Buchaimi. tFor The Fria' The how of erpeHrienee, purehued at a pries rai dear ea to ehalleroge the powers of arithmetic to sin** hare long slue forced upon tie the ocni 4o, Volitiiiit hinost negraelous end moot. tune task to "speak evil of dignitaries," even where they inoetrhitly &Hue ' the rod* wits of Asa pi,trikligkir9:!ll mat to ter how pure sad pOttiotioiti asoxibed mtiv " .Pertintei *Met the prejodie4 . mut' essandhLif' o l94.*! Ferhkin to disket It *IOU' ruguitioihthibliteenkir ouieori;, ens eritleina of ear roinin:, 114 ;iirtiattivir theta who beak lathe muelditti,ot Buielihno laver may say or ilia unhOthilt ile;thh II a duty which wo shall,•eLtolH,:undiii,‘'dieetterke with fearless : and aonedeat- 'Ci i¢4eohiltatu as to the reluehat afbrinatton that 1-F,t1144 bkooFneive a epettaideni Mout Moral abilpnlithal diforienWthaa h int'w putUttod, to the' oontanplitfon . of the Ameriein pea* in perish and oturaotit theit Aimee ohanan. Elevated to the of May.of his 41411S,r7iit Mils, Own' life r ilea the silk vary pithetations of tine ,warednikUiedto butt zaduisd 7 " 6 !Fre/c 4 0,0 80 00 40 Mg 1114 4nbaklowsti FaIOOD,; and. at tojanetutv cr: mktonig woo, AA", thic4019,4 ouoi`ait iitainerrative sad uattired itatuotanahip would busk, kitiollesoe the oontal sd of aeoldonal and'Paithosagitationi there daitol4,_arut-wWl!onatkr Ind dootoiti4ioilbOo'; iunnt' nubs', blAsy, one ,pubt!o buetionary rinOi tits:4l 7ol Watithig6,ll:' tla elGn g ulirly too, not say, eounnistalies7 Previtintiolt wow" thooittl X Wtieet atNifOttols4l,ll4liplootikittilltif: t Betkinbien'toi.Whi'to enshrined his rt ii o ,4* tit the affeetiouot hie oOnitit7litOu to iiiitrtakotibtd it even in, inelfseenblii hislifea the 1041 of fiUni . intOrid the 'Oh*, :toiniutiii-ptere ',Aide/14:4o" Oath . ' and MY; eoraufaseliarly aa if It lind been, mark 4 out With a euabeam^ in lie hearibm="7 The; Wallow sad lamb= fralt 'teiti*titY before lia 601, fiaerildnitifto oast& forth ideally hend - to pleat 114 INFO. it. Bat, alas: how PUMV how ,*7 have time „bright exportations beckilleappointed Boni -laatentably hare these gobbet:opportunities been sLtmproved - l , Instead, of eitsy leirathertag of a plentiful burnt of poste and of Prelee, lieiiai,tattyearnedau almost nntesrst.buftage OF obloquy Eidson:ma. . The 4 cipueti.thirCere and manifest. life Oen; oal*.tbitioint the 'Out prominent. ifiAineiteman mine into pirMor' 'claiming to be a Desacerat, par email/Mee, of the itzletest aml skraitest not: prioiauj ti rederaLtsty ail hie ma-. tivi !minims were in complete unison with the most aristocratic and highnoundlig amdmireness of :that ancient and venerable party. He 'came oven =to -„the Democratic side during-- the vier: ,whetting tide of the pessimist and peditleai pop w. lazily Of • Andrew Jackson. .Onin over, he illtus trated; .by his new-bora seal, the trutitfabiesti of they an cient , adage; that " one reingednis worse than ten - Tntiro..' , "'hie le in; indispuubie noterei tint inddett Mayan from oppb its extreau gene- rally peak - ta Owe the geaninanese Of their' con verdon by an impetuous ardor iibiab,tleioriginais In tba'aims faith seek in vain 'Co, baste: • ; It was so with lift:Buoblaan. Traditionary; reaolleo • lions not ofittbe aaet pleasant sort; 'halt ascribed to &veld he, with sulorcwoopio "sigeneg. 'to ;defeat - a - solitary drop of Da. taamatle; Irked bi:kis tartar's' erten, the dealairlion `of an " absafabs;',i deternOrtation to arsenate' it by, moans - of phlebotomy- T on opo.: taint :whit& .not - lair ;_oyil-disptood per; soli;:at :tho ouppoiod could very readi ly subwilkto; and not grow Om& Wit polo by, the deplitkot ! Be this as it insy,3kiii ostly,oad yobs otoot,Yedertiligkwas pLdaly nototioti. , Arid now, to tiationatrite the ger/beams of his poneention,, he -proelieded'ailhiVeittie . : Den/Met/ radloslistn.. -, Mit, the - sitinel bee' prOvidi". that what is bred in the bone does not disappear at the. flesh." The anment /federalism /Mr, Buchanan.; wonlAittem., /too ingrain ever to.be meted oat , shoo initally;"dld_ be eon seal it; bitronlythaniouviralant wee Ma juitbreals, - st lilt; for,'whatuir ;the"im pirtiat may ii > im AtOsieirning the - Admin ,Istratler of Mr. Buchanan, notons, We ire lionilden4 will be bold enortgb-ta claim that it has been by the least regard for the. pure aid elementary princi ples of Maitooraey. -- On therm/60, it bee been„ and it intw;ll pinettai s as ultra and sntherooghly, Federal,, as, Wan Oro the 'Adel/titration of the elder ?Mimi, With its Alien and libation Laws If ponoailoy, -ttensistei as It dose,. in bringing power, as nearly as possible, to the people, 'Om will is the primaiyaemen and whaes welters is the . ultimate aim of all government, then,"judged by this standard, the Executive brush of the Alieri can ativeisinunit, as , administered by -Mr. Be- - ohanen t hue well nigh Oblitersted "eery remalMag wadi,. of old-fashionediferionlin and J'aelmon Dentoirmy. Tee, if Yr. Buchanan'a Adsnintstre ! tion has been, or is now, a Dernocratie Adriainistra doe,- then we will: tame to take oric diet lekton In DeinaMnij ararikrain, end the fakers, from whom._ we learned'it, will have t• return twantheir greyest and confess that they did not undmitaid it: *Tea that Democratic, far exiiiple,bytrand and violeiMe, bairn:fa attimpt FORCE ripen I pedyle . a fanclainentall iww, which they took no part inifrainiag, which was in direct opposition to their almost unanimous with, and whteh',' booklet , tkitaktivip under, they weuldhave ee sorted-to the We 'refer, of itooree, to Mr. Boebetan'e attempt to fore* opoe the people- of Kama the Leoompton Constitution—an trodrarnent which even a Southern -Senator, 'declared " ought to have be litokedMet of Congrese"—and whiob, before the withriwinci-il.popular indignation, has, passed into "the receptacle of thinge loot upon the earth." . Was that Datiocratic, not only to es evil, himself, but, to insist on" others becoming evil doers, se well, or' 'foment to political ostracism although the requirement - violated their Po* foundisfmoralatinvietion ? Was that Democratic, with lightning speed to commission J. Glancy Jones, an Inferior and unworthy man,• to a foreign court, on the very day It h ad been assertelnid that the people of old, Berke bad: pronciotost - hint undeserving at the ballot boxes? Wai that Donor:ale to resist , the nomination of Stephen A. DongUs, when it was °lsar as the inn at high noon that the people pro ferredlus abov►all 001101*?',34302V Master A'd inbaletiettens; Whit known se . ? the "outside prewar, nayll.-1-thereplatoisr and wishes of the' maws@ of the iotera--exergised- a controlling in demase,.both in the settlement of measures' and • of men. Bit, by .1110 eibttliii re:U.OOOW ancient Demolustie , policy is - utterly Ignored. Now the ofileerbeditereire Eivitryttilig, the peoPle nothing. In a Sorrvention,asldoke, people mist be kept out" of 'ffallitrifts Are nominations' made, they most 'be made by- onatom-bouse 'and navy-yard oiltdals, and not by «outside beirbarlans.P question, Weird, whether hIS Satanic Majesty has half so mach dread of holy wider as have - Mi. Dn oluman and his sups, of the people. And yet he' claims to be a Deniers% and 'challenges ,for his AdminbdiatiMi the praise that 14 Is emanated on anoientlatfersopian prinotplii! Ur. Butthanin 'la a piopleASSer by Instinct, and it has come to pass that the' .- sontempt I/equitably' - iselproetil." If be despbutthe ophitted of •thi wide, Hearn imps the peoPledespistlill'opinions quite es eordially. Mr. Bliihntian - entered upon his high °Moe with the most solemn asseveration that it would be his paramount aim and desire ki draw more closely than ever the Internal ties that unite the Alpert tun &Oat - Mt a Confederacy. 'tkarttaly si message bar the "old public, farstkuary" sent to Congress, not a ueeelilias he delivered, not alone: has he tirilismetwidelt prelusion. elidirvotlip to thermion have not constituted the staple. Over the dangers that imperil fts'emsteMee he has shed as many tears - as ever 'diorlertiodek the' t Weeping Prophet" , over the &editions that threatened his beloved Istnealein.- - , Not hu Mr. Buebanan written for the Union, and wept over it, but he, hu even prayed ,fo:r Piesitivation—in public , certainly. Whether,' is - hasm - ebus(' -to do so la secret, is doubtful.' But, - unfortunately for Mr. Da ! elumank "Nue, thew 'tears are pmved to have been all , of the crocodile sort, and these prayers - snob as- the - highest, conceivable authority as-, cures us the Cod of B,eaven will not hear; In pie very same hour` indeed, that , he has affeeted ell this derothisi to IlMon, - he has , bean In surd allliation with' its sworn dnenitia, - aid has at length Mimi &Wei by the tempest - of unrestrained peilleh to plesehinseelf ii 'the very 'fore-front of thdr ranka! No man has written and spoken more. against Diiidop., No Man hoiden*, or is now doing, - more to strengthen the hands of the Bisenitiiilets; and render their machinations formidable. Wen' at the present writing, he ;is "cheek by jowl" - With Yancey and Lie little bend of confederate thilen-breakers, end doing , more ' maugre all thi tears anti - prune, to imperil the Union, that anyanan Of hie day and generation. A more 'tie. grantand IlagitiouS disregtird of plighted faith it would bedillemit eall from the darkest page of mankind'.-moral history. , _ - - Prominent • causes that shall sink the name Of Biumaikn into a grave of- obloquy nide& ealdt knine,4 ,riatirreetion morn; will be the reeollection of his basil higritlinde to the host of early utd - tieitleed frlueis who ''clang to his poil tkall fortunes in their darkest and-saut unpromis , *Omit, and upen whom, no sooner had he reach- . atria Oa) af - his - esithii saitstimi, ,thin he au= wiremenimudy and - inglorioulytermed-u( beak ! Than be, no inalf - ntir higliaer and more &Uinta meted Mende. Than be, as the sequel has proved, no men line - ever deserved thins 'less; for no mss _ hat ever runlet the'generows 'Offerings of years, of, helmet and - self-aierigaitqf devotion with .• mote' - dirdsitifel Ittii_ f *seit'Siebliceni. We speak not now Of thelietawal - of oleo. - This is • considers-, - lion which la Ode eleOttiotien sinks into Lilliputian ' insignilleance. ; Pula Oodl,,amaing the host of Ms ; -early and peisiltettl'hiends there, were compira • tivelp few tat 'a - heed - a solitary numb that fell "'Boit the eVerilettkg • Presidential table:: `neither needed mortleeired it.. Int they did -64"k_ • right , to 'suet,' that w he n tlii willteereelpient of their , patlent - ant - lersew ,'mind inhercf;!*.' 'NeeltbeCtbi Proddeiel, the igddy bele* otUltkation winliF)tot. vender him either dismshaires:Migiaistiel.. Mike, neither Aught nor' , AssMslik~__ Pitiretteent they le* Reputed a4kwaignibil'ilmwaltles. , Iluti we speak it lealifejfikNM - Vrir abgea, Wee ors 1 mores of Mr. Buchanan's early Mende, who latewed 'for him in sunshine and in storm, in good and in evil report, and to whom, whilst a mere expectant, be wag often painfully patronizing and sycophantic, bat f x,a,!49 1 .%44Ang-Irith Abeyvery dnyof his erection, h e has withheld 'eVelciftel4coent Soirrts. des which gentlemen otsit: to the humbles strenger.. lbe toff and the devotion otyearite had':ertddenly forgotten, and if ban made y diserimiiiation, is has made It in favor of his Ring Pa hitt) Wiset revilers. For this part of the history of the," old public funoticinary" the waters og Isethe havano oblivion. It rises, an extra-mew dant ociuttilr,:froin the, - memorise ; of ~the imet, ooveehim With an immortality of oldoleY.,', eddied Weiteib' ‘l4iiiiintended that ingratitude to an olftitic 40, 7 1Huiltuill' i and so, bilinoo, thit It should be visited With summary punishment, and have a place in the criminal calendar. 'lf this were the sue in this scuntey, and in these day's, it linot ercaggaratiois to state, that one, of thisgrasiest offenders : ;this norm ;would be Xamie /inohafian. And last,- int not • leant, among the eanseilhat will Ocemplia to eoredgn the name and fame of Mr, Buchanan to' daierrOd eFeerottilli, le the foot thit pi ii apendini Alfa brief remnant of his 'official et*ist!:?* 'OO ienderelevreirie,t* brief remnant of bib earthirlife-L-not,in atoning for the grave er 'Vera, aCthripali,tior Jet hi , making imitable , pre paration, for '.the,;'awaida, Of the Aaiun—but in Wreaking a bitter aid: grorelling revenge' on, , all hiatinitordinatosio Mee, ,wlie en 'the" question of the cuotseadoni are - disoovireiti hold opinions dif ferent from his'own. NOW, can a more humiliating 'apaitaolibe`presented . to the Mind, than to too air trld,.tofitty•Vdto totter s on the verge of the grave, employing the dregs of his executive term in ilunistibig aid, crushing out from those holding of umnie,of *Web the Constitution, for wiser and better pUrpolies, his made dependent on his wilkorml feeling of virtue - and manly indipen denoe ? It is, however; in this way, precisely, thit' Sr. Buchanan isolating his career as, President: The presiding divinity in his bosom, even now, while the sands in his houvglase ate sensibly near utensil* is implaoibie end Unappeasable Hate. Bo predominant is this ele ment hi his chareoler, that I. it every lofty. and Magnanimous impulse is sanitised, and thrust with-Vandal violence from his bosom. Utterly Oblivious of the august dignity of his °Moe; es well is oi'his own near approach to the retribution of lyaothir,,wor l 4, he,. is 'ianiaeking every custom house, exploring every petty post office, rummaging every, nevi:yard ! , and establishing a contemptib le espionage, in every dill, bureau, to discover, whether there is a night inspector, or a clerk, or a postmaster, or a lamplighter, who has a proclivity for Douglas! And if one be caught in the act, or even suspected, no matter how oompetent, how honest, or how faithful, or how long and hoW con sistent his past devOtiOn to the :President himself, be is at once summarily :Herniated, and is succeeded by some Pliant tool of Executive caprice, who is himself fresh from the altars of apoetaoy, ! With solemn istrioneniss may it be asked: Is the Pro. sidenoy of the United States, then, an office in barren of duty, that its Incumbent can find leisure for such paltry work as this? Are there no higher purposes to claim his time and attention? Alas ! that the high - dignity of the office, with all its im minim 'and august reeponsibillties, 'should ever have fallen Into suck bands! Between the office and the deep moral degradation of the incumbent, it it r matter of profound regret that it is not pos• sable to draw a line of demarcation. Gladly would we dissociate them were it in our power. We have spoken harshly, in ' this article of .the present Chief Magistrate of the United States, we admit ; but of this one thing We are Confident, not more harshly than' hit perfidy and recklessness deserve. Thank God ! his Administration is ra pidly drawing to a close. Its epitaph has already been written, and is plainly to be read In the deep and universal execration of the American people. Lit who will be his successor, (should it be the re doubtable Jo Lane himself,) the next Administra tion cannot fail to been unspeakable improvement on the present. The Executive history of Jaynes' Buchanarr, we are very sure, will stand without a rival on the page of American history. It will be itielf,-ita only parallel. For treachery, venality, and imbecility, coupled with a rare admixture of eorammmate , and despotic arrogance, We predict we shall never look upon !Milk* again. Oar pa triotic end sagacious forefathers, who framed the Coinetitation, we verily believe must have bad putt such a President and just su ck an Administra tion in view, when they restricted the term to four , yetre. thumealsably calamitois would it be to have to "endure suchU National curse for six or Wit years. Tfie most welcome sun that bag ever shone upon the American people, we are very ear tap, will be that which eonsimm Mr. James Pu °bailee forever to the shades of private life. O. P. Q. GENERAL NEWS. Ix Lowell, there, are twelie corporations, 'With . an aggregate capital of ;15,000,000, owning fitty-two factory buildings*, Containing over lour hundred thousand spindles and twelve thousand looms, with other aeohilieu in proportion; em -ploying eighty-seism hundred women and forty-two -hundred men( manufacturing yearly more than one hundred million yards of cotton cloth, twenty ilve million yards of calico; twenty million yards of bleached and dyed goods, one and a half million yerde:of woollen clothe; and over a million yards of ,ottigetinga.- Think of a strip of cotton cloth a yard wide bud two hundred miles long, made daily Enough in a iiar to go twice mend the globe, with ends Ave thousand miles long to tie with. TEN SOIVNTIPIO COMOILXBII.—Tho twenty wreath Soientifio Congress of Prance Is to hold its session at Cherbourg, from the 2d to the 10th of September. 'ln •its general features It will resent- Me the conventions of &similar nature that are pe riodreally held in the United States, The following paragraph has been " going the rounds" of thp Paris papers: "The Industrial exposition of Troyes,-remarkable for the great number of ma nufacturers who have taken part in it, has come 'to a close. M. Oallebaut, the maker of Anaerioan sewing machines, on Singer's plan, has Just ob tained there a new triumPb, the grand diploma of honor, the highest possible award, having been AO corded him.' - • Tax Onnistsx LANOW,GS.—Sir John Bow ring; at a resent tract society meeting, said : The Chinas are a proud nation, and naturally enough. The language eve r xis four thousand five hun dred years and ybody,reads it. Our language is a language of yesterday. A person who lived in the Wand of Great Britain eight hundred years ago, could not understand one of us and we could not make ourselves understood by him. But Confucius wrote six or seven hundred years before Jesus Christ, and his language le read not 1 / 7 fifty or sixty, millions .who understand the English lan guage, but by five hundred millions of the human me.: What a wonderful pciwer ! Tait BRITISH Nivr.—Donald McKay writes to the Boston Cemmeresal Bullali a Home of the results of his observations in the British navy yards. _ The Government is now building 58 steam war yew* of various kinder eorrYl l 2B' I , 7B3 lliinsi or nearly as many as the *hole United Wain navy: By the middle of next year, when the ships now on the stooks are completed, the British fleet will spout 736 vessels, with 17,099 guns, and 132,- 786 horse-power, or about eight times as many guns, as our navy. Over two hu nd red thousand men will be required to man the vessels. The French navy I. in guns, only li ttle over half as strong a4-the t • English. Tith music publishers of the United States bold their annual convention at the Pifthmvenuo lintel; in New York; this week. It will be the drib annual sante of the" Board of Mule Trade," and the members And that the business of publish ing sheet music and music books is increasing at a very rapid rate, and now gives eurployment to thousands of persons and demands millions of dol lars to carry it on. 'Unlike the meetings of pro fessional mudding and musics teachers, the con ventions of the music publishers are always har monious. Two Furs MOONS.—A &tinge astronomical orcurrenee takes place during' the present month— that of two full moons. On'tho first day ot the month, 11 o'clock and 33 minutes, the moon's phase *hinged fkom the first quarter to a full moon ; on the Wet of this month there will be another change at 2 o'clock 67 minutes, from a first quarter to a full moon. - This occurrence, which rarely happens, will billinzioludy,waphed for. Twit foliage in forest and fruit trees in this vicinity, says the Boston Transcript, bas not been so luxurious, early in August, for many years, es it Is at the'present time. The copious rains of the pest eight weeks and the cool weather have com bined le preserve the leaves in their " living green," so that . the freshness of June has continued till the Mooed week of " dog days." 'Tea Oin &manse CANADA.—.The steamer Canada, one of the vessels built by the Greet Western' Railway to run in contagion with their road, is now lying rotting atone of the wharves on the East river, In New York. She is entirely stripped of her machinery, and appears in a very dilapidated condition. The America Is on a route in one of the Southern States. Ms.'43. H. SUNMAN, of Natick, Masa., has lost three fine home within a week, each valued at $2OO, bya diseeee which, pliyeloiatus say, exact ly resembles pleuro•pneumonsa In cattle. At Newton Lower Falls three hop have died sudden ly of a singular disease, of wtdoh the doctors had no knowledge. NEW OALNANB MlNT.—Daring tho month of duly, " the deposits at the United States branob mint, New Orleans, were, gold, $10,912; Oliver, s9B,Blo—total, $109,222. The coinage war $75,000 to silver dollars, and. $3,787 in silver bare. No gold , was °dried. - IT was the last request 'befort.'diiiillt of a gentleman of Boston, recently- deacciaed; that hie remains should be examined dally for a period of terrdlys, in order to make enre of the fact that life had really departed, he having a fear of being bu ried It .18 stated that a legacy of $lOO,OOO, made many zears ago to the General Episcopal Theolo• ea; ;Seminary, New York, has been, through an ndhareet change in the mode of investment by the treasurer, almost totally lost. Micrresty Eiteestvintwr.Five hundred tents, and twe pieces of bran ordnance captured in Mexico, have been taken from Harrisburg to York, Ps., to be used at the military enoampment .nest month.', . - , WHEAT OEOP DIT WISP oterN.---The Wiscon, piper speak in glowing terms of the wheal nap, and, upon the authority of dealers, claim that the,State will produce 20,000,000 buthels, Tau Oretalams for neat cattle have been Withdrawn for the Vermont Agricultural Society; on account of the plenrolmenmonia. Tstre, 'population of Winchestei, Va., is 4 little over 4,000, showing a slight increase over tha comma of no° Ix Ii naid there were 8,000 persons at Ohl Point on Saturday, and of these 8,000 visited the Great Eastern. Tax 'lnirehtsl of Detroit advertises that all doge toned in the streets hereafter will be poi- Donal. EVART or ten ship.carpentere were discharged Skim the Gosport navy-yard last Saturday. PAILADELPBEIit BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGIE N. TATHAM, T. PROTIUM:IRANI, Connarril or vas Main ROBERT B. REED. LETTER BAGS At tholflifehtsPitelfzeMt4e, Philadelphia. Ship Wostmorplan4.- 11 • 01 mt,.•-•• lAyernixil, soon trk WhiterWitli • ;Lain. tars, soon e x L eig hton, de Janenn, soon B tot::: Vett . . . 4 . " ..11geW, '") 11 Barg Amr,..fistnmand soon Brig o t 9 Splltrigs, Cott-..-- ...Port Blain. Trio, soon BritetdiSiltniiiWi.7.:':....."7.:.t3.i.aSlToBll.ollll SAILING OS-THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE HATTED STATES. 14A17,1g /OIL Illinois ....NW lark—Havre.. ..... of Washington. 4.ooreoli—Liverpool • • New York.. Liverpool. .. .....» @akonia..._.....New York—Hamburg.... ...... . Australasian—, • •Nsw,York..l.gyerpo9l—;... Aptgo ...Hew York—Havre Prince Albert . -- New • •• • • Kangaroo.... --New York—L.o , oMM ••-• Adr atio. erYork . aAdn craw .Hvre. 'Penns Hammonia —New ark—lambing-- . • Arabia *gam:. iverpooL ..... • Mlles.— --New York.. itareeol.--.... FROM EUROPE. IMPS Leave Woe Maya Damsons ..Liverpool-New York Adrißtio....A3onthampton -New York-- .- -Jul! 81 Edinburgh.... -..Liverpool-New York --Aug 1 Anglo Sauon.,...Liverpoollebee 2 Ilammonia —Southampton- ew 4 ,Persia...... ew Aug 7 Etna. • . •• Aug' 7 Glasgow........':York.— •-••• .Aug 8 North Amenessiadvemooll-Quebees:• , —......-.....Aug 9 Arabia- . Weston 11 nova Scotian ..- • .-....Aug 11 Vandertnit York —.AMC 18 -Liverpool-New York— 18 Jura .. Liverpool-New York —ee2 21 Fulton -.......80uthamp ton:A.4Bw York-- Aug 2/ New Y0rk..../3outhampton- New York .............. 22 North Briton. -..Livrorpool..Quebeo - . Atm 23 The California Marl Steamers sail from New York on the let. 11tM and 20th ef each month. The Itavana Steamers leave New York on the Ikl,7th, tab. 17th. and gfth of eaoh month. MARINE INTF.LiGIGENCB. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10, MO. B_UN n R —.. E_SELI— .5 7-BUN BETB--..-- 6 53 ma 11 ARAI VHD. Bahr Roanoke, Ranh, 10 day" from Eastport, with nlester to E j l / 4 Bonder & Co. Bohr R Marne, Town mend, 4 daYs from Buffolk, with shingles to captain. Bohr Remount. Stranger, l day from New Castle, Del, with wheat to Jaa J B sok. Bohr Watatanan, Morns, S days Bom Laurel, Del with lumber to J w Bacon. Bohr Damon, Pitcher. from Boston. Bohr B L Shary, Inotilwell, from Boston. Bohr Adolph kingel, klaxon. from Boston. ; Bohr Eliza &.Reheens, Price, from Boston. Bohr C A Greiner, Weaver, from Boston. Bohr Albion. Holbrook, from Providence. Bohr 0 kindd, Rose, from Pawttioket. CLEARED. stearaithip Eennebeo, Johnson, New York, James All derdioe, Bark Cordelis, Farrell, Barbadoes, Thomas Wattson & Sons, Brip Triad. Brown. St Thomas. E A Bonder & Co. sobs' Starlight, Yorke, Portland, Van Dunn, Norton & CO. Bohr MMUS, Carman. Portland, do Bohr Bliss & Bebsoos, Pries, Boston, do Bohr Damon, Molter, Boston, Noble. Hammett & Caldwell Polar Albion. Holbrook. Salem, do Bohr S Liltharp, Salem. Nevin. Sawyer & Co Bohr Adolph Hugel. Mason, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co Pair c AGreier, Weaver. Saugus, L.Rothermel& Co Bohr Budd, Hose, Pawtucket, Street & Co. Bohr 'Victor, Sears, Lane's Cove. Tyler, Stone & Co. • Str R Claypool°, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. IGOIIIINDOtitiPneant Th e p rw ., HAVRE DE GRACE. Aug 9, IWO. The Kingston left with 9 boats, Wien and consigned as [allows : Este!, lumber and staves to Kensington, . Elwood and. F Burows, lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Miltonian, do to Cadwalader k Co; Hiawatha. do to Chester; Econo my. do to Samuel Bolton &Co; Iterford and United S railroad iron to David Reeves & Son; Four Boys, Starts. Delaware City. _ (C4rremiondenoe of The Prewar .KBATIING, Aug. 8 The following boats: from the Union Canal ,uused in to the Bobuylioll Canal to day, bound to Phelphla, laden and corm rued u follows:. i LigoL, lumber tountain; Dubois & Lowe. do to Nor crows t Sheets: Morns and B 18 Mosher, do to pusher; At:ameba, do, to fit Trump & Boni Prairie Flower, do 11-W Landisi.Bliza; iron to Phornia Iron Co. fa ith2OI4ANDA. Ship Grey Eagle, Hughes, from New York, at City Point Itti met. blue Joseph L Hale, Gravel, for Calcutta, sailed from Liverpool lath Shm Allianoe, De Portrait, from Liverpool, wad off Charleston 6th ioat. Ship Josiah Bradlee. Dunbar, from Callao, via Hemp. ton Roads, arrived at Savannah Atli inst. Ship Beaokite. niarwiok, sailed from Liverpool nth ult. for Philadelphia. Ship J Baker, Allen, sailed from Liverpool 24th ult. for Philadelphia. Ship Art Union, Morton. from Boston for Calcutta, was seen 3d inst. lath PO, long M. Ship John Clark. Letournatt, cleared at Baltimore eth testtor Liverpool. Bark Curlew, .Dievr, 4393410nt) Ballard. cleared at Boston 811, inst. tor Bong Kong. Soar WBartlett, Connelly, nailed from Beverly 7th Met for Philadelphia. Bohr Burrows 0, Clark, hermit, arrived at Savannah 6th Mat. . _ • tSchr Bleak Bova% Day, for New York, Bleared at Newborn . , NO.Oth inst. Bohn boptuaMay. Russell, Wilson, Davis, Binary May, Hoover, and Mary A Shropshire, Shrop shire, hence, arrivedat Boston Bth inst. Bohr Isaac itioh, Crowell, oleared at Boston 6th inst for Philadelphia. Beam Georgia, Swett, B D, Taloa), and J D McCarty, Smith, sailed from Nowbaryport TM mat. for Philad. Bohm Chas Carroll, Pratt. Minerva. gall. and Ame lia, Rockhat, henoe. arrived at Providence ith Init. Bohr Mary Nan, Brown, for Philadelphia, saliva from ProVidenoe 7th inst. jabs: ft . alaboir,lttivener, for Philadelphia, sailed from Baker's Leading 7th mot, Bohr A Hammond, Paine, cleared at Baltimore Bth inst. far Philadelphia. instan Pahr t. Leesburg, dwift, hence, amved at Portland 7th [Per steamship Europa.] At at Liverpool Nith ult, Rutland, Foster, N Orleans; Jesse Webb. Raohardson, liew York. Bth '33th. Chicago, Chase, and Camden, Tallman, New York; Bith, F B Cutting, Maloney, do; 27th, Jeremiah Thompson, Blake, do. Ar ar Shields 28th, J Godfrey,.Clark, New York. Bld from the Clyde 22th, Bogor , , New York. Ar at Marseilles 23d Lames Paine New York. Ar at Crate 23d, Bea Foam, Ling ge, New York. Ar me Gironde 2Othilleonor, Emerson, New York' for Bonjeaux. Ar at Browershaven lath, Athena, Bolting, New York for Ilotterdam. , - NOTICES. T. MARK NOTICE. •IL The WASHINGTON MILLS, as the aneceturors of the BAY EITATE idILLB, purchased the property, gooa will and other rights of that oolnPanY. The rABHINGTON MILLS, therefore, claim the name o "BAY STATE" • an their trade mark upon Wootton Goods. The under signed, therefore, cautions against any infongement of it as a violation of the ruble of tiiia Company. jylB-mTIAM JOP, 8. FAY . Treasurer. NOTIOE TO BUILDEBB.—The Board of Commiss i oners under an sot of Assernblyenfitled "An sot provding for the erection of Polito Buddhas, in the pair of Phliadelphin," approved April 2, 1800, hereby invite plans and estimates of cost for the build ipso proposed to be erected. These buildings are de signed for the accommodation of the courts of Lustice, and their appropriate of fi ces. and the al oMoes of record of the county, and also for the accommodation of the several departments Inii officers of the Inna/Ot- pet government of the city of Philadelphia. They are to boldfaced on Penn ficuare ; the buildings for, the oolitic &0., on the northwestern sec n, and those for the municipal government on the northeastern section of said .fignare. A statement, in detail, of the extent of acoommoda tion required for the respeghve departments and kifilm to be locatixl in these buildings has been printed, and tenons designing topremiteiems are hereby referred for aortas to any of the of Commissioners. Ground ohms, sections, e levations, and perspeotive views of eaten building wall be r dinette, accompanied with clear and full explanations. s The estimates are to be aoisompealtd o by complete speenteations. and with. explanations o the whole so simple, minute, and nil that afiey may readily °opt rrehended by penman not specially instructed in WOW- Vllllold plans, estimates, sad speoiliciations to be directed to the rrosident of the Board sad furnuihM before the dm day of geptember, A. Th kr. Each person submitting a plan must in dicate the ma terials to be employed in constructing the buildings an der his plans. filo °maw:Past will be awarded or paid by the Com missiogers for the plans to be submitted, as hereby in vited, until the meensof earning the said aat of Assem bly Into erect shall be_ pmvided, in aeacirdanee irtth ita _eXA.NDER HENRY, President. te rAlith R. LUDLOW. @mutters. Philadelphia, Jell 11.1800. OrPIOE OF THE . PHILADELPHIA AND . READING RAILROAD COMPANY.—Punt. DELI O IIII.. Any 11. 1000.—ne ratesof Freight:sod Tolls on Coal transported by AM company will be ea follows. from July 1/1, until further notice : To lig tohmond —. Philedelphus --.. . illelinedPilule -.. Plioetown.. .. - Germagurorn R. R... ralla of Bahuylkill,—., riberts....--. tr e lli e drikera.- . ... :: — . mbo'a....._. —. rrist'n or Bridgeport ort Keauedr.-....-. alleg Forge. —.—. l kuruuville --.--. pees Poni...-.-- Pa m1ng 14 0....---'.-.. 81113............ -........... ia i town of ceuvilie=,— -- . onacsay ----- Birdsboro.-- Mann- .----- R:110% - = = eaaport.....— , hrgville...-- Oriri n griaud Aaiun. Border of the Board of Managairik, /a-lro W. H. fdmur...NNEY. JOB PRINTING. TM NEW JOB PRINTING OFFIOB "THE PRESS" lapeepared to enceinte neatly,oheaply and expeditiously IVIAT envairnox or MAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTINSI PAMPHLITO, PAPER B-001Le, BLAMES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ♦O64EJA, lIAI9BiLLE. Malang for AUOTIONENIte. LAWYERE. MEROIWITS, MANDFAOTURERN, MECHANICS, HAIM% RAILROAD AND INSURANCE INL All order. left at the Publication Mies of The PUSS, N0.41f (YffESTNUT STREET, will be around!, attended to. lele CANDLES, FARRYip% wfic ti 'ru s MAOETI, 0 Warp& ei r eir is n or f o box.. to nit arty market n ratifi aa iladi e leZatlMAJlVEo. 10 Mt THE PRESS,--PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1860. ripEEE,WpiIfMTp . D 13.1frpt.8 THE OXYGENATED BITTERN. TXB OXYGEN,ATED BITTBRS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS DATE Aug 11 ..Aug 11 . Aug 15 —Aug 15 Aug 15 ~Aug 18 —Aug 16 ..Aug 15 Aug 23 ..A u K 46 Aug 29 ..Sept 1 ..Dept 5 ..Sept 12 Indi g e ation, Dla➢epeia, hull Region THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, Cure Aoidity, Flatulency, Heart Burn, Water Brash Cure Flatulenoy, Heart Burn, Water Breen, Acidity Cure Heart Burn, Water Brash, Avidity, Fletuletter Cure Water Breath, Avidity, Flatulency, Heart Burn Jaundice, Liver Compbunts, itilious Complaints, Liver Complaints, Bilious COMplaints, Jauridiee, Bilious Complaints, Jaundice, Liver Complaints Care Debility of the Syetem, Female gorattliataa. Cure Female Complain% Debility of the system, Cure Debility of the System, Female Complaints, Cure 'Female Complaints, Debility of the System Oxygenated Bitten, Oxygenated Bitten, Oxygenated Bittern, Oxygenated Bittern, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated ihttere, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Cure all diseases grnioh originate 'a disordered con dition of the atornsoh, or nnyerfeet digestion, or in a debilitated state of the system, induoed by fever, o matio influence, habit or Mamie, and are acknowledged by alt who h ave used them to be the most remarkable medical remedy of the times are prepared by 8. W. FOWLE do CO., 113 Tremont street. Bolton, and are Borman by their agnate, by Drug gists and Dealers In Medicine both in city and country ==l T. W. DYOTT & BONS, Wholesale Moots. WS North Beoond street, Philadelphia. SOLD BY ALL DIUMOISTA ,jy13..e0f..418cW IROF. WOID'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is precisely what its name indicates, for. while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying. exhilarating. and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies. reinstates. and renews the Wood in all as original purity, and thus rosteres and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular WM. SO as to be within the Mott of all. So chemically and skilfully oomb,ned as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance With the lours of na ture, and 'hence soothe the Weakest stomach. and tone tip thq digestive organs. and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its effects, ape yet it ie never followed by lassitude or depression of spirlts. It is composed entirely of vegetables, nod those thoroughly corn- Inning go:perkily Wide and soothing' PrOPerliee,aed,:A consequently can never injure. Such a rettiedy has „„, long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical X. world, both by the thoroughly stilled in medical science, and also by all who have suffered from de bility ; for it needs po medical skill or knowledge even to see that debility follows all attacks of dm ease and lays the unguarded system open to the X attacks of many of the most dangerous to which X poor humanity is constantly liable. Such, for ex ample, as the following : Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Lou of Appetite, Paint: nem Nervous Irritabilit7 N enfolds, palpitation le of the Heart, Melancholy. Hypochondria, Night sr, Sweats, Languor, Giddiness. and all that class of a elutes. so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time. al called Female Weaknesses and Irregularities. Also, C Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com- c plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys, Scalding or In 0, continence of the Urine, or any general derange ment of the Urinary Organs. Pain in the Bank,aide, ■ and be w eer the lihou'dedi. pgediiposition to slig colds. apking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, tr, Diffiou ty in Breathing, and, indeed , we might enu merate m•ny more still, but we have apace only to c say, it will not only cure the debility following C fromand Fever. but prevent all attack. arising from Allataildlo Intlyeaom and mire the disease c at once, if already attacked. and as it sots directly sndnenn ,-, stently upon the Lottery system, arousing la the Liver to motion, promoting, In fact, all the ex. r orations and seoretions or she system, it will inlet ably prevent any deleterious coneequenees follow k: ing upon change of climate and water; hence all 2 travellers should have 'a bottle yith them, and oil c should take stable-spoonful at lead before eating As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the diges t z use mme, it should be in the hangs of all mats t . I if sedentary habits: students. ministers. literary c men; and all ladies not accustomed to mush out. c door exercise should always use it. If thew they will Bud an agreeable. pleasant. and efficient I remedy against time ills which rob them of their a, 1 beauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health. ' , and health oannot exist while the above trregulari. ties continue. Theakagain, the Cordial is a_perfeot 2 Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the C • final trial, she will pass the dreadful yeriod with 4 perfect Miss and safety. There so Na nitstale about is it,this Cordial is all we clam for tr. Aferlierr. try 4 .1 I ! And to you we appeal to detect the illness or C decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too :A I late, but also your cone and husbands. for while • the former. from false delicacy, often go down to a premature prays rather than let their condition be known lb time, the latter are often tio mixed up with the excitement of business that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in the same down ward path. until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for we, ate sure your never , failing affection will unerringly point you to Prof. C° otid:a Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, ae the remedy wiich should be always on hand in time ofneed. 0. 7. WOOD,Yroprietor, 4448r0ad ay, New York. and 114 Market stree kelt. Louis, mo. • and wild by all good Druggist/. Price, One Dlleir per Bottle. : 01 .mid here by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND xo treat. and P. BROWN, cora er FIFTH and WIEST NUT Streets, . aue-mwfd&eowtv -tf 1.4 6 6 1.16 US 1.46 1.11. 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.07 1 .IX 1.38 s el THE GRIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. Ela ra DALLEY'S MAGIOAL PAIN EXTRAOTOH g IR As universally supplanted all other ye A-a Ointments and iielria, applications in both the ft Pulttimpl rola= Neietieres, animater nitro .) allowi i is uttrioule maw is tbs true seoret or its gy mamma a all eareannis sfeetteas, whether the clause dr be *sada* or dismal. so BURNS & 011 SCALDS e m s ;MP instantly relieved of 6 the' anealah, ion as mminornauon, by a umaly A apphostien of this mar lin venous Asattr. .itnd the . tint is renewed as if by a °l ' ann trifH3TergN a D " 6l l 4 . irirkVii3EßY. Mildren are Irecrient .aibititrers room external In- Moos, eepeoitilly from r•witii an Campania En p.osioas—therefore every 4 mother a. ould have this hell preparation eon- stoutly on hand, It _heals son rgastb and quiokly 0., ;move+ the TENTER or Sp WORad,__so soya- , rat is as ittsrsiry, TO TRAVEL L 'itS q Y SEA AND LAND. The 111 whiz" the xo• ga vener,and every other In dividual whose ot Dili% ny throws Mrl. within the °honed or aool ant repm it' sziaariaa. fire, or coin tion, should bear in mind $ 7 l at itXsto Extractor his beet and only f rien d. ; is portable and o asp, and should ever be oom , len, no a friend inn g ?, There are thou- sands o sing 'Mammy' to te to Its marvellous virtue, w o owe their sound j a mbe and murales to its saving edipsoy. The onowing FP _6 row 4:j:the !mo cha ..idtssaNge for at' aNeitiMAIIT g, ift.;;AlrciuV T _' IE4 .all Muds, rim' ere tlYt f ruds , rest iter. oo r 4 , nitesrokan itstra sa, _gri m. re 4, nii :4l .. :of WaltA Lwiil . 'Wu ! " /4 4 mat. 118 ppod Hands eases NM. a. a, WM . WI gea4ln43, . ox, ary' ,i.... traoted Cords, irii: Rrier Chaim isdn, Veers, Dilima of the easthmt, Ve nereal Sores. RI at U T Ina g : ,DITDOta.II Drrdira j , Now Yor k, %AIN a Co.. 4flriLl'it d Argelle t i, t; 6 0 4 11 1 P870 be by S . 3. 114 , .d h o f t a i l l l war Droll Wa n ad It ler phanta irrilri Pia CO., 21I t r li ' lo a rTh SECOND Street, far Wilmslow" MOWS 101' Pennsylvani a. outovLANs. BILL READS HARDWARE PACK4fir 140114/OS. LABELS PACKAGE HARDWARE HOTHOL—We 7 . ol w d_remotfulli call the attention of th e fbm anif RiA i liisorut r ,azgagelati l irte a rilcalVAlatlon d tooth Dwell Um sits. Mir 40 II milli& • w. I ton, Trot R StroOli_ AW Anat. 14. 11 V4 9 14Tu l 14 11=e1t4ur ilitn* • 0011EPANIEIS 'PRIVY-WELLS Cleaned at a low pnee, to obtete the oestteda, Address Wfd, Tr - NOON Peedrette ()moo. 12113 North amonntl *treat lir 18 •I on SYCOPOWITM—For ease by WETWE 111t & BROTRISR. 47 and 49 Plorth 19ECIOND lygs SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE.-175 Bar novantalVta, /1 1 rye ife Azirml WRARN4I. an? MEDICINAL. An unfailing remedy AR unfailing remedy Dyenteikta, Dyspepela, Indigestion,Disimnsin,lndigeition, Dyapepeivt, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, T.H.E OXYG.ENATRD BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXiBEN4TED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED MITERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, Cure Neuralgia, Nervouenees, Cure Nereorumese, Neuralgia. Cure Neuralgia, Nervounneau, Cure Nervoumess, Nauru'Ulu THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIBTH BOLD BY ALL DROGGIBTB SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTB RAILROAD LINES. tßiewf_alt.oviuratiy. iMp r aiiMI bta. IPASEW,NtiER AND FREIGHT ROUTE 0 190RFO IC and PORTSMOUTH. Va., "a ihnington, and Baltimore. and ,V:l l 7irt e ti Pw i f r olr ad ArY e rit e b e rin7,th e , ' a steamer P e lla- On and after July 9th, passengers from Philadel phia will take the 816 A. M. train at the depot, corner Broad' street and Washington avenue, on Tuesday., Thure,tars, and Yaturdaye. ermine at Sea ford at LSO P. M., and at iqotfelk early the next morning. Thosteanter Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the eveningof Monday. Wednesday and Friday, ao4neoting with the_tram at Seaford, willoh arrives at Phdadelphts at 1 F. M. Fare for first-olatepassengers, including meals on the boat. ST. Second-4ms passengem, inelndimi meals on the boat. S Fr S ef OO. ght takenii low as by any other route. For farther particulars, see small hand 4:dile at the hotel", and othe ypublio places, or inquire of , 0. P. DARE Agent, corm Broad at. and Washington ay. H. F. HENKBY...Mseter of Tyansportation_, jy27 tin ' P. W. & H.R. Co. artimmium WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA ILI" °AII ''' 4IA HERA. . '' SUMMER ARRA HORNY. On and . after Monde:hly 140 WO, the peeeeeger ~,. tnune. will eave .PIIII.S.LPRIA,Jrom the Station. oorner_of arket and , L e m an _ pr__TAkirty•firstetrest.. M et ai rh , 'tit", at 7. 3 0 and 1 0 30 A. AL, and SAD, Yeave, Ett CDEBTER. frost the Depot, on East Market atteet, at 0.40, 8, and 10 BO A. AL. and 1.44 and CIS P.M. ON SUNDAYS. J. . . ,eave PMladelphla, from the depot. northeast corner VEighteenth and Market tarots, at 8 A. M. and Leave West Chester, at 7.50 A. M,, and P. M. Thu last passenger railway oar will leave Front and Market streets 50 minute., and Eighth and Market streets 28 minutes, before the starting time from the de pot carry T}te Baggage 1: will le D at e e n tAg i l t ae top end Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trains leavir. at MAO A. M. and 4.45 P. M.. connect at Penneltou wit train, for all points on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. oake and welting room. southeaat corner of Eighth and Market streets wher e paaaengere, tickets for West Chester. will be furnished with a ticket over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, Jy3-tf General Superintendent. I'IILbADEL,PLII A AN D BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. — RUMMER ARRANORME RT.—Until further not the trains will Tort as follows: Leave the passenger depot of the West. Ctiester and Philadel phia Railroad Co., corner Market and Thirty-hist streets, West Philadelphia, daily Wenders excepted) at 10110 A. M. and 4,43 P. M. Leave W eat (hove at el:gland BJSO A. M., and 4. P.M. Mills lice of Mares to and from New London and Oxford connects with the 18.30 A. M. Trai n f rom Phiia delphus‘ mid the 8.60 A.l M. train from Went Grove, leaving Oxford at ABB. A. M.. The beantail scenery and well-known healthfulness of Delaware and Chester counties offetimpe nor in ducement to those , looking for summer 'wiling. Freighte for thie line reoelved at No. 18 6 Market_fit. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia, rune 48.1860, taul6 Buipertntendent. 1111/41.11n NORTE( PFIgNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FM: BETHLEHRM,-100YLESI:OWN, EASTON.' MAUCH OIRDNIC. HAZLETON, LOX LRY, wHITE HAVEN, WILRESBARRE, WILLIAMSPORT, &o. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, July 9d. I. Paesenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets. PM ladelphis;DAlLY, (Sundays excepted, I az follows: At 6.80 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport At 3.30 P. 51. (Express), for - Bethlehem, 'Murton, &o. This train reaches Easton at 6.60 P. 51. and makes Yorkconnection with New Jersey Cent r al for New ork. At 6 P. M. for 'Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, tt At 0 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At 10.80 A. M. and 6.50 P. M. for Fort Washington. The CIO A. HExpreas Train makes close connection with the Lehig h Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest an most dosing:le route m WSkesbarre, and to all polntatn the LehighS.,oal Region. TRAINS FOR PHD,ADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem at 6.16 A. M., CM A. M. and 5.22 P. H. Leave vlestown at 1.50 A. 51 and 4.15P.M. Leave t Washington at 6.16 A. M. and 9.16 P. AL ON SUNDAYS: • -Philadelplna for Bethl ehem at BA. M. rhilfidelphlal o fol.Dayeito i n, It s 8 P. M. tateriri for r ad ats etr Fare to Philadelphi arlethlehem—ll 60lFareto Wallah Chunk.s2 80 Fare to Eeiston.. . . .... I Bel Fare to Doylestown.. 080 ThrouhTiokets must be progured at the Ticket Of fioes at 'WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of faro. All Passenger Tralne (except Sunday Trains) connect at street with Fifth nail FLAth.streeta ard Second Third-street Passenger Railroads, 90 minutes after eaving Willow atreet. iYS ELLIS CLARE, AlletiL PHILADELPHIA AND OF LROAD. RBDU lON OF FA RES Og and after , L Id,llBo, Commutation Tjoksta, wi twenty -sot couponso4ll be owned, good for the Bo der and any member °Ms family, on any Faasenser Train, and at etas time. They will be sold by the Treawarer, at the Marie of ths n omn No. 527 South FOURTH Street,pt, a redaotio of twenty-fice per cent. from the yegula& i free. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer inCountry will fi nd tMs _a wary dewrabte route, the 13,31 and Le on Valleys being among gm most beaching and healthy n the State, and &comp Salle by four us from and to Ph Adeiphia S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. Pittx,abaLstua, fillaroh Wth. mitt7-tf ANIKPIIIII S IM " ' ARRANGE. PHILA 'LPHIA WILMINGTON, AND BALII - I .VOAD. and IVIO A_Y_,_ July JP, 1330. PLISSEN§L a R T 0 VE PHILADELPHIA u la . r p iltitimare at Et. A. ~ 111 anon, (Enpress,l and For bgster at 11.11 A. M., ii nOont ULLA 140 and 1140 P. M., For Wilminkto at 13.11 A. IL, 111 noon, 1.11, 8.02, 7JOO. and 1L 10 Y.l l, 81/ • M dtiMP M g t k i ardivvitt ii./ . . etq a su n d 8 . .00 P • Be. 1. or Ever st&111 A. M. and suo P. M. • or rrington at LIB A. M.. and 3P. M. For "Ifora at MS A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at LW P. N. and For Fridays Farminget SOO P. at 8.15 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, . NI.. vor Elmsford at &LEA. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridurs at 11,00 P.M. Fur Salisbury t SIB A. M. 117" Train_ at 8.10 A. El. will connect at Seaford on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk. RAINS PRIDELPHIA. stvoileTtimore a 830 A. ML A ( Expresso 10.11 A. K., LW _kl. vewilm_inra &MO. SOO, and 11.10 A. AL. LW. MAO, Imd CM Y. Leave etaillbury at LBO P. K. st i sr tor ilgt i a . fo t tg a Tuesdays, Thur sdays, and Saturdays, Leave 'Farmington, Tuesdays Thursdays, and Satur days, at 8.00 A. hi and 4.13 P,M. "ewe Milford:Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday,, at 7.110 A. M., and COO P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.13 A. 1.1...and,,4.80_P. M. sit ' Man retara i t ' I 0 1 1 . 0 . ri1 5 . 35 nd . 8 4 18. P. M. • t P . 11. New Castletoo, 10.1k1 jl.„ a M., and 7.113 P. M. ; re Chaster at 7.40, 3.10 A. X., 13.04. a.=, GAO, and P Wive Baltimore for Etallibm7 and Delaware itailliali at OA ttz.P.lttnlitt !Pt ht_- - - TRAINS FOX lintaiblOßE MaeOliNter 8.4 A. M. OA and 1140 P. fd. Wilmington at 9.28 A. M., 12.88 Y. M., and .1.1.20 A. rd. FREIGHT 'PRAM, with PASSENGER OAR attached* will run follows: Leave P"ladelpida for Perryville and intermediate slues at 8 M. Leave ilminston for Perryville and intennediate places at LOU P. ht. Leave Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate places at COO A. M. Leave Baltimore for Ravre-de-Oosoe and intermedi ate places at 4.00 P. . SUNDAY!! Only at 11.1 D P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5.36 P. At, from Baltimore to Philadelphia. jr7 13. M. FELTON. President. 1860. Mippimp 1860 • SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THIS CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINE° , FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLATES, From WalAnt-atreat Wharf, 'Minolta') aa followa—vis: PAILS. At 6 A M, via Camden and Amboy, 0.8: A. Accom modation.-- U At 6 A di, via Camden and Jersey City (N. J.) Ao oommodatton, 1U Att A i Id, via Camden and Jersiiit4 7, hldraing . . . 100 At trAiii7 ;:n City. Western Express,- eOO At 121( P /11, via Camden and Amboy, Aooomm • ..... ... 0 . At 2P M, via Camden and Amboy, . and A. Ex -000 At P Seii - rOa - t via tawny end lamer City, Evening Kinross. • ...... 300 At 4 1" lil, by Steamboat * via Taoony aim Jersey Cit al Class TiakeL... ~. 225 Aka M, tins Camden and . Jersey City, Evening Ma 1.. - . . . 00 Y n At 6 P via Camden and Aitilioy Anoommoda tion, (Freight and Passengor,l-lit Class Ticket. 9 15 al 1 50 eThe 6P M Mail Line runs daily. The 11 PM, South in Mail, Saturdays! excepted. Nor Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville, &0., Flemington, at 6 A and 4P M, from Wahlut-streetwharf. and 7.10 A 55 from Kensington. For Water Gap Stroudsburg , Scranton, Wilkesbarre , Montrose, Great Send, ko. at 6 A. M. from WA lend street Wharf, and 7.10 A. refrom Kensington, via Dela.. yr. Lackawanna and Western R. it. or Mount Holly, at 6 and S A. M.. 2 and Oi P. M. or Freehold, at 6A , M., nal PI M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, &0., at 214 and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and MC I'. M. from Kensington. For_Paimyra, t Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Darling ton, Florenoe,Torl p intown, &0., 1934, Land 434 P.M. Steamboat Jos Ile knap for Bordentown and Interme diate Place,. at 1134 .M. Steamboat Trenton .for Tammy,. at 11 A. M. and Tacony,Beverir, Burlington, and linstol, at 4 P. M. Fifty rounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passau- Firt . Pasammere are prohibited from taking anything as ggsge but their wearg apparel. All baggage over r pounds to bo paid o a. The Company limit their responsibility tor baggage to One Dollarer noun , and will not be liable for any amount beyon d 8100, ex cept by speoial contract. ante Witf. 8. GATZMRR. Agent. PHILADELPHIA ELMIRA ROUTE.— MIRA RAILROA AND EL QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua, Cstawiesa Ru ;rt, Wilkesbarre, Scranton Danville, *Mon,' Wil report_ Trol l Ralston, C anton, Blount / Buffalo, %re Zit Etilltiallglg'ritriSt IIIIItTrioIltr:d jc ~. areenget trains wilileave the new Depot of the Phi -1 'phut arid flooding Railroad, corner BROAD and LOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal gnlll street,) deity (Bandage excepted), for above eg gAl' ° E3C w /KESS. . —SAO A. M. D IG EXPREB . III.... — . .. —,... A,Sifi P. Id, The 0.00 A. N. train conneo — te — at . Rupert, for Wilkes harre, Faison, Scranton, and all station(' on Die LAcILAWANNA AND BI,OOIBBBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Cananaigua and Niagara Sails, and Buffalo, New York and Er ie, and Va W York Inr Railroads, Irma all points North and West, and 0 snaring. /Sargasso eo LA to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. and all t, re nnediato points. points can ba 1 rooured at the rhiladelghla and El intro Railroad Lia a's:AokMao, northwest corner of H. SIXT and Cat L tr , UT Smart,, and at the Passenger epot, coiner° • AfIRTE NTH and CALI OWRILL. THROUG EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Plul telphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill etre I (daily (Sundays agoested), lor all lirWesta I North, at OP. N. elgps %I. meelivered before eP. iu. to insure thg e n) l i r n il rtglio n a 1 at Freight Depot, THIRTEENIII and OALL,offiLL, or to CRAB. thibiT ' . General Aunt, 'Northwest aornor Mx/Mandl WEST/114 agree hr, aots-tt Ph I Inalalvly vi. Mt kfiILADELPILIA, GER MATTN Ali o NORRIS TOWIRAILROA lIMIE ARRANGENUIN'P.— On and _alter fur 3 A , Myl4, MO, FOR 013 R A TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6. 7, 2 9 . 10, 11, and 12 A. M.. 1,1, 334, 6, 6, 6, mi, T, 8. 9, 10 k. and 11)6 P. M. Leave Germantown 6,7 / 11; BR, 0.10,11,11 A. m.. ;. 6, t,/,6,6, 034, 7,6 M ,9, io .. ON 11 paYm, Leavo Philtilalphip 9,61 nun. A. 111., 2 0, 8, TM, and 103 i P.M. LuNI 9 Germantown 8.10 AWL A. IL. LID rain., 4,6 M, and Of P. IL.. ORFAITNUT MILL RAILROAD. mLeavloi P e P . M kOridelphis 8, 8,10. MA. M., 9, 4,4, 68L 8.9, ut 4303 lliieltript Rill TSC I lik.ll.6O, 9 .4013.49 A. M.. Ltp, 5.40, ILL. 8.40, avid 1. a ON DA E l lave Philadelphia 0.03 A. M., 6,6, and 76( P. M. awe, p HMI TAO TAO A. 51., 0.60, 6.10, and 9.10 I VAIR - abIIBIIOROOKEN AND NORRISTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 6.50.734, 9.05. 11.05, min., A. M., 1 4 1 . &Olt * 5, 5 , 5 6, 6.60, and ILM P. M. 1 .beavo n r. orraitown I, 7, 8.00, 9, 13 A. M., MC AA iall 7/4 lg., &save Ehiladolphil i .V. l iin k ihnd I P. U. heavy tiorritown 'A, M., 1 and 6P. 81. • FO MANATUNK. /..99•9 Philadelphia SAO 7.v.09 11.06 A. M., LWOW, Los: K le, 6.a0, 8,4 La 1 P. k. so Lpa l v i e m, a B n , szun d 9 81,e, As, rm. azd fix A. AL, 9 . ' ' Nii isimplors, soave rtitadsi l va 9 A. M.. 9, 0, and 4 1' bf. Leave M1D.27 734—A.M.. 1 3i, 636. and 934 kl. .BParrii,_Gmleral nupetrtendent, 0111-tt , ' DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN &meta. CHEESE. -130 Boxes Iterkimer county Cheese, for sale by C. 0. SADLER k CO., No 103 ARCM atnet:ftocond door above FRONT, J 733 RAILROAD LINES. 'flit WEST CHESTER TRAM vie PENNSYLVA NIA 'RAILROAD, leave Ogee!, miler BLBV,NITII and MARKET, at tan A. M. 12.30 P. and 4Y. bl. On Eninday, leave Philadelphia at' A . and West. Cheator at P. M. j .%-t1 TIDE PNNNSYLVAI4IA 0 NTRA L• itAtuatoAD. , • • CO MLLES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860 4 . 1860. THE CAPA Itif ig ßOA _I NOW EQUAL • 11 1 3,t1AKE ISER,Rap , BET WE L IA , ale; Conn y i ng direotl lits Through Trains m ton, 7 or nO knot, and in the niOn °Dot at I Mira th brims Tunes to and tom points n the Wes , Northwest, and 15outhwest —thus fornuniing , for the Oassmdtation of Passenger+ unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Biomes and •FiVinisit'nui throel i pto Pittelnirg, without change of or Condnotors.' through Pas tenger Trains , pro dad with • Loot d es patent Brake—speed , ander perrelit control o the engineer, thus adding_mnoh to the safety of ti . vetleri. Smoking Careers air bed to ow Traria; Iyoollig: MrentsTONV BAlcral entlXllll. d"agfrAltien Fula l the A. Id, . Jos p M. East Linf a roes irai TRAINSPAY LEAVE AS POL owtif Nordstrom Aooommodation, via Columb a,' II P, Columbia 66 4.00 P. Parkeduire 5.40 P. M. West Chester " MO P. Al, West Chester Peasengers will take the Mail, West Chester Aocommodation,_and Columbia Trains. Paesengers for Suntan, WilliammON, ElPtire, Bart lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, fearing Pm ladelphus_eit 7.15 A. M. and p. M. go direotly_through.L Ticuetewestwantmoy be obtained at the oMemp of the ecinpanyin P_Mladelwew York, Boston, or Bal timore; and 'Motets rd at any of t i le Important ItailroadOdleee in the est ; also on boa any of the regular Line of Steamer+ on the Mississ ippi or Ciao rivers, ifOr Faze 411111711 OA low, and time OA mak, as by ens other Route. For further infortrustiOn_ apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner or Eleventh and market Streets. The ionlyletin of the Western oonnemons of the Diri y art i rrir BrerAihif the THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracts by thejtallroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or fettiage of Freight, together with the miring of lime,read are adlrantacuriilY appreciated by Shimmers or Freight, and the Travai 1, , erobanta and Shippers entrusting the o their Freight to Ws Company, can rtt i Vrit tl a! donoe on its speedy transit. TILE RATES OF ragranT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad an at all times as/au/trans is ars shargsd by pike Railroad Companies. OW Be particular to mark paokagen via Penna. Rail road. .For Freight Contracts or Khipping Directions, apply to, or address eitherof the following Agenta of the Coa l/Ur : , D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; it.a..Meree & co. anneeeine, o.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, 0.: ity.; Ormsby & 'Cropper, Portsmouth, Paddock It Co., Jeffersonville, huh ono; w. Brown e CO. k Olnemnati, 0.; Athern Hibliert, _Cincinnati, O,LE. meldrara, risco, Ind.; Jos. H. Moore,Loninntle, y.; G. 0' ley & Co., Evanavillo, Ind.; R. W. Graham .1 Co., ro, _Ill.; R. F. Saga. Studer & Glue, Bt. Louis, Mo_,.• John H. Hor ne, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & HuntrAtemphia, 'Tenn.! Clarice & Co., Chioago,lll.LW. E. H. L eonia , Alton, lit.; 4.7 to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in toe West. S. B. INGSTON. Jr. Philadelphia. iIAGRAW & Kowa, North streekßaltdatore. HEM it CO., Astor House, or 18. William et., LT. EEC II & 77tote Fr ei g ht t,st H. H. HOUSTON, Gen' Agent PM% L. L. HOUPI, Gen'i Ticket Agent roan. E. LEWIS, Gehl anal Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA TRAINS) EAPING RAIL ROAD.—PARSENGISR for FOTTAIVILLE. READING and _BARRIS& RG. MORRIFILINE, DAlLy,Alkdidafe egoatetA Gitt, T ;tre e el ff e, r e arD r ArP o RIA, (Passe l iter entranWoes on Thirteenth and on. Callowhill streets Lat_lo.oo A. AL, connecting at Harrisburg with the FENNBYLVANIA. RAILROAD, I P. M, train 11111111112/ to Pittsburg ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. train running_to Chamtnirsburg, &o.; and the NORTLIF,RN CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. M. train, running to &111.- bury,l&o. AFTERNOON LINEN. 1 . ,4381re New Depcit,color or BROAD and CALLOW -1111..L Streets, YILILADELPHIA. ere(Passeng ar rirturenth and streets,/ Air YO TTB • 1.1.14131 . .It,Rtle P.R. Oie Int !la lcL i s i.g. for . t e litTillClEß VIA FRILADEI,FRIA AND READING RAILROAD, Fnom Pigtail:damn& Miles. To Phcenuiville—,— 281 Reading-- eel Mtllenbnr .14S • Trevorton Junction, .118 nbnn.-_- • orthumberiand—..l7l Ron— Vramsort loner Shore. ....___ 1 2 1 Lock Raven._—..23l atThe &00 A. . and the &X fira C,Vii,hlA sr tIT e making close connections wi Canada. the West, and Bout,' DEFOT IMPRILADELPII OALLOWRILL &mite, aula-tf w. Ili NOTIOE.--OLIESTEK VALLEY RAIL_EOAD—PAII WPRDIARIVIMVICIIIKVIVANY= AND N t the t Crom the e ir r Carr Depot DO of the Pin NIN6TOW deans end Readengßallrorar Company. corner 0 - 1 BROAD and 41ALLIWEI LI. lltreetx, (yammer en es &EVA for Doerninatoom. !farm at SOO A. 00E IMAM far Ditarnisgtwo, leans at AILY (Bondar oa Tteda order of th e of Managers of Us Pkitaitstpits and Itoadlas Itailmid ragman_ Alf W. R. MOILIVENNEY.Seeretars. gitarligßA[l WEST CHESTER RAILROAD . TRAINS vta MOUI L TYFI AN tuat idiVitZreeTt Sunday I at 7.111 A. M., WO P. M., and 4 P. h.. Leave Wed Minster at tit A. IC. NUJ A. M.. and LB P. M. SHIPPING. sinFOR THE SOUTH.-ORARLEB- TONFREICHTIAVIJI SAyREN DAHED. ATI STRAPISHIPS, UC Heavy Freiht at an average of myna per cent. bo les, New Yor rSteamshipnstes. I OR CHARLESTON, S. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Can tata Chas, P. Marahmaa. will awl on Wednesday. MIMIC 15, at 10 o'clock A. M. Through to ea to V flown—only 40 hours at Sea. FOR HAVIANAH,_GA. The U. B. Mall StearashilLSTATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin. win sill on Friday, August 10, at 10 A. M. &nib to I hours—only only 45 hone Sea. five days i . m agg:ectrei,la n d et tri r le o f a Ln.11141.711 svehy day. T e splendid ffrst-oless side-wheel Steamships KEY ST NE STATE and STATE OF GEORDIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day oommu nioshon with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest, At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect pith steamers for Florida r and wife railroads, Ro., for all places in time South and Southwest. INSURANCE. sh siZ h elfeigilTe n tAga a to la ifrarerfP o this t e a lit than by sailing vess slll . the - remig° 2 beingyone ' halla:m rate. N. 11.—Ituntrayme on all Railroad Freight is entirelf unnecessary, farther than Charlatan or Savanna. the Railroad Campania taking_ all rialto fromtbaa vaunts. (MEAT ANION IN _ Fare by thin Tonto t 6 to 40 per cent. obvaper than by the and Route, se will be seen by the following sae dole, Through ticket' from Fhiladthis. Vie Charles ton and Savannah mama lug, IN CL IN 0 MEALS on the vr bole rants, exam from Char ten and Savan nah to MOl/14014677 IMAM /Ali. To Clutrleetoll-..-21/8 00 Charleston-4M 60 5avannah........... - 16 00 Savannalt—,.. —. 81 00 Anmirts,-- 20 Cal Ai:putts -- 118 00 Dimon— ---. 1100 Macon— .. - 82 71 1t1antt r ........ fi s (1 0 0 , Atlanta ._ _ . 8 3 1 O c : lbany —.-. 24 CO Many.-- ...—. gOO out/omen - , -. 24 00 ontgomery—. mOO obtle— ft 00 bile— -- 48 20 New Orleans—, ft 78 ow Orleans - - - Ili 00 No bills of holing maned after the ship tuursailed. For freight or passage apply on Ward. at amend w Wisher. Vine street, or to ALEX. DEEROM, Jr., Southwest corner FOURT li and caEsTriVIC, Agent. in Charleaton,_T IL & ._r G. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTER:it GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston. steamer Carolina *Teri Ti llt ia ill,rida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's awl It. John's every Tueedav and Saturday. THE• BRITISH AND NORTH SRI S. AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NEW TORE TO LIVERPOOL. eine(' nabun Passage Second Cabin Passage —.... 7$ PROM 80111ToN TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin PRSAARO • • •• • •• • • • • •$llO Second Cabin Passage • .—. co The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar bor. PPRSIA, Capt. Judkine. CANA nA. Capt. Lang. ARABIA. Capt. J. atone. A MERICA, Capt. Mi llar. At. Capt. E. 0 Lott. NI AGANA, Cap; Anderson AFRICA, Capt. shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J Leitch SCOTIA, (now bvild,nir.) Theme vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CA NA VA. Lang, leaves Boston. Wednesday, Aug. a ASIA. Lott. " N. York. Wednesday. Aug, IS 1 . U RopA, Leitch. " Borton Wednesday, Aug. 22 PRRSIA, indium!, " N. York Wednesday. Aug. 29 ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday. Sept. a AFRICA, Shannon. " N. York, Wednesday, olipt. 'l2 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these shies wilt not be accountable for Gold, Silver Bullion, SPiscoe. Jewelry, Precious lihobee or Metals, unleis bills of laden are signed therefor and the value thereof Glenn expressed. For freleht or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. rine New York. BUSINESS CARDS. LEVI W. GROFF, Near BAREVILLE. LANCASTER CO., Pa. Manufacturer onAhe Process SINCE 152 OF DOUBLE DIS TILLER° PURE RYE Wtt 'SKY . . Warraeted to be Pure. without or oruet DISTILLED FROM TEE BEST OP RYE ONLY. VB. PALMER, TIIE ADVERTISING . AGENT, FIFTH. and OFIESTNUT, civea hut mews of the prinmple and beat mode of Advertising, daily. between 10 and 4 o'clock . Addreet m7ll-0m V. 11. PALMER. V. J. BAYLLS THOMAS, • ATTORNN it-AT-LAW, NMI removed his oMoe from No. 929 Aroh street to No. 409 WALNUT Street. Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The draßipg and examination of_Wille, Conveyances, Assignments, Briefs of Title. and other Instruments of Writing. The management of Executor ship, Administostorstuys, anti Trusts, superintended; and the best sennties mooting for the permanent =- vestments of Money. Satisiactory refers uljko when required. i H ENRY E. KEENE, ATTORIVNY-AT-LAW, Has REPSOVED hie office from N 0.530 Walnut stree so no. tae South THIRD Street. mt1.19-6m H ORACE 8.E13, EIECEEANWAL ENGINEER, end PAT_griT ATTORNEY, No. 114 Bout,l siXTR street, iNesrlY oeemots the ym County Courthouse,/ Prepares Ppeoteoatioui, Dray/Inge. &a., and tray all other Munn= connected with the obtain/ma of Le tent Patent. apie ena• 'WAGNER JERMON _, , ca a ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Oißoe, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square>) PUILA.DeLPHII., ay _the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the United States. is enabled to prosecute and oolleot alai= of every description. Particular attention riven to the examination and re covery plebe claims OU,egateoe and Devisees, knit the exoftreTr nation d sotli Land TTTTTitles r...i i ta s tint r e tur,elati V WVA t illiigtreof ail th e !Matta and is Commissioner for most o them. D omi ti o y u i carefully taken under Communnots, apfl-era ALFRED L. I.IOIJGH_, PAPPR ItiANUFACTURERIP AGFA% Orders eoliolted I or evert deeo ristl on of PAPER AVD PAP-RR-MAKER'S reIATERIAAN No. II Roan SIXTH ;Street, Yeßadelehm FUGUET SONS, to. IMTORTERS Ot , HAVANA CIGARS, No, 2i 6 South FRONT Street. Renews regularly a full assortment o desirable Of Chart, whidh they offer at low Mee, or ankh or Iv proved °reit, ye 10.4 FURNESS' BRINLEY & 00. No. 429 MARKET STREET NF. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sucs -4.1• Gesso: to B. SCOTT, Ja.. 431 CHESTNUT Bt. CARD ; -1 have. in oonseanenoe of continued 11l health, &ennead of nil . 7 interest in the Auction hum nese heretorolN ertditot brrae at 631 CHESTNUT Street to Mr. v. par oikerr. t tare fins onserteaity to trader v thanks for the seaport I have respired. and eat a evatinuation to my successor, whom 4 'WOW authorise In collect all sur unsettled accounts. B. SCOTT, In, PIIILLDSLPIVA. Aturnatl.l3ll). PHILIP FORD dt CO., AUCTIONEERS, A. No. 630 MARKET Street. sod 4411. ,1111.1401 t Street PEREMPTOW y SALE OF ABAI/Y-MADE CLOTH -0-3 .finnany SOO OA Sharat'llg. morning, August lith.'at 10 - eokiek prilail4l.l,lll be sold by catalogue, COO ready-made garment,. of New York and city um m ufaotore. Consisting of en's and bole' frock, busmen. and over ooate,osasimere and satinet Penur, olotb , plush, silk. and velvet vests. lutbraoins a run assortment and of regular sixes, adapted to fan and winter sales, for Southern and Weatenik merest& The attention o f buyers particularly requested, as every lot will be sold without reserve. Goods open for examination with catalogues early on morning of sale. LLIAM ,13 BOYLE & 00. W i TIONEERB & COM_MISION MERU - RANT No. 6 North MAIN SLOTS' . OUIS, (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Clashron, It Co.. r hiadisd offer their 001V10611 to the merchants. mluresetarers, sal others of Phtladelphis. for the 'also( dry goods, eat , . peir ik be a t a t ac i v a , har o d u laje oli jewel i ry t , o t e o c at . P Settlements made three Wafter eels. RRRRRR NOM. Idork.gyors, usrt k 9sg c hr e l . , t h io ta piladolphis. Yon Wrok. Torriooad.,_& 'fteno, New York. & B. Curtis & new Yor.k. wood,_Qhrussy, & Co., Bt. Low, )to. 4 . Crow. moCrosrv. & Co.. " mall-thatukr SABINE & DIIY. tvEDURAISCE AGENTS, No. 4414 WALNUT Street, name molted loss or damage by Fire, on Cotton and oollen Mills. and other Manittletortn, Buildings. Merchandise ! Furni f tn i a u nd or propertl, onro- Fla t riliriNtlthtiloSE 0117,e01it1ieW,.... METROPOLITAN C Y& C itI i g a SO,_UNEWNITEk. Cleat C_asetalAndDureNsi MUM 60. PROVIDENCE Wit_ NS. INS. C0.1411V. ARCTIC FIRE INSUMib t et Ri d . 8 87 1 141 01 :Rt us sit HOPE PINE noWcll'en.,o7l, vo x, Cash Capital ana Surplus UNA& 111. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW RAVEN, la Capital and Surplus 441414.8041 77. GERMANIA FIREt s tNEL CO., OF NEW YORE, I - Cas s.llorplps_22l44l/4 et HUMBOLDT FIRF. INS. OF ICE *V - YOki. Cu Caattai and &prelim OMAN 51. Applications in person or ny notellepeive prompt attention. SABINE & J 64 ani No. 4414 W4 At er Street. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIMADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) iromrANrs BUILDING. S. W. USIRNES FOURTH AND WALNUT •STRSSSTS. F. RLITEIOI2I STARR. WILLIAM MOHZZ. NALBSO FILAZIXI4 JOHN M.ATWOOD, RIM. T. Ta Hinat WHARTON, P. RATCHF aItARLES W. COX& A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., .C- 11 - UAL INCORPORATED 1110--CILLITER PERPE7I No. MO WALNUT Street above Third, Philattelplus. Having a large paid-up tpital Stook and &IV In vested in sound and &vat Esouritles,_oon un to insure on Dwellings, Stores , Furniture , . Mere dist. Yemenis in Port and their cargoes, and other arsenal Property. AR loom liberally mid promptly ediusW. • DillliCToll. Thootal. Marls, Joan T. Levu, John Weis Camptit% Samuel Q. ortos. 9. Datillt, Patriot fir Ye NW. kvAd ..MAB R. MARI& Pnisidnit ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Stiorstarv. • kliktf a*dadelphia and Reading Lebeasou Valleya.x. T NSITRANCI COMPANY OP MN .ff- STATE Of nrentyLTANlA=Etsisa MNE INSUBANOE-Ifo. 4 EXONANG MOIL Chortared in 1114-Olootal ISISNIN-Asooto, Janina L isr, WAN WWI. All invested in Krug an 4 nanilablocri Ulm to insure on Veneto Wool 1 igo,l! of Morohandlmo, tome Ulm& rte . O g r e* 1 omAi b liiel iaa * I ebat.t y ies. sties al= 8. Salta, ,41g3 i1 Bad4,_. _ nrair ra va. . R. Whitot tp 0. ILEN SMILE, President. WILLIAM HAASE Aerator, fe "won ff Nortle s =litrall Sunbury and Ens I. R Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. P. M. train connect daily Vd ie N tl i g ti l22llMlY, tic lines to Niagara Falls, - EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY i-a —Cilia, No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Rouses end Merehandiu generally, on favorable tenets, either limited or per permit. DU/LECTORS. Jeremiah Boma% Edward D., Sdbarhii John Q. Gitmodo, Co hn J. Ontathe, Joshua T. Owen , Reuben C. Ra; Thom,,, Marsh, John MoDowe , Jr.. Saint. L. Smedley._ Jas. T. Ride, Ilefante. JEREMIAH BONSALL, reeldemt. LIMN Q. GIN NOD°. Itioe President. MDWARD W. DAVID. Swears Corner of BROAD and ILlENNEY.Basratarr nUARRP CITY INSURANCE COMPA wort, N_y—FRANICLIN BIIILDINOS 411 WAINILT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND OCR PU,Sa i nf a ligo n fr e hn g er=ll=airi TrZaArtetton. GEORGE H. HART. President. B. P RoB9_, Vale Preside nt. H. COkuptiHALL i Bee y end Tramper. S. H. BU R. Amateur Rearetarr. . Di ps A ee tT. l q l . ° irPOr lb. W. nailek Andrew R. 01:pir, H. R. Cone ell, lame lanes, .. iinn.ll. M. Prater. mkll4l EEFE-INSIMAIWE AND TRUST COM FANY.— WM MUTUAL LW_LNIU CULIALWr ortheut r i my of =IAD mai IN c B ic""''''' uxx:A t tllM e ro'r the V I /ele iona . of Maw lire =ft il le is reli e erat i oarnikee ell ernlrsota depethEsir os entity nom oLIMA lintetsee. s hey setaaa guaAzterds. d ettes as. r el L. miler, TAM insed 11 C gt ". holi. Mini Haiku. ti ilh ir icw.,” hulas Clove. " Zip ?nil:Jr * Wham 11. Can ti V!Dation, te thew ,Ro r rereee 1111111117 M. II. 1 eal/ Mil! rl Jelin W. Weil Not. Seoret DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE INCORKLRATED Bc TingTSLATURE OF OFFICIE S. ZSZTEk '4 l itI l n) wmarn ht A il i a %n i l A x 0 lc ON VESSELS, RmiPiROO i annuli of tie Werid. ° Ti mural Uainwicze On *We. b lIIIIT, CaUlSLlAllket t and Land Carriage F Meg " Al At e A Mit g On Meroh a due Ira Stored Wag Roam. Att. OF TEE COMPNY. Mr 1, UN. ?sr. Naiad /ohm Hogan' fhiladidekla Otty I V eent.l4an....l.EoAo 00 Yennr 'hard& State age eat. , van pp lam YenniWierua State I V ot. Loon. • smite 00 WEIN U.S. Treat= all V cent. Notes and interest cue um as $30,000 U. S. Treasury. or et. Motes and utter ed due— —. 114111 Ott SEAM Temporary Loan to tke — CAToriQn- Mania NJOS OD asoms; Penangivania lroad MI Mortgage iEr nt. di gm 00 Imo, Rohn P u r t ysy TußailroadMort al cen t i de--- u.sta 00 sum We &phis ngsr Relives Clompui, I Sfr et. common bonds.... USN 00 gum, us 'hares stook Osreisatos% 0 11111 1 1 1AM,r eel-Out— e PIM Gen AM int VAL 1410 &urea Feamorivanla Fautroad Company— —,.— _ 11,1 TI rt) OM, WO shares North Penneyre aMa Rail road Conitani—..-- NO 00 SI 014, shame niladeipma 101 it ..tt anti Steam Tog Cowpony. Yjaiirdelphia and SAVIMADI Steal rrarritatma %M -EW, on _t u neNayriataan ComanY, Yhinia an Ha yti, de Once Stearn To Boat Company, r Inladelptaa Exchange 0111110007 5.................—....... —l.llOOl _ lign,SEl dm and Mortgages, and lleisl Mutat*. Or- 114°"18 ii tot Building-- —.. 11.353 as Bills receivable for Insurances made—, —....— Isl Men 3 lialanas due et Agenccom—Precunins on Ma rine Policies, intereet, and other debts due the Compan-- ---- _........ lON4 tS Sony and Mask of sundry IninaranceUornma- IXI 71;4 caw Oak CI De PITA in F Will iin n / 3 / "P i k . . 0 ectulg i le , Lis. on O. Devg :i 91 . 1 111 t re.,?r0 es C. nand. o dlituu n e. Ludwig'. ire. NC H e tw a to l. n. rce, O. Leipar. Wish Craig, Muria. Yell*, WiL.LI 1. us. 11' WEBBY LYLBU N. Re wpmIJAINES BROS,' OVELRSTRIING P E N OTIONFOR'PES, " Cheapest trat.Clawt nano& wade.' .A splendid nanortntent or Loma .XIV., and other etrlee. for tale at Factors , Cash Prtoes, and warranted for 4 seam B.:Poona-hand Ytanon for 84110 and to rent. . . GEORGE L. WALKFR. S. E. Cor. of SEW NTH laud u 011 ft. PRINCE k. CO.'S Improved MELODEONS. from 1916, upwards. iYI6-31u 110, PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS ! YLALKO-FORTES, MX.LODEOI4O. FUND-FORTED. MELODEON& Made by Rayon, BOaen, &. Co., Noma & Clark. BMW & CO., and Odom. Y. E. GOULD. mytt- !SEVENTH and CHE 8174117.• STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA. lrl2 Ir Ati r all'A N ß G E7 , Er AN o D s f n li ir Nt erred in oonoerts and in private elm es by j u te !lel performers. Received the first premiums over the bed makers, from Judges like Gottschalk, al = on . and Wien,. Challsalf oompetinon. BLA MUM B R OTBB RS, al-Pr ung oFIEWII4III' Street ARPINTHE ADAMS EXPRESS co. ,offlae 320 caEsrlyT &rem, forwards Parcels. YnclFailes. Merohand.aa, nit !tam and specie , either by its own . LIS( or in connection with other Rapreu COMAatell, to all the principal towns end cities of ttio United states. R. S. SANDFORD, 1517. - ti - . G eneral Superintendent. SOAPS. VAN Baiirafffa r yELMESIATEM OIL IC R AIT, FULLIVO TOILET, Foyitt i bd t a h , e zi a2p . p i t 1431a.,,aniarript s. INNIE tozitt °,O"MtinSEED, PALM AMR ; ELA‘ OILa• J AVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime l ic i d,, , ,vgh t f . or.ale by JAPS.IB GRAHAM at. CO.. 1141.ENNASSY B 1 ANDY.-70 maks, in A- 11 . halt 911•11 flirter illidliPiZeeW' we is bea4 br OW. Ra4I.I“JAY BALES BY AUCTION. IT. LOUIS, MO. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIRECTORS. lotoabseAr L. DLws. tilso. H. eTtAILT• Jour; H. Blows, B. A. PAAwisToci. A:l9mm D. 0/1111. _ . ,..J LAh.1171.111111. ONS/ irreitm. Preside/at. ‘ retarl. fell . - Aipatije. atom. in , saiera li Atrisailk aseptia.aotion MOB iialliil FLA I 63= 4 NIIf. Monier. n i iit ral aleph John G. Mama. IiEV& Praddiat. TON Ws* Pros' t. sala .IUL ward Dar ,apeil Joties Brook*, lacier Wilvalle, oman o.llants itopen lutu, soob p..r. cum 'Faziaaa. cativo, P. yr., D. Sealr/a,Pltioys, • . Aroma, HAND, V:O6 PTendet. tary. PIANOS. EXPRESS COMPANIES, BALES BY AUCTION. 1%1 TUOMAS SONS,. AOLM- 0 Noe. 139 and 141 &tett FOURTH Street. For.nerl• Noe. 47 arid O.) STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.. SALES Al' THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. During the tuition season in July and August only occasional safes. aO -Handbills of each property lamed separately. in addition to which we nahltsh. on the Retarder 'makers to each sale, one thotuount catalogues, in pamphlet form, riving tall deatonnOona of all the .property to be sold on the following Tuesday. CA_R Wee of teal estate and stocks at the Exchange will hereafter be held at 9 &door. noon__, • and. in the °youths. all o'olook. annthbutors have the Option of either sale. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. We have a large ammint of real pinata at private We. including every desenotime of city and at .Property. P PRIVATE maLEREIS th ER.ODOMstore estate entered oti o private mho registers and advertised ocoaslonelly ou r pubhe sale etwtneet, (of which Lin copies are printed weekly .) . free 01 charge. To DoOIICRELI3RS. TRE nFTY-FIPH pan ADELPOIA .TICAOR BALE OP BoORS, STEREOTYPE ?LAM, tc, wilt commence on MOPIDAIt. September Sr, 1111. mr Cataloguee in prem. 2.249 SHARES GREEN RIDGE lI(PROYEMENT COMPANY. Oa Tuesday. Ans. U. at 111 o'elook nom:4st the Exchange. will he gold. without reserve, by order of trastees— a2l9 shares Green Ridge Improvement Congany—ear ean. Ishare PhiLedelphis Library. • share Mereantaie Lihrert. 1 share Point Breese Park Association. PRAT, RRTAT V.-41101MT 14. Orphan' Court 11sle--...ftrara.. of John Hannan, deo'da Two etgry nnok DWE LLING, Cathedral avonsda. Twenty-ionrth ward. Berm I:Mato—Two-story Brick DWELLING , , ad joining. gajne Mete—Two-Mort Briok DWELLING, ad joining. Or shawl' Court Bale—Estate of aeons Rundle. deed, GROUND RENT of $9O apar. Same Estate —GßOUND ..NT of deo *year. Peremptory Bale—By order of Heim Very veins tie LoT, acres, re perches, at the Vela road, above Theetown lane. • ale abet:digs. Executors' Sale —Vstate of John Peamire. " 8TEe.3.1.110 aT HOTEL," at &Weeding, froatula on the river Delaware. Peremptory Bats. STORE AND DvrtmAtio, No, din (been street ; Third ward. PBlOlllMy Male. Three-story Book w LINO, Twelfth Weer, north of Oxford. Two Three-gory Bnek DWF,LLINGS, Noe. 12 gad Ire Christian street. west of Twelfth street, with two three story brick dwellings is the rear. on Thurlow street. VERY IMPORTANT SALE. .• Br order of Trestees. MONTOUR IRON COMPANY'S WORKS AND EtITATE. On Tuesday. September 4, 1860, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Phila.- delphie Exchange— The very valuable property lelousing to the Montour Iron t6 Company. (waved in Montour county. Pa. con sist It of about 2 000 scree very valuable mineral EaoeL ore . mining right., roiling m,W, furnaces, nasty dueliinsa, offices, Ste., La. Terms--2102.000 cash. when the ProPertr is struck of balance on the execution of the deed, within 30 dare or sale. fir Full particulars ready in handbills. We at Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street, SUPEktOit PIIIIIIIITURE. FRENCH-PLATE NCR ROBS. PIANO-FORTES, MUMMA On Thursday Montana. Atf o'olook, at the Auction Store, an assortment of excellent seoond-hand furniture, ger piano- -lortes. Sue mirror., Garpeter, eta., train ..i/tea &enures h ousekeeping, removed to the gore or convemenee 21 MOSS R AIIOTIO N EBB AND BIRTCIANR, seithelot weer of ELTVRAnd RAM Streeter. MOREY TO LOASJ 193,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on dinnionde, watches, jewelry. silver idate.are goods. Mottling. uo aeries. wars, hardware. cutlery ytanoe, mirrors. fur niture, bedding, and on goods of every deecription. in large or email amounts, Troia cam dollar to tatliwanda, for any length of time agr eed on. 1117" T he Oldest Estab lishedßanes in this city. Or Private entranoe on RACE !Street. stir Business hours from 9 A. M. to a P. M. 'Heavy insurance Imam benefit of depositors. CAOEB M.:l TWO PER two p Advances of Dien and runway at two oept. A.:Advances of AM &Ed awards, wer ards, at one per mut, lot short loans. AT PRIVATE ALM Some of the_ faint. GOLD PATENT LEVER as 4 OPIROWOIIII WATCHES, nuutußaftred at hall the usual eelltaLytioce, gold liver led 'alpine watch silver lever sad lapin* watches, zagilab. $lOll ll ., French watches. st astonishing low prices. tV i iiy every des , n', very kny,Awns, ougtols. in in nmente and eashty of Havana cigars, at ha the importation pritgef gm:Entice to mut parediesent, 11114 various other kinky "E IMI BALM Attended to personally by the Awakener. Coneignrognia of awl and rrrer_hrad_ goods soci ino DATRANS. MACHINERY AND IRON. MfkPENN STRAM ENGINI AND BOILER oara—LE A _ ARV I AL, AND THRORETItAL ENGIN_ ER et C Iteltfre,BOlLßA-IdAJLERB,BLACHIMIIIe and OUNDERS, having. for Dusty years. been to mosessfal operation, and been exclusively waged in building and regained pan ne and RIM engines. Mtn and low pressure, Iron Loan Water Teaks. Propeller,,ke. /co. r respeetfe ll y offer their bermes to the pubh i l as being fell) Prepared to oostract for Famines of etas. Marine Bever. sod Stationary. Saving bele Wane of different SIM. are pto Aments se ders with quick despatch. /Siery= l igrini of Patten making made at the shortest notice. High sad Pressure. Flue, Tubular. and Cylinder Boilere,or the best Pennsylvania eharoceid.tron. Forgets. of anima and kinds i Iron and Bram OasOnn. of ell deeorrnrroox ; RotialVELScrbrr Cutting. end al other work eon tiso lin e &hare blueness, Drawings and speedeations for all work done at their MtsbDinment, free of eharge. end work demeaned. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re. pirril of wets. where they dm Lis in Perfect lanlrYs and are provided with shears, block,, falls, ie., So., for raisins heavy or tight Weights. IAOOB G. JO P. L V IX. Jeld4f BRACH a n te d PA nd /./I streets. POINT PLEASANT MIDWAY, No. 951 RACHittreekKensington, Philadelphie.—WlL- LlAM H. TIRED informs his friendsthat, harm par chased the entire stook of Patterns at tee &bare Foun dry. he is now premed to, receive orders for Rolling Grist. and Saw /pealing.. BoriP, Chineffera Min Work, Gearing. Cutlass na m e from ver rato'ry or Caeca& Furneoes. in dry og green rind. 91? MO-tr. HIM-wfmtt UXIIL V. KILICX, J. rierszia 1111X2><. SOUTHWARKWILLIAX N. 11131.11.1 rd. FOUNDRY /TM 12W wmuurierok inntzEn s TIILAVOILPTIA. IMMO% 1 BO ESIORrEERS AND MAC I A= Manafaotare Eta and Low Precuts lriortasa. for load, RiVer ,nd Mame memos. ear n aAmters, Tants. Iran Arab, As.; C•natinga Iron FTSMO Roof' for S o lis `likuta, Work dkops.Rail rind Stations, tie. Retort. sad Goa Idool.loary of tla Wass eat moat im proved affletritalo Every de0024404 Of ilantordock Idooldworr, mak as Ittorar, Bair and net WA, Vicunas Op= atom Trans, Delroators t rAtorn, hunsm at NI, &0.. Ag fkoo e a ts for A itnnont's Annaranis . 12 AMr s a h li . a .. Wolsor aellFy • , Amities@ SAVING FUNDS. "A tittle,but often, dile the Anse." LFRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No., AC at L3 d 6ri en th u tC r iEt .l TlSaist ii ltze i n Cho% t: demand. Oesoiatone mom armed hy Govertmont, 1 Ito. and City Loam, Ground Rents, Mort- ..eve. rec. I '1 hie Company deme safety better than buys proem. consequently will run no risk with dew atom mosey but have it at all times ready to return, with C ear cent. interest, to the rows. as they have always dons. This Commas mew emend. Femaledes, tight.married or einalS. and 'Armors. cant deposit in thou own tight. and sash deposits can be ?ent hr l a = wn" maiavyi bi . :Or i Gailient Btate s d unsi it atorty to lye money rpm 1 2 1 VB, d I)=TUAI_Et .lIECE.PTED. bil .............. to a clock. and on IP 65day riming unite I o'clook. DIRICOTOII. jamb N, Bliarairm, cm. Cadwansider. f i lt.FAto o te i r dosi. eFilers; m a i Ni . ii i mll itt. Leiniltramblimar. &my De l = Nicholas Rittienhossit, el 7. /os. H. ISstiert j hmititsi iw. ones Teems. Jecori. 1181, PritablenL Crass -y Crass CAWAILIADIN. r. 1 " A Dollar 'avoid is tirio• eamod.. YUND--ITVE PIE CENT IN- N-7 TERE t p i IIiTIONAL SAFETY TILT COM !A le Y. W et-est. southwest comer ga Philsdelp Looorporated by tke Stets_ ' Toter Jut reordred in any run, tor[• or siren, and in terest sold from the day of &point to the day of with- - Theninne to open emery day from nine VOLGA in tha morningtill five o'nlock In the evening. sad ca Mendel; 1124 Thuml iloriTalVtll32alt Flnellen• WILLIAM J .110 B R. Itl: P s 8 orELaimFRLDEI.6. Vine Preahiesc. B.M. bthireTolte• Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster . Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr . Robert Selfridge. Frar.ma Samuel E.Aahton, 4 ° e e et. ferkee, 0. Landreth RI rinnx, L. &spherics. Money la received and M e :denim made The inveatments are crabs, in conformity with the tferteien...e 01 the Chti in Real ratate Mart area urnend lien* ar..4 * o d bfrat-olaas securities as will al waYs il 2 SUM heel/rite tt, the threiteelt and wbioti calast imp permailanoY aisalati MIN nbitaiaon, sal- •01,004 W gAVING FU RUST COMPANYND-lINITED STATES 1 ..- 7 T, 00/11a THIRD mud CHEST-. MIT Street. Lure and small same received amieeld beet oq_de tr.mokentaoet who*. with Ft vr. PbX CENT. LtiTh Eew from the day of deceit to the day of vitt, T jaZ i el . nt, frore II until I °Woolf sorFdly. and as ItIONDA YEN I NGSlniim sal:alto' rem D4 l... Jives on .analana. lre.an . sad SoeLsaA. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, T L reasurer—JAMES AL 111.1211TES. PINY FISK. Actuary. - - I T. NICHOLAS HOTEL. - - P.... BigIIADWAY tits w YORIS. When completed, sin years ago, the BT. JaIICHOLd a veus universally pronounoet If moat magrufioent. con venient. and thoroughly or sed establishment of Le kind on this continent. No tit arm then it romaine m k4ay—without a nerd in sine , to sumptuousness, an, in e general elements of comfort and emoyment. The of I gas aqaommodanotis for one thousand guest" , in ng one hundred gotruidete mans of apartments for minim- Biz bleared Pe moos oaa bo comfortably fesie4 at the tables of its three public, dining rooms. and Dos thing Mat modem art has devised for the convenience wild "Omni gratification of the travelling public has teen emitted in ita plan. or la neglected tatte practical detailm The early reputation of the house home and abroad. denved from it, magnitude, its superb appointment'. and its home-like comforte inn Innunes. had been en listing.] every year by the unwearied ezertums of the proprie tor'. mrl7-Sin TREADWELL. WHITOOIIIII. k CA. Nteerepre- OTICE —To the heirs and e venoms of William Rogers. , 1 e t...., e .d . ._y 0u are hereby moiled that b. virtue of 4b order o f th e th._ tALadirvaid'etero:‘fryt;'ntrr vp Ii- a tho Raid sat.. n P o h l a d n a i n ' Colnusrutessf to me directed. f pill of William }topers. d o c;cl. on viEDNEsn Ay , the Rah day of it Josh ; 8T . IV:a. ht 1 o'cloc - P. M.. at the public house ot - R. , :mro. in East Lampeter township, when and where Tor may attend if you think Rrna•t. B. ROW Sb Shell 4'4 Oacfp , Lancaster. July i F. e. no. t., j?'..U. 14 crid. C - - fIAII T I ON !—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK OUT!—RooD /YEWS FOR ALL!—The never fading hire. VAN HORN in the beet Phs •00 " 04 a wtt en all others , failed All who are in trouble, all VIA And IXHIrt toasts, deceived by nano promises, Mr to her for setvlee end comfort. /a lore slam Ai IltifJCP fait,. alio hat the neoret of winning t e OITOO tifILSOf the OPlnntlte Sex. It in this fact which minus i orate pretenders to try to Imitate her, and ooey her advertisement. Bhe shows you the hkeiteas of your Ar turo wife husband , or absent friend. It mull known to the public at large that she is the first and only per ms who can Chow the likeness in reality, "Xi Can Satire astisfacrion on all the concerns Of 11 e, Wk 044 be tented end . proved by tau:sada. both nierrA end 'Mee, 'who daily and eagerly visa Mr. Colas am. Own* ell to Ito. Lse LOMeA.R.D Street. betwees'Jatd ear and IFlnnad. Ini4-111 PAWSON & WORlMlgralus . , NOS. 119 AND attl atlrtox 81113ir. Betwesa Market sea Capetian street,. //ME ifILADELEHI PAWS° P r . JAB. LL Et INICIZOLIOrr far? • PROVISIONS. -175 Bbis No. 1 Leaf Lard ; 83 hhda 81torddi i re dryea t :Vtd 100 DOW Mew York. for Ws by fk - C. L_B Pia. la& Ana strati immoiKOor 7 Olt HOTELS. LEGAL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers