially, but has felt the need of some concerted plan to supply the proper kind of help. Farmers, merchants, meinefaeturers; in fact, any one desiring workmen or assistants, may be oonfident that, as far as is possible, the best will be sent to them. HAND COT OFF.—A man ;tamed Hugh Hagan, of Moore's Station, New Jereey, had a por tion of hie hand cut off, on Tuesday, by a thresh log machine. He was brought to this city and ad mitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Oun readers should not forget that Pev Henry Ward Beecher lectures, to night, at Con oert Hall. Subjeot--" The Hive and its Honey." LEGAL INTELLIGENCE SUPREIdII CotruT—Chief Justice Lowlie, and Justices Woodward. Thompson, and Strong. M. Hale ,Tones vs. Davis' Ezeoutors. Error to Common Pleas of Northampton county. Argued by M H. Jones, Hog , for pontiff in error, and H. D Maxwell for defendant in error. Carbon Iron Company vs. The County of Carbon. Error to the Common Pleae of Carbon county. Ar gued by W M. Dimmick for plaintiff in error, and by II B: Burnham for defendant in error. Samuel J. Berger, plaintiff in error, vs. Thomas Small, at. al , defendants in error. Argued by Mesera. Reeder and Green for plaintiffs, and by Charles and Max Goepp, J. G. Shipman, of New Jersey, and R. D Maxwell for defendants QUABTSB BESSION3 Judge Ludlow.-- Ezekiel Oade was put on trial, charged with mak ing dies for counterfeit money. The defence was that the principal witness bad asserted her inters. tion to do everything in her power to get the m oused in prison. Jury out. Joseph R. Flanigan, the proprietor of the Deady News, was put on trial, charged with libel in hay ing published a local item defaming the character of Vito Vitt The Miele in question professed to be a statement of the doings of a meeting of Je suits at a restaurant in Third street, and the whole party, including Mr VW, whose name alone was mentioned, were accused of gross Immorality. The publication was proven by the admission of Mr. Flanigen, at the primary hearing, when at the same time he stated his regret at the publica tion, and that It was inserted without his -know ledge. The defence alleged that as Mr. Flanigan con fined himself to the editorial department, he knew nothing of the publication of this local item Mr. Charles C. Wilson, the local reporter of the Daley News, was called to the stand, for the purpose of proving that Mr. Flanigan had no knowledge of the item until after he aim it to the paper, and then he expressed his regret. The court, how• ever, ruled this out as not evidence, as the de. fondant was responsible for the sots of his agents. This was the only testimony submitted by the de fence, and the case wee argued by Daniel Dough erty and Ed. Shippen, Erq„ for the prosecution, and Charles Gilpin, Efq-, for the defence. The argument was not concluded at the adjournment of the court. LONDON-FIR/O.—With reference to the 1.056 fires which occurred in London last year Mr. Bad delay, C.E • who hae devoted great attention to the subject, classifies the canoes as follows; Un foreseen, and for the most part unavoidable mei dente, 4 ; apparel Ignited on the person (in each .oeee attended with fatal results), 5; lights thrown down areas, 6; accidents with can dles, 121; ignited bed•ourtains, 74; ditto, window curtains, 25; carelessness, 7; roasting of chicory, _1 ; children playing with fire and candles, 12; ditto with gunpowder, 1; ditto with leelfer matches, 0 ; unextingnished oindere, 11 ; hot coke, 2 ; burning of cork, 2 ; improperly set coppers, 2 ; copper flues, 9 ; fire vette, 79 ; sparks from low motives, 3; defective fire-pla ee, 3; letting off fireworks, 2; blooked-up flues, 10 ; defective and overheated ditto, 38 ; font and ignited ditto, 21; hot air ditto, 3; friction 1; frying fish, 1; ineatt tines fumigation, 1; funtacee, 17; oareleesnese in lighting gal, 13 ; escaped gas from defective fit. tinge, 39 ; ditto from street mains, 1 ; gee burning too high, or in contact with inflammable goods, 41; carelessness of gasfittisre, 4; defective heertha, 3 ; fires made on hearths, 5 ; hot plates and flues, 5; intoxioation, (in four cartes attended with final 11- suite), 19; overheated kilns, 5; oil lamp. 6; naphttlia lampe, 2; melting of Teed, 1; lighted paper thrown about, 7 ; slaking of lime, 4; linen drying or airing before fires, (in one iestanoe upset by a oat), 45 ; accidental ignition of luoifer matches, 3; lnoifer match-making, 3; incautious use of inciter matches, 9; boiling of oil, 3; deice. live and overheated ovens, 3; hearing of pitch and tar, 9 ; upsetting of paraffin oil, 1; reading in in bed, 1; ignition of loose ahavinga, 37 ; smoking bacon, 1; drawing off spirits, 2; spontaneous ignition of asphalt sheathing. 1; ditto of oolored fire, 1; ditto of bay, 3 • ditto of wet hemp, 1 ; ditto of lemplaek, 5 ; ditto of manure, 1; ditto of wet matting, 2; ditto of oily- sawdust, 5; ditto of oily raga, 5; ditto wet rage,. 7; heat from steam boilers, 5; heat froni steam pipes, 2; defective and overheated stoves, 21; drying stove!, 10; gas stoves, 2; ironing stoves, 4 ; pipe stoves, 8 ; portable stoves, 3 ; tin man's stoves, 2; sugar boiling, 1; melting of wax and tallow, 2; throwing down unextinEpilehed to rso °, (fatal in two instances), b 3; heating of tur pentine, varnish, and intianunabic ecompolditone, 6 ; suspicions, 31; wilful, (fatal in three matey:ea), 54 ; and unknown, (aloe fatal in three instances), 86. Tan Mans between Boston and Philadel phia are moat unreasonably delayed The Phila delphia papers of yeaterday morning will not reach Boston until to-night at five o'olook. By the pm sent arrangement of the malls between the cwo cities ' they are practicality twelve hours further apart than Boston and Washington, as the papers from the National Capital are usually received in New England a day in advance of those of the Quaker City New York is within five bonsai travel of Philadelphia, yet the papers of the lest-named city are twang-Nu hours on the route.—Boston Transcnyt. FIArANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The /Roney Market. PnlLS_DELrlitl, March 20.1801. Pennsylvania pliond snares recovered ,td and Reading sutras stook of yesterday's des ine at the Stock Buard to-day. ?forth Pennsylvania Railroad shares were weaker. Other securities were unchanged. The money nte At et remains in the game conthuon we have teported for weeks upon weeks. Mousy is plenty and credit dear. lis rust reigns in the bosoms of men of nr• ate. and the capital that should he setting all kinds of business in motion, lee In its owners' hands idle and unproductive. 1 hose who have spare cult and oven real estate are glad to snow that the Receiver of Taxes is ready to receive the taxes for VW, aod bta office la thronged with raven who desire to save the one per cent. par month allowed upon the city um. Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Sales, March BUISI. RISPORTID BY S. E. BLAYMAIMII, Merchants' Exchange FIRST BOARD 1000 city 6s--. MX! 2200 City as 115015.342.35 1000 but - 0, dp Readiug 85 'B5 74, 3000 do 74% lo do 'BS 1736 la do . - 744% 7$ Cam & Amb...10tm.116 6 ad a 3d-a.reeta 1t... 103 s 117 hums 1t.......... 4 % 77 do ......•... iihi I Harnabarg R oa.h . 01 10 Reading, ... _..ellwn. 2 +,: 16 Girard Buck-204. 41- BETWEEN BOARDS. 1000 Beading SE 7 88...* 74X14 Nomstown -- Mu Or 4o Coates 78.-- 87 I BOARD 1 1 1 °high Val My* U 410 N retina I , es ... QM SO SOsvti Alosaow.. 63 60 Penns IL— lota 41 10 Minehill--, - 58 ECEB--DULL. • SECOND SIM West Chest 71% IMO do .71% 10 0 City 97X 100 tread B.rsw/..t.nt 7 Lehigh Val.-.2drs 52 CLOSING PR Bid_ Asked Philadelphians_ 677~ 98 Phila ?hits 88 . new -102% 102% Penns a...—. 87% Es Read R.......113* at 11-16 Read bds '7O.- 83 . Reed mt 88'80'4 90Y, 91% Reed en es 16 74%, 75 Penne rt. 40% 41% Powilt :arias siN it Morns Can ea 54,4 55 Norris can Pfd.7lo 111 eeh 41'82 -..... 68% 69 Ech Nat , Imp Si. 75 - bah.Nav 5tk..... 8% Bch Nay Prefd- 17 17i4 I.lmint R._.. . 8 Askrd. Elmira It Prafd..12.14 1336 Elmira. 7a 1.2 Loa& Iguana R. _Jug )O3 Leh * k. 6131 64 talk N CeiLat); North renna, ft 8 314 NYs 6a. ant otreZU 6691 N Penns R 97 atavism A t on. 3 4 Cetratetaaa prat 9 10 233 3d at fl diroff.l6 r ana&Vme-at a.. 13 1334 Vest Phila. et —..66 69 Spruce a ?me.— 8% 3% 47reen fic Coates ... I Cheat & Walnut— . 33 Philladelpb a Marketft. MARCH 20—Evening The flour market continue. inactive. the sales being mostly to supply the trade, at VW 1216 for superfine ; 1116.25m6 76 for extra and extra family ; and 10606-50 40' bbl for fancy b ands. according to quality. There Is yen little inquiry for export, and holders generally re fuse our lowest firm es for standard superfine, which is scarce. Rye Flour is quiet at $3 t003.63%41 0 ' bbl. Corn Meal is nteady at $3 8736 for Fenn& WHHAT is firmly held. std about S MO bush.'" have been wad at 13511250 for Penns reds, the latter for prime ;1500 for Delaware do; and 131501450 for white, as in quality. Ave is dull at Mo for Penna. and 700 for Northern. Corn is firmer. and not so plenty. Bales of 8 000 bushel. at sarsl6o for new yellow in the oars and in atom- and 670 afloat oats are nnefomgad. end duo at Elo for Penna. Barley—A small sale of pnme was made at 770. BARK is quiet. Ist No. 1 Querolfron Is held at BM if tee- Corron.—There Is more bushing doing at fully pre vious donations. and the market is firm. fixocaaTll , B.-Busar and. Coffee meet with a fair de mand luny %mar rates. rBOVIRTONs —The market is inactive, and a small business dome .- A gala of 80 hada Shoulder* m salt was wane at 7o,uaual tuna MITILI...Ifitia Is vary little demand forClovergeovi and about 150 bushels found buyers, mostl y at 014 76 V buabel rusay.—There is very little arriving. and the mar , ket is firmer. Penns bborlile ; Ohio do llOgo ; drudge 17 minge ; and hhda 150. New York Markets of Yesterday. Assns are steady at $5.25 for Pots at,d $1.51.;1, for Peals. BREADSTUFFB—The market for State mot We s t ern Flour is a little more active, but prizes are without ma terial (inane a. The sale. are 1 050 I ble at $5.1055 15 for auperfine State 35 1125‘e5 25 for extra !mate ; .5.10 MS 15 tor su perfine NI iehigart, lonians, Ohio, lowa. dfm . and $5.25 ses 10 'or eltia snoluding elmising brands of round boos Ohio, at e5.60e5e.64, and trade brands of do at 85.7057. noun ern Flour is steady. and in moderate request; sales 1 .3 , 0 bbl at $5 55*5 'IV for euperfine Baltimore; 15 7506 50 for extra do ; 1a 90 1 ,, r Brandy wine ; sElbe 6.5 e for veoreetoa ; $6 not 50 for retersbu-s. City; and 80 tooras for ktiontoond CaNaOiao dour is tomer. and in fair demand, with sates of 450 Mils at 36.750:675 for the range of extra brands Rye Flour la dull and 'Piling 'lowly at (38 soot:10 for the ranee of fuse and superfine, Co.n Mealis dud sno drooping; we dilate Jersey at ea Men 8a arandywiLe eajarta 2 5 TtUZIODOOn 3 OM. awn is rather firmer, with a f-ir inquiry for -iport and the trade ; ea. 1.840 00 fie fit MO, OW Mined Went arn,h, .itere . ; Cake for do. dairymen, end efatt* for now do. at the eepot Wheat is al11.4) fvm. with a fair ea Reit da li mand 181.0 8 30 0 0 bus at et Ins for fair w Welded ,411160 tor oacdoe whoa atiologon et 25 for fdilwa kee, *LI6 for photos spring, ano elle for white Canada. Rye 1.11 dUll at 630) da Barley is dui• t and steady. at yoonee. Barley Ram la in ueniand at 856900. Oat* are moody and ;1; moaarato Tatman, at 30m328 for enatharn: MGM for Jersey, prelaw-re, and Pennsylvantait Rio 34%0 for State, and aaairoaVio for Western and Cana- WEISKY U dell and heavy, with salsa of 50 barrels CITY ITEMS. hiltmegnit LIPIirING.—We invite the attentien of our lady readers to the Spring Opening of Millinery advertised in another column, to take Plane et the rooms of Mrs. Conrad, Chestnut street. above Ninth. this(Throuday ) morning. Mrs. Conrad has long been known se among our most successful caterers 111 this department and we understand that her arrangements for the present opening are unusually brilliant. Our fair patrons will. doubtless, avail themselves of this bpportunity of seeing the styles of bonnets which are to prevail during the coming .e 550, 1• EPR/liG SALICA.—It will be seen by reference to Our advertising cilimns that Moms. Oakford eons will open their Spring styles of Hate, Cape, aro., to-day, at their magnificent establishment. Nos. 601 and 828 Chestnut street. As the yobbo are by this time tired of their storm- beaten and dilasedat_d vies, a rush may be anticipated for the new and l , eyutsfulhprins Hata whieh they will offer. COLDS.—Few are aware . of the importance of checking a Cough or " Common Cold" in its fiat stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild re medy if neglected, soon attacks the Lunge. " B l ' ololoB Bronchial Troches," containing demuleent ingredients, allay Pulmonary Irritation. mhl6-stuth-St GRUA? Crites —London Is the largest airy in Europe. and Paris is the moat splendid: But wither London, with its vast wealth and extent. nor Paris with all its splendor. possesses an establishment to compare. in all respects, with the celebrated Brown tone Clothing Bali of Enable & Wt eon, Nos. 603 and 603 Chestnut Street. above Sixth. I- haladelphia. Thu great store is not alone remarkable for its splen did exterior, its vast extent, or its elegant fitt.ugai but it le equally feimoha for the beauty and superior ele gance of its peerless stock of garments for gentlemen and youths. GsbITLENEEIS e " tpeak gently,"—'tas a little thing, Dropped in the heart's dee:- The good. the Joy theta may Ming' " Eternity sha.l tell. Speak gently," for a little ward 7 hat is in kindness 'spoken May tell you where to buy your clothes, And this shall be the token— " You will avoid the hapless throne Of harsh and angry folks By buying Clothing. rightly made, At the store of GRANVILLEC drones." No. 007 Chestnut street, who sells on the" one price' , principle, and presents to each purehaser a valuable ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST BIGKT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. R 0 mu on, Frank 'mt. KT ' 1 " Pa Hoyle, Kentucky Kirkpitsrtok, Nashville W Haven, PPreburg W Denny. Pittsburg Wit Wok/neon. lilmous K Porter. ?mecum B Brown, Penna. W Miiler, NoW Jersey J Brows & wf. New York J H Hi gins. Bast n A 8 Musseiman__, Penns it Mathews & wf. Prey, R W O'Brien, New Yo k Mrs &tames. Be aware M.O Staples. Delaware J K Elora & la, New ark ii Stii.ens Contend, N H D W Van Innen. New York Mrs Thatcher & d rouse llopkimen Balt Mies A I) Smite, B a r ',more Mies d. putter, Baltimore &waken P smith. Balt Mrs Donn M B Lowrey. hrie Pa • W Dawson & wf, Newark Al Parte , eon, Portarre,NH John Burnett, New York Chas Walker. U 8 A J„fo 8. one. w York Lainer & N Y Jo Gorham Prow, It I IL r maroon Prov. R C N W Gontnar,New rk C Gammen * la, N Y C K Gamsen Jr. New York L Warren & la. Baltimore Mrs Oliver. N ew York K. Marshall, Pittsburg J G Gordon, owe Bon G W ScoSeld & la, Fa Mrs L Wetmore. Penna Mrs John Sill. Penna wm D Brown, Per na L D o etmore. Penult John W Evans & wf, Del W K Turner & lAN Ron it Brown & la, Penna. N J Barrett. Delaware Bon estie Coombe Ky Albert Matthews & la.. N Y New York Professor 2 nderson. N Y Chas L M oore, Cincinnati B Wood. Jr, & wf, Boston Phu, Fisk, Penner Wawa- A B New York T P Grinnell & la, N Y Miss Grinnell, New York L. therwirtho New York W Mork 01. Easton C W Noyes, New York Wm Gray, Boston J B MoCreary, at Chunk kP a llsson. Boron D Rice. Maine A P Benderson, Balt Miss Henderson. Balt Miss Zurich, Batts ore Miss Wel es, B ltimore A 8 Dooley, M D, Pd.aut F R Hobson, Virginia ' D Mordecai, Penna Dr A Fleming, Pittsburg A M Wdiie, Virginia it Miner, Zanesville, Wig SPILDI G MlUisan Jan a cir, on. Jr W Conolly, Montreal John M Larkins. Tennessee T IbleGee,North mans H G-Blase, Medina, Ohio Mrs 11 Slake, Medina, 0 miss B. Blase, Medina. U John Pli wentwortn. oat Mrs Reiman Baltimore R B Peebles, Alabama M W Gait. *ash, D Davin Boggle*. Kentucky F Willis Fisher. ht 0, NY LP Hoover Wasnington T Hughes!. Illinois it pewter, New York J'k Leavitt, New York It S Chase, Massa:Musette T Rosenberg, Mingo Geo W Batton. N Yorir A L ibany J B Lowenstein, Cineinti •Stadeker. New York I. Gump, Dayton, 0 I. Bangs. New York J (3 Welsh, Mitond F Putman. &Ashville II Wall, New _Yore .1 M Cohhs,Virgime. .1 A &Sigler, Virginia Wm T Coleman. New York Wm Pooley. Memphis D Rom es Maine Lient Wm Gib on, 1.7 J G Morgan. NAPS York 3 converse, Conneotiont J C Okay & ,f U 3 N J Stair, York. ka Brown ,York, E 13 Moore. Permit J T Owen, Petina R N Peterson, New York AMERICAN HOTELr-Cheatant street, above Fifth, M Cochran. Pennaylvania. D J Gamna, Minis L &'a. Pa E Berner, Illinois John H nmith, Baltimore Mei Lord &IS Trenton K D mph,. Trenton Jas Somers, NOW York C Young. New York A $ Ellett, St Paul K t, Williams,flalesbary.hid Day Malesbury. M d A E Sebum, Wash! sten. 0 B chooh, worth t'arolina G Gunter. North Carolina W PlakernaS, Mt Hell)" Freak Myers, York, Pa C Reber. California 9 smith, New Jersey W P Smith, Pi Cattle. KY J RlaleyaiiinolB T Ii Clark, i,.diana H Batt, Cardale, Permit J L tredd, New ir ork H sayers, Jr, & la, Pa it M Jameson & wf, N Y W 11 (Meet, P J Levy. hlidd etown M.Alann. Maryland C B Pease, Agri/infield C D Brown, New York Geo Stratton, OawrXo, NY W rummx,Opweso PT Y D M Switzer. Virginia . H lIIMUSIS. Columbus, Ind W W Kirby, Tennessee C A Bailey. Tennessee MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aron. 1) W Moore, Clearfield Elias Barr, Lancaster M Dickinson, Madison J 7 pagan, Elt Paul J Kirkpatrick & en, Fittehg T D K, ger, Illmoie dw craus, o I) p °win. El untiut don. l'et W ereon, Uni-ntown, Pa IP Love t, Gry ushers', Ind L C Roeb..oe, vhio Capt. John • l'iort, fen a Horatio 0 Fisher & wf. Pa lsli 8 Saeger. AllentoWn J L suatiins, Tennessee X F Stribling. Tennessee Wm Arruntroug. Ohio John C Montgomery, Del Hon R Hr. dhead. Heston A M ronover, "'bits 0 W Holmes. Ohio Wgyoseina••.t.thie Pea Dick, Hamilton, 0 T W Matthews. Washin'n F Fluke, Woustar, 0 W Young, Uaion co It at Clair, Newt ors[ B It Marshatl, N J W B Punter, Fitteburg Bon W T D tighertY, Pa '1 hos Evans,_llenderson,KY John 8 Rohm Lane Co J Leblig.renna H F Snyder. bireencastle 111 A Laidig. Poona Jahn L W Goodwin. Tenn Geo H anent.. Morgantown J R Duke, 7 e negate it teTurner. Tennessee Geo Ball Jr, New Ydrk E bra Pride. Council Biuff EIL owrifield. Uniontown W McCleary, /Smithfield Job V Hanson, Mau JONES' HOT EL--Cheetnut Street. ebove Sixth. M Greeley, Pennsylvania Will Darebower, Beading G K Pwearedon, Virginia A W Bouthmayd, Mary Pd 11 Granger, Pinlarleiphia J Bacillar, Jr. Baltimore „I in N inabester. V ilm,Lel J• o tt, 13anlinore th Deß Beim, Pottsville Miss C Mickey. Pa W H Gay, Gino C P Rose, Boston J B Meson, Pennsylvania David • econkey, W Ches W T Damon. Boston Jam., H Dove, Maryland. C Tower, Pottsville J B Van Buren, Neer York, E Dyott, Maryland A M Arietr. Maryland J DaFgetc, blew York A 0 Hanson. M.,ryiatid B H Banson, Jr._ Maryland C II Mann. Baltimore rif Outdoes Wabash Dr FauebDiranser, ri York $ Armstrong. Alaaarna ream Nevins Manama R W Judson, new York E. W Judson , York/ :me hi Barris. New Jersey W G Mason. Maas ` Mrs Woods, Wilm, I/ el W Woods, Wilm, Del Xi Carlton /c. la, Baltimore ST. LOUIS BOTFL—Chestrint street. above Third. J C limn., Penns M Derbertr _bey York ill M inset/01V assnoitusetts Dr 'I boyar, to insaehnireiri 3C Butner & L D Bsiley.Kana.s C W illvme, Lute nnatt,o I. P Seamen. tin s 0 Jos Do nell. New 1 ort J row York C Woodn attjask. , onv'e a 'Y Dart & la, Alban,' 131 Sanderson Penna J R Mi ler. Ohio W W Dashill, Delaware D Cobb Pennsylvania H Cook. Baltimore John Pariand. Maryland n•allade. Reuduag TRH talLeri—Arott street, above Third. B H Jenkins. Ohio G W #iaf Roohrater .1 Bayard, n ocheater et A Garoner. Rochester rare it A Btoddard Ancient T hi Flint, Mar laud Mrs K. M Rho allaerly T Hllegond, Maryland I 4, MoPadden. York no G W Simpson Bmtimore K A e. Tamar, Malyland hi H Hymore, Maryland Kam. Maryland Re GrAfith. Maryland A Johns, Maryland D F e. 1.401. M IN Mary Pd L des 1, lowa Loos, Laaaaarar J Hammer, Oryrigsburg D K Jamey. New York 1.1 A Beckley, Penns H ring man. Oh.o 0 Bryan, Kagcatown Duckett. Jdaseratown Kids A flray. tiagerf town D T Madhya. owe tic Mager tc la. Fenny G L Boyd. renaa carter, retina B Evatas, Patina G H Locher, Baltimore NATIONAL HOTEL-Bees street. abMta Tiara. J Smith & la. Now York Jaa Ramsey. Delaware John Yachter, W13081'1118,141 A H Farmer. New Jamey , O Birch, New Jamey H W COI. Columbus, Mill Ann Boyer, Norristown Mies M Broose, Postatern John Boyer, Potimown Conrad Weaver. Pa J Qailim•n, Norristown Mrs Qintlman, Norristwn W n Vandyke. Phila It HWiley, Pennsylvania John 8 a•arah. Leirrialburg• V E Dupes% L.,wiabiaa Anson M Williams, Pa G W OrOVer, Pinegrore W L Why re, Pottstown F L cannon, Bearer Yal STATES UNlON—Martel etreet, above Sixth. J H Johnson, Lewistown Jas M laird. Oreensburg C shitibs I anosster co Time Edward & N J N Kelly,:Phila K Davis, York co, Pa W BostonWeitoser. Philp W H Mason. Carlisle C He , eel. Amputee Island "P Smith. Dureeen'sWoods, Perry oo W tl Davidson, New ;erne,. 13WI okeyeblia, Venn John G Freeland, Penn. Wcu C Come, Phil. REVERE HOUSE—Thad street, above R See. P H Lehr, • llentovrn Col Reek. Pennsylvania J Bevis. Wilmington,Del t anal Bright thrift Ingo On.o W D Wilson. Pittsburg Iva} 8 Leffler. Nehl Haven James 4 Robinson, Penne W C Ferris. Dover. Pa 0 J Yost. Dow?, Pa R Thompson. liovltston John Fisher. Pitrebure J Garrei son, Penne J u Garration, Cheeter.PO it Harwell. ut. Pottstown 8 B etnrclevant & wi, MIII Philip Purcell. Hew Jorsay Isaac Williams, Lane, Pa P Uhler, Utilervi Ile, Ps COMMERCIAL HO EL—Elixth it. above Chestnut. A F Evens. Chaster no Mini Linigg, Virginia Ml's Landis, Virebiia A dp_riimen Coatesville Mis Jo h nson; Coatesville t o n field nPew eo HA ^ ew Jersey . Wm Hilton. PeW York H °Watson New York W MOM illin, New rustle J Jackson, Pennsylvania Jacob H Way,renna Geo Mason, Chester co JP, R Crr use, vork co Mica A Ifixoon Chrrt•r oo Mie.MM J Mason. Chen oo Dlums M A Griffith. Cheat co J M Griffith Charter cc G M rime ixville .1 G rig ry Chenter oo L Burk, Cheater co CJ Arthur, Mont; Co H Lan born, West Chester Hobert Lynch, Poona IVIERCBMCM ROXTRE—Third at.. awes Cs N B Gannet.. Allentown B W Good, Goodville Joautb Straus Pena& %V WennerVennsylves is J) MeTwk. Easton. Pa A 'Am:towel. Balton. Pa. E rennsylsanin W Jones. Allentown Cwilenn. Jenkintown M B Felirnen Yenne T aitherhalt A Ponna R A Blumer, New Jersey F Swartz. Ohm BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. C A 'Kuhns, Allentown W L Jones, Allentown Mrs Runreon. Reading Geo W *Waggon. Heading H bowler, Bunks co Jarob Bowler, Montg co 11 Bomberger Lebanon CO ii P Boy er, Rellettown Jahn Harbester. Reading (men Jones- Monts no E D Jones, Pennsylvania Jas Molony, Ruche oo keter Brown, Lancaster oo BLACK BEAR—Third tenet, above Callowhlll. Bettenatem Peneaviva Jaoob Boyer. numereville Oboe Harp . r. Jenkintown hue N Lerma. Beading M Dental, Reidioe lees ilage,. Re .dirla Beer. Stein. Lehigh oo Mrs II Atm, Lehigh on David Beiabolz, Penns Eliae °bold, Pepanyivapia (1 demo W b i nonti TaMISSIAS C Roads. BoathaSPlOo D H Bechtel, Beoh elsvtile Levi Tem:le. Hartselle Wm Temple. flartaville .1 W 80, er. Germantown Immo Berand, Penns Philip übold,Penneylvania John Mat a, DnaPhin no BARLEY PPFAP ROTEL—feeorel wreet. bet. Vine Wm Rowland. Penn% Charles Rad. r,_ Penns h Reaper. hos base B nroadate.Dynerry a Miller. Pennsylvania R B Ramsey Doylestown Chit. Stadia,. Trenton. 141 N Whitman. 81.Itnnrir M. Whitman, Boletatry J Vito. tea, Booth Amboy Sohn Y 3 Jones Rstboro D McCarter, Centreville FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second et.. above Market. Wm I O'Riley,emoinnati Wm (Wine. Milford, Del John W Hall, Delaware .1 W Wrotten. bele:ware Henry Hearne, Smyrna, Dei J H Simmons, Wilm. Dell!', MOUNT- VERNON HOTEL—Second (R., above Arch s*Me% Del Wstor ORD A Warner, Maas tin Pell. Eaw;e7. ra T M Jamison, Haltimore Ohm Nelson- Pennsylvania SAVING Fillip. AMFRICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND Tirlll/ COMPANY, OffidB 8.13. corn , r kOURTH and WALNUT Streets. This institution oolittttues to revolve Deposim, as ma!, and nays all auras. large or email, on demand, as it ha. always done. It has naked for no /wistaria*, and demos none. January 19, e 1360. mna,im °AIM PRINTING> ISBEIT AND OFINAPPAT IN the Oily* at 34 Mtn THIRD etraot. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beat and Cheayeat in the Oity, at 34 *oath THIRD Street, BILL-HEAD PRINTING. nest and Cheapest in the City, at 34 3ontIiTHLRD Street. RAPID-BILL PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City. at 34 Smith THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the mast reasonable inter, at RINGWAIR & BItOWPPII, Drfizei's Building. 34 Routh THIRD litres% doll-tr THE PRESS.- = PHILIDELkiII, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, ± 1.861. SEE FOURTH PAGE. IVE Ship Flnntwins. DoweAßls. R 4 day frown lloston. in ballast to Peter WriK ht & Hons. Towed up by tug Ame r ica. flrthr Alphonso. vinoent. 1 diy from Balrm. NJ, with rain to Jos L, Bewley & Co. robs Venda la. Cooper. 1 day from Odessa. Del, with corn ro Bewley & Co WEECKRO GOODS Bohr Cray Eag'e and sloop hliet wriyed last evening with w relied soods from the sehr Routh end Ready, ashore near Cape May Court Rouse, oonmsned to p. A Moaner & ittRORANDA- Steamship Virginia, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rinemond 19th inst. Ship H H Tucker, Clark, from Havre, arrived. et CheriestoniGli inst. Ship liarpswell, Cotton, from Bristol. Eng. arrived at New York yesterday. Experienced heavy westerly gales the entire pasesze for!a sad, cleared Bark Lebanon. Giles, London, oleared at N York yeeteroay. Bark Clifton. Lewis, from Palermo Jan iv, arrived at Baltimore y esierday. • Sohr Coerrime. Willetts. for Wilmington, NC, went to Nee from Charleston 16th inst. Sohr Henry Mar. Hoover, for Boston, went to sea from Charleston IGth inst. Fohr 1) Townsend. Townsend, for Mobile, cleared at New York yesterday. Rohm Excelsior. Rileyp, and War Steed, Smith, henoe for Boston, at New . Vorle're.terday. Sohr Jonathon May, Cobb, henoe, arrived at Charles ton lege iner, Rohr R 8 Miller, Gifford, hence, arritrod at Charleston 17th inst. rehr Lydia A May. Baker, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 17th inst • Sohn .1 ti MoCai thy, Smith. end It J Merrier. Robin son for Jacksonville, o eared at. Charleston 16th Inst. The bpi/ Madeira. ':apt !stilton from —arena Feb 16 for Boaton_,with a oaten of auger . , IN into the /Viter bar. area, York. eate,dav short or fu P el and provision. She Wen relieved by the steaming Re.eue. which toot off her passengers Cept Morton states that the night he lett Havana he came in collision with the British brig Homer, of Windsor, PlB from Ctodenee She tank Witnin fifteen minires. A boat wee Isneolhers,ano all hands were Barred. The Madeira was driven out of ter course by sales es far south as lat 111 4Ci miles SE of Fire Island she passed the wreck of a large ve!. AP er her relief by the Begone, the Madeira proce eded to Boston. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAVING FUND--AMBRICAN LIFE INSU RANCE AND MIMI' Co.. S. E..ootner WALNUT and FOURTH fitreete—oontinnee to MOWa deposits. tad Pays all sums on demand. in gold.and TRUSTEES: Alexander Whilidin, Pree't., J. &los Thomeou, Samuel Work, Vice Preel., Jonas Bowman, John C. Farr,R. H. Townsend, M. D., Samuel T. B odine, John Ail. man, H. H. Eldridge. ' W. J. Howard, George Nugent, . A. C. Roberts. PHILADELPHIA, Islaroh 19th. Nei. mh19.61 SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFirT TIKID7 ComPANu.—lnterest film per Oeut. WALMITV BIM* southwest corner of TRTRD. B&TOBILOWS .lElAlB.Dyn.—Tbie celebrated and orient Hair Dye is the bast in the world. All others are mere imitations of thte great original, which! has gained anoh extensive patronage in all partite!' the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hsu Dye instastry produces a splendid black or :Ataril brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill Resets of bad dyes, isvigotatla the hair for life. - . Bold by all Druggisrts sad Perfumers. Wholerale by PARNEBTOCK & CO., DYOTT & Flu!Molehill'. mkt -a' GROVNB, & BAUM'S OBLIBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINBB. The Best in Use for Family Swine. No. 730 ClintilTßUT Street. Philadelphia. ma 7-17 Ow PRIOR CLOTHING OF THH LA MM' STYLES, made in the beet manner, eaeresely.for RS. TAIL PALES. LOWEST rolling prim marked in Plain Figures. All rood■ made to order vaunted detlefootorY- Our ONE-PERM 'ream le ■triotly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. st5S-ly JON sefl et CO. Roe a7A R KITT Street. 14.4.0 IE—YO7.--On th e tech lent, by the Rev. Honer, W. Uner, Mr. h•mae Wallace. of.rhiladeletna. .41 Mrs. Barbara Arm Y o n. of rtarhasten 0. 1 4§. N. • ULLMA N—MAAR.—On the 19th hut. by the Rev. I. Frankel. Dr. /Aldine Ul mu. of //anoxia, Mo.. to Mies Elaieh Maya of Philadelphia FRICR—N.MITR.—On th, 19th Ind., by the Rev. Al fred Cixrman, A. P. Priek or bleff•ville. Lancaster co.. to Mite Mollie • rein, of Philadelphia. GREY—BUN ING.—Un the 21st of November. IMO, by thr Aqv. B. T. Noakes. Mr. Philip Grey to Mn. ale fluntinc. both of ibis oity. DIED. tie ATTY.—a t Enstol, Pa., on Wednesday, March 20th. Catharine A., wife of Robert C. Beatty. aged 83 )11nri. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. on Salurdn,..v. the 23d net. at* oielooh in the ertererion.." oTr.4 YRIL - 011 Tuertial" riflernooll, /9th Marehi Eiluatieth t-, wife of %rewire W. utterer, and dough ter of tile late Captain John L. Ferguson. Ber friends, and th. ee of tl e family are parfpularlif Invited to attend her Arne cal, from her late residence tro. 1023 Race street, on Rehm ay morning, next, 28.1 met.- at In clock. To procetd to Mount Morlah Dietary. rh.h.e.Bl4l2.—At hie reepdenoe on Fkareh lane.-Ger mantown, on the 18th inst. Geo. F. Meager, in the filth yefarol hie ace. His relatives and male friends, and Mende of the fa mily. Artillery Corp. of Philadelphia Grays Harmony Lodge. Nn. 82, A y M.. rhilemathean Loire, No 10 and Encamp.,ent 0 13. 1. o_. of U. F., innetiaba Lodge. Pone of Malts , and the Orders generally, end the Assistance Steam tiny unsine CCompany. are reameet fah, inVited to attend Me harem.. from the rordenee of h a brother. 80. 1808 Vine street. tats (Then ray leftersinen. et 2 ...look, without farther notice. In terment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. • Bea. R I INL r.E.—On the 18-h irn., Theodore 11 , only child of Theodore and Sarah J. Beardsice, aged 2 yearp, 8 mondial and 15days. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to c attend the funeral Baia (Thursdey) afternoon, at 1 , o lock. from the residence of hie parents filo. 71SO , Booth Second street. • CliaPaaert.—Uri the 18:11 instant, Mreuarinla 113. A. Cho ninon. the Zith 31lar of We r age, Funeral I rom nesicience. We Lorain street, tbill (Thureday mormog. at 30 o'oloou. • 611.1 INGElniff.—On tnel9.h inst., Sarah J., wee sa Joseph J. Gillingham. Funeral from the res Pence of her huiband, No. lit Laurel scree! . this ( Fifth-day) arternoen. at 2 o'clock. MILL RD —On the 18th instant, I lizabeth, wife of William Millard in the Std 3 ear of her age. ...- The funeral wilt take place from the residence of her 1- than Christian meonmetz. No. 1241 Vienna. 'Creek below Frani/ford MIL !hilt l'hurtiday)„aftertues, at." otelook. (39-OnCLt the 19th instant. 'Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Farah Clegg„ in the 26th year of her age. Funeral from the reemence of her nu/ante, t over . Mork& toWnship, Montgomery county opposite Maw yank ne x t Friday -tut-noon, at 1 o'cl ock. .IKFP LES.—On the 18 , h Instant.lBarah L Jeffries.' Funeral from her late reirdencie, No. 1118 Button. woad street. on Friday morning at lOg o'eloek. TA YLO R.-On the 19th inalant. Mre. Jane 4471er. in the 18th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 40. MO Chatham street. above Buttonwood. iletween Fifth and Sixth, thi•(Thucaca • morning. at so'olook. DO "IN Ll r •—On the 19th et., Ellen Jane, wife of Wimam Donnelly. air thirears. Funeral from the residence of her husband. N. B. corner of Neveneenth and Christian Mane this (Thursday) afternoon et 2 o'clock. • FOLR.-04 the 19th kat . Mr. James Polk, aged 119 yea's. Fluent' from the residence of his son-in-law, le r. J. Smith, No. Mt No. th Twenty -third street, this I Thu.sday) morn .ng at to o'clock . FRICi..—On the 19th instant. Robert Mitchell, son of io hard and Emma Price. aged 8 years and 9 months BrielA(9- —On the 19th in-i Frederick tow sop of William D. and the late lbeth Benno's. in the 4th tier of his age. BESSuN & ISU.N RAVE I.ATE,LY oedvf d Black Silk Remota and San Umbrellas ; Faelish Bombazinesammer Bombazine' ; LnpliVe Chall, ; Alexanarea Kid Glove.; Violet-430%nd Hp. moves ; Blank Greyed', e Shawls ; ehepherd Timid Pasoan. 3231 coats ; real Jet ilr. , oehee ;_rmied-aornor embroideled tiesdkerehtfa Blank one ParolefiLens , d nes I Bleak and while lire - ulna Dames.; sleek and White holly Debsines; Blanc Vault de Some, ei; Black Pstenainn Fans; Bleak Gine de Rhine., ill; Lawn mete, 25 snots. mOs •RNI NG ;oar:. mh2o Ho. 955 011138TPIUT Street. [CrUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (DP PAK t ta ENT Or A RTll,l—The Examina tion of loge unior. rionhomme. and FTIPIthMILTI 1311.11,11. at the mof the Second Term, will be held in the Ml lowingoroer 9 HIJNSDAY, 21st. From 9 to 11, Juniors. by the PRoVO9Ir. " Intedeetual Phi osophy, end hoph. - mores, by _Prof. FR ZER, ' Chemistry of the eo.l- bolds." wry ten. From Mtn 47reshmen, by Prof. AL LEN,_" Great Gnemici Pests " PR/DAs ,224. P. am 9to 11 Joniorg. by Prof. Ecly- DA L." Dithlrential Gah Won " Writtin , From lo 1. Pophomores, by Prof. Jai-R 9 .14, •' Cicero do Of rATURDAY.OId From 9 to 11, Juniors. by Prof. D% mimics " PAW% DAY, 26th. F rom 9to U . Sophomores. by_Prof. COFFEE, • ogle , "and Freshme.. by Prof. A.R. , - OA LL. " Algebra," written From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. JACK ON. Je yenta." written. TU • uDAY, , 26th. From 2 4 to 1.1. Sophomores. by Prof KENDALL. • Plane and tipherinal 7r,enomepy” written. Promll to I. Juniors . bLProf. A L LEN. "Deb mosthenes--"ir.t 01.ntm and met pi n upp i4 .l. - WEDS h SDAY. 27th. P r m 9 to 11, Freshmen. by Prof. COPPEE,_"bistory. From 11 to I,Soi honoree. by • ref. ALL t. ' Thneydidet—diallian Expedi Ma." THURSO • Y 28th Fr,m 9 to half-pan 11. Fresh men, b. Prof.J . ACICSON. " Horao•—. mores." On 1131JRAIDAV Evening, the 28th at eight o'olook, an Exhibition of necremation 01 origiinsloomoositions. by mambas of the Junior Laws. will be held tr. the Cohere HalL GEORGE. ALLEN. nit.9l 9t Peers's'y of the Paanlty of Arts. tIrALL PERSONS DESIRING WORK through the PROT ooT - EXC.ANGE. . corner ot SIM' end SECOND Streets, most have recommendations signed by one of the bxeoative Board. Ledge. _ R. J P.. 1661 noise avenue. A. Campbell-- South street. L A. Campbell- —.14_2i07 Cherry street. D Cooker, .16_7 -inures avenue. " It. Mc urtne -......16-1139 Hope street. J. Bigg_er.--.. —. lB .1 wenir-eeocind &Wood.. W. B. --24 ...Stanavink J. G. --- 26-13 N. Tenth .Creel. Caseadee.. ... Federal street: .1. 8 Stewart- —l2-1614 shippen street. Bollingsworth-.......-...34. .I'somp.on street R.J.Mat ee wool street 3. -15arse7-, .31-713 South street. R. .43-1421 Lombard street. H. nuart 8. Twentieth Street T. Donn— ,45-tois street. "48..730 Sterlirg street; W. Andiarvey-- ineteenni lc couis Ste. G. W Reed .1617 Mt. Vernon street. H. G. Duffield.- .—. —..65-nankford. e 66..116 N. Ei*hteetith 67-926 Nectarine street.. Whoever 'laid' good worsmen or- women, apply as ab-ve It hIR. LARD'S LECTURES ON WOMEN, SeconALecturc of ohs course vt it frogmen on TAVRtPAY hV« le IN 0, in *he Rail of the Univer sity, March Tickets 8 cee'ock. Subject*: man's Love." Tickets for the coarse. $t ; single ad mosion,2soents. To tis has at Martian's, aszstd's, and Destivet's bookstores, and at the doer. mks) 2tv nx . REY. HENRY WARD BEECHER Will le , tore at CONCEIT HEW, on THU Hii- D nentnr,the 211 t. at anarter to 6 oioleok. Sub jeet—" 1. 1 1 1 , 1- lye and Its .111ot e 7." Whet. 65 aeons, 111 at T. B 13 1 i'e. M. W. corner fourth and Chestnu t streets ; .MKITIPINEda 81bta1N5.56 North . Fourth street; and •it the Ball on the day and evening of the lecture. Beeerved seats on the ylatfOrn and east Mole 50 Dents; for sale aa above. m .16 5t TUN 11011711 ANNIVERSARY OF 1; $ THE You Nit hißros c-INUTR "P AL IM& X SION. of the M. E. Church, (laboring re Bedford, Baker, and Spofford Street., and vioinity h Will babe d on 'T URBDa Y EVENING, the 2 et. mat.. at 734 o'clock. in the Unio.. Methodist 1. ramps, Charon. Fourth areas. below. Aroh. Addressee will be delivered br Rev. Dr. Wiley, Per. H. Co.olazer, and liev..l 8. Walls &semi woes will be song hy thecauldron from the Altsston Bohool. President Allen, of Girard College. will pre. d Tio.,eta ITlfq be hail notate:nutty at perkierne Higgme'. to North Fourth street, Milliken & Co.'s, 8R * reh street; Wm. C. Stevenson's, 712 Rooth Second street; Snoderees & Stseiman's 52 South Seoend street ; or of Jacob H. Flurdedal‘. ilog Chestnut street. A Aolleebon will be taken up in aid of the canoe. nthl6-st. [7. CITY COMMISSIONER S , OFFICE.— TO ROTTr,L KEEPERS, RESTAURANTS, an others moiling Liquors by less measure than a Quart. Applicanex for new license. also those whose R ummies expire in May and Jane. will apply at the Office, Be provided by acts of ReseMbly. on the follow. lu gg a „ ward on Friday, March Ist. Second and Third wards. on Monday. March. 4th. ourth ward, on Tuesday, Maroh 61h Fifth ward, on Wednesday. March 6 th. Sixth ward. on Thursday, March 7th. Seventh and Eighth ward*, on Friday,_Milyeh Bth. M Ninth and Tenth wards on Monday. aroh Elesanth ward on Tuesday. Pdarah nth. Twelbh and Thirteenth wards. on Wednesday. March ISth. Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, on Thursday. March 14th. Sixteenth ward. on Friday. Mardi 18th. eeventeenth war& on Monday, 4 / 1 arch 18th. Eighteenth and Isineteouth wards. on Tuesday. M arab Nth. Twentieth ward. on Wednesday. March ]well. Twerp 7 first and Twenty-second wards, on Thursday, al swill Slit m ize h nl s l t ithird and Twenty-fouri j h A vrard Es s, ts o f il A F4ds , fed7-trnh2ll - Clerk City Corrunisskyners. WILL OF JOSEPH PEROTT, of New Oriezion.---To bin Wile, $18000; Daughter, 812,000 B•nther, ST 000 • , Washing.ton,fdargaret mon, SLOW ; Colored—fbiledelphls. jamas Booms Tango, 1110,000 Tlisw York, Borman & Young, 4 1 , 60 1 k lt* MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MARRIED. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW READY, PRE ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR APRIL, 1861! Ti, rublimbers of the AtLatino Monthly would erne stalls commend to the, notice of the publio tse anima time table of contents of the April number, which wil be found below: CONTENTS APRIL DAYS. Trig PROFESSOR'S STORY. (Conclusion.) BUBBLES. CITIES AND PARKS. THE NEW YORK CNN THAI, PARK.' LIFE In TES IRON MILLa. THE REIGN OF KING COTTON. GLIMPAES OF GARIBALDI. TWO OR THREE TROUBLE& MARION DALE. CHARLESTON UNDER ARMS. REVIEWS AND LITERARY NOTICES. RECENT AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS. N. B.—The publication of MRS. STOWE'S NEW ROMANCE, ENTiTLED AGNES OF SORRENTO, Will be commenoml in the next number. Prof. 0. W. HOLMES will oontinue to contribute to every number. The author of "RECREATIONS OP A COUNTRY PAR TON" Will HI fatly. aublieh hiB Essay/ in "The At lantio." TERMS Biagio numbern. 25 canto. Thee donna par ye&r, postage patd to any . part of the Muted States GLnas.—Two cam a. 86; five Calief, 4310; ele v en OnPies. *2o—the subscribers paying eirown Postage— viz oebte per year. eutworiptions may commence with any number ; and as all the numbers are stereotyped, back numbers Gan always be furnished. All orders should be addressed to TICKNOR & FTELDSI PUBLISHERS, 135 WASHINGTON Street, It Boston. GEORGE G. EVANS , PUBLISHING ROME and GIFT-BOOK STORE. 439 CB BPTNITT btreet NEW AND SEL POP WORKS. Histom or 1 , 11 ted Nether Ands. by Motley, II v 015.84 00 Enns,venner. by Holmes. 2 ---.... 1 ra Great Fromm:pin. by I 00 Wits and I aux of Society INJ Life of 176 Women of New It r oilr.Wfmullel ' ilinaltil..-•• lOn Dutch Donume of the Catskill.— 1 X Sunny :Y0uth....._.....--. 196 ritrene of DELV10.......••••••• •• • ••• ••• • by I,,,saha 176 Pillar of Fine • 1 h. Prime of the Rouse of — Dayin—.) —..----_ 26 deice Test Boos —.—...--- 100 Romance of the Revolution— —.—.... 1 X Vanity Fair, set:domes. 4 oo 411 the latest otandord and Mieeellaneous rob:tas *Awes the Publishers' rerultir oyees, bud a beautiful Gift, worth from SO cents to 010), with mob, at (3 4 . URGE G. EVANS' GIFT- BOOK BM PORIUM, rah? No. 439 ORES/NUT treet. SALES BY AUCTION Q_ NEW YORK. A U-Oh'ION . NOTICE. VAN WYCK, TOWNSEND, & WARRENS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, aNta ONCEIX MONTHS' CREDIT, LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE FRENCH GOODS, COMPRISING 1,000 PIECES PARIS AND LYONS DRESS SILKS, CONSISTING OF pieces solid More heavy hroche figured POULT DE BOLE. pieeea GLACR heavy broehe-figured POULT DE 801. E. pieces rich plaid and striped figured POULT DE 80.1 E. Pleelas plain and chintz printed FOULARDS. pieces eopenor quality, choice colors, masted widthe. plain POILT DE BOLE. piecei ve*Ganuele, Lamm BROCADE SILKS. Pieces rieIi . BLACK FIGURED BROCADE SILKS pieces extra quahty, various widths, BLACK TAF FETAS: pieces extra quality, various widths. BLACK POIILT DE SOLE and GR.OB DE RICER. iOO. nieces rich Pane PRINTED and PLAIN PER- CALEB. 300 pieces rich Earls PRINTED aid PLAIN JACO- 500 pieces rich Paris PRINTED and PLAIN OR- " - EERNDINS. - • - gorilnectea satin Wiped bIOU33BLIBB DB URINE* 500 pieties plain 'satin striped and Weber grenadine :1'13!...U8S and BERNANIS. ji 0 0 pieers eon Parisi printed BARNA-ES. 300 pieens DROGUE If ARBOB ANOLAIB. 300 pleeetfeatin striped BARtOB3, in 01101ce oolong 500 pieces superior quality, choice colon, MOUSSE- LiNE DE WINE. ALSO, TARLATANS. 2,000 pieces, amenable a choice selection of colors, in au grades of TARLATANS, of the BEST MANUFACTURE, SHAWLS. 2,000 VIENNA BROONE LONG SEAWLO, of a well...known manufacture. comprising a full hne of all qualities, of the newest styles and best qualities imported. '4OOO riolx bordefbd bTstLLA and fancy styles plaid and figured Puitts SidAVVI4B. The whole comprising & general assortment of trash imported French Goode, to which the attention of the Trade is invited. Cata!ognaa and eamplea on MOTIIiUg of Oa Le. Boa. 14 and 36 VESEY STREET. pUBLIO SALE.—WiII be sold on WED imeDAY, Avril W I LL . 81. at Lk o'clock. the FIXTURES, GOOD sod Ltc)P.V. of the F +lnaba Dialog Nation. under the Franklin Market, • / NTH Street. above Chestnut—now Going agood day and 'oat taunnete—if not void at private Ra fe before the ahoy. oats. For Lather particulars apply at the har. mb3l-12V HATS AND CAPS. OPENING DAY. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, We will open our Spring 'styles of Genre' end Youths' MOLESKIN AND SOFT BATS, CAPS OP NEW PATTERNS, LADIES' RIDING HATS, Sc., &O. CHARLES SARTORI) dr. EONS, Bon. e 26 and 6280111aTlitTT UMW, HARDWARE. MOORE, HEN SZEY, 8c 00. ARE NOW OPENING THZIR SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE, 4tlT MARKET. and 416 COMMERCE 'STREET. mid-Itat JAMES M. SUOVItL, AST_ORN , Y A T LAW, No. 113 PLUM a rRE.T, ao.,ve Front, NMI- Lit* CAMDEN. X I. IT Its ONLY BY MAKING bt) MANY A Photograph's Ana Atabrotypes that REIMER, SE CO Street. above Green zi snob ed to wake teen* 41to ohsap and good. Bee the Colored Phatog. spha lt Ear PHILADELPHIA TERRA-COTTA (Moe and Wan, CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental t b nine? TOPS. Nanten Vases and Statuary. Idnooonstio Flooring rekg teo lg ra ar i o Tr: t in ilo u ric es Wage Tile and Sanatory Ware. CR:t rlll:l =ter t rVite P c l i P it . attatd k r l:enc re ade h o ss up P e s i l el on Liberal terms. I_l warmed • 'atalognes sent bi Mail on application SI letter S. it. HA RRISON. mldti Yr 1010 CHESTNUT Street. NEW AP( , 7 B ROAR,Y STuRE 1( 15 °Bann UT Btreet. ALFRED B. TAYLOR • Would respectfully inform him friends and the public generally , that he has opened looney Drug and Apu he. miry store, with an extensive and oarefaily-selected ok of Frimal DMA Medicines. Pharmaceutical Pre parations, ho. licTiOi ' , spinal attention to the preparation of Medielnes for am lr me, and the dispensing of PliYdlClaPitr PRACOPII PTIONB. he is determined to nierit s continuance of the Liberal patronsee hitherto so kindly extended to him. his stook embraces all the standard remedies and no pugeegeg, together with a large assortment of fancy articles, Cologne Waters, Brunel. Bone. Perfumery, mh.lo•l2t* IikATRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.- .v T We have now on hand. and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount holly Paper Miles, OVIITY de stination of W. RiLTIND AND LEDGER PAPERS, wh oh for Dolor and quality , are not excelled by any & other Ills in the United mates. We would call attention to new article of Paper Famifehscurod by us. and now for sale. called Business otter. widen bail been gotten hp to meet the wants of na uess ern and others, who object to Cominero , ed Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of_asual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above °Neatens 1 is s per feet sheet. pure wo .0 plate finish i ruled on one side; stmaped in oentr , pear the ton; made from best ma terial, free from uqulteration, and put UP Mum boxes, ,meenient 101 nse. We am, have a paper called Beak Letter. similar to the above except it has bum halt the number of lines on, so se goodww a prated blanir or radios above. er Mount Ho ll y Sums. Cumbe & rland I, ra. Theoat above Papers obe had of Keene, p_ pngoopp & and Pite.GARGBE BRO SERB. blos. 3 and 5 DECAL UR Ittreet. mita dm II I L 0A N S.—Two tin. OIL Cans laxge NJ" sip (have beng_nsod. but in good onign4 for male dew, by C. o.eaptieß cap., Iva *Rau EltrootAd door &woo Front. WWI Begs to announce to the goblin that he has leased from L. J. LEVY.& CO. Their Stereo, No 809 and. 811 MUEBTNIIT St, for Worth of RION pAras rind LYONS DAM GOODS Containing all the novelties of the present season. The o a ses are now being gassed thyough the Custom House in New York, and will be ready for exhibition and sale on WEDNESDAY next. didilt, MINI, and SCOTCH hare been steeled in his hands to sell As they am required to be Mooed out in thirty Attys. the prices wilt be made VERY LOW, and the sales trtl f be made for CASH WYLY. Ail geode offered during this THIRTY DAYS , Rale trill be of superior guiltier, and in the same order se regards taste that his distinguished the old firm of LEVY dr. CO. for 110 many years. mhlBl SPRING °LOANS, IN EVERY NEW style, at IVENS'. No. MR S. Ninth street. SPRING CLOAKS, 1N ENDLIGH3 TA riety. at - inhal-lm RPM G CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST 1 "" ever seen. at IVENS', No. 23 8. Muth street. NIW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material, at erten that Wasiak every one, at the large etore, N. E. corner of Eir Itth and Walnut streets. inhYt-im CITY CLOAK STORE, )10. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry, are now gelling erel7 DOW SLY le of the /Maxon, sunerb anglifies, in every new shade of color, cheaper than aLy other afore izt the atty. inh2l-1m C l.o/1 HS —Wholesale Merchants are in.- vited to lane& the stook at IVENS', No. 23 &lath NINTH Street. coiner of Jayne et inb2l.lm Between Market and Cheetnnt. BARGAINS IN PLAIN DRESS SILKS, 11, STEPL & SON, No. 713 North TENTH St.. ab. Mattes. Nave just received a small lot of Plain Poo d-. romt Bilks, all cetera, suitable for Burned Dress s at The to 4140, Two-lases -iro.rm ae oolors, Beat qammisties of Plain Black Silks. Biala Figured Slack Silks. The to 52. in t receives anal her lot of those Very de sable and very chomp Facer Dress Silks. 50 F me Bo - ese ones ne. cost an to import. 1 Case • naltah Challies, 160. worth 25. Tally reoeiving Choice Styles oh Spring Dress BOO& amnia-ft OPNNINU 5At TBORNI.K3?" &_0191155NP51. - IL B. corner SMITH & $ l- 91.1NG AA n Ing per cwrep. UNDER REGULAR MTV PRICES!* 1 lot of double width Broohe Figured Mozambique at 50 omits per yaro— .leautirul goods. 1 lot toperb quality Broohe Figured Mohair' at 25 cents per yard, worth or. 1 lot of pret7 Plaid Vblomotaa at 14 Gents, tot of beautiful tmene Travelltus ttoods atiVi omits. lot of Gray Mixed Himalayas lei WA cents. NEW BPRIP BILICv 111 Double Faard Brocade Pilts. Cherie Silks. Foulard Qilte to., k. THE BEST AND CHEAP STOOK OF BLACK crLKS PriILADELPHLA ' Nem Spring Cloaks and Nbewie. New Npring Ohm. zes Challis Foulards, dr.e, Power-Lm lueue NOTICE TO # RIENDS. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF WST GOODS, nk- From the Ship John Trucks, purchased at Ana tion for each. 3 WO /di fletti 311tnebrsier aingham,l33o l worth 20. A leo vim arrived per steamer. a Case Whi a ofround Lngliah Chintzes. new and beautiful st 4 les. 12)4o. 1 Oats lip mg Style Delafnes. 123 kt. worth 18X. en invoice of 112arseilles QUM'S. just open ed, 10-4 11-4,12 4. and 13 4. of the several erases, and at prices .over then ever before offered. 40 Ps , Dr. rbud Me4IP , III eheirper Sum Wet. 40 ye nr7 towhee Medico, cheaper than wet. eud,eee L. Q. tidal., 123fic. worth 18%. 1. fine atwortMent of Maltese Yellers. Just opened, direct from manufacturers, 2 oases 10-4 Sheeting. Zia. worth 31. 2 cases 12-4 Sheeting Mo. worth 40 I case Of asonvole 4 4 raft finish .4340. IMe 0 Adana! & 84014'S 4 4 fine 100, A let of 114160 it rta, far ladies sae midges, best anal - lies, at 4.5, and B%c per bar CB ADM.'S andAMS & lON. mhle-tf ri 1011TH ARCH Streets. Under Continentri Hetet CHECKED N T EN.— • All °Moro of Small Plaids for Dresses and Bonnets Alen dupe and Blank and White. 1111 RPLEItS 'BROTHER* nildB CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. iptaocaß SPRING Gut)Dq.- . 11 -. o ' Novelties in Goats' Hair, and Mozambique in Broohe and Embroidered *Wee. mbla SHAW P ti ÜBS BROTHERS, tilthiTN UT and EIGHTH". nu WE WIDE OHINTZ6s. Franoh and rnglish Wide Prints for Dream. Morning Gowng, and Cruidron, kin nRPLIKce_BROTIF RR. maid CHrHTNGT and EIGHTH. BLACK GLOSSY SD KS.— 13 aok "Po do Beim, Gros Ornioa L ord Reau Lion Bonnet laccetaa. BBILXPLEO and TH hmis. mhlf CREISTIM UNEmus. E& YttE LANDP.LL WILL OFFER BY MA the e'en oriard— riei pax/hitting Lo ye aura gin. Largest dine Blankets and quilts. EIRE & LaINDELL, FOURTH and ARCH ' , treats. will open to-der— New Spring t.ignt Chin zee. T ew Spring Pr nob Cambrace. New 1-3pring Style Oieentine. New SG, le Oray Tamarttnes. 'PYRE Jr. LANDEL4L KEEP A FULL AS- Initment of— Extra Wee Zeno Cesare. lext.a *Lae Table Covers. kasm 8 ze Damsek %Alai ?so, Tatra Flue Bea bed Napkin. mblii BRoADOLO iItS—BOYS , WEAR. Yine black cloths. for gents' spring wear. cloak Olathe, light and oarks from $1 up. oys' *animates and coatings. Berm' fine Mack cassiniares. Fanny oaaeimeree, for apnea wear. COtiklAß & GONARPt__ fe2d 3:Mathew:al:forcer rim and /11418,R=. RETAIL DRY GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & Co RESPECTPULLY Invite a tention to their extensive and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW DRESS GOODS, • rat BRACING SILICS Of the newest styles, S H AWLS - Of the latest designs. PARIS DRESS GOODS, Newest fabrics and styles. EMBROIDERIES, Latest novelties. MOURNING GOODS, A fall assortment. HOSIERY AND GLOV-ES, Of the best makes and shapes, togetner with a full as eminent HANDSOME NEW GOODS. This stook has been 05T811112.7 'sleeted in the Euro pean and Rome Markets for T.W. R. & Co.'s sales, and will be found complete ine,ts assortment, and compare favorably in pr me with other stocks. 818 AND 820 .CHESTNUT STREET. 1019. n OPENING. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. WILL . HAVE' THEIR FIRST OPENING SPRING MANTILLAS WEDNESDAY, 20Tu INST. Nos. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mhig.3t SPEOTAL NOTICE To the Pnbho and Cturtornere oCL. J. LEVY & CO. J. M. FIAFT_,EIGH THIRTY DAYS, And wilt open on WEDNESDAY, Maroh 20th, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS The above. together with several large invoices of STAPLE and FANCT,GOODS, ON OONBIONMSNT rah 4 ricrii s n a Liaeai olMir o - 17141 . importation. Ito. One lot of Browns. Olives, and Ashes-of-Foie. One of of .• mall Pfeifle, suitable for Friends. One lot 01 Small Figure,. light and dare. One lot of Small Flawed Wool Delius tig at 26 eolith One lit of Australia and Peal-skin Shawls. • One lot of Bargolona Bawls, fresh. The above goods are choice and ye desirable s at ar JOHN OK el 6 , vibe 702 Arch street. Q GEPRIN PRINTS -MollAritS. k- 7 New neat mints, for dresses and shirtinsa. ew styles medium and dark prints. ew honed mohair* and obalges. Good blaok silks. Fine stook black goods. GOOFGR A UOtt tilt D. fe2P Southeast owner NINTH and ki&ittatiT WHITE GOODS. isoonets, Swiss, trth, Nallitook• fialds,.brelliantt, bird-or e, masers. *mbroidereed collars, !Oa, bands, handkerchiefs. men otembr , o bandatoordeft—ladieet. testa lame aim, email, 4. arad. Ltnetui for shirting, frontint. Torres, DV, lies, napkins, flannels, damasks. • Y & D, 10213 Southeast corner NINTh and MARKET. opfuNG GOODS; UPENING DAILY. The folmwmg good' I have Ault opened t Brocade po,line, Luwts, stripe and Plain Kolasibteno, Steamy CWrok. Joetinlae. Matinee., Tortuga Crape, crape p o plins, Preach and Englath Chintz, and many new mkt kinds too numerous to mention, at . • JOHN U. STO drop S KES re ', TOB tet WANTS. wANTEn---vmpLoYMENT, BY A TOTING M 4 N who hew had sajeers experience sti a b on 4k esn * r and goleetivezt tr. the Flour t uT %,n, ao.d General Produce Commission Business.. re able and milling to wo. k. Salary aea •rdence torah the Li re, Addreaa Q.. through the Poet Moe. mhto-3t* liV A krpe 6 r, D by a A msn ' L l- ns ti pit 'l rl l :l ll) oe l4 . T a e s sttm b o o nt k is from last employer. ti •larr moderate. ro obiststion to leave the atty. Address '• Moreland." this Offete. mh 9 St* WAN ODD—lmmediately, by the under- Fifty" signe et the Mart Mahanoy Rtulroad tnansl, 'funnel Men and Twenty See Lwerem, for out side section w .rkr adjoining This work a located in Schuylkill count,. Penney eight miles from Ts MYKYI6. by Beading Railroad from fbiladelohl . end two miles from Barnesvide station. on the Little ocbuyikill Railroad. MIURAEL BARRY & CO" Contr•otors. $4,000 ANL) $3,OuU iNVJgsT IN Mortgage Eleourities on City Property. BAIN HAPI, fel-tf 142 South E I G HTH Ptreet. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 4 GOOD ROUTE ON Tins PAPsa-FOR Ja. RALE. Apply at ihia offiga. le TO LE t—A handsome DWELLING, IM.with marble front. No. IWO ARCH Fltreet, with three-story back bultdinvs. and all modern conveni ences for a trivets family, with often attached for a Profeceinnat men. as. Will be rented very remcnably to a good tenant. teindr to Julie+ a. nil s. trib2l-St* 8. b. corner NM CH and ARCH BM iNg TO LET—A large four-story dwelling, MI 36 North NINTH Street, with all the modern , mprovemente. Galonlated for a lane family, or a firegotaan Boarding Bonne. will he rented re sonable toa goo' tenant. Anvil to JNO. A. 111, YE, B. w. cor ner of NINTH and ABBR. nnh2l St* at TO LET—The three-story BRICK ZEILOWEr LING. No. 1634 WALNUT Street. Rent b 635. May be seen from /2 to S DAM . L i RUINS. mhzi-3t.* OJT Wlti,DiUs ;Street. ige DESIRABLE CONFECTIONERY sTANn FOR RALE , OR TO RENT, No. 223 !UCH MON 0 Street, above ikhaokamexon Street. Large toe helm on the premires. Rent $1 0. tlikEbor ot opiTGOMERY, mh2o-2t* 1033 REACH Street. above Laurel. To RENT—THE LAR9E AND MN VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard. at May'andvitte. Twentrfourth ward. Apply to U. O. it Y. N W A WREN on the promisee. mhle If gm TO LET—A iiEgtcABLE DWEL nzi LINO. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Strtyd: Apply to wETHEnIIA, & Blttran,E, 47 6,ad 49 Borth RECORD Rtreet. inhl4-ti tFOR SALE O} TO RENT—The large doe) e BRICE ow ri,LiNe HOUSE NO 416 south riFreaarmi Btreetp Wow 11 , e. The building in mdmiiably adapted for a BoardinK Howe or For Bohcoi moms. And/ to J. timitobArcr PRICE. 813 Art(al.Btrook mhll-12t FOR RENT— That very . desirable STTIR'R and FIXTURES No. 432 CR ‘STNUT Street. below Fifth. This is one of th • beet locations far banners in the ear, being in stone square with New Foot-Moe Buildinre. Inquire at the _" Big Qua," 432 QUESTri UT acreelt. rob B-if 0 LRT—SKOONDSTOkir ROOM, 802 CHT , STNUT street. over LEWIS piDO<hli & Co.'. Jewelry store . The best location in Philade . phis for any kind of light buineu. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent 8400. frl9 PO RENT—Two very desirable btores, H jl oietr Ik e a Vigtreit?'tn t iit fr :titn " .lht?::ei nent&l oiallr adayted for a SADDL E and Haaiiirsx Maker. 669- Apply to JOHN MOE, fea-if Southwest NINTH and taliNSom rtreetn. To LET—The commodious and desirable upperoms, No. 813 MARK ET Street. bairn u m m Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Morley. front NI by 120 feet, hunted in front, aide, and by two large rib lights. The choicelocation for business and the KM nor manner of oonetruotion make them more than pr dinaroy attraeozve to business firma making or desiring ohscge of location; gas-fixtures throughout. Apply at lelYbad, CLAOHOII hT. & CO., auctioneers, corner MARK ET and BANK Streets. '.lBB-tf FON. EXLIIIANGE.-A 011010 E TRACT of coat unimproven form land in the Staterel New Jersey. convenient to the city. will he exchanged for CIO property. Apply at No. UM FEDERAL Street. stri tr pp R. CORSON,R EA L ESTATE BROKEN sol , AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN. PA. Beal, Estate bought 'and sold on reseonoble terms. Store. end dwellings 'or gale or rent in Norristown end country . Good mortise ee negotiated. Collections made The IMO: rereretiCee [MO. 0124 417) Ml.tsks(JlJ±tl .LAN .L) I 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from UR to ao cents per acre, in any quantities re -4n A X RS paid and PATENTSpro= red for purohasers of Land .pader the Graduation Aot, luriliatied gratis by social= a postage SUMP.; For fturthar nsfarmaben applo to WILttO I. R AWLINGS, & CO.. G. S. and General Land ijgeats, 66 OR ESTNIIT street, Between THIRD and FOURTH. T. Louie. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 1143A1tD11 4 114 WAR INO.—A bUtIE OF BOOMS, tog•th-r or separately on sestornl floor, with or without pnvato table. at 1315 .4 Ai.../SU! fit. mhli-Llt* HST -O L .;• 88 B , Wllll A i n desaant room , et No. 141 r LOO M Strad. * im- Ibkll.ol62tialt.b. puffs CRABAPPLE OLDER, MADE BY THE RAPPITES, AND ADAMS' OELEBIRTED CI MASSACHUSETTS CEAMPAS IE DER, .717£12. RECCHII7II% ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, CORNER ELEVENTH . AND VINE STREETS FAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, O. H. MATTSON, s. W aor. Alteliand TENTH. Streets. 8018 GARDEN SEEDS. BUIST'S WARRANTED KITCHEN GARDEN SEEDS. SEED WAREHOUSE, 922 and 924 MARKET Street. above Ninth. • fell-lm LEGAL. INI*.TATE OF JOHN D. ORAME, dee'd. Je:9l Letters or a dministratron with the Will annexed, to th, Fatale of 50His D. CR aIOE, la e of the my of Philadelp is mmeserd. havens been slanted to the sorters= sed, 11.1 persona inaebteo to the aud hatete ere requested to twee payment, mod those navies alai= against the said Estate to amens them to WIr.LIIO4 DITANE. Administrator. with the Will annexed. No. 514 WALNUT street, or 1800 PINE Ctreet. mhill-that* CO PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. riniE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE s existing between the undersigned under the firm of Vantpen . Guggenheim, & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual co , sent, M. the withdrawal of Charley Vanhorn. The bu.ineea will be continued at the same place by M. GUCitiEN ?AM & CO. glutted, CtifitttLlgt VANTIORN, F.Dw.,ED6,ENfilstal ORALIAIVI, 6116. Philadelphia, March 18 1881. mh2o,3t* as. EHOVAL—T H UNDEasIGNED, with Messrs. Bobber & 'weak's. N. 205 and 207 North FRONT street, is prepared to furnish the Trade woh Good. of the bes and at the lowest prices. Thais & for pest favors, would respectfully solicit optintierme of the Trade reh2o3t* O. VAN HORN. CO L• fOIISEKICEPERB.- LOOK TO YoUR INTEREST't—BUY YOUR COAL at RICES' where nothing but the very heat Lehigh and Sehaylkill Coat in offered. at the following reduced gimes Lehigh, Broken, krt. and Steva_______VlS f ar ten. Schuylkill" cm ••• Large ADO " Warranted free . from slate . or duet, and full weight. at WOKS' 'lard, southeast corner of 111ARtIftitla. and W mum. and I*ll-3W A ‘,/itt,VI.TLRA.I. PRINCE EDWARD'S I& E BLACK and GIPBEv OATS a 1 ew and very superior ar Vole. IR eigbint 41 w , unds to the bushel, and yielding 75 Ouseels per acre. for sale by ROGRPS & GEST. WAS Gt. No.l 3 MARK E r Street. 1 gill B%R.RELB DN. En TO. Pal•J"or For sale by ROOF RS Es 61 -I R3T. Bible eV • NO. 13 MA KKT Street. imstnicArous comrArii rm. FABIE jNBUIL &NUE 00 uP111 , 4 Y No. 400 CHESTNUT ?Units FIRE AND INLAND IfibURANCH, DiaseSOlce. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Damuel " Wrutht Bros & Cc. D. B Btrrey " Davis & Henry Lewis, Jr ' 4 Lewis Bros & Co. C. Richardson, • --- " J. C. Howe & Co. mune T. no l igne„ ~preet Wionlipg Canal Cißie7t Jno. W. Everetart.....4 J. W 114Yetirie.11 & Co, Otto. A. wain—. • west & Foßs. T.B. Martin. .. .. .." Say-se, Martin, It Co. O. Wilson Dams Attorney-at- law. E. H Sibley :2 Molten, & WOtenr, .711.0. Kessler, Jr. ,„..No 1715 Crean street. BBILItuB W. DAYresident. IPRANQIS_N RUCK, Vine President, WILLIAMCI I. BLANCBARD.Seoretary. SAVING FUNDS. PLYAVING FUND—UNITED EiTe TSB TRIM COMPANY, ooilieot THIRD and 0111.117- NUT Streets. INTERBBS FIVE PER cwt . . B. K. ORA W FORD. President J MEB R. HUNTER, Sooratary and Treasurer. °Bloc bourn. from 10 until 3 o'clock. Thoi Company iN not Joined in ens application to the Legislature. ABLERIOAN SAVENG FUND, .4. E. car nor WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continues to receive deposits and parall sums on demand as it toss shelve done. ALEXANRER Presiden t JOHN S. Wfasos. Treasons*. inall-ittf MO MERCHANTS. TO BANICARA, TOFASINERRS. TO r T 3 STAT ARTISTS I - ONERS. Use the celebrated Jackson's Leads and Petiole. the oldest and bast make in this ocentry,at JOHN R. riTottES. lEll4f ' leo A yet 8 I/ INVENIOR-, DhSIONtIS , Aoorren- copy of Ihot_lw BA relent bet may be had by aline to El. HOW -ON, I 'kited mates and iturop-sk sten Office, FORILEeT ?Woe. 1933 Bomb FOu Ptrent. male L2O FitENCII CORSN'i B. -- Mme,llivet, 1314 CHESTNUT Street resareasll7 announcers tr the Moil * Chet shell.. received a are* assortment o f the above Co , sets. of the newest patteits, from rads. Alsonew flood-Dresses and Bridal Wreaths. mhlB Ita* NOTICE--du persons laving baggage 1 gated at the Of ttARD HOUth are reaasaied to ta k e the IMO away immediately. and as Wpm% that melba= left for unsettled aoooutda mil be aold aooord in' to law, if notoalied for ninon thir,' diva, GBO. G. ra.Esßult Ja. 0/10011 1 Roves, Philsea., March KM. m AMUSEMENTS. - SUAKSPEAPE. TUE bil'EcHA NT OF V, E" will he 1 1 , mai te , d Anal zed en the aftotaornail Of the Ilet, the Mtn. and*the 28th taste, at 436 o'olook a.BS6III.BLY MALI/110 iok•te for the 'reale Oar 81. To be 11 d at .1024 CHI 'WWI' !Erect it flaM Ugh M. CLEligl.aNb. g tRN UM 7 t4 LI VIN , 4 WOND4 at the ARSE 'IDLY ReOhlSteorti.rATlVlnl. and CHER NUT rltreire Ersße 00n. god G. Open from 10 o'clock A. bit I Y. M., 17 0 m 2 till 6, and from pm tin kl SRC D 'erk.EK ot the Moot eir-oessfoil exhibition et Llv MD tihflaN vit, • v34re named In the public. Finn epvearano. of the T , 111149 CAl.Oliwho solves the moer. dlllbult Problems in Anthmetio and Al2ehrs instantaneously, and imparts h.s iiearea to all visitors. Toe WORLD R RD AZ f Eflig. A Male and Female. aged 17 and 24 ream, soid to he d on.voinnta of a •Ineorde - el ewere. of the ancient AZTEC FOUNDERS OF THE RU►NE•I T. NI PI, riF CEA: fi AL AM /VA A D YUCATAN. The Wonderful EAmTt. W 'MAR. from Central Africa. who Oi a perfect epitome of grace and beauty in form. ann the wily fem.le sopoimett of thin extraordinary rune ever exhibited in amerioa. Most WON riERF. rt of At. HUMAN i.alirloBlT ALBIROF ‘MILY FRO e. MaDaosBi.laß. RUDOLPH LIJOASIA. Wife and Child. a I with pure WHITK SKIN, WHlrlt SILKEN /km. nd PINK STE& IttatßA. eliaPOF r 821. THR " Oftora RUNG JUAN PADANINI." Will play Bolos and National hlelodies on one e nag only. KKR POF FISK THE HUNGARIAN VOCALISE AND GUITARIST. All the loading ettmotinne of BARNUM o nl y YOQK, Adninaninft to all 25 cents; Children t , ler ten year. 16 aebta. DaltlB Elt CONOPIRT THE IPEdi:Ehlm-b,ONERTs SATURDAY :PON EV D ENIN I'IONCE O, RT March 33. GR.ANit t.HCIRE-Ts A OF FORTY PTCKID PRE+Foliovi ,, RS: ORANDCHORIJS OF ONE HUNDRED 1.11411 1 En VOCAL AND INaTP UNIENTAL. SOLOISTS. Overtures Symphonies. Va . ses.Polkse. HAM MOTH. JULLIPN Q.O +DRILLER. Admission TWENTY FIVE CP-NTs. it VIITHEATLEY & OLANKO' 4 AROII-tit v THEATRE. * Tenth ntaht of the engagement of the eminent tra gedian, MR CHARLES When he-will arTnlii DI ULON, In addition of !idi e iir T H l S t i g ebtint44ll""nati" Riven gfrvehable . Co In which the fun etreli . :tlirf madl '4l Will appear. GRUAT STAR COMPANY WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. v v Pole Lome— —Mrs. W A. OAR tr HTTSON. /Race Manager ....»......._..... Mr. W A.Oll V lLnli Bunion= Anent-- Mr. JOO M. , 11. MURPHY. THIRD GRAND . REPREEENTATION OP TRH Pit KNOti DRAM &TIC TitoUPH. THU its +V r,Vt - erhtiMan% 2lat. Lrt v.:KM RYER DV. LYON, Ott, WAttnque de la Mae poste. Ural" nwitnrulne en 7 awe, a arena eceeteole. de MM. tr, wean, birauein Pt Delsrour. hiring the atm of the Franca. Comp.hy the otiose Will e th eo io et o c w e tickets 75 cent, Parquet t a tate— " uronestra and Private Box-- .$1 60 Plinio, 25 .. Beate can tin secured without extra charge. Doors oven at 7 ceoloolr ;ounitur will rise at 734 o'clock. cDONOUGHT OLYMPIC I ,—(LATE LTA , oaIRT BB,) RAGE Btreet, below bird. TRIR (THURSDAY) REENINg. Marsh 2 / 4 BEN PPM OP J. LvNwoon BA:0111P.TT. FIFTY FOURTH NIGHT ”F THE THE EEVPN SISTERS. Introducing ail the new and splendid femur, s. Includin g BK alive. on the r•C U .lO , ILL by Mho; I. OWE. THE OLD APPLE WOMAN' IN R (• UBLE. LORI) OTINDR.APIT FALL)) IN. AN TiOLR, CHEAP 80 ,. NB OF I , XiIITI:NIEDIT: REROL B? FOUR GREAT 8C r , NPR IN ONE PLAY. OR ARnENR, (I ondon.) THE DREAM O V A LL E Y° WABRINtsTON FORGE! Admission—Parenette.2ll cents; Orehestra,dia; Fa mily Circle. Lee; Private Box. Beata. Mo. Doors near at IlMo'clook; conunerenng atTM. THE " SEVEN SLEEPERR. )7 O. The RANDvL AND HAYDN GRAND 018TVRA TORIOr . e f lin the seven Sleepers." a Grand oratorio con teted by Dr. / °EWE, on eli 'Ft eY lNt3,x6th mgt.. at the Al tbdioAl. FLINT) HALL, assieted by the GE old ANIA. ORCHESTRA. - This work bee bean ropentedly perform e dinHer- Maui. and oeinusiona bin r men a. in every ins twee eliciting unqualified approbation. It combines the most pleastng met dies with trend and imposing bar ii onm effenti, and preheats much 1 rya er variety of etc le and form. a• well as appropriate ad •pt thin to the shifting reeves of the text than most wets, of its Al um. The Mean upon Which it is fount ed is of the ypo.t in teresting character. and the varions .Mporitfib4llol3ll have been ant. nsted to (Impotent vocalists, a (led' by he large Waimea the boolety, numbering two hundred voices • • - Leador and Conductor— B. C • RR GROWL Pianist to the •oo.str ..._....MICH AEL H. C•ORIL Tiotet: FIFTY' ORR TS—IO. sale at Bee. & I,aarto OR • at Coniston's, s ish h. above Cherry ; at Chioke"inerr, Cheatnut. arove Reventh. anti at the d..or. at B o ors open at 7 o'ekeic .Nrformanoe to eornmemee . mhl9 7t AB.LL & LEYLAND'S ST ER F OPTICION I Exhibiting in the Large Room of the ASSEMBLY RUILDING.I. . REV e.riTii 'WEER OF TH.B NE FLUB ULTRA OF INTEL/FrEGTU hNTERT A INVVNTS. A Change of programme will be amen niahtla- Oard. of gammen. 25 oenra. Children's millets, Si cents. Famoly liege a, adent•me fine Derange, 81. Doom open at 7.h;coemence at 8 o'clock. aIATiN E' EVERY AFTERNOON. TRIS WEFR. Commencong at three o'clock. mhlB 6t sGN OR Bt.I I Z—LAST'WEVR. 0,3 et) witatntr.SALTil HALL, CHESTNUT ST. abota Sixth. Pleasant and Amusing Flitertalownte EVER 2 I EVEN! NG. at half vast seven, %nu WE DNESDA and SATURDAY Af , er , onne. at lasi., CONc'IS - ING of new and WONDERFUL DE6IOiVSTAt,d, TIDES in MAGIC. AMUSING and WONDERFUL . scenes in YENTRII.OQUISM. and the LEARNED CAN 411 Y BIRDS. A dm , nton ici (tents ; ahiMreo hall twits:. feIS-11 SANFORD'd OPERA St SUSS, ELEVEN Eli STREET. DYED FOR THE DEMON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Hag ;secured one of the LARGER I' COMPANIES ever presented heretofore. who wall appear nightly. Sanford will perr•crin every evening. rdt.* orin ; %analogise sit enomen 25 cents, °Wier= 'anent& VAN AAIBURGI3 & 110.13 GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITIITE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS, 420 and 420 CHErsTNUT Street, Next toteh Custern $01156. POSITIVELY THE L , tOT WESERI EVERY ItIORNINCi. AFTERNOON, and f, VENING Doors open at 10 A. 11.,0 and P. IP. Admission IS condi; children ender nine years la cents. Perform ance of I , looh:int, Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leoehrde, Puma. Ponies, Monkeys, - Mulee, Re., every Afternoon and Evenmr. _ _ POSITIVELY LAST WEEK Of this Moroi, .i.acrnetive arra limueing hahibition. Bp ZlOTlCE.— ' that aureole of earaoity, the wonderful Performinn Elephant "FIRM Math. introduced into the arena every Afgmooa and Eve nting. by Prof. Nub. and enema testa Whorl° deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. f USICALANIA give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SP TUR PAY,comißeneing 33f o'clock , at the MUSI CAL FuND HALL, 8 ticketos, el; sing() tjeketew ering, for gale at Oluokerina Bon'ai °lamina' street Andre% itat. 0888UHIS street; and Beak it Lawton's. Okestnitt sweet. Engagements for Goneerts, Commenoementi, Par ties, (Co.. made only at their ()Moe, Mastering_ & Son's Piano Store, SDI Chestnut street; William Stoll,, Itit North Juniper street, or C. Dronshman. PM Rides avenue. ja 31-e PEN N A . ACIADEbIIf On` FINE ARTS.--1021) CEERTNUT Street. " CRINITIORAZICIP is splendid hunting by ?Minot. "THE. FIRST BIB," a beautiful Marble Statuette Ti Angelnu. On exhibition for a short time. Vignoni rl iikwain hrirw •h.f. emara EDUCATIONAL. IMILY BOARDING ROIIOOI4 FOR YOUNG M 1 , .N AND BOVA. at Pottstown. Monts() • err county, Pa.—l he T•enty• first stm annual session will cronintnoa co W R 14 DAY. May Pt. Circulars. conveying full irirticatlars, will be for warded by mail, on applioation . Rev. M. MF KM A. M., I. W. GULDIo, Prinai A M. pals. Pottstown. Moron 14.7861 Eagmtnitess—Messrs. James L. (- bighorn. or 1E lerg. C'aghurn. & io. ; James e. Caldwe 1 • John W porn ; Edward t.afotaraade; Edward Roberts Jr.; A. F. Glass, Washington House; Westaott Bade,. ; Eon. James Cooper; Hon. n Jones. mhl4 9r. I.IRYANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS , MERCANTILE CM/LEG% li, Ei °Outer BE irzetTht and GRESTlNUTStreinin t —Day and Nonaling &SHOWS. individeat irsarreersox in Bookkeeping in oludingGsseral Wholesale end Retail Business. Ride ping, Forirardmg and Comminmon, Bankink a Mango, Manufacturing. Raisroading, atetun ting, me., the Meet thoresigA and practical' comae in the Untied Statism. Alto, Lectures, Coromeroial Calcula tions, Arithmetto. and the' higher Mathematics, Pen manship (heat in the city Pp Correspondence , &o. For *ale, their new Treatiseou Wokgeopuig i bowl fn orintod in colors. and the won pubilittod. orao-tf SAFES. IME LILLIE'S SAFE D POT RE OVED to No. it Bouth SBVe.NTII Street, near the antiin Institate. The underlined. thankful for put Wong, and being determined to runt future patronage. has secured an elegant and oonveniego more and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillis's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fi a and Burglar Proof Pales. (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also tit he's Unequalled Rank Vault, Safe. end Rank I Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. Th a ta the otrusspoot, best protected, aid cheapest boor and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is Waled to New Cabinet Safe ler Plate, Jewelry, &e. This Safe is con eedmi to surpass m style and elegance -Iv thing yet of fered for this purpose. and is the only one that as strict ly Sr.. and burglar proof. Eleacisz. No ice —I have now on hand say twenty of Panel, Herring & Co.'e Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes. and all lately es changed for the now Celebrated Lillie cafe. Thew will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. Mae lyif M. C WADI $. R. gent. 01 EVANS it W 4TP( N'S • SALAMANDER SAFES. OTOR.JS 304 OFIESTI4UT BTREET, .PHIL.A.IMIX 0I a . PA. A lama variety 01 Filia-PAOOF BAFE3 always ton hand. alba NEW DAILY FAIDGIIT Lani TO NEW YORE, T, e Phosseiebia and • ew York 'Kimmel Ersamb at Yuri find etorenbe r a vii eight for ,• ew Irani at first wharf be.ow RICK r street, at reasona ble mt.'. WM. r rLyi)tc, g. nt mlttl-rftf A nk NOTICE. REDUCTION OF BATES FEEIff.HT FOR NEW YORE Oa and after MO HIPAY. Pawl& 1 b* ites 3 s B / 4 of the "OUTRIDE LINE" far New Yorklllll redoes to: Of to SUMMER RATES. Freight reoeived JAMES ALI:DEEM% Agert* 314 and 318 Booth DELAWARE AVENUE. Iran-et FOR NEW VORK. THE Philedel , him @team Propeller Clotnnanf will commence their business for the Beeson on Mont er 18 h trot. Their Steamers are now reoetving freight at Second Pier shove Walnut rarest. Terme acoommodatine. inhiS 224 !south Delaware Arenua t _ 1/ I qa t° . Rms.') Jr CO., _______ L" - -- - MT--Five Coupling, No. 206. 2( 'L 250, M. and 29g, ijne Jan. Mai, liana of the eounty. ef.. Allegheny to the Pl' taburr and Co. neisrf w „II salami, , A Ida:lain:Ward Via b e giro? fo- ta ni • *ongoil sane. F F. MI , .Intra tO tt agate , 4 ocuth Pittner tieet. SPEOIAL NOTitis.— till' rel. ItS WICL *lmam take n age• that the /Youth Gentling it... R Co. have olsoontinued forwarding all thr , nelt /relent vet all goods formerly consigned to them must now neigned to a city a IMO.. , emit. T. Pi. & TAt. SU DD wri 1 forward all goods to their addrets. No It)6 IihRON. 31t.d R $0.. uth9 126 North W EL ....---------- IVOR MB= MAN uPAOTORT;;;J. W. ..R: SCOTT. 014 en24TNur atreei, a fijoir dome below the" Continental.' The attention of - W_lidssajj Dealees is invited to his IhIPEUVED CU. • tne .. alimiTa, of mitarior lit, make. and material. °A u ld and made to eater at *onset nation, 1