The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 19, 1860, Image 3
==X=!=!!=l .. 0 . 4 ,, 4f: ' • ••• 4 4 : Otti *PIP ...-TAllik k i - - •OisiribiliitiPork of ,-,- , 4 , , 4 ',,,,,,„... , f , ‘r..,,, -- - ! - - ,- rt *liat*/4 4 ',.:).1 . 4 - 4 - 1,1012-4. if t t er li s i.t, 11- IL * ''-'-' E f 't t - '• - " '. 4 T:-.. 4 41 : 1 * 4 rd. ,- ' -, - ; ' *l • ''':•--- ;IFtL x .- ' ... 1% . 4 . 1 ^ - t ra.: 4 ` .- ;,, .. . oiNt '.., -' -- ;nem, 041- 4 : , -; 2 .;, 7 ' , , ! re ' -•'-' ii 't f I , toe.'•te.l.-' - Luba .11.1, :ltbl : itif, It.' ittat Ii la. zrA II NIL77 ,t , .cu 11 utik 1 lir l Ar t i l . 7 Y ICUL AXD,' aQ * S CLIL. Vets, , .•• 7• • Altieiett ' " -f( 2 '-ztietieeer4eßettkit:tle ,-3 sec The elete,(olle4l.e i tt ttemeeetteee helateiki coat tow; Ain theiseehtuditseettilitee Tete Areiket 6.9"eo"Filsol*eteeitodeettt*teeettel Oted, the Meter riot awe istaekkeiti testa** In iltietiii at *ltet'itieie to 'itiattee:tei to- :Ire hate, AM _ osR tie dies o - f Cousin:fru Deuctor. the thgetr le! '4011;e - 0f:1e Mr reed:- ti ,Wthee• , thielioieteliieteeted altered tetveethet iiiee:ettreerliet toxbelhit-eeee .teete. of the Beek at poi:- okaaiatar.maigoohasiti,..Vis nette,thieerresieleilith-isteaaiteiitimilielietaln tir o dis puta., tossakg:Agighlstegiggite.'carhortr right; male Potitalt On i 0110111014; Ipaneephitetekaiteet . ialyited from mettle Drip, • ' - The tolkeries Ws statement at' tit. ~mooth 4.0 Ports et the 'tete Alattietere daring the quarter end!ei hOthileptietttir, leee' s t - itt* , itigtoittartttk - ' me* • ~, 1N11M ; :445 Awoke. ....... . Itiduset aid* " 'V 4 • 771 TOttiliticiariViiiiisyi of the taw aintmePteha trete tr. 4 1"Sreint BnttiR .. - Thy l tti t iari-g , it i ..# . 6 . iiii.4,,,i„t ran t m i l t ~,. ..,..; isr e soy sessi=grasfariost tbs • Orhoittli: ThitkitZtillon Cm iswisitto • am, apt We s War Woos lotUosslooler, .. 410. . so _ _ NOM gOlAktodafalo tiso' . - ii. :ditat4tar pooorkof doll* - a ssw i yu.- Lat ap ■ nu untly to / 0 01*/4, 1 1.8 - •r. oah M faltancatakvahatat thoot k de it la .to oormost. sotoolaiodi of fres oat, oantaata 0 7044 WI! 3 . ... r•• -So as tad il la t it i a l ltatd; 74 rurtVilra ., go ft . f.r sorest ufsfross t toold oar —lt was .at• t _ Bak, Hint of =to ..-.' F l l a - N ie ks% a arsorttlatio=4 - 1 ' that _ :AMA**, dors Is- - -fego* fastufsr on "si rti b t a k w inglitt sad hot 'WVAI 9 wimal4l o 3l=6 l =tedatlkettaita law" gam - „met,. t i,... asst3ii i it on3mitthe tenon ftia drAdirnatta at , R 41•Wanak„ trait beige WWI UMW tornFoßoe fob irso , noonmsfi for tao . ft * Jfarat:r i r Otittg%!=to= VA , _lffe to444wfolot IMBlli,!.y tkiikor tto*Mitt r ealige,-, owl veaus low,:oirgr,,. , :....„ ,_,_ , .. -- • _ . PA*** ..4 1 4 1 1, , 1 1 1 $ 0 0* - Excliango, Elioldo,. _ ,'":1,-i i i ;:` , '.1.,,..'.` *Sober 14,1645. :- , - , zatoint *ix, m fbiontaiza,kierbbiLite Irsobazisi , , i -:., .. - 1.4 1 , , - _- - _.Aoplifrr, MICIA-And •- - '-' -,, 'l3O Dity.o3l43.o3tear. 1 40 Bardstown 4... .don igis MUM'Allikalhi: If *, do- -- - ..1.... 433: MO do% 7 . .,:`.1%arnta.16336 Mt fddhavat thlrateht =A - lOW do - ~ .-...,40, A Groan k Costeo..os 31.4 . la ptusivir77.7.o,it. i! a' a -a. „. ., ,46 mom , H ,-. do .-.-;-.,....: Xaltudias it..-oath DM" . , 10 00 '' - 'NW Pb ' - 00 .. —cash 23Ni • 2 6 flatrulaugif......B3 - A ,tinion Al/Toon-4a 36- , bladadta PM -- ,611 a t. i' o - do -- In MU , 11 . -: 4 . v.4(4,..p....i,.,91 , ' io ram & Mob Bk.: Batt 113•; "'ad "vz.'.- - ... - 22' '33 ,- 00 --..............s 684 i - 33 Kinagoßtro.;-.... am Js ittelotsi Bank . ~..-:-R3l •• ',OMNI, • lattgualusitona*,: 713( •- - 11Nandakiwn 8.2—,... 33 VR I M I BIL " rt b r l l WVOrria.:' 6l o4* .''''-''' '"loiilt ..t. .a: . itifiti . - ......i.•. WI --' / 811 . Noik4, 4 pit ir, clitif .iii ik. —.. , ...-is al, - E 11' ' r i,...... 2; At ° "' ' '....., :- 41tNi li 1 4 V; 1. e:: la 4 7 , „ . - 7 .: , l int` , 4 Naos 11ank...;.. - ., -, 46 : - Ilfel 111.1DULA.,, , , •- • ---- u:• ,- -- ,19114,4 a,, ! - ,_. - . .4114. Askid kilAkilitdits-Ad :- Affairs .11..„gref..11X.: 0 , • .:4-14 , Ii _ ga . Mal& , 141° 10 73 2 7" g lir' -• , i'k 3 1-2 43 iltlibittAii .... Rot: . ‘ i anal in 4. - 0,- t•••:•, ,, - ' ill y t_1136.4 oafs 8t0...103)6 lel" trifirrimiri's: p i zar:..l,o tiii wil t r .::: : :::„ ..r5 ,J 1 7 ....1, -4-1 , : „ . .: - ..„ 0 ,...u. to .,:insraul la i, - ,„,,,,,,, ..,....,...c.:.:1;.;:.:',...:9,'::,:i.:::: 111 11 0 1419 tPloli:, Market o. - • 'Ociosts ' apamddris., Ti.. ~P torsi market ; iii witboat inilaitiott.' and bbliton Wit MOM: , Abouyl : llM=l i m i l boon fblik"MatWajdt 104 roorltruwi " of I:9 sUrfitt 4 l ll 4-1 6 -0, PAtres lllo 7.. mould as. „ , latior on tontoosopt uustol• uoislou oad . botto ex ro totylUit Obi OM Soon tot impottioa sad ou tar and o Mot oullkb ttyo own isoubnuotit, Iwo Stoitt, taikowit 21.101:Pf91131,11Taa.ik9"-14.11- 11 • iT om with - it Is orot oorr-010 b. id , bei a oo d um "and. Imo ' a t e 'least* MIMI kept t to.ot Oriprlolo/02t vitarl = essim - yslw mat: - jtf• it Astor' stoKleortsk tor Wl tf ;bolo Oen t-. 11,1100 boo • ' malealoar bolt tot • eh to. Oa Omar tmom• Mots ' t 4 Idallidn•l*# 1 : 110113 04 n' ' 7 • ifin:* 7.047 t f •-.Q.uutorooy -Uto • - " lrt fl attikiiijdortatiffirioor:oattrathor mom\ Fa., r die:* - ot , at simile! !•. Sums - .• u_uoo , , o_4o 80.50 0. • • osiseee soli "* a l y o h aanOr- 44 a EMMni t ewea A ni W tor ii lr d , ;At Ihiblol4.. uc llt I,lle ,r, ? 41/11 7t4 kW =tie 41 1 ' sae. fitVtle o f I :Ur 4,, = s t; 4 . .?? 2 ?4,* ,, P. ,411,00 • 4:4 , , , 4 '.4UlA:ktx, vilrEms E .i v a s siii wislis4io 'hi - 1 44107,`.04 00 00, 9 01. 1 4 *taw mak , 4 diOrististik stoto slain *von' dwolliistoloOtta' UT• *OW hi. 197 loam It mo sot a dillioatt otanov to do, whoa credo a ati'M Pinitaietakkt.,SainkiniWoiiiiid witatohod- Vit:**4l,o:llgAteireatt la 'ocassiokidg pe- Ma italdowl reda of•itro. lOW , waVir wioa. lifoaad !IMO laialds havd bier wooed that maid, JONOwen iranditkpa eboifilur ppen ~wed and oat ilitukkot °boomed. 'Our iotvioo io,•sli Wyman*, , a4NOMy.livointlialylatiaeoaxo.sadboilinairatolbes ; = l 4 ,Lfrifts._ - Giffecolgis Esllll - iot; alsous, •' • ." mvierwormigusinwL - • -Y " " J , 0 1. 14 1 1 .7 . 09,:. ,114 1 1 5..g inIT Y VAalk . ?"l.4hl ( ht Zraillilli of 016'. Itli issmt, L oiridta, • og4l,:si orma.-1 AOillii•At iv pan Ia ilk•lrl'otk, groarradiag feriae i t aw Itiakla Tatam ado o_4f 1ia.•,, , bear of thir -oselabord, _ l6 :71011i,nireike4 - intk 4114440. Noy'!" • v*iiimb W ide- airs*. on tam, , - ellile. :04 •4 AiiilbAll of TAUTLJuk lii "mind. HlL•voir wag* from rallwirawa tilffillt lekt!% Macon* was , that they.lisa likild t attfthilliwagt 'Wait sarmisti••lse outlaw. Am satittis** -ialim trakoa vorti thew ailtai 401 4 0-31 1 , 1 4 141 P 160 ' MAO' itifiktull 4 rip i...:BoLgisai t ,ilicialiortitrit.4-ste r ikluo•ll ol , ' 4141. OD10 % 1F401001: p#1,4•11 iiiiik.ion„ , 141 , 0" ': ; % i ' Al i Wkiiiti; 0101 i , '' w ''''''',; illt Ojai Alitimilitme—,se, NW/M*Oll6W A . AMMO` distlard, Wig Walairlal, , 1M#14,11f,1 rand liftieirk). frown>ollll=t..lßlMPa .... Affillz h irp= i , ~. ria: ti,.._ ); y.,-F....... l itkor.Alti isOPOLanFF.—llio , ilaw; 21162.901,14 :Piaci rime Am milithitkee Avg 1 1-sr elliodoS4o4, 00 4 0410 . 4 0# - 0 01114 % Pumnsit t erig ,:.4114440r,a Tumor, iletirstor Plato. Cl . COokuri V.: visi..mikii'veve n i, smut st. - ftiVit i ttiouwaantio, ii, it..w. Ckstril 4 Art,OSSI its 3 : sAltiVto trIE • "TAM AIM IMPRUklPOWDElliorhieb liftratilsA m * hif esefW sets 7ewilo: =IMO —blifilakvill,Mmtrott 'sod *Weber Prorders. I hisoirsiotspAtittrim'Ailti.ll.lth tit droned ri hie theAtsheistbra ot sew Mood. 4 -ifte , iiiik *Stet* the end trbfikieist,fereite'ut the 1400 4. 1 0..E i z.0 6, 0 1 Ma5 , * iirMelea.thiengli - the •110: 4 WS 144teoliima: W: ehrosittio the .y-,11 tatiekOilttimeiioidiiiq, {ease. erellat4 .l" = . se fff or INF _ eirettisiioi. 'lt I. mho* thois twin °e'llll6lolllol totWiellitsiiidllt he their Siffiltbl l / 1 101114101 OVUM. aido l o l ,1114tiemreethisPo0 of lb. tirtietb ire"iishisCtsitsiCeestrehresite the.tilikesi hid filen!. eueshlet. fitOselvertteereset -ibis • Deem by Ito. 2f1,2 florib L4W-0.4.40 1 . fPIRIt • A471#1,1,170 ShlinTr lA* itAilitrisirs4o4.o4-hithiAtittrot.htireertnioh, aviaz #lo,.)..rtr!*T; sad,ii ""11"Y`unt' er`L 1i t .:61,417 111 paid Or Orel two , tit !;#4* whtnever • WeselleikkshoSterittoset notiori ITA-Weer tOssisfret•freta -Szsgtoters. , Adorer-Ore *ref: thsetshssiii`sess won Treetrer, wail ;': * l4 l3 l B ol:WM l4 **** *bort **nod. ' hoes Diveelthie re laveeted in f. , .;iltaitiliNts.;lloViorMstO.nd litts.aasiSthhr first, tillatetWirroW" •-. • • L efilaesses etirids* , ,WALNUTAtreet,iimKkwiist . Isi!ner third street, - • • pat SATING Aganotowirrwsist Ilinttmrs',.-Deposits re. eliveius sipail sod M4mt,itifaciestte, from all elseses of ,L(rhe i mikrkinottAberelstsiest Bathe rate of .111 _ lot e ' isisfloOrint - tf °Maki *Mont lare of L'4 , AeLvellia o'eksakiisi iron- IMO Met itS tlie evening. Preskieht. * ItirtgrWi ) !E l 4i. ;,Ingleter sad ; 4eereAtaf - ,e,411110, * 1 .4 • - , ilir'iltaliP 2 Ch.Oreafit., - Or AWLS XATABT frittlelitatiOlictioK ''l. *Oral* for IN• ea 7,04,,,m0nwm0it; mite. 'Mirka ii An witollstrilittd sale. W.llll.oofiidDs!ed 401 1 4 7, ' ; - glotitiiiiarr knit. ~'pf p{~iwiN • ~=~ ~~. 11103114071r1116° owrie tiatid Bart " =s ' The lariM%1 Ep . ovv-11r. No 4 •4.110 - N „-... - . ,,_'&llfatijkalltni -', ittoeiligiLlerittOtolll.— the Ithi 'c c i r ibinerg,, nee, glith .Wirn. Vai.x.,Av ii frrzh a , Uhl', " VW sr4nlinr-ott l nott 'hotglutatsiat , i tor kilo nev r Ise 1 tOs' leumri.Tbtiri l pfusitaati:t.. !P • . A' ~..74 , Kh. gig tun Iltb, Inetent, buffet, •3'. . emu qtr. J 05hi1...../evane ao MUM Marl E. A ens. Mu -Me y., ,-' , , ~, ; , :- I,lN—Lny 712,_ri.--on the,ll7th ult., by Ite.Y. gr. r _ oftrivt4wlitCr'prtitialthalo Barak Elms tfi' IGO Wlf-t-T 1 0,3tAkii-tigf'the fano inetant t 'hf• L ehe ,1111et. 11 Zernee Cunningham. mr. Andrew - j. 011(10WO to Dub sr. Tacpase, yiningeet daughter of BenJarip - • . • • JECNARDS..—OnFifth`day DlED morning. 18th inst., Trio mite ft tabards. in his 81st year. - The friends of the family are invited to attend the feers.el front Ilia late residenee. North Filth Street, oe Aq ll l diey, Mgt inst., at 11M o'olOok , AL, without further Doom,. Ye t t r ia t at iL l' igrulfrirri d erf l iti t e r l l tt g inetant, John Jaeobs ' ma of Thor . o. Ric elittivee arid mines are invited to ettend his 'funeral, from the reendertem of Idsfltber, in Chester Velley,on, Saturday a ft ernoon, at 8 o'o ock. ~PARPIChITSR.—In Camden. on the 78th instant, rtPflwas De Silver. eldest son of Samuel and Demarin B. Weenteron the fetb>tiara his age. Punerst from the Tesidimem Of bui.f . apier, No. Ma Wood street, on traturday afternoon. at o Meek. • CO ".81,84.—0n the NM instant, William Colgan, In thtlnleertif big ass. I from the reindenee of M his brother--law, letlMStrode. Ma North Math street, (Pridr) li kari° l lrthe I k tith instant. Mow Isabella Dobson, ay ed 57 yealm.Funer from bee late reablenes. Twentieth street, boom south. tblef leridayi afternoon, at! ("chick. " ITORKNfdart.---On the 18th instant. Ann Jane. wkie or Win. Kitaihntnan. aged E years. oneral from the residence of her husband, No. IE4. P • street. this(Priday ) si ft ernonn, at 1 o'olook. L LAMB.—On the 17th instant, Jane, wife of FM" llVT:ll:lZ d j , :g:O t . h gV l Cl n TW:lt he illgl ab iggol e ag; ( Pinder afternoon. 45 2 &oleo.. r MAELTHLE.—On the 17M instant, Edward Maguire, 4X_uneral fr •42l year,. . Eom the resident* of his father, No. 23 Le vant rat. above Spina, between Second and Thld, thrailling %MA t i eleinstant. Josephine rot, daughter of Captain flenrr F. and Elizabet h Sehelisneer, aged 18 mentbasud 8 dove, OAS et.Y.--On the 34th 141445, Mary Philomena, daughter of John and the fat ) Omer. Femoral from the resident), of her father. Twelfth street. below Vine. thie • (Friday) morning. at 8 o'clock. Witt.P.—On 1 . 78 th SpringAtid, Banks co , N . °eerie Wol .08 yews of ego. - PIM York and eine severe Prime COOPY. * IttLAOK SILKS BLACK SILKS 111.1 42.i50 721 1.21706 • .41-44 03.551,47 i mg= trg:lTtgzhf: - . - ~, gftliztvg,l7,l". tagoaste. '• - ' , Mass. ,-. • iagonal Robes. Otos de Rhine . Neves Financed Robes ponnetbe Bilge. Oros rains. agent Boiled. oot% de Joie. 'Oros d'lgeoese. eaetines • ' - Ottomans. - mor e s. Ate , Lining Odes. ate. .t. RON. gloaming More. No. 910 Chestnut street. ' JOHN E. GOUGH, • ESQCorrespond ence in reference to the OLOSI .— ND LECTURE :9;2:Dreamt Come : • • "•Pitmetreurnis., DE.17.1850. ~Tri Groans H rimier, /fag.: . 1 . .Itzea Eta : , The underautte Would respeotfully sug-: gent- and recommend teat, in oraer to amemplish the neater good,-and Maw midst. the vast number of rur fellow-cßisene win, wish to attend, the closing Leoture -of JOHN B. (MUD% EsQ • on Tuesday next, be given is the Madams' of Musio. • . • ' , . . • . , Fraternally Poore. 'Fennel H. Perkins, T. A. Fernier. W. I. R. Taylor, . - _ Robt. if Pettion, %nit) Sternmetn, • • John P. Dahamel, T. Mather Jackson. Deo. Duffield, Jr., AlfredDarden - A. Convene. Jecob Al Drmbias. . Gee. Cookman, ' '- . And others. ) 5 le obel ievee to the above request, and others of a still .mote In nt - olmmoter , arranseimuts nave beim made to bola e lint Lecture of the course at the A 0 ADEM Y -OF Al qt,'ort teat l'lfEtioaY EVERTED, the 2311 trigt,go dug the mitltitudes who were linable to procure tickets for tho,previons Lectures may have an oDDOrni- Ally to hear this distinitiff shed Orator. - • a few RESERVED isEATS, at eficente Mee. will be sold. et O m °floe or the Academy, od SATURDAY, MONDAY, and TUVADAY, from 9 A. 74.40 4 P. M. Vomits tor the remainder of thin IMAM for a .le at the Mmketores and st-the Analdyist-twenty-five center etch. Moneta already dined Of . Utmost Fund Ball. fot Tetwday. the Md. wilt be good Or the Acadenniand can be eximanged for reserved seen on payme ntoclsl of the difference. , Mr . OrOFFICE P E N Nf. Y L Y A NI 41 /LAIL , RORIE COMPANY. FIIILADELPUIAL. ism , mord of Directors have this day declared a semi *rined dividend of Tit RISE EHR UHNT. on the Cori totg•lttpolt of tee_rmuyany, clear of State tax, payable , tad attar NOVNISIIHRM.I2,BO. *towers of 'Attorner for - oollorition of Dlvldends can be had on asuldyeatuxe at the Otos of the Pompon!, No. Ma South TRlRDlttreet. FIRTH, 0018-tael • ,, • Treasurer. fy POET °trice, Plituatzt,puu. rA., Ocgonsa 16, 1860. n'filt/dE fir hereby ef'ren - that the following ars the legal rates for the oolleobon and delivery ofl,ettent 0414 Cast (ere-paid by stamp) for the oolleobon of let - - „ for, the mails.' from sub-post offices. lamp- Wet. and other WWI boles. Oar crag twrs- milli) seamy/ for the colleetion and de - jammer city laltsts. - „Chit Cenifor the delivery of nail letters The -latter. carrier" - have been 171'41111W not CO oharlle to nut Case; lltple than the above rates. eor are they alie*red to aceent mare. evsgt_wheig voluntarily , coon at N. B. BROWNE. Porttnester. SIT 6 oIUTHWARIC:.MANK, PiIuLAMEL. 414 t, Otstuber 9. 1860:—The annual elect= for hlO 1117,Y, - Tal l . l th b ?ds tl agoVtaa n s k altra ttwjen the noun or 10 o'olookfte. and 2 t ielook P. M. .- 'O6 Aneatal meeting of II iflitd,D 11110 *ll. be Wont tho_jon_lnii•as on T DAY, •Rh day of NOVEMBNIL-NEXT; anti n'elott 11‘. ~ oan•dtnol9 - ' .• ..; Y. r. ISTEEL. Cubist. IiZFARMERS , - AND MECHANICS' BANK, Puumnspeuia. 9 1 4 0 1). erli/e3 o ‘hi be eds_balNieotion 'or Threaten w *d et the Hatitint-Houllit ma , 310NDAY., the. itteMposh ralSc November peacibetween tite Imam eye o Meek A. re,. And 3 d'eleoa roe on TIIKEISAY,Ihe eixth day et Novembernext,,e ge.rwaldattettocor ; tee ittoette2mple Inn be heal at the optemni-motme, at o Meek X. as reasibly to the chertipt, oetkitnole w. RUSHTON, SR., Cesium'. "OrTICE - OF THE GIRARD F. - ANDM, 11161UAANWEM01IPM4Y, tio; 410 WALNUT Theßoartiof Ditioiors lowa at elate a eeeti•seanel Eirldenit Yottr.Mtiarcipershaio on the oral mock the Mammy, gavials oA 'AAA snit lb* rat day of foramator: . • - • WIZ TT.. Ptrdalfsdpides On. 11; 111101nwflat - - Treasurer: - . 0*t01171•11% t OF ;THE ',PHILADELPHIA MO' • and tratoundown and Ford/down lannoNl unin he Anneal Floe fat jba stook and loan holden, 11 be, hold *AV or theana Blt ry at tat nett t g !Ar. o ttedako/botiono art gn• ar r Orilll 4 ,! 7 41.11 0111 CO eheawfour .11111191:11 , to . serviratee he the sums 41.64 e suis a lotaac Mt medlars'? after the riots of the, gonna* And_inant- IMF. and to obi* at. ' !Lau!, .0 015 . • IleorddirY. 27ct 'Lome , r Inommidatirp, ITERAIRTATMIO24 lisbu • Alb 'NOT -TO' REAIt p m, .., .., , . . oft t i ke •' Two, numßut, ra VW 114 irtelillaielnd intlyt Onkel' Attaititii - rtla Sel l: iP e Nl M il tr n it.l. $ , Ticket., o w, 2 4 e 1....--,- - 1 - troilinidhltobe Ide4riliihNd is t lien tfikVblck - 'ol " lthill;: a nits, ". rtiaraill:6l , .„ . , „ , , , .. • , . St - - ,V.I .ORMINEISUONERS , OFFICE.i ~„,,"—„,_,• - - Allliapku.Tfita, Oa /I, Ma tot-, :`..rAwrif,OF! arilzawlinit alit nron the !. 1 111 rif ;1) 1 1.i,c)!' Pr operty Ojrnerp. to IT lik .,, lt i w t , „,,,,...„,,,,,. .i , . . ... ...., A. fi, lVtober..4. , :« sakd Biz alp 4 egl.stra, volativ i li a lieliadtiati i g)fdLA2zi zott.. '!3. ASlMlttrlndiViZatittreallalgirotto ?Mom% find Slitienth Wards, Witieesdny, Oat°. rovsnuieigit'aid Eiihtiointik -"Wards; ,Tb!retliy, 00 tabor , irniastop ; lol : winnituktti Wards, ''Friday, Ooto *Wind , oad- Twenty-spend 14101i4.7; (Meter D 9 .. imotet ifa 0 dam - Vint Cows, iusiotters. (41.stao U3r: *Vintn' et THE_ enimmt,rmiii - &AD 'IWO!! . .KI..I‘OAP t3olllPettY. , ,-- lb the this gore It IA , thaitoo t rit*oe•iteetrefsthretioott hie 0 oe. re een otel.ooa the tome needed tho vizmi7 attse II fro4rataletto Os beriellt ors _tile)% thh.. .ef . .gr leer *woo, ae moon' eit try t_ etoehhe ' !UAW) Imo= Mohair tigar ty . r* .....4.1-4tm. sk nt a g r a.z, _ . „ • i reasimil. 104e.5-tio , Mt Hoidens friasd•ifkia suet RaiidAit Lliag a =trAa i rtat t tif in tsg o rgv e t t h t un. rara, .samulagirlp_tk u t it alanits t° it ool7 'llllll 11111 , 4250 wr saw - Mr Iteil MI JIM , Atjapeatotam aiehoolishereet4epie theta} woe ireethetre *mew to woo or it oenod o f tire., _rem thereemers th the Ale= "4.4 ty of tb: UtV r ei g ; mr proteimi ow * "M a 'mt t.. t="u'i pen ~- •• , .. N i p leaf . i . ... ~m, tor t :z hoba n t •'.' ' it be, 01 .1;, ,t 4 Led; „ . ' omer., Eltaboods. .Vie oftlaritre-Z toll; el l er a lt4 - o , ret4ot Sad Ohdonoothont tilll he hrolehtid t zar 111 4 4" Ili. *Oki kst4tif '' ' litheortAl for the Proud . HALIFAX-Kaki&No; Dixon—NO bble lifirrin6l46 do madkigel 1.03 root wobble aiteke Lit Geo A Wood YOUSTE PAGE. it 4, 1 4 11 4 , 641107141110 4P hours from Boston, •moste And, merseittrina to Llera7 Wtosor. Thera - Mai, at To'olooki saw a bark outman of Caps Renlopett. stealing tap Lurie time andplace. saw - snip NW of the Amerlos. 'tenants int slop Looms°, tor Liverpooi, st lMmon! t fietr., "n. Pernasn ' NM° Sept 10th, with e t to Lewis & from oom Left ship olden Horn Cox. Born. Altyab May If for England, repairing. Plonr 91191M4 Mime dap for St Thwart& „ ng spithalctlian Plogbelt. de dap's • from Bre • Malls es Rod toil 1 Piste & Arthottler. isms ' - 417,01.511M1ar, Maass from Si John, NO. wog M a CI &Koh & Bohr Sltan, .011.1 Dizon, asp fu In Halifax, with -Maas to tits. Ushr iminorm. Gandy; 4 deal from' Fall River, in • Wiles tp Corson Bar ffeanteitsaith. le days fr Egstnort, with limos Wn& r,40 Bohr 800 Ho Nom 4 day" from Fall River in R •inso;i • • - Bohr tea to hooey, dale from Milton, Eat. Ml* grain to 111 t Merriman. . gar Monti olft Minns* 2 gong from Milton, Del, wait grill toChrie an & Conan, , , . -3 ' - : '• -' Dv mstratta3Ms. 3 - ' (Commivonamtoe of Tim Pmts.) ' haw Yost, Oct. JB, kririVedjohytinoitton, from LiverVoce Mot Johan. thi. 10111 /AD u. •,. pillow, bill eimultui, fiomNectport. Jrhopplie A -.lPaYlnepott. from Castles for Astbottoec i ittioartooked pa Anti ff Uli Reef nest "sub The crew mitt Om rnosiii").Pirt of 11 " enTgVg: saved, opt, 18. . 411SAYliit ilk4141:401 Boimes, from 8011}011. - ,' ' • MEMORANDA. . • , Rteitutii traisia. Trautman, from liambing, ay. rived at, sir , orayeste_rdar. ..... ,- . . Stotainehltilar or the w eat, fr om 'aw ore, v i a 14- Yana. arny _at New OrleiMi TeeterfaY• StoiLthivid Headley. Magna. from Breme n , ar ri ved at RI! , riphyttatelday. , am* Mitafit.l Miro°, for New' York, cleared at Citl. antheAng 23.: : , 411 10blitW r bliAretletOardner,Toi Hong Kong, aisHed Att p dtleintond, Woodotoned tirelbritttar: Wig told, Wiluill i a =ltrZgir Irra l lg i g ° llla= " nt 441 3 at 0 ti t k , „ ..... .. neglrffi tiMa';'Eginte'. hone). arrived at IMgasyrk It ult eliiiii ou, mu. rot Philadelphia, Wits neolif ' -" isA°ll°'"Vethee 'Hint' WCA, Ito i t iy" 4 11 4%61fti1.6.1. 0 " 1 mft. 6 i'irsje - ; jubilate from New York. ernvad . at I sitt , Mi, t. . i n g i b :Do6:oliVertfrOmilindonderry.lirriVed IN Ilt LlSElTdityklilthilathll9l4 tad bul , karke_ - lii-l ' e n vrildriltir) Randall, forNio de .frtnehro, old ~, . y , l:o,44lo,,ftpr a‘ Elig!lit IFT , iyo4 , lt Nevi -ai v , Mtt t .1 t ,. ) . all, front Rio do.,lwhOrwo,frimea ay ' tiuk '-gidf7,f,,roM.g,.oeco,lhfx_,n,•,".4&tqt!rle'l foii'tllthwtor - - - e 4 st wi4_. .patt i mmerj, for Bartow, o!, RI ~ r looth,,,,aorri from Plymouthjor Philadelphia, 111 M, it OODUltall night or 7th flat, ow - - Nighjariaa, no a i ro ll4t tatintit4 e l4:ritaZTANlCYn. b° l l i off soimit, /hi tato frovutoOtorn Rh War t VAIIOIsNMW.-; 1=M=1:11 / 111 rOUTA 7 ,IONS. MAIIIN itItELLIGENCE. rdiarill return The njust tg i i i rrted carnal rant • damage) 6 away '. LO : ' „q 4 d,hre titian Dorndim 'Boyce; o!, t, '"o4laVrfottV,ittenoeittrivoill Deaten,l 7 4p Mot t Bahr AL weeny, lateen envoi at nehington i D u. yesterday. ' Ettihk. Saco, Taylor, cleared at Nalrbern, N 16th 'tnet k Peuilegm - •- / • Bohr sea -Gun, Etaoktiouse, hence, at Et Jolur7N 18th )net. 801 r North Paolto, Mercy, hence,, arrived at Provi— deuce 17th met. 17th -aohr t, Pbron Ncr a ton , nailed front Providence tha for Pladelphi. Bohr Oorneha, Bravo, henoi, at New Bedford 16th I )net. Bohr Georgo' W Brehm; Etatnerson, hence, at /Mitt- More /7th Met. Bohr liamitel Ratan, Dandy, hence, arrived at (Marled tonJeth Inst. , BOLMREPS HOLE. Oat. Id.—Ar brig Mitre E Thortin. son, Havener. Trinidad for Portland; sobs Maris ,I .Carelton.Shaler,,Boston for St Fetersliurg, Vet I John 0 lies. Nevins J Orlerson, Harding 1 It Wainright, Corson ; Silver Magnet, Perry ; Willard Saulsbury, Budson,And J Cadwallader, Leighton, do for Philadel- Phi& IWm Aldridge, Somers, Danvers for door;adel ph ;A M Bateman Beverly for ; It Whildlo. Neal, Portsmouth fordo ; R B Clifford, Salem-kor do. " Bid bring Mary E Thompson; 'olio Wave, Robert Corson, end New Jersey. h—Ar brig .Cl W Barter Oilohnst, Boston for —• colas Vendovi, Bray, Phiiadelphia for Bath; B d Knight, Whirlow; Triumph. erns: 11 - E Welton, Ma boy, and NWT & Elizabeth, Reed Boston for Philadel phia; E J μ Steelman, Roxbury for Philadelphia; Netune. Magee, Lynn for do. Bid colas Vendom and Volunteer. 10 A M; 'Wind South West. ARM YAM AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS TO 11 O'CLOCK LAST MUT. • GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth' end Chestnut streets. RH Warren, Pennsylvania W E Wells, New - York C Gillinglume. New Jeraey T Lent, New Jersey L IL McGrath. Pa W Black I 0 L Meeker, Baltimore Stewart Wilson, CM. 0 W Ward, Freehold Mrs Ward, Freehold I lilies Ward, Freeliol i R W Horning, Freehold O Grey. Cincinnetr, Ohio D Curler' Indians T Batt, Jr. Indiana ./ Logue, Memphis O Oitford & IE4 - Charleston 8 Tarnish', Columbus, 0 W Norris r P Ruth., New York Jos Plumer I Ernith. Pennsylvania It -Wigton, Huntingdon W tibure & ale, Ind 0 Charlton, New York F M Tan 0, Havana Mrs Yeabel Tnte, Havana Mies Yeabel Aroyd Tante Pon k Rice, Minnesota yG Moan. Mint:Mote CV C Miller & Gallipoli!' Jra 0 rantehell, Bellefonte W A Pilkm, Ravenna. , Mies Pilkin. Ravenna Mini Clarke. New York AF an niughem is le, N Y Mies Cunning ham, N Y F 8 Hunter, Reading J Emalh Charleston fi N Gambrill. Baltimore J bleoormier. Jr. Pa W CalilwellA wf N Miss Caldwell, New-York • Miss Thompson, N L.W Orton &lc New York Muss Green, New York Miss Moore. Maryland , . Mrs Wm F Patterson, Pa Dr Plt Wales. US ' - Dr 1' Goobrick, Virginia D Liohfkilddsew York Dr A 8 Purger & Is, Balt Mr Hunt & la. Philadelphia, 0 kJ' day, Baltimore • C Murray, Jersey City PWoolsehlJersey C ity General A b Reunited, Pa 3 Ruder, l'elawirWanis tio. I. Orth , Pennsr/vaniet 'John H Keigler, Pa D Earnestaenthrylvanie A M Ogle; hew uric B Repperd, Raw York W Niebott, Wear Chester R. Ross Roberts. Pa - Dr It. Frame Delaware N Ellmaker, Lsnoaster .1 Beeler, 118814d0h18 Leroy Oldham. Virginia T D Reed, Virginia T G Raven & Is, Charlaarn It A Coda= & la. Del W T Patterson, Pot smile elm Hewett-, Pottsville A Irwin. Kansas A 0 Green. Reading F Howell & la, X York E T Fellows. New Orleans 'Paul Morph? , New Orleans W Underhill. New 'York Mice Crook/hanks, Mime Jag rJulbertoon, New York Mrs Culbertson & oh. N Y Mae Cooke, New York Mies Davidson, New York It Jennings &la Mil Miss Jennings. Mari land Dr O Brands &0, Erie Win 8 Lane, - le 8 Wind. New York N 01addings, New Yryk Mr Foster & la ,_N York Horato Eagle, New York Chas Clemens, Balt Mrs Clemens. Ball Miss Hunter, Balt R T Johnson Balt Mr Curtis, N 0 leans mr Wilson , WaMingten Mr Clendenin. 'Balt P T Notion. Richmond J O Dugan, Balt 818 Hopkins New York B McDonald & In, Wis J B Burdett. viriartia J A Ruda/ill, Virginia N C Bommervill. Virginia Geo Hart, Now York W Riohards, Virgin's John H Bewley. Del B J IMOIL New York Mrs Conrad, Washingt'n L M Close, Washington John Falconer, Baltimore CONTINENTAL HOTEI,Cor. Ninth and Chestnut, I 1 B Paul, Now York K It 'l' Armstrong,Chiciago D Landreth, Philadelphia Dr J B Mlnturn. Texas C Li Nutt Ss cis, Chicago P Gemill. York co, Pa it 8 Kauffman, Columbia C M Waters & In. Lyons 0 II Ornisly- Pittsburg Miss Ormely, Pittsburg Mies 8 Phillips, Pittsburg Miss -I Phillips, Pittsburg J Black, Mt 5011Y.14 J bliss Black, - Alt Holly, INY J C W tiallgale, New York Brown, New York J F Follett. Newark. U 3 8 Flank at la, Newark. 0 A F Cape k la, Missouri H 0 Lunen r, Canton. Miss 'Pht sprasue,Mobile C PI de Hog. Bannon Ayres Dr JIB Galt Virginia J Dunn, Virginia Mrs - Dunn, Virginia Miss Dunn, Virginia L LMattson, Port Carbon S L Lama, New York P Franklin, Washington Geo Parker, Washington W Magruder, Mississippi Copt MoLeanklaillia rs .1 It uningerfield, Va A P Doilge la. Bait G 0 Perk, New Yortr J C Beman,Augusta. Gs 1 D tinhorns & Ky 11 Connor Jr, & is, Mobile Chas W Poultney. Phil& Chu Callaghan, New York II Mann, Jr, Bellefonte W Bruce & Jas Shookleford. Maysv.K. Jim sprouts. Newt ork Mrs P-Norton. New York Hde V Glentworth. Home A Adams k wrr, N Carolina Stewart Brown& wf. N Y B Jacobs & la, Virginia Mies VII Hill, Virginia Robt Dunlap k , il ,l ' t It York G Sober, Jr, & tirf. N York Plork E Redder & f. N C Miss Williams.- N 0 - Mra Coleman, New York Mrs Clarke- New York Mrs Smith. New York Miss Cummings. Georgia Wm Knight.' Maryland W Bodstein g New York Br! H Bertholf, New York L A Cubans, New York HA Lamberton, Elarrisbg A White. Virginia Y Frost, Chianti), 11l Sao Cacligar &,wf,N York , TM Rooker, New Yorldi M it Vanier, Boston Isaac Taylor & wf Boston 0 A Whiting, Boston Chas Mo Burney, Holden Mrs Moßumey. Boston Miss Moßumey, Boston E.fieffrien, Beaton B Grigsby & Ky waterhoune & h,N Y Jae B Bail, Pennsylvania PAdmns, Boston H Gourdin, Charleston Mrs Young, Charleston A Mathis B ! Roberts, Pennsylvania John D Cooke & la, B'klyn Ohs, Wichterfield k la, NY lidw .1 Fox, Heston W H Armstrong, Eamon R Y Black & wf ,N Orleans R Wheyland Pt York Cyrus NI Ward & la. N Y Ohs .10 (Aran & la, St Louis Miss blot aran, 81 Louis John It Parry &In. Jar City John F Plooob New York hi K Adams, New York Jt Middleton. England Q Hunting, N York John. ~Lowrie, New York NI Adams. Brooklyn Ig I' Meyer, Connecticut 8 ft Bpaulding & la, Boston B Spaulding & is, Boston Wrs E D Miller. Boston Bentrick, New York Crichton. Baltimore J iticarda, Jr, Cuba J Jogs, New York C P Cummings & Is. NY J B Scott lc la new York W Hill. New York :T W Brent, I)'8 N \ D G Byent, Florida llt Trenard, Cil . bis .1 W Brown. Virginia 'OP Morgan, In lam 'l' H Baron, Boston 0 W Trounsie Tenn Mn T White. Virginia ' Mins C M Davis. Virginia .1 A White, Virginia D Payne, Virginia . J K Parker, Conneoticut M Westwster. Columbus, W A Croaker & la, N y J C Downing, New York F-B Clark, Mobile A Finch, New York T Burgess, New York W Gebbard.'New York 8 8 Moffett, Indiams Gould & wf. Boston Miss H M Gould. Boston E E Gilbert & wf. Wash' W H Hunt & wf. Wash 0 Ward &wf Newark A S Fitch, Now York L P Porter. Nes , York A Hendenum. Maine It ti pendloton,Ple - w York F'Sond & la, T 9, Ebbineons_ - Viralrits Vf 3 Robinson, Virginia J J Robinson, virginia IlLoder k la Mt Blank, New York - Mr Boort, Oslo T Keyper, Baltimore W W Hanson, Phi la .1 L. Mitchell & la. Albany _Br 0 It Patton, Alabama- N 5 Bradley, Connootitilt M 0 Cretin DatiVllle, Pa camnralaw MOTBIr-Fottrth street. halo, Arch. Win M Xdamliter, N Y L Doolittle, Pa W Pittsburg • RL Blood. Brookiyn C Parson'. Wiiliamspoit Jas..l3 Childs. abutJul Doqlan . Jul Donlan. J X Hare:Bummer Rill M Holderbamn, Pa SI % Edwards, tedinne. Rona rdeoblint, ill tanning a ; Berger as la, Beath Mrs Cochran, Pittsburg I) J Pores, Latrobe, Pa 1 /It Moore, ClearEeld ISIS Bleier, Newark, Ohio raja Wtlver, Begun*, Pa It J Fleming, Pb ra DAM, coding Albert Weiser. Mira. Mrs Wing, Mob Io won W 15 . 1 Holster, Pa corns - line Burial. Ohio ' D Mn.Williampi 4 Indians J M. Maimed, lOW CO. P 6 Dohnan, (Antra cupPa Kim Gratutni.Centtsstm w P COAAA. NAV York Elialt Woolley_ dowf If T W Cooper & Igo! J • Mum amine Wardell. X J D L Ireland & la. Pa T Sweat, Milton, Pa B IV Miller, Pittsburg Gat smith; Johnstown. Pa Cleo Woman/pm Pottm 'ls Nelms Weiser Allentown H P OAST, Allegheny oily A Fenton. Baltimore' J At Bronson New York Jno B. nntb, W ooditak G Griffith, Baltimore AfrISRLOANLIOTEL—DIMarnat "street. above Fifth, BEMI*. 881‘88r8 ' i lube t l irthing ob D Dr P Romanis eo ar and, Pfd 00 Tomlinson Now York , ,Fegler, Houck Chbnk Wilirtes & Is; New York - 1 nos nando 1 1 101 6 York JP~iTrick. Jr, Maryland 1111.11,1. pawns. upland Merrier. Marriand Jas wcoff. Peters ant It Haat, retetaborn D 0 Posher, 13et Wm D Fisher, nenford, pei H Thompson & la. Doan T it_Chase. New York Dr 13th on Dr Thompson C P ahoener,TIMISQUA 00 Jas McLean, Careen on Drake, Wilkeebsrra A I? unmet; 8 °grous W New York M N Nowell. new York Latham, Rochester, N Y John Harper Er. le. N Y T Lewis, New Yrwk A W Haloes, Pbtla Deo HarVey, Washington P Thorp , Delawate R Corneae, Deleaste M S Hatt. Delatrarr Mike LWArkthlr o New York 8 Nevelt, row . ' ST. 1031/18 HOTEL—Ohastaint it.. above Third. A M kbasey. Holmasburg A 0 Cranmar. Penn& 0 Winch, New York J promlisb. Indiana. Pa John Coohranar. Maga OW 'Jingle, Ma tend C Gillett. Now York it Gerldeg, Lewisburg Mrs M Blanker, Mew Berlin M 8 Young, Allan town J J awynri..New 'easy JlKollogg & la. Tido Wld L 0.1.0, Vow York W Lea , NeW Yor 8 T Ancona. Reading V H raintor, W baster A Ballman. Philadelphia lino W Miloo,Philadelphia Copt .1 Slliett, Trpron,_Pa Chas M M,erour, Baltimore , IH. Lowenthal, b air York I. 8 A icoa Yirslnia, M. Hall:Delaware - r liner. New ke, Yolk • ohn Eberle. r•anuastar, Pa Wm Pletning, Penns B dungeon. Maryland 0 Goerver. wain, Del - JONES', HOTEL — Chestnut street , above Borth. ' Almon OW. Georgia • Botatiligis PhiMO Dunes ,? eolith Gawireti• atiesheny , Mibban BOW Yak, PA A Hew), Delaware Nt Perk ne. N4ork . Mrs Nininger, et Pau J 014101111 e, ilni,_N 0 Dr A .Kerns, Easton etc Mrs Keno* & 2 ch. Nen, Bichlre lloyer;Baston, Mo A B PatlersOn, 8t Paul 8 Buok. Worcester. MaEll Wbi Pleeket & York IL Taylor, Virginia Otto B Graves. Pew York 8 Taller, Illinois Hendon & la, Vintinia F Greenwood, &la Va Geo c'hagening, California J Clotanrier,New York Jae /s Kea,Wilitungton. NO Ali Winchester, Wash Al' Wilson, Hoeft, re, THE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street, abovo ThirdL JBeeside. AricamOs tw Horner, Millsboro. Pa it N Hammond, Delaware p Horton. &newt M Moore & la, Lewistown T boa craven, Brie, Pa Pa/id ROT no'A, Brie, Pa lease hunison..N Jersey , Jae '/' Barnard. Chester co D Davis. Lancaster co B Itrinten. M D. Phila Mies As V Bugle, Cheater Broca,. Chester co /also M L Barnard, vs sr N *immorl, Newark Miee K luvie, Lanceet co Geo M. Well,. Pittaburg 1. L P ay. Peoria, ill • Geo G Evans, Delaware T Nichols, below, Mass sin Marrod or a oh. N Jersey G V Materiel; Canton, 0 C C Jennings, Keeton J 0 Burt, Indians . Knight, Ohio. Itswaratarv. STATES CHIOII-211 ergot street, above Sixth. 18 Riabertsimlndians co M B Milberg, CU einnall,o Jno Rees de. Vivelnnati, 0 Win hi Si bley,Montour co John Larnotter, Pittsburg P 8 Crosby, Wyoming, Po Henry Metre, Beaver , Cha emblem ewoome Florence Martin Crous, Pa 8 t flew .T Bayard, iodises co, Pa JR M Ladd lc Is, Paterson Win Long, Bridgeport A K Harbison. Hollidaystig H Bridge&la,Pennsylvania .1 0 'Mating. Coatesville, Jos v Walker, Pa Oeo 1., Plitt. Pittsburg John Paladin, 016/4'061 , 1 John NI Kline, Maryland L Moore. Pennirigtonville Jae M Birouse, Juniata no F M Miokey,Pattersou, Pa John A Baxter. Perry co' Thole Weigh, Colainnie Pain , Patterson, Lancaster D Straus°. Juniata 00, Pa. .1 McCoy dy & la, Pa FOUNTAIN RAYPEL—Becond street, above Market. A II Conk. Delaware E Dueries k lam, N York Me4C Flop', Georgia R 8 Hobbs. Tennessee L Men laud Thos P , isims, Philadelphia H Fetter, Ducks co Geo C Willard, Peens, Jos Chipman, Delaware John Ward, Delaware • Wnt H Ictorism, Iletwame It Lockwood k da, Del Miss Bothwell, Delaware H W (*armor', Delaware John Pinkert Band Plummer, N Jersey FIV nharpliam, Ducks oo Thom Farrington* 's eon NATIONAL HOTEL—Raoe street, above Tldhl. Wm 'tinkle.. POO5llllO Joel Fink, Pheenixvtlle Jae Spakhng, Virginia It Anelenner. int Bethel' J jt Hooper. Centre no Mai Klopp Berke no. Pa - 8 A Dopow,74sten , B W Rhod en , Allentown' John Ernst, unlade - J P Rang a, Penneylvanin F 13 Higgins. wending J Ileoltard. Liverpool, Pa Arrormith, Eng Centre I Could a Is, Trenton Win 0 Stephen, Plow York F M Orson. Reading BLACK BEAR AIOTEL—Third et.. ab. Callowhili. Mrs At Former. Coopersbg Al Stevenson CooPersbura Mr. Vanahn'ta,liutztown Ue. Bunke en Wm Detfield, Monte oo Mrs A ri Datlleld.AllentgY D 0 Urlrer, Penns burg, Fa Win !Dumb:ten, Vseter Col D Dams, Wagon N Morris, Ph.Melphis, Geo W Wolf. Danboro Ono W,Looporabs D L Al airily. Pennsylvania MERCLIA.NTB' 1101.18E—lhird street, ab, Callowlull. fhas Fatilic.nollortown Jno Drayer. Ifellertown ames Aden, Lehigh 00, re, Jos ifilejMontsomerlv JO Winnelmes, Butztosra Jesse Waal, Montour on J Wolf, Coigns oo Oeo wolf & wf, Centre co IP Bummers, Ps M Harper, Amonsburg • 0 etsevor &Is Dauphin J J Centrertlle l Jesse Wegner, OUT. VERNON 11.0T1.1,--Deoorai street, lab Aral* kttlVl s 4,Z,"lia:l a l oSiTeltA k l y rat o o r t r A Jscob Lambert New Hove B Boggs, Delaware Wl3 Whitely.k i rlavare ' .1 Btradly,, belawato Thus, B Hort amour/ J Pool, New Jersey Mies M. Eavards, 34 3 BARLEY 511EAF ItOTEL—neoond at., below Vine help! Comfort, Books 00 1.1 Savage, p hiledolelim logo W Gae, ituaks cm. 8 Kugler, Fitiloh , O.}l rJon Bough, Georgia ". W W l'aBsoa• UnCks cf, W.l Arm on, lietlient. Pa, P e Gamer 130,thttat I K John thavon, Books oo )4 4) 4,4 4.5. novks . commtacuu, Rom—silth ',vent, an. Chestnut, J Kirk; Lanoaeter co H,Piliaminsnd, Newark, D 1) J Brown, Philadelphia j) B Oriel. Pottsville .1 TAY lor, Greene, Pa -- • Mr Pennook, Oxford, Pa „l o plakely, Roxboro • M Hammond, Delaware B 03X. Huntingdon oo A Maeollarn, Maryland A B Hammond, Chewer no J B Howard & In, Wa s h Mies dal to Howard, Walla • gteLD V.ACILE ROTEL--thiri et„ aboire ohnowh i ll, 0 ( f 0 1 2 . :" in t tra°4lg2ceO,PA Rooter, 71, o 014; rdo: pa Reuben wag orb Fed Jus M Thoutl3l,4ll , os lion W-li Bildebrindt, IS adon,n, MESSe.44IIIADVIAILC! MAY. -OCTOBER 19;1 1860 i NE'IV J;),!,ENOPNI7:, FOR THiii WEEK, Contaimenit on ' corklE PRINCE OF WALES," MRS. HARRIET BEECHER BTOWl•; A SERMON, HENRY WARD BEECHER. - One of his moat glowing and ottaraotarietto discourses, from the texts " A,new commandenentlive r unto you, that to love one another: as I have loved You, that VS love one another." .<THE UNION IN DANGER," Giving his ownion or that ponultsr hoe and cry ccii/EN OF ONE IDEA," - REV. TIMODORE L. GIME% With illaatmtive biographioal 'Parana/lc THE LOST ONE FOUND," REV. STEPHEN .1.1. VINO, D. D An entire page of le given in THE INDEPENDENT Every Week, Attraoti'•e and instruotivo to young Mite and old. ' THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT AIM to keep up with the times on all important moral, social. political, and religious questions.• THE COMMERCIAL ARTICLE Is a standard authority with business men id all parts of the Free Staten. THE INDEPENDENT published • EVERY TIIIIINDAY MORNING And is gent to oubeertbers by mad for .e 2 a year, or delsvercd by carrier fore 260. JOSEPLI: H. RIgHAROS, No. 5 BEBKMAN STREET, NEW lORK., FOR BALE BY NEWS AGENTS. M&SRS. TIOKNOR & FIELDS YUBLIBII THIS DAY: ODD PEOPLE, BY CAPTAIN MAYNI AEU). With Striking Illustrations. Tide in the only edition uniform with "Desert Home," Forest Exiles," "Boy Hunters," "Bash Boys." Plant Hunters," ka. o,"Meaara. TICKNOR & FIELDS print the above work by arrangement with Captain Reid, as proviinistr announced. 135 wAsitirtal ON STREET, BOS rot. it WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORRS, BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS, HUGH MILLER's WORKS, PRESCOTT'S MONKS, BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES, mros BTRIMILAND'B Q.O RENS OP ENGLAND, TAP NORTH AMERICAN ENCYOtOPEDIA., ittiEsTE,R'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, WEBSTER'S do . Together with swgaethAßmWOßKS, In every department ofAlture, FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES, BY LINDSAY te, BLAKISTON, Publishers. Booksellers, and Importere,_ vole 25 Scutit SIXTH Street, above OttEbTNI/T. THE lIOUSEHOLD JOURNAL For this week. Now Ready. Three Cents. ' limed, is the Beet Polley." An excellent tale ' Ile Queer Client." APhiladelutuu Moir ' Pride has its Fall.' A sketoh ' The Carlisle "Heritage." .A atorr, of Interest 'An Autumn song." BY J. W. Ward. ' The Phyeieal Forces. By Professor Faraday. • Napoleon, Nlazaini, and Garibaldi." ".The Princele Own." Polka, 2 Pages MHO. ALSO, History end Travel. Rohm, for the Wokshop. science, and Att. Nitimellaneons Reading. Essay and Literary Items. Lessons in French. Wit and Rumor, Pussies. Charades, Ro. ' fte n h r dld Recipes.' Now Invention,. Answers to Correspondents Chen. and The Drama. Lessons in German. Juvenile Ilepartnient. Gardening. &o, • fold by all News fluent'. Prise Trate Cents. $1 ne a year. Pin le copy mailed on rosier of a three• bent sburie._by the Yahhehere_A. it Mud. & leo North WILLIAM irtreet, / , Vow York. - One DOPY free for every club of six subscribers. °OMR NEW POLKA. 45 THE PRINZMIS OWN" is the title al one of the rtiost britlGlnt polkas. over rub/ished, Cosnposed by P. itenriont and appease tom; Width , pliant! en No. g of the itOUREROL.D7.II)tIRNAL of this week. Now ready. Nay be had Oral no Ws- aunt:. "rite, Three Meta. kaited on trnioliit or IL three-06ot stain; Iw the yob. ninon, A. HART KILL & CQ., 20 Armin WI street. rdow York. oolti4t A BOOK TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. 443 D AND L 4 ET 1110 1A DWA . Y, PUBLISH THIO DAY. HCIISEICEEPER , s ENcyCLOPEDIA Commoy, AND ALL OTHER ECO NO MY OF DOMESTIC ECONOM Containing the first ecientitio and Reliable Melee ever made, pnbiici for ratifier pll kinds of BermeticallY eealed Fraitil, with or Wit out shear, in Orleans Or emu nion battles; also Hines rl' Mg Fruits in Ame rican and Eriinch'etyles ; with tried receipts for making Domestic Wm.*, Oatsupof Byrnes. Cortliels. &a, ..• aril Practical Directions for the Celtivation of Vegetables, Fruits, and rowel'. Destr Uct MA un ßßE i of EL. d kite", ltbo HY 1 0 . 1 vo . 2mo. cloth. 41.15. This is not UAW'? a Cord, Dolek. it i a obingendmin pf household to winoki ir ; udied. and Its teilotubge (antlered. will pave many a tone home and Weary stens to every housekeeper. It le practically In etruotive upon every branch of Household EOO/101117. It Is of especial value to the Inexperienced—to the young wife. just entering, into & home of her own, to whom it will save the mortifieatlon and diaappointment of those many little Winne that without such a guide are inevitable. It is not too much to asy that evert botne inwhibb. Wirt:rook ts found Will be Moak thb hap lid rokir; eVerl meal in that home better chosen and tier prepared; eVembobeehold ditty lighter and bet attenaps FF slid UMt Inez Pe Nen oe, b r eVeit a general waiato t skin. ed Wear be a cause of felitirs. inoid mibute di- Motions are Oren Upon every atilideck Mtil. Haskell belie f an experienaga b tonaglidePer i And every bale that she lays iloibit boa en over and Over again tested,by denied, and Proved to _gond, ftlie Spec not therefere Ave apy More tboorieff. • Paw books eveh upon the one .branbh or cookery possess this ad eon tag ..aa they arc meetly mere collections of reolgim withered m every direction, end etrung together with out any positive knowledge of their correctness or ex oellenoch ANALY6IS OP THE CONTENTS. PAWS' J. contains eight chapters, including same to Young housekeeper ' upon selecting and furnishing a house systen, and management of servants ; economy of oheerfulnees ; economy of cooking well, and econo my in smelt matters; washing, ko. i entertainment of company, and °stylus. In thegeneral instructions nd to the family, the young husband is not forgotten. a&apart in assisting the young wife to form herself into a finished housekeeper ismiserly defined, rani' 11. treati of nutrition, elements of food, and marketing. Petit 11.--f general 000kery—soupe, fish. meats, ermitry, vegetables ; Low to took, store tor winter, and hermetically seal them • puddings and dinner dosserte. traittiratgoVeatflgifi bread and per eot au, is posse, and will insure good brae of all kinds, cakes, confectionery, tea, and !mem T e ohs,- ter on coffee was prepared With great care from expe rience, end if followed, will insure to the family coffee that is perrea. PART IV. contains live chaptere upon_ breakfast dishes; hashes.eggs—to select, to preserve for the family, and market, Wok, &e.t economy iq Mabee, showing how to use the odds and ends; cold dinners, and Ms oboe. airily; V. contains six chapters. riving directions for ri ng and preserving apples for market and the also to hermetically seal, preserve with sugar, make cider, dry, and cook them. To select and pre serve, dry, cook, and hermetically seal peaches, pears, plumbs, cherries small and West lodi?ftutts. • This part contains the first Potentifie ireotions made Public p art this country for Hermetical y Sealing frutta without boiling. Mrs Eaekell has put up fruits in this Manner for the past eight years. wit ti y.ood success. and hen reduced thin art to scientific rules trio that any per son can with ease preserve their own fruity. Party VI. accusals four chapters upon domestic wines, beers, fruit, brandies, and vinegars, cordiale, and ca tmint!. PART VII. contains four chapters of direction; for making catsup' naiads, flavored vinegars, pickles, and TIP !Isom Tarr Vlll.—Five chapters on gardening ; kitche n, fruit, and flower garden, hot-begs and insects. FART IX.—Two o hooters. Curing meats, milk, cheese, and butter. ?MIT X.—lrour chapters on the siek room—what it !meld be, remedies, treatment of infants, cookery or the sink Pears XI. and XII. are runiosilaneous and general. This book will be cent free of postage to any pert of the United Mates on the reoeipt of 81.26. oola it G,G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, • NO. 439 CIPIEBTNUT qtreet. BUY YOUR BOORS AT WAGS', Where yon non get books in every department of Lite rature; and BEAECIN MIND, that bezidee gettlnvor book st the loweet ' iettut prloe. MAT A, GIFT, Worth from 60 cent. to 61160n000mpantes /soh Hook. ALIA um RIM BOORB 1.8 BOON AB ÜB JAWED. Call tn. and one trial will assure you that the beat Place in the city to buy books, In at G. G. EVANS , GIPT BOOX ESTABLISHMENT. fIo.439I3ItEISTNUT Street. BOOK BUYERS.,—Gentlemen: I hail) taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bents 419 CILEBTI4 Street, where I will continue to bar and NA las I have heretofore done at the Custom haulm Avenue Book-etand) old and new Law end Mier celleneous Hooke. I have for sale upwards' of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1490, a 00;7 Of BTRIMUS on the p r ior Testament, 11 vois..4to. pttnted in 1601, Pnee 108. I will Ms.:ideal in Betraying* and Autoraphs.. Perms at a dingoes wishing to sell Hooke w ill deseribe their names._ dates, sites, bindings, conditions, sad pnoons. rarraphlet Laws 01 Pennon- Tanta, and old Books upon Arneries wanted._ unbent ' 70814 CAMPBELL. VAT GYRED PLASTER, PLASTERING HAIR, WHITE RAND: and CEMENT for age. at NINTH and COATES Streets. .H.IIIeINNFIL rdersO for eh tppi og promptly attended to. ocatl-dt* EIMER, No.- 617 NORTH. SECIOND e treet. e sb9;re fiRF,Rif. has oonstantlr fok. s , 1 8,73Lig mi trig VAToTtallwn.ll.'oo.Zill filL9.--3,480 gals. extra bleached -rile phellt,N4.66o extra bletibee„riale ml, 6800 frrit'CrANeletaini;eltnren& 6 ‘ 0, 1 , ro r , Y igra Wharves. - , , NAVAL . BTORE3.-100 bble flpitits Torpentilie, 160 do Rosin, 50 do Tort lagdi..• m HORACE GREELEY FAbIILY• READIDICi (A VW:OWE EDITION.) CONTAINS ELIXTBBIY FAOEB RETAIL DAY' 0001)0, INDIA SHAWIA, Vi OLOAKS,: : : PLOTH BILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, In groat variety and choice Retentions, at GEORGE FRYER'S, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET. oomtt FALL CLOAKS OrJafING DAILY. VIE EINBST ABSORTIONT. IN THE OITY A 7 . W. P. OAMPBELL'S. ocs 20t NO. 11'24 CH EATNU P STREET FRENCH CLOAKS. An assortment of GAY FRKNCH STRIPE CLOAKS, Just imported. 260 rielient goods of Om Beason IVENS, No. 23 ROUTH NINTH Street CLOAKS.—The grentest bargains in the v oily at WENS'. CLOAKS.—The target stook, the beet amortment, the ohoieeet oolore, the finest quebtlee, the most superb trienniums, the newest styles, the beet work, and deal dedly the lowest prices in the olty, at IVENS', 2.3 South NINTH Street. 0013 Im LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCYGOODS. , ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST qUALITY.• • - OILTI.RINIMINOS AND BELTINGS. .. , ' , CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL etzER.: , ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR. KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAI'SON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY Street,. oo9.lNza pirtr,Nall POPLINS. A FEW CHOICE RIOES. AT RIGHT P Prengh lileginore, at the right prices. Finurod Wool Deimos and Caeluneres. Valenoiae, Plaid+, Figured Alpagae. Obildren'e Delmore and Wool Plaide. BLACK DRESS GOODS. • Auction lots French. Merinnell. 66 ciente to SI. Wool Velnines,Xl to 60 eents. 5-4 sublime ttality. 81 16. Demi:Amen and Alpacas. ' Arnolinee, Pied Alpacas. Reps. " " Amok Bilge, Coburg. he, COOPER & CONARD_ oel6 Soutbooat cot. NINTR and MARKET. NIALL AND WLNTER OLOARS, of all 1.• tho new shrines. ready made or .111 ADE 10 ORDER. First-elan work at popular Drina. • Every garment guarrantied to fit and Memo. Clothe by the Tard or niece. of but the right kinds for Ladies'. illisses and Buys' wear. COOPER & CON,ARD, oats Southeast oar. BIRTH and MARKET. CCLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North .E.IGHTII. Every one Is talking of the Peat bargains and superior quality of the CLO tKB at the new CLOAK EITOIL P 1,142 North kIeHT.H Street. inLoas.—lf you want the beat value for your MOM, So to the City Cloak Store, 14:1 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. ' f'l.OAKS.—The CRY CLOAK STORE, 142 North MGM% is said to be the best and ehessast store in the city. oel3-1m CLOAKS.—A magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported thin season, with every now material, mad* up and trimmed in the very hest manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the Tarls , Oloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT gtreets. ocrl3 lm VERY ORE AP MERINOS. BRARPLESS illtO3`IERB . • - - • - - • Bare received lave lota of FRENCH eIk:KOOS, ( PULL WIDTH") AtretaiVor by the Case, Prom 68 cents to Si per rani. Being far below importation coot. AUTUMN AND WINTER SHAWLS, Frenoh Blanket, eadtth Blanket, Paidley, Vsenna, Girl's enawls, Black shawls, - Heavy Berlin. Small Cheeks, Enenda' Blanket. Cloth and Silk, gi r eny t 'grvrAt a irligt and Rev. tiIiARPLEBS BRU'I BROS. octlk-tf coiner OFTESTA UT and .k.ISETH Streets. ipiXTENSIVE IMPROVE VENT'S ! E { THOENLEY & VIIISaI, LI. E. Gamer EIGHTH tr. ;a P.KING aditlllial eta, Haring enlarged, tkeir Eltore,An . MOGI:ABED THF.A. BTOCK, NOW °atm for invention , ONS, OF THE BEST !STOOKS OF GOODS In them line in Phibidellibia. , DIMWIT , FOR. CASH EXCL USIVLY, And will be sold _ I I'OBITIVISIR OHBA? : D attention invited to talks mad Drain °sods, 'hinswls and Cloaks. ' Olotklama Cammarec Blankets endPlannelr. Innen tirade and Magma. . . Marseille/land otberQuills. Healer i lii . ile a k .: All Goode marked at tlia lowest priori. g eld SUAWLS, • Broom and dame.° Wes Sheila. Lona and square Blanket Shawls. • Steps Chawls. all nolors. Resemble ehawls, Flush Misses Awls, all qualities, ONAR.I.EB ADAMS & BON. oat-inwftf and ARON Ste. CL OA RS —A large • variety constantly on hand. also made to order in the moat fashiona ble styles. at lower rates than any oilier establishment, and in dne day's notion. UNitillElll ADAMS & SON, Ettorrn and ARON. Ms. MODS of eery description, in etudies eluting. linens, table linens, towelings, napkins, (Wilts, linen Whys. &C.. &O. CRAJILF 8 ADAMS & ON cooll-aneßf elearra and ARCH Ott WE INVITE particular attention to our • • steak Qf Drra 600ds.whiclivro M il Ma mpall ad vaJtad nn pat lN i 13 ° P.f a a i n f7LOVtB. Laitt, Ea Da Ma ft, NUN, oaa-mwilf , EIGIITH and ARCH Mta. EYRE do LANDELL, No 400 ARCM Demonetratlon in Shawls. Long &oche •bawls, 86 to 63(). . &Item° Najd a hawla. Argyle Plead Reotoh Shawls. School OW Long and &Ware Shawls. octi-mw( VYRE & LAND.KtiL ) FOURTH AND Aftgli WI I REETS. Prlated and Plain Merlaoar, and Oardst Dalam•e. Wool Del:tine:4 from tne Popllnei Plain and hmUroidored. • oo9•mwf litlontr,se_v Dill • NEW ORLWS (LA.) PICIAIICriIE. . JOY. 00E. (Ss 00. Ifave been,appointed solo agents in Philadelphia for this exteneively eirouletine panerof Genimanding in ilnenee. Business men are advertising in the best newt paper, of city and Gauntry, at the offices qf JOY,CQh., & CU., Advertielng Agents. I.IFIN and TiIEBTNUT Btreets, f Philadelphia ; Tribune Buildings, New York. ne26-t HORACE SEE, mfr.mgAIMAL ft.NGINEER, and •SAVENT ATTORNEY:,_ • No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (merle yrmotate, rM COUTIti Court norreoi) Pregame /to., and transude' another buinnet 'connected with the obtaining of Let- . ten Potent emoninary Designed and Drawings made. euls-am* R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. , KER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIBTOWN, P Vllar i ttrOßES, M11,143,_ and HOTELS FOR BALE in elontgomery, Rucks, Chester, and Delaware Comities, varying froin 10 to 200 acres, in good localities, Yemeni spelling will he shown properties free of °Marge.. • Bonds and Mort/ens negotiated at fair rates. AN DI ROME RESIDENCOOEI for sale in Norristown, Potts town, and intermediate shoes. For Catalogues and fad description, address R. R. CORSON, Iyll-11m • Norristown. Pis. J,NIO.IIOMION, • hlanufanturer of !HURTS LINEN and lIIARSEILLER BOSOMS AND COLLARs„ A large nand.oice naeortme and tt. invite always ononto which partloularlyinvite the attention CAMEI and prompt-Datum' VICORT - TIME tiy e n. b E. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Phila delphut. eur-am' FUGUET & SONS, N-10 IMPORTERS ON HAVANA MARS, No: 210 South FRONT Street. OWN. arly a a ssortment ofesirable oi aims, wluo yegUi h they offer full at low ratets, for oneli or ea moved °radii., lalo-2Y. PAWSCV ib NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERB ace, sio AND 091 MINA BTRE,I'It, Ditanon Not l rket and , Ohentnitt Meant. PII IA Intdlitl PAWSOOIIIII.4IOIS L, JAL 1410110/410it la, Iv E' , J. BAYLIS TIIONIAB , AITORIVEY-AT-LAW, Mai removed Ms °glee from wo. 9 Areh street to Zia. 499 VfAiireUT Street. Farttouter attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Maim'. the drafting end examination of Wills, CoWton4ao 6ll ,PAgameislit Bnofe of Vtle t , sad other l i pa tni . ,l 6 llo:lll;l r ekt.lifiglps, g i d e l=lit i Peragirdo m di and me beet sounds' procured son the per in vestments et Money. Latisfactory refore g oerkm When required. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -1 1 - CITY AND COUNT OF PHILACELPRIA. testate' of SARAH LANCE, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and admit the account of Isaac Bewley, Emulator of the Estate of the said decedent, and vt make distribu tion of the Balance in the hands of the accountaht, w ill meet the parties interested for the votes's.% of bus s tir l i g 'MN the day r of street, in the oily of . rolladelpia. JAMES B. DOYLE, cial3-emwfmet Auditor. NOTIOE.-LETTERS TESTAMENTARY L to the Estate of the late DUNLAP facLAUGH LIN having heenarranted to the undersigned, all per sons I odelne# to the latate are requested to makepay ment, and thole having. olmme &salad the Esta t e to present them WiDont delay to 111, MCLAUGHLTN,Y.xeentria• seli4 No. 413 South B ROAD fitrest. pow METALLIC PAINT.-70 Pion CENT. pure metal --Thie paint °otters !WO natione feet on metal. and 6,000 on Wood per. 100 lbs. The beet and oltesgest paint for tin and sheet-iron roofs, railroad oars, briages, iron fronts. houses. barns, fences. ships' decks and hulls, or any Wood or metal exposed to heat, vraather. or Water. Samples rod mentors. containing references. sent free WILLISON fple Agent, FOURTH. above Aroh street. crab in' VLECTRO•MAGNVTIO AND MAME TO-BIZOTHIC MAORIffV3 for mothoal nee fdenuttoturg4,and for sat oatll o. Booth Otrooto wx. tikfT, =2 CURTAINS.MW.SUMMS. CURTAINS. ; , '.F' V!7 `+°'- '' -- 'WINDOW STIADRS, CURTAINS, UPHOLSTEBY GOODS DAMASK, LAOS, AND MUSLIN ebitTAINBJO Oavast DEICRIPTION CURTAIN LININGS, 0111113, AND FRINGES WINDOW SHADS ON RAND, OR PAINTED TO ORDER MI work executed br competent workmen at mode rate pricath W. HENRY - PATTEN. °DUI St 630 CIIEEIMUT BTREET, MILLINERY. CHILDJKEN'S All the new 'Wee dilate, in Felt, Plueh. Ber:ver, or Silk, trimmed or ontrirained OUR OWN PATTERNE, A very large variety. now ready LINCOLN, , WOOD, & NICHOLS, No. 725• CHESTNUT STREET oon MISSES' BONNETS. The Fall Styles now rawly at the CITY BONNET LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTN UT STREET POLITICAL. GRAND BARBEL E • IN HONOR O• THE GREAT VICTORY ACHIEVED BY THE ELECTION OF • ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERIt OR, and to further promote the election of LINCOLN AND HAIVILIN, N will be held on the RIDGE AVENUE, above GIRARD COLLAGE, and opposite the Rldge-avenue Railroad depot, on SATURDAY, OOTOBER 27, 1860, when will also be held n • GILIND MSS MEETING of the friends of LINCOLN, HAMLIN, CURTIN, ete., and all opposed to the present Administration, when 'addresses will be delivered by Gov, A. 0. CURTIN, and many other prominent speakers. , A LARGE ALLEGHENY COUNTY OX • will be ROASTED upon the oceasion, and all who are in favor of a ohm* jnpur Admin retration are invited to attend. tt INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE LNSURANOE COINIP.&NIC CIY PIMADERIEEst. MIRE INSURANCE ExoLvarvELY.) OTERP.ANrS BUILDING. S. W. CORNEA BOVRTIi AND WALNUT STRRETB. DINEOTURIS. Et YLATOMf imuo j WILLIAM &LAND FRAZ/1111. JOEMTWOODa BIM. T. JUCWZ, IisnarWHARTON, F. RATORF 013[ARLE8 W. COME. Be • MOIDICAS t• DAMON. r11).11, Sinuses'. 6SS R. illoas. R. nutriment AN TII D. Wax. J. L. IMINGR. ORD 8 ARR. Preis - 140M. . °ratan'. fell THE MUTUAL LIFE IrSURANOEVOIII - olr NEW YORE. .- AEu: SIX MILLION sa S OF DOLLARS, WO RT Siad?oNTOAsEII ON INAL .1137A7i, INV"? OVER 413 OCOAKE. The premiums are &swan than in many other Crimea nine, and the Divrdends have been GREATER. This is a striotlyTuAr. Company% Vent are no Btookholders. eo that ALL THE £ °NITS sziAiiia TO THE iNetriii Pamphlets, and every information, may be had GRATIS, on 11:cation to F. RATCHFORD STARR: Agent, B. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh. • Mordecai L. Dawson, George H. etnart. Georg_e M. Btrdad, 'S. Whe en. ' • John 13. Myatt. J. E. Fisher beaming. Joseph Fri. t t e ray 11 r William 0. Ludwig. John . Atwood. Arthur G. Collin, Thomas H. rowan, George W. Tobin& William McKee. Thos. Wattson. n2E-leif FAbit INSURANOR COMPANY, `NO. 406 'CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL, IM. BY THE STATE OF PENIISYLvANIA. . CONFINED TO PIRE . AND INLAND RISKS. • , =scram., 1 4#7ti n . Vr.vvagril, B. Biraey, Uen. SiWSea e r t d , son, Henrylomis, A. Jp4ob W.Stout, o.liViliptatar 11, steak° Stern. Thde. D. mutt& DEORCer, W. DAY A President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Pm% - WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. SeonHary. tjen-Ift SAVING FUNDS. A MERICAN' SAVINQ ruNt).--00111- _papy7s Building, southeast oomer WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Oven daily froin Sg o'cloOk, and on MONDAY in the evening. This Old institution has Oral's paid in full, on demand. Without notion. . INTEREST FIYERER BENT. AU MU paid bank, on de an in gold andidiver. TRUSTEE/I. ALEX. Ti.nILLBIN, President. eAmb. WORK, Vioe President. John C. Nary . T. E. I orper.. (Morse Nugent, John Amnon, Bodine. Alb. V, Roberts, John Aikman, Jonas "'man, R. IL Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOAN B. WILSON .Treasurer. JOHN C. BIM. Secretary. auil-tm QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, 08lee, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhilli 'lnoorporated by the begirt' Mute Anti!: Nth, HS I. °confer Deposits and Payments. daily:, &mu 9to ,3io °look. Also, on /HONDA Y and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from to 8 o °look. interact 5 per rent. per annum. Depositors can with draw their hioneyS by Cheeks, if desired, Pperlal De posits roomed. JAMES S. PRIPICIDE. President ' FRANCS, Hatt. Elearetarr. ItoBo-tf COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. 1 niSSQLUTION. -- Thu Copartnership htirotofore existing under the name of L. JOHN. SON k CO., woe dissolved by the death of L. Johnson, on the 26th day of Aprt4lsso. ; 110141A8 MACKHLLAH. - • ZOHN F. IiMITN. RICHARD 851ITH. COPARTNFRSHIP.—The eubeoribere, haying pur chased the entire interest °Utile late Mr. L. 'Janson. have entered into oopannerehip under thehtm-nanie of L. JOHNSON Ft CO. The business of !ripe and !Stereotype Founding, EleotrOtriblng. and Wood En graving. HANSOMnttnued as usual, et the old location, No. 600 Street, Philadelphia. T °Matt hIACKELLAR, JOHN F. StoITH. RICHARD SMJTII, PETER A. JORDAN. oole 3t ArRiL,, 1860. Prim COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE -IL exuding under the mime and style of SAGER & SLOAN and SAGER. SLOAN, & CO.. is tluo day olio solved, by mutual consent, Charles M. Sloan emit Ham!. Sager withdrawing from the said firm. William S. Pager is authorized to settle the business or the late firm at the old place, 163 /North SECriND &teat • W. S. SAGER, C. M. SLOAN, S. SAGER. lIIIESOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The undersigned, trading under the firm name of the - Bridge Company, have this day dissolved part• nerehip by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be closed up by the Treasurer, Algernon Roberts, who is authorized to use lhe firm's name in liquidation of the affairs of the Company. A. k P. ROBERTS, LEVI LINE. PHILADULPRIA, October 17,1‘160. The Wolcott' of building Iro' Bridges will be con tinged b 7 the undeteiezied, in connect:en will) the nun nufaature °War Axitiiicat the Penonyd Iron Werke, Office 41!) WALNUT 13 'root, Philadelphia. ool7•I4t A. & P. }MEATS. nuihOLUTIuN OP COPAATNEMIIIP. JR-. —The Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Blmoras, COLEMAN. & CO.. Wagon Manufac turers, was this day diesolved. by mutual consent. All remits having claims against the late firm will present them to Reny, Simons for payment, and those inLebted to said firm will make payment to him. ROBERT IMONE. M. COLEMAN, GEORGE P. COLEMAN. Plutadolrhis. Eept,H,Rxio. HENRY BIMONS mill continue the bueiceee at the old stand, and ma alhAerfolly reoommend and aolmit for him the patronage of the customer* , of the old arm. ROB P;RT M. COLEMAN. 012:0120 , P. COLEMAN. DISSOLUTION.—The COpartnership of GOOD A. WRITE le this day dissolved. by ma teal sous Ant- Ali versus indebted to the concern or having Maims on them alit please call on EDWIN A. GOOD, who ie authorized to cattle the came. EDWIN.A. GOOD, ALEXANDLIt R. WRITE. Pau.s.nataltas, octal, lbw, Tim busirass of this oonoorn aill be carried an. as heretofore, by - 'WPM 'Ai GOOD. WANTS. 171TANTPti-=-4 half-grown' white easiest bousaw,ork re a private Aix/HY. Ariff atm°. tits FEDERAL et `ear orao-et- A :YOUN IA 4N ;OF CONSIDERABLE A gnaroantna experience, ;Kea a situation in an importing bona* sa oorreepondent, aaleaman t or both. tipeags and it German and French tlentS) , Bast at testimonial/ famialied. Address " TgOMna." offita of this paper. noIP-Gt+ YOUNG MAN WANTS A :BITITA. lion in n store. wholesale orlretall, havtne been en gazed in both for onnenber °Clones. Con ewe the beet of reference. Address'', .!'ll..ft, D., Blood'e Dispatch. nol2-3t* AOENTIAMAN OF EXTENSIVE 00U mariiial experippoo eisiirourof valuation tis Cashier or Boo)Ocedperin a rsosiatable corporate cow veiny or mercantile, home, , Satisfactory referenosynyen. -.Address "Box 106 y. 0.- • , 0016-wwf3i. WANTED—BS- a Toy', Van,:otateoy • and Inds/Wong habits. a -situation as astlesinan or oleik. Has good business qualifications, and eau furnish tie beat testimonials. ia - Address Mori , " trio of tins roper. ' • - " °OM t" • SF' A 1 .GENTLEMAN, AGED TUX& fie vett years, rant. a situation in aomeloeil con memial bowie or manufacturing eetablignment,, tut assistant book-keeper, enactor. orcorregponding olerk. Salary not so much an °Mamas permanent employment. First-olasg 'pity reference g iven., Ito objeotion; to, tfie South. Address " C. 0.," office of this paps-r. 001f1.3t. VitANTED,A situation as Book keeper v • of Mary Clerk.. gatisfaatory , references given; Addreee " P. L." at thie Office. 0017.3 t. VANTED TO PIIROIMSE.—The ad •vertisei hail 41,000, with whiely , he is willing to vurohasa a permanent and well established busmen that will led him a' comfortable support, Address Capital," Press office. oel7-et*- WANTED—By a competent shoe sale nm, a situation. in a first-ohms Boot and Shoe between row and tits first of January. Has been on Market street for Umlaut foartosaysars, as salesman and b..yar. • Address F. A. P., Press otfioe. ,00ll•St*- WANTED- , =-BY A 'YOUNG MARRIED • • MAN. a situation as Bookkeeper in a Wholesale Rona or. Manpfeatuiins Be tab.zehment. Beet of rate- TOM) given. Address ACCOUNTANT. Oniee'of -The Preen.ool7-fit. WANTED—A PARTNER.—An active I , Business Man, having Q, lqrril tom or as exoellent opportunity of engsgine in a Aret-olsai Mar oantile business already established, and plyinsyell. by addressing, with real name, L. le CU., Maas of this Pager, , ' -cal7•l3C. WANTED—A situation as a Salesman rie'nee!%lZ:2 ll. 4 l2l l :l4:7 ° ' "IfSSV • PARTNER WANTED.--=Tho advertiser has an established business, paying well, wishes a partner to increase his capital. sl.lFil required. ad dress Fitotor " Press offioe: • neld-Et'. FOR SALE AND TO LET. fla TO LET—A Furnished flown, in a central rataation• rliply on thn oretniaaa, be• tureen 'Gland 9 o'clock. N. W. corner, NINTH and 1 1 CURT Street". - 0019.29*• F.R SALE OR TO LET=A supe rior three-eloryinick dwelling. with, th , ee•story double book buildings, and all Me modern improve ments, situate on the mutt side of ARCH Street, No. i 26. Apply to ROBERT MeCaftgooli, oats OE* 233 South THIRD Street. L` OR SALE—A well4ssorted 'stock of Hardware, cutlery, dco.. and the fixtures of the situatedith the privilege of renting the Mom which is in the centre of business. The house has been doing the Southern and Western - Pennsylvania trade. Any parse g desirous of going into the Hardware busi ness will find it a good opportunity. The stookwill be offered on reasonable terms. Address " at this office. .ael6 stuth tf VALUABLE SOUODL PROPERTY FOR, SALE OR WENT. Will be offered for sale or rent on THURSDAY, the Ist of NOVEMBHII,IB6O, at 12 o ' o ook M . on the pre mises. MOUNT PLI 4 4BAN T HeMIN RY: one of the most healthy avd desirable. S dtool location', in 'the e tate. situated in .Boyertown, Barks courityas. For condition of the school and further particulars see an nual Catalogue of the last five years at this office, or call upon or address the subscriber on the premises. F. IL irAUFXR. 'oold-tuthset* . Boyertown. Beano°. Fa. tiro CH (3 AIR AND LBINET MAKERS.— IL The Phreolx Wood-Bending Company, - owners of " Blanchard a Patent," for the States or New York, Now Jeer, Pennsy l vania and hiaryland, will sell county, town, or shop rights. or grant licenses to Pee, on easy terms This is the only patent. All infringsrs will be striotiv dealt with. Apply to JOBN BMW, or U. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York, ocg-dam VCR EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT - 1 1- , of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jimmy, convenient to the city, will he exchanged for, ray property. Apply at No. 115 FEDERAL Street. setit-ti - • • LARMOTL FAOTORY.—To rent, a LII.IIELOIL FAIOTORY with al Patent Lever Preeeee t with l'latets, Bina. luta, Kettles, , Tanks, all in complete order. A pettto ROWL, :WA". ASHBURNPa, not ti 0.16 eOUTH WHARVES. PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE ...i.FARM.—Witt be sold, at Public Sale. on Second day. the 13th of Ilth ( November/ month, 1860, on the Promises, all that valuable FARM aitnated in White marsh township. Montgomery county one and a half reties froin the Chestnut lint Railroad DOPOt, adjoining the lauds of George Blight. Lewis A. Lukens, and others t also, bordering on the Wissahickon creek. con taining ono hundred and fifty times of, yen superior laud. all in the highest state or cultivation. The lime stone is of the very best quality for limeburning pur poses, and the lime made from it bears a high character in the Philadelphia market. • • There is also on the premises an opening of Iron ore, whieli prom see an abundant supply of ore of excellent quality. • The improvernents consist ofa Stone Mansion Bowie, contains two parlors. dining-room, and kitchen on the lira , floor, five chambers on the second floor, with celled attics. The noose is well shaded with evergreen and other trees. The Bun is of stone, MO feet long by to feet wide, and connected with it are a large manure shed, wagon house, corn crib, Ad., he., al built of the Dist Materials. There are wells of excellent water under cover, at the Bones and Barn. There are also on -the premises ageed Tenant Booze, end large Barn i also. three I imekilns, with a corn fmtable Bonne and enables, sutholent for the use of the kilns The above Farm iaMallid6rad bs one of the best Propertiese in the neighborhood, and will lir sold with out reserve, A large amount of the purchase-money miff remain on the premises. The property will be shown by Isaac Williams, re siding thereon. The Sale to commenc! at 2 o'clock P. M., when the conditione will be made known Or act?, wftollt* ANN WILLIAMS, Trustee. 11,11.1SSOURI 'LAND -.- , 800,000 kiren for Stile and entry, at rico. rettairur Nom laPe to MO oente er •Aore. in any ausenaties re armed " - • - TAXES paid, and POEMS procured for Furcate, sera or.lesnd under the rsdnattor, Rot. Flats Mmuthpal grabs bra giolosiZT a Poirtl!ite Main) For further Intonnebon &noir to • W RXWLINGS CO-, • U. S. and General Land Avant, on caRSTNUS. Street_ Ettween THIRD and FOURTH ST.tome, rio. • LAND WARRANTS taught, nold. and located. • 04-3 m B GAUDIN G. -A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE Boaitling with Pie. leant Rooms N 0.11.00 CHEST NUT Street. inquire in the Drug Store. It • !Ii() LET, TO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, .- 11 . one or two fine Rooms. neatly tarnished. in a hones with. nil the modem tmorsvemente. or‘th Break fast and Teo if desired. Apply to 71 7 SA.NSOM Street. 0019 St. IPIRYDOLASS BOARDING, with hand male ocunrauntoating and eines Rooms, at 1417 LOCUS T Btreet• ' Gala lin* BOARDING.—Three choice. cbmixtunica- Hog 1100fiT8. on the first floor. 'Ojai inky be had together or - separately. will be vacant on the 78th of October, et Itlltt3. LEVELY'LIaio 12/6 CHESTNUT tstreet. 0012450 EDUCATIONAL. MONS. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI, PI ANIFIT, VOCA GBP, and COAIPOSER, begs to inform bug friends and the pub in that. prOVIOUIIY to Inn dopartors,che Is oommenoingPOUTIVELY THE LAST. COURSE OF In 4 STFUCTIODI of the PIANO and SINGING by his EXTRAORD bIaRP All those who desire to avail themselves of the last Op portends'. should apply at once, at his residence, No. 721 SANSUM street, between one and two o'clock P. M. . 0018.6 t If PRIVATE PUPILS fitted for College, by an fiXtoritinocd Classical Teacher. Address " A. Tn.." at fine office. = oois-6t• PRIVATE TUITION.—A Resent Gradu ate of Harvard College, Aluzsachusette, now pur suing hie professional studies, wishes to take one or two Pupils to prepare for College, or to instruct in English Studies. References: James Walker, D D,. and C. C. Felton, LL.D., Cambridge, Mem; H . H. FlItIleRS, DA* and Charles Short % km. ) Philadelptes.. Address, L. F..' Box 606 Post Office. 0015-dartat NIVA).IOI.EI3 CIAGARAY .13ND VILER LTA- VI.LLY respeotfully inform ,their friet4s and the az, ii t c h i evg: i ty l i zr e t ar egget o tit t r Board egusre ig n ag WIT end 1529 figtUVE Street. Pupil, from five years of age opyrard preparSd for the fourth class. iv2b-em T i IitIzELAND INSTITUTE-A BOARD, ING SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG MEN.—This insti-. tution is located in a delightful. healthy, and retired part of the countrr, twenty-four Allil3o northwest or. Phimdelphis, two hours' ride from the city; accessible by Norristown.ralircad and Waxes, a day. Next session opens October 7,2 d. For circulars, address " • B. A. NIJNSICKER, Principal, se37-toote , Periciomen Bridge. Montgomery 00.. Pa, IRRYANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANICS' AIERCANTIVE COLLEGE, P. B. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets —Pay and Ereni.xs Stasi°lith individual froltruction in Briolikeitsingoni eludlng_General Wholesale and Retail Blames/hi:thief Ping, Forwarding and Commissic.n, Banking, Px= change, Manufacturing. Railroading., Bteambmihne: See., the moat thorough and practical course in the United States. Also, .I..eatnres, Commeroial Calenla• lions. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematics. Yen manship (best in the nits% Correemidenoe, kg. For irtle, their nets Treatise on Bookkeeping. beauti fully 'printed in colors, and the best work publlihrol. CLAESIOAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duhee of the Olassioal inetitute will be resumed Monddy. September 3. I. W. FALRES. A. 61.„ duZi-d2m Prinoipal. .1101ENNINSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NERA. THIRTEENTH and FILBERT /Meets. re opens MONDAY, Beotember dd. Four more pupae well be admitted. Catalogues gent to any address. /101-tt . R. STEWART. Principal. WINTHROPR. TAPPAN'S BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No. 1727 viral.; streot, near Logan Square, Will RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, September Nth. Ciroalani tarnished on application'. aula-tf NOTICES. NOTICE. —An instalment (being the Thud/ of Five Dollars _per Share on the Capital Stook ot the G. ARMANTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY t o.le called, payttblo on or before fitinthlßEß Bth next. WA!. SDI GER LY, too. and Treas. MARSEILLES MADEIRA.-389 casks of Marseilles Madeira, in quarters and octaves, of "Valetta" and " Groom " brands, in ouatoin home store— For ante J aURETCHR & CARSTAIttS. oola-rnerf-at* Qnu and :104 Bondi FRONT Sheet. NUPE SEIGNETTE BRANDY.-=-An In voice to sum. For salott7 JAITKETO dh k. OARSTAIRS. oels-tuwf-30 202 and 204, t outh FRONT utreet. LATOUR OlL—Always on hand and for sale, to arrive or from store, 10' JKLIRISTCIFE k CARBTATE B . - Bole Agents for the United Btatee, 0015-mwf-St' 202 and 204 South FRONT street. DumAs cooNAO-40 quarters, 20, `'. ei g ht s°" ai " lrwn. VVi r oArelt i al , L _OOlBl2l 20T SouthFRONA B.GODARO :VERY OLD OOONAD/,: 1. • 10 half Opel, V 0018.121 1 Inane rei,i . n i l 3 ) . ?l , l 3 l ,l l6etilli v it p ,i , 917 South "FRONT Street:4' : BUFFALO BORES.---A fine assortment non , open end ready for eale, B. A. HOOrES. call-wfrOt_ 617 tdArtKET Street. 043.-275bbis Pitch, a superior ar fief., in store And for eater bi PLOWTJET, 484 ,131nittiAlt, ct 00, 1 1 , 10,11 fieutliWtionsat eAtiiiMti`Wi; riCT PROFESSOR 'AND W- RBON, SOMETHING NE TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY ZVKIIINQ, ras- NEW PROORAMIiE • 07, STILL MORE, MARVILOITS WONDERS. Selected from the exheeetleis repertoire of THE GREAT WIZARD - VP THE NOJITH e looladine the ' - - MONEY THAT CANNOTSE COUN TED, THE CHARMEVLADY: - TRI3 KEY OF, FRktS:' THE; MYSTERY 001.42TPANN .4 121 . MARVELS wiTiloirr Ng/44M OP - EVERY PROFESSOR AIiDERSON'iI star Will - be - brit. IP'ooElNe—coms.t " • --- Ti r MIORTIEST bIYaTIOLST OF MODERN,_ . - Taws - • • Teodoro the hontattait.' - • 4813 ANHERBOX EVERY,:VENI with NEW MNEMONIC FEATS. ' . GRAND MATINEE at 2 o'clel - th --- r 2. BATHYDAY eIEXT,Mot leoeitheke" HALL. ILLUMINATED Or THE MATTUVISP Bet,Corf, VS Came; BODY op - RAIL. SO Caere. -, Deform opeo At? ; commence - 'oeff- le tiVALNUT-111Italgt Soletesses--I—XX. X. Steie Manager 13 ! " rirarri t TiF — XiflcilpUltr 6. u ffl/ .4. It - THIR (FRIDA M - PEITIAM O'DOND.ELtb_ AND'- T ,LERlAl in fat Phelon O'Donnell . JAW - YOR. LAinsm -, Bovine Deartall and other okkototere.Mrs. B. X:lllMens. TME I9IBHIION. - - Tint MOM. oluce... . . .Mr BanatoXrillhome.Tooon • melde J.N.THIS DARK.O, Doom open quarter to? eelook 11.M4Manegi 001111.11101106 at 734 o'otook. rneee es - ' - WHEATLEY & ELAM - 01 1 H 4ROI 1,4 r• 7 7 THEATRE. - - . THIS (FRIDAY) ETF,NINIL A GREAT COMBINATIUN! - COM ROY I DRAMA PANTOMIME Poeitivele the !midnight of •- - • , --• • THE MERGRANT AFIDN: ELEREA_ Firet Night, for many moldier. o oketone'eOesVelf of LEAP YEAR. • First Night of the ConnoTanteimoto of PHlLl (Enturday P , U l the TO-MORROW ARL featotte (Mists of THE Mole If EY DOTI Box Boot raw open., - • AVDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC (late GAIli. A.T4.- TIRA.ERACE Peewee. Wavered, . • ' - - , POSITiVELY LAST Itifir T F ONE OF UNCLif. Tows CA . Tlbeautiful CORDNLIA 'IOWAN jeirthe-"Geses: - . kly ,', le Ive...t , a oesraoterefte se.e.theus AIL eur , G. .IiOWARD aw * I9 : 16a9;_78f. cidir.", - r!RiNkti I TANIM., 1, aIST 'AP PNANANCE 08. if* tai ti - liowaso., as " 7 4.1r8Y," _, -.- - Mil J, fr., McUONOUGH as " kn* Flefaheri'_tba " ICe/apicklan UN ULN,TOWB CABIN*. isATOADAY Atri ENIOWON. at 2 o'clok. Dom open at 7 o'clock; tomniesee'et 7g o'oloet. - Pm* or adramion, IS De : .1' Wad! Grate, /1 oetelta. Seats Oeourod without ex charge. VoiNFORI/li:OPERA HOUSV. A, - - iIPMN FOILTHIS -- v.RIAWENTH STREET: -,_ itgASON,_ . i N . 141,1( DECoR4IIO .4jlD P.A.UITMII. ' MR. manfOnti Ma secured one of the 4AHGE9T comPAN . O g' m fitter o* t 44 hero .. w • i a _ * wbo will appear niltair. Penford will periorm ever; evening. , ' . Donusoanc n e 23 7 e n C t,. m Ch n il e r en I 3M en*. Data Ittn. C " TINENTAL TREAT KZ, - (Late National.) WALNUT Street, aborts Eighth. MONDAY .KVZNINO, Ootobor Commencement of the WEER AND POSI LIVELY LAST aix NIOILTS OF THE BEABON OA 083 AND IMARPLEY'S ININSTNEW , Chan eof Pio ranuoe eve night. " - ; • Sodom unceira .--.. • They reepeotfully announce - - • SIX PAR...WELL PEAFORNANCIP. "Six distidot changes of Prostablotee." "960 ni - hitmo'noint all the Troupe. first night of the borlite‘n_ft, • ...BLACK .RIUNAND.INE T ian— Po- iard.Brower.......C Doom at 6%o;oonownee - - at'lN,..Ttebsta.2ll tont& , CARL , WOLFSOHN AND - THIODc. RE THOMAS'S SERIES OF RIX CLASSIC/ 1 1w EX. - R% at the FOYER. 'of the ACADEMY OF et IC. snbscnptions Will be received at thei Neale lftreff at 17 , Andre & Ce.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee Is Welber ; 73 Chestnut street; Beck Lawton, Sevillith sad Chestnut streets; end '['Sr. A. Schmidt, Scattier sad Che.tnut streets, where the' erograusussei and , - tars one be seen riENN A . AOADiatY- Of not 0191, ARTA.--1.040 CHEIINUTIOrwit. • „ Conteuning A laxge.polleatlou of Yet tare, is now °pea frcun• A. Bt. WI mission Is at,. ; otilldrouvadArn yaarain awe". JONI 'FURS. LADIES' FANCY .1' 11 8 S !—PA NOT FURS !—FARRIRA, at Xs ..New, One-Dries-W digs'-Fancy Fur Store, 718 ARUK etreet be .F...40J3T11. na• now in store, of his own importing, OM nienufnaturine, the meet complete asadttieent FiSte FUN for Ladies and Children to-be tol in thee NU. embyainns aver)" kind , quality: end sa le,aa my' Faie hnoe been imported himself inning F onrolteNtlealq , and inanufaatered under my awn sopemsioni alidhaines adopted the one: pries pill:101phi onion" bniunere,rititeir confident in sad inn it is the oleos, of *ll,lnsioaii to purchase a xecof Fur 41. giro seicamal, . ~(0)1071‘f •- MTBS E. IC - ',WIROND.;.I4B movm t. 1.2"11 hive on IsATUßPAY'liNliimeortateriForTios lor the season. 14 , •7-,, BIiS3D3 (YBRVO;"93-011ESTIMPtv %um Street. above Ninth. ion Open Perla 111liniesel for the Fall, on THURSDAY. October It • Mt. MEPICINAL. 1" R. STAFFORD'S; 'Jr • • WHEN OLIVE TAW Is INHALED its healing 8111/111011PliG odors are brought in oontaet with the Laing isiesebriane of the THROAT, DRONCIDAL TUBES. AND TIM AIR-CELLS OP TER .1.4111015. ridleging ag once soy psin or oppresaion. and healiu net imtation or intimation. i WEER OLIVE TAlt TAXI*/ trPON tiV047.1 It 1 . 01704 , unequalled Soothing and Heating Sin*, for Coughs and all Thritat,dfseages. • Wuxi, OLIVE Ts.s. re APPLIED, It, Ilfengnetie or con centrated curative fo , irers render it tI most *tell RAIN ANTORTLAToR. Olive Tar is Cot stirks—does net iiiiiotev. Fifty cents a bottle, at 444 BROADWAY, N. Y., and by all Druggists. ' J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERB are a Soluble preparation of Iron and If alphur,identleel with that 'exieting In the blood of 'a perfectly healthy *eraon. with the digeited food, • Tit= REVITALIZS ADD POillrir IRS BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE lIREVOCIE SIETRIIIA• THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVAE• - THEY STRENGTHEN THE VIET REGULATE THE SISCPISTIORS or ink BOBS; AND ASR A SPECIFIC am ALL Fixll,lWiAutri 444 xx PRICK, ONE DOLHAR A PACKAGE: '' • At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all DOliege PADIPEILET CONTAINING TRATIRION/ELE IRON ?H$ following and more than 100 other well-known TlMM "pent persons, will be gentto any addregia.frre ep ateil. Dao. LAW, Egg.. Fifth avenue, New York. PINSON DRAPER, ERT., Banker, New York. TRIIBLOW Wmin. Ego., Albany, N. Y. - i Oen. Donk Osman. Washington. D. C. Col. aggivra, COLT, Hartford, Conn. Col. Cues. MAY. U.S. A. Rev. JOSIIILL LEAVITT, Ed. Independent, New,York. Rev. E. Dewar, Ed. Examiner, New York. ' ' Rev. P. W. CRONE, AEC Am. Bible Union. N. Y ' Rev. 0. F. A. SPINNING, Butternotta, Rev. Dr. latorrann.'Exeter, N. D. BEND FOR A 'FAALYNCET. Bold by all Dyoubits.NYOTT Pc 'CO., No. 232140 - E SCOND Street, Agetiti foi,Psonsylvania2. aHifs AMURFor the uurrANTsvxminiat, /RI- O MAI4EI4I CyRIS of this oistrorions soy- plaint. in FEND T'll BILMTWILILL" C/CLARSTPXII,- Made by G. B. 'SEYMOUR & CO., 3§o! EROAdtb Y, New Yart Price SI per box ;egret tree bitter; wham if! FOR BALK , AT ALT. DRUBBTEROW. QPROIA It TY POR . LADIES; 7 TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT gondueted by ban potent Ladies. Entrance on TWIii.FTAIL &reel, Bret door Wow Raze. A lull Hue of Meonanioal:Benbs dies. tight and elegant in eostronetion, epeeist/It adopted to Lad,4,l' lege. C. g NiEDI4 - 13, .Pr 'PriekOr.! E L W. corner TWEL:FrIi and RACefatrerereri - • thiladelehm• stir Notraooe to q. E. Room. for gentitieen. the corner. , - • net seat A WONDE RTUL AND - .NEVER- F AILING RENIEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE rumvoue SYSTEM.-- • • - PROFESSOR MORAIIP EUVETNALOS' ' AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, ?rented by MOCICRIDGE - & CO., No. 15:8 Notch FOU nxkl. Street- Sir Arai for sale by An:mists generally. self-emir HART'S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the digestive organs.—Those who protege take no reedioine use it for its strengthening qualities. told by W. G. I.ODGEI'.IN. Northeast oorner of TENTH end ARCH, and other Druggists.' • 003-180, • 5 4%, BUSES WINTERED. HAY AND STABLING good, a Bottng *ea dew to turn them in pleasant day., if desired. J• T, SCHOFIELD, Yardley - sire, Burks county. Fenno. anytoutttess: . - • Tr. E. Etehofiold t 122 north Tenth greet. Mr. - Frank &inner, maret street : 11. Behofield. , Wount iftr non street. above Green. ealr.vertereat. A VAIL& 1 AZIMIZA AZ1;1 A•_ AZUMEA AZIMUSA:7AZUMICA!, AZ DOA. I'ROF. MORRIS' AZUIII.tiA BARING- Manufactured solely! ot leo. 62 North FOUTETH street. and for este by Grocers renerally. r,een,• 4 QTFIREOSCIOPES. AVO, EMBlttosoppio IN: S VIEWB.—AIto, Opole:41m Aherti ginasee Microscope'', and all kitta of 2ptin.tiel add Mane znatatai Instruments. at - • , 0,344.1 If, 112 N. FOURTH garden, ntid." MRS. - SANER, REN, ' PROFESSIONAL Num. hes opertetrit Sortrding ifeuseaS tro ion Spruce street. forthe epooial aitoommodatthe oftilted!! Lad: es. and for those coming to - Pb Ininenbiata be Von fined, or for medical - attendance. where they tan „have careful nursing, good board. and all the comfort,' of home, Kira S. refers. by, permission. to Of . 1 9 1 krrstir I profenional_gentlemen 1 - ' „,„; . -.. • Professor C. D. Mellor, '- - CA.apar W V110104,1:14 l'rroeamor El 1). Groan , .L. Rodman, M. P.. , !• Professor Jos. Pancast, professor B,lsoussyt. lima H. 3 4. N.D. , , _.m.. AF. r enT Ott wln . D.. Protestor 11. L. Hodge. G NV. Norris. M. .m 47 J. F. Moiga. N.D.: ' Prottesor- B.:lii thelision. oc3-lm rt A U T I ON !--ASTRODEXIVI;--LOOK MU curl -GOOD NEWS FOR 'ALL !-.The lienity toing Mrs. VAN HORN thi the best; he Hoodeell when all other* have failed. All who've tritrOliblq, all ins:shave been pofortanate s deoinvett by false tree, By taper for advice and Soralbrt. Is Joao a airs she m verfAitt:• She has the searet or inuring /Wee tigna of theththonte Sex. It is this that which Woos* illeerate pretenders to try to susitaMer, snit cony her tulvertthenserns. Shoehorns you the oe. o l_ol2oth In tisnawifeithebUd, or abseet-theltd. • t: La w•U to the pu at serge thatthe th the tag, 0 00V 17- Oon.thho e show the likeness to RA Z, ether "ta tt "l ttesterad y oi r l egd.rtFtt e 4des o " en %use, ir °deity sindpailef_y VISO hers . ' eye! SO Ili' to .MI pit, a. otr.t. be..J. F . '; I - .• "' ~ riallmet CIARDAMOM 8E isD; AIALABAR-4/M° y, ""*. WIT AVITA UMW/6 St COFFZE.-1,000 pockets prime r i o r vflkaml . or , aalebr rAistEll GIMILILIML al CO.. MCC' GROUND' IN OIL, Brown and tuttga c ilitul a igit, dt aNlaant fuotalulgt St. ibßAGE.—Storage for merchandise of Pal Mt kinds. and at loctatm Newt:arta* Way Doi*, Zi0.1084 Kona DA/AWANA'Avesto.