SteamhoatßUastex op the Mississippi* EXPLOSION OF. THI H. ni W. HILL—*HI&TY ¥IVH to roßtr tires wst —fivmbn to twenty- WOUHDSD. (From the N.O, Delta* Nov.2d. 1 , B , „ The steamer Levy, Captam PuekeW, hence for Alexandria, when odjiquUo CqUego Poim. wM hailedby the etcaraor H. R W. Hill, ou W*dne»d*y night at about 12 e’olock. The Levy ran alongside, and ascertained that the HU l waft-,ta disim*, baring carpioJed the third boiler from thelarWard aide. returned laat evening, baring jo tow iho uilfi when sbe landed her at the lootof Qirtrd street. "/-* ' .At the time of tho explosion thoro was a head of steam'on varying froui one hundred and twenty to, one hundred and twenty fire pounds to the square inch—rthe nwet.-power—but owing to the faot thafc below Australia Lending the Übat had ran oyer a stump, knocking a hole inher hull, and no doubt thereby a Seating the hoilers, this explosion may be conjeotnred. The however, told us that the boiler head Is made of oast iron, and bears the mark of an old crack on the rim whore it was severed from the main boiler. The explosion is of a enrioos character, ioo boiler-head is driven out only from the upper part, and doubled over in its centre, having the ap peaiwaoa of ,* circular book-cover half closed. When the explosion took place this boiter-head was only partly bent over* consequently the steam and water eeoaped- upwards fa great force, and* broke the floor of the saloon and damaged some of tho state rooms. As the steam and water gained egress, the pressure against the hoilet-bead caused Itto fall over ns already described, and then tho steam and water took a horizontal course, dashing in the greatest fury aft over the cotton bales, where some forty-five persons, deck passengers'and all hands, all Irishmen, wore sleeping, from Mr. Johnson, a passenger, we learn that on Wednesday night afclli o’clock, the after head of the bolter above described blew oat, pswirg, with its contents, (steam and water,) entirely through the engine rooms, killing the second engi neer and the striker, both of whom were on watch, and also killing some thirty or forty dock hands and passengers, also badly wounding fifty or sixty None of the cabin passengers were injured ex cept Mr. Lohmac, be having his right hand slight ly wounded. ...... The officers all escaped without injury. The.barber, oerd the Hill, badly scalded. It was a melancholy spectacle to behold the whole oahiirof tho HtifiUewn with the wounded, dead, and drisg, and every person os board endeavoring to do his utmost to .relieve jthe suffering of the un fortunate. ‘ ' Not ft female was hurt on board. Tho dead bodies made an exhibition beyond do-, ooripttoa. Each body was stripped, placed on* a palletj wad laid out on tho saloon deck andooverea «Uh sheets. . • ■ Some ot the bodies were entirely skinned, and 'present a horrible sight, like highly colored In dians. Others are stripped of skin Iu various parts, peeeantiog e/earful appearance. , Lutnfgkt we visited the Charity Hospital, and found that one of‘the sufferers had breathed his last, dying in oxoeesiv* agony The others in the hospital, some of whose names are ascertained to ba John Maily, Patriok Parle, John Backet, are doing as .wall at it is possible undertheft painful condition; stiU, one of them may xjot live during the night. The the Bill is trifling compared with tfc« Imv of lift, and beyond the boiler and tbe *meii destruction to the saloon floor, she Is scarcely Injured* AU*9& THU DEAD AND WOUNDED ABE : aidtxm k, etnker. (on watch* killed; James He nning, *d engineer. (d0.,1 badly resided; nT)ony. fireman, dead; kdwaTd fireman.dead: rat Honebers, fireman, dead: Kobort Diamonds* fireman, dead; Henry Hacen, fireman, scalded; Kike Wright, fireman, scalded; Pat ICcron fireman, softUled; James Bleok- fireman, scalded; Stephen Graf, fireman. Molded J Owen MoCann, fire man; dead ; Peter HaliW, fireman,; P*tGo/ae. fi roman, dead; Do wm Wslecb, fireman, soalded; Barney Caulin, fireman, dead; Pat Higgins, fireman, deed; Chris Toole, fireman.'dead ; Jno. drown, fire man, scalded; Pat O’Brien, fireman, dead: Brady, deck-sweep, scalded; Henry Foster, barber, sUgfiily .scalded. . gwifca Ugjv Kind op ArLE-hox.~At a recent meeting, the joititutiqa of Moobanical Engineers, held at Eit&sgham, England, an axle-box w** do* joribadVin tf&ioh water only is used for fabrioa iton. The bog is the invention of M. Aerts, a Bel gian ADgfaeer iGd (fie end of the axle a cast-iron Sloe Uxfirmlr fixed, Snd works in a reservoir of crater- Whan the oar moves, tho disc turning round with the sale, raises tho water with the centrifugal forec of its rotation Into the upper part of the axle-box, where It Is caught by a brass scraper, discharged into an Inclined spout, which conducts it directly over ihe axles, and thus lubricates the betring completely and continpously. The labri cationthus commences as'soon as the-oar i* in mo tion, and the qqaptitv of, water, lubricating the bearing Is - increased In proportion to the velocity of rotation, einee the frrtor the dise turns the greater is tbe quantity Of water carried up with it. The brass bearing and the axle are greased to pre vent' oxidization, and a greare box is attached to be in readiness if anything interferes with the arerklng of the apparatus. - * •This system of fabrication* has been tried ob dwooClhe leading English railroads. The boxes at operas, After running ten thousand miles, were -found not W Mve loti any weight, while brasses .greased in ordinary manner—the English •never use oil os axle Journals —had lost six and a 'half ounces In weight under the same service. Che water boxes bad i»n seven thousand miles without being replenished vltk water. Not only is the of oil and grease sovAd, byt the ab senee of wean.ia the boxes shows that tta fnotion is th!* with cfeu*. >» >W ffiod««f JahriwUOß i. .toted to hav. beon applied, with a taeetvm result to shafting —Cincinnati Gazette. - " Wiab or Ritiwar CAB-lVßsats.—An enrai n*Uoa made last year, os the Seeding Railroad, in Xnetand, avowed that, of all the Wheels In nte on all description* of oaro alnoe 1852, tiro average v,4 Imb that of 58 891 caller before tbs wheel* were renewed. The life of the wheel* under the peSMOger care wo* aeoertained to be 117,700 milee, a feet which notonlyahow* the mperlority of the wheel* Biel under peesenger cam, aa com var*3 with thoco under freight aud coal car*, out alio the advantage of good under the ptasenger oars being moon the eeriest on the road. The ao»l trains bare been run »t from 8 to 1J miles an hour, the passenger trains at from 25 to 46 miles. The remits as to wear, ware carefully .ascertained, and ara of value to other railroad .companies. . ■ Ax Ou> Shcskastee Gone. —On Friday doming, Silas Holmes, one of the otdeet end wealthiest shipmasters of NevrTotk, died at Beat Greenwich, Rhode Island, whore he had been gtaaring the emamer. Ho began life as a sailor before the suit, and worked bis cay up till, in 1818, be was appointed to tbe eommosd of the ehip RemiUema, The vessel was lost some tpo veara afterwards, and Captain Holmes then built a vessel of hi* own, with whleb he made trip* to New Orleans. Hi* daring. amounted to reohless nesa in the sailing of hit veaiel, created troubles between himself and the underwriters, which Snelly induced him to abandon aotlve service on tho *es. Ho than—in 1828—entered into business as a shipping merchant In 1887 he auspended, inrt subsequently, peld his creditors in full. He was tatareeted in various railroads and canal*. ■Mid'ii the time or his death was worth nearly ■s3o#,w>9.' ___ Withix » Short time past, says tho Chicago “Ttlbune* a yeung man namod Joseph Nash, freight agent of tbe Michigan Southern Railroad to this ally, has found a pressing oall for his pre sence elsewhere, and hss left his relatlons to the oomnacy under a olottd, of wtaieh enough la known to tndSsfe that from *17,000 to *20.000 ha* got transferred }»tbe wrong tide of the column. Mr. Naeh. herhad a salary of *lOO per mouth, enaegb to live on In a q.niet wey. He has managed, how evor m tho mod SI.M P" «Bl|‘ great way, and eovO.’ very much mrfaoe. He wat what is called fast, end that, io a city, costs mosey. • - - _ A Note from J. iJf* McKim. tfniTo*of Twn Pmil-®rf I haw no Jontro versy with 50a nor any farther o.lspote with year reporter; nor would I add another word on • sub ject which I am wre must, by thla time, be a* die tMtefal to job » It la unpleasant to mjttlf, wen it not for a eard which appeared in your colamoe of yesterday, obliging me either to eubmlt In ailenoe to an Impeachment of Tenuity, or say a few words In reply. I choose the latter as the least disagrees!) • alternative, end without further words prooeed lo 4lr . That I h«7« jnst returned from -Kenuett 'Square, whither I had gone to make inquiries on Sis sobjtot ; that I learned there that many, if not most, of the signers of the card referred to were smbnown to the oldest inhabitants of the place; that several of them were quite.young boys going to school, and that at least two of them had not heard the speech In laid to whl>oh «“y testified. I called on Mr. Chandler, whose name heads the list, and ho asndidly ad mitted that he had read hastily the report whloh be'afirms to be correct; that he had signed too paper by request ; and that he ha 4 never sesn Mr. Purvis ’ note, the truthfulness of whloh the card bearing, his signature to positively denies! A called •also on tile gentleman understood to be the author of thecard, and he, with equal candor, ad mitted that he did not remember whether the lan guage ascribed in , The Preee to Mr. Purvis was the precise langnago used by that gentleman or; BOi: and added that the report, so far as it con cerned hißWOlf, (for he, the reputed antbor of tbo oJJd. had been a speaher also at tbo moeungi was entirely incorrect, and misrepresented his lan guage Msspirit, and his sentiments! ®How, I submit, these things boing so, and they Will I»t be denied, Ibnt Iho case stands jost where it dKS' before this Kennott Square card appearod, and there, so far ns The Press lscomernea.l™ wilting to leave it. J- M- McKin. CITY ITEMS. Gdtrds'* tEOrrMS.—The time for procuring tiokets to hoar tUur otoiuent ohampion of Temperance* .♦the Aoedetny of.Mn.lo, onTueiday and Thur.dir evenings of neat- .week,' in, fast drawing to a close- It haabeenpoeititreirdeoided notto .ell one ticket more th«n there are eeate to accommodate, and unlaw tiokoti arc therefore suMhwed in advanea. many will neoes *o thereon the evonmaor lie leetura.nnd »om» uvay duappolnted. et * advertisement ln another oolamti., ,' Not AT»*ot* n B,r *«<“ -inwitioss or Dxs- TTutaa —Throughout the whole of ye.terday, while our freemen wete generally walking up to the poll, under a olta autumn "hr and duelling their ballot. Tor the their ohoiee, theit wives and daughter. Ste^eje^dggwaaag SSm of beauty and rwhion everywhere toS humor, good tuto. andl gpod aunouuoe mnhe.l-, SSSSSJWi awrtOaw <#** *>■« |Hiu»*WW Empbm-—W» l«ant fro* the iPTMiient of tHe K.W Kp.iand Booietr, Dr. B. Frank Palmed tnat Mr. F«»h»r ha. aMtoted an in vitation to deliver the oration on the ocouion of tho next aamverwrr. The fertival will he « Concert Ha 1, on Friday evenins. December 11. and will, we debt not, be a ioyoue and intore.tlnaoooa.lmi. The is in a flournbin* condition. Wo notice on tho list of its offioersand private members toe names of many prominent citizens. Frbbhsn, to the Polls ! —To tho polU, freomeu! to the polls J and buy yemrsarmenta attha Brown-Stone C.otbinr Halt of RookfcUt & Wilson. Nos. 603 snd 605 Chostuat street, above Sixth'. Vote early! and buy your pannentß at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Sc WiUon, Nos. 603and6C5Obestnut street, above Sixth Vote! Save your country! Vote for Lincoln 5 Vote for Sell! Vote for Breoiiundge! Vote forDouelaa! V>xet oise the right of a freeman, and vote for anybody or^ 0 ’ body ; but buy your garments at the Brown-Stone Clo thing Hall ofHookhill lb Wilson* No«» «3 and 60$ Chest nut street, above Sixth. Da Eight.— lll A man that has a soul worth six pence mast have enemies.” It is utterly impossible or the best man to please the world, and tbe *°° ne * "" ~ understood, end a position taken in view of the I“®»» better. Do right, though you h.v. mtolm. Vottoanuot .nonce them by doing wrong ; und It i. 1>“* 0 *“ barter away your honor and integrity. * J 1 * J l ™?. •olf of moral oourano to gain-nothing. HeiteJ tho truth, frown down alt oppmition, and rejoice in Iho feeling whioh mu.t mtpire a free and, olovbod in tbo beautiful «,d^MMonable, otyU. of Gran ville Ntokea.the celebrated olothier. No. 607 Chestnut street, who presents to eaoh purohsser a valuable gift KINANCIAI; ANl> COMJttKKCIAJL The Money Market* Philadelphia, November 6, 1860. There were no ob&ngea of Dote in the prices of atooks at the Board to-day. Bohemian is moving again, 100 shares having been sold for 8 cosh, and 100 at 8$; seller 30 days. The money market Is well supplied with oapiUl for first-class paper, hat holders keep back from anything not of the heat character. The bank dividends are declared as follows : Hate of die- Am’t or coant. discount, fi per cent. 890,000 4 ** 80,001 3>* “ 29, 435 0 «* 40,000 6 “ 25 m 12,600 13, 14, COO 20,930 22&6 12,600 43.760 6,r00 gore 16.184 B>M C. 474 0.274 Beaks. Capita). Philadelphia. Farm. & Meoh.... 2.000,000 Corarooroial.—B4l,4oo Mechanics......... 900.000 Worth. Liberties.. JW.OQO ■''oatbwnrlf.,....... 250.000 Kensington..-.. 350,000 Fenn'ioWnship...- MO.OOP 4lB 000 Man. & Mechanics' 670,180 Cawmer0e......... S»J£O Girard —,, 1,250 00# Tradesmen’*....- - -|6O,QUQ Conso'idafcon 967 660 City— 4S.BM 280,220 Coni Exchange..- J 81.490 Union....- JOO.UO ' Total 3*0,803.48) $452,765 The following turnpike-company dividends are annonnoed: Chestnut Hill and Spring House, li per cent. Cheltenham and Willow Grove, 3 “ “ Germantown and FeTklowen, - The New York Bank statement is In strong oon. trast with that of the Philadelphia institutions. It presents in the aggregate the following changes from the previous weekly statement of October 27 : Increase of Loans 81£71 9£B Deoresse in Specie j<»w» laor«a«e of Circulation-.—..,.•„ 306 120 Increase of Undrawn .Deposits. ),§13,904 ; A note from the oflioe of Dmlay £ Bioknell’s ‘Counterfeit Detector styS ! “The counterfeit fives on the Western Bank o‘ this olty, which have juit been pat into oircala lion, ate an exceedingly close imitation of the genuine; the most perceptible difference is in Jibe shading of the words Tveetem Battl, and Ihve DollarP. In the spurious it is heavier than in the genuine; the dgnatnre of the cashier os the spu* rions lb engraved, and the paper is poor, and of a , smoky hue; bat this, in all probability, is one of the tricks of the counterfeiters, in order to get it 'described as snob, mid then to flood the country with notes on paper equal to tbe genuine, <’ibe only peouiity the public at large have is to refuse, for the present, all on the bank.” The .New Fork Post, of fact ev/anfng, says •' “ The stock msrket is rapidly regaining its elas ticity and strength, and the founding of the dis union gong has ceased to exert an influence The dealings to day are marked by decided baoyinoy, and tbe tnooess of the Republican ticket is the Chief topic of the market. Every department of tbo list responds to this feeling, and tpeoul&tive shares are it! per cent, better, and in some oases 2 percept. “ The* bond list is again active and firm, and, With one or two exceptions, the State stocks arc materially higher. The Urgent advance is iu Virginia 6s, which commenced this morning at 904 and steadily advanced to 92, and that bid for more, making a recovery of eight per cent, from Ahb low point of Hst week. Missouri roso 1 per cont, and Government 5s of 16/4 \ percent. Ten nessces remain dull at 87*87^. ,“ Tae market closes strong. Non York Central, 881684; Erie, 381a34; Harlem, 17in175; Read ing,43i*42! “ The movement in Michigan Southern con* tinues. - The guarantied sold since the board at 42, and the old at 18. “The Western stocks close firm, influenced by the favorable traffic returns. Galena Is 725*73; Toledo, 354*35|; Bock Island, 654&641; Illinois Central, 74; Michigan Central, 64a64j. “ Cleveland, Columbus, and Cinolnnail sold at 24, which is lower. Milwaukee and Mississippi is 12iaie “ Pacific Mail is scarce; 93 is bid, 94 asked. A small lot of spld at 124 “ The coal stooks are dull. "Delaware and Hud' sou 94}b944, Pennsylvania 80ja8l ** For Third-avenue Railroad 2fto is bid, for Sixth-avenue 140. Second-avenue is offered £jt 200, with .09} bid. “ The new federal loan is dull at 100*1004- The sixes of 1,882 arc,quoted at 101Ial03. - “The ra/froad bonds are flrm, with few offering at cur .quotation*. The issues of. the Michigan Southern arc giuob better. “The mopey ipafket is freely on cal! at fijafi per sent. Paper, hQWpyer 3 Is difficult of cegotiatlon T and only best go nitride of bank at 7 per cent. Philadelphia Stock Mcheiur' Aspokrxz) nr B. E. Slatmaibb, Merobants’ Exchange EISST I MOO City R6b io» ; j»a 1060 Elmira 75... StOOCityßg.,. BOARD' 1 Gr & Coats*. «CJie»ierV&J„.. l Y, ICO Reading -2i»* iOO do - — Wi 6Cfttawißßttßpref 14 gl'enna v m » 40.„. caah39,'^ 2&Elnur*co& 7)i r BOARS#. 144 C&tAWUsaR 000 4 H [ 6 Girard Bk 4s>S BECOND BOARD. 60 hong Island.. 1 t?£ 60 do. i lib 2oUirr*!r.'i-.-^s3i MO Elmira 8 60 do—. 8 81 Cam & Am.. 128 6 do, t 6 S2S 12 Minomi).,— «* 34 do -.6* B.MX for extra, for family, end $f BUtftfW for fanny, lota. »s to /quality. Rye FUmr is ediet at $4 25, and Panasrlraiua flora Meal at BKO chi J Wheat.—There 1* not much demand j sales include 5,000«6,000 bus.atJM®UOoforiU3Qd.toprime Western and Pennsylvania red: 1410 for common fifcutherp,' 1370 fornnroe do $ and from ISO no to 148 c for cnrapum to gooa end prime white. Mr* {* steady, at 740 for Southern.and 783 for Pennsylvania, with email sales. Corn is unobanged, but the demand is limited, and 4 000 bus sold, at 720 for prime Pennsylvania end Southern yellow afloat, including some slight!? mixed with new at- 710. and inferior at 70c. Oat* are doll, with ea e* of 9,000 bus Southern* at tuKa&o afloat, and 800 bus Penn syivepia, at 86*0 Barley is dull, and a small sale of sr JB« is steady at ton. Cottox.—' The m&TJtpt is quiet to-day, and a few small sates only are reported, at Brevfous rate*. Gbocbbixs amp is no change, and bat little doing in the, way of spies. “ Skxps.— There is* fond demand for CJoveraefd, aua about 000 bus sold at 8009.25 IP bus. the latter for prtSe/ofTimotby,l.oQobus soliat 8192 K. Flaxseed ttad; 200 bbta Penna sojd - fit 230, prime Ohio* at at and hhds 22®32K0 V gallon. Fhiladejph: Hew York Markets Yester/Jay. Asnst.—Tfaa market ia steady* with small galea ax £5.25 for pots and pearl*. . . _ ... FLOUR.-Tbe marketii doll andscarcely bo firm, with receipt# of 53.«0 bble, and sales of 7/00 bbla. at JMO» 550 for superfine State; 95W«5 6u for extra state. f«M«s.ooior ronnd-hoppOhio; 95ioapso forauDer fine Western, and 95.05&586 for extrado. Southern Fiour ta dull, with aalea of 400 bbla at 95,9)06 tor mixed to good, and 95 6 ta7.76 tor hoar ana extra. Common Flour ia quiet, with aalea of 830bblaat8fi,80©TtQ for e^J»AiN.— The Wheat msrketia dull and so&rcely so firm, with transactions quite limited. Corn isjufec and without striking ohanie, with reoeipta of 83,00 poshels, and aalea of ».fcO bushels, at 71®720 lor mixed Western. Oata are dull and unchanged. at M©S*o foV Southern and Jersey, and S7«rSBo for North ern and Western. « . « Pbo vision*.—Tha Pork market ia unchanged, with small aalea. at 910 for mess, and for Snnie. Beef is dull and unchanged, with small aalea. ut Meats are UdU. with araail sales, at ShJ o for Ghoul dors, end ll)£o for Hams Bacon is onjet. Lard ia dull. w;th email aalea. at 13K©150 for bbla. Butter ia UTiohansod; sales at U©]so for Ohio, and 16©310 for State. . . . ... Whisky iu nominal at tto MARINE JHTEJ.J,{HENCE. BEK FOURTH PAGE. > sftw „ ov B B Halo, from Sasua; bark Roht Fennell, from Carde nas; brig Milton, from Port an Prince; brig Edith Ann A from StMartina; brig Santiago, from Cienfuegofl; htlV Rainbow, from Fottune Island, brig Demerara, from Kemedioa. MEMORANDA., __ , Steamship Boston. Crookor, oleared at New York yea- P B/!eJfMh^p Jl ß»Ulraore , , Green, cleared at Baltimore Bate.,for Bun Fr&nciaoo,oleared R Ship*” San Francisoo, sailed from *J*R Keeler, Delano, oleared at New York jee- M Sh?p« f °Ch«i 1 0m»sne 1 Brown, for N'ewOrlear,s. andA. 'Brown, Gnrtii, for (f lae.ow, oleared at New York yes %a a r?t Boebuok,Chase.from New York lltliOot.for• *%?£ F^Snnlfc Moore, for™ New York or Bouton, w«B ‘ t ßa?k a Z»’rhV;, i 'i By) from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at M fi»rk &«ter, Atkin,, from Boeton, arrived at Mobile ’’BneVhee Edward. Shut., hence for Boeton, Bailed from Holmes’ Hole fthinst. t>kit.s«inJtia was brig cadzandria, Oomkens, for Philadelphia, pw loading &t Rotterdam 10t)»jult. .„f M j »♦ bohr M A Shropshire, Shropshire, hence, arrived a? } for Newbnryport, sailed from Holmes’ Hole sth ioefc. . « ,m | Sohr Caroline Hall. Graham, hepo* for Braintree, eld from Holmes’Hole 6th met, .. . . - „ Bohr Florida. Kelly, cleared at Near York for Fmiadeiphia. . . rBohr C H Moller, Allen, from Jacksonville, arrived at £*eam*r Sarah. Jones, henoe, arrived at New York ■ yesterday. ATtIUVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets N Davidson. N«w York JTmJ Wg. E E Cliaoo, Philadelphia P B Brmne, Eongor, mo J( P d“tliveTaPhVlatlolPlna C B Grubb & la. Lanoastor i S S^Mtt b %ISSSSSf2 r A Antonifom Poito Hioo WESohmaok, Phfla Wic Walker. New York Oapt I) B Tucker, USA Mrfsaoiot & XS OhisPmltfcla.N y Mr’woollon, Delaware Mr Howland, New l ork W M Wiley, Lanoastor Levi Her & wf. lanoaetor KLGrofffc wLLanoaatei fc 1 Fox, Easton J Maxwell Finland J M Hilliard, Ntw York John Ely, Books 00, Pa B Rush f ¥!“!? J S Green, Now York S Small A la. York. Pa John Jacobs, Philadelphia Wm *l Dayis, Pliilada Aloflee Abeoflw’e, New York J Garoia, Havana T Pinnenta, Havana G B Ulaochatd, Boston Gcq •I'jlefiae, & la, Mexico C C Bradfordf New York D E Small, York, Pa Capt Maauadm. U B A Mrs ftlaquadin Q J«naw Mickoi & vr{, Brookljn Miss Miokel. Brooklyn Mjbb Dougherty, Brooklyn J Harding, Mississippi M banderson, Mississippi J C Achoion. Virsinia Vn,t TB Holmes & la, New York Mibs Maxwell; New F Ju'lboii, New Orleans m ie» Bradlor* rrejnton Mr Dove. 'Waalunßton W Williamo, i ena a H Thomas & wf, NowV 01 k Mr Ward&wf.Penn a C B i/ivj/jgston. new York N S V-ebh, Baltimore C C MitoheH k la. N York J Carter tdaueh, Albany W Mrtohell A wf, Maryland Cißarry, Now York M N Barry, Now VoTk , W L Oarran, Now York D B Bridgman, Now York Rljays & ia, N Carolina J Hirginp, Delaware H d eiagraw, LaucMtor J Duffy. Penna Goneral Hamilton. Penna A Van Ingen, Now York V Grose. New York Maior Lauman* Penna, U M Close,, VYuslungton JL Butler, New York Adam Bowl Vermont G Lear (c son, Doyiestowu W B Wattorman, Baltlm’e A H fctervort. 2’onua Sbproule, Ppnna MrePproulo A son, Penna J Jameson, Canada F R Falconer. New York AV/ Letsenrinß, M Chunk Mast l eisenrinz, M £ “ 4 •* 3 “ 314 “ 3 11 3 “ 3 « MBROHANTB’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh. Jos H Blackburn. Pa ‘ 8C MoLanaUau, Pa T Van Duaon, Cm. O Jsmw J Kerr, Pa Jas M McGluro, Xenia, O L Clapp, Massaonpsette J h Bonder, Easton, Pa 8 J BergeT. Bath, Peuua John w Bameß,Ba f h.Pa J A Jones a la, Eastun Peter Molntyre, Penna John Gordon, Indiana Geo Roberts. New York H Williams. Now York M Gwymu New York John J Stepbeus, N Yoik 0 Nelson, Ohio 1 ? Turnor, Pennsylvania L Martin, New> f ork I “ “ JONES * HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. M Glendenon, Pennsylvania Geo G Sewall, Maryland FjGrimke Charleston B Breneman. Lancaster wai Binehflo, Jjamsburg John L MoAlter,Maryland Joseph Bmj'ho Jas Frost, Charleston Jos Rnox. Charlegton J ess's G Cummins, Pa Thos Forsyth,Pennsylvania J J Gutlme, L 8N A Lmthioum, Jr, Mil a Jaokson, New York W CMuligcn, New Jersey ST. LOUlS,HOTEL—Chestnnt’street, above Third, J G Staley, Chester, Pa GB Darlington Chester, Pa Mr WoTrell. Penna YVntflteveas & la, N J Thoo H Peters, PfliJ K H Butler, Maryland F Terry, Charleston G lifl illett. Charleston 15 T Robbins, Cin, Ohio A Spencer, Penna C Wildes. Delaware LPnjton, Penna Mrs II A Dennis, Lancaster C Packer & la, Cm, Ohio C R Cook, Maryland TY P Seymour k la, Phil Louis Raymond, Delaware 8 Mose y, W»m, Del THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. D Coldwell, Virginia John Ashton, Jr,,Phila chas Kierholzer, Pa Thos Spenoer, Pittsburg Edw* rd Dari?, Pa E Baker, Pennsy Ivania E 8 Hawley, PhcatnixviUe G Saylqr, Pennsylvania Wm Kerper, Rendme J D Bright. Ohio Chas Wntman. Virginia D Eppjey. Hatrisburg A W Remy, aiansfiold, O HRWaddel Ohio fl CaMvd'l. Ohio Geo Goodwine, Ohio Mrs Werner, Trenton, N J MissWeroer.TrentqnrHJ John Bisrr, Pennsylvania DEW Mamcs. N Jorsey Jonas Smith Miss Margaret Smith .BTATES UNlON—Market street, abovo Pixth. W T Grosn, Feadinr Mr Dublicg. Maryland Henry Allen, Dordentown Thnn Johnston* Penna J} Fitssimona, Maryland Jrs Campbell, Aboona W M Johnson, Johnstown Sami Brown* Bedford Geo W Austin, 8t Louia O It Paasmore, bt Louis BA Dunham. Pleavantvillo Wrn Diller, Lasoaatcr Geo L Plitt, Pittsburg J K John, Sato Harbor H G Thomas, Coatesville E F Llojrt. PlolhrubuTK Riehd Atherton, Phillipeha. J S Dellett, Columbia BFM ilier & son, Bloomfield COMMERCIAL st., above Chestnut, JogE Leib, South Carolina Jfl Jeffries. W Chester V•» Stovar, Cumberland co Luuts Jinurio, Franklmco J Vanderßhoe, Plimnixy lie Jos Loist, Jlarnsbur,'. L Preston, Kenndtt Square S ilsreer, h ennett Square C RWay.Kennett Square Maris Freed, Fmrvjlie,, C 8 t*reud* Fmrvillo John Spencer, Blue 801 l W Bvenocr, Blue Bell, Pa D Humes, Ohostoroo J Bj!°y» Reading NATIONAL HOTEL—Raos street, above Third J B G»flcn,Quakertown Wm lieilaer. Mismokin Ham) H Shannon, Sob nav Weigley, Pottsvillo Thos N York J O Bank. Pittsburg Wm Q Howard. York C H King tc la, Danvillo C 6 Thomas, Jonesvilfo John Poarson, Armstroaß *E'G Jardine ti wf. N York John B Markloy. Lano P 0 Higgins, Beading "Wm H Clark, All’ion C W Bates. OhceGuit Hil{ A H Cvrmanr k fa, Pit D Oliver, Trsmont E u Hun.itoy,Djrry, Pa Joe) Ritter, Reading MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Third street, üb. CflllowhiU, WmW Kelley,Vermont L K Wright.Millfdgeville Mrs Borer, Nazareth, Fa Jos Hodgron, Philadelphia Wm Yoagor, Allentown Jonn Penrose, Bucks oo Henry Bitting. Allentown H IJiletiriMr. bhanipkin hi K Kroider k la. Leb co John Graeff &eon,Lebco John A Ltvht, Lebanon oo Mrs Brecht, Fasten Mrs Rile. Eaiton John Paine, Lebanon co John Alatjerds. i ebanon co J M Bowman, Lebanon oo BLACK BEAK—Third street, above CaPowlnll. Harrison Utt, Scutli Easton Mrs Utt. goulh. Faston H 8 Rojex, Ulney , Wm Hamer, ronneburff John Keren, Pennsburg Paml W Alil'or. Bernville UKitchen, mtton,. Taut iß«.Lnhiitka ' Hon David Davis, Ponna Jos B Conrad, kemvulo Jl GtofT, Bernville BALD EAGLE—I bird street, above Callowhiii. II J Steokel, Allentown ’ EA Steoke}, Allentown T 8 Leisenrine, Harrisburg Mrs Dreher. fetroudsburg J Wplf, MraWo f. Pennsylvania faphtßr F Wpftiyfifi nj. Nktharl Wolf, Montg oo FOUNTAIN llUTiiL—Fpcond street, abovp Market. Paul K Cohen, Now York G W Owen, Npw Yo;k G W Karsner, Delaware Geo W Russutn, Maryland Albert Gullet, Maryland t W W Vhimmer, N J Geo W Kugler, Maty land F MoGear, New Jersey CM Gager, New Jereey MT. VERNON HOTEL-Seoond street, above Arch* T K Lukens. Montgy co, V& Jon Thompson, Driuto! Jolin a btcel, Lancaster S Bordman, Lancaster James Doak B *• Brooker. Jr.Balumoie H NeviJl. Baltimore M Boidler, ReadinK Qeo Zimmerman* Boston BARLEY BHEAF~Second stjon, below Vir.e. HC Flicker, Milton, Ponna Mise H Rough, Phil ilev J lielvillo, Hartavtiio Tlio TJ Linton. Newtown j)r A C Stiles, New Jersey Jb. N M les, Bucks co, Pa GeoShottrof, Penna SPECIAL, NOTICES 9 imoAT and Lung Disuasks —Any form of disease of the Breathing Or* nns are at once relieved and permanently oured by the use of D*L J. JL STAF FORD’S OLIVE TAR AND IRJN AND SULPHUR POWDERS advortisod m this paper. The Olive Tar infuses Magnetism or vitality, which is retained and doused through the system by the action of the Iron and Sulphur Powders upon tho Blood. The Iron retains the vital oj- Ufe-giving forces in Qie circulation, and the combined SuJphyrconyerjs its a nsfe or worn- out partt oles into gates, which OTS osppljod from the t>odj; through tho pores. Bend for a Pamphlet. Sold bjraU Druggists, and by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. 003-tf Hair Dye! llaik Dye! ’—Batchelor’s LIQUID HAIR DYE is the anginal and best in the market. All other* are mere imitations, and should lie avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. Splendid Black or beautiiut Brown instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has Che signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steol-plato cn gravinc on four sides of pach box. J3etcare of Counterfeit i. Manufactory, 81 Barclay street, late 233 Broadway, New York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, noB-iy Proprietor. Saving Fbnd—National Safety Trust Company.—Chnrtorfld by tho State of Pennsylvania. J. Mpl>ey i§ rpc.eivcd every day, and in any amount, urge or small. 1. FIVE PER CENT, interest J* b&id fiqjn the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid baok in GOLD whenever t is oalled lor, and without notice. 4, Money is recoived from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, m large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. fi. The money reooived from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other fiTet ol&ss sajuritioc. 8, Office open every day—AT,NUTStreet, southwest oornor Third street. Philadelphia. ja!2 Ln.tiß’s New Cabinet Safe, the most elegant picco of furniture, and tho only thoroughly Arc and &F*g* ar P ro °f Ba^e yet offered to housekeepers for the proteotion of Plate, Jewelry, &o. Please examine a sample now at my depot, 71H CIIF.BTNUT street, under Masonic Hail, Philadelphia. M. C SADLER* Agent. noS-B&wtf .One Price Olotbino op the Latest BJYI-B.tmsde In tlin best manner, expresslT for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST sslline prices markoil In Plain Figures, AlltooJsmartotooruorwarrantadoatu factory. Our ONE-PRICE nntam tar artr.plly adlrerod to. All are Ihpmh* treated alike. se2B-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street Salamander Fibe-Proof Safes—A very argo MEortmontof SALAMANDERS for aaloatrca •onaMe prices. No. 304 CHfcSTHUTSt„PMtodolplua. I U B tr Ki ANS t WAT-ON, Grover & Baker’s Celebrated * NOISELESS BEWINO MACHINES Tire Boat in Use for Family Sewing. No. T3O CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia- aujjjMT All should not fail to read the adver* iwneiit of Prof. WOOD in to-day s paper. auff-tl WALCOTT—DAVIBON.—On the Ist instant, !>y Rev. Dr. fctowait, Charles 8. Walcott to Mies Hepriettoß. COLL?NB? In Marmrunk, on Sept. 16 1860, by Hev. A. Culver, Mr. John Beddis to Mies Elizabeth C l!E^lhl b Mnnayiink, Ootoher 1860, ny the Rev, A. Culver Mr. James Lehman to miss Barbara HiU'iian, both of MnntvyunH. _ . , GUEKN-WUUD.-June 2c. bv Rev. T. R. Johnston, Mr. Peter S. Gheot: to Miss Isabella Wood.allot tho Twenty-fourth ward. , Y , BMuH-RIDEH.-On the 4>h instant, bv Rev- M. 11. Sisty, Mr. Win. Smith to Mrs. Hannah Jtider, uu of this “'fecKHART-BCCKLES.-Hr tl e same, on the 4th inst., Mr. Jacob Beokhartto Mibs Lliznbath Ruckles, allot this city. MORRIS.—On tho evening of the 3d inetent, near Georgetown, iu the Distriotrf Columbia, at the resi dence of hta daughter, Mrs. Nourse, Anthony Morris, formerly of Philadelphia, m thoPsth year of his are. Funeral sorvioo* will be held at tho residence of h\s grandson.P- P. Morris, iB27Cließtmitßtreet,ntl2o'clocK mi Wednesday tto-day) tho 7ih 'mat., punctually. His familr end friends are invited to be present. * aCCUO.—On nov.s, i&CO, Mr. Jesse Acooo, aged 67 1 funeral on Thursday, S'h inst., at 2 o'clock P.M. * AR\iITAG K On the fitn mat, AJ rs. Sarah Arimtage, widow of the Into Shubert AnmUwe, aged 77 years. * CLMIK.—On the6th inst.. HJoanor H. Clark, daughter of John S. and Catharine Clark, in the 4th year of her from the residence of her parents, No. JCO3 Market street, this (W ednesday laitcrnntm at 2 o’olook. CLlNE.—After a long and lingering illness. Mr.Adain Cline, Aged Ql yesra. Funeral from his late residence. No 1534 state street, F.lon, wi, e of Mlflhnel Filon, aged 30 years. Funeral irom lho residence of h»r hushanil, por^heast TIIE FRESS.-FHII.ADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, iB6O. up to 12 o’omok tisr mam. jUAKHIBD DIED. oorner or Thirteenth and Christian streets, this (Wed nesday) afternoon, at 2 q clock. ECA RTLE V\—Suddenly, on the fith of November, 1800 Mr. Benjamin D.Hartley, aged 23 j ears. „ .. Funeral from Ins latejtresidenoe. No, 038 N. Eleventh streot. this (Wednesday) afternoon at 1 o’oltiok. * TAYLOR.—On the Bin mat.. Mr. JaoobTaylor, in the 82d year of his age. Funeral from hislato residence, corner of Cherry and Belgrade Gate West) streets, on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. . , , , _ WIN J) BR.—On ssoond day, 6th last., at tho house ot , J. Paul Knight, Buoks county, Rebecoa Winder, mtheflad year of her age. , ' suneral on Filth day, Bth inst., at 100 olook. YOUNG.—On Monday, November 6th, Thomas A., son of Henrv and Mary B. Young, ageq 6 years, 8 months, aud 17 days. Fnneral will take plaoe from the resiuenoo ol his father. No. ii2s Citron street, on Thursday afternoon, Bth inst., at S o’clock. . . , , ** ARMSTRONG.—On Iko 4th instant. Elisabeth Wil loughby Armstrong, diughtor ol Joseph and SnUte Ann Armstrong, agcd-3 years and 5 months. , - , Funeral from the residence of h«*r parents. Reed street, one door below Sixth, this ( Wednesday) aiter n°H?f{ftl£fL-^On the 3d instant, Catharine Heimer, in tho 79th year of her age. , w w ~/ rt Funeral from the residence of Wm. Clothier. No. IMO Otis (late Wood) street, Kensington, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook. . , . , HENBEL.—On the 2d instant, Christian Fredenok Hensel, m the Sfth year of hisa?e H . . . „ Funeral from the residence of ills brother, Np.lßio Apple street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at lo olook. IODS—A large atoclr Bombazine Alpaoas, Mohair Lustres, Sotmde Chines, AmmaUnos, Figured Poplins,. Irish Poplins,, ; Gros Gram Snks, Poult de Boies, Enghsh Silks, Patent Boiled Silks, &e. : BON, Mourning Sore, No. 91S Chestnut sweet. JgtiAOK DRESS «G Cashmeres, Merinoes, Armure Cashmeres, Velour Bops, Velour Ottomans, Bombazines, Tnmißea, Moufiselmes, Reps Anstais, Pflramauai, UMSON _ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT O TO THE LADIES. 6 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CAS>V- We extend to the Lathes, on oash purchases, at our Retail Counters, the allowance hitherto enjoyed by our Store-keeping Customers, of a PER CENT, DISCOUNT FOR CASH. TRIMMINGS, ZKPHYRB, LACES, RIBBONS, SKIRTS, CORSETS, SHAWL-BORDERS, HAIR-NETS, &c. City Railway Fares to our Establishment will be amply repaid by the indupemonts we offer in pnee, va nety, quality, and quantity. J. G. MAXWELL k SON, Manufacturing and Importing Establishment, noG-Ct S. E. cor. ELEVENTH and CHbsINUT^ i O. S. M, MINNE-HA-HA LOPGE. A Stated Meeting will bo held on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, November 7, at 7J» o’clock, precisely. A punotuni and general attendance of ail the mem bers is earnestly desired, as business of vital importance wilt be brpught jip fpr consideration. By orderof tho Grand Commander, It GEO. W. WOOD, Sectary, THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF [Lj? the Hr formed •Presbyterian Church will open iteßesaion'for 1850-CI,THIS EVENfNG, at 7#o’olook, by a Leoture from the Rev. I. N. McLEOI). p. D., in the ieoture-Room of tho First Reformed rtesujtenan Church, on BROAD Street, below Sprhoe. Subject— llie Reformed Presbyterian Church. ‘ . »t* MECILANICS' BANK, 5f Pmz.Ansr.pniA, November 6,1860. The Directors have this day deoiared a dividend of FIVE PERCENT, for the pasteix monthß, payable on tho I6fh instsnt, agreeably to tbe oharter. _ no 7 9t T. WIKGAND, Jr., Cofßier. rr?s=* THE PHILADELPHIA BANK. IL $ Novembers. 1860. m Tho Directors have this day deolared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, for the lastsix months, payable on demand. [no7 : 9t] B. B, COMEQVB, Cashiet, rSOUTHWARK BANK. T v , n' PBS CENT, for the last six months, paj able on and after the 16th inst., free of etato Tax. , „ .. no7-dt!7 W. L. BQH *FF KR, CoaVer. WESTERN BANK OF PIIILADEL !LS PHlA.’Noveinbere, laeo.-TfteDiTeotdTsofthis Ba* k have this day declared a Dividend of FI VK PFK CENT., pajahie on and after fhe I6th met. p7-)0t G. M. PBQUTMAN, Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PIIILA DELPHIA, November 6. I4WO.—‘The Direo’ors Jiavo this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the o'pital stock, payable on tho 161 U instant, qud clear olrtaii} tax, .* noV' x J, W. TQRRLY, Canhyer. COMMERCrAh BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, PHILADELPHIA. Novembers, )&». fho Board of Directors have this day deolared a semi annual Dividend of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on demand, o'ear oF Btato tax. , noMOt 8. C. PALMER, Cashier. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ IL? DANK, PHILADELPHIA,November 0. 1800- ’rho Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR t*LR CENT., payablo on demand, nottt • VJ, RUSHTON. Jr., Cashier, MANUFACTURERS’ AND MECHAN UJ? ICS’ UANK.‘ PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6, 18-50. The Uoardof Direoto^sbaveJbisdardeclared&!)!Vl- DENDof FOUR PER ClNT.outofiheprofit*or the lasUix months, payable on IhelGth inst., atreeablewith tli%Charter. M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier, nor 3t BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP, NO- VfcMßP’s 6. iB6o.—The Director»-bave de clared & Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on tbo Capi ta) fc'took for tho Inst six months, payable on demand, dfoar of B alo th*; no7-wfmflt JAMEB HUB3BLL, Cashier. rBANK OF I'HILADEL IL? PHIA, f ? Philadelphia, October 6.1860. The An'uat Election for Direotors will be hold nt tbe Barfkin£-Hotttt* on“MpUDAy.' tf.o 'Dmcfeejltb day of Novembor neat, bolveea the’hoars of 9 o’olook A. M. and S o’clock P. M. f and on TUESDAY, the sixth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders, will be held at the Banking-House, at 4 o’clock JP. M., agreeably to the charter. , _ , oc6-dtnol9 W. RUSHTON, Js., Cashier. rrs=* SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADEL- J 3 PHIA, October 9, IB6o.—The annual election tor DntPXTORS will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 29th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, be tween the hours of 10 o’olook A. M. and 2 o'clock r. M. The annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS will be held at the saino_pl«oe on TUESDAY, the Cthday of NOVEMBER NEXT, at Uo'clooK M. __ oou-titnoli? F« 4 • STEEL. Cashier. rrsr* OFFICE PKNNLYI, VANIA IIAIL IJ ROAD COMPANY. ■ „. v „ , OM Philadelphia, Octobor 17,1860. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the Capi tal Stock of the Company, dear of Stats tax, payable on and alter NOVEMBER 16. iB6O. rowers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can he had on application at the Oflioe of the Company, No. 338 South THIRD Btroet. THUS. T. FIRTH. 0018-tael Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING LJJ of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufaotnring Company will he held on THURSDAY, the J6th of NOVEMBER, at 12n* the Office of the Company, No. 131 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, 0c29*12t THUS. SPARKS, fceoretaTy. rr?»PHIU»E tPHI A JEXCIIAfrGE coin. U-JF 'PAJJYlOotoUeraf, 18C0. ,V " Tits Managerji have tj})p f|Ay deolared n Dividend of TWO DOLLAR** per share on the Capital BtooV oT the Company, payable to the Stockholders or their legal re presentativos, by the Superintendent at the Exchange, on and after the 16th of NOVEMBER. The transfer books will he otoced until that date. no2-fmwt]6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS lk3 OF THE SINKING FUND. Trkabpry Dp.pautmbnt, l ,Harrt.'burffi Ootober 24,1860. \ Notloe is hereby given, that sealed proposals for the sale of all or any part of one hundred thousand dollari of the five percent, loans of the Commonwealth o' Pennsylvania, will be received at the Treasury De partment. in the oity of Harrisburg, until 2 o’o/oot, P, M., of TUhBDAY, THE £oth PAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. the same to sat forth th? amount ofl'ered, and the prioe apkdu. To bp ‘addroßsid. i*‘ Oommission ers of Sinking Fund. Harrisburg, Pa./' endorsed “Pro posals to sell State Loans.” The b’ds will be opened and allotments nr ado to the lowest bidders on that day. WM. M. HIESTER, 8eo»y Comw’th, h U SLIFER. State Treasurer, THOS. E. COCH KAN, Aud. Gen. 0c27-tno2Q Commissionora of Sinking f und. ci t iwmMo ' IB6O. Tee holders pf (ho bopds of this Company, due July 1, 1860, pan now rpooive. upon application at this office, ip per oent. in o&sh, upon the terms specified In the circu lar attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1860, and in pursnanoe oftheoontraot,entered into by lie company and duly recorded, to carry tho same into ffeot, „,Jt: BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR, Nortel is Ui JJoJdtrs of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bends, due July j,lseo. Th 3« bonds are scoured by tho first mortgages on the road, amounting in Ul9 Qggrpgate to svsnB,4oo. The net revenue for the list'fiscal oar was six times the amount of tho annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to oxtend them for a period 0! twenty touts, the holders retaining the bonds and the aeountr of the mortgages in the precise condition in vrhioh they aro now hold. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yonrly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per oent. will bo given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. Thii bonus will bo paid in cakh to (he hearers of the bonds, on their signing a reoeitt ohd presenting their respec tive bonds at the offipe bfUie Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of reoeipt and endorsement will b» luTnJehsd p« application. ‘ By order of the Board of Manager*. mVtf W-H* MpILBENNY. fiecrelarv. RETAIL DBY GOODS. jqpriSE-FUBNISHING DHY GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. No. 102» CHESTNUT STREET, Invito the attention of pprehnsors to their stock—tho largest in the oity—of the moat reliable description of SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, TABLfI-CLOTilg, NANvINB, TOWELS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, TABLE-COVERS, DIAPERS, DAMASKS, HUCKABACKS, &0., &o. All of whioh will be sold at importers' prices. N. B.—Printed Catalogues of our stock furnished to all who require them. 0031-we4t i^LOAKS.—The OITY OLOAIC STORE, 142 North EIGHTH. Every one is talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the now CLOAK STORE, 142 Norlli EIGHTH Street, CLOAKS. —Tf you want tho best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. CLOAKS. —Tho OITY OLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH, is said to bo the best and cheapest store in the oity 0013-tm “WEST uF ENGLAND” TOILET f V 80AgS.—A large assortment, including some _ —— nevr varieties, on hand and for sale bjtUe agept?, CLOAKS. — A magnillpitiit assortment of nnT . t% , 552 Bmh FROM Strok oil tiia newest styles impoTlsd this eeapon, with - ■ ~ —-—-——- —" oVBry naw material, mad, up arid trimmed in tha very VS/HALE OIL. 6,500 gallons extra ham maimer, at wieealfcit defy all competition, at the f f lileaolieil Palm Oil, 7,800 saltoas onide wtialo Par a cioalc lto», northaaat corner of EIGHTH and Oil, lor Bale by■SOW JAY, ABHSuitHKll, & Cp..No. ■VPAfiKUT Btreaja. °P” Ini P Bfmth >V)iaive«. . . KETAII. DRY GOODS, QI.OTHINa GOOJOH. ITALIAN CLOTHS. ALPACAB. SPANISH, BLAY, AMD BI.OUBE PLAIN AND FANC BUCKS AND DRILLS. NOVIK STORE, AND 7oR SALE UY QrEO. D. PARRISH, nowm Sl9 CHESTNUT Streot, EW CI.OAKB. KACQDES, BASQUES. PALETOTS, LAI3LES’ FURS. OPENING every morning-. PARIS MANTILLA CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT ST BEET. THE LARGEST CHOICEST STOCK. fN THESE SPECIALTIES, TO SB POUND IN TUB CITY J. W. PROCTOR & CO. NO. 708 CHESTNUT STItEET. E. & F. 8 00. S. \V. C. E. & c. LINEB TO B, kL. Some folks originate, . While others imitate, ocH-tf ' E. & E. FOURTH AND AROH. rLACfI FOR SffAWLS, pqß CLQ4KS, PLACE FOB SILIJS, PLACE FOB MEBINOES, PLACE FOB POPLINS, PLACE FOR DE LAINES, PLACE FOB BLANKETS, PLACE POE CLOTHS, PLACE FQB NAPKINS, PLACE FOB SHEETINGS, PLAOE FOB PIANO COVERS, PLAOE FOR EVERYTHING. ooJ9-mw« tf NDIA SHAWLS, VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTH CLOAKS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS COOPS, in great variety and cjiojoo selections, at GEORGE FRYER’S, No. 910 CHESTNUT STREET. OCIB-tf LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. STABLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR "WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTINGS. CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. RBrHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSONVS TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Coper EIGHTH" ond CHERRY Streets. 009-tN3B £JLOAKS. —Tho greatest bargains m the °“ TBt IVJBNS’. CLOAKS,—The largest stock, the beat assortment, the ohoioest colors, the finest qualities, the moat superb trimmings, the newest styles, the beat work, and deci dedly the lowest prioea m tho city, at IV.K3YS', fiS South IjINTH Stfffft, obia-lm ’ f*TE W LINENSTOKE. .The advantage of twenty years’ experience in the Linen dißtnots of Ireland, and in some of the prin cipal Lmon Importing Houses here, enables the sub to Bell at the lowest pnoea.wholesals and retail, CAUTION.—Cotton Mixtures, in imitation of every description of Linen Goods, are extensively sold as Linen, the counterfeit being so good as to deooive ordi nary judges. Hence the oomplaint that Linen does not i&steoloag as formerly, All goods m this store warranted Genuine Linen. No. 1309 CHESTNUT Street, near the Mintfpiiita* delplua. no7-3f nhHOKNLEY & CHISM'S! ! I A One Dollar Silks for 750.! " Itaihtf Twenty-fivc'cent Silks for @I!J foliar Kifty-oftnt Silks fob 81.251 |! ' B^ a £fesifT N 6 WIj for ,!1 Lang Broohft Shawls, Excellent. for 38. Lon? Brooho Shawls. Superior, for 310 to $l2. Loneßroohe Shawls, Very line, for $l4, @l6, $lB, and @2O, NEW CLOAK ROOM 11! _ Beautiful Cloaks for @6. ~, Pine Beaver Cloaks for ©7.88, @9, and @lO. Jhohiy and Elegantly ‘Trimmed lor @32, @l6, @lB, ©2O, and @26. _Arnb Cloaks, Zouave Jackets, Black and Fanoy Clothe, &o.» Ao „ , BERT BLACK BILKS! 11 Good Quality Blaok Silks, will wearwell, for @l. Heavy Blaok Silks. Black Figured Silks. Ac,, Ac. . , _ MKN*B ANI) BOYS’ WEAR!!! A Largp Stock of Clothe. ' ’ ’ A Large Btook of Caijnmerea, Battinetta, A Vestings. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and Muslins. „ „ „ „ At THOKNLEY A CHISM'S, N.E. Corner EIGHTH to SPKING GARDEN Sts. N, B.—Every article bought for cash. ttol T7«YRE & LANDELL, No. 400 ARCH ■*-4 Street, ICO lots Auotion Goods. Meunoes, Shawls, Silks, Delaines, and Cashmeres. (T4YSTER STYLE RIOH PRINTED OO vr BURGS. Bouquet Coburg*. > Clam style Coburgs, no, EYKE £ LAN r Dt, ; LL?4OO i; AHCH Blmet. {CLOTHS FOB MEN’S OVERCOATS.- 6-4 Black Doeskins. Heavy Heave' Cloths, velvet Frosted Beavers „ o*4 Browns lor Friends. 005 EYKE & LAND ELL, 400 ARCH MreeL CHILDREN’S SHAWLS. \J Bright Scotch Plaids, and Medium Colorihgs, fine Wool, Long and Square, for girls. Children’s Stellas, ana Bordered Cashmere Shawls. no 2 BHARPLESS BROTHERS. Black india satins. Superior quality India Sating, ' White and Colored India Pongees. Black and Colored Irish Poplins, ‘ ‘ lmportbd by no* BHARPLEBB BROTHERB. French poplins. A REW CHOICE STALES AT THE RIGHT Lupin’s French ATerijioes, at the right prices. * Figurod Wool Pelomoa end Caihroeros. Valencias, Plaids, Figured Alpacas. Children's Delaines and Wool Plaids. , BLACK DRESS GOODS. Auction lots Frenoh Mermoes, 66 cents to 91. “ “ Wool Delaines, SO to 60 cents. “ “ 6-4soblmie quality, @1.25, ♦ “ “ Bombazines and Alpaoas. “ “ Amolines, Fg’d Alpacas, Reps. " “ Blaok Silks, Coburg, *o. COOPER & CONAKD. oclS Southeast cor. NINTH and MARKET. |j?ALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all A-' the new shapes, ready mado or MADE TO ORDER. First-oiass work at popular prioos. Every garment guarantied to fit and please. Olothsby.the yard or piece, of just the right kinds for Ladies’, Mibbob’ and Boys’wear. - COtfPER & CONAKD. ooljl Southeast cor. NINTH and MARKET. «£ • VEGETABLE ROOT CUTTER, «£= warranted to out from one to two bushels of roots per minute, for Bale by r M . rnnr , m „ . * D. LANORKTH & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouse. N 05.21 Sc 23 South SIXTH Street, It Between Chestnut and Market streets,^ rn CORN SHELLERS. HAY, STRAW, and Fodder Cutters, Grain Fods, Horse-powers and Threshing Machines, Ploughs, HarroWß, Farmers’ Boilers, Field Rollers, Corn, Cob, and Grain Mills, &0., for Bale by D. LANDRETH & SON, Implement and Seed Warehouse. It Noa. 31 and 23 South BIXTH St., Philada, rjT WENT Y-F OUR SMALL PHOTO- A graphs, BUitablo for Visiting Cards, for @1.60. Ainbrotypes and Photographs, all Buses and prloeß, at REIMEK'S Photofrophio Gallery,.t»l7 Norlh SECOND Street, above GREEN, it' rpHE YOUNG GENTLEMAN who picked JL up,onf'ovembeTBth,ago!dEYE-GLA^Sandgold PENCUi-CABL, m Washington Square, will receive a' most liberal reward and the thanks of the owner, on their restoration to Professor ANDKKEON, JONES’ HOTEL. U* NEW PUBLICATIONS. gAMUEL HAZARD, JR. 784 CHESTNUT STREET, Is now reooiving invoices of ENGLISH BOOKS. Consisting of fine editions of standard authors, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, JUVENILE**, Many of whioh are exquisitely bound, and to whioh lie invites the attention of DO OK BUYERS. For list, see book column of this paper. _oo27>smw N W BOOKS FOR .SALE BY SAMUEL HAZARD, Jk„ TOM BROWN AT OxISbWKI 8 IHE BUDGET CT.OBKO. By Jane Anthony Eamrs, oi Concord, N. H. Being an interesting account of a Journey across the Desert, a Sojourn in the Holy Land, &o. One volume, SI. THE KING OF THE MOUNTAINS. A Kovel. From the French of Edmund About, author of “ The Roman One volume, fll. THE PRINCE’S BALL. The New Satirioal Hu morous Poem, bv Stedman, the author of '• The Dia- illustrations. SO cents. FOLK SONGS. The now and exquisitely beautiful book of the season, being a collection of the most beau tilul and oMebratod Songs dear to the popular heart in every land, elegantly illustrated with numerous fllus trations on wood, fac-similes orwritmg and autographs of authors, superbly bound m various styles of Mo rocco. Edited by Dr J. W. Palmer, the translator of "1/ Amour.” Bvo. 810. „H * t HOUSEKEEPER’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COOKING AND DOMEBTIC ECONOMY. By Mrs. Haskell. One volume. Si 2fl. THE SCOTTISH REFORMATION. A Historiaal Sketch By Peter Lonmer. D. D. With twenty-five y/uatrations of Boottish Koformation Localities. By Birket Foster. Bvo- 92 TS. UaL t OF t TUE BTE A M ENGINE AND OTHER PHIME MOVERS. By N. J. M. Rankins. One vol, London. $3. „ THE BOOK OF FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. Heine ot i on 9vi^°P u ’ ar Fxtraots and Aphorisms from !, - W £S"“ ie best Authors, Ono vol., lOmo. Lon don. el 00. nl A OF RACE, as connected with B!avery. By the author of Law of the Territories,” &o. 25 oents. „ A £ O A BI ' A ,mSH, B* L UBB. Hutorioal and KoTn&ntic. Translated by John C. Lookhirt. A na'w Crm&Lpn tintoa paper. U oontii. 4 Wave;. Oat vol. 15 ot«. OITD PEOPLE FKOM ALL PANTS OF THE WORLD. By Captain Mayne Reid, cents. MJBS GILBART^CAREER, A Novel. By the author of “ Timothy Titcomb.” LAKE REGIONS OF CENTRAL AFRICA. A Pjoture of KxpJoration. By B, F, Burton. &vo. .Il lustrated. 8X THE HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF-THE CON STITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES. By N. 0. Mole. One vnl. • 8126. THE BOOK OF HIGHLAND MINSTRELSY, By Mrs. B Ogiivy. With illustrations by R. R. Mo Van. 2to. §3 50. COLUMBUS. Vol. one. A new vol. of Irvines Works. New national edition. pos*3t A BEAUTIFUL LIBRARY EDITION EDITION OF THE WORKS OF JOBKPHUS. JOSEPHUS’ WOJIRS. ANewand Beautiful Edition for the Library, in 4 vole. Royal 12mo„ on fine paper, from SmaU Pica type, jqth an elBgaatiy engraved Pprtrajt, npd handsomely bound in Cloth QB 00 Do Uo do Library sheep 6(0 Do do d0....Ha1f calf antique 800 . Do do „ do.....Moroccoantique 1000 A readable edition of Josephus has for a long time beon a desideratum. The Publishers have spared no expense in tho preparation of this one, oorreotinz with great oare the errors in many of the existing editions. They present this as readable, correct, and worthy to be placed in any library. Published by „ Vl . LfNDS*Y A BLAKISTON, no; GG. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK STORE, * NO. 439 CHESTNUT Stieet. BUY - YOUR BOOKS AT KVANB’, Where you can get books m every SBepaUui»ftt of Lite rature ; and BEAR IN MIND. that boaides getting jour book at the lowest retail prioe, THAT A GIFT, ' ' f worth from CO oonts to sico accompanies each Rook. ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS BOON AS PUB LISHED. Call in, and one trial will assure you that the best place in the city to buy bqoks, Is at ' ,f 7. f G. G. EVANS’ gift book Establishment. No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. JOST PUBLISUED—THE BOOK OP THE SIGNERS: Containing Faa-Simiie Letters of the Signers of the Declaration of independence. Il lustrated with sixty-one engravings, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences portraits. &o. Ouarto,.sB Large paper Copy, India Proofs, Sl5. A Book that no American should he without, and a desi deratum ui every library. Publisher, and Imjortor Engravings. ocM-lnr ■ 218 South EIGHTH Street, & OC R. BUYERS. —Gentlemen: X have - ‘'taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where I Vtll continue to bn, and sell (as 1 have heretofore done at (lie Custom house Avenue Book-stand) aid and new Law aha Mie eaJJanoous Books. 1 have for said upwards of IDO old 1 block-letter Books printed prior to the Tear 1490. Also, a copy the NeW Testament, 2 v01a.,4t0, printed in 1543. Price $3O. I wulalsodealinlfingrravinga and Autographs. Persons at a distance wishing to cell Books, will describe their names, dates, bindings, conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws o) Penasjl tanio, and old Books upon America wanted. AUS-0IT) JOHN CAMgpKLL. MILLINERY GOODS. JESSES* BONNETS. SOMETHING NEW IN STYLE, AND VERY DE3IRABM! LINCOLN WOOD, & NIOIIQL3, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. 0c29-mwf j\jfEW STYLES * OF HATS, CAPS, ANJI TURBANS, FOR OHILLREjN’S WEAR. LINCOLN. WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. 0c29-mwf fw MISSES O’BRVAN, 914 OIIESTNUT Mreot, above Ninth, will open Paris Alillinerr. for the Winter, on Thursday. Nov, g, ISiO. n7-Im* WATCHES AND JEWEJ,RY. JAMES E. OAIiDVTELL & 00., 822 CHESTNUT ST, IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES, RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MATTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, Ac., The principal port of our stock is entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRJCE& Ap Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase. nol-tJal-if JS\ FINE WATCHES, of the most ap- J&jm proved makois; Jewelry of every desoription. vtum Silver-ware eaual to coin; also. PJated-ware of the beet Quality » at G* KUBR£l*l»’S» 0c29-lm S 2 North SIXTH Street. SOARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE £IM BUTTONB.—A large assortment of Carfcunole, Coral, Lava, anti S 3 Norlh SfXTH Street. FURS. T ADIES’ FANCY FUKS. JtJ JOHN FARMRA, 718 ARCH Strfot,. below Eighth, has now in store, of lus own importation anc, manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment o all the different kinds and qualities of fancy FUKS for Ladioaand Children that will be worn during the com ing season, at manufacturers’® prioes.2 nor-ftr JULY IST, 1860. NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS oan be supplied from a very superior assortment made from Linen stock, or raado to order, WARRANTED AT LOVf PRIC?B, WM. F. MURPHY & SON’S NEW STORE, Stationers* Lithographers* and Letter-Press Printers SIGN 07 VHS LEDGER. No. 339 OHjiSTNUT Street. jei sy-tf ___ Blank books and stationery. M. A. JIBES, Blank-Book Mnnufaotuier. Stationer. and Printer. Wo, 418 Street, between Fourth ami Fi/tfi (Formerly David M. Hogan.) BOOKS for Banka, Public offioßß, Merchants, and others, Jluled to any given patern, (with or without Hoadinc printed,) and Bound in the beat manner, both with regard to neatness and durability. Orders (or An nual and other Reports, Cards. Circulars, Bill Heads, and JOB PRINTING of every description, executed in the best stylo, at short notice. Also, Engraving and Lithographic Printing. . „ , , „ A general assortment of American, Frenoh, ana Eng lish Stationery, Cay, Letter, and Note Papers, Enve lopes, a <* J)°°k and would iwaVe himself fiSKM S/sr 0 tLots '-“« ■**«■"Misygggs ‘VffANTED—A Competent Foreman to * * takeoharce of a Carriage Faotory intheoifvnr Richmond. Address I. P-EaSE, Kiohmond.Va y f oc(K)t* WANTED- AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, in a first-class Dry-goods Job bing House, A liberal compensation will be given. Address T.H. C office of this paper. no6-3t* ANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, , ™ a Stablowhioli willacooramodate about fifteen boraeg. Address M Stable,” Prist office. no2-tf An' active business man, having 87.000 to $lO,OOO, to take tho place of a retiring partner in an established Mercantile business, 5 a ? ,n ?« o net PfPfit of 25 per cent., without risk. Ad dress Partner/* this office, with real name, nol-tf A PAPER MILL WANTED—Imme ± ?2? a » e “ lot l In runmng order preferred. At ir itent paid in N d ««^ e :J^>^e,^ Ul^e^ • b Add:e Ba A. .7, BEAUMONT, Now Hope, Bucks co.» Pa. nO 7 fit* A TOTJJXG LADY, OF GOOD EDTJCA ■f*: TION, wishes a Situation as Teacher in a private family. A small compensation only is required. Ad dress “ AI, A,,” at this office. noC-st* A YOUNG MAN, OF CONSIDERABLE expedience in Mercantile and Itisuranea business, •wishes a situation as Book-keeper. Can furnish un doubted reference as to charaoter and ability. Address 11 A. W. P..” Bloods Dispatch. no6-2t* YOUNG MAN, OP INDUSTRIOUS habits, who is an expatt J?enman,vriBhoß a Situa in a Wholesale House, as Book-keeper or Assiet .. Addles* “Toland,” through Blood’s Dispatch, nos 4t* MEM WANTED—in this city, and every city and town in the Union. Agents, with SI to SC. dear from SI to $6 a - oteo of the Distriot Court of Allegheny oountv. id the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, in No. 3 of November td»m, ISM. we will expose to pubho sa’ the MER CHANTS’ EXCHANGE- m FOURTH. Street, in the city of Ptttsburg, on TUESDAY, November 13. M6O. abjamenoing at n o clook A. M.. the Rolling Mill ana Nail Factories, situated near New Castle, Lawrence oounty. Pennsylvania, known oa the Orizaba Iron Works, containing sixteen Roiling Furnace*, five Beating Furnaces. Bar Rolls, Small Rolls, Nail Plate and Muck Rolls, Squeezers, forty-nine Nail Machines, on* Wrought Spike Machine, and machinery lor ma nufacturing naU kegs am! firebrick- Also, the Blast Furnace known as Sophia, adjoining above worki, tfhiQh i* capable of turning out one hun dred and thirty tons of pig iron per week. Also, several lots of ground, adjoining, and sevoral pieces of land adjaoent to the ir>n works, containing ooal.lron ore, limestone, and fire cloy. Terms.— One-fourth of the purchase-money to be paid m oash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the balance in one, two. and three years from the tune of sale, with interest from thattime; the deferred pay ments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the pre* KNAP. H- BRADY WILKINS, ISAAC M. FENNOCK, VVM. K. NIMIOK. no7-»3 * _ TUBLIO SALE OF A VALUABLE 2S.FARM.-Wm be sold, at Publio Sale, on Second day,the 12tli of Uth (November) month, 18W,on the Premises, ali that valuable FARM situated in white rtiarab township. Montgomery oounty one and. a half miles from the Chestnut Hi)\ Railroad Depot, adjoining the laud* of George.BUght, »■ewi« A. Lukens, and others 5 also, bordoriug on the Wisiahtrkon oreek, con taining one hundred and fifty aorea of verv superior i land, all in the highest state of cultivation. The lime stone in of the very beqt quality for hmeburmng pur poses, and made from it bears a high charaoter ftfthe Philadelphia market.. . There is also on the premises an opening of Iron ore, whioh an aband&nt supply of ore of excellent 4^TheVmprovementfl consist ofa Stone Mansion House, contains two parlors, dining-room, andkitohenontbe first floor, five chamber* on the seoond floor, with ceiled attics. ........ . The Houre Ib well shaded with erergroen rvndotqer trees. The Barn is ot stoaa.lOQ feet long by W foet wide, and connected with it nr? n )&t*e manureehed, wagon house, corn ctili,&s.»icc M a , l built of materials, Thera are wells of excellent water under cover, at thd House and Barn. - _ There are also on the premises a good Tenant House and large Barn; also, throe Limekilns, witn acoj#-, fqitable House and Stables, sufficient for the u?o of tee Ihe above Farm is.considered to ha one of the beat properties in the neighborhood, and wilt he sold with out reserve. A large amount of the purohaJic-money m/yr remain on the premises. The property will be shown by Isaac Williams, re siding thereon. The Bale to commonoe at 2 o’clock P, M., when the conditions will be made kn«wu bv . „ ocl7-wfinllt» ANN WILLIAMS, Trustee. Missouri land n 600,000 Aarcjt tor Sato and entry, at prioea ransinr fromlSßio 60 cent. rer Aore. m any quantities re quircd * TAXES paid, and PATENTS prooured for puroha ten of Land under the Graduation Aot, Plata furnished gratia by enclosing a postage atamp For further information apply to WILSON, RAWLINGS & CO., V. S. and General Land Agents, 6$ CRESTNUT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH, BT. LOUid, m LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 001-Sm - - UO AUDIT) G. THIRST-GLASS BOARDING, with hand- Jt' eome oommunioating and single Rooms, at 1417 LOCUST Street. oeia-lm* INSURANCE CO3IFANIES. rriUE MUTUAL LIFEIITSUBANOE COM- X PAN'/ OP NEW YORK. Assets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, iNvsaran in fivrt mortgages on real bbtatbi WORTH OVER SIS*. 0 '° 100l t» performances commence at7o'oiook. as usual. rjOKTINEN'r At THEATRB. (Lato National,) WALNUT Straet, above Eiihth THE GKBAT^|||I|£&soLU,ATLD HOUSES CKOwI^DBV g THIS EVENING I MONS« DE BACH, in his Great Spiral Globe Wonder. _ „ , „ FOUR CLOWNS] Tan Gardner, Sam Lons, W. 3. Gardner, Young Dan, aDd the whole of, the Consolidated Circus Company* every night. On Saturday a MATINEE, commencing at 2# o'd'fc ihe doors open at half past 6 o’clock. Performance commences at half pa*t 7. Admission only 25 oents; Family Cirole 150. nofrfit T|¥cDONOUGH’S OLYMPIC (Late GAlfi- L»A- TIKB4 RACE Street, below ITiird. TWO GREAT PLAYS TQ-NfGHT. Great success of the thrilling Drama of r v ; oh. THE DfSiIAL SWAMP. J»E-McDONOUGH as Dred. LITTLE CORDELIA HOWARD as Tom Tit. Other characters by the Company. M'LLb jIIAKIE m Beautiful Danoes. After which, the Highly Successful Nantioal Drama, entitled 'i HU FLOATING BK AOON! OR. THE 'WiIECKERS of Norway J. E. McDONOUGBF as Jaok Junk. In rebeartal. “ THE GLADIATOR OF RAVENNA,” with new Dresses. Scenery, and Mosie. Voora open at 7A£ o’clock; eommeaoing at 7i*. Admission, 2£cents; Family Circle, IScents. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. OPEN FOR nffia® 19 NEWLV »LCOHATK| o AND PAINTED. Has seocred one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever praiented Jieraiofora, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7H« Admittance 35cente. Children 13 cents. coIS-Im Headquarters, franklin FLACE.--FREE CONCERTS—Lttnah 11 A. N. conus. Music, ko.. nuhtly. nos-6t' CHADWICK & PEET^Sap’ts. HASSMHI’S ORCHESTRA.—Serenado and Military Band.—J?or engagements, apply or address MARX HASSLEB, Office 120 S LOCU *T Street, Or Hlaako’a Academy, BROAD Street, b-elowWalnut. THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give * their PUBLIC KEHRARBALB every gA'iUH DA Y, commencing at 3X c’alock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 single tickets, S 8 cents, for sate at Chiofcprinc PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINS ARTS.—IO9S CHESTNUT Street ‘‘CHIMBORAZO,’’ a splendid Painting, by Mignot ‘‘THE FIRST Sin,’ a beautiful Marble Statuette by Angebm. . . On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. POINT BREEZE PARK THIS DAY, at 2J£ P. M. Three Exht bibons, embracing Xjottingaiid Racing* will come oil. Conveyances may be obtained at th» Southern Terminus of the Tenth and Eleventh-streets Railway, and at Messrs. BENNER & DOWLING*. BROAD and PRIME Streets. Admission sl. And at the Lower Cate and Stand* 25 oonts. Jt MEDICINAL. J R. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR, When Oliva Tab is In-halku it* healing JSatxxnij odtps are brought in ooutaot with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES, AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at onoo any pain or oppreaaion, and healing any irritation or Inßamation. Wire* Glivb Tar is Taken upon Sugar, it fortnaan Unequalled Scolhing and Healing Syrup for Coughs and n!l Throat diseases. When Oliv* Tab is Applied, Jte Magnetio or ooa oentrated ourative powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not sticky—dots not Fifty oents a bottle, at *43 BROADWAY, N. Y., aa by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identical with \h&t elating in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniting with the digested food, Tssy Revitalize aud Pubipt the Blood, They Impart Enkegt to the Neavous Ststbm. They Lwigosatb the Lives. The? Strengthen the Digestion. The* Regulate the Secretions ov xm* Bony, And are a Specific foe all Female Weaknesses Price, One Dollar a Package, At 44 2 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggists, Pamphlet containing Testimonials vrom tsx following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent person*, will be sent to any address,/m by mail, Geo. Law, £ai*i Fifth avenue, New York. Simeon Drapeb, Esq., Banker, New York. Thurlow Weed, Esq., Albany, N. Y. Gen. Duff Gbebn, Washington, D. C, Col. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Conn. Cor. Chas. May, U. 8. A. Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Ed. Independent, New York* Rev. E. Bright, Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. Cronk, Agt. Am. Bible Union, N. Y. Rev. 0. F. A. Spinning, ButtßrnuUs, N, Y. Rev, Dr. Leonard, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPRLStt Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT \ CO., No. No- SECOND Sliest, Agents for Punftaylvama, seM-Sm 1 nifTTII I For do INSTANT RELIEF and PER aOlllMiif MANENT CURE of thi* diatres«iac plaint, «rji FENUT’S BBON OHI Alt CIG-ABS^TB*, Made by C, B. SEYMOUR A C&>, ,458 DROAi>- WAY, New York. Prioe 91 pay bus; sent free by post. layT-flm iff FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS*. SPECIALTY for ladies.—truss AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by oohi petent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. A lull tine of Meoba&ie&l Reme dies, ligAt and elegant tn consixttciicii, ipeeiallu adapted to Ladies* ttys. _ _ _ C.H.NREDLES, Proprietor* 8. W, corner TWELFTHandRACE.otreeti! Entrance to C. H. N.*» Room, the corner. seU-Smif A WONDERFUL AND NEVER FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SVSTEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by MOCKRIDGE & CO., No. 63 North FOURTH Street, *9” And for cole by Druggist* generally. seU-Smlf UMEA 1 AZUMEA 1 AZUMBA \ AZUMEA! AZUMEAI AZUMKA-' AZUMEA PFOF, MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely at No. 62 North FOURTH Street, and for sale by Gropers generally. seU-smif A CARD—TO DRUGGISTS AND PER. FUMEBS —The undersigned, having reason believe that a large amount of valuable goods, ot follow ing denominations, have been feloniously taken from their promises, visa r reach and American perfumery: ivory and buffalo tooth, nail, and hair brushes; mirrors; shell snuff-boxes, inlaid and lined withhold; inkstands: puff and trinket stands; smelling bottles; lUe pre server* ; paper weights 5 portemonnaies; corksorewa; ivory and shell dressing combs; ivory fine-tooth combs = playing cards,' memorandum books; cabas; essential oils j otta of roses; musk; tonquin ; oil of nerolr; va nilla bean; oil .of rose geranium, and other oils, and materials used m iho manufacturing of perfumery. All persons who have been, offered such goods at prices much bolow their value will confer a favor by giving notice to the subscribers. _ _ noa-3t JULES HAVEL fc CO. \