The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 25, 1860, Image 1
A./.4160.1 3 1 1 140r,' OKA 4.41X44' - 40 10/1001MUNdtiv' ' 21 ,- A ,$) 41116111 kittat*W01 110 0 1 ' 'vk — 1 , 114 ,if cla:Apt,4l - t7:o4ti j - ` "ON 40; -Stu 40; TinaviV o idetiimiabllll.l44l,! rig -" Miciict 4 ,444 l o# 1161WWW/AP 1•14:111/;:ill ~ MET.OPAC*o Ail'. ; ;:,-;.;;,,,, .;,;, ~,,,..,."r;ot rii ' 1 - 46 4,: i . ,••.;-. ~,t .. a - , • iTait iumtanotti-,.TA 4 e-; `,..: ' ! '''.. • t• ir. _ .. - 3•i'. rli. , t ', / ,: 1 .. 4 '•‘ l ' ;; : r:',.':":: , " ' • '; ni , :Li - ' killgai i•,, , s , / I •ie• i; ' , 'i"" l '' it-lbtraint ikigalirribii, iion ” ~- - C - & 1. 1 1 .:....• ': 1 •"., ___ir, l . 4. 7 " r',., „ i.:; WrA2101113117/104:41arD 'Di 1T4.4 ' '''' Appljittil*T 1411011110,4A1(1):111114T •-• I - surrobr_Elatn wir blotals;- watorcts Illt pp) Ait4.igaid! , Platheol l la ! !' 1 it„vr.L s lt o RILIATOPT AIDE 11X1041 1 4AORETO PLOFII4 I :.:i' , 1 3:*014 6 * 1 4 : ::4 11 0*: • - = . ::01: - Oiteritrzarant, aux r, ;awl} cxx: sls , oligpiri t tli. -silts]: T., • ai *i f 'yr - N*4 Powatuktion.4,lApo molk-~0 woo.** P.ast, " • • • emuuftildg ' DILIDIAITOWD &1111011 3113010;;''Wck., 1011,0,01 D Illitffi , , BONTMCNIMOD:AVOnigairi 101#419U Utak* AniiillihbialltiVASiaj;A Atm WIT* id** ass NW,* Nor alit.d. vrOWIf learmilide, vAsikuasittass siA4m. NG= 10parlY ~` D k 110 Dreis***Blit,W !- '1 WALLAOS walp!-44. ? assouppolp HitALEs....„. Aisiiiiiilmitiarruf Dom raw: 'I Wl 11'10 EDHAUtti 'iC; - OKA VIM 'Winalto lIJIMMth-MUNMI; mosncar itANUFACTIIIIIIIM . . . intorno' mosek-ssead is pommels& la conwews aaciusetw I TUCK SUNINOVit -311 1 10 k.414 41 AllidgaPre. ae i rigiTAMAVYola ; • a l * at **O9AN 6 00Dic cico • , lmfr4AlN !Kti, eilindoker2l l l l l rrn' fivilCaillostbillor? keit ikisas:z4riNiot*timt,lottsigiOgo4P saeupenis tib usiatbet-lbsc Okisa Ws er• ta isarst bi liped! 'MOND leo VidiMiliol4oll4 DdeedWaillt 01001Maitradi#. eliciornmeme sift stow ; " ,1 S. I 0) , ;,.,1,1 , 7., ' THOIMIAIS - •‘ B. ' o COM MlB 1110.11:11111,111.0 ft A If ,-**.Anitzusevail fee 8 1,1 16. 1 1**41 . 111 , 01/0724 iar4. ~ • ?? eigss4 l M, 4 , ll Y,l., , • FANCY • -43A13 , „ .... „ zAlug*,4 llo ,r,f fig .0 1 C04 1 0 1 NOPft: 11 4,4* tamanti . „ nix _ to; ... wtkuOusi,P497lo4,mvar*4o . 1431411D tc, ' - 00111/9910LICEROWItet - 01"' • . 14 ". ..P44l4fitik •' , : IsoonikiL ; • t:: •446.: 1 ; f '' ' Witt:AUSCOOFF I * alt ti)e ' WiRMOWIIMI4 7 *. - - . Olger WOJPOWOrCiI 4 4 11410 - A10ttg13404:14 C 4 L • '•-• W WaI 3 WWW/WCWO"WWWWWW*. 11. r) j,- 1. elfilrfiriCifig):OrMM. ; auktoitiffelitio*Olfitillintaiek - r / t o t ` - • t a 4:11141-11 • • • ff 01;', . • ••,.. ,!•! ~z 44- a Xs": Ciantr _ , 3120011111116111111ainntv - - • CialOn.; KiltiuMPOlCAP;997 lo 4Ar gi Ni.o4oAMlllefitt o, ooooo. l l't ma-woot!luumnoN owns; ` sitioiriatp BUM LIADILWID10111111118; 1.1. '; • 03001. W AN H INGSO X • Amur, lotion: loaf 81# . ri„atavi;'% ,, sksi.4o4 . ' v4RmPuTiowiS llooo,o M l 4‘` , ': BirAMORA4 * goastna, Val DottliF•tat Tugela' . C . 44 1N t 4411101M9111,4 'MUNI DM Ma iallitine!ipiltfesiu: r:4l*. NBIAL EZI=I3I nariluitili4ultiGnitil4l4,r: , URRISE `,.`l7M* 1000 -.BOW- 1002 NAvi Diii"•iipisiD,. z s's, ;Wl?n :':ItEADIC.4III,IIit voLOTHING.• • WO OP* AACS IDI IW O fib. 74. 1 i I V ,71. datnt■*O 1:P11Wlli L w> - a. . flak , • ts 1011"111444144 • ?-: - 13 6 4:111thia1ri1itt.441 , 04 1 # 1, .. , Mr !',2 lailiktM r iti****SWOVW . 1 }AL V,!%)64oattek il k e "... 1,12-tri"4ol ,111.011Atirlair 111?i"14' ;-‘ ~&111M1P11041,11 • 4:t q_ v. ; t ; • 5r ~q 1 „ 14 , 1 i t : 9 1 . 1 .....,,,...,•• I - +7,1•• 1: -4 4.113'' 'WI Au I. ailevoimoo.Lev , ", , - • • • -• • -1 1 6 1 404 • wWfw' yfieii eitt2: 9i A I l' o2 l l , • _ 13 ' „•,41,, 7 ,1 11.1 .110•Vd r% tr..l tl u‘ , D l 4.1,71.11ut % Li", 71, 1 1Wa' t VQ Ae-nm , 47 - - • ~, • , Wit . . „ 11 .9* 11 ' SIFT& STRZET fhtlifetatlfictory,)' , uvlG thil of ballot() tholi Pall stook of LADIEB I, ..DRESA„ dLOAI ,TRIMMINGS. i• • • • • • pleas Wire; coitus; simumes, 7111L711111. FitINOPS. NM( 4ND OUIIs slums. ••• • . imams kir • tliii aVi'ai6oit of " zip4v4iiB,mitArr4l4D WOOL, &c.,, 'di !trivia mammon a fait f foci • ; 'of all• Otani sad Made. • • • Otfr'fi,a~lij~{a~,fv%lioeot;ir tie~foa r 'at . Tell , ,sadlreot ooialtuio t tit forolkajoatitoto, aaablooom to offer •, .314..9.#11CfC WI3EELER & WILSON, :.HP,WIN.C.*: MACHINES. ompirtitii Arnioii;isqino z:•-• ,1•••-:: • • • • ", • igAtizoktotsVoct•E4 'BROWING,MADitibtri. rt i o.i- - 4,94401 1 6 1 "Uti*F0k ; 4i,i/1ii719 AND wo t axi*. , Hsth utps. m i l= tie trOabli OtriV- Vi ni iitzaapo atnetawasw PUIEILINGER-As '..; , :ratrzn-VAND Douwarkttitkp WIWI a • SEWING' Ibit'ApHlNEl3,; . '' .140.: *lB- ARO ii ' STREETI ' • s Price of DOUDIA-LOOP ..MT= ILILCIDIND from - 111 2 urmairM. M .I OP MIA* atc;it'ii4,isst Itiiiehlas. p 11, '1111A; '07:*!!; DEDDiID. OLLitfiti;:ipal#47 /11444 g, ••. , , Wittita - z, ik__An3lo ~A tjAVING' , gpa r -zzir*somaiiis 4sialioa fon sic, • r. M 111404 _ "fris:EW ' ratrl7lll4," PsitzWass AtiD 114PaRTS114 li***"o4*irritlik% ‘ u• v i semr.., 'MS & •'( 17 14 Wr imi l i ta or l o r l iretirr iliaall&M&WWsBlllolM.Mi Irai 11.... , 1S 7.. ..s- i lip. , ),: i v , ., I- +.• ' ' i CA 06-•ooo****cheivelakm a, - .. ~ • t- mDsrftssinlif 'amtliatas; • • - iwynd isi h i, ; ... _ . 'i . kilmiy . tro s talssow VW .Vssirltrir 14=01' &I . "' arsiew". . • , < , , < , HQ*ELIA iSt BOURKE; to kilair sow atom - ralitrifi'OVllTlt AND' kimunruirrairre, Ai• ttgjiko#4 4l oi.i' 4 4 , 4, Pi.* iao *rat ...cetimmt " .1 • .., L ' 7. zumeasars, watioatatritimit4O 6 ilis; ay.; Altar thillintlei 161 , tiofldhaireitotraw dictownt rrierl artiste lotbilbolt• i ~ t - 1 • •:% GAP OR VP I 44 I *`. D T IO9 , I Y Z O ON O . ibuillaWALY4l lll tr...etabaiet at 9111,10 111 !!!'intifialrelf to rot ' •' • "it Oil Alit; ii.' - zobit4l4o,op4iLicout# ittitwo, 70** • M. 1 .4 ,0 AL... r4fotf, ~• • SLEEPZICIEVE44/4,Eni •' ' ; ''' '' .I**Plolllo4lC*o:46Mtiltit: : '' 171111111:111iLAS'ILND - ,PASABOL 8, -,ll llloAltilltilitlT BUM= ~ • I _ i . .ilt ii 1'1,31 11111.111111114111aiw. !, •. • • . .. , • :speopietimilisiisiestOuit •• .-.. ,i, i., .• _ t i!PtOme,stinniiisiintnanim vAisretetoov 111M11164 41 4 : billei 1.4 I . 4llAM, e ag I Pl . i i 4i it/UM:S= I I i g ra l k l re =AV . 11.141116-3121 Alif;ll4ol49A lii:TOg a e. I low • loath* bfi c ibtet i fit at 111 °W 1 tor " (ga"TrtP: ,ifre athr_ia "141, voomm intizwfor -177 c 104, illiffil , OmHictiSZOY•,o 00., x**,,r4, ••• HARDW:A.rift.. - , fre -4 MARKET.' as 4111'1001liatipZirritlUM hoi *vim- SVXRETI'; EWES, at XMLDWELL, gm! siblor d -• • • In MARKET STUNT. exiOni ouirwek. ;a4ll.lfm 0, -- ,* - 4,t,E .:AA *AP. I3B .-• -wiaoiarsAix "Jiluitomixo r Ligo:eievastrNuirr . • ',i,strithenae;itiAvitith: r • au3o.lni ' M. REDMOND to !to. lima WALNUT strut MIMI THOMAS' THOMPSON, SON. CO., JOBBERA OP • 014IIfET•ItAHERIP 11LATE.819.1:9,' 939 EIOUTRIMOONO STREWN: • ' . ; , ..•, ler Broogells. Plashes/ MAW Dsmaskx, !mild aiAry usonoton or irendiatrosigicartsfoOoods,• , whim' AdVIA :4 , t. emir oruo-Tatio the 'v 4 ia* of Broom and lon than Ma tau raddikroolour t 4 " - , VP I P SI O4 RiFrP i r *!1114 sod mel bljYlow' ;birtt i t tiiia - v• T, L r4ll,,adoliplOs, No fXqa- f s l " 44 * ‘; * lllO g#4 l/1 0 i c t .AW DX1, PLIAS 0114 R • • .; ".= I,,FIII,.II,',VINISOARr; . • !Orddi thaddhltasaaa !Mad, naiads, ko., Ao. All staidais for ThAtitving old holding moms BERV ROBERTISo r k; wiz IN ; GROCERIES. Qoraer itAiiiiNTo sad *Os Iliresti. VIV4Iq) FL9trgo ~'.;*( : ., : :,(l ' i:TX• IvI4'XTS 4 ? :NJ, -,'l•-•.1 • , PA MAWR' ilithTifirg 'greet* . 96111 ", " AN 1; - I :--El6tialin fdr MItaWETRIMILL ir. tItOTRO101,„ • 47 aims le Aorta iscitrAP 66 MI U. ODAT)M. Streit. lialadebbia. • , .. , ' . . .;. '; " . .2 )1,41,11t tiriT't:q;:i .Tilt, .f.';!IN .rr .hi 2. 1,1,.t . i 2 •-11 i 'I--- .t.;tll' .2.'1 '' iI IT .Q• , gE, ... ;:tuit,. .... „, . :,:ti,iiizii4,6..5...,_, , , ,, ,,.14:4 ., \ . 1. ~ .: 3. ,..... ~ ..i f r,,,,: , „74.i....":,.‘.: ~:i...ti . i f ,n , L,) , :4n .01 p .. . 5.., :,. .) , , ,, .. ,, : 5..,,,, .... , , .." ,..: ~,,, , , : I .110 i fri .911; :1 4 4 . : 4 ,; ~..:1 , 1 ~? :, 1 ,, ,, ~.:,.: . , 1 - . 10 :f ?. ..i r. . ) :::: ' 01.1 ' ,. :) It e. 3 1 0 fi ff r i t , i: . : 1, 11: - . .. . r,, :iia3.7—.Xoo9[ lIIT qlo 8:1-Apaak..y, - 0 i ', ' 4 ' 5 I f(4 ! .............___, , . tainettioc lantern ItOzia latrago's ibc",l 1.1,)ti I _. •.1114,3.'," 4- ; • „ amt , • ~ ...iii etft it., tfi , R(.: 1 '''' . 7 - ..5". 1,, ' 18f ~2 71 fclf. , B ,ro - .oviri. •,i *II rtliT Piste - 'l l ' 4° ; ,anr,•:• ~, , • , 1•••.• 1 / 4 a'sn, , "... ''',,Av 1. 1 i 8 .1 ~ , 150 . 11. ..; . L.. ..ti . R ifi-hl'i. - ' i 7./3, yAr jII , r , - fl el, til/n 6=90 DPI' ,—"'' ~ .. ''. e P.,' -,?."--.42,x1r• , L .4, , C. /1 # ":1:7N., - l a :0'...--•-•,,A 8 - ;:".:-.::','•:`‘ 'ii! ✓ ;‘-•‹iti ' " :-. i'.--' ) . , - -./ . .•. _ ~ frii V" •1.. . , Mil per asuniat,i -0 . 17 FiLi . , (10• J . ...• ZI btAit OUP: 1 / • * ' I VIM vim," ‘ / .tiri - ,/'.. I . 4. :-:- .'..1Wra:;::..,-..iii2gllll! i•' -- - ~. / 1, 4,,, j-,-.:-- •ri ' - Fly* " " • I Ten " I , li i ir „ LE ., , ~. . ,„,, , ~,, ~.„) ~, 1 ,,,,,......:.„,....: , ' 4 :'"'" -• "' ..-- 11 5" .-- !i• - - ''' '7l' . Tyre " .. ,i. .. , ,,1-• I ~: 1 i et .4 .,. ' .9,1 t. ' i I i, Tina Coollll6olrf li , -,. ...lA *. 1 . ''. ' ifr ei i - ...61..., t . ,i..r.,-- • , i 1 -... 1 , /MOM each temilol. i ~.,,, , .. [ 1 i 4 I L. '.• , - -1 . /,-- - —.....L51.L.;-" , ..- , 4:..,5ir5, .. ~.-401 : 4 311 t0 .1.1,.......; - .....,.:•r,•- - ,-,4-......., t' ' . ! • 4;.. ,:-.,„,.. ... ~‘. 1 ..... -ti Cl+ :7' , l:'-'l7.^ - :.1.10-> , :, „P .l ' \i , s , - . , - . . • • : 7 :"•:'. 1.111J4...... '---' `: '• - " -4 -' ' . -- "" ..11 ° - ';'T -(4 -I, ..:'''• . • !'" •-- , ,77 1 .'l: 1 . - --- wfr. (,)- R • .., 'V I . . . , Per Chah'i4 X ... •-,• ' ~. •', . • • ' -.-- - " -- -...1....p.; ,', ~ : - ,• _, ‘,., „-....' , - 77 ••1 y . '''' --." ~'r•-•-lt-- -' ' -' t t *lint tqty to tif • i sr odsnastel . ' •1: of ~ n i , • ~ , •,, ;,,,,L,; • a ••? '-• ' ••...• ~. •.: ,;. ~ •I ~ , r -,, ..."; . i., I, ,0ni,..' , ..,,,• , ,,, ,1 - , ,,,,,,,,, , ,,, i , ~ ~,,,ii , , • • '..,! , " iiintW- ' T h, .. - _ . . • • :1 , ;.0.f. , ::, • ..,,:l , e. hIl• { Jr. 1,,. ." . 0 1 LI i‘l I 1 , tJ, ~,,„ / ,• Jr . j . _,_ •_,____,,,..: •,,,•• ~• ~ , ~ ~ . _-______.,______ • -,...,•••--- • PELPVALIL' ICEIOII 0110i0B WHITE WHEAT . - :1911:1.1H01 ;1 ts- fir)e 0= e'ir is Aide tott4 l2 Gfdiotire"ltiliittid JOSHUA- L. IMPORTER AND' JOBBER. ' • litil/kRIFET ST., - Has new deem 6 ' - LARGEAND BEAuTIiITLI Maorynotit of , ' DRESS' GOODS end • . SHA`W LS, Of the 9140;0Efft STYLE% At the • IA 0 NV: P R S. The attention of ouh and Prompt nisi-months buyers see-tf S /a $ , _ FANOY DRY 000103. pIFORTATIONer FOR FALL, 160 M. L. HALLOWELL & Oo a 1133 BIARKRTARREWN• tt7 NQRTEI FOURTH STkUIiT, Ara ireiitted to 'for to the trade. WIT walla vatted aosiortstenitif Goode, virolutood be the . „OAT, .0:000lik . Br eitterionce;dlinion, Laths DrinoiDal - , MAOFACTI.TRpO , I3I pkityaciAr EUROPE. Thane luvie been soliet;iwitit care for . I+IRBT-OLIB~ TRADE; :, ofintkin. mos. Itom all , aeotithiecir the runiti, 614 loingod 4 Out stook. ' .TWE,;74, Jai itiotiths . oridit to 14arolip,o.iii . Of in 'llostUed 1161111011,1. or *ix pit oont.4faociunt 'for Dealt Yw ollo Goat. per wank dlisponot for - advimois . J im , 4 1p) : ATTiw i rm. STOOK -• • ' • VOl ' • • • GALL AND wiNTErit Diu& • SHORTWP S 374 , • BIWTHER. 'Article iIydroRTERIVAISD JOSH'S •,. 14 . 9';'490*ItitN1i $7ll, c, 7r •, • • • N0..414 .'syFIDNANZ 4 3:O•DDT. /14 1 .' 'LPIirA• i tm o rt mo rga i,,FOßZlON and lx" GOODS. salsotal%Wrists of piain tnd cui s taair t r. Ira whiak taw lava* • A S 00, K r E l ithibrard*rganuittort; otuti bore. ing, sitOtlisd at LOWEST MAXIM • ost-Soi iIII4OAKEI 1 CLOAKS • „ ro witoluto;azp: . BUYERS. NOVELTY ot , THE 131 1 / 4 014. AT I.llls LOWEST 00511 PRIORS. iNtlitotte o "Mori* lade 11, it 6. 11 W! . . L , o. pothlll, • A. W. LITTLE, & co.. ; . SILK ' S2II'MAIMET EITB111%?;" autt-tha irW a Lt; • 3860. r , CIjELAFrEpo, iivrouT &co. , -FORSIeN ANA:IX)IiiIOI43 DRY 610D8.• wti to Na Jai MAitABT EITBSIM WO/Xri WBOLle►Ll DIALIIIIII flu FORBIOiI AND. DONLBSTIO DRY GOODS. IoiLANOT'AIT.R.*T. Oink aad iiceift Ots..iatinths' Boort of all items ':*oo4:,,,e4ailinatl9tl of our "644E', I.` R E l4, ,42# v A Ise „.„ • In 6011/istasioi of the' deetntotton by 'ire of titter THISD 8 ' livnes, r YARD. CaLle/VIORE. & CO. •• • .1 HAVE REMOVED • 'NO: 610 04ESTNUT ST.. ' BO tii'M 15.1DR..4.80Vi SIXTH. ruttenztrate.. They here neer ottenlN ; I. NEW STOCK " weefb '1.4/10Y-DittffiVOPODS, egAWLB;.GLOMS. Z18.8 0 , 141 V D, tE'SS ,TfiliggrztA , 3; Together with eI.ARGZ AtiStikritiklfr of 87:4.pLE ANDAIMMOIr wHlrts,eo - ol.xs. KKBROiDERIES, LAOEB, mAiTrusts, ike bet' aitnalt ooittort of time • • IMPORTATIONS; ortviOnito thel4e they, are enibled to Oyler , • A N EW STOCK., to yrt l iett they Invite the ettentwet of Moir Customer/ end anyone eenerelli. Aus-sm WURTS.. - VIS'IIE;. 4i . ,'•-:, •- ' •. • .: , ' , ' :b. I IOIZEIGH• ' IIdriATERD AND Jopanvasi - . IN' 13 , A 1 Y.'11 ,- 0 0:1)i S. , : • i4i,..BIi;MOKIIT Orr*, itboVe Third. frig ottn l i t te . iatP, ; ,A. - . • PBo.toti,riut $ • , ~. IFAI4iNP-W,PIT,P/t• $ $ 's.,:‘•: ' , ' $ OLP iiiii ' 74 : 4i : til N i titrlAS, • . • WACKASALE.4 9 O4DE. 8013THERN imid - WERTlntiiii.:E 8 irdr sgagit Miiittrc=rf,r, "4 . Low . - *wow" , --. A ND ,pAr. LIBE R AL iII*AIS, , 11 ,Ar. PaCiCITPXt .pt ADO: ITHE PARIS MANTILLA aid CLOAK EMPORIUM 71DOC,MCES`1 . $111T STREET ',,, WOOD,. MARSH, & DAXWAILD, • ' R TER 8 • LID 4N,3 4s, , LE DE Apia .IN ' 130 4 5E 0 5 -- r, Olt; THING . , • N 0.309 MARKET !MARKT. ar . "lcrnt.a!suift now oomplote sad raster SPNCI AND STILL OA'I'AWDA ItAlittuarrisi ft , , E 13 - 13 E 14.13 Y • Math • 4"101 en Wind. Mid in intii to intitnerohnsenhbr MAMAS Y. TAGGART; Bole Atone , ' Mo. 631 , 111 ARUM /Wiwi. it i ii.H9EmAKER, a Co • , rAirri. • ua.l AHD F¢II7iIS .thimor FOIII7I. AM HOE Altriets., thiti thEtG i h A ea ß , Z • !,M ihrielslgogNa ona MAIVSn; Met. . .:A 1.. VA I'4 .TRADE: , ,' , ... ,' „ • + ' ' ':. . , ' • ~ . ' ' McCIALLU.IVI &,0 4 :1. ' ' CARPET idANUFACTUR.KIM GUI! HMO MILL% GEHNOWTOW , tc ' ' Alr..ll3oor,tiri! end DeaNiss 10 , cIAIi.PETINGS . . • • 1 1 OIL CJEJOTIIELii h":I*TTINGtf..IWG.S. &q, WAREHOUSE MC CHESTNUT STEW, ' Miswrite the inate Email.) t i tglent,iti Western Buisis are reassetfulittld 41X1,114, pETIAIGi AND oiL,l4bLoTnii. AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER IN FLOOR-OIL-OLOTH.S, , 164 North THIRD Strut, southwest, comer of EAOE. (up dam.) *en -DO CARP.MTS,' OABPpaTti. BAILY No. 990 CRESTHUT BTREET. AN' INVOICE. OF . ENGLISH INCR.AIN~ hot opened from auction. rtnie 76 elate I lOW. • ' DAILY .& VIALVET OAREETS.' Now open. the time st panting of Emigasa VELVET OAEPETS. DAILY & BROTHER,. No. 020 011EBTAUT attest. TAPESTRY - , BRUSSEL.44t. weeew offer for eale the largert aaeortment Qt throe reveler floreettnese at • • ONE DOLLAR A , YARD. •'• BAILY & BROTHER; OrIFSMU'r 8044 BRUSSELS CARPETS. Of the ; bast quality, In great variety, at N 0.920 CHESTNUT BtreeL BAILY & BROTHER. DRUGGETti datimp,OLO,THS, &c. The rqoat exteileiremtc:olcivo 'Mel:Corea, id till aulthir and alzee. - • BAJLY &BROTHER. MATS. 'RUGS, &o. .• , Axminster, Vtleet, Touyney. Broady, Wool Tufted, Coot), plata and bordered, of all algae, In great variety. DAILY , & BROTHER, easy-tloita•Sid . No. 9710 CHESTNUT Street. ll.A'ra AND CAPS. -NE* • U T ,SToN. . JOHN 'E. FOSTER, : mete of IS Sooth• Third ittreet.) • llama taken the Mors at ' NO. - 381 ,QI7IESTNTJT tectod l i t in' i litairlet atyle, Invitee the attention • 11 17gUANk' i dill) BXMISIVILIVE . BTOOIt • HATS AND OAPS. to,tt II is now fall styles are amok admired. - • se an • • C H. GARDEN lb Co.. • MaimbeMnreis of and Whisking' Dealers is EATS. • DATU • FURS. AND STRAW DOOM FANCY SILK 'AND STRAW BONNETS, ABTITI DIAL Fi.OWEES. RUCHES, FEATHERS. EN NIMBSO And 60%1 MABEE? STREET. Soutimmet corner of Sixth. ' The molt extensive and complete emortment. Th. twist tones and th. lowest prices. Finneellem bemire isge pertigps*lyinvttsd,to - OwittNra FURNITURE. GEORGF:-3.- fißiglMus, 644 WALNUT BTNNOT, Hu Just opened a, Inge invoice of SOULE, QUADRILLE, MdIiQUETRIN, and 'ORMOLU WORK Whioh he ylllOOlll4 veir REDUCED PRICES. FIRST-CLASS CABINET WARE. GEO. J. HENKEL% 694 WA.I.44UT !STREET. VitY:REDUCtD PUICIES Tb~ tar Sot rirartmeat In the tralon, al/ of New Darla' Call an . d mune before purbhesinr. tint a CABINET` FURNITURE A t 41..-; 1 , - WARD TA.BLES. • • ; ; , MOORS .do OAMPIOL ssi.souTli sECOND sTREET: In Connehtion with thew intone:vie tdelinqt Hula. ars "w ""C" BrElA i rrirer " AliptilerTao7B4lfirti'diriedigin , Which are pronouneed. by cli who hew will Um to he eisperiOr SO'sdethere. , For the Ought', end finish of AgoTabiw rthe nn tttote Teter to teett ,tdipterees waitrons throtoo the Veen, wh ooze nuntliac with the oharwsPer oacir GAS A 7 TXTURESi 4A?!liti9,'Ac - - K EROSENE OIL O SUPERIOR FA , IfEROffENE, or CO Al:AsiLi LAMPS , elf ANDELIER3, BRACKETS, too:, Monufootorod LOWES T itato f at • W CAM FAMES. ' by ..WITT'ERS & CO., No. 35 NORTH. EIGHTH ffTitE POW. be twain Allarko =vb. . Sol .LQOKING GLASSES. LbORIN,G-GLASSEEL PORTRAIT AND PIOTORR •PRA ' 'ENGRAVINGS. PAINTNIOF., ha. JAMES S. Ekßi.r. B'3 01 Udraftniqvq, MANUFACTURER! rOLE SAIX AND RETAIL , DRALE GA.LiZIII,IIII • 1114 CHESTNUT ! .NEW YORK. AkJaVEßTlOrrifp D•E FOREST, ARMSTROI46 O O., iMPORTERS,AND J3ERS DRY GOOI 13, 71, 79, 131, 83 lk DUANE STRY,. NEAR, BROAD WA OFFER FOR BALE A NEW .1 3 1.ROANT STOOK of ,Drer 000D6 for Div TRADE, Milled to all section; of the costistry. If. opening AIVIOSKE , W • .11, m s ,ur A ' • ' „:„ • IN NEW AND •DESIRABLE, lg., THESE CELEBRATED„PRINTS ore IssPEST opo REST note mold in the UNITED 0 sod they beg Were to oall the particular atteatelOti to them. sa 11-31 t , - • BE PHIVADELPII TO I 1 • 4110,1 k 1, AND MrildOitP , .11A 1 .TPAttY— Belltelnbeilt• Dlreos t ie 1111 48,y , d half per qniarttediatirtaltap"Vietildal t atehl• n end .sur art votouer o sello:4h!ult • • - , loretery, OTRIO IDELpHiA, GERMANTOWN. ANIAMi t .14A1L. 1 10,41 met g , sralt 4 TaT../Tne of the a gt; tuiTs u it,'deoleied • /Indeed np. un the Cm, lel Root, for six menthe, 8841 agremok ina radratV LtriAlgat lot ' n"" TreiNUTOr. ' TUESM:Y.,.:AIDTEM.P.EIt 25, 1860;i. t . r .4 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1800. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. TRAVELS AMONG THE ALPS--TMN JOURNEY TO MoNT BM IC— TUM Nfoon n Arm,AT,A piNNANCN—Fra lIIIVICINT ISONANTIO SCENERY ON THE 11 0A 11 —TIII - VALLNY OP enAMoONT—TOE vitrows—jleinsAil A1(0'140 TUG ALrA--THE 'Joon- NAY ON poot , -T*M•lrea ni ol,AOs— ,, A miAOATIA If IC]" — NNO 011MPTZON !OP A OLAODITt—Le., 10. [Correoponflonoo of The Pram I Having seen'the beadles and curiosities of Ge neva, at 8 o'clock A. Mi we mounted the longtime 43t , the Il►e•horeo diligence, and were soon off at a 'rapid rite for Obanionni.lig on the top of the e4aoh, and in front, we had an' admirable , ♦lew df ,the ocosnitt. The "groat lanxiety Of nitmeaerto shod, Mont 'Blom We tied gone perhaps ia ample of miles,' when between two white clouds towards Whioh I was gazing, the eternally:lows appeared/ 'lt was with ditliehlty , l steamed myself that it was 1111. t. X sew, and not 'it 'thit.p . fleiroo 'AMA; so mush were they alike in dppearasoi: But, while. the 'clouds slowly changed their feint and position, the mountain stood fixed forever, and soon' seemed dressed in a Whiter robe than the clouds around. " Mont Blanc Is the monarch of mountains ; They Drowned him lone aro, On e throne of rooks, In s robe of clouds, • ...pith a diadem. of 'mow." On we rolled along the dusty , road, with the Mole, (5,800 feet high,) the Saltlve, (4,500 feet high,) and other towering peaks around us, our eye fixed upon the distant Mount Thanes, whose noble preportions were boooming more and more dhlinotly visible. Soon he revealed some of his body guard, immense peaks , that stand around their king, looking, towards, hills expectant and submissive. What a charming ride! Although In this instance, whenever the horses slackened their rapid pace, the duet literally enveloped no, an'iwpatient . Fien'ob lady kiPt repSallnkA a most Peva t6ne', gitelle'poUsettre, gtislfe ious silre, we did net fail Mr A moment to eejoy it. On both sides wore mountains nearlins lofty - as Meant Washington, now frowning over our heads ), pow respectfully receding, while over and heyoial them all wee the mejestio, hoary ,heed of the Giant, surrounded' by the various peaks that add 'aro mulch dignity to him—the Monarch of them all. The beauty , increased with every. mile .of.the Way. We were in some of Nature's wildest do llll4B—whereher works seemed to be 01 eshibl- Van tri men. One longs to go nowhere but directly :en towards the goal—this the way to Chamouny emphatically does. It leads where the eager ad mirer of Nature desires to go. Two beautiful water falls, Upon' the left, drew my attention from the 'mountains for a time. The cascade of Naut d'Ar• 'plums is the prettiest. The stream of water Is 16e11;and falls from avast height down the moon. tats side. Some sixty feet below the leap it is no- Wag butt band of mist, which, upon this occasion, was blown ten yerdi Monti aide by the wind. Fur therdcieen, the only traces or the fail were the drip ping reeks and the little stream that trickled across oar way. W. passed so nearly under this beautiful cascade that upon looking np It appeared to pour forth from the bright blue sky. We mole arrived at Ballenehes, where the heavy lumbering diligence. is exchanged for mountain carriages. From this point Mont Blame appeared in much greater distinctness and beauty. Every else stood around •is admiration of the fields of anew and the glaciers, now plainly marked upon its sides. With the aid of a pocket telescope, I. mew places where avalanches bad occurred, leer tog a perpendicular wall of snow many feet high. Alter enjoying the prospeot for half an hour, the carriages were ready, and we 'were again off for Chamouny. The apparent distance to the top 'of Mont Blano was memo' fivb or els miles, and ewo , hours on feet seemed enough to °Temente it. It was, In/Weyer, twelve mites to its foot, so much do snob grand propoidiene deeelie the unpractised entimiewlvetaluveLsfortune to Mount the same fur the beautiful in ,Mature threnlttlifAttAdilLtltt passing as for the laws of common politeness that be was continually transgressing.' We got rid, however, of this burden, by leaving the carriage behind, and =eking the remainder of the Way on foot. The scenery now grew in grandeur. The mountains, the precipices, , and the Arcs rolling beneath, were magnificent. Then, along the fields of , snow we climb our Mountain road, and soon are In the wild and beautiful Chamouny. This valley la, perhaps, from eight to ten miles lb length, by from two to fthree in width. It is more than three timmiiipst- three hundred foot above the level of the eon, and surrounded by mountabcs. , The only feasible entrances are three, from • Sallenchee, over the Coi fie -Balms) and, through the Fete Norre. To the eye of the ob server at the village, no egress is perceptible. It Is indeed a Campus .Munitus, a Champ i Muni, a ' Chatturuny, er.Citanto ens., The, quite• small, consisting of a few hotels, and stores,• end dwellings, and a little ohurob upon . Ate rising ground. Inside of the town, there is notilig to give:it a name. Its' fame" 00t1161 from valley SAViipd, midis spread,•efar by the mOuntainjesks above, Here Nature has been most lathe The snow.oovered domes, the bare granite needles planing the sky, the immense massive ranges of, mountains, the quiet gelds, and valley, the Alpine hoin, and tinkling bells, all conspire, all mingle their various charms, In, most grand, enobanting, and beautiful proportions. lookedavilookid, gaied..long in strolling {4.014 the peuM!„,,winds through the fields of grain op poslteAisionlicsl speetaele, and as the sound of the shephi*Ofilti rode and died In the distance, I watchisitAtiaiiiye the setting sun, as - they crept slowly up ' the mountain, tinged in purple the top. most snowy point, and passed away against the shy. The inn bad set, end its rays had• left the highest peak, but there was Mont Blanc: still, shining in its robe of everlasting snow—a robe that is never laid aside, and yet surpiuseet All others in whiteness and purity—and now lit* at night, as I gale upon It; those rugged, inn forms appear iunonget the stars. • , --" Above me are the Ales, The Plae44l Mature, whdad net walls Have 5111421114 410,910 N tbr a rlOWY And tbrtnusilltierniti in tor i T tLi ke co a l v d a a llht,thlth b. u r e . d f e ° r r btl a t a o 4 f d s f n e o l w l, All that expand" the spirit, yet appall, Gather around theme sum iter,e, to show }tow, "aarthmay Wince to Heaven, pet leave yam Man 'below." It -is with , reluotanco that, upon so calm and beautiful a night, one closes his eves to shut out Images so grand. But no! These images are stamped upon the, soul, and shall be.borne as the likeness of dear fr(end, to be brought forth and looked upon aLpleasnre. is next _morning , vas the fistbath, end, ripen opening any eyes the first thing that greeted ! them Walt 'fdent: Blanc., It was distinctly fronal ..y, pillow.' There was not A' cloud to be seen: The san'erayalati tinged ,this mountain-tops', and were creeping slowly down into the valleys., 'As X went to the ' , gleam anti gazed forth upon (ha wormy, with Mont Rhino to the left, and the Bre veut to the right; It Seemeiriti though the morning air onmeforth from that valleyi and from'off those mountains, fresher and,' ,more exhilarating than any thad ever breathed., Just at this moment the bell of Ibis little church that stands upon a green elope behind the' town, rang forth in the clear morning air, and / its:tones were echoed back, aabdued, them ! the mountain's side. - The peasants startedforth, winding slowly their way along,the paths-Leading from the vari ous Domes ttpen the alone, to the little house of worship 'tiommbn 'to them all. The horn of a shepherd, airesklY' high up upon the mountain, added still another charm. Under mob oironm , stances, surely every soul is ready to obey the Call to worshipdgm who existed before them moun tains and those valleys, and who made them all. We attended service in the Hotel d'Anglettrrn, where a chaplain nr fhn English olutroh ie sent te, ofilelato during We Moog., rased in thenth ,n, the el. daily gentlemis m Paris to' Ueneva. 'lth , home in hie rthe, and an than amtdl unavailing atter le read a quite good disci ,gash and Ameriaans. A, service, large litany elm p of Mont Blanc. Then tl the snowy peaks stood co r the sky i again they east ms around the glanti# head, and then sailed forth as a bird in the air,"and left the eternal snobs unclouded. We looked upon all this not without sonde longings for tomorrow, that wo,inight pinup further into -the depths and beautioa,of• those mountains and gia . • oleir;liitherto bilitistd ate distance. 'AO) o'clock wetfe up and aoloating our haton. ,2"44/0 are strultt4,Mond, wooden itloks, firmly shod ,With iron at o.Rot, .010, and often ornamented by p chamois horn at the other. The horn, however, is dangeroatt,'Sa in case of a slip', It may do very ea eons injury: - filictravellor in the Alps should start Mountain incursion without the baton. .4 'le a great' help In going up or down steep deafly!. tics, In walking upon toe or frOzedithOw ; while in Crossing, crevices it has boon known to ears life. Many a traveller so honors his baton as to have the names of his various mountain excursions burned Letter fram l Switzerland. OIIAMOIJNY, August 30;1860 upon i , In spiral lines, 'and then-berry it with him over ., . l' Siririerland, andeviii bomb to America, , or g f i: add: leis a curiosity, a 'souvenir', etre. phY, p rhapabblefly &witness, Niece read my baton, is eget alent to telling what mountains, aid passes; and gl dere you hevb done: But here, ay in all courts there may be• perjury; as was the ease with ..e young American who burned "Mont Mine' upon his baton, to 1111 it, and not beams he ha I 'climbed the mountain. , Equipped them with t . IS neeessery Instillment, and discarding the (for the present) unnecessary guide, vie set dot for the litr de Glare. We crossed the leaping, muddy Arve, passed through meadows to tho foot of the mountain, and in a forest of Ohl, up a winding path, [were soon fast leaving the valley behind. *Beteg upon the same side of the-valley as Mont Blanc i it was invisible, but the peeps of the Erevan and Ilege're, opposite, of the valley of . the Arve, and, tie little town of Chamouny, which we had through openings in the forest, refreshed us, and gave itts strength for the remainderof the steep 1180,4 Farther up, that gigantic, wonderful Algare ilic.Dru peered dein, - *ter the pine tops, ripen I,' seetrilog-like , the earth's VCIIOI A ft er two tris 7 of climbing, ma 'fteehed'the cattle tuts upon fontattvert, 'Over - ids thousand begetters the level / i f .the sea: Here shine and milk, and other refres mute, are offered to the tired tourist. A bed, even, is provided for those who may come up thus f r in the evening; in order to have a full day bttfor them• to push on farther into the wonders arptus Mont Bland . ~ 6 - .. • J •• • Ma ng refreshed ourselves, end thesauri soUre• uir af4this . lonely lattlillors from the collectien of cryst r, chamois horns, bud carved wood, bare of fered for sale, we descended. to the edge of the famous Met de Glace, which is bat a few rods die. taut from the inn. Upon the.way a bevy of guides met us, offering their Services to cross the sea. Baying. engaged a couple to go with ne to the other aide and thence as far, na the Chapeau, we sat down upon , the shore to take a view before sailing. And first, it must be remembered . that everything around is upon to grand a scale that distance and site are more than double what they appear to be. If this deception is so remarkable under the dome of St. Peteris, what must it be amid these pinnacles of NatuSe L' ,To the right the enormous bed of ice stretches off •in a winding course some two a leagu s I up th e valley, where It is divided into twe arms y the Alguilles of Leohaud and the Mont Pert es; at our feet, and to the left, is the same ()old, ' apparently immovable, yet overflowing stream, only assuming new shapes and curvets, whilst across the toy sea, high up in front, rise those pioneoled mountslpa whose highest granite point pierces thirteen thousand feet farther into the heavens than the vessel's tallest mast. There it rides, an immense mass of reek and earth, bleak and desolate, destitute of ill verdure, wrapped only in the snow's cold mantle ; up it rises, throw ing aside even this covering, and seven thousand feet above me presents its piercing granite top alike proudly to the winter's blast and summer's sun.' Around are many other peaks similar in form, only less lofty, seemlog to leek up to this one, tbnAlguille veils, as their King. But we must leave the mountains around and go upon this far-famed glazier to examine It more otiosely. Many "stay-at-homes '.' suppose it to be A plain of smooth lle, snob as a frosen lake or river presents, A more correct idea would be obtained by imagining the Mel des Glace to be Niagara's rapids suddenly ablllei into les, retaining all their graceful tunes, their thousand fantastic forms and varied hues. But, thee, We would be too pure; it would give too clews as ides of the glacier. In many places it is made up of almost equal proportions of earth, and stones, and snow mixed together in a frosen mass To this mast be aided a sprinkling of boulders, for on this sea rooks of scores of tons are floating. There is no considerable extent where the toe is entirely pure and clean. The coup d'crif, however, of the whole is exceedingly beautiful. Game upon it, we Sound ourselves in the midst or crevices, and wins, and opbeavings of ice, in all fortes and shapes. The crevices are cracks or rents in the ice a yard or two in width, perhaps fifteen rode in length, end certainly, to many in elem.:se, more than one bandied feet deep. Within the fissure the ice was generally pure, and of so many varied and beautiful hues as to cause the el-taute to cry out inatadration. We aaw ius... wended several.leTA, l gi n AV it YOlva ad Gent in the toy true. As stones were, plenty upon the surface, we amused ourselves by rolling them in, and tens trying to sound the depth of the various fissures. The stones would tumble down; cracking from side to shle;•the noise becoming fainter and fainter, and at hot plunge into apparently deep water, or be silently caught by the aides of the fissure, now too close to permit them to pass. The wells are round or angular holes, la many in stances' very deep, and containing Water, as is eel dent from the plunge of the clone. Through these dangerous places we bed to pick our way with great care, At times it was abso lutely necessary to cross a orevlee. This we did upon a plank, studying ourselves as much 1 , 48 pot siblo with the baton. Though with care there is no real danger, yet a steady had le needed. ..Ladies somethnes make this excursion, but the greater part g 6 only a few yards upon the ice, and return to theMontauvert. About two hours afterleavlng the bus,_ wo found ourselves upon, tisiothataisle of the Mgr de Glace, more delighted Must VOlMSSkitrer been.** the ensiling of any Ow lie., (ay We now began the descent, Conk tilegieler, and between it and the mountains. We 'osmium* to a descent made by, steps cut in the face of an al most perpendionler .preolpioe. It to rendered prac ticable by means of a rope, fastened to the rooks with staples, and used as a railing. We next reached a point, or granymound, called, from its pesuller shape, the Chapeau, where en admirable view of the lifer de Ulnae is afforded. At this point it: becomes very rugged, the dors:went being, more rapid, and is broken up into needles andpyresnide and obelisks of ice. These appear 00,*basissiolors in the sunshine, and are continually spillitingiind cracking, and codling down with mach a crash as to have received the name Avalanche. No one should leave Chamouny without carving with him his Impression of the Mar de Odawgrom •''.‘ the Chapeau. , , • , • After a long and ~steep desesest„ dortog whieh we were delighted by the lies(iferf oratitrailey below, ti/ glacier at our aide, 'aid the mesitain pealee around, we reached the gee/56614a.: Mere a peasant girl met -us with some verylaMitable refreshments, that gave U strengMt for the two miles along the valley Yet reinatning; „ ' ' After a bath and a, dialler, disonssed with the appetite belonging to mountain tottriete,'we eat down upon the balcony of the, lOW, esti, looking baiikupwatlie mountalns,tallsed.elisir: etirressour- 1 s to-morrow. ion,_and lila plan to-morw. ~. ''' ' '3.11. " .A .Trip,to Atlantic City. (From the Baltimore „. • A few days abuse, w party of germanium, thirty five in number, reeelved an invitation from Mr. Talton, president of the Philadelphia and .Balti More Railroad, Mr. Brodhead, president of the Camden , and [Atlantic Ci. and Mr. MoKibbin, proprietor of 'the United M ates Hotel at Atlantis City, to be ;" ils" at the, sin &pl c tat" liaison on the I.Oth inst. , - • f's" ~."---- I A merrier party need' start ritearthreeVeye. holiday than entailed a epee - r • prildent !street depot . on. Saturday. i , Isi:MlPs Pi , specie, the oompany might , . _ Larmed pro -1004, suisouous. There were lewyeri, 11.itterchilnts; - manufaolurere,' and respectable loafers; statesmen in office and'stritesmen , out 'of Moe, , Brooks end 'Bongs, Straightouts and. Reformers, with a few " who loolt,witseitmd say nothing"—all determined' to lot the,wo44 weg by itself for i few dart, and bent, on hiving • general good Ume4tille It lasted. At the'Philledelphia depot the party was metilby Mr. Brodhead, and• escorted to the depot of the Atlantic City Road at Camden, stepping for a law minutes at the," La Tierra!' to glee, the company an opportunity of inspecting the "Irland floor ar rangements of that admirable.institution. = Leav ing Camden in a special trails at 2 e'elook, and 1 passing tittobgb • a (*unto, not interesting. just now, but with a promising future, and over a, roadx which - looks as If it bad Just left the chntrantor'll hands,, r eed' Is its perfect order, in two bents we Ourselves before the Actor ' nifi the United Stated Hotel; a Millennia of sixty Wise, where we were received by Mr. MeKibbln, in a manner that made us feel at home without further ceremony. Dinner Over, ell bands turned towards the beach —the great point of attraetion—and what a mag. iillicent sight was here presented! A beach, ten miles in length, Co smooth and bard that carriage wheels scarce 'ltaly, an impre s sion 911 it. One day 0 ride on that shore, with the pure air of old ocean blowing, over you ', and the waves - curling and breaking at your feet, will bring up the wear and tear of a month of city lifa-In fact, some of the old. 'nes felt so rejuvenated In an hour's time that they attempted to, rase with the breakers, but got sadly whipped. - ' Atlantic City Is &Weed to become the greatest 'resort for those who 'meek for sea•air or sea bathing on our whole (Oast. While its facilities for bath ing are equal. to,thoae of any Other point, ft pre .seats attraations in the way of fishing, gunnir.g, sailing, drivlog, 'lc', notlb' be found at any other point on the coast: It he Inlet opening a mile above the town gives en inside bay tan or twelve miles i In length, -abounding in fish, while the Wind which protects it from the ocean swell affords ample occupation to the sportsman. The " United Statiss,"-the.headquarters of, the party, , luts accommodations , for Six handrod—the other howls in the aggrege4r4ooonamodate thirty four bundled. The president et iheioad informed us that over 80,000 peoplo visited the place during the past season. They ritat kirre had a -lively time when it was t• high eiteuge." , ,, ._ ... After "doing'! the: place as thoroughly as our limited time. would allow, and expressing our thanks to Mn:Brodhaid and Mr. Mokibbin for the pleasure we 'eriived, Which was very happily done through Judge Mason and Colonel Spencer, of An napolis, we: returned home on Monday, our only regret being that Atlantis City is not two hours froll) .11itltimoro looton4 of VigladolpAls• RTANT ; MM., EUROPE, TEI t MPHANT ENTRY OF, GAILRI ! BALM 1311 . 0 NAPLES. • Contitued Inkurrestioat in the• Papal , • roposed. Sardinian Intervention. ILTT/T17,p.711 OE AIIBTSIy, Theynited State; mail iferunehip Adriatic, Tae. I. Comstock; ER:; commanding, leit Cowes at A. M.:of the 13th last/, and arrived abliew York, at 12} o'clock yesterday. Elia briags 272 pawn gars and 480,tana of meachadttliae. I The Etna arriveka} gneanetorn on the 10th of Septeinber. The Mali American arrived at Lon. dondOry on the 10t,h. ' • ' • • THE ITALIAN RBVOLUTION: - 4armines 97 asnineerm rime :Niamey., '4, CAL:mine taleee - i' . The followitig t 51400004 Ott the .0111, 4 41441- sr-11° lagirleiglwrin=76 . lriedios f • Wet eopeliel Neepivii . ll, tiolf !Ilialetilirv. , r :if ..eZt f rr estolfrcTslrritaLarri Ib7f/If i t alone. The Joy I:141461r rx , r . v=teamii s itsi% ment as bees formed. Naples is traxmail. • NA LYS, Sunday, Sept. 9.—llaribsldi hes en tered Naples alOte. ' Great enthusiasm prevalle. lie b discovered , altational Illegally (tonsil uted, end A 1.1,004114 14.• , 01. 1 0116, to pu ish its piembers. , , Oa baldi his nanalgned the fleet and the arsenal of N les. to. the °barge of 'Admiral Parteao, end , proof med n irhtErsinumuel as llftv; of Italy. - ..Th Diotakor as oonfirmid Romano ' es Minister et th Merles, d'appit [ nttel ..IPsdltitttlleatelf , ot Polio •, Genesis! . .GoliiiiCll4ll biter IldLoWfarl Pft• Pisan lit Min ister , of Janke., ,ON , se, Th nail tiletton el the fort% 4102063 W to like plane a-morrow. MA SEtt.t.r.e, Tuesday Erstdei.-i-Letters ; se- . oeire from Naples to the Treeing of the htts,lnst. state hat the Sardinisn 'flag', as 'affair Vora -Al' the f Is.' Ilefote tkaribeldka entry into Napier the Sardl tau admiral bed threatened to llrempors any Nea Iltan limes] whiob Should atteropt to' predeed 1 to Ga ta. 'Garibaldi had fo is t d'arr ionsteenm gum thy o war atatirrei, and •80,000,004 lire in • the bath ATo Dearn had beep 'celebrated •In the ... oatheral' by Father thvaszi, the people shouting " rah for Vloterr Emmanuel!' "Hurrah for Qar~kaldi!"' Whe peopl• were .4 rroecl, some wen with pikes Anil sticks. Oe • aril illonatnatictas had Ulan place' - Th 4 Papal Nand°, the most of the ambassadors, and Fount, Travini, had followed the King to °soh.. Tht King ball appoints,' Signor Ullos; brothel , of Gnu. Ulloa,, as his Prime Minister; an had id sued a proclamation. . gftur the Sight of the King a great the took place la the public fends, ' , , • - . ..- THR FLIGHT Or Tlll3 KCMG. . , , ThO ex-King of Nap's' arse still at Gaeta et tub saints. There was some doubt as. to bit ulti mate place of refuge .' The Cabinets &Thane, Mani h, and Dresden, bare advised him to 'take refute In Germany, and not In Spain. , Ilk PAPAL STATES AKA SA-IPLNIA. ~ Tb Paris Patric contains the following: " 'She Piedmontese have not yet entered the Pa. pal States The reports concerning the rerrohitiotY ary 1 ovementa in the Mangoes and Umbria are emit ',rated. • Ito n, Saturday, Sept- §, (via 2darseillei.)—,a, pani prevails ter', .' M. Monate hei left 'for the Nee limn frontier . The town of Br none has. been entered in a state of siege. The new, of im luau eotion at Poole Coroo,bas bean con fi rmed.' Bard Man troops are &drawing throach Tuscany end h i e Romagna . to be la s zeathneas to eater the Plip States. Oen Lamorialors has Oencentrotsd his oe pa at.§poleto, and has denied the alleged, orde of the de yln which he wee said 'to bite dl. rent his soldiers to plueder' toy toms *Melt should tise In trunarreettou. , SID-rsmasa 9 --Gear Planelli has arrived hire to alnouoce to the Pope the retreat of the King of Nap es to Oasts. M osigoor Me rale, w ith two handredgenderramr. bra proceeded to Fieldstone, where awe thousand workmen engaged on the railway threatened an onturesk, The Piedmontese An:abase arrived at the from tleri of the Itsman States. 'lpe entry of Oaribaltfl into Replan bin [brews the l'apal Government •into • stem of eontterne- Goo, Tse Papal troops have left Pamir* end Ridge gin!. A French regiment arrived at Reese toils,. Tin !darnels elmonl bea twee ovulated OM( elf the overnment at Benevento, and Prignani, a man of t e lower orders, at chief of the Sovernment of Poole Corvo. • , , Becoosa, M o nday, •September IS—Evening The' town of Urbino bas been fortified. The Pr oil. slant Govan:truant tat proiclalmed ilex annexattes --' - - - ---too t ot Urbino to Sardinia, sad] shouts I or •t Long Y 4 .Irzaw s , Tle Papal Seeps ate dlsesitiregeo, and ar• toil rin They tires , no re dishes, but commit acts of ferocity on their passage. Ai state of liege has been proclaimed at Fan°, Sinigaglia; and Petaro. Five thousand Austrian mercenaries in the Pepsi ser ile. have arrived at Sinigaglla. - The Sardinian consul has been obliged to' leers Anpona.. ~. - P i ARIA, Monday Eveninc.—The, Petrie pub• lines a telegram from ,'uric, stating that•ort the supposition that' Piedmont would decide' upon' sending a Kirdibfbe Mr"' ltiarrtis into the Papal States, the different Powers have addressed ener getic representations to Sardinle, declaring that the Pontifical Oovernment ' has itifsrded Plestroont' no pretext for this rapture., ,i . , , , It is not known," says She Pains, " whether this attitude of the Powers has modified the resort!. ttost of the Sardinian Government. TJp to the latest datee, however, no Sardinian , troops had cruised the Roman frontier. Some isolated bands no belonging' to the regular army had -alfe terhd the.Stateinr tho Church:" • ~ .„,. . '• ' THE ATTITUDE OF AUSTRWif 4 - kt: •The Turin correspondent,of At P.ACDltyokti iir tea sui follows : •• ~ .__ ,_ , ,_ • Of course, every one' isknileflist wilt' Attititi do, l i.' I am notable to say, anitlikrepinian,' moron] ,oyfr, is these questions can oily*, resole kr is ; but the uncertaintywill MO be long ed, in-:. re ion. ' Kossuth aril Kjapka'are Licht' dirstrin . • They live very rettred'i. 'Rossi:db. lM ree t day . or Sine foi London, •• Octant Telopls %t a r- 12 ' A letter frout,O.e*Oeo 'De .1 1 .1- gays: "We Sr. on - the stvil'of grim` ' trig poor Sealy trilliums out via ment fears (sigh •,wrig i :a ask . tack from A ..,t , n 0 , id la Fiance site 1 W . rpo *Sinelik' for non-int." -- xt.tWr.f.-.1- 4a. , oi..Asivt . •,,i -'Another lerier f datidtrat o, ow *B . di' able conctintratroV 'red 'Cithigitiasst4 44. Anne will , roWsprles ebity raen; y lbe. most importeept At . •,, wal tz sist of tort? ,th zett„ •or menu arriveri 'Anita fr oft,ilentsi..• t ' 4.- ' . that the ping will take thePmmuund I ~.: • Generals Olhli and Pone Me :, " ' second - i4 ,c , inuttar4,laltiroP . ' . ''-` .*** Nothing "plait:bre it knew:m. - 2X Mints rhowwritillmnalbarealftil. , A ' I ' lb . Austrtale 100 elPne le, ispeell. ~It is report ed that Auer 11COOdli 'oAl4l . Balllllbll4 tkero; neve ldentita,• - Though e 1 sisi *Wenn territory, this bolooked unman a month." ,• — 1 ;,, - 1 ~. , It is asserted that thriAnstrian traope have been conoentrated do the extreme' frontier of Venetia, facing Modena and thießownina. , - . Vinnni,,, Sept. 1 1—,Evening.—Wfuitever .may place in the States of the Ohettelt; It, eta - - inks of Austria 'Will' be tatillySteAsniti*AillSig u her Italian frontiers Stre-not ItnadadziAllusilitery vrappations which are being minis at present have no oilier Objeet thin that 0' energetically repelling toy eventual .atteek:' '' I :•, • - • • , :.,, I FRANCE. • , • The CoWstatitionad, in an article signed by Grandgulllot, awaking of the Intention ofliardi- Dia to intervene in-the States of.neChunh, My.: i• We should. grieve to see Pieimenl seeceapliah an aggression which would . ineontaitablylaparate her from the Imperial policy. - , ' , .- -•.,- .1: i "France, being the,proteestorof the rope'et Rome, eannot but ,disapprove that any armia anditanee should be given to the insurrection in the pro vinces: • 1 : __,: t ' • • '' ,JI " C- r "We hope Pledmputo not,Onwg's thoictiici ples of respect dub, Stern , ineutt - rMittilehleh alone oar.preserve.onwitbrher.• ;, , r , , " We also trullt v ik k t-the, .Icfni stilt avoid apo litical foul wide Would 11 a misfortune for ' Tbe tTinUs‘ Parts , correspondent Maps: "The general state of acad.. - ha Freeoe . remains 'un than'ged; inerbhlinta and apeehlatore being inters oa oepleci in iveteiiing iha!nlareh'et , +tient, in 'ltaly than in main intrl6a in etbetr day-booka.' 3 Both wheat, and dourdeollnect in pries in the Paris mallet last 'leek', bd6 paittoFfir!l deur. The prices or wine Nil adennaintri. . _ iIERALANY AND BA.II3IBiA, Penny lruelday"--Tbe Palria o thin evening say*: ..4•lt Lr ,positively stated that an interview between tlie'Etiperors'of Austria'arid Annie' and the Piinon Regent will take plaae.'ll VINZINA, Sunday, Sept, 9.—A highly important official telegram from Bt. Peteisharg wait received here yesterdaY. - In'stibitatee it eir follows The Emperor Alexander and his Qoverunient. deare sincerely a Rodent reconailistion with Aus tria. ~ T he good - undeistanding between Bunt& and Austria ought never to have been interrupted.. "The necessary arrangements for a meeting be tween the two Emperors will be made without de , lay, and memoir's will be taken for !rating an, end to the present plate of things, vadat is no longer tolerable." TUMMY. . Conarserteorca, Friday, Mg. 31 (ma Mar m ui").—The Outten has ordered the Wend Vi zier, liibriall Pasha, , to terminate 'US inquiry In the provlimearia Speedily as poitibla,lnd tolaturn to Constantinoptty Where urgent political bullpen requires his presence. It is asserted that the Grand Vizier will not stay at CovstintlitoPle;"but will prose dd 'to Paris and London, with full powers to -treat of the meet im portant political questions, and to negotiate a near loan.' Pritoe 001124 le expected here. Arell Pasha le again in favor with the Sultan, and bas been appointed Governor General of Adria nople. TEM VBIOL LATEST. Valle; Tuesday; Kept. 11—Krening,—The King received te•day a deputation from Umbria and the Inhabitants of lb. Mambos. Ilia Majesty granted the protection abloh the deputationa /*Oohed, and orders bare been giren to the Rerdialatt tioops to enter these provinces by the following proelama• tion : " SOLDIVAff.: Yon are about to enter tie marches at P Umbria, to .establish civil order In the towns now desolated by misrule, and to give the people liberty of expressing their own wishes. You will not fight against the armies of any of the Powers, but will free those unhappy Italian provisoes front X PIUMW retie Win 160 sot 6; .0..4.4k ~ 6dtsommf.) ----4.811 06 woo - tee 617 - 6 .1 1 Tam" (61, adtptim of .41 . ,14 -- Pfir66f-686re 6411 NM es - ',ppm pi' #lltro 40 !Is AS' hr ' 23l Phyrk • • ' tbave ilimapt,*liiiiriciamioraii. . .._ f , , throb .di offoreigi l lentarms fritri* . . • Yon d not go to tit 11 - tejeries done ii faille d tot ~ bat to libes/spa. dasianikallOS intim rag itself sgelasttbarogilat * try. y you anamitlik-7411. Il lei c =tik LI: Corgi. ease, of otletar ' sa =aa'''' ' ' ibp tn Who man the love et.* 1 father and ta' - 'l4l lll tome sil.ln '- ' great wow end Itiallhevayselll aid Imo OEN -,.. pros tino,i.l Woad to AI dloggaal e Waling atop of trouble and, . ~. to rep t the ent of thr u sh,tf of 0 . , dim M . , - whom 1I am over raadylegte In the fed sad friendly 'Po/um se. nit sitese of i pendants amehetedatly nate.% ilia aloglidatt advises have in vein azdeavemetlto 044 ikent„ the faimileisaa of the, wished met. whieh u =no e plot my autherity.'anCipinat thia' St ' ' the mitten. Soldiers'. 2im 'sienna of ambition. 1 Yee, ; have one antlottida, and• it in lidlontiorma. Fal from. the oontinatal danger otrevolgtion mid •wan, i • 7 ' I ' 4 "r 'Wednesday, &Timber 12.-41. Don: , - easter+ Si Leer.--dt. Albans, first ; High ins iml, aeeond ; 'The 'F i nial], third. Afton' boom van. i . .... o„ ; Consols clooid atOktait,l4 formouthOM iiii . i - Meonet, • lin snow*. 'R ;B u i lt; July 25 -11111‘10 . ' brae , siMnpalatel t Flii4ard, Ind nit +tlBl teretly•nintt dead nnektidttptkrentplantr , Itkinfoneemehts yiettiticii sem% - flaml-.. limn *avant. .0 timer.; datordayeTaly 2l.—d Weft miffs it malls, and several fathares have . Total 'liabilities, £120;00L' Beim Mosso taro wearied, and many leeldenia ate roportort to *AV, Pin. ' tameatattonsz, Toe:day, Jolv I.7.—The Mod* solok• oo( their - pontions. the allied troop oil , ' healty. The Take fort% are to be attested at ibit , 20th lily. Lord Elgin and Bu Wit nn' atm rldr. Peeli IL Foreigners are eournmoisly Amsted lay the ribeli. . 4 transit daty of eleven taste -per bele ili to be levied. 'Trade doll. - JAtr, Friday, Mir 24,—Aft gals!. Trod' rira.' irl . " • g . J .1 1,-. 1 ,, , Consaidietar PAttiliveuie. " ' - ' • I , ortoorgylienrx# Nuaticsr.-4.Atheis. irsiasi. Mi l tiVi h ntmisi v i h •4l••res. t i lia % e t •••••irmesvol .• • +notify , vecoserkatow A ustT sad Rouen bad oo nuked iniannitt= dnetu t Wai oemeinaed kr %lie etanneent is detarmraid to nisUid- tas:thimisamisat di OM to torn adman, ittifdnAt ia l' eh* Moak( cabin the none Orme eam* foam - inn* o Lemenetenrasehmtheag of FnualluAtt ' and other mem:name ~sr. ttosact, for nicoat tiellad at atta'all‘. anittalinal ow - eq. and attfsati for eceoaan. .. + , _ . ja_. I, . `the demand ' in the discount saute% limellllllll l a- areaand, but is still moderate. eacet.tei„9oo is refuted mid was beribi by the Mato to-day American securities have fartbatnist'it those ll if the Neer York" Llsntral, NW York am Arts. op Ojommui sod nols Con •nee . • ' : • The devotee bei atrimart Bassessyltierslat Mri re stmig 14, rest ra. Imi Ilit least been g ended fly tkia KV 1 1 1 -11SenLMIMIII. ab4l:l'italaan, sad Fowler, uranium. Alto NM Ili 10. - Th o e'Dcuadee yams Mention ass acted emit talMsu !rim S out of Matt. Urdu/. it Co. Tn Tx* Titator.--mn m.—Tite difffinis to Lei to,p.: oso ss . ll tloo e* 41 /*NI Jisougoe • • mat. Lk+ ON :1;11;74%";47*E111.77_4019"1are"7 1.1.14-- lest IL—Tht &anal 'TO ..... OPIMMI mnil lulli earn sr, bur we • e father t rum at tho• Ws* Wools • a Cs.. a iro rolligrctANZWla l ioby , 1 4 . 74 I V I . : t lr tr Y Nla c_ i retn e .....m........ , trans in r u after buiSiosio - :te the lassest isser tit es Imo Baum* a- Waited Sumas • sad at tha Lk na taw airsllealical Witte anaseary halo, la tae afar Ezolkoag• oto ma wool, Mal ale wart a;s t et late pil recis e. " 7. =7" 68f- • "Trial ll re tail eZrMa c i umu larrla . 44ll l .loloMell Vaal. alliklikafts. CM, aa earrener. ""Il uineei r de sot """"ca llealaisl alli nr, nutate,4,...„.. iimi.,....... ,1! I a pries bassi NAM • #1,..1 gaTtri.Z.49,L., se rattsteeter..,ltie to le mato , ro /814 it ( ' - • ia. 1:: 1 : 1 ~t .....r, 0 r earri la 7 m.r. iamis tatir, . vi i i i. -Isis ter r . 'The eastismado• h r:/ . Iwo more enitio. Fg d. Clia i ltratdleigrt i6 Awn=eZ ~1. *ln .11.-nd beau: eft ;a corns walissag au ea tons, • sears. sad to der'• whs. anewee ost WWI dow tea aid aid See aspen. Proem wera N. 4 Ai dr Ile h hor taut len YAW,. (.1 ketPUOL IA Mkt 14MT. SM. IL-A Ass ra• •aset•resssod go, Whew wed ins - felt . sal es 'renew. Wetted vas swerdisbed ed sent now d l4etwwWl dad. new was , trete ars war uu V owleet. Isdeas Pone a 'kw lt mast ! ,. sad wed be .voted al WWI tellboWe krw i l DON CONK VA II CET. Pen. U - Thu Mel w.r the tea/ a• *a !noise. W. ideal be knowledge het tostlAy DO b:FLONSAT. SIAREET. Pm. 21.-ilepar deo r. Tea km. illae_awesetell. Maley kelded. 'as a. Stain id to lei WO. -LILATEST WARM' Num sov. Wedseedse. !WWII-Bam la at WIT Weser edies e Refired wand. satire Ceylon at Owlets Id • edataideet 1 WIWI borers. fee-Not sweet priaossi. sad fall tame .1. natal 4. Ado agit ; ware, reeisagee astepette A. T•lt Iw-D.masd watts Wain thestfatan anmuusity as tie If easlay. - - Liven reot...Eseesalear. alest..l4 - -, fasteet-Tr i f-- Ites betas vats a ;ratios* see godd itgesere. E 110.1 or wive Weld ftww.. 4 60%,4. Ileogre WSW pri ded bat. ' 'NEWEL - . VsaY •Fltett, w ee nyPfasairrLast says the 1 Sa Andrea} Zederaksat, Aug. IC twastiaeri, 1 ed lion.' Yeanikin end Itiessai Osman& sit -1/0 .in Wet Gailels, sear tleatirai -MM. swill& ,mo e th en threamiles from„hen.dadresa, teck,oet $l , 00. 4 1/ser. ithui their "ibli 'greater • part el ilda wit co' Ms park T rion Mae liaglawas MAGI roc ditt they took mat 0541 IRO; hem • shothec ' - week rai n r a jas " ! ; th i ry P too s lVig f . Tr:tail. ro e .. 1 tee at the Wad cif the genii, Whine these as. face . laboring witatly _si ,yeeyoritliont pay, man very recently. .Thay• drifted Into the. M2I stmt . Krick the old lead: Which sir or Wren rare age made thaguk& io famous , for its great wealth, that it was gamed "MO% (hick " After working for eeveral weeks oyer concrete bottom, on whisk they realized moderate , pay, they allength sunek a tied rook of tine& slats, on whist. they lad the wohderfnlly, OA- ,deposits •••T • 1112•1111, :Ate 010 m willprobably test #ll. years. ' ' ' • - conkinktf to' 1'16014 More Dusti n. '- The Mended Hiiiiire, of the PM isateat; eye : ' " • • have umich,•pleasum is Morita( a eery . L !" amettrrerem In counsel& with the iesh-:. 'r ; ' ' iser-ebsemier etyk, 'noir wCaptainag hi war lore, 'en , .„hot ' . On that y Veiny, her • '',"-' • Miller, herring da rereived hit premeds* as - ..t-eaptain, handed over the eommaaelto ins Rae .r, Cesenuatier 4. ! • AM* Malts( ell to the office , • "-. the Styx is ea .4! y . Was frat plei ''' ' i' ''''"c -'- ' - &kw telety - his common. ' . 1." . .: '.!: . ' airs, • V crew mann -' I: -; " ''''l .. ..- asir him th ree b- -' ''''' e ra, .ande Igo r more 'ler Ithr n. welfhm." -I. IfjlL .. - btlEttlrit RILITA.RDZD. —, Ir. Louis Simodager. who made his adryld thio Central asseigihe under thit =ph& of vamped Welker— wheighe eharbefulfy deserted—km adlitaiwidifiosi theflovernment of Salvador the easiadve eight to = sistreet !mile robber for one year trout oa, the Govestent hand. It has else bib 'the right to spinet • rof $2 per q die. India • kends in meseletemt r ir , make priblia, for Ida sad . ' . pie of fiadvsdor, - ne - aim for -.. • triltherywhiell Leah! to be very ample •• .; •- - , - - .. A Mainz- • Dromen.--In the- - 'United Ethnic •:- at Mertierd, hisisra_ Judges Menem sad h - 0161941 last., the case of James Erratme ' The Sheriff of itid, dieser Meaty win decid • . ' In 1853 Mr. rano lee was proprietor of the MeDontegh Hoses, Mid dletown, end Wier the Melee-law went tato feet the sheriff waned liquors belonging la hie-veleed - at $2,500, Mr. Perms's° sued the eberiff end at tached Ithr poSperty. The court &added that the clause of the" statute ender which the sebum w°' made weihnoonsidenlosal, and &sided &Amyl " Mr. Pareselee's clans 1 - :-. ~. 1 Etzasnie ender water by Meng. Nsilleforthe plan (placing thenharge ea the serfasee( the seek„ and thus using the Weight of the water above it be book the for& Of ttid t &plosion /*dist thelook), - as been employed for th e ireivation at Altos erry. The Oaf et high water is ' &Bird og the greatest :weight of water for , the explodca., , pn Ttlemorning a ohaigge fi re d, ,oaiett,ihe wator , ed wi th foie* to remove some ten & e cubic fHt . • - -.- while the upward alliWesfstved a' large . : I mass of water:to aliedghthigideverat re s t, .gth ire . t . a column np from thlt~iikollt for" feet high; RID is the•fashionable colorrnpw saiong the ladiesa of Paris. We see, says siNdepr, black num quetsire hats, lloidered with 'red, and decor te& with a red - feather ; the red-flannel underaktrfft displayed by the dress being bteked op ilatPowi padour In festoons; the red etoskingvgat ge Es . advantage the pretty tamed an kle , and Parniaa, black bottine. It is atiotimpi has b looms t h e vogue from having been adopted by the &oyes& in her ravings on the eet:side at Blasted. II& brilliant oclor Is peestlarly adapted for diagdayng to advantage the beautifully fair &optima= of her Majesty. , MAnireo The liA:c7.—/t. naval officer uy, that applicsats for atiptilsiaa to the navy, ese,leal tioualiy vidtlflieitreYvtante In do n na.. a shin is orde redtoass, the naval station at widen she is to be eiluiPped twarms - for days with all sorts of unemployed landsmen and mtriters. It is belleN'ed, 'VIP' those competent to judge, that in case of notedly era could muster tea thoesaasi seamen, and ten time as many landsman. witkin a month. Respectably draped yoana men fret qcently expressly come from the country to enter the setylco.z-Boston Traveller. A TEXA I 3 Smog concluded the trial Ot a‘ man for murder by sentencing him to be has; that very day.' *petition was immediately aiesad by the perjury, and people, praying that loop, Vasa Intgb.t be granted the poor prisoner. The j a d e replied to the Widen that 0 the nab bad bean lewd guilty, the jail was wary Ualatti. and Desi/u. it was SO very uneornfortable, ha did Dot Walk guy man ought to be required to stay in it looser than WSJ IteCeallty.:' The man was hang. A arose woman" was executed a taw days ego. at Freak:or!, Ely„ for a s to peke* e Berry, This is the ouly,cam of banging that bait oeMtried at Frankfort for a perlotoloter twenty-fire years, although murders, eemateeed with Impunity by o respectable" remises. citizens, are; among the OOMMOUSit things b i l Ma part of the goantry. ,Thuire have been weighed on Howe's stan 'Aßd scales , at the Mechanic's Fair. Boatoa, to seven days, 9,837 persotur-5 453 were featalee whose average weights were 11616!. 14 OIL-4,Ni were man, whose etrorage weights .were 145 lbs. 13 ors A conrse . ot rate hail-pennies hava been told In Ilatifcrrd for slh, a rare Volume! puny tsr $5 50, a limited State" penny of Ins for **, and a vary/al/ eabluet of half pennies, will, a few oolonialt, fu $lOO. Fisitsr.'s ISLAND, in Long Island Sound, bag recently been sold to a gentleman of New Yort, for It. cum of $50,000. The Wand is low lig lathe long, and is animated to contain 6.014 MIL