The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 02, 1860, Image 4
AMERICAN NOTES A, ROYAL JOURNEY. BARON REEEREW'S PROGRESS THROUGH THE WEST• ST. 1;0'018 AND 'CINCIRRAII.f THE TUFT-HUNTERS IN ECSTASIES, The Bali at Pike's Opera House. TENRINS CAN GET NO SUPPER, IS VERY ANGRY, AND ABUSES CINCINNATI. Our exchangos, and particularly those froth the West, are overrun with glowing accounts of the doings and adventures of Baron Renfrew. Mast of these are in the on, totundo vein, while many ere fairly illustrative of the obsecieions style adopted -by our American miters in glorifying the Loyal , youth. We sated moan elegant extracts A TRADE IN NORSE!. At the fair isione of the trotting horses, eileer-Beele, - alkaceed the Duke of Bow, cootie's 'attention, and was ,parohaeed by him. Another, Wide Awake, came in for the Brinoe's Admiration, and, like Ida friend, the Duke, he be came also a • purchaser at the fair. Both will bi Gent to Ragland. . , - - ADMIOCR47IC RZOIPTION, .The eagerness. atikkeennear ,with 'silica his, per son and features were, from on ttli eldes t : , scanned; seemed rather to discompose him, and he sought a temporary relief by inspecti'is the Olean planks of the desk. His mood was, /stew's, soon unproved by the eagerness of a amen lad, who rushed tin-, awed ipto his Highness' most immediate presence, and gated upward into his features with an amu singly fixed scrutiny until removed. ♦ consolons mess of the ludicrous stole over the royal • cohnte mines, and he raised his large knaves i f wist fullyi and half curiously to the groups above and' around him. ills party being all on boark the remained a few moments on the tower deek, , each apparently "taking., notes"—mentally—for him self, while‘bis Highness-waited with amiable pa tienee to be delivered from his part in the show. Mean'ethile the ejaculations, exclamations. senten tious reflections, Lo., of the surveying spootators i were incessant and eloquent—such as " His nose Is Roman," " Why don't he look up ?" "Ile seems fagged," "He looks pleasant," "lie's bow-leg ged," " Which is he !" " It's the one with the, mine in hie mouth !" "La! is that the Prince? thought his hair was lighter," "Ain't he atoop-shoulder ed ?" "There, he's talking to the big-whiskered man !" " reggar Dutch !" "There's no harm hlm, sure !" "That cane !" " Won't ha make a speech?" Ao., indefinitely. Truthfully, the im pression made upon considerate observers by the young baron is, that he is an amiable aid sensible gentleman. TIM BARON GRACIOUSLY RRMAIIIS Lord Renfrew accepted gratefully the invitation of Capt. Railer to look at the engine and ma ohiuery of the boat, and thus furnished to the sharply-looking fair ones an opportunity which was not suffered to pass unimproved, of additienally feasting their vision with his princely person. On returning from this tour of inspection. he expressed, himself much pleased, and graciously rembixied with his party and the accompanying gentlemen on the upper deck. He marked with evident inte- rest the transition of scenery, and rather listened to, than actually engaged in, the conversation of Ids group. The event of the day, and indeed of the trip thus far, was the ball given at Pike's Opera House. It was a private speculation, and as each, a failure. The roam was beautifully deoorated, and the made was good. The Prince and his entire suite, in plain dress, arrived at 10 o'clook, and the at tendants, to the number of 500, rose while be crowed the parquette, and the band played the na tional anthem. lie danced first with the wie of the proprietor of the theatre, Mrs. Pike. There were, perhaps, one hundred well•dreseed people in the room, while the rest were awkward, Unman nered, ungainly, and dressed to the mast marked wretched taste. THE HEASON,-.WHY UN CAN GET NO flifiPEß There was no nipper, and, as a whole, Oinoin nati should be ashamed of the exhibitionmade be fora the eyes of the royal guests last evening. sit INCIDSRT. An old English soldier visited the Prince on Saturday last,.and a long and pleasant interview armed. The old veteran gave the Prince 'three obeers on his departure, the crowd outside the hotel assisting. TIM BARON FINDEI A WELLTION. A boy twelve years of age also called on the Prince, and represented himself as a descendant of the Duke of York. 'The boy presented documents establishing his claim. The Prince and General Brune listened to the little fellow's story, and it is believed they re garded the whole thing as a first-claw hoax. • Ji NISTA/CZ The Marquis of Chandos arrived from Indiana polis yesterday. There was a great turnout to Twelve him, the people mistaking him for the Primo. Tho Marquis, Lord Ilinchelbrook, and Hon, Mr. Elliott, will travel with the Prince, but not Lathe official suite.; . TIM HATUER OF AMU= EDWARD. The nature of Albert Edward; Prince of Wales, is of a highly sensitive order, and there is a ti midity about him which makes him shrink from contaot with a large and tumultuous crowd, such as that which surrounded hie carriage on the mon ition of his landing yesterday. Ile is of delicate organization, the temperament most allied to ge nius, and to 'him the paths of peace are most wel come: The turbulent manifestations of a mob, however well meant or dictated by good feeling, could not fail to grate harshly upon one of so much natural and acquired refinement. Therefore, the lower strata of the dentooratio element may prove somewhat uncongenial to bun. But lam happy to say that the people of the United States generally, and the superior order particularly, have studied his comfort, pleasure, and wishes with a delicacy diotated,by that good sense which is their prevail ing characteristio, that has not failed to impress him and his suite with a very favorable idea of American - consideration and courtesy. There has been a universal dealt& to pay him respect and do him honor, sal the affections have been widely enlisted in his welfare. The enthusiasm has been even greater than was displayed by the people of the British provinces, although, from the fact of his assuming the inoognito, the 'usual pageintries of royalty have been dispensed with, in deference to his own expressed wishes. THE IRISHMEN AND THE BARON No ohm of citizens were more boisterous and 43nthuslaotio in their greetings of Baron Renfrew than the Pons of the Emerald fele—an illegant " way they had of following the advice of a sage Guardsan, that advised them to have no part or lot in the matter. When the Prince was heated in the oar yesterday morning, ready for his de• parture an Irishman wee' observed giving vent to his feelings in a manner that showed that he wan fairly overcome with enthusiasm. After shower ing a score of oompliments on.tbe Prince, he gave the coup de grace by mining his hat and shout. ins, "Be dad, and come back here four years from now and we'll run you for President?" The royal suite'were greatly amused at this unexpected invitation, and the Prince came near tumbling from his seat in a paroxysm of laughter. TIM TRAVELLINU STIPI7LATION The agent of the Pii001:1, who to a cousin to him on Albert's side, arranges all his travelling mat ters, and stipulates In the bargain with railroad companies that, on no consideration, shall any per son be allowed onboard the train except those ne cessary to manage it ; and these are prohibited from entering the royal oar, but ride by themselves in a forward car. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE When the bargain was made with the imperin• tendeut of the Little Miami road to convey the Prince to Pittsburg, the agent endeavored to in corporate in the contract that the superintendent should ride on the front oar, and when there was anything of interest to be aeon on the road he was to go back and point '3i but to the Prince ; but the superintendent gracefully declined, whereupon the Maas was tendered the assistant superintendent, who likewise declined, asd at last aooounte an in dividual willing to accept the position was being searched for. TEE PRINCE IN wAsmoutorox It is now definitively nettled that the Prime of - Wales will be In thin oity on the 3d of October. He Will arrive hero about 6 P. g , leaving Balti more at afteen minutes past three P. M. in a Special train. no will be welcomed by a display of fire-works, by order of the Cloveininent. These have been prepared at the arsenal hem. Some of them, however, have been brought from New York. The United States de/motels steamer Anti costi& is being fitted up at the navy yard to escort his Highness, together with the royal party, and the Government officials to Mount Vernon. Some of the baggage belonging to the royal party, in cluding that of his Royal Highness, has been re ceived here by Adamsd . ; Co.'s Hapless. . A gentleman suggests in the Commercial• Ad• vtrtiser, that Baron Renfrew, while here, should attend service at St. Paul's Chapel, because his gund unole;the fluke of Clarence, subsequently illiest iv., went to dards there ,n 1781. The Champion of Trans-Atlantic .11iI• ltarde in New York. an GIVES ANormsn ExunirrioN, AND ASTONISHES AMATEURS. The New York '/';•tbe'n's gives a lengthy'artlola on a private exhibition to the billiard players of New York, which Wee given on Saturday evening, by hi. Berger; the celebrated French player, who is now in that city as the guest of Mr. Phelan. We extraot several paragraphs: - "Mr. Phelan plays froth the mind., M . B erger plays from the heart. That is the game of judg• anent, this of ,imagination. The prose or billiards, and`the poetry. An Berger himself defthes it, the satiating and the romantic. Berger is the alluring example for the young and enthusiastic muleteer in the moat graceful of domestiet games; Bit sp. ranes ia this country wtll ,certainly,reylve the latent romance of the; f and martins will nook to his abovvy and bright - standard, to be inspired with - something •of his own gallant and pestle spirit.' " The two ealsoole-ths scientific; and the roinitn tie—were brou ght into contrast on Saturday eve ning •in Mr, Phelan's Private room, in his great . temple of billiards, at the Otter of Broadway,and Tenth street. The French champion was Intro dated to the TopresentaTiVek of the American pub. , _lie, and exhibited his amazing skill upon hie_ own table, which has been set up side by side with one of.Phelan's best. The maiden was one of inter . national geed will, and of cosmopolitan admiration "of , genius . ' The company -embraced all the bil liard editors of the city, and the mist distinguished prefeklonal and , amateur': players. A collation, pleasantly capped the eciiimion: • " "Berger is not aromandst in appettranee. The spirit of a dream does .not lover about his person. The abundenthorpuleue“ tuggesta ease and neVae- . tterk 'force and, weight; Vat never. greet), Beta a Ova :of the' hie, good-natured :antoti - Bnll that Yaws% trivia to tickle. ^ litsThands, daft sa they, are r :nre not - delicate in dbria,.,ll,e, playa on the' oominon French carom table.; Tide Ananopookate, , sinallexthin the table ' ; we use, and „heavier 'a t, -"the bottom, with. evide - .custifona egriminuling the. be .Inplaytaig, he 'chalks -talons inoustaattr, . igenarilly:hothre eaok , ahotOandz,:edsuion t ,n, : amps • "4",seriee "of.jhots in the inmehtlieeehool wore " wee!m. ado:. • They - Were explained-in 11, 'familiar. wm)..heisentiory; and the roost Militant :elf 'them ell• n , silteltainesideAapplanse. we ,lifithent:ijdiagramer ihs table , cermet hope` tit convey ,the fancies, thatwer• wrought by the iris& sue. The bails Monied to be literally under the player's Inspire paproutirom a semi -oirel• dcsoribial in • • chalk at either corner of the had,' they Comte to gether Ifilark like a gook of sheep after funning' their separate rounds, and in a glom group await ed their next summons. There shots proved:that, with all his insiglnatton, Berger is a great mathe mgiolan; and knows wall every eerie of his table. Audit was• observed 'that in these and kindred shots of a most.praetioat sort; hawse in all' oases most sutoeseful. 'ln ~t ifisting' his, ball „lip 'dis played such-bold skill as has never 'been seen is thie country. oasis 'always proamt dioular upon the ball.. Thin is the most difficult . and dangerous practise, as welt as the Mart un graceful, and Is only possible to a im master of the in. strument. The amateur not only pa the cloth and, the leather of the sue, but also, in nine oases out of ten, entirely fails tolive the ivory the desired_imPelee. _ _ _ _ -------.--------- "The shots Were equally wonderful. Berger, drew his ball back to a c mutt from another baliplioed mid Way Of the table, natant it curving . and curveting from onshien to cushion with an no ' onraoy of result that wee as' unexpeoted as it was .beautiful. His' romance Ttatltied , its climax in a tour de force, that electrified the audlenite, pre; mi,Ted for almost any, freak of his imagination. Placing two _balls at one end of the table, and an other at the other , end, he propelled his - own ball frem the two fair upon the °nekton, over which it ran, as if fitted 'in a groove, until it reaohed a cer tain point, when it again leaped upon the table. and taking a oushion, caromed. upon the far ball ! The same skill that 'gave it this strange direction lifted it from the bad into a gentlinnan'e hat, as if the end of.the one Were a forceps." GWNEIiAL, NEWS. A vorMa Englishman, named William An drews, in the employment of Peter J. Crounse,. Knowersoille, Albany ooritifY, New York, on Wed nesday afternoon last, hung himself in consequence of unrequited love. In hie, possession were found $4O In money, a promissory note for $5O, and the •foilowing letter .• • • ' " Mn: Cnotralin : I' hare ' a nbte of $5O against yOu in my pcmiket-book. Bay me' nice coffin and grave:stone; and giva my brother rest of it,' plow). Upper Church yard- I like to lay. Pete Row* to dig• my grave. • These - boys I..ohoose, Adam Crouse, Tom Thornton, Sam Coonhardt, Peter Ifilton, , Oharley Orourize Frank Bfertin, - 'My love to one and all. 80, goodbye. , ' - "Wita,teit Awonaws. "To pay the Doctor, what I can. The shirt and nook -tie, put on me are in my trunk." ImmOvalmrcr IN OIicIANS.--M. Dueropet, of Paris, ,his made improvements in largo :.organs, by which the labor of playing Is very much re dttoed,' and thrown on the bellows-blower—which enema unneoesbary, as he bad the moat of It before. A. new stop, the "tuba mirabilis," is Introduced, very heavy and powerful;wlth a Separate bellows nod wind-ohest. The wind trunks are abelieked, and, a new style of wind valve introduced, which can be opened with one quarter of the pressure required by the old, the pressure on this new stop being such that the old valve could not he started even by the'foot of the player. Stops and sliders are shifted by the preseure.of a key, instead of draw-stops, and the composition pedals are much slmplified,'as well as the general action of the in strument. A nErrira from Paris to the augsburg .411ge. Inane Zeitung. contains a description of a new method of engraving and printing mule, It in analogous to the method of carving wood by burning the pattern in. The music is stamped into blocks of wood with heated stamps; which have a shoulder to insure their penetrating to an equal depth. From this bleak a stereotype cast Is taken. An edition of 1,500 copies, if stereo typed and printed' by this method, costs only about one-third as much as if engraved and printed from the engraved plate. THERE is a promising scoundrel on trial at Richmond for torgery. He gives his name as Miles Jones. Among others whom he him vie timised is an undertaker, who swears that he ordered of him a metallic coffin and a shroud and cap for alittle girl, nine years old. He wanted everything made as cheaply as possible, since the deceased was a poor nian's daughter. In payment for the bill, which amounted to about $29, he blfered a Cheek for $BO, - purperting to be signed by Mr. Dass, and received in return $5l. The un dertaker, after having, finished the work,' pre sented the cheek to one of the city banks, and found that It was forged. A FEW NIGHTS AOO, Mrs. John Fulk, who lives in Guyan township, Virginia, awoke her hus band, and insisted on hie examining the bad olothing, to remove a loottet, whioh she was Confi dent was °once/sled In them. He Searched' hem once, *but discovered nothing, and went to sleep again. But Mm. Falk was not to be satisfied. Boon she insisted on a second examination, and this' time Mr. Falk discovered a'rattle-snake, three foot Three inches in length, snugly ensconced in the mattress. The reptile was speedily des- Faanorraiv, Tennessee, has been plunged into a painful state Of excitement, by the discovery that one of its most respectable citizens, Mr. R. .11 Beale, had of late being using forged paper freely for the purpose of raising money. Over $5,000 of it has already been discovered, and it is impossible to tell how much more there may be. Mr Beale left town suddenly, and has thus far avoided smut. A. NEW explosit , e compound ha's been in vented by hi. Reynaud do Trots, a Belgian che mist. Its coat is leas than mining-powder, and it Is mush more powerful, weight for weight, than or dinary gunpowder. Ti is composed of nitrate of sodn, 5251 parts; residuum of tan, 27 5 parts, and powdered sulphur42o parts. It has, as yet, been only employed for blasting purposes, but its inventor thinks it equally well adapted for use in cannon. It is called pyronome. PL'EURO•PNETIMONIA IN GREAT A gentleman of New Brunswick, who lately went to England for the purpose of purchasing cattle, has returned without bringing any neat stook. He found that the pleuro•_pneumoniii was so prevalent throughout - England, Scotland, and Ireland, that it wan dangerous to attempt to transport oattlo to the port of embarkation. Re was furnished with ample certificates to the prevalence of the disease by large breeders and gentlemen, as well as by vete. rinary surgeons. - ONE thousand dollars reward is oirered by the Spanish consul at Charleston for the appro• henston of Jose Solano Alvear, who, it is alleged, has absconded from Bairna with a million and a half of private funds, which wore entrusted to him as agent in that city of the Ciedito Espaiiol of Madrid. TILE "UNITARY /101/SENOLD " BURST Ur The scheme of cheap living, under the name of the Unitary Household,"which tail. years ago was in the high tide of successful experiment in, New York, occupying four first-class houses thrown to gether, has lately burst up, leaving its creditors minus some thousands of dollars. HOMICIDE IN ALABAMA.—The Talladega papers give an account of a fatal affray in that town. A difficulty occurred between Jesse Milioan and Wm. M. Kennedy. The first drew a revolver, and the other threw a chop-axe at him, striking him on the neck, severing the bone and spinal marrow, producing instant death. 1r Is TOLDiD that the prairie atone, existing in large quantities just bnali of Chicago, will make gas as well and as freely HS the beat coal, yielding fifty per oent. of pure eattpetre, and a residue be left of as good lime as can be found anywhere. RECENT experiments show that a Minie-rifle ball, which will pass through a thick board or a bag of oakum, at a distance of five hundred yards, is flattened into a shapeless mesa in a bag of sand at three hundred yards. A MAIL brass cannon has been found at the bottom of a deep well of the Castle de Cluey, in France, with the date of 1258 upon it. The date of the Invention of cannon has historically been assigned to the year 1324—sixty-six years later. RUFUS PIOKETT bits been sentenced in Caro line, county, Va., to three years in the peniten tiary, for murder. ' RIR HENRY HOLLAND, physician to her Ma jesty Victoria, has set out for th is country, to join the Prince of Wales. Brtion the let of January, there have ar rived at New Y0rk19,363 immigrants from Europe, ageing 58,544 for same time last year., rfrILADELNITA BOARD OF TRADE. EDWARD S. CLARKE. WARBRY CoNRAD, COMKITIAII Or, II litotur . RERN. LETTER. BAGIS • At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Mop John Moire, „Liverpooi. soon Ship Tusearora.Dnnietry,--,—LiverPool, goon Bark Imperador, Hubbard :Pernambuco. goon Bark Bea Eagle, Kenny Havana, soon Bark Bullets, Staples --- Brig Mary &Milliken. flonien--.. .Cardenaa, soon Brig Black Squall, Davis.— StJago de Cuba. soon FOB WOOD COMM , APRICA.— Th e brig Calvert, Wil ler. will be despatched from this port about the 3d prox imo, for Sierra Leone, / s o. Al! letters and packages in tended for the African squadron, or moons on the enaat, will be forwarded, if left at the Foreign Letter Office, Philadelphia Exehange, on or before. the above date. SAIGIRO OF THE - OCEAN STEAMERS FROM THE UNITED STATED. _ . SnIPS LEAVEIOII. - - DAYS E5451311ew York_Liverpool ew York.- biverp001—........4.00t 6 Adriatic— .-_... ew York..Havre.-- Got 6 Persia-- ..-.....New_York-Liverpool. 10 Arago-- ..--.New York-Ravre...-- . ..4..00t 13 Glasgow- ....-...New York-Liverpool- 13 &monis- York... Southampton L.Oot 15 ....- ~-.Bpston_Ltverisool --Oat 17 New , York-Bremen.. 27 BOTII 2 / 5 1,..... , ..Nete York_ Soot hamp10n.....-•.-Nov 1 FROM EUROPE. slurp LEAVE TOR Saloma.,-..Southampton-New .....Rept 18 Prince Albert...._. Gal way-New Y0rk.....---Elept 18 Araso-. .... -.Southampton-New York_-_...--ifiept 19 Glasgow. . . York- Sept 19 North Bribio I,lverpool_guebeo —Sept 20 Amin& Sept 22 COsnaufeht_._._...GalWar.-.NeW oric- ••• ---- Sept 25 C of BaltimoreLiverpool-New York— ... -boot 25 Vanderbilt...Southampton-New Y0rk......--.sept 25 Nova Smitten - -..—Sept 27 New York- _Southampton_ New Got 3 Borarens......Southamptos -New York.. —.oot 4 The California. Mail Steame Month rom, New York on the let,llth, arid 20th of each The Havant Roamers leave New York on the Id, 7th, 12th. 1 7th. an 27th of sash 'Louth. , MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POILTAIIIPAILLADELPRIA. Oct. O. /860 tp,,,lings —a is-sUN OM-- 542 8. , . ATER,* .3 34 ARBINED. Bohr John Farnum,_ifall, 4 daya from Providence, Inth mese to Crowell tr. Coiing. Bohr Meranda, &hippo, a trays from New York, in ballast to captain. Behr Vadine, Meer. 3 days from Nast York; in bal last to Itopslisr & Bro. Bohr 0 all, Graham, 6 dam from Bunton, in ballaste to Repal. & Bro. Bohr Feetionnook. Barnes, a dam from Boston, in bal last to naptain. Bohr illary IL Mifflin, Buok, 4 dips from Providence, iv Mastic' captain. Bohr Mantua, Maxon, I day from Frsderioa.llol, with rye to Jai Barralt & Bon. Bohr Maggie an Dusan. Ireland, 8 days from Wil minston,l4u.with naval stores to Baker & Folsom. Bohr Triumph, Arta, 6 dam from Boston, with plas ter to oaptsio. Bohr Smith, Douglas, 6 days , from Salem, with mdse to Twells & Co.- • Bohr AiMitokrol:Elaeri 3days from Baltimore, with Aidge raj. Webster. Jr. _ • , Bohr aa 'A R Sher.pard,,Lane, 4 days from New Raven, baU in szt to rai% . 0011, S W isstdon,Maylori 8 days froni Mretorb in hal last to Banordm, .Co. • Bohr - ThAramid. Portent front-Boston._ - pA r Almhpwer, r p m r Tulin Malne,Preston,.from)Maton., Bohr Jos , Forter4 Yates. from Beaton. Huget te hltson: from loston.` , mar Na- chropsh hrosaire, from -_ _ - • gel a l it ' i ' allitrirb i gs.4 f L u n t a j =l Bo • Bohr - ,Mamyrristit. 4)nrson. ft:W[44l4o°P' Bohr tr5_06.44411034 Irma , Bohr M Brownintr.-,w malkoket. BriAr rukA) 11 1 0. B10( 6 7•Tiolk from VOttehe. 80,hr 14lay , Ellezh•Corson, rom itozbuf.. trehr Mary-Ansa, BOVVOIIt from RoMmryl, • Bohryanny_,Maybew. from Salsta, -_ • • - EahtfdarY NMI*, Smith, from Salem. 'Adeleadel, Y m Young: fro Newbury port. " " • 4 not ° ir Georgia. Sweet, fronvNerblwrirort. lfthr Martha J,Gau ea, ittnr Awns, from Saw fork. Sdir , t l 4o l 4 l t& Sarah, Tioe.lioni Lynn. y c hr B F Rollda y, seaman, from Weymouth. Steamer Vulcan, Mormon. 24 home from New York, With mdse to W Baird & Co, ~aetan,lton Newij e tteg, Adderdree, Co. • - Pahr'E 'Bentbn.laylot, Bolton. flatioroft, Lewis er, o. Atehr R Sheppard, Latre.New'R•eyert, omithiu. Bobr is P. Lams. Yorke, ortlamde RR. Powell at Co. Boar Sarah Werrenatatringeworsh, Baltimore, Hares dr, Gothih4ll,, . .1 - I Bohr Charm, Starr, Oeorgetaierr, RC, - do Bohr Olford, Dobbylig; do Bohr/ulna B Hares. Robizum,n, Washingtdri, do Bohr Delaware, Orbbs,.WaeArigton, do "'Bohr B Pritollldayi Beaman irWashington,Noble, Ram melt at • .• - Rohr Julia Maine.'Presirm, Neponget, do Nair %reline Hall, Ore:riam, Newport, Repplier h Bro ' Bohr undine; RialelZtrobitienoe. do Bohr John Farnem, providence, Book Mountain Bohro. ••• • _•.l R SI Browning', Itibler, Providence, Baum, Ogle 'Ec CO, • •• • • Bohr M A S h rops hire, Blitopihire; Boston,' • • do Bohr B Rioter Tine, Proyidenob, B Mass A Co. Bohr B.J. Alright, Btruth,•Promdsuce, NeYin, Bawyer & Bohr,Pannyi Mayhew, Boston, • •• 1 do Bohr Alert, Champion, Bton,l.,Rothermel & CO. • Bohr A 0 Reeyewtai ,e Bostont [ arbor, As (Mover tiohr se Oau,_Ehroperlzub Bag arbor: do Alahr'DiaMond, Norton,' Boston, NAlturtgarapt at Co. • Bohr L A,DanenhoWer. Malley, 'Boston, .• do Bohr Adolpleßuget, Mason, Poston, do Bohr Harriet & Barah,'Pros, Lynn, do • Bohr GeOrifiti,Siteet, Newburyport, do • Bdhr JosPorter, Yates, Boston, C A Ileolmoher Sc. Co. • • Bohr Peunonnook,Altarnes, Boston,. •do ' Bohr Lady 'Alen, Comm. Roxburi, do Bohr Ad II Smith, Smith. Portsmouth, Tyler, Stone at Co. Bohr Adelaide, Young Belem John R White at Co. Bt'rJ B Bhnver, Bennie, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. • MarieslsciSderme of The Proud aitVRE PE GRACE. Oot. 1, IBS. The V . Tioining lettwith 10 boa% laden and ootudgned as follows : Col .7 13 McCurdy, wheat and corn to Iltimphrtira.RolT ma. a Wriakt; Sonata. bituminous Goal to Chaaer; Y C Grltmsr,,anthmoite coal to R N Iturroushi; .1 R r and Reatrier. lumber to Malone& Taylor Wm Elder, C,hampion, lumber to 110Y0t011itec atisetst Vonaldsoll, lumber to .1 Gould; Mertimao, Dalisent, ttl? Pierce, E Cur. Jr. lumbar to Samuel Bolton &..Cd; Export moot.. o 1 and 9, Mary Bowman, J. 11 Wingate, C Bru baker, wo Suitors, Cht Seltzer, ooal to Delaware City; Baltimore Coal Co, No 9, 04)%1 to Chesapeake City. 2.IEMORANDA. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, hence, arrived at New York 30th ult. Steamship Koniiington, Baker, cleared at Boston 29th ult. for Philerlalphilw Ship Don Quixotic. Not. at Noo Chow July 12th, had a full ollrgoengaged for New York at 816 per ton; would sail about AA' let. Ship N - B Palmer, Friable, at Amoy 222 July, for S hang ß ait ow s. Ship diteli. Patrick, from hloliesn's Island, with guano, sailed from Sydney..NdW. 19th Julie for New London. Bosto k 20th o Mary _ r Bar Edson, Iliokorson, at Smyrna 6th ult, for n 21st. Bark Hamilton, Jarman. hence, at Havana 22d ult. Brig Delhi. Darnaby, for rhiladelphia, remained at Haunts Sith ult. . Brig Boned State, Cracker. cleared at 'Boston 19th ult forPhilhdolphia Bohr Geo Mangham t eteauder. aehoo for Galveston, put into Key Wool 222 ult, having sustained Mush in jury during the gale of the lath, 14th, and lath, She will discharge and repair. Bohr Laura Frances, Higgins, hence, arrived itt New buryport nth ult. Bohr, L hi Haley, J Frambes. Somers. and Chnsto- Pher longer, Laws. hence. wrived at Crowe l l. h Charm Loring, Ingomar, Crowell, Courier, Charm, Loring, and Village G em, Baker. for Philadelphia, and Helen Mar, Nickerson, for Baltimore, cleared, at' Bos ton 29th ult. POET OF PHILADELPHIA. last of Foreign and cinsetwise Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia for the month, of aeptember.lB6o; sonmox. QL? 6 it: T a g n e llr . —; 645 - Barks-- —. Schooners Sloops. MARINE DISASTERS 'TN SEPTEMBER-The, N Y Journal of Commarce publishes a list of the marine lossesduring the past month. comprising 36 vessels of all. oliumea. viz' ' Mips. 3 barks . 2 brigs. and 22 Ohre. Of these, 21 were wreaked, 4 foundered, 3 abandoned, 2 capsized, 2 burnt, and 3 were run down. The total intimq of the ohm!, exclusive of their car goes. may be estimated at edam t 55713.060,. The lose of life attending the wreck of the 'hip R 11 Dixoy was severe, numbering 15 souls, Three' parsons were also lost with the ship Evelyn, and one with the ship Chatsworth, Seven were also drowned from the brig Mary Pierce; 'which capsized on her passage from Bangor to New Raven, and was subsequently towed Into /Sew Haven.. . NOTICE TO MARINERS. ' Notice is hereby given that the nun and On buoys occupying station,' in Boston harbor, President Roads, and Broad Sound, and alto in Vineyard Sound and Bus se, it's Bay. will be removed for the winter. and spar buoys of corresponding' numbers and colors wilt be sub stituted. By order of the Lbrhibouse Board. MELANCTON house Inspector, S. N., Lighthouse Inspector, Second District. Boston, Sept 28, IWO. NE W, PUBL cA fickTs-. GG. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, • No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS'. • All Books are sold as cheap si at any other store , and yon have the advantage Of receiving a handsome Gift worth from Fifty Conte to Ono Hundred Dollars with eaoh Book. N. ADVENTURES OF J. BO OKS . O. ADAMS,. Mountaineer and Grizzly' Bear Hunter Of California. 0110 vol. /2n10.. mite en gravings. Price 81,33 JACK IN THE FORECASTLE; or Inci dents in the Early Life of Hawser Mar tingale. One vol. 12m0., willengravinge.Price $1.25 LIPE AND LETTERS OF EMILY C. JUDSON. (Fanny Forrester.) By A. C. endrick. 1 v01.'12m0.. with a Portrait. Pane 61.25 EVEREI T'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. One vol. 12m0., with a Portrait. Thee 8 1 .00 MARY HUNYADI. the Dreamer's Blind Daughter. By the author of " Grace • Truman," 1 vol. 12m0., illustrated. Price 100 TAI EBONY IDOL, By a Southern Lady. n ee 1.00 A WIPE'S TRIALS. 1 v01.12m0. noe 1.00 A MOTIthR'S TRIALS. .12mo. doe 1,00 CA MILLE. By Alexander Dumas. Prime. 1.20 NEMESIS. by the author ,` Alone. Price 0.1/5 PH'. SUNNY BOUTB.lngraham. Pries 1.43 ROBERT HOUDIN. the 'ltteician. Pries 100 TRE 110118EROLD BOOKSuvBOO Price See ALL TEE NEW Alt AS ISSUE at the Publishers' Regular Retail Price, and a handsome Present with each Book. Call in. and one trial will assure you that the best place in the pity where you shouldrohßige Books, is EVANS' GIFT BOOK EST A B LISHMENT. No. 439 CHESTNUT Eltregt.. so2o-3t Two doors below FIFTH, on the upper side, A NATIONAL EDITION OF JAIL VINO'S WORKS: , SAMUEL HAZARD Jrt., No. 724 CHESTNU street. Ilea the pleasure of anrounoing to the Ph detphia Publics that the well-known publisher of WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS, Mr. G. P. Putnam, of New York, hasnow in course of Aqva NErattW on AND COMPLETF NATIONAL EDITION GREATWORKS OF HAT AMERICAN AUTHOD, WASHINGTON IRVING, In 21 volumeri, together with HIS LIFE AND LETTERS, BY PIERRE M. IRVING, His Literary Executor and Nephew:in S volumes. This entirely new edition of this popular author will be published in monthly volumes, at er1.30 PAR VOLUM b. PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, In 12mo. size. superbly printed on delicately tinted paper, substantially bound in bevelled hoarde r each VoLUIRE ILLUSTRATED WITH. VIGNETTES ON STEEL AND WOOD. It will be SOLD EXCLUSIVELY TO SUBSCRIBERS. And will be greatly superior to any edition ever before published. A very UNIVERSALLY POPULAR ULAR WORKS hi thus placed WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. Six volumes. viz: THE SKETCH .POOR, SALMAGUNDI. BRAOEDRIDGE HALL, WASFIINGTON. Volumes 1 and 2, ALES read?A TRAVELLER, Are now . and subsori .ptions received for Closet, at THE BOOK STORE OP SAMUEL HAZARD, Ja., No. 724 Chestnut Street. n 022 6totnth NEW BOORS —FOR SALE BY SAMUEL CHESTNUT.. 724 Street. EVERETT'S LIFE OF WAHINGTON. Ong vol., 12m_ ,n cloth. 911: The only reliable and popular Life of Waahingtonpublished. THE GLACIERS OF THE ALPS, Wes a narrative of Emulsions and Ascents, and the Origin and Pheno mena or Glaciers. By John Tyndall, F. 16. k. With Il lustrations. One volume, Itrno,_cloth 91.60. THPART NINE-of TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. E ROHS OF HORACE, Transtated Into _Bestial', Vorse, with a Life and Notes by Theodore rduatia, Blue and gold. la °ante. THE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVERIE ; or. The Elliir of Gold. A Romance by a SoutheraLady, 9 volumes. S LOIHE'S LAST TERM - AT ST. MARY'S. 'A No. v el, the prinotpal events of whioh oaeurred at St. Mares College Burlington. On volume. ei. , • • • Lipk, Arab LETTERS 'OF EMILY JUDSON, th Portraig. By A. 0. Rendriok. One volime. 01: vrtE GREATNEO3 AND 'DECLINE OF CESAR Said,,TTEAU, train the French of Honore De novel by Oh:ikons and Thackeray, to be the beet novel of the age. One volume. el. - • • , T E E COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE, and TH OLD 01ILLREA BUN LOUSE. BY the author of !do Powell. CANTsWI ry LBERFORCE'S ALANUAL FOR COMMON!. .• • • FLEMINEVB VOCABULARY OF FBILOSOPILY .ISy Rrouth. ee29 St ATLAS DP 'PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE will s a e PUBLIC , Now in press. and will coon he unwed: a n ew May of the Whole emesolieletted CUP, in tacit) , &ye sections, on a larger scale than any heretofore published. exhG toting aeouratelr the size of all Blocks, Btreets. Courts, Dftds, &0., with the location at Dublioand other buildings, &0., together with a finelv-engraved Index Map, complete In•itself, showing the boundaries of Wards, and names, &0. , of All Streeta and Roads in the f , llKttt i fili v iZl.fardli i setr, i aan i d s i r e! gen 011 . vl l r 4 i l o noseus f Assembly and vrdinanoes, &p. The work will be printed on superior paper, and atantially bound in atlas form, eighteen by twenty four, inches. Xhis will valu a b l e tonvenient to • every citizen, and particularlyto intlegaional gen tlemen. As the intentionhas been to Maize this &standar& Mar, no pains oreapense has been spared in Its preparation. The subscribers hence secured the valuable assistance of the different District tinrverors throughout the City, and have for several years been engaged in making so curate surveys and plans for the work. • JOSEPH H. BONSALL, Pio. 407 WALNUT Street. TH AMU Y L P L FTR E t D , and Y L,ANCASPARyor. Av. aita•natuthlm COAL-OIL LAMA. MORRIE OR OJAL OIL LAMPS.— Aim- The Immense sunless of WITTKEB & CO., No. 35 North EIGHTH Street, in the mangfeeturp and sale of Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Lamps, and the extra ordinary quantity of the justly-olebrated Kerosene Oil sold by them, has exoited the jealousy of certain par ties olaimingti be the 'only manufacturers of .Jonl Oil Larose. we have heretofore, and do now, claim to . sell a better artrete, and at 411 low a prire, and, in Mass eases, much lower than any house in the trade. Whe ther we have kept our word We think is fully proven by the foot of the immense ealee made to all emotion, of the Union. Knowing no South, no North, noFast, poweol. but giving to at/ sections an article of seem., work enanshiP, gotten up with the best taste, mid warranted, in all onset, to give satisfaction, and we now• reassert that we can, and do, and will continue to, cell a supe rior article of LtUPPS Chandeliers, dr., together with everything appertaining to the humeral, as low as can be bought either in Philadelphia or elsewhere, for proof of which we invite country merchants and dealere to examine our stock, and satisfy themselves that this is no Idle boasting, but sin/pie/acts, whisk Cannot be con troverted by mere assertions. We claim _to manufacture (notwithstanding the " string" bunions) and sett our lamps as law an an 7 other house in the trade. The only oueetion li; eqn weds It ? We enrwar, emphatically, Yen,, and are .ready , to prone it in the most tribe Y Manner, 712 : or: nAhing at such prioee ae will o &H W elga any one to modem) the same articles at a lower Pm.. Our motto, " AND liE7 LlVE"—there Is room for Nonestz, industry, and integrity must and will thrive, in_apite of the boast of beaten parties t WITTERii & CO. are located, at No. 35 North EIGHTH Street, N. E. corner Filbert street: First H oor Retail Rooms, Wholesale Rooms, In the upper earls* of Nos. 3 5 and 37 North NATIWPTI Street_ • • ee27.-tf QR FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SQ.ALES, 1 110 Ztfor tale by 715FIABANAr9AMINIR. B°RAX' ri3fiiitil; 'in cases and barrels ; 'alp (or solo. WETHERILL & BROTHER 47 and 49 llorttraY,LlONA , at. SWEET OIL, in quarts-and pints; for tale. WETHERII et BROTHER Coco - 47 and IA Mirth 141CCIONDAL 1 AVA OOPPER- I ,ooopeckets -prime air Java Cabes for Nabs by JAMESGRVIAN & GO.. 11:WRI7T A Ntr•mkr • • z ANNISqD--4 cask B,ltaliatt Tor sale. Wrar e B raPagb D 'B/ „ j• . A R D IN o . LLnrd Oil, - store and for rale by ROWLMT. SH B o RNIM & CO. No. 16 &filth :Whatoos. .628 • C il OASES OF BM LEAFTOBACCO, in store, and for Hale by sen-tf .KW, B. BANBOti 4. CO. THE , PRESS.-4ILILADELPHIA, 'TUESDAY, OCTOBER' 2,, 1860. INPECTINE ; PERSIA N FEVEF, ()HARM FEVER AID ROUE EXTERAIDIATEP. iiiMAri COritiriTUTION 13AVED 'Eau( WE PREVENTIVE AND EMERy. INTERIOITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVERS. CURD' INBURED Iti A DAY NATURE'S GRAND NEBTORAVVE. RiPgOTINE. NPEOTINE. INPEOTINE. The terrible malady known ea the FEVER AND AGUE himitioitten bin:diode eilhousands of Derma throughout the world every year, and has never sW now been met bp - anoCeesibl medical treatment that has not produced severe whioh afoot the Inure. the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other parts or the human orsantsm. The INPEC TINE hi this itatititil'aitialohist 4)1411 fevers, and lishe it !coma in cor!taot Iritlx,the skin, is absorbed by the interior organs, whioh resist sully miasma and eat ten dencies toward those maladies Whioh prostrate the mind and body with fever. ._...._...,..._.......99 Fever and Ague mutt from numerous causes. No ewe is exempt from the °annuli whioh promote the ex istenoe of the disease. That being onoe rested in the Intern, induces depression of epints, lassitude, !en gin' r. pains, chills, fever, end n long two of disagree able sensations, depriving the patient of all energy, ar ,t redoing hint or her to a °audition of Why will any one suffer the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Feverorhen, by the ttee of the the arafaent medial and megloal qualities of which are instantly absorbed, ALL TRACES OF DISEASE NAY DE ArEiTHI BBLF-DARE 0 BETTER THAN FRYBIO. NATURE Di WIRER TRAM ART. EVERYIDIREADE NMI A DIVINE REMEDY, THE WISH ArPLY•WHILE THE FOOLISH BETTER PREVENT THAN t3TRIVE TO .CURB THE INPEOTINE, Has cured thousands of both sexes of the most dread fel fevers. Reedited refieot. WONDERFUL. EFFECTS • Lennie Bongs% of Pittsbnrg..for two years ageless to hiraselt and soeiety—i martyr to °bills and Poser— cured to lOW than titres - week', and improved in eight hours. Miry L. Belhasp. Sendai ohY. Ohio. after alma losing her reison'as well sa e!roagth, by Intermitter Fever. with Chills. r riatored to health in twenty hoary J. X. "RI of Belgrade. 'Wine, brought from dtith's door,, hiving guttered for four team haute well In Ave week,, and improved he two hours. Adolphe alonbro. of Fiance, relieved in one hour, while travelling in the care of the Fort Wayne and °Mow Railroad. Re waa 'aegarently dying with Chills. Ellen R. Benson, Lockport, Veer York, rescued idler seven yews' lUWerint• A perfect cure, ' T housands of other oaeee prevented and cured every Month, end not a single complaint of the effiotenor of the INPEOTINE WRY IT, PROVE Er. !MOW 11, And make known Ine Wonderful yowere and virtues', that those' who antler, or who tire threatened with sufferinto may be led to use a simple, innoxfoue pre paration, !unfitted by As field of Mauro for MAN'S BLESSING. 1$ BOLD BY ALL DRUODIBTB AND MEDICINE PRICE ONE' DOLLAR. Bent by mall to ally Riqt of the United Stabs. It is sot taken Inwardly, bat is applied ostwardir twoording to ditsotlass, witiott sooompany sash pack ass. • MANUFAOT URED ➢Y JOHN WILCOX & CO.. ;imAN9H : ofFicE, Teo. 8Q 11/041f. OF 00AIMElibE MOLDINO. 1 NEW Yogi( CITY, INllHiliktf Mal MEDICINAL. WASOK, INITOTINE. INPECTINE. MEDICINAL DISEASES, EXTREME 41ELPLEUNESII, INVALUABLE INPECTIER, PERSIAN FEVER CHARM. LATED IN A FEW ROUES gr DREAM. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. PERSIAN rEVlitt PERSIAN PRYER (CHARM INPEOTINE DELLERO IN AMERICA, 0 0 M10,001:10;_til 166-40 Omni, ittEDICIIdAJL: - - - - - DY@PEPSLII. REIVIEDY. - .m. DARIUS , AROMATIC' INVIGORATING This liiedietime has been used by the pubtio for six years With increasing favor. le is recommended to Cure plopepria, Nernoustust. Heart-Eurn, Cigi6 - Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in Mc Bowels; Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaisia, Low Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. IT EiTINNIL ATMS. EXIIIYARATRB. INVIGOILATER, ROT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR STUPRNY. Ai a Medicine It is quick and effectual, curing the most esgravad men of Dyspepsia, Kidney Comaints, , end all other serangements of the Eltomnoti and Bowels in a speedy , matiner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and diepingspirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and, ino_kly to health, etraligth, and vigor. • Persons who, front the imudimous use of Ninon, have become dejeotedrand their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and stableet to that • horrible curso,ter ham/tate. the 'galantine Tazatitne will, al most mamediatel, feel t e happy and hesithy invigo rating effloaff o Dr. Ram& Invigorating Spirit. • • RAT IT WILL DO. DOOL — One. wine close full as often as neessaary, w One dose ill remove all Bad Spirits. Oils dose Will oure•Heart-burn. brae doses will cure indigestion. . e dose wil l give You a OntaitAppetito. ' One dose WI stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. • One dose I remove the distressing and disagreeable effeets . of ind or Flatulence. and , as soon as the stomach rocergil the Irivigarating Spirit, the distreae in load and all pialtraltilellage be rep l ayed. gne doge will remove. the moat distressing pains of Collo, either in the etomaoh or bowels. _LA erwdoseit will remove all obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints aro assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical oure by the rum of one or two bottles. • , fraTLY DISSIPATION. persolutwho, om dlsaipeting too Inuoh over night, and,feeihe evt ektiotsounoisoinous liquors. in violent headaolitie. gio)tneas at It weakness, giddiness, ice., will find onA doe II t move all bad feelings. , Ladies of weak and ckly constitution" should take the Invismating' Spirit three times a day make them strong, healthy, and haply , remove all obstruc tions and irregularities and the inenatrual ,organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn taco. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable tnedi nine to remove Cilagrecable'Pulsations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is atrial, and to lath:oe this, he has put up the Invtoonallne NPIZLIT in pint bottles at Dente,e :ae WATERrzleot.B 232 ' g i rN r Yo' tirc4 ot NorthtaiNlStree • smlaideAgents in Philadelphia, fe7-tatrilv andtor sale by all I) pats. PERUVIAN SYRUP, • OR PROTECTED gOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known Remedy bite been need extensively ._ and with great semen for •iN DSPEPSIA. • 4* OR IMPAIRED AND IMPERFECT DIGESTION; " DETITIOTi.TAegtraI BLOOD; d{ ; ' AND 808 TILE VDLLOAL'IND .• FORMS OF DISEAS.E, Yaw Most of which originate in DYSPEPSIA: W.VA.:COMPLAINT , DROPSY. NEURALGIA and .RYOUS AFFECTION - 5..1,08S OF APPETITE. HEADACHE. LAtOUOR and DEPRESSION lIPIRITB,_C RDUNCLES_and BOILS. PILES. SOUR Y. AFFECTIONS OF WDESKIN._OOIVIIIMPTIVE TENDENCIES, -BRONCHI - Tie, DISEASES PECU IAR A L LMALES. and 1:10A 1 . . . ACCOMPANIED fly GENARAL DEBILITY. and REQURATIV IRING' E al 4 70NIC and ALTE- Nola; The failure of IRON as a ter:lady for DYS PEPSIA, a bad state of the bleed, and the 'numerous diseases mused tho,rebY , has arisen from the Want of aueh a preparation of Iron an shell enter the etomeoli in a PawrOxtlen state. and assimilate at once with the hlootl Thie want the PERUVIAN SYRUP supplies, and It does so to the only form in which it is possible for Iron to enter the oiroulation. For this reason, the PERUVIAN BY RUP often radiantly cures diseatee in whin other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be of no avail. CERTIFICATE OF A. A. HAYES, M. D., OF BOSTON. It le well known that the medicinal effect; of Protoxide of Iron arelost by even a yeti brief exposure to air and that to maintain a solut i on or Proton eof Iron, without further satiation, has been deemed Impossible. talthe PERUVIAN SYRUP this desirable point le at ed by COMBINATION IN A. WAY IVEVORIC UNKNOWN; andthis solution may roplaoo all the proto-carbonate;, oitrates, and tartratesof the triateris.hiedma. Iti _ BA . aT A. KAYE%, Booton. Assayer to the Eitate of Mass. LON &rest namßPamphista containing Letters from the above ed Gentlemen and otbers, and awing tall informa tion of the Syrup, oaa be had on application to the Agattts,or to N. L. CLARK k Co., Proprietors. OODNIAN BUILDINGS, _ N0.,7 Es SUDBURY STREET, BOSTON. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the Wilted Owlet Agents for Ponnerevanfa: PYOTT k 432 North SECOND Street, Phllada. ati7-tuttul•3ni Al RS. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS AMA- FOR,LAHIF,S. , —Approvad of and highly repent- Elnded btheldedioalprofession throughout the 'United ates, T h irty Thousand Invalids having been advised their p rinolans to use her Surgical Appliances. She veichli mutton Merehanta and others egainst purchasing exoept at her residence, 1030 WALNUT Street, whey, age eeb be consulted 4elly, between the hours of and 5. Her book of testimonials will be given on &well cation. put fret to and put of the United Staten. He signature is on oaoh article. say2D tuthg-tf URANCE COMPANIES. A NTITRACUE INSURANCE COMPA NY —Authorised Capital 8400,000—CHARTER PER N o . 0 oe No. au WALNUT Street, between 'Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss Qr damage by Fire, on Duildinge,Funnture, and Merchandise gene rant, A o, Marine Insurances On Vessels, flargmci, and Freights. Inland Insuranpe to all arts of that/mon, DI REOTORs. bulb Faker, Joseph Maxfield, 11, Luther, Dr. 'doors.° N. Ecikert, 4!. Andenned, John R. Slakiston, Davie Pearson, Wm. F. Dean, Peter Sieger, J. m. 8..... ..1 4 .nomEE L KEP President. W:.D.EAV M V/ao Preshien ,t 5t.81.514/TH. Eleo retarr. aol-tuthati LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CUM. PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL. LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, WI CHESTNUT Street. Aimee, anr,611.52. INS Ulte.ll LIVES for the whole term of life—s rants annuitym and endowments—purohasen life interests in Real Estate. and makes all ocintrams depending on the contingenoies of Life. They not as .Exeentors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. TILIISTEES. Itaniel L. Miller, Samuel E. Stoked, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, ' S. Newbold, James IS. MoFarland, Vi Warn P. Haoker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston. Samuel C May, Theophilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell. Edmund A. Sunder./ Hems C. Towmiend, Daniel L. Hutohinsoni .Rolpliegi Kent,John W. Hornor, m Willia H. Carr, Ellis S. Archer, Dullori, Samuel!. Christian, William Robertson. Joseph M. Thomas. Warner Ravin. John G. Brenner. P IL Itlioh T. Easton. I)ANIEL Latin...LEß, President. . E. STOKES, V/C0 Yr done irOINOH. AAIL aßcrettiry. aul3 A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., OCORPORATED L9lO-00ARTER YERPEZ. ib. No.= IWAYUT Street,. above Third, PhllsdelphLa. Raving a fartslBllll-111) Capital Stook and Burs In vested in sound er2d avallable_Seourittee,oon Donnie to Insure on Dvrellinee,,Stpres, Furniture, !Hero Landis', Vessels in Port and thei! cargoes, and other Personal Property. All bones liVerally and promptly adjnstai, pritioroae. rhos. R. Marls, John Weleh, John 7.. L Jaynes R Campbell. Aamizel C. Alamos, .Edmung Q. Baulk, Pntrtok Brady, Chink W.Prnaltney, Israel Morns. THOMAS R.MARIS. President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Snoretart. feill-tf UAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA- Ia& NY—FRA.NKLIN BUILDINGS,. 4011 WALNUT .11TRREN'IiILADELPRIA. CAPITAL, AND SUR- F:Ais ),740.70.—Insures again= Lou or Damao bz Eite, and t Perils of the Bea, inland Navigation and errensportation. GEORGE U. DART, President, EROBB, Vice President. . CADOONHALL, 860 Y ana Treanrir. . R. BUTLER, /mutant ideoratear. DLRECIVID. Roan, Folder H. Perkins AtArew It. Chemberi, "%mud Jones, M. D.,, mhit-tf , • eqyge B. Hart, Ll'.l.°lii'l , 7% 14. THE ENTERPRISE MISURANCE COMPANY PP RIIILLDEPHLL (FIRE /MELANGE EXOLITBIVELY.) COMP AN_r BUILDING. S. ST CORNiti YOUR= AND WALNUT STBEBTS. DIREOIFORS. lAIMII7OIII STAMM!, MORMICAI b. DLWAOie WILLIAM Aftoltil, firm. I.EITiriAT. ALAMO FRAmity,u Ff. Dan AI. ATWOOD, M. A. I ., MINVTODE, t riD.IIIM D. CIAAH, Rb i git ORARLTB W. CuXE. tfearetar,. tan SAVING FUNDS. " A httle, but otter', nn the Purse." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 196 South FOURTH Street, between Chest ! nosut end Walnut. Philadelphia, Dais all Dalmatia l demand. DepOsitora' Money tenured by Coenratrient, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort -6111? %ew Dy deems. safety better than large pro, 00011459U011t1f will run no risk with dopo- 1 name money, but have it at all times ready to ifitriAT i e th aejilatr: t0g:4°4 4 :1.4f eusyouded. sonatas, married or tingle, and Minors, can deporot trt their own right, and such danOgint Oan I be withdrawn corny by their cousour. Charter perpetual . incorporated by the State Of ronnrylrauia. with authority to rooelre money tro o ltrwsteon and executors. I 1, SOL AND SMALL SUMS .11ROBIY1yD. ea open daily, from 9 to e o °look, and on' Wednesday *Ming until flo'olook. DIRECTORS. Jaisob !Mennen. Cyrus Cadwallader. hn Shindler, Illsorts sisal mi. won, ' , Award T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Donry Delany, tobolan Rittenhouse, Nathan timodloy. I Joe. H. Sattorthwtuto. i te t nes - Yorke'. Joseph W. ipoumolt. JACOS D. El NNW( Pre: admit. ("TRIM OLDWALL ADIS, Wreactrer. ap29-y "A Dollar saved is twice earned!' A MERICIAN SAVING FUND.--Com _vanea Buildinrc, riouthesat opener WALNUT and FOURTH Stroolg. Opon daily from U g'olook, and on MONDAY tilt 8 in thoovening. Wet Institution haa always paid In full, on demand, `Without nativs, IgriEREST FIVE FEE ORNT. All PAW bank, on Inatel r in gotd and silver. TRU PEGG. ALE . 0111ILLDIN, Provident. HAAIL. WORK, Vioo President. John C. Farr, T. Rainer, George Nugent, John Ansa/son, Jr.,Sarni. T. Bodine, Ain. Gjtoberr,,, *hla Adman, Jona' Ifolfro,n, U. Eldridge, tn. Howard. JOITIi 0. WI I,l9ol4,lrsasorar. JOHN 0.14E4% Eisovetarg. au9l-2m V i AVIND 'FUND-FIVE PEE. CENT. K. 7 TERME—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST_CQM Ftiltaft.L.llaXlllrtrigVarjricAla v",.. • Money is reoelyad is any sum, large or small, andras. trest w paid from the day of depoint to the day of witty rAI. Nite a °Moe b open every day from nine o'oiook in the morning till Rye olloak In Um eventng. sad on Monday and isiredy evo r eight* °look. on._ll 'OR L. BRaiNF.A . , Pollutant. °BERT LVRIDfilk3 Vice rrfolden4 WILLIAM J. RIND. Beetatal7. DRlci 311 ~ . §rb4. , Hesry L. Benner, . Carroll Brewster. ward Lc Carter, mph B. Barr to net tit/Ai: li to Francus Lee, /oseph Yorke!, J. atadreth Mantis, , James L. Steoliensol. - liner la received arid payments mate daily, . . hejlavestmente are anode, t , , conformity with the provisrar of thp rarter, in eal Estate Plortsesies uroun Rea th , tu emit first-ci ii seourities P.O will a ii. r, s pears pyr sot security to tho depositors, ap ell 0 3ntlat tall. to Oro Desixiatisincrf and 'WPM?' td ■ lussituttoh.. • aul-fri OLVIZIG• , RIIND— T ITIYITED STATq Kai - TRUST 0051PANY, cornrr WHIR]) and wiEBl - • , , • 1,, . . . Itt, AlMitglaritaii.."roAtil"fg c liov. 4fht''t;il'iV,.N°iP.iflgs fc'qmi stke dal of flop t to,,,ttot day' of with, dts , L• . . , at houri, from 0 Datil 5 o'olook'ar,sry day, and‘s4 Iy,DAN EVENINIoB from 7 uotil Do °look. RAFTS for sale on England, iraland, ad Flootleini, trim ia uyvardo, resident—STEPßEN R. CRAWFORD, rawyer—Ja.slElVß. ItUNITIL rhia X VlNC,,figtmirr, EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION.—A Reaorit, Gradts uto of Harvard Collage, Masseollusettsi now nut sum* Ws professional studtes, wishes to take one or two Pupils to prepare for College, or to Instruct in Engluilt litudiekt. • otie e Walker, D.D.. and C. C. FeltonLL.D, Oharl;l6 Cambridge,hort,l-i.jultildflßmlilia. H. Fume" ' "" and Address, " Box 606 ront'Offiao. oal-6t 11tiONIAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH IHA THEMATICAL d Boys, .B. corner of 11 r it n OA C D L ATI C R A CHNNPa L -4Ffg, Septembers. 001-120 Th/ESDAMES ;ONENANAY AND D'REN 4T-a. VILLY reepeotfully inform their friends and the publio•that the,' have removed their Boardmg_and Day School for Young Ladies from Logan Square to Noe, /MIT end 1429 SPRUCE Street. • Po pile from five yesrm of age upward prepared for the fourth °lam. ir2a-em VREELAND INSTITLITE-A BOARD -INO 60110014 FOR. YOUNG MP:N.—Tine insti tution is .ionated. in a delighttpt,theelthy, and refired Wi t i.gligra: c auL r o v 4r. t7 rl3Vir i ggi r trelft,7274:tb?e r , by Norristown ratirrad and stages, twtoo a oar'. Next cession opens October 22d, For circulars. address • H. A. PIUNBICKEFt, Principal, 5e2M0022. FerMomen Bridge, Montgomery 00.. Pa. BRIANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E, corner SE VENTH and CUESTNStreets.:--.Day and Evening ',Sessions. lndil4dual instruction in Bookkeeping in cluding_Heneral Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship ping, Forwarding and 001111111111110 n, Banking, Ex (mange, Manufacturing, Railroading,' Steattitigating. Re., the most thorough and prartital course in the United- States. Also, Leeturee, - Commarmal Calcula tions. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematios, pen manship (beet in the city), Correwndence, kn. For sale, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fulley printed in colors, and the brst work published. s •SS-tf Q'tAIINDERSI INSTITUTE, TBIRTY - N/Pirli M AND ADELPHI MARKET STREETS, • PHA. Ilrofossor E.' P. SAUNDERS an CCHTLAND BAUN DEBS M., yrinoinals. Hon. WM. BICEER,_ ClearEeld..%WM. MoKIHRIN, Dm., of the Merchants' Hotel. Philadelphia• Hon. J. W. FORNEY. of The Preis ;,Bon. N. B. BROWNE, , Mauch Chink—ail of whom have tons boarding on Philadelphia ; Rev. R. NVEtITBROOR D. D., of Me S. $.l coon ; Hon..). W. MAYNARD,. Williamsport; J. hEISEN RING, Eso., Snot: and Engineer of the Lehigh coal end Navigation Comp 'y; and Eon. ABA PACKER, Saunders' inetitute—will give their Blonde who may be looking for asafe, thorough , and pleasant school any information desired respeatmF this seminar!. Agrove and lawn of AIOH7. ACRES are attached to the ;Institute for geolugion, recreation, and physioal ex erciPll'he Orme for a tendon of five months, counting froto the day of admission, are OM for day-hoarding ;MOIL 0100 for pupils who spend Yaturday and Sunday at home, and In for pupils remaining constantty. No extra charges . l'ft77llentS in advance . A 1129-877 ITALIAN, FRENOH, AND LATIN, by E. T. BAMBAL.INO, 1323 TINE &red. - - TIRE MISSES OASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S de. English rind Frenob Boarding and Day School. for Young Ladte WEDNESDAY ALNUT !street, mr3U be reopened on September 12. eels-lm - 10.1.3(iLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. MA —The sehool of the irubsufber,_ln Siioea' Building, (DIEBTNU'I btreet, Septemberlth, ta-eeen on MONDAY, the 17th of eel3-tf CHARLES SHORT. RIN G GARDEN ACADEMY FOR N. 7 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N.B. Oor. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Otranto. Kook-keeping. Langua ges, hlathentetios,DlAWillff. ho. Boys mowed at any HONLEAVY LONG, Principal. on3-Ina* HARRIET BROWN WILL ~REOPEN Her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS on the N. W. corner of FILBERT and 'JUNIPER Otranto. opposite Patinßauaro. Benue. on 10th or ninth month, (Bent) asst-Ow• CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREE,T. below LOCUST. The duties of the entwines' Institute will be rimmed Monday, Septembers. J. W. FAIRES. A. AI.. ati27-d2in - Principal. MISS M. W. HOWES HAS REMOVED her school for young ladies to lOW CHESTNUT street. and will reopen on Wednesday, September 12. A few boarding pupils will be received. For oironlare, inquire an above, or at the Presbyterian Rouse, 1334 end 1536 Cheitnutstreet. au2l-6w Pm INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR DINR TR(RTERNTR and FiIoDSRT streets, re opens MONDAY, September $l. :Soar , more mile Will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. R. STEWART. Prineipal. VENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND SPRING GARDEN Streets,:srpl 100 PM Septem ber S. Boys prepared (or any Division of the rubho Grammar &hoofs, for Colleges, or Par Business. au2o.6w* H. G. MoGUIRE. Principal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD 4-T.4LIND and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No, t, 1791 VINE troop near Logan Square, will It E-O' on W pIio EDNESDAY. September lath, Ciroulare fure-t fnished on apation. .aul IVIISS LUCY R. MAIER and Mrs. R LTK. 'fat, BIRD will Isom their sehooi for Young la dies, at No, 1010 SPRUCE. street, on hIONDAY, Sep Ember 17, , BUSINESS CARDS. Nnlv ORLEANS (LA.) PICAYUNE JOY. (JOE. & Co. Haire been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively circulating paper, of commanjing in fluence. Business men are advertising in tho best news- Papers or and country, at the offices of JOY", COE, k CO.. Advertising Agents, FIFI It and CHESTNUT bitreete. AltiLadolphla ; Tribune Buildings, Hew York, se2o4f MAIIIEW BROOKS, MAN UFACTURER Or CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS, In every variety ot colors, No. 139 North THIRD Street. opposite Cherry. Pinhulel H ORACE SEE, MECHANICAL ENOINHER, and PATENT ATTORNEY H , No. 114 South SIXT Street (Nearly °undone the County Court Heusi ' ) Prepares Speoifications, Dtawingst &0., and transacts all other business connected with the obtaining of Let tere Patent. , Maohinery Designed and Drawings 'nada. au2s-Sin. R lt. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • REA ; AND OONVEY.S.NOUR, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. FA EINS,STORES, MILL°, and HOTELS FOR BALD in Montgomery,linoks. Cheater, and Delaware counties, varY pi g tram 10 to ZOO wren, in good localities, rersoni applying will Pe shown properties free of Glut d m SOM.F. %DV& el I I :r g V I ll e t4 i i n a t N i gi r gto te rin, H rottit town, and intenrieduits ewes. For Catalmes and Ina desoriptlon, address R. R.. COMON, .101-61 n Hometown. Fa. ___ I NICHOLSON, J • ' Idanufaciturer of SKIRTS. LINEN and AIABBEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A %Tee andohome assortment, and IVELL slam. alwaye on Iland. Unto tehmh I particularly invite the attention ot and prompt-paying suoirt-orista Ini eg..Conier of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Ptitla delotnai -9m* SFUGUET & SONS, P-Th IMPORTERS 01. RAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 south FRONT 'Street. RitoolllB regularly a full assortment of detdrable, CI El &RS. Which they offer at low retail. for °ash or au proved oredlt. lele-47 pAwsoN aa NICHOLSON, mtpxummvt..,. NOII. 119 AND 191 MIND ATIEET, itetween. btalt• -O.A.L Mutual, atreetat I' ILADil t rillA. LIMBS PAWN . JAII. B. XICIIIOI.IIOA ieV Iv* WAGNER JEILDION, ow • ATTORNEY AND courrsELLOR-Alt-LAW Moe. No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite independence Soutite,) FBIII 3 ELPILIAL, By like aid of reliable At mays, at different points in the. United States, is cue led 10 prosecute end coiled claims °Savory &seriatim'. Particular sußtionntven to the examination and re covery of the o ma of Legatees and DISVUM3II, and the onnannetion • and Titlon and ennuving the interests of heirs and all persons interested iu the same, in all parts t h efe Union. lies Statutes of all the States and ip COMMiltalollol fob taantons t yf th carefully taken ander Commiimens. J. BAYLIS. THOMAS, kJ.ATTORNEY-4.7•LAW, Ms rwiemovtaed his °Moe et. e from No. 9311 Aroh street to No. 429 tuT Otr Partioular etiolation given to the returrery of hferean Mei Claims. The drafting and examination of Wilts, Conveysnons,Anyipmehts. Briefs of TMle. and other Instruments of Writing. The menasement of Rxeontor ships, Administratorships, and Trusts, superintended; and the best eeounties proour4d for the permanent in vestments of Money. ftatunsatory reference [Even when rammed, SHIPPING. FOR TER SOIITEC—OUARLES 'ON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& • FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy 'Freight at an average of viretisal Par 0621. law New York Steamship rates, FOR CHARLESTON, 13, C. Tho 8.61. Al all Steamahip REYSTONX STATE, Cap tain Charles I' . itlakshinan,will sail on ti r edneaday,toct. 1 7 :11 ° 4111 1 1 ' 18 tiisinoirr—anly freer at fila. FO SAVANNAH, GA. The W. 8, Mail Steamship STATE OP elEOReirA. Captain ROSS tlarvin. Nail on Saturday, Sep toucher 20, at 4 o'clock V. AL 'lnman in 68 to 60 hoarli—only 43 hour* at Sea. seirigaiung days Qhanged from every Saturday Pe every Ave days. Goods reuelved, and Bilis ollmaing glitie 4 l every dills The Is,olorlli first-slase MAMA/lire REY NIONL SITAI F. and STATE Oh , ORONGI.trow run as above every_ ten days, thus formng a Ave- ay comma nieation with Charleston and Savannah , an the Booth and ilonthwest. At both Olharleaton and Savannah, these Ships eon neot snth *Gamma fia Florida, aud with railroads, At., tor all Macias in the .eanthmO...l6on.thwast. riBLIJIANGR, Freight and Inspl i me oil a lerge propaytiox of Goods shipp South wilt !amid to Dorm ler Dr ha lfips than hr sail= you* , the "llMleing ono-as u lt ' .o.—lnsumnse on all Rallroeut Freight iv entirely mmeosautry, farther than Charleston or Savannah, tha Railroad Companies taking , ell rialto from thsamointe. GRZAT REMOTION IN FARP.. Fare by this rout 26 to 40 per cent. °romper than by 4110 010 d pont°, es be scan b the following eche dale. Tbrongh Dokeb from 1101 a td Uharlea ton and amain:mu ate smutting, IN 0 0.01.N13 MEALS on the whole routs. unapt from Charlesten and Savan nah to Inontgomors • VIA CIIAIILS4TON. TRA. SAVANNAS. To Charlanon—..-81A 00 To Xavaunab,—• eta 00 "ugusta-- 17 60 17 00 Columbia— —. 20 00 Macon..—. Bo Al Drtlents.— ht. 00 Athena .-. -- 21 ed ontronter7--. R 6 OR _ 21 CO 36 00 it Maur. • 23 00 New Orleans—. 29 76 Alopreomary..... Si OR --, 27 75 66 00 Itnoyvil 28 60 New Orleans—. a) 76 Memphis. 31 60 Fare tO Savannah, via Charleston— -- Charloston, via Savannah No billa of lading signed alter the shinialied; For freight or pcmp,e;9 o 7 , Ay on board, at second wharf above Vine atreaf. ALE tEROW. ,rs„ pppp 14 9 . s2O NORTH WIIAUVES. Agents In CharlestonA. a 'l'. RUDD, Savannah, Run TEFL a CA 6161KLL. F o r pu l id a f ro m Charleston, steamer Carolina every Waesd a r, For lorida from Savantool, &mom Wtalares and at. JOktell evert' Tilllida7 and oaturday. VIE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL. MAIL MUM- _TROM NSW TORT TO LITTP.POOL. Clnef Cabin. 15eoond Cabin ractage---.....—. --. 75 PRoll DOBTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin P' Vote tur. Seetiiiri - eibirrYartetiit.....— —. .... ... ~,, , The elope from New York call at * Cork Ilarbi,r. The Milts from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Sadkins. CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Momlie, ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA,Cavt Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, coot. J. Lanett. SCOTIA, (now building.) ~. These vessels (tarry a Wear white light at mast -head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. - ARABIA, Stone, leaves Botton,' Wednesday, Sept. 6 AFRICA, Shannon, . N. York,:Wetinsiday, soPt. U AMERlCA,'.6loodis, " Bffitton, Wednesday, Sept. le ASIA, Lott, ' " ' - 14. Yoricgedneeday, Sept. 26 I•iII_ROPA, Little, -, " Boston. Tedneeday, Oct. 9 PEKBLAN'Tlililkiilt " N. Y r ork. odwisSay, Sept. 10 Berths nbt secured until paid for. , Apt experienced durgehn on board. .' 'Fila.Olgrters of thOstabi es will not be animintable for Ooh Iltlydr. lionlirop, fipenia, Jewblry. Proologs Stones orMetals, miles* bills of laden are signedthelefor avd the 'mine thereof therin expressed,,,For fret ht or pas sage, apply to' E. CIUNARDi 4 llewling reed. shill ~ Pr 4 V -17 - 7 - 3 7 7: 1 IN forwoleTal:°lllll;?lA:AOHElTUßStErego2i: ond h speoie, either by i 111241,6 on o l l e in oontittoli with other Exprein compon;en, to nit the prineto , town. and piton of the United Btatel. ~ E. B. SANDFORD. Jerditf - .. • • anneal suntrintendont. . , HALES BY AUCTION. 1-41IIRNE48,PRLNLEY & CO., - HALE TU.IB No. 4 O. 4 I4ARRET STREET. - 111 . 0 RNINU:TOEDAV. OUT. 11, AT • IQ O'CLOCK, A CAR-D..---The attention of , purehasera requested to our sale of fanny and /taste dry rods, this morning, (Tuesday,) ()owner 2, at 10 o cloak, by catalogue,on six months' credit, 00121.221.41 SHAII2WLS. a deniable assortment. NOTICE—In sale this meaning— - 700 Vienna broaha square end lung Mamie, of Leopold Berger. Esq . celebrated make. 600 super quality All wool plaid long ahavrie. 30012-4 and 14-4 do do 'aw e d o . Velour frize reversible nuparle. Also,Nlarseilles eambrm bona, embroideries &c. handkerchiefs ' , rib. BALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOOD S. Tine Mornine. October 2, at Ido.olook, by catalogue, on pox mOnthe oredit, 400_paokages and lots of fanny andataple dry goad,. LONDON. WRITE MAREI..EB QULTS, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, and 14-4 hoar,' white Maraelna a ,inilto, . . , - ALL-WOOL, PLAID BRAWLS. 10-4 and 12-4 all-wool plaid shawls. Do do ido long do. Black and colored Stella Awls, PARIS RICK BILK VERTINOS, For City Trade, , An invoice of rich Parte silk vesting & , ntEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES. An simple, new/aria needlework embldertea. w or' anti catalogues early on sloe morning in gale. VIENNA COLORED BROORE LONG BRAWL!. Morning. St* Vienna onlored broohe long shawls. BONNET RIBBONB; Snarl, hr, New style bonnet nbbons t Black and colored eilkaa Linen table olothe t shaft cords. Victoria lawns, nrinted border cambric handkerohile SALE OF FRENCH. GOODS. n Fnday Monitngp October 5, at 100 clock, by catalogue, on six menthe oTedit. 1500 peal/ages and lots of !my and staple Frenah dry anode. liar Samples arranged for exammation, with ; eats, logues, early on the morning (Miele. N F. PANCOAST, AIIOTiONEFJEt., alle• • • anssor to 11, SCOTTaa., 47,311ESTNIIT POSITIVE BALE OF AMERICAN D IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERI TRlMatiNcs, MILLINERY GOODS, JEWELRY, leg/' On WednesdaY Morning. Oat. 3, brae/Gagne, on a arent. commeneitig at 10 o'clock preesely. be found— • A full and desirable assortment of seasonable goods, well worthy the attention of the trade. Included will be found, viz : EMBROIDERIES. A fun line of rich new style embroidetiee,jnet landed. Consisting in Dart of— Jaoonet and cambric collars and sets, infants' me dium to high coat 101)PB and waists, embroidered and hemstitched handkeroluefs, rich end wide ,flonnalng. bands, edging, an LA C E ing. COLLARS. Also, an invoice of Maltese; Monitor& and thread leas collars. BONNET RIBBONS. 60 Cartons rioh new fall style ;Milt de sole plaid, figured. and solid aol ore bonnet ribbons. FLOWERS iboia AP l Sowers. Fall style Paris art Black and fano) , oatnoli Thanes. Me. • TRIMMINGS. An invoice of dress trimming ribbons, fringes' aorde, battens, teasels. &o. W Also, the stook of J a jew E e.e err declining r businese, em braoing a full and oomnleto assortment of Sae watches end jewelry. STOCK OF A BOOK AND rBTATIONERY STORE, On Thunder Morning. WAt o'olo3k by catologue the 'stook of a book and stationery store , to close the ° business. Included will be found— The usual assortment of new and desirable books, a large quantity of stationery. fanny articles. /to , which will be (mend well worthy the attention orthe trade. FIRST LARGE SPECIAL SALE OR GERMAN TOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS. SHIR FALLND DRAWERS, HOSMILY. tco. FOR. THE OF 1860. On Friday Morning. %A.G, by catalogue, on a oredit, commencing at 10 o'clock eTeOIIIIIY. lair Catalogues and samples ready early on morning of mile, PHILIP FORD & AUCTIONEERS, S NO. 030 MARKET Street. and 621 01/IYOB treet._ YOStTIVE SALp . OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, • BII.OOANS. On Thursday Mosconi, - October 4, At 10 o'olook precisely, will be ,1101 d, 7 catalogue, on months' credit. 1,000 moo men s, boy 1 ;1, and youths' calf, km, grain, and thick boots, brogans, gaiters, and Oxford t ies. Women's;mines . and child ran's goat, morocoq, and kid boots, lasting gaiters, kid ellyors. gaiAlso, a fall assortment of city.made boots. shoos. and ters. The attention of Boot and Shoe buyers I. nartloularls" tiviced. tiiiiPeopde open for examination with entalogneti emir n morning of bolo. gag WILLL4.SIB, BMA & 00.; A 170,1 TIONIERI3 t COMMIBAION MREGMS.NTS, No. 6 North MAIN St., ST. LOUIS, Mo.(formerly with mewl. antnorn, ft r y ileda,) ofatt their services to the Morahan ,Mehn semen, .ani ohm of Finlodointos, for the we of g0vi11,t2,14 • pete,boote, shoekr hardwarejeleraltr4 - l td" Cash advances two on reoloptof mde, lair settlements made three days Mar Me. mavra&akiirgotAZ: ligggi t h Pr: 4l d" 4. Van Stu ar t T t'yok, Towne ., arrow, New Yin& L. & . Curtis & Co., New Yotlr. Wood, Christy, & Louis, Mo. 6? Crow. McCreary. & co.. " mbis-thstalT MIWIPAL CLAIMS.—Notice is here= tTgliren to the owners of the properties men tinned in the appended memoranda of Claims, that write of noire fames will be issued thereon, in three months front the date hereof. unless the same are pant on pr petqre that time._ • fiDWIB C. CASSIDY, Attbrosy for ()AiDl5,lOl, tilt 3 Both SIXTH'S rest. The City of Philadelphia, to pee of Jatuoll 4100 Millsii to. Wm. McDonald. owner or reputed.oirrier, kp. Common Plena, beptembrr Term, MO. No. 138. Cid verting. $28.77., Lot and bunditute:weat aide I Alder greet, 132 feet north of Master, Si feet on Alder street, ba feet deep. Same va. Peter Martin. owner or reputed owner. AIL Common Flone,-eoptom , nc Term, 1809. verting. 31437.. Lot and buildings on east side Alder street, 110 feet north of Master street, 18 feet on Alder street. 100 feet deep. 84326-te1l; TN THE DISTRIOT COURT FOR TUE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Swain & Abell, surcivlng partners, gee. vs. Chas, Bochersperger. Alias venditioni eapona. BePtem ber Tor, 1839. No. 841. The auditor anointed to yeeert distribution Of the fund arising from the Sherig'd tale; Under the above writ, of All that certain lot of piece of ground. with -the buildings thereon erected, situate at the southeast corner of Broad and Wallace streelx, In the county of Philadelphia,conarnenoing at the southeast corner o Broad and Wallace streate, and: Menet extending Routhwardly along the east line of said Dread street fprty feet to a point; thence eftetwardly along the north line of ground now or late of Mark Daiderson, on a line parallel with Wallace street, eighty-twa feet to a point,' thence notherard along the west line of ground granted or intended to have been granted to John Eckstein, on aline parallel with add Broad street, forty feet_ to a point; thence westwardly along the south line of Wal lace street eighty-two feet to the place of beginning," will attend to the duties of his appointment on WEDNF.BDAY, Ootober IC, 1860, at four o'clock, F. hi.. at his o ffi ce, No. WO Walnut street, When and where all Pereono intereiPed are required to present their claims, pr be debarred from coming in upon said fund. seldlOt 111p/V144.8 Agditor. WHEREAS LETTERS OF - ADMINLS? tratlon upon the Estate of JOHN RANKIN, deceased, have been granted to the Subscriber. all persona indebted to said Estate are requeeted to make payment, and those having Claim against the same to present them to REBECCA RANKIN. Adminietratrix, Or to her Attorney. WRI. B. ROOD, ariMu•gt 242 Borth FIFTH street TN THE COURT OF 0015BION PLIDAS IL FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DULA- D BLPII f A. HOSANNA H P. WILTBA roc, by her next friend AN DREW COSH, vs. SAhl UHL N. WILTBANK. September Term. 1039. No. 27. To SAMUSL S. WILTBANK, Respondent: You will please take notice that the Court have granted rule on the respondent, to show eause why a divorce a vincula megrim min should not be decreed in above cue. Returnable SATURDAY. October 130,18ai, at 10 o'clock A. At. JOHN C. imam se2S-tn&th et Solicitor for Libelant. PIANOS ! PIANOS !I PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTEds MELODEONS PIAB6-FORTVB. MELODEONS, Made by Raven, Bacon. & Co., limns &Clark,Raßett, Davie.& Co., owl others. .T. E. GOULD, mytt-ly SEVENTH and CHEST:NUT. Imp! STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE. GRAND. AND SQUARE PIANOS, now prof - erten in commie and in private piroles by the best performers'. Received the first premiums over the beet maicere, from judges like Gottaohalk,Mason, and others, Challenge at competition, BLASIUS RROTHERS. IS -1S -4 006 CHESTN UT street. HAINES EROS.' OVERSTRUNG PATEN T-ACT lON PIANO FORTES, "Chest First - Clan Pianosmade. A splendid assortment of Lonia XlV,,and other styles. for wale at Factory Cash Priem and warranted for 6 'years. Beoond-hand Pianos' for sate_and to rent. GEORGE L. WALKER S. E. Cor. of PIEVIsPiTIi and MICR 3t. PRINCE & CO.'S ImDroved MELODEONS. from *46.lltoranik. 1.14 110 STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SEAR, No. KET sump: • is now prepared to meet thof the pub.le more completely all thedetaits of the Stove trade then any other estabilahment in Philadelphia. in proof of whioh Ile invitee COMPARATIVR VCCAINAVON. The following are among hie own Pepuoir inventions, teveral of which have already obtained a national repu tation aa surpassing in excellence and economy any other Spouse in use.. JAkEt3£4 . EAR ie the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gae•burning Cooking Steve, acknowledged to he the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Chts-oonimming Cooking Range, now rapidly corning into general nee. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's ti g ht Gee-consuming Parlor Stove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved ( Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which, from its beauty and titibtr, is likely, this sewn, to be unitrer eitlly adopted. JAMES SPEAR in the Patentee of the Leber, Fuel, nTtll Comfort saving ironing Pap. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Rellway•car Renter. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved Ploieboard Stove. eor all of the above the Inventor very justly olai ins advantagee which require but to be understood by the public to be universally appreolated and preferred to any other arttoles of that oiling in the mallet: and ha would hereby extend ae- rdial invitation to all llamas ill, want of Stoves to caned examine for themselves. Portea wishingto examine will have every attention Shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. selS-7m 16 00 .4 TIIE CELEBRATED ROYAL i l I C A ( l e cTNE sirgßi7 l ,3:g bnZijAd Ttr-imie either with or without gaa-burning ' fixture& Manufactured and for Elate by NORTH, ellASE,,tr. NORTH. foundry Ware-rooms, 209 North SECOND Street. THE FIERY STAR GAS-BERN. 4 !NG AND RADIATING PARLOR STOVE ti the beet and moat economical Heating Stove. Manufaetured and for male by NORTH kNORTH eet . Foundry Ware-rooms , 209 North .511- uer4l) Kr. 0 OUR NEW OAS-BURNING BASE 4. af i za to t,),, , ,eogiolLi-abunttpttrgfuth.,,tlTA 11,t11 a sheet iron base. Manufactured and for isle by NORTH, OHASE,& NORTH, Foundry Ware-rooms. 1109 North SECOND Street. • OGEI at M AOKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, &a.— /sit- 1000 bbls, Nos. 1,1 and S large and medium Mao k !, in assorted paolcases, of a von' ohoioe 60111301 10 We. new No. &large Maelpmel. 60 half bids now olo.Sdo do. bbl new No. 3 medium do. • 60 do new Eastern 17: , ify Shad. • 60 half bble new do do: 1000 bids new Eastport On Ilprrinr• 00 do do Halifax No. 1 do. 100 do new Bostod No. 1 do. • • . 100 do do No., 1 scale Fish. E 6 do nrimaii ii l t .Salmoni ui 100 ordala (I lank Codfish. . 100 boxes now met county 0h561314 Ito w landing and rn store.fog male p7IV tie; ovH O AI ' . CO. , . 1.V.1;-"-3,480 Gallons - Extra, Blilacheii : - .; Voo. on., do. aó.' Whale' Oil, .400 ( ni l: k.kik . do: (la— &000 do . extra .110. 1 alaehmel . 7 Oa 3,4 do,Tetned breaales 011,:.loq,do. gas Ojl,g,at . td, or gale y• I.I.OWIA.Ki, Aliti/All.laiLß, & VP Al t il. 1$ ficatlxWharyea., HEFINED SEGAR:-1,000 Barreli /10;'. VERING'S enzahed coarse and fine-salve/IW. A, 11, and a Veal, and ra t ynatilt. _near ) trgals 071 JAM Ia.KAUARI4 - „ vwsvcrivia suns.. T. Louis, O. LEGAL, PIANOS. STOVES. SALES BY - AUCTION. MTHOMAS SONS, 0 Noe. 139 and 141 Death VOLOSTRS treat. (Pnrreerly Noe. gr and M.' STOOKS AND REAL ESTATE THIS D AY. Pamoblet catalogues now ready. ocataf fell de eone ti a one of all the toperty to be sold on Tuesday nex , . 2d October, with a list of sales 111 h. lesh.l6th. And 21d October,, oompriains a large amount of valuable pro perty. ITOOl{l3 AND REAt t ieSTATR. BALES AV TRE EXCRANGE EVERY TUESDAY Barite the husiaeraseason is lai r and Rupert only occasional Baler. • Eir Handbill!, of each2erty tamed seperately, itt addition to Which we pub ' on the Saturday DreVionli to each eale t one thou catalogues, in pamphl e t finTniglVlng dellOnetlOnl of all the property to be soldthe following Tuesday. 0 AR D.--Dur sales-of real estate and /look/ a the Exchange Rill hereafter be held at IP o'clock osm;, In the everung. at f 0 EV Con tributors have the oltion_ of either eale. AL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. VW" We have a large amount reel 'state at Private sale. tnoludum description ot city and tenantry Property. Pted bale may be bad &Übe AnOtIODItOIe PRIVATE BALE RESISTER. IGIPReaI estate entered on ow Private We reel/dere and ad,yertifed ooraarionally In our pnb labetraot W al ltoh, copies are punted weekly,) free 01 ELEVENTH FALL FIALR—OOTGBER 2 . Neat modem BEBTDBNCE, valour/aids Yard. No. 1020 Filth street, below Girard 'avenue.' Lot 37 feat front.- • . Very desirable Country REBIEBENCIG and 4 Aorea of Lead. Oak isne,near the oldr.Ostr Lane Station North Fenneyivenialtailmsd„ Immediate possession. Terms, .2.000 cash. Beat tdodent REIGMNOE. N 0.112 South Nineteenth street. near Chestnut /street ; has the modern conve nient:ea. May be examined between 10 and 12, rind 3 and 6 °Wolk. haegant rown. Btotie REBIDENOR, No. 2.18 West Logan square. Lot 22 fest front.tdo deep. The house is built in the best manner and restate with *fifths mo dern oonvezneartem Two Owner AdrOdem KBAIDENGEBwith side nerds, stables, and omen houses, Franktord rosd mad Auburn street. Lots each 137 ,feet front, 130 feet deep to Coral Street. . Executors' Sale—Estate of John Bowman, deceased.. DRABBER RYTFAItaI, 322 Acres, Johliterl.littlan tie °minty.. New Jersey. about two Jails.; from Wey mouth Station , on the Camden arid Atlantio Railroad. adjoining lands of MoservLippmcott &Parry. 'Three-story Brick DWELLING, No. 1911 Callowhill street. easter Twentieth street. Three story Brick DW.E.LLING,No. 327 Witallington street. opposite Jetfersonlyre. Modern ThreeatoT Bda WELLING. No. 910 Pine etteet, west •of Nint etre ; haa the modern.conve menees. Lot 20 feet rent. weModern Ilriok RESIDENCE.' No. 101)6 Rue street. st' °f 'Tenth street; has the modern convenience'. immediate possession. Pleat Modern DWELLING, No 730 Buttonwood at.. first house oast of; Eighth street ; bee the modern eon venienoes., fliehrof all ineumbranoe. Four-story Brick FOUNDRY, No. 214 Pear street, be tween Second and Third streetg,ludosr Walnut street. Three-xteu7 Brtek D W7SL WAG, No. 4.."7 Otunnit st„ east of Falb street. ' ' , Three . story - Bruit( DWELLING, No 506 Powell at., between Filth and &ai t and ignores and Pines treets. PAREMPTOR DWELLING,OOL. BY Ottfralt OP Neat modern' ?to. 413 South Eighth street, (lamer of Lombard greet, has the modern con. venienoes, Valuable IntamesapropertY. Three-story brick DWELLING. No. 234 Arab street, east of Third street. Three-story brink TAVERN AND DWELLING, No. 1606 Coates street, west of Fixteenth street. Peremptory Sale. _ I TRACT'S, 1898 AGRES BROAD TOP COAL LANDS. Seven tracts valuable Coa)•Lands, Broad "Totp, Bed ford and Huntingdon eonntiss. Pennsylvania. Terms half cash. Handbills, plane and surveys; also a report of ldr.John Fulton. geologist. together with specimens of the coal, may be seen at the auction rooms. Bale atnolute. . • • • - Three-story Brtek DWELLING.No.I63O Vine street. with. two-three-story . Brick Ihrellirma 11Z1 the/ rear. on Pearl street. TWELFTI2 FALL SALE—OCTOBRR 11. Peremptory Sale ont he Premises, property lately oc cupied by W. A. Edwards. Eel., deceased. Cu Thurs day, October 1101, men, at 12 o Moog noonfl , :VALUABLE FRM, 115 ACRES 111 PERCHES, Radnor township, Delaware counts, on the Lancaster turnpike, /2 miles from Philadelphia, within a mile of the Morgan Station and one-quarter of a mile of the Wayne Station, on the West Chester Railroad. The laud to in first-rate condition, and the farm is admitted to be one of the best in nadnor township. Terms—One-third cook. Sate abeolute. SA LE OP STANDARD AND POPULAR BOORS. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS —A portion in quantities, all new and fresh. stock!. This Evening. cot. 2. at the auction store . a large assortment of popular miscellaneous books, all nest and fresh stock. %air catalogue. *in be ready pn Tuesday morning. and the hooka arranged for easmtnation. - Sale No. 321 TIRE Rtgeet. SUPE RI OR FURNITURE. ROMWOOD PLANO. TAPESTRY CARPhTs. ka. On Wednesday_Morning.. - October L at to o'clock, at sp. MI plat street, below Fourth street. 'the supe rior parlor. dizung-roomoted chamber furniture, rose*oon piano-forte, hr Dam & Co., flee tapestry carpets, en tier sating mat trainee, &o ,of &gentleman lesamg the city. - Also, the kitchen furniture.. NO P" Ality Fe examined at 8 o'aloak on the Morn= of the gale:with catalogue. - i ...., • . 1 IC 4.. 9 . 9 Iltul 141 Rot% FOURTH_ vast 111 7 FERI4rlibli1ITURE, FRENCH-PLAT/ MIR HOZ% FiAWFORTEE, HIWBERES Rig ETA. On Tbanklay Morning, -.-- At P o'clock, at the Ant= Brom, en amorneeta if inceellsAt iieson4-han4 Runitats. petelptimia-fqr‘4l. Ito' mirror, MSG*. ' lsl 4ki" fr om iliaraiL !Mlikeillillsl MURIA tO ik.• *tom Or 0011 gas oz irr SUPERIOR OAR FURNITURE, HERRING CREST, &a. Also, on Thursday morning. at the notion attire, im port:or oak dining-room furniture, large oak extension dining table, oupenor oak °Moe furniture. large and au senor fi re- proorsafe. made by - Berrrng, tine carpets. le. BALE No. 1830 AIME STREET. • Bp.PER.IOg. rURNITURE L _V_ELVET AND gRV E S -41.6 CARTThi Elle.lOßti, ?ENE OW OLblllB. *o. On . kridey Elortunw. octcbeg ags, am 0 aloe% at leo. Ig3o Arch greet , by t e l anterior Rosewood Furniture. fine Man tel Mirror!. elegant Velvet. Brunel. and other car nets, Oil Clo th 11, ha., in we inn a *Art tint*, And in ' • excellent order. Also, the dittehen Funutule, and about--- tons of Coal. ;V. , ' Th Carepiee oahinet fitinihire was made by ',llion. A: tt. Sir &o Aley 'be ex cataloguesaleined on the mpraine 11f tlt ink, milli - • • Sete S. E. corner EIGHTH tuidaPRUCE Streets. SUPERIOR FURNITU RE, ROSEWOOD PI&NO. MIRRiiRS CURTAINS, OAS CHANDELIERS, TAPESTRY OARPETEt. On Monday Merydne. • ' Oot. 8, at 10 Wolock, faiths anathema corneytif Eighth and Eunice streets, the superior roNewood piano-forte, by Riohenbaoh. Frenoh-plate mantel mirrors. brooate curtains, bronze and gilt gas chandeliers, tapestry oar pets. ko. Also the kitchen furniture. /ay May be examined on the morning of sale, at o'clock. "%f Elite N. 4 SO North PiIIIRTR Street, ELEOANT FURNITURE, lIELvt.T CARPETS, Re. • On Wednesday Morning, thesh initant, at o'clock. at Pio. 4S)Rorth Fourth 4t, e legant parlor, dining-room, sled chamber form ture, fine tapestry Velvet oarpetS, Matting, two superior sprinz mattresses. Re. lir Nay be examined at 8 dolook on the incdainx7or the Me. - • MOSES_ .N.ATILlaii3 7 ATI OTIONZIcIi dfx- AND CJAUIDENNEX MERCHANT; southeast earner of SIETE and RACE Sinew. • MEM WO AMAX! gEii s ,ooo to loan. One lowest nit" on diamonds, watches. Ittwelyy, flats, an goods, clothing, Ow aeries, segue. hardware. cutlery mance, mirror ., fur niture. bedding; end on g rods or area descrintton, is large or small atnonuts,-coni ens dolWin•ta tenuands for anylengh cf time agreed on. ; • Wir The ltildertt Established re in this Pnoite entrowllA Dulintvrais lA, .W. m, " Cluidget r , 10,411 STAT tlfT AdrerlOell 01'4100 and upwards at two per sect. Advaneee ot OM and upwards, at one nor cent, for abort Wane. - AT PRIV" Lux. Some of the finest GOLD P ATENT LE!E4 and 17.1fRONOMETR3VATCHE mtraufactued • at halt the usual selling ;noes, gold lever and Maine watches silver layer and lepine watches, Mulish. Swim', a Preneh watches, at aatoniihuts low pew, lowelrAi every deestrlpr.. Yitry le ,_guru , platock limbo In 1010T0011tir • QWIII 0 syniquity cigars, at Ault the toportatron can lies to nut oirehlaers, and wallows other kin so ftgoods. • UT 7]0011.1 SALES Attended to pirsopally by the Auetioneer. Consignments of say and every Img Of seeds wall sitesMOSES PIA'PRAN S. SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVAT E Consisting of diamond and oval breastpin and ear rings. Irma. 8660. Cost in Parts 83.40 P• DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD TRAINS n.-Lt2:-.:-_,.--_AI.---,-%.:._=1 rENNISy. I XANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD—Elevntli 4a4 Market Ores W.. Mail Trans • 7 SD A. M. Past Line, 11 50 .A. Al. Harnsburt, Acoonnctlation— ... • •••-• Oa P•. N. Lancaster Accommodahon....—....--. 4 00 P. M. Parksburs Accommodation S 0 P. M. Wed Chester trains leave Eleventh and Market at 7 80 A. 111.,17 30 and 4 OOP. M. Willismimrt, Elmira,' Buffslo; and Mears Falls, leaVe 7 15 A. M., and 700 P. M. NEW YORK LlNES—Walnut-Street Wharf. Accom. Line, via C. and A.. 1eave5........... 6 00 A. Al. Aooor.llne, Via Jeroey City 6.00 Morning Express. ma Jenny City.-.:..._.-.100 A. he Steamboat Tla Tacoor and Jersey cty. --- 11 00A. lti• Camden and Mahar Accommodation.. —.• ... 12 50 Express, via Camden and Amboy.,- . Evening Exprese n vlii Tacony and . M. .Evenieg Mail, via Camden and Jersey 600 P. I. tNight Express ... moo P. I. Camden and Amboy Accommodation— ...._6.00 P. . For Relvidere, won. Fleminaton.Wo., ILCO A. 5.. and 400 P. Al., from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. M., from Kensington depot. For Water Gap,Strouilaburg, Scranton. Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, .ko., at 6 A. M. from Walnut !street wharf. and T.lO A. M., front Kensina ton depot. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown and Bethlehem, at 6.00 A. M.. and 4.00 P. M., from Walnut-street wharf, and 7:10 A. M., from - Reneington depot. 'For Mount folly. at 6.00 and 90,7, A. Pd., 216 and 4.93. P.M. Wn vi."'f.'4,1.'"t.'.1;.tt0r,d.r..13, %Int-street Wharf, au RI“ from 6 46, P. M,, from Konsingtoll. BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Prime =M=U do Mee noon, do , . . ..........»..... .11.10 P. 411. For VVllmingtou at 8.16, .. M. aeon, 1.16, 4.15, 4 6, and t/.10, For Middletown, Dover, New Castle, Seaford and in termediate glees. at 5.16. A. M.. and 4 lb, Y. ht._ aurOara—For Baltimore at 11.10, READINg RATLROAP—Broad IPA CallowLill :tra ate. Extres4 Train le3ves eaing c ournmodatian . 800 . ELMIRA AND NIAGAR A FALLS—Broad and Cal Ewen Trait leaves._... Mara Ezpreas.— (ERMANTOWN AptD, NORRISTOWN .RAILROAD Gisen Trains leave for Conshohocken and Norristown at 6.50, 7.3.1. 9.05 sad 11.04, A. M., and 1.03, 8.C5, 430, 0 63, 6.60 00011 1.8. I', M. Foy artayunk, at II 80, 7.1.1, 1105, A. M., and 1 05;3 03, 3.05, 4.110, 5.55, 650, 8 15 en d 11.16, P. M. Per Germantown, at 600. 7.00, 800, 9.00. 1000, 11.00. 1500, A. hi.. and SW, 530. 4 41/.500. 6 00. 6.30. 00. 10,15. 11 10,P. M. For Chestnut HI 11, at 6 01.8 00. 1000 and 12.00, A. M., and LOU, 0.00.6 10.8.00 9.00 ana 10.15 P. M. Sunday trains tor Germantown leave 9.816. A. It., end 2.07, 2.00,0007.46 and 10.30, I'. 81. Leave Germantown at 8.10, A.M.. us 400. 6 30.9.36, P. M. For Nottistriun 9.111, A. 01 ., 5.00 600 5.0 X/ P. M. Leave Norristown 7 Is, A. 81., 100 and 6.00 P. M. CAMDEN AND ATLAN wharfTlC RAI LE OA D—Vine street Mail Train A. M. -Express Train P. M. Accommodation to Egg Harbor illaty— ...-- 7 4.15 P. Al. NORTH l'filtPiSYL %TAMA . RAlLlOAD•rirrsiat sad • For Doylestown, turas:a*, A. PC, sad AO . P. M. For Fort Woattiagtoa, team at V", A. ,M., and &IA P.M. Sundaye—For Bethlehem at 8.00 R. M. Fur Doy*- town at 3.00 P. M. , • ,^ WEST OHESTER. VIA rilllrliA—Thirty-inat Market streak. yw Trains leave at Me and 10.00 A. At. a*4 .P. Sundays leave at 8.00. A. Ma 1.00 P. ea. Trains marked thue (*)nut•on Humbug; ( D Sater daaaezoepted. pI3MADELP HI A , Eig 4. COTTA MA NUFACTODY s t rFajuidoßanipawrow . rt 'Nita and 1010 c o, Byi_arrset. Vitrified Drain mgwrg).ritig.,lifrgiftt.l.l. l lltiNg farar eeerteteee Amilgtiapl a We ' rtiole wth3 , the .etterttivt,4,all 3,1? ell Ale 4 , lo.lmildinei, Largo ouse_eewemteMegio" , lEtra-ce, erablir meet war ,riususato isnal IreeTere preltsur wd are h o r primam t enp o wi tit ~.we.werraat coedit to contraot withitittes or omooretiteaffer tide allege to I.Pe 'QUI If not rear to ear other made ttt, the atm tittles or OrnarWttAP. Warr 1 4 4 2:den 'OM SEED, ALARAB,I case WETHERII4,* Bl 47 amts..' riortb Btah CARD ma : k N./ for le WO 111RNT UMBERo l l ll4.wwip otawsf it --Grnund pure in Oil, "WraBl, 47 _sat • _ • NECEMEM