as if thiPlattilWes held dose to the face; the up' per and lower Bye were mash twit, end the upper teeth were all knocked out ; the bullet passed along the right side of the head, and came out of the ear; the wounds were sufficient to 081088 death, along the track of the wound I found a piece of lead, as it Item a Wag. IP miumt and exhibited to jury. i This weritist the side of the bead; I don't think 00u14 alajirbetbet the abutting was after the beat- Jog or not ;- I thought so at the time of the inquest. eressexisteined made no examination of the body, as I was satisfied that the wounds f have described were.sulfloient to" cause de/to ; either the would ! with the bludgeon Or that with the pis tol wear eaffitilent Unwise death; it was diffioult to telt*** of the wounds were inflimed by the pistol ball - rind which by the blows, as the cheek bone was so crushed ; the wound at the back of the ' head !poked as, if the deceased might have re ceived it in falling ; did not 580 any injariee on ..the neck ;-consideret the most injuries to have ' been Inflicted by the blows Sergeant Tryon sworn =I cut connected with the Nineteenth ward ; was at the station. house on the night of the 2tat September . the cattail house is about two and a half squares from the spot where the body , was found ; information was brought that the body of s man was lying in the road ;. went to the spot, on Diamond street, between Name* and Meagher; the body laid in the middle of Diamond street; the head to the; east ; it is an unpaved street ; it is at times vary muddy, -bat not so much so that night ; it was Mete or twenty minutes of eleven; there were some five °rile' persons there; the body was still lying undisturbed ; I picked it up ; teak a settee over With me, and two or three men ; I examined the grimed and footcd,blood directly under where the head wailying, but nowhere else ; found uo ' tern clothes there; his pants were torn on tho side of the leg; the,ground was•aoft enough to readily receive en impression ; the,head had settled some little on the ground ; the rut of wagons had made a little hill; and the head was lying on top of that, and the griturni being softer than the ether parts of the road, the head had settled in at as though from a fall ; the ground was not kicked up es in a drug. gle, only the footprints of those standing around ; there was abbot forty coots found in his pocket ; not certain abeiut that ; the body was still warm ; this was near Norris Squats, and there are no houses there ; it was a rather unfrequented spot. Cross-examined.—l think the panto were torn on the left deg,• near the hip; the stock and shirt were undisturbed and untorn; Mr. Crawford was a man about five feet seven ; weighed about one hundred and forty or one hundred and fifty pounds ; there Ware no foot-Flute sender the body ; a good many footprints around him, made by the persons around him; the ground was soft enough that the footptint of one person would efface tool of an other; Pluck Hill is about a square and a half front this spot. John W. Bonham eworn.—At the time of this occurrence I lived at the southeast corner of Second and Diamond streets; that night 1 saw the body lying in the street; it looked to me like a dark mass in the attest; it was near 10 o'clock; only a minute or two after 10 o'clock I raw the body ;- it was so dark that I could net at brat tell what It liae; walked towards the bead and saw the head bent down towards the shoulders and the face looked to me more likens false face ; thorn was be one in sight, end I walked to Second and Nor ris, and there saw a man opining towards me, and I waited timid became up, and I told bun what had Nei; I then went to my house, and soon the man OMANI batik and hallowed that a men was nearly dead; I M lights Mae out end sew the people wi th lookingat the body. - Croteentamined.—On reaohing the spot had open ground and view, for, about two hundred „yards; heard the rattle of a wagon ; that was when he was within one hundred yards of the spot; paid no attention to the „ rattle ; ; heard no report of a pistol. - - Mrs. Sarah Crawford, sworn —Robert Crawford was my husband; his body wee brought home on Saturdayafternoon ; my husband was In his fifty fifth year; I bevei seven children ; we lived in Sea:Nandi above Jefferson; he was a carpet menu fatiturer; I last saw my husband alive on Friday night, the list of September: he went out about .quarter or ten minutes of eight o'clock; he tack money with hint ; it was $BB in $5 gold pieces ; he Must bare bed two or three one-dollar pieces; he left alone he said he was going to buy yarn. Mr. Sul u-objected to anything but the witness' -own knowledge, and not what her husband told her.. Mr. Mann stated that it was his only desire to .obtain ber own knowledge. 'Wltnest. Retold me was going to buy yarn. Mr Mann; Was it his habit• to go out at night with this sum or money ? Counsel for defence objected, and objection over ruled - . Witness eontinuelf-4t was Is very unusual thing for him to do; I did , riot see that he took samples of yarn with him that night; I have seen the pri soner several times at my house; be came to get money for yarn; I know Mrs Thompson ; she is in court; she was at my house on that Frtday ; my husband's shop was about a square away - from the house; Mn. T. left to go to the chop; it was about 4 o'olook. Cross examined.—MY husband went At about 7i o'clock thateright, and was gone about five or ten minutes, and VMS in about live minutes, and then left again; elm the OS counted cut on the bureau ; It was upwards of a year ago that I saw the pri &nor ; saw him during the summer, and be then abed side-whiskers ; my husband bad but one hand ; McFarland employed him in September ; when smy husband went out the first time be brought borne hallo pint of brandy ; the first time I saw .Armstrong be had the yarn in a bag. but can't tell low many pounds; ley husband did not drink the thready, but set it away Mrs. Thompson sworn —I remember tailing and seeing Mrs C on Friday, the 21st September; -went to the house; it was about 10 or 15 minutes past 4 o'clock ; afterwards I wont to the factory, and saw Mr. Crawford ; I saw the prisoner there, too; the prisoner was standing by the loom, and lifr. 0 wee talking to him ; Mr. Crawford was passing his band' up and down the - yarn, and speaking about the quality of the yarn; Arm strong's clothes were of a dark cast, and be had on a cap; Ileft him to the foolery. Cross ezamined.—l know it'svaeFriday, because it was market day, and I took my basket to Se cond street; never saw Armstrong before • looked at him several times; he had side whiskers, and was smoking a cigar. At the conclusion of the testimony by this wit nem the court adjourned. The oaken having the jury fa charge were instructed to observe great care in keeping the jury together. Meeting of Common Co uncil. dhadjourned meeting of Common Council woe held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of con sidering the appropriation Ma, The ordinance sulking an appropriation for lighting the city was called up: Mr,' Forum moved to amend by inserting $52,700 for one hundred end fitly lamps, instead of 15,400 trithe Second item, and $3 000 for the acme number, instead of $6,000, in the third item. Not agreed to. The ordinance then passed finally. Mr. gamut balled up the ordinance making an appropriation of $172.492 00 to the department of City Commissioners for the year 1861, aid to pay deficiencies in that department for the years 1859 and 1860. The Chamber resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole. Item -9; appropriating $l5OO for the salaries of fire °Scars of the Supreme Court, was reduced to $3,500. .• Item 10; appropriating $4,000 b pay jurors, was redueadt to $2,000. Item 17, appropriating $BOO for vitals for jurors, waa retinossi to 1000. Item 22, appropriating $8,500 for coroner's fees, was agreed to. Item 23; appropriating $350 for earriage hire for jurors, was reduoed to $2OO In the appropriation for writing, indexing, and comparing the tax duplicates, the sum 0f.5200, for making- a second oopy in the Twentythird ward, was etrioken out. Item 23, appropriating $18,328 for the payment of the salaries of tifty-eight assessors, was In *smiled ,to-. 524,123, on account of triennial assess• amts. Item 31, for the expenses of Board of Revision and Appeals, was reduced from $430 to $lOO. Mr. game moved to strikeout item Mi. appro priating $l,OOO to the Northern Home for Friend less Children. Mr. Quinn made a etrong speech protesting spinet the propriety of taxing the people ter the support of a private ecstasies) hied- Wien, and oiled numerous thetanees showing, in ute \ opiniou; , the evils arising from its present onsed,rement, and the partiality extended to per mit's:of outman denominations Jilt. &CUM was mrry to hear Mr. Quinn thus metteoleing the thedhation and the character of ear stain of itiesninegers, for whom he entertained arestreeptsee: • Judges of the courts committed 79 ,ehiblreo de - the Northern Home for Friendless ealdideendent year, in preference to sending them se the Mvishouse, aid if the panto had not co wired he would ,have, been in favor of it:tonguing ee gier than duninhibing or erasing the present ap e, ,„"gitin's motion was not agreed to Item *NM:line, making the same appropriation for 'the , ileitis Bole* and Children's Home, was also opposed be's Mr. QUINN, mainly on the ground that it was a str:etly Protestant school Another rest evil was, thaeOto ebildren, after remaining th e t o e * for certain period, were gent to et h er Nee tt etee and iede`lhared, .and thus placed 'beyond the proteellon o the laws of our Stets:. .If their gmrests lapin foirdkeir 'hereabout's, they are datable to obtain the &sired information, Mr. Faisman said this was net.* question of - religion at all. Catholic children were not admit. ted. unless. desired by their parents. Mr. Quinn litml bean expressly informed at the institution that atom only were - admitted who were resigned by their pafenti.. Di one oath, where a child had been went to Delaware, it had been brought before Judge Bead, of the 'Bupteme Court. and returned to its parents hurt short time afterwards; after having been takentrom a comfortable home, it was almost entirely neglected, lie regarded these institu- How as "Vey useful and hematite! in their results, , acid hoped the appropriation would be palmed. Mr. Annanwilennen °peeled the appropriation. He thought the poor children staid be as well eared for' in the Almshouse, when they would not be proeellitidi al in institution' like the Northern Home for.Friendless"Children „eft. Quine's 'motion to strike out the item wee not agreed to. - Mk Jeweils:4y moved to insert $174,482.00 in dead of the original sum, which was agreed to, and the. first section passed with the following proviso: "Provided, That the City Commissioners shall prepare, ender the sueervisioa of the Committee on Flnastoe, eatable epeeldeationi for all the sup pling for printing, blank-hotdee, binding, and sta tionery, contemplated 'by this ordinance, and the eetd City . Cesamissioners shell advertise, in the month of February, in three daily papers, and three them in INIIIIII, for proposals for furnishing said *applied forth* year 1361, in oonforinity with mid speelloations; said proposals to be opened by Sae City tioisteetikiers,• in' preeenee of the Corn settee ow Fiascos, and the contract to be awarded tte the hewed bidder. And Provided, That no epte k nt for supplies shall he given in antlolpation,ol th e mots etddlit enacts, Meets, ar, the department, Wet phial be Ordered. only from time , time, aa mg he eyfidetwel necessary by the requisithe from She lad seminar oftees,,Or regular business of thy siteparthealite„ ' mgr. Ifeestinsmoved. to seamed, to insert $4,600 ter the - Dietriet Attorney. An animated debate *weed, "Pt tilleadeMild mint Wes lett. Dem Wed% of nieetitm watchers, was raised to seselss IWO sued dit rdiMy. Opposed by A. ligiLems," S i ri MUTH: stated tAtet the said sum umedd islk iai ried from the city , and her gas op. food ki " gitipm• age, -11046,•• opposed, es natal, the, payinseef • p. ilOOOlO4 1111 1- 13 The P ress 110" e• pap".. \ - , on. wit sattatood. Ur_ ~ ?tiara that , 'an item 14, silted to pay gook -,, , ," ONO - to Uto - poroner, degolorokoo, Ike. • Vote 4i, ~ t:!: , •, t -• Th. 1011),S21.0.4 .WORriated to the De partnioAis , „ _ fl,‘, ; Th. bia , .:_ imaimdactii Asoivalitee of the whole, - - • - ' Mr. ,' * to:itHke out Ewe items ,'Do eat tits iiiiviiiiiiid Wit *minim was sot pilaus. Atom and. . ,_, I AN OLD CoNPIDDNDE MAN.—A few days ago, a large jewelry establishment in this oily was swindled out of about $440 worth of jewelry, by I means of the confidenoe game. Information was at onus lodged at the , Central Station, and, from the desoription given, a 11311D.Wila arrested in New York, and a portion of the stolen property re oersted Thol man who was arrested had previ ously osaapel from the Clinton jolt of New York, Where ho was serving out a term of imprisonment f swindling a firm at Saratoga out of about $1,500 worth of jewelry, in the same manner. Af ter breaking jail there, he had come on to this pity and commenced operations About nine years ago, the same man broke jail at Frankfort, Ky ft is said he has a considerable sum of money in vested in real estate, in this oily lie is repre sented at,being of a gentlemanly appearance, free In his talk, and well calculated to play the con fldenee game, for which he is so celebrated. Ef forts will be made to have him brought on to this city for trial. ONUS. THIEVING.—At the present time more of this kind of stealing is carried on than at any previous season. Some of the station•houaes are completely filled with stolen articles. On Saturday three men, named James Careen, James Carr, and John Carr, were arrested at Tenth and Fltawitter streets with a tub, brass kettle, and a lot of clothing in their possession, of which they could give no satisfactory account. The property is at the Becond-diatriot etation•house, awaiting en owner. The aooussd were committed to answer. Yesterday morning Thomas Christopher was beard before Police Magistrate Berner upon the charge of stealing a coat from a store at Fourth and Chestnut streets. Ho was committed to answer. PUBLISHING-HOUSE 01:161 , 1G8.—The exten sive and well• known publishing houses of Childs b Peterson and J. B. Lippincott ,t; Co., of this city, hero just been united. Mr. Peterson retires, alter a long and useful business career, and Mr George W. Childs, his - vigorous and enterprising partner, becomes ratirpd, in the a, and Co." with Mr. Lip• pinaatt. This junction, it is said, constitutes at anon the most formidable establishment in the book publishing trade in the United t tates, with the amplest capital, talent, experience, and other avail able resources. PASSENGER RAILWAY TICLCIAS.—TI,IOIIOW ar rangement pending between the Passenger Railway Companies, relative to the abolishment of the ex change tickets, and suhatituting packages of twen ty-live to be sold for one dollar, teems likely to be detealod. e, me of the loading companies refuse to sanction this move, and still adhere to the old sys tem, notwithstanding abyssal companies are work ing with the new tickets The matter is to be de onted at the meeting of the Board of Presidents, to be held this afternoon. POTAUE CASES AT Tag CESITRAL......—YeStCrday eltellla.Cll Mlllea William Mack, colored. war committed finally by Polio° Magistrate Bottler, at the Central Station, to answer the larceny of some oassimore. the property of Philip Groner. George W Fortner was also charged with the larceny Of some saws, the property of John Bring burst Be was committed to answer. Sl7Bl'lololl OF Iktuansa.—A colored man was arrested on Saturday night, at Sixth and Lombard streets, on suspicion of having committed a murder in Cabiden, New Jersey Ito thought that he wee concerned in on moult upon a man who hes died from his injuries. The prisoner is detained at the Fitth•teard station-house. AGAIN POSTPONED.—Tho case of Win. H. Todd, charged on the oath of one of-tbe board of managers of the House of Refuge:, :with cruelty to a blind .girl obtained from that: Institution, was again postponed yesterday until-to morrow at 10 o'clock. SAD Acernswx.---Yesterday afternoon a little girl, named Emma Magee, aged Six years, was run over by the Girard•avenue Passenger Railway oars ut Third and Girard avenue, and almost in stantly killed. The corner was notified to hold an inquest. Fran ASSOCIATION. - A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fire Association wee held lest evening, at Fifth and North streets. A divi dend of $649 was declared far each Ore company belong ng to the assoolation LEG BROKEN —Yesterday morning, a man named James Pollock was run over by a milk wagon, at Thirteenth and Pearl streets, and had one of his legs broken. He wee taken to the Hos pital. SKATING.--We Ulidelßland there is very fine skating on a large pond at the terminus of the Spruse and Pine•street Railway, near Gray's Perry The Trial of Jackalow. TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 21.—Pour witnesses were to-day examined, on the part of the Government, in the Jackshaw case. They proved that the Spray was seen on the 15th of March with Jaoka low and the Leete on board. On thenth And 18th the vessel was seen on her way to New York with Jackalow alone on beard. It was farther shown that on the 15th of March he went to a grocer's in Brooklyn and purchased a barrel of burning fluid, a tierce of rice, and nine barrels of (nutters When about to pay for these artiolee, he drew off his boots and took therefrom a roll of bank notes, one of which was a fifty dollar bill on the Meehan los' Bank of New York, and wanted all specie in change These are the material points brought out today. A proeess was issued by the court to P. J. W. Wiley, of Pennington, to Rot as interpreter On application of Mr. Voorhees, ono of the pri soner's counsel, Mr. B. id. Grandia was selected to atatiat in the defence. From Pike's Peak. DEnvzs Cur, Jan. 17.—Much excitement has been occasioned by the reports of new mines hav ing been found in the San Juan country, but par ties who returned from there yesterday pronounce the reported mines a grand humbug. Letters to the same effect will be published. Tne excitement has been gotten up by the traders in Now Mexico, who have moth goods on hand than they could mato, the inhabitants in the present depressed condition of the country, and were desirous of in ducing a crowd to visit their neighborhood. The klilwankaan at the Granary mines, last week, in throe and a half days, saved $1,609 from the mammoth lead quarts, by his gold-saving procure. Death of Rey. Chas. Lowell, of Boston. Borron, Jan. a —liov. Charlep Lowell died. yesterday. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. ParLADErmirtA, January 21, 1861 An sotive and buoyant cession was bad at the Stook Board today. Reading Railroad shares ad vanced to 241, fell to 24, and closed with sales at 241 ; Long Island sold at 101; Little bobuylkill at 15 ; Catawissa contolidatod at 3k—a gain of 4; El mira preferred 131; North Pennsylvania Railroad 9; Norristown 494; MinebtllBol, and Pennsylva, ilia Railroad shares 381. Lehigh Valley scrip sold at 35. Camden and Amboy Railroad flares opened at 110, and closed at 112. In reload bonds, North Pennsylvania Blies sold at 671, and the chattel tens at 94; Reading sixes 'B6 at 721, and Lehigh Valley sixes sold at 90; Schuylkill Navigation sixes sold at 671; City sixes advanced 4. r irst-olass paper sells at oto 10 per cent. Se cond•olass paper is so much in favor that it is not offered by holders. The banks discount quite free ly for their regular customers, when them have of ferings worthy of favorable consideration. OFFICIAL. BANK STATEMENT. a/SEELY AVERAGES 01 TRY PHILADELPHIA BANE, HANNA. LOANS. 6720111. Jan. 14. Jan 21. Jan. 14. Jan 21. 1111611 siellia.-- $3,713,000 41 , 647000 8424.000 $3 31 .0 00 North Ann:llea 3,163 587 3268 837 606,914 604,103 Farm & Meoh.. 4 357,009 4 494,482 719,604 734 915 Comma ma 1.... 1,644.460 1,633 600 133,060 151,000 Mechanics',.... 1.633,260. 1.664 481 241,884 238 150 N. Liberties.... 1,23000 1,217 02 , 0 161.100 155 000 Southwark ... ... 871 756 744,689 241.223 268, ~ Kensington..,., 799.031 793 096 126.341 13.119; Penn "Koarnshig. 564401 653.671 136.011 140 00 Waltern_ ~ ...-.. 14101191 1422 761 188 676 203,636 MOIL Oc Mech.. 1.072493 1,,06.136 117.838 133 aryi Commerce. ...... 601.161 677 227 180,437 lomat tri rani..--, .... 3.311269 2,939 209 261,931 946 174 Tradesmen's..... 473,336 480464 1,6.)0tt In 760 Consolidation ... 613.693 616 0..7 73 722 77 706 Cio7.-- . , , 749,740 729 092 117.450 330.116 Commonwealth 134, 19 8.97 833 95 6,6 98.6 29 Corn Exchange 45 4 ,811 448 7 68,087 70763 Union 377,100 3/4 410 64,110 68 620 Total ......... 26 566.993 38.172.473 4,151.824 4 263.105 . , DaP06126. CIRCULATION. BANKS. Jan. 14. Jan. 21. Jan. 14 Jan. 21 1 iladefphia.... 91474.000 $1 , 621000 62 7 6,900 $5 73 .00 0 orthAmenaa. 1,937,423 1 883 225 201,025 308 612 arm & Meoh.. 2,996,348 2 963 445 399.885 383,896 r m 9h7n r i e s i i i .:7. : PAZ ig?.?,11 148.786 150 °,lo' 111.4°,:ri's:::: 1).17 3 5 7 1,1 . 19° I rire 13.1;31g tilt t0n... , . IlltA Sir, tr. 3g:ln ..t... .. 897.461 E 174 136,243 111.040 tr.W. & 167311.. 4,86,70 .879 94,017 94,430 roe... ... 1137,843 .011 78.325 94,345 r il aTivi na. 9a54169 Et 11 2 81:1t1 vrt setz:...: - .. 2111111 zoo 103,476 98.7 3 L 1.........— . 631414 416 331 115 625 80.765 111191 303,333 301.314 147,0515 )131 18a g g wow 203 691 93660 102,7 M Union._.-... /83,956 170,495 50,816 BO /85 .. T0ta1...,...... 16,001.691 1 11 7304 4 2.694.317 3.761 315 The aggregates compare with those of thp pip lieut week an follows : Jam 31. Jan. 14. Capitalri '14:111, $ l / 1 11:361.71C..583 6 .1g Lne fm other Bite,., 1.1214 tlIg817.1;';%. r6i Due to other Bke._ 3.411.192 464,167..11e0. 42 818 Dapolita.... .--..... 14 760,888 18 001,591.. Dec. $51,2 , 0 paniation..- 2,264,315 2 684,717. Ins. GO U9B the following table shows the condition of the banks of Philadelphia et various- times since No visliabgr, • - L . Somme. Circulation. Dep_osita N o v, 4,1867,!1 , 2 tuT1,634 2,141,113 16,635,768 Jan. 11,1868.2/ 41701 1,011,013 11,465,163 jgly 6.......74,311 .906,g17 2,1,181 15,556,814 lan. 3,,4sl,ca t /7419,005 all 5......!6,446,446 4027,069 , 16,161061 50.8.1660..5,886,887 44 0 4 61 11.E; 21 ° 519 4,674,50 21.896,7 , 916 Joo. 1,800,111 2,837,207 16,809 525' 390, 06,0 28 4,767 917 2,096.524 15,923.709 uot." 17,01,769 4,678,092 2.831.2210 16,812 638 Nov. 5 —....91.969 837 4.107.967 2,887,611 16 739,326 649 4..011,91.1 2,891.311 16,254,145 "19 26,775.878 4215.131 2,791 753 15,3 21 ,111 36,675,322 3 344,612 0,069212 14 699,679 2,527,005 051,00 13:15.131.--.21.491812A 8, 999,827 2661,116 16:113217 51., —.27,084.868 9 711227 1.626,983 15.379,814 " 24.._...27,p71,925 3.838.080 2.629.4 0 15.216.612 yB,BBB 465 • 1,510,716 15.183,744 Jegt. h..1 . 861213 0 11, , ; 8 . ' 440 '4,16r ,266 ,,in 2 2.694217 1 1 5 5102 .9 ,3 2 91 .. 11.-- 26,172 473 4 263,1012 27518/8 /1.760.112 Ties following is a statement of the ire:num:Along ,9f this Philadelphia Clearing House for the week ,ending Jo nary )9, 1801, u furnished by the ma :roger, Gauge p Arnold, Eeq : Balances, • - • --- —82;206,214 72 6446,96664 • • 9,074.160'05 471.112 01 ,t 90417.810 51 422. 67 2'24 444,412 60 " ......... # filMil •20,64,174 60 $2,f8i,027 56 The Seamen's Saving Fund le beret by its de polpoys, anxious to receive their money. The de. positore are j;lid in full when their demands are =skit, and eases of need ppoplve a return of Ave dollars on account, but • the lieavfor,O7PfArere are put off with promiees of a future resumption. Tb. .panyyporee wan adopted by this institution during the panlawmplit.o in 1857, and, when times grew bettor, the depoot tu9 wpr!lpald in cull. 16 le hardly Damnable to *sped seek SP infolitsajOp to pay all Jo. depositork on deman4 wban they 44 pop* a!, pity Loy their money, and the °mine slioptt4 uy the °trims of the fund fa probably the one beat cal °Witted to protect the real interests of the depo altora Tho following are the quotations for Donsestio Exohange, as furnished by Messrs. Drexel & Co., Con h Third street : New York exchange— • ••••-- —• pare It prom. Boston 3.1 prem. B , ltimote examine.-- •....•is se iS.' cue. Philadelphia StoO, k Exchange Sales, 21, 1861. January RAPORIXD DI as Ea ISIIKTMA 111(.1 , 4 erohantie Exchangt 10ARD. P 1 RBT : 200 City, 63-- ,New 1111% 100 do. • • ..• . New 101% 200 do •• •• - New lot% 1000 410..C19h eta' 10134 SOO City 91% 100 City 65 It —. 9734 Mk do 97 200 N Penult R es.— 6731 1000. 6731 600 N lbs. .. 94 600 Reading 68 ' 96 . 118 721 . 4 1000 Pah Nay 6s 673: SOLO Leh Val 65...._5a 90 1000 dm... .. .85 90 10 Catawissa RCon 60 Heading It. 215.1 94 d0._._..... 2439 60 do.-- ......b5 Ws I 50 do._ 21 ..... „b 5 24 00 Reading 2371 BETWEII 1000 Penna 5a C It P... 89351 Iwo do t.l & P... • 95301 :SECOND 1000 City Now I MO do . New 10134 1000 Reading It 63 85 - 7235 80 Cataw eaa Ream 235 1000 N Panama.. --. 6734 80 Lehigh sari. Jots as 90 Little hohuylktll.. 16 10 do 61 Cam & Am ..... 1t0 112 15 ,1 ow P 1736. Asked. Philadelphians— 97/4 98 I Pena 63 R.___ 9734 99 Pella 6e —new.-101 10136 olnor 69 9036 Read 21% 2134 Head sae '70.-- 83 iss Read mt. 63 'Bo. 9931 8914 Read tet 68 'B3 7234 72% Venn& It . 8855 Piens. H 2dint as 87.94 25 Reading 24 iso 24 25 21 100 do.— 24 10 Cam & 110 20 do.-- ... —lota 110 N 1 do ..... 11034 7 do ....... nO 00nr. 100 I oat 1e1and.....b0 60 103 00 do-10 , BO Elmira. Prof —. 40 Penna .983 i 9 Germantown Gas. 49) 10 4 914 Nordo 4 riatowa ft..... 40. , fi 60N Penns 9 5 Girard Bank.— 41 BOARDB. 401 48 Bah Nay ea 'B2 .. 67U 18 Elmira Pref..— 133; I blows Canal La 18 3 Poona 9834' 23 d 0.... 383‘ 1 do Bei 9 do - ...... 88%" 6 Beav Meadow.-- 69X 6 Man to re cob BY.— 24 ICEI , -FIRM B.' Asked R Ott ...-1336 14 blanra. 7a 67 Long Inland R 74 11 Leh CI Er. N. 4831 49 Leh CI k N 80ri9..35 1 . 636 North Patina R.— 83& 9 N Penns It 673: N Penns It lea • -93 X 9439 Catawisse, B eon. 336 4 Catawissa prld- - 1 3,1 1034 2d & 3d• et 3t dvol7 48 48 Renate Vine St R .18 18M West Phila. 66 601106 & Pine • • 10( - Green h Grate. -1734 . Mor Moon. Nowa Canal pr 111,113 Sat N 60 —.671 68 bolt Nay Imp 63...74 • Balmy Fa• bt3. - 734 8 801 l Nay Prefd ..17N 19 Rlmira R.. . 634 8 EMM=M a Markets JANUARY 21.—.EV011in6• but steady, and holders Philadelph Ths Flour market is du °on/prise 300 Ws. mostly firm in their violin]; Wes 05 tO; 200 bblo good do, mixed trupaffiae. at $537 8662;5. and NO bids Western extra at $669 4fr bbl. Elates to the retailers and bakers range at from the above rates for superfine and extra up to $d MI for extra family and (army brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is held at $4. Corn Meal is quiet, and a sale of 600 bble is reported at $3 ke. bbl. WHEAT—rho market is rather dull to-day at pre vious quotations; about 000 bushels have been dis posed of at 130e13P, mostly at the latter rate fur prime rotinglivania red in store, and from 140 to 1000 for own- Mon and gord white. live is inure abundant, and 800 bus Pennsylvania sold et ho. Corn is nut very active to day, and about 3 COO bus found bur era at 640650. the latter for prime dry noutliern in the carer . old yellow is Worth 718730. Oats ire dull; Penner lvaula are offered an 330. without sales. Bans is quiet at.5234P . ton for let Nu. I Queroitron. Con Cones —Torre is very little selling, and pricer re mained about the same. limier:Rm.—The market is steady, and a small busi ness aning in Coffee and Sugar. FROVISIONS.—The market has an upward tendenoy, and the firmness of holders limits the operations in Pork. Been, and Lard. Beans —Clovereeed is more active. and about 700 bus have been moused of at at 6705 )21i41'bus, the atter for pinto. Timothy is quoted at $1226, ann Flaxseed 1 45 ifr bus. VV Meal' cantinas dull, bbla selling at 181io for Penn sylvania; 19e for Ohio; 173.0 for drudge, and lito gallon f..r Philadelphia Cattle Market. PIIILADELPIIIA, JanusTy 21,1861 • The receipt!: of Beef Cattle reached about 1,389 this week. The market continues quiet, and prices about the same as last quoted. The following are the par ticulars of the sales 9 lease A bialtams. Chester county, $909.60. 15 Chase & Sanderson, $BO9BO. 65 McQuaid & Carr. Ohio. $BOB6O. 65 Scott & Kimble, Mary lard, 876009. 43 Kimble & Mirk, Chester co.. 8®960.$ 66 Kenneth , & MoCleele, 85 0 9. Bo H. C. Baldwin. Chester no.. EteeDS. 60 J.mes MeNillea, Jr., Cheater no., $50 9 52 P. Bathe • as. Cheater cm., $BO9. 74 P. Alen Ulm Penna.. 61808 75. 135 Cochran & MoCald, Chester no., 8709.150. 90 John Toed, Ohio and Vainnot. Nal 127 Mooney & Smith, Ohio, $7 0. 9 76 25 Bhannierg & Co.. Penne- 5707.00. 93 relLoinridge, Ohio. $7.6009. 00 81 . Chain. Ohio. 62708. 00 Aull & Voolter, Ohio, $708.60 20 Coats & Trainor. Chewer co. 8709.65, 38 Puller & Bro., Ohio 8708. 27 Chandler & Alea ander. Chester co., $80926. 34 Sachet, Berlie co.. $7600860. 18 Marshall. Western. 5708 25. 18 Steel. Maryland. $70826. 18 J. Wallace, Chester co. $BO9. The striven' of Sheep at the Avenue Drove yard reached about Li 000 head this week, and were disposed of at from Hi to sXelf , lb gross, M 1 to condition. About 80 • owe sold at from ews to ego ff, head, an cord•ng to qualu7, 1.826 Ross sold at the Avenue Drove yard at from $7BO to $8 26 te• 100 The net, ss to quality. the arrivals of Hogs at H. 0 Irnholl's Drove-yard reached about 2 769 head, at from 56.7607 26 4lr 100 lbs. net, rmeonling to quality. xchange—Jan. 21 noeno Now York Stock sicOortD 4000 U El 6,'67 57 MO Tenn St 66'50.._ : ..96 } do .- 2060 Virginia Pt6a...___l7 fi lop) ttlit!eoura St t 934 600 0 ETIO R o 6'02.-- 66 1000111 Con R bde'. 90 4600 400 Mi d h Cant po — t g m 8 P con bde.....00 8000 d 0998 4000 Chi & N W . /at m... 45 60 Pamfio 0104 n C0...91 ' 00 Penn Coal Co.— —BO 60 Erie 200 do —.... 40 25 Rod Elver E.— —48:51 1 200 Y Con tt.....530-81 20 do ..--.. 8134 200 do ...—rgio..frdi 200 do .............8134. 1 1 0 0 660 d i ..........e3O 80 120 do . 100 LW Harlem % 60 Harlem It pref.b 1 0 .42 200 11 Co do nft 5 ..... —....42 00 100d40 Reading R t6O-4334 . 26 Mich e ' en K._....... 61 . 6011 1 200 do 05-00 64 do .- Ita do —... e5O-641 60 do —. ~1•30_601 100 Miok N Ind 11,..1031 800 do -.- 200 do , 610-1619 600 Mloh Ei . ,5cTN I g 1700 do 1 40 Panama ft..- 117 40C1C &CR cad-. 94 60 Gala: Chi R......... 73 1 600 d 0...-..... 72% 1 100 do ' 100 do ...a80_72 1160 Cie Jr. Tol . 37 100 d . 200 do 07 600 do - 1 700 do .34X 0)0 Chto R I R...b§o-614 100 do ~.. et do coo do 'O6-60 036 40 1 160 do. .. b16..601 4 , suChi 11 4ltift--•77 Markets by Telegraph. IIALTIrdon4, Jan. 21.—Flour steady orith large eslll of Ohio and Ploward•street at .95.60 city Mafia in ham at the same rate. Wheat eteady ; red 81 1866 •; white 81.0501.65. Corn firm ; yellow bleak, ; white 6 ' 6e la, for new and old. Frovimons firm; Mese fork 816; prime 812 to ; Lard leticraotio. Cofee steady ; kto 120130. Whisky steady at 18100. IsEw ORMIANS. January 21.—Cotton firm; Isles f 11,000baleeatllro113do. Flour firm at 85 X0e6.62g. Yet O low Corn 63e. Mess Pork buoyant at $2O bD. Nachtuire on New k ork ,t; per oral . Freights on'Cotton mat , re Critsplayr. Jan. re . .Floor onehatiged. Whisk/ sells at 14Sio. I.lDge are in rood demand. and prima, 100 lusher ; sales at 8,3.5006.70. Receipts. to-daY. %DUO laical. Mau 7; err. Bulk Masts . dliftfina, for shoulders and at es. Lard rp hap at tpu. Exchange on New York, cent. premium. CITY ITEMS. LECTURE BY DR. COXE —Tho Rev. Dr. Core wi I deliver a lecture this eveniug, at Conoert His subject will be "Popular Taste in Literature," which, from the well-known ability of tho lecture r, will no doubt attract, a large autimnce. HALF •SPANISLI AFlrallta I want a hero an uncommon want. When every year and month rends forth a now one ; Not one who tries to dram end natal. Whose ill-made clothes shows he is not a true one ; Of Buuh no these I should not care to vaunt ; But a neat, cheep, and well-dressed young Don Juan, Rookhill k Wilson made his hisaasows plothee. We well &ease? twin, this prince of beaux. Prior to communing biz brilliant meet Durolme4 lila superb outfit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Noe, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. A LIGIIT 11841117..—Ah ! a fine thing* In this world of trial and sorrow is a light, hopeful heart. It alone possesses the stoutness which will carry one through difileuities, spawns, and persecutions; it oan climb Thouraaine, penetrate deserts, and brave the storm tossed ocean; If can endure all the headships of the camp, and march unfalteringly with the forlorn hops to the cannon's mouth. When the prowl man is /?umblod, and the strong man tuts failed, he of light heart will }p main, unfeeling and unhurt, triumphant over every obstacle, superior to every diffioulty, and still wearing the elegant clothing gotten up at the " one•pnoo" Glib Emporium of Onativil.r.n &mass, No. fp Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT TUE PRINCIPMJ HOTELS,. Ur TO 12 0 2 01400 r. 14.CiT 111 OPT GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut siert. below Ninth. Mr Young & tn, Fount tHeyens Church, Ohio TB ilichards Jc. wt, Chicago 0 E Warner & la, J C Walker & la, Delaware fdyTempleton, Baltimore J Dell. Baltimore W Lusby, Baltimore Wm Williamson, Penna. I Rake rt, Reading_ Hon 'l' J Yorke, New .le say W B Nichols, N Haven E Wallace & la, New York Miss Millard, Neer York W H Barrett, Brooklyn Mr Cornell & la, hid Wm is Ma Allister, Lowe C Banavart Penns DI J f Simpson, New York Jas White, Newyork ti 1., Aloohir. New York Alex Still, Virginia Ii J Neely, Burlington R N cmith. Penns J Murray, Penne. J A Ohio H 8 Walbridge, 'New York W W Wright. Chester co Is T Pearce & on New York Miss _Pearce, New York D A eorymser, New York G mob% New York E Cooke, New Yolk 11Turpin ft la, Conn Mop Turpin, Connecticut ; I L Mame, Troy, NY Miss Adams. 'hog, NY P Baumgardner, Lane J R Miller dau, Brooklyn R e Brown, New Haven T 9rnen. New ytk Rooksfellow, Zs York A. Musser, New ork Corn Breeze Pt la, N Y • rs prk Miss Maleby,New 'York H 1310w0. New Yo rk sanYvies, giew'York • B Gonzales Garrett, Wilrr, Dpi Capt .11 KeTIAILD, Balt Thornton, 1196 Aug C Downing, New York G A Conover, low York P Mount, New York R. M Ring, Aibany W Aloook. Baltimore David Hagan New York Jan Polonk, Baltimore John Polook, Baltimore Jra Hamby, Delaware In 'Y Potent, Illinois John New York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W MoVe,gh, West Chester J .J Lewis. West Chester J -hn N Moore. New Jersey D•Wiloon Moore, N J Potts, Jr, Pottstown E Monsoon. New York Chas F Parker, Boston A J Fullmer. New Jersey J N Hedges, Cambridge Jos H Bruer. Princeton P_Baboock, Jr. New York M Metter, Baltimore Wm'A Fos' er, Beverly John GI Marshall, N cork D A Chose. Measaohusetts A W Chase. Mess I aubone. Nlaspeohmetts 0 Htitimpson, Maas J G rsoldthwalte.nlobjle E Field. Princeton Robert centre, New York Mi? W' WasOoto, Ala J B Caster. Delaware H P ink. Now_ynrk K Wilson & la. N Jersey. G F Shepherd, New York N Wilkinson. Wheeling, \fa E I) blriasvold, New l oil B Bigelow, Boston - 0 Browne, Boston E Belem, Boston P Loomis, Connecticut It .1 Baker, Baltimore Geo 8 Brown, Baltimore T Poultney: Baltimore B H Aldridge, , Jr & In, Pa It 'Thomson Elkton ew York Joel Moore, Pe 0 .1 Mclntire, Md fl Moore:Penne J F Moore Penne Jas Hooper, Baltimore J 8 WhltseY,Bosion J Komniberg,..Chioaso J A noway, New York P Young. New York .1 Jaffe, New York A Croaker & la, Masa Morgenotern. Pittsburg T G Carson. Dalton. Mass as Forester, Uelr York R Bowden, New York MERCUAN TB' HOTEL—Fourth stunt, below Arch Win M 'Bayne. & la, Philo, R. Russell, New York R F Brown, Reading Win el oCrettily, Lainbertv' Jon rt Rohrer. Lancaster on Jon F Lefever tai ling. 111 Is y Winger &wf Philo P W Btelford,Now York las Hadley, New York W Smola, New York RWolker, Plow York W Mershon, New York Mal .1 Cummings,Selinsgrov John H. La.digh. Miss • Lowiph Mine tt M Ituil, Rimini, N Y 7 0 hp Cempliell. Penne Bon J..ltn B Guthrie . Pa ala Foulke/ PPP Jap i Sie. Fa Ilona a Mott Pike no 3 ST. LOUIS HOTEL. Chestnut sr,. Ova() Tbird, H W Touter, Now York Oen Turner. New Yolk Holmes, Paterson, N J 'R E Jump do son, hldi Rudolph mew York Jag Bertram, Carbine J Lieber.Philadelphia. 0 H Botdoemer, Now York John Elite, Chmago John Mayher,New York kglrnendorf. I ITO New York OtTe,.Dror4aolg hang t ines , :York JONES' HOTEL—Ohostuut '0,644.144a. SII.P I . David U bane, PhDs Oen P Scott, Washington Joan It Campbell, Texas 1 T jaoksoa r Reading D W Howe, New York ClgY ton, Pennsylvania coo Bishop. Maryland Miss 11111110P 1 M aryland Mies THE PRESS.-PMLADELPMA: COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth et.. above Chestnut. John Jones. 'Summit Hill .1 J Edmunds, Maryland Am , s Ktmble, Chester oo Cava Kimble, Chester oo Jae Boat, Chester_oo H nturnp. Hartford. Ct Wm o Bannum. Bouare JJ Saw ne. K (mare H Huff Harfor 00, aid H Bullard. Montrose, Pa 0 E Bul , lard, Media, Pa E B Patterson. Lana go L Chittiok, Phlladelphm Cant E Chandler & so, Pa AI Hammond, Delaware PI Alonisomery, Jr Pa G T lacmard. Pennsylvania W H Huddtesen. Harriet , Mrs Pendell.OW Chester H 0 Marsh, LaWrenoeville J Riley, Reading, Pa ATA TEB UNlON—Market linnet. above Stith, BenJ Farber Blair oo Eli Donner, Blair co J Conrad, B Freedom, Pa Cant Taylor & In W Chee Wm 5 Stenger. Chamberabg A J•Livinviton. Balt W Hinokle, Pinta JOG W Martin, Patiently% J 8 Hanes, Maryland 13 Reynolds. Maryland John Ahl York, Pa W Martin. York. Pa Henri I.ehr, York. Pa A G Illitokford. York, Pa Sami Walla, York, Pa Nathan M Smith, Phila I) A Miller. Milton, Pa Goo Zeller, Mitilinnliurn A B. W Cretin. Pittsburg I'flß UNION—Aroh etreot, above Third C Carter. Penna. Jno B Armstrong Illinois J J Boston. Illinois , W H Therripson• h Jersey W 13 shearer, Panne T P Barley, Delaware J H Christy, Akron, Ohio 8 M Gray, Allegheny Olt? John Hudson, Illinois 13 A JenSs & la, Newtown D 8 Altbouse, Monte 00, Pa J II Shaeffer, Reading, Pa J Pittman, Easton, kW Dr W rimer, New Jells} A Van Alenard H Y JA Annin, Now Jersey Black, Easton Pa J Can giver, Easton, Pa J R Hawei. New Jersey Miss A M Fetridge, Tenn W H Outfield, New York A VIER !CAN EnTEL—Ohestnut et.. above Fifth. M W Keeks. New York E B Hawkins & wf. Pa TL Westoort, Tyrone, Pa 1J V Pennypaoker, Pa E Morns. Chester oo W Barlow. W Chester J 8 Father. W Chester W Butler, W Coaster taro Grimm, COester J McLean. Carbon 00, Pa L H Smith. Berke on. Pa J D Marshbank. Lancaster W Darlington, W Cheater Howard Morel!. N York W Booth, New York W Hale, Massachusetts I' A Curtis, Delaware MERCHANTS' ROUSE—Third et., above Callowhill. H E Rishardr, Harrisburg Wm R fleadwell,,,Harriabg J G Riehl, Danville BB Jones, Rename Thos Darrah, Montg on Jacob Deal'. Pennsylvania Uriah H M anderaon, Pa )3 Nark, Lebanon. I hoe Fester, i..elivnen D A Albright. Reading DLACK IL KA R HOTEL—Third et., above Callowhill. Daniel Loose. Reading Alvin Faust, Upper Dublin Aortil Ruppert. Reading Cant 1, Erdman, Yu John Snyder, Olney E Knabb, Olney Sainl Morris, Philadelphia D Davis. Jr, Philadelphia Wt tot Satterthwait, N J M It Miller. Long Swamp Relay Knanpenberger, L Swamp FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Beoond et.. above Msrket. David L Stockier, Delaware James H Sutton Delaware E Alablear, New Jerser J Al Woodall, Delaware Bumf Plummer, New Jersey Al Chambers, Delaware AWN Sutton, Delaware MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at., above Arch Jag M Jaimeon, Baltimore Ci C Edwards, Blida Davis Hutehius. Burlington W Warner. Penna at Schmidt, New York W IL Brown, Jr, Phila Robt'iliucheneon,Phile ”At 4) BAOLE—Third etroet, ailove Ballowhill. A Bohneider, eummit 1811 l R Dotter. Bethlehem J Rouser, hlontg no, Pa Samuel Reede. Penna. Lemenring, Penns, H e, Fisher, Reading REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Rare. D C A Clark. Annvillo J A Bonham. Phila J Eamon'', Louisiatat Geo F Kuntz, Phila P Voute, Echlk Haven W lif3l.T, Lancaster Joe Whitaker, Alontg ea, Pa IVATION AL 110rEL—Itnee street, above Third 11 I) Shafer, nil , ' P filbert, Monroe 00. Pa R. Al D)eart, Lanovater Al II Jto ,, inenn, Wilkesb'e John Wagon. Pittsburg Joan P. w.,r, Baltumoro J Dewalt, Perry co, Pe H J Jacoby. flew York A Nolo, Mt JOY, Pa Ciao F Darr. Phtle BARLEY SHEAF—atioond street. below Vine A C Van LllValloo,l"evam. CI Hough, Newtown Edwin Fultz, Bucks co J Cadwallader, Fox Chase LIILARINE INTELLIGUNCE AEI; FOURTH PAGE. BY TETAGIIAPfi, (Corrempondenee of the Prase.) Pi Arrived, brig Granada from NeuvEW lona, Jan 21.iras. kit Thema date. to rho 2J rust. elate that the bark Pawitiolcot, of new York, for London, end pot int) that port leaky. Steamship Boston. Croaker, hence, arrived at New York yesteroay. Steamship North Star, Jones, for Aspinwall, sailed from new York yesterday. Steamship De Soto, Johnson, for Havana, saile I from New York yesterday. Ship Morning (slaty. Hobbs from Callan, was in An napolis Roads. below Baltimore, yesterday. Snip Wm Chamberlain, Knappi for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Casilda, Stalf.,rd, from Liverpool, was below Baltimore yesterday. Clop e ail of Derby, Barnes, from Liverpool, arrived a , Savannah 4 8th last a Ship Jove Parker, Carver, from Deal, was off Charles ton lath inst. Bark Gommbia. Smoke, from Bremen, arrived at Baltimore lith Inst. Bark Clara it distill. Scandal's. Cleared at New York yesterd Althea aracaibo. Bark Lams, IllicholoJewsk, for / moor „giver, cleared nt New York yesterday. Bark Tangier, Hall, cleared at New York yesterday for Callan, Brig War Eagle. Williams, hence, wee diaoharging at Port as Prince 7th inst. Bair Heatless, Sandera. for Havana, &eared at Mo bile 18th lost doh r A F Bought., Sanders, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia emir s tar Prose, Godfrey, from Pensacola, ars ived at New York yesterday. Bohr Georgia, Morris, from Smyrna, Del. arrived at New York yesterday. Nola Wave, Barrett, from Newborn, NC, arrived at N York yesterday. Rohr ~argaret Paler, Pletcher, from Wilmington, Del. Arrived at Now York yesterday. cola 43 It Vickery, Babbitt, from Norfolk, arrived at New York yecarday. SPECIAL NOTICES SAVING FUND—NATIONAL. SAFHTT TRU:a CostPANY.—During the suspension of specie payments by the Banks, Money in received and paid daily, on de mand, in the same k ind of funds, specie or notes, an de posited; Interest five per cent. WALNUT Street, southwest tweet of THIRD. la2-tt SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTH WEST CORNER MiCOND and WALNUT PITUEZTB.—DdpORIta re ceived in email and large amounta, from all olasecs of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. nor annum, Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until night in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Tromuror and Booretorr. OH AS. M. MORRIS 11Ain D> ! HAIR. DYE! !—BatEhelor'S LIQUID HAIR DYE is he original and bear in the market. An others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape rutioule. hplendid BLaCK or beautiful Baown instantaneously. hold by all Drug. gists everywhere, The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en- Cramg on four etdes of cult box. Beware of Counterfeits. idanufaotory, 81 Barclay street, late 293 Broadway, New York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, no3-1y Proviotor. SALAMANDER FIRM-PROOF SAFES.—AI very hue assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at Tea. s 'amble prices. No. 304 CH r,bTli UT St., Philadelphia anl3 tf EVANS le WATaON, . . Gnovica & BAKE6'I3 CELEISHATED NOISELESS SEWING fiLi.CHINES I ha Best in Ueo for Family Sawing. No. 730 CURPTN UT Strant. Phihi.dololne. ooar-1, 01111 PRIOD OLOTRING ON Trill LA.TRST lIITLIS, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling nrioes marked in Plain FirUres. All goods made tO °Ater vrarrantad eat - raotory. Onr ONE-PRICE system is strietly adhered to. All aro thereby troatrd alike, e 023 ly JONKS 00 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the City, at 34 South THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 gnat h. THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, deet and Cheapeat In the City, at 34 SouthTIIIRD Street. HAND•DILL PRINTING, nest awl Cheapest in tha City. at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desonp tion Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RINGWALT h BROWN'S, prexel's Building, 34 Routh THIRD Street. eta-tf LVRMAPI—BRARP.—..By the Rev. Banel Durborow, jklr. george ft Lohman to Alta pinto. T. titutry, both ' of tins city, PR EAB—MATTIB.—On the leth 'natant, by the Rev, Coae, Mr. Samuel R. From to Mom Bella Alan's how or Plymouth. OR _P—B ITER —tin the 27th indent, by the Rev. W. T. Fra. Smoot Hall Crump to Harriet Allooßtter, of of One °By, mpIy4.4OWER—HANSE.—Bn the let inetant, by the Rev. We,. T. Pre, Henry N. Munstiower to Mary C. Itches, both of Cherry Yaqor. Cheater county, pa. GLENDMNING.—On the evening of the 2dth instant, Charles Scene.. sod of Robert and Elizabeth Wen dinnieg. aged 18 years. The relative* and trim de are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie parents, Haver ford street. abOve Thirty-third. West blinds+. cgt p Wednesdaz ; 3c Church§tit. at e : I'. M., and Ili n an Wi t I7GWV Y — t T TutkerOn t , 3 PI . J 5 , 1. 0n Second•day First month• 14th,. 1881, of scarlet foie t, in the etti eei of her age, Clara Dilworth. daughter of Jesse C. tun Lydia . Ridgway. pnAhlEllB.—On the 19th January., Sarah Frances, youngest iimighter of Andrew and Sarah A. k. ham- DOlll. Funeral will take plane on Wednesday morning. at 30 e'elook. To I rowed to Laurel Hill. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend trilbout lather notion. W1'121..113 —On the 17th instant, Rebecca E. wife of Hanson L. Withers, and eldest daughter of Eli K. Price. in the 31d year of her age. Her particular friends and those of the family are rsepeotfuliv invited to attend her funeral, Irom the residence of her husband, No. 9 South Broad street, this (Tuesday ) morning the 224 instant, at 11 o'oloos.. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. . hIORTIhIOurt 19th, /qualm Mortimooro, In the 7:8 year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are requested to attend her funeral. from her son's residence, ho. 828 V Ineltreq this (Tuesday' ) afternoon at 2 o'elook. SNOW D els.—son the 18th instant. Mrs. Anna Snow den. in the 84th year of her age. ' Funeral Item the residence of her brother, Mr. David Messer ! , this (Tuer morning, at 10 o'clock • •It' V —Ca the 17th instant, Saltiest Hartley, Sr. rune al from his late residence. No 1111 hey bert street, above Fifteenth, this (Tuesday ) morning. at.lo otoloog. KBESHAN.—On the 29th instant. ,lohanna, dap; hjer of James and Ann Keeshan. aged 10 Years. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Fourth street. above Master, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . of the 20th mstant. Linwood. infant son Charles and Mary Lukens, aged 8 months and 18 days. ttneml from the residence of his parents, Adams street, above cdward,Frankford, this ( Tuesday) after noon. at 2 o'clock. • . • • . .e . .3131..L1N.—0n the 23th Instant, John Mullin, aged 48 Years. Funeral fmin his late residence, No. 630 Bedford Street this (Tuesday / afternoon, at 1 o'clock. BYRNE.—On the 19th Indent, James Byrne. aged 61yearn. Funeral from hte lato residence. No. 124 Almond street ( below Second, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 Woloolt. iiiil/14 4 .—0n the 19th instant, Mr. Joseph 16. Maull, in the U3d year of his agp. Funeral from hie Into residenoe. No 822 Queen street. on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. LINK —On the 20th Instant. Mrs. Magdalena Link. relict of the late Gotha!, Link. in the 06th year of her ag ;Une al from the residence of her son, George J. Link, ti r eventh street. above Germantown avenue, on l'huraday, at 12 o'oloo 11E110H —On the 19th instant, Walter Bough, In the 20th sear of his age. Funeral from the rrsideneeof his uncle. No. 814 Lombard street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'olook. Tut/MAN.—On the 19th instant, Mr Benner Thomas, Or,. egad 62 years Funeral ~from his late residence. No. 213 Lombard street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 256 o'clock. MOURNING GOODS FOR 1801.—Just 1111 reoeived New Stiles Second Mourning Ent high Chintzes. and Neat Styles Blank and White ditto, at 1156 eta ; Slack alpacas,lB%, 26, . Si eta.; Bomba - Zino Finish Alpaoens. t.O 76 eta.; Mohair Metres, 3736 eta. to Si Black Booa bushes, Eriglinn Crapes. Veil Crapes Crape Falls and Crape Veils. Yonne Corner Crave , and Grenadine Veils, crape Collars and Collarettan, mnzasti Bombazines Jouvires tf%ggljldgQlovee, mailing our nioolr of PLAIN BLACK anil'shooriD bioußrinvevooops hill and nomplete. laW BaesoN & SUN. Mourning Store r No. 918 Chestnut street. SrBIRTH AND LAST LECTURE OF THE COUft•tE, in aid of the CHURCH. OF 8 L. TRIAS. on TUESDAY EVENING , . 22d January, at CONCERT HALL. Chestnut, shwa Twelfth street, by the Rev. A. CLEVELAND COX, D. D., of Bald „Saubj tt. ect ” Popular Taste in Literature." Tiokets 25 cents. For sale at Episcopal Book Deposi tory, 1:4:14 chestnut street ; Burns tr, Stag, 9 1 14/Chest nut street, and at the door. ittlB-fMtu 31 Rev Jbmetne.z.Bethlehm B F Swartz, Lebanon, Pa h11:MOR/LNDA HARRIED. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1861. frr.' , lltlgl l ZZElggit - T - ,TivrßuacEE,e. 186 A. Y. M.. and the membeis of the order generally, are requested to utast at the Halt. CHEBTN U i Street, TO-MORROW. 2.3 d, at 9 P. M.. preeisely. to attend the funeral of their deoelltled Brother BANDIBE. TRO6IAB. Br order of the W. M. Tt"OEO. P. LITTLE. PeoretarY. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the t 3 tockholders of the OCEAN fiTk'Ael NXVIDATION CUM.VeN V. for the election of Five Dlreotors, and for t.,e trauma, ton of other business, will be held et No. 3t, 0 North DELAWARE Avenue. on TUESDAY, the fifth ay of February 1861, at 12 O'olook noon. Wei. DENNIS, 1 22-12 t Secretary and Tromutar. UTCENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL —THE EX emulation of Applicants for Admission to the RAI. HIGH SCP(O...L. will begin on MONDAY. the 28th of January, at 9 A. M. The cand.dates must be at tea t thirteen years of age, tesidents of the city of phibidelphia and for at least one yearpupils in the pub lic schools the city. The order of examination will be as fo'lows MOND 4 Y. Jannaiy 28th, History of the United States and GeograViy. TU ustiA Y. 29th, Orthography and Mensuration. WEDMISDAY. 300 i. Grammar, Rules, and Parsing. THURSDAY, 3lst, Arithmetio, Theory, and Exam ple.. P SID AY...'ebruaty Ist, Definitions, and Constitution of the United Staten Candidates will bo admitted on Wednesday,February 6th. NICHOLAS R. AIAGUIRE`, A. M.. Jan-a Principal. W OFFICE OF 'IIIE F , 4 lI,ADELFHIA I AND SAVANNAH ftTEAA. NAVIGATION C PANY, NO. 300 NORTH WHARVES. •• . - - I'IIILADELPIIIA. Jan. 22.1861. The Annual Meeting of the Btookholders of this Corn yany for the hlrotinn of Five Managers. and for the transaction of other business. will be held at No. 30, Phitsdembia, Evshange. floor,) on TUMMY VF.NII.IO. the fifth day of February ntxt, at half past seven o'clock. WM. DPNIVIS. ia22-12t Seeretary and Treasurer. POPULAR LECTURE, by R. I. DE COII DOYA, kBQ., at the HALL OF THE UNIVERSITY, Nin h Street. above Chestnut, SATUHDAv EVEING. JAN. 21, 1851, Subject—" The Erin Vieit." To commence at 8 o'clock. Trekets W hate. May be had at the store of Henry Cohen.lo7 Choetnut street, and at the Hall on rho eve ning of the lecture. ja22.tuftt* [rjr PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —REV. HENRY WAS ir BEECHB R will lec ture en THIJII.c.DA), EVENING, January , 24 at CON CERT HALL. Leclerc, Quarter be 8 n °look. It* IMJ S. CAPEN WILL COMMENCE A course of six lectures on PH ft,NOLOGV, on SDA Y EVENING, Jan.P2d, at 711 o'clock. nt the southeast Garner of Nineteenth and North streets. be low Coates , to be continued on Taussdays and Tuse• days, until the chose. 'rhese lectures wll ho illustrated by portraits. casts, skulls, descriptive anecdotes. and Dubuc examinattons, and will be adapted to interest and improve the young. Admiral-it free Collection at the close Examinations daily, at the Cabinet, 912 CRESTNIJB btreet. Ja2l-St IZEASTERN MARKET COMPANY—AN adiourned nicotine of the erookholders of the TERN MARKET COMPANY will lis held on TUESDAY EV ENI G next January 21. at 71. o'clock, at the Wethan II House, SANSONI Street. to hear the report of the Commiitse -appointed at last ineenng to investigate the proceedings of the nireators elsoted September 24th last, and procure evidence in relattun Of Tenn • • General attention Is earnestly requested. jn19.30 R. H. 110WARU. Chairman rII7TIIE GENTLEMEN NAMED ON THE foilowing Committees as divisions of the Gene• 0 2 Ominittee on the Reception of tae Chicago and Milwaukee Delegations, vinitteg Fhilstletphin, are re quested to mee TUESDAYhIS OF Tin BO HD OF TPA OE, en EVENINU, at half cast 7 o'clock. uonimittee of Rcooption, Introduction, Sco —Henry Budd, s. F. r token, J. M. Brooks. Joseph Lea, Henry Lewis. Joseph Altemus, A. W. Little. George 'quart, W, B. N. Comma, Janice C Hand, Thomas B. Newlin. William Divine. Arch. Campbell. Pharles Kelly. Wm Gay, Charles Knecht, Washington Butcher. Joseph J C. Davis, David Williams. Israel H. maule. J. P. Steiner. James Btllinee, N. T. Canby. John H. stymie. Arch. Getty. P. L. Wainer. James Steel. Geo. B Bonnell. C. J. Hoffman. Gee. Bullock T. C. Henot, W. C. Houston, Wm. H. Pearson John wrier', B. V. Merrick. John T. Thompson . Al'.l W. Baldwin. John Sellers, Chas. Wheeler. A. J ltuokner, Win. D. Filch south. Then Weheter. Jr.. William G. Kent, Richard Wood, P J Smith, Wm. C. Ludwig. John Sparhawke, Gideon Jones. R. A. Hanky, D. Rodney King, Famuel Williams, P. Herat. R. W. Southomd. Daniel Had. dock, Jr.. Charles Maguire, A. John essup. M. Wilcox, ts, C Knight, John T. Booth, 'welsh. Joseph H. Newhall, S. A. Blenheim Thomas P. Stotesbnis. Dalian, Jr., James Devereaux, John Woodside, IL A. Denkl'. William IL Thomas. Robert Ervein, Samuel Hartranft. James H. Orne. Wm. Crease, J. F. lime, C. Biddle, Lewis Audenreid. .1. IL Maxwell, Davis Pearson, N. Sturtevant, P. R. Cope, E. G. Janice, E.W. Bailey. E. C. Caldwell M. L. Ballowell. IL C. Dale, George 3.Grote , S. W..DeCouree•. H. W. Ridgway, Samuel M. Felton. James hie en, H. H. Houston. John M. Marie John Price Wetherill, J. L. Crew, J. B. Lip pincott, r;. H. Butler. T. B Peterson, lam Baker Win T. Wake,. Joseph M. Thema., E. Y. Townsend. James Milliken. A. ' r lane, E.Nuebaum, hi. Gans, H.Shloss, and John Murphy. Committee on Banquet.—John F. Addict:a, Samuel L. Witmer, ". L. Ward, George L. Buzbv . S. E. Stokes. W. C. Ludwig. Ai h. Getty. D. C. MoCammon. James Traquair. John Woe, Janine H Orne. Geo. Bullock. Kirk B. Wells, Joseph 11. Newhall, L. G. hly Unger, James Milliken, and S.T. Canby. HENRY BUDD, ja2l.2t Chairman General Committee. OFFICE OF THE. ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALs U St. AIIURTy 16, WI. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company. held on the 16th January, 1841, the following gentlemen were elented Directors for the aiming year F. RATCHFORD STARR, WILLIAM Mos' SE NALtII2O FR A ZIER, JOHN M. AT WOO LI, BF;IJAMIN T. a ft •• DRICK, HENRY WHAM 0 MOR D CAI L. DAWSON, GEORG R'l IJART, JOHN H. BROWN, 1.1 A. I , eRNESTOCK, ANDREW D. CASH, J. L. ERRHSGER. A t a timeline of the Board of Directors, held this day, F. it ATCHFORD STARR was appointed President. thsittukif CHARLES W. COXF, Secretary. Frr, • IN'UItANUE COMPANY OF THE FTATE OF PENNRYI VANIA, NOS. 4 AND irifxcii ANGIE BUILDING —J.Nor.riv 16, 1861. The following gentlemen have been duly To-elected Dircolore for theyear 1661: HENRY D NHERRERD, BINIEON TOBY OHARLER MACALESTER, WILLIAM R. SIDIPH, JOHN H. BUDD. WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGh: H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT, Jo., TOBIAS Wnq id ER. THogIAB B WATTBON, HENRY G. FREWhIAN i CHAOLihn LEWIS, GEORGE C. CARSON. At a meeting of the D.rectors. he'd this day, HENRY D. 811.1tRERD, Esq., was unanimously re-elected President of the Company. jalB 61 WILLI Pi Al HARPER. Secretary. firCOMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COM.- YA:4I7 °F THE SPATE OF PhiNDISYLVA KA, 613 OHESTN II V STREET, PHILADELP 111 , January 14, 1861. At a meeting of the Stockholders of tho rommon - 'wealth Insurance Comea. J an uar y e Siete of Pommy!. ‘ianta. held at their elites, 7. IBM. the following Gentlemen were elected to serve no Directore for the ensuing year: AVID .TAYNF., M. D.. M. M. WHITALL, HOM 8 8. BTENVA RT, fill A RLIIB JI, lIHQ WItiIA ). TRUTRER ' S. IteNRY LEWift. ROBERT SHOEMAKER, JOHN K. WALK FR. EDWARD D. KNIGHT, BTEP iKN coilur Anil at a meeting - of the Board of Directors held on this day. the foliewing Officers were re elected: President7DAV D JAYNE. M 1) vipe President —.toil N dl. Will 'vat,. Nearetnry—l , AMUM, 8. MOON. jal7-10t - - - tiOFFICE OF TOE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. PIMA DELPRIA. JIMMY 14,7881. At the annual meeting of 17tockholdere of the Paine Insurance Gongola held the day. at their arum, No. 4 of.; CR EsTN titreet, the following-named gentle nvn were elected directors to serve for the ensuing iear: _ . GEORGE W. DAY, NANIIII.O WRIGO DAVID D. BIRNEY. I', EN ItY LEWIS JR I HAs. NL.HARDSON. Be,D_OBI, J. BODINE, JOHN W.I.:VERN/IN, GI•ORGE A. WEST. TH M. N. MA O. w ILSON Ir,DwA all D. WOODRUFF. JOHN lassLEK, JANUARY 16,18.51. At is meetins of tho Board of Direct , re, hOld this day. thn follownm gentlemen wore unanimously elected offunirot GRGFGE,W, TIKV. President. . . FltilNClB N. BUCK Vice_ Vresident. jalo.6t WILWAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. TT'OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPAIS Pula, January 14. 12431. The Annual Meeting of the Rtookholdere of thin Company will ho held at their officio No 3 0 8 WAI— N Lls' Street, at II o'clock M. on mONDAY, the 4th day of February next An Election tar Twenty Directors to serve the ensu ing year will be held on said day at the same place, between 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'olocd; P. hl. tutus tfed B Al. HINCHMAN. Secretary. POPpLAR TASTE IN LITERATURE. —REV. A. ()LEV r LAND COXE.D. 11.. o f g.o,_ mors. . Ooneert - U CoI:SINT. above Twelfth street. TUPSDAY EVENING, 22d Januarv. Torkers Meanie; for solo al BURNS ft MEG. 211 nuEtsi 14111:St,. -PISCOVeL BO DEPOSITOKV. 1224 CH ESTNIJ V 2r.. and at the Door. 147 thstu-St LT:NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meettng of the Stockholders of the Branch Canal Company for the election of a eresident and five Managers of said Company alit ha held at the office of tbp Com.pany, ATfth NO, Penn sylvania'. at 10 o'clook A. on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of Jannary,llsl. B, order ot the Board. M. C. hIERCUR, 1010-Mt Seorltary. I OFFICE OF TIIE UNION CANAL co., ,i .s PHIL .DELp.IIA, January 16. 1861.—The Annual l 'teal of the eltookholdern Cl the Union Canal con 1. any.o Penneylvama. WI be held on TUESDAY Fe ' . ruary Liu next, at 11 o'dlook A. Pa, at the off= of the om pen • . it V.ts WALN UT eitreet ( Farquhar bluldinga) jal7. dtfe6 0. rb Q NINON, deoretary. ErOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, I{ILAPELPIIIA. January 14.11411. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-1115 annual meet toe of the stockholders of this Canteen! will be held on MOND AY. the 9th day of February. Ha, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the SANcool-ATRKET HALL. The annual eleotion for Directors will he held on MONDAY, tho 4th day of hlaratt, 1811 at the of fi ce of the Oonnany, No. 238 youth THIRD Street. Jals-tfe4 EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. "NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL• FIELD RAlLitteeD AND COAL COMPANY." L 'Ttie Annual bleeding of the btookholdere of the Com. Pony will be held at their office. No. uO4 coital FOURTH Ntreet. on MONDAY the 4th day of Fe bruary next at 11 o'oloolc A. hf, for the PUrpoFe of electing Five Directors of the said Company for the ensuing year, and for the transtotion of such other business rte may Lob ought before the meeting. HEN teY DODINBDN, Beoretary. Phi'adelphia, January 17, 1881. lalB.tleis [l:y. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO.. N 0.406 CHESTNUT Strew ' : Pitmammertte, January I. M. Ate meeting of the Mem of Directors, held thin Jab a Dividend of THERE PER CENT, on the capital of the Cornpeny woe deolared, payable on and after the let day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, .10-tfot Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. Anti CHESTNUT etreet. Philadelphia. FIRE AND INT. atilt RNES George W. Day, of firm of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wrigh . of firm of W right Bros. & Co. p II tiirrey, of firm of Davie & Blrney. Henry Lewie, Jr.. of firm of Lewis Woe. & Co. C. Ric hardeon, of firm of I. C. Bowe & CO. B, T. Bodine, Prelude nt of Wyomme Canal ComPanY Jno. W. Everman, of firm of J. w. Everman & Co. (ego. A. West, of firm of Weet & Fobee, T. B. Martin, of firm of Saone, Martin, Co. U. Wiloon Davistailorday-at F. D. Woodruff; of firiti of SiblOy. Molten, W° o 4 ruff: Jno. Kessler, Jr . No. 1713 Green street, GEORGe. W, DAY,President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD,BeoreIary. la2l•iftf UrO. APTHORP, Professor of Elocu • tion, ghtoo notice of his readiness to waive Private Pup.le. both lipids of the nay, at his former m om , No. I 6 South _rENTII Street. Lecture. in Schools for the prevent. ia22-3t• Tot:is AND BONDS BOUGHT AND sold on commitsloa by JAY COOKS & CO., ia22.ttyuf 114 Youth TIUUO btroet. j DNEY ' DD and interest allowed, by JAY COOKE Je CO.. ja22 lard 114 South THIRD Street. I NOURI?ENT FUNDS, SPECIE, &c, IL; bought Ec.d Hold by J. 7 Y COOKE CO., .11121 Imif 114 Nouth ThIRD strnet. frAtrTN AND kiOre • 9OLLECTEp by Y WORE k CO., Ja22 Imif 114 South Tnutp Street, NEW YORK, BOSTON. AND BALTI am re Exchange bought and sold hr JAY COOKE & CO, 1a22-llnlf 114 Bouth THIRD Street. F. B. E I AI E R, SEVOND, ABOVE GREEN, respeottntly thanks hies nulnprettle nue• tomeie for their patronage and liOneetty-"eltureseed ad miration of Ips Ambroty pas and Photpgraphs, which he hae made during the poet year. It. RETAIL BRY GOODS. DRE4S SILKS, 50 Cents Fancy Dress Silks, 62% Cents wanoy Dress Silks. 70 Cents. Fancy Dress Ellks.7o Cents. Fanny Dress Silks. 81 Cents. Fancy Dress Silks, 873 Cents. Fancy Dress Bilks el. solid Color Silks, 81. With a fine stook of ItiCD BROCADE BILKS. We are running off toe above lords at ve low prices H.W WM/DART SECONDHER. 450, 482, and 454 North Street, Ja22-Zt Above Willow. FLOUNOED SILK ROBES. We are olosing out the balanoe of our Robes very low. OUR WEN SDART BROTRER, 450, 452, and 464 North SECOND Street. }a73-2t Above Willow. WORKED TRIMMINGS, 12 Cents. Worked Tivernints, 15 Cents. Worked Trimmings, 20 Cents. Worked Trimmings, 26 Cents. All rodueed. to close oin. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 455, nod 460 North SECOND Street, pat 2t Above Willow RROOADE SKIRTING, 121 Cents. - 11 - 0 Closing out a 1810 lot at this low priee. OCRWEN riTODLIART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, Ja23-2t Above Willow NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE WORK FOR THE TIMES! EVERYBODY SHOULD SUBSCRIBE! THE AMBItIOAN CONSERVATIVE REVIEW, PUBLISIIRD 31ONTFILY, BY J. HERBERT, 52 BEEKMAN BT., NEW YORK A strictly conservative Monthly Publication, contain ing et pages folio. Consisting of Political, Commercial, and Literary Reviews on all current events; New Pub lications and Works of Art, together with 6 ditonthly Summary of Foreign and Domestic News. Also, an original series of Biographical, Hist 'rice!, and Solent' fie Articles and Elegant Literature, by the most able wri tars of the day in every department. EVERY MERCHANT, LAWYER, CLERGYMAN, SENATOR, And, in caul, every man of lasts, position or influence should have it. TEE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE REVIEW Will be st , ictlY neutral in its ohmmeter, and will endeavor, in all emergencies, to suggest a - tine of pulley, that con sistently with right and justice, may tend to allay all party or gootional feeling, and reconcile to each other the beanie elements that now or in the future agitate the public) mind. N. B. The first number of the American Conservative Review will be maned on the lot of February, 1881. PUBLISHER MONTFILY AT $5 PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, BY J. HERBE HT, 32 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. N. B. Lettere containing eubrorietione and all other communioatione should be addressed to the Americas Coneervative Review, New i'ork. .First-olase Agente wanted in every (lay in the 'United States. de29-stu&th Vol B OOKS ON MILITARY SCIENCE, &c , TO SALE BY SAW.. 'HAZARD. JR.._ 7U4 tiESTNIFT 8 MEET. RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS for the Exercises and Manoeuvres of Troops when Wing es Light In tante. or Riflemen. By Brevet Lieut. Col. WJ. Hardee U. A. 2vo e.. $lOO INFAIV FRY TACO ICS. as used in the rutted States Army. By Gemmel Winfield Scott. S vote.. plates. $2 80. THE CRUIT a compilation of Exereiess and Movements of infantry. Light Infantry. aril Riflemen. B Leapt. J. T. o Caine, 80 ate THE PCHOOL OF THE GUILES ; Designed for the use of the Militia of the United states, by Col Eugene LeGal Fifty-fifth Regiment New York State Militia, Cloth to _ EVOLUTIONS OF THE LINE, as Practiced by the Austrian Infantry. Translated by Lseut. C. M. Wilcox, U. S. n Plates, 81 RIFLES AND RIFLE PRACTICE; an Elementary Trentne upon the 'llvs•ory of Rifle Firing. By C. M. Wilcox. U.S. A. Plates 8175. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION, for the Volunteers and Militia of the United states. with many illustra tions. By Mai. W. °Lamm, Commander at the Virginia Military Institute 1 v01..2.60. TR, Ait2I4.LERIeT'B mANUAL; Compiled from venous sonless andadapted to the service of the United States. Illustrated by Engravings. By John Gibbon, Fi rat Lieut. Fourth Artillery. 1 vol., Elva. 85. TDB HAN li-BOOK OF ARTILLERY. for the ser vice of the United Mates. By Capt. Josrph Roberts. One vet .15 cants. . . • VOLUTNiNS OF FIELD BATTERIES OF AR TILLERY. Translated from the French. and arranged for the A rmyand Militia of the United States. ny Ma jor Robert Anderson, Ist Artil ery, and Commander of Fort Sumpter, with numerous illustrations, One vol . et THE CAVALRY TACTICS. as adopted to, and used in the service of the Unit a States. 2 vole. Volume 3 of the above separate. with the b isle CAVALRY—ITS RISToR v AND TACTICS. By the celebrated Cant Nolan. killed in the renowned charge of the Light Rdcade. One v01..113360. SKIRAIIBII DOlt L FOR hoDUNTED TROOPS, as used in the United Statea_serviee Paper. 38 cents. 31AHAN'8 DUTIE s OF OU r -POSTS, TH. MILITARYLO&IStItSION To EUROPE. Heins the report of Capt. George B. McLellan, United States • 'wait,. tient out by Government. $5 BA LICHER% tcYSTvI,I OF tiORSEhIArinHIP. In cluding the 'training and Breaking, and how to obtain a good 'eat. 81. HINTS To ROSSER , ' EPERS. 137 11. W. Herhert. 1 vol. Illustrations. SIM. THE ACT OF TAMING 110R 1 3ES. By J S. Rater. Illustrated edition. Price 60 cents. THE SWORD EXESCfSE Arranged for Military Instruction, omitai. log the Foil. Broadswerd. Cut and 'Show. Re. 117 Major Wayne, U. S. A. 8110. ja=-3t GREENHOW ON DIPTHERIA. Published THIS DAY, by LINDSAY K BLAKISTON, Publishers acid Bookseßanh 25 SOUTH SIXTH St.. above Chestnut. ON DIPTHERIA, by ROward HeaiDam Oreenhow, Fellow of .the Royal College of Physizians, kn. I vol. Eivo. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. TIIOE.. ONS' HAND•JOK OF HOSPITAL PRAC- I.Y 13 2. LEIDY'S 81/21AN ANATOMY. S }4ODHE•O DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. DO • KNHAM ER ON THE RECTUM. 6 ALTHAISS' MEDICAL, bLE ,, THICITy. 6. KING S gif•oKERY UNMASKED. 7. HILLER' POCKET AN ATOMIST 8. DIXON'S PRACTIOAD TREATISE ON DIS EASES , DP TEE EYE. 9. CAMPLIN ON DIABETES. MIS G EVANS' GIFT-BOOK STORE, N-A • No. 439 01118TNUT Ftreet •- . • BUY YOUR BOORS AT EVANS'. All Books are sold ae cheap as at any other store, nod you have the advantage of receiving a handsome Gat with each Book. You nun get NEW AND FRESH COPIES of all the Standard Rooks in every twart:neat of Lite rature, together with ALL THE Nv NV BOOM As soon as puhlished, and a Hayworth from One to Ons liunilred Dollars with each. De:emoted to maintain the high reputation already beetowed upon our enterprise, we shall present to our customers a superior quality and greater assortment of (lifts than heretofore, and guarantied to give satis faction, . _ . REMEMBER, That every purchaser of a Book, to the amount of ex or upwards, will receive a handsome Present, whereby they have the advantage of obtaining TWO GIFTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. And in many instances the value received will be a, hundred fold the amount invested. To THE Call in, and one purchase will assure you that the beet Place in the oily to buy Holiday Books. Is at ()ROE G. EVAWM GrFT. BOOK EkTA B LIM WENT, No. 439 CHU; I. NUT Street. rhiladelphia. !grangers visiting the city are respectfully invited to onll and examine the large oolleotion of Books. dell tf E NGR IVED PORTRAITS Either of the following Bele& id portraits can be had at our counter, price lb cents each, or wilt be sent post paid for le cants. oath or stogies. REV. C. 11. PURGFON, OARIBM.DI, t ?}mica Olt WALES. fiVEIBCILD__, , FRISCH ALFRED. ADWAHD EVERETT. I. BEECHER, DICKENS, NLEOLEOE. LOGY.EIR. I'3IEBEOE7. MACAFLAIT, And 110 others. For names sena for circular. Each rortrait is accompanied by a memoir, and the Illus. Crated News of tAe World, gratis. It A. BROWN & CO., 14 HANOVER Street. Roston, Wholesale and Retail Deniers en Engravings. Cnromor, Oil Prints, Illustrated Works, RC., rots-thaw et 8 01 ) K BUYERS.—Gentlemen: 1 have takeq thq Basemen wheree Philadelphia Bonk. 419 CHEBrsuT Street, wilt continue to bur and sell las I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenne Book-stand) Idand new Law end Mis cellaneous Hooks. I have for sale upward; of 100 old black-letter Molts printed prior tb the year 1 4 90. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the New Testament, E vole., Ito, punted in late. Prices3o. I will also deal in Engravings and Autographs. Femme et a dlstanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their names dates, s ..Indings, oonditions and pnoes. Pamphlet Lave 01 Factual= vania, and old Books upon Amenea wanted. sue-sin JOHN OA MITELL. RAILROAD LITIES. TUE PENNSYLVANIA 0 N'TR A L JLAILIOAD. SOO MILES DOUBLE TAACk. 1860. a'vz - z;_-____,x 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO A NY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPata AND PITTSBURe, Conneoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points gist, and in the Union Depot at Pittsbuyg with Through Trams to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facihties for the transportation of Passengers unsurpnwed for spoed and comfort by any other route. . - Express and Fast Linea ran throngk to Pittsbirs. without change of Cars or Cantle torg. AU armlet Pas senger Trains provided Wan Loughridge's Katera Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer. thus adding MINA to ;ea paints' of travpiters, a mq kni g Call are aitaoned to each Irani ; Weal:ars Sleeping Oars U. 14pros and Fast Trains. The EXFII4BB RUNS DAWY : Mail and Feat Luau. etu de:ye exeepted. lltl nun levee ntllaftelehLa at 8.00 A. M. tuit Line 1140 A. M. Expiess TRAINSes VA P. M. WAYLEAVE AB FO LL O WS : Karriabarg Aooommodation , Ala Columbia, 4P. S, Columbia CIA P. M. Parkcaburs 12.90 P. M. • West Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, Parket burg Aooommodation, and Columbia Tralna, Passengers for Sunbury, WilinaMatort, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falb. and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia Westward. and 2 P. M. go directly through. Tickets may be obtained at the of of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and 'Pickets Eantward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio IT/0111.. igr Pare always al loin Alla Unto as emelt, es by any thor e. Far filter Information nasty at the Passenger sta tion, Bout east corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The oomoletion of the Western oonneotions of the Penbffylvants Railroad to Chioaro. make this the GIRECT MAE BETW TREAT THE R.AST THE GREAT WEST. The conneotlon of trioke by the * Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the caving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shipagere of Freight, and the Travel ling Publio. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with Gong, derma on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad gra eif all times a: Yanorobts as era eitarged du slier Railroad q ieVaillialloular tomtit paatayes " Via Panne. AMI- N • '• For Freight °entreats' o r Shirring Diraotions. apply to, at if 1b1,121 either of the fo llowin g Agents of tie eon pant. D. A. STEWART, P i ttsburg, 11,fi.pieroa & Oa., Zenewrille,O.; J. J. ..! OurftioleY. 0 4 R. lideN eel's, tilaylp. y.: CittiLiaog , 1 / 4 , iropPeri , rerkff,00,,,,„..34,4„,0,0„J0/lemon me t, Ludt ti 'i oi.oi. Dort j• b ec at i rti" u ' rti . ;aiAt °l'd'''. :o. tr, floors ; .; N. Ky .; P. G. b'lttler n e i 8 1 ,... veneorille, Ind.; N. W. Witham. & Co., cti ro r I td Re . Sass, Maier & Maks, St. Loma, Mo.; John 11. Har r/VI lischnlie, Tenn.; Barrio & Runt,Mainphis Tann.* clams & 00., °Morino, 111.,. W. H. It. Roontli, Alton: 11;.; or to Frol , ht Agents of Railroadil at air:threat points 1 yr West. 4: B. S RINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ORAN" ..e. worm, N o ticEth MOM baltitsere FOBS i 88,,,,Isiit t WlgrePOVito.tiou'"" k " . ' N. H. nsellEcres, Gen'l Freight eine e Phila. 1,. lb. ROUP , Gen'lTioket gent Mla. E. LEWIS. Goal Sup't Altoona. Fa. lad ly INSURANCE COMPANIES. -,....,.... w .,, RTHERN ASSURANOE COM LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN IBM. CAPITAL, $.6.298 800, CASH ASSETS, $2,892,265.62 ANNUAL REVENUE UPWA RDM ( )F la 130 000, Statameat of the oar dition of the C O MP/111, made in compliance with the law of 24mM/um& ; Cap.tal stook - 00 Number of Nimes of Stook subscribed for —.-... 62,403 Amount of assessments or Insialments on stook paid In, in cash— 312 016 00 ASSETS. The value as nearly as may be. of the Real Fetate held by the omparly.„ 201,023 lb Cash on hand, and depotuted in Banks 103 912 73 Cool, in hands of Agents, and in course of tranamieeion.... .. ... 225,783 58 Loans secured by Fronde and arortgagea, constituting the first ben on the Real Be. to e. on which there it lees than one year's interest due and owing— —. , 69,949 Brooke owned by the Company, Whether of any State or of the United Staters. or of any incorporated oity or the United States, or of any other... 298.191 Bonde he d by the Company as Collateral ' Security for Inians. ......... ..... 165,1500 00 Other investments • -- 91,19018 LIABILITIES. Lessen due, and unpaid, (Fire and 141e1.... Claims for losses whioh are in suit or con tented by. the Company— „.. None. Losses during the , year hioh have be en paid,( Piro and 'w .0102073' Divider de deo ared . ....... .. ,_........... 21.401 13 Dividends declared. due, and unpaid........ 3,844 93 Amount of all other °lama against the Comeany, contested or otherwise includ ing Fire Duty due the Government, end unclaimed Dividends-- ...... . 46,440 48 "INCOME. Groin; cash premium; reosived, (Fire and Life)—..... ....... 950,876 89 Interest money received from the— invest- Income - of Irom other 6011reen.... EX PENDITURES. ,5 mount paid endowing for reinsurance pre • miume, and amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid.. .......• 144,333 48 Dividends psid during the Tett...—. —.... 23,43 T 38 Expenses paid during the year, inoludins commissions and fees paid to the agenis and Whams of the Company_. .-- 183,048 60 Amount of all oilier expellees and expendi tures of the C0mpany........ .. •.. 81,744 25 Raving complied with the law continuance the undereigned respectfully a 'licit aof the patronage which since the en liberally bestowed upon thiti Company since the eatabliahment of the Agency in this city. • he large allycpital of the Company and waitnited liabaity of the shareholders offer the greatest Be. entity to Policy holders. Losses paid in Philadelphia as soon as proper proofs are presented. (3-ETTY & LEIBING, ' AGENTS. • 426 CHESTNUT STREET. jal7-thatudt New Building Philadelphia Bay, T3E RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE No. 3N WALNUT STREET, The following etatement of the affairs of this Com• rang on the 81st of Deoember, 1860, is publiehed in our. Beaune of the Charter, viz To Capital Stook, paid tn.— 8214,700 CO To Celt, fioatea of rrofits, convert ible into titook— To Contingent Account for Premi um@ on toure Ripka outstanding Deeemb•r 31, 1859.-- ..—. $49 295 65 Ito do received in IMO.— 43,735 36 $93.053 92 To Interest Account, net, received in 1860 .—....... 6116,766 41 To Policies, Transfers, and other Profit. To Profit and Loss, 1819... 63 764, 76 60,677 67 By Dividend Account, paid for the year 1859—eto S 4 . By Losses by Fire in 12 6 1 . 22,469 62 80, P mum Premiums, Coinmie alone, &0................267721&0......... By Expenece. including Agenates. Taxes. and Donations to Fire Companies.-- 11,923 98 --- 77.132 83 Remaining with the Corneae y.... 8317,1(2 04 WHICH IS INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: In Pirast Mortgages on Improved City Pro• perry, worth double the amount— 61160,003 00 In Ground Rent finst ' •• • • 3,463 50 In City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, (50 tioo) ......... 29,975 75 In Penneylvanie Railroad Co's. 6 per rent. 3d Mortgage Loan (930.000) --- • • . 27,1)00 In Allegheny Co. a per oent. Penney vania Railroad Loan— .--.,. 10,000 00 In Collateral Loans well tenured . 2,51)0 Is) In liuntin_gdon and Broad Top Mountain R. H. and C. Co., Mortgage Lcan...... In P,•rantylvarda Railroad Company's 6 per cent. 1 t Mortgage Loan - 5,00) 00 In Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. 5t00k..... 44,520 i5l 1n County Fire Institance Co. 1,050 CO In Delaware insurance Co. Stook...—. 7EO 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stock.._... 4,000 00 In Commercial Bank 5,155 01 In Mechanics' Bank 3,812 50 Iu Union M. Insurance Co. scrip 580 M in 11,552 In Book Aceounte, akoruediutoros6, 6.6016 a In Cash on hanci— „ ..,............, 16,070 F 9 The Directors have title day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Company. and on the Certificates of Profits OUtlitandl.K. 1.? the year ending December Stet. le6o, without deduction for Stale 7 ax. payable in cash, on and after the nth inst. Also a Dividend of sOUR PER 0 ' , Ng.. payable pro rata on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned. out of the profits of the Coat piny ior the year ending Decem ber el. /860. for which Uertifloates of Profits, bearing intereat, will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the BAUM wirier the pro rialone of the charter, on and after the 16 h inst. No certificate will be feinted for any has sum than ten dol , ars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sum less than ten dollars, and not leas than one dollar. are credited to the insured on the books of the COMM), and if, within any period of ten years. the said ~redits amount to ten dollars. certificates therefor will ho leaned. Ceriifimea of Plata are liable tumidly. with the Ca pital Stock, for the losses and engagements of the Com pany, and may be convertead into Capital Stock at any time, at the option of the holder. DIRECTORS. CLEM TINGLEY, ROBERT STEEN. WIL R. THOMYSON. WILLIAM MUSSER, FREDERICK BROWN, BENJ. W. TINGLEY, JOHN It. WORRELL, MARSHALL HILL, G. L. CARSON, Z. LOTHROR, ROBERT TO LAND. ORA R LELAND.. FREDERICK' LENNIG, JACOB 'l'. MINTING. CHARLI S S WOOD, SMITE BOWEN, .1 AMES 5, WOODWARD, JOHN BISSEL, Pittsburg, SAMUEL SHIPMAN, 1 TINGLEY. President. rotary. jals-ttith&oSt U. M. BINCHMAN. 800 PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE I'HI C OMP RIA. ANY, OFFICE No. 8211 CHESTNUT ST.. U ELY The foiteNitni statement of the affairs of the Comps.- ny inpublated in oonformiti Neith a prottleion of the Charter; DECEIT'S SOD THE YEAS ENDING DECEM SER. MO. For Lilo Premiums for term of life. For 1ife.................._..___. _9162,657 33 For hxtra R joke.— ..... For Interest received on inven t/lento— 82,218 37 or .Polndes, Policy foes. .. 216 00 Foy Boris, Dividend on purchased Follows— » .............. ..... 8237,356 97 LOSSES AND EXPENSES DURING THE SAME PERIOD. For Losses CO/ amounting to. 814,570 OD For ..xpanses Salaries, Adver tising, Ned. Ea 10 Ma 65 Rent, State and City Taxes, 4 0 - • 3,844 4() For Agency Charges, Commis sions. lases, Au— -.. 9,751 76 For Reinsurance and Interest For Return . Fren Paid ihims purchase of Potioies. 11,01t9 10 For Interest 'Dividend . , Interest 0n50rip...... 17,049 60 For Guara ' ntee Capital g 084 ea 8101,517 22 Amount ridded to Capital in 1860- • 513 0 .089 78 Accumulated Capital December, ma az 27 Accumulated Capital December 31,1840 en OTl,tillt 92 ASSETS OF TILE COMPANY LIABLI2 TO PAY LOSSES JANUARY 1, 3881. 100,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1871..- 100,212 60 13,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1865. 13,376 0 0 30 060 Urit d at 6 - per cent. Tv enemy Votes.-- • 34,037 60 2,000 Pennsylvania 0 per cent. Loan.... -. .....- • • 9,105 CO 20,000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. 18.174 69 29,009 , Pennsylvania per cent. 'Coupn Hon .... • . 18,635 00 14,80) Phila o delpt da 6 . per cent. L0an........ 13,861 74 35,000 Philniephia 6 per cent., 33.69/ 60 28,000 Philadelphia 0 per o 20 8 1.= 0 PhilatielPnk .; 9er Feit• Glop Loan. .... .25,759 50 10 0443 Pitts Curg 6 per cent Loan 8,X15 00 22,000 Allegheny county 6 per oent. I can ... 16,815 10 10,000 Washington counnty 6 per Loan- -- - • - 7,975 CO 21 000 Pennsylvania R. R. Ist mortgage G per cent, Loan 20,49 q op 20,000 Pennsylvania R R. 24 mortgage 6 _per cent. Loan 16.040 00 20,0X1 N. Penne. ft. R. tat mort gage 6 per 9mnt. =ZOO I DO 600 shs Penna. R. R. Mock 28,449 77 slis Lehigh Coal and Nave ation Company.-... 5,373 61 1112 Cirard Life Annuity and Trust Cl:Milani ; . • • 8 171 38 100 ohs Western ank Eton. •„: . 6 SGI 50 Silt she Con,Meroial Mk stook, 10,685 25 76 she North America Dank atock ~ 10.168 00 100 she Manufacturers' and 61 ea han les' Bank stock.... 2,786 00 Aleohanios' Bank of Bt. Lome ... -,......- 4,950 60 Mortgagee and Ground Rants, all - Snit hone - 262.360 93, Loans on Polio /4179 26 Loans 0n... 40,179 69 Bills Receivable, Proinium Notes-. ... . . . , 129,975 69 Real Reran, 'Budding Thlici and Dock.- . .... 86 COO IXI Real k.atate. Chestnut street... 24,721 04 Scrip Lividenda of Insuranoe - 61,860 00 Ageme, balance of their• ea oounte due-.... 20,745 78 quarterly Payments on • Poljoi • eil issued 11,916 08 • Cash on hand and in Rank.. ....... 17,444 28 In ores; on investments to Jan. 22 305 86 Office . 3,020 48 Franklin Fire Insurance • Co • - • ... 300 00 AhnUities.- 200 25 Amount.-- _.1,078)89 02 Deduct two Loasen . duo in f061...0 c4l, 81.971,128 02 PHILADELPHIA. Jan. gth,lB6t. At an election held,at the office of the COMM,. OA MONDAY. tin:4th met., the following gentlemen Vex@ duly eleoteu Trustees: FOR TURES AFA, WILLIAM MAR Virg,... JOH n eLdIRENNER, RICHARD 8. IV EWBOLIB. al.Myiklllll COATES, JOS. H. TR ,T . C.CR, J. B ._ lc RA ALAND. WM. 11. Kbßlsi, WM, P. HACK OR, JAMES EUSTON. FOR TWO FRAU& JAMBS O. PEASE; 1701 t. ONr. JAbtha TRAM. NLA H. At a meeting of the aril of Trustees. held TlllB EVENINcts 1.14N11. L 111.kLLEFI_, wee eleoted resident. and SAMUEL E. STOKEY, Asa, Vica Thefor the ensuing year. dal , . The Boml of TrOatees twit. tbte I_I2OOOITOO 00r,D Divide d of T WEN CY FIVE VENT. loon the cash premiums paid in gal. The y have also declared a Cash Dividend of 8 1 IX PER CENT upon tee 'Serie Dividends issued front Wit to /860,1D011181 , 10. payable at the o*a of the Cbmpany alter the ath day of toebttntry 1104 C, to those wh o h ave paid their whole premium' in oath. and to those who are Indehted td the Compady Tor prenttum notes or other w e,e; I . t 3 3 , 11.1 l be iu vtyabte at the tune of settlement of 'Tte Pr n i tlitiL L. MILLER, President. Se U EL J. B.POK 13, Eaalidant. JOHN W . HORNOR, Secrete, . • -tJa77.4blitilet lALEP—For sale by IiVETEIXRILL & a , BROVIELAT 111p4Ejig UNA WHNATLEY & 01, ARRY2III ARCIELST. TrrEATRE. FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT OP KISS CHAR LOTTI.IEVE CUENI N eRMA G N I TH rho will appear, for the last time but one. in her World-renowned inlpersonetion of NANCY EYKEe! In Diakens' " OL•VRR TWIAT." Also, in hor oomia part of Atm. 8111BSON. In eInIPSON & CO.. oonetituune A DOOBL,P, ATTRACTION! WAINIIT-STREET THEATRE. noir Lame.— Mr, (d- A. GAR O I47O. Stage Manager Mr. WM. A, PM . lb/Inm. Agen.. _Mr. JOS. D. Ita • y. THIS (TUESDAY; EVENING. Janata? 1 1 4 nerforenance w_ll oono tide with an MAIM) new Comedy- entitled OUR AMERICAN COUSIN AT ROME. Mr. Pothern a. 1 ord DanarearLand the Hon. Emmet Plane net Albert Triptolemus K ers Onalyn. - .Aata Trenehard. Mrs Anna. Cowed pa. —Baste Trrnehard. To commence with the lanatiithra Linton called IRE atiLLE_it OF - WHETSTONE. DOOlll (Men et 6N. readoen nerlormeaona COSOMO4OO a t 7 o,olook. Ili , Prices as usual. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIISIO.I AIR• GEORGE ROOD Has the honor to announce to hie friends and the habitue+ of She <teem, that. he win give a GRA ND OPE EVEN IN G. JANUARY T ON THURBDAY 14. IE6I. For which specialty he has engaged the services of Nome of the moat . POPULAR ARTISTS Of the present time in America, who will appear IA a beautiful and varied SELECTION OF OPERAS, Arranged especially for this 11 6 0161011 by CARL FORMES. The entertainment will commence with the second act of Flotow's Grand Opera of IPARTRA. Lady Henriatta— -.. Mad. BERTHA JOH ANNABA% Naney.—. _Mad VON SERIES,. 8 P t ifELLI. PlunketVi hie original eti . areeter) . FORMES. "rn be followed by a gr nif Scene from TANCRI4 DI Br MADAME AN mA BIBPOP. In which she will sine the c 4 lebrlted aria "Di Tanti Palpiti;" alter 'which will be introdooPd the second set of DER FREYPCHUTZ. Agatha a edema JOHANNPEN. Atmehen ----. ----Madame VON BE REIN,. Max. •...Flienor 81 'TELL/. Madame Anna Bishop will afterwards appear and sing Banks of Guadalquiver." To be followed by a beautiful scene endear, from hi ASSANIELLO Massaniello • STIGELI4. Pietro . -ea RL FORMEs. the Meninx 's entertainment will conclude With a grand National Tableau of WAIHINGTON. In which the en tie Company will sing the "STAR SPAN OLEO B •NNER." Direotor • ......Mr TN e.OOORH THOMAS. ickets. on reserved seats. One Dollar. B e ck obtained on and after Tuesday. at the Academy. & Lawton's, and Chickering's. from a till 4 o'clock. Family Circle (for this night only), 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'cloog, wmmenee at 8 o'clo3k.Ele2/ VAN AMBIIIIGH do CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS. 496 and 428 CHEaTNUT Street. 9 Next to the House. EVERY MORNING, AFTERNOON and VENING Doors open at 10 A. It. gaud 6% P M. Ad-Masten 111 cents; children under nine-sears 15 omits. Perform. anon of I .leptiant, Lions, 'fixers eanthere. Leopard*. cenies, Monkeys, Mules , every Afternoon and Evening. oURTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK Of this Moral, instructive, and Amusing .b.abibition. SPEcIAOTIGE —1 hat miracle of mammy, the wondomul Performing I , lephast %pen amb. soli he ntroducied into the arena every After/van and Eve ping. by Prof. Nash. end execute feats hitherto deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. ial4-t f V,ANFORD'S OPERA iiousr,. ELEVENTH 511MHEI OPEN FOR THE REASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND FALen7RD. MR. BANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever gragentag karetofer•, who yin appear ntghtl7 Hanford perionn every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7M. Admittance la cents. Children is come. 4011 Jenumer 12, 1881 SHE GERMANIA OROIIESTRA give 1 thetr PUBLIC ItREIBASSALS ever) TUR DAY,commencing at AIS o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tickets. SI; single tiokete,Semtatil, for sale at Chickering & Non's, 807 Chestnut street; Andre'e. Oat Chestnut street; and Bank & Lawton'a. Chestnut street. aluchisomeeie for Concerts. Commencements, Pat ties, Ac., made outs at their Office, Minim:int A. Son • Piano Store, 807 aheatnut street; William Swll ‘ Sal North Juniper street. or C. Droothman, 1009 Ridge avenue.ce3l-V - --8220,642 60 ENNA. ACADEMY OF THE !FMB 11. ARTS.-1095 CHESTNUT Street. " CHIMBORAZO." a aptendid Painting by Minot. "THE§ FIRST SIN." a beautiful Marble Statuette by Angelini. On exhibition for a short time. Visitor/ will please bring their opera glum. MEM - - - - - WANTED A Eltuation by a Young Man. who has had four years experience in tile Cloth Engine. ; unexceptionable reference can las amen. Address "C. H. K.," this office. it= St. • WANTED--In the family of a Fehool v mast , r—Lessons in the Italian Language *pd in Mae e, for which will be gm m in return. instruction of a high order in French., 4ttin, and the e milieu branches. None need apply but the most comps ent teachers. Ap ply :so 125 South J ENTH :greet. Memory. ialz-se. WANTED.—Several intelligent Canvas. sere onn realize from $3 to TR Hr day in sell ing Boweh's popular RIO may OF UR n.AT,014 OF TILE EARTH. Apply to WA. LAIRD & Co. parts WALNUT driest. it in tent by mail to all. parts of the United Wares, free of postage, on receipt of a go!d dollar and fifty cents in postage stamPe• It• CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES WANT- Rl).—The '• Congressional U lobe " (6 vo'notels) of the Thirty-foarth Congress wanted, at this office. )al6-tf fIE DYERII ER, A YOUNG MAN, in desirous of obtaininr a situation. where he Can make himself generally useful; is a g• od accountant. and Can 'peak Beyond languages. including German. Moderate compensation only required. Can refer to place t employer. Address It. 8.," at this Office. jal94tt riEKEEM SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man In a House trading with Cuba. or some other Sparnah porta. to carry on the correspondence and assist in keeping the hooka. Unexnept , onable refereneee given. tath d6t*dreas A. N.," office of this paper. jays- $5,000 AND $3 000 TO LOAN, ON mortgage of thty. Property. Apply to JOHN B. CoLAHAN 142 South EIGHCH Eldest. njalB-2m --------------- en LARGET .W ANTED—For which a splendid COuriTtlY RE SIDENCE. with 22 acres of arable LAND, all of which is in the highest state of cultivation, and from Three to Five Thousand Dollars in moth. wilebe paid This pro perty admins Lancaster City, P... aid about one fourth of tre land lies in the city. The buildings are new. elegant. and in the Gothic style. '1 he nronen• cost twenty-five thousand dollars—ls clear of all mount brance—and the title is irdisnutable. For beauty of location It is not surtossed by any other property in the State. A full description of it, and all other Informa tion relative to the premises, can he obtained by calling ANI Hi M. CLARK DIN fit 409 CHESTEDr Street, Philadelphia. E. FARM AT PRIVATE PALE -A FARM of 60 Acres, more or leas. very beauti situated on the Delawar. River 13L miles from Claymont Station, on the Wilmington and Philadelphia Railroad, The land is in the highest a ate of coins's- Son. 13“ildIng6 in Stet-rate repair. For paritanlam', inquire of G W. t,ODGi , , P. M , ram-at" at Clarmont, Delaware. Terms easy. in TO RENT—A neat three-story Brick 1131. Hone. 1321 oLivg &last. E. P. M IDDLETON & BRO., North FRONT titre t. dill 'I 0 RENT—Residence, 1020 ARCH wro Street, Coaoh House and Stable in the rear. Ap ply at once at 160 North Tlllol)St,eet. rTO LET—The Business Stand at the southeast oorner of MARKET and FOURTH StreOt& Apply. between the hours of 9 and 10. to ELIA -TON P. MORRIS. Rae 12t* No. SOS MARKET Street. 52;9.9.18 Sq p - OR SALE—STOCK AND RIXTUREB AL of the old-established Blank Book and Eit.sioonerY Store. No. 5 South F.F.Street. jell.fmw NEWSPAPER FOR 'SALE.—A Weekly Newspaper establishment, with a handsome circu lation, loomed at one of the moat tuitional!, Points In Pennoylvanis, is offered for sale. There is a complete job office attached. addrem Printer." Peon office, de4-tf ►rO LET—The commodious and desirable 'War rooms. No. 313 MARKBT Street. being the Second. Third, Fourth and Fifth storiee, front 33 bY IZS feet, lighted in front._ side. and by two large eke lights. The choice location for bagmen and the nee. nor manner of en”etruotion make them more than or dinarily attraorive to business Orme making or desi nog a change of location' gas fixtures throughout. Apply at MY eRs, CLAGS KN..% CO., auctioneers. corner lidA KKT and BANK Streeta. is 3 tf A RARE CHANCE TO GET INTO JAIL BUBIPSF.99.—The advertiser doing an extensive first glue city and country Dry Goods businsas in the Olt) of t,aneaster. unending to engage in other busi ness. for sale, on reasonable terms the stook. good will and fixtures of bia atore.with the prtmlege of either buying or tenting toe property. '1 he location is one of the very boat in the city ; the store room has recently boon retitled in the most modern style, so that. not f Philadelphia. the room is one of the test in ibis State., The store room is one hundred feet in uepth by twentr.five Wide, with on ..ffioe back and a +tweet 1 t of thirty feet. Altogether, it is an opportunity rarely met with. A business of Sixty Thousand .pollara a year hes been done, and cap be done again. and more too. with the proper kind of Stook. For full particulars ad dregs •• kleichant," Box 190 Lancaster post driee. jal74t* Felol.l AND COONTRY-SEATS .711... FOR SAL R.—The undersigned, having for sale a large amount at psonerty in Montgomery and ailoining oninitlet such as } arms. country seam. Omit Mille, Storm Limber Yards. Hotel., &0., persona misti me to purottase or exchange mill find it to their advan tage to call. No charge for showing propel ties. Cata logues trent by mail. address R. H. CORSON, obi stn Norristown. Pa. t - OR EXOIIANGE.-A CHOKTE TRACT &good unimproved farm land rn the State of New Jersey, convenient to the oily, will be exchanged for city 2- property. Apply at No. 1 .F.F.DERAL Btreell. aetf RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER. • AND CONN i.,YANCSN. NORRISTOWN, PA. —Seal Estate bonglit and sold on reasonable terms. Stores aptidwollings 'or e.s , e or rent in Norristown sod oodntry. ttood morteax ea negotiated. Collemione made. Tie boat Wideness given. d 24 dm MISSOURI LAND 11 600,000 Acres for gale and entry. atprices Tonna* from 12% to 60 cents per acre, in any quantities re quired. TAXI:B paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation set. Plats furnished gis,tis by enclosing a postage stamp. For further tinrcation appl. to WILnOOI. k CO.. U.S. and Genera! Laud • cents. 60 CHESTnUT etreeb. Between THIRD and FOUNT% au' LOUIS. Ma. LAND WARRANTS bought, sal, and loestad. ja7-3m A MERIOAN SAVING FUND.--Ocan jkg_ii MARIA s ly h rdi2LiFeirZilu u li o-oiook, and op M D Bin the main. 'Shia Old Institution has always paid In Fall, on animal, witliout notion. INTEHEBT FIVE PER Gm% All rams paid back, on demand. in gold and silver. tlii i"VB. . l. 4 2..K r iil eglg l e'PATt s : John O. Pam . 'H arper, ....eor Iluggrat. Jolla Angskaob, Jr,. Barcd.rodmo, Alb. &Ming, j.Ain Altman, Jones owspaia, H. IL ih J. Hoard. JO B. WlLBON,Treeepep e JOHN O. 81..8, secretary. no.lo-tf if QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, 0.7 (Am an North THIRD Street, between Irrnq and wlowhill. inoorr,orarnd by the LnitibitureAol2l pi l e , %ia i r f ig e rriONA P Y r a a ini l adtt r krona 0 to 8 oclock. Interim; Spar cent. per annum. Deplintora can with: draw their.moneyi by Checks, it deed. BMA' Aim Nets roomed. lAlid:EB if. pRINIIIIE. Praidq flaxen Ram , . *areas. tale-tr szaFOR OHARLISTON AND SA ICANNAIG—The ateacnahio 11.YSTOIVE STATE. Caot.• Marahwari. will aka for tiararulaXoti. SATURDAY. January 26111, at la o'clock A. hi Goods for Charloaton. booth Carolina, tetll be taken al d tliverqd, La Charlartoa for fifty per cent. additiosak ft2lrbt or passage, SPDIJ to PEON & 011 1112144 No. 126 NO.H. - 0, WllAv29. AMUSEMENTS > WANTS FOR SALE .kIVI3 TO LET. sAVING FUNDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers