The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 10, 1860, Image 3
F,,, , q ,, AwßA==a=;wlr.4v;a4A4 =I3UM , fitieiguilitA r ',l2o.tegli.llMiWE.4@fa bate 76- staved thelarignati, gegere iter tbs Atanitaers of the s•naidtitle7foir;OJl4elisliwata, • &Other. with it sant hthlY=taf-`the - W4tkisiir and regulatlone of the wall tut,on,fierl fiat of tee„ollieete and members, Thu humus, eitetenw - tvis ;Abilene immulul • opera- MI6: for eleiweett, ?Mari.' having !Son chartered tSy Utdeof b O ents the nan desdasid iragenVeramtg of eanoWid youth, to ani ltri.thentlealthinhers of tbrir awn etioialli, either in aohoolsorjObetriturlohi bran/dowel the mechanic arts and 41,, LOAN The'iWitgonatoni of it ere all roomlfers theidneletts of .Fnelide, tied the instrilmtiona fort! e ImaiNdilnatenti••'Matta a suitable bodkin/a, &0., were 111014111 9ii`idteiahere yf that Titiorder and eye s.gatt. whOteidiattte :Metals/neat of the inaktultimi are wise gad sdieetivokr and:the melte already, achieved tilde% tiditiftliost tnirdit twon th i n t o _ tibsted in its swam, There le a library connected with It. for the numberlue over nix aesirbuyided eines. In'the rancid now before colored. are said to have etrwted • themeelnes. SOY.. obmpetent for all the dittist';•tkey.olvfnit L, *Pei them ,The whole of - pup& toe Insuoate at the close of 'the - , lagt•• WWI was ADO hantrra and eight. In it Eithinat degaitmenverniounigina _grogram' .tharlrathe lastsesson a counts of ten lecturee.ou Various solentifio sultiecitg were deli vered fpr, the benedt of the pupils in the Eigh-school e ltriMe-hr *Sprigged in the report. however, Attat imilisalittunier 'of means p events tbeir. it &ease bait eft the Held would warraht: and a arose •Weetil thineVlietly =Wein the benevolentin „thistothelf. • !this is one of the many 141111011101dii en terprit ea inaugurated and fostered bulb. humane and , titheiteetatiotte follriWOVII of o°ollBl'os and William ,•Epany StA44l doubtless effedtiAlt more toed for the , daily TM** atilt oily then the isOliblineillyinin9 , lo of Agoalands who wanton loudly a boat ameliorating the Ctletuirtigny,`Of he, bliteas; fur who raw otot tbeir :Onto* theikirOrde, r.Tbe following are the °Seers of 'the,yorimatioit Secretory, litarmsdake • Ot Cobb t' lirasurer,-Ederard Board ar Managers. magamllts - C._ Cole, •Itternss .Wistar; Alfred,Cepe , 'Tfinmaa 11 . Barg , Varna W . Vetlttri'ldithaa Xtr Bally, Isriol R.' Johnson,' Wratar Id orris: Iteniathlti Catgut: Chatles Yarnell. ittolund It. AarilndkAteharrtftwheadeon, Edlistolt. Morrie, and Edwa.46lthrplets. Secretary of the Board, Joshua L. i z A 4315.14? 801 1 / 1 0/ OF Titan.—ln this age, when 'the desire for " more light" is Well nigh, universal, In the world sotentsfie, as troll es phystest. we ought to hialtjthglesellie every new stonisition that is in any thnute„comprehended under the "fish-department" -heid,lntriew - of hie, it le no winter thi,t the Portland .Eereeess Oil Company have attained a name and repo aspen hardltrivalled by the celebrity of the East India Company . of other'daye. tier women% Oblentni Tornitini VahlUnthilldtli to advise men et , ' of the trade. who mar not yet be aware of it, that the:sole milts bare for the sale of thill'eitebrated oil are Locke & Otimpkny, Pile Market sheet. As the Keros ene light la pow rapidly intreraeding other suitable WI& Its the, it is ofthe utmost inwortanee that the oommit ',Nityabobid be /Mare illative only really pure, emote. r.fate r ,deodorigedond braliant Kerosene 011ie that made by the Pcirtlabd Company, and dealers heir; and ail over the Union will do well to mark this me nothin g Dap oPe- Wit MOW ettainott the trade than 'the lotto daemon of the 'purloin; and inferior oils which are sold sneer the name or " Kerosene: - Broom. Locke & Corns' any, fo coutstinence of their &Pr-worming do nand for the Portland ettole, have Cleated arrant.- moats with the amuse) ti. wldeb their itOPPil will here 'aßerbe Constant bad abundant, and their saki of it to All parts will, no doubt, be greatly increased by this -- - , Tao Ninon At OkblrOaPie... , -46 a large Zomba odour albums will anieresarili be dissproinhad in este *-4 ng the Prints at any of the public, demonstrations i hat Uri Weil provided for his entvrtsintnent. our reader. Willthank safor the hint hat the matirldrent store of *ewes. Charlie halrford & Sone. tinder the Continental the intratillitly place tn . nieet his Royal a more private way. There can be' no -mistake about his being there emuctime, perhaps more than tepee, 'bur it his visit in Pjriladshobia. Ifs bra airecdy atereted a desire to smith. finest opera house in hethrioni-ein which, he will be 'refined to night, at .the Academy of Blume—and it is therefore proper and 'right that itoinomthitthe shooW also afford him the pletimitiertvisiting the handsomest store in ~gmepce, vrineh takforda' sniguestictiably is. Our readers, we flibletitherhud to lay, awl, be welcome to embothe this -opprirtnnity..and are 'can aware them, at the lame - slime: tile t, they will be "egiesablfentertained in seam. thin; the hosts of elegant new goods, which now Atraliidellartinent of this immense house; from the tint less; Railif.sihrPer tithe !Wheat and mcieroostir farm. ,whieh.tura the` keen wino of winter into a luxury W. have go ddebt that mandreds will adopt this advice. .Ortait Capra or •!Arraecrtott.—Now that the State election fe ever; and the world oonhnues to wag ve , y Much ea at did before- we may devote s pub- Sraph to matter which we are sure . ill Interest all Aim tidies:pot even eaoeptititthe wives of the Mass- Pointed ia‘nitidatesi. ' will dress, which Is of eenres 'rem Meer/ aidanelebody marl:sit the bills end tt isiberefare equalluproper, In view of the fact that someperrelo toe not been isadaiscry Ocher by the " tbet shopPers should at hest practice the commonTsense economy of bayhs wham the • beet ."" eitlefee'llisi be Procured at the least meth 29 , all who are looking for goods in the dry-go , da we can safely my that the famous old stand ofidessnl. lyre lc Landsll. , Fourth'and, Areirsiriiiite. is Just rho piece. Their rock now is a model 'of completeness in all its ,destvtalinife. Rom the eh 00000 t domestic.. to .the MOIL Cant labries for lad iestwear that the most fastidious `SYS Wald aeret. 'These geptielmin obtain their adlids from the belt a. unpaid titlit t end are.o groat futons their own itsporteit. -Seise lamely engaged in the trial/0k Wellies& as welts./ reseal, they have ad vantages th paha of . urimar whioli few others nossturs, wid'shilippere win de well' to bearklus in mind. ' A B,tral.P,onrispoiltoirr.—We bare , frequently 'hid bee - eaten to to the public against the she of •dangercusettpleitivc lerwps,and takepleaanre in iniorm ' ai heath these be*. not at ready been ends aware of the Awl. that .perfectly safe, viabititatehatibeen introduced by Br. C. A. Greene No. • Pit Botta Second West: totted, Masted to Third' street. above Chestnut. -It bareaurimerited compliment' to fir, Othene'i ihgeniturlnventith, to bey that, by the woof his patent normtePlouree self senerettos gee• lawsp,slitise deaths and tom this wt. cop krrell from theiterrOfordiean fleid Istnpriaight have bum avoided. Billie latepdtsvetiewe d emenstreted to ear eatiefeo 'itonat his sthi e , sole/non ebsolutelY irepoisible,and ji le et the hem, tilde • one of - the cheapest end most *Blatt „lights all 11)10/III. east:Moo Dr. ;•.1.4,04, tanmei:i • •.:• - • •—•- • . - 511.Yart-PbAyaDrtrAnila, of-the finest quality - and basaliebte Plate, ,at. trbeleiale , end retail, by E. W. -cant Co„ MairiuMteters,Chentalft street. , ; • " BUl;Donti..f r 4•The state'Of the system, pope tutu known known neAcing run down:" is a very general' Cate asking' tirigo4breed &markt of our country, ant the blot thing- to aresse..thO outlaws energies, end .brngthe body "up" to vigorous health awe seer iv ' ',Haar, sa antaside'd Piro Rio Whisky—the moat oer tailLittrioratir Of the 'day. Very Ab. dtoOkdalei iroerietonato. ant Wilma sties!. • ' • Peithilar Stash Nan Burs, Bronsed Iron ron , Andirons sad &endear, Folding Fhb Slimes, eta.. at wholesale and retail. Jr, -W. Carry( fr.. 004 CAintriut, ore Psition or ,iffitas , L-parozi Itsaftencsrots,U thie yeaterday aftorioon e and alklhgt lmeip~,to.4otayteeit AN witortika mobV...„Pituit jhri7diiot' „Se ems (drool to lila Tedoitie it that ontimisitsl liotolierheor briloOk Me thee proceeded tithe Prows-Mono Clothing Hall 'ot loolibill 1 Wilson, Nos 003 sad oos Chestnut sweet, itwAt Shah. and fat en the new Suit for whioh he tele tresked order from Washington. If time had Per 'pitted, Ilia would have looked over the stook of ekohing for gefittemen and youths which Is Mitered to,be without a wallet froths !Sidon; - A'soiutißiolvtvotw, In wine oldAtdrop'arfauno book • 1 hive tend: withlanghter;k ' - - _Of that Sty fog that lost kg tall, Iteortaidall tells thereafter. • With Askiarde *Orr illoer ` • tTo rtiastrabe the fable.), • , TOoPti'l'aorictsoss," we wlil cot obit% • *Pootwocslass were not able 'of • • • ."1;: ,*•-• 001.0, oer IMO ta,e is thia- Ileware of envious folks. • • 4 .. And worm you wish -to purchase e'othos. Oiretcalght to Otsoyillejtokos' - owhortei - Clothing ,Ite3POriele• NO. IC ,470 , 44stitiettoot• ' " • 4 paiuogodicit,recepapiiiii* oseb tstotoAt sold. - SOwist's blitono•oso flu at* sit ."teat it , sitedifotitii (iiiatigeokonto of the bower, totems. eso, tiveneeronek sad itemize bowitaohe. dimes". Pllara ,Par one of sedentary life should always Imo them 'They ars'ndieblii and Oslo. and OOnot dribilitata; oar be taken at all timsserittioptinoonventenea. Theicon- WA no wrinerili r hieeemat to the mate, One fig has • WW etive""feet,while,two,figs are sueloient to produce ttft itativi aurae. Rippe:el only by 0. C. Bower, alga pied Tine, and cold br Widths Prllelliete.. Fri o , per boa •Is gni 4166; ' - •• • , ,if • i3Pk10.1„4:11;, , ,, fjP.KJES, , 01111 Yates OpOTBING off Tat LAMT 04t1.64, mide - bi the best mini! ,iissoshafir F.E -TAW.4IIALSEL„ j .OWZsT rain s onset; searkia .411 scrods wade to omervirrented sat's: astotr. Oar ONS-PRICM iffi,striot;7 oherel te. 66444460Ww*E1ate/41110. - ' Jonze & Vit., 604 21“RIXET atteot. , • ' CATARRIT le the. ketAt &Scutt' of any df -Ake _Diesiirme et.tee - Brom hisiir- Orem* to'reliere'or to eure. The Ur. loibut, Leavitt, editor of the Jis avoiding, of len York; lir bo bed th e (Istork tar more Ittuf wee 'Tired bf, eared lttr. L It. .01iNieit'eletiva Tat eatt free and , Pelphor Powder. .wktokveedVertiltl4 intltryafer. V seatnionist to Aiebilifood "%melted. !idiotic men, 'oth ti i nt o, ~orpfOilost *tilt! be* bee* oared or ebteete Ptiroet Lod Lon; dadoitileri, which will be omit rue by mail, • Nee ilideetttsitrAtt2 uttittele4Ori geld be Oretteteti:and "•bylktotr:ie. rg: Oda Nortit SECOND tttteet. .I.ltidetidde. - 1 _ 014.4 SAVING lir,tritin -:',NATION4I.,SAYET Taps: "OostrAsi:— , Ottaiterfitt 000o* of Vosnirlvolutt. • , , • L Loner ix telOi..krqd.Olut Ai; tiud in oar otoptiati it. PIVASR Citto.triterosi ie rex' for molter Lori 3 stir day It ; - ' a, The mom t. slyrapi Pali! beak in DOLDlrliensver- DiOillet Yritheet • , 4. /444444 Yeoroirld.l4 olll 7•Evesgorst Admisirrio- Jrs', esdirdavti, aid other Tnistees, la large or swat !VS& td rsolsis along or short period. & The nioasy received from Depositors is invested in Reel Eetete, Mottaaasa, emend Rents, =dottier first:. 4 410418 woosiuss, • •: , om e . nom 01 ,0 day.;4oAttillT Direst, southwest 4bvser %laid ris set, ript14441.4%4. "' • sill •"•-' 8114 11 N SA VII4G FtlNti.•.-I , ltwrintoist 00 11 Nelk 'ic. , eivAsee n Woitinst.triturn!-14mitit re .aiiviii.....toisurgoi*Datigior, mop OiWed of the eeestavelle; iatellowe_intoreit et the ?goof Pi VE ~ /!/4_I 4 vENT. ifilvai , , . idoosx ebookiwithc* beet of in. ,- - =`o6loe aierfdeiti. : fiaraturiii %o'oWolit and oa Mon rdisiied Saarilas tee "mania. President - , Fftlasiti.lia-ritlai Treasurer eadHoorrtary. Oils& M. *PARIS. - titerws,.-46 very 8011 of ali;Altifintite ter . 'sate as tita- V,,,,logwortaf.Noolo4 nhi a. !ateaffing.s. - • Beif 14 , 11ailor Family Sew! . , . 2 • 4 , 01, Cat Er. arab , ON A I ,1t. , ,f 11% ,AND` NEVIIIR ai SAY POitlifilll4lollo OF 111 ± :';' l, ' • la' it. MOIRIV -' . _ , - 0' tk ii._A. - L 0,8; -, ~. ,-- 1 • 4 "wk.' . - 7 4 " 1 ",''', - k . ..." -,,, kf 11 4°, 1 i',i ir " l W '...t. IVA Ifilittanii 'W • r "-A 4 . i . t 1.11/*./..• - • , 0 ,0 11410 /,- i , s imayyli.—To;;turigo to •r-#. - • 'IAD If, • , ' 4) .'' k Ai - ' , •401 - ' .:• ,1 , "-'--to, r,VC,1,41.4i.:1 PIRA* 'OtiVILERCIAL. This Money glirksst. FlT*lsibratc,,,Ootober 9,189. ilie'efiatiort did not afoot Materially ihe lousiness at Ike amok. Beard• yesterday, thosorh arias pate rather variable. Pennsylvania Railroad oontinuee to look up. and again - adyaneed Railroadrarapidly recovering from, the reefer decline. and improved b Elmira chattel bonds aelyanced I,‘ 4' cent. blinehill declined and Morris Canal;:: Hate fives aro firm AA% - City, loans are-held with inoreased firmness, and are offered sparingly. Reading Railroad and all the other fanoies on "the hat are remarkably cruet. No change in bank shares. • The money market presents no "blumge. capital being abundant at 6 per cent., where the names or securities are, considered tor first-class. Second-class paper is difficult to plac e ,at S. u3IS per cent. The - officsial averages of the banks in the city of New York for the week ending Saturday last. Oct. 6.1866, presentin the aggregate the following chengort from lho rations weekly statement of Sept. 19; • Deorease of capital ....... 8E00:00 Decrease of loans.— 1,192.26 e Deerease to operne ..... • 29,268 loorease of o rou.ation 82870 Demean" of endramc deeemle....., 1,206,567 , t ncludief thrr ex.:Maggot between the banks through tho Ulearing-Houle, end including also the hub-Trea sury Materna . ' tot Saturday afternoon, the following Is the general comparieou with the previous weekly re port, and tibia with the movement of this time knit year: Out. 8, '59. Oot. 6. '6O Beat. 29. "0. $69 645 009 $60.158 000 $69 768 000 Loamy... ...... 417.2 tl 627 123 337 rsr 154 840 4td 19 493 144 10.147 828 30. , 77 ($6 8.595 739 9.670 507 9,487 537 Onus deposits. - , - , '92,66e.175 103 881660 101 117 182 Vaehringed 13.048,968 28 104 8 2 43 25.133.789 Ondrawn...:.- 69 601 ter 75,176 735 76 583,3303 - Suh-'1 Tett Bury. • 4,714,1,78 4 501,576 6,1t21.413 In Nero. York the Anstalt bill market to dull, and. stein lower, witty a goOd supply of outside hills, re- Vaned, - however, eornewhat by the detention of the New Orleans mails. Banks' and bankera' sterling is held at 10434,. but 661611 are made at hp for the heat sig natures. First - class mer,hants'•billa are 1833..ia103%. Frqn'es me Moo dull et 5.17,tier6.1ti, The September earnings of the Milwaukee and bliti alnaivid- Road were reported -at setae $2lOO or 6,000 increase on 1669. A letter from the president elates that these figures will be largely exceeded. Agreeably with the reorganisation plan of the creditors of this road, a decree of foreclosure, under the first mortgage„ has been entered in the District Court of Mason- sin. This wee aesented to by the city of Milwaukee, so that the only remaining obstacle to a complete end Derma - moils reorganisation of the concern is re moved. The receinte of the Frie Road are exceedingly large. To-day they were *35 000. and the aggregate for tho working Jaye of Vol ,bor 010 000 324 .1.7 „ Inoreuee— SPO /49 The whole month. at thia, rare. would give some 11380.000 increase. The company are paying today two eoliDettlei 7 per cent. on Se 000,000 of third mortgage bends, amounting to feinD,ooo. Another coupon. and the only one overdue, will be pule in a few days, The money is alrefedY Provided. The net reemots of the Harlem, Ratirond for the month rifSentember are as folioed —.4-4997919 et 1115,473 53 Net inorease...,...-- ....—.— a 8 184 71 The net receiptefer the earae mouth for the last three Plows wets as follows • 1858...,.. 1880 -.--.08 9 1 831 21 . 7 219 22 ............105.473 93 . The Wiveland Herald gives the following etatement of the business of the Cleveland and Pittsbarg Rail roadi - Gross receipts of fits. ten months in lOC 8613 000 , FOr same umein 169 736000 For same time in 1850 MY 000 Gross receipt. frr the whole year of 7553 770 (00 For the year 1869 .......... 805 Die For the year 38 , 64)(tw0 si - ontlts estimated).— PM 000 ,On the 6th inst., the Cline's Ct Otte' land oolleottiiiis Were $7-000; and the new sales reaohed 817.000. 7 hts is in one day neatly half u-tnuoh 04 the monthly sales of late. 'The Liondon'News, under date of Sept. 13. P. hl., re sorts: 0 New York and Erie abases continue invariant. 11. flume central shame were steady, otoeine at 'Marini dm. There was an active demand to d.y for the pp- Oohs! Nights of the 1111110le Cent , sl Ratilwei Omun 0 1 Y, which opened at 4, end closed et oceis. ithoordine to the aeranaements hitherto in foron. those opti-ne w and absolutely expire on the F'ehru mr neat. i elo. grams • hese, however. that an extension of the time bee been arranged en that a holder of ten optipne. uvon th r ee ' n ;fi i9rri pee ate et par np !ootilleeareanbadreria"ge extended CI onei two en three leant. The tern e are not very alesrlr stated in the telearame. The lettere to-morrow win give fuller Particulate: , Eialadelphxa Stock Exchange Hales, October 9, 1880. HAP wrap or 9, B. BLAULICER. Me roharits' ExcliCLlntl FIRST BOARD. 2000 Penns ...-.-.. 981113 Morris Cana1... ..... 34.34 916 O . Ott 6a..... . ... 1013 , 25 Ite•ding K. .ceaft 233 16 11,0 , Cam &Mn a 'B9. eal. r 813' 6390 t.lec &31aholll 11.. 20 So .22 7irb.) 76 5 Aoad o . l.l4.nild . ditift. 51 lOW Itedding do R . 04 76% tol:a Cavows R non— • 4X . 7834 to 414 3ro Elmira - R * 333ls 10a 7716 3 Penne R-- -... 42 41:10 Lthich Vela.b4 4 do ..... R L 641 West Chaster 7a 79 8 do ....- 42' 6 elinabill ..... 64 3 do .. 42 4 do ' . 68.34 10 , Morriso ntfs dye 115 ,do .„...... X. 00 I.pmnlayal4l Bank. .. 0234; 6 Porriatonna 4.95 if 16 acohanics' Sank.- 275 k BRIWRED 11410 Itorila Canal 64_ 93 &I Locust 2douutu Coal 19 MONO 1200 City 64 Ku 9.......102 496 do .1010 /02 51 , , , Cam & dm ga tooi A Blunts 19X 3 do 60 do 340 do • • b 5 X akeatunt & walnut 31 • CLOSirte Pith Ached.. fitilathapktatiMy 102 Volta 1a....nr0.)06 1861 reuna_4o-dat oft 97 ileod 1 ( 11 Reading Oda . 111- 84 Riad mtei %Oil:oft:11X Read mt &MN-. 76.1 43 76 ?cum R.., 4/5 .34 Duns Rio int as 8. 9. not Oloon dt. od 604 612: !tor Cl of dvott..lw.s 116,,F i fob 24 131 nott.N.i 74 11a329114air 1tud48034 &buy' Mallstir.- 9 934 aohnvl 1 4 ampti- .24 2434 Elmira 9 934 1' BOARDS 12.Loeust Mountn Coal 10 7 Seaver Meadow...: 66)1 BOARS. 1 Havre de Onsee Bt Tow doat 116 Heading It 231 16 Hazleton Coal 61 10 do ........ ..... .61 30 llornstown 461-.1 Western 8ank.,... 68 oES-STRA DY . . Rid Asked. lill:filiere.ili,q ciP , . Long Island ii.L. 13 1317 rota 431 &N. 67 119 , Leh 01.1. I: North 1 4 2 North Penns It—to 30 4 i' N lean H 0a.....Ts 74" N Penns It 106,...99 . 100 Datawis it Can.. 4.1 r 4,;,' gateman Prefd.. MI 3154 Frnlct .t. &mt4.14....93 /99 Boothia & Third...l9 eO9 Hue &Vine-U..31 36 Weft Flub' 11. ... DMI I* Spruce lc nue.. 394 amen St, Coates . to it..ii `Chem tr. Walnut— 31 SS Philadelphia Markets. The election tank op the attention of the business Verdun of the community to-day. and business 'gene ral/7, has been neeleoted. In.nreadstoffs there are to changes to note, end only s few hundred bbl. Flour Were taken for etnytnent, at trti nap 131:4 for standard and inod superfine, 15Th for common extra, and It #f bbt for selerited•OO Thee:des retire trade range Efrain our 'lowest figures up to /6 ters7 VP bid for superfine, extras, and fancy brands, es in quality. Bes Flour and Corn Nerd are kat little, iuntrited for ;the , former is held et 14315, and Penns Meal at 1350 tio bbt, and very little ; • - nennay.ur ja fair reeuest,'and firm at previous alid tattoos. with - Wee of 5 000 bushel* to note a. 1250 to 1323 for °amnion to good reds, the latter for Western, and 1300 up tote.* fOronemlon to good and prime white. Rye setts Slowly at IMici for Penns, and 760770 for Omo ware. cor andot • about 3,000 bus only sold at 7307,10 for yellow, 7So for Ws 'ism mixed. Vats are in steady d•maod. nod about 4,000 bus sold at 35e,t60 for, nowhere.: and 370 for Pesos. 14triev la - quiet Balm is wanted Markett 110 : is scarce at 8 - 27 atY ton. COTT .s.—Ths ls Sim. and about 250 bales sold at full priors, ranging et from Bto +2O d : 7' lb. the latter for middling fair Uplands cash. Osocsaist..—Thers is s batter feelitinin Sugar. And rather more dmus in the way of hales Cabe and Ala imo s are onion and the formai' very s carce.- PBOVititalf6.—The trade is email, and woatir pried of Bacon and Lard Bte former' to go Booth, at steady , ales. No change in Butter sad Cheese, and tho latter dull. MOWS --about 200 bus Cloverseed sold at 857586 4P' him. mostly at the tatter rate for prime now prop. %iamb, is nesting, on wrist, at 82 764' bus. Wutear moves offslowlv at 23/4013550 for Pennsylva nia sae Western bbls, 3058223 for drudge, and 22ti,o' for Nuts. New York Stock Er' Izehitnge, Oct. O. 0/111D. yllesT • 31000 u 8 es '74 ...... „WWI 118910 Tam ea '9O ....—. 9034 dole do ..—. 17)M MOO Vi relate et 0.-- 90N 10000 Missouri 17. 3.00 • - • .b6O 783; 1000 Caltforum fle Ts— . 84 0 mtg. • • / Moo Erie ad tete 1191... 1 000 Erie 1. Ms 'at ... 04 B Harlem let mr.g... 99 21.190 feLbednilie.BlB Food 97% COO tdotoll sd Ws, do i 10 fu do bed Mg'. 1090 C M Wflp boa. Op 1800 L Erie &IV let m. 703 e 1.00 Detroit M& I - bd. 70 2000 & bd5..1094 - It Osaka fierunteromblide 240 Pieces Blake de., .104 • 11 Am Mir Ebtak.....—. AWN , • loZarittkolc. • too Mon C 0—.....,. 100 bomberlead pref.., IS - 73Epoifie 8 4 lOU rlo • AO • an ... 07 • 110 ) Vedtral ft Mit 100 ' do 884 160 ,; d d o o Pl43{, 09 100 ' • do ' tetl OS len Thie beamed— 203 540 do ".—.: too " do • ---. .tlO Sd 811 1 • 41n -OD Mg t t o • no . • ...e 0 Mit 39 Del beek W R... 1.0 111MaNtifftl.K.-:•• 30.4 100 . , go ~,,, iJ toh. 000 Madam pref.. e 9, /10 Erie Atvented... 560 37 50 do 50 find on Riv R.. 61) a),l too Reading It ......t62 46 do ...... „MO , 25 do . . .... 461,. 25 at lob Cenirta it.... SW 175 co ........-...._. 68,s' WO do ...,... ,562 6 8 i 120 .do . —.- .660 68)4 50 do • .....‘......5 0 60 4 2W kith s do AIR .. ...L . W 6.6 s 5 ~ . 511.4 BO do ........ —...._ 2 Sa 1700 'do ....—...b20 21% , I 00 do .615 21/4 1700 Cisv & T01tR....6.80 46 Iko do . 6 . 61 400 do 464; 201 do blO 4518 970 Chian° 6c. R 1.....0 7g .6 2 do ,o 71.3.4 , P5O do .. .... .. 630 72 103 do ........5 3 0 711 i 1 , 0 d 0.,... WO 777 i 180 7 7Inoago B It Q., 88 100 MI & 51405672 , 21. 1114 150Clev fr. rittab..l6lo /144 100 do. .........blO 16 200 do . :.-.. WO 15 150 do no is's' t e e d Grime It Obi R. 620 2 55 ii p O , do 75)4 60 ' do ..... ..010 75. 4 . Ito do - b7O 7134 VO Mu IR Ce d n o ft .. s ... one 0,105 1 300, do 53 , 'BO - . do 600183 to do 610 8364 150 0 0 .615 83N 10) do .. A) )6 ,no do b.,20 8 83 3 K 200 do 8318' tO do 000 do . ' 660 57 835. 1114k8LNE INTELLIGENCE. GEE'POUMPE PAGE. ARAIIfEA. rehr B B Young 4 days from Norwlob, in balsas ro Corson & Co rob' gunk) Croft A*111,11141. S days from Chesapeake Car. wits gram to Christian &.Currati. rahr Lancet guard. 1414 from Chnstiana. Delorlth grain tn Christuot k comae,. &kr Merchant Pianos. 9days from Laurel. Del. with 'estereltron hark to .1 W alicton. Na lr N; L wales. OWitin. Is days from WllroinlitoM N with naval Om** to D B Stetson & Co. Gehr Sarah Warren Hollingsworth. l day from Little creek Land= Del, with stain to his 1. Bewley, er. Co. , - CLEARED, etesmsbas Mete of Georgia, Untvinalevennsh. Alex Heron. Jr. & co. stet. Virginia, Kelly, Blehmond, Thomas Web; set. Jr. , tesaishio Pelowers. (Sermon, N York, J Aliderilio. ii erg Orowier, Watts , Mobile. 1:1 a Stetson & Co. • rig Ooesn Isle, Marrow. et whowas, J F Peniston. rig Ambrose Light, Bryant, Boston, .1., Annotated & Co. Rehr ft-II Ashamed, Young. Norsrloh, Rlt Corson & Co. Bohr NB Wheeler liloOleughlin, Charleston, Sinnlok- SOS & Glover. eta R &gar, lier, Mattoon, A Groves, Jr. _.• X/ TILIGIAPH: (COnospoodenee of the ?rem) BORTON• 00t9. hofrno l att g r t i nt ' i dkr.:,l:lll ' o,n,tr a 4 from mama. * ! Cene/S-‘maa"eof il s s i g F u r ria ,+n. 0009. A•avedketunihlpTennesses, from New York, ship Holyhead, from Livervool. bIESIORANDA. eteaniebip Feuds, for /Avowal, cleared at New York yesterday.: Dtesocrom soston, Orooker, cleared at New York Yes- LaMar, for -Philadelphia. ift bbip_ Manhattan. Litton: from , Liverpool, anise st New York yesterday.' • • ' Bark Amapa . Bartlett, from Bloom, Peru, moved at new York Yesterday. Bug_ Fairfax. Maypole, from Rio Orande, arrtved at New York. yesterday. - • -' Brig W 0 Clark. Daggett, hatted arrived at Oalveston Nutt ult." Brig John Welsh, Stroaindge, for Mobile, cleared at Galveston gath etc. - - Islo B AUTV.Elltil, Aoki - room, Black - Diamond, Allen. std UMW, Cy, helm &roved st Dew York yester du. fwili v reltkr i Mst r d r s i dlrr , tire= iftfs4." VI 'pd:-4116,EITZREOSCOPIo , VISIIOO.-4116, Its/ trillemtige o rt ttatftl e =" l '" l " " • . wel4llll - - bag fli. Wing otos; below Qbeetnup . - ARRIVALS AT THE; PRINCIPAL HOTELS, . :GIRARD 11011816.4finth and Malaria streets, ' A E Lee, Georgia J H Kauffman. Phila. A Prioe. Penney' vania Isaac Pray, Philedelphla 81 train. Kansas G J flag art. Philadelphia I A Dmoks. Missouri Mire 1, Brooke, Missouri Mies fl Come, missouri • 81r Taylor la, Loniciand John 11 Rudolph, Maine F Burns & la, ir Y. Miss L W Wood, New York C 11 IDleman. New YOrk Mralltleman. New YOrk ' It Glenn Indiana' John Johns, Delaware John .1' Wawa In, hid Mies Watson, amryland ILA Worrell, Norfolk, 'Va. Ainati Du Creel E }l. Olmstead. Woolen Thee blowson a wf,4 G Ingraham. Conneeticut Thos _Warp, Conneotiout Henderson & wf. Del rl Miss ellaenOn• Delaware Man Colson , _Now York Mr Colson. hew York Mona Patti, New York awns Pa ti, New York Mons etraokoseh. N Y Madame sirookosoh.l4 Y • tarlo Boolez, New York Baron Gaertner Saxony MHO ',wisdom Buffalo Etahwe k.rrani, New York: Q Thayer, Jr, Illem.phie Pb Whit, man, St Louie 1, Chamberlain. Buffalo .angdonH. & wf, Buffalo 11 V Lincoln, _Alabama J R Browning, Alabama Mr Gartner, New York lames Robinaon, Maas P Barclay & la. N 0 Mr Bryan & la. Carolina Mite Bryan. South Carol's B K ould, Boston 6 A Allen, New York Geo )3 MIMIC New York W K Loos Neadiag Mr Yoko, New YorkW Rolm Ohio E Da:rlingten, Maesilon N C Gray. Delaware -W 0 Donlon & la, N York Mra n bunion, N York Lloyd Logan. Virginia N A Woods, London '1 hoe E Pvars. New York It Nein. New York E It Rom New York Miss tirewardrou. Phila B 'Ullman, New York Budolph Wolf, New York Theo Bone. New York Wentworth Gore, nngland ,A P lenkine.r. Carolina Miss Rea, North Carolina. Theo K Tutt, St Louts Mrs Tait, 81Lonis miss Bonnet', et Louis b 1 Maretzek, St Louis 11 eel of Louis C. W Savage, N Jersey J R CaseY, New Jersey F. E 'Tallman A wf. Pa John M Bewley. Delaware II 13 Marrow. Lone co, Pa J Duffy, Lents co, Pa 311 8 Connecticut A N Rankin,Clismbersburg la Strickler. Chambereburg P 1 Gannon. New York Mrs Gannon, New York ' Miss Garrison, New York J Princeton T Jones, Columbia G Warren. Wash. 1) C dre Brush, New York W Reed, Wash, 1) c 'yrs G bt Lotman, Reading Miss B Lauman,Reading G hloaurnan. Beading Jos T Laind. New Jersey Hats ht. Now York J Hearing, Rending Geo B okert, Reading Hon W Dona , dsoe,Read' g F Larrow & Is T C Ester, ChioAgo R Li Shantz, Pennsylvania , Jos *Albert. New York Wm Thurman &la, N Y lien W Moore & la, Y Mies Moore, now York Mi a Jones, Now York W N Btookly & wf, Va F P Green. Philadelphia H Hollister, New York Er Biddle, Now York W T H Unman, New York C Wooster, New York M L Bowleg, Boston Chas Eldridge, Now York Thant Hopkins it la, La Male Boplous, bollworm Mien Walter, Louisiana. L Radford, Louisiana Air Crawford tale, Va "%Miss Crawford, Virginia Min (napkins, Virginia .1 0 & in, Virginia, W W W right,renney Irani& John Ault , London, Pa IS Stevens, Lancaster acre McClure, Lancaster 81Closs F Lutz bitHadleYl New York U rearm New York Watts Virginia L R Watts, Virginia T Brackett, Missouri John R Magruder, Mil M Cunningham, Wash .1 C 'Greg, Wm Manton Pleaeanton U 8 A 4"I:IVAP, .1 1r M Coyle, Washington I. J GB Jorge, Meninhia Mrs r aris, Mr/Makin Spencer Kirby, Now York 0 P Eddy Wilmington• Del R Now 'York J 1' Stow & la. Alabama A R tillman. IS Carolina L e Ray ter. New York J L Green. New York Geo T Whitalterand E d Whitaker. Maryland Geo ('hew. Oh a Jan A okew, Liverpool it it French, New Ywk 1' .11. Dante. New York F W Smith, Neu-York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. IlleenlYrNeur York John Jonas, NeurJersaY Jas B Remo.. °Mango ' FLe Moyne Warm. Pa F J retanton, Kama Chan W Poultnov, Ph/la J Wright, kaaaachuaetts E Currie,nowYork Them F tiumner, Mars • W'l Gould. Augusta, Oa 8 N otnokwell. novo,* ' 'tVB Ho don. Boston no 13 Babcock. Hostels • B Be‘pard, Vrretala Judge Mason & wf, red Col Wood, Havana Mos A shorman Newark A Burlingame Mass A M Scott, Virsinm" J Dolman Virglnia C E Watson &W New York II twang. Ales. Pa NWang, ichmond J Lincinnatl, 0 Host Florence, Phda Miss Ponies, Was Inertia W M orlon. Richmond. Va hire P B Joon.. Rich mil. Va Miss Jones. Richmond, Va Mrs P. II Poi ton, VI roc in 11). W0r11.13 .1 , nee, Jr.-Itiohmd.Va M Rutled4e, Carolina . Jailors. Mass, ehusette it Ronel & wf. Boston Jitoob Todd & wt. Baton MLie Chapin, Boston Poster & of. nosion D T Eshelman, Boston Rev Hi Grant & .R.Toronto A B , aniokson, Bew Meer E H Yarnali. Philadelphia John I) browser 'rhos J Sough Co nwallis. Now York John Mooris, N Jersey F K Roche, London Chesil Haicuurt. Toronto J Howard. New Y, rk It Fisk, New York • ohen. Citarleston N. re Cohen a da. Cluirston Coo E Price. Virginia J V I me, hew York P'l' bonito,Virginia Wm 'Amnia, New York Carl Formes A Fraser, New York E Sole, low York C hide lion 11W Brillion, Lel co .0 A ft. oCredy. Now York 1. J horizon, Penna TheoW Jou eit, Savannah R de Silver, Philadelphia Theo W Fulton, Wm 0 Ineelal..l moron Garret schen,. k, 7 tendon H C Belialle, *Pre nine, 11 A Omen & wf. Y , re, Pa, lord Renfrew, England His Grace the Duke of The earl of 13t Oormains, Newcastle, England Ensland Major Geneoll, The Non Lord Ly_9lo, England broom England Major Teoedalo England Captain 0 ey, Ntigiond Pr Aoland, England r nglenart, Enstind Mr Warm. England M r Jeanne', England H Ho'dship & wf. Pitteb's tteo Ifillangli,n Carolina F Strango , &. in, N Carolina 0 hlaroli. n Hampshire W W Smith, Wash nston hT G • sootier, N Jo soy L flutonintion. N Jersey J C Fowler. Virginia 114 Fowler Or la, Virginia A W New York JB W Page Boston Jamie Gil omen, Virginia T M Clark, Now Jersey R A hiacomber, New York Miss amoomner, N York J Hunter, New lurk Chas B nneaster. Boston al nisi Been-lt,N 'York Mrs BV Wainer. NY G W Bieber. Nov Yurk It Nicholls. New York 13 H bowel! New York ti it Newhall. New )ork James .1 Day. New York W I Matthews & la D C Paml Cooper, Boston Mrs Dr Parker, Alabama P stoone, Boston If M farce, lios , on J T urdy. New r ork Ii Wan, HMV York W Careesouilievr York .b, L, Aden, Vermontll W Can trashier, Florida A D Bull, Florida II 1 0 Abell, Plends SIMI. 8. ^el sWISTO hT e; Brady, New York , John B Witmer , Phila. J W ,on New Jersey I' Green, Data/aqua, I , a, Bit re & In, New York .1 P Howard New York Al/ bhaPargi new York J Artio'd Jr. le, WllooLein V M it.oha s, New York fl hi Ciladwin, Now York W B Pletcher. Pow, rt I L Winship now Raven J n Harvey, U st Navy it Driver, U 8 Navy 811110 Wood. Br,•oklyn J C Jordon. Pew York Dr 3 W McClure , I Cathenrood, Perms, Winder, US Army Mrs Winder & oeughtor J Baratt, Cues J a Perry, New York F Booth. New York B J Harrison & wt, Va Miss Webb. Virginia 0 Mitchell, Virginia B D Abbot. Zsmesollo, C R. Bodges, Baltimme H Carlisle. Alabama B kimber, Philadelphia BF Raines, Virginia E A. Conover. Conn • AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. 11 0 Bend, New York R P Smith. PhPadelphia J 0 Owed, Newtown, N J J D Davie. New York George hi Morrie, I's T D Morris, Pa E M erawart & la, Pa bewaii, New York W W Liggitc, Ohio d as Thompson, Reading MAI Basel. Peonsyloania Elllll Raze', Pennayivanta E H Neideker. Virginia W Patterson, New York John Kilroy. Phiagimplita U Hamlett. Norte areinut J . & la, 1 aneaster A T Panneaumk A la, Lane John ti Gialinm, Delaware A P Romance, Delaware •1) Hann, Delaware W mialand. Jeaneeate W K Rollinaworth, N C lk,hannin, N Carolina Wm hleteon Virginia .Ij r , Vietnam, Delaware Rola D Holreeker, Del TT' if allinston. N U Albert 14111138. New aork 9 Flavor- Delaware A it Silver. Delaware John 8 Futilely, Vi` Cheater J H Me. auley & la, Pa Anthony liingtliarriaberg Wm h gralUp'oll. , 4 J W H Deacon. New Jame/ D D Kennedy. Oxford, Pa'. B Burnham, Delayer° 1, Mott & la Cortiand Jos B Carta & oau, (Man M Newail & la. Conn tied Brown , New York Mu A a Douslaa. M Chunk Mre J Loisenting, M (31enk W Riott.Lanoaster co "CV A/I umrill, Delaware l Gee Planets, Waimington O W floddleston. Tenn R IL Haundere. Virdinis Br • ze-es, Prance J A Ditti, 1, North Carolina It It Wilson, Nth Carolina, John W D awson. alarylanu I L Witmer Florins A Dodeay_, nth Carolina A Anaei, New York V tAogn. New York Mrs elisnn, New York Walter Thomas, N Jersey Chas ADe Haven, Di .1 OCTOBER 9—E vening MERCRANTB' ROTRL—Fourth street. below itch. .1 Buchanan, Philadelphia Jas L Watson Beatland F %mit. Wash on, Pa ears I Ratty: Pittsburg J I) Davis, 101ssoun Jon Barer & la. N Jamie' T W Jona & la, , 1 Jersey' Addison Munch, Virginia F R Fritz. beating $ Fora, Bt Louis W Donehy, Florida J Badly tit Lancaster Mom McOrann, Lancaster Muni it Dougherty, Lanci'r PaittS L Dougherty, 1.11001311't I it hlohlutray & 0 F it West at of, lows C B ,Luveweli. Boston Ron Goo &att. Catawisaa Martin Early, Fanner tv'ia 13311117,14:4 Milton , e Fa 4111 ° C 1 1 1 8 ' ,!;, ' T. P . Airs " New fork I Behavior, Now Yore: .1 G I{.^lley, Wheeling. Ya Jai 61 Thomae, New York Al J A Kenai, oatgoniry Ala 1 0 heed: Jr. West Chester 0 J Dougherty & la. Balt Coo Jel °Keine.. N Scotia 0 I Stough, Rheum J T Conieuers. Pt Carolina Mrs Shur & ins, New Jersey it hi Wright, Salem, N J John l' Bruna.saletri, N J Thos Dunn, Salem, N J DW li Sharp, Salem, N J Noah Shari:dor. Mavis I M Whirler David Potter New Jersey D Nemeth New York B M Wrav, Philadel slue A Ltvi• piton, Natchez Thoe Mason, New Jersey A B . urn Melon. New Jersey Wm Dunbar & la, N York Al 0 Foreman. New York Jae al 'Fhomas Now York CB Dawes Boston Co Bush. New York A P Sethi Boston B II Vaokort • New York Jae Leede New York Win Bights Ivr , lv N ork Deo W Shelton, COnn C Winob. New York M Chanaler . J Owens, Fennsywanm JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut 'street, above Bath. J E Ellingson. rbiledebohla Gust 'Messner Je la, I'a Alre Emory St son. N 0 S Baffin. nlabama t. W Mgor. W tiridgowater Nelson F ed dog. N York George IA Footer , Mt or .1 W Applegate. Obio w Patterson,lsew Jente7 rt Mune as. Po, Claud G W Wright. Atab tins T Diegeoe eon,Wash E Hezelton. N H R Glendenning, Pa A Clark, New York J U Yearingtoz, N York Thomas thorp N York TJee Angle. Dei'were. Chambefe. elawaro J Merrell, Delaware .1 Jefreres, Wilmington. Hai THE UNION 110T13.1—A rob street, Abolm Thud. P Roll; Easton L C Waterman, Mass G W Lamson. Philadelphia G A W.Drins.Balem, Ohio J'W Steiner Ohio y 8 Reiff. Ohio J Btambaunh . Pennsylvania el Hertz Williaineport Mies Laird, Williamsport L et onhenson h ta, Plaid IC isier, Plow Je.ser 13 Bough NewJerseY W'm Britton. NM,' St tsar N Hinton, jersey Mrs Barr, _Delaware Deboon. Wilmington, D. inch.fennlYlvaulft F weatherald. Ineianapts A Hummel. Harrisburg A F Swans., Harrisburg John Rimier. Velma Beading. Paw Jenny Hon J H Briggs, new York A 0 Reniger, Allentown Mrs M Jackson, Indiana NATIONAL .110TEI.- - It — ase street, above Third• o lius Avery, Bradford, Pa 0 Wekiev, Bhalferatown John Aaron. Delaware 0 P Grainger, Del • A Pooh Delaware H 8 he"" age ! F"I4 Mkt E Frost. W Pa John 0 / net, Indiana J King & ilm, Del OAt Zahn & In, Lancaster R Darlington, Cheater oo Ja , Vy nolman, Liverpool 1 , Bomberger. l'a A BY 'man. PeunsylVania Geo Peters Kingli ppa PCEokelman , Halmagrove gaud Landis, Halifax John a Miller. is • J H *Mover. Ashland P s Caber, litheness , john Waebbiger, Pa hand Rhoads, Reading Pt. Moors, Danville BARLEY BREAF HOTEL—Second et., hairy Ville. Jon N'oNair, Virginia Donnie Holley, Philada N V Y. ung. N J L w Johnson. Banks oo C Rirkbride Brake on 1, Titus Lamber, Dtnahower. BUOICA CO M W HAIStOn. flaw Rimer. A Etch gew Jersey Mies Pauter, New Jersey Mrs N ekwith. N i D Leavenworth H. Willey & la Lane, Pa A Yerk, a, Bucks en 14 Kirk . DatiVille. .4 A Ft lineelton, New Jersey 't hos B Peatifid Newtown Dr A C Poles. New Jersey MAI W H bort n. Nestling (man Hoisambe N A G Hines, Peneogivania Chat Dilworth. New Rope John P Levezny. Polebsry Thus Ant, New Jamey WmTaylor,Trerten.ty I 1 , Vanhorn, Trenton. .1' Gnu Gotohinsou, T,enton R B AloCoy, Trenton, P banning, Trenton, N J MERCHAN IS' .lloUSE..lliird arrant, oh. Callowinli. 1' .0 Yost. Ry_bertarille H Mowortree h lA, Pa Jun Itz. lelybertevillo 1, Smith, Syborteville 11. Bugs h la. Botlibthens Huse, nothlehem Chas Reinhart & to l's. mire L Reinhart, Fe, Ww tiabimer, Harrisburg r. B Hoirman, ennsylVaja H entiort. Leesport Blt Lenhart, I eespurt Parr._Alegheny City L Hamblin. Ailee'y LitY Mies 8 Martz i utbetaville F Keh er, doh( 00, Pa 0 Kehler. Hokin Itill no Pa Joe Block, Bohr' so, Pa W H Klinger, Pennsylvania COMMERCIAL TIOTEL—Sixth street, &b. Chestnut. Joseph Hodgson Parma Dr Harry. Mary land Wm Levi. Went Chester H A Howell, Now Jersey Lewis AMlor, Cheer r Pa 'J H CAEWOIi AitibirAS te Rankon. Atlantis Pity to P'l A. 10. te la. Mn A Searlett A eon. Cheerer oo Q. A Meredith, Chen no Jan 1, Lennart. Maryland J MOO Cayliert, Maryland John Phanamnn. Re Geo Laos oo .4 book &la Chester co eo it Scott, Chester co Lays Haidley, Lane co ISTATEB UNlON—market street. above Elute. P, Blhinge, Ohio ,Teeob Id3aohem, Ohiu hire R. 3 rever. 6anduskr. 0 Thos MoCully, Y 3no Miehael, Baltimore I: 9 Moore, littlish: l lT Part Conn. 'ions Hill John Mewl, ftifuoo RIB John Kline, Mane ti ll nultnnaoh, IHortottn, J Reed, reery 00, Pa FOUNTAIN HOTS:L-B;3ond street. above Market. M Willard. New Jersey Saud Miler. New Jer aay rhos (logle. 8 Carolina Jas f4ley f 11 " - n J e Mathews. Germantown B Chew. oalem Jo W Stevenson. Dover, Del 14 Plummer, Now Jersey Jos M Adams. Delaware Wlt White, Delaware Ishott, Delaware Jos Jester. Feltun, Del Alex Plemlng, Felton, Del BDa y Borth Carolina B Newalk, Del D Dover , Da Jno Stmpion, Delaware IDDLAOIC HEAR HOTEL—Third st.. ab. Callawhill. Chas Lenhard, Berke co W Earner, Penneburg s Borer, Ulney Poi Goldsmith, Berke 00 tiel Bulls onthomery co D Davis, Phtiad lulus A J 80, oe. Penn•y [yenta AI BP/Illgo PatittElYiVania Jis Beahler, Berrystuts J Acheson, Pennsylvania BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third st.. above Canavan!). Mice Moore Allentown MisltnuPmnn., Allentown P 8 1, lapwing. Pittsburg Israel Kw ou, Lebanon Oabrlel Wolortiberser, Pa Owl° Turner, Pa MT. VEIII4OII ROTEL--Recond stroot. oh. Atoll P SIO itb, Boston . Lewis Wood. Winslow w wo.o. Masswohuptma Jrtn Tr•num..lV SpEWALIT LADIkS.-I.ltUBB ANp BRAOH DEPARTMENT conducted by com petent Ladies, Entrance on TW ELF TH Street, mitt door below Rftee. A tun line of Mechanical 14 eme thee. -light aid ekttant is construction, spicinity nactotrd to 17 (Sditle use. C. 11, NEM:MVO s Proprietor, , $. corner TWELFTH end RACK Street.. fir 73nrroriee to C . ..)1;0.'s Room, for gentietnen,At the earner . - adailtolf , tiRZSS.'44 I IIILIDELMA -tWEDNCSIYAVocToBgit Askifio yr . 19*Vcitocnc 484 more ST; LOWS—Chemanut et.. above Third - youl4G-Rt7DOLPTI..-On -Nib, IMO, by ~ tbe rev, J. 0 Clay, Mr. Wittinon IL'Young. to nice. Marl .E..!dinglitet air the late John taw Marl Rudolph, all of thin - ' 1 - , DIED' O,IB 6 EIW.—On the 9th instant, Mi.FranOlSl CISSNIT, a lla t7 ftt e. al of ' the . lannli are Invited to attend the fu neral, Irom his late residenee, No, 117 Wharton great. on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. •• . ••• RITTER.—On. the Bth instant, Abram Ritter, aged 68 Dare. , 'the r elatw ea and mends of the %nay ere TN nt - fully invlt d to attend the funeral, from his latereel • once, No. 122 North Twelfth street, on Thursday after noon, at 3 o'clock. A 81 51 EL,WRIGHT.—On the 6th Mateo t, Sybtlla al., wife of F. 177, Elmnielwright, in the 88th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of hor huaband,,in Dau phin treet. above Fifth, this ( Wednesday ) afternoon. at 3 &chick. WETRE.OILL..—On the 6th instant. Weill mill. daughter of the late Joseph Wethorill, need 80 Yoms. Funeral from her late residence. ko 348 South Fourth street allure Pine, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 &ohmic. ,BURRE.—On the 6th instant, Jaoob Butte. aged 62 year!. Funeral from his late rendenee.No 1915 Coates street, this I Wedneaday I arta rnoon tit 2 o'olooic. MACE h.—tin the Stir instant, Donnell, wife of John Magee. aged 42 years, Funeral from the reaidenee of her bonbon& Twen tr. fourth street above Callowhin, this (Wednesdp) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. aged 21 Al A LOY. —On Ole 7th instant. Goodin, Maley, p emu, • Funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 4 Beekman place, Green street. above Fourth, ttis ( Weeneulim I afternoon , at 2 ifOlock. O'DONNELL , —On tho 7th instant, John 013Ounell, aged 30 Yenta Funeral from the reaidenne of his lathier John 0' Don nell. No. 2315 Meredith etreet, between Twenty. third and Twenty-fo u rth, above Goatee, this (Wednesdr) afternoon at 1 oololc. 18vANS —On the 6th instant, Aaron Evans, in the 74th year of age. Funeral from lee late residence, Nn. 461 North Ninth street. on Thursdar afternoon. or 1 o'elook. R 013114 80r4.—On the Bth instant, Kate Robinson, in the 17th year of her age. Funeral from the reeldenee of her aunt. Margret It obineon, No. 608 South Sixth stmet, , thia (Wedneadv afternoon, at 3 o'clock. RUSH —On the Bth instant, Sarah Rush, in the 85.11 year of her age. Flitter& from the residenbe of her wtn-iirlair, Geo. W. Johnson, One etreet. b•tereon Till and William. West Philadelphia, this (Wednesday/ afternoon, at 2 o'clnek. • SICHREYER.—On the 7th instant, Air. John Bohref er, Sr.. aged 76 years. Funeral from his late residence, Germantown toad. he mw *nog& street, this (WeduesdaY) afternoon, itt 1 o'clock. elf H,IDA N.—On rho 7th instant, Maria Sheridan, in the 60th >ear of her ago. Mineral from the residence of her son. George 11 Walker. No. 1018 eit riveter street, thlw(Wedneeday ) elm neon. at 2 o'clook. • tf.fl F.E.T.—un the 811 i instant. Edward G.. Infant ton of Michael and Elizabeth 811..ert. need 18 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 414 Moyer street between Palmer and Hanover. Eigh teenth ward, this ( Wednesday - ) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. PRIEST.—On the 7th Instant, Joseph Priest, In the 17th year of hie age. Faueral learn the roai ammo of his grandmother. Mrs. Dimon, Mulberry street, Managunk, this ,Wedneadv) al (*moon. at 1 o clock. NEILLY.—Un the Bth metant, 11103. Julia Reilly, wife of John Fro ilr, aged 43 year'. Fuller ,I Irma the residence et her husband. Ifeillg place • Carpenter street. anew) Fifth, this (Wednesday) afternoon. at t n'ednek. WA), roty.—Ou the a , h metant, llnabath Walton , widow of the late A mug Walton aged 72 years. Funeral from the residence oilier son, t.huroli erect, Brideshurg, this Wednesday ) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. e. eV eft — the 6th instant, Arthur Scott, only son of John and Anna O. Ale Vey. ac, d 1 year and 4 dens, Funeral from the residence of his parents. earner of main and Cheatnut wrests. Mangy unit, this {Wads= day; afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BLACK SILKS ! LACK. SILKS Bouquet Fl4nred. G os ImPerinic Droplet Figured. i•ngliati Mourning Diagoneti (Prowl. Diagonal Dolw. tiros de Rhinee. Seven l• muneed Robes. IroTaiet'a Silks. Oros .+ rains. Pitons Boiled. Nu't do Joss. Oros o'.Eeorao. °unmans. I Lining &Ike. dm. • SON. Mourning Store, No 91E4 ehostnut sweat. Venettennee. Armuros. ISEB3ON MBANSEKEK INSTITUTE.—A STATED meeting will he held Tills (Wedneedav) EVEN tn met., at 71.4 linxim tent bush ass .t. C. WEI /),. JII . tigioreMYY. •• WHAT A BLIND DIAN SAW IN ENGLAND."—The Re.. W 11.111ILBURN, the eloquent Bllnd Preacher. of Brooklrn. teem ark. de livers this, hi' popular. Iseturtiin the Greeif-street M. :bo r a. THU.( Wednesday) H VENING, at 8 o'clock. Ticket. 25 cents. It* JNO. B. GOUGH, quent and disurtruitdied eentlainan will, by in itation .4 the Yonne Me" ' a Christian .a esoolatton. L KOI WU: at Miasmal Fund Hall on the P.Ve,1 , 1.1 , 103 of Ootobor 15. 16th. anti 22d. Ttpketa for eaoh L eotura 25 cants. To lin hod at the principal Bookstores and gnome of tt a Association. _ it fy" — • — BANE ROFT LITEILAny "3 1110911Ete! Phil, NO v TO ttEet.R.lllht A._„ delightful Leetn,e on the TWO HUMBULDIB," BY the talented Hmtorian and lOoquent Orator, NAM,. M. 1 4 51110 K ft. LL. D. Musical Fetid Hall. FRIDAY Evening. October 19. Tickets only 26 Centa. For sale at the riinoipal Stores, and at the door on the evening. oc6-6taamwernal taIITFRAPiKLIN INSTITUTE LECTURES. --I he Coulee of Leoturea before the institute igm e twit oommeuo¢ on Tri ) et 1.11 " ItYLIti . 11102 ( Po t k e- DAy. w EurlEtsuA x FRIDAY nyErilliv t for twenty weeks. The 'Ttrat course, of ten weeks will consist of—Won ,ley Evening—On Chemistry, 'hy Profenef B. IL Smut. . • Wednesday Evening—On Electrioity, by Professor J. F. Fraser. Fru' iy Evening—On Pividology of the Hennes, by Professor W. O. Oobrecht. 'rim arrangement for the world Course will be pub- Imbed in due time. Eaoli member of the Institute on paving his annual contribution, and each hie member will receive a son ticket. tor himself and a lady ; will also T0001{71) Canaan tickets for hie children, wards. and up. renticee. ceder 2i yew aof ago. on the pas meet ot one dollar for each minor Terms of Memberohle —A nnunl contributions 83, or life niembnr4ilP $25 with nn ad Wows; charge of one dollar the flret year fora oerti finite of membership Ocuttlemen anstang to become members w ii lease apply at the of the Institute, in SEVENTHIStreet. below MA V.T. oc9-61 RK W/1.1.1it Al If A.MILTON, Actuary. KEROSENE OIL. PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL In order to meet the oonetantly-increasing demand for this Justly CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have row doubled their former °ami ty, and have The most extenstre macs for maws frschs,ing Ott from Coal in the United ,statox ; and in order to Insure for us rt conettnt supply. attenuate to the demand. they have ttositively refused to establish any new agencies, or ornate any new outlets for itwltat- Over. What we claim for this Oil is, ITS UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY AND SUPERI ORITY OVER ALL 01IIBR OILS. Jt is entirely hie from the offensive odor peculiar to all ether Coal Oils in the market. and for militancy ea haht. cloudiness, cheapness, and safety. (having nu explosive properties i, is, we mat confidently say, TILE ONLY OIL.THAT WILL GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. Wherever It has been Introduced minium wilt use no other. AS there ate many inferior Ode sold tie Keresene, we °union dealers in particular against using this trade mark. Whenever doubts egret an to the genuineness of the article, we respeitfully ask that a sample OM be submitted to us Mr inspeotion. We offer it to the trade at the OCOMPAN Y'S LOWEST PRICE, and all orders addressed to us by mail or otherwise will Ina et with prompt attention. Z. VICAR & CO., Role Agents and Manufacture ro of Alcohol, Burning Plaid, and Pine Oil. solo-cut No. 1010 MAKICSP et., Philadelphia. SPORTING. THE RACES AT POINT laZ e BREEZE PARK era! commence TO DAY. at 254 P. M. Pennine are partioe hiil7llKuete4 to embalm their adz/neaten Oasts be fore leaving for the Perk. They may be obtained at all the prmeipal hotels. It PRILADELPIIIA RACES. Ponfr •lIREEZN: PARE AtISOCIATION. POLL MEETING FOR 18130 Will commence on WED stES..,AY, October 10. Fan , LI • v.—Wednesday. October 10 —Sandi eap race of one mite. Entrance, woo: for feit, sbet • dealerst , ol2, 820. The Association will .. • • NO 00 To name and chwo septemborld ; woights an nounced 25th September ; deoleration Oote her I ; tomdicauvra ((elected by the Automa tion. ;The info for haucti^epping is to be by ramming not [meeting weights.. Any unimbr of horses( can be run by the same person n this handiest.. - • unmet, Thos. Furi ea wi en t ers oh . I V Birin wiz. 3 years, Ceeneoe. dam Millwood, by Imp. Mo• march. Weight 87 lbs. Thes.,Pury oar enters b. o. CONGAREE, 4 yew% by Imp. (diocese, dam Millwood, by Imp. Monarch. Wei ht g 101 tbs. W. H. °Omens enters hr. h. TWO BITTS, 6 yearn, by ./1 °yahoo. dam by Imp. Priam. ~.. S. Lloy d ( F. Morrislenters g. C. Tif, SOMME, 6 yens. by Crneker. item Bailie Ward. Weight 103 The. d. Lloyd (F. Morrie/ entere b 1. PLybrurti Pao /51E14'rd. 4 years. try Bolingbroke, dam Queen of Cy preen,el,ght 90 lbn. Thos. & nes. W. Doswell onion g. in. IRONA. 6 years. by Re,,tater, dam Sleek Bah by Promo George, ht 103 The. Sarin D .—Associal ion Pomo two mile heats MI DO For which it is expeoted a fine field of horsed will contend. Saxe Dar.—Contmental Hotel stake. bwoerstake for colts end fillies three years • gld, m heste ; 8100 subsorietion. `and r feit g love or more to fill the staketo close on the Wilier September. Continerilal met will edit-- 260 00 Thu . entries for this stake not having beenfilled. a I nubs Mute Mo. It is expected, will be arranged. OK. oND D.l.—Friday, , October 32 —.3wr °lntake for all ages Four mile heats. $B3O sub; soription, 8100 forfeit: three or more to Ml the stake. to Mons on geptember NJ. If three or more start. the second beat to receive book los cube rieticn. .1 he 116.40illitl(111 Will add...........-.._..._..... 803 Thos. & Pln. W. Doswel ente r oh in. r.nNISI wo.oliir‘orort. 6 years. by Revenue, dam Sarah ellisittn, by Zoigaree. C. s. Lloyd ( Morrie ) enters g TIIROO4IIEOif. Pedigree above. hos Furyear enters b. o. CONGAREE. Pedigree above John *Mier enters oh. g_NICROLAS aged —. by Imp, tilencoo. dam Nannie Rhodes, b Wagner. rig on DAY,- esdoeintion Fume, mil e hosts..... eOO 00 For whi...h a line field of loosen, it is expected, will enter. Entrance to the Purses, five per omit., to go to the ElEstond best home. The Mimi lion on the privilege of poet• ugot^u soy of the m cc on account of weather. 1 he above NI , es to be run according to the rules of ths Fashion Course. New York. knows for the two Purses 10 the foregoing programme must he lent to the Office. N 0.144 South Fourth street, before 4 P. M. on the days previous to their being rim for. or if left 01,1 the some City at the Park, before 3 P.M., will be sent from there to the 01000. A. '1 ieket and Badge, for the admission of a gentl,msn find Indica, with the privilege of admission to all the ground!, et nude, and moraines, for the whole week.oorn memoug Stin of Ootober. So. Single aumiesion 'Naas (for the admission or male persona only I, 81. With this Ticket, a Badge 181 twat tionni) will r ive the privilege of' tUßlllsiloll to all the grounds, stands, an., premises. ithout any excretion; no male person will bo ad ea on the days ofthe above repos w.ibout present er.per,y •nuthei mil ticket et tuirnisolou._ moors.ana minuet obsorieers will be Ihrillshed adniikeralloke't;: ' d improper or disorderly Demos will be eummanti decree from the Dr Dimes Tiokete and eadgea may be obtained at all the prinei val hotels. ample arrangements will be made for the conveyance of persons to the Pars. SAML, iiILPATRIOSS. Secretary, N 0.144 South NOUN-% /I Street. Persona are particularbr requested to porches's' their 'Pickets in the city promos to leaving for the Park, as by eo doing much inconvenience and delay will be avoided. octe-mxterrfr NOTIOEI—POINT BREEZE PARR ASSOCIATIoN.—Notios ishiwebY _ given. that Miring the weal ( eohtmeneintr October Bth, 1860, when public exhibitions of PRIA P OF oPED will take place at the Park, rho directors, under authority in:interred br the Legislature of Petni- Fly] yard& will cause to be emoted ram the prern.see any DlSuri HLY and IMPROPER PERI:3O4'4n; and wilt also cause to be removed and ejected any person or persons who shall erect, or k•ep near the preinimea any stand or booth. or shall expose for sale, or exhibit any articles, or do any other act or nets that She directors may deeni injurious to the Interests of the Pori. The above provisions of the Act of Assembly will be promptly and rigidly eni orce.' oolri-srirwlttfr- SHOE FINDINGS. ISAAC BARTON as CO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SHOE STUFFS. ,- PRENOIt AND ENGLISH LASTINGB, GAL LOONS, PATENT LNATHEE, Also, GOODS FOR CARRIAGE MAKERS. NO. '35 SOUTH SECOND STREET,. Philadelphia. sta-em - NEW. ,riri~x~cd 1 ~ i4„~ NE, ,St d7O -. &k* .A - NEW STORY. NEW STORY. A NEW STORY. MRS. MARY A. DENISON, MRS. MARY A. DENISON, MRS. MARY A. DENISON, MRS. MARY A.. DENISON, Will be commenced in the Will be commenced in the Will be commenced in the Will bo oommeneed In the NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY. NEW YORK WEEKLY; NEW YORK WEEKLY. ON THURSDAY NEXT, ON THURSDAY NEXT, ON THURSDAY NEXT, ON THURSDAY NEXT, I=3El MEE= ERE= HAUNTED; HAUNTS 0 ; HAUNTED; HAUNTED; 1:MM:E1 TILE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER TILE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER THE. NEW YORK WEEKLY now surname any THE NEW YORK WEEKLY now aurpaasea arty THE NEW YOEK WEEKLY now atirosaes any THE NEW YOs.K WEEKLY now 'Mumma any allot Journal to point of Truant. 'Together with other Journal in point of Talent. Together with other Journal in point of Talent. Together with other Journal in point of Talent. Together with Mrs. IMILSON'S beautiful story, It will FIVO Mr& DENISON'S beautiful Story, it will give DEVISON'S beautiful StoT, it will give Mr& DENISON'S beautiful Rom it will glvo FORTY COLUMNS FORTY COLUMNS FORTY OOLUMNS FORTY COLIJAING ORIGINAL MATTER, ORIGINAL MATTER, ORIGINAL MATTER, ORIGINAL MATTER, Written oxprogely for Ito oo!utons, Mending' acionco, Wrltton expressly for / to columns, ineha bug Baloney. Written oxprrosty for ito columns, inotoding Balms, Written expressly for Its colnmnit, including-13min°, Arta, General Information, eto., etc. Arts, General Information, 010., eto Arta, Genera} Information, 010., etc. Arta, General Information, etc., etc. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. TOR BALE EVERYWHERE FOR BALE EVERYWITLICE FOR BALE EVERYWHERE PRICE FOUR CENTS. PRICS FOUR CENTS. PRICE FOUR 1.1 TNTS. you-st PRICE FOUR CENTS. rilllE PRINCE'S BALL IS EAGERLY AL looked for by thottaande. VANITY YAM. le out to-day l,OlO at.. LEIDY'S .ANATOMY, WILL DB PWILMWD ON Tiltniallta, OCTußttit 11111. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE HUMAN ANATOMY. JOSEPH LEI DY, M. I)., Proretnior or Anatomy in the tinit °reit) , of renneyl. mitt; Curator of tho Aoadoms of PLUM' Efelehoogi tto. MEE ELIWANTLY ILLLWITATEI) W)111 NEAXLI FOUR. HUNDRED ENtIitAVINUS, mnsmv YROL ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00., 0c4.4t 2D and 24 noun FOURTH. Street IN VANITY FAIR, OUT TO-DAY, look out for the Bret and aftond yeas of the great yoarn of' , THE PRI VC it'fl BALL, by E. ft D. &admen, author of "The Diamond Wadding." own WELROY'S PHILADELPHIA CITY DIRECTORY for 1e41.-rThe gentlemen employed eca carmine's are now actively engaged in tatting nen:caned making correettoas for tea above work. for 1,551. The uaderwgza4 beg, the attention of all eon oernod to the importance of affording to the agents every tactility necessary to innate aorreatnesa llAdlnl proper Information alit not only Injure the publisher. but prove a very oilmane inoonventenoa to the ptchno, end cannot result in good to err cam Tito P ACE TU NUMMI Mite is 8150. payable on Delmer. habserllere' fmnte3 put to Capitals A. IIIcEL. ROY% lf. eclo 3t if 34 booth SIX TH',SE wilo HAVE FEDI THE Mt S. of the Satirical Poem of Tho Prince's BAIL pro nounce It the great fentore of the day. Feet and mowed parte out in V.d.c..17:Y FAIR TO,UAY . 0010 2t* SUOOINOT AND PITHY BIOGRA- PiIIES of The ?resident of the United State,. . . . The Governor•Generat of Canada. Albert Xing 13, neon, of England. ALBERT , FRANCE OF W ALFA AND NUKE 01.* C 0 RAMA ancestors, the ~ e orges of libelant , . The Guelph Fatuity, as well an of all the Noted men t litll7. l Pbll l '/ f t l , l73W t Yi T fifElrferrN in C YO LOP EDIA, rtow publlshinr, in quarterly volumoq. ar 03 each. :DEN AIeFA RIAAN. 33 'null, BL, Agent for Pennolvaula and Delaware. Agent, also, tor these btates. except t'hihidemhia, Ptttehtirg. and Wilmington. fur Putnam's new Issue of Washington Iretna's Work , Illit.trated, in monthly.volumes t at $1.50 each. to be in 21. ben to 1H IE AGP:NOY.hare TWENTY PER CENT. umuourcr OR all Boots except solwoription - Books. tirklß PRINCE'S BALL, A HUMOROUS • and Satirical Poem, iv: E. C. Stedman. aut• or of ' 17 .1:1 1 40 1 ll TV aiNg t. Nred published this day in oolo4t. G. _EVANS , GMT BOOK STORE, v•• NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street, Buy YOUR BOONS AT EVANS'. Where you can get books in every department of Lite rature ; and HEAR IN MIND, that besides gettlng,your boast tho loweet retail price, SHAT A GIFT, Worth fronted cents to site twoomPantee each Book. ALL THE NEW BOGEN AS sOON AS MTH- LtSHED. Call M. and one trial will mourn 7011 that the heat plane bathe city to buy books, to at G. G. EvArity GIFT HOOK ESTABLISHMENT. ooS-tf N 0.439 OfiEbTri UT Street. lIIE PIUNOE'S BALL IN VANITY - 0 - FAIR. 0010 HO( K IWYKRS.--Gontlotnan: I liavo HO taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 411) OILESTIS UT Street, where I will continue to bny and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom.. house Avenue Book -stand) old and new Law and MM. nellatteous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old blank -letter Books printed prior to the year 1449. Also copy of brastrilita On the Kew Testament, volir..4to; printed iu 1148. Pries. 1110. I will else deal in Engraving.' end AULOpfapill. Persons at a Matsu& wish as to sell Bonk win deacribe their names, dates. sizes, bindings, conditions, and prom,. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsyl vania. and and upon Amierma wimted. sne-em JOHN ciAMPUELL. rillilE FIRST AND SECOND PARTS OP 'Jim Prince's DAL THE VREAT 1.4 POEM, ANid whichlllo faahionable world of New York in alive \with exctement. is out to•day in 'VANITY ',MID 21* VANITY FAIR, OUT TO-DAY. ALL NEWS Men have it, 0010-2t* HARDWARE. WORE, HE NEZEY. do CO. ARE NOW OPENING TKEIR FALL STOOK 08 HARDWARE. 427 MARKET. and 418 COMMERCE STREET. sea-am BUTLER HOUISE. No. 112 BOIITLI HIXTII. Btreet, %vette Independeroe Bauer°, Conduoted on the European plan. Aoceesitle at MI hem, se/64M - • A, N. I, tINBNO, rroptiotor. --13LET.itirij5itflibODS. INDIA SHA REAL INDIA CAMEL'S HAIR LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS AND SCARFS, At moderato prices; teat received an elegant assort ent, to which the attention of the Ladica to invt ted. Ala°, a °Woe osortmont of SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, and DRESS GOODS, Selected 'Plat great care arid attention to quality and atylo. at GEORGE PRYER'S, 911; CHESTNUT STREET. • oefo-tf 1 4 / I YRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LA.NDELZ, InalE AND I, A NI)EIJL, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, A},mrs are prepared to supply ['medics with scarce and desn - nble STAPLE DRY GOODS. nl inch PILLOW CASING. '.54-inon PILLOW CABINO. 441-inolt PILLOW CASING. ' 43 mcli PILLOW CASING. 48-incli PILLOW CASINO. 41-inch PILLOW CASINO. 42-inch PILLOW CASING. 40-inch PILLOW CASING. • 8.4 PEPPERELL SIIESTINGS. 9 4 PEPPERELL SIIEETINUS. P. 5,--The above 13oods have been scam in this ;nu ket for eighteen months. but Antilles can always be supplied by us. Orders front the country filled at small sd venue. . eel 9. wfm Sin [ I A DIES' DRESS TR/MMINGs. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, ERST QUALITY . GILT ".l RiMALINGS AND BEI,TINOIL , CROCHET PRINCES AND'REATHAti. EIHBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EN ROIDERED CHAIR BRATS. , WO N YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPH. -KNIT TALINIAB AND JACKETS, ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAO3 AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR.KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSONPs TRIMMINGS AND ZEPIIYR STORE, corn. ;await and ClLERNAlitroetn. thYMI.I26 FALL CLOAKS OPENINU DAILY THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN TALC CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, NO, 119 q CHESTNUT STREgT CLOSING OLT SALES OF L. J. LEVY & 00. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, We will offer 5:1 oases NEW FALL GOODS. Part of the orders for this season's sales, which have been handed over to ns to elate out, at less than the coot of importation. Embraced in the assortment which is now offered to the public, will be found a variety of NEW FABRICS, SATIN DR OR/NES, • PLAID VALENOIAS, SAXONY WOOL PLAIDS, SUPERIOR IRISH POPLINS, Plain and Pinkie, SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, And a full and complete assortment of STAPLE GOODS. The whole stook will lie oiTared at very low prices FOR CASH. L. J. LEVY & 809 AND HI VIIESTNUT STREET. 001-0 pLOAKING OLOTHR OASSIMERES BROADCLOTHS, VESTAIGA. AC. Boys' Casalmerna, good patterns. 75 Fan nets and Union Cusstineres. so to 70 ots. Fancy Cassimeres, from 75 to ELL% Fine Blank Cassimors and Doeskins DI.A. , K BROADCLOTHS. For Drees Coats, Frock Coats, a.' Heavy ()semen rise. CLOAKINOSTrioot,&c. - LIGH Epr Ladles' wear. or every deelrabte shade. quality and low price, by the Vlllll or pieoe. . IL—Tailors supplied at lowest net cash prioes. COOPER & CUNARD. 8012 Southeast nor. NINTH and MARKET. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! THORNLEY & CHISal,_ • N. E. Corner EIOIITH & SPRING GARDEN 8t2.• Flavin% enlarged their Store, and • INCREASED THEIR STOCK, Now otter for inspection ONt, OF '/ it BI3ST STOCKS OF GOODS In their line in Philadelphia BOUOHT FOR CAtili EXCLCSIVELY, • And will ho sold POSIT/. VP.,1,4 CHEAP! Speend attention invited to Mike and Dress Goode. :shawls and Cloaks, Clothe end Oairsimeres, Diatiketa and Flannels, Linen Ocods and Muslims. Atarsiolles and other quilts, Hoshary,/Ploves, Il dass„ he., &c. All Goods marked at the lowest price. ante 'H AWLS. - Brooke and Claune Lnise Shawla. Long and egUare Blanket Shawla. t3tello, ee awls. all oolore. Reveruabfe Shawls. - - Plush nlmwte.• ,• Misses' Blin Cs. all outthlies: - (MARL SS 4DeidB t SON. oca,alwlif EIIUBTH nod ARCH Ste C WAILS —A largo variety constantly on hand. also mode to ordor in the most fashiona ble striae, at lower rates then any other establishment. mid in one Jay's notioo. 64 ""EtcYttfg 'lci,g9Sibit et. ocB-nawftr LINEN GOODS of every description, in unnne shirting linens, table linens, toweliegn i 'narking, doylies, linen collo fn. Am.. kn. attialtLeti - ADAWA At ants, l'R and ARCH Sic WE INVITE particular attention to our v . stook of Dross Gooda which wa sell at a small ad vauca on soy' iirsp_ortatlon. J OU V1.N13 ANJ) Atoms rp_oLovjm „ CHAICIAS A DAMS's: NnN, oefi-mvatr - • BleiliTH•and ARCH' t3tit . E YRE & LANDELL, No 400 ARCM. •' - Demonatration in Shawls. Long ©ruche • bawls. 811 to 41.0. ' dolferma - • Amyl(' Plaid ISootoh likawls• SobOol Mr/ tong and travaro Shawls. oq; nrwf I.4' I YEIG & lANDELL, FO l Oll,lll 'AND ARCH. EITHER'II3. Prtated and Plata riunds. iohaat and Uayantlaws. • Want Detaidea, from in° Halo. .Plain and kmbrmdered. oc3•mwf "PALL CLOAKS IN PREPARATION, -MU some opening evory deg. Molt will be complete. Orders Mann cud executed with despatch. . Vail and Wsntee nhawle. Chiaren't; and Mums' Shawra eoE tt coNAtt, se/2 Southeast oor. op II suit MaRKET. CIOKET FLANNELS. Just received, sdrerior . llA wh ßYl, it° F 6114 MR/THEW!. Q,EIARPLESS BROTIIERS "lave opened a Gno display of opalinaa. litbbnt Merinoes, larnaho Carded Pnpehnc, and Think fano) Mails. RIOU NIOUSSFILNES, Chintz Colors. new designs, Neat titYles bright colors, Friendly r.tternm of NI-wor ts A lITUMN 4IIASVt S. Wow opettlag.' ilroulle, Cashmeres. Strlped. Brecht) Ombrea and all the thick winter Shawls, imported far thlrt Eamon. SHASSLESS BROTH. settldf CHESTS UT and MOliTil Streets. LADIES , DRESS THIMAIINGS. GOLD, SIEEL, eNI) BUGLE TBIM MIII^OS—FOR THE GRAN'. OPERA,--I G. & rON, !fair Nets Skirts, Trimminge, and Zephyrs, li, Is, sonar of CiIEBfPLUT and ELK- V brati. oesat 0.01.,D, STEEL, AND , BUGLE TBIA- N-A AIINGB—FOR THE GRAND . OPERA.- J. 13. 111.AXWPLI, 3.• SON, tiair Pete, tibirte. Trimmings. and VI. orB 3t Zeplurs, S. E. corner or OtillaTiXl.lT and MX YEN (OLD, ST EEL, AND BUGLE TRIM •-). MINOS—FOR THE ORAN') OPELL-3, G. MAXWELL h bON, Hair Pieta, I.kirta, Trimmings. and Zophyr2, t 3, E . corner CHASTNUT and ELE VENTH. 0c1.3t. SKIRTS IVITU SECURE FASTENINGS, 1 , 0.11 THE OBAND OPER .I.—TjIOMPSON'ti lISST NEW 'MILK (SHOWN SKIALTS.—d. (3. MAX. & SON Hair Nets, Trunnprits Skirts, and Zephyrs. wi FAITN UT and ELEV.aN',P.Ef Sta. 1303 St § I I,KIR TS, WITH SSOU RE FASTENINGS. )0 Fon THE OPlUM—um:ups°lva BEST NEW YORK BSAPWN Bic tivra. .1. G. MAXWELL & e ON, Hnir lees, Trlmmtugn. Sallie. and Zephyrs. OH wBT NUT and ELE VAN 111 btreetv. 0D3,3t. QIIIRTS. WITH SECURE FASTENINGQ, lA7 FOR THE GRAND OPERA. THOMPSON'B "BEST NEW YORK .ItROWN AKIIIL VS. J. 0. MAX WELL EON, Ham Nate, TrinnuingH, Z 4 larta. and Zapifrea, CSIV.P.VNUT and F.I.,EVENTH. Eta. oeB CLOAK TASSELS AND TRIMMINOS FOR THE GRAND OPERA. J. 0 MAXWELL & SON, Nair Nan, Trimmlnra, Skirts, and Zanhyra, • ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets u08.3t CLOA TLIESELS AND TRIMMINGS. FOR THE GRAND OPERA. J. O. MAY WELL & BON. Hair Nat& . 1 mamma's, Bkirts, and Zeplivre, ELEVENTH ono CHASJ NUT Streets. oeB-3t CLO 4R TASSELS AND TRIII4II , TGS FOR L'll OR.AND OPERA, J. O: MAXWELL & BON. Hair Nets. Trimmings. blurts, and Zephyrs: ELEVENTH and C II MTN UTtreets. 008..5t FURS. JL-AAMES' FANOY F FIR 3!-FANOY F UR6 l—Nkft}3 l ,lta, at: 1114 New, One•price La dies' Fancy "Fur tltoro, 7th ARCH street • below EicniTH, has now in store, of his own importing and manufacturing, the most complete assortment of Fanny FUTBfor Ladies end Children to be fodnd in this OICY• embracing every kind, quality. and stria, as all nip Fora !lave boon in.ported by myself during the present Year: and manufacteredunder Yrty owe,suporvision; and having adopted the one-price principle of donut business, I feel confident in saline it is the interest of all wishing to purchase a set of Full to give me a call. oclo-otr AV:WEN AZUMEA AZDMEA ! A2ul+,EAl AZUMEA: AZUMEA MOiltfir AZUMEA N 4 POW ERR. ritatturaotured to ed. No. 43.9 North FOU_ET_U Btroot, end for otdo Orooero trooorroir, aol9-3mir • WANTS. 121ERIPE wr •• QR SITING TEACHER. -It 11u A tmly , :tiotrongid# at home with rrieiboh, Itatnen, German: EfesitiehLtithi and able to teach all the _htsber branolierr of d thtvenor education: Wititit4 to re engagrr-her. services 'a resident or 'visiting Tetteher for DLitt or the whole of liar time. LA good home in this 0117-would be considered:Lig - a molent - remon for ten hours -weekly with n The rudiments ofdw ing, music, and singing Mae" taught. •kligliJr_reooin mended as a superior e 0.011 0 .1110 tesitalable !stir. Ad- Oteee " French Lady," aitata office. L WANTED—A Protestint- girrof -riaddle a4cd. woman. as plain cook and to, eaglet at housework. Th eitoatton le a pleasant °go. and. to an agreeable and competent person. the best itrageeyroeld be given., Apply-el 9 VINE Street. • it. lIVANTED.—An experienCed B9okktoper a'nd Accountant. a Foos rennitin, wAoserme Pinot ruProccuered. would like to obtain writing o ,eur descrmtson that ue could -do at home. - I.awYers and others having more writing than they can attend to w.dtend it to their advantage to avail thenusolves of bss torvices. Address "htI.FLIVBNER," o ffi ce of The • odd 4t* $5,000 TO INVEST UPON MORT oiao-av . GAGE. Apto ALFRED FITLER, O. al North SIXTH &root, tr N WANTED TO P UROII SEE OR RENT r.mte.--A comfortable tbree-etory dweilme-boye..of about from SU to attiCt pdr year rent. 'cla nerghbor 'mod of Tent, or Eleventh and (treed preferred. ' Ad drnaa Box 1.8.5 t'. . - min-3V riMIE- LIFE-SIZE PaOTOGRAPIIS IN NL (NG made by AMMER. SECOND. above Gtoon I are all the advantages of an oilpainting and a photo. mph, None but tho b•at avutk sold. WANT E D—A situation as BOOR • v KEEPER or GENERAL. CLERK. br &mow wan entirely competent. rind of oonaldtrable business csnrrienoe Best reteret!ce given. Addtfes "A. L W.'? Mita <ave. , • t 008 3t* IWANTED—A Situation as Apprentice V' V to the Printing. or Paddle and Hawes malting trade, b, Apply to air. JC,IN of the_ .arm or It igel, Baird, k Co., ,ortit VIM!) Street, , oc6-12:* WANTED'—A. Carl to do general house _ work. She must come well recommended. Ap ply No. 683 North h./JERE/ Street. oc4 CI WANTED—A . IUAN TO WORK AT an Order Box. Reference reouiTed from hie last place. Addresx Immediately A. D., B.cod's De wpatalw, oet3 WAN" ED—By an experienced sales , man i a situation in a wholesale. Cloth or Dry Goods house. Adeircies fiItRYLN, onion of 27, Prcss." ~03-10t* •M• "GROCtRS.—A Young Man of active business habits, who has heureneeral Years' exve. rionee,wtho grocery business, wishes a situation: can glee his hilt employesas refoteno. Address " Lewis;' alio° di' The Press. con-st. FOR SALE AND TO LE L'. a^ TO LET—Three-story Brick Dwelling niat Fo;1 OM LONIBARDrPtroot; silvan rooms. large urd...gas, 4:13 None but respeet."lo persons need RY. 0/ 9 vINS street, ntoit A. M., 3to r, nr, ut $l2 El) Per month. , it* R SALE-A BUSINESS .NOW' Ih successful operation in Boston, Peril Intl: , New York. and reeentiy established in the city- . chimer le hoWollered to establise the same in an adjacent ally The business us for crib; very remunerative and re ltable;reamrtnß but small cawsl and a rare mamba r for permanent hustoees to a business min. j r e camcorders, apply to B. .B.ObaBS. 61.*., . • No. 113 N North NIN•l 11 St. E'LENtill) COUNTERS, SITELVEUG, no. %WERE!. 4.140.. for ante at bevy's old Btoro nhestnut street, below Filth. Apply is 1316V1,1i1E Woo. above Thompson. oat 6E" NATHAN W. ELMS, Tv ()HAIR AN u 0 xBINE'r MAKERF.— Tier Pliwnix Wood-Rending Compan3, owners of " Blanchard a Patent." for the btava or New York, Now S- may. ih.onaylvama and Marylacd, sen county, torn. or shop rt.Lt•. or grant beacon to use. willatty tome 'blue in the only patent. All infrinc^rs be ottictiv dealt with A poly to JOHN SII.mBY. or C.A. BURG Et 3, No. 34 BItO4I)WAY, New YOU. oc4•d3m qp,BRICK MANCFACTURERS.—A RARE ,OPPOR.TUN (TY IS OFFERED.—The owner or a trai , t of fine White Clar Boil, suitable lor the finest quality of Brink, situate oh a Navigable River. th rt) miles from New , ork Mk,. with Do k or the nrondeeq. and adjicent to a Rall , cad, is desirous treating with a competent person. either to rri,nufaci tor. the brick at per thnn.and, deliverable from the oak, or lame for a term of years on liberal terms. To such a Party fatalities wilted he granted. Daly or ad dress, for full particulars, with reference, to GEO our, ROGERS of-6t 441% PE hitt, St., New ) ork GitY. FPO LET.—A desirable Store, located at nouthrort corner of FOURTH and MARKET strerts_i now vacant, ano to lot. Apply at 110.00 b CHEoTNtyr fitreer. - - VOA BXOVIANGE.-A CHOICE TBACT of good unnnprovea farmland m the State of New Ramey, converuent to the city. will be exchanged euraperty. Apply at Pio. Itl9 FEDERAL Street. pa LARD-OIL FAOTORY.—To rent, a FEL LARD-OIL FACTORY with 32 Patent Lever Promo, with Plates, Begs. Tuba, Kettles, Tanks; all In complete order. Apply_to ROWLEY. ABWEIJRNPR, & 004 N 0.16 shOUTH WHARVES. MISSOTJ/11. LAND I I 3 00,000 Acres for Sale, at nriqeg ranging from Iv/ to 60 conts or Acre, in nuy onantaties reoluroli. - TAXES pint, and PATENTS proeupwl for Puroha se riot iand ender the Ortuluatiop Act. Plots furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For further informat. on ar1. 1.1 4 G8 CO.W ee ° . er c u i ft s t B . to n Ag ti ts e , t_ tween THIRD and FOURTN ST. Lows, 141 V. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. tic:4m INSURANCE COMFANIES. THE MUTUAL LIFEIVSURANCE COM PA' OF MAY YORK. Aseretg : SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, ttiVESTALI VI . ST MORTGAGIM .r/Zir AAA. WORTH OV bit 0/3 0002%** The premiums are LoWER than in many other Comea• nies, and the Divntends have been GREATER. This is a strictly Mrrosu COmpitky, There are no Btookholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS Basica TO THE INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, nuty be had an ,tt ts, on gentlest on to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, 8. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFFRFNCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, - Mordecai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, 'Cleorso M. !Stroud. B. M. who en. John - H. Mums, J. Fisher Learning, Joserl, tatterson. Wham C Ludwig, Joh:, M. Atwood, - Arthur G. Collin. Thomas R. Powers, George W. '2'olned. William McKee. Thos. Wattson. n2.1-Ir*il FAME INSIMANUE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL 1856, BY 'THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS, MtnTolls. ' Samuel Wright, D. H. Hinter. Witt. W. Walters, J. W. Evermerl, Chas. Diellardson, Henry Lewts. Jr., "Geo:A. West, Jacob W.Steut” - 0. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Thos. O. . GEORGE W. DAY, President. ' 'FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vine rrels'L WILLIAMS I. BLAIVIIIARD. Secretary. rjall-ift VECIIANGE INSURANCE COMPANY IL: 4 —Office No. AO WALNUT Street. FINE INSURANCE Von Rotuma and blerolisndme Senerafir, on [exorable Onus, carer limited or per voltam!. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bones% Edward D. Roberts. John Q. Ginned°, John J. Griffiths, • Joshua T. Owen, Reuben O. Rol?. Thomas Narah, John taral. L. fimedleb T N Nl D erefte . t j te r tOnts. J ItliitllAli BONSALL, President. JOHN GINNOLO, Vies President. Envrann W. Usurp. PaOratarT MAU tad Ciileatl A MfERIOAN SAVING FrllND.—Cora -4-A. ? tr i btalut(thic. gothesat ire r :Potovk, and on al t .tir d ti Y emen/ M ug, Ilia via maticution has paid n 111 6 0114 on armand. without nottedi._, lIITENEST FIVE RUN CENT. All sums paid bank, on demand, in gold andeilier, TRUSTEES. ALEX. ,VIIILLDIN, Pregident. SAML: WORK, Vine Yteentent. tilt 2.1 m /ta lc.. T. Rame c il e. Oprf . olu t len John Aikma, Son as_Nownian, din Win. J. Howard: JOHN B.WIIAON ,Treaanrer. JOAN O. BINA. Neoretarr. au2l-tm QPRING eARDEN SAVIIIG FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, hetwecti 'Virg and Gallo - whin. Incorporated by the Legielatnre Apri , 14th, 1661. Open for Decocts &Ed payinenta, twit 9to 2)9:Velma. Alec, on MONDAY and TIFiIIABDAI BVENINGS, from., tc, 8 o'olook. - Intermit aver cent. per annum. - Depositors can with draw their Moneys by Oheolas, if desired. Special De ponite received. JAMES S. YRINK.E. Prealdeat. PDATIV.I• FiNvratnr• cato-.ll'it DIVIDENDS. reTNIE OF TIM AMERICAN FIRE 't-F IN URANCE COMPANY, 0 'Tun RIL 7.18'0. • •11,9 Plrooto , g have this day deolared a dividend of PIVIL La 11.73 per share for the last esa reoutha. whieh anti he patd to the Btookhohlers or their legal representative,. on and after the 11th tent:mt. exalt!. BM) Of State tax. • A O. L. CRAW F 071.1.7, oa:10t' ' ,t eeetetary. Al IL LINER'I. a l MISSES OTtt , AN, 014 CIELESTNUT Street, ntWve Nint. will open Pari9 MAnery for Ho en n. on tll 8 8DAY, Oatoblr 11, 18e0. oe9 12t` 0- 1 mils. 1%1 11. KINO 27 South SECOND /OrPet. corner of Black Horse TO ley vill oven Fall and Winter Millinery on I.III.I.MSDAY,October nth oeo-6t* PIANOS AND MUSIC'. PIANOS ! PIANOS !!. PIANOS ! I PIANO-F.RTE L nl io-Pou'rva. MMLODEONS, Made by Raven, Damn, Co., Nunne & Clark, linuett, Dave. tc Co., and ahem J. B. GIOULD__,_ SEVENTHand OHESTN OM. STEINWAY R 6 SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER:STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE ORAN)). AND SQUARE PIANOS. now preferreo in concerts and in private circles by the best Performers. Received the first otennums over the best makers, from judges like Gottschalk. !Hamm, and other% Challenge all competition. BLA CHESTNUTEW. (15-IY 1006 Street. . _ W.l HAINES BROS.' OVERSTRUNG P A TRN CT lON TIOO FORTES, " Cheapest First-Class fiance made. it splendid assortment of Loals XIV, and other styles. for sale al Factory Cash Prices, •utd warranted fore seam. Beend-hand lianas for sale and to rent. GEORGE L. WALKER ' , 8, E. Igor. of BENJ. DOM and AR CR Bt.• PRINCE Er. CO.'S Improved Id.I.II..ODEONS, from vs, upwards. Itthins IFGWIBURNS' CELEBRATED •ROSE WOOD and -full metallic-elate P lAN ()- FORTES ; and Estey & Ureen'm liartnoma and Eolosn Mel , doom The above inst•umenta are of the very latent linprovements. and haat maces, For amle at ,A 1,11811.11 lance store, No. 11013 CHESTNUT Street. Im M ARM'S NEW IMPROVED PIANO INSTR rOTION BOOK. Easiest method of.La goring, together with abeautiful selection of wnnalnr nieces and proormive lessons. evor before published in .a small work—price only tocents—at Al:Laski 11, Mute Store, (102 aiIitSTNUT Street. 0e..5.11u MUSIC—From all Catalogues in the United States, at One Cent see nap—at 1118 MARKET Street, °Yves's° the Pinnate Mammoth Motion Roush. ona-tm WINNIOI'S INDEPENDENT VIOLIN PLAY K.H,Nos.I, 2, 9,4, 6,8, 7, and•S, are now ready—price cents—at MARSH'S Alum store. 11.02 CILKSI.I4 UT Street. ocb.lm .;‘ THE BIIISSORIBER would re ebeetfully in'Orrn Ms friends and the yobbo that he hate taken the ;Wash[Osten S tibias, Nos. 4 , 16 and 41S PRUNE, between Fourth and Filth streets, f 'wetly reveres° by I. edeLaush lin, where. estate? at - 11 ' ; 9trthles 3.11 eltraCols,l Street, they can be aeoom-- mtmted with _Carriages of all kinds and deeetaptions. Harlekreplenished hie etoek of liorees, he, feel' war ranted in I•aying that they cannot fail to meet With the' approvat thh, roost twohltous. ocl-50 TAMES LIVIT., , . ;LT, i ICIC=326E di& Ao, A niERI DEISM 'OP WM7. , • TiLt,stA tr'&..srknicosolve rrAttiakr oPPJui. • ••;• G•Hut,ND - GAL A••PITG..,HV , fit 13 OLi 0.}C.0 I , JAVA D -RH E r RAW. THIS (W.EDIVEDAT EVAN tighli) v etarrn .,,,,i . , under thy . Ftinetvivienk at • -'" . ... -_:_, THE CORIUM rES 91 7 'EaltAllfJE wlivz thajoitawmgopwrom entertaining:tants ennted, in nocorde4o4.loth_the wisbem of Lotd en • fists, to whom thormOrtOlre was manna Iced "for se go tten, viz : — V . ; • - " ; - " • ' . " , PLiirow , B4ORAND OPERA, -•', - - • .. . - OF MTFIPa, -- And the l'irst A ct U ct of Verdi'm ODOM of - - LA TRAVIA.W4. _ . The' performance will 'commence nreoleely at o'clock, with iheEnglieh Aether of • ODD itaYi3 Ta. Quisers. To be followed by Flotow's Orand Opera of MAR.TR*, qnyvhioli °melon the renowned Baton, CARL FORM:VAL Will make biz firm appearance. ranee his rattan from Europe, in hie celebrated mimed role of Pluniet.. LADY 8ENR1ELTA...'..........—0DEL1N A P AM NANCY BRIGNO • . —..N. BAWL!. UNKET.. • •CARL 'ORME& mintiam Pawnor and Conductor of hIART ..... yfiIAiILARETZISK. bo followed bY tm the T I RMAA; COLSON. ALFR - i. DO.•• . • bionics( Threolor and Conductor • gum. Tho Ticket (Moe will be open from 9 A. N. Kahl 5 P. Itl. Reserved Seats in the Wm Tier (Amphitheatre). Two Dollars; not reserved. One Dollar. Too Canal* to the Thirdillier will be on Locust street. that to all other parts 01 the Academy by the main doom on Broad street. OE. _ • - The price of admissio N n, with secured seals tie W4E:h. ph ithestre will be Two Oollersati order to give an opNr tundylto ell olaesea to attend this Grand (1..1a night The noma,sement has fixed the price to the Amptuttitietner for the admission, at 81 To every ticket of admission entitling the hol.der to a reserved seat to attached a coupon speoifying the number and location of the seat, which mart be pre served by the holder, (after being shown to the asher,i which will entitle the holder to the same seat throuck out the evening; the admission tickets being left with the ticket-takers at the doom. This evening the Moors will be opened at halfwit six o'olook. (half an hour earlier Gum usual.) estsithe performances will commence at eight o'clock precisely, The public, are requested to occupy their meets fifteen minutes prior to eight. Those who are not seatedon the roans of the curtain will hive to remain in the eor ndors until the termination of the first eat. /The Pornuette. Parenotte Circle. and the - First end Fecund Tient, will be thrown open. and ocirrusonicets with each other, the general entrance to the en/Alberni* on Broad •street But. in order to facilitate the seating of visitors holding reser T I ERt. in THE SECOND (PamilyCirelt. ) " The most. entrance to this part of the pease, on "menet street, Wti!. *No be °tepee NOTICE—THE USHERS will he _d stinguished by white rosettee. and at by ,badges of the,same color as the tickets Um for the particular part of the house under their tision. on which will be designated the section toi l :M.:7i hey are appointed. Observance o(thene directionewt greatly facilitate the seating_of visitors. TOE FABE LtoT. , With the exception,of the Prase (to whom special tick ets will be given) will, on this occasion, be entirely sue seeded nor will any period be admitted without a whet, on any pretext, • pOTICK 04 X lio As it in confidently exneeted that the oust - mars ett . quette of full evening dune will be observed by all the* visitors, the Cloak Room of the Academy lirift be thrown open and pla,,ed In charge of fully-qualified attendants. NOM K.—cafe ft, AUL& Drivers or-carriages Conveying visitors to the Acade my will observe the pollee regulations and let down heading eolith, and take up . haadiogicorth limit 1I C PROM Eci ADE 7.11311ET8.• A ed number of Pr , menade Tiekets. radmittbse die holders to alt parts of the house 1 wilt be tamed at 'the Box Office this evening. Price Three "Dollars sigh. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC GRAN D 0 LORD IN EOM) LORD DDINPRZW, TRIAD TIVAt TICKF.TB. ' .A !united number of Third Tier ; Amphitheatis tiak ,:ts,wititout secured seats will bs issuedtto-day awl en nine, at the entrance on Locust street. Price Otte Dot-, tar each A &BRIO AN ACADEMY OF 311140.—' 4- -A . The Direotore of " THE ACADEMY OF MUSD% 'YEW YORK," resoec•futir announce that they vitt sive &brief Beason of Five N,ghlo of ITAL .whauti willtu, inauguratedlAN OPERA. TRW ( W.N.D.NEBDAY) EVENING, Oct, 10, By the GRAND GA LA NW RT IN 11 , -NOR OF Lotto RENFREW, The Directors bee reapectiuthrto annnunoe that. Both dm view to make this prevent short seetsooMost ,uant, they have determined to close •• The mew Westir , Academy of Muria," and to concentrate all _thew atrild7 farces for that purpose in tare city. • The grand corns o lyric artists who via appear will be accompanied by their own • CEtaißß &TED AND FPI y .- • OELCUESTRA COEB. ad neither effort nor expense wiil he pared tO Ids= these performances extraordinary' cornpletenews eclat. • . THE PRICE OF TIORETB 'With the arteeptlon of Wednesday eYenusg, October WO will amain the same lUS WIWI • qietag can he secured for four. or Friday andPataw testae, at the B Office of, the Academy, at th- Payee and,Ylano Moro of Book es Lawton. - and Chicketines. - BECOND h KIRI% FRIDAY BVENING, 00TOBER 12, When wdl be performed Verdes new and celebrated Opera of - . .. . . . THE storbuix VESPERS. . With Madame Pauline Colson and Signor Suomi, who will m-ke lis first appearance as lads af Procuta. It L _ ORD RENFRE.--A few choice seats W for the Qtand Gala Opera. to oe liven at the Aca demy. of 11111,10. in honor of the Priem* of Irak this everurenoen be had at the office of the boardotusear ((RAND GALA NIGHT IN HONOR, OF LORD RENFRE PT.—Right • aholoe seeti,•hs tire beet part of the house. are to be had et BECK tr. LAw rom 8, 1'32 404,ESTNII s' basset. , • CIIPILR TO-NlGHL—rFortr choic6 adjoining. for sale. Apply at Pro/ aloe. It MIAGANT SUITE, OC:APARTM.S42II mL.a TO, L4T, with Orn plus Aottrautg 7 14dttipf Parlor. ' !Roan' Lowstah 0010 $t WHEATLEY do CLARKE'S AROBST. ,• • THEATRE. - 'ANOTHER NOVELTY! First nitht of the new and Drama by Star- , img Glynn. author of • Eve hI r _y!siriond. entlthid THE ERCHANT A D CLEANS!. THE rdEftnflANT A D ftle CLERK* ! THE. Nth RCILANT - AND HD. °LEAKS !. • To commence with the lastgreat bits ogled 2RE ROYA t.loT " - TDB ROYALInTI Thegreatest onmbinatton ever offered! Eight(' Grand Idattnoe on Saturday next, at 2 o'cdoeir. W . ALNUT-STREET , THJKA.TRE , - Boie Lansee.........L.—Mti• BT. A, eARRIsTrif. State Manager —......— —Mr. WM. A. CRAP .• Humus Mem.-- . ... —_...fdr. 108. D. MU/LP TRH; CINEDNESDAYI EVENING. - • - TEE FAIRY OIROLIs. , - - - • . Con Mr. Birner kledeohne... I . .Ir P a. Barney Vllllikes LACE. With Mre. Berney 'tillllama in Mr characters, With a emn. - THE , HARPY NAN. PadtlyMurphs-. Barney Willieina. Doors open st . aquarter to 7 o'olook ; pOrforntisnoes 001n;nonee at 73 o ' clock. OW" Prioes as usual. mcDONOUGH'S OLYWRIV (Late GALE- TlEs.) RACE Street, hsleer r Third. Engagement of Little Cordoba IRivard. J. E. MoDOTtoul4 hAt the Keettnekiee. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, October 9. Will be performed (first time for many years} the ling Drama of , , UNCLE 10i1 , 8 Eva Cordelis Howard. 'ropsy.— Mm. G. C. Slower& St. their— .-- C. C.. %ward. All the original mem will be sung. Cinlinesed and Written expressly for thin family. /reale 'Porn Frank WhArake, ' J. E. AloDotionigh. l'riee of admission, 25 centa; Family Circle, /loalita. CONCERT HALL. THIE EvErrovo,AT 8 O'CLOCK, - AND EVERY EVENING. TUE ROx AL WEEK. GRAND He - BOWMAN t OF FESTIVITY: IN HONOR OF BARON RPNFREW, PR[NCI. OF WALES t FROFESSOR ANDEIISON , iptrodace A in the eoursoottoe - - ROYAL EfrI.p.R.IAINIM PAT. Tho same Experiments and Feaee of Woner If Bich he had the honor of di spleylat before - THE RUleh'N OF - P.NG AND, PRINCE ALBAR • and P the PRINCE O - wALEs, - - - BALMORAL CASTLE,ST 184. - BUCKINGHAM. PALACE. 1550, d at WINDSOR CA an NTLIE,ENOLAND. VeiDs the same Inexhaustible Nottle - wh oh the Queen handled. and "ut of which she tamed, and Which de• lighted the Prince of Hales when he Was seven Jean of ago. THE pßoasethlME This week will be immensely attrt•otive. aad Hui of ROYAL AND lAIPERIAL WONDERS. Doom open at 7. 8. Soak: in Dotlv of Hall, 80 cants; ealeotir, 23. OR AND MATINEE, WITH rim HALL MIAMI 1, D, SATURDAY NEXT. AT 2 O'CLOCK. Er To the mauneo. on daturday. eohools y: a aditat ted at ha:f price. oeFl-8t CONTIN.TNTAL T,3 ZAIT (Late Nationald WALNUT Street, lthnto SEVENTH WiSkR OF OAR NOPOSS AND SHARP RY'B NIINoTREL*. THE PEOYLE'd F ‘VORITES. Whose performances are nightly grecteo by the largest and most fashionable ancrienees ever assembled (evil ness kthioptan delineations.. AIONDAY RYRNiNG, October 8 12A0, And every VVOI))110 during the Week. ' AN ENTIRELY NEW PROoRAIeAIk% Exhibitms the executive talent and individual %Ins& lality of ads • bREAT COrd.INATION CF STARS. XX' gee the Small inns; Admieeion 2e cents. SA FORD'S OPERA 11OUSI. ELEvRNTN STRIAE'S. OPRN .POR dEt.BON,_ NEM, DECOR.h.TEP , AND PAINTED. NR. SANFORP Ras secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever Dreeentet heretofore, who will neonr nightly . . Hanford will perform evert evening. Dome open at T ; Commence at M. - Ad m.ttanee :Silents. Children 13 dents. iell•lm CAB', WOLFSOLIN AND THIODURt THOMAS'S SERIES OF si:x cumvcAD SO!- REE 9, at the Foy Eft of the ACADEMY OF M 810. Subsoriphoqs will be received at the Music Stores of tr. Andre & 1104 Chestnut street fLos & 'Walker 752 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton, Seventh Chestnut streets; and Tb.A. Schmidt, Junipet'aaaud Chs..tnut street', where the programmes andpartau loss can hs soon set 2 6wv OEN NA. ACADEMY OE THE FINE ARTS.-1095 0311187NST Street. Conteining a large collection of ,P_ainginge andLetoalig tu re, le now 0p , 311 daily from 9A. p. X Ad uneaten 23 gds.. children anderl2 7eass.2l cents. FITZPATRIOR. :"& BROTHERS, lII* AUCTIONEERS, 604 CHESTNUT Street. abovo SIXTH.—SaIo of TICKETt4 to the. Brand re' opplmn of tho Princo of 'Wales at the Academl Alexia, to be sold at Auction THIS DAY at 12 o'olock Precisely, at our store, 804 CHESTNUT Street. A ticket to one Proeconium Box, and a few of the accent seats in the Academy. It THE BRITISH AND .NORTH HIPS. AMERICAN RorAl, MAIL BTI AM 77t0hr NEW TORT TO Ltvznecen. Chief Cabin, Pannell-- ••-----.01 , 0 second Galen Passage— ..... • TS TROII Boum TO LIVRAPOOL. Chi e f c a bh, p a arAse. .elle Second Ca.m (xi The ships from New York oall at cork Harbor. The shins from Boston call of Halifax and Cork Ear- CA_.NA Wi t Cant. Leap VII RS ATI I I A A'. °B Ca P n t i. J .P. d e I ton S a .. . - AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. ABTA. Capt. b.. G. Lott. NIA BRA. CaptAndeWn Anew, cant. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt..l LOAM. SCOTIA. (vow tgulding.) Those panels navy &Meer white light at mast-head ; g r een on etatbos.rd lxox ; red on Port bow.. 'PERIIIA. udkins. leaves N. York. Werinestlas. 001. in A CANAD .Atlerson. Boston. Wednegday. Oct 11 AFRICA, " I‘t .or r,Wedsea y (mu II ARATHA. htone, " Boaton,'Wednesday. Oct. 31 ASIA. Lott Yors t ilyedneron, N ora KUROVA,Moodse. " Boston. wednesday, Euv.l4 PERSIA, sudking, _ N. York,Wedneanay, Nor. s 4 Bertha not enured. until paid for, - An exharienoed Surgeon on hoard. - - The owners of these slues will. not be ilooenntabla ter Gold, Silver. Bullion, tiperoe. Jewelry: Propose Meow or/Betels, unless bin, lading eructpei e the it i;or and the WIWI!, thereof therein expreisied. - or t ore*. sage. apply to R. ooll) 4 Bowling Green, Neer ark: r ss T' 0,11111 R ILROAD, leave rer,_ B ooll e t_lMl - and MARKET al 7.30 A. 4,, 11.31) P. m a , end 4 • • On. Banda); lie Pluladelplas et yr A . 24,i aid 445 Chester At 4 P • • -0 fiIEnTAL MURKY • . .- Se • ... 1-0,03: Pound of andel} vitt do Ismaili& ranit4o4ll4 o 4 it better ; than three of amputee - tefn. 7 i i i)..,..41411 no bothng_ nor:tubbing' ea ti weelelmo • .ef , teuPo families are twit eonetanily using it' , it,inetainisma to give eauefaetton,` or Minn the monier. Au fe e nesta.. bleOrocers have it Resale. . • - - - - t, , •-•- ,',' - • ,•• - r , t•• .e •:P . laat i lli t •iii •NN. aniii•vra ittk . . ' ', 211 4 game .•.,.; ~ , t it/ 4•.•;..1.1,i,i a... 7.12 gi,