The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 07, 1860, Image 3
7 L ~. A, 4.., 114.,,,.. p.,..•„; i . .„„ ..,. , t r—, It & irte ea .1 ~- , p,,i , ‘, -- 1,..-. 4 tr v i.i , N p c -,•• . . 404 # A.: , -, " " jll l 11 ,....,A i11i .- 1 1 L 7 ,,., , Witileed• 01114 . 04'.. Ti „ 4 1 . .--. 4- H .. . 1 ":.;;;; ' ,11 M./ ylli , , 1011 c, 4) lia: 7- : . _0 414 .,4•111;11 1 4,- irr.;',,..50- ... Min-i sass. 1%.6. .itLe s imp...... • iro. ‘ i i ' 1: 44 ; pi :- •,_„,...' , all itr g ' "- tit lt; : ::::, 1 : 10 , . i eisi i .l6l #, "r i' 1441 l'Llili at , "I s 1 110, Be l E: : . 1. s . Ir .: ... . - Uff ., at :: • . ;jr . gt: , , - ilkiesigi Ne s PDF Jn ri 7 At ~ - , ' ;y.,, i AK 1 74 4 --, ° V bg i c v ! ' ' ..!ol 1,15 ,.. _ ikk ai 011k,-1 4 1 17 ,111 ' i ,%, . ~eta ow k .1 111 r I co ent.i.Vt, , - imr.' TOW' A Nord 111•1116 , 141• will-.!, ' Yerwn&U_ , Al 1, 1 9 1 ,9: 1 4. 11 1 1 4 1 .2 1 5 1 1, - " 1 ' , .-9',•2 4 ' , ..74-eßkeit.W . ifl'..'o, - ,ii ..',' y m hipreik i rgi... IF W ,i :-. . d 41 5 .a.' j: 1 - 7 .' , 4 , . _ wityl . ,. 4: _ r : 4.. -4 .a. , :, . • ' I - fi r ••, " '-pric .- ' - .:frilr- - - . - r -, ' . ..` slut ' ...-' --.......A.11'; • ~ , . ,-,.., ~ --- ,- - 4 1 ... C ., • ...`•%'4.7 f 4 .., • ~' . ..... - •c_ -: , - 1-94 - ,: -. r? _... ' I,', ' "ii '. • '' ' T- ;7i, +-" , :''-'...' '', ''. _ 4 .: - ..4,4 , 0i1 . '- = ,y:l, -___ ...• _.- , ii i ., • r ilawzi4, ,,z. ~ , • . 4 . 44 .2 .0 .,... i . • ~ • . ._ - •,.•'-‘7 ' r•-• , .. ~0, ,W .1-•i2tA-,.L.,.rf,;,.f 1! V*! .. in. ' soitAa.o-...-: • Oiskit ~•, , ~..-_... 6 ' - Sroglr.,:n%. - •-, )a,... - -...!, z "-4 , 15,, , ..:,, 4 .11 . 16. , „Gi lt, 1 0:2% k, Pa -.....- 4 • ; ilintittlx, i ...w„...- •, ism,,.. ligrA., it • ,;,.. „:„ mtV Pt_ UR: 4 , 4 V. I'' nimpipli., .._ -- .9'"11• 1 00:4 1 /Malli' - 3 F 21 ."`. 4 `•: . A' ON • i A .1- ` '•l4liiiti • - • • •,--, • .._.,,.,,, _ 410ffithwals••••••aik . i, k r , ~ ~,,,.,- . • 7 ' 0' L *l o '-.........- 4 :,. ,- ; , - ,,, rt ,-,- • • , 4i , , , . y., ,, , j . , Tr .., . ..:,.14 4..14. • ,,..1:F.y,..._..11. i. , .:r4,, , 5zi,:.,..,4 .. .r:i•J VI• 44 '"*; e ggia irg illiiii:'''', , , , ,„,.._,,,,,, t ittilr_i 1 iismilialtr ia v: l ig l ' i ti..F Tr 2 IV:Ina:41i? IN° , t,tr ia ak: t ~..7 4 . ., 4- : • ~ .., 1 16 - "If' ct i rfri - r-- ,. ' ) .7. 1 1. --,, -ern " 4 ""• . a a 104-„1, _ ./.ay. HiWl ,, at n ", 11111 IN , . . kreiro. r . _ 41,41 2 W,ii ) i ~..,-.• 4 ..,.. ..._ folv ., 1116440 1 Ne ' i.ii : .' ' _ vs rt 1.2-• , • = - ,,,th i pc . ;1.t..7. 1 ne 0 . Dere ' 11 MOIL r* - LOMA n - -f-: ' -- Old% •3 4 b -,,,,,, 3?; W. -- . 0.. . - -1.„ - A.,. 4:::,. , ' , 4, --, ..2,7.. • " '' 1 ' . 06•11•11/ .. V i'fr . 1.1 . 0 0( ... .. irk - - . r -l e - , - t. • . . 14 ' iiic - - - . '• r'- -f-j, s.. .... . t_k ••- A*ll ' '. .. 4 1 . 0 1- 746,r, . - . 4 -..; • siwtilligt' .41:. / t:snrr n ii s ~ i.i.i...0.1 0 0 .0 ..-4. - -,. rk .• of -111 701=611i 1.-. 4.- . . r. - 4 : "ttial g ii . ', . . .. )47 .., ::„, ....... i.4 . ; . oo bsvis o , ie . ,vr its , ~,,,1,,,, .' ' 3.4 • - ' -4 - f ''''"•., • .. 1.. A -- -, • -- , 15.. 2 1,01111 ,- -VI • ' ' I , - - In - " " --,' ' -- ifta•WC: - .4:#•••:, , ,, -.,-;"4-0.74(4 , ~:- - .P_IY-75,1„..- - „i." ~ . ._ , '1.,..4.. , • • --Y4 . , ,, ', ,, ~ 1,1% 1 91 50 4 - • TAO: 0 1U1 4441 117eliff,t'Zr- ^tt- ,, ,52r."“ • 0 9111 'Wn i a LA „Aet , ‘ ' iFt.**l 0 TP l '4 - 4. 4 ,0, tile - kV twiti -20 4 40 t • - tit W 4 1{1 40 5. - _ , Onialitril - -- " - _4l ~' 11TTE1L1&ENCE, _ass itogirra.rA4E; --. p .„ ...,.., 0 , ,•4 . • I - lir - - 4k: . 1.12.' vis,i;;;' "ii,ii.l. ri ii r , - . I 16 1 itit4 i nmi i ~ on -:- - if - • _ 4 .31,44:3313 . ,41i1i . ; ' 'A: . 1 . ; , ;.1 4, 104011:I I,r r A L ,C,:; ' 1., i ' l ,, Ap7/ 4 ' •,,,e.,,,i4A.,A 1.9 t; 110.) (It - 06 ,I 1 4 0 6 IP rt riiiii"...94449**V * oo44: . rya MOW* &Om, if Inintivint 4. M ' 3at mania, mi_ingi..tlngii 4,NriliM. OP* ~ LA:i A e;4 ~' 1 (0.4,11.14.14.i5it,;:L1..:-: ~4 , ,1 . in' -girir'-' ~,.. , lark *AM Nl4l4.lfWg.‘ gii, "i l tmr V.' - , ,;Agitint, ski. Ma frogaiNitOlio . rgiNkeii latit , I ALPIA I , I 4tIons• . , .- , - ' L . -1-- Ai6retili Heiggsl a Ptreirg h a i !' -„' ' la '. 1 ' 71- - , s - r.,2i-r - A- -le 0 - 6#6110.141 6 * 1 '''Ag g Help Northing Ch . Mit Antwerp; an , g " T' , 1:,.. , ..... ; , . ' tailigairammaiimioinges,iirrinal at New mitardai. gut 1 . et gingr og-g r it a iglni: kir saiiiiii;oki eart y vVVeniA l ileUl riqiphiidig. iriliwai 4ttlarAffiMiiiiiimiligigitoi I ' I ili tgaMa, Bryan. from Cltillpili 1140010 1- ees a rr4Vgh,.Dosas, from Nigniiinb,Vaitfri# Atmg to mho Jin' Si __ • • , •, • ~ • Led . r ., e .r.„10,...4it,,,1'i i w Fork ! plaiting 7 li Itie* D; fr i alt a ' C r P44,f?" . !" 11 -4!!!!li'- ... Yrakaint:l4.lllV. co t i:til... it .Pr. ° - KtriTiting ,14.4. - ;"ii;iviir ritillioni; a. 4 ,, hit ' 1 730,% 1 61".. A qa,B'" '.'terd&ii for lI Chem at- now vont yanStai.- ''' . ' Itivigg itirTq i ffi t .Fllv! ,lll !:! l ! *%; Amin , vs Bell, linkman. filogt oi r *.rilPhib! del• 0 141 * .144ai r k" Voith foiikilidet- Mem Hit t. from Ph lloktru f Mott e rliPt i ro l le4olki: AO ' S ilaitS 6 lt. lirl=egrne! lim• e st tr t ' ' : i iiiiii.:. . • . ibb , Nu t o autrwm 0 , . - ; 7- 1.;.1%. Mons lio not. - - • , • . ere Bristol Allen, Ann Elms. btobinoon. osta Igithrioits. JoritijamgagiMtigmtisFAA oft Isltiql67, !:!SAtibutinme Iffea-Psooy, tiowstonot of SALAMANDERS for-odo Atm sanible maw. No; MIA oarirraVret.aills4,loll; „Amami ,• ;31- ,A,NS WAT.ON. ,- ; figiwarim t.,3Fwpirci: 'Mu/rm/J. • +l4' thi'sse foi z . - ''.'xo/4.-sotmarnitrr neireec.Phurchdoic " BLym TOW, .0010a1PAtartirld Wee flactatf Nom reeaload aray daiaP4 u ,Yll smut mirror poisk, M% (PINT. iatiria9aaald,liimaakfice dar Wiz pat (•- - • - 1 - • Thorikfrai fa Ail,* paid WI inliOLD kieiallod for. aad witboot :sotto!. , , , • „Wasp la owl*. froia Spreprors;AdasfpthrsOrr War Trades", is or** akaa: 'ts ranaia aloar or shim period: ' • I. The =My, rliraiii , ed trait' DOporiaira lioiariod. iA ldostpapaa. firoaad peat., arld ,otaor - • plloo oyes averpdsr—WAlXlr/ Iltresiosoathasa I #llar Wad atrrAt..Phiaomoma • . 81 s Arne* ItaliD , —lfkolairwille 'Ginn Ibecinmaad .Wazinf: Elvutrit,:-Desaits eitiid 1* 'lid leas NiWilschh Eros chwairet iiaiimiguityoisi Snow* but,n. not ire ale*. ef,PIVS rot ctartrappesisitua.`, - " X i s t rOoltbe.:o l llo*44l 6 4i:l46;as ibis et ti -410/1/04.1•41/inti:fleisiiettilieolook; asi llteY eie eatarday ur.til aide 11, the swamis. , pm& rime. FIWIVAIN FEW; Ilffiumrer sad leintorn tit Oil City. iisAileciiik 111 I D Omit. ~..Z01101,11•11; tiefistiumi _Chesslst in 1017.4wthee.k. • . BILIAIZAD #llll . *TiNO4 . •'" ' ' ~iIID DILL ritirfrrN% thattiati Mona in ill , ' aim ectietteTytittD attttre: A. • .1 , - I; s A ' .;•",e,Asrmixr stainfir :o•44 Printlairof,the mom t ,au parlor trilitiost moot rouostablerit4"..o & 1101,10'8. lkiiispolhaldias. Gob' IRD otroot.' *V it _=•.'""o/n1 SAM PLOTIEUitP 1111" ,, LA111111 Milissomadthillhip brit likanaer. AWN* for 1.1-' A1L 1 44.!...100W/88 MMus POMP. allifkid " 100181,1 1 , 4 111 ditooreorarroodad Saila 110 Marnlra es 4 BO* laird le bitto cub &sir win dimalail siseassbiArialletiablee.4o3llol 400. - • ,„;.,4842 - 104 . 111.11111 Mot •%,~ s 7 ° _ D :- 'llii;'AOOLD fail to iiiii .'— --- Dotf Ai adAA& tion•it of tot WOOD is to-Air's Aaaar., . ,aaimt i' ! .0.,: , .,.3'-:: , .:: L AWIUMERDii - . 4 •'., • -,,,,* ...t., • .....- .... '„- t wfl-4 -• 3 • #, ,. ,) : 8 , ii: i 1 1 c °li f O . U , fe : t .: 4 g .„ -': 4 ~.. ~..1 : , c , in 4"2 „ 1 4 ' V 'ti 7 =4ri;;iaa,- ~ ' _...,----_ MN Wrrile ' AI - atilliiiiiiiitCLOilt 0 r "M 1" 074 . 411fit iije ,o l . o t a 'Agam gh * ". ngi t i ai,• Virir prv i dero• r teat Do. 4 e r .•• • ••Thr moo* It i le Xatt r ,A • _ aka trlol4llrOwliat- . • :yelps x 44 11s11vii4ci, 8 4;4., „ l 1,„, 10 c a lttit i rgli a t 4 r V i g d hrdl ' 11ALt.—esthAta aideatWr.,fr•Ablo7: r Vf A=tyB lai•4lli•Aitel ° , 4 1. iAki itai - MaT. NiAlii ! AC , sgadloaae _, t. 4 •., . . rad ttia= l ita 1 * "Arimartiglang=i; I , i L. lid i aii, !'" JarolAuses;ascli r ialtr. 1 2 4 a imiatt ‘ - , ~ oii zniivihm AdAsse-arardi, fr_a: , str•et. th fa I spidtarhorrnmort. al ewelOr , .O,A —4IL-00 , itimmotAzikeves umiak- a firkdalgtdar ar , =l and Aa, AL,OI,AstAA. •atoll 4. 12 8 —ralfach 'saga . at. 4iitlAAi-D,Cala. 'AGA 01 lzdttriz4Azigty_traurever ,- 0 .-1 11. cf .. j .,, 5 ,,,. b,,,,,,, F ,..,,, , -,,,,,.„1...p 0 -6mraypiA, -6mrayp i A, sig . . histaai. as , fr. 4 ow, IL v., tAsa/io tf .. 1144 .i . mhi ; , A, UMW I . "-4111_ , tINV, , ~ hmat, Ns!? • Ain. , duakto lei lOW %OA kat% ,Agalo4, V ~:, ;:ei;cir t -,46 ;itiiit4.:not ' - vetwosott; : r odsl,oriy) after A ! Boirahi'Fa ' nos. - : Fir st ,'l iikaaiP i rr a Owerop_ °"2l 4l 4 2 - gratimit ' 7 • Mists ..42.r. • a1.: 7 ,, bet wara n inth- 7 qm es wad macs . and ,C 11•774 oak Ilerit4l), Await, • 4 CIA A az-OA the ath - lastaaL4ariiPia or ir, Prat : 2U hallroAnAi r Alki rk i ir : OAAVIV --•• 11 1•1440•411111.•• ti. !Ar I , ; • ~,, , • 4 . . .,...,...,..... 1 Alliaai w.b.tia, ae 7 ,4 - , ~,, . . an hightnoc is .vaph awn, im : - aglow_ risear, di, iiihiadm mhhas. , ' ' imikt‘am,4lin. las ill J•iiit'P. -- . yam,' , cutt 'i -, - .• -•-, A 1 • 'r". .f ill c_,)" : • / .Nled!Wirthllf 61 1 1bUlatinObe, - . 0 La., .1. , ht 071010141 --, , ,r; L , - ' , , M. iograket. Banana Lomita& - .4 ?• - L Apl. , Ea - 01 . 11 MIL liar Othaff. ; - Olliiiiigi iIIIYODIC:11k/C IIkALL.- - ""ftiriall,ko o, ,ROK: l o,o 4 ± l , catol7:: _ nos .414,40444 c • - - ' q i NyWiotaneetaala door lei+• tio..Bootinaans alpacas, ge• ;, A . sondas Cardild ..4 1 ..1 1 -:. '' ''- ,- swede Ito OraadsiOs. dm - - - , - k and rand, Pans Prkted MtraMelia. Ds 1 1 : 3'.t. s . l 4Pir i lfE b 411.t t eßeLti, s lt s ' e ., 4 i - as - - • ''. - am $ - . stuns.. -. zr. S wra . : r , ft t t, ip ad o ; I. In : . tricluotigrrogrott , lllolll)ll3lliiLAlL: • =me roottai.usitoera aas O l iftr i a ti l i a‘ l ak d r ig 4 d i t p i Or 1 tre' t i al etAlalivtarpaiulateafAlar 1 10 274 " ;4 *W 1 1 1 %41ATC - 1..44i10. , 04 1 !!VIIIIVIERAUT1117 ovofiris i rg,v4iteis i i.. 1 10 40 -us Tr7 44 1Fri u l 4" any. 'SIMONET 10, Iv Oa r ~Ir MUIR , ab. 41171111 I. . AR" Aa fr• or on wilt be ivest ,LL 4 0 al ..ea** intaltirk,; s it e tl ii ir; 1. 4 r. WI ,-- The 4 1,_. . :vi. Cabinet. Om irony ale gt=,,n; . , o,Hi„p.,; - ... 1 1,". r pubit0 , ./o._ i ii-- # e4 - I:,_, ; „ . tifiy,..lltia Tablas irsaan,Ay A alt , Trlaa ‘ i i ii - Vartil,..thOALL via 1 , . oppaiikatlP A. EV ::: an—,:::: , TAt r h i rg. 1;1.1.5 .; liiDLlGE.Ybeaiiif , i: OrV orgregrE, PV.'7l.4.olgaillAcritn: :-' tat 0; Tr c. twalo Will be. rsatt:3ll us ithir - tee.. in.iiln vr,clll,lo,or __Ea1,....:. Aussoliting nt 011 i tine. 1 11, : , y , mir . t.li_b_grF.• a! r . vieg li l.7rjett l ibtrseTYWAre flirillie, Ala# lidamilleoo.; :,I1 A latk.OWN4i gerMilator.. , .:., e4O-1., --,,-, - eflogssiry or PENoo4LVANII4,- VArearrommr.oP AIM; ;; ' 0 FA:: ' ni t io l el t itint i . e Via daZ i l l - trigs toll: liVlttot e l a ir I lliti'ta el M a i n e ) aorriZlAl4 : jr 4 U 4 '-.'::i' ' .." tßiettlitinUthrtkaret A Its ki rile alt 1 1 101114; • • 1 g v • w Ali- AOuty.-: sits , rotareson,lburi rom sis ed r Pb b~ePTliMHs k , oin iest- rues. rum att1.4.4 • sad hasars ma& ; wel4l - .----- 1 :-.. . Va. 1 .11.3 - 2.tlii dad Rinds of tiall4T pl ow min _ Iv„waive 1111141tilki in lb. ellittlretill I I I tea . itak itiNk m a rsesi m "le o; b erA l ELI: Alio' mn t. hp 4.6, s i tar ipo. I n....k. • ' ~ , .. ~.' , ' e • Ili itt, ',41 , .. ~, 4 . ,:, Mao AMON. , liseestst*,, / 1 41 - 2 r A' t,;„O. 00 e . ' 12, Ait !,' il . ItAinS w ea lk 1 I . Ilk ' .- , , oe,T : A . , ':_ , ± Tiagia# IMM litt s _Now a "' : o w " .`, N N 1. , Ahrar4 , r , 44 ,,, , .., , . 4 . 2 .... oir , z e tiEgi i 11 Natatrii:ts, ..1rr ,,, ,...-.„-,:m...c..1-if........t.,•%, - ryt.sitn.. - -,, ' 1.., tcr„.-. itimiarm...i. ...... ' _ ..,.- i.;.... Ari.. , ~ ,;,.--, 77.4r.rid..,1,31t!, iii liall t 'l .' , LIMO; tam olliAtt• , - .liii4. , I*, r , -Diratio9RATl9 - _ 001 , 1101031 Or PSNNOTILVArI4I4 11 " ' HENRY D. FOSTER, a• ' Fox Coxoxxso. lot Distriot,WILLIAMM 2t " #OOll 4th " WILLIAM MORGAN. 6th 0,11 - HARRY INGERSOLL: • • „A HUTH 11114.708, ;Ist Distript-rSAMUEL J. RANDALL. , - " • Lit Ihatriot-JOSEPH CALDWELL. • Id THOMAS , ; Id d '"" 4 ' PATRICK MeDONOUOIL " 'IODERT-E;IIAIIIVALL; Ith SAMUEL JACKSON. , Rh " CHARLES L. :WOLFF. „ 7th " PAUL HETTERLINUS. Bth " JOHN shirr - 16'3a' 9th HENRY DUNLAP. 19th HENRY O. LEISENRING. 11th " JOHN S. RIEHL. lath , " WilfLpad 0. BNY4) , ER. 18th " D.' MORRISON. . tl• IitEPROKW. It. SMITH. 11t111Z" JOHN IL ARUNDEL. ." • :THOMAS W. DUFFIELD. 17th " ' Ci!o* RzcORDIIR OP DINDS. ::" . ''qEOXO" . E W. WITNDBR. , . Pun PAOTI/OKOTAIT,IO DIIITRICT COURT, , WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. FORlump! Quarsi Bxssion, H. LUTTS. Yolk Couopois, • ANDRZWLOWRBY. . RATIVIOATION. MEETING PEOPLES PARTY. The 'citizens of .flilladolphia. without,distinotlon of Piity opposed to Wo yresent oor u t itad disrsoem „rfattorlat Adunutattitioo,tulavor of'. • , •, • :FREEDOM OF THE TERRITORIES, THE PROTEOTION OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY, - - THE IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS, FREE HOMESTEADS, • EIGHT Off THE itAloAtrir TO GOVERN, iavits4 to suiaimbi• in • ' , ,MASS MEETING, PEIONTL 4 4II4:I.I4IiE. co r rama OP BROAD AND BARR= STRUM SATURDAY EVARUifii, SEPT. 8, = At Right , o!Olock, • • RATIFY THZ NOMINATION ALBERT 0. HARMER. FOR RECORDER OP DEEDS; PRIMP 8. WHITE, FOR?ROTRONOTARVOPTRIRD.IBTRioTcOURTI GEORG,B if. MOORE. POA 01.Eine OP THE 4UillYEß'Blllllol4Bs. • /MD ANTONY CONRAD, FOR 00RONNR. At will u tits Nonokeipioas for copula, of .lo* K. BUTLER, EDWARD JOY MORRIS, WILLIAM D. KELLEY, TORN P. VERREE, AND THE WHOLE LEGIBLATIVB TIOKRT Addresses will be delivered by the following [antid ote* i _ Hob. JOHN EHENNIAN, of Oil°. ' Am. JOHN COYODE, of room'not& / • mi.-111,_Jetillix , r1s; - i . o*. Wm. CUttl4: l ,, .• • - On. Jo hn P . bra 1,,,,. otioil iionultuagt, r... 4 . :::__Wral.,.3lf l ona; arid 'V wort e ra ifilel7; , M. ItegrY R. Moore. oiespta JI, lontion, , „. e . g . Taiala . o2 l . cs, e i . •zniu . X. : rit:s73lggli s .' ' ' 4 12.1$ 1 1, 1 1114:: . g Isms Riche. is. F. Instil. V t . A h t ighead ' arnO g iL i &stii, E47. - - - `,Jow l P Bandsmen, MAL... M. peel. --tiitex. iSitosson.., S. Jo .mr igia. ',, _ , E Newport. • *ldonis. . C. Reeves, .l. W,Jontion, Too Maid Aaroinstions of the - nonra PARTY. ihitdoni;otto Onto sad Wido•itialtehei got tooototod to liOti 10 4, Viiit; 1 1 la;tigiiteliotll44lito ittiett ito l "onion to tltinioottogitoi run*, .01113 It GRAND' TORCHLIGHT PARADN after the meeting, under the ingetirvielon a the follow; int Marshste : • • - - • carer lUSIEFAL) . • • -, Y. 0. zumArsa. Altus:ANT itaissitiai,, , . • L 4 , ~. .8., ilium's', Ch. D. Aierese. • a cr v e r Vi T triill poilroPru4 • , . .„ lit. lip To ~ Ai" gr._ ' ' 4.44r140., *St Inez, atipa . Lettb,..: Br 610 of Ui'pkipleoesijitiAlif or Nernister CiliN;P. JOHN - 3.l44Nianir,, ts fra . twhm •-' yawl, ,7,11111LT11, T H nip fiflitEEr Jo/nil:NO UOUSES FRESEi • • ' FALL Gooorks. Et):FAGEL,„, )3 , .neroitinta - Arro , JosintEie DRY- •":1,300D5, „ • No. 47• NORm .1171 AD STARST, -Would resirAtetytie tee attioitiali . of the taste to qtele, tAllgE AND wzgAggcrxED Stook of • .. , • Oltril3H FAL;i, aDODS.. I. . Widelt tiNi4lll ie. ire d'aiir't'ntiamiet of O Josh dantabpt geode. CsU lad mans* oar stook. , ' sittlha ; 140E11$411401011ING 00,0 DR► WILLIAM 'YARNALL. - ..: EIt.PORTEIL•AND , DEALER IN r ' • ' • (.100D'S, " No. 1020 CHESTNUT BTREET,f) • 6 llmmodlstely oppoottittsi kisdomy of Fins Arts.) TABLE CUTLERY, OVALII`AITERB, • RITCREN TABLE:. DOOR MATS, ,„ , , - CLOTHES MANGLES, ko., ko• ,„. • ' ire!ltatS lol 4 4 ok : l lntited to oil . Biaaltuitio* this stook of, Aftouniti Coot% ' • 4074111113111 'Ow TOW Apv*wromwrarm, F viii E Is dativialttioNG, . . „ ft 'AND-4 0,J3811418 DRY 00 0 rP, s 71' s 19. $l. tit! Ji'UT"AN'E BT, 711 , ~„. , „ „ ••• ' NINA • BROADWAY • • •-••• • F 0,4 , ertiet , , et init. oixiii&liet • itie 4Ai•t; V11:41),t,, 4f.., '4040, 4 1 4 'Vol 511 ,7 , T. , + ',.`. •. r - , ~' , ~, ;- . ''' ''. T W-0 1 ,,, , 1 1,r't ~ ......1 . ' ~,k ,• „ ::::., a.. ~- 1 ~, I :2. .-; ~, ,,: .,1. 1 01q1,' , ~, i,• ,• „ :;; ; ::: .. : .. .; ., , :117 2.4 061j .: , 0 r.,.7 4 , . : . G . : 3 i',11!J!".•::'1',:,:.::,,,'4., ! , - ,,,Q,,'] y, 0,,, i -, 0 4, 1 1 ,, , fl , o. .:•• • : Ii; /ii f.“ 1, 5 ,, p, , I , I', r -, • Ifa ii, ', , . ; , Z, .t 'I: ti ~,,, Ityr .. , 1! ,, , .1, r,•14011.,,--)11:1,1 I '4 ;l'W - ._ k‘sliit i fil- - , ri. • . vii , k " i ail: '''''"."..- •' , ', -,7 1,• , 1" , ... . •-..-, a ' ,C , -'.",..., '' ' ; 3 4 '7 rq " s -, I i (: . 1 ; ' ' 'it 1 '. .h+1 . 4 ,-..1,-V,.; : :; ' ,7 y ' ;,.•'. ::-, ,‘ '' •'• I , h ..ory ''..". ' " VOINVIN "' . ' -•",,,: 7•,,: , • • 1 , ,• , 1- .)i1,•vr0j,,,, 511 -,') 0i , • . ,..t.,1 ! •,/,/ P ,, '" , .' 11, 1 ,4 11,,, , i , , iij t. :1 411 4 4211 1 1ft 1 d A P A I A4tra • 41410,14:15ib1i 1 0 11 1 1 NITONOVIVit '76 " 1 .......•,r.000.0081V.101,t.r:M1,1414 wi. VIII • '. ' EtirearOCAO" ... "4"- . 1 Vac , LIME Mane AtiiiiOttlik stp,Am il y .Irftt,.. `)rilYA iv;74„.1 1 4iii... „kki ,i xt.V.a_lika. ti.. _.. ,a3~'~f4~~ I'F;st l~ ,PRESEL-PHU4D4MA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1860. 4.3•SnuaLalr OP Tail WM., MORRIS DAVIS, ~,. . .., , ME= C 0 MIM IL&MLIN 1 II II T i ltl N I 14 31 !. i 4ND, " VICTOILYI PEOPLE'S 14, 4. SS ME ET IN G! AT L&N - OAE3 I I' . E - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lg, 1880 PROTECTION AMERICAN INDUSTRY FRgE 'IIOIIE-S FREE LABORERS! FREE TERRITORIES FREE WHITE MEN! THE MAINTENANCE I=Mllll NATiONAL\ NI ON SUPREMACY OF THE LAWS ! TES PEOPLE P E N N'9 Y L V .N Who are in favor of tbs PIOTIcetTioN OP 'AMERIOO:I#TRISTEI ; Who are in - favor at PREE ROMEBTE4DB.VO •ACTUAL BETTLBUI on Who aro in favor of ' PROTEOTING,TERRITOBAES NOW ME From the BLIGHT OFBLAVERY HXTHNBION; Who are In !iv)! of MAINTAINING OUR NATIONAL UNION ISUPREIaitOI , in? inviow: Who 'aro io4eior of A RADICAL REFORM, . ~ • , • - . Suoht no will Ooneit'the'shamelei,; .s y and coy rutlints of the present National Admlnnerattot, ere Invited to attend tt ' " ' ' ' GRAND EITATE IitLASSIIILETING I.*NOASTER. PA.. ON ViNONEtiOiIi:.BIN4. To httilti deounvi Noir at the' perfullotui Dona oratio rulers who have impoverhihNt_car_ pateuteeo-0, - see - teiestred oar Labeller by Y.141y Free Trail potion awl b3l 4 oiss thou VOlOOll agabist Bee:alonglsm and Dinah:lslam In any and ivory store. Thi following distinguished gentlemen are expecited to attend and deliver Addressee: Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLIN. of Maine, People's Cud Mete for Vice Presidaut Hon. ANDREW :11. ARlETlNibtl'enOs.4=A People's Candidate for Governor ; Hop. CARL ;MURK, of Wm.:4min ; Hop. JOHN BEEKMAN, of Ohio; Hon. THOMAS ,CORN3N. pf Milo; Hon. SIMON CAMERON, of Non.; Hen. ,MORTON MoMICHAE.L. of Pens.; LYMAN TRUMBULL, of ; ' Hon. E. 30Y MORRIS, of Politoylvanls Hop. JOHN HICKMAN. Hen. THADDEUS STEVENS. IlOn. JAMES POLLOCK. - JAMES H. CAMPBELL, " Han. DAVID WILMOT, • Moo.JOHN lIILLINBEIL r; - 8411. AI ttAkitimi," " • CALUSIIk A. GROW, Hon. IS. MoPHERSON, ••• 1/on, JOIN 00:170DB.• t +.. lan. JOHN 33.11:11/4/IHM. .LINCOM HAMLIN. AND CURTIN CLVIO. „ 1 'l ll°, U g t fti4p imikmpoisur us all th e Sastertt counties, are expected to attend, pi cosily organised. Tlik WIDP,AVI AXES : t - tis expeoted to attend ila full ftnoi, yfroptirly 'oßlourid sad equirtgad, and s - wiDE'Alii, , Aicz ?row ALLpir YROOSOION WIU isirs - pla..3e on the Fly - ening oC the Day.... VXCIIBSICIN TIOKETti Will biller's/I , M elf the Ranarim. good for tilt till g seOeseee , lo' go go L' aneemtr, ettetid the Meetlieeised rite= home. Frittnds of the Right !Itbili irie it pretiumsii atrucau in lbs Ksystons llt.tte is nigh at. hand. Rally in your might to promote your glorious t awls I Our friends in any Part or the , Pitata, desirinOnfornal tion in detail in minty". to tkesttettitinkitOr-tru m "" 4- boa to and from the Meetincoor upon ant other point. w4I address the ; 'STATE ORNTRAL VOMMITTBE. by, whinh • all oommuni eatioas will be vrobavtlY and estiefeotorilripewpred. , ALEX. IC. M6O3:4URE. VitAi It btAlt PIIbPLBIS EitATlr. 'Mt terTICR. VAN, Baotaiity - . • ' " iEOPLE'S Ni s ta% COMMITTER R00.118.{. Px7.!, , ...y ; Lraut, Auoit ughpsilg. v. - GEWfS , FURNISHING GOOLIS. W. SCIOTT—Cote Of 'thefirrre of VIII ' • *peer & EIoott—OENTLEIVI PURNItar. INO VORE and afiflßT AIANUPACTORV SI 4 OW 'NUT Stant, (lowly oraptaita tbe Girard liOrdh rods delPhia• ..joi" of hU r .. mod r , rm . p a it siori ll l e l mfi r d i t. aped urirtu t d ea ßß l to litil tn i : t i. b w il . it to t n ti t a ia t a i : o . y qATDIDERS' LATIN PARADIGMS.--A trot at e rieno t tiso..,.Wroisesup lase*. tionkirrAnith flu'. moiPsm &Lein Pamdigmsooth aSy napes ' di 4n. ` Cal " : " of il)soleasions. Mantled to any Latin prarnmar. By 3 1 Colttittid deurulers, 1. la. Lotus evo. Price 75 cents. This 'work 1.4011)111010 111 d bk , the yroiessors or langualiss is more than thirty or oar first gm. ~ e5 111 . 143.1./1111 E. I. BUTLER & CO.. Publishers. MOO lig:, HENEIZEVACC? i ARE NOW OPENING ThIPIR , PArlili .STOOK OF HARDWARE. lArg MARKET, and 06 COMMERCE STREET, = ;r.3-gm t r i------- - = - is 'SUIT TREES AT LOW RATES.- o iloo I X snob trees of the most heattity growth One winow) ones. lI G forf Gio SIM. stooks. . N ° 1:01 3, 6 . 1111=1PUTSA Odr.'" r 30,0'Q vervains; gag. lame egeshneng, o !Landman* 1111. M Gable for an Immediate Milk MIRO) . T r otw i d Ofnamsta Trapp.,ot fiTlry "fitiltir rit .144:1trait . ,,:e....- 1 n o 'Hoag he d ads oars Mow • Miner.. tilt, I utlf hour—fare 10 oen4, , , ! haIMBT /TINT t r 9, 0 aid. in Wsfero li a:e i ralTM flif fl ll aK El s alt. NI 11p I i 4: e •Jav c! A:I it • q • I tPLIVU 24: 4 7. tgi win MUM. ) t he well known ' NS, rentoyed _olljenfont frog roe on , bailout i t itsi l iillo u t i lmetaerAtia r ri S te:tir frPrOViim OS mot the last oeventsen sears. All Mau of On a treel s igitrA4r4l i g g r ,V gi z see for v * BUSINIZI3 M ssRE ADVEITIBING ea o l o gr a bstpriroilow Ow, ria. co-+a J • Y. COE. e & Co. i l / 2 , 1 4 y t l i tati t + l gir t % yat A.lO , . W, UUSLICATION . THE INDEPENDENT, or Tara wsarc, OUT TRIO , z " Lst attssottra sita, SsNONA slumber. Oee or its lead- ins miscielliinsou minim is on MIRABEAIT AND SOPHIE, .10BN BIGELOW, The well-known editor of the New York Rtyessing Post 7, 4 l 4 o iPliilif!iieltillt whole ool4alnawkst never be fore hee hien 'given. to tho enhlio. either in any me- moir of Miroboati's private life or soy mow of JIM public Wirier namely, a copy and a translation of the original letter (In Prenoh) erldob he state to Sophie, aketchiet fot her the plan of her eueoesefut escape and elopcmOnt with him from the prison in which he was oonfined. Mr. Bigelowprooured moots to this letter during his recent visit to Europe I•IENRY WARD'BRECHER EEEMEMIII SERMON, listinative, Eloquent, and Impressive From the Text ' " Jeans onirerdwid thin', and mud, my doctrine ie not i iin mine, t'hiii Um lime me. If en } man Will do hie Witti;h 404 know of the' doctrine, whether it be of Ood, 0 whether 'speak of myself."—Jono vit. le, V. AM sad reword report of a Sermon by Rev, lienry Ward *whet' appears 'ln TIM' INDEPENDENT every week. fifty-two Moonrise—the best wbioh ere delivered in the Pulpit of Plymouth_ Chureh—thus so- iear,dhrihe 'ono year—and aro worth to the reader ten holm the aubsOriaton prioo or the whole papar, with all rte dther readice matter beside REV. STEPIUM IL TYI,IG, Of Bt. George'a Chapel, Now York, le contributing' a seriee or papers adapted to meot the spiritual wont' of hundreds and thouicande in the cora- minity. who are ieeking to lead a better and nobler The lapse of a few months will be sufficient to esta blish WORMTER'S DICTIO VARY as the acttow• !edged standard of reference among the *simian of Borland end Amerios.—Londe* Literary Gazette, ;lb, t+ THE LOST ONE FOUND," 11,1860 hfs. These attiolea are called week's contribution in on " TEE MEANS OF EXCOVERY." "THE LATE JUDGE MASON," 4,rr♦efite4 tribute to good man, from the een of CHARLES L. BRACE. ",TIIE STRIPED JACKETS," minding gliutpies at 801110 peoultartilos of Prison LIN at Mug Sim bj THEODORE TILTON DWELLINGS ON THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM," TIM :INDEPENDENT IS PUDII.47II?D F. VER Y THURSDAY 211 OR NING • It id fornlehed for Two Boilers a year, by mall, to all POMO" residing One Of tidy York Anil Brooklyn. To Peninarienkiing in either of thuds mtlkw, It is delivered at their doors by'Oarriers at Two tailors and a lief. All tet•ots should bo addrossid to JosEpir H. martmlbs, PUBLISHER. ..mur-i-z,r=nriretrt - STREET. NJ 5:15" YORK. ooploo molt graluitougy to soy addrest FOE ALA BY NEWS AGENTS E'VERYWIIERE It NEW BOOKS—FOR SALE BY samm ilAttp. 704 114 0 .1 ez OTNUT Street. R li ß Wja &IRON'S EBRODO rue, voLums VOU T. oompletins the work ; untfornrwitti the pre view:Flume. * m ape strattotte. ' WI D kORTS IN IN lA, with remark on the Bre* ins AO Hearing of Horses, endlhe formation of trtegaisr Cav alry. Br Capt. IL nnakeepear. one rutlS oestte. QUM: FOR INVALIDS. By Dr Olttbes. WOM eN IN W gyre. By Wilti • Collins. an. Dor 01 the Dead Secret, &c.ProlUsely illustrated. Irk7ll cents. . ) T 'MONTH OF TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. 0 SRN PAINT SAS. By .fohn Ruskin. Volume fire, ddispleting th • work. Also, omelets sets. antrum bindles. 'roll HISTORY OF THR CBLV,DRATED 'FRENCH ZOCAVE (70 RPP. Being the rep Hammes' of one of ths lacers. Translated from the French. A moat en tonainmit book, el. AL EO, /4 12kRAR AND WELL ABlO RTED STOOK OF DW.OOE IN EVERY UEFAAT URE, 4.TAIENT OF LIT L 4 Ni IR A /0 E R .31ARSII'S NEW PLANID-FORTE IN takUOTION 1100 K—JUST .OUT, and for gale at It of the principal Maio and Bookstores In the oily. L e o ,Pr air 50 4 E cents. • . w IR'N INDEPENDENT VIOLIN P Elt. P Y rim:Scents. . abliatted at MARSH'S Mesh" &ore. 1104 OHMNUT Ilt•eet. . OTKOTION—TELE TARIFF .— In the PH , a. ilipo , ttg °fillips bet. a series of artio'ea upon " The POOZine and Foliar Pt Protection, with an iiituttrative Zalry of on , Tariffs. from Ms Oraanisation of our (I,4ir rumens to the present time," were published In r 458. noy 11•14 readvith mus s]. interest; and their re -1,041,4110.11 Imul baulk rails fin, by no many who desire to sae themwldely olerriboted. that we have been in duced to skew them into convenient form for study and preservation. - The students of Tariff and doctrines will Sod 'abendsm repayment for art nour'gr attention, and natter for r h lidsumly refleotion. lye Pali *ars give it to the nubile at the fair oat sire of pa hokum'. and expect rig large orders will be ready- to 4. t hen PromPtlY. be pamphlet le in Mt nuns, donde 5011ini, on IMO It its paper. good, clear ill ; Pries, V mite per 0014; a centcper dozen ; SE i i Pr pared. A erase ordtie, enoloaleg the money, to RINOwA LT A FROWN, 74 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia, n pc K. WYERB.—Gentlettten: I have csto. Ll al OPT A fritrigeirCrielbilvilinggPg: Dent. 6.. 4.u. I owe heretofore done at the Custom- AVine• -stand 1 p,d and new Law and MO- W Boots. have for sate upwards or 100 old Had • ettai Bono printed prior . to the year lON.. Also, 1 n e irt i 2l c at TiVr ig re "4 r iTrilT4:42;lli v ole., an Athol reraoMi at a dotanoe Won ns to sell Books, will des lb* their names. sa ws te medium aoaeinoes. and VINYL Pamphlet La of Pennell nuns, and old Make upon Amens& wanted, _ aste-trn JOHN CAMPBELL. lUY YOUR WOKS AT &VANS' OUT I g l oYallnit li og's:: 9 B, c a l erkilie N tEe i rleg:. L and Llt, 4 4 v g le frt d ar reg re: O i r°: Hundred Pre wig' 8011, ti Kt AND to Boom!, WOOD AN °WATERS OF TR e BARANAO. Dv' A. !Unmet. OA volume, limo, with a lilt. Praza in 24., TUN ISUNNVOUTR. Edited by Professor J E. 14 0112 11 L n kliii i 843 11 6DrPkillItt l i t iri. " gi. 4 slor. 12nto, witkurlft. Prom 11. 'ERE GirrlT4lolAlVii t BODE OF ETIQUETTE. One v O ° l l l . 4 7 oitile e VSIVB! " It Mn. Ellis. One 1 vl it uaw a tr A i4m. ;Iv/JD: UTE fly Wilkie Collins. ° ltrt i gi t irt w a l k:: alirtkisliFeViuthor of '. Alone." f ° Ul l ei s Fli t ri, w ei Wel. One 41. 43 , 1 1 1 2 5 M0, with gift. P !tuba. ByßissEvans. One Yol , limo, with a gi Price SI M. RR TERODROF.DAVID. By De Rev. 7. /Lin ks . la.. D. Joe vol, limo , with a gift. From I I Wt ain Ty MOTHFRIN-LAW. Dy Mrs. E. D. E. N. Rota worth Onr nii.,l2inihzwith .tit . Pries $1 16. ti ITO ADVIOTUAES IN AFRICA. One vol., I Winn. ' ries St. • gm] RT 1 , 0 MIN; or, The Memoirs of a Mimi ' ei tirFt ri Orri l lT ditfttON. Plieell 1 111% /AA BUR FAUN. xi; stawthorne. Prlee Slit. tirg tf.. 1 411 IgN4 F ek.evits-1.P".• e'• tru ' 864 1 , 21,61SibNtrif. . F O F C • . . P r i ce SI. a A ii giew% om l if a ty A iret t s g t ( ottlVOlVl: Veen witn earn book. . A. and one 014 will wore you that the beet eh r e le the, oily k her e°11141 47 t 0 RVANB'S . , CRT BOOK EISTAIDAMMENT. sLe-gi f 10,4130 ORAAT.NUT &rest. . CAST -STEEL BELLS. 101 cuußatils. FIRE ALAIMO. kg., sot 111 NAYLOR & 00, IGO 0014 MAROS' Strom.. p ; RODAIICB AND OTHERS, ADP&R• sig_yozaktk pir IN BEST CITY AND inclity rum. Nid ist publtahsteitricpad RIX tar AD . YS • 0 ENOY. • ' 'D. W. ♦ „ 190 ARON. SIMI*. - - nall or ;and !or S. a. .../40414,r11. , fhMM•tt , illisairatn, BAUD, 11101131 NO; eco.- 14101 p bbjt o lZ i lda te stntt_ifit.ip2 !ari l 1 knows , A Imrtiosi ' AITINGS 1 I. also i a .."'‘, ..,''' ' 1 10 tn. 411144n n 1a 0 . 1: 011 •, ' ." , i "CIL '' • ' FlL.AetArlan_f ' JIMILIPH H 1108 T. AWNING XAMIIII. Ogie tow 1 1 4... n az:, . _ ,; -4 4 3 Ora: 8 4 td 1,111 V: ' • ' \ I 1.1:111715Millt& ' 1,4 Mk aad PIAL .. ,.. .144 1. .‘. sr islirivisTob....-5108 bbli4 p 4 itiiiit:oil 1i M k ri,a; goat' . . , .1 sr 1.,, „,...4,4h.,. , - Tuioilvori.4l,*,,towirrveoo7 ...., ~.. , , - 1 ,. —.., i ~ do a i r l iz ",,, ~ , if t rlis. is 0. 'Asa . •,, , f inille N. ' OP . •-- 1- . ' .... "..-• la wa t i rgrolg Krr e-7' , lmp? umiEß=4in ' ,. 1 . ''- al. 008.—A,, (silk -.30t j ust sow • s 11%, li g A ra If )NVI Wil A tivVA B rounie u mna r b 14 ,-. 4 ". 1 ..--,. Iftvirt . ..T...-., - ' - ' -.--- ' - ' - ` - ' --, icit4 i ,, h: it hi t i rr movr 4 ‘-o rtiarr t,,A;tsiF ilt w.iliin i t ir i iti i rja ' '' — rk.saa a; P - i - maTirr -- 'W,,,,...,L - I 1 -',..... Lzus. j ZtotWiseSi sso: tr7', e s sh s! ( 14 lllt. 4.0 N i o grea - a -mistg e , ...nip trout... _ . ablii. Assar/M1 \ "P. tAilialial • f . -,, - . " NEW 1" . LICATIONB► THE LATEST, THE LARQEST, THE BEST ! 08.0.EBTER'8 QUARTO DICTIONARY TRH STANDARD 1564 PAGES. 1000 ILLIISTRA1:10N0 tile) Excellent Artlolee on Bnionintes 00,000 NEW WORDS AND DEEINITIONO. CEEEZEI:M PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY OF NAMES OF EMINENT MEN. The Executive Printing. the Debates of Congress, the Official Records of the Senate and House of He- Prorentatires of the United States, and the Publications of the ainith rowan Institute, TO CONFORM IN ORTHOGRAPHY TO WORCESTER'S QUARTO IN ACCORDANCE WITH CERTIFCATES OF JOHN lIART, Esq.; Sae. PubPo Printing. JOB. MATTINGLY, Esq., Foreman Congresal Globe JOHN C. FITZPATRICK, Clerk Aoots. Senate U. El. Hon. PHILIP F. THOMAS, Com. Patents. Hon. J. W. FORNEY, Clerk H. R., U. S. Col. W. HICKEY, Chief, Clerk Senate U. B. D.C. DANIELS. Clerk Aorta. H. R. WAL E.'IILLSON. Her.. Libfari an Patent OHee. Prof. JOSEPH HENRY, Sea. Smithsonian Institute. WORCESTERIAN ORTHOGRAPHY IN THE U. B. SENATE.—Ina reoent dleogasion in the Benue, of the bill to carry into °Teat the trestles between the United States and Siam, Chtni,,lagmn, Pe :els, and other countries, the following orthographic:al Amendments ware made, as repotted in the Washington Globe: - Mr. Bayard. t have another amendment: wherever the word '"ollanue" is spelt with an' "s" instead of a "a," to strike oat the "a," Auld insert "a," imam it lean otTeneo against the English language to spell it in that way. [Laughter.) The Presiding Officer. That modification will h made. Mr. Bayard. 1 in we. also, in the fourteenth line of he twenty-eighth section, to strike out the ssoond "e" n the word "employee." The Pres Whig Offther. It will be go modified. . . The bill waa reported in the Senate a• amended, and he emendmena were concurred In, end the bill ordered obe onerosied, and read a third time, It was read* Mid time and paned. OPINIONS IN ENGLAND Letters oommendatory have been received from the following eminent Engliah philologist*. namely CHAS. RICHARDSON, the venerable author of Riohard/Roes Dictionary ; RERDERT COLERIDGE. Secretary Phi lological Society ; RICHARD C. TRENCH. R. G. LA THAM. B. H. SMART. and oleo from Yerr. Dr. BOS WORTH. Professor Anglo Saxon at Oxford Ilinvera.ty, Who sage " In shiny:, it Is the moat complete and practioal, the very hest u well as the cheapest English Dictionary that I know, and I have, therefore, no doubt of its sno -131111." Prof. W. WIIEWELL, D. D.. Master Trinity Col lege, Cambridge, England, gays: " The Dictionary is more complete and exact than any of lie predeceseers." IL R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, in an autograph letter addressed to Hon. Erman, Evansry, dated Bunking ham Palace. May 9, 1800. MY DEAR MR. EVERZTT: I have to AORROliledEll the receipt of the very handsome copy of Dr. Worcester's Dictionary, which you have been good snoutti to Pend me; end 1 moat beg of you shoo to enure the publishers that I ant very mumble of the kind feelings which they manifested toward me. It is very gratifying to me that the parent Language receives such valuable aid for its development and the preservation of Its purity In your country. With regard to Webeter's Dictionary. it our tritereat those who wild to buy n new DioPonaryi to know that the muoh-talked of new edition is printed oa the old plate... with some &editions. Worasater's Dictionary is et new work—a conect recordist the use and meaning f the -En g !is h language at the presto( time. It is amp.. rior to Webster's Dictionary Isrevery partionlar ; and It is so Admitted by the litsrafy men boat or England sad America. The wink his been intro.lneed into the public schools of BOSTON. PROVIDSNcH. NEW 501 H, BT. LOUIS, CHICAGO. and other principal places, by votes of the sever►l Boatels of Eduention, SWAN, BREWER, & TILESTON, 131 WASHINGTON STREET BOSTON. FOR SAM!: BY BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY. It LADIES , DRESS TRIMMINGS. WILLIAM IL lIORSTMANN A SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Invite the attention of buyer, to their Fall stook of /I LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, coctritteme FANCY DRESS GIMPS, CORDS, BINDINGS, VELVETS, FRINGES, SILK AND GILT BELTING.% IitITTONII, BRAIDS. BERTHAS, Av., Sr. Our new stook of BERLIN ZEPHYRS, SHETLAND WOOL, &e., I■ very lugs and embraces a fun litre of all colors and shades. Our facilities for home produetion, u well u direct communication with foreign markets, enables as to offer indtroements to purchasers. setll MILLINERY GOODS. THOS. KENNEDY &BRO. • 7 '2 9 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Have opened & SPLENDID AbSORTMENT of FRENCH FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES. FEATHERS. RIBBONS. STRAW GOODS, AND BONNET MA TERIALF, AT LOW PRIORS. see-pm LE GAL. IN THE DISTRIOT COl3ltT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. jAMER whDDeLL vs. J Kt, w. KELLY. Vend March farm, 18M. No SitB . The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the fund In court aiming from the sharer. sale. under the bore writ. of all that certain lot or piece of mated situate st the southeast nurser of Chestnut. or James street. and Margaret 'tram. in the Twen.y Grath ward of the CIO of PhthVelphia, rarrnerly In the Maltese( Ha milton. m the district of West thiLedelphis. and county of Ph,ladelphia. conttinlng in front or breadth of said Oheetaut street one honored feet, and extending to lenttb or depth southward. between lines parallel with the said Margaret street, two hundred and twenty Nu more or leas to York street ; blinded northward's' be said Chestnut street, eastwa rd by ground of E. southward by sold lora street. and westward by Mar. tarot street eforevord," will attend to this duties of hie rippointm ent USEI DAY. the 15th HoPlember. at o'clock P. M. at his ales. tae trourb nix rit Street. whedatd where all persons inters ted are re quired to present their claims, or be debarred from naming in upon said Nod. a.?. lot JOHN F. !MINTON. Auditor. NOTICE.-4he partnership hitherto ex- LI toting between the undersigned is this day die solyed by mutual oomment. The Nome's of the bits firm. And nll debts due Ihereby. will bd settled end vela by the understood, nr.STOISH O a al' nit and all persona ludrbted to said firm will me lee usy_mest of suoh in debtsdneu to said REKTOtth OP liTl R. who is Cull authorized to receipt thar•tot. JORN HOWARD, Pailadelphis.fiePt. 6 , WOO. R EoTORE CARTER. The business win be oo,,finned bT et T-Sto RESlTuitt. CARTER & CO. SAVING FUNDS. A IdERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Oom 'A and t a iVril 3 2 t rr::4,rirgriron /14 ,,A rr i " we ° end on ? MA ' Y ti Bis the eyeain, 'aw Ols Istotaßon .has always Deltl In fall, oa demand, inth" " hrtEREET FIVE PER CENT. lA, A u ii. , d back, 0 ftela.4 t in gold and sliver. T Utnlct. . # E . A, i,Blg.P.Tpit t h. 9l an, . s. agar . voysoic ti t:ll ohn peen, Jr.. . . dinio, b. u. bens. H. I e. wo lt . r a d. 1. TsfVll/30 7rrskummr.- JOH . . o r e. Beeratarr. aull-Int SvAING GARDEN ativima FUND, andai l p ri n h •o;fiPligh t inigi t Ei n Al 14 L—• 'n or Devoe to • _yroo egg, %t c. Also. on MO DAY maat TAMA' v zwg e•tual to o•woek. lnterd :Sir t a e go n otrif Vorid.9:ocln 131141 roolly ViAnins Ram 114 :115 1 . !• PRINPLA h 50iiii•HAVANA 01GARS.—Corn 11 ‘'‘'‘rara Fltro. Mak '; A r t n n t anOtti Coploba. et h itattlt erliar m altin w 7 Q emiTs Itt:ANNITNE.-530, .. • I ny )i.7.,-.3-140tal:' a - 1'464 1 _ kIYiNEGAIL-,0150_ blas, mrr . o vit•girr! l 2olpt• • 9U , ‘' tart i tea. 40.7*41,14 SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS JOSHUA. L. BAILIE. 'AMETEK AND JOBBER, No. 213 -NIARICIAT ST.. Iles sow oyes a LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL Assortment of DRESS GO.ODS and • Of the " 'NEWEST AND CHOICEST STYLES, ' At as rid iSTE ST PRI() E.S. The attention of ouh and prompt sit-months MUM ie invited. se6-tf T° WHOLESALE BUYER'S. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. ARE NOW OPENING THEIR OWN IMPORTATION OF 000D8 HINTED, TO THE COMING SEASON. , The" good/ hive been selected for the City lath ' Trade hy one of the firm M the (Malan 'Marina. and combine all the XOFICLTIEN OF THE 11 !WON. Privet will be ea low as say In the market. MS AND no CHESTNUT STEEET salt . . , LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE BTOCJE' ••-• , TN*, . „ FALL AND WINTER SALES. SHORTRIDGE, BROTHER- & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 420 MARKET STREET. and No. 4t2 MERCHANT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ham tartars comelete lines of FOREIGN and AIRE RICAPI STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOOD 8. selected with as to The interests of CASH and promSt MX-KON rFf S' Dealers, to •nMett they tarts the attention of the trade. N. b - A FULL. STOCK VATiCIET i.ttyeaVre34 , 74BlLLlZSlnartortik be found eisswhere. orders smented promptly, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. sot Tat C LOAKti 1 CLOAKS ! WHOLESALE BUYERS. EVERT NOVELTY OF THE BEASON, AT THE LOWEST CASH PITONS. Srlelsroheuats' own =amnia nisdnup If domed. HENRY VENS. solaso N 0.113 Booth NINTH Rune. F 1860. kAFFEE% STOUT., & Oo• FOREIGN AND DOMENTIO DIY KM& aal6.6m No. 693 MAILKET EITIENET. MARTIN ft WOLU, 111101,NIALE DIALNI.II IN FORETOP AND DOXEBTLO DRY ROOM 334 MARKET 8TF.Y.51% Cask and prompt NU. months' Bo ems, of alt **Oboes are invited to tin essakination dr ores stoat. ast-inn* A. W. LITTLE rb Co. • SILK GOODS, No. U 6 )[.llli/ENT OVRINT; R E 111 0 V A le 000040100 e of the deatreotioa be Ire et thIMT TEIRD STRUT BTOil. YARD, GILLMORE. & CO. DAVE REMOVED To NO: 610 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDS. AHOTE arll7l. PIIILAZILPS/A. Thy dm sow oven ANENTUR NEW STOOK Or SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WAVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ¢c., Todothor with a LAROB AII3ORTIEENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MOULD" 4.. Maytag rooolirod hats mall portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, fativioom to tits An, this are esteete4 to dints? A NEW STOOK. to whit& Um invite tdis stliosbait of Ow& Otistotwerst and Down 111110TallY. as an WURTS. AIISTLE. a MoVRIGH. IMPORTHIS AND JOBISIVI/ //i DRY GOODS. rto. 311 114.11X13T Stmt. above Thlrd. Fades Warts, a r tlgrikeVeigh, 1 Ihnunitrem. ohn n. WOIMS7. °mph Bunn, J sal-Ia F ALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANT/I;TAR TOR TIM WHOLEALE TRADE. titt w orXracin. tc hlfa s to bu iri: Brook, which w• east ar. LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERNS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Tait PAM MANTILLA awl CLOAK EMMUUMI 705 CHESTNUT STREET. 1 1 / 1 2-2111 FALL GOODS. BAROROFT & 00.. ISM 400 LED 497 MARKET lITREMT, IMPORTERS AND . °BEERS OP POPRRIGN AND DOMR9I.O DRY GOODS Block coin:flat* aid ready for Trec O. stint R. WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS Aso WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS ANTI CLOTHING. ' NO. 300 MARKET BTIMM Pall sturWttiter Stook new complete and re %eget hams. PAPER lIANGENGS. pAPER HANGINGS. MIRY, JIONT.OIIIIIII*. b 040., WILL BELL AT AUCTION, Without mom, hoist their sloth No. 300 OREfintUT OTBSET. ON THE lityt AND 19ut OF 4EFFSAIDER, AU their lutsU stook at PAPER HANGINGS 11ORDERE, PANEL, PLAUt, ALULOLS. OAS. OD 01.1aTJUN PATEJII. Of ill asaDtlsr. lots m lob to suit rooms ot'ses loss. slums snit ti otroket to that* trio wish to ssssr Nor boohoo this All to got borootbat ' Tbo stook will bs oold'bt wry lOW pule HUT thill dal of uit solbUlte iIIIUSIMMI'II. WALNUT-STROM mina . - - - - Bole Lowe -....Jlizt. A. IW i tanager--- . . ~,1111.r60- --i ro wcatifiiiii.l...,al. FAR • Fit • DIAVOI6I. 41 , 1 irs t i ..Antie blilterara Dismal% Bro,kiermi oinlitiVeZek. k 'infor ildisillifte UM ceel4k Primo - 01 molls' lion • Dram U. mods miming wit outann. charged.* fa; i a s VI :1 3 . 1 4, 11 2 P r ogrVpi coat. ; szd sr 13; 8 Ei.r. .1... la 1' i.. , ralustra and a 041 41116. W Hg ATLEY & mumps ARCH STREEOF FIFTH NIGHW 4 0. OP ILL . • THIN I BIOH l i trila Gu i , I /5 0 BIitNEPIT li i W E ll w. /. - Wkljill be_imentad t Irio u lin IT well, acid TO .11 1 - _ E r lONS° , fa ex ebnetali-ewe =l4. Third Olgad DOS in IllefingW r 1 7 6" . ._ . TOE COMM. , BROT 111. • , VONTINENTAL . 'TURATRI s ‘../ .WALNOT Stitt. abtiveA tiL OASNO.II.4eBS, Air li 111/1111111TMIL - TIM Evraitmeß Vale • G D 0211114 JO' N An " g Ait t rism Of the mom yhti r tm imam. Lea& Wain, as ComedM" 1.77 FRAME/IMO- Fcilkrari in the wake, erhiie - !JAM SHAIPLEY, :he . a ßoa vo s Ti Na ta rahant, arre. rzy. aa l.. az o. : A lat tit tted ejt ia ogl t l iee mai ritr iiiatillig tia6 'rift Vaasa al, Ballade. that aL Warta are el. Nouns cauwuklT vs w iterke To gee and hear this meet 114, R.. 'h. rot , vpsorcosses'wwinss. Poore on at 7 *Woo* g eesaaamee us. 11akets Tweaty fire • ante . RAND PROBONADE PBZE 00N ,14/1 pEit r.Tnis AFTERNOON, atliiialliileamm, wep t aul?:al Park. 1 44 = neeo llr . M oon ; mouses silk doloo=bl. . Fare sor mita (row every 'oi l = gel nit! MI MGirard -avenue Railroad) to the a re die stop. - iIDENNA. ACADEMY "0.? Tali fl II Coatatanur a lares amp la naroasirKirr — rjr tll WANTS. W,IWANTED.—.A. good German Girl, far 11 7, 1 orr, la a marl AYOUNG MAN, nineteen years of age, who understands BooA-heara 11,1 4 4 2 i boa. 'Woolf] woke hirs.seit . lan I a. loose gilwa. address " H. ".B lnsps*Ah 1t WANT IC D-A SALVSLADY IN Trhamligi More. One that eadpreleproda Mit GOMM lausuays preferred. Address •' )see Ake or ?ha &m. ANIED-A GROCERY CLUK fast-clue Reknit *tore. Must be wed »= commended for honesty and attentiveness. . 4 , 41 8., °raw." thts effuse. Pl BLISHERS, SittatiOll J• arsobtd. by a YQUNG EfAilorko has kad Tai yams' axperibaas in the Beak Biblawite /a a paw tnial Book-avian. a Rood Piano'. as/ nab* ka Wit Melo/ant. Annie= •• C. F., • atm' Me* se lia• Par. ad Br AYOUI4O LADY WHO BAB RS eased s liberal education, is desire= of beesoin 1), Tittlildr or- Governess. Good Wombs. Irma NO re quired. Address • • B." seise of this Peter. elfin' w'ANTWD—A Situation as CU* or &Raman In s Wail/tails elothing boom. log of talameara mien. Addles, T. b.. at Oa olitsl. a:4OW • DRUG CLERK WANTED—Ong w h o baa graduated fr.?' tait College et llminieey. Add r•se 0 - LO AIM. °Ca al th. Pram aal•it• IVANTKa —A graduate of the High &moot wishes s mamma Maa wso7 Siselt to wholesale store. Address " Oreemsts. sae of taw mar. ssui• WANT &D—To purchase a Lot suitably . Worded fora factor. Addrsas. wis pis Sit s" A lbertson." Prim name r 41.41 A Flits T-01,04.9 SiLESMAN WISH= ."•=. *4 intattinent In • Dry Ow& SOMAS teem Cast induseee a fair amoont or seat,Cimit midi sesetle bled*. Addrw••ll4thsamean." itlis owe*. AM IV V A' 'HERS WANTED--A a Principals. Assistants. or Partners. 311 the dasraat Sam. Sehoolo Road's. out ColJoaco. maxim amegmaat Teacher.% for mu ~moo et WWI .). 6 . 11 VMS best to eat for an DooartaMit be •• tt.natTeaohere instants." 336 SILOAM A . York. 1119ITANTZD, IMMIDIAT ELY—Au - • V m•vser4m t fu t is .1•411.,...Wb# 1 061 House. One who can i t S nw • oink was eso hear n &Iced :rrityr Clothing." olt • of 77m. Puss. set ils• WANTED—To Rent, by • sawn fasony without eintiria, I padtws-aind beeisNmkt (11177114110. in plums /41.0. AMINO b , 'aim ales.. PARTNER WANTED.—Iho adurtiats ifl" daimons of WHIM , 10 . 1 0:114 4 , 1 sailf&etvimo. Bitlumse u e t' Factor:7dg erYltPrioss, iiliP WANTS' AND OTUNI3 ADVIETISIEr muirre +re isardad is tit. PaiLat; MIA INQUIRER, Doable abort. are 66 =3 l ?la Ina 'martian, and tow neat. a law nant wae: 06e* of vial IRquiltz - a. Hi RD stmts. uaraumt *um& . nit at WANTS AND Mint ADITUTTOZ" aims ara tsar tsi m Ms PRITAIPSI Blest; for six caste s warttoa. sad four mats a limp sub sabssimaima t t on. Soo or TWE INQUiStit, So. are I e n‘ ..t, Wow Chastest sued& - w, YTS AND. OMR ADYNRTDiZ mE,:•ra lit)II omitted re the PINLAMILTILA tnee tw "ll :itto U v r i tso . l" an e d . : t co; D :t . 27_ 1 1; greet. beep,. Chestnut ~m 4 el3 LII/ AN TILD--TO RSNI" 0 r ~1371 .4 • • TOWN ps= ist of sag stabb Arptt " Box dim ishla eairktlista•itt. FOR SALE AND TO LET. REAL ESTATE AT YRIVATE SALE.— • Leann Sal Coati try Seat at Chemins Also a destrab.e Country itssodenos Treataa. New ]snot. • Imo, a battik' Catty. ta literesta Also. one ball laterals la altoiltagat t Als2. tam tares-story Resat . Mt rig. _Ann. in Matti'. Pa.. Ba=ton's Ws/hints GanWork'. Also. %splendid Faint of 300 sena. at New Sams& Connecticut. Alan. a large Foond_._ two rovesent. MM, Ai lean. Factory, at Bide Also, a small Iron Furnace, an anraton. Pa. Also. a tarts interest ta a Coat nine Kari Chem nt , Fa.. and 10 Coal Om, of bee ',Kinn al the °watt. A. JA MEd BEXTO/ 1 . / 11. No. 1211 X l is r ar, PAUL EEC* Alt least' vs, . P.a.—A boyetital Stearaskle. knova am nrt Of Um Wave.' FOR BALE—Two second-hand Marti* Top BILLIARD TAM LPL in viTy inod_A•Ang. For nalcouLars. main, WI moons CAMP %Mos All IkAtk PEOWID Meet. to Awn above Int, 1.444t* peR BALL—THE STOCK. FIXTURKS, LEASK, sad 000 D-W ILL of lama CelaWlllB - Located 111 outs of tio Beet Boise. streets Is lite si res stook Is ode or the best esessted Ii the meet. The wide Intl be disposed of se faversbie term se writ-911=4* at NO. 41 Booth rourra Stnist sate ea PUBLIO BALK Of ORIZABA IRON onwoata. 110,1111 A PORNACII. ike.—lFy virtu or authority totted is Y aolr is pariso or ?alum' oConaici. tea Dunn et_Coari of Anita - oeirattou the truth of ream, hula. la lea no Plum thheore win expose to_pabha at the MUM EXCHANOX on FOUR R Masai. to the env ft burg. ou I-Tibet% US? r. tsio. et 11 o'clock A. .. the IN &Ilan Mill sad Neil reeenee. altsucted near N. teeth, Lawrence eonert. bricsert vacua, known an the °RIZ ABA Uinta II UR Ander tallow/ 'afoot &chug Fnrnaere ire 11tha i rzi Ter arena, Bar Role. Rawl Bette. Neil Kll2, lkil•CLII , O. 40 r(ial atomataait osh ei rteeilta, klaehios. atio Mattison - a lasaillihmedalt aid File Brick. Also the Blast Fine.. Wink at babbitt. above W arta. hick la ramble of tataft- oat lir= FL` Iron per win Also, aorw al lots of trust, armies mad arelaal 1 of too Ore. :r i zt. to e aid Pt» c irait;ka. outaralhod itie..--ene-teanhOrtiut attrolama Vlatot. oa le sokai sad lleteuat of t .ee boa t idrosii rw !:.t with sriMt Oat Oae S the defined payshoutat he ..oared by bard sad swum* oe ir wt rAtitar:7s46 • ma? wW-laell MISSOURI LAND!! 300,000 AWN tat ItalL st IWe, mitllLe w iten I to 10S ate Le k i trymil i u=s 4 ingsee„ zalWPled ender the &tutu** 111€. erushed Erato be Arm • reehete *OM or lipori t • p • So • 1 4 74 Moen T • 'OM. K g) WA boatM. **ld • iu.malibm..'"l."4 ibolt SALE ODEA.P. * .Ai. neat fau story dout4e Bnok HWELLOCH4.44 fl, No 111 , LomRAIID strut Airy at •.111V; C. W. oomar TENTH moo Mai, era ea. Ail 70 OAPITALIB7I3.— PCB BALI: ara l = a llt r altalti l negt i e l amoryosn•Alutos ia earrinuf w ea ea Weave Utile butane. o 4 or =glVo l • • k r tr ire a nt . . i 00. Foa BALE AND TO BB LET ADYBY TPt•alßNTaar.fueartad in TUN PKIL,111)114- ITIA INQUI RMS. for SOL Vole! InairrUnn. and FOUR urers 'Mat iourtiou. or ON EDO L R A lerliedTrif. (Ago,. ho. 141 South ThISB admit, F ORB4LE AND TO BE LIT Atrinut. TIS M Eh Td are inaertad in THE ?AMMON, PHL INQUIRE rot a/ X.CISNTS UNE SAO Ars aairrnon. and Ftil) CM‘lll A LIMA sad aminAt goons insertion. or ONE UOLLA W. A LIPIS• MON Mee. No. tEI Santis THAD Susan BOARDLNG. PRIV A TE BOAItIiLMI.--Gerttlemaa and r h... or atop te tr i Node ,4 , Boara. wait ptsomat tobas, ted br tatetatattea. at at iro6 .. mita of satuortoe hew*. ll* boatel% tippet* to re of the haadeolseer parka Um art is 6 4:41C el=b li e I"easn L eteiT sse. te the= eseestried VOA, 1011111 moornipt. • 14~1 nat Wank 'striae*, tor net. saitatots for oft mix jot , ANDMG AND OMAN ADVICE THIIIIIIIIIITS Me Moiled ix iim.PIMAM, a ll arg l it tEß ,Ar Va r re grag s .. Ma t lir 19 1 1 1 1 e 4 1 1 a MVPs %V= CARDING AND OTEDCR ADviut- WISTATITatVI fit Isurtknild litbis m ßla 1411 k, rtlaarrtria=o,a.siir WARDING Ann OMR_ ADM riP3l76lsoalskiftrh.4& 11.107: DAM. -WARDING IMMO A? 4?0,14.011 n. lETIKA 1 1 O w ar p iaj. Tit • name a;;.lWCia_