The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 14, 1860, Image 4
. -.....— , lynn.ii A. MSIIBQNAL *W> POLITICAL. —l’MiUa*, cT to* LenlerDle Journal, ,aay * ■ “{WtßV.itotion day th»’ «tr*ots of TMladelpßto oydM '««<>«- hold, re,'with' 1 BSwar* oj Jobb V<PWW>y v' K°W jbii't .gotbijn.rae ifu'oe' ill toe BdehiSao ban •oM M Obalnaan of thsDsaoeretlo State Com m ittoo. :TA«i FsnnQlvsato vjlrt TO,MO for Bu obtain. now it got! about tbe’fiina agatsat Sta." —Tbe Trib&hi'i eomtpsafisini sxjstoo Presi dent,, cJ.ttiUilMe to CoWriiimoii.’ltosr tbtntostton, favorlog re cession, ■ and diitißetljXotlflftti Mi Cabinet, from one of wiomit I* beitofod-to bare emanated, that it moat not bo repeated.”;.Wye out of revon are, avowedfy igaloft this nh6ie Scheme, ini-Msaars. Cobb-and-Thompion nowipsak ol'ltkistt ovent: they fear and- deplore, without pretend in g to ad-i VocateU. ■>.■ . i _ jv'. A. .- j has ,been tendered, an* : offer of'an. engagement,Jty .Mr. Baokatofie, or thoßaymariet; Theatre', London, for' fiftj or ono hundred night!, cofcmenolng in the fali if 1861, hnt dedilhei ma-, . king ahy profeitional engagement for that oliy.' l ■ --Iho.Unlted Presbyterian Praabjtery of Mich igan," we jerye, has rerolved that, aoitia gne of The things Which can'be dene on another day, it to wroiig to solemhlte niarriegea on ,110 Sahhath. > j —The BoffelodßepKifie (»;•:; “On themorning of ei<(oUen oiie ; of ' the, 1 first .to offer,hU vote at the, Ninth:-w»td potto waa out reapeoted townsman,Bx-: Prestdint Fuimore. ’ In .a dignified, manly. and frank manner MUtord -Fillmore deposited his Toto Hgalnat eeotioEalhm audfor the straight Union Elcotoral and Stotitiekota,j —The.'Syracueo Journal publishes a card from Watts Sher(iian,''Bi ! lf'.'' i ld'."Bigdoy'i,»nd Bojal Phelps, in' whiohiieytakabaekialithetmpleasant ‘tblpp. th'ay.said of Gerrit Smith about* year ‘ago. GerrUba, withdrawn nil Ms salts, and the 83.b00 reoelTsd from tho Flfth-aTenue politicians gosstoto* lawyers;- ■" i The London ZV*<x aaya, IfVfetor Emmanuel doss'not seize this opportunity to driye the.-Sing of Hapleainto tho aea, or, mote; humanely, into a seagoing boat, ha is not the man for hto thhe, -/ ' of Got. Wise’s active moremento la organising Minute Men, Gov. Irttoher', it is eiid, addressed him a note; hinting that ho_(Qoy. Wise)* waa no longer. Governor of' Virginia, hut that another bad succeeded him, who would tike caret of UiopnbUo Interest of the State. - j —James Redpath, the biographer of John Brown;, is in Now England noting as an agent of the Bay! tten - Government; and' endeavoring, to lidase, colored people to'emigrate to that Republic. - ’ Navigation jasuepsndsd on' the Dismal Swamp' Canal at preseut/in eonasqusnee of a break. —The Hon. -Charles j. Jenkins has been elected. Judge of the Supreme Court of Georgia, by a unanimous vote ■ • ’ —Melbourne (Australia) rejoloos to the fiddling of"Miska’Banter,-and to divided into the moat agitated and violent cliques concerning the merit! of two dancers: the one to Freooh, elegant, ; anp-; pie, and, jolly—the. second li» youthful, blooming! Spanish Creole, with" Urge; soft eyes, rosy ohm-' plosion, and figure tall; They appear jointly,; sotting cS the twenty of one against the other, and causing the most frantic enthusiasm and senseless partisanship among the rival supporters. The daily noon prayer-mooting whioh has boon ip successful operation during the past three years at the “ Old South 11 Church, to Bolton, is nttondod by an average number of one hundred -and. fifty members of different denominations, the great ma jority of whom'are prominent and influential busi ness men. -The meeting of Tneaday week (eleotion day) was very interesting,’and a very impressive spirit of submission to the Divine will to the event-- fol period of tho nation's history was manifested by! all present. - * —Judge Douglas left Mobile, on the day of-the' Presidential eleotion, for New Orleans. Mrs. D.: accompanied him. G E.N.EB A. L NEWS , Tire i)irAunTLva Teeasprib or Veaxobt. —The defalcation of ex-Treaauror Bates is tho prominent tonic of conversation and wonder. .But little additional hu transpired tons far. Mr. Page, our present treasurer, is a very competent ,ao eountant and finaaoler, and, to connection with the House Committee of Ways and Meant, (Hessre. Denison of Royalton, Wright of Oastleton, Noyes of Burlington, Monlton of St. Johtubury, and Thomas of WestFairloe.) will proho this first Ver mont defalcation to the bottom. It is rumored that Mr. Bates lost a good deal of money in marble and soap-stone speculations.. In dodipany with others,ho purchased the Van Ness firm, north of Burlington, With a view of making a fortune - from tho " Vord antique marble” upon it. We leant that Lis interest in this apecnletton ‘'woe 'quit-claimed to Mr. Bolknap.-of Nortbfiold, last-Friday.. Mr- Belknap to- one of .thp eigners of '^ i *t ) ™IMid. 1 Mid. that the bond given by Mr. Bates'to not h strong one. ' We learn that the treasurer (Page) think* that $lO,OOO to abontall that eaa-St aeoured to tho State, while the ascertained deficit in tho accounts of toe late treasurer vros reported on Saturday to have reached $50,000,« with an ad vancing tendency.” ’ . . P S —Wo learn that Mr. Batea Waa recognised in Troy, N. V., on Friday evening, by a geutle menfrom Bar re.— Burlington ( Vt .) Times. Teiai or •eras Ifxdno -ThixVxs ur. Kaksas i .'examination of thls oaeo wasplosei t on yesterday; and reenltedin binding over Tho rn as McQheer,' Ilepry Mcliaoxhtin, and “Qoorge” 1 , alias Alton Pinke, in-the sum of ,$1,600 oaoh. for their appoarauoe b«fon"tbo,olraaU court to an- / B'wer to the chiTge of negro stealing.' The .'eyi- 1 donee wae eobelnmve against them. The free ne gro, George, seems anxious to make a olean breast Of the matter, and when Informed that ho could . hot testify against hie'white' confederates, he said he wanted to.tell all he. knew about it, and they could taka what they wanted as evidehoe. - Be stated that he bad been With theeraemspmo tone !!' a' decoy. and satisfied all prtMnt that those scoundrel! have for a long time; been In the bnsi ness of stealing away negroes with the promise of frvelng th#m, bat their real ebttet.wke te itMm tbem iof the reward, if it was larga enongh, and if not, then to Mil them. They an not Abolition- < latsi'uor oenneoted wito'them,> freebooters upon our oommnnlty, stealing: anything that will pay, and at negroes are toe meet valuable proper ty, they make toll elata of ttealtog toiir speotatty. We.'only. hope they tnaygot justice.—Kaiwqj City Journal cf Commerce, 81 st nlt. '- ' - ’ • Dnrxsssixo pAeuaiir i* Fioeida.—Tho { ApelaohiOola TVeieiof thefitth'uU, : relatee a me- . lwoboly ooourrehee whioh took place to thet;har- : bor on the lOrh n.tlmo.: Swo young man, James Bsnnet Files and Thomu Bobson, of that oity, won cnt selllng ln a boat, and when to tho vioi nity of Cat Point, on the oppodt* fide of tho river, were seen, late in the afternoon, etlngtog to the bottom of their.boat:.' Aerlstißne wai sent them, but:, before any of the boato could reach tho ptaoo of dtoutev it had become eo dark that they oould a-.* fiod toe-boat; which had probably, to too i meantime, drifted several miles-. At sunHse’ou the. Fist toe beat was dtocorered near Cti Point, , having -drifted nearly, ashore, and the body of < young Piles wee found to the boat to a sitting jpo- j sition, with hto feet relied on toe thwarts; as if to ; keep them put of water—toe boat beiog about half j filled. !ThenlghtoftheSOthwuexoeediuglvoold, ' and it,Waa euppoaad thet, after succauding In righting up the boat, and getting a portion of the water out of her, Dobson probably attempted to swim ashore, and wet drowned to the effort—Piles remaining.ln toe boat to.await assistance, and, in so.dotog, porlsbed by reaeon of the cold. . ■ A OiMfouniA Houxsoe.—The St., Louis peperitell a strange story ofone JohnUierdwlok, a PUUbarg meohtnle. In 1888 he went to Cell: fords, leaving .a wife and two children behind. Beachlng the lend of gold, he dug a pile, which his partner stole from him. Thou he fell sick, and r«- oorered oniy to fiad htmsslf quite impoverished, enfeebled, dlaoouraged. - He' wrote hts wife; aho did. not .rooeivei bis letters, nor aid any from' her reaehiilm. Ho eonoiudbd that she was gled to got rid 1 -of him, so he began to dig again.. In the meantime; the wife monrned for him as for one dead, then naturally married again sadtsmoved to St. Louis, Her-first children died, and she bsre two more to iheaOoond husband, who after a time died also. Within a month, Hardwick, toe California advsn- : turer. having accumulated a fi>rtuhe,esme towards the East, travelling by tho oTerland route. Stop ping fa Bt. Louis, he walked about tbe oily, look lug at 'toe town. While so engaged he mot hie wife. '‘Mutual explanations” followed. Tho deed children received the tribute of petemal tears, and tog: now oneuwera welcomed with sf fectlen. - Then a clergymen nntted- the pair for the seabni time; and all parties soon left 8:. Louie. “Mcuna TTni Opt.”—The .citigons of Hernando' oounty, Florida, on too 2fth pit , hnng Hemp, a sieve belonging to the eetate of'Albert Olsrke, for bsiag the immedlste etussbf Biedeath of bis master.' The negro confessed, that he was promised 9200 by James Boyd, a etopepa of the de ceaeed; and Mrs. Clarke, deoodens'swlfe, 8100 rv ' speettvely, as a oompeneation for taking the Ufa of 1 hie master, and that he oommltted toe mnrder (as stated lest week) accordingly. Thu Tnmpa Pe- - ntnsul'i gays Boyd and Mr* Clarke are now in . cbnrg* of the people, eloeely guarded, and it is to ’ be hoped evidence will bo found sufficient to eon vlot toam by law as aseessories; the conviction of thetr guUt with the peopl* is already a fixed (cot. Gou> : -Dr': Ikhluia.— an excitement Sfev'sUed/th Indianapolis, a few daya sines, by le repcrt toat gold hod boon dlSeoTsred in Kmko ntas Howard oounty, , A quarriar near that place 1 gat* it hat that he discovered quarts to the layers of stoao whera.he wiS st work. and exhibited a piaee of roek fieekad with what appeared to ho gold, as tho res alt of hi* .digging In and iiuoag the : materlsl.disigned.tobe aeadfiirtoiprovlug streets. The piece of rook gUttering,pith portleleu; resem bling gold, was rent'to IndiauSpotU for ohkmieti analysis, ,by a gentlumon deeply Interested In toe querrfss, -lb* remit of toe analysis' proved that there wae gold,; ” and no mistake,” in ske rook— Lafayette Journal. . -JTot Allowed - to Dxsibt -a Paorxax I 1 Hcsexiui—fn FortUcdjJfslne,_on Friday, a dl* { . Vpt** o*s* betwouh F. y)otf*imo vA wife Was'j dMermtosd. > From too nideuou to toe mm* it ap nuaiwdtkatth* wifewuan ” exeoSdihgfy.ploas';;, wmnan,khd that eha left'kSf hU!band qi aeMUnt,, ofmsprofanity. Judge Appleton said the should ■how her piety id a‘ becoming manner by totalling - to bet husbend—that she had no exeueatof leaving , Um, aod that if she eenttaued to desert him. after, toU, zmtolng ooojM b* roeorerod of hlm for her is Vxbmoxt.—A bill is be-,: ' mb! th«’ Legislatar* to;prvveut priae-flahttog, mtodhgfovary -pereon whtr shall engagoln stay . eaehflght pußlsbabla by totprisonment; not mora by loe.Sot mora toaa : |s,Oo« aid.wveey wld. ieeußd, *rsurgoon, hylmprison, - BHmt'‘tto£'mOM’''tou five years, or by fin* not to ' oftostßutMim; . l n.such ' tooSameptlßishiMutas’ah;-I*aid, • .geon” toany.emtolthttmtos»tA«Bta<«: ■ ivTaa Faucff CUntoamrexT bu*' aiqtoluted a r; to ,road* too romances > pabllshsd to Parttoto josreals aad report on tosU 1 . satjgTsirssSga mslhs'SJarLi'SiS-, SsiMgo~-A*toiiS-JKiiier < ‘’ CHAsaActo, the great lion-hunter, recently .wounded ajion near. Algiers, which escaped, hnt tho next day sprang upon him frema thioket. and was dragging hjni.away, when hiseompanion hied'e animul.and coming up, tick' u pistol.'from Ohaesalng’s hoH, and fihisnod him. The hunter's arm wae broken Uke a straw between the tstrlble teeth. ,Th* Pacivic KjjiiiDia Cohtasv, of Bfan ouester, whioh leak their entire capital of |50,009 totodfih.fatlure, havezMnoh bsen-obllgodto msms .their shareholders 60 pat oont-i to meet .liabUitias ry for $21,000, for tho manufeetute of knit goods. '' The Prusslah 'GogeWc’s'ays that 400 persons .have died in Southern Bussla ahd Kiev*!go punoture'of - a ■dssorigtlqn pf.nbisonont fly. which made its way from’ Asia. Anout 60 or 70,.years ago, gr«at numbo? of persona died trom a alinl- Uroause. -s liiSToported that the Pppo, having spent 4h» 1,600,000 orownst whioh were the free oontri* btiilons ofthe fsdihful, Is abotit ol&imtng “'Peter’s :peti6e”' besides, » tai’ which his not been lfcvied for many yearn. - The Tnbmi thinks that tho number of tfMeehei made daring the reloent campaign b&s been quite equal to that of all that were made in the previous Presidential canvasses from 1780 to IBs9ino!iuWe. ' ; Tasks# Custox Govern* mentof Oanada intends to appoint a day of Na tlonal .Thanksgiving for the abundant harvest and tho rMurfciog prosperity of the oountry., V I)SATH oP Aji Eniios.-r-Tho Jpwa jS/d/e 6a oomw to us in monming for Its late ,editor -and . pfopriotor. Oliver J’. Taylor,'Esq , who died On Friday, the 2dth nit . The .Wisconsin iStato Journal publishes a ehpplenient of 'fourteen largo newspaper pages of finetypOi being a.Ust of the lands forfeited-in that State tor'non-payment of taxes. As pib .Boldiof, Emanuel JJorruth, recently committed euioide in Pesthy because he had de spaired of the freedom of Hungary. . Not less than 100 professional assassins, says a foreign letter writer, obtain a livelihood by their peculiar avocation in Lisbon, Portugal.' . lfE3. GrENEBAi' Worth has reoently received a'legaoy.of-gljOOps '; / ; - IMPORTATIONS i Reported lor The f ress.t BOSTON—-Bteamahlp Kennuutcn; Ba> er—lo hbla eranberriea Adams k, Sutton; S ca dry roods D 8 Brown & Co; IS os and a total Ory *oods Ureinjer. Keiohert fc Go; 3 ewes ana o bales dry aoodt J L Bailey; Of ps jron m m Baldwin & Cor 10 oases aid 1 bbl has J B Bpsner; if oases shoes 'Brown fc Pratt* 18 da J Bordens 74 baza ooffee BennerA Drapers 6 cases dry, foods BW Chase * Sony It bba order fi Cotton; 11 bdts paper H Cohen; 12 bbls and 1 oask glass F Coqlterf ]0 oases shoes O 8 Ciai flio; e oares rivets i Crawford; 8 do andlbbl ,mdae A UUon; 22 balesdry foods iFamhara,'Klrsham & Ops 31 bales and 1 ease dry roilsPJtfiian, Jon«afc Co; 20 bales and 11 oases dry koods-FjothfUshAm is,oases shoes P Ford}, 40 bdlH oasesoiair stufi" Gates & Co; 8 oasesplanos AoJ E Goulo; 10 bbU eide r Howard A Am- ( bier; 8 oases korews Handy A Brenner; 7 bbfs apples 8 F! Howard; 10 oases shoes Hendry As Harris; Aqasesl bale Harper k Marks: 10bbls ortnberries Jeanes fc Bosttor so«a; IS oases tacks Justice k Bteinmetz; 13 do shoes F N Jones; » cases 16 baits dry goods W D Jones & Go; 7 doB7do K James k Co; 30 bblsBdrams fish J M Keftne* dr; ft bites dry foods Juainf k Macinnis;. Sl OB macbmes w Ladd At COL 43 odlsloase paper I B LiepinooU; 20 ba’es 10 oases Tunis * Lea;3 bales ft eases P Lasher; 4fi oases otrpets meGaliaatfoco; So bdis 4 owes ohatr stuff Moses k Peokham; 40 ocWes shoes Myenr A Claghorn; ts oases glass AO Mutte? & Wunroe;> 15 bdis 14 bales dry goods, Thos Pouer; 13 oases dry goods G i WKeed; 146 bbls apples Hutberlord; 13bI)lsduiae,J Salabury; 40 bbfa ti mu berries fielser k Brother; u bales skins KkCD Spoonor; 8 oases 4 bales Bsnnett* Williams A Co; 49 bales dry poods AUlsde A Co; 19 oases shoes Thayer A Cowpenhwait; ade&QTowpwmJ} JOhbls oranbenries Gw Watspns 41 bbU apples Jaa Warringtou; lQbalesft oases Qry.gooda Wain* Lsaminf k Co; Cl rolls paper Warren Piske k Go; 21 oases 8 bides dry gw>d® J 8 Way, k Co; 31 os shoes White, Keitt & Co; 28 os drugs Ao J A Zetenday; 60 pkgg to forward; SO pkgs Leeoh k Go. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF THADB. tDWARDS^CLAakK.J j Committee of the Monxn. LUTTKR BAGS At thn Morehants > ExeJumge, Philadelphia Ship Wyoming. Burton——- Liverpool, soon Ship Victor, Ke11er..... .Bemoia, soon Bhlp Victoria Heed, Preble —.Liverpool, soon Ship Hortensist Atkins—— .Liverpool, soon Ship Montebello, Henderson.. Liverpool, soon Bark Linda. Hewitt fiavena,soon Bark Washington, Wenake... London, soon Bark Heotnr, Weisser. London, soon Hriy Lord’Palmeraton, Carregal Glasgow, soon Brig Brandywine. Harmon Pernambuco, soon BrisNotd Horn, Van Leu«e0.....-K~—.-..Cork, soon, Brig Ella Reed, Davis- .Bt Jago de Cuba, anon Brig Delhi* Darnaby— - . soon Foa Coast of Atbici—The ship Flora, Cast Page. forSt Paul de Loandp, WCA. is now loading, and will have quick despatch. Art letters and dewipapere in tended lor the Amenoan squadron and others will be /orwarded if left at the Foreign Letter O/fice, Phiiadel* ■phiaixohange. ’ , - , MARINE INTELLIGENCE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 14. 1860. BEN RISES . .7 ft-SEN BBTB * *8 HIGH WATER......,, .3 23 Steamship Konrinstomßaker. 48hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers, to Winsor, Passed bn g John Welsh, trom MoWe, above, Bombay Boole. Bohr Arekde, Atnes.lOdays from Wiscsasett, with 6000 pair headings to Madeira A Cabada. SobrMary Miller, Day ton, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to oactain. , .. . _ . • dchr L A Danenhower, Miller,6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. ‘ BobrS G Stllle, Swain, 6 days from Boston', in ballast to captain. Bohr Rally Vessie,Laoerc 2 days from Milton, Del, with grata to Neart k Memman, „ , . - Bohr Belle, Banatt, 1 day from Wilmington, Del, in ballast to Baker & Folsom. ' Bohr Emma* Brooks, 1 day from New Castle, Del, with wheatto Jaa Bsrratt & Son. , „ Bohr D J Burch, Evens, 1 day from Indian River, Del, with com to Neall k merriwau. „ , . , Bohr George Edward, Weeks, from Now York, in bal last to N titurfcevant k Co. „ .... sohr W Ji Rove, Harns, from Boston, in ballast to Lehigh Coal and Nav Co. . . Bdh t Elliott, Wsayer, from Dighton, in ballast to L Audenrled k Co. ... ..... Bohr Gazelle, Naylor, from Newbaryport, in ballast to L Andenried k Co. Bohr H A’Weeks. Godfrey, from Gloucester, in balloet to Tyler. Stone k Co. fiohy C M Neal, Godfrey, from Boston, in ballast to Nevin,BawyerfcCo. ' CLEARED.; ' Bhip Frank Haynie, Randall, ffew York, to finish loading fur Liverpool, P WnghtA Sous*. „ „ Lng Abby Watson, Watson, Norfolk, Va, £ A Souder A Co. Bchr British Q.ueen, Johnson, Nassau, NP» J S A E L Perot. Bohr Maine Law, Araeabury, Marblehead, 0 A Hook' sober A Co. »obr h A Danenhower, Miller, Salem, Henry A Co- 'i'ho# Borden, Wrightington, Fall River, Cabeen Bohr R L T»y, Shepherd, Boeton, Ttrells A Co. frohr Geo Edward, Weeks, Salem, N Bturtevant A Co. 6ohr W H Rowe. Harris, Boeton, Lehigh Coal and Nav Co. Bohr ElUott, Weaver, Roxbury, L AaJenried A Co. Bohr Gazelle. Naylor. Boston, do Bohr H A Weeks, Godfrey, Gloucester. Tyler, Stone A Co. Sohr C M Neal, Godfrey, Charleston, Kevin, Bawjer A Co. 6obr Ann Piokrell, Elrey, Petersburg, Va, Xhom&B Webster. Jr. Btr J a Bhriver, Pen&ls, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BAILED- Ship Lanoaster, P A Decan, Master, for Liverpool, left Walnut street wharf atU o'olook yesterday morn ing. in tow of steaming Amenoa, with a cargo consist ing o! S 3 748 btubeis wheat, 38 400 bushels oorn, 3837 Obis flour, 752 bags eloverseed, &nd7a tierces beet. tCeneoonaenoe of the Philadelphia Exoh&nge./ LEWKB, Del., Nov. 12. The sohr Mary Ana Gnest remains on the point of the Cape, and win prove l a total lost. AU the, vessels lelt the harbor this morning. Windwest, and clear. „ Yours ao., N. W.&IORAIAN Correspondence of The Frees., _ . HAVRE DK GRACE. NOV. 13, IftTO. The Wyomingleft with 18 boats, laden and consigned as lollowa: *•. , Teresa, flour and blooms to Humphreys. Hoffman A Wnghf, Tnos W Bra**, bar iron to-JE J Biting A Bro, and lumber to Nororoes A Bfaeets; J J Boiardus, anthra oils cool to if N Burroughs; Capt P busy, lumber to Nororees A cheats; O P Rnt and -K Canfield, do to H Crosfcey: Wright'A Brothers, PI Bbaw, and Magnolia* do to John Craig; Wm H Lloyd and Lontsa, do to Ma lone A Taylor; Monroe, coal to at Goorkes; Edgar A M Canny ana Maj E a Kendig, do to Delaware City; James Cook, lime to Elkton. MEMORANDA. „ Ship Pumniton, oleared at Boston IStU Inst for Ban Francisco. Brig Ocean Isle,(Br) Morrow, benoe, at St Thomas 28th Ult. Brig Emma, Baker, oleared at Boston 12th inet. for (ftozimbo, Tracy, sailed from Digbton Bth inst. for Philadelphia. Sohr Telegraph, Raughton, hence, arrived at Norfolk 9th met. Sohrs J B Austin, Judge Harrington, Ceres, Little Rook, and Streamlet, aimed at Wilmington, Del, 12th inetant. _ BohrJ W Roche, Rogers, benoe for Savannah, sailed from Wilmington, Del. I2tli inst. Bohr L T Allen, Allen, hence, arrived at Key West 4th inct. . , Bohr* Maria Fleming, Shaw, and D Morris, Hoover, sailed frotn Wilmington. Del. 12th inst. lor New York, Bohr John Fsnmm. Hall, hence lor Providence, ar rived at Fall River Vth inst. Sohrs Pennsylvania, Munroe, Lady Ellen, Godfrey, Adelaide, Yoong* Hannah Blaokman, Corson, Boston, Brower, and Antares, Cordery, for Philadelphia, sailed . from Providence u in inst, Bohrs Abigail Haley, Haley, 0 P Stickney, Garwood, J K tftroup, Foster, and L L Sharp, MoElwee, hence, ar rived at Boston 12tb inst. Steamer Madgie, Grumley, hence* arrived at Hartford 13th mat, LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS jjeiTpjSa™ city and county of phila- Notice is hereby given thnt‘7, ISAAC ROBERTS, havp applied for the benefitof the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth to said Court. - Said application will bo hoard in the ?al d Court on MONDAY, November 10th, 1800, at 10 o’olook a . My when and where nil .parties in terested may attend, The wid Court aits in its usual room, on the South side of Chestnut street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, in the city or Philadelphia. ool9.mwm* ISAAC ROBERTS. INSTATE OF‘ABRAHAM MITCHELL, AJ Deceased. . Letter* of Administration of the estate of ABRAHAM MITCHELL, deceased, have been granted ;by the Register of Wills for the city and county of Fhilfdelph'a, to, the undersigned, all persons having claims against the said estate aie requested to make known the same to, and all persona indebted to thesaid estate to make immediate payment to - ~ ALLEN MITCHELL, Administrator, _ Nq, 295 SPRUCE Street, Or to his attorney, ISAAC jfIYER.Ja., se36-.W 6t , No. 260 South FIFIH Street,' iTVOTIOE.—AII persons indebted: to the J-v estate of WM. JOHNS, late of Woodbury, New Jersey, op bond* book account, note, or otherwise, are requested to-make immediate payment, and those having demands to prMent them (or settlement to . EDWIN A, JOHNS. Exeoutor. N. K. Corner FOURTH and ARCH. Philadelphia, BepL 22,1860, segg-wflt* Blame books and stationery. M* A. flßPfl ' Blank-Pock Manufacturer, Stationer, and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT Street, between Fourth and Fifth. __ (Formerly David M. Hogan.) j BOOKS for Banks, Pubuo uffioes, Merchants, and others, Ruled to any given patent, (Wither without Heading printed.) and Bound in the best manner, both 1 with regard to neatness and darabOltyr. Orders for An i'K®lt Uota AUUI &MW"W'M4 I „ A Beneral assortment of American, French, and Eng »nd Note Papers, Enve ; !%•?» on Paper aad Envelopes, i tobpancTm any style of Binding* ’<. JHevink* through misfortune and losses, been obliged Orders thsnkfally . reosiv«d,Md executed with fidelity pHILADELPeIA TERBA COTTA MA mae sewerage pipes lor elty.draiiuufe. wate? war ranted to staafa Mrvdffl f roesttrerWd &te now prepared to contract wuha toes or corporations for this artiole In urm. wanantour goods ft pperior touy other made in thfcJilted Btod*s 8 tod*s or Ornamental Chimney " 4 -iSK?'. A NNISEED—Eor sslo by WETHEBItL BROTHKK, Bo». *T and 49 Worth BECOgD O rflftioWW*T94 * BROTHER, No*, 4T eai 49 North SECOND Street, noli JSiIS NOVfißlfeEß 14, iB6o* insurance companies. FJ<HE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PBILADSPBIA. I FiBK INSOItANOE EXCLUSIVELY.) } OSIP ANT'S BVILBINO. B. W. COBNMM TO ORTH AND WALNOT STREETS, - . DIREOUQKfi, . ?. iUrcxioxo 3ti*r, Moxoxcxi L, Oxwi.x, WILUJLM MoKk*, Gso. HtJSVVA&T* Nalbeo FnaziaK, Jonn H.'Brown, Johji M, Atwoop, 8. A. Fabivsstoos, Bsur. TsTß.xmci, Amdb.*w D. Casa, H3RAT WfIAHTOH, J. L. JIBBINOSB. F. RATCHFORD BXARR,President, CHARLKB W.'COXB, Reqratarv. fel* Removal. —the penn mutual life INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to new bu-ltling, No. ,921 CHESTNUT Street. Assets, over SI,OOO-000- Charter perpetual, ALL THE PROFITS divided amongst the insured. . POLICIES iiaued this year will participate ir the Di vide' dto be declared in January next. Ihe Company has full authority to notes Executors. Administrators, assignees. Guardians, and Trustees lor married women and children; DANIEL L. MILLER, President, BAMi>, E. STOKES* Yioc Pres t. Tohw WMiornor, SftoretAtr. ftIKDiCAL EXAMINERS in attendahoe daily, from 1 to2oolock F, M. noB INSURANCE.MEGHAN I OS’ B INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, No, 138 North SIXTH-Street, below Race, insure Build ings, Goods, and Merchandise generally from loss or damage by Fne, The company guarantee to adjust all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron ago of the publio. __ DIRECTORS, William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Franois Cooper, Miohael MoGeoy, Qoorge L. Dougherty, Edward MoSovern, James Marini, Thomas B. MoCermiok, James Duross, John .Bromley, Matthew MoAlear, Franois Falls, Bernard Rafferty. , John Cassadr, Thomas J-HemphiU, Bernard H. HuUeman, Thomaa Fishor, Charles Clare. Franois MoManps, Miohnel Cahill. _ »■■ : . ‘FRANCIS OOOPeft, President BERNARD BAFFEjtTY, Seoretary. 0023-6 m Delaware .mutual safety, uk BUHANCE COMPANY ! INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF !■. PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. < OFFICES. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelpoia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELSJ CARGO. > To all parts of the World. FREIGHT. S .' . iNL AND INSURANCES Oa Goods, by River. Caoal«j Lakes, and Land Carriage toal) parts of the Union - ,FIRK INIfURANCEg On Merchandise generally. On Stores- .Dwelling. Houses. &o» ASBISTS UP THIS COMPANY, November 1,1869. , . Par, Market Value, $)23u60 Philadelphia City 8 SP’cent. Loan.. $123,060 00 *loo,oooPennsylvania,Btate cent-Loan. 93,665 00 §21.000 Pennsylvania Slate s cent. Loan.. 21.0GQ 00 $35,000 U. S. Treasury 6h» 3P* cent. Notes and mterestdne ... 36.263 54 830,000 U.S. Treasury oent. Notes and interest due... • 50.615 00 825,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Phila- ■ ue10hia........... 25,000 00 850,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 3d Mortgage 6SPoent. Bonds.. t.3fto 00 820,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 6 w cent. Bonds —12,500 00 816,000 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway . Company 7 & ot. coupon Bonds. 13,600 00 815,000, 800 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal guarantied by the city ol fhila- delphm™.. 15.00000 8&,000 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Com* pany. —► . 8,775 00 85,000,100 shares North I’onnajlvaniaßsilroad - Company.. .. 850 00 $2,650 eharoa Philadelphia loe Boat and Steam Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ooean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia ami Havre do Grace Bteam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exohange Company.-^,„ 9*210 00 §45,880 8<08,719 54 onus and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of fice Building ►. Bills receivable for Insurances mado Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rine Policies, interest. and other debts due the Company.—....... ..... —_ 65,564 68 Bonp and stook of sundry Insurance Com panies 3,260 00 Cash on Deposit m Bank 67,060 81 MItECTOItB. I Samuel K. Stokes* J. F. Pemston, Henry Sloan. Edward Barlinffton, H. Jonesßrooks, SonnoerMHlvaine, Thomas C. Hand* Robert Burton, Jacob P, Jones, James B. M'Parian d* Joshua P.. Eyre, John D. Sample, Pittsb’?, i D.T. Morgan, * |* l M A MAßflff, r l>rMi(lent. J. HAND, Vice President. 3oretarr, dls-tf MS 1 ' Wfliiam Martin* Edmund A. Soudcr, Theonbiiua Paulding, John 11. Penrose, John C. "Pavia, James Traquair, William Esto, Jr., James G. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph K. Seal, Dr. K. M. Huston, George 0* Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLI. THOS. C. HENRY _L YE BURN. Be< Quaker cm insurance oompa- NY-FRaNKTAN BUILDINGS, tW WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS. $550,743.70.—1u0nrea against Loss or Hamate by Fire, and the Perils of tUo Sea, Inland NaYiiatton and TraiwvoTfcrtiou. GEORGE Xi. WART, President. I?. P. ROSS. Vice President. H.,H. C.OGGhUALL, Beo’y ana Troanm. ?. H. BUTLER, Asiutant Secretary. DIRECTORS, JS.F.W*, . Potter B, Perkins, Andrei r R. Ohßmoen, Samuel Jones, ftl. D., mhMf Georg* &> Hart, A. 0. CntteUi K. w, Bailey, H. A. Cogesnall* Hein. H. f.r. Fnlfer. IN bU KAN OJB OOUf.AMYOFXUfi STATEOF I’KNNSYLVANJA-FIItK AND MA RIN - Nob. 4 AND S EXCHANGE Chartered lij 17M-Capilal 3800,003-Fob, 1,1860, OMh valae. 9A38.7C3 77. All invested in sound and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooss of Merchandise, &o , on liberal terms. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sberrerd, George H. Btuart, f Simeon Toby, Aunuftl Grant, Jr., Charles Macajcster,, Tobias Wagner, Wnliam ft Smith, Tnom&e ft- Wattson. - John 8.-Budd. Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, , , _ George C. Carson. - • wrr . . JIENRV D. BJIERRERD, President WILLIAM BAKPKR, Secretary. * -j*9-tf A iNTHKAUITE LNBOKANUJ3 COMPA NY.—Authorised Capital SiOO*OKW3HARTER PERPETUAL. Offioe Np.'3ll WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company willinsure against lose or damage by Fire, on Buildicgs, Furniture, and ■ Merchandise gene rally. „Alao, Manna Insurance* on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insuranoo toallparts of the Union. DIRECTORS, Jacob Esher, Joseph M&xfield, D. Luthert. Dr. George N. Kckert- L. Audonned, John R. jjlalriaton. Davie Pearson. Wra. F, Dean, Peter Sieger,. -J. E. Baum. ESHER, President. .DEAN,Vice President, a»8-tf WM. F. W. M. BSIITH. Seorotarv. AMERICAN FtRE INSURANCE 00., LtA. INCORPORATED 1519-CHARTER PERPET* No. 810 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pam-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings* Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Tort end their cargoes, and other Persons! Propeity. All losses liberally and ptothsUt adjusted. SIKTCTOIO. John T, l/owuj, J&raet R, Cwapboll, Edmund S. i)atiUi, CJjm. W, PoaJJnej. isr*si Mordl. THOMAS k. MARIS, PfMldsn*. LfIKAY C. L. CRAWFOKP. SsoretATT, fett-it Shoe. ft. Mario. John "Welsh. (Samuel C. Morton.** PotnoX i?:zvdj. ptXOHANQE INSURANCE COMPANY -Office No. 4M,W 4LNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE Son Houses and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual, . . r ' DIRECTORS. Jeremiah UoGsall, Edward D. Roberts. John Q.Glnnodo. John J. Griffiths, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale, Thomas Marsh, John MoDQweu, Jr., . Sami. L. flnifldloy,„ J&s. T. Hiue, BeUefonte* JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JOHN Q..GINNODO, Vioe President. V Knw*un w. i)AVtn. tfnoretarv mnw mtf SAVING PURUS. A lH<l©,but often, fills theFftm®." EjiRANKLIN SAVING :FUNJX No. A 136 South FOURTH Street, between Ohert- WcUnut, Philadelphia, pays nil Deposits ° l kiepoftitor«’ mooey eeoured ■ 117 flovomroent.' State, and City Loans, Ground Kent*, Klort eases, &o. This Company deems safety better than larte profits, consequently Trill ran no r,sk with depo sitors' money, Lut have it at all times ready to return, with 5 por cent, interest, to the owner,as they hare always done. .This Company never suspended. Females, married or smyle, and Minora, can deposit in their own risht, and suob deposits can he withdrawn out,* by their concent. ' Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from trustees and exedutors. LARUE and small sums received. Office open daily, from 9to 8 o'clock, and on Wednesday e caulng until ao’olocfr, DIRECTORS, . Jacob 11, iPiaiuion, Cyrus Cadwalloder* John Shindler, Seoree Russell, Malaohi W. Sloan, Kdrrard T. Hyatl, Lewis Krumbha&r, Heury Delany, Nicholas Kittonhouie, Nathan Smeuiey, Jos. fit, Sattarthwaito. Jones Verkes, Joseph w. Lippmcott, JAOOII B. SHANNON, President. Gists UiPWJXLAsnn, Treasurer. “ A Dollar saved is twice earned.” HAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANT, WALNUT Street, eoulhvrest corner or THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State or Pennsyl vania. Money is received iu any sum, Jarre or small, and in terest paid from the day uf deposit U the day of with drawal, The ofiiaa w open evert daj from nine o’oloolcin the morning till five o’olock in the ovoninc, r,nd on Monday andThursdaravenjDrxtiJleiKhto olook. Hon. HENRY L. RENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGK, Vice President ffIIXIA.K J. itexo, Scorotary, PISBCTOllB; Hon. Henry L. Bonner, F, Carroll Brewster, Edward L> Carter, Joseph B, Barr Robert Bountßa, FranoisLee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, O. Landreth Munns, James L. Stephen##*, Money is received and payments made dally. The investments are made, in oonfonmty with the trovisiona pf the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Renta* and suoh first-class eeourities as wilt al ways insure perfect security to the depositoft* and which cannot fail to giTe permanency and stability t« SLAVING FUND—UNITED STATES OO6L?AN Y *oorU9r t HIKD and CHRS7- Large and small sum* received, andpaid book ends* mand without notice, with FIVE PER OKNT. INTH REST -from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. r , Office hours, from 8 until 6 o’clock eyery day,'And #fl MONDAY EVENIKfia from 7 until 0 o’olool.' . DRAFTS fot sal eon England, Ireland, d eotland fr f?BS«oE* I 6TBPHBN ft. CRAWFOJLB. m ..... KEROSENE OIL. PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. ; In order to meet the constantly-increasing demand for this justly ; CELEBRATED OIL AB AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former oasfeoi ty, and have the most extenstve works j or tnattu /acittrinK Oil Srom Coat in the United States; and in order to insure for us o constant supply, adequate to the demand* they have positively mused to establish any new agencies, or create any new outlets for it what -8 we claim for tills OH fa, ITS UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY AND BUFJBRI , OJUTY OVER ALL OTHER OILS. It is entirely free from the offensive odor peonliar to all other Coal Oils In the merket. and for brlllianoy as a liahticleanliness, cheapness, and. safety, (having no explosive properties), is, we may confidently say, THE ONLY OIL THATWILL'GIVE GENERAL ' ■ SATISFACTION. WherCver it has been introduced consumers will use no other. „ As there are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene* we cauttoo dealers m particular against using this trade mark. .Whenever doubts exist as to the genuineness ol theartiole. we rjapeatfully ask that a sample may be submitted to ns for inepeonon. We offer it to the trade ai the COMPANY'S LOWEST PRICE, and all orders addressed to Os by mail or otherwise WIU meet with prompt attention. Z.LpCKEACO., Solo Agents andiManufooturers of ' .Alcohol, BuraingFluid, and Pine Oil. 0010-aro, , No, loio MARKET si/, PJilladelphfa. Bale by WEiHERXOETS O BROTHER, 47 and 49 North.BEOOND Street, MISCELLANEOUS. The amawaKakon^f^lan- GUAGES.—The*® is a growing tendency ia this age to appropriate thennost expressive words of other language* and after » while to incorporate them into oar own; thas the W<?rd'Owhalto, which is from the Greek, signifting “forth® head,*? is now bsoomins popularized in'eonneoUon with Mr. Spalding’s great headache remedy, but it willjoonbe ased in & more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as oomraon as Eleotrotype acd mopy others whose tiis tiuotion as foreign words has been worn away -by ooratnoa usage, until they seem “ native and to tiiQ manor born.” ', . ’anlly Realized. IU ’ad *n orVibie ’eadache this hafternoon, hand I stepped into the ippotheoary'a, hand says hi to the niani“Canyonhease:raeoTan’eadach* ?” “Does it haohe ’ard?” says ’e. “ Hexoeedingly.” says hi, hand npon that ’e gave me a Cephalic fill, hand ’pon me ’onor itonredmeeo quick thotl’ardly realized I’ad ’ad an ’eadnohe. '9ST Hbadachs is the favorito Bign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, end, viewed in this light, it may te looked on as a safeguard intended to give'notice of dis ease whioh might otherwise esoape attention, till too late to be,remedied *, and its indications should never be negleoted.' Headaches may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathio. Symptomatio. Headache,is exceedingly common, and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apo plexy,Gout,' Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases, In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach, constituting tick headache, of hfcpatlo disease constituting bilious htadathi, of worms, constipation, and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and ntenne affections. Diseases of the heart are very fre quently, attended with headaohes; amcraiaandptethora are also affeotious whioh frequently occasion head ache. Idiopsthto headache is also vory common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly- in a state of appa rently sound health, and prostrating at'once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. Inmost instances the pain is in the front of the head,over one or. both eyes, and sometimes pro voking vomiting; under this olass may also bo named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either class of hoadaohe the Ce phalic Fills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and, by its subtle power, eradicating the diseases of which headache is the unerring index. Bridget.— Missus wants you to send her a box of Co phaho G’ue ; no, a bottle of Preparod Pills—but I’m thinking that’s not just it neither; but perhaps ye’ll be afther knowing what it is. Yo see she’s nigh dead and gone with the Siok Headache, and wants some more of tbatssme aa relalved her before. Druggist.— You must mean ■ Spalding’s Cephalio Pills. Bridget.— Och! suro now and you’ve sod it. Ilere’s the quarther.and giv me the Pills, and don’t be all day about it. either. Constipation or Costivcness. ' Ho one of the “ many ills flesh Is heir to ” is so pre valent, so little understood, and so maoh neglected as Costiveness, often originating in oarelessuess,or se dentary habits. It is rosarded os a slight disorder, of too little conseauenoo to exoite anxiety, while in reali ty it is the precursor and companion of many of the ’’most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of whioh Costtvenees .is the usuaiattendant aro Headaoho, Colic, Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such as Malig nant Fevers, Abcesses, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspep sia, Apbplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria. Hypo ohondriaeis, Melancholy, and Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Hot unfrequently the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the eattse is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations, it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and uo person should neglect to get a box of Cephalio Pills on Die first appearance of the complaint, as their time ly use will expel the insidious approaches of disease, and destroy this dangerous fee to human life. 0801,855 «7 A Real Blessing, FApifcifljt.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache ? Mrs Jones.— Gone! Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send me more, so that I oan have them handy. Physician.— You can get theraatdnyJDrasßitt’fl, Call for Cephalio Pills. I find - they never fail, and I recom mend them in allo&ses of Headache. Mrs. Jones.— l shall send for a box directly, nml shall tell all ray suffering friends, for they aro arraj blessing. Twentt Millions op Dollars saveii.-Mt. Spald ing has sold two mUions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollars’ worth of brokeiUUrniture, thus making as aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss bv this valuable invention* Having made his Glue a household word, ho now pro poses to do the wprid still greater servioe by curing a)j the hohing heads with his Cephalio Fills, and if they as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow in July. Over excitement, and the mental care and anx iety moidtnt 16 oloae attention to bosmose or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headeohe. The disordered state Of mind and bod* incident to this dis tressing complaint, is a fatal biow to all energy and am bition. Sadie re rs by this disorder can always o.btam speedy relief Yrom these distressing attacks by using one of the cephalie Pills whenever the symptoms ap pear.' It Wets thd overtasked brain,-and eoolhea the strained and J&rrinc nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered oond ition of the brain. Facr wobih kkuwino.—Bpaldinc’s Cephalic Pills are a pertain ours for Sick Headaohe, Bilious Head ache, Nervous Headaohe, Costiveneoa, and General Debility. Great Discovery.—Among the most important of all the great medical discoveries of this ago may be considered the system of vaooiuation for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalio Pill for relief of Hoad aohe, and the use of Uuinino for the prevention of Fevers, either of wMoh. is a sure specific whoso bene fits will be experienced by suffering humanity long after their disooverors are forgotten. V3* Dm you ever have the Siok Headaohe ? Do you remember the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, tho loathing and divgust at the sight of food? How totally unfit yon were for pleasure, conversation, or study. One of the Cephalio Fills would have reilevedyou from all the Buffering which you then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion leauiree, CEPHALIC PILLS, CUBE SICK HEADACHE! CEPHALIC FILLS, CUBE NERVOUS HEADACHE! CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE! Sr the use of those Fills the periodical attacks of Ner vous or Sicklftadathe mar be prevented ; and if taken at the ‘commencement of an attaok immediate relief from pain and slokness wUI be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head ache to whioh females are eosnhjeat. •Jhey eot gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and visor to the digestive organs, and raitoncg tho natural elas ticity and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLB are tho result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which timo they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, .whether originating in tho nervous system or from & deranged state of the sto~ mach, ' 9 They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and maybe taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and ike absence of any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Hosiers in Medicines' A Box will bo sent by mail prepaid oh reoeipt of the PRICE. 95 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY O. SPAI 331 NGr. no>2-ly 4» CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK, MEDICINAL. Bh 00 X) FOOD. HLOOB POOD. blood food. D ,000 POOD, ~ . Bt.OOD food. The attention oi invalids, physioians, olergymen, soiontrap men. ana too public generally, is respectfully solicited to the monts of this ohflmioal preparation containing Iron, fluiuhuv, and Phosphorus, and whioh ia identical in its composition with the Nematic Glo bule, or red blood. In all diseases aooorap&uicd With 1 t a 1 If, the blond show a(iefioienev of ftuddy ooraplexion and a rosy, tint of the skin, is always indica tive of health; while a pale, wax-like skin and counte nance—winch evinces a deficiency of the red globules— accompanies a diseased organism. Prepaiations of Iron have been given for tho purpose of supplying the red globules, but wo contend that Iron alone, Pulphur alone, or PhoßyjioroUßAlone.Y/tUnotrtieetthßaeftClency In every case, out that a judioioos combination of atl those elements is necessary to reatore the blood to its normal standard.. This point, never before attained, has been reaohert in Mio Blood Food, and its discovery ranks as one ni tho moat so entifio and important of the ago. Its effects in . CONSUMPTION are to soften the oough, braoe the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating mghtsweats, inorease tho physical and mental euergy, enrioh the blood by re storing the Isoking red globules, inoroaso the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The Blood Food will bo found a speoihoin&il Chronio Diseases of the Throat or Lungs, auoh ns Asth ma, Bronchitis, Coughs, «'co. rublio speakora and singers will find it of great utility m oieanns and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia favor Complaints,.Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysiß, Borofuln, Gfavol, Bt. Vitus* Danoe, Fovor and Ague, &0., its effl oaoy Is marked and instantaneous, in no ol&es of dis eases, however, are the benelioial effoots or this remedy so oonspiouous us in those harassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sox aTO liable, and whioh will tend towards Consumption, snoh as suppressed or difficult Menstruation, G'een Siokness, Whites.&o., espeoially when these oomplaints are accompanied witn paleness, a dingv hue or pallor of tho Bkra, depression of spirits, dobiluy, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. w « have the utmost confidence in recom mending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may bo con scious of aloss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodrly powers are prostrated through over use, either ol the rnrad or body, and we deem ifconr duty to say that mall cases of Weakness and Emaoiation, and in all disease? of the Kidneys or Bladder, this pre paration has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be over-estimated. A faithful trial will be found tho most convincing proof m regard to its efficacy that could be asked lor. with the abovo remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we bavo in its favor, we oiler tho “ BLOOD FOU t ” to the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that it will bo acknowledged as ure-eminont over all other prepa rations, patenter omclual, in point of usefulness. Cir culars giving tb'* theory upon whioh this remedy is founded, also certificates of remurkablo cures, will be sent free when desired. We forward tho BLOOD FOi.D to t\ nt partot tho United Statos 0' Canadas upon re ceipt ot price—©l per bottle* ©5 for six bottles. Be careful in ad oases to take none but that having onr fac simile signature upon the wr&ppor.’ Nono other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT, Ho. 409 Broadway, New York, And sold by thorn, and by DYOTT & CO., North SECOND stroot, Philadelphia, and by all respectable Druggists. ang-mwf tf (TfeAK 0K011AR1) AUIX) SPRINGS. These Springs ero situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, m the town of Alabama, Geneses co.y JV. Y.,oight mileneouihof the village of Medina, on tho Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia, PfiF Tho pfinoipa! Aoid Springs aro three in ournber; besides these there are sis others. They are all looatea 'Within a cirouit of nbont fifty rods, ’ihe medicinal qualities of the waters are fully shown in the subjoined testimonials. They contain a very large amountof Sul phur, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto- Sulphate of Iron. Tho groat medicinal virtuespossess ed by these waters depend very largely upon the pre sence, in such uuusuo) quantities, of these ouranvo substanoes. Hnndrcds of cases of disease, espeoially those result-' ing from the scrofulous diathesis, havo been cured by their use. By In skin diseases—oven in confirmed feprosy—the waters have been signally successful. , Opinions of medical and scientific gentlemen are given in the circulars. The following eminent gcntlomen speak in strong terms of the medioinnl value of these : wators: J*rof. Emmons, T. Romeyn Beok, M. D.» of Albany jjftos.MoNoaghtoc. M. D., of Albany j Edward Spring, M. D« of New York; Dr. A. Campbell, of Pitts field, Mass.; Dr. J. S. Shuler, of Lookport, N. Yl They recommend the wators confidently. Dr. Spring/refers to acaseof chronic diarrhoea of several years 1 standing, which teas cured by the use of the water. Dr.Becksays, “lam satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents,** Dr. Campbell says, “ Tney must be highly beneficial for all chronio diseases of tho stomaoh and bowels. Dr.S.P. White Toad a paper on the subject of these Waters, beforp tbe ,Aoademy of Physicians, in the city ofNewYork,mwhiohheßtateBthat the Waters pos sess deonlodly touio. refrigerant, and aatringent proper ties; and that thoolassof diaeaaos to which they are more particularly adapted, aro ebromo affections of tbe diresrii'ii and urinary organs, and somB of the c«tan«- o«j diseases; chtonic dyspepsia ; chronic diarrhaal; c?ronie dysentery ; chronic diuresis; chronic cystuts ; diabetes; oases ol passive hemorrlmyo, such &s Purpu ra hemorrhagica, and the oolliquativo sTroata of Heotio Fever. The Water may also be ofton used with ae vantage, ho says, m oases of loto typhoid fevers, m onvalescence from protracted fevers, to excite the ap petito and promote digestion; in diarrhoeas, partloulariy suoh as are daperdeut on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mucous rr.ombrane of the intestines. In oalou lous allootions.or lithiasts, attended with phosphntio sodiments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to mariatioaoid.ns more solvent ahd jeez apt by continued use to disorder the stomach. <n ebrile dis eases, it oan be used properly diluted, as a refrigerant todhrmush thirstamipreternatuml boat. Inekindis eases— in tfioso forms oi dyepopsia connected with an alkaline oondition of the etomaoh, as in Pyrojtj.orwn ter-brash, it will prove better than hydrochlorio aeid, In casosof Colica Wetimufn,and other injurious con enquenoes arising from the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In cAroatc pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh, and tunui asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) aaa gargle in ulcerated sore throats, in caaes of safi vatton,atidui ttnecrrAra and gleet; and also inpiles. , When takon internally, a wine-Blassfal ot tho Water, diluted, taken three times a day, is sufficient for au adult. . Other testimonials from phystoians, anti «-ther re speotablo individuate, may ba seen on application to the Asent. Dealers eupphod on liberal termfs! No Wot«rgenw»n»t4nUs3j7Toc'»red from H. W. DOSTWICK, SOle Ajent, No. «74 BROADWAY, New York, For Bale at the following Agenoics: FREDERICK BROWN’S Drag and Chemical Store. Northeast oorsor of FlFTHand CHESTNUT Streets. Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, Jr.’s, Drug and Chemical Store, Continental Hotel, oorner of NINTJI and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Trade cupolied at ‘Wholesale Prices, mvll-iwly pROF. IVO. <D’ij RESTORATIVE CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR Ib precisely what ita name Intimates, for* while pleasant to tho taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating, apd strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the b’ood in all its original purity, nud thus restores and rend ora tJje system invulnerable to attaokaof disease. It ta the only preparation evor offered to the world m n popular form, so a« to Ire within the reach of all. So oheroi >p.Hy and ekilfully combined as to betho moat powerful tome, and yet so perfectly adapted as to ac 4 t in perfect accordance with the taws of no turexand hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tono up the digestive organs- and allay all nervous &;id other irritation. It ib nlao perfectly exhilara ting in its oifeots, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It isoomposed entirely of vegetables, ard those thoroughly com bining powerfully tonic and soothing properties,and consequently can never injuro. Buon, a remedy has 2 lona been felt to be & desidoratum-in the medioal £ world, both by the thoroughly skilled m medical © ccionce, and also by all who have suffered from do- “ bi)Jty ; font needs no medical skill or knowledge oven to see that dobihty follows all attaoks of dis- <1 ease and lays the unguarded system open to the 2 attaoks of many of the most dangerous to which 2 poor humanity is constantly liable. Such, for ex- 2 ample, as tho following: Consumption, Bronchitis, © Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Faint* » ness, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, i'wpitntion of the Heart, Melancholy, fiypoohomlria, Wight a Sweats. Languor, Giddiness, and all that class of £ cases, so fearfully fatal it unattended to in time. & called Fema/e Weaknesses and Irregularities. Also, h Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com- 3 plaints. Diseases of the Kidneys, Scalding or In i contmenoe of the Urine, or any general derange- C mentortheurijrarjOreanßiPalnmtbeßaok.Btde, £ ; tnd between the Shoulders, predisposition to slight 2 '-olds, Kaokmg and Continued Cough; Emaoistion, 2 i Oiffioulty in Breathing.and, indeed, wo might enu * moratero»ny more still, but we have spaoe only to ” <*y. it will not only euro the dobility following © Ihillsand rover, but prevent all attaoks arising © ; from Miasmatic Influences, and cure the disease , at once, ifftiready attacked.and as it acts directly 0 i ind persistently upon the biliary system, arousing >- the Liver to action, promoting, m laot, ail the ex- 1* 1 orations and secretions of the system, it will infal-t* . libly prevent any deleterious consequences follow- ■ inguuon change of olimato and water; lienee at! S 1 travellers should have a bottle with them, and all 2 I should tako a table-spoonful at least before eating. ® ! As it prevents costivencßS, strengthens the dices 0 i tivo organs, it should be in the hands of all persons * i of sedentary habits; students, mimstors, literary © i men; and all ladies not accustomed to muoh out- 5 I door exercise should always nso it. If they will, h ! they will find an agreeable, pleasant, and eminent remedy against thouo ills which rob them of thorn m i beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, £ and health cannot exist while the above irrcgnlan- S i ties continue. Then, again, the Cordial is a perfect 4 Mother’s Relief, Taken a month or two beforo tho 9 1 final trial, elie will pass tho dreadful .period with : perfeot eas'’ and safoty- There is no mistake about r st, this Cordial is all we elaim/or it. Mothers , fry H ■ if / .And to you we appeal to deteot the illness or © i decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too Jo late, but also your sons ana husbands, for while * ! tho former, from falso delicacy, often go down to i a premature grave rather than lot their condition bo known in time, tho latter are often bo mixed up with the excitement ot business that if it were not for you they, tpo, would travel in tho same down ward path*until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for wo. are sure yoiir never failing ailootion will unerringly point vou to Prof. V&ood’s Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, an the remedy which should be always on hand iii time ofnecd, 0, ,T, WOOD, Proprietor, 4448r0ad • ay, Hew York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo.; and sold by all good Druggists. Price, One Dollar per Dottle. Sold here by DYOT1 1 A CO., i 132 North SECOND fteot, mwf eow&W-ti [4l rh. Tames Letts' ' celebrated iTJL tUFi’ORTERti FOR LADIES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medical patrot ago. Ladies and physicians 'tiro reappotfnlh requested to oall only on Mrs. Hetts,at ter residence. 1039 WALNUT Street* Philadelphia, (to avoid ODunterleits.) Thirty thousand Invalids havo bren advisoa by their physicians to use her appliances. Thoce only are genuine hearing the Un ltd States copyright, labclo <ntho box, and signa tures. and also on the Uupportors, with testimonials. 0010 tuth&stf BUSINESS CARDS, DR. S. T. BEALE, DENTIST, Has romovod to 1113 CHESTNUT Stroet, (Girard ■Row,) Philadelphia. * 0c33-lm* PAWSUN & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS. Nos. Oil) and 521 MINOR. Street, Between Market and Ciießtnut streets, „ PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON, JAB. B.'NIOHOLBON, jy27 ly* T NICHOLSON. . ' •F • Manufacturer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARfI, A largo and choico assortment, and well Mans, always on nand. unto which I particularly invito the attention ol caeii and prompt-paying siiokt-timi fcTE’Comor of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Phila delphia. au7-3m* fr SONS, • IMPORTERS Oh HAVANA CIGARS, No. 2*o South FRONT Street. Receive regularly a full assortment of desirable CL Gaits, whioh they offer at low rates, for cash or ap .proved orodit. JelO-ly ILffORAC® SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY, No. 114 South SIXTH Street, vipngitn tb* County Court House,) rsopnrei • fw.n*.. wawjngs, Ao„and transacts all other bua.tje*' ,, oocneoted with the obtaining of Let ters Potent - Maohinorr Designed and Drawings made, cpSE-dm* ORLEANS (LA,) PIOAIUNE.- JOY. COE, & Co. Have boon appointed solo agents in Philadelphia for this extensively circulating papey, of cortutranciing in fluence. Business men are advertising m the best news- Sapors of oity ami oountry, at the officos of 30Y.C0K, ; CO., Advertising Agonts, FlFTliand CHESTNUT Streets* Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York, seM-tf __ KR. CORSON, • RETAIL ESTATE BROKER, NORRISTOWN. pAj, OFFFRB AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SALE, some of tho most desirable and productive farms ra Montgomery and Cheater oounties. Also, several Mer chant and Grist Mills, in desirable parts of the country. Persons wishing to purchase properties, either as homes or investments, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to call, or write for a catalogue. Several handeomoly located farina to oxohange for oity property. , , Norristown Properties for sale or rent. Good Mortgages negotiated reasonably. Apply to it. R. CORSON, oo&lm NORRISTOWN, Pa. CAUTION ! —ASTROLOGY !—LOOK OUT!—GOOD fWSWB FOR ALL'.—Tho navsr lulling Mrs. VAN HORN is the boats .ho 1 nomli wnen nil other. have failed. All trim are in trouble, all vho tuvao boon unfortiumto, deaelvou by fslaa uronuao., fly to her for advice and oomfort. „/» love affairs set nsw fails, She has the seoret of winning tho ftffeo tions of the opposite sox, U is thm foot whioh induce* illi'arate pretenders to try to imitate hef. and copy her advertisements. Bho shows you tho likeness ox roar fu ture wife, husband, or absent friend.' It io well known to the paolioit urge thht cho is tho first and only per son who can snow' the likeuesa in reality, anican give enUrfl <atU.i3tion ou all the concerns of me, wiuoh ban be tasted and Moved oy thousands, bow married ana eingle.Vfio daily ana eagerlr visit her. Oomeonel aomeaut t0N0,2559 LOMBARD Street,between'Juni- Broad, noW-NV' railroad LINRS. 1860. -mmm 1860. 1 ,ir k ~ io “° o?0c “? r “ d ‘ Me Frenoh drr Will leo7e as followe—tjli | SAXONY DRESS GOODS. A mo<fr3ion isoamilenEai AtnbOT, 0. *A. Aooom- | Wa MilnoMdSin'onr 1«, a?b a M •.r*,“--“7rr-;-ri -T'vr;- 32 ” i „ - W?oa» mcasaxonY drMb goods. . At Y .\' Cttmlen and JersoyCitrCN.J.lAo- .. 1 Comprising— * - . . AiSTkl ,~J -.y —— 315 , - piooea Tipoj aI„ flauf,{,|«aY crounds, set flowflm, “*■ 711 Camden Bad Jeniey t.i r. Mornmi i pieces Parisias, broche ficufee. vhry rioh. Atii AwTErHST^hAiV^-m — ; * M : 1 pieces Cordelias in large satia plaid and rawed yiaTaoonran; J-»i I . - grounds.- . Amts pm via v~~*■ do • ■ mumrbcuslitr.forhast citytrade. via .^ amdaa afld Amboy, Aooomm - ; Dircei plain ground, ohine, and small “Lj, )^ a BsSiden and Amboy,'Brand iO*'- i Isabellas,ex^rarich Jacnuered grounds. - A OilyfEwmifam? Vm aSTlsrSy Bre‘m B en.oompWa°tb?balan?eof tbe'approvedstjies A BS d l »-,pfa W eH-kno«mana?.o,n ir « i3Egi '®*wkk ,a l wm! " wb a^o*f P » TrATTBRNs *&(? ° 1 ’ Vl “® amilo ““ nd dersofcitj,Sonthen. *°° • i oirtons. 150 se«e«”<M ml-i*!B?l%laia», the finest At 5 PM, vflroKJden n ~Xmbs7riu o ™nSr- Sl5 SilVStySai ”” ° Bi ”‘’ 5 ’ ° ms ™ Wrted tion,(FreightandPassenger,>-istclass Ticket 1 a fr’noH OLOxfiti, 1 DOEBICINS. BEAVERs, kc, She tr M Mail Line rune dally. The llp M, South- '"fcmtottT'' era Mail, Saturday■ excepted, ' U ' l , „, _ . u» Un .*i £ y - ro nR For Belvidere. Em top, iiimbertviUe, Flomiofton rV‘*-?£ e . n £r blaoS- OiO. ns. • 7 A ft'A“^fro^^,Wt^r WataMtr “ o,wha^a : BS$5I A Lf,‘: sfe, «: ! ° ad «icM h ?i.,VfiX VESTINGS. W For at 6 and 3 and <« P. M i V gthAWLS For Freohold, at. A. M.. and 2 P. M. j /a lJut tti whSrf.’V.W °A’. P? N. frSS ! ~ I *' ae»e TUtl Q g LOU e Dalanoo, .Beverly, BUrUne toH/-f!?5S5?6»* ko., at 18K, I, and ibi P. M. di?te PlMO«,stw“p,' > h^ t 0! l,arrien «>Fn and Interme- Steamboat Trenton.for Taoonr, at Ha. ftl. and 'fu f H. I ?.“ n J“ t!, A pa i ,<1 C >r «««• The Company Smit «To oept by special oontract. g Wl Ci * at>» WM.'H. OATZMEH. Agent smmm , . FOR GERMANTOWN. ’ Philadelphia, 6,7,8,9,10 11,and 12 A.M. , 1,2, 2,3>5,4.5.fiK,6,7,8,9,10*L and IDS P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7&.8. fltf.9. 10,11 and 12 A. M„ 1,2,3.4,5,6, 0 N W *' Leave Philadelphia, 905 min. a'. M„ 2, 7, and 10>* P. M. Leave GerraantoWn. 8.10 mm. A. M.,1.10 min., 6, and 9>i r. M. . CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD, . Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8,10, and 12 A. M., 2. 4, 6,8, and 10,*4 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 7 85, &40, anil 9.40, and 1130 A. M„ 140,3 40,6.10. and 8.40 P. M. _ „ . . , .OK SUNDAYS. , Loave Philadelphia, 9.05 til., 2. and 7 P M. Lo&ve Chestnut UiU, 7.50 min, A. AL, 12 60, fi.-fo, and 9,10 mm, r< M. FOR CON&HOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN, .Leave Philane phia,6.50,7 H, 935, and 11 05 mm. A M.. i;OS, 3.05,4 K. n 65, and UK P. k. A ' ’ Usova JJornetowo, 6. 1, 8.08, 8, and H A. M., Hi, Hi, and 01, M, , , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 3 A. M and 3 P. hl„ for Noma town, Leave Norristown, 7 }i A M. and 5 P. Al. , „ . ,PPR MANAYUHK. Leave Philadelphia, 550, 7X, 905, and 11.05 A.M.. 1 05. 2 05,3.05,4 K, 5, 8.05. U)£ P. M. . W™ JSfStf 1 ' *»•?«. 8.35. OK. UK A. M., 3. »K, 5, C/a, andvH P. M. , SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3. and 7 P. M. Leave Alanayunk,7« A M , 5>S, and 8 P. M. »/, K. ISlWlXft.Gorieral Superintendent, noKHf DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Streets. fall- arhangE SS^Sri M M§& T RA l ;i!il L oi D Df LPHM at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon (Express), anil For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 3.15,4.15, c, and Jl.lfl P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. AL, 12 noon, l.lfi, 4.15, a. and U.lO P. AI, For New Castle at 815 A, M.and 415 P. M. For Middletown a? 8.15 A. M. and 4 15 P, M. For Dover at 8.15 A, M, and 4.15 P. Al. For A. M. and 415 P. M. For M.lfora ets.w A, AI., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4.15 P. M. I For Farmington at 8.15 A. M. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4.16 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M. ( Mondays, Wednesdays, anti Fridays at 415 P, Al.i For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. Trammels A. M. will connect at Seafortl on Tues days, Tnundays, and Saturdai e with steamboat to Nor ‘ TRAINS FOR PHILA DBLPHIA : Leave Baltimore at f 1.39 A. M. (Express), 10.15 A. M„ and 6 25 P, Al Leave Wilmington at 7.30,9, and 11.80 A, M., 145,3.45, and 8.85 P.M. • eavo Salisbury at 1 SO P. AL Leave Peaford at (Tuesdays,Thursdays, and Satur days at 7.20 A. M.JJAO P. M. 7 ' Leave Farmington at (Tuesdays, Tharsddrs, and Sa turdays at 8 A, M.) 410 P.M. . Leave Milford at (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days at 7.50 A. AL) 4P.M. Leave Harrington at 8,16 A. AL and 4.2$ P, AL Leave Dovor at 9 05 A. AL and 5.25 t*. Al, i eave Middletown at 10 15 a. AI. and 6.40 P. Al. Leave New Castle at 8.80 and 31 A. M., and 735 P. Al. Leave Chester at 8.20 and 9 40A.AL, 12.01, a. 22, 4.25, and 9.15 P. Al. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M. and 5 25 P. M, TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M.,12.28 and 11.40 P. AI. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. Al., 12 55 P. AL, and 12.20 A. M, FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passonge? Car attaohod, will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia far Ferryviilo and intermediate places at 8 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 6 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-do-Graoe and Intermedi ate places at 425 P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Only at U.tQ P. Al. fromPhiladslphta to Baltimore. Only at 5J5 P. AL from Baltimore to Philadelphiar se» B. M. FELTON, President, PHILADELPHIA ggjggEgßHEg AND READING RaIL ROAIL--PASBWNGER TRAINS for POATSVILLE, reading, and Harrisburg. , ’ MORNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, oorner of BROaD a&d CALIo w- HILL Streets, PHILAJjEIiPHI A (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CaUcwtull streets.) at 8 A Al.. eonneotlns at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILR LAD, 1 P. At. train running. to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. Al. tram ranmny to Chambcrsbure. Carlisle, &o.t and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP, AL tram, running to Bun bury, Ac. AFTERNOON lines. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD, and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA,{Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CaUowhill streets,) for POTTS VILLK and HARRISBURG, at 9.50 P. M.,D*ILY, for READING only, at 6 P. hi.. DAILY, (Sundays ex xS&TANOEB VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD From Philadelphia. Miles, To Phanixvilll.,.— 23] Readmit—* —..... M Lebanon.—. 86! Harrisburg 113) Dauphin-- 12t] MiHersburr- —. .113 Trevor ton Jdaotlon- 168 Bunbury 169 Northumberland 171 Lewisburg 178 Mi Ron ——lB3 ftlunoy 197 Williamsport 209 Jer5ey.5h0re..........223 Lock Haven 235 Ralston 233) Troy —~261> Williamsport ana Elmira Kbniia.... 28TS Railroad. The 8 A. M,. and 330 p. M. tram connect daily at Pr>rtCUnron, (ganiJajß,.. esoepted,) with the UATA WIBBA. WiLLIAMfiVORT. aftd ERIK RAILROAD, making close conceptions with Uneato Niagara Falls, Canada, the West and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Comer of BROAD and CALLO WHILE Streets apa-tf . W. H. McILHBNNEr, Secretary fiTflfTCTiiri NORTB pennsyl* For iiimlusi^sJjKJYLßaTO'^Nf Easton MAUOH CHUNK. HAZM3TQN. ECKLFiY. WHITE 1 HAVEN, WILKES BARIIE. WILLUMSPOiiT. *O. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On &nd after MONDAY, July id. JWO. Passencor Trains will losyo FRONT and ‘WILLOWf&resu. Pru* ladelphia, DAlLY.(Snsdays oxcepted,) u follows: At 0.30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Raxfeton, Willcesb&rre, Williamsport, to. At2Jo P. M.{Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, fto. This train reaches Easton at 6.60 P. hl„ ana makes olosa connection with Now Jersey Central for Net* York. At 8 P, H. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Chunk, Ag, , At 0 A. M. and 4 P. P, for Doylestown. At 10,30 A. M. and O.CQ P. M. for Fort Washington* The 6.80 A. M. Express Tram makes dose connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Y/ilkoabarre, and to aU points in the Lehigh Coal Region, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Bethlehem at 0.63 A. fit., 9.SQ A. H. and fi.53 p, Leave Ooylestownat f.SO A. M and 4.18 I‘. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6JS A, M, and 3 IS P. M. ON BUNDAYB: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M, Philadelphia, for Doyleslown, at 8 P. M, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 8.40 A. M, Bethlehem for Pbiladelpmaat 0.00 P, M. Fare to Bethiehem~QlSOjFaretoMauohChuuk.s2 40 Fareto Easton IMI Fare toDoyioaiown.. 080 Through Tickets mutt be prooured at the Tloket Of fices at wILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to ssoure the above rates of fare. AH Passenger Train* (exoept Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with Fifth ana Sixth- streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads. 20 minutes after leaving Willow street, JyS NEW TRI-WEEKLY H&Ss3iE*SBSFREIGHTAND PASSENGER ROUTE TO NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH, VA. CHAIW3K OF LOCATION for the receipt and deli- On and after Monday, Ootober IS. Forwarders of Goode by this Une will send to PRENTZEL’S Ware house, under National Hall, 13*24 MARKET Street. Entrance for drays In the rear of the building, from Thirteenth Street through Lclperatreet. Mark Goods ,4 Via BeafQrd, Del.” , Passengers will take the 8.15 A. M. tram at the depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. , Fare for first-claas passengers, including meals on the boat, S? Senonrt-otaec passengers, including meals on the boat, $4.50 11, F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation, ooU tf ’ P. W, & B. R. ft .Co. 1717 iinrnmrii west ouester fISJKiWSHB AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD .. VIA MEDIA. CHANGBOF HOURS. On and after Monday, SeptemberlTih lfiso f the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot,-corner ofThirty*fir«t and Market streets. West *PfiilMelphia, at 7.45 and TO A. M., and B P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 7 and 10-15 A, M., and 1.45 ahd 9 P. M ' OK SUNDAY, Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth ana Market streets, at 8 A. M« and 3 P. M. Leave West Chester, at 7.SQ A. M., and 4.45P.M... Trains loavirg Philadelphia, at 7 45 A. M. and 0 KM., and on Wednesdays and Saturdays only, at 2.30 P. M,., conneot at Penneiton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad, for Conoord.Kennett. Avon dale, Elkview, Ac., and for Oxford, via Staze. Item end of Traok, at 7.45 A. hi. On Tuesday, Thursday, pud Sa turday, the 7 45 A. M. train from Philadelphia will con neot with a line of stages, via Oxford and Hopewell, to Peach Bottom, m Lancaster county. The last Passenger Railway Car will leave Front and Market streets so minutes, end Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes bofore the starting time from the Depot, and will e»ny a flag to denote It. Oflioe and waiting room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tickets for West Chester, will be furnished with a tiolret over the Pa»«K.r ReiW. ' General Superintendent. The baggage oar will leave Eighteenth;and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia Depot. eeHiU ygg—HOTiUJ&~.QB^fKR £s - ISTATIONS.-Dn and after Kov.eth, 1660, tha ,FaaMa,«r Train. for DOWNIKeTOWK will .tart ftpm the n«w Pamen|or Depot of thaPhlla de phla and jtMdinf Railroad Company, oorner a, BROAD and CALLoVhIIL Straeu, iiM a en eBl trances on Gaiiowhili, MORNING TRAIN far Dewningtowa, leares at 9.00 AFfjßfiMOOff ffJEAIX for Powrmigtawa, leaves at (Bandars tkaeptad.) Vd W. H. MoILUKNN'EY. B«arf>Ury- S!»MWBffBST CHESTER TRAINS via RENNSYLVA NIA RAiLROAD, leave depot, oorner ELEVENTH and MARKET, at 7.30 A.M., 12.50 P. M„ andlP.C jySOttf EXPRESS COMPANIES. JS Smh THE’ADAMS EXPREHB pSsMs^H|co; t OiHoe3SO CHESTNUT Street, forwards ParoelsrPaokages. Merchandise, BAnkNotf*, and.Speoie, either by its own Lines or in connection with other Bxpresr -.Cofflfeanies, to all 'the - principal town, and cltloi eftbe i.M-t! ~0.13 EBperlnteDMat. Nf\ PAN CO AST, AUCTIONEER, Suc • cecsor to B, 5C0TTVJ3...431 CHEBTHUT St. BABB OB 500 LOTS BMtjßolirKßVfcH. BIBBOSS. TRIMMINGS, MILLINhft.Y Go6flS. ’ By catalogue, ou a credit. This Morning, Nov 14, 1860,'ooromftBoing at 10 o’olook. Consisting in part of-, • • EMBROIDERIEB. . An invoice of rich and now style* embroideries. Just landed, embraoing-jmediom to nigh cost embroidered collars and sets, infants’very nchjy embroidered robes and waists, ladies’ hemstitched and embroidered Itnen cambnc^djrf..^joh^^wM^o^arflno^d^r^&o. loa dozen ladies % ptire linen hemstitched linen cam no MILL i NEa y GOODS. Kich fan st'los Paris poult de soie bonnet ribbons, embroidered bonnet strings, rich high colors And black velvet ribbons. Also, a line of superior quality black And fancy silk velvets* fancy boflntit material, 4a. BLONDS, WETS. Abo. white ellk joined blond*. Black and white stiff nets. Ac. <• , . FRENCH FLOWKR3. • ! - Also a line of rich and ohoice styles real Pans arfi ; floral flowers, Also, CO dozfan ladies’ white kid gloves, i gents’ linen Ahm fronts. NOTIONS, CUTLERY, 4c. Also, superior pocket cutiefy, steel scissors, buck I purses,jrarte-mounaie*. Ao. , , CRICKET Jackets ANDiHCSIERt, I oases men’s extra qn*lit7 alt wool orioket jacke**, f eats’ cotton and wool half hose, ladies’ and ouildren’a am be'-woo! hose, 40. | Alio. - pieo&s ooloreo Frenoh merinos, ladies’ new ! style cloth plonks, ladies’ cloaking o oths, &o. Also, an mvo'oe oi children’s fanoy casstmere hats. ! FRENCH BLACK LaOE VLILB. ' Aninvoioe of Paris new style blank Bilk, Aleaflon, and guipure veils; black lace coiffeurs, baibesi Stsi SPECIAL SALE OF GERMANTOWN FANCY ENlf • GOODS, HOSIERY. 4c. . On Friday Moraine, November 16, by odtaiegue, on a credit, commencing' at 10 o’olook. LARGE SALE OF A DRY GOODB STOCK, BY OR DER OP THE SHERIFF. „ ... On Friday Morning, , ■ . November Iff. at io o’clock, a large stock orAmencsn and imported dry goods, consisting of fanoy and black olotb, casslraores, satinets, prints,delaines, white and brown muslin, Canton flannels, white ard colored Ran ne!s, ladies’, gCntS 1 , and children’* hosiery and gloves, ready-made olothifig, ladies’ and children's shoes, 40. OHILTP FORD & 00 'AUCTIONEERS, S- No. 530 MABKET Street; Mi #Ol MINOR Street > POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS. SftOES, BUOGANB, AND BUM SHOES. „ v On Thursday Morning. November 15, at 10 o’oloox precisely, will be sold, if catalogue, on 4 months’ credit. I.GOO oases men’s, boys', nnd youths* oalf, kip. and grain boots; calf, kip, and buff brogan*. gaiters. Oxford ties, 40.» 40. j women’s* misses’, and children’s calf) kip, ana morocco heel boot*. . Also, & full assortment of Jjrst-o!*** oity-roads goods, BSr*Gom]s open for examination with catalogues eany on morning of sale, When buyers wilt And it to their in terest to attend. •> MOSES NATHANS. AUCTIONEER ATA AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SmitKeait corner of SIXTH and RaCE Streets MONEY TO LOAN. $25.G00 io loan,' at tho lowest rates, on dmfrfonds, w&tohes. jewelry, silver plate, dry goods, clothing, gro ceries, cigar*, hardware, cutlery, pianos, mirrors, fur nliure, bedding, acd on goods of every desonption, m large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, for anylencth of time agreed on C7* The Oldest Established Bouse in this oijy. gg* Private entrance on RACK Street. • 0* BnelßesehonrsfroraPA M.toflP.M. Heavy insurance fo the becefltof depositors. _ CHARGES ONLY TW.O PER CENT. 197” Advances of SlOOanduuwarda at twoperoent. Advances of £ICO and upwards, at one percent, for short Joans. AT PRIVATE SALE. . Some of the finest GOLD PATENT LEVER and CHRONOMETER WATHUEB manufactured, at half theusoal selling pnoes, gold lever and Jeplne watches, silver lever nnd lepine vfatohes, English, Swiss, and t ranch watches, at astonishingly lotf prioes, jewelry of every desonption, very lawmans, pistols, mnsioal in struments, first quality of Havana oigars, at half the importation price, in Quantities to suit purchasers, and various other kinds of goods. - OUT DOf.R BALFS Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of goods soli cited. MOSEB NATHANS, SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE , ; SALE Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin, and ear rines. PnoedffffO. Cost in Pans 51,400. -Jb INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS @willtaST a NEMAN. WHOLESALE and detail deales IN S T O V E S* No. 33 NORTH SECOND STREET, . Offers tb? iuo«t perfeot, convenient, and economical Gas- burning Cooking Stove yot invented. - Inquire for his Lehigh Gas-burner, to obtain the best Stove in use., , Also, one of the largest and most complete stook of Stoves for beating parlor*, chambers, stores, count nr houses, 40.» in the oity. The attention of the public!* flolioited, . . ooH-vin • t -STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAK. No. 1116 MARKET STREET, w prepared to meet the wanta of the pub.icmore couipietely in all the detail* of theBtqve trtde than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which be invitee compaxativx iXAttiXAnoh. The following are among bie own inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpoesing in «xe tilencs and itonamy any other Stoves in uae,_ . JAMES SPEAR Is'the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas burying Cooking Stove, acknowledged to bo the beat Btoy* for family use in the world.. JAMEa SFEaR is the Patentee of the oelabrated Gas-oonamning Cooking Ra&ge, BOW rapidly coming into general nee. - JAMES SPKAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sii vo/Is»£&;t1 Jf!ltpM-oon*uinn]g Parlor Store. JA MBS SPEAR, ia the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, whioh, from its beauty and utility, is likoiy, this season, to be uwver sally adopted. JaMEs BPBAR. is the. Patentee of the .Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-oar fleeter. JAMES SPEaR iff the Inventor of the Improved Fire-board Btove. Forallof the.abovethe Inventor very justly olaima advantages which reauire but to be understood by the public to bd universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that olaas in the market; and- he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persona in wane of stoves to call and examine for themselves, raniea wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. aelS-Sm , PhiladeJphisattd Reading and Lebanon valley it.H. Northern Centra!, Railroad. Snnbury and Erie R. fi, JU, QUAKER 0111 GAS CON SUMER, PATENTED bp CHARLES JONES, (39TC Seventh Alnntb. 1860. lSli,iloVi:MEm 0N SILVER ’ S By the use of the Quaker City Gas-Consuming ParlOT ana Office Stoves all dost may be avoided, the rooms ventilated, and an even temperature maintained for many horns, without any attention to the fire, and at a gT»at saving of fuel. For sale by CHARIjER JONES, Patentee', No. 305 North SECOND street, above Vine, where the excellent Gas-t'oniummg Cooking Stove DAYLIGHT, unsur passed in ita operations, may be obtained. Of the large number now in operation, every stove, we believe, givea eutiTß satisfaction. 005-8 m A THE. CELEBRATED ROY4L g COOKING STOVE is the best and mostpopu dan lar Cooking Stove in the market. It is made either with or without gas-huruing fixtures. Manufactured and for sale by NORTH. CHASE, & NORTH. Foucory Wareroume, SO9 North SECOND Street. oS-irn A the fiery star gas*burn- Si ING and RADIATING PARLOR STOVE, is tbe best and most economical Heating stove Manufactured and for sale by NORTH, CHASE. Sc NORTH. Foundry Warerooms, 809 North SECOND Street. ~ ■ ogftn A NEW GAS-BURNING BASE STOVE is the most economical Stove of the kind, and much more durable than the Goa burners with a •beet-iron ana lor saleby NORTH.CHASE, Jc NORTH. Foundry Ware*, rooms, ‘-aOU North SECOND Street , og-»m ELLIS CLARK,JAsant. milE PENNSYLVANIA 0 R N T RAL A JUILAUAB S6O MILKS iB6O, mmsmm, iB6O. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW KQVAh aoju *ro ANY IN THE COUNTRY; THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS RETWEEN PHILADEXPirtA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct atP|ula4oVpijsk wjth Through Train* from Boston. New York, and iff.points-kart. and in the Union Dopot at PitUbure with Throes to and from all points m the West, Northwest, and Southwest -thus furnishing facibfte* for the transportation of Pawengera unsurpassed for apeeu and comfort by any 0 Fart Line* ran throng k; to Pittabars, without change of Caraor Conductors. t All through Pa ssenge- Trains rrovidedwith Eonghndge'a Patent Brake-speed under perfect oontrol of the engmear, thus addinsmnoh to the safetrof travellers. Smokingcat* ate attached to earth TraißrWoodrnfPs 4M Mail C ??Mn‘li!»vin Pli lad.tphfa at 1 Jtf A. M Kart Lino “ ' “ ■ . - UJO A. J 4. Rcoroas Tiamjeavo. -*l 10.41 S’. M. WAY • Farkesbtirg '* . • > .8.40 P, M. West Chester . u -. . * 1140 P. M. West Chester Passengers, wiU taka'th* Mail, Weei Cheater Aooonimodauon,aha Columbia Train*, passengers for Elmira, Buffa lo* Niagara Pall*, and .intermediate point*, leaving Phi ladelphia at 7.18 A. M. "and 3 p; M. go direotly throneh.. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New r York, Boston, or Bal timore; ana Tickets JEfistward at any of the important Railroad Offioes ia the West; alsood board any of the regular- Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. •; - . - *y Faro always as low* and time a* dwelt, as by any other Route* ' . * For farther information apply at the P&tsengor Sta tion* Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets, The. completion o£ .the Western connections of the Pennerivatna Railroad to Chiowcn.’mwe this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE T&e donnectlon o?s£ia by^th? Railroad. Bridge .at Pittsburg, molding all dta/age ot fernaca of Freight, together with the saving of tjind, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippper* of Freight, and the Travef- U Uwohants and Shippers entrastmg the transportation of theirlfrcight to this Company, oan rely with oonß to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad art at alt tints at/aeorablt as art tkarstd by eiktr [Usilrtad <7 ‘S^Bep s artia*l*r it mark package* ?‘Via Penna-Raii- T< For Freight Oontraots or abippiug Direction*, apply U, or address either of the following Agents of the Com- Maj s —, Jos. E. Moore, I/omsviUs, Ay., P* jL 0 aW** Go., Efe« M te T cS IU.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points EEBOH * CO., l Aitof HfcßMi 0118. WlUiMa H.T. S" jALT PETRE—'RaIe,/.by. WETHEB ILIJ fc BROTHER; rM»; 4T smt 49 Soili SE COND Street. uolJ SALES BY AUCTION. STOVES. JIAIItROAJJ! LINES. SALES WAUCTiON. • m v, .(Formerly Nos. C 7 wed &,} FALL SALES STOCKS ANDREALESTA'IE. ; Kjshteenth Fall Sale, November 07as Sxehaaga- part ready. - , *■-a|the Kxi^N^.K^i^v^bieDAsr to each sals, one thousand estatorfue*, Io paitepfcfcl a n s ® e ter«. of *“ *■ REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. „• . • reolestsieotpnva'.e rale, inoiudipg every desonption, of eity.nnd eonutr** estate entered on ear private sole regirfe r and aoT«rtisdd occasionally rn our pnbUe sale'- abetraot (of which ?*OOO oopl®’ printed weekly.) free w oharge. _ PEREMPTORY RAILROAD BONDS. On i^®Sday. 30th insb, at 12 o’clock, at th«? |*xohange, without ra lBUCdupon Bonds, Sl.oo3each, Phili^pM*BalU more Central Railroad Co, NINETEENTH FALL SALE—NOVEMBER 3P Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of James Youn<«de m , ceased. Three story briolr DWELLING, No. 2205 Filbertst.-- west ol Twelfth sireet; has sue, bath room, Ac. Neat modern DWELLING, No. 459 N. Fourth it,' southot Noble street; has the modernoonvenienees, aiid is m perfeot order. „ Neat rnotleni DWr-LLING. No. 1437 N. Seventh »t, Master street, with tide yard. The house has tho gas' introduced,- bath room, hot and ©old water, cooking «o* ' > - Modern tftree brick DWELLING, southeast corner of Cormthiad uverue and Cambridge sbeet, near tho Girard College £?e&enger Railroad, Twentieth ward. ■ Administrator’s Ssie. - Three-story brick DWELLING, W Coates *t.. between Frontand Rudd streets. . . . - Four-story BriokßfceiDENCE, N 0.317 f-ojnbordst. Hhi tbe modem qoavemenaei. m , fcton« Gf* rST Mi LL, on the Ridge turnpike, matthtoWnsnip, M«Dtgpmerrco. SEAt MODERN EEBIDENOE, Ho. sas 8. F.iurtli street, between walnut and Spruce streets. h«i the modern conveniences. Clear of incumbrance.- Terms, ° n |omn«o‘rt ll BRICK STABT.E AfiD DOT OF GROUND. Tenth street, south of Cathanne street* TWENTIETH REAL ESTATE^BALE—NOV. 2T. ‘Valuable pointed-stone mansion, stone stable, andother modern situate about one mile east of the Old kork Road i and within miles of the Cheltenham station on the North Pennsylvania Railmaffr It i» surrounded by eiegMrt country seats of J. R. Worreil, WjT. Lowher. and Si F# Fishef»P>qri. obsolnte. Only one-third cash. PEREMPTORY SALE VALUABLE WALNUT-BT* . RESIDENOTV . ' Also, the large and superior reridence. No. 1311 Walnut street, 36 feet front, 235 feet deep, with stable and ooach house in the rear, on Pansom street; sbsolnte. Only H cash. __ __ PEREMPTORY BALE-—ALEGANT No. 122 SPRUCE STREET. Also, without reserve- foracoouutofa former pnr ohßEcfr- the superior residenoe, No.T3lSpra<»street. ■ 24 feet 0 inches front. 390 feet in with etabhiand coach-house on Barclay street. Title undoubted* tale absolute. Terms, SHMO may remain on mortgage. PAL# OF BUPErTor‘pi/rNITUHF,'MAW FURNITURE, LARGE* WAtfTBL *ND PIER^‘IRRORB,Jut»BRIOR «ANO% 8D PKRIOR UILLIARD T4BLN, FINE TEfiVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS. 4e. f- '• • CARD.—Oar sale to-morrow morning at the auefeon store, will comprise, beside* 100 lots of excellent second - hand. furniture- suite of elecant white painted addgilC drawing-room larmture, very large Frenoh-platesssn tel mir/or, pTenoh-plate ova) and pier mirrors, iree wood piano /one. mahogany piano-forte, sfperior-lsl hard table, fine velvet and Brussels carpets, China and gloevware, 40., forming, an attractive aesoytmeut. worthy the attention or ladi** and others desirous of purohasipg. . Catalogues sow ready, and the article* srraoged fo? ebtauninarioa, • Sale of german flower roots. This Morn in*. At 11 oVock. a t the .Aaotion Store, one oaae of su perior German Flower Roots, comprising an assortment of B/aeinths, Tulips. CrddM, Naraisns, fte., from R, Vorderschoot 4 Son, Harlem, Holiend, and to he sold in lots to suit pnrebasers.'" * ' INTERESTING and VALUABLE^BOOKSjLITHO GKAPHIC ENGRAVINGS, DRIWINGBTVDI2S, AND COLORED PRINTS. . . This Evening..' .. - Nov. it, at the Auction Stora, wiU be sold, a collec tion of valuable and interesting books. . • Also, a larae number of Lithographic Engravings, Drawing Studies, and Colored Print*. . - 10" Full pflitiealar* m catalogues. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 Spath FOURTH Street SUPERIOR TVRTiITV£K,FREK&-PLAfBJUM RODS, PIANO-FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPJBTA . .On Thursday MofftLt*. - .. * At 9 o’olook. at-the Auotion Stord# Ah assortment o euosuent eecond-baud fnrniture, fine mirrors,' carpets, etc. from famtuw* deeuains housekeeping 1 rem oved to the store for of sale. ' Also, about 100 yards Green Billiard Cloth.' ELEGANT DHAWING-JtbOM FTJRtiITVKf!< . LaR&KMANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS. AUPrI HRIOA if.LLIAKD TABLE, VELVET CJURPETti, AC » ... Also, On TWrsdat' Morning, ' * At the Auction Store, a suite of elegant white painted and gilt drawing-room tt/ttriltfre, withormol* mount-- inys.very large and elegant Frauch-plste mantel mir rora.ovai and pier mirrors,.sortrfof bllliarertable,» largo number of fine velvet and Brufsef* carpets. Sea, Also, about3oo rattan laundry and olo'9se casket*; RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS, FROM A FJU* VaTE COLLECriON. On Thursday Evening, . Nov. 15, at the Auction Store, will b* sold a oollectlofi of mtereatlng, rare, and valuable books, from a private poll cotton. ‘ 0k For particulars see catalogue*. Contributors’ Sale of ANCIENT AND MODERN OIL-PAINTINGS. On Wednesday Morning* „ .. .Nov. 21, at the Auotion Store, second itorf, willbe sold a collection ot Ancient add Modern Oil-Paintings, comprising a variety or interesting subjects, A portion or toem in elegant carved aod silt frames. -K?” Cat&logtfea Will be ready, and the pictares ar ranged for sxaminatioTiy two days pravioca. M FITZPATRICK * BROS., ATJC* • TIONBERS, 604 CHESTNUT Street, abet* Sixth. SALES EVERY EVENING. At 7 o’olook, of Books, stationery and. faney goods* w&tohes, jewelry, clocks, silver plated war*/ eaUtryv paintings, musical instrmeißeate, 4c. * - •* , Alao., Hosiery, diT goods, boots and shoe*, and mer chandise of every description. ___ _ _ DAY SAEE8 r every Wednesday, and Fri day at 10 o’clock - ' PRIVATE SALES. - - At pnvate sale several large consignments otwatolne, jewelry, books, stationery, silver-plated warn# eatiaxy, fanoy gooes. 4c. To which is solicited the attention o! city and country merchants and others. . , • •: Consignments solicited of all hinds of merchandise, fon-ither ppblio or pnvate sales. ACT* Liberal cash advances made on ooßrigsßOßte, Out-door salea promptly attended to. , SHIPPING. _ffji fOK THE SOUTH,—CHAELS? , s K»tt Freight at an »#» •?«<■ a*. no t, tain Charles P. Marsbman, wiM Mil oii Thursday»Pftnr, 15, atlOo’olookA.M.. . , , , Through 19 <3 to » npH»—only hoars a; t** FOR SAVANNAH, gjt iuc 5 8. Wail Steamship STATE OP GlsOj. X Captain Joan )« Garrir, iwl mil on Tuesday, Nov. SO, at 10 o’clock A. M. -*I hrourh in 53 to W homre-Hmiy 48 hoar* at Be*. day* obanged from ever* Saturday to « very five days. woods reedited, Hd ? Bills oi Lading slrned : *Hfuij*iettdU fir«t-fjfi*a **ds-wfc*tl Steamships XE?~ STONESTATE ah?BTATE OF GEQRGIAnow run s* above every tenths, thus forming a cve-darMioni*- nication with Charleston and Bavaannlu •£*.&* South ahi Savannah, jApis-SM** «k»- nsct frith steamers for Jlonda.aEdwith nUlrwKi- As*, for ail plaoe* in toe femtfe and eeattyeK. > ' li(BOSiUfC& • ; Freight and Insurance on alarge *M»owa at Piui [siuppeofloath will be found to be low-n by these snips ‘ than by sailing vessels, tbs -restiaat boifig one-halfka* .rate, .< j -N. JL—insaraaea ea aUJ&ailraad Freight » entirety imnneoessiry, farther than Charleston or BavauChft, th* ; Railroad Companies taking all risks lrom these \ GREAT REDUCTION IN FABF i Fare by tips route &to .40 per cent* ehestdr than hr' :ihe InlandKoete* a* will be the folio Wins sohe i dole, Through tiokets from Phuaaeh>ma,jis Cnariee ; ton end Savannah.steamship*, INCLuDINS MEALS pp the whole route, esodpt teem Chfirisctoh Hi Bavan jnah to Mtratgomsrv! - VIA CHA2LSBSOIT* _ VIA *AVAH?IA2. . To Charleston—.,—*.sls" 00 ToSWrtuxnah,—#« n 1 Aaru«ts, 17 » •- Augusta St 99 • Columbia.—-. *3 00 Macon—OS : Atlanta. —. nOO Atlantic SI 00 Montgomery—, ■ cOu Colam has- 31 04 1 Mobile—... . Saco Albany. —— 23 00 New Orleans—, 99 7s Montgomery- —. %00 - Nashville——.* 37 75 Jspi, »0l 1 KnoxviUe - S5O NSW Orleans S? 71 { Memphis.- —9150 (Fare to Savannah, l4 00 i . . Charleston, via Savannah—lo 00 j Ro bills of lading signed after the ship to* failed, i For freight or passage apply cn board, » second J Wiarfsbovs Vins street, or fo ALEX, HE&ON. Jr., A CO., , No. lftOOßra VMAjiVES i AgeutsinCh&rJeKontT,F,*T.’BUDlA l Savannah, HUNTER A 6AMMEJUA I For Florida from Ofiftr!setos,oteatt<rCare(iflf every For Florida iron, Savannat, stoameis Si. Mary’s and fit. John’s everr Tuesday anaSatnrdir. jgt&tL THE BRITISH AND NORTH Slnßb AMERICAN EOfAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, TBptf HKW rOXE TO LtVaaTOOL. i Chief Cabin Passage—.—..#l94 Second Cabin Passage^—7# , PEOM BOSTOM VO LIVSftVOOL. 1 Chief Cabin Passage—.—— ~.98$ j " ! The ships from Boston cali at Haiirar and Cork Ha*-* ii'EBSJA, Otpl. Jnipm. [CiTfABi. Capt, Ling. ■ABABIA. Out. J.Stons. ,'AB(A, Capt. E. O. Eott. NlAGARAlpoptAndewoO ■ AFRICA, Capt Shannon. lEUROPA, Capt. J Leitoh* , , SCOTIA, (now bnu&ng.) | These vessele carry a dear white light at mast-head; [rreen on starboard bow;-red on port bow. I t»t» 5 SSA 1 lea . v « B g°*ton. .'Wetlnesday, Nov.ll PERSIA, Judkins, ** N. York#Wedne«oay,Nov.aJ CANADA. Anderson, *• Bostoa, Wednesday, Nov. as l-^E^rPr^Shannon, « N,York, Weflneeday, Deo. 5 Stone, “ Boston, Wednesday, Dec. U ASIA, Lott, ." H, Yore, Wednesday, Dec. IS Berths not seoured until paid for * An experienced Surgeon on board. - - t The ownerspi these shivs will not bo aoeoantable for Gold, Silver. Buihoti, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Slones iprMetals, unless bills of (Ading are signed therefor ana she value thereof therein expressed. For Freight or pas hue. Apply to K, O UN ARP, i 0019 . „ 4 Bowling Green. New York. ■ S IACHINERV AND ntt>s. bsast ' PEEK steam engine and . mmsm BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years,-been Puooessful operation, and peen exclusively engaged 1? building and repwring Manse and River E&xruM,big* end low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks, ProptilerXr- Ac., *o.,TMpßotlnlly offertheirserrajosWthe.wepho# ps being fully prepared to contraot ior Engines of all Sixes. Marine, Hirer, and Stationary, baring sets of paterns of dtderent Sixes, are prepare a to execute or .uers with Quiok despatch, Every description of Fattens Eking made, at the shortest notice. High and Low ssirnre, Flue. Tubular, ftsd Cylinder Boilers, of the ITenns/lvahia oharooal iron. Forgings, of»nsixes hnd kinds; Iron and Brass Castings.of airdesonptioat: UtoU Turning. Borew Cutting, and all other wot* non toected with The above business, „ . ... . r Brawiogy aatf specification* for all work done at thei festabiishment, fieo qf oharse» and work riatact'od, i The subscribers havo ample wharf doos room ior Te pairs of boats, whore they can tie |n periaot safety, and are provided with aheaiv, blocks, ftllt, Jto., Ac. »« r.tate, tour, « „ JOHK P.l/BVY, REACH and PALMER itTeau- 'tunm v. uunk. . .«w«r I ' ■ Wn.Mi.K- i . ii: • CJOtTTHWARK s'OONUKY, • S 3 JPireH AKD-'WABaiKeSOH «1S«BEV» 1 . ! . SnaiMiSStS AND HAOHIJUn-SA. Minnfaofvre /ugh And, Low Procure Ufrr.:e i..ij,r.ui for Land, River* and Marine mmes. Boiler*. Gasometer*, Tan**,lron Boat*. a a.. Cwis •fall tend*, either Iron or Bran. ; iron Frame Room fox; 8-*2 'Work*. Wars sgow * eii toad Station*, Jto. ’ : Retort*and Gaa Machinery ex' toe latort a< <1 ***« m proved oonateaetLOi description .of Flan»uon~ht&pluiiwnt».iraob w gn gar, Saw, and Grist Mill*, V acapmFod*. Opeii gteaj* vramsy Defecatonr, Filter*, Ramping Enpnes, Ae." L Bold Agent* for-jf. iUliient’s Patent Rue* RoUiet Asperate* i fitaamyth’i Patent Steam Hammer; art AipinwaU * YVeuUy'apa'en* ContrifscnTSugar Pnint >nr Mfeekine. ' • • »»*-t IpOINT PLEASANT JrOTNDRXv No. 6» ft BEACHStrset, Koa«ii?toc, PliiMrtrhis.-rWrL WAM H. tTERS inform, ¥& fnanda tiiat,Eonnc cm phased the entire stools of patters* at toe above Foun ds, he is now prepared to.reoeijeordora for Kouing, Gnst, and gaW MUI Casting*, Soap; Chemical, £** How Work, Gearing, casting* made ftonv Rever poraton or Cupola panacea Icarr or green sand, or loim amg-tf taiORAGE. —Storage for merchandise of I® all kioc!>.and aj timlaffcoieoWW Oork. No 103* Worth DKX»AWARK Afenqa. fyd* afi^aaaaaiagtte