FOHfiIGNJffiWS: Times of November 9] : •‘ VIOTOB'HIiMANOEii, KIHG Of ITAIY.” ewiMMioN ofitiqoiiM it be had »7 loogarfc* eltata* ’;/«. who ba» nteav»d brother .toverelg n» rclong«d,,ltia all tha baiter that the Impatience otthe conqueror and of' Mi new subjects should «©tth©,ltettef of diplomatic ceremony, and - that Vidor Boatoanusi should have given effect to the plebiscite, by j>ro< elalmisK himself king. The man who hai hot bean stopped by the ramonstranoeß of half Jtexope r and by tha threats ofafirat-rato monarohyv must not shrink baek betore a formula. That'thera -can not be two. bishops in the same teals as old tradi tion, and yet thaw hare been in*t«*oes t>f expelled 5 relates, patriarchs, and.even>popes- Mtei * op ays, thaw will be two : Mag* actually exercising royal authority in the same realm. The Neapoli tans must make up their minds to be for a time enbjeot to adivldJdel|«*i.noe, md to .b* traitor, either to the king tie facto or the, king tie jure As Vietot Bowendel will, »t »ny rate, have to annex some of th. Fapai prosTnoes while the Pope Is etlll at Borne, there was really bo reason why he should treat hi, rival of Naples with greater con slderatlon. -■ Aftehwhat has .taken plaoe, friends would-hava been inclined to smile, and enemies to eseer:at eny farther display of sornpnloslty. The ftbrfo pf Bon'rlJon despotism was first over thrown by the tempest, and is now being submerged by the tide Ever nearer and nearer it comes, oar rying 'away aaeh -day 'some onlwork which re mined. The latest inoidents are the (eking of Oapua, the entranoe of the new King into Naples, ana his assumption of the offered orown The Ist , ter deserves to be recorded sh an event of interest, though it ban hardly be said to have much import aaco an the'remit of the war: It will eeisothe popular imagination, and an excitable folk like the .Neapolitans will' probably pass- Into eestaales of loyslty,- which wUI extend themselves throughout,-the country -In so far as the attach ment of the'people end the demohstretlons.wbioh they make- are likely .to strengthen Viotor Em manuel in Europe, we rejoloe at the reception which he met with as, on Wednesday morning, he entered that fair city, the pride of Italy and the admiration of strangers, now destined to ho one of the capitals of a great end powerful monarchy. Al though rain foil in torrents, the people'tamed but in eDthuel-stlc crowds to welcome their new. sovereign. -Victor EmOanuel appeared amongthera not as a conqueror,, or ae.tha representative of foreign domination, but as a king IteUanborn, -and with Italian- sympathies, wbo during many yean of a most difficult reign' has unswervingly pursued the same course, and straggled for the iedepen denee of hie country, both In the Held end ln the council chamber As the-Eing passed through their streets .amid tha-shouts-of thousands, amid the acclamations of lassaronl who, a few montha ago, were ready, with’ noisy- demonitratlons, of loyalty to the worst of tyrants, the more ednoated < spectators most have'feet the-greatness of the tri umph and ike completeness of the lesson.' There wen tmoog them, doubtleu,. meny whote wrists were Mill gelled by Bourbon handcuffs, whose eyas were week by long darkness, whose lunge were estbmetlo through the stench of pri sons, whose frames were week from .years of in sufficient food, whose bsoks, perhspe, were sosned by the lash. Other and more horrible outrages might be-, rroorded by eomo of those wbo stood, to see the savior of their aonntry and tha fatnre da fender of its liberies enter the city which has been so gellantly won for him. To each men the events of the present yeermnst seem liken dream ao rapid, astonishing, and crmplete has been the overthrow of the raoe which pereeeuted them In this moment ot .joy they mnet-have been In clined to view all things favorably: and yet it requires come ’ patience, and wtt knowledge of mankind to reeonsileha to the'wholeaal* conversion of the Neapolitan multitude. The patriots who, like Poerio, suffered for their.' efforts, to' confer liberty on the i eopte of southern Italy, must re. member that this people saw them go to their dun goons without a murmur, almost without a thought; that for ten jeare they lingered in misery, while Naples ats, drank. danoed,-sang, and slept as uaual; and that it is only when the bands of a die tent province, headed by a bold adventurer, drive the tyranny from their homes, that they venture to raise their voices against oppression whieh to nobtl spirits was worse than death. Then, indeed. . they raise their voices, high -enough, and shout Store loudly for the toWUn of liberty thin, evar they did for the dull line of despot* who ere gone. As the oriee-of tha gesticulating and fnniied crowds rose .long tha king’a path, as tha excited, nn nrned eonnteusncei wetohed his progress, the martyrs of liberty must have thought, with s little bitterness, how great s thing la success, whtoh can transfer the iffeetisna and transmute the principles of an entire nation. But, if the emhusiesm of Naples be'-not an of faring of the highest elate, if the loyally of this unxnstrooted and impulsive race follow the 'battalions and the most determined polity, >o much the more credit is due to the ruler, the statesman, and the soldiers who have insured nesMa to the oante of liberty. Wo have always thhaakt that in these Italian affairs, the opportu. nities have been made by the men rather than pis men by the opportunities; Italy owes everything to the noHsy.end courage of Vtotor Emmanuel, of Oavour, and oi Garibaldi .No hatred of the. Ant trim, no vegue yearning after nationality, no im pulses toward unity, would have advanced tho country one step toward ite ends, had it not been for the bold minister who established free institu —none in oneimiw-tetaw, wtiu iwa-w-pait m ute concents of Europe In 1855, and who, without rash ness or blustering, oppoeodthe pretensions of aus trie daring his whole reign.- It is yiotor Em manuel, the patient worker of ten years, the eon •tinitionid ’ king between two deepotto empires, the restorer of Italian armies to an -independent action in Earepe, the party to tho important treaty of Patio, whom ednoated Neapolitans will cheer ’While the crowd honor the present eaooess and bow down to power, however obtained, those who have known how to oppose both aneoess and newer will join with them for onco in honoring the courageous State of Sardinia and its wise' and politic government. 1 . ' \ It must gratify every one to observe that the fend whichdivided Garibaldi from the King’s ad vlsara seems to have been qnleted forever. The dictator ira* been also jolntng in, the fostivWos which follow victory, and has presented the Hnn carisn soldiers with oolors, in a spseoh wbieb barathea nothing bat devotion to the cause of Italy and to tha monarch whom she -bee chosen. . Tho authority oi Viotor Emmanuel is by this time tolly enabllibed throughout tbo country, except in the two fortresses which still hold out tor the Bourbon. All the objectionable appointments heye been oan aellad' both,the reactionists and tha ultra demo-' orate Sava been subdued; all danger from insor racttoß Of from anarchy is at an end: and-the Two, Sicilies: are as completely and regularly governed by tba newklng ca lf the throne had descended to him through twenty generations ot aneeetori. Via tor Bmmknael Is new king from thw Alps to Sicily. An offielat annexed the.Botnrbon kingdom tothn happy ,province* wbleh ere now united andsr iheseeptre of Savoy. Next will oome tho torn of tha Boman State*. -There, also, tbs lane cannot badoubtfttl-- Inetrarydistrict where French baronets do Bet keepthe people from the ballot-box tho bateßtl lwayof the Pope will be : repudiated, and alielaueuwlU hasten to trantfsr their alle ftaiseeto the King of Italy- Tha only fur is lest ttlrturhrfines' may srl t~ tfaroUgh.tha indiguatlon of tha aoonle in tho garrisoned province*. An inha- Koma, or Civita Veochis, or-Viterbo ■ay he goaded to eomo rash act by tho knowledge thaL w&Ue his mere lArtunpte; countrymen are alee tine a oonstltniional sovereign, bo and hi* naitbbore are foreed. to remain tha davu of an offOni aoaleeiutleal rule. to be' taxed for the army wbieb oppresses them, to bo subjeot to the ontrages oiMenoaii Oondottlerl. or Speotator* of the riot in. eftltby-Irishmen:; Wo sincerely hope that the intnence.of this oountry will be, exerted to necuo' ha' lartte n proportion u'possible’of.the neoDle of the Borneo, States from this unhappy doom. We bavo always thooght that tbs elty ot Boom and a few miles of tne Campegna an outta snffioient heritage for tho Popes, and-thut. even theh,” oaf*.'Should to 'taken to_ rtva theC Bomena: mnnlcipal insUrationi, something akin to theca which exist in Hamburg and the othtr Gorman free towns.:' Should snob.a polioy bo carried out, nothing will remain bnt to ealnte Viator Emmannet ai tho drat king of Italy, and to wish him and hlf new realm prosperity and happiness GENERAL NEWS. Ah Omuhip Baud ot Bosons os thk Jllc‘ti*H-.W. etc lDformcd bj oanal hoat capwis* * ( • t£*t ttc tort. o.D.i, end titet. warfare hciwccD th* two *t times rajM furiosi!, in concrqncooc. an tol4 ibc rara.l* rarely meddle with boat* bonati for the tida-watar, their opora-lon* being eontued atmock wholly to tbora retorting Wen for the rcawa that the ocptclnc ctijipored to hat* tha aiming, of tha titp In WtHpoaccalon Bom* Bra or rix of theeo desperado** ntnalt. jamp «tt the boot together when it f* in a look, ana sJW_XheAMllneftßißthahigheet prices omgtweragoe.abort 80 o«ta.p,tlot) «nnd.. HayeMoporat*' oanUOnily, and ara generafiy con tendhw.fcr lpwar . figntes. The Weedier bat not bttgtiitMaibU for two dayr, end this, with liberal reoeipts, hae contributed to th* depression Tbs raostpts the last twenty-four boors Were 7,666 hud, end rinea tho lst Instant 32 886, against 23 661 to UMserraseoadlngditelut year. Thehogs.sofar, are Mly hyatMat. than last year. Mm. Somit GaxuxoHonSK, formoriy sheriff of - Ontariooonoty, -taforme tbo editor of th* BoehUterjOrprerfi that after three years of lnde- ItdgiMtolAhori * *l**J|M Mlut hem rraehsd by WriStoySlr braaght to juries. In taonrisg tf l B * 7 ’. 1 * HUI bto rssMmbsrtd, oh> nUroed track, ta Us., daaUt, -Balls - wins LfeH. OF-LKTTERS REMAININQ IN (he PHILADELPHIA POST OFPIOK iip to U P. MeonBfttaid»y*Nov*inber2<, UK* ’ Parsoni appUln# fbr advertised Lattars vlli slaaaa mention the date' of the Eist. : Onen on Bandar from 7Xto BX o’olookA. M.»and I to. **,<’ LADIES’IIfIT. ,An*ell Alrira , > x* Multan Elizabeth Aooott Janmo - Fern* Martha Maul Elizabeth t>Mor Jpnnta A Foley Cntu’e Moor© Puian D Aoth©ron.Mn S J Fptl Julia Montgomary A Slj*H MiuflM Fiah Cath’a B >ol©nldJ jUpMj«a Ellen GibbrJulia A- Elmira iorar Him ' Gunard t iian Mobla GVT H AtßQgtrqng R touli®* Sarah J-obteJMra tgvttir Mia 8 w Genmng© Bridget Noble Mary J tender Susan V Gillis Mary Nolen Ann P taMtt i nor P . Gnnses Mary Naator Cath tender §o®v Giles Bophia Sioholson H N Barlow Fannie Gibson Gr*e« N Norman GM 8 Saaitrgrabls.Jos’s . Nugent KUen B©nk©rLl**;© , Gooawin Mahala Newton A Mrs Barton JpUa 2 ~ Gurananger Bar’aOibuni Harriet A Belt Hallie R . Giokatu Mary and Patierson Lizzie BarhwWlvsna Betty Paulfita BeAtiy Mary JK Graham Ebz’h Prioe Daliluh 2 Bart■ Jane M Garaood Ao.die Pettit Chas Mrs jtellontmo Mary Greeson Mary Pedriok E W Miss -Beanx Madame Farman Cath Porter A Col Mr# Beattr AHoe Hall Caroline Peterson Mary A. Baxter Bridget Hall Elizabeth Patterson 0 A Bfaokbam mri G Hambrisht 1 Patter G B Mrs BtekOMts Dr HaokeUCath . Power* Miss . luhoo O B Hatherton J 8 ■ Perry Elizabeth BlanohardEK Hartwlnc Bertha PoprellEUen Bake Hannah Hays lift Mrs Peters Mary 9 Blaosß Mn Harvey Oath Froston Mrs Booth Mary _ Hartzell M • Preat-n Mary J ‘fienhatt uatyE fiamb etqn 8 V Parker Vera M anttoo RF, Harries Httza Pierce Margare’a Powen Lizzie Halls J . Reed HF Mrs BraleyMolue Hewitt Eliza Richardson Mary Brigham EM - Henna Mary A Ripley S Mrs _ Brown Cath Handwlth Mary Reeves Emma £ Beasons Arabel Hand a nna M Karon Tilly Mrs Boyd Mary A Bervey • lie© * Ralston < izzie 0 Her on wo Mrs fieobart Maggie Root Jnlia Mrs Booser Mary A Hill.Wm Rose Jane Brchnsn MF 2 Hudretb Carrie Runner J W Mrs tfromm Mary Hinkle M Roberts Maty L Brown Isabella Howard Mary Robinson Jane <3 Brown Carrte E Hutohins M E Russell J _ Brown Mrs 2 Howell Phcebe Bbo-nberger E F Brown Mary L ' Hollensworth M belden Geo Mrs 2 B; ay man I* Mus A Mrs fielser Jana Mrs Butler Miss Holland fiallie Soott Sarah BTuaAnna Huokms Eltzab BubrtokMiss Carer Mary A Hubbs * Mrs 2 Sheehan Clara 17 Orapicn earah Howes Mary Wta Shore ifi Mrs Campled Annie F Hunter bonnet Hieehr Mary Caaamajou Mad RnftyAFMrs SlotbonMary o Hollingsworth A Sheppard R M Caldwell E Mrs Hopkins K Smith Annie D ampbeli 8 Mrs IfelU-aQlIa Smith finily CanwaU M WMrs Jnokaqarab K Hmith Annie E chorbhmanAE JonssJaUa2 Smith GM Carpenter Sallio JenksJaneE Smith Josephine Campbell 8 Mrs Johnson Mary T bmith Fannie 0 CarlmMary Johnson Jcsep’e Smith ChasH _ Carton Mary Jonrdan Ella Funegal Fanny H Campion Carol’s JoyoeKat© StortLGMrs C arit i izzte L Kelly J 8 Mrs Btew&rtson Etta ClarkLomsa Kirkpatriok M M FtauntonKuty Clark K Kay Meta Sterner Baroara Clark Mary. Jane Kelly Cath Bouthry Fanny Clare Elizabeth' Kelly Mrs Abigail Co oman Kennedy Elizab Steen Mary ti Oradtok Elisa 1 Kel y Hose Springer Kewie P Mary H La-lord Louie fcteveraon K ColrmanHMrs Lawton Mary Bteinerbusan W Gorbit Mrs Lee Kate Speer Carolina 0 Corvaid A J Lory Msitha J Steward Angelina . orrixun Bridget Law Fliza Thomas Clara CoxYiririnlaP Lmdsjy a Thompson K Copper Mary . Loud Elizabeth Turner Adeline B Cqnrad a aggie Loweree-Mercie Taylor W w Mrs Cupnl'igbam C Leary Julia Thompson MA' •looWrM JMr* Lawless MR Thompson Jane E Cook| Jaa w Mn Lewis J F* widow Tha*ober Caro A Cochrane Mrs of ~ M „ Toil Elizabeth C«'le Elizabeth Leimpklsz M F Turner Martha Coll Rose Ann Lalouroade Mrs Thompson M E Dawson Lizsie Lewis Jane' Thomas Lizzie P »»alon Mr* J Lmdson AM 0 homaaEiizab’th niokeon Mary A Lippineott M Teet Josephine Day Olivia Mrs Larry G Jane To vnsend Betty tnokerson H W Lury Mary Till E F Mrs M i>eaktoi vies MoHamarMargt Tomlin Emma P Deakm Miss - V Todd John Mrs Divers A K Mrs MoKanel.Cath Vetter Louisa Severs Anna K MoCrezbME VeitekWca Mrs naWaon Aon M a eCray Jno Mrs I’mpsteed Annie Dennis Fmiiy M MoUune R J Mrs Yarrmgton Mary Detagbnty Mary MoGunnegu M J Emily 3 Denney Johanna MoHugh - AJargt * West Jolla Ella Oasan- Mary Mrs Mo&mcnt Marth Walleoe Klizab * Dickinson Mrs MarehaelAMrs Redder Mary Hruna Crnthia A Maassy Kbt Mrs Wa'son Martha Burnt; AS Mrs, Manning £ A Welsh Bridget omas Alnedia Mere tin Mrs Watson Luce F Rl’iott Loo’a H Mane M Mrs Wight rath Esbenok C ann Mathias Elia J > iide.o Ellen C hsftleson Miss MvteaKa Ellen Wheeler Mstt iniao* M A MrsMahesanMrs Wegoeo Eliza t>ddy W Mrs Mahoney Ann Waters Lou'sa B-ny no . Marshall Kama Wallace l-mrua -ddyW-Mrs Maione* Ann White Annie Kdwards Rliz’h Mainn Jm Mrs Welling Mrs or games Cath’e AMendalrizKA Miss **ary Dil • arotey Elisa MasleoMary linsham Peltiiszie 1 Malav Bem na Willard Teresa Farrell Mary Marple a M Williams. Mary A Ponder fcattha Nanton Eliza Winter* M A Mrs Rurgeson Maiy A Melbonrne Caro Wilson Jane Fowler Ca'he Weller 4 izzie M W stars Mrs R ecmng Ch&r’e Moora A&nta Woodward EJ 2 Farmer Eliz’n Molloy Cath Wood Maria Fishes Marv Muddy Mary Wright Martha J Fergusons W GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Aett on John Cooper W Herat an A P ' itkin fiobt 1 Coenran AF. - Bowlings Edw P Arney A Grafley Coffin A Longbine Hellene ffm alien Geo . OdlemanFS Henry Jas Alnch Wm Coraoran Jaa Bealay Tbos Allen JL Cooper JH, Hepperl*AH ArdewayM Couitas Borland Hill Jos 2 _ * Iter D Carr tat H 1»-A Co J F Abrams JW ' ContreonF HghfialdAmosD slsopGeo Cogswell W A Hit A Wright Armstrong F _ Conway Tbos H ghhill Isiael Atwood A Bro P Csrngan John Hieks Dariouz Armstrong J B Colvint 0 8 R bier John Atwood A Caop«r J H H n-iM-au Stewart ArfttoaßF w Cook F HUAbraW AebbyQhwW ConsidineM HmdsWmc Anderson John L Cox Obae _ Bloks R D Armstrong H W Cunningham R Holt Beth W AnMtadtJ-JS Carling, Robert- H dgesarJC Andrews Martin eon ACo Hoover J D AuthonjJß Curtis Marsden Rou«htonACo2 Bsitlsbaufth Geo Crviebton * bos Hodge Wm T HarnesGeo CnndeaJoa Hows Wm Babb Geo C Craft That 8 Hoyt Benj Q BiamMT , -LalpHeory 2 Howes John L Bate© Al«x ’ Cullen 07 Holme© J B 1 BarkerH KG Holland WJS Baker CbasP On tivaterMr Hoff Harvey BaboookJJ Culverwel Robt Howard Tbos H Baker'JheoW Craig A Baler Holmes R Barnes Wm Craig Leon E Honey Jos <« Barnes Ace AS Crook Tbos, Hooner AlexE Barber Jno M Craig Robt J Hope A Co J Barber Mr Cress Jas Holst O Banker David . Craig. MP Hurray Harvey H Russet K Cnnomghamß Huntington Bros* B&> ey John C Craig L K ft Co BWlarrSamt T Cross Jaa W Huntington A Li- Beak wm _ Cramoud 8 R venge Bennett WjnH Dawson F HutohmsnnPß hemer JA C Dawb«s Geo a Huntington E B Bigisßß Dougherty J A Hunt Cnas BeresfojrdCW Davis GW HuueyJohn BeattvW.T Dawson Fsml Buttons Bankeer J C ; Davis Fredenok HnbbeilJS Beadslee L A Dalton H H Horsey Hnrv F uom jfLiwwa — Malbarrcz Bnd ChM v Dallas Ed Humes Wjn A Bielsan A Ives - Daryn Lorenzo InnouerM Peter Bigelow Chas A Davis A fientted Jsrgraw Fredk BiDrayerST Bavis Peter ' James JR i 1 Wl7 T «e L 0 , James /EVE Blood Benj F _ Dawaon John Jeff' ies R Btadenhlser WHAaviglas James DE filslook Nelson /Davy Jos Jacobs A Dean Boyle P ___ ,Da vis ME JaokSon R M Bowman J Hi, . pally Jbhn , Jones Anthony BorbndyoC . pevenner John Jordon Med 2 Mowers JB Deti nOfi Johnson rhas W fl Dersoh Tbos Johnson E M B-'mth J De ih} J 8 Joseph John Honnan 3 I'ennistonEE Jones w A 1’ Booth W DelileMonsS Jones Frank BookJ Da Lisie Will Jordon Wm Boniall EC 4 »ean A Co J Johnson Kami Boonell Jaz Dervay ft CoS A Jones ft Co K BoadW Da Silver JW Jones A Co WP Bonner A Defoe a A „ Jones JT BonerJaz ' neCos*arzßenj Joneslsaao Boi.a F JL Derr Levi, JuUy David Sowers W Dent er John Kaufman J B Boudenot Judge Derby A Jackson hetlerDonl BonsaUChas 8 ( ~ _ Kerr BA Bonfieldjr , . Dearine AlexT KearWG BokSrSH , Defoe JF KeU#y Abrah’ J Bolster Corless Dixson Isaac KerahawGeo Boathellia Ban pixsun «ml K*iiey Tho» Bowers Geo K Dilley d R Keeve Henry Boon Jm DlwortbC Kelley Cyrus Bonorlfht Geo Ponnelty Arthur Kelly Pat Bonn Geo W Doran OR Kenney R Boiiesu ;ohn_ LoolittleHO Kergeilager Mon Bowers John R Bousherty F Keith A Wood . Boy fa MiohaeJ , Downing ACo G Kenner* ndy Brown* Isaso . Doran J A Killen ffm BrowneED podge JO Kelley PM Brown RobtD prieooirhas Kinyoa Whitm’n Brown J prerion D Kelly Jas B own F* , Dye H Kelly John Brown J Paul Dofllela J _ JCeriord U6o Brown Jas W Lunran DHZ KienkJohnG Biown mo# E Dutton B R Xemter r hitip Biown p 7 Dyer Jacob k leins Chas Hrown C S Doke John King T T Brown* W Danseith Sami Knox J R orown R Fddy King HD Brown CF Elliott John Knight Henry M Brown Rd u em . Knight A Brown Brown W H EdmundsonJW Kohler ft Co Brown BH Kveraan ChaaM Keller WmH Brown T Easton EW Kraft Adam grown Jas illiott J 8 2 , Xtikpatnok Jos Brown Joa W > okstina Sami LaningJoa E Brown Jr R 2 Eagle Saw Co Lamog J H .Bradley L Edvard Danl D Latbam.WUliama ißrakeonJ Editor Mechanic*’ ACo Bryan M M _t>wn __ Langerob Mona Brady D 8 Evleth M Larmer J K Bradley B Evarfieid Cba* LavelterAlf HradieW RmeryJnoA Lanmg Wm M Branson P Evens Henry Larker Henry F ttradlet A EalugCtaaa A LambertALl Bradier,W Eng'ehdwin Lannon Ihoa Bright T Emery PP Lambert M tirarutonj Episcopal Infirm-Lamb ST Brades A „ary „ _ Daning E Brant* 0 Eeterley Dan R Lemmeres E Brannon J Ferguson David Lester JH Brunner O m FallesMr Levy 8 „ •BronswoltT FessendenWHl ewnSR Bra; lay .1 Furnie ibos Lew R drooks R W Ferguson I’avid Lewis H 8 BranstrnpWT FarquaharEJ LembartDM . Brad ey r Foat r Sami 0 Lewis A H Biad f ordJB. k Fisher Henry Leeds B 8 HradyJl. J-UherßClar Lev,* Mr Brady Q Fienp’o Theo S Lewi* F C SrittanW FleamingJH Lembart ft Co D tannin M Flemmiug 4 bo* M Brozan J Fjnsley Wm Leinost A Bradbury H Fisher John Leeforgue L Brennan W_ FineHM JintonJL HiadshawJ T FlvnnJD Leibort W Brols r . ti Frost Hya’t -mdsey A M HrodheadP Frankmheim, jineminP Brad J A Bro ACo 1 Litob J Br«dley j „ FloweliJG Lippineott WH Bro tea * B Fox John Lippinoott H 8 Bihdf P B Forbouffin Fred Lockwood B H David FobasGeoß Loftas Peter Br nmnA Fan Pitt Lorn* Saul Broea Peter Fraisklm ACo Lytle td H B'van Wm . FarsmanGeo Lowry HobfcO BrewtonDanl FoulkerC D LnngmoroE Bradley Veter R , Franoes Mods Lowry R MranmJohn Puts Le&nder LongmalrWm Biobst Wm Franoh A Parson* Lober A Co Brown Marshal Frjdenokson T LomakerT F Bradley Phiiie - W lososs. Br«water JosB GallaherFrancis N 093, IuOF Bryan Joe J__ Gardell Bert’a rco hontas Tribe* Bradway JnoH Gaiia>herO No 6 ’ Brace Henry Garsed Joshua No tBt, IO O F Bite© A _ Gams John I >ol9o, 100 Rutbbam W Gauss Chas MoCalla ft Bro Burr M Gammon Tho* MoAlpin Robt Bnotlm Wm Gale Geo MoDale Jas guroettJoa Modvoy Peter orchard L'hoa F Gants ACo J 2 MoDonaldMT EL Bulger Pat Gets F McDade Jne Burgeoyn Jno F GererßK MoAyoyMr Butler K W Gforie FA E MoCharty D BuihJohnA. GidhdfWm Mo*«ardyJß Buckley JohnS Getzw MoKenna P E Burns Tho* G ,1J H MoMiohsel Jaa Br >th A Ldmead G bb* D C MoGinldy J Cameron Bami 0 UU Jas B MolD' lay Aroh’d Cecil. * hoe tt.F GbsonEß . MoMakinA tanaing JR A »m#AT Patk C ,- m*mud J G les John MoFerran Patk CalthamHß , Gauih JB , McGowai* John Cartweli A.Keffer godley • ncl’n Aj oNeli Andw CarpeoterMVß GoderWm .MoPhearaeu Dan Carpenter Jo* M Gormley Pat McNamara d F Sntter r benezer Good J MoNabo Jo* art andrew Gorwm Pat Mailou P j Cairner* Henry GrimihAE Mahon To Gtetid'tyUwen Gresgoner Jonah Maddox J A Campbell Joe 0 Gray Barney Matand Bernard Cant*eaml OrareyD Maicora P t Co Carpenter J Green Chas Malory A B Carpenter J M Growman E Ajaloy E C Cain John _ Gramm Rev Mr Maguire John HaryACoGW Groff Lewis Martin Felain aril'van Jaa Green bd C M&nbinwelr L came* Henry GroffLG ManJorTho* CaidamsJ » Gregg A A Martin Jos A Cameron J P Grav M C Mann 8 S Hheiebroufh WH Griffith* V M M&faok Henry G Cha'terC'wM Grindrod.Jas . Mann Geo 0 laalen Koht Graham EB Marshall Jas c hn*t Jonathan Gray Orlando May T O Chamberlain J A Gross Meyer Manly HT Ch»DmanB M GrouJobn , Marshall JE ghanman Daniel Gregory Jas A Maxwell ft Cum arkThos • GreenlyS'k OineßA Green wm MaroßO H ClemmonfeJ H Green Matiln Markley Chas A Lluley Wm Gumper J J Matbis A Dr „ w OiarkHiiam Gnmer Jests Medley Thos W Clark Joe Haley Thos_. Merrill Almond O Sromons J R BairbUrger Mr Men*er Peter .c ay ton L HamptonJnoT MealinPP C ark T H MackeUja* f Merry Barney K Hajewell Lewia L MeFiSf Miolfael ■ffiSSfifi- He!! Chandler « R ?r e ° b jaaswr fcjl AG weswr* &s r -L° mu!s;kSi On line J Harnslior David Mitohell Jas A 3 KoSl? 8 HellSunjl „ MintonKichard tSookWH Haines.Garrett- MjtpkollAB ,’onrt Wm L son & Co Millsltabt -CoautnJß Harper John W Miller t a goolOJt Hairr * Co Mj li* Wm .ConerPat HalseJ'Jh- Miller Jeremiah OookWm. Hatoh ChSip . Mitohell Elijah Connell Wm„ Harwell W H Mills leaao k gromston A KeUf Hnnlej kCo , Mor**n Kami e»!!f*T Thoi*'Pnee fihn Morgen Wm E Confer JB, Bamm WH P Morfonßaral CooleSAlsxP Herts floors Bird .CoCuw-lsue ' HartElsaaer Monder w F - Sajoold V F Monoiolt Geo &tSe H fe? wi,h BSB&W* Herrap|t w Moore Hlohard 'wJßlftr falelhen teSJSK Sffl oeo hBBSLW“ |u & G^g r Sfe ß |%i?eo z dF IBFIiI aJohu North A MoKeia Rom. Pcott, A OoTMnrt a?i« Nixon John Rothbone ft nSSR£t'S'L n 'ianele Chas Robinson AT •T , sZi2 r n'’^ R Newman Mr HohlnionJos T s, rr J Prentlse & Npedbam ftl Dr KodgersM Tatratn Nichoieou W C flutter Mr i Newhorz Parrel HSrtKeuh 0 fr 11 ™”, Tho B m”j«r psr ojjfefllyVp H llov IsSof 1 * 1 ggmixoncapts gJJJJjHgjJT %£sss? MVn Ptw ?iF3r id Patlereon HMKv Sohalor Mr Trier HB St “ Page C F ganger Bimon C Tient Joseph Fane Frank Sailer leaao Tobiao Q W Parham Jobp w Bengstaok C P Tyson Jns Patterson WH SugettSHCapt Typo Association Patterson S W Severance JohnF Tryon Jft JDr ° n Faxon J B Rev Tounar JTfc Co Paul Henry W SeftonJolm T?J on J G & Paynter Kdwd BeibeTt G W Troth Geoß Parsons Chaunoy Seller* Goo E Trouble MH Farkhuret 8 H SeheseWmFl - Undirdue joa PatouelJae SeavsrWm R WuinJoimßev Patterson Henry SbielJa* f/uicler Bernard SSwITkoMT Ktryook Goo X C niiliamThSsM Parvin Kobt J fi iepp»rd Jaok C uann Wm Patten WH Bh.naenn Chae C ajnnßeraard Pearson Ben Sheffield Stephen Vandyke Dr Palmer, Thomas Shaner 8 L Vandyke Fred A ft Bro Bharpless WmP Vaudelan J H Pa & Pnftnl- n°n* Sato Anthony WodmanOW Portot R 8 Blatey «eni Waling Poroy Pottor,Hammond, 8m th John A Wation Jas ’ fcAlvord Sm th Edward WadoiVixon Porter & Co Sm'hJH Waloh Henry goiter etephen A Bm th H E Cent Walker M O Porch Coo W Bm ihGeo F Wnmpole J J Prioe Jos T 2 Smith h B WarnorWO&Co Prior Franoia H Smith ‘ndrew J WallaooShtrwood Provoet Eelaon Smith Dil WattWmW Pratt R H Smith Bullivan Wateon Andrew Pratt jno T Smith Wm P Wat s Wm M Pr eetJaoob Smnh Mex’r T Wager Potor PugoH Smith WmG Wala'nJno PrioeJnoC BmithWm Walter Joseph Randa 1 W Sml-h H Wavno Wm Rathbona J n smith wS wIImoroHC Randall Henry hmytti Joahua B Webster Thos Raynor JW Smyth JB WolehThosß Ramsey F M l.t Small I. A Hon West Nathaniel games T Snowden O M Weatherloy RODr Ramson Jno W snivlr Jonn Webb Wm RnmndJno Snyder Peter C Welle Jeremiah 8 Reoo Beroplo Bobrado Jor J) Waver Brt gey to Juan R 3 Welsh Bauiroß Rend Baml P Bonga A. Woane Jno H POX Goo BobyßF Dr WaobJosW Keese, Lako.Mel- Boutberr Jno Waldoa Patriok liok. & Co 2 Boutbey W Whiteman W C Dex Hughß Southland GW WhightßtopH Rood Joe c gowareWHN Whit. Jaa Hooves JP SpragneGeoS Whitney 8 A Reed Sami P Sperry Harm B Whipple Dr Reifimydor FL Sprague J H Witeing Mr „ Rhesm ft Bro J-pßOglerHenry Whiteman WmH Reptcn A Bro Blackley John White Joseph AteyesKß from Charles-White Reed A Lathrop ton. 8 C Winterbottom W Read Jas a Ftim Davis Wti ox J H Reynold* W J 8 tad la r Jno Wilkin* Geo A Reed A Defor B»ephenßo'« JM Wil iamsnnOM RenskerJosH Btrat on Elijah Wilson Lewis Renshaw Wm Stephens'»hos A Witson Joseph Reid K D Steelman M WiiiamsC R|#tlneCbas Bteitm-n a W Wil.iam* ' heoS Richard on 0 Mokes F W Williams W m Rion Alvah Stokes Chas . Williams, I Tapsoot RlooWH fctewan Ihos ft Co * Riohard*WT Kransell C 0 i Wi-liamsJasM »i#eBolomon gia« ; ly Jesse \ Willard ft Sea- KioeChae „ Stick Jas __ Lnard Riobaru*>>nD Stevenson Wm fWiiooxWA Ristine Wm Stanford Geo W tWilann Matthews Ruterji.ewis Bternes Jas JWi .iams E »*r KtierT Stlrk Wm A Wi Us Jonathan Robbins Geo Stookar J Capt iWi son Henry Ross Jas G „ , Steiner Jtf Wilson A T Rober ■ A Nel- btout h A Son „ Wood A T son Btiner M woodnutJM Roouey Thos Stokes Hobdrt Wor/ell Albert Nob»r s.M StokesJosß Wood Jan Robb Stewart Mr WoooJauG Roney John _ fr tarworth M Woodruff* D F Soberin'- L D Suites Geo W Woolen J W Ross John Stotts a R. Worrell HG RoKersChnSJ BteyensonJno Wyler ACo Rogers Joseph Stephenson J M N, B. BROWNE, P. M, PHiLADELFHiA BOARD OF TRADE. F. R. COPE. 4 TBOS. KIMBER. Jb„ 5 Committee of thb MoNxn. RICHARD WOOD, l LETTER RAGS At tki merchants * Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship Wyoming, Carton—~ _. .Liverpool* soon Ship Maxeppa. Week*..Loando, WCA. »oon Ship Viotont R««d, Priblfi LivArpbol.soon Shiv Honensis. Atkina .Liverpool, soon H&rk E)f, Pinokney.,,... soon Bark AmerioMj chrietian .....iiarbadMi, eoon Rate Hector* weltser--. London,soon BHg Nord Horn, Vail Leuwen-'..— ..Cork, *oon Brig Ella Reed, Davu.,..„.„—St J ago de Cuba, soon Bohr Velma. Surett Asoinwati. soon MARINE INTEIiLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. SO, iB6O. .—ti S ARRIVED. Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, 9 days from Havana, withsngar, ftc. to Wm Cummings A Son* One of the crew, named Wro Uenry.a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 92 years, died at Havana Oot 12, of yeilow fever. Brig Mary £ Miliiken. Norden, 8 days from Cardenas, with molasses, Ao. to order. Brig Tempest, MeCobb, 10 d«y* from Calais, with laths. Ao to £ A Bouder A Co. Brig Carolina. Fadelford, 10 days from St Marys, with lumber to £ A Sonder ft Co. Bohr Isabella Maria, (i>r) Phillips, Iff days from St ManfSgWith lumber to £ ABouoer A Co. Sour Pauline. Bradatreot. 20 days irorn Newbern, NC> with cotton and nar>l stores to Kates A Foster, Sehr Alma, Eidorkin, 10 days irom Cornwallis, NS, With potatoes to is A bouder A Co. Bobr Allan Downing, Ktoe, 8 days from New York, with barley to eapta-n. Bohr A M Edwards. Edwards, 4 days from New Bed ford. with mdse to David Cooper. Bohr Ida Pondore Wilson, 2 days from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian ft Curran. Sobr J B Bleeoker, Edwards, 8 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell A Colima. Scbr Jas Borratt, Jr, Penueli, 2 days from Laurel, Del. with oorn to Jas Uarratt A Son. Bolir J L Hoverin, Pearce, *1 day from Dover, Del, nth oorn to Jas Harratt A Bon. Bohr Elizabeth jane, Beckwith, 2 days from Easton, Md. with gram to Jas L Bewley A Co. Boht JasV Early, sipple, 1 day from Frederica* Del, with gram to Jas L Bewley A Co. Bohr Gilbert Green, Weaver, from CohasaettNarrows. Bohr Wm K Genn,Baoon, from Boston. ' fcohr Kva Bell. Lea, l'rom boston, floor Jas H Stroup, Foster* from Boston. Bohr Abby Haley, Haiey, from boston. Bohr Luoy L "harp. Moblwee, from bosten. Steamer Anthraoito, Joaos, 21 hours from New York, witJi mdse to W M Baird A Co. . „ , CLEARED. Bteamahip Delaware, Cannon, N York, J Allderdioe. Ship viotor* Crowoll. Bemoia. W Badger* Navy Agent Bate Jas Smith, Brewer. Havana, Madeira A Cabada. Baric Alnah.NeviDfl, Trinidad de Cuba, do Bng Peihi, Darnaby, Havana, T Wattson A Sons. Eva Bell, Lee, Wilmington, NO, D 8 stetson Bo? 2 Althea, Corson, New Orleans. do Bohr G Green, Weaver, Norwich, Blaki&ton A Cox. Bohr A M. Edwards* Edwarao, Wood’s Hole.Repplier A Bro, Bohr Abbjr Haley, Haley,Ba!era,N Sturtevant A Co. hohr W K Genp, Bacon, Boston, L Kothermel A Co. Bohr JH Suoup. Foster* Boston, L Audenzied A Co. sobr L L Biiaip, MoLlwee, Boston, Banoioit, Lewis A Co. Bohr Charm. Loring. Boston. R R Corson A Co. Bohr Thos Begley,McConnell* Halilax, J M Kennedy A CO. Bohr Spray, Pnoe, Mobile, Van Dusen, Norton ftCo. D wEldndge, Ogden, Wilmington, Del, X Web bchr U Hall. Lawson, Somerset, Binniokson A Gloyer* Bohr Mary Ellen, Care, Bridgeport. Conn, do Bohr Pied Dyer, tthuie, Salem. Moss, do btr Henry L Law. lier, baittraore, A Groves. J r. Btr ti Seymour, Palmer, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr, (Correspondence ol the Philadelphia Exchange.) Lzhereturned, lam unable to aay when she wil< start with her tow. If any tuing senons has haprened, me Kingston will return wnn the tow ol tne (superior. MEMORANDA. Steamship Mobile, Teal hence, for Mobile, at Savan lab 2ist lust. Ship Northampton, Elwell, for Havre, oleared at New Ineans 20m Inst. . Ship ineresa, Wallace, from Catoutta ISch Aug. for Philadelphia, wu «po*en Aug 29, lat 13 N, long &3 a. Ship Good Hope, Miller, Horn Ban Franois.o, atCal omtacep 22. chip Lizzie Oakfoid, Eldridge,at Calcutta 30th Sept, irom Liverpool. rmp Brewster, Clark, salted from Bombay 2fith Bept for Calcutta fiiup John Clark, Latournau, from Liverpool, arrived up at Battimoro 23d lnst. Ship AUoe Couuoe, Smger. from Glasgow 7th April for Australia, was spoken cepttf. iat 23 ti, long .9 ii. , bate J W Foui ney, bprasae, tor Monuviueo, sailed frou tireenuck fftn mat. , Bark David G Wihon. Peaoook. for Philadelphia, wu owed to sea irom New Orleans 17tb iust. Bark Edward i*verett, Harding, for Philadelphia, old it Mobne i9ih mat witn 447 bates eotidn. IS'SS-k 10 ' Flmadeipijia, oleared at Uobile I.Ui lust, vita 483 baie. cotton. fora MrS’tunf Jjanl “ lr ' for rrarbadoes, oleared at H forktaiiitaelehiß'. W9 ’ “ lleil from Bremo 'liavon sth in»t. 6th m,"! k 0 fot I ’ hi ' ad = lc!lla ' “«*d «*>» Bark Irma. Wortmget, hence, arrived at St Croix previous to2othult. Bark Washington Butcher, Collins* at Palermo 2d Inst Brig A Horta, Orcntt. for Philadelphia, was towed to sea from New Orleans I7th u»t. Brig Billow, Salter, hence, arrived at Halifax 20th nstant. . Brie Riohark O’Bryan, Hartigan, for Philadelphia, oleared at Halifax 17th lust. Brig Ooeanus, Springer, sailed from Glasgow oth Inst, for Cardin. Brig ViTgmia t Ramsey, from Rio de Janeiro Oot 1, vith office, arrived at Baltimore 33d mat. Spoke Oot 10. lat 15 16 8, long 3510, ship Borodino, of Boston, from Carol!! for Kio do Janeiro; Oot 11. lat 1360 8, long SO 69, exchanged signals with an A menoan brig showing a sig nal with horizontal at ip a s. blue, white, and blue. Sohr 8 B Strong, Mott, henoo, arrived at Charleston 23d lost. Sohr M A MoNeil, Tnrpie, for Galveston, oleared at Mobile 19th mat. Sohr Southerner. Bellows, for Philadelphia, cleared at flew Orleans 20th nut. with 102 hhda sugar and 700 hbls molasses Schr I# Chester. Hickman, for Boston, oleared at Wil mington. NC, 23d Inst. * Bohrs J JjHodner, Uordery, from. New York, and Jas A Parsons. Shaw, from Boston, arrived at Wilmington, Bohrs Ls.o of Pines. Frenoh, and M Bird, Johnson, henoe, arrived at Norfolk 22d mat. Bohr Lacon, Bo arse, for Philadelphia, oleared at New York 2Dh mat, „ , Bohr Buwaesett, Soper, henoe, arrived at Riolulftnd 23d inst. „ Bohr II A Rogeri. Lee, oleared at Charleston 20th inst for Wilmington, NO. ~. Bohrs Adelaide, Young. Hiaokbird, Compton, Chrlsto phor Looser. Laws. J B piokerson, Smith. Effort, Doughty, L Audenried, Bartlett, houoe, and J B Austin, Davis, from Wilmington, Del. arrived at Boston 23, 1 1n5t. Bohrs hi M Haley. Haloy, Caroline M Wilson, Smith, and Gazelle, Naylor, henoe for Boston, sailed from Holmes’ Hole J2d inst Al«p Bailed same day, gchrs J Grierson, Tomah.Rebeooa Knight, Laura Jane, Maine Law. Chas Carroll, Laurel, J H Johoeon, H M. Welling ton, V Sharp, N L Wasson. Hortensia.BG Fioyd, Sami Botan, Treasurer, Northern Light,*B W Benton, Bo phia Ami, M A Shropshire. North Paoifio, Centurion, W Loper, and Lady Ellen, .jailed 21st, sphrs E Town send. Altoe Lea, W H Maiflor, Sarah Clark, and flew Arotio.Tuokor.henoe, arrived at St John, NB, 191 ' ' Bc£? B Village Belle, henoo, arriTed at St John.Nß, Turner and A Corderr, Louce, arrived at Providenoe23d inat. gohr Hunter* Kaokett, sailed,from Providence 23d met for Philadelphia.' Mauritius. Oct 6—The American ship Western Ocean* Simmons, from Liverpool for Calcutta, winch put in here Sept 26. leak? in her upper works was in' bad con dition. badly strained, haying encountered severe wea ther, and is now discharging cargo. The Northern Crown. Merrill, whioh pat in hero Sept 19, leaky, and with bowsprit and mizzenmast sprung* was from London for Calcutta. CSTORAGIS. —Storage for merchandise ot sss* THE ;NOVE»aiIR;: 26,1860. nPEB AMALGAMATION OF LAN •A GUAGE5.—There isa groblng tendency in this age to appropriate the moat expresslve words of other languages, and after a while to incorporate them into our. own; thus the word Cephalio. whioh is from the Greek, signifying “ for the head,” is now beooming popularized in’ebhneotion with Mri Bpildlag’ij great headaohe remedy, but it will eoon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalio will, beoome as common as Eleotrotype 4dd many others whose dis- tinction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage, until they seem' “ native and to the manor born.” Hi ’ad’n orribie 'eadaohe this hafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecary’s, hand says hi to tho man, “Canyouheaae me of an’eadooha ?” “Does it haohe ’turd?”says ’e. ~H exoeedingly,”sayshi, hand upon that ’e gave' me a Cephalio Pill, bond ’pon me ’onor it oared me so uuiok thatl'ardly realized I’ad ’ad an’oadaohe. KT 1 Hxadachb is the favorite sign by, whioh nature .makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and, viewed in this light, it may bo. looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of dis ease whioh might othorwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied 5 and its indications should never be negleoted. Headaohes may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Hesdaohe is exceedingly common, and is the preoursor of a great variety of diseases, among whioh are Apo plexy.Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomaoii. constituting sick headache, ot hepatic disease constituting fftlfo»«/teadarAe,ofworms, constipation, and other disorders of tho bowels, as well as renal and utonne affections. Diseases of the heart are very fre quently attended with headaohes; amomia and plethora are also affections whioh frequently ocoasinn head aohe. Idiopathic headaohe is also very oommon, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache , sometimes ooming on suddenly in a state of appa rently sound health, and prostrating at once the mental and physioal energies, and in other instances it oomes on slowly, heralded by depression of spiritß or acerbity of tamper. Inmost instanoes the pain is in the*front of the head, over one nr both eyes, and sometime* pro voking vomiting ; under this olass may also be named Neuraltia, For the treatment of either olass of headaohe the Ce phalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most aoute pains in a few minutes, and, by its subtle power, eradicating tho diseases of Whioh headaohe is the unerring index. Bridget.'- Mifsus wants you to Bend her a box of Ce phalic G’ue; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills-bul Tax thinking that’s not just it neither; but perhaps ye’ll be afther knowing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead ind gone with the Sick Headache, and wants some more of that same as relaived her before. Drvggto.—You must mean Spalding’s Cephalio Pills. Bridgcf.—Ooh! sure now and you’ve sed it. Here’s the quarther, and giv me the Pills, and don’t be all day about it, aither. Constipation 6t Costiveness* No one of the “ many ills flesh is heir to ” is so pre valent, so little understood, and so mnoh negleoted as Coßtiveness, often originating in oarelsssnesß, or se dentary habits. It Is regarded as a slight disorder, of too little coniequenoe to exoite anxiety, while in reali ty it is tho preoursor and eompanion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless eariy eradicated, it will bring tho sufferer to an untimely gravo. Among tho lighter evils of whioh Costiveness Is the usual attendant are Headaohe, Colic, Rhenma tism. Foul Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, suoh as Malig nant Fovors, Abcesseo,Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspep sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy* Paralysis, Hysteria. Hypo chondriasis, Melanoholy, and Insanity, first indicate their presenoe in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existenoe unless the oahse is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations, it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it oeonrt.and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearanoe of the complaint, as their time ly use will expel the insidious approaches of and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. PAyjfcfan.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headaohe l Mrs Jones.—Qonol Doctor, all gone! the pillyon sent onrodme in just twei.ty minutes, and I wish you would send me more, so that I oan have them handy. PAysieiart,—YoncangettbematanylDruggiit’s. Call for Cephalio Fills. I find they never fail, and I recom mend them m alloaoes of Headache. Mrs. Jones.—l shall send for & box direotly* and'shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real hlessing, Twbntt Millions 07 Dollars satbd.—Mr. Spald ing has sold two millions of bottles Of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollars’worth of broketufurbiture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions cf dollar* rcolairaed from total loss'br this valuable invention* Having made his Glue a household word, he now pro poses to do the world still greater service by curing all the aohing heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon.vanish away like snow in July. 09“ Or be bscitbmenti End the mental oare end anx iety inoident to close attention to batmen or study»arc among the numerout causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and Lofty inoident to this dis tressing oomplaint, is a fatal blow to all energy and am bition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalic Fills whenever the'symptoms ap pear. It quiets the overtasked brain* and sootheathe strained and jarring nerves* and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition of the bram. Fact worth knowing.—Spalding** Cephalio Fills are a certain cure for Siok Headache* Bilious Head aoho* Nervous Headache, Costiveness, and General Debility. Great Discovery.— Among the most important of all the great medioal discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaocination for promotion from Small Fox* the Cephalio Fill for relief of Head aobo, and the use of examine for the prevention of Fevers* either of whioh is & sure speolfio, whose bene fits will be experienced by suffering humanity long after their dlsooverera are forgotten. 19* Dm you ever have the Sick Headache Do you remorahe* the throbbing temples, the feverod brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? How totally unfit yon were for plea*ure,conversation, or study. One of the Cephalio Fills would have relieved you from all the suffering whioh you then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a box of them on hand to use as ooeasion requires. CEPHALIO PILLS, CEPHALIC PILLS. CEPHALIC PILLS CURE ADD KINDS OF HEADACHE! By the use of these Fills the periodical attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may be prevented; anji if taken at the ooimrenoement of an att&ok immediate relief from pain and sickness w*U be obtained. * They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Ltad ache to whioh females are sosnbjeot. ; They act gently on the bowels, removing Coitivmess For Literary Men, Students, Delioate Female/, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tonemdoinor to the digestive organs, and restoring the naMrai elas ticity and strength to the whole system* ! The CEPHALIC FILLS are the result of lon*investi gation and carefully conducted experiments* having been in use many years* during whioh time tiny have prevented and relieved a vast amount of ivto and suffering from Headaohe* whether originatmgin the nervous system or from a deranged state, oßtte sto mach, 4 They are entirely vegetable in their ooroposltiol* and may tie taken at all times with perfect safety wthoat making any change of diet* and the absence of djtvrlisa grteable taste renders it easy to administer, tftm to children, BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS The (enulne have five signatures of Hear* 0. Spshns oneaohßox. Sold b, Draniiita and all other Dealers m MoilUnss. A Box will be sontbj mall prepaid on reoelst n marine and inland-risks $354 987 19 On fire risks 116,212 oi Interoat, salvages, &0,, during eamo period.*— ~C8.392C5 LOBBP6, EXPENSES. &c., „„ . . Dnnne the year as above. Manna and inland navigation 1038e8...‘,..--.~.—-- §202 078 W Fire losses 63,605 01 ■Return premiums.— —... 42.295 CO Re-Uisuranaes ..... 24.51107 Agency oharges. 28,650 22 Donations to steam firo companies, advertising, taxes, &o.— 11,697 71 Expenses, salaries, rent, &o— 20.487 48 8383.176 65 Surplns —.. 146.416 80 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1860. $lOO,OOO United States five #* cent, loan $100,500 CO 110,000 United States six W cent. Treasury 9 100,000 pfiSSiPSSf 54 loM *d SSM 1« City six# cent. Loan! iwlaS 37 80.000 Tennessee State five & cent loan.. 24,000 00 00 000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d mortgage six # cent, bonds.. —I. 45,000 00 16 000 300 shares, stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia ' ... 15.300 00 0,000 bares Pennsylvania Railroad 0.000 100 shares Pennsylvania Kail road Company 000 00 1,200 80 shares Philaueiphia loe Boat and steam Tog Company, i *2OO 00 25O08haresPbiTadelphiaandHavre de- Grace Steam Tow- boat Company, 860 00 200 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company —126 00 1,000 2 shares Continental Hotel Co.—~. 600 00 85*6,700 par. Cost 8647,335 34. Market va1.58M.356 71 Bilis reoevable, for insurances made 171,388 42 Bonds and mortgages. — 34 6CO 00 Heal estate.—. ..... 61,363 89 Balances due at AB«noies—Premiums on Ma rine Pohoie*. interest, and other debts due the Company* —61,566 02 Sorip and stock of sundry Insurance and nthat* Cnrawaijica 2,630 60 Caen on hand—in banks—... .828,673 16 in drawer—., —. 456 36 29,108 61 89.i4.807 61 „ November 14, 1860. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Ca>h Dividend of PEN PER CEN f, on the Capital Stock, and SIX PER CENT, interest on the r-orip of the Company, payable on and after the Ist proximo. They have also declared a sorip Dividend of TWKN TY-FIVe PER CENT, nn the Earned Premiums for the year ending October 91.1860. Certificates tor which will oe issued to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first ot December next. *5“ No certificates of profits issued under 829. DIRECTORS. William Martin, Edmond A, Bonder, Theophilu* Paulding, John it, Penrose, J*bn C.JD&vis, James Traqn&ir, William Eire, Jr„ James C. Hand, Dr. R, M. Huston, Goorgo 0. Leiper, WILUA THOS. C. HENRY LYLBURN. Bec Samuel E. Stokes, J, F. Peniston. flflSdfelWton. H, Jonesßrooko, Robert Burton, jSsV^Farland. Pitted. D, T. Morgan. ** M^IARTIfT/treeident, !. RAND, Vice President, oratory. no!7-lm INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA- R^NB d INSURANCE -Nob. 4 AND 3 EXCHANGE Chartered in 1794—Capital S»O,QOO~Feb. I,ISCO, cash value, $438,793 77. All invested in sound and available seountios—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings* Stocks of Merchandise, Ac., on liberal terms. „ „ DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, George 11. Btuart« Simeon Toby, PamueiGrant, Jr., Charles Maoalester, Tobias Wagner* William S. Smith, Thomas B- Wattson, John B. Budd. , Henry G. Freeman* William 11. White* „ Charles 8. Lewis* HENR?D?'SHIiRiEIIB, President. WILLIAM HARPER* Seoratary. » je9-ti MEDICINAIi. PROF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR la preoisoly what Its name Indicates* for, while pleasant to the tasto, it is revivifying, exhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and Tenders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only .preparation ever ottered to the world in a Sopujar os to be within the roaoh of all. o ohemnally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tome* and yet so perfectly adapted as to act xn perfect accordance with the laws ofnar ture,and Aencs soothe the weakest stomach* and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its effeots* and yet it is never followed b 7 lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly com biQiagpowerfullj tonioandsootbiug properties, and oonsequentlyoan never injure. Buoh a remedy has long been felt to be & desideratum w the medical world, both by the thoroughly skilled m medical ; eoienoe, and also by ail who have suffered from de -1 billty; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge , even to see that debility follows all attacks of dis- I ease and lays the unguarded system open to die 1 attacks of many of the most dangerous towlnob ! poor humanity is constantly liable. Such* for ox ; ample* as the following: Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appet to. Faint i ness, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation | of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypoohondrra, Night , Sweats, Languor. Giddiness, and all that class of i oases, so fearfully fatal if unattended to m time, ! calledEfma/s Weaknessesand Irregttlarilxes. Also, 1 Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys, Scalding or In i oontmenoeof the Urine, or any general aerange ; raentof the Urinary Organs, Pain m the Back,Side, and between the Shoulders* predisposition to slight Qolds, Hopkins and Continued Cough, Emaoiation, I Difficulty in Breathing, and, indeed, we might onu i raerate m«ny more etui, but we have spaoe only to say. it will not only oure the debility following Chills and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising irom Miasmatio Influences, and oure the disease i at once, if already attacked, and as it acta directly i and persistently upon the biliary system, arousing the Liver to aotion t promoting, m fact, all the ©x- I orations and secretions of the system, it will infal , lil>ly prevent any deleterious oonseuucucea follow i ingupon ohanga of climate and water; hence ail travellers should have a bottle with them, and ail should take a table-spoonful at least beforo eating As it prevents coetiveness, strengthens the diges live organs, it should be in the hands of all persons i of sedentary habits; students, ministers, literary i men; and all ladies not oocustomedtomuch out i doopexeroise should always use it. If they will. I they will find an agreeablo. pleasant, and emoient 1 remedy against those ills whioh.rob them of their i beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, nod health oannot exist while the above lrregulan- I tieaoontmue. Then, again, the Cordial is a perfect 1 Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with : perfect case And oafetr There xs no mistake about tt, lAi« CorffW t* «H tf «cldimfor it. Mothers, try u.' And to you we appeal to deteotthe illness or i decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too late, but also your sons and husbands, for while : the former, from false delioaoy, often go down to : a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the exoitement of business that if it were not for you they, too, would travol in the same down wardnath. until itoo late to .arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal; for we. are sure your never failing afleotion will unerringly point you to Prof, vi ood’s Restorative Cprdial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should bp always onTiapd in time of need. 0, J. WOOD, Proprietor, 4448r0ad ay, New York, and 114 Market street. Bt. Louis, Mo.; and sold by all good Druggists. Frioe* One Dollar per Bottle. Bold here by DYOTT & C 0„ 932 North SEOON :reet, mwf eow&W-ti MEPXCXNAJi. .blmira route.— PHILADELPHIA and Et- MJRA RAILKUAI). Q.UJOKEBT KOU’TE to Tampon, Catawises, Rn gpert, Wilkosbarre, Bpranton, Danvjlle, Milton, Wil iport. Troy, Ralaton, Canton, Elmira, %iffalo, ’" £i¥#pffcr~™r?:§S4: K kJSff a S?/- M ' oonneot* at Auporti for Wilkea and Niagara Fall*, and Buffalo, Now York and Erie.and W tand ?ho Can^!i lroS* PM,from Walnut-street wharf. For Wator Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarrc, Montrose, Great fiend,' &0,, 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, vj* Delaware, Laokawairaa and Western R. R. P or Mauoli Chunk, Allentown, usd Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2>S P. M. from Wal nut street wharf. gor Mount Holly, ats and 8 A. M., 3 and 4K P. M For Freehold, at« A. M„ and 3 P M. 9303.008 90 „ „. 4 , m WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 A. N„4X aadltfi street wharf, nßmSt ° n * Md Bj * P * M * ftom Wasnut_ Delanoo, Beverly. Burline- P > . n alf- n * Bordent °TO» &c„ at 8, Hi and 6 Steamboat Trenton for Taoony, at 11 A, M. and for Bordentown and intermediate places at 2}£ P. M. «Founds of Baggage,, only, allowed e«wh Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage butlheir wearing apparel. All baggage over fiffy pounds to be paid for extra. The Company Unfit their responsibility lor baggage to One Dollarper pound. audwiU not be liable for any amount bejona Sioo, ex cept by speoial contraot. ’ x no!9 ' WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. -8471,199 70 HPUE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL a IAOOKOA9. _ 850 MILES DOUBLE SHACK. 1860. IgiSMS-1860. OAP 4 OI MN THI|HaA B] I | NOW EQUAL BE* 5 Connecting direct at FhiladM|ia» with Through Trains from Benton, New York, and aflporats East, and in the Union Pepot at Pittaburg with Through Trains to and frocvall points rathe west, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation o Passenger* unsurpassed for speed and oomfort by any vtkof router ’ - ~ , , Express-and Fast lanes run through to Pittsburg, withontohabyflofCariorCondDOtor*. All thraaslrPA*- senger Trains provided with LoughridgVs Patent firakMPeed. under perfect control of the engineer, thus addrakmuoh to the safety of travellers. Smoking yars are attached to eacshTreiht Woodruff’s days excepted, . Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 A* M, Fart Line “ , ** HJOA. M. Express Train leaves “ iqm P. M» JWAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS t Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 3 P. M, Columbia «• 4.00 P, M, farkesbarg _ . 11 15A0 P. M, West Chester Passengers will, take the Mali, Parkes burg Accommodation, and Columbia Trains. , Panongora for Sunbuxy, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Fhi iademhia&tB.oo A. M» and 3 pTm. go dfreotlv through, Tiakats Westward may be obtained at the offices ofthe Company in Philadelphia* New York, Boston, or Bal fimorej,andTiokem Eastward at w ofthe important Railroad Office*.in the West; also on board any ofthe regular Line of Steamers os the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. *9T Fare always as low, and tin* uaaick, as by any other Route, For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioaso. make thU the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE _ GREAT WEST. v . N 7heeenneotiep of frapks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily byShfpppers ofFreight,and the Travel- Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can roly with.conll denae on its speedy transit. . , THbJatES of FREIGHT to Md, from any point in the west by the Penusylvanl& Railroad art at alt Xtmrs as fatorttblt *a art tkargtd by etiUy Railroad Cempaxits, - . partisalartcmarkpaeksgej** via Pena*. Rail road, r . Far Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, to, er address cither ortho following Agents of ike Com* 9 any: “Eot H. w. Brown A Co.,rhnoimmtl t 04 Attem A HibMrt, plnolunnti, O.i R, Q. Meldrnm, Msdi.on, Ind.; Jo., E. Moor*. Louunllj, Ky.; P. G. IPHitoy A Co, Glnw. A C 0..,, HI.: W. H. A. KioiS’. AJlon lU.; or to Fr«i»ht Agents of Railroads at different points in cue West- LEECH & CO., No jT.Statostreet, Boston. l u ' A H. LEWIS, Gen’lSup't Altoona* Pa, Ja3-Jy figTOnsaßjHßifflD WINTER ABRANGE SHffitSSSi® MENT.-PHILADELPHIA, O. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 13, iB6O, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia,6,7,B,9,lo 11,and 13 A.M,,1,3, 2,3tf,4.5.«fi,6.7,a,U0*, andntf P. M. . ' ’ Leave Germantown, 6,7. 7X, 8- 8«. 9. 10,11 and 13 A. M., 1,2,3.4,6,6, 6%, 7.8.9. anrf 10K P. M. , Olfr SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 min. A. M„ 2,7, and 10>£ P. ru. 9H §»*'M ® orraantQwn ’ ®*lo Win. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and . * ‘ OHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, G, 8,10, and 13 A. M., 2, 4, 6,8. and 10>* P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7* 10, 7 35. 8.40, and 9.40, and 11,40 A. M„ 1.40,3 40,8.10. and 8,40 P. M. ’ , . ON SUNDAYS. Loave Philadelphia. 9.00 A. M„ 2, and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.somin, A. M., 1250, 5.40,and 9.10 mm. P. M. POR CON&HOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 0.50, 7 H, 905, and 1105 min. A. M„, 4 H. 5.55, and HH P.’M. ’ Leavo Norristown, 6, 7,8.05,9, and II A. M„ IX, 4)5, and G 1. JVI. , T.L ,a , S> N SUNDAYS. „ Leavo Philadelphia, 9 A. M and 3 P. M„ for Norris town. Loavo Norristown. 7« A M. and 8 P. M. . o.m j ,F°K MANAYUNK. i.^f«s, s p ai!!&' S s o s “hi^ 9 8 < i 5 ’ aad i,os a - m - S.^MdJjfKaf ’ m ‘ m ' 9H ' ”* A - M "*’»<• Leave Philadelphia 7 P. M, Leave Mataayank. 7X A. M . SK. and 8 P. M. .. .. H.K.SMITH. General Superintendent. nolO-tf . DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Streets. PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING RAIL KO a J).—P ASS lift GER TRAINS for POITBVILLE. READING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Nov. sth, 1600. MORNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CAL UOW- RfiLPHIA (Pasaenser entranoea on Thirteenth and on CaUowlull atreeta.} at g a, oonnaotineatHarTisbwrg with the BENNSYLVaNiX MBfiaELSB^ bury, so. „ AFTERNOON LINES, Leave-New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW PHILADELPHIA,! Pasaenger entranoea on Thirteenth and on Callowhill atreeta,) for POTTS VILLB and HARRISBURG, at S.&jp. M,, D AILY, for READING only, at 4.50 P. M.. DALLY, (Sundaya ex- D&TANOES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING _ _ RAILROAD. From Philadelphia. Miles, Tn Phranixvilln , 281 Readings MiPtoiladQjphiaand Reading Lebanon—— ... Gsf andLeoanoa Valley R.R, Harrisburg.™ . .112) Dauphin—. —.121 MiUersbnri— .142 Trevorton Junotion-lM 8 unbury —.. 160 Northumberland —.171 Lewuburg —.178 Milton .„ 183 Munoy—., ....., .197 Williamsport.... —.339 Jersey Snoro —. ......223 Look Haven —— .238 Ralston- ....... .8331 Tr0y....... ..—.26l} 'Williamsport and Elmira Elmira.. v ...2871 Railroad. ■n T £®r,? A. M., and 8.30 P. M. tram oonneot daily at E?r r LrP. lin & n .V {Sumiars excepted,V with the OATA WIBBA, WILLIAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada.tfaa Went and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. ap3S-tf W. H. McILHENNBY, Secretary Jgtegifflßgggßm north pennsyl- VANIA KAILROAB. HAVEN, -WILKESBARHE, WIILIAMSI'OItT, 40. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. JulrM.iKJ, Paaenrer Train* will leaira FRONT and WILLOW Street., phi ladolphla, DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) as follows; At 6,30 A. M.iKspreM)»,ft»r Bethlehem, Allentovni Mauoh Chunk, Jlaxfeton, Wilkeabarre, Wjllmmsport, AtS.RO P. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, K&aton, &o. This tram reaches Easton at 8.60 P.M., ami makes close connection Trttli New Jersey Central for New At 6 P« M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, *At 9 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. M.and 6.60 P. hi. for Fort Washington. The 6.80 A. M. Express Tram makes olose conneotlon with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Betlilehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkeabarre, and to allpoints in the Lehigh Coal Region* TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA* Leave Bethlehem at 8.6 S a. M„ 9.20 A. M, and 542 p, Leave Jlpylestoem at 740 A. M and 4.18 p. M. Leave Fort Washingtonat 6,* ATM. and 118 P. M. ... - JON SUNDAY6I Philadelphia Tor Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia, lor Hoileatotrn.atß P. M. BorleetownTor Philadelphia at HM A. M, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.00 I*. M. Fare to Bethlohem-il SOlKara to Manoh ChMik.B3 a Faro to Ear,ton I.EOIFato 0 DojloatolfhT 080 fi o%S”%m«e^oV®^ t ß^eW e oX to ssoure tho above rates of fore. All Passenger Trains {exoept Sunday Trains) oonneot at Barks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets and Sboond and TMra-atrtet Passenger Railroads, 99 nunutes after leaving willow street fra ELLIS CLARK , for examination, with catalogues, cany on the morning of,sale. FITZPATRICK A BROS., ADC SUtti! TION2ERS ' 09 * CHESTNUT Str«»t, above SALES EVHttY EVENING, At 7 oolook. of Books, stationery and fancy goods, •watches, jewelry, clocks, silver plated ware, cutlery* paintings, musical rastruoments, &o. 3 Also. Hosiery, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every description. 1 “ j DAY BAEEB every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 10 o’olook A.Jm PRIVATE SALES. , At private sale several large consignments of watohes, Jewelry, books, stationery, silver-plated ware, ontlery. fanoy gooes, &o. To which is solicited the attention of oitv and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of merchandise, foreither pubho or private sales. Liberal oash advances made on oonsignmonts, Gut-door sales promptly attended to. OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and v COMMiB|ION MERCHANT, Southeast comer of SIXTH and RACE Streets * . MONEY TO LOAN. i to loan; at the lowest rates, on diamonds, «iJ J ’* ? l,veT dry goods, olothing, gro- E?mtS' rdware, ontlery, pianos, mirrors, fur niture, bedding, aod on goods of every desonption, in targo or small amounts, from one doiiorto toouMnds, foranylensth of time agreed on. . ’ gT The Oldest Fstablished House in this oity. tST Private entranoe on RACE Street, 3 AFT Business hours from 9 A M.toSP. Jd. Heavy insuranoofo the benefit of depositors. 1 „ charges on ly two per centt VO* Advances of 8100 and upwards at two per cent. Advances of 8100 and upwards, at one per cent., for short loans. AT PRIVATE SALE. «S??iAv o C,the finest GOLD PATENT LEVER and CHRONOMETER WATOHEB manufactured, at half the usual selling pnoes, gold lever and lepine watches, silver dever aud lepine watches, English, Swiss, and r reach watches, at astonishingly low prioes, jawelry of every description, very pistols, musioal in struments, first quality of Havana cigars, at half the importation price, in quantities to suit purchasers, and various other kinds of roods. , , OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of goods soli cited. MOSES NATHANS, SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE SALE .Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin andear rings. PnooBMo. CostinPansBl.4oo. CTOANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. M- 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Ffcil&dsiphla, pays oil Deposits on demand. Deposltorrmoney secured by Government, State, and City Leans, Ground Rents, Kort- TpsCompanydeesaufety better than large profits, consequently wilt run no risk with depo sitors’ money, rat have it at uQ times ready to Stern, with f per eent, interest, to the owner, as ey have always dons. This Company never suspended* Females, married or single, and Minors, oon deposit in their own right, and snob deposits can beVitharawa oult by their consent. Chfirter perpetual. Incorporated the State of Penneylruila. with authority to reoeive money r ffl|tG^Sfß d SMS!lL 0 BUMti XEOEIYED, open daily, from Bto t o’olook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 otaleek. Jacobs, Codwaliider, teiW'iu., Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delanr, Nioholas Rittenhoute. NathanSmedler* Sfittarthwaitii Jomsy«»E Crxvs CAPWAiiiiAPßxjaTuasirert apg-r CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. XN k3TEREST.-IJATIONAI< SAFETY TRUST COM PANY .WALNUT Strest, sontlnrsst ooraer orTHIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Bute ei Ponnsyl- Y isney.ii reoeiTed in any nun. lan* nr small, andis- deposit fe tha dayoTvitfc- o#o* la own 6T611 da? fraa nine e’olook in th« morning till five o’olook Intlie evening, and on Monday end Thursday evenings till sight ocloeic. non. HENRY L. BENNER. President. • ROBERT SELFRIDOE.Viee President. i. mm, Seoretarj. | ' ’ SIUSOTOSSS ten. Henry L. Benner, F. Carrell Brewster, Edward L. Qarter, • Joseph £.£&?r XobortSelfndre, Francis Lee, gamuelX. Ashton, Joseph Yerke*, o,'Landieth Munns, James L. Stephenses* Money xs received and payment* made daily. The investments are made* In oonfonzutr with the SroriaiODsof the Charter, in Real Estate Alortsaces, 'round Renta, and suoh first-class securities aa will al ways insure perfect seourity to the depositors, and whiohoannotfati to five permanensr and stability te this Institution. m!~1t GATING FUND—UNITED STATES gj, TRUST COMPANY, HrM) THIRD end CHEST NUT Street. Lergeend emailaumetecaiwdjandjpaidbaoltendt maad tnthout notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTh- the dar of depout to the d« of triit 'a< c * . DRAFTS for tale on EnglandtirelAiid, 4 Gotland from upwards. ViINY FISK. Actuary ulf FOR TUB SOUTH.—-CHARLES* TON AND SAVANNAH steamships. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy freight at &n average of fittkbn per oeut. below New Tfa» U. S. Mail Steamship KEYOTONE STATE, Captain Charles **. Marsh man, will sail on Monday, N or. 23, at.lo o’clook A. M. Through in 43 to 60 hours-only 40 hours at Sea, FOR BA VANN AD, Ga. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Saturday, December 1, at 10 o’oloctr A. M. Through m 88 to 80 hours—only 48 hours at Bea. *y Saalmg days chonged from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received and Bills of Lading signed every day. The splenae the .be« and pan Inr.Coekjilg stove in the market, ItiilSlfL either with or without i«!bgiwi, Mannffto.ured and for .ale by NoRxil lß^H*HK r9 * Sg&V l - Fo “nntf WarerMuS, aos A?Ah siSofl* oneeu . 08-*m A- THS FIERY STAR GAS-BURN SA ! N ® radiating parlor btovbj 52Af l , is the bast and most eoonomioal Heating *«mw IManuffecturad and for sale by NORTH, CHAfi** NORTH. Foundry Warerooms, 308 North B*wk G Street. 06 3m A OUR NEW GAS-BURNING BASE irnwH STOVE is the most eoonoatoal Stove of the JSM kind, and muoh more.durable than the GaT wuwry^ware- MACHINERY AND IKON. PEHN STEAM ENGIKB ANi) MoMbBOniBR WORKS—NBA FIE fc LITV FJUCjTiQAL.AND THEORETICAL EKBlNjrci&! ft&a having, for many jmh, boon in and low pressure.lron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &o» &o.*TespeotfuUy offer their services to the pnblio, as Mine fully prepared to .contract for Engines of al! sixes* ittsJiae, River, and*Stationary , having eats o 2 paterw of deferent sues, are prepared to execute uers with amok despatoh. Every description of P&Marfe making made at the shortest notice. ■ High aaTin' Pressure,Fine,Tubular, and Cylinder Boiler*,oftha best Pennsylvania charcoal iron* Forgings, ttfajt aisea andkinds; Iron and Brausa Castings, ofairtNaoriptioiat Roll Turning. Sorew Chitting* ana all other wort o&&? nected inth the, • Brewings and specifications for all work done at thafr establishment, free ofeh&Ti®, and Work guarantied. The snbsonbers have amplo whayf desk room for re pairs of boats, where taw can ,Ue in perfect safety, and ere provided with shears, blocks, fells, &o„ As Hr raising heavy or tight weights. ■ JACOB G. KKAFIE. . o £ OHN p * levy. BEACH and PALMER >tteefe' turns, v. amin, r, vanas** nsxxtv# couTHw^r^wr: yiFBH AND ***&*** miaamtaß. for Land, RlTtjr- and Manns nraco. I ST : ! < G ' U ' l il Mt f ”• !'»*•• Iron Doala,*«.; Cans* •faUfandi, either Iron or Brora, w r«K3BteSgf,%!,f ’ flr *" W «* Sk «*' *»*'- „H«ort. and Giu SJaaiiMr? »f lie ! steal and Mast is ofFlantniion Kmjhinaij, nok at .Sole Awata for N. Kimeux^^^StSaSr^ihM F iOUNT PEASANT FOUNDRY, Mo. 9SI &«?£ *?» SS& r «£°2 k # *****»t t£©aSs>«SS> Jnd n S ,juaM, m dry or rrean r^ljW CAUTION !—ASTKOLOGY!—UOO& °UT s-godd news for all M:re. VAN HORN is the best; pke scooted! vlien all others bave failed. All who me istronbie, au yho have been unfortunate, deoeived false prenuM*. fly to her for advice and comfort. In lov* c&airi iii w«vir She has the seowti of wuminy tee aiffeo tionaof the opposite sex. Ifciathi® fectwhiehiauMei im orate pretonder* to try to imitate hor, anti copy hey advertijaiuonta, 8h» shows yon the likeness of your ri* tore wifo, or aMent friend. It is well knows to the r.t I irga that she In the first and only Mh eftn*hp«rtA*lilrtmsMin reality, a&dea&m* tihtiM eatasiiafcon on all the.oonoernsoißTe* which nan be tested and proved by thousands, both tttmM per and Bread. noSi-S** SI ALT PETBE—For Sale by WETHEB BROXaSH. Noa, 4T sod 49 Wortl. SE COND Stmt! acU