The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 18, 1860, Image 4
- InsaurittiniStio, nnlipitti,;,in4rifi sto assalon anwano-4ersawess 4 --01. , 17 . ne awes_ ratan : ;-- -- , carrrenn.leit o 'Alitticvarror - asternest; platvalt-=- - - 71A0044 , 1fmnatimit oe'rus ODOM. wiarmons::--u , m Poirworpt,4, ants* aeons tat wisntou • otantan. - ..,..dropru.rost anirestillen t ARFIOI4O AND AO+, ',l' '541/19":"11011__releN NNW nteironf—rna sexy ore. ~-, 5 .19X10i „Waists— InORZASID- CANAL ,TOLLit•-- , ilfc.,nentsuarms,Wnatvo AND sears ?WA CEUTA. 1 ...iNtrgilt,ol.lODOO:OrPlOPreni.] ,--, - - - t . .„... , .......,r, •,..-'4. 7 ,, _ - .-',W1,1/;,YORtt, Atigtillt /D. 1860; r i rGenerallrebti,"Whe "next' to Thule* : Weed . , has Alaybeskmatos if inse;itinithe whhes and viola of .; Sdnaterfintraid,'derdeitilirit therela any authority , fir , titli , , statenient Abet i that gentleman 'pro. - paiii'fe 'irithdirriefieinthe Senate at the expire. t od-ir , i04040e, ,at terra.. ,The story, GOD. W. -. s ti te . i; - -brrltico4 , 4l . to two gentlemen who are known to-bli aibbitioui of the Senatorial seat. The nnfionneenient creates much comment among the Ropufilleitt Wire , pullers. -- , .. Tottelliskeess erthe sliVii:.tradeoand the enter ,prl4o and,audacity-Of those engaged in; the traffio, . arc unabated:: 4 Thia:la.inpakeut'fronithe mime gi% ' - 'in'ui oliddreinlade'durin e - last three Months,: ` ,Y,tabitditY ano th er:v:lMM . ' gic i iiiivin'ile trade, the !Thou:init . 'Aehorit, wad ught - ,iato perk by Lieut. Grmano f . the' na4,:fro the chast,or Afikia, viAiishenalleaptaredl4 (ni t Drittealltites steam., The Great Eastern is aflast finally and utterly Played cut: ,'White lying ip the Stream yesterday; she was visited' by,abont, six. thugs - And people, and .ati t-, ivrit a :She . is . steaming . uprfor her:departure 'horifeWardr.', fir the-history of great shows, the • Great - Shi will-aloud out as the moat' , memorable ' Oractrile'nerecord- of stolid obstinacy, and utter incompetency of management. How not to do it '.- stems-to -have been the motto of her managers frem the outset., . . :::- .- .Boiddes the groat - race for twenty th ml dol. ints;to come off on the 25th of Septem - on the Fashion ilOurii, be tween Planet and Dan ne, ~vronro to have another that is exciting m into rost.-7,imately, amatoh for ss,B4lo,stitree.m` . eab, . between the New York- horse Threge Neck; • the :Virginia:heft - lc Muddy Coon: "Forfeit for this inhtch rrits,tut upon Monday hat: , ThregsHeck was born .10.1855 t , Muddy Coon , in 1856: Neither of _them, has 'yet dintingulahed himself by any extra.. ordinary,' performance, ,, -but • their owners think something will be done in September. ' Another slide;for Elll,OOll, ig .to , aiiitioor , during 'the - ammo' •,Ueelc,befween .oysterman, the property of 0: P. ".Hare, Ef1 . :,,0f Virginia, and prophet, awned by F. - ilforri4, lief, of Throgs Neck, Westchester county. - ghat: , raeO i s eXpcota •to .4,ljord, and very closely ~- . - contested. . , ; Harprfs'ilfogazins,` for September, will be in. hued on Saturday. The publishers speak of it to .their personal' friends as ono of the beet numbers • , they - -have issued., .It opens with The Sawing `llirtiFfitriiin, -by OBrien, exquisitely illustrated by John MeLonan; 22A Summer in New England— :'''Malitiirit'i,Vineyard, by-Porte Crayon, (illustrated;), ' '-3Apliferi' their Struoture "and Matins, (iltuatra ta 1 by Mrs-" Charlotte Taylor ; ,4. Lipids of Mi.' Cab Rood, by Miss Jane D. Fuller; 5. The Cruise ',`of•the Ton •Der Mons ;11. Somebody's Love Story, , ;bzlifra; Alice B. Haven ; 7. Eiten's ,Barliary Ex- , • neditiMii by J:,T; Headley ; S. Bachelors' Ball, by _ D. H. Castloton ; 9.- My Johnny ;-10. Some •of My :Troubles; by MM. C. R. T. Clarke ; H. The Four . - tlocrgel; by Thickeray ; 12.. Unto This Last—The •;;Mixits a Honor, by John Raskin ; Monthly Recent., ' of. burrerit 'Events% and the usual departmental .matter. The. 'rimers have secured Motley's new - ,,,histery, I will put it immediately to press. • - Stiakeseh and Ullman - have pretty, much per 'fitited their operatto campaign for the coming sea. - seal, whieh"wilf Commence on the sth of Septem. her. Their piincipatirtiiits are Patti;Coiteal, aid rattbri, Edson, - and' Midillitil; Ferri, Aniodio,- ',and Sesta. Engaitementi have also been made WithtlerlFormes, and the'great tenor, Tanib erlik, ' - who will appear later in the season. . . -- TIM- largely Increased Treceipts of tolls en', te e ~ . State Canals= mate the universal prosperity and : rovii'mkof inuiliessin the West. , For the first week ' in August the reteiptsetere 03,829, which Is great-, .-. er , than theireecipts of any correlipinclittlyeek 9f Augusksitme 1847: The aggregate receinte iflB6o - ':te AuginstSiare 51,248,286, an increase .over 1859 Of 400 825. - - " - - - , -',.- ,Asien*-the . “ passengers" just off by. ateasnavn.- - '.':..,814f0r Mr," I i'etr - nrark -- - on the titif,„reserring that distinction for England. . Among other vessels now in process of construe -.-tion at-the-shipyard of Mr. Theties Colljer, of this • - oily, are - two • side-wheel steamers for the China 'trade; to ply between. the- various- Porta on the rivers' in_ that country. They are each of abOut .. seven hundred tons burden,' and will be launched ' in-Octobcr. - ' • '' . ' Departure of the Great Eastern. S.lllls Altb' 3111.V911D .ffAyEN WITICONE ItUtiDirD AND TEN PACIBIRdiRS ,NOtwithstandleg evil prognostieitions and de- Spite lho weak meshes of some petty lawsidts which Abroatoood to detail her, the Great Eastern 'do- • pastel yesterday. romptly at the hour advertised- Beilles the claim for an alleged infringement of an Maorilan patentin the management of the screw 'and side wheels, and the attachment turned ageing , the luckless Cox, who was responsible for many abdominal • aching- voids on the Cape May excel , • Sion: there were ri number°, small charges signing people-who hadlmen directly or - indireetly engaged for the , eh4;;;.iiinttesieh prodetititor seemed. to think he had A tight_le.._elAni_thrt_lnarjrie with his demands Were satisfied:-' However; after-having Leon` bonded' by, her consigned to answer alljudg emote- obtained !gaitd her, she nailed triumph, .antly-at the' uprooted hour. - '- — l , , Evert Uox, upon whose devoted head ao many `xiialedielionu have been heaped, who bad the au dacity to Jet the directors go without a dinner, and to incur the ire of an unpaid author , dodged the Bberiff, and participated in the triumph of the ..-tiordiog oily- The sheriff bad 'searched Cox's room vain,: tor'lhore was' to Coithere ;Mid, as, a liirtii6r.resort, he Lad,, Belied Mae of Coa'S move . triedto 60,0 the inalinant creditor, and was in the'rererlearldg the ship in - the tug when he be -44111.-Cox,-Inproptiii parsona climbing the ladder ftslalVtimall beat. It -would' probably have been Nir,44l had hp searched for him in the labyrinths w£ the ship ; and So, contented with the property, the' sheriff andrthe 'debtor left Cox to meditate ciihellier it would not be .better next time to pay his Della than to allow hia goods to be. seised on at ; technical. - - ' ''.'do ferns the visit of the ship, eommeretally eon. Sidered, la . concerned, it tedoubtfal whether the .',..speculatimi has paid. • Her entire receipts; Induct. gt. thS value of the' 2,500 tons of (mid received at ;,...fulinaldis; amount to about $lOO,OOO ; and her pauses for dockage, crew, custom-hease- fees, rot noire,, caul , will amount blot' that. Her „voyage, out wilt be quite unprofitable, es only one hundred and ten passengers are-taken, of - which ` about twenty-five go- to Halifax. .Net a pound of frpight was offered. . ' - • Mige. d,ePriseititing i nterest t in the ship, Creridefiriekod to the piers along both „sides of the North river, at Jersey gityand T .ip the - shores , all the watciciwrt,the to witness the farewell of our latest Sensation. The !icy presented nearly as, animated a scene is wh6u she arrived, With' the feet of boats of all de scriptions, whose Upper . decks' and rigging were filled with curious spectators; It was a matter of no;' .olirlooltf see the huge hulk gracefully turn- B 9 the useof the propeller alone, she was basked .slowly, down the river from off Houston street .to opposite Usual street, her stern approach .. tag °loss; to ,the, piers. • Then her massive side :- while* begune„to .revolve l acid soon she was under .:way. and- gradually turning, as if on a pivot, by • , , , meautt of, a salt set aft, the skilful rise of the rod. AMU the. revetaing of the Wheels. The space • oeicuplcd in - width; to shift the bow from up stream to'clowxr stream, was - not quite equal to twice the "N - orstel'ilekth. '• To thotfo'cu the Canaletreet pier the scone of the "Ibig ship tftraing was quite ,intetesting., They had • _au opportunity of viewing her froin all points, and -initdmirtible chance of realising lMw aosurate arc many of the drawings which seem so much out of - • preportion. The full side view, the oblique, and Abe fore and_att, all served to exhibit the wonder- lel symmetry of her form and upper works. About c,-• half an hour -was occupied in getting the veasel round,'and then gun after gun saluted her as she , -, /siewly steamed down 'the river. The Edinburgh :Was the first to tender the compliment, and from that time to the, time the bar was renolted, a con `k slant succession of 'cannonading and tiag-dipping took place.- The American colors were floating at her masthead, in compliment to the country. first ,favored with hervisit. The Great Eastern was apparently on a very even keel, the white streak of her. water-line ap :raring !there the.smooth surface of the river with pleasing 'regularity. iihe was drawing about 26. feet of water,' end Mr: Murphy,: the efficient pilot, bt . ttoght her in Uwe, times, and took her out Jtcrioo, enceessfullY,wass confident -of his ability to take her out easily over the- bar at high water-L. '7;2t--and•ho euccoeded in titling it,—N. Y. 'firings orilpterday, , of residing in the upper part nr Troy, N. Y., attempted to commit suicide on' MOnday evening, byawallowing an canoe vial of laudentUc, and afterwards stabbing herself in the breast, with-a F air 'of scissors. Senate years since. '''''''f'hlt'Ytting woman eloped from her hatband; a most respectable youpg man,dagookcimunastaneee, by whom the had always Ewen tenderly treated. Mar paramour deserted heft in 'a .Westernalty, and she wrote to her husband for forgiveness. Ile did for give her,ltid , w'elenrited her back to her home. Bab hcr innate depravity soon manifested itself ...again, and she became so unworthy that her has ;band was ; forced , to abandon her to, her ways of wieitednesa Sinee then she has been this mistress or a' foot Voimg man, and at a later period of a t.Ntietatreot.morahant—living in the house of a California widow." OA Sunday eve. ping the merchant caught her in company with a shoemaker, whom' be kicked out of the house, and, after treating and eutHeit the woman, infoinied her that, he should have nothing more to do with - ber. Desolate and remorseful, the miserable woman •- ~ought to end her wretched course in self-inflicted deash. the stab she gave herself after taking the landanuin probably saved her life. She is now under the treatment of ,a surgeon, and- will, no ,'dettbr;reCavef. - etono•oatter was _ .. . • en the top of the title:titan Muse, in Chicago—six ~-et.orieerr e tud.untied the rope that wee. attanditil to trttoy,tti derrick used , for , raising stone: The ' r; which; kept ; the dorriok ,in pleoe, • havibt ecome taut from Mitent rains, the derrick foil ovorribitrAhrrotreeoind the mart becoming entalgletkinAtterOpie on thereof was earrhotover also.' TbelTr . ris-says : " In itme , thue than we He . wriiieg. ,- -tiltwas-; over ; the spar of the derrick I struck - IWe fitoottiftho building opposite with tre - .MandeholOtire niid hieaking the itlek -In pier,* _ -,vikiiiii,u kte donut:left the pavement. The tinfortu "nit°'"flmef the ltkifoteirnia - motmg cleat aerosol ;'liiikerfoiriftittiftituibid ripen 'the :atone oldegaiii a hirgrilthrrhihtthelerrieiritieV-hdiliarneen hint.' 4,tftarle 1 1411, 4*. t rannY. - -hilied. ---V-Ifttle boi, . "it'alit datt.. :Nontplaielten'tlienpirt Where "thii man felh - vgik the: I,' thit, he tram an honest, iliettif M id - Te.,..'"4;. titilv'! - Isawitlitib'bototo ict -Light Zi a ll ZIA' IrAti#l4ol; v lvorkmettf ':lrould nediteheio Pit hard- • -, eaulefkl#o-:t *V A i - o l O'CllttU i liO r Mielonii iot - ,-.1, - ; , - 4 44*4:"{:a. : V.1...P.' .(7,' , :',., 1 ":.,: .-- ; , • ; -, .- ~, , I • 4litallita t attr A ttiVii' 1 s•74a r : -.1 - 1 - ,GRXERALL --NEWS: - TEL_Cincinnati Times grows prophetic in view.of the antioipated future for that porkopolis : llutCinoinnati is not to be limited , by her attain- Monts on the binke of the - Ohio. *:The real seat of our municipal empire is destineCto be open the highlands., Already on; grand old hills ' whiole ap proaluitito the dignity of mountairasyhave been .edopted; for private residences, by citizens gf and wealth. The grounds have been graded, evergreens have been planted, vineyards are flourishing, beautiful edifices of every description hove been erected , and the mene, all in all, is one of the finest and most semantic to be Imagined. The villages on these hills are -rapidly extending their boundaries, and but a few years will elapse before the vacant apnea between them and Cincin nati will be covered by public, and private build ings. In short, we shalt have-one compact City, embracing the low grounds, the hill-sides, and the' stiMmit. Walnut Drilla Mt. Auburn, ofii.; wiij teem - With bin) , life. The day will arrive when the Chio river—magnificent es are its proportions --.4111 - soono.liko ode of the streets of Venice ; coin menial edifices otimPosing grandeur will line its Wilke, and almost bide .It from the sun; bridges like those of the Thames will span it; tunnels will b. out binloath its bed; and Cincinnati, like Baby but, will boast an empire united, ratherthan sever ed, by a magnificent river- ' • ' GEORGE ALDRICH, a convict, wlio had just served out a term of Ave years in the Virginia "Penitentiary" for killing a man. in Logan, lift Alehmond,a few days Since and on arriving at Logan • bounty, found that hie family had moved - across theriver to Warliebt'Lawrerme county, Va. =The Kanawha 'gepublican says:'"He followed them: Be murdered his sister in the most shock ing manner, literally cutting her to pieces, taking out her heart, and hacking it to pieces, and then throwing the body into Sandy river. The body of his son, a lad of about thirteen years old, was found in a by : place, nearly eaten up by hogs—but was readily, identified by a remarkable scar on one toot; which bad been preserved by the shoe and Rocking. The son was by his wife who had ob tained a divorce. After the perpetration of these horrid deeds, the fiend, with his gun in hand, fled to the woods, saying that he intended to kill his father quid mother and two othir persons—and than the people might take hint, burn him at the stoke, or do what they pleased with him. Tho excited people are after him. THE Douglas paper of St. Paul's, Minnesota, speaks of a late." imposing Breeklarldge de m Anotration" in that town: "The office-holders ad office expectants have boon, drumming up re. e suits for a week Peat, for the purpose of scouring sal:Lough bolters in. St. Paul to fill the °Moos of a groat 4 Central Club' Accordingly, there was an woinonse - ,n'h to Empire Block, Friday evening. 'l hat 'we may not be accused of exaggerating, we will be exact in the figures. There were twenty-six persons present; of this number there were Just eighteen Administration men, twelve of whom were office-holders or employed in Government offices; four adult look - tire-on, and six small boys, names and ocoupations'anknown. Among , those present were the Surveyor General and his em• pioyees, the Collector of- the Port, representatives f,om.tho post office and Indian _Department, tied thecensns takers." We learn from the Northern Perinsy/vonian that &resident of Susquehanna Depot, named John ilogland, died on Teureday last from the bite of a I rsttleinake. ' Oa Wednesday, lie had the snake In ,a barrel with one head out, for -the purpose of ea ' hibiting him." , To give the eurieue a view of his prisoner, be stirred his up with a stick about a Iced long, when the snake retaliated by biting him in the left hand Some time after ho was 'bitten, Dr: Manly. If ittl called, and prescribed whisky, to be taken internally, and the application of lobelia to the wound; In the course of an hour the bitten man drank eleven fait tumblers of whisky. The 'first six did not appear to produce any effect, but after the eleventh he began tallow signs of stupor —a stupor from which. he never recovered. Ile wet taken - home, and died on Thursday morning. Moon excitement has boon aroused in Jack sonville, Illinois, by a most brutal murder perpe trated a few miles from that place. A. travelling beggar, named Michael Redman, knocked his wife down with a clapboard, striking her with its sharp edge Until be out severe gashes in her head. Ile than stamped on her until she was dead. Re bed previously beaten his - little child of four years of ego until htthought him dead, but the child will probably recover. The only reason that eau tie assigned for Ikalman's barbarity was that 10-„Wa , t {rod of supporting hie family. Ito had ,aos been drinking,, and exhibited no signs ~,t insanity. 3he Jacksonville Journal says that hi WIIB at first proposed to jynch the murderer, in bettor eonn eels prevailed, and he was conirdtted to jail. Way ARE THE PRAnoMI TREELESS ?—The lv atornem , w h e w Ah e y„ocoulate on geology, an. swer this question itr_.affinxiing that the prairie fires have burnt thew id off—that they have been frightened out of existence by the fires of the In dt,trus-. At cable times' they vary their theory by affirming tba the absence of trees is due 'to the dacion c yof rain; but neither does this stand ex -aminamen, for the maps of the distribution of rain rhowibat the fall en the prairies about equals that in other regions. Mr. Whitney, in his paper on tho Origin of the Prairies, read before the Boienti ho Congress, shows that the real cause of the eh hence of arborement vegetation'lies in certain me chanical conditions of the soil, and in Its extreme tinenoss.—Westera paper. A RAILROAD CONVENTION of those Interested in a railroad up the Kansas *alley, was recently Loud at Wyandot. Resolutions wore passed calling upon the Rooky Mountain Railroad Company, the 1< mans Valley Railroad Company, and the Kansas Central Railroad Company, to meet and harmonize their interests, by uniting on some common route for the road up the Kansas valley. Also, appoint. ing a committee to prepare an 'address to the peo. plc of .the Kansas valley,.eanotioning the call for a railroad convention at Topeka on the 17th of oo b.bOr next, recommending the circulation of pal. Cosa throughout the whole Territory asking Con fp css for a grant of lands, do., do. A zumdaily paper, is to be published, lu short time, at Scranton, Pennsylvania. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Gt.I'ORGE N. TATRAM.i T.PROTHINOHAM, Ocamirrint ow vas.Monex RuBERT B. REED. LETTER BAUM At the Merchants' Ezelustrge, Ship Westmoreland. Wean— Ship Tonswasider Johns— ...... won lilts. Kanawha. soon irk nos Dallett, Dill —humors'. sirob Ch .• E Lex. A1meida.........P0rt au Prince, anon Lille Ells Reed, rano.-- et Into de Cubs, noon Prig T 8 Martin Carver... _....thenfessos, Boon 'IAA ME . INTELLIGENCE. I' Mr OW PHILADELPHIA, Avg. IS, ISM. PUN RI f 16-BUN BETS--- H en .3 19 EEMM Steamship Delaware, Cannon, from New York, via Cape May 6,3 hours, with mdse and PalletlsollB to Jaa Alerdiee.. Steamship Virginia, Kelly. from Riehmond, via Nor -foltr.3o hours. with mdse to 'rhos Webster. Jr. Ship John Trunks. Lindsay. 77 days from Liverpool. rv•th 11100 tons salt to Isaac Jeanea & ( to—vessel to lio.hap, Simons & Co. Towed no by tug Oen Win Cook. Ship Coy Langdon. Stone J from Liverpool 11th July Fmdse to Peter Wright £ Suns—towed up by tug F Starr. Brig Calwert. -- Prenolf. from Sierra Leone July 16, with slam oil, hides. nehi, irty. to W Cummings & Hon Jolt bark Aaron Harvey,Miller, for Philadelehla Aug let; Nig Ann Elisabeth, Lang, for Stiebro, and to return: rs Will o' the Wisp. Hunt, for New York about Aug 0n Empire. 'I oft, for Salem in a few days. 4th hist, Int 2 15, long 6225, spoke ship Thai Hamlin. from Dame , ra for Liverpool, 11 days out; Bth, lat 90 15 N, long 65. *, an a large eqhbol of sperm whales som tI e slowly W; 11th, tat st N, long 7193, spoke brig Alerohant;_l7th, tat sa long yg, spoke *hip Mena, of Nog York. Brig Louise, King. 3 days from New York, in ballast 'to O W Bernanou & Bro. . . . Bahr E 1? Lewis. Yorke, 7 date from Portland, with plaster to Jairug Baker. Echr Enooh Pratt, Sherman. 5 days from New Bed ford. with oil to 'lodation & Keen. Bohr Barak Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek La. ding . Del. with wheat to J L Bewley & Co. r.,oapr Young AMOr.osl., Tlllta day from Port Deposit, Mil, With wheat to L Bewley & Co. Bohr Althea, Corson : s days from Fall River, in bal. last to Itlt Girton & tlahr B• J Pleknp, PIOIIIIP, 5 days from Jersey City, in ba 1 1 84 to captain, BohrH B Gibson. Crocker, 5 dais from Now London, - with 12.700 gang elephant oil to IShober. Btunting & Co.' Behr Venda/la, Cooper. 1 day front ISMYIII6, Del, with wheat to Jam Barrett & Eon. . . Sohr.Riebard Yap. Brink. from Boston. Bohr A o..rdery. naboook, from Boston. Bahr Jlreland. Steelman. from Br ston. So hr Spray, Price, from Barton, i•ohr Georgia, Sweet. from Newburf port. Nowell . Cov(II. from Pal River. Behr Mary Bohr Adelaide Young. trout Hymn, s. J Soh/ Abigail Jennings from QUIrIOY. Bohr Huntley, from Danverspor I. rohr Nellie D. 'rare% from Stamford. Bohr I. Sturtevant, Dole. from Sommerville. Bohr Alabama,Vangilder. from Sangria. Bohr Isisob a William, Matthews, from Portsmouth. - Bohr idlianoe. Ireland. from New London. Bohr L H Endicott. Leeds, from Newport. Stealner Ironsides. Vanderveer, 24 bourn from New York. with mdse to W M Baird do Co. CLEARED Steamship Boston, Crooner, New York, via Cape May, Jae Allderdlee. Bahr Geo Mangbam, Squdder, Galventon, D 8 Stetson & Co. ' NeAte D, Tine% ktohmond, Noble, Hammett k Erch;Ntohard Venn, Frink, Boston. Replier & Bro. Bohr I. Et Endicott. Leers, Newport. • do Bohr Georgia. Sweet, Newport, N (Sturtevant. & Co. mint L Sturtevant, Dole. Cambrid do Bohr A 'Corderg, Babcock, Boston, C A Reoksolier Co. . 8OiI; B II Nash. Strout, Gardiner. Me. do Bohr Adelaide, Young. Boston, Blakinton & Cox. Rohr Alliance. Ireland, QUIIIoY, do Rohr 3 Iroland, steaunein, Boston, 1, Rothermel do Co Rohr Alithamit.Vanitilder, gangue, do ' Bohr Spray. Fries, Ohelees. do • Bahr My Nowell. Cori)). Monohester. do Rohr .I K Plater. Gandy Boston, Bohr lamb, Benson. Boston. d o l Bohr Sway Flake, Weaver, New Bedford, do Mohr Lewis Chester. Somers. Cam bridgeport, do Bohr Remy Portion!, Ooodridge, Boston, Nevin, Saw yer & Co, Bohr A Jennings. Lake. Scituate. Tyler. Stone & Co. Rehr Flight, Huntlev,banversport. ft Milne, is C. Bohr Jacob & William, Matthews, Portsmouth, I I Conrad. . . Stratton, Haley, Harerhill, Van Dusan, Nor ton & Co. Oar Chao Carroll, Pratt, Providence, do Bohr ChaDenim, Pickens. Fall River, RR Corson fc. Co Bohr Althea, cordon. Holton. Nevin, Sawyer &Co . - Bohr Smith, Smith, Binditeport. J Street & Co. Pohr Alex Blue, Haskins, Fair Haven, thrinlokson & Glover. Sir Bride!. Allen, New York, W 1B Bai S t o v es, it, Willing - , Claynoole, Baltlroore, A Jr. HT .TELEOR API!. (Correspondence of the From, rioaroz, Aug Bahr Waterbury, from Charleston, with timber, owl to New York, hae put in hero with loss of sails and in a damaged condition. I Correeporidene e of I tvPhiladelphia Iteob LEWEG.DeI,. Aug )6. ti A M The following vowels are at harbor: Barka Donna Ones, David gimbal., Leighton; briga 1) B Duarte. Q L uckwan. W rtiokels_• W ave: lab' of Mimi, Surprise, 'no, Victor, Justine. Wave.' Henry Cole. Ellen Ore, &dna) , C iO/1011. White Cloud, L N Godfrey. J 111 Tay lor. ?striatum. .1 H MoFee, George Ames. Edward Heed, Ann, Trede Wind, Magellan, and Mary Emily. Wind northeast. taupe. io., .N. W. fIiCKMAX. IMIAIOILSTIDA . • Steamship Quaker City, Shnfeldt, from New York, ar rived at Havana 16th Inst. - Ship Grey Eagle. Hughes. from City Point for 1110 de itinel 40. went to sea from Hamton itoads 16th ,n et. ;Bark Sophia, Jones , from R io do Sanoim 9th tilt, ar med el Baltimore Nth inst. July 18, lat 8 ti, long 34 10, Croke Br bark Henrietta. for Australia, vrlth_priesengere. -• Bark Mystery. Taylor, from Bogen July/ for lam (le Janeiro, waesuoken MM. let 87 IL, long 48 W.: — Brig Rodney Car, Usher , at Bristo l 14th Inst. ,froin Bela ware - City. • Brig . l9isa A na, Beyer, viewed at Port'and 16th lust, for-kkil bears Platej,. Blignard,Charm, Stara C Henri, Penton', era*: Ward; and Beres, merodith, arrived at Wi.cola_aton, Del. Yitb_truit. bokr.Thon.Bordenewnghtington. from Pall Hirer tor Philadelphia, sailed from Newport Ilth test. Rehr BS Price, BUssard, for -blur York , sailed front', yosterday e • , • SohtTelograpbt adokereon, base,, vrived at_ Etast4n 16tb, inst. -, on t h elBth last, at. 10 PM. ag Cape C od, hod , har k tooraprit owlet! twat bro atoarnst Whit% tan fold' Schr Rr ary 9 , 12 1 r."3.!1!1:10drt 14th --D ;Wi n "t rattritaligainso4ol•aradrat - Baltitaoplifih Alit* 1 4 ..0i,t1 't - `r• •4 • .P s g T'W .4 l3;T:r , "'-.! • .4 _t.. Palm P Bolan, Nom, kolas, arrived at Ofuirleatad; llth twit t oht Mary Haley, Haley. kerma', arrived at Beaton 16th inst. 130 hr Jae Martin; Mardiag, 1 . 141100, ter . 4:6610.0411r00t 14th nst. • • • 1 , 80 1 1,1 9ebOiatt a ti:P.: r6 INE'PV_T - hcl.nulig, f 00_01,Sr. rcii; for lifillOidiertiorilr7l4 4 aer ms g. • ' s Bohr Bailie T Obertre, Ohattre, sailed from Taunton lath ins'. for Priiiedeighia. ••_ • NOT/OB TO MARINERS. The nun buoy placed to mark Moulton's Ledge, hear ing or by N from Petit MOD= lighthouse, having motet* frnm its mooring.' and gone Adrift. a spar buoy has been ;Iliad to mark the danger until lumber notice. By order of the Lighthouse Board. THEO. P. GREEN, Portland, Aug IN Lighthoose Inspector First Dietnet /860. MEDICINAL. i AK - ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS: These Springs are situated in the valley of . the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Ababante, litesesee 'co., Y. L elght miles sonthof the village of Medina, on C the Erie anal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. The prim:nee Aoid Springs are three In number ; besides theme there are six others. They are all Minded within a circuit of about fifty rode. the medieinal testimonials.he wats containully shown in the subjoined They a very largp amountof Sli ther. Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto- Sulphate of Iron. The great medioinal virtues possess ed by those waters depend very largely' upon the pre sence, in such unusual Quantities, of these curative substances. Hundreds of eases of disease, especially those resitt ing from the sorofulous diathesis, have been cured by tholr use. fifir gkin disemes—even in confirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally suooessful. Opinion, of medical and soientifio gentlemen are given in the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the medloinal value of these waters Prof. Emmons, T. Itoineyn Beek, M. D., of Albany; JELL MoNaughton, M. D., of Albany ; Edward Spring, M.D. of New York; Dr. R. Camlibeil,:pf Pitts field, Mass. • Dr. J. S. Binder, of.Lockpor., N. Y. They recommendthe waters confidently. Dr: Spring refers to a case of chronic by by of several scare standing, which was cured by the use of the water. Dr. Beek says, •• I am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents." Dr. Campbell says," 'Easy must be highly beneficial for all chronic. diseases of the stomach and bowels. Dr.& P. White readspaper on the mildeot of these Waters, before the Academy of Physicians. in the oity of New York, In which he states that the Waters Poe tees decidedly tonio, refrigerant. and astringent proper ties; and that the class of diseases to which they are more particularly adapted. are obronio affeetions of the and urinary organs, and some of the cutane ous iffseascs • chronic dyspepsia ;• chronic dtarracre chronic dysen tery chronic rhymes ; chronic cystitis ; diabetes ; cases of paesive hemorrhage, sunk as PICTPU. vie hem orrhatitaa, and the colliquative sweats of HOMO Foyer. Foyer. The Water may also be often used with ad• vantage, he says, in oases of low typhoid fevers ; in canoe/swears front protracted/ever,. to excite the ap petite end promote digestion ; in diarrhreas. partioularl slick as are deperdent an a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mucous membrane of the Intestines. In man hole alieotlbne,dr lithiabis, attended with phosphatic) sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to marital° Mid, as tieing more solvent and len apt by continuative@ to disorder the stomach, in' febrile dos eases, can be used properly diluted, as a refrigerant, ro tes—in dimmish.thirst and preternatural heat. In skin die thrum forms of dyspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the etomach, as in Pyrosis, or wa icr-brash, a will prove better than hydroohlorio acid. In oases of Colica pfetonutn, and other injurious con sequences arising from the notion of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic hharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh. and umid asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerated sore throats, in oases of sali vation, and in leimorrhea and pert; and also invites. When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water, diluted, taken three • times a day, is mlffioient for an edam other testimonials from physidians; and other re spectable individuals. may be sermon application to the Agent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Water genuine unless procured front H. W. BOSTWICK. Sole Await, ' - No. fad BROADWAY, New York. For Sale at the following Agencies FREDERICK BRDWN'S Drug and Chemical Store, Northeruireormer of FIFTH. and CHESTNUT Stmts. • Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, hr.'s. Drug and Chemical Store, Continental Rotel, corner of NINTH and ClIESTNUStreets, Philadelphia. The Trade supplied at - Wholesale Priem. myl2-scaly DYSNEPSIA. ItOMEDY. • Dr. DARIUS RAM'S AROMATIC INVIOORATINIi SPIRIT. This Medicine has bemused by the public for six Pears w ith 6, 8 ,1486 a! favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, Nrroosisnoss, Heart-Bum, Colic p a ins, Wisdin the Stomach, or Pains in the porosis, Headache, DlOtnialllth Kidney gempfaints, Low Spirits, Delirium Tumour, Intesneernace, Ir STINULATILS, EXIIILARATTe, INVIcioRaTES, PUT WILL NOT fIiToXMATWOR STIIPETT. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, curing the must aggmvatedosses ofDyspepsia, Kidney ComiMaints, or.d all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in &speedy manner. lt will instantly revive the mat melancholy and drooping smelts, and restore the weak, nervous, and stokly to health, stretigth, and vigor. Persons who, from the injudielocur use of liquors. have beoome dejeofed, and their nervous wystems shsttere, ocnstitstions broken down, and subjeot to that horrib curse to humanity. the Damian's Tamtutes, will, a e - nowt immediate,feel thehapfj and healthy invigo rating effietioy or vr.HA Ram ' WILL O. In Lorr D aine Spirit. WT IT ,Doss.—Onowine glass full as often ait necessary. tine dose, will remove all Bad Spirit,. One dose will ours heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Otic.dtweetile... • . One dose will stop the. distressing pain, vs/Weems. One dose will remove the distreesing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. ana an soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all palatal feeling, will be removed. One dose will remove the moat dietreuing pain' of Gollo. either in the stomach or bowels. A fewdoesjuwili remove all obetruotient In the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriouely /Mimed with any Kidney Vomplsints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. • - NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Femme who, from dissipating too much over night, Anil feel the oval effects°. poisonous liquors, violent headaches, sickness at Mr inneli, weakness, giddiness, ho., will find one door t move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak And sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three limes a day ; it will make them etrong, healthy, and ham y, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities Irom the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lace. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he haa put up the laviaossmna Smarr in pint buttleg at Sc cents, quarts el. General Perot. 413 WATER Street, New York. DYOTT & CO. 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, JoT-thstuly and for sale by all Druggists. PER.uvrAN SYRUP, OM PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXLDE OF IRON COMBINED. . Ilia well-10 "Sti l d 4 ritekrtaltroltaa" .. ...' 0 DYSPEPSIA. 4' ...% OR IMPAIRED AND IMPERFECT DIGESTION; 1 V°. DE r PrioltirriOir7T4iN BLOOD ; 0 AND FOR FOLLOWING FORMS 01' DISEASE, Op • . Most of whioh originate 112 DYSPEPSIA .:, LIVER COMPLAINT, DROPSY. URALGIA_ and NERVOUS AFFECTIONSILOSS OP A PPF.TITE, - HEADAWIE, LANGUOR and DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. CAR BUNCLnEI and BOILS, - PILI4I - BCURvY, AFFECTIONS OF TRIAKIN,C ONE UMPTIVE • TENDENCIES. BRoNC RI TM. DISEASE. 8 PECU LIAR to FEIVIALItS, and A L L COM- P L AINTS ACCOMPANIED BY GENSRAL DEBILITY. and REQUIR R ATIV A MEDICINE. Nors.—The failure of IRON as a remedy for DWI p v.pitlA, e. bad state of the blood. and the numerous diseaaos caused thereby. has arisen from the want of such a preparation alma as shall enter the stomsch in a PROTOXIDE MAO. APO assimilate at once with the blood. This want the PhRUVIAN (SYRUP supplies, and it doer; so in the only form in which it is possible fur Ironto enter the circulation. For thie reason, the PERUVIAN AY RCP often radically cures diseases in which other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be of no avail, CERTIFICATE OF 11 A. A. RAYED, M. D., OF BTN. It IS well known that the medicinal effeets of Protoxide of Iron are lost by even a very brief exposure to air, arid that to maintain a solution of Protaxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed morsel ble. In the PERU VIAN BYRUP This desirable point le at tained by COMBINATION IN A WAY BEFORE UNKNOWN; and thre solution may replace all the protoroarbonates, citrates, and tartratrs of the Malaria Medic*. A. A. HAYES, Assayer to the State of Mass. 18 BOYLSTON damn, Boston. N. B.—Pamptlets containing Letters from the above named Gentlemen and others, and giving full informs.- Wm of the Syrup, can be bad on applioation to the Agents, or to N. L. CLARK /r. Co. Proprietors. COD DAN' BUIS...MEG& No. 79 SUDBURY STREET, BOSTON. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Agents for Pennmlotints infOTT & Co., an7-tuths 3m 232 North SECOND Street, Masa LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT •A• letters testamentary to the estate of JOSEPH L. NOBRE,deeeased. having been granted to the mid. r eigned, all persons having claim. against the sald es tate are requested to present tnem, and all parties in debted thereto to pay the same to AliolB TETE, Exeontor. aut-stit. 130 WAIRIUT btreet. TO ADVERTISERS. TO ADVERTI seßs. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Is THE - - - PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER—DOUBLE SHEET OFPIOE, 122804.1 TH THIRD STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. nol7-2C TO ADVERTISERS. TO ADVERTI DERR THE SPAT ADVERTISING MED/IJAI IN THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA IS 11111 PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER—DOUBLE SHEET. OFFICE, 12% SOUTH l THIRD STREET. BhLOW MIES ['mil'. aul7-21 TO ADVERTISERS. TO ADVERTI BEES. THE nEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA INOVAR—DOLIDLE SHEET. OFFICE. 121 SO PH THIRD STREET. • B E.LOW CHESTN UT. aul7.2t 31AOKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, do.— WO Mils Now. 1,2 and 3 large and medium Mao kerelon eagorted package% of a very isholee aloe gobble. new N 0.3 large Mackerel. ao half bbls new No. 3dc do. 30 bble new No. 3 =Muni do, ao d ry new Eastern Mess Shad. 00 haf bbls new do do do. 800 bbie new Eaetport No. 1 Herring. SOO do do Halifax No, 1 do. 200 do new Boston No. 1 do. 100 do do No. 1 scale Fah. • • 20 do primeig Bannon, 100 quintals Or ark Codfish. 100 boxes new mer connElheege. Now landing and in store, fin ealo tau NER WH ARVES. ?ton WHARVES. R. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS Lem. FUR LADlES.—Approved of 'and highly recom mended by the Medical profeasion thronehout the United States, Thirty Thougand Invalids baring been advised by their phrei M e rchants hey Surgical Applianoes. She wonldoeutionand others against unroll= lig except ether iesidence, /On WALNUT Street, where nhe clan be consulted daily, between the hours of and 6. Her book of testimonials will be given on ape!' nation. Sent free to any part of the United States. Ile signature is on each artiale. mull raths-tr WORK'S ODOMETER BAND 430 M. PANT Itattnprd, Con .. k mannfa ß PATENT onlnkna it CAR lAGE t A n N i6 D W ß, ° Sr ß h iC ie ll h are durable, cheap and efficient. measuring With uner ring Sic °ardor tiny distance passed over, by the vehicle to which they are attached. inferiortra-firused Bands cost bat a trifle more than banns without the Otometer. 0.—Gr,....,„„nta Wanted In all parte the ootatirr, haw lead or al rosters. niortl- CANDIAIS, Flr4E PARRA WAX„ YoRE B.PEKIVIACIETI, CHEMIOa.t. BREAM, AD.AbLariT/r4.IE, Prtert sires.i aned' msleds or (spy boxes to suit any market. a Assets oit the meumfaoturera, } : tir rit tr. temaREOPIB, 22 and U WHARVES. Um . RIOE.--r 200 Tierces Prime Refillline 5ki..c0.11411 'ms br 1.W.3 oßAuAtil OILS. --=-25 No. Wehtern Lard Oil; 3,000 skii. Extra#Heaohea Wbabl,oll; &boo t(i no. 61rained Wbale Ott 9n store and for sale b MAILVEN. AY. ABIIBURIWI. & No, .16 dor AF, • • - • • QALAu OlL.—Baccigalupi's; for sale by IvamtltreetEßtizd BROTRER,47 and 49 North goo lIINNESSY BRANDY.I-70 Osaka, in wet tor 14 10"Nra ""!I f id6l"flitilifilea , „ THE I?,' .P. SPALDLIO's PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY! , ' DES PATCH OM" A STITCH IN TIM; ELVES NUM." 'CI .43 accidents toil {happen, eves In tvell-reeetlatedPunt ties tt in very deetrable to have some cheap and con venient way for repetrinq Furniture, Toys, Crockery, 10, meta all each emerKenelee, and no household oan afford to be without it. It is always ready. and rip to the stick.; mg point. There is no longer neoessity for limning ahairciplintered venecira. headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is Just the artiole tor none shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. Thin admirable preparation is used told, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessims all too valuable Qualities of the best oabinet-makerio Glue, It may be tined in the .place of ordinary mintage, being vast more adhesive. USEFUL IN EVERY HOME." Ni .13.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25 cents lArgoLiggAlß Dittos, N 0.30 PLATT BT., NSW YORK Address BENRY C. SPALDING & Co., Box 3,600, Now York Put up for flealora in cages containing four, eight. and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithographio Show-Card acompanying each Tankage. 1117 , A' tangle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save too tunes Its oast annually to every bn"eh e ld. 11 11 Leant Btati wr.l 4 .frd.sfuTx=re i zZfgy - Stores. • lAVelqtfra ° l l l " PlrGtill d , when mating ue their lief, It will stand any climate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUF.I USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. SPALDING'S PRYPARED GLUE. SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S TREPA RED GLUE, BOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. BOLD BY ROUSE-FURNISHING swims. SOLD BY SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY FANGY-GOODS DEALE RS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE , SOLD BY GRINER& BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOPI.D Y COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY Minds tured tor HENRY O. SPALDING & CO., 48 CEDAR Btreet, New York. Address Post Office, Box N 0.5,600. `Annexed is an Alphabetioal List of Articles which, if damsged, may be restored t 9 their original strength and meal:lose by SPAIDINO'SiREPARED GLUE. A—.Mende ACCOUNT BOOBS— B....Mende BUTAUS-- 0......Mende ORA LES— D.—Mende DOL S E.—.Mende F.... Mends FANS G....Mende GUITAka . 1...... Sends ....Mends ••-"'•"), M-.Mende MIRROR - FRAMES,,.- ....-- M N Mends NE WE POSTS. - N P.... Mends ..... Q-.. Mends QUILT FRAMES.....— ............_ ROCIKANG-71ORSES T.... Mends TABLES ~ . T U . ~ .Mends UMBRELLA-STICKS.-- V.-11/ ends V A 5E13.„,_., ......—...—. _V W -.Mends WORK-AMES..., W X—Manda XYLOGRAPH .BTIOK ICI-WORK..-- X yy Mends --.Y Z _Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK....—. ........Z /G....1n conclusion, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is useful in Libraries and Schools. SOFAS., ..—....----.8.... 1 a....P....Mends .....P.... I ACCORDEONS..... .. ._ ..., . A.... 1..., ....Mende LETT,. SEALING ...- L.... 6.... ....Mends DAGUE REOTYPE CASES..D.... IL—. --Mends IMAGE 1.... 6 7....N....Mends w 7 .-G....Mende GUNR.VOI3IO3_.. a B.... Mends SCHOOL-BOOKS 8.-. 9 PARA50L5..................,... P.... 10 11. ..R....Monds RULERS. . R.... 11 13—.P....Mends PAPER.HANGINGS.-.- ..... P.... 13 14....A....Mands ARM-CHAIRS „ A.... 14 la —R....Mends RICKETY FURNITURE....R....Is ia....E....Mends FRASER HANDLES.. --- E.... 16 1.7...... D--Mends DESKS —._.—..—H-11 18....G....M0nds GLOBES G 18 -----.........- .... 19-... L-Mends LOOSENED LEAVES-....L....19 '20....11.... Mende Upholatered FURNITURE... U.... 20 21-E-. Mends F.I3G-BEATERS - . E._-21- 221....:-.....Mende ACORN-WORK .---.... _- .-22 73...._--. -Monde CHESS-BOARDS-. -.23 31-....M6nds FIDDLES ....„,_- .-.--- 24 25-.......M0nds SHELL-WORK.-- ..- - - 26 38-.-- Mande FILLE3.-WORK- ..--. -.26 a --Mends HOBBY-HORSES . -- .- .- 7.7 29-..-Menda KALEIDOSCOPES-- .- - 28 29 Mends HONEY-BOXES . 29 30........- .Mends PICTURE FRACMES-... au al__ - Mends SECRETARIES- ....-....31 AL...-.Mends VENEERING...___ - 32 33............Menda SCHOOL FURNITURE..-.....-33 34 ....-. Mends PAPIER-MACHE -.---- -34 36-........ Mends WARDROBES --36 46-- -.Mends PAR lA.N MARBLE--: - - -36 8(....... Mends ERISS..- 88-...-Menda• ASK-JUMPERS-- .- 38 39------ Mends VORY-W0RK.....-.. ...... -.- . 39 90 -....Mend• ATCH-_I9AFE/3 -.- - --.40 4/ ....-- Mends PIOTURES.,.-,. .. ---....- -41 42 ....- Mends QUILL-WHEELS. - - .............42 43-.....-Mends TOW EL-RACKEL.-- -43 44....»..-. Mends WASHSTANDS.____.........__._.. .44 46 -....-.. Mends 81DVEAD5........- --.46 4/ ...-- Mende CHEammkii..„,......_ ..... ....-.47 48 --- Me nds BALLOT-BOXES.- ..-. - 48 49.---- -Mende HERBARIUMS-, , ~._. 60.-........Mands BACKGAMMON-BOARDS-- 90 bi-.-- -Mends BAND.DOXEB 62-...-... Mends a 1 1 ,VIC. -BO AR D 8.........». -.62 _---)141964 - Mil. t_ ALY-t-'7:: - . - -..-Z - .1 . . 66 ____Mend6 BIRD-_CAq.nia, ... - ......_.• • aa a 7......- AlendrHßOOM WII9ES-...--..- -. 67 68 -.....--Mend6 !WOK-OASES. -__. _ ..68 29.........»..Mends BOO'I . 7CIIIMPS.,„. -.-- .69 60-..... Mends BRUSH-HANDLES---- ...... ....60 61 * -..- blends 8E115HE8....-. --.., - .64, 62.-.....-- Mends CAB NETS_ -__ 62 66,......-..Meade CWK-Ctlitii.....__.. 64 66....---Mende CITCH El - - 66 66-..........Menda OU BOAR 13-.-- -.- ..66 07-- -..Mende CURTAIN S.-._..:...... ..-. 67 66.-..... Mends CASINGS . - • •• .. M. 119.-.-.....Menda CADDIES-- - ------ 62 72-.-316nds CAMERAS- -...•...--70 71-......- Mende CHAIRS.... -- --,... --•.....71 73_.....__ Mende CHARTS. 72 73-- - Mende CLOTHES . -FRAMES -............73 76............ Mende CARD-CASES .. 74 70 ......--- lends v HEST7I. . .. .79 76---- - - Mends IA R1ER....„..... -.76 77 .-..Mends ORK-EITANDS_-, .- ..-77 78-_.- Mends DRAUGHT-80ARD5....- • 76 1 79........... Mende 15HE5.................... ....... ..79 80-.....- Mends VANS -...•-•• - • ...• -SI 81 ----Mends CE-BOXES -- ................. II ES-- Mends OORS . . .. 82 83--.....1116nds OMINOES . . . . 63 84--..... blends FLUTES -.....--. -.84 86.....--. Mends LUTES - -.....-- ..... ~...96 M..- --. Mende ALTAI/CEEB- .---.- _B6 87. 88......-.... Mends HANDLP.S. .. -,_ . ___ ._ 69 W._ ..... Mendi GUTTA-PERCHA WA1E.,.: . .-..89 9- - -Mends KITES.-- - -- - -90 M..-- --Mende T0P5....... .........- - --,.... -.91 92- - -- Mends ORGANS-- ...-. -. _- ..... .92 93,- -- Mende MODELS.,- . ... .. 93 94.--....-Mendo SEWING- M A C HINE - 8TAND5....94 96- .---.-. Mends PANELS..., .. „_ ~.._ ........_. 96 96.....--- Mends PASTEBOARD . WORK .- .__.96 97....-Mends PATTER/14 i . Or 98 - M ~..endx SIDEBOA ,-..-- 91 99....-- Mende WOODEN ARE................ ..21 100......... Mends WILLOW WARE................. 190 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HARDWARE STORES, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY ROUSE-FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, • SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY COUNTRY MEW:MARTS GENERALLY. Manufactured b 7 *LENRY C. SPALDING k cD., l 8 CEDAR Street, New York. Addrees Poet Moe, Box No.e,eoo. Put nein castes containing either Four, Eight, or Twelve dozen each—A beautifulLzTrtooxAptr en o MILD accompitertns each package. Icat-e pmHAINES BROS.; OVERSTRUNG PATEN T-A CT lON PI/440 FORTES, " Cheapest First. Class Fumes made. A olepdid Fsortmentof Louts XIV., and other styles. for We at actory Cash Prices, and wanwated for 6 years. Second-hand Pianos for We and to rent. OEORK L. WALKER N. E. Cor, of BEV'S TR and ARCH a t. PRINCE & CO.'S Improved ELODEONS. from So, upwards. .016-3 m STEINWAY it SOWS NEW PA. TENT OVRR-13TRING GRAND FIANCE, (WARN GRAND, AND tiW.GARN 11'1A:4084ov E. erred to concerti and in private circles by the in Performers. Xeosived the first premiums over the et makers, from judges like 000.0h.111(,Masok.Aid silker* Oballeugo alloompatinon. BLAIN. 4_llRtrE 1008 OBEISTISU [Street. l opo i PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS ! ' PIANO-FORTES. NLELODEON.S. 11411" 741 1 101 . )E0r16 Eiratlnt a .rdo. l , 3 :Mtbti c . ° " Nl"' 1 Clark J. E. GOULD, mid- / SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE lIARDWAitE 110IIBE.—We would resoeetfally call the attention of the dem tsl Trade gar extrye Stoth cf Ilia Oliltid HARDWARE, Whi we offer It alai f! &thanes by the wham Orders for dirbot importation Incited, snd tOoodo do LiTetea either la lids o il y, new lAA . y r riew °dear* 1115 eon, ill CORta 'ROE Street, Importing and tionlinimenn Marche:at Alt ASSAM lit lento and Reateetlo lantwaro. TO TILE PUBLIC!. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent le deemed, by relent Ino and praeti eel Wen, to he the very boat ever onered to the radio, and needs only to be seen in • actual opera' for its merits to be appremated. Nothing ever I r • need is co Pe ,featly ethavted for ventilating private In public buildings, stilton* hoegltals,. engine honer', miner, Aram and sailing vessels, sod for the cure of smoky chimneys they havegto nowt!. • Menufaebtre for ease wholesale aril retail, at the nestins_.4 Tittilatins Wareronnur or CHM WI L lin 'MARKET Bisset, Phila. Personal attention will be given to all deatriptione of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has n nu Are Y . Y r e or2e, a girr i li jirs i [JMil [mem, cooking ranges, bath wile reiten eco by felgArtuthem CHAS. MAMA. CLAIMS ON IRELAND. O'GORMAN & WIS ICARD O'GORMAN. EDWAR L ONL, D J,VV IIRON)1 AO N ORNIES AND COUNS.E.GtOBS AT L W. No. 192 BROADWAY, /Yew York, Having established extensive Correspondence and Aipnoiesthlorighout Ireland, will take Charge of the ru"e"1" Of Waite. , Leraides, ke,, and attend to other aineen In am' part of that °until'. Jed stathkm SIVAPS. Ka VAN %VW? „FOM I ZELEBRATED /1 1 4X 1 , • nreiGOILET, in T tu t rittllna 4 1 44 Are. tia4A474:20. patroiniMEED,iiroi Ariag, 0 ERIII4I Sylptl?A',l: 7 9, ,AITrUST_ 18, 1860. PREPARED . GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! • SPALDING'S PREPARED DUDE: SAVE TILE PIECES! BrALDINGt PREPARED OLD& PIANOS. lIMEMEI2II RAILROAD LINE& VIEW Trt,l-WEEKLY RouffTto 0 FOLK and DiIIift i I i MIPIPT F II R , the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore, and lielaware Saltromie, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Nerfolir and Portsmouth, Va, On and after .inly 9th, mumengera from Philadel elite will take the 9.15 A. M. tram at the depot, corner Broad Street and Weehington evenue,_ on puesdaye, Thuradaya, and Paturdaye, arriving at Sea ford at 1.30 P. Id., and at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the even mite of Monday. Wednesday., and friday, connecting with the train at Seaford, which arrives at Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Fare fo r 'f passengers, including meals on the boat, $l. 84_51). Send-clam' passengers , including meals on the boat , co Freight • taken as .ow as by any other route. For further partionlarp. ace small hand-bills at the hotelman(' other public planes, or tryoure of C. I'. DARE, Agent, corner Broad et. and WEIBIIIIIIaOII t 1,7. 11. F. KENNEY, Mester Di Tseusoortation 1127 lin P. W. &I'. H. R. rio. artANIMIN WEST(MIESIEIt RAILROAD AND PHIL ADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. SUMMER A. II IIANGEMENT. On and after Monday, July 16th WO, the passenger trains will leave PHILADELPIII A, from the litation, corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty first Streeter West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and 10 30 A. M., and 2.30. 4.45, and 6.33 I'. 51. Leave WEST cIiEsTER, from the Depot, on East Mullet street, at AA, 8, and 10 30 A. M., and 1,40 and 6.15 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot. northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market attests, at 8 A. M. and P. M. Leave West Chester, at 7.30 A. M. and BP. M. The last passenger railway oar will leave Front and Market streets 30 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets z 6 manatee, before the starting time from the de pot. and will carry a line to denote it. The Baggage Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trains leavlrs at 10.30 A. M. and 4.45 P. 111., connect at Donnelton wit trains for all points on the Philadelphia and,tllltimore Central Railroad. . 04 . 100 and visiting room. southeast corner of Eighth and Market_ emote, where passengers, purchasing tlokete for West Chester. will be furniehed with a tioket over the ',monger railway, AMAPHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. 81Ellhi - ER ARRANGEMENT.—UntiI further notice the trains will run as : Leave the pitasenger depot of the West Chester and philtutel phis Railroad Co.. corner Market and Thirty-first streets. Weal. Philafialehm, daily (Sundays excepted)at 1010 A. ht. and SAD r. hi. Leave West 16 rove at 8,60 A. M., and 4. P.M. Anil, line of Eannea to and from New London and Oxford connects with the 10.30 A. hl.l ram from Phila delphia and the 8.60 A.l M. train from Went Orovo, leaving Oxford at 8.30, A. M.. The beautiful soenery and well-known healthlulnere of Delaware dud Chester counties offer sups nor in ducements to those looking for Rummer boarding. Freights for thin line received at No. ISM Market St. A. B. BURTON. Philadelphia, June 78.1860, tante Superintendent. • NORTH PENNSYL- M.llll NNW VANIA RAILROAD. For BETHLEHEM, DO LEIITOWN, EASTON. mAvotr CHUNK. HAZLEION, ECKLEY. HAVEN, WILKESBAR RE, WILLIAMSPORT, &o. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and altar MONDAY, July Id, O. Passenear Trains will leave FRONT a.nd WILLOW Streets, Phi ladelphia, DAILY. (Sundays excepted./ as follows: At 0.70 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesharre, Williamsport, ko. ;atm P. Al. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, &o. This tram reaches Easton at LSO P. M., and makes close connection with New Jere/ Central for New York. SM2MM!M At 9 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. N. and 6.60 P. M. for Fort Washington. The 6.60 A. M. Express Train makes clime connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. hater: the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkeebarre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAMS FOR PHILADELPHIA: m. Leave Bethlehem at 6.63 A. MI 9.30 A. M, and 6.22 P. Leave vleetown at 1.30 A. at area 4.111 P. M. Leave t Washington at 6.26 A. M. and 716 P. AI. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia.. for Doylestown, at S P. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.40 A. M. for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Fare to 601 Fare to Manoh Chunk.s3 60 Fate to Easton.. .. .". 1 1101 Fare to Doylestown.. 060 Throegh Tiokete must be procured at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW Street, or BERKB Street, in order to seance the above rates of fare. All Passenger Train, I except atinday Trains) connect at Berk' street with Fifth and Rixth Streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads. 70 minutes after leaving Willow street. Jr 3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 1860. fin _ _ 1860 RYRINO ARRANHEMEN - T—NEW YORK LINER THE CAMDEN AND AMB RAILROADHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON CO.'B LINER FROM_ PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAnER, Fr w Wrilnut.street Wharf, Will kayo Ali follows—rus: VARS. At 6 A M, via Camden and Amboy,C. & A. Accom modation. • • 211 At 5 A M,Y • C'el mde it and . leYsitiy oomin Nation. , „... . .. . 15 At 9)M, via Camden and Jerseyy, Mornin; d 00 At II vierl'anonr in .I . .:t:Ye . t4 • City. Western Ex preee..—. 300 Atl2X P M, via Camden and Amboy, Aoomn - m . At s hi, oils *iiitritTtixi; press.— . ... . . ...aci 300 At 4 P AI, Steamboat via Tony and Jersey Cit., Freiman Bantam, . . 3 (10 At F M, by Steamboat via Taoony sad Jergey City, 2d Claes Tigkot At 6 P M, via Camden and Jereey City, Evening Mail 3 00 At 11 alll, M , via Camden end Jerioj City, Southern Ate Phi Camden and Amboy kocommoda- Bon, (Frtnght and l'assenger,)-1A Class Tioket. 2 211 2d " 160 Thee PAt Mail Line runs daily. The 11 PM, South ern Mail, Bolinder' egoepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lainbertvillo, Flemington, /to., at 6A M and P el. front Walnut-eireet wharf. and 1.10 A M from Kennington. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkenbarre. Montrone, G r eat Bond, Ku., at 6 A. hl. from Walnut street T harf,and 1.10 A. M. from Kensington, vie Dela ware. ttokawanna and Western R. R. For lount folly, at 6 and 9A. M., 2 and 4/6 I'. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. Al., and 21'. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ao.„ 254 and 4 I'. M. from Walqut *treat wharf, 7.10 A. M. and OX P. M. from K n i vltil l ;rn, Riverton, Dnlanoo, Beverly,. Burling ton. Florence,hlordentown, Ire, at 1214, 1, and 4X P. Al. Steamboat Joe Balkans. for Bordentown and lnterme- Otte Planes, ig2K, P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Titeony t at 11 A. M. and Tawny, Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol, at 4 F. M. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Pasoan f tokin th - 3 1 . r ltrin•. r--. 1 4retP.44fter fifty pound' to be paid tor extra. The Company limit their responsibility ( or bassaxe to One Dollarper pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, va cant r Epeotaloontraot. alas b wm. B. nATzmEll. Anent. PHILADELPIIIA AND gr u llh io g r lvk i pT A O ß MlLßUAD. On and after APRff Id, IMO. Commutation Tiokets, with twenty-six oieuTna. will be leveed, rood for the holdeeand any mem r altnetamily, many Proweniter Tratn, and at any me. They will be sold by the Tressmer, at the °Sloe of the company, No . 2g? Smith FOURTH Street, at reduction of twonty-five Percent. from the regular fares. Partiee wiehing to enjoy the Summer in the Cotintry find this a very desirable route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautiVal and healthy hi the State, and hooey sable by four Wane from arid to 'Philadelphia daily. S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. Pini.snaLsnia. March Pith. IWO. intal-tf WEST CHESTER iii_IPMPIN TRAINS via NIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner A,LI.VisPITIi and MARKET. at 7.313 A. M., 12.30 P. 20., and P. 01. On Runday, leave Philadelphia at 8 A. AI., and West Chester at 4 P. Al, jy3B-tf PIIILADELPIGA, GER MANTOWN AND NOTIRIB - itII.IIMSI Elt ARRANG BMWS.- On and a fter MONDAY, May,14,1876), FOR OR HALANTOWPI. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8. 9, 10, 11, and 11 A. in., 1, 2,334, 4,6, (I, 84, 7, 8.9, 10K. and 113 i P. M. Leave Germantown 6, 7 7K 8,04,9,10.11.13 A. M.. 1, L 3, 4,0, L OK, 7, 8 .2 f, 01 , 1 DAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.08 nun. A. M., 2,3, 6,7 K, and 10K P.M. and 934 P Leave M Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4,6 K, . . _ CHEFYPN UT BILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10, 13 h. M., 11, 6,8, 614, 8,9, and 103‘ Leave Ch e stnut Rill 7.10, 1.40,1.40, 9.40 11.40 A. M., 130,330, 6.10, 0.40, and 1.10 Y.lll. AY S. N UND Leave Philadelphi O a 9.08 S A. M., and TM P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.80 A. 91...19.80, 6.10, and 9.10 P. M. NOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND ItOHHISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 640. 7%, 9.06. 11.06, min., A. M., 1.t.8•08, PM, 463, 640 ad 11M P. M. save Nornstown 6 , 1 , am, 9, 11 A. 111., Di, 476, 6 and M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave tt re i adelptda.9 111, and 8 an_d_ll Y. M. r "IV 11P,14106 1 1 1 . Leave Philadelphia 630 791,. 9.08 11 . 06 A. M., 1.06.100, 0.0, 2,65, 6.60, P. M. Leave Manayunk , 7 , .88. 106, and 11/6 A. M., 9, 3.00, 6, AK, 8, and 9M • • N SUNDAYS, heave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3, a, and 8 P M. Soave Manaparilc i llif r A ti tik, 11 . 4, a l l and P. M. 1119-41 11 41 POP. 74 ffiallutilt`4l6. angippowe IS A TI E A lI IN T IER YIifLAU wiLninvci+orir, AND BALTI- ItRE RAILROAD. On and a r MOINIDA Y. July 0 1860, PAISSENGI.R TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltunore at 8.15 A. M., 11 noon, (Expreu, ) and 11,10 P. M 11.10 P For. M alter at 8.15 A. hi.. 11 noon, 1.15, 5.00, 7.00 and , For Wilmington at 8.11 A. M., 11 noon. 1.15, S.M. 7.T. and 11.10 P. M. . Or qv Castle at 8.16 A. M. am 6.00 P. M. or M iddletown at 8.15 A. he, an 6.N)P. M. or over 018.16 A. M. and 6.00 M For arrington at 8.15 A. hI.. and 5 . P..M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6.00 P. M. For Farmington at 8.15 A. hi. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5.00 P. hi. s'orSeaford at 8.18 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5.00 F. ht. For Salisbury at 8.16 A. M. Oir Train at 8.10 A. Id will !marmot at Seaford on Tuesday's, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 830 A. M., (Kinross,/ /0.1/ A. /d.. and OASP. hi. LeaveWilrnincton 518.10,1160, and 1140 A. M.. 145, 4.60, and 8,35 r. hI. Leave Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. leave Seaford, Tuesdays, Thursdays, arid Saturdays, at 7.20 A. hi., an t 250 P. M Leave Farmington, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 8.00 A. hl , and 4.16 F. M. t.eave m itford; Alondart, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7.60 A. ht., and 4.00 P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.16 A. hl., and 4.30 P. M. Aeave Dover at 9.06 A. M., and 5.26 P. M. *mare Middletown at 10.0 A. M. and 8.40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.00, 10.56. A. M., and 7.65 I'. hi, 9 .16 Leavehl. Cheistet at 7,40, 9.10 A. Itl., 12.04, 2.22, 6.30, and . . . . •ir Leave Baltimore for Ba[usbur.r And BElaware tal road at 10.1 e A. N. and B 25 P. M. IFAlA•ritionE • . • - heave Che4ter et 8.45 A. M. • 1193 and 11.40 F. 1% Watt Witunsigton 8.76 A. M., 1255 P. M., and 12.29 A, M. FREIGHT TRAIN.iI withrun PABSFAGER CAR coached, wl eaollows: Leave Philadelphi a for Per f ryville and intermediate nines at 3 P. al. Leave Wilmington for Per/mile and intermediate places at 1.09 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Graoe for Paltinloro and intermedi ate place s at 6.00 A. al. bear° Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate Flamm at 4.00 P. rd. BUNPAYI3 - - Only a11).10from Phil:l,4Bloin to Baltimore. Onlt at 0,25 r. from Baltimore to Philadelenia. Is 7 B. AI. FELTON. President artigalfflinFlLlAlßA ROUTE.- PHILADELPHIA AND EL- aIIRA RAILROAD. QUICKRBT ROUTE to Tatnequa, CaLexie/La, En- Llert, Wilkeeriarre,_Sorantoni Danville Milton WI l ameport, Troy, alston, Lantos, Wilily's, 'lnflate, lager& Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, glilcago. St. Louis, htilwaukee, and all points North and Well. Passenger trlna Wavle the new Depot of the phi - bultlyilymm4 ending Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLA/Will!, Streets, (Passenger entrance on link lowhill street') daily (Sundays excepted), for above pthnnfollows: A EX X.II LBS. • • 800 A. AL HT 130 P. AI. The 8.09 A, el. train connects at Rupert,, for Wilkee barre, ahem', Scranton, and all stations on the LAcKAwANNA AND 131,001113 DURO RAILROAD. The shave mins snake direct connections at Elmira with the trams of the New York and Erie. Cananditigna and Niagara Fails, andfluffalo, New York and Erie, and New York Central Railroad', from all points North and West, and the Canfailla. Baggagephea cd to Elmira, .14ufralo, and Suspension firld) t y, and all mtennediate points. et‘ can he I rdoured at the Philadelphia and El dora Mm ied Uir Tullet Office. northwest Corner of SIX H and OM 1 roe UT Streets, and at the Passenger De P °1 14110113 VAlVinc i FEEL WP TRAIN Leave the Phil telphiaand Reading Depot, Woad and etro I 'daily (Sundays excepted), for all point" Watts, I North, at 6P. AI. rielghts be delivered before 3 P. M. to insure th~ r it grr h thy r t e a dak ori 11,t Freight Depot, 1 8 1 ALO a NSTI T ILL, or to CRAB. td , rA.F.PENotimutirtit Agerit. bloythwist 'pulpy lummegaattOkusirstiVrAtiviets, 40# - - rwitatslatus • :1 t TILE PENNSYLVANIA OEN TEAL RAILROAD. ft6o MILES DOUBLE 'FR 1860. ACXIB6O. CAPACITORI I NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN F. C AI )T. _THREE THROUGH ASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PRILADEL rflA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct atPlitladalubnit with Through Train. Ir j om Boston , New York. and points test, and in the mon Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trams to and horn all points in the West, Northwest,and Southwest ^Una furnishing facilities for the traimportation of l'irrw i r t s e unsurptiseed for 'peed and comfort by any Expreti and Fut Lines ran through th r oughburg, without change of CATS or Condnotore. All Pee center Trains risovided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed underperfeor control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travelers. ;Smoking Care are attached to each Tram; Woodruff's Sleeves_ Care to Kapreu and Pant Trains. The Elf REISS RUNS DAILY r Mail and Peet lanes, Sun day. excepte,L Mail Train !mires Philadelphia at 7so A . M. East Line 11 00 A. M. kapress Train leaves 10.44 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FoLLOws Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, a I'. N. Colombia 4.0) P. M. Parkestoirg 5.40 P. frt. West Chester 12 SO I'. M. West Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, West Chester Acconunodat ion Land Columbia Trains. Paseengors tor Sunbury, Willimuulmtt, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Palle, and intermediate points, leaving Phi. ladolphi a at 7.10 A, M. and 2P. AL go directly through.f. Tickets Westward may be obtained stilts. °Moos ofthe Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston., of Bal timore ; and Tickets Enatward at any of the tmportant Raiload Of fi ces in the West; also op board any of the regular Line dines/nen" on the Altasumnopi or Ohio rivers. CT Fare always as low, and time as amok, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger ISt-- tine, Southenat Immo r of Eleventh end Market !Meets. Tho completion of the Western connection of the Penosrlvanmlttulrond to Chioaro.make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EMIT AND TEE GREAT WEST. Theconnection of tracks by theßailroad Bridge at Pittelmrg, ...mug all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving Of time, are advantages, readily appreciatisd by Blapppers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public,. Merchants nippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, out rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. TILIs._.IIA'TEB tF ytztowr to end from any point In the West by the l'ennsylvemla Railroad are at all times a:favorable as are charged by 'easy Bat/reed Companies, NW Be partioilar to mark footsies" via Penna. fail_ road. HENRY WOOD General Buperintandent. Or Freight Contracts or ghipping Directions, apply to F , or address either of the follottuag Agents of the Con- OMIT D. A, frpP,WART, Pittsburg; DA. Pierce & Co., &mem - 110,0.; J. J. Johnitoptitildeb 0.; R. Mo&eeiy, Mar critic, Ky.; Ormsby A. Portaniouill, 04 Paddock At Co. Jederronvine, 16a1- Ann; H. Nt,. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & abho t, Cinoiunati, 0.,• IL C. Meldrutn, Madison , fad.; tog. K. Moore, Louisville, Hr.; I'. 0. o , Juley dc Co., vansrille, Ind.; N. W. Uratiam & Co., Citiro r _lll.; Y. Sour, Shaler Olass.l3t. Louis, Mo.; John 11,Hos sic. he...M . 1110. Tenn.; Harris nunt, Memphis, T enn.; Muse h Co., Chicago, .• W. IL It . Koonte, Alton, o- to Preis ht Agents of Railroads at different point, re 11IN Wes i t iliTON, Jr. Philadelphia. MAORAW & KOONS', Pe North stree_,t Italtimore,_ LE EQII & 00., 1 Astor House, or I B. William 5t.,11.Y, IKE,CII & CO., No. 77 State street Boston. H. A. 11011§TO , y, Dou'l prefAht A tnt,. l Pills. L. L. ilObel, enq Kent, r/111. E. LEWIS, Don't Mop', Altoona, Pa. !KAMMPHILADELPHIA AN READINGRAIL ROAD.-PARSEDigrat TRAINS' for POTTSVILLE, READING and HARRISIttro. MORNING LINE, DAIL ,18undays excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner o BROAD and OALLOW HILL Fifteen., PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth acid on Callcrwh streets lat 8.00 A. M., conneeting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, I'. Al. train running to Pittabnre the CUMBERLAND D VALLEYLOS P. M. train tanning _to Chambemburg, Cavlisle, I. end the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M. train, running to Hun- AFTERNOON LINER. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Street", PHILAII EL PHlA.(Passenger entrant*, on Thirteenth and on Callowhill Wanted for POTTs • imftRIBBURci, at LSO P. AI.,_DA ILI', for L 5..., at I P. Zr!,, DAILY, (Sundays ex news.) DIRT/LACES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Fleet PitmanaLrrua Niles. To Phcenixmlle......— tending-- - • 88 Harriehurg-----111 1 Trevorton Banbury_...l6o Northurnberland ._ _..M !Odeon-- --Jai Atunor. —.llll Williamsport —.-.209 Jersey Shore-- rig look Haven.--.. 336, piston— SU( Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Elnu re The 8.00 A. M., and the 3ZO P. M. train concert daily at Port Clinton. (Sundays excepted.) with the CATA WIRSA, WILLIAMSPORT and ERIE RAILROAD, making More contentions with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada. the West, and Southwest. DEPOT PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. ap2ll-0 W, L MelLHENNEY.Searstarg. aIumsNOTIO.E.--011ESTER VALLEY RAMADA D—FAR BEN OER TRAIN/1 FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE IBTATIOI.4B.—Un and after 29th May, IMO, the Pawnor Tmtrut for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new hutsenter Depot of the Phi's delPhis and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWRILL inmate, (paimenter en tnnoee on Callowhill. hi M oßriiNit for DOWnlartol7l2, :care. it LW Af."2.I.IRNOON ittAIN tot DoWttitutowa, loaros at BALLY (Bandon' odoootihd.) By order of dos Board of Mesmer, of at I'lkitddolokil ne Readiai isßroul Compoey. ard W. R. MoILHBNNEY. Booretarr. ast r ,isim z 7l W EST MESTER RA ILR TRAINS via rEti N3Y v A.I RAILROAD. Leave Dept - 4, oorner XLEVENTH. and •M A RfCRT litreete. daft 7 (exoeeot tiandaV at 7.1111b0 Y. M., and I Y. M. Leave 1.11 Weet Cheater at A . M.. lea A.M.. and Lll Y. AL. FOR TILE SOUTIL—OBARLES TON ONR SAVANNAH STEAMBRIFL FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Veight at an average of 111/7/121 PO? Sant. be low flew York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. The U. S. Mall Steamahip KEYSTONE STATE. Chas tain Chas , P. Marshman, will sail on Saturday, Anoint ittgli i tifiV k A ' M. The tt. S. Mail Steamsnio STATE ay' GEORGIA Captain John J. C.nrylp. Ws:l receive freight until 3 P. M. a:d s. il at SP. M. Monday, Augur. 20. 'J. hrontl, in ec to GO lioara-unit IS tows et Bea. erirSainng any. changed from eve Saturday to every five days. bloods reamed, and Hi lls e of Lading sane! every day. The sylendld first-elms side-whoel Steamships REV STOKE STATE and STATE OF (lEOROIA now run rue above overt ten days thus forming it hve-day comma nioation with Charl es ton and Savannah, and the Snack and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ship. eon neat with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &tio for all places trio South and Southwest. 100 UNANtNi. Freight and Insurance On a large lIIVIIPAI thes e S Mooned South will tro found to be lower by s.ims than by sailing vossolei the ^romistu being ono-half the • tate. N. H.-Insurance on all Railroad Freight is Wirer unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies tak_ing all risks from theee points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this ;onto Seto 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen be the follow:Rohe dule. Through tickets frzn Philadlithia,?/Th C Hea ton and Savannah steamsb p 5.11191., MOM 3on the whole route, ascent OM OW Odin and Savan nah to rdcmtgow.ery INLAND rail. To Oherhseton-..-111/ 01 Charleston ..,Si 10 Savannah.— 10 00 Savannah.— 51 00 Augusta-- 20 00 Augusta 11240 —. 31 00 Macon-- - at 70 Atlanta—...... 23 00 Atlanta...-. --. DI CO Columbus— -. 23 00 Colitrobaa.--....-.. lie .00 Albany.----.._.. 24 00 Albany..---- —. g 7 00 ontgonorry...-. gil 00 Montgomery—. SS PO Mohila—.. 00 ea SO New Orleans.._. 32 75 Now Orleans_..._ 51 00 No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. F or freight or passage apply oa board, at eitoond w bar I above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest isomer FOURTH and CH EATERY. Agents an Charleston, T. B.& T. 0. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTER & OA MMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Merida from Savannah, steamers et, Mary's and St. John's every' Tuesday and Saturday. OaTHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL NAIL BTEAM- . ...... • YROM BOSTON TO Chief Cabin Passage ...... ..... _two Second Cabin Panties The s front dupe fro New York 01111 at Cork Herbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Ha bor. . . PERSIA, Capt. Juilkins. CANADA. Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. stone. AMERICA, Capt. Miran ASIA. Capt.E. 0 Lott. NI AGA ILA, Copt Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Fhannon. EUROPA. Capt..: Leitch SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA. Lang, leaves Boston. Wednesday, Aug. 8 ASIA. Lott, " N. York. Wednesday. Aug. 15 URDPA, Leitoh, " Boston Wednesday, Aug. 22 PERSIA, Judkins, " N. York Wednesday, Aug. ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 5 AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, Sept. 12 Berths not seoured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of laden are signed therefor and the value thereof therm expressed. For frail; ht or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, 4 801711115 (preen. ace New York. JNICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and AtAKSBILLES BOSOMS AND COLLAitu. A large and choice assortmeiv, and WELL wAnr. always on hand. unto winch I particularly invite the attention of CABIL and ploinpl-paying 8110AT-21311: buyers. U. E. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila delphia. au7.3in• LEVI W. (ifl()l'F, Near BA REVILLH. LANCASTER CO., Fa. Dlonufaoturer on tbn 0111 rrncorse siNCH DOUBLE PIS MIXED PURE RYE WHISKY. Pun Trilhoot Corn or Nur.' RISTILLED FROhl nth BEST OF RYE ONLY. ant-Im. ELII J. _BAYLIS THOMAS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ham removed hie office from No. PM Arch !trent to no. 4:19 W4t L.NIIT Strect. Particular attention gi . en to the recovery of Merean tile °lama. Tho and eZCMII/VlOll of Wine, Conveynecee, Annignmenta, 13rief3 of Title. Wlfi other lnetrunin teof Wrding. Tke management of Executor ehips, Adannistratarsinper, and Traub!. auperintended; and trio bent teourtttes procured for the permanent in yeatinente of Money. liattetnotori reference given when [calmed. ar.V-Ein• lIIINEY KEENEDATTOIrNIC-AT-LAW. Hos 111M0111 , ,1l hu office from No. 6.10 Walnut stlee to No. tv , South TIIIRtt &met. mhl7 6m' 110RAUE 8131, DIEVITANICAt. ENGINEER, and. ALL Para liT Aril/RN Er. No. 111 Sout.t SI XTII Street, iN tally .1 , 1 , 05nte. the County Cotlrtlinuee.) tare rat out. note , 410‘ I"UUUET & SONS, IMPORTERS 01 , HAVANA CIGARS, No. 9r6 South FRONT Street. . - - Reams regulaUT mina eurnortment or deourable . Cl GARS wloolt the; oiler at low rotes, for oath or op proved or jab by ttwsori x NICHOLSON, gooKBINDERS, NOS. 619 AND aIt STXEEL Dateraon hla F rkot and eheattoat stroati. AILADEIRDIA. JAMES FAAVIION. JAE. D. NIC/101A014.. tv• IWAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW : these, No. 116 Booth eIXTH direet, (Opposite indeptmdenoe'Square.) PHILADELPHIA. std of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the. United Eltatesos enabled to prosecute and collect claims of every desonytion. Farlioular attention given to the examination and re oove ry of tho Maims of Legateeq and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and securing the interest:l of heirs end all persons interested in the same. in au parts of the Union. fins the 15tatutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of thom. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. apll-Gm TAR.—Tar in kegs and barrels, for sale AtitunnutO, c0.,-No. Beath , , calf RAILROAD LINZ& Philadelphia and Reading and Lebanon Vallenß.R. Northe Central] trai rn lroatt. Bunbur7 and Erie lt, R SHIPPING. PROM NEW PORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Second Cabin Passage.- BUSINESS CAUDS. SALMI BY AUCTION. tluzuazss, BRINtEr dc No. 129 MARKET STREET. FIRST FALL SAL-It OP IMPORTED DItY GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, Anxust 2154 at 10 o'olook, by ostaboamo, on 6 months orr t, 600 packages and lots or seasonable Ilona. Kir &wales and oatalosual carts on the morning of sale. _ - LARGE HALE OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS, I tillichtly Damaged. i From the store of Messrs. Yard. Gilmore, & Co. On Tuesday Morning, August 21st, at 10 o'olook. by ()Matelot', a large assort ment of Dry Goode. Consisting in part of— I AM don. men'. anu women'a rover cotton holler,. OW do kid, silk, cotton. and merino gloves. 60 do kid gauntlets. Norway do., seal gloves.. I add res. cord and blank milk trimming and belt ribbons. 700 doz. plain and emb linen oombrio hails. 4no do fillet rnittsdong and short. 600 pas. bnllianu,iroontt, cambric, and Swiss Ms fine. 60 di superior quality Irish linens, M doz. linen shirt fronts. 300 6 4. to 8 10 linen damask table-clothe. 150 pns. p , inred silk MO do rnobiiir debase, and co"d Coberge. 30 do superb quality mohair lustre'. au do 6 4 French cold marmots. 30 do 6 4 do printed do. 30 do 6 4 all wool Plaids. 40 do Paris pruned uelaines, broohe. Lyouiuse, and poplins 10) do col d Olivine and challys. 130 do all wool detainee. busses. and crape maretz. MU minted Cashmere. cella. and Thi bet shawls. co Vienna, square, and long broche shawls. Also, ohenslle scarf', crape shawls. robes, neck tiee. lowing silk, flouncinim Marseilles silk skirts and draw ers, lame veils, silk nets, French needlework, head &wee. ko.. &e. RIBBONS, VELVETtI, PLII3II Tfttli!MlNOS, &c. On Tuesday Adorning, An invoice of— Bonnet silk velvets and Plush... Bonnet nttbons, braids, tti in m.nss. Needlework (taints, silk thread and bud stovse and gauntlets. FRP 811 00t/D 4 . On Tvestlay !Avenue. canes r ondoo printed mouetn de !tines. caws Block an I colored cadre.. and & D acca'. ease, plaid elk and worsted Altus re. cases new style silk and wool minus. case. new stile Neapolitainea. PandaA I LOVES. Wrrat l kid. 410 dozen Bret quality Parts colored kid gloves—am zes toe. STEEL. SPRING 131(IRT8. 200 dozon 16tr50 hoops steel spring skirts. rki . F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sue • count to 11. SCOTT. in.. 431 CHESTNUT Bt. CA SD.—I have. in consequence of continued ill health, disposed of all my interest in the Auctom busi ness heretofore conducted b, mo et 431 witarti Clf btreet to Mr. N. V. PANCOAST. !take this oPPertosity to tender my thanks for the support I bare retie teed, and ask a nentmuntion so my sueceesor, whom I hereby authorize to collect all my unsettled &cumuli'. D . /SCOr r, rifILADILPIIIA, August 1.19e0. FIRST I, hROV. RALE OF ' , SIP:MOAN AND IM PORTED DRY DOOM E htß nOIDE RI Ed- MILLI NERY 00008, hehr., for the Fall of 18.. U. On Wednesday Morning. Amnia 22d. by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 100 clock, punctually. Included will be found an assortment of ohomerseit gor able (Mods suited to miumachlng sales, to •Ingh the attention of the trade is Melted. FORD it CO., AUCTIONEERS, - 2 - No. 630 MARKET Street. bad .21 MINOR Rtreet POSITIVE SALE OF Rm .,. BROM, A/1D ERG- We will hold our Fon Sale of Boole. Shoos. and Brogans On Thursday ins, August 23d, at 10 o'olook ly, by eat - atom, ors 4 :months credit. about 1 men's, boys . and youths' calf, kip, grain. and th hoots. brogans. res ents, and plantation shoes; worn and chil dren'. boots snit shoes. The above sale will include an InVAice °forme good. adapted to first-olast trade. The attention of buyers is partial:a:ly invited. aET Goods open for examination, with cataloctie . early_on the morning of sale. INSURANCE COMPANIES. SABINE /a DUY. INSURANCE AGENTS. No. 404 WALNUT Scent, Insure against for or damage by Fare. on Cotton and Woollen Alilla. and other Manufactories, Bnildines, meroheidum, Furniture. and other property. on favo rable term, , in the following well-known sump.ants: HE PINIX INSURANCE CO.. OF HARTFORD. Cash Capital and Surplus SISAL= 9L MtiTROPOLITAN FIRE INS. CO, OF NEW YORK, Caah Capital and Surplus e 322,568 6U. PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. co., pxoy. Caah Capital and 111}ux YOR K, ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO.. 0 1' NEW Cash Oswald and Surplus 1971ftIts 02 HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW - YORK, Cub Capital and earplug 81124,5t4 67. CITY FIRE INSURANCE OF NEW HAVEN, CO., Cash Capital and Surplus H 934-303 17. OERMANIA FIRE 1148. CO., OF NEW YORK, Caan Capital and Surplus Slid n 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. CO, OP NE If YORK. Cash Capital and Burping SZIII,IOI 51. ApplitlationS In manner by note Will metre prompt attention. SABINE ik. Duy. Agents, Jet 3m No. 424 WALNUT Strait. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OD DiaLADEFIEUI. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING. S. W. CORNEA FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. RATCZTORD &Lima. moz.tmeAl L. DAwseit. Wit.thuoi hl oIC az, zo. H. !Irk?. V NALIIO FLAIN.. foss H. 'WWII, lOLIPI M. ATWOODs D.A. FAzingsTocc. Ram. T. TILIDICK, As mum D. Cam, 11.1NRY WRAIITON J, b. Far.itufsim. F. AATCHFORD EITARD., Frostdelat. CHARLES W. LOX!". Beoretary. fell A NTIMACITE INSURANCE CONPA- N Y.—Authorised Capital SIOO,OOO—CIiARTER PIAPETUa L. Olgoe N 0.311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philedelphie. This Company will intern egainst loss or detnege by Fire, on Buildings. Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Alan. Marine Iwraranass .ori Vessels, cargoes. and Freights. Inland liaserance to all parts or the Union. DIRECTORS. Joseph Meleeld, Dr. (Jeers. N. Eckert. John R. Blakaston. Win. F. Dean. E. Baum. JACOB tskRER, President. WM. F. DEAN', Vies Prondent. W. M. SMITH. Secretary. ap3.tuthstl Jaoob Eabor, P. Lather, D. Audonnad, avis Pearson, Peter Huger, A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., uIcoRpoRATED 1320--CHARTER. tUd u. /No. stir WA bn - UTZTIVIRT ST..* Third. Philadelakts. Having a large rod-no Capital Stook sad Plum In rested an sound sod available riti Resues. eon inns. to MUM on Ihrellints. Stores, Furniture, Moro andiss, Property. Fort and 41.4 otegons,and other PIIMOLI Si Ail losses liberally and promPtlY adjusted. 1111411C107te. Thnf. R. Mans. John T. Levi., John Welsh_ , James R. Cam 0414 Samuel C. Morton, Edmund 0. Datillt, l'aidok Brad/. Chan. W. l'onitne./. Lwl Moms. THOMAS R. MARIS. Presides{{,, ALBERT C. L. ORAWFoll.l).Seonstary. foln-tf QUAIIFY. CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 400 WALNUT STBEBT, PIIILADELPIDA. CAPITAL AND e UR PLUS 1130.74118.—Insursa against Loeser Demists by Fire, And the Perils of the lien. Inhuld Neentation end WralliPol Ca tiCti, 41 BURGE H. HART, President. r. P. ROSS, Vitus President. H. H. euGGSBALI., See', moo Tresayer. 6. B. BUTLER, Assistant ileoretarr. DIRECTOR!!. fleeige 11. Ravi, I. I'. Room, A. O. Canell. Foster Ek_Perkine. E. W. Beilel. Andrew R. Cbambere. 11 . 0!I t ... .11. '1 .1 thet. Samuel Jonah Al. D. mlill-tf LIFE INSURANCE. AND TRUST COM PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE 'NOW SAND E COMPANY, Northeast oorner of THIRD sag DOCK Streets. Amen'. 09X1,691 U. INSURER LIVES for the whole term of dire—grants gamuts' and endowments—parallaxes hfe interests in Reel Estate. end makes ell emigrants defending on the evnitgatioiesi of Lire. rosy aot es Rieoutora. Agsfiniatrelors, Aommes Trootees, end ligardmiEf. fhwiel L. miller, RA WATERS. Paining S. Stokes, Renjeunin Coates. William Martit, Noliard P. Newbol... Jame. B. MoFarlaaiily - William P. Hacker. Joseph H. Trotter, William E. Kern . Jame' Enaton, Catnnel V. Huey % Wheophiltue Pontlinal thanes Hallowed. Edmund A. Bonder, Renry C. Townsend. tame L. Jintehinnebl frodolphns Kent, n W. Horton. 'Witham H. Carr, Ihs R. Amber, tV. Hunan, Bemnel J. Dimities* Mem Robertson. Joseph M. Thomas. error M. Rosin, John G. Brenner. P. K. bllohlar, East DANIEL L. Ml_ LER, President, RANI. E. ETON. , Vise Pres% JOIN W. MoiNoit. Anerstary. %on D ELAWARE. MUTUAL SAFETY IN. SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY ?JIB LECISLATURE OI CORN YL OFFICE EN E. CORNER THIRD AND WAINWIf Streets, THIRD AND INSURANCE OX VESSELS, / Is all parts of the Wahl. ral i fOlPS, /NLAND INSURANCES Oa IIIS•tIs, by River, Canals, Late_ ,s and Land Oaniai• to parA tha Urgon,_ FIRE INSURANCES eln Merohandise genera:ly. Si Stores,llwelling Houses, As. ASSETS OF THE COMP.6IOY. Xsvintber I, IHO. Psr. Marist Yaiu4 1124,040, Philadelphia Car I # oent.jAue.n...,6l-=. O OO 00 100,00 k Pannsylvtuna State Or obi:Dan—. 91.616 CO 21,000 Pol3lllllVaLla State 11 V at. Loan._. 21.000 00 woo, U. S. Treasury 6)4 Yr cent. Notes and Interest nue 141,163 IMAM U. S. Treasury 6 M ot. Notes and inter mit nue-- - 10,1111 00 4110,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Phila delphia -- 66.000 00 @MAW Pennsylvania Railroad 24Mortgags 6 4, cent. Ronda _ 63,2 00 *MAO. North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort cent. Honda. 111,600 BO 614,000 Wearlttlnd l e r lphia Passenger Railway OenteeaY efe ot. coupon bonds.... LIAO 00 1116061 1 ,600 shares stock Gernaantown (las Company, Interest and principal gearantied br the city of Phila delphia_ _ 11,000 op ROM 100 shares rennaylvaum Railroad Coincany 1,000, 100i:hares north Pennsylvania Rad road Company . NS 00 If 0.10. shares Philadeiphta Ice Boat an - 118teans %rug t:oinpany. FlBladelphla and Savannah Steam navigation Cons- P.an7, Ocean Steam navigation tAmipany, Philadelphia and Ba sra de (4r0.00 Sto%m Tow Boat RoorPanY, Philadelphia F.Y.ohange awash:my —.-- —2412 00 ,tldei TIS 44 Boots and Mortcooem, and Steal I:Atate, et. line ildmp t lldle receivable 101' lugutaitoica limn 62 Balance due at Ageninea—rrainicrris on Ma ntle Policies, intereet, and other dale dais 11,164 63 EOM) &ad sto of iurilry foooraowslci sny ,_ nice . 1A33 110 Curl on Dopoot 17,11.30 Si iiILEMIJI4 hoz - noel E. fltokev. J.l•'. PenistOri s henry Sloan, Edward Darlintl•Li It. Jolene Brooke, htenner hrlistont h ro m ar Borten. inooh P. Jonee, Jame/ P. M' Fetrifillh Joallna P. Eyre, John B. f!emyle, rittalit - D. T. Morgan, 4 . A. H. Merger, '• M MARTIN, president. . BAND, VW. President. :retort. dl4 WOllan , Martin, - Kimund A. Pon , lor. Joh n Th ro It. Po philnenPantos.hil‘, , John O. Doris, Jsmes Traganir, 1; re, Jr.. Willmn C Jurion O. H. bu,andiws, Joseph 11. SeAI, Dr. R. M. Huston. "Marge G. Lei per. laugh Cram, frafirlei Nelir, 1111.a..LA THOM. 0. XERItY Sec 'kJA !—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK OUT:-000U NEWS FOR ALL!—The never. faiiing Mrs. VAN HORN is the hest; she succeeds when all othoro hare failed. All Who are in trouble, all who nave been imfortanate, deceived by false promises, fly to her for advice and comfort. la (Ora arfoirt alit never max. She has the secret of winning the affec tions of the opposite sex. It le the; foot whist ipducee rate pretenders to try to imitate her, and cony km advertisement. She shows you the likeness ofyour la tare 'wife, husband, or absent friend. It is well known to the public at large that rho is the first and only por ton who can show the likeness in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, which can be tented and proved by both Married and mingle, who deny and ea r mint her. Come one code all! be No. MO LOA Street, betße6lo3lllli -1061. and Broad. anIT et SILATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELOFI, SLATER. is prepared to put ou any amount of roofing at low rates. All 'Pe wm . ranted to gve sa tisfaction. Orders sur ent to THIRD Street and GER ICI ANTOWN Road will be promptly attended to. 4 e29 am MAR.- 270 liarrels Wilmington, N. 9., i t ivi a 674F l rti l iti gn prtoo4:.7Voienta lAMBS SY ALICTIOn. NI TUOMAS & BONS, .. Nog. 139 and 141 South Femurs Elmlt. 7 (Frontierly Nes. to 0 , 01101 0 .1 _ t weunt. FALL EA LER OF ' , STOGIES AND It IL NATATZ. Neeond Fall We Ilst Annul, et Ike fishatiga. Third Pell Pals 231.11 August, at the •. Fourth Fall Sale 3d efpsesaber. at ever Fifth rail Pals, eth Sept amber. at tie Eseasses. Birth Fail patea/th September, at tits Aniammips. lar Jdandbillit part ready. • -...11 -anti...4 • IaTOCKS AND REAL _ESTATE. BALKS Al V THE EXCHANGE VERT Tcrseptv. During the business senses in July sad Angina ealy ocestuortel sales. air asedbals of each property hissed ellPlinAill. 1 addition to which we publish, on the Wank& pr vises to each mile. one thousand tatalognes, le iseemailet form. giving fall descriptions or an - the property lb he .old on the following Taeeday. CA R D.--Our safes of real estate mad stoats a. the Exchange will hereafter be held at 12 teekste noon ; and. in the evenmg. at T o'eloe lc- - Er Contributors have the PRIMA either sea. REAL ESTATE AT E eace. CT We have a large amount of real estate at private, We. including even dimetipaoss of city mad essatrg property. Prtuted lists may De bad at be saatioe Mae PRIVATE BALE REGISTER IGPRenI caste entered on oar priest* foie rilistelars and advent's 4 occasionally to oar gables sate cfr of which 1400 comes are printed oesdair.) :DM o charge. TO SOOIIPMLE. Tug PIFTV-FIFTIP P H I LL ADE R3 LPHIA MALE OF BOOK.e. 81.1iXt.t/TYPE PLAT E& !c. wit: rom,r.ence on MONDAY. &Wats!' O. M. se" Catalogues to press. BFCOND FA. L BALE. STOCKS LOANS. &c. On 'l' An:nal:l et noon. at the Philedelplis Fzehang•- 10 akar.. Northwestern /lank or Virginia—par 8300. Dividends or zrom 8 to 10 fr cent. are regularly made on tbiartock. 23 hares Delaware II utast Safety larnranee Company Stock—par V 6 per shore &ki 31245 [(M I P De-aware ;mutual Safety Ins. Co.-180. s MICL I elmre Point Breeze Park Aaeociation. share Parladelvlnn Litant7. lanai+, Mercantile Li Crary. 'IIIIRD FAL!, RAL:f-2' , tit AUGUST /Or raticularl hereafter. ' FOURTH FALLNAI,E-3J SEPTEMBER, RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. Clermintows FIFTH FALL Pa IX. 4TH IEPTEMIEJL Y.ERY 1 MPOIIITAIIT BALL Bir order of Treated. MONTOUR IRON COMPANY'S WOHIG3 AND EsTSTR. On l'ir:esmi,ay. September 4.1&M. at 13 o'clock. noon, at tie 76ile delsnie 1 sa v 01.., valuable property hsloniirig to tie liket 0111 0" Iron Company. untamed 10 Montour c ousin. Is, coos 111111211C of about 2 OCO acres very valnabio minors) alido-• ores. minter net, roll:ng fornaoes, IleatlA/ 301 . s t.. dwelltna. Mimes, se., &c. Terms—SALM casb. when the property ie straiek riet,t balance on the execution of tie aced. within dap; 0, LP - Full particular* resale in handbills Peremptory sale to eleve a eoneern. GROUND R Ers r —An asnual Ormuld Rent of s9oa year. Other deienpbons preparing. SIXTH FALL SALE-1 - 1 7 111 sEnsmesit. =,7 wi 1 reettde— Ott bans' C urt Eala—Fatate of John Evans Tree. An nucivided ninth pert of the 'llre•-etorg.BRICIL DW ELLIN*, No. 311 South Front street flame Petate—O n nr minded ninth part of the flied- Mori 8111.1 K DWI:WImi, No. mg of the large Name Es!arn—An a nd ivided watts part tot the large STOKE AND WA REHOULSE. 80.1thweirt corset of Peaveys avene• and Ton ailey. below Miami:decrees. el feet fifth's front. Marne arats—A n undivided ninth Batt of the Three story DRUM DWELLING. No. no Lenten:lsom. FARM. I'SS Antes Arabia Land.wittillesteeetneets. on the Milford rotil.l% nubs from the etstiOrla klarirlt as the Down's Farm. The PARYIB FARM." adlehross the above. eon tain int 100 acres. with inierorementa. tine " CLA FARA," tositanum Amos dined Permute Plf I and. The "MORRIS TRACT." oosatolning olimmat torso [TV; on a road, led Within hair. mule of abiatiet os alle he 808 VlB FARM." eoetahmag Midwife. t int on the railroad. will bongo:la. The DORMAN PANMP enelaiwieg SS lartin, ad joi ng the abotre..lth Hiserovenierc The " MAD W1C18," containing NI Awes Wood land. Tile "FRANK% FOLLY," a:stab:Le orer* Acres of calm oak Timber. BURIAL LOTS, Meant Verna CengtarY C.OrPial• Lots Nos. CA and 87 Section A, containing nig slaw , feet. Sae N 0.23 ?forth TENTH Stoort. SUPERIOR FIISINITIIRt.', 1.11R10R,4,0811W00P YIANO. BRITOSELS CAJtvETS, 11. c. On Priday --- ilioniuti. Zith instant. at 30 o'cloek at No.) North Teeth fie by cabstosno• the regimes fate Owe, Preach-view MS mirror, roacwow Nano, by Chickinng. gair• Pe lMtfay be exassised the sale. et I *Napa On the asentiat et We st Nos. tat art 141 Haeth FOUlltartne_ 13UPEW1011 I , I3ItIIITURE., PREM-1 , MIA ROES, PLANO-FOKTEA. EAU stn. Oa Thanalay Merman, At II detach, at the Aaetenn Mere, am aatsttetemi of excellent second-bend faradays. elegant jetca nee - mirrors. earaete, eta, flaw Ilmilmo nalleeteeniat. removed to the More for oceleire clr sale. MOSES NATHANS, ATTOTIONCIII AND COMMISSIOIt S.CSULtIit, Watling' waif gf ELS7II=4 YaChartialla. 110A.BY LOLLS • $5,000 to foam tithe eat razes, dilaeogie, watchey, jewelry, silver elate, are geode. emantait. era eerier, segars, hardware, calory roam, sf l oirrira, bedding, god on pods of every tomeriptusa. from or small amount., t One &liar I. for snylength of time agreed ea. CT The Oldest Estabitahed Hesse in OW gill. Sir Private entranoe on RACY. Street. IP Business hours from g A. M. tot Y. M. Heavy insurance for the benefit of decanter& CHARGES (JCL LA TWO PHAiaz. elr Advances of 4110 end oloranla et c two Pow gegin Advances of SIM ar.d apaardat at oaf oar asst. Do abort loam AT PSIVATESAM_ Some or the Asset GOLD PATENT LETS' CAIRubIOMKTEK WATONSII„ manatsetsre4 et the lmeAl priees. gold lever aid lepton__ silver lover no legume wetaltee. ENRIWU M/4 Frenob aregabe. at actcm‘slune In priole,, Jewelry o evert deacnpLon, very low, gene,Seeltge , Me= "a' stmmeuts, first quality of Banana onsr tune _tN importauon price, in innantaaa tomtit PerseeMs aft various other knads of roods. OUT IHX/11' SALES Attended to personally b the Amatiesseer. Conelganleete et any and everlltUr s g a l toted.Dios • NA THAN SPLENDID SETDIAMONDS AT YAWATA' B.AL Consisting of diamond and opal breastput wad 'er ring,. From. $llO. Coet ia Pans SLOG. T. LOUIS. MU. WILLTAM9, BOYLE 4 ocl., A . Eqi . AI & COAMI Maltra= No. 6 North MAIN 6C, 6T- 1.4 1 with Messrs. Myers' , Clathomi. R. Oa.. r1d1e46,3 Mrof their Demme* to the uniraheate, wiaceillebleeew, am other. of Philadelphia, for theta, eae at dry geollis. sir - pour , 1.0 is, 'hose. hardware. }even, 40.= iI•P Cash adrasees made t r ee remelt ot e Pia" eettleraeots made three days attar da. Mere. !dyers. Cleghorn, Cm, Pidladdihkik. Stuert Brother, Pludadekm. Yon Wyak. ToirrAend, &/ 1 / 2 York. " 1.. h., B. Curtis & Pew York. Wood. Chnety, h Co.. Bt. Lords. O. " Crow. bleCreerr. & Co.. " taxi-thatair 2 IACRINERY AND IRON. Ami n . PENN STEAM ENGLNI AND BOILER WORRB.—NE•PIE L.E.Va. AND TIMOR ETICAL ENGIN( M A C H AKERS, BLACKAMIThr, and FOUNDERS. having. for anal years • been i n successful operation. and been exclastvely ensured in building and repairing Marine and River klairmiaa,hisk and low pressor, Boats, Water Tanks. 0•0•111, hO., he.. respectfully offer their services kr the priihn as beins fully prepared a nd cract for Easton of sizes. Maria., River. and etaborp hams este or 'sterns of dliferent elm. are pre go exegete or ders with quick despetch. very serigilettef hate. re rrakitUlß rondo at the shortest wild& wait satil et frogr Pressure, Fino.TnbaLsr, and Cyboder %Boilers, the beet Penalylrania charcoal iron. Forearm. cicalas's and k in ds Iron and Braes Caning-a, of alfdswonpkwas Roll Turning. demur Cutting , mid all other wore itosi nectrid with the above Drawings and specifications for all work does at Benz establishment, free of charge. and work gaaraatied. The erasion ben have ample 'wharf doek noir lot re pairs of Not', where they can lie je Wien MblitYs and are provided with shears. Mow*, Leib. to., for Taming heavy or light weights. JACOB G. BWIE. JOHN P. LEVY 13EACH sad l'ALitiliestrefota. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY No. 951 BEACH StreekKensington. Philadittphis.—WlL LTA AI H. TIMIS informs Ms &lends that. heem& M . ' cliesed the entire stock of Pattern. at the above £oll.ll - Grist, he ie now prepared to receive mean for. Lens. Grist, arid Hs. bill! Ceeunes. eoee, Coe . end Rowe Work, Geanng. Castings mule from mo tel-Mori or Howls Fuzzetee, in dry or CVO 2 t SP r loam. arlt-tt MAXTIL V, *MICK, f. TAT/134.1J1 MIIIKII WILLIAM N. 1111171.111 CL SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY 71FTY AND WASHINGTON lIMIMIL MERRICK it BON ENGINEERS AND MACIII4IISTL• Manufacture High and Low Prewar* Steam Ensile% for Land, River. , nd !Ronne Ramon. at Elilear t , d Zor t r k ag r te i ts. T o vV.lron Boats, Le.; ClaStags Iron Frame Roof. for Gas Worts, Work nom lad road Stations, La. Retorts and Gas Bdsobizery of the Won and Loa Im proved 000 e Oho Every deeonsidon of Mu:taboo Machinery. seek Is Sorer, Mn, and (That 4 , e41:3, Vacuum Ats. Ol Sues Trains, Defecators, Pumping mer ge. Solo Ascents for ft. Rl:hena's Patent near Boikaa Asparatne: liarinyth's Patent Steam Emmet; Ana Asuman a. Wasay's Patna Gan Wage Sitar Drain ing xiaskins. &sir SAVING FUNDS. A tittle, but often, fills the Pane." VRANIKLIN SAVING FUND, No, Ja: 136 South FOURTH Street. between Cheat nut and Walnut, l'hiladalulua. pays al; Deposits on demand. 7 i secured mon by Government. .„ ”, State. and City • Ground Rents. Mod aim Co. This Company deems Wet,' better than biree profite, ooneeetteette will run no risk with depo sitors money, but have it at all times ready to return, with per cent. interest. to the owner, se they have always done. This Company nem, suspended. knmales r mani'ed or single, and Einem , can deposit in their own right, and such dew= ts one be withdrawn oitty by their consent. Charter perpetual. Inoorporated by the State Perinsyir anis. with authority to receive money fmin trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from II cl o ck 'look. and on I Wednesday esenizs o DIRECTORS. Jacob 13. Elusriert, Cyrus Cadwallader. John Zllondler, ' George Russell. SI smell& W. Sloan, I,dward T. R7Mts Lewis Kr, mbhaar, Henry Delany, 1 O JtnhaYßrmktul6l. „..lapinoott. JACOB D. BILAISEOII. PresidauL CTXVICADWAILADBI,TMAIRIer. . . sv3S-Y A Dollar tared 13 twice earned." VgAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TBILEST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, eenthercet earner of TRIRI). Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Slate of Pennsyl vania. Mosey is received in env arm, large or smell. and in tereatmud from the day of &emit to the day of with drawal. The nlAoe a oven every day from nine e'etoolc in the morning till five o'clock to the evening. i. and on Monday and Th "4 1 11 71V " f e .M.: ' f ' 4.117F l i. President. ROBERTBI:I,FRIDGE, Via rfeatdeld. WILLIAII J. Rage, Remits:l, DIRICTOGS: ACM. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster. 1-.thrard L. Carter. Joseph IL Barr Irobert Bellndee. Francis Lee. Marano' li.Arliton. Joseph Yer t k e 7 0. Landreth Manna. James L.B eneeit. Money aroamed and pavir.enta made ally. The inreatmenas are made, m oonfornicty with the provision, of the Charter. to Real Estate Mortaegra, Ground Rents, and rich first-olaas reenritme as will al ways insure perfect eeourity to the (311.0titorl end which cannot tail to give permanency' and non ty to this Institution. -1, lievi,c.oria 'APING FUND-UNITED STATES TR UST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CIIEST NUT Btmt. Lame and email lama remirad, and lai d tact etude mand without notios, watt' FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from Um day of depoait to the day of with rawal. Odin holm, fmm antd Wolook emarr day, sad lIONDAV EVENINGS from 7 until o'clock. DRAFTS for We on Ealland, Ireland. and Seodaad. from *Amman:la. Pre e idea-BTEPHE N R. CRAWFORD. ORD.RIIY u FI rAm omarHUN7EI. EXPRESS- COMPANIES. THE ADAM HIPRZSB CO.,offlos 3,20 causTaut &mt. il3m.frigsokages,Undue:AU% "Vrale;elAl27 ita owl "C r) 21 ar m" . ptiiisZ ;In* sag aU l irOit }h i it. •