The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 20, 1860, Image 3
, . ailitiMe - - ' " ' -wiortnewArrit:+# .4 goi..„an the Iritrof Jude.! , tzt , ,:t ~ t e "'".V:, an .'. ' . •' • -Mir tha lieth ins . -,;. _Rev. J. ' .'"). •-• r Mg Ilmiel A. elbElt . , o, ,O, can", pi lltr ~ , , ..,-, • , n A k . 4 a Om oar. , ~ , ~•, ..--, •i . . : Um Nth WM.. 1 ' the Li m „:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r .,,,,..,„„,...,,,......,.. VA .•• .• .. - huh iv Sin -Kirk to - sr, O. .41, ep ic , •. of in ~. ..i.- -i,* - ,",. %A"."- , * * 4 1d ON =Oa the ifib sisetaitt; lig the ~,zis.„,_/1 , r. , 8.. -, Keisamb 'of the 13e, , L-Inootoittn v Op.._ lie. Ada 'Him- *Wiser, ,of the ``atelNV& .N.**R.;.- - -Ott, the: Mb In*., hr • the e . - t ' rt o Kier. Adolph B . AtlllblaHri of Brow , 01A -Eger. eldest -daughter iot David ' .1111•411(iik - . t omit. .-, " ..,:`. * ... , _ _.4.:', , .:-_„...-' .-',, ..::::. I.lillatitTle.-On Fifth day' inOining; ISith`.test:, This. was Sic adds, in hie Mat rear. The Wawa of the family Cr.invited to Wand the formal from Mitatill roinO•ros. 1.4. Si ortP Filth street: DP einttdeyi_ilet• thet....istl234 0 cloak Jr. Al.. Without further maws.- - - - ..- .._ . • . -• i , :Inters cite at Plionde Western 'grounds. • ' JACOBa.-Qa the nominn.of shear* instant. John Jacobs, son or Thom f t a 1 .. 14008 . - -- . -- i i ' Jai B arntr k ftt u tgr n"..a.ft `7.. tilted,t :f: ratiiiiii,!: viol., tit WO . !htni a tri!rdeonoit.3 • CAII.PENVSI47- o._ 11.. th,_ the IBM Instant; . 11l Silver. sldreb son of wawael . and Damara 'Mon - ter,m thiliMbe :nor of his ace,:-. ... i. ._, : 4,,,, r ,.. = " evritt ii mi ... 4 . T t . , a fi l l,ler, N . ogit • ic . 114 ' l . •. • ''' '* F. 11.+-On. the 17... tuatara. at the. reandehoe of ' II. Vino re, N 0... KW 4 Stanwood street, in the 11th -ear Taas a liTO M 42 :II Auy° 1.1 ° 4611.4 . l l ' i l i- CAISIVEY.-.04 Shp 18 th ,n it .; Patrick oinnieY% aged 7 can: .4 **1 4 7.-= . on She iiistilost.. 'ln n s Feiner, 'daughter of esolio .E 1 an Moil Ann Graff. in • the 10th Year of ‘ _ from h - on, No. **Routh ~anievartat 'street, -on, thus (Be.erdsyy afternoon st.'S pt AV.128.--On the NIA instant. Jonathan , 0 retires? In t e T oth year of hi. age Funeral from - the residence of hie nisei. Mn. Eliza Gwen, No:1134 Marlborough street, On tets (Seto! MO ) alblnteon, at 3 o'olotoh.' - HAS.E.-le MArple, Delaware , county,. on Thuiredar tinnensg; lwe inst., Sensual Q. Hale . seed 10 liars. .. , .., FUREYI from his IT midi/woe • , on Soda, ort . niri., Slit lift. l 2 l / 1 1i t aleih'init:. - Nate N. monthsdrOfJa t and %Marine gerhs. aged 4 years 2 oan d 111 e..,.. , .-. - .._ rat from the residence of her parenie. No. 1033 - norms shoot. toys Washington, ' noon, at 2 0'0100k... , . , _ . .. , • 11 14 A 0 K SILKS !• 'BIJI4OK SILic.S! „ .. .„ ........ _ . , r test Misted. '. . Gros imp_inriali t ri alg t rgureq. ; „ - -: _ t i n a lUk a!onynlng ! - -' iambus! Robes.'" -' - Oros de Shines. rill t i n lr laud, Ropes. ' Bonnet's thlku. ' .-rostil tog. - . - Patent Boiled. Otos a'Eopase. '- - Foe' t . .2: p., • - - Ansausa. - : 4 : 4 ?ft:l.g oaks, sii. BEESON .130 N. Atomism Store, - ". 7 - - • , , ~.. " o.- 918 011ostint street • cnuats OF THE NEW" TESTA. U. 3 NEST; T., 8.-STOCKTON. P.ittor; N. W. sorest cf tilititt.D veva alga Fa c y4T itreet. iratnotlVAsit.M. ,f;frit.k.stit mILLISCHOO6, NAST. lt* Er r THE : REV GEORGE W. setturr, 'tx3 LO Mlle, W•anoky. , (Peator 'llea) w il l IllrihreriNti v o u T i litti b P hs etini n geT o il 00S, Ili Ala, sad p. "" icr CHURCH' OF THE , MESSIAH, (UNl 'i : 'Vaa SA t TaTa LOCUST oast of ' , drag& Rev. . WILLIAMSON.' Pastor. Sermon TO-MON ROW, I at ON ,I. Pi. and TN I% M. Evonin,g ratdoot, '. Divine PSPRING' GARDEN' UNITARIAN. SO. ,OiSsit.—Res. Mr. SH PPEN , (rota Worcester. ia: formerly 0( Obiesigo,_will preach in HANDEL and HAYDN Hell, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN streets. tomorrow et 10360'01001r A.. M.. sad 7M P.M. I IirTHEWOKEN OF THE BIBLE.—THE saztMoobty tennon in the Course will he Ipeeighed in tit Fe is Church. THIRD below W AL RUT. to morrow *Woman. Berme nt7g &elect it. acr; MISSIONARY SERVICES TO-11011.- ROW. te the Third Reformed Dutoh _Church, tomato( re PITII and lingo:WV etreets. The Rev.JA. KNOW.,BOUHDHII,MisaIonarr Roth Ihdth,vlll preach at 1113; o ea. • The Fourth apterous's of the SlMAarr , lateetosary - Scoot, at 5 o.eloek P, Ad 'dresses by the Rey. JARND W. tIOUDDHR, end Rev. JOHN acUppit it. baba the Cenot Risme. Friend. of minuet'. tOuldren. end Parente Invited it. THIS IfiDifNila:MElritt CHRISTIAN AS 80FhiATIOftf AMINO tithe fitlgst Church ° . flaremem streer belg haat, at seven and kbalf o'clock. • An Ea BAY on the LIFIS_QE LiSWISENOISwiII be delivered by See. wm. MIL Cornell. 'Semler of the overation• of the Society will be umbeniUmn ',Teeny: Wien , whether assabow Me. (strangers egimmtially,) ere invited to Wend. salaries telerred for lodise, Pubis, mama folly ' JOHN WANAMAKER. Correwponding Seminary PAT ANNUAL ELECTION for officeis.aeit Sward o Managers for the opening year, will be held Y the oozes next Monday from sight A. M. to eight V. K. - e2O-2t orDOVOLAIS 'ma) JOHNSON. • ALAAMMER. McKie/NEL rtsq.. 0( West HU O. miTcriEbb. Fag of Centre cosity. LS Address the Demooraey of rhttattelptie, at He Soweereft- tee OHM,' DataHnttle Assoetetion, FPTIcard'CRESTP_UTMO% THIS WIENI , 0, MN 0 sleet. wit..v.,nseßATll,Yosaideot. • - cl3 - , T lrcifylfin4Migilel.7.?,T , 6..ord ra , , hue rano , roe 0. , 431' -Ad TINT ' to lo: North UV Street. ,' goionrmic . ; It will ho oveirdailY. (Sabbaths wept -4) from Ito 5 o'oleek.- . _Mamar etektribated tri this Illoqietirkt the relief' otitis Doer, trt eetatreleualrovoroollittert to Wt War rown aso the weektgrutperasstly ao out Solutions 7 this i P rrio ' i bi c i llitt.: I L I I eTyl m opo to ni c ti r jr 7 ,.. " 4:= t e .etounaortty aft' eloortepity l of coetritettleg• they kayo seam meth* igentot tee. jaeostattott. Mr. JOHN ,-. .1....Ajtai071. who le now Tamar neon our ottlit77. 1101thhte theft std. oaOktlie movers bespeak for elm ' 11 =g, 0 1 1 0, 8 7 41 Plant isms, and a liberal re - . ... - . . ( •••.!.. ~ -449 tt li.T. Prepide_atr. -1 - ' -- Mr Ile ms Wifteoirailident; LO .. 0. _lt aNi erotism Of Mpg,. r;:-- -,-- .- i "es ", ',...,--!, "'- . ~ - 1 110:4I4 e.oKit'retreet. MV 443 ).4.1. 17 ,v 2 Pu4iii 1 ei k 5.1 8 r7:i. • •sats— • ;mica ip oau‘t; o"wut —A We i t . toWswo la *tow, : = • - • teries 'stoat.. peketaitinitttilir seii . fSe.: ono sod two Wsbodmetdrts. 41. ber t :ll . WJADONBONVO OX OILOVOIN Or ' AfiG61.25.--11•,,B, F. ,B NETTlilll d•hver • _t•Aos To-litolUitotr-Js, i iitiNfi r f•kt-ir, et limn* C•sro• - 1 . 111,P, AS AD 15tiultt, tr• 55 OtrAzt, - .1-11(1 Q. owl"- ost--•* , . tn. IsAktonai i item to Irsowth•ii• at ni ze. , Is tJo I SWIM '.Vir a ggi Or. :05erit0....,-bio: norm •• t• owei rm t e itt r t•! , by Nora. nk *Oita 44 67400 I. is MOW writing IK, idly - ON' wzit 'Ma& efOode Ls till stoptiek.tii OM o • tbe Tempt, es abort. w tos i .tommismit-tieiwnoistd-t-trarestde-f----A!*'-",• SPIRITUXLIIIOI.-1111115. M. S. TOWNEII3IO. of Verosoat, • - Traisee l erum, tato*. ivAltr .writ eoistrol;st 4044- P „ai...i..12."42.1. 24 . ,, *# . - fcditm (7.! JOBS llt: GOUGH t . EAR, Cirte_gind ',nee is reference tOthe.OIAPIORR LEUTURE • he patient Comae t,,•• • - . • - • „ •• , l'uttasompa a 'Oct It ,1617. I'•9 - .0 ROWE* MM . . SQ.!: _ ~.'- PRAM nts.:'l%. undetaie- at voidd receectectr ime , (eat and roootninend that, in omen to &amain sh the erecter Stood. and ecoomotedate the, mud au other ot . lir follow-ettleees who wink to &Oman. the °losing Wynne ig JOHN B-.ooUOfill. Alia.. on Tneedity nest, hoe gives, to the Acatkotiv Of mum. .- •- , - -_.. .. r . • -- • irelltetellly roan.. -- • ' •• - ~. oill . retkiem --T. A. Fernle.; -- •-'' ', tt i1...' Taylor,. • - - gobt. R ?Mama,. „ 'I 184dpi:tots, . , John P. Dattemel. 2 ; igg r eatt " . ' : treLhgltiall; J r., ''' 4 Dosoksii, use. coobasa. - , - . Annotbars. - • or Otbildinnotto the niov• - nlqUost. aid others of *AM mere amistrwhiw.stryitatimseete have twin made, tetipte, Liona_pf Room:um at the eRADEIIe Y Yr mu .10; es :ant TtnittotAY EV IMMO, the 211 thrtt 'ski that the toultitades who were unable to procure =min Ow tbi t ereyious Leietares may have en opportu nity to Altar Ist titunititotd Orator. A tine LEA kVA W ARAI 11. at Meents MO" will tie •et the ofilee of the Academy , and at martieWle it, .106 . Cheatrat street, on --. SATURDAY DAY, _tend 'LUBA/AP. trove 'II A. M. to .4 - r, IC kale toythe remsteder of ,tbe boost for ii l• at the sad et the, Aeadenly'at Ow nty-fltw Gents 111.110it uith, • alrnady plated for en toss Fund nail. roe • i, Meted, wilt begpod for the Amideter.• and ra wrdatmeltit ter ramped mate on payment of the 000' It r fjoksll r a j. 5 1N A T AV I N r I O N R THE 4. E mei, lir nOfttol—Aa examination of Camitostes for the ' orship of the German bancoase tp the Cen tral igh Illehoftl, will re held at the School Boddie.. 8110111 and ORKEM attests, on p m IDA r, esamherldi ISM MP a. M.. ender the siperrision of isA . llllh .... l3oltool'entemittea. assisted by s. Commission /Scholars.gro n Aomical, atid reference. must TAW t." at " the Coot.ys Oflice,athenstom Betiding. goatheest 0011211 T PlA.r ani A Cabral streets. By order of the High boo Committee. a OBEST J. s KM FRILL . , . Oecirettin Contyolleri of Palma Schools. PHILADELPHIA. Oot. /V. 002 U-St (CrOFFICE PENIPL'IIt,L VANIARAIL ROAD COMPANY. FAILADELPItat October 1T,1820. Tbeßoard of Oirep_tma have taw deriealaree a semi anus, divide of TONNE PER CUNT. on the Coal. tat attest or AO* Telt, clear of State tax, payable oa sad atter NOV AB 1111,18.10. rowers of Attor ney or oollrotioo of Dividends cab belted oe_appLleatN4 at the °Mee of .the empathy, filo. 1111 South THIRD Street: THON.-T:FI NTH. , -z-e—e-usio Trikentribt. nen POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIS; - PS Onroase IS, 1060, "MUGS is horebv i s a gen that the follorins t are r t e I C l Crat i tp ro v r it!tei he ?Ay santVtoretl6:sliAltOrrsiet mr the ends , from' anb.pcet olneN, lams• salt, and other letter bolus. Ono ant (pre paid by stamp) for the oollection Sad de treaty of ottr iettent. , - - o N , ow !or the delivery of mad letters, The letter carrier, have been instructed not to shame, _in any nese, none than the above rates, not ale they alloved sca r es more , even When voluntenls tendered. t o St 'Yi. 2. BROWSE. Postmaster. irSOUTHWARK RANK: PUILASEL oPitiab vrbt: I t:My *tattle elect ion D Y _the likl o day of t ;tefri a R. . .11 . bvi. 117 UM inn Or 0 . 0100 ILan3 o e os l', M. • miasmal wating oC 8 _ _tElluLD CBS io Ur MI VIRIPIIIILIC 8 470% AWA Y . . the e_ ~th d i Y P f n oelhdtno, _-: • -F. P. IsT.DEL. vagbier. WVARMEDD I AND MECHANICS' BANK, Farsantatilla October 11, ME, M. sal Elletiofor Directors will be held at the Baamati i, liesrec i gn M ONDAY . the nineteenth day of Noveng rgiF between pies boors vf 9 o'ojoollt A. M, end no'. kr. .; end tei TUESDA . the rixth day of November nut: &general meeting of the Stockho.ders will be held'at . the MM.Mag-How, at , 4 o'clock!. IL, as ressibly be the eharteL._ oelldgeoN - rvir."ItUSETION; - .1a., Oguibier._„ a r r ~,T.:Y.COIMINIDONERIP 4IFFIOE,:, .- = -•- Fillgansarnta. 11et..11, M. • BOARD orlerzeus vrill aft ugoil_ the fol lowing data . to bear Appeals of PPspeTlf Veneefs. ff , wit: :,•.' - - • ' . cg e dt i lfdtri 1 - 4tiVeA r ik kt n etti; ?tfra Pk Paratin t iliVafOtriti * °° ,..... es t rlbe ", inglisautTonta arttg," g.dity, iiiro...Y... rII Eleventh and Twelfth Wards,' Monday, October 22. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Heyde, Turgidity, - Otto. Msk , , . Fifteenth and Sixteenth Wards , Wednesday, Otto ber M. geventeenth and Eighteenth Manic, Thursday, Oc tober 26. bet Nineteenth 26 and Tirenbeth Wards, Friday, Ooto ,. , • Twendo ter ty:first M - and' Tiginti-second Weide; Monday, &. Twentr-third and Twerourtig,Wayde, Tuesday, OetoberEg. WARD E Wil,bfAMA, it eitiA.B444l4AL, --. OEN A.movekangut, City Coantrstsseolters. oel3-t3O -4111NARD DANK. PIIILADNLPHIA, °crofter& sageo,—Notice i/S hereby given that an Meatiest for TOIXTR.EN D111.P.0101t04, to verve in nraffitrigra b fg. h b l etzga!ltrltlfi.boorta °An. end I The Anent eeting efljbwahytheldere will be held at th e game place. on TUNnDA November 6, at 13 o'eloek WA.NO AFPER, Coebier. . October 10. A. oewiethe teen prSOMMANATION B. I OIK, I.III7,ADEL: 7actit, tittbutr Ugh, 1 3 10.—Ta a atuntat 1 , itatlon A lieW er thil f i rtl iji tilted " re Bal4K I g l a ter eswittt l ea "4. l2 ) ' it o tli f ii i ikbl a trr y ° s o wl c tr in lie b 'llti r . 11110414M1 moo, OA 2 'IOC& Vsmitua. at Ml,* aii- • JOB. M. A1X6014 MAL r. ea 111-tatalta t aol9 - STATXlMpargair , tilE 111111011 BAIT mi el sv i nd by We esests* section or tbe sot o mblv of thim Conunosweslut, mom tie 9etobet, A, D.. Wg• r t Assitsal of and dtetttosus .:.;..---. ~ 71Set OM= EC el f . 7 * =i: :7:1 . - 7 .: woe it . 1 rtes. e ti n... . , 71,651 CO il9 0 ' lissom dal 533 03 dit 9 x7 or: ir. , Arr. Illt'" . 1 . 1.4, ,155i5s : ,- Di VIA • £ ' . sou Is /de ar" . ireiss * - i i .,,,, - a , ,Ag i J• It :itt v , il 7 -Ptr A sitc, stssil,sliiiii: A AR *VW PRINCIPAL 1101111), v i,*il 11101. , 'CorITINPIHTAIAICriIitrLder. Ninth 'and Cheeniaff' Thor 'ffelsdii Colonel* TA; 0 M Wheeler, Chiang? , _, • Jobtmerkulla. lisland „ 'F. Cowles; utevelead , , A WNW. elnind ii . 7 , -.` "C W. Mfitealfaldnytlte.R.y n B fm.Corneu, rissrYork •J It will's= Va. N 0 'FA. &Atwater; Philadelphia. N Thayer, Bulfelo' ' Heo Vanes. jtahWey.". .., fit H mess .et Jorwoh,M o a ii,Mtndog. Pen Franomoo ll.Fowler,-, Baltimore • Win hr . Balthnora . , Jo P Green, charleeton Chas, Fisher , • Miss Fisher Dr DP . Pray-k, hi; Virgil's' B Reinhart. New York 8 Lewis & wr. Wash, D 0 ' riewoonab & Is. Prov 1210201 Mehet,s ,, Eltiend . is Maeda. New York H i t Teo' w 'Fel n. Savannah ,PH vile!. normerk, HMI 'hal, Sialdins'ilentuoky 'My IL& ls. New - ori trel6l,NewVork' ioAl•WaYaeln. rertowe h n s . &lkonllaroina hary,yOtroli g i Air Only. Maryland F Ethialisiampashir . '"ill' 8 diOD A al ip J. l» , - • Hester Prevost ••' Master nue • Cleo A Burmugh.Prov. RI ED ad_swold. New York }I M,Wilepartli, Clinha enrol P Enema, New York .. Ambrose K Ely;' New York fdi :i win V), New rock C $ Sawyeri-Chiosso na A ft, 61„o_bile _ _ • IS (,). Nunting. New York -. ,W OHa _ton. NOW York W li Cannot & ale, Sr York Mr Cohen & hi, Charleston Miss bohen, Charleston .Nlin B Cohen, Charleston Miss Alaton. Charleston ,- MISS Funds, charleston J P al.ton, Charleston .',- I'd. Alger, is, 14 3e.. j . F•herown:Jr. Philadelphia ,fl/ 6 .A . ,r_ lee: _ am a R T BpsnienbergeliN 0 , 4 , .., f_f.fl tt sh _. V_ A. Tiernann , New York . Maw 4 ',mann. New York OC . Leigh & la ' New York Baines Whit fi eld , Jr, Ale Geo ik Whitfield, Ala • Hies Oroom, Alabama Robt Downie. England W James. Albany_ C a Van Benthapien, If Y, JWAlobb & la, Foam) R, trwootwell. New Yerk Jae fßobertecin, New 1 ork II Wheeler. Mobile • Miss Wheeler, Mobile John F Hummer, N •11' - Beni Dodge, New York 1.. IS /AMC fiditr York J Warren* den: N Y esiu Ramey. New York C B Fernswolih,l J J I' Alston. South Carolina W P Booook A wf. ft Ve J Bradley, New York • H Thomas, New Bedford A J crowns. New-York • W Reid esse & la, Va. ' , Mr Waehburit & la at Y T J - Arkansas A T Hammond, 24 a ' lIIIRARD HOUSR—Ninth and Oheidnet streets. John Smith, Philadelphia F H Curter, Pittsburg Wm I. Jameson, Man. Miss Jaiewn , Mai n WL kiwring & w:chioago Geo White & V. N Miss Witkaiew,Orienne Rigs E White, N RR_Newman to N - Wes Newman, N C ' & In NOW York Mr Webster & /a, N Y Hastingn,B C MN. Hastings. 8 Carol ina r Walker k ii - New York T T Curie, Lewisburg r Carter & Is. Maryland , Miss Carter, Maryland It id &raise. Lit Lois' Geo M eteinman, Ta „ Mister Geoßteirunai'Pa Freeman , Carolina Mrs Freeman & oh, 8 0 ' Miss Cook, South Carolina Mr Ca'dwell; Boston' L Green, Virginia' J W Cleyton, Elkton, Md ' Geo Watkins &w. N Y Min Watkine;lroy.N If Mils Henry. I rov, N Mom It eilotiards,Troy,N V' J B Miller, New York Jno T Clarke, New York Geo Ramsey, & wi. bid Th Martin, Maryland - Capt A l exch'lkill no Jan l Dover, Potinylkill tro Hon - Evan., kid G•o R Hasewell, II York 1, Olsson, New York G 8 Von Wtoke4 ewton Mrs Vett Winkel, Newton ire A K MoClure,Pa- Smithl, New York Henry Moore & la, Vii P H Moore, Wheeling R LMeilY, Middletown , H 8 klngraw. Lancaster 11_16 /emit, limiter • Arthur Newton, Indiana W Join & la. - Pennsylvania R KennedS, Penneyivania MIX Mine, Pennsylvania T Simmons , Pennsylvania Hanes, New kork L Stanton John Welke, New Jenny Geo Brinton. Westchester Lang; New York P 3 Glam. Kentucky Win Clarke & Mini Henderson, Alabama leellowbray.A - Jan Kirby & Is, Chiceito JK. Roland, New Or /ass Maw Trumln,New Orleans O Sheridan & wt. Conn Mien Sporien, Conn J N Mitchell. New York - Ai rs Mttehell & oh, N Y 11 LHi Be,, Baltimore F C Baton Is, Virginia Mies_.Howard Virginia . genry- Lindsay,Baltimore P_R Oki i Howard, nward, woward, Baltimore w L France. Washington iss Prance, Washington it V Leitch, Wivitutigton Cant Daniels, Mexico. Jacob Small kwf. York,Pa Chu A Fuller, Nashville Limit A N miner, UN A. Cull, Middletown IL Young & la. N York Miss Young. New York KU Crawford. New York Dr M Wilson, Saratoga J__F Coyle, Washington D Blackburn, New York .16 , 31001 i. NOW York • 111.1itlerson, New k ork 11,Livingston, Memphis, TnF A Cruin an, Lebanon J Boldest. New Orleans Jag Connelly. New Orleans Hald, Baltimore 0 Wendell, Washington Bailey; Brooklyn G A Croimin, New Jersey 'l' Miller, New Jersey J H Briton, West Chester T Drew, New York MERCHANTS' HOTXIr-4ourth street. below Arch Louti Simon M V Bennett. New Nope 8 W stokes; New Jersey O H Ilardwall, klicabeth J M Burchfield, Milburn T Thompeon, Pa 'E Evans, Brady's' Bend B. Hamill, Oak Hall, Pa C H Love, Pittsburg Wm m °Creeds, Lambe rtv C Kluane*, Pennsylvania R 8 Blitz. Columbia B M 1, Anise 1, Virginia V F Brown, Canandaigua ear Alexander k la. NY Miss Riddle. New :York Mr Alexander, New York .- Meat H Paoker, M Chunk Martin (lOryell.Raslaton F Hendriaks. New Berlin A Peril**. Jr. Pa . sBi Parlor, Boston Jason anns,Olineiniati J Cooper. Chamierah'x W A Harem 41. New York HO Blank, New York W Moßonald, Colombo*. 0 .0 It Bush, Farrington. Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Obestnut street. above Fifth. B Cmcsdi. Philadelphia R McCormick . New York A B Judson. Phdadelph a TO3 MAI. Prov R I J C Leeds, Philadelphia Chae IL uldhem, Philo li II Pratt, Chester, Pa Jae MoMnrtree & la, Pa W if Howard. Jr, lowa 0 Freeman, Boston DE Ben. ?n, Reeding , 1 Bruner & 1.1. Ala 3 at Btfoble. New York Wm P Jordan, Baltimore AB Wolfe, Virginia H T Wailing & wf. N Y W Freeman. Baton Ifforsoe Smith, Conn P Adsma a lllniensboro, N C Theo B Stare. New York John McFarland, Pa Robt A Glover Boh%loo J 0 Card. Pennsylvania S Gooier &Is New York I , John Hopkins - Cheater Co Up ward, B ewYork B F ritelott, Maryland N J Romer. wilm. Del 0 A ?Infield, N 0 J A Boon, Nelms, Ala BARLEY BREAF HOTED—BOOOnd at., below Vine. (leJ Robbins, Montgomery co R Baedeker. Trenton. N 3 Piakering,Booksoo Amos Corson. Middletown Jos Eastburn. Lalnalta, JnoL Widdifield, Books oo ham!l Ninetown M hastburn&iton,onlebtuy Samuel Janney, solebury Albert IS Ely, Pineville kl_l3 Parry, Attleboro .& rustily to la. Newtown W Jr. Carver, Newtown W r ale, - D W tx.ok; PerMaylvania glbna itwortb_, Nov Mope B .lE4kee la,_Taylorrvilie 11. d G orbits, Bookinaham A W Lewis, Rockingham Ben 11l Memoir, loook'ham Chas Brown,flacking ham D MoNair, Pennsylvania almer, Pennsylvania B Parry. Attleboro W Black. Forestville Bock:lngham Jordan Edwards. Booktm Alex German. Newtown John Polk, Pennaylvanin James W Newbold, Pa Samuel Groff. Cheltenham Jeremiah Smith, hooka co Peter P Freak, New Jersey "Miss Sarah E Prick. N J Miss Bailie Fnok.N J Miss FeCell Polka. ns,N J Miss !mania. flumins.N J Jacob Pothemus. NJ It Hoff, lady & *rid, N R Linton. Newtown W Davison, Cho tenhamT Bucks county Robert Melton, New Bop. A Paxson & Is, Books co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st... Cal C Brauer. Fenton . Jpo Youor. Mor k Sites SelleyLeldgb to riTrAr r a:fittiold F A°l4l ll I r c4 dl b e °o ll P remm I. cruder. Lardleyrille M !wrath. Falslngton Witt roma. oreland et Lefferts, Northampton Geo ass, Moreland Farther, Phillipsburg' Chan dome, Moreland P Davis, Penns Nathan White. Penne Thos Bien Imnasks - 'Caper Roads. non eitan Prank Moths. routhampton /toads, Southampton Cball-RAMULI, Ekenhamptos 8 A Neild. Prima F T Beans. Penna 11_ , Corrad. Nortlinmpton et Nogelnad,NorthEmetea T Bock ream .9 INeraeze.tletafer Valley B Trumbower. Do sown ClArliths, Northampton A Stauffer. Exeter - - .. ST. ;MUDS HOTEL--Olwatzutt tra.aboWs , r Praetor. Portland Wallace Shattuck. N H D A tfiltdeter. Cheater Elwell. Salem 00. NJ ir Yoder. Maryland Mono --- JriOn P,ttalmrS am Beattie, Newyork nt H . an, Skiftaalshia Jacob "Dhow. New York A at try. Port ttsrbmbPs .1 Mahon, Reading. Pa ne. Allentown. Pa - Roo B Roberta. Shilada POnli F Colt., YOU:wills vg_Oatohall, Staer York hobo J Lancaster D Whitmarsh. New York Dant B Danah. Maine Jai MoCarley. Baltimore Booren Penn ro on. Doltiow .0 fursb.). Thos 8$ Sninmelt.lialumorsX Higgins, Boston J Hart, New Jersey 100111.31BRCIA,L HOTEL—Sixth street, ab. Chestnat :ease Rine. Phcanizville Mrs Pyle, West Cheeer lasso Acker. Cheater _ Jos Gilmor. Cheater oo Jno Bare, Mt Union Pa L B Dele ware Thai Brno*. Virginia D Bowe, Maryland Mertori.P•rinnek. Wit, Del Pilchard )(notion NY Die boner: Cheater, Pa* -W 0 Blair. Manaynek 0 0 0 Robinson. Tinionin W Linville, Lana oa Mrs N.O oo Atha R finvdle. I ono no Wei Gerber. Lana on inbn Way Po la, lid OsaitoyE Wynnioni, N 0 NI Taylor, Bucks to W W Pa,xton & son, Pa JONES', HOTEL—Chestnut emeet. above Sixth. Ran] 0 Gregg. Philadelphia A A Varine, Maryland A Wisdarrast. M issourt ,•• T Forsythe, !Media. Pa GAUT goott. Washington Gen Royer, M igeari T. Picini yang. New Orleans Mit Wok, Washington J Harrold, Ambition& Va Geo Winn, Virginia Condon. !Maryland N Kirk. Albans. N Y P nevener, Peru, El A C 0 Rhodes, Wm, N 0 STATES, UNlON—Market street, above !Drib. Jamb bevanne. Bolden (Om Peabody, Boston Dant lona Emit& Pohny 100 Jobe R Reed, Clearfield Alex Walker. New York .1 Hobbs J R Morley, Green no That Bradley. Camp ea nein! Allshonee.drmetmoo P banning, Gllmor, 0 ,P rdikesell. Oakland Win 11 Weft. I !drab", alias L Rweett, Clearfield J D Rotreneberger & la,Pe - MT. VERNON HOTEL—Aeoesd street. ob. Aroh. Mislaid, Oswego co. N Y L Whipple. Oswego oo.NY Wiego. orwego so. N - M Johnson. New Jersey I II Vaneleve, Rucked), Pa ft !looney. Horde:loan J Walton. Bucks eo. Pa 11 Kirk. Books no. Pa r. Moon. Backe 00. Pa Col 0 Bennett. Phila T Reynolds, Pelaware T Wright, Maryland Winthroo, Norristown J Doak, Wilkesbarre J R Everett. Wilkesbarre JAI Humphrer, N Jersey I Dooty, Narrowsburg, MERCHANTS' HOUSE—I bird street. ab. Jim R Rash. Allentown 1 . 3 D Woobead. Monroe oo les Miller. Monroe no. Pa HS Hart. Monroe co, Pa A Flook. Jr. Prenchtown Cast R 8 liarte.Catasscun A L Ref. Look Haven A Rime. Cincinnati Wm 8 Yonne. Allentown CI F Wave. Quakertown narrab. Montr emery no J X Melia. Eamon P H Basenbury. New Jersey FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market, E Townsend. New York B Donnelly. New York Wm H Ale n. New York Henry Bakers . Baltimore nrJoa t.arpenter. Balt o Townsend, Delaware W A Scribner , lniltord,Del Joe Morris. Delaware I. H Cook; Dover, Del Maj 8 0 Warder Florida N O Boot', Dresden. Teen IBM Cox Cordorie, New Jersey CaDt Baboook, New Jersey THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. Sr Emersoilloston J W Therlwr 11. Pa H,i Pros rater. Ohio Jae Farmer, Ohio Ashbel Xing, Warren, 0 .1 D Owens. PittslOra J 0 Monrao, Pa Push Cameron, Halifax P a 3 Rigs, New York J P Crist, Hagerstown, d D Q Liggett, Wooster, 0 0 Holt /a lady, Salem, NJ NATIONAL HOTEL—Raoe street. above Third. R Bruce. Leh , non - . - J A Thirlwell, Mineniville his tit &Mill. Allentown It lit White, Lookport its a Taylor, Arnisport 0 Levan. 'Alvah Co Monty, Pennsylvania .1 /ones, Pottsville H J Rendler, Pottsville J Whitaker. Mt Clare 1!A DAG f.P 1 OTEI,-Thini EL'. above rellowhill M to :nor. Buffalo. N Y W Hopkins. Barka oo JOnithan Smith, Books oo 04). B &S m tanek. M D. Ps Ede' B t i 80Ng:m.145 em thloh - ti Be Bea Duoke ao A e.tolomq IMPORTATIONS. titeported for - the Prem.] BHP:MEN—Brie llamentbei, Ploshigt-5 pigs mdae Jl Bailey & C u; 7 7do J T Midnight; sdo J 0 Boereoke; do Oberteutter & Frosts:lr; 1 do J Peetneton & eons; 12 baskeu wine LA Wollenweber; 1 pkg 111e111 C P Burn eV 3do Young & Co; 6do J Pesros & i'o; 3do quails. Wardin Lo; 55 do A Forster Udo Mantra & BM; 2do Rosengarten & Sow Ido Wa !t.r & Hergheaser 6do A Miner: xi do 0 A tritium: 11 do J 8a11e..!.. 3 0 0 C Dohlflogi ado Thor *Mr & sdo John nol,l. 32 do Redden. Porter to Rooth; 10 do Vesi s ti & Ca; doW 'rifler; 3do P Lanni.; do 1) L Ribes. rt lao J 1. , Piste & Pohottler 30 do Geo Doll & Co: 14 do J I••berbarl; 4 do H Baby ing k Co; 2do Ratio &. Bennsti• Ido K MOIIWOM , k.. 0"; 16 doa W g oighti 3do R Bohm dt; Ido Pohafrer & Koredil 78 do Wioht fr. 14inkeneu; Sdo THessenbrnoh & Cor DO do joha Welt; 4 do R. & 0 A Wtig hi; /0;100 F Ewert; 3do L. to P Orogiholg; SI do H Tilt. Ilk Cot 11 do 0 Dimming ; 600 bmi 37 pipes LI okis mans H4lllOll Bros; 0 do 1460 oler Mime 60 hum 100 demijohns wine vinegar C Woltien; 144 tots outs 58 Ole rodeo order. • MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH FAUFF. ARRIVED. . Bohr Daniel L Borah, Evans, 1 day from Indian River, with corn to Neel & Merriman. Bohr Liberty, Thniale. 3 days from Indian River, DM, with corn !odes L Bewley & Co. Bohr Benner, Chandler, 1 day from Indian River, Del, With cog ri ttNeali & Merriman. Behr Del, with Bewley m Little Creek Len di ng, Del, with oats to Jos L St. Co. ohr Andrew blonship. Morrie.) day from Little Creek Landing. Del. w ith corn to Jan taewley & Co. EARE. llng Qualms. Finkhsta CL , Forth D nd, It R. COlllOl3 & CO TaLSORAPIL (Correlipoiteehoeof the Promo MEW 'V OM Oct. P. Arrived, ship Enterprise. from 'Havre; barks A White, from Oinsgow; Bloods, from tluederiend. OALICANII. Oot. 19. Wale Arri s froved, ships ßa Pacific, from Pow York; Prince of , m • ' • NINMORANDA, ' Steamship Vander bilt , Larsen, mearad at New York ” I " l= si i r l, ot iltatimpre, Petrie, for Llyeryool, ingereenn OW no Yelikerwr.• slay I le Mg, unovreu, eleared .at New York 7111•1•1417 ow s. • • rtr o =7.!enle icon .from London, arrived at New ennieireicWide, Bri - sit, imPi N:6414104 Swift, from Ll lll7 l rii , ViAllivitz ik;':: mv,v,..,„,.a at N Pak? SMP„ sa . 0 0 4 . - 411:6 inalrpton !toads from ciduit a t d . 1 ' Haw .olirreo: Ingham, enTel !mei' Yrdermo nth ult. 117 lt r it i rta l Int: f s ArTlM at N York Ye rS i ttiMait ?taigas from Rio it / t vi I. :Milk se ep, wise at s tleittlPo i r7lyeat Isosa; ' : ‘: . , r jos esennWer lirldp from 8t John, Niti for Fhlladel ptua, at Deatatmy UM MM. MIMS !!=IIII2I2IEMEMii Reg leiaasl Obarobtpae, Oats, Nom Obilrlinnall, 111 - $ york Y15L40"3.4 - - Bohr P it !Awls. hens*, arrived at Rieh inond nth inst. • Mohr g p Bellows, Clark, harm, arrived at 'Provi .deties 18th inst. • Bohr ileo Edward. Corwin, ht Salem 17th instant, . gehrs Mo tive. Itiosenhrook fa and A. Rearm, Ryan, hence, arrived at Washington, IW, Yes terday. - . Bolos Peat ,Brown, J le Carver. Eurnellomd J Jr, winsmore, hence, arrived at Boston:lath instat. ' -" • Behr Pranows D Decker, Watrons, hence, arrived at Pawtneetl7th inst. - Bohr C A Billloll, iglOh. from Provinsetown for Phi ladelphia, arrived at New York yesterday. Behr Itspies, Gibbs, sealed from New York yester day for Philadelphia. Reamer Bristol, Allen, cleared at New .York yester day for Philadelphia. Propeller P T Heart t Bidden, eleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia; Rio de Janeiro, Rest 7—% part, barks Lapwing , Kelly. for Baltimore; Chase. Raffle ,Sri in do; Virginian, L owry. for New York. unloading, and othere previously report ed. Business had been suspended from the tith to 10'h NEW PUBLICATIONS. CLOSE O F THE TWENTY-FIRST VOLUME. HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. No. Cxxvt.] CONTENTS. [NOVEMBER. CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. /LIAIBTRAVONS.—Portrait of Smith.—Smith in his Forest Retreat.—Combat between Smith and Tor bashaw.—Smith's rms.--tmith esoaping front his Tartar Master —Reception by the Chief of the Ray paharinooks.—Fight at Kekoughtan.—Sunth saved ._yb Pocahontas — Submission by the Chief of the RaPPahannooke—The Humiliation of Opeohancan ough.—Smith presenting Ms Map to Prince Charles. The Sorrow of Pocahontas. A SUMMER IN NEW ENGLAND.—III. NANTUCK ET. iLLIISTRVTED 114 Poarn Onsvon. /LLUErnierlona—Dismantled Whaler.—A strange Gentleman —Mother Can —Studley.—Pird Erring at Muskegeet—Watson Burgess—All Difficulty Set tled-'Towing the Whale.—.Tarring_ Ropee—The Harpooner.—A Grove.— Toofiweot.—Railroad dent.—Villase Lawyer.—Agent of Humane Boole ty.--From Maine.—Boston Hank Driver.—Poverty and Riches—Organ Grinder.—On the Wharf. PEARLS AND GEMS. Itrmarnarions.—Pearl Fishing at Bfarolll —Pa nama Pearl.Diver.—Egyptianar-Hingc —dishoP Bittods Ring,—Ring of Pius IL—Pearl Oyster.— pearl Dearing Mussel.—Japanese Miraole.—Native Pearls. —Persian Gulf Diver.—Great Pearl of the Great Mogul.—Pearl of the Peacock Throne —Pear- Shapgd Pearl.—Small Pearl of the Great Mogul.— Round Pearl of the - Great Mogul. The Cleance Pearl. —Pearl Ear-Ring. —Sizes of Pearls.— The Russian Ruby.—False Ruby of the Mogul. Ruby of the King of Perela.—Visapour Ruby, fkirmrous Heart-Hubv.—Topaz of the Great Jdogril.—Carved Emerald.—The Boni.—The Tilf.ny Opal. GLITTER AND GOLD. THE ORDINATION BALL, DOWN THE RIVER. ROSE-GARDEN.—A NEW ENGLAND SKETCH. MY VELVET SHOES. "UNTO THIS LAS r."—III. QUI JUDD:I/IT'S TER RANI. By Joex Rvsxt 1. THE FOUR GFOR GES.—IV. OBBROE THE FOURTH.—By W. N. TR tOREII•S. .11Atovrear.oe.—The Royal George. A FALLEN STAR. By FITZ SAM'AS O'Berge. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTE LITERARY NOTICES. EDITOR'S TABLE. EDITOR'S BABY CHAIR OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDIT )R'B DRAWER. CONJUGAL CONVERSATIONS ILLUSTRATED. ILLVRTILATIONEI.—A mild Query—Model of Fleas antneas.—Working like a Nigger.—Out on Business. —.Aber Busineas.—Nothing to Weay.—A Earoainua Honat.—Averse to Soototy.—Maternal Cares.—Sla ving at Home. Pleasures of Girlhood. FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER. ILLtnivaivrross.—Autumn Cloak.—Striped Man tle. The present number completes the Ticenry first Vo lume of HARPER'S Now MONTHLY htsoszin v. The Publishers believe that, for value of matter and beauty of illustration, It Is folly equal to any which has pre ceded it. Special attention has been given to Papers upon Ame rican History, Biography, Character, and boonerr. This department of the Magazine has met with such general approval that it has been determined that, in succeeding Volumes of the Magazine, every part of our tenantry shall be fully illustrated with pen and pencil, The Publishers present their thanks to munerous Correspondents, who, In suggesting subjeo's, offer in formation and hospitality to the Artists and Writers to whom the preparation of these papers may, be in trailed. They also thank the thousands of Boiuntary COM SPOIldellitS. by whose aid the " Editor's Drawer " is en abled to famish a monthly collection of anecdotes and faisitne whol , y unrivalled. TI e Publishers believe that the present Velum gives abundant evidence that the Magazine will still be found smithy of the liberal auppott which It has received for the last ten years. A complete set of RAE PER'S MAGAZINE will be a de- Nimble acquisition to any public or private library. Be sides the Talu, Poems. and Essay*, which form the leading features of BerlodicalLiterature,eaoh Numbs r of the Magazine has - contained a•tiolen of permanent value. Nearly Two Hundred Papers, llastrated by more than Two Thousand Engravings, have been devoted to American Snowy, Bionatihr.lnanstry. Character. and Scenery. Each of our great Agricultural Staples has been made the aubjeot of elaborate articles. The rawly; of the ezelorations of travellers in regions heretofore undescribed, have been careftilly epitomized. The "Literary Notices" embody impartial estimates of more than two thousand hooky, comprising alnloat every work of any value which lne Pena tutted from the American emu during the lam ten years. The " Monthly Reoord of Current tieente," though filling a small some an each Nusiber. contains matter auffurent to fill several vo lumes. Every event of historical importance is here noted; it furnishes a more complete history of the tut tenyeare than can ba found In any other accesmble slope. The Publizhers of Hazezit's Men' urea, aware of it, permanent value, have eleotrotyed every pace. They can, therefore. sagely any Number from the be ginning upon the f °Bowing terms: Any Nerebir will be sant by Merl, poet veld for Twenty-Ave Cents. Any volume. oomprisins Six Num bers.nestly bound in Cloth. will bs sent by any mot of the United states within 3 WM miles of New York. poet-paid. tor Two Dollars per Volume Complete Sets will be seat by Express. the ir eight at the charge of , the .purchaser, at a discount of Twenty live per Cent. from the above rate. Twellty one Volumes, hound unifunniv. extending from June, 186 c, to Novem ber, 3860, are new ready. TIRStO. One Copy for one year ....... 00 Two Copies for One Year ........ 5 00 Three or more Copies for One Year (each) 3 00 And an Extra Copy, gratis.for every Club of Tear busiscataints. Harper's Massaine and Harper's Weekly, together , one year, 84. oc2o-It HARPER Or BROTHERS, Publishers. HEBZOG'S PROTERTANT THEOLO CIO eL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ENCYCLO. PEDlA.—Beine e Condensed Translation of Herzog's Real Encyclopedia, with addirions from other sources. By the Rev. L H. A. Bomberger, D. D., misted by dis tinguished Theolnvi ens of various denominations. PART 12 READY THIS DAY. Price GO cents, ALSO. VOLUME 2. Bound In cloth. Pride 83. Book Parts of Volumes supplied. This nook is a mess of well-digested learning end should be in the library of every clergymen. Wnen it is concluded re theologian will be able to do without it. It is a per:eot storehouse of important taws end disarm. , slims. Every clergyman should own t."—[Southern Churchmen, Alexandria. Va. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publiehers, °Oa 4f , South SIXTH Street, above ChEtiTNWP. THE METHODIbT FOR THIS WEEK A. IS READY AT THE NEWS-DEALERS. Its contents are of the usual character. Among them a SERMON OF BISHOP SIMPSON. Reported expressly for this_paper. 'A PORTRAIT OF HON. JANlill B.SHOP, OF NEW JEReEY. With a Biosraphical f ketch. AN ORIGINAL STORY - FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS , BY MRS. A LICE B HAVEN. An exceedingly interesting_ LETTe R 'FROM ENGLAND. EDITOti lAL ARTICL e S ON MR. BROWNSON AND 1118 OHURCII. FRIGHT IN THE CATACOMBS OF PARIS, On "THE WORLD" AN') THEATRES, SENSATION PREACHING AGAIN, THE ROYAL DANCE. THE FULLEST DETAILS OF AMERICAN AND FORSIGI RELIGIOUS NEWEL METHODIST PERSONAL, LITERARY. EDUCATIONA I , AND CONFERENCE PTEMS. In this number the Yroprietors announce a m .M libe ral list of Premiums for sungeribers. is lodine Wheeler & Sewing Machine. Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machin___,e Harper's Illuminated Bible. Wash i ngton Werke, etc.. worthy of the attention of any who wish by the expenditure of alittle exertion, or by the occupation of a little spare time, to procure one of these useful household conveniences for their own.use, or to present one to valued Pastor, or to a mend, as a means of livelihood. And including, too, a list of e un day-school Books, worthy the attention of any one, who by the same ready means would enrich the B. S. Library. Subscriptions received by PERKINPINE & HIG ;INS. It 50 North FOURTH Street. IN ILL BE READY ON THE Arn--- The treat hook of THE SIGNERS OF THE Dr. OLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: containing FAC SIMILE LETTERS of comb signer. lilustrated with SIXTY-0 •E ENGRAVINGS, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residencies. portraits, &o. No American should be without this book; a de sideratum in avers' libry. WIL ar LIAM. BROTHER HEAD, Publisher and Importer of old Hooks A utographe, orSl-3t. and Engravings, :11 S. EIGHTH btreet. LEIDY'S A NATOMY. JUST PUBLISHP,D, &N ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON HUMAN ANATOMY, BY JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsyl vania; Curator of the Academy of Natural Sotenoes, Am, ka.. ko. 1 vol. Ivo. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, MOSTLY VEOII ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 and 24 twilit FO G RTB. Street. 0011-th trate the-at H ALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH.— Monthly. el Fey annum. A new subscriber Writhe I like the RING , of your grooms; they leap from the die sal °wide. and full weight. I never read your Journal till to-dar. I re ceived a shook on the first page, and now wish to st•ike hands withp. man who has sioughed coat, and stands unlaced before, Me fellows," A clergyman writes: " he vigor and raciness, and flaxen Maiming of the language,logether With its evi dent honesty and importance, make each number a 0 seeing to me, It comes like a duly flavored and effervescing glare of soda, and maintains its sparkle and its goodness marveliously." The 6 Completed Volumes are_fill.e6 each. JOHN fdeFARIJAN, Agent. Office of the New American Cyclopedia, And the New Issue of Irvine's Wong. 33 fillth!Six rir Street. k Dr. Hall's Health Drawee. SI Brestohltis and Kindreeepiseares, 81, Consumption, 41. oale:fit-itithe The Fireside Monthly, 01.60 a year. 'REIMIeR, Nos. 615 and 617 NORNII 4- 1 1 0 SECOND street, above Green, has r n hand and for 'sale an extensive easortment. of oval, and square ullJf FAAMEn, of alining and prices. lc* , NAVAL STORES.-100 bbis Spirits Turpentine. Hello Rosleate do Tar, handl from Ramona. Game A. nil foredo hy RO LEY. AfildßiTßNltil.k 00. No. to Booth Wharves. 041t1)MittOM I:4BED, MALABAR-1 cage, NL , ' for sale. WETHERILL BRoTnlilt. solo 4 T ma 4 49 jionbfiEgOti9 St. ,_~_J.:;~,: 'MS PRESIL.rPHILADEL.PMAs SATURDAY. OCTOBER. 201 1860. THE HOUSEHOLD JOKTRNAL, iteaily. Three Centl " Honesty is the Vast Policy." An exoellont tale. "The Queer Client." APhiladelplus stall; "Pride hes its Pall." A sketch, " The Carlisle Heritage." A dory of interest " An Autumn song." 14 J. W. Ward. " The Physical Foram By Professor Parader, "Napoleon, Mazzini, and Garibaldi." "The Prinoe's Own." Polka, 2 pages music.' ALSO, History and Travel. Recipes for the Workshop tinier= and Arr. fitisoellaneous Reading. Essay and Literary Items. Lessons tn French. Wit and Humor. Leading Articles. Pussies, Charades, Ito. Household Reams. New Inventions. Answers to Correspondents Chess, and The Drama. Lessons in German. Juvenile Department. (hardening, Ice, field by all News Agents: Price Three Cents. 9160 a year. Finele copy mailed on ream tt ll eiLia , tkrihe-,oe 2 nj. N amD' l , !' ) TL i i h lAtal i ge h e e t7l , 4l. l 4 l 4OVl t c. One COPY tree for every club of nix subeerzbere. oole-at NEW POLKA. "T'E PRINOE'S OWN" is the title of one of the most brilliant polkas evei published. Composed by P. Hension, and appears beautifully printed ye N 0.6 of the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL of this' week. Now ready. May be had elan news- agents. Price, Three Cents Mailed on receipt of a three-cent stamp bt_the pub lishers, A. Beall HILL er, CO., 20 North WILLIAM street, New York. ooltl-at A BOOK TO MAKE HOME HAPPY D. A MI:TON - 0c CO., 443 AND 445 BROADWAY. • PUBLISH THIS DAY: TUE !WM:HEUER% ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COOKS RY, AND ALL °TILER BRANCHES OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY, Containing the first Scientific and Bribable Rules ever made public for putting up all kinds of Hermetical's sealed Fruits, with or without sugar, in Orleans or com mon bottles; also. Rules for Preserving Fruits in Ame rican and French styles; with tried receipts for makins Domestic Win e. Catsups. Byrom Cordials. /to.: and Practical Directions for tho Cultivation of Vegetables, Fruits, and Fiowe a, Destruction of Insects, &c., Sco. BY MRS. B. F. HASKELL. 1 v01.12m0, cloth. 01.25. This is not merely a Cook Book. It is a compendium of household knowledge, which, if stadied. and its teachings followed, will save many anxious hours and weary steps to every housekeeper. i t is praetreally in structive upon every branch of Household Economy. It ie of espeoial value to the inexperienced—to the young wife. jolt entering into a home of her own. to whom it will save the mortilleation and disappointment of those many little failures that without suoti a guide are inevitable. . - • • - it is not too much to say that every home in which this book is bound will he much the happier for it; every meal in that home better chosen and better prepared every household duty lighter nod better attended to; and that 'inane rie• on, or even a general want of skill, need never be a amuse of failure. the most minute di rections Rre given upon every subject. Aire Haskell hens f is an experienced housekeriver, and every rule that site lays down has been over and over again tested by herself. and proved to be good. She does not therefore give any mere theories. Few books even upon the one branch of cookery nonage this ad vantage—an they are mostly mere collections of recipes gathered in every direction, and strung together with out any positive knowledge of their oorreotneas or ex cellence. ANALYSIS OE THE CONTENTS. PAM I. contains eight chapters. including advice to young housekeepers upon molesting and furnishing a anuse; apnea. and management of servants; economy of almerfldness ; economy of cooking well, and econo my in small matters; washing, tic,; entertainment of company, and carving. In the general instructions to the family, the young husband is not forgotten. end h's_part in assisting the young wife to form herself into a finished housekeeper is meetly defined. PART 11. treats of nutrition, chimeras of food, and marketing. . . . . PART II —ofgeneral cookery—nouns, fish, meats, noultry. vegetables ; how to cook, store for winter , and hermetically seal them • puddings and dinner desserts. pastry and pies, reed. bread and Weak. This lest chapter is one of great importance; the rules are as perfect no.;. possibie, and will insure good bread of all kinds, cakes, confectionorr, tea, and coffee. The enap• ter on coffee was prepared with greatpare from expe rience, end if followed, Will insure to the family coffee that is perfect. T nr. contains five chapter p r eservereakfast dishes; hashes, eggs—to select, to for the family, and market, cook. economy in dishes, showing how to use the odds' and ends cold dinner., and lu•ohem PART V. oontaine six chapters. ;riving directions for gathering and preserving apples for market and the family; also to hermetically seal, prererve with sugar, make cider, dry, and cook them. 1o neleot end pre serve, dry, cook. and hermetically seal peaches, pears, plarribe.chernes, and Went India fruits. This part contains toe first noientifie Direo4ollll made public in this country for Hermetically Sealing fruits without boiling. Mrs Haskell has put up fruits in this manner for the past eight years. with good success. and has reduced this art to scientific. rules; so that any per son can with ease preserve their owe l'ruits. PART VI contatnefourohantersnpon domestic win's, beers, fruit, brandies, and vlnegais, cordials, and ex tracts PART VII. contains four obapteri of directions for making cabana Wade, flavored vinegars, plekleei . and mangoes. PART Vlll.—Five chapters on gardening; kitchen, fruit, aid flower garden, hot-bade and insects, IX.—Two chapters. Curing mate, milk, cheer., and Mater.- X. • PA.It T Xour chapter. 0 11' the Mot room—what It should be remedies', treatment 'of infante, cookery, lor the sic XI. PASTS and XIL are M180111&111101111 and genera. We book will be sent free of Instate to any parr Of the United dtatee On the receipt of tiiaa.- 0011 G. EVANS' GIFT BOOS STOIIE, ILA • NO. 4119 CHESTNUT Etreet. 't BUY YOUR BOONE AT EVAN/3'o ..e- " Where you eau get books in evitry department of A4M moue ; and BUR IN MIND that besides getting_iNt r book the lowest reteulprie , s. 'THAT A 0 . *mitt from BO °eau to *mawr meanie,' eaoh Book. ALL THE NEW BOOKSSHED AS BOOA AB PUB- Call in, Ind one trial will assure ,you that the bilat place in the ear to bur books, le at G. G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. Be. 4 39 CHESTNUT Street. ANOTHER " NOTHING TO WEAL" BRADY TO-DAY. • A SATIRICAL I THIN., IN THE STYLE , O.P " NC TRINE* TO WiSAft." ENTITLED THB PKINCb.'B BALL. By EDMUND C. ISTBOMAN. Author of the" Diamond Wedding." With many humorous fu&page illustrations. One elegant Igmo volume. tinted pager, cloth bound Frio°, 60 tenth. This little volume sets out humorously to chronicle the journey in Amenon of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales—his passage from the mother country —arrival in Canada. and exploits therein. From thence to the Mates, with his manifold adventures , he is fol lowed to New York city, where the culmination takes THH BALL AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, of which n graphio sketch is presented ; with the trials of Mies Flora MeFlimseY, not only in procuring whine- MOD. but in her subsequent endeavors to dance wit ti the Prince. - - Witten by the masterly rn eatirioal pen of U t e author of the" Dilmond Wedding. "e helliphed wit hhumoroo• original tiluatrationa, and cold at the low price. or W tents. The publishers anticipate a rapid gale. •.• • Comes sent by mail,postage free. by Skims. EU & O N ARIAITO, Publishers, 0013 then 130 OHAND street. NEW YORK BOCK BUYERB.--Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank. 419 CILEATN UT Street, where I will continue to boy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the engem house Avenue Book-stand) old and new Law and Mir cellaneons Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy 9f Erasmus on the Mew Testament, 9 vols., 4to, printed In lat 9, Price 830. I will ;deo deal in Bagravings and Autographs. Persons at a thatanee wishing to sell Books will desoribo their names . dates, sizes, bindings, conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsyl vania, an d old Books upon Amami& wanted. see-on. • JOHN OA efPRVILT.. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE.-NO. TICE is hereby given. that Lettere of Adminii tration on the hstate of taIARLOTTE DOUGHERTY. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All pereons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, end those having claim against the earns to DrAent them for settlement to RhIA re WELLS, Administrator. Pottstown, Montgomery county, Pa. TN TOE ORPHANS' OffORT FOR THE -s- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Estate of JOHN HOLLINGER, deoeased. Notioe .us hereby given. , that tho widow of the said decedent has filed in the said court her petition and ap pralsement of property. elected to be retained by her under the act of A pril 14111. 1881. anti the same will he approved tiy the court on Friday, the 2d day of Novem ber, MO. tlno exceptions be made thereto DANIEL DOUGHERTY, 0811 limit . Attorney for Petitioner. I N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL DELPIIIA. In the matter of agate of HARRIS COLEMAN, de oonmod. . _ • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and ediust the account of IbIA.A.O NATHADiti,eAmims trator of tho estate of Barris Coleman. deceased, and to report diem hution of the balance in the hands of the administrator, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hisappointment, on at four o , olook {ho nfmtnoon, at 911190 i fIS Unt southereat corfibr or E 10141.11 end LOCIMIT careens. DANIEL. POUGHERTY, !Miter, 0011-thstatuat "NOTICE. —An instalment (being the / I Third) of Five Dollars per Shore on the Capital ptook 10.. i ltte Gt.RMANTOWN PASSENGER itAIL WAY 10. oalled, payable on or before Dit•VP.MBER nth next. oce-Itn AMALGAM BELLS. Only ONR-TIIIRD the price of BMX and less thalami that of Steel Belle; of equally aonoroue and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at the SOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 612 COMMERCE Street. sae thstuem A. M. F. WATSON. WARM AIR FURNACF. Thenew Cone Furnace Gas Consumer will thorouthly warm your house. with one-third less coal than Is re gotten by any other furnace. eatisfeetion in all cases guarantied. Buildings warmed and v en tilated hi' & sell-etuthamif 1010 CHEBTIVUK Blrest. COOKINQ RANGES.—AII in want of the 1 1-/beat elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges, will do well to call at ARNOLD WlIBOO 8, sea-stutb Unit' 1010 C/lESTNTT Street. SLATE MANTELS.—”The richest and most beautiful speeimens of enamelled Slate Man tels over offered for sate in title country, manufeolured by us, from Pennsylvania slate•stone and for rate very low. ARNOLD' & WILSON, seS-stutlainif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. pOOO METALLIO PAINT:-70 PER only, pilre motel.—Thu paint oovers 8,080 square feet on metal, and 6,000 on wood per 11)0 lbs. The beet and cheapest paint for tin and sliest-iron roofs; railro ears, bridges. iron fronts. houses, barns, femme, ships drake and hulls, or any wood or metal exposed to heat, weather. or water. Samples asd circulars, containing yeferenoes, sent free WILLIE:OK G. SMITH, Nib Agent l9 ../40." 132 N. FOURTH, above Arobstreel. oa flt L" AU T It) N—UItIEDITAL, DETEILSIVE %- 0 BOA r —Fncouraged by the great and merited Iwo cces of tine allude, several unprinalpled nutters have closely Imitated it In appearance only. and we fe it our duty to notify the public that none Is genuine, ex cept our namely stamped on each bar. au.93-um Ut VAN HAGEN & MarEGNE. CIRIENTAL DETERSIVE SO pound of whiell wind.) its much washing. and do it better than three of nommen rosin soap; clothes heed no boning nor rubbing on a wash board. Over /MOO, bandies are now constantlr using it. We guarantee it to give satisfaction, or return the money. all respeota bleftrooers have it for sale. TRAIN k McKEONE, Ruct-iss if tf no and 44 Hnuth w Novas CINED PLASTER, PLASTERING .7t-/ 'HAIN:WIWI% SAND. and CEMENT for sale. at NINTH and COAT promptlys. 11. HeINN Orden for ehlpping attended to. oolg-Ot. PVB/4/OATIONOt CONTAINS 4 . 0 • LEGAL. NOTICES. WM. BIN GERLY, Pea. and Tress lINTAIL DRV GOODS. NEW ()WAKE 0 .F;l4 ZNc EVERY.MORNING, AT TUE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORI - UM, YOS 011EBTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. ooM-it D.sOME FURS. OF AGI, NATIONS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY REAL RUSSIAN SABLE, FINE DARK HUDSON BAY SABLE, RUSSIAN AND AMERICAN MINK SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, BRIE DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, ac.,'&c., s i Naito win the most Fashionable &ilea, for LADIES' WINTER OOSTUME A 1414 600D8 WARRANTED ONE NERD PRICE. FROM WHICH NO DEVIA IION CAN BE MADE. THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, PUR EMPORIUM. No. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, (A nOt ) li SIVRNTII, SOUTH 91D1 .) ;J. W. PROCTOR &I CO. oc2o-4t INDIA hErAWL.S. VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTH CLOAKS, SILKS, ' SHAWLS, • DRESS GOODS, la great variety and clunioe selections, at GEORGE FRYER'S. No. MG CHESTNUT STREET. °MAI FALL OLOARS OPENING DAILY. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, oat-70t NO. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET VLOAKI3.—The greatest bargains in the city at IVENS'. CLOAKS.—The largest stook, the beet assortment. the tohoicest colors, the finest willow', the most superb trimmings, the newest styles, the beat work, and deci dedly the lowest prices in the oily, at IVENS', 23 South NINTH Street. 0013.1 m LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTING& CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDEREDSLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS, EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT 'PALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY atrocity. 009-0116- - EIRE & LANDELL A No. 400 AIOR litywet.will oven TO-DAY, from Auction, the fel lowleg_bamuns, which will be sold as bargains: All-wool ulaok Tithe% Dbawdbi rool Talbot Long Shawls. uses% Long thawls Sold. rad?. and Magenta De Laines. aierme and Cesbaisses. arooade Poglirm ft t lins below regular IMAM attar VP - STYLE BLANKET SHAWLS, .1- I Limit and Sclera, direct from the celebrated Washington Mills (formerly:Day Mate CumillinTOultin" pri■ingatith6newdesigns,iD Stn path ah &dint th Mrs de. them Dark Mixtures, and Blacks—in Plain Medium and Gay r tyles. Also—Gtella Brodie and Reversible Bliagrig in great variety. A AIM stook Plain and Printed Preneh hterltmee, Ve lour Finding , new style RIO Piloted Coburg, all Wool Tdonelinsa. all Wool Plaids, &o . too. 131:ANKETB, ANKE 18 An invoice of new 10 4.11-4,12 4. and 13.4 Red Blankets, coma very euperior Ballard vale and all Wool Blinker Flannels. atm a tine moolt FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY. CLOAKS. Ct OAKS, CLOAKS — in great variety, of the latest styles, on hand, and made to order, at the shortest notice. OHARLEB ADAMS to BON, 0020 EIORTH and ARCH Streets. pRENCII POPLINR.. AL" A FEW CHOICE RI STYLES AT THE RIGHT PCES. Lupine French Merinos's, at the right prison. Puffin(' Wool Jltlelaines and Cashmeres. Valencia's. Malik, Figured Alpacas. Children's Detainee and Waal Plaids. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Auction lots French Merinos& 63 cents to el. . 01 Wool Delames r 30 to 60 cents. " 6-4 sublime saality. St 2.3. " " Bombazines and Alpacas. Ametines, Fe'd Alpacas, Reps. rr Black &Ike, Coburg, & o. COOPER andONARD, 0016 Southeast nor. NINTH, MARKEL PALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all A: the new shapes, ready triode or MADE 3 0 ORDER. First-elan work at popular wing. Every garment guarrentied the yard and please. Clothli by the yard or meoe. of but the right kinds for L Misses and Boys' CODwear. PER k CON.ARD,_ mita Bentheaat nor. Ntrall'and rdA RE ET. CLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North lIGHTH. Every one le talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOA K 8 at the new CLOAK STORK, 142 North FIOKTII Street. CLOARS.—If you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North BIG aTil Street. above Cherry. CLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH. is soul to be the best and choosiest store in the oity. oolS-Im CLOAKS. -A magnificent assortment of alt the newest styles imported this season, with every now material, mad* up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak etors, northeast oorner of swing and WALNUT Streets oat, lm VERY OHNAP MERINOS SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received bore lota of FRENCH MERINOS, (FULL WIDTH,) At retail or by the Can. From 66 cents 10 $1 Der rod. -Being far below importation coat. AUTUMN AND WINTER SHAWLS, Frenoh Blanket, Scotch Blanket, Paisley, Vienna, Brooke, (Erre rhawle, Black Heavy Berlin. Smell Checks, Friends' Blanket. Cloth Wed Silk. Bright new et , e stripes, - Mann Travelling Shawls Sin i i i itugg• SRA R mums CYPHERS. ootl3-tr corner GHERTei (Jr and B NTH Street& EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! ' THORNLEV S, n. E. Corner hailITH k. SPYING GARDEN Sta., Having elitAitZt Store. STOCK, Now offer for insfieotion ciriA 9y fitr , EITOCKO OF (MUDS .13 a v60'1451'1! mainttavE,Ly, VA in 'OS LYCHE AP Bogota' attention ted to Silks and Dress C *Ws. ahawle and Cloak'', Clothe and CEUICITIOjeff, Blankets and Flannels Linen Goods anceMueltne, q • Marseilles and other uilts' Hoeif i rl ia.o 1 . 0 re.: h o. All Goode marked nt the lowest Dries. era CARPETINGS. (WINO TO THE L SEGE IMPORTA TION OF CARPETINGS. and oonseouent forced sales THROUGH TILE AUCTIONS IN NEW YORK, we are enabled to offer a large neeortment of VELVET, BRUSSELS, and TAPESTRY CARPETS, OF THE NEWEST STYLES, AT IIIUCR BELOW REGULAR PRICES SUPERB THREE PLY and INGRAINS, IN GREAT VARIETY BALLY & BROTHER, No, Sao cfitinti htiset. CURTAINS AND SHADES. CURTAINS. ' WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, Awn UPHOLSTERY GOODS. DAMASK, LACE, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS,® Or EVltint DEtcRIPTION. CURTAIN LININGS, GIMPS, AND FRINGES. WINDOW SHADES ON RAND, OR PAINTED TO.ORDER. Alt work executed by competent workmen , at mode• rate prices, W. HENRY PATIT.N. : 0019 It 630 CUEBINUT STREET, CIIRTAINS, MATERIALS , AND TRIM MINGS. W. IL CARRYL & BRO.. importer/I, Have now in, store a full Stook, embracing nearest styles and novelties, at POPULAR PRICES, WHOLE SALE. and RE riot,. Wide French Satins. Wide French Brooatollee: Wide Frenoh Sat-n de Latina. Wide Worsted Damask. Wide Union Damask. Wide Damaskl able Cloth, per yard. Wide Motuette, for R, R. 01111. Frenoh Plashes, for R. E. Cars. Gilt Cornices and Rands. Cards limos, and Fringes. Tassels and Loops. Hooka, Rinke. and Brackets, Furniture Coverings. Gold Bordered Wigdow Shades. Gilt Borde ed Window Shades. Embroidered Lane Curtains. Embroidered Muslin Curtains. • W. H. CARRYL & BROTHER, 719 CHEST.I'i U r Street, It Philadelphia. . . MILLINERY. CHILDREN'S GOODS. Al I the new et)lee of Hate, in Felt, Flush. Beaver, or Silk. trimmed or untrimmed OUR OWN PATTERNS, A very largo variety, now ready LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET ocl9 MISSES' BONNETS. The Fall Styles now ready at the CITY BONNET STORE, LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, ' 726 CHESTNUT STREET. 0019 INSURANCE , CODIYANIZei. THE ENTERPRISE - - INSURANCE COMPANY PP PKIIJADEPBTA. (F/RE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING. H. W. UORNBX - FOURTH AND WALNUT srAssrs. DIRECTORS, 1 0 , BAIMIItOI2I SIAM. Mommext L. DAIVIMII, WILLIAM !Rollos, Goo. H. Orw Nizanco ro. A. FAottosTocs. um. tonn BILOWIII. II JON TWOOH, BM. T. ' mows. MOT , D. CASH. RXISSIT WHAWSS J. lA. loonuout. . 4 11.1011 F RD 8 ARR, Preedenl. CHARLES W. CO E. Secretary. fell • THE MUTUAL LIFE WM:MANCE COM, PANE OF NEW YORK. Auta: PM MILLI ONS OF DOLLARS, - - - INVIIIIND WORTH M VE G R A e OO O,0 A 00. /IMAM The premiums are LOWER than in many other Comort niee, and the Dividends have been ORTATIII. This is a Adair MI7TOAL COlnvany. There aro no Stookholdsra so that ALL TIM PROFITS BUONO TO THE InstinlD. Pamphlets, and every Information, may be had ORATIo, on application_to F. RATCHFORD STARR. agent, S. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. ; PHILADELPHIA REFFRRHOES: Thomasßotrat, John Welsh. Mordecai L..105Wa011, George_ H. Stuart, I George H. Stroud, E. 8. Who en. I John B. ers, J. Fisher Learning, JosepJoseph Pat My terson. William C. Ludwig, h M. Atwood. Arthur 0. Collin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKee, Thos. Wattson. n 23 leif ANTHRAOITE INSURANCE COMPA PERPE N.__ TUAL Authorised Capital S4OO,OO I —CHARTER Moe No. NI vrALNur Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, Thuldingr, Furniture, and Merohandise gene rako, Marine Immanent on Venda's, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all its or the Union. DIRIACTORW. Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfield, D. Luther,. Dr. George N. Eckert. L. Audenried, John R. Blakorton, Davis Pearson. Wm. F. Dean, rater Sieger, J. E. Baum. JACOB ESHER, _President. WM. F. DEAN, Vide President, W. M. SMITH. Searetarv. sidt.tuthei 11.7 1 AME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 1: 406 CHESTNUT Barnet, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATE D E APRI NNSL, M U ABATHE STATE OF PYLV. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright. 11. S. SiMOTs Wm. W. Welters,J. W. Everman, Chas. Richardson, Heury_Lesris, Jr.. Geo. A. West.Jewett W. Stout,. O. 'MIBon Davie, blenkis Stern. Thos. S. Mart GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRAN HARDCK, Vice Eres't. WILLIAMS I. BLANSecretary.ll t SAVING FUNDS. A MERIOAN SAVING FUND.-00M lany'e• Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FO U RTH. Streets. Open daily from f WI I o'clock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening, Thin Old Institution her always paid In fall, on demand, without notice INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All name said book, oklemand, In gold andettver. SA GIMES. X. AIIILLTITN, Pregldent. gAbll,. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Ha r, George Nugent, John Anspaoh, .gaml. T. Bodine, Alb. C. Roberta, John Allman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WHAM, Treasurer. JOHN 0. 81h113. Secretary. au2l-7m SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, Moe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 11th,1851. Open for Depogits and Payments. daily, front 9 togng o , olook. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, front 6 to 8 o'olook. Interest I per cent. per annum. De fora can with draw their clotterk by Cheeky, If desired. Speoial Ds posits reoeived. JAMS S. PRINGLE. President, Fa A.NIIII Nate. Secretary. 100-U U COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOI UTION. The Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of L. JOHN SON & CO., wan dissolved by the death of L. Johnson, on the 26th day of April, 8611 v 'TOMAS MACKELLAR, JOHN F. SMI SM TH. RICHARD ITH. COPARTNFRSIIIS.—The subsoribers, having pur chased the entire interest of the late My. L. JoLneon have entered into ooliartnership under trio firm-name of L. JOHNSON & CO. The business of Type and Stereotype. Founding, EfeetrOttPlne. end Wood En graving, will be continued an usual, at the old loontain, No. 606 hANCOhI Street, Philadelphia. T OMAS MACKELLA ft, JOHN f, l EICHAKD tiIkUTH PETER A. JORDAN. APRIL, 27, IMO. oolti St THE OOPARTNERSIIIP HERETOFORE existing under the name and style of SAGER & SLOAN and SAGER. SLOAN, & CO. is is this day dis solved, by mutual consent, Charles NlAlloan and Semi. Sager vrltherawiaz from the said firm. Wtlliam B. Pager Is authorised to settle the business of the late fittu at the old p1a0e,163 north SECOND Stmt W. B. SAGER, G. M. SLOAN, 0.318 3t* 8. SAGER. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The undersigned, trading under the firm name of the Bridge Company. have this day dissolved part nership by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be closed up by the Treasurer, Algerrop Roberts, who is authorized to Use the firm's name in liquidation of the affairs of the Company. LEVI. & LINE. P. ROBERTS, PHILADELPHIA, October 17,1860. The buisinete of building Iron Bridges will be con tinued by the undersigned, in conneotion with the ma nufacture of Car Axle', at the Pencoyd Iron Works. Office 410 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. 0017.12 t A. Sc P. ROBERTS. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. —The Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of SIMONS. COLEMAN. & CO., Wagon Pdanufao torero. was tins day dissolved. by mutual consent. All Persons having Maims against the late firm will present them to Heart Simone for payment, and those in..ebted to said firm will make payment to him. lIPIRV SIMONS. ROBERT M. COLEMAN, GEORGE F. COLEMAN. Philadelphia, Sept.l6,lB HENRY elmorrs will !matinee the busitose at the old atr.nd. and we cheerfully recommend and eolmit for him the patronage of the euatomere of the old firm. ROBERT M. COLEMAN. oda 6t° 0 e.ORGN F. COLEMAN. NOT/OB.—The subscribers have formed a limited Partnerehip, 10 accordance with the Apt of Aeeeinbly , under the firm and name of B aNN KRA s c , DRAPER, for the Importing and trading in Foreign and Domestio blerohandunt. l and the general Commis 'AV fr,; . NPAeitYllllllllll}Vita, 11 4 1 3 : fig o Partner is lotiN D. BENNER% who has contributed to the Capital of the firm the sum often Thousand Dol ton,. Ihe Partnership Commences Mis mo da t y, r a i n gn d e e d t:de on the twellth i d s ai A o ci l JOHNWARNER DRA p GenerelPartners. D.BBNNBRS, Spemal Partner. Philadelphia, September 98.1860. ee9o sant MORE LIGHT THE (3AS LAMPS POR THE , IdILLION, may be seen at moo NORTH SECOND ;Street; e 30,000 worth are now m use. The &meet street. Green and Coates. Ridge road, and other horse oars are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lamps for el ; 10.000 agents wanted to sell the throughout the United Stater , The Gas Lamp will li ght a room twen ty feet equare for one omit au hour DR. C. A. GREENE & CO., No. Ode NORTH SECOND Street, above Race. egle-theAnt-le WANTS. 1A - ANTED,A YOUNG MAN in a Nib bon Store, Add rase B. 8., true office. 0020-9t* WANTED—A half-grown white girl, to asPiak at hotiaemork inn priva te at No. FEDERAL &, 3 ,;lik a ~att A YOUNG 114 N OF CONSIDERABLE mercantile experience wishes a situation in en importing house as correspondent, enlemman, or Speaks and writes German and French fluenty. Beet ofof,this testimoniale fu rn ished. Address • • Thomas'," offi 3e psper. , ociPet* AYOUNG MAN WANTS A EITUA tion In a More, wholesale or retail. having been en ga reference. h for a number or yearn. Bloodtve the beet of Addrem-" B:H. D.," s AMpatch. 0019-3t* I WANTED—By a'Young Wan, of steady and industrious habitg, a situation as salesman or Mark. Ban good busyness quadildalldnar sld ca n furnish the beat testimonials. Address " Clerk:, office of thin paper. 0e18.36. A GENTLEMAN, AGED THIRTY-SE yen years, vranta a situation in some %cod com meyolal house or manufacturing establishmer, as assistant book - keeperoollemor.oroorresmindin clerk. Salary not so much an objeutas permanent emplo ment.- First-olass city reference-given. No objection to the South. Address "F. C. 0.," orrice of thin raper.: oolS St. WANTED TO PIIROHASE.—The ad vertiser has 81.000, with whioh he is willing to purchase a permanent and well established business that will yield him a comfortable support. address "Capital," Press office. - ocl7-6t. WANTED—By a competent shoe sale man, a situation, in a firet•olaso Boot and Shoe Home. between now and the first of January. Has been on Market street for the tact fourteen years. as salesman and buyer. Address F. A. P., Press &Hoe. oorr ft" WANTED—BY A 'WONG MARRIED MAN. a situation as Bookkeeper in a WhOlesale House or elanufsotu.ins EntalVishment. Best of refe rence given. Address ACCOUNTANT, Oicce of The Press. 0.517-6t* WANTED—A PARTNER.—An active Business Man, having $lOOOO, will hear 'of an excellent opportunity of engaging in a first•olass Mar cantile business already established, and paying wrelt. by addressing, with real name, L. & CO., (Moe of ibis Paper. nol7-Bt. WANTED—A situation as a Salesman in a Cloth House. has had eaveralyeare expa• rienoa. A dd me'. W. B." thin office. oola-at. FOR SALE AND TO LET.. at TO LE P—A Furnished House, in a central situation. A_prolr on the premises, bo tween 10 and 2 o'clock, N. W, corner NINTH and t ()- COST Streets. 0r319.2r F R SALE OR TO LET—A sive rior three-story brick dwellingovith three-story •double back bultd.ngs, and all the modern improve ments, situate on the south side of ARCH Street, Ho 1520. APO, to ROBERT AI oolii 6t. 233 South THIRD Street. FOR . .IX—A well-assorted stock: of Hardware, Cutlery, An.. and the fixtures of the store. with the privilege of renting the store, wheel' is admitted in the centre of business. erhe house has been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania teade. Any person desirous of going into the Hardware homi ness will find it n good opportunity. The stook will be offered on reasonable terms. Address " A.." at this office. sele stuck tf VALUABLE 80EIOOL PROPERTY FOB. SALE OR RENT. - . Will be ;tiered for sale or rent on THURSDAY, the let of NOVEMBER. 1860, at 12 o'o'ook M . on the pre mises. MOUNT FL wABANT 88M1N CRY. one cf.tne most healthy and desirable B,hool locations in the tato. situated in Boyettown, Berke county, Pa. For condition of the school and farther particulars see an nual Catalogue of the last five yearn at this office, or call upon or address the subscriber on the r emise.) F. H. Be c k sß.: ocl6-tuths6t• Boyertown, co., Pa. TO CHAIR AND C iBINET MAKERS.— 1 The Phoenix Wood-Bending Company, owners of " Blanobard's Patent." for the Mates of New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county. town, or shop rights, or grant licenses to nee, oo easy tenon. Thin Is the onlypatest. All meth: were will be strictly dealt with. Apply to JOHN 811.8 BY, or C. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. 004-113 m FOR EXCHANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT of good nmmprovec farm land in the State of New Jersey. convenient to the city, will be exchanged fn elyartiparty. Apply at No. 115 FEDERAL. Street. ati LARD-OIL FAOTORY.—To rent, a MIL LARD-OIL FACTORY with El Patent Lever Praises, with Plates, Bsgs. Tube, Kettles, Tanks; ail in somelete order. An lv to ROWLEY, ABRZURNFR, k r'O r , 004 N 0.16 eOUTH WiIeRVER 14 HYACINTHS, TULIPS, CRO _US, &0., of ajtuerior quality, by the ease or dozen. for sale by T. WaLTEIt. No. 230 CHUROtt Alley. I;atalognes now ready. Please compare priors and Quality with auotion roots. 5*% FOR SALE—A. very superior Lack SAI DUE RORAE. 7 years old. 11.7.1 bands high, racks and canters under Randle. and trots fast in single and double harness Warranted perfectly sound and kind in every_ war. Inquire of CLARK SOocSON, t* Animal Painter. No. 108 South EIORTH Street, -2 MISSOURI LAND 11 000,000 Acres for Bale and entry, at prices ranging from UM to ell cents ter Acre. in any quantities re augloES paid, and PATENTS procurad for p - ux - rata . mars of Land under the Graduation Act. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a Postage stamp For further information applyto WILSON, RAWLINGS & CO., O. and General Land Agente, Be CHESTNUT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH_ andOWS, SSO.t LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, located. BOARDING. rilo LET, TO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, one or two See Rooms. neatly furnished, in a with 01 the modern Improvements. 7r. th Break fast and Tea, if desired. Apply to 717 Sed.lBollStreet. 0019 31. FIRYDOLASS BOARDING, with hand some communicating and single Romer, at 1417 LOCUST Street. 0018 lm. BOARDING.—Tfiree choice communioa ting ROOMS. on the first iloor. which mar be had together or ceparately. will be vacant on the 15th -° October, at Kith. LE.VELY'6, No 121 6 ORESTNU Street. oal2-12t* ED t/ MONK. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI, PIANIST. VOCALIST, and COMPOSER, begs to inform Ills friends and the pub io that. previously to LASToartnre, he is commencing POSITI VEL PIANO COURSE OF Ic.STOUGTION of the and SINGING by his EXTRAORD NARY METHOD., All those who desire to avail themselves of the last op portunit_v should apply at once , at his residence, Pio.. 721 SANWA]. Street, between one and two o'slook P. M. oon-St if MESDAMES (E ARAM AND D,IIER ILIL VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the poblio that they have removed their Boarding and Day Hohool for Young Ladies from Logan Square to Noe. 1697 and 1329 BPRIME Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth clan. .iy2S-Om I'REELAND INSTITUTE—A BOARD LNG acitoor, FOR YOUNG MF.N.—This insti tution is located in a delightful, healthy, and retired part 01 the country. twenty-four miles northwest of Phi adelchia, two hours' ride from the city ; accessible by Norriairown railroad and stages, tw.ce a day. Next lemon opens October Vd. For circulars. address H. A. HUNBIOICHR, Principal, ee27-toe22* Perkiomen Bridge, Montgomery 00., Pa. RS YANT, bTRATTON, FAIRS L. MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day and .Evestimg Sessions. ituiteiduca instruction in Bookkeeping, in oludingßonemi Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship ping. Forwarding and Commission, Banking. ta change, Manufacturing. Railroading, i ateaMbOa tint. &c.. the most thorough and Protritot course n the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Calcula tions. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematic", Fen manshiP (beet in the city,. Correspondence,, &o. For wile, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping beauti fully printed in colors, and the bust work published. - segg•tf VLASSIUAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. Tim duties of the Classical institute will be resumed ?deader. September 3. J. W. FAIRES,A. M.. en2T-dim Prmomel. 'VENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NERA- THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets. re opens MONDAY, September Bd. Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. aunt-tr R. STEWART. Principal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD MIL ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No, LTV VINE street, near Logan Square, wilt RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, September Igth. Circulars furnished on application. BUSINESS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAI UNE.— JOY. 00E. Eis Co. Have been annotated sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively ciroulating paper. of commenting in fluence. Business men are advertising in the best news paper, of city and country, at the offices of JOY COS , & CO.. Advertising Agents. FIF7 and CHESTNUT Streets ehiladelphia ; Tribune Buildings, New York. se26-tf HORACE SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, sand PARENT ATTORNEY, No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Newels topositc the County Court Roused PreparetSe* ....13011K111 Aug and traneaote allother bugmee'conneoted with the ob taining of Let tere Patent . Machinery Designed and Drawings made. RR. CORSON , REAL ESTATE BRO / ICED_ AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIBTOWN, 2 /t n tithr, i i hORES, MILLS, And HOTELS FOR BALE Itlongomery, Bub. Cheater. and Delaware Counties, varyng from 10 to 200 soma, in good localities, Persons applying will be @novo properties free ot ohans. Bonds and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. RAND -500.1.E RESIDENCES tor mile in Noryistown, Potts town. and intermediate places. For Catalogues and Ind description, address R. R. CORSON, 3y21 -em Norristown. Pa. NIGLIOLSON, •• • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and dunce amortrnent, and wait mann, always on hand, unto which I eartloularly invite the attention of CAIII and Yrompt-paying SHORT-TIM& ter E ra : Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Mina de ulna. aul-em• SFIIGUET et SONS, • IMPORTERS O. HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 South FRONT Stroot. Reeerre regularly a full assortment of deeirablo Gan% whioh they offer at low rates, for clash or up Proved credit. PAW ON & NIOHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, ROL 1119 AND,69I AIINOR STREET, Between Market and Chentnst itnetas PRLLADZLPHIA. JAMES PAWISON. JAL. 1.3. ITIC 4 OWIOIII arr Ir J. BAYLIS THOMAS, suf. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rea r emoved aloe from No. 623 Arch street to lie. 429 WALNUT Street, Particular Condon ftigiven to the mover" of Miman tile Claim& The drang and examinetion at writ., Coninyttnoes,Maignmehta, Anent of 'KUM, and other Instrarr i ts of Writing, The management or Bgeoutor ship*, dministratorshipe, and Truant, eupennrandOdt and the beet seounties procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. OatiefectoiT TereTBllo6puen when repaired. &NM DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street.—Having removed to our new and spooking store, vire would oall the attention of Dealers to our ex tensive stook of PATENT id ENGINES, PER FUMERY, and FANCY ARTICLES. Our list cent prises a greater variety than can be found at nor vitals ushment 10 the United States, and our Pluses Will corn pars with any market. ma-lathe.% GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. G _ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Now opening, a superb assortment of novelties for Gentlemen, viz: EUREKA BOARF TIES, SCA RFB, TIER COLLAnI3, FLANNELd FOR TRATFLLINU BRIRIK, &a., selected in London and Paris to which spools attention is invited. a. W. sclirr, 814 (SKESTNUT Street. • oar A few doors below the .• Continental." 01L9.-3,480 gals, extra Ileaehecl Ele-' chant nit r e t6O sale extra bleached Whale 40.6 260 gala. reeked Whale al, in atm° and at factory lot aale by ROWLEY, AoRBURNER Ft. CO„ No, lb South Wbarvek AIMMAIMUNINTS. ~-_ _ CONCERT HALL PROFESSOR ANDERSON. GRAND iitriumuomin MARIHI E. THIS - DAY (SATURDAY) AT,. S Ai., THIS_ ooan at hilflAst - itnat''' ALL THE BEST , OR TRH • SEAT WIZARD'S 'GREATEST 'TRICKS. THE •PUpIL9 GIRARD COLLEGE Have been invited to attend: — - Professor ALLEN has aimeted the Invitation Bh.LCAY, 9 BENTS BOOT Op BALL. AO OMIT SCHOOLS ADMITTTED AT RALF PRICE. TO-NIGHT, AT 8, A GRAND COMOPOLTTAN PERFORMANCE. DT PROFESSOR ANDERSON, :-.. OP EU CALIFORNIA PROGRAMME Op MAGIC. WALNUT-STREET 'THEA Bole TRE. w N. Mast. Manager Mr. WIS 2VTE lhor .. meas Agent 1011. D A P The last nisht of Mr. mid Mrs. Hamm Wi ll iams. THIB_IBATTIRDA.V) RVENING. pEFLIM IF.DONNELL AND THE LEP/A HAM Phelim O'Donnell• ' Runes - Williams. LA* FORfdons. " Sothis Bettrtal I and other obarnotore.fdrit B. Williams. • THE IRISH L M - - Tint Moore ~11r."Batney To conclude wir h the Laughable Faroe a_ THE WANDERMO MIfitBTHEL. commencepen at a quarter to n'olook ; perforynanott at Tki o'olook. Mir" Prima sat mush • viTH RIATLEY EC OLAICAV3 ARDS ST. v THEATRE. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. TAKE I - OTlOE.—The management feelitaat Plea' tura m r noounoing that they have Purchased zrozn eine Lauri. Keene the sole right of serfonning tale Ott? the New Romantic Renimional Dr ama, in four Lots and a Prologue, entitled. THE MONKEY EIGY - .! • With a oast embraoine evert memberWthe Star Com pany. T n 1S (8 A.TURDAV) EVENING. Nesta may be Bemired three nevi in advance, CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Late NationalWALNUT Street, ahnire'Etchtle, Thia ?MUG ittiy EVENING. October Pe, INO, PGETTLVEL • , . THE LAST eVaIIT Ole CARNCROSS AND SHARPLEY'S MINSTRELS. An immense bill for the FA RN ELL EISNEFIT OF Masers.) L. CaRNCROBS AND SAM SHARPLEI. The whole troupe anneera in an ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM Doors open at ;commence at7M. Ttokets.2lPeente On Monday "THE GREAT AMERICAN CONROLIDATED CIRCUS COMPANY" - Make their Stet appearance. oDONOUGEPS OLYMPIC (Late CALE JAB- TIM) RACE &root. blow Third. TWO GREAT YERFORMANCER! Afternoon Performance to commence at I crolook, on which oco4sion Little ( "ordai' Howard will present to her lady friends Little Eva's Song. (set to mum.) The beautiful drams of IJNaLK TOM'i CABIN. Fva Little CordelisHowenl; Topsy, Mrs. G. C. How ard ; St. air Mr GC. ;toward. Evantns's Perforaumee— • ' UP/fRe. TOM; CABIN THE DUMB GIRL OF GKNOA, In which Mr. J. E. Mc DE/HOUGH will appear am "Stm 'WO," ntroducinft the celebrated Drunken Combat; numb Girl of Genoa, Mlle Marie; Desperatto, Robert Jones. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH T OFEN FORT iiE RHABON. STREET NEWLY - DECORATEn AND FALNTEL. MR. HANFORD • Hu secured one of the , LARGEST COMPAN IES ever PreMinted heretofore, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open et c e nt.menoe et ' Admittance 26 Children IS cents, oolniM C: EARL WOLFSORN AND .THEODORE 44-1 THOMAS'S SERIES OF SIX C_LASSTCAIIO /110 b. REEK. at the FOYER of the ACADEMY op xl)Blo . subsomtions w il l be reeetved et the Philo Stores of G. Andre K C0.,1104 Chestnut street; Los . Walter 722 Cheetnnt street; Beek & Lawton, Ebotenth idt Chestnut streets; and Th. - A. Schmidt, Juniper flheannt streets. where the, programmes and s - lan, can ha seen. lwo pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE JR. ARTS.--1026 CIILKEPFNUT Street. Coin oy e srge oolleolaon of Panting& And &adu late, Se a nw dilly from A. M. till IP. - M. Ad minion M eta. children nodal& yew. fill-ti FURS. LADIES' FANCY F R. 8 AN 0 Y Jus FURS !—FARETRA, at his New One-price La dies' Fancy Fur Store, 718 ARCH' below EIGHTH. hat now in store, of his own importing and manufacturing, the most complete assortment of Fancy Furs for 1 cities and Children to be found in this oity, embracing every kind, geoid and style, as all my Pure have been zn.ported by mysel f during thernment year, and manufactured under my own supervision; and hiving adopted the one- price principle of doing buinuess, confident in saying it is the interest of all wishing to purchase a set of For to give me aoall. oal9-fir I r a MISS E. M. REDMOND HAS RE AW MOVKL to 12.34 WALNUT Street. 1 , 11111 have on SATURDAY a fall assortment - of BOSNSTS for the newton. onlitat- MIS9ES O'BRVAN, 914 OBESTNUT Street. above Ninth. ‘lll open Paris Mattery for the Vail, on PHUBSDAY, October %IMO. ocelit. MEPICINAL. RHE lIMAT.LSK. SMEDLEY'S INFALLIBLE - REMEDY effects cares when all others fail. &le eertifieates Ulnae, Sta Fl LAHR I' street. 06e10 Wait' J . R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. 2, WHEN Owvj TAX IS INHALIID its beeline Bilks it odors ate brought in oontaet with the Laing Inembrehe of the THROAT. BRONCHIAL 'FUSS& AND ALL THE AIR•CELLS OF THE LUNGS. . relieving at once any pain or nypreasion k aud health( any irritadon or intlernatlon. wriE N oLlva Tea is Taxan UPON Sung, it foram an unequalled Soothing and Heating Syrup for Coahlut and all Throat d;seasea. WREN °Live Tee is APPLIED. Its Magnet - 10 or con centrated curative powers render it a moat speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not sticky—does not discolor. - Fifty cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, B. Y., and by all Druggist& J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS - are a voluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, ideaticai with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy Demon. Uni log with the digested food, THEY REVITALIZE AFD PDRIPT THE BLOOD. THEY IMPART &OREG . ! To THE DIEI7OI7IIBIATEM. .THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVER. TEST STRENGTHEN THE DIGRATIOIII. THEY REGULATE THE SECRETIONS 07 THE BODY. AND ARE A SPEOIFIC FOR ALL FEMALE WRAILNEDDIS Puma, ONE DOLLAR a PAC[•GX At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all Ding fiats PAINTICLIT CONTAINING THSTINIONILLS 7E031 TRH following and more than 100 other wen-known promi nent persons, will be sent to any addrese,fres by mail. GP°. Law. Ran., Fifth avenue, Newyork. 1 , 131110 N DRATIR, Esq., Beaker, New York. ' THORLOW WEED, Esq., Albany, N.Y. Gen. Dims Oxxxx, Washington, D. C. Cot. SAMUEL Corer, Hartford, Conn. • COI. Casa. MAT, U. S. A. Rev. JOSHUA LHAVITT, Ed. Independent, New Cott, Rev. E. BRIGHT, Ed. Examiner, New York. • Rev. D. W. CRONE, Art. Am. Bible Union. N. Y _ Rev. 0. F. A. SPINNING. Butternntta, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Loonono. Exeter, N. H. n.ND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT do CO., No. 234 No SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. sen.2m For the INSTANT RELIEF end FRE ASTiIIit ELAM= CYR& of Ws derail es we; vlaint, an FEND T'S BRONCHIAL CIG.AMETTES, AIM. by C. B. BEYMOUR & CO., 459 BROAD WAY, New York. Price 81 per box; sent free by post. Invf-tat ill FOR RALE AT ALL 0 . ,P.ECITALTY FOR LADIES,— TRUSS AND BRACE DEPAR'PhIENT corn- Patent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Street, tint door below Raoe. A. lull line of Nieehaniord Rama - dies. tight and elegant in construction. specially adapted to Ladies' use. C. H, NEEDLES, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. Sir' Entrance to C. Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. t. 8514 aced WONDERFUL AND NEVER-. "a- FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS , EU OEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by IVIOCKRIDOE k CO., No. 62 North FOURTH Street, SGr And for sale by Druggists generally. sel2-3raif HART' S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the digestive organs.—Those 'oho profess to take no medicine 016 it for tie strengthening qualities. cold by W. G. riODGS9I.4. Northeast corner of TENTH and ARCH. and other Drussists. 00348 t. I Ily it ,, , , , ,NalpapTigapxlßATial P mere under eminent medloal patrol age. I . :ltletri is yivians are respectfully requests/I • to call only ou A re. fleas, at f or ream:fence. 1039 WALNUT Street. P ,h,colphie. Ito avoid oonnterleits.) Thirty thouganu lnvellds have been adv,see by thea ohm:oat:Leto nee hey apppenovs Those only are genuine bearing the Un t d Staten orpynght. labels , n the box. and eogna• tures and also oi thy Supporters. with. taatimontals. 0011 tutinkatf AZIJMEA AZUMEA I AZUMEA 1 AZUME/it AZIJMEA: AZITMEA! AZUMRA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely et No. 62 North FOURTH. Street. and for ante by Grocers generally. spit &Air sTEREOSOOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC, N-7 VIEWS.—AIso, Spectacles, Eye-glasses, Opera glasses, Microscopes, and all kinder Optical and Mathe maucal Instruments. at 0 0 1 -13 If 112 R. M U RT R tr NKL b N el S wC p hes a t n u t. RS. StINDbREN, PROFESSIONAL NURSE. has opened a Hoarding House at No MI Spruce street, for the speolal aoeommodation of Invalid Rod for those corning to Philadelphia to be Con-, fined. or for medical attendance , Where they can have cateful nure,or, root board, and all the comforts of home. Mrs, 13. refers, by permission, to the following Professional gentlemen: Professor C. 1). Moire, Caspar Wilder, M. D.. Prolessor S. D. Gross, L. Rodnuus, IC P. Professor Joe. Panooast, Profeuor S. Jaolcson, Isaac Hale. M. D., R. A F. Penrose, M. D., professor 11. L. Hodge, G W. Norria_hl M. D.. .1, te. Meigs. M. D., Professor S. H. Dickson. eat. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED, at the late Attleeltarat Society, to ALLMAN & ZEHN DER. Fourth and Vine, for Best nand', FLOUR.— Coaatantly an band, %MA's Hatvat • Fain ragsn'a Four-Area and Rag Horn. St. Loam. and aambrin's Patareoo.Fateily Firm, 104E,D SUGAR.-1,000 Barrels LO E fili Am , VI:RING'S a Crushed e , 0011Thesind line pulverized. n. 4; ar il 's a isi d a. re r " . I.43lz i t l CA 6"11. O• DUMAS COGNAC-40 quarters, 20 ‘--r• eights, landing from "Fobs. For gale by D. LONtiCHAMP. 407 South FRONT. j B. UODARD VERY OLD COGNAC, ity • 10 DaIP pipet, SD unattere• in bond .r for "I°- F SouthuNfiCHO 217 MOOT Street. BUFFALO ROBES.—A fine assortment, now open and randy for Nolo, B. A. HOOPES, coi7-wfrm3t 517 IuAKILET Street.' • PIT OH.-275 bbls Pitch, a anperiar ar -. tiolo, ins: ore and to. ante h. WHIV - LEY. ASH R. h 00. NO. 16 South Wharves. SEift AG E. —Storage for mOrafiiiiiiiira all ktuds. add at low rates. atNenibiston harervi iffrAl No. 4030 Nor* DEIILAWAM Amite, Qom