The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 16, 1860, Image 3
To4AtNIA . 1 4M11 4 110-4X.Mit444,4111KM 1 ,Toba gej , itii;" who was killed ii-&641,1 , now Congaed in Motot Roily the tipper, parf .. ol: she eit l y liiatAte,thatlietter, la very igitenie,4if(Uttos-tatatione'and , Mends" of Rosktey have ttiePivaLVAaih '43 rkskibl.'-:-Ye nn dentine th4t :if el - eef WI/ in - 00;747,.S.OnAp 3 tett with tielfelted'Sotres Woe' 0644147- Tiptt Co* pent' has beets notelider the good :etkereatetPof-ite members ei tbe IWO ottairlss.oof. Ttor searettitY o f f fiti.44 lll h, P 4 4' gastr,COgopeet-itt , wise inbaned iis that Ito gang- ot‘qtatteatele"- havehoutwocieti .with that eeespeny.:: Welter will hal:Herat' eottileg .texm the Mount *Sly coßrt,Andi moat of' Atielviett int be itib pwassA ticus)bitli eity, . • DaDIOA7IOII , .A AIM?? , i1:71412011.-- , hfaseri.' 'Sestina Roily; lien s:,ltleager,' and ,- Rber behalf of the Baptist tObtiveh 'lt • Wil- Ilatrisbort,liyeoining comity, ere node* that's new meeting house will be dedioatedon the 141 h of Sep . Mather, at that place.rind have emended invite- Cobs to, ditties* of thichlty to Ineitielpase. - ; This Rev. J Smith, Miesitoted to preach till *Aleatory sermon! . TheicettiMittifei 1* their invitation, me the following language ~ Wlttiemeport having beconutworerbial for bar generous bospitality on like oceitsUlts, Wei trust our friends from abroad willfeel delielie,v whatever in visititig ts. - Wei rzyect a lens inprimintistien; and consequently have made staple arrangements for aliwbo may desire - to oome. 114GRAVATND •ABBAULT,e--.011-Tll44dilly 111 7 ternetzti,.Petnek Idegloni"V;Ml UPOn' elisrAiraf esonellitinta vitileiltaasault arid battery . ; on Mee-Rama Gross, inthevteiulijot Gain/satins rout Ind Jeff:mon street. re *epeeist' the idol:mid' 'WM and*, and wasetandieg in front of lire Gross'e' it re, making aus of peofine lanensge, and tishaving in a reify disorderly stiantier, when she attempted to remonstrate with hire ' The' brutal. follow struck her a violent blow oti the Mee, knooking tier, to the ground, and.injuring her snots a serionsidahner that ghillies singe been coshed or ~ T he accused was held by Alderman'-Shoemaker to 'an swer at notirf., " z • Utpiliaouia hcl:cold Kensing ton Abdo:Trod Street, east of,prank ford road, le noir, undergoing renovation. -4 he • served a variety bl .purpoilei hilts date, and hie been the seat of many benedoent enterprises. It has been standing more than fifty , `yeare,-Tand .prieenteil, prier to its re-" painting 41141..reawlpg, ens ppearanchuf dilapi dated andioirred antiquity. The front has been repaired And rough.eaat in headstone potpie Mor tar. A. pubo io4cwAltoidol 4.a reislotis' in the build- JLisPIJBfIOAS bfiglibfG AT WILSTXIMSTIfiI, . Pa largerstid enthindelitle Republican meeting was held. en Tuesday , . evening at lirittioulteral Rail, Wert Chester, Pa. The ball was densely orowded, tke,Wide Joiaktio and trilaclides being profane - in large - nniubirs. ,"laylor, prow dent„of the Wide Awake Club, •Presided. Ad dresses wet, made by Mr: McVeigh; idatnuel Rea, and' John flbsk =LIN., 049 - Iron ' loudly ap. plaudeid. 'Mr. Rickman 'woke terse hour. - Laudiwi.- - :=oii Tuesday night, Timothy Fadden entered the Awe of Witham Strain, and, while the letteilrea emoting iimiracetey,'ltOte a threeltollet lield pleas, - Ind tattoos of the store; Mr. Strain punned Arad 'eltner•l him. Time, tby wen then taken - to thit-Seeold:dkotriet station bongs, where baked a Warm/ Wore -Aldermen Dm lad yesterday- nairelns. he wee held to an- AN Terroaron.—last evening a colored man, maned. George‘Wilson," wee *nested and looked up at the Coatis' Station, on theAtallia of obis, nut _moneyed Yaffe Oneness. Wilson-has ()built ea a- etatardotablinm of money by repro renting that be was alegittire Nave on his wmr Canada,endprodueing forged. litters tame* hie Menton: wee' errand some months ago en a similar charge. 'He 'wilt: have • a heisting 'this moreing before Al 4 In Battier. BAIDGING. kenvisier. , i;.The - opening - . . iii the meet at' Fourtliand Christian' Arens, where the oralvert aired 'bin Monday, bee been bridged over by the asuman, rattweY computes running down Fourth street, and is trent laid, arid yester day thiamin ran titer their whole route as before the maiden:- It will be some lima yet -before the repairs to the eniveri areoompleted. tha:man who was drowned - at Miiket-istreet bridge on.fioaaday evening. bra been reeovered and Id - Gadded. Do nee/led wee named - Alfred fidebbreeb_, and bed been employed (dub in a Mere at youth and Wool. atreeti: liatenbraob wu unmarried,-and about twenty-tbreeyeari of age.. ~- • - es9strzN'oan; - - , -"The ' bridge ever ' the Sabaflkiit riror, -noir its stuns!, fateiads4 for the Piabsylvoisli Oompany's Dellware• river **owlets, has _beesi,eommenoist by, Mara. Dilles - ersCAttetsid,,eoattestess, _ . _ '7.EBA.L' fPPT~LLi~EPiCE. Slacilinia—"Sudge Ludlow —The jury in the Casa of NePoleou CaMpataielutrr'd with :ratlike/ to pick the pocket cameos Clark, reitinied a mord la of not guilty; • The fir, halite oast of John Cahill. and .Tate !antiwar, charged with' doi, alearetdrard a ver diet or act guilty oath* drat event le • the 'Mit- of indictment- thergirat, and cinnioted' on' the emote/ aociokehargiogaseault and battery. Ben-. teased ta,pay a Iva dollar alai_ undergo td tees ear' impriecummit.' , Wm Our pleaded golit,p to a charge of stealing a par of vinare 'sad a' bat ;The materiels for the gaiters were,olatalood from Mr. iihirlt ,by, the aomeeitl, under Pretithee or milking - them up, but Instead of thhithey wits parried dimpeo to another awe More mei sold Muire for fifteen elude. 'Meat to 'the mowirpriera forfoiir moratie,.. -' fiarijiallyi'AtirbisisestiC, - pleaded - guilty, 'to a efas4rUl'etealing .iirisizUty Of wearing apparel. Mama absorbs in the °minty prima. Alliandic.lllco, :Colored; pleaded guilt, to ; &erg* of at The medey wae stolen from Mr...Torepl Prer.ehi in whose foenily etriiatia was employmi a :caryailt:: %She got mix months in the eoaaty Wow. •=. • - J. r. Borroughe pleat,* rarity oft 1$ bills of ludioimeotobergiaLtliavrith iburring earinforfat wet `due the Bank of: l'eas Towering: benteifee . Rilieboth Janes pleaded -, guilty tir Airy' of, etesitag tiro . tio -rioter: Vhd . mortar was- moles from the imam where the Lemma fess employed's. a servant. Sebterma deferred , - , Catharine Homt.onoter servant, WaStiiivieteit of &chap of staling CS, th• property of flaw ash Potts. flimt "to the , county prison for • tight Matti* Jones warrusimvieted of a °barge of deal-- log rimotills, shawl, and tableolout,th• pro perty of Wm. Lemon. Sentenced to six months Itiohard Dougherty was out on ttial ishatged With the larceny of $l.OO, the property of Usury McDade. Dougherty boarded in the umo house with the prosecutor. The money was placed iota bureau drawer 'on the let of July, and on thi of Jiff, when McDade next want to the drawer' the antaust. was =gone. - Prior 'to the lido( /eV," ikrasharty complaistod to stretal personeof "bettytiP"..l' . % 414 eierow, 4ll .7 ll ' before': thi, 4th of- July; he borrAlitt $lO frost McDade. But, about the 4ta of 'itirybii purchased ssnit of obithes t and about thi Woe Sine' he depoeitall9o with *friend. Whoa. himigial with the larceny, he made 'tato mentericregatd. to his clothing which afterwards roved to ba incorrect. , winnow were called p for tbutdelitios: Jayvee.' . = Francis If ediark,tras eorivioted of the'-is t roeny of a imat;ead'sontilitirp for Sixty days- Bageilie - McCarty end • Wisr.lL•ppoli two of - the notorious.grarg of tired have for are amboysd the 'people. of ,:the Itifteentitland Tweatleth wards, were tried had °outdated of riot. IfttOarty, as the ringkador of. thur party, was sent to cite astern Peatteittery for,fifteion months, and Hoppa was mutt: te - the county prison for nine months. Stook*, arrartof If °Carty and Sapper, • with too °thereof . the gang who- shit *wait their th• tt Ilene have "disripPaared from Molt favorite liturgic,. ' • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Masket. PAILADSLIMIAr Aetnat It. MOO* Therstoek market w oe Wronger OM morning, but oldired Mahon, the bum seep of the opening. Reading Ratko re Mimes mold wig) .13111 f. Perialplearda Felhead shares gained ,andthe firm mortgage bonds P:1:• Berlread etcek mold et 13‘, and raDVII, Mining StiStal f/ tt 3 AllsObtair'copiti bonde heel in hi. per favor. Greed end Coates Poi tenitor stook mold eaniiit and Vlna it IA /4, and Spinet and rine et 11%. 2otriveniei De 'oiler gfvee ~1441 followits,4 desorsr tie% of la new and dengoroda - eonnterfeit .1111 bill on the Framers' arieliteehaidee Beek. of Frederic), Idd Vignette—A Nall., teedian'es' iwgiewiente• wheat. arc. A f-male bearing wheat can the right end loge• rooti ve and tiro Fe on the !attend, _Baker k'Dnyekureki ow:revere. ' The bide MI leather detilerna New, EinelenditYWWW. gaged ties , 'Tort to keep up the price of leather by w eoutbieelion Moose themselven, proweg to befit ibe . pagapfgralore of taisthei vo • quantity. mink stiewient to meinnho vents of the :meittnnoturera, This a lion to. oat ttortoottite above ay . * of trade i and weintein ie artifirdet DM* for tialrOOMlOoaitial:trirrallieridre fail of the ptofetwal obleat,, while vie have, .1 1 6:4(oubt; that thins who aught,' le It wilt fled. is thetted, that it, bat noititted,in prick three* warantsims to the larger , sad wealehter tonnufseturers raver the smaller grad weaker ontir. Lenthbiend Wei will gam or halt sto m r. the nievitablo hperetion of the lairs of Wide: = If the ire:mussed priae received ,forhidee daring Mite year , pest use sti stet ited enoverpiodiation of the ant: tbe priconwill fall. and leithei will fall, despite alt the rimo:ree of „New Kuala*, Sinners to keep it !alibi- The more determined the ralfoyt to set the tawsof acne, et deadline'. the More se ws Will: be the gradating -from the reaction when ft dories, and the wicker members of the trade may tied theinsilies'ausaled to trithitind it. They *rill Awl it fal . wiser to leek the ease grata* face,swiait thhigl in their altered condition, -and etniform to them at orade in their business oaltalstioah sad oontreetw '- . • ' . The falfriaringie the .Plitebnig, bank statement for the vita iriiidraa Alin,-1 • - wanes, Cireulstion, dpeole. -Goths. Depo'L , $lll Sank of n utting:. Aitt , sset gait:es to s s ty tof Iliecharairae . ,190 detkeift 77e BletterieMeekr.: tl7 110 Jig 04 -741:10719 Is As Ptisane' OS ad, 763 631 181 781 **hernia - 03115 - mine 2,4 91,406 n9Olll -133161 715 to e ' 9 0.156 4 ,07 t •1" • • ••-• • • w.i. 74 r. 01.478:, moo; - • • II 990 4 13 ( 1 , 37 31 7 n;:7-1.13 757,1 " :Z,Ve Lett rite did 170 919 , 7,391 ter loom 94,1197:' .4.1194 4111:1 W. re by surge.•ot. i• /rotes, nks. • niro. vo 1144 956 . ,96995 , " 2 4/ VT. ' 9.716 i 4,714 - - 18 149 98965 6.01,4144?...4 - 818 ..'t - 13.41 - $9 . 64, L 1 00 8 2 ,618 SUN 97-wl 60,696 all.}Ur • 36a 607 k 77,8149 CONS 470 919 !96!79 -" 171616 EC= ~ . . ~. .. .. PI be het w itlf OMNI ii riiii itiltt saunatii t et 01, Boston Bsfiks im is, :,. ...,. , faltnoirt - . Calitti 86 , 010. • ,i,••. ,•• 4. • :„.art, vat .. ~ kift• Armin eitbAit Y1P,... #4 : ./.......y,..,,,1, i swim •,.. - V . los,Otbillt NOW • :4. 4 eri• - i.'.. 0' , ..4, - &WI eta '1:,7 froillhol -, ••,-, • ,:re...• , ...} 5•,..... z. k. - •,. .. • ... WOOL •-,- •. - ToiesswattlitiAniirdirioa nig &Path' RidliOti, Odirt 4 . - , 4 0 1 .COlirr—lillitirls oo Kft ooloo egehlredilui: llilostvTh•le tollOolllll. :Ititollik,WrnollAlldlf, 1 , iii ii ,110..,00,•of , tholiomopyloAdil cold en. it isimme mw. , kW timatioNino-tioMkAAlloi,. 44 3 .41 $ 1 ' Milrilarlitraldi_ A llrriy ri ti Ver , ' 1 ,'• 0rr0.101 , 10...W./. 161 0 , WHO I - {` , St I.llbollit VW MI., CM 1.114 V 4-4 1 10:fhtle 4100 11110111411C 1 '', - l!Orroborl• *nob, 10k, , • beat ,alc loOdallsold elolopooion .. or *•.! '...,4 4 1. 1 rtga tikivemu viar. a ' di z, '.. t V i t thr t riti klerea, la tttredrietiort .of eoal. earn-, as tree more coelmieutng eonmeohlut OW loess than (Ming the preceding leer .4 110 net etratege, as predieeid la OW last enema report, have not talteaittort of Allow of the- pretdOue sear The Iktpidtmor of the ormeenk•rooon- le progreavng (avow. . 1 004 the comeetition for oleo, hoMreveronatinues to ha the re erl b A t rl i ett e l l :Jrat i v d .4,lll ,- .7, 6 .1 , .Pr i fig armaments continue to be el/hated wrthoot addttinn'to ,the poestraetioe automat, ,The tort et the rumtroad 140 aim pment, canal barges, steamboats, &0., is about -following statsateuVahowathe' !mailmen& of the Iteadins ailroad during the month of July 1560, wet 'Paige with the game aohth of Msgr. • ' • lett 18 69. -Received— 7E9 76 SIN 396 le • Merchandise, - 61 787 16 29 8 660 ,It: „ :Tnivel, ,to &sin gu •at 761 81 ------ _:-- em, so u 524 8 .861 72 Tranapertation. roadway, dam,- age, renewal fund. and all ohallaw -,•...,..... .. : ......... 147,6 n fa 157 . 80 87 •_,......- . ~„ profit for the month.... - ...518 1 ,194 !e • M 067 re ••••", for pre noon 7 mos. SS 61E810 fl • __—_— net profit for 8 months-0871 0 0 8 3 . 733 ' 888 °a The following are the shipments of oostny toe Bar -047 Railroad and Coal Comeeng. for the week ending „ • ' Tons. ("wt. ..... ..... • • • 'L e ' 568 __, Amount for the season. 'Amount for the same normal IMO year..:,. The Qammissioner of the General Land Moe has in court. of eritearitioni for sobintseion to the Seor.tary Of the Interior. a lust of lends, comprising three hon. .dred anCrertilitY•onit, thoosand eight hundred and thirWßintitotts,' bas , been selected as craning to the ?tato of Florlds, under the act of May If. IRS. as indernaßy for ; that perhon of the road between Slick tridtdilli and the wider, of Ploambia bey, which con ic,* the town of Alligatot with Pensacola; and known as thri:eleorgis land Pensacola • 'the :railroad farm-mortgage excitement swallows up nearly all else" of publio interest in Wisconsin. The snot tgagere have forayed local leagues , to still relit, by every legal meanc, the collection of the 111 , Magee. The, Mullion Areas. organ of the league. sat et " When thesis are exhausted. et d if they are fruitless, they , will tall back on th eir oritanisatifn non united power. , and will defy any attempt to drive them by Loral) nom their homes. Aeons or them are engeSed in the 000esional attempt at mischief by obstructing the track. This comes from other sorrow—from t noes who lmtlt WPM* k.lied, or from wretl4l,* who desire an acomeot for the chances otplut der which the confusion -and disputer would give. Rot one hand will the lann• moteragers ever raise to entlancer innocent lives. or to inlays any human being. till he cows With IS writ end Ouse to drive them from their Lamm" raliadelpinia stock • Exchange Sales, Augnet IS, ISfo. Riiroktsw wr S. N. ennyktansit, ku4i 'Walnut Etraot FIRST BOARD: Rl6O Allies Co es Pal 1 . 6 Ilitrileburg R. .SS 1000 11794 - friNe7.7.ii 9 t'-pr et Pine eta /1.. 1731 Deli Div .... Canal .... 48/a Cam k Amb do • 3 Wiltningion R,..Y6 /M N / do' 44 I Race k 206 1S %lar B , nk • 4 34 penna d P..4—..10tn 41 BOARDS. - 600 City Co '90....New.104X 190/111D. 1000 Mortis Canal 4a... 96 0 Green & Coates. 21 130 Reading_ It ..lbyryt 2 1011 El& R 1 24ornstoen &••••• 8) 700 Penn Moonr..—. OW i *high Vat 96 90 Favtilleoha Bk Ito 69 1 1000 do 6 OOOO Pittab V oa t bd art 46Si VOO City ea cash Rearlo4V up City_ 611 101 * W Silvan* 5orn1013; lOW Morns Canal 6.h6 96 1000 Unit/neat* so on'o 69 In Gro do ton and Coons-1r IS to • We BRTIVER7 ...New.1043 I SECONV MOO Penns* .4VO do . Ott 000 Wein & dmb 60'03 07 13* City 24.. Neului% Ixru do Now/0434, Mtn nation enl6l op n iV t NO 34R SI Worsts 311 2 Ott 'Meat& '2s 2610 a MS WO • do ....ed Tina OL08.1 3 11) PR. Bid- Asked. 4lllliadelphlses_llo3 1013, Pluto 6s X..... , ...1 101 I Phtte 61...n0w..104 1043 t'anna fa arti0311% 96 Rens tra g 'Bointon PUG - 01 mt 7514 73/4 Penns Sol d 4, 41 roma* nge: 91 02 nor CI con dv off 5731 se 33 0 3.j0 lova. Gs 116 30/1 if 04 W 1 muff 76 7113 leatnavlßsvlnunt :Sag 1 100001.31S1r1Ste...: 90. =lOl Romstr—; ests' 1 City 110110. OBS-DULL Encl. & El 11....13i I V 4 mom & .E7s lm. 70 Long hold 1314 1.00 Ci & nn eh cl & Norio 41 " North Yens n N Penns 9734 roops R , 10s.. . CatAwissa Ism 0.31 42 _ Fmk(' & South R. 40 10 Sim & no R. 49 493 i Hope & Vlos-sit..Z9X 29 I &rum & urseu & noatepo.4loi TS Oast & Welasc.3l 81% Pkiladopipb4it Sitirkets. • - Atrairr lt;--Rvennix There is no - change in Breedstufs, and for Flour the damand 'motional limited; sales reach about LOX/ bble at 1560 for good fresh ground soperfine, and ete Med for extra. mostly of the latter. the retailer's and baker's are buying liglois as wanted at the above figures for 'superfioe and extra. and 216.23M6.50 for extra family and fancy brands', according to quality. ' Nye Flour sod Coin Meal Ste netee and quiet at 03 MM for the former, Mal 13.37 M fur the latter. • • `rustep es not so 010. but the minim' are buying in a .mall way only, and about 3.11(0 bush so dat 1761 0 1310 for red and 13ffelege for white. of common and choice qualities. Rte Is in steady demand. and new is saleable at Blerfo, torn continuge rather dull, but sales of SAO bush are ropyrted at Wade for good agd prim Pemba yellow, 7dloMe for interior. and 711072ge for Vroteni mixed Oats are eon - muted• 3,200 bob hew Southern et 31031 1 10, and MI hush old do at Mo. agog —Quereitrog in not inquired for, and first qualtly is cull at arrge ton. i Corron.—There s no change in the market, and about the usual bus neat doing in the way of trede. Oltocicit.ze are held tirtnly. the sales, however. WV confined to small lots Cone, which brings steed) , Mee. IPRovisioNs.—The market le quiet, but very gm for all kiods. Mem Fork is - quoted at Ole 1 :0 019 .7 3 . end let Mess Beef at sisseomao per obi- ?moon and salted meats Me trolling In email way at nil prices. Lard is held at Inelatio for lads and tierces Butter is irk better deman d at amigo 19' Iti Sitans.—Timothy is selling at 13 per ha. and domes tic, Flamed - at 1116010161.Ctoverseed is scarce and 'meted at 114 /Oa DO bat. 111114tIvel lairerina, sold at SIM, Ohio do ft, drudge Mo and Mina lino. • Hew York Stock Exchange—Aug. 15. , 4* Vire ima S$ PIN 160 Mtob Can a ....„ 61 7ate Morn 88 F Mc.... 31 non co of &Oak 111 W, 304 BS 4606611 3•P So 21 8 8 ..... &41 do 010 60,i v Oen . ASO Cidaago R 1—.... 31 360 Ene Kntlroad.s IP 21X 16, do ........... El% •Ito di $17141M0 do .... 8414 60 Nadrottiftrer 4/7610 do. al MU UP 1 do So Gal & Chi R.— . SON !ONarl:m t 4 ---- —us) Ifo'A WO do ..... -,• 20 53 Nor. Wor R... M 4 60 do Ito 11:14 am Mb 8 k I 23 uau 100 do - - .Lei Ziti "IMO Readin .g . Ott MO Mb Sk N , 47/1 Ski do.. . 610 47.14 400 do.. , --ASS 48 .040 iteollll,en it hop, 66 .3loToiedolt - Wale R.: 6 Olio do 630 61 , •re -• TRH MARRITB. . aanehanred, wita sales of 60 bbls at 46„12 roLrots. and 4624 1.4 r Pearls. oval—The 011vitS4 for State and Westsrn Flour in dillite brisk sender the fourrist twee, and 11 BO better. The demand for mood extra Suds an round hoop iMio ,isseti e. ard °Melly for capon. but ot , erdesorintions, which are Madly wanted for on aunt:ea. a.. r.. de. maid. Prairie to tar 7 792 bbis I miles tlt 000 MU at r. 20 for. demos Western • st: 1640 for mitre 6.110 for Mak, 46.26e5.40 for extra do. mail 4640 for extra roan:Nam, south. rn Flour te a shade Miter, With males of 7000 Ws at *1 406) 660 for mind tn :rood- and 46 Ma 7 AO for extra br,hdr. .Canada Floor is more 'Wady, with antes or 300 bb's at 114-16 for. superfine. and aid 00,160 000 EMU'S. 0044 sal and Rve Flour ars Mewl. Waster.—The pew -per _Anglo Saxon and Parole. has :rhiled considerable buotancy to our W heat math , t. ot has become quite active lor export ,t an nOsanee fully one cent. The recf.ipts aniount to 11.043 bushels. and the miss thus far tnloo4lokbps embraciss VOW sr,4l - red Western at 41.2361198: Milwaukee i.lub at CM common white Indiana s 4 *1 50,• Ohollll. 'PAP. Monis 'n at $l4O , and Amber 'Moots at $1 SO. the 0.. 0 market rules steedr with' sales of 66 000 bus. at 62145t430 for Weetern Nixed. Rye is dab at 401. Harley a dull and nominal, Ott, are steady at 869680 for r nuthern and Jersey. and 3f1a33140 for Northern and Western. Pl° vlsloNs. :-.lfork Is dull; Nolen of 110 bbls at 8/ 0 8 81036 for new west: $lB 6O for old Mess; 81336 for o - d rime; 414 for new do Reef quiet and uneltanged. with sake of 100 661. at 1111164.25 for Country Prime ; 47606 SO for Country Wu; 48016 60 for Repacke ' W es ern, apd 11612 for extra Mew. lout bleats are scarceandfirm,at 11d for Rams and pa for rrnothders. ( Ord , . heart, with sales of 100 bbl. at 1214c1S1ith Bat te_r end Comma are unoninrnd. wanks - is dull: sales .100 bhis at 210. Irsae-voßir CArTIGE MARRED—Wednesday. Anorst reoeiont Pave born 6,267 Beer.. 141 Cuws, Cis "V as ■lB 80 Ebees'ond Laws, - and 4,701 MB Slalom snowing a neonatal Of ,)6 Cowe, 121 Veale, Sheep and Lembo, I,e7t Swine; and en moraine of ale breve.. At Bergen, N. J.,lneluded in the above, were 984 head Beeves. • . On Surds, 78 haul were sold from the rail , depot. , be market tmrley has continued quite dull, and mien for the des ere fear ban' a el); 8/ , lb lower. We room at• 8 to 8M0.,• ',Mare No. Veal Calves are better; prime sell for Maio. tomnion Po.. 4 to Se. Cows command 04100 and.are very dull. Swine are *slim, very slowly at ,6%n for pfltne. end Bevan" for common 65Y/sand Lassos have polo donna the week at former Sri es; to wryare a HEN b wor. Rome some atalsB oo advance- we quote at7•9o for Is robs, 'end S®Bo ter Sheep, dressed. iambs are very plenty. CITY ITEMS. A SPLENDID STOCK OE GOODE FOR CITY AND COUNTRY Ts/att.—We yesterday paid a short visit ro tie DIY Goode Jobbing-house of Mr. Joshua L. Belly, No. 213 Market street. for • the Purport* of examining the varied stook of goods *Minh he advertises in another •eolnmn of oar Paper. The stone itself is I..rgi:com modions, and well.lighted, slid the vaiiety of fabrics aim offered • in its several dipartments presents to htiyers. in our judgment, a display of unusual excel- Aimee. On the first floor we examined a great collets of pilots, the styles of which are wiry beautiful. and indi cate that the gremlins modes of printed goods this fall 'rill be plain grounds with rather neat set figures. Boleti of the oases displayed in this extensive stook are 'striking -imitations--both in the perfection of the ground-work end the printing col the rich chintz colors— of rime of the French all-wool fabric'. A choice line of the fitter 'rade, of fashionable dress good, are also here exhltted. tautly of which are of M r. Bally's own importation, -We also noticed a very superior line of good- staple styles of domestic, ginghams of the eels brayed New.Englacd "Pacer-shoe " matufacturs. that are admirably adapted for this market. Of these, we believe e• r. B Is now Jobbing large quantities, hue trios haw sit already set in with i•IITIil activity. -Proceeding to The next fioeratiove, we found a very complete tine of the , eeletnated " Ittlertintaoks," se. tatted expressly for the trade of this hones ; also a large assortment of bed blankets, embracing every else and • end a very choice assortment; in theensinal I :Packager/ref the popular Itochdele• Blanket Shawls, in the' sole of which this house has ler several pun sea sons carried off die palm. The se jar of thus establish ment is mainly devoted to Irish LIMAS, white goods, and donieettea generally. the latter embracing a full line of all the most popular brown and bleached ;marlins in the market. • • Tbleentire stook has been selected with judgment end sOod:teelPh - end evidently with the oharacteristio earefaineys of its shrewd, enerAet'o proprietor. and pre. sentilotleppearance of freshness which is always at tramtie -to buyers. - One of ILO great advantages of this house is the Superior light pi which goods may be examined. in every part of it, in passing th euth we found most of the clerks bust y engaged with eastern• en. and the, whole establishment presented an ale:of ,busbies' snoring us that the 'fall trade hoe faltly opened. - . Tns WEATOZn In A BUSINESS POINT op VIEW —^ If the recent rant whicalt.deseended on Monday with I snob comousuaaai answersWer to the ;mem of thou tends, was worth millions to sericulture, and Wilma h - of our ettisens, benefit' upon the trade ttt e ol le ttu i s oily end the nation at large, soot be e n. aolately inestimable. - Each a glorious •bright, faced. bracing. eilverp,dip as we wet e favor+ d with yesteidir _was a thing to be enjoy ed. even at the cost of a week's Oitiffoilatiiiiiiirt a riustropol ten hakenven No more ger .tainly_have the • watce wished the duet and filth from Our streits, than they have brightened up everybody's e`xmotationelbulnutlneee. :Already the column is in Iliotion, Many of our wholesale house/ are even now havinitheir dies °aerations prolonged Into the small hoe ri erthe night, end udder the' impalas of our eiti. alias returning from their,//_ venal Oman , resorts, our eoPulacrOtoll thoroughfare. are rertuming tneir wonted throng. New end elegant fabrioa begin to attract the atetutton of Peaking Pedestrians in - the windows of Levy. ;,tharpteilf, and Berton, on Chestnut et eesolnirtnetifetfew to use. to the trade on kashsh. jtiatlu fiewortd4rehoind Spring Garden /areas, are ;eke tapidlY nesurairet ► bataness tar." A 4F001t11111% Purenflame—lt is not Often :4l4 `ll6 tietisithif lnleisftia of auy kind ralia t s great igpirae of ty moth,. and appreciation, int when it doe* vs adecedie is at Otitie Metitablit and permanent. Wei hive so interesting' Matinee Of this in the wide sad dePetteliPePitianity of Meant dakiewd k. eons'Jpietd bestir oneinSonuth,,suder the Coutinen tptylotei;?llitiintiy, di the deopittnitirde Wash these 41, , tettleaa€1tehiek3o anubrieeresd new in their way, and lihportent—the , tianenrive eberenter in whisk each was lit be goaded 'dosed the mammoth and yet ISlSPllfieet:l6 I 1440 fionied bey Oki purpose, all combined to make the 'aiSeisSai Of. it a thing to be desired, for the name and fainter oni sit i, bt tots time many otrtdd regard it tie io stem' Wit *a liaderweiwit. Cirotinuitaudies, of wilish our muter" ought to be aware, have made it such no longer. Its some= has been as triumphant and oom- Plete,as the undertakleg • as supposed to be lissardoue, anti to -day all the ladies in this oltr, to a °Mit look upon; ' Oakfoi de'. sneer the Continental." as the most iediegensable institution in the land, fyr their happiness and Owe fort ; and the ladles are always right, , 'jag MaD/OASPROPIIIRT/68 OF WHISKY, WHEN pure, are universally acknowledged, and t. a slloo.Ell achieved by Bu nelde's Pule RlO Whisky is a further proof of the °Mosey or a really good ar ti c l e ' is t h e treatment of a variety of the ills ihkt flesh is heir to. A. a toms it is unrivalled, and being the pure distillation of rye, its nutritous qualities are remarkable. Clary & Stootdabe, proprietors, No, 323 Walnut street. ATTENTION is Invited to an advertisement in to day'S paper, offering for sale the stook, fixtures, Ao., of a large carpet establishment. SIR JARICS MURRAY'S OAMPRORATZD CORDIAL.— This admirable Cordial is designed especially for all those complaints inoldent to the heat of sum mer. Diarrhma and severe value of the stomach, Vomiting, .to., readily yield to its very soothing influ ence. It is quite pleasant and grateful to the taste. After a trial, few persons will be willing to be without it. Those leaving for the country shoual not do s o Without providing themselves with the Cordial. It is sold by Bower, Sixth and Vine. Price 00 cents. tf WINDOW OUDTAIN Trimmings of every desorip. Von, at wholesale ; Tassels. Gimps, Frineos, Gilt Cor nices, Bands. Hooke, RMS, Drankaia. Linings, &a. I Lace ondlguslin Draperies; oheap as the cheapest, at HO Chestnut street, in Masonic, Hall, W. H. CLERYL & BRo. aul4-at CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS, all atylo. alai prier.e t New Goode, wholesale and retail; Bettina Brooatellee, Nape, Damaaka, Satin Laines, ho , &0., 719 Chostnut street, in the Masonic) Hall, W, H, Lamm, it BROTHER. LACE AND MUSLIN OIIRTAINE:—.Tnet Teethed, 5 oases new etyles, whnleeele end retnil.7lo Oheatnnt street, in the ?demi° hell, W.H.CAREW. dr, BR°. To OAR BUILDERS AND RAILROAD 001.1PANIER.— We have in store 100 pima Plash for Car Beatings. cheap and good, at 719 Chestnut street, W.ll. Canny. & lino. WINDOW 81/ANIR AND BOLLARDS at wholesale. Mere haute and the trade supplied cheap and of good quality, at 719 Chestnut street, W.B. CAIIIVIL dr. BRO. CORRECT FPRANINO.—We StiviSO all young peo• Ple to acquire in early life the habit of using good lan guage. both 4n speaking and writing. and to abar.don as early as possible any use of slang words and phrases. The longer they live the more difficult the acquisition of good language will be ; and if the golden age of youth. the properhieason for the acquiaition ofianguage. ho mussed in its abuse, the unfortunate victim of ne glected education is very probably doomed to talk slang for life. eitotiey is not nocietalry to procure education. Emery men has it in his power Ile has merely to nee the language.which he reads instead of the slang which he hears; to form his taste from the beet speakers and poets of the country ; to treasure up choice phrases In his memory and habituate himself to their 11118—as he does to the beautiful garments got up at the " One Price" Gift Clothing Store of GRANVILLE &roan, Igo. 601 Chestnut street. WO" A useful and valuable Ozor is presented to °sob Plirehaser of a garment. Particular attention is paid to customer for ordered work. Yx PRINCR OF WALIB.—Ye young man Albert Edward. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Saxesobourg, Is r. youths of touch promise. He &once& welle and dirtieth rights menthe wills ye blue-nose maiden. makynge ye favored ones happy e, and rendering' ye slighted one bluer than of yore. Ye rascalliest sweete 'minim Prince Jour neyeth this ways. and maidens gaze, and matrons grave rejoia•th much° thereat. But ye Prince cometh not to Philadelphia to idle with ye somas dames ; tut to get for Eis Royal Highness a full suit of ye famous gar ments made at ye Rrown•Stone Clothing Ball of Hookhill k Wtlaon, Nos. 603 nil 606 Chestnut street, above c lath. ARRIVALS AN THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS VP TO 12 O'CLOCX LAST NI011? CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. J B Johnson, Pennsylvania B Dohnme, Cincinnati. 0 DA e hephr-rd & da. exam J D Lenmer & 2 la. Cm. 0 F West, Milwaukee Mrs l B West. Milwauk.e Jos Hawkins, K. Mucky J B Bell, Chilloothe. Mo G T Prionaid. Pneee'n,Mo Jas ho well. .sillwatiikets W 13 Wins, !Memphis Br Lancaster. Jackson P. Cocaran. M revisal ppi R. Bwad .n. Petersburg R. pew Calms Mrs P. Coffiia, N Orients John G Foster. N Haven It Armstrong, Jr,. Md J F Campson. Charleston H W Bronson. Del no A J Woods & In. Being/Ole H F Peterson. N Orleans N Sanction, N 0 A Kenton, Natchez, Mien 11 A Ellison, Wash ; D C A P Nernolos. New Yore If Gilman, California Robr hlliou. Michigan T B A rideraon. Richmond K Willie. Baltimore J Bell, Chat lesion Mr Rainey & la, Virginia L Danoklee. Boston Orin Fisher, New York 0 M Pinckard & la, N 0 L W leuell, Alabama 8 W Montgomery. Ala H K Hines. °MAI& Mlf• BFR msg. Georgia AIM Jennings. Ueorgia Wm Peon a, Baltimore J W Bra: Baltimore H Blupwith, Virginia 0 J hlaClung, Tenneasee F H Mcemng, '1 annum R N Peterson, New York ?Ors Gill, et Louis F P Holcoinb. Georgia W H Mitchell. Alabama Jonn Bailey, Wash, 1i 0 Mrs Bliley &cd Waugh, DC Mrs White. Wean, D Mrs o F Gallaher & cu. DC Ceo Howland, New York R A Nichol( & Alabama Mrs Wyckoff, !Boone, Ala Mine Wyckoff. Mobile. Ala Adrs M itchell. Selma, Ala Miss Ferguson, Senna, Ala wD /'rout. Motile. Ala Weaton, Charleston Mns Roboion Charleston B Crump, New Orleans Wilde,N ew Orleans .5 C English & Bantitiv'at Miss Rol moon Newport F. Moths. 1.5 N D Hughes & la. Xenia.° IV R Phipas & la. CM. 0 Wif Snook. US N W 0 Shook, Baltimore Pr U H 1 5 8 N N K Adams. N Y CM Van Doren. Illinois E R McGasy a wf, Chicago M.. Bandt, Phicato. A Kelly & wf. Allegheny 0 B Welds & wi. MINN 8 P Bsrnard & la Provide H B Livingston New York MrsO W etanler,phio Miu 8 /Stanley Ohio Cie" A Manley; Ohio Al Harrison, Havana W Wateie, Maryland Mrs Waters, Maryland Ming imlierlake, Maryland W Watley. Louisiana John Ferns, New York Walter hillier. et Louis D n 'Weise,. Illinois N n Bru.e &le Memphis W t Dile. et Louis Jnn E Sworos, New %tot Chu W Lawreo. a, N.rOrk G6O W Hanford, New Yell( li B horp & la, New York I) P Griffith & is, N York L u Godwin. Alabama X II W Nall. Maryland P kr A mild. C.noionsti 0 L. Williams eccon• N Y • Alien. Jr, New, York Hiram Woods, Jr. BA D 0 woods, ord.imore 0 &moll, Baltimore B N Moo ly; New Urirane J K Bailer, New Weans H W Dobson & In• N t ort Miss Dobson. New York Mies V Dolisoi. New York 0 Willie Baltimore T W Collins New Orleans A Chown & is, Nee , York AD , Trye & fa. New York Alva M H Trye. New York Miss La Croix New r ork FC La Croix, New York MoCulkick. Louisville M B Morrison. Et. Louis & Is. Baltimore 0 Doherty. Cincinnati R M De Grew & la. Beltway i 0 Hattiagrgq.Pntsbing H N Posey; Baltimore Jes Moyne. Baltimore H Baltimore 3.8 ' 1 77 St. r e curs - P W Bedford & la N York Jos A Alkin, Sc Louis J W Crooker, New York al B Spahr, York, Va • A Jonee& la lexito Mies isalut.TeXas - DB 0 risy.,Columnus. Ohio A.l Burke, Bouston,Tearte A t emitter, Houston W htrnhold & .a. et Lows Dr C Hancock & la, Vs. . Miss TherMen, Mroophis it Nevin. Washington W HektUfetn,Piew York J N Heileman. New fork Julio Washington A 0 O&M 0. Washington .1 NI McCauley, Washius'n r Vaned. Memphis W H Core, Mississinio O W • co k. New 1 ork W H Bailey. Amex. Vs B m psal Alexandria. Va G p :plait Virginia Woods. Texas P Ba s, Naw York B liVorneladorif. h , hisiselppl 3 L Had r Alimaissippi L Goodrich & lab NY rk men P o Providence W W right. Carolina .1 W Morris. Yoghurt e. A Duribre. invotic Hooch. horns a Geo litothower. Baltimore J D Jones. Vicksburg si Hill & la, Is Carolina Gen 0 heat, Illinois 11W Winters Dayton, Cr B Bad . Dayton, 0 Peimle. New York NI Senn, Louisville JJ B Donnell. Baltimore R • aefarien, Now York A Morton. Ise. York WH kJ Van Every. Y J Walker. Massachusetts .1 Maitland lk wf Bait an kitilson New York B Hear. Milton Pe W A Haag. Milton, Pa Lam a Baker, lit LOIS GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut street* M Meredith, Pennsylvania N W Goodman. Rockford Geo McFarland. Miss W 1' Lochran. Moe E W Davenport & is, Md Miss Davenport, ati.e Mathews. Maryland .11 A Potter. New york Miss Potter & sis, N Y 1 hos I. Fmoiy N U & A Ileo. New Jersey Trio , Walker. New York Miss Walker, New Y ork Henry Devine k. is, K'klsl Bsvine hook 'lsland J Riohardion & Is, Pa 1' N Richardson, Pa Johnson, M Chunk Mies Kennedy, Atlantio City Miss Walker Atlanta, City Mira Moore els. Allan C'S' !oho Kennedy. Atlan City Miss Johnson at ('hunk P D.ker,_New York ri M Baiter. New York A 11 Now , New York James McGowan. New York Chas F tt.nger, N Chas F Wood. Boston Geo W Herring & la, Balt .1 T Parise, Id J D Cameron & la, Gambit Prober 11 ow. New York Opcleoaok. harreston Thom I) Pholios, htarylard W Maritsa Maryland H Jacks n & la, New York M F Herring. Atlanta, In I' How. Jr.. New York 0 W Rouen. Miss John 0 Jefris. Chet er no N Curry, Illinois F N Emmett. Beltimore W Lucas, At la ufa Geo N Mindere new York MISS Guest. new York A H Dugan. BQlimore hos M. al meson. Pada John H Grenion. W Coaster JO Gordon. lowa T 'Jr ham, Pittsburg John H Oliver & wi. Balt H W Cinierden & 14. N Y W C Woodman. „Ineksnv:e W etinbard, Pennsylvania H T Cowen, New York .1 NI wooohouse, Pandang 7.1 0 Goodwin. Monte co W 8 Parviance.vrarrishorg W F Jordon. New York W.l Bishop. New Orlagtill Mrs raison, New Orleans A G a emit. Pr ashcans Jan es Fanner, Pluto R Boyd Brooldvn Alin Et Boyd, Brooklyn H k Pa AIOX Pope. NOW Yore John H -sde New York Chas K New York John 0 Bohner. New Yo.k Thos KWr gat, N York IJ P Baker,New York J Martin & Is, Virrinia ti ins Ma rtin. Virginia Chop A 'Castor, New York A. v. Berton New ork J porrey, Jr New York W W wroiht.Downingtown W D Oavidts• Wenn. D C her, B Gordon. Indianapolis John Tay' ir. Vtrr unite W H Book. Baltimore 1 bus IM A)(Head, Va Wo. H Kassa. Missouri olt D..woin Boom .1 B Whiting. Dover. Mo warfimd. Baltimore J Sickiee, Baltimore D Brake, Charleston J P Jones & Is Grahni'd.Va W H Ward, ha timbre H h ...init. Baltimore P D Renner Bt i calla I, R Fmoot & la, Wank, DC Miss ti Marcia. When. H. H Gallaher hew York Miss flatcar. Wean. D C F L Rainey. Waslocigton lloyerno Bette wah.ton O Wtliie, Baltimore ' Geo W Cook, New r (irk Ai M Borers. Philadelphia James Gifford, Pa Mrs Gifford Pennsylvania W Hoherts, lowa It Bill, Baltimore L 11 Only, West Chister MEACHANT.T HOTEL—Fourth st,. below Arch. E HarterPll. Nashua, IV II John Amali. York. Pa F H Bnnkley, Bryan. rAiro ems Brown. Milton, Pa Btl Jonea, Chester. Illiools F hloNsuehter, Agron. 0 Evan mons. Brlikfonte B Vaionitne, Jr. Bellefonte A A Valentine. 11.-11sfonte E Valentine Bellelo..te Jos Bolion. Duhugme A Ohio Thos Frte &la Ohio F Cleric. Brookville .1 M. Kramer, Clearfield B Harwood. &gland Jame A, Locke, boron J B Markley. I.aocaster W 0 England. Alabama Mrs Bolton, Alabama 8 Mister. Newark, Ohio HDeities, Niminseppl D D Davidson. Gtorgis. Geo Loving. Minneapolis P B Ingalls. Chillictohe, 0 Jae Giffin. C , uitsville WI) Hendrioks. n, N 1 C B Elite, Freehold. •• J Midi A el Johneton.NJ Mite bet Johnston. N J Biker. Milton Pe .1 B toe, Philadelphia Idndesmito. (li do W H Moore. Indiana A B thifiey, Memphis M. Connolly; Pi ttoliurg Mrs E Megraw, Pi tame 14 Tritehot , ew ork 8 Hitoboook Connecticut .1 Hoeing, Lexington, EY - TT My ler, Pittsburg Abston, issoisiopi A E oh, Philadelphia 8 Oliver. Baltimore AMERICAN HO TEL-1" hest , mt. above Fifth. Thug M. Moore, Delaware Too Sanderson Delaware rs Nina. Newours Alf Willis. Chicago Root, 1 ork Jno Donaldson. '1 anomie. T N Patterson. &Any( co 1 hos H Oarnes, Pittsburg Joe 0 Morris. Pittsburg 0 S Allen & 13, Yfrgiiiia W A kvans, Wash. I) C a , °Milian. Penne Col Wm Belden. Wash. D 0 Jo() beldam Wash : 0 Arise Belden. Wash. D 0 Mira Roarer, Yrriirn ia W ii Beelines Plularlolphia W 8 Briggs. Philadelphia W L r robabald. Al semipro nF M c FA flandit VtaTenn Miss Gann h, TA, DONSOO Mire Goforth. 'I tenet Noe J A Love, Wash, Tenn P Rogers. PrPada HO Owen. north Cat ohne Goo Denokson & la. Del .f ir Ross, Chester co. Pa Thos A Delhi. Pn•tsville Joo I. Jennings,New York Mrs Jae Baynes. Dalt 000 B Baynes. Baltimore Miss Raynor. Baltimore F K Dayton. Jackson. 1,1 J Fleok Jackson. 111 W 0 Kennedy. World& A Eanki...p re n, o , Joan M Vonerty, Georgia Mrs At , sfiman,& win, Md K Williams. Colainble, Tenn IS Pease, Pisiinsfiald A m t 131acic. Texas MOlntosh, led ,Lille", new York G LockhArt: Pima T' Al Thomas, New York M N Huey, New York H Bareman, Baltimore A 04t0401, P omeroy, 0 0 Hansmotd, Baltimore ST. LOUIS H rani—Chestnut st.. above Third. Thos R Sargent. Altoona if Will, New York Thou C Dowdy. Ohio C Thomas. If N L D LeMeMaM JereetOßY G D Rogers. New York 11 A onsoushs.Ly non ug,Vit A I. chafe r.Porealio s.Va A Beiterttr. PlNlRdeleiliti, it Frederick. Hi Loma Mrs ft J Meakitk, Ohio W F Moore, Del ware W botch's. n. Philadelphia H k P livett, New York Henry H. smith. Ni Mrs Williams. New honk F Mayer. Baltimore A it more. Books co Thosnbeimer, Philadelphia 1.4 B Wilder.Sprnistield Mr) sharer redomore W W Kirby, Weiminglon Jas 0 Rook. 'Pennsylvania STATES UNlON—Market street. shove Stith. Win OWlen Philadelphia 0 Stewarteon. Phitn R P A thereon. Germantown At Williamson, Pinta J Pandervn• Franklin co I s l, Rates, hitiHm co i Ruck . New fork tr's,-Roa,tx: Or. cu John It iwen._Pai Fishing S Rata iff, Roy on, Ohio 1 , 11 Nish° s. way. Cy, 111 DnOld Lover, Fulton no, Pa P Per neylvania .1 1$ Wordweird. Whet) ins L Beau. W o e. neg. Runt I. kichholi a, Pa - John N Under, Illinois COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Birth Street. ab Chestnut. .1 Thompson. New 'Verde') 1. Hillman, W. et Chester Mies Roberts. hiontsi .D Mack. Port Depos.t 01 , rhilinseworth. N H. Md ic Hill. Pm ha as Col R P Swenson hid p w Chandler Phila. Wn, Porter , Rochester A L Vatioribel4 i accouter Gray. Chester on 11 Andrews. Jr. Lane no John Abeterdam. New York 4 RJ son, Ainry !rod dra JJ wriAbt,lS ht Nersot wftrwtok, I BC Burnite, Tilos Ferguttoa, Lana co, Pa MT. V4IINON HOT EL--Esitoad street, above Arab, Mai Davie, Philadelphia B Thomas, 111(11(11g U Uhriatman Portirown varietmln: Norrißtewn Mr* pmts. Yhils eiphia David Willa d. Penns Isaao Krught,Brberry H Westbrook . & le, A J A iinsum, Charleston, THE PRESS.-PMLADELPHIA, TITURStiAIt r , AUGUST 16 - , 1860. JON SIP ROTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. Job A Owens. Philadelphia B. Parker, Philadelphia Geo W Sewell Maryland 'rhos Noes. Doylestown Geo Ansa, Dovlearown Wlll Renoley, Washinen Geo Griffith Collo. nut John Davis. California fue Wagoner. California W 0 Co rile & N P p.„1.4”, - w or th carotin% ir 8 van Haviielush N J John M Moore, New Jersey Tr Parmer. Oor York (bed. 'Thompson. N Senior 1 4 4 Van Iteneelier. N J Gan P ShanherdMass N 01 mike. New York $ Whim. Pi 0, Wm Wheeler. Chester co A Klinereir rover land • John Whiteley. Baltimo'e Dr Bandiekr, Boston t C Coll, Charleston. 80 'rhos at Orem, Scranton • W Braves, 1 ondon Time Horner. Chester Capt Ci'Bryan. U 8 A Renton Saunders. Alabama Geo Olney, New York J I) Weide, Boston W P Cole, Baltimore Mic Flanders,ltimore J Cowden, Mary land TCincinnati Jae Dural, Philadelphia e NATIONAL 110TFL—Race street, above Third. E Man an & la. Lemma:or R 11t Dysart, Doncaster John Mimeo Pittsburg J Btodolard. ta lute tenon Y. A Johnston. lientown Joe W bllaker. la Moses Menlo, & wife. Pa Mrs Holman. Pa Baml Holinan,Pennsylvania J 0 Martin, Emileaator Mrs H B Martin. Lancaster /as Emery. Clinton J Handler. Pottsville Col J Dueller . Pottsville Davi 0 Dellman. N Y F. Tumbler. Bethlehem Win 1., Dill Lanoester Chas A Gets, t enema° , Henry G Leap. Lancaster F Smith, Lancaster P Bauch, Allentown 1101188--Thtrd et,. above Callowhlll Geo Bi ngform Bunke oo PN M Garrett, Mente'l co S Winder. Reading Danl lt , tter, Reading Hamm Allentown i tr Raines, Allentown Sloalien 'Wert. Allentown 8 Kemmerer, Allentown It Bonne. Phhda &phis C A Meek. Sth Haven T m Wield, Dauphin oo W G Stemmata. Pa F Wenriolt. blevergtOwn Jaunt> HioVor. Benin 00 Jonas Striver. Bunke no H %hook. New Berlin, Pa John Hull, Sunbury J H Eclwarge, Pa A. 1 1 ,41 Hair ea, Allentown Joe Kemmerer. Allentown Jacob Roth. APent dvn J B eche% Allentown BARLEY BHNAP HOTEL--800ond et.. below Vine W "(Oman. Faratoirn John 'P Mahone. Phila And York e Hatboro' W Flatter, New Jew* PI 11 le.e or: New Jeree). Gen Grown. Phtla David Moeartar. Pa J C Parr.. New Hope T Dungan. Boetleton Allen C Wentz. Bustle ton Smith Has per, Fox Oblige Hiv orHe, Pa .1 Watson dc la, Fa W 8 Floyd, Stroudsburg FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Fecond street. above Market. John C Vaal' all, Maryland J . RR irton. Leweg. Del lt.m/hley,Milrord. Del P: Chandler. Mar Hook U lO J AlDeWmen, Burlington N Du ffi eld Joke KCorooran. genes J Row-n. New Jamey Dr J N Huhon, Delaware It 3 Itm wilds. Delaware] H W Reynoide. Jr, Del W T Tiningen. rarkrakurg Time Tunpeon, Camden Sand Virden Delaware F P (Albert ht in, Dover BALD EAGLE HOTEL—MA At.. above eallowhill. Dania, Delierline. West p't Jno Lerch. 8 Bethlehem john Rillenhouso. Dethl•m Mies Alinrine. Monte oo John T Berger. Quakertown 8 iiankle,Berks county,Pa J B•haelTor, ne.ding Ana Calvin, Salton Bath lialliot, Philadelphia /I Williams, Blatington Joseph Jiiegel, delletac'n BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et,. eb. Callowhill. Alhort Holler. Pennsylvania Denial Lehr, Gratztown Jae 111 telimeolc, N eeding A Buckman, Pennervania Chas Harper. Jenkintown That H Eiteokle. Allsnen O quillman. Pennsylvania H Maurer. Pennsylvania Madmen r nog Backe county 11 II Halloway, Penna. J "'roue' & la, Hamblin H a Cope, mono, 0 H Kahler. laston. Pa H P Leland,Pennsylvannt TAB UNION—Aroh street, above. Third. I OcconhsiniM, Indiana J 8 Boyer, Tamaqua Col It It wohlf. T.M941.111. J M Reinhart. Tamaqua 'I A ll , own, Cntfis, Ohio P W L Mae, Indiana A Little. Indiana W A Hamer Lancaster G G aviir s. Delaware Jonas, Alabama W "Ids Muscatine. In C LUCAS. York, Pa O HA I , rower. Dnnville..Pa Wm H Miller, Nei, Jersey It A Tullman. Boston H Kessler. Cinoinnati Wln'l dards, Mar.lancl KR Horner, Baltimore P C Book i us, Canton, Ohio JH MO Vauntt hl sits. Ohl° VSAUINS INTELLIGENOB. ina..: POOKTR PAWN ARRIVED. Ste . .seship 'Kennebec. Johnson, 2t hours from N Virk. via • aim Mar 8 hours. with mdze and passeogers to James A lido,dice. Parsed at 8 o'clock on Wedn-sdav mom ns. s.hip use/morn, from Liverpool, at anchor off the coop on the Brown. Bark Medena Ni der, G slays from Boston, with lodes to Twol Is, Mellon & Co. Rohr earths, ens, Crapo, 3 days from New Bedford. with oil to Shober. Bunting & Co. Buhr harsh, Henson, 4 days front New Bedford, with oil to Shoter. Bunting & o. obr Tressurer, Fisher, t, days from Boston, with fish to a Solider & Co. Schr Frank Herbert, Parker; G days from Boston, with Lim to E A Sander & Co. Bt ems/ Brnenl, Allen, 24 hours from New 's ork, with mdse. &c, to Wm Pd Bairo & Co. rILFa RED Steamship Cambridge. Howes, Boston. H Winsor. Bohr BMA Corson. Led tom. Boston, Illakiston & Cox. Rohr Adelaide. Young. It..ston, do Bohr Alliance Quincy, do Btr L Haw, lien, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. • WI TELEORAPII. (erminpondenon en Toe Pr/W) Per Steal, ship Parana.) Arrived from' New York. chip Compeer. at Melbourne; sht,a Winged Barer and Penguin. at Barnhill ; snip Mll.rgaret him. at XI deny; rim,. Or damn and yell'ech land, at Deal; ships Coroli no and Julia Cotib, at Brie- Arrived from New (Means, ship Annie Scott, at Lon donderry. lOW ClRAffi% • Steamship Virginia, Kelly, sailed from Riohmond Itch 'net for l'huerleichipt, Ohip Dashing Wave, 'Looter, cleared at Boston 14th nst ter Pan Finnenco. •• • . BarkParioimi, (nem, 83 tone,) Snow, cleared at Doc ton 14th met for Calico. il irk laszle, itioliersion, from Zanzibar, was be!or Sto..m 141 h Ind. .11,trk N Cogswell. Hamlin, from Zanzibar lat May, at Pravtclenee Hat 'nat. Bark 7 W Holbrook, Luscomb. hence at Matanzas lot inatant. • - flan( Arcadia, KaKoch. hence at Cardenas 30th ult. Brig Win A vntwien. Hatch, cleared at at Joan, N B, pth 'net for Philadelphia. Behr Beqlah, Hammond, cleared at Boston 14th inst for Phi atlelphot. richr Thliow, Dcrlge, cleared at Calais 3d instant for lott Pliits: bo, rein. Aroutnrinsi Snow, honor at Rockland 11th Inst. Bohr Thor Hin. Ball, sailed front flogid nd 9th lost for Vortitowon, to load for en node jphi r plug Jitterbug and Edwin, Connelly ; Wm, Jones; n rixanna. Moore. rind Cropper and Brother, hence Riohinemd 14th inn Soar Planet Mars,' Godhegan, sailed for Riennond 14to intt for Charleston. E'ECIAL NOTICES. ALL snouLD not fail to read the adver hgement of Prof. WOiD in to•dar's paper. au6•tt 0014 POUND .EXTRACT OF SartlitaPAltlLLA NOR MATING ROOT lisna,-A pleaaant and bea"thy bays rage at bight Cents a Gallon. for family 11184. Full di rection* dooompany each bottle Its universal and in °raaeing popularity is its best reoommendation, Bo ware of numerous imitations sold on the credit of our extract and advertising. Tee genuine prepared only by et+TT&R & CRAMPIN. Itmotloal Chemist.. WWI - R. I. Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia. DYOTT & CO., 2:42 North Eli GOND Street. bold by Druggists and Orwell generally thronahout the country. lylp thetut6t• CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the City, at 34 South THIRD etreet. Clttall,alt PRINTING, Beet and Cheeped in the City. at 34 South THIRD street. BILL-HEAD MINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD etreet. HAND-OILL. PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the CA', at 34 South THIRD street. • PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desorip- Senor Printing,of the most superior quality, et the most mesmeric rates, at /1/40 WALT & mow/ye, Drapers Building. a 4 south THIRD greet. ha II ONE PRIOR OLOTUING OP TU LAMM Strlae, made in the beet manner. °saran' , for RE PAIL BALES. LOWEST tolling armee marked In Plain Figures. 41 1 gcsoflii mutat° error warranted seta. futon'. Oar ONE-PRICE system is stnotly adhered as we believe this to be the only 'Air way of dealing 11l are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. sta-tf eli MARKET Street. SHAMAN 8 SAVING FUND--NOBVIIWNET cionnsa SECOND and WA Nrr flyniorre.—Depoelts re meowed in small and large amounts, from all classes of aotnwiarilti, and allows interest at the rate of FMB elf,/ GENT. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without loss of In ;trod. Moe open daily, from a until B o'clock, and on Biot in), and Saturday until nine in the rrotims. Neel tent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and &watery, ISAR. M. fiIORAIL BUS' MIRACULOUS VSRION DR ARROTER, the °Meet and beat remedy known for Ex terminating PATS end MICE. COCKROActIEB BUGS, ANTS, MUSQUITORB, FLEAS, MOTHS, 9ttAIS WORAIS,and GARDEN INSECTS. ' air Principal Depot" 812 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all Drerglerte everrwhere. mylt-Itra gAVING Foxe—NATIONAL SAMITY T 51387 COMPANY.-*ChSTIATed br the State of Pc ADJOVIIIIM. RULES. • 1. Monoy a receivod every day, and in 0011 amount arge or email. I. FIVE PER CENT. interest Le paid for money from the day it le put in. 8. Tire money le always paid bank in GOLD whenevet it le called for. and withoot notice. 0. Money i3reoeivou from Exam-tors, A LOX isis 'raters, iitardians , and other Trustees, in large or email aunts, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depotitore to invested in Real lietate, Mortgagee. Ground Rentz, and other first 'tans seouritles. 6. OLUo e open every day—WALNUT Street, southwem or .ar Third straßt. Phast.dolthis, fate SALAMANDER toma-Pitoor s.&i 3.—A vix3 Urge meortment of SALAMANDERS for gale at res. wash% prises, No. WM CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. 4,11 A-if NVANEI JACOBY—ST. CLAlR.—Tl.nraday, July 20, 1800, by Rnv, E. reixotto, Mr. Wm. A. JACOiIY. ot Romney town, Pa., to Reehel. ilaurlder of the late James rzt. Clair, i sq. and grand&ughter of Aiwor Ueneral pt. Clam C?' volor.onary army RAYPThoiOr.—hletmel . N.—On the let instant, et Chditauthe, Ohio. by the Rev. t.. E. Felton, Mr. Thomas bappington to hltss Fanny Mt.(lann, hoth of this oitr. ETACICHOUSF.—Near Huntingdon, Pa., on Foutth day morning. 15,11 host .nt. e arah P., wile ci Joseph It. staokhouse, and daughter of the late Alexander Shaw. [Noma of toterment to this city will lie given in the afternoon nevem.] PESElets.—at Willi es, earn in March, William W. Per hint noit of am 11. Penang, in the 29th I earof hi age. NNAGE.—Or. the Nth instant, Elizabeth Ewife f 1.), sennago. and eaughter of Frederick' Lei brendt. seed 25 yenta Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. alp North Seventh street, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o wock. ST NEET.—On the 13th inttont, James, son of lulls aril the late .4 thee Street In the 5011 rear of Me age. Funeral from his late residence, No. MO Petah , reet. tips '1 heredity/ morning' at o'clock. the rilth Instant, Mrearleokfes. std, in theSaili ) ear rf her arc. Funeral irom her late residence, N 0.714 Lombardstreet. on Friday afternoon. at o'olook. m ft,—Jerome E. Miller. sun of Peter and brtli Miller. ill the gth year 0 1 Me 000 . I. utter& Or, to the residence of me parent., No. 103 ht edhorough etreet, thin (1 bursda)) a tte rnoon. at 2 o'clock NixoN.—On the mth invent, James M. Nixon. Jr,, in the )sth )ear of his ego Ft nem Iron, the iesiderce of ha parents No. 433 Wharton etreet.tine 4 o'nloek t the ISM sleet, An. Jame. Doug lass. in Me 07th t ear of 1.1. ace. Funeral Hole hie Imo residence. Penneylvarla 49 -twilit math Bisset, on bOtiirdno ittorntiOt. at 10 oo'ook. WIL,LIAhIf3 —On the lith instant. Mary, daughter of 01 axles and Smelt F. Vi it laws, in the 20th year of her Funeral from 'the residence of her:parents Np. 11122 south twelfth etreeton Friday morning, at Jr eieek. TAYLOtt.—On the lath ins ant. Mrs. Tay or, wile of Oasts:ll John H. Taylor, and daughter nf Laytain J, 31. Yonne, aped 50 team Funeral fioni the residence of tier father. Captai n )011r, kt. Youog,l4d. 225 Catharine street, on Friday alternoon. at 2 o'clock, Te.T.A/W 11th instntit. Dinah Tetlow, wife of Rev. Jon Twit w. seed 33 years. Funeral from tt o redolence it net husband, N 0.3504 Fran lin sir eat, above JelTdrson. on Friday morning. at no•olook. THORNF. — Oa the 14th instant. at Germantown, John Thorne. in the llst seer el Ma aye. Funeral from the residence .1 his son, T. M. Thorne No, HOS Whine° In feet, thin fTliured - iy Interning, at o'clotia BAY D" N —On the 1M h {want. Mr Julius D. fiat, de,p, of Best Hartford. Conneotiret, aged .1 leas. • tit era' from the rceidenue of Mr, John Coltrn, Not Mery taorner Oliestnutand lhirt) -eighth streets. Nylet Phan, 010111, this (Thom ay) niorLing, a t . 9 o k o tt.BoN.—On the 13th instant, Hannah. daughter of and Han. oh O. Funeral train the restdenre of Mr. (boron Nugent, Eleventh, street, shove 0. %Noe, this(lhunittai inter:t ins at 9 o clock. RIARILIEID. DIED. BTILIAviL',.—Ou the 11111 instant, Captain Riolratd Stilling, in the ehth 'ear of his use. Funeral flour his !we reeidnnee. 'Delaware avenue, next house shove curlier of Market street. South Cam den this ahursday alternonn, at I o'o lo 9lc. EF.DI3.—On the 13 , h instant, Mr. John Jr. e in the gat sear or his age. Funeral from the reslden , e of his father, earner of Breed sod Ridge avenue, chtii Thursday afternoon, at "Week • GAMILON.—On the 11th indent. Catharine, daugh ter of lames and Jane Cartoon, need 23 leers. ' Funeral front the_reguienoq, o o hoc parents. Twenty- IS rut street, etitote Filbert, MIL( ghttrsday) at 1 o'clock, CART Y.—Ott the Seth Instant: Chailee Catty, aged as years, Pune,* from hie lets , reeidenos, Ho. 2135 Coates etreet. afternoon. at 2 eclook. It LIDO t.pit —t,rt the I Ittonatant, George H. Rudolph, in the 13d year of hie age. Funeral bon, the residence of his mother. in Tulip Street. east of Palmer, isisteenth ward, this I nap day) artetivatri. at 4 &Moot:. nilliOli AND PURPLE FOULARD Au , BILKS. Plain etaak Pouard Silks. Elaok Buragen, lb. 6.4, 7 , 4, and 8-4 wide. look Crane Marais same widths. Gray Omani) ht. rill Poplins. Gray Cheap Bares es and IS ohalra. Illsok Bare. o, ruffled points. upin's Summer Bornhazines and Chairs. leek end white Llama and Organdies. ko. DEBBON 15016. Melanin's Store, No, tilla 11H KAN uT &rest. N.D.—During July and August we alma at 6 P. M. MBE ONLY RELIABLE ARTIoLE— CLARK% Patent IN nELIBLE PrNCILEI. for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better thin Ink, without its trouble or rick of Blotting. KWh will mark 3AOO artiolea. For !ode, Wholesale and Rawl, 11 IL 0. TAYLOR k_o_o. Agents for the lidannfeeturer. No. 91.1. OTLIKSTNUY !tyrant, 101 l km AT T 116INVt N. et he resets, stated meeting vitt be he the heaaquat tors. 7th and (Thestnut streets, on this ( CRUX:AIia )easeina et 8 Adsok GEO. INMAN MORE, President. BENJAMIN I4VCILEL, 89oretnry. hl tubers eon seoure their tickets for Wilmington, It" REGULAR DEMOCRATS, FAVOR. AHLE to the election of DHUGI,S, DM/K WH an FtisTr.R, are requested to meet in their respect • tire precincts THIS ann Tt 1-M0 itflriW NIGEI r. be twe.ri the hours oft anti 9 o'clock P.M.. for the purpose of being realetered. I. accordance with the usages of the party . Hy order of the Democratic Committee of Superintendence. emir, 2t• • ifs OFFME. OF THE FHILADELYHJA AND RRADINO RAILROAD COMPANY. 4- 5 Mason, nee. 'The holders of the bonds of this Company, due July I OW. can now receive. upon application at this office,lo par oent , in cash, upon the tonne epecafied In the coon tar attached. The holder's are also entitled to the benefit of a Oink ing Fund of .140,090 per annum, as established by the etookholderi at their annual meeting, held January 9, ROO, and it 'pursuant.e of the contract, enteredinto by V . , .omptiary and duly recorded i lic. F T , tat b x e r name r gto CIRCULAR. Noises to Ms Holders re Faucets/pale and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, du July 1, IEOI These bonds MO secured by the first mort gages onyhe road, amounting in the aggregate to a., ,100. The act revenue for the last firool year was sus finite the tMotint of the annual Interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of .nrenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgaxee in the precise condition in which they are now held Fresh sheets of coupons for the Interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A Ono/ of 10 per cent. will be given to 'he holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their Teepee nye bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, fovendoriemont. Forms of receipt and endorsement will he furnished ns_arpliostion. osier of the B o ord142! yifitmastv,..v. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, SEPTEMBER. 18601 Will be pubbehed on SATURDAY, tho IBt4 roil Among the contributors to this Number are H. W. LONPFELLOW, R. W. EMERSON, J. R. LOWELL, 0. W. HOLMES, and Mum. FANNY RUMBLE OON TEN TS AMONG THE TREES. VICTOR AND JACQUELIRE. ON A MAGNOLIA FLOWER. SOME NOTrB ON sIiAKSPEAEF, Tllk GREAT ARM-CHAIR. THE SONG OF FA'TIIIA. SOMETHING ABOUT BITORY. MY NEIGHBOR, THE PROSHET. THE PILOT'S STORY. A DAY WITH THE DEAD. CULTURE. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. THREE-MILE CROzS, THr. PROFEWOR'S STORY. 'LITERARY NOT:OEB. ,JULY REVIEWED By SEPTEMBER 114" Mu. HAWTHORNE and Nn. WHITTIER will contribute to the October Number; and Mae. Brl-)WN is ennsaged neon a new story, the publication of which will be commenced at an early day. Tratms.—Slugle.mirbt;ers.2s omits. Three dohs?* per Tear 1 postage paid CO ai r part of the United Mates. An orders should I.*addro.sed to TICE NOR & FIELD. PUBLISHERS, /3: waßiutioToN STREET, BOSTON /7.2,E0R7E (9. IMAICS' GIFT BOOK N.Ph STORE. 439 CiIIiSTIVUT Street. di bootie . aro sold as oheap as at any other store, and you w o rne mimosa/lot receiving a handsome Pee from Fifty Cents to OLIO Hundred Dollars, with eaeh N WiV AND CHOICE BOOKS. NENIPSTB. By the ant , or of " Alone," i•idden Ptah " etc. One v01.12m0 .... -Price a THE sU•NV AOUJ H. tatted by J. H. inXralcurn. „., . , „. Price A 25 TH. LLD PAkel H01.18 . E. HT Mrs. I eing.Price THE LADIES' IWO/COP KTIQUETTn...Price . 00 TRH QUERNS OF SOCIETY . 05 THE ~.ti RF.tig IN . 4 1.GH .Price UJ NA / GRAL ILLIIOR V- - Hes.4o3 Wl:7 ke rice' ...... ....... ..... ..„ ..... no HO VIE 'HOOK OF LIN. , LTP Price i/0 JACK 11.0Pc.ToeHe APVENTT'REA Price 00 111%A ViN O.' GRA PH iI BrWalt Whltman.Price AWK,VI O%V Br ale* 1.3 HUMIJOLDTS L ET'r , PS. Price 26 liuLl AIONTEE'I LEcPitEd Price 10 THE MILL ON The FLU H .............. Price I,OVE(L'AMOILIR). Alichel, Price 00 OR aiwo's MEMOIRS. ... —Price 711 ROBERT HOUDIN or, T h e • Afenac ., irei of e Maxinien ..... ....Price g 00 LIFE OF Kit* . . ... 00 THE M Ft 131.0 FAUN. .............. Price AO LIFE. OF oTHPHEN A. DIJUOLAU..,..-.PtiCe 00 LI 0% . OF ABE LINCOLN..... ...... Pm. 00 LIFE OF BASI. HOUSTON ....Price 00 LIFE OF COL DAVID CAO.3KETT Price no ALL, PRE NE oneOOKS Al BOON AS PUBL.IB Cell in anti trial will Assure you that the beet piece in the city lobos Hooke ix et G. G. EVAINH'S GIFT HOOK F,RTAttLfBITMENT. N 0.430 CHHhTIV UT &reel. SMITH'S NEW OEOOR/11'11Y, A CONCISE TFXT rfi I L A AYLANATORY NOTES. Wits Uinta exa Huai 1D MAPS. For the Use of United states and Canada. BY RuBWKLL C. riMITII, A.M., Author Of lioverol School Books. Quarto. Price $l. J. B. LIPPINCOT L & CO , rUBLIFITIEUS, PIIILADSI PHU.. SMITH'S NEW OEOO ASHY ban been in mule of pteearatine for M6l.y rws ano ie the crowning tiro euCtion Or the diet nituished'author. DaloB have been spared to eoinbtne in It eat. that is essential to a compi.tira and ConitßEFiggnivit anon) Geography. and great 0.11 . 0 has been taken ir. its constraetion Nom. der it o. the greaten p.aotioal 1180Julogag to the eobool. loom and faintly. he /01 owing are tome of the distinguishing features of this work 1. ',lemmata and comprehensiveness of exeression in the Text. espeoiany in the Definitions; it Wine the aim of the autnor In teach the tt k i'm jest what they want to know inns few words as pr ctioahle. 11. Superior colored Maps. exhibiti..s the flacon, Re ligions, tiovernments, and states of Civilization of dif ferent nations. 111. Forty-four Vicinity Mane of the Principal Cities on the r lobe. V. nutty two huge full-paged Maps of etates and Countries. • . • V. cornoua Marginal Notes and Explanaricina. Riving the derivation and meaning of difficult words and terms. This feature is of great practical value to teachers and Ini V 3 l l . h ro u rtip%?t l i a jtMap. on a uniform Beale, exhibiting the relative nine cf the - different county ea and larger I eaves on, the 00130. VII. Relived Map of the United States, exhibiting the principal railway lines, with their conneet.ons. VIII, Physteal G eography . with Humboldt's Sycern of Isothermal Lines. IX Outline of Mathematical Geography. X. Geographieni Cleole, exhibiting the relative time of day under ihtferent degrees of Longitude. Prom Prof. P. A. 411 en, prntoip,al of. Cheater County -- It in without doubt the most comprehensive work of its size now published end ,nfinentls comprehensive to answer all the purposes of an advanced work for lusher Institutions. * the test to which we are daily semi tins this work proves highly natisfactory to all concerned; and thousu somewhat prejndieed against it nth• St. we are now hilly convinced of its merits, an ev deuce or which is found in the fact that wo h- ye adopted it as mu stAtiniittll IXXI . BOUlt 1111300tirtelty. [roam the Rehglrun Iferald.] In Its nirenbol l Y,ilotliracy, of tahule-r reference, and statistical information, it. Teeny excels ail other works of the bind now before the public, * " We have examined this work, and unhesitatinily prOnOtince It The Ideography of the times, the author ' s treat mas terpiece " • Wo Would call the especial ntten- Dna of tenobers cud nolion) committees to th IS new Geo- • '(From the Hartford Courant.) 'the book in the II at and most corn preliensive we have ever wen t Indeed it must take the load of all American Geographies. There is an immense amount of the most careful. faithful, ard finished labor in the work. Even , thing is simplified. condensed, tine arranged in the very best me hod. Of itself it furnishes the best infant ation whio4 any work on tieography over has given or ever can give The maw in the vicinities of the large cities o nstitute met important and excellent part of the work. We recommend to eh teachers. wheel commit tees. or others who have the selection of school books, to examine this book. They will find it the best. for even claw of Pupils, that hue over been published. We notice. as improvements, it may of Ancient Ueo, graph', with Geography, with its explanations ; rail road map; an isothermal map; outline maps: astrono mical maps And tables; wind and rain charts; mops of the oceans, .ka [From the Evening Frees.] * * * Ono van see at n loaner that a vast amount of labor has been P/I.nded in its preparation, and the !milt is the most complete teat hook, both as regards method. nod Montag, and variety, and • range or (Imam, that we h ire !Wen on this anbjeot • • Whoever examinee it with any rare will he convinced that tine Is a text-book needed in every school. TRAIWERR w,il be furmehed with copies of the wort. in flexible cove e by mall, for exammation, upon receipt of sixty three ciente. .n yoduey..or Peerage atimpa, by the Publothere ; at d me hoois will be supplied with the work for introunetion, upon acoommodating terror. J.H LIBPINCOTT k CO.. auln&lB.2t 3:1 and 24 no can FOURTH Rt. $lOO REWARD.—On Friday night the nth ;net., was stolen front the Eorm or ib e r, resiiitng test I)l2tiohesier township. )ork comity, teriutt HORN t. Two if them are black mainly's. shout 14 or ID hands high fagd one of them is lour ears 0 dend the ther five and has a lew white hair, on his fornoad, which would not ho n, tined Without a cl o se esaminst on. the oth r two aro light bays. and one of them is about fourteen bends high, is five yearn old. has a Laid facie and ono White hind lug, and in blind in the left et e. Clic other horse Is ahem thirteen hands hick, is seven years old. has a star on hit forefirrol, a whore spot on Ins nose, a white hind foot, and is blind in the right e)o A reward of $OO will be paid for the recovery of the horses, and sto for the apprehension of the thief. or elliJ for bmh. 13KNJAM1N KAUFFMAN. augl(btf E 0 I.EXANDER WRAY, deceased.-I.ettors of Adminietration to the estate of Alexander Wray, deoeased. bovine been grantod to or autwortawra all persona indebted to sold estate are maitre tomato paymont, and those basins maims to present them to JA MAME RY C. WRAY. S W AY. Administrators, No. 239 CllRcirri UT street. augla that VIM will find tt to your ntlyantago to volt lIETNIMI'd Photograph GallorY. C,ND street, above Oft FEN, as n ie coverally conceded that the beet are made in that ehtabhnhanent. lt* 17 4 101 t PROTHONOTARY ON DISTRICT cotiwr. WILLIAM. LOTJOHLIN, SP.coar. WARD. Subject to the lades the DOtnootatO MTV. alb 4t* HATS AM) CAPS. C H. GARDEN di: Malinkeliners of andliTholecale Dealers in RATS, CAYiti FURS, AND STRAW GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW SONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, FEATRERS, &0., Nos, 800 end 002 MARNE P STREET, Bondman Corner of Sixth. The most extensive end complete assortment. The best terms and the Investprices. First-ohm buyers are particularly invited to call, anll4m MILLINERY GOODS. fa FALL. 1860. RIBBONS, BONNETS. AND MILLINERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. We have now on hand, and daily reeeiving, a large an4hanaeorne eutsortnient of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESORIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES' AND INFANTS' RATS. BISAKBaa, FRENCH AND AM RRIOAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE fAILLINBRY LINE, To wh;01, the attention of the trade is divided. ROSENHEINI, BROOKS, & 00., aulS•2m 401 MARR 9 T Street. North aide. SILK AND DH. GOODS JOBBERS. OPENING. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTBR AND JOBBER., NO. EIS MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, HAS NOW OPEN A LAUGH AND COMMUTE STOCK STAPLE AND FANCY R Y GOODS, SELBOTILD POD VIE FALL. TRADE OF 'IE6O. INCLUDINO DR/SBB GOODS IN ALL VARIETIES. BRAWLS! BRAWLS! BRAWLS! CLOTHS AND CASHMERES. LIKEN aonDs. BLACK BILKS AND MOURNING GOODS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, STANDARD MARES, DOMESTIC GOODS. A anima LIND MERIMACK PRINTS AND SNOW-SHOE GINGHAM, At all time, aule-tf FALL, 3850. HAFFEEs. STOUT. & Co. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 0u16.3m No. 523 MARKET STREET. SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IMPORTATIONS POR FALL. 1860 M. L. HALLOWELL & 00., 333 AIARKET IaRKET. 97 NORTH FOURTH EITRSET. Are prepared to offer to the trade their usual varied assortment of Goods, purohasad on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, By experienced buyer', in the principal Id AN UFACT URI It 0 CITIES OF EUROPE. These have been seleoted with care for FIRST-CLASS TRADE, And will be offered at vie°, to command attention. CLOSE 131111 MS, from all motions of the country, are invited to inspect our mock. Testae.-2m months oredit to Illerohante of un doubted standing, or six per cent. discount for cash 1 urelve per vent. per annum discount for advance payments. aug thetu.gat MARTIN & WOLFF, PORED-in AND DOMESTIC DRY 000081 334 MARKET STREIST Caah and prompt tdix• months' Bur era, of all mentions are invited to an examination of our Stook. tta3.3m" A. W. LITTLE & 00.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. auB-Sra REMOV AL In coneequence of the destruetion by fire of their Tiont Smarr STOEB. YARD. GILLMORE. & CO. LEAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 OHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE PHILADELPHIA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK OP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4c. , Together with &LARGE ABIORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, toe. Having received but a small portion of their FALL • IMPORTATIONS, oroviong to the fire, they are enabled to display A NEW STOCK. to which they invite the attenUont of their Customere and Buyers generally. aue-am WURTS. AUSTIE. & MoVEIGH, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, Iwo. 311 MARKET Street, above Thin]. Charles Warts, eSITY Anew Hamilton T. :, McNeish, / John m. Weimer, Joeeph Berm, sal-3m F ALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS FOR THE WHOLESAI;kI SOUTHERN FirstWESRN MERCHANTS buy ing Medium to 'elm GOODS, aro invited to in speot our Stook, which we offer at LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERNS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. TILE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. nu2-2m FALL GOODS. 13 ARCROFT cla C. 10.. NO3. 405 AND 407 MARKET BTRERT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Stook complete and ready for Trade 1 - 3 , WOOD, MARSH, ,t HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS CLOTHING. NO. 309 AIRRKET OTREF.T. Vail and Winter Stook now rompreto and rend! for buyers. aul 3m 11 - TYO7 T CO.. No. 232 North SECOND Aar ntreet —Hon on removed to our new and epaoloUi store. We Tooutd 0,11 the ettertion of Proton to our es stook of ?Al ENT 0181 ItaiNEs ‘ FIJNIEFI Y. and FANCY ARTICLES. Our list nom pri 808 a greater variety than can lie found at any estal.- Itehment in the United Slam, anu our priers will com pare with any market. euf.tutheAm Et:AMILIES and Gentlemen desiring supe -L nor board for the mummer OR now hare choke Came, cool mama at 9g.5 WALN UTetreet. jyla lm CONIUMNION HOUSES. THOMAS R. GILL. 00MXIISSION hIERCHANT, Ne. 212 CILENTNUT STREET. PRILADELPRIA. For solo bY the Peehme: CLOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, BEAVERS, SEALSKINS, FELTS, &c. MILLYILLE, MASS., ORISKANY, MOB BURG, ROYALSTON, AVD sa Name OD FANCY CASSIMERES, HARRIS' NANCY UNION CASHMERES, SA TINETTS, LININGS, VESTING.% SILE SIAS, MOLD LADIES' CLOTHS, VELVETS, Ac , aui6•]m WEILER & NEEDHAM OilA 7LE WEILER SAMUEL NEEDELMIL GISRMANTOW It HOSIERY MANIIIPA.CTITIVERS We would oall the epeeist attention of Bowery Buyers ind hlereaottitere to our new and mnoh-needed lin vroeement in CHILDREN'S and MISSES' TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY an Striped and High Colors (PATENT APPLIED FOIL! ALIO, RANOY WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS. CLOAKS. TALIII4S, BACKS, BONTAGB, NUBIA& &0., &0., &0., Comprising OVER 200 STYLES from the lakes hand- fait designs. From our own long amain} experience. and employing none but Ara clue w achanica. we are prepared to offer to Hosiery Buyers a line of these goods SECtiND TO NONE to point of workmanship, style'''. or price., and respeotfally mollait the patronage of the Trade. Sole Agouti are F. V. KRUG & 00... ly7-Mtab3m 320 CHESTNUT STREET hOSIERY GOODS. F. V. KRUG & 00.. °REST/TUT STREET, Offer to City, Weetern, and Southern Wholesale Ber me; complete line of Staple and Fancy DOMESTIC HOSIERY GOODS. Comprising, in part, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, GERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S MISSES', WO MEN'S AND MEN'S ROBE, BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WOOLEN STOCKING AND SHETLAND YARNS, Being the beet selected and moat complete line of hese scads we have ever °Shred, and which are muted wants of the market in price, quality and styles. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the WATERVLEIT HOSIERY I MERINO AND B,_ ALL WOOL WATEKHURY KNITTING CO. YOMITtIeaND DRAWERS, NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., HUSE AND OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., HALF HOSE. WALLACE es SON'S STEEL SPRING OSBORNE AND CHEESMAN'S. SKIRTS. Also A gents for e AMERICAN AND HOWE PIN CO.'S PINS. Iyi-stuthina O. HOWE & CO., NO. 240 MARKET STREET, AGENTS FOR THE, MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, Have no.- in rote a fall assortment or the various goods made by the above company. A large variety of very choice styles of DELAINRS, CASHMERES, OPERA CLOTHS. PRINTS, te. J. C. HOWE & CO. Are also Agents for GLENDALE. CENTRL MERE EVIL afAE. CK. ELM STREET. AflJ L GRE4ivr iabibED. BRADFORD, TAFT, & CO.'S BLACKSTONS J. T. SHAG RAVE & CO.'S GRANITE And various other popular makes of FANCY CASSIMERES. UNION MILLS BLACK DOESKINS. - (Very superior his h-lastre goods.) Indian Orchard, Blenched and Brown Eiheeti us, Shirt- Ines and Dnitr. Colored Comet Jean.. ito. The attention of peeks se buyers v polioited. Philadelphia, July 31, mem. jy3l tuths-lmo RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS OF • CLOTHS. DOESKINS, AND CASRMEMES. Sole agents for EPISRVULitt'e Ticket.) OEle italc PCP M Cloths.) F. 0 KR.RM N & SON. ( Oold Medals.) ZA:11 BONG B R 04.. (Fano, Caasimeres,) E. TOENNIES & CO., end other mannfuturare of the greatest celebrity. 206 CHESTNUT STREET. ma-1m WEILLING4 COFFIN & Co. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the package, the following deaerlptlon of AMERICAN GOODS. OP STANDARD PARIS AND IN ORRAT VARINTY GREKNE MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETING'S, SKIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, BILESIAS, AND NAN KEENS; OANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LIMEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEYS ; ALL—WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS ; BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATIUTS AND UNION CASHMERES; TWEEDS, CASHMARETTES, Act., Ao. sul-3m WASHING TON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS 81LAWLS il all @Dim in great variety. Embeened and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. B &LMORAT_, SHIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twlated COATINGS. 64 SACKINGS and heavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELL Printed FELT CARPETING,S. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 9t South FRONT Street. and 33 LETITIA Street. SHIPLEY, lIAZARD, & HIITOHINSON 1111 CHESTNUT ST" 00X11/BSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. *Mita REMOVALS. REMOVAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Save removed to 323 MARKET STREET. Buyers are invited to examine our stook. emil_pin REMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Otfioe and Salesroom from the Fenn 'try SEC O ND NLE-STRi RA C E WHARF. to the til. E. corner of end RACE Streets where dealers will find &large oolleotion of STOVE.' of the m st approved pattercs Tinned, Entanells and vlam Rollovrware, coinpron es en assortment 'round to none In the coun try. All orders lett at the °Mae. or by mali, wail receive prompt attention. LEIBRAN & IIIeDOWELL. Platladelphte. Stove Works, au9-iflm and Hollow-ware Foundries. SALT AFLOAT.-5000 bushels Turks Island now , andom from brit T. Writer, for sn'e in lota to unit by ALEX. KERR, 134 SOUTH and 33 NOKIH. WRARVIsB. Ault 66.2 AWNINGS ! AWNINGS ! ! FLAGS! FLAGS JOSEPH 11 FOsuilt. AWNING MAKER. 443 North THIRD Street. Philadelphia, Has on hand FLAG. of all nzes nr mole to order, bt short notice. i °lams' partite. Cube or captaine of semis, would do well to call hewn _purchasing else where. Nanking Bottoms Bus. and Wagon-covers. 81106 If lm' AhuAltai .AZU AZUMEA AZUMEAI AZUMEA: AZUHISAI AZUMIA! 210 F, molatte , AZUMEA BAKING FOWDEN, VsTrulj'airl' Manufactured No. 611 North lars " g yFotlit brae and Count,' Rlehts for sale. Also, F . slentage sad far salet—, 4- "" bY the tteautttY. at* ,ND PI F.NADE FREE toy. CFI( ti• 0 04. nt'll-EV'T I , •C I.r P h.C ASIPPI‘ N r•fr •T Mr. Moiltr. B2tlll .ter Date sr. Corr -121•P. me at o'citck 5 or 7 cent& Porn every point of th. city o , i" Ersiroco; to the yilaava. Flitrytoutt stentnera also atop. • - P ETNA . ACADEMY OF THE FMB -a- ARTS.-1095 CITEBTXUT Stmt. Conti nint a large collection of Pan:tints and fienh thee, is caw Opett larg e tram 9 9.. M. tan i P. M. A - wisawn w or.: under 12 TRIIIIIII. II eerim irs-t EDUCATIONAL. UR WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD- Ni; evd DAY BCIIOOL for YOUNG LA DiElNo. 1721 VINP. _r , . pea, Logs" on W Vim:dam fa 9 appDestion. • bliYEßandlefrErff. M. BIRD goons their school for young la dim at Sr". /010 81PRUCE street, on MONDAY- Pere tember 17. aagli-taa DRIP iTE SOFIOOL FOR BolB.—Ltf- CICB BARROWS. for the mud Ex years Asso ciate Principe) of Illttenhouse Aradsmr. in Eighteenth arrest, above Cbestnet onset snit open a &drool for Boyer. In Cif ES Ch 17 if street. seoono door below h reenth, (Ci • Institute Buttdrusid on MONDAY.See temner 8.1860. Circular. ~.ay be obtained at the City inetineta, and at 606 and 609 chastest street. ilo/01eIsC6111: John 11. Hart. LL. J. J. /Wag M. D. nota-ten• rrHE MTS•ES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and Froffich Bauding and Da l lobool, for Young Ladies. fio.l7Ce WMAI)T Stmt. re opened on Wednesday. Rapt 12th. MESDAME4 OLIEGA.R.AY AND DIM& V , ILLY relPentraily inform their frieso3s sad the 1,1) io Gar they havo removed their Boarding ead Day dohool for Vnan. l adios from Lc* an &mule to IVog. 1347 end 1129 BPR DOE Street where they enit be reriolv to receive their piipAir on THGR.SDAY.Septess ber 13th. Mesdames CIiKOARAY end D'ITGRVILLY vls.t re et No 100 G LOGAN &team mabl fh• Seth August. Iy2Hhe AhigRIOAN i3OSOOL INMTITUI.ri HI reliable annum throashirtnob &boats any Plur.i lien nay obtain oonwtont . e ttleni. Parents so r t, et- Vr n. ill°2llY. %CA LI MaiTleal ea Mug $111R4.11 WAY, Now,y.en. fff n6l-6' CIEEFIT. Btrnot. RRYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL rdERcANTILS ID-OLLEOER, Woad lit .. LelPhitir 8. . loran eIiVENTALI MUT . Rev •rk, amigo glerna4i, oolati ft. Fir tea twit - ion. or Mid TOT Cat c W4VITS. A LOOAL AGENT, IN EACH COUNTY of Peoas7lvs•ia. Del•wsrs, sod Rev Jorsol. wanted to soil Timby's Patent Bator:Meta. G. W. FOS+. No Al North TEITRID,treet. solo .Ity WANTED—An active, eaergetic MILD, who eau 600:111160d from /IXO to trO to jolt the edvertlser in a very proMah'e humus. For sat neuters address •• it M. Ai.." B ood'e Dapa.toh. surli-3, C IraWLS.A 1at..1114 ihTG BONDS will be taken at mueh above market rum for im proved cit• property, at eac h address .134;0t 1670. YhtlaAlclphis. sum I • 9riti ADV6NTIdER (JAN (XibIiAAND 62.1 1 0:1111 cash. and Merin= to top an interest iu a safe. pans btuunear. where his iwrviees and capital, will &ford a living compensation. Andreae —Lawrevaw, of of Tar Press. sala 7t.• ANTED—By an experienced Sales ' man. ti rustion in a wholeantleJobbing drv-soode house. Can influence s lair amount of n• ,r short e• edit trade. eddreee " Hamilton." at this olsoa, Lute tx- A YOUNG , LADY, who has had six years' eerierienos es teacher, desires similar employ - mut in or mat of the oity. Address " Towbar." once of The Press ante-12t. vv• NTk.l)--A young man as Salesman, who isltlunenchly aommantra wits the Membant Tsalor's and clothmg trade of this nit/. aar 1/ 017 . 041 capable or &hag this ovation. a Liberal ocesmensatinn WI Lt be given. Address Hox 411. P.o. ins-it WANTFID—A situation, by a man, thirty-seren years of are, of estintshe Inc. in business. of good address. and competent to almost any position. either as a clerk, iorronotondont. or Salesman. Is very respectably connected, and can me the most satisfactory references as to vnteltnty. enemy. and bps joesseacity, s stekdral!. s ealAsyfor cle2l77,trube accepte d . Ad d ress B. FOR SALE AND TO LET. is FOR 83LE—A. handsome English COTTAGE, on N Rive Nam stre-t. in Rirton. N. 1., midway between the eireambo it landing and lailroa station. The LOT 60 feet front by 209 feet deep well laid out. and filled with dwarf (mt tree", grans meet. shrubbery, & o. Ihe house contains on diet Boor pv lor, sitting-room. hal., ouriery. large dinies-room , sad kitchen and on seoond floor four comfortable chambers. The whale house is in expellent condition. freyhly painted outside and surrounded by good shade tree,. as been occupied both sea summer &no winter ma donna. Terms .3 OW; LIMO cash. the Waimea why re- Main On MOrtgege Inquire of F. B. MOS tt„ Oimeolida. lion Bank, ores the premises. Rtverton J. a eleli.tafill Toone. 10 mile, from the city. wcesaible some ten times daily by steamboat and railway, or by a nine mile ride one of the best turnpikes In Now Isom ? . Boat leaves aroh-street wharf at 9.2, and 6 o'clock; can Widen t street at nearly all hours. atiog-theoret. F R SALE—'HE STOCK, FIXIURES, LEASE. and GOOD-WILL. of a large CARPET VITA BuIBHMENT. LOOA I 11) IN 0 41 1: OF THE BFST BUSINESS BTHEETS IN TIIIB CITY. The etock se 000 of toe best selected in the market. Thq whoM will be disposed of on favorable terms to olnee a oartnerahip. For partieolari, apply at No. 47 kloath FM7871:1 street. ante SR • THE sIIMCRIBER OFFERS FOR rile the fixture'. maehiperf. "teniqe.. - in th e bust news or prowenrins IrOlnl, &o . /AM AMIE of "cad"- A. party wiehins to purchase the whole 'nu be hereby dealt wah. 10. B 13 - PY. aOl4-:1" No 714M1n1,Wj &mot. deFOR SAI E—On accommodating terms, the 8 MAE and DWELLING, Nn. 211 AL Sow. Andy to WM. R. ALLEN, No. e 3.1 ARCH Street. anll-12t. rLE)—Ttro fire-proof Off/ e es f2D .. !he first floor of the Penneylvagta P silroad hinaditir• Ave , to DMUSID eMITH. enll 6t 80 raw. di W RENT-3 wo spacious, well- MlLlfithted. belt-restalstort Recoil.. nest the Ez °bailee. ea ted for pm tine affiOes. or for insnofaetanne purpose. is. there a mole steam power attached. Ad - dress** X. Y ." lenx 131.7. Pan Offioe. anT lm IKKMANTOWN • PROPERI Y. Nor ‘.A Sale or to Let, a large and oont•Pment House m Germantown; gas, water. !toga bwn and plenty of ohado mono of •he best locations ; vat be sold ow, Address Boz 1480. Philaaelplaa roost office. j321-fm lil ) DER .—A large lot, having three fronts. suitable for immediate imeroversaist. situated TWENTIETH street. below (IArtiARINE.. Will tie sold on accommodating terms to a per r who will mpore. For terms, .ho., address "K." aloe pf this paper. iy1941 FAOTORY LOT FOR E.ALE. —A large lot baying three fronts, admirably ;situated in the ilouthweetere part of the city. Will be rented or sold on reasonable terms. For partionlarei apply at this °thee. Jyl9 tf An ll VAIM ABLE FARMS FOR .ALE, in rood !notion. For further information apply No. 43 4 OATH THIRD iltreet,Camoort.M..T. MISSOURI. LAND I 1 300,000 Acre* for Salo, at prices ranging from IiOS to 60 cents or Acre. in any quantities tec4lrod. TAXES p dd, and PATENTS proonr.d for pun:Ma, se_go of Land under the Graduation. Act. Plats furnished grata by etudnemg a postage stamp , For further informat on apply to WILsON, RA WLINGB & CO., U. K. and General I.ond Agents, tio CR tesTra UTStress BLtween TFURD end 6 0 0U11.1, Erl. LOUIS. O. LAP'S WARRANTS bought, sold. and located. jrl-31n FOR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wholesale Boot and hoe House, now doing a good Noonan'. This is a Rood oveortunity forma, one wishing to go into the. Mumma. or a house granttng to. Inorease their trade. Bane oto. v moans ming for selling out. giddiest "Box Post (41/00, with name. 111 J NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS -AL For sales , large lot in the Boatbireatern meatioa 4)t o'o.olo. well adapted fors Manzi'. Tema sooommellia tint. For partianians address " K. ' at this office. apu-tt HOARDING. BOARDING. -A. gentleman, wife, and three ^hild ren wish to aeon a boarding in a opotrnl part of the city. AddreltS 6. Wurren," Ofeal of tine pager. anlo-61* Pt V TE BOARDI NG.--Gentlemen 5):4 their families, or single gentlemen. oan be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St., width side of Washington equate. The location, being opposite to one of the handsomest parka in the city. to comsat, and extremely pleasant. Transient person. mating the city oan be accommodated by tae day or week. Terma moderate. A basement front room, with private entrant*, for rent. suitable for en °See. 1•11-11 VW° YOUNG 6ENTLOMEN OaN BE ii sooommodated With good. airy. speatmenta. Or without beard, ) in et Rrrvate Locatioll Addreus " TOLBERT," through Blood's Dis patch. IN S UHAftl CE CONtPAN lt_m. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON. HEAD OFFICE, No. 445 CHESTN UT STREET. New Baildinc, Philadelphia Bank C AVIT &L. -- INCOME 0VER......... FIRE RIMS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES LIFE RIBES ON FAVORABLE TERMS GETTY t URBINO, AGE? au.-thlttam RANGE COMPANY 0i" THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, Assiut d, 1860. The direutors have this day declared a dividend or Six Per Cent., or rwelve Dollars per Share, oat of the prate 01 the commit). payable to the stockholders, or their legal reproseat •fives. or' • emus , . auT-tot WSS, IA H *HMI. Secretary. 'AM INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. Yd CHESTNIIT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED PENOSYLVANIA a kuthssim3y THE STATEOF SIONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND VW DIMIC7OIIII namuel Writ t, . D. B. Burley, Wm. W. Walters J. W. Everyone, Chu. Richardson: Henry Levi., Jr.. B Nttio W n • , it:llo736lr a' likos. B. Martin., GhORGE W.DAV,Fresiderit. FRANCIS N A BUCK, Vioe ("met. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. & - PROM PRoFESSOR .13` OTH.—" In my opimoa the H • RTIA.L JAR. combines mere vul va:Age-ea than any others for Preeerrinc. bent; of ales*, meanly. wrong. and durable, closing air-tight, and opening and ahutttng • tth Caernte. FROV DR. ATl.r.h. ...I , agg C. BOOTH." • have nand the Bartell An rinse Jar in ms fami y for the preservation of s mit. and in • omparoig it with others previously empoye fir the purpose, 1 conaqier o highly oreieratile, and particularly eo to meta' ism or ion. with metal reps. It fer tly air tnht. and from nil tbnisibilitt of taint. as is the ease with mini. it to secured with snail Past.. rapidity. and Oartainta than by ern - lent or solder. nr,.l opened readily while the fruit is kept to the nowt admirable manner.. Hactnq tented lb.. tar aril, t consider that at meets all the indi cations that can be desired • WASIIIINGTON L. Assts, N. D., " fro. 140'a Arch Btruet." Martufanturets under the Patent, 11AR 1 hLI, tic LETCHWORTH. not-lm f - .0 13 North FIFTH 4trset. II'POrtTANTTO PROPERT V 01\Nw S AND 9UILDLIII3 —Now ly -incervoii Fossoniors for Writer pi pea. an wi to draconueot not ore &ration with out digiurhii.g the othei a; go as to repair it in case or their freezing no and•burepne, thereby senior r• great p. r afiq24°Cl-°lni.F.!ti.e.F. 4 . /18 :-Kt te qg iqYA6' .S 6 296 SOD 5i,200,000