~ - - , . - - - - -, 2 -!- - ?-,:i7 - g.'-::t: ' ' _ . 1 ;0 ' i I I Or.c . n. : .3x t+, vll ~ ,_. .....„_ ~,, c ,,-1 ~...-....;,,.....: ~.., , „ .., ..- sEpTimina-.24 , 140. n -tfriNir . The Prime*? Widerlethe'llniked 84* The 1..1. VW. the News ; List of Lett* Obit Pki ladelphlireiCONei *Wine Plai l lg oo . '1: • • The_ News.,_ that ;Jerikine bas left the plias thent read the co:: hurleof cencienietiortAon_the_lirst page, and (M -inim thtlileston.. We esstually think thatJ. never ~ , d isplayed,:it4neelf motet° advantage than in these :! -,, pirregraphs , of the Mew %York - journals. „:41,Mong °hit type's, we "reglad togas that thiel'ainoe's " '"denelarr.=-Jankles Would'ecy, " salt/dory" edllOa• .lion—ls still improving. He sithoklits'" fingers at ,thee Who twined the.igures,", " directed the awl(- ' Wird," and " talked' -to' all the let," likei royal lig . 2xmiter, that be mint hi. On leaving T nade the members of bb nne are " affected to tears, ictinueh they hid learneallo 104hbn." , ..11 there is ettty thing, mlf,denying in the world, kis the lore. of i'aiSee44hlderee , - J. can - tell us alraboist , that., ..rke. X! duce kettOnSeills baron, end enters the United States 'Mild the prolonged _sortnnins'of 'the &med.' can eagle.„,The Weatern people must , love. a lord. deepii aci' did' Torino. Moore. ,The baronial follewed through the eireett(of 'Detroit f: :by monitic;ys, sad ladiei. - Here we hive Jenkins - , agidue- Helena its that the Prince Mittially looked ;:at the bodice - of. Mr. Ctuss, and was surprised at its s lzpiensaii;-:-that haulm afraid of fist traios;•=that •Idels fare 'le five elate is mtle,—thit be aaked'abont ,lecripretty'ltharician lady of Mantles, Miss li.," •;4thet he looltt " irweeptible " (do you hear that, I,4adiee?)-tlend that he he'll:ea:4 Yielded'to several Ar.teebogers in the reoen of his 'midriff:" 'Had any - tfette 'brit"Jaokinawritteh Me we would, piVert j :'_ttgairist it harielger; but tinder the eireumetattoor, :fitnih 4144 kraut of the question. • Furthermore, --Wears told that' on- the Baron's arrival at :Now .eyork there It bible te -, ; grand" 'ertolastre, super. mktooratie. ball, ,under a :committee of ar. rangements,whoie inisibein, we are ostentatiously are • Worth 4240,000,000. This will be, no a roagnitlecht affair—a second edition of therlspanisee erremprinent, 'hank which ,the New: ,i7torliers are, Mill In, the meantime, all irembeg Nee Tork,,are_ taut •Of expectancy, and writing small 'paragraphs to , " the 's news. mete , as to whether the' ladies !hall „speck morturyllabies, (imagine, in -American lady 'talking "utonhiyilables !) or only reply when „Ascher' to. This very important matter, we gri , vc. ACt.say, is still undecided. In the meantime, the Prim'e is travelling 'through the West, and exhiLit "lh On , - the biloony 'of a Chicago ho 4tir his*, (anti itereii Jenkins onee more) " he boo eel find marched rep and down a'dwarf it a country fair.'.'' -Yesterday lie was at Dwight 'Station, che grilistaf Plivete ittisei, keeping the Sabbath ' day 'in'a good Oitisen-like manner. • To.day be -Solte - out among :the prairies to shoot. May l cc- Ater be there:Mese.' • ~ , _ 'The steamship Bienville , from New Orleans I sth * end 'Havisitallith instant, arrived at New Y At, ' Sitard:ei onafternoon. The Bienville briniA a :very large eargo;, and has made a quick un, eslthensh she-had a strong norther and a i• , ',-try sea for twenty-four hours to contend with. 1 here :1 . 4;, - nothlnig 'of: general -interest from Havana, - .Hrefghta , had declined,' with comparatively few ^iessels in port. The 'Bienville, on the afternoon of the -'• - 'l2lh instant, about, fifteen Wiwi nertbeast of Havana, spoke the United States steamer Orme er, Lista, Commandant J.N. ?4s fit, from Key lon‘d i ir her, cruising; gnawd off_ the east en•l of 20,tcbe; - • •, „ 'D The indications are that the Spanish Goren to ont Lin earnest iu its derive '640 an end to the sl::vo It. colonies:. It is stated that orders b "teen given by' the Spanish Government for the , L./. ..reediate construction Of ten war steamers, destined IssAappresi the alive trade' and for the defence of ‘-,;tri'Nertr:Orlitalis, en Friday night, the ;liver ill#o,,Pf Unbends - 1r & CO'., and several other eiud Aar letabfishments, toasted on Tolioupitoulas ttrt ot, hetWeart;.Lifajette end Girod streets,' were de - `stroyed,hy Ire. During the oonllegr a tios alarge .. , quantity of liquor in the• fourth story of Kamen dieh'e store explodsd,.prostrating' the build:ni; 0c the oitriter of Lafayette and Tokrapltoulas s:reots, ,itid,berYing between forty and Arty persona in the ruins. •At last accounts 'Hosea - dead bodies ni'd - several wqunded persons had been extricated. : I tie loss by, the, Are is estimated at 5140,000. A rip!: re iu':jbe'Fourth district, New Orleans, was oleo de. stroyedliry,,dre on Haturdiy,monling, invelving a :loss , othetween $70,000 and_St3o,oo-s! • , Qii . :Efttlur47 attune= the steamship called from' NOW Torts for thwithemptirn ant lin- Paisengers and 1418,362 in rpteie: ThecCity of, Manchester also Saturday, for Liverpool, With 246 passengers - and $14,611- in WitielkiLilleldtAlilhetatil shipment of specie z'Afn . l,- 4.12ir, . . - , : - - ,. f .,,,;1,5,, , efearrr from Washington that the Secretary of the Interior, in a oommunieation to the rat Land Oillee on the UM inst., on the enbj ,f swamp lands, has deeded that, in these twits ytipiii"the 'Stater hive" presented - proof, 'ad re iitited in the .24 motion of the sot of Match 2, 1855, ; and in, sooordasee With the instructions pre paired',-the Indemnity provided by the sot F110•11d lie , pelforer:te the States. , says : " tie roltimis'are defeltive, they ,thetdd be, &meal- • 4 the amended regulations applied to omes where proof Is hortaftir tendered or presented.'' lx . t On thiiith instant , the new iron paddle eke to rr ,I llittlich3l.,,tfieljitet of the new iron steamers intood #o3l:,the Picket company, war stactsasfully launched ;at 'lin% England. - Pee Munster is ;neat in else to the fireat•Eastern is Etgl feetiong, 40 feet wide, and 30 feet deep; is Au horsepower, and has pmeenger aooommods , i nearly" 700 palette. ~..‘.:lV,o,learti from the - M;rald that thi New Ysrls" Unlonlasion Committee met again Saturday, . hut found that their sub : committee had - not 'completed 'their negotiations, and adjourned until Monday at rAwolve o'eldek, at whioh time they will rentip'..3te .their labor!, Ind announce a union ticket. " Prilteat eneitenientwatersinuted at Pittston; on Friday; by tiii:4ploiloit of dra•datisi in O'n'e'ef . Persons-Were In the mine at the -Mae tie the accident; ail ef whom were rescued rave ottekitented Jahi'lloward; Jr., who, it waefoned, .irdriartifortated. • - ' „ - - ,!s, learn from, ashington *giro - census v. , (,04 are rapidly pouring in fromthe several rormsh , als.throughout the country, but retinas tram -Won. Etite or -Tenitori havi -yet been reoei red Ao,inditttp the population. - ; • • Cominittire of the Oenstitutionsi Noted party. of Mew - Jersey have tome& an ad , dread to the Amerioartvoters, urgiog*Jui,to sup- Aintar(eleedoral:tieket:,-.MOThay they 'f'ithirt,,nalted With Am. Benotlisine heretofore; lielieelngthot they would - s , irdin• their plot fawn their seetionetpriariptek'aii they did at the Ctovernot4 election in 1859, and come back to the . 7 .90, Whig !potted, and bicome a national party; alat riatheihrrio not done so, the Union patty will mot nipper* a sectional nomination." 'ivi-Prons an extract froM a private letter, rays the Sew Orleans Picayune, written by a gentleman in 141letalen,ltrkensam, September 10,180, to a cont. —:wierotal Arm of New Orleans, we learn that quite trajmniteramit exists to that place. The &whorl. - ,',flee have attested two Aboytiontsta, or rather Ind , vidasle.nainat: whom strong- circumstantial evi r , rienee of , interference with the slave population WU kvigilance committee hem been organized, aid' task at the date of the letter, - trying their ot-Agig Isabel Beurmenn, Capt. itt anasivimAhava '4%..a tram Port' u-Prince to Pkietifeuitiei !Oil"; Tire of smingmlmirtliele on Sun. 'lmo is ois!,'Oroitibitid: las;