The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 20, 1860, Image 4
" • • 0?..,:',,7 - :; ;t.:::, '1 .Pl.j, ER.39044440 4 .44+ ,17 : , 4•• Sermon on the i gikOkl?c Ps):14 10 in 1,410 Vrtiallo BYAREgot.4. l .laingleo ; - - .PastorioiSellradkie,kAhNO luith ; l V l ? ; Streeh befot7 ledvltt: To the r aiih i srbirt.w'orbiOa ' a retWV.4 4 'itits I Syria wasim ii*Weiteitletterat:' It-.J5 In - ,1 of this, Sufritb4illkikaYClintfer).t.Y.dPeoislr, 6-1 quest, Me., 94, 4 90je0r, ; th eme on ti„reeeni Sendai' evjele*, leVNi49ol l s frakt thesewords scripture, from the, fifteentA .iifrtte of the forty- Nth ob°1414,4,11041:: • - " ViSit.f4o.4 l o: l o o * f 2l ' The view taken of this liderk.providenee,” by Mr. Hotter mni,,,r9W.e,seese and Ohrinflq:6 ll O, o o7 4 Ab‘o. this meagre out line 40 ' . 11 0 1 .144(4.9 1 0 21 ,41,4041 1 1,4 8 Penolnos, thoughls, i t4en follow ,yeriattitu . upy , part of ?the apelike& sAti.ialiightiM'hiiSsilng He opened with a_ brief ,statinuero, cotaprohosi-:: sive and graphic iditsderedetalla -of the facts, with which our readers are already faidtitsr,. eon neoteil with the 'ilifughlet tif 'Christians in Syria by their Mahomui6dan , ,,sinifusies:"livihose to de signate this whole ohnntkof terra' And bloodshed as a " dark prostidenetti,V:becasusa it was not in the wisdom of men to fathom its •pUrpose: land, design,' and in complying with the regueat reaPeofully ten dered, he could promise to do noting more than in dulge in some reflections upon that go vernment whtett,lVS:4ll"" Providence." adding that hobittidoliftiglomptinqui7 to be highly pro fitable:W:llS7vl mei, :„ A greak? , 944frinallt4 ulleta,ke ellAge , o,hY mankind, .110:4Sel (the , Aisne:WS* prat the.deeigns.ufleolihr ..prrividenoes , by, standard of ear:OWW.2I. ,wela Otlik,iltandird' that totattk;thapreeintattitis, , WO** ofwhat Was, 'transpiring in Orli; iiierted - that ~" Christianity must be a fable, ArtflOti,weeld!not permit; Its .de votees to be thusAkiipopiltlikverk ..w.heie it had its atiSlit.n3f Bat he wished to shoW;thit Able login, of redueingthfoursiditinhable wisdom offlod to our own limited;i4Lndiro wail a lief). balard ous mistake. • In the first pface, looking at the results of mob , reasoning., our oonoltiding,from these .kangninary events that Chrietaanityie W.O true woeld leave the whole Morld in inextricable confusion and chaos. To prove the rater fallacy of judging by this rule, the speaker said that, in no denattment of life was it alone the good end the true that were covered with blessing, quoting from Solomon the proof text, " that there - I)o2'feet men, Into whom it happeneth aooordingta#te work of the .winked and there be trieked•men :to whom it , haPpeneth acoordinacteihe'workof tke'rlghteous.r All must have noticed, he tweitinued; that iome men, by their very sins, rise. to the pinnacle of earthly fame and influence, while others:actually fill by their vir , toes. The explanation of this we bad, of course, in the fact that this life was probationary. wherejstqed's wordwere we instructed tolcokto, the pretebtlife fotedr'relaid, Mat, to the life; to come. from which thefnegnelities; ineopgne.- ties of :this werwto be exoludedi--1 Tke assureptienu thereforeAket Ole state of things !tithe, East ;wit. indicative of God's displeasure_ with' Christianity, was simply ridloilous.• • - The monitidentoinena of God'e providenee 'He had not condescended to us, yet' 'no departmett of didepprigla we to think, lightly of them. AtioltatirDerOcious evil of, this, false logio - was, that it mode , sticeess measure of Mine, than; whielfoilithin"emild be . More'at variance withihe government the Atunghty. This would: In fact,' not only disprove the troth , of , Christianity, bat it would estabibb, itbeorighteoniness. of .Mohamme daninal,,4Make, said thelpeake4 a-good min: and a successful man graOhyms. and. the Mott un-' fortum*onen to to ippeir.thirgreateet sin ner, which he proceeded to demonstrate was heathrlietilsiitlo The , ' hebtleris On this 'Ward of Mali thiAiM, fattened Ott deeliftd:hinis murderer but -no sooner. had he shookilie_Weneineed beftroff, than they, hailed biu, as a godeellem iq tenth heWPM 'neither srnt nor the, other, butsimplp a man of „llesh,•ind blood: ,this Pale fallaalMisfrale we sans- appliedirt , ,the case of Job's otlnforters, who based their wor dsof rens°• lotion up Mt' this grobrtd'' that Abe tionamnst,,of coarse, be a . taerited.jettgment. . This likening Divine petit* to human, was iiitscompornig our own feeble powers' of per: caption - With the mind of Him who, alone 'semi end fr,qm the beeping, One - of, the gretil,:pur-, poses : the Okrietdatt re ligion igion evidently , wee, to wean man from,, thid , *ontraeted: ooseeptlon-k4= judging MI thingin the light 'of. Abe present life. 'by emmeintenisdliftswhing tate`that s',Oodle,weyr, are not oar ways, per thottehts as our thoughts."-big, one angst, tell; or had . any right to judge,Whbm,Ootattreis.. or ahem-Ife' ‘ blesses. Joseph iitdtbeen: sold 'by hie bftthrets, 31115611111 P fully," and subsetientlyiniirkieted.,ft still more grievous misforinne; 'hut- did tliiillitmie,that he was thereby ouried of: God, - .wren in a temporal view? in the fact of hie_consequent!isdiasmotent , to the seeond.raleisliip of the kusgdont be had the full answer to thielegaily..! ) Another forcible illustration Of a similar coarse; ter we b r idle the history of Joke the Baptist, than whom, thelerrd its, those was no greater pro phet, and yet a dandier girl lisChint.bebesdesi. It was a foul,, , ed ;- lint nolivineliand in-, !mese& to arrest the act of tne ezeoutioner,'and spare the prophet's life.' And 'were!. !beams to - infer tbati therefore, ,Tohn'arai a badmen; Mattis. daughter of Herodias a prodigy of, piety and vir tue isra.Maft doll : • the eythem 'referred to.' as aptoiitliiiikerie teo.:thio Murder of Obrietiats ' Syriel;:fPOrteht,-, Mid what fhe siore,itheard ? Before cougidleg, then, that the lift massacres the clapla,bills or Syria , fonsteir a proof-that God is aggiii4krhristians; and - in fairer of their mur.., dents, lelats; said 'the eseaker,liy,oar lands on ourreestbs; wed. guy menthe-in the-daft, and ex elaird„'",fluelfkisoidedgeehiligi wondeirint Po me; it IS liigi•Lreinibt`iittilalt.” " ' ' Bat; :'again, theft scenes • under; consideration Obrist„ - bad,himeett pranged, se that insteed - of affoftilme royelOOf they eat, firmed its truth , t4led Trkit Christ -said that oanieregineind 4, that the slan't'sdallattet : YfrainkfbaMil lawAdhokassationAdmalladm againstnatiou yep, and that , rtifeltipe„Wonld. come that who mever killeth yorrithe'Aitelpiesf wiliVelnk that be doeth God 'eervlee?" And; in harmony 'with -this .predJotibit, belt ;not -Taxi latieedletklwititi a) tolitftY ersecikrehaludied;avitdant death 'ff.:And wore: no* • very , ,:faustelatioss..of,ttiellimetif . bloq baptildei. fiedf Orthese thinirOtali Ihdin this present the imes to eittsl'ateltSstanible we, ' an thittlare toVilet 4/sith," saYlllik- Malik iftltrtudeCtbak struck a chord that itOtihtiribMo in tie bosom of all his hearers Thfeltfeinglemaeks nitensted.tilnal appiliatioo of, tillititibjegt,lrereitriUng jpdappropristSW O:night .areielnitehi. learn: trona s: these s retitatiori, a lesiidnPer humility, and refraiftheseefortis. from' guaiMing With' llielArbiterof• Oiscilniveree - as to thelfter ihriVhi6li He einill.gotent thilwdrhtl Bono effitioftsys were indeled2strasiee and leucite: riottkill/ElleftiV:exch inattrorably, startling; • but ; wieStAssionothig:. professed, Nast :,;was,' to obey, Mai in their life and eenvedvatkdt; aid then:, OCMO*l3olAleigity - Meyer mity, , they eftdd - rest in , thelsreift 'hfterande"that piratintint, befattAlsoftz .flocosaaredly,ltmenld be' With' tbe inlillizileilughter in Elyria . :>r It might be:that the. enettetillitargisftftiongstoodintherwayotObrie. tianity wee-dhogs Mho, overthrown an tprooted, that a.,idiritsiay 'May' . lie opened to " the heathen nation's Ar. the thrsugb light ,of the , ClOSpelttgltil eftedily nettetratesthe. dark vel,, lays of the classic East, which God, as lie Grath; bath promised shall yet surely soma fo pass. The sermon -througlionty was 'narked with a strength-of thought, and cogency of expression, for which the, efforts_of its , author are noted, and its gelt•vert e fforts - of a deep earnest ness that reeved every sentence i.0nt . "1,7. sugges tive and impressive. " '`" •• - ,ss IlMotistailfoms PRONE THE DrsulnON.litrant: s Boater, Marshall, ,State,.. Senator , South 'Carolina; 'has written a 1614 le ttietv the Charleston.tfifeteury: 02 ~ 2 2t10221 ;political. Bore is a specimen: The present juncture of oar political nalitiMillMitk otirSoUthern sisters demands coattmt g ami united action. They have.a commor, interest and.eounnon destiny-with-this State, and and amoke , of goouglint aml Bell f ir cleared by the,aleetio*of.Lincoln,. they wilt the realize their 4riie position;- and, before they will submit to Bliolf Rapriblieen - ruleJtifq will !Strike for it ficintherntonfederseY: thin would exhaust every means' to 'secure :MAMA action, and would prefer the gallant and noble State of Alabama, or. any of 'our ihnithern sistari, taking the'lead 'upon th question t of ,re,slatanoe tp,Blaok , liepnbilaao rule. taiga. State' la' united -and prepared• for the Issue, and all she Mks for is a leader: Let tie cal. tisaM,the. spirit:of „Marmot - 1y and union with oar Southern deters, and When , that , then We can Idolt and , tO oarlliod for A colutrartidAwksrf front 'Pike 1" Olt IN' 1 ic Bever aL •old:;e1 ti s: en a..h av e bead hung• here 1119 horse-thieves. t ',Oa Tuesday Jamming John flhatar, who, last'whi*, *se the proprietor of the Tattrif a House;find, who,bailti 4amily hi Alighhion ‘• Wilt foes ` that from a tree, with 'a ear& atta c hed, g. that Ife hid proved to be a Iterse.thief. His ielitJa generally . conceded. ,Qa Thewleithe Lea eniVorth'edmilt Viis 'stopped a desk Mlles f Mtn the oity/aiitl' A: 0: •Pord,- an latioriiirof• 'Unenviable nodotietYi f orotorly ,of OOdinoll Net lowa, was, taken out, dotterel suspicion bu long since pro rimmed to * bad num. Today it is oonddently reported' th at' he ia Ling. , kimik those who have Ned is A. J. Williams, Hie President of the Denver Town Company.- 'ITIIe probability is• that peace and quiet*ltlesonn .testored.":,;, ~, ' END Oi li `ThriPSZIADO.-11e.Preir Neaps -DeitalVa that ;Cob nonlyooka , flint . ily died at Tiaallio,sfronf,a ,, Watind , ratatte r filh a personal dit lirralik Witifetteref 'Welker's Mei; wastrel' known en that city for his oombativeness. - Perhaps no altattlived to his; agerwito had remitted and 4 0 many dangerous woueds..lDearvery battle enikllilailY.4loo3d4et ja)whieh,he was on gsgal,ir rottly.4 donsorouo wounds. .ffie, fought n e Moan wetland Was tentblyinictred at the storming of Ohepultepr ' During •Walker'a in vasion,of. Wicar,aguis, ke longitt - :siviawl'attele sad *IL 31Miltd: ttt, , sinr". • :. con' returning to New Au Orleaus,i " site twice badly woundattin duel*•and he has at last perialiadr In o de of the S' difficulties" in Whiokke,aoelighted.' ' •°l4l3a”•alinissioirotrr Prietie. ,2 -Hetttrna front 140 towimin,Connee tient , giVe • 260,718 inhabitants la OM mgelatt 218,620 in IMO; • Net' gala in• 110 kiln* 44,1iiiV - Theire ire 161 townie in tliettate, ,and-the 494 f Popalafioo in 1450-,wes 474,7ita r ,1 The e ts tl to to b e heard imm Meted. all thatattee ex, ite ,t Mid- itterbtriy, Ind 'a atunber of , vies, _ 'itiatikolauhis aerial% in„the while •fine, ,, iadatelr at. them iwillshow • any , eff.'n -The net gainAirltem , Will hisnliji , be' .' "of * Ol / o i' 'EI9: liiii Itmosiwo: costoor L.P .1. 7.0.“... , 1”,.$ 41? 1.• ~ -; ) • •, . ti 1 , : . '',itaolitrgikOisirie" Linnoial :cai-j .2,11116/Akiiitt4 Oiituutti nu foktoringAoltloor or, fo i llt " tAt4 , , bOtwi,eti I tiiz,=7l -- Orr i'; ram , tkimaxporteinas of • 'Kolas, , It la believed that It wog& - 014foltattio avootinint otokolfat, an( targi tend' r i r t ai t trag= tae i basinstay et Ike. el .l kikroafft keftoot. titolitalOo. fritaiWArßotklF•OnAol*lmiolfil-lIS VirL : f.iol-; iim-aanalityldart at' winter.---Wash-' t .l47trV ;..'":.'," -, 0 7 ,,,, t , v , lA' 4' -* 'i , .: 0 41 `," . '''''"' '',.kW.',..e ail ,f ..4,-',l , ' , : tiii • „i' ' ' MORN, Otelr Ns taAtinfo I .. ,e! .i . e , fofiLdn, bat_ w '.higi' iltinis 1 i 3 t: . ; , . i titir re Poortronoda , 106114,- ~_ • s ir t t** - - ii.. .li • •not • , 4. , -..4. , - tr i , , IPloollski • 1 i .y4* .41 v.. ,facer ~h •44 maw- c rw . i. ir: 'twit liedifdiaidiliqualid: ilei taw' ipiii, ' 4 4,,0v r, ff n..., -, ,,,i, , ,,t41, , 1., 4 ~,a' ~.O i A id , * 4 14 4 186° 10...;Jrrei . .. . .......a, °n 'i s a pre ty girl of ....n, m he maiiirlta part of Manson, New - York, WIM has a lliwthand ono hundred and osTen_yoortor age. - ; LEGAL IDTTELLIGENCE: „ ybldliol4:;PWS—.Tildgo Thompson and Allisiribezlhe equity Argument list occupied , the Asttetitheyet” the court: -.` .. - , , . . . t ,--.9,llAftiiiiV: SPABIoNIi--:4lldge -I,loloW. Thefeleetioteet ciary'for the teal 'of Auld; for 'antoli,lammalled - the- tenet :till one - o'olook yester daY, re f When the,Mise was proceeded with.. .. -- i - ' - .lo A Zinineriiiiin 'Was the first *linage &Med, and esWled as follows,: I reside in Market street,' ill - henna& froin vtbat 'oeoupied; by that smutted.; Dania bathe; My bake hawse is fifteen yards from When, the.firestris; I was inicandobeardls caret murder, but ae* nobody ; five minutes afterwards I her .the cry, again,- and then I saw the fire corn g'ont of the middle of the rbbid ;Allis 'was kb° a,guarter 'after two o'clock the - , fire, was c earn g eutof 'the ` s hriek "WhifieW; I him* , over thei once ; boies eiridlbirrela were'. in that item; I we t 'around to .wherie the for, , was, end saw a' ;man (the defendant) hanging out the window, and I°a light him by the feet ;' filet hint - down;A went who g the fire wee and oar OM whediplithe on fire, M . Maddox, 1700 Barker street; !lithe:reit ;ef this idereetistified diet, he -heard the' rielse or fife Ind,' rap over, and -saw; Mr .Auld ad' standing' within the Window, calling for help - , asked him if Ihesseerild not get down,' and he, said no;, X' looked for' beard seveneoreight feet - long , and put that up, nd told-him to Orli dog e ' be did so ; after he g t down I saw there was .a basket with , mon th ' pap a under th e window ; he had nothing on' but ;hie in; he get hie eletheafram the yard;ho' told me he was very much frightened, and lie said' he did not believehe Would ever get over it ; ho ap peaOed'to be veryouch frightened. . l n Robert Allen testified ' that,On. the evening of the fire h 6 went to the ' back' of the. blaming linildieg and' et fivirer six ken; one in particular was very mooeieited;rand he ;remarked that there - was somebody in the h ou s e ; witness entered thettouse 'and bandied the bedroom ap etairei and found no • one ; come down and told the person that nobody' l i was the*, ; the,witheas wasw fireman, and he had time to eget himself,• go, o:the fire, i go up Stairs and! search the-bedroom, 'and; then come down stairs ' and had no necessity to jump ontrthe win.. dowl,; the flew was thee burning in the'middle room down stairs;: could not' tell whether the prison'er was the person who called attention to the people in the house LI was 10-the hook-room •, afterwards ,werit around front and lielpid to bold the bed for the Women to jump - out of the upper windows. Thomas - Damien, testified that he. was in the Phil. delphis. 'Engine Douse at the time the fi re broke out, and - ran to the place, and,. after throw ing he bone o ff the Italian., he entered the back buil iage arid:Went up stair ' s; the body of the fire was on the fleet floor, in the middle room ; when' winless _.entered; the building all persons had 'moaned: ... " An' Maguire testified that' she °Coupled the -third-story front room in Mr. Auld'e house; war awe eried by the girl In the room ; went to go to the entiy, and ''could not get out; her eon was at he *Maw, soreaming ; they got out by jumping froze the window; witness got out the same way, ;endives caught one bed ; was not injured.. .., - ,oScer Blackburn, sworn.—This Store was 1714 Market Street', southeide ;Alia three - story briok building fronting on Market street with two-story bac building running south to the head of a court 1 ...ash', h runiin from•Barker'stieet ; there is a cel lar d, this building , and on the first floor there is a g ety ibbrei" which this rain kept ; back of that, sea rated by a frame partition with a bommunica !leg doer :was a room' in whilst' &Tholes in bulk . we a l kept ; this-room was rallied A foot or so ; in the ear of that was the kitchen ; then *came the yar regularly enclosed ; the Eendereon, Ilonse ad -pal this on the west ;, adjaining this on the east a row of Me stone and dwellings, and then on he rear of this in the court therewas a row of !mll houses: [The witness described minutely, the nterior arrangements of the house.] In the baulk bending were two rooms, in the ue . oonti story, •one used as a sitting room by Mr. And, and this' area 'directly over the store-room, in the sleeping apartment was over the kitchen ; the window -from -which -Mr.- Auld waa assisted is it the bed -shorn, and :the ;Sill IS, about twelve fee from the ground ; , the witness made the expo- 1 rintent by banish:lg from this window sill, and ho rentad no trouble ,in getting to the ground with safety Oben+ wan a shed near the window on to which a person might have got from the window, although the shed was rather dilapidated. .I,ohri Maguire, son of Ann- Maguire, corrobora ted the testimony: of hie mother, and in addition testified that all of Mr. Auld's family hid left the' house about a week before the fire. .. . Mary Ann Dillon was also one'ef the parties who had to escape from the . third-story window, and the testified to. the. feet. She dropped from the .window; but was not injured; she was up as late as as 0 o ' clock , and saw the' store windows of the ate a closed, brit the door was opened , and Mr; A d,was there ; she is* that day a large quantity if eraliisktiii - the grass plant in the sun ; had 'kindling wood in the caller; it was made o' was barrels,didn't know, what it was for ; it was the ninth of-July ; ' Mr.•Auld never told her whet the corn hulk was 4or ; there wag 'a 'settee mattrisii in, house, and it wail already' filled .with chaff; did not see any kindling wood in the store thatday. - - , • - • hir.'Blickbilinrecalled.-4 ran to the fire iMIXIO diately after the alarm was given; I made my way to the front of the , building and found the store-door closed and could see no fire in the front part of the Store ; the private entrance was opened. and could see the. ilamee on the stairway ; , went around to the rear and found . the fireman , playing hate; the - window of the store-room; came around front, end asiOon• id • the fire Was main. ' entailed so as trieelnitt me, with safety I entered thierigh the , nriveites entrance• and- followed` the St i re alitlthwaY to the third story; examining all th _enema ; found the flames ,had : followed the stairway, ,whichwite badly brirnt, and bad worked eta way.through the tort to the roof ; the door lead in tto the storage Was burnt' pretty well ; in the stdrage room I 'was attraoted by 'the - strong` 'oder --(of, liquor ;, went into , the kitchen and treat . store, after • making • partial - examine non, called an officer in, and then made another inspection;arid, - after - daylight, made A thorough examination; .thef. mase of the ON Appeared to be hi n the storage-room ;. found the remains of a MUM bee of barrels whion did not seem to contain any thing ; , formdtremains, of corn husk; I found in all this empty barrels all sorts of light materials, such as,paper and rage, and between the articles were goantities of r ape r , twisted up loosely, and inter mixed with it were • mateh'es; :there was illei a la quantity of the, light , kindling wood; one barrel' wispartially tilled, while there were piles 'oil it about the store ; this kindling wood wee Made of pine wood, :pieces of staves, and' hoops ; tdere was also a lot of bed clothing ; be• Mad the partition whisk teparated the storage, robin from the store, and near the oil and molasses mine was a lot of greased paper; in the front store. where there was but little fire, made a thorough eilamination ; the Heinen bad been drawn up stairs ; I d the front store, the first thing that attracted g tuition was, the disordered condition of every ,t int; on the west counter there were about a 'a of matches, irs. among the articles scattered there; on the ether counter were nests of buckets _yelepe, and brooms, and „other articles ; between As two counters the space was taken up with birrels, mostly. empty; these 'barrels %jammed up against the front door; there wee two tiers ',I:. them ; the front door was barred, and there •viaa a peg driven to make this more secure ; the Whole floor : behind each :counter 'was strewed viith corn husk; the vacant apace at the ends of the countervail alto filled with this stuff; ' the space between the two counters and under the two tiers of barrels watt solitcered with - this coin hack ; the floor was filled withldbee hiatches.and matches in, leatet ; ,barteill Of the ' ry wopd were artanged in 'different portiere, of the store ;, one .Of the, barrels as overturned, and near the, Isliolling Wood was loref :cone husk, and near the corn husk a uantity of greased .paper ; in the cellar on top of a lot of kindling wood.,was a, lot ,of rancid but ter; in the middle `room tbeixe • bad been so Much burning that, it was Impossible to say What quantities of light materials Were used ; but *efficient was found to show the use of the same materials as In the frontlibor ; a day or two after the fire found in the, store room the, remains of two liquor barrels;. found two heads of barrels; (these were produced in 'court as .were specimens ef the paper, corn husk and kindling, wood) the !wood work haematite of the chisel and such a tool E'rfound ; the tin which usually covered the bung e er, were torn Wok and the , bungs were out; ad a conversation, with, the prisoner, first time the morning, deaths fire;. be seemed 'to be 'am mo and agitateilvand finding him in Ibis condi tion left him but hatHe conversation subsequently and asked him to explain the origin of the fire, and be said ,be . bad no idea of how It occurred ; he Said he had no light in the store ; he gave this account of the fire—that he was sit- Mug at the front door until near I$ o'clock, and a little after that he went to bed, and thought be Fell asleep about ono - o'olOok r hewas aroused br a suffocating foaling, and found his chamber frill of smoke; that ho.tried- to make his way down ;stairs, but couldmqt,- and then went to tho window ;and erred help, end at the same' tithe giving !the alarm to the people above; rooolidat that be ;had left his tiocoutitebbok, hid reoeipt•book, a bog ?containing money, and- a book called the, Ready ;Reckoner, between the leaves of whiob was $3 , 10, !fn the sleeping-ro,om, and, he returned to get it ; !the moneyteas,prinelpally In totes, but there woe 'some gold %he mide way -' Into the kitchen, forced tha t door, 'and, got lit Pals wee after Mr. Zimmerman bad. rescued him; these articles he !said wereln a washstand, and he made a grab for them, and by that time the Samos were coming up the back kitchen 'sitars, and he fell, end then he i wont back and threW the - WA. out of the window, 'and he thinks he must have, dropped one on the ;stairs; but wince has , been found of, it, although 'strict search wee made soon after having this con versatiop, I exairitned the shutter of the window leading' from' the store room- to the yard ; the shutter hinged at the Centre; found from the 'character of the burning that one s eatlon must have be& opened at the time of the tire; ' could discover no marked' violence in the wt od. [The Theory orthe Commonwealth is,!that this woe left open for air. Asked Auld in regard to this. but be could give m e , no explanation and he still adhered' to the astertion'that all ' had had' been closed at night; tbefore I . bad the conversation with him in regard to -the . loss of the money, he made different statements in regard to it; ha said there were two copies of this ready reckoner, and I did subsequently And'one In a , barrel ; he said ho used the corn husk to pack eggs ; told him I never heard of such a thing, as it was too expensive ; he it was better Ifl A keep,egga in during the etiniuter t , ~.t abeaqueilt,""l at the State Rouse. _. At this point the eons! iitijonined at four o'olook Blurbs. Warszlionst,'of Illittoidi -has• bed? in trouble with that diocese. A despatob to a Ohl' sago paperstates that on Friday cast the Episcopal Convention at Quincy (Illinois) broke up In a row, on a test void relating to a question referring the aotion.of_the Bishop in the oathedral . lot matter to a lay °bile:lined. The Itishoiiiitrixtusisd a deaoon just ordained, and hie vote decided the question, it standing, nineteen to eighteen, . The Rev. Jr. 'Hodges,'of 'Otileagro;rose and denounced thowhole as a dishonest transactionyand mo re u then half the convention left the house. The convention soon after SelJoulimil;',:atF -14TWallitfpRoitaF, wife 01,JohnnTrteaoh„ the prlia.lighter, appeared Wore:Justice Welib,' oicSeW. York, on Tuesday, , gad preferred a cow. 'plaint against her husband, whom, she staled, was abtlatMspremtto poem], bribe purposp,of no* lig es one brtho prlie:light an nounced to take .ideqe about a w eak hence. Rho therefore prayed thild. her ••Tobrroy might be ap 14,,ilentlud, and held to bail under the law forbid ding partied* leave the Statical , New , York for the purpose of engaging in a prize-fight. A war -100l‘ folllowedl, •fia Deteatlfe' Willlantion ankle quontly arrested Roaoh. - Inn 'fend abiiiiitbi • Mid; N#lloSbliatiVe; genital Iret took fortnitysnow—a model aftsiwards ordered In ;marbleday , Longworth,,of .01noinnati..-. has 'lately ,produeed .eafarite atatnette,.it in Said, n'.'" %iota 116 13 1 4;" Vof* . ti Anitlitio t 94,44 i k:t. ,46), ,torchoiki • tre eitgaged on•a 'oblotical Blade - of 'Mull Allen, fourteen feet high, ordered by the Vermont Legislature. .wP()f.; r 7 ",:t ;ITT t• NL - ee: (If T t g ' % 41:11 X PRESSL-PHILADELPHIA; THti t ItSDAY - i - - SEPTEMBER - 20, - 1860. (1 , f).3 '1`,4,1,119,1ar 12=1 PHIL)A6APitikkARD t I RDWARD O. (MARTI, HARRY 40NM - Di --. Voimrysi" pi TIM hteirtic Mirf. 7 ~' 4 '- '''' idlitlelria ' I ISA.6III 1 •*. ,- 2. ; . At i tiolafofiehat*Y-W ..4 Za b") PiWadelPh# ( • Phip Tohn Trucks , 14indlsay,„..::...Mierpool, Boon Ship Irusoarora. Dattletli.:—.L...,-..-1-I.Liverpol. goon ~, snip .ered. McGonyle. :..:„...........bonsloniterriftept. 20 Shiro ov Langdon t 10nn.,_.,.,...,•.. „,Lbrir 001, noon /lark on Anna, U hat.1.....1-.. -- ...Lyra Oh anon BET k Alex N INNS, 00Anep ;• _ 4 ,;,.... , ..14v p e1p00f, soon Bar rma.Wortinenr.. ~,^.,...,..,., .8t Croy*, soon Bark , ios maxwen.auvii._::,:..—tutsto, loon ' t 1 ti i C i rII. s,riz , JK.,,lltcr, 7.-....14 , 0 - rt :al:: ,Iggg 'Brig whos NY alter. Riorth •.-:.::—t....-r.-...Bt,usttg, goon i MARINE INTE!.I4VAENOC. ,P 1 .47 OF PIIILA,D,EI.PIIIII4 - I§ept. 20. 1960 StIPOLISES— S Ulan .818 • ••• eteamehip KeneingtOn, Baker. 'Ol hourli from Boston, Buoy'i end passengers tolfamy W nsor,_ Off the on the Brownnerised bark finllote. rOtn Trinidad: 'ship Northampton, for ti r Ctlesne,trat off the Shears; eteeintug Amerilm wave the Breakwater. Steamship Delaware:, annOti, hoilri from N York, ;wi th mdse and pakeengere SamoaSamoaAlldetdloo. • Behr Z A Paine. fiheokford, 6 dare from E'astport, with m nee to B A Bonder & Co. Behr Vandal.e.,Cooper,l day iron( Stnyrna,-Del, with wheat to Jas Barrett k Son. Bohr Mechanic, Hendrickson:lday Pram Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran.' - Bohr Lanett, Bayard. 1 day from Christiana, Del, with 'grain to Christian & Curran. Bohr Bohemian, Clark. 2 days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christian &.Curran. Behr T Benedict, Goldsmith. from Providence. Bohr Boston. Brower. from Providence. Bohr John It Plater Gandy, from Boston. Bohr L Audenried. Bartlett, from Boston. Bohr Mary Peterson. Somers, from Boston. Bohr H A Rodgers, Rodgers. from Boston. Behr ti Beacom. Tomlin from Gloucester. Bohr L B Ferguson. Bmith,from Leesburg. Steamer Beverly„Pieroe. 24 hours from New York, .With mdse, &o, to W M Baird &Co. • CLEARED, ' Steamship Phmeas Sprague, MapleWe, Boston , H Winsor. & ShM Atisnste, SitioWend, Liverpool, Workman Cu, Bohr L Audenri ed, Bartlett, Charlestown, L Bother mel Co. Bohr J R Plater, Gandy:Boston, ' do Bohr B. B Bascom, Tomlin, Braintree, L &lanned ..43111 . Anin, & Co. Bohr L R Ferguson, !Smith. Salem. .1 R White k Co. Behr IL A Rodgers, Rodgers, Salem Nevin. Sawyer k CO. Bohr Fly, Cheeseman,Lynn. do hick Mary Peterson, Homers; Portsmouth, Reuslier es martliMs n rohr te ;" Benedict, Goldtmit h. Norwich, B Manes & Co. Bohr Bostoo, Brower ‘ Providenoe. do Bohr New Zeldand, Rich, Salisbury. E A Bonder & Co. Bohr J 0 Brooke, Graffam, Portland; C A Reckitoher • & Cp. Btr E Willing, Chirp: foie, Baltlmo're, A Groves. Jr. (Correspondence of thePhiladelplus Exchanse.) , LEWS, Del.. Sep 18. Ship Elora McDonald, for London, peeled to sea last evening; oleo lobo Arctic. for St John, ft B. A bark is in sl ht coming down. GlOv har bo r cobraohn Toreyth. 'Alvarado, and Ripple. Wind W, and strong. , ; N. W. WC/MAN. (Correspondenco of The Prow • • . JHAYEE DE GRACE. Eept.l9.lBBo. The Wyoming left With Id boats, laden mid consigned as follows . • Thos &o. to 'Perot & Bro: Milesborg Iron Works• bar iron to —; Wm Fitting. lumber to Falls bf Schuylkill' ft It Bredgins. do to 8 Bolton. Ss: lerm.TJ Bogardus , Louis, and Ira 'l' Hodely, do to Ma lone& Taylor; Sarah Long, do to Wilmington; Maine Witt, No.l. lumber to Chesapeake Can Otzinaoheon. do to Chester; Mary of,Munoy. do to ft Wolverton; Oen it Fleming. do to John Craist,Wm El to Norcross & Sheets; Stranger, Ellen, Burn Bleak. C Seltzet.and Rebecca Ann, coal to Delaware City; James Cook, lime to Beek Creek. • • , The various canals leading to the Chesapeake'Bay are all reported to be in good order again. Boats aro ar riving here from the linger break. , • (Cerrespondenoe of The Press.) - I READING, Sept. IT. The following boats from the Union Canal . passed in to the Schuylkill CanaLto day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Golden Gate, lumber to Solitlkill Navigation Co; F Coleman. clo to Sarni Bolton & Co: Anna B Sliork ang 0 N, tog von to Cabeen & Co ; Wm K albaoh, grain to Wm Kalbaoh. I MEMORANDA. Snip Victoria Reed, Preble, from Calcutta Bth Jona for philadelphia, 31 days out, was spoken, no date, let 1 91,1 ting 93 B. Martha. Lane. from Calcutta loth Juhe for Bos ton:was spoken 3d July, lat 9 13, long B. Ship Astrea. rtiohols, from Liverpool 26th April for Caloutta. was spoken June 11, tat 26 a, long 28 W. Ship St Peter, Slavin. from London for Philadelphia, salted from Deal 6th ,net. Stilp Moroury, Hubbard, from London 9th April, at Calentta July 21. Ship Scotia, Wylie, cleared at Calcutta 26th July for Loudon. - Ship Mayflower, Chatfield. cleared at Boston 17th loot for soinhay.. Bark Florida, Monday. hence, arrived at Cienfuegos Eth Bark Linda. Hewitt, from New York, arrived at Ma tanzae, and was discharging 11th hast,lto load for Phila defrig Iphia. Delhi, IMMO!, hence, arrived at Havana Bth intent. Brig Tnad, Wooster, hence, at BC Thames 3d inst, limaiharging. Brig Judge Whitman, Bray, hence, arrived at Port end 17th last. - Brig Larch. Gilchrist. from Rockport for Philadel• Ala, at Holmes' Hole 10th inst. Brie 0 W Robinson, for Philadelphia, was ready at Dighton 17th inst. grao h h iAMs. Br• tlett, Bartlett, hence, arrived at Cienfue- Boir Mathew 'Kenny, Ogler, from St John, NB, for Philadelphia. was at Holmes' Hole 17th inst. • Bohr J F Crouch, Henderson. hence, arrived at New port 16th inst. . Behr George G Baker, Barnard, for Philadelphia, re mained at Galveston Bth, mat. Bohr James Hay. Lake, sailed from New London rrth mat., for Philadelphia. ' Bohrs Pirko, Cook, and Lewis Mulford. Doyle, from Bottom, and Ann, W allaen, from Plymouth for Phila elphia, were at Holmes' Hole 17th inst. Bohra Christopher Loeser, Laws. from Salem, Eliza Or Rebecca. Price, and Mary Anw Magee. Magee, from Boston for Philadelphia, sailed from Holmes' Hole 17th instant. Bohr J j Spencer, Morgan,from Charleston, arrived at Baltimore 18th Inst. •Bohrs Warren C Neiman, Smith. and Mary Natt, Smith. hence, arrived at Baker's Landing, Warwick, 16th inst - . Bohm Lady - Ellen, Cierson, C P Rholney, Garwood, Spray. Clark, Debt. Ilan, Clark, S Sturtevant. Dole, and Alert. Champion, hence, arrived at Boston 18th inst. Bohm Tantamount. Davis, from Boston for Philadel- Ehia, Montevue. Rutter. from Lynn for do, and Mary & lizabeth, Smith, froinltewhuryport for, do, at Holmes' Hole 17111 inst. Schr C w Holmes, McElwee, hence, arrived at Now botyport 17th inst. 16th Bohrnst Chief, Champlin, hence, arrived at New London Bohr James Hay: Lake, nailed from New London 17th inst. for Philadelphia. • Sabre R }ll Downing, Risley. Clarissa Dodd Rase, Emetic. Rickey, Tice, Lady Late, White, and Isabel. -Taylor, hence , arrived at Pawtucket 17th met. tiohra Hornet, HWY, and Maned. Hutchinson, hence, arrived at Pruitt nd 17th lust. Bohm It 8 Daly, Stephens. Sarah Lavinia. Port L Flame Godfrey, nd Plight, Huntley, hence, Provid ence MOO. from Wilmington, NC, at 17th met. Nehr Geo Pales. Nickerson, nailed from Providence 17th inst. for Philadelphia. 16t Bohr inst. J .11 Johnson, Johnson, hence, arrived at Salem h Bahr lemattine, from Philadelphia. for Cambridge, ,previously reported ashore ow-Cedar Tree leech, was lot off night of the 16th met, after disoliarging one ighter load. and arrived at Holmes' Hole 16th, not much injured. but wouldgo on the marine railway. klehr Wm IL Mitchell. from Philadelphia for Bath. be fore reported ashore at Long Point. Holmes' Hole came oil evening of the 14th. alter discharging two lighter loads; leaking badly, and was hauled on the Marine rail way for repairs lath. INSURANCE COI,IIPANIRS. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- M a lTiir?7ll( illttATZNiciEsl6 Street.i, 5937,601.62. -, . INtiHEr3 LIVES for the whole termef life—grants annuities end endowznents—,-purchasee life interests in Heal Estate. and makes all oontraots depending on the contingencies of Life. - They sot as Executors, Administratorsi designees, Trustees, and Guardians. ',.. l ES. Daniel L. Miller, TRUSTE Samuel E. Stokes, " I Benjamin Coates. William Martin, i Rio and S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, , ! William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, , James Enston, William H. Kern, ' t Samuel 0 Haoy Theophilus Paulding, " ' Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Ponder, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutoturuum • todolpkus Kent, John W. Horner. - ; William H. Carr, • Ellis 8. Archer, P. V. Dation,Samuel J. Christian, William Itobertson, • Joseph M. Thomas, ' Warner M. Resin. John G. Brenner. P. 9. Mich er, Easton. ' . , DANIEL L. MILLER President. SAME.. E. STOKES, Vicie Pres t. Jolts W. Ammon. Secretary. . suilg DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN' nURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED B Y Y THE N LEGISLATURE 63 OF PENNSLVAIA, 15. OFFICE S. E. QOII,NER THIRD ASA WALNUT ' streets, Philadelphia. MARIN E ,/NteU,RANCE ON VESSELS, • r .• CARGO. , To all - parts of the World. FREIGHT,IIII INLAND IPISURANCIES On Goode, by River Canals, Lakes, and Land'Carriage toad parts or the Unioh • I FIRE INISURAPICES I On Merchandise generally. On Stores..owellinHouries. arc. ASSETS OFTHISCoMPANY, November 1,1867803. Par. • Markel Value. 1123,050 Philadelphia City 6T w eent. Loan-0/23,050 02 100,000 Pennsylvania State 6 cent. Loan. 03,655 00 4„000 fanagylvanza o Srate 6 cent. Loan.. 21000 00 1 2500'0. S. Trelutdry SE tr cent. Notes and interest 5ue.._... ._.... , 26,263 64 41'41,000 U.S.Treasury 64p cent. e s and , . . interest due—. - --..., ....... 30,615 00 124,000 Temporary Loan to the City of ridia si el °hrs..- „........... .. . 1350,000Pennsylvama Failroad , id Mortgage 64, cent. Bonds. ~.., ..1_.,. .... 4.8500 NI i 320,000 North Penagylvania Railroad Mort gage 6W cont. - Bonds- . , ..---- 12,500 00 614.000 West Philadelphut Passenger cont . - 80nd5 ........ Company T.IP' ot. coupon Ronda.' 12,600 00 $15,000, 300 MIMS stock Germantown Gas Coultssar, interest 16 ,, d Prilnupal * • n i • • • • itrtatted by the city oil ..Phita- . 15.060 00 435,000 100 *barge li .kiinsyiJ4.tnitß - itilroad Con/- O,M, 100 shares Yarilifinns ' ylirinitiiiiliqu'a 8416 °° 02,860 shareiTglailliPMriToeßoaTinliiiiiiiii 844 00 Tug Coninpyo Phtituielphls,,and eavannO steam tany, Oa .= Steam Ilfrivigrition L•oinnanr. Philadolpbje and Havre de 6rane,t3tealn •zonrßoat ale' • 3,210 00 e 436.890 008,7/8 tit Bqnde and Mortis&Ansi and Reat, Estate, Of- • • 38 11,36368 Bills receivable for /nevi:snobs ]Bl, 6 '69 Balance duo at Agencies—Premiums on Ma i nue Policies, interest, and other debtil due the Company. - • • • • 115,664 68 Bonp and stook of sundry' Insurance Corn .Csah on Depoinc in 8ank.....—. DIRECTORS, 1 William Martin., Papluel E. litotes', i Edmltnd A. Bauder, ' J. F. renietoo, I Theophilue Paulding, Henry Sloan, Rh' R . L ' Nrlir 0 , • - yggiStrolf,thn* James Traquaire - - , ffpenoer Mllvaine. I William k_;,7 re, Jr,, Thomas C. hand, James C. Hand, Robert Burton, William C. Ludwig, _ . Jacob P. Jones, Joseph H. Seal,' , Tames .11, M'Farland, Dr. R. M. Huston, • , ' Joshua, P A ,Eyre, George C, Leiper, • , ' John 13_, Maple, Pltteb'g , , Prigh•Craig.• • ' p, T., morgan, i Charles Rally - , , '- '' A B Heir W%L,T.IH hIJCRT l'resident. • -• • •, •' TH G. —HAND, Inie President. HENRY /XL BURN. Secretary. ' dle-wfm AMERIOAN , ' FIRE , ENSURANOE CO., mpqiitro4AviT4) 191P.-0/4./INTI,4R, PERF.W., Wile WALNUT street above Third. Flitted table,. ' Having a large paid-up Capital Stook Ind Putt as In vested in sound and available Betniritles,con co nti nue to inmate op Dwelling', Stores, Furniture; MOTO andisa, Vessels In Fort and their cargos", and other •PetlOlral PrOpe , rtr, , _% , Ail istfil liberally and promptly adjusted. i tr Thos. IL biraii, ' - " In - 2° - ! o l t T. Lewis, - - - ohtt_Wel% -,„; - . e t vA . Clitl. , rargl i r i kad e y 'r i tca W ,:fi, R itler:: ' , ,t . I lei , Ir.ille mi ttta,Atili dell!, :Itli 43.1,. lila F . tV'.' ren-u TFIE TEIUIIIIIIISE' iNS URA WOE N Y . • ' ay P , • (viiiziiinutiNoiisxol4sivEiy.) griesciße. 11 , . , DiRBOTORN: larawi er Bram!, , axonmeAt- b. Dames _WILLIAM. Vont, ; - no. H. 19 . 0/Att, DIALBRO JOHN N. Joicll.l4.,frrwoon, —B, IfAskparroas. BEND: ED ~i V b[.ANDSIIIW D. ULM. 144":""14 iiFditirgM11714 . 11 id pnt J). A LEN W. COXR. tieorota .1. • L, - fell • 11011i1f.11.--475 Mils. Pitch In More, and for sale by ROWLEY, AEIRBORNER, & Co., N 0.16 Routh Wharves. HIP . SOHENOK, LUNG DO TEE OTOR. " • TUN • • PROPRIETOR OP B'o/LENOX'S PULMONIO SYRUP, trntetToft • • ! SCHENCK e 'S RESPIROMETER, ' THE OR LY,INSTRUIIRET VIA? cum, • To a Certainty, Deteot the Flighted Murmur of the Respiratory Organs. This is of great importance to the connumptive. Many eininentphysimans make great mistakes in examining "Lim sa ; it requires constant and longpradme to become familiar with every, PAT sound or rattling of recline/teed '• BRONC HI IE A NTSL TUB. •C - • DR. SHE ome to NC K Toget Examined THAT NAVE BEEN LXAMINED fly THEIR FAMILY PHYSICIAN And ,told them that one Lung was almost gone, when by a close examination with the R ESPIROM EWA Is often found that it he en affection of the brontilliel tubes, and by getting healthy.aotion of the liver and • tone; to the stomach tho sufferer is soon restored to health. Sometimes medielne that will sto i l. a cough ts cer circulation the patient, it looks nie the iver, stone theof the blood. hemorrhage ollowe, and in fact stopping. the action of the very organs that caused the cough. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the cause of two thirds of the eases of Consumption. Persons that are at this time complaining with dull pains In the side, bowels sometimes costive and sometimes too loose, tongue coated, pain in/the shoulder blade, feeling sometimes very. restless and at other times drown' every thing that is eaten lies heavy on the stoica asoldity, betel, ing up wind , hundreds are complaining at thit time in this way, let them take a' heavy so d and beore they get shut ofit, then another, then is the time to know what to do, then is the time' to ge to Dr. Schenck end get your lunge examined. then is the time to know what cough medicine to take. Stop that cough sudden and then the lungs, liver, and stomach are all put in an inactive state, and before the patient is aware of his situation the Maga are a mass of sores and death must soon follow. , SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP is an' Expectorant, but it does not contain any opium, or anything to check a Cough• suddenly, but if aided with the SEA WEED TONIC AND MANDRAKE PILLS is sure to purify and carry off all diseased matter from the system. -Dr. S. has a number of CONSUMPTION • AND , CARED BY HIB hIBDICINEB. He does not wish to be understood that when lungs are gone that he can snake new ones. but when one is sound and the other may have quite a cavity in it, it can, by careful treatment, he risened, and diseased matter carried off. and the patient get well. His clnye for seeing patients in Philadelphia are FRIDAY AND SATURDAY or BVIECRYWEEK. For a thorough examination with his Rgepirometer he charges hut It oßanhappens that patients do not require an exploration with the Reepiromater, as he has had such a large experience he can detect at a i glance whether such an examination s necessary. All professional advice ORATES, and cordially invites all suffering from Coughs or Colds, or any disease of the LUXOR, LIVER. OR STOMACH, to call upon him on those days. He bas recently fitted up rooms over his store, for the better acoommodation of titi patients that are waiting for iuivioe. waiting treatise on the various diseases he treats, with certificates of Cures, can be had. gratis, at the Office. dept] and get one, read it carefully, go ,and gee those giving certificate,. and be fully persuaded in your own mind before using it, then give it a fair trial, and life and health may be spared you. OF MI. 39 NORTH F SIXTICE. H" STREET CORNER OF NORTH HTRRBT. eBl9-3t* • PERUVIAN SYRUP, one PROTECTED SOLUTION OF SROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known Remedy has been used ortenlaivoly ... :and With greet mould for 4 0 '. 4' ‘, DYSPEPSIA., OR IMPAIRED A_ND aIrERPEar DIGESTION; if t r— d , _ 2 _IPOIL tali CON;;BQUENT DETERIORATION 07,T10L BLOOD; .t , ~......, 6 AND TOR TUN iIAtOWIII6I • FORMS OF. DISEASE, Molitor whr originate In - - -- DYBP PSIA t LIVER COMPLAIN_T_', DROPS . I.II4IIRALIMI, and NERVOUS At , FguTiolie,_LOßß OF APPETITE, DEADACRE, LANGUOR ;Ha IMPRESSION OP SPIRV/S, CMINOLP.:B and _BOIL% MEN, SCURVY AFFECTIONS OF THESKIN,_CO , NSIIMPTIVE TENDrIIE, BiteNCRI , • vs, DISEASES PECU LIAR to FEMALES, • ono AL L COM ' PLAINTS ACCOMPANIED BY OENI RAL DEBILITY. and REQUIRING A TONIC and ALTE DATIVE MEDICINE. No7ll.—The failure of IRON u s remedy for DYS PEPSIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerous diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the want of such a preparation of Iron as shall enter the stomach in Prioroxion state, and assimilate at ones with the blood. This want the PERUVIAN SYRUP supplies, and it does so in the only form in which it is possible for Iron to enter the circulation. For this reason, the PERUVIAN SYRUP. often radically cams cliseasea in which other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be of no avast. CERTIFICATE OF A. A. HAYES, M. D., OF BOSTON. It is well known that the medicinal streets of Protoxide of Iron are lost by even a very brier exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution orProtoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible In the PERUVIAN SYRUP this desirable point Is at tained by unsnarls:SlON IN A. Wall Parole lINISNoWN ; and this solution may replace all the proto-carbonates, citrates, and tartratra of the Materia hledica. A. A. RAVES, Assayer to the State of Mass. 16 BOYLSTON NitilipS, Hinton. N. IL—Pamphlets containing Loners from the above earned Gentlemen and others, and civics full informa tion of the Syrup, can be had on application to the Agents, or to N. L. CLARE. kr Co., Proprietors, COBRAS BUILDINGS._ No. 78 SUDBURY STREET, BOSTON. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Agents for Pennsylvania: T)YOTT & Co., 232 North SECOND Street, Plulada. an7-tuths gm DYSPEPSIA. .REMEDY. AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This' Medicine has been uteri by the public for elz years witk increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure .Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn, Colic 'Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Loto Spirits, Delirium Tremens, intemperance. IT PTIEULATES. Bx.rtitattyks, 'amen/ale, Bill ' . WILL NOT INTOXICATE OE STUPEFY. M a Methane it is quick and afectual, curing the most gravated oases olDramPsia.Kidney Complaints, and a nother derangenrants of the Stograllt and Bowel' in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drobang spirits, and testate the weak, nervous. and sickly to health, stre - agth. and vgor. Pascua who, from the Injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and thearnervons systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELIRIUM TERMITES. will, al most immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigo rating 'Mosey of itAfam's Invlromting Spirit. WHAT IT WILL O. Doec.-.One wine glass full as otters as nationality. One dose will remove ail Bad Spittle. One dose will cure Heartdmen. Three doses will cure Indigestion. Jsoe dose will give you a eoOd Appetite. ne dose will stop the distressing Pains of Drinravala; ne dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable e ea of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon all the stomach receives the Invigorating Sant, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removal. One dose will remove the moat Midtowns pains of Colic,. either in the irtomaoh or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructio n in the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a done or two, and a ratites' auto by DISSIPA TIONr two bottles. NIGHTLY Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil afoot/ of poisonous lionon. ip violent headachegielokness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, Ac., will find one dose will r move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and ane okly cohtutious should take the Invigorating Swrit ddl! times a day; it will make them strong, healthy, and kept 7, ranovs all , *beano- Bons and aregulanties from the menstrual organs, and f restore ac the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensate:lm at the etorosoh. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up.the lEVIGOBATING SPIRIT tit pmt finales at bOloonts, quarts $l. , General Depot. 4tl WAntt Rasa,' New York. DYOTT & CO, 232 Pforth SSCOND Street, Wholesale A_geuts in Philadelphia, se7-thetuly and for sale br all Druggists. et, STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, Ito. 1110 MARKET STREET, snow prepared to meet the waste of the more completely in all the details of the Stove trade than WIT othpr establishment in Philadelphia. in proof of which lieLinviteis COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION. The following Ara among his WWII POpil ar invention', several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as gurpapeicE in excellence and econom y any other Stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the 'proved Gas burning Cooking Stave, acknowledged to blithe best Stove for family use to the world. JA/IdEc SpEAft is the Patentee of the celebrated Oas-consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming Into general use. JAMES REAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver Air tight Gee-consuming Parlor Stove. JAMES SPEAR. is the inventor of. the Improved (Patented) Ornamental PI tow> Urn, which, from its beauty and utility, is likely, this getuon, to be univer. sally adopted. JAMES SPEAR to the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-oar Heater. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved FLre-board Stove. rot all of the above the Inventor veil justly claims advantages which require but to be understood by the public to be universally appreciated and referred to any other articles 01 that ohm in the mar ket; and he ould hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persona want of stoves to call and examine for themselves. arties wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. sell-Dm USEFUL IN EVERY FAMILY. BeTTLES. S P AT DING'S PREPARED GLUE IN CONE EkTRAADHEBIVE MUCILAGE, WITH ELAS TI DANIELS' INDELIBLE, INK AND CLOTH STRE R. The attention of the trade is, invited to the above good*, which are all of the best finality, and mit up in the most convenient style for pc rhhir use. SPALDING'S I'KEYARED GLUE is so well known as to need no further recommendation, and is now' offered in CONE BOTTLES, with Cap . isnit t l rush. F,XTRA ADHEbIVE idUClLitabi.• L greatlyim Cone Bottle, with Bhutto Cap and Brush,fa oilltating_ its uso. • DANIELS' INDELIBLE MEE without preparation. is warranted equal to any' made, Sad is put up in Cone shape Vials, enclosed in a woodee case, which forms a Cr.o.rn Branrcnsa, and is congdently offered to the public as a very superior article. • ; For sale by the principal etationsrs, Druggists, and Fanny Goods Dealers, and wholesale only by HYMEN L. LAYMAN, Bustioners' Warehouses sel4-St 32 South H Street, 3d story. 07,080 14.01.645 NIAOKEREL; -MAD, 'HERRING, 840. - 1W bbis. Nos. 1, 9 and it lajge and podium Mao alkerehin assorted packages, oi a very ottolo6 quality; no 50 bbls. Nd, E laila'Aliokersl. SO, hair bbLi pew No. ago do. &inn!' new No. a medium • do. 00 do now Eastern M VW. 00 half bbhi pew do O • do. ' leW bbls new ..tuitport o, 1 Herring. MO do do f6X No. I do. 200 do new Eon o.IN do. 100 do do 0,1 coals Fish. 25 do prime No. 1101k mon, 100 quintals Grand Codfish. 140 boxes new Hatkimpr eynty Cheese. MURNow landing and in More, foi s e w y & xoorfe, 146 N 11 If WITA AVER. 11011111ILADELPEILA TERRA GOTTA = MA NUFACTORY__NEVEM'II rind GERM &MOWN .road 'and 1010 01 1 E'iltrit_jitreet. t Vitrified Drain and We_tter Pipet, Ventilating Fines, Hot Air' Flues, and ,emoke Flues made of farm cotta,•and of .suitabie size :for every class of balking/. Thieattiole worthy the ,attention of all porkies puttlnci Otoldirge., Large zeeretage jives tor' city drat stater pities vat rante stens a eeverepreseure. are now purveyed. ; :tty (ion rept wlthlaitiret oorpOratione for this srtiole in any cuiPtltY. trent our goods to be equal if not ,stipOtior to say in gig_ united eltetes or *Mop, Ortailttentg Ohlutnep Tope and fGardeneeS-rr JA-MES :BETTFit, INVENTIOS: " e fOR IV/O.—Approved and hhil&r,tv mend _hr. edtosigru emeiont rooghon e. t Matey, T Irtr.Theneatutlnvalids wing en ad ',by their p ratOteris to nee her ignrgetal.Wpaltanoes. 'would caution Merchant/. end others Sealed tellehellief except et her residige. WALtiuT where . she OSA be ion' , o ur, between the hours of 'and g, Her ok o issrtenordabr be given on spll /cation. Went ree to any yeller the United States. He signature Is ow eiell ertlage.. • • lora vot.- ROSIN OIL.-3,500 13Allong Extra'No. 1 Machinery Oil. 2,1.80 anions Refined brewing Oil, 900 gallons Oaa Oil in %tore, and for sale by ROWLE/. AilliflUßNEß,& Co.. sol 9 No, 16 Booth Whorml, MEDIODIAiIi. ' f Dr. DARIUS HAM'S STOVES. MZPIVIN&. INPEOTINE ; PERSIAN FEVER CHARM FEVER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED THE HUMAN OONBT/TUTION RAVED FROM WRECK, THE PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUB FEVERS CURES INSURED IN A DAY NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE INPECTINE, INPECTINE. If PEOTINE. INPEOTINE. INPEOTINE. INPECTINE The tornble malady known as the FE.VER AND AGUE haesnutten hundreds; of thousands of persons throughout the world every year, and has Aver till now been met by eueoessful medical treatment that baguet prodnood severe MEDICINAL DISEASED. phial!' &feet the longs, the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other parts of the human organism. The IMMO TINE is the amoral antagonist of all fevers, and when it wines In oontset with the skin, is absorbou by the interior orgais, which resist 'mar WEIDA and all ten dencies toward those maladies which prostrate the mind and body With fever. • 'Fever and Ague result from numerous causes- No nisch or exempt from the OSUMI which promote the ex tetenoeof the dupealei: Thathaffic once seated in the ~stem, Indium! depression, of Writs, laintude, pat* chills, fever, and a long train of disagree able sensations, depriving the patient of all energy, and reducing him or her to a condition of EXTREME HELPLESSNESS. Why will any one suffer the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Fever, when, by the use of the INVALUABLE INPECTINE, PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, the eminent midloal and magical quilitiel of which are Instantly absorbed, ALL. TRACES OF DIBEABE MAY BE ANNIIII LATED IN A FEW ROM I BBLP-OARE 18 BETTER THAN PHYSICS NATURE IS WISER THAN ART. EVERY;DIIIEARE EAR A DIVINE REMEDY. THE WISE APPLY WHILE THE FOOLISH SETTER PREVENT THAN STRIVE TO CURL, DELAYS AIRE DANGEROUS. THE INPEOTINE. PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, Hai ared thousauda of both aexes of the moat dread MI fiver". Read and robot. Lemuel Bonull, of Pittsburg, for two years useless to himself end society—a mortar to Chills end Fever— cured in less than three ereeke, and improved In eight hours. Mary X. Belknap, Sandusky, Ohio, after alnurt losing' her ~an as well en strength, by Intermittent Fever, with OW., restored to health in twenty hours, J. R. Tilton, of Belgrade, Moine, brought from death's door, baying sugared for four Yours, !rude well, In Aye weeks, and Improved In two hours. Adolphe Monbro, of Frew*, relieved in one hour, while travelling-in the ears of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. Re was apparently dying with Ellen B. Beason, Lockport, New York, rescued after revert ream' eurforlAg. A perfect cure. Thougands or other ewe prevented and cured evert Month, and not a shale complaint of the efßoiency of the INPEOTINE PERSIAN FEVER. CHARM. TRY IT, PROVE IT, KNOW IT, And make known Ito wonderful paireris and Virtue., that those who suffer, or who are threatened with suffering, may be led to use a simple, innoxions pre paration, furnished by the field of Nature for MAN'S BLESSING. INPEOTINE IS BOLD SY ALL DRUGGISTS AND MEDICINE DEALERS IN AMERIOA. PRIDE ONE DOLLAR. Sant by nail to any pad of the United states. WI OM! ail It to not taken inwardly, bat is applied ontwardlP according to directione, salon acoompanT Gaon paok age. MANUFACTURED HY JOHN WILCOX & CO. HS MAIN STREET, RIOIIMOND, VIRGINIA BRANQII OFFIC4I, No, AS BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, NEW YORE CITY. adiqUaatiiftUal EDUCATIONAL., 1 MERCER E. BROWN lIAS RE-OPKNID her SCHOOL, for GIRLS in the pleasant rooms in the Senn Garden Institute, Northeast oornsr or BROAD and Sr RING,GAR lEN Streets, , sslB-41t• THE MISSES CASEY 8: MRS. BEEBE'S English and French Thardiniand Day Satoh for Young Ladies. No , 1103 WA war r. !Urea, will be reopened on WEDNESDAY; September 12. selt lm UNGLISII ANWOLASSICAL SCHOOL. aLi —The Street, the subscriber. in Ehnen' Building, CB FAITH uT above Twelfth, 'will re-open on hIONOY, the Ifth of Saptembe C r. sel.l-t Ar HARLES SHORT. RING QARDEN ACADEMY EOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N.E. Coy EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Book-keeptng, Langua ge'', Math ematioa, Drawing. &u . Bore rroeiyed at any age. F. DUNLEVY LONG. Prinotpa,. ne3.lm* UNION ACADEMY, No. 5 EOLITH np- TEENTA Street—Principal. THOS. D. JAMES.— tgl ra d d t ;ggin=e n i:titir. d C h i e gikri c zrajletrLi at the rooms, or they will be sent to say seeress. SUNDERS' INSTITUTE, THIRTY-NINTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Professor E. D. PIA UNDEREI & CORTLAND BAUM- Hon. WM. BUL R eit 4 ..C i relrfiel i et i ti. MoK I DEIN. Esq., of the Merchants' Hotel. Philadelphia ; Hon, W. Foßritri. of The Pressi Hon N. B. 11140W:4E, Philadelphia; Rao. ft. WESTBROOK, of the 8. S. Union ;Hon. J. W MAYNARD, Witliamttort; LEISEN KING. Esq.. , president of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company ; ad Hon. ABA PACKER, Manch Ch unk — alt waom have seas boarding in Saunders Insivuge—will sty° their friip who may be looking for a safe, thorough, and pleasW school any information desired respecting this seminary. A grove and lawn of hIGHT - ACRES are attached to the Institute for seclusion. recreation, and phystoal ex ercise. stGr - The terms fora session of fine months, counting from the day of admission, are eati for day-boarding pupils, 8100 for pupils who spend [Warder and Mundy" at home, and 81M for pupils remaining constanilr. No extra charges. Payments mad rano,. augg.llll HARRIET BROWN WILL REOPEN Her SCHOOL FGR GIRLS on the N. W. corner of FILBER T' and JUNIPER PIM 41. OPPoslle Penn Square. on loth of ninth month. (seet.) eu2l-1m• CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duties of the Classical In state will be resumed Monday'. September J. J. W. FAMES, A. M.. an7f-dam . Frtnoipal. MHOS. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH, MA THEMATIO.A.L. and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, for Bore. N. E. corner of BROAD and ARCH. wilt re-open Sept. 3d.auSti-Ina BALLAD SINGING, (WANTING, PI ANO and GUITA R.—Mr. T.BIAROP will rennin Nathan Bevt. 10th. VOCAL ACADEMY, 1202 FIL DER r Street. an22l THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of II D. GREGORY, A. M., No 1109 MARKET Street, will reopen on MUMMY. Septem ber dd. eurt-lm• MISS M. W. HOWES HAS REMOVED her sohool for young ladies to 1525 CHESTNUT street. and will reopen on Wednesday, September 12. Cep boarding pupils will be TBoolved. For oiroulare, mantra es above, or at the Presbyterian Rouse, 1334 and 1330 Chestnut street. an2l4w rintE MISSRS MERINO, No. 1135 Spring -I. GARDEN glue, welt of the Church of the As- Numption, and formerly occupied by the Sisters ofNotre Dame. Will open their Academy for Woos Ladies on MONDAY TEE 3d OF uEPTEMBER. Circulate oon tattling terns end other particulars. may be obtamed on and after t he 21th inst., at tho Academy. tutha PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR. rir.R. THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, re opens MONDAY_. September .Id. Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. autl-tf R. STEW ART. Principal. VENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND V SPRING GARDEN Streets. will reopen Septem ber 3. Sots prepared for ens Division of the Public Grammar Schools, for Colleges, or for Boettaess. an2o 6w. R. G. AIcGUIRE, Principal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD [Na and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES,No, 1707 VINE street, near Logan Square, will RE-OPEN on WEDNEEDA y, deptember Ilth. Circulars furnished on application. ante-Iw' MISS LUOY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. Z.T. BIRD will re_open their school for young la dies, at No. 1010 SPRUCE street, on MONDAY. See temoer IT. atist4-2m 111RYANT ti STRATTON'S NATIONAL X.. MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia. S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, New York, Buffalo, Cleveland. Mimeo. and St. Lorna. For information call or send for Catalogue. feS-If MESDAMES CHEGASAY AND D'HER YILLY reeneotfully inform their friends and the uoblio that_ they have removed their Boardintand DaySohool for Young 1,: from LOMAllliquare to Nov. 1627 and 1629 SPRU O t Street where they will be ready to receive their pup, on THURSDAY, Sestern ber 13th. Mesdames UHEGARAY and D'HERVILLY will re ceive vieitore at Ito. 1509 LOGAN Square until the 30th Angina IDM-5m BUSINESS CARDS. 1 ATHEW BROOKS, MAN UFACTURER OF CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS. In every variety_ of colors. No. 139 North THIRD Street. seMlin opposite Cherry. Philadelphia HORAO E E IECR h ANIGAL ENGI NEE R, and EA VENT ATIVORILY. No 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the County Court-Hour/0 Prepare' Specifinationa, Drawings, &0., and transaola all other blauneas connected with the obtaining of Let ter Patent Machinery Designed and Drawings made. ealla-gm• R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BR() KER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. FARMS, STORES . MILLS, and HOTELS FOR HALE in Montgomery, Book', Cheater, and Delaware Counties, varying from 10 to 2/0 &oral, in good localities, Pe mime applying will be shown properties free o f charge. u yhmarvi TifortFtgal . 4l ..... iagotiatad at fair rates. HAND town,t and intermediate pliZel ' rWVei g Villn i fa Ina deaoription. addreaa R. it. CO 80N, 11.71-gm riorrunown. Ye. JNICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of BIHRTS. LINEN and !MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARFI. A large and &tome assortment. and WILLI. KANE. always on nand. unto whtch 1 eartlcularlY invite the Attention of Coin and prompt-MUM 1111011T-Tlyr u flt e tCorner of SECOND and ARCH Shasta. PhDs &lnnen. coy-dm• FUGUET & SONS, la. IMPORTERS OM HAVANA CIGARS, No. Sl6 South FRONT Street. Reeeive regularly a full asaortment or desirable 01 GARR which they offer at low rates, for cash or ae proved oredlt. jetti-ly PAW ON 4t NIOIIOLSON, Botnurrake, Noel. 119 AND 19 INux STILBET. Between Marklt elammt strew% PituaDELF At, PAWBOre. NIUROIIIOI. I WAGNER. JIMMON, yr • ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL ERR-AT-14We Moe. No. 116 South MI R TH Street, tOeitoonte lllnlLADdependence Square,) PICLTBIA. ity_the end of reliable Attorneys, at different points in tlie milted States, is enabled to prosecute end oolieot Maims of every de50r 1 94 012 . , Particular atlentionsjven to the exestinatton end re -oOterf of the maims of Legatees and Devisees, and the :ftlrritridn:iLe4ierigVu interests parofthel persons gttr%a some, e Union. Bea the titan:dee of all the States and is COMMISISOTIST for meet ot them, Depositions carefully taken under Commuratene. spll4lm HENRY E. AZEI ATTOERE -A7-LAW, Rei REMOVED hie °Moefr om Wehint 'tree to No. 2 11 South THIRD Street. mht:l4m. EJ. BAYLIS THOMAS. *ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has remoyml his S oli eet.o from NO. MS Arch street to fie. 499 WALNUT tr the C him e . eiiirgigrgd";:4l,l74!:l=, conv.yances,eissigignoily, Itn fs of wale,. and other tnetnmte o Wriung, The rasement or k.xeoutor ship:, Amin tratorstupe, an 'grunts, supenntended; and the t emminties proony fur the permanent in vestments of Money. Situnkatory reference giv"en when matured. apsl-6ra HARDWARE PACKAGE HOILISES. 'PACKAGE HARDWARE HOOSE.—We' -11- would respectfully call the attention of the Gene nil 'Hardware Trade to our extensive stook of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE. wtdok we offer at a small advanee by the package. Orden; fair dareot Importation solicited, and O rr dsd livered either in tbais city, New York. or New eans. W. GI LKWIS & SON. ell COMMERCE Street, Importing and Commission Merchants, and Agents for Foreign and Domestic. Hardware. auf:l-0 EXCURSIONS. U PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. lON OF FARES : On and after APR L. Id. 11 1 606DommutatIon Tjoketz, witfi twenty-eix canyons. will. ,Assued. goy or the Mani ant memoer of his tastily, Oil avenger in, and at any time. They will so d by the ter, at the aloe of the company, 0. Pe south fOURTLI fitreet,at a reduction of twenty-five per ott. rom thapottar fares. Parties wishing to enjoy t h e nmmer in e Oonntry wtll find this a very deelrae route, the Sez i Ltill and Lebanon Valleys being among Za e gvi r beautthealthy 11 e lt. 'd mt anl e u ll i t ,ll : d a l t ig,.. o ,ll Ir° si - .S. 13ttADiOn..u, a notsurer. PRILLDELPRIL. Much Nth. /860. inhl7 - V1 ______ &NAMEFOR THE SEA SHORE. -CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RELROA D.-On and after SATURDAY. 4. 4 epternbrr 1, lail train leaves Vine•atreet wharf. —7.3 u Prete.4,oo P.M. RETURNING, LEAVES ATLAN TIC: Mail .__,........r...... -4 00 P.M. StoppinjeliTill . Siations going a - n - d returning. pare to Atlantic, @Lau; round trio tiokete, good for three dem 02.60. Freight mutt be delivered at Cooper's Point by 3 P.M. The Gonipany will not be respeninble, for any at until received and reoeipted for by their Agent at t o e Point. au3l-tf JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. MINSIM Plinth DELPIDA AND READING RAILROAD. DE f,IO.IITFUL EXCURSIONc. On and alter MONDAY, 9th. ape' further notice, the following goatee wi be open for excursions. Whets for sale at Tioket °Sloe, Broad eatd Callowlull etreets. 7o Niagara Falls and refum r OM 00 to Boranton end return ---- 6 0.9 To ,oak Raven end return .`—._...--. 8 00 For further parnorthire see mall Nils, or enely to Ticket Agent of the Company, Broad EI callowlull streets, or to • Jklo, Z EAL 7, Genera! Agent Phila. /t Reading Railroad. Phil& G. A. NictoLLB, Gong Superintendent. Reading. SUMNER RESORTS. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT ()ARBON, SOH UYLRILL COUNTY. PA. Families seeommodated with good moms at reduced Prj gg; old-established Renee, located In the gap be tween Sharp and Second mountains. rmmediatsly on the line of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a 'mile of Pottsville, formerly kept by Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia, hae t. sinen his demise, been under the charge of hie • d lit t fi r iinge Is prepared, at all season. of the year, for the reception guest! , and has been recently put in order. The large garden. and park adjoining, pressilts great inducements aka summer resort, to Person' wish ing to spend a short time away from the Mist and tur melt of the cities, where they can breathe fresh moun tain air, and enjoy the wild and bdiditiful scenery of th coal region, Commutation passenger tickets. fir the Use of fami lies. are sold at a reduction of twsuity fins per cent.. and an accommodation trala will leave Natio/nodally during the summir months, enable those who may desire it be spen the bullied! portion of the day in the oily and return t same evening , on which the charges will be thirty-three per omit below the emirs. For term[ , apply to MARY RAD, .1680.1 m inallaionlioulta, Mount aybon, Behuylkill Co.. Pa. EAGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. I.".lll l BWod d ir a s b ageg i k u irairkr. ,l " pow open /pl. the season. The aooornmo stions of this Henn will be found unsurpassed. The ride hers- DV the North Pennsylvania Railrearl,iytene_of the plee- SWAM In otq Kate. CIALEB YOKE. Proprietor. to! • SLATE ROOFING.-JOHN WELCU ISLATIOt, is prepared to "put on en y amount o rooting at tear rates. AU welt warranted to MIMS _Onleril sent to witIRD Street and Wilt TOWN Raw will be promptly Attended to. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRUME! _OO. No. 499 MARRY? 41ITRIUM. - - IMPORTANT SALE OP PREScit /. I The bubsonbers will offer for sale throat UftNEelft. & 00 , 429 MARL Street, On Friday Mangles, September 21, at 10 o'clock. 00 els moatbe' credit. 700 Ylerrall idledl , • eXtra Miley qualities French Mo rino cloths. assorted colon, high colors, Macke. whites, to fal Pieces Lupin's Thibet clothe. wio do• fine to extra super. fine, and sublime quality plain monads lame, high colors, blanks, 'whites, and modes. NO Pieties ex rich and amperage misfit's' e nured monads laines.6.6. and 10.3014 re, new lectioiee - designs of titembeck Kaachlin's, eel down, sad lteiber's printing. 270 Pieces ex nett chintz and chocolate print. , Stein back goo:dillies manufacture; very now, h ig h cost and desirable. SOO Piece, new style worsted diem goods. BILKS. SOO Pieces rich and choice fancy dress silks, an nure ., stripes. demobs, to. ; black firm de Rhinee MBlack Taffetas, POnedn's, tad bonnets' maks.> ack satin de chines, black figured silks, black luetrini, blank Satin ve•tilell• 150 new and elegant 709 flounced silk robes, latest Paris style. BRAWLS. 400 super qualities high colored thibet shawls, heavy silk Cones. Lims make. I,MO mode and black do. /,000 long and squared°, wool fringes. IRO rich printed Whet shawls- new der lens. IMO Mocha border ex super fine stalk shawls, black mode and imputed. In Paris mate extra nab brooks reye shawls. Pans style, Chapuset Gouin's make. 1 500 Pans and Vienna niannfacturs lons and square Mocha shawl,. choice and boastful collection of new design, and extra super qualities. 500 rich new style Pane,turbo, and Vienna wool ehawle. very elegant 900 pieces super enmity Union plaids. 100 do worsted dress roods. ItO do Lyons heavy sulk velvets for collars. N. P.—As this will be the only offering which will be made this season, in this market, and which we make only to musty the expeetetions of the trade, the atten tion of dealers ts respectfully requested. BEN KA RD & MUTTON. SALE OP IMPORTED DRY GOODS. On Tuesdar MOnlingt September M. at 10 o'clook, by catalogue. on 6 months' credit. Comprising 600 packages cad lots 'of imported dry room N - F. PANOOAST, AIIOTIONnit, Sue • enter to B. BCOTT, Js.. 4.31 CHESTNUT Ht. 11-1111 LIP FORD it 00., AIIOTIONEBRS, -.1. No. 630 MARKET Street. and Slit MINOR Street - • rosiTivv, SALE OS . 1,3(11 CASSE! SOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, AND GUM OVER-RUDE& Thin Morning. September 20, at 10 o'clock 'precisely, will be sold. b 7 catalogue, ante months' Oredit4l,3oo asses man's, boy. , Ind youths' calf, kip, gram. an d H anaa , aa nail, kip, and bolt brogans. gaiter , . and Oxford flex; women's. Ju1....'. and ehildten'a goat.oalt, kip, an d morocco heel boots. Also, n lull assortment of woolen's, missist. and ehil dren a wry made 'roods. Al•o, nn invoice of Nooteh aintham ambrellaa. The above sale snit embrace an assortment of rood. seldom offered et ►action, and from first Mem City and Eastern min:firm:at:rem. t2C;!4iIM ST. LOUIS, MO. WILLIAMS BOYLE & CO., ACC lONtERS k COMMI&ION MERGEANTEI, No. 64Torth MAIN 111., BT. UlB, (formerty with • aura Myers, Claghorn, k Co., ilada,l oast their oervicreir to the marchanht, mann timers, sail others of Philadelhia, for the de of dry goods, OW. goods, shoes, h ardware . Jewelry , k0..k0. nwir Cash advasoes made on receipt of goods. lir Settlements made three depletes de. Meson. Myers. Clashorn, & Oa. ‘Philodolthils. .• Stuart & Brother, Philsdalskra. Van Wyok, Townsond_ r & Warrens, Heir York. .• & B. Curtis & Co., Now York. Wood, Christy, & Co., Bt. Lovas, Mo. Crow. MaCreanr. k Co.. .• nahll-khotoly NOTICES. CI_LRARD COLLEOE.—The Directors of `UR the Gaud College give notice that they are_pre pared to bind out. in the Biate of Pennsylvania, MUIR- T'lr-THREr Oftrils NS. in accordance with the will of Stephen Girard. to mutable occupations, inch as it t l t a n . °l o n n t r u e . the master will be required to teach his apprentice his respective art, and to furnish him with suitable board and lodging in his own place of resi dence, (except where, for spec 'al reasons, the , enema- Mee may be allowed to board elsewhere.) The master will be allowed to take each orphan on tnal fora term not exceeding one month. Persons desuoas of obtain ing an apprentice can apply at toe College, between the hour, of .S and 6 P. M., or, if not residents of Philadel phia. can addreu the on nand _in writing. giving name. residence. °connection. and refer. noe, the latter whenever possible, to be residents of Philadelphia. 111NRY W. AREY, Secretary - Girard College. (ZERMANTOWN PAS.SENGER , LA WAY COMPANY—Orgicx Burs andlOtamourt Streets—Tntr..anstyru. Aug. .—A Slit, 1860 n instal ment of Five Dollars per share (being second instal well) on the capital stook of Uerneentatrn Perm ear tulwer Com Party re . is due and parable on or before theßret day of Ootoher next seining. Ey Omer of the Board of Managers, W. M. DINGISRLY. &sanitary and Treasurer. OFFIOE of' THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILIIOAD CONLYANY.—Puit,a- DILTRIA. ill./410. he Maen Freightage Tons on Coal transported by th OOLAWLY will be 611 Mown, on and after tat fie etember. anti farther nutlet" r To A iehmond— -- •I x.' fluladelgda—..— 1.7: Motu:tad Plane-.. I.: Ghoetown.- - . -, I.l= ermantown R. R..— 1.7 , y_alla of Rolm Iltill.— 1. •.. blanayank---.--. 1. • Et bete'....__...— 1. Clonshohooken— ....-. Swede Furnace.-- 1 .• ambrig.....„.., °Meer' or Bridgeport 1.34 - - _ ..,,, Valle orge..--.- fatfel.B al . RA -- —___. ti Avi n at 0...._......._ : 1 1 ottatown --.---- 1 Leesville .......- .-- 1.01 0110040 Y -...-......... irdeboro.--- • . eker----.--- t.• gmnd —..---.• ' Morton- • • export.-- biohrrville.--..- I' Hamburg _ • 71, OrwigsWiand Aub By order of the Boarg , o7 I , slffre inor p, P.N.RIM- 1 ••• SHIPPING. FOR TUR ROUTE—OHMS& TON AND SAIVAPINAN_Irterummi. FREIGHT ILEDUWW. REIM rev gh t at an avenue of ',minx per ant Im lay Maw Yora atnankoitirh. _ ye. CIIA U.S. Mail Steamship oThrelt Er7A7E. Cap tain Chu. P. Mtrallman, wilt mad on Tnezday, Septem ber eath, at to o 'clock A. M. . . %%math In 65 to to norm— emir SI hems et 3ea. FOR SAVANAH. OA. The W. S. Meal Steamaktip STATE or GEORGIA. (" m ow n John J. "ill sell on Thursday, Sep tember IS. at 10 o'clock A. M. '1 brown In ad to Inflows—only IS loam at row STRamni days eheoged &meson Se""rday I. event five days. el 01.0 MOM& , Lei Bale Oi Lading Maned eve day. Tge tmlendid fret-afar Md.-wheel Steamships JET BT RESTATE and BTA2. OF GEORGIA, new ran as above every ten days thus arming a fin-day ocinumit nioittme with OhorteMen Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships win ged with Moment for Ftwidwand with railreaW, A.., torahpbseee to the RANCE Stab end Southwest. 8 Freight and InenTe on a lugs propottlou a &p.a. shipped South end found to be lower by these MUM easa by aMlir.g Yore , the -remit= battle one-halt t he rate. ti. i3.—lnguranoll on all Rathosii Freight is entirely 111L6082a&n's farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies Want all nets fro=se points. GREAT REDUCT IO N IN Y. Fare Ly this route IQ per gent. °heaven' than by the Inland Route, as wt Do won thi, followtog *aka dole. Through liokets om Phil elphia,via Chariew ton and Savannah stem jpi, INO JAMMU ALR.141,1 ma the whole route, ataept Ere* Chari*Men and Savan nah to Montsoraort VIA CILULLIS2OII. vil 11/07131118L To Charieston_..—Sl3 CO To Savannah.-- Its 00 Augnsft -- 7160 Attarosle—.... 17 10 Columbia—. 20 NI Woos— no jittlenta-- —. 91 06 Atlanta.--.—.— ft NI Montjoinell..—. 95 09 001tuabni— 9112 3.3 ro eldbany. .... 23 NI Nev °flamer— —. 60 76 lleonkotoary 16 00 27 75 Mobile.-- 90 Knorvi 95 60 New Orleans—, 39 75 Memphis--- .31 6.1 No bills of lading mined after the ship hen sailed. wharf freiLht or Dawes apply on board, at sw i ne wharf above Vtne street. or, to .AI IItERON,Jr & CO., No. 126 NORTH , W . ILARVES. AMU in Charleston, T. a. & T. 0. NU1)0. Savannah, MINTER & GA1%1511;1.7.. For Florida from Charleston. steamer Carolina evert' F e ci l i a iforids from Savannah, Warners IL Mary's and It. John's every Teseday 8114106/11111/17. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- 1119 X tilIT TORT TO LIVIISTOOL• Chief cabin. Name —..... VS) &coma Cabin 78 110 X ISOITO3 TO LIVIRPOOL. • . • • . Chia! Cabin Passage.. Beoond Cabin Passage— . • CC The ships from New York call at Co - r . it Varbo . r. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork nu bor. _ . PERSIA, Capt. Judking. ICA NA A, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Ca_pt. J. Stone. arnExicA, Capt. hloodie, ABIA. Capt. E. 0. Lott. NIA.OARA. Cap' Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon . EUROPA. Capt.' Leitch. SCOTIA, (now Molding.) These vessels carry a olear white light at mast-head green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone. leaves Boston, Wednesday. Sept. 3 AFRICA. Shannon, " Yor k Wednesday , eenL AMERICA. Moodie, " Boston, 'Wednesday, Sept. 19 ASIA, Lott, " Yore. Wednesday. Sept. 26 x'UROPA, Little, " Boston. Wednesday, Oct. 3 PERSIA. Judkins. " N. york. Wednesday, Sept. /0 Berths not secured until pu s . An experienced Surgeon on d.. The owners of these ships wil not be !mountable for Gold, Silver Bullion, Spools. jewelry. Precious Stones or Metals. rodeo. bills of laden are signed therefor and the value thereof therm expressed. For freight or pan sage. apply to B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. aO3l New York. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of RE Eh CCA PLEvougit, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adJii.t the supplemental account of 8. 1.1/"leLf, and BiONJAMIN COATED. t xeoutnra of Rehm:am Fletcher. deceased. and to report distribution of the balanoe on hand, will meet all parties r the parpoges of his app intment. on TUESDA V. the 25th day of tiEPTEMBER,HOO. et 5% o'clock P. M., at No. 10a North SIXTH Street. Philsdelphia. . nib -shah 6t, ROBERT M. LEE. Auditor. PSTATE OF ALEXANDER WRAY, deem' d.—Letters of Administration to the estate Or Alexander Wray, &passed. having been granted to the subscribers. all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those haven` claims to present them to MARY C. WRAY. JAMES WRAY. Adminletratorl, No. 239 CHESTNUT street. 1=13331 COAL. GENIIINE EAGLE VEIN COAL—Pure, Hard. Bright. and Glassy, r.tvial. it not superior. to any Lehigh Coal sold. Egli anti Wove sizes S 4.+ 5 D per ton. Large Nut 83.75. Call and examine, or send Y our orders to SIAM BRAY4BOnrB trOAL, DaYOT, CaLLOWHILL htreet. third yard above Broad street. geld-120 fIA II TION !—ASTROLOGY !--LOOK OUT!-0001) NEWS FOR ALL!—The nevz i lading Mrs. VAN'HORN is the best; she swims when all others have failed. All who are in trouble,a 'Who have been linfortnnate, deceived by false orOelle ,a fly to her for advice and comfort. /a /etc, th e she Atm./ails, She has the seeret 'waning the affec tion. of the °pronto) sex- it is this fact which 112ChtelMI int' prate pretenders to try to imitate her, and copy her advertisement. elite snows yOu the likeness of your fu ture wife husband, or &barna (need. It Well }mown to the public at three that she is the Bret end only per son who can show the likeness In reality. ntl can Ave eutizsgat i olittn . on concerns ti of li f e, whil 21 whiNei yrind eag ved y isSinsit ber t .lrmaperte wa ne to brow (ijUp, .13treat.betereenU ent re? MI Firma •. , rolimin• • SMr.E:IO i 4 I,ll:Kt's:and, ,pnats, 'for sale. IiVETTIMit.I.I. As BROTHEL MOO ' 47 sad 49 North ok,c7ors D Ht. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM - SOALZ9, fOr gale by FAITIEANEB & EWING, /1 TO MUMPS &mit, halt, HALOS IT AUCTION. M THOMAEI * • Boa. 1311 slat 141 1 1 ( M 1 , 0171 TE Iltente, IPonee It MITI BALER A'rep Ext poetic the inset agirat g iahr ati = P a °co/minus! .4.3.11. tor Handbills of .as ptoperte used aegandledy. ra eidditum to which we pe Kush, mitt's Hiniaday4Volled to each sale, on• thoesano, estgorom, to leg for, , mine fill desenetwee of progerty de m cl i rß ti r.-- k 4= l. 7 " riiii estate awl the Exehan i ts turfter , bold at In all Aroo: a la ; to n e tjtore ? aril ti t ogir v i ehithet sale. REAL IOTA? it ATE BALE. OP' We hare • len* amount to real yeasts at Private sale. 'waistline every deetaibtioa of tote sail coast', property. Pouted lute nor _beltAkinotkut wore PRIVATE BALE Ifirßeal estate entered on dm Pliralle rlhaller• and ad +sniped ocessiorally trxr maims/as tot which 1400 eosins are pirated vosiltly,l charge, Eighth Fall Plato. 79th Soptonotter, at tho Rzo4niagia Ninth Fail &tic leth aerie . on the hawses. Re tilte of George Reg. in agree. Cbeetaut Riff. Tenth Aall Bale, Mb SI,E Wt. a: ta• HALE OP mare pnonto COMM4II6ed as Moll to twatume Guinean thu week. • tar Catalogitee now read/. Peremptory gals. COUPON BOND* MiIitTGAGIEW, ke. Tamided. at Li o'rribek. boon. trill be sold at Pubbo sale at this Philadelehie Esahaneeomri mi t y.- worse for beat', for abase= of whom it may wawa. the ((Mayan. viz Aye oospoe bonds of the Esurtirn Market CowletnY• 1100 each /1110.000.1secuYed by three isezteseee, the first Deaner date Seth March, ma ; wend beamed de/. 13-h Jvtu. Me; and the third tmenet tide Prh February. larle,and_yecorded at thllsYlellpeoa la 1110,1 Cage book AEI B. Plo A. pose ; 13 IS, Plo, 32, lege MM. and A D B, :to. =S. page 23, reeyeoprery. allo, • reee,pt of A. W. Juvenal. espertotesdast of the h ard Trust, for JO of said bonds, and the right* thereby *scared. Th. rd. A eertom hood and wartime oiled tad du etted by Junes Yovng to Beaus g.owporthenut. for bet wrack has glace bees messed Po ird. the same haring been seelpied by the 244 %begs Comperthesit to Frarci• Maze. sad br • mild Francis A. Drexel to William' Baelterott. sad au dry potholes of insurance upon the Market BOW* of the mud company. Terms—Cash. payable at Oka tame of iseM, imme diately after the property ra Mimic ed.! TENTIT FALL BALE—nth BETTEY gas. Orphans' Court Pals—Eststs ofssaad. Anthony G. Quorrslist, 4se Threamatory Bnak DWltLit NO sad Lot of °gonad. Washington street. west of BWIII/1011 stmt. sowed watt. Buns Fatate—Two t.R-etorr B-usk DWELLIIIWEI • mbsrd street oast of E c lovostli gtrest aims Eatate—LOT OF goon D, Waglim out of enzaatora ral k l4ineteentli Same Est -I%U tat-story Brick DW PI O. Monk Boath a &root. loot of toci stmt. rovrtallstk ward. eate Fetste-33nek ZW.NLLIZIO. sytaa4 West. • uith Irnrd. Earns Fa ate—DWELLING and BATE BOPS& N'tk Fourth street. south of l'arnany Teretfth word. Dams etato—Erick DWELLING. Now Meet, bo rough of Weat Chester. C heats r minty, Fa. F_rromptory Isle. try order of Imam Estate of Joha Murray. eooe Three-story k 81011 e sad DW NO. North east corner of Ninth and Ashore attrect. ant Irani. Orph as' Court e siet—k tate o Mailgram' trate. debe'd. •n andivined ninth part o the throretery auk DWELL,' G. No. Xl6 Bqath Pruett ttrvet. Same Esteur—An _agaslmdedi ni , th pert of the throe stars Brink DW2.1.1.1P.0. No did Bout! Front street. Fame Estate—An undiveled ninth part of tier large B'l OB E and WAII3IIOIIBE. agratlaireat earner of Dots ware avenue and Ten &ley, be -Wet Cheetnal meet. Et feet 64nnhes front. lame Estate-1u ur.divtdad ninth part of the thz•••• story Brzelr D NO, No. 210 Lombard atreea Pleat modern REBIDEN CE. No. lit North Tolled/4h street. above Chorry street. Large and valuably wrier LOT Jll sores. Market, Chestnut. Oak. Forty anitik and Fiftieth sersete. Twos ty. fon rih ward. goptaing brick aday_ Valuable corner LO r. by 1* feet. southeast amnia of Boiota sod Florida stmts. Twenty-karts ward. SALE OP SUPERIOR Is 7RN ITOR R. PINE 514.C.N0R-PLATE MANTEL ASO PLISR MIR RORS, SUPSRIOR PIEE-PROOP SAIL PiMit VELVET, BaliiiBv LS. AND OTRER CARPETS. BEDS AND BEDDING, MONA; AND GLASSWARE. Ac. ♦ CARD—Our Rai. this (Thursdayisiora t as, at et . store. anti oomprae. besides OW lots of sneak's. aseond-hand flimflam, line runek-plats mantel and pier mirrors. Sae v•lvat. Brimele i and elm slopes, lane and manor firs -arag safe, made by litriag, charnieliers && and baddnag, , Clidas and sininvarr. de., forming an attractive eascrtessitt, to vide in/ is vas the atuntion of ladles, howsksepers, sad odors desivotty of cambia:au, Clasielree• Melt sad durSelkiilll for scasunatiou a trAWP ill Wit& MEM 0 . LANO-701T Ttat Monett. At II o'olottk, et the *echos sea% ha 4 1 OXOSCIOIIS neemel-imuoi Ammo, Ern mimes. coma. OW. LtOrn apim =l3 rOMP.III4 Is the owe ash". Also. a Mix, and superior ars-proof Owl. nide DI Farrel and Herring. Sala No. 133$ VUCE Sgt. !, SUPERIOR FUR,. ITUR M aNT suatiossi. TAPESTRY VELV CARP *a. Oa Woodsy 0711111111. 14th iistaat,at o . lllollk. at it 0.1313 aprons street. the ripener isrmtare. large Presett plate named Mil If - Ch rori. gas ohandelims. l>ataheatt3 estate eityela. ios, &e. KT Kay be summed. with oataJoymt. os the Team. iac of the eats at 1 dales*. Salo No. 1199 lihraad avehow SUPERIOR PUMNCI I. 7. aceswooD PIANO. TAP s RY CARPETS. &e. Cht 'Loraine. Nth tut. at 10 oNsteek. by at pie. irie Girard wrestle, ths superior parlar,:diaiarr room. amd ohamber lantana. roamer-1 araao.fmta. &as ca t mat. tats, ea~rrabr~a . Mow the ameba' tarnitare. shoussd s Obeli an ta• stoma/ a the sale. PEREMPTORY R LE op woct, BY °ROILS. OP THOMAS RILSKN A CO. On Wednesday Moms a t sayte robe r fi. at 11 o'clock. call v sold. by . r . ds, without reserm_id the Allanufeetuntre ex No. On North FRONT dtreet,a Large lot of Nome, Ohio. and other lzhisse, Tub. arid unwaehed Wool grades. lir These Wools are very tight and 1110/7 deterahle. and will be sold in ;dull lota. oriel in aesowanuate nurchnew • Ali the Wool offered be in store and elm for ax anon/Won at rim ft. 011, NI sad Nortk Itraral strew. and Net. 31 and 33 South "mat .met, sadorta Orono. tr examlnauen the day prostom to W. Mae SON hr laPaalorees with&if 4Siwild= of our kit win t • ready one week i previous so sr le._ Also, a lot of Case of Good Bops Halt wag. 111.• 1.7, 'J 1.7 , J 1.7( 1.21 7 ' $1.45 135 111 LIS LIS 1.45 35 L 25 1.11 1.13 1 11 Hale No. 16 tenth Twentieth etivet- Waj,Nll r FURNITURE:. MAYWOOD PUN% CURTAItitI._TAPYRTILY CeJlfInTS. ke. Oa lisditesday n. Nth at 10 o'eloak. at La.N ealli _Twee Utah i g tar k g e or o LParant szatt, " l aintings as engrerinipt, inetapieia eatpena, Alan. the Wotan Dolmen. war Mat ett coatined at I leoloek Da the 11011111 of the We with catalog-ea. Parem'oton We, To. 903 MAU K T Street. STOOK UFon SUPERIOR Pt&NOS. 9n Mday Mornkm. Ont.!. at 11 o'olock t Plo.901_*•11414 1161 W. •a tom stook of P. Sohalar,tlata 'aorta & eNtal•r.) de clining lbosinses. sonlansing a immoral aleastmen t Of rat onion OX pail 7-ootatn Mosswood Prim*. mann 46- tarid Tltti great own. anagaaary for nig srangeoan sales. and nattanted in story nearset. fir MST De •11111112114/ Um. dus PrilVbOta to pals, with oaftlma•s. and will be sold onion taserm MO3ZE3 NATELAN 1 3, 0 T TOPIC I AND continuum 3111i1CILMIT. eoatheast corner Of USTI end_EACE ayr MONEY IN) AP $23,000 to loan, at the lowest rates. diaremsmU. watches. Jewelli. Silver elate. try goods. . apo veiram hardware. cauea &WIN aeriatar nitare, bedthas, ind on good' of ovary Cesenpitata. terse or small amounts, bot one diallor. to taernemie for any lentth of time Sir The Olden Eitettarii:Nosim la this tots. air Private, entrance on CE Street. sr Amine= km? front lA. 74. let P.R. H InarB734)f.MVPALTat._ lear Advance. or SUM ami .army' at tea Mt Gan Advances of 'MS sad anwardn, dm Nor &sal. toe short loans 47 ritrvj E rz EA Some of the AIWA SOL, PATirk : fiNTlLllt OHIWNOMETEIL WAT IS , man tarsi at the =hat selling prices. gold lover seri levies Cato silver lever and lams watches. .:Unt.tah. Swam Preach watches. at eatotushmtp low snow, jewelry , e every descnytion. very low,cans. WSW& WNW lit iitntmenti, met (amity or uarana otee he tho Importation prim in want:Um to nut 64fisoeih, nowt vanons other 017-r f Mit &taxa Attoodoo to trotootat tty tio7 Aoushutawie. Consitiunects of ear sad evair r idat of roofs sett cited. OMNI KATRilthiB. Faq.ENDID FET OF DI AMONDEI AT PAPIATH BAL B. andastaig of diamaad aad opal brasatpia adA ear ring.. Pm*, 4610. Cart in fang 01.1110. DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD TRAINS - --- PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROA.D.-Elergistp acd fasrk e streeta. Train leaves.-------....-- 1' 35 A. .l. Fan Line - —. 50 A.. Ha metaled Aeoommodatiem...... ......... 3 CO Y. M. I.anCAtt er Accommodation.-- ..... 4 OP. Al. Pa timbers a veoznmodatioa —..... 5 4.3 P. M. West Chester trains leave Eleventh aad Market at 7 30 A. M.,1130 soda OOP M. Willis manor?, Buffalo, and. Motors Falls, leave 7 15 A.. Id., and f 00 P. M. NEW YOER LINES-Widnut-Street Wharf. Aecom. Line, via C. and A.. leaven.. II 00 A. M Aocom. Line, VlSJelrey City . . . -.• 000 A. M Morning Express via Jersey City, . end A. Af Stem teat via Tawny and Jersey City. H (g) A. AI Camden and Amboy Accommodation... .... -1330 P. M. Express, via Camden and Amb0y.......__..2.60 P. AL Evening Exprese,vis Tacony anl. C ....... 4 03 P. M. Event • g Mail, via Canidsi and Jersey C..- 400 P. Al. Might Exert= Mail --El OD p. m. Camden and Amboy Accommodation . LOO P M. end4oo Flemington:ht . *. RIO end 4 CO P. M., from Walnut street wharf,.esul 7.10 A. Forom Kensington depot. Water Gan, __Stroudsburg. Scranton. Wilkeeharre. Montrose, Great Bend, ko. at 6 A. M., from Walnut street wharf. and 7,10 A. le, from Rensingeon depot. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown and Bethlehem, at 100 A. N.. and 410 P. M.. from Walnut-etreet wear!, and 7.13 A. M , from Keneington and 000, Mount 110113. at and 9 00, A. 30.,100 and 4.30, P. at . • For 'Freehold, at, A. M., acd 2.03. P.M. Way Line for Trenton, Mato!, Sro;2o and 4.00 P. M., from Walnut street wharf, and 7 RI. A. M., and 5 85, P. M., from Kennington. BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Prints. Express Train leaves— .....—... &Rs A. M. do• --- do • . II 50 •162 Par WilnlingtOrTAl &16 , A. m . LOG 12, lab. a.. ant( 11.10, P. P.M. • l'o'r Middletown, Pover, New Castle. Seaford sad In termediatehose. at &16. A. M.. and 6.00. P. rd. anntisys—For Baltimore at 11.10, READING RAILROAD—Broad and Callowtill streets, Express Train 1eave5.......... ..-- ...- ... 300 A. M. Night - '•—••-••• - • .- • - • • • 330 P. M. Reading Accommodation —_ 500 P. M. ELMIRA AND NIAGARA FALLS—Broad and Cal lowhill. Fnoreas Train leaves— _ . Night Eacress.._ GERMANTOWN ANDNORRISTOWN RAILROAD Trains 'my." for ronabohooken and Norriatotrn at 5 60,734.9.06 and 11.05, A. M.. and 1 04, 419, 5 191. 650 and 11 15, P M. Par Panay unit. at 660, 130, 9,06,, 11 05, A. M., and 1 00. 205. 563. 600, 815 and 11.3, P. M. For Germantown. at 600. 200. 890. 906. 10 00.11 00.1700. A. M.. and 1 00.2 00.3 cO , 3.30. 4 00. SOO. 6 00.630. 7 00. e,co. 9 00.10,15. 11 M. P. M. Pot Chestnut Hut, et 604 8 00. 10 00 and 1200, A. 141., and 1.94 1.70. 6.00 830, 800 . 904 and 10.15 P- M. iieiin.fcrdenetintirin; leave, 9.30. A-M.. ii,nd 00. 3.00,8 00 7.43 and 1030. P. M. Leave Cirtaannaws. at 8 10, A. M., 1.10 4 00.0. W, 9.30, P. XL For Pornatowa 900,A. M.. 3.00 and 5.00 P. 31. Lell7f) Maritaiol,2l A. AI, wand 100 P. 31. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC T# AI LE OAD—Nruts-otres wharf. Moil Train loaves tzpress Train- Accommodation. to Egg Eardn NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Front and Vnilow. For Bethlehem, leave at VO, A. M., and S. 30 and S P. M. Por . Dorr. lestown.leave at 000, A. M., and SW P. M. For Part Washington, leave at 023, A. M., and 2.15 P.M. • Bandana—For Bethlehem at 8 00, A. M. For Doi Wl town at 3.00 P. M. WEST CHESTER, Ink StE niA—Eights en th an a market 'treats. Trains leave at 720 10..10 A. 11,1.. 2 111,4.6.. talk P. 31.. Sundays leave at &W. A. M., tO9 P. Pk. Trains marked thus t • inin oa SIMMS; 1) Satin ay s excepted. ei•Ams SW C , ingeses,: &rya • , and flieciether: m; a" - E. Ur= with other towns and eiiiiiiiihe Um ettit Jel6-tf Omni AMlass7° 800 A. 141 —Ninth and Green -. 7.10 A. M. 00 1.15 r. tot.