Hg. LAW TAXI: CHARGE lo order of wite•beaters as weekly. No intimida ignments to prison, or news to affect a natural tendon• .ort co thresh one's wife this abuse. er. He resided trt in the vicinity of High roots, the domestio economy lently deranged by going his wife into the night and he maternal bed. Ile did days ago, with the unim !feting his wife, and driv 'Abe in her arnia. The abont the lota and and coming h• me in Jrning, climbed into a Since that time she has death. and David has the flowing bowl. He rd after cursing awhile, she would hurry to die. Richard the Third in low Hall's °amain at the time. he made a charge upon within an inch of his life. id to the spot, and, fail of Hall, wife-neater, was put fore Alderman Ogle, look raid. His hair was in a had neither washed nor lood•shotten, and his cheek roiled beef Mrs. Humph 'ed against him, and in )avid said, with a fate mt.• 'at woman 'as made ien he was put into the on Wednesday. If Mrs improbable—then David ilaslla ASSAM:MD.- o'We* on Sunday night, sing Twelfth and Raoe Lion drawn to a crowd of td collected in Kellogg's I in a general row. The of the party coming out, rrest him, upon which the in number. came rushing 'cs, sticks, the., and made He was knocked down, him, with which he was Ilfanon came to his assist s face with a pitchfork. e arrested, and a war ms. Twe more were lay morning. They n aibberd, and gave try MoDoveugh, Owen td were all committed , obert Eden, a tall, :wo years, and John Sha ky, aged eighteen, were the Central Police Sta , on the charge of theft. neat of Alfred Lighter, with a valuable gold were anxious to pawn rr. Lighter bffioted to and despatched his -e an officer. Oa the 101 l was found. The of descriptive bills printed and often- The thieves are sup• party of housebreak ter hearing on Wed- Aom.—The working anin g, at Spring Garden emporarily in thechair. were represented, and om each of these. On 'armament officers were ident, James Christie; Ippen ; Secretary, R. .rty-four was then ap the year. The presi and the body then ad- w.—There was a is Evening Bulletin, tin copies of that jonr ii of Mr. Lin ok advantage of the td Meer Bartholomew the charge of abstract , of a young man em- Mshment. Davis was tation, to await a hear toney was found in his y evening some thief 'iniel Judd. No. 1168 ;salad off $145, in gold, imonnt of silver, and a !Wrangel was effected by ring house, unoccupied, then climbing from one t money was in a bureau open with a chisel, The 't behind, it having been ...SEEKERS. —Candi- " offices have already m nomination at the en. arious little postera ap ten tious ad va r ti cements The national calamities the zeal of these patriots e country, and from these nusually spirited contest month of May. ABST.—The hotel of the southeast corner of was entered on Sunday to door., and about $lO in rawer. Two men, named ,harlea Kemeral were ar of being the parties who 'intents' , morning they , ian Gorden, and coin- ,are Floyd, Joseph did Henry Merford, have serge of being the parties )ur young moo, on Sunday ng •down Frankfurd road, 'ress of yesterday. John ly stabbed in the neck, is condition, not being ax is), morning the accused by Alderman Clouds, train which went "me streets, on Sunday at cars. They were ail breed per/lens who de an, to witness the inaugu idea upon reaching the salty of half an hour in nisequentas of the rush of -Applications for li .otele and restaurants are the Commissioners' drum rd applications were at large number of licenses and the applications for very numerous. eery Donnelly was of stealing during the at Broad and Turner's untried him to answer. sted at Twentieth and mmitted by Alderman rge of stealing a basket,. —Thomas Pollock, Rosy, Joseph Freno, Limon, Thomas D. Hardy, were merited dialog lg at Third and Shippen all bald to answer_ —Elizabeth Hu gg, !guar, attempted to omit '4ht, by jumping over ' !She was fished oat the Seeond-district thn Robinson and . into custody on Satur robbing a money till at Iberland street. About id were both committed ids. .as are being gravelled preparatory to throwing Lief Justice LOwrie, :hompeon, and St-roof-- to the court for a writ of lase of Francis M Wilson, aunty prison, under a sen idnapping. While under t, another indictment was ter comity ; on a charge of ?resented to the Supreme having it settled as to the !ironer from Lancaster to of the fact that sentence may. The case was held the court adjourned until -- Judge Ludlow.-- and the court was engaged New York. FUR GYMS IN NEW .NGE-N111,0'13 GARDEN IN Ur SANDS, THE CIRCITS ress4 w Youx, March 4,1861. week for the commerala has just olosed—the im. Ise of nearly two millions tesponding week last year, double those of the come ear. and three times greater The asset figures of exports mill. I, during the last three $7 451,401 11541. 967 21,421-537 specie. The sgriculturists of highest reasons fox coograttx. factory as these. For three me, and possibly longer, the breadstuffe is not likely to ui Philadelphim who know rk politica and, politioianz, full list of those yrbo are • prominent aspirenta for the ses ill this city : 0. Grinnell, George Opdyke, thard M Blatebford, (formerly •at Auburn;) Pelatiah t of Commerce ;) Shepard (eebenies' Bank ;) Hiram B ur . mderstood to have the inside J. Williamson, (Sickles' con ; ) James Humphrey, (M. 0 ; ) (Superintendent of Police; ) omit(oian ;) General James F. Camp, (principal stook :) end Edmond J. Porter. , lts (harbor biokad by Corwin, Chase, & Co ;) Augustus F. Dow, (broker ;) Col. Pinckney, (military man.) United States Marshal—Obarles A. Stetson, (Astor House, Weed and Seward's men;) WWI W. Brennan, (harbor master;) Richard Kelly, (tax receiver;) Thomas Acton, (police commissioner ;) Wm. R. Albertson, (boas oartman * John Commer ford. (lend reformer;) Gen. J. H. Hobart Ward. ( ex .commissary General, and m agi with the boys -") John Quackenbosa, (police strte ;) Cape Hart, (police.) United Slates District Attorney—Wm. M. Bwarte, A. Oakey Hall,. Judge Blouson, Daniel Ullman, Rufus W. Andrews, E. Delafleld Smith, Charles C. Nett. Postmaster—Win. B. Taylor, (present incumbent, backed by the Grinnell and Draper i n terest . ) Ben jamin Welsh, Jr., (commissary gene ral.) and Jos. Hoes. Navy Agent—John F. Butterworth, Francis IL Spinner, (51. C. ;) Wm. 8. Kenyon, Alfred Wells. U. S. Assay Office—James B. Taylor, (retired merchant * Win. Stewart, (builder and president of Board of Supervisors;) Mr. Little, (supervisor.) Win 0 Bryant of the Post, John Bigelow late of ditto, James Watson. Webb, H J. Raymond, and Win. 11. Fry, of the editorial persuasion, are aspirants for the more agreeable diplomatic ap pointmente- Uurieuely enough, no one has been raped for the United States Deputy Tteasuryship The bonds are so fearfully huge (a half million.) awl the responsibility so fearfully hugwer, that no body appears to seek for the appointment J. Smith amens, for some years past olmmer eial editor of the Conner caul Enquirer, has re signed that position to become chief editor of the Merchants' Alogassine. Niblo's Garden le in the market for a tenant. Stewart. the great dry-goods man, owns it, and asks $30,000 per annum rent. Nixon, the present lessee, is not an applicant for renewal. P. P. Christy talks of taking it The body of Richard Sande, known throughout the country for his management of circuses, was brought home this mercies, on the steamer Ca hatola, from Havana. He died of brain fever, very suddenly Two weeks ago he was in this city. Hones. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 4, 1811 During the day the stook market was exceedingly fe verish, all pasties waiting for the inaugural adding. of the new President, for a basis upon which to form their ;lam and opinions for the future. Reading finetuated, opening at 2lg and selling down toll, before boasds during the 'onion of the Board it rose to 22, upon nevi that the New York market was very firm. On the first impreeeions of Mr. Linooln's address—promulgated upon the tullettn board of the /aquiver. and confirming the leiter of the Washington oorrerpoodent in this morning's Nora American. to the effect that the ad dress was very dawdedly for coercion and the retaking of the Government provertr—Reading receded to 2131, and when, on the reoeipt of the President's inaugural. l‘ter to the day. it wee found not tolustify th , ae re verts. Reading advanced again to Sg, at which figure It *toted here, while in New Yirk tt closed at 223 G—the market there being very favorably affected by the in augural. This history of the rises and folio m Reedinz shows the whole day's story of the market, of which it may fairly be taken as the barometer. OFFICIAL BANK BPATERLENT. WEBXLT AVERAGES OF THE PHILADELPHIA DANSE LOA-NB. SPECIE. Banns. Feb. 25. Maroh 4. Feb.. 23. filar. 4. - - - Philadelphia.... 39.477,000 98.353 000 31574.0/5 9749.000 North America 3.146.345 3 244 967 537.557 512 223 Farm & Meoh- 4 1168,823 3 986.473 9.2,425 943 985 Commercial- - 1,553,1411 1,54,0110 234180 239 Mu Meohanice.- - 1.566 374 1.648 491 254.933 362,981 N. Liberties.... 1993=10 1.101.0(8 197.000 203 000 Southwark.-- 791.054 770=0 246,674 42.008 Kensin_gton.„.., 743 453 723 516 1=241 137.98 3 Yenn T ownsh ip 631 635 648.321 167 685 164,571 Western_,....... 1.382.325 lAD 396 350 113 363 950 Man. & Mech.. 1.064.963 I.' 52.560 160.133 160.964 Commerce...... 692 648 6516 360 190 867 190.941 Girard...__.... 2,093 432 2.06818.1 232 774 246 244 Tradesmen's.- 491,985 619 894 129 934 135 205 Consolidation .. 486 233 476 665 86 839 81,138 City._....._.689.07 690.113 147.496 143 636 Commonwalth 515 8.30 511 465 100 418 99.681 Corn Exchange 427 073 407.096 77 671 75 220 Union.-_..—. 334,602 336 218 66,43/ 63,420 Tetra :. 25,146 854 25.086,314 4.901 7r4 6 006 988 DEPOSITS. CLIMULA3IO.II. BANKS Feb. 26. March 4. `Feb. 25. Mar. 4. Philadelphia,- 31,625.000 91,694000 0370.000 3391.000 North America. 2,008.009 2OU 041 =MO 267,911 Farm & Meoh.. 2,802.410 2.849,684 413 020 409,105 Commeroial..,- 7311.000 769,000 124.000 127,660 Mechanics'.. 761 684 768 888 147.62.3) 146,213 N. Liberties.... 778 000 769 000 113,000 116 000 Southwark...-... 606.928 596 099 102.065 100.110 Sensing t0n.....„ 476.438 488327 1-= 6 , 41 129,860 Penn ToNsionbup 411..2,614 00,473 71226 MOM - 853,118 906,075 141.140 191 875 Man. & Meoh.. 606 :80 618,126 83.4= 62,265 Commerce...... 620.995 5 3 562 81,560 ne 019 Girard... 868 917 816.699 213 493 .210196 Tradesmen's..._ 356.118 370 668 83.110 91 214 Consolidation - =3.465 216,3= 90 496 88 690 . 404490 400,055 71.690 73.270 Commonwealth 267 748 245,249 140.063 145,695 Corn Exoliange 29,908 233 670 57.770 85 470 Union-- - 176.603 167,460 48.136 48.970 T0ta1.....,.. 14,636.806 14 663.756 2.795,113 2.811.491 with those of previous State- The aggregates compare menta as follows: Feb. 25. March 4. Gaging (it00k—......401,606 ass 4211,233 666 [.Sane. 26.146.866 25.081 314..De0..61.560 Specie... 4.901.708 5 006.988 —Eno. 105,284 Due fm other Btu... 1.802.474 1 SIZI 0410..1n0. 124.566 Due to other Dks,... 2 873 996 2.852 424.. Dec. 21,572 Deposits...... 14.635.806 14.868 736.. Inc. 232 930 —.. 2,795.113 2.811.491..1m. 16,378 Loans... Specie. Circulation, Deposits. Nov. 4, 1857.21,199,462 201,464 2,141,113 16,635,788 Jan. 11,1858.21,302,274 3,770,701 1,011,033 11,465,2121 July 5. —24,811,928 6,611,817 2,434,181 10.656,848 Jan. 3, 1610.36,451,057 6,063.356 3,741,754 17,049,006 July 5. .45,466,440 4,897,063 2,808,2Nt 15,481,6 M Jam& thie..25.333,327 4,460.251 2356.601 14.982.919 July 2.—.36.971.396 4.374.649 2490 85 15.994.915 Dee. 973 207 3 333.827 2.557.903 /5 051.123 Jan. 7,1861.26 891.280 4 040.266 2 689 gra 15 271.928 •• 555.986 4,131,824 3 694.212 15 80 t. 562 " 21 —26.172173' 4 20.105 2 764 315 14 750 313 .23.892.265 4.40.781 2. 7 .3 , .638 14 861.220 Feb. 4.. —25)01.581 4,538.054 21783 8 15 215 435 " 11......36.4.50,231 4 747,116 2,826 962 16.06,498 " 18..... 25 344 076 4.651426 2.160 865 14.984 700 " 25 26 146 854 4 901.744 1725,113 14.636 246 Mar 4 —.35085,314 5.006 988 2 811,491 14 866,736 The following is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia Clearing Rowse, for the week ending March 2, as furnished by the manager; George E Arnold. EH'S Clearanse. Salesmen. Feb. 03.47 336.869 3.124 46 8 404365 68 3221.250 62 3 72 5 - 6 A 51 .r.. 2 of 5 4 54 11 f 5 MaMMEI 2 980 684 81 412-376 93 3 /85.4.6 23 492.122 74 3 319,485 38 337.634 66 MMM $10.286 123 62 32,313,326 10 Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, March 4,1861. REPORTED BY B. E. SLAYISARER, Merchants' Mei:hangs FIRST BOA RD 1445 Prima 53 '55...-.. 814% 2 Anna R.- ... 40% BOW Pa lit in.. .ssvsn.loo 1 150 Reading if-. 21% 1050 C ac Am65'75...45 84 50 do---.. 21 69 AU . 100 ill 68 . .., brew.loig 100 d 9......- .. -21 14-55 1000 B Yonnall. 105.... 96 .260 do.-....-......... 2.1.f4 100 do 6s_. 68 I N 1 do— .... 2131 7 Norriatowu 8.-- 51 290 d 0...— .......--- 21' 2 Minehill—.. . 6831 2 O do---.......... 21' 7 Penn& K...... lots 4(J 5 do-- ........ 21 33 19 do. ..-... -lots 49 10 naiads 8t.... 108 BETWEEN BOARDS. 1000 Lehigh Val—.... 9134 110 Girard Bk —403 i BOARD .10 Green & Coates.— 17 60 Saha I Bar— 8 6 eingh Bar . 2000 Wilm Loan., 91 M Clam & Am 1.43 r, 12 Lehigh Borip...loos 306 6 Mechanics' 8k.... 23% SECOND 1000 Bolil Nay 68'76.-- 62 1000 Penne. 6e. 86X 1100 City 6a —....New.1023ii 1006 New. 10216 Lehigh Va 1...- 68 .13 Read ng R.__._.. 2236 NMdo._._. ._._..22,k4 80 do.-- .--- 223x 1 CLOSING PRI( aid. Ask, , d. Philadelphia 64.. V 7% 9S Phi a 68 R.- -. 9731 88 Phila 68 new-10216 103 Perms 60... 88X 89 116041 t, 346 2 2 3 g tid Read e '70.... 84 86 Rawl mt 6e'80.'43 9034 9136 Read mt 63'86... 7336 743( Penns le-_-403,1 40 Penes R 2d mt ge Morris Can col. 61% 613 i Morris can Yfd.llo Fah 116 e 'B3-. -- 6734 69 Huh Nav lisp 6e. 78 76 &oh Nav Stk.-- 7 8 CEB-STEADY Bid: Baked. Hob Nay ?told.. 163( 18 &mum R rrofd—ln • U Long 11.4nd 21 —JO% U Leh al & Leh Cl & NSe North Penna .- 9 N Venn& 64....97 68% N Fenn& R 104.-94 96 C.ateherlame At. on. 334 32i ICatawlesa Preld. 9 10 Irene* e oath k... 4 48 2d&3d se II devoff.4.W 44 lllnee&Vine-mt eL.1034 14 Spruce & 8K 9 Green & Coates—lT 171 i Philadelphia Markets. Ildsncn 4—Evening. The Flour market Is dull and unsettled vices gene rally favor the buyers. 50600 bbls have been disposed of. mostly for home use. at (515 for good superfine, VI MM to $5.53 for extra. the latter for Lancaster county, and from $5.75 to $6.75 for extra family and fanny brands, according to quality. 100 bbls common middlings also sold at $12.1 ifr bbl. Rye Flour is steady at 513. W, and tennsylvania Corn Meal at $787 4P . bbl. WHEAT 18 rather mote plenty to-day and rather dull ; about 3,050 bus sold at from 1.1701.12kie for red mostly at the latter rate for prime Delaware afloat. White ranges at from 140 c to 1200. $Ye is BMW at 680 for Fenn* yl vania. Corn is quiet. and about 5,000 bus new yellow so.d at from 56350 to 575413. the latter for prime dry yet low ello.t. Oa a are dull at 350 for Pennsylvania, and 320 for Delawate . r...l3aas —let No. 1 Queroitron is wanted at $25 per ton. ' COTTON at quiet and a small business doing at steady rates. CiSOCERIES —There is no change in the market, and small business doing in sugar and coffee. .Pa: visions—There is very little demand for Pork. Bacon and Lard. SEEDS —There is a fair demand for Cloverseed, and le SS fr-1114- Abut 250 busses .sold at $4.7505, and T tinothy is worth $2 75, and Flax eed $l5O per bushel. WHISKY to firmer nail on the advance. Penna. is sel atle)fie. fix bble -, Ohio do. 19elehic.; drudge 17%; and b a ds Ito. imr gallon. Philadelphia Cattle Market. runaamcpira. March 4,1861 The receipts of Beef Cattle are larger this week. reaching about 1,413. The market continues dull, and prices are about the same as last quoted. The follow ice are the particubra of the sales Vs I.Abams, Cheater county. 8909.50 Ir . 66 & Carr. Ohio. 8809 25. 24 Scott & Kimble. Marrlanol, 41808 76. , 65 Kimble & Kirk. Chester county. 8802. 23 Kennedy & hiceleess, Cheater county, 4708 60. 25 B. C. Baldwin. Chester county. 8809. 46 Jas. 1416Fdlen, Jr., Ohio, $8a:860. st P. Maim- sy Virginia, 8809. f 78 P. McPillen. Lancaster county, $808.75- 140 Cochran & McCall Lancaster county, 87.6008.76. 120 Mooney & Smith. Illinois. 0709 26. 62 B. 0010outridge. Virginia, 88004 1513 Ullman & Frank, Berm county, qua. AO R. Chain. Illinois. $70826 3 , 1 Ault & Voelter, vhio. $70860. 37 Futter & Br s.. Jersey. 870855. 28 Thos. Strickland. Chester county. $708.25. 32 litoPillen. Virginia. 617 2008 go g 49 ffeldontridge. Lancaster county 8809. 37 M. Corson. Luester county. 87.600827 X. H. fiet moor, irgtnia 880875. 77 Amman & Werntz . I llinois, 4809. 34 J. Haymaker Lancaster County, $BO9. 11 8. Geoid,. Berk, county. $7 60 3- 14 8. Rhoades. Berke county. $708.50„ The arriva"s of Sheep at the Avenue Drove Yard reached about 3 000 heed. this week, at prime ranging from 4X to 5)1,0 41r lb, gross AboutSO head of Cows also sold at the same yard. at from 815 to 426 for Springers, and 6125040 W head, for Cows and eata s. The arrival of Hogs at IL G. linhoff's 'Union Drove Yard reached ut 1316 head. at from 4,6.7507.60 tor still. and 117 to 08 4p* 100 lbs for corn-fed Hogs, accord ing to quality. Market rather dub. New York Stock Exchange—March 4. SECOND 3041111.11. 2000 U 8 54. '65.._-. -. 90 660 Reading R..- .-- • 3000 IT a 6+' 8l eg'd... 94 200 d o , , 4 1 . ,. MOO U 864 81 coupon . 94% 100 rdiebigenVeri:7Bs6. rare 1000 Tenn SC 56'90-- MX 10 6 do - f ag 1 1000 Aliggenr. St 6r..... 66% SO do ---- — oil 68% 3100 do •-•..--. 56 .100 111 B&N I a ii...... 361 , sod do . ...... 62 150 co * 3 5 4 4000 CB&Or 8 n eD. 0 100 111 Gen 11. Scrip_ ._ goi 6000 Ban & rit Jos Ft-. 40% 100 do . • -..... mu woo 1,60 & d Di b G...... 17 125 doo - .....- ,.0, 100 Pao:Se 111 8 C 0 ...... MN 2UO ... ke * 6 do -- -- 5556 DO do --- —6lO az 400 14 Y Central R... 7e% lie City & Tol R— .36 so do ...iio 7sh'isoo do • ...... sou 360 do —.. _am 7840 - 200 Chia &If I it. .59 140 do .... 615 7% 400 do --630 118 N 201 do 781100 do "..-...b30 DO% 500 do - .79 30 Chi B & Quin).... 74 100 Harlem Railroad .. 15% 100 no . .- bli 74% 600 do —.. alO 16%1 0 i do --- 74% - ... THE MARKETS. Amiga are in light stock and steady. with email ages at *512 for Pots and $6 25 for r (+ans. 335xanstvere —I he me diet for Mate and Western Flour is dull ..rd hex y, with only a very moderate de mand for export end hone consumption. 9be salesare isio bids at 8506-15 f superfine erste ;.415 2002520 for extra do ; $6w515 for superfine Michigan. moans, bldo- t eau $5 2086 40 for ,extra CO. metals• ship ping mar ds of round-hoop Ohio at .111006 PO, and trade breed. of do at engoo.T. Canadian Flour is quiet and steed,. with isles of 400 bide at 15.2486.75 for • range of extra brands. Bye Flour is withered selling slimly at $3.10121.10 for the rem of fine and superfine. corn meal is quiet. and nominally unchanged; we "Nip Jamey at *SA, Brandywine 413.100324. WM aeons $161216.50. CITY ITEMS. The Inauguration at the Neon-Dav prayer Meeting. The announcement that the devotional exeroises at the Neon day Busman Idea's Union Prayer Meeting (inn held daily in the Saasoniqatreat stantist Church) President hair* special referenoe 'to the Inauguration of President Lincoln at Wasliinston at that hour bad the effect of attracting an Immense gathering at the ap pointed time. The suggestion of this move having been made at the Meeting on Saturday be the Rev. John Chambers, to the latter was assigned the honor of conducting the ex ercise' on this occasion. Mr. Chambers' opening re marks, ezelmoing the object of then- meeting, was cha racterized with their author's usual heil and stirring eloquence, and the prayer with which he followed them was thrilling and powerful. His invocations for bless ings upon the bead of the newly. elevated Chief Ma gistrate of this nation. and those woo shall be associ ated with him in the Adminiatmtion, were exceedingly earnest and patriotic. , . . . After singing a hymn, a brief payee, and a request from the chairman that someone would pray, the tatter request was responded to by an elderly gentleman in the house, of an almost unintelligible Frenohy sooent, having gray hair and a heavy moustache. The next prayer was by the Rev. Mr. Mervin. one of the old stand bye of the noon-day meeting& In hie Prayer, he said that God had raised up this nation, and, as the God of nations. it was for God to preserve or de stroy it. In the ocurse of his petitions, ne prayed fee yearly that peace might be speedily visited upon Jeru salem an this land. A snort address was next made by a stranger near the the desk. Ile did not rise, he said, to interrupt, by any extended remarks, the object of this meeting, but he rose as a Southern man. happening to be present in our salty, to say a word for the Union. If this glorious Union was to be preserved at aU, It must be alone by our heavenly Father, and the timely and hearty interlioeb tion of the' Salt of the earth." Prater was next offered by the .Rev. Mr. Chidlaw, a well-known Western missionary. The °barman then announced another hymn. addiug his desire that after it was Bung the venerable Dr. blott, who was present, would give to that immense assembly a few words or counsel. Dr. Nett responded to this re quest in a deeply solemn and impressive speech, tams- Piing some ten minutes. being so feeble at the tame that he Was obliged to recline upon the shoulder of Mr. Chambers, while speaking. Ouch, he said, was the state of his health that he felt soarcelg able to speak at all. much less to express the thoughts which then pressed upon his mind. Tae eißosey of prayer wag his theme. Prayer was the power which moved the arm that moved the universe. Prayer through Christ. was the gro nald 4 f our hope. Speaking' of the special objects of the meeting, he referred to the President's late proclamation for national prayer. Prom that day he had entertained a hope that God's judgment would yet be aver ed. They might rest as- eared that the object of the present meeting was in con formity to the will of God. De hoped that this laud would he preserved in its integrity until Christ's second coming. Be concluded his remarks with a fervent ad dress to the Throne of Grace. After singing the 189th hymn. commencing Came ye dimoonsoleie, whereof ye languoeht" the Rev. Dr. Brantley rose .to iddrens the meeting. He did not think that it was a necessary preliminary to pray for the President, to have voted for him. He was free to say for himself that he had not so oast lila vote, Mach as Christen men dissented from the measure. and acts of the retiring Administration, they had felt it their duty to pray for Mr. Buchanan; so. likewise, it was proper for all to unite in prayer for the new incum bent. He. for one, as a minister of god, felt bound to pray for the Union, and exert what power he peat sued in favor of Its perpetuity. The Rev. Dr. Brainerd' followed with an eloquent speech. He had listened With deep interest to the re marks of their venerable brother Nott. He remember ed in his boyhood to have read. as a specimen of rare eloquence. Dr. Nott'a eulogy on Washington, delivered at his death. To Lim it Wag a stirring thought that one who had thug stood at the sepulchre of the Father of his Country. sixty years ago, was to-day in our midst, after the lapse of two generations, pleading in behalf of the Dram which Washington, more than any other man, had helped to establish. Mr. Chambers than said that as they had but time for one more prayer, he would call on their brother Fisohe. of Farts. It wag not probable that either this beloved brother from a foreign land. or Dr. liott, would ever again unite with thew on the day of another Presi dential Inauguration, and he was the more halm' on this account to hear the voices of these brethren on this ueeply interesting meant on. The Bey. Mr. Fische then engaged in prayer, remem bering with great earnestness the Lew President of the United &stem and those who may participate is his councils during the next four years. With the exoep bon of this prayer. and that of Mr. Chambers at the opening of the meeting, the avowed cbjeot of the meet ing was, so far as the audible prayers were concerned mainly lost sight of. Nor were the speeches general's up to the reasonable expectations of the omission. In both the addresses and the prayers, due brev.ty wee observed, we are glad to say. without, in a single M atures, resorting to the obnoxious custom of tapping the be IL MauulNetures and Trader DUNNELL'a PRINTS. Among the improvements made by the various teams lecturers of textile fabrics, whose product' are ex tensively sold in this market, the spring goo& of the Dunnell Manufacturing Company (for which Messrs. Welling, Coffin, & Co., Do. 116 Chestnut street, are the sole agents in Philadelphia) deserve favorable notices We have examined several beautiful lines of these goods, both in prints and lawns, and must confess that the company in question have made commendable ef forts towards perfecting the cloth-printing art. From the styles of these goods, being, we believe, repre sentatives in this particular, we are led to furor that the present season has wrought a wholesome reform in the taste and designs of printed Dress Goods. This judicious transfer from the extravagant to the medium. bordering on the neat, will meet with popular approval A specialty, however, to which we wish to direct par ticular attention, is the perfection to which they have brought what are called " padded-ground" styles—a beautiful combination of figures on plain grounds, of various shades and tints, in imitation of chillies, the efr-ot being as perfect as we have seen on woollen fabrics at five times their cost. Another class, of very superior execution, is their new "stone ground "—a capital imitation of French printing. Messrs. Welling. Coffin, & Co. now exhibit cards of these in plain and fancy colors. The Bunnell Lawns are also destined this season to take amore commanding position than ever, from the two-fold fact that they evince more care, skill, and a higher order of design than heretofore, and are sold at a lower figure. So generally, indeed. nave these goods met the approval of the trade that, notwithstand ing the stagnation in business, the sales effected of them has been unusually large. Under the circum stances. this eau only be attributed to the great care displayed by the company in bringing out their Spring styles, and the fact that the Donnell goods have been steadily aPPreeiating in popular favor. There is a beau ty and freshness in their colors, which is rendered all the more valuable on account of their characteristic du rability. Upon the whole, there are probably few manu facturing companies that have done as much towards supplanting foreign fabrics by successful competition, as the old and enterpriaingcomnimr here referred to. LARGE PAPER-HANGING ESTABLISHMENT. In this department of trade we have several large and influential houses. prominent among which is that of Messrs. Howell & Bourke, northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. 'I hese gentlemen are largely en gaged in the manufacture of all the fanoy papers nee, and their trade, which is almost exclusively whole sale, mainly with the South and West, has been great ly increased by the superior facilities which, as mane. /enterers. they possess over mere dealers. Their stock at the present time embraces the choicest enlace, in their line, whether in Borders. Flee Screens, Window Curtains, or Wall .Papers. To buyers, this home, more over. offers advantages over many- others—namely. in poseenting the fullest lines of goods comprised under the Paper-hang-rig head, from the lowest priced arm ales to the richest and most costly styles of gold and velvet papers. In the Retail department are fouled all the newest styles of the season. Builders, and persona wishing t ',sleet wall papers for rooms will shank us for directing attention to this stmerb and extensive stook. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH& In no branch of her manufactures has Philadelphia more triumphantly vindioatea her reputation than in her carpetings. We have been especially reminded of this fact by a recent visit to the new eetablishmeut of Mr. J. T. Dem.:nom, No. 47 South l'onsth street. above Cheetnut. We have rarely examined a stook seleot.d with better taste than is indicated in this, embracing; as it does, every description of imported and dmencan carpets up to the latest moment. Some 4 f the designs among these are more beautiful than any that we have ever seen. and being bought at the moat depressed prices, Mr. Delearoix has the advantage of offering a choice new stock at unusual.) , low mtge. We merely mention these advantages, in point of prim, ino den tally. our object being more especially to call attention to the fact of true respectable addition to the severe houses engaged in this branch of burins'''. C. SOMERS ic EON'E REMOVAL. We invite attention to the card of Meters. G. !Somers & Bon, which appears in another column of On, paper to-day. in the branch of the fobbing trade which it re presents—Cloth Goods and General Men's Wear—this house bee long been known to our citizens. and their more recent attention to the more remote trade hasse owed for them an increased patronage, which is well explained In their successive removals to South Fourrh street. and nom to their present capacious quarters. No. 825 Chestnut street, and. No. 618 Jayne street. Their stook at the present tune is large and complete, anti is well worthy the attention otbuyere. LZCTURZEI IN 11111 SIXTH UNITZD PRESBYTERIAN Cutmeu.—Last evening. sooording to announeement. the Rev. J. R. W. Sloane, of New York, delivered a lecture in the Six, h t nited Presbyterian Church, Race street, en "The Refurirer." The next of the seems will be Wren at the same ph:wenn Thursday evening of next week. Ma. Lancovit's IneuGunAL.—The inaugural ad dress of President Lincoln will be oritigised with more severity than say similar production which ever came front any runner Promdent. If it were as eloquent as . Mark Anthony's Address oser the dead body of Cursari, and as true as Boly Writ. it would be carped at by some; white it would have to be po'r and unsatisfacto ry indeed no to please many. We think Mr. Lincoln would have gratified men of all parties in all portions of the Union. if he had =waged to introduce in his ad dress; a first class notice of the elegant Spring garments sold, at the Brown stone Clothing Bab of Rockhdl & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 603 Chemunt street, above Sixth, ridladelphia. Tun attention of those Wishing to lease a lot of • ground. favorably located for a coal or marble yard, is called to the advertisement of C. D. Ritchie,which will be found is another csdenes. A ELEIUT COLll.''—New are aware of the im- Parlance of checking a cough or " SLIGHT COLD" in its first siege; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the langs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are a most valuable article, especially so at this season of the year, when coughs, colds, bronchitis, influenza, hoarseness, and aura throat. are so prevalent. The Troches give sure and almost immediate relief. Sold by all Druggists in the United States, at 25 cents a box. mht stutit-8t As ELYSIUM. TO na BOUGHT Arrart. "Oh. is there not a happy land— A land beyond the seas— Where pot-pie smoke' in boundles lakes. And ournplinge grow on trees? Where ginger -bread is found m stacks. And • pop-corn' by the ton; And when you do a job of work, You get the ready John ?' W here Nature's lessons may be reed In every babling brook? Where bumble-bee' don't sting a (shaft. And mull cows don't hook? Where men do work in wisdom's ways. Alto ding foolish folks, Luxuriating all their d er , In the clothing made by 13Yours." At tisAN ric l o r .. l 6o7 LLlbt a ti h r es o , x u t u s t ' S ' t ' r o e n e e t. p a ri v a al e u ' a fas bie hi g o i n ft ab a l o s co o m m Pinclinriiusswesohartiols sold. New York Bank Statement. Now YORK, March 4.—The hank statement for the week ending on Saturday, shows an Increase in loans 32.657,673 Decrease in specie 3,563,822 inerease in circulation: ....... ... . 161.963 Dewesse of deposits 1,993,328 THE PRESS.-PHILADEI PULA, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1861. LETTER BAGS At' the Merchan'ts'?•.E.ivliaitge, Phileule?phia. - Pluip Wyoming. Burton .... :.mud. 80 Bark Bwlnoomoude. Langs.-4 Cork. soon Bark Winona: Gallhion.-- --Wenn:mos. soon Bart loanntron.'Jarman...--. Savona. soon Bark Motl-na.Slder.. • --Somata Grande. won Firm C C Van Rom Cork. soon Brig A M. Roberts. _ Cork. 110021 B P Sweet, Jewett „....--.Gardeurte, soon Br it B A Maier. Banana, 160011 Bahr 0 W Hinson , . Ent ish , soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ISFE FOURTH. PARR. ARRIVED. Fehr 1i B Bascom. Tomlin, from Dennisvire, in bal last to Revolter & Co, Fohr John Kocors. Buokaloo. from Maurice Timm. in ballast to Van Dusen, Norton, 84 CO Bohr Fautrr. Mayhew, from Maurice River, m ballast to C A iteeksher & Co. Bohr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Denntaville, in ballast to Reading RR Co. Behr B F Reeves Carman, from New York, in balk* to Tyler. Stone, & Co. Rohr Crisis. Xanear, from Millville, in ballast to L. Audenreid & Co. Bohr 8 C Willett, Smith, from Tuokahoe, in ballad to Tyler, Stone, & Co. Rohr Louisa Gray, Weaver, from Maurice River, in ballast to Sinnießson & Glover. Behr Revenue. Gandy. from Dennisville, in ballast to Binniolison & Glover. Bohr R G Porter, Smith, from Somers's Point, in bal. iiva to 1, M line* & C;o. • Bohr Sallie Vein* Laney, 1 day from Milton, Del, With corn to Jay [...Bewley & Co. Timaoaarti. (torroeyonderme of 'rhe Prem.) !taw Yorix. March 4. Arrived. Mks Laura, from Jamaica, and J Wood ruff, from Trinidad. MEMORANDA. riv Steamship to P hi asst. Sprague, Matthews, hence, ar edat Ros 3d i Steamship Keystone State, Maluku:Lan, hence, at Charleston tat inst. shi n . H as s, Holmes, for New York, sailed from Macao Deo 31st hip Nor Wester. Aliny, from San Francisco for Kong Rout. at Honolulu previous to January Mt. and pro ceeded. Ship Fair Wind. Crowell, from San Francisco for Ba ker's Island. arrived at Bono uln previous to Jan gist. Ship Ocean (*norm.. Kale, from San Promise° for Baker's Island. sailed Vom Honolulu January - 11th. Baker'ssborn HOWL Baxter. from Bali Fralleilloo for Island. sailed from Honolulu January 11th. Ship Susan G Owen. Norton, from Newport, wag off Charleston let inst. Ship Ocean Steed, Con, *feared at Nov York yester day for Havre. Bark Timbal. (Br) Rawson. from Rio de Janeiro, Son 4th. with coffee. arrived at New York yesterday. Bark Early Bird. 000 k, from San Pronoun:* for Hong Kong. sailed from Honolulu Jan 11th. Bark Snapdragon, Kiseam, from Baltimore, at .Aca palm 7th ult. Bark B C Starr, 1 airfowl. for Havre, oleared at New York yesterday- Brig Isabella Jews t, Reed, hence, at Trinidad llth ult. Brig l'ellii..Darnsby. for Philadelphia in 10 days, was at Port an Prince 18th ult Brig Emote, for Philadelphia, Bailed from Palermo January 30th. Bohr Hinry Nutt, Baker, from Galveston, arrived at Boston 31 Bohr M A Sturdier, Ireland, from Mobile, arrived at Boston 3d lust Bohr -, hence, was at Cape Haytlen 13th ; ar rived 13th. Sohn: James ti Bewley. from Freda lea. Richard A Wood. from Baltimore. and Mary Price, from Wilming ton. Del. a• rived at New York yesterday. . 8 •hr Martha moor., fhirmett, from Pensaco la, Was diseharrine at Vera ( rug Sault. ripen .18 Weldon, Smith. and Mercy Taylor, Crowell, for Philadelphia..oleared at New yestereaY. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS TIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST BIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEIr—/Vinth euid Chestnut J F Snarly. Chicago L C Ferry. N Albany. Ind E Brooker:lL Madison. Ind Jno Ailing. Madison, Ind R Cook & wf. St Louts I'd B Roston. Baltimore JP Morton, Louisville - W W Wright, - Downingt'n Jae Hunan. Marietta. Pa A Maynard. Boson Jm C Van Pelt. Damns LAnit, Marion. 0 Hon T Jones Yorke. n J Jones Mass - obusette ti H Warner & la. Troy Miss J Webb & oh, CM. 0 Thos G Wright, N J Thos J Diehl. Bided& Jun Haldeman. 1/I finishing R A i amberton, Ilarriebg C 8 Lamberton, Carlisle r Henry, Lancaster 8 Perry Erie. Pa Chas H Leonard. N Y DI) Chandler Wash. D 0 Geo P Whitaker. Mel R Wright. Georgia W Gledwin. New York i. C Teben. e avant' k It, Ga G M Wheeler. New York F 8 Bunter Reading John C Kaufman. Reading M Ruch, New York Alex Leib, Indiana A V IMMIOIL PoW Jersey Geo : emith. Chicago W Chapman, Bath. Pa P.l Berger. New York A J Millspaugh, ew York W E Bright & la. Boston D F Day, Charleston - 0 M 8 ehurohil , & %Bolton T Thu . nton Louisvlle Thos Terry. New York I) F Packer & la. Newark John Ewer & eon H B Thirkteld. Franklin G H Baletoine. Franklin J C Mather, New York D I.dems.'Franglin, vs B Dogger. J P Woods. Illinois G R Townsley. Mass J H Dimond. Mara F A Messenger & la. Boston J F Kimball, . OWSII. Mass R Wood., Lowell. Mims • E Bates Jr, Roston PM N Williams & la. Mass Miss Fisher. Mary land Dr Payne, [Bathe A 8 Mita ell, 8t Louis Chan Dillon Jag Simmonds A J Murdock, Logansport J J Puterbaugh, Loganspl Col O W Lull D 0 Gehr N Cerruti', Boston B M B,mpson. Boston a Montgomery, peal& A ies Evans. Maryland N J Rust, N Y Mr Wigfall. Pemmylvania lion Geo Briggs & wt. N Y Jno Wooarulf & wf. Conn T I. Stevenson, Boston it I/ etevenson, Boston R. F Clark. Boston C Elomons. Boston F W Brodie° Holton Bonj French, Boston E G Bidwell,'Nor. mh, ConuN 0 Brakennilte, Conn 8 B Case. Norwich. Conn H. Emith, Norwooh. Conn Greene, Norwich. Conn J L. Greene. Conn Dr A H Powell, Virginia Edw A Smith, Philada A Brands. New Jersey David Brapds_. New Jersey D F Brands, New Jersey R M Adams. Kentneuy Smith. Cincinnati J D Cameron, Harrisburg R. Major. New York Hale Remington. Maas Mimi Ewer .1, A Williams, U P A - W B Morris, Pt Louis 1.• IL Mudge, New York R Doutlas & wI. ClevePd FI Blood. New York R C Gardner, Nashville I' NV Yvette, Nashville T_Pif Morton. Kontooky Robt Patter . New York Wm Barnes, Jr. k wt, N J E V Bryan, St Louts U Brenner, Newyork 0 PI Langdoo. New York Dr Lindsley. Tennessee J P Prink, Newark, N.l I N Thom nvon. Virginia J W Gong, Harrisburg 01 Taylor, Ranh:mks , W J canner. renceeene B Brown, New York CI A every:New York ' M Moody. New York Wm G Lathrop. N J E P Green • Ohio W W Honour. Prov, R I W W Boerne. Jr, Prov J T Crowed,. New Jersey C H Harney, Kentucky Geo K Richardson. Boston Jacob Brown, Boston Bon° 8 Ferry, Conn Win B Wooater, Colin B Beardsley, Connecticut MERCHAIITB' BOTEL—Fouith Street,- below &ral. J W Bacrott, Bridgeport Richard fdottmnn.,Losno P Mchvof - Lancaster John Reilly, Lancaster John Rictro , ern, Lancaster T H ElweU, lows John Lenow, 3 eases/me E .rr. Lancaster - David Kum, Lancaster C W Warren no a. K Taggard. Phila Bon Asa Paoker & la. Pa Adam Jacob, jr, Browns'lls Bd V Preston. Hartford WBender.on Phil& R Bancroft, Aim A B Linderman. Bon P Brodnead. Easton P Maher. Blairsville D Linderman Thompson. Pinks Mrs .1 11 D & da. Ind R F Brown. Reading "A; Arnold, El Graham, Pittsburg JDi Brewer. Memorabilia P Denham & w t`, Pa P E Martin. tennis A Garvorich. Parma flail W Lilly. NO chunk J Onyman. Pima T Isham, Nem York A Van Damien K la." nrY J C Arms. New York Son 8 .& Anoona. heading 0 Hussy Keokuk w W Harper, AJegancPs, R B Widmer. Illinois J 0 Martruildilla. Pa David Ward . N ew Sand Thom tasmmtia J Ward. New Jersey , R H Ward N e w Jersey AMEBIC: AN 11.0 TEL—Chestnut Wert, above Fifth. T M Slocomb & wf. R I G L !Smith. New York abillsansui, Blairsville R B. Koontz. Washington H J amberton, Franklin /..e. Wallee, MississiPPl G Lambs New Jersey Geo Brooke W E Ball, dm rna, Del b P lipencer, Lancaster W Simms J p_ ft , se. Limier no . G Spencer, Alinereville A Hawking, Trenton - B B Hagerty. raw York A G Fey mour. Jailer Oaf J Knabb, Reading J 0 Porno, Philadelphia N Marsh, .Newark W Overfield, Jr. Pinta .1 It White, Maryland J H Pbtllipe. Virginia .1 M Bpr•tt.Galeas a II Davos Galena BT. LOUIS HOTBL—Gliestuut street, above Third. H Goodwin. Delaware .1' H Coege,Brtbleliem H Gray, New York 1 , 110111111, New Jersey MrsJos Casey, Harrisburg Mrs Retekem Harrisburg J W Ford, VIOW York W Gary. Penns 1 Well, Minerevinle F R Rent, Phil% W L Htuhtif, Harrisburg J . Doherty, Bohlk Haven R^bt awls, new York F Wills, New York 8 Foulke lowa N P Atkins, Troy,' ti Y C Fordham. flew York AH W illiamson. N y Bohommaker. hew York H Regan, New York A Gilbert, hew York & L Gilbert, New York H W Hippert. Pekin, II 8 H Pieroe, Boston E M Bhephard, Mass JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. B Yoan Wheeling, Va E W Davidson. Pinta W Kirk. Baltimore A 8 Lanais, ..urlinton I FFullerton, Vermont J B Blerethtn, New s York Alt French, New York Geo Tel New York J K Mester, Lancaster J Q_Blake. Bsd'ord B 8 L.. nation, Pottsville W De Olaf Rochester Jan T Kennedy Miss qbas 0 Hall, North Mama B pmith, N Hampshire 8 Iniongham, _Canada Ana Nelda, Canada naml Hams, Baltimore THE UNION—Aroh street, above Third F P H e u er . R ea ding 0 B Warren, New. York' Bhappord, Philadelphia D .Pyke, I anyone. Ind ZO. toner. r indium D Berk. Mrounsham ; Deiseroth, Birmingham P b. Birmenuam M Ernwm. Ihrminitham E Mislaid. &swie 8 R M i tar, Pennsylvania Geo Wiegao "Tatriaki inn 8 °arson, Reading G W Geiger : F onto, Reading Robt R White, 26/11111 C Wittman, Lehigh oo J Stilling. r °moron Philip Hilbnp, borahron Juo LiAOll, Bethlehem A ()Promo & la, Joracy Alms Wolvorton, N Jersey . Josiah Morrie & wf. BM Martin McGowan. Philada J E Glammong & Ia Belt Mrs lc ally, Baltimore Mn Clastelio, Baltimore W P Hammond, Philada E D Lasalle, hew York Wm I Minion'. A bbottat'n Lewis Jordy,Abbotrabille fL Holcombe, N Jervy J Ehason. DelawareJ Brown. Cadiz- Ohio A J CaaebeerßOMOrpet, Pa &mos L Drake, Ohio H B HILYOIII, hooky net COMMERCIAL ROTEL—Sixth et., above Chestnut. Jaz &Kitt, Loutiville, Pa Amos Kimble, Intubler'lle Davis Kimble. Kimbhiville C X noble, Chester co in° Haines Chester no W k.; Baines, Chester no W Plaines, Chester Co X D Tager% Maryland David P Cro.by, ryl Pottstown M Yardley Doylestown Jai a. Strawbri dg e , Pa N Jones Heading C Roakina. Ms and Ja. R Ram-ay, Penna W W ilrammay, Penns X Kirk. Penns Sae S Kirk, Chester on, Pa a W Saubdarson. Del • T &undersea, Del Jun O'Danets,- Maiyland W Genong, it York N Debree. Mayleatown Wm B Ralo. Quinn., Pa X Hodgson. Oxford. Pa D stubbly. Ox ord. Pa . Gilbert, Pottstown R Clark, Pottstown 41. Taylor, Books no Geo W Linville, Lan co, Pa - • - STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Geo Brinell. Carlisle Wm B Watt.trobe Joe Elder, W Mangan W A Morton, Lanotteter Jam epotwood Plow York Jos Watson. Plow York A Owens, Baltimore A C Buchanen;llarrialeg B Prank. Lawmaker Alex Taggart. Penna. • K QUA,. Phila W B Mendenhall. Cheri oo Levi Hecht, Penns J Laughman, Altoona; H W Won, Penns F M Niokey, Penna Wm Loather. Newport , Pa A Browera . bisburn, Pa • Mrs Flunaberger. BarrusWg D Et Elaileradeohanumb'g B Yanhorn, J P Clark. Piewport. Pa W B Spengler, Bloomfield AB W Creigh, Pittsburg Pir BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Cal!twilit'. Jane 81osn, London, OW F Clark, London. C W DD Chide, Lehigh co. Pa W B Fogel, Lehigh 00, Pa J H FoW, Lehigh co, Pa E Remmatilentown Nelson Weiser Allentown 0 W Feast Lotugh 00, Pa Geo W Iredell!Plala opeaLlft 8 Morris. Phila D D Dada, Phila. U Y Amityville MERCHANTS' HOUBE—Thirdi above Callowhill. R B worantael Chem It McGrath, horantoe F Caffry, Oothlebenk Fare ApplebAch Penns J Sob Olin% Bethlehem , Jonas stover . Bucks co Gen Wolf:Penns J C Mete, Phillipsburg C Faeivet. Leosnon 1 Mark. Lebanon 1) A Albneht. Reading 8 Miller. Lancaster E Jones, Reading .1 H. Rumor% Annville REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. F Wads, Philadelphia W Miller. Pottsville H ehults.Middletawn J W Roberson, N Jersey WJr lite, Pottsville .1 Whitaker. Baltimore Jae W Stein, Bethlehem T J Rube. Allentown Moser.' newpwn A 0 Sinn, Philadelphia A V Zane, Philadelphia Jr Royer, brouetown R stoma. Stoastown R VVeldr i bebseell Jar DOWD.Y• Auburn John Baeidel, Lebanon F U Stauffer, Mt Joy Oeo Adams, Penns NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. Joe FI Blin lug, Norrieto sn n A Peiff. Norristown 3 P Rieherdeon. Norriet'n Win H R McGrew, Penne, Loins ft ILDbord, Yhila J Real on, N .11.r.py G K Rider, Ohio .1 8 Hodder. Philadelphia. Joel Ritter. Reading H J Bendier, Pottstown Miss Boer, Norristown R Darlington, W Chester David W Howell, Easton BARLEY BBEAP HOTEL--fecund street. bra. Vine T Foulk. Pennsylvania H Faulk, Jr, Ps J Butch, Hartaville .1 H Hageland. 'Hatboro R. Leedom. Pennsylvania, J Vandesrift• Pa It MoCarter. Centreville T M Fitzhugh, Maine T Warner Bucks oo A Rittenhouse, Maryland J names. Ma land • SPECIAL NOTICES. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL 8.4171 TY MUST Compuly.—During the suspension of epode pay m e n ts by the Banks, Mono,' is received and paid dully, hi the woo kind of funds, speeds or notes, as do policed; Interest five per cent. WALNUT Streets southwest corner of THIRD. ley-tf BATCHELOR:B BAIR celetitate,d and perfect Hair Dye is the test in the world. All others ere mere imitations of thm great original, whiolt hen gained snob extensive patronage in MI parts o f the globe. The genuine W. A. itateheloes Ligind Ham Dye instantly , yrintuoey Is splendid bleak or natural brown, without staining the skin er injuring the heir. and will remedy the ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggist/ 'and P6IIIAMOM WllOlOlll3O by FAIINEBT'OCK" It CO., DYOTT aC CO.. Plaladelylda. OAK;. ORCHARD ACID FraiNo . . Pamphlets containing the opiniono of celebrated Choi:n ista and I . lronotani rem:mains the use of. this 'WATER ths ease of many dimness/ of toe human system. will Do eupplied gratis on apyboation to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Ste., or FREDE RICK BROWN. Ja.. NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste. Cmg, AND in! YANYuMgr. fat-the/DOOM BALAMA.24I)IIft FIgg.PROOP Sias.—Avery large areortreent of SALAMANDERS for gale at rea sonable snow, No. 304 CHESTNUT Streit., Phila delphia. I+.vAlls & WATSON. au2S-tf fihicorsa & Bersa% OELBSRATBD nolsELEss SEWING MACHIN I. 8. The Beat iu Gee for liamol No. 730 CHESTNUT Strout, Philadelphia. auTl-17 ORE PRIOR ULOTRING OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfaotory. Our ONE-PRICE System is atrial/ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. sem-ly JONES k CO.. 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED. 21110k118-11IBByRD.—On Fifth dity, the ?Bth of Peoond month. by Friends' oaremony at the house of her father, /oleo Hibbard, Jentee D. Rhoads to Neu F. Ribber • all of 1 - 1 9eer Darby Ilelaware county. Pa. [N. B.—Delaware county and Belem (N. 1) Devele. gleans copy. tti LLEY—B I OGI.E.—On the lit instant. by Rev. Dr. Dales. Mr. Wm. W. Wile., of Conehohooken. Pa., to LANE—A. BOGL R. theis cite. Atqt IN.—On 29th ult., by the Rey. Thep.. 8. Johaitoo, Dautsm Peter Lane to .Miss Emma M. &skin, ail of this city. DIED • Mondny mormixr, tho 4 , 11 v.stsza, D . Thomas Harris. United Staten Navy. i n the 78111 year o r hi. age. The relativee and friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral. from his lateyesidenoe.l9,l_Wal nut street, on Thursday, the 7th instant, at 10 o'clock A. M., without further notice. The officers of the Army. Navy, and Marine corps are reepeetfulty invited , [ Baltimore and Norfolk pa pers glees. copy.] - FREE.—On Saturda y morning. the 21 inst., Eliza beth. wife of Edward Free, BOIL., in the 78th ycarof her a qie relatives and friends of the family ;ire r sot- My invited to attend the funeral , from her sonlgest demo°. Edward Free, this (Tuesday) morning. at 9 Wolook. OPLE.—On the 7d inst., of consumption, Mary A., wife of Anthony P. Tripple, and daughter of the late Joseph Ann. in the SOth year of her aze. The relatives and friends of the faint y are rampant fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband'. residenoe. No. 1120 Poplar street, above Eleventh. this ( flidity) mornini i at IS o'clock. without further po tileeme.e(cootp).7. Louis at and Lexington Observer p Th . : s AL.—At Norriton township. Montgomery no.. En, on theist inv., Peter Teal, in the 48th r ear of his " ts friends are requested to attend the funeral. this Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 I'. M., from the resident's of . J. Piers, N 0.6 berth Nineteenth nom. cat PENTE R.—On the lit Lust , Mr. David Carpen ter. in the 71.1 year of his age. Funeral from tne res.denoe of his son-in-law. Jas. A. Howie. No. 1611 Ogden etreet, this (Tuesday) atttr nootir at 1 o olook. JACTSdON —On the ad hist, Angelina Rnee 3 . ookson • daughter of Joseph and. Henrietta C. Jackson, aged 6 years. Fuperal from the residence of her par ents, 32 Anon street, this (Tuesday ) morning at 9 o sloes. ebbkii-Os..—On the id met , Hannah, relict of the late smith elision. and mother of the late Simnel Al • lama. Funeral from her late residence, No. 608 Ransom street this (Tuesday) afternoon, the bth lust, at 2 o'clock. bIIVER.—On the 2d instant, William Silver, ln'the 49th ear of his age. Fu eral from his late residence, Germaritownage nue above Morrie enlist, on Wednesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. IWBEtso.—Cln the 3d instant, Mrs. Eliza A. 11.014rin,, Prodigal from - the residence of her hwob3sed. Ms.' Framing Roberto, No. POT Routh Frongentreet on Wednesday afternoon. at a o'elook. ICtiREVEN.—On Sunday, Marsh lid. at hie residorme: Mark e t and Sense streets, West Philadelphl'atnok Kereven t in the 60th year of bill age. Fo.2 6 rai on Wednesday, March 6th. at 9 o'clock. E VANS.—On the Minot., Mrs. Anne P. Evans, aged 43 ears. Fu- oral from the residence of Mr. John Murphy, No. 1427 Vine street, this (Tuesday morning. at 9 o'clook. • QONNOR —On the 3d inst. Mrs. Sben Walters. wife of the late Elias Connor, in the 6241 year other age. Funeral from her Ism restaenoe, No. 836 Grover street this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. adcDONA.I.,U.—On the 2d inst., John McDonald, aged Styears. gnueral from his residence, Wissahickon, this (Tom da,y) morning, at 8 o - oloolc. men/isms —On the 21 neat , Miss Mary McMahon, youngest daughter of Frannie and Margaret McMahon. Funeral from her late residence, No. NO Prue street tire ( Pustdayi afternnon, at 1 o'clock iRRIEL—On the 3d inst.. Miss +Sarah Louisa eldest daughter, of Archibald D. and Mary Norris. in le 27th year of her age. • Funeral from the residence of her parents. wo. 113 Marion street. tluteueaday) afternoon. at 8 o'clock. H. s • P..L.AN.--On Ist mat., Mrs. Mary Anna. wife of William ft. Phalan, and daughter of the late - Major Mo- Varian, of "%ester county, in Inc 36th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, in Welt Philadelphia this (Tuesday) morning. at 7 o'clock. 8110EreAK e: It —On the - s, inst., in the 76th year of his age, Mr. Charles Shoemaker. Funeral from the residence of his son, No. Ibo 6 Bar ol.r street. this (Tuesday) afternoon. tan 3 o'olook. * WoitTIIINGTON.—On the 2d instant, Reuben, son of William and Rebecca Worthington, aged 12 years, 8 Menthe, and 2 days. Funeral from this residence of his parents. Chelten ham township, near Milltow n, Montgomery county, this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o 'clock. MOURNING SILSEL—BIack and white striped and checked silks; gray ehene VaenOiaa and striped ;online; grenadine veils; tucked handker elnefe; bleak •and purple obuly de !eines ; Foulards um great variety I black grog gr ain stlka; Mon a nevem, gets and °Mars; bum* Hernani; or srenaditio nerv es.; Jouv.o & co. blast kid gloves) !silk eleven ; j Esbep bord plaid valeneins; bleak and white lawns and aao nets ; Lupin'. blank - dress good., shamile, Sce , &c. 8E23801.4 & tiON Mourning Store, te23-tf P10.°91. Ell Chestnut Streak LITOFFICE OF THE UNION CANA/. COIdFANT, Marais 4.18 1 1. Having been re nitrated by toe Chairman of the Committee itotioudei by the Bondholders of the Union Canal Company, in December lad, to convene them for the purpose of bearing the report of their Committee, I hereby give notice thP t a meeting will be held at the Rooms of the Board of Tmide Ruildies. No. *OS CHEATit UT Street. on FRIDAY. the 6th day of fdarob,lBBl. at 12 &cloak M. A 'emend attendance is revisited, as the ntielolOn of foreolosing the mortgage may be relied br the Ra port. JAMES PAGE, mtg. lit President 'Union Canal Co. A MEETING OF THE MARYLAND awitoulaTlON will hp held TD I 8 (Tuesday) KING, Swa m's Building. No. .50i CirEeIT NUT 8 rest. third Boor. Members of ths Assooi+tiolf are requested to be in attendance,. and all native' or Maryland, residing in this city and +noway, are insiteid to attend. ERI ly r e GAE N SINN . BAPTISIT irtm wrand or OPIC 171e.WS. by aid of the Oxi Calceum Light, for the benefit of the Church• will be given on TUES DAY El/ER(1.01, march 5 1561. cons:Wins of repro mutations of oeleprated Objects of nantro and Art. in OA country and in Europe, together with interesting Scriptural Subjects and Loon' Views. Ihe whole forming one of the most in . erestins Exhibitions ever produced, the various subjects being produced with marvelous acour.oy on canvass covering over 300 sonne feet, with fall Stereoenopic effect Adult's Tickets, 25 oents ; Children's Tickets, 15 cents. Exhi bition to commence at 1% o'clock. fy . " OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, 11,3 PORTSMOUTH. MOUNT JOY. AND LAN CASTER RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, March 1,1861. The Board of Direatoys have tins day declared a dividend of five collars and fifty cents neon such share of the capita' stook of the company . in the hands of the ettionholders. on the 21st day of February last. linable to those stockholders or their legal ye- Presentatives (clear of State tax,/ on and after the 11th instant, at their °Mae No. 3 wiladropil Alley, Penn sylvania Railroad Company's Building. GEORGE TABER. mh2-Bt* Treasurer. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE.— TO ROTR.L. KEEPERS. RESTAURANTS. and others eelling Liquors by lees measure than a quart.,Asplcan's for new license. also those whose li censes expire in May and Jane- will apply at the Office, as provided by act., of Assembly, on the follow in days: inrt ward on Friday. March lst. sound and Third wards. on Monday. March 4th. i• mirth ward. on Tuesday March 6 h. Fifth ward, on Wednesday, Moron eta. Sixth ward. on Thursday.. Marsh 7th. se , venth and Eighth wards, on Friday March Bth. :Ninth and Tenth wards on Monday March 11th. Eleventh ward on Tuesday, Allavehl2th. Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, on Wednesday, March 11th. . . Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, on Thursday. March 14th. Sixteenth ward. on Friday. March lath. seventeenth ward, on Monday, al arch 18th. Eighteenth and Stineteenth wards. on Tuesday, March lath. Twentieth ward, on Wednesday. March 30th. Twenty- first and Twenty-second wards, on Thursday, M arch ilat . 'Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards, on Friday. Meroh Zki- JAMES frEtAW, Clark City Commtmoners. A LARGE QUANTITY AND EXTRA -CM- sive variety of music, just received from New York reet.. at the Cheap Musics More. UM MARKET St tohthlt rims OBE 4PERT MUSIC STORE DI rao World, is at IEB MARKET Street. rahll St FARAH BALL. (SHE CENT PER PAGE FOB MUSIC, from all Pabliahan,lllB MASS= at. mb5.36 USIO FROM ALL CATALOGUER, AT AILA- one oont nor rum ntlllB NIA.PICET St. mhs-3t WOULD BE WELL-FOR ALL THOSE •ho have not had goad Likenesses of themselves. to embrace the mesent ogeortneity,and go to PEl mig .Thotograelne Gallery. SECOND Street. above green. . It* r,{Ord THE SUNDAY a TLAS.—THE PATRIOTin PLUME.—This gifted produotion.of Dr, Cunningtoe. as sung by that sweet can. striae, Mies cirodas nigii at the Ws-nut-Wert 'Theatre, is aublished and for sale by that Napoleon of mums pub-. Ushers, eleanD, 1102 GIIES ewers. All Jousts of ma nia should not fail to nroanre 001IY of this spirit-moving national song, reenudent, as it of both poetrY. Pathos. and * patriotism. MAIM." has issued a new invoice of music for the rOlllllll week.' lt RBMW SUGARS AND SYRUPS. at Reduced Prices —C. DONOGHUE, 23 Smith WATER et eet, offer, for sale-6 000 packages of Steam Refine onugars and Syrups.. Term cub' or sixty days credit lots of 20 or more mickesss. takl-tuths3t* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. —The nonneation in business heretofore eTioting under the style 01 ft Avail, Bit Vr Yblt. & GO.. is this day dierolted. either of-the Reuther. is authorized to sign the name of the late firm in lmuidation. G. P. 148 , 1 ft, B. de.WYBR. .100141 1 . 49131..8, B. HANILIBBT O, 8. GALDWbLL. February 1.1861. F. A. BALL. The neat Bellillebe, heretofore transacted by NEVIN, SAWYER, & CO, will he coatiutted under the style on E. R. *l' FR & CO. E. rt. SAWYER & February I, 1860. tuba St FINANCIAL. AuGun BELIRONT & CO., BANKER'S, 50 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, Issue letters of credit to travellers, available in al Tarts of Europe, through the MOWS. Rothschild of Pa rte, London. Frankfort, Naples, Vienna, and their cor respondents. rase-Gus 'FHB GIRARD HOUSE: einTICE TO TR). PUBLIC—PRIVATE SALE. The Oltoioe Skulk of WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold at surest bargain. by privet° sale to mob purchasers. The stock committee a huge lot of P OCRS OF ALL KINDS. Importsd expressly for the Orrard Houle by D. Loden & Co, Cologne , from the renowned cerium of Prince blettermoh, and Uri , Grand Duke of Nassau. CHOICE 0 1 •AILDTS. Of the vintage of 1851. inoludiug Chateau Lafitte, Cha teau Latour. Lhatean Naraaux. and St. Julien. cave of quarts and sous direct from the house of Barton 3a Quieter, Boraeaux. ORAMPAGN,FS. 01 the finest brands- selected fez the house. Alec, Os.D Dutinsart i RYE Triz akvs, } T i h h et la r k a:a b a ti s:in arthe Girard liaise Ill_ / day gmft.nruarlivsPartiotioat. 'Art DRY.4.IOOBS JOBBERS. - - - JAMES, ICENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, NOB. 239 AND OH NORTH THIRD STREET. ABOVE RACE. Neglectfully invite the attention of CASH AND SHORT.,TIME BUYERS, To their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK • or .FOREIDN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Ameng which will be found full lines of BATES' MILLS AND NAD YORK COMPANY'S COT TOES. Also, a LARGE VARIETY OF NNW AND CONFINRD STYLES OF PRINTS, MEERIMACIC SECONDS, 4,e. C SOMERS & SON HATE.OPENED, IN THEIR NEW STORE, 623 CHESTNUT and 618 JAYNE STREETS. An elegant Spring Stock of MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, ETC. Also. LADIES' °LOANING CLOTHS. CFL/LLILLBY SOMERS WILLIAM E. SOMERS. inh6.3m RETAIL DRY GOODS. SPECIAL NO ricz. L. J. LEVY & CO. Beg to announce to their customers awl friends that they will offer at private sale, at • VERY REDUCED PRICES, the balance of their Moak for the next week. On SATURDAY, the 9th of March, THEY WILL CLO3E THEIR STORE, and the balance of their stock will be disposed of at PUBLIC AUCTION, it being necessary thst the affairs of their fare should be immediately closed up. The stook is WELL ASSORTED, and purchasers win find STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, of superior qualities, offered AT PRICES FAR BELOW THE COST OF. ' PRODUCTION. L. J: LEVY & CO.. . 509 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. mhd-St CARPETINGS. FOURTH STREET ,CARPET WAREHOUSE. No. 47, ABOVE CHESTNUT I am now opening an entirely new and carefully se acted stook of IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS. embracing a descriptions, and some superb designer and material(' all of which, being purchased at present depressed prices for CASH, I am prepared to sell VERY LOW. and respeotfulli solicit "an examination before pur chasing elsewhere. J. T. DE - LACROIX. mhl-tu th est•Ren MILLINERY GOODS. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN, WOOD, Sc NICHOLS, TSS CHESTNUT STREET EVERY STYLE OF PANAMA, PALM-LEAF, AND STRAW 1-1 • A T _ FOR NON OR BOYS. PALM AND WILLOW SHARERS. STRAW AND FANCY BO NNE TS FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, RUMPS, LAMES, he We are now prepared with a finely-assorted dock of all the above ar doles, anO invite the attention of all Gash or short-time buyers. - mh4-tf AWNINGS. AWNINGS. AWNINO. S. JOSEPH H. FOSTER. 44:3 NORTH THIRD STREET. At the old-established stand oan be obtained, at the shortest notice, AWNINGS. FLAGS, - - TENTS. SAILS. SACKING-BOTTOMS, WAGON-GONERS, BAGS, 4tc. CANVAS of all descriptions, plain and fancy. of the best quality. mlalm PAPER HANGINGS. PAPER HANGING:s. HOWELL & BOURKE, N. E. corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets, 5111.1VISFACTOILEAS OV PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, WINDOW-CURTAIN PAPER, Jce.. Allows on bend, a large and ELEGANT STOOK of GOODS, from the FINEST GOLD PAPER to the LOWEST PRICED ARTICLES. In our RETAIL DEPARTMENT will be found THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE SEASON. nibs sin • ciARDEN SEEDS. BUIS T: 'S WARRANTED KITCHEN GARDEN SEEDS. SEED WAKERDOSE. 929 and 924 MARKET Street, above Ninth. HARDWARE. MOORE, HEN SZ EY , & Co. ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FALL STOOK OF HARDW ARE, 457 MARKET, and 416 COMMERCE STREET m6l-Sra I Wall ;MIUOO , 1[01.0) ,, './.111.111 THE ICEJLIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IMILADISMOIIe OFFICEIfA). 308 WALNUT STREET, Insure! &gainer:A.oBS OR DAMAGE BY, FIRE, on Rouses, Store., and other building,. limited or irersetual. and on Furniture, Goods,Wares. and fder chndige an town or counts. CASH CAPITAL.IB2II,IIO 0-I,BBETS #317,142 04. Which is invested as fftllows, In first mortgages on city PrOPerty, worth double the amount—. ;. _ . $1614900 00 l'ennaybrania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first roortgasp loan, at Dar— LOW 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per oent. -w -ound mortgage load. (8/30,000 1 --. .__. 27,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top nallroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage • 4.000 00 ground rent, first-obos— 2.482 20 Collateral Imam. welt secured.-- —. 2.200 00 City of Philadelphle. 6 per ceril. loan- - 30.000 CO Allegheny County 6 per cent. Ya. RR. loan- 10,140 00 Commercial Bank stook-- .. 3.126 01 Mechanics Bank stook . 2 812 60 Fennel/IM — MO Railroad Co.'s stook.. 4,100 00 The Reliance Mutual Insuranoe Co.'s stook 26-360 00 The County-Fire insurance Co.'s 1,060 00 The Delftware M. ct. Insurance Co.'s stook- 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip.. 280 DO Bill. receivable— —..... 14.302 74 Book accounts. accrued interest. 104 60 Cash on hand.— tiii alool.•41111111=1•111 $317,112 04 The Mutual principle, °OW:tined with the security pf a Stook Capital, entitles the insured to partioipate the profits of the Company. without liability for losses. Louses promptly adjusted and Paid. DIRECTORS: ChM TIIIIIO7t Humus! Bispham. withal!' R. I nompson, Robert Steen, Freoenek Brown. William Musser, William Stevenson, Boni. W. Tiugley, Sohn worrell, Marshall Ball. H. Carson. J. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland. Charles Leland. G. D. Rosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting, chitin* a. Wood, Smith Bowen,_ • James S. Woodward John Biased, Pittsburg. CIJEM TINGLEY, Fresident. B. M. HINCEIMAPI, Secretary. t # 6 :A_ fell FAME INSURANCE COMPANY , ', N 0.406 CHESTNUT Street' FIRE AND ILAND WaIISANG.E. b LapAToses. George W. pay---....0r big & Matlsekt. ETnerWright—. —.. " Wrutlit Bros & Co. I. dirseg..--....."1)5vis & Musty. ury Lewis. Jr......" Leonia Bros & Co C. Ritherdson.....— " S. C. Rowe & Co. ffooolol T. Bodine...—Pres't W_roming Caned Come,. .Ino. W..gyermen.....1.1,W. Everinea & Co. ciao. A. west— ~ . West & Yobre. T. 8. Martin. —.. " Savage; Martin, EG Co. i 0. Wilton Os 6. Attorney - so- law. E. D. Woods .......of Sibley Holum. & Woodruff. Inc. Ketsder. r— Iso Ms Groan street. • • • sci'WE w. rykp Vice rresident. WILLIAMS .ited.ACJlAßD.BenretAry. J4E3-iftf .h.r pound of 'Mop will do we moon trashivattd d t ififiUNT . AL DRUMM soar . .—one .1),, , 4 botroso Woo or atullinall tio tug nor rob bum on Womb . threr MAKI - oo s =trwsUlaili using e tee it a, or roturn the MOM, b rooms have St for we, 8ri111814464 ' ilifoUo243. eiegi-tre if SSW nos* witarara. WANTS. WANTED --An active or special P ART NEIL with a cash ospital ors) COO dollars, in ar. esteblished - wholesale JobbiAr btunnasi, ivi r ket street. Address " Merobant." Pross mhei ANTED—By &young man fully corn- Debra a SITUATION es Book-keet4r. or 44.1 s tent. Batiefletory reference. Call or address M. u:. at Ames, eat. salsa. &Co ar, 941 North TH , ND Street. • mb4-6t,* WANTE , k TO RENT—A medium-sized • v uwvLIANG, having the modern oonvenienees, mrtthin fifteen nanntes" wets of the Ezebange. Address "Forbes." oft° of Tits Press. 1423 ISt* ti VAN ITD—lmmedistely, by the "under signed,it the Est Malmo." Railroad tunnel, Fifty Tunnel Men and Twenty . five Lalorers, for oat 'aide section visit, adjoining This work is located in Reltuylkilleoanty. Penniglimula. eight miles from Ta MUM br Reading Railroad from Philadelahut , and two miles front Barnesville station• on the Little Schuylkill Railroad. MICHAEL BARRY k fe2l...im* Contractors. AGENTLEMAN Or CAPITAL, who does business in toe West three months in the year—June. Jul,, and Angina—desires a nitration in a Wholesale Ohoe Establishment in Pniladelphia the other months, with a view of ultimately becoming one of the firm. References of the first order can be given. Address 8. J. MANSON. at this Of ice. fe2S-St* 0109000, 6 to 8,01:0, $5 010 and $4,700 A. . 1 ,35 1 181171!!ii!iluriE a. it- lan South FOIIsTH street $ l l 5OO TO INVEST ON MORTG NGS. Apply ty S. W. PAUL. mb22t. 113 South FIFTH Street. TO INVEST IN FIRST MORT 1, 00 gage or Ground Rent. Anoly to ahl-3t* 134 South TI a R DSt T ., o U lll • l our s. 6 4m00 A mo N r D tgag t3 i . e o o u n O riti T el ? on l io NZE P SV er pi ty. JOlll4 B, coLaargti, "ref-tr 142 South EIGHTH 'Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET FOR ONE OR MORE YEARS. A large Lot of tilmund. with appropliate Build ings suitable for a Coal Yard and Marble Yarn, situate on the porth side of ARCH Street, between Eighteenth and Rineteemh otreets, Ite feet front by 288 fee. deep to Cherry Street. Either as one 1,4 or as two lots, as may be desired. Apply to C. D RITCHIE, mh/t-gt. S:e9 ARCH Street. im FOR SALE , to suit the times, hand =lit a .me aew three story Tins& BWFr.LiRG. w.th double back buildings, ivo„ 131 N 5118NTE1 lit., east side. below feaster. built in the most substantial man ner. stri it mare I n troducedr door-way ; ths modern improvements : good large yard ; fine neigh borhood. Price 54,510. Only 81500 cash wanted; ba lance cm mortgage.- apply on the premises rahs 'it WOOD•BURDET LIME, ()akin , d ter. Plaetering Hair, Cement. and White Sand Per wile by H. moiNgt ES, 12t* NINTH and COAPER Sts. BASEMENT TO R}NT.—A large and well lighted Basement to rent, in good order, and the beet .oett ton on ld eitK ET Street. N. E. corner of Fourth. April on the vremiees. mll5 at" DvvNLLIIAL• WAN tka).—ii three- Mastory home, three.atary bank impr •vemeste, between Ninth anti Vini, and Fifteenth and Costes. Rent loaders**. Address D. H. at. Hoe i of The Press. llh4 Ili.* IMFOR RENT —FoITR-STONIED DWELLING No. 1914 MOUNT VERNON St. Large yard, exoel , ent ontnation. Rent SSW. wht-dt* eFOR SALE-THE FOUR TURES STORY brick dwellings. Nos. 931, 933, 935. and 937 ONTARIO street. Terms easy. .applv to &La. Clr & SIMS, Real Estate Broken, Southew corner FOUR PH and WALK UT streets. second floor. mhs-ao FOR SiLE—THE THREE STORES ma and dwellings, Nos. 2314 . 2716, and 2218 CAL r,ovvEtiLL street. Terms easy. Apply to A & BEMS seal Beate Brokers. Southeast corner FOUR T ant W A La. UT streets. second floor- tnh3 St* FOR SA LE. -VERY LOW-THE DE girahle jour-story dwelling. No. 257 South BEV ltri EENTII etreet. Lot 39x100 feet Only &swab payment required. pplr to ALIA( N & Keal Foam Brokers r outlining corner FOU KTII and WA to NOT etreira egoond floor. mh2 3t° gm TO BUILD , •Rg.—FOR eseLE—Tiir /m. desirable lot Southwest corner of YORK & OttRAL streets. 90.'654 'set 6 m Terms acoommo cattar. Apply to ALLEN & PI NKS, Real Estate Rm• kers. beset corner FOURTH. b. WALNUT err , ota, second 11 or. mh2 3t• BALIC—The Patterns. R- - Flasks. and Fixtures complete of a stove Foun dry, In a central location with an established trace. both city and &mar" , end Foundry to let. 111 health the (reuse for dieconrinuina the trade. Address 'Faun dr. ." forth real name and residence.) Fest (Ace. mhi- at* dTO LET—Store No. 303 Market street, suitable for a Dry Goods or Notion House. Apply on tee premises. fell-lm WAFOR SALE OR TO RENT The lance, double Brie& Dwelling- House, No. 41,1 South FIFTEENTH. Street, below Fine street. Apsth J. SERO KA AR C HICE, w lee-H No. SI 3 Street, TO LET-SECOND•STOILY !WWI, 802 PEIRSTNUT Ptreet over LEWES LADOPAUS & Co.'s Jewelry btore. The best location In Phpadel phis for any kind of light business. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent SOO. f•l9 itliNT--Two very desirable Btores, T oD the iiintb-su et front of "The Continental Hotel." Th e store at Ninth and 'Unseal streets espe cially adapted for a eanrms and Hastings Maker. Apply to JOHN RIIJE. fett-fl Routhweet NINTH and *AriSt)!H rtreete. rill) LET—The commodious and dead able -R- upper rooms. No. 313 MARK ET Street., being the Seoond, Third, Fourth and Fifth stories, front SS by 125 feet, lighted ,n front, side, and by two large OLT lighui. The choice, location for business and the supe rior manner of construotion make them more than or dinarily attracuive to business firnui making or &minor a change of location; gas- fi xtures throughout. Apply at MY bRo, CLAGHO RN. & CO., auctioneers. oorner NA.R.ICET and BANK Streets. poR RENT—ROOMS over 432 CHEST -UT Ptreet—either for °Moos, light Manufac turing pure , eels. or Photograph Coders. A part of the store may be had if required. This de sirable location Is within one door of the New Post Office. Inqui.e at the " Big Gun," 432 CHESTNUT Street. feV- tf FOR SALE.—The Stock, Fixtures, Good- Will and Lease of the Franklin Dining Saloon. (under the Fragile. n Market , / TEPITH Street, between Cheetuut and Market streets. Now doing a good day and night business. je2iS 6t` TO RENT—The tine store, with the fix tures included, Pro. 836 Chestnut "trees. under the Continental R °tot This stlre is hsudsornely frescoed and fitted up with marble floor, marble counters. plate glass counter oases and side showcases; and is admi rably adapted for &jewelry, silver plate, or fancy goods establummest. Apply to JOHN Itleh, Ninth ar_d Ransom streets. fe23 In J. stiotGEAPIT PRICE. No. 813 Arch Street 'goof{ EXOHANGS.—A large Lot of 6rouad. in a rapidly improving neighborhood. will be evubanged for good improved real estate, in the oily. Addrete " e. F.." office of ttne paper. fe23-32t• VOR EX(MANGE. -A 0110108 TRAOT of good nnimyroveo farmland to the State of New leretl. convenient to the city. Will be exchanged r or airy pray. ..teply at lio. FEI)=.LL. Street. MR. CORSON ,REAL ESTATE BROKER AND GOISVEYANORR. NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and bold on tessontible terms. Stores and dwellings 'or sale or rent In hometown and countr7. Good mongolism mot/AWL Colleottons made. The beat references given. *l4 cm COUNTRY SEAT.—WiII be sold at public sale. on TUESDAY. March 11, 1861, the beautiful country residence known as " Green mill." containing twenty acres. more or less, situated on the Kennett Turnpike. 13i mile• from th city of Willi:110s t n, Delaware. Tho imp•ooomonin are. first, a stone MANSION HOUSE. with large beck buildings, eon-. taining 16 large and con.modious rooms. be-ides bath mom. Which is furnished with warm and cold water. The water is supplied by means of a patent windmill. from a never-lailing welt of son water. 3he house is warmed throughout from a furnace, and lighted with building. Theade in an apparatus adjoining the main mistake of the gas is a tended with very little trouble, furnishing a better a•tiole std oheap as it can be lisoi io the city of Wilmington. The kitoh en is large, with a constant supply of hot and cold wa ter. and a conking range wieti modern improvements. Al.o. a Large -tone Byrn, with good warm horse and oow stables. and excellent arrangements Tor pout ry; tenant house with 6 commodious carriage house, F. and summer kitchen detached from the main Th- lawn. siboloing the manaion, le beano run • laid out. with well piked and gravelled drives and walks, shaded with fine large trees, and ornamented wit.. ehrobnerr. The garden is stooks(' withts. variety of floweie, and a fine assortment of, summer fruits, in o lading a superior graver.. which le its second o year, yields 31 gallons of pure juice for wine, besides sagair mg a large .101tritity of sti apes f..r oi her purposes. There is a good Orchstd supplied with a variety of Peaoh. Ap plo,and Pear Trees, the latter in . neat abundanoe. The quality. of the soil has been highly imp °veil by heavy men rang and a thorough utrieraraining. and is suita ble for any purpose, trucking or oi henries. The esu re of the situation, its known health In. near and facility of access. render the plane peculiarly desirable for a country realdelne or a summer boarding house—the latter muoh needed in the neje hborhood ;or it would make a very desirable and popular situation for a 301114 ladle? boarding school. for which. with very little al• teretion or expense. tt would be admirably ad-pled. Tee Kennett turnpike is aiways in good order. and the Br-nd . wine stage from and to Wilmington passes every hour or two. There will also tut sold at the same time, a TRAOT adjoining the above. containing eleven acres, wore or less (which ha also been und•rdramed.l and been oc cupied for set eral years as a Truck Patch, for which it t e admirable adapted. 4 n Ude tract tear, is a beauti te for tniilding. having a fin-,rove of forest trees. P6l/0119 wishing to purohaae and desirous of viewing the yltteti b fore day of sae wilt be shown every attt.. tion by 'he owner, or by G. 8. & 8. a. tie ÜBB, of Wit- I musical. Del. arms made known on day of sale. Sato to 'eke ;dews on the promise, at 2o'clok P. In robll Bt* WNI PYLE, M . l.eftso tJ.1 . 1.L LAND II 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from NM to SO cent' per sore. in any quantities re quired. T_AX.I.S paid and PATENTS prooured for nun:Mogen" of Land under the Graduation AoL Plats furnished gratis by enclosing I postage stamp. For further information soul* to WILSON, RAWLINGS; & GO.. U. B. and General Land Agents, 60 Off ESTNUT street, Between THIRD and FOURTH, ST. LOUIS, Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. FOR SALE-A MODERN DWELL lNG,northwe.t corner of 81XTEENTE and GI RARD A venne.l.llo by lao feet, with handsome “ar deo. Price 17,000. Terms sooommodatmg. Apply o P. MoCURDY, No. 217 South TEEM% or 1522 POP LAR Street. mh2-iws•3t- SAVING FUNDS. QA.VING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CREST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CitN_L B. B. CRAwFORD. President. JAMES R. K(JNTER, Becretary and TreaNUTOT• Office bourn. from 10 until 3 o'clock. This Company is not joined in any applioation to the Legmlature. - fee A MEKIOAN NAVINO FUND, N. E. cor. ner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continues to receive deposits mid pay all stone on demand as it has always done. .ALEXANE.hR WRILLMN, Preaident. Jews 8. Wir.sois. Treasurer. OM lttf SAFEa. LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. tit South SEVDNTH Street, near the gi ci ii i t i ld r :rt t iVird. thankful for put favors, and being determined to runt future patronage, has secured an elegant and oonverdent store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and called Iron Fite and Burglar Proof Safes, the only ~, n r e ci fire mid burglar proof gores made.) lea. 141. isd Bank Vault, Safe. and Sank oaks. Lathe a monk Vault Boom and Lochs will be fornoted to order on abort notice. Th.s is the strongest. boa protected, and oheapest Door and Look yet ourred. Also, particular attention is called to lattice!' New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Bafe is con ceded to au rpeas in style and elegance mini thing rot of fered for this purpose. and m the only one that is Asia /7 fir , and burglar proof. Illticrith No have now on hand ear twenty of _ Uerring, & Co.'s Wes. most al them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment ea to omit rind all lately ex °banned for the now Celebrated dim safe. They will be sold at very low prices. please call and examine. Jan hit' m„C. B.A.DIAKIt. Agent. ISI JAMES BoUSE, BOSTON.—The &d -m. dipole to this note Wag completed math superior aseommodstion for /Mee and emission, win be oamed i ri fa " v fete u r w h e ewe is comp In a. its appointments, and it is the intention of toe proprietors to make it worthy the pairosiege of the unveiling public. it fell-/Inif J O i P F:/ rrnil AMUSEMENTS. CONCERT HALI , , BLOND irw ORESTNUT STREET. TWE BERG OF INFAGARA. IN TIGHT ROPE AND GRAND _ ABCENBIO.N. In A DAM BLOND/PC Tight-Rope and favorite malladm i with the celebrated and Papi n i l d a r D " V a gN ß AlgrrtiONTANAßT. For 81X Nrali 1 8, Goininekotor Match Mb, leca. Particatiary in Ware adverutements - =WU' " RI,H; , IILD OLD ACQUAINTANOE BE REMEMBERED p' ririNCERT HLL. TPE HUTCH/NSW FAMILY. JOHN. ABBY, (Mrs. Patton.) FANNY, HoeNRY, and Grateful to the tat;zene of Pin ladelphiii, who. for the Is et eighteen years, have testified their approVal ._ generously patronizing the Concerti. moat lellpOOLlOni announce that the, 17.16170 TVIO ENTERTAINNENTB A'r CONCe;R•V }TALL. ON THURSDAY AND FRIO eY EVENINGS, March 7th wad Bth. Introducing a choice Programme of the most POPuln New SONGS. WITII IdOILS ULD PaVoUITES. • Single make s 80 oents ; Lady and Uentleman 50 cent': to be obtained at the Hall daring the nay and evening. Favorable arrangements may be made with the Agent for Families end Schools. • mhitit ASAMBIA BUILDINGb, • TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ABEL A LEYLAND'S ST. EREOPTIOON I FIFTH WEEK. ' interior views of the ROYAL PALACES OF ENGLAND, The most perfect photographs ever taken, ETEREOSUOPIC PICTURES, DIBPLEY.s.D TW.I.N.PY-FOUR FEET EQ.UARE EVERy EVENING THIS WEI.K. Doors open at 731; ao amine's at 8 o'eloak. Admission, V. awns. ' Children, 114 oasts. fe9s-et WALNUT STREET THEATRE.. Pole Leeveo______Mre.M. R GAR ETTSON. Stage Hanager.... ..... Mr. W P M. A. CRAM AN Bosun Agent D. at HEpHy. rale et UERD AY) EVEN IN March 3, vrii be presented the new flair. entit ed MARuraGeS AN. , Nor MADE IN HEAVEN! Countess Von Esterhazy— ----- Emma Wallow. Plince mile .- Adam. Count Ete,nrioh•-•- • _. —Mr. Wright. Baron Von Knunitz Young. Frederic!' Von Rechherg ..mr. Bareoutn. LADIES. BEWARE. Colonel Vavaec ur Doors °pea at 6A£ o'clock ; curtain will rule at Tx 031001 C, !'Aces as usual. McDONOUGH'S OLYMPIO.—( LATB c+ATET ES.) RACE Street. below rhird. FORTY-FIRST PERFORMANCE. T.EUB (TUESDAY) EiV S IST E R S. ll 8 , THE SEV*.IY The following scours are now complete; "lmo ramic View of the Revomtionary Army at Yeller' Porge;" Dream of Sees mon," in which Mr. M Lan gen. the popular an'or from Pi.e's %Ina Some. of Umeinnati, wil , have the honor of makios his first ly- peamnea in Phil. dolmas as the Wolin. of - Ileatthingtem, Second night of The new &WAVE PON% . SkTURDAY AFTERmiuN, March Si h the last Afternoon performance of the citiVDE SISfERS. Admission—garsim:me, M cents ; Drollest:a, .Wo ; Pa , oily Quite, Igo; Private Bon Seats Me. Doors am at 6M o'clock; commencing at7M. %WHEATLEY & CLAREEhi AR08451 1 . v .11EATR.: THIS (TUPBDAY) EVFNI . NG. NLsroh d, LACT NIGHT EDT UNE or BROUGHAM'S COMEDY OP YLAYING WI to F Kw. The success of which, at Walloon Theatre NOW York, was mai Ked b: the enthusiasm of crowed au- Closers during an uninterrupted run of tour mouths. To oonolude with ALL Imo: GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, WALNUT SFREIII. ABOVE EIGHTH. Lessee and Manager.-- • —Kr Henry Willard. eic,ung M a nager _...... Mr. Chau. B. Thorne. Anse Mong e er ft M.r. J. G. Hanley. AND OFENNG NIGHT. THIS EVENING win he presented FOUR. POPULAtt PIe.GES. THE MAID OF CROIeBY. • Sergeant Austerlitz Thorne. There5e...._....... ...:.. Mist Messtyer. HE YOUNG WIDOW. . . - - - - Splash— —.Mr Chapman I ourolt... ioa C. Chapman, BEN THK BOnTOWANY. THE RTF ri, DODGER. Doors open at 7 o'clook oommono at half oast T. Prices of • damson. 50. 26 non 15 oento. mh4-Zt MUSICAL FOND BALL. ONR WEER ONLY, COMMENCING . MONDAY •ine, March 4. LLOYD'S MINSTRELS! FIF rEBor PERFORM PRP! THE ELITE OF THE PROFESSION!! WILE. •PPEAR IN THEIR UN A P RO CH 4 W.F.' ETHIOPIAN ENTEATAINMENTS. This troupe to composed of first-alas artists, selected from the moat popular troupes in the Union 0845Rvel THE LIST uIF_ST SS! SILLY BIRCH. CII I .EY FOX, D R. WAMBOLD. AUG ST AllCitLE, GUSTAV - BIUAUX, A. I. s MAN. J. AN OttEWs, N. 00116. H. WILK •_. C. BLASS— S. EASTMEATI. A. BR e ITKOPF, BLASTER ALBERTINI. W. BURNES. and COOL WHITE. LLGYD'S BRASS SAN to, led by AUGUST ASCHR. will rive e. free *Aloofly Serenade previous to the Min strdperformance. Ticket-, 26 cents. Doors open at 7, commence at If to 8 o'clock. P. A. CLA a K, fes7-10t Arent. 5(41 , 1 OR B. Z—LAhT WEEK BUT N- 7 TWO !—COMMONWEALTH HALL, CHEST NUT STREET, above Siztb Pleasant and Amusing rntertainmenta AVERY EVENING. at half past sevenotnu WEDNSDAY and SATURDAY ltf•er. Dane, at 'baba. coNcisr- ING of new and WONDERFUL DEMONSTRA TIONS in MAGIC. AMUSING and WUNDEh FUT wanes in VENTRILOQUISM, and the L BARRED CANARY BIRDS. . . Adinbaion 26 °eats ; children halt price. fe26-tf SANFOB,D , d ()PIMA HOUSE, ELEVEN CA STREET. OPEN FOR THE SPAWN. NEWIY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SA FOR B secured one of the ARGLEIC COANIES over presented heretofore. who will appear n MlD ichtlr. Sanford perfoym every evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at 7%. Admunnon 26 cents. Children lb oents. dev-ef VAN AtAßUtaiLl it UV.% GRATB ND p it UNITED BTA INSTITUTE LNG . 4GO and 4125 CREsTN T Street A _ Next to the Custom house. 'THE LAST WEr.K RUT WO EVERY MORNING, AY FERNOON, a nd EVENING Doors open at 10 A. M., 2 and 63G P. H. Admission 36 cents; children under nine _rears 15 cents. perform ance of Elephant, Lions, Tgers. Panthers, Leopards. Pumas. Ponies, Monkeys, Mules, &0., every Afternoon and EVOO • ELre EVENTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK. Of this Morel, .11ILIVOLIVO. anti lunatics axhibition. SPF.OIAL NOTICE.—That miracle of aintaaity, the wonderful Performing' blePhaet. TIDPOO 0/11b. will be introduced into the arena every Afternoon and Eve sung. by Prof. Nash. and execute feats hitherto deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. jal4-t f Tut bI.tI(SIANIA OkWkiBSTRA give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS eventeTUJl, DAY, oommencing fit 334 o'clock. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tickets, ; single tickets, 36 cents, for sale at Chtokering & Son's, 11l Chestnut street; Andre's, CU Chestnut street; and Beck & Lawton's, Chestnut street. Engasements for Conoerts, Commencements, Psi &o., 0124 at their Office, Chiokeriak& Ron • len° Store, air Gheetnat street; William moll, Di North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, iouP Ridge avenue. is 31-tf PEri AOADEMY OF TILE FINE ARTS.-1046 CRESTNI)T Street. " CHIMBORAZO," a splendid ?unities bY "THE FIRST BIN." a beautiful Marble Statuette lir Antolini. On exhibition for a neon time. yilitori, win plena° bong their opera clams. EDUCATIONAL. HO. APT 11ORP, Professor of Elocu • tion, gives lessons all day at mu Rooms. No. 155 South TEN r 9 r treet. opposite Jefferson Collette. ftternme.ete received in the early ritorrinit near.. La dles at 9F. M. All persons having impediment, are in v Iwo to call. tear-et- Erv. YANT, .iTKAXTVNV, di raliilselV MERCAN'rE COLLEGE, 8. E. °Mei ets lIENTII and CH . ElTNUTBtreete.-Day and Endaiing Sessions. /ndiro nal inerrretion in Bookkeeping, la cluding_General Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship tong, Forwarding and Comminuon, Banking, Ps change, Manufacturing. Ratiroading, Steambmting. &0.. the moat (Aoronta and Praetieal °acme i kthe re United States. Also, Lectus, Commercial C Ma tions, Arithmetio. and the higher Mathemetica, en mnnahip (best in the nit; I, Corneadettoe, &o. For vile, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fully pri .o6-tfnted in eolors, and the bast work oubtlahed. EIOA.ItD [PIG. W. CORNER OF THIRD AND N.- • SPRUCE Streets.—Two Rooms. with board. It. AMAN AND WIFE, or two single gen tlemen. Gan be itaamtiodated with BOARD Jai a respectable private family. Address " W.L Pres.q offioe mhl-St• JEWELRY, Asc. JEWELRY AND BILVER-PLA.TED WAKE. D. W. CLARK'S Great $1 store, ( - Largest in the World,) 602 CRESTP.Ur - treat. Above SIX 111, South aide. Yosntively the Cheapest No Humbug Store in the City. Your Choice for IL Prom the largest and best stook of Jewelry, &Wet plated ware, and tansy floods ever offered by any novae in this or any ether City. Alt Goon X Warranted as recommended. aiuvEß-PLATTM WARE, Our Own Make. 3i Will Buyi 31 Will Bay, 31 Will BUY Six heavy plated "r". • Table Simons. Dessert dpoone. T.a ejl.o/111. Butter Loves. halt Spoons. Rankin rungs. 44 64 One,rir:' Cream Cups. R Drinking Cune. bob.ets: d.fferent styles, Egg Cups. trait tends double. Belt Cellars. Silver Pencil', with Benton Bro.'s Sold Pen. Bets Jewe.ry, Breast Pia and props, (1.0.0 different striae.) Bracelets. in great variety. Medallions. Finger Mime, Penokle,Starf Buttons and Sinus, (different stns,! ?onkel. Naomi, lmy Pa Goods . in great variety. In root, everything nenatiy kept in a first-olass Jewelry stablisbinent One visit will convince the _mast credulous that CLARK'd ;its e place to MI. GOMIS eite6P. Country Merchants and others sill consult their inte rests by eassaming mi stook and wholesale prices. Ladles a d Gentlemen are invite(' to nail mut examine my stook of AsweltY. Silver: plated Ware. and Fanny Gods, even if. they do nut wish to piunnass. Remember, CLARK'S. mhl Stn . OR CHESTNUT enact. LEGA' IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR lIHE CITY AND COUNTY OF rtiII,APELPP Fatale of ooTFIARtoi it MAIO, deoeePed. The Audhor appointed the Court to iodic. settle. end adjust the tt.et and final account of we wawa KING. surviving t :neuter of CATRAKINE:KtftG, deoeaaed. and to report distribution of the believes 113. the hands of wild accountant. will meet the part_es in in Crest. for the on roomer of hie appointment , on MM ON DAY NI 1861. et 4 craloot Pat his Otben. Low hitololor e. No. 1133011th RIP fit 'Eltteet. in the city of Phoedelphot- C. M. Ulla:tart th 9. rnhatuthe at Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE AL. CITY AND C“UNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. bhtate of ANN MaL AUGB LIN, de The Auditor appointed by_the a an to audit. iettlT and adMit. the account of itOsANN MULLAN A - ministratnx of the h.ittate of ANN IIdeLAUNIM . deceased. and to report distritution of the balsam in the hands of said sacountant. well meet the VIM.s in interest. tar the purposes ot his appointment, 911TUgd - DAY. March 19,_1511, at 4 o'clock v. M. at Me t Meek Law Buildings , me. *l3 South FIFTH 8t s theeity Mamie phis.. 0. M. IfIitIOANOS. mbs to lit • Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' 00PB.T FOR THE 'CITY AND COUNTY OF PUILADELPHIA. _ bitato of 3 - AmES MoGoNEOAb. deemed. The Auditor appointed Ih* ILlPurt to audit. settle. and adjust the acoount of B aNJA Inlet MASTER. Ad, ministraor of me nstste 01 JahlEtS otiON k,GAL. d o _ named, sod to report d sinbuPon of 'he balance in the halide of the nowiantant will meat the names in terested for the outgrown or ha y appointment, ar t FRIDAY, March 8.1661, n• fQnr o ohs* P. Ni., a% his. offioo. No. y4J Booth nIXT Street. in the oil. or railadelphis. CYRUB 1111.WLIAI,r Miter. IeNI-tut s-6t NOME IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. N application has been made to the City Treasurer for the renewal of s mainmas t fro. U 1,711. iiitiob ban tprea boat or n rrdualaid, for three haud • oilers of the six ear cent. Ivan or the city of rielarielobio. ie tee nuns of MAIM AWN WOO 2. Rot/-0 Mr._T.4 7 eft