THEROYAL AMERIOOI- TOUR. NOTES OF THE 'R,i4NOE'ep:ORNEY CINCINNATI i PIITSBURO„:BALTIMORE,,s AND WASHINGTON. 1 , 7114 ft-bro. ItzwspAeras UV. George lll's 'Deenant spotting Wa of ilaing. ton's Sword sc e nd ,the lieclsratdon Independence. The Reception at the White Hence, /TDMEI AND INOIDENTB Wo condense from the voleadnoue correspond enoe of the Nnts, York ,farnals„the accounts of the AsFoolotod P rent, stild, the Pantile of Omelet:aid, Washington, and 211altImnie, additional items and inohlonliteintive to the tear of the X 3 rinee. We have elrendy published telegraphic aecoutita, of the royal - jr Iraq, but the following paragrapba In addition tti ill no' doubt Ito found very interesting:' I t CI NCIRNATE. Thy., , Bicolnhati eorreanondent of the Heraid, ‘ the morale% after the Prince's arrival in thataity, saS e : The Mayor, it M. Bishop Vilt,.l.iincm the Prince and found, him still teat asleep, exhauitid by iferigae.' Thi3''Prince must Gee Parkutialia, however, /Ind.'s° he was roused up, ate br2 , iit33t,tar.i..WFll revly to. start at eleven o'olc.k. The orowdlnbent the hotel wee immense, and the cheering 0/138 moat e athaataetio. Tho Prince ws3 - dressed - his ordltiery -grey pante ; blue c3at4eidterhireibet, and 'looked, as the people decidedly seedy ~ Evidently-bola ro.. cervitic'his chirp - Ws toi/stsa for' New yoi k ;for all the heat - skates purchased for bier at liemilton bai a reulidned unused lima far. ' The throng uPoti both sides of the street maintained perfect order, but a rabble of boys and Mein ran after the car ringe,ailltribel upon the back and wheels,"and, foiled in shaking the Prinee's hand, insietrif Upon taking teal tf, hie kneta: The party.iiere driven thtnaila the principal streetteef the °BY, end then vi itad'the adarcita . pertion; where . hogs are killed ehd - packed, ectl * erre , the ruultifartotia smells of Celogea are rarp3aftil in number, etrongtb, and variety. Sn elfert--fortunately utistutceseiful—was made to in,lgne the paSty to inspeld one of these otitribilshments. „The Prince was then taken to the 41 Clifton, , where he was dtiven' throu33h the grounds of Mr. B. Boler," a very wcaltbi - ..-private gentlemen. at whole residence' the party were afterwaideregided with en elegant lunch: A grtitt comber of people had collected in the - triatket see. the , Priace.when ho shouldXttend the'exhibition of steam ere engines; but fho,paiirreturned idle from.iireir drive, and bad prebably a yiholesoihe tear of ateam,engines, after their experience at tit. Little, and so , tho rp3acarors were disappointed A main PRINC2I, AND Vow r9R DISMOORACT W 81313 lacrmiltiol2 •la regent to the °bulge in the p k i t eOs pro g ramme vr.;3l cot conveyed to the pee. I:1u of the vortuts totem!, and vilisgoi along the' mate; or d at every statics crowds Waal oat upon the rerri4t4 of the regular train:- Atter a few Of theta, gathering:a were nagged; a - peresetion of an opportunicy , for a aell dawned upon the mind of en acute.Weeterner. The brakemen were directed to refer the Bilden!, irgoirers to the leer car. A young man in a light cent, undertook to play the- Prince, eturput his head out of the ear window, in spitelof 'he tetra of the railroad company, !and a large in , n. with filming whiskers, wee transformed into the puke of. Newcastle by the 'application of n nano to hit shoulders' end the command, , Git up; Sit Duke," all of which evinced a knowledge ci the fordo and ceremonies incident to the crea tion of a duke: which may wall cause a fear that our prople aro becoming far too intimate with mouarchteal customs, which they may first under stand and then imitate. • If my Latin bad been an ready as re',N patile!leca, I would have commenced tho almveliaregrapb, IgAie (lid 'hid story, by "horrsceo ?orerens." THE LADIES EXCITED • The "Fell" being onto arranged and rehearsed, it was ispeated at every station. The crowds eagerly. inquired, '‘• re this the special train ? Which oor, is thePrinoe's?" "Rear oar," sang out the colored brakeman, "rear oar" eohoed the pameng,ers; away rushed the crowd; out popped the head, the collar of the white eoat, - the red whiskers shone - frau another window; "three cheers for the little Prince," and as the cro w d shouted the ttein:moved off, the dear ladies sum moning up their .00urage, and, condensing their crinoline, rushed ferward, waved their , handker , elders, •flung: _their , useless bouquets: - and each imagined that the Prime but bowed, to her solely and eipgularly. 'Evan at little _country stations, where the regular traitor do.not stop regularly, and white there was noexpeotation that the royal train would oven slow, Julies and gentlemen ware col „leered—some on. foot, some in carriages—to cheer the Prince, and every *betroth° enthusiasm seemed most hearty end genial. - nrcor £ITTS2O/10- TO BALT/MORE-TUE . EVICE HMI '• "-AN EYE TO CATTLE'' fielathe oorrepoodent of the Times : Z cot brae filew spare moments, while we are waiting for the train,whieh to to carry the Prince to Wash-. tosten,-to eepet tire movements of the royal party *;lone their dope tura from Pit tsburt For a long, long time, the Priboo, the Duke of eweestie r and Gentrat 13rue stood orlon the rear platform of the mageitiesor our wide 110 he placed at their disposal. They were deitghted; with the country through which they were osasitig,etoni.hed at the proximity of the towns Cud village, and/eur pyiaed Ct the unvarying apparels* of prosperity and well-to-do-ableness coutiifeated at oath and all of them. As 'is well known by all leers of geed ottile; theta 13 ke better grazing country in the world than that which lies at IttlerVAlS between Pltrebn, , , and Ilarti-horg Toe Duke of Newcastle has •k eye for the beauties and points of ripe andlberowthined cattle * and remarked with de light the sanest entitles droves of animate upen avotab his dye rested, utmost withont interruption, until the shades of waning prevented a clone ia- Epotion. Llnica roR 7flz slam Art interesting bight was Presented to the view as at duck the royal party eni led the subetantiel lusoh which had been prepared fur them by the kind thoughtfulness, of Mr. Gramma, or the Mo. ricieglikela The Prince, with the wend jlint of a chlikeu in hie right hand, and a piece of brown bread and buster in hie left; the Duke of Newt castle, wishn triangular piece of Waehington pie ; lioneral Btu , ' with a beet sandwich, and thy rest with bteld and haver, oheeeerterkey,o4ke, apples, owl g,Aper,, sitting in all issaginahlo raltions, and talking with the most merited pronunciation, would have iviteuraled the intellect of any ordinary Ame rican w hi) iiit;ht -have chanced to be' presented oral turezimotodly to', the group sa the royal party 11:1P, 4R4VALING CAR OP THE PRINCE The oar is Which the Battu end his Stilts came over fium Baltimore is an ordinary passenger car oaten/11y, with the UE8:11 coating of red palut, niid the revielte appurtenances of a ,ellaufortable travelling tarrisge. Inside it i* divided into sec. Vona, 'be hint being furbished with -a lounge. beastly cushioned, a 'stationary table, and several steals. A map of the Baltimore end Ohio - Aultroatli and O-her appropriate ehjects for refe rence in connietion with the route, travelled over hii .lordelitti; were suspended from the wells. Thu „solou,i'esn'iqn is a eleopiug apartment, con. Mining fair brae, arranged in the lowa of berth!, two oti atteit ride, with snowy linen sheets and ern brAliertl curtains. A washstand and mirror, and other toilet. ovevenietoes, Occupied appropriate spice en one side of the room. The third 0010• p itatrout was flate/3EIBII with lounges. chairs, camp coots, tc.o, and tut i stationary table a large and bcautifel botquet of rare fhwers was pissed, which Mauna its inviting fragrance throughout the oar. ViCIDIVST3 OP VIZ RICOSPTION 11l WASIE Quito a large party were gathered near Trinity Church. on earner of Third and 0 stream, togor a at the royal party; and an assemblegeof equal rizd -nta stationed at the corner of Pennine% avenue sad third street for the seine purie,se A err ,eas ratted that the oarrlsges were turning down B street towards-the arenas. and the street crowd—r4b, women, and elnldron—iteme-; tilately ettrted pall-well in that direction. The ovet,ue party seeitg the movement, rushed up Third Street - in the direution of B, street and the tutu to ea ocmiug together, but only efr:ctually blocked up the street, but got into a meet cent plleited eutAnglentent, end by the time they 'had enter.ted item It the royal party, were olefin out of al,tht, and we fear that with, the disappoit anent and the, oreSh and &Nino ion of crinoline, the fair Ott of tarots parties returned home %anything bet an amis.hle frame of mind. ,ADOENTettell OF AN BCCENSIIIO OHNTLIIIAN. A largo, plothorie individual in undertaking a Short out aerate the avenue, was nearly inn ' over by Mtn of the hacks whiott' careered so madly up the avenue in the rear of the royal party., wee seen shaking hie fist at.the driver inn evidently swearing awfully, whenanother hack whisked past lum toe near to be pleasant. Changing the ditto. flan of hie flat and his volley ,of oaths to the last offandor, sot another carriage came thundering upon hint. oorYelling him to retreat to the curb. steno, where ho gesticulated and marled at his leisure. Notwithstanding the brief notioe of tho publie reeeplien given by the President this morning at the Bxecutivo •Ditinsion, in honor of Baron 'Ben. frow, there s:mu an immense gathering present, .Toe dnera wore thrown open at 12 o'elook The roaption was to have continued until 1 P. M., but after tno expiration of half an hour, the Baron Riposting comileraidy fatigued, it was deemed beet to have him retire. • ' BARON ON namtarrosr. Thi3, of °mime, terminated tho reoeption, to the al&sitiolidutont and regret of mottoes; who bad not (amid it coriveltiont to be present until after that Limo. Tho Baron, however, 'afterward took pn'.l Oa= et the central window of the mansion, whore an eicellent opportunity wee afforded those bolo* of beholding , him, During 'ha 4.mill:tn., the Baton, with Lord Mons, took position at the President's right band. heitCl 4 mi tnimatrer hi:PAIRS gulidings, Dr. Blake, officiated in making the preeentalions, now 'rad =PASvdB D17.783DD-213 vent Doter PIT. - The Prieto was dressed very =oh as on yester. "(Inv, in a heat of blue, gray . pantaleons, a badly fitting ,whitu vest. (be FbOUld employ, au 4smoricen with banns ringlovad: - Aa the visitors him, ha incllard his head to each in turn, though vary many of the ladietimanttged by hook og orook to shako hands with bun. TDB Palm/MDT TN GOOD OMITS' - - , .:realdont Buchanan, who seanied- in excellent ePirits. went through tho mai hand-shaking or ' dcal - ofthception (Ilya with eheracterfstio ease and cordiality; and the royal visiroe , tioubtleis got Shoe neirwtinkles as tothe dem:matte simplicity which ,characterless 'be interconts between rule! and people i i the United States. , 7 TRi oirioolia 09 VID ARMY AND NAVY, ' 'Alf the mew horpof lbo Cabhet, with their hives, ~ 'iiier4e6A:'rtt. "Of i.. 1 ...Liar., of the array 'and navy, ', elipeoredirkfull unifarid, :mit i sv " d°°id°4l btit " , ,_- liattoy '4O rtho .- --I,Ease• Roo& I andlta gay aroWda. " . ..•':ll7ll3.lkThriaa Band War,prattent in !nil force, and die. _. , • . ~ . • . P : , 00 . 01 . 800 ti.POLCO Ilattillt. . `:: '-.-.: -'''',. : ',T." l'hailliAnos At , inli CArziaz.. • , ' - 'At itinontrance friths ettaiera front Of the Capi ,:-fol, the'diatiogutahaA party , ' wen) - reirsivod in At . 1., — • ahtfiwt, rt. t; Wittier:end 'paps; Franklin; Oht-f Z FigB.l‘. PREIJUM AWARDED, at tti ts - liniinisoi dt.iiii.Ouviiin " Aarvoci r oa c t :apt.. , late, /417 114 . 7 - S aelet YPll, Li b l : 3 s ,l4 l ) : 4 PL 7 4 1 17..... '. f;W A Z l PDlnel.gtbns - glid: , Ostortga,tb"Figb th e 15.1 i ‘i;ilr . on iin n n d n', N . 4 a eia l ig ilarpers Ferri, Farwell - .4 1 2.tti .vintiticiirs h ii.tot, Os, ',Ally _ T elltt four -Acts and bta4 l l4r#,as. Louts, and ti , Emibril. a ' Parffelt - t7 - a rltictis ataimilii , • blettste Chow : R u ipie ,,,, t r,,,nii, wi„ t i r . , .. o or.i n , brr and th<, eouturttcee,iihrithi - thetkaittirebe rotorida i 'weirreAberp§lo4 Weird 'end exiiniined 1149.ftAX, refined, in cases told barrel; 2 io#iitnyt 4 i4lortnt.,tbel.;vitiotor iistk*tl i nint , 1 romikti. winiiziktoptggahat,i .:ir 2.1 411 41.` . • li*Mklitik# ll q/0 11 .0 144 till °to*, ~.0 , 1, / 9, ,-..v. - •v - ", , , 17 ' 'O, ,". 41 • ,..i '3 if e ,'' r ~ ..• , i .:;?1, tf. 4 - gt.'..i..Vri • , ,,a4 , , , 529 r 1 '' ' - i - : ,t• i of Ropregentatives to the new halt - Of - the Mese, whfare several of the partraittdaanany inquiries iottehing the arrangements and regulations, each a loqutritigletioh thelhalt the iAdminis. fiation Iniehthere , erotipyi , and , whloh • the opPeg tioo, theitioitne of sane to ‘the filet% and gelloidda by the-people at large, etc. They thew pelemd, bpeaker's thence Ay a private stairway„to the Agtioalturat and other towns, the Naval and Military Commit. teq apartMenta,_and ellimrscf the E,enato, and eX prosaed 4116=411ms highly gratilled with what they sat: During the 'half hour. Diet the- Derail and EITIVO.TESIdnad Wilde the 0 {One crowd ci persons had tomeinbled on 'and about the stops of the east front, eager to obtain a peep at the nation's distinguished goats. .Af ter tatting e outsarY survey of the surroundings from the peril. co of the east front, the,party descended the steps. mitered their carriages, and returned to the Exc• cativo mansion. THE PRINCE ANNOYED—air LoOKS Al' 'WARDING TON'S SWORD. The party, attended by Secretary %hempen, then rode through miens crowds to the Patent Office. This, like all the, other public buildings, wits °lova against all visitors to-day, and bad it not been for the very kind - interference of Lion Mr. Sickles, the reporters vrontd have been unable - to triter stall-. There-wee an immense gathering of :people on the steps' and araund the building. Tho Prince and big suite were taken Timidly thkough the Various offices, and up into the Exhi bition 1V30171. There ho listened to long explana- Hope of 'Mullins models. All the clerks of the va rious offices joined the hundred partioular friends who were invited to be present, and together they tinnuted the Prince wherever 'he went, as dogs wduld Chess a' rabbit. So groat was the annoy ance that the Prince would not sign - his name in the visitors' book, but requested that it might be tailed to , the private office, 'when he cheerfully gave big , nntogreph. Re was much interested in the war sword of iirashington, end in the various relies 'of the Pother of our Country' which are this's' preserved. An ancient printing press wee examined very closely,' and - the Dake of Neweas lie acid that; from ell aoooupts, the New York printing presses are somewhat of an improvement 04 the - one exhibited. Tar 81110.! A GAY rOinfe OVITZEIJAY. - A large number of bites Lano'a personal friends were invited to witneea the fire-works from the windows' of the White. Rouse. 'The Prime wan in high apirite all the evening, and made himself agreeable to many a fair dame, not alone by reason'ot hie title, but because ne developed him.' ao)f for the brat time sal a gallant and gay young gentleman, who seemed desirous of pleasing. OpINION OF TUE LONDON REPORTERS !The London reporters soy that the reoep , lon of lordship by thb Amerioan people is very gratifying to that gentleman mills suite, as well at highlymteditable to the people. ! TEC LADIES ON Tll6 NAP OP Tar ROYAL COAT. .After a shell, confab in, the Secretary's private Moe, anti Several views from different points of the bttlidirg, the Prinoe ,prepared to depart. As be did au, t.ivoral ladies tested tho nap of his coat; others crowded bef fie : him, and nothing was witted Which could add to any opinion he might previously,have formed ooneerning the moat radi oil Ideas of demooralio - freed on which prevail In the etipitel of the Milted States. PASSI;NCiEiIf, in etearesb:p Ke)atone , 6tate. for Obarleeton—J 0 W lilts. lad) . and owe; Mrs EowarJe, Minster Eder .rds. Mre Watts and pariy, tieo Ball. Pd , carr lhomas Herron, Afro' Dumas; Mien, Ittair. Dr .Poreher. T E Greg t. , Mrs Percher. Mlse Percher. Mrahl (reatlY. Mrs 'Kerr. Kebel. A Weinstein. J A ffirhelin. Ur Brad ford andlatly; Miss J Johnson. Mies 0 Johnson. Mr Hol ler and tads. Ran *own: Wnrii Ortmbalil elYe Ding, Whoa Parker. William -anth. J Ma. t> Wife, and tour ohtlde-.; W K firePoield 0 Archer, M Limb Bmnert. - A McGarry. P Fun T Kelly. J Hue party, J Adam,. P Vera!, Jae LePa, .1 Kelly. W Ircatr , J Komp. B Wolan. Ambrose. J Weataerron. T rtYen, A Boller.J nale.T &thin , }uny. P Conroy, J 013Taw. el Kelly. J Dolan. F leeefe, Pe Do ran. In Appleton M Donahue. W. German. John sten, P-Dolian J Al Germ!) Ito tan, e Kirlan. , F M (Mode, P urpay. 1' Mahone,. J Hinder, E Murphy, W Dorsey,.Coqins:and at in the Menage. earthttlATioN 8. (Retorted tor The Pieathl EA"TPORT—Brie Wheaton. Leman-817 We 27 half do fish 16 tr) a al' 863 GOO laths A Bond^rat co. N LW/3E101 , 41s t.—ltk•hr i-abhao. Nobtons-44 bbls Nobs turpentine 100 do tar 100 do piton 230 do rnoin Coobron k Kneeell; 100 bble note turpentjne 91 do whde roam 'Weis & Foster. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Et/WA RD 8. CLA dEE. 11 ARES Outl HAD,- 1.10111(ITTLEI or TEL Mein WAIL L. REIM: 111• LEItTEIt HAGS At the Mere/tan to' Exchange, Philadelphia. Slily Sarum*, Howland... Lleerwool soon Mbiy Ji in, Cranks. Lindsay--- —Liverpool, Bonn Bury Imnerador, Hubbard— ---Rerngrnbuoo, goon Bark Sea Haar, Kenny Havana, soon Sock Sancta. Staples--.slatanzau. spun Brig ( Hr) I...orran. •. A - fast. Ireland. anon Brig Slack Doonil.--- St Jago de lint'a e 4,011 ticbr l'qtbera) s Latmatatr.—..—. Barbadoas. earn pcimonnodo. 1 attnt.t ' Cuba, Oct 13 MARINE IRTELLIGENCE. P.ISXOy raiLAD.EI.4 , IOI4 , I, Oct: 6, 1860 SUN 0.189 1 i— —Bl9-81M1 SETS—.--. 5 1 IMM WA ---- .6 as ARRIVED. with Bootee. Crooker. 24 boura from New York, with ranee jpnesengera to Jes /tibia razs e d. Ie till , Brandywine. a tuft Dread • brill eomMK up ;bark l,oroolia. from :! oths brined, above tiro I. Oilit6ll2llt 'SUP. Slid 021308 Se before, brig repo tee aebo,e on'l3eo Davie Dhoot still remained, Nvlth S elanal tor as cotatme. Barg Jae Cook. Glanehard, 6 days from Boston, in bah feat to li A ifouday 4, tiobr EMblee. • obtain, V days from New born, NC, with .neoill stores to Cootiron , Brig Alfarests., khhhor, 4 mays from Providonoo. in ' balltst to L Audenned tr. Co. ; 8011.1 . it A Ro.ere. Etosarc,t. dais riOni bal last to it it Corson isgio. Sefir ID days from Portland, with noise to ciartain - Sour .111isfieldi"Dlay r 6 days Duni Boston, in bal. lastto N any tosts.t Su :r Smite Vrezie,Laay, 2 days from Milton, Del, with corn to Alma DlDninaan. EIEMEM! Stoannanp Reyitene s iiiae;VECielmnau, Charleston. A Peron. Jr. - Steamship City of Richmond, MiteheLl, itiohmontl, T \Vebgtar.Jr._ _ •• • flank Oak, Rider. Br': on, Twi He er. Co. - Brie Al - elate. 11.bber. Portland. L audenriod Co. bear (jou Byron, Barth Perram boon, ,1 M aeon Co Bohr ES 13 Strout: Mott. Prov.denco, Oaltovray & Morns Moor C audd. Hoe& Noiwioh, r 1 it Como dr Co, Behr 11A Rogers, Bogen'. ealern, N Rturm.Ant k CO, Boar Hansa, ISoaton. Noble. Itammett aldrreu.Ott Jit 1, Geo. her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. tiATLED. The 11 tS Mail eteamehir Ke.) sine e Btate. Cart Marsh man. far Uhalie.tou galled at 10 6.1.11 yesterday. wan tud freight and a nature( ut paesentera. ' ittorresondenee of the Philartelehat haohanee.; LEW Oot. S. The foci wing vestals are at Italian: Gahm Greoian Georgia, Umon. C P Ittickney, and Ocean Wave. Me east, with the atirearanze of ram, mars, So" N. W. lIICKMA.N. (i.leggegoondenoe of The ?ref.:, HAVRE DE GRACE. Odt. 5. 16'0. The Wyoming lett with 9 Watt, Innen and oomer.ned se follows; OrlOn.woeat, rye. ()eta &o, to It Kirkpitriek; 'Judge Lynn. bar vott to Verot k tiro; Union, inoOrtill to Wil mington; tt C,ork. co.} TOE Uuryougon It Gat J liitzeli. sir It Wen, Mai eorentan. Wait Louisa, and M J Link. do to Delaware taty. tUorreitr.onilen;e of Tne Yuma.) RE.(01140.0ot. 4. The following boats troin the Union Canal pasha:lin to the :sohoyucrii Canal to day, bound to .rhaindetphia laden and oonsiz nod no follows: • .. • . . ?nary, ,;ors woo , to Win eeanook; J & I Richard, flour, ao to Hinz k t:tilior; Mar, nbco lornbor Nor- O.Ohl 3 tihonts; remunrron tc.R.ymon. fro co Boni Any tut. ct+re ant ri,nue4, inmhar to Sand Bolton do Co; Sa rah Re unr.n. do to Chad Whik pie; .1 B Batley, bitunti hone colt to H n. R. b anytert, 3 11 .31t 1 H.33413. Steamship Camtmolge. How, a. oleated at Boston 4th Ins!. WI entladel duip e'agnm l'readwell, for Calcutta, onterorl for load , og at Livery of ult. Bii, p moo.. he, , or outoutta, woe in the river. Li. verp,, , ,l. 19,11u.:..miward booed. limp W J &erre, JE1. 1 419 , ./.1. from Liverpool 18 h April, at Calcuttalnti, Aug Bibip Jones. ut Liverpool 24th ult. from Ape. 12,11,p Ornuite St.te, Weeks. Isom LiverpoollBth April, 01 l.alcUttl ri ms le Bh,p Oistauel A ppletun, Freeman, at Calcutta Aug 11, from Yeziaug. lntAlSar idk Hnuono M nd. hones. Via Queenstown, arrived at' uitit U k 1:m41.s Theresa, Walter, from Rio de Jnneiro Aug 22, at uaruuuw 4iii net. Petaled off taco Harbor of Rh. de lenalru AUK 216. twig Virginian lao reported and • • i.ptdie Eopt 14, at 10 41 N lung 4514, bask 4.:Marrum !rani 24,0 de Janeiro tor 2lubble; sem 15 Lgi 17 N•hog ag 36, aphr .1 Oboe, from Itio co JUlle.l7o for riatupton Mu Me. Br g AM , use, nobelium. hence for London, arrived at Deal 25th ult. • Ha lirbt vana tmv bull, Arthur, oleared at Portland Met. for Dim darah Elizabeth, for Philadelphia, sailed from kiew Haven 2d mat neer R A Jones, Carom% ammo, a rived at B .aton 4lh .net ISM New Zealand, Rich, hence, arrived at Newbury port 81.1,riet. emus Isaac ' , Rich. Crowell, and Village Born. Raker. born Rolston fur rinlndellthla, sailed from Newport 3l mom. Bahr 6 C Dennison, Stout. from Deep River for Phi IncihigHs, at new York 9th hut. NOTICE TO ItIrt.RINERB. Notice Beer.reby given tl•at the nun buoy placed at lordaa's or Aell'e Book. to mark tent danger and the entrance Into Portland limber, hen broken trom rte mom tato and gone adrat. It u•di be replaced as coon es posed - am By order of the Lighthouse Board. TO. P o st, Lighthouse In H E spector llistrtet. Portland, Out 3, 1;bou. STOVES. QUAKER CITY GAS CON -BUMER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, ev koallt Mont IMO. IMP h. ROVEMENT ON SILVER'S OAS DUANER., • DJ the uno of the Quaker City Geuming Parlor and (Moo ittoves all aunt may be avo i d the 10017 , 1 ventilated, anu an even temperature maintained fog many twine, unlit ut any attontion to the fire, and at a fiav 01 luel. am For ante CHARLES JONES, Patented, No. 300 North Detract, above Vane. where the oxaelient true-t oattrtmibt- Cooking Stove DAYLILIO P. water palmed in its one/alma. may be obtain rd. Of the large noinwr now in op ration, every stove, we holuvei Exam entire itat,alltottoe. non-yin IMX=E= fropAOKAGN LIARDWARB 110 - 1)8R—Wo a.. 'would reapeattallY aid! the attention of the Goe. tat Ifirdwure •, rade to our extensive atomic of B PI. Ail Nti HAM HARDWARE, which we oiler at a small advance DY the package. Orders toriltroot importation eolietted, and Goode de livered either itt thin city. ow Yofk. or New firlearie. W: is Lo fi & SON. 411 0051.151ERCV. Street. Importing and Conuniesion Itlerehaute, and Agent* for Foram , and Hematite" Hardware. mia*ef 1116:1EtE ,/.4614..T TER GAR LAMPS FOR THE AVLLIONT,. maybe seen at tt , a AUTO SECOIIILLetreet 839000 worth are now in one. " Thee man et street. Green and Outten. Ridge :DM. and other horse oars aro new mint them. W ealtar any filthy Rotenone Lumps into Gan Lama for erl . ; 39.00 v 14 !lentil wanted to bed tpem throughout the Unite(' .The Gal Lamp Int 1 hy ht a room Wen- Wiest alum° for one pent as our. OR. C. a. ORLEZ{F. CO., Na. '2 , 04 TIORTI/ bECOND Strom, above Race. seta-them m-I, pUINT PLEASAITY YOUNDItY, No. 95) 'IMAM fftreekKenerratoo, LIAM 11, TIES* Informs his friends that, bavlng_ ov.r. - °haw," the entire stook a Patterns at the above youn• d r7 , he le now prepped to teeeivo orders for Rolling, Gust, end Saw Mill Castins, Gear', Chemical, and Ro m * work, Gear mt. Co/lingo raado from Bower berktory or Cupola tkriuroos, to 1117 or groan sand, ' •zoit-tr _ tOTT Sc. CO:, No. 232 North SECOND Et - reg.—Having removed to our now caul snattlots store, we would on the ft“estiou of DottieNt to our ex tensive stook of PAIEIIT IttltPlOlNEd, PER.- PUMA Y,,und;WY "ARTICLES. Our list owe prises a greater varAtr.thau eau be leural at anyestak bailment in Clio United States, and our priers wi l l cum in,* real, markiit. ma-tuna:lv NEW, PU.V.I4CAIIRNS, PORT,RAITB 6NA MEW IRS wmoa tam already hese i slued erith the ILLIJBTRATED NEWR OF, THE WORLD. ANY ONE FOLLOWINd POItTRA7TB, ,Engraved on Stool iron) Photogenic, and• ligoteci on '.Plats Paper for Framing. end .rdeinoirs for binding, alreuly published, mar be tad fur Id oente each or P. u. sinmbl, and Will be, gent, puet-psidi to any intdreed, by ocAertug of the Aniorionn Agents, , 11. A. EIIOWN . & "CO.. 14 lIANOVER . .BOSTON. MS ROYAL lIIOHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT. MS ROYAL HIGHNRIS THE PRINCE or WALils. TEE PRINCRSS FREDERIaK WILLIAM or PRUSSIA. ,THB PRINOIiI PREIMIRIOX WILLIAM On PRUSSIA, THE IMPERon or THE THE SAirk,,sa or THE witENOll. Cllit DIME 08 ., ....:41111iDGE. TIIB EARL OliCAlt ., K. I, JED PANIIIIOE. LORD STAN/ EY. TI. P LORD,IIki.DOUAIC LORD LyNDMIRST. TILE EARL OP SUAPTINIIIIRV. TOO EARL OF ELGIN TOG biAliQUIs OP sALDIDURII. LORD EMBURY. LORD RERNEILS. I. lED BURT. LORD CLIELDISPORD. VISCOUNT PATAIntitON. LORI) 10110 FIasISIZ, pa. p. LARD wasen2LL. WILLIAM p.wART.GLAPsToNE,I.I. P. G.U. LEWIS, BART. M P. JOSEPII WARNER LISNLEy.X. P. SLR 301 IN SOMERSET PARINOTON, Bt. P. sOl. FiTzROY KELLY, Q C.. 51. P. IRE LAIR I ORD CARLA'S. VISCOUNT COMISERMINIE OBNURAL SIR COLIN CAMPBELL; (LORD CLYDE.) THE RAUL OP cARDIOAN. 8115 JOHN LAIRD MAIN LAWRENCE, DART. MAJOR ,lENRRAL SIR A WILSON. GUNNILAL SIR W. S . sNWICE WILLIAMS. BART. oSNREAL CliAltLEs .iezlA WINONA:V. 'MAJOR GENERAL SIR J. EARDI.F.F IVII MOT INGLIS GllNtall., SIR SOON FOX OUROOVNIt, Litin. OEN. SIR GEORGE W.hEELYN HARRY SMITLI Tun L.TE ADMIRAL LORD LYONS. _ . 1115 I.IIOIIIMEE TDR I.I4IIARA2A BINGE( TI - DILATE RIR lAILIETIFRJEKII2IO3IIO - 2. BART. MAMMAL PELIESIER. DUO DE MALAKOFF rnx IION. GhOnGE bit CPU? , taLLAS, AIISItICAN TEE.- BARO.I ItalltiNON. THE AliClll2l6llol. 'Oll Mil= HILV. lIIMRY WASH ESUCtittr. TUE 816110 P OV . CAA TIM BISHOP or WINCH/WWI. 11111 BISHOP OF RIPON nig BISHOP OF RIANCIIEBBEIt 0. WILIIERFORDB. D. D.. Blotto? OF OXFORD. TII? B 11110? OF T. AS , Pll. WALTER FARQUHAR DOOR, D. D. ARO:MEADOR BENSON. REV. MHO cliirlov•DALLE MONTENQVIX tELLEW. I/EV.IIOOII EICHEILA. D. D. RSV R. MAGUIRE. M.A REV. HUGH G7UWI•LL ?GOWN. REV. HVGR SyOWHLL, M. A. REV. /oHN CVMHING• D. D. REV. ANDREW REED. D. D. THE LAYS REV JOHN ANONLL JAMES. 111. V. WILLI ..31 MORLEY PUNSRON. REV. B.O2DEL DOVELAND RUDD 1.. • HIS SHINSAVIE CARDINAL WIARMAH. J. A, 'ROEBUCK. ESQ., 111• P. JOIN BRIGHT, EGQ.. M. P. PHILIP LOCKE KING, M• P. ' , RANK CRoF.LET, ALP T. t. EUNCOMEE, EIQ., M. P. WILLIAM sCROLEFIELD RAQ . M P. MR ROBERT WALTER CARDEN • BART. DAVID WILLIAMS WIC E. BQ GM SOHN RATCLIVR, XT THE LAIR CARONI ALEXANDER VON tIVIOROLDT. PROFESSOR FARADAY X. M. 8.. D. C. L. Talc LA I d ills3ll3AnD KINGDOM 'BRUNEL. RSQ t C. E. THE LATE CAPTAIN /I•ROIFON, OF THE GREAT EASTERN." VOX LATElroiapiz ATU.E.G Or 231.11.M1N611.i1r, DAVID LIVINGBTOVP. Esq., LL. D. RIR ARCHAISALDALIFON, HART. 1110 WAS WEIGIIT. Bag . M.A.,s.S.A. JAME , WILLIAM GILBART, ESQ. ros S. WILLIAM POWELL PaIT.H. Esq., R. A. {{OLIN 011180E.E844.. R. h. JOHN B. GOIJHR, ESQ. 912.11L - GLIMCALMOIIT I•AIDEZ. M. p. MR. SKRTICE KEATING MR. SERGEANT BRIE, Q.ll, • HE HON. EDVVA.vD EVERETT. THE LA VI , : W. H. PREsCOTT. D.C.L. cIIARLEB DICKENS, REQ. ALBS , T SMITH, M. MARLED KE,N. RBQ • V. B. A. seNtUR.I. VLIELPs, EsQ JutiN •BALDWIN ESQ. PAUL MORPHY. I , BQ THE CELEBRATED ss YER. X AIRONI. MADEMOISELLE PICCOLOSIIEL, MISS ARa BALLA GODDARD. AIMS AMY SZDCWICX. XADEMOISELLE TITIENS. MADAME CLARA NOVELLE. A/AlmlulS/MLE GUARD/ICC/. StADSLIO BELLE LOTT/ DR LA SVANTA. MADAME ANNA BISHOP. AIR TATTIIN Min, DART. SAIII/61. - vADDIIN, Esq.. Q. C.. D. D. L. MR.3081101 ETON, :4 D. • • • •1 tivrlN F 7CIPPRE. BPQ.. D C L • ...... - - DAVID 'ROBERTI., Eso.R. A. st oIACOIIO atuvEruman tatAhl. COSTA, rsq u. DEMOISELLE V.ICTO/11.1. HALTS. St/tOIt.IIO , SELLI3 PENCO .. • ... Thirteen or 452 of the above Fort.? ate and ldernoira mar b^ io ,, eoted at once, a Quarterly Buhaeription of 82. or Yearly. 90. by marking this list. and forwarding it to the elfiee.l4 Hanover at eet, Boston. N. B. , umerib.ra f it a quarter or a year reeelim their Portraits free from folds. Calms for Binding 62 Portmits and Momoire i which form a beautiful Volume for the Drawing-Room Table, are new ready, el each. Proof Impressiona of any of the ab •ve, on large pa per, for Fre.ming. 81 24, on India, 82 60 each. OFFICE, 14 4NOVER STREET. JelL3-ir a-tf HENRY A. BROWN & CO T IV u NEW BuuKti. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. BRIEF BIOGRAPIIIBS. BY 14AMUEI, SMILER, Author of "dell-Helm" an " Life of Ueorgo Stephenson." WITH FIX 6 MEL rORTITATTS. 1 vol., WAM. Prlo3 51.25. This work in prepared by , the author of " Pelf-Bela' expressly for the press cf PICKNOR & FLELBEiI. The .1.13431 Y bins re limes it contains f leading men of tho 19th century render it ono of tho moat vamable end attrac tive books of the imam Among the militants of the volume are liven of Thomas Carlyle. Benjamin Disraeli, Lord John 11 wadi, W. E. (Redstone, Prichard Cobden, Sir E; Balmer Lytton, Dr. Thomas Arnold, Hugh Nat Hawthorne, Pdger A. Poe. Robert Browning. Re rald Massey, rriet Martineau, Margaret Puller, .Issies Watt, Robert Stopneneon, And many others. OVER THE CLIFFS. A NOVEL. BY NM. CHANTER. (A Sister of Rev. Merles Kingeloy •! 1 vol.. muslin. al. For sale by all Booksellers or comes sett. by mail, lrue ci postage, on tel,olrt of price. 'XIOICNOIt ,k FIELDS, I3USTON, MASS NEW LAW BCOKQ. Xl7P7' - WHARTON hTELL 6" , Alf Eli 1 1 .7,14 V MEDI CAL JURISPRUDENCE A Treatise cal Medical Jurienrudenoo, adapted to the uco of the Profeastonu of, L.NV and Madeline in the United States Sy y rations Wharton. Eno.. author of Arneriertn Criminal Law," " I'veeederits or Mid merits." bu , and Moreton &die, M.D. The nominal , out revised and corrected, Unit numinous ailtatione. by Alfred Stile, Mll. D. Second edition. 1 vol. Ivo, f Aplu pp. Orion ST SO WHAR WV'S LAN DICTIDAMRY A Law L,XIOOZI or Law Dim Mein y of lurisprudenca; explanand all the feolinwal 'Words - and Phrases em ploy!, d in the several devtrtments of . earth Law. in cluding, a en, the various Legal Terms need in Coin Ille•cial Transactions. to, oilier with an explanatory no wed as t item Trantlarion of Ltitin ountained lathe Writings of -ho Auevnt anti Modern Commout:4- ton. try J. J. S. Wharton, Esq. 1 vol.. 6 o, VXO pp Printed nn beautifully tinted Raver. Price only e5.,50 Puom : " Tito at , atternoted, thtoUelt t this arrangeivent, have been compression. avoiding obscurity. and y ieidtnz information mats , end elfentu• ally. A word bo lc when it obviates tedinu-lices of searoh by plang A 0000100 answer to ono consul.ins it. Possesses a peculiar virtue; for irksome is the process of turning out a void who e. inatead ot, folding its ex plinatinn. there is a reference to an ther wit of the x , ok. but shoutd the ;Moo referred to aston direct the inquirer elsewhere. or. perohance. disolose neither potato nor interpretation. nor In foot. anything eon cornier it. then patience becoz es ostler:urged. and per alVit ranob indeed limo ens " KAV 14 13120 rHER, Law ilankoollere, Pabiiehera, and :moor-ere, et&C la Phidelpuia. A TLAS OP PLULADELP.HIA. NOTICro TO THY PUIFIC. Now in preen, and will anon be issued, a now Mop of the Whole Con oltdated City, in twenty live seetions, on a larger seals than env heretofore published. egly loting am/Mel •the size of all olooke. Streets . Courts. A Hem Roads, .!c:o witb the looavon of nubile and e` her buntline. ho,. together with n finale engraved Index Kap. complete In itsc(f..hoWing• the boundaries of Wards, end names. !co. of all streets end Roda in the City. Also. v .lushle Histories.' ard Statistical Tables. nlphtibetunl list of Mans, end referents to various Acta ol Asip mhly and Ord!, nuces, The work will ho printed nu superior raper. and sub stantially b and in alas form eighteen by twente• four inches. This will make it convenient to every cotton, and perm:Marl) , valuable to professional gen tlemen. • As the intention hne bean to mske this a standard Map, tin same or Assents ban been spored in its nreparation. aubse-ihex+ hnvint muted the valuable seeietnnee ortn ,, eitrorent Dietrhtt tutve.,ers throur.hout the City, and have for ervenel ye are tr , eu engaged in making ac curate surveys and Diane her the work. JOSEPH H. IIDNBALL., No. a.. 7 WALNUT Street.. SAMUEL I, SMEDLEY. City Surveettri 'PHI et TY-FIFIJI and / IVCAST_It AV. 1805 satuthlm NEW BOOKS . 1 - For tale br SAMUEL 11A2A1rD In. No. 7 , 11 ORES reeta Street. O'7ER THE CLIFFS. A ow novel. b, Charlotte Chanter, the sister of Chas. Kingsley, WIMP) works of boleti hive delighted the public. $ l . Oink F MORA PH( r v BY Fitomel Smiles, author of "Self-Help." Life of StYolienson." with weal por traits. A.:Manning and instructi ye honk being granule poi traits oftmeh oistinguis'.en marisnd womsn le Jemmy Watt, Dr. Arnold, Hugh chile,. Bulwer. Fiat eis Je'- aer. Audubon, Lord John Ru DisractiMatvt; Carlyle, Moe Browning, Margaret Fuller, &0., &n, One ' vol. 51125. rm., co ri AGES OF THE ALPS; or. Life and Mennen in by the author of "Peasant Life in Germany. One vol., 31 76 A NEW VOLUME oP MACAULAY. being his Let tere. 1 , ;mays, and Poems, end funning the 'worth vl3- Imo. of hip miec,Panpons wok tie vol., 76 cents. '1 11, HIS i ORY UP eIF.RODO 'ALI. A new English version, nr Go , rge itawlinsors, M. with maps and Illustrations Vciums mural aml last, completing the w0rk.55.20 , per volum•.. EVERETT'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. tine vol., 12mo, cloth, $l. The only 'ahead& and popular Life of Wnshington published. THE 13. ACIEltb OF THE ALPS home' a narrative of Excursions and Ascents, and the Origin and Phone menn of Glaciers. By John ryntiall, F. It. With illustrations. One volume..2mo. cloth. $1 to PART NINE OF 'I OM BItOWN At' OXFORD, THE ODES OF HOE ICS - , Titill6WB , l into English verse, with a Life and Notes, by Theodore Mustily. Blue and gold. 75 eenta H.. Ht.tIeEHOLD OP POUVI , RIE•, or. The Elixir of Gold. A Itornance lv a Southern holy. Two Vo lumes 452. LOUIE'S LART TEFIAI AT RT. MARY'S. A novel, the princtipal events of which occurred at St. Mary's Cella. e, Burlington. One voMmo $l. LIFE AND LET fllllB OF EMILY D. JUDSON. withportrait A. O. Renerlek. One volume. Si THE Rh, ATNESS AND CLINE OF 0./K9AR Bilt•JrpEn IL from the French of Vonore de Solara. Said by Diekens and 1 haokeray to be the best novel of the age. One volume. $l. 0r.5-at TttAVELLIota IN ANBIUA BY O_•AS. WILLIAMS. Pub Hulled tide dav, and for gale by T. U, h 1380T11.0.118. CHEI.I'NUT Strom. NARRATIVES AND ADVENTURES OP TRAVEL -1,11,1, IN f Uy CIiASI.EN WILLIn Ss E. 1311.10, Cloth, Wit Book. POOlOBOll nhistrotod with - Nn in - PRIQ!!. OY,1?, poi,LAR, !Fr Foot to any address ha tho United 6tatee free of Postage. Au iLteree interact has recently been awakened and Widely ex , ended in regard to South Attica. Questions are In °ease Cuenca, freguen tty arleing as to the (douse to r (gas tmat, its diversified t,iboe.ita plants and Its niiiinale, and the r markablo circumstances under which, afar long coneealment. they have been gradu ally discioced to our view. The °Meet of the prevent Volume ie to meet snob inquiries by popular details on the highsetauthority. obunaantly retarepereße With n true r toes of chivalrous onterernie and ileart-tririhnig sthenture It respectf , Ily sotieitl, therefore, the an ceptanee of all mots and of all ages rho follmaing works of the" Reason Why " series, by the author of " inquire Within," have reeently been pu bliehed: :co EBIBLf CAL REAUON NY II Y. Illustrated, Cloth, Gil , Bide. Price &:! THE RI , ARON WHY OF NATURAL 1115.TORv, Moth. Gilt Side. Fries Ct. Taß REASON WHY OE GENERAL SCIENCE. Oath, ant 23:::06 IWO el. All of the tbove iminge bookn are heaUttfulle hated. ard are for sal p e at retail and wholesale o.t the Caess, Bookstore of T. H. EBTERFROTGTIRS, oet.4 • 30SO N CHESTNUT 6trect. r4ISTORY,OF LATIN OHI),ISTIANITY n —lncluding that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Niehainav, by 1.• wiry Hart Milman. voluinol; Met roomed. Sabsoription hat. at H. AIorIENRP3 Hook rooms, 406 W LEVIIT Crew:it. Lirgtvoiumes. A volcano issued each month till all are retthlrebed "HACON.—The subscription hat for the new or d Oe= gent edition of the oomplote works of Prancis Bacon, a 'he earns fdsee. COOPbet rfyus l p y itiVE LwB h—cßharl ey 's llle atmttetdi F d n i , t uamnoowau Coleman he i been well me wnb %nhere Wee prefer no , to take all the back volemee at once, are supplied with cue or more mow lily. dutorin tines rammed also for the National edition of INNING entire, or w thout the LIN Of Waialeale, or the I do et Washington only. lleo the Life cad Letters of tr- Wig atoll &IVRY is the Fa lilicher's only agent Here for tM AN BACON, kCOOPER. Book Retries. 400 NUE St B _ 00K — BUTER13.—Gentlemem I , halt teken_r Beeemeht of the ; Philadelybia'Sanit, 419 WIEST T Street, where 1 Will continue to buy and sell; fee have here Afore done at ;the Cuatonk hope Avenrle Book:atatuil eed 'an& new Law and Mie oeuseetms nooks. I have. for sale urwarde•of 100 old biaolr•Jetter Booty printed prlor_to the year ; s; oopy;oi brinnwm; on the view Testae:ent, v 0114090, artntfel la 1114 Eras 400.: also deal irtEngrasino end 'AntOarePark- Reroutes at a duetaaae aisairtg tir sell JAK , I 4, r w+41$1“.01 , 11 tuvir J.l4lll4w,autua, eondittone, end preles — Yttelphlet, Lowe' al NMI* yenta, yenta, and ' eht LOOllB Uttnil itrilettrat 'Wonted. • ene-em 40111 , 4 CA AT AII'ELL., I`ALEBANKS' PLATFORM BOALES, ;'iitigkegOttgl,4l344 ISE= ,sAT,IIApAy,,, OCTOBER ,611,1m0,. i'ie I'AREn'GLVE. SPALDING'S PM4,AUI:YOLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED (num 81'ALDINGT rREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY DESPATCH Mt?'" A kitiTtli IN 'roas sionts linut.” , ..4.5 accidents will haypen,corn in tvet/-resulatedfatni ties, it is very desirable to have some ohoap Find con venient way for repairing Furniture, 'Tom °rookery, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE insets all small emergencies, and no household can afraid to be without it. It is always ready.and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a nensasity 'for limping chairs .imllntered veneers, headless dolls. and broken °radian. It is met the article for cone, shall, and other ornamental work, eo popular with ladles of rofinement and tasty Tide admirable preparation is used cold, being oboist pally hold in solutien. and poeseamng all tile valuable aualltioa of the host eabluet-makers' Glue. It may ho used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast Y more adhesive. " USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." N.8.--A Brugh Emompattioa molt bottle. Prue IS aeuts WROLEBALN DEPOT, No. 30 PLATT ST., NEW YOSE. Addreen HENRY C. SPALDING & C N 0., Doi 3,600, ew York. tot up for Dealers in (men oontaining four, ei ht and twelve dozen—a beautiful Litilograeble Show-Cara accompanying °null package. VS" A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE w,ll save ten Dines its coat annually to every household. , Dl Sold by all urominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers. and Amoy Stores. AvtgaVatidtd=lgt rap it will eland ani climate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM MITI, IN EVERY ROUSE, SPALDING'S PREPARED OLDB, BOLD BY STATIONER% SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY HARDWARE; EL'ALE.RIS, SPALDING'S PREPARED_GLUE. SOLD BY HOUSE-PURNIEMING STORES, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY FURN/TURE DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY PANOY-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPART.D BLUE. SOLD BY GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SOLD COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY Mantes turod HENRY C.S6LDING ha GO de CED.ort. Street, Now ork. AddreeoPost Moo, Box N 0.3,440. Annexed is an Alphabetical List of Articles which, if damaged, may be restored to their original strength and usefulness by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE:. A. , -.Mende ACCOUNT ROOKS-. S.... Mends BUREAUS.-- o.—Mends CRADLES ...... D..-Mende DOLLS.... —....—.... D E.... 14 ends ETA GERES.--. F.—Mends FANS . —F G....../Banda GUITARS HARPS. , . It INDAID-WORX ..... I,.•..Mende LEATH ER- WORK . Me nde M IR Rolt-F RAM E5..___......_._,. A N —Mende NEWEL-I°9BlS ends OTTOMANS.„ ..... P.... Mends PIANO-FORTES. Q blonde QUILT FRAME R.....Monde HOOKING-HORSES S....Mende SOFAS . T.... Mends TABLES"' . . . • T 1.1-.. Mends UMBRELLA-STICKEL.-- V—Mende VASES.. __V W -,Mende WORR-SOXES-„, Y_.-.Mende XYLOGRA ICKS. ..WORK.-Y.....--._..X Y- endsYARD-S Z--Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-W0RK... ......"-., &.,..-In conoIusion,SPALDINWS PREPARED GLUE la useful in Libraries anti Uohools. 1.....-Mends—S.- 1 2....P....Menda PIT tasicits. 2 8.... -Mends ACCORDEONS_.,„._ 3 4....b....Mends LETTER-SEALING . -- .... 1,.... 4 -. U....Mende DAGUERREOTYPE CASES,,D.... I --Mends ...... 6 -Monde NEW BREAKAUEB-- -I's-. 7 8.....0..,.Mends GUN 8 P0CK5...... 8 8— 8--Mends 8--- 9 1 3—R--Mends RULERS -mends ELECTRICAL MACHINEIL.E... .12 13.-.. P ...Mends PAPER-RA si IL ARM-CHAIRB_- A.... 14 15.-11-Mends RICKETY' FURN1TURE....R....15 K...E... - .Mends FRASER HANDLES. E.... 16 17—D--Mends DESKS 16..-.G....Mends GL08E5.. .... 19.--L—Mends LOOSENED LEA VES---- 20- U. -.Mends Upholstered FURNITURE-. (L-20 2L—E-..Mends EGG-BEATERS • —.E--21 22.-.....- -Mends ACQEN-VirOltK.—.....— 22 121- ..Mende CRESS-BOARDS--.._»--23 3 4... -......Mande FIDDLES SHELL-WORK 26-- ',Mends FILLET-WORK 27 ----Mends JIVOY-110R8138.-..- n. --Monde iC 08COYER. ..-Mends 11 /W-BOXES_ -29 80---.. blonds PICTURE FRAD,LEB—• -- 30 81..._ .--. Mende 8 EQ_R ETARIEB --...,-- 82- - Mends VENEERING. 432 M.-- Mende SCHOOL FURNITURE... 81-- -- Monde PA FIER , Id ACRE 35_--Mends WARDR08E5..............25 18._..._._ ; .Mends PA MAN MARBLE.-- _ ....Mends ..... .... .. • 37 88 --.- hlends 11ABY-J uMPERB--. Mends I VOR Y-WORK., - —33 40 Janda MATCH.SAFEB -40 43 --.-- Mends P1CTURE5........._.., - • .-41 42 Mende , -51endaTOWEL-RACKS..---- • -43 - monde NV ASIISTAND/3-.-... • • • •• • • • 45 -..Mends BEDSTEADS- • —t• le- Mende DRUMS - 41. »Mende 48 ende BALLOT-BOAEs . -48 49 HERBARIUMS-, .49 -.Mende BACKGAMMON-8VARD5,.......60 51 -Mends RAND-BOXES . •-.51 Mende BLACK-BOARDS-- .- 53-....- Mende ASS-V10L5,,....-..8- •.- ....-63 64 ...--- Mends BILLIARD . es --Mends BILLIARD-CUES.— ,_,.......,66 85... Mende el— ---. Mends BROOM eTroKS-- • ---67 &KM( --. -68 BOOT-OR IMPS. .59 BRUSH-HANDLEII. ..... ~..en 8R.11814t.8.. 02-..--.:Monde CAKj_NKTK •• • ..• • ••--- 02 63.......- --Monde ... ...... .53 CLOCK-CASES - ....... -.64 65.----Mende CRUTCHES._,_ 65 CUPBOARDS._..... m.--.._..Mends CURTAINS— 61 CADDIES.-- -..—. 59 71. Mende 71 Mends CHAIRS-- -..- • .71 79.-- Mende CHARTS. . ..... 72 Mende CLOTHESI . F . R.AVES ..... .73 74 ...-.....-Mende CAR D-0 Mende CH ESTS.. . . . .. 76 Mends D1AR1E5...._..... --76 .hlende WORK--" 77 7,.... blonds DRAUGHT-BOARDS 78 79-- Mende DISHES-. - ..... .79 Mends DIVANS Mends 81 82-- Mends DOOllB . ...... ...... 82 -.Mende —..-....... ..... 83 84--..Mende - FIREBOARDS . - . ...• • • ..-- 84 Mende FLUTES ends BALLUSTERB - . _.87 98 _Mends HANDLES. ....88 39. ~..-_,._Mende OUTT A-PERCHA ....- _9O 91-----Mende ........ . . ... .„91 92.... M ends ORGANS.-- 93-..--Mends MODELS.,- 94 —.Mends Se.WINO-MiCIIINE wfdpros—..94 96.-- Mends PANe LS. , . 96 Mends pAtrrEadX/tYwonx Va 97-..-81ende PATT2RNS.. ..97 ._........b1ends SID E BOARDS • ..98 69............ Mends WOODEN ... 100—. Mends WILLOW WARE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD IW STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S PRELUE, SOLD BY G ROCERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HARDWARE STORES. BPALDINO'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY HOUSE FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE,. SOW) BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS. SPAT...RING'S PREPARED 0 GUE,_ SOLD BY COUNTRY AIERCHANTS GENERALLY. Manntevitaretl 1 , 7 HENRY d. SPALDING & CO., 48 CEDAR street, New York Address Foot Otrioe, Box No. S,Cal. Put up in oases containing wither Right. or I`welce dozen each—A be auti fitt Lt TIIOGRAPII Snow- Cann accompanying each package. d24-el9 TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TILE CITY AN'; COUNTY OF PHIL &DEL PHIA. Swain Jr Atoll. surviving partners, ,ko.. vs Chas. Hoohorsperser. Alias venditioni exponas. Septem ber Term, 1849, No, $4l. The auditor appointed to report distribution of the fond arming from the &heriff's rale, under the above; tr , it. of — All thut certain lot or piecs of ground, with the omitting') thereon erected, situate at the southeast Corner of Dread and Wallace streins.lo the county of Philadelphitt,oommenoing at the southeast oorner of Dread and W..llace st , seta, nod thence extending eouthwarely along the east line of Paid Broad street forty feet to a point; thence eastwardly along the north line of ground now or late of Mark Beldenton, on a lino' tarallel with Wallace street, eighty-two feet to a point; hence no• thward along the west line of ground granted or intended,to have been granted to John Eckstein, o'B a line parade; with said Broad street, forty foot to a point; thence westwardly along the south line of WaP lace street eiglity-two toet to the place of beginning," will attend to the duties of his epPoirAment . WED! , EtipaY, October 10.1800, at four o'clock, P. at his office, No. sac Walnut meet, when and where nll Penmen intereir co are required to present their elaimsi or be debarred from coming in upon SAW fund. 5e2.6 10t HOAIAB .1. DIEHL. Auditor. VSTATE OF EDWIN J. RINEHAR'r. " late of Cecil county, Maryland, decomled. Letters of administration on said ostato baying been granted to the'unde signed, all porn ths indebted thereto are re quested to snake immediate paymont, and those having claims or demands against the san.o will present these for settlement to the undersigned residing in Marietta, Lancaster county, 1.31..01 W. et F.,1; A F au24-sat kLIZAISETH HART.B it LISIINISTRATOR'S NbTIOB.—NO 'SICN. 13 borebygiven, that Letters of Minima. tration on the Estate of 0 14 M11017.E DOWILERTY, late of the city of Pliikoelphia, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All sermons indebted to said Estate aro molested to mako Mnnedlate payment, and those liaVing claims against the same to pr, sent them for,settlement to IShROIAN WELLS, Administrator. • 5e29.66t futistoVrn, ontgoinery °minty. Pa. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE.—The subscribers hare formed 4 Melted Partnership. an tocordanee with Cr. APE of Assembly., under ;he firm end nerve of 15 , NN- Ito &: AnKj rap the Import ne and trading in Forman and Domestic, Merehantlise. and the general CoMMIra limn Busmen.. Thegeneral panders are ISAAC .13: BENNE Rh and WA Rig I , Cita Eft, and the annual partner as JOHN D . BENNER.% who has contributed to the Capital of the firm the sum Of Ten Thousand ho partnership oomMeneto this day, anti ends on the twelfth day of September. A. D., M. Fignea, , IziAAC B. BKIINEES WARNER tt P14.11.1 G-eneralF " 2 " lB ' JOHN D. BENS Mt% 'newel Partner. • Pinlatielphia. September 28, 1140. tell sad'. PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA MA. _NUPACTOILY, SEVENTH and GERM AN Tovni road and 1010 CHESTNUT Street, Vitrified Drain and Water Pipes. Ventilating Flues, Hot Aialues, and Smoke Flues made of Terra Cotta, and of imitable size for every Masa of buildings. This article is worthy the attention of all partici: putting up buildings. Large ma sewerage pipes for. tilts dratrutge, water ytpeaWat ' ranted to stand a severe pressure. We =snow mewed to contract with elides or coiporations for this article 10 any quantity. We warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other Made in the.'United States or &rote. Ornamental Chimney •WoTm • sad • Citadel!' • fl T I 0 N—ORIENTAL DETERSIVIII C 89A P—Eneratrageol by the gram. andrneritoni CM of thin Mittolo, nereral iinprinetploti matere bare closely imitated it in appearance anis. and 'we'll* it our dutl'ta nbtifs the tontfflor that intone is genninr, ar oma our name ie attitnpgai on each bar. • narbpia Vat • , VArC HAGEN & MeV , gigge/ 8 tcy. v nl y. Cruglie i t npra and fine pulilitisait f it y A igia Mina . gpolutirrissreem GAVE THE PIECEIS: LEGAL. MEDICINAL. DYS PEPSI A REMEDY. Di. BARU'S RAM'S AROMATIC. INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by the public for 4LT Vetzt's with intieatintr hoer. It is recommended to Curs Dyspepsia, ..A'ervousness, Hcart-Burn, 'Coifs Pains. Mediache 'Stomach, or Pains in the liatitits o ' Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low Spiiits, Detiriunt, Tremens, intemperance. IT STINIULATES. ExIMARATES, ItivIGORATES, SOT ,'WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR STOYETy• Ann Rlodiolue it is quick and offlctual, outing. the mostaggravated eases ofDyspepsia, kidney Comptaints• and another derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in &speedy manner. It will inetantly revive the most melancholy and drooplngspirits. and restore the weak, nervous, and sickly to health, etraligth. end vigor. Persons who; frogs the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitetions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Pummels Trinsinns will, al most iMtriediatelyrfeel the happy and healthy' invigo rating- Mee°, OLP!, frOM'il Int/iterating Spirit. Wit AP PP. WILL DO. I Dom—one wine ears full as Often as uooeseary. Ono dose will remor all Bad Spirits. Ono dose will aura heart-burn. Three doses will ours Indigestion. One dose trill give you a Pined APPotite. One doss Will step the distressing mune cr Dyspepsia, One dose will removutho distressing null disagreeable abets of Wind or ahne:me. and as soon as the stoma H ch resoives the Invigorating Spirit, the Matron inq load and all painful feelings will bo removed. One dose will remove the wet distressing Pains of Co zo. either in the stomach or bnwels. A few doses will remove all obstruotione in the Richton Bladder. ot Winery Organs. Parsons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints ale assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one _or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, funs dissipating too inuoh over night, and feel the evil °Toots°. poisonous liquors, in violent headaohes, sieknesa at atimitoh, weakness, giddiness, 64...wi1l find ono dose milli. move all bad Palings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three Gump a day ; it Will make theta strong , health', and he ), :emove all obstruc tions and irrogulari ma from t menstrual Organs. and restore the bloom of health end beauty to the oaroworn I ae. During pregnantly it will be found an invaluable medi. oine to remove oisagreeable sensations at the stomaoh. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Inviaonaxino Smarr in pint battles at soieents, quarts 81. Otreiral TispotstS WATER Street, Now York. D'YOTT & CO., 23% North SEVION Stracit, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, Je7-thstuly and for sale by all Dru SWOOP. PERUVIAN SIRUP, OR PROTECTED 9OLUTION OF PROTOX IDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known Remody has been uaod extensively' and With gg y ahsnep s sf 7 r A " i t‘ OR /AIPAIRI , D AND INLI'ERFECT ir - DIGESTION; POR 1118 CONs£4ollltrir DETI - RIORATION os• Tux BLOOD; 4 . 0 AND 10311118 WOLLOWING POIthIS OF DISEASE:, 8,54 Moat of which ansinata In © DYSPEPSIA: LIVER COMPLAINT, DROPSY, NYBRALGIA and NER VOUS AFFECTIOS, LOSS OF APPEPITE, HEADACHE, LANOLOR and DEPRESSION OF SPIRVI B. CA R SIINCI. n.B and Bolus, PniFs, souitvY, AECTIoNS OF THESKIN, CONsIIMPTIVE TEN DENOIES. BR.,,NQIII TIS, DISEABI , S PEC O • LIAR' to FEMALs,S, and A L COM PLAINTS . - • - ACCOMPANIED BY OEN DEBILITY, and REQUIRING E ME TONI DIC C andINE AL'PE BATIY. Norn.—Thp failure of IRON as a remedy for DYE PEHIA, a had state of the blood. and the numerous diseases caused thereby. bee arisen froth the want of such a preparation of Iron as shall enter the stomach in a PROT01(11)8 state. and nesitmlate at once will the blood, Tins want the Pi...RifVital SYRUP supplies, and it does so In the only form in which it is possible for Iron to enter the circulation. For this reason. the PERUVIAN SYRUP often radically mires diseases in which other preparations of Iron and otter medicines have been found to be of no avail. CERTIFICATE OF A. A. HAYES, Af. D., OF POSTON. It 'even knotvn thatthe niddloinal ef eotsof Protor.ide or Iron are lost by oven a very" nal exposure to r Ir, and that to maintain a solution of Frotoxido ..f Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed imp , eMble. In the PERU lIAN SYRUP bibs dewahle point is at tained hy COMB/NATIO:1 IN AWAY BEVORE UNKNOWN; and this solution may roplaoo all the proto-oarbonatos, citrates. and tartrat..sof the Materia Mediae. A. A. HATER, Antarer to the State of Mass. 16 BOYLSTON street, Boston. N. D.—Pamphlets ooutaining Letteysfroin the above named Gentleman and others, and siviny fall informa tion of the byrilD, nab Ue had oit opplioatiou to the Agents, or to N. L. CLARK ts Co., Proprietors, cop CAN BUILD(NGS. No. VA SUDBURY STREET, BOSTON. Suld by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Agents for Venturi'lvan's: DY()TT En Co., ggit North SECOND Street, Phil ads. raft-tufts tin pROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND OLOOD RENOVATOR Its preeiselY What Its name indicates, for, while pleasant to the taste, it is revivitying, exhilaratingl land strengthening to the vital powers. It also re It IVllles. reinstates. tail renews the Mood in all Its loriginal, purity, and thus restores pad renders the ; system invumerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ewer ottered to the world in a popular form. so as to be within the reach of ull, - fso ahem% ',ally and skilfully emit) ned no to be the most powerful tonic. and yet so perivetly adapted ! Ins to art in perfect accordance With the laws of ',a allure, nod hence soothe Ms weakest stomach. and tone up the digestive organs. and allay all nervous land other irritation. It in also perfectly oxhilitra lung in its effects, aria yet It never Followed by 'lassitude or depression of stunts. it is cpuniused lentirely et vegetables, and those thoroughly coin bininecowerfully tenioand soothing propertimand olconsequently can never injure. Such a remedy has ia 0 long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical,97 t _lworlil, both by tho thoroughly skilled in inedieello ` - 'soionce. and also by all who hove suffered from de ; t needs no medical skil attacks ialedg• „ s loven to coo that debility follows till of ...ease and lass the unguarded system open to the ,s , mttneks of many of the most dangerous to whieli "*ltteor humanity is constantly liable. Such, for en grkwyk, as the following Consumption, Bronchitis, t 4 indigestion. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Faint-4 0 mesa, Nervous Irritability, Neutrals's., Palpitation, the Bean, tilelanehoiy. liypoolioudria, Night.o '6lstroats.tatignor, Giddiness , and all that clan of xeases. so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time I v, oalletiFsmale IVcakaticsts and Iry gularitits. Liver Derangements ti TorPlalty, and Liver Cern- Plaikta. Mamma of the Kidums, Scalding or In 1 ...,"" iontinence of the Urine, or nun general derange-i 7 meat of the Uriromy Orqans. Prop in OR Baolt,r•Iido:L" tnd between the dhoti dors, predispositiou to slight! atlas, Reeking end Continued Cough. Emaciation, i s Difficulty in Breathing. and, indeed. we might emu pe iterate nit ny more still. but we have apace only to 1 44 rn i tYt c irTre t n li t e ratTik r atrs=l rg from Minemalgo Influences, and cure the (Weasel et_ at once. if already attacked and as it nets directly! isdpetsistentlr upon the ['diary modem, arousing 'he Liver to action ; promoting, in tact, all the ex orations and secretions of the S3atern, it will Intel .hilly prevent any dolotenous consequences follow., wiing upon change oh climate and .war or Bonds ail' Eitravellera ahould have a bottle with them, and ail' te,should take a table-spoonful at least before eating I rif,;As it prevents costiveness. he the dices organs, it should be in the be of all persons b.; if sedentary habits: of ministers, literary ; and ell ladies not accustomed to much out -4; ;door exercise should always nee it. ' If they will (they will find an agreeable. pleasant. and r remedy against those ills winch rob them of the r' ,r beauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health'. had health atom it exist while the above irregular ties continue, 'Then, again, the Cordial is a iyerPet 0; Mothr' Belief. Taken a month or two before the, O 'final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with' Iperfect osa• and safety There is no mistake about, . 'it, this Cordial is all we anon for it. Mothers, try' .ort ! And to you we appeal to net the tuners or` he'deolino. no: onto of your daughters, before It ho too ' 0 late. but also your eons and husbands. for wails the former: from false delicacy, often go down to 0.6 a prometuta grave rather than let their condition ibe known in time, the latter are Wen so mixed tie 'with the excitement oh business that if it word not for you they, ton, would travel in the Caine down ;ward path, until too Into to arrest their fetal fell. I (tut the mother is always vigilant. and to you we !confidently appeal, for we are sure sour no •or. .failing atleotion will unerringly , point you to Prof. ood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, has thricremedy which should ne always on hand in , a 7. New York, anc),11.4 Market oyeet,Pt. Lomo, iniciWiaralabruKgista. rnce, Onel 'Dollar per Bottle. Sold here by DYOTT & CO.. :132 North SECOND Street. eowd&W-tf OAR ORCHARD ACM SPRINGS. These Springs are situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard ercek,t u the. town of Alabama, Genesee ea,, N. Y.. eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. ET The principal acid Bermes are throe in number besides these there are six others. They are all located Within a circuit of about fifty rode. :he medicinal 411.11t183 of the waters are fully shown in the autacnned testimonials. They contain a very large amount of Sul phur, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime. and Prato- Sulphate g/ Iron, The great medicinal virtues possess ed by these waters depend very largely upon the pre senoe, fu snob unusual quantities, at these curative substanoes. andreds of eases of disease, espeeially those result mg from the scrofulous diathesie, have been oured by their use. A9' In skin diseases—even in confirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally eucceseful. Opinwnn of medical and scientific gentlemen are given in the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the medicinal value of these waters: Prof, P.;mmons, ft oineyn Beck, M. D., of Albany; Jas. MoNaughton. M. D.. of Albany • Edward Spring, M. D. of New York; Dr R. Campbelll.qPitte field, Mass. • Dr. J. EL 8 huler, of 'Lockport, They r ecommend the waters confidently. Dr. SP , I yet P eters to noun of chronic drarrhfca .several b everal aroding, which was cured by the usr of stir rooter. Dr. wlc says, "I am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable ne medicinal agents." fir. Qamphell says, Toot must be ehly benobeial for all ohronto diseases of the stomach and bowels. • . • Dr.& F. White read a paper on the settled of these Western before the Academy of Physicians. in the city of New York, in - which he states that the %Vetere pos sess decidedly tonic, refrigerant, and astringent proper ties ; and that the Masser diseases to which they are more particularly adapted are ehronio alleotione of the digestive and urinary organs, and some of the cutane ous diseases; ehr onto dyspepsta chronic dtartheca ; chronic dysentery; chronic diurests ; chronic cystitts diabetes ; oases of passive hemorrhage. such as PUTPIC ta hem orrhagya, and the COHICIIRtIN'tI sweats 01 Hecate Fever. The Water roar also be often 1180(1 with ad vantage. he says, in oases of low typhoid fevers, convolesrencefrosz protracted fevers. to exeite the ap - Petite and promote digestion t it. diarthreas.partieularlY such as are,deperdent on a relaxed or ulcerates state of theraucous membrane of the intestines. In oaten lons affeutions, or itthiasis, attended with phosphatic sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to muriatio aoid, as being more solvent and lese apt by continued nee to disorder the stotnaali. in febrile die eabeh, it can he used properly diluted, as a refrigerant to dinupish thirst and preternatural heat. to skin dis eases—in those forms of dyspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the stomaah, as in, or wa ter-brash, it will prove better than hYdroehlorm acid. In eases of Colica pictonion, and other injurious eon sequences arming from the action of load, this water will prove, to be an admirable antidote. In chronic pharogitio, faryngtits, chronic mucous croarrh. and humid asthma, chronic cohthattnia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerated sore tiiconts, in eases of salt vatbm, and in leocorrhea and sleet ; arid MHO in pass. When taken internally, a Wino-glassful of tire Water, diluted, taken three times a doe, is fIllItI(11011t for an adult. . . Other tcatimonith fromphymoiana, and ether to eacetable individuals, may be seen on application to the Agent. Beale re au 40 te4 on liberal tern. NO Water egmetne unless d from E. W. loErwalli. So/6 Agent, No. 074 BROADWAY. New York. Vol dale at Ito following Acteedee FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug and Chendeal Store. Northeast comer of FLyrn aro! CHESTNUT Streets, Also for aale at FRF.DERICK BROWN, Jain, Drug and Chemical Store, Continental Bow, corner el NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Trade eucoliod at Wholacale Prima. mvl2-awly MRS. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS FOR LADlES.—Approved of and highly iecom• mended by the Medical proiescion throughout tho United States, Thirty Thousand Inga'ida having been advised by their phyalciana to lIE6 her Nutgical 41:0,11.09. Would caution Marche etc and others ageimt puratum g except at her tesidonco,lo:l9 'Vg - iILISUT 3.icet, Where ehe can be conceited o,aily, botween tho bouts of and S. Her book of testimonial!, will ba elan,, on n nn h tuition. Bent free to any part of the United blames. 110 minters la on each article, inch toloi-tf grFjeefueeaageeeeeiusmiirseaecrriecciomenog.yer.nvrmrg,-,0. DIVIDENDS. OFFICE OP THE AMERICAN FIRE INVLIRANCE COMPANY, O•'TUREpt The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share for the last ei tocnibc. whiels will be paid to the Stookh,dders or their iese.l representatives. on and after the 11th tnernnt. exclu sive of State lax. A. C. L. CRAWFORD, 0c,2 10t* NonreiAry. Allt S. BANIY- REN, PROPESSIONIIL N WISE. line owned a Boarding HOMO at No MI SMOG street, fur the epeeist turommodation of In Valet 1 , 811108, and for those owning to Philadelphia to bo Con fined, or for medical attendance, where they him have careful nursing, Food board, and all tho comforts of home. Men. B. refers, by permtwon, to the following Mnfeesional Kentlemen Profetutor 11. Moms, Mai er Winter, M. D., Protesnor B. 1:1 ((tone. odman, M.U., Professor Jos. Pancoant, Pro °nor Bolackson. Imo Rays, hi. 3i., R. A P. Femme. Nl. D., W. Norris. N. 8., Prolellsoe L. ROOM 00$ 1m Profeaeor 8. H. Dickson, VARDAIIIOIII SE ED,. 11,IAI ABAR-4 crktie Yolo for 4%t0. "T A had gon t gieri t i) „ , EDUCATIONAJG. NEW LONDON ACADEMY. .1- A lIOMI BOAHHINQ SCHOOL FOR ROW— Thorough Inetruotian Llnd Rind •Durneette Treatment. Terms very moderate, Re fore to Hon W. D. Kelley, Rev. Dr. Boardman, and above, In Philadelphia. Session opens en lit WelinesdaY of Woven her next. REV. 1. I'. GARTER. Principal. N ow I ondou. Chester co.. Pa, on?. tutha.3o J3')ARDING SOUOOL FOIL Fl,O l 11 1 1,1 1 0 MEN AND JOYS, at Pottstown, Mont gomery county, Pen, sylvanla The Twentieth semi-annual cession cf this School will open on , INFDNEHDAY November 7. Anirme the a:waning , s may be named: Reasonable terms; a healthy and qttrnet.vp situation tan eg t mna i va cud Riotous,' course o' study; liberal provision for the personal comfort of pupils; Parental diseipline. and lurid supervision of morals and manners; an experi enced I - sober fey. ea , ory ten mulls Tacoma four Unwisp day by Reading' Railroad. Holorance3: 610-srq. Solomon it. Cann; James elitKhom ; James U. Caldwell ; John W. CP.gliorn: lat. V Sal Mill ; Joseph It. Emma ; 'A. F. titan; Birch; N. Korn; Don. Owen Jones; Hon Jas. Cooper ; Hou. V. Yost.. For Ctroninre, oonveying foil particulars, addr.m, Bev M. Al KISS. A. NI. 00. a PRIVATE TUITION.--A Recent Gradu ate of Ilan and College, Manse abuse ts, tiocr ilitin.! Ilia prof essm A ni attlthPfl, wishes to take one or two Fowls to prepare lor Cullego, or to inetruot in English Stediet. Refereneen : Samos Walker, n a. and C. C. Felton, Cambridge, Mara.; Wm. 11., Furness, D.D., and Charles Shext . i Addrs.o, F.." BOX 60 Peat Unice. oak-at kOMAS BALDWIN'S EN" eLISA. NA THEM VPICA and CqLA'S(CAL SCHOOL, for liove. m. E. corner of IMO.AD and ARCH, will re-open Vept.rlo, 3. 001-12 t. MEs3D. - ..MES OHEGARAY AND MIER -MIN respectfully inform their friends and the pcblio that they have removed their Boarding and Dar Sc hool for Yonne I .mtlen from Logan &tomato Nor, 1097 and 1529 91'21)1.7.6 Street. Penile from five y este of age upward prepared fir the fourth class. • 1725-em IpiRET,AND Ils wrITTJTE—A. BOARD. 'NO qr:Hooi. FOR YOUNG 11EN,,--Tbus inpti teflon le lowed 'in a debeht'ut. healthy, and retired Phi of the wintry. twenty four inDea notthweat of Phi adeinhia. two hourre ride from the city t noaeusible by Norriirown r timed and 'razes, me° a day. Next session opens Ootober 22d. For oircula.s address 'H. A. HUNSIOKER, Principal, eetTgoett . Perkiornon Bridge. MontgotherY cm. Pa. LPp Y ANT, t. ,I .PRAI 'TON, FAIRBANKS' MEM...PIMA COLA:BOB; A. Fa corner - 81 - VENTIL a"d CREHTN UT btreets —nay and Evenina SESSiO4S. individual inttruction in Booskeeping. in eluding B.noral Whnlerrale and Retail BUeIIaPONT bihth ping , Forwarding and Commission, Banking. t 3r.- °flange, Manufacituring. Railroading. bleambnating. fr,o.. the Inri t thorough and practical anima in the United Rtaton. Also, Lecture., Commercial Caloula tkons. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematics'. len inanehtp (host in the nttsl. Correspondence. Etc. For irtio• their !law Treatise on lieekkespigg. ag beauti fus lly nr I f f nted in colors, and the but work published. e Q 6 /5 UN DERS' I IiSTITUI E, THIRTY-NI P NTU. AND IifILADELPE MARKET STREETS, Professor E, D. SAUNDERS tr. CORTLAND SAUN- Eon. Whl. 11 1 1$ 11 ,1. 3 :R A ..di j eal n e:VA. leroKIDRIN. W. of the Merchants' Hotel. Philadelchin ; lien. J. W. PORN of The Press; Don. N. D. BROWNE, blanch Chunk—oft of whom have airs boarding an Philadelphia; Rev. R. WEB eBROOK. D. D., of the B. a3Union Ron. J. W. MAYNARD, WidisMsPort J. LEISEN Esq.. Su and Ens loom. of the [AMA Coal nnd ratan (lorny . Y; and Hon. ABA PACK ER. Saunders' testi itra—will give their friends "rho may ho looking for s,safo, tnorousli, and yleasent sohool any information desi , ed reseal:nine this seminary. A rove and lawn of EMT ACRES are attached to the Institute for seolusion, recreation, and physical eg ererso... Of;i0 : The terms for a session of five months, counting horn the day of admission, are ,irts for day-boarding pupils, 8100 for yowls who upend Maturda• and Flintily at home. aid ell 3 for pupils remaining constantly. No extra ()barren, re.rmcors in ad -snot, ante-Ow THE MISSES OM-EY & MRS. REI,I3E , R En glisp any French B &aline and Day °dual, for Lneilea No. 1' P 3 WALNUT kfreet, wi ll be eat:men on WEDNE.'7 DAY. September 12. eoli lm VNOLISTI ANI) CLASSICAL SCW)OL. hi— , — The school of the subscriber. in Simee erinar4 4 , T btreet, above Twelfth, will re-open on Itl sel.3oN-tg.f fiy, the 17th of S C HAR eptemb LES SHORT. VOIIING L. , ,DIRS' BOARDING AND PAY FCHOOL. Rev. JAMES I. HELVES 13nardme and Day School for Young Ladies. 16135 WALNUT Street. will be reopened September 12th. null-smaam ARBIET BROWN WILL REOPEN ire IPc two r • R GJRLS on the N. W. oornor of FRAM R T and JUNIPER &teats, opposite Penn Sonars. on 110th of ninth month. I dont ) atar-Sw* CLASSIOAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. Th e d u t i es of the ch i efdom tem Wile will be resumed Monday. September 3. J. W. FAMES. A. NT., auk-d2m Principal, PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST (3011. NFR THIRTEENTH and - FILBERT Streets. re opens MONDAY. September 3d. Four tome pupils will bo admitted. Catalogues sent to soy address. au2l-tr R. STEWART. Principal. MR WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD LTIL NG and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No. 17 et N 'street, near Logan &mare, will RE-OPEN on W EDNEBDAY, nentember 12th. throulars Dirmalted on applivation auls-tf 'ISS LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. D w,il reopan their eohool for young la dies, at No. 1010 SPRUOL attest, on MONDAY, Boo tranner 17. RUMNESS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PRIAIUNE.— JOY. 00E. ea Co. flats been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for tins extensively circulating national commanding la licence. Business men ore advertisinn in the best news natters of city and count rY, at the offices of .10y,COE, it CO., Advertising Agents. FIP7II and CHFEITIWP !Stre ets,26-11 Philadelphia ; Trlbuno Buildings . New York, ge MATHEW BROOKS, MAN UY.ACTUNER OF 17 AInPAION . O NWORM In ovary valley of 13010111, No. 139 North THIRD Stmt. nolo-itn novonte Cherr . Vhiladol H ORAC m .I43 .Ec SE A E_, DUCAL ENNINEER. and PA rENT ATTORNEY. No 114 South tqXTII Street. (Nearly opposite the County Court Rouse,) rrepares Specifications. Drawings. are..anit transmits 'another nrusiness connected with the obtaining of Let ters Patent Maohinery Designed and Drawings wade. au2s-31n" R. OORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO.. • K. ER AND CONVEYANCER, rionniaTowN, Pennsylvania. M FARMS,. STORES. bIILLS. and HOTELS FOR BALE in ontnninin7. Boobs. Chester, and Delaware Counties, varying from 10 to 200 aores, to good Localities. ' , argon' applying will be shown properties free of charge. Boado and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME RESIDENCES tor sale in Norristown, Potts town, and intermediate pieties. For Cataloguee and tu.l desenation. address It. R. CORSON, tfm-din Norristown, Fa. Mono Law, • Manufacturer of 13HIATE3 LINEN and MAItSFILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and eliolee aasortmen*, and WELL MADE. always on nand. unto whtell I particularly Invite the attenton of Visit and prompt-raying SHORT-TIME buyers. S. E. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila delphia. au7-31n* P.OYUGUET &SONS, 4. IhIPORTERS ON HAVANA CIGARS. No. 2, 6 South FRONT Street. Reoerve rettularly a full esmeut of desirable DI 0 &RS, which they offer Itt ow MOS, for cash or ap proved credit. - Imo 17 pAWSON & A11011.01,80N, BOOKBINDERS non. 519 AND 4121 MINOII STREET, DDi111181:1 hltrket AD and LPHIA Chestnut Moe% SNLE. JAMES PAWSON. JAR, 5 MIORD&SODI 1 , 157 11,` JWAGNER JERMON R.. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-Al-LAW, °Moe, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opuosite Independence Squared PLITLADELPIIII., AZ the aid of reliable Attorney!, at different points in the United States, is enabled to prosecute anti collect claims of every deborintion. Particular attention uteen to the examination and re. °every of the claims of Legatees and Devisees, and the exanunanon of Land Titles and seounng the Interest of haue and all norrona Interested in the came. is all parts of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the States and a Commissletter for most of them. ard Deposona carefully taken under Comma:come, l-ern J. BAYLIS THOMAS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rea removed his office from No. 423 Arab Street to No. 4:19 WALNUT fitrood. Partioular attention given to the recovery of Maroon tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills, conveyances, Assignmehte, Bnefs of Title, and other Instruments of Writing. the management of Exeoutor ships, Aciminiettatorships, and Trusts. supanntended; and tho beet securities prooured for thepermanent in vestments of Money, Sat,sfaotorr reference given vben TP , 1 , 311 , 111. 4i.130-'slllw BiliNetK6. Mlh'Ult THE SOUTH.-011ARLE8- TON ARP SAVANNAH' RTRANBILIFR, FREIGHT RELUURD. . Raney Freight at an average of TITTRaIt per sem la law Nov York Stentnehlu Atop. FOR Can KLEB'l4:lll_, B. C. The but. Mail Siimmsh , p FFvSTOPIR STArybl, per tain Charier' I'. rdarahmaniwill sail on Monday, Oorober MY, at la o'olook A. hl. rihraugh in ki io tu hoots-only 49 Mats at Bon. FOR BAANNAII,A. the W. B, hail Illtesinship &FATE OP 0.)30R®/A. Captain John .1. Optrvm. will pall on Saturday, Sep tomboy 23. at 4 o'olook S.M. llitougi in 09 to eh nears--only 49 holm; at Sea, Itirnatune onyx obanyed from every Saturday ts vs ere Rye dayr. Roods received. and Bills of Ladlnr eisned every day. Tliespiendid fast-Glass sido-wheel Steamships KEY STOPM STATE. and STATR OF GROROIAnow run as above every ten days, thus forming a five - day comma nioabbn with Charleaton and Savannah, and the Routh , . and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah. these Ships set neat with steamers for Florida and with railroads, ike., Tor all platen in tne South and pouthwell. INS CRAr CR. . rringht and Input - anon on a large proportion of Strode shipped South will bi e found CO he lower by theme MOTO than by suiting yea* . the ^roma= being one-half tho . I % . nraraneo On all Railroad Frolsht in anther Unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from theta notate. OREAT KEDvonort IN FARE. Fare by thin route is to thiircnt. cheaper than be the Inland Route, re wit be b.T the followitehe-1 dole. Through tiolots from elnhin. vinC rues ton and Savannah stet mehi os, INCLUDIN 0 SUL lets the whole route omery , aunt hem Chtslestou and Savan nah to ontr , via CUARLEETUN4 VIA. BAVANNAI 4. TO OhOrIOtTOO-4 44—515 CO To Savannah.— - Sts 29 Ytuyitet‘........-- 17 041 Augusta —.... 17 10 iolumbia.---, zi 00 hie. o on -...... 20 Oil 4 t . i tianta.-- ...- XI el! tiunta—. %3 01 ents — orrery .. ,., 29 CUCUolitmbus....- -21 N) lie -- ^ !bay • 23. , ..-. .1 gavro=.:.:;.: ow Orleans.,.., O) 75 klei4Folner.f.... 777 E i loohe-,., Knoxville ISO New 31 to Fore to V3vonn.h, is Chlirlostun... „... 1 0 0 0 Charleston, via Savannah.- _. 16 00 bi,11.; of lading ntd nom trieeliop hat For fKeight or raraage e.prly on board, at zeeeaq Wheal &COTO Vine EtrAot. or to AL SR. HSAOIi. Jr. ,& 00, No. 1.316 NORTH WHARNES. Agent! In Ohn.losten,'T. &T. G. BUDD. opypt a r,sll, uUNTER& Ort.3l.lllELle. For Florlas from Onarleaten.stoanoor °maims eve' WVaday. or Florida from Mayanrah, cteamase and Jobu'a even - Triendm , ar.dEgtardar. THE BRITISH AND NORTE AMERICAN ItU VAL MAIL t3,I'EAAI:. tiii LB% . ~-• .:IS N. 20.11 lulta To 1.1Va112002. dlitof C z ahl a Paggage.---...—..--.----eiv Beeoud Cahn Pasant.° —. , ~ 16 Fau.ff hogrox TO ravzurooL. Chief Cabal Paggage &goon() Cabin Pagaugo....—.. -..-.. - .. z . . 40 The elope from New York nail at Cork Harbor. The shire from Boston call at Halifax and Cork har bor. .. .. 1 , 1 , 11t81.1S.;(;apt. 3 tullitua. CANAttA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Caot. J. stone. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. AMA Capt.. E. (.4 Lott. NIAGARA, Capt Ande mil AFRICA, ricoTIA., (now building.) Then° vowels oarry a clear white light at meet-head l green ou eterboard bow; red on,port how. ARA'IIIA, Stone, lorivee'flost on, Wodneordsy r , IYont , 5 AFRICA,' tihannon, " ,N: Yea,, oept. 12 ASIA.HIC.2., Mamba, " Iloatna, Wadnasaay, Soot. 12 I,' Lott, " N. York, Wodneadax. Sept. 26 ROPA, Little, "Boaton Wednesday, Cot.' S Th)..,RBl.A,„Judkins, " N. York Wedneedity, Sept. 10 Bertha not secured until paid for. An ettoettoneed Surgeon on board. The owners of thesa_elape will not ba aeconntabla for Cold, saver, Dellion, opeate, Jewelry, Preetoug Stone oritletalt, nuledt bills of laden are Bianca therefor and the vales thereof therin exprowted. Fop freight ow* 614 al apply to E. CUNARD, 4 BoWUntgreesik •- ' 1 " -.•-- sic* x ork. 1 anal' . . SA.LES - SY-A11111T4 1 8. - PURNESS, No. 42" IN AitleirtßTßlacr. BAbIL O On TuPeO d RTE M D r D i RYGOODS. October 9, at 10 o,elook, by oatnlogue, on six months' credit. e 100 packages and lots of knot and staple. imported %Pandas and catalogues early ou tiZe Morraur of sale. N F. PANCOAST, AUOTIONEM gtuc- J.I• (lessor to B. SCOTT, In.. 431 Off ESTNUT St. LARGE SALE OR RICHLY-FRAMED OIL PAINT INGS, OVAL, MANTLE, AND PIER bIIRRORS, &c o he. On Mondsr Morning, Ont. Rib, commencing ale o'elock. gm- col:pot:on arranged lot examination, with oat .- ioeno', on Frid eV. Rh tint. included will be found, viz : American, 8W ,83 , ita7an, and ITlorragn tannery, Oen man winter viown, Buten interiors and exteriors, RA- T Ina and coast views, fancy sketches, winter and he m ja,,,i,,,oapes under gines hn , alt nehly framed in fine gilt nalnqii• MIRRORS. 2a firat quality Froneli-plate mantel, pier. and oval minim, all framed in nobly gilt and ornamental SALE OF 009 LoTB AMERICAN ANI) IMI'ORTF.O nay G0rj.D5,11.11311010.4 1 RIMMINGS, EMBROI DERIES, On Weauesilay Oct. 10, by catalogue, on a °recut, 0011/11101141118 at p, o'clock. precisely. • " P HILIP FORD t CO., AUCTIONEERS, Va. 4.30 frIARKET, Stmt. and 321 'fdllNOit Street POSiTIII.I3 SALE OF 1,20 ClAwb:S BOOTS, 811.0 E!, BROU ANS AND 131.131 SHOES. On Mannar Morning, Oitober 11, at 10 o'clock meolsely. will be sold, by catalogue, on 4 months' credit. 1.200 oases men's. boys'. and youths lour calf. Mill, and think boots„,brogans, gaiters, Oxford ties,dia Women s. misses .and olilldren's milt, kip. and goat, God ti t heeled hoots and ',boos. A foil nesortmeut of women's, misses'. F nd ohildreu's oitv-mado kid and coot heeled boots andshcee. Gil , he will t mbrate a krge assortment of trosli goods, from firit•olsior manufacturers. N. B —I he oar y utrention 01 buyers ic partioularlY Invited to examine the goods early on the morning of asta. with'eata,o,ues. BT. Lows, MO. WILLIAMS, BOYLE, & CO.. ATTO TIONlEgal ti COMMIBMN MERC3FIANTN, No. 4 North MAIN Bt., T. Louie, Mo. , (fonne,t; with blazers. Myers, Cleghont, & Co., Phaada.) of or their services to the marohentrs, monufaoturorsr end others of Pfuladershre, for the seta of err goods. oar . shoe:, hard. ste. Jewelry, Ica.. /co. Pet S9 -b eaili advances mode on reoerpt of goods. 1117" Settieno3oLs made three deTztafter sale. REVIAISTIMIA. Icons. hirers, Clakhorn, t Co. Philadelphia. •• Stuart & &utast, Pluladololtia. " Van Wyok, Torrueend & WSITU.II, New York. L. to 13. Curtis & Co., Few York. • . Wood, Choler, & Co., Et , Lotus. Me. .• Crow 1 1.1 , :.orear-o..1" ' mhls-thstals STOVES. ono !STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR. 1 . 1 a. 1116 MARKET STREET, ,- a w prepared to meet the 'wants of the more compierepr in all the Ostrom of he Stove trade than any other eatahliehment M Philadelphia. in proof of Which he ihv Oen tuItIPAR , 7IVS,2B•XISATION. . • The following' era attune Ma torn popu ar Inventions, 'leveret of which have already obtained a national repu tation an surposing in ezettlence and economy any other htovea in uyso. . . . JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Grui burning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. SPRo R, is the Patentee of the eelebratod Gas-ennsoming Cooking Range, now rapidly awning . JAM hti PRA Ris the Piventea of the Improved Sit ver's Air tight One consuming Parlor Move. JAMES 8P tqat ,is the Inventor of the 'int:level (Patented Ornamental 'Aryl!. Urn. 'which. from its beauty and utility, is likely, this season, to be univer sails kIII7IEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel. and Comfort saving Ironing Pan, Jt MEM 8 P KAit is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated lisilway oar Renter JIiMRS BP.E It to the Inventor of the Improved nye- hoard Stove. . . For an of the above the Inventor very justly claims tnivantages which require bet to by understood by the public to by univerenily anpreciated and q rolerred tO any other art &ea of that alas. in the market; and ho would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons In want of Stoves to call nt d examine for themeslves. Puritan wiehm• to examine will have every attention Ilhown them. whether Intending immediately to pur chase or not. ee1340 RAILROAD LINES. • NEW" TRI-WEEKLY .106 PASSENGER AND FR° 1011 T dr), TO Nttft.Fo l K. and PORTSMOUTH, Va., via the Philadelphia. Wilmington, and lialt;inero, and Delaware Railroads, therms by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk. and Portsmouth, Va. • • • On and after July Mi. passengers from Plilladelrlim will take the Ble A. M. teem at the depot, coiner Broad street and Waehington avenue, on uesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, arriving at Seaford at 1 30 P. N.. end at Norfolk esrly the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the even inge of Monday, Wednesday. and Friday, connecting with the train at Seaford, which arrives at Phi add pinta MI P. M. Fare for first olcini cuseengeni, including Male on the bon., ST s Bonvaa-elass pasnonhers, including meals on the boat 60 relght taken as low sa by auy other lout.. For further euttroulare Bee emelt hand-bills at th hotels, and ether public) Macon. or mega° of C. l DAN}„ agent, eoruer Broad stand Waehmeteu ay. KENNEY, Master of 'rransportattou EeB lm. P. W. & LI. R. R. Co. atig_. WEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD, leave depot. °corner EuEVP.NTH and MARKETS at 7.30. A. hl., 12.90, P. M., and t: P. Al. On Sunday, leave Pluladelphia at 8 A. M., and Went Cheater at 4 P M. iy3O-tf SAYING FUNDS. " A little> but often, Eats the Purge." FR ANKLIN ' SAVING FUND, No.l 136 South FOURTU Street, between Chest nut. and Walnut. IldLadelyluas vaye till Dosalita on demand. Depoeitors' money Roared by government, State. and City Loans , orouna Rents. Mortl gag er,Foe.. nos Company deems safety better than large i profits, coneeduently wilt rim no riek with &mu llion' 11101107. bat bays it at ail times ready to rem, with a. per cent. intoost, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company hater euended. Foamier, married or single, and Minors, can , de in their own right, And ouch depoaite can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. , lutorsorated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from trueteen and eXemiton. LARGE AND 8151M,L SUMS RCIVED. Oinee open daily, from 9to ft o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 vataaa. DatECITOM Jacob B. Bhnnnon, Cynus Cedirallidit, John Stundler, aeon. Roue Mataohi W. Moan.. Edward T. Blatt, ' Lams Krurnbhaar, Nervy Delmar, Nioholas Bittenhoni*, Nathan &neater, Sea, IL Beitterthwatte, Jonee rerkea. i Joaeph W. Linanautt. lACCISI B. BRANNoN, Premien*. Crass Canws..tzanam Traanur. avaa-r- "AAawwwedistAs!Sma2' A NIEMAN SAVING FUND.---Oom _pany's Iluildtn f, eoutheast earner Vf'i ALD. in and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from o'clock. and on MONDAY till in the evening., This Ole Institution has gaWilYel pod in full, on &mend. without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums I:.idintoi, on demand in gold and au Ter. TRlJBrb 113. ALEX. Ar Freeident. BAML. WORK, Vloe Preekler:t. John C. Farr, T. E. Hamm. George Nugent John Anspaoh, yawl. T . Bodine , Alb. ..Roberts John Alkman, Jonas Bo ormAn,- H. IL Eldridge Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON areasuror. JOHN C. BIMB. Secretors. augl-9m CAVING FUND—FIVE PER VENT IN TEREBT.—NATIONAL SAFETY I.II.IIITSOM PANY, WALNUT Street, southwest oorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. incorporated by the State at retinal/ tame. Money is received in any cum, large or mall, and in terest paid from the del of deposit to the day of with dreamt. The oince la open even , day from nine o'clock in t a t morning five o'olook to the even c. and on Monde• and "Sliaridw oveninge till eight o ciotdc. on. HENRY L. BENNER., President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE. Vice Preaident Wirmaat J. Rash. Secretary. DLIESICTOZO: Iton. Henry L. Benno& F. Carroll Browder, Edward L. Carter, losepti B. Barr Robert Solfridso, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkee, C. Landreth Blume, James L. Stephanie& Money is received and payments madedailY. 'rhe Avestments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter. in Real Estate lifortsteek Ground Rents. and etch fast-Masa seeurities aa will al. ways insure yerfect security. to the depositors, and which cannot fad to sive permanency and stability a this rneltntlnn. § - 4 ', 4 . AV INC FIND-UNITED STATES e•- 7 TRI.J3T COMPANY. corner THIRD end CHEAT- N UT Btroot. Large and small cunt roomed, 141.4 _paid, E book lone mend_wlthout notion, with FIVE E R CNT. NT.F REST from the dog 'of deposit to the day of wit! - drawed, Office hours ,from 0 mad 6 o'clock eve day, and or MON DAN EVENINGS from 7 until 9o' c o ok. DRAFTS for sale on England, :talon , d '.cotlant from Alinpwardn. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Tressurer--JAMEB It. HUNTER PLINY FlRR..Aotsarr. PIANOS AND MUSIC PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! PIANOS !! PIANO-EOHTES. MELODEONS, PLANG-FORTES. MELODEON, Alado by Raven, limn. Ac Co., Nunnah Clark, Hallett. Dove, & Co.. and other& E. GOULD,_ myt4-17 SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. wp m STEINWAY A SON'S NEW PA 'TENT OVER.STRING GRAND runs, SQUARE GRAND. AND SQUARE, PIANOS. DOW Profe nett in concerts and in private etrolea by the best Performers. Reoetved the first premiums over the best makers, from judeeshke Got balk. hlason,and others Challenge ad competition. 11 1 . AB ICA KROTIIER 6 06-1 y 1000 CHESTNUT Street. HAINES BROS.' OVERSTRUNG PA T N T-A OT lON PIANO FORTES, '• Cheapest Flret.Class Pianos made. ' 1 , splendid assortment of Lonia XIV , and other style's. for sale al. Factory Cash Prioea, and warranted for 5 yearn. • Seoond-hand Pianos for sale and to rant. Gh,ORGh, L. WALKER 8. E. Cor. of SH. SEVENTH and ARCt. PRINCE & CO.'B Improved IRELopuoNs, from 8 4 / 1 . onward“ BURNS' CBI EBB ATED ROSE wIIOD ard full mthllte-elate S o hn F ORTES ; Bed EllteY Oreen'e Entwonto nod Mel , deuu. The above instruments ere of the very Meat improvements. end treat Waken, For wile .at I t - liBWici Mu.° :Rom, No, 110%1 CtIESTNLT BtreeL. eel Ira ARSECS FE IMPROVED PLO: 1:18Tft 1- CIION 'BOOK .—Eastect method of fin gdriuk, together with a beautiful relection of popular Pfc.:wand prom reignite Wrong. over before published in a innall work—price only no cents-at llnßBll.'B Music Store. 1102 CH FAT.NI.II' Btreet. ock-lin -,•-•USlO—Froin all ( atakignes in the milted states, at Ono Clear ear e9e—at 1118 MARKET (street, apposite the Fatmern blatninoth Market Rouse, veS-Im WINNER'S INoEPENDENT VIOLIN PLAY' R, 1,2, 3. 4. 3. 67,° ° and P aro Vst rende—vri on V.l cents—at MARSH'S Must Et , CH.P.ST P. 1; r strnet. ° O ,,A i u ni - bbls, 200 Itslf bbls, 375 qr bbls. 400 ki t .• . two ausq cans, ' 3O one-gbart cons Patent !row lireasa.. wane, yam. and black m 9 nn, f•telured and for sato to ItOWLEr. ASHBURNI , R, 0,. Nn a rinntb Wharvea. oct 51)iu 0 9.BES OP SEED L.EAF TOBACCO, ntere, and for safe r m. .lIANsom rrAit.-5o bbln Tar, 275 kegs ditto, in atoro and for sale by HOW LEY. ABl-111URNFF, h oa4 1 , 1., 16 South Wharves. Pri CH.-375 lthis Pitch, in store and - for Hole by POWL.N.Y. nalinbßNElt, & e()., Pin. is gt,nth linvvrN oe4 ANNISEED-1 casks Italian for sale. WETHIMIL BROTHER, 47 An 4 B Nntl,l 1 , 1 , 01) 1) St SWEET MI, in quarts :and Ants, for rain. WETBE LI. kJ:MOTHER. iss'n a7 nna au Nnra, II Rt 'MINT lIIVIBER—Oround pure in Oil, -L. for solo by WETBERILL & BROTHER, 47 f end Al FPON I) El ea! ait - iropayy.T74l # 9.*liiicd at price to -otkftin wevow.ents., , tddrm , WM.TIfiIsON. drettop wit" inulionn BECuAD :Mitch • ero-710 ISALEI4_,INY AUCTION. nn THOMAS a SONS, Poe. 139 end 141 Smith FOLIATE! treat. (Form e& N0z.67 and 69. 1 • • STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. SALEF3 AT THE EXCHANRE 3eVERY TUESDA.Y Daring the business season in July and August On easels_ local sa l es. - ; flair Rearming of eachproved, issued 6491117 1 141173 In addition to which we publish, on the Batureas armors to each exile. one thousand catalßSu,se, in pampphlet fona, giving foil descriptions of au tne - provere! acid on the following Tuesday. C R Dr-Our sales of real eatate and stooks ::_he Erni:halve will hereafter be bald at 13 o'eloot „„, ••• ; and, in the everung. at 7 9 01C0:c... "4, ,:lontritintors have the option of either sale. Al, ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. ti i ih• t c .. a large amount of reel. estate at private safe. inoludtas . ri:d o A _na " t=r7 property. Pyle% ' BALE RESISTEn. ° • TA• •red on our private sale registers ,T 7" Reel estate eats. our pabho sale abetraot end advertised cocaziol. printed we tree a: (of with% 1.040 Copies a. charge. —OCTOBER 11. •rvi , ELVTII FALL BALL rty late 00- Peremptory gale on; he Pieln,a3R, prope need, Ott Th ly at's copied by W. A. hdwards, E. dee- ma, day, October 110,180 J, Wl2l, cloak lit, pia &Call% FARM, 116 AC ILES 51 Lanosster Radnor tommehin, 1 scanty, on theiroue of turnpike, 12 miles from kihiledelphis. . of the the Morgan Station and ono-quarter of ' , MO. The Warne St,ttion, nn the West Chester Railroad. land la in first-rite condition, and the farm in ?AMA to be ono of the hest in ~ adoor township. Ternis , -trne. t hird cash. Sale absolute. THIRTPENTH FALL PAVE—OCTOBER 16. Eseeutors' Rafe—Estate of *Joorge Rundle. deceased. hreo story Brick DWBI.L NO on York etvet, be tween Walnut and geruoo and east or et reeG same Estate— hree-atury Brick DIVEit,LINtfr. me. 313 Duran street. eantside, above Pine ktreet Esecutora' Sale—Eatatp of pop' William tiatabtiags. earl:wad Large end Ve.'n able It F.t.l or.INR:V. Nu. 1104 Walnut street. weet of Twelfth street Lot 20 feet front 2110 Clayton St.. Three Mery sladriti wee , of Twe^fr s oeend fteenth ward. COUNTS Y $ T,—A desirable C. entry Seat tad 15 'aeres. s"treni Rook, Delaware oeuetr. Pa. The unprorememn are two neat °coheres. handsome ear r. uga house staDla, and other out bnildlnge. Pion a, the .iltnlna Ronnie 1315 Thre a e story wick TAVERN and DWELLING,No. Clloweill street. Feremrory tin's—Neat DWELLfrie. No. ta North FiXtETIALI/ *tree[. below !Lace street. Large Three-story 11 , .0k NUILPING and Stone 1) "A" r Lid Mtd. Ctatre street. neat Venn •ntown ays nue, Germantown. La 45 feet front. 'lwo secured Utt()l.lxlD BENTS or a 96 s Year oath. Peremptory bole- Fame, isff Rliaebetb Lane. deed. brae story Prick VW No. 545 South NrnW street between t must and dpruCe etre& Fare Psta e—Threa•stoty Itnos rrWEL•LING, No. 9 LA tlpruce atreet,.bone Fourth street: Two-story Frame DW ELLI NU. No. Z 1 Chlytei et,, bat wan) south and ShiPeen streets. Late zewthwark'. Hands" ins a hodern atsl.pß,N Cm • W 0.5 nv sweet, twee n War out. iftll9 end Talpshoetren street, hignt.n town. Lot 10 by CO feet. It ug built lila snoenor man ner. of l'ad'e Stone, and hers all the modern con7lit bl.lloee Neat Modem Brink DWELLING. N 0.453 North Fif t.'entl) street, south of Costs, street rereinvtnrs Rale—Nest Modem DWELLING. No. 721 North North street. • - Large ,tozio BUILDING Add Stone DWELLING, rebtre oreot. near Got inl•,town avenue. aermentow - E. Lot it foot front ASSIGNEE'S SALE. No. 331 WALNUT Street. Corn Blolllo‘e InelVette/ Centr , n• LARGO' SUPERIOR Fl RE- I - ROGF SAFE, MARI". EY FVANS ex. WATSON, rO 31000. SUPERI `ll. COUNTER AND - DE 4 Ks. OFFICE lABLES, ARM CHAIRS, CAREETeI STOVE. cto. This lOrMne t 11 O'n!Oedt_. by nicer at neettnee. at No 831 Walnut s Area, below yOUttlt ktleet. the la , e and superior weer safe. wade by Evans & Waken oes 191000. coaster end deskS, °Moe takes, arm chairs. squints, stove. tea. Sr' ?Ray he examined oil the morning of sale, at 8 o'olook. Sale S. F. corner EIGHTIt 10Pd RV UCE Streets. UPEttIOR PURNITIRE. ECMP , W , A , D 1 0 . IRR .R 8 CURTAINS, 01.8 TAPESTRY CARPETS. On Monday Morning. flot 8. at 10 o'clock. at the southeast (sonar of Eighth and ipruce streets the superior rosewood gdario-Thner: by Ricbenhaoh. Prenoo- (slate mantel mirrors . brassies curtains, bronze and gilt gas chandeliers,,tasestr7 ear bet+. &o Alm. the kitchen furniture. in- /May he examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale with catalogue. Sale No. 4F9 North Fnl/11.TH Street. ELEGANT V ItNtr llft F., Nl , LA , .t.T MUSTS. Le. On Wednesday Nonni:lS. leth instant, at 0 o'clock. at No. 4R9 North Fatirte et" the elegant parlor,, and chamber furni ture, fine tapeatry velvet carpe. e, matting, two savories seilpArttre e &o be ' eigrnuied at 8 o'clock on the monnig;ef the sale. _.xsie at /AM and 141 Routh FOUlffralleves• SUPERIO RNITURE, FRENUWFLATE 'MR!, -FORTE% ERUIeBhLO CARPET& On Thursday blorning, At 9 o'clock, at the Alsatian Store an assortment of exoellept second-hand furcutgre, ant pleno-fee, fine nurture , carpets, eto., from families deelWar housekeeping, removed to the core for ootrroldwort of ale. • • Sale ou the 'Premises, SPRUCE Street, ELEGANT RESIDENtIE.AND FII.RNITURE. On Wednesdgy Mornmg. October 17. at 10 o'clock, will be sold at enbtip toile. ec the Prentueg. the elegant Modern REHIDENC.E. cr. 722 Xprow , street, wish innenor Stable end Conah-house in the rear. on Elizabeth street. tot 24 feet 9 Ineltee front, 2.50 feet in th. 811YE dep RIOR URNITURY. Alec,by catalogue , the superior household furniture. Ilkr Full particulars in a few day s. emptory Este. LARGE LOT OF FIN I- MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINE. On Wednesday Morning. October 24. at )2 o'r leak, at the a notion Stare. without reserve, a large nose ity of fine old Madeira and BtorrY Wines, a large demijohn and bottles • ET Particulars in lutnre aovertisementi and cata logues. LAR GE SPECIAL AND PEREAIPTORY SALE OF ELEGANT AND VALUABLE OM PAINTINGS SAMEti p,A SONR• THIRD GREAT BALE S op PAINTINGS. Oka bold at the PENNbYLVANIA AcADEMY OF FINE ARTS. - . - - October 25 and 26. - - We will sell for account of Meaux James S. Earls & item October 25 and 26, an extennive and valuable col leotton of Oil Paintings, inoluding wart eminent variety of au Lines, the productione of thesuost eminent litne rsuan and Einopaan arties, being selectman (torn Earle a Galleries- SIC Chestnut stmt. . Among them will be found many works of art never before exhibited. Afso. numerous Pictures painted ex.- measly for this collection and nate, '1 his is behoved to be ova of the most bestittfutsuil valuable collections that have ever been submitted to public competition In Clue city, The male will be patentee)", Without MKT V 5 tyr limitation Sir Catalogues. with particular& will be ready one week preview, and the painting" arranged for iteMen tion. fVFOSES NATIL&N,g, A Tril T Tog iut AND CottirdiESlMlt nElttatAllT, eoutlietift corner of BIRTH and KLUB 15 ?Mu , . blO/14 01) MAW , $OO,OOO to loan, at the lowest rates on Osmond% tratelas. mein, rater plate, art MA, °Whin, IVO. caries, sager', hardware, indica minx, mirror!, rri , 'niture, beddiag, and on g oods of even detscrottune, is large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands far any length of time Hir The Oldest Feta= ?tnte in Vs alb. • 107' Private entrance on RACE Streit, gar Business hours from OA. H.-to OP. M. Heavy insurance for the benefit cr der..tan. CHARGES ORLI TWO PER CENT. air Advances of 4100 and upwards at two orb 'Advances of 1100 and upwards, ad one per Mt, Mr short loans. . . _ . AT PRIVATE DALE. Some of the Rued GOLD 'PATENT LEVER CHRONOMETER yVATWEED, manufactoued at the usual sellinaronces, 'obi lever and !spine irate silver lever and lepine watches. Enalleb. Sense, An French 'watches, at astonishing low tames, Jews every desorption, very to pistols, pistols, must - struments, font quality or Havana oignol ars. importation price, in quantltiee to snit to various other kinds of f 00de. OUP - DOOtt• BALER Attended to p 3rsonally by the Auctioneer. sited consignmen!a of any and 6•OIMOSE3 7 kind a! . NA SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE . Consisting of diamond andopal breastpin and ear rings. Price. Gate. Coat in Paris 81,400. 117017i1 'ittOODWO aMi I itim jts laa PENNaYLVANIA CENTRAL RAlLROAD—Eleventh and Market streets. Mad Tram leaves— 730 A. Vas , Line. 50 A. 45 E. HarrisburgAaaatrunodation.......--•—•—.. Z 00 r. CanometeAcoommodation....—....--- 4 03 r. Farksburs Accommodation—, - 5 43 P. M. West Chester trains leave Eleventh and Market at 7 SO A. M.. 12 30 and 4 00 hAnunt.Buffalo,a and Niagara Fag, leave 7 16 A.M., and 2 00 P. M. NEW YORK LlNES—Walnut-Street Wharf. Annum. Line. via C. and A.. 1eave5...........600 A. • Amami. Line. via Jersey City. 6.0) n. • MOTIIIDE EXpTOPS via Jersey 9.00 A. Stem boat via Tnoony and Jersey 11 00 A. Camden and Amboy Ac00mm0da1i0n.........12 90 P Express. via Camden and Amboy. .--.. 20d Ptt Evening Fxpreas. via Tacony and Y. C..... 4 00 P. °Event. a Mail, via Camden and Jersey C..... 600 6 .1 fl {Night Fxpress Mail 11.00 p. M Camden and Amboy Aecommodation .... • 4.00 AT For Belvidere.P a•ton Flemington. tre.. 6so A M. and 400 P. M., from Walnut street wharf. and 7.10 A .51 from Keneingt on depot. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg. Soranton. Willtalbarre, Montrose, Great Bend. 6:a. at 6 A. 51.. from Walnut ,rePt wharf and r.lO A. AL' 13 . from Keneinston depot. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown and tfathlehent. at 5.00 A. M.. and CO P. M., from Walnut-atreet wharl, and 7.10 A. M from Kensington depot. For Mount Holly. at 6.00 and 000, A. M.. 2.00 and 430. P.M. Wayreehold, nt 6 CO, A. M., and 2 03. P. M. Line for Trenton, Bristol, +ko , and 4,00 P, M., from Walnut street wharf, and? /0, A. M., and 5 f£,, P. M., from Kensington. BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Prime, Expresn Tut In A. M. ..... 12 00 noqi4. do 11.10 P. For Wilmington at 8.10,A M,, 12 noon, 1.13, 4.13, 0, and 11,111,. P. M. _ For Middletown, Pover, New Castle. Ponford and in termediate 'kinet i c. at 8.15. A. YT.. and JD, P. M. eundays—ror Monona at 11.10, READING RAILROAD—Broad and Callnwt•ill streets. Express Train 800 A M. Ntglit &usage _ ..... Igo e sj. Reading Asoommodation.-- 6 00 P. Al. ELMIRA AND NIAGAR Pt FALLS—Broad and Cal lowhtll, Express Train 1eave5._... ..._.........,.._... NightEurresa. . UHL GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —Ninth and Groan. Trnana leave for Consholtooked and Norristown at, 5 50.7.3 J. DM cad 11.03, A. M.. and 1.05, 3.08, 4.30. 566, 600 mO.lll 15, P Al. For Alanay auk, at 660, 7 .30. 9.03 r 1105, A. M., and 10. 2 05, 3.03. 4.50 5 53, 4 (0, 815 and 11.15. P. 51 For Germantown. at 600 700, 800. 9.50. 10 00. 11 00.1500. A. 51.. and 1.00.2181 3141, 3.30,4 00. 5,00, GCU 030. 7 00. 8 CO. 9 00. 10.15 11.30. P. M. For Chestnut 1101. at 60 1 ,300. 10113 and 13.00, A. K., 112912,00, 4.00, 9.00 630 500) 9CO and 10.11 P M. Sunday trains for fiermantorrn leave 9.05. A. Al and 3.00, 3.03,0 00 743 and 1030. P. M. Leave tierinantow n at 8 10, A. M , .1.10400,030, 0.30, P. 31. For &lair town 9.011. A. AL. 310 and 6.00 P. M. Leavo Norristown 7:3 A, Al., 100 and 6.00 P. M. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD—Vino street. Wharf. Maii Train loaves ••• .... 7JU A. P. UExpress - Tram • •-••••- ‘2 , 1 Il000mmo•latton to Egg Harbor only-------b.16 ItiORTIIPEriIiSYLVA NIA RAILROAD—Front end Wi!v.v. for re thlahent, laa9o at 6.30 A.. ^ .A1.. and 2.30 and 8 P. M. P 'F or Bark 3 %w.tli4ta.v.e, a l t e ?4 t e at '9 % d it t l p .. lh 3 15 M. fiendays—For Bethlehem tat 804 A. at. For 1;1°3 !es town et 3.90 P. AL WJ (MESTER ;1171A AnntA^Thirty -fug end Market atreeta Trains leave at 7 .15 and 10.01 1 A. :11., 5.3) and BA) .p.:41 Sundays leave at 8.90. A. M.,2.90 I'. M. de Tralea marked time (*) tea on 13undayb ; (ft Betel' Te 01XeOptwi 41 m ffe THE .ADAM 8 FARKESI CO., OfGoo 324 CHESTNUT Litreet, forwards Pamela, P.iotingee., Bank /tote!, and Seem, either by he own LUlllg or in eonneetoa with other Enema Companies, to ail the ermine) towns and °Wee of the United Stated. E. B. SANUFORD, e r pnitrfil VnnannfPndent ACKEREL, SHAD, ILEIWING, &0.-- "A. 1009 hbls Nos. 1.2 and S large and medium Mac korai, in assorted packages. of 3 Ten eh olol 413 '". 71 also 60 bble. new No. 9 large Macke 50 half bbls new No. ado do. • 20 Mils new No. 9 medium do. 50 do new Eastern Mess Shad. 50 half bbla new do do do. 1500 bile now ERIIIIIOII No. 1 Herring. 503 do do Hahfax No. do. 200 do new Horton No. I do. HO do do No. Beale Fish. 25 do prune No.l Salmon, Nal Re in ds CodEah. 100 es new .11RMer county Chabot, Way Land IRS and kroreja 01,2br iM611,411461k