The XtanT huket. ‘ ; t '. jm;:? JiT:; >ijij ! ,'j, , BiipßiA J K9T««»bir 21,1860. The itookmerketwufeTertihoodijneetUedto- tirtuhKire eid lipotUoftToabteeemong '■Tttalfenltkeno;; benit«.. : '.Eeedlhg' Ball road »h*r<* feUta'lsj, »»d roeeettkeeeeond ’ heard Pennsylvania Railroad iharee'aold imiHW* at 37 to 37i.01ty loan* mm ■ of the (sloklagPnnd ' doUiM of *et«jiva»l» State f '#rilp** MdfaOO,which go to nduee theßtate The mono; market ,1a very Ught, owing to the geaonl.dlatruat of the Comic. ,?ha Bask ‘it, Garstantoeu hu hid a change in ite'OMhter: -Hr'i.SamtnJ Harvey, Jr; reatgnedthe -leMh|eniipt 'e»d »«r elected vloe praaidant, end Hr. Cherlee W'. Otto wee elected to anooeed him ■ eecaakter. .'.fjelther’.the Pennsylvania Company for lour _ raßeeonldhsl and Granting Annuities, not tha "PhißddelphU. Sayings Fund, at Tenth endCheet : anlstreetTwas represented at the, meeting whloh detumiaedto require of savings food depositors two weeks' ioUoe of withdrawal. Both of tfaeia WP oB i demand. ■ Wcm thaNew York hvening Post wa .taka tha - toUneriag aotioe of tha atook and money sukat in . , . l»a better feeling notioeable yesterday appears heap spasmodic—in' fi cling only—and fol-. to-day by aietnfnof. inoraised stringency ttthe paper market, and b gloomy feeling on.'tna ' SWak'Xßohaßca.' There Is less cnrrenoy for paper, , antiionly in rareinstancesthat 15and 18 per deal la paid for even first-olassnames. Very good billa strongly endorsed, are obtainable at 2 .per cent a month. ~ Money cncall remainsseareeat 7 percent., and gnat duariminaiion Is still adhered to in regard to •eitatersls;-- • ■ - ■ Thesaspeosion of tho Virginia banks occasions HtUe surpriee, sad a general stampede at tha Bonth would ■ probably he the signal for improve- kan, .and wO already detect a, feeling, of re llaf aa affairs tend to that result. ■The hank: committee for the purchase of ex ebaagn, koaght yesterday *25,080/ which, though •mail ia amonnt, has encoamgad others to appear ia tkataatkat aa eompttitnn, so that rated on urn dan aad Paris are becoming more uniform Tho .t»jM»lplgi>liiji In landing Talk for tho Pers.a’s . maSfwaa at Bids 105, with few transactions at tbs stride *gm>s> Francs range within 5 ioss 471. -. Tbeffxabadxa,Committee will meat every day at thaJßank of Cbmauroe, and receive propoaals for tho laio of billa npto'l2 o'olock, and return an awata at 2 o'clock. It is said that the committee had proposed to saveral prominent prodaoe deal era ts taka their billa at par, and advance ,75. per -heat, efthe amount. Thle was, ofeourse, rsneoted, sad we aannot see that the Corn Exchange had aa yaaWf bs..~ B fioßoHmato- 1* « te!TrL^..;..l«4 1 Union Bank-1..—. SU4 BBS—BTEADY, , Sid. AHud Elmir»f»rf. JT £Sa&:-:»xTu£ ffSSfStf-zSi* & assate..? i 4.- * w Samoa k rue...... 10 H OrMBI&OMtm.JC 17 Qbeatnttt k Wwnt.. *2 Philadelphia Market*. Nomk*»* ll—Kveoim. .Thera leUttt»arn« demand forPlour to-den either for a*Mttt«f kQM eta. aad nrioea are.nnaettled and tower; thetndaaranarfßlia a email way onijrat jyitXo tutor anaar*aa.*aJBo«Toraatra, and «e?»MM
£• itora; drudfa «o* and hfads2lo Sxchange-Nov. *1 BOABB. jMQftrYovk Stock Yv,*v ',W©*» yiii 500 H&Tltm * Pr«f. SZjig 100MlobiCantral tL ... jr So Hiob S' * »ftf *. /. 14, 40Miek4*lfI g . ♦» 100 Galena k CblK.o are. held at 4475)f. witfaoat buyer*. «(ai( red'fitful: vsifai 9UioU9. i'om lM«ty ; trJllit end yellow «9#T§o Prorieione dull and 5SA*i wuaky aommal *t«WJOA»o St-Tka Bjarka tforall iindiof •MdM* M«wMr bwsswd, end there i**ety little ESSE far ear artiele. The jpricea are ajittte better SSTiKMUBaI? Floor u offered at fife: wheat fcMo SSSSt?Md 880 > white Wo.- Cora doil« andjfolower, Cm «ith more diwoeiteon to eeit. 'There are *9tEJ£Em*r a*rWt ii ■trin.#nt,butUi.d«raM>d is iSSmUb- Fmt’elui Jn»t,n ijfoatnMSSvim'U ft | «y<' »M>m» OB B.W York irs «t K jpritmt Light** sr Haßxt Wabd Bxxchxr —The in. troduetory.leotart Af flfA'Feople'e Literary Institute Court# will tie delivered at Concert Halt this (Thursday) evening, by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. We ad vice to i#t inside the hall to to early. A Chawgi or WxATHBB.i—The keen air of yes terday and ooeanonal sprinkling of enow-flakes pointed -»little wore positively towerde o]d;Kiug Winter than anything we have yet had. One of the praotioal effects of tbl*, at night be expected,was to precipitate a rush upon the For department of Messrs. Charles O&kford A Sou»voder the, Continental Hotel. These gentle men, great aa U their reputation for presenting annu ally the richest stook of furs in the country»hava this season Jay exeeeded anything they have heretofore of fered. By all odd*, for ZrOdto* Are in ell their varie ties and elegance, Ookfordi’ is the place to go to. We meanOakfoyd*' underthe Continental,** neither Mr. Charlie Oakford, nor'eny of his son* ere connected with any other establishment In thie oity. Kbw SfTL* Wmtßß BoR»»TS“Xhe house of Lincoln, Wood, A Nichols, No. 725 chestnut street, is now doing an imnienre buemess in Bonnets and Chil dren's Hats The downward tendency of the thermo* meter, aa we write, remind* us of a remark recently made in our presenoe, that the most exquisite stook of winter Bdnnets'ever displayed in .this oity was that ex hibited la the Retail department of this well-knownes tablishment. They are now selling their large stook of elegant goods at greatly reduced prices, whloh buyer* would do wellto bear in mind. Pabio makers are busy with the err of seoeaslon, reoetsion, dissension, suspension, and *o oii through the ugly list oHions. Cool, deliberate* and thinking ftsople discourage all these alarms; and they make themselves comfortable this chilly weather by wearing the.elegant seasonable garments made at the Brown-stone Clothing Hall of KookhiU A Wilson, Not. SOS and 60s Ohestnut street, above Sixth The stock of wearing apparel for gentlemen and youths ou hand at this great emporium is without An equalin or but of the Union. “Know then Thtselk; Prbsomk not God to Scan, - The proper study of mankind is man.’’ Nothing obtains more potency in our estimate of mankind, and womankind too, (for man embraces wo man) than external garniture, in whioh we comprise dress and address. Men ere generally Judged by their acts, butjtrrt impressions are always made by appear ances. Hence the importance of aotrag and looking well ; and our advice to nil men is to robe themselves m the beautifMetid seasonable vestments gotten up at the “ one-price” store of Granville Stokes, No, 607 Chest nut street, who presents each of hfs patrons with a valuable and useful gift.!. . ‘ SPECIAL NOTICES. Diseases of the Blood are all caused by the disposition of the waste or worn-out parttoles of the Blood to. the weakest portion of the body- All forma ofThrcat or Luug difficulties, as well ss Catarrh, are as muoh a sorofulous taint in the, system as King's £vil, Salt Rheum, Cancers, Ulcere, Tumors, and Eruptions of various kinder By titidiigJ.'R. Stafford's IRON ANJ) SULPHUR POWD&RS, whioh. unite with the digested food, and enter with it into the formation of new blood, strengthening ami converting its wastes or worn-out particles into gases, whloh eo invigorates the circulation as to expel alt impurities from the system. The OLIVE TAR should be used in all oases as direoted on the label, or in a pamphlet whioh Is sent free. Bee advertisement* Bold by &U druggists, and by DYOTT & CO., *33 North BKCONO Street, Philadelphia. 0012-tH Saving Fond —National Safktt Teds, Cokpant.—Chartered by. the State of Pennsylvania, RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, arcs or small, . I. FIVE PER GENT, interest is paid for money ftom the day it is put in. 9. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called lor, and without notice.. 4, Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in arge or small sums, to remain a long or short period. $, The money reoeived from Depositors is Invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first olass securities. 5. Offioe open every day—WALNUTStreet, southwest corner Third street. Philadelphia. j all Seamen's Saving Fund —Northwest Coxnxb fizcoxn and Walhut Stxksts.— Deposits re oeived in icutil and large amounts, from all olasses of the community* and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum.' Money may be drawn by oheeks without loss of in terest. Offioe open daily, from 1 until • o'dock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treaenrer and Secretary* OH AS, M. MORRIS. - • ' J ' Hair Dtr ! llair Dfe! !—Batchelor’s LIQUID HAIR BYE is the original and best in the market. All differs are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. Splendid Black or beaatiiul Brow* instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-pl&te en graving on four sides of each box. _ £ «»f ft'MAXWFLL fc SON, Afaaxfoeitmng and Importing Estabhfhtnent. .. Southeast comer Eleventh and Chestnut, Prepaid goods sent by Wail or Express. nnl4 wthfc*St ir@» FCOPLR'A LITERARY INSTITUTE. \LS HENRY WARD BEECHERHeh vera I. the Conise THIS EVENING, at CONCERT HALL. Lecture quarter before eight yplook. Tiokets,ascents, It* rr 5» LECTURES IN AJD OF THE CHURCH [LS CpkST. MaTI'HIAS. jCCod T*e of Six Lectures will be delivered at CON CERT HALL.maidof the above the fol lowing eminent tulenfc: - * „ . . DeeemteY 4tl\. Right Rev, John William*, 0. D., Bishop of Conneotiont. Subject—** Edmond Burke.” "® ! ‘ n ' D ‘ D ' B,ook ' January.Bth, Rev.F. Jvßuntington, D, D.»Bosttn, Meet—‘‘lp dependence or Character, the True and the False,” -v. 1 ,• January Ifth; lev. Frauds Vinton, D B„ Now York. fok tb» Cum, to U had »t the Store, FBlatiitreebi, nolO-tath&s Mel CIT Y ITEMS. IABBUD. rye” alumni anniversary.-thk an- GODWIN, will address the Alumni, njnd the Oration will be delivered by the Rev. H. E. MONILOMKRY, OrehestrauudertheohargeofMr. Hassler. Ticket# mar be had by applying to the Janitor at the University, or at Hazard's Book Store, 7 24 Chestnut streetMß n2t-3t tra* ANNIVERSARY IF THE “MBR -IJJ? OaNTILK BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF Nineteenth Anniversary of th« Association will beaelebrated at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, November 23, at 7M o’olnok, on whioh oooosion the Annual Re- Sort of the Board of Managers will be read, and ad resses delivered by Rev. A. A. WXLLTTTS, Rev. JOBEPH A. SEISNand GEO, H. BTUAHT. Eaq. ORCHESTRA UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROF, HASHLER. Cards of admission mar be hat gratuitously by applying to the undersigned, No. St* North THIRD Street. The number of tickets will be |ositively limited to the comfortablethe nojg t23if President. rrg* PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. 'JJ? The Kigbth Course of Leoturf swill be opened atUONOERT HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, November22d* by Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. To be followed by , _ Rev. E, H. Chapin, D. D —.—. November 27th. Hon N. P.Banks...- DecemberCth. George Wm. Curtis, Esq Deoerrber 13th. Bayard Taylor, -... DeoeroberSOth, Hon. Charles Samner. . - December 27th. Rev, B shop Simpson, D.D January 3d, Rev.H, Ward Beecher January 10th. Rev, R. B. 8t0rra.D.D...... 17th. Rev. H. Ward Beecher ——. .. January 24th. tickets for the course of Ten Leotures for sale at 5,75i4 chestnut street. Admitting one $3AO “ Gentleman and lady; —,. - - 3.25 *• Gentleman and two ladies-.- 4.00 Single tickets, 23 gents no!3 122 ocrK?ss i c« E Ni Ni ' yl v ani A rail Philadblpkia, Ootober 17,1860. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the Capi tal Stook of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and alter NOVEMBER 15. 1860. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends oan be hod on application at the Offioe of the Company, No. *3B Bouth THIRD Street. THOB. T. FIRTH, ooiS-tdel Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA IkS AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. March* 18®. The holder! of the bonds of this Company, due July 1, 1860, oan now receive, upon application at this office. 10 Ser cent in cash, upon the terms specified in the oirei tr attached* The holderi are alio entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Futfd of 4140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January fi, 1980,and in pursuanoe oftheoontraot,enteredintoby he oompanrand duly reoorded. to carry the same into fl'eot. 8. DKADFORI, Treasurer. . ..CIRCULAR. . Afsftes !• iki Jioldtrs of Philadrlphta mud Ridding Railroad Company Mortgag* Bonds, dm July li 1359. These bond*are scoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting ip the aggregate to 88*&8i400. The net revenue for the last fisoalyear Ira* six tunes the amountof the annualinterest on these bond*. The manager* propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bond*and the security of the mortgages in the preoise oonditionin which they are now hold. Fresh sheets of oonpons for the interest* parable halftiearly# will be issued. A bonus of 19 per cent, will be gives to the holdei*. in ooasidoration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds* on their sigmnra receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the offioe oJ the Company .or to its agents* Perms ofreoei pi and endorsement Will hi famished oz application. „ . . fly order «f the Board of Manager*. „ „ • ml-tf W. H- MoIiTHJBxiNY. Secretary, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, DP TO 13 O'CLOCK LAST HIOUT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Ninthaml ChMtnut rtraeU* E 8 G NoMe, St Louis H J Taylor, Philadelphia i M Lawrence, Wilcox, Fa Jno H Stewart Sc la, Balt tfrt Brown, New York Mis* Tucker Sc sis, Boston MB Aobinion, Faria, Mo Thompson Campbell, Cal Wm A Galbraith, fa Chas jp TMoore, Point P Antonia Floroa F Stallman So la, York, Fa Boykin* Camden* 8 C BevDr Floy &w.N Y obn Bertzlerfe dautPhtla Allan Miller, New York ,60 P Burdett & la, N Y T A Taylor Sc la, Boston O 0 Wooohouse Sc la, N Y h Bowie, Charleston„ < W Tamer, Boston F B Lathron, Leroy, N Y A Rose, New York Mrs J 8 Bolden, N 0 T Van Brunt, New York F jshroder, Lancaster A Fmbie, Chioago Hjßarwell, Chiongo J B Johnson, Lock Haven C H Brcneman, Lancaster J Dent * wKGeorget’wn, DC John D Skills Sc wf, Lano A M Woods Sc wf, Bucks co E Sturges, Buffalo J R Lindsay, PittahuTg H B Hoomes, Virginia Capt Wilkes, ÜBN Miss Wilkes . , , MissE Wilkes M P Fobertaon Sc la, Ya Thou Cunningham, NY A Hpughteiling, N V J M Moorhead. Penns __ H Thomas. Poona ' . B C Milam, Frankfort, Ky w» Vail Sc la. New York W L Pomroy. New York W O Davey. Jersey City A FPrentis.New London H Webber,'Montreal J M Jaok Sc lady. Indiana M B Spshr.'Yprk, Pa F hi Hoffman, Illinois Geo woods Rioe, Hoaton HOKead.Netf York GDutron, Baltimore G D Spurrier Sc la, Balt L Bargs, New York D Hoatetter, Pittsburg Gpo It Burntt, New Y«rk A S Mitohetl, New York N A Gaas&way, Baltimore P B Wentworth, Boston John Walaham, Mexico F K Barton, Mexioo C H Goffen, Mass J H Leland, Boston Wm Smith, Conneotiout i Converse, Conneotiout H Kellogg, Virginia , r W Fisher, Maiyland I)r J Fisher, Maryland A H Brown, Zanesville T River, Ashland, 0 r F J McMnhen, New York W 'l* Ayenon Be la, N Y Jfobt H Eddy it la, N York WHA Brown Sc la, N Y Wro Availl Maine f M Be Friart, N Orleans Jos Morrefield, Baltimore GIRARD HOUfIB-rl*. E. corner Ninth and Chestnut Isaac C Pray. Philadelphia Jphn Clay, New Jersey . Jaa Simons* Rhode Island Geo Labart, Fetma J Jones, Cmoinnati, Ohio T-< P Haynes k wf, N York Miss Haynes, New York Miss Walker, r*pw York WW Wright, Downingt’n WTlWrisht,Cmolnnau F B Jones Sc wf, New > ork H White & wf, N York Jno Maxwell, New Jersey Stephen Young. Maryland Miss Allen, Pennsylvania Mr Bdroonsom Brooklyn J H Rowland, Jr, N Bedfd WmM Walton A wf, Conn A C Wilson, Maryland - John L Zabnskie, N H Chan Wilson, New York Miss Wilson, New York t*amißuolap, New York TSmith, Westchester C VtiDYorst, New Jersey Ja« Morgan, Glen Fails Mrs Morgan Sc U. G Falls 8 a Allen, New Jersey J P Allen Sc wf. feuoa F Cjbe Mund At la, N Y J H Bewley* Delaware - W EWillg, New Yqric John Grosnon, New York Al*x bartew, New York Dr J Q. iUwaon, Ohio W T Holmes Sc wf, N J Miss Thompson, N Jersey B Logo® k la, Brockyn J L Goodwin. Canada M tss Goodwin, Canada C Soowartz, New York Thompson Campbell. Cal John H Walker. Erie Thasfangell, H K Leman, Lanotslsr Wm Banders Sc la, Bait Thos Campbell, Pa 0 Young, Mobile Mrs Young, Mobile JWatt.New castle W Blackwood * la. Pa W B Rookafehow, N i Judge Donaldson, Reading G B Volton, ft York W Trowt«n Sc wf, chio OHHouston.NYork fiXVfitfoSaVAW™ a P Wiimter Maryland W Dillon k la, I, York Mr Pitman* N York MrWheeler.N York T Soott Stewart, Fenna 6 HRulbert, New York I*B Uanohtte,New York AO Ware, geor.ia Mi«« A Ware, Georgia J O Smith, Baltimore Q F Nerbitt, Jiew /ork, 8 Treharn, Mauoh Chunk R G Reese, Llkton, Md JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. M Johnson. Mary land _ Geo W Levral, Maryland J T Howard, Wash’n, DO Geo W Ftanoie, N Y Geo Warren, Newark. NJ JSnutoera, Delaware Kobfc P Woods, Maryland Thos Forsythe, Penna John Waldron, New Jerser J V Mauler, Net.J*’W Herbert Oelston. New York John M Moore,New Jersey S Glenning, Pennsylvania Geo Sharp, Maryland Asa Packet, Portland Benj Faulks. Canton, N Y OS Cummings, Canada AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at., above Fifth. R. Aareent, Ohio <1 Garden, Ohio O P OoUlnsti'ennsylvania J P Johnson, Cnegter co B WsUut, Whit* Haven Prank R Force, Newark John Hall, Wait Chester H Yerkeß, Phmniivilla JJouilesaitis.,Philadelphia Tho.N Jrfih, vvimainsport A B Bimltok. New York Geo Bhaw, Philadelphia H L Bultzbaoh, Fa Thomaa C Nioola, Jr, Ma Oh Griffith, Delaware John G Black fc la, Del ST, LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut etreet, above Third. Geo Taylor. New Y ork- Geo Spenser, Ohio Johnston, Cheltnut Hill Win /owed, Jr, Cim 0 FT Bharie, Millville, N J R UtJreopo fc wf, N J A M Wills, New Jersey CD Morrison, New Jersey A By Wester, Boston DDelorm, New Yolk T H Petera, Pennsylvania Adam Kralt, Penna, J B MoDowell, Delaware Nathaniel Snow, Maas h Morrison, Maesaohusetts OB Dawes, Boston U H Fainter, West Chester MaJ John Hodson, Penna O Westinshouro, New York John is Simpson, Mary! d Alf Goes, Maryland 0 Murdook. Baltimore L Evans, New Jersey ESWorrcH, Pa sgtfflni THE UNION-Aroh etreet, above Thud. S M Hayes, Pittshure Missß Hayes, Pittsbure B F Berlin, Readme B L Eshlraan, Port Carlwn H Clayton it wf, Delaware Mue MO Rothwell, Del R T Lookwood, Delaware David Gario, Baaton Riohard Molly, Pa W H Keifer. N J B L Uhler, Uhlereville, Pa John flunter. Pa Gao L Croll. Middletown J F Poaey, Haseretown BTATES UNlON—Market street, above Bnth. Franklin Youns.Hanieburg Win J Smith, Mifflinslrarr Sami Enaminper A on, Fa A? 1! Trenton N J B R Hall. Baltimore W B Mendenhall. Coatesv Wn PAshlon.eomeraetoo RBCarson, Somersetoo G W Leipsr, ifew York IS D Uuprios, Now York Beml Aunhey **f. Juniata oo ti evH Aughay, Jr. Chester W 8 Fortney, Middletown A J Levy. Philadelphia D F Smith, ClevfieM L Roai.New York C Levy. Philadelphia ® a, 2s r S n c<> J 8 Nesblt & wf HRHawman, Berks oo 0 B Happersett & la,N York NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. • T Good, Allentown L W Drake. H«leton L F JBeokel, Bethlehem J Brown & wf, Trenton B Lindeey. Columbia J Myers, Trenton M Trout. New York j* JB Kinp- Luaerne oo Dr T H Martin, Allentown OH Kilhnier, Lebanon oo J Richards, Lebanonoo T V Anthony. Lebanon oo H J Handler, Pottsvule O ** Florance, Po»ts*xlle • It Haymaker, Lancaster co J Dawson, Sohuylkill oo G M Howell, Penmv W B Koons, Bloomaburg COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut* Miss Miller. MHton, Pa JB Kennedy, Lano 00. Pa* H Stafford. Laoooo. Pa „ EflwK*al, Chester 00, Pa Jesse Clowd, Couksv’o. Pa CN Ter or, Z Lamborn, Chatham Wm Taylor A la, Penna. Miss Taylor, Chaster co MreLßeck, Cliesteroo ftirt Pyle. West Chester Geo J Hughes, Chatham B«Lml 8 Thompson, Phiia Wm D Evans, Pottstown Wm H Taylor, Penna H G Hamilton ka, Del , Mii«6 E Harm ton. Del Jas K Burnet, Felton, Del FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market. GVaa M Sloan A la, N J Mr Neligb, Atlantlo City Thos Flanagan. Bristol Pa Wm Cook. Philadelphia J B Niokersou, Camden, Del Thos Purnell, Bristol. Pa . r os Farrington, Bristol, Pa A 1 Wjloox, Baltimore BE Whitehead. Phil\ A P > sten, Bndesburg, Pa Wm H Evans, Bridcsbure Jen AWMorton.Klontgoo, Pa JohußuQUey,Cln, O John M Maudain, Del Y D Menlken, Dei ‘ Bowen, New Jersey MT. VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Aroh. Thos Williams, New York RJJ Williams, New York John 8 Lee. New York Caml MoFate, New York HKverhaid, Cataimqna L Had c tift,M.ontcop,Pa A M Hopkins- Delaware Mrs R Willanl. Pbila , Master B Willard, Phiia Geo Abrahams. Norristo’n tfrs Thompson. Burlington Miss E Johnson, Monts co MERCHANTS’ HOUSE—Third at., above CallowhiH. 0 h Hoffman, flharookin EH Mulford ft la, Penna D GoodxGratatown J Laudensohlager,Gratxtn sriMiViert,Gratxtown G Hasenbutb. Allentown Benj Stettier. Allenio* n J W Haines, Ft Wash, Pa HBSherer 6c la, Reading Joa S Lauser, Lebanon oo W H Keber, Pennsylvania John M Reber, Berks co John K Johnston, Berks oo W T Roepper,.Bethleh,Pa BLACK BEAR HOTKL— I Third st., above CallowhiH. Atteetmer*Toimtburx N N Brown, Lebanon Wm N Treloble?, Penna TK Herlmger,Norristown Jas Fensterraaker, Penna Wm . w sy D ®, Jersey Jno Stout, New Jersey i\ T , l i®in' [.Bam Morns, Gwynedd , S Kh Bfohtel, Beohtelsville T L MaishaH. New Jersey WGring, Reading John Brandt, Tremont Mast Brandt, Tremont BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine, Wm Davison, Cheltenham H Corson, Buckingham R J Levering, Momoo co B WBaokus, Penna Wm K Richardson, Penna W Williamson, N Jersey Jos R Wert & la, N Jersey Dr Heston A la. Md W Atowart, Abingtoo Sarol Solliday, N Hope A B JobnsoniNew Hope. eaml Hughes, N Jersey R Snedaker. Trenton F.-B Reaoinr. Penna Capt Cook, Yardley vide Job Silvers, N Jersey BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CaUpwhill. J Kintz, Monroe oo P Gilbert, Monroe oo M Yost, Reading H Cowan, new York J Hathaway, New York J Lee, Worneledorf C V Tradeneok, Bethlehem TSKernahen, Allentown H Osborn»Bethlehem IMPORTATIONS (Reported for tho Press.l i RICHMOND— Steamship City of Riohmond JMjtehell —UO bxs 4os tobaooo A fc R. AnustronKi 210 by a 220 os do* bbls snuff buoknor, MoCammon t Co; Stt bxs CS os tobacco T Webster, Jrs 18 bis 18 et do Mercer & Antelo; 05 baasdrW peaches 151 dn apples M bales cotton Ibbl beeswax Martien fc Cm SOT ba!"a domestics Welhnf, Coffin fc Co; SO do rags Jes«up & Mootb; 4 bb's wax W F Potts: 16 rolls leather 160 bbls dried frmt 16 bales wool Parker ATol&na; labhdstollow Moigankßeeves; 40 bass flaxseed l bbl wax Miller fc Bio; 9o» rodse Corea fts fc Baker; 74 tegs was 0 H Cummings: «S empty oaks Massey. Collins «Co; la do carboys Powers fa Weightmoc; SflbMs tarWeayer.Fitler A Co; 2 do liquor 870 emptykegs SOT bags pea nuts 340 do dried fruit order. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1860. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. arrived. Steamship City of Rtohmonu.*MitoUel!, from Rich mond, via Norfoiic,2s hoars, with mdse and passengers to Thos Webster, Jr. Steamship Boston, Crooker, 33 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to Jas Al'derdlce. Brig Emma, Baker, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells & Co, Sobr y&ndalia, Cooper. I day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Jas L Bewley k Co. Sohr. Olivia. Fox, I day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian Sc Curran. Sohr Meohamo, Hendrioknon, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with gram to Christian tc Curran. BELOW. , Mr Jaoob Marshall, pitot, reports the bark Ann Eliza beth, from Havana, and brig Mary E Milliken, from Cardenas, off Reedy Island yesterday. WENT TO BEA- The Br brigs Ida, for Glasgow, and Standard, for Nova Bpotla, went to sea oq fuesday evening. IReported by Mr Jacob Marshall, pilot.] BT ?HLBORAPfI. !(Correspondence of The Press.) . , , . . Nxw York, Nov 21, Arrived, barks Itasoa, from Ship Island; Carolina, Is?and Ver P°° ’ dafl,S| * rom lanthe, from Turks e. . MEMORANDA. steamship Delaware, Oannon, henoe, arrived at New York yesterday. steamship North Star, Jones,Jor Aspinwall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Da Soto, Johnson for Havana and New Or leans, sailed from New York yesterday. Ship Judge Shaw, Abbott, from Whampoa and Macao, with teas, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Invincible. Hepburn, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Ships Reindeer, Davis, and Martnion, Blankenship, Cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool, Ship Constitution. Jones, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Bark liva, Duiie, from Maraoaibo, arrived at N York yesterday. Bark Stampede, Lewis, oleared at New York yester day for Marseilles. , i benoe for Laguayfa, wasseon 18th ult. lat 1089, long 26M standing south, * Bark Prtma Donna, Oliver, for Glasgow, cleared at N York yesterday. Bar* D G Wilson, Peacock, for Philadelphia, oleared atNew Orleans 17th inst. with 239 hhds sugar, 1163 bbla casks* 868 ’ bales ootton, 50 bales moss, and 270 empty BrigB P Brown, Hammond, from Havana, arrived at Wilmington, NC. 19tb inst Bobrs Allen Middleton, Jr. Sipple, and Rioh’d Thomp son, Lloyd, henoe, arrived at Washington, DC, yesier dar. Bohrs Adolph Hugel, Mason, and C S Carstatrs, Bo from Charleston, artived at Wilmington, NC, lulii inst. Bohr J M Houston, Russell, for Boston, oleared at Charleston 17th mat, NSjohr M. ABbmdier, Ireland, from Charleston,arrived atNew York yesterday. Bohrs Fanny. JUayJtaw, and Mary Fletcher, Crosby, from Alexandria, amvod at Boston 20th inst. Bohrs George Edward, Baker, and O A Greiner, Wea ver. henoe, arrived at Boston 20th inst. foTPmlaSSpMa* w,okerson * beared at Boston 29th inst Bohrs Charles Moore, Ingersoll, and M Maroy, Young, sailed from Providenoo 20th inst. for Philaoelphia. fitcamers Planet, Wilson, and Ironsides, Vanderveer, hanoe, arrived at New York yesterday. NEW PUBLICATIONS. JANE FAIKFJ£L*D!IJ NOW READY, THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ‘ J ANE FAIRFIELD, EMBRACING A FEW SELECT POEMS, SUMNER LINCOLN FAIRFIELD. With a Steel Portrait, engraved by BART AIN. Hand somely bound in one vol., izmo. 836 pages. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. BAZIN & ELLSWORTH, PUBLISHERS, NO. 1 CORNHILL, BOSTON. „ f From the Boston Post.] A SENSATION BOOK.—Mrs. Sumner Llnooln Foir- Ueid has completed the mamuoript of her Momoirs, and it is now ready, for pubhoauon. we understand, rom competent Judges who have read it, that it will ormone of the most remarkable and reoherohe vo umes ever printed m the United States. Mrs Fair teld’s history has been a nmrvelouely eventful one. A ady of great personal attractions and high mental no ooniplishments,. she commenced the Journey of life under the happiest auspices; but otonds ana shadows soon darkened her path, and she has been called upon to exercise pn energy of will and & oontest with adver sity which, in other forms and applications, wonld have given her renown etual to that achieved by many of the greatest heroes of tbo age. Her correspondence embr&oes letters from a large number of the roost emi nent meu—pbilosophers, statesmen authors. &0., Ac.— in Europe and America, while her Journal is given in thatlively and piquant style of narrative wbioh & spi rited and clover woman understands how to use so obarmingly. Her duties having called her all over the country, her aoanaintanoe is large and intimate m every state, and, of consequence* her pages wilt pos sess an interest os wide as the nation. „ [From the New York Herald.] Mrs. Bnmner Lmooln Fairfield, widow.oi the cele brated poet, has prepared for the press her own autobi ography, which, we nrediot, when published, will pro duce a most extraordinary eet-sation. FOR SALE AT Gr. O. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, ~ . Nn.139 CHESTNUT STREET' PHILADELPHIA, Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. n 022-74-26 St row READY— 4TJLANTXO MONTHLY DECEMBER, 1800, CONTENTS. Tux United Btajls and tub Barbary Etatks, SUNSHINE. The Two Tongues. Midsummer and May, Epitralamia. ABTIIOa JiALLAM. The Convulsions op a Medium- John Anpek and Ronoha sneyd. Wb shall Rise Again. The Professor's Story. A Plea for Freedom from Speech aePPiofres of Speech-makers, Reviews and Literary Notices. JlscßnT American Publications. Tbems.—Single numbers, 25 cents. Three Dollars >er year.' Postage paid to any part of the United jt&tes. All orders should be addressed to TIOKNOR & FIELDS. * PUBLISHERS, 136 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, A BRILLIANT ANTI-SLaVERY NO VEL. HARRINGTON A Story of Truo Love. By the author of 44 wh&t'Cheer?” 44 The Ghoat: A Christmas Story,” 44 Loss and Gain,” “A Tale of Lynn,” &o Tbia work fa undoubtedly the moat intensely fntereat iag novel yet written in this country. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS; The new novel or” Harrington. a Story of True Love,” published by Thayer & Kidndge, of tins city, is having a groat demand, ins a production which needs but the perusal of a chapter to insure the attention of the reader to the olose. Though a novel, it deals in re alities. Its oharaoters are drawn with a master hand, and its plots and incidents well managed. The took comes m good time, and will doubtless soon be found on ev«rr well- supplied literary table.—Boston Atlas. Thayer Sc Eidrldge, lit and 116 Washington street, Boston, have just pub'ished* 4 Harrington : a Story of True Lore.” By the author of•• What Cheer ?” ‘‘The Ghost,” 41 A Tale of Lynn,” &o. It makes a handsome ly printed volume of 655 pages, and from beginning to end is marked by rare dcsoriptivs power, and is all alive with thrillin* interest. Srnoe the publication of 44 Urole Tom's Cabin,” no novel relating to slavery has been publish'd equalling 44 Harrington,” in exoiting in cidents and fasomating delineations. Its soenes are drawn from the startling events of our own times, with out excess of coloring; and its personal roferenoes will be sure to exoito curiosity and extend its sale. All the friendsoftreedomshcuidnotonly read it,batendeavor to obtain for it tho widest circulation It is the “ sensa tion book” of too season.— Boston Liberator. Mr. W. D. O’Connor's new novel,Harrington,” is the best anti-slavery argument, in the form of a fioyon, yet issued from the American press. * * It ib worth a dogen of ” Unole Tom.” —Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. The work is oompnsed in a handsome volume of 658 pages, printed on nice paper and elegantly and sub stantially bound in musiin, Price, $1.25. AGENTS WANTED. to sell this work, to whom liberal terms will be given. Its sale will be immense, and thoßO who have no lucra tive employment, or are already engaged in tbe sale of books, should not fail to take bold of it, as money can beuade very fast in its sale. ‘ , Sample oopies sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Address, THAYER & ELDRIDGE, Publishers, n 022 ltd&ttW lift WASHINGTON* street, Boston. TWJBW AND ATTRACTIVE JUVENILE •Iv BOOKS, published by LINDSAY Sc BLAKI6TON, Publishers, Booksellers, ami importers, 86 South SIXTTH Street, above Chestnut. THE PICTURE GALLERY—Containing Soenes and Incidents, with 100 Illustrations of Events in American History, A large quarto, beautifully printed on tinted paper. . THE LIPK AND TRAVELS OF THOS. THUMB, with illustrations, on tinted paper. THE JUVENILE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, beauti fully Illustrated. alarge assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS always on hand and for sale at low prices. no2J JOB PRINTING. FJiHE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE OF "THE PBESS” is prepared to exeoute neatly, oheaply, and expeditiously every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, circulars, BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION POSTERS, HANDBILLS, PRINTING FOR AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. All order* left at the Publication Office of TA- Frssa. No, 417 CHESTNUT Street, will be promptly attended to. Jels-tf PEREMPTORY HAIgE. , OP A large and valuable stock . op STAPLE and FANCY; DRY GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO % Have determined to close out their entire stock at retail, WITHIN THB NEXT THIftTT PATS. The prices will be marked with a view to • SELL THE STOCK. The opportunity will be oflered to the publio and their ous tomers to purchase at a VERY LARGE REDUCTION FROM THE FOREIGN COST. The interests of the present partners have to be closed within the time named, and the stook entirely gold out. n022-3t I INDER-GABMENTS FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Double-breasted Shirts* < Extra large Menno Shirts. Merino and Cotton Drawers, Bilk Shirts and Drawers. . Ladies’Merino Ves-e. Ladies’ Bilk and Cotton Vests. Welsh and Swanskin Flannels. _FaH Stook Winter Homery. , n EYRE * LANDBLU, FOURTH and ARCH, ooSO-tuth>f r gLEGIANT FURS. The subscribers have now open THB MOST EXTENSIVE FINEST HUDSON BAY SABLE; RUSSIAN SABLE, MINK MARTEN, BEAUTIFUL CHINCHILLA, ROYAL ERMINE, FINEST DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FITCH MARTEN, STONE MARTEN, THE PREVAILING STYLES, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. PUKSI ' FURS I GEORGE F. WOMRATH, NOS. 41# AND 4ir AROH STREET, Hu nov Open A FULL ASSORTMENT on LADIES' FURS. Po whioh the attention oftba fnbho is invited, 009-4 m Ladies fancy fubs ! fancy furs! —JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH street, has now in store, of hie own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for ladies* and ohil dren’s wear, selling at manafttptureri* prioee, nolB Btr WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES E. CALDWELL & 00., 823 CHESTNUT ST, IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES, RICH DIAMOND AMD ALL OTHER JEWELRY, - MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, - STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, Ac., The principal part of our .took 1. entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. An Examination will entail no obligation to pur ohaae. nol-tjal-if AS. FINE WATOHES, of the most ap- AMf proved makeig; Jewelry of every deaoription, v- 1 ™ Bilver-vrare equal to ooln: aho,Plated-ware of the heat quality, at G. RUBHEi.L’S, oog-lta 83 Nortli SIXTH Stunt, A* SOARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE XM-BUTTONB.—A,large MBorlment of Carbunole, ™““Coral, Lava, ana Jttrußoaa at 33 North SIXTH Btr’ent. BABIES, SLEEPING BABIES, v AND PAPA and mamma dolls. In every style, from common to finest wax heads. BeautUUl patterns! Also, China and Muslin Dolls, Chino Polls, Kid Dolls, Paper Dol's, and 20,000 dozen new Toys, in greatest variety, just opened, w. TILLFit. Importer. no!7-6t 94 South FOURTH Btreet. Qnnnn ohbistmas bails, all UVjvW Sizes and most Dazzling Colors. Also, Glass Fruits. Cali oariy, before ail are sold. W. TILLER, Importer, 34 South FOURTH Street. BEADS! BEADS!! BEADS!!! ALL Colors, Sorts, and Sizes. . ~ „ W. TILLER. Importer, nol7-Gt 34 South FOURTH Street. ffe MISSES O’BRJAN, 914 CHESTNUT *WR F trees, above Ninth,-will open Paris Millinery, for the Winter, on Thursday. Nov. 4.1860. n7-lm* AS THE OHBISTMA3 HOLIDAYS arc rapidly approaching, it would be veil to yet Pho tographs for present* at REIMER’B Pliotographio Gal ery, 813 and 617 North SECOND Street, above Green. It* BELLS. OnIyJONE-THiBD the price of Brass and leas than hal that of Stoei Bells; of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at the 80LE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 513 COMMERCE Street. seJMhstuSra A. M. F. WATSON. AIR FURNACE. Thenenr Cone Furnace Gas Consumer will thoroughly warm your house, with one-third less coal than Is re quired by any other furnace. Satisfaotipn in all oases guarantied.' Buildings warmed and ventilated by ARNOLD it WILSON, seS-stuthSmif 1010 CHESTNUT Street, WOOD-BURNT AND MARBLE LIMB, " * Caiolned Hair, White Sand, and Cement. Orders by mail for shipping promptly attended to. Southeast corner NINTH ana COATES, P no'&.°tt h ‘ a ‘ H. fIIoINNEB. OLATE MANTELS.—Tho richest and 13 most beautiful specimens of enamelled Slate Man tele ever oflered for sale in this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale very low. . ARNOLD tc WILBON, aefi-stuthSmlf 1010 OH EBTNUT Btreat. ROOKING RANGES.—AII m want of the VJbest elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges, will do velltooall at ARNOLD &wFLSON*B, sea-stuth Baif 1010 CriEBTNTT Street. enn nnm Havana oigaks, of the tIUUjUUv most celebrated brands—viz. : Figaro, Cabana, ■ Bartagas, Espanola, Neptuao, Adoraoion, Black Sea. Aoierto. Filantrop.*, 0\lhoun,&o„ fco. Of all. sizes and quality, on hand, and landing by re oent arrivals, and for sale low by CHARLE9 TETE, nosm 130 WALNUT Street. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL LTJI MON, Ac.-*,OOO bbla. Mess Nos. 1, f, and 8 Mack erel. large,medium.and smaU, in assorted packages of ohoice late-oauzht fat fish. _ 4.000 bbla. WewHalifix, Kmtport, and Labrador Her nngs. of ohoioe qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new coated Herrings. 3,000 boxes ext anewNo.l Hernnis. 3,000 boxes large MegdeLme Herrings. 160 bbls. Mackinac WhSto Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Mees Shad. 20 bb». now Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintals Graodßank Codfish. 300 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese, In store and landing, torsaie ~ MURPHY & YOONS, noB No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. A PPLES ! APPLES ! APPLES! l\. go bbls Greenings. 60 do Russets. 60 do Baldwins. (0 do Spitzenbergs. /Iso, prime Sweet Mjples for preserving, for sale low ot No. 10 STRAWBERRY Street no3Mt» JpORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. In oTder to meet the oonjstaatlT-inoraasins demand for this justly CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former oapaoi ty, and have fAs most extensive toons for manu facturing Oil front Coal m t^Jf*}***!?***?!J in order to insure for us a oonitant fnpply. edSQuate to the demand, tlier have e.tabli«li any now asenoies. or create uj new outlet* for it what- we olairo for this Oil is, ™ UMI O W^Ek N AMIK A o N i£ B ® UPEIU - It is entirely free.from the offensive odor peouliar to all other Coal Oils m the market, and for bnllianoy as a lisht, oleanlmesa, oheapness, and safety, (having no explosive properties), is. we may confidently say, THE ONLY GENERAL Wherever it has been introduced consumer* will use . n As there are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene, we _ ' caution dealers in particular against using this trade fr* at rn pWTß'R—jpa* anl* w WTCTJJT2R mark* .Whenever doubts exist as[to the genuineness ol SJALT rEIRL h or Sale by WElllott- theartiole.werespeotfulfoMk that a sample may be ►3 ILL & BROTBER, Nos. 4T and 40 North SE- snbmittod to us for inspection. COND Street. nol2 We offer it to the trade a&tbe ANNIHEED-for Bale by™!BRILL rallllo -l%- & BROTHER. Nos, 4T and 40 North SECOND meet with prompt attention. Street «£>L • „ , , *t LOCXK * CO. t , JIHF-lor sale by WJSTHERILL & . iEw'flStaF&STrfnl&i, I'KOIHKB, 4T .ad 49 Worth SUCON-D BWil. 0010-Jm Wo! lOl'o MAwkET Sl* Au»d«W». Refined sugars.—o donaghue, S 3 South WATER street * offers for sale 4 600 S&okagea of Steam Refined Bugara and Syrups, at re uoed prices. Terme—approved notes at 80 and Mdays* or a liberal discount made for oaeh. po2o-3t» OLIQUOT CHAMPAGNE.— W We are prepared to supply the above brand of Champagno to the trade from store or to arrive. JAURETCHB & OARaTAIRS. nolO-ctuth-Ct floa and 304 South FRONT St. BILL lIEADB, CARDAMON SEED—For sale by 'WETH VJ EHILL to BROTHER, Nos. 47 and 40 North SECOND Street. no!2 PINE 01L.—50 bbls. Pino Oil, fresh dis tilled, in heavy iron-bound glued packages, for shipping. For sale by ROWLEY; ASHBURNEJR. A COT. W». South Wharves. noli LABELS MECHANICS, BANKS, HKTAIIi max GOODS. FURS. AND SUPERB COLLECTION UADIEB’ FURS TO BE FOUND IN THK CITY AND, ■WARRANTED GENUINE. T«S CHESTNUT STREET. TOYS. MILLINERY. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. E. & F. ESHLEMAN & FLETCHER. 800 _£o Means NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED. S« W. C< £• & (j, Means SOUTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. LINES TO 8. k It. Means Some men originate, While other* imitate. ALTO3ETHER. Means THE NEW CRAVAT AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNIr- KING STORES. NOW OPEN, With a .took oompriaing alt the Latest Styles and Manufactures. . THE BEST ASSORTMENT JN THE CITY. CRAVATS, SHIRTS, SCARPS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, GLOVES, COLLARS. MEN’S HOSE, HOSIERY, BOYS’ GLOVES, UNDERSHIRTS, BOYS’ HOBE, DRAWERS, POCKET IIDKFS, MUFFLERS, (Linen and Silk.) *7"Bhibts Mans to order, 6 FOR 09 AND UPWARDS. THE MYSTIC LETTERS & F. E. & L. O. & C EXPLAINED, Eshteman $ Fletcher Elegant £ Lateet. Collars If Cravats," ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEST COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, " OR ANY OTHER DAY,” AT TltS SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. NO. 800. PHILADELPHIA. nol3-atath3m JOST KEOEIVED 1,000 SCARFS. STYLES, EUREKA, DBRBAY, AND DEJOINVILLE. GRAYATS AND NEOK-TIES IN ENDLESS VARIETY, AT TUX ORIGINAL. ». P. E. O. CRAVAT STORE, 701 CHESTNUT STREET Men’s Parßißhing Goods la every variety. noSJ tbstn-tf 1, ALBERT ESHLEMAN. fjt H E ORIGINAL 111 CRAY A.T STORE H STILL AT NO. 701. N. W. CORNER SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. J. AI.nRRT ESHLEMAN. SHIRT MANUFACTORY,—The -»• Bobsori'bar would invite apeoial attention to hie IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, known a* the most perfeot fitting made. Unhand, and made to order at shortest notice. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED. Also, an extensive asaortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of hi* own importation.^. J. W. SCOTT, „ 814 CHESTNUT Street. •opas Four doorsbelow the “Continental Botet.” -I%TQTinFI. KITLEMPM I 'Tla W* i. x assortment of SHIRT BOSOMS ever ofTeredfor sale in the oity of Philadelphia, comprising. Prince of Wales, Imperial. Abraham Licooln, &0., Upright Plait*. Bta* Plana, ana Cross Plaits, some containing three hundred plait*. CHARLES ADAMS * SON, nolO-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Street*. liOST. LOST.-J. P. PENISTON'S NOTE, dated October Slut, 1860, at ninety days, for Three Thou sand Dollars, drawn to my order, ana endorsed “ Rioh’d M. Lea;” also, "William Lea, per Rioh’d M. Lea, Att'y.” All persons are cautioned against negotiating the same, as payment has been stopped. RICHARD M. LEA, no!6-25t* 328 SOUTH WHARVES. LOST OR MIBLAID Certificate of Ftook No. 200. for 12 shares in the New York Mid dle Coal Fiold Railroad and Coal Company, and would hereby givo notioe that l have made appßefttion for certificate m lieu thereof. „„ no 2 30t EDWARD HUGHES. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. r\ISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. JLr CHAS. H. NEALL has this day withdrawn from the firm of JOHNSON. LUND, A NEALL. The busi ness will be oontinued as before, by F, N. Johnson and River Lund, under the firm of JOHNSON 000. The premiums are lower than in many other Cornua aies, and the Dividends have been g&ratxr. This is a strictly Mutual Company, There are n Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS BSLONG TO 70S IRSPBXP, Pamphlets, and every information, may be had abatis, 021 application to ® aAT ' ™ RATCHFORD BTARR, Agent, 8. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomaa Robins, John Welsh, Mordeoai L, Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M.Strond, JE. S./whe en, John fl. Myers, LFjshsr Learning, Joseph Patterson, William G. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, ThomaeH, Powers, George W.Toland, William MoKee. Thos. Watteon, n»-ly*il TCTAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. -F 409 CHESTNUT Btroot, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED STATE OF CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RISKS. niBKCTOBS. ... Samuel Wright. - D. B. Burner, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Chas. Biohardeon, Henry Lewis, Jr„ Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout,! O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stem, .Thos. S.Martin. _ ~ GEORGE W, DAY.Preiideiit, FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vioe Pres’t. t , WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Uall-ift SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—Com jTjL pany’s Building, southeast, corner WALNlfi' srM’Jz,; 4ui Old Institution has always paid in full, on demand, without no^ BIIEBT five per cent. All nmi psid b»ok, on demand, in ,old udelim. AMxr'wmLUßm.Pr.Eaont. SAMI,. WORK, Viet Preeident. ftetssu*. Pfrßfiu. JOHN O.BIMB, Secretary. ooSQ-lmif CSPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, IO 08100, 331 North THIRD Street, betwee* Vmi sndOeUowhtll. Incorporated br the LeeUieture April Mirrasraai! EVENINGS, frcmS to 8 o’olook, „ .. Intereet, per cent, per annum. Depomtora oan with draw their Monej. bj Chech., if deilred. Speoial De poaiU recelYed, JAMBa „ pgucatE, Preeldent. FuAMSts Hakt. gaaretarr ap»-tflr KEROSENE OIL* WANTS. A PARTNER WANTED.—A Partner ;ffTu..K.'K«I* d , , ' ilh a.espital of about #2.1100, in o« . i » Seminaries in our country. Adore** ” Pnn eipal,’ Press office, stating where an interview can be had. noaat* PARTNER WANTED.-APartner, with *“ Hospital of about 82,000, is wanted in a first-olas* paper, nay in*, one hundred percent. Addre**” Edi tor,” omoe of The Press, *tating where an interview may be had. nog-3t* fjn TO 100 PER CENT, MADE. IN A safe and beautiful Business. The advertiser, a Western firm, want* a PARTNER, with Two to Five Thousand Dollars, to take charge of and sell a Western production. A rare opportunity* Reference of an nn eroeptionable order required. Address “ West,” this omoe, stating where an interview can be had. no2l-3t* BURNISHED ROOM WANTED. A „ man wishes to hire a commodious Room, of Caiiowhm and exit of Twelfth street. Address ®*g n t { terms and locality, RAYMOND, Press office. WANTEDTO RENT—By a good tenant, horsAß a a.'"iU, accommodate about fifteen noiges, Address “Stable,” j»rmoffice. no2-tf VIT’ANTED —An active business man, .. having 97,000 to 810,000. to take the place of a Vif 6118,48(1 Msroantile business, 5? ?1n 5-5 net profit of 25 par cent., without risk. Ad dress -Partner, * this offioe, with real name, nol-tf 11TER0UANTS AND TRADESMEN BOYsrg^^ ftfUfflO to loan on mortgage. to E. CARPENTER, 343 Snulh THIRD Street. nol7»6t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO OHAIR AND 0 &RINET MAKERS.— The Phcsnix Wood-Bending Company, owners of ” Blanchard’* Patent,” for the States ol New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, town, or shop right*, or grant licenses to use, on easy terms. This it the only patent. All infringers will be strictly.dealt with. Avply to JOHN BILSBY, or C. A. BURGESS, No, 34 BROADWAY, New York! 004-d3m EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT -R- of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city, will be exchanged for city property. Apply at No. 119 FEDERAL Street sett-tf - m A SPLENDID FARM AT PUBLIC *£bale. The undersigned, about ’o relinquish farming, will sell, at public sale, on THURSDAY, December 6, iB6O, at 1 o’clock P. M., on the premises, his desirable and productive FARM, containing 62 aores and 90 perches of land, more or less, situate in Whitp&in township, Montnomery county, on a public road leading from Blue 801 l to Gwynedd Station, (on North Pennsylvania Railroad,) being half mile Tom Penn Square Station. The improvements consist of a large two-story stone DWELLING, with two rooms, hall, and kitchen on the first, and four rooms and entry on seoond floor, am • ply supplied with cloeets and other oonvenitmoes. Fine large Garden aud great yhriety of Grape Vines, stone Spring-house, over a lasting spring of water, with fiih- Bmd adjacent, stone Wood and Coal ouse. Stone Barn, 60 feet square, with large over shoot m front, large Bay-house, Wagon-house. Corn crib, Cider-house and Press. Carnage house, high and permanent stole wall around the barn yard; water is : ntroduoed into the yard, pump also at the barn, making it one of the meet desirable and conveniently arranged barns in the county, TJ>rm*,jr young Aj wo Orchard in cood beannx order, with every t variety of tra-t. Tin* property is very deiirabl*. beautifully located, highly cultivated, conveniently divided, under good fence*, in o!o«e proximity tooburobes, sohoolt, rail roads, turnpikes, and in an improving and intelligent part of the country. , Persons desirous of viewing the property will call on the owner, residing thereon, or to R. R. Corson, at Norristown.. . Sale positive. Term* veiv easy; conditions on the day of sale, R, R, CORSON, Agent for the tale, Norristown.JPa. „ WILLIAM MiLLER, . Blue Bell P. 0., Montgomery county. Norristown, Nov. 20,1860. noU 24,28 33-delA jfift PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE 2E farm. The undersigned will sell at public sale, positively, on WJM)n>BDAY, j Member 5, J 8», at 1 o'clock P. m.\ on the premises, ms FARM, oontaimnyiTf acres, more or less, in Norriton township. adjoining borough limit*, one mile from the Court House. The improvements are a two-story stone Dwelling, substantially built, with 7 rooms, and pump at the door. Large stone Bara, double deoker, built of the best msteribi.' and onnve mently arranged, having aU the modem advantages; stone spring-house, over a never-tailing spring, car nage bouse, and all other necessary out-buildings. , i he land is in.a *ood state of onllivation. and beauti fully located, with a running stream of water passing through the propert* near the improvements. The fences are good s a portion of»hem are stone, well put up. Also, about 4 aores of Timber Laud. There are aoout io acres of prime Meadow Land well watered, ami about 11 aores front on the state road, adding ma terially to the value of the property. There is also a stone Tenant House on the property, whioh commands a fair rent. This farm is well worth the attention of fanners and others desirous of purchasing, as the sale will be posi tive i and considering the locality, qaal-ty off he toil, proximity to Norristown, churches, schools, markets, railroads, Ao.,,Ae , and the prospeotof land enhancing n value, will insure some one a great bargain in the course of a little time. Persons wishing to view the property will oall on R.R. Ooi*on,at Norristown, or the subsonber, residing thereon. n 029.24 96p3-del.S Norristown, Pa. St PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE '2SC FARM.—The undersigned having concluded to ,o , , , AT 01« B O’CLOCK P. Jg„ on the premises, his handsomely located and produc tive FARM, containing pUNETY-TWO ACRES, more or less, situate is whitpain township. Montgomery county, on State road, leading.from Norristown to Boyltfstovn. tour mile* from Norristown Railroad Depot, and near Centre Square, where the *kippaoic pike orostes the State road, being only two miles from freuedd Station and sixteen miles from Fmla ! This property is well known for of its lo cation, productiveness, convenience to railroads, turn pikes, sobools. oburohei. ftq., Ac., being an oblong square, divided in the oentre by a lane, making it very convenient either for a grazing, or dairy farm. The whole ta under good ftuoes, the laud all arable, rich, and easy of cultivation, always prodnninji l popd crops of *i* . itiKuUj ,»■ ■mioluii)»7 wffii aa" oroharoof the best of fruit. The improvements consist of a substanti d t STONE HOUSE, three rooms and entry on the first and same on the seoond floor, with three ceiled room* in the attio, Piazza the whole length of the house, well with good water with pump thereio. attached to -the house, and a naver-failing spring of water'near the door of the house, (none better for dairy purpose*,) also another spring n^fj^irtanL Sixty six by fifty feet, well built. Very, convenient in all the iYV£WTITffI9 ~~Tbl* Is one of the best and most desirab> farm* in Whitpam tqwnship. 3he buildings are all very good and conveniently arranged. The stage* pass the pro perty twice every day. thus having daily communica tion with Philadelphia if desired. Any person wanting a good farm, pleasantly situated, in a good neighbor hood* here j* toe ohanoe. , Persona wishing to view the property previous to the day ofaale, will apply to the subsonber residing thereon, or to K. R. Corson at Norristown. Terms and conditions easy and made known on day of rale. • R. R. CORSON, Agent lur the Sale, r « Norristown,Pa. J.B. EVANS. Proprietor, Centre Square F. 0., Montgomery county, Pa. n015,i7,1$ ,22.24,28 LAND 11 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at price* ranging fromliACti SPoents yer Aore, in any quantities re quired « TAXES paid; and PATENTS procured for purcha sers of Land under the Graduation Aot. Plats famished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp Forfarther information appiyto . WILSON, RAWLINGS A CO.* V. S. and General Land Arena, 6* CHESTNUTStrcoti . Between THIRD and FOURTH, ST. LOUIS, MU. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. oog-lm UOAKUINU. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS TO LET, with BOARD, at 837 VINE Street. noBB-3t* A VERY ELEGANT SUIT OF ROOMS on second floor, vaoant.vUh Board. Witt he let together or separate. Apply N. L, cor. SIXTEENTH and LOCUST Streets. no!7-6t» A PLEASANT HOME Is offemf. to a gen tlemen and wife, in an Amenoan •Tamily of three persona.having more mom than thevreguire, in the 1 leasantest vart of the West End, GREEN Bt,, above iKOAD. The house contains all the modern improve ments, References exchanged. Address a, note to “Home.” at the office of thi* paper, whiou will beim mediateiy attended to. noIB-tf •piRST OLASS BOARDING, with hand -I- 1 some communicating and single Rooms, at 141 V LOCUST Street. polS-im* EDUCATIONAL. HI ESDAMEB OHEGARAT AND DJHER -ITA VILLY respeotfnlly inform their friends and the public that they have removed their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies from Logan BquareUTNos. llftT and 1429 SPRUCE Street * . _ Pnulla from five ye&ri of ace upward prepared for the fourth olass. JySMm OBYANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS’ O MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner SE VENTH rind OHEBTNUT Str. cla,— Day owl Ew«m*, Sessions. Individual instruction m.Bookkeeping, m cluding General Wholesale and Retail Business, ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking, Lx chause, Manufaoturlng, Railroading, SteambQating, &0.. the most fAerougV and practical coarse in the United States. Also,. Leotures, Commercial [Calcula tions, Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics, Pen roanship(bestintheoitri, Correspondence^&e., fheir new Treatise on BookkeepiDr, beauti- in colors* and the best work published. PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR HER THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, re opens MONDAY* September 3d. Four more pupils BUSINESS CARDS. DR. S. T. BEALE, DENTIST, Hu removed to 1113 CHESTNUT Street, .(Girard How.) Philadelphia- ■ ocM-lm* PAWBON * NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERB. Noe. 519 nod sdl MINOR Street, Between Market and Chestnut etreete, JAMES FAWSOfL ILADE JrSi'B- NICHOLSON. JIH I>* : SFUGUET Ss sons, • IMPORTERS Ob HAVANA,OIGAM, No. ai6 South FRONT Btreot Seoeiva reciduljafuU aewttmenl of denrable CL G AROi Whion tber o®r At lowratu, for ouhor «*• proved oradlt. JeM-iy Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, on, (Nearly tepogita County Court Bouse,) Prepares -.naea. «rawlngSi Ac., and transaou all other busmes oonneolod with the obtaining o? Let- Designed and Drawings made. auM-Sm* ORLEANS (LA‘.) PIOAIUNE JOY. 008. & Co. Have been appointed aote a,enta in Philadelphia for thia oxteneivelr oiroulatm, paper, of ponunamW m- Bilinnt Bueineea men are advertieimt in the beet newe- DaßOra*ofoitr and country, at theoCoea of JOY. COE, S l la,Adve? B Ateule, FIFTH and CHEs'rNUl' Streeta, Philadelphia s Tribune Building., New York, aa26-tf UR. CORSON, • RETAIL ESTATE BROKER, NORRISTOWN. PA.. OFFERS AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SALE, some of tbe most desirable and productive farms m Montgomery and Qhester oountiea. Also, several Mer chant and unit Mills, in desirable parts of the oonmry. Persons w*hiug to porobase properties, either as homes or investments, snll find it greatly to their ad vantage to call, or write for a catalogue. . , Several handsomely located farms to exchange for oitr property. . „ Norristown Properties for sale or rent. Good Mortgages negotiated reasonably. _ on .. N ftS&f NO R RR^BwTA, PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS 1 PIANOS l ! PIANOS!! InvTi PIANO-FORTESI„„ m - Made'by Raven, Bacon, A Oo„ Nunns A Clark, HallotL gSfit,ico.,*niothm J.E. GOULD. mvld-lr SEVENTH nnd CHESTNUT. STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA- STRIPIG GRAND PIANOS, BQ.UARE GRAND, ANI, now. nwSMTOd in oonoert* >nd in snvute pi tele, w toe belt performer.. ReoMvedth* Br»»»l«tf«2:»TMtt«bert jJANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETr. FIRST GRAND CONCERT OF THE SEASON. ON MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 3ttb, OGNCEKT HALL. The Directors of the HANDEL & HAYDN announce the first Conoert of the current season on above. A choice and varied programme, oonsietmc of ChortUM, Quartettes, Trios, Duos. Solos, Ac., will be presented. The oelebrated Solo and Chorur, - Hear My Prayer?” by Mendelsohn, never -before performed in this eity, together with selections (Tom the compositions of Han del, Haydn, Beethoven, An., and the oboioest Ope ras.will he produced in a style commensurate with the abilities of the Sooiety. The Chorus, consisting of Two Hundred Voioes, will beaccompaoled by the Germania Orchestra. Two Celebrated Overtures by the Orchestra. PIANIST - MICBABu H. CROPS. DIRECTOR..- -.P/of* B, CARR CROSS. Subscriptions for the series of three Concert*, 93 entitling subsonber* to three tickets to e&oh Concert. Single tiokets, SOcents. Tiobets for tale, and snbeerip tions received, by Beck A Lawton, seventh and Chest nut streets: Chicaering A Sons, Chestnut, ab. Eighth: Conlston, Eighth street, above Cherry, Doors open ai 7. Concert coromraoe at 8 o’clock. np2z-4t ■READINGS and recitations.-^ f-* Mr. B..CULVER.Eloontioniit,VllUWethafnl lomng Selection., THIS (Thoradar) EVENING. SSd SS»V S o'clook, at the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Tl “ke'f, as cent.. To be had at the door. . . mr. L. asks particular attention to the style of Into ?J2s’ or ren ch occasion will be presented Verdi's most fa mous Opera, wi'h its splendid miss tn scent. _ THE NiOfLiAN VtSNPRRd, Madame PAULINE COLSON in her celebrated oharxo tor as Efena. tig* SUdiNI, his first appearance as •«. , , _ John of Procida. „ Mnsfoal Direotorand Conductor-Sir. MUZta Tbo ? n 5, e ®f admission to Parqnette.'Par- JoLLAR,* 0 and Balcony * hM bMn fi»ed at ONE D 4 NEW ARRANGEMENT. Jj® secured without extra charge, beginning 2P at the Box Office of the Academy of Stores* Lawton's, and Chickering’s music Family Cirole. Woents; Gaflerr, 25 cents. pSffiftF. andbAT?UBD»Y. OKD^X ’ WKDNEB P A V» Doors open at 7)£ o’clock. Opera commences at nolf-tf A MEBIOAN ACADEMY OP MPSIO.— ITALIAN OPERA —SALK OF TICKETS. Norms—TO-DAY,at TEN o’cloektcommence*the sa eof tickets for Monday, rfce opening sight. ** The nioilian Vespers. Persons desiring to retain their-seals for the whole «*ason c*n do so by applying at the AOa demy Ticket Offioe at 9 o’clock, - it CONTINENTAL THEATRE,. (Lite N.liomd,) WALNUT Btre.t, mbova Eiflft. MO3T POSITIVELY THE LAST THREE NIGHTS OF ** MONB. BLONDIN,” , VHS HERO or NIAGARA FALLS. LE JEUNKBUHT?(hf «S“dm?d' ( yil Ruler .f ft. SSd M’.ttosTEd.o!o^ T ° a ' Moa *- LA -t**™ The doors open at half past 6 o'clock; Performance commence# at half past 7, ” n * oow gMmufion only 25 cents j Family Circle Wo. ; Secured - Birch and sharplet’s opera HOUSE JAYNfcfA COM MON WEALTH BUILDING* This T*W , mwa up expressly to make it the JL GRKATJFAMILY RESORT. Will own on MONDAY EVENING. Nov. 19th, with BlitCH * SHARPLEY'S MINBTRSLS, AND „ . FRANK BROWPR. Entirely new Programme, with IX Star Performers, under the Direction of „ BILLY Bi NCH and SAM SHARPLBY. Doors open atflX. Commence atTJS precisely. Admission2scents; Children 13centB. nolT-tf OANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. KJ ELEVENTH STREET _ _ OPEN FOR .THE SEASON, NEWLIf DECORATED AND PAfHTED* _ , MR, SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7 j Commence at 7%. Admittance ag penis. Children 13 cents. nolT-lm OfEADQUARTERS, FRANKLIN -■»*- PLACE.-FREE CONCERT&-CHAS. JEN KINS, m ooDjnnotion with an entire New Company hones, Banoes, Ao. •• ' no»-6t CHADWICK & PEKT.Sup’ta. HASSJjBR’S ORCHESTRA. —Serenade and Military Band.—For engagement*, apply or address MARK B ASBLER, Office 1208 LOCU-T street, Or Hlaako’a Academy, BROAD Street, Walnat, HPHE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give A their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every S*TOR IAY-iOomroeßoißff at 3# o’clock, at the JUUSICAL . •‘UND. HALL. 8 tioket«,3l; single tickets, 23 oents, or tale at Chiokerm* & Son’s, 807 Chestnut street; . Entire’s, 1104 Chestnut street; and Beck A Lawton’*,. * Chestnut street. „ - Engagements for Concerts, Commencements, Par- ; ties, Ac., made only at their Office, ChtekeringA Son’s' - ; Piano Store, 807 Chestnut street; William "toll, 224 North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Hidee avenue. ocJMf PENN A-ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.—IO3# CHESTNUT Street “ CHIMBORAZO,” a splendid Painting by Migsot. "THE FIRST SIN.” & beautiful MartlaWuattS bj Angehni. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors trlil please bring their opera glasses. : MEDICINAL. J R. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR. When Olive Tan is Inhaled its healing Balsamic odors axe brought in oontaot with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES, AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at once any pain or oppression, and healing any irritation or inflamation. When Olive Tab is Taken uponSusab, it form* a& uneaualled SootMitg and Heating Syrup for Coughs ami all Throat diseases. Wbbn Olive Tab is Applied, its Magnetio or con oentrated curative powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNiniLATOJL Olive Tar is not stieiv— doss not discolor. Fifty cents a bottle, at 443 BROADWAY, N. Y., an by all Druggists, J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SULPHUR POWD are asolnble preparation of Iron and Bl.dc . > , cboai with that existing in the blood of a perleotly healthy person. Uniling with the digested food, They Revitalize am> Pubift the Blood. Thbt Impart Energy to ths Nb&vous System. Thbt Invigorate tbs Liver. They Stbbrgtbbn thbDigsstion, They Regulate the Secretions op the Body, And abb a B?boific foe all Fkm alb Wbaxnbssbs Price, On* Dollar a Package, At 443 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggists, Pamphlet containing Testimonials from ‘ na following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent persons, will be sent to any address, /res bv mail. Gso. La tv, Em., Fifth avenne. New York. Mmeon Dbapbb, Esa., Banker, New York. ' Thublow Weed, tsu., Albany, N. Y. Gen, Duff Ghbsn, Washington, D. C, Col. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Conn, Col. Chas. Mat.U.S. A. Rev. Joshua Lbavitt, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. Bright, Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. Cbonk, Art. Am. Bible Union, N, Y Rev. O, F. A. Spinning, Bntternntte, N, Y. Rev, Dr, Leonard, Exeter, N. H. BEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists, DYOTT * CO., No. 233 No SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. eeM-lm SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT condooted by com petent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Street, first door below R&oe. A lull line of Moobanioal Reme dies, iigAf and elegant in eon*trvct\on. specially adapted to Ladies* use. D C. H .NEEDLES, Proprietor, 8. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets, _ , Philadelphia. V Entrance to O. H, N.’s Room, for gentlemen,.at the earner, sel4-Bmif A WONDERFUL AND NEVER FATLING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF ME NERVOUS SY | Bo fesOß MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, , Prepared br MOOKRIDOE t CO., No. 69 North FOURTH Street. ay And for sale by Druggists generally, aell-tmif MBS. JAMES BETTS* CELEBRATED IVA SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Sup porters undoreminent medioal patrooage. Lmdmasd physicians are respeotfnlly requeatafl to call only on MH,;Betts,at fierresidence, 1039 WAIjNUT Bfaw«, Philadelphia! (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty tho&saso Invalidi nave been advised by their physicians lonae her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United State# copyright, labels on the box, and ingna turee. and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. -' ' oolStuthkstf AZUMEA ! AZUMJEA l AZVMEAI AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKINS FOTFDBR. • Mwiofeetured lolel, at No. 69 North FOURTH Street, end for .file h. Groper, genera*!.. reiAwo’f. SJXEREOSOOPIG INSTRDJIENTBjm- ymf&ctured in every style- - VIEWS, of latest importations. Opera GlwjSjftii-- Chestnut. noc-mir-