`~~~~ ~~. • ! ,1 7 •11 01 1 Ark . 4 00:Xiliilteltillto.1, .80os t ait im ittiii.A . - sise.k,,mariif4.4 l .l l fo! . 717. ...., tadirofTbe i rr i tarkia for , I r ktata d. V . r*rri:Lii:Hrle .: '- earm bs tif f. ' - et sena trell War, 1 5117 ""*tir""lfosgfiretiit e : t, • 05.44 rkr , eater , l , ~ ..:_—_ leer - • &Teem m mrtiret al its. ~ ..emern le olotdellitiloort .. him oio „syk bfke, at 715 Nime NI for ninon IN ink dad ilittee7 50 for extra. -04eloi, do Pion* firmer , wOese,of 41110 bola . et 45300535 for superfine. end *LIR n o " • - - - . G aara *mays, 'set t bettet„ withronneantive -1 Y sneltiNtandiptigasebeitiltrat IsillE74o bubble. and *RIC lettnalt *Spot denpind_the Wee sgeregete Ni,OlXlbuslale, Ineltu o ilareVireilittee at 1111114451 Sea t mnalema whit, revirt.Nl4l4o. 'Eye Is most at 750. - Bag; )fah 4 , n le Inner knot ne iv.tioe,Wlth inks ;NY , ' fine , at lido 5., Weetern''entxed. time for me t f t =i - st Mina& Smathern renneylvents. and " 1 "v * 4 . 6 "/Ori Ild4' 11114 ,i, edam and 400410 TROvitinTreer-tork re riandlasied ; Wee of 164 bbl, at 5119.8.4.0 75 qientietMegs; 11111.16 for old do ; 414.14 15 for new_erima- . )ted813e1,3 ge for old d& 'Beef is quiet anr! anatt with i nisi l reiles. et . late g totetione. 'Cu tmeelyr • iti , in , : lltti; for Rams; akd wyNo for siooddore. -rd reteravy; mirk %dew nor - /W ft of UM 61334 a. Baiter mut Chimes; stir n climaxed. ... . wmultymitAtet,,,,lttkwis. ovum, hble, at 12q.,, . ' , NEW YORK i CATTLE MARKET—Ewer Canamt NIGHIII,-WISZAHODAY. August r9.—At market 4,595 Beevea:l29 Cows. 537 Veels '14.013 - Sheep and Lambe, and 4 669 opt ; showing .an i income, on last week of 144 swine; la dioreabe' of PS "beemer 37 onws,end 110 yens. =lode In• the 'sales wore eift.head at Dee ian. N. J and4 6B , bad-sold oniSundityAt Benoit. N. ~to New York Wooers. roe ant' Cattle t.ntle this w eek hes lien rather bet ter for ammo, the prices are a little higher per hare 0304 4p . head and butchers 41e not estimate weightiest town/they i.id last week. We quote at (lea ae)VP rb,„ avpnerr 80. gaits - a nmaber' gold st E!. N. Be te . ..,u.0w killing Steers weigiutig from eltes maksold for 9c4 49' wasd conned as high se She Theolity of the supol MA nag 0 94 irk Yrn rortion to the whole. umed..r reoeived Sr a t week. There werca scent many half-grown steers ' and thin oxen. Mso a n u mber or heifers and dry cows. A min ter of tails comPoiedln LIM , stook sold at 111.90030. A few oar loads, collected monlytei this State and not St for the fattener. mid for es 4 sod 064 The very and pleasant weather promoted the interest of droner", end, ottof,doot.... booitkoso•prooreseed with much lire. Only a en were left tomsid in sue after noon. otok ell would be closed out bane *undone. A ooatilterable neastaty of the stook was la the hands of Poen:Wore, who marls a fair oommisnon. elseep and Lambe have been motive. at so advanee of 15'4e"1"tt head. We gum Mews from 43 to 46, and Veal Carve, are Sidling, from Of to eXo, extra 70. Miloh Cows eonnnue unman at 1250111; very few sold over 1541,,whichnekke prise of a good cow. Swine eele:gulckly at eireUe for common distillery fed to prune WoOtOrsvont fed.- . _ The bombe 'retalvod J• are in fair order; some extra See mresen ild ailt elladeteelleigh ea 1114• ive 128 droned; and Sheep at 90 NM di weight. ' .. Oen nirIIL-7-4he Op . r , , r OR I NIC following a itei of patents leaned . to Penneylva. rime froii the United Stiten Patent-OEOe for the week ending August 21, 7560; eaoh bearing that _ R. D.:Thre,efEast Birmingham; for improved attachment of covers to lease meals. Henry Weston, of Philadelphia; , for improved mooting for griadleg so w‘bladec, Alexander-liay;'of Philadelphis ; for Improve. tent 110111 , coMittaitiowitrailroade. Baronet 'IL - Landea, of Weat Medico ; for im provement.lnmsohinea for deeming millstones.. - Bernard Leath, of Pittabnrg ; for improvement In roiling iron two., . David P.'Fatterstril, of Fayette ' COifir, infOimed by a getqinisir jot' from the - plea*, that an oil well has just. been opened in the valley of the fdahoultvieveti miles from New Castle, Lawrence eounlYture .witich yields no less than ' thirty 'barrels per day. The oil. moreover, is superior to anyi'btit - diasotisred..- That which is obtained on Oil crook is quite thick and soloret. This is pure as waterount Bows in-aooutinuous and apparently tinfailing stream.:-The cormeguence of this dis ooveryiB. excitement all' through that region, ami mits*. are eagerly, sought .. This well was opened otf.,Wedeariday week, and others are being "ankh:0111 direotiois round 'bout. O . I7YiITEAts. REtrograt.---larnotleing the removal of our Old fnerill, C hattd*Haikosia,to tLa sigestid.new store in ChenttintStreet.abeve Sixth , No. CM we feel we ean rot peas' over ibis ieletesting event in th e marsh of progitios'of the trade bf,edi city, without a word or two in behalf of ibis aid and , deservedly popular house the pioneer of ths - -whatnot/it clothing trade in Phila delphia! - . ' About gortr - Yeariainoo,ths establishment of thefirst wholesale clothing store,_(then au ear Sweat) was eomute seed at the eastern end of Market street, by our enterprising friend, Charles BarknesgAo whom we are indebted for *ha intriduettori of an Clement of.weelth into (Mr city. soaand to none, other among oar great manifecturing halation. , • - Ambitious to - establish:a trade. hosed open mutual 'oarlike between buyer...mad seller, rather than of doing a bueleirige'reited only fOr to extents his aim has been Ivor to excel. • ' • . ' , , Coarkititing eV egtatoriVe kirrsloilgo of the wants and resuirenuromof the ragrkais,Ponth and-West, with an inerving-gersonab attention to btisinese, es ragas& the witiotiniforthetio - st dilatable 'fabric*, sad the ability-S*4oi purehatti at the very best rates, together. • with tlis outplay inonfor the Mut talent in event:nem* of thenianfifeeturing dOpertinimt," the Career of this 'modelrilOthieg house hoo..besa , onward and onward; the' graiiihig imiresiind trade. mid' high reputation of the hope, thstisat atientation of success. Thilimmsteriattieshettharret bretpu - ee had become is riecessity,and withalorisorde - dirp - gition as of old. Id be thellmetf:diuMar, a nirerfreld, tti,:ibith the tide of bus Mali tinag saltine in strong current: helms keeled himself et the swims aresnaos. No. GOB Chest nut street, Where Waded he - is ptatisii4 with alams slosh of fikahlonoblkan, Aid Whiter clothing, in which be invitee the epeeist attenttoa of Southern sad Western toren. fisher eiroild'ent that: for style. 'notify; pries; and tarms . ;, his,,otiCk of olothini wilt bear comparison with thearafinfotherfrionsilc the trade. • Cs CfPwair?;—ititrloh parity fp it (platy ‘l l o ll l*iosit - aleeholio medicinal stianalanti, To fleourtrthieb; Mr. James Burnside. of Alleshray City, dirtily-teem! MMOY. from ,ourefully.otiosen grain, sad by *deb Ai prier,, naus dids all deleterious intlistamos, It is riaiefblitnid in the tria'aret until it hie attained a note pee; sod It sutler tails to sae/ aoouilshlsaend This flue, aura old Whiiity is sold only BY ry etoelidale. N 0.1128 Walnut street. They - have aumeroac estgaostss of the esteem In which aim held by WA milked fraternity. , ' - Tilt* ern' 'itta tris - Wavartraa - 7 The Wesson st the watiiiiiiWideel , bu soma to - aeon, and . *dies and ssetlsmen with treil.bronsed hoes IWO seen of the'Prikeenade. or mewing ftif • Vie °roue arose:: • isttdfl f'lbir•`fAll trine. Gitithitheic 'who' hive heel' "Adak the. Feller the Os," or tha Springs, rem._ h ome '..:Mitticeircrod health, bet damaged , aptiani, and they • ,dowiliOtythinp tnialitomfett! sad.Olarrecielate_ My MOW *MA , Ot .tink OrMsa,eltotse- kp sall Noe. ea Ana co ELLoOIt.... 4 - 3 .1.. • 'll4Pies - MOO, tz:etlieteWt Pe• of_the bowels, habliatil cos ? liteiiiiikiierdWitraitteviirberidache , dyspepsia, pHs"; i•difettirk kb - should always use them .I,llll**bilatia.aad,4o4 l ot.debilitatm; eat 4* Zia bieonveimmee. They ma limmiti to the taste: 040,11 s ..7.ledie4ets,poitteetwo flee are sedtetteittd prodeos' feiPitalhAeritieweiflowers Sixth PASO wet box RarritagiOst.—, 7 0-5 - • ' Tim pile: tiliaprit'ilintia sinus drum Is spotless reputable; that laTafi ' Men are bat gilded town or painted clay." Aleirtitation fiintt.bigany. 'A pare, end nn nolted chareetar lieene ntitig most preoloug gilts that have ever been voachgatid to glad., Igis one of his mortal ott,ibutec neheu he diem and passes away. he leavesbis chanseterAnd »Potation behind him to in, Buenos the generations that Anima after him. Every Wady has its household traditions; and all men do 'noire arias° to shape the action. and deeds of those .who suocieed them. Row true is it, then, " A good' dine is rather to be chosen than great riohes." It is mote valuable than all the gold that was ever dug from Mitiliowels of the earth ; more inestimable than all the diamonds that were ever taken from 0010001 es mines; more pnoelese that, all the gems that ever operkled bo neativthe gnu, and when coupled. with a faultless suit from the Wes flaws Yeshionable Clothing Mart of 03AliVILLIII Amass, No. de/ Chestnut street 4 will not fail to'bear its 10011011• Or happily o'er the Journey of life. At this celebrated establiabinent 'a valuable 017/T is presented with earls article sot/. tf ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP ro 12 ceorAcs. LAST mare CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Car. Ninth and Chestnut Chia F Baker. Denver City Wm B Msrshnii, fin], Pa It A Banday r ktowling GreenW A Cooke, Bowling Gni HD Cooke. Columbus S T Moore. Champs. n. 111 Wm P Chain, Perkine. R Igergetresser. Perkinalll BL po ne prook Pit ahing 0 P A heroin - ohm. Mass Geo Whip,Ple. New York Miss M P 'Macomb. Ohio MissW W Clarke, Ohlo 3 Davis. Jr. Louisiana W isteimit LC Front Wheeling 'D 141 Dont,. Wheeling Geo Williams. Baltimore • w Thompson, Syreo. Mo A.A Guthrie, Ohio Geo W Tarleton, Mobile win Hunter. Mobile John Bohan. Indiana W GhloCausland. Lex,Mo Mrs B Whitmore. Newn.Ky Simon Orr & wf. Miss !Wise T Gilmore Mississippi Min 8 Gilmore, Miss H P Jones; Virginia W R Edwards, Freent. 111 P Reath, Marfland 0K A Hurollinson,Cluearo Danean,WaSh. D C A Gunners, New Orleans r T w lti e r l arlr. ilflA a r t oWl7ll B ll Mgcr,r's!a . ll l : l osmore Eugene .evering & la r Merrifield: N Orleans W Trague, Alabama :ins Wylie South Carolina p_ Roddisy, South Carolina H L Mioks . 8 Varela:a. Miss M Lippineort. Philo Mrs E T Patterson, .T M Gallaher & la, Ohio II 0 timer, Cinoin, Ohio Thee SoKing & Is. ?Bulbs John A Lefferts. N York 3 8 Stewart, Cincinnati- John C Haan, I aneaster Dr D J Means & wf, Ala W M Bra'reil• C F Reale, New York M Lanrninn, New York Chu Patina: New Orleans 1 33 K Pens, A Is. Illinois C B Willie. Philadelphia V B Bunk , Missouri J Alexander, Natchez - Chs BHolmes. Lynn. Mete W Case, rolumbi , .Pa E Waiver, Brooklyn Geo Kies'. New Haven- H C Jones. Illinois James Wagon, Mar, land LQ C Elmer. New Jersey Mrs Elmer New Jersey Mrs F Delano° & 3 eh. Mo Miss Whitney. N Orleans .p _Fr Feger. Tennessee W O Nixon Tennessee I' Yanon, Tennessee Sidney Rico, Chnomnati, 0 Mire J W Rice. Cincinnati Pdw F' Rice. Cineinnati. 0 John Parker. Pittsburg (them Wood. Virginia Waters & wf, Balt W M Wiley. Lanosster , 11 Sands . Easton W Penne & W Cheater W F Mills,, Buffalo Chem . in Morris, Baltimore Coltman:Be A J (time. auguens, Georgia John R F li nt & In,, Kr Miss Wm field. Kentucky Min Breed.Lmongtont KY John 0 Alien. Kentuokyr )8 Vs 'Coachman, lgy John 31 Thomas & la. Balt Harvey 'V Biwa & lx, La Min Lucy Lewis, La Miss AI Cage. Louisiana Man Foggge & la. La JW B Les. Kentnoky J..ohn & dau. Balton' W F now. Horton Zadtzinger. New Orleans 0 W irleDefitt. Virginia 8 tit Molar. Cinn. Ohio A L James, New Orleans M Hilger.New York G R Colby & la. N WLittle. Pittsburg M Robinson. Mobile Thosilyrut. Mobile L Clark, Wash, D John 7' Davis, Virginia J Coshing, Jr. Baltimore J hharkey. Baltimore R A re (Meet!. Petersburg Richardson: New York Mrs R Cammeok. Miss Cammiek N Orleans Jag Cammsok, N Orleans J .MMeheett. Georgia IC A Bull. Georgia J ' , Jackson & la, 0 Blu ff s W 0 Jackson, C Bluffs IL Alcorn & wife. Miss Mho M Alcorn. Min Col Butterworth. Miss Min AE Binterworth,Mma Miss Mary Redhead, Miss S A Little, Texas JasLewis, Laporte D F Towner, ilaltimnre John Byers. Baltimore Albert Blodgett, N York F G Smith & wife Mins Smith N Slater. Jr. Prov. It I f 3 B Axlett & Is. Cleveland T Robins. Tr. New York M. Newkirk. Newark, 0 4. °briery, New York "'" H Terrell, Kentuoky D bins. New York " E Livingston New York T P Bailey & Is.' Pa P F Eddy. Fall River B Guiteen, Baltimore E W Taylor Texas Bean, New York MeginninOvew Orleans J Wright. New Orleans T Wright. New Orleans H T •Ihamener, Boon C L Fowler, Boston P Leopold. t, Snoerior JP Kramer. New York Dr Be hael New York 'C Jackson. Ren , noky A Wentworth, Cin. Ohio J Green, New Yore P Chadwick /c wf, Maine (I L Bright. New Orleans GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets. David Ingram. Wilmington- B Ingram. Wilmington ' W B Gill, Relma. Ala abr B Reading. Viokabers I J McCoy, Missouri E Frantz & le. La Miss Frantz Louisiana John F Harper. New York Their Williams. new York C J Bloat & wr, Atl City Miss Blunt, atlitutio City MissCelasll.AtlnntioCity W .1 Joynes,Pittaburg Mrs Joynes, Pittahurg Mina .10711011. Pittaburg R Jennings', N Carolina W T Blow. St Loma Austin Drake. St Lou!. PI el Halts & la, Lyons, Ia WLi Fuller, N Y •GB Cooper & la. N V Misr. Cooper. New York Miu Bowman. New York H 8 Kirk. Lancaster no Jobe C Jefrens a la H Y MasterJefferm. New York Mrs W F Brantley. Savan'h Miu staples, Savannah Hartilton.Huntsville Moses Love. Huntsville -W H Benson, Riohnond J W Mostly. Marion. Ala C F Moseley, M D, Va WEBashes, Louisville Madame Cumming, Del Mina Cummins. Delawa. o Mad fiehutsenback: Pal Miss Solnesenhaok, Bel Geo M Litman, Reading Mrs Lantreint.Peadlnd T W Hayes & la,New York Li Williams. New York Gen Maxwell. New York 'l' E Hoffman & la. N C Miss Hoffman, North Cam H C Craig & la, New York Theo Downing. Maryland P s Lane & la, New York B Dams, New York 'F Stoddard, massaohusetts I, rganner.'massanhusetts Mrs Gunner. Manashtire's Jun Voting, W cheater C B Fetter. New York Gel Foster, New York Geo Wiley. New York W Temple, penneylvania Riehard Cunningham, Ind Master Cunningham, Ind John Abbott, Ohio lamas Thomea. New York W S Templeton, Delaware Mrs" simpleton. - Delaware PI West, Brooklyn Mies Roberts, Harr sburg - Dr Robarta, Jr. Harrisburg It Richard, Georgia 'l' L "utter. Georgia Jac Purdy. Columbia M Murdock. Newton. N J O W Anderson, Memphis A A Gallup. Prov, It I Andrew Farnham. CM. 0 Mre Farnham. CM. 0 Ohms R Parker. New York Mg' arhermerhorn. N Y Mips Pe A L Merton, N York Fdw Mentromore, Pa c Moorhead. nns Jame. Welsh, Peons Dr Fleming. New Orleans Geo Borglehlt. Nashville Par.tor. New 'll - ork Jas 8 Brand & U N York Miu Brand. N. vi vork • A Montgomery & In, N .1 B Montgomery, W'msport. M K Moorhead. Pittsburg Miesoullin. Georg Mrs A L Cunha, St Louis Mary Chen ie. At Louis I, .1 Chenia. St Louls John Normally. Mc Rob: Hoyden. Connectiout 1, F Bee' h; Tennessee 3B Carson, St Louis 3 D Chandler, Wilin. - Del C.l Lerew, Baltimore F. Twain, P naland-• R NI Russell, Pa W C Danner. So Carolina Mrs C Denise & 90. Wash L Parke. Cinomoatr, 0 John Newenn. 'Namable IV Waken, Memphis It • Edits. Calirornia A R Franoin. New York T' H Edwards. New York BM . MorohY, New York W Williams, Gin.° Jen Johnson & la. N York' Jew Wllams, Dal J• aqliimme Delaware , John E Owens, Baltimore F lambdtn. LI 8 N *MBACISANTIYBOTEL—Pourth it., below Aroh. 1 Weir, els &oils P Itidberds, Ibllslaro. 0 Telbert. Hillsboro Ohlo Bernard Train. Cincinnati A K Wright & I. Clearfield Mies NW, mht. Clearfield Atm Graben,. Clekrfield J 0 rovrame. Clearfield DO perhst. Pittsburg Ai Whiting, Pittisbare lowa • IBrenster, lowa A Gregg. Jihnley. Ohio +A' Common. Illinois J ittkin,Blinots '• Yates, Lexingtcm, Tf IP OM,. Union Ind leklubbert. N Albany, Ind NW Walker, Pittsbarg -D ll:Woodruff, Meenn, Ga lee C Trio,. Oeforgl. Ay r D W Omther. New York W Back. Beaton. PA Thee White. Yor k. Pa P eishlelman,Restrni, Pa Mltobeler, aeon. Pa slr Whams, Darriebure JTi Parmelee & Ohio DR Williams Wilkineborp Mini Jezune Disk. Ohm Feth Dicker. Mereerates, 0 0 Clendonin k wf, Wash J T Ogler, Pnneeton. N I Jnhn Marble, Ohio Thns Brodhead. All City !Rielly Taylor, Lima, 0 I M Methans. I ima, 0 M M New York T fa item New York Dr L D Tingles, Pelleda I, II Watron• MR$ll world Choir. - Mete Cits,edo TI Cooh ran,Plalt City,Mo Thne Conrad. Pt Joseph IRJohneton.Platt Chty,Mo hl Id Baton, A Iton Branford. Mass .1 , Pt Newrou,Ohro J 8 Ball. Columbus. 0 John Mold aunts, Beaton AMERICAN HOTEL—Chesinut street, above Filth. , Joe V Menefee, indlans 0 w Milmford. shio C Brown, Ohio o °Thompson. N Caroline, Mannino, New Vork D T 1 n fern, N Carniina, C Rtneer. Maryland W C Wilburn. Virginia A K Shay. New Orleans G P Sheppard. N Carolina T Downs. North Citmlina 8 Silver. Delaware Mr Jaesson la, Delaware A Duvall. Weishi ton,flC 1. W Robertson. N Caroline' Di W Allan. North Carolina IR Davis. North Carolina Rent S Wier. Maryland I A MoConnanchey. N C W P Potter, New Jersey M Marwinen, Pernsylvania J Roan k la. Franey. Ind II Matter, Pennsylvania W Belida% Pen , ay ivla „Mimi M Beads% Peoria Austin Goodwin R laland -J I) Sprigs ek la. Conneetiout'M 41 Saner& d.Connrotiout Geo 'Holmes. Roston John Weldharn. Roston A P Scott Boston f B Champion. Phtlade. M Smith. Baltimore T p Markley. Georgia .1 Miller. New York Mee Rankin. sew Yark Mies Manion. New York W M Harm, Portland JC lone., tan yrna, Del RR 'Mill. Monroe. N C I Maim:l6lin. Anson. N Knowlec Wash, D C Joe Pricker. Pittaburg J Carry,Pittaburg P 111. Rare, Providence, It I A Sloan. - New York I p Sti meson, Leginston,N 0 El Beeler, Thompaonville HR Bradshaw : N Carolina • ST. LOUlS.—Cheatnut at., Above Third. WillPleteher N J , Houston. Philo Jai T tcuott. Wlireling 3 T Redd NeWark J E Stevenson. Vert ,11 s' Smith. Saratoga (Morse }Demon. N York 113 Mulford. Flrulgion Jose Marques. Datums Mr. Rl.rk. Peeria. 111 & wife. Vt H Rshoork. R Island Germ a Ewing. PMts J H Smith. N Yolk Wm 8 Booth. Conneetieut V' Hater. Chicago B Shone, Mllwautie .Ina 8 Howley, Aurora 111 Wm R Hitch. Laurel. Del J W Messick Laurel. Del J Le tom°. New York Col Wildes, Middletown CMegill & l Ins, Trenton JONPB' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Pistil. A H. White Pennsylvania .1 Brisoo, Pennsylvania Clark. Missouri J H Arises. Philadelphia Joseph M Cowell Pinta Alt Titns, Trenton. N Mies J Phillips, Trenton Mine M Phillips, Trenton Miei M Morns. Trenton R 8 Macomber. New York A H Webster, Philadelphia J N Elkiles. Indianapolis Geo W Bewail. Maryland J R Stalling, Maryland • Gee W Dyer Maryland M D McClanahan. Md )4 C Calm. St Loins Theo Gardner. Hollidarsb JPGag mon &wf Sayan h Miss Gammen.Savannah R M_Pnee. New Hawn Mrs Arkront & Nash'e t. C Brickenstein, Virginia el Award, New York E O Bird. Baltimore Geo Martin. Allegheny oo .1 Came. Pennsylvania JC Platt. Wisconsin O 1 , " Riteelie-d. New York R D N Carolina N Carolina Alt White, Penneylvani a FOUNTAIN HOTEL-8000nd street, above Market. Wm Nolish, Atlantic: N J Ait Filtoraft, Eldr'ge Aili Jon 8 Meson, Dover. Del John C Craig, Dover. Del John ONnsliell & la, Md Mr. Dorman. Maryland I. tv nstiburn. Miesisslppi B Johnson. Philadelphia olt Smith, Plsilsdelphits 8 Chew. Salem. N J P F Patterson. Trenton. NJ Wm Mullen, Dover, Del Edmund Townsend, Del MT. VERNON HOTEL—Seoond street, above Arch. Pimpliest Darfee New York C H Leedom & la, Hooka o Jr Roberta • la, Books.. Mr Burrows Deposit, NY John Huambo.. Hancock Thee White & Penne H 0 Gaoler. New York W R Owen, New York Milton Owen k. arm, N York C W Oristmen. Norriat'n Mr Butterworth. Phil& H G Maley, Philadelphia Use Owen, Grammatik, ' THE UNION—Aroli street, above Third. F Horner & wt, Bellmore W R Yeah. Reeding W_Fhillips,Pitteburg W Remvfo• Allegheny off Denney Allegheny "R Mover, Canton, Ohio Jos Lant Pi t tsburg M M Pale, Porn, Indiana Nathen Levi.L' La Grange. la H 9 Overholtz. Pa D Dellinger, Up Sandusky, O W H Robinson, Pa J Baylor. Rohilt Haven John D Wiese, Ohio 0 ICemble. lowa Alex Allen Er. la Ohio .1' nil C Rowe. lows C Fl Watson. Delaware W B Oenther, Sunbury. Pa J W Van Meter, Malta, 0 AWyman. Maryland . I) Wright. Indiana B 0 nudge. Ohio AE if Cool & son, Peoria vir R Matiwen. Ohio, B'g Dalton. Chester Chas IR Cool. Easton - • ' J Lomb, Bethlehem 0 Oritea, Ohio A L Mason, /P_VIA DB White. Baltimore Cleo Mendel,' Wheeling A Laing, Wt o mlins Adams, Lexinston. N C J H Adams N C Joseph Turner, Plated& J C Stone, Ohio BI,JA OR BEAR HOYFEL—ThirA it.. O. Callowhill. Fang Kinsey.4llakettoWn Mn Kinsey..Q.UkAr4l7 Ge, Wooer, *Mtn Creek H Manrer. Hee ei"vi : . 1 _ A Beelkuist . Yean_sylvania Isaac H Mobs, Mohrast le Heneollle cher, Mohr's]. lopuso Framefelcler,b_i_ollrsv -w m B ru m h. Exeter, Pa fien p i l l ) Holl? , wel. il v s nit, I. Tomlinanti.eomorton 11 HII Fisher. Reftdiee NI itlaTE . she7, litTre: I tn liens Brumbsob, Exstra'a. COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Bixth street. ab Cheetnnt E Martin, Doe Run Wm 11 fibular, Cheater oo E D Tsgart. Maryland C Gilpin & Is, Maryland J Earnest, Philadelphia E Brown, Jr, Elkton, Md John Wright. (theater co A Crninlish. Wji mi no on M Partin, Cinolnnati wm Fog. Chester on Wile.. Peach Bottom It Wiley. Peaob Bottom 3 Brims White Hall Z Lamborn. Cheater on, Pa John hlitabell. Pa John IC Donnell, Maryland M Healy, Ptilladelphia. - NATIONAL, HOTNL—Race etreet. above Third. P Uhlersville L Dralse. Hazleton, pa 0 A Stmr. Dallastown. Pa Miss E &tinware. Ky Nobt Thompson. Doylestown S elver's. Mt Toy Theron Hornet, Wilsesbarre John D Flamsburs. Albany J liorse r lobsamt P oohsenteld , Pottsville T T 'tatting, Musersvllle 3H. Many, Pittsburg PARLEY WRAP ILOTHL.—Reoond at.. below Vine. Ise Andersen. Newtown S Phillip'', Newtown Alf Haver. Newtown Wilber Russell, Penn A Stark. Wyoming co. Pa D Ogyr, Wioming co, Pa E Wolser..Buoks county W Livesey, Attleboro Elias Paxson & son. Penn Chas Sterling, Trenton Otis Sweet New /arm frIERCHANTIF 110VBE—Third it.. above Ca llawhtll. B B thiraer Allentown - Geo Acker, A Ilentown Jaol It Peter, Al entown Christian Sohwartsdri Chk Getz: Heading - Jlt Brown, Lewlebure John Barrie, Shamokin, Fa Charles Yooora Shamokin BALD-EAOLE HOTEL—nod at.. above Callowhiii. I Vllilit t ot 2 r l;n 4 Y" Yo "k k 1,u41°._ D g er'isiVlZ Cr .Mias Hoffman. Pa I'M auffinan g . 2*l J H Mintier, .13008 00, Pa H 8 Fisher, Reading STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. ilnjottnoilloiren, Ohio W Willis. Lew Worm, Pa Q Onaterate,Oramp'n HOLD T Leabman, Pa • Hadar*. York CO. Pit W DoblAns. Lana co, Pa t y4l4Petry oo Hiram WOOD. COIUMaa, RARii wELLIGENcE Ntila, ) 4 9v,Kix, nos Stesmahip Kennebee. Johruron,24 hours from N York. Pia Cape May 8 hours, with maze and passengers to James t•ohr Henry wolfe. Atlthis,ll days from Milton, Del. 'nth %rata to Christian & Curran. Bahr Standard, Dunham. 1 day from Port Penn, Del, with Cram to Cnristien & Curran. Sehr Olivia, Fax, day from Odessa, Del, with wheat to Christian & Curran. CLEARED. Rehr Hannah Matilda, Price, fisvanzah, A Heron, Jr tr. Co. BY TELEGRAPH, (QOrTOSPOIIderIO6 of em.) flaw Yong. Aug 20. Below. ship Chace, from Londonderry. MT_ON Au 9 9. Armed. Nhipe Sameset. f•om Havre; William Wirt Young Liverpool; &Odell Crolli. from i Now °risen, Young Eagle. from do; barke Nonpareil. rum Leghorn Good Hope, from New Orleans; Veda, from Galveston MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, arrived at New York yeeterday. Bteamehip Phinsas Sprague. Matthews, sailed from Boston 28th inst. for Philadelphia. Ship J M ayo,Bnow, for Guayaquil, cleared et Bos ton 28th met fihip_W R Wharton. Smith, for Galveston, cleared at Now York Nester&. Ship Miss Bengali. y Michael, from Liverpool, arrived at Charleston 28th inst. Berk Rowena, Wilson, hence, was at Lagdfsyra about Lt arkß Jos Maxwell, Davie, hence, was at Porto Ca - bello about lst mat. Brig Trenton, Atherton, for Delaware City, cleared at Calai• ITih inst. B y fee New Era. Walker. cleared at New York yester day for Cork and a market. Bohr Undies. Risley, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Philadephia. Behr B Young, Cook, cleared at Calais 17th inst. for Bohr Canary. Pitcher, cleared at Calais 18th last. for Philadelphia. Sohr Sarah Cullen, Burnham. from Wilmington, NC, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr W 6 Nelson, Smith, hence, arrived at Provi dence 28th mot Bohm hkinnehaha. Young. and W Franklin. Tyler, bevies, arrived at Richmond 28th inst. Bohr coernine, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, NC. 28th inst. Soh rs E T Smith. Edwards, Annie 81 Edwards, Berney. C P /Bickner. Garwood, L ssudenrisd. Bartlett, and Peusassett, Waples. hence, arrived at Boeton 28th inst. Bohr .1 SI Lee, Corson, keno°, arrived at Mobile 2.24 instant. Bohn Geo W Cummins, Wheeler. Horace Staples. Gibbs, and Alex Blue, Basking, hence, arrived at New Bedford 28th inst Sohn Bonin. Wallace, and H B Weston, Long, hence, arrived at esalem 28th inst. Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, helm, arrived at Barnes, ble 22d inst. San Prenoieclo..Aug 3—The ship Euterpe sailed for Callao on the let inst. Total expense (partial and gene ral average) amounted to shout $24,000. The ships Witohoraft and Pampero ere discharging their cargoes in fair order. The Witchcraft leaked through the deck seams and sills of the houses. The Pamper() sustained some damage piT Cape Horn; loot Apure• bend, bulwarks. and main rail. The ship Mary K Balch, from Boston, has damaged considerable cargo from leaks about hatchee,mide-ports, bit% deck seams, and sills of the houses. x•J r_v re zriai co) otzlll SALAMANDER FIREPROOF SAFES.—A Very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prloea, No. 304 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. au23 tf E v ANS & WAT4ON. BAYING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TATIBT COMPANL—Chartered by the Etats of Pennsylvania. a ROLLS. I. ?Roney is reeelved ovory day, and in any amount arse or email. 8. FIVE PER GENT. Interest is veld for money from the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for. and without notice. 4 Money ix receive°. from Eavestors, Admipistrasera, Guardians, and other Trwiteex, in large or email sums, to remain a long or short period. g. The money reeeived from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other find ohms eeouritiex. 0. Moe open everyday—WALNUT Street, southwest of ser Third street. Phitadntnhie fall CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHBAPBBT IN the City, at 34 South THIRD street. CIROULaR PRINTING, pelt and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. DILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. HAND-HILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTINO,and overyother desorip tionof Printing, of the most euperior quality. at the most reasonable rates. at RINO WALT & BROWN'S, Drexerti ihuldinq. 34 booth THIRD street. IY/3" SHAMES'S SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST CORNER SECOND and WALNUT STBAUTO.—DepOCaII re ceived in small and large amounts!, from all chases of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of FIVE PER CEN ner annum. Money may be drawn by checks without lou of in terest. °Mee open daily, from 9 until 0 o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Freed dent, FRANKLIN FELL: Trea►erer and Secretary GRAS. M. MOP IR ONS PRIOR CLOTHING OP TWA LATHS? SYSLIS. made in the beet manner, •xpreeely for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling lames marked in Plain Figures. All coeds made to orcer warranted eat's. factory. Our ONE-PRICE system to strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only tsar way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES k CO.. NU MARKET Street, 'WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN GOODS AT Whokaale.--Bouthern and Woatern merohants are in vited to inspect the largest stock ever aeleoted, at W. HENRY PATTEN'S, 030 CHESTNUT Bt. GREEN Gm CLOTH, GREEN GILT SHADES, and Window Shades of every desonntion. at au2B-3t P.AI TEN'S, 630 CHESTNUr St. WINDOW ETUDES AND FIXTURES, AT Wholesale, at W. H. PATTEN'B. 830 CHESTNUT Street. au2B 9t LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, AT WHOLE esti, at PATTEN'S Curtain Store, 630 CHESTNUT Street. 103.3 t GROVER & BAKNIt'S OELEBRATOD NOI3ILIIBII SEWING MACIIINES. The Best in Use for Feint], Bowies. No. 730 CHEl3Thin7'llimnt_p3.it____ aul7-13 anotri.n not fad to read the ader tisamont of Prof. WOOD in to.(l4,v's pnper, MARRIED. GREEN—BOOT, —On the pi instant, by the Rev. Gen. W. elsoiaughlin. Mr. Nelson Green to Miss Emily Boos. ell of Bristol Pa. lIUGHt 4 B—MOLOY.—On the 7d ultimo. by the Rev. I. B. Ripley ; Captain Asa 8. Bushes. of North rroro, Mau.. to Alms J no b. Moloy of this our. 14'1T14—BECK.—Or the 14th 'natant, by the Rev. Abel 0. Thomas. Mr Frank A. Smith, of Maine,„to Miss Mary Theresa Beek, of this oily. DIED. INGERSOLL—In Owosso, Michigan, on the 10th instant. deeply regretted by a large eircle of lbws. Harriet ht., wife of Bon. John N. /Daemon [Vow York papers please copy.] TOR R.—Suddenly. on Monday not, Filen, twin daughter of Wm S. and Anna C. Torr, in the 20th year or her age. M UTIN.—On the nth instant, Mr. George Martin, aged 67 years. The relatives and friends of the family. and Frank lin Division No. 5. R. of qr., are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from its laic residence, ho. ICO6 Moymnensing avenue, below Carpenter street, ibis (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Sixth-street Union Ground. BURT.—On the 27th inttant, Amelia Burt, aged , ,l9 ye.TO. Funeral from the residence of her mother. No. 626 Front street. North Camden, this (Thura lay) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • HEN WOOD.—On the 25th instant, William Henwood, in the 39th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 126 Congress street. this (Thursday ) afternoon, at 4 &Meek. LOWRY.—On the 26th instant. Lendannia Wylie Lowry, el est daughter of eusanne H. and the late Robert Lowry, in the 14th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her mother, Barlia Bill. this (Thursday) morning, at le o'clock. W.51:11.-011 the 29th instant Miss Belinda Welsh; Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Mack, Frankford road. above Richmond. this (Thursday) morning,.at 9tielonk. WYNKOOP.—On the 27th instant, Idn. Virginia Wyrl• koop. daughter of George and Clara Wynkoop, aged 1 year and 4 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents. o'h Point road, below Bridesburg, this (Thursday) afternoon b at 2 o'clook. YOUNG. —On the 28th instant. Susan, youngest daughter of Samuel and Emma Young, agedi 1 year, 4 months. and S daya. Funeral from the residence of her parents, kluelc of No. 1219 Ogden street, this (Thursday) afternoon, At . 1 o'clock MoGILLEN.—On the 28th instant, Rose daughter of Patrick and Rose aletiillen, aged 21 months. Funeral from the residence of her patents, No. 830 Mountain street. between Eighth and Ninth: below Dickerson street, thus (Thursday) afternoon. at. 3 o'clock CRAIG.—On the 28th instant, Mr. George Craig, aged 45 years Funeral front his late residence. No. 1243 Wood bine !dumb this (Thursday) afternoon, Itt 4 o'clook. * MARTIN.—On the 28th instant, Elizabeth E., in fant daughter of James W. and Margaret Martin, aged 18 months and 4 dale. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1443 North Eleventh street, this (Thursday) afternoon, ut. 1 o'clock. .10NA8.—On the 27th inttant, Evan Joliet,. Sr. in the 80th year or his are. uneral from his late residence, Lower Marion townshi_p thin (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. WALTER.—On the 25d Instant, at the residence of her brother, in Warrington township. Books (meaty, Miss Penny Walter. in the 80th year of her ago. B LACK AND PURPLE FOULARD KUM Fain black Poniard Silks. Fain Barages, 8(.8-4,7-4. and 8-4 wide. lack Crane Marais. same widths. G ray Clisne Flrria Poplins. ray Chene flames and Mohair& 'auk Bare, e. ruffledpouts. Lupin's Summer Bombazines and Chaim Black end white Lawns and Organdies, &o. BEBBON & BON, Mournieff_Store, No. 91g cßF.kiNtir Street. N. B.—During July and limit we 0 1080 it 6 P. 61. THE ONLY RELIABLE ARTIOLE— CLARK'S Patent INDELIBLE PFNCILR, for Marking all kinds of • Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better than ink, without its trouble or risk of Blotting. Faoh will mark 3.000 articles. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR & Agents for the Manufacturer. No. 600 CHRBTNUT street. lelll-llm rIM, Mr. ANDREW'S SOCIETY.—A stated nicotine will he held on FRIDAY EVENING, alst instant. at 734 o'olnnk, at the St. Louis Hotel. Mem bers will please attend without further notice. aus3o-2t GEORGE YOUNG. Secretary. WUNITARIAN CHURCH. TENTH AND LOCUST—Rev. WM, 11. FURNESS. 1). M., er.—Servioee vpil be het in this Church on SUN DAY MORNING nest, 2,lSeptember, at 10%. au3o.3t WUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVVNIA.-- LAW DEPARTMENT. arm of this Institution will commence on the first of October next. The following are the subjects of the lectures: Ilse. GEORORSRARSWOOD—" International, Con stitutional. and Civil Law." Prof. P. MCC A LL—. Pleading and Practice." Prof. B. ePPNCJI MILLER—" Real Estate and Co T nve l ya t n odu g t " o ry lecture will be delivered on PridaV. September 28, at 8 o'clock P. M., at the usual lecture room, by Prof. E. Spencer Miller. aug23 6w OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Maxim, 1801. The holders of the bond' of this Company due July 1, IMO, can now receive. upon application at this office, 10 per cent, in cash, upon the terms specified in the circu lar attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their' annual meeting, held January IMO, and in pursuance of the contract, entered into by he company and duly recorded, to carry the same Into feet. H. BRADFORD, Treasurer, CIRCULAR, Notice to Ms Holders of PM/ads:safe cad Beading Bat/road Company Mortgage Bonds, doe Jetty 1,1800. These bonds are secured by the first rnortgues on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 83,M,400. The net revenue for tho lest hies] year was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held,_ Fresh shook' of coupons for the interest half-yearly, will be maned. A bonus of 10 per oent. will be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. 1 hie bonus will be paid in oath to the bearers of the bonds , op their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the °Moe of the ['omitting, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on appheattOn. Vair of tpr ilep Negrotitr. THEN iPRESK-PHILADELPKIAi 5 THURSDAV It 34V M,60. NEW PEII ICA.TIONS NEMESIS._ BY MARION HARLAN"); Author of "Alone," "• Bidden Path," and!' Idoise Bider One volume, Blsa.•' R. SHELTON MACKENZIE, IN HIS RE VIEW OF NEMESIS, IN FORNEY'S PRESS, SAYS : We read it with as much interest, almost, as we read the first part of ' Robinson Crusoo,' in the far•of vanished days of childhood." " The descriptions of natural scenery are finely drawn; country life in various phases, ie sketohed with a masterly crayon, and the dialogue is natural and dra matic). Romantic as the Incidents are, there is a cer tain reality about them which induces us to believe the author's aseeition that they are literally founded on feet. The judge has delivered his charge, and, without leaving their box, the jury deliver their verdict: ' NE MESIS is, by far. the best American novel published for very many " [From the Boston Traveller ] " She is one of the few of our host of romaneera who have written books that will bye. and the whole corn• try is as proud of her as the people of her native /Rate." DERBY & JACKSON, Publiahers, • No. 498 BROADWAY. au3o-It New York. MESSRS. TICKNOR & FIELDS THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT, Author or " Peg Wofrtriaton," "White Lieu," &o !HE WILD SPORTS OF INDIA, With Remarks on the Breeding and Roaring of Rorees, DY CAPTAIN HENRY BHAKEBPEAR, A work full of dashing adventures and stirring de soriptions of encounters with the wild animals of the East Indian Jungles. 135 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. au3o-thm2t SIIELDON & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLER S. NEW YORK, Will Publish on Saturday, Sept. lit: FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS. By STEPHEN H. TYNO L _D. D. Reotor of St. George's Churoh, New York. 1 neat lemo. volume.... —..Prlce, GO cents. The publication of Dr. Tyng's Letters on Sunday tialioos in theneat and convenient a l o be , inva l uab l e be wel comed by public, The book Will be invaluable to Sunday school Teachers. THE DISCOVERY OF A3f ERICA. Being Vol. 11. of the Series of h. American Historitil for Yout By JACOB ABBOTT. To be completed in Twelve Volumes.l6mo.. pries 76 cents each. Hach volume complete In itself. "Each volume will be illustrated with numerous Maps and Ensravinge, fro cinaVesi sus. by F. O. C. Car ley, ori ley. J. R. Chapin, G. Perkins harles Persons, Herrick, E. F. Beaulieu, H. I. Stephens and others. I volume 16mo. Profusely illustrated... Price. 7b cents. NOTICES OF THE INITIAL VOLUME. From the Boston Traveller. • " The moatt* • • excellentpu ea ton e kind ever undertaken.' •••• • • • . From the Boston Foot. " One of the most useful of the many foolitnd ponu ler Books of which Mr. Abbott is the aut hor. " By M. TH6Mrt GADAJiT Author of" Daily Thoughts. ' liistory of England." ko. I vol. IClmn., uniform style. illuetrated. Price. 50 nitrite. NOTICES FROM THE ENGLISH PRES S. '' It has found tie way into the royal nursery." "Often as the beauties of Scotland have been deline ated, and frequently as Ito numerous noints of interest have been made available for the instruotion of the !forma, from Sir Walter Scott's" Tales of my Grand• fa' her; downwards to the present time. there is goatee ly one that will effect greater good_ than this clever and highly entertaining little volume." iv. A TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE STORIES. Containing THE STORY OF SAMSON. THE STORY OF NoAFr. THE STORY OF It UTH. THE STORY OF SAMUEL. THE STORY OF DAYID. THE STORY OFJOSEPIL The great beauty of the book is in its illustrations. Which are printed in brilliant oil colon on toned paper. Ivrolume, neat 12mo. Price. 75 oents. From the Boston Journal. "This remarkably pretty Juvenile contains stowing from the Elarintures, printed with colored illustrations. Thou, beautiful books are ingreat favor in the nursery. for which use they are admirably adapted." NEARLY READY FOR PUBLICATION. THE LIFE OF OROROE WASHINGTON. By Ed ward Everett. LL. D. 1 vol voyal limo. $l. LOVE AND PENALTY. BY J. P. Thompson. D. D. I v01.18'120. Pnee L Y6 meta LIFE AND lATThR/3 OF EMILY C. JUDSON (Fanny Forrester) By A. 0 Kendrick, D. p. HISTORY OF LA ''IN CHRISTIANITY. Henry Hart Alllmas, D. D. 8 vole. orown Ivo. Pope. OLEO eanh. ERMiRSION TO THE ORKNEY ISLANDS. By Jacob Abbott. CLAISORNP., By Roy. Geo. II Taylor. ausoiorecvvit AIINDERS , LATIN PARADIGMS.—A new sysrem or Latin Paradigms, with s Synopsis of Declensions. Adapted to any i.atm grammar. By Cortland Saunders, A. M. Long Bvo. Prios 75 cents. This work is rroommended by the t'roi•ssors of anoisnt languages to more than thirty of our first Col. Wes. E. IL BUTLER ik CO., Publishers. THIS DAY PUBLISHED. PRICE $5.50, ENlCVLivrrataA.- DPimAlmMA__ ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENURAVINOS, And containing, amongst other important articles, the following : SEAMANSHIP. By Captain Basil Hall. Revised and enlarged by Admiral Ramsey, C. B. SENECA. ( M and L.) and SEPTUAGINT. By F. W. Farrar, Al. A. , Fellow of Trinity College, Cam bridge. SHAKSPEARE. By Thomas De Quinoey. SHELLEY. By George Macdonald, Author of " Within and Without," &e. SHIPBUILDING. By Andrew Murray, Chief Engl. neerand Inspeotor of Machinery, Portsmouth. SHOOTING. By the author of the" Oakleigh Shooi ng Code." El CILIEB. By the Author of the ArVole " Italy." BILK. By William Felkin, Nottingham. SI NDH. By E. B. Eastwlok, Author of " Handbook of India." SLAVERY. By William Spalding, late Ptolemy of Lorin in the University of St. Andrew". SMITH (Adam). By J. R. MoCulloch, SMOK is. By William Fairbairn, LL. D., F. R. B. SOCRATES. By the Bishop of Hereford. F.ON NAMBULISM. BY Alen Thomson, M. D., Pro fessor of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow. SPAIN (Statistics of) and SWITZERLAND. By Dr. Norton Shaw, Secretary to the Royal Geographical So ciety. SPALDING (William). By Charles hlaolaren, F. R. S. E. SPINNING. By Janice Newland', C. E. SPINOZA. By John Downee, A 111. SPOHR (Ludwig). By George Farquhar Graham. SQUARING By William Wallace, LL. D., late Pro fessor of Mathematics in the University of Edin burgh. STA EL (Madame De). By Gustave Messon, Harrow School. STAMMERING. By Juices Hunt, M.D. STATICS. By Edward Sang, C. E. STEAM and STEAM-ENGINE. By Daniel Kinnear Clark. C. E. STEAM NAVIGATION. By Robert !Hurray, Engi neer-Surveyor to the Board of Trade. STENOGRAPHY. By Isaac Pitman. STEPHENSON (George and Robert). By J. R. Leifehild, Author of the Article" Mines and Mining." STEREOSCOPE. By Sir David Brewster, K. H., Ho. STEWART (Dugald). By John Veitoli, A. N. 8 CONE-bIASONRY and STOVE. By Arthur Ash. pitel, F. 8. A., Ito. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. By John Robison, Into Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. SUGAR. By Charles Tomlinson, Author of " CT °loom. la of Useful Arta," Ac. SURGERY. By James Miller, 111. D., Professor of Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. SWEDEN (qtatistica). By David Kay, F. R. (1.8. SWIFT (Jonathan). By Richard Garnett. BYTES Bahl (Dr). By John Brown, M. D. SYDNEY. By MU= Weetgartb. SYRIA. By Rev. J L. Porter, Author of " Handbook of Syria and the Holy Land." LITTLE. BROWN. & CO.. au.s stuthSt GENTLEMEN'S HATS: OPENING DAY. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, UNDER VII CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Will open their Varied Styles for Autumn, ea SATURDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER Ist. au3o 3t WHEN WILL WONDER 9 CEASE 'I FCSIMER, SECOND street. above Greco. takes twenty-four Visiting Card Photographs for $l4O. Nis prioes for Life-size Photographs are very low. lt• SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE.-201 bbls. aphita Turpentine to nrove per sollooneritlevid Faun end for liftiff by ROWLEY. ASHUR/04ER. & Co., No. 16 South WHARVES. eu3o MIKAPRIE WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT On and after Monday ,July 16th 1860, the passenger trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Station. corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty- fimt street., West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and 10.30 A. M., and 2.30, 4.43, and 6.36 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the_Depot, on East Market street, at 6.e0, FL and /0 90 A. M., and 1.46 and 6.16 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. otk e tg V h a tll i t i t d atS h ti !Ila n 2r e egte i r t iitni rt k er li. °° aVi P. M. Leave West Chester. at 7.30 A. EL, and The last passenger railway ear will leave Front and Merket streets 30 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 26 minutes, before the starting time from the de pot, and wilt carry a flag to denote it. The Baggage Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trace s leavlrg at 7.30 A. M. and LOP. M., and on Wedneday and Saturday at 2.30 P. M.,eonneet at Pen nelton wit trains for alt points on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. Oyhee and waiting room, southeast Corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, enrolls:dos Dacia for West Chester, will be furnished with a ticket over the passenger tidier. HENRY WOOD. 111-tf filkoing Amami: Mot. PUBLISH THIS DAY BY CHARLES READ% 1 volume, muslin, 75 ends 1 volume, mplin, 76 cent,/ STORIES OF SCOTLAND. VOLUME XX EIORTEI BDITION. BOSTON THIRD STREET JP OISRIXT.igousEs 18860. FALL TRADE. 1860 . BTJNN, RAIGUEL, 8,1 CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS; OF FANCY DRY GOODS. NO. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFF ER TO THE TRADE ' OE?fERALLY AN UNUSUALLY ATPRAOTIVE STOCK OF 0000$, COULRISING SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMDROIDEILTES, LACES, CLOTHS. C Az , S INI 1,1 ft ES, V EST I NOP, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND TRIMMINGS, Together with a fall and varied ate ok of Of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS. To all of wleoh they invite the attention of LIABII AND PROMPT SIX MONTHS' BUYERS. gf. l i e. KIWI) EL 'il'.%' l .Tl F lniT Z. H. F. BUNN. au2d-Int 1860. FALL " 1860. RAIGUEL. MOOREA GO.. NOB, 220 AND 222 NORTH THIRD STREET, HAVE NOW OPEN THE LAHOEST AND MOST COMPLETE NOOK FRENCH. BRITISH. GERMAN, 1)0MESTIO DRY GOODS They have o% or offered, and to Which the attention of CALM AND SHORT-TIME BUYERR Is raspootfully sollot:ed or For var'ety and completeness in all itn depart mouth, our prerout stock offers inducements to buyers unsurpassed by any uther liouw JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. NOS. 230 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RAUB. Respectfully invite tho attention of Buyers to their usual L &RUE 'AND COMPLETE STOCK OR FOREP3N AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among wlooh will be found a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, Also, a large variot• of new and oonfinoil styles of PRINTS, ISERRIMAOR SECONDS, Re. aul7-gm THO&. MELLOR & CO.. NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS HOSIERY. 13111 lON nisti virE KB, SMALL WARES, AA: Tuba. A/ILLUS. EDWARD BAIR/. aul7•Rm FALL, 1860. COOPER, PA.RHAM, WORK. Import., and Jobber. 01 HATS, CAPS. FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 51 NORTH THIRD STREET, below ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WU. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORK. W Fall Stook now complete and ready for buyers. aulT-Sm SOWER. BARNES. & 00.. BUOICSELLF.RS AND PUBLISHERS, Nt 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower aide, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers and country mer chants to their very large stook of School Books, pub lished in this and other ehe* together with Aliscellane ous and Blank Books, Paper, and btationery generally, b., B. & Co., art:publishers of many popular works, among which are the following : THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM GILYIN,, (Late of the U. &Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One vol., Bvo, bound in cloth. Price 81.25; and a liberal discount to the trade. This book is pronounced the most wonderful. scienti fic, and oomprehensivo troths° on the geography of our continent ever published. SCHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME BROOKS' NORMAL MENTAL ARITHME TIC— cts, HROOKB' !CRY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC.. ota. BY E. BROOKS. A. M., Professor of Mathematics in Pennsylvania State Nor mal Soliool. Liberal Lerma for introduotion. WHITE'S COPY-1300/IS. BY T. KIRK WHITE. Bretodent of BennsylvartiaTononerof al Collage. PELTONE OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted in almost every sohool of note in the Union where geo graphy is taught. and has no equal. Prioe 82.6 for full Net dm mope, or 810 for set of hemisphere maps alone. ang-am PHILADELPHIA, GER MANTOWN AM!, (4011.1118. TOWNA9IM- UM DA A RRANOEMENT.— On and after MO ND May_ll, 1860, POE DERMA OWN. Leave Philadelphia 11, 7,8, 0, 10. 11, and 11 A. hi., 01( emd 1131 P &e 6 ;m g anri 7 l ,B , '7 B ' " 'a, ax, 8, 10, ia A. m., 1,0, el 44r at d)it To IA 1 04 4 1 {ZN. 8 AYD, Leave Philadelphia EN min. A. M., .1. il, 11, 715, and ILK P. M. Leave CiarmazitoWn 9.10 min. A. M.. 1.10 am, and 934 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, a, 10,12 A. M.. 2, /,1, 454. 6, 9. a1 t 1 0 1 0 034 4/ Nit lint Bill 7.10 7.40, DO. LlO 11./0 A. AL , 1.10, 5.10,4.10, 8.40, and 1.10 I V. M.. ON 8U DAYB, mpnye Philadelphia 11.06 A. M., 1,6, and rg P. ve Alheatnut Hill 7.50 A. 11., 12.50. 6.10, anti 9.10 n i/01 CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 0.50. 73i i 0.05. 11.05 , Mills. A. al.. 1,01,1,09, am, 6.19, 6.50, and 11 P. hi. Leave Norristown 4, 7, 8. , 8. 11 A. M., Di. OX, and TX P. M. ON SUNDAY!, tax rigladelphla A. M. and and P. N. ""WHA teAmlic°. Leave Philadelphia 5.10, N. 0.06. 11.06 A. M.,1.04, CM, Lea, 4%. 5215, 6.50, alir ri d e, ll3l P. M. Leave hianayout 815, eg, and 11/i A. M.. 1. L 05,11, lit. 8, and 934 OPI IHINDAYIS, heave r_biledelptile 0 A. al., 5,5, and 8 P herr. ManlYnnit* M., Di, 636, andpi P. M. H. K. Demirel Superin o tendent, 8184 DEPO INTH and GREEN Strobe. REEVE L. KNIGHT, 262 SOUTH SE COND Street, 5 dome above Sprooe, west aide, line now in store a Urea assortment of 1 31l r t!rciig:, 8 ' Druerets, Coco Cocoa htattmee. &0., which will be cold at the loweet market vitae!' for cult. MATTRI 4 SiES of kinds, ready made or made to order, at towogß9g , re . ek t ll ouir. • • 1162 SOUTH SECOND St., a doors ab. Bpruoe. EIEATIIERS, of all qualities, for sale at •A: the 'owes: cash prices REEV KNGHT. 262 SOUTH. SECOND St., doors ab. Spruce. VEATHER BEDS, BOLSTERS, AND pluows.—All emu ready..inado. or Ina 43 to order, at lowest cash prices by salt tuvra-tt REEVE L. KNIGHT. AO2 SOUTH BECOND t3t., doors r*:i!LlPripth FALL. .' 1860. LINCOLN. WOOD; & NIOHOLS. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, One block below the Oitatd House. STRAW AND SILK BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, Children's and Misses' BEAVER HATS. The 'argent and fullest assortment of the kind in tho tut). an2l.tuthe 3m FALL. et 3.860. MILLINERY GOODS. M. BERNHEIM; No. 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET I have now open a oomplete assortment of RIB BONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and BONNET MA TERIALS, all tho most fashionable colon and Ey lex. STRAW GOODS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, A Large assortment of Vernon and Continental Hate, with Feathers to match, to which I mill the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS. Prices aro LOW, and groat indueeme n ta will be ()flared to Cash and responsible Purehsaera. ft FALL. 1860. RIBBONS, BONNETS. AND MILLINERY OCODS EXCLUSIVELY. We have now on band, and doily reoerling, a large and handsome aemortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, IiTHAIV AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES' AND INFANTS' HATS, MAKERS. &0.. FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE 1:t THE MILLINERY LINT, To ahroti the attention of the trade is directed. ROSEN IM, BROOKS. & CO., aidedm X9l MARKET dtree., North side. f TO TIIE SOUTHERN AND WEST. ERN TRA DE. Mrs. 111 A. KING. No 27 Routh Second Street. (wrier of Block Harlin Ile_y. kna opened afoil awatment of FALL AND WIN rk:Ft FANCY SONNETS. of the latout styles, to vbloh abfq invitee their attention. nu7o-12t• REMOVAL. CHARLES lIARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER. REMOVAL,. EVERETT, DICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Revs removed to 323 MARKET STREET. Buyers ere rovited to exeroine our stook. eall-2m 1 - I' , L YET AS:, CO., No. 232 North SECOND -I- , Street-1f aving removed to r new and sokeinue store, wo would cull the attention of DPMert to our ex tensive stock of PATENT MEI ICINEN. PER FUMERS. and FANCY Our het rem prince a areater varlets than nan be found at an, estalt ishment in the United States. ana our prices will com pare with anr market. aul-tutlis3ni Joitu B. Mactoß, O.Ea. 0. EVANO. REMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Office and Salesroom from the Foun dry .at NoBLE-STR)- WHARF, to the fr. E.oorner of SECOND and RACE &reels, where dealers will find a large collection of BTOVEc of the m-et approved Patterns. Tinned, Enamelle t, and plain Hollowware, comprising an assortment second to none in the coun try. All orders left at the office, or by mil, will receive prompt attention. . . RICH AUTUMN SILKS.--A small as sortment just ripened of blow styles lanoy Silky, Dian Colors lode Soles. Cannella Stripes in colors. Fold-oolored figures, Also. Rioh Printed de Laines, Designs of Cashmeres for Robes, Robe de Casmbre. • New designs Perkins snit Velours. SHARP/.BSS BROTHERS. aulB-11( CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TiN.YRE & LANDELL, Old Established DRY GOODS HOUSE. Cash Dealers in Black Silks Cash Dealers in Fancy Good, Cash Dealers in Staple Goode Cash Dealers in Shawls and Dusters. nu2s anivrth-tf nI,AOK-GROUND S'PELLAS for the Caah Trade. Brown-Ground Stella.. Blue, Crimson, ard Cirect. EYRE . LAND LL. autl-ainwth-tt FOURTH and Alien. INSURANCE COMPANIES. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, No. 425 CHESTNUT STREET. INCOME OVER-........-.-.... 81,200.000 FIRE RIBICS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES LIFE RISKS ON FAVORABLE TERMS MEEMEEI THE MUTUAL DPI; lITSURANCE COM PANY OY NEW YORK. INVESTED I WORT T H M VER SI3U7O,OOOAt ESTATE, The premiums are towaa then in many other COMM , nice, and the Dividends have been ORBATER. This is a strictly Ikluvuet. jompany. There are no Eltoekholders, so that ALA. Tiff, PROMO Pamphlets, and every information. may ho had JP-Ails, on applieation to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent. S. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, Georga M. Stroud, E. S. whe en. John - 11. Myers, J. Fisher Leming, Joseph Patterson, Winiam C Ludwig, Jahn M. Atwood, Arthur O. Coffin. Thomas H. Powers, George W. Tolaud. William Ale Kim, Thos. Watteau. n 23 ly*if FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATk,D APRIL. ISM. N BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVAIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS DIRECTOIIS. Samuel Wright, D. 11 Sissy, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Evermen, Chat R ichardeon. Henry Lowto. Geo. A. Weat.Jneob W. Stout,. 0. Wean Davis, Menke Stern. Time B. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vine Pree't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. [fall-if If NOTICE.-TRE MONTOUR IRON CO.- To the holder. of Bonds aeoured by Mortgage, to leatio R. llama, John Ashhuret, and Edwin M. Low., n truet, &O. The property of the said Company. embraced by the said Mort ante, will be exposed to public rate under the name , /0/ M. Thomas & hone, auctioneer., at me Phila delphia Exohange, in tho city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, September the ilth, /360, at noon of that day, auX7-in th it r PROM PRIVESSOR BoOTII- 4, In my -A- - opinion the BARTELL. JAR comb' peg more ad vantages than any other. for Presereing,.being wholly of slime, pteanly, strong, and durable, closing air-tight, and opening and .hutting with feoilitY. Jamas O. BOOTH." FROM DR. ATLF,R. " I have used the Hertel) All elm Jar In my fami for the preservation of Fruit, and in comparing it with others previously employe for the purpose, I copsider it highly preferable, and partioularly so to metal owe or jars with metal tops, It Ii pr. feel , air t.ght. and ee Irom all possibility of taint. as me t e cane with metal. It is secured with more ease, rapidity. and certainty than by cement or solder, and opened readily. while the fruit is kept in the most admirable Planner. Having tested the Jar well, I consider that it meets all the indi cations that can ba de s ired. " \. APIIIINOTON L. ATLU, ht. D., " N 0. 1 ,106 Arch Street." Manufaoturem under the Patent RARTELL CHRH, , I Semi; N ort h Pins btroot, MILLINERY GOODS. ke., 4:c REMOVALS. HAS REMOVED No. COS CHESTNUT STREET, South side. above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA• nu3S-lm LEIBRANDT & McDOWELL • • Plolmlel hm Btove Works, Rod Hollow-ware Foundrie■ RETAIL DRY GOODS. LONDON. New Building', Philadelphia Bank GETTY ..t LIEBING, AGYNTO Amp.: SIX miworin OF DOLLARS BELONG TO THE INSURED NOTICES. EDUCATIONAL. &lINDERS' INSTITUTE, • THIRTY -NI N I'D AND MARKET STREETS, PHIL. A DELPHIA. Professor E. D. SA UNDE RS & CORTLAND SAUN DERS. A. M., Principles. Hon. W.M. THOLE R. Clearfield; WM. MoRIRIMIL FAA.. of the Merchants' lintel. philmo v i" j inn. J. W. PORN LY. or V.- Pro,., ; Hon N. H. .16.PIOWNX.. PhOndelohis ; II ev. R. W33l'lll[oolE, of the El. Union,' Hon. J. W. MAyHAR ft, Williamsport: J. LEISEN iiIND, Eeq...Premdent of the Lehoth Co.; and Nerlentlon Company' and Hon. ASA PADICER, Manoh Chunk—all of whom have sons boarding in Saunders' Insti'ute—will give their friends who may be looking for a life, tonrous b, and tleasiant school any information dimmed ranperning thm seminary. A grove and lawn of EIGHT AC ft hitt are ettaohed In the Institute for seclusion, recreation, and Ounce! ex eroise„ leir The tome for a minion of fire months, counting from the day of admiesion. are e 75 for day-boarding tinnily, Stop for pupils who spend haturda • and Sunday at he,. and 4113 for pupils remaining omuitantir. rio extrah‘r , es. Payments in ad .ance. auli9-1m rpRE MISS'S MERIN() No 1135 Spring 11 - RDEN street , weal of the Church of the As ru ption. and fnrrnmly 00VIIPIOd ht the Pie ern of NOM, lfre• Open their A.mdom! far Worn: I.44tni on AIGN DAY Tit E ,EpTE:lslßgft. Ciroulenoon tnintng tern a, and other particulars. may be obtaised on and error the 27th nut., at the AoadenlY• null tufts lin 31 ADA ME D'OUVILLE'S and Frasch Streetnd nay -School for Iltham. 1411 SPRUCE lndlopen no MONDA} • &Member 10th. anla ptuthim SUMNIEH-STREET INSTITUTE -I- for Youpg Ladies. No. 1626 HUMMER atteet. Philadelphos. 11. a D. D. BURT re cyan her Achnol tor briardrng and day pupae. on hIONDA 11ot. 3. Frcnah .nkan in the Ituuly. under the direction Of an experienced native teacher. Refereno , e and other parttoulara from circular., nun 60 M 153 ENITLY Y. TOPPER WILL OPEN her RELECT 6IY-001. for.Yonnt Ladire, to Trinity Chapel I ,I IIIT Y SECOND street, Weet Phila delphia. on hlola DAY. Vept. 10. an 29 2v" rifIHR SPRING "ARF.EN INS , ITUTE AIL for YOUNG LADIES will to reopened on the 3,1 of SEPTEMBh.II. et 60S and 611 MARSHALt. htreet. f ILBEarr COMM. A. M., mr.Y.1.13t• pRIENDS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR ner FO R ' NT H tua d nnr h iTee in(et . r H e use entrance s C co 4 L7he will reopen 9th month, 3J. The course of inatructiou will embrace the branches nreesntry to M 1 It orough educa Lon. The patronam of Friends, A. well as others. solicited. au29 St. Nn. &S suskr4 VHIJ o North SIXTH street. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE, AT HARRISBURG —1 he Paghth Annnalgeseioti will commence on WEDNESDAY.Pept. eth. I miller. can he obtainer] from Mensre Perkenpine & FOURTH street. or Tract Depositor, 'll9 North SIXTH 11. hev. BEVERLY It. WAUOII_, A.M., Principal. G.E9B!..iR. It. BARKER'S ENGLISH And CLASSICAL SCHOOL, PRICE Street. German town...rill reopen on MONDAY, tleptember 34, 18%0. au29-12t• HARRIET BROWN WILL REOPEN r SCROOL, FOR GIRL'S nn the N. W corner of FILRER nnd JUNIPER &Teets. oppointe Penn &mere. on 10th 01 ninth monta. (Sept I stal-Im. MARGARET ROBINSON, RACE and FRANKLIN aroma, vill REOPEN her BCIIOOI, FOR GIRLS nn the tenth of the niothmorith. atal-Llt• CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. LOCUST. The duties of tho Classical I:mitoses will be resumed Monday. September 3. J. W. PAI RES. A. al.. mat o2mPrincipal. G ERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMINARY, WALNUT LANE, between MAIN and GREEN Streets. r his Institution will reopen September 1011. The co Iran o' imuructiou thormish.systematic. and practic.O. eilibrarin4 nll the iiseful arid ornamental branches Otlnnitlal to a Jin ishot fonnle ',New g on, Invite instruction in Music, Painter, and Lan gnu re, Clow lam aetins forth Terms, Course of Instruction, eta., etc may he obi tined of PRoP. WALTER P. FORTESCUE. A. M.. au'27-if Principal. %ILION. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH. MA TH I' MAT ICA I. and CLASrOCAT, SCHOOL, for Boys, N. E. corner of BROAD and ARCH. will re-ov4a Sept. 3d. zu_s-Im• BALLAD SINGING, CHANTING, PI ANO and (MITA It —Mr. T.III , HOP will renume buelnean tln pt. 1.1111. VOCAL ACADEMY. FIL LER L Street nen Inn• UNIVER'qTY FEMALE INSIITITTE, Levitt 1,41.4. Union County. Pa., Rev. JUSTIN R. LOOM la. n . Prrodent. 1 he course of Lustritctlon in tit's instaution oeuvre hemla the licala hes molt:tiro in rt :Sot ousts Neil see compittecil En thrit Educ 'own. toselher with lion in balm, French and Liarlill7l. P.trttcular attention stt en to music. Ann questions pertaintne to the school wespe re e wl'l be poop i, answered by address nr the Princi pal. Mire .a. TAYLOR. Itte next 3C5.11011 Will cum menus September I. Write for t c italortie. su2l-12t ►CLA, , SICAL AND EN Old Jr. ' 4 .IH(XII, of I! D. OR '6OR Y. A No 110% Street, ut I reopen on 310:11)Ai. Nowt ,. la ;per 31 a :al Im• 1 11 ;s. M W. hii)WE4 11.1% 4 RF.NIOVFD her for )outiz to 13 , 25 Cll. 3 ^: " atm''', and will reaper, mt Wedneaday, •aot.rubor 12. A few be trdme pulp a will be rerePtvad. ror et n;uun maw. , as A... 11,, or at tha l'reabytrilala Ouse.li 1134 and 1336 Ca-grant streat. uu2l-1m NN INSTITUTE, SUUTUEAST Cov., NFR FILRER r Strtota. r•. opus MONDAY. espirrnier 20. Fur more pnpila wall be nalinitteil. eahlorues vont to •ny rutilreat. au2l. tf R. 811:WART. Principal. 111 ISS T I toRP'S S'AIOOI. FOR YOUNG LADIES. at 113 GIRARD Stmt. sglrrnpen an MONDAY. ropternter Itl &LIZ- I nt • CENTRAL INSTIITTE, TENTH AND sParsio GAR DP'S Streets, sr:11 reopen Septem her 3. 11 tie stewed for iny I) vision or the Pub' e Grammsr I...chat - Me, for Ce oor for Bus.r•ss 1 1 d at the • 11 ti001•41.00a1 Lett:een th• bourn of 9 and IL euX 6w• 11. U. McGUIRE, Prineopal, TENHOUSN 4CA DEMY.—English and Clarsioll Bchool. (in the Car twilit:lto tlonld- Inc,)GIIE , TNCIP and tun! . t , ets rn francr on Eirlitvnth /trot. laird door obncr Carrrant. The next Pension will cornmanno on MONDAY ( r op teml,•r J. Wm) toll tm JOAN 11. INESTC)I T. Principal. R WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD ~Nrinid DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LA DI E!, No. 17'27 VI NP. ro.t. Dear Logan Square, .111 RE-OPEN on WF.UN ES DA Y, , sploszniNerl2th. Circolara for on Apollo:non ISS LUCY R. 31.1YER and Mrs. R. BIRD fenrsp their IN h t . ro ” Is - Mee. - Mee. at No. 1010 SPBBL:k. atreet, .RUI4 DAI. Bey tember 17. null 2m PRIV tTE SCHOOL FOR BOYS—LLT cIus BARROWS, 11,r the peat six seer, Aim mate Principal of Rine olioutie Araileint , . in Eighteenth street, above Chestnit street will oven a Reheol for Ih,ye. in CHEN (*street. second di - eir below h teenth, lubtatute Ituildintreo on ANN DAY,See tOokte,r 3. IA) Cireutere ns , ' be °Awned et the City Institute. and at 606 and 600 Chestnut street. Hart. LL. D.. J. J. Reese soll-Irn• MIEN TIIE MIS'ES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and French %aiding and Day Achool, for Yonne Ladlr., hi 0.1703 WALNUT Street. will he re opeued on Wednesday. Rept."l7th. 001-6 w 11 10:ANT do STRATTON'S NATIONAL •—• StERonNTtLE COLLEGES, locat+d at Phila delpllla. S. E. notner SF.VrN f H and CHF.3114 OT. New Sort, Buffalo. Cleveland China -To, and St. Lome. For information call or send for Catalogue. fel-ti • 31ESDAMES 011MARAY AND D'llEtt- VILLY reepectfuily ii.form their friends and the wthtio that they have removed their Boarding anti Day School for Young Ladies from Loran Square to Noa. 13u7 and 1329 SPRUCE Street where they will be ready to receive their pupal' on THURSDAY. Septem ber 13th. Mesdamen CHEGARAY and D'HERVILLY will re ceive visitors at No. 1509 LOOA:I Square until the 20th August. i325-em WANTS WANTED-T() RENT IN GERMAN TOWN, r Unto, with Int of grout,: and stable. MO , '• 13ox 2194." Plitladelphis ?oat (Mice. nul)-tbetu-9t• WANTED—A Young Man of good edu eltion, to amid In Wan.: charge of a set of books. Remune•ntum for the first year moderate ad dram; "L. F.." through Mood'. Dieu itch. aulp-3t. WNTED A —A Wet Nurse, with a fresh breaat of milk. Apply trnmeduttoly.at No 717 MORRIS Street. au.29-71.- A YOUNG GIRL wishes emplovment as C•ok or CtiAmbermAid. Apply to Sim 11101)0- NALD'S. No. 1340 1-11.0.V0hTH titreet. tw2.9.2t. A YOUNG GERMAN, who writes and speaks the English and French languages flu ently, and is a good accountant, is desirous of an en gagement in a German Importing Douse. Address Adolph," Pre•r office. itu29 4t• AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN, WITH feet rata baldness habits. exnerianon and educa tion, wishes a el L UATION u n clerk or salesman in a first•claes Dry Goals Joltbann Mule. datinfaotory re ferenne will Las furnished. Address " PHILIP." office of this paper. au29-st. T IM ADVERTISER HAVING 61.500 is argicus to embark in a safe and profitable !ma ngles that will insure a fair living. or WOkiii be willing to loan the amount Lonny p‘rsori who will employ him at a lair stOary and give real estate security for the luau. A dart ss " WARREN." this office. au29 4t• SOUTHERN MERCHANT, WITH I-lb- t mayoral years' experience and an extensive no qustutance. wishes a wannest PARTNER in a Con' mission business. Best reference given and required. Address '• P. D.," through the post Office. au29 tit• ityN. WANTED 'fo RENT—By a penaa alai neat tenant. a, House situated between Arch and Pine streets. Rent, 56 or S 7 Possession in Fey tember or October. Address Philadelphia P. 0 . Box 19136. aultd.3t" WEST INDIES, TEXAS, AND LOUT 81AriA.—Ati experienced accountant is now open for an engagement as Etcmk-keepor or •ilertr. for any pilot as above. Addreaa •• T. H. 1.1.." this office. au2l-tit. A LADY, with a good musical education, wishea to form n dealt on the Ptano Mope wish Inc to Ran will pleatte address "lIIATII..DA.' Bloott's lltsptteh. Terms reasonable. an2l-6t• PWAN TE . he advertiser -I- is desirous of selling Ns interest in a first eless IVlnnu(anturins Ideatin!' already establmhed. Four .housand dollars in cash will be required. address •Factor," aloe of Tile Pre33. au24-10t* WANTED TO EXCHANGE.—One hun dred and sixty-eta acres of choice unimproved land in Glimeenter eouoty, N. J.. in a rapidly improving neichborli aid, will be excheneed for improved city Pro perty. or partioulare address' •• J. K office of this paper. etaiing where an interview may let had. sun lilt* SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUNI).--00m. v „ na eoutheiat corner WALD. in and FOURTH Btteete. Open daily from Y .4_ll o'olmk, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. /hie Old innutution han 1111C133 Raul in full, on demand, without notice. INTERYST FIVE PER CENT. Au sums paid bac k , o demand, in gold andin. ger. TRSTFES. . . ALEX. JVHiLLIHN. President. RAItIL. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Ranier, Geore Nugent John Arwraoh, Jr., T. Bodine. Alb. C'. Roberts John Aikman, Jonas Bowman, B.M. Eldridge Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON •Tressorer. JOHN C. SIMS, Seoretary. anti -1m SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street. between V.ne and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature Aprtl 11th, 1851. Open for Depoilts and Payments, daily, from 9to 2% o'olcoet. Also, on MONDAY and TRUREDAI EVENINGS, from e to 8 o'clock. Interest a per cent. per annum. Depositors can with draw their noners by Chocks. if dewed. Special De posit' received. JAMES B. PRINGLE. President. PRMICIIII Haas, PnaretArr. asap-tf STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIAWS a'Bo, Firecenclo, Fya-rtninet, ()para. glaseex, Microrcopee.and all kind of Optical and Mathe matical Inettunicuta. at j, FRANKLIN'S, Optician, au23.6tif 112 S. FOIIS It street, below Chestnut. SPVNISII BAFRON.—For sale by WE THERILL & 13ROTHER. No. 47 sad 49 North agrin nn Alrma. rual3 T ARI) OIL, —6O bble. No. 1 Cincinnati -ILA Lard OIL In more-arid for Neap by ROWLEY & bi 0.115 tioattt WRA&VMAssi _ AJIRIS=IMII. WA LN T-STRESI- THEAT-10. Role Mots Msanlcer.- . Alf. A. Billlaela Agent-..-- AME.I . CAN OPERA TROUPE'. - TRUI (Thera's') wVENING. Alma. CINDERELLA. SCindtret , a. atrib Rhine. ; Felix. Poxes of Eleksexe, Brookho. s Howler. Dont/ oven atilt' o'clock. Performacoes coalmine at TX o'clock. ?twee of Adcniogion: Dregs Code. (Beate moored Without extra eharze.) 80 aeWs: P3r s neL ftaa4 .1.- 62.1,4 at ZO can* mg errata; Seemed nom sod -accilr Wrtlit a, 4 7 E h e i st I;;Vgeituflia'.l7.24t. B lo7:.‘7 . . d . ITIVATLEY CLARILI'S ARCH. ERT TREATS R. • TRIA ( Thursday) EVENING. Ault. Et TURNING TRH TAMAR. TURNING THE TA BLS& T. ceranlnde with THE CORSICAN BROTRERS! TITS CORSICr BROTHERA! New and bennoint ecenery arrurient Mats ! Grand Taleasx a nd Cast! Saturday next. at 2 o'oloek. Grand 2102•116 OUR Ant etßicArt coueirc GRAND PROMENADE PREZ CON. CER ['THIS A PT ERNOON, at HOC(ARP FULD. cure' e Fairmount Park. by the fall MAPHION OR Cl E 4 1"4 - .Mr. Morita Reetheter Director. Com mences at 234 o'clock V. Al. Fare 6 or 7 cants from every point of the oft, (ei, Girard-avenue Riulroad) to tie place. Pan - mesas steamers 130 stop. =WA* C ONTINENTAL THEATER, WALNUT Street. *brow Eighth. SECOND WEAN, r OARNOR OS* o t) SR A 11 PLEYIS MINSTRELS AND BUR LESQ US OPERA TiONPI. MONDAY, Anstalt 27, and .VLEY NIGHT during the week. This Come ony now Wands t exception _AI No. I. The YOUNG and OLD. GAAVkI sod GAY. ALL. VlBll, and then prate. them. Swum e %it be secured four dam in advance. Deane oven St o'clock; mammon at* to Veloek. eM ZOPIItS. dntly Prograaundes lot irsetiestlanr. 13 0 WhIt4 end 14 1 /R nti, us connection wick SS ARP- L EY, appear night] r. ail?-111 FREE CONCERTS WILL BE j[1•811 at eILVEtt BUR," emote the delNd 1 th # Green , Cll4 Coates Ptaftols Radars, Conieseg, T WEN) Y-1 IF CFI and COA VER Street:. Fairmonet, on TU } SDAY. TN Ur PDAY. and AATURDAY.II,OI - r perrnitti og.) of this and the caning weak,. Nune to 10 o'eloco P.M. The HA r. MONY CORNET BAND, Bosh. leader, haa been engaged by the laminator. and unexacting& bits been spared to tender these Colleens agregatic and swaging.. The Oreen and Costae-street, este Plan itilmbull eery three inmates. Fare gents. mat tethaet pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINIS FD MITS.-102S CHESTNUT attest. Containing a large collection of Paintings sad tyre. a now open daily from f A. M. tilld P. M. 441- =Lamina 26 eta.: children Nader 12 yell; MUM rlS4f FOR SALE AND TO LET. D _ EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.— A beautiful Conn try Tint at Cbesteut BiTL Also. n desirable Country Rsuodence at Trenton, New Jersey. Ph°. a benut•ful Cottage in Germantown. Also, one calf interest an a Roling Mill . Ripaiting i Pa.. Atei a large mroe-atory Brick Dwelling. to /lead ing, Fa. Al 4, is Pittstnr;, Ps Sexton's Wuldagtou boa Works. Allah a splend.d Farm 41300 aortic at New Mayes, Connecticut. Also,a lams Fotandn', two Furnaces. Bolling MIL and Nall Faotrity. at Hyde tark. fe. Y. Also, a snail Iron Furnace. at Scranton, ?s -almi). a large interest in a Coal MIMI. war !hack and 10 Coal Circa beat make. Intuire of the owner. d. JATI SPRTON. RI. D.. N. 1241 MKl,nla btrakit. or, PAUL lIECir CARTER. No. 411 VI 1E ',treat P. B.—A beautiful Stemmahip, known as lb. • Bird of (Le {Va‘e." au)) 3uf Flop. SALE—THE STOCK. VIKTORIA, LEA`th, and GOOD -W JLL of a large Carpet Es tah!iihment. Located in one of the But Busman Unita in the City. Tr e stork is one or the beet selected in the sualuit. The thole well be dupuud of ea Csrarsbto tams , o c:ose a p st.cessiop. for plrt.culers, apply at No. 47 South FOURTH wan lit gaNORTH THIRD STRE/T STORE. No. 43 1 . and 41re other Re.res sztioinizet.taprat hne, by A. P. J. H. MORRIS. No. 91f. MICK dtrzet. An3ol Y. $5OO-TUE ADVERTLSER, WHO 18 • oblosed to le•ir• tie eity to tome= .4 W health, offer, for e • roll ••e• but , ftes• vlth rood •111 sad brand, for '10) For pnylea •ry Wren. with real Emu. Factor," V.' Press otsca. ••421•20 SALP OF ORIZABA IRON IML ORWS. SOPHIA FCRNACE. nutbr•inty ve••••C Ices as Trt.retre 'or eartaila e Tediton of Pollud 31e COrtillet. and in ya rsuaeee of a daemon( the lltstrict Court of Al ethenl county. In tart weVth of Per:L.l7lyard* to rlO. 3 o• lierrete%=_, `IM wtll expose to nubile tree. lithe SIERCHANTip XCH A Nr;•...0(1 FOUR I H Ptreet. to therms of Mis ter, nn ICVSIJAY. PEP • . t tot MO. enenteraetes t 1 u'o'oek A. M.. the Politer Eel and NW Fssionea, •ItJsred near New A.:set. Grtsrreree- want,. Portant vsn,...orrn so 'the ORM , ' HA IRA:. ••ORlLB•zno tynri, • P , P•111 8011 PI F.•TiPP.II BPPUPP g , noOl Cols. Nut Fogg., mkt Mask H 4 ettt , ze , r. SO Vail •Isel•li.es un. rosint Ptak" o honen I tlaehntler• tar e.snufasturtug Pau Yap nl,l P to BAroth. Alan tho falaaa Eurna.c*, kznw! rr Pophl*. adiollixas st ve Wnth a. s hich to capable of turlung oat Up WKS Of FIR Imn per work. Abo. set e•ni tote of jocund, aditoolat sad arena toe o I !Prot &ft tceat to the •I roe WO4l. costumes. Con'. Iron Ore. Limestone. Ltd Fire tiny. Team , —One•lcarth of tee tarehthe mosey Gabe red :n °ten en the se how:ede 'neat of the di ed , 1101 W an nit, one. two, rears o, nod tore. ea from the flare d wale. with zoterest trim 0113 t me; the deferred paysteett be secured 0) bead sad Morthat• Oft the prom/tee. 1 f 9 . " ”R ' i1 1 f)1 1. 1 4414 1.311Ri. WM K. 1,1,d1C1(. 1(0BUILDING LOTS FOlt SALE, , e the z srdly-ororor tar Borman of D.:mama to. n. front ron Wert. 6.3 foot r. 40. reenter to *noir 2) fret yr de ; 30 fort front be lifki foot deep matinee's In Ote 'entre feet M minium prier $3 it foot front, tf •3tly appllcstayst Is AL..... FA AIL. It INOWALT. aulttf Rierwilt's Mats. Dowatattevrt. -;(1 VALUABLE FARMS FOR .U 611; in fond Itvvinn. For larlaar m formatiaa ajpsig lt :4, EI 434 . ORTH T , KD 3tracto.:auxesn. 11. J. null ituthlm• gm TO REST—Two spacious, well .llo9.lig hted. 9611-9entliate4 Room.. Dem =Et- Omits. so .ted for printing offices. Of (or VMS. varpoo•P al them is most. stsssn 00V1111 . misehod. 4141- dress •• X. Y box 5397. PmtOilice. as7-Mk Pi 3 DUI D ERS. —A large lot, hiving -2- three front., euttab:e for I:antedate rioprovemen, eltuwed T W EIS Tt ETH street. Wow CATILA.RIA/6. WIN be sold oc Scaommodatlng tams t.O • para k i e ria motors. etoee. For terms. to., &dame "I.^ this pit*, VACTORY LOT FOR ,SALE.—A -M: lot havint throe fronts, admirably intuatod to boa tioreloore pert of the city. WW be rented or ssssoooolllldddd on. roman:l2o.le terms. For parbeelars, apply at thug °Moe. briar MISSOURI LAND II 3n0,000 Acres for Sale, at 'nee. ranging from W to co cents or Acre, in any auannniss ottiummi. TAXES pad. ai dPA FENTS procar,d for inrikai se ra of Land under the Graduation Act. Plata furnished gran, by atiainal•A • • 00 tIlf• alan o For !archer inforritaLon i5.29 1 / 1 . Wf tzON, stawLRAGS & CO., U. E. and General Land Urn*. 64 CH F,STNUT 13.. tween THIRD and I , 4,: kr ak, 81. LOUIS. O. LAND WARRANTS bought. sold. and located. 1/2-3m FOR SALE—The Stock and Fixturea of a Who:tamale Boot and ...hoe Boos*. new dew food businese. Thus is a Imo opportunity for axe oast ainshint to to into the business or a house wanting to inereeee their trade. Sattsf•met.♦ reasons Wing for selling out. Address "Box 2...." Pluladelphsa Pat Office. with name. jabtt VNURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sales . large lot in the tbathwest.rn wotioopq of the oily, well Minted for a Narver,. Torquesyeomaoaa nas. vor Fart/yaw* Aare', " K. ' at this omlDoe. aerf-tf BOARDING. B OARDIN(.4.—The eligible and well-ftir n:stied Home. No. 1313 WALNUT Sties , . will be reopened tor the recerion of two or three lee'ent ri eta fitmilles, on theist rdepremtier. tinder the eapern won of efficient housekeepers. References exchanged. au.1.9 et PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their farmlies, or single gentlemen, can be seem modated with Board. with element and ban room.. furnished or nufernishad. at 61.11 LOCUS south side of Washington equate. The loehhom. opposite to one of the handsomest parks in tie Ohl. in cet tTal. and extremely pleasant. Transient hem= visiting the city out be accommodated by the day of week. Terme moderate. A basementfrontrecoh. private entrance. for rent. suitable for an °Moe. All TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BR or-E .erzzamovd , with good , airy apartments. (with tr.!' Address .• • 1? th m lertl ity • h 13 Lc =V il s Cr: patch. NOB 111EPICLNAI. PROF. MORRIS' EIJOEPHALCIS. There are 100.000 Sufferers froth DI o[ the NERVOUb SfeaNbt, tn the ody of whoa= be cured by oaths _ rfluloEf•Olt M0R2.18. _ _ B U 0 E:IakJ:AIGO IS. Which is an mistrial and WONDERFDL REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morris, M. D.. of this city. II sots directly upo the Nerves 111 n ABSORPTION through the pores and it nee trial of • 'BINDLE BO to test Its marvellous virtues. Saferer Y s f oCmI ENT OF AgIIXi VEM DEAD, BRAM, GENERAL DE Ayr. NEURAL 6 lA, lIREUMAT DIM. CHRONIC NEHYOI,79NR&St a-4.. Will find the desired reflect), its R.X.TERNAL veR, as directed in the Circular. TRY IT! THY IT! Tl.' t'i i Tll}' IT! TRY 11! t TRY IT i 141 TRY IT '. R TRY IT 'TRY IT ! R R It TR IT! R RY IT ! R I If YOU are exhausted by over-much study. Ifyou suffer from sleepless night/. 11,10 U are a victim to nears/sta. 11 You are prostrated by excessive grief. If you crave stimulating drink, 1, TRY IT! T R TRY IT! # Y TRY If ! TRU ! 1 PA I IT ! ! 111' As it 'WM Te7llol , those miserable sensations which tis dune a morbid disposition towards intemperance. TRY IT, if you are suffering Rom Nervous Debility in any of its forms, and you art! l fi nd it a soothing a• INVIGORATING APPLICATION to your nerves. and worth many times its oat, in the relief afforded. Numerous testimonials from the most sources respectable can be seen. by sPrilYing at the oNee of pro prietors. Prepared by MOCKRIDOE a co., No. iss North FOURTH Street. ggir And for Sale by Druggists generally. In-tsar ASTIII4. ForAer7.l.°7.,'"' plaint. Use FEND T'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by 0. B. SEYMOUR & 00., 107 NAMUR Street, New York. Price dyer box ; seat free by poet mr7-4m in FOR SALE AT ALL npareenenr. A WNINGS! AWNINGS ! ! Fi•AGS ! FLAGS !! JOSEPH Et FOSIk:It, AWNING MAKE. 443 North THIRD Street, Phtladelphm, Ms on hand F LAD a of all sizes. or made to order, at short notice. r ohms! parties. Clubs. or captains of rersels, would do well to call before onrchasoir else where. Baoktng Bottoms. Bass, and Wagon-corers. atirlls-,f Im' OILS —l5 500 gallons Ectra Bleached Whale Oil; l t 2oo rallons Extra glerwhed F itphant 01; ; 140 Knit.) am h xtra Stained Whale Oil. (hat 001 . - no it LO bbls pure Tanners' Oil ; in store end for seta by HO H WLFY, AtIRBUMICER, d. CO. Na. 16 t i l o th W ARVEO9.