The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 31, 1860, Image 3

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Their VMfc toii&ep^denddHaktheMiiA'
lfjrtaiil Bolenoea. tacl Drisf*t
-•-i~vl.^'..L':i''-y'-.Vv - ■■ 4 • ■- : -' ''. '■
TH,CtllMBo2^o^^ - W)i» : pJii*4’;fcj'i 4»t»eV
denoaHallyeitcrduymorning. .Jy ." *
Ob entering the spsrtmenju ihaZouaTes were ln>
elerkj wlii*™ ia:thlt.»bseMe'bf Hnsor
Bear; from the oitf• ■
liient. Morphy, In Jptrpduclng Col. Ellsworth
and the other 1 eAeers eC .the company; rotorred la
- » few.fppjnprleto remirkitotheobnraetorof
the pUoe,a«dtoeepp»pr<ateeess of toovisit there
' thegßejttaof thecompanyherepr punted. ~ 'V
Mr; Jlpnt||pmery’greatod the strangers bbrdldly,
nndnddromedthemajifoilowe: VI.V •
001. BHeworth, end offloers and mem bits of the'
Chicago Zoßßvee: In fheabseoceoftte Mayor.
. the eery pleasing duly hudesotved doe* me-of
extending ta you an otEolel wddotae to the city of
Phtladdphia. In repreaenttng the maaieipil eu-i
thorltlea on this. to tee, vary gratifying oooulos,
permit me, te assure job, lir.amlthdee ywdoom
aesd,' toaVthe oltleens of FUlMelfthfa eto her'
reedy to embrace every opportunity of extendtof
a friendly, end cordial greeting to there who As-'
poar amongst, be In the spirit and loyaltyof the
Amo-tean, aoldfer Wo deam thla root peculi
arly appropriate'for the offering, of swob-friendly
welcomes; end: although many ef yoa tread
theta belle, tbbday, far tbe flnt .time, and
eee, oroundjyofn...those who here heretofore
betm strangers to yon, we bope te eecorf yea
toeh . e cordial greeting that you will- carry
hack to year homes in the fir West n-„
oojtotion* of the mac? ' : fHeudly umUdoni
• ■ .that yon wilt doubtless term dnringyoirivehort
day In tbia Cihr of Brotherly Lore. In bebalfof
the oitteena of Philadelphia 1 welcome, yoa at tho
representatives of the oiHeenaoldlery, not of llU
nolraloae. hhtof the entire Union : and although
' > we eheerfally acknowledge that the greet State
! from.which yonhsll telastly honored by theenpe
~-**anrfloiePCr end.'mertiel bearing which bsrewon
. . „ from *H sortoof people—
aftd wJBSu a.i,uc. here • preceded you
here—we ere likewise proud to eiStm, yoa M pert
of the great volunteer foree of-toe United States,
which has ever responded to itseoantry’a obit, and,
upon which must'ever depend the glory, honor,
and perpetuity of our tmtituttoni. .
In the course of t your e*earaicn to .the Atlantic
eeaboard, you haya visited the Empire City of, the
Western continent, and here trad the etnebof the
capital of the glorlouaoidCommbn wealth of Hu.
aeohasstts. to eash of these etttu you here re
- egned a welcome that la ever due to the Amadou
•oldter. Ths former may justly celebrate the day
upon which the British evaeoatedthe city after ea
oecnnation of .several years, and the tatter .may
point with patriotic pride to the lowering monu
ment whiili speaks of Warren’s death, and re
oords the, erents of the :6eid .where the British
regular was Bret taught te respect tke mettle of the
American yolnntcer.
Bueh secnss as these are lamlliar to all of as
. who are acquainted with the history, of oar coon'-
ay. We of Philadelphia also claim a bright page'
I lnthateliwiehislory, EUed with.seenu and lad?
dents, and with which are aaeoclated all the glories
of the .Beyolntienary War. Here, upon this spot,
wiftiathesewans; which lesathin » century age
echoed the rntrietle and eloquent Tolces of tho
sagas of the Revelation; in this venerable hell,
sacred to everyAmeriean, eohseorated to Ameri
can freedom, surrounded on all sides by memen
toes of those eventful days which tried men's
•Dels, and hallowed by Uaoeiatlons which atteeb to
each nod-every object. around you, we bid you'a
frutornalweleome. ■ . ;
In again welcoming yoa to Philadelphia, and
la extending to yon. Its hospitalities, I will ooneludo
with a .single remark that is avolome within
itself—you troths gossts of the Wuhtogton
Grays. ;
> CoK BHsVorth, of the, Zonavae, replied 1 in eub
stanoe as follows: , > . - - •-
i -Wahaveahlgh appreoiatioa of the honor yon
i hßndoneasinearTlsUtothoeitieeoßtbo Atlan
tic eeabosrd. This, perhape, Is the .moat pleasant
of all oor ressptlons These halls are sacred alike
to the American'soldier of the West ae of the But,
,a»daar Tisit to them wtll erer ba remembered with ,
patriotic pride, whsa wo tball haya ratarned to our
respective homes on toe lakes. Oar vlslt to your
city has been most agreeable to ns. Wo have been
Medved, not only brother soldiers, !»t American
clUseu., Though we bavc been among you but a
day ir two, we baya received every mark of attca
tkm, of klndncei. and bospitailty, both from your,
own Washington Grays, nebo- here so eoartooasly
taken us in charge, be welt u from toe people Of
Philadelphia generally, .Hsrewe have found many
frtoeds.->nd we are ccriainly pycad to be able to
meetsrith them within the sacred preetoctsof this
Tenarabis ball, eo- dear,lp theptople of 'toilgreat .
nation. r Wafcsl a prlda ia this stractare, and
kept tha tiwo will neTar' r eome or be powerful I
enmqth; to defies its buutiii or OHiterete It
from oar, memories. Age venerates it in toe
estimation of the people. The glories aseooiated
with Hglov.ali toe brighter aatimeadvanoee, and,
straege as the aoomaly may saem, though we ere
for ewey from it when at ourWartarii homef, yet
sre foei all the nearer in its mfnniry. As thecltir
tan, ter ! distent from kb toyed niUra laud, relb
hack ate msmory W tha ■««&«• ol .hia boyboo4, or -
his teanho.i/i. so does the American soldier, do mat
ter whether In the luftieet mountain of the North,
or tbe dsepsst valley of the Sooth, tarn hi« memory ,
ta tob spot to urhieh.ire.aU delight to do reveren
ttel honor. The people of Cbfoago have not ell, ..bat. they have heard ef it; they venerate
iisuame, ere familiu'by history with its usodb.
Uous. butto fceUta sacrcddsis, to be hallowed da*
der lte sof)»n(ng and glorioas inauenoca, they must
dead-'where we now stand This, indeed, it a '
. bright moment of happy pleasure, in our extended
vlmt. Tor toe hospitality with' which you have so
kindly woloamed ■ us, we return- our. heartfelt
thanks, and for ths uniform kindness as evinced by
the Washington Grays. we hope that yoa will per
mit ns frst to give them Asdatel' ‘ .
' The Zouaves now, with oaa aocord, gave tone
times three, in their ored style, after which toe
same. eompliment wM tendered to toe nathori
ttos and citizens of PhUadelpbla. Applause fol
lowed, '
Both companies were now dismissed fortheoe
e**Lon,and indjeidnai rqaadspasSedanrand tbe
room to examine thevartoni ibfnga whioh eonoeet
the present with'tbe days of tbe Revolution. Tbe
(tnagei* spsntsoae Ume In inspecting the various
object! of interest In , Ihe, bell, after whioh they
“ fell In,” and marohed to tbe Mint, where (bey
! were: waleomed by J. Roes .Snowden, £aq. r (ha
: oMefdtreetor.; After examining the interior Of
i tba jastitntlon. tbey tb>'Aead«ny of
i Hetnral Bolenees. Broad nad Saneoa «treel«, ei
1 whleb; plaoe. they werereeeired by.lfr. Caseln.
j AIM pewingthi'boghtfcebnlldlng, and examining
' the. enrlosUtes, they nurehed to their quarters,
i Jpnee’Botel.
j Thlaconotucled their movements for themorm
Tha asnoaneeatnt.tbct the Zoaavts wofld drill
, at Pelribonat Park la th* afternoon, attrasted to
: .Out locality an Immense number of spnotetom
: Tta. passenger e4re Worn crowded. to tbolr almost
! snpaelty, whits every description of vehlstn in
' pat. into requisition to convey spectators totks
! ground, tong bsfore thi host Inf for tta drill,
! tavre wars severe! tkoasaede presentall dseiroai
!ef getting * lifkt of the epoeteole. . . .
j - CWnf of. Palish Saiamal G. Raggl'es datallad a
lahtapeUoh force topreesrve order and hasp bask
| tta.Woad. ’ A large Said to the north of the man
-1 Han wes aelaotad. for tha display, and about six
neresware enclosed with mpen Had to tha treat,
tha ipsotutors pressing around an nil aldat. Every
■pot la the vieinity where n rlair oonld be obtainad
was ooMpicd, and many hundred man and boys
cUßbsd by the large treat, to th# imminent risk ,
; a t breaklngthelr necks, Several branches of!
: traaa, upon which Uo meny ware perched, came
j doaa to ' tha gronnd,ewiag te tha grant weight
I njta th.iu; bat, fortunately, no panon was in
j s jVM>
t ‘‘'At 3 o’clock precisely the Zouaves, aacompanlad,
! tko WaihlD^ton^Grays, under commend of
Htat Wootl. ynd Chastnnt
... IIHOM fillirrttaydaok tha oartof tha Ora an and
i' Oaataa afreet llm to Fafcasonat; ; On reaching tha
[■Spot selected for tha drill; Urn greatest dlHcnlty
r,Wa»*iperieoced in getting ihiida tha cneloanra, in
r ssnaequence of tha crowd blocking tap arery ave
[m. Finally, apeasage w«t opened, and tha
i Zoanvesand the Gran marched in. At this time
~ there could not hare seen lew than 20,004 persons
> on tta ground,
1 The Esnd of the Zouavee took n position on the
north lido of the enclosure, and played sererat
airs in ezeellsht style.. The Zonaras marched by
tha Sank to tho .western side of the ground, baited,
fhced to the front, opened ranks, and mbs to a
•'rest.” ' The Grays at the same dime took post on
tke north side, staektd irmi, and threw out sen
tries. " ‘-i; ;• • ■ , v
' The drill of the strangers sommesssd at 4
o'clock precisely. Previous to doing so, the men
had a sboit rest, and throning their arms on tha
giemhd. sbme atrollad around in groups, and soma
;btd down aponthe gnmnd, ths whole presentlsg
k TSfy piotartsque Kbps. They wars eqaippsd in
[ttMtr Zonaee dnss, bine cloth jacket, loose,' srith
tad pantaloons,' fail «tdtaoay, bnt not so amt so
M those worn by ths Zoubns of this pity. - Hash
psora a rad fatigue sap, a eHse-Sttlog woollen thlrt
hr vast; which reached op tothe throat, leering the
tackentfrely here. , . ;
(.At “attention,”, the Zonaresapruapromptly
Into lire, and took their aims fnat the ground.
The company was than exsfolsedfor half & boar,
In the manual of anna faolng by the Hgbt tad left
flank, “doubling” the files, forming Cono'nnk,
‘ tad again in two ranks, facing to tbs tar tap to
the front, advancing by company, by ptaHoosjind
ptalilog. sil of which was dons in exeslhta st>k.
fhs nxecution of tha manual of arms, in botntopn,
a!kd,eloec erdcr, we* n restate of the
we wad the gteatpfOdoWndy of tha corps. , \
Altar' this tko company wed essrotsed in the
j and tiring motions, firing by oompsay anV
i. . This was .gone through In double and'i
ranks, without bayonets. This portion of,
11 cotclndod with another series of exeieista
menualftha right-shoulder shift, theleft
sr shift, ixtug asd unfixing hayoost from
dtion of sboolder ertns, and from order arms,
Wiaalar np 'With steektng arms, whan themen
- ifta**itai**dfes:talf taW.. .
. !TUS intervalwaatmpmvod by the man In paying
| a'tnn «f cold . traiar, whisk was
" V( iii bv -' ' Meh waS en
l DaM' aleo
srswd ia a
- i After thl* they- wentthroagh the jnevemeAt*
-incident to a retreat, loading juo^trto»;'*l , U*,
kneeling and lying down, <st**ti*i to [positions,'
ntmbcfUlßwiin byrallyJdg w ™ whole
eo»peny,whtehw»* done ***•“*' or shout.
Tbsy satoeqne»ttj,eMt»#»>S* to ta L«h«to*t
towards the crowd, whw»*:£“*?? ““oh amnse
meot, u many. did_h»fh"°W what to mnkeof
thstreiming toward* *h«m in nob a warlike
xSMlriUelospd•hotUy beforesixo’clock, when
the Zouaves a*a wo Ureyimnrche* to tha man
sion ho<u» I . , 'here theZonavearested e short time,
ntdMfiwsfed themselves with more water, at they
.■The oetulton then marched to the armory of the.
Urtije, where a collation had been prepared for
them. Ideal. Wood, on tbs part of the Qrays,
welcomed, tha Zouavee to the armory, and proposal
olaeobeem. wbioh were given with enthnilagm by.
the Gray*. ,j,
; Cant. Ellsworth, of the Zouaves, eald he hoped
the flreyi weald not; think the Zouaves were
I'ipltgrid out" after their drill, bat he eontd amure
tho Cfreyethet tbey hedgbod, strong luhgstogive
nobeer for them. The ZeasTes then gate their
ho '--ho!—ho!—ho!—ho!“ cheers, which made
the welkin ring. '
, The. men then “ fell to,’’end did fall joatioe to
the. nhsteatiale set before them,- bat abstained
ftom eny bibiblte, even deolinlng to take a glass
cfjHafqf ppnoh. After satisfying their appetites,
the. compear re-formed, end merohed to their 1
quarters at donee’Hotel-
; , This morning they will visit the Girard College
and the Kastern Penitentiary, in charge ef e de
tachment of the ffeihington Grays.
In the afternoon they will drill at Point Breese
Park, leering their hotel at half-past one o’elook.
Tlro Washtngtbn Brays will 'aooompany them to
tho park. - A limited number of tiokets hare boon
issued, hot nime wtU be sold.
In the evening, they will give a drill at thcAca
deiay of Jfasio, and to-morrow morning early they
will Start for Baltimore. 1
‘ Guabdiaxs of, the POon.—This .body
held a stated meeting. yesterday afternoon at
Blookley Alm«hoase, Hr. Haris in the ohatr,
The census tor the past two 1 weeks, ending oh
Saturday was..l.'. 2,237
Same time lest year. 2,272
Doorsase... S 3
Admitted' daring the same time 229; births 7;
deaths 31; .disobliged 188 ; eloped 48; famished’
with lodging,62; .famished with meals IS4.
: Mrl.'Sutter applied for means to go to Baltimore
with hey two children, berhuabsnd having desert
ed her and gone over to that city. Her request
was emapUed with. .
- A eommunleation was reoeived from Or. 3. L.
Ludlow, secretary of the Hedisal Board, express
ing the satisfaction of that body with the medl
dioee supplied'at the drag etore, and the general
management of tho Almshouse.
Dr. Butler, physician of the Insane department,
presented , a communication, stating that than
wen three idlotio ehildnn In that depertment,
whom he believed, if properly treated, might be
come netful members of soeiety. and recommend
ing tbnt measures bo taken to remove them to the
asylnm for feeble minded children; at Media. Re
ferred to the president, Mr. Mari*.
Mr. Maris explained that Philadelphia had al
ready had admitted to that institution the number
•Hotted to ft, and that the children oootd not be
entered then without an appropriation being
The Committee on Accounts presented a number
of bills whieh wen nad and ordered to bo paid.
Mr. Williams, to whom was nfemd the com
mnoication of Mr. Townsend in reference to the'
plan for forming a foundling hospital, stated that
seven ehildnn have been sent then, at fifty bents
a week- The experiment is to lest bnta few weeks,
when, If fonnd practicable, some permanent ar
rangement will be effected.
Mr. 1 Cresson offered a resolution that a commit
tee be appointed to inquire whether the Board can
not have mOn thorough control of the grounds, so
as to prevent the in trod notion of whisky, and the
abstraction of articles from the institution. The
chair appointed Messrs.. Cresson, Linnard, and
Brown as the committee. .
Mr. Maris offered a resolution that a committee
be appointed to inqnin, and nport to the board, a
proper, classification of the dlat of the pauper in
mates of.the house. Agreed to; and Messrs.
Erety, Marks, and Dickinson were ; appointed the
Mr. Itinnard offered a resolution that a commit
tee be appointed to examine the payroll, and to
ascertain whether any paupers are on it, and if so,
who appointed them, and the necessity therefore.
Agreed to
The resignation of Dr. Greer, out-doTphysioian,
wsspraseated and accepted-
On motion of Mr. Williams, the sealed proposals
for supplying the Atmshonee with beef and mutton
for one year from the first of Angast next, were
opened, and read as follows:
J.JL Jones Beef, per owt. $5.67
J. H. J0nea...... Mutton- “ 5.76
Pater Riffet................8eef " 6.00
A. R. Paul arid W. L. Hahn .Beef “ 4.43
B Wartman. ..Beef “ 543
John Mod.rdle Beat “ 4 41$ Forrett. .......Matton “ 5.172
Derid B. Pant.............. 5.19
0 B. Miller. Beef “ 4 60
Heniy M; Scheldt Beef *« 4.75
HearyMV 5che1dt...........M0tt0s “ 5.75
Charles Eietline .Mottos “ 560
Jobs A. McD0neU.......«..8eef : “ 475
W. H. flecston ......Beef 4,50
John H1n0k1e...... ...,Beef_ “ 6.75
The contracts were awarded to Wm. H. Forrest
for mutton, at ssl7} per ewt, and John tfcArdle
forbeef, at $4 41 i , provided their sureties shall be
satisfactory to the Committee on ; Accounts. The.
contracts are to be entered upon immediately.
The following gentlemen were elected as nr*
geonsfbrthaansatagysar; Messrs. Gross, Levis,
Artewi AadKenderdfoe.
The following attending physicians were elseted :
Messrs. De Costa, Ludlow. Tutt, Jsdson.
The following gentlemen were elected for sc
Meam. Stroud. Feurow, Harlow, and Zeicler.
Cfeseou offered a resolution that tlie meet
ing* of the board be. held, hereafter, et their obem
ber in Seventh street, on aoeoost of the time occu
pied in going to the'Almshouse. Poetponed. * Ad
■ CxNßtia Rmobns.—The following Addi
tional returns were yeeeived at the Marshal's
oi ßee yesterday;
Montgomery County.— Gwynedd Township—
Population, 1,976—in 1850, 1,671 —Inoreaso 407;
value ofreal aad persona! estate. $889,923; deaths
during the year,. 22; schools, 8; pupils, 481;
ohurehes, 3; value of obursb property, 8,000. ,
Lebanon Connty.—South Lebanon Township-
Population, 1,744; deaths. 37; real and personal
estate, $706.829; farms, 96; schools, 9;' teachers,
9; scholars, 270; churches! ;valne’of church pro
perty, $BOO.
Cornwall Township—Population, 1.882; deaths,
21(the hospital is in South Lebanon): farms, 95;
industrial establishments, 13; tons of iron ore due
out,'160,000;. value of. real and personal estate,
$1,071,180; sobaols, 9; teaohers, 9; pupils, 272;
Ohurehes, 3valne ofonuroh property, $2,350.
York County.— Manchester
tion, 9,609 j dsathi, 40; real and personal estate,
$1,917,000; eehools, 14; teaohers, 14; pupils, 946;
otmrchee 4 ; value of ehuroh property, $8 000;
Arms,'2o7; ' productive establishments, 29.
Southampton township—Popu
lation, 1.409; deaths, 9; real and personal -estate,
$981,985; farms, 133; schools, 9; teachers, 9; scho
lars, 348; ohurehes, 3; ehuroh property, .$lB,OOO.
Bucks County.— Bensalen Township —Popu
lation, 2.373; deaths, 10; real and personal estate,
$5,158,000;. schools, 7; teachers 7; pupils, 427;
churches, 4; ehuroh property. $13,009.
Montgomery County.— Bong las Township
Population. 1.579; deaths, 7; farms, 150.
Dattpkin County.— Jackson, Washington, and
Jefferson' Township*—-Population, 2,901; deaths,
43; farms, ’313; Industrial establishments, 33;
eehools, 18; teachers, 18; scholars, 932; churches,
13; ehnrch property, $14,250.
Death op Mbs. Beach.—The announce
ment of the death of Airs Helen K., wife of C. N
Beach, J3#q., by the Philadelphia, papers of Satur
day, mil sadden many hearts In Washington.
■, She will be remembered bv individuals from
every portion of the Onion as the hononed guest of
thehenorable Secretary of the Navy, woo for some
montlhlask winter by her gracious manners and
aptrima conversation contributed so much to the
entertainment and delight of his Urge oircloof
friends and acquaintance.
By those who enjoyed the privilege of her friend •
ship, her memory will be cherished, not as the or
nament of society only, but as the frank, intelli
gent, true-hearted woman, whoso sincerity and un
affected kindness gave a grace and a charm to her
preeenee and conversation that is quite as rare as
it is attractive and endearing.
. We venture to offer her earlier friends and be
navedreUUfes here and at'their distant homes
our most respeotfol condolence.— Washington
Largs and Enthusiastic Meeting of
hv Dskocaacv o* Maw Castle Cotravr, Dela
wabb —On Saturday afternoon, 28th instant, the
cltisens of Mew Castle county, favorable to the
election of Stophen A. Douglas and flenobei V,
Johnson, assembled at the village of Blackbird; in
that county. After the election of delegates to
represent the Hundred in a State Convention, to he
held at Dover, about tbe 14 th proximo, for tbe poo
pose of patting before the people of the State a
\ r clean”, Dsnclas electoral ticket, Charles W,
Brooke,' of Philadelphia, was introduced, to tbe
meeting, and made a powerfol and telling address
of nearer two hoars’ length, daring the delivery of
which ne was frequently interrupted by sbonta of
•ppfause. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed
throughout, and After the sneaker concluded, nine
tremendous cheers were riven for Douglas and
Johnson, and three more /Or Mr, Brooke, followed
by an immense tiger.
Legal Intelligence—Kisi Pniua
Jusliea Bead.—This court was in session
half an hour yesterday morning. There belpgifo
business, ready, an adjournment was ordered until
The Supreme Court was then formally opened by
Justice Bead, and adjourned until to-morrow,
(Wednesday.) at which time an effort will be made
to have the ease Involving , the constitutionality of
the act of Assembly oreattng the commissioners for
the eieetien of new county buildings argued.
The only difficulty in tbe way is that of getting
a quorum of the oonrt. . Justices Bead and strong
are its the city, and it is* expected that one of tbe
other judges will reaeh here by Wednesday.
i A BisboMbst Domestic —Catherine Ho-
Pton, a domestic at Thorp’s Hotel, Baca street,
mjow Third, while making up the bed of the pro*
Pretor, on Sunday, found a purse oonUlning fifty
dolHrs under the pillow. She appropriated fifteen
uulliu of- the money to herself, ana gave the re*
mrnhoir to Its owner. The heavy toll that had
bem&ied was discovared, and Catherine was
a charge of larceny.
TBk K,iHing inspeetors isßued 276 per
mit. dtnguhtbe present month. Of .thle number. c Hh s^M ({ ano {thno-stor7 dwellings,
83 two etdtyjvo hospitals, 1 for » f.otorj, X
depot, 1 for*,*aroh, 2 for public halls, 1 for.
market house, »\ r .tores, 5 for shops, 3 lor onrrlsge
homes, 2 for dyiftrams, 1 for * beer vault, X for »
briwsry, 1 engtndkmn, sad 7 for stables.
Xwo*KOiAKiSH.\xhe Wisinomina ice
house, on tbs BrlstoijWrnpike, about two miles
shore Frankfort, was sh 0 n Are about a quarter
put 10 o’eloek BundayVirtt, and totally de
stroyed. the proparty’bflonged to Miles .&
Glees. \
Tbs.NatiOkal DcMD&Aor of the First
ward are sedvely eegaged ln\organlting their
foroea The friends nrDouglae *5. numerous, and
will Sire a good aeeouat of themsures at tha pells
UHovesbsrnext. , ,
"TilisßarngH Ministkb is Towu.—Lord
I'liysdt' is now at the La Pierre Hoasa, where he
1 usHed ymtart ay ,aaeoapaaied by some frirnds,
ea mb way north. /,n n7v., y;
oo«uy d«-
Xth «f; t UM
4 nnuM
portlo* «
lfioai, ud
~ lkO»leg
; Inykristing to Fibkiok-Msrtxng of
,TBd Board or Finn Lirsotors. —Last evening,
the stated meeting of the Board of Fire Di
rectors, the following suggestions were received
from. the Committee on Fire and Trusts, with a
Vjewof reorganUing and improving our Fire De* •
First. The reduction and proper distribution of
the departmcnt—to what extent the number of
companies should be red seed, and the best plan of
redaction; the propriety of effecting this ohange
by consolidating association with non-issoctalion
companies; the beat means of.effecting a better
/distribution of the companies, so as to afford a
more equal protection to all portions of the city.
1 Second. Redistricting the city; the best plan
for so altering the various districts as to lessen the
number of companies at a fire; the feasibility
of confining the members of companies to the die*
’tjriots in which they are located, except on special
'■ Third. The establishment of better discipline,
so as to enable the officers of the department to
exercise a more' thorough and effective oontrol on
the fire ground, with a view to prevent more com
panies going into operation than are actually
needed, thereby remedying the present damages
done by water.
Fourth. Bo as to secure better discipline in the
operations of the ’ individual members ;of com
.pastes, and in the management of eaoh company’s
apparatus, by making it obligatory on every com
pany to select, for a stated period, a chief director,
with assistants, to have the sole control and di
rection of the company’s operations at every fire,
(of oourse, in subordination to the chief and as
sistant engineers,) and every company to be re
sponsible for the sots of Its directors. '
Fifth, To provide a more prompt and satisfac
tory plan for investigating all breaches of disci
pline, and ail disputes among companies; substi
tuting rewards and fines for the present plan of
suspension, \
Sixth . To ascertain to what extent, and In what
manner, the polioe force could more effeotually co
operate with the department. •
Seventh. Best way of regulating the giving of
fire alarms, in order to secure the prompt giving
of an alarm in cams of need, and the preven
tion of alahni for trifling fires.
Eighth. To better regulate the disposal of
plugs on the fire ground.
Ninth, To establish a standard sorew for use.
. Tenth. To effeotually prevent raoiog in going to
The above suggestions were referred to a com
mittee consisting of one from eaoh fire distriot, to
report at a future meeting on the practicability of
carrying them into effect.
Row in a Lager-Bbkr Saloon —A Man
Stabbbo.— Yesterday afternoon a difficulty occur
red in a lager-beer saloon, in Sixth street, below
Catharine, during whloh the proprietor, a German
numed Lewis Warner, was severely, if not danger
ously wounded. It appears a largo crowd were
congregated in the saloon, and as they beoame
very boisterous and quarrelsome, Warner inter
posed and endeavored to Mparate them. One
of them made some resistance, and struok a
friend of the proprietor, when the latter drove
him into the street. As he.was turning to eome
Into the door, one of the party, supposed to be Frede
rick Mitchell, produced a sharp weapon, and thrust
It into the thigh of Warner to the depth of five
inches. The wound bled profusely during the
afternoon and last evening, and caused great suf
fering. Two brothers, named Harvey, who were
in the saloon at the time of the fraoas, and parti
cipated in it, were arrested, one of them having a
knife in his possession, and taken before Alderman
Dallas, who held them for a farther hearing.
Mitchell, the alleged oulprit, was hotly pursued
for ft considerable distance, but succeeded in
making his escape.
Democratic Committee of Soperinten
dbkch.—A meeting was held last evening at the
headquarters of , the Douglas Campaign Club, at
Fifth and Chestnut streets, for the purpose of
forming'A Democratic oommittee of superinten
dence for the oity of Philadelphia. The commit
tee numbers forty-eight members, two from each
ward, nearly all of whom were present. John
O’Byrne was elected president, Allred D.
Jones and Honry Gildca secretaries, Stephen
Taylor, treasurer, and Hugh Brown door-keeper.
It was agreed that the title of the assooiation should
be the“ Democratic Committee of Superintendence
for tho City of Philadelphia.” A committee of
threo were appointed consisting of E. W. Powers,
Alderman MoMahen, and Wm. V. McGrath, to
make arrangements for the formal opening of the
room on Thursday evening next, after which the
meeting adjourned.
.Election of Vaccini Physicians.— The
Board of Health met yesterday afternoon, at their
chamber, in Sixth street, and eteoted the follow
ing vacoine physicians: Thirteenth ward, Dr.
Robert Sfaapieigh; Ninth ward, Dr. Robert
Bols. Collectors: Wm. P. Jones, for the Fifteenth
and Sixteenth wards; Henry Housekeeper, for the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth; Thomas Fisher, for
tho Twenty-first and Twenty-second wards. The
physicians for the remaining wards will be cleoted
this afternoon.
Pole Raising.—The supporters of Lin
coln, Hamlin, and Curtlu, last evening, raised a
fine pole at Haddington, in the Twenty-fourth
ward. The,” Continentals,” bearing torches and
transparencies, marched to tbe ground, accompa
niod by a band of music, and presented a fifce ap
pearance. Their numbers were largely aug
mented before they reached Haddington. Speeches
were delivered by several of our local orators, and
great enthusiasm prevailed.
Correction.—ln our yesterday’s edition
we stated that a train of cars met with an accident
on the West Chester'Railroad, near the intersec
tion of the Baltimore Central Railroad. We are
Informed that there whs no' train attached to the.
-JOCOtnetPnn&at" Jthej *ra«lr3t.
named; and'no injury war done except to the
bridge upon whioh it was driven.
AcoidKnt to a .Fireman. —Heury Smith,
a member of the Assistance Fire Company, fell at
Seventeenth and Vine streets, on Sunday after
noon, while the fire with the engine.
The apparatus passea over him, causing quite se
rious injuries. The sufferer was conveyed to his
residence, No. 609 Cherty street.
■ Arrest of Vagrants.—The police of the
Second district went through Baker, Bedford, and
Spafford streets yesterday morning, and picked up
twenty-seven homeless wretches, who were osrted
off to prison as vagrants. Twenty-five of the num
ber were females.
Dkatu of a Sea Oaktain. — Capt. Joseph
L. Nobre, an old sea captain, saßlng out of this
port, died on Sunday last. He was highly esteem
ed by a large circle of friends, who mourn his loss.
The shipping had their banting at half-mast, out
of respect to his memory.
A Worthy Father.—Tbe'Nimda (N. T.)
News says that Mr. John Wright, of that place,
has commenced an action for divorce from his wife
on the ground of infidelity. , Bela Wright,- the
father of the complainant, is said to be the person
who has won the ron’s wife from the path of rec
Miss Susan Brubaker has been appointed post
mistress ef Halifax, Dauphin county, Pennsylva
nia, vice 0. Waldron.
Drowning or Two Mbn at Abbecuh.—A
painful case of drowning ooourred at Abaeoum on last
Friday, Two brothers, Jeaae azftd John Weber, re
siding at Evansburg, Montgomery county, seven tniles
above Norristown, went to Atlantic City several days
ago, to wielt their father, who waa bonding there, and
had sent for his sons daring a severe attack of illness.
On their arrival they found the father convalescent, and
on Friday morning, having obtained the consent of Mr.
Charles $. Fithian, a merchant on Market street,whose
summer residence is at Attantio City, to use his sail*
boat, they proceeded about three miles for the purpose
of fishing, where, from some unknown cause, tbev were
both drowned, Themorning was perfectly calm, and a
oaptise, under the oiroumstanees, is thought to have
been imposeible; in fsot, when the boat waa found the re
wee nothing displaced, or wet in it—the little satchel,
containing their dinner, their fishing-lines, and other
equipments, were ail found dry and In order.
The brothers were both tolerably good swimmers,
and the only supposition of the way in whioh they oame
to their untimely end ie, that one af the brothers by
some inadvertence stepped overboard and was seized
with cramp, and that the other, in going to h s a assist
ance, got beyond bis reach of the boat, and, through
fright and embarrassment, wae also engulphed. Jesse,
the elder of the two, was a member of church, and,
wc believe, had commenced studying for the ministry.
On the previous Sonday be addressed one of the Bunday
Bchoo's on the island, when bo dwelt speoi&Hy upon
the uncertainty of hnman life, staging that in all human
probability they wonld never meet under similar oi rcum
starioes again, and that he himself might be the next
viotim. The speedy realisation of this has fallen sadly
upon the bereaved parents of these young men. The
bodies were both leoovered and yesterday morning
brought to the city. They are to bfr interred at Evans
Rubtioating Articles.—We doubt if there Ib
another establishment in the oity in whioh there is con
tained as large a variety of absolutely indispensable
articles for making a trip to the country with ease and
comfort as that of Messrs. Charles Oakford Sc Sons,
under the Continental Hotel. No gentleman or' lady
should think of leaving the city, or making np their
wardrobe to do so, without first visiting this truly model
and unique establishment.
Let Us be Joyful !—A little mirth mixes jrttt
and profitably with both business and philanthropy.
How stupid life would be, both in lab<u"£ud leisure,
without that gaiety within us whiolTre*ponds to the
oheerfnlness and beauty around nst nay, its main cur
rents run all the dMper, as w«u as fresher and purer,
for the lightthrlua of joj outness that, Inuihiog and
flMhjpyf'How into them. The rivers would stagnate
jLPfcfpoolß if the rivulets cessed to p'ay. Philosophers
and men of business save their souls alive, and keep
their intellects fresh end healthy, by mingling their
mirthfulness of youth with the soberness of age. Fun
and philosophy usually combine in all who purchase the
elegant styles of Gxahv ll* Btokxs, proprietor of the
“One Price Gift Clothing Emporium,” No. 607 Chest
nut street A beautiful gift of value is presented with
each garment sold. tf
Mass Meetings, Contentions, <tc—Polltloal
gatherings are the order of the day, and politiolaas are
as busy as bees in getting np Conventions, Serenades,
Platforms, Ac., and in serving the conntry generally.
We hear of an enthusiastic party whioh proposes to
hold a Mass Convention. Their platform will be simply
as follows: “ We hold it to be the duty of every man to
love his country, respect its laws, soorn shabbiness of
oonduot or apparel; and. to this end, to prooure all his
garments at the Hrown Stone Clothing Hall of Hookhill
& Wilson, No*. 603 and 608 Chestnut street, above Sixth,
Philadelphia. 1 ’
Ladies, REad Tnis!—Dust and moths in oarpets
are effrotually eradicated by the Patent Carpet-beat
ing Machine, 1203 Noble street. Send your order, or eal
and see the operation.
Sir James Murray’s Camphorated Cordial.—
This admirable Cordial is designed especially for
all those oomplaints inoldent to the beat of sum
mer. Diarrhea* and severe pains of the storoaoh,
vomiting, Ac., readily yield to its very soothing influ
ence. It is quite pleasant and grateful to the taete.
After a trial, few persons will be willing to be without
it Those leaving for the oountry should not do so
without providing themselves with the Cordial, It is
sold by Dower, Sixth and Vine. Price Weenie. ef
Compound Extract op Sarsaparilla for
making Root A pleasant and healthy beve
rage at light Cent* a Gallon, for family use. Fall di
rections eocompany eaoh bottle. Itsuniversaland in
oreasint popularity is its bsst recommendation, Be
ware of numerous imitations sold ontheoreditof our
extntot and advertising. The genuine prepared only by
POTTER A CHAMPIN, Practical Chemists, WES
TERLY, R, I. Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia,
DYOTT A CO., ttfta Nerth SECOND Street. Sold
by Druggists and Orooera generally throughout the
eoknfry. • jy»th*tattt*
Erls Forest Utate, Crocker, 13 dare from Portland, ini
ballast to L Audanreid « Co.
Rohr R M Tull. Townsend, 6 day» from Boston, in
ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. , ,
Sohr Eugene, Parker, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to
L Andenrein & Co.
Bohr E c Knight. Whitlow, 4 days from Weymouth,
in ballast to Binnioks«ri 4b Glover. .
, Bohr Gov Barton, Winsraore, 4 days from Salem, it
ballast to Nerin. Sawyer & Co. ,
Sohr Horace Stavlss, Gibbs,B days from N Bedford, in’
bel’ast to Noble. Hammett Sc Caldwell.
. SohrJWMoKee, Wendell. 4 days from Wareh&m*
mdse tooaptA'n. . , . *.
Bohr Thos James. .Arrant*. 3 days from Chesapeake.
City with srsiC to Christian A Curran.
,Sctir Meohamo. Henderson. 1 day from Odessa, Del,'
with gram to Christian & Curran.
Rohr C P SUokuev. Garwood, ff days from East Cam
brfdre. to ballast to R R Corson A Co. j
Sohr RJ Mercer. Robinson* ,6 days from Boston, is
ballast top R Corson A Co. 1
Schr G 8 Fith'an. Tuft, 3d ays from Port Depoeitwiin
wheat to Jos L Bewler A Co.
Mohr Vetma. Healings, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with
ats to Jm L Bewlew A Co.
Bohr A Mansbip. Morris, 1 day from Little Creek Land
ins. with onrn to Jaa L Bewlev A Co.
Mohr Clayton A Lowber. Jaokson, 1 day from Smyrna'
Bel. with wheat to Bewlejr A Co.
Bohr Cora, Gibersm, 1 day from Brandywine, Del,
with flour to RM Lea- , „ ;
Bohr Luoy. Marsden, 1 d*y from Brandywine, Del,
with flour and oorn meal toRMI ea.
B"hr E L B Wales. Hoffman. 4d*ys from Wilmington,
N C. with naval stores, to An. v BStetson A Co-
Bohr Centurion Stanley. 3 days from Provldenoe, in
ballast to Blakistoa A Cox.
Hrig Ooean I«te, Morrow, »t Thomas, J F Pen’ston- ‘
Brie Forest State, Crocker, Gardiner, Me, L Auden
e*d A Co. • x
Brie Tanrler, Colson, Boston, do.
Snbr G P Stiokney, Garwood, Fall River, R R Corson
e Co.
Mohr R J Mercer, Robiuton. East Cambridce, do.
Sohr Gov Burton, Wmsmore, Salem, Kevin, Sawyer
c, Co.
Sohr E C Knight, Whirlow, Weymouth, Sinniokson A
Rohr Horaoe Staples, Gibbs, New Bedford, Nob}*,
tommatt A Caldwell.
Bohr Sarah Minge. Weaver, New York, eaptain
Bohr O Mathews, Warren. Belfast, Btakiiton A Cox.
Kohr AlHanoe, Ireland, New London, do.
Rohr Centurion, Btanley. Newmirrport, do,
Sir H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr.
\ Ship Stephen Baldwin, Flagg, from Boston, arrived at
New Orleans 28th lost. ...
BarkFbenmx, Moore, for Marseilles, cleared at N
Orleans 36th inst. >
Brig Daniel Maloney, Steelman, from Mobile.amved
at New v OI -if y**terdar. . . , »
Mohr Forest King. Perry, for Rio de Janeiro, oleared
at New York yesterday.
Sohr W Colqnet Peterson, from Tampico, arrived at
New Orleans 36th inat
Btr Sarah, Jones, henoe, arrived at New York yester
BohrM A McNeill, Turple, for New York, cleared at
Mobile Sth Inst.
6chr Hiawatha, Phillips, hence, arrived at Riohmond
33ih in«t
Sohr Mary. Adeline, Howes, henoo, arrived at Peters
burg, Va, 3Sth lost.
GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets.
J Williams, Baltimore Pobt Ramsev, New York
Jos Hunter. Lancaster H O Don woody, Pittsburg
Arthur Dunlop, Ohio K M Montrose, Michigan
J Citnmnsham, Newark 8 Gilman* Cln. Ohio
H Williams A la, Ohm Miss Williams. Ohio
Geo Rollston. Missouri • S Rideely, Missouri
Mr Green A la. Kentuoky Aug Price. Baltimore 1
T 8 Phelps, Texas Frank Phelps. Texas
S P «rown A la. Conneoti’t R H Butler A la, N York'S
C H Mullm, Atlantto City Mrs M Ford A son, I&
H M Mitvard. North Caro a Wm W Waltooe, NCar’a
Jaa MoHeary, Virginia 8 L Ullman, Baltimore
Jno QA'Wastinws, Conneo’t Mias Hostler*,Connecticut
John Hastings A la Qonue’t Okmolair. New Bedford
T fl Bunt me. New York H HCortis A2a, L Branch
M LWilkms- New York Mi*s Harnson. L Branch
Geo Falter. New York L F* CandifL Virginia
Weston A la. S Caroli’a Mr CooV. New York
iss Cook, New York Hon R M Palmer. Pottsv’e
Miss Young. New York W J Wing A la. Penns
Wl> Andersen. Arkansas Thomas Badge!, Arxensas
M G Asbew, Alabama W M Yeatman, Cincinnati
W G Murray, Jersey City W H Kennedy Lynohtmrg
D Luther. Reading W H Lawson, NewO'iesns
C G Stark. New York W C Conover. New Jersey
NNHaletod, Hudson. NJ 0 Wendell A wf.Wash.DC
Miss A M Wendell. Wa»h*n Miss B Wendell, Wasb*n
Miss M Wendell. Wash’u A C Hendriokson A la. Md
Miss Henry, New York Miss Maxwell. New York
J L Harris, Pennsilvania J J Dali, Harrisburg
A K McClure, Chambertb’s J B Carson A wf, Bt Louis
James Rutlig A wf, StLonis J B Bell, Reading
Miss Hanemann. Pennsyl’a R M Russell A la, Fenna
J F Hiester. Lancaster A Glenn, Halifax
Miss Glenn, Halifax, WM Burnett, Pennsylv’a
James Manning, Baltimore PTBlay, Pennsylvania
Mrs Slay. Pennsylvania R L Petty, New York
EC Betts, Charleston J B Betts, Charleston
RPutney. Riohmond. Va Mrs Watts. Richmond. Va
W P Gurley, North Carolina GeoWAddlseil, New York
M H Nathans, Charleston B R Petrikin, Pennsylvania
RMnrrar, Pennsylvania Mfss Murray, Fennsylva’a
PF Causey .Delawaro W F Causey, Delaware
N H Levey. New York Mrs K Ttornan, Pittsburg
Miss 8 Jones, Pittsburg John M. Tieroan, Pittsb’g
W 8 Simpson. Baltimore Qapt 8 H Simpson, USA
Chat Beasten, Delaware W P Fetridce. New York
Chas A Clark A la, N York MlsaCtArß;. new York
Miss Williams, New York Master Clark. New York
R A Holden A wife. Cin H TNewhall Ala, 8 C
Jas 8 Heliridge, Bethlehem Jos H Edwards. Bethle’m
Caleb Yohe, Bethlehem Mrs Thedeon, Kentuoky
Miss HFurst. Kentucky Lome Hood, Cinomnati
M Polk Ala Kentuoky Jas P Carly. New York
J 8 Bwarr. New York CD E VilYsrs, Ch-cago
t Trout, Bethlehem W A Muller, Carliile
JA Lippencott, New Jersey A G Brewer, 8t Lome
W R Teller. Riohmond, Va G M Mowbray. New York
Jos Gidst. New York baml Ward, Washington
Alex Evans. Maryland T J Homer, New York
Lesis Hftooner. Baltimo'e Jas P Hosmer, Baltimore
Geo Warner, Baltimore MrHimUlir. Baltimore
Mrs Hindsly, Baltimore MissHinasly. Baltirooro
8 P Bernard A la. Provid’d A Beech, Nashville
CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Corner Ninth and ChesUut.
J Ward, Boston W M Sleds* A wf. Texas
.Mrs Cress, T exas Mrs Badgett, Texas
Mrs Leary A oh. Texas R Hoot. Alexandria, Va
O B Jones. Pittsburg F Lewis. Cinomnati
B Myley, Cincinnati A B Lathe, Cincinnati
G Miller. Cincinnati . Thos HW’ntiit.Cinotnnat
JH Moore, North Carolina Geo B Weidler,Cincinnatii
W W Coslv, Virginia B B Jarinan. Houston,Tex
JOdorn A la, Alabama MiuE w Creasb, A(«
G WCreagh. Alabama Mrs G Ewint, Nashville
A J Duncan Ala Nashville Jw RigiMon, Mississippi
W n edd A la, Georgia ■ W Redd, Jr, Georgia
G WSenienbaush.Troy D W Ciusokenbain.Troy
E D Clements, Georgia gWI evr, Georsia
T Ford Ohio 43 8 Wood A la. Masi
ovl^ S g t Da^]ee^ ,l^ MlB , Mass
Joseph J Powers, Memphis Ell Pilfer. Harrisburg
Lieut Georte Brown. U 8 N Mr Dewey. U 8 N
Sr Grlnnell, bBH ( T W Pweeney, Philadel’a
Dwinnell Georgia O Washburn. Taunton
John Young. Cleveland, ORB Gnffin, Jr, Baltimore
J W McCullough.Baltimore 0 K New York
OR MesrorMiitb, Chamb'g CHP MoLellsn A la, N Y
Thomas Grab ami La, Porte William. Binst. Arkansas
A W Lowerre, Newjforlr Mim E M Lowerre. N Y
Mim C a Lowsrre. NY J Broadfisld. N’th Carolina
W Nelson. Kentuoky a Elwood Bedur, New York
Alfrro E Beach, New fork William A Wars*, N Y
U L Hitchcock, New York John M Carr A la, La
A York « H Breneman, Lanoaster
Mrs Otey. Virginia, Miss Otey. V irsinia
W H Stratton. Virsima G 8 Moulton. New York
Chas G Till. N*W York J J Ligon « la. Misslcalpßi
Miss M Au'tin, Mississippi C ti Rsdfield, Mississippi
WH Cunningham, Balt Japnes Webb. Baltimore
F Alabama G w Eddr. Baltimore
WH Willmm*. North Car N Wlckh/h, U 8 A
J McCarthy, Texas J Hennr, Washington DC
A MoD Wragg, Charleston A Robinson* Charleston
Mies McDawab,Charleston Min Maywood, Charleston
hfiu Wragg, Charlestoo W H Robinson, lowa
Alabama Miseh H Coobrnn.AJ*
H y Coohran, Alabama Miss M Leland, Alabama
Mim C Jnm>*on. Alabama Miss Molette, Alabama
M Walker, Uoinntown, Ala 8 G Conhran, Mietimani
w A Crow. 8t Loms W H Wilson! New York
HE Hpbinson,Baltimore M J AKelth, Alabema 111
Mim M A Adams. Lniont’n WH Cassidy, Pittsburg
Bbattuok, New Yor* W B Lounsbury. Chicago
G w Johnson. Brownsv’e J H Tucker Bonth Carolina
F Weston, Pnuth Carolina R 8 Edwards. Philadelphia
John B Perry, New York Pr G W Humphreys, D C
U P McCormick, Pittsburg miss Modormiok.Fa
Miss j lrwin, PitUburg, Miss Hannah Irwin, Pa
Reed Armstrong, fr.>a C W Hodge, Pa
Chas H Lloyd. New York ChosEMarvine, N Y
W L Simpson. Baltimore J W Sweeney, Cincinnati
Robt Rait* New York Hfeyroonr A wife. Conn
RG Smith, Hortlord Oliver Elsworth, Boston
J N Crooker. Rhode I»lapd D E Small. York. Pa
Mr Knnnon A la. Virsinfa AWarwiok,Jr. Virginia
H li-dyard, Washington Cfias AUinc, Madison, Ind
H J Butterworih.Mississippi John VowlssTvjrginja
Nlhayer, Buffalo .Wm A Darling, New York
Master n Darling. New York F Kramer, PitUburg
WmMFaber*FitUburc F J Moses, Jr, A wf.fiC
Jasso Hirscb, New York Dr Wirt A la, Virginia
GW Smith, New York Thos H Gilliss, Lex, Ky
T 8 Coons, Louisiana
JONEB 1 HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth,
HL Harland,Philadelphia Johns Wallace,Lanpco
Wm P Lander, New York Wm W Fullerton, Phfla
H L Matlsck, Philadelphia H H Bunttlin*. N Jersey I
Dr Foohe. New Bediord 1. Van Valkentrar*. TroyJ
Mrs Van Valkenburg. Troy Mrs Jackson. Baltimore
John O Long fl A Bterrett A la, Pittsburg
John Bolter. New York Mrs Forrest. New York
Miss Nomsf, New York W Q Jaokson, Baltimore
Master W H Lewis,N Y
MERCHANTS 1 HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch.
A C Simpson, Pa H B Jones, Missouri
J P Salmon, Hazleton . G B Denny, Dayton. O
L f itterskamp, St Louis W LHowne. 6 Carolina
It B Woodward. wCheiter S G Turner. Pa
AH Blair, Carlisle
? ok * ey * Jr * w k ork Hon R Brodhead Sc eon,Pa
MM Lourr I T Clement. Sunbury
Sr°i Ph AM*] p !“s* ? Janner, rhiladelpbia
W A Ruoker, Pfclladelphta J L Witberow, Pa
C D Ludeke, Nashville M H Taggart, Pa
E A Menoh, Philadelphia JO Grtz. Lancaster
M Bennett. New Hope M Connally 6c la. Pittab’g
Jas F Shunk, Harrisburg Beni F Overman, Fla *
MiesEverman. Lano co E Bell, Baltimore
{,L Day Allegheny, Pa k Coover.» anoaster
K B Martin, Pa J w MoPherson. Ky
m,w. h 7 «te^ i ?. hunk
Hush UMrr ' Jr - M Y * k
THE UNION—Aroh street, above Third.
T Converse, Virginia W m MoLelland & la. Pa
A Herbruck & la, Canton, 0 Wil iam Elliott, Ohio
A Barns, Kiohraono, Va 0 Morgan, ’lexas
J Comes, f.omsiatwt. J Cire, Louisiana
J Blinkenderfer, Jr, Ohio illiatn Maxwell. Easton-
E £ ??.' tot,Ef^ton , . JH Briggs, New York^
Althouse Pennsylvania J Kaufman, Reading
J R Stgined, Port Carbon W Gane. Port Oaf™**
Johnston G&neu Port Carbon James Gllraart?’*
H H Seemger iSsf.P Carbon W .
BZ Htawbndce.lPfiiladelphla oalem, N J
Mrs Patterson A oh, Balejtt- ,, ’u n e £ Vnijii® 00, Pa
Job C Helner, Way H BrQoke » Atlantic City
AMERifM^HOrKL—Chestnut, above Fifth.
GNButL^«* w Jersey K Morris. New York
H C Bond. Newtown ~ J TFurguson. Arkansas
M WjMamSon. Philadelphia M B Mount, New York
j Knobb, Reading. Pa Ja* G Shaw, Delaware
KlFrtoker Sc la, Keadinr.Fa W K Davis Savannah, Ga
-yS femhart West Chester F W BewaU. Newark
HWillJsma Sc I*. New York WB Guild, New York
J BTbomwon, New York H Smith, New York
D Plumb, NewjYork J M Mensert. N Carolina
Horace Smith, Conn . JW Angus, Washington
N H Ridenour, Washington Chat Fox. Cinoiunati *t
James Sinotair Sc wf, N 0 MissSinolair, N Carolina
Jejsellennan. Delaware W HSnakespeaie, Del
C H Wood, Pnila
ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third.
Geo A Townsend. Pbila Joshua E Taylor, N Jersey
Geo Coißon, New York Mrs Maodonald, Salt
Dr FDeLarrazabal.Caraoss Julia njgail. Caracas
Wm Cooper. Washmg’n.DCJCfiPper. Waihinjs’n, D C
BBunis St Mary, Georgia TWP Ehrmann N York
Wm Billings, Arlington H n Heilman,Phils
Jno Warner, Bridgewater Robt Thomas, Reading
MiesThomes, Reßding Chas Babu, Pottavilte
K L CbnstmMi. W Chestei U H Painter. W Chester
KT James, Westchester S G Snare, Westchester
J E Van Meter.W Chester J Ekwan, Taunton
A R Joyoe. Bucks onunty F L Cooper, New York *
J F Hedden, Newark, N Y A H Reynolds. Maryland
S Wells, Kansas 8 J Moore, Kansas
BP Fooks, Kansas f K. A Lord. Mansfield
J Martin, Philadelphia H Bernard, Boston
COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Street, al. Chestnut.
J P Broomell, Glen Mills Wm Levis, West Chester
David Humer, Chesteroo 8G Baker,Jay Mills, Pal
H Chalfant. Jr- Atlantio City ABHaideman, Allan City
Amos Kimble, Chester co James Chester eo
Davis Kimble- Cheater oo James Kirk, Chester oo
I C Russell, Augusta., Ga B P Bhatua, Philadelphia
Joseph Chew, Philadelphia L S Hooees. Wilm, Del
S Nightingale. Doylesiown J Rittenfiouse,
E DHaino*. West Chester D R Bardin Sc fa, Coatav'e
Isaao Bertolct. Reading 8 Chandler, Delaware
T B Jacobs, West Chester
STATEB UNlON—Market street, above Bixth.
Jesse Homaa, Wilkefcbarre D 8 Kandy. Memphis .
Robt Denning, Altoona W J Denning. Altoona
M W Niobols. Delaware Wm w later, Lano co,Ta 3
N-SF./- 6 ” 6 * Thoe CWoodward. Jowatl
Mnj Tbos b Williamson, Pa Jno G Williamson. York oo
Wm Pioket, Lano co, Pa Leyi H Crouse. Pa
H Eioholts, Downingtown D F Smith, Clearfield, Pa
Jos Letanrt, Lancaster. Pa Wm Krepps. Pittsburg, Pa
Jas O’Neal, Pittsburg. Pa Geo MoAlpin.Pa
A s Felix, Berks 00. Pa Sand Huntzinger, Pottsv’e
G W Huntzmger, Pottsville R Wiley, Pa
BALD EAGLE HOTEL-Third at., &b. Cgllowhill.
T 8 Leiienring. Pittsburg Joseph Doerie, Pa
John Bossert, Buoks county K Doster, Bethlehem
•i 8 Berger, Allentown M R Frantz, Berks county
H BSpannuth, Berks oo Jacob Zepp Laoeadale
Peter Hanning Buoks co John Houser, Buoks oo
8 Berß*tsaser,Pennsylvam& W Seig r rt*d, Pennsylvania
Peter Smith, Philadelphia
NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third,
John Earns*. Doylestcwa Amos Clark, Delaware
A P Brown. New York D H Yerkes, Maryland
0 K Walter & Is. Berks co Jacob Rioe.Bethfehem
Chas K'eokn**r, MlnertviUe C H Dark, HePeratown
John W MoffiT,Philadelphia Wm G Perry. Philadelphia
John Rohrer, Dauphin, Pa Jaoob Graff. Dauphin, Pa
E 8 Klrkeslager, Pa JoiWHunseoker,ra
EUwood RughfsAla,Col oo Jas Mellon,Chester county
J B Colley, Boiton Geo Burrell. Boston
M Uhler, New Jersey Mr* Uhier, New Jersey
Mrs Panel, New Jersey •
ffBLAOK BEAR HOTEb—Third stilt). OaUowhlU.
Geo Mover. Montgomery oo Obaajr Aeaman Hamburg
Jamea Weller. Penna H * Norristown
E 8 Yager, Bernvilje J.Hjnmflterger, BernviUe
G«oWMeAllieter.BernviUe w T Wiyne, Bemvii]*
a andreM. BoroyHle Mrs An&ea*. BamviUe
Miss 0 Baitrem, Beruville John fibopno, Hamburg
8 R Bmlth. Bafford 8 Troxei^Fogleaviile
Richard Todd, Parma Ohae Vfitaud, Allentown
MERCKANTB’ HOUSE—Third «t, alpve Oallowhill,
8 B Warner, Phitodelphia HL Pe Grtth. Belem, Jnd
8 Bow.rf.balei. Ind Wm RPotU, P.nnsyfvnnU
Ainos JBttlnßer,'rolantown Jn* Bi.Bath,Allentown
Reuben Rei«f, Alwi own W m Kent, Allentown
8 8 Baokut, New York W F Eckel, Philadelphia
8 Rank. Bath D Pigfned, Ahentown
A « Groh, Sohaffertown N Groh. Bobaffertown
rhea 8 Walnier,Lebanon oo Sol fi Roller, Barky oo
Geo Kramer. Lebanon oo Levi Motteiger, Lebanon
Geo w Wolf. Penneytvanift H. A Bhlmer, Pennsylvania
J fi Lawall, CaUsauqaa L Overholtzer, CatMMiqaa
0 D Keller, Philadelphia
FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Haooud street, above Market*
G Wilnou, Now Jersey Peter Harrow. Fa
haml Purvis, P& CO Kilcliie,Cnarle*t'u,Va
Miss Fannie Simpson, Va G W Coulter,Columbus Ga
Mids C N Pitkin, Ala ~ Jos Lewathn.New Jersey
J ‘l’Snowden, Philadelphia D Mo*ee. Delaware
H R Prettyman. Delawaie M D Ball,Delaware Our
J M Ridswaj* New Jersey A H Cook. Dover, Del
Jos Wiokß, Dover, Del R Parry, Wilmington,Del
MT. VriBNON HOnJL-Seoond street, above Arch.
H C Munson. Charolwrab’g Chas Luken, BusUeton, Pa
win Early, Bristol, Pa G D Doran, Bristol, Pa
J Ross, Now Jersey
Bathing Fobks. — Ono of the largest as
oortmenlßof BATHING ROBES in tho United 6tales,
■for Ladies, Gents, and Children, at BLOAN’B 806
MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at his store on.
OAPK ISLAND, N.J. jy2B-3t*
Card Printing, Best and Übbapbbt in
UioCitfiSt34 South THIRD street.
CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beat and Cheapoat in the
City, at 34 South THIRD street.
DILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the
City, at 34 South THIRD street.
HAND-BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest m the
City. *'
Jily, at 34 South THIRD street.
PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip
tion of Printing* of the moat superior quality* at the
most reasonable rates, at IUNGWALT A BROWN’S,
Draxri'* Building, 34 «outh THIRD attest. )j» U
Onb Prioh Clothing of'thu Lambi
CtTbßs, made in the beat manner, expressly for RE
TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prioes marked in
Plain Figures. All goods madotoomerwarranted satU»
factory, Our ONE-PRICE Byatom is strictly adhored
to, as we believe thia to bo the only mir way of dealing
AH are thereby treated alike. JONES h. CO,.
t«Mf 604 MARKET Street,
:afge assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea*
lonable prioea, No. M CHESTNUT Bt.. Philadelphia.
Sba k b v ' 8 Saving Fond—Northwest
Corner Second and Walnut Streetb.— Deposits re
ceived in email and large amounts, from all classes of
ho community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE
PER CENT, per annum.
' Money-may be drawn by chooks without loss of in
Offloe open daily, from 9 until#o’olook, and on Mnn
day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi
dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary,
Mhibrs’ Miraculous Vermin De
stroyer, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex
terminating RATS and MICE, COCKROACHES
«#- Principal Depot, 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. *
■ Sold by all Druggist* everywhere. my 16-Sm
Saving Fund—National Safety Trust
CoairANT.— Chartered by the Stato of Pennsylvania
1. Money is received every day, and in any amount
large or small.
1. FIVE PER CENT, intercut is paid Tor money from
the day it le put in.
9. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever
it is oalled for, and without notice.
4. Money ia received from Executors, Administrator* ,
Guardians, and other Trustees, in Urge or small sums,
to remain a long or short period.
8. The money received from Depositors is invested in
Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rente, and other first
olass securities. •
4. Offioeopen everyday—WALNUT Street.southwest
r*-Third street. Phlladelohla IMS
JONES—CUNIUB.—On the 19th in*t.. by Rev.J.H.
Ltghtbourn. Mr. Lewis N. Jones to Miss Susan Cunius,
both or Philadelphia. •
PKRBHING.—On Sabbath, Wd mat., at the Continen
tal Hotel. Emanuel J. Pershing, hsq., of Rook Island,
Illinois, and formerly editor of Die Islander and
The lamented aubfeot of this notice was bom in Johns
town, Cambria county. Pa., some time »n the i ear 1991,
and was. therefore, at the tune of h»a death, about
twenty-nine years of a<a. He was gifted with a fine
intellect, whiob w*j cultivated by the discipline of the
A'inderay and college, and alto by exteueive reading.
His moral natorn was beautiful, aud in its symmetry
even great- He belonged to thatolass of men whose
departure from this lifo makes aohnstn in the sooial
hearth to those who knew him and enjoyed his friend
ship, and caused a tender sorrow to sottlo down on
their after lives. He died, however, as an humble and
carnt st believer in the Lord Jesus Christ; so that those
who imitate his, spirit have the noble confidence left
them that they shall again enjoy his society,
, “In happier climes, and on a safer shore. 0
NOflRH— On the Sth inst., Captain Joseph L.
Nnbre. in the 64thyear or his are.
Hja relatives and friends and those of the family, are
morning. 8M o’otook. Funeral serrioes
and interment at Cathedral Cemetery. * *
,BHUFP-—on Sunday morning, July *9tli, Horace El
liott fchuff, infant' eon of Nathaniel C. and Amanda
ShufT, aged 9 mootfls and 37 days.
The funeral will take nlace attOo'olook A. M.this
(Tuesday,lßlitinit. from 847 North Ninth street. Rela
tives and friends areinyiled to attend. *
BMlTH.—Go.thfttSlh fnit., Mr. John'C. Smith, in the
64ih year of nis sse.
Funeral from the residence of hie son-in-law, Uriah
L.Piokeliin Wildoyllate Bedford street,)below Han
over. Eighteenth ward, on Wednesday morning, at
7 ri’olook. *
HFRMANN.-On the 29th mat,, Mr. Jacob Hermann,
in the 68th year of his age.
Funeral fron lue late residence, No. 240 North Fourth
etreet.on Wouoesdav afternoon, at So’o'o-'k. *
HARE.—On the 29th last.. of pulmonary oontutnp*
tion, Sarah Jane.eldost daughter of Dr. John J.and
Maruarot Hare, in tho 23d year of her age.
'Funeral fromthe residence of her parents, 2 8 New
street cq Wednoeday afternoon, at 2o'clock. *
GURRKN.—On the.29th met., Mrs Cecilia Gurren.
wife of J. V. Gurren, In the2Bth year of her age.
. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 830
Lombard street on Wednesday, at 3 P. Al. *
BROWN.—On the 89th Init.. Isabella, wife of Thomas
B'nwn.m Ihe46tbyear of ier age.
Funeral from the residence of her husband, south
west corner of Fraukford read and Thompson street, on
Wednesdayefternoon.atSs’clook. *
TOWNaEND.—At Montgomery square. Pa., on the
29th mst., George Henry '/ownernd, son of George N,
and Mr&h Faunee Townsesd. *
HALIiUWELL.—On the 33th mat, Mrs Caroline Hal
lowed. wire of Isaac W. Hallowoll, and eldest daughtor
of t'homas Marple.
Funeral from her late residence. McCartysviUe, Pa.,
tins (Tuesday) morning, at Wo'olook. *
LAWB.—On tho 27th inst.. Jesse .Turner, son of J.
A ucustus T. and Virginia M. Laws, aged 17 months and
27 days. *
LONDERBAN.—On the 89th inst.. Mm. Ellen Londer
son,a»ed 80 years. *
D BNKY —Ox the 27th inst. Ann, daughter of Geo. and
El'en Disney, aged 4 years 4 months and 7 days. *
UROVfN.—On the 29th inst., Constant 0. Drovm,
aged 76 years. *
. HICKMAN.—On the 28th inst., Mr. Samuol Hickman,
Jr., in the 9Sth year of his age. *
Blaqk and purple foulard
Plain blank Pou'ard Silks.
Diaok Bareges, K. 6-4,7*4, aud 8 4 wide.
Black Crape Maretz. same widths.
Gray Chine R» ria Poplins.
Gray Chene Bareres and Hobeira.
Black Barete, ruffled points,
I upin's Summer Bombazines and Chalys.
Black and white Lavras and Organdies. Ao.
BKSSONi SON, WourninjtStpre,
No, 918 CBESNUT Street.
N. B.—During July and August we olose at 6 P. M.
The only reliable artiole—
Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly.
They do their work better than ink, without its trouble
or risk of Blotting. Kaoh will mark 3.000 articles. For
sale, Wholesale and Retail, byD. C. TAYLOR & CO.,
Agents for the Manufacturer, No. 911 CHESTNUT
Street. . (el 3 9m
Ujf TO YOUK P^BTB.—ln aooorrf noe with a reso
lution adopto-* at a mealing of the Democratic Asso*
elation of the above Ward. 1 call uron all citizens fa
v rable to the election of DOUGLAS. JOHNSON, ai ‘
FOSTER to assemble in Mass Meeting,
(Tuesday) LVKNING. at 8 o’clock, at the
tinned places, for the purpoioof organiz’ -
inn for the campaign. “*
let Preomot: . .
2<l at D. Kelly sßecoi
3d “ Prednot H
4ili “ M. ffi
I streets,
second below Wharton st.
corner of Fifth and Reed
.'frtfrfcn Maher’s, S.E. oornor of E.eventh
and Federal street*.
1 John "utb’s, South street, above .Broad
Elliott's. South street, between Six*
teentb and Seventeenth streets.
Bth “ C. MoDonuosh’a, Diokinaon street, above street. . „ , _ „ ,
Gibbons, qorner of Gray’s Ferry Road
and Christian street.
10th “ Robert Chesnnt’s, N, W. corner of Fif
teenth and Federal streets.
lltli “ Fuss, Front and Reed streets.
President of Ward Association.
E- W, POWEJt, Corresponding Secretary. H*
11_3 Stockholders of the PhiladelphiaStesmship Dock
Company, will be held at No. 300 North Do aware Avo
nuo on MONDAY. August 0, 1860. atU o'olock. noon,
for the eleotlonof five Directors, and the transaction
of o-her business. _ Wto. DENNIB,
jy3l-6t Secretary and Treasurer.
PIItLADRLPHI*. July 27,1880.
The Coupons due Ist August, iB6O, of the First Mort
gage Bonds of the Philadelphia and Suabury Railroad
Company will be paid on preiontnt'on at the Bank of
Commerce, Philadelphia, on and after that date.
jy2B7t Secretary.
LhJ? —July 26th. 1860.—1 n accordance with instruc
tions reooived from the Post Office Department, Notice
is hereby etven, that on and after the Ist of Auguft
next, ONE CfSNT EACH will be charged for the col
lection (from lamp-post end other letter*boxes)nf letters
intended for transmission through the mails. This, like
the regular postage, be prepaid by postage stamp*.
City letters, not intended for the malls, but to ha deli
vered in the city, are subject to a postage of ONE
CENT. to be prepaid by postaeo stamps.
J>27-4t 1 NTB.BKOWNK, Postmaster.
„ . Maech, 1860
The holders of tho bonds of this Company, due July 1,
1860, can now receive, upon application at this ofTioe, 10
per cent, in cash, upon the terms specified in the oirou*
Ur attached.
The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink
ing Fund of 9140,000 per annum, as established by the
stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9,
1860, and in pursuance of the ooalraot, entered into by
he company and duly recorded, to carry the same into
ffeot. 8- BRADFORD, Treasurer.
Noltct to the HoldSs\f Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, tine July 1, 1860.
Thooo bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the
road, amounting m the aggregate to 93,306,400. The
net revenue fqy the last fiscal year was six times the
amount of the annual intorpot ou these bonds.
The managers propose to extend them for a period of
twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the
security of the mortgages in the t precise, oondition in
whioh they are now held. Fresh sheet* of ooupons for
the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued.
A bonus of 10 percent, will be given to the holders, in
consideration of their assenting to the extension. Hits
bonne will be paid in cash to Ihebearprs of t|io bonds,
on their signing a reoeipt and presenting their respec
tive bonds at the offioe of the Company, or to its agents,
foreudorrement. .
Forms of rooeiptandendorsement will be furnished
o* application. ,
si °?* T of tbo wsm»y , Heareurt
Beard and moustache for all.
that the Arabs have the finest beards in the world, and
the subscriber now offers, in all its parity, the prepara
tion u«cd by them, heretofore unknown, whioh is war
ranted to produce & luxuriant beard in from four to six
week*, ou the smoothest faoo, without stain or injury to
th» .kin, Sent to n, nut or th, Uni&iBt»&>A{>2*U
ashington house,,,
H°u»e, iitu.ted tha^Jcf, one'of
s■•!*% u . of ,h “ "'«»• '» »»•» for ilia >M?Stion
woekl ViMtora, at an ovoraao rata of *8 i™
Stabhc, attaohad to tne pr.mi.ei.
- !>«■»» B. B. WOOLMAN
’lbis reiortof viiitore is kept In first-olass
style. It is the most comfortable and extensive hotel
m the town. Looatfon the roost oentral. Charge* mode*
rft /yIV-TBt* HBTZEL, Proprietor.
'Phis favorite Bummer Resort U now open for the
reception of visitors. Pine.mountain scenery, beautU
oil and itnveai facilities for boating bathing, and
fishing, and the health-giving qualities of its waters, a mo*t deeiratdo plane, both for single gne«te
W d . f ? r , It is in daily communication with
iiuladelphio, Baltimore, aud Pittsburg, by means o'a
daily otago, and mail connecting with the trams from
these places at Carlisle, Pa. Terms moderate,
or particulars, address „ , JOHN EARLY.
Jrls-lm Warm Springe, Perry oounty. Pa,
Troubling gap white sulphur
£ plMe baon •Atlrely refitted and furnished,
£Vil.Yn*fl?* f !£ vant *» and every advantage that natu
the oountry and easy access oan afford.
r “ ind valley; they are vanona in their
oharaoter, strongly impregnated with au’phur, raacne
ron» Aa., ana have produced wonderful sanative
ofleotsi upon invalids and others. Visitors will find first?
oiww hotel accommodations, with attentive servants,
aPin* the dehoMies of the season, rrioe of boarding
91 25 per day, ®Bpetweek, ®So per month. *
* ” teavioff PiiiMeloliia by the morning train
ok the Pennsylvania Railroad oonmeot at Harrisburg
* rsl P °£ Cumberland Valley Railroad to New*
villa, whore firat-olass coashes are In readiness to carry
pniisensers to the borings. \ '
faro from Philadelphia to the Spriug* 94.
fwo trains a day from, Harrisburg oonneot with two
»»«« °L? oao^ e * L° the Bpr«nge. Yare from Harnsborg
to'Doubling Gap Springs, 9115. n *
liokflU to be had at the office of-the Pennsylvania
Rellroad Company, Philadelphia: Cumberland Valley
office, Harrisburg; and return tiokots, a?same rates, to
Pmladelphia and Harrisburg, to be had of the proprie
tovs of the hotel.
The above-mentioned House having been thoroughly
repaired and refitted m the best manner with new Tar*
miuro, Ac., is now open for Boarders.
I he .Yellow Springs House offers every inducement
to visitors, being large and oommodlous, with shady
walks and romantio rides, Ao,
Alia variety and Quality of the Bpnngeand Baths have
been long and favorably known, and the subscriber, who
hau been for several years put connected with the Co
lumbia House,Cape Island, N, J„ will use hi* beet ex
ertions to make the stay of his guests pleasant and
Stages connect daily with the Reading Railroads A.
M.. and on Saturdays with the BA. M. and SK P. to.
, Every information, will be oheerfully given, by ad
drcsrng the snbsoriber, at the Yellow Springe, Ches
ter or ELLIS, at Pbron^vHle^tatjon^Read*
J>s-Im Superintendent,
Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced
Thisold-estMMished House, looated in the gap be
tween Sharp and Bepond mountains, immediately on
the. Hue of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad,
within balfa mile of Potuvllle, formerly tent by Jo
seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia,
has, since his demise, been under the oharge of his
The House is prepared, at all seasons of the year, for
tli9 reception of guests: and has been reeently pnt in
order.. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents
great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish
ing to spend a short time away from the oust and tur
moil of the oitles, where they oan breathe fresh moun
tain air. and color the wild and beautifxl eoenery of
the coal region.
Commutation passenger tiokets, for the use of fami
lies- are sold at a reduction of twenty five per oent., accommodation train will leave Pottsvilledaily
during the summer months, to enable those who’mar
desire it to spend the business portion of the day in the
cit> and return the same evening, on which the charges
wiJM be thirty-three per oent below the usual rates.
For terms, apply to MARY HEAD,
. . Mansion House, Mount Carbon.
Je3o-8m Schuylkill Co,. Pa..
Long beach house, opposite
TUCKERTON.N. J. T This Hotel is now open
tor the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran
soient. Having been &t & large expense in refitting and
re-furnishing. I feel assured, that for oomfort amfoon
vemeaoe it will compare favorably with any house on
the coast. Tne best of oooks ana servants have been
procured, and no efforts shall be spared to render the
stay of guests agreeable. The prospeots for Gunning
and Fishing Are excellent. Oysters or the finest quality
I have in abundance. With these increased advan
tages, I am confident that the most fastidious wili have
no cause for complaint
. N. 8.-Capt. WILLIAM GA9KILL will run a daily
■mo of first-glass packets from Atlantic City to the
beAoh, one ofwhiohwill be at Atlantio every morning
on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia.
Parties, wishing to come by way of Leed’s Point, or
otherwise, by addressing me a few days in odvanoe,
will have a good boat to meet them at any point named.
i»-“-. N. J., ISAAC THAYER, (late of Surf House, )
This House has been very muoh enlar ed and im
proved. Has now a larrean aiber of Family Rooms, not
surpaasea by any botch nt a U city.
It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks
have been laid to the ocean, which will be lighted at
night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendidrefleot
ing lamps.
Attached to the house (but separate from the rosin
bunding) is a large Hall for Hops and Parties, with a
first-class 100 Cream and Confectionery attached. Over
the Hall there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle
men. There is also a play-ground for children, well
shaded and enclosed, with swioss, Ac.
The catering department will be under my own es
pecial supervision, and 1 trust that my reputation is
sufficiently established to satisfy aU that my table will
bajunsurpassed. v
Terms will be 813 per week-
Transient Boarders ®2 per day.
Carriages attaoi ed to the House will take Boarders to
and from the Ocean free of oharge during bathing hours.
This well-known establishment, the favorite resort of
Tiaitors, u now ooen for the reoeption of guests. It
has been oonsidenUjly enlarged and refurnuhed, the
sleeping roomsjpft<nousand airy, and ooramimioate to
suit families. The house will be supplied with water
from the oolu springs.
give the Ooe&n House a trial, ISRAEL UxTatul
jeae-gw* *
PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has,
dunnclhe past season, been
greatly enlarged and improved.
find is now in oap&oity and convenience second to cone
in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and
healtnful situation of Allentown'renders it a de
lightful summer resort, in view of whioh special ar
rangements have been mado by tpa proprietors toao
c'mmodate summer boarders. J. Y. BHCHTEL,
IcSfi uel K. W. BIGQNY.
BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known
and delightful Sommer Resort will be opened for
the reception of Visitor* on the PIRST OP JUNK,
and kept open till the lat of October.
The Hotel trill bo under the management of Mr. A.
G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and
attention to his guests* give the amplest assurance of
comfort and kind treatment.
Parties wishing rooms, or any information in regard
to the place, will address the subscriber,
JNO. P. ItEKI), Seo’y and Treasurer.
Bedford Mineral Springs Co.
At the terminus of the Railroad, on the left* beyond
the Depot.—This House is WOW OPJSN for Boarders
and Transient Visitors* and offers accommodations
equal to any Hotel in Atlantio City.
Tho chambers have been verv much improved* and
romlored more oomfortable by Venetian blinds having
been put up at the windows.
Charges moderate.
Cnildren and Servants. Half Price.
W Parties should keep their stats until the oars arrive
in front of the Hotel. The signs are conspicuous.
jyl*lm ,
K7* Newly fitted up with new beds and bedding.
Boarding and Lodging 81 perday. Jyl-lm
11 —This popular and eminently favorite House at
Atlantic City has, since the oiosing of last season, been
enlarged, refitted, refurnished, and completely re
juvenated in every particular, and is now, open for
tho season. Frora its delightful situation, near
ness to all places of interest, olose proximity to the
safest and best part of the beaoh, it is rendered one ol
the moet oonvement and deoidedly the pleasantest house
onthe Island. . _ „ ,
Terms—slo per week; 91.50 per day. Children and
servants half prioe. .
JOHN BMIOK, Proprietor.
A. L. FUREY, Superintendent, Jell-lin
• ■ fated at _
Beautifully and oonvementl;
floardors aocominodatj
JY, N. J.
_ __ fH|im\a>!)T6 tlflUli
ivi'. jjcCLEES. Proprietor.
I V. 8. H'TEL.
jStfeunJoraigned, propm or of the above-named
►Bou**, oeing now prepare t to reooive guests, re
spectfully solicits a share of the pnblio patron
age, Since last summer more has been added to
this hotel a four storied wing, 140 foot in isnsth. con
taining (beside the bed* rooms,) a suite of three Parlors,
for ladies, and mo for gentlemen; also, a reoeption
room, wash-room, and apaoious bar-room. Bowling
Saloons, Billiard Booms, and hot and cold Salt-water
Bath Hooms hare been oonstruoted for the accommo
dation of visitors, and the whole house jrill bo lighted
with gas. The house has been newly painted and fur
nished while tho shaded grounds surrounding it have
been put incomplete order. A well-manned pleasure
Yaoht, and an excellent Band of Mueio. have been en
gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN.
/"CARLISLE I The favorite resort fnr those
1 j 1 who appreciate Grand Bcenerr,
1 Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating
Baths, Large and WelLventilated
Rooms, Good Booietr* and a Good
Cumberland 00., Pa.
Accommodations for
For particulars Band for Cirou
Carlisle Spring, Pa.
BRANCH, N. J.— The subscriber takes this
method of informing his fnends and the public, that on
aud after J UNE Dth his house will be open for the re
ception of guests, when every effort will be made to
please those who may favor him. The house is plea
santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front, A
fuU view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, Ao,, make
it as attractive as any house in the oountry. Tho com
munication is accessible by two daily lines from foot of
Walnut-street wharf, vii.: OA. M., and 2P. M.
Reference— Grandy, Warden, A Co., 289 Chestnut
street. B. A. SHOEMAKER,
jaP-lm Proprietor,
Caps Mav, New Jersey.—This large. first-olass
HOTEL will be opened. for the reception of gnesta.'on
the 25th June, 1060. The House bu been completely
repaired and refurnished. A new oootnng range, ovens,
steam boilers, and every modern improvement added.
Extensive stabling attained to the premises
All letters addressed to the subscribers, Cape Island,
N.w Jeree,, w.ll be promptly «u,nd.d fc . Vo o L M A *.
James H. Laird Jate proprietor Franklin House, t hila
delphia; 8. 5. Woolman. formerly proprietor Mount
Vernon Hotel, Cape Island. jeH-dlm
N. J.-r This spacious House, situated at Atlantio
City, will be reopened with every aooommodation for
visitors on the 20th instant, by the subsonber. The
House fronts the beaoh lwfeet, smog a splendid view
of the Ocean, and is near the Fishing and Bailing point.
No pains will be spared to seoure tho oomfort ana con-
American hotec, mauch chunk,
FA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af
fording every com ort to strangers and travellers.
Arrangements been made this season to accom
modate BUMMKR BOARDERS. Tho moat sublime
mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here
Jeag-tsel Froprjefora.
This line, large, and airy house tjrNpW OPEN for
BAKRETBON, Troriotor.,
is now open for the season. The ac oommodations of
this HoSse will lie fou-n unsurpassed. The ride here,
Je2s9m -
J\- Mrs. M.RKVKOLDS, Tfoprietor.-Thl, favorite
hot, tmllopen for th, reception or vißitors on MON-
FaV, JunoMth. It hMboen fittednnin thebMt ,t» ~
end evetr .tt.ntlon mil b« pnidto the oomfort of ju
insets. tsw-dwsii
NXABI.r o?pgsJT« xnK »» _
DINNKR ADSll B ? £ J !SOp'i/p:TM.
* ' (e»*m
OO.°WL “ihS^SPn
th« B?oB ,Xtonß fl V6^°^i in WorO i mf¥«SSS^Sßf # 's®i
7*The hotel if loc&t«d on the bank* m tha T^tn»h
the hooea to the top of rti* mountain
«O K . elirnt huqdr.3 iMt lw,” th,' Kh..ffS.l p 2. in li;
'T.'WSi" ‘"ffiilVbto u umA * y“* mo •*
Tlie Honw i« abundantly fappUedwith tbew
p Mountain Bonn* Water; * T #t * aA
Hot and Cold Baths cia be taken at all tutta.
J?Jfc»S_ GJSoS3b HOFPEg.p,iiSS„
i DELAWARE HOUSE is now oven fo. tbe e-A..
MAN.—BY REV. J. D. BELL. 12mo.
> Al,l> other poems.
at Knrlca- Umo. SO ocnti.
Sfc?.SS O SS^{k Plt B ' fc2SS
iHE UNFQN PCJLPiT. A oolleotion of Sertnoos by
.“'JiVJnrafu eV? 1 % nommst,OM - With
3 Jok *?75 LS0p T “ OMAS H°OD. Bjhl* Dan«hter.
lJ^.r§?* RANOERfI - H
-1 Fo?Mlelj' >Pt ' ™* TDB * e,d ' lllnitmUd. *ljß.
T Hi? PHOTOGRAPHIC quarterly
I WlNd pr That. Button. B. A. No. I,
June, 1840. Published in London. Just received.
1,30 23 gontll
t i RBVI&W. London Edition for
July. Just received by
j 130 3* South SIXTit stßetfabove^cSestant.
3i, lor Ju.y, Now rend;.
_ ~ _ Publishers and Booksellers.
jy3o 3ft Bouth SIXTH street, above Chestnut.
PURDON’B ANNUAL D'OESTS for 1864 to 1860
—containing the amended Constitution, Common Sohool
/t?sr Oonsollpiation Law and iu Soppismsnt, Corpora
tion Law, Militia Law, Criminal Code, with report of
the revisers; Free Banking Law.
. „«. . * KAY k BROTH PA,
. Law Bookselleri, Publishers, and Importers,
J*l7 19 South SIXTH street.
AMI LEES and Gentlemen desiring supe
,, hot board for the summer can now have ohoioe
of large, oooi roomsat93ff WALNUT street. JyUlm*
PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and
. their families, or single gentlemen, oan be aooom-.
modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome
rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at ©lB LOCUST Jt„
south side of Washington Seuare, The loaation, being
opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the city, is
ofqtral, and extremely pleasant Transient persons
visiting the olty oan be accommodated by the day or
week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with
private entranoe, for rent, suitable for an omee. jell-tf
.accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with
or without board,Lin a nrivate family. Location cen
tral. Address ••TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis
patch. * apU
■f*- pany's Building, southeast corner WALNUT
and FOURTH , Streets. Open daily from f till f
o’clock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. Th*e
Old Institution has always paid in fall, on demand,
without notice.
All sums paid gold and silver.
ALgX. rtTULLDIN, President.
_ _ _ SAML. WORK, vioe President.
John C. Farr, T. E. Harper, George Nugent.
John Anapaon, Jr., Sami. T. Bodine, Alb. CJtoberts.
John Aiktnon, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldndse.
Wm.J. Howard. JOHN sJwiLsON.TrSSgw.
JOHN O. BIMH. Secretary.
331 North THIRD Street, between Vine
and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April
14th* 1881. Open for Deposits and Payments, daily, from
9to i* o’olooK. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY
EVEN IN OS, from 6 to 8 o’olook.
Interest 8 per cent per annum. Depositors can with
draw their. Moneys by Cheoks, if desired. Bpaoial De
posits received.
JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President,
Fasncia Hxxt. Seoretarr. av*>-tf if
J # C. HOWE & CO.,
Have no*- in store a full assortment of -the various
goods made by the above company, A large vanoty of
very ohoice styles of
PRINTS , *c.
And vanous other popular makes of
(Very superior high-lustre goods.)
Indian Orohard, Bleached and Broiro Bheetings, Shut
ings and Brills, Colored Corset Jeans, Ac., &o.
Tho attention of paokage buyers is solicited.
Philadelphia, July 31, 1860. jj3l-tuths-lmo
For sale by the Barrel, Bag, or Pound.
BHAWLB of all sizes, in great variety.
Embossed and Printed TABLE COVEKB.
DOESKINS, and Doable andj^™ l * '
6-4 SACKINGS and Ueyr*^
Twilled and
■''To r salvor
* Cinoins&ti, Ohio,
Always on hand, and in lots to suitwrohasdrs. by
No. 631 MARKET Street.
Business men are advertising
m the beet Newspapers of City and Country—at
tho officesof
JOY, COE. & Co.
FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelnhia.
TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. jyff-tf
TVOTIOE.—AII Persons are cautioned
i-v against loan'ng Money or making Payments to
any one without tho written ondersUned.
J?3O-6t* 47 South FOURTH street, above Chestnut.
xA. TIONED against negotiating & Promissory Note,
drawn by us in favor of ourselves, dated April 13th,
1900* at eight months, for Thirteen Hundred and Seven
ty-six Dollars and Forty-one Cents, as payment of the
same has been stopped, the same having misnamed
between New York and here.
T?VERYTHING in the picture
JCj line oan be had at REIMER’S GALLERY, SE
COND Street, above Green—Life-size Photographs in
Oil, Photographs. Arob r otipes, Btereoscopto Views,
fco*—as oheap as lt*
ItJ. tise for fall trade in bsst city and
COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS, (at publishers’ prices,)
through J, WEBSTER***,
R. W. Corner TRIRDand ARCH Streets., „
19* Call or send for List otfllewpapers. JySl-tf
of age. desires a situation in a Counting-Room/
Office. Understands Book* keeping. Reference gifla
Address •• H»NKY»» Blood's Dispatoh. Z” _
ILS. —4,582 gallons Extra Jlfeached
Kiephant Oil; 3.8C0 .ollonii Epfi'
Whao Oil; 4,<Boaallon. mHud Wta*, 01 }• "5
lons extra No. I L,ard Oil, in lKwniVrrt
rTIAR—27S barrc>' / W ih ‘ -
»4nßu I HVi{a» al, *‘X<^ s *n° r i«*w.
\J manurM«« 1 <1 « * h *
the mojW» r °
othg^" r
vfAL NAILS, (Edge 6ripe,)
>red at the Portage Nail and Iron Work*.
jfit Quality of Juniata iron, on machines of
vtfproved construction, and warranted to be *t
in quality, uniformity, and finish, to any
s, brands in the market. ... .
>&« “Vo^.TifHWA'a^
421 CO&IMBHC-cttnot. ,
Prince 4. Christman's superior solid* e»o. rMpn
Hoes for sale as above. lyH-uim
CH !»«'
“t ULLfNG toilet, fee.
TVOTIOK—To the heirs and legal repre
-11 .entativea of William Ko*et*. deoeneed.-You are
hereby notilled that bi virtue of an order of the Or-,
phftnr Coart of Lancaster oounty to roe
Kw anlnSat to divide, part, SI SiMSI i&SISI
of William RoaeT»- dee’d, on
Sir of avoupt. *t i o’clock r* IjflWi&lMlfr
bouae of John Kowe, in J^tLjgjftgtSgggipFiifi
I Sherire o*oe, iMMlMjriftttWlfQt P* 1
Are also Agents for
34 SoutU FRONT Street, and
35 LETITIA Street.
,Wilmington, N C.,
id for »al« br HOWXjKV.
The M MTi-
K n l ? n, b® r °f the vostpraalaeat wtfieM mf
<» i °£r er ,o .d«fray tbs ixpsnMs rSeeomaaUteeWviu
°t/Sf s: h£2.’l?F?i{£*(^#3s^^
sagßasgsg &i£ r cV.kui^ r * ust! -"i,*
academy or the rnnt
_ MARKET, aMwMW* mn,
\n* tk* TfioM ooortvt #*▼# it"
vnumbtr of School* ud IfnMttiw
>omitinn*S oac «Mk. " M * TO "
VY Kvtmnc, bj £»▼. 8. BOW-
wng|gu L
C&ta aad SocietM
M °^V
• —■ - >
The subscriber, h»rin* his
’ ” morninge atleisure,woolduk. tt* ■ivlt..
rßituMttokHy a ast of oooggfor 9L9k
tasinessenllnot authorize the wStiSd^ *****
}“'« !f^U
YY" anted—A situation is Book-ketMr
, 1 ' br* roans muncd man with MTatmj
ewnano*. Fir«t- <sUm tSnmSm rSSi
Aadrw R.." oßoe of TlttPriu.
\Y ~‘^ n * Mirket-street Olsth
' ' Hoom, afint~otaM SALESMAN.trboMB—.
§aS« V*o” “ monnt of Coßatt T trad*. XuryTaj
~VV r 'NTED—A young man u Salaoua.
\YANTED—A Situation, hy a m.,
* * thirty-seren years of age, of extensive
•pooinbusiness, ot goodndrtr— iriTnnniieieMinlmf
almost any portion, either a« a detk,
ot salesman. Is very respectably *****JJJ
s aCTsi r u *• too,,tad -
„ Saleort° Let, a large,&cd convenient Homs is
Germantown; mm, water, large lawn, and pjentp of
of the best locations : will be STL*
Address Box 1480, Philadelphia poet ogee, j yM«»si
BUILDERS.—A large lot, hating
•** three fronts, suitable for immediate improves mt.
f&fttsd °W WENTiBTH street, below GATHASffHr.
Will be aold on Mcomaoditmt terms to a Miiy who
will impiove. For terms, ho,, address M Ka"oeitof
this paper. SEu
* lot. having three fronts,, admirably mtaated In &
6outhwestern part of the city. Wfli be rented or wB
on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply at thm
office. jyao
npo LET—Thefiret floor of the flne Build*
tes;?r6H A gSWg^ o g^sF
. Acres for Sale, at prices ranging from. 19K
to A cents t er Aore, in anycuan titles revured.
TAXES ptid, and PATENTS procured for pmrtha
•ere of Land under the Graduation Act.
_ Plata furnished gratia by enclosing a postage stamp.
For further information apply to
U. t. and General Land Agents.
1L tweenTHJJLD andtfeffl^,
LA JD. WARRANTS boo. hi, wldfudiaSlth.
SALE —The Stock end Fixture* of e
. Wholesale Boot and thoe House, nowdcuig e
good business. This is a goon opportunity fet air one
wishing to go into the business, or a house wasting fee
lnorease their trade. Satufuoto.y reasons giving So r
selling oat. Address “Box 280/' Philadelphia hat
Office, with name.
BIptory house, double back bnitdlncs, ail modern im
provements, in complete order; as eieeant large Jan.
Terms low to a good tenant. BiteatodNo. IP>4
CHESTNUT Street. Apply at No. 71t CBOTTOT
Street, in the Masoaio Had. mi tf
For nl.»,laris lotmth.tattnknMteof
tins?l%nr .nielli.™ attSTogoS^^tl
'.j*:—" ~Nr)»rAn a Tonm.. - ■
W.H.iB i» »»•» kommmj an nu biiti
Til* promiumi are town than in many ether Oesev*-
Sie*i and the Dividends have bees iuatu.
Pamphlets, and every ialbpaatiou» mat he bad
navis, oa application to _
8* W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Boasts-
Thomas Robins, John Welsh,
Morileoai L- Dawson. ScorseH. Stuart*
9*orgjo M. Stroud, E. JL Whalen,
/©bn fl Mrert, * J. Fisher Leaaim,
Joseph Patterson, WilliamG.L»dwif«
John M. Atwood, Arthur # Coda,
Thomas H. rowers- Teorpew, TottM*
William McKee. Thoa.Wattao.tfMyil»
Samuel Wright, D. B. Strney,
Wm. W. ‘Waitere, J, W. Everaau.
Shae. Richardson, Henry wwts, Jr„
eo. A. West* Jaoop W. Stout,
o. Wilson Darts, Menko Stem.
Whoa, S. Martin,
GEOR6E W. DAY. Preeideat*
are 1004)00 Sufferer* from DISEASES of
*tfeNKKVOUB 8 Ptt'i’EM, in the city of Fkiiadefyfcta,
who can be cured by using . .
Whioh is an original
Compounded from the private formal* of Frofeetor
Morris* M. D.. of this o«ty.
n«, U m re o«, T n i h.K.m floN
through the pores* and it need* hat the trial of e
to test Its marvellous virtues.
Sufferer* from
»o e d 1 e h n 4BCT BRAIN
W vll find the desired relief hr its
as directed ntfaa Circular. _ ,
F? ?! Iff ?i
TR'CiTI fßYlti
TRY Tl fit T!
tbJt try t;
try it: Try IT!
U too are e*hansted by over-much study,
ff yon suffer from sleeplees nights,
It you are a viotim to neuralgia,
fl you are prostrated by exoeasive frier.
If you crave stimulating drinks,
•"‘•e ruble t
As it will remove those miserable sensations which in
duce a morbid disposition, towards intemperanoe. ,
TRY IT, if von are sufferinr from .Herrons Debility
in «f of TSlfflßMr* “*
to your nerves, and worth many times its ooet, In the
relief afforded. . . , „ , ' ~
Numerous testimonial* from the most reoeeteble
souroes can be seen, by applying at the oAee oftfce pro-
V P*imared by MOCKRIDGB k GO., Ifo. f* North
And for Sale by Prasmts generally. jyf-if-
I annul For th« IHBTAHT RKLIKI'nM
F E R » T^-#
Msdo bj C. B. BBJ tdOV* fc CO.. 1«T HABSAB
Street, New York, J*— #1 per box ; Met free by poet
miT’4m if! W* SALS AT ALL DaPSOlwr.
plaint, we*
solely Wo. 69 North FOURTH
Rijeet. and »nr —Ur. tpr» »m>f
Jacob B. Hoffner and Caroline hie wife, in right of the
•aid Caroline and Mis* Morneaon. plaintiffs, ve. Sa
muel Fisa, Ann B. Cl»r*. Kl‘*a Fw, Joseph Pies, Mi
riam Fisa, JohnEvane. and Sarah bia wife. Catharine
Boyd. Hannah Fws.eamuel Borden. Johnflordeß, Jo
seph Borden.-*oo Borden. Louisa Borden. Benjamin
Bevan. and^ eor f e Bevan, defendants.
AollonSf P«rtltion^MOj.Sor ( > T.rm, U».
Mf»»tromery County, as. Fcmaf~]
Trie Commonwealth of Penney Warn a to the Sherinot
liontgoraery County. Greeting.
, We command you that yoa lammoa Samuel Fim,
Anuß Clark, Elisa Fisa, isaae Fme, Joseph Pies, Mi
riam Fiss, John Evane, and Sarah hie wile. Catharine
Boyd. Hannah Fin. Samnel Borden«Joba Borden. Jo
,e P h Borden. Ann Borden. Louisa Borden, Benjamin
Bemn. and George Bevan. (defendants,) late of'your
oounty.eo that they be and appear before oar County
Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Norristown, in
and for said oounty.on Monday tbe SOth day of Aunet,
A.D. 1860, to answer Jacob B. Hoffner, and CaroliM*
his wife, m *ight of the cud Caroline and Kita Monu
oa.fpUmuffsJ.otaplea whereiore, whereasthe aud
plaintiffs ana defendants, together and undivided, do
hold all that messuage, tenement, and tract of land,
situated m Lower Menon township, m said eoentrof
Montgomery, bounded by lands of Wiliam LeehfT. I>>-
moelBanders.and Denis Kelly, containing Ava «mf*,
and thirty-one perches, or thereabout e. Wttf_§l»Hg?;
purtenanoea, partition thereof between taMMMHPH
to the laws and customs of the vpmmMMflßplffnßm
avlvaniain snol\ cases made uq iMBPjpaUdjMM **-
feodanU do gainsay sod reftm*4Rt *> be
done do not permitrdry UNNMnMff to the
: WJs:
’Spi-ffßii.*.! : f. BgLUVAN, ProtliMoUrj.
FW WINK.—I2S Quarter CmJui Sp»-
.yp™- ia froSHEu.