Tuti'inii.'4Atillitcr 28,1*. PEW pAiiii:74 l All4-04 P 1461 ° . fi ca linnOs WMtom ant POW* ; logic lindlonionnita. Pean.—gpseaCof 9 e gintaltio4iiirit ITotfolk. Foreign Intervonifon , Chkx49) :-Or . , 1 11 4:r.# 1 , 1 ; TiugallTwaliKo4ol/10#41"*,—,,-14. _ W • har•Ailr.UPCol.l!•!4•"l4r•r• Bur°P 4 by, the steamallk 4, r up, *blabsrrivdd off Ba ther Pole* iroltsVo l4 494. %tit. is a min& that the Peiikid.4trittin'Ab bin' ,eityptat in, Prime sti4O_M.obtsubbil; agog!, flPabuin that Imam IMT gcsn ' B 4, M l 3.. ll omatilii° l oo." death by tlinbflreintinMisimittdi. name& Mee mares went lietii,pm&mided Syria. Find Padm hairdat 141400 it the persona of s. AU Drum Void, Mii,„*, Marty laghtttunired MU!• dere& were altrestia„, end thonsrd of 'stolen petuscrtj.,hed 1)01111 MOV.rid. ,The 801, tan was abtitto: i iitawitateadditkotsl*inne is his monacifo4.o bid inade a:sp&ota inomencing Ms intention Itivisikthe the' Drama &vire ly upon them. The weather in liegliad ornstfnuod rainy, and the crops were being fattier atniatid• In twanging:o of thisfiCt and the - ComPßOstiono of affairs on Cie Continent, English fends Wait de clining. Ainerloan Beentities out* ann'!" a h ea TY Muds Wag Mitleipated in breadstuff.. Charles ;midi Adams, of Masmichusette, wilt address the:' Oilllnag Of fronton sad protection" this evening,,e4pationit, Ball, Ma the Milling is sues of thelay: Adent is aniloquent speak er, and a Reptablhiempf the radlial, school. Ha wse known 2 .o"„the last "deems, si one of the met determined tionrnxiieldiog Itcimmentattves en the floor. Mr. Mimi lOC''' . &mar bios* In our annals Ifinfitherwas John Wag lotouoi• rho' ez President; mid Me grandfatheithe Yoh* Adonis of Revolutions'? bum 4He was-the Presmollesa didate for thAftisi Praddim? halt" On **Nu Rum ticket . lyswillhe rented by a Inn crowd. of those of Oni:eititentilMlidM with Wm In" Mr` reed: " 4' Persons inteisited artigitioil of the Ohio Aver will hi glad to *um that the river is rising, end the priisneet 'Of gide& itivisatifre to Nei Or. leans Is Tory fair. We &nose 'Mellish maybe attributed to thi - reeiuthiny Cabs ti - thi West ern end Northern &Mee. 4- 4 ' ' • There Is gteat joy b. Boston: on the gimmeet of rbi Privy' . of 'Wei& vialting,that, Midis no& re-' apeetable met&polli. Roston has bees, 'in taw per lately biesectentof the nainnetin iri idio 2 has been negleoted., The Japanese &et* the (treat Eastern -.canted its benumbs MS* Mink , ford Raven without feeling the waters of her bay - and amid the tribuistims this neglect: j oatishisid, the Intelligente Manes of the detenniniden of the Prince of Wales to Tisk, the city. Verily: Mist* is in lack'. She, *aboald lOok to 'the Piiiikbsid, mike the most of him. flueli good forts** diMi tar fall to Moltke& of Ake** ever? day. We nedersbunt that during the'isext 'bow AM' Judge Douglas will address the *Ogee*: &nth at Raleigh and theldsborough, „Norh Oarolins,; Petersburg. Richmond, OhartAimmille; Staunton. and Winchester, Virginia. ' Aftsm Andri will, we hellfire; go to ibte4Woo‘Audoso lie liell4 continue his Southern tour..- , ?*: ROMlnlign will 'Teak in Rented:, on the 4th of Reptibbet., Mr. Seward addieises the 'eltiseluliff litosimiant: the 4th of 'B4 Mat "SOS& are preparing to tisvolee Vie Union In defemMiff their relatiii MAN nnd' everipiniMeet betOkeste the remaiidir Of die cenvembs a warm one: - The Gnsidlitis efthi Pooi beld'aiatated mead* yesterday. An effoit . iml sulidiflo - ibip the family of tobacco th ilicipauperislettibilliteardbini were" merciful to the laierii of taiteOUo,`uadvoted Ike proporitidi deiSM: After trialsasiMgieenelnlifitais .of a general natore, and eleerlngeitt4oeilif caries anifidliiiieteria; the board adjoiiinid.r lie. Donsielkis reeeleing an ovation In Weal* - Be iirriveirjet'.reteSehlMil Wit itY,lOl . (lava with mzYpa e dble•desaonttritirl of ea• The detaTti Of late; inti Ig. a ftn: Meilen have reaidied tie. The nnolation in the nortlare part or, 8164 Siaijorogressing. - - This ooantiJ of pronanolandenton and revolutions, of dietatar ships short, livid - and • Unanny flower Oink, is Mel in the insist oreheppj condition ithieh- wens to • clog its deitinj: - :- -Vidieni, the Iliesdeanehieforis nrisneontifet 1e his -Piens, Sondladion a aid in thelleatiset,6honeral Uinta, who woos str,. prised - in Mr teat at aljgbAland tilled: , hulas' eras a nun cannot' Witty and reinter/I skill, and one of the onolast'ef Midainittsitabierehisti e !awl Wit w eaventibe: of homeepathiets 4 was leW,Mhy,-Whwes. thop-leth:of.Aeirewt, earitta+ filiofa 44 the death of Aretteetempe. The Plutallhei DatrawaHmeziasawailuw AA* wilathWitthe "Weft - 4 C 3 limmaslTAkva . 'meets. Itarliheile hilihdhwatiOW Pedtahatetabi - 111 •7 7 " WWI abletirle fg:sfikAal 50,#.51!t___16111* ffEA liblite/fat° be it l ian**,4l4 41 0' ettA I , l lttelt raid e1t104111414 U3lll 9"t ie pO lit tiki t *listottib Pelt militant 441064 421kOlkiliteotilike - AIWA 1 " 1 " 1 0 Pr. anion ar.iPAL frltatiataiii-tilie'Reatb' , • The' Meta InVeaiitte froe'of Jadge.Doimmo cannot, - iiikaidcirl i i , efilshi Worn 'plafttog- Ida frankiiiiA"ldeme*M i stokoig oat , boldly in birotheeeatis orozWiTniokigort, 'whit lie - baliffielt .iftbg,4 4l .Woßß doctrines id itai* slim. ._ohtter heybatfor YeariAa the North battleikwitkresolute energy. spinal , tketaiee4 of the itapnbliesin" party,s his , advent, la .the ~South, aeitortar; was marked by an !lump& vocal tehake'orther Nei , efien , ,advintfed; aid rarely attacked ,in, that .9 elertithilii a Reptthilcifil'i ittialtjaatiffthe t,„440 - Ilion 9,i the Union,; -Via .zxe ~ . I *ika, Will meet ' Alec ,analitolt men oftcalL4artiesi: in? of - alit-true . patriota in ditficrtitietcottorefiv 44 WI , minicar itatfthitriatialhlo the Siiiisiiiiiliti` ' - 'alitatii* threateltOdiasolve . pe_ 4 l** eiect.4ilipir:iiceiggio4 L - ,-;40 Baltitnates anif A/ I #/, r(0. 1 0.: irl' l e i prove that they Wilk ' : ' , '2, -- ' leas he if 'a, Mereii,„ present Thief-X'1,,,,„_ . „..W . 1 . 4 with all , their' i :„_. 7: 4 :' , 3 , r. 114tetaallt: :tAtaft-,,..., mem little . ,lol/ s c ,` „,.1 • sepresMitc ,fille**iirill*,i'-'7. -eil! TidaktY A l ib i ld;P : #4,.. -. ..;,.- 'i.,ql gent in its liolik,,WZl: ", •, " . ~. 2,. , r :;lti weak 111 3 ( 1C 4 IntaisM*41 . 04;ir., 2; '''.*,..,: i i i iC power s thteatenti that fit - kiitZta_ , tll* tion itiriltsnd,w7 it! ~ Jaa.k ". , '', l rl lying thlitsoiabinatitarlia 7 , '.'ai.: - service" tOltiti , c , , ~ ,:i, ' 4 . - ,'„ , - , ~ v , - vvv fila_*ll, 0 111 4: ':_ '* . 04:- id aid that we tasks tile appeal on hie bait' 1 74 thas el Otj(6eympath7 whiab nonvait with,* tiltW Gaintt4nOnita - ra attangajandloakes more pailn* It than oven medicine and vial horsing •to the ,New.Yotk - pori*reeskit , at' Unbent; the , seeellst, ea " r. OTi ii . s:F:ftordaszigio: tare " thin Coil pormeit.” baYtiiit 2*llitilltle,'&teniii . ; - ittd not 'a i Nudist ritiatisi Neti, Yeti. may be eethnetedfrose this • - • 1 4140 10 0 U; S.lloiB AND ittoia l 4: &O. -1110".attaistion ,imrebusts !fa revisited to the large - lad of .boottf,'etiose; and brogiuteiamplee et o. ltilttain bandiad":*;dtaltai of ' prlin and ita* - 1 00 4 , tat the otieluotivattreotebttobatent,. to be pointsp,„ k - etaqt ere4it, eotattittobtit. - tainsiAt of tept - ' 4'oloolt to. atiathiped tbie - gres* . ittittoo oY tibt deift,jrithcitittuteitittalen; toji ; idlatifAllta* l 4. 6., - siptioasiiil, No, .413 i end -- 41b,A1toitstreeti , ; , '- - Liligglr' B 4 lll " Btikint 800111 Awn Bfatomirey. 1 - - ,,.... 41 - * A fiWiii•V#6ol46o.4,*llt:-064 We - Morn. ' , 4 , 1 4 1a=544', 1 4 , 04 6 10timb'siiiiiit At 320, '• .: ' - Alceitiiiiitii stimnii ot blaikipocArs, I- - *II mifflriz Abe invokes* vsbiable &.. t , ' -' 6 o!‘ t itinitifir , ' ',; ° ` - , lf . #, °PI- 4 , !l it - 01 , 1 4 6 .9 0 . C , -, 0! .20.:- t i l itite _ -: . '' #O.-, , . ,, Att." 0 onift: 6 ritsitti k ::::* -' ' - *it , Alki,to;o 4 /as Otailiti4 6 4 - V Eke Coming European War. tiudirier other►may think of It, to us there ei*latniteraplation ao sad as, whit viroapa-, worms 'pits, !! Mon arrayed for mrddatelet,4o*+:': It .was very well - for ;Othello to bid fate well,"the : purpose of his life - ruined, to what he' designated ft the pomp, pride, and circum stariett glorious war." We admit that some, wars may be, and have been, glorious. IWa - can understand bow the misgoverned ' American coloniste—persistently insulted as - tut Misgoverbpd - -e*ercised a ,highly patriotic action in proclaiming national inde ndencei and - fighting - Air" it, during: seven loin; - years, until they won it. Last year we heartily sympathized with the Italians when they' : shook' oft the abhorred Austrian yoke. At this moment, who that:his iheart to feel does not syMpathizeWittithe success of GAUT ,BALDI us Sicily; and earneatlypray for its con. tinuance ? There are wars of policy and ambition, as bell of. patdotiam. The contest between Great , Britain, and her revolted colonies in America; from '1776 to. 1786, added Otte Million of dollars to the National Dtibt of, England. Thie WAS a war simply to coerce a - people. The' war bctwcerrai Great Britain' and France, from the execution of Loma XVI. in January 17 90, to the fall of the test NiPoszatt In June 1815, added Two Thousand Million dollars to the National Debt. That _watt simply a war in favor of a „mere: idea,:—namely that the Bourbon family liad a legitimate right, by Divine ordinance, to govern ,France,' whether Frenchmen ap proved or ditaipproved of their rule. One half Of 4heifitional Debt (of 4800,000,000) . . the mere, ennital interest of which now is about £29,000,000, was ineurred; between 1793 and 1815, meiely to vindicate the asserted principle of" = Fifteen years later, France -expelled her• Bourbon rulers, on whose behalf all_ his : treasure had , been expended ; and Great Britain- allowed Frenchmen, In 1880, to choose the ruler.. So again, in 1862, when Lovu NAPOLNOW was elected Emperor. Nay, en entirely has England abandoned the prin. Ciple; which canned over twenty years of war with,Enuice,.from the death of Louis QA.Per JO pedownfall of *Armen, that Lord JOHN Busman emphatically declared, in his place in the House of Commons, and with all the pres tige derived from his position as Foreign Secretary of State, - that Queen Vrereares Government repudiated all and every purpose' Of interfering with any nation's right to se -leet its own rulers and its own form of govern. *tent. Asensible declaration—coming rather lete, however. ,, It la most probable that, even during the Printout !year, - Italy will be tho scone of an other lend a'desperate war. Sicily may be /oohed npgp as virtually separated from the earifterles7of,the weak end wicked King of $1, 1 00:; = (imam! has done that. The Xing; though with a very bad grace, no doubt. :submit to this, were he assured that the 401*Tibil` riot spread. An old adage declares ,beltit• loft' to be better that no bread, and King Ateitinno - feele its With" no doubt: ' But dliettertion to himself his limn,' and his ml nutter& is not „ confined to Sicily; The Nea lalianu, !te!): eat,i'ahhor him. Indeed, he is not 'even. sure- ()Übe fidelity of his hireling tiohileti. There seems nothing for him but flight, and it would not surprise 'us, any day. to hair. that hie Majesty had taken French leeire; as 'other princes did last year, exeiti4nithig the pater apoena and' silver door bindles, in !disloyal:and awed pocket, as the Bike of 'Modena. IlukrftiAis4 ie , reported to . have landed - ••• dllbrce 7 of some ,eighteen hundred men niion tun dominions of Rini Bomsteo, on terra firm.' : Certainly every small fon', yet twice as nunierous es that - with • whirl he braided ; It Is Suffiefent to-be' the. nucleus of Street' tinny. Areapolitans, tired of the Botirbori t yr ants; : will 'gladly rally round (hangman, that Bayard of modern Chivalry. la'a fair, vi4kri Waxpazia maybe, luster ot:the whole: Kingdom of the Two Siellies. England and France are in a manner pledged not - to interfere upon tbit occasion. But sup pose I tbat 'Oalreatur rule in Naples, instead 004 kith* Bourbon; irhatwl4 next cone? ":,;:oliatirsisn fs a subject ef' lirxeru,s. Ex *km; 4 11 ; ,anxio usly do iirtsitatke,bhtilCipief Italy Tice".Neapoll-. tarrtilike ',the - BleiVaes;iire iniione to coin() nids# -of Yse+oßxosrsmtar "- " . r Algentiemax. Say that , • , ittOr.jingdem : ef the-Tiro Staines be annexed to, PlediamintOts Litentierdy and the Italian linehierf - .':weris, „in 1859; still all is not com pleted. spi veietii r " the north-east of end - still, In the poisession of Austria, stretching .right aims Italy, from the - Adrlatte -to the Nediterrsui*, the States of f thejtonian Church era spread out between Naples wint yloros Exasatintils Duchies of teseeny'aud Modena. • We ,have to ask, therefore, whet has Gram, ratan next to do, if he annex Naples to Pied mont 'Alread,f,Anitria, expecting that be will attack Venetia, is preparing' for a strong' reshdAtiee,:-Tfer sfe,eutest, .hand to hand, 'with VoireeEtiatinvir l se f lftiitise not Yet *kap 11040811413r..%:Aii*r.t4Asii:** don Nry *Ors, lest ;ma f 6124ty,,1314, offieeirldiii*lteitOted, 110 f1id.444,_ tit the i'14,01104043,,, True body;pysii very soon atter. with steetdifieulty restored gee, the leas-ind,evir end hot put -00,114,,T*1 a nd females "let , elt„lieKeettete of the forest, so ' feettliit:Vreltenedhy,tho deed of in due sitritY, , htttetieist the We Voo7# *sir* 1)0141y-end brn trW. ,received the utmost of the court In 0 ;#et/f/ILWOlt(nic a; fexitrottby and . „ ketlePteetie:,444ol4Aectee been, I 'Ailll*4o,etlietlsete.:±4 , 4Jetteidet. thumil fen ; SS**. ib,ttotift *set, and 'realm o n ; 1 / 4 . • .... 700.P0 1 014**111**4', he oomptlttod A l, o l ,ololte:lVlPtittetkce et the, itylgo— ikill***#ol4ll.****o. to that WM4 4 01 01 4 1 ***litty t .W Moltlittnalug 0kri0.449/ thlAspount of '4lt*,o;':difittits4jit the time lit - Ohli,* - OsitstflethtilAtliteiett of the convict as tet , "tehtll4ietfeeet throughout to the any Ito *hot - • The Loire Vonvtil), -T-t :h , rlll4atthi their Plot, It Wilr'ke• iedilrecollected that the Convention Matt Plikeeitln 2* 11 41 011 , BAZOgrig' *DOM 1400411krefelatiOn SS 0110 the planks of thiliPlattorMy declaring that they auppertthe ixtlithtiction of a railroad to the Pat*: The Siitkiimige and Leis Virginia, Con vention, which met the Other day at , Mot.' lottessille, repudiated this plank of their pa: timi d platform. This IttiWS will be partlCa; lirlf gratifying to their supporters Bgai, or Hip,prrtlitz. at 10 0'410,0k, at No. 914 0114staat 104, , T. Birch Bon 1411 a 14,rgerrimint;0. ,14nAtare, eleviat• roiorgoict p 1 O keti, • ' English Opera. Last night, Walant•otreet Theatterwas reopened for the performance of Balfe , a opera of " Tho Jgo. 'utism Girl." The company leeludes seVeral gooCeosaliate, beaded hj Ansa Annie Milner, 'who hiteia flee idea and his evidently been taught in ..'ainorygood school., She ill a prima, donna who sings With taste, expression, and skill. &be was encored in "I dreamt-that I dwelt in marble halls "—the beautiful ballad which little PIcoolo• mini used to murder in snob a ludicrous manner. We believe that, in the last scone, Miss Milner in. troduced Lo, hear the gentle lark," by Bishop ; but cannot undertake to say that she did, having gone away before the commencement of the third net, at ten o'clock, wearied oat by the very long rests between the acts. The opera, whieh was effectively put upon the stage, was sell sfaetortly performed—as far as the vocalization is ooneerned. Mr.•Aynealey Cook, as the Count, sang "The heart bowed down" in a luny effective manner. and Thaddeus (Mr. Bow ler), The Queen of the Gipsies (Mies H. Payne), and Devi/shoo/ (Mr. P. B. Boudinot), severally acquitted themselves well. A quartette, in which Miss Milner joined, in the second act, was encored. The choruses were a great deal more than re spectable: Here ends oar praise. We must say that, with the exception of Mr. Boudinet, whose Dctalshoof was full of spirit, we never saw an opera worse acted- Miss Milner and Miss H. Payne wore nearly inaudible in their email portions of spoken dialogue, and Miss Milner rushed her words out at a pace so rapid that, even. had they been heard, they would have been unintelligible. When Miss Milner made the attempt - to stab herself, her action was as feeble and as 'careless as if she were a little girl attempting an amateur performance, and doing it badly. Mr. Cook, as the Count, sang well, but his speakinglvas stilted, his voles was unnatural in its depth, and his manner was bombastic. Thaddeus (Mr. Bowler) was better, but he speaks too rapidly, and Mr. Moires!! Collins overdid the fop. Mr. Boudinot *Me acted. We take leave to hint to this company that they show email rasped to the audience when they do not take the trouble of act ing as well as of vocalizing in the lyrical drama. The Orehestra, led ,by Mr. popper, played. very Well, and one,olarionet obligitto defames particu lar eommendation. " Tamest& Borgia" will be performed ibis awning. We noticed a beautiful soenej in the beginning of the fleet Sot, giving a moonlight view of the Moons and Ohureh of San Georgie Maggiore, at VOlllOO. Ne leave the stage manager to :mount for putting a Venetian scene in the heart of Bo hemia. It is tree that Sbakepeare did so before him I The house has been thoroughly cleaned and re• paired, within, and without. The auditorium was crowded. - There is a finely painted aot•soene, Which exalted a round of applause when first seen. The old : drop•scene, caricaturing Sir Joshua Reynolds' Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Queen, still holde its place, but only pro tempore, we believe end hope.. Is is the last relic of the mismanage. ment of the eminent authoress of " The Biaok Agate,"—the most undramatic attempt at a drania ever thrust upon a patient public. Letter from "Ooraoional.” (Correloondenoe of The Press WASHINGTON, August 27, 1860 One of the moat remarkable men in this country is RH Thayer, of Masaaehuaetts. He is a practical PoPalavioverelgnty man, and was a delegate to the National Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln. He labored earnestly in that body to secure the endorsement of the great prinoiplo of self-government. He was the founder of the Virgin's' town of Ceredo, which Is populated by New England men, and Is rapidly prospering under the !Miasmas of his benevolent and self-sacrificing example. Repeated attempt' have been made by the Virginia extremists to root him and his colony out, and they have been foiled in every instance. Bold, sagacious, , and adroit beyond most men, he bas faced Virginia audiences, and by his fine humor and his startling eloquence has defied ell the efforts of his adveplarles, has conquered the preindices of the enrrounding neighborhood, and hen gone so far even as to convince Governor Wise that his mission, instead of being that of a propagandist intending to sow the seed of disunion and civil war in the g! Old Dominion," le one of peaae and good will; and, I have no doubt, in the donne of-years the thrift, Industry, intelligence, sad forbearance of the people of oeredo wilt ope rate most healthfully upon all the region in which they are living. lie voted against the bill to repeal the New Mes h= "hive code, he voted against the polygamy bill, and be , introduced a aeries of Territorial bills providing for the exercise of popular sovereignty, to as to allow the people of the Territories to elect all their officers. For theM, and other similar sets, ba hail been, read tat of hie party at home, but be bite put himself before his people, and, whether lie is a eandidate for ronleettlort or not, be will un questionably produce anraforuidea-ble simeered* - - Ma late **aches are models of eloquence and power. A number of the leading Rept:Mom:a have endorsed him. Hon. F. P. Blair, and bin eon, Hon, Frank P. Blair, of Missouri, have come' forward in hie emelt, and the Hon Alin Hickman, in a recent letter, earnestly calls noon the people of Thayer's district to send him back to Congress. The New York Tribune, in a late *Mole, manfully Notable him, and yet the mere politicians are moving heaven and earth to prevent hie election. He has not yet determined to be a candidate; but Whether he is or not, the doctrines be maintain/ have taken deep root in Masuobusetts, and will continue to work against all adverse drama:lA*l2cm No party can long re sist popular sovereignty and non•interventlon, and when such men se Eli Thayer, the Blaine, Horace Greeley, and Kellogg, of Illinois, place themselves upon that platform, they will be certain in the erd to bring the. Republican party to their standard. Let me give you an extract from one of Thayer'' eats speeches, in order to show you how boldly and hose ably ha fights for principle : " Whit Vas proposd to be done by those Territorial Milo t . We bed four GOVernMen VC with all th my office no 'sleeted by the seople—elected by Maori/gut cinema,. ,your friends end wine—who bad gene into those distant Teryftories, and what del those Terntoyial bide pre- JIPO#O to do for, then) I They Proposed to overthrow tine th-ee governments which the people hod 'spade: and" it snit out of Oboe the officers whore the '.people' bedolected ; and then what 1 To on , in °Meets ,apposated ley Saran Buchanan. to rule over thew, end Paaketheir laws and ex raise iodic:tied functions over thint:r. That Wes want wee P• Mimed by the Committee 41.Tettitoriei. told that committee that at goons one of these bills PhOUld appear above water I would sink It. and I faithfully kept my promise. [Great op oismos.l ,The bills contemplated that /awes Buchanan' either directly or Indireotif; should amid out two hun dred of hie ofteiale tit Seance upon the people. and vies upon the yierWler-our temple—and then get up Indian wan tospaenlate Soot them, nd then. after they had done that, to ogee beck 'awl spend their ill-gotten money In the 'Vattern- States. Thad I voted against "Pealb!lta t woo against everything I hate and I killed ,Elie hills end roadsaur.,,fluseral prooesidoos for five - OOP*: fist to rid ens ton ,aloe—(gnat lasslitscr— aor oral do the Inuits thing again au goon se I have a idulnioe ; fer thetwinaing,olter of *Owning , the Teta biribe bb'elleerif.frebl President bee gone by Tierswetver a thing :natl. I said that In Onentene.esul rbitglb; now. , ;4,-, '- • ' , IP#VO IO O-"frif Ilitillnenthnint:efierii.'eonte gentle imialt,;4o:,*tosse,iniioOrtigt WV. and *or tOqUire :114't * *(404:411 1 4 intertitineet, sea ihatf VOPS 'far the sawirogreent was Oiled : by Mr. Bei orldinoiti.Whiehis es OWe/ben a Territory ehnulle qtripOr,l6 o lffitald inhodlitantsi they should have :wegiutsetost, hp Itimsresis to sleet' their own officers. IThert iii•weinenner of dilfereneerretere en the prltici jkilA,Abiterekkouframikseid - tkisfaf the original bills. I.Thefr,,iirthierbythreW thibgeerernrnente which the see 1515... Neil!: thigibtlit'infeelanted the (doers which aid Put 'in their 'pad the odloers plan;br tie dint .Beanie. itheugh the lies Faith', herb. perhene. fifty ore hen ; Wilda ithen, 'xit‘thet feet wonl4 rave to be ihtiftllflft : oo l 4olo l 44 . and' It oopiii,be" ascertained only leader Jiklel new Ooiernnirst this ryneeyeb? Govern ynengwtient beige overthrew this power pl' the pep 'obeli order to give them ihetenvilige of eluting (heir own Older*. .1 did not rebate from woe tot to lay the bilis on th e table the more because that s wend merit wassotiered, for I would have voted against the amendment Jbel ful heartily as egfunetthe original bioe. for it wood have deserved ;olio hilied for the same isniaon. -Whet is the, silted pie j , Twantv thousand peo:: ide could elect their an officers; Wily oqt nineteen, thoithand.,' or On dmeans, or only Iwo or tbrikp 147 viduale Ain tar from thinking that in order fo ls r lise' good government and noble laws. there ehoeld boa mut. Made of men. But that I. the old 'argument for the President's sepointingnon-roldente to govern the peo.t pie on the yobbo tondo. Are pot on pgyestwaret not five, as well able to Judge what Is for %it tdisitesed themolvegi at fifty thousand ere to Judge what is for their interests t Dflell not all hitter,' thew "thif good government and good morels are not ite Apt fi be mie-, wined where there are many OO where there ere few people 7 Look at Babel andßabylon,- et Sodom and Gomorrah. the Tait leit. Mud -4 by 1116014***invtit V ii ,**W ISO -"Welial* .. po Tamen, when on Maint alma, held communion I with Jehovah. while A arotiand the multitadewero.lrOr shining the golden calf below. (Lainititer..l , Thitt Is the, difference between a crowd and a few. !While' ithei. herde watched their Rooks by night' in inlet/tea poisop," there wan 116efainui Xi 8 tOd holding jubilee in leinllC lerrt. The fewer the safer, always. No eallistoitgoto mob., no excitements. no overthrow of institutirme, where there are hot elev . ipett tope braught together inmate and crowds; but where there are hvdreds of thousands, or millions. you never can have pearniera stability. Thu. in all our great cities we Rod there ire never peace and safety. They are cursed, mint be pia- Oensary curate at thin time, 4 . If, then, )sp killed the Territorial hills. what pad y to offer in theirataail T. My propositions wore, to recog nize those governments which the people had formed for themselves on the public, Istidavalt tpurof theM— p p i ke , . Peak, Nevada, and Arizona. VI had fd a47 rna D e t ripose governments and cut them in eucceariff operation; rip, pad chosen their own o/Boers; and i was opposed to overthrowing those governments, or of giving them per/Pie/lon go adept their own officers. I take the ground la relation to Mali ppertr yhich Roger Wilms took in relation to Tells one like X.V. X Immo and hold an utter contempt, that word 'permission' to American AI itl,zees to elect their own offilers. (Ap plause.) I vont , ami hold in utter a ntempt the idea that the aormots of. 00 sadtpte,littvlt power to, We ' per trOtiote:,,kiatto *Pie thensantetnerioan citizens. ,Whiit. ie a Ctttire,samityl but -4, iorysii? ' Tifi,,7.94 nen oillohillpittiaut l acer, qUilirieelliPtlk X., t tell you ttitithe li look br pi titockiiitsoltu hiVamtlmiolrid his riOnttl and iiivilitiien , bitistwillang: the a Nalitlnte.at- *Our 'Maryant. :Tat who a4 4 ,0 6 0ine , _04400 1141 d 4. i)Mee. ate the pyhasatitaigdsigOA4t*PAMlNg kettri.....A,Cinwriess , mut fein - the PAllloeitattgeftiOolhAnaloinalll •a* n‘e• Tina Pliteidano Ail !ail: 4 o,.o.o!"..NlianetifOringrpes In 4 14 5Nnicili.-. i aloilalia.p44 ,l 4/Aar , liklit-nt - artna Ai wpm gis A* IWO lieli 451,141,40 itA,. MOS rstireea to an . I lattf#,/,, _.- - nittstittrditopliAt ' *lOl4 ittOtf 1 refose to , ,toonipaoraTaa..4 .-1010. • 4tr*tttloroonteotpt. . 0 * 1 404!, 4 1 0 . 1 1 10 , .,:j.l:l),62o t ,billieve tho's.r -,140- rlottaill._. PWIORIFAXII,I#AiIiter gripe :r oit t o c 4 VgNicX*l lo, :i# l, l ll o 4lo i,t4o " t A B ,pl , !{ MI pip thot you do , - ~' •?: - J ,: ::kl ' , 3- ; ': :.i s : , ,V . Aitf,ri - e:- ..- „ ' .'i - ,'_ - 'f';: . , THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; .TUESDAY, . AUGUST 28, 1860: ant so understand it; that you are willing to have him pray for the pubito servants or the for @invents of the people; but when he Maio the rulers of this people be prays for nobody on thin footstool. The Con gressman has taken upon himself certain dlaabilitiee. The idea that he is more than a citigen all cornea from a fallacy, which is the divine right of kings • and our people, by a strange mistake, have suede Ocingrtes a king, and now talk about the divine tight of Congress. No, not one day would r live in a Territory governed by the President of the United Rams. or under a Govern ment of the "misters or the United States. The peo ple of cannoning hustled out a nos-resident Qovornor who vain to usurp their rights and oontrol them, and that was in old colonial days: but now we expect the people of the Territories not only to be baled without representation, tat to submit to awe whlah Congress makes. We proceed on the pram* that if you bur a farm in the Territory you sell yourself to Congreee, and there is no time get when you shalt be a froo man. Many of the people of Oregon did not live to he free men. " It le claimed by some that Congress is the sovereign powa r. What is that? They may forbid marriage, may forbid nuttier% your money at intercet, may forbid your cultivating only to much land for wheat, and en much for corn. I tell you that power has been usurped ; It never did exist, and never can exist. I °Wend against it now and alweys, awl f rejoins that the Peptib lioan party has put nothing in their platform which con flicts with the ideas that I now enunciate. I tell you, the neat time that we make a platform, we will not only not put in anything asninet them, but wilt Openly announce them, for this polio' will govern this country hereafter. and we will have no more of the miserable polio' of servants attempting to users , and destroy the rights of the people. I have defended the people of the Territories in the exercise of those rights, and I Intend to defend them on all proper occasions. They will not again tamely relinquish their rights. My Proposition was, that we should recognize those governmente which they had made, that we shot:l'd bind them to the common centre by reeo;nleing a delegate from +moll of them; that we should provide for an appeal from the court* which they hare issiabliebed, to the courts of the United Blakey. There wee no need to go farther than that, wcepl that we should remit io them so much money as they bad paid for tam. Fin' that mimeo, I would have the census of the people taken annually in eaoh of times land districts. so as to ascertain what mopurtion of the revenue of the General Government they had tarnished. Po much [ would remit to them, because, without representation on their part, we have no Wei: nese to tax them. And then, so long as theft laws are to accordance with the constant , on of the United States. I hold that we should not meddle with them; they have as good a right to. govern themselves as we base to govern ontselves: liners Is no more propriety in the people of Vie Elates giving permission to the people of the Territories to elect their often and govern themeolves, than in the people of the Torrito nes to giving permission to people of the swell to govern themselves. The rights of American °Mains do not come from Congress, end I ant for that Popular Sovereignty that comes from heaven, and not that which comes from Congreis." [Applause.) CIOCARIONAL. LATEST NEWS py Telegraph to The Preen, SENATOR DOUGLAS IN VIRGINIA. Ilk Reception in Petersburg. Gf•EiIiLAM .1•4 - TIX.1:791 - 4 1 A.1a1!‘,2 I (OPEOTAL DESPATOIE TO 'Er TIIT. PREBII.I Senator Downes arrived at this plane this after flop, from Norfolk, Ile was la charge of a com• mate° of the eltisens of Petersburg. When the train arrived at the depot, there was an immense crowd In attendanoe to welcome The "Little Want." A national salute of thirty-three guns wee fired. The procession formed at the depot, and escorted the Senator to Jsrrat's Hotel. The MOM along the route were of , a brilliant, exciting, and extra ordinary character. The windows of the houses were filled with ladles, and the streets filled with spectators, who Bent up ',hoer after cheer as the Senator passed along. Many of the impulace.bung on to his carriage, in the hope to be favored with a' grasp of the Senator's hand. The editor of the Intellsgencer, an Opposition journal of this place, declared to.night that only four men could oommend such a reception in Pe. tersburg Itoson, Onsv, and toonolss. When the Senator reached the hotel, the crowd was so dense and clamorous that he was com pelled to appear before them. lie announced Ids Intention to address the people tomorrow night: The town is already full, in *nllOlE2OOll of the Senator's speech, and hundreds are coming in from AI parts of the district. Room A. Pavort represents We district, and the devotion of the Den:money to Dover As fork shadows the defeat of the itepreaantattre, Who, after, being * warns advocate of DotraLas, sorted him Immediately after httnamlnatlon.„. From Washington. • TEI (MY lIHIADIION, WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 —Tile following is a drir. reot Ma of the vessels ordered to epeoial ten-he in the Golf of M•zlco : The Sowptehannt, Powhaters, Poelthontet, Sa vannab, a*bitte," St. Unto, Supply, and two or three others of the Memo equadron. The Preble was telegraphed at Peassoola, but she bad sailed for - Boston before the receipt of the despatch. She wilt not now be ordered to th e Golf. Although it is not positively ascertained that tipan intends a hostile attack on Vera Oran and other Mexican ports, tho Administration has, in consequence of recent information, taken preesn• titulary measures to render whatever protection may become necessary to the persons and property of Americans. The following assignments hove been made to the Adjutant General's Department: Brevet Major Nichols to the Department of Texas; Captain B. Williams to the department of Oregon, and Capt. Withers to the Adjutant General'a Ono° at Wash ington. Major Sedgwialt, writing to the War Depart ment, from his camp near Port Lamed, Kansas Territory, says be had jot returned from a scent la the Smoky Hilt eonatry. The troops were ab sent seventy days, travelling 1.200 miles, but they had seen no hostile Indians. Ills opinion is, that the Kiowas and Camanches have scattered, and are roving, If at all, In small bands. A military poet Is to bef forthwith established on the big bend of the Carson river, in Utah. The troops thereabout are protecting the mall carriers and emigrants from thelndians. About half million oenments are weekly sent out from the 'Capitol folding rooms, on account of the several political parties. In addition to this, the same kind of work Is extensively performed at the olub rooms. The President has mitten that he will return to Washington on Wednesday. lIIS TRAY LA IN THAI lINITZD STATILB aci CON- hfouvasen, Aug' 27.—The levee of the Prince, thla afternoon, was numerously attended. Several add reSSee were presented. ' The Prince will open the exhibition at Hamilton on Wednesday week. lie will leave on the same evening for Chicago, where he will remain a day. He will then visit St. Louts, Cincinnati, Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Now York, Boston, and Portland, whence be will embark. Re bee accepted the courtesy of a ball to be given at New York on October 12th, instead of a dinner, as at first proposed. Faucet at iiattint?ic—A. Grand rtecep BALTIMORE, August 27.--Notwithstanding the heavy rain which bee been falling during the day, ir,,rrest was greeted, this evening, with an over dewing house, and received a most hearty welcome on the occasion of his first appearance, after so long a retirement. In hie delineation of the character of Ham let he elthibited a great improvement to his style, which called forth frequent mauifeeta• tiona of approbation from the audience. The sante havp all been enured for the entire engagement. • Erprn Me* /116xido. lunseattnattos, hia., d.ng 27 —The Saute Fe mail of the 14 th Instant arrived' bore to-d,y. - The Fifthjorantry had molted Banta Fe from Utah, en routs for Fort Deflanee. The Indians wore still hostile, but there has been no outbreak of consequence since the lest MO. Ufa hundred troops were met at Iron Creek by thekeit party, and there were a large number on litertither preeir. Mr.Alireiniwood ? the gommieslener Tedlan 'Affair., was, met on the 25th. — Die was getting edoityrell. The report of the death of Mr. Dent Is contra 'dad; " - • Eir.Jottaiktr, Aug 27 —Pike's Peak dates to the 14th' hate beer received by the arrival of the Don. viVOtty . , express. gabsixripllons were being raised for the extension ;of: , the" line Of liilegrapti to Denver City, with a good plexpaet of Moen. The excitement wee increasing in regard to the trap cibfor Ina4e, near Tarryall. The ore found there is said' to Imlay from $2OO to $1,700 per ton. A thousand eliims have been taken. The other mines are paying rlohly. TO Weather bee been cold, and there ban been a mot nf enow. From .1190,100 to $50,909 in 4net wan leaving Denver City pea 'wash for tho Statop, mostly in private hands. ====Ml WERT Oilman, Aug 27.—The Rev. A. A. lite, formerly of Philadelphia, leotured on Saturday night, at, Unionville, In this county, to a very full audience. On Sunday a large congregation as aeAled hear him preaob at the Presbyterian Alvah. This evening the 'Lincoln party of Int have a grand libertypolo tithing., with epeaohoo, dte. Saniottp pip Wagon fond Expedition. LEAVENY7ORTII, Au¢ V.-11:10 limes has War. 'n ation of tho eafe arrive of tho Coloky MIL Wa gon Road Expedition, after the constrnotion of a good wagon road from Fort Riley to Denver City. The lit.J f enie, Alton, and Chicago Rail road. . ST. LOW : Aug. v.—The total earnings during tho third week in August., of the St. Lee and Chicago Railroad amounted to $28,077 gz an Increase , over the eaaae *Oak of 1659, of $7,066'49. , Arrivalpf the City of Baltimore. Nro;:rontc, Ang. 27.-41 e etearaship City of Baltimoro, from Lfrotpool on thp . l6th ingant, ar rived at this port at half put seven thie evening. Bar advises have been antiolpted hp the mival of tinTtiaderbilt. Ile Speaks To-Night. Pnyzannuna, Aug. 27—ByonIng The Prince of 'Wales. IfENCII WITH OHIIO.IIOO From Pikes I'enk. Three Days Later from Europe. THE STEAMER NOVA SCOTTO:yr FATHER POINT. ,MELANCHOLY LETTER OF THE POPE No Will Not Quit Ramo. AFFAIRS IN SYRIA The ,gultan Determined on Redressing the Late Outrages. Advance in Breadstuff. ' FATIMA POINT, Aug 27 —The steamship Nova Scotian from Liverpool, Aug. 18tb, for Qaeboo, passed this , point this aftern6on. Liar advleee which aro throe dap later than those furnished by the steamer Vanderbilt, were,obtained. The steamship Bremen from Now York had ar rived out The Pope of Rome Is said to have written a most melancholy letter to hie Cardinal in Prance, in which be regards all as low- Although con vinced that he alkali die by the bulletof an assassin, ho declares that be will quit Rome under no con ditions—no price. Cottsrattworrat, Aug II —Advises from Da mascus to the 6th state that Fond Pasha has our rounded Lebanon with troops, and threatened to put them to the sword if the Druto etheiks did not surrender within two days. 4rwenty have already been taken, and nearly eight hundred other impor• tant arrests have been made. A thousand camel loads of the plundered pro. perty bee also been recovered. The Sultan has made a speech, expressing hte resolution to Finish the Syrian offenders most severely, as well hie intention of reducing the vast lists of sineonres BOW canopied by high function. arias, and otherwise effecting economy In the finances of his Government. The Sultan Is also about to address another let ter to Queen Victoria, and Emperor Napoleon, ex pressing the desire to have the solo control over the - punisliment of the offenders. The news of the massacres at Balbeo has been confirmed, but no details have yet been reCeived. The Tromp , city article of Thursday evening says the disappointment in the expectation of a change in the weather, together with the threaten ed political contingencies on the continent, have led to a further decline in the English funds. American securities show greater firmness owing to the anticipation of an active business in bread stuff& No gold was taken from the bank today. The Seleot Committee of tho Noose of Commons has issued a report stating that the oondition of the laws regulating tho national Woronoff& with Pranoe, Spain, Portugal, and the United Btateo, an moot unsatiothotory During the last throe years, the report pays, the 'British merchant shipping hart been in a state of groat depression in oonsequeneo of this inadequacy Commercial Intelligence. sal L s ofR t PO O wee k TToONt to m O u t o a. a lFsr daY,l—uThe 10 OXI bales to speculators. and 19 000 ha ea for export. There has born on improvornant of 36A on the lower ?imbues, and middlmrs have advanced fully )4d Tho at- grades have also improved, but are wlthout change n quotation. '1 los advance wan caused by the meant newt from A MC dna,. The sales of to-day aro estimated at 10 000 bales, the market closing quiet at the following (authorized) quo tation: Fele. Middling. New 7Nd Me'd ..... 7d 6.Yjd .. . . ..... 6%4 b 13.1 ed oP Tharp ,a a stock tin °Debates i in port, nclud ing 087 Whales of American FTAT O OF T H admen from Manehester have continued favorable The market has been ste n but operations have been cheated by the unfavorable grate of the weather. LIVERPOOL DREADSTIIPFS M A RKET.— The market closed with an advancing tendency for all des.riptlone. Some anthontlen report an advance of to on Flour. to on Corn, and 3d on Wheat shwa Puoyday LIVERPOOL PROVISIONS MARKET.-1 he Pro• visions tn,rket continuer' dull closed at LONDONIt MONEY MARKET, Friday.—Coneole t.o1) e ,roN MA tk2l ßKETS.—Breadatuflk are quiet and nominally unattained m prices. LATER 'PROM CALIFORNIA. ray Hotly SXPRZ3II.I Eiv..Joseine, Mo., Aug. 27 :.—The California pony exprep. somewhat behind time, reached here lest night. with *Pea to the 15th intt SAWYRAWOrIino, Aug. 15 —Arrived on the 12 , 11, shitrafeaseinktr, from Boston; 13th, steamer So• .noes;- from Panama, passengers all well; 14th, halts Druid, from. Loudon, and Lord Replan, from Manilla. There have been no departures abbe the test report. The eon *Dumb Bell lute cleared for !long 'Kong, with 811 060 - feet of lumber, and wheat and dour stitliVelatit to 4,556 barrels. Tbs abip Little Spaulding has cleared for Atta lla*, with 17,600 sacks of wheat and 2,120 barrels of & r. i• ',COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. The market for certain deseriptions of !mode con tinue' faint. active . with an advancing tenement hut to other caste there Is not win dein+. ^r Biotin there were sales of 1 103 Wads of J. X I, & Barbiere. tonneau retors. atltoitkde. a he trade demand Is tight, and him 'Wen a...affected nv the tales refer-et{ to. Hu ter tut mused freely. with s•Jes of 1 WO firkins of old at ens Mot eir firklne of cheloa Won Rutter were Wad at Perm: Mo firkins of June Isthmus ox steamer. at Am. Lard is etc twin" J. 11. & Co. pas settled at . age, and is tiny of salt at the t price. :without ind (ea tit's% rgr, ilrara:T:uti 1 litrperm . Hams and _Pork ore met bet Arm, ar gi tnelast n notations. Cartdes ere het untie dealt in The brit bran or ad a. mkorio, eau warty at WO 11 9. ih. Coffee—Riots Quoted 1401fige ; 450 Ore lb. or Manilla astrred pest- Ant cast mtitirtrh a dull market at Mo. Cried &relent more briery at 7611. la enters a moderate business Is .Ani n o n d i • raw article, at a shade hexer rates. The refinery , * prom has advanced to Llo_l'or A. The last taloa of Eastern were ,ae matklifig. nothing has bean error ap the majolica. elydribror rernintine trim In frenten and ',media rertrrts Mere nay. ore ew s_.! !!arr i rlese laVellriVt coccus vg l vg i tt e tat e uT! onliVe az e anylminK ove . r 81 50 q ho, end the fanners have epmmenced skim:dog their own grain tolls! York -tt prersrenee to aeoemiee this rate. OnititAL NEWS. The 'pony expecte, with St. Louis dates to July 31,4 arrived at Carson Valley ou the 11th, end at tgatelensnto on the 12th lust., but owing to the day being,Sunday, when no steamers depart, the ex press was detained there for twenty-roar hours, and did not reach Ban Franohmo until late at night on the 13th. Charles P. Dunne bat commented suit in the United States Dieted Court against Charier' Good all, master of the steam tug Berenice, far $25 000. Caul Pearson, of the steamer John L. Stephens. for $50,000, and (laps Watkins, of the steamer Golden Gate. for 850.000 damages. growing out of hie being forcibly carried sway from California, by order of the Vigilance Committee, in 1050. The San Franolsoo Herald has ohenged editors, and comes not for Brockinrid ge and Lane. A new Douglas Democratic daily, dolled The Nation, has just been started in San 'Francisco. . A Bell and Vverett dilly, smiled the Conetitu• tton, hail also been started There era about $450,000 in the State treasury, but $275 000 of thin amonot will soon go to effeet sompleto payment of all the State-prison claims that have gemmed to date. From the Washoe mines the news possesses little interest The Visolla Delta says that fifteen or twenty essays have been made of silver ore from the Coro mines, the results ranging from $7OO to $3,000 per ton, and averaging about $l2OO. OSESON. Advices from Oregon to the 6th instant hare bean received, The news is unimportant. Tho wheel orop Le reported good, and a large Proles will require export: ' Polities were exciting the public attention, but there is no new tangible evidence to show the rela tive strength of the writes The Jiteksonvilfe Sentinel having come out far Breckinridge, a new Dongles paper will be started in that strong Democratic county. The reports from the Jacksonville quarts mints Patinae favorable BRITISH COLUMBIA. Tho dates from British Columbia to the oth Instant have been received .by the arrival of the steamer Oregon, which brought down over 550.000 in gold. A silver mine Is reported to have been discovered in the lower Fraser lend. Disoveries are also reported to have been made further in the interior, containing about five per cent of silver. Copper mines, In biooke too largo for removal, math the • same as those upon Lake Superior, are said to have been discovered in enormous quan tities. The accounts- appear to be much esligge. rated. A Ore took plsoo at Sacramento on the periling of the 13th of August, which destroyed' the Union Hotel, situated on the north side of J street, be tweet Seventh and Eighth streets, with a number of adjolniog buildings. The Ore was supposed to have been caused by an incendiary. From Havana. Nan? . YORK, August 27.—The steamer Star of the West arrived et this port this evening, from !Invert& on the 23d. The British steamer Crusader had taken a Spa nish slave-brig to Kay West. Freights were eotivo at [Tanana, and vessels .were wanted. Sugars were gsm hut quiet. The stock in port amounted to 240,090 bops, 134E change on Loudon at 15isla' per Cent. premium. Oa New York at 3a•l per cent premium. Fire at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, August V.—Yesterday morning h fire broke nut in the uppor story of a buil,ting or oupied by James Colley as a boat store, and I' W. Stanhope, commission merchant, consuming the siroond bird, end fourth stories, and extending to a neighboring store, °counted by lehani & Fisher The Ines amonntpd to $20,000, rehloh WAS fully oovered inenranco Fall °fin Chord!' Baßititig at Bristol, Rhode Island: Ramos.. R. Z , Menet 27 —The roof and rear wall of an Eptroopal eburoll huildlog in this town fell this morning. ThO front, and side wails were also damaged considerably. The mann of the disaster is eeorlbed to tho defective columns whioh supported the roof. Fortunately, no person was injured. Missouri Politics. Sr Louis, Aug 27 —Cteneral J B Gardenhiro, the late Republican eandidato for Governor, and Hon. Prank P. Blair, addreesecl a meeting et 3t. Charles on Saturday evening Appointments for speaking hlllve beep made by the above-nazped and other prominbat Republicans In some trienly conn. ties, during the remainder of the canvass. Grand Festivo m rottsville. Porraytt.F.F, Aug. °7.—To•inorrow lb . ° grand musical featreal taites plop, npd rpo town le full of etrangera, who design attanding tile festival and the encatorment. A number of braes bands from Ashland, Shamokin, Williamsport, and other plasm Ord Raw hero. 'Lively times are expected. Noy York Bank Statosnenl. linw Vertu, Aug a7.. 2 -Thp pep>l eticteinent for th e Ireeh ending on Ghtgrdriy A deereace in' 0041 A deorenso in circulation 50.04 A decrease in deposits 707 000 An increase in JOIMS 020,000 743gislative Nomination. MAUI% ORMUZ, Auft.pot r7—Wm. If. Butler Fab nominated for the Legleldure tpp pcmo• orate of Clarbon county, to-day. Markets by Telegraph. Patviatoni, AUa. YJ F u r dull. but firm; }lnward alraet And Ohio 0011CTIPCII An %MIMI& At 3 1 .41%. Wheat adtive but 5tv21.17. at $1 Jaal al for red, I:+pod 21 far Weoleni. end 11 Mist ed for emybern ofh Corn dull and hew!! at 100 forjelinw nod 7001/in for white Pro- ViSIOUO MI I; n Poo rnrk 8101 1 2*M:70; Prime 84 M. Whioiry doll at 21et20 . Co ff ee notßinatir {NOW at 1t0t153 for RIO. ;•CtitAltiNATt. August 0 7.—Flour is in fair demand at 1140eL90. ' Wmalti is lrrn at Ho. Provision, ate nouthitilly quoted. Mono, funitot unelniplao. , Artti.lllormon Excitement in Illinois. ST. Louts, Aug 21 —Coneiderahlo excitement waste in Hancock ommty, Nina; to consequence of rumor that the ble , mlns intend to return and settle at Nance°, ender the leadership of Joe Smith, Jr. A n"" meeting 0 r ()Mons was hold at Carthage ou the Vat, at which rekoluttona were adopted pro testing agatait nob immigration, and declaring that they would not allow the Mormons to return. Abolition Excitement among the In. dianK. RErOIiTISD MEM IN TUE CIInCTAIV NATION Wasnutoron August 27 —The Now Orleans Plcaynne publishes extralts from Northern Texas ritlo rg ri b e ecw " e t e i n " th a e rolltlon gh e t n i di l e t l i e e ve C itra t i a n t ; parties. It Is stated that over one hundred were killed in the battle. The intelligence is doubted. THE CITY. 44u4HDIAN3 of TUE Pooll.—The stilted meeting of the board was held yesterday after noon, at the Almshonee. The house agent reported the following census of the house for the week ending Saturday.-Angnst 25th. 1660: Number in the house at 12 o'clock M , 2,277 : name time last year, 2.300; decrease, 23. Admitted within the last two weeks, 244; births, 15; deathe. 29 ; discharged, 165; eloped, 41; bound out. 6; number of persons Impelled with meals within the Met two weeks 50; with meals within the same time lest year, 116 Ellen Dougherty. a married woman, applied to be Bent hock to Ireland She said her husband was rick, and unable to work, and eke desired to go to Ireland, and if she could occur° a place for - him there, rho would rend for hint after the arrivul there. The board declined to make the approp-i -ation requested. Mr Dickinson, from the Committee on Mann ftetures, to whom was referred the communication from the steward on the subject of obtaining a better supply of water for the institution, reported that they had en interview with the Chief Eng!. neer of the Water Department, and were informed by him that a permanent supply could not be bad from the West Philadelphia Water Works until another reservoir is added to the works, an they are already worked to their utmost capacity, and are scarcely able to •trupply the present consumers during the summer menthe. The committee sug gested , bat by the erection of a stand-pipe, the water works belonging to the almshouse would afford a rod erupply to all parts of the buildings; but the most of ereeting this would be eonsiderable, and there bring no anpropriaHon to pay the ex pense thereof, the committee offered a resolution that-they be disoberged from the further monstideu ration of the enbleet. whinh was agfeei to, and the cc ramittee were discharged. Mr. Linnard offered a resolution that the supply of tobacco be ditmentinned to all paupers, except anon the prescription of a physician. Mr. L stated that there were 939 plugs of tobacco consumed weekly in the institution by ab'nt 100 persons. Af•er a abort debate the resolution was nega tived by a vote of 4 ayes to 7 nays. Mr Dickinson, from the Committee on Maim features, offered a resolution asking Councils to trnapfer onriain HMIs of appropriations made to the manufacturing department, for the purpose of purchasing yarn and leather. Referred to the Committee on Accounts. Mr. Linnard offered a resolution that a oommit , tea be appointed to inquire whether gal cannot be mnuntaotured at a lower price than Is now paid by the Institution to the City Gas Company. Mr. L asserted that the Gas Company had toted in a selfish spirit, in refusing to make the deduc tion of 5 per oont. in the bills of the institution. unless the whole of the bill was paid at once. lie said the institution consumed at least $l.OOO worth ofgne annually, and should receive some could.. ration at the hands of the Gas Company. The resotatlon ane adopted, and Messrs. Lin nard, McGrath, and Sever were appointed the com mittee. Mr. server offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the salary of the superintendent of gas and plumbing be fixed at $BOO per annum, to oommenoe on the first of September. Thie officer heretofore has been paid by the day, or for the time be has actually been employed. Mr. Linnard offered a resolution, that the office of ferryman be abolished, on and after the Ist of Peptetnber, and that the dntisa performed by the ferryman, be performed hereafter'by the engineer, house agent end farmer. Upon taking theutieslion 6 voted in favor and S against it, bathe President decided that the office could not be abolished unless with .the votes of seven members, or a majority of the whole board. as required by the rules. The board then proceeded to' an election for visitors of the out-door poor, when the following were chosen: First district, no eleotion; three ballots were had, without any choice being made; Second, A. R. Redetreake; Third, George Stone, Emote Smith; Fourth, eleotion pOstponed; Fifth, John Heft; Sixth, Edward Riell; 'Seventh, George Brower; Eighth, Francis Hoed' Ninth, F.. O. Pearson, L Al. Service, and Hooper were sleeted as visitors and apothecaries; Tenth, John Harris, Sr ; Eleventh. Lewis F. Emery. The following gentleman were elected out-door physicians: First district, Drs. Rayburn and Williams; Se cond, Drs. Benner and Chambers; Thtrd, Drs Boyd, Hazleton, Lodge. and Penrose ; Fourth, Des. Taylor and Loomis; Fifth, Drs Hinkle and Ran- kin ; Sixth. Drs Knorr and Mcßride; Seventh, Dr Aida ; Eighth, Dr. Anderson ; Ninth, Elicits 'rowell, physician and apothecary ; Tenth, Dr. °ream", physician and apothecary; Eleventh, Dr. J: J. Otarir, physloian and apothecary. Out door apothecaries—First district, J. 13 Haines; Second, W F Patterson; Third, S E. J 161103 and A. R. Angney ; Fourth, Wm Al Bowen ; Fifth. L 0 'Me (one voteartevio,ha Aides; :Attars,. • wa.,- - Yr:Wrognsin - wed-sramel Heishey ; Seventh, J. rfirenohard; Eighth, Harvey Rickert. After peening the steward's requisition theboard adjourned. BOARD OF Flux Dmicrrotts—Psoeoup Bayonne to vire Fritz Davartnistm.—The stated meeting of the Hoard was held last evening, at the Ball of the Fire Association. The committee appointed at the last stated meeting of the Board to suggest to the Committee on Fire and Trusts of Oity Connelly what reform? , are needed in the Fire Department, presented a lengthy report, the principal features of whieb are as follows: The Chief Engineer shell "0001VO AI salary of $1 400 per annum. There abell be easel" assistant engineer!, at s4of! enoh in the first four districts, and $2OO each lo tto, other dtetrlete Each company to elect annually one chief di rector and one assistant, who shall have charge of the apparatus at all fires and alarms The chief directors of each company to form a board of directors, who shall elect seven persors, to he styled fire commissioners whose duty It shall be to hear all complaints and violation,' of the rules and regulation,' of the department. That the said fire commtesion shall be elected for two years, and shall not be connected with the Fire Department. That the system of the New York Department relative to badges be adopted. That the chief engineer shall have control of all the beit.ringers. That there shall be planed in the house of oath company a fire-alarm box. That the thief and assistant engineers when on duty shalt wear a Now York fire bat, painted white. That no company Mall Wont or no parson wear a hat similar to that of the officers of the depart• moat. That the fire distriete shall remain se at pre sent. That in own of fire occurring in any of the first four districts, only those companies located east of Tenth street In the district in whioh'tbe fire is (except those lettered within two squares of the fire in another district) shall go in service, but those located west of Tenth street. and in the ad• joining dtstriots, not to go into service until or , tiered by the chief or assistant engineer. That the same rule shsil apply when a fire takes Mace west of Tenth street In any of the first four Are districts. Those companies loested In the lot, 2d, end 3d dialects west of Broad street, only to enter the 7th district, (Woet Philadelphia ) Companies in the 7th district only to perform service in the 2d, 3d, and 7th districts. Tho report was accepted and ordered to b , printed, and will be anted on at the next meeting The following persons worn put in nomination for ohief and assistant engineers : For Chief Engineer—David M. Lyle, John If. Sailor. Fnr Assistant Engineers—First divinion, Snta• nal H Fronso, Henry F Gardner.Wm Doughton Geo. W. Young, Robert 13. Werner; Sronna divi sion, George Downey, Tr., Wm. A. MoCoy, Thos. J. Addle, James Heitman ; Third division, Bormsei Ford Henry B Corson, Joseph 111 Smith ; Fourth division, William Young. Thomas Mogargee, Jr., Michael Young. John Winnnov, Wm 1.1 Reek- Lord, John Williams; Fifth division, Evan Jones. The Board then Adjourned, The eleotion of chief and assistant engineers will take place In the several fire companies on the second Tntedisy of September. TEE DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE ELECTION - . - AND NOIIIMATING CONYNNTIONS.—The delegate elec tions of the Dern erotic party took pla^e last even tog throughout the city' This morning the Con gressional, County, Senatorial, and Representa tive Conventions—twenty-three in all—will meet for the purpose of making nominations. In the Congressional districts there will be a warm non• test. In the Firnt district Colonel Florence and Mr Edward G. Webb are the prominent candidates Mr. Florence is the Breckluridge candidate, and Mr. Webb will reedy° the support of the Douglas wing of the party. In the Second *nutria Messrs. Rerry Cor, nelly end John Brodhead ere the prominent can didetes • In the Third district 21',•ssre John Mine, Wse Goodwin, and Dr Sites seek the nomination In tho Fourth diatriot the prinoipal candidates for the nomination are Mews Oboe IV. Cal rl gm n Yeas° Feeph, ,TT., Jpipos 41. Ili oliplaop rspd John T BRUTAL. AagatErm—Three men entered the house of Patrick Conroy, on Lieper etieet, at rrankford, at a late hour on Sunday night, dragged him into the street, end inflicted wounds which t is feared will prove fatal. Two of tho motion? e were arrested Theygave the names of Patrick Keegan and Timothy Lynch. The latter, it Issaid, 11 , d threatened to hove t , •VenPO for come injury which he aliego Cgarny bad done to him on Batter day night linth the secu•ed were locked up in the Fifteenth•distriet station hence, to await the re sult of Mr. Conroy's injuries. ATTEMPTED ROB➢ERP.—Abraham Ti r e?tlPr was tilten be 4f:ismer, Stoietnaterycaterday Taming, on the charge Of ondeayoring to rob a dwelling on Qormantown rood, above rourth Inept. '4 servant gni observed the Reamed leav leg the premises on Melinda?, and then discovered that a large number of household articles bed been packed up ready to be carried off. Wexler WAN held to wirer at court. • DIrRACEFUL.--fin. Sunday afternoon a s:sng pai.4o tip "qicrfi." prOoeeded to Eiggies held, 'we'd bad a free fight. tfrliqe4 are said to have been (reply peed, hat no person received any material injury.. Vent. Tolbert despatched Berm ral officers •to the scene of the riot, and two of the participants were arreeted. Their magma are Michael McCarty and hliuliael Magary. They were held to answer. SLIOTIT FIRES.—The alarm of fire between tep end proven p'ploek yesterday morning was caused by the alight burning of the lumber yard of Mr. H. MeOloakey, at Green-street wharf. Thp fire woe minted by children, wpo were playing about the yard. About the samo time, a dwelling in Silver street, in the Tenth ward, was slightly damaged by fire ROBBAIIT.—On Sunday night a horse and light carriage, belonging to Mr. Fainuel Baugh, were Atoka from a stable In Elansom greet, &bora Broad., DititEtEsSlNG OASUALtT ON TEM ECRITTL. tint. —A Ran AND Two BOYS Deownsn.—Yester day the Bundayaehcols attaebed to the Roman Catholic, Church of ht. Alphoniut, corner of Fourth end Reed atreete, First ward, watt oat on plo.nlc excursion to Schuylkill Helskts, on the western side of the river, near the Otrard•avenne bridge- About 11 o'clock in the morning a lad, named William Poo!, fourteen years of age. wont Into the river to bp,the fa a few mimates he got into deep water, and cried out for help, that he Was drowning. Another Loy, connected with the game party, and of the came age as Poet, named Charles Lenore, stripped Instantly and plunged into the river to waist tie drowning boy. As won es he reached Poet the latter seized him in such a manner that he was unalile to extrteate himself, and the two boys Were drowned together. The dials caused great exeiternerit in the neighboritecd, and MASS were at once raveled tl to recover the bodies by grappling, and Several men in boats were engaged in this effort. While this was going on, the little steamboat Frederick Gruff, which plies between Fairmount and Manayunk, pieced along, and came to near the spot where the men were grappling foe the two boys. The passengers crowded to the elde of the boat, where a view of the operations of the men in the small boats could be obtained. 'One of the passengers on board the Greed. named William Fite, a cigermaker, residing is Third street, near Gankill, labile leaning over the side of the steamboat fell into the river, and before be could bereaved, be too was drowned The men in the small boats made. every effort to cave him. but without mom The excitement on board the steamboat, which eon. tabled a large number of passengers, was most in tense when this last accident occurred. The bodies of the two lade were raesvered during 'Le afternoon, and removed to their residences, 'lore the coroner held an inquest, and a verdict c; accidental drowning was rendered. Ledgers roiled at No. 412 Warts street, First ward, and l'oot at 780 South Second street. . . The body of Fite etu recovered during the after-, noon, and taken to 'his reeidanee. and the coroner, late in the evening, notified to told an halibut The catastrophe out a gloom over the rilunday school exeurslonists, and effeetually pelt a stop to their pleasure' for the remainder of the lay. The congregation of the church are shied, Germane The lad Unwell was born lathe United Blida, but the lad - PM was of German birth, having mum here with has parent. when be was very email. Tin" iIorELS or PIIILADSLPUIA.—PLAGTI2- SPOTS IH THE SEVERAL WARDS —The lieutenants of the different-police districts of the city mad. re turns yesterday of the tenement Amisoneell in their respective bailiwielts, in eduipliance with the request of the Board of Health end the orders of the Mayor A large number of houses were re ported as being in a filthy. crowded. and unhealthy condition The great majority of these places are in the Third and Fourth wards, (particularly In the latter,) where roar creatures huddle in the. wreaked dens of Baker, Bedford, and Siwitrord streets A large number of eases were reported where families live In cellars with no ventilation except euoh as the door-way will furnish, and where there are no decent means provided for do nating of the natural tioaamulation of filth. In the Sixth ward there are numbers of wretched tenement houses, which swarm with I,ml:de Oars the cellar to the garret, and where fonineoi per vades the apartments and the atmosphere. There places abound in the lanea and alleys which run out of Second. Front. Race, and Vine streets, east of Second, end in Water street In the Eleventh ward there are numerous nuisance. in the vicinity of Front and Callow/till streets. The Fifteenth ward, although a handsome dis trict. has some plague-epots in the small thorough fares which exist in Its western borders. In the Twenty-fourth (West Philadelphia) seve ral houses are reported whlott swarm with tenants in every story, and which are in a filthy and on healthy condition E 987.1 in the Twenty-second ward (Germantown) there is a house reported to be a nuisance. It is located on Centre street, above Hantsrmir. A fami le Cm in the unventilated cellar. and the owner of the property keeps an unlicensed groggily on the and floor. The estabilehment of a Masa of Correction, and the abolition of mall grrgueries where a cent or two to autdoient to buy a fall tumbter of potoned alcohol, will do more to abate theme evil" than any other mesauree that can be adopted. PRESENT TO TRH DETRCTTVES.----The presi dent of the Banking Assoedatton for the Preven tion of gonnterfelting. bee sent to Joseph Wood, Esq.. o hief of the detective pollee, a dbeek for one hundred dollars, the amount to bei divided among oho officers engaged in the arrest and ow/victims of Colonel T. Buchanan Cross, the forger. SEIGIfr Friza.—Art alarm of fire was caused about sight o'clock last evening. by she burning of a bed at Ralleger'a beer saloon, No. 617 North Third /street. The games were aatia gabbed before much damage bad been dons. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. QUARTER SEESIONS-Judge Ludlow.— The new panel for the aseond or long period of the August term, appeared yesterday morning Those who desired to be &tensed °adapted the attention of the court for an hour. Absentees were fined $lOO, which the sheriff was directed to collect. Emma Jenkins, alias Louisa Betsy, was charged with the larceny of a gold watch, breastpin. brace let, chain, and key. the whole valued at SS.% 'the property of Mr. John 0. Snowden. Emma had been employed by Mrs. Snowden ss a servant the flay before the larceny was committed, and on the day of the commission of the larceny she left the house without giving. Mrs Snowden any notice She wet entorguently arrested while endeavorine t, pawn the articles 'Verdiet guilty, and eantenced . t nine months in the county prison. John hi. Shrode was convtoted of a charge of imkter7 The wITV eb argee ihea.ll.o.• husband was in the nsbit of coming porno drank and then abusing her. On the 000118f0II com plained of he pursued with a cleaver and en deavored to get at her, bat wee restrained by the neighbors. sent below for thirty days. Alice ff. Clary was acquitted of a charge of as malt and battery, and the prosecutor, Teresa Lynch. ordered to pay the costa Daniel Ambriek was convicted of a theme of assault and battery on Ile vita Sentenced to p ay a !Ina of five dollen" end coals There being no further business ready, the alert adjourned shortly after one o'clock. In order ti keep roffielent bosinem before the oonrts hereafter. `be officers of the court be whom war. earraated bench warrants were notified to rue doe diligence in starving the attendance of the parties. COUPTERFLIT BANK NOTES- Peteraon'aPt• terror, published to-day, enumerates and folly desoribes slaty-eight new counterfeits, which hays been put into circulation sine, the lit day of Art• quit. It also gives an engraving, the full sire of the original, of a counterfeit plate, far-stmis of th 3 note limed by Thames Bank, Laurel, Indiana, which is variously altered to adapt It as i forgery noon over one hundred banks. Peters n given the following notice : "Beware of the follnving fraudulent issue', as there are no cuoh hank.. The hills are a mrinele. gotten UP nu "Manhattan e n o tati o n be altered to other bwnligni A N. Y , Se; Vie. Juno ath ing her chariot through clot du. northern Irdigna Railroad Lonannert, Ind.. If; vie. female firing with a gnield And eaglet nertia on right end female with scroll and figure' en left. ' Manufacturers' flank Hartford. Conev..3Pivlß. Iraqi of care runnng to rho left on night 5, female, shuqd ; fIIRET., on left 3, man with scythe." CITY ITEMS. MARIS TIM MOST OF MC are happy in our instrumentality in directive to many suf. 'mem to Dr. Kennedy.. We oensidercorns end bunion, as among the meat annoying of human afflictions, and the man who has Just got rid of them heat knoll the victen. of his felicity. Dr. Kennedy removes these pests n a wonderful manner...and what is still mom remark ible, without inflicting any pain whatever, or even drawing blood. Weans really sorry to ear that in a few 'hies lonrer he teases u'. Ile has engatted rooms at the Pin Avenue lintel in New York. and after Mama there a few weals will leave for Europe. whale he @D iana en exe.llent reputation as a chiropedal surgeon. Person' suffering from come. bunions. or timers We the feet ehould apply to. Dr. X . in all haste, at his •oome. No. 713 Market street. Dr. Kennedy will leave 'his city with the arraign' appreciation of scores of our most estimable citizens. Toe EPFZOT of Dm? —A vegetarian recently rnwed in a wherry from Poston to New York, a die= ante of 4 p miles. in abont Ileum or about five mile' in hour. During the rerfordianee of thla feat he lived an whortleherries and wore hose,. Woolsey olothing we know a man who , ravelled heitreen New York and 9hiledelegia twtoe in one week. be rail, and deride' per 4 cni be lived on roast beef, broiled chicken. breed ,tut butter. &c.. and wore an elegant milt from the Drown-Scone Clothing flail Df floakhill & e:l3 std 6Cti Chestnut etreet. above Emit'. It le leedlt al tonal , that he fell comfortable sod looked like gentleman. I l ona Ohn Jiro —For the weak and de/loate, no •hing Is more suitable than a little good old Bye Musky, especially when the himsumei• knows the arti eve to be pure and entirely tree from deleterione faire- dents. Burn side'e 'Whisky is such an miles. Genial. Jalatrible. and benefice , t, it commends itself to ell who need and desire a stimulant which entails h 4 dowel/ire •eachnn, and the nee of which is alwave attended with the happiest results. VLEnY d fYOCIDALE. PrODP4IO/1. • BOwEit'S MEDWAY:O Fula are in &Ideal N. medy for all derangements of the bowel% bablt!lldiion; i veneer', wok and nervone baarlaobe, ilyepepara, *ilex to. Persona of a edenterY lii. ebould istwaysitift Theo Choy tire reliable and safe. and do not debilitate 3 can taken at all timeawithout intonventenot. TlutY tea. tarn no mercury : pleas:int to tile Orate. One fig h.a a' mai re t Ireat. White two Sae are suffioiant to product* to entire purge. Prepare)! only by G. O. Boyar. Sixth .nd Vine. and sold by loading Druggata. Priori per box .a 8134 cants. RBPVIUTION.-- " The Fittest treasure mortal times affrad Spotleen repoinnlon ; het 4 1 .110 r. • Men are but gilded loam or painted alas." Reputation 70 man's beat lessor. Et gate and un .potted character in one of the most preolottegifts that nave ever been vouchsafed to man. It ie one of his im• mortal attributes. When ha dies and passes away, he Leaves his character and reputation behind him to in fluence the generations that come after him. Every family hes its household traditions; and all men do more or less to shape the asthma and deeds of these who encased them. How true ie it, then, " A good OMITS It rather to be chosen than greet riches." it is more valuable than s!I the told that sits ever dug front the bowels of the earth ; more inestimable than blithe diamonds that were ever taken from Goleonea's mines; MOTO enceinte than ell the gems tint r nparliled atd w,oeu coupled with, a faultless suit from the OF Firma FeaMousble Moping Mart of OO4HVILLE N'TOIMS. No, soy cheatnat atroet. Tin not' fail to hear its posiessor happily o'er the journey of life, At this celebrated establishment a valuable Ginn ill Presented mita eiseh (marls sold. tf Philadelphia Markets. AVOUST 27—Evening. The.demand for Flour to day terhbatly to supply 41 trade, at 1817..0660 for mixed and atra , aht rgperßpe 85 Mine for extras. and 4va6.76.itr 144 yor eitr, thally end fanny bran de, as in gpality. Rye ?low ;I mantra ardwanted at 83 62A6 and i Corm Melt rtu.o at 3r3.; nal. Weser-7 be reestpta era light. and about 7 COO ben mild at Moine for orfmmou to prime red. the latter for Delaware. ano itpsttlto for white Bye t , wanted and very aroma et tie for new, Corn-41*ot 1,a.0 boa mixed sold atTflo. We etude at 70e710. The latter for prim. tallow Oats are rather dull to uay with sales of -bout 3100 bat row mostly Southern, at 36a Sao. Out are held at 30 friDa tfl bus HAIIX.-Ifret No. 1 ltueroltron la held at *l6lO 47r ton 611 - Tex.—The market la firm but (inlet to-day, and a email Wawa! &tug m the way of as es. Grtonettirm.—The movement is co Cued to email lots of rigor On: Correa. at sten tlyratns. fltorit.ors —T. e market is fiau but dolo t, at era mei quoted rates. the demand betn i g mosay for Bacon . was and ghnuleara, to go Booth. t r.Ll)9.—There is not much doing ; about 1/0 has ci o .. Tweed sold at 11610, and cone itmothr at 43.€2te ie. Ns. • 12 5 7/flana is scarce, at 120 for Penna. bats, Oho for Ohio 110,1sNo tor Omits, tug Err gin • FINANtLtL" AND COMIXIL'KCIAL. Piiitanzaritta. Aetret 17. wo. Readout Railroad shires were weaker at the IStoek Board to &v. and dselined 3j. S eytloll Iteetwatace pre (erred aoki at 21. hlinehill adrenal:lto 6e--a gain o 3,f. State c 0,.. mold at P 3; City taus at 11113ibla the railroad illll3, and 1044 frr the new. petemtreeie. Railroad shares mold for MY:, and the atooed-mor4age &Lusa at 91,t1. in mining gods there te little doing. One Ws of :de share. of Penney Irani.. wee med. at Mc The mohey market is steady at DrOriOCA itate , tiOW , thoesh the demand is expected to Inereaae, and there is rather less anxiety to Hicks.. japer at the entrant rates lima vs baMs tatiarto 'smarts/. I!M!igEE!iE TAMIL 4PINC2IL BANKS. -.-- ---- Aug. 17. - Aug. W. ~, Aug 1 7 .• ',AUX. rr FiiB4l.lphlA .... 03,013.200 01,422.000 1563.001 ' WIEN orth•A marks 3,1 362 2.912174 013.71 16:10 li t an'a & eoh 3.967,631 3,1 2 38,127 711111 11.412 im me re ... 1.665 Ass 1.663020 MAN 1 4331 titti4 i • ,• . : 1.26 : 1 1 04 1 : 7 3, 6 ,2 71 ,0 0 - ZI2 . 7411 0 1173 383 to o rgera t i r 2 3 1 it? 1 11 8 2 5, 7 0 2 1 193 30 eTtz tin. Yolnuiiir 7 4 1 . 322 Mitt 127 392 469,1 /stern 1,426,622 1,46 , 100 343 267 317 213 Nan. & Meat. 1434 426 1721 730 166.746 108 03 C0M 1712728 -• • VG 0 4 00071 139 821 1 , 3 167 Gi reed:. -....., .. 2,141 WO2 1,32110 TWO 14 199 717 fr1ad0 2722 4 .11 .- 211.1 r 691.907 136 92,3 110.120 nsolidation' 1261:22 86 7,10 413.731 81,163 Co City ..- •• •• - •.• • 261221 AM 191 11, WO 1113 11/3 Commonwealth 630.661 622 441- .118 iO6 14.4.216 COM F4E686024 438 813 4.313 113,10 113141 Union. ............ 16114 666260 8110 14,896 270181.-- --6 111.9218.741 16.821.837 14„726,20 4.771 723 11702125. ctuctrLaglos. /suits. - --- , Aug. 27. A 122. 30. 602.37. Aug. It. -- - ----- ---- Philadelphia.... 11,032400 01,82700 4.19410/ Sat NO North America 1,272,11 1.12/ 81 13 411 246 848 Fiala 6C 414108. 3.813.470 5A17,2741 336 813 oasis acial ... 827,00 c 7213110 141320 IV OW heteu es'. ... 90441 814 sur loss wimp v . Li berties.... MAO 2051,t(10 320 003 193 $4 Am thwark.... • 6311.793 707491 87.413 68 94 Kensington- - 2161.11) MAW 116.225 1111001 Peon 1 ownitti9 66101 12/Lgi ' MAO r 111.111 Western 9'0394 112 14.216 142.1111 Man. & Minds . 621 04 9.21 32421 as as Commerce .- • . 41261 46 3 ,91. 119.1413 71 713 Guard 3,073.3 9 1,0711.2/ 310.311 fry) fradesmsn's.... 434444 444 $4 IRS PH Ala ( . ..46181c6aStIOn . 267 DVS .W 4 516 37.14 - AO City ...... ....... 426 286 416450 11141 Wad notorronwealtb 301.058 1221/111 1111.10 1111.41.2 Corti Wzohbuge 313 010 34,176 WIN 116245 Uni0n._._...... 273,180 1711X1 BA* , MPS T0ta1.......... 15.741623 16 282.11 ' 1,21110,023 .1.314,13 nMS4Ve6M , mntssiskUm Aut. JO. Am I r. Capital Stook. ....-1111.713 1911 en n5,3.45..1iie. 91.7.15 Loons.-- . ..... 26,233 97 211 1 / 1 1.791 . so. 112.2 11 Specie- - 4.;71772 47514.. 58. 2341 Dtio fin other Rs.- 1 431.133 1.31.9 711.. 40. 74.972 Due to other fits._ &MASS 3413 111.. se. 57.454 DOPoitt -... 15 541 sift 14.74103- Jae. ULM . 2.1144113 5,4104451..11ee 34 Ida Tto folloannt statement slums pia condition of al" bank" of Philadelphia, at various Moot Ent, MAMA- Mr. 1837, • -- - Loans. 13nenn. Cinnastion. %owl. Nov. 4, 1817.21.194.441 2,M.444 LULU; I 3A.% /348.31.302.374 1470.701 1,4111113 ,= . 114 617 , —.34.31112e 11.4114.117 2,01,111 . 13,444444 .1 in. 5, 11814.16.461447 1.011311 5.711401 3745w.040 all ..35.445101 6.107,043 24133.101 14,01664 Jan.& 1/39.23 1110.387 4.417 311 2164.4111 144101.31/ 4217 2 20 831 .1141 4 374 639 2.044. - 13 /63336 014 • 833 833 4309.10 2Ne XT 161'4.111 •• 18 .....21144.435 4.403. 1 0 2./39 833 16.754.35! •• 23.- _.36 842 74.1 - 4 365441 3.334 14.3911744 ao 21 151 778 4 741304 3 10VA 10 iseiee' Aug. 8 213.106 13t7 4 800.443 1 . 417,167 311.3• ISO It __Ma 0107 4 763.465 2 SOW 11,111,2111/ 1 . 30 ....36 8611•37 4 771 773 2.4114143 11,21+311 ". .38 901.791 4 735.30 2 0X, 71 13 1174493 The fOllOl/1113 Ai II gamma of the tronsoottoria or thePbtladel7his 0101111)17 Hem for the week swim% August IL 15a). 0.11 runai6ll64l by Oa niaa agar. p oorts E. Arnold 1,44.: ENE MEM *IT 561750 TT 111 011 AB Al By te'errabb,we learn that the Lehigh Vaal k reed Cot:opens brourbt down for the' week ending Saturday. tme *alb inetant,l447o tows of teal. agaleat 10 MO 'on. for oorreepondiag weaklier year. inallene for the season. commeoeinc December At /91413 tor* against 107 =tong to core wposdir...r period last leer being an inereas• of 190 003 tons of ooet to date ; 1.331* ton. of pig Iron were also sent dorm the rind for the lame week. The fobovl*R rowing ift9ll th• Eiintrert hi Bruins nada the cultivation of oottoa fir the EWA traits:, at the celony of Natal. vitt be read with harvest • • The ritish colony of Nat.l c ruut area of In pp imsata miles, or abontotie;fhinf t of 'Waist! and Wa ee, and it to nip- ble of prodeemut swan mewl. in digo. arrowroot. lure apathy. bananas, the cocoanut, ana oil palms. over an armarif 3 OW- square miles The Twisty of soil and Mumma in this valuable eed beauti ful possessinn of Gnat Britain tattaused bYthaeornstri nains rapidlr from the Indian Ono an In ' , series of four terrasses,, each hartne averige width . mites. wtth its peculiar soil and climate. • cand ling, extand ins f•orn Itt.h.mmter. us* five ot. I. Use inland Ix said to be peeuttarly adapted far the mirth of lea island cotton ; and it is 11141 ene. t i that Iry a q u a , mihs of this diattiot era o.ply of erodocuarr the *ad ralnahle of the cottons of dmenca 'without tit* acconi 'string dramback ors OH OXUS 111 , 4 te , te4 to thoEnalisk constitution The secondaries of the col nr up well adapted for gra zma purpose. ; the third soothing foram timber of cor.siderabla lase and .ripener quality ; and the fourth Is yen adaptor for /mons/ wheat. sad most other European product - 2one 7he country is a el/ wa tsrel A recant visitor to the ookrae aittin tha fallow- . ot „highly enoomitaing statement of its cotton -Pro dooms capabilities ; • • •• The y field of one ae , re:ll4 tam haying 6,S 'lasts oti It. &yawed two and a hall roendeef seed atie:oll per plant, which. whoa mimed br do mum cies/vie ale. pre one Toned ends quarter of etear cotton nor plant. nit td OP wood. this venal giro the . soars, , 11 return of 57.10 a. were • There are at the breast contpatatiott. 640 Macre* on the lower or coast-lies terries of awl:01611y ebiab will aradnee &Won of thin .f m Walitr. No Ma onr larsr pool merchant, may forward to a ealy of tee- MM.. emanation of wawa MO oaf OW iresJkow sad lataataatairkl of oar ealcadea-"- - - 1 *dolphin Ilatiien .zaß w gzeliaat . • halos, 14cPctir7a as B. E. at.LTICAM. RUM WllailAt itreSt• totter 80A1D. VA Ott! 6a. 140 On . KIM au XX do —.:_pew Will t u lt i ...• ...• • . ii 440 do -.....n4V lOW isadiall..itd did X Lao do —.dew Xs% lod -do sihr et 21 gis ROIL do K.. 8.0.-4*M PO iSe -- .........;.401,12 it Pre rem Y. —..... 1N SI do.. as ts HOP Tend Cow So-- - 01 X go .............. X )otaddede Are In &L. ill( a - 416. — ,....... a aro morns calm! . td. sa Visola..loso IX 100)...t do, ~.., NI •'A ltdridrd 11. tO MO toodms ROI lo Willto lit za 11.........14 i st i L [ MOO - do' _..19i 70 , i Wairklitelre 1t...—. . ' so Pau I. Nisi. 9134 190wortot voter_ .. - I 3•l7oldna 8.._.... 4136" 17ardd & IlloeNg Ed. SS 7 do ........ . illh' IS Unimak or TIMM. N g . . BEWERS BOLIN. _ - wto rooms ft. ..... . 5 Mo Readier R.— —mit SI t 930 do ....—...... SO , ISINNRSI) BOARD. . , SsOCI Pintos h.,— lots SS WO efts es ESP R 101.4 elt.obt. do .......... 99 itte Lamm yid 'mu asA fa 'do —..lotfs 99 140 Potilfie Prof ,do 9:•3; k sediag It— ea& Jri' IRO Peon 'on Sr— 1004 2sNorristown liVo Pitts, 620 *Pat bds 4414 t 7 do SO 1030 Reading R'86.... Teg CLOSING PHICEE-3TEAjtY. Bid. Aiktil es 101%1 rid la es K.. 1014 101.4 rhils. 64... new 100. 11)1.; Terms 1141.-mt an' 99%; 99Ni eari lug R . •.. . 12;4 , • . 93 . r Eirt Ws It. RS SO; • 'Saint od901.: II - t lielli—. Tau :awl Nmos .- —. ' 4141 Ilor R 141 94414 X 11 CI Oen err 01l 04 rrri _Ol pt dvotl.3lll 117 fk Br di 'al mod nig 71%; veiIIVINI.o v ...., Br( a Ihnyl Nay . 9 10 &O'er.) Navy ..... 24 243{ Ehntrit .FL .... a 6 Philadelphia Cattle Market. Aunciffe 21,1350. The receipt" of Beef Cattle are line this weeff, reach lag slant 2244 bead, ',bleb were all diepesed of at Col: A. P. Phißide', yard'. The Ceti:tetrads basset. centred at this sentleman'a two yit, dr, the Union ea Avenue, where Sat Ciltt:ll will be r ffered for sale Inehionday of every weak. • -„ 32 lime Abrahams. 0.14 Veil it We 8w; 75 Mcktevil Carr. obi°. 87 Dana. • let Jahn ileaderson_.olro. ' 76 Ito SP en, Jr Chester OM. etas 899. 19 C n Chistareo.. .Be 9 • can , Virginia and Cheater 140. r St 74 94- P. "'Vie C h"lir 0 0 -. sasses, iso aporan oCall.fthestar Sae% P 8 Todd & Coehrse, Virgiora. VMS 40. ,170 welters Smith. I'lltuna. aterrn 68 Sokatriburg.Ohlo. $Et sti,9 so. • okinmrmica. oNo, Ike VW, 109_ * Y-ter.. Ohio. 34Z4 4331 Chain. Pennsylvania 4 dt4rd„ 74 frcot , Kfmhde, Maryland. $ =On. 71 Nimb e ar Kirk, Cha e ra rerh , 31.9* Rothchild Chio, 87dd 30 f 3 J. Lon*. PennkYlva Ma—V.3ooBl9. DS Kahn & 9tnrm. Ohio, Wes Si R. •••n.h . Chre nrco., SBe9. 17 "um & Puff Cheater ca.. 57i8. 58 R Strickland, Ohio. 4840. • 90 John Gheen, Ohio 4389.' 34 ermaker. Chester . 884850. Chant er Er streseder. Chester co , 3889. 9, Wm. Fuller. Ohio, 43149. 3,011 Sheep sieved and mold at the eve: ue Yard, at from 73,i Wei lb. Recording to condition. About 75 Cowd ware niso sal at the urns lard at from 025 tow 4P' bead as to Anal tr. /1,041 Hota arrived and, add at the Avenue YAM du ring the Met two vodka, by James El, Reynolds. at from 88 to 815 for stall lad, god 88.40 dir 100 Wirer corn Uwe. nit arrivals of Fat Hare at If. e. rabic, Velem Drovelard were 1133 head still fed, sell nr at from tO to a fa: ana doin-fed at from $a 108.73 417 , 103 The net, according to stiaLty, - N0.123 ittellet !tires L New York Stock Eickange—Aug. !Senn° SOASII). /WO 1 ocogigoa 6.9 93 1159 'ialocn Prof...! b 3 ,1 4/. 7001 N Camlina St Go fll liai 5j 55t:1L G[41 , 4147. 2109 51iagoun 6o , do ..... .0 ! 's'3 10011 0.0,41 h00d5.1315.. 5 15) do 40 Continental Bk 109 190 do— -111 N Y Cgotral..-- —.hit; 250 Ga! & Chicago 2:10 • .8-INI 759 do .......b•01091‘ .450 .3000 Erie Railroad"..— 23L'i200 - • •-- • - do riXl.5O • do b 41_ 00ay g 0 do __. 560 ski 100 Clara k TO) 1t..140 1 1 0‘)Pladg9n RiV9T B 54%,23,61 do fio r o z SSW d? , I‘,o Ch our k • ' 00itiV:d e trg :-.7sEO 454' 1 109 do r low d0.40 , ‘ Art 5111 k .I 4 $ll soodoi&) 45 1 . 103 Laernan. ,!k mil R. • 1 . 1 . i 89 Mich Can't 11... E3O 72 la 0 & Rock 1-180 61 1(0 do .. hlO /e 4 !HO d0..-1g0,31',C XX) do ....... 1.0:111 , 4"' 50 Panama W , 60 do 300 Seth , . PiN 503 d0. . 063 . 72 0.53 do h3)03 9 ,; tO 51ch &N 1 it,. 0.1!: 500 do _l,lO 5i.!.2 100 do . • ..o"id.Z' 100 do .Asnits Are quiet and steady with salee of ZS /Ns at 6.„.5. 5 for not. PIA .9'5 50 for sea rla. market (crania and Western Flour faro tett er ; tie Supply is limited in consequence of the re oerrt break in the canals. be demand is quite Arne. for export. and there la a moderate business doing for home consumption. '1 he recoil'', are 28 617 blue enl^a t tali bi,t ,at la .70a5.30 , for saw tie Fla e. tb.,:„..,..ac) 2rins , xtr do 15 *toe $0 lily sopethse s,t -• $ O .' O5 A fox Arnsmion Medium extra de, trt- M dine shlPPira brands .5 exf.ns round-hi op Obi , at N a va inhere Flasir Is firmer. 'with sales of I , FOS bbla et ,e 5.1565 AO for common to mixed. and 1695 OZ SO for Parrs. Canadian Flour in a shade firmer, aritft sales of MI hsle at d 5 Mee 30 for surmise. and Pte 7tO for extra. Rye Flour and C rn Meal are en chanted. Onsur.—Wheat is in acti ve amend for impost at oxe to ttto Cents better prints. .be ,uei•ly-bt ~w ed Wheal iN /1171/16a. lnierier and unsound %%slime, are re libeMi enprle and dull and onsalab e Our lanai sad near by millers purabased oily their jiaret needed war ie. , he let-elpta foot - UP *MI , .bashele, aed the sales , inelusing wi der red. western at lee* 732 1 white Mteltlean 11.4111111 ras- -white in at el ss. Rye is t enet it 7det77a: parer IN Strad!. Corn is in fair reward at studi r my_ popoorted prices; the supply la fair. end Ittllfellated 99.43.8 bushels. While the transactions icelode 70 103 butinelset mc for Wester mued, t Mears firm at Mee 3,1 for 15mtharn, Penniylvania, and Jersey ; adeMSto for C.,, a and Western: end our f• • Rears liPriovielons —The 'Market for Port is steady et Ra t .rdey's dos Wince. ta.1001.1 bbli at le 19124 for st,ar mess. '319 for old do, 414 nalt 15 ' for rem onme. Beef is tmet, at unohatieed prireil. Saler of 1 0 b 01 e4s4 15 for country tinny, filtrate foremost* in VI, 37( 0 141 for tep•cNatlNlFottNill. $31.12 tot extra Mere. Dawn la r ull and nominal. CUL taratil are Pearce aid firm at 11e for Hams, and ner},is (or Phoulddre. 1 aid i • steady. w , theales pf Imola, es et 1235eiVie, no._ t•rioits...l export demend at felt peen, ears 1214 a. r Ohio, 410100 for State. Cheese silo freely at Be lots, 11Wittlat , ir as quiet. with ealoas of 100 hhha o121,14•23o, ACOTEIHNT.-012 Supasy aftgroon Eliza Cart aged tine :year', liad one at Air oraste4 by bavinieit ealuht bellfeetl farry.keot sacque itacteltaa4 oath at - - • The Money Market. 1111.111 J. I campus vitt. then Ceterietut state- Cl22.nnot. &lianas, .73.2/21 722 07 4771 W 321 21657467 133.*2 2791961 S 15 2 052 'ad 72 . 241.034 fI 306 61386 lito (01 61 . 2 1103 104 00 " 143.172 81 terit 101% new JO* TB P times R 3 liasoldl skt 144. Ridpint R.... e(l3 )3 RIMIId 7a id unialliNoi D A RN ' g CatsvNwLrteby3 34 dru id' is Souldll..._ atto Thd std 4974 01334 Race & Vine.st.d9 Wert Nur Bprone & 3,31 Greta tad 21 1 MR, Chist & Walmal sa 3134 TRH MARX ETA