The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 14, 1860, Image 1

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. •—idi - ArtlmMega . • . •'a -
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5 * ' Th. - Ear,Auuniqi; mzsi-•au.•
, mulsraaak- 411188. k .-01LIWEANY, 1 FEW*
At to 'Aortu.SToit • • •
1:411,•4013oi min
jAsxm ae fittil:P.4ES,
IrPuur rAzunt CL lB Thi94 3 tqA,
STlNgitr, tININeS, VElatialk Nix
- • - - sus, so.
ymcgadx ""
41 • Emu
- -oigogiiint - pourz:“
.-- , Roi1001?8 , Bari;&t i
vip DR*
,- .. .olllgTol:t.sgogeriwo AHu SHIRT
11941t10N BROWN'- feleD 11LVA.CHED
r. 1 4/Var , S; '
- ..IIJANNSLS.. • - - '
ON two AND FOR SALE , : ,
•1:f. W. "CHASE .& - pcim r
if . - 114;Alllis - tWODS. I '
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-V., .V,AcRU.GF Jo 00.. . ..;
..., .
II 34-0 aE S -T, KIT T STREET,
44ii cr to - ditii Wiekiiii,isdlicriebini.WholOslik Blip.
nog ockaolito luoviltiole and Yaw ,
, - - biailiamiakia - 4 - ." - "— 3 ' - •
' esititAlfrOWNlFLifeY VtomaNg. ;
jr fretAND
4 1ildiatAIIMIVX ItiIMITPOSIS!!- M."'
- !MT*. 44. , 414 . AND AO
riotiitteialiii - Y • -.-
mitairthor bostiptisibit - iini most comp :Wool
# 6 ,lle da risrftrOtatidb *TAO-
*labor Elliinaki,tia far W' g;biaf:.
• , -- L li the mail*
r-y • Mt Oat , - I , — .:' rr i — a, --,
~ aIiNWSIZASO , 1 , , OW
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' - 310SIERY - 11ANTIVACIT*116. ;,
' Illa instil thi eight itteit - ieletitaitstr :Dame
to oar sweat mateelteetet Jet-
ItiOrMaigO 'AlltPlati% !MO pli, IWO'
' , ./WiNOPCW4I . I 401 1 0.4, . 4.101 : 410 !* -
'''' ! 'l2 : .:', : f •ifdille ' ' iiooll t''' ' ' • '
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.':,:.:.- , -, fi _Aft • 11,4 ;11 40 •P, t'y 2 ,, i q.' 1 ,
etenetiattOlniiklitSt ( *ialkbliolit tatitillialhi
ludedateath . Pleataartnnkleitt =kin' ' i
aid estaho tat law bat AMAMI. 'hhfatit,
' atateted et, eferteNeetery Beitettiptifer pea
SItOollt) TO OMB at gelato( ROW,
arattees , eat ealoadeli, "Reit the af that ,
' - -,- • • Fe- V: MERUGA C 194 ; , ,
, 1 - *Wan -' ' 151,CREITIGITITthIM
'Ne,;'(3 9 v*w &pd.
1 , 1 118 ,C)&03*:IM MPAn't
oire, by - theig h thip kdkowbil dilmiSptio 4.1
~ . •
444:EMCIAN : . 0001)1ii.
- 1 011 , 11,40110 ' . llli*lll, Alth 'gni"! YAKUT t
GRRINI MAN EllkigiltlNG 0011Par,NTA ;
111111111*OH 'AND DRILLS;' •
901010001,DNNUM AND
DA u - :snaisno, AND HAN.
•ClArrozi imams AND Pampa)
;. liglaccitirstos AND COTTONADES;
MID% CAHRHARETTES, 4e., 44. sitl-34!
WAOIIINO TO ft M I bill ?
R liru k g aU eissiq ip WM
,144111.61 !naiad TABLE NIX=
tiaxad. mum EMIR' TS.
morPiti(vidl4o4o.lo cipAnnes.
'' , l4/41 3 Varn 40 16 : 0 4 0 *Ilt o,Leum '
'Timm italftei BIiABBIp.O WM FLAN
htiniiingo 04,trirriNes.
14 144tk PIO 104.44 L
"40 L8171L% StrspL
1 9' 9- 0
-41 u• nowt**
t-g - GitAvitics 3
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, 441 1 X3 Sp - EABLE ON,
mi401,;04:411110114611741.111s WHOLE ,
S I " 4i7.° INT 41 1" 00'4
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suc ar a r OH
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VOL 3g.
Av — "Altiiiiriz: n I tatitAN • N . ,ilioNgt,
-: - ~ ..1111LABIELi'lliA,
, .
,iiii i iiiitt i '' gipaa-,liaiaiiiio '04.1'44 itook'of. .
012 AK -TRIMMrN,G,S;
, • •, - •• „ COMPRISING - , .
'. ' , FANCY 48p8•cilktr8,_coaps, inipirios,
aiLlf.tAiD GMT igl4lsoB, BUTTONS, BRAIDS,
. • .
BT3R.TRAB. Ecc.. &c.
.. . ,
• ' , -'; , 04Vir dock of '
BiiiiirukilPl6lo ) ; iiiIETILAI.II) WOOL, dr , O.,
is very lair and embreoea a Tull line.
of all colors and s h a d es. . •
. , •
- our !041Viesfor home arrOdolicli, u Iral iii direct
cosonralukionll9lTciffiar saati:llat,laUbis;l
Pi toa !,d
, i, r 4 Y 6 A,, li r e , i .frPtiir,f.° . i • .:,, •: . ',
:,• ~ i • ;ie 'S iu . '
•=immtr: pTJufET,
liir BOUDaitt, . .
1 - 144....... i. t , '-. ', • , ' '
; '::3ENYIII;O4PW/4T.E.
.. N.,,t-PCILMW tiyiectirica,itid. OP
2 , 40,344t.ww
V, liv- thittcog•orn
.- flOwti, two tpoolwwithitot ; 1
'OTIVad.a. lr itlllacUcjaltitilltatiw. tad
W P. trittANGElt &
'azo imusivthop Omit
• , I liNguigits, 'Teti
n 0,.. 048. ARCM • :
- _
ltiw ef•DOIMIAZLOOP •7170K111A014INZ Mks
oriattinen mut
hP. 144 ewed foeta H l-kinds Iva;
Mtit.4lkilesAkft .1111414 • ; 1 Jl4-Sai
vVItiODIC . Gras) 4mM-1140:m
-131111711Mosimoiotoifinild for
flow Gi
4 1 9 putt of
it 't 00 :gnu Xt/I'l
'" '
b,: izTI I ..INI• P 14:0 , 0.; 1
' ' 1 1
.1441 0 W,ER8 tti,ffli WORMS,
AiDivie ism* to , 1
• , iii 14010061, Muni BUXOM.
i Firodoorsabov 'Ow totoeurratand.
Ow fi letai k o 1= 9 4 /3 / 4 1: 1* 'VT NI&
' gVim**i....VB4l. 7 . 4 ltVg.
mat oolsololoamotoonsto, any boon
04,- WOWllikthisirn l o4 l2l oi ' i '
~: ..Datreartri
, vitArztzas, .
of Nil& 44 Am 440AOleltita
tole. will,
ME* , tio o
I ' air
.'.,.: ' 4 ,
': -: , ' ' 4 tilitie*Notrias. ' • * .
• , TRADE.)
AtiAtafiiiir*****•• I •
•11.1,1,M,:opit!•11.113KET- 011911 Er,
"-JIM Ys, i
is odl;ty Ito tilt ttalo tt; loTge end
• '
W-44.ic# 111 P
" •, - • •
An of is unrest ialk - host Moan!, trim 'the los eot 7
)1141" gr i tt fr Ot i g il lnitintooo.TlONS.
1 10 4 01 4 44 Yriotilit thOtedditdoindl du troll to visit
~eiidhWr C • • •
80NSLL - A - 114ivakz,
', l ,A4Samc , - .111t1
- " .1 , 10.'32te waist STREET.
leio bait itakisierro thaw
nit atilnitaitinicrksr VA2t1711.11 07 lIMERiLLAIS
!Levity lisia; Aimn i tleohes. "
Noronrtrrrtit P., , ,ritutko . of good. wilt
ibd te Iwo lookithe 070 f thlg 'Wt./AM°
Mo gi Iciri likoludo;stmpr . lsovitripme,'lrot via
• -
, ,
At $3O per Ton of 710X10 pounda. by
3CM 13.',1P14:N8C.)N ;86 ,
&its Agent', N 0.39 NartiONATlcii Street.
• ,
1E VP AkE 7 .T
- - 'ARMSTRONO-,,it
75, 77, 79, $l. e 8 k 99
'lofted kcinD faction s of the country, They are opening
• „ .
. • a
IDlRirnoit edict lathe UNITED STATE& and they bei
Da*to call ttii nettionher ittNiation of desisro to them.
• • PUkE an t ra
X- E, ' V IPI ffittot! t Wa.. • &o.
10 igingq 14.0 ""l a tt aid Pickling HIM" ,
In At" re 7 4 lkik a " r7 r Pi co gOßElra.
• 131- t * -
" ' ' okAtiitue.
ban* letanwoll yin arm&
, , .
.floßTu : .13AROLIN:4;
8 aim VSZ-260 spw
1 7-: nt ng
extegi f , 3 7 Awl fi
-1.111-"WPAIK76. , nen
1 .
. ,: . ~ - , 1- ' • •, 4 ' " -:1- :. '..... ',F. ,
t.- .. ~. t- - Art :1 1 1°.:".• 1 ; f ," ? , „'..- ', • • : •
' • •• • .
~ • 1 4,1. ~, . ,
• - •em-s•-• - Jowr
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• r i . ''.......„ . ~, ; ..., e--'-- - 7 .'„ ~ le . -
••• I . _,: , • . ,••-"' ; i•i . —.........0 7 ...ii."-•. - .Y 2.. 1, 11,...Z.r . t... - .. re4,00 1 41 - ' '.414 4 IL -Wt.te '• 4 1 ;;.... . 4 i ... , : • ~.• . J 'o r P
.1 e'..; '1 - ~ -S '
' C"W it .
.11 ''
' ' ; It tab •cc - N - - .jowl r e. 7 . , ~,k ,„
~,,,,,_ . ..%
•••• , 1 .
c .!
1 „ ..... - . ..
• . ' • - • ... .. . , 1
''''' ..t . : . :,,,5 .- (k. r ! - ,-: c g '4,11,..,4' . . i :;: . ; .. ' '. , .'"
- . 1
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1°......'''"" 7 ' 1 i ;'-..
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1 afiZa j°24l3 i I tc, f[1 .1 3 I alf rA76l ':
i t
T.T I.t , i i O A ' \ ,: - •
.. 1 •, I ' J
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, ....., , 7 It!
fr ,
.7,,..,..-_,-.AFF,Ad.r , . ....• • ' : -. '''''iß ,f,, 7.j. .1. ...
~ ~ - - •••:•••••-•- , 14f.t.
„ . - • , ... , • . •
I'''. •
, • "rs '.4.,
' i . •'• .
' - n , !einitagleritinvige - •
'',..-.::'. Ai. , t4.1, 1 r.i#14904„' -; 1
AM °the, anourignt buds bought at iotir Tatum.
WORK,• *OOOU9a, &. co.,
No. 36' South 'MAD Rom
SPEI2I A'l.i ' NOT4C E.
. ,•
LEVY, ii
Announce to the , Pebhe• end , thelt. Cob:intern that
they.eitif eelaiteeilae
, nt*TiMtit; EIEirMBESC'
t-• 1 •
. AT 11,10 pup. AND ;
, •
FOR GASH, 0N!.1. - JY:
• „
Their very eatenrime and cholas. stook of
The goods will all be marked down to 'VERY. LOW
Pillaßtli in otiterto drew' of the stook in os'short
abate as a farad private sale wlll adnut of.
They will open datum eases oi now printed
510138ffilidttrall;CABIlitilltilli, AND hIRRIN 03.
Also, oz &tee of Mack ground
- VP14141 : 11 DM.
All of whioh will benteyed nntieir regular prices.
t L, J. LEVY i5..61;w0 he; greatly heneAted by
en farlytiettiini ' ent Of the neeininia niter die them.'
AND' 811 ,Olt i §'X'l;llfT, STREET.
soe4f .•• - !
. ' -' ' hitt; rtiPILOING.- .-=SEASON
IWALT S , : '
fill irti i iey.lllohliiltre. ' . •
. ' el 'etocestahle Sim.
• ' ol litoetrof Foil beityyht. ' ,
, .
• : 11,g,g g tti l g4logit,„„. ,
i ii
er.ft v ,.s:-..,.
tat' e WiechletFil 'gift lioodii. ••'
' X• ll ,' r•r•PAPI ELI4FOUftTIi and AROM
r: V v-- AW.OFIB6OI ' - ,' . - , ; •
l f . E 6l2lv9 m liti
ii m i tinuitiiii itin l / 4 .(1` Witi,.;
I 1
witii;i4;iiil4Rt I, ni l i.. kof •
+. • i
....._. , 1914.70 en --,
.....,,0,..,... ~. ~,..k. oars, to which they
=iiiht : a le
n IT: ° !.. ` .l il f .7,r,',",°"'°.•".:it°
No: 21 SOUTH
I hale now open a, complete atteortment of Rjp-
BONS, PEA 110311,2, FLOWERS, and 110,N NET., N.A.-
TERIALB, tin the moat laalnontble Colons and attliaa
IN ALL MEM VAi141;11.123,
to., 49,,
A Lens eaeottntent of Vernon raid Continental Bite;
with reathetorto idateh, to irliteh I call the attention
giguißAzierti AND ,
-, lsrlieu are LOW, end mat tnduoeme to ',lit be'
1316 *.4c°,C* 11 .ba, ililleepiebtelreMiamem- aall.lm
• , n .
OD .
, • ,
11'44060 AMldininifr .r
nO/ 4 S , ET - MaTpittEs,
LOW Pale t 3 . eaLlm
int FALL. 1860.
WepharM now on land, and dar reosivins, a lute
and imam* assortment of
Towhieh the titillation oldie trade Ii directed.
431 IILAILEET 8641, North olde,
—MRS. M. S., BISHOP, NO. 10113
clitATNl.4,stret i door d to 4 the Filt.l.4w-
sn e ils now. is
_towed to furnish idiumbne and nserohnnur
Arit • torn Max • - 4 anal- Im •
(Immediately °make the Aoademy of Pine Arta.)
Parsons oommeneing Housirsurfna are particularly
invited to an examination of this steak of IllinVue
Goons. - anf-fniwai
W, BOOTT—Late 'of the firm of Win
o' • ehter & ticott—GENTLE_M'S FUftNIttH
CRIMMUT Street, (nearly opposite the eitard kora);
1. W Id. would respactrafin anti the iittention . of fins
forrnninntenn asa t trienna tva new stole, pod pro
pare4 to Et orders or SLUR at short itoti Trwer
feet gnarantind. Whole "And! ed with
fins Midas Ana cam , . qt-
No. 76 BOUT!' SECOND MEET, Philadelphia.
iT i r o g e tizpts . Tnvapapste of City find Vointiy—st
JOY. cioE.' 4 2 c o .,
Nati: Vrio N 34"411,Vesialer&
cou g ,
1 !" 4- ' AD* 4101, 6
Ifir LI W Or a el iod f r oi it of fanativ:."l4l-if
Professor Henry L. Frieze, Of the State tlniver•
any of Michigan, has publisbed,b,y ; the Appletowi,
Jahn'a revised text, from the Cleinaan edition, of
Virgil's . Amid, with explanatoiy notes. A good
text of a muter classic is a good,thlngper sn, but
the value of the gates, which occupy half thi vo
lume, is haealttahle. By their aid, unless the
Tupil ho a , brainless dunce, ho minuet avoid
thoroughly understanding Virgil: These notes
give information upon alt potato where the learner
would he aft to Want it, end their merit is 111001.
filublble. Interwoven with their text am numerous
weod.a9te illustrating Student :Usages, arts, ooe•
tgraeA,utanalls;>sud ImpleMents or wer, tis Well as
showing from antique insigne 9r soPlpture, 11 1 0
iterearltrid elude gods ad thoy existed In the
'lnitial Of Virgil and hlsseontemporaties..
AyA: (30 rAl . t?"4 , 2 4 :1 3 1" , ek4t:I''Pritnet It A (}teakGransinarifotqolioolt wad tiotieges
autriatflOef°llll7.44 ,
4 Jamie PioterVer 1 Yttiti'yeilego,"
• ' t • T
gukni ,ROOFINII.-40,1114 erg,
gLATKI, Is prepared to put' on- any amount of
=IST Tatar. 4111 w9ly a vret r w t v at
lIV ri:Z br protos i tly *stands: to.
A NNISEED-4 auks Itslian'ter sale.
XS, f • sawritta,
sego • 474 tad 49 Moab BECUND St
Br,eandd easea.and barre ls,
.a. 4 P for late. WETRERILL 1 -fr. BROTH& R A
se l9 • • 47 4n4, 49 Netth FIN.COND Rt.
LEOS wadi tit ellAlkitiNO.M3 CRERV
nurettiot jteirs-to Mtn Nalik.Aad *.r. Our-
MIT RtniP. • kra Prnmfara otpard, Roc, ,
AivABAR-1 caw
a for
,'Neo - „- ; 47 444 49 IVoith 9E . S Ft.
C, e rt
FRrDAY, SEPTCIIIIM - 14: ':•i•
~- • • ,
Noticils Xeiir ,Trol,;0.1
Gould & Lineolnltoo bought Oath, Oriesinta
riden; from the eecond Eneish 'edition; norreeted
ink enlarged,'of l'Prolegornetni VOA:,1 1 ;./ 0 *
antra Into tho Pgeholugiost Ilkirsidel of Logical
Processes.) , Of courie,,we'c'erilire'de smote
thin soknowiedio receipt of the' velem*. - Its
author is the Rev. Professor IL Ti. lifte111; 1r 911' ,
ford, author of " Limits 'of Relfglotti'lllsniglit,'!
also published by Gould : 4i Liticolti f intiale) knoni
in this country, perhaps, de the iehle
editor of 84 William Hamilton's Leetutv,rs. Pro-
Amor Alinesl states that ho had already pablishod
a portion of this work in two. sitiM•hers of; the
North Brriesh, Retner.• It Is use etteinpt to ex
hibit adore, fully"the, relations there lailinsted u
existian between Logic gild tyieh4tier', With tieme'
additional matter's, which sould r eot OW„lnoluded
within the limits of a Review." , IlleOrhere,. he
stela the Main design of the book' kola " that or
testing the 'received. 'processes ,
caramel to the ,feels of human, aidts4,oll,34elit:'
le tot an 11'140dt:toll= to Logic, • Male s.t, deeign4
roribit use 'of those tutacquainGul with
To each, greatei patt ()PAU t#tii
will not be ( bold "LiAelti; whe
imbifsb this .book., have in preparalloit Wild
BlrWs liablitottle Imitate, edited by ,Dr.llfsatel;
It wilt 'pentad the " Leghal Leotatesr"'"
• flavaird; the Parisian Oridakabeitk;(sehoso.;real
name is Chavalier,) has Shistrated Antra tldelij,
than any other.Preneh artiat. Re. la not a.
eatnriet, like Chain and - Dituthitir, bet balfA Ito.
garthin fanny. WO bitve'recethd ati sitiulthig
•workfjust published by IlidallaYS, to Plute A
'titled "La oorreetiontelle, petltes, Callsex t ea•
aptously flittedriirr•
logs being, in the :stilt and Otditalslas of
thoge,witiolthe Used to conttlicite te'tllat arousing
end satirical Journal, Le Chant exl,l M. Oa•
varni heir picked the best
,pollei ciao Pont of the
Paris jettroahl, and. supped sag - and
amusing Illustration: to ceoh , ease. The* are
among the best things Cavaco! has Intelyilomiti , so
full of quiet humor, and, above all, ockparlaisui-ln
chdiaotor. John Pennington 'gen, have BO
brochure on ale - "
Translated fretia.the ' Vranob, and PublEetteAbY .
the Appleton, graphic book, tl.ltetainimeneen
or an Chleer of the . Zottavas.": It }ill " saklsfy;a
great dearer etarlecity respecting Agit remarkable
corps, which has forighlea &Vet" IP.4hili;.inid
in the fitting". It brings the garratie darnto
1856, when, after the fall of SabaelePel. , Cheri:aria
returned to Airiba. The jriateella i liokt ter tits
volume is devoted to reCollistkla all reeordcof
' the Para ln thelat,l6s4-'56; It JO g graphic
grid idoturerque'earretivi. , ' •V ,
• Alfred...S.Street,,of Albany, is the blust of the
young poets of New York. Like MI go4d poetic; he
*vita prose it:treacly well. Lielasjus),techltshod
(hr.Doelidi, New York,) a Very plesaaht volume,
called. "IVvgds cod tßpleral qt, lhote,isesks
•Itacket..". „It has several illustrations en wood, to,
badly waked in printing iltat q ) ip
future editions, will much Improve the e.k. Ake.
IBrierdelairlbegadiffictisres Open antbittween the
Salami and Racket Rivera aid takilth the math
of New York State:. Dere end thak the' pica
t:tarfatiVe is getatied with , bandied lisfue,ltiich
few aid Write so Welt is DIV. Shoat !..?itte•repttati
this It, a Pleasant beck,' by an iiiniehle and gifted
, .
henry filudapear, of litp•llogio-Ittatian
army, beelaielj Written at butertElning
Obi toe large, pallid of ;pa*
with Aotadis foctltil.a•
borate, and the foNmettalktif Light arieguleeCaval•
ry." It has betarepubllaload by Tielteor Pieldw
Tide is' a book of Pfeltlfliotts; Obi ptirsilt
after wild animals.. Tubas& greakdeal or *dot
taie, altrariutielYdatigiti#ll4ftlift,:iolil Id a Mani
nor to carry the readon.ediong l , it
,etiddle•slittls t ,
With the dashing anther. Wildhars, pinh !
thaw, blllltOotg, bison, oloßbastfily.4:49,Pll.J";fk
the atitapiswitketiontwar_ic Osptaia
Ehaimpeir shoat Man War of,strateiteli,
lite' tad stipptintautasy ti,Altderest-.
leg abu t Pattlialarly that nit tin differeatisteds,
of horses in India . There siesta* spirited:path'
'Nero in till/ vehicle which We haVisl marked for
tutor* quotation. • . • . .
A volume, called " The Baccessfal Merchant,"
'Artittat, nOll4lBl - several fiers ago,
gave us a favorable opinion. of Rs, nagtor's
city: We have new, fro:alba lame pob, published
by. Messrs. itsiper, ituollter . boult,•;*lnett.trnarme
thatisapteraton. It is" tt,VISIPASISEHOIC klthlio'
Sienes.and•Ptbiltellphtiona lathe Rennie ,•
illistrated by Dootatente from Papal
Archives of the Revolted begatilintl.'l The zunin
portion-of this volume, abating Daly as' shit was
only a• few months ago, and as ohe OM is, in the
malt, is delivered in the form do personal itarra 7
live, the author having himself' Catered,ltaly, wilt
Savoy, before the -annexation bed been formally
completed. Ile visited Piedmont, Lombhrdy, th,e
Duphies, and Bologna. ile'showinfront o ffi cial do
enthentei what the OeVernment is the Romagna
haa been dialog the ten year= ot the ReMoral ion ;
be exhibits Rome in the nay Week; and ho
shows, from Official Documents, whet the Eternal
City ham been since Preach soldiers' commenced
keeping it quiet. TIM Documents referred to, ate
those which Parini c6llCideti, as Pictator of
Hs, to ley'before the Congress whieh * BO expected
to have sat In Parts upon the puma or vim; Fran
c. a. Mr. Arthur's book, by far Ito latest and tall
est upon Italy of ,to-day, may banned on for the
accuracy, and admired for the clearness of its de
Hven after two recent works npon Cuba, by R.
H. Dana and Mrs. Howe, " Cuba for Invalids,"
'by Dr. R. W. eibbes, Columbia, 8. , 0,,, may Le
read with advantage. It was Written, with an
eye to the anther's profession, and tells a great
deal about the sanitary advantagreof Cuba, which'
wilt be useful to invalids.. Published by W. A.
Townsend & Co., New York: ' , •
Charles Debliver's "Standard. Handbook of
Household EconomY," " SaYar'a Standard 'Cook
ery," and " The New Standard Letter•writer,"
whirl we have previously notleed separately, as
th e y appeared, are now oollected bine handsome
volume, ander the name of " The! Handbook of
Family Knowledge for the People:" .This la a
'very appropriate title, for, the hook contains a•
great deal which the people should know and profit.
by aPPlYing
it Le mid that nine•tenths of the fdreign wines
and spirits oonsumed in the United States are of
Mine manufaotare„ The quantity of champagne,
for example, annually contained among us, Is more
than double the whole quantity made in France for
the supply of, the whole world! hf. Pierre Lemur;
of Bordeaux, now head of °herniae' works in
New Orleans, has Written ei took entitled. d The
Manunuature of Liquors, Vines, : and Cordials,
without the aid of distillation Valso, the tnatiefia7
tare of effervenoing beverages and syrups, vinegar,
and bitters.", Although this book was prepared and
arranged expressly for thejrade l it is now nqb-
Ihshed by Disk Fitsgerald, ,, an ' d clearly shows ,
'how every man may be hhi own Adulterator—that is,
how, from the at eapest and mcistiprdinary materials,
he can manufacture, at small Cost ins with little de
lay, wines and spirits of theelthioest "brands." All
this is perspicuously sat forth Id this book, and it
is enough'. to make all who have ;soy regard for
their health to eschew the future uksef," brands"
of any description, The profits toydildulterators
mud he Inimeruie, Our advise is when you , find
CM an honed trine.merehant, don't leave him,
even if hie prices should be a little higher than
the prices mated by tho3e who Use M. Latour's
" The Reason Why" hooka, published by Diekl
Fitzgerald, have been fortonate ,In supplying a
great deal of information, plainly l and Accurately,
numarecavrood-engravings assisting the reader at
all relate. A • new - volume, devoted to Natural
History, gives reasons for hundreds of interesting
rants in conneetion with zoology, and throWs tight
upon the peculiar habits and triathlete ef the - vet t:
one Orders or the ,Animal Ring4l4na. There is a
great deal of original matter here,"Anterwovon.with
mush information, carefullypolleotedi collated, and
condensed froth "is' large number of books. It is
given, all through, in question and +Luker, nurair=
ous eneodotes beteg thrown In, When necessary to
illustrate •facts. The ongraving,s are executed,
and there is amnions Index. The subjeot or Ento
mology will be treated of in a futon !Warne.
, .
'jun, publigbed by the Appletong,' appears to ug, on
close o*.iniesstlon, superior to any book on the
,giudo 'attileet ,we 'have' yet Peen. It Is founded
upoirthe — lliiik ;Ekshool-graultnar seh
Pchidirqinntatek) .of Proferigor Curling, of the
University of Kiel. iiiegpoolat merit le—lt giveo
rtemota m wallas LiLling for every thing.
- William q Peak's- "Introdnotory Conrge of
Netural P,ldlosophy,'" edited from M. Carol's
Poptaar Phyetas (pettpitYjk Tteltt • do rbpt q uo")
eeMeitel IhoLeteitie mks of all the erigthet en
graviegg, end toinee the litest volume of thine:
- •
6)nel-I' r d:teal Nile. liablished liy A. 9. Barnes
Itur . r, Now York, It is a full end very complete
Treatise, well adapted' for private or •pubile.
Pt T i nt)lftkt •
ilita,koiret W. 8. Hon's " Junior Ladies' Reader,"
Ptiblisheti by E.ll. EutAar Cciopany,'oontains a
variety. of pleetis itlypreso and verse, many of
which have not appeoted In .any previous (mike •
tion of the tame ohmmeter. The IntrodueMry es
say upon "The Essential RUIOII of Elocution," has
the merit of brevity.' It corrects the too nommen
habit of mispronouncing rords, by eurtalllok them,
but we Tindet that Mr. Bows does not thirs. with
as, that , infleolion, ModuletiOn. and empliceis
sp)suq, ver'y' ; slightly upon such , sot mite ,as _he and
other teeehere lay down, but shoat wholly lapin
the intolioct Of the reader or, rotates., Unless the
theme b 3 717ItitISIJO.1, the ruining or reoltillon
cannot Le correct. •
'Many patens slit titersited to Sunday tideirols.
Wt brldg ;butler their • nbtice WAY'
Experiondi In • SnidaY : ichoblat" by 81161
Iletglitr.'S:ll.••Tyrig;'lN'ar - plblialted: lay
Sheldon /ISO:impair tliere Dr.•• %long riteerti
personal experience anti obeert•al*• . qtlelki glom .
1040 extenalre.' Ills writing fa liable to tbefhprge
.ao.oftin brought igstiatat:rosiaretta'
lhoy L loootee atutbore,' tit hiltis;
, ' tou ditthae i but
his•tnaltekq'good, end lilt iturpososts cmilliVW
Companionto 11,11S4119'sosi geldart's Mtn:44lk
Englind.ind 15ootlandore . qtattilritlat' Sheldon d
Company: base -publiabed Seottamd
end im.adjanent ' by the iamb swede , .
authoreas. Ihe thirty•three colintlss sold
, nslglibiaillgislaSoftl4oo.tl4ll4 446.t/Siterse4in taus
141 n tf l i f t, anTrialtatepli,mneeplal, and le.
asaiday .insiqtatiii•ndomateled. filth )60 of
the anOln#ajd . 04.1.11. 3 bantlt," Ara griptdealldr
told. lila Is allay good book for.youth: •
'sneaaoinkil; iolinag..' 'Anitlttoite.ltlatoif, , by
Alibett, Lap .tiaket:pnbllatind . by Sham% d.
It natrateitdha Disoarory of America,"
copnienolng liittt llii,i',AcklAantal voyage-of Eton-
Mora, in 010 , to ihe voyage; of- Columbus
nOenc. Tholdstory is told In an, attiaotdvn,ragn•
nor, and has the itdvagigtp of being illustrated by,
tumorous wood angravlnge et no amst,l"tittlallp
" ATreltury of Scripture Stories," , Intl colored
plate' from original dodges by tho drat American
Artists, just published by BheldmlACo., - Orel the
historter;of EiaMpsou, Noah, Ituth f Samuel; pallid,
cod Joleph, told Somme - bet sifter ,fdra. Etarbauld's
mAnnev, bat gltbgut her' ;Antall way of writing
down to 'the yontlifqt intelleet. "The pl!etetiare
wall drawn and correotly oolored.
'Pita WOritti of Francis Bacon.
The Works of Promote Idecon, Baron of,Vora
lam, St. Aibitaa and - Lord high Chan'.
*eller of England—wbo; from 'lgnorance or care
:l4oy, is frequently pilled Lon; , Dacon, a title be
never bem-have lafelY been collected and 'repub
lished in London. , Tile editors aro' genre: defeat
Breading, Robert . Leslie ;ills, and Douglas Dental
Death; all distiagalited Members of Trinity Col
letetOitlillftel, et 'etiolation was edneated' A
republication L ind imbibing more, (fee Mr. Sped.
,dingtte oonfribisted'additional matterio it, in the
way of emotions, notes, a 0.,) his been com
menced by 'Drown 4 Tag„Tard, of DoitOil; hinse
Oitinspdatted for the exeetlenee and cenipleteneis
nfltilintesi This .edition of Boon, which 'will
abialefof iliteettialittnis,crown, Svc, in tbo boon.
tifaltypegraphy of the Pelversi4o . Prot', (hough.
ton!s,) commences with Vol. .X.f. of: the whole,
*Mikis the first volatile of the'Literary and t"fo...
fersioniii Worts.' It containallicon's history of tte
11el*aof Henry VII., with 'appendicoo the Begin.
lug of th* ~ i listoiy•ttl, the Italia of Ulm
;VIII:;`-Ileginiting of the.' history of great
ltritain;,,and the Latin eulogy, with an English
..tianslation upon qualm lir. Lipaddiag
itidips, tot soh PI Wass oomposltiofikile awn per
yeiritedpotd ibs bastadilint, and,
-14 iizok'Poteintletcellateet.'froin: the :schwa menu.
4,11(rig.: of • liaben's
,time is.
mederttlied;'.‘Mittliert.tna. numerous foit-ntitii
',leadoff erfiplainlig What 'ls obvert., and. oorricting
what later and better authorities have sboirn #1; be
it/tibial rr wrong' ifitettienrS.':'•Wet do bniatteka
utere mention of tale Volume tn•dayt Y 44 :elti°l7
.fat another and early oppottunity a detailed erlti
eista,'pettiettlarly on the point where
.hir. etied.
Ong eltnire Abe incortootnets of Sir James Mack
intosh's testy . StAleTillint that the Life pr henry
V 1141748 written to gratify Tames 1., big dismind
ant: There is, as ,frontliaplece: en engraving of
Pringle .flecon t when a boy, from a colored bust
belonging. to tna precept Earl of Veralop, and
preserved at • florham . bury, the well-known tool.
. dance of Batton, near S.. Albans, liertfor,dshire.—
We have but. to add that thie edition of Bootie,
Worke is old to'eabloritors only, who will be, init.
plied •by , Afr. illollenry, Walnut street, the solo
agent foe Eerutsylvania.
The Corode Investigtiting Committee.
fPnr The Ftera.l
3 4Y attention has lately been called to the report
or this committee,' in whteh I. eta charged, ' • it
having beerisummoned before it,:and 1 at
tend. Thle charge io, in all respeett,l y'n
true. I 'wag never summoned' before this commit
tee, and never'absented myaelf from my plane of
business to, avoid being summoned. Throughout
the whole time the committee was in session, I was
oonstantlyat my pinup of business, never being
absent more than a day at a•time, and there could
have been no difficulty whatever in securing my
attendance if the committee required it. It Is
true, I saw notices In the newspapers that I had
been tmumoned,.or would ho, and the matter wee
several times mentioned to tee by friends, to all of
whom I replied I would attend whenever required,
and held Myself ready to
attend whenever request
ed by either member of the committee. At the
meeting of the 11W Congress shall he in Wash
ington, when'l will be ready to appear before the
committee or !louse whenever required, as I have
always 'been, and trust to Indite(' them to Correct
this report of the committee, which attributes to
me a refusal to attend before them, although to.
quirpl'tO do ea. At.yx.s.mir.p.
Villladblphla, Sept. 13, 1961).
The Itoynl Tohr.
The oorrespotident of the Nevi York Times rays
Lomoorr, 0. W., Wednesday, Sept. U.
At no paint of the Prince's progress .has he met
with each an outburst of fooling as at this place.
The town to alive with processions. 1 t ie brilliantly
, Ttv'enty thousand strangers are illy
quartered at the 'various houses of entertainment,
The Prince arrived at 4 o'clock, and received'
the municipal addresses. Sines then, the deMon
eirationstisualupen auchnoc Wens have been made.
The Ors go diffioully At Toronto has producedgood
°Soots here, where at fast there were symptoms of
II row.
The torch-light procession included some fifteen
hundred tiretnewand several hundred Indians, the
latter-of whom, formed a ()trete in front of the
Pslico's hotel-=the Tectuesah—and amused him by
warolinco, invented for the ocoalion, by ono of
their number, who is 104 years old.
The Prince entertained twenty gehtemen at a
State pm er„at 4 o'clock. , -
The . demonstrations °tithe route were very gra,
tifying to him and creditable to the partimpants.
At tduelph and Stratfota he read and replied to
addresses. A thousand sunday.sohool children also
greeted him, and sang the national anthem very
beantifully. The Duke was much affected, and
made a few tomarito to the little ones, winding up
with a kiet to a pretty one,
At Guelphl34,4,PP finagle by twenly•nine young
ladles whbru be• rewarded by proxy—hissing the
daughter of the , „mayor for them all. Bowe we
called out "Largesse," and in fun the members
'of the sulteioattered cola among the rustics, who
graaionst,y hondescended to pied; them up.
- . On Thinsday,ln addition to a railroad excluded
to sarnia, the Prince holds a leyno, and attends a
Ile will go from New Yells up the Hudson, Mop
ping a White at West Point, and reaching Albany
on the Ile gees to *Mon on-the 17th, in a
oar fitted up expressly for him, to which Trtlt be,
attached a regal smoking ear, in which .he can
mediae Ms tdmo S t unlritetmitted habit of puffing.
Reaching Emden on the 17th,fie willreream until
the 19th, getting to Portland on the 20th.
The Clikkego 4 oominitteetmeldentally dropped the
feet that there would be givena grand ball la the
I.linee whereapon the Wire raid that in that case
the Prince would not go to Chloe at all, or any.
where, unitise they conformed strictly to his pro
gramme. Ile will, after visiting St. Lents, go
hack to Illinois and spend four days in grouse
Last evening. at the ball, two of the most re•
spentable young men of Buffalo, who were with
ladies, were arrested by detectives, who imagined
them Who pickpockets They were bandeuffed and
looked in the cella all night. This morning over a'
hundred Americans attended the court, and there
were strong symptoms of strew.,Profitee apologies
were tendered, but they could to no trey remedy ,
the 'misery of the matter,
Two bortterosh;oh,arn special favorites of the
Princefhave boon purchased by some Canadian
• geatlememfor three thousand dollars, and will be
'sent to England as a present for the Prince.
-' The Prinee'a suite bre about usedup, and headi
ly with themselves and their charge safely home,'
There le -great diffieulty about the accommoda-
Nona here, Bar room fights abound, und.tbe town
is a Carnival ofjolllffeation, good and bad, •
30,000. People in Jones' Woods
Speeches by Stephan A, Douglas an
IL V. Jotmsou.
:r . iri - r•rr_l4 AND INCI DENTs
The New York jonntall. Ala Shed with, ems:rota
of the great Democratic barbing * at Jones' Wood,
.Now York, which war held on Wednesday. 1 u
every respect, it was, a 'wonderful 'access, as
many, es thirty thcasend people, according to
the New York limes, being present. Among the
quantity of citable!' on the 'ground were an or, a
sheer), a 'call', and ri beg.' The or, Al is sale,
'weighed two' thensand fao ketadted pounds before
11 Wes slaughtered, and teas fromtKentrinky. All
ewer* presented by New York „butchers, i and were
killed .on Elotlay, At eta 1...11. on that day the
, <•ookirg•cormenoed, la a erertrit siAteen feet
long, eight feet wide, and fire feet ticep; lined with
slope, a ere was y bulit h and 'when the het becarrie
tn!eise, jh4 or, spitto on It yorlng hickory tree;
,forty•eight feet loitg, brae laid 'morose the -hole
llvery. now 'and 'then ihe epit .Wairttt 'di that
tlitt.nierri might 'VC eriwiably .roaat on !all
, siettsa. , ; The : firh soamrplerl, only; is. dicta of
the hello/it, of , the: trannts, On Nut- . 0 her •part
Alai pens were ,laid { in wkich tkp juice '6l .
ithn, l ,meei wisp onygllt, ! Into, thorn the ne-'
rotihaw . rondimiinwete throtin, an e. cooks r
ylt,lt„ long dip4efti; anted the ' Ty, - thee
ttf r # L s4e4 pion ch•Ati4t: Ilfithioroi-fra etriatoti
ptkkitiOsurpUtifiihiniffeid' ee.4,l4 n t
ft n 4 e4faktip&it,4tuFfitiniiiiciteftelliNe Weal*
lehillsrkell Of% to Iss4.4shmoil Zama tho:lirlod
The veteran Palma 'wag chillies/1c frilefel-t qq
kistaide,divided his bibore.- CareirlieNt
hatt!the gertelak,topesgierkagteleoqe.of the hecreee,
The cooking of tkolo.e . .nOttPtklefl, 1.114 11 : 4 11tour , , 1 4
was torepleted early yesterday.moiniag. The 'other
prepared for food! Itieldes .
,these, ed,i; ? .. 4 0 , 70 (.0..10 e itir0f bra , and 10
lier'rels et 1301t0Porikkeiii.' 1 116irol mllO *6
wont to tte'llroad tit 'a eltatlbattif WA eappoied.
that the itterrii j et: would+ tetteliliaol6 fors thew
eyes, and were by no mearts.pleKserb a, Loathe,
dooke already engaged in , cutting Jibe meat into
alines. • ,
. About 2 •o'clook Mr. Douglas arrivf ,
ilr.ennAin s'o'oreted darrlago, scoompirtth
cotmitfee'aPplointed tti wears hito.• len
the:loarriege \was atinrAndeld bY Ye
crowd, which suMompanted It to the hit
Mr. Douglas 'etklitred;'/Ind,'With sonde;
wee oonVested Jute the; be dding; his
ehoutleg the white„Opy espaoted t
event of his election he would remerube
of every one of them and reivertreiotr•
lion - to - thelitrength at - his lungs. I
.leader watastudergo e tngirefreahmeat•-n
means the; Joist of theintrashlps thara
mist stiffellirtho handrof his friends—
bagenrci bongegate-itt front of the
which ha was to speak. The
erected on the groan in the hollow whiol
rally the went or the• public' exhibition
Wood. It was decorated copiously witt
politioal banner*.
From'this stand it was designed that Mr. Dou
glas and Mr. debt:ism:l4lone Amnia addrou the al.
somblage. Three' other , !Wanda, at eonWinient tits,
tenons from each otherp were provided for' the
epsilon of lean note, - At asoh stand there wax
band of musio, valtioh, during the =Uri/ morning,
gave music to the multitude.
onctOurermas or, Tile ItZTI:(3. .
At two and a half P. A. Messrs. Douglas and'
Johnson arrived at the main stand, Ando the shouts
of the people, and Immediately John R. Briggsf
Brci. went forward upon the platforut, and' 01114
thaethe meeting wash appeared that ;day before
him owe, la the strictest sense of, the word a
a mass meeting, and one which be wastappy and
proud to see. (Applause j Ile was n w ainfut tO,
perform a pletsinga duty, and that w to prdpote
that Augusto Belment,hlsq., do sot as t resident of
the assemblage. ,ICheers.l
Mr. Belmont was assisted by a numher of other
gentlemen, among whom we see the names of F.
tt. eating, Benin:llln Wood, - Richard Busteed, T. -
P 'Meagher; (lOorge Law, W. P.: Ifelremyer, D.
L 111315013; Purdy, G. N. painters, John
Cosbrane, T. C. Melds. John Clancy, and a large
another of other New - York celebrities.,
RigfOripp r Aqnsrkeitt.u , ol? e Q.
In assuming the,ohalr, hfr, netiOntisald : Rel.
low•eltizens, yod have °maenad an he r upon me
*Milli'," am noteapeble of didy•appre athtg, ..but
,whlohl hel
shatdelfrar.tpariantln awl themeet;
hig as welt i Mil ate able. rApplettse,l We live
toll aogubliod boor" tO•cloy for a great abject, and
s one ithlott'avill'holtoneterith &might . •Iy all; true.
anif faithful Mends or the Deasottnpy and the
fllinn: [Lond'eheere•l . flan of eloltme win be
called ,npou to . addrese• yew;
. but whe I swallow
tho foot to you that, thli largo, wmom mgetwrlll be
n.sldresse4ll soot' men as Stephen 'A. Oouglas and"
Itembel V.'.Tobnson, *horn we 140;0 fa lee'Presi
tient enti. Vice Drethient of the ,United :States
shortly,. I Am sure you,will Paul t • with me ,
• that
we have two such man, wile will moveeyieldto.the
introduothm of nationalism into thiagreat mum
try, but will stead tent by the Pistols and Den-
Intervention. f A pplauSel I have no doubt, what, I
ever on the subjele, that if the Demooratln party
'in the North and South stand firmly, united togo.
char, that next November shall witness the glori.
ens election cif Stephen A. Douglas as 3rresthent of
the United States. and H. y. Johnson #s Vide'rre-•
*lent. (Cheers.] •
A number of resolutions were adopted, sustaining
Douglas; Jammu, and tho principle of popular
• non. 11. V. Johnson, of (leorels, tt:en delivered
a speech. fie sold :
FELLoW-ClT , Zytin: I appear lielora . yOU, in obedi
ence to the invention of your committee, to address
)Pti on the question,' which are at present DrOnlinent
before' the country., Gentlemen . the mess of freemen
that I see before me is Unmistakable evidence that the
great m i
molar heart of this country s moved and int
toted—Were the opeAey, was interrupted by loud
'enamor panke room; Come to Iron t,t' and similar
ex premien. which continuailler sorne_mloutes. When
order was restored, ha proceeao. 1 1r low-o iti zoos.
if Violent all strind•quiet in your positions, you will
be IP a Condition At) hear beet, and to be most con
tented nod most - comfortable. he csfiaidory which:
has brought NS together is pee of imitate toes interest, ,
and the questions which era involv.,:d are (Waltham'
which. as they ought. agitate the patine mind fro cue
extreme of out vast itehublia to the Other.. !near,
heard It in hdoominn in- freemen that we meet to
malley, and that we calmly and dis p assion at ely con
sider what is our duty , in tots momentoua ohm.
A 111) 1/191117.10/1
We have a IMPLY Conrail: we have a wine GOVerle
meht, the heir of Reritionary blood; We have a great
Union,' consecrated v the 'players of tThristion bettri
num. You are pall open now to deelde whether our
Conetitution alien ha preserved i n its integrity whether
Aloe Union. with nil its blessings. shell 1.4. perpetuated
:to our latest ponterity. or whether it •elisil to torn into
fragments a the bidding of fanatics' nod sectionaiiste.
This great Dernocratio party it divided; we are separa
ted h9 beilitou. and It IS to tligialre whence the
necessity of ouch n divinion in this great brotherh ood Wits • the reWver.n period. fellow-aitinenii. i. , . tile Outten'
a Oil great Republic when we enjoyed snore propperi
in when We were crowned with ruttier Wessman ;
when we have receivedDaher tolerant an tco reWard
of our Moth?
ifAg onn coArny PROM A VAuwar
It has been mild by the great head and leader of the
Republican party that our Government sinne the year
leo has proved a failure. Cast your minds bank 'upon.
the punt Mabry of ourconntryond Minnie the question
for r,fielves. so far from our Government's
bav ng degenerated, it hns gone forwaid in one conti
nue , unbroken Intaish - of progress to greatness and gin+
ry, and in every, Stan We have aohieved something in
favor or human liberty, human happiness. and human
civiltaation. Contemplate for a moment our rapid
growth 111 all the elements of nationah prosperity and
greatness—whaVere were when our national careet
gan. We were but thirteen Motes. sparsely POpatiVed.
clustering along the Atlantis coast; now we number
thirty-three Stater, oovering OH the territory from the
githuttio to the Radii o coast, from 'the frozen ; • regions
of the North to the Gulf of alexia°.
OUR I:loVglaillnNT UnDdlt Till OtTUDNCS Or DE.
Our Government has mainly been 'titular the gdidance
and protection of Democratic policy. Whatever of
greatness and glory we have achieved is due to Demo
cratio 'polioy and the administration of Demooratio
leaders. I ear, therefore, so far from being dissatisfied.
It ough t be a spume of consratutati nto avert De l
Mooratin GM,' geottott of the county that he belongs
to that great political organization, th ough whoue in- ,
etrumeutality Ma country baa grown fr in the *mounter',
of infancy to the etrength of the grout grant of the-
Weal, [Cheers.] ..
What has produced these divisions that wo hoar Of in
the North and in all the S outh . ) co find one portion
of the Democratic party at war witn *pother portion.
Whence the necesty or such n domains ?! Yon are
told that it to necessary that slavers etAll memo at the
heeds of Congress protection in the Territones of the
United Mates—to other words. that Pancreas shall , de
part from the toatprinctploofnon-intervennou which
its been established as a permanent and fixed bests be.
tween , the North end the Booth for the purpose of inter
posing for the proteotion of eleven , .
alEaxexa t n TUE OAFS!: OF DEFEAT.
Do you netbelieve thatwe 'would have remained har-
Fonions if no newdemand heen , nude nein the
ational Democracy? Do you believe that there would
aye been a note Of discord thronghout the range of the
patty in this content t DO you not baileys we wquld have
marched on to victory: without a dour. as in former
contests ? It is summit avertainty tha . no, matter who
inicht have beep the nominee of the Char - 173t0n Con
vention. if nominated with the cordial ct:operation of
the electors from all the States. he woold have gone be
fore the country. and there would never have rested the
shadow of a doubt upon the contesW and the victory
would have been more alorunie, if ramble, than any of
the sohnivementslof the past. hen, why is it that there
are oNtsoles to-day in our progress to victory?
Contemplate fora moment our rapid growth in all the
elemenis of national prognerity and greatness What
- were we when, g
nut national career began .? We were
but thirteen States, coarsely populated, eoette red along
the ittlankm cord. and linpaverishod .hy a seven Ceara '
War. which our fat hers maintained in the vindiention of
rights which we now enjoy. Now, fellow-eitnene. we
number thirty-three !Ratak, covering all the Tsunami •
from tile Paoifin enact, and from the liozen regions of
the, Vl:nth. to the purple. flown , bank:B.of the ,df
Melte° and over, nil these Terrktories you see scat
tered thirty Millions of freemen, in, the enjement'of
thrift and proupdrity. Onr tem Wry, detteil nil over Valk ,
eViOentios end rapid advancing civilization,
education, intinetry. enietprien—ever) thing
that contributes to litiman Etbd ilnmhn hap
-1 sea are tin tl i upoii every
y ve. l e e. •, every
every moiling .
'plain, end U . hareNer 3 on r eye ligtiln Upon. our hro,,,d t er .
r ant y ou see random evidence ,f thrift or/ pi °span
s pleTl.7O 00 NATIONAL.
I oak any, feihnr - eit'zens. if each! a 'Odors as title
pi pants to the nil nil. of a candid epentatur evidenw
that out noveyomor tame fatillre [Cries of :' No, ne."] ,
But to a certain extent there .hos been an - rovil, one
bank one obateold to thin march pf virespetity, anti,
Ihs t been 'tiopaltineil be the faitineht de endorse '
rent th t t nrefeettong of our father. and'lntt Oen filn
tiotidin or whiott_we tife.r, Miura Wherever a.
,tdinom eor tbe;ttonstltution lea been cr I "
, entrittliateigardedt to that extent there ,are dark spots
upon oat li.etoh.4 butte Its 'rue noW, and it-Will he Init.:
Ahtoughout all the future, that the Constitution under
Wfilett watliva le the only hpil tog devict whicth human
ingentfit roan - conceive' for the-loatooAt), of rot Polox
lteerne l fn the enlnrinent of their rigtor, ono of bind
ing tin het tticconfodo ritted•Ertote! go fiat the rode-
nal:Jere. emeetticiay move in ititi i iteptopirigital mobiww :
(chee:l moll Sae that each a cet.tut on, adhered
!eta (attire, will bring ne a as r h talcs ea it ham
°reheat ate in tha past. . -
Fellow altizens. It us it elori:sue anticipeffeis for se to
look *lona delve the rage et Neese Inns 'when ES
thoseretraction elm!) be berm! in one common Vetoe,
and inhabited by a nee zed Maleneteamee 'geoid. : add
when oar poputstice instead of thirty Millions. .hl he
three hovered maltose of (regimes! 'Who sue onotens.
plate Me tutor. intriout feeling pride that he Stan Arras.
iiyin eiti rah • Whe sett that. hair the demi Ile tadielge
a ars course of pollen ealaelatedu tweed. our gem).
n eareer of Progrentr, °Fro antercre rr oder** el Pe I.
ti n y Maths , WI of , any (settee. e i g ipm....„1 Res .
m,,,,. whir would result la • eeTertne•Otte
moorhen! of Slates, and the eattirormshehlit ~,...„
„,,‘„, evy. et bowel which eimoorases ano iiii as all
"the look forward tot *Noy tec t e s l,ir tee t. may, or 1
It rte Witch Cr. tergasathed to or , Cheer.] Sattne- I
alfileal, Why enon:l we tie draw ed with our roe:t
ire as aha let Vibe 'aro :11 our toff, ' forth or iseerle.
East or West. le dmon tented with lila lot. of be me- I
posed to kindle op theMi r o e, fiqttcmg ow er 4,,,,,, r d
arnoegat brother. and endeavor to dpee ye( end givers
us from thtt great path to netoital glory...llthwe • re
treadling with a rop.lety anle.nia a Ws toster7 of the
civilized woad? (Cheers.] •
xow•trei• vtliman.
la order that .••• Colltfaal or.•tlts Milted States
shall depart from the great_prineiple of eon-inter
vention, utile' nu bean tot•htu•oit 0 • mamma
and fixed buts of settlement between the North
and the South, and for the perms. of inte i rpOiling in tae
klga 'l leirse?a e e l art4;;;iglt,lii,o4.:4l4aillifild.
refit' op-Hit? fora fiewmoisiepte, while corunder
the uueation t 11. prop ceded in this polie sought to
. be nasagurnted in oar •Oeetrli•
A.vo CO, That 1 I whet we want rt0....1.
Mr. Joliboin. Wheats to be the edeet of it I
A vore. We want to see that.
Mr. Johnson resorbed. ft Law . let 11131auatta Whether a
Is 109.1 teeth on the part Of Ike North or Um bath ro
Nepert from -that nth/NV* Of mm 4lll 'o/.41011: aid
arleeltrer altht,dpeergern would mute IA coo. to *Weir
secure or the Uninn. OF Whether or not* per inters in
Iguti demand, for Cmciaaionel protertitte II not ie.
, evitably, lead to the ; dismemberment of t e Vilna,
arithetit briogilie abyorarteepondincbsught an rriert
.0( InT ;sawn of our country. Vont rememl rofe:loW- ,
upfront, the beehrrele.that.trlinehteed to he cite of
gi , r4tiTtotlgriltlAtTroblfflier-V. mze, D s .
, dui yogi weer hear. a eylialige.of emonbta‘nt, innt• Op
from one quarter of the Indon in refer s o• to the
question of proteetiogi ntkuieTerolonts I
AcApxy• Al Min wen, Ann A. saw ye.
Why, Al,rkl lulu seat het‘delerateir to, cAnr ke.ton with
inntruotion, to. deonnd With tress... us. prweewltlon
tN4 Y Ftrtl i m a fl r e ° at::gLLagagt:
erentogrhe egissect,ohth. 4onteed.jire eategaten '
should withdraw from thrt_touventidn:"Wee the pur
veyed-of airrivtat nage lesitoi Irirrirjeus ea tweeted
latt , g4 . n: ye nt I
i ila i rigal•tl i e r; l i nto t
a tLIA4
~., - )V 1 1 g ....
t on fe l r
g . tdfie la irT.ltitrri ii ia . Ittel itr4 I If'
Mumma tier ...mew On illatel l 'llOP.O . . goal*/
layoentiOn ; ; and. the *Teat of a Ailit to germ,
.to Withdraw front the Conveettlear .Llfteet . " That'
. ll
nunriogrino* convex, l
PLaPro. •
L' , LVimi' email**, hr reflecting MI the deal ' rattail of '
=I 1 ridVP l o 4 lsl 4 ,_ C leagdil t r2;_tin " alcil e a tiroroft Cr.
tlv...:4tipnwrwri, , Ait gVlttig
I, gahora", , ,Uptirbrele,lP:dva . ..._ "44, 2 P,',2,,
danger in the Maus .(7th Hips.. germ. f I
greatuatgonct party oan, be morpred. &Ilum: aft
tiewel Watt,' IMO be' itlatlyintatettliltd artaturt
roe-wine taro dont all the xlort us timber o tie &ISM,
ol Sotto i I 'Erato YOtrthst there let (linter-,4am m , e or
th, bYeStilrene Cr On/ glgrioan metankions, ollanser4 Ma t.
all the interest. of Indultry, itambel. and ;comMerce
shall be overwhelmed la one eisinapon rum. i
flu nollu4Tlol, of 18111CF1fIntrN• Ar
, The seceding„delegatidn' SO 10 BattiMnie W
cooled platform in one hand and 11 , 1/ram?
other, and they my to the • orovention, ' ,
platform or we will sheath , this, garold to tin
:Ile PernOtizatto party.'[ .Da in th
ing ese or
B w'
Baltimore afe men :lure lft at t triclinic%
eallr, flop. day tdAsp In atelier ,to 'keep 4,ki
sectionalmm }arm. 'the npalkso" here - re
eotelnation: of ,Ilreokmrideeiruttrldisehin
&Watt riNgt w•ln:iiirolh:t Hande r . b eep
ft ex,* no alarmist, but bowerned his fell
that there veg.:tanner of Wor seletwatiou et
i-dgintlPS, of-se. overthrow of our glOrmae
I WOO/. and danger that all the intetestir of 't
of the Union; of the Stetee,areal $ ece
one won:ion ruin. .Ife - Impress. upon th
of the danger at linaid.tend to da tar pe
wean. After alludingto the stem or Coeliac
the State b on the lineation ofiliverptio
upOn the meeting the nee4 1 ,11.1.0 /Anton
reaCell In their preset[ Cigna& '
learge SUClLarreue. ,f .7,
I. We the& alluded to Praelditnt Beettentut,
p...g front nee to /81.1. • word of diveopeot
Wang Ilion. f rejtretl_qvey letup
act that' tle. present chief, Maelatmte Of
Stated wou ld. or had , aldnoet ettpreseed tin ,
should, support Brookinridge and /dine. and
would dystroy the [Aeon ' o the Constitur
hear.) Thig tolie found SO he the Art
into whose head was silvered °Yee WI Se
age was not tench to the orsclitetfltr., - -/Itto
the people have glary free Sad unfettered
then the Union Would , pelts t. apd,if 'Anti
be kind:art that could poi easily Pe eaUatt
the DernOtrale of the :forth and of thefte
before their eves '• Mien eti s Tu-laterve
so long en, they did so, there note/Won t
please.' Do lour duty firmly; ' , Ortega,'
pally. . .
Tfin 40.9,N0tr
;(1 on the
led by the
tel, *bete
hat in the'
t the tone
bile thoir,
t by 'any
§tibllei abate.
• st and
etand was
It le genel
at Jones'
Bags and
.:118 ZNElftiq 0£ VIE' 6614
Breckinti4t' tithe' leen? • iniauda:
' AM ti ger:v i a I r t a n r t i geVol e rri i4l H - 1 e
eft or ?hp,
- & - riiiii:: Ne• Mere heeriesteee. &ger bailers d 'AM . . IA ..Rest -/---
, •
voice-" Nor no_midinan e ther. '1 'TIM nen of Rim- ?RR DEMOCRATIC PARTT, AND tys...tdiumenirsieve.
tacky Were for Deterltiu and• Johnson en a man Let 'f l ee Democratic party te a ere 7 illsoistiffiel Pert,. Its
them nobly dq their duty, and rally around he rtakdk.rd
nf Douglas% end let the grant hinnies Etta e esee.e.,iall , ermelft r e l oo e 'T s e s l itg o will er b. . teu t e , ereet """" l etee ' Y
re m
enet' that thr , are determined to e heeml t he y am". fnid e n " Oed into ' o ur e ull' ivll pe t Wei mei y owing
and keep minas!, the ConStitution anit ft. laws. _The
paddle of the Sonia smyine, mail will he emend !Mon the lei impedes? and efforts. Ever, extemeaseice net=
doctrine of non Intareentlon.' It May bet t the pope- tory has been a Deoweratio measurrec i ed a
tan__ _,_,_ _ „.., ,_ ____,_. __ ~, _ _ e ___ _, great conarriercial eretitirerlsee -for - - err the sated
e r T r a .z g e ,, , 42,47..77,r.r..5zk r r11 . t . u ..rx ii 'li i 7, Stateetteree become-so eremewsed are Demoottehe In
dite Of Dial e este tbe Eolith would his PPeft t e Demerit.- ir hg. BUt r et° 1 " he r e tf i jr t dr.......ftelartys
tul 00ase lOWA teheara./• , t Wen Wholes booms I wee. te, elm for us espernty
, RIMY pod tattle (uteri thin for ite greet aehavegnents
nett renec el Soslnsi , RECUBLICA ISM. la the f.a.". _
The fleetest hia_ narrowed down ketw en (he Na- Tall Ira r te4 'ea ir ri lilt" 'WM ) BY 'p e q et"Tr h-0
Bonet Dempersttio, eat lg. and 'the,. Ate ti man &Arty. tiateireeNer. PARVisit.
Every, vote Amin at the Mouth fi Heil ad Everett 1 , 84 .,,,,, t i v riaryi.a.„" 0 ,0„1.,, roimruned by
wet given alatifot ttis prreemle nine estereeetten. ~,,,,..
Wiese that petty attested it T e Ilh and the e e, --- ,, e i el l ,rw_ s e e, lewlej e eerlstee- rim not *meth tr
•eteltiveotild stead owlet that ptiaccite. Med reeeree oar •ieleezie h '.. i .; . . r tarlar ~ t eoe t ethie s ge k lees you mesh
t h l i ,r, remit 1.44 fr o rt,Fga l .4ll;l, , e 't dowel our f.• lined." and oNesrs.l Thrr Resat ordssiVel p a i r=
latest peiderity, . • ~. i ten to t he nose trinolVird is that latertentiee in naseintereen
11 , ~,,,,,,,e t,, 1 , ,,,„„, . , I eon beCongrem with eleveyy eri e ektonee. Th.;
• Nettbenernternmeeennate
weand th
eet Cgremei.all
After eating a wrnplimeeit to Mr. Douhlg. who, b ' er etnhthis *avert egkerevet the parte Want it the
inneeed, w5O the' proper, min to, renew the botesof bonthernibenennoniers eensgad *ball pow
the De•uoisretin perte , nod speaking at gr at ignite on laws to ,nmettrun and protilet d rayer m s,_ the ,
the clinger of diesolut mu elect/ye South , c corialuded, rieonle de not welt it. reberou Sao t at t
by Amtang that no would give place to r, Doug Ifis, are ed , mcates Of Cdisealleinel In tleareett Me
who would' next Matteis them , f Loud 'ckeers.] In even of tee Smite the Meet les /Woe on=orth ;
the oat, for eleverre.Lbe MIMI apnea It. They epee
SPEECH, OP Si re, ATO I D912411,Ai11, in principle. bat they die; One" inethe applutellea ed
_ that principle.
Senator Delisted was then introdneed te the meeting • irgainchATlß puntcypis NATyoray,
by the chairtamt.,ruid after the, eathumathe appieuste -
wheels greeted him had, tO some extent, subsided. Re MeTa" , eratio priattleles are therein! la Georgie seen
maid: , f . , , thei same is Vi rtina nein [Mame-
I , attoly meta syls ea New Tong: 1 appear before lapidsusel-endwbenevarebehme Mlles that I can
yon to. day for the perste' of making' anleareett op- trot visit tite land of my birth aad themes% of my /se
tae' on behalf of this glorious Upton. [Loud cheers, asators.and zany my poet eat - priliemles with nve.l
and cries of • fused boy.") There else be no Dee. shall ecrairto the eoneduston that there , is something,
unionist-them can be no enemy elf tins Union in the w form in inn creed. [Cruised. Coed bay." and cheerio}
'Empire City or Amerce, (A vo co--'"l'lint's sn," and rage Mutated in °weer the newspapers of this pity. ea
loud applause I • Nave Si ark is not Northern. nor in it the authority of an Intel' gent cerressetredent, that e
eouthere, nor la it Western nor, salt Eastern-sent else few weeks ego Mr. Lincoln told themehee ha was ens
lir Continental end Metropolitan. I Lund e he e re.) tee w tang to visit the grave of his father in Kentucky. and
York te the ,tent commercial centre, the great irons. the Slate of his grandfather is the Yellen of Virginia.
ttay . heart, of the• American re - lement: Ind as suer'. there to expense eta poetical °mums. bet was fearful
every New Yorker. ought to eysmentleze with erery of yersonalvielemie it he did .0. (Cheers.] I have
State with every territory, and with every people in Very rereertly vented the grave of lily father In a free
the whole hewn. (Applause.] Now. /as It your ,teen- state, and the [enlistees of MT children in a slays
lion as to the Mode in welch this glonoos Union iti tO elate , and le bah/Alicia I avrtwed the urns opinions.
be unintemed and perpetuated former toper posterity. [Means, " Good boy. .I And 1 have , done more. I
There is but one moils, lellow ottiz•ps, in which this nave Made a good. sound Demoembe restreeti in the 014
cart be done. • tenth Legion of Virginia, close by the grave of A bra •
Cell 011LIOATIONS TO 7110 CONSTIUTION. ham Lincoln's; grandfather . [Cheers.)
Them is but one mule in which this AM ems country LINCOLN AND His RADICAL OPINIONS.
eau Inc permanently presereed. That mode is by main- Entburdestie iruliesdall. I hope yon will make it ores'
taming inviolate fryer, providreft of the Constitetion, his own grave yet. 1 I Melees. arlealble ,
as our fathers mule it. The Union, undir the Conse- Mr e Deettas. hlt i friend. there Would be no more ile
temp. mid in conformity with see slim, nteea, is the team ditty on ear more grat eful to my feelings than
r Vet g .4 , 14e:di:nen:lye? transmitted fine ge,,:,,,,,a; to make LlVimglkiet,,t, fiTtne Oc t "' . r
welds, ah tie Provisions. yet every. enter fan and for any unkindsees to Par. Luteoln, but I bilievorthat tll
'elen-born cattail tests under toted narY bligations to good ofhis country :psalms km defsaL Cheers. and a
faithi its 'provisions. Every naturalized anti adopted voice. bi ! em there. lln toy opinion Me party ollithich
citizen has taken an oath of 'fidelity 'to he Collatitu- lie has some the• oboe-n fowler Made w.ertrutes sub
hen t and he mom is notArtiliamtar emery out - , m tome vendor atom. Comettutams. [Alinice- - Rodul old John
Nth, every clause,. every word. every letter cir the moven") H...• was tee estiginel author of the a rye-
Constitution ,Ii a. traitor CD kit Minn to his eountre. Menem* i i enetet. h aelti lt d e eetheti 001 deaggate is his
I Bravo, and tremendous, applause.] I te II the A boa - canvass in Illinois foarameths beforelly. Seward made
odiiste that matey& bOtind; .m114)6461 nen, to parry his Rooheater misteen, Bente 1 have apeeeliM to ye*
Into elleot that clause of the Conetatutioni remedial; for to day toolorte up jour ranee. and to ell tletee-loeseg
men, end all men in favor of the **forcemeat of the
the surrender of 'melee stavesejust as mush as nay
and every other clause. ICheem, and "'[list's so." I • laws itteetai WanthigengY• to rellY to use support of one
"now enter 8 geeSeteNe' electoral floret and thus heat the Abolitiontstm [Greet
Applause, in womb the Beeekinedge interrogator wee
A Voice-110w about sieceremn i observed to Join heartily.
A tentlerean in the crowd asked ens atom 'mermen. THE UNION. FIRST AND ALWAYS.
1 will morwer b o o. I tell inn that. when eon have per
Permed all soar duties under the ,Cons titution, when Bet I conjure You, as you , love your country. and as
you have earned into effect every aromas n that the in- you with to preaarce your liberties and transmit them
strumehe Panelling, there to en .ranee; nol pretest what unlgnaalled my')." emeldrees to HAW en ,bertein. no
ever for ;secession.. 1 Aimless...) But jam prepared to ern:Moition. no Maim, no nompminielwita this Moulds
adurn a more definite and apenifio ands rto the intim- nfany candidete who will est first neldielle Pleseggehm
re.• When I taunted at Norfidt. Virginia the teas] of 8,, Pelf loth e maintenance qf the Upton, the ingiMlMMitY
brockintidse electoral ticket pronoun ail Co me the of tbe Constitution. and tee eaforesemeet of the jewels
q dottiest whethet tea Jean emetion of Als ahem Liecoln all cases and under all eiremewouteen fTheashint of
ter eremite nt of the United, Setae would) a meltable asetaime. leveed' it was noticed thaessle yeawd an d ieg
tattoo fur brealenst My the Untobe ilthenteet- Never." intermeater did not join 1 lan reende e them are w ar
never.”l j tinewered him thif, ao I will answer ova,. moque nt champions of the DeMoeraweliene preemie ask
rywhere i n Amer leftwhere I may go to ;redress my rd. as I mare neither the dune not'the ettelegth to Dooms%
lows edition; the etentien of any map, ley, the American more of loot ttme.eirenir famed ell do so. I gnu
people according to the provisions of the cenetitetwa. being Sn 7 remark* toe °ono woorLia the conviction that
is no pretest for breaking up this 00bequnent. (Loud the ereaterid tehtntthe eateme, en Much we are engaged.
cheers.]. will be dear obesoteed be those areas and gallant
8 2LeCeiolt A eALARITY. young champions of Deueoersey then ty myself.
Mr. Douglas itemeretimdf meek aim ,ehems. but re-
I should regret the election of Lim:lobe es agree* na- turned to the front ler the Mild UmMeduitely, with
tionnl dilatant , - I Applause, ands voicel:' Idowentd Lo I
Moreland, at Besienaky. 's
I know him well-very well. I have ha good / ow n to . Tax DICIDZATS OP TAM RAIMICUIt.
know bun, and he has ere better reario to reit/ember
me._[. Laughter and tot eheerse] Seseohes wore mails by Governor Morehead, of den
t A Vomil-eDouelse vein re not gone yet. lie will know tasty:and others.
yeti better by end Met t A pginuse.l e t". The mane front the ;Peed, sale the Herald, wars
Mr. Douglas. I hems no weed of unkindnem, or of striking in the extreme. As Wag the eye meld reach
Firtlllt-ltaPtf:Lt?d : 3 D p olt ' i 1 4741Milil L IV U rt0g. i f b:: r l .' I t h ; S e rt eale r e e i lls i i i n i lr g tr: 4 ll ° W b e i gli e r e r:ti b ilititri l tr: Wir t ma ns - -
rted seitieveuld be subeeneve of Cease trincielet of the• lebti of biter:et. itt. cr o o rtv , :t p Amer c e:4l4*ot of
'Airiervidut kton siltation. t Load cheer/I.
C ntl i rri t 3 l l;algilL ' O w ut for g ite egg lieligit and amusement
HE WILL SUSTAIN LINCOLN'S INAUGURATION. and imphilosuplier ocreevyinttlie platform could have
I wag also asked at Norfolk, Veen' other places, filled, In eouteMplating tee littenorelLY• ableteelionie.
Whether, in the event that any of the Southern States human , nature. and g eneral obarectermtes of the im
shOuld secede front thin Union when Liticolawas sleet- mental mletitudet. to have found ample food, for Yellen
od, I would go for the enforgespent O f• the bawl of lion.
the United States. I tell you, as I told them. that who- .even the trees siesta were loaded down with men and
*Yee may he President. he is tweed by hie oath to carry boys, who' found their lofty webs' mote comfortable
out the'laws to their faithful executtore I also tell you than the prepuiets of the crowd. tyke. centimes filled
flat tt is the ow hi' more MWrilltiling man, I care not with curious motes and gentlamert. lateens oa horse
west, may ben d s venting. to aid end males in the extent- back, protheneding females, the esteems_ flags of the
lion es' the aw.t l limiter •• hood. emit. 'end apelausee neightoring Mar, the - fresh breeze, tee fanlike Mane.
Mid if Lincoln shall he elooledertech GM foriti d-Uoud th e teustbris of the treas. the interest and enthusiasm
cheers, arid ones el. he
never will lie" I-if Lincoln, of the audience the earnest tease of the speakers, aced
santehould he elected, ha must he autueneated en- the distant natio of the bends. made a picture full of
cording to , the Cotustention Mee, hewn of lies country ; vivid reality Mat cannot be desonbed.
and I. re his firmest and. meat etranqmill and most tree- In the more remote pertiena of the grounds the same
onnoilable opponent. will gestate ben in the seeress. 'peeress% Wes elgoviellee. Around-eke various +gente
el every conetentional emotion. [ plans. .] But saran in number-greeted for *mutters were gathered
if, after tlt shall have been done, heeshail attempt to small oonerestere of thometto preferred to listen to
subvert time COtatltillloo, Violate it 4 provisions. or their Olen frail . The 117111111werap baled with men and
make war upon the rights and inter eta of any sec- women, the ten in alley was in fall operation, bate east
Don of this Confederacy. I will tildotO the full extent of bar-rooms temparanly erected on the ground found
my power, mmording to the COriatitettion end ISMS. In ample oatronage, while knots of men and boys were
[Tremendousiin hini Maher than Virginia hanged John Breen. aseembled here and there gestated m the boisterous
cheers.) amusement* they 'preferred above theoraterical eater-
TUE 130911 CAROLINA PROTEST. tainiMenta Which had drawn them tette spot.
I had en e posed that there waren° loyal citizens-no `THE DuLTITUDD AFTER DOUGLAS.
friends of MI. country-who could foil fault with these lhe Intervale the great meeting evidently began to
sentiments: but I discover to the neWePaPere of to day Belinda with the aerneure from, the stand of Ale.
a .retest against my Norfolk spade signed by Mr. Douglas. thouh the well known reputation of Grecernor
gent, of South Carolina, and some forty or filly other Morehead. of t Kentucky. who succeeded him. still beet
dieunioniste, del:dating that thews seneuments MUM be the large crowd mainly together . 'When Mr D. retired
repelled and resisted. and calling epee the Amersorn he was followed by an immense throng. Who
people to remulinta me in order to repeginie those igen- from allow= of the field to obtain a nearer view
people I mean no thicrespeor t o ',t o t .
}rifle iiient,' and by the twee he reached the
have " net t time protest. but l have ail much reason to hotel in the grounds it monied as, if lie mast 13 s faille
ere ie r t agemst their treason as they have against my ran down by the edre h r o an .e d , lm r. p . u n s a t m ve td c e ru h artL iaus, N , Lann on ;
r o , a l ly en d den mem to the rinstitution. [ h Lood cheers , ] heeded in settine Is,
They assert in their protest that I treat t 0 Union all a Of the Morrie, from which he arise looked out and
perpetual bond, to be sweetened in and obeyed in all bowed his acknowledgments. Bur friends now began
future time by the weaker seetton towards the ,tronser. to rear in upon hint in a stea dy stream. and, for as
he u r or two, he was comwill-d to eubmit to a course Of
introductions , COagraultationc and hand-shakings.
They relaapprehend totalle my partition. My ;outwit JOUNSON sren,Astx TREATED.
is this, that thts Union is a perpetual bend. demanding
and requiting itupliait obedience to , the Constitution Mr. Johnson was 7030 made a sender vesture and fi
end lawa hf ev ery good citizen - not by the wester see- nate , brought out upon tine Melee. where the crowd
eon towards the stronger, ban obedience from emery bad free access to the deningesebed gentlemen sad
honest man to the Goverumeot under which he was snook him to their heerter content. Everybody wee in
born: and which he has severe to sopperL I Lend the best of homer. however. and an aMount of owl s .
ohee rs 1 But they assort in this pr o test th a t they have s i &sin vita int used Into their movements thet levelled
a ref hi le secede item this Govern Men t. 1 tell you, no the °frien,n with the ilve'lest eharneter.
General Jaelemi told the Nullifiers 111 tall,ilmt mices
'ion is but another name for ten Mellon.
Dr f ..„.€, r e c e e e r fe e vie ons clubs had formed in pro
lißeOle3llo`i DEANs Sart:saws,
~.,0 7, .,,,,,/ e ,,empamed by their bends, were headed
If these gentlemen combine together to break lip Oil for sl i est rosTo.ntis e destinations. Edna returning by the
Gen ermuent, Alla are determined t o c m,' their LIMA- steembeets which tar at the , aiding, on the edge of the
imitable erotecta into effect, let them take upon Mein- wood, ned ethers maiming to the otty on font. Amnion
velvets the respotoubetty of their vouditct 1 toll you t - i the owsaion. miteSs . ehoetter named Stephen A.D012-
thnt telOhlt M. in never licitifi ibla until the Co, lig or ..iaa, tau It I,v Mr. J. Murphy- and lannebed on Tuesday.
submitting to the lees am granter than the Minitel of slat lay at the is rare hen int brought to the spot the de
cent war and dmumon. I legt.t inn from the c it liteenlh ward.
STAIRS NEVER COIEUIT TREASON . I several addressee were aftermaths mitts from the
u l ndr.s. of Mr..Doneas' parlor, to tea remnant left 01
Thins Tome owe's, who ereekt Against my Norf o lk the crowd.
speech. who he. e such a horror of the rIIIIOV9 in IPA - PIMP,
event they carry out their Muttons, talk lei thou'
'protest about me reeking war on time eonerelgo %tea. The hour was becoming late, hoverer, and the air
I %Settle t hem to tinderetandtbAt suyetiven , Mtktes Re% er chilly, and the general die heathen seemed tO t m a i lt i o n jet
etritnlt treason. Keene bf i t Good ' i Good." and hems AO Mon. therefore are levorele tie
abeam ) andfv.duso may do is - but 'Rates. never It argued, Mee triordenuey diseestirug Pr t• . tionat
'is a principle th this flOYerliment, that the laws liars to the crown. Ale. Dough.* doseended. toads his
t e earbeced nice h et the tridivelnals who - violate theta. onuses. and seeenovemed M lme or tetrittatis
Weir. these nee ens dud elieunsetista seem, to think drone to his hotel Mr. Johnson and Covenant MO
that we are sell trienseauder the ole ai tides nt Conte- also retired, and in a short timestee shrill erhiettleV
iteration. t hat u til maim wW m
es abandoned in el. ere- - Mistant trzerde - n e.eamboats. the diverted booths
tv becallee it ii vet IRO flultaCalge. The treee_deferd eminges half-p.geled beef benes, broken hettlea.ead m
ilt the old sistsm uf gavareasuo Win that the e serene Militated ettngelemeorisre all that ienntnidi to
tiovemitent had WI telW., , tei .P.XeCtlttO IthrOWTI has. the first grand Baibeoue nod iheriglee Oisrtsellt mg
Teel' abet/Abed that centietosente and aipettl the Presidential cetera Be ef /3tQ•
In L.Lex.
~ e
Ith a eon
rd le an
re tut tate
hym es Inn pf
to adJourn
neshon of
d to the
d tealo4o
ken round
he Union.
Mama , cs
he destine;
ne inalatat
rf = l a l ig
in to think
ea Demo
akar mad
to achieve
astd :yar
I ' Mir till
p elf thathe
saint to a
Immo of
sena. Let
• hood, sad
tehea: Let
on • and
fear' tail
a patrioti-
the buten
er beheged
opl M e of the
' it. -
Wsalua 21401sjirill jig Milt le sakeiribleve
mill Per runist, nisiali—:—
00, " " • IMP
ft" ta .
- 'PT &MI
Tworti " 11.9 somom
Tiresti "
erg wheat! bard owl LIND
P• 2 • ebb •qt 11421 1$
Sift 4001 a tilWeitter-mp of the ca• .
ftstaintiell tanleitiMisit a OR ON Alma
Tim Run? rafts.
CALI MURIA 111.111ati
d i'. awe • tar bight Pam%
C '" l6[ "‘ 'odor Vag
Orel Goraworist the we horeenberaos as Mo.?,
so arasetra ta serz atio
own decor taco area aroweasa Ylie
a bebtritoli te tuatow. .
Waearree •••= a of thaw Alabama
their neeneatu I wire sw on maw ri 1 &
tae redopel istiostirox wi lees aeon b
.enitii mne tarn
Baur tae Ifspeetioan An* In"'
gr• it • r LI
11.7:toll:rt N IA :Mr Al'; ilo 4ost we tho
OW/ Of ic1,,...... t , v., z ...•,,
tato axecation. injoo . 1 tir A M
or meow e rry. No ti v .i.
:fa. 1.1. ar
. 1 .4 a..4z d.....=
~....... i., r',47 7 1 111•01 .....„....... .the i rag aid
iralita iik iti 0 hs 4 i firroorofdifeed WO* I le .
.47,1.2'.. .4 "TiZia.' ""If =..
Lt iaut II Al tell moo saki l s„ .
gisome of greet easesdent here & ki r
li t
a irstst
DfddwfddLlO Ildhadi 111100
r l eplees A. Douai. set an
cm:ate' Man It TIE blibrailtall betenaa
eea I .l4thizi: t etti t fonts tie OLIN=
o= i;r 4 clejarg i ti= of 11 1
M -
•tha is trot it wig to broetteateati s ammo
that. w are sew oPsoeita_lilib
pertr. Chart i in weer NORM ion be
tironOt *Lost be the ped of theta eneeded at
Cliareeton. sad Lelia af
I A emis of groat Poetise* bore toswerog. A toe
f le re . r mood, =LI It i fin. 2,r111"1"ft L .
[ ' ' ,l o d g ;gone too. goo tgesdo•-if foO r ti l ddjilligl mood i•-
atead tt0....0.nd Went io DOC, lad Ofdd• Of 7 oZ marart.
l Wkd sonar y.l Ts 10y 0.1 I .T.
ine.tarnidlta at l2 .l,lCto, .1 at strarr. e (Tonal{
end cheers,
:gown( Doarlas-Yea shoold tchre.
Cititte-floith Carohaa• IAS • 1
„Sr new Doortna-L 11nT0 known earrid °Sap holders
[ to and +hog sods into crowds hebte. a interrope roe.
I Cheer& and area of •• Pat hie 0 1 11 Jdff . oar' -
referring_to the rrprewentstors of Itt: ucra)
Lod.. meal so.-Ne. no. let bine hie stove.
lip will And oit whet • mean before lee thrash : bat
1 sea to tad her Mat no 's'ca'ts Orel Este tato a
noted to bleak nonam'e's.
ielrotal's =ACTION A Panel= tatt bunion.
Nor. .nty fellow-ctisae. I ones Oast fan to raw
that there 11 a sitenta to tear WV Um LloeSau Vasa.
A Vera. They ain't de U.
Tie pretext for does so is to tOtha it lotion of lair.
Lidedid. Sod dxsOf Ybolif • teaser asosepaca deer.
toe eraorirei. ( tiptoe and ehooni.) Cat site e
Lrietnit.if ton seta. 140 sot Oars* AU tho t
liddlf Wog es ILO flailed bOISOO WWII Mfg Ilidwashms.
Mies of " flood," " flool."1
chars trains NOT • DreirwfOwUt?, WV DOM
on ripe Tort altulzonttnew.
. •
I do not ehari If r. Steet'utriar• ideseeff with bear
a Lbownieost. El diesurseuillSq• lazier
w r i t
v L L,,„ hii i g trcimi ..
14 ,.. r . i .
.„„., ,,,,.. shesszos
3ualgoas.lo Maw dot . Its tam la
tarroestories at A rote. et. wear es ta Sae-
Wks. ate Kr. ateannaw's weal moot
fat to Tao az or eight dalt Wk. e
l go i sseli. irtlat ut rynseil la tie he
cheerisnnerlasharnal ilhgarsiMigt:
was i was n
rarer or saf-owierienest is Ili
•T y m i t _ atteolorm i r
i tt i l d. l
tc hett .hia t
or ret . be . " PiAtertheit thew ob.
trona Jojavalt no the
1 ,
mai, NOV ONLY "•' k, li te r oozm.
It is sat - 17 ail "SA& s Ile it la
Sant of tis v ion: I to oo bead
' sak e
the woe tips., L kw newel di
eters he mar Ale Whoa. I - lie
4landireof sew Drepa t inipti v i r
7 * V i n a pto *. T r et al t/e d e: ° l
eet ri
tats gii l l ' tdtt . v_ re . . i tr
[ eicoloraP neat:beim Yeransfeargbar ,to t o
ttiti one open wach le weviii the
nonCt.aft on in bi , -
And Lae 1 wdlanner the gateti*it mama*
in the erowd olio Deena* es MOW radashre 20/0-
taros of ,•• rat kise cat I-biome
_isoala . • -ea fifriffif
blm at once. Re denies to know mapemer I aa in
Etror of a anise toast to the /Kam .i Orlibs of "No, no,
none-" 1.
The min in tie road aria-. Affable : "
[ Mr. trostlat' Stall. • amen era • which.
aver you passe. I tell ban that Dwain ... .-- s
eta solos: or *firm U L OSse'can; emir • •
wbo dilate
aloe oat tat - -"'''
• -,,,,.....
lawn int IT dad fa BMA
.._„- ,_ . 1
.riork. v ag e hi var -.,:.:.. m■ —gm
, net ,lootera, se • Ma all
real st i h a t sa nt t r am th i gl ib. tilt AtlttiVaplial
rn. on rit-t
tint I tell - ton that Imo utterly by mania
ant Anion wakes, aaa or
i;forts_ wba will last a
fore. the. lea.. maintain tie sonemw sal ppou d o,
the Union in al dadIIEZIOSIIO. MUM+
zow zazcztinunwz .owoßwox on *coma
%lummox. _. ..., ..._
- Now. if is .ex citable klasid wiskiiijo Uwe vied
ar his man >reetwnMoe i• wadi of the alae, be
west let linLainearr -from ghat ti l Vo w il
V e gAttgh .. 4ogl i tun v er=
to tits
laws in the contingences
rotator* t 0 d, lt will NM? It 4ilet rsitto -
Mead [I tam at . 1. Viteunti So
haingtbat the DM= is 0 .-- illnu moo sax
personateacr•fi:e to
_prawn I , tpf " [Used.
and three chant) .if ths• las wane
nrciAl tad Jo L tipreat LIT ; yooop ini er, iptiirtlisomoop.--
wtoithdraw it—, M
Yea ali iha it."
Nom rmocoaJty if of toe
would itIIUTO the election of rnaMtglir l ta tho—
etitution. the Union, and. 1.14 @tearoom,* of the Inwa:
,0 ism
tie Mann of