FLUITtOI4 'lit lilts HNIDD —QII SstiudaY -Ovenbig es -gentlemen were elected officers of sthelPhilidifpbbilYittivitthloal Union, No - 1, - for the smolt 'year. • . President—William IL ffelferC -1 , Vies Praidebtat—JOliti'W ;'• Reeordim Seuretaryoseph Si. Wolff. - - , • linancid 84oritery-.-.11..ts , ; Taylor. Doorkeeper- , -Wifitanttleode: • ; •• Traosurer—JohiVoodrieb.. - ' 2 • Trustees—fro,. Id; .ounsing, M. O. Marti John F. Kelvj.., ~ _ Basinessfloritilitilia. Welsh, 'Rated Moan, Thomas Seeley,Thes.4.llempton, John L. Wes. ve,, Wfilleat Worland R. Foulke: ' 1 ; ' SliffeffffeillfMf vidual still. °outhouse to attracts lane .Idetee of public attention. On 'Saturday, 'meriting" a large crowd gathered in thi;-ileinity of- the - court of Quarter Ilesitions.'ituder Ole.linpronien that Col. Cross wohlt, Misidva his.Mintenoe, and the anxiety was great; to have • 'glees. at s e; - . Bat the gay er and gallant Colonel w.Wte ' • ease; the *Oral not bolds_ id,cOlo_d:' ;'lt" Is pro ble that, Judge Allison *ail Some Into court to-day, and pronounce the prisoner's doom. IMPROVDMIINT OF MIISIDAL FUND HALL The interkie of Nosiest Foal Mall undergoing extensive iittproimaint,,the main, ilken being in the hands of skilful" fresuder and -decorative painter, whose design is to give it a light and cheerful , *plummet., the prevailing - color being neutral blue - tint, and light baN er cream. The whole of .the decorative _Work oil -the walk and , . ceiling Is' to; befir the Bomar etyl•--that of the former being no disposed as to give greater height, apparently, to theeeiling. The Rail is to be ready for occupation by the first of Sepietitier.' . Tax ATTLEBORO, HiIIMOALI. -4 This enter prise is gointrapidly forward." The 'stock bas all been taken. The whole amount of stook Is $150,000. The route has not yet been definitely settled, _but , it Is thought the road will eonneet with the Palls^ delphle and Trenton Rallic'ed ht , Brldgewater, on' the west aide of the Meitunnony; thenee i p the meek to Hulmerville crossing' the ' creek - at the ' litter Orme and ; tease to Attleboro. From Bridgewater to Heimevilie very little gradi will be rcoultedi and it Limnappoe ; th at the ro ad will be completed in a few months, after it. ahall be cOmmenced. , Tag ; UNritn Suns Gorsontion ve. BLOOD'S Dian...yew-4a bjanetion will bit' ap- plied for daring the preeeat week, on behalf Of the Government to restrain the proprietors of lilood's Dispatch boa carrying letters through the streets of the oily. Tho proceedings will, be Instituted in the Uhited States Oiroutt Court, and the only ob stacle to tha'aPplleation at an early day has been the abuses of Judge Grier,. who is rusticating at the sea side. • fib fs expected in the city the, latter part of the week.' • Aconnorra —On Saturday, Bernard Mc- Elroy, while paidng Carpenter street, near Seven teenth, fill and broke ,one of his legs. Ile was taken to the hospital. John MoNalty fell from a furniture oar at Seoond and Beaveratreets, on haturday evening, and frac tured his skull, besides receiving other injuries. lie was taltmuto his residenee in Frankford. Dlsatitiiti Domino/ Oa Saturday, Annie Button, eighteen 'sari, old; was • arrested upon the Obirge„ot Jobbing the louse of a milk. Man, residing in Franklin street, pear Fattish, Where she had been -retinal, empioyed. About two weeks ego she left the house or this milkman, and on Thursday evening • last shersturned to the house, broke open a trunk, and book from it $l7O - was trued to : a house in Fayette street, end $B4 of the stolen . money, recovered. Annie wee eommitted to answer. • - DEATH OF W JILL-KNOWN OVUM Mr. Richard Dollard, a well-knoww. dealer in wigs, tonpees,"do., in Ohestent street, ewe Fifth, died on Driday,'ln the 65th year of his age. The establiehment of the demisted was largely patron ised by the devotee" of ,fesition, and thaw who were so unfortunate ea to lose their hair,"and was well known ihreughout the Dated States. , BiIOVAL OH THH RAILWAY TRAHICS LANDING Avenns..-4he railway, tracks on Land lag •avenue, above • Fairinount, where the tars of the Green and -- Coatesatuset passenger railway formerly etoodoire being removed, with-the ex °option of one, and the - street Is beintripived. The tracks in the new ear house on Costae street. have been laid, and tie ears will stand there hereafter instead of oullindispventie: Arne Ingo Etruntm.- 7 4 deitinute;named William Baribigenie, aged -.-tweety-eight year,, attempted to commit inlaid. yesterday afternoon, by Tamping in timebehtlylkill at Arehitnietwhart. Be was rescued by' the officers aid taken to the Ninth-ward station-honse..- Bawl; tits • Atut.—Joseph White, 'aged nineteen,. betide rigid arm .. traetared-yesterday, while wrestling with a boy, at Germantown raid and Thompson street; '.We was.edmittral to the Pemisylvitta notrplial: FINAXCIAL. AND COMMERCIAL. The Moiey. Markets, PittLAMPTITA, Ant 11, Lao.. Prices aresteadisrat Melina* Basra, with small sales, loecalstont 'an, in doubt' whether to trust to the large adman and appesest epward teideney in the New York market, or to prepare for Abe reaction looked for by the beam, who heys been mined by its postponement, but who still stores: to hold their faith in its !advent: The market-is stiffened or weakened :Molding as the impressions of the day lean to the bull or, heir view of the near' Aware, and with all the fluotnation the end of the week Ands pVces bat little changed front the q gots- Amur at ;recommencement; ' , . • la New 'York. according to the Ski»ies aid Cam= Inertial List, there has. been no greater' event" is the city. this week, thoMtlie mewed excitement at the ! Stook Exchange, People - mkt of town, as well ae par ties in " the - strisin—etaid, 'sober. itimAy-golim citi zens, as well as Pride:donel specalatom—would seem to be a 1 " hawing" or ... selling ," and week a time, all round, al we are now hiving, is - icaposly-to- be. land . leled—we are assured—in the memory , of-the oldest broker, in wont of " the board." Everybody, for the moment, is " dobbling,", or jest going to "-dabble,' and nobody, apturently. has any idea that the tide is going to remade anon, in obedience to. the some laws which now order its idviiime. .Sverybody Washing hay while the sun shiner ; but is the tan always to shine ? Capital lain excess of the demand for money for bad ness purposes, and prime paper is sonata after at hank rates. All the saxiiity to make their tends productive, however, fails to indium capitalists to run into rash purchases, and it net me ranee the height of the Peale ia 1857 has there been more rigid gonatinylnto- the oharaeter of osier offered for elate. - - The board. ofonanagers of-the Delimure Eivisen Cancel Comeany have declared a dividend of ten dol len; admire out - of the earnings of the past six months. The following are the - Warnings of the .North Penn sylvania Railroad, ' " , • ,For ine Mani! Wit Year,.... • • Increue .... : .. - 414,287 93 la th e first .......... ot Gat liar carting All. 90.1940 8946,938 - 04 For same tiine ..... "...Zara 11 AL'ilosipatoh from Memphis, Tenn., announces the Ware there of 11. - A: one b Co., 'cotton and own- • mission merchants, wftM kebiUtiee to, the assoanCof elno,roo. philadelphis lltticY Ezeitaige' Bale,. August 11. 1110 Riedirmo IT N. B. Brdenc6Ass.Bl4li Wslilt Ittodt - - YLIIST BOARD. . . . . H) Peon So. . ...---. OW ID Monia Chusid...... Sat 1301 liebtc Stlvoto bonds SI 10 f do 0. —.—....; A 7 CO 14 Poulos& de ~. 77 - , 13-: do, :...:.._'67_ SOO do • ~........;1* 17 IP •do - ...,......:,. la .1100 do ' " —Ad 77 3 Lettish Val R,.. Du Cllr-6e t::" At KO Redding A......1ki Iwo do .:01 . 41161013.6 id. do. low Or & ao.tts Ts 10 6 mato iinutii 1 le 180171664,.... - ..4 OKI .11-fd a Ild.rtrioota R. '4B 6:1 do 4. - .......... 6416fliat Read ing do 44 0.. Id do ..;.-. --. ' . 65$‘1 S .AirSit. MAID. 1! Bony Itbigt,k Philadelphia Markets. - drover 11—Evening. ,Idagaretusge lavabos!: quiet tO4 if. There is little of aa export fieroand•for ?lour, aid the rusamtgdull at erosions quioted mane ; standard insperfino. monad old Moak, is held at 1116.1403.1 WM, and strictly hash : ground 4, at SILMoLUM"W bid, withotti sales, except to the trade. at Wiese figures, and extra and Mos brands at from de 76 to eiSJO W bbl, according to brand and quality. Bye Flour and Con* Meal are also - outlet, with moil sales of the former at SI Ogg fr bbl ; the hitter Is bald at 1113.37.4 i for Penrisylviala Meal, sad ILO fr bbl far Brandt wins. Weaar.—There to tiot meet doing t the offerings are light sad the toartott dull. about 1,8 0 Nab& Dull' having :Weed horse, at Monte for good and prime redo. the leVer for dout4,eot.'sed-130•Illes for common white; VISA la aeons, and worth Melees, It. • eontinues Mundt at 100733, for nee or more abundant, and `beret. are twidineollfr shoat 1000 WOW, sold Mostly LUG f a r art ewe ellowAte store. trate are Wald,. with De alai of SOW basirete.netr Souther* at Sesallioi but tomtit. in-be Of Feed; we note salvo blidattnee at Oaf , spa—There I. notbia doing in gnerettrOn t and brat No. I re Weedy at Me er ton. • - Corron.—The market ei vaehenned, and a Windt bn new doing In the way crow. In Oactexatne and Peorretons there is little of no- V t W doom to-Joy• sad no (throats to note in file mar for either. r • - —Thew fit a - atradr , demand for Cliovirseel d tat he ;.• BMW awes are U Y trepoart( we N bar kelr"'• Of Tunny. shout SOO bu ls v. hen diserterd of at- 032 a babel. Derdiesto3 seed is esklins • R Ike Lel bushel. , mom nr VIEW. 110•110 Mil holds refine for Olio ems ; Ewes ia selling at its, dredge no, also hbda CITY ITEMS. Ilor The ERGO -- , ' - .. , .. A Tsui . Faille/it, PgOTOORAPIL—Ong of the oty weal, gapers, in notieing - the imminent milt. d it's of the revises Party for hoarder of Deeds, to be voted for at the esmint esetton. hastpaserd the follow ing &waved tribute to the well-knell') Mame man and worthy citizen whO is theieut named fir the ctn.', end irinoh r think will aid ought to be responded to by alt good °aliens who are &Moils of imrering the into seer of the City. Tiok•V and. above alb of baying the offi as filled by a oompstent and trustworthy °Meer. why, white di sohergingllndatles with those having bagmen is the department, will give general estisfeeition to the . budgets yeomen* aid tie profeshill, - , -, A. - E ft.,lltirteehtit ward. . , New 0 a illtL.Ed - ADAM i f We, bom - in Jeteey inifilWaki time iiimotlelY *Wm be one of the Delitegfigtat e c. nt bee been folly nettralised bye yesiditee in - Philadelphia mine 1881. He minded for several years tithe old district of North ern Bberties, - nos the Eleventh and Twelfth wards hfr. Mame' parents testified` him foritacriviner, and placed him in the ogles of an attortiey,where he had irate* opportunities to become famibar, loth the " row doers" add their cistern of be - sinew Desiring a widei field and preapect of more rapid adv , iieeinenti be ontied the breinessWarld, and from Hal to 1812 was antacid In the laistiase bolunesa as one of the firm of Adams& Knitllat; hi Harket meet. Being halve, and natirlig, he gladdens 4orkod his wee up to that Polk tion• hiring Pielsiessdittslitiand at t lenticnt to the ie - lateral of his •tiploy ,' 'Woofed many influential friendearound him. ",, ti all of felts he eessionoed the dryioods hunitteei ot-Pourth aid 404,,b1it for Ike lad seen yearn fist bassi tairegiblt known as keeping tie Froside Btoiwytt. the Owner of Eighth sad Arab ,atmetii, umbers - its C. Adisase de &Wei Mr. Adams' 'is menhir of tholloolotY'of Prisiotts,aa4 se 'a pool, nee auto swills its rinbitmifehOd igittatior4- His eerie , an norroldeamiash sad imildilled - tenths *haggle of his buinses inismie he, ihettddi be ieltedied by the People'i Convention for the important_ podtioleof leeorder of Deeds, to *Oh - *Mei: vo soiree; gad is beglig..„byr a very forandible array ofialroolat friends.-. Mr. Aimee political aolotsOnia Wori ottkaWhig-aoltail. wad; bi-: thou - % not eseidderedit *litigant; hi inle Ask edit. ) sod vim efe#fiirieriiiiii In the' bopoodloa Wall 3 'lad no' doubt, If somiiistaid,iroold, motto ot Yon - low* i smart from sob= of ograltillens who Ooldionlifida Oit neat when 11161114 by the asitattalo of WM. tail -iloat_ , tins lavolouar, a Wail visiting of Wattle trollor•-• Air . AdamS no a tom mania soarilialtalto;doprOOOkollrle,- : ',boon toosoratao wads for ,aityidoot esnedalezlin only efilehti mottles Wise, Oohed fltioate4467" al i4. he . rap *Owl WO oiln b• lila. Sr. Adams ass OW OAP ij ' 't ll * s iiiiiiiiiii do!' . • - seetion of our eity—Fifteenth ward—where, and Lei thli 'adholidagirothitietittk Ward. he his ridded over twelve rears.. Zdr. Adelina las „bean, highly • mieken of byibe meta or this eity,,,s4d . biii friend!' 'hre veryanguineof big nomination, and; with It, his taigniciant election. or Urn —We talk. of hignah"llfe ag bat how vaiimiely is that leaner 'perform:ad ,There aro those via corm' forth , girt, and shod, and matted, to walk on velvet lawn% and , smootlitinioie, where every gale is amended and ever, benne is tem. pored. Them are others who wale on the Alpine piths of We, igainst driving misery, and through stormy sor rows , over sharp deletion. ;intik with bare feet and naked breast; Jaded, mangled, sad ohilled ; whilst there are stilt others whose pathway lien between these two extremes, who preserve the imn tenor of their way, and buy, thiirminneritie at the "One Price" Fashionable of OR.CNVILLI STOKES, No. egr Chestnut street. • An appropiate and valuable GO is, presented to each punchiest of a Raiment. - . . if Orreini the Ledger; Philadelphia, October ; IL 1859 J • , A Ugaruz. Anixoif .-4' new and useful &Wolfe, galled lihroldinesTrspared else, ha been introduced to the notice of housekeepers. It is reliable and really ad hesive. and enables every housekeeptir to remelt fume taroand household ware withirat tremble, ea it is always ready for use. • , siil3.lolk4tW Yam LArsar Now York paper, of Friday, moused a bus: by ;titillating letter, 'which was - said to be the prodnotion of an English lady who eloped with her, husband'w footman. The writer gives her reason for .he 0001110 she punned. and, of course, 'eddies it all on omnipotent love.. In this country, when a Mr falls in love, it isdeemid sufficient, by way of ex planation of the motive: to 'eay that the ohheit of her affection: wore garments bide at the Brown•Brone Clothing nail of itocalin no., xis aid 606 • chestnut street. above Meth. SPEOIAI, NOTIOWEI. , 'Coimbra Roasio—One of .the_largest as. ammonia of BATHING ROSES in the aned Statee. for I.,adioa, .Gents, and Children, at SLOAN'S, 80 6 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at his store OA CAPE ISLAND, N. L - , , antl-3t* ALL ercormy not fad r. figment to read the adve fit of Prot - WOOD in to-day'a paper. CARD PRINTING, BUST AND CHIIAPPAT IN the Hits. at 34 South THIRD street. . cutomAit PRINTING, Deft eM Cheapest in the City. et 34 South THIRD street. BILL•HSAD MINTING, Bast srut Chestiest Ia the City. at 34 Rooth THIRD street. HAND-BILL TENTING, Beat and ()Leaned in the - City, at 34 Banat' THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other detorip ties of Prntting, of the meet inverter quality, at the most sesaonable sate', at RING WALT & BROWN'S. Broutere /holding. 34 South THIRD street. ISO " • MATINCI PaND—NATIoNAL SAMMY UMW Cownwt.-4ThaTtand by the abibi of Pianolvatim ' - RULLB. L Money st reosived every din and ui any amount large or gnu& 1. PM PEE GENT. interest is paid for =WY Sion Mill day it is Wit in S.' The money iialwiwe paid bank in GOLD whenever it le Galled for; and without notice. 4. Money receive° from Rues* ors. Administrators. Guerdidar, and other Trustees, in large or Gal gum* to remain a long or short period. I. The money received from Depositors is Invested iP keel Estate, Mortgage. Ground Rents, and other Am elass amprities. I. Woe open everyday—WALNUT BUHL within,' or rev TAW memo. Philaboletala fall Ou Pntoi OLOPRING OP THE LAME thimmib made is the best manner. a:preens for RE•' TAIL PALER. LOWEST selling mom mulled la Plain Figures. " All good, made to oraer warranted natio. thatory. Oar ONE-PRICE rim= tr Amway 'Ahmed to. ea we believe "this to be the mar mar trey of dealing All are thereby UMW &WI& = sf,IONEB & CO.. .: MARKET Ikon& - Bs A sra &into Ihnno—Nowniwßi Cosain Sloan atirffanselliarorre.—Depositit re aent in mug ant lama sannints, from' ail ohms of tbik reremssitYr and allows interest at the sits of PM PER =NT. Per &MU= - XOllO7 may be Arm bsoksoka without lora of W arm. • _ Otgoe open daily, from! until gn'elook, end on Nan di* -and Manning anal nine in the evening. Fred dent. FIRANILLIN FELL; Treasurer and georetery. ORAL M. MERLE ' Batumi - Du ihtax-rioor SAt ' aß.—A veil bins amoortment of SALAMANDERS for Nab at ter tatialia grim. Mo.'IMCMESTNUT et, PhilimieWit. ada4l eVANN a}'W►• Marisa) , bhaeocrLoys ValuttX araoyan, the oldest nid beat ronuidy known for Ex terminating RAMS ;ad • MICE.' COCKROACHES RUGS. ANTS, MUSIVITOER, FLEAS. MOTHS, OLIN WORllll.and GARDEN INSE.CTIL aT Pylempal Depot; 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. Bold by all Dreattbrie everrwbere. • msl6-am MARRIED. MARKLEY-.WELLINGTON —On June Ist, by Rev. Dr. Clay, Mr. John Markley to Miss Anne Wellingtoti. allot this eity. taIiMPLE9B-OAMPBELL—On the 9th instant, at Haddonfield.' N. J., the Rev Samuel W. Hal owed, Samuel enarpless, Jr., of Delaware county, rev, to Sarah Jane Campbell, of Phila. ASCHER" tiL O—HAEDI.--On the 6th instant. at WA hamburg, N. Y.. by Rev. - Mr hteins. Mr. •I heodore Agatterfeld, of Havre di Grano, to Miss Anne Eliza Hann. of Philadelphia. pYANS—KLIANFI —On the 9th instant, in Paschall villa, Pe., by Rev. Mr. Suydam. Mr. Jacob Evans of W it g° ll . t° l K I N 141.701 ` ,70..-I),TrA h tl; " l:6 * a dint. by %Rev. Wsidiinston German, ti. Wright Mansfield. formerly of Kent county, Md., to Kate M. Plogliueli formerly of Liverpool, England. WAILTON.—Of di other's. on the evening. or the Ilth indent, Oemhee Walton. infant daughter of Philip IL and Helen M. Judie*. - . . _ •i he friends of the family are invited, without further notiocto attend the interment, at Laurel Hill, on becond day, lath instant. Larnages will leave the house of 'len. M „thatios.s3l North eourth street, at 214 o'olook P. M. The ...era will leave lite house of her earece, in email use lens. sr. . RlitiDES.—on Friday even August 10., Mrs. Mary. Rhodes, relict of Christopher Rhodes, .Erni., of NNor wport. relatives and friend' of the family are invited to attenC_lter funeral.. from the residence of her san.in taw Navin B4oth, N 0.013 North Eleventh street; on fu;sday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. !New York:lid Newport papere please copy.) MILLEEL—On Fria+. evening. August 10, Ma met, wife of Andrew Miller. Funeral from her late residence. No. let South Fourth rreet, this I Monday) afternoon, silk. o'clock. to which the friends of the family are respectfully invited, With out further notice. Interment at Laurel HilL EIDWeRDC.—Onthe Nth instaut, Wzn. A. Edward., In this 39th year of his are. - The relatives and friends of the family are re• attested to attend hie fauerat, from the rem deuce of ; his father. tic. 1721 Walaut street. this (Monday) morning. at RI o'clock SE A ILL.—On tee Bth inst., Rev. William Neill; D. D., *l 7. ne i tneral services will 6e held on Monday, the nth. at II o'o.ock, In th e Sixth Presbyterian Church. The friend' of the family, and clergymen of all denomina tions are particularly invited to attend. It SMITH.—On the S ib instant, Mrs. Agnes Smith, wife of Jousieh Smith. Funeral from the resident's of her husband. 8. E. 'oonierotMonroe and Fifth streete,this (Monday) moren -1 Iltia l ifEtt. L —On the 10th instant, George Eon Max well. in the 29th year of his age.. Funeral this (Monday) miming, at irolook, from his mother's residence. Twenty. host street. below Aroh. • LAND.DOWN.—On' the 9th instant, Mrs. Sarah Landsdm.n. in the 734 Jeer of ner sae. - ' repaint services will tare_place at the Church of the Nativity, this (Monday) afternoon, at half path 3 o'clock. L.it.—On the 10th instanL Isabella Smith, wife of the hue Harper M. Les. of Mitslssippl, and daughier of Mrs. A. P.Akivett snd the late Thomae Lovett. 841sifiRSP.P.--On the 10th instant. Hannah Somerset, 'relict of the late Jgoobbornereet, in the 614 year of her e. from her late residence, No. 513 Buckley Week low eprnoe, on,Tuseday afternoon, Ausustlg, at 3 ook. •1101YfE6.—Osi the 15th instant, Mr. John Righter, in the 77thyear of his age. Federal from his late residepes, 1309 Brandywine stmt. above Thirteenth, this (Monday) morning, a! 9 o'clock. WHIP ON.—igi Camden, N .1,; on the 10th instant, Mal, infant daughter of Jaws and Caroline E. Mori son, aged 7 months. runenti from the residence of her parents. N 0.319 Federal street, this (Monday) morning,_.at o'clock . • DAVIS.—On the 10th ihstant, George wi Davos, In the 49th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. UST Market attest. this (Monday/ morning at 8 o'clock. 1381Sttit.—On the 10th instant: William F. Bei/or, aged 23 years. • 11190.1191 81 31,406 158 V'eneral from the residence of big parents. No. MO New *tree!, on Tuesday anenaoon, the litn instant, at 4 o 010014. Weekly Report of Interments, hiceimoii• in M. gilitA"ll°7l"' tA . pot 11,1860, to thi lithilitgligita from Me 4M n .r a ' -DISTAI2I, CI gl SIM/SRC F --- It !dun* -....' ..... -. 3 Struston on Brein.,,, 1 nbsees..-......... 1 Fever, Puerperal.- I Ap0p1exy....._..... 3 2 " Starlet . Aetna ...-.....-... 1 " Typhoid.-- th .Surne....„. .. .... I 1 Gangrene -....— Cancer of . ftesst.... 1, .2249/2111 ~.....- ......... I .. Uterus... 11 "recr.orrhage....... 1 " . Stomach. 2. Bonging Multi--. Ca5ua1tie5........... 3 ~, indetennuesion, Brain 1 Orono • . • ... = • Bronchi...- tlongestion of Brai ... n 2LI " Limn-- -. 1 . Lungs 1 " L0ng5...... Cholera Infaptum.- 26 " Peritooun; 2 4 gdoreos„ ~.. 1 " lit. & Bowels 1 Cons'iition of Lunge 41 4 1 1naniti0n............ Consuls:ono ..... .... /21 Jeundioe -.-......-. „Crooning ..-... leania-s-po ti. -- 1 . in s. hens .. Mareernue ........ . tarthcea.. 2 htessies..— Disease of Brain- , Serolifs.... ..... I Swot-. Still 80rn ............ '" .- , Liver ... - , , Strieture Artophgus 1 ~" Throat .... . Tribes blesentellOa Lungs .... lasthing.— ..-. Drowned— 'romans —..— Oysontery,...... ..... Unknown...-........ 6 Detnlttr....-.... .... G 9 lIIR ASO a THEIS wall: .. ..... Is ' “- 10 to SU- .. ....... 14 " Sl to P 0...... ....._. 4 .. SO tO 100-- ........ 4 " NO LO )10 24 - SI, ............ 121 States, 946; Foreign, 6'; Uni Under 1 year . "I l. ni i s ttP6 tol :6 : .i - ! . 10 to : : : ' o i Pu. " Sto 50.... rwto 40 ..... . ~." 40 to !0..- illastvirr-United al known. 19. From the Almshouse, II; People of Color, 20 ; from the Cone , el, U. WARD 9. ' • 1, 9A199 VAN be. First 'kl---liinattrn" - tied .... - 1 Elev ßlii:::: i e.:-9 hn-::.:li TWO 9:: 4 1=4%4i : . . 141:! : ::l= ih :*: 7 R:4117?7d"1..:::18 ent6:.:lo 1,... Bimb ~.... 9 Filteentti.—. 33 T_wentp.fuurth.. 111 youth ........18 Plxteentn..-.. 8 Unknoira .. ..... .91 Zig be...--- 13 Seventsenth...ap - _ I lath- ...... 91k1ighteenth..... a T0ta1.... —. 831 The number o f de a ths pompired with tho. eorreepond ing week of 1269 and of last week, was as rolls.. t Week ending Anent In, 1 1 %2 4 we. : . - • ... .se ill ales. f 96; Female'. 132• Hoye. 110; . el'rig;'eS, . 3 " By order of toe Boa of Health. 1 - • ARTRU rA K HUGHES, Herlah °Moor. 1 iptiAcm. AND PURPLE FOULARD mum. blink Etß 1•1 8 ; tr , d 11 . 1 end 84 wide. Crary .aarets...tina widths. Sf r a Ta r r i e a tra l :ritohalts. k Uarose. notate. I fi ren'a mnmaor. mans:nes and Chedria "la w ir % Is & al aW a rdii e j j 4L o ii tore 40101' OH 6.8 trr inrod. ' K . B.—D ar i n &Pd Motet we olose at 0 P.M. THE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE,— .J. CLAVEzjv i pt INDELIBLE rPrigrug ti f or WVA I BI L eir wort beteg themder.irbritd,rg o g, 16 n vagga ng. d v1=1 1 77 4 21 ' 2,olimirk ( I , Br Montt -Fr to VaMaotarfor, ko: On Marrribil acme: - irdxow PUNUHEINS eftWART'S SVOTCH MALT WHISKY, TaAVitatinnrebiad from Myer- VM, Imported and fornate.in bond by J WIN olasoN, 10318, tr. Co,_ : - anl3-ann9t. VOU WILL ',IND THE MOST XX relliitariCoolotioto arraogoloon to for ins . ralt i nototy li Ven t iVd TAAL r i t i fiN t E ll - CMCD Moro% above OA r.BN. • DIED. LNTALLIGRNOII. %ER TOVIT3II PAU& Stilianahip Boston. (Imo er. 24 hours from litiwYork. vim Vape May 7 hours, with mdze and palsengers to dairies Aiderdloe. Reports the ship Philadelphia, from Liverpool, et anchor of the Buoy on the Brown, With tut p Starr alongside; bark Leighton. for Rio de Ja neiro, below_filew Castle in tow of tug Dolphin • two nohooners .11 . New Cast l e ; ship Emily Augusta, from Liverpool. above Chester. Bohr eolith Tattle. Mayo, 4 Moo from Newburyport, with !Who to Geo A Wood. (Oorreopontionoo of thiahiladeletua Exchange.) IMBO; en t irely bare P M. August 11.—The harbor to entirely bare of vouch& There is a lame ship lying outside of the,fireakmater. and Captain Virden o f the America. is about starting to take tier in tow. Wind north, and blowing fmh. N. W. H. MEII(OIIANDA. Steamship Kensington, Balm, hence, at Boston yes terda. 8111%. y Eastern Queen, Hancock, cleared at Boston 11th Mgt , for Madras and Calcutta. • • Ship Harry Bluff, Badman, cleared at Mobile 7th Met, for acre. Bark Deal Lionel). Kimball, from Leghorn, for Phila. delphia, cleared at GibraltarMth Bark Old Hickory, Holmes, from Havana, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig A Smith, Sprague, was disoharging at Bathurst, W A:2oth June. Brig Saban, Sawyer, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 10th inst. 3ris Ann. Burton, cleared at New York 11th inst for Rio Grande. Bohr 0 Watson, Tilton, cleared at New York 11th Mat for Havana. MBohr ulia J F ox, Learning, cleared at New York 11th r Wilmington, N C nohr Elbe, Dayton, hence at New Haven 10th inst. f Sejir Gracea lphie Gridlsr, Clark. cleared at Boston 11th host or PhllsA instßohrf C Henry ul, Fent on. ia sailed from Pawtucket /oth or Phdrelph. Bohr D G Floyd, Beckett, hence, arrived at Dighton Bth ins'. Bohrß B Basoomb, Taylor, hence at Fall River 9th inst. Poh r F Pratt. Sherman, sailed from New Bedford 11th inst forPhiladelphis. Bohr !Stephen Hotohkisa, Doane, cleared at Mobile 7th inst for New York. L 1.30—.• SPECIAL NOTICE.—THK MEMBERS of the PIULAIBLIBIA YACHT sQUAD sum ere requested to meet at the house of M. RO O. STON . En.; oorner of NEW M RK NT and BROWN etreets. at precisely 3 °Week P. Id.. punctually, on, TUESDAY, lath inst., for the urpose of attend= the funeral of their late member WILLIAM P. 8 ISE R. By order of IN W. H. H. BEDFORD. President. ErSECOND WARD.—MEETINGS OF (Donglas).Demoorave Gingen. srill be held in fferentpromote of the Second Ward THIS (MON DAY) EVENING. August 13th, at 8 o'clock. for the purpose of organizing and perfecting arrangements fnr the carmine registry of Demooratio citizens. The MR ears of the above meetings eve expected to revolt at the next regular stated meeting of the Club, on WEDNES DAY hYENIN O, August 16th, at the house of T. Mealy, uthwest corner TENTH and CARPE ITER Streets. so Every honest,Demoorat should be present. By order of the Second Ward Doulas. Johnson, and Fodor cm, psicn Club. JOHN HOLLAND, President. gg M. A. HARRINGI'ON, THP °DORE BECK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PIIILADZLPUIA. AUGUST 0, IM.-Wherollll 1 1 2 17IAA AN CROSS. lately convicted of Forgery. escaped on Saturday last from the custody of the °Moor of the Court having hint In charge ; and, se the ends of publtejustioe require that said felon !should bit punished for the CMOS 01 Woloh he has been oonmeted, I offer LI reward of FIVIE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, which I will give to any person who will apprehend and deliver hint RD to Juotioe. au7-6t WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney. 03... OFFICE Dr THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00?dFANY. Bilatetr, The holders of the bonds of this Coppola, due July 1, can sow receive. upon applioattortat this once, 10 ritr eent. oaelt, upon the tonna sheathed In the elm attached. e holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Oink ing Fund of suo.ogo per annum, aa eatablished by the stookhohlers at their annual meeting, held January 9, lOU, and In purigninee of the contract, entered into by hp ramping and duly recorded, to elm the same ink, neat. B. BRADFORD, Triteanrer. OIROULAIL Nertce to Ms Holderstaf.PAilidillyMis and Reading Railroad ComeaAe Mortgagy Bondi, July 1, IMO nese bonds are in by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate 1 . The net revenue for the last Swot year w a r, inh es tl,e amount of the annual interest on tees. bonds. The managers promo to extend them for a period of twee vocal, the h tlpirs re m taining the bonds *DO the sec ty of the mor sigee_in the otets eendition in whit) they are now h eld, Freah sheets of coupons for thetrmkpayable half-rearlh, be owned. A ID of 10 per cent. will be mph to the holders. in ooni ration of their awohtetto the extension. This Donne .vill bei paid in cash the bearers of the T he, on presenting their mew. t the OompanTior to its agent% .hendorsement orms of recolpt =deaden:4mnd will be fends/Pea okapplieation, - al 44.NumaMtgriv. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. MARTIN & WOLYF, WHOLRIALII NELMS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 0000.3, 334 MARKET STREET. Cash and irompt Bix months' Buyers, of all asotiona are Invited to an examination of our Stook. auti•Sme A W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 325 MARKET STREET. auB-3m REMOV AL. In bonsequenoe of the destruobon by fire of their TotED STREET STORE, YARD. GILLMORE, &CO. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST., SOUTH SIDE. ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK or SILKS' AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, °LOVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 15re., Together with sLARGE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, &o. Having received but a small portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, Previous to the fire, they are enabled to dimples' A NEW STOOK. to which they invite the attention of their Customers and Buyers generally. sue PRINTS! PRINTS! The Subscriber invites attention to an assortment of PRINTS. Which for extent and variety is unsurpassed in this market. Consisting of the choicest styles in MERRIMACK, MANI:METTER, • GLOUCESTER, DUTCH/NB, PACIFIC, SPRAGUE, COCHEOO, and other STANDARD MAKES. Besides a full Rae of ENGLISH PRINTS, Now open and for sale by the Piece or Paokage, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOSHUA L. BAILIi, 213 MARKET STREET, ant-tf PHILADELPHIA. WURTS„ AUSTIE. & MoVEIGH IMPORTERS AND, JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, • No. 311 MARKET Street, above Th ird. Charles Worts, Mears Amis. Emam iT. Pao:Neigh, PHILADELPHIA. DE a. Warmer Joseph Burgin, FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS buy ing Medium to First 0184$ 00008, are invited to in enrol our Su*, winoh we offer at LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. 3. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 7 OS CHESTNUT STREET. suma FALL GOODS. BAROROFT & CO.. NO& 405 AND 407 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Stook °omelets and ready for Trade R . WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN • DRY GOODS OLOTHING. NO. 309 BIRREET STREET. Fall and Winter Stook now complete end ready for Wen. out 3m pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.-1095 CHESTNUT Street. Contaming a large eon eotton ofr Ateattinge_and taro, to me n daily from A. Id. Ull aY. In. Ad- IdUIROU ate. otaldren under la years, it cents. iyi-tf JAVA OFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime Jaya Coglbe, for oale by JAMES CFRAIIAM k LETI NIA Buret, pitESS.—PI-111,4DELPfnit, moN4O, AUGUST, 13, 18e46. NEW PUBLICATIONS. READY ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, THE EBONY IDOL. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, • 443 and 445 BROADWAY. au/341 A SPIRITED STORY OF COLLEGE LIFE. NOW READY, JACK HOPETON AND HIS FRIENDS; Os, THE ADVENTURES OF A GEORGIAN. BY W. W. TURNER, Of Eatontos. Georgia. One volume, /2roo. Price One Dollar SATURDAY. Aug. 18th, MARION HARLAND'S NEW NOVEL. • NEMESIS. By the author of "'ALONE," "HIDDEN PATE," and " MSS SIDE." THE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUITERIE on, TILE ELIXIR OF GOLD. Two volumes, muslin. Pries Two Dollars A work of striking originality and power. NEW EDITIONS OF THE SUCCESSFUL NOVELS THE NINTH OF RUTLEDGE. $1.20. MAKING NINE THOUSAND VOLUMES. THE TWENTY FOURTH OF $t .v 5. MARINO TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND VOLUMES THE FIFTH OF MARGARET MONCRIEFFE $1.23. MAKING FIVE THOUSAND VOLUME 8 FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS DERBY & JACKSON. PUBLISHERS, 49S BROADWAY. NEW YORK LI'rTJLE. BROWN & 00.. BOSTON, WILL PUBLISH SEPT. 1, VOL. U. Or A HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND. BY JOHN O. PALFREY, LL. D. Svo. • anlS-mwl3tit SOWER. BARNES. & 00.. BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, No 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower side, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention or Booktellorii and country mer chants to their very large stook or School Books, pub halted In this nod otner o tics tocetherwith Miscellane ous nod Blank Books, Paper. and Stationery generally. 'r., B. & co.. are publianam of many popular works, among whioh are the following THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM (Late of the U.S. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One vol., Son, boligl'ul t ogl i ptraLoss sad a nem This book to prononnoed the moat wonderful, eolenti flo. and comprehensive treaties" on the geography of our continent ever pshlished. SOHOOLi BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME TIC IS etc BROOKS' NORMAL MENTAL ARITHhIE -23 Me. BROOKS' KEY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC.. .23 ote. Professor of Mathema mei tios in Pennsylvania State Not il. Liberal terms for introduoti,n. WHITE'S COPY-BOOKS. BY T. KIRK WHITE, President of Pennsylvania Oommeroial College. PEL'TON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted in almost every sohool of note in the Union where geo graphy Is taught, and has no equal. Pries 825 for full set of six maps, or $lO for set of hemisphere maps alone. aoB 3m T 3 STATESMEN AND POLITICIANS. POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK FOR IMO: Comps:sins a Brier View of PRESIDENTIAL NoIIIINATIuNS AND ELECTIONS, looludour ALL THE NATIONAL, P PLTED ATFORMS EVER YET ADo: Also. A HISTORY OF THE STRUGGLE IiESPECTINOL SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES, D OE THE ACTION ( , P DONOR:. SS AN TO FREEDOM, OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, WITLI THE MOST NOTABLE SPEECHES AND LETTERS AIRIER@ LINCOLN. BUUGLAS, BELL. CASS, tIEWARD, EVERETT, BRROKINRIDGE. H. V. JOHNSON, ETC.,_ETC., TOUGHING THE QUEs- TIONS OP TEE DAY; AND RETURNS OF ALL PRY- eiDENTIAL ELECTIONS SINCE Iti36. Compiled Di HORACE CREELE r D JOHN Y. CLEVELAND. Now in From and will be Issued on Thursday, en: B. EDITORS' PREFACE. • The single end of this book to the presentation, in a eompaot and convenient form, of the more important facts, vote,. resolves, letters, speaohea., reports, and other documents. which eluci date the eolith:al contest now agitating this country., It has been our immlto let every candidate and other important personage speak for himself. make his own pla.fium, and vindicate (if he mays his own conslsten.y and the soundness pi his views on the great quegtionewhiehunderlie our current politics. Of course. ecioh a work can have but a comparative merit. Make it ever an large, and still many things must be omitted that the compiler weird wish to insert and every critic will plausibly ask. '• Why Innen this and omit that t Why give so much of A and so lilt eofll t" Bounden. it is not always tomb e to remember. or, if remembered, to find, all that would be valued in a work use this We can only say that we have done our best; let him do better who can. Inaccuracy of citation to one of the chief vices of our dincussion. You can hardly listen to a set speech. even tram a voll-informed and truthful can- Miser, whica isnot marred by come misapprehension or unoonsoloue questa' ement of the position and views of this or that prominent statesman. DOCOZasOtil, heed lessly read. and long since lost or mislaid. are quoted from with fluency and confidence. as though with in dubitable accuracy. when the °Mations so made do gross WU fl e e re t tre i rdilgtrgOin'acdo. tend! Yitiltindviohli'thetienr Printed that their general accuracy may be safely relied My denominate of all parties we trust our Text-Book will be tound convenient, not to say indispengable. But those who only lister, and read, and reflect. will also find it a manifest help to a clear understanding of the mace and contentions of the day. 'They will be inte rested lit (tempering the nava/ positions taken by M.r. Lincoln. or Mr. Douglas, or Osborn! Cass. or Mr. Bee tett, ZS faithfully set forth in this work, with those con fidently attrbuted to that statesman in the fluent ha rangue of s cale political opponent, who is intent on T aro hie c orr ec t or ti-oving his insincerity. To verify and correct the citations ofa frothy deelai me r Is sonieti meg the easiest and most conven.ent refutation of hie tiPeeoh. Ira trace of partisan hies le betrayed in the thread of narrative which partially unites the successive reports. bills, votmii. etc.. preeenteer in this work, the error is 'minter'. weal and regretted. Our purpose was to com pile a record aoceptable and convenient to men of all parties. and which might lie consulted and trusted br all. Whatever is origisai herein is renter .ed as of no use or merit. save as a necessary elucidation of the residue. Without otology, therefore. or further expla nation. tl.o Text-Book is commended to the favor of the American Prize per COPY. poet-paid: SW per hundred. Cash ardent solicited. Addrese Tar. TRIBUN Tribune Buildings, New York. aulO•d&WCl nIIY YOUR BOOKS ATiTANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, 4,39 OBES T Street. Pooh' are mold u cheap n.e at any r atom and you haw the advantage of rea m ving a deome Present. worth trona Fifty cent,' to One Hundred Donato, with each &wk. NEW BOOK. . . . THE SUNNY BOU ;OR THE SOUTHERNER AT HOME ; embracing Five Years' Experienoe in the bind of sugar, rice, and cotton. Edited by Prot 5. H. Ingraham, of Mississippi. One volume, 12mo, aka pa gee. Erve2s. LADIES' WRITING PORTFOLIOS In great variety, and a gift with e•olt ALL THE NEW BOOKS In every department of Literature. Books of Fact, Books of Fiction. Books 0 History. Books of Farmers, Hooks of Biography, Boots for Mecuanaos, Bouks of Travel. Books of Humor, Rooks of Adventure, Books of Patting, Books about Horses, nooks for Amusement, Books about Patriots, Books for Devotion, 'Hooka about Indians, nooks about Soldiers, Bnoka about Hunters. Books about Sailors Call in. and' one trial will assure you that the best Place in the city to purchase Books Let G. G. EVAN S'S GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. o. 439 WibbTNUT Street. Bot K BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I havo taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CB BOTDI UT Street, where I will continue to bur and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom how's Avenue Book-stand) o.d and new Law and MlN oellansons Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-lotto; Boors printed prior to the year 2169. Also, a Copy of ltrasmits on the J.SW Teem'. sot, 3 vols., Ito, printed In lea Price 830. I will aleo deal in Enerevings and Autographs. Persons at a distauos wishins to sell Books will des ribe their names . dates. sises, bindings, conditions: and prioes. Famphlet Laws 01 Pennsyl- Vardar and old Books upon America. wanted. au6-6m MIN CAMPBELL. OE.- 200 Tierces Prime Retailing JLIP Caaripoße Ripe, ter sat e q.m.F.4 iiiß6llaa 6 46N, u6F/ws4 otnrst, Handsome Ilmo. Prise $1.25 Early ix September BY A SOUTHERN LAD / BEULA'. BY E. BROOKS. A. ?d., COMMISSION HOUSES. RIDGWAY, lIEUSSNER, CO IMPORTERtrOF O.le TH 19 DOESKINS, AND OAOSIMENES.. sole agents fo; • FR. BRIDRENSJLIttIe 'haat.) - W. A. JORANNY,f A hhoej GEVERB & SOH (MDT. (8. & M. (Moths.) F. HERRMAN & SON. (Gold Medals.) ZA, BONA BROS..lFanor Ceesimereed E. TTOENNIES & CO., and other mannfaotprere of the greatest celebrity, 206 CHESTNUT STREET. au2-1m WELLING, COFFIN & Co. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the package, the following description of AMERICAN GOODS. OP STANDARD RAKES AND /N GREAT VARIETY OREENE MANUFACTURING 00.'8 PRINTS; BLEACHED AND BROWN SGEETINGS, SHIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNAI4RGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIAS, AND NAN• KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND RERGEYB ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS ; BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATINETS AND UNION OASSIMERES; TWEEDS, CASHMARETTES, &0., &o. aul.3m GEORGE PEARCE & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF LACE GOODS, 241 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 55 and 54 PARE PLACE. New York. au3-mw&flm WASHING TON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS. SHAWLS of all sizes, in great variety. Embattled and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS. and Double and Twisted COATINGS, 6-4 SACKINGS 'and bean ZEPHYR CLOTHS. 'Flitted and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETINGS. For tale by • FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 34 South FRONT Street, and Jyll4-tf 3d LETITIA Street. SHIPLEY, /LAZARD, it HUTOBINSON, NO. 1111 CHESTNUT SM. 001 MISSION MEROHANTB FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ski4at MEPICINAL. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR. SWIMS DAY. Aod testimonis 1. new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades 'of society. whose united testimony none no Id resist, that Prot. 'Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald ofiti re y, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty BLTTLY. CRIME. Mich.. Deo .21.1858. Paco'. Worm , Thee illt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all tell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic dis ease. attended with an eruption on the head. A min imal course of autfering through life having red need me so a state of dependenee, I have not been able to obtain stuff for cape, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs k gouges almost the set cent I bed on earth for a two dorm bottle of thy Rale Restorative about the let of August lam. 1 hare hinlifony followed the directions, and the bald spot hi now covered with hair thick and black, Omagh ahem ; • it is also coming in all over my head. .Feeling confident that snootier large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently. I feel anxious to persevere In itti•ulie. and b. , ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would axe thee if thee wouldst not be ennuis to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and remotes to t. yself the Scripture deolaration The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Idooldisin, Noble co., Indiana. Feb 5,1559. Paov. 0.1 Wolin: Dear Sir: In the latter part of the year MI. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York. my hair, from a cause unknown to me. commenced failing off very ratdolY, Bo that an the short span • of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp wan almost entirely beret' , of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my Bead shortly after became gray t so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana. mr more casual ao Imaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearanee. as my more In timate acquainiances were to recognise mu at ail. I at ones made application to the most skilful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until. fortunately, in the latter part of the year MT, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist as being the most reliaboi Hair Restorative in use. I tried one b d.tle, and MUMI to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a Hob coat of very soft black hair, web:lh no money can bu il; a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in tho production of so wonder ul an irtiole, I have reoom. mended its use to many of my friends ai d acquaintan ces, who, I am hay to inform you. are using it with Very like effect. reepeotfully, yours, M. LATTA, Attorney and Couneellor at Law. Depot, 414 Broadway, and sole by ad dealers through out tee world. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of fives sizes. large. me d siiim .c . a nn:lL i hr e ri ; holds la i l m a t he and at least twenty per cent. peper bottle ; orp In proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottler the large holds a quart, 40 percent. more In proportion. and re tails for SS a i ottle. 0 J. WOOD & COProprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York. and 114 Ali alUt kT Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Farm Ooods Deal s Sold here by DYOTT & CO., 23R North SECOND Street. aulS-mal d-enwW tf PROF. MORRIS' EUMPHALOS. There are 100.000 Sufferers from DiSEASER of the NERVOUS Id YeriEht. in the city of Philadelphia, who can be our by PRuFES. using OR MORRIS' Which is EU ongin ()EPHAJLO S. an al and WONDERFUL REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morrie, M.D.. of this city. It acts directly upon the Nerves BY ABSORPTION through the pores, and D it needs b Tut TLE the trial of a BINLE ➢BO to tett Its ynarvellOns virtues. Sufferers from RXDPITRIVIENT ? fi ll i p: BRAIN, NZRVOUS ILEA_ A F,, OENBRAI. DB.is L Y. NEURAIt RHEUM ri CHRONIC Ei d eYOUSNESS, &M. Will find the desired relief by its EXTERNAL USE, as direeted in the Circular. TRY I.P! • Rif 14 I :i TRY IT! TRY, IT ! TR T ! FO IF! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TR , ' IT ! TRY IT! 11T I! q.Ry Tity IT I TRY IT I TRY IT ! TRY IT! 'Rs IT : TRY IT ! if on are estausted by over -much study. l f You suffer from sleepless mg :s, If you are a viotim to neuralgia, It liMi are prostrated by excessive grief, If you crave dim lating drinks, T TR ITI T It TR IT l Y TR ITIT! TRY ! * I ' T RY I T !! I T 'TRY T! T As it wilt remove those miserable sensations wbluh in. dune a morbid disposition_towarde intemperance. TRY IT, if you are suffering from Nervous Debility In any of its forms, and you will find it a soothing and INVIGORATING APPLICATION to your nerves, and worth many times its omit, In the relief afforded. Numerous testimonial' from the most rellime , ble sources can be seen, by applying at the whoa of the pro prietors. Prepared by hIOCKRIDOE & CO., No. till North FOURTH Street. sir - And for Sate by Druggists generally. 177-if For the INSTANT RELIEF end PER ASTHMA. fitANENT CURE of this distreisins 00111 plaint. nap FENDT , B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by O. B. SEYMOUR .k. CO.. 107 NASSAU street, New York. Price el per box; eent free by poll loy7-am in FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. TRADE MARK NOTIO E. AIL The WASHINGTON MILLS, as the successors of the BAY STATE MILLS, purchased the property, gooa will, and other rights of that company. The WASHINGTON MILLS, therefore, olaim the name of • "BAY STATE" as their trade mark upon Woollen Goods. The under signed, therefore , cautions against any infringement of it as a violation of the rights of this company. tyle.mwllm JOS.S. FAY, Treasurer. - 1" NIOHOLSON, to. Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOIdB AND COLLAR P. A large and choice aseortmen', and WELL MADE. always on hand. unto which I particularly invite the attention of CASH and punnet-paying PIIORT-TIME bt lfltCorner of SECOND and ARCH Minato. Phil de ohm. au7-3rn• PURE RHINE WINE, in casks, per golbot Mao. now lending from tho vinoyorife of W. A. Jobanny Abbot). for sale by HIM) WAY. H Elle 8- N.HH, & Co., 2thi nnEsTrurr Street. auto-st• QALAT) 01L.—Baccigalupi's, for sale by WETHERILI, & BROTHER, 47 arid 49 North s IN Fl ternat. sun QPANISH AFRON.---For sale by WE THERILL !lc SNOWIER, No. 47 and 49 North 860.1r.n Streak/. aul3 SARSAPARILLA.—IIonduras, for sale by WETNERILL k BROTHER, 47 and 4l North OFOOIAD Stres: • EDUCATIONAL. A C_kHEMY' NM THE PROTESTANT x- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JUNIPER ST RECTA. The Autumnal Session will 'open on MONDAY. Sep. tanner 3 at 9 o'clock A. AL Ihe tuition fee le, for the lowest class, mxty dollars ; for all other classes, eeVeLl ty- five dollars per annum ; there are no extra charges. Applications for admission may be made at the Mode m y after August 28th, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clook A. M. JAMEI3 W. ROBINS. A. M., an10-fmwtf YOUNG L&DIES' BOARDING AND XIAY PCII.OOL. Rev. JAMB I. 11E0414 Boarding and Bay School for Young Ltuiies. 1525 W AL te UT titreet. will be reopened lieptember 12th. null-ernw2m THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and French Boarding and Day Sehool, for Young Ladies. No. 1703 WALNUT Street, will he re opened on Wednenday,Bent, 12th. MESDAMES OBECIARAY AND D'HER- J-LX 'WILLY respectfully inform thehr . lrle r rds and the Day School that di 3 e r s e igrio t ptesg. to Nos. ltiu'r and 11129 SPRUCE Street where they will no ready to receive their pupils on THURIDAY, Septem ber lath. Mesdames CHEGARAY and D'HERVILLY will re ceive visitnrs at No. 1909 LOGAN Square until the Stith August. Iy2ll-em AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a relleble medium through whieb Sohooli end Fami. Ilea MST Otani competent teachers. Parente may ob tain, gretuitowily, information and igyoulere ate. beat MIMI& SMITH, WOODMAN, ft CO., SO BROADWAY. New York. or nail-t ( SW CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. IFIRYANT STIUTTON 7 B NATIONAL id-a , MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at nil* delpbta, B. E. corner BEVENTH, and CHESTNUT. New Y fit, Buffalo, Cleveland, China o , and Bt. Loaf* For fru nnatfon. call or send for Catalonia. fera-ti SUMMER. RESORTS. -m-APEIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING.- This popular watering-place will be her open during the season of warm weather, and untie the front nets in. Persons desirous of spending the remainder of the season where they have the advantage of pure water, pure mountain gar. (at an elevation of twelve hundred feet.) free from foga. damp nights, and mias mas, usually rising from sluggish streams in gorges of mouna mg and low localities, will here find every o rn fort and amunement to be net withat the best-regulated watering-places. Nor further particulars and circulars please call on Jon. B. Myers, corner Third end Vine turners, and lamer; p. Earle & Po, No. 816 Chestnut titreet, Phi adelphis, or on JOSEPH. SONICIMIWIIER Ephrata Post Office. Lancaster oounty. Pa. au9-1m QUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This fine old inane= founded before the Revolu tion, and int.mat 4 lygonneoteo with some of the most interesting features of oar national history, to n ow o f o maiiity to aouommodare a large number of guests, The hem ie oonduoted in the best manner, end no thing is wanting to make it the pleasant and comforta ble borne of visitors Miring their solourn in this de lightful inland town. The air is salubr.ous, the moon tam and river scenery beautiful, and to the seekers of either health or pleasure, Bethlehem is not excelled by any other summer resort in the Union. aue-tin J. 1,1 , 1 B RT, Proprietor. M ANSION ROUSE, 14UUNT CARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced prinee, Thin old-established House, located in the gap be. tween Sharp and Second mountains. immediately on the line of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a mile of Pottsville, formerly kept by Jo seph dead, of the old Mansion Rouse, Philadelphia. has, chine is demise , been under the charge of his danehter. The House is prepared. at all seasons of the year, for the rece_ption of guests. and has been recently put in order, The large garden. and park adjoining. presents great Inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing.to spend a abort time away from the dust and tur moil of the adios, where they can breathe fresh moun tain air. and enloy the wild and beautiful soonery of the coal region. Commutation passenger tickets, for the use of fami lies are sold at a reduction of twesty five per cent.. linden accommodation train will leave Pottsville daily durmg the summer months, to enable those who may i desire t to spend the business portion of the day in the cit and return the game evening. on which the charges w be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates, or terms. aPply to MARY BEAD. Muusjounouse, Mount Carbon, Je3o-gm Schuylkill Co.. ra. _ONG BEAOII 1101JS E, opposite TUCKERTON, N. J.—This Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran latent. Having been at a large expense inrefitting and re-furnishing 1 feel assured. that for oomfort and con vent. toe it will compare favorably with any house on the coast. The best of (moire and servants have beet Procured, and no efforts shall be spared t? render the astnli of geg° ligr are .1 . Tirltglortht:filolrell?ttgllij I have in abundance. With these Moralised .advan tagea, I am gonnont that the meet Natl.:how will have po cause for oomplamt. 11, —Capt. WILLIAM GASKILL will run daily tine In Arst- fleas packets from Atlantic City to the benoh, one of t he will be at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia. Parties wishin g to 00n113 by way of Lead's Point, or otherwise, by addressing me a few days in advance, will have a good boat to meet them atany_point named. je3o-6w LEWIS P. ETHWART. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, LTA. N. J., ISAAC: 'MAYER, (late of Surf Housed Proprietor. This House has been very muoh enlar - ed and im proved. Hu now a laws mber of Family Room', not surpassed by any hote.i eta is city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks Cave bean laid 0 the ocean, which will be lighted at night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendid reflect ing lamps. Attached to the house (but separate from the main building) le a large Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-cline lee Cream and Confectionery attached. Over the Hall there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle men. There is also a play. ground for children, well shaded and enclosed, with maws. ho. The catering department will be under my own es pecial supervlsi op, and I trust that my reputation is enfficiently rstablished to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terme will_be 812 per week. , Traitsient leoarders +ll9 per day. Carriacou attar,' ed to the Memo will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of oharga during bathing_hours. Je2341 ISAAC THAYER. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, durintino past season, bean tiREACL,Y ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. , and is now in oapaoity and convenience second icnort in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and healtnful situation of Allentown renders it a de lightful summer resort, in view of which special ar rangements have beep made by theprosdetors toao oommodate summer boarders. 7. Y BECHTEL, jab t.el MOONY. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the FIRST OF JUNE, and kept open till the let of October. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose exuenence, courteous manners, and attention to his guests. give the amplest assurance of oomfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms. or any information in regard to the place, will waren the imbsoriber, JNO. P. REED, Seely and Treasurer, gay3o-3m Bedford Mineral Springs Co. CONGRESS lIALL--ATLANTIO CITY, N. I—This spaolous House. situated at Atlantic City, will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the 25th instant, by the subsoriber. The House fronts the beach 121 feet roving a splendid view of the Ocean. one is near the Fishing and nailing point. Nopains will be sperms to secure the comfort and con venienee of guests. te.llo-2m THOMAS 0. GARRETT. NEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIO OITY. I. This popular and eminently tavorite, House at Atlantic, City has, sines the °losing of last season, been enlarged. ratted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in every particular. and is now open for the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest, close proximity to the i safest and beat part of the beach, it s rendered one of the meet convenient and d co idedly the pleaaaateat house on the Island. Terms—Rlo per week SIM per day. Children and yervants half price. Proprietor.gi"l"' R. L. FUREY, BuyerinErt. r COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at AT CITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. Je2o.sm M. MoCLEBB. Proprietor STAR HOTEL, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE V. 8. HOTEL, ATLANTIC CI I'Y N. J. SAMUEL ADAMS, PROPRIP.TOR. DINNER FIFTY CENTS. ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIRE. te lls 7" Boarders acnommodated on the most reasonable rms. lete MANSION lIOUSN, MAIJOEI CHUNK, CARBON 00., PA.—This is the most comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, and the proprietor flatters himself that that far he ha. suc ceeded in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to ta ties all his guests. The Rooms are newly and elegantly furnished, and the Table always contains the very best the Markets afford. Tho hotel le located on the banks of the Lehigh, directly opposite the railroad depot. and at the base of Mauoh Chunk Mountain. A path Joule from the rear of the holm to the top or thin mountain, from which point, some ergot hundred feet above the Lehigh, the most sublime scene imaginable is presented. The House in abundantly_ supplied with the beet and purest Mountain Senna Water. SW' Hot and Cold Baths can be taken at all times. jela-km GEORG e. HOPPE& Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH 011:11N11, PA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every oom ort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements hate been made this season to accom modate SU MAIER BOARDERS . The most sublime mountain sanitary and rural ardor !flouts are here af forded. W ILIIr LM, OEO. W. WILHELM. jaillLtsel Propnetorsi THE SEA-SIP)RE-ATLANTIO CITY. MoRIBBIDI'S U. B. 11 The undersigned, propras• or of the above-named house, being now prepare( to receive guests, re 'painfully gams a share of the imbho katron age. Since last summer there has been ad ed to this hotel a four smiled wing.l4o feet in lens . eon taming (beside the bed-rooms,) a suite of three Parlors, for ladies, and two for gentlemen • also, a reception room, wash-room. and spacious tiar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Rooms, and hot and cold Salt-water Bath Home have been constructed for the accommo dation of visitors, and the whole house will be lighted with gas. The house has been newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order. A well-manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent Band pf Alma, have turel en gaged for the season. J. hIcKIBB N. CARLISLE The favonte resort for those who l_ippreolate Grand Scenery, Pure mountain Air__, Invigorating WHITE 811 L POUR Bathe, Large and Well-ventilated SPRINGS, Cumberland go., Pa. Table Good Boot ety, mad a Good liccommodationsfor 900. For particular' mend for Cirou- TIMM Low. lar. OWEN, CLENDENIN. & VIBBOIIER, Jo7-9m ' Carlisle Spring. Fa. CULLIMBIA ROUSE, (JAPE tSLAND— OAPII MAT, New Jersoy.—This large, first-oiass HUT EL will he opened. for the reception of guests, on the 'ph June, MO. The House has been completely repaired and refurntshed. A new cooking ranee, ovens steam boilers, and every modern improvement added. Exten•lvo stabltne attached to the premised All Wiens add•eased to the aubsoribers, Cape Island, New Jersey, will be promptly attended W to. LAIRD & OOLMAN. James H. Laird, late proprietor Franklin Rouse , Y dolphin L 8. B. Woolmati„ formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape Island. dgin EAGLE HOTEL, BETkILEIIE6I, PA. This large and old-established Rouse known as the " LEHIGH 'VALLEY BUMMER RETREAT." is now open for the season. The nooonimodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here. sbayn thetN nour Ma n e )lva C ARLaEBYOREPoo pthiepe.a- Jae lirn A IVIERIOAN HOUSE, OAPE ISLAND— Mrs. M. REYNOLDS, Propnetor.— This favorite hotel will open for the reception of visitors on MON DAY, Junelt has been fitted up in the best ste, and every attention will be paid to the comfort outs guests. ielB-dtBopl SEA BATHltith NATIONAL FALL, CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY. N. J. This fine, Wooed airy house is NOW OPEN for visitors. It is distinguished for comfort. looality, and superior nocommodations , with ample room for MO per sons. Terms moderate. AARON GA R RETSON, Proprietor. SA BATHING, ()APB ISLAND, N. J. DELAWARE HOUSE is now openjor the season ta-ste* JAMM MEI:HAY. Pronintoor FROM PROFESSOR BOOTH.—" In - Illy opinion the MARTELL JAR combines more ad vantages than any othere for Preserving, being wholly of glass, cleanly. strong. anddu fa r c a i b li le ty , , eloeing air-tight, Jaless C. BooTli." and opening and shutting with FROM DR. ATLEE. I have used the Bartell All glum Jar in my fami y for the preservation of Fruit. and in comparing rt with others previously employer for the purpose, I cons.der it highly preferable, and particularly Co to metal lare or flace with metal tops. It to perfectly air tight. and tree rom all possibility of taint. ae is the case with metal. It is Bemired with more esse. rapidity. end certainty than by cement or solder, and opened retinas. while the fruit's kept in the most admirable manner. Slaving tested the Jar well, consider that it meets all the indr ostlons that oanlya damped. W r AIIIiINGTON L. ATLEE, M. D.. No. 14011 Mob Strata." hittnufirturore n i l A dly t iho_PAten .L t_. ELL kETCEWORTH, 61144111 I N 0.1.3 North FIFTH attest. WANTS. WANT RD, a thorough, competent salea • v man and buyer In a Carpet house. just 'terrin. First claw references for capability aria Integrity' will be required. Address A. E. tio" at this place. aul.l.3t* CI.TAWIB3A Ist-MORTGAGE BONDS will be taken at much above m a rket rates , for im proved el to taken at cash prices. Address Boxlin7o, rbiledelphia. anlo-et" rfIEIE ADVERTISER CAN COMMAND 82P00 in cash. and is willing' to take an interest in saf.. payin• pusinear. where hie servicing and °spite% will afford a living compensation. address "Lawrepee," office of Ms Press. anlo CAPITALISTS.—Wanted, a purcha ►A. ear for an undivided half of new, light. manufac turing busin,em. Profits can be shown to be large end certain. address " Enterprise." Press office. anlOst. WANTED—By an experienced Sales man, animation in a wholesale Jobbinc drv-sonds house. Addre ss nce a fair amount 0i1...v. snort coedit trade. " Hamilton," at this office. aulo ISt* A YOUNG LADY, who has had six years' exoecleaoe talleher. &aim similar erpOlOYment In or out the oar. Addreal " Teaoher," canoe ant Press. anlo4lt. PO LIQUOR DEALERS.—BITUATION Wanted. by s young,. man ,who understands the reotifrus and manuracrunna of But nay ter-a renas riven. Address 'Jemee. ' Press onto* swan* . WANTED—By a Young Lad, fifteen resin old. a situation in a store or offiae. Apsly at No. 701 Morris street. aulo-4t• WANTED—A middle-aged man with 81.000. having a knowledge of Hosiery Imminent, Money , ' , soured with interest, and a lair salary. Ad. dress. Hosiery," oftloe of The Pres s, ang-Ot• W4NTED—A young man as Salesman, who i■ thoroughly acquainted with the Marabout T' and Clothing trade of this city. To any port on capable of filling tips position, a liberal cenupsusation be given. Addreu Box 41, P.O. ,1,13-tf WANTED—A Situation, by a man, thirty-seren years of age. of 'extensive experi ence in Wiriness. of good address. and omnipotent to fill almost any position, either as a olork. mmerintendent, or salesman. very ry respectably connected and can give the most satisfooto references fill to integnty. In,ruiv,..vgrae7traddALaPfr.tatnr.,l:l7fl 9 % of sas Press. ] elf-ti FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR RALE—On accommodating terms, lIER the SPORE and DWELLING, No. 211 ARCH Sow. Apply to WM. ft, ALLEN, No. el 6 ARCH Street. aull-let• TO LET—Two fire-proof Offices on the first floor of the Pennerivenie Pailroad Building. Avid. to EDMUND SMITH. cull et !Secretary. gm TO RENT—Two spacious, well. WA-Rated, well-ventilated Rooms. near P. E . :- ohm:iv). suited for printing &Roes. or for manufacturing !p theaalnleten:er attached. -s glla,.foiro.4v (Z.ERINIANTOWN PROPERTY. For ‘A Bele or to Let, s large and convenient Bones in Germantown; _gas, water. large lawn, and plenty of shade, In one of the beet locations ; be sold OW. Address Box I‘Bo. Pbilauelelua poet Mace. 3221-1 m To BUIL DERS,—A large lot, having three fronts. suitable for immediate improvement, situated on TWENTIETH street, below CATHARINE. Will be sold on accommodating terms to a parry who wtll,mptovs. For terms, &c., addreu "X." peace of this paper. olg-ti pAOTORY LOT FOR SALE.—A . large .2- - lot, having three fronts, admirably rattutted in the Southwestern part of the oily. Will be rented or sold on reasonable tams. For particular., apply at this in TO OAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— NN.Tbe Machinery,. Stook, and Fixtriree of a large Mannactorr of PAPER HAIVOINGEI. replete vith every oonveplence for carrying on an exteturive busi ness.ush desirable investment to se ramie of energy who can p the tautness. For =de with or without the tadlcin.. Inquire at MI CHESTNUT Btrefit. Jalg mtflf BART. 7d 007dERY. & CO. MISSOURI LAND 11 300 000 Aorei for Bale, at prime ranging from /X 4 to agents • or Acre, in an_y_quantities required. TA ES twit, and PATENTS proonr-d for purcha sers of Land under the Graduation dot. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp. For farther informatKin apply_to WILSON, 11. e'6n4 4VNIVIA F gept lti TRIRD mid FOJ) 'old l and 8, O. LAND WARRANTS bought, 'old. and located. J r3-3m F o• BALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wholesale Boot and shoe 8011/10, now doing a Plod btalussa.. This IS a goOd opportunity for any one wishing to go Into the business, or a house wanting to Inmate, their trade. Bat:info:do., masons giving for Belling out. Address " Boa 290." Philadelphia Post °Moe, with name. jalla4l FPO: NURSERYMEN AND FLORIt3TB For male qlugs lot in the Southwestern stations,: the o_4, adapted for aliursegr. Terms aocommoda- Ung. For partioulars address •• ' at this caw. apIT-t1 BOARDING. B • GARDINGA. .- gentleman, wife, and three children wish toseou e boarding in a central part of the otty. Address " Warren," aloe of thu, paper. enle-Ste PRIVATE BOARDING.--Gantlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and hendsonse rooms famished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St., southilide of Washington briusire. The loeittion, being °prod e to one of the handsomest parks' in the city, is contra , and extremely pleasant. Transient tenons visiting the pity can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent. suitable for an oMoe. jell-tf TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE aooommodated with good, Bill apartments, (with or without board,Lin pnuat, family. Location ou tral. Address " TOLBBRT,' through Blood's DU. patch.. &VS REMOVALS. REMO VAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 223 MARKET STREET. Buyers are invited to examine our stock. atrll-2m •a-g,EMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Office and Salesroom from the Foun dry .at NVBLE-STRPEI WHARF, to the N. E.tiorner of SECOND and RACE &meta, where dealers will find a large collection of STOVE) of the m , at approved patterns Tinned, Enamellei, and plain Bollow-ware, comprising an aasortsent escond to none in the coun try. An ordera left at the aloe, or by maii,willreceive prompt attention. LEIBRANDT k hIcDOWELL, Philadelphia. Stove Works, ati9-iftm and Hollow-ware Foundries. SAVING FUNDS. MERICAN SAVING FElND.—Com rftn raVrif n g r ac" u o th qrdta?i ne i r rori L t i 2 T ll o'clock, and on MONDAY tili in the evening. This Old Institution has always paid In full, on demand, without nonce. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All Immo paid baok, on demand on gold and silver. TRUSTERte. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. SAAIL. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper. Geor tc, Nugent, John Auspac, Jr., Semi. T. Bodine, Alb. Roberts. John Aikman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Idridge. Wm. J, Howard. JOHN S. WlLElON.Treagider. JOHN O. SIMS. Seoretart. S PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Orme, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislaturerril leth,lBol. Open for Deposits and Payment'', daily, rota 0 briAl( o'olooic . Also, on MONDAY and THUDS AY MINOS, home to 8 o'clock, intermit 6 per cent. per annum. Depositors a6n with draw their moneys by Checks, if desired. Special De pOllll received. JAMES S. PRINGLE. President, FRAROIII HART. Secretary. spae-f _ INSURANCE COMPANIES. INS n RANGE COMPANY OF THE BTATF OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, August 8,1880. The direorore havo thin day deolared a dividend of Six Per Cent., or Twelve Dollars per Share, out of the profits or the company, payable to the stockholders, or their legal represent • t ea. on remand. au7-10t lAhl HARPER, Secretary. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURA.NOI IiOnLPANY OF NEW YORK. SIX MEL LAWN' DOLLARS, ITVUMW VS lIIIIST MORTO/AMR 011 RUM ISTLIM WORTH OVER smacess. The premiums are LOWER than in many other Owns Meg, and the Dividends have been OSIATTT. This is I% eTiOtly Me sal Idompany, There are se altookhor, so t h at ALL THE PROFITS ILONO TO TES INSIST), Pamphlets, and every latbrmation, air be had I on eprboation to IZA -12' F. RATORFORD BTARit. Anat. B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Ousel& PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES s Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson, George H. Shiest, ra r ig Al l iA m , ad' I mesh Patterson, ohn M. Atwood, IL S. Wheir, iilitz - 0. L in i h vi g g 4 Arthn• 11 Coma, glliomas H. Powers, George W. Toland, William McKee. Thos. Wattson. ni-1111. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 106 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED PE APRIL, Ink NNSYLVANIA BY THE EFATE OP lIONFINED TO FIRE ANDINLAND MILL DIEICTOES MUMlllel Wright. D. D. Rms.,. Wm. W. Walters, J. W. liverman. Riohardion, tlearl Lewm..fr., 1.7 0 W i A10 . W 16171 1 :19, itl a rdco W Siet it ' °ROE W. DAY President. FRANCIS N. isuCA. Vice rive WILLIAMS I. BLANCaARD. Secretary. Elan -11U ILLUMINATOR. Every rile is complaining of their exorbitant gas bills. At No. 54 south TRIED Street, may be seen the " best Lamps in the world " Can be used wherever light is wanted. Cheaper than coal. oil, oi..gas. Agents are making 1160 a week selling them. More wanted. 830.ThC00 so as Lampe e Oamps will light a room xi feet squire fort oent an hour, or will burn all night for a few cents. DR. C. A. OR aENE & 00., nival-ths&m.lv No. 50 South THIRD Street. IA AVANA CIGARS.—A handsome as aua sortment on hand, by recent arnvele, corn plain,— Cabanas, Portages, . Figaro, .I.e patio , a, • Neptuno, Blank Sea, Mambo, Zaragoeana, Adoraoion, Arroyo Hondo, &0., &0., Of all sizes and qualities, for gale low. by . 11 HARLI.8 TETE, auB , lBl 130 WALNUT Street. A ZUMEA i ARMEN& 1 AZIMIZA ! 'AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manutnotored solely No. 6 . 1 North FOURTA Strom. and tny .. 1 / 4 v•-• m, - *m. r CONTINENTAL NAILS, (Edge Gripe) manufactured at the Portage Nail an Iron Works / from superior quality of Juniata iron, on machines of the most approved construction , and warranted to be at least equal, in quality. uniformity, and finish, to any other brands in the market. Other brands (fiat and edge gripe) always on hand. JOB. C. D CHRISTMAN. 421 dOMMERCE Street. Prince & Christmas's superior solid- ere Planters Hoes for.ente as above. IYI4 -111m IMPORTANT TO PROPERTY CiWNE.I.B- AND BUILDERS —Newly-invented NAVE, for Water pipes, so as to disoonneot any one sea wit!! out disturlnn g the °theta; so as to repair It easerof their freezing us and bursting, thereb eavinereat expense, ass not defnoing the walls. *tented Y MO' by AUSTIN & uDDYKE, 1705 CIILS/NLIT Street. State and County Rights for sale. Also, Fastenings by the quantity. ell) 6t` ICIORIO RICO SITGAR.-250 hhds me. dium opt Atriot,l7 prime guslity, for Alt by JADESG4A-U-AM LEMVA drIFOt. liIMM r. HEENAN'S ~YEI.COhIE klOhlg THE cliAmProiva R RCEPTION FESTIVAL N kTIONAL WHLCOME JOHN C. BEENAN. JOHN C. FIREMAN, JOHN C. HEENAN, Will take place Sir AT CAMACT WOODS 111 lllir AT CAMAC'B WOMAN* ET AT CAMAZ'S WOOD 14 IT ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, NS sir ON WEDNESDAY, AIME? 36. 010 w WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15. NW On whioh ocoanion THE OFIA2d2ION, JOHN C. REBNAN, Will be melded by JOHN MCDONALD, JAMEB CUE4IOI‘, AARON JONI* C. F. OTTIGNON. THE OVATION. Tt is borod, mill move to the entire otwillsod world *Dr the BRAVE CRAMPIOR is not nneerreeisted by ha far oonntrynninnso and their lords. The WELCOME ROME Will indeed be a Madly greeting to JOHN O. HEENAN On his return from his TRIUMPHAL CONTEST IN THE OW WORLD. THE ARLINGEMighTTB will be conducted throughout upon the moat snowy tioneble principles, and will be found In every rwowol worth: of THE GREAT OCCASION, and the PATRONAGE OF THE ELITE. With thin yaw, it is the intenton ottheanayasaoe to reproduce, its nearly as possible. THE RATTLE GROUND OF PARKDOROIIOII6, and a mintio resreseatatien of THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL CONTEIFF for the CHAIItrIONSIIIP OF THE WORLD, between MUNN. HEENAN AND SAYERS - • whioh tooko piece in Ens on the fib of Ap ril In order to awyommodate the tigiiisaedir wkly'emy analogy to telt* by their zyrseenoe their spends- . tion of THE MANLY SKILL and INDOMITABLE 001.1111021 JOHN C. HEENAN, dolinee HI3 NATIONAL HONOR, the management has, for this omission, lamed the ea - trer of Cameo's Woods, which have been 111011/110 filmed in, and will form one vast and speedos@ insmor capable of acoommodating RP" FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS,' all of whom oan witnem the whole promedlaint without the slightest moonvenlenoe. In addition to the ahem ample emu*, a range of AMPHITHEATRE HALCONIER and . _ &PRESERVED PRIVATE BOXESISS will be erected for the express socomosoitatioa of LADIES ACCOMPANIED BY ORNTLEILIIN, to which they will be escorted by plibt• ushers; by private entrance, FAEROE EXTRA CHARGE. and which reserved seats wdl command an main tar rusted : view of THE EXCIIING AND CHIVALRIC FEATS OF MANLY EMULATION, • !between JOHN C. HEENAN and THE KNIGHTS AND CHAMPIONS THE TWENTY-FOUR FEET JUNO THE OBJECT OF THIS FETE. independent of conferring a well-mented toreplueeet to the recipient of the ovation, is to allow that Portion of the community who have never seen a struggle (or superiority of science and 'Dwight betweenopiolteatis an opportunity of witnessing the moduli operand Aid dent to pooh eve-ts, void of the ruip'emeat features that too often are attendant upon a pereonalstoottater. THE CHAMPION AN 0 HIS FRIES LIB will appear io the same costume, and display the sum colors as were employed at the meeting in England. MR. JOHN C. HEENAN WILL PERSONALLY AP PEAR IN THE CONTEST, and FIGHT HIS BATTLE WITH SAYERS, to friendly and harmless rivalry, o'er again. The seconds and assistants will eat up the rimy ac cording to the established role, put up their colors, se lect umpires, and prepare their 1061181W* for the grand event, who will immediately toes for corners, and take their respective places. MI the movements and prelnalell Emil(=SEW end the entire management on both sides wlti now FAITHFULLY REPRESIEN r THE GREAT CON ea it took place in England. on the iTth of *Nil lest. with the real colors, fro.. tie. In artier to show Mr. Heenan's extrwtordiunry powers of endurance, he will. after the grand contest, suite& the sucoessive assaults of alt the professors stove named. who will, one after another, (tope with the Champion in friendly encounter. In order to afford the utmost famlity to those who de sire to be present, on this most interesting seesaws, FOUR DISTINCT TI 3.IEKT OFEIC.e.R will be opened at the Woods. on the day of the &lethal & thus enabling all the vac tore to enter without her o( in convenience from crowding—in addition to whist'. thee those who desire to provide themselves with .kiekaal is advance may be enabled to do so . A CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE. has been establiabed at 730 CHESTNUT STREET. opsos.to Masonic, Hell. (up stern,! whets 11'14 1 11.1mi visitors can procure their tides, singly or In Peek- ORDER OP THE ARE &NORMENTE, The following will be the lasdtns fanfares of the PTO xramme of the festival. The doors will be opened ioc the admiasion of visitors at 10 A M At Noon A NATIONAL SALIITM OF TIIIILT P-TWO OIIN will be fired by THU PARK OF ARTILLERY. At I P.M. the Radish ROYAL SALUTE OF SEVENTEEN WINS witl ho fired. In the interho.oad after the Enos of itio Salutes, GRAND INEITRUNIRNTAL OONORKE will be given, for which purpose BECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, of THIRTY PintronlEttB, J. BTE ENSON BECK, Leader, hu been SPECIALLY ENGAGED. and will perform the following brilliant npospanaanp . _ PROGRAMME. . 1. Overture-" Nabnoa"..— .... .. • • -..... Vordt • 2. Marksman's Polka- .- ... . ....._.-Rehm . 3. Aria-" I Lombardi "........ Yank. g. teinatea Manse Waits er 6. Anvil Chorus and Gipsy 80ng.............-....1715rdi 6. Grand Coronation Ma roh-"Le Prophets" Maysirtioar Overture-" Btradella "...... 8. Ana and Aliso re re-" Il Trovatore 0. Walsh-bell 10. Waltz and Duet-" La Traviata" ....... --Verdi. 11. Bolero -n Les Verpree Bieiliennea ". V•rdea IL Grand International Pot Penni. arranged ex- Preggly FOR THIS OCCASION BY Ild. F. ALEDO, CONDUCTOR OF THE PRILA- I.RL SHIA BAND NO. 1. AND RESPECT FULLY DEDICATED TO JOHN C. HEE NAN. Esq. AT THREE O'CLOCK AT THREE O'CLOCK AT THREE O'CLuCK THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS Will drive into end around the monde. and will be 11D mediately followed by his opponent of the 00041300. with hie assistants, when the ring will be formed, end the MANLY MIMIC DISPLAY commence, the entire performance concluding shoal: after four o'clock. THE CARS Arrangements have been made with the Tenth and Eleventh, Fourth and Eighth, and Thirteenth and Fif teenth-street routes for an unlimited supply of aan• which will convey visitors direct to the Woods. atill" NOTICE. Mt This will be positively the only represesaßb o2 op" by the Champion and his friend. in Philadelphia. THE ENTIRE MANAGEMENT under the immediate aad personal impereip um oC JAMES M. NIXON AND HENRY WOOD. TICKETS OF ADMISSION.. .30 ow," Seats for Ladies. accompanied by Gentlemen, is the balconies and vitiate boxes. FREE OF EXTRA CH&ROE. REFRESHMENTS Of every description, and of the boss 1'11011).10 beprovlded at the hotel end on the preunds. an 3- A CIARD. HEV.NAN'A FRATIVAL, JONEV WOOD, MONDAY. AbOUBT DA. To THE PUBLIC: It baying been intimated that I Witt net artist at Jones' Wnod on Monday. I beg atate that have planed my interest' in the hands the r. James M. tam and Hy Wood for tnanagement, benefit seeming to the, and that when those perittemen annomme my at pea at any plane I will be presant tomme gagement. JOHN C THE HEENAN FESTIVAL. CENTRAL, TICKEIT OFFI2 In order to avoid coafaston, and provide for the cons fort of those •ho dative to be present on Weatesdas next, and prefer obtaining their riobets in advance. A otornua OFFIOE Hes been °wined, for VII:. SALE OF TICRETS. AT No. Tee CHFB NUT STNEET, Opposite Masonic Ball, (up stairs ) whey^ Meets can be obtained singly or DY the paoklßl. parties fro. e 4 toining cities requiring_ tickets can (Aosta these in advance by forwarding the riscrepoo, amorint_to 111113r3t J A 1693 BANCAKIL ED. PRICD. ic.: