FOREIGN NEWS. Queen Victoria bee algnified her intention to en- K 1 the King of Prussia in the list of soverelges who are Knights extraordinary of the Illustrious Order of the Garter. A sibisoial mission, at th• bead of which will be a nobleman of high rank, will proceed to Berlin to assist in the investiture of his Majesty William I. The Queen has appointed the Marquis of Hunt ley Lord-Lieutenant and Sheriff.rnuaipal of the county of Aberdeen. The Lord Chancellor has brought in a bill for the prevention of fraudulent trademarks, by rendering their use puniebsole by Armor Imprison ment Tel. useful mesaure will also include pro visions for punishment of the affixing of false marks of quantity and quality. Taa /*DIAN WOULD-818 EITICIDIL—Mohammed Ali Khan, who attempted to commit suicide by cutting hie throat in Whitehall on the day of the open i ng of Parliament, was brought before Mr . Betsey, the magistrate at Bow street, on Monday. Oa its being put to evidenee that he appeared to be persistently bent on self-destruotion, he wee committed to take his trial at the Central Crimi nal Court, for which he declared himself "quite ready." It transpired that the prisoner bad Dean most kindly treated at a Strangers'Home for Orien tals, at Limehonse. Ile protested, while under examination, that he bad rights which he was de termined TO extort from the Government, and declared that he would never go to India until be got them, if he stayed anti the day of judgment. Mt GREAT EASTRELN.—Since the great ship was put upon the gridiron in Milford Haven she seems to have passed away from the publ , c mind, but the announcement of the intention of the shareholders to bold their annual meeting upon the 28th instant has again worked a general feeling of curiosity in respect to her and the prospect:a of the company, which may make the following facts interesting. She had bean within the last few dartoOnSiderably altered and modified under the immediate super intendence of the Board of Directors, who are at present pncting . in an entirely new deck in compli ance with the requirements of the Board of Trade, bushing the screw with brass, or rather gun-metal bearings. No additional capital will be required to defray the expense of these alterations, which will be Completed by the end of the month, so that the vessel may again go to sea in March It is probe. ble her next voyage will be to New S mt. The three motions which Mr Scott Russell has brought against the company have, by order of the Court of Common Pleas, been consolidated into one. Mr. Russell's claim is, in all, .CBO,OOO. The com pany have against that gentleman a cross tuition for .£130,000 Bath causes will come on for trial next term, when it is probable they may be re ferred to arbitration. Mr. Hope has resigned his seat at the board, and as yet no one boa botn nominated to succeed him. No improvement worth notice in the state of trade. Accounts from the manufactories dividing speak of working short time. Some attribute the stagnation to the high rate of discount, bat others to the armaments, which have shaken confidente in the maintenance of peace. The American °ri es, however, has deprival French manufacturers ot some ot their best customers. There is a great firmness in the prise of wool, and stooks are low., By the deaths of Marshals Baguet, Rani°, and Prince Jerome, a marshal's baton oeomnes vacant, although the number of marshals exceeds that fixed for the time of peace. According to the law of 1139, the number of marshals is to be six in peace, and may be raised to twelve in time of war; bat when in pease three vacancies occur, one new nomination may be made, even though the number of marshals is more then six. There are now ten marshals, and all were promoted to the dignity by the present Emperor, some of them at the time he wee Prince President. Oa the 30'b of April, 1860, the whole debt of Austria was 2 846 151.7818 , bearing 5 oar cent in terest That is—National debt, 2,269 295 2188 • the Austrian share of the Lout bardo-Venetitui debt, 69.909,5398. and the State bonds given u indemailloadon for villeinage and sooage, 508.947,- 0248. To the foregoing must be added last year's lottery loan of 200,000.0008 , the recent LIMO of small notes, and the present loan of 30 009 9008 , so that the total debts must be somewhat more than 3,000 000 0006. , The Austrian Minister of Finance bait published a concise account of the revenue and expenditure during the financial year 1880, which ended on the 31st of October. The direct taxes amounted to 99,700,0000 ; the indirect taxes 170 300.0000 ; the premeds from State property, 8,900,00014 .4 different receipts," 11.200,00011 • and + 4 m nays received for State property sold," 3,700,001 1 fi The total revenue was 302,800 000fi., which is 42,- 000,0000. more than in 1859. The total ex penditure was 367,000,0000 that is. Civil List, Ministerial Departments, and Civil Ad ministration, 104,500 000 florins;'army, 126; 60 0 ,000 L ; nary, 9,100 00004 subventions and guarantees of interest to various csorarianies, 4 000 0000 ; interest of national debt, 101,400,- 0000 ; payment of debts according to convention, 15 000.000 ; c pital placed frapstais anlage), 6,500.0000. The deficit in 1880 was 84.800,000f1. In 1860, a year of peace, 126,000,00011. were expended for the army, bat in the budget for 1881 the probable outlay for military purposes is only 97,000,0000. Lie generally supposed that the de fletc iii 1861 will be above 100,060,0001. if peace should be maintained. Toe Paris letter of the Daily Nem Gaye : "It is earlain that a vary Strong party In the Senate and Corpe Legielatif will make a strong demon• straiten against , the ratan of the French army from Rome." The &eel* makes light of this movement, but says the Roman question is soon about to absorb all attentun. Adviees from Rome state that the Russian min ister, M de Wolkonski, being detained in that city by illness, another Russian diplomatic agent was about to convey re Gaeta the Grand Cordon of the Order of the White Eagle, conferred on Francis II and the Bourbon princes by the Emperor of Russia The semi official pamphlet, entitled Prance end Rome," says that in the event of the French troops being withdrawn from Rome, no other fo reign Power will be allowed to supply their place. A Turin letter Says that as soon as Victor Emmanuel shall be , proclaimed Runt of Italy by the National Parliament, he will formally ash the Pope to accept the protection of the Pledmontese troops, and to consent to the withdrawal of the French garrison. . 4, The Austrian Cabinet agrees with the British Government in thinking that the evacuation of Syria by the French at the beginning of March is desirable. The Attorney General's Bankruptcy and Insol ventey bill has been issued. It contains 255 disuses If passed, it is to take effect from the Ilth October next. There has been a food riot in Limerick. The pc lice reetored order The Kmo OP DABOYET.—The royal mail steam ship Ea:one, with the mails trom the west coast of Africa, Tenerife, and Madeira. arrived in the Mersey at a late hour on Monday night. A tele graphic summary of her news bas been published Another barbarous affair had taken plane at Daho mey. The West African Herald publishes state ments from eye witnesses of the barbaric " cus tom " jest perpetrated at Dahomey. In this fear ful narrative we learn that the resent "grand cus tom" of Badahmig, King of Dahomey, was one of the moat revolting which had ever taken place. Several persona agree in stating that the number of persons slain on the occasion was estimated at 2,000, but another correspondent gives the number at 7,000. He says he was present by compulsion. and that the blood swept put him like a flood into a large reservoir. Another gentlemen, referring to these Inhuman butcheries, says : " I assure you it made me quite wick, and at the same time I felt stunned. The poor wretobes met death with perfect indiffer ence." The Herald which gave Government no tice through its columns many months since of the intention of the King of Dahomey to hold an un usual .g grand custom," in remembrance of the den it of the late Ring, concludes in the recital of these butcheries by stating that Gamut Foote has come out with full powers to treat' with the King of . Dahomey as to the abolition of these hu man sacrilloes." How New York Voted in the Peace Conference. LICTICIM FROM JottlC A. SING Observing in the New York Evening Post a statement respecting the final vote on the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by the New York Commissioners, in .whioh my name and action are alluded to, I beg leave, in reply, to make the following cerrection, which / ask the favor of you to publish : The vote of a majority of the New York Com missioners had been steadily out against the amendment; and, miter a reconsideration, thequatt tion was to be finally determined on Wednesday morning. Boon after the meeting of the Convention on that day, Mr. Field called hie colleagues to and desired to be informed if a majority still adhered to the vote previously given ; when upon the gneetion being put, it was so decided. Mr: Mold then - said ho wee obliged to go immediately to argue a ease in the Supreme Court of the United Btatss, and requested me to give the vote of the State, in hie absence, as just agreed upon; where upon the other 00121111iftiODIEGIP, not of the majority, at ones stated that they would not agree to have it eat, as .a majority vote, in his absence, aattbat if it WU attempted to do so, it would be objected to, and tbe fact stated to the Convention. Under these oircumetaneee Mr. Field was sirens- ously urged by those who spud 'with him in opinion to remain in the convention, and give the vote of the State against the amendment, and was again and again told by me and others, that the effect of his &hassles would be to divide the vote. and that it would be so claimed, as he had jut heard, by the minority of the Ckenteisdoners. He nevertheless persistently refused to remain, saying that his duty to themes& was paramount, and goon alter left the Convention. The vote ols tbo amendment soon followed, and before New York was sailed leaked my soil/ogees whin vote should be given, and the reply was, that in the absence of Mr. Field, the vote was divided. Nevertheless, I stated the ease to the Convention, end edited permission to oast the vote as before. This was objected to by else of the Commissioners of the minority, and permission having beep re fused by the COUTOWIOD, by direetion of leagues, when the State was °ailed, I ao — swersd that its vote was divided Tide embraces aribstantielly what occurred on tlibioeession. end the responsibility for the failure of the Nes York vote must rest not on me, but where itjustly belongs. With great respect, your obedient servant, 30lie A. Use. New York, !iamb 1,156 i. YOUTEITL BITAGLAAA AT 001,nugs.----For several meets, if not months, our Milieus have been annoyed by the depredations of burglars. Some six weeks slue the watchmaker shop of Mr. 3. 11-Steel, on Hanover Street, was broken oyes, at might; and robbed of several artiste" in his bud. new About the same time the book and stationery room of Professor Mardian, of Dickinson College, was foroWsind robbed of books, paper, ed& stamps, do ,to the value of about $lOO. William Witten, carpenter shop, wee robeequently robbed of nimerous tools, and several mindsets last *M ales Item - their looms No one could oonjulture who the robber was, as no true of the stolen gOCA/I eonld be discovered. At "last, however, the mys tery was explained, and the burglars were dis covered A student of the college wu suspected, and, during his alums on Saturday last, (be was on a mit home) his room was searched by an elk toe The corpet fishes removed, a loose board or trap door in the floor was , discovered. This was raised, and the stolen booty foand—watober, jewel ry, edgers, books, stationery, carpenter's tools, pistols, knives, de. The ardoles were all ideal led by those who had lost them. To addition to the Iroise articles, a complete set ofbier's tools wu found secreted in the same place id keys, skeleton keys. nippers, ehWs, T student had accomplices. One of these (a son of one of our .most respeotable citizens) has confessed that he rtrilebed in the robberies. Others will be lin . 0104 MA-we presume. We suppress the names of theeljrailty rums men for the present.-0 4 :14/* Voiorreser. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE. up to 11 o'clock P. Al. on thitarclab Matob 3, 1661. P• 1110 116 IlliPlitatir for advert:lW Litton; will plow* mato= the caw of tz,. L a m wea r m 7% to IN o'olook A. M.. and I to , • LADIES' LIBT• • Ardis Ilikotiah Edinsimon H Mourn Jane edam Sallie 11 Fuel - non Marat moutgomerl Anderson Mrs Flynn Mary Ationtgornerr IB A ten .obvenia Fearian Mary Norden ...IT Arno!ii Ann funeral Mary Moulding. W Mrs Archer Hebeona iihian H A Alo . ton tgoilr Allan Frame. snot Mary Ann rranoey_f bd.'" Anderson L rem Green; Fanny Nagle ra Is TY J Armitage Wm 11 Grey [lama Basle Sarah Alm grey Fannie E Rialto's 1.1 Aostnether A W OrilMtb Arabella Peru Emma P Ant on, Margt Ownser L 0 airs Newoom b C Anthony Adam Gatsmer Mary Oiribin Elizab Mrs Hog Mormons tdrsrvriarra nn Adams Sarah H Gilbe t 8 Os lora Annie Arinsfelt E Mimi Gaze H_ SPHeill Wm Mrs Armitage Mrs merman 0 . Oliver Mary Is A n derson 4 Mrs Goodman Jr V L'Heill Jane gaker.ifmnie Gladden_ hmma Phillips Al.... a n. r larkA Bflohri Mr. Rerun trances ird booed. , •-•-- --- Beardsley M L Ilankett Oath re e r r il ..b.l 2 6 ki & Bartley g a rsh Ball Ann M Baker Almeria A Hewett Mary Prettyman Reb Bear Margaret Haines Mari A Pheln Lizzie Benner' Sarah Ball Habra 4.; tow a ed?. 4 I. ,,,, zuren E. Mrs ys e ii n aeil A C Pa -ter Vino Bert Payette Hamilton Kate Patterson A E Bingham Amos Harwood Wm P Packard C F Mrs mre Mrs Pearce Hannah lberoe J C Miss Hamilton Margt Pontioy Rob C Blake Anna Mrs Haven Edward rage Misfile& Beadier ,liall flaTMltll at 4.; Safe Anna B Byrum Mary Hawes Mary A Bantle Geo Mrs •-ur iess C Mrs Hart ebeosa W Petting M A Hotter canny Harr s Kate C Ray mark 0 P Beer' usan i1.01 , M.Z1 I. J Reed Emil. lS I Ittrann Mary Mrs Moller - lixah Sedgrave Em LS Br wton Ellen Biller izz e Rediffer Lwzie !Poo .s r liza Milltown. F A 4'm i:u p, Lom „d HYr a earab Billpaih learnt p oo r .. E Raid Ellen . Runcorn Mary i ' Braley .r. be totals Kate Mrs Robinson Ems ti miler earah unt blizabeth Roseman Mary Bonner Mary toward 1 , Mrs otrobe narah I:1 o,d Mary Marl U bort Lizzie uth 'quail Bw g n ß M a r,' Homon S H aab ob-eral L iAzt Boa umer Julia Howard Eden Myna Mary A Brown M C Mrs Erwin'.' Is Runk Wm Mrs Braude Hester molly busan tohsilii•gerJ Brown Isabella Buribu.t al Km Ho tt - usan Brion bby Johnsot Kate Bhankland L L Hord Isabel Mrs Jones erois 8 bborts Lonah g.B Catharine Cathane Jones Mrs Shipley i lig 31) lloolt A D Mrs Johns n Joe Bearer Eliza 0 Burdel M Johuson Jane Bani.'rd W Ii CAM., M . A Mrs Jordan • M Mrs Sheldon 8 E Carter bl'sab Kerr Margt Scott bllen f hare Luny Hurt Mary Baboon Priscilla Cadwalader M S Kriv•kro o,ker M Souoington M Carr Maggie 0 )(hop emma Shewell A A • eh- isty Maria Belcher Mary Stiortall Sarah rail B. try Knods Henrietta Sevin'', Aline Clemens Amanda Kennedy Mary Smiley Sarah/ . Clymer soca 0. Aerobia Marl emit •B PA Mrs Clements F Mad 2 Kimiall Hedy Si, ith i'ath 'lark D Ann Kenny Mary Smith Harriett Clay Ds b.liza 1 Kirswood • ottie Smith Ellen B 8 Lohman emu t•lrllpsor , Sallie nOftin H Mrs Logan Plias. Button Miranda 2 gooiest L Vtrobe Miss Steelman B cooper Belinda t:dford Ann Minter Agnes Corbit Sarah collard - Mrs Stmkney Clara P Coon Ily r lass Logan He len S Stevens d Coots BMW/ Loran Lucy Ann Sprusle Hannah Ceaphis blialt Lido Jolla Burros& Fan H rolling Bridget Eaten° Ellen Stevens B Connell F L Luciana _Sarah Booker h may loss Carter Mrs Lorne rdiss Speakman m C Corson Edith Lilleandan A Stevenson Plush Collates. Rebeooa ' &too Annie Taylor Louise Crawford Susan C Lawler Cato Mrs Townsend A A Curtis Hannah inken Mrs Thompson E M Collins Ellen M R Lgiughead M Mrs Tobben Margt Crsoroft I, D Mrs Lewis Mimi 1110m/in H Connolly Cath Leonard Mrs Taylor Wm Mrs lintoa Carrie Leobtin Theresa Tomas b lizabeth Connor Mare. 1 ovrri z t I A Tartero Emily catiningharn M Lump nM F Toper' Harriet Danmaker M P Leitch Miss Taylor E. A Deady AUDIO Lebeuder Mary Quinn Mary Day,. Anna R MoConanghr M Ve i nem J K Mrs Daniel Mary P Malldnalp4n AL Vanzant Her; Davidson Sarah goKay Mark Vole art EmIlY Dow Ednah H oG nnitr Margt Venable Ellen Davis Mary Ann nNamee Mary Vsnithan BMI Bill H-nrietta MoDermak Mary Yearalar Min Diets W B Mrs Me•!werley Et Wetney Wm M. Dares Eliz'h McFarland E White Lydia Detinerltoealta Mathreet Ed Mrs War wick A K Donmow A J Mack. Eliza WhynkoooM R Dennison Mary J Mangoes Lina Wailen i unite A Dixon Lydia A Marshall Jas Mrs Wibe Kophia L Belong Nettie Meson anna L Watson M. M Daugherty it Mrs Martin b, Ts Waplee Margt A Daninkeoa H W Marna Lelo Wintaker Sarah Donnelly Nary A mama May Wilson li IC. mFa rmile 13 _ Maokey mall_ W ilson Hannah porter II A zurs Mellen W F Wit Winehip . Margt en LM Midalltoun E Wrist' , blizab Doherty r 1 en Mils ft or H Worrell W K Drumm •an Marion -, L Woodson Judge Ernst ' ophie Mullin Misses Mrs Ely }tattle Van Minket!" Maris H Wouds Hannah GENTLEMEN'S MST. Adair Won 2 Farley Wm Moldttyra Win Maras C 0 Field Henry Mo .rail Geo Adams 118 Fields Rev Jno McKim John L Al en W 1.4 Fritz Jacob McElroy Jas Allen Jos Art Flenmer Chas McGill John Agar Wm Finlay. DrJohn McGill M M Agree Moonier Finley Mr hlitlEmner Thos Armstrong it W Fitssimmon B McGinley D B .ermatrong W Fleisht John Maginnts Sohn Armstrong. Aut- Signer Andrew Mackey Mr son & Co Fimtarona A Maguire Jag R Y Foreword R H Mason • has Ashern C W Fryer WDe B Moreland Dr Amoott BW, M D Foss EY W March I. Arthur G P,ankal julins Mmult E I Atwood H r Ful-erton li dwd Mama &Co 8 Atwood A N Fowls. Harris & Maxwell Homes Anthony Adam Co Messrs Manly Boardman Anderson Andw Fuller N F Mason J.tet H. Austin Michael Foster &Co J H Matheson Frank or Anne Frazer Wm Manion Jut Amon, Jas IS Fulton Mr Matteson Geo 13ryard T M Fry Wm H oh & Co C R Hannan A Freeman 5 J Martin H Q , Barges AIR Gannon & Hall Mansfield his Badian David H Messrs Martin J Willis Brirrm, Headley, Gerhardt Wm Matson Jacob & Hemphill GM- nJohn Marshall k & Ba •Ites M Glimn John Manley .1 A Bailey .1 II Gibbons Mr MST OM R Ans baron Chas D torte Michael March d J Balndge Riohtii Glenna I) Mason Geo R baker JOll (Tent Gibbs Jl/ Meyers John H Baker Dan e:8 8 Go hank John Merrell 1.4 Barrows David ooettel Henry W Mosley John Bowler Fred Girton Cy rus L lhunion olt Barbey Jew Gould Ilseman L Meek A 3/ - Ramesh W H Careen G J Memel(' Wm 2 Barre., R C Gotti. r Francis B Mr yers Item Bailey Wm E Gram F Me lin ' , Mos B Hey ldward or ffith. 11 . Miller W D ibuley L C Griffith & Co Mitchell Alex! Barnett Thos Messrs Milano elig Barrett 011 4 & Kaape Neilby Chas Berrgumin G& J Messrs Mines Jar H Bevan John Cr.- se ft A Mortim W. 12 2 13-airty Jno F Greene Dr Chas Morison A W Bell B Graeae Won Moore M J Ha George Green John Mount C B Bell .1 hn finny Wm R Morris P Bertram R 8 Dr treble Wm It Moffatt W B rergman C Hale & Black-Moore & Gaulle Bangles B B born Moulton .1 Beast, J. at D Halsey & Moore Ai alloy Wm Bechtel. R e Pagan Jeremiah Mortimer Thor J Barger Jacob Hale E J Myers Moses C Hem Rev R Moses Job Blake T F Dr Hamer ' M n Daemon CW 2 13 omit &Co C Baines Edgar A lArorestoe Ellis Blodgett 8 0 Maker Morris M toes Jae ut-uteners G W Banaltpre J ffi Moyer A G Pan ea Wm P hue Iderard M POMP Bozorth Doss- NOM Joint %.;0 lei imam Beywoort Mini Mermen. Dr Geo Setae J 8 Dr Harley, Barre, & Musket' Michael Bownym Peter Co Murphy Jos flowerer Jae Harris &Ming Pelnudorf Geo Bowen aii niamdne Ca Myers Chis P Bower 11 Rev Herrin 11 Myrtatna Char brown Jag P Harbert lease Murphy Bernard Brown lambs Hart H. F. Murray Geo Brown A M banns Robt Murphy Jus Brown Neal W Harkin John Non or 8 Brown Time 2 Newts Henry Nagel Mr Brown M G Itawts . heo Norton Warren Bradford Jas W Hartwell Prof C Mahar I , d motion David haw a Thos Nashlensale Brsdy Mr Hartwell John F wiemeger 11 Winona F Bare nobt lial•tt. Beni Bridge Bobt H Harriet A.D Norris Wra Brintori Jos P Bart E Norton Wm Broils & Uo Hanadan T Newton A J Bradford. Harts A E Newton 8 mil ham, & Debts Harris E J Newton Joshua Brodhead it 11 Harris Edwin Nulty John B•estin J• hn Barrington 8 H Odnome Jno W Brandin Tine Harvey Capt Odenheimer J W Butler Henry 8 Harvey Thus O'Connell John 2 Basler .1 Bruiting Ezra T 0' , ealey %/Des Butter Henry Heisbrook J 0 Ostentau Jacob Barka Moses Henry Chas F teldfie Id 'I hos J 3 Rorke Teas L -Henry .1 a O'Hara Dennis Burns Jae 'Mourns H W Olsin UE' Mule° Edward Heweon Rev P B Oliver Jas Campbell John Hewer Frank Ogden wm 5 Campbell Hoot Heenan J• hn Parker J B Campbell 1. D Illenterson Thos Paver Aug Campbell rlhalt Howie Peter Park RW 2 Came btick M Bern Chas 8 Parka Beni Carroll Pat Henderson Robt Parker Ed Caber Ina M H eathen J W Parrott rAi Caster Wm J els Mo C o Parker Selby Caster R X Hereinan A C Patten 'tilos Carol Hugh Horace 1. Padge Henry Camor Noah Hernandez Elias Parser C Carrier 8 8 Hernandez J C Paine nos Cam. ron John Herrman C H Pettigrew .Hugh CaldwellOhas 'Heiser Geo W Lamson Cah.ll Rev D W Heildebrandt J feaster F Canaan= Tim lusher &• o Jos Pennington J Cassidy Thee .1 Kinsman HEM P Peters 0 Carr John HailerB Pennington Chas Cartwright & Co Hitch B H Peirce N D Hirst & 1 Pennington H B Castile & Ewing! Heill & Co J F Perkins 11 carman & Dobbin Hall Stoughton P Pearson John Colston Rev Bre r• ill B C redact Jesse P Carter Jonas Houtlenader Dr Phishaps E T Censipman 8 8 Howe BIC Philips John hipman E I) Hoboes John' Peterson W Clationes John 0 Hopkins Lt W E Pednok heo Chase "Amos Hopkins Col 14 Pearce Boa Chainacon W Hoffman Wm Pettey John A Ctiehester &CO Horn David Poem Wu Chapels, Anion Rorotelower C N Prate relie Gisafeal Thoa G Howard / L /hereon John D Chamber, Dr X Holliashead Edw Pilling Semi 8 'Madinah F Robert Henry Pierson Capt Clai k James Huron H Pinkner Gast Johnfat & Co. W oe Allen Clay ton John utter Hoerr FIGIIIOIIO fl Chur & Book uglier Thor M Pierce John 0 Chi eland E A pushes RBA Pippme Paul .B Maley And'W Al enter Okay Dr J Sr dens John Phimerj G Cohen rr A ingsbrittenten A Porter r C Cowan Mu Demos Alfred A Pons John ConnolTioce Jessup Ingrid Pond A it Collins 3 jacks Won Potentme Thug conies Timothy Jacobs Mark Porter John cream= J T Jame Lindsey Yr.. scam G.. 0 cooltrane & .1.70 8 Jackson F AL Friatt'Thos (whin TC. Lt Jackson Eland Price, Jr 111 Colston Dr Janney A Proctor Win Al Copley Poore F Jackson/I. Proalmur Jain coseland W J, Dr Jacobs Wm kubles Jorultliart Chess. Wilson &James Lloyd Pollee Win 11 °Maws Joss Balla Pullen Alfred oivia & /mom nson " win 0 Pratt L A yolk Sand F Jonas & Co F Pope J w copping., Win P lordam j R Rankin &co Coooreen T oily Chas Baron Thos Conrad Gro M all Harrimon Roby flaml Column & Edwards Johnson Liens . .? D Nandi@ Jos Conroy R M Jonnert Martial Ranks W B COlburn bosh Janes Daniel Ramo Dr 8 FooPer J B Jordan Geo Reese. Lake. Me Soper John 8 JordingJ H lick, &Co 2 Cooly Rev W C Jones as 8 Reynolds Char M Cady H D Jones W P .Rea.Gracey,& Co Cooly Mathew knee Geo W Deihl A Jae COI Wat it Mien Reyanshaler F Cashman Wm Leer C T Resdel Char 11 Chultew B W Rev Johnson Geo Reynolds Byrom Culbertson I) H Aurae las 0 RotorrafJ Cullen &co J A Jones Wm F kiddie Geo M Crabbe Wm H Juan IK I Rios 3lt Cummings Jas KWh.% RiPhardson N 2 Curry John B Kneen Julius K idlel Geo Crawford F &tumor John RielVirds Semi P Crabet Peter Rapier M nobble Mich'i Crawford Hugh Kennedy 8 I Rios Jas commothasa WH Ready John G Ritter Nathan Comae A Met! Klebton Elias Rica Denpals Win A Roister Anthony Ritter A Daniels Dr Kenny Jam Ross bull Devi, & Co 3 n eye las h ow* nds John ft Davis Her J 5 Kerr 13 G Robertson John_ D a m e D A Rollin Jos A Robertson Jar so Darr John Reber James: Rogers J M Decal yWm E Kelley Jona Rosefield elms A Ding ; n Mr Keli•y C I) Rogers Chu Dentition Jelin lie', Anthony Reel .1 a Descrisou w L mood Gilbert Rockafellow C = rmo ar Jno line A C Rizett Isaso Henry Kliesfelter 0 D Rowe Wm Emu &CO 8 U Kme Capt F fit Robertson A T haven Lt Hue H Rosenthal A sum, Dr E H Kohn Felix Rose & Gordon Deakor P F b norm G W Roberta Wm Diedrich' A Kramer has Ross Campbell Doehl rhos night David Robertson A pee itg ('has Looook Wm Roney John Dicker Thor 8 Lamb Char Al Robinson John A alien Robt Layton ()weld Randekendoif W Dos nine & Son LaWrentio If R I Ryder Andrew Downing & Bro I Lawrence E J Burma T P Lawrence J Klan Thos Poyle Thom Laterite. Thor Russell 0 P Doyle Timothy Lawrence A Bro Rutherford TO! Downing &Co C Leanly gWm M Hurdon • d Goresidion Mr Lemon John el He k The" D alchemy Geo Levi John Russell P Dorris P Leeitheasav k Inman David Draper & Pon 1) 1 Mentions Hassell G R Drayton Dr 15 F Levy Reuben Runkle Michael Durham John Levy Abraham Bussed &Co C L Duman L A Lea Michael or Rushton F V teapot John Patrick Sale:nun tt Dunlap Wm A tile Thom W se or Mal aid Andrew Leslie tern w 2 Sanotiee And EMinbm. 10illan. Libart Wm W Bin gee CO Hours Lehman Coe W Savage I. hn H Reim t Liord M 8 Bantsson Lard • berhardt F Little Dr It H Scott .1•4 Haldeman F j: Dr Linville J D Scott John • denims .Ug't Lieberman Mark eeott. Andrew Edwards H 8 Lord Copt Jas H Bch ones Lewi s r dwores J J Logan Rich st Milano Semi pi ss be o Wm I ins Jacob R Program Geo Editor • Law Long Wm A Seamen sea A negister pry J L Shore n v o l s .', I h im •if M A Pbeperd bazar Polo E R ka Sohn Shields Wm t•nstosh & CoJ MiraM Ledge NU Shutt Jo .31H Erie Francis Mon 2 PA M Shell Rani ntwingar &co Remo.. ton LodirePhentlemer 4441 Wawa N.• 111 Eloimer Louis Endue. Herman. aisle Cobol! 1) /Dawson 8 8 & 0 America Sibley Jos trnerron Mr Allemarus Lodee Mmon W J Frans t, N.. 312 t 0 0 F Stooemb W Fra W ^ ittnit McCarty H M Evans u G W Maus Ala ideDougal &Ran-Slanghter Jr' braid g ir th. t i sacs John MOClenagbau j Smith H P Flier G H Aloollisurr JD 8 .asitithPa lmer orma Jar F McClure Thor It Sm ith .1 P Fen giro Jar Sm ith Thos Foremost A Mcßride Rev M smith ALchael Fetig boo MaKermay Pat smuts s m ut Felton A C MottratnJohti G Marta I* I Snyder John Themes Joe M Walker 8 T rommere Leßoy Thornton a L Watefield L ThompsonJ C._ wartbman 0 o 8 8re e r e l io F hn J Thomlay RaPey Walker Ale i s h Matra W TileoombGeo T Watson A lex Stall Aaron F Thomas R F Water Swale' a w ooMbe .1 . tl Wailers & Stack - tageuDsol orm lc r c o GOO 119.1111 e ,li Starr Peed IL, Treadles , ' Ai etrr ..1 Stouffer. &tavern; Tuttle &Co Weaver rid 1 Levitt .i ranter Geo West Wra r e t. tewr vi d . J:ol 3 Weld K B Stephens foam Todd W . l Stewart Jaa Tunnel) Geo Ny 'datum, Aug Stnkey J M Turnbull shoe Wemso W 0 'l7'oniernasentiGde2d L w W e i Vld e e r r i 47 r•P , rinoot Banal B T• s..n ,r Whim J t. 3 &saver H R T yp o/082 . We Ad Ix its Hasid teshits Goa F 'Y'ri•Oon w 1 .. W h.te JJ _ Turner Geo gl e ° ,7,7,:f.rgy 'ruiner RLI Wheatlng Dr Wtutsman W C Suet John Towns , ' Harvey Wistar latish Stump Hen Quinn lno e Wilson John 8 Stemma v S If neerdue Jas Wilson BF B, oo lton E C Vsoz.le Wm Wilmot a staunton Jr J Vano•ten J B Wilson L Steelkel r. F Vanalstyne Sam' Wilson H H Sisever H 8 Voorhees B Ebert Williams I Q, A names & Ri o Vansciver • lbert Williams Wm Staunton D fd Vans:int M L William, id kiturdsvant B B Vanderpool kCo Witmer _B B 2 Stewart John VanderkemnJ I Wilton r Stuart&Co 3and J Vidner Alex Ml Witham Sand etas@ 8 Venting , Jr T Willem Btchd BYlverteLM Young Watson 1 Watacar /saga nwayer i. - B Co Wilcox L Squire 1 Co Wm Young Ed Wootlia Geo Bwein Beni Young F. F Wood l ha H Swany Ed Young Joe Wnodmse o T! Say Chas fd Young Jun 8 Wroth Jai W Tascher rd. Young U '' Woodnar 0 W Tottmm Joo F Vft. ea DJ W 00410.01411. Fred Tay lo - P Pied B Yeeeel Amos Wolff &Ca G 0 Taylor) Y Walker L WOOO I `sunders 1 site J G Wagner Win Worrell ins Taylor Wm 0 Welleee Robt Wiliebt Jos R 1 odor Marshall Waller D W W,mnnd 1 Brad- Taylor he Watson R R tarry Trap int..; C Wallace 18 H. Wright is.. 'lhom ‘s A J Wargatt Gilbert W,th fv. 13. BoOWNe. So/Master. PIMEN GEES BAILED Ira ship Borisonk, for Loverpool—Dr Margolis, of Ina ladelphis, and 10 In the steerage. In steamship State of Georgia. for Savannah-8 rr Harris. W CJegaup and lady, R C Blair and lady. Wm rumen, John R ilarnum, J Whitworth, J C Oram, Thou strimer. IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the Praia.] I.IIIBRPOOI.—IShip Wyoming, Burton-42 pkg. mdee Rharplest Bothers: 27 do liter, Prior & Co; 26 do Lewis & co* 21 do Thus Dileuor & Co; 28 do W Mcßee & Co; 14 doJ 1.• &maim & Co; Is do Wray & Galileo; :do I Ina Barton dc Co; 1 do J J %galley & Co; Bdo A Campbell 0o; 1 do Decoursey. Lafouroade & Co; Z do T & F e vans; 1r o Field; Ido Faust. Wineby•ner & Co; 3do P J 6do Grundy, Wad n /c Co; 1 do 8 Bill; 1 do W6l llorstmann & non , 6do James Knit. • ant-s & Co; do Muslin & Perinea; Ido B McKean; 9do sew, Bros & Co; 4do H Walton. 7do P itowlend; 3do J C Handsll;33.4l sacks salt 100 tons pig iron 3490 eon styeotoks Cope Brothers: 81 oksks s da ash A Kerr; 49 do B & W; 18 eggs hardware B Mullen*: 3 do Martin lc Bloat; ado Boutin. & Nidd'eton; 14 do Buehler & How ard; sdo it met k R tr 11 do It &W C Bide e; Ido Jenne & Fulton; 4do rd ' ewlin. Fernley & Co; do Afi hi play; 13 do I hhallenberger & Co; 6do Rteinmetir & Gei sh: 2dolt G -toreabur :4 do 16m th Bito , ser; Vdo Rbields & Oro; ; 36 d • Truitt aro & Co; 7do Whitmore, Wo fe. Dud & Co; IS oases steel B Distant; 6do J 8 Fisher; 28 hdls do Garrett Zs • oa; 26 do P Justice; 210 do T tiolley; 11 oases do N Taylori 310 bdts 2as do A 51 F Watson; 37 pkkir machinery n Yewdall; 120 boxes tin plates N Trotter & Co 4 cues books J,B Lip p•noott & . 4do Pen, gton B 6066; 6 bales and Sou carpets J F& E B Orne;_4 cask s oath D Londreth B. :ion; 5 do earthenware a Dunn; 6 oases steel IT pkgs aids() 88 do hathwaro order . O c.NVA—Bark Caroline, Packard-366 bales rags 100 blocks marble MOO tiles 5 ours marble works V A Par. ton; 94 oases marb l e works Vitt Brother.; 60) boxes oil Dull:s & Cope. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOS. RIMBER INR.etEL MOW*, iCoUstirtsis or tag !dorm JOStYli C. GOV is. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. March 4. 1981. RUN RUIER- ..._.- I IS RUN BETS- .-S 43 ARRIVFD Ship Wyoming, Barton. from Liverpool Jan 17. with rase and POSPOngers to Cope Brothers. Jan 22, at 10 A tat SO 31 long H exchanged amnia* with ship Rienzi. bound westward. Jan 25. at s P .od. lat 2203. long 1351, spoke brig Pride, from St Johns, NF. bound to Bristol Feb 10.10 AM.Mt42 n. long fa 36. exchanged eiders with an American bark b and west , p tinted Wasik, wok double topes , is—showtng wrivate signal—Gould not make it out. Feb 19, noon. lat 42 18 lone 2960. exchanged colors with an American ship standing east, painted black. round stern, with don!) e mussily—could not make out her name. The W was towed uy by tugs Wm B AMBOY and J F Staff. Bs , k Caroline, Packard. 100 days from Genoa, with marble. MI6 An. to V A Sartori. Towed up by tug Outright Bohr John Whitby. Elenderson, 1 day SIMI Mena, Del. with grain to Christian Curran. Bohr Escalator. Ri'ey, 3 days from New York. with malt to Deal Molarthr. pohr n A Cinnmiuss, Kelly, 10 days from Meherin River. with shingles to Norcross & Seets. Bohr Sarah Ming.. Weaver. 2 days from Woodbridge. NJ, with mdse to 0..; & F _Leanly. CLEARED Steautable Delaware. Cannon.N York. J Allderdioe. Rolp Serape*. Rowland. Liverpool, +lope Bros. Brix' Flying 'Eagle, Lord, Carden's*. W Welch. Boor C Knight, Whirlow, cardenae, Stewart, Car son fr _ Bahr Belle. Barrett. Galveston, Baker it Folsom. Bahr 1., A Danenhower, Miller, Boston. D Cooper. Fehr Knight Gage. Boatels, si winner. Bohr . S Parsons. Jackson. 'Washington, JOl3Ol & Co. Sear ht C Ropaina, Daugherty, eavonuah..s. boron, Jr. & Co. Str S Seymour. Palmer, Alexandna, T Webster. Jr. Str K Willing, (Maypole, Baltimore, A Graves. Jr. SAILED. The U S mail steamship State of Georgia, Capt Gar vin, for Savannah. sailed on %Minds) , at 10 A 141 with a fad treight and a number of passengers, whose names mar be mum, under the proper Seed, Saw flaranse, Rowlarai. for tdverpool, left Walnut street wharf at 2 P M on Rararday. in tow of tug Arne rica„takintr on board the followinii ca o: 8 oaaks oxide of nickel- 0 bales rags, 670 hide <. 6 bb rg ls and 61 fifties butter. 268 bags otoverseed. 2037 be s flour 660 bags oil cake. 0 ban manufarstarett tobacco:2o3 bales cotton. 300 boxes baton, 19 319 bushels wheat. 33 bbe eotatoes. trl oily railroad Oar. wheels. .9 ekes eandries. 48 etas city railroad oars, 48 railroad ear wheel b .xes, et pedestals. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWEs. Bel. March I. The brig (inv Bull, from Havana, arrived last night. and HP the onir vessel at-harbort . she will leave this morning for Philadelpnia. Wind OW. - Yours, &o: N. W. BICEPdat MEMORANDA. Steamship Virginia. Reify, hence, arrived at Rich mond iet met. . _ steamship 'Keystone Mate. alarahman. hence for Charleston was siguausrd 3 A M 26th ult. off Loosoet. Steamship Edinburgh, /Roots. from Liverpool Feb i 3, and Qu-enetown Ittit. arrived at New York let mat. arraisrr " uger - 6 ' Ettiedurcurbt is 40 , a ria ° D arningtOrt, from sew - N ore 1.1 Liverpool. Ship vlim V Bent. Wilcox 12 days from Liverpool. arrived at Charleston 21th no. Ship Wm reran. Mastorier oleared at Baltimore Ist inst. for Liverpool. hip Baru • dims. Chase, from Liverpool, arrived at New York 2d last . . • lop Herald, Crowell, from Palermo, arrived at New York PI inst. Slip Aima, Graves. cleared at New York id bat. for Buenas Arrall. Bora 1 bonne Dollen. Dill. was at Porto Cabello tith Ms. for PhiMaisons an about. 8 days. Bart Coetar..l 1. rdonent. (neared at Balton let for Donna, Affirm. 13 • rk Sophia, Jones. from Rio de Janeiro Jan lath. ar rived at Bat more 2ct inst. Bark Amy. 51.8101110)2d from Barton, arrived at 8a- VEMllail 27th tilt. . . Bait Washington. White, from Baltimore, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Jan 14. Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, sailed from Rio de Janeiro Jan 14th for Gahrorton Brig Somers. Can!fold, cleared at .Boston Ist inst.. for Monrovia. Brig Looh Lomond. Black, cleared at Batton let inst. for Cardenas. Brig Elizabeth Watts, Bryant, for Philadelphia. 614 at reeW York 2d leek . . . Br.e Amy Warwick. Brown. from Rio de Janeiro Jan 16th arrived at New York 2d inst. Jan 29,14 M 19 12 9, long 3420, saw a bark allowing Kirkland & ohase's sig nal. standing EisW..; Jan 60, tat 1120 . long 3606 . saw bark Maria of Boston . from Ba ltimore for the River Plate; Bnt T B Watson. Monday, from Porto Cabello. ar rived at New Yore 3d Lust. Brig AJ W Applegarth, Groves, remained at. Rio de. Janeiro Jan 14. Mg= Bahr Vaahti Sharp, Halal, alearect at Boston tat Uzat. to• Alexandra. liohr Adolph Engel, Macon, hence, arrived at fkivan• nah 26ilitutt. 21st uttehr lt. D Mershon, Allen , hens. , arrived at Pensacola Bohr David Fauet, Bloelander, hence, arrived at Wil mington. NO, Wth ult. Bohn B Haight. Beebe. end Evol6res:6 Potter, from Orient for Phibdelphia, arrived at hew York 2d met. Bohr J Bebouct, Babcock, from Wilmington, NC, arrived at New York 2d leek Fob r Pauline, B.own, for Philadelphia, classed at N York sd inst. Bohr L W Gardner, Bourne, for Matanzas, cleared at New York 2dAnar. Bohr. F M Price, Kelly. and White BanaU,_ Snow, from- Bootoa for Wilmington, Lel. sailed from Holmes' Role 28t - • Bohn Martha. Jams. Clark, from Boston for Rtuladel ohm, and A Cordery. Grotto, from do for Wilauttaton. Pill. sailed from Hollows , !lola Xlch alt„ HOLM Halo Neuman,-from rtowbutTport. and Chat ham, Smith. from ?renitence for Philadelphia. wan at Rotuma' Role In inst. • • Sohn Tholeßorden, ' , Arnett:4lAm, 'tiled from Pall Ri m ver Mth ult. for Philadelphia. BREAD. PURE AND OBXAP BRAD, , MANUFACTURBD BY ME MECHANICAL BAKERY. 4IAX BR OBTAINZD AT THE POLLOWUII MA.CEE MECHANICAL DAKER.Y,IVW. corner of thud and Q. IL GLUM.— s ne treet, D* law re h Oorner Sixth and Coa JATRO & SON, _No.St a ffortliViftla JOHN G. MOXBY_ No. 12. Vine street. North FifthstreaL S. 800Y....... f B. corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEW& e c o wi ru s aiirtenth and D. mewl% ii=ll.l " 4 - Ziw w nnt. - OBOROB OARNlB—....—No.l4l3lLoestarai street D. W. earner atimmak wat coußawxy N a g 4 IO .I 6 " SOW L . twelfth reet. wAitoi MAWR/ F ed rat Street, s h out Sixth.B. South Fourth and b. ROLLAND. —LlT.eonier Siatenthall Gaon streets. DAITIOIIO North Eleventh 1. wHicaThrAzi---Thirtaith street. below a. TORUN& --Nl ' ! w itr i le org Front R BROOM.— W. corner of Seventh F. rdomus.-- l irrt t rrinth and B. B. TUKN81L.......- ni t tlt Front arrosTEß_____......s.VOonter Broad and EROS. T. RUNT— —.CO t rneLffine e t:enth street and K 1 avenue. S. BOWN N. corner Ninth and Falafel :000M 3. MottiTYDv Twenty -seoond street, eh ALFA. 'FULLERION.......Corner of Fifth and Mots hLKS.B. Coats& street D. F. & T. W. W0LF...........1611 Girard avenue. hfcCHAOKEN—.... —MOS Hamilton stmet. R. DEARLY ....J....N. W. oorner of Twelfth JULIE'S KLEIN -- m.ruPPEa P' Z ' At ' ; l A re iturtb muR. F. ELLIOTT —.--& V . .eoonlr Tali* and Green street- NICKISI.---.— o den i l ir tl. J., store lii O. H. Whbhiladeanhia,3lthst. N. L. YARNer,r. faZgeiford mad. JOHN BARNDT—.—. Tremont and PULS 01 . 0114 Pouts. OEM B. T0WN88ND.......... Wed Chester,Fenia Atlantic City, N.J. D. 11.011.7014—...........F10ninee, N. J. 11. F. MULLEIN —....... .... Columbia. Pa. 1141-tf lI3BT BEOEIVED, per " Annie Kuoball yr ay from Liverpool, blander, Wearer, do bleadeee preparations: 3S lbs ikstraust Sandal. 11 1./ I 41 1" 36 Untraot RlCerfalW • in lb jars, 60 Thu Entrant flelladonnal i m 110 jar/. 104 sat ant Toroxeci. to I !Ojai". so The Yin Ral.Cololnot. nt 1 lb bottles. 100 Zs 01. buoamom R.Lot.. in 11b bottles. 660 The calomel in 1 lb bottle., 600 lbs it Elm dno . __Lc. WETURI . I.L & BROTH:Mt. rob: 47 am 49/ Mont itSCON/10 lwt THE PRESS, ~-nigilLAß. E4M- sceiiiitere mom VALITABIATHAN SILVER OR GOLD, IT WILL RESTORE TEE WEAK ; REINSTATE TEE BLOOD IN ALL ITS °RUH- PROF. O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. It is PTOOIIIOI7 whet its name thdioates. for while, plosion& to the Sane it s revivifying. exhilaratiof steenethszung to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates. and renews the blood Ina its orininal jai zits, and thus restores and renders the system lune north's to attaike of disease. It is tae only prepared ton ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reaoh of all. an ohemiteilly and skilfully combined as to 'be tie most powerful tonio. and yet so perfectly adapted so as to act in perfect accordance with the jaws of Nts/left.4 and hence soothe the weakest stomach and tone up ti ' s` digestive organs. and allay all . ervous and other im tion. It wale° perferaly exhilarating in de erects, a I yet it Is never followed by lassitude or depress on I spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables , and th thoroughly combining powerful touso and soothing pr potties, and convequently can never inure. As a preventive and Cure of CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, INMEEI TION, DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APP I , ' TIDE FAINTNESS, NERVOUS • RRITABILITY] NEURALGIA. PALPITATION OF THE! HEART, MRLANCH"LY, HYPOCHON DRIA. NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR. GIDDINESS, AND ALL THATCLASS OF CASES SO FEARFULLY FATAL I CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND IRREGULARITIES. THERE Ib NOTHING ITS EQ UAL. i - _ I Also. Liver Derangements or Torpidttre and Lie '43oMPlehlte. Dimes of the Eldueles or any ge derangement or the Urmary Organs. DWI not: my cure the debility following CTRIL mid rmyss. tat prevent " all *Mons arming from nu mitt* sitlumiens and ontsptim dumdum at once, if ready atliMmtr... , ...L. . - . 4 :` :- _ 4 i -- ' r '-" TRAVELLEMS Should have a bottle Frith them. as will incelliblf prevent say deleteriol*:,:bouenneu • following upon change of olimate and water. As it prevents oostnienags. strengthens the dig organs, it should be in tee hands of all osmium of - dentitrs habits. . _ . LADIEd not accustomed to much out-door exercise should always use it. . . DlOrmo R 8 should useit4 for it us a perfect relief; ta ken fora month or two before the fusel trial,' s will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and ty I There is no minas about it!! THE CORDIAit. IS ALL WE CLAIM FOB IT! MOTHERS, TRY IT ! ! And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or./Selma not only of your daughters before it be too late, but also your sons and husbands, for while the •former from false delmsey.ortan go down to a premature grave. rather than let their condition be known in tune, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of bu siness, that if it were not for you, they, too, would tra vel in the same downward path until it is too late to ar rest their fatal fall But the mother is always vigilant and to you we oonfidently appeal; for we are sure year never-failing affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S R.ESTORATIVE CORDIAL .441) BLOOD RENOVATOR es the remedy which should always on hand in time of need., O. J. WOOD, proprietor, No; "444 BROADWAY,,, New York, and No. 114 MARKET street, St. Lames Missouri, and sold by all good druggists. erica ONE DOLLAR per lattle. Read what the Press say, after thoroughly testing the matter, mato one can have &doubt. FROe. ' WOOD'S Rutroitavtwx GounUter.A.WAßnaatt Rienovvro is a genuine medicine of real seerge:: sa to nt to the taste and invigorating the system. *He ft par Sow the blood and .00thes the nervous irri it aids the organs of digestion to Verona their tunagfaag and resist tto swam oldie's's It is a ehemioal cent soma , so skilfully combined that while it exhilarates it OWN not provoke the imisi.ndewhich cannily •ottows ex citement. A mum. Gamow!' exclusively rif migetabie marter. it is absolutely beneficisa: and no ill Keats can possibly saaompany-its use... It ' . iinirbannt: - Mahlrielli 4 an tteirt. Falling of the Womb and o sr delicate ameasks,to which woman is subj Act. For Blokes'w of the Stodiaoh. Billions Attacks, Liver Complaints. Costively:l , s tee pepsia, Gotonamption, and a host of evils Beek isheir to, it is a certain otire.-51. Loam Morass/ Harafd. PROW. We ItgatilitATlVA CORDIAL.-It ii reoorded in the Chimes that Prd ehe was Wee sent to 11 011111Mte warmer than the Welt Indim. to proem agamele of the beauty of Preserpme in a box, After come delay the messenger returned,and es .soon ea the )idol tae vox was removed. out w all the Ills that Bela is heir to. Fortunately, hope wea found in the bottom or the bon. Prof Woolyig Re/Iterative Cordial revived the reo ollBB tiori of the 01 9 1 7. for it invigorates the bloc aida the (inane of digestion, imparts strength to tile nervous system,end fortifier' the oitadeltd health, so as to hid defiance to the assaults of disease. it is a healthy tonic, composed entirely of vegetable ercidue none. and while it I. exhibrating sa pure wine, no in- MMus. Mune can Porsibly follow its rpm. It is a desi deratum in the medical world. and those who are af flicted with lose of appetite; Dr.lpaPmft• CongualPtleo, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia. Palpitation of the Hart,enh find hero an infallible oanfora.7-Se. Lours Daily Express. • . Prior. Woon's Rgegoitegivx Coanus ago'MoD RTNOVATOR 111, without doubt, the beat tone' tel in the world. To those who sr anlgering rem lietteral Ltehihty we would recommend' its am for it is "Wa lnut to -the tante, is strengthening to the mom. and - will at once yawl to remove all -imporltioo of th e - m oo d. and eradioato an tracer or duposee.• it can be takswiri the women stoinaoh, while ihoeii•in good health will at once tee! it. exhilarating Power. • we are Notions that after using one bottle of -tine ffordialtuitutinfl• fors day Inthsvat tt—risto York Leaden A taxa. RIALTET Tome, and one free from the de leterious end injurious effects sure to renew thiamin ordinary nee, ha. long been felt to be adesideratsun'in the mental world Boehm tonic. and onene stalf oombined from the etwMable- Meadow as totter. in - Mot " sossordanet. with , the laws , of Nature, andas soothe the oreakest storatteh. and at the same tires y nervau and other irritations. and tone upan tin, or. gams or which the liumatrbody is oompossdoeedrerotte Prot. INtoOD'EI Restorative Cordial sad- .Bt. velar. Renee, it is sPerfeetil adaealet'lleatda=" l 4li Reader, try it. Thousands natmairaudy done imam the testimony ix universal in its faver.--Nme rork Ploy. Woop's .ItESTOIATINIC CORIILL AND 4013 RiNOVATOE, for the COlll of General Debility ore ak nem cruller from ocay cenee.rielec.. Dyeperiem, Jler rooftrees. Night weittikincietent i,onnamption., Lamer Complaints. an t!. limn of pettier. , PCIOLIe Wegoineg s an, payee ; oleo to prevent the.contraction of diestine, is anglify the beet and meet agreeable Cordral•tonto are .14usoVatOr °feud- to' the ar dieted. and •IPQ ahemiestly• combined to be Die tacit powerful tonic 'Ter karma to medical memo. Menden try it. It win de nos good.. We have no hesitation in reonmininding it.• mot* we . know it to el 4 meni, y4la. saw -and:mere remedy for the' Mamma enailelialde Now' York Di:perch. - 1 MP Before notieing • patent mediates. we havi to be certain that It will prove iwNf to be sh_that it is weent a mendsd. And we 'roma say that the iiilitte ow.. dial end Bloo d Renovator - et': Pref. WOW) soil mid the test rally. and in 41hrit . it hiwitliontanY d tire Ant article in the market for Prnifyinalbe. pi and w ?swathes g toe imiteni. we have-no' h in r ita nee to all.—Ntne Yorker. -- LOott TO Yommaivits Ix Trim—now masyin am seines°. of s false delicacy, serer from fliPtliard. or obstructed maistersatient, and missosa aase they are lot= that •Ittlmd-byti nature will tort it self clear roan abstraations. awl all owns right in the end, little dremams that the seeds of delta an Wald! teramietiot In the System bereave the tritalatiertuts are impaired, sad the entire animal economy *Greases, debilitated, and yet. careless of themselves aSthor ago. ifs remedy was set before them whioh wood iseterti all the fueetteas of-the system. and rota Os' body. - they Ttalbt take it. sitd time be is ti eto save their byes. retreats think of this and at mee sive thembottle of Prof. WIXOM Restorative Cordial and Blood Renaystor.—Nsts York cipionter. - 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, Ea 444 MIOADWAY, and Do. 114, MARKET Street, Et LosisiMmonn. sr At NO. 444 BROADWAY, on th Fawn, and Pidoot Modonnat nonstintly on bud. Alva9kOdisk Ism donnas. 14111-oor2tionNl NAL PURITY AND VIGOR. atm" t MEDICUIFAL- EPECALAIO PILLS SIOIC HEADACHE, NERVOUS EIEA.DACFIE„ CUB.III ALL LENDS OF fIEADAOHE . , kV the us. of these rills the periodical attacks of Her vois Of Sick Hsadaris may be pravental : and if taken at the commencement of an ethic* immediate relief [rein pain and sickness will be obtained. 'they seldom fail in removing the Nausea cowl Head sac to which females are so sithleet. ' Ihey sot gently on the bowels. removing CestiossosSi. \ rot Lilo/cry Msa, Students, Delicate Fermis:, and al; Persons of sechottary habits, they are valuable se a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tows mad vigor i re digestive organs , and restoring the natural else ' ity and strength of the whole system. , he CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long havesth ' thin and isareflilly conducted experiments, having E n in use many years, during which time they have ireveated and relieved a vast amount of gain and faith:hit from Hesdathe, whether originating in the serilOws system or from C 4 &Muffed ante of the sta. lar44 Thig are entirely vegetable In their composition. and tiny be' taken at all times with perfect safety without /inking any change of diet. and tAs skews er saw disc tresthis HIM TOMS'S it taro to atitittsister Moots shit**. BEWARE 01 1 00 The genehie have Ave eismateres of Fleury 0. Seehittur on eaoh Bas. 801 l b 7 Duiuiata and all other Dealers In Mediolnee. A Box will be mat by mall prepa id on mein* of the PRICE. 25 CENTS. •ll orders shoubl adctrused Ss HENRY O. SPALDING, 48 CEDAR MEET. NB* YORK THE FOLLOW MO ENDOIMEISIENTB OF SPALDING'S OEPHALIC3 WILL OODIVINGE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEAD-AORE. THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR RE.A.CH. 'As Mese Testimonials are sessoiitsteer Mr.l3Pa7.R- Mesr etiard stpousstiossable proof of SU sig.. eatifce this splay, scientffie disecretrib INE/LSONVILLI, Conn., MAI, nu. Diti.Evemem. I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so i thetl want you to mud me two dollars worth more. Part of that/saw...for the neighbori.sowbosu I save a wof the limber' get from you. -• •" - - - lend the Pill* by_teatl„ end obage Your ob't 8e want . • .lAN.EN KENNEDY. Majbatnrso. Havaavairm. Pa.. Feb . 4.1881. • 'TIIIIII - iforta ne..d mei!e more box oftyour Copludia Alts ratieed a gnat deal itt NNW , Pam WM. • Yaws raipeotfaili , • • • MAXY mei wroucnousE. ISPRIICI GREET, IMISTINGIION COMITY, Pa.,'" Jimmy 18, .186/. 118razniNg. - • • ' - • r _ You Will pleas ßl e s end me two boxer of your Cephalic' Pill.. farad themkimedAto s ri •RTIPI4"Ir Y°1 3 1 40. flnOtte. P. 0•13.—1 have teemed one box af your NW. mut Nag :Mom ezerketa. 7 Bum VERNON.Ohio..Ten.I3. H. U. EPALDING, Eng.. - Please find enclosed twenty -Ave cent*. f• - •fr srldeli semi me another box of yonr.capbalio rills. They are trots the bast intuihave~ • Direct Yew.OVER. P. Belle Wyandot Co., O. IhtvgaLY, Mass.. Leo. 11. U.O. sparming. Escßsv:azr, wish for some orroulars or large show bills, to bring roil:Cephalic Fills more slrticitiarly_ before my cus tomers. If you have anything of the Und pleseesend One of toy +=tomer'. who io arnbjeot' to **vitro Sick itaadattho. a Outatilt7 Wain, two d 0,...) criki.of an attack oniihour by your Pins. whioh I lea ther.. Reitrootfully yoora. • • W. E. WILKES. Itirrnoraomizo, Fo.A.Nairt.7 CO.* Ohio. tt JonliOrY 9,1841. $ 111:NRY C. SrALDTRit No. dB Cedar stip. Y. Dais His: Isolated and twenty -Vs mints, (P 4.) for whin& end box of " Osolutlio amid to address of ROY. Wm. O. Finer. Reynoldaburs. Franklin Co.,' Ohio. Your Pi ll s work li ke thorn—cu r s Heculacha almost itutaster, • Truly 'oars. WM. C. FILLER. YPSILANTI. MICH.. Jan. 14. 1661. Ni. &AIDING* Elk; Not long same I sent toren fors box of dephshe Pine for the ours of the Nervous Eassleahe and Comivenear, and reoetted the asinswand thty . hadr so toed an, eat that /was, induced-to said/or afoot. •.. Plestosentbr return mail.threat ' A. K. WHEELER. - - Yanbuttl, Minh. ' Thom the Xzettnitter, Norfolk, Va. &Oahe Pills cardish the object for which they were made: cur.:Mre of headache all Ito forma. • From the Examiner, Notreike Ts. The, hive been tested in more than a thousand ewes. with entire tetotesele.- - - From the Democrat, Si. Mud, Mims, If you are, or have bum troubled with the headache, mud for a box, [Cephalio Pilo,] so 'that you mar have them is case of an attack. Fl oorthe - Advertiser. Providence, R.I. The Cephalic Pilliere acid tribe a retriarkable effee fre remedy for the headneke,Nd .one ortherypry heat ir that very frecuentoomplaint *hack heir over bete discovered. - From as Waters Gazettes aware. M. We heartilyatdone Mr. Spalding', aid hie narivalka COoluslus.nlis. - - . . .FVotst Ai Kamm,lus Vence Star, Sanawka. F. We are rare that' parson* wafering 'With the headache, who try thew, will MX to Qom. .thorn the Southern Path Finder, New °attest La. Try them ton thatare afflicted- sad we WO sate that teurOmoay Cap - be added to the elrems matrons net that • has moused benefits that no other maeoine east medium. From the St. Logi: Democrat. The immense demand for the article_ (Cephalic" paw iarapidly increasing. Pion the Gazette, Davenport, /own. Spalding would not ammo . his owns with an ar ta,lo he did not knew pop= rani =lnt. . Avail. Oa deivertisgr, Providence, R, I The teininginy in their favor in strong, froin the most responatilo smarten; From the Daily Mows. Newsom S. I. Cephalic Pill are taking the place of aft kixt4e. Awn eh 4 comourcia Butkus*, awash Mesa, asid - to be you eylrussoicnui for thefimulaoho. Prom die Conneerensi, Cieenausti. owe, itofferint hninaninr eon now be Mewed. sr A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE pill save ten times their cost annually:NU SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY! SAVE THE PIECES! DI 8 P4Tcg er/. 41 A Ernes to Tuts Basas 'Pharit. - 101 ideate vili -Massa. even in well-riga WPM**. it in tiny deniable to have Bonn cheap and convenient way for repairing Yammers. Tors, Crooke -17,&O. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is O o long* ememenolei, andno household can blikat agoil nt. It r 3r. OP nn ",l/SEPUI‘ IN EVERY If.OUBB." it B.—A Brash accompanies eaoh bottle. Price. 25 wogs. Address, HENRY O. SPALDING. NO. 48 CEDAR snuurr. NEW YORK. OLUIIOI4. _ certain anattnelptad. moons are atteetpting to vita off on the'means iyablio. imitations of mi PROWLED ULM Lstottld oannon aU ;tenons to ea amiss before poronasing, and we that the fetteetee. • lIT srALmitcps PREPARED ELITE, is . 1 0 %ha tratablo 4saaaer ; all Oasis aro Via[ coaatarfiata 186 L RAILROAD LINES. 18610 ilia 1861. E go AKE 0 E MENTIoy a. IANDEN,I VA A7lO RtILROD. 5117110116- DELP .A.SID AY PLACES. TEAK WA1311113-13. WILIIRS AND , 1343131NGT0N 331003, :WILL LISAVE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ At 6 A: M., via Camden andAmhoy, C. and A. Ao oommodation ...... 82 26 At CA. Mi.oda Camden and Jersey Oitr, (N. J.) Aeoommodatin--- ------. 2 25 Ati4 M., Via Camden and Jersey City, Morning 6..114 ••• • .. • ..4.4.aar• verm.-•-• r•-• At IJIMA. ad., ma Kennington and ham OUT, wemeni Exprese. . . 606 At UM P. M., via Camden and Amboy Aooorinno dation go At 1 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. anilA. S 00 Ara il f., M.;via Remington and Jersey, City, Eve m.m. braless.— , 300 AVM P.M:, via Kensington and Jame/7 Citr, 3d Oligg Ticket .....--..... 326 At 6P. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening ffiail . 300 Atillt fi CM.. via Camden . and Jersey City. Souti. Atern —.... 2 25 'a P. M., vi a Camden and Amboy, A.ooommods go% (Freight end Passenger )— le t Class Ticket— 225 Do. do. itd Class Tioket— 1 50 The OP M Mailtine runs daily,. The U3s' P M. South ern Mall, gaturders °tweeted. For Belvidere._ Beaton: Lambertville, Flemington, %IVA , r A ea l: s rls s i b ' tir M. , 5 ! 3 r0 m to Kensington. ei Allon t he, Great bend, ree.,7154,.X. from Kenai/Wu, /aware, Lackawanna and Western IL R. or Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7,10 A. M. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. For Mount golly, atd and 8 A. M., 2 and 431 For Freehold. at 6A. M.. and P. M. WAY Lame. _ . For Bristol, Trenton, &0., at MO A. M., e, Pi end PC P. M. • from Kensington. perprdzavra, Riverton, Delano. Beverly,Burling ton,Fkmenee, Bordentown, ka., at 1.236 55K and 5 Sir For 'Pew York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Paltet, take the oars, on Fifth street, above Waitaki. aalren ho_ r before dezertgre, The oar., into the dendon arr Of eaOh train, run from the depot, Founds m only allowed each flutten -5; gore are prohibited f r om taking anything as gage but their worm; apparel. All baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollarper pound, and will not be liable for any amount bey ond Die% ex cept by special °entreat. soli .WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. ju lit amm CIE p iANG . E OF HOURS. inlL rcravffir; Art D isaLTEJAk t eligo i lli. w On and alter isompAy,T__E.lnt CA RY /1, /851. FARO . NOEII TRAINS LEAVE PHIL *DELPHIA Per Ba ltimore at 8.15 A.• 111.: U noon (Express). aud MAO P. M. For Cheater at 8.15 A. M.. 12 noon, 4.15 and i 0 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M.. U noon. 4.15 and-19.50 P. M. For New Castle at 8.14 A. M. and 4.15 F.M.A Tor Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For `Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. loor Etarrinxton at 5.14 A. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. AI. For Farmington at 8.15 A. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at:8.15 A. M. ' TRAINS FOR PRILA DEL.PRIA Leave Baltimore at 8.181 A. M. (Emma). 10.15 A. M.. ands.lo P.M. I.retive_Wdmington at 7.50 and 11.50 A. M.. 140 and 840 P. rd,. Leave Salisbun at 1.30 P. M. Leave o•Aford 0100 P. Id . Leave Farmington' at 4.10 P.M. Leave Milfo rd at 4P. M. Leave Harrington at 1,. 111* N. Leave Dover at 9.05. A. M. and 5.25 P. M. veMiddletown atplo 06 A. M. and 6.40 P. M. Leave Rev Castle at 11111..7.W P.: . Leave Chester at 8.20 Al M.. 15.04 . 1.57. and 9P. Id. Leave Baltimore for Ba lietien and Delsinire RAllrmadat 5.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BA LTIM.O it: ' Leave Chester at 8.45 lumosas and 11.20 P.M. Leave witmingtop_st 11:26A. M.. 10 06.f'. M.. and 1.1 A. M. FRRIORT TRAI-N, with ?massager Car attached. will run isafollowil Lam Pldladslalua for. Perryville and intermedis.4 WWI at 5 LOW% Wilmington for Perryville and integmediate glades at tP. M. Leave Wilmington for ,fit ia lagielptugt and intermediate Mimes at SAS P. M. ye Mdtisuore for M.avrti-de-titraoe and intermediate •IP el at 11.15,P: Pri SUNDAYS: (MIT at 2040. P. feiraiftilla - d — erphia to Baltimore. Only at LP Y. M. from Baltimore to Pluladelobia. lea ' _ . 13; IC FELTON. President. WINTER ARRANGE nirIANAL_ j ga t itTeFSCH I ATISIZat On mid alter MONDAY, Nov. 12, 1880, FOR 01SRMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 8, 7 8, 9. M. 11 and 12 A. M., 1, S. 2, 334. 4.9, 534, 8, 7, 8, 0 1 - 10k t and 13.34' P. . Leave brermantown;4l. 7. 734 8. 834.0 10, 11 and 12 A M., 1,3, 3, 4,6, 8, 6%7 14 8, &Anti 1P,4 P. In. - SUNDAYS, • Leave Philadelphia, 9.08 man. A. M., 2,7, and 1031 P. M. Leave Germantown, &II) min. A. M., 1.10 mist., 8, and 936 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia, 8, 8, 10, end 12 A. M., 2, 4.6, 8, and 1034 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10. 746, 8.40, and 9,49. and IL4O A. M., 1.40, 3.49410. an d &40 .61. ON UDAYS. Leive Philadelphia, 9,08 A. M., I, and T P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 min. A. M., 12 60, 3-40. and 9.loLnun. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6.60, 734, D06 , and 11.06 nun. A. bl., 1.06, 3.08. 6.136. and 11% F. M. Leave Norristown, 8. 7.840, 9, end 11 A. M., 131, 431. and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. bl and 3 P. M., for NOf Fill town. Leave Norristown,_7M AM. and P. 61. FOR MANAYUNIC. Leave Philadelphia. 5.63 i 734 9.06, and 11.06 A. M., 1.08. 2,06, 3.06, , 6.66.&W. 111( .1". M. Leave Manaynnk. 834. 731, 336,934. 113 i A. M.. 2.234, 1, 834. and 934 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. fd., 3, end 7 P.M. Leave Pdanayunk,734 A. M. 934, and 8 P. M. H. K. SMITH General Superintendent. n019.1f DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAIL,Roko. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLEATOWN, MAUCH 7 - CHUNK, HAZLEToN. and SZKLEY. THREE TR ROUGH TRAIN& On and after MONDAY. December 3, IMO. Passenger Tisinswill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays excepted), as follows AVASO A.M. ER-preaso. & for Bethlehem , Allentown, , Mauch Chunk:Hazleton, o, ' _A. P. M., (Express), for Bethlehem, •naguin, Ac. WIWI train resehesErlaton r. - M. 1 811,14 =Spa alone ocurneetion wi th New Jersey Central b ar ew ork. At P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauelk Chunk, /co. At 9 A. M. and 4 P M.. for Doylestown. Atli P.M., for Fort Washington. The 4.30 A. f4:Bspreas treanAteatte clam connection With the Lehigh Va ll ey Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most deanante route to all points theTtehigh coarrigion. .TRAINSL_FOR ILDELPHIA. Leave Mst lit elosm at 0.42 A. M., %Ls A. M., and 5.32 Leave Doylestown at 7.30 A. M. and 120 P. M. Leave:Port Weeny:start 81045 A. Al. ON SIINDAPS,--Pluladelphis for port Washington at 9.10 A. At. • Philadelphia for. Dorlegtovin at 4 P.M, Roylestecrn for Phil:444MA st 7 A. M. Fort liashington for Philadelphia at 2,40 p, Ma nse to theham—eri so LF , are to Mauch Oluillit.42 80 F to eaten • I so. .Fare to Dorlsortown.,-_ 80 rOlith Tickets most -procured at the Ticket 0." L. at WILLOW street, .r BERKS Street, in order All Passenger Trains (exceinftacuir - rro...,vormvem at Berke Skeet with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Wound and Third-streets Passenger Railroads; twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. deS-If IiLLIS CLARK Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND READINCI RAIL ROAIL!._LF GER TRAVIS for POTTSVILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and a ft er Nov. Ith INKL MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted. Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streeb,PWLADELPHIA,(PaaeIIer entrances on. Thirteent h end on pailonhill streets et A M., minced Harrisburg w ith . the run SYLVANIA EJ,AD, 1- P. M. tram running to Pitteten the BELAND VALLEY. LOS P. EL tram rummy to Chrunberstom, Ao. M. the NOFMARIV CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P, M. tram, running to Sun bury, &o, • AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot corner of BROAD and CALLOW 11F.L Streeter, ,( s Paxson% en tano r sa ovlaisrteand ent i l inalsU A ßZA 3461% e r t a. ) ,D FLY 9 READING only, at 4.SOP. rd.. DAILY, NYundays ez- ViralIGES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING _ RAILROAD Fermi Fmtr..Lcm.yrric. To Phrenirnil - 23' Reading.-- SS i Lebanon— I Esraburg— ..-1/1j fin Millerabery„.—.l4l .171 E a rorton Junonon.-138 . • WIT ....AG/ ortinunnerland waken mitten Manny— WMameport lemay_finore • Look Haven . . Williamsport and Elmira - " _ Railroad. The: A. M.Land ISO P. Id. train connect dail.L at f_art Clinton Sundays excepted& with the , CATA WILMA. Wl'!. lAPJ.SPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, mammy 014300 aonzeoticaur with:lines to Mogan' Yells, Canada, the Wert and Southwest. - DEPOT IN_PIFILADRIPELA : Corner of BROAD and CALLOWBII.I. Streets: aan-tf McILHENNKY. Secretor, IPI •3 PERtigIaiVANFA Li U N T' RA L -..- .-. . IItAILIOAD. • . SOO ALLI,BB DowaLE TRACI. _ 186th ..INT:-- , - , : i! ,- -E-- - ( - --; , -. 1860 ~ woirAci ar ..„7,-t,. A i 8 NOW EQVAL -- ...- -r-_ ____.- TO IN 4it•-*-1 i • y ••• , T&lLitl6- clink , . ' .*: =Wit . R 'PRAM • gizywAs t i p: • .. .•-.• • • _ , AN i • PfTTElßlllith s &raga • ' • • Iptimaith Than:Litt the Boston, New Yor , and all pinata Last, and in ths mon Depot at Patsber_g with Through Trains to and ea ali pasta in the west, Northwest, and Bouthwast -thus Rumbaing (Winter for the transportation of Boston Paatragers unsurpassed for sated and by any . ether rants. • • ..• . Regrew and Fast Linea nut t o rs : is, without chards of Career Conductors: All iski reit se or Trains provided with • e ' e n l , oustridg, . tent cider nerfeot - eontrot of • me e eer, th i EtAaut e l rs naih taili.tfet4t of tree . .. iff...........11 taeW e ; Frit rix to :oo and Irsitt ' "--.- Vite Is Daily. *au and - rort as. E . . est Lae la " et rkilafolokia at 8.00 LUBA A,Pit. • „.. - - 6 , - , 'AL Troia_ • leaves' .• - - - 10.41 P.• lg. • • AY T 6ll AMI LEAVE AB FOLLOW 3; Ifenistairs Assemmodation, tr ier., vio - Arad, mambia 4.00 P. . . rariasball ,_____ ls . West cheater z - aaaansars ti p ke the Mail, Parkes burg Aisoommodstion. and_goisimMit Taw % paesensers for Bunoury, williamsport, , Raft -10, Magus Falls, and intermediate points; lea s Phi ladelphia at 2•20 A . -22. -and 2 P.'l2: go directly through. - 111.111MtWeettrant zloty be obtained state edam of the lillimisany' in-Phiadalahu, New. York, .13ostrob ,or tial, N ; and Tickets Eastward at any abbe important Rath' and °Zoos in the West; also on board any of the regular %Line of liteanier. en tho •Muutisappi or. Ohio rxriictits-lihninfai low; ant timid is Shah, as BY any other• Aosta -- - • •.• • - - - • • • For further niformation_ mall at the Pamela lits, Rojas Coutheast corner of Bleventh and Market Streets. • wee Irma -of they - Wegtern a ceations ;of the Paean. a maroad to i r t m,_ this the .. -• • DVILICI • Wii , ' W THE-- Ail'it AND ViS •-_ • . - • of tracks WEISZ • • - • - • lie eminestlen ef tracks by the - .ltaltriat Brides se pittatfart, avoiding all drama. or ferriage of Fra_koL, together with the saving oftlin, are advantages siereeiated .117 Chimaera of F r ei ght, and ad .1•OW- • rabbis. • - - •• ' ' - ' rohiptespdBhippers entre 'Mg the ittamporlatien • Oar &mint •to mist comsat', min yody with cant-: Villr ES t ri s tie - R7 be as 4 from Sur point la • , ,est - by thie misirlirraila Railroad - sit at Ilt. Idssu aeltioerable as firis- skarnii. by esker Railroad • 1:4 i l , "" he .siriimilar ta mark . Staiaa ' "al FM**. Bat ro“. - - • • - - . Vil f --- - - • f. - • - --- - Fan Freight Centrality or likleping Dlyeationsianoty Wile address either of the Lemmas Agents el Ms Ma-. POW: - - - - • - • le. A. BTEIVABIL Pitrsbarm lt. Bailers. & Ce. Zabigaymmil.; .1. J. Johnston Etats, Q.: R. MoNoely;h,layralle, Ay.; Onnsby d: fir, rartamouth, O.; &deal- 'a Co., Miterson - a yrt; B. W. Browtt .4 Co.,Chuinma,-04 e- it .. , tch,ebnatt, 0.._- R. c.ldeldraint_numbson, • os. -X- moose, Latuovine, Ky.: -- P.- Ei. . wit:lw At : trellatatiet Nthali...„,_%l.%WaClO.l.l%ltar k rim, vill' e, Tenn.; ...ribs & littAke.oleo - 100 , 1 2. 1 " 6 -`. Co., Chian% rilir.W. BLS- , aii.4 yr 4. Amor ar Kamm as di ff srant monk kg.; ri l aN a tatiLrii., '1. ' 1E64 'ft ' hi ' a r . - :' ---- :- -' ' ---- '- --- ' GNAW A KOOzen, all Norm strealaitieseere. coir & co., I Astor Roma/ or IL Without a., ICY. zci. 4 CO.. No. 17,_litate States Boston. 111. N. Iffi t y p rw, Gang FreiehtAgeot, plane. . I • K A. NO ,Glesn.Tieket Agent Philo. lidc2FlE. antibitottAltoo,,,,, P.a. i - - . . -W EST OHESA.B.R. 111M-I.9IPMAND 'PRILAOELPHIA JRiI3iI-i- WINTEIT I tO MED RANY L EMEIIT, streets. Wain nortnesat corner or F4shteenth and Martel On and after Mendes, Nov. 9tth utah the thane will leave the northeast corner of Eighteenth and V* . kat street. at 7.410 A. lli.. 2 and 4.20 r. Day (=davit SA. rd 'and g paitadelskuhst-743 A. M. and CIO P, M.; and. on edneadays and eatardasa at 2P. ' M.. tionneotat Penneiton with the Philadelphia and Balti more oentral Railroad. for Concord; ireggstt. Avon dale. Oxford, to., wOOD, nos . Oisnend.,Easerinioaditirt. INLAND FREIGHT feall9ll"ll6aTspo V TO NORFOLK AND The n‘wee ly *tie Via Seaford to Norfolk, Va., will be dinoontinatod for the present. A Daily Line will takelhApleoro of it by way of Baltimore. Goode seat to BAKATZEVB ersom. tune MARKET Street, will ba k, w i th. dwiiti tt w. Asid. as low rates ea lor Mir T.Jleraterrf FURNICSS, BR . 409 LEY MARIC, & CO., NoE'T STREET. BALE OF BRlTllBll,ltity GOODS. By ormw of ljudgrwrito.rit, for ...ash. 981119 dflinnied On voreceOrAMPOnatiOn. 011 Teesday Norms: ktaroh atlo o'olook. for each. onset 0 8 London fancy lawns. 7-8 " !LAM foldmadder prints. 7 , 9-8 " broc cmchame • " ESTlStint rangtalifill If figured almo is. - ** 6 4 West of England mdtgo blue cloth. - * 4 8.4 linen Mumma. Mega-Mob WE Holland. sir Oven for_ examumnon early on the morning of nale, J. UNDERWRITSitirtbs. FOR 00E1, or BRl gra OILY 0001)13. D ama ged psr ship John Trucks. On Friday Jelorning. Search 8. at 10 o'clock. for cash. oases nook fold ginshnnii 6 f,oop p r intsOssrns, isoonets. and brilliants. " fano' drees geode bales WO tl e ana colored blankets. -_-13P_Tirated 00 Um haridlcorohiefa , /so. . Wr — Goods arranged for eannunsoon early on worn inn of N PANOUAST, AIJOLIONSMI., Sue. =elm to B. SCOTT. Jim" 481 OMErnfri BALE OF AMARMAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, ttc. By astalogne,g credlt, Wednesday Morning. March 6.1861 , commene nc at 10 o'clook precisely PILIP ROSIN & 00.. AUOTIONXERS, MO MARKET Street and Sin MINOR POSITIVE BALE OF 170011 CARES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. On Thursday Moraine. March 7, at, 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue -1,000 eases men's, boys' and youthat calf and kin boots, brogans, Congress; gaiters, Oxford ties. &c. women's, musses', and children's goat and kid boots, shoes, buskins, slippers, &o. Embracing a full assort ment of fresh goods direct from first-class oily and Eastern manufacturers. MP - Goods *gen, for examination, with catalogues. early on the morning of Pole. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, OR OAITLE EPIDEMIC. CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE. Aa unrolling remedy for this Weenie oan be bad bf applying to Dr. H. OWE. No. 401 VINE Ntreet, Fbilactelgbiti. Alan, medioictes for all kinds of diseases in Horses CUREWARRANTED, OR MONEY REFUNDED, wAßKAffirritp, on. MONEY REFUNDED, CUB.V. WARRANTED,HR MONEY REFUNDED, CURE WARRANTED. Ott MONEY REFUNDED. fre2s-wfm WSm pRILADELPOIA TERRA. COTTA MA raLVILOTOR VAII f. VENT)I sod GR.,_RMANTOWN road and 1010 OMR NUT Street_,_ Vitrified Drain and Wat,cr Mom Vend 'dirty Flues. Rot Air'Flees, and Smoke }hum TalVie of Terracotta. and of suited)* wise for every elms of bulldoze. This article is worthy the attention of all parties. potting, en Midinga : LIM lase eewevwe rape.% for caty arromrhge, voter popesiess rooted to etand a nornre pressure. We arenow prepared to contract with sitici or aorooratione for this artiole any *malty. We Iforrsor our zoo& to, be equal if not aeperaasr : o air other made in tne Sioitecl States try revs nroirmarittl ' Mummy Mass - ...V *grin NOTICE —The American Agency Pk the 111 LONDON STE REOSC OP IC. COMPANY having been tramferrad from Means. Paul & Curtin to J. Warner, the businem will, on and after March lat, be conducted at 534 BROADWAY. orders Punctually attended tap end goods sold on the mast reasensbne terms J. L. eitivEß. eolo Agent London SteTeeeoopio Co. 0.. RAVE-STONES, URAVErSTONES.-- w-m stock of GTIIIVO 40110111 and Monumenoe to be ,old at very roduord imbue. Plasma call and examine, before yoroharang elmewhere, at Marble Works of A. STEIN M fe2s-3m RIDGE Avenue. below ELSWENWE St. J 3 ART AOA CABANA% Neatuno, Punchinello. aid other celebrated brands of Havana Cigars always on' band and for sale at the lowest market rates by CR* It La. S XTB, felt-18t 130 WALNUT Street. g AVING FUND-PINT nit ()ENT. IN TEPEPIT.--wATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of Third, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania. alone 7 is received in any sum, large or small. and in terest paid from the day of depoeit to the day of with drawal. The office in open every day from nine o'olook in the morning till five o'clock in the evening . . and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'elook. triv i A i rlia.kftrarte P i e reS s te n u t i. WiLLIADI J. Miss, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Banner. F Carroll Brewster, ...... k dward L. Carter, teseph B. Barr, Robert Ztelfridge. Francis Lee, Samuel H Ashton, Joseph Yerkee. fl. Landreth Manna, Jamie L. Mechem:Kn. Money ts received and paymentc made daily. The investments are made n conformity with the provisions o ons of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, c,round Rents, and such first-eta,. eeourittea no win always insure perfect security to the aepositere i ssul vituch cannot fail to give permonenoy and Mabiliti to this Institution. , and- Fjl R A KLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOUPTR Street, between ' Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. pays all • • deposits on d emand. _ of Depositora' money (soured by Government] - • State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort -9 Armes. &a This Company deem. safety better than large • !profits. consequently will run no risk with depo- E '•aitors' money. but have it at all times ready to 8-; return with per cent. Interest to the owner, 4 , 'as they have always done. 'this Company h , never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can 'deposit in their °sin right, and snob deposit. can ,', be withdrawn ONLT by their consent. pi I Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the States I of Pennsylvania. with authority to receive' : money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMg 91 BCE' VED. r, Office open daily, from 9 to S o'clock. and on a' Wednesday evening until S o'ol.oob. - DIRECTORS. i 3 aoob B. Shannon. Cadwallader, ohn Shindier. I%rire Russell. .• : Malachi W. Blown, linlU L:ling. ‘'. Jeremiah Comfort. w 'pry Delan_y, .4 i Vioholae Rittenhouse. iathan Sme dley. J oi. H. Battertheraite. Jones Parkes, John Alexander. i ' JACOB B. SR ANIsON, President. I CYRUS CADWALLADIE. Treasurer. I . 111)21-17 -4 SOUTH.---OHAR.LES 2111LAPSITPa 3 -vitinvaotoesmAagraggp.a, • • - • - FREIGIST REDUCED. Heavy freight at an avenue of wirirmen per cent New York Steamship rates. Sills lading for goods for points other 'bon the cities of Charleston mid Savannah, mint be acorn/wanted with certified invoices A , to insure prompt dolmen. FOR CHRD% Tort. The U. 8. Mall Steamship REYB7•ONE !MATH, Capt. C. P. Marehman. wit sail for Charleston on Saturday, March 9, at 10 o'clock A M. FOR SAVANNAH. GA. The U. 8. Mail eteamehip STATE of GEORGIA, Cap sin John J. Carrie. will sail for Savanush on 13a. torday,. bleach 10, at 10 O'OlOOllA. M. ikr ..cods received over oar. and Bills of Lading Mom , : at second wharf above Vine street. Tea 'pianos.. arm-Wass side so beei enettmelazis KEY STONE 8 FATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every two woe's. than forming a wegitar nom mtuuoahon with the South and Southwest, conneoAing with steamers for Florida. and with railroads for new Orleans and intermediate points. [ INSURANCE. Freiht and ineoranoe ens large proportion of Goods shipped South will be lonnd to be lower by these ohms the b 7 paling vonsel.g. "untangle on all Railroad Fivoight u entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah the Railroad Companies taking all mike from theei points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 tote per cent c heaper !him by the Inland Route, as will be mien 1, 7 the following sobedole. Through tickets from Philadelphia via kton and Sav annah steamships, INCLUpING LI3 on the w lo route, exempt from Char estou and Savannah to OtalreMery YIA t HARLESTON, PIA SaVAIINAIN. Fd Charlellolsl...-- .310 00 To Savannah-- -Ole lk Augusta..,..- - ....." 17 13 17 11) Columbia -...90 00 0 1a0410---• 20 00 Atlanta— . sr 00 • Atlanta—.— 21 00 t utrotnery 101 00 31.00 -- 36 00 Albany-- ..... !SOO ' New Orleanr— —39 78 eriontgomeri.....:, NI Nashville— -- 277) Sa co Enozville.....-- so as New Orissa .... 3/ us etotus —. 31 76 N. B.— passengers by this yenta aoeneot with the In land Route in South Carolina and Georgia travelling by the same oeaVey &ace/ ;glee to New Orleans. No bit9inf lather signed r the coo tin" mu led. No freight rgoeived 03 the day of sailing. For freight orm . e_ripy to kLe.ll.OOl Jr.& CO. No. 146 riblefv, WICARVESI. Agents in Charleston, 1., ER T. G . G nUDD. • Savaaah. HOTT S. fr. rimm FLL. Philadelphia and Raading and Lebanon Valley I(.11. northern Central. Railroad. tianbarr and Erie It, B. 4HIPB. /ROM NEW TOES TO ravlgrooL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage -. 72 RoM BOSTON TO'LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage .• • $llO Nooond Cabin Massa 5e The edge from tiew ork can Kati Harbor. The an Ipa from Boston cell at s. and Cork Liar bor. PERSIA.. Cart Junkitut.P RICA, Capt. Shannon, ARABIA, Catit..l. Stone. ICANADA Cent. Lant• IMkt riAYßlßtgablitha. Capt. R. M. Boekle . EuRoPA. Capt. J. Leitch. SCOTIA, (now bniktinr./ These Tomah; carry a clear white light at mast head ; green on starboard bow; rod on port bow. AbIEaLIN. oAtil67- !Nivea EINNOO, Wednesday, Mar, 6 AUSTRALASI AN. :••• - Moakley, " ..N. York, Wednesday, Mar. Il NIAGARA,., Moodie, " R ayon. Wednesday , Mar. 20 ARABIA. Mons. "N. York. Wadnesdar, Mar 27 CANAPA, nderson," Boaton, Wedneidar, April APS Shannon, "N. York, Wedriaeo ay , April In JKUROPIL. Cook. " Bolton. Wednesday. ..April 17 PEES' sJudkine, " N. York, Wednesday, April 34 B - ribs not secured until paid for. An axperieno. d Burgeon on board. The owners of these shins will not be acianuntable for Gold. Silver, sininon,Specie, Jewelry, Preoions Stones or Metals, unless bile or lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expreased. For freight or passage, apply to R. CUBAN U. 4 Roarline Green. New York. _ _ it - ' ELIIISA ROUTE.— .. RAIL - , •-- L —. --- PRILADELPRIA AND RI.- : a 1 . Th7 .4lff, CREST Ka i ' to Tamaqua Catairiara, Re pert. Wilkesbarre So.raroort_Dasrrit.mbitiltonina pacartilatha lop_ .hester i Orta l tkd__.iDetr r e l ti Tolod owl na Urals , astrirentree, and all pontln arth ant ICenser trainser4 leave the nest Depot of the Phi ladelphia sad lilroA Railroad, corner BROAD Aoll OALLowaiLL ritreeto, (Passenser entntnop on (311- lawlall street .) dints Menders excepted). rar above points. as Stßowe : .--................aau gt&TWEArans.,... - p .-1144" Tios WA, At train oonDeots at Resort, fors VitiWatelffillart s ' Bli.sMht a th e A . a above Mini or ot oonueotiona at Euxra witkthe trains of the N ew York and_Brie onaßiarns Fan an iittrale. New York '24 Erie. Ile, York Centro. Railroads. from alt points Nora and Wiest. and the Canadaa. Jlagaegeoheakrm to Shnira, Buffalo, and Suspension finds*. and all iLtermedtate points. 'Wickets tombs 1 - .. et, the ritiledeiehus and El mira RailreadLar e a Ottioal northwest earner of HUTH and 011.-- ,61 PreirKtroott- mid at OM' or 14"t i , 1 6 11 6 =8' f . ' TN "; Im ag. _ num ' . . I' Broad d ; Z i r gt hr alts ' t ;' ly lad ( alli t ril l r " n illld m g -PWitiVesta a North, atireit 7 all yressets not- - be debvered be ore a P.M. to Imre • theor gar :'lizt i • ATolp Froilkt Depot, Trifit rk ---• ' ' • CRAB; .770 - P :__ i nt irent„ Nortirweet earner -smut sad lessnamtiirittriels. —_______•___:______. _____ . vattaisios.. N0T10.11.--OHASTKR VALL/B Y RA IL ROADo-PAG. - 81SNGICR-TWA,INS POft Doornitiorrowri AND IN TBILMSDIATS FAVIODB.—Ort and after No ath, 1800,:tho Paateiatar TraMo for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger ['root of the Plilla •oolohis and Reading Railroad Company. corner of sad CALLOWBIL... opens, (passenger en triune on MORNING TRIO n for Downingtown 1 t `A‘: M. AFT.FRNOON TRAIN for Dalrldßitosra leaver at LIO P. Id. DAILY (Sundays ozooDted). r . order of the Board of Mammon of the Philadol- Ohio and Reading Railroad Coni_porm gone W. 11. Bacl.EriNY, &orators. W - .11 . 1:13 116411 - 411 M-TRAINB vi NUS RAI T VPAD, Wave dApui. eanterr,M/I ud 514. EM al 400 A. Al.- lIJO P. Rt., !g o', 1,301, ~. . TIM ADAMS rZXpRINg Co„Calikolio magysillitiarest. torwards.Pa Epoipmies• 9h•Nds% novo.; d apeem. eahar wy4ll ,vina: • kV. - JewmuliikUv i vith sew?: Nftrest:ce i to, valts'airriug ed o linnilliswit.S6ll.l4l,l7ll.H.,ltfc,-ii. U ! 14111,4:80 -4 il. SAVING FUNDS. ittle. but often, , la t ,e Purse: "A Dffilar .avou! [vim iwnoil." RIPPING THE BRITIBI3 AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- =Za=!= EXPRESS COMPABIES. ALES By AUCTION TIMMAS & [V " 139 anti 141 kmoi l . 4. tit Formerly ;inc. :trid ;19- 3100X8 AND REAL E STATE—Tr to, F Pamphlet eatateenee now read s , seripbonwithin the or to be aOlit ~749'41 Rh Mot— yiet or sail's Mara% )2, '5 large amount 0 , real estate at private 4 1;,%tdig; Tim NEAT MOTTE.FV — i - 1 -.----- tasi o - NcE Fifteenth street. will he held at PtiVA.lBl.o.l7.6°l'o4llr days, at a moderate time, • i., grrOCIMAND REAL p.:‘,1• 4 SALES AT THE A.ACIIA niGE Ev i ...T.t. ow Handbills of each property i n ,:i' a n d i 4 E4. I , addition to which we pubilah, on The Batti l m e l_htit,`, l 4 .... each male, one thourlnd o unlogueg ' 41 :1,. . 1 Filo, giving fall deiscriptioni of rdi 0 , • la 0,,,Y,.. Rap e , , 14 • following Tuesday. " oaßt t he JESIATE AT PRIVTp N , , i k We have a large amount of r ear eriV-E. sale; inoluding every description of alp. e it It . n .,porty. Printed lists may be had at thw. 4 ta ..., , .1 '— PRI VATP.: BALE /tEGl.Tatpliq, sr Real , estate entered on our privet e -.' ' ' and advertised occasionally in,ore publi c ;Ie r., of wAtioh one thousand copies aro pr it it . l4, , , free of charts. B TOCRA. tto. ab March a, at 12 o'oll n k i'll uoo "d o. a li the hihstEkt. .770 Delaware Delaware Mutual Insurance ',comp % , ____ nr - 1,,, REAL EWTATP: as LE—MA set ! z ' I Grabens' Court aele—Estate Or NR.T.C.I Re i LOT Or GROODT 0, southwest eers sr 0 , 111-r: Onterio streets. • tweert South and Steepen streets. and e,Z:n. aTORR AN D DWELLING, N o , g m penn street. 4 ' Rl' E 41.4: CO LI "i TR * PEREIIPT,P.,„i hers ' r ' / PRW Ey order o. ..... o. Pan ! I ri m ,. 4, E A: well-secured Th. ' fusible lot, 70M semi , near the vihate sf t he Twenty-tei rd ward. about MO yards hem Nre.,: r; vs a year. te a reat o ik u e N . titiVel REAL ESTATE SA LEI—MA Reit Enealltore Peremptory Nale—Enlac e e Harts. deed-JPIIREE-- , TORVIIAI Parker street. between Fifth aLti seethwark. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK Ow F LL ,,, gealt street. west or Coral Eine t. e 1 7:II re•ftrlytOTY Pele.-311,AT MOD h No 423 tinnwlt Fifteenth street be ow Pine ET 1 .! TWO Nr.LUARLE GROUND- HEN - glet —one o f them sia2 a year. end the SOINIZatI on a %minable lot of Around and h, ^+l, ..iteeet,e9ota or Nobre 111 .r0e , , late "4"4 berstes. (!.. Sale No, 1710 Ra° RUPER , OR. FIJR/CTURF,,% ‘ Ei rre q• b m001) FRENCH-PLATE MIRKUR a , tco. ISET Tun ?iterates March 4, at 10 o'Clook, by ea talogue, at No it Attest, the superior parlor. dining mom, u , d furniture, hue Preach-plate oval mirror, rosewood piano-forte. tapestry valve t ear Dee a„ Also,the liriteben furniture. orir rasa be examined at 8 e'eloos 0 ,, the sale. Ifkra.4. Bale southeast earner of Fourth and km' LA RUB &ND riUPnRIOR CoU TABLIsa, H ELVIN°. ac, This Morning, Marsh 4, at 11 o'olook. at southeast eurue r at , and Market. the large and snowier rutinte r ,,Z , ... tables, large quantity of shelving, drswer ns , 4 Wert &a. Also. the large and ',stumble signs . May be auditioned on the therein; ui o'eloak. '6,4 BALE OP VALUABLE MISCELLANEOL:a On Tuesday Evening, MI March b. at the Auotten fitore, a ootieottaq ble miaaelianenit. works. on 11111 ary,ftimu:tre greekv. vs tens edinona 01 the Poets. &e. MT For path:alarm see catalogues. We at Nes. 139 slut 141 :tenth Fut', SOPBR.IOR I:IIILNITUtta, FRE:iCH PLEfi , „ ROM!, PIANO-FORTKB, BR UattEla COODO On Thutadny At V o'olooh, at the Amnion Store, au excellent mewed-hand fttratture, etlant n ue =neer., ogrpeta, etc [;nit. Suu I= l housekeeping. removed to the ct.-rt. • , eels. Sale at the Girard Rouse, Chtattint ELEGANT FURNITURE'. LARGE MANT - ;l * ,, I'..ER MIRRORS, PIANOS. CHA MALI N TAINOI, R:LLIARD TARI.Ent, On Monday hlornin;, March 11. et 10 o'oloolr. 110 soldt DU without reserve, for Gash , the entire elega nt of tits GIRARD ROUSE. CHESTNUT BTR ET Balms Ninth street. comprising the ms•eut walnut furniture of fourteen parlors. eletv; pets. pianist, large mirrors, and chandelvrs, entire dining-room furniture, ohira. play. sm! ; 4 . were, together wit h furniture of about WS (JAIy furnished in rosewool and walnut with fit; 4 , 4 . hior mattress.... spring beds, and bedding ; Cs: 4r , room furniture. tr o BILLIARD T BL.EB. Aka, elegant Win wood billiard tables suta ble beds, made by Phelan. nearly new and to c ci c order. Also. elegant carved oak Firrneh When 2. cats 000 frame. SW he entire furniture of the house on L $130.000. atir For particulars see natalorusiu M OSES NATHANS, A 0 OTI t , 1% Lt AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. lOC% corner of AIXTR and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SA :.E. gOll2O of the finest GOLD PATENT LEM : 0/1110NOMETEE WATCBEEI manufactutedaa the usual selling prices. gold lever and lepine silver lever and !opine watches, Englinh. Svet French watchea, at astonishingly low prices, jert every description, very low, gang, pistols, mesa • qrtruments, first. quality of . Havasu' .cigars, et la;;; Insportistion once, in quantities to snit Phrohasest TIITICRIII other kinds of oods. 11:DSPLEN DID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PitiVr: SALE. Consisting of diamond and seal breastpin rings. Price *t9o. Coat in Paris 51.400. A splendid single-stone diamond breast•pit. a 81110, coat IPA OUT DOOlt SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer .066traearnent. of any and *you loud of smut toted. MOSES :teal& MONEY TO LOAN 820,000 to 1011,11, at the lowest notes, on disz - . watobea t iewelry . silver plate, dry geode, Weakly , eerie', ma nn', lusolware, outlay', pianos, stirron3 satire, bedding, and on goods of every desecpta. lane or mall amount,. front one dollar to Ente...l for angdanttn of time agreed on. • S7' The Oldest Fetablzetwl Bosse in tbs Kr Private entrance on RACE Street. Iferßnsiuess hours from 9 A M. to a P. M. Reim,' Insurance fa. the benefit of depco:.3. CWAROIieI ONLY TWO PER CD:. riar Advanoes of 11100 and npwards at .v. , ,nttn. Advances of SEM and upwards, at one retutt..ii , abort SAMUEL NATLIANS, AUCTioNIE No. .e2li South !MIND StrOOt. Wow LARIP3 SALE OF FORFEITED PLEDGE!. .By order of Abraham Nathan., brow. Tuesder Morning. March 11,141, at 9X o'clock. cowman( ° V. 0.44 diverpatent levor , ood other watches, enle tie finger-rums, breest-pies, medalbone l i kixprre, coats, pants, vests, shawls, dream nitlroll,-IT - Wergoti• ateuut• rop &loom me over the legal length of time will mill mitt* the Same, othervve they will he mkt on the eh ri ABRAHAM NATHAN& Br N. W. oor. BIXTR end GALLO W H ILL dim mhl-10V MFITZPATRICK it BROS. la • TIONEERS. 684 CHESTNUT Ator. LEO. BALligl EVERT EVEN/SG, At 7 rOolook t of Books, 1514•ZialiOrY end Veit olookii, silzor plated Wire, e. tzl, musical tastraemento, HOeita7. dry zooda. boots and shoes, et.t4 ohdaidtso oCovery daeorrpUtel. DAY 5A....E.13 every moods:, WedneedaY.‘u day at le o'clock A. Id. rItIVATE SAL.NIt. At private sale several largo ocrunsrunents books, stationery, silver-plated ware, crx nay soma. /to. To which is solicited ills stay t, • ity and country merchants arid others. Congimments 'chatted of all kin& of mart:lto or either publics or private 11lir Liberal oaah advanoen mule on Oonsigna.ort Unt-door sales promptly attended to. ACHINERI ANI) IRO' am PENN STEAM INGINI A BOILEII. WOEXII.:-NYAFM E at i gdt9oll l a R ta 1 i7853, 1 41 Wi t ant r OUZO haTtn. or many years. Sea aloe p tion, and bwen exelaerreir apratiii building end repairing Marine and River Eriglau.!l end low preeaur a Iron Boats, Water Tanga. rtot.:^ attip 40. t reePeoefully offer their serr.oee II? as bellA ItIAT or_oaered to oontnant. for ankle! sizes. marine, River, and Stanuaarr , tamer It!! patents of different size,. are are en le emir , ' den with amok dearintoti. Every description of FiXd making made at the aherteat notice, Nish Preemie, Fte, T, atrial/t a t Cylinder Boforhe:v best Penney vents ohs on. Foram,. or P i '? tzd kieds ; ran and grass ince of all dee , :11 ,4 Mall Trireme, eorew Oatgtes, and ell tithe. e t. f t ul merited with the above buidnees, Drawings and "Deal cations for all work our sortabbskunent, free of oilers°, and work gesture The subsenbere hove ample wharf deck Iva Esit. pairs of WSW, where they man Ile In DEM" Mi* Ong are provided nth thtutrs, Weeks, fee. tt. icy Taming lean Or Lek: ibtu. • go s FIE c i nit PLREinEAt. . BEA sat l'Aidell,t too_ isic-t. irstrestssi mirsatcs, JOHN I. COPE. WILLIVIII,_ MUSICK. Estrytzr satt , i SoUTHWARK. FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET!. PRILJAIRLPHIA. MERRICK a. SONS, ENGINEERS AND u NIACH,NITS. iyi ," Mmfacture Sikh and Low Pressure Mess foy . land. ricer. and marine servioe. • 'S soden. Gaaometers, Tants, Iron BOata• h • tags of all kinds, either iron Workss. , • tron Pratte Roofs for Sass, WeYks o, road Stations. ato. &skirts and Gas Msohinery of the latinit sad ro ll Proved cionstreetion. liven desoript}on of Plantation filsolutierl o2 , ! ; aual t,riat YEIOUUM Pav litauverrains, pefeoators, Filters, PI/rayon rti ko. Sole Arent. for N. Rillietix's Patent Stit , l l3 °,l Apparatus Neemlttt's Patent ' teem Hammer, n t i t , : ; , ruwall & Woissy a Patent Centriraysi baiter Machias FAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORKS. WOOD St., begween Twestr-first angles? seocelL Established MI ri 17 The undersigned, successor to the tare kris O• WOOD_, will gentians the business in all its br&DC':,; heretofore. Power Looms and all tor.ohluei 00r0‘... with them. Embossing Callender'. Lard Oil P. Shafting, and Machine Mork in general. Thankful for past farms. he would resentful!! a continuance of the patronage so hberalli ksito,B%, glin late firm. THOMAS 111 ' Philadelphia, Jan. 22. ISM. POINT PLEASANT ku&tcß Street. Kensinston. &LAN iI.TIESIS inform! Ku friends that. hacri o skated the entire stock of rename st the ahel. dr7iii• La mw prepared to repel,* orders fer lit 0 VIM, and Sew Mill seeetiuge, Rose, Ceeepoi r e mow Work_, Swum. Olatingi mime fr om lterstere oasala Fusaaes. ip drear P." ser *ea. JOB PRINTING THE NEW JOB PRINTING Will " THE PRESS" ..d4310 0 la prepared to ezeente neatly, cheaply, arid rnrsy DINCIITTIOIII OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL rB/141°d BOWEL PAMPHLIM, PArns HOOKII# BLANKS OF MIVERY DRSCRIPTIO :i CAROL POSTEItS. EUNDBILLA AtIMO/IKURX, LAWTERE auu!.oHmura, MAN UFACTOR Lumuxin AND INSURA.NCZ COMnlal. MP Alt oilis6 left it the IPnblanation 014 01 I I° PO l P.M, Pio. an ousarners stmt. will Pr Nttesulted pRISCH ZI:NO--Pure SNOW of emend(Virile. Montagne & Co.'lo emen d On wile IV' WE'rKERILL & BRO AA NDir , -Nora VIEUWILE GRUM —Manufacbir eci ag g. 11 60 for sib by, weviels & 0119 1 -901 jjin mil 401forsk CIRCULARS. sugoakrms, 0411'