The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 21, 1860, Image 1
b4:,p4kevimaisie . .... M a p :4., 9 V* -' - xfsiviNtiltiium ,b ' ,,,,, - - -i , ' , . , ”.14/11r$RIPMfriniati , 4 ai lt ufse4 eN, ~, hy 9 A ..i , 3 , f '''' ! u , .i,i,. „ -''- /4 Y . 4,9*. , 190-. Pn-,llt , ~ , 1 '•-' ' ''.- • ile' , . ' •'" 110 .oulafr .ztt sis„ •ez tirllegarlepirle:l,...'"; '.'L' • " Aftildifedollo4llllTh ' ,l l rintelif , al T 5 ;LA' . , t tl;,. . . ,101111111110401110,0111*„. 01.406.1VA1r= ; l'fi IV t ibilliNIA0 6 0 41111 4" 1 . 11 1 11 .' fai , • II , , A=l l = l4 ***l l L -4 4 f i C ri i 46 -- , l i f it' :'-‘ - 4 . : - . . - - E.,,, •" ' , 11,-,,, ~.! i• . - , 1 Ott A , 3 - 4 1 1 - -' s ' . "-' . - '""" .- - , .• • .',: t , ..:-. .'.., ..'. -:..,'' 130.9 , ' ' + 9, ,t9',0"1,...1? 1114 9 ***Ittaikilikliiiiiiefit1114: i ~,-, ' ~.. .".. , ,t1 " . ' n 1111 #0 111 4 , 04 11001Wit.,4.64illii.MILW D 0199. 4'' " kiliiiii4lll4 hinNiilowtiiKß2.l ' l - :: ' ,, ' ; ' , i I -- - -- -- , -1 ~~ " , ~. '' ~ aka` ; ; .';',irr ~. 9 •, . : : : ig.roizt4„;.:., . ~, 1 •41' fi .'litlM - Ilte,l r,;, di , ; r ' .!, '''' ''''' r' ' i::' •n , ' ' , 'l. -, 0011111151 1 1 - 0 iiIIT lirtiellk, *f ~: ,- -,,,,, 4.: 1 w a iii 'i : , i iaNi."." ;•:-. ~ _ . : „ ~',,,,i •_,,c - • - - -, - 1 , -• ' -1' i. - -."‘ I. 'llirWiti4ol.'"Y''.:-- ' - . . •i_,ii#,41.4.11440.V7r ;„`,.:' , , ~-:- 1 . • : '; ' ''; • 014!ThsOrorke :',ooAtotosi. c **viaa. , AllllMlalt,'AiAßELrOlintitnr, litrog. ' ' '' • '-'' “,' - 4 :1 11 ,ThAlt9:4 l 4 l M:c -;,--:- , 1 littigart . ''' r iekii iiiithi . iiiiien CABRAIMM . ' '"' ' '. : .. '' 'lllwo r s i,Al l gprqs; yzirestas, - Eux4l - ,:.;E;,: , ,t, - , - + -3401 ./ 4 44 1 0 11, 0 60 0/ 1 4 jVineYtTl; t.. , ralgialkfi t ,: I 11:44 . : ( 14 •.11 •.• :I it 1 js, s l,- 2,!'1%1:1!.c , ‘ •, • , ';‘ i0•116.111*0031M0*, OIL Mall111164011: 4 111WIRA*111 _ • • Plalc,71;1! • ~ , E I M OWETAWIUVIADP. • , MMM Weetataatad (X3F " , t h FiNa 004 ._ = ;-.~- Offer, by 66 pultaii . 6, eli follwiriag dsie;lp4to ; 6 eistratadititi Goons,' • er etaIWO 'MAW MD_ zit *Ai, nits!: : • lIIIIIMISANUPAMIRDIO 00.10 ; • • surAdun AND nolo tranwirek .intoprorns Ain "antAansipi; MU* ; I 11 .0 03 1,r,t 8 /74 181414 AND COM, IPLAINEMA „ADD P.121r, „„ , gltnieS; ~. • mom timer?:i k itis*m . rxrcuunthi44inso4l 414.911!/47; , ..: 1 1 31 1 1 9R . P.W1S C9M4. l "gi inationtir; AurlwoOL'AziA s4oirMri? iAncestresuiOnis; m steAin? Rum: pozepuipi; SATZIJ raw ciaggnuis, - mow omothwittus, WASH LNG T6N .- MILLS; Ptoitiogni - tit 'suit iauit IItiLIILII of ladies, in - great nests, • *lawipest satqrustiti, TANA oomia molt viaysat4 ROAD ' morn.' BALMORAL SKIRTS. 4• I I.IIOodiO;II , 7IIIPHYS ' OfATKI4 'NUL 'iti*,Polo,/ , 142101.11 sad OM AO trials; Mt* oitrisrisoi; '• - ' • • . 1 = 4 1 "i 0 Lirrrnak- srA PREPARED GLUE 'IA warm a vaursivelei *MEP tooilwarr - - " spas Aka _Aaseakiacie-iiny *bolt ie WWI *NM Oise imiorajoe*Pir far rimpadarrlPsnOWAini. , . WO* IV' If intazumfratva: li sstialargrorkt:sailiterlietalocelopta' 're bio= i rrig***6 l l4llo to Oro - tiapstit.> Win 48mart; a roaredtv :for lig: asks, PM** bis4lss dblll.oll' 104511 t: aka. r seimintillterti:** , prwititritkiimt,!frliserst , • 110 Nit — tritiall ii used .014 "bills infeakr W Littad , prin te srifdu an W 'oo6llll a/ the boat tiimilmsgdie.: It hi :LitirAdrilltaslY UAW. 1111(1 • 1 =Wee lit lillll,Y ~/ , L ".* Almikapsomputpte ephs4boell". 6 L. ,J I;-irt i kA omit. ma y - = Nazi R. rPALAII / R , l<'l7o'r Ar.lllll, , Astelreelt., 1 42 .1 41 1 3ilmilt. "81 W L I I A___t ti= 1 21 . 44 r Atm 611081110.0 1 1 1 . 1 . 1111 , grealliantio retar . alk. to MIT ?. '.- tl INC - " 1 02 WOI 1514 ral a I 4 .041 11 I Mil ; lift' m it t AgiotatAn, '1;(4Mg 4 M0M:i. 111110 ' 64 Z4 165 'YtILIII4. IKPORTE S AL HOUSE rtrENII3B * 10/14 osurntuT . 4111 124 =LERT 974,L n zfag& - • amgaradisminbiliOttikUlllllllo are mutt° %visit *Lai tbk "stook of Vi ltootoi. 4 ' - • kg -for StiMidtaitaittiAtrAli 00M01,41 11 101 4 PEs Mt: 0* niOdlgAllt Olt MOW. i 11 , 01111ELE 'MIMEO • 4 At , rip;pai orair at am plourki by , 1 - 3;, • 4: 4 60,. w it s t i nts, ilf North WAIT,/ I i~~oa rnad►~r~.,°° '''''"11544413:8:00044. ,fig COL :1 , „ ;...41100424111110tik DRALJOIS. , I§HOE . ittektiki I ":*' -, 1,11N1NP1840411 - AllialtAGX MAXIII8 1 cu. Cliishimaiallik • • - , '(:,,,01404•11‘ ' 1;0 siiintimliiksioni td 1 - 110 3 .M, Ifa.4ll3lLataltiVr ►4'C MEE= , CtS7? ?St ; ,;#0,.**5.0. - **.iii***,,OP, . _ • Witiapitit.'4ixtstet. a' STREETS, WITIY Stiti (.114jeitang the Mensufpc!ory,) „ . tis' ittenttoti or Pritioi• to Wok it'sll stook or LADIES' -DRESS 131.40 A r ititilViAtitSfElVS, 'FANCY DIEM GIMPS, CORO% BINOLNOBO ' r ' VELVSTB, FRINGES, *„ GILT BSLTINOB, priq'ON 9, *A l D 4l . _ , 1119tTRAO,'&r., 6u. • Onr stook of BRRLIR , 'BIBITLAND WOOL,• , Is Tory large and runirsous a tall IWO _ • ~ •or all Dolor, and shads& Our IttolUtius ter hog* uroduotiou, au well as diroot ooroutuniocot with lOreiguHriarketo, irnatius sit to ;, sr t. „4.s* WHEELER,. 41, WILSON‘ SEWING *AcHINEELi 6518 W1E8T14173: lITILKE, T . ; SE9ONTI FODOIt. : ' • , c ' ' ' H A 4 M 'T S2 POUDOIR SEWING MAO 11.11:Np... 74: I:4oN , PAltatiirveN; ' - No. NEW . MACHINE. FOR QtYILTINRI4ID „ HEIACIM,:WOOK„ BMA' - romlitt witturd a . r., , ddis of xe nthilartir fA It% Merliama io , Nei ALE& 0 ,Il‘. WWI% Md. , sall3-41 & co. - laturrut AND DOUBLE-LOOP dTITtI; SEWING MAOHINEEL - • _ . ruin* fiss Aw • •• • • • . 7 611.0ENAISE.01,_, rl • , ttauDLiqUit, Na.' 132 a -, ARCH iiTTREF.T. Nixoalla; scik'l Trioca,DOIMILZ;LOP'p 1F1T91211441114113 frank - 346* • ehialett iaso,hinis aiiu heitiriktbi'alfiihldi I , • • IC'IL- , :1itA0R,14.13 SILH , COTTON, ntra.te. °Mate., cionstantb- 3.14-Sta Nif.mott .ontes) SEWING DM .-.• OWNS, The greit wed huh - fishing' The Tor Itribuiz Sewing. Machine -is • a ummt,tool kyali t e Zig o r v iae lr 141 , kill CW 8T PT Ntrest. < • ' • fob- f • 604, .PERFUALDRB ND LAIrPORTERS, ' . aevro titttor.i) xn • NO. •31 891iTH, FOURTH gI'ARE.g. Vivo 4cora above their formematal. 0.& hails torohaeed tho wittonrlk; moulds tho 1108 rlf•T Pt:rime:A Cq r .: ((o 711! Pbostnnt 111110q310:1 teave oekde.r .11 r e . to d ie ant variety, ern , iinetny'rlo , o : oro:4l FOr lrereit 10^, 1100iirortilljr the gnert potrOlt Le aamortmeneorany 1,11 6011.11tr7. ; • 130. 0011titine btu iraportaiiciof , ' : - ‘ ,".7)7lVGGlsn''''' A4TILZES . , . ~ . of which 111pIr itotos ill td; - .' very eniiilitio: I'llili twill 11Plizezo rung lu then intentlen to Vue*Gots'ot , tpen selltorfanh,l aki F 4 nukahmuut the pat onony or .1 toir ortiates , i • , - • 04 : 1 " "1 CMZE pAittittBAN(3lgG.' , (FALL. TaADA,) , . UOWET 1 da BCATltlitt, 40tig resoired to thoirxeli fitcire. BaRILEHEARND ;MARSET Ivaira• Are lbw venom to cooFt-Witeritsitie .f Orel elekettt eieeenteeet of , , HALL FAPEAiI. • . Futz , Ctiltreitl 61001)8; Alt OM* awed end beet drupe, from the loeest !Oiled &Maio tethe beet . , • eop ,44 , 91) y,ftIOI7LT , DiCORATIONIN. I lortbera epdltreetera metelsaate will do well to "het fits eetebhutunist of • ..110:W.ELL , a' BOURNE, ' IL E. 0001SILIOUILTRAN'D MARXIST OTREBTS. w1!-2an, PRII4DELPHI4. SLEEPER de"-I"ENNE.Fii , • *4oy* ALE ASAIWFACTITLAIL ; • llAilltilL DA f 3, 8014 , 5, 110:3116 AdatMET IrrILERT. ' - PNILLIYEZPEIA• ate new *skit* mon Oulu, "- ' • ' CIA anrspaari Bottom/ 'murky' OP virsaiLiaii at irdiy Oroilrcdolla laahak " ; ftriors ara• ha aot had G. mkt orill W m : a t tut bold( (mar f goods t this. well- litaga othianlarraanso, rr9.4,154,4114 • ", 111COBS.'ittE141EiZEY, &CO. - fits tipyroiENlNg - THE/3•44111. "MOOR' OF kIARDWARE: 4111 MIST, ,i4id 'O6 COMMEROSSTILEST. -4104 ti r; a,•:_ I , :s A.l (4): 3:V4(1 ARMSTRONG. & CO.. r T N'T JOBBE4BS li t pArsr 'ti o I) Ti, 49, al, SS Ref D . A. 2( Z -T , E g T przeit 2 BROADWAY, OFPYI F0R1434 , AND ELEGANT, STOCK ,of DRY ROODS for the FALL TRADE, isitrid to on regions al the eetnetrit.' They ere opening AMOSICEAG - • ii.l.lD ' • W.A MS I.; T.T A PRINTS, , Pftfrir• AND DER iRASLE to Y (,PR. lINLIKSEATLiD ftftifiTA ere the +l/11.1.4PE'dT as HESC porol,ld in the_ urr"l'Enk 51.1' Kr, ES, end they bog tease to iistithe )tfertiiitler iittrtition of Seniors to them. gist Am', Jr . ".W: 800`,CTL-tato - Of :Cho firm of Win-, ' er'i t brior & Ptintt—rilf.,,Vll;.AVWS FL' f OlO- ' 3 ' /NB' OUR tt, = end till, RT' Al.r'kt.7 ITVACTfiftV,S.I4- foglAltrttla htreet, (newt,' eppeAftel the o:rani Herd), P dilt.lts...„ ~ . j.. . . 'could resemetf,itly mall tE6 nft,etiot) of his Attlee" Parent Mel itlCAltitatit bete dote; and In pre /seed tit fill gravel for MI Rla ~ t sho,t autlee. .e. r er qiiiii- f i t •get feritte,l. Whoita!,le Trade eutvliee With Atilt-titlate end Collari." . . , ceu.lir , ----: xyk PFCF B2 i T vINO: I3II A ,I4I q , ' ' Eft , • :( - • , flpß~ ALOl:ogelYnAkievas9•l. ico. • ' • Or rrdoF!fng a.nd hbld l 4: siva , psii (3. "-Jacilehkeri3, rfp.ta t 'zit, ' '- - ,4 1 / 1 4 L A GAOOFARIFW,3. f ':I Ckirsist 111.41VENTH sod VT& etnietet, . . . , . _............ . , , ~ , .., .., . 1. t. ) , , P .l - h. i, i ,,7 1,,! ..1 - i C' I` Y r ;, .. : :.. :.- -7 4 1 ..:,. -, ! , _ ... id iv, - . 11 4 ,(1 a 1 ;.,,,,,..N r4l lQ ' \l ll. ‘ AtiP c. i y i !e Jr . rosiVIP Aker I ',. : 2 . ' "':? t • ;) • • 1 -.4 ft /.. 'arillit4 - :., 7 ~. N. s , 0 0 t , f ,;:f!c ~, ~.. , , II oi. i , ~ Liv., , „A. . I '.ll' i • f . : ‘. & . • f ' ;1 y A., ,i r r.- - : -.-:---. ~ - ....' N . ..i.-;,044 .:?, / . • _.,.. 40 il if ry - .J: wAI i - .... . L---- , - ;_,,,,,,,.: . ~: 0 . L\ ~ :':-: - . 2 , , c-.."- ' . .j . v ',.._ .: ;:: ' -..; r ... , 4 `.. ..1 ,- - 4 .;4 - MY.7 - 'i -7 1 1.4 4: 4 *:#:„-: ,-,- 41 ; :*- - T.! C/..4 -11 : viler — -.i. l'''' " r . „ tr .. 4 ... 4 . L '''-',.` ~ .1•V: , ,- . Tft,Zi, - :ti rf , ;I,,Ar ; 'Ai 7 ,- - "-"'- ' . .Y oN - • 7 . 4 • f 4.14,0,1 -' ; ,.,j iv,: ; • .... • • - ?Iler - ,- .1.. . . .1 ar , r • ...... 0111 0 • ,:,,-, .1 ',= :•• • ,' • I r I 1 • A INI ,:,..,!, ......• C;kl - WE J___. 1, O r. 4 ' 1i ...-L - - - . , - --- • I f • , ii . , ,':, ~- , --,-,-,,,•:-: ~ , -tia ic.,7 . . . ; .- . : -.' '.) • , ' ; ' ' - '' ' '''''.; , • . „ . . . . . . 4 ..n .,, i1;v. ~,.. ,4,. . _ SEMFAIfd"BIACHLNES: PE Fir OMEldr. "TRAP=MU ILIALN %1NG0... • uOitELLA.S.' IdENTS 9 P,I).IMINICIN'd bBTH AND 1014 - 0416)1iNdi, VERGINIA 4 , 4011141.1 MA, • • lad Otiiiiiettarmit halo boasht It 1 1 4 raw. woiik; at' 00., ;:", , ,.,,,,,110.,;e , seuth,Titutp street, sitK AND 'DRY aotnis mintesius .1 . 9 51 P . 4 L. BA LY. • - ItttPORTRH AND '213 MARKET' ST.; See now open a LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL Assortment or DRESS GOODS and SHAWLS. Or the NEWEST AND CHOICEST STYLES, At the • LOWEST PRICES. The attention of omit and prompt Mx-months buyers to! tea. - • see-tt LARGE AND ATTRAIr iv STOOK 901 FALL AND WINTER BALES. BROTHER, & C 30., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No, 440 MARKET BTREBT, and No. 414 MERCHANT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ROAN pirgEsZtonsisi FOREIGN end AME- R .G O. 0 S nelsetedth IR view to the inmate of OMR and prompt SIX-MONTHS' Dealers , _ to ',Welt they Matto the attention of the trade. • N. R.— . A-•F U'LI~ STOOK Eastaogy 0,1 haod,_embraolity_naany_atyles AtANU AOTORBD FOR THEIR IIoWN aALE3,,and not to found elnewhere. Orders executed BroraytlY, at LOWEST MARKET RATER. set-9m C LOAKS I CLOAKS TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. EVERY NOVELTY OF THE BELSON, AT , ilieliterol i t• L oWn W rlei ° olo li o;l P d l e i nrit dewed. HENRY 'WENS; • N 0.23 South NINTH Street. A . W. LITTLE: Ss Co.. SILK Gpops e go. $2 dIARBIET . 'STREET. auttlm Fl .4141. 4 1860. 011.4FFEE8. STOUT. & do. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY 000D9. waif-Sol No. DU MARKET VILISLT. MARTIN & WOLFF, VJUOLIit64,LIS DEAI.II6 11l FOREION AND DO.IIE6TIO DRY GOODZ, 534 13PIZ14IRT EITEBEZ Csnk and ow:old gii•mosittle /layers, of el sootwax are Incited to on enimination of our Stook, soilasyn• R E M. 0 V a. L. Tn 00rntIon , 4 of the dotruosion by tire of then Tem Stant gin! , YARD. GILLMORVe & 00. --- IPI7 TSB ."(LALLT.EI2IA._ _ NO: 610 CYHFAITNITT ST. BOOM SIDS. 480TH 811TH• ' ramAnsaarsm. They have now open AN MINTIER NEW STOOK or SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOM; RIBBONS, A 11.E:j.§' s, .4-e., Together ;i4tit. AftStIRTMAtIT, of BrAPLE 41W FANCY , . WHITE GOODS. Exsionments, - LAces, 341171mrai Navin' rantiikt bat p small yortioatof time. FALL IWPORTATIONS, swim' to the lbw, Oily are enabled to tilailav A NEW STOOK. • to whiok they Wits the Wont= of noir Onidomero and Itlitori More /W. aufl-Sin AVIIRT'S. AUSTIE.. & McVEIGH. IMYORTHIB AND JOBBERIJ DRY' 4 - 0 D 240. 311 MABABT MUM, above Taird. FVW Warta.. arr Ansa., amilton T. Moliraigh , itauanrata.. ohn a. Weimer. mph Barn: r• FALL AND :WINTER. 01.40A413, ,& MANTILLAS FOR 'PRE WHOLE% SALE TRADE. ttele.itiliPlTAlrto9T; mei our Z.,. oft we °ler at d LOW PRICES. AND ON '.LIBERAL TERMS. J. W. PITOTOR & CO. THE PARis MAIPS WA sad CLOAK EMPORIUM 708 CHERI 'NUT STREET ant-tea 111 WOOD ItAllBl4 / HAYWARD, I La. 1.01:1 1 0.RTE.R4 AID ' • WHOLES:ALE DEALESS IN DI WY GOODS AID C 4.Th r r HI N , O. ROD iktlt IL,,TET STREET.' Fall and Witelar Stook maw caandata and k TDldrfor !wane. „ • • „ ,a• CI OTIIINC4. K1 41 11411 - Y & DOEIEjITY, TAILORS, . ' 31 brA 33 SO lITII FIFTH 62RElly, WINN 1 , 1741' ' FALL AND WINTER BVILES, Together with a lerge egoortmeor of NSW AND FA ,911101gABJA 1300103. To wh!oh the eublie ElTO.iliVitod CO examine. rota 2in • PrapmAs SON. Ira CO.. I.I4PORTERN AND JODDEItry OF, OABINZT•MELED&p' bIAtTERIALS, 235 Valli SECOND STRBE,T. Er ilroontrllB. f Whiten, Reps, D3nirdess, and ever 7 tit fa-I,lllon cfr rurnitflte anti Cut WI a finode. A019.21if 0 4 0/J. . , Now In ztore, and far /ale at , the kiwesit market ptleee, a large Atook of the NOV deale le ff radea of OHIO AND rEIkit+SYLVAIIIA FLEECES. £lOO. • ' LOW AND MBUJI.Tht WOOLS, Which pnachsaanc are recanted qsaall and enaraino, - . BANI. ailt.lna 147 Marl tot Street. VhDedoic hla• BELLS; ' 101 011111.01031, FR 'ALARMS.' kg.* N kLa LO lit., j6 file COMMERCE Wet& OARD.AMOM-BEIM 9 11 e — WE MI I / 4 4,go l Att3WM. 6•10 .R.ll,OfiLli OIL-4.500, 01411pris-Ex tio.: 1 1W aeptperi il.See . geloge '0 tensing on.= a l k uotui klp_eterl i pa t for e 140 IlLgt , lacht • ' • ' . o. •tel Bowe velKerves. OP: in quarts Ltd l'unts, for 1 7, 1 05 41. ! WitintatfogUltsti% :;P: r .fiAi01 1 .114.1A04., - .:liligiOAYl;StAMDEAtgEti . :; , t,' . ;;li3o,o::: r emtmoNp-miin OU ,CLOTUS• N 1 W OARPETING. By late arrivals I have received a fall varlet,' of all the new 'Wei of ' FOREIGN CARPETING. ROQUELLE;RICQULA do CO.. AUBUSON. FRENCH MOQUETTE IN BREADTHS; JOHN OH.OLIBLEY ,t, SON'fi WILTONS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY; HENDERSON'S BRUSSELS; HENDERSON'S WORSTED DA 51 ABK VENETIANS Theme goods have been selected abroad during the last four months. and can be offered at unusually! low whim In addition to our variety of FOREIGN GOODS. we have the usual variety of AMERICAN INGRAIN TIIREE-PL X CARPETING. Prom 1 to 8 yard" wide, of every variety of style. JAMES H. ORNE, No. 620 MUM BT., below BEVRIII,III, Relo-mwf lift FALL TRADE. McOALLUM & 430. CARPET MANIrFACTIJILERE3, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Importers and Dealers in CARPETING'S, OIL OLOTHS. MATTINGS, Rivas. - &c.! WAREHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT STREET, (Opposite the State noun,) Southern and Western Sums are respectful's in vited to ea- AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE 'DEALER IN FLOOR OIL-OLOTIIS; 164' north THIRD Street; southwest cornet of RACE, (up stun.) sonde' NEW HAT STORE. /ft JOHN E. FOSTER, Mato of 100 Mouth Third attain') Pavia; taken the More et . . NO. 3'31 CHESTNUT ST., Awl fitted is no io eciperior stile, inV:ta• the atunitico °lbis r 3 to hie LL or.. EUANT AND I:XTISIstaVE STOOK cy• 1-lAI'S AND CAPS. YT The DM L1110.0;4 are mush adrailed. C. H . H GARDEN & Co. N.nuia.a.fer. or ane Wholesale Dealers In LIAM, OAl'4. Alfa STRAW G'Ners. FANCY SIDX AND 14TRAW BONNETIR, crAL F 1,07, 1 ,118, nUCRPS FEA YRS, le. Nee.6oo end COI Kum ET, Bout:await rqruer of Meth. • IZPIt extensive girdessortrreut, 'The beet terns and the Inwert Faret•elset. Num ere earth,nlitrix melted local., ata-Sel -••••••••••••.•••.. FRENCH FURNITURE. 'GEORGE J. HENKEES, Wit WALNUT STREET. Rae Jim!. opined a large involoe of I:OIILE, 4 QUADRILLE, - —lett tuurmil agagl/I. -erottir,' WWl' he will call at very REDUCED PRICE& FIRST-CLASS CABINET WARE: GEO. J. lIENKELS, a 6114 WALNUT STREET. Of at VERY REDUCED PRICES The lamat assortment In the Union] all ;View Disler Call and examine before PUTOhII/112f. eell ast - - _ • CABINET • FURNITURE AND )w. LIARD TABLER. IYIOOREr ems CAVIPION4 No. D6l SOUTH SECOND STREET. Io oonneotion with their extensive C► binet Nunn*. WfAa~now numultiotunisi eupstmuLtiole of , BILL ARD a.8L.168, • haVe_now on ban a thilinibily i : o dlnitheti tit_ 90Eht & CAAIPION'III uvE.l) MIEN% Moil are pronouncted. by all w, have used be superior to all othere. Pot the scalar and fintah of then Tables the MM. Inatoters refit to 011 Int numerous patrons taroulat the Union, wit oar. remitter with the abaraotar of Ott wore. . • WWI KEROSENE OIL OF SUPERIOR t►- LITY. • KEROSENE, or COAL-OIL LAMPS, ORANDELIERB, BRACKET% &a, fdrinufsetunid and for sue, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, by WITTERS & CO.. , No. 35 NORTE EIGHTH STREET, N. E. cm of Filbert, between Yearlot end Ai sel4-2m LOOKING-GLASSZB, ; PORTRAIT AND PIOTUBB 71,431 A MANUFACTIMEI I I" Wn,LE IJAL.V AND DETAIL DRAik ' lIELMBOLD I I3 BITIIA.OT $ : $ . , zaz Q,KtEta WIRE: For Diem., or i p madderrtaasoself Ilmrsy 5 4 a Tol l% l ih r w: , „ N tr o g oit ., , ri. A neonot woo), trtil pe tniuld . i Pain Ln the !Wk. Work p r ,,, L ing oat° ffieroorx ) , VI % . 43, 11, . I:IIIWEir4rIrVIATA'S Oli VIL,CULAIt - — lb7ttiltl. Into dftopets ft errlttomb tlig? RID. Ntbloh 114...1 1 .2.4/ )11 . hrrRA. G...“ 4 1 ► Yft! , atir rellnoV, . . 50da r OUOW i0.. , ,R 'I Yvtlr,Fotnit4 goSaigio Fu n . 1 IF YO r A e.6_ Autaft sm f PRoc up?. VIE xiaMuil L i 1 % motto, uNT Rilesses of luxe orr_ltttit.ottire .. 0 1 ifEt.lriNot , rt's EXTOvO II 111 the groat 1 , 111,.. .I ~ _ A -- ,1 '2 eotte.ll2 to have tho des , -eas in us 41aL 1 cries enumarated . worther ettlqir I , HABITA 'JP umilvtniz..etel, INDiroximori,to frt 31- vn Pe,vireivalSYM6,36 lirri l .3" dittiiiriktirP47/it‘'lil , ' uorotots,ef . cares at 1:43,47i - Fgrat, team' rtandint' will; pir,MP._,•",trlbleolirss4l; oeoo ca Use 31,0 4 ri , """ j ''' ,41.,(11ra , !or all Ine ffi 3 t7 e g 'cl tiih r 1.7 to 4 Sr 4 TAW : tt,fmt, hew!, 0...) , ,K ~. AT. , _. THQAIP ON, 00)11118TINCI IX PART 07 TEMPLETON'S fhWire and PleadOx ARMINSTER.I3; OIL OLOTIIB PIiIIADELPHLA HATS AND CAPS. RS. CABINET FUX N TUBE, GAS FIXTURES; LAMPS, Ae r , LOOKING GLASSES; ENGRAVINGS. OIL, PAIII7/1011, JAMES 8. EARLE AS QN, --- EA RLEBI Gji i i T,FRiI; 616 OIESSTI4IIII MEDICINAL. . PAALGE ! 01J,fWEI.' oeottettli.ofilie Gen& pAOR/4.<4E4 14.A.RN.FE 4 USE,,We NINO ELA 14/ YEAR DINAR, Porat a Mall no 143:33330,14dr.ra,e.p01,itr0n1v0 In r, .. of Bien a vonpra by lb e "R a g e ' . n Italia d Goods i ClAtt• for 41 tek3t 3mporL vork , de livered Oi li er in Ibis orty,,t-cr L k •••••wßoasta,, ii COM eg Barret Importing and CoTart lit Moro d Agents fo r Porn tor. and Dolnentio liw s t li. • = M. It F AMI:LY FLOU MADE F 500, I. l sl l. l 4 • 4 , w 'm g°ll ya Nili c , *' l-I' , TI fli~ Irkittift JOBBING ROUSES THE attention of Buyers is solicited. . FRESH , ~,• FALL,' o f oops. • RIEGEL. BORD,' IMPORTERS AND JOIMISRS OF D RY, 020 131§ No. 42 . NORTH THIRD STREET, Would respeotfully invite the attention of the trade to their LARGE AND WELL-SELEOTED moos , FRESH FALL GOODS, Whiob they are now We are daily in reoelpt 61%1111 Mai of fresh and deairable Soods. Call and axemirke one 'took. . eeT-3ni 1860. FAIL iTNAtOR 1 840 • BUNN. RAIGUEL. & C 30.. IMPORTER!? AND jOBBILITI. ; oY FANCY DRY GOODS. • , , , - ,‘; NO. 137 NORTH THIRD trxßator, ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFTEN TO TEE TRADE GENERALLY AN UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE STOOK OP GOODS, 0011 PRISING SILKS, Ramon. DRESS GOODS. • WTI TB GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, CLOTHS * CASBIMERES, VERMIN. HOSIERY GLOVES AND TRIMMINGS, Together with stall and varied stook of os PALL AND WINTER SHAWLS. • To all of whit& they Invite the attention of CASE AND PROMPT' SIX MONTER' BUYERS. /1. 11 11: Et R U AVI CEL, TcVvvp.lllllprz, sada-lea M. P. BUNN. 1860. FALL " 1860. RARIT.TEL, MOORE. & CO.. NM 2UO AND 224 Nonni TI-lIRD. STREET. • HAVE NOW OPEN THE LAROPJST AND MOBl oomi%vw.r., STOC3IK FRENCH, BRITISH, GERMAN. DOMESTIC = l - 11 azit GOODS _dry Dave aver offered, Ithl2ll the attention of CASH AND ILORT-TINS BUTiseus - ;Is respiatfally solicited. Sir Por variety and oompleteness In all Its depart meats, our present stook offers Inducements to buyers unsurpassed by any other house, an.l4-Im JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS • OP DRY GOODS. 'NOS. 230 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ftlit3B, Respeotthlty Invite the attention of Bayern to their anal LLRON AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among whieli will be found a general logortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, Also, a large variety of new and oonfined etylee of PRINTS, bIRREIMACE SECONDS, ao. null-gm THOS. MELLO.S. & 00., NO. $ NORTH THIRD STRUT, IMPORTERS or HOSIERY. eitIRTB AND DRAWEES, SMALL WANES, .to. Tito". MILLOR, JOHN 11, MILLOR. EDWARD BAIN/. ORO. O. EVAN/. surt-tm F ALL, 1860. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK, Importers, Mem e faotarers, aid Jo DWI of ' ' HATS;CAPS, FtcRS, AND STRAW GOODS, NO, 61 NORTE THIRD STREET; belay ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORK. Cr Fcll Stook pow oompleto and reedy for Were. war tin + SO W.Elt. BARNES. & VO., BOUICYBL•LIittB AND PUBLIBILBAB, No. 37 NOlt.1:11 THIRD .STILEEIT, Lower side, above Market Otreet.Thiladelabda. Invite the ejention of Glokssilers and, honutry Mer &Lie re to Moir very large stook of Yuliocl Books, pub lished in this and other o Alpe ether with hiimoellane• 0.111 and Blank Books, Paper, an tnationery . generally. r., 11, 6' Or. are publistioni o loan; popular works, among witch are the following. ' TNE OENTR.A.L 45}OLD BY COL,. 'WILLIAM GILPIN ' ) (Lee of the U. B. Armi.) ILLUSTRATED 'EY NUMEROUS MAPS. One WA,. eire, bound in odoth.'PeOel PIM ; and a liberal diecatuit to the trade. This book is pronoun treatiseeet wonderffil, aoienti- So. and comprehensive on the geography of oar 'adamant ever pa died. SCHOOL BOOKS: PANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKE(' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME BROOKS' NORMAL AMRIE ARITRME , TIO-- odr, DROORIPREY TO M 1 23 ots. BY E. BROOKS, A. M., Professor °Mullein:am in Poncarlvorns Slate Nor mal School, Loboral terms for introonotion. WHITE'S 'COPY-BOOKS. BY T. XTRX WHITE, Friedentot reaniyhmaimoonuneroia cones*. PELTOIVS OUTLINE MAPS. Thi..orio. of SIX ALTERA MAPS It noir Monied la tamest every eolloal ornote ih the Union where re - im phyl s taught . , end has no equal. Price end for full net orlon mapa;Or WO for eel of heausphere mape alone. . meant LAVA 091 0 11101.-:-I,OUO pockets jtrfine r w itrgallii:rotimto brIANIES DANAm 00.. A NNIB.SED--4 casks lta 'an for sale, WETHICRILL BRoTHER,— r 7414 47 ft 4 tolunt. woos]) et, Vrtss. FRIDAt t3EPTIII433ER, '2l; 1860, New Books. (( The'Dliuseittidd of Bouyerie, or the Elixir of Go,lp " lly a B,olithern Lady,• is a tiovel in two 'Ames, which will 'be published neat Week, by Derby Ss Jackson; who - have already been so succ‘saftil ' e ssith (‘ Beulah," (‘ Rut ledge," , and "Nemesis." ' Here 'We haV i e 'a vim, author and an old subject,, but 'a subject ever interesting to the mind which 'loves ever to dwell on the marvellous. The philosoph e r 's stone., the power of converting glid inte an elixir that shall prolong human eitillenco, prat r enovate its waning faculties, has bean a tra dition, a belief, a deludion, through rainy a' e s. It was the object bf • the niche:titans t periments, and *ft believe that ever since al chemists have been calk& chemists the poisor ri t to make this wondrous transforniation has en tiled'end believed' is. ' This theme has fo ' ed he subject of manys fi ettores,:both in prose d verse. Dtimas has &otitis CegifentrO's ellpe riences--Cagliostro who was surppolitodio lien swallowed doses , which had made hips live from century to century; and, perhaps, !the Most 'remarkable of modern storieill'Bal '1 .• work on thesubject4called s( Lißocherch de l'Absolif.” Like the 4( Southeili lady,', he implants tho delnsion . in a mail of our On times, and fearfully portrays- its gradual viork of ruin and destruction. (( The household of BOTlVtlie is a new feature in modern werks of fiction—a combination of Mrs. Itadeliffe i and Wilkie Collins—full of mystery and drsulatic interest like the former, whilst, like the latter, the mystery is brought into every-day ]ire, and the drama developer itself amongst livfog, breathing people, round their own hearth stones: The hero, Erastus, is a brilliant Tea- Con, perfectly original, too. Mrs. BOTIYOIio is a fine sketch. The young lady, Lillian, is not a heroine, but a real breathing, 'living wothan, with weaknesses and faults which appe4l to our sympathies. In all ways, this is a remark able book, showing much cultivation of r ind and deep thought. It is somewhat diffase'and confused—fanits inherent to a first work, (which this evidently is,) but, when oncel she corrects them, the authoress mutt occupy a high position amongst the writers of the day. ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR OCTOBER. It is to be regretted that Me Month ly, Untaught by experience, has again plunged Into the hot water pf political disquisHion. The concluding paper, in this number, headed (‘ The Election in November," is more parti san pleading—against the South, with its rights and property. Much more acceptable VI the bulk of Its readers, wo are sure, will b 0 the opening article, plainly describing a firlett (when made not stated) to some of the haunts of Robert Burns, Very scholarly, with its numerous quotations and translatloral, is the paper upon a Pasquin and P . asqulnadeEo a sugkestivo subject .nearly exhanated bore. ot Darwin and his Reviewers" is long, labored and dull enough for the North alrnerican' Re view. A little tale, slight in material butlneat in execution, is (4 A Modem Cinderellie.'— very prettily told, indeed. To this succeeds nearly two pages of a poem, In which days and aise fro the solitary rhymes in each of sixteen Maims. Far better is a noble piece of blank verso, with the clear ring of the tree metal, called " Icarus"—a thoughtful and boldly imaginative production. There is a long eu logy, also, upon the late Theodore Parker, who possessed learning, eloquence, and the power which both, in combination, target) , be stow, and yet has done so little, beyond his owrgime, that, ore this century has run eta its mends, Parker will probably have such a tradi tion of literary fame as Garrick now possesses as an actor. "The Iceberg of Torbay;" va rious stories about one "Pete Walker," a Doted trapper ; . and_a semi-biography or the variety to the new number. "The Professor's Story" lags somewhat wearily along, as if the accomplished author felt that ho must get through taskwork instead et a labor of love. Here Is a short specimen of the poetry in the atlantic Monthly : SONNET welllnv merge A, VIOLENT Tilt/NOIR •STOEX tir yrs counter: An hour 'gone, and prostrate feature lay, Like some Bore-smitten creature, rush to death, With feverish, pallid lite, with laboring breath, And languid eyeballs darkening tb the day buttung noontide ruled with merciless sway Earth, wave. and air; the thastly•atrerobins heath. The sullen trees, the fainting flowers beneath. Drooped hopeleas.shnvelling in the tomd ray When, sudden, like a oheerful trumpet blown Far of by resoning spirits, rose the wind, Urging great bests of eloude ; the thunder's tone Svelte into wrath, the rainy OntErEcal fall— /3a pausing soon, behold creation 'brined In a new birth, Gars covenant clasping all! Letter from 66 Kappa.” [ Correrpondonoe of the Pram] Wesamorote, September 19, 18430 The tomb, reputed to be that of Alexander 8e vertu, recently removed from the Patent Odic° to the Bmithungen Institution, his been the cause of some historicist dispute. A writer 111 an ' evening paper, moat likely conneeted with the t coltbsonian Institution, sheds some light upon be gabfest. Ile double whether that sarcophagus ever contained the bones of that esiebreted Esdperor. Ile is per• featly right in that. Twenty.iwo years ago, the Patent•Offiee sarcophagus and another of the same dimensions, were taken from the heights near the turn of Beirut, in Syria, and brought thine° to United State; by the late Commodore 'Elliott, In the frigate Constitution. The Milo fait men tioned was presented to one of the literary instlto= thins of Pennsylvania—l think to the college at Carlisle. It had on one Moot it tho following in scription : IVLIA MAMMAEA VIVI' ARNO" XXX. in Roman characters, expressing, aooordink to the Roman eastern, the number of years the ;defunct had lived, and avoiding any allusion to delth. The Empress bilis Mammaea and her eon Alex ander Severus were both natives of PhMniela ; hence, ft was concluded that a samophapts found In that raglan, and Insoribod with her nik6ke, bad contained bar remains. By a bolder and less plausible stretch of probability the nearest empty sarcophagus, without any intoription"wlatever, loss decided to have been that of her Imparial son. Unfortunately, however, history informal us that" both Alexander and . mother 'wets mur dered by their soldiers, during a eampaigi. in Ger.: many, in the Vielnity'of the liver Rhine. ;Alonso. , der was thirty years old,ind his mother'mnst, of course, have been at least forty-five. The sarco phagus in Carlisle must, therefore, have belonged to a younger namesake Of the Empress. Whoever may have been oodepying thb Wash ington tomb, so much is certain, that he must have bean a great general. •Visliors may have noticed on the outside of the sarcophagus a female figure, cooneeted by a garland of laurels with `a ram's head. 'The figtire represents Ealtlels, teal Goddess of Glory, and as we find on other anctleat moan• manta the God of War Indicated by a raM'a head,, for the Greek name of rata is Ares, one of the synonyms of Mars, the God of War, we can easily decipher the 6harstoter of the defunct. War arid glory have been the chief objects of his life. That he most have been a Roman general, is indicated by the Romeo eagle, soulptured above tbt garland.. Thus, ire. have the tomb, if not of a Roman Empe ror, 'at least of a great and celebrated Ronan warrior. The Commissioner of the General Land Moe is preparing for the Introduction to market Of 383,000 acres of land in the -State of Minnesota, consisting' of detached tracts withheld pursuant to the order of September 3, 1859, from the public sales held In that State in Ootober and November last, under the proolamatiOn of the President of July 9, 1959. Sixty days' public' notice of the placed and time of sales will be given. A correspondent of the Washington Conasto riot, irom Port Dodge, lowa, writes as fellows : * * "The press, es a general thlngi with ono or two exceptions, is In the hand' of'Douglaiii tF * But now we have our etblldatdibeareds la Breekinridge and Lane, and let Mt meet them on every freehold, and •I am muoh mistaken If „ lowa does not give . snob an account of herself at Abe November elections m will most disavreahly dia. appoint Douglas cod his followers. Let the plonk) but be 'Convinced that the equality df the Statee"te iti jeoptirdyj and r am sanguine in the belief thit Judge Douglas will 64 nowhers theaomleg contest." • Bat Lincoln trill hp you; aid, yon miserahli traitors`. ; Whet ,offie►bolden ; ,apkaowleigee that there aro only two Disnalen popers in ;Oki State, and that, therefore, of course,' Breokliridite not carry a, and yet he hopes that the , Of /owe trill " at the November erections,-if they aro TIVO, cnEtqs• but oom!inOs4 ihit 64 4 fine Safe's: is In jeopardy, desbitheiSisr ofsehprsist Douglas and hie followers"- 7 ef eottrist * 41003 4 timic& Tt4a it Published Its Me. 4iiiiisiva'S ciegathtilleit daily has the effsoatm ammelsaipsista us' mule Douglas that he. la Worktng florid/molt I ' • • 'e Fetal tee! tie Aeneas! pf Alasions .0004; es pablished.h2 altt n e ri PPPPlrkkiof, o ,turhflt, ft° 4 ", theaanasoteOge, bet . are ocutphuisete4 by as& t marahali to the repoiteis. Raking' , haineen done In the 'dace, and the ofhilati itailoyed there in know as little, and perhaps tee, df 'whit the sienna may be, than 'Outsiders. ' The tobanialtame not all contain, and it will take-deem yes, before the Offiee will he in regular *whin girder: Governotriowncy, of Craliforide, irtiteetersianda in thlseitylluit both Cellifontia.amd sPragOrt will go dnd Dub MO for-Doldltko. .4 4 4 01 " th.ll° P" of the finehaninltes Pat gauger atria will be a oleo tad. The ,Dootor has tWioeme perfectly odloal to all good Dernoottile, eit:oattkor.Ws'Adminfatte tlon medicine Odell he hilt Made *Uteri for so long time: ' • Although there exists a tiiaddittltie cindatirend Intercom. .between this eeuatry' and Chlnaj yet Itttletsktiawn by'thir inakee4l Jaw Pariallike/lit that cmtntryot fault for .oritifin Joel* FrAdod"r newspaper editors are seappaSitle, , thiy ; toiait more pains to imbue the people alai In Whoa emnoents prelegn:boantrlio; Yelif Agninadee wawa' exiata Tim *OW mentlfeetant of China It mats* Meer" but igeanied aaeismateetirai7 fir hesia,oempliaption. Its origin Is hiStof tha'reem• remote date It the revenue. and of the arts of pasiodot the catiebrated dynasty whiel esenmitacted about 1,100 years before the Christian ere, 'and hated 'lbw atom oentniier, no Iderttion la,maderof the cotton. pieravrrioart isdied, Is.ther• any aides of cottoo-iNtitom roses& suatilAo,years_isefere the Chriatian era; from ..whioh Period to thesis - kb ;Oil y:2y, the cotton cloth, which was either,. Vishnu tribute , tribute; or 'offered In present( to the' riPerori always MentiMied u i thing rarer snit' Preefous. - The annals: record as a singular' itirenteemnoe that the IttoperOsOit-111, who asiseaded' the throne to 602, bad • robe el oottol. Io the eatesitit ten toy we Ent tho ootton, plant mentioned, bat Its cultivation eppeasito hare been then conduit to garden's k and the poems, and rotoahea of that period are Peen - pied In celebrating .the beahty of 16 dowers. 'From these oironinstineer, ire may venture to' say that there obtrld . ha:re 'been no mantlfaoinre of the trttelailn the 'tonality at that finis.' It wit/ In the eferrenth century that the cot ton plant 'las Etat removed, from, the gardens to the fields, and became ell fhjeet of woman Gui tars, and it Isnot until that-period that, we can date the oummencauterit of the ntarittfaoture. The ootMa tree wee Introduced into China at the time of the conquest of that Coilati7 hj the 'Mogul Tartans, in the year 1230, alter Which period every eneourageritent was arise tythe aorernatent to the culture and Manufrotere of -rotten. But , there ,rare tosiidstalge diZeultite tabi'eaeounteked, In the pre)eillose of the people, and id the opposition of those engaged in the .menrafeetor• .of woollen and linen ; audit was sot until the:year 1368 that these obstacles were altogether surmounted, Alter that date the progress of the cotton manufacture was rapid, and now nine-tenths of a population of three hundred' and fifty Millions are clothed to its 'Males. Abbot bitty thousand bales are tirinually Imported front India. ' Almost the only cotton goods exported are nankeens. KAPPA. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL —Three songs, two of them written by Aoton bell and one of then' by Ellie 8011, the slaters of Charlotte Brontb, have been eat to mist& In peg land, are highly pralied by the London critics.: • —A correspondent writing to the Beaks Cow- Menne says that Mn. Capt. Jaek Witza, widow of the herolotommender of the LadyElgin, U a noble woman, well worthy of such a husband, and thee the whole family ars well deserving the sytopa ales of the Christian world. Be learns three ohildren—the eldest a modest, amiable, and noble girl of fifteen years, in Ilse, appearance, and ea complishmente indicating a young lady of seven teen years; the next a fine boy of about thirteen years; the youngest a pretty, West girl of eleven years, but an unfortunate invalid, who will rettalit so through life. The appesrance, manner" and acoomplishments of each give unutistahabli evi denote of the suocessful training of a sterling mother. —The pastor of one of the Milwaukee churches went Into one section of that city on Banday, wherefrom Witty of the exeursionistc on the IT fated Lady 'Elgin bad gone, awl brawl In illtierent benne no lase than one handled ehildren botieft of father and mther, and th ey dtd not came mak. --Capt. B. 8 Brightman, of New Bedford, wall married in 185 T, and shortly after sailed on s whaling voyage, from which he bee not returned. He sent hie young wife lately a power of att.:limey, which put her In possession of $l,OOO, to be em ployed In settling some accounts. Ever wince his departure, she bad indulged to an Intimacy with Capt. Brightmae's brother, end last week the guilty pair eloped with the oaptain't money, tat deserting his child, about two 11.171 old. 114 r As nester had been pre►loaely irreproachable. Two other brothers of the captain had started In put. salt. —The Brener/la (oe.) Aduatars, a B netts ridge paper, condemns, In the strongest term, the dilation speeches of Mr. Toombs, and says: We here wart, RS OUT solemn oonriation, that a few more speeches nob as MAD dellyered by Mr. Toombs at Milledge - rille and Columbus will tore the State fur Breeklnridge and Lana nett Nortm ber." —A letter from Dr.lEitephen Dunlap, of Mix s'ssippl, a large plaster, is attracting much atten tion Seuth. The Doctor says, 4, If the Umdn is to be dinctred, I, for one, noald be for ft/11'ns out my possessions Immediately. Any man cc eerie sod re neotion cannot fail to see that, after disunion, we would be In no better oondition, In any pee re spore, and almost In all respects Infinitely ♦woree. Our taxes alone would eon/tune more than ono quarter of our products." —Mr. John B. Gough hooked an nth's:ladle Weleiffle Dome, on Monday evening, at the Tre mont Temple, In Boston. A crowded Radii:me &s -ainted, and Mr. Gough delivered one of his molt entertaining discourses. —James Bailey, of Mississippi, died a fe■ weeks ago at the residence of his brothel., near Versailles, in Kentucky. He was a man !of tine settee sad great energy, as well u of many noble qualities. At the UO3O of Ma death he wan one of the largest planters in the Southwest, Ma crops annually averaging from 2,300 to '3;ong bales of eotton. wan sixty-four years old when ha died. -A few days since, a gentleman on th 4 steam: boat Thome/I Powell, on her passage tip the North River, selected a number of Illustrated and other newspapers from the stook of A 'newsboy Who bad 1 his atand on the boat. On taking out his nrse t o . pay for them, the boy axolaimed, ' i Say you're Gen. Scott, ain't you? I don't take your oney— you're entitleclto free papers!" 011 th gentle man's' assurance that he' war not Gen. Stott, but only a New York lawyer, the boy content, d to re• oetve the money. • g- Old Lissy Gray died on the farm of .11; E. T. Mins, Edgefield, S. 0., at the advanced a e of 127, years, U.; playalotatt, in an obituary non 0 which appears in the Edgellelkddrar4ser, says at "abe was imported from Africa, during th e Re elution, after havlog borne forir children in that ountry. During th 6 Revolution the was a prisonerion board a British ship. She -was odt:fasted in her youth' undlii the influence of Elaboramedan tevieta, and although she united herself many years ate to the Methodist chttroh, she ever sald'tbat' Obr at built be first church in kfecoa, and be grave , was de.' " —Mr. Hackett, the actor, has just gurehued a small but beautiful residence on the hiights of Yonkers, New York. .-1 1 'tseident Lineman declines to be piesent at the ball to be given in New York, in honor of the Penn of Wee. TUN Greenland Expedition on 'board the rohooner Nautilus, Captaite.Battletto,_arrived at Thomaston, Maine, on the 11th inst. This expe4l - Was sent Out by WiIIIBMS Collette In tear , * of •Stteetmens for its Natural Bistory Society. They proceeded nearly as far north as Disco Idand, at which place the eclipse of the run was tote!, but, unfortunately, the day on which the *ellipse toO• place wu a very stormy one. At Ciedtbiabb they met Capt. McClintock, with a Brltishirai. steamer, whe kindly offered Ms tarrioes 1n toeditetherd 'out to sea. - A portion of las • party reltudoid on As twist of Labrador, for the purpose of sollectingrpe... oimens, birds' eggs, netts, &o. The intmbert of the Natural history Society accompatilttg the et , podition hire'brclught borne a great number, of audacities, Beal and bear akin', kyaoks, spears,- foxes, eagles, ddoks, end niaOy artioleat manufta." tined by the nettles - , melt at shoes, spoor', poach es, to. •• „ FaelllON.S.L—Paria Pa/Wile lbr SOptember, amount:4llll4 robes Ibr fall dress 'are trimmed withniarrowlflonpoes or rtiohes, and gutpureg and admit opt, of lace shawls or white CUk Scoffs &meted With lice; beteg Worn with them. Teletotir With sisetreis, are still tenth, even in iallonete.or melding,. When made in light ma teriallt, they are accompanied D ideePpointed , collar, trimmed with's. donnea, whlah Is ;repeated retina the Mantle. • Tight Blame are ,not tied% In request, except for eat-of-doore dress. Almost all dresses are made low, and worn withlichise. Bon nets are still worn very fbrieard on the top. The curt:abeam narrower. and not mach ornamented. The. bonnets are made in crape, trimmed-with epic, straw, er tulle. " • • ' Tim Southern alarMlete are rapidly dreilug Ip their how, end the Union men are coming eat. TH76I - 1 11FIAMmlif-4 , 111311118. TUN WrILII.T PUSS la b MIIt to 111011016101 mail (Der ammo ,thastrweee.) .... IhreeCoshet. " .:-..- 6 do 0 , 1 „. " 6.611 'Sweatt'" " " (to ohs eilirees)6ll.llll Twenty Cori"or over " ( b addrem a( each name baL)isalle 1.66 Fors CiedTYNdY=d4er drer,tra l mai as mu. con to the eetter-ae ar the Mb. 16r Pootmaatill are roodepS t• see 66 Ai by OLLIIPOSSIA MU". th,!6 Ittiethals.Arlie thiai i Maar. fa Ihme hit the Marsh ' ' Terrific Gale in the Gulf of Mexico. OREAT LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Tiro Vessels lost, Five ' Ashore; Two Towns in Ruins, and LirMaoists flown Down. Manage Yatimated at Two Yillioni of Dollars , ?xi OP ?Ili 11Tillaur ' ' We published In' TA. ft. &ye Aar a telespwablo moonlit of a terrlie softkons gsd• be the Gulf of taxis% whisk wowed - os alesnrday tke4sth last.; at .-Ion„ latenalt, and stp r e. of the Mad tkdoat kens e4renerid sow e le d s o a r Moir _"lke seeowall ro. *OM tku far stelrepealristemeeral tonne eV tke /otos*, bat Ito* thee, we are able to tweet ratio xltatkriratkat the hot to the/WW2; and ea Lai on the tbl i trt, meting Tr= :few °drum tq No d; a d e• of over Iwo' kiradnittnidlen. will sintonit' e alititese of Stotler& 'limy botia—tonlietWLe.; was Mown deem; tire turn of Elle* Wog, Is ja rotas. and killael%Li the terminus of the Lake Ponettartrala salomerroi, and the. wharves Arad. the ethitves 'sad loslb•= d e take Wore Iletnteor Won Ctiloonswad Ifoillobare keen Joint- away-. 1 Ise knee ensile bow ipso fait on biker Mats of dee Southern coast, esti est readies pay natielpett kesatai of gill e fintilisnr terrible rum destirthebn Iffe stid'propesizr. ITORII,INVIW.OILL11•111. tits t doMiled aittenille to Its Its watindees; entedic seat loon e Vlko ait. Thenessweer ii/talreelon, skaffa ;lurk ,Cepints Sterfett,AanhAwitiesi„ slimmer roncer,snd the bark West radian, Captain Thotapons, went ashore 1a the pulses at thelioath bf . the Misaisetypt. Thaeragra grew of tie bettor eseeet, zonsistirg of tenversonsi parishod, and the vesseetwill profs o total loan fte was boned I. 1114. Pturt,liartlalgas. The Weld Milan am an A 1 Tette, bail( at Baltimore le issavaall was VS teas battle*. Tit rows or rum, NissustSwi t a swum. Thislittltisert Ns doe f l risissoo sit Oho sod Is sow a *lac of Is is is HRzlm sown), Miss, sod is situstact as Usti bey, whisk sets eq) from Pascagoula Isky, cis the north of the Get of Itexioo. , It was • mall plots, sad oos tslosd fretnlrott or het /Caughtr of stores, sod &boot - Sri haw/Jed inhabitants. svreakauSLAY noir vs mortis-7m must -soar• immuTs LOSS OP PlO The gale at this point was very severe. Five steamboats ware sank. All the wharves In the lower part of the ehy7 were' gtheeersed, awl the water coveted the sidewdks half way between Water and Royal streets. Several wallaat ,ware hawses • and other. buildi n gs fah aid Omit lefty thousand slake of .alt !ere deetroyg. Posairey & Ifershall'e thee werehdaee wee fired, and burned with rapidity. and:beteg helesesithie 'to the In men, before the fumes yews extinguished they etensawaleated to floodmen's eaten vszsbeass, and leveled the deetreetion of three thousead balm at the staple prodeet. The of:dud:t etessiers end mall emit were eels sideribly-deene, sad the dap Behest W. Dthey, Ceptath DI: eyi near to Dixie I Co., et Mo bile, from New York to the former port, was blows ashore on the lower ber fa th e bey, sad preyed a total lose: the captain sod part of the 'sew pe rished. The Dtrerwas a reviler peekeit bet-wawa New York and Mobile, and bad on board, at the time other loss, an warted earxe, which, with the vessel, is tally insured. She wae an A 1 f twee 1,252 tons harden, built at Ihetoe is the year 1855. cola, brlg Lisbon; bound fres Mobile Pear cola, WSJ driest ashore, and will probably to prove a total lop. She was built, in the year 1344, at Bei rut. Me., and vs rated A 21. The loss at Mobile by lire and slam is estimated at about a RUGS c dollars. About tue-third ot the city has been flooded. suuntrrag, LA Thla village if the tenatoos of the l'ormthartraha Itallroad ; lt was submerged, and the wharves and other property largely damned. IZLIII, L 'Nearly evet7 hoes* at the Seas* was esittett meow, filed wend H,,, wen het, WWI Copt. n Riey. the pilot at the Yew York aid mats Eheameldp Cate pany. 1323:EGEED We here to recant the - loss of cm* are Ender eh , commtancas highly creditable to th e saftstouthe deceased- A small tithing smack with a prong tad some siestayore aid ecepsfeed et $ dirtsno• of two Modred yards flan Uremia:l, and the lad Wang desperately to the kW.' • A - Freeeb named Ben La Briton, netted oat for MIN of rood will to follow him, and jumped Into a haat. Three others followed tils - arample. Thiry nestled the capdsed boat and /aids last to It with their grapnel. • Ls Breton Immedlately bumped crew. bosni, and catching hold of the lid, transferred brat to lids boat. dam that triposel brats loose, and the angry wares lifted the boat far of from the smack. The men attempted to *cm* beet, bat :beta It asetenit wort. L. Brent, who wu a good swimmer, sough I hold of the eapelsed boat, and erred oat to the men to ;:garr lad ashore mut try' to earns heck for tora, es ware - Pao numb made& The ether men o and got the lad lately *obese, bat when they attempted to some hulk they bead it Impossible. Le BrePt, appestat's waseassrta l d„ rsenained sitting astride of the eapelead boat. Ha did of area to realise the dergersot his miteation. Boar direreat boats attempted to Mare the shore, hat ererrattearpt proved halting,:o%7 ma shed to the steer thrown back 01 the h. Par tire boon poor Le Breton scold be seen ors the ap tinned boat, bat, strange to lay, ales:rag% an s• pert rwirerotr. to newer thought •C tryin g al =mie Ns shore, nth* he veldt West eaellj ai reoched, even with the mane sea, the wind direetly t. the land. At last he disappeared, w sway by a bale wave, end weir sees so mete. Tit Dlll.Ol OS m sir The Menace at Me tait• bprtatipelly spew whet bed aot beta destroyed by the storm of de lith of Aural, The reoelrs talkie date that Use stood the storm 'Matey. It is eeseldeeed that tbls gale xas a. strcre as test pi tbelith of davit. although It did cot lass as Long. Bat la decent the ewenspe were party dry, sad the treks from the lets tohnd batlina flatlet; whams, yesteriay, the metope bekag fall, the water rose La the streets of AdlLtebardd sod colored the railroad treat to some &Mame. The Lady Etpa Diwaster. 1111/12C11 Pat tii DIJID-1111COTTAT Cl MUTT sock 11,011111 lI,ODTBS [From th• Chtesi o 1.774, and Trbess, Sept-17.) The Keret for bodlea of Tiodista of Mae Lady M en oalsialty was arcweatatiod with Tien asd stionate on Saturday'. The stasastnig Megaton left ■t 5 o'elOek A. M. for a ern!** along shore, sad returned about 7 P. M. with twenty 'bodies; as number war iseraapd b 7 fonr others walled ashore at dif ferent polnts. The total number of 'squads that far la one hun dred and ire. The search wan to be continued on tionday, which, being the ninth day, walla bring most of the yet unmeavered bodies to the sarfarea "pieta] train on Sunday over the Milwasks* road will bear to that city those of the dead there belonging. Up to this point but one of the Lemsdan family ban been found, Indurate of the Gat% family, nor the son ollioe. Mr.-Ingram, nor that of the la mented Mr. Kan, of Aurora; and the zealous Much by the friends otitewaiand otitis, in pri• ratelettaltie doing mach to give otuipletanese to operation'. As was nedessaij and proper from Mrs state of the bodies Watered, the same of the tabors of the eons:tato' Jury -was, on Elatazday,,, - transferred to the nity,nernetery, the Inquest balm held In the building elected' b$ the Count,- Ibrpoit-mortsm iisisinitlMM unkind' uses be at Sirbrraul% The • twenty bodies /insight by the McQueen reached the cemetery just at dark, aril were laid in at E khairtlY-Yow the. Dirge tires were Medi ' , midi by' the light .at these, she many friends in waiting, *May from Milwaukee, ea. gerly sought marks for Identification, nicomeal In many - - It constituted a- lunching and striking scene, never to be forgotten : the fitful play of the firelight on the white monuments among the dark renege of the city of the' dead grief-stricken groups pealing to sad fro seeking Lima own, sad turning away tad at being denied the partitive of a tart tribute of ' affection to tome one of these poor corpses aa their loved sad bet; the mingled emo tions of grief aceljay dieplayed,m Imre and Mere some mourner claimed the remstus of a relative ; the bustle of undertakers and astietaits as they selected, 611.4, and clawed the coffin' ; the buy coroner and his twelve Coadjutors In the tub of inquest; the gletfai of lanterns naming to and fro, all invaded that ttseally edif domain at night boor with a mane ao strange that it m oors but once In a lifetime. May It not occur oftener. • - And oVer and above all allot ontnpon the north ern thy the weird flashes of thoseMysterlocui lights never to us 'word impresslie that when they streamed out Abate the seine referred to, lending at times *pale mfieetion tothe lake whose waters, some ttirred into wives, seemed never to have been at more rudely than by the night bird', "tog; Mid yet the cause 'and source of all this .lol', end still appealed give beetany. of that 111 unsaiisded throng to their dead. Never have the tied of lova and klaship been more strikinglratteiddi than by the pant, waiting tbtong from our nster city, who, throngheut last week, ,hung eager and anxious about the dead room. The etmdition of the bodies recovered on so ot • daysfurniehee the not unexpected warning that the desire or these watchers sansei 64' telly satisfied, even in the dare of those *Mee friends ars re covered. A. special train will today take what will probably be the lad tent by the Milwaukee Committee and- therieetbrwerif • regard for the safety of the living wilt demand that the bodies belonging in,/dilwauketi, and reeovered, be buried bare, excebi In' those am& Where burial cues or leaden coffins are provided to receive ' , the poor dia. figared-reessitas-for- which, in transportation by railroad and for delayed earemonis• of interment, cheap pine coffins are no longer eats or suitable. We no net write from authority in this matter, bet the face is one apparent to all *he have been cog nisant Of the events of the past day or two In this connection. Captain Browne, of the schooner Racine, report ed at 'ffaultekan, on the 14th, that he paswt about sue hundred bodies floating lathe WOW. The wind wen so high that it was institetsittle for hlao o re cover them. OK Monday night, two can on the New 'fort Central Railroad, near Fort Plain, lescetniag de tached from a freight train, wen ran into by an express train, smashing them badly, and wanly injuring Mr. Gibson, the baggage mute.