The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 15, 1860, Image 1

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    Tim Alwasok.,
RY MOM 1 - 14101111 WIN 4 . 121 , c
Twuve .P their
3(_ to **Madame* lONA IA Sra- 0014 0P
PIM 11Q 4 ki144V4,9 00 1 4 ; A C Titiklkdreitas
TIMM DINLIWIN Iftlll litOtal9l gala
vases tar thivealiaNlerlLf` .4+ 1 , , •
NOW voottbruttiersas aft; Lit, ►e - mug 11U.
tAI. AIWA* ih'lbibiaBl4o
,s 4
W A - 11,44ttiAtV.icktSc11,
1004 0/ 0; ( * / 01;!", 1'ie r TO li ko•
Boa Sou.ticgßaieriiiiißßili, biddy Oprafte,
Roo Jost olioistod r • '
••• • , „, • .41 • ••••• ,
XpagiirrAiseirraum i tT or; - _
f.. 101.03 ED'TAILLETANK
For °overt/lilt-, •-7 ,
GLAiikat , iltAbigS, i Soo, bo.r•
13 ov(Ts PAR. VARA-To Fryfnuk
iitiftwe 'ASV
Jr. I Acirlve;:rifbidamwhawai,.ii,acid
`AM eitr: ai vaill War ort' if now t tarparratt'ar
adookout loglaaihro hboli ratifillo4a -• • r •
Alt , : all Ssraator ladooto at sad berm east. tromialp
raaffor oar Fall goods. gy
• • ,-•
v•-` tot
6,7 Vtitiasiadei, of their Piliutserf 00
boors °ni 4.4 r ipli4,.!
aim /gym ,
wag sod tgrai7dtet.
"ul *Lt. • ,
almio qmood ost - •
ta i lli t tna P.Omias. ' - • =
sulel lair r ". 5 "011140 4 24 r ti1d VORTH
2MAIiUt 4411611 RM PRENOII
-k - ari,l6,o„..Lrobased it eittilloc, to be
Dose at ;Me per we. 'alma Bs. , ,
bob acatlirat , et Crave Galina last tioneee.
Also. sti tae tateetatthieeoltart tad Cads at the lowest
'neat. , , ,
Isacived Spam Ski••
Win WriN69:4 40l)t" . :IiiiiigTINiiitiV :10
P. 7 even &likable ilWallisall Irallthr fl. L . ',,. r. - ,
r.,..d or twohirimlw nitairajt%tim i. ta,
t a
rk.,,rne. irs u r LW 0 ~ittilillf! ,
14:1418 '' VOL ilkil l =rtabllW • , ..,
r. ~... . int . kli..
into and
As h as taa.saff isetat,awilginli at 10 Saimaalt
raarket rates, d' root. ( , • ;'-
In odds and . Wier iamost *Wet.= '
Of Cloaks, Ittaatkisonad tools ~ at
knees. , .
.us ii. - Awns? • s
. A:.... ..„, .
x. 7 8212114,T0 OR 4 1 /AVFPI/4"1 1 ..-- .:.
„,,WralistkO s ar ON ”- -' '
TR0W.....R 'ORLON 'if - twat rays tii eSORI
E 16 4 ,
T. %Wi s a lke PIIATRO,
rrant ' thoid
:re ea ' Itis'iLail
FARM' sl. '..wi ll‘ Nrin , DE Merl
kit: l2 . r il iol l e 4 de i r
~., Vi e i rive, . 4" l ar " IL -, '
TEL s Zinc AAOkypii.Ta.,..m . i at'
,N. R. iiinviei `iii ° MoVitta. ;hit. '
sou ssebstlime Adana ifilitra *Lamm • -
aao~wpal:Adorns Volk:s tireekpii. • ,
too •Lliitimits. •
v Si l iZZet l it i rts,rnoure•risTuk• a. ,
uurste Adaralcildeep•ethyta
anti xasiii• e siimit elou s Anal &nets. list_p_Ooods.
- 141116"/U1S141(0.-:- -, rt !, • 1
CE‘ 1 0 1 00410:997k =
:r.itiont nitwits* ro.
110. .101ITIUTOl1itTlf STAMM • •
Yiw 4° 01 ° sir.* *lt! forcer stead
Clo. Mee geteletwal_eked etateretlte melba.
frowlf tate late wend: ,T. villa, W 00.49210: 716
Cl - 41tout street.) Odd lbeitiltfigetil their
owg variety, with Autt, amowe-f= ll l-10 6 •*t 1 14":
mow moving titoOftost eoseete wee attia m true oosaln : ow
k 01:4644140i/iifitteeitititetef,,,l ' •
of iitiok theitftirAs= NITI - titVeekts, 1 1 7 * l l
elpete 4 0 Wilieit' o their
aosioacni. IltkanT *Tr
&nolo. -t .• • ' •
isAstd iiiattrori co.,
- ritecaro44.lo
MAO% I t 11,670.1 ,
BBKlEflif AND, iditir*ti;
Tglimink •
mint - : 4 . .•• • • ;
000.0 *A Atialiila
no. a% fourikaltenanirizawri-
LgoogitiG pLAssigs
L 0 0111140; - 43 VA BIC tr,
rmtB4,l';iii*Pittrquif nukes,
014 PAINTINGS, &v., &C
J4 l in ' s."l" S°Nt
s.u.s itB'rAtw,ioß4r,nns,
0301(31; iIAYANA
, ^ *RON 170,311112111 irrazwre.
, - -:itatotheinszro tio
E 1..:E Y.
• 'etnotonsti, Ohio,
Amyx on haunt, mot tit lota to nit porolisoOnt.
mum ''66104111.T. Nolo Afoot.
• 631 BE atILET Stroot.
3Ltif3o. • .
3tSi carAtfTicN aWA*T oP alaNA':so.ll essi
enpliit,fringq‘r]ristisitertorwas mode fror
%Axon sk.*; 014110 Vora". , . .
w**Wriso AT. LOW nocrits:
ltgw brOAB..
fltsilkowirs. 14SImmOrrs,, said Lettar-rfamo, p daign
,/111 Of THS 1.1111411.11. •
, No. 2 i UUBTMUT arm& ,
EYtJrlsNtlii eissiraStasi hoes otliati
se4 W Lunt') to'k••• 464.10 E,
say Fifths! soy" in ass sits soassaasts Sterriati '
tam TaLaboss Pasha* viii keep the
vats, oeld fat homaiiFlsdir ;
rand Soil Ilia' Ate is tinvi vhatiot 'rater inn
"It S.VaakAilrai lii ioooioifilifilii i IMO *1 aid*
41=00 is wiertifitin Oaii• Oh. miss on.
water*. aiit *Mk 114 11,4410iites!
Pam= in* et;lifoiail tip Piss
those imuil)imelfirlat WWI , 61 - -
Ritida , ll `PkTIIII2.
isk; Asia. ix tit liimailidiXe!. •
s.w:ciiisitVsM coununreasiaL
IotETSINVO:.M.iN , ADVZ9TIfIiG ibtrit of City- sad Couatry , itt
-tiot-r:el64-411 ,' IdOr k -
Nam= 7fl r
14}04.• 'STU 14'8" -,` "i" ' ' ,'"
( . 1 1tIVIVAirs tutto s
is h o g flat
A ere i rrigtr_t_evor %me tilliite L tal Sil*lg ,-
Er..4'pj It o rxitolt., ~ - i • '...,1
f t:citron
:r4 lb64 l7la r iemt 'Atom ifirr ; ' rim . Bli tist
.eramemr, vr e riteueleieatkle. 1111OPMir
t ea
113 f 3 Other 0 1/0121411drithelitio iiMed et
sl Ili " ta Vriee eareoli/ • •
~ .Z,_. baler Oiniver sad Pieeiiileeti, • ''.
lic Ne li grib ..A /5...te h ..0.1 ,
rr "7. Wei fV 1 i 5 L ES
• I ' . '
Vld rele
' CI; ti
aree willah e ,;
aids ais r_i_k4 i, t ~.., ;: • , 1 ,• -
MI him Wit ti, f u n , , Nit tvillkOti..
=NI , _ , . ai s Aggrtl ll :42
...; . - • r ba-ef .
G ikk..-1 °Wait*ll'l4 ,
1 1 4141 1 krairsig u ivi a vahts4;
„ ,1*
1, 1
• •
04iTtlyr mum rrasooND krhooß..
-• s •
H • • - ::,•
rip#l,4 - AND. oguk4c-Apor Amps
vAati '9 litokbtatE f •' •
•- • - S A DDLERS, Itra.,
No.' OW • ARCH 13TitECT.
Nei or latirrnkALiODlNE;*6o.
e1i111 , ..,
TJto tuipPout ,o* . aolt
,Ewkittes ,manu
-41.02Hed fora -
00 6, 4003sionititrthi - !; )04D4
pr- fritit - tiro 'podia — iiithcit4" ticriabie of re
ct VP" Vi l li ti bralrfl=:PhiladelPhin t inta
sso, mu. 101 4 . Abreig.lieltimorei
WMODX ,-$3 1.8# 4 1 RWINC 4
•, Tbitxritat rata triamillicsdeformd for
wateX - & tfriefktaq - te,js. coarentos of
t.:, .-; ,--11...-40-tf
~~IJB3:+Fi3ItI7IBiiIN6 : GOOD 9:
So its r*Glll42°!Ell'
MG" ITproyeA Oaf ! ,
r hiettaf - • • • •
4F: r 4 l • < t
VIA, *NI staidUit. (jamas ilia Matting,
Wri- 1141 4 - 1 i g':7 1. 44 1 4- 1 r4 14 7 8
10001111 it;rilakriawifd
4,04 •
o. F44lBE',4E4lnaktg
• I t!? I ,Piggrauf
'mum& go. wan iiisaseastiats gatistylikett
0.41 *Alifi IN GO.
radar ~!psvt7itfittrssaroNtiitl!tbsbWMus.
AT, 0 81 4 2 =4/ 1 4PIMP- "UM',
702101 PAPUAAt W rpt sore, si
figmm *ow woo wow i!splakt, ow est mit
N. kL1NE..ic . :00:',,126 WALNUT ST.
girt ip 112 IVtiff Otrt.
Nt at & iis wile& ittrz.
ARM/ATI, - wry ' rvit , - CORDIAL
A 1
nnz VE 6 0 ' Rim ,"
! DEGEwriVE •
mtg. quite °awl* #rs irrorfAcia, &F.
tbarollmeing otedioat,o frog Non. J. O. V OAT,
U. L' , itistoto Rubio; or Porotrivaais: -
.:"Pitoritr a. .r. ir, irmi. ,- 4. Mlerktrte&t. j ".l . tile Mr
'l.oer n e a pr e rear t gi e rliled im ain s = i :lr i er f ziNft
low Cr t a-sat lain t to ate tani Wore
tile titas se, .h. ~,,2 , 4 .. 1 ... vz
cr ..
wit _Ans. 4744W - rest oloosoor to nriniordlor
f" -!°,111 7" !-- • tiih l4 ,li . i ii H. i of rti,.
.. -AittisitertevinWr, AIWA': —', is nom
1, 11 . 1: .. . tool:O . ?! ito tzeze=
W I Zi l f r rdr, ~ 4 1t 5 161 3 4.4 k kl. / 6 t •
it te an' Oft - rooodits.iimot hes .Peri t s t in , use for
alto yea b tbikbiajblekontino intav oio Torre
L I P 1 ' lrfoldr lirli tr
1 1 1 . 141 . 11.. e,.. 'etitS orif
~..e ideej
Weld * aritairarlitrAlaintt, Part
:VW el„pl=-t,fiffiffftl,"lsr,!ijitr o,t,asTY*Pt!ot
" jt In estog y of Mani vurnoi*o4 iiiiai;t
moues. , Asada to oo tototo to be artrovoq sod
' 14 , i i t lis orertac t it le 'lvoLo i r o t rt i n ' 41 4 tdr e atr i g
obe at all the lead na $ ste . nod groans!.
`u' et beat*: •
be Ono *tam "
amid and tor solo be
, 1 , ~, ~ I • ; . , ,I. N. RUNT. lA. CO;,
. ' telOifelltre '- .. US , WALNUT Street.
HipIIBOLIA IXTILtUT .11 , triliti:
• , TOR GP, g.,0 ritisTlC,..,. . •
to sent sA irtn.). 43 " P"
4 - frer• duksises _milielllMP
ALA f if iri ill
r ifiltid
i illi a tn! l , l e arj s ... ' ,
to..taaipi r . , niT OillrimOix.
441011 ;$' ii ,' YR-Virsc
;um : 120 5 mpity nu. vow
„. . . . Polly ~
9,6., Ibtkr, -m.. B 7,Rfte, or ozpil.ol.Fit..
otbdua *on imms 4101 6 it
.- 9171 1 Lit Vial A A IS
. Aad le 'titan lA% douriPereson - the abl
• , . ~
- , ' IND . • inlt ii i r SOL
• -' • 4 s A tr IS
644766 Altlril i t e ira,CPAlN. .:
cgirtilaitig . 4 cups, of from oil._ psonta s to treaty
.1"4 Varat'VVW=l:lllge I:
Fry. t Urrimr-tr e kagirlerit
mt. wow UT „ • , %, , ia22- ,
CAS rI9kkEt4:,UELI4B. -
roil osaniciugs,-Fut, 4411,4
- .T o 14, SALE - 111 .,
• saw gomismaaz stmt.
OHOEIOI - 41.*E1 do Co.
Xonlimia 'Caser rounit,lllo 144JE
1.1.040 TABLE&
SO. t , 6l'Atilrilt AECONIi ATRRICT ,
In tertineotion with their 'ostensive Cabinet BlOntleill.
are now istaufacjeontill encenorartiota df
AvollAivio now on basil a Nil eupply,finished with
Multi: A CAMNON'.I.eNwBO
Which are pronommed. by cii who have toted theta , to
hasuperhirAn'all others. • •' •
for the "toddy and Weh of these Tables, the manu
facturer" refer to their numerous ritrolle 0110000ln
UMAleirb osui (mit* wit!' %IA (shouter of their
work.' • atif Clut
_ _
• •
.....I. .% . -.., ` N ISO IlltalllNlM '
'7. t+rpr MIX! etgabill i e rawr autitpu t
f"t' i 'i i ii: t; ',Psii;#?-4* - til' ., ''''''
i.!i11111Ditkliti!41110 1 1., isd a VsetilLfalla W 1412.416,
ar k:, ' 414 ° 41Ang rilbOdlii
ir ient ji un 11 " 41
v it
sad matt rapt
trafty; kit;ting Muth as, fa
liffsafilair ra s e, ucii , Denr sad an i qocutal
t iizin i ta• , tiossa4,p, to, pno teats
• ,4144rciot
. ,•. ,- VW* tROADI/r4tritw Yol.
lei-ltrn ' - - • . rirmiefr O. LF.E.. Mont
N`E VI/ , I CP, Atli , 191., 4.;.6 ~,b1 1L L.
..: If.itillitnt ii RICHMOND,
pietorsootioro or, yµl_ _ poem in.
.71;4 01/.;44.1. IRJAMORIPTXONtiI.
'Ni' . J T....t.'°14 1 4 1r," 4 6,in er WI
'l' r ' - out ve orskoV lies ° toh.
' : •
, ig ro l awro ar it Llotorr urkt
ati3ank. with
' . 2 1, 4 1 , 1' 4221 4 1;:trhign b cA, or $ per coot.
:V II ". . 1 * *ll4 o34,l o b u llenee stn ,' L e ' t ', I . ' tii, SW YORK.
Attil9ll ,C ri trait. ttri7d r 4 14
rryiooo.' "mo r Wee, MIL
§iR ale Willtater, ewe ea WM* ale*
Ter. OVW/MWO u r • b r itl a _ :aid" sow in worth,' Ute
elt e gitgOtitiree l 17 tit ortitillgrg:ialr
num to.ado corm proauwwo`ore
to ootottoat ontklitteo or sorpormioq, 1," ,h, „ no w in
soy _mouth yr, we warrant oaf t nao te et cusi t !l not
itterigr Virgo% ' l ratirler Tai l trid dt ti 71:O t
, vosort - _ aig-tr
. ESTAIT, mto.,
1 Kat AND CoNVEYADICE*I Iti9Ripo/roWN,
ioprivania. •
;1 1. MA,rors. , MILL& Otd . RiiTELS ' POR
AA E: N.Doloomirri. Books. Charter. out •De
gottittiti, oarytho from JO to go° acre", o%d toothttro
win 'DO ^ obown Probe to free 01
ibargo. .
4oMi la dMav as wisottatikia few RAN
PS B / 1 , 14. OM for BAlt to Nort r istnyn, rats
tetfilogr an o= Pim" ' Man "4
Jtaitn. Norm% ,wndo,
loiCWAlAlW4 u r i git
QAiinAPA ' I I. A...-tfon . urea, for sale by
P l / 4 7 WZTORRHA. lc BROTHER. 47. and 40 North
rpn►►rn igt.ok
ITCH.- 7 -275 I)airdli'l'itch; in More viol
Aram" i i ii s T A W it elicußrt PA.
PO! "
inkirESS -ASO 'Boxes . etkiniet 'dounty
z i r p Tr o ff is tz t ss . is IT. ii.AAtjtkoo.. No
8 • 14.° r°, 1 ave
,tam Ti
• ' - .
. .
41.1 t." Jr%
r ,
4j - T t • 1 , •
\ •
4e b
, 7
' I ,
• ••• • •••
• . • ~.
• - - • • • _ . -. • • 0-
' • 1 • .i4lretZ: ) •
.145 4 WE;*• - 214fi.
a/. ,
, 3.1 • e 44 . _
1 1 11. •
• •"' L.- - - • - - • .0 - • I -
141 .
-;._ Aft
.t-1-2!•—•"›, +
11):) , .._
—' • „
- :; • • r.
- ,
• • ' • • -- •
. - -
CEW PußucvneNsi
#ooitaisti , EgoANl3l.z:vol4Toi,
Lower fide. abovelkleiritet Street, Pbilisdelphia,
Invite the attention of Booksellers and ociiiiittp
chants to their yell' large stook.of School Itoolce,,onb ,
',shed in MA And otttAr Ct.& tniether watt orliessosno
, one and 'Blank skeike.:Papit. and ititatiuuem annually.
no, II it CO., areypithannere of astuif nOPUIP,r works,
among win are the following:. • -
(Late of
itzutT,RogDyypa3kEllol.4ll4.l 4 B. • •, :
ofte , hound In clink; .Pitan it4tit and s :4ll4in
„ diticentitto•thetrenlei •
This book, ii.eroicainendtbemost,rwonderful,iolenti
tc. ends omprehensive tepees on tPis geography of our
gontinenteperp.iniiinied. . . 4
1111.0042/P fOnt AL ° P.A.S.YdARY 'ARITRBIEV '
'TILL , • ' ' . Oho .
BROOKBrf4olVittll, ;MENTAL A RlTltillg
, .. . ..... . . ate;
• i3P R. ijltitiii)KB,./t1,f4., •
Protestor o bialliessatios in Pennsylvania Matt; Nor
mal Pahool. • „
- ternts for inttoditoti
7SV,IirkE ' S ~ .POOY- B OOKS,
President Of 7inastlVitnia Dominerolal college: - -
Thisteriiigoterx,,aupEaß arara is now adopted
in &bison whey mobilo! of note in the Union where gee;
gran/rig teiight, and has no equal. Price ineforfull net
of six nape, orslofor set of hermego.ore mane alone.
L„. „ • t
_ _
OUR - - - k VANS' GIFT
.4. , , 800 EI'OWN; iIattfORP.RTNITT fittent: .- •
kook( sr sold ni Oman aso gat o th er atore.finil pm
hew, Ole %wage of rsotwins a handsome Present.
Wor , hfro FAfty..pents to One Atandred Dollars, with
6441 Beak. • -.: • ~. , • • . , .
, NE W.llOOlCi
-" 'F N'
'Tr; _E V' 800 .• .G; uR Tiil3•Bol.4llt2Ri4F'tt
f1•111mE andahrsoing Floe, Years' Eaperianall in the
iat! ofM L r. itee, and aottoNV Editod t*Trof , J. H.
naralisam.,o , .ll4lonssippl, Ono voltunei,na,c4 Orb Na
LIM -rni: ms. , ~ , ,
1., Nue wArrima PORIVOI,IOII
in treat neti,anoft'atftwithwoli
„ • ~. ' -A LL-THR NEW HOOKS
In **err evattmeat of.Lltnnture i
u Or Felege -,. ~ , Booktro Ration.
ra i ollit, t g u r r a r ply. . . roll tr r, nt n i e fti l tios,
't,gt:gf - ,T6V,1 1 6, . fat: 4 VIV:: ,
..k. Shoat Hors= s, • - ' books Tot Antnenient,
1400ki about Potent*, •-• ' Bonita for- novo ion,
i tti7el b ) r inighTi l i. 1 ., Pottt:Z= ter •
. '
Call In intl one trial wlll slam! ,lou that thel beet
Otos /nth oniionuroltnee Books no At
„ G.• G. EVANS'S '
anfo . , ;
.. „ 1 4 0. 4 39 OH ttt.Tr 4 CT Ntrrot.
, .
ATLWIC CITY is now. eonoded to be one of the
most dedlt4ettplNekside *Wain the world, Itai bath;
int is atunowasesd z lb beeutittil unbroken biao (nine
miles ibletutth) is onequelted try any on the Cdot , zient,
awe that p t Galveston i lb itifie resityleable fot its
&little i IT snibut awl_ robots %mattes sit SCrtdot z"
i t s hozets e well Wi l ened,. and as sielr keit se ihOsc .
of NewpO or diersteeni , whlli its twosome and mac
tow cdianel and 'booster tbs time Of any other Eels
borklailaeoe in tee 000rttry. • s '"
4 1 1
Todns*o the' giAldpziat- AND ATLANTIC RAIL.
*Ohl) les e VINBATIVIIZT WAS RF.Philedelohoz, .
daily it 1 . A. Nand _ A P.M. Returnour— teach Pelt ,
'dolphin. a if:ll4 tf, indite .P.'hi,' irlow gm, Itocuid
trip token', hood for three dais; *it°, EC be Ourahidiod
/s 1
or reset= ' stile dot ettlltes °Olt, sod oot of or by
toed* ~, Deanne. sO zoiles,7dander trdin . Wires!
,Vasa e t' A' AL; „teem/ale:las* City ., et 63 ,
f;,ll.—to ohm only*/ ,w..00d ad yaw. A tislesreph.
osillideth wholelsosttioltierowL, , ,!, - pits-tr'k
,n 4 • ST.'-! JORkPliVO'Titliid
--_-------. 4-. Atkrys .lExctritritorct TO MX R
st.• (J , S ali TRUBSOA Y. rteetute 16th. Me. nn the
pyre OWL. MOROAN arid .)NO. A. WARNEIN.
rem tif—x-R4R11 7 .: -to -7-o,loek
triVrli e l l l7o:49Wit f rr i fTlarl l . Pt:.
• V.2..llllliffito.z.bore ti 0WN. , 14 P.. - Cth .N !NO ,
NAM. -T MD btreet, • bettor ,wra, VT - , setel•et the
Church,, Auld 2t*
. .
Ir ts ampeg' BXO II
To lt N
. MAUCH 01117NR.
'Exentelg T 101. 0 ,8 to the ehOVeilettegirete Nti red
f inn e Ltiti r jeV u (lB74 . l.l h r t iy, ° r: t oin itnfikel; E gt
1,41(..t.0Vri Street and DEBBI!. Street. to BEGTIII.E..
HEM dailg, to other Pleeee Ottadefeeleetted•
FAR, •
:"..1•S Of "ro Reth , them......,.52 00
To AllentoWn 040 ITv Easton '' .... - 200
Parties in eenspnpfthdgrend and roinantio, era de;
sirens of a tihaithe the ine; tonal dr breettee of lie moon.
tains. cannot do better than vont NABOB,fttletif. and
tta ;Melton'. which have jails been styled the .
Trans Maio I/ "ONT'and WILLOW-Streets for
Mar.h6nk. at ALIO -A' and 6 P. M. t for Eaton, at
230 . M.; fur Bethlehem. at CM A. N., 2SO P.M. and 6
) •
• i
or Bethlehem , at. . ..» A. AL
Train Onto WOWS Street twenty =nutria after
leasing Willow street.
No Excisemen Tickets sold on the care.
awl fit ) EL.LII3 Cis ARE, Agent.
A dr oi t FOR- OAPill :MAY
... . Dal j_l f i lltrde r Poo l V C. /V_
MEW X OXX Alio rinfLa , lBLli arE4NINAVI
t , QATION rra, ,
WV Mae mesa magma X. L AIL A M E_ L iept CAN
N ; 888TOri.cavt. l t CNR, slid K NNEIJEg.
capt.joHASOIV. fortil a mt,y klitEigotwoon Ma
gi:/: tillpfi 4011 New Mt, iesslna um apot Pier
low 8 Or, Em i r toulidtw poweit) M. 0.,. A. 1 .4.
Milireet PR. 124 4 67,e it 1ia ( P rand i
tiya n etie l pt i
edistg A.+NI. ... _
Panto Cape may (carriage Into toolndea • —4/ 60
Servants do do do
tve nrg r itagicir s ad n dra ex . 17t).......—........ , f a , ro
to Amp guts. ...--,: a- ..... ........ 100
risteitlraidZ"VingfigiNfirii i rit a t i r
warded pith dikposeh- free o commies pn.
1 - AttrAl AMAPe.RDICE I .Agent,
.1011-11 st 214 L
F 414 UPS WO( p,ELAweRt.. Avenue. •
.1., r z r 1., EP Atildlol4o. !On and after fituoiDaY,
jV Y Otopen b. until further m notion, vie 1 olloinng router
all be for exonona
Tipkats for isle at Ticket Mos, Broad and capowhd,
su p mi sabi. ?
igsra Pausal:A return.._..,........ Me en
p MolantOnlottEl return..-..........-- 660
0 VIA( Haven and return--—... , ii ar
For WWI lio.rjm m
lars nee small bills. or apply to
•ficlot A gm o. or t aa•co m pppy. Broad and Cailowtah
MOMS, Of to
Oe t nifj Agent thits.
_jk, fteg 4g ffatiroad. Phila.
G. A. MOLLS. Uen'l thiterin latent. Jtseding.
- Ma- . _
kerir ri t' 'FOR CAPE MAY.—The swift
and conitirodioua bar steamer. 0 EI)R Wt
WAailltibTON, Cant W. Sir , _billda, leaves Arch
street wharf elVilf7 TnesiOar. Thunder, and Satur
day eaerrung at PM cenlook, returning on the tuterme
di to d ays.
isre.ciarrisge Mrs 5p01uded.........."
.. --...el 60
.ger•0 1 1 1 /van ta. Can:lase WM included., —.... 1 25
tickets, carriage Mre extra.— .
........ . 800
r(IFT -- 111iii4 OMllll$Bll and freithi taken. Je 9 tnu2l*
• " • VOR TUE SF. A -
A P 3 yAD.
en and eAMr X A, y 2, Mine on the Cam•
Idled AtWat o Ibilroad wit rue qs teacart
isreih lop lama
es vine- irlturt.... • A. M. frpowill Vern (stOpetne Only or Wood and
Wets/ r.. ......
Lion to Aar boiAtit 5.1$ P. M.
Enrage • •. • ——6l6 A. DI.
Aoootproodetto6 front lEgLiderbor A. M.
eve Xte flirt a,
Leevo r ant • • -n3O P. AI.
- • togg eg oly for Pod and water.
Pa to Attsano weep t. eta ere porghaeed before
enter g th e own, nroktirte to good for
Ores pe e VISO. to be entotweed ot owe *aged at toe
Naked °flo only, and ger of or by °omit° re,
At must delivered at Drama do 's Pend by $ P.M
The Dampest' will not be reuvoneible for any goove
Ilp&teoe , ivea end receigOAd tor bg their Agent at the
Aoot.orirandstmik Tian to Eel Earborwill run
tbreve . . 4 ll to Attend., every sator.l4o , Ildtprooon until fur
tbfitrasetittsesie pheoked at hours of itie day at
Ylne-esr erry. MO. D. 13RY.A.14
288-11 AVlnt.
Llia,—Grand liXonnoact from MIAOW •
Ala u.j . rosi , .. 6 ,MORirrip quango; River Bogner
It l l 4llj l= l4 P "Pi"
g li ati n t7ol un g v P. "" B ir ,4 l: y e l B' BiFel leil te t S °l ec
kW° qtral e d n g s i t e, t ;s ' a o r rtr d o N: re A ra h . i i g
tm Ineiromt tr et WI ritikOlnct
gm VnßeOlonigona ttuebeorWhito Mountalue, Boe
Fio t e g o 4 PNOrging* • in , riniiii; iiiiiring! "
- .dds.,Atti, • 9 '' ..g.: - g ....• '8
grirnilggeagatfLgT4l—ntiPilatre;till'isr. ind
to too s il o un4;1 1 1 votooerßlettp
1 &pry_ l it Am glirortf%llMortiVitre t n
0 Tr
iLa 8 Outs, S. u. , 1. B. Tot''Eol,
1 elanm ' Gemini Agent.
(trader Jones' Hotel.)
Ifl7-ira -
V it t $ 4
.W.EIMESPAY, ...WqIJST 16, 1860.
The Crescent rigninst the cross.
Itarneditely, after'the famous 'ciet'.sl'etat .01
December, 184, which placed the Imperial
sceptre w#tiln the reach of Louis.- Napoleon,
that . astutli ruler seriously entertained the idea
of assuming the title. and undertaking. to per
form the j duties, of Protector of the Holy
bine& —"
An old political tradition hie' glVen 'to; the
French' the honorary appellation of
gc Eldest Isola of the Church.' The Pour.
bons received it without challenge, and nn.
ipicationaidy were .entitled , to it by their con-
Stint, &mit slavish, devotion to the Papacy.
Revo!!ltlcin- Bwopt , away the Botirbens, and
with them went off' national adherence tfs the
Church crllome, its' iloctrineit, fertile; and
head. •The elder : NaPolcort . di4 diie'Cit the
boldest a 'fii of Ids lite, iten' ho made that
Concorde with Poo Fitts VII., which rehabi
litated C ristienity on the soil of France.
Napoleon, .as Emperor, then succeeded, by
emirtegy,lto th% standing which the Bourbons
had formerly held' at the Vatican: 'On ' his
&wilts% Louis XVIII. and Charles X. sno-
cessively took rank eadlias'gc Eldest son of the
Chitral In fulness of time, the bosom of
Revolution swept 'the BOurbens away a
,seconsl time. Louis Philippe, - Duke ,of
Orleans, -4 honest Lafayette's if best of-Repub
lics,"—oeoupled the throne. of France , for
nearly eighteen years ; that is, from July,
1830, to-February, 1848 hat Rome placed no
contldene,i) :in "him. :There was a taint upon
him as eon Mid heir of the hilitaions Egallte,
'and on account, also; tif• Ms suspected 'and
noarcely.eoneeided 'indifference to Christian
,His adie was a devotee of the first wa
ter; and his sister, Nadame Adelaide, was ayet
Strider Catholic.: However, belief obtained
that he was not sotind'on religioua matters, and
he was ionly tolerated at Roma. From the
momentof Louis Napoleon's accession to the
chlettnagistracy,of France he played a careful
g4ii*lth the French clergy, who had been
more-or less snubbed by Louis Philippe, and
there is no doubt that he owes a great deal to
their Infinence in his favor,—first, on the vote
that ho should be President for ten years,
and; in the following year, (1852.) - on the vote
which alMost Unanimously made him Emperor,
;6 by the. !grace pf God and the will of the
Louis Napoleon never did assume the title
of Protector of the Holy Cities. • Another
groat Poirer claimed to exercise the !unctions
of such Protectorate. The late Czar has long
assumed the right, as virtual head 'of the Greeks
Church, Whlch is something between CatlM-
Hetty and Protestantism, to protect all the
Christians—most' of them members • of the
Greek Church—under the sway sof Turkey,
and it may be remembered that this was one
of the ostensible causes of the Crimean War, a
contest hi which the victors antlered about as
much as the conquered. Since the reetoration
peace,",after the death of the Czar Nicholas,
;his suocessor has quietly but perseveringly
pushed dn 'This Russian claim to protect the
Christian'o, of all persuasions, in the Turkish
- dominions and dependencies. It is no secret
that Resale, through sunshine and storm, atom
'dily adherea to the policy of Peter the Great,
lot' expressed tu his will, gradually to absorb
Turkey. On the other hand, France has
AlWays heen antagonistic to this ambitions,
though, by the Treaty a Tilsit, the first Ica::
yoleon,'M suit his, own purposes, yielded the
pint and agreed that the Emperor Alexander
1. ahead take Turkey if he could, and how
be cold& pinvined that the reap of Rorer
istionld be left at the disposal of Napoleon,
England )3983 direct Interest lir-supporting
the . prekinit I RGt Irreie!; aphid the fur.
ther extension of Russia, by enneratlen of' the, /
whole or any part of Turkey. ' For, It lai:Pe-"."1
hared thhe Ifussia looks - lob/Only upon Br
Usti India, and, with Turkey added to its al,
ready vast empire, could very readily attack
Hindostan at its very weakest points.
Franco, however, also has a hankering-after
part of Turkey. - Not alter its domlnione in
Europe, but for that most interesting of ifs
provinces, Syria..-which, nearly a score of
years ago, was rescued from the usurpation of
afehemei Ali, by the combined military and
naval efforts of England and Prance. The
first Napoleon bad adesire to attach Syria to
France—from a desire of pride to possess the
moat Interesting country in 41/0 ivorla. For
Syria of this day Is really,the holy Lands with
which aro associated so manyeacred historical
and religious recollections, and, no doubt, his
successor would rejoice In having Jerusalem a
French city. Besides, tho geographical nn
portance of Syria is great, and Napoleon,
write as be may diselatmiog any embitter) that
way tending, would be right glad to possess
If Turkey was ti the sick man," (as Nicholas
of Eussia described it,) In 1854, assuredly
there has not keen any acquisition of health
or vitality since. The Sultan, a weak sen
sualist, almost ematiculatea In body and mind
by continued excesses, Is a mere puppet on
the'throne—without energy of brain or body.
He has merely the shadow of power in the
great empire which onto tad Solyman the
Magnificent, and Amurath the Bold; as its en
ergetic rulers. Ho is kept up, as Sultan, only
by the politipal exigencies of the time. Let
theleading Powers of Europe once witiedrsl7
their protection, and the throne of the Sultan
must inevitably topple over.
Syria contains a pretty extensive Christian
population, against which, during the last three
months, various Mahomedan tribes quarrelling
with each other, have steadily pursued ono
Common object of extmainating all who pro
fess the Christian faith: The quafreis be
tween the tribes are probably - fietitioua---tbe
intolerance, the persecution, the cruelties, the
cold-blooded massacres are actual. Many
thousaas have periaheds and among these nu
nierous subjects of other Powers besides Tur
key. French consuls have been murdered, and
the flags of England, the United States, and
other Christian countries have been insulted.
If ever there were a case which calls for the
intervention of combined Europe it is this.
Turkey hats taker) the matter very easily, as
Yet, and has hitherto treated ail complaints
with remarkable smtgfroid. Alive sovereign,
under the circumstances, would have lost no
time in transporting a largo military force into
Syria, and in punishing the assassins—by fire
and sword, if necessary. The Sultan did no
such thing. After the horrors wo rotor to bad
been rampant far twiny weeks, the Sultan
nominated a Pasha to go and settle tho
in Syria, but that high and mighty personage
bad not quitted ,Constantinople at the Nat ad
This is a contest between tho Crescent and the
Cross, Thls is a war of extermination, by tho
ilahemedans against the Chrk,th:MP. Weeks
ago, Napoleon, still anxious to act as Protec
tor to tho Chriatiois in Syria, made prepara
tions to land 25,000 in that country, to avenge
the cause of injured humanity, This activity
his put the other great Powers on the qui clue,
and unwilling that Franco shoal singly do
what combined Europe ought to have done,
when the barbarism was in its bud, they have
agreed to hold a Convention at Paris, .4 for the
settlement of affairs in Syria." Meanwhile,
it is doubtful whether any thing will bo effec
tively done to put an end to the massacres,
until at least half the Christian population
have been murdered. Austria, Prussia, Ens
' ski, and England aro said to be severally pre
pared, with armies and ships—whenever the
Convention, some two or three months hence,
may authorize this action in concert.
The question remains—what will Napoleon
do? Will he await this tardy and' inefficient
course? Will he not' throw himself into the
arena, and strike a quick, bold, and effective
blow for religions freedom He is not likely
to delay.
-3t is said tbiat the DrUses and the Maronites,
the leading parties in the disgraceful transae
tions'in Syria which have overwhelmed the
GUST 15, ,1860;
()mutton world th'g'rlel • and dismay, Can 're:
tire to thetimaounti!Thfastspaies,'end there deli
the,apAroadlt aud atiaciss 'of any armed opp'o.,
nen!si Thofo is t onsiderablo truth iu
Buf," on the other 'land, Abd-41-Kader, 'the'
°°/ ( thilltred Arab abler; who owes grateful elle
glanceito Napoleon; is In•Syrta, and has ten
darreOls to be made available in any
WhiCit Napoleon may desire. • Place this
man; once the boldest and bravest captain o
Algeria, at the head of fill army of Frenchmen,
and we prognostiCato that, before the *inter
seitrth, he will 'have' hunted the bruises and
Hationifeis 4nd other ItehoModen vagabonds
md - Murderers out of their retreats, and re
duced Syria to submission. '
Then Cornea Off doubt—What will become of
.Syria? To maintain It as adTtirkieh prof/lode
-mould appear impostible. 'Napoleon, in an
Orobabllityiirill got the
~tredie in, and, no mat.
4ritow ton* Limit& protest, wit( flint
phclf f," and then: ultimately occupy • Syria.
paat, It effemalto', UN le upon, the: cards, and
poloonis jaei, the man to play the 'game,
•d win le too. •
,NA!) U
,0 1•4:,
01 4,uNtViiita.kk bdiNete•
&e., atC:, &c.
(itePorte4 tor The Preen.)
' SYSBI Vuas I u, Aug. 14, 1880.
lTbdf being thtylaylixed for the county 74 00 91 3 g8
or Ohesteti county, they came off in this borough.
4oerding to adsertisement, notyrithstaadlai
&ten "tato, sehich continued =cos . /tingly during
tiOst of thit morning. Thire was not the tar, e et
tstilitncie that wee expected because of the heavy
sibeitber of the preceding i . tifittt, and day, bat el,-an
ettik'heat .the " 'roars .1load," the " Matteka
ihn 4( Orem Tref," and other hostelries
*ere iitoteded with the oitisetts of the borough nn4
Slisregers Troth the pontstry talking polities. Thu
lidn, kept , the 64404 and corners pretty dielLi of
ttsiltnots ,f exited., orators and shutiling listeners
*A — usually oharaeterise wagons like the pre.
. ,
lilhartne l eting of the regular Democracy was set
do‘fror 11 o'olook A. M, at Cabinet Hall, Hon.
A VI. yaux, who was invited to' address the,
pi eftewever, did not make - hie appearance tit
O ilmeHindeed, he did not Oahe his appear
sliest ai ell—and it was nearly 12.0'0100k yrben
Get. W. Pearce, H.q., of the West Chaster Repel
hean, milled to order, and moved that Col, Samuel
Ring - wantake the chair. The motion was uuanf.
'eineby , agreed to. Col. ,Rlngwalt on taking .the
ehttif heartily thanked the Democracy of toe
count; for the honor, cionferred nimn,hitn.' '
he' remalnictofftberi of the meal:airier* an
• Miele: i , .
A r itse Pinaidenis—ltobert Miller, Itufai (.pest,
Ilott:, - John T ' . Wdrthington,Geo Kerr.
- ffecretatlei-Geo March, Wilmer Worthington,
•If•: t i, ' ' , •
Comma ea en Reeolutione—Geo, W. Pearce, I
liql, C. M. Kinnard, Nathan Y . , Jester, Elwin
qtley, P. Frazer bmith, Esq.
'During the absence of the Committee on Rem.
lutleal, lidr. Daniel Nields addressed the meeting.
He i:ttiatio!an elaborate and powerful argument in
tuhroelsoy of the principle of popular sovereignty.
%Alma titivated to that principle. It had seeored
vletbry to' the Democracy heretofore, end it would
do ao 'krill. Whatever the result, however, ho
was for iitliterence to pledges and the time-honored
platform Of the party. Whiled he denounced Mr.
liceltans's abandonment of Derneeratio pried-
Vier,ll he et attreet the attention of the meeting
to th e fr o that their Representative in Congress,
lien.siehti Illohylin, was to:pally epee to oeutetre ;
for by Op; oyes to the liep,ultiloans he had done
stns samelthing.
Mr. W?..llittuf A. Moore came to endorse the
nominal:3 of Dougles end Johnson by the Ns
-Honed De °Cretin Convention and the platform of
186 q; erhieh had been re ensotfid with it:"( great
principle iof popitler ioverelsisty gloriously vied!
' Wed; An attempt bad been made to draw Wee/
over the steeple's eyes, arid luderie thous to-believe
"'t.hat ,
BreoPleiridge and Zane eel's i Denteoratio
taltetteltiont. ' , it Was On nplslll work. If ven Orr,
• W I - 1 lolio tit - i ''
.., t vit a' fri r e the Diens on t , It s.S1 1 . 0101:1 t pro ,
elamation arows - that he opposed the secession
I Thom the. regular Convention. It was a seces
sion, ancl in withdrawing the seceders could
Wm, an d i in withdrawing the aeoeders could
not take the National Demomatio Convention
with the t, especially en their number wee far
from beteg respectable. d Apple/Ise I flit opposed
13reekinridge and LLD!, because he belleired they
w e r e the( toop of the Kettle, the Abets, the
Spratts. Voe Yanceys, and the chronic, Disnolonists
of the South, who were determined to overthrow
thin Republic. [Applause I They have neither
the usages, the recorde, the principles, nor the
masses of the party with them. The pepere en.
nouneed brit recently that preeltiorideo ellped
down the; nomination of the notional Convention
at Richt:nen& He was not the nominee of the
mocratic party, hearten the doctrine of that party
is non.intervention with the domestio Instltutione
of the To:Mertes, whilst be, like the Republicans,
advocate intervention ; the only diffsrenee be
tween finial being that one wants to eremite the
power of 'Congress to ocoldhlt elan s erY in all the
Territories, and the other to establish it In all the
He could not see bow the Republicans could op
pose judge Denies In his popular.sovereigaty re
cord, because fn Congress, on the 21 of April, 1858,
not excepting Joshua R. Giddings, they voted for
the Crittenden -Montgomery amendment, wherein
the prinoiple of popular sovereignty is untnistalte.-
hly eunnsiated. He bottomed thgt the Terribtiries
were designed by Provld erase for free white men, and
that Breektritiilge mad never force the Demooratla
party to fasten upon them, by Congressional action
the imilitntion of slavery for art time to come.
The eillowing resolutions were then reported
front the, committee by Georgic W. Pearce, Esq. :
'we, the flanmentor of Chester county. in general
'meet! meeting tutremhted. do hereby' net froth the tot
loWing_prOpointione lie containin i the true pol , tinal faith
of the and the views entertained by
u l, ° • r 47olll:f 4 t i ui rft P 41 1 4 ° 01! r r il ll Oril . ,...ratio parry _
wee C. , eevate nail enno b le the great laborme moose. of
hißeenblio , to ifeentte to them these poetical rigida
which in h l countrog are restricted to a favorite
few, who are the accidental ri•atiessote of wealth or
Plies: 0 ,
X. That in strict necordance with ila originally ex
pressed prionildee. and ream n ming the erect foot that
in poll cal goveromt !We '' power is ever stealing from
the many to the few ' it wont on throw , ' much deteen
tuna and nbloquv, to abolish, 'Maws nothing the freedom
of the pre,en or tree speech agaliet corrtito or tyrahritotil
ruler. sedition i to invite • millet on from the mollar.
oi.intal Governments of Kemp.. and to sive the emi
grant. oiler expatriati• n. ow,. eni• unre trioted citi
zenship'' to smite a gystem of universal sofftagot to
guard' the cerisee from enamr' and minuet taxation,
end generally to do mob other nom an enabled the hum
hl-at to Renee and maintun hie severeisnty and com
pete manhood.
it. That it ie the duty of the Demomatto party to guard
and rooted there tenured „Otte and thatnow. when
&Essen t' heavier at the foundration comes of t' e Tem
ple of liberty. and when renreant men are threatening
to Pull dawn the flflYllli4B e'rneture of Government be
queathed to us by patriotic, fathers, it is a proper and
RUSPIOIO4B HMO to Fe-assert our principles. nod to be
leads. Innate's be, to uphold them even at the sacrifice
of life iteleir.
i Th• awe are in favor of a Ironwathad bill. widol,
shall eetitre to the virtuous and laboring pane it nattier,
of nor extended. unoccromed toddle domain— th at wh
&timeline rho attoniods sentiment uttered hi Senator
Trlgfalt. in connection with thin sutuent, Met winter.
that" povertir is a. crime," and that t ' a Homestead
veto o President Dunhanen is hut another Indiestion
of We, went of sy mini th y. with the Demmantio mneare.
5.1 h at we eve 111,M,1.11.1 lite Vt.f.- to ftWor 0( a DI venue
tariff. with such inoidental ter -Moil , n as it may afford
our various manure , lutes. That there is at present an
inthertviin necessity to increase thedutiesso veto meet
the expenses of Government. which are now met by
loans N'try are. therelore in favor of Fa revision a' the
present tariff, an that sufficient revenue may be raised
W meet the wattle of thin Government.
6 that we maintain the Derneoratie doptrine of non
intervention• en pet fort., at Cipcinnetraed renehtir [sr
neirmed at Etaltirom•. and on the /abject of domestic
servltede We &Are ea follows ;
1. That einem.. exists nowhere br virtue of the Con-
Moulin» of the United Staten and therefore 0412 only
haven leca' existent. in States nr Territories by the
will Of ma majority of the sovereign people consenting to
Its establishment.
2. rime its eatabl ehment nr tirohthithin by a mslOyitY
of the Pe aide in any one of the envereign States. is A.
moat, and the recent lagetlation innuru
n..t/ by the Ilemoonitio catty to the lfanam-fiebrasen
chili. a11.t. , &rill i• tended to winter upon the people of
The ottani ed srritories ti ,A ell elf pqwerti in reward to I
slavery at are possesetd Isr th e people of the States I
a That. ff the emote of Pennerlawnin ware to-toot.
row to t.tuinxe their 1:•101 retidence Ici any one of the
organized Territortea. iney would not thereby be d.e
franchised, but world have the same sovereign power
to asoblith or prohibit slavery in Ninth Territory as
thew revioutily postoseil in the State.
4, i hat Maya property ig no more gamed then other
property. and tho elaycholder and tne nendslavenohleur
emit, teilinS hie property au to the common territory of
the nation. must take it there subject to the teed will
of n majority of thet people war eetds in eiteh terrttore..
7. 't hat trews. from enamels. oppose, to ell 'hares IM
interVentinn by Coroircas with the reserved roads of
the temple In Territones we are therefore of nonentity
in direst opposition to t he dielionnrryble fusion schemes
of the State theocrat Committee, proposed wet et ithilit
delphia and recently at Driven. nail th it we here de
olore oar intention to vote fir 0 0 eleatnr on any elm
twat ttoket who in not piedged in yore ex 3101a0Yelf for
Stephen A. nouel.s and Herschel W. Johnson. the regu
lar nominate of the flanmetatin Part!, and the tenth
sentativen of Re areal ovrtstrlduro mit doctrine of popit
iv eoverai arty. or non 'lntl, r vith firm
g. That we ratify awl confirm the nomination of
th.dte distinguished stalestnen. Wtaphend. Nesbitt Red
Herschel V. Johnerm. the mammal nominees 01 the De
%lronies for Pretident and Vire Prtsident ; that in them
we Feminize the only o indolatee belnre the American
WTI. who are reprenertAtlves of the great pro , Mole
thot the majorttY to States and Territories shall rule.
and we therefore ptedee to them a heart, and ea• neat
support, and declare that we will nee rill honi•rable
walla to amine their elevation to the high position for
witll they hove been it .1. rotted
It That we have the utmost confidence in the ability',
integrity, arid Demoo-aey of 'Henry o. Poster, the Dc
tnoerntin nominee fey Governer of Pennsylvania. end
Weds r BIM our united si. sport for that exalted pOPItIOII.
le, That tre announce the tattus enrinnatines of
Preckinridge and Lana. mute et LlBltifflortl. b y the
DisonteMato of the South and a few Northern mem
and call upon all true ttemnerate to mists's by their
influenot and votes, the tegular H e rschel .-
nenal•Demootatty, Stephen it. Douglas and V.
11. Tharere Awry attesties to ids test nlO.llBl rid
,sionerit De dulatitne Convention ei*embhtid as atitlet
tan aed Ilittimnryttrausati the ersknit cad erisderne2
• dmlstetr nott or nistert Buottasso tly ts ignficsuni si ,
lenee.`wl hat even ids Ittetnitosteit.erhom levoirnitd
ineolife,- 11 . forgot 9 to Omsk him for Or thssobary to
the National Dom'oonsor t _
12 They the COmmittero of OrmeestoOdeilbe De alithrt.
r Medi to WI a sortyantioq of delegates., to form a De.
li2Joratia ticket, at Mich nine hereafter as they may do
minate. - • •
' • Robert Miller was aurpriaed that the resolutions
failed to notice the desertion from the Doomoretle
party of Ron John Kleiman—a man that hereto the Democratic party bad dellghtedlo bettor
It was point be thought the meeting ought not
to peatover in aliens. '
Dinfol Nieids ;stated that he coincided Iti ,
tti, t be
auggetuta loot made lie believed, whilst wishing
to speak with 'reapect of Mr. 11leirtniii, that
there was he man who wits more recreent' to the
principles of the Demooratic party Halted fused
with the Repoblioant when, In 1858, he hsd bitterly
dennunoed a fusion with ony.pertion of the Demo.
erotic party
' when thereby the principle of tripular
sovereignty was to 'b'e abandoned•'tie,
was eppeeetiln -fusionmotr. Ile was , for ottindieg
neon a attaight out DCuglas ticket to the ea& The
Demoortuir in this tight had a record to maintain,
'which tadhemwea much more than viOt o ey.
piause ) -
Georg°. w Piano foetid bitnself res'ini4ltt
'present a soinewhat painful position . eon
attached to 34. ilialcumn and his tmlitiost fortune
willi.lioosre end hearty 'devotion., Ito still toyed
hinvbrit Mr.'llfekm an's recent conduct be eras
,00mpelled to=tetknoWledirti that be bad taken ant*
,which be,miuld not-jnatify. lie weed not Wimps,
Mr ' Tookffows wotiveLfqr it might tern oot,,tbrot
he might persibirho right. He wan pt w IJpg n,
need ton:resolution denounetngbir.g. 11AY44 qt
onniiitrtiftcay' grim =uile by *MAI4 e.
.up teindiindeolgterelf.;TliedusistetritiClietHati
b ght befolie Obetmeninittemwedflullgoltedweetin
cod it Wei generally hellevedrtnak at this,
had better he pawed over Orme,
if4itk oi, to; distioOtry 'a e
410, wohditowv
napkin) dm! enandSbydle,
t gr r r'slitaY,leutatitVooc
neytot at than tho• . 18§171,:tin
standlbe grasping and neve Ve are of la
very. •• Mr P. wee of a different opinion. 'Mid be
lieved that tikiliernooratie pail,- with its preterit
platform, would aeaomplish tissYdeeiribisentd.
P. Primer Smith re.eolteed what l diad i jot .belst
said This matter had 'doteined tiro committee,
mid one thinglis eertein; that poi one of its VMS
bars was prepared, offs now prepared, lu'lley trey
to - anion° dweller's , ' of -Mr. •Hietanan. Benet
pot know-40,4ft it for the insetted to judge—
far the atropin frt.' logs of.parsoual ftlerfastdo geld
log betwiuni 3dr, H sod Induced aim to'
'oppovit the, Omega of any' dennoctatoty vesolitioti
at this,time. It iseerfein that the Democratiwpartt
of Cheathr are to no wey responsible for the sperm
Mr: Itlehtnen hes deputed it dinty .10, purtuttl
oonveried with many Democrats, and he
had not tbund one who approved of bit atone. e
had heard of one or two, het be h 46 not. siten'tref,
lie believed the - course saluted r by the commit- •
tee was the most ,powerful. rebuke ;Mast meld La
given to a man, in Mr. Eiteltmen's..podtiOn., Tbo
Democracy bad a position to maintain in the pont
munity. It might be that' the lament er)rei row
obscured with oloadvbet, when.they punted - itithiy ,
the light of truth and sound doctrine would shine
out with renewed vigor.• The resolutions holdly
announced the prinedpies of widish .fitenhen. A.
Douglas was the exponent. They are the slime'
that were proclaimed by the Demottraoy in 1856.
if not adopted by the country now, thetsoon would
In time:put, one after another of their prin
ciples had beau tiGten possession of and endorsed
by the ,Oppoition, and so be bellevel it *mid be
with those they new profaned. Mr . stood now
whore he stood in 1029, when be mot hlsdlrst vote,
lie knew of no difference except that of progress.
The Breohlaridge and LIMO men have deserted ns
he they have deserted the principles of the De
mooratty. They adroeate the doctrine vrblotr
tartans with the sovereignty of lint'people--that
neon , which reels all fres government. U. be-
lieved, too, in the language of Senator Crittenden.
of Rentnoky, that when a Disunionist was found
be would avow himself to be a 'Minolta, of the
Recession movement. The bosom friend of John
0 Calhoun at the time be preached the treason for
;Thiel: he ought to have been hung—l mean Gen.
DaffGreen —at a Breckinridge meeting in Phila.
delphia bitterly denounced Gen. Jackson. and
boastingly announeed that be bed refused to'
take his proffered baud. Snob men eemboae
the ranks of the Dirmlonlats. For himself, he
would never consent to a fusion with them lie
would not set or affiliate with men *to assail the
,stability of the A moriditi tftdclo. Ile was a Demo
orat, sad was for Douglas and thi Union. , rapt ,
please Oa that platform he *toed, and, if him
efforts were not crowned ,with vinous, -ha was
willing to suffer defeat. .He was too good o lime •
Grit to lend a helping hand to those who destroy
the Union.
Mr. Miller stated that his suggestion was made
with no feeling of vindictiveness Ile wanted evcry
man's position boldly stated, and ha was especially
desirous tbtt the Demoorsoy of the distrlot should
not be misled by anything that Mr. liteknian byl
done. „ • ,
• -
Mr. B Weddell Imarti}y endorsed tbe,retteda
lions. Ele did not approve the oonraelttr. Meh
l:Ott had latuly-talori. hut would not adores the
uessage of any deurmadatory reaotutton The re
fusal of the 'meeting to approve 'Mr. Ilieltments
course lots' sufficient oondemnation. Forbiteself,
he was not in favor of a resolution of that ohs
reciter. He bad not got th at far yet. There
might be e De mporate present who did
not _knew' MV, Hickman as 'well as he did,
and be begged these .gentlemen bot to matte
the Islm. .11e would not disease the resolutions.
They ratified the nominations of Dauglaa and John
son. ana endorsed the primspies of:the Hiltippero
platform. A sheet published In West Chester sta
ted that he bad gone to the Harrisburg Douglas
Convention, end that he 'was asb-med of having
done so. He had •one to Harrisburg. and be wee
proud of it. If his eouree must be referred to, be
hoped that that sheet would make an etrirt to
keep noon the strict line cf truth - Ha went to
litrrisborg to stand by• the regular Demooratto
nomituvions of Douglas and Johnson. and to
notinetyat all hazards. the baseness •of a fusion
ticket. If the Breektnridge men were really
core to the principled they avow, they , ought to feel
themselves dishonored by begging and Imploring a
fusion with those who a/mound° them and snit upon
their platform and their disunion Pentanes, Ile
was for a fight—for a straight-out tight. He would
uprose fusion to the bitter end
The resolutions were then adopted' IMii . great
applanse,`and no farther business being brought
before the meeting, • motion to adjourn was
carried. • •
' The onunty meeting of the RepubPoets sawn
bled et Rortioulturel Hail et hell put one o'clock
P. M., and Washington Townsend, tog , wassailed
to the chair, assisted by the following subordinate
Vic* Prcoidenfa—B. P Needles Jna B Darling
ton, Robt. L. McLellan, and Jacob Mamma.
Searetirlos—Lovl °barbsltspr, iYir. Capron
and E. L. Chrisman
Dr. F. Tpylor, es ottairman of the Business Com
mittee., reported s series of resolutions strongly
endnrelog the (Moor) platform. end , commending
the coarse of Ron John Illoktesn
report was adopted Inviting Delaware county
to unite with Oheater in electing delegates to
DI/strict Convention gsr 1301X0D9H114 . o.wildates tor
Congress, State Soontli, nrid District Judge, and
abolishing the presont contents stsstem.
Addresses were delivered by several distinguish,'
ad Republicans, and mush enthusiasm via Also.
tested for the jtepyhlioop ticket
Tho Brooktnthiga and Dap Mannino lsts met at
the county onurt house et two o'clock P. U. Thy
organised by very properly placing in the chair,
Dr. E 0 Evens, one of the Northern delegates to
the Democratic Oonventino at Charleston, ram ee•
ceded. El Q Kick end Wm Ralston were elected
Pisa Presidents, and Major Gen. John Hodson, and
Dr Wm. E. fAlttl,,gooretcrics. Dr. Frans, upon
taking the °heir returned hie tbenke for the boner
conferral anon bins, and attempted to give a bls.
tory ofltbe Democracy, it. (Mils and eneetenree.
During the absenoe of the Committee on Regain-
Clone, JAI) IL !Winton was celled linen to Address
the meeting. Mr. Brinton regretted the divisions
yf the party, and agreed with Mr iluabanen. that
there was no cum regularly nominated at Balti
more, for President, And urged that the Presiden
tial question should be ignored until after the Oo
toher elootton, and that all the energies of the
party should be concentrated to elect Poster (tr
Governor. The whole affair looked like n.rattak
rather than a real, deliberate meeting. Instead
adrilating the doctrines and the draigns
of their leaden., Yancey and Hetet, Breclantidge
and Lani, they ignored them altogetber—forgot
slavery, Intervention, accession, and disunion, and
exhausted themselves upon appeals for fusion,
which, so far as Cheater county is concerned, is
like a child crying for the moon,
TUE New Orleans Bulletin, of the filth inst.,
says that Mr. Fleury, one of th e survivors of the
steamer Motto, which vessel vat sunk by a coin.
Dion at sea, evrerel yeartf aim was expected in that
eitx on Ilharsday ink Mr Fleury was well known
as 'having kent the grocery store at the corner of
Orleans and Robertson streets, New Orleans, where
his wife now resides. She married Sir Fleury's
sbief clerk, Mr. Weber, and has had three children
Isy him. Iler two children by Ur. P—a daughter
of 17 and a eon of 15—are now living with her
Last Saturday she received the Bret intimation of
the startling news of her husband's return, after
an absence of five and a half years, in a letter from
him. dated at New York. A lady friend, to whom
;be showed the letter, reports the substance of it
to be that Fleury. and pre other survivors of the
Arctic, were picked up from fragments of the
wreck by a whaler, which kept on her long voy
age. This ship was sank, and fifteen of those on
board saved themselves upon an island, from which
they were token by another whaler, which was
just commenoing her cruise, anti which only ro-
I turned to New Voris a week or two no,
AT the late American Scientific Conven•
Oen, Professor John LeOonto read a paper on the
phenomena presented by the " Silver spring " in
Marion county, Florida. Although the optical
phenomena of this spring bad been greatly crag.
gerated, yet he found, on paying it a stet last De
cember, that it was sufflaiently wonderful. While
lt wag reported to be two hundred feet deep,
careful measurement 'showed it to bounty thirty
foot. Oa a clear and calm day the view horn the
aide of a boat le beautiful beyond derotiption.
Every feature of the bott , ta ig ea clear aa if there
wan no water aborts It, but only the °leer air.
Irdtauf ie thickly eovared with luxurious y ege hm e
growth, developed by the la•gc amount of sunlight
wbioh penetrate; there °Meets beneath the surface
of t h e miter, vle led obliquely, appear surrounded
by prismatic hues fl'ho beholder eeeme to he look.
ing down from tome high point upon a truly fatty
lifotannat, has set the example, baying
made a email contribution for the aid of the Wilt
ing people of Syria. which they promise to inereses,
One gentleman of New York bee contributed $lOO.
Tw9 Vgrs.
— The Mstleashneet4*efiaelds943l4 alls4altinialt
e xtrtmeTY Pletek4idtiPOl#POodiPcOkirsell b*:,
fore the good pecee, C if, '
4v7atipt., Vel:
clashing has k"pkyeryinief a stn4e,lie 14 , i, alti.
more, evidently profiling 0 the 'elteet4l4l M 4lO
or hie oolleaguis.'" - At' 11616411,"1ate=1 lint ,
ler made at eddies" letieh le IhWeci
J , Twesty-avii , - hundred' l piontd-Clasenlitidd" la
Huntington Hilt, to-Uwe% .on:FrideypreeiggS4o.
hear the pf Mined sd4ffill iseca IlleaektAß
ilo condemned' the "expulsion Of lfr. ATOM ritt
the aptmentlPM .iSt BIASSOteI49IS4 .iittiosigatf
•torms, antilttogi ,Pittattd ~t o 41 : 4 U) 1 1 . 10 j il t - Pq sl '
,gia" , ,politiesi career, The renter , !net • Inks
golog about the`bantiliiiiiellig4elteitaeloib m .'
self; that hearse &kin* wittritheree tery , beantifill
and Aosoui,Ttiakelk,lA4y an th*, olt laPPneolla
mat by oriels from the .oiclivA.o ...Pet Par pone.
Geasral Betthii'ielepiotdecUthilitliiiritiVerii.tiff UNW6
ro, and then turned to a dismission of ex-Goverobe
Johnson'/tar eet}, RA
L .6opCiollOg ;Oat of Reikotil
Butler's a idiom' e fteirteittly fOetruptrd b,) ,
disorder in tiSi f eionitice: buts is fideniniSilidiglgod
US keep flue spier band4').. ;11 :1 ! 7,^11:7;r37,11.)1.;11 .1
0"1814111))YAI 04444kgr4a.00#4,VR0N4
specimen Of, i royal
...usorls ylf ITN o9ifirsol 9 t,l,
the Irani litiebini: Th'us im;v thejlpyttals ; ,
Sire." aid ihis - Veiddimit of Tiai Itrei' lee 4. li,-'
am of Pr, te're la *l3rliesteli-Lit Initheadielg Men'
gent, and liaPcMtantird7+l44ol,llllC,bisailli
the *dares of thektypagr,erlp. . %Vitt.
to present 'tit 'dupe?, tfi e a - sai-'
settee around lb. tkeensWf .1 1 1refibilet 'lig
given I)lll l o •lndrfi*Mtb-Nl4 strietWiS
i :a t lf ,tl ,7,tt..ife i idiftillltorif7X
!itirmeltaitimea..moilismiku r Es.lMP
SR SI ISSY; 14 mi g lnilpiß Of
run %ran thi ,ralti f cm Camel Fs. , i
~.... . - .
Prina4 llll 74 l Mallial 1111
goupopkwAtkibigt, sad, Iwo, poem
, IP itiAl4*r,
sOsetstm ." • r •
' R•tf '
" "Oda"avenisg.
1 , 11,1644 WI/MA le'
1 0 4 //04***Wiiiiiiitibillat'
WWI Milidlikowiiic soripapbei(da
cekviiips,.imirearNhle 1111 r Mins milvb
A1N1144104 rgelmtqTe!..e-p,(l , ;
AAP*. ir libliert*Vaeir 1441400.14
* l t) 4 4 ,, PPPPr a ne r r.
6 1. 1 1° s ?‘ 91.1. M Iya1 ya
40 ,_ _l. s t 1
A u no , 7
. -
So win
or weal
tonfly bay:
he intends
bjr atilt "
P• 1 8•4 •
of his poll .1
have been
la ,the
t ottest t.
speaketh yittrna o . y : a.rohn Meni',
and Andy again Slitrinienti taililk' WIW I '
owls frau oia ;viticiore iiimif, fir # ciatifili tgir6
ii with di anifilliosin bebelerfspitakingAreithir
this sffiletion tor weld riot th erdref Ineitioggnier ,
put in the ring, and Gaya to do so • woold•be mad
nen " i -, ! , ••:, , - ; f :r. - : ,•- • ,
~ •—There' is a strange rumor frosothngeptikrdir#,
James 8. iliangiter, ol,Atlants., (tenth th e, ,fin
whose name has i teomMe r ; fainlittr apron gh the,
"Starlet t.,etter'"' of 'Mr . laim . ?ey., committed ;ref , :
cide on Wedmentiy`tir fait ear 'b,Y to linefi
1• • " ,II ' I .1. ~ .f..1.. f..1. .ili 111 , :r
—The straws are blowing to the titesetton Of the
wind ! The Warren (Ohio) Dessosicti, iltnrnisrlya'
Breekin4gepaper, - has, changed UMW and t,
now for T
_.„,„a derstnnd that Clutroiy•the. Srlietsluml ,
thrown fr mh is carriage , and toetelned a fraothre
of two orthree ribs, one (lei lest week. the seel ;
•deat ortot#re'd .. on 'the bank 'of the Nerd' river,
Above New Tirik; where he has a'itfila lti eotiroi r of
erection. 1 ,•' '',',' ' , !, - ;el"' '.'i , , I
—Now anti then we tisk gOid Wag on tie Pert 1
of the English Ministry to ladles and 'gentlemen of
literary persuasion. A paper says :
" We obterve In the returns of the British oivil•
lilt pensions for the past year. that the sister of
the tats r. D Lardner receives SIWO, and ; Idlall
Julia Pardee $5OO, In eonaldeoratlou: for menthes
lto' the Moisture of the nation , "_,_,4
, — Th e union ladies of Atte-inte,Sipr, of Kepley*, 1
ere Moa Ball end Bverett' printed ' oath* lam- '1
• vet strin g".. I
'-;We bear a attingernmolr to the dial that the
• itopnblioth Oldies West ire lialiing - pfetriree of Abe l
' lZfoitoin ' , their benne! •strlomt, , di' an elfeet` to 1
their sisters of - Kent:belly! • tthatreste heighten the
effect of beauty, '• . • •.
' —"How will Alabama go ?" is a questionless:we
asked by clorr,eepopdenis almost over, dal, says itte,
Wm& i'F.,';urstrel.
„Why,, that*, is no more (Wahl,
about Alabama ' going for, .bouglas and Johnsen': s ,
than there li 'of 'the eirsition hiking it/ire.' in' '
inn th ere wire '78,39)' votes 'east ?OF Preildent,l
48 730 for ,Thiohanali aid 128,58 - for Fillizibre. ' As 1
the iodisetlosir • ire now, Douglas-will
58;000, Bell 29,009, Breekleridge , shout 'l7',ooo'—:
Awn/. t , : • : ,
—The Louisville Jeurn4l, oommenilug upon the
result of rille Jcenineley election,- stye that, 4 , poll- .
11001 1 1, Mq B,Feekluellicl as dud, u be be
befirelisa i lioc4, and bid not
to the Ark' ' ' ' '
—Jabs Denioarit, to sleeted' 'doceikifiii
- or.Rorth Patellae laY • 'li!e*rity'ar 'stoat We
thousari.‘: This le sisDemeeratle ioai of titer' twelve
thousand }ate" since 1858, ' •
—Judge Bigelow will probably be tha /wormer
of Chief J,nettoe thaw, of hfaarsabatetta. He is
popular With the bar, and blamed with a vigorous
odlotal Wind. ,
—.The SOY. R. fi. Seeley, redently chaplain of
the American Okapi, in Parts; was, installed as
psstor of tka na* North Ohnicdi, in Ilitierhlll, on
Wednerdiy. ' ," •
—Governor Banks,• of Malemehnsette, , teoessty
entertaintd a party of Louisianians who visited
the State ;Home at Boston with }densest tact and
grade. They expressed :thenteelves surprised at
the untisti curtsey and oonsideration extended
towards t em.,. • -
. ,
—The Iriekstinrg (Mlss ) Witig, of the 28th tat.,
save " e learn that th e, Evening Cstizsn, of
this city, cwhlabhas eSpentsed the cause of Breoki n.
ridge, Intends reptidlitiOg ' the Meeession tiok et;
and will }ooh eemb ohnt ibr'Dongqii miliA'Abitson "
—Tom flood; - diet , seeking btiaty'lisiattawal rat
Coblontq dreisist fivitlan.oolonod twits: Olty , blifil
panteloono, sod roots of silk' patobwork, thought
they must be • edliore,.-ethere they , mew e d t o have
clothed themselves in all itte " misoallaneous are.
ales" they could gauger.
—The Itiobniond ,
• insists that Douglas
Democrats Citit l intmhisr the . suiverters Of Brecittn•
riego in Otat in:ii'Liale" the irepouderauce
constantl inoreirditte" ."' '
—The iVtokshuti tvaFQ rnsdarataisds the exL
Squalor fioula bassist' ntptett sit hrettitionio deliver
an addrers in • that city in favor of Douglas and
Johnsen.' - • • 1
—OlarOn4b, J. Yrentloe,. 1!e14n4 , son of Garage
D. Prentice *fibs Louisvi ll e Jou rnal, wae married
at 'he Ainerio'an Legation in Parte, on the 14th of
July lase, to !ilAemoleelle AmMe, second daughter
of If enrl , de Falkenstein, of streaboneg.—,Svoi r
ern Yaw.'
—" T4a Dirooomtio pirty," - kt the Yarioey;
bridgere call' themeolves, tall have to prcieurca
search warrant trifled:the wheresboute of Its Mem
here. There was a Ilibpooollll tamed for them tact
Monday, but the return was non est tnventus.—
Lortinille Journal,
Terrible Fight Among the Indiana in
the West.
(From the Topeka (KonseurtMeectrd. Aut. 4.1 • ,
Sire learn from Mr _Davidson, of Ladbawls, that
a painful rumor wee brought ha that. piece on §atar
day last: by a telurned PikeliiPisekerc , Of a severe
b l
Indian ght,antsit thrbe weeks Kinds, ma the Bola
mon, a nßape a hundred, mile i saLhove p
fprt ay, in
whieh bout three hundred Patmtatumteo and
Delavrares'w4e killed' The itifettoabl'asys he
passed/ireetly ibrougil e lse scene of thailttift—rthet
the des were all !cal ~ and !opposed the, hiblr
party to have beau C eyennes, An'ipithoes, Ae.
who were known ha laser .bota; in , that' 'Wait;
at that , time, ; nitt,, neuerdered ,Tudiani are app;
roved tdbe e party of foam three orfbuy , hen.
dyed Pottowatomies, balf,breedi,s'end•Delawarett,'
that went from this vklaitY a Acerb titempreet
ova to :the,,tutcharld , battle...for,. We. ,yrpese
of bunting buffalo. Among "them were casco ;
Le Flumbean , Beat:Wen; Ogee, Derling,:an sere.'
ral other prominent, Indians, well buOwn Lin this
vicinity, who, apoompanied, the eapadiqop,for, the
sake of the excitement 'and pleasttre which it
the fight ,was witnessed by a (Mollie 1/1 PM , "
who were at the time hnhling buffalo, and W 11.3 de
scribed by them as being a fearful some. • The
' combatants numbered. some .tbortsands: , woe all
I mounted, and kepi eonatantly eirciilsg,l l l 4 g API
in theft saddles, and tiring over the r horses
necks as they approached the enemy. - The fight
lasted two hours. Quite gs .nntaber meie.kitleo—
their informants did not know lifistptienand at
the end of that time the, Pawnees broke, and ran
with the Cheyennes after timid,' -, '•:- ,• r'
:.' , '
In addition tq the abo,ve inferreatiorkMr,,R.•iat
forms us that great excitgmentstevalls throughout
the frontier settlement! , en' aceontir of Indian de
predations—that. ralusY,Arthitis'ibact heart, killed;
atm that he root y:tattyfittoiliar op their.way, to the
larger settlements, carrying with them their entire
I howehold goods, having abandoned their homes;
1 their cropiyand 417,1,0111 g they could not early
away- i c'etripaniert tr!tre heingintade pp at Matt
batten, Jitnetion f eity, &a., for puree t% and ehee
tie ng thedeasild riAtans, who have never'before
pressed the settlementesso 0100 RP npv. ,ithrhofT,d
that the commandants et
,Cse forta,will take this to
hand immediately The settlement of the country
on the, Renubilean and &darnels -Forks bed, been
rapidly pregressieg, t hie ,seirson,smittliese distarb.
aooes, unless speedily checked, will prove very
serious in their effeets upon the'oonntry. ,
Messrs. La-Flornbesu and others 'Token of above
have sinee been ttemd,,frotp,all safe. ,Tha rumor
of a tight 18 confirmed. but no particulars received.
Lc Courtier: du Canada states dial walm. ,
menu bed of m.t This of the finest tit/tatty bee been
discovered at Et Anna des Meats, tun hunclild
and eisty-four miles below Quebeo, - in the moonlit
of Gaspe. A mine of chrome bee s also been found
in tbo semo vicinity. Thle tcfeiv'soitie of snow,"
u Louie XIV. eattSd thia colony, seems &tattoo," to
be one at the richest minetel regions on the face of
the glob*.
L ess "Wir331..? ribs to seat to 11,ilealbsts ti
(W'r 1131=11. in advance.) at. r... 92.04
iniree(Copt33, " ri 3
4 7 i7 f •-•
aim ' " ( Co on••dirmilY4o.oo
.2ftealty. Onrisspr over" C co solism
TftitifoThi "ID load $e
is tlik 66 1 4'4 Natttr.tsoftheCab. •
see ntimiii b sot as 44•1114 - fet
Win r 9: _ • •
tbriertiaiiitia Moutkin eastifaelhandikamidl
'loan :.:4 70 : •
14. 01,,.12W,NE,Eukr, -NEVpis . " • ' I
, A 7.7417 :days since a easeturriMdieletlia the
ntetorY Of am'Obud apenolme enrioneteasti :tact
Casein Meniplitsiel., A win esatedsPie
-6tri,:ik.Dngao, _who fel% actes,tinit kale's' today
4swiloal treatment at the oily lagssital; Jaftfiutt in
whit:ion and -went to a noigiebirtinebeess, wbeti
ins Pelle nnei sor saw' and wont tote rusecie Ile
'kult 4 iiiitmlebar.s4Aa9iositis leg nom a sh i i ii .,
with a stoical 4,1110114,044 Mg Or, :atop/441e
dScririsfsfe to parn,.. * be_mtuski Nicked,
, Assaftker
of swills ankle.- 'when daiwemo sown ' 4 l
Bripstirds.: NW was stlll itsailng byllicrolaila , '
steed finale& bratibeati,:ostodiecoopthe ,
' Wired leo„ the Aar, .. , d l ll
A .___ . ._ SUI.
. h ° 4 '!'".,_ 4 " -
p or tipp of tteskizt. Is ga 7- IN„Fga Wits,. `.""
mcotlellobtfal peatarer,knoinc.
~ , ~,
' Tin Boaturt .hook-traide*es,:arw 4 ,01 ' , NW: ..
itimat'patigaetb4 fathe'oesfers: 'At a favai et`dit
chtide.: at tbe bensti of Krtietealid.itiiisiatillieller:
44 +AM*. of intireon*aansbliblved. Who iiisitma
, CO pill/WO lawns ript og/infeef , Clcopaptegjpeopoc
oridish on Daniel ,WOrtili: ~11, ra vii o Z
rordlisfy document. -13eardon WS di
,production of ifinteheate. tafe 'ln " fitst
whfoh le as issiefulahie,alo ebnetair or bra.
Thikitade, who , are. yuwasecteo :lame t*coal kiwi
limiting. maid not.daciph lu 4 osidittospi. ?: -r
1 I 'At' SL 4 1 1 1 ' 3 04' WadaiadATlVlNOßtialif
l• a little boy itwo,lsSin .91 1 10,.kisaisAndrsx CFA:
ttingilitta, 101110 so w e pt - up iin - af:ifiar itil
fikta"Biddlel 'in Met if A( pla• 'I.
iiimee, was a by io tbfettesemelnigilleaf
1 :41 , r- ,Tbe MI baralm-ismara marilakimaataahar
aisle out. antral, *dot etarlpetrofiawi n apes
Wag pa ed. ,turned, fa, tblso i latvalit a k
. 'wok. tire bird 'bp fhb - Illadleld r , ,
. nrii, sltill . :.
I. tbioc,
I ;;"'lsii ttellab6l.9;feeite •
30;0;1 A te* Ate* 44, Ira& lIWONIMIIb iiiilt: Prktto
"anitervill, Amhara sowitby. 4 1 *.ffeltelyitii hill
t ,
&sei ozbliv
sm loily noise wookthy ismrdjog e
Wt. leldi Nair MS . • .- .-
Woos Wes"goat, f.
elaslet, -hal slogs *OW repo*: ! 1, •••
Vinesteno ; lbstiltis abansdat Mak NlMAllmfanh,
toi - dtaisetai. lb bathes thick.
- • entail' MAMMA' .tew , • . 'l : 1 4 2 9111 ' )_, :
IDOmiserat 'swage • hap
mas a
Ihhaci the rim qg th e
We *bleb if '
1 lolia , lalbe lea wellaafgestegiestv , " -
I11111)Atted. dove 11•111 a tie, ftedillesfiloried PIP -
17: n 'S l4 . o 3l4fr is #ol ll o4ll,llolll±ok. ,
• Ts 8 4TOse # 0 5W5.4444 = -
i t try ,. alAg'sgt iz
iloigtala ti f f isii iti e4 Figgs ,
.tiopyiap7 in
t t e r: .-811friffaiii
b yli et lrsd n 7 -. Dena,., alli rnaaait Vn inle I ghp,
, risilmcnd w#Atltql!fal , 4 ll2 l l 2o4 l o4ltri ac *:,&-
.‘"AlltsaT PrOtai 9 ,,,, W1NLT---**/ 4011 IV
w e . fitesinliattenry. residing hi Tut masts, lad ,
dfana, thrashed aro Aare of wkest„ eV* era-
4.'401 ehttf-faiti lewlabi ibiC*Argesayoidadblelie
the tea. Pee. ktf lb inefolletiottiatin lbsyqmproy
bald near hiallonvaiese , trodoertieb,gielliei aims
tioa over fOrtf Airii i i**Ariitimirtit as It , ii
" v inifiltript, the great hal-Maldng towttbOASlL.
, nitietiont, has neq,boilfemealian4efteM
•ift Oa hating vast, Iltii gaiiippi _
made =Dent to l'hait noll 'or 3
jaitily, or anent wittstli is . !T:3iiiiS 'tilt ellizbete
aside. Mir** husimeapemene esteingiejtoils _
As leo*, kid47Sanalma , l l lo7l- ,i .1-, - ',.i...0 i
if Pa-lt a rtiqfp- 2 . l, 7grigitit Ateratbiligia
atr:of Fr e,undsr Lents Kaselece, east way
&Worth' 1 7. Alt ' oil , Vim thirreseiblievjea-
meat, 0 about resoffeg Ihr Mow to gyiia-ec
to "in the iletetbeaese than Ilbsiwithis. -
bort 'baler. is (bat this is daabtfal) that aye
Pao* baa rates* asp pit Frolneklittethp.
essei •
ROPE- aMiineri ?.Xmas,.-A,fellinarla Whoa.
let advertises ea walk acmes tho streoa a let*
appended. seventy-4v feet' above tbeWsit. He
has recently performed wane very worieefel Ants
lea ths tight rope, and promedeselSietrigwer Itkmdba
beers long,, ; r 1.• •,, 1.. , • . ~ r , ,17 .•,;; •.
Trrs fourth great exhibition aciaxaes will
take place at llempAen Path, SPricoteldjitspe.,.
an the ail!, 56, 6th, said 7th days or, Esptazober.
aux, p4sdaikow oi thagnitod States. is inip
powid toiatealai! A.- V WU* 0 1 *Ai two atilnome,
"doeralet to the eeraras Ilew, reireelc_ „ •
'fns ijnibij,' ire Ciwapeny of " Laniailtor;
Pi., wilt peel:maid their centennial - amiterreary
thin week. , - • .; •
Tax pear amp Of Emblem Nassaahrubaet. win
be oseelient. Tlso bow of I tNi"versl *Are h•
rfotios ore loodo&With croft. ,
• Tzrie tat-payetii Of NV014981/4 xi a pantie meeting,' bard ithiaittieolay "rwidivild to point/we
tbe Comma Cowl) kw wit,* lapeaglasi . •
. Tea : amber .91'
.egolgeaatsitlisk imam a:-
rived at tbesort of,,lraw ,York mince Jemeam
68,723. ' ' •
asx.traawf sire:* -beteitteial ieee fh
Obit:lo44e, S. 0., OR 1.60161 ._ *24014 laaltkawa.
Tamar& were only Lalrty-ilet. -Atm& in
etkalleeteo, 8. 0-, dl:.lwonky
LEGAL 11f,V.E.LiaGtfcg,
. .
. QuAnsz Sits...wtoke-:-Nlaage LtOlow.—The
" pewee cues"' were - taken ,up yes erday; tko
Grand Jory harloig noted spas s !mak! of KM
on Monday. - - - • . r
• floury Y. Efasogt,..Notu, appeared to. premaids
ths otos, of the - Celealonweelrw, I. tho. thsosos of
the District Attorney. Most of the witnesses for
the Commonwealth fattetto gnawer to their nausea,
and con-sevenitly w intents et Os Worms up for
ttiat sem scut )lasts 40.0t617111.
Charles Keller
pa ;;Aessistagatu_ ,y to ' s elmaprote -or
oos sitting. an &swan
_lnatnOr, urrou
Stroud. dontented to one week's barbecue:it,
as the attogood Us hue Is custody Ms. the I
of July.
John Lewis pleaded Frailty to # charge of steel
lag a cost. The accused WWI oeught fa the act of
walking or with the Goat from
M m, the door ' of a cloth
lag More. Seatsaeed to fear months the meaty
pew s ,
•'; Charles Young waa *Urged with leergiary.,. Mr.
McDevitt; the, prosecutor, .all abet. -three
o'clock on the la =lava thel6ll or,Jcily litit le •
was aroused by hearing a :nolecould - histbill saw
the prisoner in Ids bed
f ooin. with" a light
lends. Mr. McDevitt limped cat of bed sod S
tamp ted to take Vold of theprisoner. who war weft
known to bit, hut gen down stabs At lbw
foot of the stairs two other _wen were atitisurk,
sod when they Agar& the oats', of the sougle he.
tween Young ancLeteDeritit.they cried sot "SKr&
bita down stein." Alms retreated
end roused the Ammar, sad then sue lit, edelms
out of the window. -Young Was followed aim% at
rested. The property takealtow Mr. MoDeritt
Consisted of et, gold chain, worth . /Xs 50d... 1 91 of
,sdatlaing. An entrance Was_iftented -by burettes
open the, shutter., An usly-looking bowie-Ulm
was left to the . hens" by the bunters. Tows is
well brain to,,the,ipelka, baring. been arrested
several times In the scares of the put. fewears.
The jury rendered _4 verdict of guilty,aad Judge
Ludlow sentenced him to three years in the Best
. ern Penitentiary.
, John Mellor ey tee acquitted of a charge of lar
ceny. Oa soother bll4 he wu convicted and fen
tended to. three'esoathe
George Green, i colorej bop about Mien years
of ate, AtISIVA, with COMiatliZlK as antatilt
and battery, with Intent to kill. Dr. Geo W, Gra
ham The prisonerxes an Prevent #em
the 1101180 Of Range: and the peeler meted that
labile 13 g asleep tabed•inih' arse
instilled by Grim, who bad. in his bander hatchet
and a bresklast knife. Will the hatchet Greet
knocked him sennelets . How lorg,liit nantaweinn
Ilia state heti:milk eel tell. bet iqhea he recoyeeedi
he found Green atilt at his bedside, engaged in trot
ting. awarat bit (the Dootor* faceand throat. .The
inflicted no injury, ItOwever, Icith the knife, ex*
oopt that he cot the tinter of .tbe Doctor,,
The only reuse the Boater 4.34114 leseigiv for the
attack was that he had whipped, the boy for Dila
bib &aloe. ,
. .
The jury convicted, end a seniericti of eighteen
months in the Eastern Penitentiary was laspescd.
Andrew J. Croremls was oJo rioted of • eh ergs
Of beating his eats. Aftsv the conviction '
the wife
Interceded In behalf of her httetutd, and the eourt
!sentenced him to ten days: tutorial:mane.
Thomas 'Kerr was convicted of the larceny of •
pushcart. Sentenced to three mouths-,
S sun Devine was charged with the...Lamm! of a
dress and a lady's sa e .. The articles wire in the
este of a boy, who was carrpin them home when
the accused metdbe led, and represented that she.
was the Lady for whom they were intended. She
*rid ascertained the name of the lady the articles
belonged to. and then asserted that she was • 1f .
Wright all the world over."
ft was trident from the• Manner al the action&
Wit she wad inane, and the offense of larceny not
lotting made aut , the judge directed verdiot of nor
RlintY to be venders& and tor.-windd thee take
!measures to keep Susan out of harm hereafter.
Charles Conies -Ices convicted of • oharge of
Math:lons mischief. Sentenced to thirty days.
John Cahill and Jolty UoTeggert, atoned
with riot. The affair took Veneta an eating saloon
on Market street. near Eleventh, between ,twelve
and one o'c/ook. le the morning. Bottle*, haw,
~,pd Jere were thrown at the proprietor and ettend•
ant. Five persons ware engaged, anti the defence
In this ease was that the 'accused on trial had not
pert In the riot. McTeggart proved a good obarno
ter. Jury nut.
Thomas W. Hogan was charged with the lane
.lll9 of a earl of a doile newspaper. 'The accused
is thit'individeal whose arrest was erected a week
or two ego while In the act of purloining newspa
pers. The accused would follow the carrier, and
take the papers left at the s ores in the neighbor
hood of Fourth And Market streets.
The explanation made by Hogan b. the jury was
th t st, having wanton to go to Norristown that
morning, be took one paper in order to 22,.."estain
the hour for starting. The officer, however; pro
ducted come half a dosen patter", which be testified
he found upon the person of the 'owed.
Thb jury rendered , a verdict of platy, and a
Sentence of three rnontha in the county perm RIO
John Mahoney. whoa, acqnlital of a Charge of
lavoeny to noticed above, pleaded guilty 00 another
hill. , The eactused„whis is tenor, neglected to
return materials gives him 15 wake up into cloth
ing but ravened. them. It uems that, the family
of tho'defendant wan anfferingifor fond, and ho
pawned the ;mode., intending to redeem them after
wa, ch. Be has been2.o
in prison since the, .1 of
Jone'lltet., and be wee tentenced tc, three tooLths,
dating from the 20th
!'Rory O'More" pleaded guilty to * chi'ga
steeling 21 pounds of flour. Rory asserted that be
'had b•ett in the 1.1 S., army , for 18 yearn and :2
months, end had served his country in Mexico.
Ho judged be must have been drunk when he took
tbe four, as he found bitpbead nut the lemming
after. lin also infermed.the.cOurt that he had
,iu the insane asylum twice. Judge Ludlow
wee Of ate opinion that he would be there 'rein,
unless he avoided liquor, He was seeteeen4 to E
months, dating from the 225 of Suns, the date otT
the committal to prison
. 'Napoleon Oempain. alias "Young 400, wee
charged with attempting to pick the pocket of Mr.
Janos 'lurk. .11u7 out.