The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 20, 1860, Image 4
~. !`~ u . i.,,,. ~i.~. • '' '441 1 1 4 11004 " 1 " 1 " mu natio:644mavi ogaittattotog Attat a t TelrtotrA yo st a r iantOie l aTAitra : Dareiray.. idlattigkirPr** “Oarvlraar pang. VIII' I.ooltorgilo4i#W*Sosi2i,?..%., __,, I 4t.l.rg) 4.4 , llliiiranraviio*_lt• -I,tl 7 . is :111111loo n tod ))iistneas lel Imp j Otid 14W, : 4A 4f, WOW*. **Opp memeerits , eve *1.0.4046;.t3k0itii• :lir* of woo men e!";•4ooeififght PumolikAttiiietow4A4 4 44.thiltioit. gdwR0.04.#1,4.4.440.4rff v 4fityttii a l gS oarcloo 4 / 4 0. 144 Wn.'; t 4:41 43 ~ 1 44.41' >spools, tk gikilroapiwaiviiiwialudidt,l , i t 241 tr:1040401 it is i'rebeltiop:ogolast *e oorapjoi 4 iVele StitehoW l oo6**, ll 4* as that. ;;The ioroiotkit gates were istatag4ll6W "eOhIWW.M9 saris by Mt. Benian4.lTood, fidUtir carried ever:pita ititiOrigiantii - dirmed the whole* VioirrAtill 400:041.4!Al t bersollAt e iglifia Thi4o44; 44* dithan JA,ea,me k to r Airop:olowfit tau , in ayerii:alfailo4lllll4W;ialtilaelai, , excepting telife,l to 00.Mtslio Orthwilvoleft4ol4l , o44* . Post.% of sinki*xentii4lo4l;looo4 the *alum derstateThst there are really spoipriWiarae AVIA.: ewong • al34oo*##Of' 44# ! ng'444444:401 .110 1./4•0144.'411.140#140401*4.11./1„. *k;, footed, $044 oeinfertibil'et.gisteritki afternoon. Thee xact Wail& 'llAes who UIf:WA . 04.1f e"db ikt i CY t i d, .# 11 Cif tis i reerdl l 44 l kki,lt a b " u =Jr zr• u_stlef,littlx,ru/L,, ThelSl4llrita*iblillol4 l o. llll63l4 . 4i ' r469 ti Tala Wicit4i44 4 4: - :*** lo * ,:ii4tlA.;4 1 tate stows.sociesiestagatag imarbpJaa' jaw, I syrabadeatatattgattaiSaiaol,4ll4.WOtn 2 44i14' • Wt.40# 1 14,10014- 1 * tifoIOPHYP cm** ft; iiiiinigtititittlifi:ititt nteurrig qradllioitoßdsdlittlit bisitate tAiwintty, them, east •plioatliiiflegloliig - ' thought.' him_ JO ZIA semi idi eartetiftegitatila stabil beans; when)? WOO' "alf i*OOkt :of. - 'red - 1W at en• ' l llil*4 l *-#4.1 1 #0 4 .1 0, . 49 . 0 . 10101,1 Mr.llllllll6' y0104.10°6 , doClitiniifir 11 - the inside of out. rktlmhsit4Atlof f if 1 41 1 04 r, ii Ipu f g.4o boatarken be ent~tetkuitiVntdolk _ls** 9, 1 191 h sill , . 114 bars do/ of two utdol" . wookiUt Iftet 1 110 :rfigaz , beiiikattiVrodit.iiitii,d , krAfte,•ifirtztOokdoe : Y°44/11/:#1 3 0 4 -4Pan4 4 , 4 .0 1 01* 1 iTtifOri pletkikeij43olM4llll*.•telio:4idis.tiiitiri soalotaarry , titeWiligiM,‘ erietheie,iitail WI 'FAO Air gli44: 11 1 1 :4 1 WIP*; - Q 1 ,t1 1 0t 4 if Pat" Be4Wiblat,*,l4;4oko4o,lothillt hose for i - miAii . dinf aa sisiatitioottios ott.tio *mites, it CO iiiPtainitOsaritead tart", hit 1 - " , th e. Akio eniiht?i will 3 hate neoverity, but Mr. Weed will do the engineering all other respeots, as ler isa done time ent mind ; , . The special telegraphie despatches , to The World, publithed day before yesterday-and toolay, that- Nreeltiztridge proposal te"withdraw; hare tweeted great ceeiteinent in the purlieus of the eastern hones and poet ogee. Nineteen-twentieths of the Goierisinent employees ars on their marrow-bones, pra,ing,ftir tkatrandt. .Yet they all go for Break bridge' “.with entburdana-,," I Uri aothsikt in . the Mara department of The Press frequent 'Minion to .one of. reeled and most mighnd of oar weeklies, atuunepalte of yours, TheNeturday Preis, edited by NetriOlapp. ' The neiher for trAtionow is epertiouladY good one, aud*ag en the' Gurney trainee& , PEItMoNAt AND POLITICAL: -gaslltatnal is given to - Mist letters. Thu we lint lti ihe'Liberty Gazette U 4 Initanee • ~ I. aeon time into We seemed fro* Austin sayer of Till a rifga n fttrroAl f A lk gital w e u e. l . 7 .tr , Ar 4 mind no mace 1111111. • , • ••• ‘•• 4 ' • SAfil'HOTlaToq . -413vol6cni Ut 1 i " Life of Atha -431 ,siy." id no*, In prim ofloabliestioo:; , Thelitmiloro. the Friuli stria 44'et t;tegilso of thO aentikl*lvikt?,`thl'A,PM,l4lr!PAll.l?,' -4ttieiCt4sklisr l a rT llol°°7lll" " hlC;* k u-state 'l Conventai aklaitiatooi'aijOilt ittlioit'n'Omi: tttlitriggtOtalt_iitL 'Awn: Not Breektnridge :nee ack...egk Id lie lititte 11ipt.1... it worthy/tato. ‘ : 111-4niii*aticedkrntliketAntild** - lino tokaboutogit .4.llllolitt on the so* itut„ '`, 'l. —74#loir r Aceitooo4oo***o4 W 0 ** , ll taeollamir • pOlitiool oxpOrtomodAs kr: , sirairrl orea4r.s4 . .kthmutti ,, 'The, 'aiditoi leiViolittiall Aili,vi.mitakaili ilisresibaborlttige4 144 A bi rNiiiiiWlT 73 4*." A fA ii,a: ''A ' :-' , ; .&,‘ ' iseilepear.lior7ti ie eyit citlegl.o.4olllMeS 3 htit- eel grl . -ii . k ° ii% ~ 'mu ll? ' ritedti 1 b ir t,' iir, ,• : . 4 ? -math VICO, INV,: . 21 , , ,,,,.r i biii,.', 4 1,ta g a one Pa 14 - ,-: ' . • .; ' • .:;) : ' ' isiitot td the'Obiiiii 4 :4ll;ionito 4,2 d- 1 1'1 2 4 1 46t 1411 *A. 0 0 bli*Pg" °:/lA 1 ? -4- ' 7 ; hl l 4* - PlowtiPo :AittriOniAmitc*.. ..”,- ri - -, I' - 40/iftla4 2 l ittri.441, 141 "*""" 16 IPkt l thniet , lligelfei/tia# fi, frie l y ftiri ih r=l4l,tai 411 ri WM Mite. , - I --- te il. -- Aitialiki. sitf.. '. 2: -11444401.1 WW 4110”1 1 •311411iTslitetkite I r,,,,,,...,......,,,, i Yero r , a rtni i tethetuesot . Mk -it 1 eyearou, oh so Other VI A of w - it * V fal l.' ' PM, Wu is i f aryi 1:1Tle n ` " 4412 ' ' * ln is his lax - - & sow N...—Nsie York Paper; —ffiroglitipltie*****oWola* tat arrows, end , *mob dorroidott t ~ -4 ;, . r. , .... ;.1 .. . - 6 iiiti iiiiti - ,t - oil.' tivi;iiiti.lo,i, to eit ebersoomtial7A.sgstairter cavithe...m.ouCebittlies to bieluien,J t . opnteemetreael• tot e• e dem viol hie ,s 4rdslesteeirst*lntw=rtgotteer gar gagrnagusao laraerarg *. Jr..a - Aittb`ii , ~ , WAIN :AO kW #0 1 ,0 11 4 4,lo4l4lMotiateiitso, p tli Pr ell l4 Alil W' V l Wis,l l .# 4 apjg'ito . rat#4 rff ioltto4ticAiiii itintliii stlissioo is —MWMitata f Weraer, a ,pretabeeat Deageorat of cias iii; k aiitti* 4,16 , 64 , 'imitalOt* ttiamisionutt , ,t Cbsilw teeT,l*Att4hteel*, l 4 l *, Mel . L.O telloweatai ttheitetaplets and .treitors, and $ . "Pelf*. Itflemkgththe** krtheiiiiende audpetihreplepp: - 1,1 . 11 /4 1 .4.***4410 . ;* meet - ~ees: Betdel4; en I& Yee/ V Al. glen —M Donaet, a member of the iyou pnbl~iiii<; Td Mike book 0. 0 Wij'ato* 0 44 4 Idletaimeetelethor atatltai!pf MeraitTlattlaid end dAteeleklth* l) **** l 4 l iiltialelitW, mon JO einflf4W*:tf,4 l6 4 o 4sit s tOt append ,4-,;4lti * tvg:4,-,:.:e StikAA4tA et the Be This nt. OltVarl. tedp pirrf call fia t Ai evening, iiiieWVerk;Vve , `istetiainseenteiC HaPtiltattle_k4terelieleseaPetetiehletu kahrta " sefh f ie -" 1 "4- 41 #"# 4 ,dlh•titolti*if l araiikoiLiAgotioo7 - r , - • ). • -OriLltoYa ,44ll4o6 • , JltoTrist iintatlaaPplpfrii and iveitiiiiies iliculeithote" deli it there-, tere.ALtiat thle out mad pat it 111 Doors:-: "41mariiita Nam, ?ea of Rt. !weatilltonso of New Yowl', temmittemma . le seintme. P . J., whs.» h.s. wsarat . , .ilishoei tbi3O , t o r i ata rn irac tzji m il e gr am t 1;1:Ai-ma= me ry loaded the i ...ei2T;• was "rout that be e LT ridrard turns' tby 0 I :ll Bl : 4 MorittgA r fri d falitstettly=togerri a lrilba lbw WS .0 Talratddi of latti e so Irpo to read imi Hicits'efession. an d , eg r r. lau2ty lyittk Ig.%lllfA n itt " .ll7ll; : id.:;:r 7.7, ..'"" —pan* Jerrold ' . gm:, sclifiewoild, has b a d a AM slab of *able placed ibove it, bearing the folliniiir Inieription: " Tatiosilie- RillianrJer: Mil; TheillTlDDYthi lBs 7. Au Piridlielt:Wilier whole , works wililtepri-ble memory green bitter than amyl epiteph.!' .-- - • " - - -- '' - - —CtloOfttabet, of Raless notoriety ) of 'Whont-1 so baita. ehiteiter bee' been:siren by hie Atwater Republican friend!, hie turnednp in Molly, where he enjoys lie'ilifire - ocinlidenee of Clutha% and . oeiteilos a brilliant isilitety t eiltion.. • ' .-.Pattlidsohiliy le it the Oman goill,.Nsivicit . - —Tb. - sin. -Allorge_.'Bitioroft le at the United States Rotel, Newport.. „- —PrinmAifiedli *beat teitsit; oi .irse, 'at the latest "dykei about to 'vial* the' Cape of Road - Ilopif;; in the -..lieryaine, on , *deb ho: WNW lISS mlibblraoliiP artist itapa - igteige iota ineking to Tway 114 0 %;.'. - A l .4***/were-to be Ludo in the - Goveram ` eittlViNse, ':!.teligt" _alt, ',itioiiith4aili t , em • brildoCtreelg on room, prive t , 4014 Om, bed- , 1 . . chamber and - bedrooms for' inta#l4o B, 4ll,ki:asi t t., , BVPDil4l4o4,4*****o4.4lba thus w"--c"s*:4llo4ti and - iiii - o lp "lil t:abet * ;;,.. 1 State ili 4 6 4. 6 01 11 01iDd.. ;' - Tbo'llAftli - ID'. l rAb", Witebledurodi . iii r 4efinsiebi and ill #44k.#lll ! lOtit.;' ten ' by - IPVClhaioanat ~, - ; h1" It.*. Ott* - Issitiitithounadiii* , seatikilhilti c4 r &- ff1tf.:.:,: r ....,__: ~_,:Vllf'..ll:-- - If l t i? :"4:llti ft . - ;4 . ;asolifLu t , 1 • - 44 - itOilli ?1r", ' . ':'""'N, Weetits .•.' : .„. , ,-.. .: . - as - : ~7 `Shea, h . . • _ ,,-- oppoetg for In • ices seta s' ': • ."' a, lw "" • ~- .W ; f : ?" f.ov! w' , •:•':'lr i w 10 44 *0 4 % 14. 4 , ' ,Witiat-S l 4 O , **** * POititiAt 0 M4AI" 4 " ***Aik D01m*it!...4,0,t4 - -• ~- 1:4 I L :-!:. c '. II - ,• . , -.-, . - 6.-. -vett* , • .-c -. -';' , . r. , c , c ~, c toaseserear ~ • - tr 4 i ' • „- ...,,„ . betier il Wai ‘: A . c. . ; l all. l- iiletiifilat Till ~ ! • ::: ‘ ,l ...' , Th .errtr., -'-iSr, .'" A ilitV rrlnt., .0:1 rq slt.iia..A:c4 . ,!r '- - at , tktt Moteontacci , ccse Mir ezzar -- - • - 0'40•• f'1 0 , 0 101. , ‘_,.• - -...,,,, •' ' ,-. 1 40 t o 'P.wvioeslia43;4l4,./ - 4 i‘ii4i: - . . _ . of 4 . 1 .4i - 04 11 1 k ti t ho!! IMO ii'lrstotti • '4 l , ___,,,ali . rOtl s k i l..4 'Ai, Rft i*, Ohlllitii Mt fb• DoNl lo ,i thusTelml l 9e?_-'"U'Po Moto _MiltpluoPPlkohhfitil, ( .lii bit l ktuitto diepatifite *Mk the bioetiteett, 4 ':, 1 , - /M ll lM l Pollttolit7PX l iatto4tkit , o l , - • ii. 4 4.11. r t* iiStaii.xi aitia,inwiea 2 ta '.Dolitas And •-lot Mi. "iiill i luirehnoiri for - leveret years at sidOTls' toe fine( Tigre, t-he le sgentlentasAf Mot itol.ty,', .ofoonstnit 1 ,piniAnnontn t lif ic itnatrit, stag( 610 Setnonal ftb Ittrivoli eminl2, id VAT: itrantft VC Afid,Oolifr Orr t1M0.,. Mirr _elf,,lAO ,T. - A tuu t tr g enanut Grebe e, erten Mt =46 "*1 V iulirimtiodaw. :Mkjiw t ozpicl i tt e z and lajairrthb It ir t r antn cula o txralkrtirtlrli g ailltd" the 6 o n jr; vitruititt r ftCoritonAlonthlrtitalr sktyll93tuuti. ili : IriveithiMitilieer et !tiot%Mtelealti': ha* t' Wileet6oeh Li -Lses or" " CIA 11.1; -- ,11 - MgrA h , - . . :Ow» , x , . - A,49 Otoli,ooo, - JAir ' hiioc * '' i- __ _ _ ~„,,,.,, - -, :*4,,;,,,-ti,y)io,iiiieut#,4lt44o, Woo - ciirst , I T *,,lt " f! Ilieliee'llitouth2yourAtiletthipefot — tit to • 40 e ttar it ert i wz a te s lttb yours .4fttglph.TZ t sueStion, have etutudou ria nee. of-mpa , et .Itefteratte - iwty ;0, tottit n tl9sll! ti i tt i lkg itseetteiteisnetei tce " r se 'V•aitL 4"wses t .3 `.:' a l tmitto u l t itu ni !,, r iv raus'Mhtri: 1 , 1 4 ' %,; fi;*.th.iiVatiiiit% - v l / 2 iirottrigok..: Asetune# ou r 41111 s It Alai : ....M.,'', , ,. , t,.. , 1• i.Z . , ,-. i ' *um . - litPetttaffirtla u tl• •'t ! - "'- = • '-.. • , ‘, ' Ileictii* , t Meeiiit'4ow4l . 4t.e:;isA'iitue rt e; t. .7• •• ... - dall a tit ' - ' 4 _ta w ._ trtraa, t ar2s ~.._ ichobtaitintl;don for Itteln#lllnet ritfitn! -- o ... , Exiiliban Into been onutintnAlAntrtZtt Peteft , ••..tir efe . • . , estueeeutenet, et, lit , , 0r ,, ,,, I lliillAt t a tr entl4 l lA ti rlirlieSON' a t7i sAutAlt.Zratet , lif' 444, 41,..,PNV awn; eogre,okedlee t true by lotus Ittuo t onTri, wen* tuersteueoueela. u uettuoul sieei be i u .• 'lnitial equ,se eoeula t t i tglitee tmeAqutteet;utat , teve _ oteur Emanuel ~. r' , 74 ;1401 11 1: 1 1Mtop - $ j ptetteat -delighttof . 1 . 414 144 14,. .4 " 1211 140* `-' 41,, 144 V* A!00 wore 4 sirieitii*siiiii. ,: ,:.' :r.i . " .. • • ~ • -:, „ , —.4llll:thieJoutzutl eamei•'..• '' ' ' '''" ".• • :' ''' ".''' ' t' Welite-intitrukod utast the, rerutt of the primary; errt ilgsla rdistr a eltAlret rat i rk ak rss ili y, Adsl/o.oiliOrp,Mt4t• new , 4e, et,,touuss. s, ur...-. . Itteee, eve mute*, leoiteetiue pr. Metahute.,,, 1. , ' -t-Testetett,'s meidefial aloof:es, arliki tartwrittert M.D. after tutkaante r li n timt eity.wite impunity, did Me . Mem Mai iit eV .7o .11 - .16 ON. FeittlVl hill 4 sad e of Anse Motor Intel , Ones Wilir ousted' set In trist; Women door not tolerate say tad reg u lar praeititi ‘ onr . S. : rellerr.Terk,V974B.,"" - 7: , ,- .1 4 - 7 ."" --" '' - 1...:17/0-‘'ForLi 'otetteiptement : Omar,' telegraphs? feent•Ptietesel , -, ~ ,5 ' ..',-- '. 1" , : ' - . kielook the'itlll4ldtittil sited:vi hive to the , Non. einem Clisperos ' or fienov i =a,. t is Irma it; fr Ur.= k . ,.. 1 iv"arierfetiorritit' ett___4 o 7l; l Id" ZlMMAbins to 4em.. IR say eet4 sit oommootione , re tumid WillitiLlafk! ' - , ' .; 41 / 4 1 b!'i,X*Ii;:pt gouth . .R4l_ he, Hiiis., - lieli: tSteitieletthiceieutheitett tif thi,gri th Ssidieg old, i 1 114 1 7.OitP4.qiC"rri4k'jtil.r.fitteTje„ltt'fehout ' A. nth fel 1141 ,14,1 41 thh!,•‘, , It,al'inoii espripig,for dint ittilinitit: . :1* :::-_ ` : : .,.. e, . __ 1-Mt..C,W. Ceinfijoolt, en s*Of ;ilia merit either iuMesse.ictilutodireekumete. be. berteantlted -to , fist Alto.rlet&tnt mat in cor:zi with'. few plaristlietisehmerfmt . whotele tul lo *Proms ttlit a aw i nta l esta r a r ow: , l , , •n true st i—,arbefotokatmor swoop. loyat id* hold : ti tiji , '"ii4igiliii is*'-Mian4C'Ateliii.l o .lfitetudik•Se :1 1#0,' , ,W, 1 , 1 ,#4- ' •ti 4 t; 4 ..'', t* i#ll ` . ' ,tit ' , 'kap. 0- tiii • : lentbeiurentlinv , &eh 131tuidlevef Mtoelott, y (l,jekWei,d'Xiii.%,;Sittiiitoi.oaiiiitiew;-a•Vetizi6ni-; 41 bAtiltkilitliieflOtitt: lOW Moittihith'Stuie;. end"lie-eotleepte; Mirtecot;li si litreM - Point, or teratatiticti. , Beititer Kettaitifhae • taiiiiied tti • attlourd.' ' Joe" Lune; elt ',Oleirolt; 44 MOuivitt,'ol, .iiiigiiiiiii,:ire edit : chi ViehtiAtett, ',"•fieustor Bet -1,11?•;'ig Li. *l4lo;:it,"iti.,,eilltetitte,' ' ,hettetcli ill'imol 2ll- is ityMptst•llthttig' 'eta Ifig!alt, . of 11#.,:ii44411604;Atili r , •. :, - - ' 6.k:, ; 1 , ;ik84.L.• NEWS. Fawns- in • Picruaite.-,-.:—We suppose that More frauds are practiced proportionately in the cetera pictures, than in that of any ether foreign ertiole, tiquors not ezoepted. Large sums of mo. nay are expended every year in this country for pictures which are 'faint" represented to be tho work of distinguished artists. Avon pretty good judges are often deceived by vendors who have opt.' of some well-known painting of a living ar tie, and who pretend that the copes were made by the, artist who 'painted the original.. One of ' the New York papers publishes letters.-from Merit, arid Frei% French artists of note , disowning go* pies which had been offered for sale, Any 0 0 . .1 purporting to be from the author of the original should be viewed with suspicion; for good artists do not often repeat their works. bows of them Gait hardly be persuaded to, reproduce • their pie. tune on any terms. . Wm Eumalloorms,• sister of-the British The-Consul at Cities, her lived for several years In; Byrii, and ' deloribei the Drusee as "more thoughtful, intelligent,- inquiring; • and --spirited" lherytheir,Ohrisilanand hiothen neighbors. The :D4nfilli; ibis lady NV, -Are oiever • and = industrious' agriculturists; and' appreciate home and peace ;" but whin retard statinite inveterate' end terribly 'ffeiroein war. - Oldie latter saiirtion its have had ample-Iproof • coesennieg . the :former we should like Wheys ionte 'stronger • ',genes; than the tes tirbenY of ' a' lidy — idle tidbits that "she had a lithrty ,11111601nli in. many • Dmia family," and who would-probably-have 'raid as much hi fiver of. 'the filaronites at: shiPhM said of. thaDiviecs, hid' ebb *MAMA Mitailia. from the former the sane hospitality. , • frii.6:Asi - D,rksiiirisktisily ' sit tie reigi 'iil;OhirhityVl °Vihanti; Ober time of ifenry I.V hpEngtand,) the muck king (Charles) 41Iva a • nitride, in which blitteeif and Are outliers a • theffic pieties to imitate satyrs, by *over - s - ' Mieed,' - btidiattilth , Olees 'Dean - habits, which WADS weierthew besmeared with teeth, on ' whipli &Piano stick at ' , ova: , . 0114 of - the-Coin putsi y, Wag teoliti,lateheik one of these satyrs With A Shie4,4 o 9ll,4o.i4cYWarP _4 111 104 111 Crile the -- pa , namit, Was, MI. ma. ica ' MOON ce Waifs ;wotivislopect:isilisiziaultirfistaasoitslyi'f.tfour . of Ithacan died hiumsdivitelt lad She: king '.l ll tver Yeaoir"-the ,4 101,44.A00 ., 1 4 1 90.0a :bi ;,. ..•sowlieAtraiii.—exalignani's -Measenr' - - . . ..._ c .__ id'eri' - -4torridatet - of , August 4,, aye: t'i' The present' :weather is coat tuttraordisary for . the season; and • t qcwitaight taidlly In that Incteed of be; tt in tbe dog days we;Wi(riat the sitter 13ePteit;' `. - tie ,ItigtiOen Later' hstAbe cumin: ,:ffiiiiii,:fell,l three data 'gest 44aimper,- in Brittany, and on the tales day the samelhenontonidtrii - oWetatiblitit Lyons titaiiii ether patient:Aetna.", '„ ,. - l en Polo3lll* Co/40 '''*:lTil IfitsTimartits, Is sitinitailitall noi•haibeen Comniuni- Ai :tithe BUititffie ' t• that the only pate r'%o eanintarait in the.Phillininithdands Ire Ifitailkallnikaalla, and •Ziana ' and ki#ll44l3 wifi - tii i11 t r, 4 4,1 4 '4kr , t; 0 4 a Idi ' t,t trade -, with.Jalo Or e ports sidirent ~ 4 aiiiiiiiiislio:itiii iiisiiii: mining:off in ,th slave population in WeStern, Prginie:"' Th ey tar* _Wog rapidly sold ilia removed south:.The latch* of the seam ef - Wood, bounty show a heavy all 1 ibioLin the slave •prptdsdltor• - • - iuid 'ifs tots itta • the snits of Cabel/ wowety Slob shows only slaves and ten free neve% against ' 289 slaves • 'Oa eight ft ** MM. IR OK. - , t , 1, , I• . Liu . ' ',..- rr gassaebnpette,'ltt Welstet 'county, they hire a lido . wkgehlis untiv.4ll4 , for sensory and twder.---tdicaeltdr difficulty Is , how to get there 1 ot that -the way la net-plain enough to hones Irand oxen, but to men it Is difficult—the reesbn t,a be g that %billycan:tot protesuriee •its name. A t many people. •have nearly aseomPliohed the ' kjiiit e: in, ltui - „ oava . rtgalrat, :- # Li - c oaled lloke ffibaulitinagangrunawg,„ , :,,t i• t--• ' ' ,- , • ; therlt4'ziow — gioirleg iii 'the "garden's of ic r i - nesr Olegtestrus-, Rogissii,;sn extra iSigrj'irbite iiiiii trisObirty feet in ItoOt.' It Wapsofoirtlistiiri:o4A iiiiftst!id'4o 'WA' irreenlikeffiksiol:2o leelbleieesiir4;it= being 1 / 4, rsll4o4 o e, iiiiedAs: bu k o n v, u , , ,lii ing WA off a wlioli Imp* pogo, we Iv lie In fol sir • leis f f 4t; Sell reacm tti's spiesiodeor it . . • Nitutim;e4rpes 01 Coolies; zunbeilnit, 4.4ven lel 447 gfrintylioigto', in ail, hive' reoeut/y, 'la ed atefisvartit ) tTitoy roe hula at ftutr to eta .4 ttrorto•`toruttr'salOvizt7:an"elittt'Stri'.con uurt- Tagt-iWk.•t*lCVittc.rszt ttissi to four ti itred donors mit. ~y+;'," PturAci - EliAtidtia 6 Y et ow s eii at ' '.lXliefiiille, tr: .11 , on'thirlithinit, *knife - of E: o:l3llMati l 4ho w littletti iif iveindowtiwas- streak in tliti.fice by • 11 kitting, the ileitV leaving:a. bleak mariClinder : 'th tifyi.tiorsci die lilt' lids of her WY', and 'WO." i t An Iliiiiiiiit se tiatailikaa. , •.: _ ';-• ' • •-, i 114.1110rit 0 - AY*TAvEitii Disrseitii.... B It's TivornoreU , known trial" travellers in Ken ' ky;:eithefaotafortable. stoning. place foiXl4l.-• 4 toy m Mammoth - Pave, hes Wn burned dowp, irrX 7114okirtnds'upon 'the - 0144dt fromit'Arerf nation and _oonntrylayx enjoyed Its' imaipitality, andill-win 'regret to hear of its destruction. - •• - ParPfilififilill On UM 'British' neeit were an-, imams and fearful last year, daring which pa lots than 1,610 period". perished. In the - same time 5.832 Imes were saved from wreaked vessels, many of ,them by_ fife boats, with flitch the goad of Eng land is wen supplied. - Wm queditities of ten-dollar gold pieces have been gutted' end filled with Vette*, so that much of Ibis coin in circulation is endow,. The Treasury Deparnalmt has ordered two million gold dollars-of the older coinage -to be reooined into higher denominations. , Many millions of this use less coin are in the Treasury. 'As ' Eastern journal says :- Ont of several hundred otimmbrioned officers in the 'army there aro not more than fifty, it ts said, who have been appointed from the ranks; a' studied endeavor be ' mo d e to prevent such promotions, exempt in rale and extraordinary populous for unusual bra very: Taxitotal number of 'persons who visited the Griat Eastern, during bar stay in New York was &Wed 160,000. , , The visitors at Annapolis num.: beret' not Jar ' from' M,0(10-4 t- total of 1 70,000, which; at 60 oents• a' bead, - would make her re• eelpts for sight- seat 8 89 , 0 0 0 - • . .. . . E.,W A .PiOnitssof Roiwidh, ConieC,ii etwai a pannier by the steamer Minimlan k w tont test Bebriary. His b o dy b oo j ug bein.rtdovered from. the wadi, and. Identided-by pet , enierhiott were 'foand ott It. - It la to be taken to Nobviohlor , he NtiAttpti,p r ity 'ten:44W Ayalliat' imor,forg****Sibtiebai whortiebertinshirt.b &ea thtetontedniAitl,o!!6 apondonhat o d, 115,000. ;house 'was sett on Ar.i.:4witiquilatind all Merle iere , it We jli#,AtetietAt,!o ii . ieffoinfit to mike - - Tune- of -plill000Phy• Liffrr• - Or.rtllTEßst - USIAItNiNG- 'IN 1 the PXILADILJaIIA . PO 4 Yrrgigir .. li ti t % l l ! I 0 .. e11.13n li , Al=„ausys Wilt wino etitimithri & o the at . • Of 'Olook A M ' i di to ' non anodes triThite 0 A. aan 1 11 , ntlreWsilisiii I, na s t rF r * lll .. - 1.... 40ir1ii Oli; 161 r. i, l=drone Leah r‘ lors el Ann Moor. 0 JMrs hel Phmhe Pea ' ilftantnanl* • . ltk i reltil Min Abets Oarrneus a r4it y ti mi luilg, Troy Cath P adonis 0 K • mire Eleanor H. ' Ademeon At Mrs Harrison E Ninio_iii,4llre , „,„ •Abbey Hattie Hems 0 l •-• : • i s lorWm.o.-511ealt 0 Alien-s h im.-,- , Repairer Rachel °geniis Miss, 1 Melt Mr- •,`,- r Rat . 1,1 ~ Soul Mrs i `Denson G Mrs , a illapnah M -Nlehimic Jennie A -13 "" MU/ A ' arfall MMY.E . '" . trverighine Cath .flallentinef_ „risky Jneerlee O'Kelly M* 0 , 1 14124 Hainkart IS Aire i sest'Amm • •-• IFWelltAnir• "-- ' Bennett Anne wrier, ,-..- Qild V *dila Renton Mar t y pd A itardey•aus ', tui Control Jane itifErrd Pane l iah lif kantrkir.n 2 - 'f 4.74 0 . rmig nI. HaileyE J Mrs Aserrison Har ry I Peters...HMAa Baer line. . Alba A , ... _-Peall AHmu _ llyard Honore 'Earns Busan Ildrepitiir e ter Nary L 110:rfitilti •§:fterottri4r;-.-4kgrzo#BllT: l'aigriteL Atmlitiri'... itcirriTtitrsel 'Planes ksiri!Mirb Haile Ann Mrs • 3 , attereon W Mrs „Horatian w V alit Meteor ' oft, Euynia Sodium 012 , ,Be ovules ME , Plumei l, .r.drs , i Brawn .111„Mrs • • HartimmaryoK Etude i trig • -Thick Garonne Hamilton Isabel Poulin ladle 'Braley Mollie ----Hiles Mman-R lanced WS; 'Bikaner Mary #owerd Hate . tea ?Ark Brown ,ii, J ohn ollMen ItMlials • • otter 11 A Ks ' Mrs Woes R C ~ Pur•iffi Bahia • soma L la opsik Belle J ~) Reed Margaret Brantley Theolik utokialtin J 0 Raymond A ' Mrs cools JP ~ _ Ralston Prank Brody. Mary award Spann , Mre ~•• Badness Mug% olman Ellen teem Charlotte Braley Mollie_ Humes Jape MU Reed Caroline K Benton 0J ' }Maley Adaiintal• Riley hire i Boring Mary B Butner Mary Randall E B Mrs Briges Sarah Hopkins r Mt& , „ ed Liazie . htre Smote S Iligartg,gmft-, trNn,, , ,tr oz y- A0 at.mberi,.. Ann Hudson Kai' s, A Brignolds Fairy • thstopbell Clara ..,_ reran Claie Mrs 1 Eulogy Elata,„ - livn_ungn Mars, untek'rui. - : Rem 8 Et, . 1 C er ammo i, nursed John Mrs Rada Mitt Marne bilge , -Angara Minnie .... Rudolph Annie • Can in Letitia Jemmy' Miriam Rrsigare Balite • Culdwoll John R Jackson Caroline Roberts fillsret Queey,Cath 1. -, :lefties lillan A,. immojt o rd, ry i „,.. „treat Marg t -WWI Ann airs' •Rorie Lents pith' ,C es Elizabeth Jacoby Louis Mrs Ilflay Mine CI by Dolly Jacobs Grace Oribritey Annie L 'O 9 i tnet i ole a gra r oggi -- §9 64 %f i t tli ti - - I , ciaTt ii ,,,., „ _ ones y,,-- , ; midis mimeo 'Clarkibibiedl ' clak MY A bheltori ahoy • Crowther Elig'bb Obneton B D Seott Emms a Celmn Mar 't Kernel Emma Short Ludler antteesarim Z . • Kennedy Mary , .nhaelepin Tilit. - cobena p., , , ititti Rebstara • Steam Mary rot • Commons Lucy Katie Hannah BMIII .EM I Cavorter.? Alum tailHankiab B. it A Mrs Conoord John •• lth AT ,-- ,-, r Smith SWUM N Oa kidthril hum Rachel Smith T W - c iiiirdi Sarah E Keyser Sarah A Smith Mary 'C nmell Morn A Kauffman • W Smith M Mies. ffee litatet r. Kimball Id A- .: ~. Smith Pattie Mica Cambridge Mary Leavy E Cimino Mei toface t ~ Griner, Maly - • Legektbaftlis A ntoris Kato 0 011 et Madera* I,pillp y,annit_ i B Sea 1,.? , , away Mill ' Tin Fe e 0 M Mater MA Mrs -de Bettie Longsworth 8 0 Black MMy Idles Odx Oath— - - Dedeenkte Miss - Stevens Ann Mrs ' LiabionEhms, Lan:Merton Ann Sylireater Maggie A.larthr Bahia ' I.,oges Rare Btone-Antelia hire be Haven Mary Litigant Mrs Spencer Palen I. D vis Barak it Lockwood El BOWL. , ilsa Miss . 84 ron j itrar hel : "Lewis VTl°4 t - IM:ea& n Davis l Mary y Mrs Lewis Mary , M MOlkley Cecilia . noun Harsh a Limb Bridget B weeßtij Aln 'roman Mara% , , til t i=lsti t Rem • Berl Bell , - -0 a C it Dewitt M. a - Elliebeth ~ Mrs 07'e Anna 1 , lemma Ann Mre Deck Rachel -tip ailoti J ,/, , 1%4118 • 'foherty,Pist Mrs - Dant E .- Y sr Y M'es flOaltng Man is eiblllgtoll Itt cdomons 0 Mrs Denwo t .tb saran awton unto M. etit.rmati Lingle Oyer Loggia .1 A MOM/taus Annie ~ p ornamhlys 1. A Oggion miss Mo bawd Mart nurlOw 8W Ma o,_tinohoe Jane McGinnis 'gab Talley B A Miss r.Vivan Ellen Meet'', Eleanor Toniskins,Bll/ n i y an it, 0•a • McFarland Mate 7 hangars Ali ' Poughety Letitia MoAlhiner M K _TindellMirelt E • Doherty Cath , MethaVlEHlme Traoma ,iter t wr it toffing Deo H. B moßride Sarah Toth lielerrtibie idal Maly tOnClintoorki. [rasa „meg onarby Martha fliv.lay BK Ma bdmas A Miss ,•ousbu t rite ,111.8 1, dolltal 88 - ',..... MIAOW StigVi ~ ' oriscol sty nu dy Eletino , ,. MOO 8 t,S Aries Filiot ..... i &Jane MoColloil S Coy v 4 o togoanr* rat. Ethos R ' hicOoman.M.E ker m a rrey7 ka,,e .e. M,s MoGowan M A T horp Milan mid 'lWards /math Mocalhantim a yl or y en . , , .• .ond , /rine L • llta _ Van Block Ellen • may, Ebb.% MoCann Itabella•Voneot Wallowa _Farrell Rachel MoCone Jane N Vanven _I Jane trillium Roißlie All DAVIS) Mary White platy 14 Fryer Win Mtg. McCoy Eleanor Waters Mrs Forrester Mrs MoCaffry • +name ;Ward Kda pl. poker molt, m uo ggy anti•Mteyyjiiie histlida Fallen;Muria . , Mallon• mi. - • W alls AMilie Flanagan D L - , Mls2(ett Phoebe B West Mena Anna Frame y Atinm , Mand Rossonah, Wade,Hanesk. • Fiord N vire • Maken M Wars Wiiyey I. w.i• •pl et i e y cash Waren, Milan WatAtalarl Fort Martha W - Marble iilla. . . Womb it i Orman • lisab Mass Marl ,A White Kate Foster Ivo Mr?? Mahoney J Mrartreir mar r , • Fallen Oath Marohment 11 M Welles Oath Fletcher Minsk A Miles Mrs _ Walker Hattie' vermilion Joseph Miner N.M. Mrs w e .t,,,,, m ar . Elegise K M Miner 1044. • , Wilepti P lizabeth Ga ba i t Annette i'• titles 0 mar 'l9llµinp G A ,_, Gibonoy Sarah I Moisten Sallie Wilt Margaret 0 Graham if Mt ore Annie Williams Mita (Meese /mobs Murphy, Kite Wilma LiZzie Gardnier /Mut Monnted , inside Williams M p Gray Juliana • Momis,aroline Wright Mary A Glens Mary Mooney Bridget Wright Aria , traem ors Myeris It Mrs weeds Wm H Gorden Mary re °ailing Wm MrsS Sara hied h • - 0.E104 4 .112A1EN , 8 LIST., Adams &Co Ellernan /Allen Krems, Erwin & Amos Frederick Eberhart Edwin Co Allen John Q Kleneworth .1 Killian H AlonghtPOO W Elfrith James Killom E Alumna.) .8 Earls Hugh Master PIA, 11117 SM on , Eggrjtirt M I Kaeedlet Jesse Pt Ga - King, Pe nnock & Adams &Co I 0 tural Monthly Co Atwell Geo Earle William King T Ashton Thoe Eadmok P 0 rni KramerFrancos Aahmead Geol. Ae! Win Kirby E Anderson John L Eddy Richard /Undid! A Agir Harry & Eggert D Knight Pa F I/ Andre 0 Eomoliffon W a 2 Kramer G Austin C BA lbert .8 0 L e e r I; w Armstrong ,I 111 Inds Jotin Lacroix Alph Atwood Fred !well Wm Landreth L. 'Armstron El vane &co torrenee F & Co C Bailey F F Evan "pi , / torten Alfred Baum Goo W Duals B W ws Chas" • Ruler & Brown 2 Evans C bane 8 C 2 'Bostiok Chas Eull Oen La %realist •Banker Jas W Emerson . Co Dr Lamb Chas ,Barnhlll Samuel Everett A 8 ~ Latham 8T Baldwin Edwa • Erre & warner . tamtsteh Chas Bailey Jae E naland 0 F Laser D 111. •ilaymd Chas f goatees Merman, Loughlin Jos We i n , W u 3 ;taller L a n a % Mon la ltr i lY Balbridge 8 anuriat Geo W Levis Barclay R. r%ithart V' Fanntleroy A R Leedom is -- a n y,: , fowler Bann L 4•41.11119 Jobs_ nett J - easier Jo s eph Lever W w Batley Andrew endlean Chem perverts Loon Baird J R. itch 0 I . Leer Ocittfred Banal F R Fletcher Addison befr P braham aeon syloester Flake Jams Lewis Annan . nrsow Deming Peter Leach fit W Col rry Jes It W Frtaparrak Jan Witt DB . ~ ilium _ Zuroner van lobby Imavt_it .7 1 I ~..,uu,A o Henry wisher Qentß .vittle John Y. Bennett John Eisher., l tt,Sl pink WM 0 Bergen Thoe Elettaligi inillo .aindiray Torn Re s ew, Bl' Fitter mann Ir:inept &.. .•.11 - iii•it ?heo F . D'a Ma Oill a rnes Philip " iteadrald rid Lock bi t4htei n il Ejector. ti '' Lundy Jag nder Peter Fenster Arthur w peter k Haddon Flattioh George oiler Alex tot Jas , Dtab Robt as. , data Jae USN I9Ven/0411 ' citahlfor4e ' 0 Sand. W iekleO .• ~,fvdecoll it 0 Lynch Wm fee& Win Ford John Lo ait nil 1 .., w p 3 Freaky James ht 1...0yil Win lin, Williams, & ForaMairelter Lasenback Rev Ca • &NIB? win T* W H Blom Jr A 'Fuller if ht LOWY WR tythe J E Poster B P, Lonoin. SlObditLir /Pillion Thomas montsp'y No 19 Bina ins Forest Bobt P 4 Jones Div 173 ,Boyd & W P ause Joie E Hancock & x Sitti Boyles Albert 0 Fulforth B. Love- McCotun r wetenslayer 0 Hat , m c c...1 1 B ik w ort jp, Foy dl r. • McAllister W 0 Bolan James ' Pam r,s oCowly Palk B o yl e wD , Fundy &00 leCebe lambi Bderers Christian Purnert & Co olievittHentl Booth F H . Fou written:l Ate Coy John BOwer Arthur . 'Gangs Mons L • loChtre les Robfiehl V V Gelladigy_Mr i ~, oCloskey Jae .Brown Jr Win N Geddes Wm otdosh LT rown lasi" Hartley Band It ' 0 Ems Thos rewn A Gandy B B • . , hlo =my Day r ow n John a Catohz 0 0, MoHmory John /lawn Jae H ("eon Witham yd e ciena s m in y eirown W 8 Gamely. John Mall/sun J 1,, Brow, j Silas Oalhtgimr iEli MoGowen Philip Brown HAD Geyer .1 H Mobluilen Dadra a r oma. Robs a Geckle Chan W Molntivs apt, Mliwne SW George It A Motivate re Br (116614'n Gil Ingham C McNeal til • a l T , (ten 0 it, Gerardon Mons J McFall of Kobt tit grinlars Sginer.gligok, iigV,iivta - , i Brow W in , oti,„laki Mr ig:blirilltr trims win , Gibbs John D Mobturnsll Reich rooks 1 , titktin Gilmore Thos IC, %oVelfh Ilk Bryen 8 8 Girton J& 1 D °Leroy tts Brainerd I N Gilbert... Nola . &nee k Bro - B r o g a ns H p rilaVes_Arkly Madden lee Bolger John Mn Gleason mr emir KJ Bunker WR 2 Orton J P ann F Burr Deverre Goodman it C o• Meilen An Burn Bur John', J B i m ane nib e C intro Dr Gould Samuel Mahoney ]ohm F Butler Win Goodwin Chas Mason h. Bon Butler B Y Botcher A& G Mayotte a cp_l Eurnhami Plumb Graham Tints i a A r taroOrie Wilt • & CO, , Game e lse, laury Joe fltr • Burns John Orals B klity A T Huts goo OrOnitt Geo,Marshall Isaac , Butcher Wm Dreads Jag T Meson Jae M. Bosh. Gale &.11.6-13rinelde I T Maxwell Arle'r bison Griswold Nelson Maxwell J 0 Heir Caulk 0.7 Orißin lino , Marlin yr' A /ger , r, jy job lillay.Wra Mandley Iljoherd dwell lan 0 -- . 1 _ , ... , y Rear: Mithefield RUM a eler3l,l Bo , hies u ~ iiiiiTnltru - - 8=47 1 ,311 p K ( j r arie r t iv Pioup &gra, ," flerep. Howe. te - Craves & co Robt Martin Cleo 2 c o Grove Y IL,. Marren Thus Carden El 3 - Greenleaf Ji 8 Matiand, Phelps, CalzedeeD F F.. Outfox Chas &Co Cassidy Owen Gotham B R ?Behr 0 W Cameron I I "Hall 0W es Bro Mears Jno W Cameron 11 RatilMner 02 Medea°. Jno ceimbbell 'as B Hooker Saint 2 reuniter Ch Cadwalader It /tableau W PMellon Was carder 0 W Rains Nat W Janet Semi gravirikyVE / lagini:hl2s Miller 11 1) 2 Dr Venial J u • Rases Saml Middleton & ,Csrmin & Dob- - is ine,Thoil itarmolle ._ oina Mummy Gaialno Miller otua_D cagey. John - -Hanson OJr LI Miller Jae w Chase CapA E B raw Ota A ~. tweet' Geo 0 OtEstnut mush Attu henry lumen Geo w I ldtarebertesn H A sine. nth W illenorWlK Da Non Bart Abraba,st I. itlitobstßow'd , Ohmobev David Barrie & Solomon Mines hn Ghee ,i, Dewlaps a ! Mirka el A garter= Wes LH Bandy John M ler R T ;Mania Lorin's% soden Dr • Miller Jno I! chipman - u B , = Artli,ollß II Moyer 'Peralted Chapman klaml. amakaker M P Moore Thole w Chase k dward B &theses W ' Moody Bli i Onaslam W Jew awleg WB. Moon A R g Clark •• el art risme Monteith Geo C oiymok m g ar hoe 2 /0700:1 All 2 w /.. Cles Samuel rt I dolly Baml Clenderum vi , D art & Bros core G it Rev Clay yli M • awhesley Jae Moore .c W . Clean' Mer li n aye A II Morris .1 It Clark A T Harris Gad H Moran J T Clark Joe R "P art Baria Moore Ellis P Clark Chas 1 Herring w J . Moore Jos Clark Richard sternum W & Bro Morgan Jonn Clement W W Henry Chas 0 Morton A W Cardona)," Geo ileath J Money John coeittin A F earn Jay morrisei_ Joe Cart John M. erbert Jam ppm wm Coloart Austin N Beath 0 tiler Mukhl Conway James Head E it Murry Cooper Collins & Allen Holston J 8 Murphy P Coplt Jae NMeitrf an Pi ia r rleMl Cotton ii eta: rryEdwd J Cooper J H ershel semi Muttland Jas Clodman Henry Bill ACo Mullen Walter El Collins a A Button J &cob Munn R F Costello Wm Rilleronne D Mumma B Co I Cooper Basins Mon Cleo Niokerson Reek' Conroe J - a tlll3 1 Neon ine E Cowles Frank - oplunsDr MC Newbold R 5 ConrtnepPatriok Weed Lewis Ii Eminent Wm T Colbert L owag R. II Pfloolson & Prior Conroy Orly Howa rd KW „ hanaanto Might Crawford Geo W owa WHat R A ortis. HatnetOn Corns L owell W 8 Maori 0 T Croft Thos ir I Rearm R.W Nash It RI Cunningham IHogan David Newark H. Croaker L B award Richard .Nellson Jacob op: m en Time oily Lewin . Nett Harry H. Cummings Jos °lna F E Nichol, John Cross Edwd • allows" JIM II Nerwlyeuß 13 i CrOoken Tll Roner....Jeremish Owen. Robt, - Bale Cannumham Pat 'nee Thomas OsbOtirit it, Curtis tuoT 8 tat Joseph oimne Harry fii e sracl i t e W -W- Vira l ro n ai l itg 8 ' 47 n'ir h oli s • Bails WV " grttorAn . , tivAhr. %lilt ' ' Davis F 0 • , .p i ranal i g Ty 1 , S t ngi r l4 o , 3 J il_. Dim Chas 3 , • Day wit Ivey &•11 , 0 O'Neil M toli ' ael c o n A dews Aar o n O'NelllE i• % l ei Be a l , ir m kgli.l FI ase Respire/ L MCA Mots Jacobi P. Jrvairei Reny • Delaney „ler Jet:o J, _ Panoomit at. 'DEtats etriet &. erten/a° son Pr A at ler , *ford Tian Vie Jos 9 Paskey Wm it monde Math Johnson Jag W Peeks Beni - sun Jae F .Johnson leaner I Patton Wm din MB. Johosonllev T T Paddelford Capt aeon Chas T ionise Jan 0 • Paulding. B 0 Denning E Mown & Com- an Wm ,kleylin Petri* , war 1 •-Pal mer &i Dr I, neettr(Jaeon K. Jones Bed j iley endleton WH Dams- Jones Et A HJr reden iota% P Blgo u' i l O r h ., ' .J 'b ri " BD R 14Z:41 ex . I 0 E., o Won Dopey it Ft n 'ffJohnson Mr Ferris! Jno , prially Danl. Joyce Dr Dios Fs hive Wm i astral Jon., OA. „_.,„, ~ arrit Jno P 2 " n l e a lly ll-2 42711 - it a v ro l iin g f. j". , g g ritlr t go p D" rr Emily amel a. • ' essly es F riii ' : iigni,ll/1' , 05rigillis otimtri orsi rano , Minh/ Feel root & , uposn , ern to, El aere Dunn It W ' -- env/only Jab ' PottEliotrard .1 , Dnik &cg i . hi _ effer JCI . otter -Matlon _ "ATM I°.' •:, :MT ar iv I gormoll'Ettrai . P4Ka r e. ° LiVit s s Zip,..r e • f graillerd -1 ttfolVlN 0 1;r8 4 .4; 44 ~isltt:Viv oats,this year in fiheary. It is ve Wallas to the it two 1113108 30,000' Asa leer, In pie:ether.. thWareur for 4/weds 'A the ii." 47 in iriin ttita ir l'o C ti e tt *l nt Y ry :4 .so4,oooolleari , o*idi'otptidt . ; ra UAL AUGUS+ 20, 186. - vrftis. o,- :paskirviic!.' v ftlfriu i i i ° Otim mb re ar gA l " fikl ib r '''.7l - ',21,241 j o b Hai ° lon Itirilfit l r, ,rr MI r- , Strev 114 ncr , 1 al :Innate 102 floe Jag 16 In t ag !mono rftlrtgiTiollt l it l iiii t i t i 1 j ,,, , , : 13:inn! te a sir li P r e e te d ..,,, Be rm t r h_B q ra ... y Vln n oe u n uou t r ir ed k .. T. Pummel) Arnold Smith Istin kA 11 aver Gorge Handled win A Smith h. Vandane Jae 1., geyser Henry amithugulgly, , 'ram 1 lieodote Rowanit Chas Dr Bmlttl'alln, ' ming Peter Rattler Hst Snow Israel IA gunmen J C t .., littaelin Col A Bomere Jis meg & Mar an Randall Edrahnd flonr &ell ' '..,, 4 2 202 2.0 B.P Need P, achy rnth ' niter ino n Men Chas Berme , ' A wane Benjamin Minya 48 S p ann Henn Wall Patrick Reeves . 1, C Spencer George Watts Moses Rhoden Faint A Return °barite ;V i alyer o Vt J.,, ~.. fterretf4 s ßM Part i irilVeY Watson 'il.l4l ' Reed V D trio tonjm a k tkuis A ,Edved Rey nolde Jae M. /Striate. WO'. ' !Patent thim- Reineardt WH. kto ely hi _Wogs glebleJnn Btrofel & tm Onaa w %titans Joe 8 Richards Wm Streeter A J Walker Se Brox 8 Richardson Nath !Rote Charles Weetwelt Wm P Rinds BL 1 , , Haman Wash .'4eflierill Edw . Ray Joteph 'Ptorret AX2 elipt r iJ Reilly Patrick it:Adjure RelitY _inn &theft Rowe ChailE Menet et W Weet T orinok Rolm'' , Aunty ~, Ribjey Ciho ~,„‘ ilitltar 4 Bon 1 RoVins & tiO terwart ilc,ti n e i r l iames R VIII kt i -It4 gilt '- --!!.-: Lt.A.Y.d t. Rawl% *nee Brill' Barlei irriA , b Roberts MEr ' a rl rig_ Mob b d Milton 11 Rienbanm M &Co Bnyliteionse - - -i r • RPPA 5 ii a2 l ,l., l erti:l ' ar4 8 grp l iMa 9,6 ' / WiTirden laic A newt, *al Buddingtonißerk White Charles Rowapd Chan 0' Baas g ea A ;Whitln Henry Rohlhind h 2 Li Bon.hland Jan C' White Philip Rowland u t , roan mo m ' woano w Rookhil( .1 • , ' ; t6Eol6igi (:. -:EprOlkt Igit i ttiti Roes Jen An4lf Wm *eetatredGeNTOdb- Roliagon;ospOi erlor 01itledals no Taylor 8 T , Is ti l li t gi er. Rynn Jeremiah Taylor B 0 Charles Ryder Jno a. T aylor Jos6A il ) V6 'NOD; Carr &Co RiltherfordJ R ' emblin John 0 Williamson Win Rose cameo). wry Haney /Rhea ()herrn flootHenry 'Twin R42' ' 2W wolion.Jeoll Pitt Amos Taggart awed W Rutin iandrier Ela nline Jim Ts) Ja r 4De; , , W ilke Iterilamin Bo tte it bnia i Taylblr Maitieh. . Ilion P,Ut _ gi o tivitir t ibletenn Titr m Lit9l p elt , • i ir lir ti rin i iirt i or flogtt 'it • iato Aim , ,Xialt it'leith r tiatnnt,Wilt '' 1 6 h Llasii w i l l ed en 'C o sta% Beet, . g ! ' n r ti' ; -wnio n aTam a tokntr NT "pw' l! :rt.= AG vi , t , w,,te. Ch e a s yles wanton'-Ip.. r, . Thacker QP , Irian Win Been Eir , Tripentli7sit r . 1 2151 i' v erce! id 20 d r4 2 11 , ,,,Mr ROY :fi l itA t i 117 3 Z ' 1 mit a I m Be 'lirTama Nol , WKI , Ir 4 - re g e rf re liVr r A ' , Il eo lin A l it i lV 2 B itcrit b J b ßrian Reei Abealoni Tyler ) 0. 0 I 'NV W illi 'Shoemaker ray Trenolsard ft Wilson Win MOW Ale/ L, - Trimble Lai - W, i ward tr4 r°6l t ° r 8 7.. rnie P riVi r ti 317 ,..ini.:ilt U f h . .. fc ,. 1 L Ch a r en ~ . t 3 8h rd Abraham oor Nelson • .rooet 101111 Am , Shirley Paul K 2 Tobin Win Wornuiber OAI Bheuherd A 0 ,Tomblinebali i 3 Wood( if VT Roc BiPer w Towesedd Trios Wolf George A Bible! Joseph Todd Janleß a Woods Joseph eiggereJ 11 TreredwelLNiels Wright J H Rui:none J P Vaudykji Fred ) 'Wright Fred Singleton Caleb tittiok Peter Wright g v Bimpton R T liner &Co J L wyla John I Dr: B. BROWNE, P. Ilk ,PAbzWitiERS AlLEtrEir. • - 1 brig qsivert, Ogee tllerra Ltlub Mi6s Elisabeth Tearlor. cant Osorpt Vuor PIIIIONDBUILIMMARD Or TRADE. GS_Q ROL Anbani. 11.0141141N4Eir Commune or rui *Alma. B...mkt.D. , ' - • :t e lt the Ilfireht i n F TE t ehl i nV lS PA - iladreljThia. ......-lAvotpool, 'NM v tih k LP w 6 o.„, • =tant,i,D u r_an -•— _ Lire rgoot,Ooon ' r' tiggsgmt. da . na.. . --.." 0 out ego,. noon i r „, parfe1ei . ..,:,.....:: : ,........4.1,,,ra. soon I B k CL' A Bkm ..A1m0i5k...:......P0tt an Chiba. goon ti Ka u ye . 7 —,-... L n b.. H' : ' h r,lk 'l 4 a, T4 ,,,,,'° .- T..7. - ..... . • •_ . !.. 1 ..'4 . & . gfis o u l.:gooll sr g Apigi,gg goggagg:•••—•—•••••• o A rge,„... g n Bt g tilact tiquAll. Doug --,. .. t . , Lrit'raJ UV ON 1411LAJDEL.rkiis, Avg. 19 11M. tfUN as ' 17;-SVN 6 43 - • —••—•••• .410 ARCIIIO. , Ustosmihip fitats of Wont*. Garvin. 70 hours tram BavannahLwlth mdse and passengers to Alexia der Heron. Jr. FrldaP. PAW* north of Body Wand purled steamship Montgomery. steering south. Stesinitoialfeatiebee. JObasen,zehbors from N 80. vie Car, May 7 hours, with tads* sod fluktOtiliett to Jamer, - Ilderoftret lttal Noll& Altos t 80, Cohn. ftottt pottwate Btosktrater,W4jtespiar liVellatoyd k lins-, kitl & Co. Bark Devid Rirjtball. Unreal' 53 days from Leghorn, with merotedage; &a, to V A c earttin. Bark Oak, Ryser , 5 deli fr al Boston, with mdie to Tirane & , Brig D B Doane, Vestle,l4 days (rein Bt John, N B, vita laths. Ito, to B Bolton 8 Co. Brig days front Billsßdrengti, wit!i plaster to BA roadsr & Falk W ryfrfolt Irtiker, 'days from New Bedford, 'replant*. OP • •- - M at .vreltragn,' Nickerson; 5 days from Boston, with vulto CM ell & Longa. Boomer Beesrly. fierce, 25 hours from • New York, with maze to W M Send & Co. Steamer Vulean,Morrioon,24 hours from New York, with maze to W at saint & 70. Sloop I.VOOOn Clark, Martin, 2days (row - Cape May, with mdse to A Bl'homiygoa. CLEARED. Steamship Dedawayo, Cannon, New York, J /Older- MIN Reed, Trak°, et /Sip de Cdlia, Ser dadon tc Bro. Brie ',donne (Hgnoverian);Bottuticen. London, Work man & Ore: • . • . Bahr Ni nett*, Taylor', Byanalsi„N Btorpyr&at k Co. Bohr C W iimmesatoktweli. naverhtu, ^ do t r .sti i g, Fast, m e I,coMilakti aki Bohr bintokaon a & Up; c :- Ithr Geo it'eatitiriins, Weldia, Near edtord do Bohr gelors B. Bohrßohr Jena - „w iniaation, winamore. Bo ston, do tiohr L A mandedsowers alba!, lima" ) Bancroft, Levis & Co. ,- • • • , • .1 , t erreard Sonier; Pisbar, Boaton,Ye yindlory or & CO. Bohri.4.P IIEO-fMOI.AO BW. Baton, diabolist', Weymouth,. 'spoil., /none & Co. Bohr Z Stratton, Webb: West Newbury, Van S wi m Norton & go. , . , doer CF yong, nastmry..Tkomdstn, .B.A. no.„. de llto o tali & o onandonn,Bbioirnin,Proyidenoe, B Mikan aaht &Arnold, Yottdd - , Noitiloh, B. It Cottioi • . Sir XL Om, Iler, Bidttmero: A, Umtata,.Jr. tit'r 0 q Alger, Fenton, Alexanerus,lg Webriter, Jr. • - ' • - itlerreependenee of the PMbe&lshis•R•tlehauseo • - - • , LWWBB, NW Aug 18. This fleet left this harbor reeterdar evening lor their reepeotive deCination. additios to,tlioseheretoforer reportedl—Steamer Pioneer; harp. White Wing, bri_g_. queen Esther: ears 0 Leasers i Orarkci 0 Greiner. W P. eliartl i qe i w ita= f•Blows ttlasamoad,'M lt. Car- - ile, C I ...Bela sok, Allem, Jame. T Brady; B ooliey and sloop de. all or which lest at *even o'clock last evening. Wind W. • , . Roam Ito. --, , ,44. W.,SUOIMAX. - MRMGRANDIII. t• ' Bteamahip geriton4 State, Marshmari; hence, at Charleston - 1M Laski ~.. iisaasaasup Bamisirifroratese, for Ntivans via Nei,- sau.selled Dow New ork lathiest. , . Steamship City of Rich aimed' Mitohell, hence, arrived at itionmond 17th inst. • , ' Steamship Bieneeville,'Bnilook for Havana and New York, to et New Otleane 110 net. h ritsiemeluP • 9anabridge,,liowea. hence. at Boston Gi S b hip , N a . asiak. , Ro- • • . wland, was advertised at Liverpool nth mat, f vitus.port nth.. , • Ship Atkiteret MAIM, ftir Cane Town and Sumatra, eleatedet elis' orris.' 1111 t. Bkip 'wisdom, , Griot, Gout St John, N B. arrived at_Londcry tat t. NV_ Norton 6 ard, for this port, wasifiquly at T Varo' tgiAt h UsiiCtis; remained at louden hit inst. diso y , Bask .0,, c poultner, Benits, cleared at New YOrk lath {wt r Glasgow, ~. . ,• , • Barr Florida. mundar, limit, for .Cienritegos, was 'Poiret Pat iiip i r 0 /?, 0 7 / 4 30 . ' i Bar pit 0 apt" (r , rood, roni Calratia, ar rivedr,,,,w, po Ina set, : li ii ' jut; pm ,pleadernin, thidina, gaited from —al more last, or Niq"degalSoiro, • - ,-. . . • , ,- • • , in Brig Foiest gtoe, woke:, bozos, E °primer 13th Brig Ifelei•Birgesa, troy Area Bat, arrived at Bat - timore lath mat. Brit t Forest lAtatst , Crimileri henna, arriVirt at Gardi ne h i t, , SobrO r t, Vier"' Tracy, for PhilaiielpliM, eleased at NoW York lath Wet. , , i , Bebt - BI Lamm. Qon Gel, for Philadelphia , went to ar goi l l . t i Ottait 2 . 112:11 1 .411 1 114. 1t titinoo at ' Ale xandri a 17 t h instant. - • tschr G D kilt P' Shannon' Botrep. from Petersburg. arriVed,al, ,411e . kandria rith net, , . iti te6 l l4 l 3l.les toomn/Mll/0111, 4711/4 at, Wilmington, Bohr Davie Fruist,'Sioslander. for Philadelphia, clear edeoth7.l4salWAVritrliParolithel,"frot.m. ' New • C irirk,Mrived at Wningion,ls 0, 17th inst., . doltraNtizeilaileheosrieer Annie Magee. Wheis. , . ton ; J W Shaw, Cavalieu 0 id gangling, •Robigeon ; 1 F 0 timich...Bmittl 4101'CW/est, Bowdom ;mod . roan,. Cook ' kenos, for otlfankin, strived at Holmes', glo'e Atli' mining Ma, port s ,„ • , Sohn W U Battler, Co 4, hence Italian ; joseph Bottum itletherwe, do fur OlitlOtitha Mu 0 dam, Pier son. dii kr. ..Partunstelhi , sage, Nat credo tor blew - Orman Wa n d ;' ante: - do_frat tiallest • and Ste , light, Yora, do ,tor Portland ' , 'misfit at E.Ghtles' Bole um hurt._ • •, ..• . . . Bohr •I:Gitla, Q'Brami, hens*, arnved at .Nalifax Bth instant. . • . . ilohr.,W lanouter, Harlderlirol. hewn . arrived at St Jolhlial• 14th lest. ;• - , , 1 . , _ _. bottr W PMUM,,, Stevenson ' galled ler Providencia 17th inst. tor tbitadelphitt, • ,• • , ,„ -Or J , Petten,..rdaskell, Attlee arrived at Gardiner, eth inst. , i - • • ticer •iarsh Louisa,' ems., lumen arrived ' at Yarmouth lith Amt.., r Boh. elni 'City and Centurion' hence arrived it Newburiport. Mtn inst. „ ' lust Bohr W It Johnson' , hence, arrived, at Banyan' nth . . , • , Behr Arctic, Tooker, for Philadeld.hi, cleared et Bt Join, NB, hut • - --.. , Sabre Triumph. Artie ' , Stag, Lovelan d, and Adolph Hugel, Mason; tenon at Mitch at - ms t. isahr Charm ) Lortiii, eleared at- ,Elwaton 17th Mat for thie,aort. • • Bohr Richard 'lliircleit' ' ' Arunldi Fall River lath natant: . • Sam centarion.liall, ' for thia port, led from NeW bui 'port 15th Instant. .. . Bohr 0 8 Bailey. Bangs, Minot for Pawtucket, at Pro- Milano lath instant. ' „ . Bohr IMITO Palm, Niekerson, Sailed friim Providence Nth ins at for this port. Step rites Foam, ktilloMaY,lllllloo l arrived at New port Mt meteor- T HE NEW JOB PRINTING-OFFI-0-B "THE 'PRESS" la prepared to execute neatly,ohooply and expediting: PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL FRINTINOI !MARRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Mottos for AITOTIONEMS, LAWYERS. MI, All orders loft' at the Priblicatiort </Mao of The Propa,No./17 Olip9TNllT47lpia; be promptly attended to. left tt gitATE •ROOFING.-JOHN r•-'IIL4TI&RV ili;4iirad tot on nay amount of Order soP 9 /1111trilr ed i .. . W oralr' T bO, bunninly ' tui in Imo ithd' bArrelsi for sale fir gOOILI Y . ABIIKANEft. k Op.. No, 1 'at Wll4l '.VER ~,1 • , 'aul4 ~klil' AAFLOAT.-5 000 buthela , TurkEr i .. L.7 1 !gland nown„,V ls itu brig T. Waiter, for gale R-no /3.11001)Tit and 390 tg to sit kr Nt i tltTH I liVliA 8. ' - --,,mili-Ot* MM3I JOW.ORINTLNG. 111011.Y . D1iC111.110,11 Olt PAMPULZTe, PArEll BOOKS, SIR9ULARa. BILL HEADS* XANDBILUI, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS'. MEGRANICE. HANKA* NAILROAD AM) INMAN= wrIE ONLY PREPARATION AR; ••••; rt:' r. ( 1 • • Il l yoOP Yllll',l4lBl' OP YEARS, . ~ ",, ? 1 e t ' 1)104, . .3v- ,,.. , ,, , , „ kin koPhien !VIM?, hAt. And tamer Mrs& d , alums( eithous oc, f ilt,o, colgh giV n,freni leglieli and, gentlemen in ali l greass of soaleyoy, pit tailed testimopy,nore on I rejoin, that Yrof. Wbod s klair Restorative will restore *bald andsray, pd. eypsA_T.,vettle hair of the yolith to ei d Sae, m 'WA* voittnret , inssist, " •, ' . ; , . __,,, , tram, Canna' kti , h.. Dep.2 71 , 1i , 34. , P m Nyptin t. Mtn willt, please aacept a line _to in • forin ti Matt the , ftelr, pri MY head all fell, MY Over . I twente TOM'S age" osullso 1 4 a eaMpliosted &tenni Mg. easti„ettindsd.with an eruption, op the head. A con tinualeiriarsli of suffering 'through life having redacted me to a state of dependence, I nave not been able to obtain stuff for, esPle neither have I been f able to do them UM, in,,oonsep.ene,LOf y o hush tra y head has suffered e g t iroZeg mr,.?tvi4r.:48.g.4.4.,r„.&.F 0 NAge0 dollar rottle of thy If air Restorative oboist the lit of 1 Austad last. I have feolifuliy•followed the dire • e.tiona, I and the bald allot is mow covered with hair thick end black. though shorty it is MOO OPIDUII in all over toy heed.: Feeling confident that another arise bottle would restore It entirely and permanently, feel arignyrui to Pereevera la It,. NUM i and going , destitUte +of meant to p ot by would albs thee i f,' the...lO4lMA Nttre,, W anVl4A :it Ftiftiztriti7d:Vggltsial ittoi r ti —"Noe re ' and is o t One that are lurid to the widow and the fetherkepa.” ' • .. illy friend, 111J8ANNA111fIRBY. . Idiinlnit, Noble imllndlans. Peli, 6, WO, Pair; 0. J.: Woolf : Dear Sir: is the latter part Of toe year Igarwhile attending the, Nate and Nationsl Law School of the butte of New York. my hair, from is use tinknoWn to me, commeneest falling off ve whaled !AY that ID the. short Soars , of Mx montha, the a nter pert ormy scalp wag almost entirely ei to ll of latnt" - ee il A g ti NATI 1 1 Cr m l netra i Nily g tateltolgigre, 3 so that YOU will net Pri surprised When I tell you that, upon my return to the btate of ,Indtana. my more cannal no • euaintances were not so much at a loss to diseover the oauee of the Otranto in my aPP9aranee, ea•nly mOte tzt.• timato aeuilelnlanoes Were to recognise rne at all. • • I atonee made application to the moat skilful physi cians in the country, ant, repenang no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reeounded to my fate, until. fortunately, in the latter Pert of the fear MC your Restorative wee recommended to me b a thliggitit. air being the most yeliable Hair teetotal Ve in Me. i tried one bottle, and MOO to 1 2; %Mat satisfaction that it-was producing the desired pneot Moe that time. I have, need seven dol lars' worth i)f . year Restorative, and an a result, have a rich Pont of very soft • black hair, which no money cell buy. Ae rionara • ef my gratitude for roar labor and chili in the prodution of act wonder rul an artmle, I have recom mended l td ime to Mane of MY friends aid acquatintan ties, who, I am happy to inform Tod, art Luting it with like effect. Very respeotfully, yours, • • • A. 111. ATTA. , Attorney and Coinsellor at Law. Depot, Ail - Broadway, and cola by all dealers through out the world. .The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three sizes, V LSITe. medium, end arr all; the small holds half a pt, an ut retails for one . ollar per bottle ; the medium Mara eget awenty per ,f ext. more In proportion then e lone 1, retalle ter t a le dollen a•bottle ; the large f h, olds as art, 40 percent. more ip prollortion,, and re tans for 3 a Nitric'. • 0 j_. 00 A, OP., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New Ynrk. and 114 MARR AN titrect, ISt. Louie, Mo. And stdd by all good Druggtete and Fancy Goode Deal ore. , Bold here by .17YOTT k CO., 232 North 8E00413 Street. aula-mwf d-eowW tl PROP. WO ID'S 1 CORDIAL " - • BLOOD RENOVATOR is preqiiely Ghat Hi oared indleitteb, e4d. pleasant to pm taste. it is revivilying,al3iilaratieng and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vlc,fles, reinstates. and renews the b in its original purity, and thus restore!, ',rid renders the system invulnerable to attacks of dineake,is the only preparation ever, abated to the world in a Poplar form. so as to be within the reach of all. lot chemically and elnlfinly comb ned es to be the . most *ovate!' foetal and yet so perfectly adapted a ire act is perfect accordance with the taws eyea tstee,ned heftee'sodthe the weakest stomach and tone up th e cligastive organs and allay sit nerve and other Irritation. It is also perfecitly onetime ungi in its effeets, and yet It is never followed by laitsitilde et depresdion 01.41104 D it Is opfneneed entirely, 01 vagettabtem.a , d Woke thoroughly coin-. Melds powerfully tonic Mill soothing propertiee. an • as donsequeetly nen EfVeT Injure. finch a remedy hag k long been telt to be a deetderattim in the medical voile, both. bt the thoroughly Molted in medical 7, 2 emanate; and glee by all,who th avesulferee.from de boo, ; for it lured% no Medford sktlinr knowledge scot to nes thabdrty follorke ett.alrke el die age Mill the Ungunmed elate in °Pea to the a atteeke .many of tbe• molt dangerous to which Cl Poor humanity to annuantly liable. boob, for ex• es the following: Conenrapptioh, Bronollitie. tfl Intligestton. DesPevera; Lose of appetite, Faint nese, Nervnue - Neuralgia. raleitatton of the.. Heart, Melancholy. hypochondria, Night re tweets, Languor. Giddiness. and all that Omer o , oases lko fearfelly fatal if unattended to In time ...I oalletiFtMobs Weakneerestindlrrrotlarilies. Also, m Liverj)eirangements or ',Coppidny, and Liver Com- elettite. UMegeell of the .11ltineye, Betiding or In • VA! n a l ilA nir,„ ryUrAetiri.oar an ffittign".ll„rikTrd%; and Oetweeri iinoa dere premspostuon to alight .e ifgr gh ie h Ar a P , Metals may more still, but we travlS apace Only to 0. Nil, It will not oily yore the debility followin, fr. ;Mills and .ffever. but 'prevent all attacks mimes X • from lilugemeltio !incentive, and -ours ,the disease c ' ono*. if wrestle. attacked. endtas itjoste directly Midminitstentlyiipen the tither,. Olden', arousing the Livo to action. More, in blot, ell the s e:. r n detais and sedretkihe o the system. It will titled. libly prevent any deleter one consequences follow Pi , ing.upon tang of climate, and water ; hones all 2 travellers should have a bottle with them, apd c should take a table.epoonful at least before eating • As it prevents costiveness, strengthent the dices n nee organs, it should be in the hence et at, persons r Of sedentary habits: students, ministers, literary c men; and all ladles not rumustorneil to mob out c door exercise should always nee it. If they will. c they will find en agreeable, pleasant. and effiolent • remedy , agamet theca ills Which rob them of their i., - beauty; for, beaety nnoq exist without health. e _ and health cannot exist while the above itrinittlart• _ ties continue, Thin:4B4am, the Cordial le a_perfeot Miitner'e Relief. Tanen a frinnth.orjwo before the C final tried; she will pass the dreadlul ,petiort with 4 perfect true and safety. ' There is ay mutate about P • et, this Cordial fa all we claloafor it. blethers, try a - if ! And to you we appeal to detect the Blame or C decline not only of your daughters, before it be too 0 late, but Mao Toile sons tine husbands: for while • • the former, from false delicacy, often go down to a premature erase rather than let their condition witlsnowet in time, the lattet are often so mixed uP h the exattsmetit o f basiness that if it were not, for you they, toll i woald travel in the lame down yard path. until too late to .arreat their fatal fall. But le mother is always vigilant, and to you we eon!! entlY fin we are Mire your never rArarttwoortiVanrilatili7dlZTo‘tArig as the renidy which should be always on nand in tithe akil . O.S. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broad •ay, New ork. atid 114 Itlarket etreet t et. Louie, Mo. ; t and .rmdpedi" noe s o(4ll 7 ggiate ; h lr persot 4 oare_biaar z.kCo..s32; if It -1400 D FOOD, Ann? D. AT D. •I, 1.0 D. .11.. FOOD. he attention Otia„ti lea, physicians clergymen, solentifie men. %MS olio generally, I i reepeettlatly solicited to the es of this chermeal preparation. containing Iron, shiers' and Phosphorpe, and which is identical in Its composition with the Hepatic Glo bule, or red blood. In all d, eases aorsompanied with DEBILITY. pale countenance,and nervoil de,.......„analyses of the blood show rideflaiener 0 the red globules. Buddy complexton and a ray tint o the skin. 1111 always indica tive of bekalkti while a alles.sral-lilre shin end counts nano—WWll evinces a defielenos of the red globn,ei— alompanies a diseued orgsnum. Prepatations of Ir 11 have been given for the purpose of supplying the re globaleg;but we contend that Iron alone .finighur alone, or Phospous alone, w not meet the +Am 81213 every cue, but that a Mdiolous combination of all .these elements is ne_ressioary to reetotelhe blood to Its normal standard. 'Phis _point, never before attained, has been reached in the Blood Food. and its discovers ranks Be one of the most galantine and important of the -age. Its sabots in CONSUMPTION are to soften the, coughibrue the nerves,. strengthen the system, allay the-prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrloh the blood by re storing the lacking red 'debates. increase the appetite, restore the color, and olothe the skeleton frame with flesh. , The Blood Food, • will 'be forma a Spool° in all ' Chronic+ Weesses of. the Throator Lange, moth as Auk Ms. 13ronchitis, Coughs.' &o. pnbile „speakers and singers will bad it' of great utility to cleating and strengthening the vocal' organs, In Dyspepsia Liver COmPlaints.• Droves, Epilepsy , Paralysis, Sorsfula, Gravel. St...Yates' DattecTever and Agee, Ad., its effi roasmia nutted and , instantaniteue. In no class of Mil eages, however, are the, benellotal effects of this remedy so conspicilous alinthoeeharassing .' , FEMALB comitdariTs 'toprhisik the gentler sex are hible, and which will teed towards Cousumptiou, such as suppressed or diffiouit Menstruation. Ebreen I:Sickness, Whites, de., espeetalls When these complaints are aocompamed w its paleness, it dingy hue or pallor of the akin, depression of units, debility, palpitation; want of appetite, and nervous Prostration. We have the utmost confidence in recom mending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be gen , /101oUll of a loss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily , Powers ere prostrated through over use, either of the mind or body. and we deem 'tour duty to say that in all eases of Weakness and Emaciation, audio th at diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder. this ora -1 Partition has a claim orlon the attention of sufferers whioh cannot be over-estimated, A faithful trial wilt be found the moat eonvirming moor in regard to its efficacy that could be asked for. With the above remarks, anti with too nume roue tainimoniale we have in its favor, we offer the " BLOOD POu. '.' to the oonsidersition'of the afflicted. knowing that it wilt be acknowledged as preeminent over all other prepa rations, patent or officinal, In point ot usefulness. .Cir milers giving the theory upon which this remedy is founded, also oartificatee_of remarkable cures, will be .sent free when desired We forward tee BLOOD FO. , D to any part of the United States o. Canadite upon re ceipt of price—st per bottle, PS for six bottles. Be careful in ail cases to take none but that having our fan simile signature, upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH k DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And sold by them, and by DYOTI' tt CO. 0.32 north 104194 Philadelphia, and by all reapeolahle Druggists.. and-mwf tf RAINES BROS.' OVERSTRUNG PATENT-AQpTION PI t pro FORTES. "Cheapest First Class rialtos made. splendid eimortment of Lords XtV . and other styles. for sale at Factory Cash Priam lnd warranted for 6 pears. Sationd-hand nation for Me and to rent. GEORGE L. WitEE,F.Hi B.E. Cori of BENI. PiT tt aad evR SC. OBI N CE & CO.'S Improved MELODEONS: from eys, upwards. .b . 16-3m STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA. I U Waif D?Pfi l l t ank l a rA A PO D S, ;t i oir e t! WO eoneert4 and in irtvate 43 roles by the tee lenortnere, • itseeivee the nut premiums over tire het makers, tromjudges hke Clottsehalk,Manon,andrathdtt Che i llengo all oommetitien. BLASI UILIIHOHER, fie-1r • 1005 CHESTNUT Streit pm PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! _ DEOIO. .P/ANO-FORTES. ATELODY.orIis Made by st n o . tht,,° *" Mu" 4 OIar ~ • J. E. 001ThD,_ mild- l ARDENTE and CLIMATPIRTT. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSE% PACIRACIN tARDWARE 110IISE.--We A., would ronwer_ui v : r r o call Ike r attgatioti of the'ttilpfr fel rgrderure.wrage our expletive gltook of lux. ggletuliAm HARD AR!. ^obeli Ire otter et 111 mall Wax. by the package. • : ' , : ~ , Orders for wool impotteitiot Illalletts4, WI foods dii• iivoral !Ilk" as ijiii .1 % , / 4 7 /leak Z gr a" , Al 001tIIIROR Sam', Otpiertlear 5.731 , C0aux0 on nagrobana And Astute for zersiga and Doom 'anima% , ' alooMS M ACKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, &o. OA- MOO Obis Noe. 1, 2 and B lqrge and medium mu, kerel.lnaseorted gem:amine, of averYohofoe quality also • bb s. newlo. tufa Maogerel. SO b a l l bole new No. clo do. SO ble new No. 5 roe inui do. 00 do new Eastern Alen Shad. BO if obis new do do do. 1500 bay new nuitport No. 1 Herring. 500 do do Italifax No.l • do. 200 do new Boston No. I do. 100 do 122, Ise Fish. 130 t a iLtlN Are.'l6 h 100 nes new roe, coutity Cheese, NOW WHIMS Gad in stor e . fin sale by & ROMs, lin NORTH WHAR V ES. LABELS RIO Tierces Prime Retailing Ciaarletton Moe, for sale b 7 JAMES GRAHAM 50... L4STUNIA 'tram. .- COMPANIES VXOLIANGE INSURANCE 43011101.N'Y —opi o i tro,:tat WALNAI_T Street. , FIRS_ INIIVRANOS on ROWIOIII mad frlerohandiee CerMLIII47, on morello terms, either limited or ve;- pettish DIRECTORS. tart Q. i h Ol i rl u irl I.:: dwerd D. Roberti, kin J. Grath', 03 us T. Owen, ' "ben O. /1419. homes Match, John Migootrell. Jr.. Ban* L. Smedley Jae. T sale, erelleroute, ASWAN.' 13 . 01iNAL, President. , JOHN Cl. GIPIADO. Vtee.Treeident. , spwatta W. DAVID. Reatetorr. . erilill,wfmtr SATIAO OlL.—Bacoiksiltipra, for sale b 4 ARTHERILIi aBRO . TRS . R.• 47 and 49 ?toil CONv sow.. sol 3 :: • - BRAINDY.-70 (mkt, In awst,rich itilAirjr& faro **l l 4 " ' 11111 " VE PIRCPSYLVANLC I- 0 -E'N':-T KA: L h,c_ junato/D. , • , . .. .. 11•860 ',- ' i-.- - '- ' . 1 - - - - VIE ottpit • IF , ' '-. . :.'"'. otaliTiOliC , ECLUAIi IN P .• ' ' . iTirkE ': . uttlx .. ' ' ...-- EINAR .tt TRAINS • : ' 'RETWISE T . ADE ' • AND PPgrettußtir, 3onneotitirdittlet %Phil. . a • , -. with'PlitonekTrains ' Aom Pawn; MR Lark, eiNii, potato AN sad hi the - Mon Depot et Frt berg WI brongh T ri ps' o end • rum ell pdintion the wept, artherest, en sostlivest, fn Mane fecilitlei for the ' Fieltinpol tinsurpeesed for, Opeekend'oemort 'by any °Weir route. , , „, ',• •, • . , - AmorPel end ,F t at Mlles ra n thretigb o'l'HW:rare, -without3 Sege° *ingot conliotore all tht f oneh Pea , ream 'provided with: Lainthildee a Patent baste—speed-under er perfeot eontrol•of the , eritinet ' ' thus seems' moot' to the eafetr of trave.iere, Eemehtne care are erob.:d to is ea d oh pl r at e 4 n i . j ooth a r : tillat3B9i n tig DAILY rmgli.i.d Put Idrie, mila days e*otipteci. _' • • Cot r.. let:as Fidiatelphie at Ile . • ast Line • . , , ' • HAG M. se Train leaves ,_,._, 10.45 _,m ' ' !AY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOI, WS i Re shun Attioniodetioni,liji ColAtab i 3P.M.. .. Columbia .. , 1 rkestittrig aIA . NI, West Chester " liSe . itt,, -wee; cheerer passengers WM e t he Mall, West Oheeler Aftoompiodation,end.Columbia Trams. . Yessenecte fightuibury, Williamsport, Elmira. DIV -10, N inters. Faulk,' intermediate points, leaping l' - faAplphield7.l2l A. . and 2P.M. re dlreetly throne .f• 'etotote yr net play ise obtained etehe °Simi or the Copan, inL.thiladoieina, Neyri • York, .ieroti,- or Rai ore; anowlolicts .usetwara ea any or a l" important wood °Mose in the 77ree4 I also ou_bo ally of ) lhe' iffAtr Line di: Steistnen . est the ; iri s to or po e t . ~. • NW Fere etireyrit as ISM, and thus as OWL et by any. ether Route. Por further inforrnetimi, apply et the Triellenger !Ra tio. Southeast ooraer or Veyeitth and Market &row: 'rhe oomllere l of the We item °reopens of the tritrgftlearwtErMilgilllir the THE litlgßAT WeeT,„ _ , Theaorineetiu n 'of a t &Wee at grt i re l l g ;rlTirthe s i eviii ir #ltira ill e.Fo l ta irgr .l"44 :tiVelateily t, ..s.prepieted ,by moment ot a reFght, anc the ..erevw h- Pubhei. . Marchote and Shippers entrusting' the treno , ortetion of their Freight to thiarimpanyi men rely with confl de,illginufrilf f t l 3 B IN mia G , Fli. iGHT to end from anyvoint In the Wan y the Fenrisylitanle 'Railroad are at aft twits ds felvereet. 43 airs 4144rtect Pp ether .12ailroad Ccatanies, lle pertlouler to marh seekeeee .. Via Noma 'Rail road. , . or Freight °entracte of Philistine 1/I - eotirdur, apply to P ot address alines of the tOIIoWIDE Ag ot, Igor the 00/A -MY t • . H. A. STEWART..rattrillt H. S. Be roe 0 , 4 3 ig , o.,Eanesirdie, G.; .14. Johnston Ripley, ( grt.ttsi l t i ti i ; Ct. l' f fi liT i k il % P., ; ?":07144 ,trira r i! seal IL . proven Co. impress:4 .; Amara a Fbest, Oinoinhati, 0.,' R. 40.1klebirum, adman, ind.. E. Moore, Lehlgrilie,.., Kl.; r2' O. tY Oat k• C0., 1 yaraville. Ind.; 11. W. ' , miswri t e. Co., Cairo ill.; R. ri;, 6 /rA li flr r k % 11 : 12 ktall i tit ri g 1 14 11° 14eig l p i rdl! t rg - ; 0-1 8 ,„ & (~,3,',..VAA,; N i x, : H. $, 11Cnta, Altai. 1‘; 0 to Freleht MIMI CI atalticrada sit ailerons polete ut tare watt. , ','' • ' ' ' falt; : glwolYPON. IL, Philadelphia. GRAM /4 KoOrtts, 4.12 North streekSalthnore, till_ _CH it 'CO4 LAstor mouse, or 1 fl.williensirtre.T. kbßox & GO.; PO. tr,_l9tata street, Baotou. , r HONSTOII, Sigel frreight z l*ent, PhDs. k:IATeL°4IaI.I46,I, i i! "' " . . PIANOS. ROAD LIN POILADjELFHIA 14-1"1"1111 910,..-pAimENG. .40: t p F A P I jg Itil. of SY ft, EADI/40 and RARRI .:, ..,.,... ~ , mORNINO LINE, DA L , (Sundays eat:v.4o4J altage New 9e cot, corner o BROAD sae CALLoW- I. Streets, PO-LLADELPHIA, (Psaiwingsr entrall.oll on Thlrttepth Anti on calloWbill areal 1 st_ • t it) A._ 0i.,. con l'ail4rigagaitriii,gienfPl43,Ydni°,Artlt 'CU B RLAI9 . ALLEY, 1.06 P. M .... train tanning to Ohetabers.her_g,•Ottrliele, ta. • ;_ and the tiorrd.Eftn CENTRAL RAILROA 1 1$. m.traln,Tunnlng to Bun. • - AFTERNOON LINES. _Leave New Deyet, eviler of JI ROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PRILADELPH.(Passenger entrance' ?1./m=l'ol6a FAlVlrekl:ln, ref.i.l7 .. ~. . ...,. at 6P. ~ ALLY • (euadeie ex iireiedo DISTANCES VIA PHIVELefIA AND RIIADIND RA .coLoi Flom YEILanSIFIIis bI6 To Phcarnaville-....--- IS Reading......,..--- 68 Philadelphia. and Reading Lebtor..-....--,--. 86 esti Lebanon Vallay.A.R. Harm nr"---11f • Dental n --......30 Ahdletebute_-- .10 I • Tievorton Jusztio --- n-U8 Reuben --......--.- /NI, Northemberland-....171 Letr4hur6-..-........1113 Milton— ----IN Mum— ----MO Viltlismatort—.- JD Jereerttore...---4-2N Leek vett. ktelston--, -..'.:-........-eii ,wi ll 'toy— —.-- - 7m a unsir "d EIMiM Moira --.— . MT Ral ead. The SID A. ht.. and the 1.80 P. M. trait tionneat daily at Port Olif_tta, (Sandal". exempted.) with the DATA, 1 WISSA, wILIAINISPoRT and ERIE RAILROAD, mating oldie eerlaeotioae 14 line" to Niagara F 31114 Cary a. the Wert, snit Scut eqt, , , DEPOT IN fEtu,A,Dkaa , IA: °emir of BAUD and OALLowniLL Street". , „, aeli-tt .: W. U. AfelLßllNNOW.Otierieerr. &anima sad Eno R. R. 4 ar t avami NOTIOE.---011ZSTEE YALLE_Y RAJLROAD—PM .8.6N0M T.H.AII , 4BTOWDOW.NNGTOW.N AND Lli TERALEDIATB ItiTATLO.I4B,--On and..qft..p.r Stith Man *sat titrta a je ' r=_l for . : J: 43 .o l ll,rtrellf- 4 Ei s p,"rOrLail,= . TT' aireit! trsnees on Onnowhill. • A MORNING TRAM firiDowza, braves at 8.00 ff, • knat.nool: l l TP.M for Downinskyrits Ismaa at 8 Y (15nndays eaexepte4.l BB order Mao/ Board of Mauer/ of tks 2kiladslrkla sad lauttlas Railroad Compan. • • • - U 1 Wi R. , kinllMENNEY.Seorstarr. SHIPPING. ' • FOR TRI4 TON AND et AVAIINAK EItISIGHT REDOOMII )1611MY &ash! at an average oftorritin per seat, be. law New your Ra ci nitn i u r The U. S. ?dell Steamship RtirnffitkilTATß, ear taia Chao. P. Martii:lan; will Slot let Saturday, Anglin 23dit 10 o'olook A. M. • warmgh"v"lirat hoeea " 2". The Y . L Steamship STATR OBORGA, Ca roan John narsin. reoeivef freight malt 3 P. id. and 'ninth P. M. Konday,'August St. hroush in es to Si nouro-etur AS boons althea. eliir Sauna clals absented Non every Bettiniay le every A ss dam - Goods rooefred, and Bills of Lading itignoll every day. hespindid_tirit-elese !No-whel Sheareshise STOrrh.nTATA and nTArkg• OF fil:31111A now run as above every ten days i thuslorrang vii-day mention with Oharienon and Bev , and the and 10outhwegt.. At both Charleston end Savannah , thrum Shies ens wit 'Oh steams= tor Flersda L and with railroads, kis., for all bitten in me Booth and Bookman. - Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Roods shipped Booth :PRI. be found to be lower, by thus sby sailing vemiefle, the -remlnro being o rD 8.-Insorantie en all _Railroad. Frei li li gligntirolu onneorestry, farther Vino. atilt= or ah, the Railroad Co.imultriVraltir slu t ilon t tlese refit . ; tl7 - rtitto fa to 40 per °ant tilT i rer then by Put. tittiTteotg il l. ,b eivglit,l4,ti.z. - szt ton andrannahstearost ILV/193,141.1N0 MRALS on thew ho route, except useraleten. and Oaten nah to ontscorisry r - Ilitalaa tan. go Ohs' riegton---su 01 Saabevanle n is a to h n--..1111 e - re se __ se tle . Augusta 110 00 • Macon-- ---- 00 tnaoon— ag TS lattanta—. 211 00 . of ito ea 00 esubas—..—. al 00 'Albany —. es .montg IS 0mery...... sea) nwatei7—.. is a) 00 ed SD New Orleans—. MI 711 ear el OM No bilis of lading turned atter the s at hag sailed. For freight or passage &MAY on at 'wad wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. 111Br a ir„ Southwest comer FOU nil and TOM Agent. in Charleston._ T. 8. & T. G. B JEW. • barannah,BUNTEß k OADIMBLI,, For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina ivory ForFloridaFo from Savannah, stammers St, Mary's and It. John'. every Tuesday and Warder. THE BRITRIR AND NORTH AMERICAN' ROYAL MAIL 'STEAM __ - • TROY NEW Toni. TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ....... -• •- • • .4160 Bo 1:11)11d Cabin rw0m%0...- 76 'PROM smolt To LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Paestum. ...• •••• • .. •Sll6 Second Cabin Paningo- .- • - 60 The ships from New York call at Cprk Harbor. The ahipa from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PBII4IA, C_apt . judkins. cANAPA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA. Capt. .1. Mona. AagERICA, Capt. Millar. Ani.A. Capt. Lott. Anti° et, Capt. titinnon. BUROPA. Capt. J Lotto's carry lA, clear w 4 Those vessels carry A clear white tight at m ea t-head ; green on slaqsziard bow; red on port bow CANADA. Lang, leases Boston. Wedeespay, Aug. 8 ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday. Ang • 16 • U BUPA, I each. " Boston Wednesday, Aug. 22 PEPPIa. hulking, " N. York Wednesday. Aug. 29 ARABIA, &ono. " Boston, Wedricrider Sept. 6 AFRICA, Shannon. " Wednesday, Dept. 12 Berths not secured until paid for. An ex perienoed Surgeon on boat& The owners of Woe Otos wll not be armoun table for Gold, Silver Bullion. enet cpe, Jewelry. Precious Bones or Metals , male,s bills of laden are signed therefor and the value thereof tnerittexpressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. nut! New York. BUSINESS CARDS. I NICHOLSON; -- t y • ni•outaotdror of SHIRTS 1:11 , ,EN and aIAI SEULEB BOSOMS AND COLLAite. A large and photos anottmery. and WELL ~ I DII always on hand. unto wnioh I particularly invite the attention of cent and prompt-paying atlOllT-TIME Wats. B. h. Corner of SECOND and ARCH. direst& Phila delphia. auT-Orn" LEVI IV. GRUFF, - Near BAREVILLE, LANCASTER CO., Pa. Manufacturer on the Pjooege SINCE 1542 OF DOURO , : DIS hILLFED FORE' RYE WK.( 3KY. Warranted to ho Pure without Corn or Drug,' DISTILLED PROM THE BERT OF RYE ONLY. J. BAYLLS TtiOblA2, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 014 removed hie °Mee from Mo. PM Arch atreet to Mo. 42 WALNUT Street. Yerticnier attention given to the recover, of MeATen tile 17Inima. The drafting and examination of Wills. converannen,Areignmehte, Briefs of Title : end other inetramenin of Writing. The management ofEiteoutor ehire, Adminirtraioreture, end Trusts . euriertntendotli Mil MO Met rennrities rronnred for the permanent in veritments of Money. Salinfootory referencia given when required. arN-6m" • nitalitir J. KRONE, ATTORNEY-Nr:.l+AW. Usk REMOVED h,e office fr fl o. e. 130 Walnut street to rto. sm South THAR') Street. mh.ll4na* 16ACIE SPIV, - filr.o3llollllAL ENCeIfgAER, ant PATENT ATTORNEY, N 0,11.1 Santo Sant fttreet, fliSer/Y oorosito tho County Courthouse,/ rreneresepenificattunn, Moline& &o.,itn4 trussed all other business oonneoted with the obtaining of Let ters Potent. apl6.(an. FUOUET & SONS, K- 7 4. IMPORTERS OE , HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 South FRONT Street. Receive regularly a full assortment oi desirable CI. (bald which they offer at low wee. or cash or ap proved credit. Roo by pA INIUIIOI,BOIi, _INOOKBINDERA NOS, $l9 Ar4.l) 621 MlNuit MEE% Betwean Mark 21 sag Q6eatant fftreinsi I'nu4l/SI4IIIA. JAMES PAWSOII. JAL INN IT WAGNBIi JICRIVON, ar • ATTORNEY AND COUNBELLOR-AT-LAW Office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, lOPPositiy,lndependenoe Saniese,/ rAILALDIMPAIA, Dy_the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different Pointe in the United States, is enabled to proseente and collect claims 01 every description, • . Particular attentiontsc interest/ to the examination and re covery of the ernes q egateel and Devilmen t and th e . examination o Land T ties and Reputing th e of heirs and al persona intereistedln the same, in all parts of the Union., for mai H the them. ligu.tois of ail the States and is Commissioner ost of Depoeitione oar/gully taken under Comtnasions. eipll-ent rrAR.-270 barrel n Wilmington, N. C., Tar, .9.30 kers do.. do.. la store and (or sale br O,P f r A L• R E-44,.A5-aB I MIER. & 16 Bak bbls. No. 1 Western Lard `..cri Oil; kei,'lExar. lea s hed fabsrt:r°lllaie3l° '4 2 vticiff s. snit B :RV ER. ab t° l•Vo a 16 :IA -4A PE 141Y : 4176 /A* -- FURNEB3, BRDILEY A 015., • • No. 429 MAttIIST RTREIRT. , F,12111T FALL PALA OF IMPORTED DAY 000D9. ' on Taiods, Mooing. • - • Atquat 21st, at 10 o'cl s ock, Py catalogue., °ti t Than''' . Israbkeses and lota of seasonable Ooc;di: oasolea and.eatatosaes early op the nimbi of . LARGE BALE OP FOREIGN DRY GOODS, s. • linightly ium ite d, ) • , • rroin the 'nein oi Messrs. Yard Gilmore, & Co. on. Tuesday Morning,-, Augue 21sr, at ltto'olooir. omishisne, a large assorA meat or llry Good*. " - - ConsistinS in dent 0r— .1,000 2106. mews eau women 'a raper cotton hofsery. MO do kid, silk. cotton. and merino gloves. 60 do kid gauntlets, Norway do., seal -glossa. 1.300 Pcii, ool'd and black silk trimming and belt ribbons, .100 dog. plain and grab horn cambric hinds: 400 do fillet mitts, long and skint. . 600 pair, tritllonte.2Aconet, cambric, and Buries max , 60 de s uperior OMB! • MS don. linen slur; froatA. SOO 6 4 to 8 10 linen d amask tame-elotha 160 pos. printed silk hdgfir. • - 100 do mohair debase, and lied Cobergo. 30 do input <nudity mahaighistres. - BO ' do 6-4 Nionoh hol'd menaces. do 64 do, printed • do. le do 6 6 all wool plaids. 40 do Paris printed detainee, brache. Lyonaise, and Polins • ' 100 -do odi'd domains and dhallis. 62/0 do all wool delidnes. barons,. and orate niatetz. 150 Eddied Cashmere. Italia, and Thihetrirtawls. AO Vienna, square, and long broobe shawls. • .11160, changlle searfs Crape shawls, robes, heck ties. n sewing silk., ourimase:Mareeilles *ilk skirts and draw ets, loose , silk nets, French needlework. head drecieft, &o.:tgo. vELy - Fos. PLUSH TRIMMING/3, &c. An invoice On Tithids, Morning. • .IlOnnet silk ve'iets and Amite& Bonnet ribbone, braids , trimming,. Needlework collars, silk thread and buok glom and gadnilets, .FRHBH GOODS. On Tuesday Atornitie,, allege y ondon printed taduslin de lames. —ours Big nit and,oolored imbues and alpeoose. oases plaid silk and worsted Algiers. CRABS new style silk and woolpoplins. oases new envie Neatkatia lees. I'ARIS !C.D. c• LOVES. j • WarrAnted 400 dozen first quality Valle oglortd kid gloves—eizee d to & • - STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. Me dozen Ida 60 hoops steel erring ARITIa * SUPERIOR QUALITY lINDRESS . EI3 Man ,7s . I,lKkage—For best Oily Trade. On Tneaday Moriu RAn invOioe or euperior bleached nu reseed Insh shirt tng linens—hest quality imported. IMYKRAAL . MAIthSILLES QUILTS. • 104, 31-4. and 12 4 bearrseilles 001111. , BLACK SILK F.LVKT RIBBON". A WI lies seperio. on , ity bleak silk velvet ribbons. NEEDLEWORK EnISROIDERIRS. • 100 lOta me* style needlework, jsooner, and book 00l ars and sets. It F. PANCOAST, AIJOTIONEIIB, • calmer to B. SCOTT. 431 CHESTNUT Bt. have, in coneettketwe of continued 11l mash. dievoied of nil ma interest in the Auction twi ned heretqfots oouduote by ins at 431 911151 NUT Street to 1 41,M. P. PAX OAST. Bu l pVil t ta s 4 '' ,K " lVls t tgrargaVo. f :4Z slmeeesor, whom I hereby bathed,' ordieeyail SR) unsettled sooonnts. • 0.111:10Tri Putt/mamma. August. I. WO. FIRAT•LARGE SALE. OF AMERICAN AND IV , roßriste DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. MILLI NERY GOODS, Az.: for the Fall of IRO. . On wedneadar Monona, ATM he Cat/ Goalie, on eredtt.commanoing at 35 eel. nanctuatte, • • Ari,tided wilt be I . oohd alteartmilut of shofar sea- Cioods tad to aauroaoltiftr &idea, to which the attentionpf the trace it melted. • Inoltoled wilt be f o und s BEAD GOODS. • 'month* oases }loft haw styles tenor bead goods jet btao•leta. brooches. neilklatteji &o fancy bead neck- Invite, Jet and whits heads. binek bugles, crystal cut bead/, emerge, mull:mem /to. • , ' Alan, a line of frwoy painted weak Lava,. and cameo Jewelry ,in eets and anixt elm ca. • JOIN e. BLOM a AND NILE LACES. Also. a tell line of 'over or wlf to silt joined blond., 'Wise white ellit Joe,. ka. 60 DOZEN lira CRICKET JACK ETR. do th is. en's antra tom, all wool entry size ()Debit latbeta for boy citytrace . ePuut.. bPRING 13k111 . 1 4 1. Also, a line of extra quality best /lies steel spring hoot, skirts. of FL' AV h ES. Also, aline o teal Frenbh arDfico • I &merit. Nort= ro Ztaiill PLIP FORD 00 ,ADDIriOLsEEILS, a No. *3O MARXIST Street , and t'.4l MINOR . . ,TIVE SALE OP-BOOBS, ARORB.AND • - • we will hold oar Fourth Fall Salo of Boots, Bhoea, atal Brogan,. • CmThursdalt !doming: nos um Mini. at II o'clock praciselY. by eale lo 4 l , l o. nu 4 •months credit. annut 1,000 eases men's, bop. , end youths" calf. bm grain, and thick booth. brogans. na= .eta. end piantatem shoes t *omen's, mimes'. and chit , dten's beets Pine shoes. The above tale will include an invoice of IMMO 'mode adcpted to invitg si trade. The attention of buyer. te oartiows , ly Kir Goode open for eismlnaikoti, With Ottillogle f ear ron the morning of Sale. EI+MUJLANCE coAPAINIFoti.. SABINE - & lirtlT. INkIRANelir. AGENTS, No. 414 WALNUT MN, kro u overpts 104.41 1 0,4 4 .ru b rizzi -ci,, Cotton ui and Meiohandioe, Furititnoi. liEd,ioopkitia asp, table tenni, in the folloorincwaa- "Mt .at DERMA INSURANCE M., 0 NA.F .-.- _, Cab Catital and 8n aroma C.... hIiTROFOLITAN FIRS INS. CO., 0 NSW YORK, Oath Capital and Burnam UR dell RI. PROVIDENCE iiretunmerrort INti.*CO., FiLdY. a capitai and Band= 61.710 t N. ARGYIC rum nr ( V.I.NANCIS CO.. OF NEW YORK% _OM h_Carte and Woks lit a, HOPE FIRE INISURANON 00. OP NEVI 8, pi el and value, .. CITY FIRS INSURAN% t co., SKEW VEX Cask elMitaLl arid ra i ts 4 17. GERMAN FIRE INS. C O. 0? SW Y 0 ~ _Caae Caplio3 and alairlas IMMIX ar. ROMBOLDT FIRE INS. GO , OF NE Of YORK, Cash Capiti.lodidl7 ...... M. Appijoationo in parson or by note 11 , arra prompt attention. f/AplriE-4 , L ues t ia, jet On, no. a g a a irr meet. THE EN TER,PF4SE INI3I3IUNCE ' COMPANY • at rimmogniu. (Fuzz irratuariois tomannviny.) "VAS% Mal artairs I_v NATESTOILII sass, MAURO rtALZIIO4 oat pp 441W0A: hr. i WlLtir • • . HP' CHARLES W. COIN. - INSURANCE COMPANY OP. TIM tviv e f i tymere z it i mm l DiGe t 7 In UN—Oapatal ISAMMl—Aritst"Jaziarr 1. UllB, yams In Ail Animated In *owl an 4 avallibigo nuntritilm= me to insure on Vowels sad Cargoes, Banana, of Meralmndise, to liz oir c Aterno Dallherrert. aeorsit Rho" erlas t moon gain rz uel irv i i:4 62 " " itn. Rana, flign ""l / 4 4d R. Nfltits4 dir l / 2 3. 2 = 844 jm.vantiin WILLIAM 15:011Willieratary. '13 1 : 1 4e if liTkiA MERIOAN ZIRI: INSUBAROX 00., INCORPORATBD 11110-01taRTER nor= uAL. No.Blo WALNUTNtrestiboy is Thltd. Phitsilephuk Havigs shine said -a• eta) Stook puldq .dias ia &- Totted in sound and avail is Booraines, woo to lrumre en Piwellince l l i Ciro% Furniture, mere Vercele in ralt mad for cameo. and etas , P Property. All lora li rally and trelluFtl, ‘ • ItILICTOII. Marls, /h i : T. Lewis, John elan mesil. glaresteU. Mamas 0. dories. ual. iis: Dania. rotriek Pr y. ". Ohm. W. PoulMeri Im HOmAs R. oLMorrut. T MARIE. Proclaim% AMBER? 0. L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. fail-11 CA CURER CITY INSURANCE COMPA MESIIIfRVIE:DCII :Nag PIAUI 548.70. wpm against _ps Damage Ftre sat the Perils or th e Hes. /timid magmata* Ttaxispartal ROLITART. President. E. A ies. trendlint. H. 0 WSHALL Iyoo y oxid ter. 13. H. B , Asafstant Ilaarstary, TILANCLORS. ra te l i ttr . W. C kialls; AncistaviCmg H. R. CoEplitn, Samuel Jones. Ur Hon. St. M. mkt-tf I IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM .ILAitANY.—TEE PENN MUTUAL laits,trau RA OF COMPANY, Norghoent earner ef inte DOC nimbi. A5eete,.967,4111 RiBIRES LIVE!! for the whole term of Hite—erenet annuittee and endowmentryiroheeee life gntereete Real Letate,And luau 511 eentriote deeendine cent* "1 NI e gierits . AllllllOO/ Ilmtees, ll4li *radio/A_ • TATI tie/ L. Millen, Xe g e tVlTa, xvi t rblga, llliam y. Alan. Kern, Duane C. Huey, MarlearllaoWall, Ntettry C. Towniendi ikodotnhon gent, • willinto 11. uur. titainTlieneori rinser Neelig/ • ' P, ltedi s t l farm 17. Itomirriz, t.:2 DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN IIUAANCE MMPAIIy. INCORY OIRATED BY, VLSI, HOISLAFVEZ 01 OFFICE L Intik 14 Lltii WLLIBIBIP Otreete, Phi e le. MAXIE 1811118 ASCE OX VREIZIGIio, uAßflo To 101 rut* of Wu% n.OlO kV ' 11‘140? 11FAX 00 lieser,b7 Rion ali t . 1, Mint swim FQM P TV; R A ra n k 1 Si Merohabiesar. Ca atom'. ases, am LE ' i•Vat COMTANT. ovembyiry, UM. Pan MEMO Yew Immo, Philadelphia city II V 0entArem.....118,860 If 100,673, Pentuilvikaill. Bate I V Vit......., HAN 00 suoo Ponnetennut BtatelV et ..—, 112400 00 2cocu, U. 8. wratiemnr 01 qr Gent. °Gonna interest tree —. . „, .. min g i i 8330,0v0 U. $. Tummy 0 IP ot.Notilistiimer.. on ens.— -, _ . goo eu 11:5,0c0 WeriPorCir7 JAM to the City oriba dolrhin. 808100 00 8000 M Penneylnianspatho“ ild Idoitiiiiie 0 I P'' omt. lids ill,BBl 00 1100000,Plortli Penney Tanta Railroad Mint- MO ir eon& Bonds— —. DIMON 8/10,030 Wrict Piumdelphis Pannanyer RairenY Compttny rGr at, mown de...« MIRO 80 MINIX, alums stook Germantown Gag Cl airtek i Olt and :1 1 1 1 rr iir in— WOO 00 GLIZIL 10 Janne Fellairl - VI 'Ulla Railroad ~..-.-.---- LIII Le VlALlolh o e oB r o o l thPenraylmi Rad told fAmrenl .--- 000 00 *UN. shareoprhoadeows Zoe Boat and Bteem 'Put Cornoo t r o t a P gr hglera co nlil I =yTge l s4 Steam . %%talon Company, Yalladelphill gild op Ha re CroMPAen tilfgrhill am Zed. 4114 iln,f93 - , 01 , 0 1 martin:oh and Real Matt. Of- noo ila ictipir».--, —......-.--.." ame de Bills we vsole tor t imeniranneit made-- I¢l,ol al l anc rlorAi l tgterailecan on 111- t r coms ..4 , . ebb; due &lip end stookiriiindryrnimrans• Coma -- "Id 68 , —........-..........-.... 1,1110 Mt Ciihini Dencnit in Ogo , ---... Own ii *d "U. I TA. Pa. ilir ir szthiliot. o ln 'ammo , oan k' at mos r zip Wilhoooyro...r.. Jsmasp. ond,, lejiihenl_ lAOIO seittat.pclit,on illb;.oraZl7.teilter, VIPOMItt, ' 931_08. O. icgentY I.YLBULIT. BM DlZEOloltil. Idessiem 1.. Pewees, 010. H. Masi. Joint D Skews, B. A. - risreeStoet, Crinor desniesa. AIX Mildest. •TO • tele . tearteet ft, globe, Wilhern Meant, 41;2611 N. MoFerlezel. Jewell It Trotter, lentos FostpA, irb.eoohtler Yettletrill el l Aig=tl olio W. 11trpor. &WA MetitZa Joseph au Ike Et.t r • MVlt, rest diont. • WIVE . Vies Prim% tam sin sioltesKst t ren Sla l. , • iston, t* iriilasnit•d E. Jones .13r0c., kpenot.r shams C. itco b I B PIZ: • J&me . I Wl e arlasA. rtitYg, Vlw kffir a* : so' nt: !el Mari. • - 11::11!! M . , TllOl4O *.tiONO i • no& 139 sad 141 Hoot s .001111M[ Stmt. 1 MAP FALL FAL an OF •BTOCKES AND mod .Slcer Boo One P itßale ellat An east, at thegatig., ThiTe Fall &Ns 28th Angaraat the Ile , rtl i ltlial e eptam,ler. at k G . :tit i entoirit, sixth Fall ale, Ilth Rottnlitir s , l a the h. 1 0 i ItP Randbills part ready, WrOCKS AND TERTI-11143TATV.. HALO AT THE EXCHANGE EMERY Tut:air. Darien the baldness les,son in lull/ and AGO* MIT occasional sales. • . . • • • • - . Orr HandtelLe of each property lamed separately, in addition to which !republish, on the Saturday previous to - each ;ale,. one' thoniand catalogues, in nnemhtst torah giving ftill dosenptions of all - the property to - be soldo the Ibllownag Tuesday. CAR I).—Onr sales of -. real estate and stooks a the k:itatiange will hereafter be held at LS o'ol.ooll none, • and, in the evening. MI °Vat*. apr - Contributoe. have the oatooo of eithes main _REAL ESTATE AT PRITATS SAL.S. 117" We have a large amount of real estate et priests sale. inoludtas every description of city and ementrr property. Panted bets may be had at the 11[101201nLete PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ihr - Real estate entered on our private side registers sod advertised oeemoonally in mir mane sale abetracis iof Which MOO copies are printed weekly,) free o• charge. - - - TO DOOKOP,LLISRO. TylE ; F IFTY-FIFTH PHIL',DELPHI& 'lltAD ' SALE OP BoOKEI, .IgREOTYpS PLATRI% , to. volt commence on MONDAY. Bentember Catalogneg in mu. SECOND Flo 1, BALE. STOCRB LOANS, On Tuesday. Ailgost al at noon, at the Philadelphia Examine— rirahares Northwestern Bank of Vrreinia—per 81100. Diindends of DOM 8 ki /0 gr cent. are regularly made on thief stock. 28. hare* Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company Stook—par s'o per Mare 12215 hone belaware Mutual Safety Ins. Co.-1818. 11216 /tte. 1 entre Point Breeze Park Association. 1 Clans Philadelphia Library. I Abate Mercantile Library. THIRD FALL BALE-213th AUGUST. sir Taticularo hereafter. FOURTH FALL PALE-3d BEFTERIBER. IthRIDENOE AND FURNITURE, Hereatatinra. FIFTH PALL SALE, 4TH SEPTEMBER. YRRY IMPORTANT Wax. Dy order of Treaties. MONTOUR IRON COMPANY'S WORKS AND EnTATE. On Tnesday. September 4, Ins, at 12 o'olock, woe, at the Phila. dolphin. Exchange— The very valuable property belonging to the Moment , Iron Company. situated in Montour county, Ps" wa goning of about 2.000 acres very valuable mineral laud& oree.minipg rights, mills+ furnaces, newly NS deedless, Maces. ate.. /to. Terms-020A0 cash. when the property is 'Week oi l balance On the execution of the deed, within 30 ilia• gale. Full Particulars roads in handbills. Peremptory Sale to mows a concern. GROUND RE/14—An mama! Orating Neat of 890 year. Other descriptions preparing. SIXTH PALL BALE-11TH SEPTEMBER. Viri I fnolude— itting:'l=2l7i-irtat9igltglgglßNlCll DV! ELLIN*, N 0.314 aim 01 Prost street. Same Pstate—A n undivided ninth put of theThtee story 13R1..)1E ItteRLLINO. N 0.312 booth Float street. Same betas—An endivided moth pert Of the lend STOKE eND WAREHOUSE. %newest clanger ot ehtehtee avenue and Ton alley, below cheetont atotos 4 51 feet d inches front. teinit betate—Au undivided ninth part of the Three story 05,t DVFELAIN Do. siel-osiberd street. FARM. / 25 Acres Arable Litudowitti lotipovitemsts, on the Milford read, I miles from the Station, Mown as the Lowe'. Farm. The " PARANA PARM:' edioisiong the &here. ewe blueing 100 sereA, with interoeetneote. The " iILARK FARM," containing 109 Acres oficud Feroong and, The' MORRIS TRACT." ocutsintisi Mont 94 MIS frost; one road, end lei tionlalf ...mile. of s &Mum .41 The ••5115 vitt FARM.' 4ontataing dolte;freat, toe on the tamed. with hooding& The “lIORMAN FA H." containing 9i Acres, ad joitong the above, with imerovemen* • The SilAtiWlClto," containing 89 Amen !Wood land Tee "PRANK'S Pot LY,' , watahlos overN4 Agree of usavy oak 't unbor. Rt Ai. LOTS, NOW' Vernon Cemetery dampens. Leta Nos. be awl 67 heed an A, containing NM square feet. /We No- 23 /ge% YETint Stmt. BAJPERIOR FUoNtTUNts taIIitEOLO9P.WOOD rIANO. IlitT7rsßL3 4 Alt. BT.& On Prides Mohan; 24th instant nt 10 o'clock at NO. 33 . ?PIM Tenth st.. br orvalosus tnasupenor fosalpois irszak-plate roisr final rosewood poser. by Cluekwring . Bruit" ear "%tiny be examined at I o ' clock on Os twain at the IDs at kw 19 and _l4l South_ ygoxrw 5•111.1. fat PULNITURS. .IPSIIIIOII.-NATE2t RIS. NAN-FORTES, 13.1ittibekL8 CAILP Oa Thursday Momma, Atli o'clock, at tba deaden State, &II 11111011Millt - Of exultant second-baud tarsals% eleF i esso-tortes, hue uurrqrs, carpets , eta., from es h sal ottsakessins, removed Lathe stars or aconstrde 1021 - ES NAMPA . % AIIOTIONZIL2 AND COMMIISSIOII I BIXICIMInf, aseliumet sant r al KITS and FACE etrwela. . MONEY TO loAlse T 45.000 to loan, ot the lowest Walk oft 4411002‘11. wstOben,jenalry. ether plate. are good". olothma, merle., near", hardware, en:lvry rases, labloni. AMU'S', bedding. and on aeons of emery diwortirtneoß‘ Ira or small c artons. from cow dollar to theassatis i ° W it VILA b ErstWodlTCWas M 41,11,1411. rPrttate entreat°. on EsoE sof.t. Thennenn bowls front II A. IL to • P. It. "an kimono/kir rile ooed! of 44 estAltess oNLI T W O PERIM . sir Advanoo" Of 1100 and nwarsrft at two ;se east =of 611110 sad nsward", at ow* War ma, few E AVITATZ !SUL m" of :Nt MIL PATEN , LEV EE and Ciele.OrtOhl WWI' , maaahMfired at hay! the Italia 'ailing Nita, sigi Wow WO Wawa walithille gihser lever asid.lesina **Wes. Magna'. Oimatosaa Irrimoh watohos. at utendahnif Itor mien, lemony of every dmitniptum. very tom "tolls sumlott la- Wirantalia. Mat ottality of Savona cisars st half tail iniritortestioa niz i guantlttalt Sagan 1 1 1. Nag vaccresf otant . 1 ml,. Attiv4Usgeilsriteffitisibus teiof WOW dail mnati ' A ; d 1 in o. .41# SPLENDID .IT OP of 4MONDS AT WYATT MIA. Consisting of diamond nnd °nal breastpin and w rings. Price, Seim Cost in AT* .101. XACIIINERreLVp ISOM. . , , -- PSNN STEAM ' SNOINE 'AIM BOILALWOR. =-ITICAPTE t 4A v at i k o Ta c p B EA -14541 sad sl , f, hsvuot em o oll!Lt LOlto, apsag l i t Fig* 11 r ra Vi am,Lirttildrlyt ° 44llTd o tO oast:mot .tor Itaelsea sr sizes. tio a Rrvat . sad Statursszy, having esie liegin a tl=d B- 9 -N 4 hi' , l , lll7 ." iresTie t iotL eu iatt p li degmstie st e l9B saurian mils O : gm ti romr. File. 1) . azw i Le Tsz a ( 141/1 Van te atiMttil ; loos sod Unamd . . . ~mo t 1011 Torn mt. Bordw Chitens, sit itll ether oar itst a . the share sirt. Talentd Iniatjter all work Ilona itikets k inte a ouzo, sod a s:irk tome ;a r i t : 2 ' ft. Atrth e tn rii. irvgl a .11, 1 ;7 1- -44 d ars prowled-with ilibabbiocks, MA, 64.444 Lox miens hear, or UshtTe. O. MM. - - BEACH sad Ira ta*Je «trim POINT PLZASANT FOUNDRY' No. 901 AL BEAClAtregkE•ZaiDiliPSav • LIAM, 11. TI EBB informs his maMtn Mar ohaft the entire Meek of rattans M maai arr. he la now pro mro4 to mama olden for rLad Saw castings, Soap, Ct in ome NVOrk. Gowns. Carting* tram bee or CaVola Forums, La dry or 51 mad. or loam. MUM& V. 177gRatel. 7. 11/IVONIA7I =MI& wiraammet YLFIX LAD way:amok nuns. ' 6N D ` REMINDERS AND MA fterivimand V Low Present Steam kre'Atelie ten. ren s rlaskti ite.; C. doff in kinds, either Iron or .11011. no Iran wt Prune RtoIX 4m 6u elk., Work Ahem RIM- Station', * Semi and Gm Machinery of the latest sal matt bar Proved waitron° • - .8•017 &emotion' of fiqoatatioa Mleidlll7l`, mai se te PM &or, nal MV tram= PILO" 01111 C; WULIMI, Demete" diem Amain roes.. 5010 D ente tor a Ealltent's Poloist ftgar V Aw r ix e ligolaei t ihrtint tottritotallesornissor IL=1!. turalr SAVING FUNDS. "A little, bat Often, Ana the Puma." IWRANKLIN. SAVING WIND, No.l A: 136 South FOCUS. Streit. between Chest nut nad Walnut...Phi/We:ph* Ma an DOMAN On demmid, Depositors' morel secured by Governasint, State and City Loans. Ground Renta. Mort. weir'. to. rive Comtumy deems, safety bettor than Luse Moats: oonsestiently vnlt run no rusk Inch demr atom, money, but have it st all times reedy to return. with Per nett. baarela. toms owner. se they eurm hen akvays Cane, This Comer= never ended. Females, married or mask end Minors, eon deposit in their own Mehl , and each deports ems be withdrawn oax.y by their consent. Charter persotura• Inaoreorated bl.the State of Pemurytranta with anthortty to receive money fratrimness and exeoutore. ROE raliD MALI; SUMS ItEcatavim. ee eves from IV to seolook, and On Wednerday scant a o'clock. DLILIOTOII/I. bob 11 bliannoA. cnia, . Jo , lul Shialer, ,nistosi:M r Malachi W. Sloan, rate r , ~L•wis Krumblusar. • • [Nag's' itittembouie, t i gitt imi oa.J X•flattartwak - - I • Jam W. f. JACO Bl.W.Preatdost. OMB CADIVALLAMI, Tresiguw. 4084 , " A Dollar saved ts Woe U 1 &" QAVING PUND--FIVE PER CENT D -7 SAFETY TR f'ST CON PArT, WALNUT ftwet, southwest corner pf.THISID. Philadelphia. Incorporated by the OW. OF rohnaYl - mein' in any sun. Ike or gate% KM M gr: St e ed from the day of deporit to tee day Of withi n* office is open every der from _nine o'filookin the venue ti ll Ave evoloon in the eiring ik eee OR Monday and arede4y . Man y ulig E hAoloo tim preside:2u NORETT BEI. ..8.11)013. Pruidait. Wru.uit J. Rauh Beeretary. microns: eon. Henry L. Bennet, F. Carroll Brainier. Ed garter, Joseph B. Barr lobertward L. Francia_Lee. ril i dienties " TCliZlitt i rpleeletet. oney reoeived and payments made deity. he investments are made, in °conformity with the prorisio Ma n, e Chatter in Baal Estate Mottoes*. Wound and Knob dstcolses securities es will al ways intersperfeot eeounty to the deporiton, and which cannot tail to give permaneney and starthty to thin instiranon. sualy SAVING FUND-UNITED STATES ;MINT COMPANY, earner TRIAD and ORM UT Street. Large and email immi reoeimigt, aaLt _paid bank ozdt RESTwithout tiotfoo, with FiVA' oche ENpa..„, REST from the day of denordt to day of wi dwelt. Moo home, from COntil o'olook every day, and on MONDAY EYE:NINON from I nuhl f o'oldo h. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Booths:4 from £ltitiwarda President—STEP EN lI,ORAwFoRD, Treasur Y F er—JAMES R. Aular.A, PL INMK. Aatuunt. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EXPRESS KEMNIItico.. Moe 320 caszrraT gtreet. forwards Parcels, %okapis. Itlerohantbse, k Notes, end ISpeote, either by its own Linea or La ohiszeohon with other Itxerese Companies, to ali the prutotpitl towns and cities of the Vatted atstes. General)el6 tf S i A e D ri FO h RD sti II TI ON!—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK. C c'En—GooD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never- Ming ' , to. VAN HORN le the best: auceeede when all ,Ithera hare Wert All who are In trouble, all who have Oren unfortunate, deceived by Wag emedies. by to her .• advice end comfort. le fees atom she 'tam/ails. Nhe has the eaglet of Irtanine Ma alto tent. of the 01:lositti Sea. It u Qua, tact wkleh tatteee /111. m m e pretenders to try to Imitate Sih, an 4 cosy Ike! t. theadvertisemen shows you the likeness oryour to, w ile . hethent`, or talent friend. It Lewitt Maus to tite lard'spublic at that she is the brat sod cal r pet roultho can show Ne Reenter:in reality , aid l ea l aA emu* se sled cut ell the- tdocenus of li ke ft, tested a i titt i ptvlld.bytpoinisu rv.. celahatltet sqg