ADDRESS. Th, tmcUreifnvd Democratic members of ths Le glslaiawof tbe StAteof Oregoniloem DraiMMtis eoo.tltuencles, to tho people of too BUto, and to thkowlTOS, to piesont, firiiSy, tho rouono whioh Induced thoot to Toto ior Col.E. D. eon,within the put three years, and paruoularlj tmoeour adailMlon into tho iWooi are. fre«s >» tho toooUoetion of all.t The proeerlpttTe and to tolerant ooarao intzvQod ’tor QefieralXane and hio offltkholStog mtnlona looarda ■. non-intervention Demwteti; tho bitter and .'mueniDatooe poraeoa ttoßof Demoor.U whoreftmed tojiroitltnto ther polTdoal falth. iheir'party *«*ooletfona, and- their poraonal tndopondoa*. toitho Intotoata and ambl tioa af Wn.tthe open and ahavolen parohaio of tho wnal oftaeoßriPgapf tho oppodtion to Mli «op port, and and treachery of Dolton Smith. It U well known, were the otoses whioh led to ah ofci* rapture in theDemodfatio orfanitatijn lut to the inpbort, In seyetrl donntler, legislative tlaßetejtfi the issue of the re-eleotion of Lane and Bmlt&To the U. n.‘Benate. In etery instance, at the late election,'it. wray emphatically and uneqfalvooally (teetered ifcd uadeietood that the aon-totemhtloa Dimoeratio candidates for the LegUlature, if eleo t ed, would, nnder no oinramfctanceii nipport either Lane or Bmith tor the Senate; .‘nor; exoepfc in ex* tteme enwesney, any of their partiiani. UpoQ that iuae, olt&rly presented, the non intervention Democrats eleoted a i&ree plurality of their candi dature the. Legislature; and this result was re garded. bribe, partisans at well m by the, oppo tftttrwf Lane tod'Smith, as afloal disposition of their aUims-to re-election. . Immediately following that election,; news reached the Bute of the float secession of a num ber of the deluetssfrom the National Democratic Convention at Baltimore,- and : the organisation by the eeoeders of ahew patty, professing new and aati-DeaoeraHe jpzlselples, with General Lsne hs one ot its leaders andatandard-bearers, and avow ing its objeots to be the defeat and overthrow of tbe regular Democratic organisation, and a dissolution of Ure Uaion in » certain contingency, which their ©woeffort* must unavoidably bring to paw! With bur forr exceptions, the personal partisans of Lane in this State, including every Lane member of thd Legislature, have deserted the Pemooratie party, abjured the principles, which they formerly pro found, end, joining themselves to the Yancey party, ere nowearrying on a virulent and unsoru pelons warfare upon the organisation whioh they have so traitorously abandoned. .Having them selves .severed thelait remaining tUwhfoh bound them to the Pemooratie party, and’ arrayed them selves in open hostility Malnat it. Usey can hare no further claims upon the forbearance and gene rosity of Democrats. Nor have they any right to com plain, if the Democracy combine with other parties against them, as tho eommon enemy. . When the Legislature assembled, on the seoond Monday of last month, it became apparent that tbe otgect of the Lane leaders was to prevent an elec tion of Senatcrs until .after the Presidential elec tion.' They were satisfied that Lane would never b*ehosen.ViftePreeide&t; but so long as he was a 4 candidate for that responsible position they lacked tbe hardihood to ask his re-eleotion to the Senate. * Their- polio/ was to have the eleotion postponed, hoping, by means of their usual 'ap pliances, ultimately, to secure tho return to the united States Senate of a rtjsoted aspirant for Vioe Presidential honors. Wlththlamotive six members of the State’Se nate were induced to violate their constitutional and moral obligations, and to abscond from; tbe capital at the dead of night, in order to prevent and interrupt the usuai course of legislation, for twelve days and nights concealing, themselves, like bunted malefactors, in barns and out-houses, sub eieting upon the cold victuals stealthily oonveyed to them from the tables of charitable partisans, until the popular indignation forced them to re turn. Tbeir leaden,' in the meantime, satisfied them selves that they could still prevent an eleotion, by adhering to the support of the Smith, vreil knowing that he oould not, in any contingency, reoeire tbe vote.of a son-intervention Democrat, and that his eleotion was consequently impossible, and believ ing that the Demoorate and Republicans oould not form a combination on whioh they oould unite votes •sough to elect either two non-intervention Demo crats or one non-intervention Democrat and one Republican. After the return of the absconding members, these tactics were pursued by the Lane men, and, for a time, successfully. Therefore, the alterna tives presented to tho Democratic members, under thou clroumitanees, were, to consent to the elec tion of Smith, postpone the eleotion two years, leaving'be State without any representation in tbe Senatoduring the greater part of that time, (as it wafl'understood that Governor Whiteaker would noth in the event of a failure to eleot Senators at this sentOß, oall a special session of the Legisla tare hereafter, for,the purpose of electing them,) oV to unite with the Republicans and eleot Colonel E D.. Baker to the existing vaoanoy. The last alternative was reluctantly adopted; but not until eßemusttCceaifol overtures had been .made to the L*jMr members, to eleet either Mr. Stout, Mr. Sued, or Governor Whiteaker, with a non-inter vention Democrat. Colonel J. W. Nesmith and Colonel E. D. Baker received the votes of non intervention Democrats and Republicans, in joint convention, and were elected. la voting for Col. Baker, we were influenced, to some .extent, by bis well-known position upon the 3ueetlon of slavery in the Territories—a position iffering but little from that of our own party. Al though acting with the Republicans. Col, Baker, in tho canvass of tbiß titato last spring, openly de clared himself to favor of praotioal non interven tion, and of allowing the “Territories, as well as tbe States, to settle their domestic affaire in their cam way,”.. Hie often-repeated declaration on the stamp, in tbe California State canvass of last year, with nis private professions more recently made, leave ui no room to doubt his sincerity. • In voting for him, therefore, our sacrifice of prinoiple seems mote in name than in substance. Aside from partisao politics, we are satisfied that Col. Baker will prove a wise, able, and prudent Senator, and Will reflect credit upon the State which has entrust ed him with tbe position—whioh is more than can be said, with truth, of our Senators hitherto. His colleague. Cot. Nesmith, is one of the oldest resi dents of Oregon, has been tried and approved in many public stations of honor and trust, and his election to tho Senate of the United States will, we feel assured, give general satisfaction to the people of tbe State. We are confident that he will never abuse the trust which bis Democratic fellow-oiti zens have reposed in him ' In assuming the responsibility of this election, we were actuated by the sole' and sinoere motive to promote the true interests of our fellow-citizens of the State, and to fulfil thoroughly tbe duties wbleh devolved upon us as their representatives. With them we are content to leave the subject, upon this brief statement, believing that their intelligence, candor, and impartial judgment will give that approval of our aoti whioh 'he malice of -JiwarLd and disappointed partisans would fain withhold Wm Ticbikob, O. P Ceasdall, Roibet UnffiLt, Iba F. M RbtliEß, B. B Moatoß, Jobe W. Gbist, D. 6 Uoltob, Barilbtt Cnai,, B. F. Babbibb, Wh lataob, B. A. CowLM0 t 0. O OtUM, B. Matei, Babuil Pasker, Luibek Blkies. GENERAL NEWS. Is soma recent statistics of earthquakes by Prof. Ansted, tbs English geologist, it is stated that the reported number of these phenomena from tbs earliest ages to 1850 is over 7,000. Prom 1500 to lgM.tfeere occurred 2,804 earthquakes, and from 1800 ;to-1860,8,240.- The arersge for the present aoodiiri is about one a week. Of the number an nually, ooeerring, only about one in fort; is of snob Tkdesoe as' to cause destrnotlon of life or propert;. Prof. Ansted contends that the sun, moon, light, beat, the magnetic onrrents ef the earth, and the than fee ef. -the atmosphere, all exercise more or less Wnence In 'catudng these agitations of the earth’semet. IxrnrxaiMisx or the Wikars Pateht. Ah important patent ease la on trial la the United States Clrenlt Court, In New Pork, before Jndge Nelson. The parties are Bose Wlnant, Esq., of Baltimore, of «olgar-steamship”. notoriety, vs. John Danforth and others. Plaintiff claims the discovery, some twenty years ago, of a valnable improvement In the mennraetnre of steam englnee, relating tc the use of waste steam, and suae the defendants, who are mannfaotnren at Paterson, Nsw Jersey, forlnfringement of his patent. Ur. Winane elaima damages bo the amoant of (180,000. The oaee will probably occupy seyeraldays. Dabqebobs Chehicials.—ln a case recently tried in England, it was shown that a package of apothecaries’ wares, shipped for India, contained a bottle of sweet spirits of nitre, which boils at a yery lew temperature, and is so explojiro and in flammable that one gallop would be sufficient to destroy several men-of-wir. Many ships are, no dosbt,iost by the spontaneous oombnitlon of ohsmi oals on board, and perhaps the. mysterious fire an hoard the Connaught occurred from some inch cause. DxcinrxißTax Pbice of Slaves The Greensboro’ (Ala.) Vtacon says that a lot of slaves —some twenty to thirty—were sold at Eutaw, on the' 29th nit., by the sheriff. The prioes brought wen at least forty W flfty per cent, below the ruling rates of last winter. A fraotlon over 21,200 —and that for a vary likely fellow—waa the high est pries that was obtained. A likely young wo man, saoh' si would have oommanded 21,500 to 21,000 last fall, brought only a fraction over $l,OOO. APbetebded Corpse Eevived and-Huno. —Uevl Dnrbln, formsrly of Davenport, lows, was hang at Pike’s Peak a-abort time sines by the VlgQnnee Committee, for stealing mnles. When he leamed that the eommlttee were after Mm, he got some comrades to Uy him out after them inner of n oorpeo—he figuring stark dead.. One of the VlgUant hops wit lsft to wstoh at a oonfenlent place to see whetherlt woo a ruse or not, and soon the corpse took to itself legs. He was then arrested and hung. Newspapers i* Pahs.—Paris possesses at knMrad and three nowrpapers; forty two Of these, «T treating of politloa and national aoonomy, have to’deposit* security In the hands of tbo Government;' four hondred isdiixty are devoted to art, science, literature, Industry, com merce, and agrfoultnre. . The moat ancient ef the latter it the Journal des Savona, and dates from theyear 1685. 'AFrew Asteroid, tbo sixtieth of the group, his been discovered by 51- Goldsohmldt, who had previously added twelve asteroids to the number of thoee bodies known to exist. The discovery was made on the 9th of September. The new world has rinse been named £>anao. The whole three seers nak* been brought to light daring the' pre segt'qentury. HiAvr Fnitaur to the North. The seamier Rttoeca elesred from City Point, Vn, laslßatarday, for New Fork, with a oargo of 1,300 barrel* of flirar, 65 hogsheads of tobacco, 86 bales ef#!(<■,( It esses of tobaooo, 122 boxes of tobaooo, 7 barrel* of llqnor, and sundry boxes of mefohtn ... A wo*Ajt, claiming to be the son of Hr. Chsrfw .Halcomb, owner of the, trotting hone flee* 411**. waa arrested in Memphis,. Tenn., a f»»4»y» tUcs, charged with- assuming attire in coifiSfetwtth her sax. ' She was fined 225 for the cAaao,. .It Is said that she baa travelled with Hr. Halbothbj lrthls disguise, for nearly a year, and them C-bad hever&erore been suspected. nGmfIMT-J- Lxvaiae, who .waa. shot in a ffgbs+hhc BKerahaw, at Petersburg, Virginia, AtM|lM2o(halt. The wound we* In Me ted on tSels» a October! end the pistol wsstasdedwith ahriissehoe nsli. Thonsll wit found oh hlibrein, where It has beqn foruksriy a month.., - Aa mPORTAH?. ejectment BUit hi pending in JWiljaudJpoeirt in Bt. Louis,la Which Hon. Wm. gaßassßatiß'Ata; at Mokelumne Hill, on i- > r r IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN - ■MO. the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 13 o’clock P.M. on Saturday, November 17, 1860. persona applying for advertised Letters will please J mention the data of the List. j ’ Open on Sunday from 7X to 8H o’olook A. M„ and 2to BPM ‘ LADIES’LIST. Adderon Mrs M D Gray Sarah Peters Mary Anderson Sarah Greenfield R . Payne Emma E Asbmesd E 8 Mrs Gromly Lheab Pennington R Arthur Julia Gibbons Bridget Presbury Louisa Anderson 8 J Hotting Mrs . Pattison Mary .'Angelo Kate Hamilton Annie Phillips > lien Alcorn Louisa Henderson h Phillips Bsokio aederson Emily Ball Cord'a Pettit Bas A Mrs Ball Esther Hardwioks A PrioeW Mrs Bell Martha Harvey EdithS Power Miss Barry Eliza HelyMarv Piatt Maggie •Baume Mary A Harris Ellen, Quaokehbuslihi F Ballard Mary A Harding Walter Uuinn Mary fell H L Mrs, ~ ttuork Annie Ball Bridget HfiCCaro’e , Kenny AM Miss Baer Mary Harry Mary A Hein Hannie M Bald Miss Heisory J A Mrs Raktsatraw Sarah BinksAnnS HigginaH DMra3ReamerElizah Blades Mary Hind* Bella Ramsdell Majy A -Bloom Eva < Huotiena Mary Kaymond Pw„ Brown H K Hiumuu Luo; A Rees Qh&rlotto E ißrown Amelia P Hinobmsn M A Rea Mrs Brady Mary Howard Mary J Roberts Helen Brown Annie M Hoffman Susan Robinson R J ."irMary HubbaAJMrs .Rush WC Mrs Button EUzb ’ Holiogaworth M RolsonMrs Brine Bailie A Mis 2 Rodgers Mary ,Brush Sarah Huber Sarah Rush Adeline. Burirbejtd M A Bopoin Mary W Row Mary J -Ba'dnf Mary Hunter'Annie Rookfort.Mlss Riowu fmma£ Hubley Rachl H RometieOath ■Brown Susan Bought Margt Roland Mrs Butler Nelho Hotchkiss v* 2 Bhober Sll Mus ■Burbire Mary Holmes * A Mts shebleMary Broadway L . Holmes Mary Beeron Eliz&b 'Carpenter B C Jamerson Jane Seymour Ann Oavanagh Mary James fcarah A Seesolzer S Mrs ,Chri»ty MJ Wts Savage AbyJ Caldwell Bessie Johnson Lopiea Boallon Mary , r Chapman M Johnson * lia Sbippon HA Mrs Clarke «>aryJ Jenkins GO feh*Tpleta Claia Oirkpatriok SA Jones hmma Sharpleiv Essie ulark Jose’e K Johnson A-LI Behead »>ary iCiarke J Miss Jordon A F Koßeohterly E Cratnsey Margt Jones Mrt. fiaphore ►arah Corrol Kate .. Johnson Fannie hh*etz Sarah A Creuoh A M Mrs Kavanagh Mary Sober Christina SulinMa-yO . Kelly Rosalie B Soull Mary D , ox Jennie R P Kimmell 8 ' Banders Busan Conover J Mrs KeeserAnnaA Smith Gertie ,Cuikbert J H Mrs Kellogg 8 8 mtb Simpson Hannah ’ Coonecs Harriet Keen Emma fiinl'b Ftvn' io O ‘•ynoftiarit KmsearMA. . Snell Eiizab, Cramer Amanda Keating Bridget Binblalr R M Connell Bndget - J'tiia Smith Mary Colling Ellen Lehier Rachel Smith Jane. rCoukran Mrs Laughlin j W Smith r Conaway Lydia Lyon Eliza J bmall Mary J . .Cox ftlrs A K Lehr M a Mrs Bimp«on Anna . CMlee Harriot E Levy Regina Bmvtb Mrs W Courtney Lizzie Lightner Gath Sykes Martha L . Dawson Anna A Lane Mary Staoshury Caro Davis LaoraH Mo Bermot Annie Stewart Alice , Depftre Mad J F McGivern Maria Stone Elizabeth »'ay v Olivia McPherson R Stuart Susan Davidson Cath’e MoGu gan Mary Steele Sarah A Daw»on Barah MoKee Tiltie staples Mar; DeatsAnn ‘ MoGonigle Cath Sione Sarah Darlington C MoCrayJMMrs abating Mary Doyie Eliza Mo*'abe Mary Turney J G Mrs Doris Mary MoC&nnMrs TooioS Maggie Durnett Mary A Mann Julia Tatum Mory K Dunlop Rebecca Mahla Maria Tymm Jane B i Donavan Julia Masary * miline Troll Luoy DowP'dnah H Masters MO ’i haraerns Eliza Donnell; Mary A Meyers F Mrs Tilghman Sarah EtnerEmma Manluff Mary Veaey Mary B Elis Mary Mayer H Mrs Vancerslioe L Eberle Bt»lhe Manachan S YaUghn Mary E Estabrook E A Maokm Bridget Wallace Miss EtterWary Meeter Amue Watson A E Mrs Elltt Elizabeth MagruderHUe Whitmore 8J Eobford Mrs H Melville Annie Walton Kate Eostie Ann Mmsh Lydia Webb Anna A 2 Fo d Mary Ann Mi-ler Miss Whitme Maggie Fisher A M Mrs Milford blhe A Wardo Jane Fertmerer Eliz’h Mogao Honora We r R Mrs Fuguet Mariana Myers Caroline V Weaver Jane Flowers fi B 2 Moore H&ttnahl Watts Sarah K Fares Margaret Murray Mary Wilson Alex Mrs Fleming Chari’e Morten Jane' Williams Julia M .Ford Sophia Morns Marg M Wnson Matilda M French Elizabeth Neil Catharine C Windsor Fan A Fagsn Rosanna Neil Gertrude Wilks Marv Field-Marg’t Netl h opht& Williams Mrs Forbts Marg't Neil Frances J Williams Abbie GoffLavmna Newson Maria Wilson Cath J Gold Isabella Nagle JF Mrs Williams 0 Mrs Garde Charlotte Napbier Cath Wood Lizzie S Gents* Mts Nonnsn H B Mrs Woodward E J Govens Hester O’Roark Sarah M Wright Marg Garin Annie O’Neil Ann Wood Mary., Gilliigham G M Painter Allioe Worley P 8 Mrs Garritt Emma B Palmer Emma C Wright Mart Gairy Kate Pitoer Anme W ZaU&n Manx ■Gray Cathte GENTLEMEN’S LIBT, Adier T Dolou Patrick Kimball M H AmesCaptFJ ■jorrThosJS . KnowesCL Alexander O Doutter Stephen Kirk 0R 2 a lien W 8 Donnelly & Clark Lake Capt Josh Aoton 4 Woodnut Dorsey Aaron a Lawrence 0 Allen Jas B Dowling Michael Larry BT Axnues John Donng Ford LavaureMons AllmanD DonabneM Larkin JF. AlbeMr Doherty B Jos LandmFrhl AshmeadLP Doe.ValleoJb Co Livermore Wmß Arbuokte Daniel Dretz 4 Wood Letterman W H Armstrong James Dreher Webster Levingston Dr W Armstrong GW Dysart Jas Lent Autustns Angie John T Durian Dr Lemmon Geo AngeJSt • Dunseith Samuel Lester Sewing , Atwood & Bro P 3 Dupi Christopher Machine Co Ademson Taos DurlerHermar LeeArgunonM Barber C • Duff fc Bon P - - Lee M - Bary Walter tarlfe Hatcher Leonard Allen BarkerB J EUesood Alxnder Leuon Paul B Barlow Benj Edwards August )w*wm Barrett J, EldefAß Leeds BR Baroia? Chah Elkington, Gillam Lewands &. Co JB BainootßevBimonC Carson Jas Haase Chas 8 NeideHoraoe Carter Geo Hamilton Edwß N f k Phila Fur , Carpenter y B Has es K Co Carter Jos L Bart Rev Bard 2 Nathans Moses Cavanaugh Mr 2 Hand Jaa Oates J D Case Loyal Hanson Ralph Owens Rev Edw ChappenMr HertandHL OvenshfiwGeo Chase WinC , Harvey Jaa E Owen Geo Chapman Geo J Hay k Co A K Owen A„„ Child*Wm K Harvey P J Ogborn Wm Cnild, Pratt k Co Havenee Jaa O’Connell Mioh A Chase HG Hasenpat Wm Owen Wm Chapman Alfred H&maonCapt Patton Lane Mor- ChsppieWtn Hart B i naon k Co Cheinn Pstinok Hewins Riohd Palmer Robt CharnaleThoa Heist Kznanusl Page Wm H cheu.lo August Hendershot HB Paste Sami ChaoneiUsaao Heown Willis PaullinfitephF Cyatterton H Helens N P ■ Partrige G Cnenger John Henderson Riohd Panooast & Bro ChattmAF Hess JB Painter WD , Cbara Jaa Henei; F G Patierton Jos Cheila John Henry C B Parsons J C Cheney Nathan HersomN A Parker W H H Charle/ David . Herald Capt T ' 'Paine Jas C ark Geo W Henry Jsaao Parr Chas C arv R L Hentel J M Fatten Wm Caik&Co ED Herman, Kottger Fenners k Co C aiton Thos k Co Perkins 8 W 2 0 ein k Co Heirs of Andrew Patterson k Co Clark Sd _Dunoan Pearce A ) C ark AC Biss John Paul - Peters D P CarkJ_ . Hitohoook Wm E Penny packer J B , C owe* Sami Hill wm Pennington Robt CarkionThos Hioklins Capt Pennington F M, Conover J,' Bipp A Pierce John O gS'nVoTtOo ®f»“ EU “ Connor Patnok Hobart Prank Pike Beniamin Costas Du Jose Howell JL Piokardw Conrad .Osborn Hrow Harry Plansrngtonß CegsweU W A Housekeeper fi Plummer Osgood Cooper Jas Hopkins OM Plummer A CoTd Cooper 8 W Holden John Porter Chaa Connell Tho Holmes fc Sons N Powell Robt C Collier J B Howen Jm Potter Jas Coyrell Jo* R Holiingihead J H Pol lok N CoilJm Honghton fc Co Poleno H Cook Geo Holland/ Pomeroy Jno L ConnFP Hopper H „ Priest John J cSh&A 1 !,, xssr & SS'bim£i m §SSm r “ Commons Wm Hooper FA Kanaallß Coppmgerti - Hodges J C RaroeanODSot Cooper J H Hunt A J Randolph Bros Conover J_ HntohiosonJF „RandallsW Conk • W H Hntohines Edw PRafsnyderX E Cooper Jas. , HnbbardChas , Ramsdje Willie C-omor Patiiok BnstlerECJ Rosin Jas M 2 Cox Wm P Hughes Owen Reid Edward Cox Dr A L Hylan Sumner Reveb Jno E 2 CornJ HulburtC Reese, Lake, Mel- CovrtneyJ HntohinsWaido -liok, fc Co Coppinger J Hughes Wm Reeves k Co Corner W HydeWm Reeves Jnmee Coyle A J&rrettD‘ear Ready M Cottman J W Jackson Dr J M Regan Jas 0 CromnTho«3 , Jt J__ Reenan Patrick Cunninjrhamß Jenkins WW Reese John Crook Wm W Jennings WilsH KigleChas CrauzatHDe JaneyJM. Rice Chas Crook Geo Jackson Richardson D Crooker Capt J James L G fc E ■ Rickards Wm Crunell JJ___ , Junes K R-ohBHong’d Cnmmlo«s;WT James Dr KB • Roberts Rev J Cumirerford M Jeffery I)r C N . Robbins Dr Jos CurrauJohn . , ÜBN Roberts k Nelson cSS!fnn Johnson Jasper J Roebuck Dr CW r Jonesfcßanki Roney John J ' JonetDatid- Bobeitson A - JbK*n»- Alex’r Robbins alien Jones Baal H RiokhiilEdwA Croiey G ~ Jordan GeoY - < .Rove Hnni CulberUon J Jons. BnH., ’ .Rol.r. W M D Crawford Rli Joliniton'gXC . Soaalll.t W B Crolton I’ Jojir.nn W ? . Aowedimon . Crtimmer T JohujonAC Robbert John Crnne Hr Jonee Joh, ~ Sober iDrWH i ’-lotj J Jobnion Jutof 'Sowboitom Jbhn Craiok J Job.iJo. itober’b JDr Wm JlMtonjf K«tl Usvid ■ -Jr uup Geo W Daris'wT Kennedy Drfljß Rubioam Rioh’d ‘ jAV|*Jm „ ; RiuhWm Davie* tfnooh itempiThos B > • -Russel John Baines T J Kelly Theodore, i gcherzer M Davit WB Kersher aam’i R SoottAndwJ DalemJonn KellsyJohn’W ganssAß Laigreen Geo H Kenned; Henry* Behuorinan fc Co Davi?£ Co“ C lean 2 Bro* ,' Sanford Dr 8 J D«bT s,B I;!!fL mH ‘'ertrafxi F Kukendall D W CSafford Henry DewhuTt T F Korrmond J B Baundeti Dr JB - Do Jin*f W q. ’ KiftbrPeter ’ Sautiders W • pe veiriifl Patrick. Boon Oonlo 0, ■ Desney Jaz/ Kub\*lB A Barerjwm DptLserChi* ; Dr Tho* MBat .ai J D Semans & Co L ,D|rf&,fcBon- 'KieiJtoierdC Sewer J Di* r-- DieqriokLewis Knoxlf ra Seabrook Dr EG Se&fef Jacob Stewart E ' tlndereoker Jao Show James Btinson JohhW Vandersiioe G M SheppardFVA Btels.»nßD , „ValliantAC Shoemaker fc Co Stokes Franklin H Vodery John T 0 MtiteeEP Varney Chaß Shelton &Co P J Stokes Mast H A Vegas J F Shultz Jas A State Anthony Virtue Thos ghulse A Btephens W Q 2 „ Volante Christ Shaner JL Siorinont 8 R a B Viokcry Chas sHdelnaker W C Storr Thos Walsan A° Skinner Jas Stimson H W Watson W J Simpson Thos A BfoneOH Walter CJ Bimon fc Co L v Steele Rev A Waide Nixon gjaufbterDr J Strausbarger & Walter T H«!T l i?9} 0 5 John o Nuhn Wardell Henry sS Vni, 1 .. r Sweeney Mrla, Werner Jnoob W Bummervnle Jos Waeson James gmit i Wm B Swara B F Ward Kev John NmlJu o Summer ho a Jas Watkins ‘l'lios Smith A W 8 Swile Chas |Kl}JhHdnry SwdmWhi Whitney & Dro Smith Thos Ta>lor Capt A Whitaker Sioph Smith Chas V Taylor Edwß Whiteman T 8 Smith aB _ Taylor TB White L W Smith Chas W Taylor Geo Whitney BA SmjthWmß TajlorWA WhiteHN BmitUfc Co'W'H TariorJ W .. WhippleDS gmiaser M Tayidr kevWWWmdA Bmyth Russel Taggart WmJ WightmanWG Small H 0 2 Tavlor fc Co W A Wilkinson D B SmythJohn Tilly AndrewK WilsonCliasB Bmyt*i Ja* F Thompson Geo Wilhan Bon Mr fimedleyJK Thomas chonD Wiihamaon C M Pniveiy Adam P Thomas Beni Wdnon isaao J Snyder Jonn C Thompson Wood W|i oh Cerydott BuptChsitn’tHlH fcCo WisterThoa -AR Thompson JW Wilson John H SoutiorDr Thomas R A Wilson Mathew SobyßF. MD Thomas wn Wriets Thos PouthwiokeJ L Tilden Walter H Witte Ernst Bonders John Thompson D WUttoxJß Sothors John 'l'roahior John Wiluts Geo B Bpenoe John Tobias G Williams Robt Squerand o A Big Trigg W W Wilmot Jas R Bpau’dinz J D Turner Jas C Wilson John B HpenoerMaikA ToddCß2 Winnie BO Spoor John H TomkinsonAS Wolf John Rtew«rd Hiram P Turner Joseph Woodbuu T C Btertefaut A Tuoker 8 Woeilmer W Bterhdg Gilbert S Trego James D WoreanGeo BtoverK L Todd Wnv R Wooae Terence Striker Theo’e Tobin Miohael Woods John BtruokJnoob Town R G Wristine Wm Stimson John W ToulminJß Wright JTF Stewart Wm G Tracy Eleasshib Wright Andrew Steller John Qmid Michael Young WmJ Stiles B G Waiokssll TlipsS Young E btinson Edw QuigglcJW Young fc Co E It • N. B. BROWNE. P. M. IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the Press.] RID DB JANEIRO—Bark Elf. Pinokney-350 bags ooffee Thos A Nowhall & Sons. CORNWALLIS NB-Sohr Meteor, Nioholson-3,000 bushe s potatoes, Cox, Woodworth, fc Co. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADE. EDWARD 8. CLARKE, } H ARR V GUN RAD, > Committer of Tllß Month. WM. L. REHN, \ ** LKTTKIt BAGS At ift a Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia. Bhip Wyoming, Barton—— Liverpool, soon Ship Mazeppa. Weeks ....Loando. WCA, soon Ship Vjotor. Keller... —Bemoia, soon Ship Viotoria Reed. Preble.. —.Liverpool, soon Ship Hnrtensia, Atkins— Liverpool, soon Bark Washington, WenokO. , . —. . ...—London, Boon Bark fleotor, Weisser. ...London, soon •Brig Lord Palmerston, Carregal Glasgow, soon Brig Nord Horn, Van Leuwen—— .Cork, coon Brig Ella Reed, Daviß .St Jago do Cuba, soon Brig Deihi, Darnaby— Havana, soon Bohr Velma, Sugett ..Aeplnwalbsoon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19 1860. SUN RISES 7 10-SUN SETS—— 460 HIGH WATER ......7 45 ARRiViU. UBM steamship State of Georgia,Garvin,o3 hours from Savannah, with mdse and paatengers to A Heron. Steamship Cambridge, Howes, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and patsaneers to H Wmsor. Passed brig Ormus, irom New Bedford, off the Ledte; eohrCerito, from Mobile, off Delaware City s sohrs Charm, Elouiso, Geo J Jones, and John Price, off Marcus Hook. Bark Elf, Pinoknoy, 44 days from Kio de Janeiro, with nofleo to Thos A NfewhaU fc Son. Nov Kl» l&t ST, lon 67 40. spoke cohrSatkh Hall, (of ProvmoetownJddays out from Boston, for —. . ■ Br sohr Meteor, NiohtlSon, 14 days from Cornw&tfte, NS. with 3,000 bushels potatoes to Cox, Woodworth, & Co. Bohr Charm,Lorlng,7 days from Boston, with mdse toTwellsfcCo. Sohr Cornelia, Crapo. 3 days from New Bedford, with oil to G A fc A E LandoU. Sohr W P Williams, Rose, 3 days from New York, in ballast to L Rotherrael fc Co, Sohr W W Maroy. Norton, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to L fiothormel fc Co. Sohr Ontario. Vangi'der. 4 flays from Trovidenoe, in ballast to L Audenroid fc Co. Cohr Antares.Cordery, 4 days from Dightcn, in ballast to L Audenreid fc Co, Bteamer Ann Eliza, Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird fc Co. Bteam tug Amerioa, Virden, 12 hours from the Break water. with bark Elf in tow. Reports the U 8 sloop-of war Saratoga at anohor off the Breakwater at 5 A M on Saturday. CLEARED. Steamship Kensington, Biker. Boston, Henry Wmsor. Ship Flora, Page, Loando. WCA Workman fc Co. Baric Linda. Hewitt. Havana. Madera fc Cabada. Brig E P Stewart. Cain. Charleston. D 8 Stetson fc Co. Sohr J G Stitle, Swain, Wilmington, NC, do Sohr Belle, BarraiL do Baker fc Folsom. Sohr John 8 Lee, Corson, Mobile. do Sohr W P Phillips, Rose, Richmond. Rothermol fc Co. Bohr W W Maroy. Norton, Jersey City, do Sohr Antares, Cordery, Providence,LAudonreid fc Co Sohr Ontario. Vangilder, do do Str Henry L Gaw. Her, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Str J Jerome, Jerome, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. (Correspondonoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWEB, Jlel, Nov 18. There are no vosrela now at harbor. Tho htill and machinery of sohr M A Guest, wore sold br auction yesterday. Yours, fco. N. W. HICKMAN, (Correspondence of The Prenk. HAVRE PE GRACE. Nov. 17, 1840. The Wyoming left with 1 raR and 9 boats, laden and consigned os follows: Union, wheat, corn, rye, fco, to Humphreys, Hofl tnan, fc Wright; Mira Humes, whout, corn, fco, to A G Cattell & Co; J C A MoConkey. wheat, corn, fco. to J L Bewlov fc Co; C Fallon, and J C Crawford, lumber to Noroross fc Sheets; F Coleman, do to 8 Bolton fc Co; Geo Hopson, do to Malone fc Taylor; Agnes Amanda, and Two Sisters, coal to Delaware City; 1 raft to Chesa peake City, . (Correspondonoe of the Press.) READING. Nov 15. The following boats from the Union Canal passedin* to tho Schuylkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Dido, shingles to D A Overton; Frank Myers, lumber to Malone fc Taylor; D A Albright, do to J H.Devsber; Echo, blooms to w l & J l Bayiey; 2 rafts timber to Sohuylkul Navigation Company. MEMORANDA. Steamship Pimera. Thompson, olcaied at New York 17th inst for Rio de Janeiro. „ „ Ship W 8 Sutton, Spicer, forSnn Frar.oisoo,oleared at New York 17th mat. . Ship Superior, Soule, oleared at Now York lGlhinst. °Ship Jr, Aboel, from Liverpool, arrived at New York 17th inst. , .... Ship Lorenzo. Marwiok. henco for Liverpool, was sig nalized 3J inst, in lat 40 25, lon 4815- Bhip Aroole, Crafts, fiom New York for Havre, was spoken 23d ult. lat 45 40 lon 2710. , „ Ship hurpnsd, Kanlett. At Hong Kong 12th Sept, for Fooohow, to load for New York, Ship Boston, Fotter, uno. at Hong Kong Sept 12. Dark Martha Anna, Chase, hence lor Boston, sailed for Holmes’ Hole 16th inst. Bark Telegraph. Uilea, from Cronstadt, arrived at New York 17th inst. Bark Warren Fisher, Daley, henoo, dt Galveston SQth ult, and remained 3d that discharging. Bark Oak. Ryder, hence, arrived at Boston 16th mat. Bark F Lonnie, Moore, for Boston, was loading at Marseilles Sletult. Bark Taoeny, Wrown. for Palermo via Girgenti, sailed from Marseilles 29tb u't. Bark motion Fowier. for Rio de Janeiro, was loading part cargo at Pern&mbuoo 13th ult. , Bark O Keen, swan, clearfed at Now YorkWtlv inst. for Buenos Ayres. Bark Lapwing, Kelly, oleared at Baltimore ltUh inst. or Rio Janeiro. Brig Condova, Jones, from Warren for Delaware City, ealted from Newport 14th met. Brig Commodore Stewart, Bishop, honco for Portland, •Bailed from Edgartown 16th inst. Brig Jas Crosby, Veazie, from Philadelphia for Mar blehead. arrived at Holmes’ Hole teih lost, all other vessels before reported at Holmes’ Hole sailed l&th for their respective destinations; sohrs Excelsior, hence for Boston, and Fir, Cheeseman, hence for Nantucket, remained In port 16th. _ Sohr Maria Roxanna, Palmer, from Boston for this port, sailed from Newport 14th iu4t. „ Sohrs E Rickey, Tice, and Volta, Brooks, hence, at Providence 16th inst. , _ Schr Chaa Moore, lngersoll, hence, was below Provi donoe 15th inst. SohTs Rioh&rd Vaux, Frink; W V Cox, Hnuck; Louisa Gray, Weaver, and C a Hecksohor, Stubbs, hence, at Bos on 16tb inst. . „ . SohrH 51 Wright, fisher, hence, at Hartford lilh inst. Sohr Martha J Gauae, Simpkins, for this port, sailed from Taun ton 14th mat. . ..... _ SohrS B Wheeler. MoGlaughlin.from Cliarleston, ar rived at New York 16th Inst, , , Sohr Geo Mangham, Judder, was loading at Galves ton 3d inst for New York. , ...... Bohr Jonathan May, Cobb, hence, arrived at Mobile Schra Jaz 'Neil6on,‘ Furl, from Taunton, and 8 D Bel lows, Clark, from Portland for this port arrived at New York 17th inst; „ _ , Sohr© Monterer, Rhoads, and Patriot, Rotan, hence, arrived at Norfolk 14th inst Sohrs Maria Jane, Brown,and Problem, Tyler, henoe, at Richmond 16th mat. Sohr C A Heokscber, Stubbs, henoe, arrived at Boston 16th inst Sohr W H Maillor, Colby r cleared at Boston 16th inst. for Philadelrhii. Sohr Exohonge, Hallook, hence, arrived at Provi dence 15ih inst. Sohrs Geo Wasbihgton, Bheramn, and Geo Fales. Nickerson, sailed Irom Providence 16th inst, for Phila delphia. Schr Susan Baker, Gookin, henoe for Portland, sailed from Edsartown 16th lost. Sohr u W Holmes, MoElwee, hence, arrived at Taun ton 16th inst. SAVING FUNDS. “ A- Rttie, but oiten, fills the Purse.” SjIRAHKLIN SAVING FUND, No. a 136 South FOURTH Stroet, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadeiphia, pan all Deposit* on demand.. Depositorn’ money secured by Government, State, ?vnd City Loam, Ground Rents, Mort- Company deemz safety bettor than large profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors’ money, but have it at all times ready to return, with e per cent, interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. , ... Females, married or eJicle, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits oau be withdrawn otfhT by thoir oonsent, Charter perpetual, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from trusteesand exeoutor*. _ LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from PtoSo’olook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. „ . JIKECTOIfi, Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwaliader* John Shindler, Oeorge Russell, Malaom W. Sioan* Edward T. Hyatt* Lewie Krurabhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos, H« fiatterthwaite, Jones Yerkes, Cvxvs CASWALtapzx, Treazvror. apM-y “ A Dollar saved is twice earned.” CAVING FUND—FIVE PEE CENT IN *3 TEREBT.-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsy’- vania. Money is received in any sum, largo or small, and in terest paid from the day ef deposit to the day of with drawal. / The office is open ever; da; from nine o’oiook in the mormne till ftvo o’qlook In the eve/ting. and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o olook. , Hon. ifKNRY L.IJfSNNER, President. _ ROBERT SELFRIDGH. Vie* President William J, ilzzn, Secretary, Mon. Henry L. Benner, Carroll Brewster, . Edward L. Carter, lo*mi li. Bar t Robert Solfridte, FranoisLee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yorkes, 0, Landreth Munnz, James L. Stephens* n, Money is received and payment* mule qaily. The investments are made, in oonformity with the Srovisions of tho Charter, in Real Estate Mortgage*, (round Rents,and suoh first-class soourmesos wiilal- L way* insure perfect security to the depositors, and whioh cannot fail to give poraanenor and stability t* thi* fpstitutioP/ aul-)T CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES lo trust COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small sums received, and paid back ondr mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT, INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of vritk- hours, from 9 until 0 o’oiook every day, and en MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’oiook. . , DRAFTS for sale oh England, Ireland, d eotianJ A. OR,VWFOaS hWv'VmV’iZ'tth « UM * KE pnnADEtPBIA TERRA OOTTA MA- B. NUFAPTORY. SEVENTH And GEHM AWTOWB road and 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Vitrified Drain and Water Pipes. Ventilating Flues, Hot AiFFioee, ana Smoke Fines tna* 1 of Terra Cotta; and of Suitable ftie for every olpwrorbuUdiogs, This article Is worthy the attention of all parties patting up* buildings. Large fire sewerage pipes for olty drainage, water pipe* war ranted tostandaseVerepriiMrure. We are now prepared to contract with otties or uorvorationz for this vrttefe in any quantity. We warrant our goods to beequalifnot superior totally other made m the United States or Ornamental Chimney Tops and Garden KOSIN, PITCH, and TAR.—I,7OO bbls. . Rosin, all grades ; 250 do.Pitob, large size; 7s bbls. flo. it BoaisrrhErtM. ■ • • • - bob * THE PRESS.—PHILAUELPHLA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, iB6O. INSURANCE companies, •HE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP AW OF PHILADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) ‘ COMPANY'S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER hOUHTH AND WALNUT STREETS, DIRECTORS: F. Ratciifobd Starr, Mordbcai L. DkWSOti, William McKbb, GKO. H. Stuart, Nalbho Fbasihr, 'JdttX H, flubwir, John M. ATWOob, B. A. Fahnestock, Bsnj T. Tred ck, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J.L, Errinqkr. F. RATOHFORD STaRR, President. CHARLES W. COX K, Secretary. fe!s PIKE INSURANCE, reliance mutual insurance COMPANY ofr PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPFTUAL. MER CHANdISEJfURNITURK. See., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY OFFICE, NO, 30»_WALNUT STREET, CAPITAL, $220,510. ASSETS, 9303,508 96 Invested as follows, viz: First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double.the amount-—...,......5165,900 0Q Ground Rent first 01a55...., ......... 845260 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent Loan. &Mioo 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 6 per oont.2d ‘ Mortgage Loan (930,000) ... 27,000 00 Alleghenj co. C per ot. (Ponn’a R. R.) Loan 10 000 00 Collateral Loans, well scoured.-—.'. .... 2,600 00 ■Huntingdon and Broad Top R. K.and O. Co., 1 Mortgage Loan..— . •4.000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Stook... 24 SSQOQ *1 he County Fire Insurance Co. l.ofiO 00 The Delaware M.B, insurance Co. 5t00k.... 700 00 -Pennsylvania Railroad Co, Stook, 4,000 00 Commercial Hank Stock— 5.136 01 Mechanics’ Bank Stook —.. 2,81260 Union M. Insurance Co. script(s3Bo) 100 tO Fills Receivable 16,297 18 Book Aooounts, aoorued interest, &o 6 210 02 , Cush on hand and in hands of Agents- 11,385 16 CLEMTINGLEY, ;WM H.THOMPSON. FREDERICK BROWN. JOHN R. WORRELL, H. L. CAHSON, ROBERT TWLAND, .FREDERICK LEN&IG, CHARLfcS 8 WOOD, JAMES S. WOODWARD, CLEM 11. M. HINCHMAN, Seoi triBLAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN JL/ fIURANOE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED IS3G. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com* pasy is published in conformity with a provision of its Charter. PREMIUMS Received from Nov. 1,1869, to October 31,1800, On marine and inland risks-—. $34«,8t5 03 On fire risks. —.. . 118,338 73 , , , , , $467,184 69 Premiums on ponoios not marked ofl'» N0v.1,1&9 264,337 39 PREMIUMS Marked off as earned, from Nov, 1,1869. to Oot, 31,1860. On marine and inland risks $S5i 837 ]9 On fire risks - 116,212 51 —'5471,109 70 Interest, salvages, &o. f during same penod.. .... LOSSES, EXPENSES, Ac., Dorm* the year as above. Marino and inland navigation losses $202,0?8 99 Fire losses 63,605 01 premiums.— ... 42,295 00 .Reinsurances ... 21.51107 Agency charges. Ac .... 28.660 29 Donations to steam fire corafcnniM, advertising, taxes, Ao . 11,697 71 Expenses, salaries, rent. Ac.-—. 20,437 48 $383,176 66 141410 80 Surplus—. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Novombar 1,1600. 3100,0C0 United States five & cent. loan 8100,500 CO 115,000 United States six oent. Treasury Notes, (with scorned interost)— 119,463 34 100.000 Pennsylvania Btato five s*■ oent. loon. —— —95,070 00 21,000 do. do. six do. do. 21,94 s 00 123 050 Philadelphia City six oent. Loan. 135,art 37 3J,000 Tennessee State five W cent loan.. 24,000 CO 50 000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d mortgage six w oent. bonds—.—.43,ooo 00 15 000 300 shares, stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of Phifa , delphin i 5.300 00 5 COO 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad 5 000 100 shares JforthPeunsjlVauiakaU- road Company •. 900 00 11200 £0 shares Philauolphla loe Boat and Steam Tug Company... , 1 joo 00 2M 5 shares Philadelpfna and Havre do- Grsco Steam Tow-boat Company. 350 00 200 2 shares Philadelphia JBxohange Company . . T -.,125 00 1,000 2 shares Continental Hold Co,—— 500 00 §556,700 par. Cost 8547,33534. Market va1.8564,356 71 1110 rece vnble, for inenrances made. ....... 171,556 42 Bonds and mortgages ............... 34 sco 00 Heal eatato—. 61,563 35 Balancesdue atAgenoiea—l’reminmson Ma rine PoUoiea, interest, and other debts due the Company—. —— ~.....-.. 51,566 02 Scrip and stock of sbndry Ifisbrafcce find other Companies , 2 626 60 Casu on hand—in banks .$28,673 16 in drawer—.., —. 435 35 „ 9M.W7 51 „ _ November 14, iB6O The Board of Directors have this day declared a On*h D lyidend of'i'ENPf.H. CiSN l'. on the Capital Btook, and SIX Pfcß CENT. interest on tbo torip of the Company, payable on and after the lot proximo. They have alsodeotsredaSorlp Dividend of TWTN TY-FIvJS I’ER CRN V, on the Barnod Premiums for the year ending October SI. iB6O. Certificates for which will be issued to the partios entitled to the same on and after the first ot December next. tar fto certificates of profits issued under 825. William Martin* Kdmuad. A. Bonder, Theophilae Paulding. John it. Pen rone, John 0. Daviij, James Tradh&ir, William Ksre, Jr„ James C. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Georg© C. Leiper, Hugh Craig. ' i Charlos Kelly, WILLIAi THOB. 0. HENRY LYLBURN* Ber Quaker city insurance COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS.4OB WALNUT BTH.UET. FHII.ADELPHIA.-OaTITAL AND HUH PLUB 8359.74dT0. insutea against Loss br Damage by Fire and the Penis of the Sea, Inland Narration and Traneportation. GKOKQt- H. HART, President. K. P. BOSS, Vioe President. IKJ**&9mr SB ft -kk* ''•oYaad Treasurer. S. H. BUTLEK, Assistant Secretary. „ „ „ DIRtOIOBB. George H-Hart, K P. floss. A-C v r atten, Foster S. Perkins,. E. W Bailey, Andrei? ft. Chambers, H.R. CofKßhall. Samuel Jones, M D.. Hod. H. M, Fuller. , ®hS-tf Removal. —the penn mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to their new budding, No. 9tfl CHESTNUT Street. Charter perpetual. ALL THE PStOr l FS dv*ided&mongst theinsured. .POLICIES issued this year will participate tr the JDi yiaeyd to be declared in January next. 'J be Company has full authority to aot as Exeouton, Administrators, Assignees, Guardians, and Trustees for married wdraen and ohildren. DANIEL L. MlLLKH;.Presidem. r «r „ SAMt*. E. STOKES, Vloe Prei t. Josh W. Horkor. Secretary. MEDICAL EXAMINERS in attendance daily, from 1 to3o’ciook P. M. ■ noB TjMRE INSURANCE. MEOIIANfU?’ ■- INSURANCE COMPANY,of Philadelphia, lio. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Race. InWre'Buil£ mgs, Goods, and Merchandise generally from lose or damage by Fire. The oompany guarantee to adjust all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron* age of the publio. DIHKCTORB. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Franoia Cooper, Miohael MoGeoy, George L. Doughorty, • Edward Moßovera, James Martin, Thomas B. MoCermiok, James Durose. Joan Brtmtlcy, Matthew McAleor, Francis Falls, Bernard Raflerty. „ John Caseady, Thomas J Hemphill, BeruardiL HuUeman, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare. Franoia MoManus, Miohael CahiU. BERNARD UV&tIWSgSS* "SSEiS INSURANCE OOMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered ib 1704—Capital 9900,000—F0b, 1, lgco, cash value, 8438,793 77. AH invested in sound and available securities—oon tmoe to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Btoolw of Merchandise, &p., on liberal terms, DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby. , Fainucl Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Warner, William S. Smith, Thomas B.Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carson. WTT Tr . „ HENRY D. SHERRERD, President, WILLIAM RARPER, Secretary. t Je9-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE GOMPA 4*; NY.-AuUiori«*4 Osjital ««X),OOO~OHAKTER PJsRFJfI 1 UAJu. ' Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Ftmuture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland «* the Union. Jacob Esher* Joseph Maxfield, D. Luther, , Dr. George a. Eokert. L.Audennodi John R. Blakiston, Davis Pearson, Wm. F.Dean, Peter Sieger# J. K. Baum. JACOB ESHER, President. _ a# lining . WM. F, DEAN, Vice President, W. M. SMITH, Beoretary. apS-tf American fire insurance 00., INCORPORATED 1810-OHARTE* FERPEV WAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia; Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested |n sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Persona] Property. Ail losses liberally and promptly adjusted. _ _ »r»*c*oms. _ Thos. R. Marls, John T, Lewis, John Welsh, Jandos R, Campbell, Samuel O, Morten, Edmund (J.DutiUi, Patrick Brady. Chat, W, Rouitnoy, Israel Morris. albert O. L. O^S^FftßJ^'jeoreiirlf fe ‘feiS?fe. C'XOHANGE, INSURANCE COMPANY ■-4 -Offloe No. «a WALNUT Stioot. FIRE INSURANCE lon -Houses and Merchandise generally».en favorable terms, either limited or per petual, , DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsali, Edward D, Roberta. John U, Ginnodo, John J. Griffiths, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben 0. Hale, Thomas Marsh. John MoDqwell, Jr., Sami. L. Smedley, Joe. T. Hale, Bellefonte, JEREMIAH RONBALL, President JOHN Q.' GINNOBO, Vice President. ! Edward W. David. Secretary mhU mtf PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. „ In order to meet the constantly-increasing demand for this justly CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former oapaoi ty, and have the most extensive vorkt Jot manu facturing Otl tn the Vntled States; and in ordor to insure for us a oonsttnt supply, adequate to the demand, they have positively refused to establish any now agendas, or oreate toy new outKts for it what ever. What we claim for this Oil is, ITS ™™ io TY E ,N^UAM SR AND 8 8UF EJ ir- It is entirely free from the offensive odor peouliar to aU other Coal Oils in the market, and for brilhanoy as a light# oleanlinesa, cheapness, and safety, (having no explosive properties i, is, we may confidently say, THEONLY OIL THAT WILL GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. Wherever it has beon introduced consumers will use no other. ... t As there a;e many inferior Oils sold os Kerosene, we Caution dealers in particular against using thia trade mark. .Whenever doubtsexist as to the genuineness of ask that a sample may be submitted to ns for lnspeoUoa, We offer it to the tTaae at the COMPANY’S LOWEST.PRICE, and ell orders addressed to cs by nail or otherwise will meat with prompt attention; „ , „ Z. LOCKK A CO., Bole Agents and Manufacturers of Alcohol, Duping Fluid, and Pine Oil. OQIO-flin No. 1010 MARKET fit., Philadelphia. BAY RUM—For sale by WETHERILL Ai BROTHER, Nos. AT *na‘49 North SECOND Street. noil $303,508 98 DIRECTORS SAMUEL BIBPTTAM, ROBERT BT>.EN, WILLIAM MUBSKR, . BENJ. W.TIN ?LKy, MARSHALL HILL, Z. LOTHROP, CHAROEB LKLAND, JA,‘ OB T. BUNTINU, BMITH BOWEN. JOHN BIBSEL, Pittsburs, 1 TINGLISY, President, itfltnry. , no!8-2m DIRECTORS. Barauel E. Stokes, J- F. Penleton, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H.Jones Brooke, gpenoftr M’ilvaine, Tnoraaa C. Hand, Koberißnrtpn, Jaeob P. Jones, James B, ftTFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Senile, PittsVg, i D.T. Morgan, ** A. B. Berger, “ MARTIP, l’roji^ent. ). UAftD, vioe President, toret&ry. nott-lm KEROSENE OIL. Miscellaneous. ?|W~lMAinSATiros~^i r^A^ ■** GUAGEd,—There is a groiring temlonoy in ttia age to appropriate the moat expressive words of other languages, and after a while to incorporate them into oar own; thus the word Gephaho. which is from the Greek, signifying “for the head,” it now becoming popularized in oonneotion with Mr. fipalding’a great headache remcdy.but itwiil soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalio will become as oommon as Electrotype and many others whose dis tinction as foreign worda has been worn away br oommon usage* until, they seem native and to the manor born.” ’ardly Realized. Hi 'ail’it orribfo ’earache this hafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapotbeoary’s, hand aays hi to the man. “ Can you heaae me of an ’eadaohe l” “ Does it bache ’aid ?” aaya ’a. " Hexoeedingly,” says hi, hand upon that '©gave me a Cephalio Pill,hand ’pon me ’onor itouredmoso quick thatl'ardly rcalizod I’ad ’ad an ’oadaohe. *9* HsADAcne ia the favorite sign by whioh natur6 makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and, viewed in this light, it may be looked on bb a safeguard intended to give notice of dis ease tfllioh might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied ; and its indications should never be neglected, Headaches may be classified under two names, viz: Bymptomatio and Idiopathio, Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common, and is the precursor of a groat variety of diseases, among which are Apo ploxy, Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases. In its netvoaa form it is sympathetic of disease or the stomach, constituting sick headache* of hepatlo disease constituting fci/iouj A«arfae/i«, of worms, constipation, and oiher.disordbrs of the bowels, as well os renal and utetme affections. Diseased of the heart tiro very fre quently attended with headaches; anaemia and plethora ;are also affections whioh frequently occasion head ache. Idiopathio headache is a’so very oomraon. being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes ooming on snddonly in a state of appa rently sound health, and prostrating at once the mental and physioal energies, and In other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or aoerbity of temper. In most Instances the pain is in tho front of the head, over one or both eyos, and uometirtiea pro voking Vomiting ; under this olass may also ho named Neuralgia, For the treatment of eithor classof headache the Ce phalic Fills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and, by its subtle power, eradicating the diseases of whioh headache is the unorring index. .Bridget,—Mitsui wants you to tend her a boy of Ce phalio G'ue ; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I’m think! ng that’s not just it neither; but perhaps ye’ll be fefther knowing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gone With the Siok Headache, and wants some more of thatsame as relaivod her before. i jDrirrjrto.-Yoa must mean Spalding's Cephalio Pills. Bridget.— Oohl sure now and you’ve sed it. Here’s the quarther, and giv me the Pills, and don’t be all day about it, either. Constipation o t CofltivfcnfcsS; No one of tho “ many ills flesh is fieir fo ” is so f>ro v&lent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Coßtivencss, often originating in oarelesßness, or se dentary habits. It is regarded as a slight disordor, of too little cons&quonoe to exoite anxiety, while in reali ty it is the precursor and companion of many of tho ynost fatal and dangerous disoases, and unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among tho lighter evils of whioh Costivesess is tho usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheuma tism, Fonl Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such os Malig bant Fevers, Abbesses, Dysentery, Dianhcna, Dyspep sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria. Hypo bhoedrfegis,. Melancholy, and Insanity, first indioate their preoenoe in the system by this alarming symptom, Not unfrequently the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the causo is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations, it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it ooours, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalio Pills on the first eppearanoo of the complaint, us their time ly use will expel the insidious approaches of disease, and destroy this dangerous fee to human life. A Heal messing. Physician.—' Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache ? Mrs Jones.— Gone.’ Dootor, all gone! the pill you sent oared me in just twe i.ty minutes, and I wish yoil would sond mo more, so that I can have them handy. Physician.— Youcan get themat aoy.'Druggist’s, Call for Cephalio Fills. I find they never fail, and I reoum meftd them in alloases of Headache. Mrs. Jones.—l shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all mr suffering friends, for they are a real Messing. Twkntt Millions ov Dollars satkd,— Mr. Spald ing has sold two millions of bottles of his oelebT&ted Prepared GlUe, and it is estimated that eaoh bottle saves at least ton dollata’ worth of L’roken,furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having mado his Glue a household word, he now pro poses to do the world still greater service by curing all the aohing heads with his Cephalio Pills, and if they are asgood&s his Glue, HondaohCß will soon vanish away like snow in July. ®y Oyaa excitsment, and the mental oare and onx loty incident to oloso attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. Tlio disordered state of mind and bodi incident to this dis tressing complaint, is a fatal biow to all enorgy and am bition. Sufferers l>y this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one'of the Ceshalio Pills whenever the symptoms ap pear. It quiets the overtasked biam, and soothesthe strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always acoompamesand aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. Fact worth knowing.— Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilious Head ache, Nervous Headnoho, Costiveness, and General Debility. Great Discovert.— Among the most important cl’ all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the systom of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalio Pill for relief of Head ache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of whioh is a sure speoifio, whose bene fits will bo experienced by suffering humanity lohg after their discoverers arc forgotten. JET* Dm you over have the Sick Hoadaohe ? Do you iremoinber the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? How.totally unfit you wore for pleasure, conversation, or study. One of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from all the suffering whioh you then experienced. For thia and other purposes yoil should always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion requires. CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE BIOK HEADACHE! CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE! CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE! By the use of these Pills the periodical attacks of jVcr vous or Sick Heada'ht may be prevented ; and if taken at the coron’ffuoemont of an attaok immediate relief from pain and sioknesa w*ll bo obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausta and Head ache to whioh females are so Bubjeot* Thoy aot gentlr on the bowels, removing Costiveness For Literarv Men, Students, Delicate Females, and nil persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving fontf and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring tho natural elas ticity and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result oflong investi gation and oarefuily oonduoted experiments, having been muse many years, daring whioh time they have prevented and relieved a vast Amount of pain and suffering from Hoadaohe, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the sto~ tnach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and maybe taken at ail times with perfect safety without making any ohange of diet, and the absence ef any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on eaoh Box, ** Sold by Druggists and an other Dealers m Medicines* A Box will bo ientby mail prepaid on reoeipt of the PRICE. 95 CENTS. Ail orders should be aridraseed to henry q. spa i .join a. nolM, ,8 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK, KAII.ROAU X.INES. 1860. mmmm 1860. fcALL AIIRANGEMEHT; T AND R AMBOy E I'ND PIitLA VMM uJWAKI) WAY PLACES, wJ'f N J IT ‘ 8T * AND KENSINGTON DKI*OT. WILL LEAVE A 8 FOLLOWS, VIZ : A oo.nm” aUo a n C “ md6, Li nd Ambo >'- 0- and A. Ao- ' A ALomrao’dSoS'™!' Bn and JerWcity.'iN.-J.) A 'CitVVftiorning ’ *''®ony and'ieSby' * ™ vm Cora,len a " d AmbiTToiommo*-' A Jw.“^. T !?® #nlsen ™ i ' A “*uo'mdAViii- 2 “ 3 00 A cta B Tickit v,a .. Ken ! i "?' ot ' 300 A Ma i !i M :: V . labaimi ° n anS P. JVI. from Wal nnc street wharf. SSSSMft® 11 !•»»« nnd9 A. M„ Sand 1« F. M. ror freehold, atdA.M.,and 2P. M. A * M„4>£and( Vl atVe&wiSS, n “ ln8t0,! ' and 2y * A ** ftL * lrom Walnut- For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Buriinr- Bordentown, Ao.,at !2E,1, 3, and i% Steamboat Trenton for Tacnai. at li a. M. and n « D Dto 7 n °JI3 intermediate places at 2J£ P. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed enoh Passen- KSEVafe I ?** fP” aTd pro^ ltjlted from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. AH baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their rosponsibmtT for baggago to One Dollarper pound, and will not bo liable for any amount bejond $lOO, ex cept by spetnal eontrSot. f «ol9 WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. (SwOH KS TE Ii PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. k J , CHANGROF HODRB. On and after MondftT t Bflptember]7th 18W, tho trains will leave PHiLADELPiUA, from the Depot, oorner of riurty.firJt and Markot streets, West Philadelphia, at 7.43 and, JO A. M., and a.SOand 5 P. M. Leave WEST CHEATER, troro the Depot, on East Markot street, at 7 and 10Ti5 A. ft., p.tid 1.49 find 6 P. M. , ON SUNDAY, A?. a T° Philadelphia, from the depot, northeoßt oorner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A, M. and 2 Lefty© West Chester, at 7.50 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. TrainiOeavirg Philadelphia, at 7 45 A. M. and 6 P.M., and on Wednesdays and Faturdaya only, at 2.80 P. M„ connect at Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central flailroad, for Concord, Kennett Avon dale. Elfcvisw, &0., and lor Oxford, via gtaee. fromend of Track, at 7,45 A. M. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa turday, the 7.45 A. M, train fTom Philadelphia will oon neotwith aline of stages, via Oxford ana Hopewell, to Peach Bottom, m Lancaster oountt. The last Passenger Railwa? Cor will leave Front and Market streets So inmutes, and Eighth and Market streets 25 miqntes before the starting time from the Depot, and "will oarry a flag to denote it. Office and Waiting room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tiokets for West Chester, will be furnished with a tloket over the Possengor Hallway, HENRY WOOD, , . flenernl Superintendent. The baggage oar will leave Eighteenth and Market etreets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia Depot. eeU-tf twMuM'i NEW TRI-WEEKLY ffiaJBtSK2?3pi*FRKIGHTAND PASSENGER ROUTKWjiORFpLK ANU PORTSMOUTH, VA. CHANGE OF LOCATION for the receipt ana deh very of Freight, On and after Monday, October 15, Forwarder* of Goods t?y this line will send to FfIKNTZEL'B Ware house, under National fldll, 1224 MARKET Street. ._Entranoe for‘drays in tho rear of the building, from Thirteenth Btreet through Leiper street. Mark Goods “ Via Seaford, Del.” Passengers m\) take the 8.15 A. M. tram at the depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday*. , Fare for first-class paaeongors, including meals on the boat, $7 Socond-olas* possongers, including meals on the boat, 84.50 H, F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation, ™ia tf P. W. tc B. K. K .Co, SSwasaggi W E»S Y OHJSSTEB m TRAINS via PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD, leave depot, oorner ELEVENTH nd MARKET, at 7.?0 A, M>» 1440 P. fll., and 4 P.M. afyso-tf . - . EXPIUg&S COMPANIES, regggmaßß the adams express fiK!3EE®sa®CQ.»oflicft3«o CHESTNUT Street, forwards Faroele, Packages. Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, cither bj its own Linos or in connection with other Express Companies, to all (he pnnoips) towns and s'tiexof the United States. E. 8. BANDFORD, titan* r*! £ut»nr»ntemtan» SHIPPING. .tfgsgfe FOR THE SOUTH.—OHARLES- SfieSa TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. , FREIGHT REDUCED.' Heavy frelpht at an dvSrsKO per cent below New YorkSiramMup ratoa. c 1 FOR CHaRUFSTON. 8 C. Tbo U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Clumps iv aralimon, will sail on Monday, Nov. 21, at 10 o’clook A. &t Through la 43 to so hours-only 40 hours at 8oa» FOB SAVANNAH, GA. . , Tho U. 8. Mail Steamship STATK OF GE6rGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Tuesday, Dov. 20, at 10 o’clock A. M. Through in 53 to 60 hours—only 43 hours at Sea. 97~ Sailing days changed frntn every Saturday to every five days. Goods received and ifilla of Lading signed ever* dav. . The spleade'i first-olass side wheel Steamships KLY STOK K B»ATIi and NTATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day oom manioation with Charleston and bavannah, and the bouth and Southwest, At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &0., for all places in the booth and Southwest. „ , , a f INSURoJSCE Freight and imursnoe on a targe proportion of Goods shipped gothh Will be found to be lower by these ships than by satiing vfessola, the premium being one-half the H. B— Insurauoe on all Railroad Freight id entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Bavdnhah. the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points, GREAT R*DUCiION IN FARE. Faro by i hie mute 25 to 40 per cent. oheaper than by the Inland kcute as will De seen by the following schedule. Throuth tickets from Philadelphia, via Charleston and Bavannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, exoept from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : VIA • HAEL23TON. . , VIA SAVANNAH. To Charleston. .. .815 fO To Bavannah 815 03 Au«u*ta.. . 17 00 Augusta— 17 00 Columbir 20 00 Al- -. SKf rv" Jolumbia ~ ..jaoun OD Atlanta—. 2i 00 Atlanta— 2100 Montgomery 26 00 Columbus - ai 00 Mobile 36 00 Albany .. 2) GO Netr Orleans...., 39 76 Montgomery MOO Nashville 27 76 Mobllfl 35 co Knoxville 25 60 New Orleans 89 79 Memphis 31 50 fate to Savannah, via Charleston..—• ~ 16 00 Charleston, via Savannah— —. -——.,16 00 No bills of lading signed after the chip has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at seoond whatf above Vine streetyor to ALEX. Hr BON. Jr.. 6c CO., No. 126 NORTH WHARVES. Agents in Charleston, T. S. Sc T. G. BUDD. Savannah, GUTTER k GaMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary’s and St. John's evory Tuesday and Saturday. THE BRITISU AND NORTH gSWEafe AMERICAN It OVAL nail STRAM- PROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage. — 7& XROM BOSTON TO LIVHB POOL Chief Cabin Passage ....... ... $llO Second Cabin Pawase., . « GO The ships from New York oall at Cork Hart*nr. The ehtps from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Ctypt. J.Stono. CANADA. Capt. t,aue. ASIA. Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Mondie, AUSTRALASIAN, Capt. NIAGARA.Capi Andenm E, M. Hockley, EUROPA, Capt. J Lcitoh. SCOTIA, (now building.) Theflo veasela oarry a clear white llrbt at mast-head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, leaves N. Yoik.Wodnesriay, Nov. 2) SANADA. Anderson, “ Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 28 FRlOA,Shannon, “ N. York, Wednesday, Deo.6 . ARABIA, Stoho, “ Boston, Wednesday, Dec. It ASIA. Lott, “ N. York, Wednesday, Bee. 19 TCUROPA, Moodio, “ Boston. Wednesday, Deo. 20 PERSIA. Judkins, " n, York, Wednesday, .Tan. 2 CANADA, AndersOn, “ Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 9 AUSIRaLAMaN, Heokley, “ N. York, WedneEday, Jan 1G ARABIA,Stone. u Boston, Wednesday, -lan. i. 3 Berths not seoured until paid for. An exponenbod Surgeon on board. The owners of these shivs will not be accountable foi Gold, Silver, Bullion, Speoto, Jewelry, Precious Stones orMetals, unless bills oflnding are eignod therefor and the valuo thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage,.apply to K. CUNARD, nolQ 4 Bowling Green, New York, STOVES. INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS IsSwILLIAM" O, NEMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES, No. 33 NORTH SECOND STREET, 0 flora the mo«t perfeot, convenient, and economical Gas-burning Cooking Stove yet invented. „ Inauire for his Lehigh Gaa-burncr, to obtain the boat Stove in nse. Also, one o! the largest and most complete stock ol Stoves for heating parlors, chambers, stores, counting houses, &0., in the oity. The attention of the pnblio is solicited. ocll-am STOVES! STOVES!! ggl JAMES SPEAR, No. UlO MARKET STREET, is now prepared to meettho wants of the pub, io more completely in all the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which ho invites comparxtivb examination. Ihe followinff are among his own popuiar inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in excellent* ana economy any other stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the best gtove for family use m the world. rt JAMKs SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated UM-consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly ooraine into generafase. JAMES fiJPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ve JA?Jf:tiKht Gas-oonsuming Parlor Btove. /( /AMEB SPEAR is the Inventor of tho Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, whioh, from its boauty and utility, is likely, this season, to bo univer sally adopted. JAMES,SPEAR, in the. Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, end Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Fatontee of the °®T , ?^K!§i d cßftJ, lw ft) r *. oar Heater. JAMES SPEaR is the inventor of the Improved Fire-board Stove. For all of the above tho'lnventor very justly claims advantages whioh require but to be understood by the public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that ofasa in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons m want of stoves to oall and examine for themselves, rartica wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. celS-sm JU QUAKER OITY GAS CON -ISUMER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, 4881 Seventh Month. 1869, ’ IMPROVEMENT ON SILVER’S GAS BURNER. By the nse of the Quaker City Gas-Consuming Parlor ana Office Stoves all dust may be avoided, the rooms ventilated, and an oven temperature maintained far many hours, without any attention to the fire, and at a great saving offuel. _ „ For sale by CHARLES JONES, Patentee, No. 308 North SECOND street, above Vine, where the excellent Ga?-« onsummg Cooking Stove DAYLIGHT, unsur passed m its operations, may be obtained. Of the laree number now in operation, every stovo, we believe, gives entire satisfaction. oS-8m Jk THE CELEBRATED ROYAL ro ®*iP^®,* 8 the best and most popu- Ml lar Cooking Stove in the market. It is made either with or without gas-nurning fixtures Manufactured and for sa e by NORTH nwA/ap *■ NORTH. Foundry WereroonS, 209 N?rthSECOND og-2tn j&t in ™F„J ibbt STAR gasburn bmM AND RADIATING STOVE, the nest end moat economical Heet'nit -tovo 8^,4,te lor D d “i" 1 & r ,lla hr NORTH, CHASE. Sc NORTH. Foundry Wnreroom.. 209 north SECOND Street. 08 3m laondfir, 'Wednesday, and Fri day at 10 o’olook A. M. , PRIVATE SALES. At private sale several large consignments of watonCs, jewelry, books, stationery, silver-plated ware, cutlery, fancy gooes, to. To whioh is solicited the attention or oity and oountry merohanta and others. Oonflignmenta solicited of all kinds of merchandise, f°rdtlor public or private sates. mf~ Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Out-door Bales promptly attended to. Ilf OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ITA A ro9 v 9ij, MMI A? MERCHANT,Southeast corner of SlXTH^mnjt^CK^Streets $23,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silver plate, dry goods, clothing, gro ccnoo, cigars, hardware, cutlery, pianos, mirrors, fur niture, bedding, and on goods or every description, in large or Small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, forany length of timfl agreed on. fi®” X h « Eldest Establish#?! House in this oity. Sg“ Private entranoe on RACE Street. KT Business hours from 9 a. M. to 9 P. 51. Heavy insurance fo the benefit of depositors. „ CHARGES ONLY TWO PERCENT. .*w Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per cent. Advances of $lOO and upwards, at one percent-, for short loans. „ „ PRIVATE SALE. or the finest GOLD PATENT LEVER and CHROWOMKTKR WATHHES menuraotuVed, it hSf the usual selling prices, gold leTer and lepine watches. “JI™* 1 ™* ?. ftd r ®. pm . e watches, English, Swiss, and r rcm,n watches, at astonishingly low prices, jewelry of L°2» low, guns, pistols, musical in struments, first quality of Havana digars, at half the importation price, in quantities fo suit purchasers, and various otherkmds ofgoods. v ’ A*. , ~ OUTT)OuR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer of any and SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE .Consisting of diamond, and 9 pal bfGaetrin and ear rings. Price Bd6C. Cost in Pans 81,400. MEDICINAL. rpm onX^preparation"^"^^ THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAT. And testimonial, -new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society .whose United testimony none co ald resist, that Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative will restore the bald find gray, and preserve the hair < thoe if thee wouldfft not be willing to send roe an order on thine agents for a 1 bottle, and,receive to thyself the Bcripture declaration —“The those that are kind to the widow andthefathorltftV’, Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lioonier, Noble 00.* Indiana. Feb. 5. 1859. Prop. 0. J. Wood: Dear Bir: In the lattef part of the Sear 1852. while attending the State and National Law ohool of the State of New York, my hair, fromacausS unknown to me. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short spac* of six months, the whole upper part of my soalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the-remaining portion upon the side and back tart of my head shortly after became gray; so that yon will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the Btate of Indiana, my more casual ao : quamtanoeS were not so mttoh at a loss the cause of the change in my appedtanoe, as my more m timato acquaintances were to'recognise roe at alt. I atonce made application to the most skilful physi cians in the country, hut, receiving no assurance from them that roy hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part, of tad 7ear 1857. yOnr Restorative was reporaraended to me by a (JfCggut- as being the moht reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottlO, and found to my great satisfaction that it wao producing the desired eifeot. Sinoe that time, I have used rfeven dol lars’ worth cf ypftr Restorative, and as a result, bars a rich coat of veryioft black hair, whioh no money cati buy. , As a mark of roy gratitnde your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ces, who.l am happy to inform you,are using itwitn like effeot. # very respeotfully, yours, , A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Dopot, 444 Broadway, and sola by all dealers throuch outtne world. ThO ilestorativo is put up in Bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium, and sn all; the small holds half a pint, and retails for ono dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twentr pef cent, more m proportion than the small, retails for two dollaM a bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per oent. more in proportion, and re* tails for_s3 & bottle. O J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 M ARK ET Street, bt. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists atid Fanoy Goods Deal ere. Sold here by DYOTT & CO., 332 North SECOND streot. uul3-mwf d-eowW tf LEGAL pERRY COUNTY, sff. r RK . TI The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the 1 L| thenffofsaid county, greeting : WecoramaLd you tb&t you attach J. Douglass Brown, late of your county, by all and singular his jgoods and chattels, moneys, nghta,credUs,und effects,lands and te nenients,m whose hands, possession, or custody, soever the sams maybe found, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to bo holden at Bloomfield on the first Monday of January next, la and for sutd county, to answer Samuel H. Aldridge, Albert K. Aus tin. and Stephen John George, late partners, trading under the firm ofj Aldridge Sc. Co.,ofa plea in ii*w upon two eoveral Promissory Notes—one dated 12th August, 1839. at six months, for SLOU.GO. and the other dated the 24th of October, 1859, for 183.695.49, at six months; and also that you summonrthe person or per sons in whose possession the. property is, that they le and appear before our said Court, pn the first Monday of January next, to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein; and especially attach two trade of land situ ate in loboyne township, Perrjr county, Pa.—one war ranted in the name of Henry Branham, containing 401 aores and CO perches, and tbo other traot in the name or James Culbertson, Containing 390 acres. 74 perches;said lands are bounded by Jandsor William Guise. Archibald Uigham, amlothers, Witneeathe Honorable James J 3. Graham. Em., President Judge of our said Court at Bloomfield, the 22d day of Oolober. A. D. 1860. DAVID MICKEY, nl2-mCt _ Prothonotary. TN THE (X)URT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. To CHARLES MI KMj N. or his legal representatives. Notice is hereby given, that Richard L. Edwards has presented a petition to the said Court praying for the satisfaction of a mortgage for $1,(00 on a tliree-storr Brick Messuage and Lot of Ground, situate on the west mdeoi Tenth street, 91 feet Dorth of Spruce street. 19 feet front by 80 feet deep, given by Benjamin Meredith to Edward Shippen Burd, in trust for Charles Mifflin, dated the let day of June. 1816, recorded in Mortgage Book, M. K. No. 8, page 132, at Philadelphia, and that unless cause l»« shown to tne contrary, on or before Saturday, the first day of Deoomlwr, 1860, satisfaction of said mortgage will do ordered hv ihe Court. THOMAS D. (SMITH, nol?-m3t Attorney for Richard L. JKnwAans. IV OTICE.—APPLICATION HAS BEEN •L » made to the Auditor General of tho Stato of Penn sylvaniaforthcrencwalof a Certificate of Pennsylva nia State Loan, per act of Apn1'36,1813, No. *»ZpO,*for t 1.410.15, dated April 10, 1818, m name of Simlla 8. ennedv, the same having been lest or destroyed. se4-m3m TVOTIUE.—TO THE HEIRS AND LE- L* GAL Representatives of DANIEL SCHNEDER, late of East Earl township, Lancaster county, de ceased. You are hereby notified, virtue of an order of the Orphans* Court of Lancaster county, to me directed. I will hold an inquest to divide, part, or value the Real »tace of DANIEL SCBNEDKB, deceased, on BA~ TURDAY, the 15th day of DECEfd BKR, A. D. iB6O, at 1 o’olock P. M., on the premises, in East Earl township, Lancaster county, when and where you may attend if you think proper. 8. W. P. BOYD, Sheriff. flherilPß Office, Lancaster, Oot. 2s, 1860, 0029-in§t COPARTNERSHIP notices. Having thts day associated JOSEPH L. RICH ARDS with me m the Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Busint-ss, wc wi'l carry on the same, under the name of RUBtfRTaON Sc RICHARDS, at our new store, 831 ARCH Street. Thankful for past 'iberat patronaite, I hope for a con tinuance ol the same. _ GEORGE W. HOBERTSON. Philadelphia, Ootober 1. 1860. Stores, Dwellings, Churohes, and Public Buildings fitted op wita Plumbing, Gas-woik, and Fixtures in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates. ROBERTcON & RICHARDS, nol3-6t* 831 ARCH Street. Ityl UKPHY-TVBTPPLE IRON BRIDGE, lfi STONE. CniIGLEY. & BURTON, No, 333 WALNUT MTREET, PHILADELPHIA. Beg leave to inform Railroad Companies, and others interested.m bridge construction, that they have formed a connection m business with JOHN w. MURPHY. Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of tho above well known plan of iron bnd«e.)and are prepared to execute orders, from any part of the country, from bis deriges anu personal superintendence. All letters relating to plans and estimates should be addressed to JOHN W. MURPH Y, Civil Engineer. noI3-6m For BTONK, QUIGLEY, & BURTON. PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTES, MELODEONS. , PIANO-FORTES. .. , MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Baoon, & Cq„ Nunns A. Clark, Hallctt, Davis, & Co,, and others. J. K. GOULD, myl4-ly SEVENTH aod CHESTNUT. tffSSXa, STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA rmrFITENT OVER-STRING grand pianos. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS; now preferred in ooneerts end In private circles by the best performers. Reoeived the first premiums over the host makers, from Judges like Gottsohnlk, Meson, and others Challenge ell competition. BLASIUB RRo'THEHs! ds-ly looti CHESTNUT Streot. A pplication will be made to tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next ses sion, lor an act to incorporate the AMERICAN EN GRAVERS’ ‘ OMI’ANY, with a capital of 9SO 009. Corporators R. K. NEFF, J. W. TORR*iY, JOSEPH B. RILEY, Jr., JOHN C.KEFFER. JOB ROBERTS, CHARL-B.E. BLUMNER Jr., J. G. L. BROWN. no!s-tja7* _ CAUTION !—ASTROLOGY I—LOOB OUT!—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing Mr*. VAN HORN is .the best; she succeeds when all others have failed. AH who lire ip trouble, al’ sho5 ho have been unfortunate, deoeived by faje promises. yto her for advice and comfort. If t lout affairs tkt niter fails. She bar tho se”*}. orwimiin K tho affec tions of the opposite sex* J £ tftms iact which induooe iurerate pretenders to try to imitate hey, and oopy her advertisements. She chows you the ukoneia of tout ftt-. turewue.husbaod, or absent mend, l-ttaewßU knows tothepuDlioatiirgetbatabe is the-first and only ver son who can show the likeness in reality,,and can sire saiMStes! par Hit Brosfi. noU-ei* SALES BY AUCTION. M’i’liOMAS & SONS. ■ • Nod. 13D and 14i fionth FOURTH Street. (Formerly Noe. B 7 and WJ STOCKS AND aBAL ESTATE—TUESDAY 7TEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing-fun da sonptions of all the property to be sold on TneMtav t^ xi ’ * lD , rt, » s list of sole# J7th Novemberano 4tb, including a large amoant of city and t °rs n a T cf T tj? erty> oi ° B * Orphans* Court, Execn- „ tr REA i v ESTATE, THE EXCHANGE EVERY T£UBi>AY f§\ Hanaoilli of e&cupsopeityisraed j Addition to which wo pabunhi on the Saturday prerffw* to each sale. one thonsand catalogues, in pampble* fonti, giving foil descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesdat, REAL ESTATE ATYftIVATE SALE. mr We have a large amount at real estate at pri-rat* Bale, including every description of oity and countr property. Printed lists may 6e had at the auction storr 'PRIVATE 3aLb REsWerT; ftr Rcp.l estate entered on onr private sale Tetfete t and advertised occasionally in onr public a'l® afcetravt* (cf trhioh I«o copie- are printed weeki**) &£® f *Wye, FEREi: p 'iOKY SALE—SU,OOO RAILBOAD BONDS. On Tuesday. doth init„ at 12 c,‘’own*. at the ExoSanse, without to serve. 14 Coupon Bonds, 81,000 Philadelphia and BftUi x T t® Central Railroad Co. Also without reserve— i A kßrP * Commonwealth Bank—par *«£. ® **oh-Btreet'» heatra. i «kl?s£ cani Administrator's Peremntorr Sale. Three-story brick DWELLING? No. 117 Coates st.. between Frontand Budd street*. iT f ,« o Mf« s i^ l,riok KKHIUENCE, No. 917 Lombard st, Has the modern oonvenienoes. Stone GKIST Mi LL, on the Ridge turnpike, White ,n&r township, Montgomery 00. NEAT MODERN EKBIDKWOE, No. 283 S. Eonrth street, between Walnut and Spruce streets. Has eha moaorn conveniences, Clear of iconrabranoe. Term*, one-tluracaflh. * Sftle.-BRICK STABLE AND LOT OP GROUND. Tenth street, south of Catharine stiCtt, TWENTIETH REAL ESTATE SALE—NOV. 2T. ~ Peremptory Pale. Valuable COUNTRY BEAT, 30 acres, with elegant pointed-stone mansion, stone stable, and other modem m sr o V to » *«tur.te about one mile east of the Old Yor< Road, and within l# miles of the Cheltenham station oh the North Pennsylvania Railroad. It f# surrounded by elegant, country seat* of J. R. Worrell, WjT. Lowber. B.F. Fisher, and Fred. B,Pepper,Esq*' ale absolute. Only one-third cosh. PEREMPTORY SALE VALUABLE WALNUT-BT< RESIDENCE, Also, the large and superior residence, No. 131lWalnu$ street, 25 feet front, 235 feet deep, with stable and ooaois house in the rear, on Sansom street. #F" Sal* absolute. Only X cash. PEREMPTORY BALK—bLKGANT RESIDENCE.. No. 722 BPRUCE STREET. Also, without reserve, for account of a former ynT" chaser, the superior residence, No. 722 Sprooe ■&*«?,• 34 feet 9 inches front. 250 feet in depth, with stable &k? coach-house on Barolay street. Title undoubted, Sal* absolute. Terms, 912,600 may remain on mortgage. SALE OF GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. This Morning. At 11 o*dock, at the Auction Store, one oaae of su perior Bulbous Flower Roots, from K. Vordersehoot A opn. Harlem, comprising the nsual assortment of Hya cinths, Tulips, Crocus, &a r to be sold in lots to suit purchasers* POPULAR AND VALUABLE BOOKB, On Various aubjeots, „ Thio Evening, . Nov 19. at the AuotionSfffre, a collection ofvaluable widpopular publications, on various suhjeots. *• For particulars see catalo&TOa, AND o n „ , On Tuesday Evening, ' , „ * ru V ax the Auction Store, will be sold s collection ol books on ltfeiesticg subjeols, from a priva.s colleo* Imn By For particuiirg see catalogue*. ANCIENT M&BKRtfOIL-PAINTINGS. On Wednesday Morning, N0v.21. at the Aoption Store, etorr,wiltbe sold a collection ot ADoient and Modern Oil-Paintings, comprising a variety of interesting sheets, a portion ol them in elegant carved and silt fiamV 1 catalogues will be ready, and the pictures ar ranged for examination, two days previous-. Bale No. 1833 Filbert street. SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD FURNITURE, FUNDS* MIKROHB, CARPbTS, FINE ENGBAV/NGStScT On Wednesday Morning, 21st instant, at No. 1833 Filbert street, by catalogue* the farnitnre of a gentleman leaving the eity. com prising rosewood drawing*room farmiofe, two superior rosewood pianos IBrussels, tapestry, and other carpets, superior dining-room and chamber lurnitnje, kitchen fnrniture, ftd. May be examined at 8 o’olook on the monunc of the sale. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIH rors, piano-for tes, Brussels carpets, . - . ° n Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store*, an assortment of excellent second *hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, hue mirrors, carpets, etc. from jsmiiiaa declining housekeeping, removed to the store for conVfcwauoe «h sale. Bale 18(14 Green street. SUPERIOR FUUMTURb. TAPESTRY CAR- Pi-TS, &o. On Friday Morning. 23d instant, at 10 o’olook, by catalogue, at >o. 1804 Green street, the superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture fine tapest® carpets, fine tan mati tresaes, Ao-« of a gentleman leaving the oity, * , Also, the kitchen furniture. ISr May bo examined on the morning of sale, st 9 o’olook. VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY. BELONGING T (f THK ESTATE OP THE LATE W, T. lUSLER, EBQ, On Friday Afternoon. Novomber *3 eommenoing at 4 o’clock, will be sold* i>r order of adm>niBtrator, the ral&nble Law library ol Jtjafor Kaq., d«aaaged, in Whioh will he fOond the Pennsylvania and other valuable Reports. l Also, for other accounts, a number of new and popular law hooks. £7" Catalogues will be rond7 and the books arranged for examination two da> s previous to sale. BUSINESS CAKPS. DR. S. T. BEALE'. ' DENTIST, Hee removed to 1113- CHESTi\UT Street, (Girard Row,) Philadelphia. .octt-lm* PAWSUN & NICHOLSON, ' ' „ „.„BOOKB!NDERS, Nos. 519 and Sal MINOR Street, Between Market end Chestnut streets, JAMES PAWSON, NICHOLSON. I>2T ly* « FUGUET & SONS, IMPORTERS Ofr HAVANA CIGARS. * No. 2lb South FRONT Street? JUoeiTe regularly a full assortment ot desirable Cl GARS-which they offer at low rates, for. cash or ap proved otedit. jelO-ly Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY, . No 114 South SIXTH Street, (Ncm’v *3posit» the County Court Home,) , Pupate* Ao.,and transacts all other with the obtaining of Let ters Patent Machinery Designed and Drawings made. autt-Sm* ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAiUNE.— JOY. (’OS, & 00. Have been appointed sole agents In Philadelphia for this extensively circulating paper, of commanding in fluence*. Busineaa men are advertising in the best news papers of city and country, at the offices of JOY, COE, & CO., Adverticing Agents, FIFTH and CHEBTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York, se26-tf UR. CORSON, • H E l AIL ESTATE BROKER, . NORRISTOWN, PA., OFFERS AT PUBLIO AND PRIVATE SALE, some of the most desirable and productive farms ra Montgomery and Chester counties. Also, several Mer chant and Grist Mills, m desirable parts of the country. Persons wishing to purchase properties, either as homes or investments, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to call.or write for a oatalogtje. )Several handsomely located farms t& exchange for city property. Norristown Properties for sale or rent.- Good Mortgages negotiated reasonably,' • Apply to „ R. R.-CORBON, ooM-lm NORRISTOWN, Pa. DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD TRAINS, rnmwmismmsemm PENNSYLVANIACENTRAL RAlLROAD—Eleventh and Market streets. MaiVTrmn 7 30 A.M. Fast Line...— __.ll 60 A.M. •Express I 0 46 P. M. Harristnrg Accommodation 2 OOP. M. Lanoastor Accommodation. 4 00 P. M. Parksburc Accommodation 5 *OP, M, west Chester trains leave Eleventh and Market at 730 A. M., 12 30 and 4 OOP. M. Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, and Niagara Falli, leave 7 16 A. Al., and 3 00 P. M. NEW YORK LlNES—Walnnt-Street Wharf, Aocora. Line, via C. and A., 1eave5.............. 6 00 A. M# Acoom. Line, via Jersey City— «.00 a.M Morning Express, via Jersey City.. 9.00 A.M* Stearaboatvia Taconr and Jersey City. , li.oo A. M. Camden and Amboy Accommodation Jl3O P. M. Express, via Camden and Amboy 3,00 p. m. Evening Express,.via Taoony and J. C 4J» P. M. Mail, yj a .Camden, and Jersey C.._ 6.00 P. M, INightExpress Mail n.OOP.M. Camden and Amboy Aocommodaiion., 5.00 P. M. - F ,°7i£ e t H < J er ?’ iia^? 1 V Flemington, Ac., ACO A.M., and 4 00P.M., from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. AL, trora Kensington depot. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, &0., at 6 A. M., fromWalnot- Bt T? ot is* iar [* 7.10 A. M„ irom Kensington depot. For Mauoh Chunk, Allentown and Bethtehem, at 6.00 A* M.» and 4.00 P.M„. from Walnut-street wharf, and 7.10 A. M., from Kensington depot. For Mount Holly, at 6.00 and 9.00, A. M.» 3.09 and 4.30, For Freehold, at 6.00, A. M., and S.Off, P. AL" _ Way Line for Trenton, Bristol, &0., 430 and 4.00 P. M., from Walnut-street wharf, and 7 10, A. M„ and 6 46, P. M., from Kensington. BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Prime. Express Train leaves ——B.lB A. M. do ....13*00 noon, For Wilmmeton at 8.15» A. M., ia hood, i.Mt,'4,15. 0 and 11.10. J*. W. For Middlotown, Dover, New Caatlo, Scafoxd and in termediate vlaoM, at 8.15, A. M.. and 4.15, P.At. Mondays—For Baltimore at 11.10, P, Al. HEADING RAILROAD—Broad and C&llowliiU streets, Express Train leaves.. 8.00A.M. Night Express 3,30 P. M. Heading Accommodation.— eoo p. M ELMIRA AND NIAGARA FALLS—Broad and Cal lowhill. Express Train leaves— _ „ _800A» M, Night Express 3.30 P. M, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —Ninth and Green. Trams leave for Oonshohocken and Norristown' at 6.50, and 114)5, A, M.» and l.Oi, 3.05. 4.80, BAS. 6,50 and 1115, P. M. For Manamnk, at 5,50, 730. sm 1J.05, A. M., and 1 05. 2.05,3.05,4.30, 6.55, 6.50, Hi and 11.15, P. M. For Germantown, at 4.00, 7.00, ’&oo. 9M 10 00.11.00,1200. A. M-. and 1.00,2.00 3.00, BJft'4flO k |3o‘ 6 00.6,30. 7.00. 8. C0. 9.00., P. M. For CtX«nK HiU. at 6 0), 8 00.10 00 and 12.00, a. M„ andVoO, AtS. 5.00, 6 SO, 800 9.00 ana 10.15 P. M, ' uu * ,w ‘ *.w. Sunday trains for Germantown leave 9.05. A. M.. and mi CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD—Vine street wharf. Mail Train loaves . 730 i M Aooommodataon to Egg Harbor only-.^- T -, 3.45 /, AL NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Front and Willow. For Bethlehem, leave at 6.30 A.'fo,, and 230 and ; P. M. For Dnylentown, leave at 9 A. M , and 4 00 P. M. For Fort Washington, leave at 9.25 A. M, and 3.15 r. M. Sundays—For Bethlehem tat 8.00 A.M. For Doyles* town at 3.00 P.M. WEST CHESTER,**VIA M£"IA-ThiTty-fiT«t ;and Market street?. Trains leave at 7.45 and 10 00 A. M., 2.39 and 6,00 P.M Sundays leave at 8.00, A. M.,200.P, M. Trains marked thna{*)nm on Sunday*; (f) JSahtr* days escepted. TJINE 01L.— 50 bbls. Pine Oil, fresh dis- CO„ No. 16 South wharves, noil