Speeciver,fieletei Dentine' rif NoefoUr, On Saludireienieg Donglii delivered an addreii at Norfolk to. an indiums of ea►l7 iii thous* people, •Tlid ettrapied,!Te nra, l in delivery. The folkeint is Won Ors repo rt in the Mona : `*: "" - • I - Ice the inbittleof his adds.* &slip of papas was I banded to him. Itout.l•tom the. Norfolk Daily Aila: bontaiiiitd',** polite t question& for Judge. ` s lea ' Nark/ nuntaked. th e quaky* thu propound ed, he mit.thention; liana its the habit of an- - • 'waving euelkes propounded to me in the tonne of an waryiesi• -- lut oh thin will amply. w ith th e rw inaat,•, and rispind oiryltankly, and utoxiaiToesfly to Clete totiquations.' ,. • The gni question is -if Abialaiii•• Linoebis be elector PreMent Oil - =t ae;' United Sista will "the' Southern States be 'nettled In , seoeding from the union Y To Ma I emphatically answer ; iti." (Great at e r i Z , election of . a man to the "PrW , d V-Aneriolin, people, In einfutaitc with the of the United :11htets, would net 614ft:stay. attempt at 'slissoivism ibis, lotioar Confederaoy. (ig w ease. ] - ' Noir 4 will rend to yea the ,had• thOeuesoir it. * • -• Quertiati.lif• ay,, the 'illutheit StatmWeeka from the Union nixes the of Awake* Licooln, before he stommitran -toad, set their caustierthael Arista; will you :advise vise Moak resistance hy f o rge to Sok elotetion Vowne.2. l t Nail* .1 4 11011 mss say 3 !") ."°1 1' • Iletaiis* Toren* • - eratbatioally:that IS is the duty id the President of the United Sktee, and all Akre Me: seittlesafty. ander:Mao to 'afore, the lewd the Mates - ais passedlity Con trol* indeed* ousts eipolunk theta: • (Chem.!' And.l,Ms - Mity bound my oath of fidelity to the Would do all inairpower to aid the Goterninent of the United. Wee In nteintehl ing the mipseetneyfif the lees, against all resist. sage 1060%;664 1 64566.*110._ titsarkrAt (Good j Ice other word', I think the President of the UnitadilktecwilooVer be may b•;-ekluld - trell toattemptibiltiat up the Udu' loylesktantle to its lado;ioVollllllkollinetitthe tudildire II 1838 (Applause j ;- • • • Th. WA laiukfllos t eifbreedi Intk• at* the same time, be It, naneMbered, It 10,:thirthity et "MT citizen - ,locm• Stile, - anr`avery,..milidia,lutup., Consul:lds'e,'inalistilajoad - vlMlea te the rights al every lithos and lee lighti. of miry State In ilk,Union: thelkutitutlon •vistedstladiskretieii L . - ant very,frank -ar not' in fu' te ten er t 'Vas would ~.cterettle: Inadusepasi thi of every 'of • itotren-: it_prolla it was obi, ver, • never onic_of, the &I a lse that the Ma- I thoUnltel ' 3llY ot i tt teddy • pastrasithout atrik4ditiow ihn*Mitlia or Our righte: is not aloha grievance es would justify nvolation . or secession. 40heertj • Besse; I saY, whoever may beldeeMd President of the United Stake be must- be :lortained in the exercise of all his just constitutional prerogatives aid powers. If he tranassmds them we will _punish him with all the rigor of theleir, , as you punished - John Brown when IN ,rioleted atoms of ap. _plena.] f, for one, will snatain with all my energy the President whenever he may be in theeterobe of all the were. conferred upon him by the Cow, *Hutton, but I-wonld. 'take jut as much phewa, in hanging hicnif be transcended those pules, to; I feel pleasure in knowing that you hacted4ohar Brown *ben he was guilty of murder and Mame' against , - - the • State , of , Virginia . ,[Renewal ;if I am a, law-abiding-man,a Union-loving nine. and I believe the-Union can be maintained by a faithful, Observance of the Constitution, but .I mkt in erecting the fulfilment in , good faith of every provision of that Contestation ; I insist on a line of policy *blob will' plane all the people of ail the States in an steel equality', and maintain and protect them in • their jut - riOts, bat which will else compel obedience to the tidtotion end' the constituted - authorities of the country. - Now, these 4nethme, put to meths drat dey.T landed on V "'Mir kw* stasseated from the Mends Co ne • m t epo oni ftdaeteeet ish like q t u h a ta . - YOU lenti l Sta.tthilli.ait„ hip 'wen as Ilismt_igivris f -"-= - -• • ; • A Vt'aaii, Ike Knoell& remember that Keliresitheidge: wu nominated On the liseleiP that -the election- al Lincoln was preknible to that of•- thatif Breoltierldessads not waded, at Baltimore, but had setildeseed in the legitimilk Offen alba Convention, I Weald have in Obi curidest beaten Lincein by the peplos vote. . - - A WICS. "That's so,", ; • Mr. _Denoute!. -Lees than wthird of the con vention Weida from the two-think, en the ground that Soothe* boner end: Seethent-righti were not sate inosx , hadds,Add that Ague It was necessary to dividatiesrty in every State of the Uwe*, so that Lisitioblsaight hatie Ithaneeil **Shiloh* , tween - itho,leonsuititie" it e et the Ikekteado ' party, inapt sleetedmajorityiote. • • A-von., ," Ma'am" - • --• • - • /fr. ,Dears .; The suismelidi and - tire i 43-. jilt sentibtin makhor a Breckenridge ticket In the Northern 'Mites was'. to , livide *Denunstle party ellisitsfi=rverY one of thee* Stater, tio, Must , it Liman be skated President it will be the whom you wig have-to blame for It. • - • -' • • • ' - • ' A Visapplt list's so." , • • Mr. VotritiaeC -, l,lleois4oai as: iteisini hob; elected eittelthiludigh the ailarts Of 11Mtleenthlek* Ms, 'who ,hisve divided the Desteatitk pother that'llreatirldgiooildvarry every /kWh - - ers'abite though new'asiiii ism* 'genii to eery a tingle-Vat-by the people. StSI, - by Mai . ding the lettli;Mievesiwarp msf the States to Itineoln,thtte - allewft him to be elected by the . popular vote' Wiry,'virgin* the' true *Pipet of the canted batons _the secerasa ?.,_ Lthooln „kad no • UAW witehorie for mere thee two Mates tilt the Breekinsidge diviAse took pie*, and f woulditave basteelthe la Um* Male hut Vann** sad Mao sacksuetet'•` Ail It le I tbter I will beat Ms in ati meet all Ski -- yet.- Tekser4; Bat Auld Lid Amin bi eluded, the tiomiskaise; whiintimblated and norespeort Breokinsidge, totted to the UMW - a It, epee theta Met the sir swonsiblilty of having the fatal milky, sod diaadlotthe- result of thekOwn rash end:upset-% otio.antrittlehrgive ' Main" a eisaisee.ot slut most, thiyaome TWM - help them to dissolve the Union' intik mat of Limas being -raised. ta...tha Prieddenthd- chair—l- ter them no*eaver on earth. (Cheers and 611611' Gocci.!.!l• rani for putting demi Northers 1' iionlenr; but em afro far putting datilliest, - ceasbnidato , :aet thatptoo t by the mall' - sum eenititaaonaipowar. I" Goodelv that the pease,-the karmoe and the , menhir dem& upon ~deetteriagi. [Chem) :-.ltotk If row ' called, mead* in a somata asses , until_ tioa tint am** eadi neer, ace P u f a a . •-0 1 1. 1 * - yet 'thelrj et. 16.14eitiatedeploraiderstesit' slut airespest or per. - sea; I indievelled;in the event - r eitheiplitty:theiiisele of Ifirelind or that aft2oWsnwilestistrit` oar gisitiosiellisaiiiikthis `eft anew dallne beeteiAbollo n W litm ee W fani u,rbis".436e h l. iepolioene uand44 — _ . . , .. .„ ~ . , , . . ' . The NeW . Y#l.k.ThWerfOlei' - ',4; ,-'*--, , . We hard th!liest. ittlidrity.ist Mating th at the Mermen viestibeiesarttlespelote'of - bebti, Per-. emPtorily 06014 tmethiddie. bitiriention of bur of the Greot_Powers Moat deeply Intended In the , restoretiot _of 'order throtuthout the dominions of ear 41406414 nodghbor. Franco*, England; Spain, • and P ' bort signed a convention for the psi ' tleadort t..ltexide, to which they invite .the mile aeon orthelltdied BMW, but which they Preittee ta eforll3llthilfect without that sdhosion - Amid the M064E644 sofas* it., - -I - The bases °radioed:km - for all religion's oplolote, and of a =Mho& establishment for, the Roman Catholic ebtimbilore, understood to have been al ready abeepted by - the Oosatitatiocalhile; under Juarez, on the one part, load by the Merles! party. under Mfration l on the other, do armliflee of - twelve months ' auratiot Is to bedeethred between the, respectiveleaden :. MI 'dialog Ede period therePerthete OiMak 4 0 00111414 b . , Mb as to be hold,wlthottdiirMit by,the what easepotth johd & at oll : mot Wrm.'to ammo the= on of the nosOicso loosinair of the publie smodignmon and the milotenssee of ante, At' a time to be' hereafter, ithed, the people of Mexico ire to be ealialtpoit to .elisit between the'prtheiptee 'Om iented'.,by , the . r two faetime, god the respoetire latdoirrplaige :themselves to - radgn all their aim*, at and.ansmlnto the hand, of lawililanunamot theadadgoated strider the, sinetion„of the' inter vetikagpowers. _Thesprmii a tbie potion already !Om to theAdminiltritiott at Waigington meet that- the Pert/ of Jahr, s which might have itostrmota- ;lOW as-.the oupreate Exeoutiror- more than a -V ii ar aig ; tad._ Like Mons of the. treaty. proposed tulrm thrranfeitthrologh Mr. McLane to the ' , Mbhgtonflorernmentihae demonstrated its In. eePottit ve l i nedeil Pryer,. and that the Vatted tars i , Malty ehlitated their pretension! Moldlth - - 69iignaat rthatuisi perbrot Mite= sue' hi_gke Meatier, his proved itself dependent WWII he listiorientiMho own, which 1g is a r i ndhaot viol! tuidedieUSt and that.the lig in . - tffailficts of the hitarrialogtowers - er auboat fesnitay; ceolles,loer bola! ,at dowtsgtoyai th e Urdu& warfitrili hen teitel. ALI - Sp,'Llt ',K** lo° l ' . ll64 I til t thar hit .iterkitioittf °Met/ , ' ~_ • `-' , 7 ... . ty, 0344 , 40.02 0- to pris ms t ef ', Ms_ tide Ct‘iiM ei: tiio" t ime .otr owe Gantt , a li t .itisilemitodte UM. Iniskileed that talk • , a -.., . ~- ilthsvattlm et tie and eoutanplatodilf -, It '. estlitiftrii,litstMee,MMltot provoke AM" 0 146 f the - tritalustmw so:aisiod 111 , - "" 1 ...& - . ft. ptaddati nitut be made ' •_ • eiWiiilje nit**, ooemeeted to the : iii . !=tritiesickei. , i ; f; .' ''''' • •• . „ _ are Minutia! prinalpolly '".:. ; . li toi&tittirittOf tilsopiadiandodsterfin Meliee,, 4=lWrim leigely , restmatiol'hot the tl yhm,li i t Uk t # !fill,f",t°#te its= .:'._. , - , • --1.- . ,: , *l= l. ilitritsitionlll-..Fidi River, L. :,•,, iiima s bor ti: 44 *-:L!cotkel ii .wet tiom .:reemi to , vo : ' ha thief ' ' If ilesv olhhisia te elf: r r o f TIO ` --- '"doeiseme'dlie mos °Cryan beer, b 7 Astern yin, ~~j.R ^ra''a. ; J ..~. oatEN - RA'r,,-pw.Ntrs.; , ':;; A SA ' ATOOAn COrregpOtidept of the Tray: Times says that two Boston - men are the larithef ' winners ,of the gambling season at the favorites watering-Vigra referred to. One of ;heat 14 a; man nearly platy yellers.* age, Who formerly kept a hotel' in Albany, and failing in the business, in a MeMient 'of desperation, at the age of feel, took rip' the profession of alombler. - Fortune seemed :to attend him fronttheirst, end he is slow estimated to be Worth 11200,000-. all of which he ban pined at haisted has, hie, iierstseta -in' Jliery est the Spriegit, his fait horses, oardiges, and to one unso• iliathted with his pretend* Se appease wealthy MOD of the walk , ' yollsbed-antrefined i,Y his man &&& & gentleman of atembott means, who bat come tq recruit his health by morning Arauethat the Clongrem, or a drive_ gpso the avenue, , He is reckoned to be ths 'Wariest *ad most lucky gambler io the: coentry., - ,;reti. Weald" Imagine that he is other than erbetliesMims ' he is only &type of a Wiwi class of persona who annually assemble at Saratogklnwillatef vitro" of the highest re. elwe 3 l4oV 4 Tni American' company engaged to raise the sunken teat at fithestopet have lately brought atoned* **wharf the 60 gun Matti lloolefebi —the venal Whose , mutt hare. for as many years Moe! Tight' In , the enstriof the harbor. The %WO I IWO.' 4.500 fold. She is In good eon; I Mon, Midis -the itheffrigettevevrabild whole. Mr, Gowen, of *eon, Is the thief of this Ameri ean boimany, 'And .Ite.kiireolitithatid not a little to the credit of f , Yankee eitterprhep by his still tP,and perpetual : We In the important and arduous task he has undertaken td pedbrm. Mi. Jain P. Ammidaw, of Baltimore, has an intireiting relic &the RevoliatiOn. 11 la a, powdeo-kont which, was found' on the battle-field I of Germantown by his grandfather. The born bears the name of Taxi Mural's% a British soldier who was killed it the, battle and is cover ed with twatemstatlons• Alliii011; artillery men 'and cr. 'velry, with the motto,-"men - of might that take delight in sword and gun; that they may fight." The carving on ea barn will apparently otmmenoed by ,Cilmveliallat firtrinf POint, and was finished - at Grortegstoble inl.74o—juitt a Century ago, Tonnanr E tor a nationtadd to be In- the arti cle of death, has I: pretty throng army and navy. Shaba; betas* under arms a total of 150,009, but In two menthe' time, anditithfunds,-thif som ber could 'he: inerairsekto - 400,000 fighting men. The Ottoman natititindsts 'of six. line.of battle ships, eight frigates, ten seiner corvettes, tan gun 'boats, ,and slat] brigs, sloops and ether smell peek' making a total of 30.000 ;tallow and raarines, and-I,4Bo__lfulal actually adopt , besides four ships of the HOC sad two frigates in course of - - annex. '•Lninextio.—The, otoantehlP Wend irement,..Claptaln leydeld, from New York yesterday, was; during a thunder squall, Saturday eight last,' stew*• by lightning. The lightning, stack the -foram's!, and passed. into the eabin, shattering the *oiling of the same in different planes, and rotting fire to it; it then passed out upon the deck of the vessel, doing,but little other diuVe, time. of her Minx% for Hew York was e horn Saturday to' Friday ,- the Nth.— Sada News, Aug. 23. • - Gamete's. PiioOusse.--CreOrgia is one of the most flourishing States in thi Union, and one of the best governed in the South, and yetit is one of least tniedt 'Mob lathe motet; doubtless, of the greatfievethwint grew teal manufacturing industry.; The Governor and Comptroller General havtaambill the' per - mt. tampon the property this ydarek SI eention fht $lOO. Taking all-the taseedflatc . oetintrond tdtzrond In no Inlet of thelimbsenti ttwor , mr , higher , than one-eighth of on. per sal , • , • - Onw,YdiffkitildWiya that since the otitinworkApiqiientral : Bark; on May - T, : nii.to4l is y I,lBllkielf'fblesand rive hinsareametilanlitAmehnentemployed, and one 'lnllfforilevestikimilrestwdAttaly-four- thousand six Alialmst— ,lthii)~ll6llWiliinty-fbur cents ',hlift'beettempastheiliiiimiteiel adz -hundred and AlthiphitiltioMtelandllielided lithe:park, and cletrom ark MawsmsAmt.;saht.. to be ample* and vvsreae•'riiMdt_heettlite area. his bean almost willowshod• " Tim -411 Atieritia:—The Roman 'Cations eilfettp Oda Capin Y mild by a Catholic journal to oompries.lB atolgobdume,'s2 bishop:, 700 oonvente,.with 9,090n0na; 978 &sweats, with 2400 monks. The :total number of dery amounts to 28.000 individnalkerba poet's property valued at !250.000,000, - either: personal or. in trait for the Aa English paper has an account .of a nurse who, while in • oomnanitmlistio stew wee e from he bad on e night. wont down stain, Ind opened • cad tuna door, cabers a man and his wile were des Ing , aid took: en 'Went tram between tient, and.retnrned owittoost "nssetleed. In the inernittg the child wan tbstid hit Weep _upon the tilciee's ann. , . This ie given Si 'II' ,Old,W 01130 to the late murder et Frew, Eagln. . , fisa Administration is determined not to permit Smith to Make war upon Philo° . at least not to attack the latter mien its own lame,and take possession of it: Mr. Breath:ides willing' to aet ainudiator, bat he will not permit that Meares doctrine Web owes its origin to the ag. groaners Of Spain, shall be dinegatied.—World. • 'Tan Salo Jose Reporter mentions • a sped- - rams of einnabar from the Eursquita quinsilver miamonloh WAN Stern** nugget of pure mine ral. Instead of the.quinsilver being in the usual fora; it was actually , in a liquid state, and would 'deep from the ore in skull globules by being slight. IY shakes. • Coisprarnow dr Naar's LeDGEI Mow- Mimon.—The new lighthouse on Minot's Ledge is now tompleted, And on Wednesday night it was. lighhid up for the, Bret time to test the power of thell6t. It will be lighted regularly from the in of, sepotinber. • , `Anerte':Eapsiss'in Tull FRITIT BIISIDE9B.-- ,The Augusta (Gs.) Conrrittairmalret says that' ilieut Sri tho u bushels of peaches, besides a hi/pluralist. of veil emillestwatermelons, hare thou i shipped. by, the Adams Tomas from that polit'drulig the present mason. - Slant OLD limr.--31sjof Butler Goodrich, of Pittalleldi Ness., now In his • 93d year, one day last week walked from his house to his daughter's in Lenox,a distally" of 7 miles, In two wad one fourth hem. , . Trth reiolting free' negtoes: ' Sombrero' gum* Mend were brought to 'terms by, withhold ing th eir rations. 'They mid not fightios 'empty stoat ohs, Mid sO - Seeepted their grublinmbly, and wmit,to work . again. - five syearitAbC total theiglitil, , im Om New York,Castral an New York -sad Erie meat arida" eiishigNew.,Yorki hare lisouitted bial"74sol6oo,olo. . Ptile s trerimuts tOf the 10. teeplee It presentation to the Lqi Jiarlausip N. H., on till . , )riles: ! [Prim the IftliMCWlNE.iiit.lal Chtr onal otmli nomads from Tikisc ity , Movery ninth brim 'additinmethme ' of , lite - rtiotted* r ehtti.Of puldisieritement on the sullied ' user mail that, the ezettemmettlimit srithl ogindeqintireanse. lizegginktkihrtalitClablimie_ siderethattilire4 been, of soonewm" In' pee midst ef ea: mash that - tic really sdarialmf, and with MI; the - uncertainty as to what' aslght be lbw anywhere,: . when - so mach that was atroalom in its miekedomis- had been done already, it , was: to be a:plaid that :a great deed would be im agined, end a Ends deal of what Is true amplified aid exaggernhvii,, It was not possible to examine every ease Cr reported ease sooordlng to the roles 'of ;a Miele" - inVietigatlon, or to measure words with the ezeotnies of an Likud and cool witness. Retie, a great dial more has been reported than what actualitytranstdrod, end heat and hum dis torted mine of the-fitoti. --But there is enough die closed, tea -memo _Tor believing that • wide= !Pried tftotitluie sPreld through a large tract °quits, Ideliding a tier of mantles, revolting from near the :Gulf to the 'bender of the Indian Territory - Mt-theirictiento north. The fires whit& lueve'dostrojed savant ma • amount of property are In rainy owes distinctly trieiftothe Inoondlarism alba Masks: - • t - - The tiatimotty ii iiiroiear, tOoilf not altogether legal, relying, silt doe, on - the emsourrent confes sions of blaeke,:widely-SelmMte, d reensmieh other, and without =mug fog Con tmeddint 'kite, that there was en understanding. among- &largo .number of them, at least; to' poison or Otherwise kill the whites, 'sod that this - ininbeireildateemd malicious *riper has dinislefalt, andiketared by white o llt o bio... oo i no of ,tigiox"..MOM Wee ditto md and sumnuitlly 'emoted Oust Of the apprehension may be inreed, and soma tit the, Sante apprehension proved ,• but there" is 'no for temisting the eonslusima 'that Um, of thtele-Derilona of Texesiterve 110 mai ewe,ll¢r uneasiness and suf. foraitilontatraordinary rigor. Bet in looking mast of details, fifth Width thetamul modre*srboen loaded, we see no -evidence or any - emtmearted plot among the morrow for peremmemet- insurreetion against the mitherity et tite-Whitem ,There are no speolfl °ideas- slyea,- -- erms sterinbed, that those who wars, to theAtiot ;man* life-:or property had any wives phnifot littingthothselves at liberty, OrPrtielitir issiseCipt ,ismaping from the pun letestoull 0( ewe =Ollllll.-, - , goiter as we can un derstand ea derstiopode- the purposes o f the eefini iredt: Word • • neird ,, Statitote mischief—mur rr an d lirstro-.lrithoitt any &finite idea of what the 406)11 were to OM tit thaliselves. Doubtless, the uppermost lest that cif unrestrained riot, the 11 4 1 1 1 7- of Rub" Ondeit-liOnse, bi-' the immediate gratification of entortjadatm: appetite, the orgies of idlenew, glittony, - aati there does not seem to have been a Mooting mind or definite par me, beyond the saturnalia of the hour, where they should go, and whit they should do after the enemas of their murderous -purposes, la order to escape the iron grasp of punishment. jOwns of oar ootesoporaries insist that the is a Republican paper became it predicts the election of Mr. Lincoln. Mind thtliale ex-Speak e r Orr, of South Clarofina, - ex-goiren4 Wigs, of Virginia, and az-Sanator .Dlelchnon; et this .State, arealso/Republicans, for they boil MI Wither expressly 'or virtually madiPthe - Arno prediction.. Cloard :an anbdfitnian stawihig Son tip-too' on a hill -top, with - 'the vistat Pp to his shin, have been' rightfally Oalripd with ' favoring the deluge, beanie on the twinstr-thlrd day after the win dowt• of - heaven' were opened be did 'not agree vith-blinouragsous fello-fferers, who had ham mellid• trent the ark, t h a t there would sot be much of Amin/ after all ? If Lincoln is to be elected, it la better to have timely notice of it, that Mansion may prayers to , die with decency. But if, by acme unexpected. back-strike he should be worsted, lit the distiagtished Breeldnridge men we have ntrattl to, written down not as Black Repubitaans, but merely is false *praphets.—/Vecr York World. • gi1)450,T nine have materially advanced the proopoots of asiathe COrn and lObtiooo atope ht hattly!v, :ow pRE9B. 7- PH*A,WI4"III2t. TUESDAY, E - 111111 K IMBIBE ,dtsurr'owiA*Nos*. P4090na313-00 tons nig I,"Or w i ll aTtgro l it, TaTrol. 7 ol s Vi l l e rtgrlA do Cll. Wait tOlak- uoitorr 'Clroirbrd• ° ciao of di wit Alaonson; 3 pus rodeo J ii r t itA raDittilitscitinn OF TRADE. " W a tt ° siorritirr sz or rail Komi. 808 RT 8. RERD, ° , . " • LETTER mAcos ' At go fiforehants' RzeisangetnitadePhis• tv'Pk Vel a r itir:7; -; . 7.::::G iSita r taii: 1 5 ::: on- 0 etc,. i L..", .-..-4- - aroma. soon g T Martin, (Arvin— -..... « ..,,ciapiengos, Soon rig Ashby, E1wa15..........,:........-...i.Ki autos. Ja, soon dew Greenland, Garver— --Port Spain, Trill, soon iIAILING ON THE 00EAM STEAMERS. ' FROM THE UNITED STATES. mope ~, . Suva '/ rot • Dill Patios- -- -- ..... :Restos:rang- -- - Aug 28 Perna:_.. ~-.leartorit- gerspool.. -.,..... -Ant 22 Mims....--- ay err- we tpool.-.... -lute 30 New York.—New ork-Bremmt.,-.. lit . 01erig0v......--New Yorg-tprpool—..-- opt' Mastro .. ... New York- burg...-. -.. -Sept Ara ...-...4.-- ..11roa- R verpooi Sept of timore- ew ork-loverpool—.......eept Vanderbilt—. w mit- avre-,.... -Sept , fries—. -..... ear York-Liverpool— ..-:-Sepgl i t ur5......: ew York-Liverpool....,,—.l3ept 1 Fe1t0n_....... ..New York-Havre-... ..-..„...5ept 16 , %nide ... Boston -Liverpool ......—Sept 19 • FROICRUROFE.i. : . snag L 34072 FOS Nova Boohoo .....14verpool-reboo.--......- Africa--.......-. Liverpoo- Inv York— .. r....: -.—Liverpool- air Yerk - Son -,..--Sortaproa.-Nato York-- ort6 Britort-.. verpool-Quebea ._ - - - - - aiirg Cartails.--.....-.. verpoo)..Hoeton--,-..-....A0g 26 Bohemian:, -_-..Lire--r A 39 - Bremen..-..nonthammon- ew Y0rk................. eat ' a The Oolifornhe Mail Steamer, eell from New, ork on thi a rstr a lth, and Etb'sclelok month. , wee yelle &Gement leave sew York on the Id, 7th. lith,l7 . and Nth of sash month. - • . . • • )!AMINE INTELLIGENUM. POSY 01 Paqa.DELPlCiai - Atig.• 28. Sec, MIN nen— SS RIGS - ARM - • • Steamship Cambndse, Howes, 40 houri from Boithn, with mdse and passeware to Henry Winsor, zxpori, mired very heavy weather .off South Simi. At I - P on Sunday. saw ship Westmoreland. for Liverpool, pan to sic off the Buoy on the Brown. saw a small ship, supposed to be the Zeted. front Lon donderry. • Map fred, d MoConaglo, PS is T frora L t ov o londerrY. llehr m tl e irr.MlLlt i P7l3 l, 7/1 days goiil r ßostori, in bat- Ver Cgti rt anee t n'',l3 - itrth, days from Boston. with fum to capain. • Igehr Mary Erin, Cottinghani, 4 days from Salem , in ballast to Tin. .__Soltr !Bars Warren. Elltuseirmth.l day from Little C y rl4and ne. with mita to Bewley from er 8 Seymour.-Delnier 06 hours Alekan d th mdse to TWebeter. Jr. CLEARED. Steareshi Rennetaa. Johnson, New York, via Caps May , J.. 41 A M i litias. • Brig Delh i, , arnaby. Havana, T Watt on lc Bona_ Boar Magi • an Duran, Ireland, Wilmington. NO. Uinta Baker Et; %I yet ichtratry b . Bosta s illgiturteva i t i l 8 Co ifit'r .1 f a iVitiver, bonnie, Bisons, A ' Groiei, Jr. (forrempondea_oe of Theban./ . HAVIE Olg.tagg.-Aus M. Tien Kingston left 'with X boats. laden and oonaigned as allow.: - St X Sherman, wheat. ryeike4o PSOt k 2104 Sct Vrtgchutd, Faith railroad nor. jr lt h= r 2rSLTelt land coal from Inalore. to . Albenr, NY; 'Saratoga, lumber and 'bindles to , Cader /tCo; Omit P Shan John Wisteraa Brass lumber to 8 Boltont T M Rath, reel no to ft wolverton; North Star. do to Malone & Taylor; A Smith, do_to I, Monday; J D Cameron. Christ, Long & Co. do to Wilmington; Agnes Amanda, do to Norcross & Sheets; Tp_nt MoOurdy & Co; rrenton; W B Bedgrave. do to WH_Lapninmtt & C J B Thom ooal to 8 Flanigan; Maggie Walker. ing iron to J W & .UF & Charles. slate to B Evans; Geo Mowton, J Henry. Maggie Foreman, Frontier. and ISeriment, - Ido I and 9..c0al to Delaware City. The above boat Experiment is a new feature In boat- Inc on our canal. it being a double host. and carrying Xle tons: and if she prove' nuocessfal, will bp a deluded advir i tage over the usual sae Wow. earryungiled tons Tour feetwater . M , ° T H he above boat eDontJd his 170 tons Cumberland coal from Baltimore to Albany. by warof Havre do ° Claw; boat is aground on the "Swash," and the Kingston has left her and lone on to Challapeake City with thi rest of the tow. KFJ!IOILAIIITA. steranildp Dalawarn;Canzton, he nce, arrived at New Y eTrCrtrrie aolcon,. to arrive from LI mor . d ares„ akartered at Calcutta July 4 for London at r, Te ed ' oa Magi lasers James, Chipman, wu at Calcutta July 4. rerteln. 1111 Ala n - F, anny NaHenry se , thnith, was at Shanahan June in the traturoort rvice. akin Mandarin, Pemtt, wag disoharging at Bhanghae Jun 14th. f °j ar Wallace, , "I'''''''''' "I' "Wad e , orr i od uc a, a i tla. i for t. Phliadelphus t entered for i f weed, for P i riladelphis, entered ontward 1 - at New Castle Iltk in 4 _frlid& A ßbroaoce of Igo Bea, Caldwell , wan loading at E[ 17111.10ne forßonton.r for i ski? a i nit t rlatdso . , f New York, wu load - 1.., onntrade, Hallett, was loading at calontta 411, It rim Boston, at aux, without dead we ight or loose - . - Ill s Z Ilea roster. Robinson, for Buton, wan loading at nets gth Jilin gets Ste for linseed, old forbcloth Sig_g, and Slefor onsw. hip only NioNear, maNear.lM at Chinch& Islands Peck June. to sad in 6 days for Hampton Roads. Bark Ihrglals Ain. Barham:wens at Reenos Ayres 6th nit to sail next day for Eastport. • Bark Powhatan, Blismona, for , Newoutle and Banta lona, cleared at London 11th lnet. Bark Coring. Petnngill, for New York, wu loading at &anon Anew Haske ll . . Brig Viator,, - from ' Neir Haven for Philadel phia, arrived at New lorkllgth int. Brig Dorothea,Torweldgen, hence, arrived at Landon iltai that. , . MEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. _ . . Dr. DARIUS HAM'S ~ AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Maritima,,' boon used by thomthlie Ay six peers,' oda increasing favor. It is rotonannided to Con ' Dyspepsia, NMIVONSSIVI. ,Burt-Butt. Calls Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in rho • , Bowels, Hesibscle, Drityriness Kidney Contriaists, Loo - Spirits, I);Nrient Dawns, fatornivranra. IT !MINIM...TES, RXHILALIAM; iNVIOO R i ### i OUT WILL 001 Invontomrs, on ilvvrivir. 'La a Modzoin. it is ialipli sad efgesd,crhif o the Taggravated oases otcyano aliothar dersagiatuatte of lesttogartsatikr: t ti t : • """" als urrevlve the Stott Inebtaeholy and th e ., a ., sad ragas the woes. MMUS, and ut V. ..117820111,1;6e aliquot's. lave ..... :beocAt i eri_their aef i sz i.,.. • ar t erm i thrtertt; safes otoßtrziumattisgyiEltir: von y giviratin ElPrit. p i ~.4ystyirinistyyy:oftizaftureatiliri. ' if ;no. Kept-hum. , , dosisinu ears legarestton. in* 7.ollf itr eood Apite. - - - I rm a te VII depths ening Band sf Dreg•psia. oap y_i_lnratore_ *Matteson disagreeable • eels of wiad tir; MeWleaqe..auil as soon ea the w oad reesivse the: loots:astute 13.terit, tile distress ' mid and ell MIMI feeling will be removed. dose widisniove the met distressing sales of Os .eltheria e stomach or bowels, , ST dOINIWI MOM lal Obllt2llollollllllll the Maim. ..11 der, or urinary:lT - 000 =17 . are seri 0 Speedy y ed l i . t it i bret Kidney ow Oro. Gad • radle o pit pa Nu r yw or two bottles. '- Aililieas who, from duedgattag WO 11411011 over Mig ht i ri d 111,1 the evil ergot D P I poisonous 115eore. ip itt h esquelmeu It Ills wito o hi o vLe= fi td . " WO? w o e n et t el rat; ehtatless AZ take L . Meorating Spirit three tmte • day I. it will make etwing.hettg. afd har resurrir a m I Tr ~o, .....inid ......, sod Mitoge the b Oom of , builmq fs Os ammo= eff*ego rlt bo fogad ea i r evebudie atoW olomove d steige t asob: Ali**, rgerig for I ni alW i o mines ,he Me patio un ialr,p2A ~ , Irl4 Will et " diste_ smit" t rul oot a tVA l ;' il ark =s l aw Ap13 . 0. 113 e l' 4 ... f r *t * ll , ' Jerttbetstv k 'z:. :,,sad i ftr e Ze Os . rug .. VORtyyLiN SYRUP, -, . -- "AL , .. ': ' , • QIIIMOTEDTED', • • : - 'BOLA/110N OF PRuwAIDE m /Rot COMBINED. lidoi".Weitikrthitidy has di boon g i*d l extensively i i:' lrtV : ? 01:ZAV I.P278 )1,i m wirEcr 1 -: f f - 'idisl6lll. 4 riBVaTAT BLOOD; :, *ID WOR TWA NOLLO%VINGI '''"" 1 " FoRMS OF DISEASE, r 0,0 1) , Mostnfgp.ohpriglnnte in BYTILIA: i:LVER coistreiNl po NEURALGIA. and -NERVQ,IIII, V 0 IGNS,_LOSS OF.APETITE, . REMPAC A A DOOR and DEERE/3810N OF SP/ I SAILBUNCIAS and_BOIJA, ing.N: unv if ' AFFFECT . . GNS OF rU/SliK N,OO ' NBOMPT/ V E ' • TENDENCIES., BRuNCEI.- VS, DISEAsES PECU LIAILtoyESIALEIL and Az. I. cohi- pLAINTE ACCOMPANIED BY , GEINItqtAL DEBILITY, and • REQUi RING A TONIC and ALTE RATIVE MEDICINE. Nots.—Thirfailitreof IRON sea remedy rot DY6- F.61111A, a bad state of the blood. and the animism,' diseases caused thereby. has arisen from thq want or 'each a preparation of Iron Sc 0611 enter the stomach in a PROTOXIDE state. and assimil i t with the blood. This want the .r.bR UV SY RUP . artittal u es. and it done no in the only form n which it for Yonjo _tinter the ol mutation. 'For this roe= ritkuviert EiYßUP,often,yadioally Cures diseases in which other preparations- or iron and other 'medicines have been found to be of n o avail. CERTIFICATE OF A, A. HAYREI. OF It 110nON. is well known that the medicinal effects of ProtAtidg Of Iron are lost by even a vim brief esrearatosir,and that to mairn a wilatronoryrotoxid or i fon,wlohoms farther oxi Mon, bar oskrLdecirmod avr eta, • _ In the PS IIvIAN BYRUP las dumb point is at tained by commotion in A WAX; peßoss not&nowiri, and thin notation may relines alt the proto-oarNnataih. citrates. and tartratesof the Allaterla Medina. A. A. RAYEB, Assayer to the ISteto of Mew 'l6 Boylston Street, Boston. - • lf. H.—Pamphlets containing Lettele from the Abireii;; named Gentlemen and others, and motile full 'Monne, bon of the Kyrup, can be had on opplioatton:to the 4kgents, or to , . • . N. L. CLARK & Co., PropirletoiM CODISLAN BUILDING® ' No. 76 EUDIIIM.Y STREET, .1301370116 1 - Sold by Drugelets generally throsehout the Un atom& Agents for fenneylvani a DYOTT & Co.. 232 North SECOND Street, Philada.‘ au7-lathe3m NOTICES. CONCEDE THE PHILADELPWA AND vr- READING RAILROAD COMPANY.—F i r Dlttillit. Aug. 4,1&30 .—The rates of Freightnu To on Coal transported by this company will be as ro lows, on and after lit Oeptember, until - further notice: . MEM 1 1.1 1.14 1. 1.11 109 101 9- lit 4s4oedema the 4ol t ofiditzw itiNjay, beer. acist NE* PUBLICATIONS. GREAT WORk OY TLIE TIORSE TILE HORSE .11ND HIS DISEASES ; 8Y,40.8.E.1tT JEN.NINGB, V. 8., • FAOFINSOIL dT rATIIOLoGY AJJD OPHICATIVE euntlnnv IN THE VSTIAINARY COLLEGE OF I'ItILADELPIIIAr ETC.. ETC. WILL TELL YOU of the Origin,. History, - and dii tintitive traateor the various breeds of erommaa. Asiatic,. African. and AMerhttan Hones, with the YilYsit • formation ' and neenhantilm of . the alai number w to ascertain his axe by t e and condition of his feet ; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Groomi n g, Shoeing, and the general innuagentent of the Horse, with the best modes of ad ., . . • . ministering modloine ; also, how to treat Siting, aloking.Rearig. Shy ing, Stumbling, Crtb Elting, Rem rrae•illititilll f Ifit viols which .11- . .. - • • Shinatory ingress am tITE HORSE AND IDS DISEASES *ILL iTtL,L 4 YOU of the causes, symptom'', and treat ; ment orStranglee, Pore Throat. llni tamper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis. Pnennionla, , Ykinrily, Bro ken Wind. Chrordo'Congh. Roaring and Whistling. Lamm'. Porn Mon th otherMers. and the Teeth,with t. dieenees or the Month and Re . entratory Organ,. THE HORSE AND'HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the Games, symptoms and treat ment of Wonos, Sots. Collo. Stnsn gulation, Stony oonoretlons. Rap , tures Palsy. Diarrhcea , Jaunthoe, Emetirrhcett. Bloody Urine' Stones . in t 0 Kidneys and Bladder. intiam . motion, and other diseases of the Stomaoh. Borate, Liver. and Urina ry Organs. - . THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TEL YOU of the esttes, eymptomss. and Lost. 341111 t of Boyle, Biped, and Doi. Spa yin. Rintßone,weetne, Strains, Broken nses, Wind-Oalls..folm der, Sole rMse. and Gravel. Crook ed Jeffs, tloratohes.Oanher,Thynsh. and r i p ; also. of Mazytirma Ye t ht e l , - tteas p es ep o s i y, the tS gr e e r t: , Llgho and Road. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASE'S WILL TELL YOU of the eauses,sr_mntoms,sind treat ment ofFistrtla,rou Evil, Wanders, Faroy. Scarlet Fever, Mange, Sur feit, Locked..law, Rheumattsm, Coon Galls, Dißeeaell of the Eye and Heart. and how to manage Castration. Illiredirig, Tre phinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia. Amputation, Tanning, and other marginal operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey's Method of Taming Hoses;r how to Assrosoh, Halter, or Stable a Colt; bow to accustom a honor strange sounds and Sights. and ow to Bit ftadle. Jude, and Area him toparness; also, the form and law o W tarteNTl. The whole being che result of more than fifteen years careful study of the habits, neoultaritter, wants, and weaknesses of We noble and ueeful The book contains 381 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any ad dress, postage paid, on receipt avian, half bound, el, or, in cloth, extra, 611.25. 81,000 A YEAR can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in selling the above, and other ,popular work' of ours. Our inducement/ to all such are exceed ingly liberal. For Single copies of the Book, or for term' to agents with other information. aryls to or addreu JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 BANBONI Striket, Philadelphia, Pa. anZ4l6tW4t THIS DAY runTstir,D. PRIDE $5.50, VOLUME XX ENYCLOPEDIA BRITANIs'ICA, EIGHTH EDITION LLUBTRATED BY NUMEROUS BAGRAVINOB. And containing, amongst other important articles, the following i SEAMANSHIP: "By Captain Bull Hall, Revised and enlarged by Admiral Ramsay, C. B. SENECA (11111. and L.) and SEPTUAGINT. By F. W. Farrar, M. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam bridge. SHARSPEARE. By Thomas De Quince?? SHELLEY. By George ;Macdonald, Author of " Within and Without," /taw SHIPBUILDING. By AltilitlY Murray. Chief Engi neer and Inapsotor of Maahinsry, Portsmouth. SHOOTING. Br the author of the" Oaklsigh Shooi ng Code." ,• . , SICILIES. Hy the Author of the &Vole " Italy." SILK. By William Felicia, Nottingham. -. SINDH. By B. B. Hastsrlak, Author of " Handbook of India." SLAVERY. By * Wilma Residing. late Professor of Login in the Criminate' ofilt. Andrew. ' ' SMITH (Adam). By Lk. MisCallivh. • . SMOKE. By Willman Fairbeira, U.. D., F. R. 8. - SOCRATES. By the Bishop at Hereford. FONNAMBULISM. By Allen Thomson, M. D., Pro feisor of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow. SPAIN (iltatistios of) and SWITZERLAND. By Dr. Norton Sham, Secretary to the Royal Geographical So ciety.' SPALDING (William). By Charles Waren, P. R. 13. E. - SPINNING. By Jams, NaWleada, U. B. SPINOZA. By John Downes, A. M. Bromic (Ludwig). By George Farquhar Graham. SQUARING. By William Wallace, LL. D., late Pro fessor of Mathematics in the University of Edin burgh. STAHL (Madam* De). By Gustave Masson. Haftol, Bekool. STAMMERING. By James Hunt, M. D. sTATics. By Edward Sang, C. E. STEAM and STEAM-ENGINE. By Daniel Kinnear Clark.l3. E. STEAM NAVIGATION. By Robert Idurmr,-Ernii neer-Surveyor to the Board of Trade. STENOGRAPHY. By Isaac Pitman. STEPHENSON (George and Robert). By I. B. Leifoluld, Author of the Article" Mines and Mining." STEREOSCOPE. By Sir David Brewster, K. H., Re. - STEWART (Dugsld). By John Vetch, A. M. STONE-MASONRY end STOVE. By Arthur Ash pita!, F. B. A., STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. By John Robison, late Profeuor of natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. SUGAR. By °barren Tomlinson, Author of " CY oloweeta of Useful Arts," ike. 'SURGERY. By James Miller, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Urivemity of Edinburgh. SWEDEN (itatistles). By Davidier. F. R. G.B. SWIFT (Jinuithsin). By Riohard Garnett. SYDENHAM (Dr). By John Brown, fir, D. SYDNEY. By William Westgarth. SYRIA. By Bev. L. Porter, Author of" Handbook of Syria and the Holy Land." LITTLE. BROWN. & 00.. au*stuth3t MARION 'HARLAND'S NEW NOVEL EMEEIH, ay the author 1'1 1 0118.th2den rate. &o. 0., is for , I . laio r i i t rallit APOINNSVAEMiIER. . • • -.- • •- • • • • .... ......-......51.00 BtritiVH0111.7.:::::: Ira "ah6l4ll4doll.lALe, 2 V0!4................:.... 3.76 Fr t P rt.LAEDGFE 'AND 'BEULAH. For sale by SAMUEL HAZZAHTI 4231-tuths St 724 CHESTNUT Street. niUSKIN.-THE FIFTH VOLUME OF A•W MR. RUSKIN'S MODERN PAINTERS, (oon oludyhe work.) With numerous engravings. Serao. Print 1.23. N RBlB. Author of "Alone," "Bidden Path," "Moss Bide." 12mo. _pries 21.25. QUEENtt OF SOCIETY ; by Oman and Philip Whar ton. Illustrated by Doyle, and the brothers-00*d. 12mo Prim) $l6O. JAtIES W. ALEXANDER'S FORTY% YEARf3 ',A -WL AR LETTERe. 2 vole. 12 MeA. 8.2. APPLELON'S COMPANION RAND-BOOR OF TRAVEL. With colored Man. /6Mn. 60f r ents. For sale by SAMUELliiizan. ._JR., au27.3t 724 CHESIN T street. - - (.2.EORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street. All Books are saki as cheap as at any other store r and you have the advantag Cents ving Hundred me Pre sen,t, wOLILfrOITI Fifty tO One Dollars. w" " Pec-5 1 5 W A rig CHOICE BOOKS. WOODS A D WAT RB; or. The Saranac and Haa r., By.i utmost. One v01.12m0., with illustrations. BOUTH or. The Southerner at Hams. E l igif;tl l rGiffnlTHOT/gIgATER. One NitiltstaV Mt. By a Northern Lady. Price 11 ,141111SSIS; By the author of "None," Mo. Price • X 04..3; Amy spum c fl r y Mn.is Ne e % TAN!' 51. Cifi4 A r ff s tA NSW Va. Btglorence Hart: .tll 1 41.1610 AN-PRACTICAL COOKERY BOOS. t r • YE 8 • d gift with each. 48p1.41 Aell SOON AB PUBLISHED. 1!!. isy ggl t igte..gifarge collection of Docks in Mret7 ent of literature, and one trial willoorui ttlaplt ,the bed stale in that . caty ß V A b r ul. ks - • • 5 GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. . N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street. BOOK Bl7YERB.—Odittlenteiii I haire bten_ilbe Basement of the Philadelphia Bank , 4J 9 CHEATEElltrest. where I will continua to buy 4'W-oat! (sal re heretofore 'done at the Custom house Muffin k-stand) old and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old blank-letter Books printed prior to the year MA Also, a copy or Eraomua on the new Testament, 2 volt. 410, srintild in 1548, Price Vo. will Modest hi Enaravinga and Autographs. Persona at a dlatanoe wishin i r to sell Book', will desaribe their nameihdates. else, , b nd nit conditions. and prince. Pamphlet Laws of enmiyl - and old Books upon Amerwawnoted. outl-llm JOBE CAMPBELL. WIDE AWAKES, ATTENTION I f OR AMU AND CLOSE UP THE RANKS: YOUNG MEN, BAY YOU WILLI Thrlambed Will Mooch the ORIGINAL HART FOR UNIFORM, oonotatlor ULL (..Pk, FIRST TENTGLAZED oAlf, PI AW A K E ebratoal PA TOROK and WID AGLE, at a lower rare UM and other manufacturer. Add re s in. JAMES N. Satk,K ER , , Commandant Hartford Wtdo Awakes.- aul&4 . 2t HARTFORD, Conc. , ARTIFICIAL ARM 8, ARTIFICIAL LEGS. made by N. Jtf GILDEA. No. 711 CHEST NM Street. Rffera to re. Joba_Ninil and T. Our- Day Smith, and FIMII6II 8 appall!. LORI* 41,14-ha WAP AND - CANDLES.-400 Mile. Olive P-- 7 Soap; 8; 11 t i r. Olean do.; 70 do. Detersive No.; 82.64o h Adernant 9seep; i7O ify . smqS l 44! VC er,"itingllli fiZtvls. pu2.6 ALCOHOL, BURNING FLUID, CAM !ENR, in bble. and lutlf bbta.. manalitotuntd mid Mouthnjw ROYAAY, MIBSUALNEN.; & No. 116 WHARVES.attM VINEGAB.-375 bblg. Clarified i Cider w 'Megan LSO do t W, bite Wine Vinegm,AgOnegte_r_ t r ek a a.r 3 /0 4 311"10 1 ,CutVarRWri an, 1101KatTE6 MEDITiatitAgEMUSEED 91 WHEAT; for oats by 9.0210191 k. OEST, Pot 139 MARKET Street , • an2s.llt*-- MEW CROP . TIMOTHY, MOVER, OR -4.111 011410,anditeyd G_mu Sesaitabt sae: by *lb.' upoi WM, no, /in tltresi, gal 0. EIIIMINER RESORTS. V,P.IIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING. - Slim popular watering-plane will be kept open daring the gown of warm weather, and "'nth the [met sets in. Persons desirous of spending the remainder of the season whore they have the advantage of pure water, sure mountain Illr• (at an elevation of twelve hundred feet.). free (rein fogs, damp nights, and mias mas. usually Ming from sluggish streams in sorges.ol mountains and low localities. wilt here find everyiioni-, fort and amusement to ne met with laths best-regulated watering-places. For further particulars and circulars. please call on Joe. B. Myers , corner Third and Vine titreetsnrid James E. Earle &Co No. 816 Chestnut 8 l'hi:a4lelptius, or on JOSEPH. KONIOMACIIER Ephrata Yost 011ie°, Lancaster county. Pa. aug-lm SUN HOTEL, 11F.T.IILEHEM, PA. This fine old mansion, founded before the Rennie rn 1 a pest manner, t t g g tion, and intimately pouneote hle s er r itli a some of th e sad interesting features of our national history , Is now of thingis wan to make it the pleasant and oomforta- P L'b e of Wors their.solonm this de lightful inland town. Th e sir in salubrimix. the monk, tem and river wiener, wailful. and to the seekers o f either health or pleasure, Bethlehem is not excelled by any other summer resort to the Union. 503-1 m J. LIsiBERT, Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE, M(YIIIIT CARBar, RCHUYLKII4.%)U w l t Ty, h food PA rooms at reduced yain this acoommod4 Mass. This old-established HOnsa, located in the gap be tween nay and Second mountain', immediately Oil the line o Jig Philadelphia and Reading Rail roa d, within hal a le of Pottsville, and kept y Jo seph Head, o the old Mansion Ronne. Philadelphia. hes since his demise, been under the charge of his drhter. The Honse IS prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reception of guests, and has been recently pat to order. The large garden. and park adjoining, present' great inducements as summer reaort, to persons wish ing to spend a short e away from the Cast and tur moil of the cities. w her e they eau breathe fresh moun tain atr, and twiny t o wild and beautiful granary of the coal region, don:mutationassenger tickets, for the lute of fond bee. sr* sold at 8 radiation of tweaty live per cent., andhuaccommodationtrain will leave Pottsvilledaily during the summer months, to enable those who ma y (Doge it to spend the business portion of tho day in the city and yeturothe same evening, on Which the (shorten will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. Nor terms, apply to MARY HEAD, ManslonHouse, Mount Carbon. Bobuylkill Co.. ra. -CA.A hBRIOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This- vell-Iggvern and popular total has, Illri a l it t eArt t li " .lSNEAßA L D AND IMPROVED, rg Is now n comity and convenience ssoond i to none n e2t e n fir e sl i Ztfsfn Ir mil Atvl i an T rgd g a ll iti and ghtful glimmer reasirt, In vlpw f which lIPOOI6I ar rangements have been made by tile irotietorg to ao ominmogate summer boarders. Y -13 ONTEL, Jell- Mel it. D OONY 12RO6ORD SPRINGB.—This well-known .L. P. sad debebAl Bmamer Beeort_wdl be opened for the r rooption o l f ignore r on the b FONT OF JOBB, anTdhie6olile t h e l b lit unSerVi t : balinegernent of Mr. A. G. A ale, wire e e xpenenoe, vector manner', mot ro t ig i rran t g d Vorrne e n i r th et et 1111111=00 of .rartles wishfig ropme.e.r anunftr (wan regard to the ether ' w a e liTit a n " , so:4 1 and Treasu rer mySO-$m Bedford Mineral Morino 00. COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and oonveniently touted at ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. _ Boarders acoommodated on reasonable terms. Je2G-Sm M. IticOLBEB. Proprietor. STAR HOTEL, NEARLI,O L PRIpidiE r tr. RAM= YRoPRIETOR. DINNER......FIFTY Alai , CARRIAGES TO BIM "1 , 13. eir Banters eooonamoisted on the most reemosable farms. WAN HOTEL, MAUOLI PA.—This HOTEL Is now kept Ina manns- fording, every comfort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements have been made thm sermon to atoom modateßUMAlEß BOARDERS. The most sublime mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded. MICHAEL WILE LM. 0.60. W. WILHELM. Proprietors. THJI SEA-SHORE—ATI/ANTI° OITY. MeXTBSINII U. 8. BOrEL. The undersigned, groom: or of the above-named house, being - now PreParm- to to delve FU.Stil 76- 01100trtilli 2001t11 a snare or tne Public. atron age. Sinoit last simmer Mere bee been ad ed to this hotel a four %fed wing 110 fiat in leng th , eon miMrig t beside the &room) a suite of three Valor's, for laMes, iiii, tw o, or gentlemen; also, • m r imon -mar, Wllll -room and luscious bar-room. lint -me. Bil and ms, and ' hot and cold Ba it-w ater ltponishave en oonstmated for the aooommo madtors, and the whole house 'rill be lighted ae house hiui been newly paintedd for -1 the shaded grounds surrounding an , it have egaplete order. A well illigOti. ed pleasure it imeallent Band of Iglus iz. ve been en t ' J. cKIBBIN. tk BOini 4." V f ip Whoompreotate old Sooner., rb P s H, UR 1 1 1 LA %ti . um:os ra. 90 . 11400 NV. and a Good 715 1 . ostler •.; • For ilidlottlitro fond for Oros vicitss mi. SL lan ANDENIN, VIBBOIIFJt Jet -in ClariLlalo Sena. Pa. EAGLE HOTEL, BETIMIMI, PA. lltialar i le and olteatabliMaiitedwara as the .. Lxiilo VALlasa Kt aticTitHAly blow open or the Newton. he aeeotarnotlatioom of this EMUS will be fohad =rammed . 'rite Jii here. br the Ziortb realm Ivania RaLtaptaktioncor pile pinbligt in our Stata. • 'ALEN Ytrllßp rroy etor. jell Sm A MERICAN ROUSE, (JAPE ISLAND— xi'. Mrs. AL RSYNOLDS.Tropnetor.—Tbis favoilte topoll Open for the voolopuon of visitors 011 MON altd Igligeartetll4loll2 has lbetor I n tels l ' p a; tchoembrat,.. 11114111 U . 1618-dtBool SEA, BATHING. NATIONAL EAki . ,, - CAPE ISLAND, CAPE AY, N. J. WE fine, UM,. and airy Ti onatt NOW OPEN for visitors. It lathetiagvhed JQr oondiert.ataliq, and insperios atioomlmool on e, tn pie room lon WO Per sons. Term; slows taat-lito • L A ON GARRETBON, Proprietor. "LIeIIITE & BRADBURY'S CELE- Wi A F 1 .04%17.4 li T cp ir- i t I cATIP [ L ela eons deredu by. t e nit sr eta ndindees. mat as Ilialball. 011enhatint, Wi ls, and others. Over 7#lo o title make byre been mwd. In rearmost to olearleas. riellIVIP. volume of tone, dellaien *heti: /Rio fuoh a tga n nzgpeatzT:on:trmulLe t uv ol &tie. hey have been awarded Go& Riedel" at every exhrbli on. For Bale at wholesale hit° Ty pen for cash, at a liberal discount, or op L imny Irroa Wants. et - • JAIVIIO3 'IAA "a. Nos. 279 and 291 South IFT.Harreer. tali-1m" Above Bernee. "'Film STEINWAY & SOWS NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND. AND SQUABS PIANOS. now pretense In orioles And id. priveo