L e i rllsANm"&t,ols,tm:EaviA,i,. • :=lj= Patesne,erara, , Angest:ty lited ! • iint-dviii..ihe cane of tbq al:ternuoo , yepterdlyc to 24; end., in do . it oWigiiieidAllc`rosa t»..i:llizandelette(at,l4l , 3l.-414 It 44 upon the general:tharket - i , and‘Petiitiplientseabxilt aft,lgatAimdMerikhge ; 11,api , iiiree.%:i;;Aforrie qsal'4 l, o43iidix<l itp44oll l o . lloPl , ''' ` fxhb.moneymathet ntlil akawa fleet - jot fends wpieb:lho fewnern - ore liaalotti"tb elia; papeelit tow ' . Thor* are a good .garden; in the great Wast bat none of .thent surpass* float" And fir- VRpgarden‘l4t3Ontherti, prior orentnereial edvaribiges' of the , lake-hoe:As hero given the propooderanee inWealth and , pert: , lelion hitherto this , - nertheiri part of the State, but the seuteern pertiori,hhe' inanyother roper: ties witiolt glee it the peeferensenrer the'rtorthertii' Minato; tildbidd," the bei; minerals, sad large' rivers are among these, end the hbilltyto:igty.):*:4o kinds L ot ' fruits ,snommsfallY.; aorth,4lh6 cold of winter yso severe as to the Ptak' and o liter lentekvibile L ,iiithe loath tliefFlltik °reps witty•be L genii-05113MM calioaitionAdi Ohioago Atm& thonsieldle of 3tee, to vidt the sonthentpert of th 9, Stat.° , Pompoied of Kano gol'Pnq.follt!oPldn)uid ladlei,'and their reieiteghOWAhveorninereinni , in sloe as they adrineed what erupt_ of ~ t rheitt - they isititiT.-tee for, ~ • ro ePtI , S;, are very intortutting,'nettn jefinarqlolia,;' Near bfettadcOtty, , 'Prefesser MoOlitiesq r„ I eetarebn the geology of the dietilet:lMMealately beneaih.hisfeet, end In the wall Oftleadieemet4ii or seventy feet high behind, were the reaMins, of, areimmensiefriirwill forest;the torethaleittiget. that wonderful:ere 'irt:;thehieteryef oaePianet witioh„SferetihWeijbe, seal ; Meateree, in order to enable ion, in after ages, to reeek the highest pee' Bible lindkef physic - al and 'petal development. A large teee in the,,all of reek ;behind the, ;meeker was diatlnotli'lifsible entire eudienee, and was need !e l an illustration 'of the theme. Theittoo'of the'oonntryln billy and brekeh;bit the :001'1i eitremely "and'the,-climate so towable that Ito :part of the 'United 'States 'Went rioter taigas tb'the oullivator and the hortionl-, Wrist.'' The Statistic,' Ofakq MrommSlaehleved in the enitiraileb of grapes, rte9hea, hiVel], f posrs, 40., stagger ballot ' The mstrepolisorthie Wert trill latidenbtedlY bo ilioneepity; Pleeb.iiitioli. hid seion Inhabitants in 1 . 48; and now swindlers upwards of twentyfive,- ,hantired,'aid,which einnat inerease still MOM rapidly as the great agrlitil menufseta... ring; end coMmerolal advantages of Southeni.ll - beeornekbeirri -- and Xi liati; river trent of three; miles, 118 elevitim oommendeeviewef tr 1 ; 0 49. 1 0 zoil° o /inktb Of the Ohio Bpd Nissiisippl,.bepigiitithe same time,. protiotee.ftem ail Tensible' risk of inundation lit; its loWeepititSjr„ The embankment of thiSonthern: Illtnols Railroad fronting the' r -OilYf. Provis 'the.conddratet, of the _engineers •11the ot». entity from Soda.' The litrnole Central -Radrowistonzeita, gonna City with.Ohleagh,erattlie Sonthern Rake it teNrine °flues, Wheretliat rsilrosd conneetetritli the Ohio and Idisaissippl'iteilieed tor; Cincinnati End: St. Louis, and 'with the,lCianeville and Crawl' ford. Railroad for. Lake ;Michigan and all plaeee northireit A tiitabitheaats:. - • 111104134thariRailrold will beats nay; and stiongeOMPatitor for a ehare of the;trade from the Gulf States overthokloblie and Ohio, and Fel ton and Cairo r,aliroads,'end_tiaght,'lnthe),ittenTe of its idiantagesef grade and losatien, to do as' _ 'g1.77 - 7 7-.7.--,,z7-!;!!'., w ~ 7", well slimy rallwareittortinernet itread y , tooted. We wieb to4tit 'On reolird. aite'eeditetien: that !a new city to" to - bo 'addittf " to"tlie:lter of ;the WOlatirfell ores enteiittle_erid:itpostey.'hi the greet West, 1111 d. that the Vepeutt 0f..1870.Wi1f find Mound ' City' among the -meat 4eittOtabte ti; theto'att:=' , : ~'''-.; ',',?: The folloWlog i are the ra!ee of ' dotioittO ''ex changed, lend warrants, treasury - tiotes; and. apeote; eotrented for we by Neagig:Tikeiel .b ,Co:, bankers, No..t Smith - Third street :;.':, ;' .' ~ 1 . ;. -':'' '.: i Rooted.- -1-. , .':;earoo pre. E1atanua1.:........: )go g rewl ork.:.s.i-..aaret pre. M0bi1e.......,...:-.4... 01 -, lialtirbore.'.; 4 :,attra die. elate Otteans."..... - , eV Weghiegtob;..:.... - ... go ..N memphic ..—.:. elf ttc.,nn t f.d...-..x.:.:. , ., e.l baahattio... a', ~.:. ; 0 ate tatalrg.::::,.::., o.+: BLl.ouls.-.....:..;:.1 eti .-'' orrolk —.....,.... at ulltilie f............ el Wilmington,Bl. 0..1 03, 1iitainnatt..........`...• 'a Attlel a It, V. U:.,,:tt .1 05 Pitt5burg,,....:..,. - .ttt 0 Clorteston:.:':....... to X itiattgo,..-., - ... 101 1 4 - Treasury Katel,6 par ot t — ....“ParaN at at pram. Do ' ' do. ••• par 0t....'..,.....pireaK pr °totem. 90 9b - Bovereigba.,:-..:... - ..,,.:......--... 485 BoardahDoobloost;-:-............... 16 35 _ 'Patriot '-7 do: ..-.. . ~.....--, 16, 76 - -- - - . • . ~. _ , - -.' 1 .0a. -: • . r •• , . .flotioii•Erelliiii. .. 1 ,P0r0p.:,,.;;.,ft.::,...: . .......... 86 . 1 reL 4 —...“..,,,..,.......•:..: , 81':' -93 ':.... L i rem ......:-ii.,......;. - ..,; ' 06. 106 . ~. -..,., .-,::,,.. ,-.- _, , •• Atarketdull. Plailadelphitt chang e d ales, 'ISCook Eielae ales, August ...... Eseosisiiir ti. B. Buttcutim, bliy, *ftiook Street. Fl7tBT BOARD loco City 05..,..—,inv 63 N Peons 1:.:-.41.1)d UN SOO etty 01 Hu a z . - . ..1.)ot } 9 4 . 1t00dtpg.11...... Into two City 64...10ta NowlOIN 160 do•,, '.:4'...'....10ta 2411" 150) boug lelaud 64 - ...: Os'. 140 - : - . do ....... Own 2411 lEoo 84113110 Nov go 912 .1 - 614 au ~do - . -... ~... Isswo 2414 1000 Readrtat-R 64 1 91. 061 q 60 Long 111.,T411,.; Ws 13M woe Penns 6ildmort.: 4024. 49'.. do - '- .. ..,,,...bf..l 0.14- 1000 I.totn4 , Omit 444'. 92 , 1- 29 Lalii4h :144v........ 09 . 10 Norristown .111.. .. 6 07 ;3 , roans it.“ 4.........; . A 7 do •.. ...'...b6 00 • 'll '. do ....... oath . 10 Welt P/dia R.... 66 11 _. do ........ lota 4 do -, ..'...5d74. - 5.1 -49 Morris Cana l . .66 ,1.16 90 .., 72 N Fenn& R..-tota iwi &io Syr Pip 6-4 1,8;... U • . , , , . ' NETWEIIN'BOARTIt: .--,-., -f, , -,, . - _ . . . . , . - . - • . 6 LelughEicolp-•--....- —....4.........,:....,... . ., ONU RD ROO Piano 5..`..., - ..4.25 91941 1 2 Lehigh P0r112... • ~.iil 42 1031 Morrie 050515.. .95 i's do .... ....b5 4914'. 510 Colo . dinb es 'tq 9/ 6„.„ do - ~.-. .. ... ..,15 43A1 • RI 1rm0nt311165 , 5.05519 10 'Wean & C051e5..... 23 1000 80hy1.1452 6.'8265 15 10 ,• do ',.........-...... - 21 2.11) do .._.,.. 66 72.!60 do ~...,..„.b5 53 5, , NW Ohes&Dalu wog sty to P 5222 IL ............ Or 103 Long lal 11.7.b5w513,.110 do -............. 40 9000 Hartiaborg N....... 96 10 N Lib Ong 80 . • - .01 Lehu6h Bono b 642 CIMINO 'PRIORS-FIAPIL _. " . I: , ~'• ' , - /34/4.141.1.' •'." . .• - -‘ Bid, 4.61. ittadettieiuunu . 1017 . r o nisli tali 3m... i . lii i ,.. 1,64 _3Ol 101,94 Le i t, 1 2,,, 1 1 ... N ,..".. , -, 5 " mit pi , ..„4 ,, ,,,.......i;iterk.314. h e. 61 ENSiiii'Az - ': 4:g . saint K i . n .....,.firy 219 onh Pomo ...10i.,01." 'A Ng lei 06 AC '• 1541_. tenting Ot. L :. „lc 62 80 intou 90 , 1 1. rents 11•20.,.01 . ..... m1115.2k...T r i 0 i •- 75 Catalfigr 5,51, .. .113 tuna tt....—: tc .'4t I Fttlict'lo Nib R... i ; 151 cum R gd wt. 91 , ISao &Th -SU R.41‘.. 49 t0 r 5 C1° 71 1 .74111 5 1 6 2 . 5 .. '54 - RC #121 1 1 1 4pi e . 1 .1". ' : 1 :. §L ca r . 1 4 1 410. mon 1 . .ogiapruoo actual row 1m6i,8 85 ' , iitecti tc Nitwit:MX. 50" . ttlili i ti f ilir i a - . LI taic l .o,::!vcout , lllg.. .. , . . !PhifildelPhia *Market;i: - !.'"' - AIIGOBT 9-Itvening. There is no quotable obantiofa '•Flenill there baba very little demand either, tor exiiint or biota one; stook autiOrfine steadY,et and freih.grounid do st 80.60ea424 bbi, the latter for better braid", the trade being"about the' oalr 'mita at these pit, s, 101 extra and fano, brandi at 86.73a0.193 tu" bbl ea formality. Rye Flour is wantedat e5.625g, an4'Com 1400 is firm at 11131fria.37/4 bbl: , . . . Wroth:T.—There is not moth doing. OWill to the firm ness of holders, and about 3 600 boa sold at 12501330 for common to good and prime redsiand 13101600 for white. The reeeipts aprmoderate.. Jaye 'sweated t new selling sold6/720. and MO at 760, Cora—Alan 10.000 buil yellow at 70576 a as in atmittr,mottly at the latter rate for prime, inoltatmg2,ooo Due Western mixed at no.. Otto are better , with sales Of about 3,130 bus new, boothern to note at 816335. and 2 POO bus prune old Pennant 400, the: latter In store. 2i' x.—/st. Pio: 1 querintroi Is held at '6l_t7 tly ton; Agile of eoarstogronud was made &VIII. 30 ton. Corrotr..—The market uttoilet but firm, and a small m busesa doinpin the.way ' OnocEams.—Tbere- is • nothing VoinP Wortapof oo- . . .. . . . . Fader/deist; eontlaist fi nn.LMeto 'PO* to.duoted AO rdsl9.flep.uble - ,BooonWe hear of ho steles . Lard acted at 13340183(ds for bble and tterraeo.ousClie 4Tv , sons ore gent; Cloy/rased li bald at Ba.t.sesm 49' Haat Is rather there festive t Shouted° bblitsold et . Sierras I'd., Pea esd,Oklo, drudge - at - 10e, sod Odds at u . , TOW.X.lTiotiar.,f/iNDIDATE /—ln , 1856 Mr. /Nictitate, received ore million two hen-, dred and tiientyalx. thousand , three htiadsed, end fifty-two-votes in the North, and, six hundred and eleven thousand eight. hundred pod eighty et tics Banta. Thst kite received about. talc:mut many. votes at the North Ali he did dram South: Now, in November.- steak' Douglas will - receive' nearly the entire. Deincoratio vote of the north—r perhaps all of It—it the Administration papers are advocating the running of eleetOral tickets only'sn the &nth. . It is also asserted; kr aithority r thaf the Bell men of tfe*.lt ork will support Mr. 'Dou glas, ear informant is"an. American.) It is certain that Mr. Douglas will get at lettst third of the Bonthern Deratteratioyote; nod More ;. probably over half of it- • • Bat to put the figuresat thelefrest peetible point, 'Mr. Beagles will get n million- and a half of Dit ! ' moeratio rites, • - Give, then, Mr. Breokinridge the remaining four hundred thousand, which is all ho clan hope for, and then let the question at the 'head of mil l ` ale be ansivered.--Angtestn tionalsat: .2!54 Warn:lllol4k Istrino rt,ay..fitrrOtt.:--Wri• tog from 'Driadmi; to Ms 'friend Lealle, io 1828, Mr. Irving thtiaomieindea one of his littera': _ have been fighting iny waY;into the tleimen. language, add ' `am regaining toy Italian, and, for' want of mere profitable employment, have Wiled playador We been' gettini tip private - here at the ponce of en Oglieb lady.-- I have al; ready enacted Bit lid Obes Ileekett,,im !Three Weeks after Mateyo,' with guilt applairefand am en the point" al playing Don Foltz in he Wonder.' I had no idea'of this fond Of Oran:Atte talent larking within me; and I new ooniole m -Y -e& that if .thhe_woratsome to the worst; I can tarsi stroller, and plok. up a'deont.notintenalloir among the barna hrEngleed::: Iverity believe nature in tended me to be vageband.'! . StiazosatCts,to'recolio tsc,,thoilliand. five: hundred dollitijoi frovidtig the. Ignite at the Prime of Wileg , feanval ldoutiiitl. Patti and Bti . 4ol,l,4llei*lik sing on the 000ndOn.' Boa Csioi,naa is= said to be very , fatal in Harrison cansti;liy. , • W~yls os qtr -We talk' of humeri life as Journer. but4ow *Orlooslyie that Jouraer performed There ere thofewho eteue forth ehtl•sild shod, and mantled, to Wailicirtyeliet Isitpe, WI smooth terraisee, stare every 0418 errehted ond , evert. bettor la tem bored, Thetkiiieotherolvhb Welk on the Alpine pails of lite. stalled drteing totedry b and throukh stormy wr rove:asstil ilittetiodel 'with 'biltr-feet nod asked breisti•Jiuliidi mantled, and obilled ;;whiliq Items tre btlli otherportuftdethwer im, totwues these Iwo extremes,ty rte the ride tenor Br their tete, sad' buy their • at-the Ode-Plice Roshlooabif Voneonnui ot eikeuvipt: bouts, flottor - Ohetteht tired. An approprista and valuable slitfcit iterotted to 0"b P tul l t " . "o 4 ,P#o `tf' t ' Jdwitit Stoipikot 040o4itip 00434. Tkie adurireblii tiOrdisr:.ls detidned opeotobr. Jor ap umsfi comvisintakinoitoot SoAliti•heat of mum, Plen6uesatud , lloVllTO ireitur, of ' the stomach dte.lfeedtti iilfi to. its tiatdkilitk Pato - shoe, It re eleirLeApiesiairiffgetkiliko,thc tem% , Aftikt'll trial. filfiersoug Inn' be lOW to be without ; Tk l ee lacing &,e the 000ntry dion,4l lot do eo providing thanitelni with nor tiordlat, It is drAiitUmutngi—lhetaitfeauts. et- PK~ v 3~ f~svlYt` Tule' A winioyk Yeti Wyhtitialt Osusonns'' ;It iq doubtful whether these egtabl sh pint in 'Union; In Whiohl so 'extended .a vette ti of eitioles may be had 'that effeetimily hisith:tbe Eagle et munintercend neutralize the Gobi of , ,Whi tare iite,ta!t.e .. t llifeurs. Charles Oakford te - Biumontdertile Con "'"`"* . Xo,tiV Their MO. deilghtMlill dreasy.ardeles, la every - Nattetle for both sines, of au. & omitted now grace their eases, wtadoies, and counters, are lust 8. 11 , 011 as the idpst - sensible' bersoni theliaziunitint n ) a PP re " elate at a glanee,iiid, atoll 'an the central thrm g ar. , thoronglifaie. ' ilja not .suririsingt therefore, rtotWithetending the sweltering - dog-dews Weather nbwunim us; Meateb Ontereidli pile? magnificent store lifithroittlawitb ouidomers Mmushont the day. ThekikK)4'Ate tinpreis4 ll 7 POpalsr• - : • TWlrefilcNAP.pilti,'At 13.0g0x aluptiOU like the present, when the systembeeornes debilitated.' and.when 'oornelabiti :St thii Winds are common, sere tonio- and stimulant is needed. 'VW's %rant la supplied by the, fine old. rare rye Whisky dis tilled by Air. James Burnside. , at Allegheny City, end 16 1 4 Onl7br, clan , & Btookdate,•lto. Sib Walnut street., /far!, is faaOmillendadbytha best'pedleal authority: rgivir9T , Nyza.rtian.:-.4 he _weather continues. to , het.. and -aietiboili.l, 01;inPlaniMg. Dia , stifos ital.'s already turstAato liable from solar gombostloni"and?priok'iiissimesta threaten to follow their burning eSatuble;, At the lastroommt the .Dele, ware vita smoking, and it few Tame:degrees of heat VIII five us roast sturgeotr;andeat-flolt reedy fried by solar rays -In tlle rnetuttirneithe'only.oomfortable people we 'tiara those who wear the elegant rammer garments made at. the Theists Stone Clothing Bell of 'Hoek fittl*.Volitoli,-*A.64 IRA te4ol!esinut street. also'sdeath IYItRIALS .T ,THE PRINCIPAL 110TEL8 u R TO 12 o'or,ooK-zmir NUM. D ROUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets, Ono iiVlTazairall. ft YOrr Win A Wont; • W L Anderson, Arkansu'. Thee BOdgetti Ark a nsas • Hoary Burixoli. op . • Daarliag.tt 0 . ,C Etsiley,Bl.l J 80 ' Oboe J Latew, - Baltimore'. Knot* Bennett. Baltimore J Virerdeban_shelialtt 'W A !Vex, coraeotiait Vin ClaW,Oiew..Yorir C Wash, 13 0 GOrer, washingtarnD 0 T S Planer. Wash, .1) 0" 3,K rogleilllashoa,aton; DO 0 •Kitap,Washinstocu p C Gideon, Wash ton, D 410ett ItYrenoluN Beni BajWiM4sotitl tt 'Mrs Bailey, Missouri - elms M. eg New Jersey Jun Cammtnits; Lancaster R'Pelerestre. W W Gilliland, Montreal Band tiillaand.latinttraal, • Adam Morehead. Montreal CIIMMiall, t 'LOWS . 11.)tungen. Lez.,Kentuekr John JrloCan af , la, /r.l" 3 ' les AtaCail, Lax, Kr DJO Newbold & Muir Newbo ld Miss Miss Young,"blittaiesippl • - `Beall Ynbllev La buss Itlllowittan,;Lonisona - k. Morris. Human • FahoGritaburg. John 0 oaldwall. Pittsburg MrHarding. Pittsburg - Chas Harding, Jr. Pltrab!ti 0 Wharton!, le, Troy 't 'Mute Meg. Wen, Toar, r Mattingly,'Ralt J W Xentuokr Geo It ztjtarrisen, Georgia W MoNeal, •••robe .b.ll4aes;_allass - NY Duo lave? lc la, perms Jona ()Rams. Pittsbrins-, I.outa Jimin,Louisiana Mine Harlan, llagerstownit. Miss Harden, Hagerstown Hon Jones Yorke, N - Si) Harlan &In Md Miss Roth, Hagerstown '''J T Bordillew York Der Godfrey_Lr , now York "Anuel Gonzales, Y W Dove ," Wash, D ', - .l)Millor,Georgerown, D 0 BsainerdlKoLure,B 0 . , dz la. Ala • A Gics a , g 1 1 ).! ? q'ill' ffl ord l ringrlßMletr York Bexton,..kluleaelphia 'Alex a r Hoot, 'tunas' G W Oassard Jo la. B after° —Rhea It Kampon, rf A Whitney, Near Inger,. 14 VL. Mot d; Anode Island M. Snorter, R I Almon Dariteßbodelitland ". 0 Drystt, Pennsylvania Meant e,aolair, Detroit - .: itonegrove, New York BAI Zero°. Canada • 0 G Knowles, Jr,•Md - W H wright Ohio - W Bennett, . El O Triers, Boston: Beatty, Pennstivania & JK Ruingtrf,Unlontown H attend , Pitts urg B nandeeson, blew Ye& • B &Wiley, New york Ilart_a new b ork J Rue, Yhitsde i tehot - on J , w Puller, Perititryivi'J Butler & 2 dai ir e York Mrs 0 R Webster; N.York. • Miss 1.,1.00011111,1i York ni•A Rushton: N York. )t .rd Vincent & Nra' .Alles.Vineept,Xneinie, Mtn Youpx,Yirginla, Blake I t In, a 2lco, . . • . . , . . ,CONTINENTAL ILOTEL-;•Ger. Ninth and Ohestrait.. *Mrs Rinmouth.k.Soh.l3Ostou Geo Rave land. Nev .- York' Geo emoker..Tenaeasee W litoile; Atlanta, Ga • 4soob Parson, J _W Armstrong; Loulav'e' , S W hloutgomery, Loiilard, 0 Katandin, Louisville foeitealirSer ' rit iiP a ßeL,37,gtig:',l4 l, l°- CI H Wirer, New York •• •J atkine,Texas- Sot Maltz, Cinoinnati, 0 Jambs Carder, Arkansas .0 W Carder,Arkanms , Heavy. Alabama ' .0 Oheeney N Renville" 'Allen Washington. 'Tenn Frank Green. Nashville • ' M nag, bavanuati, a W 0 Thompson, Memphis- .0 A Ontin, New York J'W.l3wirm ' Wm R. Gilliland. 8 0 0 Miot,Ghitrienton. SO )t Pope & la, Louisville • Mast Prather, Lorlisvillo. Curren Tope Ry It Miss AI Pope, Louisville PrDs Al Prime, I:imiaVille. A u Baring, Boston • , W Oravenharst, m k gall, Rionmend, Va B Thompson, Altdrannt 0A Yr Mier, Alabama '• • ' Eliag M domes. Louisville lif.Dunlap. Georgia •• •: •'• John Pyle,. Paterson. 14 J Wja +Skinner. H.r.denville 3V 61 Dubois, Baltimore Bile ey, Kittanning Mrs Avery, Bt Louis Daughtee. K Madison. IM Sweeney wf, _ Baker; Cincinnati, 0 Frank a Kat, Cincinnati A floheveman, New Yorke::Geo fl. Walker. Milwaukee 8 Seheurman, New York F 0 Downs/ T exas A Wilson; Jr,•tr„ Is, Balt 0 P MTex John P Richardson, Balt .Wm H /trowel It Louis W Criohnin, Ballimore • - Loma A Fran kli n. Balt - • 'Ma tiibbes, U 8 A. : Mrs TR Field &2 eh ' - `Miss P f!arren, Louisiana I)Clarke, - Muisounppl. .1 8 Parries, tialem. Mass Rev W de Guetteville, Egg John H Curren, Mass P Lathrop, Savannah .1•F Rupferls w ht LouiS M Darr, Memphis lt Wood. Penns ylvania , 11 , ,Briggs.'flastiVilla". W A Benson, Nashville 117". 8 Laveley, Pittsburg .b N Stewart, Philadelphia, PMitchell, N mhola.vdle-1 0 Smedley, lientuokg . 0 N Bouford; lowa : S Kahn & son, Pilmburg James A Hunt, Miss • E Barnes, Mississippi 8 ' • : .J 0 Whileda. kibbne CC W Dapuy i Chicago JJ_Goodend. , Fort Wayne ll'A - B Mills, Oblong° ' J W Patchett, New pork gombrkser, liannburg,"_k_Untehinsoa, Colombia 111 Ky . . W k,varts. Louisville P"kwhiteA fit, Ohm • • 0 Leavitt la, Oler_eland W Bailey. at Joseph , liatoeyMartti, Jr. Pa. • • •AlWaddle,Petinaylvania F la, Georgia _miss ' Mrs nimbus; Alabama •L B Croaker, +Awes° ' Miss Smith. New York Al Upton, NOW York , Jll Bartlett & la. Boston John G Boyle, Magma ' • .11F tioribneretwf,NAlhany Ail 1+ Dix. Is sister, Raston • GA Gladdong Covington, 1,•11 Rohnnson: Ohio ' MIS" addle Shober. Norma kdmund Crane. Baltimore .Berd Rudson, Louisiana • Wll Barritt & Is; La - ltiah Waterhouse, Texas .W 8 Pioket,.t Memphis: . D Surks,Georgia, 8 V Nile*, Washington' H Pies Oincionati•" L Bose, NewOrlearts - • A M Wilkinson, Memphis Jao De Daloourt aon,•Le ft J Clow, Texas. • • - z. 11 0 Welland. Texas • _C Damud Connecticut- E Adamton & hi; Bfl -,PWhy_te la 4 Bn.timore • MIA Feaster da, N W Young, Lolumbia.' 8 0 I,Leaphart,Oplumbia,gi C P F Frazee. jr, Columbia F Huebner, Richmond, Ve. R A MoMillan k Ls,Ala J B Shoup's, Havana__ Rev Mr Georga.k. al; Ga•' 1.1 Lester, Upritigpt, Mau Graham Raves, haleigh A Champion kis Batan'ti Hon J Grow. Danvide • W °trait, providence •• Jr itland, Jr. -dr Id; Halt 'EM Beach es la Clualest'n D A Daimon. Mayillard aN John Hru b eet i ll I,lkfle land <. ' ?+l Y 1 IT rtir2 . 42411 1 ":1 AR Champion, Georgia: F D Fatty& boons Mrs tinnier, Illinois ; . • - Mrs Farrington L lndrana Airs jiwing et Louis • ' a l ms Mwin, St Loom •• .I.lr, Mears. Kt Louis Jo h n Ennis, Wash+ 1) 0 :R A Wlugato, Louisville .•Vf yr, It Louis Roo , Mitchell. Cinomnati.o D.AM Dull k le Pella MM Philadelphia W J Cain , Y ork, Pa T. N. Tootle, t Joseph ~- AT TaVorr,l and. lre Samna.' Arno d Cope Mr Faller & WC. Uhloalto hß'Palmer kw, Pittsburg C. Mollvain w, 'Smola 'Mn Lyman, Richmond Va Mrs P A Field ; Virginia. B Riehinoud. Va J W Dietrioh, Dayton 0, E Maynard, New York . J EDouglasg, Lilly. North Carolina. Chas Rumples, New y onk Hays & laic Pittsburg • • Btt Moore Ala . 8 Carolina 14 It Banks, harleston, 80 JD RAI, Charleston. 8 0 G b S l i ver, .o keston. t 3 C Hon w Stiles. Gdorgia Miss Gilmer,No rth Carolina Egg and, Owego, it y John Folayk-hg-. -- •' • Mark D .pow . ell, Phil& 'Thou Bobbins, - Jriff WA 'l' Ilimthers, Warren `JaMta 13 Hagerty, Balt .• W rarJon la,:N 0 4, 8 t Et z te n i e d y 9 j, 1.11'4 New York Aen flat r r e pn a erLit fr. I Ds A imampnoy, Lime :James mate, N,,,W York. .14..Peasanti•New York, - Rohl Lawson.,New York -Win Mulligan. It Louis; „ CO Chalon, Springfield 0 It•Brype. booth Carolina Mrs Bryce, 8 Cardin* pollen 8 Bryi,e,_l3 Carolina John 0 &Yee. 13 Carolina J A Urdwal , Bolton E 8 Bowen* la. Balt LAS Anderson. Florida Aim A lAnderaon, Fla Geo B Jones,.•Pittaburr Mies LO ;dor, Pitts' hg ':P Butlen'Biohniond, Va Thos Jo Iron, Vs rektarvis. Richmond, Va De: Witt. irsinia C Thrift &la, Virginia :Mrs D Adanis t .memphis 'l,B Walker. Memphis 8 T Watson, meitinhia :A Woodward, - Mamphie _ E Woodward, Memphis Breekenstens, Vs 13 yanawortn, ft T 0-Dens Zs la, Alabama Mrs 0 as Prince Ala W It Scott; Milledsev'e, Ga •eltss Davidson, l¢ torsi a Townley de wf.ilecirgta, Ins. Baxter & J 8 Greene:New York Woo Poole!. Memphis Elr Hardeastle≀fiaci I•Greanleaf, Ohio 'TP.Maffett. tleorgra B Locke, Tenne ss e e 0 0 0 Howe , Clam uta, G lagg, Xe Mucky ' Stabler„: Baltimore . - A It Stillman. Charleston John 'M UreelL'Ohallellynt F R , Bisogmen.' Nashville -1 0 Fuller Charleston Sothis A Boylan. Ohio achingliCrosbleiton ia Mead, New York.': Hon I, D yr . • . JON/38" HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. B TBabal. Georgia, - B L Malntash. Georgia W Chambers. Jr. Quebec J Morse, Jr. New York W F °beak. D 0 . D Williams N 0 - John " F Williams, N 0 , , Leon Jones, Tenneasko A Yowelt, Baltimore 8 II Oppenheimer. H P. /Inners, Pennsylvania Milli Antlers. Pennsylvania -W 8- , Pennsylvania LW' 8 Howland. N J Parreli, Cunning ham ficirjh Carolina A M Bowdon, Wheeling.. W Bailey, Wheeling Thos Wilson , Wheeling - John Wilson; Washington . 'reseher_,New York- - 0 WNW:matt, Phil& Tilley. Washington 1 IShitelield, 'PhDs A ionirnn: Newark Chas P Akins. Newark -0 8 °anulus, Canada IJ V Pearson, Canada - D Keno. g. New York J Mabony, Jr, & fam, 13 C' 8 Mathews, Newyork Shin Francis, Mau rerldBMlll POor, Mars Chas Benjamin , Cambridge' Ow ner Banks, Waltham Chattel ham. Va 0 Culla. Philadelphia Nariand, Philadelphia J J Bean, New Jersey CB Vail, New icier .BT. LOUld,H9TEL—Oheatnnt. above Third totem B. Boyd, Mare JesWhite,Neq.York Joke Andrews, Jersey City 'WM Bartow New ions, H W Fowler, Cincinnati Mrs J Hutchison. N Y Mrs Hutchison, New York • Wm Hutchison. N Y W=N Ely. Ohio - B Jackson , Brooklyn. 'H Pmith, Paratoga LDe Camp, Vi ash, D B Moto!, Baltimore leaao (bold. Trenton .T Arrowunilk • oorard. New York TO (0 Biddle Nevi York .1 B MoOrillis. Asian City. 'PP Rax . New York Geo Bp shorn , Bart ford P Edwards. Chatham- -- It Prior, Newlork It Rowan, Now York, CL Lamb, Now 7oreey . Lomb. New JEW . THE ..UNION-Arch street, above 'Third. Joint A Shaw, einojanall Cleo W Lamson. Phis .I.etlie Stern . New Orleans Simon Mier. Florida 3 P Stone, Providence, R i lsepli Fithian tr. In, N J t r Convert, Ohio 8 sharp, New Jena) , •. 6411831 !::: 174 ;4 6' 11 111,t9n Isl474 l ::l3o:manati itiJ Marsh. Wheebrig. V; John Allmon Wheeling B Derrah, Wheeling Ben, Baawood, Pottsville tauNn Tont s.Tamimua John 0 Ronal, Pinta 113 Woolf, Ohio J F Ponnel, New York Miss J Baylor, Baltimore T A Youag. Nor folk, Va MATHIS UNlON—Market street, above Blith. inn I. Reese, Barrisburg Mies Kirkpck & Pa W Maynard, Bethlehem J 0 Wolf, Be lo Wham Wm 11,, Saline . Bethlehem NW Smith, Bethlehem It Marmote, flooklead,NYi W Rowlead, Pal Forge Joitn Fisher, West Chester L Chessman, W (Mester B BMWs, Lorettm Pa 'B'l:Lever. Warren, 0 tlJeijratten, Warren, 0 P 8 telga, Pennarlrhhin .Hort. Warren, 0 El Moore, ennsylvemis gronsdtle,Witm, Bel R Wet n, Coatesville J N Sholer:lllinoie II Newman. Permit Ormie,ltarrailms 7 W Power, Oreiwort W T ciroartale, Walm, Del . , . COMMERIN/iI4HOTEL-61xth Street, ab Chestnut. AZaltarpiece; Chesterlo Amos Spenier. Mtoryland • T' . R tmpool Alex Mode, Coatesville 131 'Ariz, West Cheeter Morton renneck.lm. D Mr Heitman& Philadelphia .7 Jaokeon, Cheater co. Pa ef‘ei±lir & la, Wilm, pel Walter Ride. Philadelphia psa yrlbrattv, Georgia • John HeMtr,Perdmic h ni s W-.yiemee, West Cheater ityrTViiRNON licil4t-43.sootici Biome., above ArCh. Riinyan,ilielaware- • John PlokairPhiladelphic Ellie,Huey. Dena C tietmen, ifortietur n Geo T Oeihart. Tatham:on I 0401 1 0 0 4 Haw el. Pa R.O Rosa, Look Haven • Miles Draire,Pharleston,doBaml Tgarroli lowa CW F Calved Filth(' • . , , POBBTAlN , PTEL—Sowild,iireet;abOvit Markin: 39m. Nolo& Attentta Cite Theo Meagan Ca ne MnY "°"' 14eW J.tneiPon4ee, feleware M eliTllei Smyrna; .41 Manner over, Let LB Weston, Boston W. J. , Weeton, Boston ' Mtn Peterson: BMIllift; Del : BLACX. Blart - EfotEli-l'hirdst et. ab, Caltowblll. - : kiii4dtiiPiittitirivii, ."' • . f , :tilt N Miller, l E r i aiggrg . , --. Ye i girgT d rtii i rm i rti r n i fg: - Dle l friltl b , i lieadfrr f eis lu iVaero l Vat i rli t irs B biln l , f t•gigt 0 . . Basle; Reading .:: .- .-.._;.•,,,•.,, age-10tt & ii, U Beaton • ~ seasillenk, Mi nutia Esti . • - ~. .. .-.......- ....... . ... .. ..... ~ __:..„. • ...,.. -... ~. .------ .-- . • ROTELtRams street, stfove , lllll. .. . ~.. NATI ONAL . 31y Marti 4, JeaksottiTa".-',.- .: - Darld. Handl .Portllr_... .KOO. 1130:'Bplotdel. Letsinon .... . --Mr J . ones. Pdi 4001014. 574,.1, - :rai t ,114,,71. 9 - I,' - li ! t - ,! . 197kti a usintilaptir.(g'Y , 4 1 1 1os.anis, sanculylvapla . P Reland..,ss.ddlepex • BAY4ilEAOLEOLpergv+Tbittev•. - '4tovo conowinu; 1- IMc n o v rtgrt t :'. z itet'aC : "'';'''?„ . „ P fiati l e t t7ggfelitt° 7 -: - . - Ham worastm - Batlf; pa I-1 ii . yalte t ter. ' L ann 00 . Pa ,T.;.7,4..EAr.iyi:acr,ffitiVclra= '. ~ - - , '• - ••• . • - wiAli,_ 6ll A l s#7:,,Ateniliiik-lp rd - sc; - , above, galliihilli flit , 4o.frerfaili'etlltiltojiti. L.: l , - . r. W Baker, Bethlehem 1 • yolten - Mpptovra.T.l , ',' .1 - Edwards & fr,_Pa. - as BeretleendEmemrsill& . .l. BremmL.M.ILE ellert'll miL shoemaker; col to,Ba , .II Lanedeastiseks do ,- W-111,11hlynerr All s teep ... EBmith, XfilhElelPhla - R. ? I liikterilfs*vibartai, , , g, , ,y,„::.,--. , ~, * .t',',-,.---; • ,.-, . .:;..:,.., . .- 7 '-:•---. .• - • - . . . BABA SAW& HOTEL—Beeend it., below Vine. •E*Searle' a, Kele Jamey' ' Kmytb, Bunke en_ Y OtTrallatellehell O bo e Philhpe & en, Kirov. K Arm, Rte.:Jove I Gerhart & la, Zion, Pa ".: . 1 " • HOTEL--Cheeteut,above Firth, ' • -JamesF Jardon, New York Thom BillUnteree..Ve amen Doyen, Boston Ohne F °MIL N.pw York I 3 Darlington; Baltimore W Carl,'New York , Solr !dean, New York. Oichinson Mass A Richmond, Ohio • W Warren ' ik la. Boston 1 Keen A, la, Evansv, Ind -W- Hod e , Sr - Columbia Mre 8 W Foster, Parma, Robtll. yre. Bethlehem Itobt A Pecker, M Chunk W Stale y. Newark, ri J" :Nathan Peg a 7 °bunk Mrs E Granger & Mane iLenhe SOlark: Philadelphia B. Balton.; ' A. de Payne, Snow Hill, Mil t i a r ml Ahern, Delaware is Merritt & Hawt Holly 1 1 Budd A la, Mt Holly 'CI Holtries; Jersey Crawford, N Jersey ' ;gra Abbott. etimmit J• Scald &yr Fatuinger & evf,ll - . Rev. Maynard, Penna. Chan Wane, Ju'rettna •• Geo tenhcle,Penna . • gg Ai Finuttone,New York W 'Howe philadeloliia. Henry Amen, New York 0 P Hatch, Boston' MERCHANTS' HOTEL-Fourth street. being Aroh. .Tames Ley Neer York John Morrow, Mien - it S Gott, Cincinnati 'W Ziook, rt Lama - - Al, Jaynes, Bentooky• • N B anti, Conneettoq A Eydam, Couderepert,Pa enn Thou ti Ifiredin, 8 Carolina J W i oweli, Atlanta. Ga P_ 1, Zimmerman, Lex, H 7 An g.O aueseil,Terre Haute .biti N Woad,Whisoville.T'n B F Hyatt, Findlay, 0 W Bakowell, Pambers P 1 Hayden, Atlanta A. Fonmard,Texfui G Bradbury, Texas 8 E Doyen, Tenni, L Bacon, Kextuoky 8 13/MilTaxam • L Graham, iollashius 3 8 Itag hand: -Texan Bichard J Hawn Tennessee . H tolnneuee W B Greenville, 8 C Thomas Bio N , M ciolgatt, .. hire lintB ih,NO Louie Herrlich • V Harding. r . • G W Chou onto ' Pettehone,Wyom 11r, Pa Sohn J AioAine; Rentuoky Al Brandt, lawn H P Oallioutt. - Miseteicyl W H Cochran, Phila ur Lew Yi Event , . tows'..,M L Morrow, Ohio 15 P Barrett, Williametiork. Jno .1 Brooke At ha, Tenn . 811 Mulherin Jr lei Ark L . if ir ia A T MoGrath, KT .. Than KimbeilL PhD& Armetrong, Ohio A M Bannts„l /ark. Pa s Clark, Methane, Main (18 Palmer, New Hone. T 3 Ned Jae Benham er, yr 'gourd Win ode,' Maueh ()hunk Joe E Davis di la, Mine Mute Mitchell, Mine • Miss Vanketntlernen, W Bnattdok. new, York'. John Witllame, Baltimore .10 Panther, Pa AMnoto ILIMELLEGENON. lEEE roast.= limns. Steamslifk, BoatoniCroolter, 21 hours from Now York, via Car Mr 'hotirs, with. mdse and passengers to Steamship Virginia,Kelly from_Rfohmond, via Nor folk 20 bouts, with Indio) to Thos Webstor, Jr, • pith hleolianio k ilendnekson,l day from thiassa,Del, With gram to Christian & Cumin, Cola Velma, Holinss,; day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Jim ILBawley & C o.(J tiehr Jan W Early, hipplo.l day from Fredorios, Del,' with wheat to Jam b Rowley & Co. Steamer Conoard, Norman, 26 hours from New York with Inds* to Wm lil Baird in Co, Corraspondenee of the Proud flaw Yana. hue 9. • Arrived, 'hips Robert Center, from Havre; William Rathbone, from Liverpool; Vietor , from Loadoni alto, from Trieste; Granam'e Polly, from Antwerp? barb - Winona, front tiottenbural N Gigaton om glow Raven; Clintonta Wright, from Gibraltall brig Restaaradori from Rotuma. • Hotirob r • Aug p. Arriva, ohlog Iobn• ' Patton: from - Havre; addio thwar t tram Liverpool ; brig J 11 Barn:toil; from Oldeasa• • ' • MEMORANDA:' iiteamohip Delaware, Cannon, hence, arrived at New York yestardly. Steamship Cambridge, Rowers for Philadelphia, railed from Boa o Ludwig, ' - • Ship M R Miller, from Liverpool, arrival at Now York yesterday, • • Ship Vandalic, Patten, from Liverpool, arrived at N York yesterda/. - • tilop.Martha Rideont, Morse, from Shields, arrived at Now York yesterday, Bark Mustang, Penniman, for Lavaca, Mitered at. N York yesterday. Bark arks. Brim Sierra Leonchne 80th, ar need at Boston Bth inst. • - Bark Modena, Ryder, sailed from Boston Bth inst. for Philip:lolphi%. . Brig Cawing, French. for PhiladelphiatnBodaye,war at Sierra Leone Jose M. • . Brig Cordova , Jones, from Delaware City, at Provi dence 811* inst. • Brig Volona, Barnard, cleared at Calais lot inst. for Philadelphia. Boar Ann,Willaco, for .Plaladelphla, cleared at Fro NahreSth it. BisOW ns Flak. Weaver. and W Bone, Scott, from Boston for Philadelphia, sailed from Holmes' Role Bohm Mahlonkßette- Thompson, front Roston; T Riag,.Clencieuron, from Calais and Graoe Caroline, :Farrell. from Nantucket', all for . Philadelphia, were at Bowies' Hole 8 A M oth inst. Bohm A M. -Wetmore, Bogert, and Mooting Light, JOllBB, WOO. arrived At Richmondothinst. Bohr Edward Thomas, James, Ahmed at Wilmington. NO. Bth most. for Philadelphia. • -89 hr Ninetta. Taylor. from St John, NB, arrived at WilMitltan , Bel, yesterday._ 89hr alarm Fleming, Shaw. for New York, sailed tram Wilmington, De.. thh inst. Bohr Marr Adeline, Jones, for Charleston, cleared at .Baltimore yesterday. Bohr* Mary rarterson, Somers; L A Panonhower, Stiller, W r Dennis, Williams, hl B Mahony. Lake. - R 8 Miller,Gilibrd. Exoelemr, Riley. and W Saulsbury, Hudson. Mune, arrived at Boston Minot. ~Bohr Mary Ann - Magee, from. Washington, arrived at Boston Bth toot. Bohm sarah Louisa. Grime, henn a for Yarmouth. and Geo Washington. Sherman, from Delaware City for tia- Jam; sidled tram Holmes' Role 7th inst. Mame'? • Josephine, Green ,• arm Novelty, Shaw, hence, arrived at New York yekorday . SPECIAL NOTICES. ALL SHOULD not fail to read the .adver element of Prof. WOOD in to•der'e palm. ene•tl CARD PRINTING, .13s# AND CHEAPEST IN the OHY. et 34 SocittalifßD street:. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Bent and Cheapest in the City, at 84 South THIRD street.. ' IHLL•HBAD PRINTING, Beet sad Cheapest in the City, at 94 South THIRD greet. HAND-BILL PRINTING, Beat and Cheepent In the City, at 34 South THIRD street. , , VAM.P.ILLET PRINTING, and even' other desorip tion of Printing, of 'the most superior. quality,- at .the most rearionahle rates, at RiNG WALT le BROWN'S. Draggi'l Building. an South THIRD tartlet. EWING TND—NATIONAL BAIMYY Ti Goutotty.—Ohartered by the State of Petutzylvonte. 1. Money le reoeived every any. end in any amount 2.'FIVE PER 02,11 T. Interest la veld for money from Me - day tt le patio. ' - ' 8, The money le almsys paid beak in Ot2lLD,whenever It la called for, and with out notice. I. Money is receivers from Szscuters, Administrators. Guardians, and other Trustees, in farce or mall urns. to remain e ions or 'hart neriod. . 4. The money received front Deeoettore is invested in Real Pinta, Mortgagee. Ground Rente, and other first clan severities. '' e.ollettme4 even dor—WALNUT Street. otnitlivrod lor Third straAt. phllahtahiti jalt ORB PRIOR OLOTHINGI OF THII 'LATEST STUNS. made in the boat manner, *serail, for RE TAIL BALES, LOWEST selling mines m.arked in Plain names. All goods made to oraer 'warranted sans. Actory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is strietly 'sabered Oh as we believe thie to be the only oar way of dealing Ail are thereby treated abbe. JONES & CO.. sag-if . OO4. MARKET Street SMAHEI7 8 Be.vmpa FUNIY--NOEMYSM COHNIR 81MNDISild WALNUT EITHISETB.—DepOiItS re oehreil in small and large amount:B,lmm all elessee the eetnmeeltY, and 'Ems interest et the rate of FJVId PER CENT. per annum. - • Money MY be drawn .by °heels without loos of in- (Moe open'daily; from 9 until ff o'olook, end on Mon• day end Bataan until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Beoretart, OUR AL. MORRIS. SATAvAwrnia leinu-Paoor NAPNB.—A very line samtment of SALAMANDER/31bl aala at rate capable victim, No. 101 ORESTNIIT St., Philadelphia. WI-if - *MANS & WAUIIIVI. 'M EY DRS / MIRAOULOUS VERMIN' MI . STROTER. the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminiting .RATS and MICE, COCKROACHES BIM,' ANTS, MOSQUITOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMB,and GARDEN INSECTS. __ Prinoapal Depot, 619 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold ht all Omelets everywhere. nrilt-ern MARRIED. PINE—ARMSTRONO. On the 8d October, 11380, nj 'Rey. Erastua•De Wolfe, Mr. Geo. W. Pine to Mae Annie 0. Armitront, both of Philadelphia. FOSTER—TAYLOR —On the Bth instant, at the Par sonsge, by theltev, Joapph tgf Kennard, Mr, Jamee Foster, of West Cheater, to Min Mary 1. Taylor, of PhUadelphlar . DUNGA —KENNEDY 0 n the 7th Instant, by . Rey. Frannie' Churah, Mr. Thomas 51. Duggan, of Bucks anunte,to Mn. Jane Rennedy,of this oar. THOMPSOB4—.ERHART.—MaroIt 19 1859, by Alder. men Hibberd, Alexander Thompson to Mrs. hlary r har ,t all of this nity, STURGIS—MILNER —On the 80th of July, by the Ray. Henry Darling, Mr. James H. Stumm, of rthnlY hill, Md.. to Mum Debbie /J., daughter of Win. It. Mil nor, of this olty. LIPP.—On the 9th instant, Christian F. Lipp, in the 12th-year of his age. The rtnatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No, 217 North Ninth street, on Saturday' ier neon, at 4 o'clock, without further natio°. The Ohio and Lai - master county, Pa-, papers please copy. WRAY.—Suddenly, on the 9th inst., Alexander Wray, of the fi , rll of Alexander Wray k. On Due notice of his funeral will he given. WATSON.---on the Bth Instant, Sallie, infant daugh ter of Jos. H. and Elizabeth B. Women, aged 7 months and sdays. NEILL.—On the Bth Rev, William Neill, D. D., ne funeral service& will be held on Monday, the Pith, at 12 o o.eolc, In the Sixth Presbyterian Margot' . The friends of the faintly, and clergymen of all denomns, Gone are partioularly invited to attend. • ' • t2cNUL rY.—On the 7th inst., Arthur' McNulty, aged 1% 1 11 froni ' his late residence:No. 1319 Race a' tee., th s (Fnclay_Lmorning, at 0 o'clock. et 01108FP.—On the 7th inst., Mr. Thomas - Clohe se y, In the 67th year of his age. - numeral from late TePillenee, nu South- Poen)) stree t below Wharton, - t ile (Friday) afternoon, at 3 WILLTELEY.—On the 7th lust, Mrs. Hannah White ley, aged 93 years. Funeral from erhnsband'aseablence. Marshall road. Cardlngton, Upper Darby, this ',Friday) afternoon at 1 o'olook. • 0011 JON.—On the 7th inst., Marie Barbera °onion. &red 71 years. Fhral from the reeldenoe of her husband. No. . pia 18 street, this (Friday) morning. at 8 o'clock SHANNON:—On thetith instant, Mrs, Martha rhen ium. aged 100 years, a native of Tyrone co.,- Ireland. • Funeral from the . residence of her son, Hee Slumnon, 2113 Ridge avenue, on 'this (Friday) after noon,at 4 clecki • • SLF.M.MEH.—On the 8:h instant, Willie, youngest soof William and Poi sabeth Stemmer, in the 7th sear orals age, Fanertil from the residence of his father. Dauphin street,. below Tulip street, east of Frankford road, on ads (Friday afternoon, at o'clock. • BiILANEN.—On therth mutant, Catharine Bremen. The funeral 'will take place Item the residence of her husband, In Mooreland township, one mile east of W low Grey. ,e on Mthning, at 9 o'Clook. BOWBB—On the Bth instant, Dannah Bowen. aged 78 ears. • • Funeral froth the residence of her eon. Edward 8. Bowen. Oak street, west of Thirty sixth. W e st Phila delphia, on this (Friday) morning, at 11 o'clock. w EN GLISLL—On ,the 8:h Instant. Mary Hazelton , only daughter of Miguel, Jr., and Mary English. aged 6 years. FLETCHER.—On the 7th instant. William Steele Fletcher, in the 20th year of his ago, non of George and Enithia E. Fletoher. Funeral from the residence of his parents, N 0.668 N,2101 Final& drain, on this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 YORTNER.—suddenly, on the 7th Instant, Inhabod Fortner, In the 77th year of his ago. • GALLIGReR.—Ori the Bth instant, Eagene Statile lees. son of Bernaro and Ann Galligher, aged 72 months and 5 days. • ' Funeral from tho residence of hiearentri, Twenty first street. above Lombard on this (L e rida)) afternoon, at 1 o' - • LAWRENCE —On the 7th instant, Mrs. Susan Law ranee, in the 71st year of her age. Funeral from Ilie residence of W. D. Black, No. 1321; Routh Third street, on this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o clock. .• , - • • LAXI.IE.=-On the 7th . instant, Moses Lakne, Esq., In the 8211 Year or Me age. Funeral from his late residence. New - goalie. Butts " 1111/1 4. .: 1 RI l a (81thltila, morning,l r, a t t ig gf ° ' ,Ma el and Rosanna Logue, aged is years. Funeral from the leiniteriee of his parents, Owen at., between_ Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, holey' Spring Barden,.on this ( Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. gi tißHAN.—tin the 7th instant, David J. Morgan, in the bast year of his asp, Funeral from his late ,residence, in Roxborou,ll, (Twenty. first ward,' onthill(Friday t morning, , NIXING om.—On the 7th instant, George }liking tr° , n n the 60th year of hie age. Fu in form _ide late-residence, Orchard street, low Church, larankford, on this (Friest) afternoon, at 2. o'clock. • • TRICE.—On the 7th instant, In the nib rear of aer age. fdre. Elizabeth Pace. • Funeral .from the residence of her eon-In-law, John ' Landreth, near Bristol, Books othinth on this (FridaV afterronnot 2 &Muck Camden; Pr. J..'011 the Bth Instant, Joseph Morgan, son of Simeon and Mary Pine, aged 5 years, :Funeral from the residence .of hisparents No, 10 South Fodrth street, Camden, N. J., on Saturday morn- Mg, n . 11th Instant, at 10 o'clock, • , PIPPITTOn the Bth instant, in Mont Holly, N. J., - Ann Pinnitt, in the ethereal of Weise. Funeral on this Mixt It day,' at 1 o'clock, R 1,13 118,—On the Bth instans, Mete A., youngest daughter of Julie rind Matilda Rothe, aged 1 year and 4 menthe. t Funeral trod, the residence of her parents. 2.27 'Frog _ ton street,hetnesi Bunks and Pine, etrove_Twelith PEESS-r-PMLADELITIA, PRIDAV t . AIIGtJST 16, 1866. LAOS ANTIO , ; 11:1RPiiii „FOULARD riN" k l' : 4 ;re •hi ke. 4 ' i 14wide, : ' i' . MlO 'Wale I I•• 1611, • aok c Fravo Ma i reV, Ire WI 1 ii. 8 1 ;c a lf 01 1 1:11:5Vreltranitiohalri. .' • ; Biaak Berets. ruffled to tra. i 1 i ' 'tiVf ' gd " ; ' , l ll ift r" niv1n2h...11.t.0 . II ibilf ti t 1. 'ni ' a bre, t ' ' o.lli al?&ritci ie r t. N. 8.--Nttng duty and August we 0 Doe at Y. . rfIUE, ONLY RELIABLE ARTIOLE I -- ' JR. OLARltokl,Yetont INPSLIBLE ?FNMA, for Meriting ell intik of 0111(ng nest)? end Indelibly. : They Oo tlivr Work bitter t Ink, w ith ite Jroutie OT Tilik of ott4n6. non mask ertion4. l. ?or Phie, Who nate land qted, YLOic Agents for the, klanutanturer, 011r1 . . VI:ACADEMY Ogg THE PRpTESTAAT RPIBOOFAL. ORI/ROII.LOOI/8f AND Jlllll. TRENT:I • The Antumnal ee""fouwdi open on MONDAt ti"n; iember chlOok A. M. lhe tuttion foe 10, for the oweat Om, slaty dollars ; for all other onuses. seven r• ffllvo dollar" per annu ; there are no extra °bargee. Applioattone for adminto m n map ber a e at tha Acute- MY after Alm lath, between W. aura of 10 and o'olona • JAMPAi W. R BINS. A. M., AOO-Anwtt Read Muter. fcr DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OPTICE, PHILADELPHIA, Aileen 61 1840,-Wil m eMI. J 8 HAN/1N CROSS, Intel! oonvioted o FD eery, M 'BW' on Saturday hut tom the custody 0 the Officer of the vend having hi In olihrge ; and a y the ma of forrequire that mid. felon ehou d 1w mottled for the amen ol wind he has been pony Med, toiler a temertl of 1 7 1VJG HUNDRISD AND Fir!' DOLitisfttiv which I will give to any person who will apprehend and deliver him tvii to Alt*. • nu 7-61 WILLIAM. B. MANN. District Attorneri tF Ja ICE 'ilEr THE PRIEATIELPIIIA AI I iIIREADING RAILROAD COMPANY.' Mla NNO, ' • The holden e of the Donde of this Compeny, Ono cit, July I, 1200, can now room M y°. upon application at s 0@00, 11) ter cont. in cash , upon the terms epecurled in the omen. ar attached. , The ho des are Mao entitled to The beneht of a BOA.' ins Fun -of $140,000 per annum, as es4bilohed by the etoeithol era at their annual meeting, held January 11, IWO, and in harangue° of the liontront,entered intro bY company and duly rerm i ll i ed, R bo carry the seine unto foot, 8- RA FONL. Tretarurer. (3110 , Notice to the Fielders of Philad4lpAia and Rusty, Railroad Company Mortgage Bands, dna Juba 1, These bonds are secured by the first litoitliegeo on e road, amounting in the aggregate to e ,Poe,soe. net revenue for the lent neon! ypr was mx times the, nmount of the annual interest on t oe bon a ds. The MelleXett pr one to eaten them f or Period of twenty rears, the holders retaining the bonds and the eeourity of the anortgaxes in the proof*. tiondltionin whioh they are now rield• Fresh shoot" of coupons for the interestoayable half-yearly, wall bo A bonus o hs per USE, will be given to tae holder. in otinsldemtion of their twenties to the extorts on. Thie bonus will be paid in cash to the brasserie/ 7 010 bondo, on their mining IS reeoipt and preventing their team. live bonds at the tees ol the Company, or to 14 agents, for endorse out. • - FOllllB of reoelyt end endorsement will be furnished Oa application. - lir order of the Roarillif Malmseys stl . o. nuindißlorir. Reeretary. NEW PUBLICATIONS. T.) STATESMEN AND POLITIOIANS. POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK FOR WA: ,f . view f PREEIDENTIAIV i rIiI t ANquEB AND o ELEOIHROL ALL THE HATIONAticItnIFO" 8 EVER. VET ADOPThu: _ Also. A HISTORY OP VIE 6TRUGOLE RtgPEC SLAVERS IN TILE TTEIAA RRITORIES, Io$4 ♦1" S1101 1 : 1 C 88 AS TO FREBDUM OF THE PUBLIC LANDS. wint THE MOST NOTABLE SPEECHES AND LETTERS MESSRS. LINCOLN b u DG E LA K s IEFLL,. ; CA SS , JoHWARN, ETC _ ETC; B O RC HIN N G THE( H WE V ~PIONS . OF THE DAY; RETURNS. OF ALL PRIKsiDENTIAL.ELECTIONS - . mai? ! itas. Compiled hi' HORACE GREBLE AND JOHN ).CLEVELAND, Now iu Press. and will be issued on Thatadoy, EDITORS' PRE YACE. • The single end of this book is the presentation, tun compact and convenient form, of the more important facts, Votes, resolves, letters, speeches, retorts and. otter dooments , which elucidate the political odritest now agitating hits country. It hat honour Minato let i every candidate and otherlmportant perzonage speak for himself. make his own Plaitorm. and vindicate (if he mien his own consistency and the %undoes sit his views on the great questionewhichunderhe our current polities. Of muse. soh a work can hire but soompatative merit. Make it ever enlarge, and still many things must be omitted that the compiler would wish to Insert ; - and every crib° will plausibly. ask, " Why insert this_ and omit that I Why give so mocha Aan remem b er f ?" Besides, It is not always youth e to .o if re k m e h m i be rWo ao fi n n o d n a ly ll s t a h y a t t h w a o t u e l m d bhea v valued in a work our beet; let him do better who can. Inaccuracy of citation m one of the chief vices of our DohUcal disoussion. You cau hardly listen to a set speeds, even irom well-ipformed and truthful can vasser, whom isnot marred by some tnisapprehenaion or unconsolous nussurement of the tosittott nod views of this or that prominent statesman. Documents, heed lessly read. and long sloe lost or mislaid, are quoted from with fluency and confidence. as though wit h in dubitable worse,. when the eitatlonsso made do elm it igni to their author, and tend to Mislead the hearer. We believe the iloonments collemed In this work are so Minted that them general aoollranY may be safely relied o Sy oinvosereof all parties we trust our 'rezt-Dook wilt ho toned convenient, not to say Indispensable. Slut those who only listen, and rend , and refleot. Will Cu find It a manifest help to a clear understanding of the vseues and contentions of the day. They wilt be Wa rmed in comparing the actual positions taken by Mr. ,t,inooln. or Mr. Douglas, or (tonere! Case. or Mr. Eve rett, es faithfully set forth in this work, with those con fidently attributed to that niatesman in the fluent he mline of some political opponent, who is intent on blazoning hie inoonslstonor or proving his minority. .T somet i mes y t he the °datums Me frothy deplalmer Isthe east est and most convenient refutation of his speech. • If a trace ofpartisan bias he betrayed in the thread of narrative which partially unites the successive reports, bills, votes, ete., presented in this work, the error is unintenitonal and regretted. Our purpose was to pile a record acceptable and convenient to men or all portico, and which might be consulted and .tea by all: Whatever la onginat herein is regaueei as of no . naeor merit. save as a necessary oltisidasiowier - tne residue. Without apology. thuorwe,or inritier expla nation. the Tut- Doak Is commended to the favor ofthe American public. Price el per OPT. post-paid; per hundred. Cash Orders solicited. Mitres* TKIBUIVE. Tribune Butidings, Bulb d&Wtf SOWER. BARNES. CO,. BOOK3ELLERB AND Ptl KAMER% No 37. NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower Sl* above Market Street, Balladelehte, Invite the attention of Booksellers and country Mer chants to their vety large stook of School Boots. pub lilted In this and other °Steil together with hlisoellane outland Blank Books. Paper. and btahonery generally. s., B. & Co. are whiteners. of many popular volts, among whioliare the following : THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, • BY COL. WILLIAM (Late of the U. S. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One Vol., Sea, bouzi c i o ngl t o t t 4 l; i 7llll.2s; and a libera This book is eronouneed the moat wonderful, scienti fio.-and comprehensive treatises on the geography dour continent ever gmblithed. SOHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OP READERS. -)3ROOKB' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME TIC_ 16 ote. MOORS , NORMAL MENTAL ARITHME TICote. 13.1100E8' KEY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC. 26 ate. BY B. BROOKS, A. M., Professor of Mathematres in Penner learns State Nor mal. School. Liberal terms for:introdeetia• WHITE'S . COPY -BOOKS. BY T. KIRK WHITE, President of Pennsylvania Commercial College. PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This eerie' of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted in almost every school of note in the Union Where gen graphs, Is taught, and has no equal. Price 82.5 for full set of six. maps, or 810 for set of itemtseaere, mans alone. tine ern YOUR; BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT it-. BOOK STORE. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Books are soliVas cheap am at any other More, and you have the advantage of receiving a handsome Present, worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, with each Book. s NEW BOOK. THE SONNY SOU, H • OR THE SOUTHERNER AT HOME; embracing Five Years' Experience in the land of sugar, rice, find cotton. Edited by Prof. S. H. Ingraham, co Mississippi. One volume, ream, 020 pa Sea. PrvelBl Zs. &DI BB' WRITING PORTFOLIOS In great variety, and a gift with e.ch ALL THE NEW BOOKS • . In every department of Litemture. looks of Feot, Books of Fiction, Smoke of History. ' Books of Farmers. Jooke of Biography, BOORS for Mechanics, - looks of Trevel. Hooka of flume:, Books of Adventure; Books of Pathos. Books about Home, nooks for Amusement,- Books about i'attlois, Books for Dovotion, • Books about Indians, - Hooks about Soldiers, ooks about Hunters. Books about Callum. Call In. and ono trial will assure you that the hest Plane lathe oity to purchase Books is et • • GIFT HOOK ESTA BL EVMNESNT . • Pio. 439 OHEbTNUT Street. IROt K BUYERB.—ltientlernen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia. Bank, •419.4711ESTISUP Street, where I will continue to boy end sell lee I. have heretofore done at the Clustorn- Woe Avenue Book•stand)n d and new Law and Mit oollaneoue Realm I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Boots printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the isew Peetament, 9 vols., , tto, Printed In Ma Price 830.1 will also deal in Eneravinge end autographs. Persons at a Widenee wishing to sell Books will dolmas their Virile& dates, sizes. binding', conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Lawe of Penney). verde. and old Books upon America Wanted. au6 em — JOHN CAMPBELL. EXCURSIONS. OAPE MAYI-OAPE MAY! —Mt' AND ONLY SUNDAY EX- U 1.110310.4. 'the_ new, swift, and splendid stiamer JOHN A. WARNYAL will n eke an nonillion to Cape May, on BUN DAY. AUGUST 12, 1860, Leaving Bristol at 6 o olook A. M., stopping at her usual landings, Wu, Tawny' leaving Megaraeo's wharf I Non eington) o'olook. end Ohortnut.street wharf ht o'olook, touching at Mester and Neu Cantle going and returning• should the weather Inova favorable. the Warner will leave , ape Island at o'otook P. M.. for THE BttnAKWATBR OAPS HENLOPBN, AND . LEVirISTOWN. Returning, will leave cape May at 6 o'olook P. hf , precisely. Meals and refreshments provided 011 hoard. Tickets can he ohtstmed of Mr. Robt. M. hloOlure, Quaker City - Hotel, Water ,and Chestnut streets, and on board the boat. Tickets for the round trip, .BL6O, TATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.— P , 7l9.alea;proposslx will be received until the 25th day of August next for TWO RESTAURANTS, to be used upon the grounds of the Pennsylvania State Agricultu ral Society, at Wyoming,• during the Exhibition, Sep tember 25tti, 25th. 27th. and 25th, Each building is to be 300 feet long by et wide, with kitchen attached le by 24 feet. The uildings to be erected by the contractor, and to be removed at the close of the Pair. Also-for pne LADIEfr ICE DREAM, CAKE, CON- F . nOTIONERY, AND LEMONADE 8A 1.0014, A tent for this saloon. fitly feet in diameter, with the ne cessary tables and seats, will be furnished by the Simi "Ad, also for one GENTLEMEN'S ICE CREAM, CAKE, CtNFEOTIOIVERY, I.ISSIONADE ToBAC OD, AND 01041tt SALOUN. ',the tent, 20 'by 00 feet. with neeessary Manta for this saloon, will also be fur nished-by the Society. Proposals may be sent to A. 0. Mester, Secretary. at Harrtsberg, or to tieneral E. W. , bturdevant, Peueral flagoontendent. at Wilkesbarre. A. 0, MESTER, Rearettary, Han AI sat uts, July 28.1860; anle-St REMOVALS. .1114EMOVAL.--The undersigned have re moved their Office and Salesroom from the Foun- drys at HOBLE•9TK , ET WHARF, to the &corner of SECOND and RACE. Bureau where dealers wilt and Marge - collection of STOVE, of the m , st approved Patterns. Tinned, Enamelled, and plain Hollow-ware, comprising an assortment OPOOIIa to none in the coun try. Alt orders left at the office, or by malt, will receive proMPt attention. LEIBREIDT dziIIcDOWEIZ, NOTICES. ,SILK Y6oolig'4ollßEß9. DISALBiI IN FORRION AND DOMESTIC DRY OOODS, 394 MARKET STREET. Oath And yrompt Six. months' Buyers, of all eactiona Are Invited to an examination of our Stook. A W. LITTLE & co.. SILK GOODS. ' No. 328 MARKET STREET. • &uB-dm REMOV A L. In oancequonoe of the decimation by fire of their THIRD STREET STORE, YALU), G. - ILI...MORE, &I 00. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE SIXTH. VItILMALTSISA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK . OF BILKS AND F.d.tileY DRESS - %GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, ILIBDONII i J ) DESS.'T.R.LUMiNGS,, Together with 0, LARGE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY i 3 . WHITE GrOOS. EMBROIDERIES, LAVER, MANTILLAS, la. Waving reeelvec but a email yottion dem • FALL IMPORTATIONS, Previous to the fire, they are enabled to Amway A NEW STOCK. to whieh they invite the attention of their Customer% and prime aenepll s. aneAm PAPER MUSLINS. WILLIAM McKEE 8G Co.. Nos, 22 South FRONT Stroot, and 23 INTITIA Street, Are now magma a LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of their' CELEBRATED MAKE of PAPER SIGSLINS, various qualities and colors. auo•9tif pRINTS! PRINTS! The Subtoriber invites attention to an assortment of PRINTS,. Whmh for extent and variety is unsurpassed in this market. Coniusting of the choicest styles in MERRIMACK, IHANORE3TER, GLOUCESTER, DUTORESS, PACIFIC, SPRAGUE, COODECO, and other STANDARD MAKES. Besides a full Sae of ENGLISH PRINTS. Ho'gr open and for sale by the Pieoe or Package, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOSHUA. L. BAILY. 218 MARKET STREET, and-tf PHILADELPHIA. WURTS. AUSTIE, McVEIGH, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN I7.RY 00' OiD S • No. 311 MARKET Street, shore Third, Chmles WUrts, Henry Austie, Hamilton T. IIEIGVOIIO. PAIILADELPHIAt .101111 K Weimer, • • Joseph Burgos.) . sul-3m DALT, AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. in S g O al l ia a t t l aTVAIEITEADISVig°gAitIert Lur ing epeot our Stook, which we offer at LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 705 CHESTNUT STREET. auk-2yt FALL GOODS. BAROROFT do CO., N. 03.403 AND 40T MARKET BTREET. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY (GOODS Brook complete and ready for Trade 13 WOOD, MARSH, it t lIAYWARD, Ltd. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CILOTH.ING NO. 300 MRRICET STREET. Wall and Winter Stook now oomplote and ready for bnyars. • au2.- asa INSURANCE COMPANIES. INS R ANOE COMPANY ON' THE JR. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PAILADELpyiA, August 6,1880. The directors have thie day deolared a dividend of Six Per Cent., or Twelve Dollars ver Share, out ot the profits ot the company, payable to the stockholders, or their local representatives. on demand. miT-10t WIL lANI HARPER, Setretarr. TIIE MUTUAL 1411 INSURANOIi COMPANY OF te: ram YOBS, has EIS xi - Llama OF DOLLARS. tWasissa IN W sins? MOSlTOleits on swat ilriAtat ORTH OVER .11,000,1200. Rye premiums are towsa th in mom tither Cain's ales, and the Drrideuds have Dees salmon, Ikto toe striotli Myren Ooropany. There aro st ilteekhoblers. so that ALL TH.B PROFITS 111.01X8 TO TUE INIIVAIID. rid:wade% read every latonnatlOß, Mity le kid (1111010 U anYliehßto T_ORFORD STARR, Acent, R. W. earner FO JUR and WALNUT Streets, FRILADELPELA REFERENCES, T.Po=l l l b . Zings, ie t e r i N e i tihart. Remy M. Btrottd, .11!Wheen, John Myers, /, Fisher Leamlng. tta n y Pnv o t d olt, ihrosai H. Powers, lUD 6 Up_lll6, tlggi g .trikeglylla Wham MoKee. pAmm INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. . 11 % 400 CHESTNUT Strad. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APHIL , VA IS WI4ByIA, THE STATEN' . • PENASYL sorinOn TO VII INLAND BIM. oae Samuel WrlgAt. I. B. BArney, Wetter. J. W. Jsvermat, Ulhas . . A ßV,von. Sr„ eeW. Stool, Stem.. W AO 016 PRA " fil_ . .tA W D B A u lr Ck Pi :V e ro d eTt l es% TILLIAMH I. BLANCHARD. Soaretary. [IBB-irtt GOOD GROCERIES. FRED. E. SWOPE. NO. 1205 MARKET STRE E T , Three doors above Twelfth, Rae opened a troll-oolooted assortment of 011010 E FAMILY GROOMUIRS AHD FINE TEAS. whi c h he to orooared to forodoh at the Lowg,yr oABil PRICES. Jettrtu-arn QIIARPLESS BROTHERS are desirous of t.." easing off the remainder of their Polluter goods, before opening their, Autumn Ittack, emd.have marked them at very low and free% We i rs d Mit+ 1 .e."• • • Foulards and Pontine& Valensisa and De Late,,. Elummer Shawls, RTAVANtg:Mts. Caasimerea vied Coatings. aulO•tr OkIESTIv UT r end klawni street.. !IMPORTANT TO PROPERTY OWNERS -IL AND DUILDERB.—NewIy-invented Pasteninga for Water. pipe!. en as to dlloonneot any ono section with outdisturbing the others; so as to repair It in cue of thaw freezing ti mid bunting. th'ereby avinx a great expense, ann no dorm:Aug the walls. atented July Sth IMO, by AUST N & üBLYICE, 1705 OttAting UT Street. - • btato and County Rights kr . sale. Ab io• F a g en i ng i by the quantity. null) et* TWENTY-FOUR VISITING-CARD PHO TOGRAPIIS for $1.60 can be had at REINER , R (halm, MO ND Street, above lateen.These small Photo.raphe are Very useful. also, for mailing.. It" PURE RHINE WINE, in casks, per gallint Mali, now landing from the vino,rarda W. A. Johann' , Aohoojovialely RID6WAY,B.BI/eB - & 4 :0,1108 OffESTAIIT Eltreet. MAW RAISAIyf TOUT---For t3ale by IVETHE cOMMISSION 116VSES. GEOLIGE PEARCE et CO., MANUPACTURE'RS AND IMPORTERS OF.: ; • LACE GOODS, • 241 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 62 and 64 PARK PLACE. New Yotk. aud-mw&fim RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERB OP CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND OASSIMERES. Bole agents for Y R. BROX BNB. (Little Ttaket,/ W. A. JOH ANNIC, ( Althea.) OEVKI(.B & SOR MI DT, (8. & M. Cloths) P, r_RRSI te. 80N, Wald Medsle.l ZAN or4A REol..inney Ofteelmeree,) E. T Eriroge and other MMlttfralltlrera of Oat creatod celebrity, 206 OHESTNUT STREET. nia•im WELLING. COFFIN & Co. 110 CHESTNUT OTREET, Offer, by the package, the following 3:4oription of AMERICAN GOODS. OP ISTAIRTURD LIMES •AIID tif GRIM' VARIZTY GREENE MANUFACTURING 00.'8PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS, BIIIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURGB, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, BILESIAS, AND NAN• KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND OIMCKS; KENTUOKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHE AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLACK ANDTANCY OASSIMERES; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; brATINETS AND UNION OASSIMERES; T 1 YEEDS, CASHMARETTES, Ao., &IL mil.3m Vvv„ASHINGTON MILLS, IVEMEELY BAY STATE MILLS. SHAW - LS o f all sizes. in VIM variety. Embosiktd and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION IIEAVE.FU3 and BROAD CLOTHS. B SKIRTS. DOESKINS, add Double 4. tut Twisted COATINOS. 6-4/SACKINGS and kelt,/ eL n K B ' Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT OARPETINGS. For sale by FROTHINGEAM & WELLS; 34 South F. SONT Street. and .1.04-tf • 35 LETITIA S treet. AGENOY OF THIRION. CO.. No. 104 CHESTNUT SMLEET. The attention of buyers is oalled. to DM Uluuliteill complete stook of PARIS PRINTED DRESS DOOM MERINOS AND CASHMERE D'EAVOSSE, VEIL BAREGES AND GRENADINES, MOUS. DE . .L.A.NES, BRAWLS, /50...k.0. For sale by ..Ir. W. MELIZE'E pia Co.. No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET. irifi•wfm If SUIPLIDY, HAZARD, A LIU7OILIN3ON,, NO. 119 onnerrurr UOSiIdISSION MEROHAVTB FOR THE SALE OF PHILADRT ;PHIA-idADE seem abops. .131EPICINAL. IRLOOF; FOOD. P p m& 1 , 000. S., ; FOOD. The sate noon ofeiji ids. :umbel/ins, clergymen, soleatifio Patin, ear blip generally, is respectfully Wiled , the of this chemical preparation. cents' inn g Iron, S ukar, and Phosphorus , and which is idealncal in its composition with the Hepatic Cilo. Mao, or red blood, In_all4liseases accompanied with DEBILITY. Pole Or runtenanoe, and nervous derangement,anslyses of the hi ond show adefioiermy of the red, globules. Buddy corn, demon and a rosy tint of the skin: is always Indira tiVe of health ; while a pale, wax-like skin and counte nee eit—whion evinces a dehmeney of the red globu,es-- alle ompanieg a diseased organism. Plasm &dons of In ,n have been given for the purpose of supplying the red globules, but we contend that Iron alone, Sulphur al one, or Phosphorous aloneiwill not meet the defieseney Ur every case, but that a Judicious conibillatlen of aft t hens elements is necessary to restore the blood to Its normal standard. This lionst,__never before attained. has been reached in the Blood Food. and its discovers mimes one of the moat soientifie and impoitant of the age. Its effeota in CONSUMPTION are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, ineeme the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by re• storing the leaking red globules, increase the appeti‘tis , restore the oolor and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. 'She Blond Food will be found a specific in all Chronic Diseases of the Throat or Lungs, sunk as Asth ma, BrOnohitie. Coughs, Ac. Pub,to speakers and mitigate 'wilt find It of great 'utility in wearing and strangtheningthe vocal organs. In Dyspepsia liver Complaints, DroosY, Epilepsy, Paralysis. Scrofula, (kayo!, Ht. Vitus' Dario, Fever and Agu e , Ito. , its effi cacy marked and instantaneous. In no class of dis eases, however, are the beneficial Crept' of this remedy so conspicuous' as in those harassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and Notch will te n d towards Consumption, smith as suppressed or difficult Menstruation, o.een Bieknees,'W hitee, ho., especially when these complaints are accompanied trite paleness , a dingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spir its, debility.. palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. we have the utmost confidence In recom mending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be con saiotui of close of vitality or energy, and to those whos e mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over use, either of the mind or body. and we deem it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and in all diseases of the K.dneys or Bladder. this pre paration has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which oannot be over-estimated. A Mutant trial will be foundthe most convincing proof in regard to Its efficacy that could be asked tor. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have In its favor, we offer the " BLOOD FOG, " to the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that it wilt be acknowledged mure.entment over all other prepa ratione, patent or offielnal, in point ot usefulness. Cir culars giving the theory neon which this remedy is rounded, also certificates of remarkable nures„will be sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOoD to any part of the United States or Caned/is upon re ceipt of pries -81 per bottle, ea for six potties. Be carend in ail oases to take none hut that having our fac simile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Premed only by OLIURC/I ac DAIPONT, No, 409 Broadway, New York: And sold by them. and by DYOTT & CO., 532 north SECOND street, Philadelphia, and by all reapeotable Druggists. atie-mwf tf, p P ROF . MORRIS ' EUORPHALOS. There are 100,000 Sufferers from DISEASES of the NERVOUS tiYisTEM, ill the oity of Philadelplna, who can be cured by WHIM PAOPLESsOR MORRIS' . EUOEPHALIOS. Which is an original WONDERFUL REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morrie, M. D.. of this may. It sots eireotly upon the Nerves BY ABSORPTION through the pores, And it neede bBOTut the trial of a SINGLE TLE to test its marvellous virtues. Sufferers from EXCITEM. HEADACHE BRAIN, neR VOUS . GENERtk i I A )EBILITY. .fi l itfltilATlll_ CHRONIC NERYOUSNESS, kv., VIII find the desired relief by its EXTERNAL, USE, as directed in the Circular. VI IT I ! TRY T ! ' TR IT I . TRY r! TR IT! TRY IT I • TY IT! TRY T! TR Y TRY T! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT . TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT! ' T IT! TR I T! TRYIT TRY T ! . TA Y IT ! Ifyou are evhausted by over-mugh study, If you suffer from 'leaping nights, Iffoe are a victim to neuraigia, lOU are proattated by exoessive grief, If you crave stimulating drinks, T TRY IT! T -I TRY IT! TRY IT! It TRY IT! Y I T TR Y IT! ! i T lie it will remove those miserable lineations Which in a morbid disposition towards intemperance ! TRY IT / if vou are Buffoons, from lg." — - in any of Its torme L and you will find it _a soothing and INVIGORATING APPLICATION to your nerves, and 'Keith many times its oost, in the rehetafforded. Numerous testimonials from the moat respectable squaw! oan be seen, DJ Mathis at the office o f the pro- Dilators, Pippiged by MOOKRIDGE tr. CO., No. OD North FOURTH Street. sir. And Tor Bale by Druggists generally. 177-if AsTrui For the INSTANT RELIEF and FER RI4NENT CURE or this (Warming com plaint, nee FEND T 913 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by 0. B. SEYMOUR da CO.. 107 NABBAU &met. New York. Moe et yer box ; lent free by Ism% mT7imtfj FOR BALE AT ALL DRUOGISTB'. j NICHOLSON, AlanufactuT SHIRTS LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND CO LA it P. • A large and choice assortment, aril WM MANI'. whichaheare on hand. unto arty Invite the attention or CASH and plOMPt•Daying anOllT.Tlatk bu rg:Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila delphia. anl.3m* 131T011.-275 harrelß Pit.r.h in ci+nra AnA SIISENER RESORTS. - pPEIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING. A.:A This popular watering-plasm will be kept open during' the season of warm weather. and anti. the front sets tn. Poisons desirous of spending tbe remainder of the season where they have the edvantase of care water, pure mountain ,have (at an elevation of twelve haridrrd feet.) free from oge,alaino nights, and mias maa. usually rising from sluggish stream* in gorges of mounia•us end lour localities, will here find every com fort mud amusement to be met with at the but-regulated waterins•plitees. For farther partionlam end oiroulari, please call op Joy. B. hA,ere, corner Third and Vine Furriers and Yarnell or Earle .11 Po., No. 816 Chestnut thieth i ct i t i li b e f t ttr i JalEaltll.oN."Acati9E-iR. . . TIM TED STATEi HOTEL, ATLANTIC INTY—Oratefal for the pat/online so liberally ex !tended to him in the early part of the season. the sub 'unbar bee i leave to my teat he has now ample imam. modittorm for all who will favor bim with {heir PElVO nsim. IX ovaita woans. HE 18 NOT PULik au4-tit hICKLBOIN. R lIN gHOTEL, iBnET HLEH EM, P h A . 'tine. T n h d in n ima d l m eo o meo oun wi d h b m e ot e t Rs mo e t . intereillpg features of our national history. Is now of °nutty to amommodate a lar number of gonna. The house oonduoted in the est manner . sod no. thing is wanting to make it the p easant and comforta ble nom* of visitorsf: ting their epicure In this de lightful inland town. he sir is salubrious, the moon tem and river scenery malle. and to the seekers of either health or stamen", Bethlehem is nob excelled he any other summer resort in the Union. au3-lm S . birIBERT. Proprietor. PERRY COUNTY WARM 8 PR1111.2.- Thts favorite Sommer Resort Is now open for the reeeption °taunters. Fine mountain seetr . 7 l: beauti ful walks and drive'. facilities for boating. ins, and fishing, and the health-siring qualities o its waters. make it a most desirable plus. both for Jinni* guests and for families. It Is In daily eommnaleation with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburg. by mums or a daily stage. and oonnecting with the trains from these elutes at Carlisle. Fa. Terms moderate. For ImM...inters. add reu JOHN EARLY, Warm Springs, Perry county, Fa. 3IANSION 110IISII, MOUNT CARBON, r t r am tr aoL i gn i a L oaliFe2 u wi i tti coed rooms at reduced p oes. his old-established Hoare, located In the gap he ir:46B°4o? end P girrd m i'Llrn, within half stalls of Pottsville. formerly rept by 'eV% Head, of the old Mansion Hensel. PhtMdelphm. as, Ones hur dentin, been under the charge of his 'Pee 't fi r camo is prepared, at all seasons of the year. for the race non of Enema. and hag peen recently put in order. The large garcon. and path adjoining, present* treat Inducements as a summer resort, to persons num le g to mend a short time away from the duet and tar re of the melee. where they can toes*, oven moan *irk air, and enter th e wild and beautiful scenery of toe tom region. Commutation parminger tioksta. for the use of fami nes, are sold at a rednetdou of Meaty See per cent.. and an acoommodation train will leave Fottarille daily during the summer menthe, to enable those who may desire It to spend the buaineee portion of the day in the citY and return the some evening. on which the chutes will be thirty-three per cent below the mallet _ea For terms, apply to MARY READ, Mansion House. Mount Carbon, JeaaamSchuylkill Co.. N. LONG BEAOII 110IISE, opposite TUOXBRTON, N. J.—This Rotel Is now open for the reception of visitors. both permanent and tree so lent. Ravin! been at a large expanse in teat ng and re-furnishing feel assured. that for comfort and non venni aco it +II compere fat eighty with any homy° on the coast. The best of cooks and servantshave bees procured, and no efforts shad be spared reader the stay of alleate agreeable. 'I he prospects or Gunning and Fishing are exeetterit. tlysters of the finest quality I have in %bands/toe. With these looreased advan tages. I am confident that the most fastuhous will have no otiose for oomplatet. N. B —Capt. WILLIAM GANCILLf, will run a daily .ine of first-class sachem fr om a tlant:o City to ise beset', one of which will be at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Endiuletplida. Parties 'wishing to come by way of Leed s Point, or otherwise, by addressing me a few days is 11 4TAZOO. wiwill have a good boat to meet themet anyotPt named. l d LE wis P. BTBWAILT. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIO CITY, N. J., ISAAC THAYER, (late of Serf House.) Proprietor. This Ilouse has been very muojt_ealar• ed and im proved. Hiu now a lemmteta tuber of Pandly RoOms , not surpassed by any hotelt s is city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walk. gave been laid to the ocean, which will be lighted at night from the Hotel to the water, by splendid relleet ng 161695. Attaobed to the hone@ (but separate from the main building) is a large all for Hops and Partin, with a first-elaas lee Cream wad Confectionery attached. Over the Hall there 6/6 forty aloop(og room for Worts gentle. men. There 14 also play•ground for obildren, well shaded and enc l osed , with twins)). to. The wanes depattment will be ander my own of peolal supervimeri, and I trent that my reputation ie sulSolently • - etablished to modify all that my table will be unsurpasimd. Terms will be $l2 per week. Transient Boarders $2 per_day. Carriages ottani eel to the House will thke *ardent to and from the 00.534 tree of charge during bathing hoer& Je23-tf ISAAC TiIAY. A MERIOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, -EA- rot.—This well-Iman and popular hotel has, "ri tveArtivErtallOAD AND MROVED. and is now n oapaolly and couvenienoe second to none in the interior of reonstivania. The beautiful and r t. caul ettuation of Allentown 'renders it a da 1s rifT:',7=l:' md: i tT gwilltoeNg:l.: , m Miff ter boarders. J IsCHTEJJ, ) 2,5 te e E . .* Y . IDONP. Flatiron 8 2 / 1 4Lifiti—This well-known X. and delightful Summer Resort yrlll be optupd for the reception of Vtintors on the FIRST Or JUNE, and telt:pen WI theist o gu f October. The °lin will be under the =ement of Mr. A. o. ALL 01, 40040 00r/130000, courteous manners, app ii :tetion to. his snouts, give the smellat 000011111011 01 rt hind treatment. p art l4e wiehint rooms, or any information In regard t o th e pOoe, will address the sabso,riber, jriO. KEKlllßuto_y and Tritasurer j m130.3m itedr rd 81LOor5180n00100. grIONGRF,ss . HALL—ATLANTIC CITY, nous House. situated at Atlantic' win be ree __•!.2, eyery. accommodation for meitors on the Etrit,. 4 :4,kb:r "P 1°1°4 1 lb". The House ( route the teach 1 30 te. -7,E1„ v 1 n .,,,,g 2 2A . ,..t.idid vtrr of the Uoean, and ts near the pains will he 01111200 1.0007. co " t sad°o n' 1=1"""' TuomAs o. oAnnwrr. Nir!)TUNE DOUSE--ATLANTiZ CITY. Tbda popular and eminently favorite llt. lu tA t i Attantie ZityJim, since the elegiac of lest meson. enlarged. recited, refurnished, and completely , thein every particular . and is now open for the • season. Fromits delightfed situation, nem nese to all places; of interest, close proximity to the safest and best part of the beaoh, it Is Tendered one of the most convenient end decidedly the pleasanteit house on the Wend. Terms -810 perweek; 81.51 4 Per day. Ckildren and •ervanw half prloo. SOHN SMICE. Proprietor. B. L. FURRY. Superintendent. - ._____ • Je/1-2m COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at ' ATLANTIC CITY, N. a. Boarders acsiommodated on reasonable terms. lel3-3m 111. tdoCLBES. Proprietor STAR HOTEL, NI/LILLY OPPOSITE THE VII • HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SAMUEL. ADAMS, PROPRIKTOR. DINNER TO CENTS. ALSO. CAllitiritiES TO HINE. te ll 7" Boarders sooommodated on the most reasonable rms. len In 11/FANSION HOUSI, MAIIOI.I CHUNK, 1, -a• CARBON CO.. PA.—This is the moet comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania ' end the cremator flatten himself that thus far he has cue named in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to sa tiety all his guilts. The Rooms are newly and elegantly furnished, and the Table always contains the very best the Markets &Word. The hotel ur located on the banks of the Lehigh, directly opposite the railroad depot. and at the base of Mauch Chunk Mountain. A mith leads from the rent of the house to the top of this mountain, from whioh point, some elgut hundred feet above the Lehigh, the most sublime miens imaainable is presented. The House 111 abundantly supplied with the best and merest Mountain burins Water. gFI Hot and Coldi Baths can be taken at all times. je26-9m GEORG tt lit/PYRB. Proprietor. A MERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH CHUNK, 3 .• PA.—This MOTEL le now kept in a manner af fording every com , ort to strangers and traveller,. oirrangementa bolo been made glue season to 3400111- 'ends% BUIdtdER 110Alt.DERS. The moat sublime m .antain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af fort. Id. ?CORA L WlLGeadd. • GEO. W. Vi'lLhELAt. MU- ' 4 1 91 ProVrietore. THE SEA-SHORE—ATLANTIC CITY. jai : mums U. 8. fl'trEL. The owl.. 'reigned. nropne• or o receivebove-e b one ., b e in g now preparee to attests, fe lons a shun of the nubile patron speotfully sib age. Since n- it summer tnere hair been added to toil hotel a ton.' storied wmg. lee feet in len; th. con taining (beside th coo - rooMs.) a Amite of three Yarlers, for ladies, and 114 •ci for gentlemen ; also. e reception room, wrish-room, • and spacious bar-room. Bowling s a l oon ., im a m E t vms, and hot and cold Balt-water Bath Hoorn' have be. in construoted for the &creme*. dation of visitors, and \ the whole house will be lighted with Kea. Ths house b been newt! painted, artd for- Ti med w hile the she grounds eurrounoing have been put in complete on. ler ! A well-manned pleasnre Yacht. and an excellent b and of Paulin. have been en gaged for the season. J. hIrKIBBIN Jel4-te CARLISLE The favorite resort for those who e ip weeiste Grand Bomar,' Pure lkl6, latalll An,. Invigorating B at h s , L o , ^%e and Well-ventilosted B oom . od &mist, ' and a Good Table. F or putiou Isis send for Citon • tar. & InsgallEß J Carl Senna. re. WRITE Slits PRUR SPrNOS, Cumber euid qo. , Pa. Aceomn odntionsfor 00. ?BRNO LOW. OWEN. , ler-3m VOLIDIBIA 110IISE, CAPE ISLA-ND CaBP. Iday. Now iiirsey.—Tlns land firatAllan ROT a 1. ., will be opened. Tor the reception ,ot Mate, on the 28th ! June, 18E0. The Rome has been ooroPletelY repaired , paid refurnished. A. new cooking ran le. ovens, !team laiders, and every modern improve= tit added. Ixtenere e stabling attached to the premises. • „ All letters addmmed to the subsonbers, Cape uwwoi, NOW Jel OT, will be Willett! attended to. LAIRD & WOOLMANe James LLaird_Jate proprilltor Franklin Reim., .P. 11, 4" dolphin., B. B. Woolmen, formerly MOPnetor blo,nrit Vernon lintel. Cave !eland. . PAGII,E 110 TEL, BETkILP IP.llf, PA. - 11 -:• This hie and old - established House. tm own ea the " LENIG VALLEY RUMMER RETREAT." 'snow open or the season. The aecoinmodations of this Boni'e will be found unsurpassed. The ride here. by the Nq rth Pennsylvania Railroackis one of the plea santest IA our BMW CALEB YORE, Proprietor. Jae ens I A MEYtICAN HOUSE; CAPE MI% M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor. This favorite hotel wiW open for the reception of viaitors moN- DaY. Jo ee 25th. It hag been fitteil up in the beet style. and ever. r attention will be paid to the comfort of ite Lucite. SEA • BATHING. . NATIONAL HALL, I,APE ISLAND. CAPE Malt. N. J. 'This sue, laraeond airy home le NOW OPEN for visitors. Ma dietingatehed for comfort. looali_ A tr and superior ac POMIIIO(ifItIORM, With ample MOM for am per was. Terme mode ate. legt.2m , ; AARON GARR'S:I'BON. Proprietor. SEA CAPE IRLAND,.N. Pilli J.— DELVTARE HOURS is now oven for the IMMO. tete-+,a , JAME?' TRA Y. Prennatnr PERFUMERY. CRISTIANI 61 004 PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, U&Y ItSMOVED TO NO.. 36 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. Five doom above their former stand. 0, & Co. love purchased ell the materials, moulds, &0.. of the Late firm of T. H, Parana & Co., ' (No. 716 Chestnut at, and have adds(' all their styles to their own variety. with many new ones for the present 11,118- non, making . the moat complete assortment army house in this country. 0. & Co. o ontinue Um importation of .DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES', of which their stook is now very complete. They will' spare no paitts to thetr attention to the wants of. their their' customers, toed maintaining the good quality of articles. auS-toot CONTIfIENTAL NAILS, (Edge Gripe,) manurei stared at the Portage Pfeil and Iron Works from ',open( rr Quality of Juniata. iron, on machines of the most app roved construction. anti warranted to be at least penal, in quality. uniformity, and finLsh, to any other brands In the market. Other brautis (flat and ertggripe) always on hand. JOB, 42tU. D. ORRINTIVIAI4. COItIMERCE Street. Prince &. (thrtatmatee superior solid.ere Planters /loos for sake I 10X , ... jll4-In0) PORTO RICO SIJELAR.-250 hhds me diem Ind strictly prim° quality. for sale b JAMRS 0 fit tHANI stymq "lALAP—For salty by WETHERILL S.; 8R0T1130.47 and 4911orth SECOND Hunt y:9 I=MII=3M=IIMIMM S'.n Y'v ri}; to "PION VE TIVAL NATIONAL wRicoME TO JOHN C. HE MAN. CA MAC'S W 'ONs, ?MIA DFLPHIA. WooNE‘DAY. AtTOUsT bsTa. Vi'hen the awls Ground orF.rabomani" vitt be to 41.ta o .4utea, and !be fete pertleipstsd In br juntibbriA.N. JOHN IdcDoNALD. JAMES CUSICK. AARON JONES. C. F. OTTIONfitt. R. PRICE, grand Con ,, ed BECK'd i Cld. BANG OP TWAT t' PRELPORILERP. Antional Raudet—Anterxin and . neludn—at 13 noon, and 1 P. M. GRAND ENTRE OP ?RR CRAUPION and hie O f lends at 3P. Id.. viten the ring ba form ed. and the mtmin content oonunente. ... .. no e cr u. wompenea Or gen - ileum. mtli be rOOtted to reserved rent. t he Beleen3 FRE): OP ) XTRA CHARGE. Per full Particular, and programme see dally journal, of Monday.% neadar. and Wednesday. 1910 In IpENNA. AOADF2dY OF THE 71N11 ARTS.-1021 Off kErTNUT Strset. COotandis a lugs 0112otuni of Paectuna fad &VP gum pe is Dow on 4117 from A. M. 1/112 P. aL 44- 01.. d )11 is 61..1 'balm todir 12 yilars.l3 ant& 11111 WANTS. C { TAWtSSA Ist-MORTGAGE BONDS b 4 takstk St 11311411 above market rotas. for ha proved Cila property. st sun pmts. Adding Box 1670. rhilsdephis. sido.ll.• THE ADVERTISER CAN COIF ;D -IL USW is sags. and la vrittissto tale a.o futsresa f /ale.mina bouana. via,* kis smniass sad espital vrll afford s samSsrastsis Oodmo"Lawoosor. °Hies of 71. Rem sob 7a.• ► - 11 0 OAPITALIST9.—Wanted, • pnrcha- J. ger for as endivided half of a s new. light, m e a t , taring baldness. Prolts eau asi,owa V.% ls larg seria. Address hnterpnae. Prigs odes. e sadWee* t"IVANT.D 7 By an experienced Balta.. • • 0441.siryttution in a whotordelebdtir-im* bow.. Can Immo/ace a fair unmet et iwv roan edn Tuts. *Memo, "itanailttni." at al* caw. Snid Lft• A -- -- YOUNG LADY, who has had six years' clod ?ideas di wail r. riper , ip our or the eitr. Adams " aka et rt. rm. eels lie "LIQUOR REALEB3.--131TUATION Wanted. by • minx maa who •a4arstuld• r•etitrair sad mane tut la nag of Imeors Pita e,t7 ref. TIM*. oeea. ♦ del rte. '• iguase• nitP AIM L7Ol-31. WANTED—By it Young Lad, fifteen 7esre old. a{ Na of Motru :i t t ,.. n?i s ill • store or Mk*. AV, VITANTED—The services of in efficient v v ugotian is a whalrastit Boas sad Riad Masa Addtats. raferreses. • I'. Co," this ads*. sat 3t* WANT6D—A middle-aged man with $l.OOO. bans koentleds• of ameirr Mousy -stored 'witn • int•ntot. sod • fair salsl7. 144- dress.. • Hoordory," offlere of Th. Pres s. wait* WANTED—By A 'YOUNG MAN 'Rom mAtuns, a 81TrATION in link PIAIM or Groce r bowl*. Hu Lad Boma iiximolamoa m rs bmiasam lad cap coma Well fecomalametad. MN. for taro day.. 'l. J. V.." lit+, etcm. I, t' ,WANTED.—From Two to FITS Thottuad 7 • Dollars, may de breasted with Ltbe lanicnber, tit a business wall satablistead. Sat internee en 3 eoa mace that a (Miss* can be malts. and Um amens in vested yeahzad certain)) , wither sin isontas. Morin can be paid In instaltneata as may be ears** spa. Ito a a.mon ofdr whir, aeray and enterprise, bat 14also away m atured. A rem. lan name. outin an tater- Mew may had, considered conadential,..*J. UAL.' it tato Mace. sag .V.• 14,TiNTICD—A young mu' as Saiemaaa. w who is aweigh', sasiithintsd vitsdhit Morahan Taalor's and Clothing undo of this gat,. To hag toms ossablio of 611tng this praitios, neral sossoisonsefra, vat he gresn. Adders Box W. Y. U. WANTED—A Eitnation, by a man, thirty-wen yearn of ago. of %musty* owe In business. of good Winos. iW onnotott=l din the moot ottlagnnortr r y e t:f as teasa ey energy nod banner oetootW w .modorn_be gr a conrill be aossontd. " B. a. , FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT—Two .pacions, awaughwa, well-T•itoatia 10012.1. Milt Ex change. suited for prixtual cams. ot tor n i po . teri c: I r a jleals i et: ctio . p irru n Bic! MLLE lINDF.RSIGNED, WISHING TO devote tua ertiole time tots practice et tneAletatt, win durpttlo_or hts DAV° MAK, satiated d North ki Gilt Ptrest. unseat*. Pa. Lame/oar be pp* of the cheapest and best m tots la the empty,. Persons 0%011.0 MON in thump flan UP Philadelphia. and at tuff the coat be more no atassel in th e prttuai pal helium strait. and tea t Wen to asseme fel °tarot:on for about sax :pith Tirs is at Wares rho premiss. for Aye oars, he printers of gam it up at sip =meet the cement frets dielponed• To a good purchaser, Orme trill be made euv._ Ter fonbet uttormation eaJI at the store. D. At cCOAXICK LASellitlf. August WOOL sa4.Tl GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. Tor Salem to Lot, s lorso god ecoomuirat Hoar In to.3mtor trot s bent /. lapo tiora h at? watt s ddata ic4.loo.ltulatielphiiigst clee. rpo BUILDERS.—A huge lot, havuti throe fronts.suitibis for immediate improvers sitiFt rod TWEN ii Ttla stylist. below CAT ftAMI '1 WI resold mosocommodsting unto to I mil mho: 'lnt implore, For terms. to., manse .ri.^ ease • this sever. pAOTORY LOT FOR SALE. -A AL . lot. having three fronts, adolirably itlaatad in Boathrestarn part or the elty. Will be rented or on reasonable tams. For particulars.moldy at so halt . rin • —7'.e ;rat ;oor o .e t,e :m*. JL ine No. 761 CH MTN UT strut, gm a wholesale (and lately u a retail) Yam rcif°4 l Perfumery More. Anti st _do oft@ ofJULEG A Jr C 0... ho. 704 CHMTMOT attest. Phi .. hll-1m NILS9OURI LAND !I 3(0,000 Aims for Sale, nee SO unpins front ILK p ud, and YATHNTS pro tor Maks , to 60 o 'apte er Acme, itaktenantities ramrod. TAXk F, 4 sera of Id under the Graduation Act. FISIS nrObjat crane by eneiraini a postage stamp For further ut.orrnaaon anely_to NV 'LEON. HA WLINGS fr.. CO, • U. E. and General laud Agents oo car.sTni GTgare4t, 11.. tween THIRD end I , OIIHTH 51b. LAND w ht i t A t cT9 bought, so kf.en located. 112451 TO OAI , TirIiSi,I I : — FOR SAS — ' Mane hiaohmerv. &act •* ll p 11 " of •WV Piantitaoturtof Pink 14LIGINK avers convenience for carrym 411 MUM* nese. .4 desirable investment to_persous et swat can push the business. For sale Witt_ or withcat buildin. Inquire et 322 CHESTNUT Street. Isaufmtfir HART. MONTGOMERY. & GO. POR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of Wholesale Boot sod hoe lime, now doing A good business. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business. or • house wasting ea increase their trade. estisboto.v reasons smug for selling out. Address "Box 4eo,'' thilidelphts Poet tithes, with name. 0441 TO NURSERYMEN AND .FLOR I STS For sales , large Jot in the Bouthwestsra section of tlie oily . , wall Wasted for a Igarserg Terms aeoommoas tmg. pattionWs addreas . X." at this ode*. salr-tr BOARDING. BOARDING. -A gentleman, wife, and three ohi!dren wish to seatre bhardins is Amaral Dart of the ear. Address " Werren,' . offtee of title Viper. sale4t. FA MILIES and Gentlemen desiring anpe riot board for the meow can now hare obokys of law, cool rootneatihka WALNUT Meat. ITU be PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemeu and their fatnthes, or single gentlemen, tan be accom modated with &ant with pleasant and handsome rooms, Tarnished or unfurnished. at 616 LOCUST qt., south, ide of Washington tatutre. The location, being oppoitte to one of the handsomest parks to the city. is central, and extremely pleasant. Transient pOillOnt visiting the city can be aooommodsted by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front moot, 11/10 Pnvate entrance. for rent. mutable for an Mhos. Jell-ti %IWO YOUNG GENTLEALBIi CAN BR accommodated with good, airy. apa Orion ith or without board,/ in a ancate Lccatrn Aral. Address TOLBERT," thromch Blood's Da- Patch., 1,26 EDUCATIONAL. T HE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and French Boarding and Day Pchool, for Young Ladies, N 0.1701 VlTALtstn" Street, will he re opened on Wednesday, Peps. 12th. attl-eir ESDAMES OEIEGARAY AND MIER -LTA- vILLy respectfully inform their friends and the pahlio that they barn removed their Boarding and Bay Moot for Young Ladies from Lon anßenare to Noe -1527 and 1609 SPRUCE Street. where the y will be ready reoeire their pupils on TB ÜBSDAI Septem ber lath. Mesdames CHSGARAY and D'IIBRVILLY will re ceive victors at No. 1509 LOGAN Square until the 2etti Augur:. A itERIOA_N 801100 L INSTITUTE is - 1 1 1 . reliable medium througtorhleh Mania and Faral. lies may obtain competent towbars. Pupa Limo ob. tan, or:Uniformly, information and circulars oldie Ow Wools, SMITH, 'WOODMAN, k CO., tat BROADWAY. NeYKakir. Sr III!-tt MI CHESTNUT Street. Fauadentitt. yAN STDATTO24I3 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COVA B I I 3, boated Nis : r , ,, B. 8. 00111•7 BEYENVI and OWAT. N • ew qt. Budalo. Cleveland, 4;lo, =4 St. Lot or tea relation. call or send Tor CaNante. MA/ SAVING FUNDS. A MERICAN SAVING FUND.—.OOm• an a Nips, d t da c rly nle f r ro "L1'411 411 croloolr. and on hlOl4 DAY a n in eY zuta! :naa fi Old !negation has always pad In toll, - demand, anthont nonce. INTRUST FIVE PER RNT. All main paid huh, on stemand, in gold and atm. TRURF.ER. ALEX. XIIILLOIN, President. MAIL. WORK, Vino hooidont. John 0. Farr. T. H. Narver, OtorCe Nusout, John Anapach, Jr., Ram!. T. Bodine, alp. O. Rohm*, John Allman. Joyful D o om IL H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. wthaox.Trearuer, JOHN O. 81Pda. &fore tars. 1710-bn gPRENG GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and ennowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature AprO H t tkutet. Open for Depoeite and reytnonts, oto IN,o'oloct. Alec. on MONDAY end Tit OXnD NVE.NINGS, Dome to 8 o'cloce. Inweit per cent. per annum. Pe nositors eiut with draw their .doneys by Checks. if dewed. grenua De peeing received. jsmsis PRINGL)I. President, Fit.iitcts Anne. Beereterv. queself tt HAVANA CIGARS.--A handsome as wriment OR bmul, by recent arrival*, oom °AZ-9-n., p.r.,R., nor.. ,spatlO'a; NoptOno, Book Ses. Arquilie. Zaragoma. Adornaion, Arroyo 80nd0...t0., &a.. AV ill elm glad oue,litita, for sale low.by 011ARLF8 TETE. rak-,13t 110 WALNUT Street. A ZITILEA 1 AZ ()MBA t AZUMEA ! AIMAIBA: AZUhIEA: AZUNIKA! AZUMEA: PROP. MORRIS' AZIMIEA BAKING POWDER. ilanoihotared Role,' No. 64 North FOURTH etr•et. sod for •Ow -.....11v. flan-Emit 'ROM PROFESSOR BOOTS.—"In my opi won the B ARTELL JAR combines more ad ',mutates than any others for Preserving,heing wholly of alms, maul) ,at tong, and thirs!de..etouns air-tight, and opening and shutting with &edit?. • "JAMES C. Boors." FROM rdt. ATLh.N. " I bane used the Hanoi! Ail glass Jar in .Illlltazoi.y for the preservation or Pniit, and In ompanns It vim other, previously emo:ola i for the purpose, cell/litter it nighty analarable. and sortitualesty so tolosted, leas ot Jars with metal tops. It is Fluffs:My our- tlght, and tree from all pose: bilks of taint, as Is the ease with metal.. it in secured with more ease. sapidity. and otitaistty tt an by rement or solder, and opened readily, while the fruit is kept in the moss admirable manner. Henrys tested the well, i consider that it meets all the Lath eations that can be desired. WesnINGTOII L: Areal, id. D. ....!_tio..l.llleLaratifusaaLY _
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