... L _,^_ v -’ iw»*(fij^'^s^^W-'?^V«»ll«M,Jrt« The Miatohri.heglrietlve.CointulwlQn ibaTlog to'.MisS.Harriet Hoimer ‘the the ohole* MifjMJen'uplm her. to egeoute. a bronso : , itutie-if fffditea H Hebtoßl theledy heoepts the' ‘ 'thilt'jh'VhffelltitriDg grecefttl letter r, ' ' 'Z?ZZ Z ' ’•' ' ; ’-' WAthatow*‘,-Jane.22, 1853. ; , i ,CleSTLei*«s :1 have Hid, thohoudr to teuoive’ your'letterof /ho hVllihri ,■ioforj;lnjuia tu»t the exCou'lon of ■ the bniuesatatua tu .'memory of the lets Col' Benton,'for th* oily-of' St .Liutsfls; eu ; . iraet«i t.> #9:': Sacha tribute to.hls merit would I l demand the host lusknowlodguieiits of any artist.. . 'but lathe present instaoea my inoet cordial l!iank> ' Will but Insußelontly eooTey.to youa mum of,**" obligutipa under, which I reel yon hare pUosf X bjvo reason fo.baaratefal toyOo for tetf 'OJv «twS m, because t «m a young *«!»*. . »K * !l0 “4h I oiy here given tome evidence ot : d>in, In *ho« of lav st*ttv*swbioi» vro nbv in yoip® 4. Coalq Psereriybare hopedthat thelrj(3*if whatever H . maybe ehontdhore' Inspired’- ® oltnena of Bt Louis to entrust me wl#‘* work whose chief o.wiaterislto ajusi.be theWnton.of great iotollec tasl power *,itO nunl/Stretigta. Bui t hive elm' reason t> bp grateful to yon, be, oinia t amaWoman,'»n«fopjnse all womanly efforts, I am inj riug to wbat rank lam nelly entitled ns an ttrilst, unsheltered by their broad wings of oim pussiun for the sex; fir this work must be, as we unliratandiho term' a manly work, and beuos ire merit* olohe mejt ha’ my detenoa against tho. at* tanks of thoee who stan t ready to resist any en etosebmeuts upon their self-appropriated sphere I utter these seorirasnla only to'assure you thet I am fully aware of the important results which to me as an artist, Walton theleCueof my labors, and henna that I shill spero no pales to produce a mo umont worthy of yripr oity. and wortoy of the Btatesb>an,.wbd, thoujfi deed, still speaks to you in language more eloquent and endearing than tho hippiest efforts'ln’ marble or brows, «f. over so ounoing a workman, l- . ' It only remains for me to add, that os I shall visit Bt. Louis previous to my departure for Eu rope* further details may tben he arranged. I have the honor to remain, gantlemen, resprotfully yours, J H O llosuen. loMessfs.il B BurasT, \ . Warns* Caow, ’ S Committee. ; v ' M. h- Lixfos, MB,) ) ■', . A Stax*. .Convention Sabbath-school '<*uh*n will take ple-» to. the Saound Beloriceii Dutch Church, ScheVootaltV, Aiigavt'fth, and aoa tinue'through the Eth end 9th. 'the invitation to attend Include* all eTangeliCal.Bas.tprs, and ever* Sunday school In iho State to send delegatoc. , '■_ ,; ■.". ‘ . ■ ' CIT Y ITEMS. '■ tiTiST-—All day yesterday, Mowts. ChvleeOftkforiJ fcSnoswdef the Continents! Hotel. 4i«i.lAv#d ft baUetm aurettuomg'.*• ten Indira' collar* for. fifty tents, nnd five pair of tuft* forttomljrAf* cente ” The* is doinsfor the Indies what the celebrated patent one- died co’lsr pm accomplished for ttentlemcn, in givia< them ten of tho latter for tweniy-fv© cents. The prudes referred,to ere really beautiful; ifth-y are not the MrsW*. Oahfnrdt wohld bftuJlr he found ftetlin* them. They are ruonifir them off ftt wail rnpidtr to the most fa- hioonlk ladle* in the city. FO' rusticating thej are, certainly the most sensible thin* oat..' ftfatmcToitlitfl Facitmes.—Now that td.secntr& and Chestnut - streets, that Ideality fast tecorue equally oe'ebrated for marks i% l: is sot.an extra vs cant eeV it'iauoa’k'tKst fonr-fiftbsof the y« nng m?n of taste - in this c«udf£qhUi riow patronize Fshlemait’s. ia pre foteti*e to establishment. They are con stantly from Europe. A Sovbb«ign Batx voft XAwr Ills —Scarcely a (Hr pew* without inqwrieibeins addressed to ua a* to the medicinal merit* of *' Pr«fete"r -Mo;ni’ Evioe-. phti’oe?’ adveHised in another ©olumiro r our piper* t-uf re?!y, in raaeral tens*. Is Jbat, in .aU cases where pe'Honr are effl o’*d bjrnervoui t>fT« tioes, mtheirva- Tjn ii forms, the Kucephaloy-whUh is an external r«r medy—ia n roost p-yenLrrinecfalayeat. To the several' ossa? vhlcb have come'under fur ewn notice, the silu tuy i fftfot of tins arrive |«ne even exceeded what is ' elcimedforitbythe proprietor*. - ->* *\ SuHMKR CosPßCTioyaar.—Messrs J 3 G-: Whit- man A Co I Seotnd stfeet, below Chestnut, bate had the ittcettuity and' eagaeity to produce, in their own iftC.iS’io w,\f» a deboious Use of Confectionery peon liariy adapted tothe warm weather of Ju y and August. It le'really aMdattfhieg, tbd amruat of the.paktaWs eesdiag away. -We also' ao», 09 th'it.in consocaeooe of the popularity of their i .odi in Philaiielpbia tfie Vendors, of these goods at waterir.g plasm* die.'* find lit'to tb*jr decided ad* vinfice to keepibWe ma&ufitetured by E. G. W. k Cq, only.. ... - v/ Gao. "Chbisty : 8 IffinsntEts—National Thea- tre -eo. GlrtsTy’inj>iufii tbie'evenlhj.—”Old.Vir,- ffieny sever tlre.l*. eeSdw'uibe o>e mt r^*>»— zi na >s.an\«n* the'r--tieridotua'oß'this tUentpd dy frieodawlU bear in mind the area treat m store fur them ar.d the obiidr*»n tht* aGerr nwa. at AH oVooh >o selection for t*>e JqveflUeew!libegivea« r To the evening the band will *PP**r lorthe tßit ximo. aa they will U&ve early on Irodday moining for lliltimoye; - '•Goon.Cpcivaeb' w>B*va Abt* Pbicb.”—Such waqthfteoußPel- Frank! n, rave when he e-.ld, ’*Take eve of tbe panned the poinds'.will take eire of, them- Beware f oT the Utt'e f*pen*es M /or*‘n smvlleak wtlUiek agieatship.M m.ed* Vewtv.srd twuble in 'prr*t^ri♦y. ,, , •* Se mindful 9 pstt'; aiid pVovider.t o"th;n ;stocon?« ’’ “ tuaeiy wise, rather thsn viM in tie»e \ ,J ai.d they who *■> are t melywisa -deposit their money is;the Franklin Qaving Fend. No. iSSSmnh Foortb street. beUw Chest* nut Where it will drsw fl per cent- latere.-1, Md can si* w’aytbehadmsold or ,silver wiwn desired: This old and reliaM** raving Fund never eospended. Invest aaouawmedeonly Large sad null sums received. See advertisement in another I column. ; YoUNoFoLKS.r-YoQng folka shcuM be m»pnsrl»l toiie eo is a qaestlon. Many, so «d bYyaand «i:is feel thaL>bey oariDot behave to>u>i la'the presence .of company. They.are avkwvd rloanUb. roUft). Tbey ftAl timid-, bashful, Mlf the m n ment they are addrered br a : atm-uer nraapoar in eoapinr. There is tnitono wav to tetoverthis seeuire. easy atd graorfui nnna=r*. and ti atm i<»dbuObsstt!ie> can t\l the ' lira* >it home a*, well /S'ahroSl. wj must,be ot.ur i teoss. tureeaWe- civil kind. senttemiaty, aiid mnn y a - bone ftod then it eill bflvwme * aecood. nature every v w ere. ibe im*ta£ree«bto'i*rson*.w«:bav« S>er * hco#* ir-eomraey.were taut*who-were moat o-rreea \ ifo at bone, and pure htte d-th 6i r c!m hi n g at'the ‘-One ;i frtot Oift Cfbthinsb'mporiani” of Gbamvillb i Bwn»i ho>* ftft Cftestnut street, where the full v*)ae if of the none? ia runranUcd,and a valuable gift pre £ seated With ascii art*ote solid. J v Hdtr to Tea* Benoits JfWiTB ~An iogedotr ■ M the fa rj* thesis that U the feeditu of the negro nuee oontisuAll/ol 4 rxolnsiye'y 'l on'aamel food mmld effect then' cqsvcniipßjfcto white i$ oeo* fieerdnadchirbilef mr.in<9Vn the fact that io~ >- s.miidistt/cts.wtieren.Uri* auatit* of .each ford-ie ;i~t wwm'fi thepecul.sntifs of the negro phyeiognomj p areeoasideraby reduced, Joitng very awkward people fj twoooetegent and sracsfsl fa waeheni and appear* * anee hr wearing the bacdsMM:**fin4flfß-Bi-ide4tth» p Biwnßtona Clothla* BhUuMtoebbif (fc Wilson* Aim. *J3 aed street, above bUt>. s]. 1 Oac OdcasirD Acid Spbxso Wavs*.—This wa-, tarfegattmic great celebrity; and the dmand r O7 it gisinorearin* raptdir. IS* beneficial character ia at •rtested hyttanands, and it ia prendanbed 1 by dintin' - gaiehedphraieianatobe superior to any other ra*di if oiailßartnr Waterhowin oee. Tb* almost mirsehloas >- cnree rrtlcb ithas perfoßaedleedlaaio believe that it '4 tedeemd toaeeome axhehaieeiv'beed lathe tniimt*h H of very assay diseases Which ordinary remedies fnii to •V ears. \!ts oa rati vs properties, are established beyond % tuest»Oß,aad we feel assured that it mfcst, to a great § oxtea-nr supersede msnr of ibe. Artificial compounds of. f thedaf. We recommend those of our readers who may, 1 ha eafleriaf from jrbnersf tfebilitr,~or from any of the | disease* fer whieh this Watens prescribed, to aiVfc it a ftriaL Jfeeadvertuemeat*',.•,;: * -- * r.< mytt-sly | "L*die». Brin Tmel^-Dostsndmothsfnearpetg Rate off ctually eradicated by the Pater.t Carpet-bent jp> ft sehitie, 1201 WoMc street. Bend your order,-or oal fe pad sje the operetta** . *** * fe 8m Jambf Mobbat’b Cabj»ho*atbd Cosbut..— EThis admirable Cordial' 1 is designed esproudly fur fall th'we o-.m»lsinra iMident lo the haat of sum-’ mm*r. DiaevtoM.and. aevafa paiaa of the stomach,' S watting, do., readily yield to - itsyery soothing influ ienbe. ft ‘tfegatfit add ftratefitf to the tastel ('Alter atria?,few ref*>rfa Will 1 ha wtltins tobe" without Jit TteaS lenvJQf tor the onentrr stmud autdo so Esritnoat ptoridlag themeelves with ths •ordiai it is geold by Bo>er,duUhaad Vine. -FrjosiOcsnU- tf lmFo^T^riONrs. Iraepcitedtar tfcajhawnl ;•■ v, . V IrtMKd Bfis eamWfsb, Oote-OW buth^ 5 »]■ iat Wm Kumra; ft whs suisr M rk; ft bits tkinr t f ke*stiwar‘nds Taus.watwno* ■ l , sugar John I Mm» CftJ t AHMEdM 9*<£l? _fc£bnsisypooigarS M'Vt* »par,QotMas a nrt;,iwbd, f>»: 00000 ifflrt”fttej wadrtftwo mjgvftr * 'riafct jf As fOrtoa«bMs paper do W bagpipe Wine flinrrv «att ti&| 90 tee | jpgecoah.fcos motetscs-Mddeirs gw**, *» ■**'* tsufci‘i«irW Watii fiom 6&- Lirerpool wvd-p w)d»n*-‘#o7«rfllo Jolia R Ft tt'nM* Mru rWUia'ffiiS'lilfcfiiv ert* w.teU»l edatHaiplfcw;*-.v;.A v -r ; •'> ; 'Steautshm | n». forx l ver«ol, C a^’wm^S^^fl|7 X niolr ** Lo-. renx?sn4 WaJiiSsflS, Philadelphia, were, loading at. for Ban Francisco, cleared *BiJ* wfoe^if 9 Van Oraraermsn. for Philadelphia, nailed fen* iT"lvjet 10 th test • ~ . . - B Lex, Alaeida, henoe, arrived at Poit an . ' - 1 , Washington Fntcher.Coltins, from Rentedios, ArrivedstNewYorxye^terdftT. iterkWhito Wing; Kalin-ufor Philadelphia, was load- _ - ’ „ . ■ Bra T ft Wxitsm. Monday, from Porto Oabello, Sr* rivud at New York yesterday.' 1s . , ' * .Brig Coiulovft;Joaes.oondS6th w«t ‘ ..... Frhr M Davis, sailed from New Bedford *6*-h mat, for Philadelphia. . ' . „»,■.» u - Steamer Concord, Norman, hence, arrived at N lore yrsteidaV. t • ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP 20 19 O'CLOCK LABT KIQBT. COSTINBNT At, BOIKL—Coro.r Ninth wd Olartnnt. W Am.rj. N.w Vorlt J J«nt£in*,' RoohjiMr Mrs r.’n*. NY . Mrall CPou-r, N 1 wr F Burn,,; B»lt - • AT v» R Baohinan. Cm, O j - 8 Ku'- hn. pm O - Sinn h. Jr. NY H MMi, Momchli i„ - Rev J P t'uncHn & nf, Ga 'J M wheeUrok. el Y >• r.-ulo Bartrord T Holoomb. Ue! R G Huhbatd. bin. O A Brwidnax. Jnh, D O O i SamH"-. N Y O.H Peek. V Y J Winter; K,„„ E Uj).U. -NnrfeUt IbHephirn.N.Y , NW_>'a met. Balt K Gra’ nm. Pet,nbar;. Va G.u P>tooe, Btm l| f) etever. > Y Mm Jleerp. G» Ri.b' Wallooe. Memshia Mjn J, Wall we, Memehi. J OilUtenii k la. 8 C ,(J Wiiaon. Dunll. J I, Cochran, N Y line! Painler. Pa Wra.M .'a«..Charle«ton Thus Rcharp Vo P Moria * la. N Y Mm Morrla. NY «enr* K Wright, N Y 'Gen Hem lton Harnabnm Geo P Whitaker, Md Maa er Oeoi , Mil, Gao «h t6eld,.adlßß, A IMTIntS-M. Mtm Jaa Gealuian A la. Vo Sami Walain.ton C W Time Walkington, CW N Maokl md fc la-B-H Wm T Pbm*». Cln. O Jaa Dnd ev & la. 8 0 Miss Uodley, SC JS B Holden * la. NY B , Tlinmrann. N Y JSl r . Mn-ttaew-ji fc I la. N Y C A edarr.a. NO WH Smith, NO Min Smith, N 0 J Robertaon. N Y W Warren, Ala Sami I,Taloutt, Hartford A Mo, r aoa k la. Ga Mira Morrison, Ga Mira I‘aber, Ga Mist Im-ta, Gi llrßancroft NY Mr P"iilip»,N Y Air .Vlarn-. N Y . . 8 8 Cooper ka. Matt 1,.a l’ Gr.lhlnr, VCa,a V Fr-nk Cnltcr Mi-a R.'.ljtAtd, ,w-n, Mia* ' J BTaareri a;8 0 naaeYi. Hleat-r,.Pa RGarmly Halt P D Mall. Putabnrg A W Morrow. Pitiabnrg P o'J.otun. Pltlthnrg Mia. H Juk.-in, Putalmrg W igittimore.Sa-aanih Ga. John C Mitchell Pa v 1, Ho -soman. MtudUfn John Ja-i.iaon. IWiddlet’n Geo Andaman. Mioh Mrs *noeraoo. Alioh laaao PjftFi.. Del " Geo Doilloj Del HuzUSaKKN Y PS Hademan.BetfOlt Mrs HaISSTn, Detroit L C F.ito-., at R Trembly. N Y OJ Hioker Lano Wm B «liey. Lancaster John l McGnnirls Lmo Huden G'rsnxlin. Lane John 0 Sproulf Sc in, Md Mjm Spronl*. Md Miss Adrims-Md A b Arthur, NY ... 1* B Wbita N / Jam w WHt*on & la. Aib’y Miss Watson. Allnny Miss G/aham- Albany JJr Carter A la NY A H Kibiiards,SC H J Ctirap ell,BC ChtJ* ft-MilUr*Fa Co! Allen Busicn^ NY N Ba l t Ohas Albert. Wash . L Goveli, Jr, N Y i>u? Price. Salt JboN Tornev Blit T J y >rner. St Loute A P Mteiier. Va Wj HcmM«tCiisrk'eton Jno C Boyle Mioon a VOfhis. i OHS MJ Thompson, Of.nn Vr Pittsmure- N Y W D mwl' < ft m. Vjj- S .A Ciisssm. Va Miss 8 H Mtnhie, Va M H Kemper. Va M nunt>o*tOH- Conn aVrs Young. Bait,. - —£eh«- Voonrr B-i'e' - ft M Bradley. N V K Maycerd Ohio John A Diehl. W C AMEBIOAN HOTEL—Ohertuct. above Fifth. S Gordon Holers. Vs, O II Gii j O'o.7’hda 5%l Humphreys k l«; Pa Mi»K M Cutter, P* Warren Kaweon. Cio, 0 ' J Fcdicyer. PhJtft 'Jas Riohmocd. Boston i °uis J i-Urk, rbiU fIJ Banner.Boftton WD Oarlinuton.WChest Cfafta Lightbecker, Vn - Ah Allen, Wash .1 Bateiima; Georget'n, Md J Bateman, Jr Georget ti Chits H V-i J W/etcben. Vn Miss M J Smith, Va SpLasr,NY M , P B xdy. tte' JM Connell. Newark, 0 R H Fuhie, Pittsburg W B.miqs k la. N Y J.ihn JJotss. 'v Y ‘ FOTft nter. Hines A M .«wttrr.-Lanowiter Albert Mnck e. r«on w H HurliD*; Conn JaeJJ youn<. Conn T McPcrher Sc. la, Boeton Id Di’l'rße. Chicago c l'urnrU Tc dvim, Mu A>» Fddy. N Y Jo»Fa>el,NY K J Andtrson, N Y JfiNFß’ BOTEL—Chaatnat street, above Sixth. JC Adams. VY ' C hi yadd-n.N Y /r-ou'tm. Md John *eJsm> Aiunsta, Ga S A'jreen, Md 1 JI) Thom: son. S J A B Games,Newport, RI Geo Reeves. H 0„ WBWalter.NY J * Buatwt.b, N Y Mm Smith, Pa MimM Smith. P,i Vio Bewett, NY . A * Nlnin/ar. N Y Geo I Awrenoe. Jr, N Y H S?CI ° { ?* SV. MRFw.lt. Md M R Honk Jr. Aid John fl trice, PI) basr Prescott MNorth'OP Prescott W HNal'y,,Washington T Fl.ee.'Miss t W BoiUntsvnrth,NO L L Keneea, A’abama EHitowel.NY ' BT. L0(JI8 HOTEL-Cnestnut street, above Third. JMSUokPb»a JaeSlocqra, Brownsville I H Rows; Pi»‘nWir« ,<* p Cot nell. An Ini i n ? at U.'vl 16 , , W Wcnt- y f/enlon, fl J 7^4 , |aS*. r SK(‘(P>ri 0 J KBeli. Beverly A K Hedrick Phil* g C Oentiru. ‘'ottsville 0 H Hilu Pottsyiile Mis J Arnest, Va . < n r.i x.Cape Mar i*L Heed. Jr H *pnn6s kt Gilbert Johnstown, N Y Ft) ''tiart, Watiincton » H H MerT*m*n t Balt Wra Foss, Haltim<>re (i « Jones, Bait R L *llen. Hutsiiur* Henn Wise, Halt - K A Kars Babmiore K Ms dox Hn.lt M Clark, Boston Kit* U L Clark, Boston H Johns n,ft J MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth ttreet,- below Arch. LWa'do.Cin. O - Ben W f.illy. Oarhnnda’e (.Ml Allen Cr*iß CsrbonMe H C ?iropson Bii>der co Psßenenma er,III FB Hebfnson/Pjttfcb'rnr Mtse M Hittstaff Cmm UrexierWilm. D«U P hooper, Lancaster 8 Wjfemple, Pittsburg M M Lowry. Atheas.Tenn.2; B Martin. Athene. Teen. ** ft Costs. Athens, Tenn H Sanders and «f. Va RoFrr.7rap». a • , Biss. Phils .. A B Thompson. Texas P *nxel an<* .wif* PhiU r 1) x oebrau. P ttsburr. J d Kearney, Puuburg I PBamon .Hex’eton A H “lair- Carlisle Wm(JverfteK). Philadelphia J M Bwlev, Pi t«burs TW Hjrtioao. rifat-nrs C H /u*. P Thofcaeon, Mi«e . Miss Kisely, New Haven Hon t J Stevens. Washing^ THE UNlON—Arohst'eet.shove•?hlrd. rteo B Ruts It. Pittaburx Mrs Kusseil, Pitt.hurg Geokeier. Lancaster, John A ‘baw, CiDOi:.n*tl W HGtst ft, Atlantic 0»t? CL/iwri?. Hi raj-ton CW Mr* ft. L L>Wrte. OanidA TF Mis* l **ouMt. Hamilton KBhok. Easton-Pa . MrsE Bithen*. C W 0 M> heeler.- eesdinc J Rtooebacb. Easton Mbs li Noll. Raston , MUsßewjtli. t anion J ja fitari Ala Richmond Sami B Clever, Bel COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Street, at Chestnut, R Co lyer Cb:ca*o JPOpmond. Chesteroo 3 Irvins, Ch**?er Atb nt Pula SO Dare ! ht ( a ‘ Mfc Piccard* PottsvUfe UK WteLkbU* Csmord tck'ry.Pa AFuihey A l%*Fa W 8 Jacson, Bel ' "-SMMTBS UNlON—Market Street, above Sixth. G Swart*. Hanfinsdon ' D FSmth.CtearfeMno H J Smith- Bet efonle, Pa JII Fankin.Be i. fonte. Pa on. Pbbft A 0 WolfKi 1. Lcwurown 8 0 Mnrtiton Wmtport J A Ma*ee. Perry cu.Fa h Felix. BaMfsbnrs --■« J.f Clyde, Harrisburg M Rron. Belco, Pa TOne tP* f - HMD va. Vn J Matthews. Balt £ Lewis, Salt - - - MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third at. above C&UowhUl. R tiuckman, Womelsdorf P Sleekel, Books co PHl*dwards,P» JodCrewran, <-e;ler*viUe R H Horn. Easton David D.Horn, Ehsiod . ivy-b Hmich, >a*ton Jaa H Bush. Allentown Wafpooßer, Pa Geo K< ams, Pa , eV> W .Vof, • a . DA Ai'irikht, Reading HC Wilbur, Madison, 104 , ' BARI/BY S*KAP JIOTBL-Sfoond sfc. below Ym«. K Watson. Ends co Oco.W Edward*. Phila frSDiehr.Ktyondeburg J-wH-lm r. Middletown Atoert H Ely. Hlnawit o JW 0n«», Ruokintlmn »?• If Hilbert, Bucks do ATDuflied. Butksoo Gao i Thivi*. Pa h Tieeut*ro Jr. Ha Parol Boker Ha J-emuel Hoapo k. P% H OHart, Pa Heroo.Vewtown S FMiitMirit. Pa PMoNatr.P* P £ Pickertair* Pa > • • J, RMwrts, ?»her/y 'VftUon Oonfly, Byberry C Hobr**. Afyn ton K Reader. Hft J C Cornell, Buds ci'tzer, Pa ■' FOOHTAttf HOTEL—Secondstreet above Market. IMM Lnflftdi Dover, Del. I«a«e W Bobintoit, Del figTitiitn. Phila„ i „ Huii’lPreV-PhiK . latnel Hparry. Phita IJh j H Saitom. U»J , Okas Bmoryl Ad B 0 Wastes, Dover, Del Card Printing, Bust and Chbamst in tMCitrof tha moat aupariorauaiity, at tha matraaaShhi ntta< at HWftffADT fc BBOWN’B, Ciawi'a'MiMtai. M Math THIRD atraat. j»tf u W 4 ' SPECIAL NOTICES. , Eyebt ScmMbr the demand for HoStet ter’s Celebrated Siomoch Bittern increasss. It is found to be the only certain preservation of bodily strength daring a period when the atmosphere is oalou ateJ to induce a feeiiogo* lassitude and indigestion. Tbe worst oabes of Diarrhea* and Dysentery give way to its po teut .influence. Innumerable persons, who are now alive and well, mast 'hank the discoverer of this prepa ration (hat they hive not been swept away in the har vest ot death, ihe B>tte r s H recommended by t-.e beei piiysioiaos m the land. This is the best evidence of iD real value. beoia«e, as a general thing, th a y wi l nor Bpnak a worl In favor of advertised preparat ons. The) have beeuoumpoiled to acknowledge theolaims of thin Bitters upon the community. Sold by alt druggisfcj DYOTT Sc CO., Agents. North SECOND SiTeot. ItdJkW _ Bathing Rohrs. —One of the largest as aortmenta oi BATHING ROBR Jin for Ladico. Gonta, and Children, nt SLOAN S soi MARKET Street, Hnladelphtn, or nt hia etore or OAPJS ISLAND, N. J. ’ jy2B-3t* Compound Kxtrautof Sabsj.parilla fob makiso Root Bcsa.—A plena,nt and heathy beve ra;e at Mght Cent, a Gallon, for family UK. Poll d.- reotiona aoeompmy each bottle. Its universal and in oraatin. popularity ia its beat reooinm.Bda'ion, Be warn of numeroua imitntlons Bold o-i the credit of our extract and ndvertiung. T„e gennine piepared only by POTT Fit & CHAM PIN, Practical ChemilUl. WtS TKRIV. IL I. Wholean'o Agent, for Philtdelphto. DYOTT * C 0„ S.-2 North S 1 COM) Btr«et. 80-d hy Druggists ami Grocers generally throughout th country. ijiati.tntft* Onb Pjwob Olotring of tub Latest giTLSs.iaado in tho be.t manner, vxpreuly for Rt tail BALLS. LOWEST eelling prioea markod ir Plain Pis area. All goods madetoorderwarranted satu (kotory. Our ONE-PRICE system is stnotly adheres to, as we bilieve this to bo the only ,air way of riealim All ays thereby treated alike. JONES t CO.. «S-tf «M MARKET Street Balamahdeb b’mE-i'noop safes. —A vert largo assortment of SALAM.i SUERS for sale at tea eonabte prioos, No. So. CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia EVANS k WAkSDN, SaAh b b ' a Saving Fond—NorthiVAsi Oobskb Skcomd and Wa-.sitt Stebxts.—Deposits re eeived in small and large amounts, from all dosses o: ho community, and allows intoreat at the rate of FIVE PER OEN P. per annum. Money may be drawn by oheok. without loss of in l*Offlo. open dally, from , until 5 cPolook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine'in the evening. Pres dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary -CHAR. M» MORRIB Mbtbrb’. Miraculous Vermin De sibotbA, the oldest nnd best remedy known for Ex -terminating HATS and MICE, COOKHOACDEI BUGS, ANTS. MUfcaUITOKS, FLEAB, MOTHS. GRAIN WORMS.and GARDEN INS' OT3. .1#“ Prinoipnl Depot, 613 BROADWAY, N-Y -Bold by all Druggist-, everywhere. mylS-Sir, Saving Fund—National Safety Trust OowaSi.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money is received every day, and in anywnoun! U "fiVEPER GENT, interest it paid for money iron, the day it is pnt in. _ . 8s The money ic always paid book in GOLD whensva* .t ia called for, and without notice. 4. Money iareocivca from Executors, Administrators ihtttrdiana, and other Trustees, In large or small stun* lo remain a long or short period. §. The money received from Depositors is invested ir Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Ronta, and other first alas* securities. .. g, office open every day—WALNUT Street, soathwer "tm* »te**Mt. PhHit/telohi*. BIARUIEO. , APR WPIGHT—STANLEY.— n the evening of lh» 18th iast.by tho Pov. v r . S.-;ar Mr. Thom--S Ark wnent.o r Savannah. Ga„ to Mis* Martha Stanley, ol P Oi?bN—•‘THWART-On the 20th Inst.,'bv the Re*.* Abel O, ‘i homa-j. Mr-Wii'-inin H. Ulen to Mlbb Anno^u it y!! inat. by the#Rev Gfl »• A * atimore.Joieph Kelly to.MissJsno it) an. all of rm* ladelphia. M DIED. VOGBL —On Thu*sdiy afternoon, 53th inat, Chartos V H*!* l 'niale' S fnpndHi« membo'# of the Hppo Ho o Company, and the m 1 frien sof Geou* retpectfunv invit-iltoattend hiBfa«ierat from N» 114 South street, on Sunday mornme, a* b a* ©o’o'ock. To proseod to Meohamcs* Cemetery. 'On tb® 25th teatant. at Lonr Branch, W J, Margaret h Pnrra ?he funeJaUervtecswU take jlw* at the Pr«*bt feri»n Church in Huriiuut >u. on Monday, the SOth in* -taut, ftt 11 oc'ock. A. M. The friend* ,of Ren relier and of his farndy. and the elorgr ol the various deiiominatiots, are respcctmUy innted^to 'On the 24tiingt&nt, Mr. Denjomin Y. Had?rman,fti:erl 30 years . . Funerallftom the residen' e of his brother-in-law, Jo's** luvrzsy. N 0.266 Dauphin «treec. Nineteenth on Sondvi aftemo*'n. «t. 20 , «-l'cif- , _ . tr LODGU.-On the2S*h nstant Harriet fl. Fried, wife off i-van liOdre, in the 22d jour o r aeo. Fune-ul irem iho rrs’uenoo oi her husband, lower iter>o>*. Wo-itgomeryouunty,thi {aaturdaytafternmin, At C'?Mp O BKt,L.-Ontbe?stii mr-inl, .Vary Ann, wife* of Edward Ci'- * Jnner’l rom iho residence of her husband, comer or Huntingdon and Snlmori jorpcti, Nmeteeiitn ward, this (t?ft»urda» >mnrmns.titBoVo''k. . . .. ' GODD'tRKA J ».-on the 94th initant, Tavid Good broad, in tho Mb'oar i»f his Funeral from hie l*vo No. 938 Hutclriir at»;iro 'Popior, on Sunday afternoon, ai 3 ' DKld’wAi'O —*'n ’ho 'fl'h fnfit., Louis Terex Delgado. a*fda6>ear*ft»*d?««‘ni*>e. . ... Fuucra- ir*>m hie nt<* n*Bid-*nco, fc37 Fine street, this (*«- urdftv) m i-mnr- a* S o’* lo •«. . _ „ ” • i)'K *V —Sudi*-nl>,ou ih-Zsth in-t., Jimes Dawy arsd s fiout 3r »o-*r*. ~ . Furpr.il fiombis Lite noddle*, Pivis oa Bteept.be- Jow Th-rd routh Camdrn. N J.. oß,Sunti»y af-ernoon at*|?*°CßKN-On tho 26th inr.t., Ter*nce Glacion. in Iba J-9.U yparo p hi**a«o Fiiurrm frou. his 1 *tc reononn*,' n iC! Mai 8r strret. th.sf'fttU'dayf iiinriiinr. «tBW *« clock. .. * G^OV.'H—on thplOtbiuKi at M*aria, Mo.. Wn-. P fsn»re». son of tii© Into fh:o -or© Gro/es, and lato ot Fhiladflpiiia. in the !2th year of hUiuo. „ . , H) £HFI 1..- Cn tl.o 2/>ifa :rut, John flesieli, in tho funeral lato residence. No. B? 7 North rif teenth stepet. this (Fnturdiy) forcing, at Bo’ofooV. * H'-i.COMB-L'n the26*h mat.. Mies Elizabeth Ho cmnb.j'ge*'ld>oys. , .. y . hunerai from the rcsireno** of her grandfather, John Grover. No. 9 deed street, b?I »w Fiont, tliis{3atur ♦«%) aftoriinon. a' So'ch’pic. . „ , „ * MAGDhFJ.*—in Brialil. Puoks oourtr t jP.i.,pn *h* morning o tbPSJUi mo ~ Joseph Ma,offin, iu tho 7ist )enrol hsnfce. , .. ~. , , Foner-'l from the fate res rienm of h*a deepaaod b-othoij, John Matoffiiit this (Saturday) altemotn * Me'#o'ifEoa the 2Slhlcst., Thomts McGaire, in th©2otb year of hi* . Fungal from hia late reflidence. HhII steOPt. botnw leirh and Christian streete, thisttfatuiday) aitern-i-n. al Molvk°lbufE.—ftn tfae2Btb tnst., Sarah, vrjfo of Wm D from the rrsiden-© nf her hunbind. 6-xth avenu>*. >'aid»lph t-treet tietwefn Thou.ptou und Master flteeete on ?*nrd'iy afternoon, at I o'c'cpU. O RKL» ' l n the 26m iutt.,'ihoS. J. Orrell m tho 64*h *.ea-r«f tiis*>ge. , , Funeral frrm bis late tpb doane. No. 13M Poplar street. Hl-ove Tlmtceuth, this itt»turdn))oliern» on *t 4o o ocK. * PA nTFR.— *t Norr.stown,on tho Mth irsr., Mrs Rpbpcoa Pnin'or. relict «»f iho l oo Widin Painter. Funer.ri fr.*nilhi resirie*'coof Iwiao w B meail. v o 746 South Nmtn mreet, bet<>w Fttzvrater, ou £iunui< iuornini't fit iUw’clopk. „ * . SIMON.—On the 26 h Inst., My. George Simon, in the 77t - i vear of his -me ' Kan era! fromh>s laterPSidenoe.No.76B Snnth P fth street. bflo» OritPHn. on fc-ut.d >) h» 4o*ci k Busk and purple foulard SILKS. „ plain black Fou ard Silk*. Black B ire*eft,s£.6 4,7 4. and 8 4 wids. Black Crnpo Marcia same widths. GrayOnsneßnaPoplmi. , Gray Chsne Btrexcs and ‘’ohatrs. Black Rare o. tuffied points. Fupio'a rammer oumbnziaes and Cnalye. Black and white L;Wjts and &c. BESSON A /'ON, AJonrajn* tit Ore, Wo. *>l» OH WNUT Street* N. B.—Burma July and August we close at 6 P. M. THE ONLY RELIABLE ARTIC LE— CLARK’S Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for ttftrkms all kinds of Girthing neatly, and indelibly, Ihev do their work better than ink. without its troutve or risk o f BloUm*. bach wilt mark 1000 article*, lor Shli, Wholesale nod Retail, b> 0. C. '‘AYW/LL &£\% ftc«ntft for the Manufacturer. No. 911 CHKBTNUT Street. M 2 8m SUBJECT H 3 bavins become rath-r popular, uf la;« am ms thco’offlacß will, in connection with nthsrthm s en saxellieattention • f ObObGrf 'TORRS.to morrow. K“Uh nVtun Hail & W cor. UGH Har.dSPKI 'G GilRDjbNcUeet* io o o!ook A. M.. and ft P. vi it* SKRVITEA —THE RLV. DR. I 3 * M RJTAYLOK wilt‘preach In tho Thl»d fU- Wrmed Dutch Church, corner of TENTH md T L -stctt • Mzeet*. to-inorrnw morning, "t IQn o cloclt. t-nd in ihft Sev*>nih Presbyioimn Chunk. BKOaU above OMBS rfcUi* Street, in tho afternoon hi o*ciook. ty*",. ry-=» ‘ THE FIRST ADVKWT.’»-RhV. DR. I 3 JO T.COOPK'Hootbi- ; bath.Htternoon,HtaJfir.’clork in American MiHLi'ies' tall, corner FoUkTH and GEOituE burets fce»ts free *. trp. ATLANTIC CITY jPHEKBYTERMN CHUKCrl—''erviers to*in wrow £9i|i fert .* by Brv OH H, WADBWQXTH 0 0, It* rr?»SPI RITUA Lis M -*• UIME,LET UR IJJJ tfravon ♦oi.ethor” Conferences at BANcOU STREET HaLL on ftUVB ,at luj* a . M and s I». M« 'Each speaker ten minutes. Adms>ion five cools. It* rv?»STATHMEM OF THE UNION BANK, il3 aft required by the aeLoond amotion o tho Actor tiie General Assvnibh of this Commonwealth, approved tho l3ti» djy of October. A. 0.184/. Amount of'nans and dnjc«unia 26 «• B'.er.ie .. t2C2094 “ duo from other banka w» M 03 “ of.otroinoiroulaiinn 7tAJOO' *• deposits. tLoluding baiancoa duo to Other Uinka -. 42.?.1.jC> G 5 RHP APBLPoIA, Juh 2/, ldiXJ. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA a : . . 1 Janies I esloy. fashier ot the Union Dank. being •worn, depone and say thatthe above -tatereent is cor* reCt . to tn. b.8U.1 m k»n»l s dß| o 2J h lfsci». —In m-'orihinea with in<» ruc tion* recoived from the ro*t Om.e Depirtmont. Nntiie is kfTfbv su-cn. that cn mid «ft r tiro Ist of iUtxiut next, ON b C-vNI KAOII Will In lor iho roi- other letter letters infen ed lortmnMinssioiittiTi.uy fOxtnßc xtawp . City lelte/a, not fynhc mills, but to b- d-ii vered in the oitw su-joct to a postago of ONii CENTr to bo propaid by po«ta;e *t«mpi. j>Sf 4t N.B BrOWiNK, Postmaster. UFF4C±. OF I'Hk PIiILAD t£LPfrl tA IL3 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. „ , , , .... March.JBGo -The holders of the bonds of this Company, duo July 1, 1880, can now reoeive. npon application at this oliioe, 10 Mr oent. m cash, npon the terms specified in the circu- Tbeholdefsareai*oentit>dtothoben*fit of a ninh In* Fund of BUO.OOO per annum, aa cuabiiohod t>> the stookholdsn at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1800. and in pursuanoe of the contract, entered into by he oompany and dqly recorded, to carry the same into CIROuIAR FORl '’ irt “ S,,; “ r - • fiettc* 1o Holitrs cf Philadelphia and Heading Railrdad Company Mortgage Bonds,dut July l.igco. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the road# amounting in the asgrecate to The net revenue for the last fiscal year was six times the amountof the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty'veen. the holders retAimnic the bonds and the fteoanlT or the raortgasesi in the preeiso eonaitionin they are now held. Fresh sheets olooupon* for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued, A bonus oilo per oent. will bo given to the holder*, m ooasideratFon of their asseatins to the extension. This POWM wiU be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, oa fieir nemug a receipt and presenting their re«poo- Sveponds at the oAoe of the Company, or to its agent*, &r endorsement. oLreceipt and endorsement Will be tarnished f tm SATOttMY> 28, ; 1860. f|EW PUBLICATIONS. JMPO RIA N 1 HOIIOS- Xucnr Suhacribcri and the FabUc, In oonseqaence of the rapidly increasing circulation of ■h'* pnppr, the Propnetora beg to announce that on and »iter this date the! will allow anyom or more of the I'ortraita Hlteady published in the Weekly Nwnb'.ra to (»*>selected, thm giving the Pub’io a ohoioe of upward* •»f no Beautiful tteel Engrivings, with & number of the p The Portraits and Memoirs may be had in compUt \rts only {Without the Paper,) in parts, 13 Portraitsin each, neatly wrappored. for $l3B per part, Oof vrhioh ate jo\v ready also in Vo’umes, beiutifuliy bound, 3of whioh are now ready, 4J Portraite and Memoirs in each price SoW each. Either volume may be selected at ivies, nnd the Paper will beeeut for 40 week* for ft 7 AO, f n a ! other oases the Paper must invariably accompany tne Portrait*. .PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS Which have already been issued with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. ANY ONE 0? THE FOLLOWING' PORTRAITS, Engraved on flfeei from Photm*jarhi. nnd printed on Pl, to Pap-ir for Prauin/.ai.d Memoirs for birdios, alro-irii published, m iv be had lor 13 oenta each, caan or P.U aiauipa, and wi'l bo sent. j.ust pud,to any address, b> ordering of the Amoriuan Agoate, H. &. BBOWN & 00.. 14 JUNOVER STREET. HIS ROTAL WIGttNUSS THIS PRINCE CONSORT. ms roval niauNEßii the princk os waL b*. IHK PKIMIfcSS VHKUESIOiC WILLIAM Of PKVfISIAi Tile pMNtJK FREDERICK WILLIAM OS PRUMiA. TUfc AMPKROB OS THE FKEKCII. IHS EMFIWPH US THE FRENCH. H!S DUKBOFfAMBKIIXJK. *BL OF CASMBLK, K.O. h BD LOUD STAN BY* M P. LOUD B-t' UGIIAM. LO.tD LVSDWUttST. TUB EARL OP SHA* PB&BURY. THE PABt OF RLQIJ7, TUB MARQUIS OF SALIbBUKY LORD BMBOKY. I.ORV bEBSlittS. L-M'D.BDKY* LORD CHELMfli’iiBD. VISCoUKT PALVBBSTON. LOUD JOHN ttITSSKLL M. P- Li'BD CAMPBALI. WILLIAM EWART OLAT-6TONU* M. V. Bqtom. m p. . 8!R F.TZBOY KELLY-Q C..*.P. DJA pilbuvi uiimm* - x • ’ fin: DATS lOjD W CAILaY. VISUOUKT combbrmerr. OKMCRAL 818 COLIN CAMPBELL. (LORD CLYDE.) TIIE EARL OF CaRD GAN. SIR JOHK LAIRD MAIN LAVKfcNCK. BART. MAJOR GENERAL 81U A WltSO*. n .RT. GE.«KRAtr t*IR W. FkRWICK WILLIAMS. BART. GENERAL CUABLKS AUHa WINDHAM. MAJOR GENERAL BIR J. EARDLKY Wil MOT INGLIf, GENERAL SIR JO -I '*. FOX BOROOYNE. LIKUT. OBN. SIR GEORGE WAKELYN' BARKY SMITH. THE UTll ADMIRAL LORD LYONS ms highnesh tkic muiauaja singii. THELATS SIR JAMJETJEK JEEJKBBHOY BART. MARSHAL rCLMSISK. DOC DfiMALAHOFF. rilß HON.OfOrtOB MIFFLIN DALLAS, AMBBIUAN MIMB TEH* BARON BRffNNOW. THIS ABCHIBUHOP Off REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. TUB BISHOP Off Ciß' rnp. msuopcff Winchester, THE BISHOP Ot’ MANCHESTER 9, WILBKBFORCE. D. D • BISHOP Off OXffOBD, THI* BlBHO° Off ST. AS/ HI. WALTER FARQUHAR HOOK. D. D. ARCHDEACON DEN SON. RbY. JOHI CH.PPB Dalle MO.NTI-BQO* »SLL3W. rjv', HUGH MCNaILE D D REV R. MAOtIHC, M. A. KLV. HUGH STOW' LL HBOWN. HRV. 210011 BTOWLLL, A. REV. JOHN CUMRJNO.D. D, A 'V. ANDREW USED. D, D. tnE LATE RRV JOHN AN'OBLL JAMES. J- EV, WILLI y MORLKY rONBHON. Jl*V 3J.MCBL DOCSLAND WADD>. H S SMINBNI K CAhDINAL WISEMAN. J A. ROKBUCK. BBQ ,M. ? JOHN BRIGHT, ESQ.* M. P. PH'MPLOCKR KING. M. P. P'IAfCH CHumUSY, XSQ.jM. P. T. -. DUNCOMBR. ESQ . M. P. WILLIAM SCHOLKFIELD. ESQ . M V. tir r. bert Walter cakdey, bart. PAVIDWILMaMSWI E.iSQ SIR JOHN RATCLlffff, KT. the late babon Alexander von humboldt. PROFESSOR FARADAY P.H.B.D.C.L. THRLATR IBAMBARD KIPiODOU BRDKKL BBQ.C. S. THR LATE CAPTAIN H RhISON, Off THIS '* OKRAT EASTERN.” THELATEJOREPH STUrGB,Off BIRMINGHAM. DAVID LIVINORTOVE BM? . LL. D. SIR ARC 11. BALD A Lit ON, BART. TIIOXAS WRIGHT. E»Q . Jd.A.,V.S.A. JAMS' WILLIAM GILBART, ESQ., V.R 8, WILLIAM POWELL FRITH, EBQ„ It. A. JOHN GIBSON.ESQ., R. A. JO tift B. GOUoH, btiQ. SIR JJL'OH MCALMONT « AIRNS, M. P MR. JUSTICE SKATING MR. SERGEANT BHKE, Q.B, I HE HON EDWa»V LVERbVr. THE LA CIS VP. H. PRESCOTT. D.C.L. CHARLES DICKENS ESQ. ALBB *T SMITH. ESQ, ritARLSS KEAN, XSQ .t'a. A AAMCBL PHELP*, RSQ. JOHN BALDWIN BUCKSToNK. ESQ. PAUL MORPHY. PtfQ. THIS CELEBRATED CH* BvS PJMYKR WADAME ALBONt. MADEMOISELLE PICCOLOMINI. MISS AIURELLA GODDIRD. MiSS AMY SBDOWICK. MADEMOI9ELL3 TITJBESR. MADAME CLARA NOVELLO. MADXMOISFLI.It GtTARIffCCI. MSDEMO SELLS LOTT! DC LA SVAHTA. MADAMS ANNA BISHOP SIR TaTTON BYKKB, BART, BAMVSL VAUbBN. ESQ .Q. C„ D-C. I„ MR JUST ICE n*LIB.BTON. M P. MMiTIN r TOPPAR. RBQ.. D C L. DAVin ROBERTS, ESQ. H. A. M OUCOMO MRYERBEBR. M .PHAM, COSTA, BSQ M » DEMOISELLE VICTORIA lU<* UDUI V 1 T 7 £• , U.ivv. Thirteen or 62 of mo nlwc Porir itsand Mepioir* h‘S"‘ested stonce. f'rrtCliwerljSulworiptinnof *2 or Yearly, $8 hy insrsinc this li**t nncl forwarding, it to fteoifioti, 14 Hnnoverst eet, Boston, . , . N. B. ut>»cnb j m f,r a quarlcr or a j ear receive tbcor Portraits free irnm folds. . .... Cases f r BindinxS) Port nits And Memoirs, whioh •orin a Oeantifil Volume for the Drawing* Room Tablo, are ready, $1 each. Prooi Tinpretaions of anrof the an ve. on large pa per, for Fr 'ining. 91 23 on IndiA ( &2 60 each. OFFICE. 14 H\NGVFR STREET. jel3-e s-tf HHriRY A. BROWN & CO. QUlt aijAViS STATES. A JOURNEY IN THE BACK COUNTRY, FREDERICK LAW OLM3TED, Author of *' A Tourney in ths Pea-board Slave States,” “ AsJourney in Texas,” *• Wa’.ks and * ■■ an American Fanner 4?2 pp. Twelvemo, Cloth , Price. '9l.2s, This volume eomp’etes tho eeriee of ”our B’ave States.” in which ibooljco of l!ioauthor has boon to describe w),at was most lutens mg. amusing, acd In* etruotivotoh’tuduring ajournoyif fourteen mintls ihrongh theso States, unde, tike n for tno purp«se of stud)mg theebaracteuctica of tho country and people. A k’oen and impartial observer, and a very graoefnlsad at’ruc ive writer, he is acknowledged to have prerouted m ibe previous volumes of this teries the n ojt intelli gent ard ii.toreating acoountof the region they repre sent whuh r.aa jet i een viven to the pub io. Ihe pre* aeut volume, embracing the interior Slave States, com* pletoa the accoi nt THB fIERinS NOW ISL’LI'DES. A JOURNEY IN THE SEA-DOAItD SLAVE STATES. 721 pp. Pr.eo, «1.2 S A JOURNEY THROUGH TEXAS. 51C pp. Price, $1.25, A J URVEY IN THE BACK COUNTRY. 492 pp Price, $1.29. MASON BROTHERS. »-and '! MEROKB 6TBEKT, WEW YORK, JiJOIKNTIFIO, PKiOXIOAIv, AND HISTORY, THEORY, AND PRACTICE ELECTBIG TELEGRAPH BY GEORGE B. PRESCOTT, OF B0;T0N, Superintendent of Elertric Telegraph Ltoer, One Largo Volume Price 8175 WITH ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. This volume v/iilsupp 7 the want long felt, or a com plete MAnnalof the Electric Telegraph. Itaauthori* thoroughly acquainted with the subject,both theoreti* c.Miy and prnctu ni y, havinc had - hi'teen year*’ experi ence as a practical Operator and Superintendent ot Telegraphic lines. The book, uhtte scientific, lent the tame time plainly ard popularly written, and gives the most thorough information upon all points connected with tho Telegraph. Its illustrations are numerous and attractive. The volume contains, with other things, the following inton sting features! A hut cmriproiifiDflivosumfra-y of clectricalsol* cnot, which will ptop.ro overvn»ndertoundeiBtandUe pnuoipicoof tho > lemrio Teleeraph. A description of a'l processes ol telegraphing, nnd nil the instrumei.te used f-r telographng in ovory partoi tho world, vith an en-raving of each instrument. A history of the Atlantlo Telegraph, and a report t-cr toltm of all thenicreaves wtioh passed over it. An interestiuK dosoiipt on of the Electric Fire Alarm System usodm Boston, Now York, and other oitirs. A olmptor of niisceilAnenus mattern conueoted with the Telegraph, with insirurtiona ns to the propor mode of preparing aul Bending d-apatclios. gar For nnlo by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid to any oddrein, by the publiehers, on ruoeiptof tho price. TICRNOR & FIELDS. Fublibltfra., JIJUW SUMMBK BOOKST *•*- FRBBH AND ATTRACTIVE. 4 THE KELt.YR AND O’KFLLYS. A oapital new Fnci ah novel, b? Anthouy Trollope, author of •* Ooofor I horn',’' &o. Or-'ersnnd reorders are ftst coming in for thi< op'end.d b ok. which is called the best Summer novel fh/eyvar. Ivol..cloth hmdini. i’lioe $1.25. m HUMROLDT H PRIVATE LETTERS Trans'aiod from th 1 original Gennnn. A ronmrk/’b'o and ROBaipi enrreap *»;d(*nce between Alex ruler Von Mnmboldi ant! furopean cebbrines ’n LUemture. Stan, Art, aud ticienoo. 1 vol, oiotli binding. I’.toe 81.30, WOMAN.(LA FEMMK.) ’ trHrs'aterl from tho French of Michelet, p.utnor of ’• Lovo.”(L'/»niour.) 1 his Inch ha* caused ar, unuau 11 amounto> inif re.l r-t do-iticisnt. nnd irss .1c bids fur 'oeqiinl tbfitoflts prcdioessor, •* L’Amour.” 1 voU. o'otn b ndinc. Prior fr 1851 toisa) —omiWuiln. IheMn.sded ConstUu’ on,C>niiiou Sohitol 1 CoQsoliontioo L,w sod its Huppl.m.nt, Corpora tion L.-.w, .Milttis L ;w. Cmrnrsl cods, with report of th.rsvlssn; Froe fianhra,Low- . _ „ , „ „ ,KaY & BROTKo-R. , Law Booked lore, Pobti.hsra. and Importsrs, iT>? ■ 16 South SIXTH strset* Clitij-K —l3O Boxes Herkimer county Chiess, for sale br o. O.BADLKR A CO., No. 161 ARCH SttMtiMOondaoor above FRONT, Jr*B .....BOSrON, CANTERBURY. THE BISRnp Off RtroN. BALPK. RfADEMO ei'LLE FSXCO. NOW READY, in fcngland,” Ao. PUBLISHED BY INTERESTING. i-iS-lh.at HPW PUBUCATIONS. RBA’ Y THIS may.— No. 31 for July of HANKlNp'ilf‘LF; YEARLY ABSTRACT <>F THt ML xOtUNOMfI. ooßtainmeft pfootloal apdanalyt'eal Digest ol airthatis v/jluible In th, pnn ctp-l Medi»ai Periodieale of the Csntmint of Europe, tireat Britain, anti the united States, tnvethsf wi'h a ser es of or t'Oftl reports on li e Progress orMedioii a and the Uoilateral Hotenoes. » uue*. B. Pre»-cott 1 voh. 12 im 917f1. Meiroifsof "> homo* Hood. 2 vol*.. I2mo. Leslie's al fl«u«l!ectiors 12m». 9123. Lifeof Kit Cars'in. By C. Burdett. 12nvi. 91. The Wc.tKl Hanfters. By Mayne Hold. Ituio. 9123.) Wild Life. By .Vlajre Reid. l2mo. $l2), Outof the Depths- Itino. $l. BuuLh. 1300. $123 The Mill on the Floss. 13 »n. $l. Love me L'»tle. By CHhb. R«adJ. 13mo. 91. Rutledge. Um0..812A. LADILB’ WJK TING PORTFOLIO*, In great variety. an,i a Gift w*ih a -ch ALL THE NEW BOOKS, In every depsrtroon' oj l.Rerature. Call m. an ' one trial wi>l atturo you that the best place in the oily in turohsse bonk*, is at _ 0. G. EVANS 1 Cheap Book i awblishment. jylT 3t No 139 Chestnut Strsot. |\IW PUBLICATIONS. ■I » THE ROCK OP A'iESjor PoristureTestunanv to the'me Eternal God hcdol tho ratner, B-n and HolyGhoat. By E. B biokerateth. M. A-, withan n troduoti-m by Rev, F. 0 Huntingdon, D. D. I2m«i 630. HOME AND COLLEGE. B> r.D. Huntingdon. 12mo, 60o«nlB.- . -> HB lIFLAIIO2 OP TBE BUNDA Y-BCUOOL TO THE CHURCH. By F, P. Huntingdon, D. D. Pam phlet. Sfic.-ntfl. y MOANING HOURS IN FATMOS. By Thompson. 12,r0. 91. > THR r AND-HILLS OF JUTLAND. By Bona An doraen, 12mo. 730rn , «. LESLIE'> AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RECOLLEC TIONS. 12rao. 91 « KR*P> , k TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES IN AFRICA lSiiio 91 ?5. THft KKLI.YS AND O’KELLYS. By Anthony Trollope. SI S 3. ■ For sale hy WILLIAM S. k At FRED MARTIEN, Jelfi • No. 606 ORES i’NUT fitroet. PREPARED GLUE. noa hTuBY J WJB ADVERTISE TO-DAY A NEW STYLE 0P GLUE, whioh must he needed in eve v y house. This is reported to be the, identical Glue with which ihenum glued tho dog he (tho dog—not tho man) hsd split himseT in two halves by running against a sharp post while in pursuit of a rabbit. It is related of this unfortunate dog, that he was stuck together with two legs up and two down, end remai .ed so for the rest of his Ilfs, albeit he was a more durable dog than br fore this slight aro'dent, because while he was running on two legs the other two were resting, nnd he had only to flopover on the rested legs, &>,d go ahead afresh. This only shows that o&re should bj tiken in sticking things together wrftea jou have good Glue to work with.— [Zanesville Aurora. BARBARISM AND CIVILIZATION. BPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE.—Tho extraordi nary demand for this indispensable household article makes it proper that we should again reour toit. It baa already become a greatiustitution, and from its excel lence and reliable character must hereafter be consi dered one of the necessities iu our domestic economy. It Is truly & labor, time, and mousy-saving device, adapted to the kitch:n.tho par'or, the library, ihooffieo, tfto school room, the mmufaotory, and on ship board. We have used it for mending shoes and gloves, and i< is available toaa extent almost incmosivabls tnmakirg repairs abo .t the bonne. Tho importance of Glue, his torioaliy considered, may not be unmtereatiug. It marks a distinct line between barbarism and civiliza tion >n the means of constructing furniture and house hold wares ofoomrort and luxury. It superseded the nail, the bolt, and the rnder fastenings of the rough constructions of a barbarous and aemi-civilizcd pon id. Considered from this stand-point, Glue must tnko rank among the few simple articles that distinctively stand as universal lqndmarko of advancement, civilisation, atd refinement among men* We loon upon Mr.Spa'd ing’e Prepared G'ue as a pillar in the horsehold estate. May hts shadow xever be less.—[Rahway Register ar.d American PBENTIOE BAJ S: ‘ A gentleman mates rßhterdfty, acdsa’d: “Onynnr recommendation I bought a bottle of fcPALDING'S GLUE,and never got bo stuck in my life!” We look'd jstoaifebed and replied: “Wht.wo have tried It m our family', and ail the rrembsTseay it is an admirablo in vention” Our fner.d turned on his heel, laughing, “ Why, jou Kte stuck too! Innid nothing G'uo; 1 intended to piy it tae best oompliment I could, for 1 never saw anything as adhesive before.”—(Louis ville Journal. A GKNERAU SMASH-UP. PREPARED GLU E-Little oonvetuenrea for general family use ao o'ton of more v-ilus than want are called “ great fnven’ions ** 1 hero is no hcunokeeper that has not been often onnoyed by Fqueakr. rickety chair*, sofas, tables, oic.. whi*h ha-e beoomo co by tho joints where they are put toge'her becoming s'uunken and loose, and so lonrf as furmtute ia toft (n this condition there isconstaa* daugerofa general smash-up. And. again, such accidents as t furniture do occa sionally ooaur w in the best regu'ated tann'ics.” To re* medy thefnnoyanceand perplexity occasioned by these troubles we keep in ho house a email quantity ofPre pa-ed Glue, which can be sppled to the affected parts by any person of ordinary skill, with much lees trouble than eeuding the article to a cabinet-maker, to say i.o thing of the saving of tbe expen o. The kind wo uso is labeled *• Bpaldmg'a Celebrated Prepared Glue—useful in every family*" end as wo have found it a valuable addition to our esbinet of “little conveniences,” wo fully concur In the eentiraent of the labiL-LDai'y Tri bune, COHESIVE AS A CABLE. Familiar fn use as “household words,” Spalding is identified with glue ascl-aely ns Horaohel wuhastrono* my, or Franklin with the itovethat bears his name fhe reason is obvious—Spnl ’.ing hos succeeded in fur nishing a glue alt ready for work, requiring no more at tention than the laying on of paint with a brush, and which is cohesive as a oable 5 nothing, in foot ever gets away from it whoro it once atiok*. All honor, therefore, and a universal dtmand for Spalding's Prepaied Glue.— INew Yorker. GROW LOVINGLY TOGETHER. We would onll th« attention of our fneuds and pat'ons totho newp eterving fluid labeled BP4LD(N »*8 PRE PARED GLUE, with which its inventor proposes to cement our poor Union, cnovously slist ored by being tossed about on the wavesof publio feeling set in motion by old Brown. VI ho'her it will accomplish Una we can not say, but wo oan >o-*ch, from nuhial alKht-soelng ex perience, that its t fleets upon humb or a: tides 0! lit use hold economy are so marvellous as to make us believe in its utmost possibilities. Fractured chairs nnd tables como cut wholo from beneath its magic touch; torn leaves of books grow lovingly together; pet Chinn, brekon by some unlucky fall, unites again and beoomes good fis new, and jewe’ry is even repaired with success by this wonderful Bils-m. children find it an unfailing source of economy and enjoyment in mending ihdr broken toys, and making new ones; in f«ot. its union making properties are a) vary evident as to challenge the admiration of nil. It has been compouided by its inven'or after much oaroful experiment, and is, we are confident the best preparation of the kind ex ant, pos j-Cfjsiug the advantage ofbo'ngi.i a liquid form, and continually ready for use, whi 0 its adhesive properties areeo strong that «n artio’e thoroughly i-lued with it will break mure easily in a new place th».n separate in thstof tho original fracture. We oommond It to the u»e of families and planteie.—[Chatleaton Oour.er, j)H *2t Bbahd and moustache for At.L. THK ORK.T #W»i:t op THR ARAB, UKOUSHTIO'THIS COUNUIY-lt i« well known that the Arabs have the huFSt bea»ds m the wor d and the subecnbftr now offtrs, m all iM purity* the prepva* tjon u ed by them, berewbre urknown, which is viar ranted to p'odo e a 'uxoriant b ard in from fou*- to six weeks,on thermo thestf te. withoctstnin orinjury to tig3 SDMJIEH RESORTS. \Jir ASHINGTON HOUSE, f » f» A PP Tflf. lUn tr T .Ttill 'Touij, «ltuvt«,i near tha Oceaa. ami on on, or the oub.io rr*fta of 'he eitr, it open for tbe •eoeptioa of Summer Vuitora, at an average rate of #8 por » !» r .*V« At * Stabling attooheil to toe premise*. JK* »c s. B. WuOLMAN. « IJIVIEKE UOUSK” *y , , LEW IHUURG, UNION COUNTY,PA. This favorite resort of visitor* is kept in firat cia*f ytyle. It m the nioitoomfortab'o and extensive Intel lu the town. Luoalion the nmstoeatrai Charge* tnodo -Ih)il7 ’fit* f’fopnetor. pWKttV COUNTY WARM SPRIN B. This favorite Bummer Resort is now open for the rooepti/’n or visitors. Pino mountain scenery, beauti ful walks and (1 ivrs. faoiiities for boating, batting, and filming, and the hoalth-giving qualities of its waters, makouainost desirable place, both for single guests Vl {l , ' ( . M \ lt is m daily communication with i niluleiphia, H tltimore, and Pittsburg.by means o 1 a daily *tHKO. and mail conneolmg wiuithe trains from tneso places at Carlisle, Pa. Term# moderate. vorv irtioulars,address . JOHN EARLY, _J>*» t»i Warm Springs. Perry county. Pa. Doubling gap white SULPHUR AND CHALYBKATE BPRINUB.-Th.a famous watering plfu>e has h?en entirely refitted and furnished, with od uing sorvantß. and every advantage thatr«tu ra beauties ot th* country aril easy access oan afford llio propn«to»aoirerevery ioduoementto per*onyee-k -iiiji pleasure health, nr recreation. The-Sprinirsnre situated euht mile* from Newville, Ctinii*erlaml county. Pa., m a most beautiful and fertile seotionol Cumberland vail y , aro various in their oh .ranter, Biioiulyimpio.-na'fd with *u phur, magne sia, iron, &0., and ha- e produced wonderful sanative eneotsupon inva idsand o i vr*. Visitors wiil fiud first olive hntot Hoo.iitiiiH>dHtinu«. with attentive servants, and all the delio to es >.f the «nisunt carbon, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. Families aooommodated with good rooms at reduoed pnoes. r ihisold-eBt , blished House, located in tha gap be tween sharp and Second mruntam*. immediately on the line of tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within halfaraile ol Pottsvllie, formerly iept bt Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, PhiTadelpma has, mnoe his demise, been under the charge of his daiuhter. The House is prepared, at all seasons of the year, for tho reception of guests and hoe been recently put lit order fho lame garden and park adjoining, prrsonts groat inducements as h summer res 'rt. to porsons wish ing, toop nd n short time away from the oust and tur moil of the oities. whero they oau b-eat he fresh moun tain air and on toy the wild and beauutnl scenery of tho coal region. Commutation passenger tiokets, for the. use offami lies aro sold at a rm'uction of twenty five p«r oent.. and an acoon.modation train will leave Pottsvilledailt nuriDK.thefluinnierni'-ntiß, to enable those who may desire it to spend tne business portion of the day in the citr and return the same evening, on whioh the charges win be thirty-throe per cent below tho usual rates. For terms, apply to MARY BF.AD, , „„ „ Mansion House, *v mint Carbon, JeSO 8m Bohuylkiil ■ P«, Long beauh house, opposite TUOKKRTON, N. J —This Hotel is now open for the renept'on of visitors, both permanent nnd tran scient. Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-lnrnishing I feel assured that for comfortand oon vemo oe it will comparo favorably with auy house on the coast. The best of oooks end servants haro beon prooured, nnd no effitris shall be spared to render the star of guests aereeab'e. The prospects for Gunning and Fishing are excellent. *>>Btersof the finest quality 1 havo in abundanoe With these increased advan tages, 1 om confident that the most fastidious wi l have no cause for oomplaint _ N. Ii —Capt. WILLIAM GASKILL will ran a daily lino of first-class packets from »tlanto City to the beach, one of which will be at Atlantio every morning on the arnvni of the morning tram from Philadelphia. Parties wishing to come by way of Leed'a Point, or othorwuo, by addressing ms a few days in aovance, will have n good boat to meet them at anv point named. JeJQ-gw LEW IB P. BTb WAR p. MANSION HOUSE. ATtANTIC CITY, i-L* N. J„ ISAAC THAYhR, (late of Surf House.) Proprietor, ‘i his house has been very muoh eelar ed and im proved. Hasno»atarfri*' nberofFamilj Room*! not by any bote...i is jity. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks iiAve been laid t* the ocean, which will be lighted at night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendid roheat ing lamps. Attnohed to the house (bat separate from the main bnuding) isaiane Hall for Hops and Parties, with a firat-clas* Ice Cream and C-onieotionery attached Over the Hall there are forty sleeping ro msTor undo gentle men. There is also a plat ground fur oluldren, woU shaded »ml enoloEed. with swmr*. &o. The catering dopartmeut will under myownea penial sunt-rvision, and I trust that my reputation is sutnoiently ••eta bhshed to satisfy all that my table will bo unsurpaßS-d, Terms will bi QJS per week Transient Uaxrnera $9 per day. Carnages attao’ ed to tho H<>use will take Boarders to and from the loean tree ol oharge during bathing hours. JC33 tf 18 AAC THAYER. gEA BATHING. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPF. ISLAND, N. J, This well known establishment, the favorite resort of yiMturs, is now onen (or the reception oi gues’s. It has been c.msdeculy enlarged and reform* hed, the from the. old springs Persona doairous of spending a Dw weeks of the sum mer in an agreeable manner could lqJ do better then to givo'he ocean House a trial. ISRAEL LEAMING, Proprietor. A MrR OAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, Pa.—This well-known and popular hotel has, during iho past season t>cen i RfATuY AND IMPROVED, and is cow in capacity and convenienoo second to none in the inferior ot Pennsylvania. "Ihe beautiful and healt ful s tuation of AlFntovm renders it a da iuhifuWun>nier resort, in view of whn'b speoial ar rangements havo been mado by the pro* n**turs tono e-intnodatecummer boarders. J. Y. Bi-CHl’bb, Je2fi t el M.W. BIGONY. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delielnfnl Hcmmor Resort will bo opened fo: th© reception of Visitors on the FIhST OF JUNE, and kept open till tho Ist of Ootobor. Too Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. 0. ALLEN, whose exporionco. court© ms manners, and attention to his guei-ts. itive the amplest assurance ot comfort and kind treatment. Partieo wishing rooms, or any information in regard to the place, will addreso the subscriber, JNO. F. tiEKD, Soo’t and Treasurer, Dedford Mineral Bprinjt# Co. Jg ED LO £’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. At the terminus of the Railroad, on the loft, berond the Depot.— I'hia House is OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visitors, and oflera accommodations oqunltonn* Hotel in ‘thntioCity. The chambers havo been very muon improved, and rendered no-e cunifo'tsbie bjr Venetian btmde having liven put up at the wiMiowa. n moderate „ , Cmldreti *nd Servants HnlfPrico. ev Pnrtieashoulo keep t hot r seats until the oars arrive in fro tof iho hotel, Tho signs are conspicuous. Jy4-lm A LOYS SHAUFI ER’S RAILROAD HOTEL, ATLAVaIO CITY, opposite the Rail road he not. PHB SITUATION ON THE ISLAND. Newl> fit'ed up with new beds and bedding. BwMne and (diking 8i jyt-lm IVEPTUNFi HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. 1.1 —This popular and eminently •avonte House at AtlantioCity hns, since the dosing of last season, been enlarged. rofirted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in every particular and is now open for the season. From |f» delightful situation, near ness to r.H places r.f interest, doss proximity to the safest and best part of tne beiwb, it '8 rendered one ot tho moat convenient and deoldedly the pleasantest house on the Island. , ~, Terms—9lo per week; 81.60 per day. Children and sorvants half price. JOHN BMICK, Proprietor. R. L. FUREY, Superintendent. Je2l-?m £JOTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at ATLANTIC ciITV. N. J. Boarders aooommodated on reasonable terms Je9o-5m M. MOOLEEB, Proprietor. TUB SEA-SII'>RB—ATLANTIC CITY. McKIUUI.VS D. S. H 'TEL. The undersigned, pmpm or of the above-named house, being now preparet to receive caeßts, re spectfully solicits a share of .the nublto patron age. Since last summer tnere has bees added to this hotel a four stoned wmg. 140'Test in Umth. con taining (beside the bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for ladles, and >wo for gentlemen; also, a reception room, wash room and spanious bar-room. Bowling Saloons, Billiard Rooms,and lot and co'd Salt-w ter Bath -looms have been constructed for the accommo dation of visitors, and the whole house wnl be lighted with saa. The house has boon newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in oouiplete order. A well manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent Band of Music, have been en gaged for the season. J. MrXIBBIN, jel4tf CARLISLE The iavorlte retort fgr those 1 who nppreoiate Grand Scenery, oiTf duiid Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating WHITE RUL PHUR Baths, Large and Well ventilated SPRINGS, Rooms, Good Booiety.anda Good Cumberland co., Pa. a* a ble. Accemr/jorfa(*v»9 or j? or particulars rend for Cirou- CLENDENIN. & VISSOHEH. je7-8m Carlisle Hpnng, Pa. PPURATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, EJ Lancaster County. Pennsylvania —This estab lishment will bo open by the Jltti of June Tho ad* vantaics of this beautiful resort are; Mountain scenery, pure air, and soft water; evory variety of baths, ana nu.usomenta ; a good etook of livery horses, and car riages. For funner particulars call on JOSEPH B. MYKIUJ, oorner Third nnd V»n* Streets; JAfylEB 8. EARLE, No. Olf» Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIGMACHER, Ephrata poetOrlire. l.anmßter County. Pa. mT.V>-gm UMTto simps iiutel, long BRANCH. N. J. The subeonber takes this method of informing hisfnonds and the publio. that on and after J U> E 20th hie nuuse will be oven (or the re ception of guests, when evory efJort will bo made to please those who may favor him. The house is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of the ocean, good roads, stablirg, Ac., make it as attractive as an) housointhe country. The com munication tsaocrasible by two daily linos from foot of Walnut-street wharf, viz. s 3 A. M.,and2 P. M. Referenoe-Grandy, Warden, ft Chestnut street. B. A. SHOEMAKER, jeO-sm Proprietor, COLUMBIA HOUSE, OAPE ISLAND— \J Cape Mat, New Jerney.—This large. G*-st olats HOTi' L will bo opened, for the reception of guests, on the 25th June. iB6O, The House hae boon completely repaued and refurnished. A newoooking ran,e. ovens, •team boilers, and every modern improvement added. Kxtenrtvc stabling attached to the premises Ml lottcra add csseil to the oubaoribera, Cape Island, New Jcr.oy, will be James H. Laird Jute proprietor Frankhn H«ua©, Ihila delphia; H. B. w«*olman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape island. joH dim __ CIDNGHESS 11 ALL —VLLANTR) CITY, J n, J —This spn"iouQ House, situated at Atlanho City, will be reopo-cd with every acconm-odation for visitors on the 26th instant, by the suhsonber. The House fronts tha be/ioh 12»feet, rivinc a splendid view of the Ocean. HD'i is, near the Fishing and Sailing point. No pams will be spareu to socuro tho oomfort and con ofEUe#ts* thumas o. gahrbtt. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH CHUNK, /V PA.-Thie HOTEL ie now Kept in a manner af fording ever, onm ort to stmngc.ri and traveller,. Arrangement* hare been made this season to aticum- SndatoSUMMEft BOAKHLItH The m-wt ‘ubl.ine mountain rr.cnory and rural oniorn ent» »;o nero nt forded. MICHai t vvtLH- l.at, GEO. W. tv It. II > LM. iea-teel l-rnpnetore. CEA BATHING. CAPE M%. N. J. superior accommodation*, with ample room lor 200 per *^.& nMro ° d AA > AoN GARRETHON. Proprietor. CJEA BATHING, OAPE ISLAND, N. J.— wA “ “mriffiaiattSMsr SUMMER RESORTS. SjTAR HOTEL, I KBARLY OPPOSITE tw* tt a irf,T?r ATLANTIC Stiy* ?/ , j OTBL » I)TNNP^ AftlU£L A^AMS ’ Pficipßl^TOß. I ISJ-^SOVOARR! AGEfI To HI tuE* CEWTS * Urol. ansrd ' r * MooramoUated on the mort re&soaable ! - ten) 8m mansion H'm;sk mauoh chunk ths B?o/nmFy a<^ "“F 1 ®’N»«he!rV PemSylv'f^nnd that thaa far h» Sr? AS« ln 1 mannor th “ cannos . flU «» w th?T*hi^?MMAn?Tir ftnd e, «*®n*iy furnished* anH afibrd. alw * y " oomam, tfj o very beet the Market! The hotel is located on the bnnL-g of tha T«i,;,h -i«H° W'l »• IA taao'of the houM £!!■?&Jk,« A p,lt " lead ! from th ® roar of me nouse to the r op 01 this mountain from which «» Bomeeunt hundred feet above Mah the mSi " u .M l ‘ n f, ,o *“ 6 imiutlnutile n pirretlird 6,tlie moal Pn^M™l?,fSjSS? ,^a',;?. !Uo, ‘ wilh,ro ? ot °°d Cold Bath* can be taken ntall ObOHQr HOfri-.H.PmS,*tnr HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. m r t; u il^5 ft r> n A°. u V?? tabl '«lie<* Houao. know Q „ the ■ VALLEY HUMMER HKTREa“» 86f V S0n Toe «ccommodition» of > v ’fi.n fo . unti unflurpaßSfd. Tha ride here, i l ODnsjlvAma liar mid. ._ fhiß p’gpßint rurnl retrn t . Tour miles from the flitnJn l < l.A P i pon V M * hwf-il* urlv. fen ;.. ra . n . n.m-.d. ti.-oj fiahinr. a «; fP"V ,ey * ,n ®, n . h«ndfeom6 loom*, a ioihJ L ***;• , T * r P lB M oJera o for lu l or partial hra d nno «ngie mean, j)27-bwSw HOARDING. lEy and t»enlli*iii»:n desiring supp ( f ,or b° a,< Dor the summer enn noir bare ohoici of art soop, rooinsatO jfl WALNL.T «treat. jjU lm * pHIV vTE BOARQLNG,—Gentlemen and I lh S®’ °I B,QkI ? gentleman, can be acooiu modatod with Board, with pleasant and handeom* rooms, furmsbei or unfurmshod, at 6lt>Lof'Ußi‘ Bt.. rquare. The location, bunt ot i neo / handso-rost parka inthoouy, ti P ,oasant -. 'lranotont pereon* viaitiDf, the oity can bo accommodated bj me day o* moderate. A basement front room, witl private entrance. for rent, suitable for an office- joll-tf rpvVO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN B£ •*• accommodated with good, airy apartments. {with or without board,) m a private family. Location oen- TOLBRR.T, through Llood’s Die P &lon » apS5 HAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN BAVING FUND.—Com- B mi? u !i di,u ' eoutheaat comer WALNU2 and FOURTH dtreeut. Open daily from 9 hi] t tiußto the evening. Tim SnhoutnSfo*? 0 W3> ° 6®" l in fttU ' ca demand, INTEREBT FIVE PER CENT. All imi HUM back, on demand, in gold ar.d silver, i ftuoTt b*l. t£*yb L £l N ‘ President ffthn r w a ~ SAs I *# WORK, Vico President, loan C. rarr, . T. b. Harper, George Nugent. John Anapaoh.Jr., Haml. T. B lime, AlD.ft.Robim John Aikrnau, Jot as Bowman. H. TT. Eidndr-e! JOHN (gsTg?: See, S WllSoN ’' i ' re^ r f^ SJPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. r North THIRD Street, between Vine Interest 8 per cent, per annum. Fepoeitor* ean with draw their, uoneya by Chooica, if desired. Bpeoial Be pcsita reooived. _ w JAMES 8. PRINGLE, Prestdert. Francis Hart. Secretary. acifl-tf u r^T-'MrggiaiiiiiilMiliaKl FOR THE SEA SHORE. Leave Vine street at 830A.M. Leave Atlantic At—, Thu Train will stop at HnddonlieM, Waterford, Ham- montoa and Eg* Harbor city, FAMILY FLOUR, MADE PROM PURE WHILE WHEAT, For eale bj the Barrel, Bag, or Pound. 0. H. MATTSON, ARCH. AND TENTH STREETS. HEELER & WILSON, SEWING MACHINES. 628 CHESTNUT STREET; BECOND FLOOR. pHARLKS ADAMS * SON ARE NOW trahim; eaten, vo nUeratiena in tbeir eto-o to pro pMO for Felt lra"e, and Hill close out their eLlire Hnmoi»r6t(wkM itP.PI.CPD BATH'S Pcot?h Otnehamnnli stj>». reduced. Organdies and Lawne.tit and mlow st. Silk M u tiliu. ntco-t, Laoe Msutillas. nt cost. rravellto* lion's. oh‘ ap a« the oheioes*. A fi.llats trtnifni of FuinLhins t». ods. xourg fitted out, with everything m our line. n . W e wish the pub’io to umierßtnnd that we intend s -lt- A r - A Lf,>S I*ROFU‘ irtAaN EVER Be). FORK 1 hohoving t’-at. ** nxpm oa is better than \ slow shi ling.'’ ( on and czi/htnc. _li& ft EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS SELLING OFF!!! SiOflß TO HR ALTV BVhjji t CaH I*f N 1 h US AT WORK' !!!! LECII)I 1) THftRNLEV ft cHIt.M will sell, from a.ff to the 20 ii of August, , AT TRMPTINO HRICS?, FroiKh (-ace .Mantlesand French Lho* lu.»a-8A d S iawl«, B’-kck bdW Duht«*«a. Haieee R( b's, &c. FANOY Nil K-* RF.K OKN l’. UND • U ! l.inen Hdkr*., la e Virts H-a ary and 'j'oses, M'naatulßoia Wer.r Ci-ssiirere* «nd « b'ths THfc Jli-fti BLACK B'LKS l» THL Til • at „ w. ‘IHOKNLEV ft CHIS.V3, N. F. Corner f. HiHTh ft MP'« (Nn tho best of City and Country—at the odious of JOY, OOF. & Co., ADVERTISING AGLNT*?. TRi HLNKBU LQING, Aqw Ynk., L/LURFILU) ftE.MINAKV,— Tlnl large and fl 'urishin? institution is Jooite' 1 nt Herkimer conn >, N, ». Th- faculty c ‘ ,p *’ i y-“j”_^ c , thorough aid experienced to-iohors. i' ur oi wimm l iiro graduates, ,'ihe hbrane* n’mibcr over 3ftO volumes. Th-' cabinet, philo*ori"on!. q r ‘M l °hemi('sl wh we abib»v nrd HicvCffl witl be guarantied cans*- curo them nr r 'ddrC6Bm< ihc principal. Fall .tmt be * Tm^fi'ir’'?Smlsp-r t-rm of f.-nrteen week.. Rnurd w'olmi*. W/iv-Gvm rott (furnished roomier rTrm 657 6Q- 1 ,, 0r-ftvwoCue«*. or (o e-g*. o rooms, ud perm- s- ™ REV.i. B. VA« W-T.E.N, A. .V 1.., IfSaniCI'* 1 '* - ' Pnnc.pfth CDMII&IMNTaV NaILS, (Rdpe tnpo) mn r ttfacfured a* the Portac«i Nail nnd Iron Works, from superior quality of Juniata iron,on of tne most appmrt'd construction, and wirrmteo to be ut least equal, in quality, muiimmty, and finish, to any other brands in iha market. . , Othor brands (flat and edge Krioe) A N° d * 08 42 l fctreet. % Princo ft Christman’s superior sol d e>o Planters Hoes forsalensalmve. jy!4 iHm^ A ZI'MEA ! AZUMKA ! AZUMEA I AZUMBA! AZTJMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS* AZUMEA BAKING FJWBE*. PORT WINE.—I2S Qttfcrter Casts Spa m»h Port. In bond, borenleby A-MhRINO, jfft 3t* No. 140 South FRONT Succtt IV 'tU -;'.L '! {] 13 \l>- C —Q () RG R •' lfl£L3 - :, IBUJ'a SA OEOUOB CHRISTY'S BENEFIT ... THIS FV*NiNQ. MISTaK ROFA ■ IGHT. THIS AFTER.'.*; (I.nUtlw ■ 'CI.OCX, For t.-Aies and Chl'dran. PnlOE OF ADMISSION: Cress Cirole Uppor »• .V... _ Orcluntra Chairs „ ‘Jg . pr»SMV P 6“ Rl b '"' e ' '' co ' n -“ , « o '*‘ *'Vlit o’otoet. tl£, r 2' lt .“ ea '° inrar '«w» retirvri fir l.adlaa i>cd Qrn thera - Licctlara ' ln, r nhan ri 1 , THE 28th JULY. nt T MIUt,?h ra Fl'i L D t ?w«.^ l, , E FRKE COVC!’T!T. cuesr«A hi " «“>«»<« *’b e , m th?™iV rjHILDKEVS HOLIDAY.—Grand Mali lil ional WWMWWWMrrlvli uh'Mr.'y l.ViVn ”*,,*• aloell - ft,f tedCh?l?y t n. U'c'ttv 0 STA ' iES ATi ANT.C iDrorn '* hl " r tX 4 J 9& -KNNr ROHf-'R VOCAL V ioa?id to d piva ia ’ bava ' h b soi utatioo, k.odli volun -4o . , . iJ^V 3 ****® CONCERTS. UNnKD'*^--?i i fc.?H*,T t if^nn'‘ a ’ :U {il ° Hall “ f tto 8 YiUn l) V /,N» VO > > •‘AY V ''HNINfiR i JEiNNA. AUM'EMY UK 'JUfc fIXR • ARTS.-1045 CHtSTNIrr Slwe s Inrgo o<»ll*»ct no of i*iuntin*B *« i* now op*c d -U; from w • $7 tTiYV v •?" miyu.g >5 »f» ; cMdrrn under II ->rar«, »» cgnta/'trt tf W' ‘LuiViS S JEiWL£. ' ' iZ. A tarue, fx-antitnl, and perfeoi model o* tno - nio«t interesting bailairj everbuilt ta in the immense saloon of «»mi*srrc » MARKET, ABOV°E TWELFTH STREET ■ e ri ie Sfl feet lone, 24 feet vide end M f >-*i aliJ G?n'rS g&ftf m"’ jorroundina theranoue courts. five ts?l?f£uSe£ Jtead m Kiree, tth to Bth ohap; t Ctrcn., 28th ohan •sd £?">»•, «h «i «c chat*.; and VjtSbia Kb tSf‘vS content. and dMsripiivu ot Solomon’s TemSr.f, St 12 “toNnldrjiTJ'fo fr«= “> t» Admieemn, as c-ms: ihilcr n. half prj oe . OI«b?#d?£»,“fllfe r 9h “ of “»f " r s ~ HoUm?, 01 Lvenias, bi Rev. g. BON* in,ha Wme rf,J u .'‘ n Coroltiia Sr.toa,, trade? Tt.e bj'?( ,£ fereoce, re ranarde to bus,ms, uuM.Scnt!!!, - ti r~ n-reu »,H!«.,he eh rasterot th.tSf« "f iS/fT i/tSral T S.S“ vb P ! n “ rU 11,8 v< »“ ! the adventsB'V VV-* NTKD.—The subscriber. having his , * Banins* at leisure. woud nke tomUe & a «*. moment to ( keep a «>er of ooks for any concern %cn«e hus.ne »w» Inot authorize the empl SSent oT* w-! p»/s atbj ' k kccpof * Aadre*a«o.ai.jtt..*»offlw ?f%e ‘ —— J 125 6t VV ANTKL I —A situation as EooVktcper, hra.T in * oun * married urn with several ve-rs* batjoeei Fir?- tlasj references iv}an Address ** K„” offi,e of The PraY. VVANIED—Tn a Market-street f’loth * * flouae. a firat-olsss SALESMAN,%bn Mn corn* 2*5? V'n e aa * ount vl CouniI l tra.it. /ddre-y B x US: L 2: J',25 6l* feidllOOo™ 215,0€0.-Wanted, a W Partner with the above amount. to jo u th- rtilver-jb6rinft*a»eanri paytne business. Citr refe ai.ees.of the tuosc undoubted kind.'iven and re gutred; nit communications strictly cnnfi'JentiSl, Ad dres*, »itbreal nane, *• Activity,” nt ti u office. )24 W \ iIiOROUGU ACCOUNTANT, WHO ■*—*. »* fully capTb’e ofcondact.ne the financial IstrtmcDi* of a ru*RQf«cturiaceet&bt.flh ment.w ipwoo'n Address too. ,> nt thig..ffif»e. htJ-6t* VI/ANTpD —bY A YOUNG MAN, A .* J situation in a wholesale dry-acoda crocery.or hardware hoase, underatanda bookkeepmir, and n&s »w vtune experience in boetn ,, aa. Salary not antnuoh An object aa uteedf eroplojment. Can tarnish the best oi reference. Adarens ** j. P.,” office of this paper. 6 30P. M. * W-KXKD —A young man aa Salesman, who i« thoroaghlj witn the ■VfercainJ Tailor’s and Cloth me trade of this oitr. To any pertoa capaltli of filling th a position, a liberal compensstt'n will be given. Address Box 413. P. u. W'NTED —A Situation, by a man, thirty-sayen years of ase. of extensive experi ence in business, oi good address, and competent to fid almost an> position, eitnsr as a clerk, superintendent, or salesman Is very respectably connected, and caa giro the mo«t satisfactory references os to integrity, «nerx>.and business capacity A moderate saUry Jor the present will be accepted. Address “B. 0. 8., office ut Tor Fr««* iell-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET* nno RENT—Xho house No. 7C9 South - BROAD Street, corner BROAD and BRIMON. Suilal’le lor any kind of business. it* Cl ERMANTOWN PROPERTY. For Vsaloorto let, « large ard oonvrn.ent in Germantown: gas. water. U>ge lawn. *r.d io/sii of shad- 1 , mono of 'he best locat*oa»;wU be snM low. Adiirem Box I=Bo, PhUsoelphia post offioe. j »T 1 lm BUIiOEH^.—A Urge lot, having -1 Hire# fronts, suitable for immediate impro.ement, bicuaiedo •> T A'EN I’iKTH street, below CAThARINB, Will t« sold on toms to sjit'* who wil. uiipiove. Fo/tenns, Ao., address “K," office of this paper. J>l9-tf . Factory lot for sale.-a large lot having three fronts, admirably sitaated in the th* city. Will he renttdorpHd on reasonable terms. For paraojlan, apply at this office. J)l9 tt TO LE f— 'l he lirat floor c f the fine Boild ing No. 7i'4 CUESfMJTstreet. f«irincr!y oocop'ed as ft wholesale (and lately as A retail) Fancy Goods and Perfumer) More App*yatthocffcei-fJ' LthHAUhL kCo ■ 704 street. Phila. jylklm LAND 11 300,009 Acres f-r Sale, at prices ranging from to to cents er Ao e. .n anv qmnuties required. TAXES p.id. and P a iK'iTS pr«v-ur©d for purcha sers of 1 and v nder the Graduvion Act. IMats furnished grans bj erctotiag a postage stamp. For further iniomiat ou apply f<» WIL.-l/N. R aWLINGS ft CO.. U. c. and General iJind Agents, 6j CH^STNUTbtreet, B. tween THIRD and M>l RiP, »i. MO, jyl ym FUK SALE —The and Fixtures of a Wholeialo Boot and . House, new doing a good buamo-a. This ie a go<>u opportunity for any ona wishing to go into the tcs.ncsa or o. house war ung to increase tiimr tndo. Bautf cto t reasons gtnae for «»>1 ins out. Address *• Box 380, ’ Phiiauelpb'a Poet otfije. Wrth name. jeghtt £2 TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR- house, double back buildings, all modern ira provemenfa, m complete order; an elegant lar«e yara. 'em. low to t eouo teaMit. Bitn&teil ho. HH CHUTNUTStreet. Appliat Ro. 7l» CHtSTNLT js fr. m PhMv t'elebia. where r. rh « nmt,! ol slow or »SWO can rio evoDTpo fishier o.inej,, a. .-m !*> proven by addieasing ‘A. B C C'ffiee. j)2s-Wiintt TO NURSERYMiiN AND FLORISTS For ole « , tarire lot in tbe Southweetern eection of the oitT. well adasteii for a Nitrterr. TermeMoommode ting. For yartioulari address K,” at thia office. apl7-tx INSURANCE COMPANIES. m Hfi MUTUAL LIFE IDSUBAKO* X fOfiLPANY OF NEW YOXCa SIS MILLIO&fifoF DOLLARS, IXTIITD IN FIR’T HORTSAORS ON RRAX BaVATR mxm9 WORTH OVER f »mBO9. Th« premium* are town than in many other Cams*- ale*, and the Dividend* hare been siiAtii, Yhle I* a *tTictlj Hptvil Pompanj. There are ae Iteokhelder*, *o that ALL THE PROFITS siLoiie 10 tbx insvua. Pamphlets, epd every Information, mar he kai PHn.ADBLPIUA RKpiRKWOERt Rhomu liobint, Jotrn Welxb, Sfonieoef L I>»wk.k, |eorieJt. Stw^ feorre M. Stroud, f- A Wnelen, John d Mrere* JFf.her Le»Wnr, JoM.h Fattenon, W l iiact C. Ludwir. John M. Atwood, Arthn- » Coffln, whomaaH. Fowerß, s?°ttB VV. Tolaodi William McKee. yime w.ttac. , ny-letf- FAME INSURANCE COMPANY', NO, 40, CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED THE STATECIP •ONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. cinxcioßs Samuel Wright, D. B. Dimey, to. W. Walter*, J- W. Everm^, Chaa. Riohardeon, Heni7 «00. A. We*t,. Jacob W, Btnr.t, O. Wilson Davit, Menko Stern. Who*. 8. “"gjfonoE w. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice treat. WILLIAMS I. BLAWCHARI*. Scoretary. [jall-tft! 13HOF. MORRIS** EUCEPUALOS. X There are 100 UCO Sufferer* fom pfRFAPFf of t'-e NKwVOOtj biMblU, inthecity of Philadelphia. yoßE[ g, F.UO UPHALOS, Wbioh i» an original WONDERFUL HFVEDV. Compoanded from tho formula of Professor Morns, M. D. oithi»ciry. It acta directly ,ON through the I “'uorTLB WS! ° f * to tBBtitsß>arr»‘i!ous U'tcoa Saffei*r*^|C rl -, ltr ,. T OFTIHS BJtAIH, A/.HVOL’S HK.A IKCHK, Gh NEKAL DbBILiTY. J^EUKALiMA. KHKVUaI I'M CUBON:C NERVOUSNESS, &c., Y’tU find tho desired rehefby its hXTt.KN.vIj US£. t as diToetod m the Circular. IKYll! THY IT! TRY IT! THY IT! TRY IT ! tr I ’•: THY II! TRY IT! TRY ll* T R \ II TRY JT• If ton arc e * haustrd hr over-mi;rh ruoy, rr t'.u suffer tr rjeur^itia, ft >ou atv p'o-iTRt*-a csce»etv« snef, If you cmvo "rj'py YIV Ti< Y l T*! THY IT! T KY IT! TRY IT! I T-Y IT! T •mserc No sensations wbioh in >b itwillremove tn«- - *a* du«en nmrUid disp-'eaiM!. t«»vttroB iri^mperaree. TRY li it »oua>B mtie»iiur (torn tNervnur lieDilltT m anj oi its f and *uu will t.r d it a arr-tbing ar.d ’ iNviooka * iNe *epi ioatu-n to yonmorvca and tvorth many tuna* ita ooat, in iba relief aflordtd. , , .. . rsumarrUs tehtimoMVs from ti e most reneotfttta eourcea cau bo seen, t-j apply"’? at the oico of tbe pro* by MOCKRIDGK & CO., Wo. 6i North t&’Ard f»»r-Sa'e hr P.mrei* > For too INSTANT BELIEF lad PEB AMltlAl MANLNT CURL o! tbu dUtreeeißf eom- plftiStiUM FESBT’S BBONCHIAXi CIGABETTSS, Made by 0. B. SEYMOUR fc 00., 10T NANAV Street, Hew York. Prise *1 per box i rest free bx foes FOB fcALL AT aLL iitWlSltf, a -rrrrrrvj 20 Cents, WAN'IS, MET? ICINAX. TRY IT! TRY t ! IRY T! THY T.’ th ' ir: TRY IT ! TH i IT ! 1«V I ’! TRY IT! TRY 11 ! THY II !