PULPIT P.QR^BAXTS-No.^ir. ' . TtKV. ; ,HEFivy;‘4-, DMAN > D . 'I- “""jsy.SRAviieARD. : P^UEjel^tiiV'P rovcr^^ cautious, is'not lorf - t 0 in'lhvestingxtithhor coutidehcc her pallia men, .. aldS^S e .*nee/b«F!fln«d, it is not oarilyi shaken.i jj w tffeetfoni/are hot readily transplanted. ghr/ eUfJS*ieg, W*>* to work l,Jtir own wa y' ll P';t> n \: when posttibnjr.pnce honestly obtained, ahe isthi" t.Uat:to.wl>bbold:Vdue appreciation fromfte “inti' .sf-fiMtk,” mechanical, meroantile, ot pro' inel life, .Th e/d isti n g ulshe d Bubjsct of til* fed-, biwing'iketrihiiirorda' an excellent illustration 01 6 Irvitr, application to,'the Philadelphia Mifpif. ' ~‘ ‘ -J V.e d i'l ■ B jaWmaVd. D , Was hb«/| *» : *rbj,NSW ; *o»k; ieabout it* i gr»-J ~duet*d*t;Y tHßpiltte in 18»,«a at ft* Prince,. «W«*J «t>«#», \ HdJTwilb 1 f re*y t *ti»» Ch*«Ph," ® Dl, h«*it rcrjrtiei t :*f.tWal«rt awl. Twelfth etr«t«,,iu »hl»h ■*?**< T^ ”lB »*>»'««? ’** Di ' Bouritmun’s pkfM* anAhiatoricttfif ;ta*t -i.? aivio#, b» to known U, w *Teryb*dy: yet, ytrtonaCly , he is pfobeely know* te of hie airoV v *rfrteadl,andthoeeto whomhopresehes, than am other PpUadeitiblji nfepgymanof hi»’ , yee«. Ib'- of«a*oerfof-this are pbVlone aed afgalDpatit. He i* "ime.'ef tt*.inoSit : truly m*deat men ,**■ iibrickifnnt iJirpley, afitf'ls;. sflW.dmi petpion ocoa,-. ’sions when gregarioa* '*ppl»o«e end newspaper • mtoilety 'eodattt*te ,th*,chief:iMptrlng! atopies. By adopting thiscopras, through nperiodofj sixyeara, etqfeuely inahiogthe duties of ihls Sail lag p»r*»tiant to,*Te>y tMrg else, he has Attained ■ »n enVlsfale degree. of inflaemo* among men, Jt emipwtcoin erery.profesilon!; His’view* cn\ the greut currentqaeetiona of thc'dAyare pon- ,: doraiiy and appreciated by politioisns. jurists, and J^Vlßci. V: Tti6ugh ; claiming to'-be nothing mort ' ikatt-a.' lp*ly disciple, 1 Dr/BoArdmati igijphHosf.- jfofeV. solved thVpiobteuiof how apiinister ~r©f ttiHSpal nayWaKebis idfldepoe feltin spheres ; beyond tha ImmCdUto one'in whioh he ljtbprs will • - 7 oat compromising the dignity of his position. r« WoJghtof chir»oter”j3 aii admirftbly !(leßcrip ~~ttvephrase oflyr.Boeidman.~ln person heis'rMher . tell; slender, bat eompaitlykait; J bekd and, face sUrapedall tfver with ebaraoter aad oaitivation. Bis features alro regu .. bat ha does not'iMe them to the advßi itege in the pulpit. He has d»rk*gray eyts, more /: releotire ihateocaiauDic&Uve in their,eapres^io'a. heir U derk—ipcUned to sprio-- lUd with aad it brushed op all arofnd, die* |da}ing advantage his ftnassiva,forehead.* HUpbranology and temperament aresupeporJ He has enlarge ketire brain, a : well* balanced | mind, o : wirT 'orgenisetioD,' aad fl witb 'proper attentiou to hil physique, will bt ioogdived. He dresses nfe&Hy," ' bpVnpt pirtioolarlyministerial, ;In tbe wilpit bis &ce jn expwsflion. He IremicdF me somewhat j of Professor MitobeH, mer, and the portraits I have seen of theUtoßugh • Mlfler Like'them, he IsLnot satishid wjtka 'ru-^ - pcrficiel pf _ anything, / lip studies - hWd,thinks- * deeply, '.endr reasons prtfoundty. , There is,hardly enough of, the his com* pwrtdon. He! onght to lubriOate his'meital cm-' obinery nibre with the oil of. eooltA et.j>y ,raent He<has.afutl share of the mirthful ele> B#Dt 7 hut docs sot let it,run, | sharpen hi* lancet ud soalpei in Uyiog bate thejvioes of : A-littie more relhxation-to hisbpw wonld give greater force to his arri>w. ; \ ' 7He pever.eDterahia puiv.UiUnpreipared, j nor iu ; trdduces bis disconrse with an apology. Ip prayer —bwirdeyout and roverential;and usually embrscee ; in 'hls • petitions classes' too' often forgotten—the, '' deaft the biintl, the insaue, the poor, and Ithe uu* fortunate/ ‘HepndersUnds the differesoeihetwecn - " praying and. pTe*chlpg;Tind ie,,therefore, not liable •to Stertoo'OomWpn impropriety ’of vub2}ltd<i9g one for fbe prayiag at indiridaßls and things; instead of ro Clbd. 'lt ia.a credit to Dr. ISoardman that his congregalion evicoe* a .freedom the lasy ■ Indifference' manifested some duHOgprayer, where most of .the members ie(uiD : - their seats, or, perhaps, consult their, phy&al ease ! by.recUuing their heads upon, the p6f*|>aokB Id • frontof them. In this church I observed thatwben ; . pniyer wis offeredVoarly the entire oon^regation J rav«rauU^ ; »se to their ’• 7- 7 ; His voloeJapecalUr; it is slightly grating'end , tremnlous,;yet withal.mellow, gentle,.auct impies •ive: ’He speaks with marked-accnraoy,l but his, ; deHrary would’bb morCubotious if he spoke more open-mouthed. His; theplogy-ls: decidedly Old, ; Behoof. . Although 100 jo.ucg^ to take p pronnnent part in tha'erents which,rrauUedin the division of thr Praibyterian Ohhroh, in' 1337/hts' 'eonvlctions -"-V'ttmmatter weTe dceided, bot|r;wlth r respect to V'- the dTOtHoblund.theoTogfcs! points Jnvojved, and the.policy .tf lhe church in controlling the educe 1 tton cf her tulcirtry, and d lroclipg, her pipsi on nry ' - oparetipus.—B is .sermons arechssteand (power ini but utterly dcyord fff ti© ecr.Qa , the>gr. and pleases ; v the_erowd. JllB.ftrrows_are,aiiUftd.at tne heart; ■j[ thnsagb.the understanding, and not merely the '* so that. when they'taka. eff?et they are 7 ;i apt to bebatb,ed with intelligeUt oonviction. As _ a faithful herajd of the oross, he Seeks to (t ]>er> >. nademen!? by Scripture arguments; instead of •; mereimsginatiredeolamation,which too often puts - the tricks and emotions 0 ot tfce orator. b4forc''ihc' ; word. . flaviog an* woanced his theme he proceeds calmly ta; treat it, - ' giving evidence by his eveiy ldok, gesture, add in ioaatioo that hie snulifi in wkaVbe.uttefs. Kjw hpAe«hires a broad prinoipfe, establishes ■•if ln the bearer's - mind a - few- concurrent SsHpfure quotations, and then clinches, itf by a for* eiblcacdditisg tllosifatiPn Ashe progresses he utters boldly 'the* dnty.of believers; ; oe<jaaion*iliy ; gives et*d,ende of his.dwp.aiid varied |learnirg, ": tkough in this he is never pedantic, or wearisome ,to the most unlettered hearer. He'speaks plainly .1 ..*4 the sinner; tails him exactly where he stands in , the light of ;the Gospel) but does not denounce him a* a toolor amadman. if ke' iiappen to ' have the necessary graoe to icUevt. , He j tells the , impenitent of.Christasjbe’only Ssvlonrj of that bIS 'gritea is. sufficient to all 'whojput their truetin-flim ; bnb he does not eonceil 'the truth ; the sinner, by the Holy Spirit, con no ' . more escape from bondage, than could titelsraclHe*. :: of .old -.haVe ftced themselves frotn 'the Hgyp •yoke without Providential interposition. 1 He hold? 1 up to'theni'God’B justice as well as his jnercy, end that.while in his eternal purpose jHe tsves * some, He.is-not unjußt in leaving others In the ' qondeinnationr which by nature they are under. Ta bU discourses there is nothing strained Or far* ‘ fetched. They are,clear, consecutlye/ ijnd, how* ever sapclateble .to, those differing/wijh him in «i ill always consistent. 7 If hat he says be .!; evidently tnians, 'and U prepared to subst'Snilate' ' wlthaScripture reason. Hordotvfaepreaphafluin* - detllng sermon and apologise - : at' the j close for - having.dotie eo, in cider t 6! eurr/favdr with the ; «Ugodfy. jpnlpjt dlsoonVsSs in full, ''7ipt4res4t tijem their matter was of muoh .. ..moreimportance than the style delivery. : As ahTextemporiser be is To - . everything he’s*?* and does is trh Air of calm ealf-possesriohr HU gestures are few anjl grao eful. Thera U something iu Ws bearing that* •. i and attention; no mattet yr hat- may be their prrju* JtoM. B. can,' b* pithetio, l.at It mu.t be in (be direct Ilbe of blB «übj:et,: Weepingen4 nblning In fte polpit for (Uo mere tfcn.trlcel effect of the ;i lb!ng h*bu : too nmcb good eooje to be gailtj of ,: Nor doe* he break forth in a thunder-olep of round ' auet, to rupplj a oiimiix.ln fypograj-blcal.par-: t. Unte. blr italioe and imall cape mean (nnetbiog. Hi* labont, *B a ChrUtian ininiiter, hnvo been 4(naU, bleri- Since entering biepreieht field the, ’ dongHgation ever. Kbloh be. preidti has rent ! 1 fbirth tiro' new colofites, ene of whlcb' la now the ' ■ ..Veat;. Sjirttetrtreer iDbnrobj ,(R«v,V* l| uu* 9. , '.yjM#! 1 , pdffof,) /id thb; other ite ftltvamenrlng i Chnroht now in ebarge of Her. Mir. Rio,. The p*. :rodbi*l dntiM of Itr. Boardnian'are, »er, Kteat, bnr longert^ettled-and peit-inown' > al*rg)aeb, tw bu’nnt*erou eointn!nih,|it rent bio from abroad, inducing extensive 'ebrr«spor;decce, i andrtqairing bir eervicta in vlrttiog it rangers end ;: fte Rek:;yet. wnbtau hU. psstorat intier. Dr. ' Boardnan huexhibited.' hie. j&durtry in conlriln «•« largely to odr onrmtVelfglbn* litebatnrc. and ;', ; b»r;wrtlten a ( number of book*, tho prinoipai.of . , wUebpaocordlng to Alhianes Dtuionpry of Au are tbe following : “ Scripture pootrioe ol Original Sin;” “Letters to Bishop I>oha* bn ihe Oxfontlreet*‘‘The Prolatioal Dootrine i.f jjje Apostolte Snooenion t Eiunlned‘“.The Itnpo,* . anoo of, Heliglon to.fte Legal Proftfiion;” “Tb* Bible in the Baaiti,,”- an d “ lbo Bjble in the Oflinttng’Honße; k' Coarse of. to Mer- SpS.kieg of.on, of;there pbbltcatlons, , fta.iVtnwton,. Rcvietr,. p,,,,- i-Dr,. Roardman’i / atyte rrlfleoM biaowamental xigor, ol«arne£s, ?!«• oUy. fndmtry, finish, and Uele. lt .bounds in ant ■ illustrations, puts abstract priaoiplea in concrete! , , ilrteg tornir. is rellexed .by . "alientjw.jntr and ' apairkllng joU ; it often /note of V getnlne ctorjnenoe, and is with’ : noptoka add apporite faoti, appannuglitod jar 1W pnrpot* in the oourse of an cat enrif ir rea d ing. ’ ’ In . addition to the books here naicrd/he ii the author '■',,'ofa namber'of leseer pubiicationr,' of whieh' - tbrongb nncierotu tdltlrins, end at*' ;, regarded aawng,',the abtert, prodtWtlbns, , extent. ~ npnii fte ‘|ttibjeots 6f which jhey treat. Of. there] «: -w* aiey niime bi. eermon bn, '(-Tbe,J.jfe ktiA Che-’ factor of Daniel Webster,“/ dellrered ih bis eburoi/ ’ , in NoTember,lBs2, end blee*lebrated kisedarre or,,' . ~.ft*’.“. ABerie»n; .Union,4 ia Dtettfibei, IBM. - Tbe. .-■i'Jfri&t.iot, tbte/h d Bioit able, terle/and .ooin oCrpteriiilj* dleoonrro upon the gredt ftatermsn oi MarftSeld. and it is pot besrowieg ton mneh npoti . , .tbelatUr to in, ftet teeanUmeste.w4ild do honor ft*' pbiteepber in'floHileai •cienee.'i 1 ‘ ‘'o ltl wrsat the Bprsfiel f«-l 'i!tqiqi»» bd:mnny or'(Kir‘flrt't’ ef tliens, iioiedlng diri tW&pMHi repteentetlres of. the bench; ■//'tttWpress, and fteeointieg-lidMtV" !,i •i.'./.i ,VI ' /d* dwat: Wrsni r**k**V ™®t Beard in bie election; r ;by .th*Bn*rat Assemby, to ud nbeequent d*-V ■ of, the Chair ■of /rbeolcgy ~eng MflMly ttedMft of Br.’iu* 'eKlbtia'XlManawiti IBs3;7ThocaU*>ir°P<' which ftiff men in similar ■ elrcunlflia»cC3- conl(i havo de clined,'but iho event dovelbped.Whatby.Uio oi l)r. Uoardmen meat evor bo regarded ae'a more satitautial Yribute to hie Jworth than any wVjs po sltif'a t'Scuoh could he,, however honorable. .Soon . afieriiuß.election;, a papor waa drawn np and sign ed by, a largo yumber of onr moitprominent and 'inflientiai oijlaonei in ' highly* oomplb meDtaby terySa toDr.Bi theirpYoteit* if I ”>»y so 1 dealghate Jg’.againat hie ' rimming fifoin Phjlpdel phie. Ndf ip it at all improbable that this coarse, on tlie pirt of hU friends, w*snt'gr«.t fin*iptancb in onapting him todeoid oth* moat d iffionl t question of hi/life., Bnt-'fprl'ona.irbMe prbbUvities.are so y,oii)4(l.,«hd Wb’pSB',t*»t«»'a«; bettor, served in the 'galits.of'hie study than by popular , epplanse,. I hive., probably already r too .freely enlarged', and" trill tlierefore eioie. *> r '-y t. : “ • ■ ■ y&i-iXT&I* Id I GJEjNCE. '*Lutheran Church lathe Uniied States, 1 i pays', The IndfWH'fifntt] Jbjj. -rftpTesentedin the. General Synod oftbatname,, shouti never bVcbufoabdecTwlth tbe liUtberanimn tbo Finhariaad, and should be, eppeoinllydjß* tinguUbedfromtfae 1 k Alt-Lutherari ’’bcc t; or party; therA*'' Wfiat iii balled the Lutlieran.Chtirch in this -qaqntry,:though of German origin and lineage,and standing in ariose [historical relation do thegre&t Reformer’whoee name bpafs, is thoroughly Arne* ■rionn iu its distinctive gebihs "and tendency, as mhuh so as tbe} 1$ e w-Sc hrxjp PresbyterianJQhproh . op'tn<} > Congregational O.hntohesof New England 1 .X’ Mission.—We understand that -a often set on .foot in, this afty for evangelfoal labor among the French popu ■ "taUbn.'J.Bev.. G rA’lord husVbeen appointed the wii'Monary'cblpdrtedr, and heis now on gollvednty in the city. ' We ;bbpo the best rcsultß : may be reached. : The' meetings are held at the Assembly Rooms,' comer of Tenth and Chestnut Streets, every sUbbath - The sermon id ih Prenob in the Corning, and.io English, oh Roma&ismy at three in tho after* nooa. • -*■; : ' ' ’ j ,: .1m Test SsßTicßS.—The recent opening of th’a .tent service# in this city has been-quite aus picious. - The superintendent says that on, one oc casion, a Sabbath evening, thirty arose and'asked to be preyod for; and not less than a thousand of all afe??. sexes, classes; and condition}! In life, havo crowded under its folds to hear the preached word. The congregations are frequently melted to tears under the pointed and eloqaent present*tionof the truth. Mr. Brown says l the edict against introducing new religions la,still in force in Japan, but he is laboring to acquire the language, in hope that by the'time he is ready to preaau; the way will be opened. Already the subject has been brought to tho attention of the Council of State, by the Ame rican minister.' i , . Open Air Pb x achixo — ;A committee of the daily union prayer meeting in N..8., have ;commenced a series of open air preaching services. The first of theso'was held Sunday before! last, in front of the eity. court house, and was attended by. ‘about 700 persons, who observed a very respectful andorderly demeanor. " Jbddo.—On the 11th of last Mareb, lier. S. R. Brown, missionary of tho Ke formed Dutch Church in Japan, pTefccbodtho first Protestant, sermon ever'delivered' in : that city,' using on-the occasion the first Eoglish Bible ever broueht there (brought by Mi*. Harris, November 30,1857.) 1 ' ' : '.. " i s|Tftg Moravian, published at Bethlehem, thinks' .'that, the Church, will, experience great modification within a. century l it admits that in this country the Church is in a transition state. “ It is feared by many that it may not survive, tho uncertainties and perplexities of these times. 1 ’ > *■ WWBOUT'PRBStp«R*B ~r.Tbe following named Methodist Institutions of learning are now; without -Presidentst -NorthwesternUniversity,, Etanston ;• Ohro.Wealeyan DnWersUVr Delaware; lowa Wes* leyan University,: Mt.' -Pleasant; AUegbany Col lege, McadvilleDickinson Oollege, 'Carlisle, Pa. Ekolaho. —The church-rates bill has been thrown oat otx the second reading in the House of Lords; by the tremendous vote of 31 to 138. ,Tho popular,Wave moving hackiaard on thateubject r and that makes the House of Lords boldertnanever.. , — v l <} , -'rjfoHSBTOXr-Prof." Johnston,- of University, at Middletown, has been presented by. his friends with a purse of one thousand dollars He has occupied the post.of professor In the 00l lege, for twenty-five years,- and is.muoh loved end respected. IMPORTATION 8. torTfie Prew.! J , INAGUA-Scbr Pilot’s Bride, Coker-7600 bushels salt , NfJ—Sehr B'aek Pijaall, Dav—l6l cwkWs BPtS.turp*afio« J64bblsritch Kates A Foster; 75bb;a roeln oil 79 do tar Cochraa A JRu»s3)l; SOpkgsmdse to • - - . _ _ *CHARCESTOPf—BchV D Jones, Tatem-101 feet lumber n&ekUr&C&lvm. ■ PHILADBLPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. oeobornTtatham./ T. FROrnINGHAM, J Commitisiot ths Monrs, ROBERT B REED. V - LETTER BAGS , At the Merchants' Philadelphia. Shtp*Wyoh»lnPi Bnrtfln. : Liverpool, rul/2iT Bbtp Southern flights, Harwood Liverpool, soon Hark Treniont; Raker . Kinsehm', Ja, rood jjnrk flan ~n tnarga..^. n . Bark Achilla*, (iatsather.: —... . I.ondon, soon itark mi James. Crate, Rio de Janeiro, *OOO Brit B T Martin, Carver. Cienfodeoa, toon Bn*-War Retie,,Williams. -Port An Pnnca, eooa Brig TV>risi Jfdion... « w.Cieniutgos, toon INTELiLfOENCE. /' K»HI OF FHTI*AH>J£I*PH!A' Jilf SI. i #t«« ?Ulf BETS -—J.-U.-H2 JHLGH. WATER. : . - ~ >.4 37 - *.• ABRtVJsJ}, , l* Steamship Dalfcware, Cannon, from New fYork.vih. Cape~May»7 hour*, with mo»e end passengers t.» Jos' -Allrierdioe. . ’ . , bebr Pilot's Bride. Coker. 12 day* from Inftrut, with suit to o&stiin. Left at 10»2U% Bth imt. soi,r L-adjr Mnlarave, (Br) for Maljfsx; Jdg, Br brig Magnet, lor Halifax, sailed the previousd*y. Sehr Blaefc Squall. Day. 6 d*ya from Newbern, NC, '▼ittrnavai storesto Kate* IcFostar. ' - • Bohr D Jooee.Tatrifi. d d«)s-from Charleston, fC. withlCty-COO feet yellow trine board* to Gaskill ft Galvin. Por-r Brunette. Jobnsen. Bda)s from-Bacon’* Castle, Va, with 60.000 fret >ellow pine board* to Gatkiil k. Galkin. . Bohr C Lower. Laws. 4 dajs from Salem, in ballast to L ft Co. . . » Schr T P WoCollev. Deputy, 1 day from Camden, Pel, with com to. Jae barratt* eon - M ' Rchrßmma. Brooks. 1 day from Newcastle, Del, with -wheat to Ja* Hanratt t Son. • Bohr Annie virden. Chamrort, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with mdse ti> Then VV Parker. • Kobr Andrew Mansbip* Morns. 1 day from Borer. Del. with wheat to J*e Barratt * n»n. -. Pohr H, H >Vil»*n* Bavi*. from Port Jrflercoo^ Bebr Greotan. Matti.ewn, from Portsmouth, Fobr Ontario. Vangi der, from Btomncton. ' Bch> O F Hawley. Racket*. from Stoninptou. Kobr R-G P« Hudson, from ftanversport, SohrClarissa'Bndd; Roue, from Fawtuoket. jbPohrWirowTfaTprMo'Elwell. from boston. ; FohrTrninn, O>or, from Boston. PehrJ R. Mather. dioverxon, from Wilminston. Bel. Steamer JTohn Moviahin. Man-ball. 10 hours 1 om f*w«, Del. with grain* Ao. to captain. Report* tfi« ship Canoov lor Rio d* Janeiro, twk Joseph Maxwell, tor Luuayra. and Arcadia, for Cardens* as having passed to sea yesterday. Ihe U 8 steamer Pawnee was off* Moms I iston’s, at 6 A M, at anohoi; sohr Pilot’s Bride, from Inagna. was oil Quarantine. • CLEARED. Bteiisship State of Georgia, Garvin, Savannah, Alex Fferon. Jr. Steamship Virginia, Ke-lr, Riohmond, T Webster. Jr. Bteai!,MluD Boston. Crooner. New kcrk.via Lapo , fo* Allderd'C. - .Bark.P C. Alexander, Colcord,Portland,C A Hock icher « Co. *Bchr M Shhidle Scull, Savannah. J Baker.: r Sohr Mary Ellen, Cottingham, Deep Creek* Va, H Cnskrer; < SohrC Loeser, Laws- Boston. L Audenried A Co, . Bchr JR Mather. Nickerson. Boston, Baum, Vgle & Co. Hohr Clarissa Hudd. Roas. Pawiuoket,' do . Sohr Greoian- Matthews, Poitswouth, 0 AHeckscher <j-Co. - • Pour R H Wifton, Dayis. Boston. Rspplier Sc Bro, Bohr Willow Harp, Mohlwelli Boston, Bancroft, Lewis 8c Co. - v •' Bohr Trojan* Cook* Boston, Noble, Hammett Cald well* 1 Scfar Ontario, Vangilder, Providence, Van Dusen, Norton «. Co. t■. ' Snhr O F Hawley, fi&okett, Sag Harbor, L Rothermel k Co.. Schr R Hudson. Dsnversport Milovs A Co. fichrFranoia Barron, Carter, Pcurhkeepsifi, N Y, Jila ciston * l ox. Sour Be*r*bebsi Street. Westohestor, NY,‘ do Bohr A C Psge. HaneT. Fort Chest-r/n Y. do fitr H L Law, Iler, Baltimore, a Groves, ir. nr TBLJWBAPH, (Correspondence of The Press.) . , Nohpolk. July iO. Arrived, ship Volant, from PcMlAnd, with ooal. . . . alexandma.Va.Julyro, Arrived, Eastern Star, from 6omb:ero r , with gnano. (CorreKO£T)4«ip£«of The Press.!* mu W r °RACE. Jolt 20. ]360. The Wyoming left with 8 boats, laaen and consigned as follows: J T Dawson, lumber to Nororose & fiheeU; Frank Taasrt. do to Wilmintton; Chis shoemaker and G-n H Mernok, do to 8 Bolton 8c Co; Ho»«, Holman A Giubb, Mary Frank, and Lureka, coal to Dataware; City. * 'MEMORANDA. . ' - - , Steamship Kensington, Baker, oleared'at Boston 19th last, for Philadelphia. Bark (Md Hiekory, Holmes, at Havana 16fh inat, was chartered to toad tor New York at $1.68 per box. Batk-Wm-A-Bdaks, Hariow;nenoe,arrivea at Ma taozas is, ti mite Bark Canid*.' Mitchell, sailed from M&Unz&s 11th ln«. for Portland* at Baltimore 19th inst, from Bart Aberdeen.•Cochmn. for Baltimore, sailed from Maiaasas 12tn fast. ■ Brig Tried, Brown, at Havana Wh in«t.from Bara ooa .and sailed 14th for Philadelphia.- j '? r, S.J£H* K, for Philadelphia, oteared at Ha va&ft l*tn tost. , J Bftrabfitariv Whaley,oleared at Havana 34th inst for Sagna and Philadelphia. H?v!um«ndSow Yo/k alled from Havana 14th inßt.fpr .Briv 8 Tharston. l ainpher, for Philadelphia; sailed from Cardenas Jn-h met. . . Brig Howut, Jobn=on, hence, arrived at Boston 19th instant.- ", ■ Bcbr Ann Fiokreß. El*ey, hence, arrive, at Baitiiro-e ivtn inst. 1 -/6fir Henry Nutt, Sbeldeu, lienee,'arrived at Bagna Mth ult B°br Constitution'Btrout, cleared at New York 19th itJit.forPhilMeiphia* , 'B°hr*. Wien. Hal ett. W G Audenried, Hewitt, Alert, Champion. M tihrppchire-JShropshire, and WmPCox, Houok. henoe. amvedi.t Boston 19th inst. Sohib Henky PerkiDS. G* oandge, Mary fitaudish, At wood. and J*n* C PnUerson, Mulford, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston )9to inst Boetlon* Wn*htuigtoa, henco, arrived at r lVßiver i7tb ipsi. Y""/ r '“ ,D, *” ,oI *" eil * f HaV4na 1,111 illfit ' dimliflffiL 011 *- c,e “f • *> c “ r< >. arrived at New Lon ;j^s%|S^, i Gmml.T, cleared at Hartford M.h -tANOS. ia£a HAIKiS. BROS. I OVERSTKUAG "lielin A fT,S A RStiffiffiVO/SHga “Becond-hnad HabbSTor riile and to rent; e^ r * ’ „ „ L; WiLKFR. 8. Lr Coy. ofSEVr jhTH ard a son PRINCF. A -CO/d-.lmproved MELODEONh. ■ Jytotm PLANUS! PIANOS!! PIANUBU ~ PfA^^FORTEI,. MELODEONO. , -. ", ; FUNO-FORTEa, ''Made hr ' n ! , . * CUrk, 1 SEVENTH atI^OHRB^SW. Ohaßttg* DORTO RICO SUGAE.-250 hhifs^me rirs&jr " ,o ~r 'PRUffeldN BLUE—Ground in Oil, for * BROTgBB ' 4T t;,f» Java oomsk. -0.1,000 pockets prune REMEDY. , aromatic invigorating spirit. This MtdUinehasbcm used by the public for six yean with increasing favor. It is recommended to CUre ' Dyspepsia',' Nervousness, Heart-Burnt , Colit ' u> ' Bains, Wind in the Stomach; or Pains in the Bowels,- Drowsiness,- Kidney n 1 ' Complaints, Low'tpirits, Delirium . . '• ••• . Tremens, Intemperance. L If SinritllTM, EXHILAtfATRS, INVIGORATES, BUT ‘ ~ ’ ] *, ' wjx t rot or Stupefy. > Asa Medicineii la quick. and effectual,-our ng.the uoetncvravatedocsei ofDyepepsia, Kidney Complaints, > pud alfother derangements oi the Stomach and Bowels i in a speedy manner. . - » , , , • It will nrsUptly revive the, most melancholy and 'droopinrepirite* end -restore .the weak, nervous, and fSiekiy.toheahhtStrenKth' and vigor, s ■ ~1 —-Pemmewhorfrora toe injudicious us« of liquor*. have . become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, • coDstitationn broken down, and soWfict t 6 that horrible carte tohumamty, the Delirium Teeners* wilt, al most immediately, fbelttte'happy and healthy invigo rating sfliowy iSSi'n'fiUng Spliit. '' , WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—One wine glims lull as often as necessary* " 1 One dose will remove' all Bad spirits. , One uose will oure HPart-burn. Three doses wilt onrt'l nduestion, One dose will givdyon a wood Appetite. „ _ One dose wiJl atop the diatreaslß* pains of .Dyspepsia. .. One dose aplremove the distressing and djsagreoabie effects of wind or Flatulence; and as soon ; a* the stouiaoh receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings Will he removed., Onedcse will remove the most distressing pains of OoHo.eitherinthestomachorb'wels. . , „ , A few doses will remove all obstructions m the Kidney, Bladder, or UrinaVy Organs. • . . Fersods'who are Seriously nffliored with any Kiduey are assured 1 of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical care by the uee of one or two bott.es. * NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Fersoha who, from dissipating too much over night, and feet the ovil effects o. poisonous liquors, in violent headaches, sickness at stunach, weakness, giddiness, &o.', will End one l. move all bad f* elinKS. - Ladies Vf weak find 'Sickly . constitutions’ should take the'invigorating Spirit three limes a day > it will make them strong, healthy, aud hapiy. remove aU obsiruo tions and irregularities from th' menstrual- organs, aud res lore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Daring pregnanoy it will be found an invaluable raodi oine to remove c tsagreoitbl'- sensations at the sromaoh. - All the proprietor asks is a trial, and (o induo* this, ho has put up the Invigoratwo Spirit m pint buttles at Cp coots, quarts $l, __ Genorat Depot, 4S WATER Street. New York. -1 JyYOrT &80NS, • Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, and for sale oy all Druggists. je7-thatulv f~kA.K. ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. These Springs are situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, i n the town of Alabama, GeneSeb eo„ N. Y,, eight milessuuth of the village of Medina, on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. * t£7~ The principal Aotd dpr nes are three in number; betides these there are six otheisi They are all located withma circuit of about filtv rods, ihe medicinal qualities of the waters are full) shown in the sabjoined testimonials. They ooutam a very large an.ountof bul- Actd, Sulphate of Lime, and Froto- SulpMte uflrgn.' The great medicinal virtues possess ed by these waters depend very largely upon the pre sence, in such unusual quiutities, of these ourative ■ubstanoes Hundreds of cases of disease, especially those restat ing Irora the sorofulouu diathesis, have been cored ny “HP /a skin diseases—even in confirmed Jep7o*y—the I Waters have been signally successful. ' Opimonsofinedicalandaoiantifioj.entlemens.regiven in the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak In strong terms of the raealoinal value of these waters; Prof Emmons,T. Homeyn Beck, M. D., of Albany; Jas. McNaushton, M. D.. of Albany; Edward Spring, H, H.,of New York; Or. R. Campbell, of Pitts-, field. fllaas.; Dr. J. 8. Shuler, of Lookport. N. Y. They recommend the waters confidently. Dr Sprint refers to apase of chronic diarrhaa of several years * standing, which was cured by the use of the water Or. Beok says, I 'tm satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents.” vt. Campbell says, *• The) must be highly benefioial for all onronio diseases of the stooiaoh and bowels. Or.tf. P. Whiteread a. paper on the spbjeot of theso waters, before the Aoademy of Physicians, m the oity ofNewyork.m whioh he states ih it the waters pos sess decidedly tomo* refrigerant, and asirmgent proper ties; and that the class of diseases to which, they„are more particularly adapted are chronic aneotionsof tho digestive and urinary vrgans. and some of the cutane ous diseases; chronic dyspepsta; chronic diarrhaa; chronic dysenteryj chronic diuresis; chronic cystitis ; diabetes ; OAses of passive hemorrhage, saohos Purpu ra hemorrhagica, and the colliquative sweats Of Heotio Fever. The Water may also be often ased with ad vintage, he bats, in cases, of low typhoid fevers; m convalescence from protracted fevers, to excite the ap atite and promote digestion 11« diarrhoeas, particularly fluohanaredeperdentona relaxed or ulcerateu etato of the raucous membrane of the Intestines, lu calcu lous affections, or lithtasts, attended with pbosphatio sediments, jt is the suitable remedy, befngjprelerable to muriatioaoid.as being more advent andleuaptby continued use to disorder tfte stooiaoh. m febrile dis eases, itcan be used properly diltfeq. as a refrigerant to diminish thirst andpreternatur&l beat In «km dis eases—in those formsol dyspepsia connected wl>h an alkaline condition of the stomaoh, as in Pyrosis, or ter-brash, it will prove better than hydroohlorio aoid. In cases of Colica jpictonum, and other injurious con sequences arising from the action'of . lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, chrome mucous ca<arrh « and humta asthma, chronic .ophthalmia (externally) aaa gargle in ulcerated sore throats, in oases of sali vation, and in leuconhea spd gleet: and also laptles. When taken internally, a vmo-giastf#!jot the Water, diluted, taken three times a day, ip sapient for an adnlt* ’ Other testimonials from physicians, and,other re spectable individuals, may no seen on application to the Acent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. Jfo Water genuine unless procured from H. W. BUST WICK, Sole Agent, No. 574 BROADWAY. Pi ew York.' For Sale at the following Agencies: . ■ FREDERICK BROWN’S Drug and Cherniml Store. Northeast corner of FIFTH andCHhOiNtlT Streets. f Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, Jr.'s. Drug and <'hemioHl Store, Continental Hotel* corner of NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Trade supplied at Wiiolesale Prices, myid-swly iUb, ClltkiP AAiOflG TUN THObtfAND. DAL LEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplsnta4 ?U other Ointments aniL-healing. Applications id both tbs* Eastern and Vfesten, Hemispl ares, wherever intro duced; and its tntnnsie «n«ni u the true s»oret of a* Sooefisrth all ceramet** of sc tions, whether the cause aeeidmt or disease, BUPNS A m SCALDS I o are instantly relieved of H thei* aqgtueh, gain and inflammation, bye timely 5 application of this mar vellous healer, aud the 2j flesh Is renewed as if by a e msssunr; • .Children are freqnent-y sufferer* from external In nries, ' ejraeoially from - Fluid and Camphtne Ex v.catoHJ—therefore every » mother should have this art Uni preparation con- 2 stonily on hand.- It heals sore BrsartJ.and quickly removes the TETTER or RINGWORM* so ■preva - lent in She nursery. AO TRAVELLERS AND LAND, The machinist, the Tra- 3 V6ller«and every other in dividual whose lot in life a throws him within the oluums 01 wioident ftom ® explosion, he, or colli fion, should bear m rjind 3 that this Magio Extractor is his best aqdonlyTnerui. 8 i£ ip both portable And cheap, and si.ould ever be m his comseniha* aj a friend in need. There are thou- r. sands of living witnesses to testify to iu marvellous £ virtue, who 1 owe 1 their sound limbs ana muscles 3 to its raving efficacy. The following are a few 3 of the leading diseases for which HALLEY’S 6UOI-5 CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR is a PREVENTIVES aswefiMCUßEi Barns, Erysipelas, Sores of all fcinde, BnufSP, Fistula, Shot Wounds, Boils, Froet Bite*, Scrofula, Broken Breast* Kgyer Bores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles* ratdpa. Scalds, Cancer. Blqathtlar - Bis- gcurf, Graokeu Lrpa, eases. aiilU Head ■ - Chapped Hands, Alercnriel Sores, Wsralnji. Chilmainc, ■ Fains generally, Small Fox, Cramp, Pimples, Tuibors, Contracted Cords, Piles, Tetter* Chafes, Poison* Vlocrs, Diseases of the Rheumatism, Venereal Bores* Bkin> Rashes, Ac. Sold at the principal Depots, Id Broadway, New York, and SI and Ul Chartres street. New. Orleans, bi J. WEIGHT A CO., Goneral Agent. It can also be ob t/unsu of all respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout tho United State* and Canada. T. W. fc SONS. , , WL , R 3 Rcrth SECOND Street, fair Wholesale Agents tor Fcijpsrlvama. .i'emanitHK-o. soon TWOTICE TO BUILDEHS —The Board of 11 Comuiisawnej-* under an rot of Assembly enfiried. ** hn not providing {hr the erection of Publio Buildtose in tho City of Pr iuulelphiq,” approved April 2. 18fiU, hereby invite plans and e»timatrs°of c.i«t-fn the bn d ings proposeu ;o be ercoted. 1 heae buildmrs signed for ihe oocommodHtion of.the courts of juatice. and their appropriate offices, nnd the s> ve-al, ffices or Tpooru of the county, and also for the aooonimodation of the several oeoartinq' ts and officers of the mu im p leovernnientoi the city of Philadelphia. Tfaer are to do placed on Penn Square; the bui’dings for the onurts. fto.,on the horthwcotorn section, nml those for the nmmcipalgovernmenton the nortU;&storn saotion of said bquftre A statement, in detail, of the extent of accommoda tion required for the respective departments and offioos to be located in these buildings has been prioted, and persons designing to prendre plans are hereby referred lor copies to any of the Board > f Commissioners. Ground plans, sections, elevations, and pe spective views of eaoi building will be requisite, aoboinpanud with clear and lull explanations The estimates are tu be accompanied by specifications and with explanations of the whole so simple, oi'Jtilto, and fati that bey may be readily com prehended by penAn? not specially instructed id aioht teo ure. The said plana, estimates, end specifications to be dirootcd to the fresidentor the Hoard, and furnished before the first dsy of September, A. 1). 3£&t. Kaoh person submitting & plan must inrfiottto the ma terials to be employed in oonstruotiog the buildings un der his plans. Wo compensation will be awarded or paid by the Com mission era for the p'ans lo be-submitted, «s i.er* hy in vited, until«he means of carrying the said act of Assem bly into effect phall be provided, in accordance with us te-ius. .i' aL-XaNDBR tiEwKy, president JAMBS R. LJ/ÜbOW. Secretary. ' * Pniladelpbia, July Jl. OFFICE OF THE P: HEADING BAlLtt< helpuia, July Jl, 1860.--T on CoM transported by this from July 16. until further a PEOM « i >3 ill $ sBM . S « a ‘-i E § sis!* _____ j_ £ To JBiohraond—-a— SIH' 9 U2 *i.tt $j 36 *i.Bo Philadelphia—..-. l.tf IC3 i.« 1.46 1.40 Inalined Tlcne.,., Id 1»S 1U l.iS 1.40 Nioetown - 1.63 1.62 1.65 l.fci 1.40 Germantown R. A..i— 1.63 162 im 1,45 1.40 Falla of Bohuylkill,-. 1,46 lAt iju i.» i.aj Bfejumrok....lAf IX7 1,31 I.SC 1.15 Egbert**... —— lAS l.tf 141 1.15 1.10 GQttaUohook®P——- 1-2 S 1.71 I.JP |,|iß Bwede Furnace— —. 1,26 IX4 1,17 t,07 1.02 Jtambo’o..,... ——. 1,34 1.23, 1.16 1,06 I^ol Nomst’n or Bridgeport MS 1.32 i.m u# i,(tg vflPf rente. .... 1.14 1.1» 1.06 96 91 Pmjemxvme ~..—..... 14)6 I<o7 1.00 90 8H HoyefM Ford—..— 106 I.W 97 87 63 Aramingo..,..——. ixe IXJ 97 w ea Lnnenc Jr,. 1.03 I.o* 95 85 so Fottstown -98 -97 90 go 75 pouglasaville- 94 9? .&} 7c 71 Monooaoy 9l 64 74 69 Lhrdaboio.— 90} §£ s2} 72 67 Exeter .. ——. 90 89} 62 72 67 Reading....—,.-.—— 83 *» 75 66 60 Tuokerton-—. 91 73 63 68 Leeaport.. 78 *J 7(r 60 66 Mnlir«viil» 76 l* 67 67 63 Hamburg,——. - —76 73 66 u 60 Orwigßi/g and Auburn. <1 60 Im —«— By order of flip Board of Manatem. Jjl» 3m , W. H. McILUENNEY, Seo'y, PLANTERS’ BANK O? T]3NNR?SEE. ; , . NASHVItLK, Jupa M, J&M. This Bank has this day declared a dividend of tJOi ty seven dollar* Bnd thrre-aunrters per share out or tn«* surplus or undivided p *.nte of tbe Bank juiyabi* 1 i toe Philadelphia htsokhowersat the WrBTERiv BANK, ae-iollowa.viz ; Ten per oan£. mid fractional pans of one share in CASH on and after the 15th July next, and thebvanoe either in cash or new Stock at jwr. at the option of the Bank, on or after ceptenibor 17,1305, By order of the Board. ' * , i.B im . P. 'WEAVEft.C.oiMor. W.. NEILL & Oo.i Yard. 0. E. Cower BHOAD and CALLOWHILL, D64LIKS IN .Enserlor WHITE ASH, TAMAQUA, and LEHIGH ‘y ' OOALB. yreared «aa4 keptunderoover expressly for Family use. •;*Z ’ uratr * by Dispatoh will receive prompt atten tion. - . ap»-8m hardwaise package HOUSES, PACKAGE HAfiDWAKE HOtISE.—W« S. TTonld reiaaotfnllr rail the att.atlon of the Genj. sdv&ncs by the paokage. «A...uiß^^d c «rfe.te os ' i^HLOHiTS. POTASH For sate' by * B * OTHE *-« T “ a <■”!&'* . 21, tiseo. ' HEDICINAL. Dr. DARIUS HAM’S NOTICES. ’IirLApJSI.piBIA AND :<UD co.yipa NY.~Pnim the rat*aof FreirhtandTolls s company wifi be &a loliovrs, notice: COAX.. £»lN|sB* i Boston, concord *NO MONTREAL, AND whTtr mountains N. H. BAILHOaDS. 1960. BnUMV* AUHaiXNT.i - I*6o, I The shortest and most bireot rente to Lake Winripe saukee,North Otmway, Fmnooma. and White Moun tains, Irnm New York. Boston, 1 saleib, Newburyport* Portamoa h* Ac. cars or baggage between Boston and Littleton. Tiains I*ave< Boston from the depots of the-Boston and Lowell and Button and Maine *>ailro*d*, at 7.30 '.-M., for Centre Harbor, bly month* Welle Rivers Littleton, N. H<. Bt. Johi:«hary, Bartom Stanetcfld. Ac..connecting a* Centre Harbor With stages for North Conway and White Mountains. *nd at Ply mouth nnd Littleton for Pranonnia and White Moun tains, arriving at the Flume* Profile, Whitd nlountain, ntid Oiawfora Houses earlv same afternoon. Padsengeteleaving Bos'nnat7 33 A. M., reach Little ton at 5.30 P< M.,and Profie House. Franconia ' otch, by sta*e, at 5 SO P. M , or white Mountain and Craw ford Routes at the white Mountains, at 7 ;0 P. M l,eave Boston at 730 A. M. and 12 M , nnnneoMng i. LaWtenoe wi>h tralve from Balem and'Nowbur> port ret, Concord with trains from Portsmouth tor Plymonth- Centre Harbor, and Wolfboro’; connecting at WHrff with the steamer Lady of the Lake, Captain Walker arriving at Centre Harbor earlier than by any nt'tr route- Downward trains, for New fork. Worcester. Boston. Batc-'m, Newnaryport, Portsmouth, kc, T.ntletonHtltflS.a. M., or on arrival.of states from ‘Francomaand'White Mountains, j Leaya Rifer,, at 10 so A. M.. or < a arrival of tra*n frotn Barton end fit. Johnebury i e»va„ Plymouth at 720 A. M. and 1W P. M.Vor on arrival of states from Fiancdnia Mountains. Leave at 2 P. M.. or oi\ arrival ol steamer I -ody of the Lake, arriving at Button,' Worcester, Balem. Newburyport, Portsmouth: early -same afternoon- end New York via Norwich line of steamers; ard C. Vanderbilt, at 6 next morning* -'/ - j>l9 ltn J.A. HODGh, Puperintenriatit. rri if new TRi-WEhKLIf AND FREIGHT RUIM B TO NORFOLKandFORTSMoUrR.Vaivia the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and 'Baltimore, an.i Delaware Railroads, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. - ’ , On and 1 after July 9rh, pessengers from Philadel phia will take'the BIS a. M. train at the depot, corner. Broad etreet < end Waabinston avenoe, on luesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, arriving at Sea ford at 1,80 P. M„ nnd at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamor Phtladelphiawlll leave Norfo k on ih<» evenings-of Monday. Wednesday, ard Friday, connecting with the tram at Bealord, which arrive* at Philadelphia at 1 P. AL , , Fare for first-class passengers, including meals on the Fecond-olass passengeis, including meals on the boat* $4 CO. Freu ht taken hi low as by any other route. For further particular*, see snail hand-bills at the hotels, and other publio places, or inquire of C. F. DARK* Arent* - corner Broad st and Washington av. H. F. KENNn.Y, Master of Trar-sportation, ‘ Jy3 18t p. W* fe B. R. R. Co. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and aftor Morday. July 18 h iB6O, the pass*ngfir tramß will leave S from the Btation, coroer of Market and Lehman or Thirty-first streets, West PhilsdslphU, at 7.30 and 1080 A. J\L, and 4.46, and 6.3* P. Al. „ , „ Leave WEST CHEBTER, from the Depot, on Ess : Market street, at 6.40,6. and 1030 A. M„ and L 45 and. 6.15 P, M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast oorner ofKighteecth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. and 2 West Chester, at 7 SO A. and 6P. M. The >nst passenger railway car will leave Front and Market streets SO minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes, before the starting tirao from the de pot. and willoarry a fin* to denote it. The BageAge Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour i*fore the departure of the train from the West Pniladelphia depot- Trains leaving at 790 A. M. amt f.45?* M.. and on Wednesdays and Saturdays at *S9 P.JVI. connect at Penneltoo with trairs for all points on the Bhuadelphra and Biltimore Central Railroad, Oihoeaml waiting room - southeast oorner of Eighth ami "Market s reets. where passengers, purohasme tiokets for West Chester, will be furnished with a tioket over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, Jy3-tf ■ General fioperintendent 111 NORTH PENNSXX- V EASTON MAUOH OHIINK? KCKL,I*Y?w S HITi! HAVEN ' . tMi esa ladelphia.DAlLY.fSnndays oxccptodJ ns follows: At 6.30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Abentown, Mauoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkenbarre, Wiiliarngport* Ao. ‘ v At2A> P. Ml (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. This train reaches hasten at 6JO P. M.,and makes olose connection with New Jersey Central for New York. ' At £P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, X’t 9 A. M, and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At IQ3O A. M. and 5.60 P. M. for Fort Washington. ■ 6 M Expri's? Train rnakes close connection with the Lehigh valley JtoUroad at Bathlehein being and. “ d 10 8U !?te n B %%mSS»A: Leave Bethlehem at 6M A. M., 9.20 A. M. and P. .Leave Doylestown at 7.80 A. M and 4.14 F. AL licave Fort Washington at 645 A. M. and 216 P. M, - ON BUNDA7O: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M, Philadelphia, for Doylestown, atft P. M. F.r, U) Bert leftofij. •«! ! »! |}r. to Mauoh Chnnlt.S, 60 if : fie#f at WILLOW Street, or BERJCS Street, m order Ito secure the abrtfe rates of fare, , Afi Passenger Trains icjcent Sunday Trains) oonnoot at a 4 fiixtb stress qrd seoonn and Third-street Passenger Railroads. 20 minutes after leaving Willow etreet. * ~ jy3 - ' , ELMS feLARJC. Asent, PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. OF FARES! On and after APRIL )4»'12u2. Commutation Tiokets, with twenty-six oonpons, will bo.iwiled, for the holder and any member ofhis family, on any FoeSinWr Train, and at an)' time. , They will be sold by tie TreMuror, at the offioe of the company. Net. 227 South FOUR TH fitroet, at & redaction of twenty-five per cent, from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy t! e ByDimcr jn the Country, wiU find this a very desirabe route, the fidUuiUtiU sad Lebanon Valleys being among •P. RRADpORUj Treasur4r.-‘ PHifcAnutPHffr, MarohKtb.)B6o. - mii77 tf Alaßjs on Thirteenth and on Callowhili streets *ntB4o A. a.., connecting at Harrisburg witii the PENNSYLVANrA KAILKOaD, I P. M. train runntpp to fittsburr ; the OuMBERLANDVA.LDVtIrI.e6 P.M. train running »o CliAmbercbnrg, Carlisle, *e : and.the NGRThHIIN CENTRAL RAIIRPAD 1P- M. train, ruaniog to Sdn burr.'Ac. . AFTERNOON Utysg. ’ • Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger dntranoos onThirteenth and on CaUowhill streets.)lor POTTS VtLLVi-fr*> UAIiRiSBURG, fttn.su P. te.. DAILY, for P. U., DAiDV* ißundays centM.i _ _ DISTANCES VIA PJUL£DgLPIIIA AND READING From Fhilacxlpkia Miles, 1 To PlußnixviUa —,— ■Renting . __ Lebanon.....—BB Harrisburg...—ll 2. Dauphin.»—....—134 MiHersbnrg,.- 1431 TfoyortonJttQOtlonr.US! ljS : te^EiriS Jersey 5h0re.....—..332 Lock H&veQ.——.23sj Rale ton— —. .234 Troy .-.an' JElmira— „.287 , Philadelphia a«d Reading and Lebanon Valley R.R. TheSOi) A.lvi.» in' l .the 3AO P, M. train connoot daily at Port Clinton, (fionday* excepted.) with the CATA- WiStiA, wILIAMSPORT and ERIK RAILROAD, tusking close oonneotions with line* to Niagara Falla. Caioda.the We«t, and ftouthweat iamlB£S?k£2B* ,UA ‘ CoraMOf DROAD “ 4 antt-tf ... -w, ». ifriH/ggary^ •*. u. w<?H>ggarary;v.c^rg| Jjrftfgrm arrange: PHILA^TPHrA*wILMntRTON, AND BALTI MORE railroad! On and alter MONDAY. Julr 9, JBCO. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, 1110pTMi** aua For Chester at B,if A. M.» 11 coon ( l.U,f.w,7.wana ILIOP.JtV. • \ .. ...... For Wilmington at 8.13 A* AI„ If noon* 1.15, 0.00, 1 00, &nrt 11.1 ft P. M. For New Castle at 8.13 A. M., and OA9 P. M. For Middletown &t 8.13 A. M.» and S.DOP. M* p or Dover otß.lf A. 5f.» and Aft) P. 11, For Harrington ate.)6 A.M. anj6V.M, "or WilfnTd -at 8.13 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, a;,<t Batarday« at too P. M For Farminston at 815 A, M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fildajsatsxu P. M »«rBeaford atB.UA. Mr Mondays, Wednesday*, and Fridays at 5.00 P. AfU < F«'r Salisbury at 819 A. M. Train at 815 A.M will connect at Beaford on Tuesdays Thursdays, and-catnrda,}!, with steamboat to Norfolk.’ ■ . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA • Leave Baltimore at BAO A. M., (Express,) 10.19 A. X.. OIIdSASFrMr LeaveWilmfcston at 6.90,8 SO, and II.SO A. M., 1.45, 4XO, and BAS P. M. L»ar? Salisbury at 150 P, M. • *avs Beaford. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday;, at?.2» A M., and 4ttu*. h n ' Leave Farminston, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 8 00 A. M.. and 4.15 P. w. ♦ nave MUiord. Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays, fit7A. M.,and 4.00 F. M Leave Harrington at 8.15 A. M.,and 4SOP, M. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M„ and 5.35 F M. Leave Middletown at 10.05 A. M. and 6 41P. M Leave Now Castle at 8.00, 10.55 A, M., and 7.£5 P. M. Leave Chester at 7,*0, 9.10 A. M.» 13.01, 3.83,9.50, and •5T Leave Baltimore for RaHatmry “ and Delaware Rameau at 10.15 A. M., and 9 25 P. M. _ TRAINS Fuji BAJiiTMORE Leave Chcsteratl.49 A- M..lfcidftnd u.tf P.M. Leave WProincton at 0.25 A. H.JS.ty P. M.. fi.jd FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CARattaohei, will ran as follows ? Leave Philadelphia for FerryviUe and Intermeiafe places at S P. M. Leave Wilmington for FerryviUe intermediate places at LOO P. M. • ■ Leave Havre-de*Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate pJocpact 6CO A.M. L.avo UiltintoM k'i intermedi ate plane, ati.lt/ P, M, 1 Onlr asIJ.IOP. M, t from PhileuTelphiatoßaltimore. Only At 0.25 I , M.. from Baltimore to Phil&rialphio. j>7 ; . 8, M. FBLTOjt, President. 1860, Mwmem 1860. YORK AND WAY PLATES, From Walnut-street wharf, Willloave as follows—vis: At $ A ty, 7/S' Cajnden and Amboy, 0. A A, Aoooin- —• .....f ~...83 39 At 6 A M,, vtaGamdeb And Jirwf J.) Ac commodation..—-. SSB At? AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Ko ruing ‘ Mail—. - 300 At 11 AM, by Steamboat, via Taoony and Jersey City. Western Express..— 3 00 Atll* P M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo- 8 S 3 At<J P M, yia Camden and Amboy, O. and A. £x- A? 4 rjff.Tj? &toVfe.'OafVl» Tfioony aaidJeney City,Evonmr Expre'Aj....”.-. 300 Affr M, by Steamboat via Ttuoohrt&d Jpuey City, id Oiafi? Ticket. *. 929 AtaPM, naOamdsn and Jemay City, Evening Mail...— 8 oo M, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern Ate P M. via Camden and*Ambor, "Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,)— Ist Clots Tioket. %?5 fd “ *• 150 Tho BPM Mail Lino ran* daily, Thai) PM, South- Floinlnjtton, iStftf dnT,^W^ Vtl »f^P ~wluuC “ d ..For Water Gap,Stroudsburr, Beranton, Montrose. Grant Bend, &0., at 6 A. M. from Walnut- Bt»ec? wfiarf. and 7.10 A. . from Kensington, via Dela ware CrtoVawaans and Western,R.R. For Mount Holly, KUacil jA. M.,2and 4 H P» M. Fnr Bristol. Trenton,' &c t , at %X and 4 P. M. from waljmi Ktypot wharf, 7.10 A, M. and OX P. M. Rom Kehsinilob. For Palmyra, Riverton, belauso, Bsverly, Burllnr ton. Flnrenoe. Bordentown, Aol. at 12R,'ran<l *'* F» M. Steamboat Jos Belknap for Dorrfentown andintpnne diate plaoes, at 214 P. M. . •B-eambna't TftMou for Taoony, at 11 A. M. and Beverly, uurliuston,and Drictpl, at* P- M. Fifty Poumlfl of BaBKaxe,.only. ollpwea oao|i Paswti' ger. Paeseneero are prohibited from taking anything as baggage bat their wearing appercl. Alt baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company hmlt their responsibility tor baggage to One Dollsrper pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 01w, ax oept by special contract. avU WIVT- n. GATZMKB. Agent. r± NQTIO£.-rOH£Sm FW^DOWN^teTOW^^S^Iw- Will ptart from the n * wPi to* aleriieP.'Jf pf the Phila delphia and Reading. Railroad, Company, corner of .BROAD and CALLOW HILL Street*, (paueuer ea- forDojmbatown, ieaTei at 8.00 Sr of tka Fkiltdelphia THB PENNSYLVANIA OHNT RA L : <: 1 ■ railroab. : . ‘J(iO MILES DOUBLE TRAGIC. ■' ' iB6O, semmm i 860,. THE .ornsoting direotat rhilad.lphia vnth Through Train* rora Bo.ton, New York, and aU pomla %.t, ind in tho Union Dopot at Fittabur, trfth Through Traina to and from afi oOint.in tho.W>at, Northwest, and Sonlhwert -thus iurnishins facilities for thß traneportaDon of Faueucers.unsunpassed for .peed nnd comfort, hr anj other route. Express and Fast Lines run throurh to Pittsburg, withcatchaqgeof Cursor Oondaotora. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Looghridge’s .Tatont Brake—speed under serfeot control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travouers. Smoking Cars are attached u> eaohTrainj Wcodrufl’s ays exoepted. r>> Mail TraintleaTes Philadelphia at 730 Aa M. .Fast Line “ ‘ lIAOA.MI •i A* VoWb: ' Harrisburg Aboommodation, via Cobimbia, 3P, M, Columbia. “ 4J)O P. M. ‘ Parkesburg “ 6.40 P, M, Westchester " 12 30P, M,‘ West Chester Passengers will take the Mail,; West Chester Accommodation, and Columbia Trams, Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Bimira, BufTa 0. Niagara Falls, and intermediate point*, leaving Phi- Isdeiuhisstf-rt A. M. and 2 f. M.fo dlraotlj throuith.t Tioieta Weitwardmu be obtained at tho oOoe.oi tho Company in Philadeljph.a, New York, Boston, or Bal ntor,; and Tioheta Eaetward at any of thoiinsortant Railroad OfHoes in thoweat; also on board any of the regular Line of Btoamere on tlie Miuisainui or Ohio rivers. - 69 r Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any • other Route. For Q further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast oorner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the ’ennsvlvaniß Railroad to Chios.eo. make this the ' DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE URbAf WEST- The connection of traoka Dy the Railroad find.* at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayago or ferriago of Freight, to gethe rw lttiUieß.vvinr vf tnnf,. ere adveutarr.in.adiiy nutated by Shipppoi. of Freight, and the Travel- Merohauta and Shinpere entrn.ting the traneppKatiba of their Freight to tm* I ompany, oau rely with oonfi denoe on its speedy trßn?;t. ; fHKRATf 8 OF FREIGHT to and from any point m the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at alt times as/aoorable as are charged by ether Haiiroad uor^ipames , "road BB t°marknaoknge."viaPanna.Snil- oany i „ . P, A. STEWART, Pitl.tmrg; , H.S.Pieroet lio..Zan.eviilo.O.; J. J. Johneton, Rinley, 0.-, H, MpNeely.Say.viUe, Ky.; Ormeby * Grouper, Portsmouth, O.; Padiiook * Co., JeOersouvillo, Indi- SM.IH. W- Brown. A Con Cfnoillnati, O.; Atiorn t H , hbert,pinoiniiatijO;iß.C. Meidrum, Madiaon, Ind.; Moore, Louuviile, Ky.; P. G, o’lUley A Co. Evanmlle, Ind.; N. W. Grohara A Co., Cairo, III.: R. F. Bau, Shaler A-UlaM.St Louie, Mo.: John H. Har ri». Nashville, Tenn.; Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Tonn.; Clarke A‘ Co., Cinoago, HI.; W. hi Koonts, Alton u.j or to Freight Agents of Railroads at difihrent points n the West. 8; B. KINSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. IiKhOH & 00.. No. 77. Statostreet. BoitoD. , H. GenM Freight Agpn^.pkiU. BCwiwim PIfELADELPHIA, QER XOW^AU.KOAD-SOMH^ABRANGEMEJre.- fcttsr M - Leave Germantown 6, 7. 7J4, 9, 8>4,9,10,U, 13 A.M., It 3« 8,4,6,8, W, 7,8.9,103 f J\ M. ' * ON SUNDAYS, l»we Philadelphia 9.09 min. A.M., 1,5, B, 7H, and 10/i f, Mi Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., LIU min„f, CX, “ df>< ‘ CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 9, 8,10,13 A. M„ 1,4,0, 6H, 8,9, and 1014 P. M. **** Al M " Jtore Pliilsd.ltluS and 7H P. M. 6ave Hill 7.50 A. M„ 13A0, 940, and9.lo . Mi CONSHOHOOKEN AND NOBRISTOTya. “k -, Wt« Nomttown «, T, BJSS, *, 11 A. M., IK, Hi, I and VA r.-M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 9 and 6 P. SI, Leave Norristown 7* A. M., l and 0 P, M. , FOR MANAYUNK. ■ JO®. «SB I . o * A ' *•■ u * A - M " '• ’ Leave Phi Leave ManayunjTiA. M., IX, 6ft, and 9* P. M. - qlO-tf PEP<*T, NINTH and QRKEN Streets, Mmfflmj PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD. On and aitor July I.lB£kl Mileage Tiok»ta will be issued at 945 each, a discount of 25 percent., giving the holder arightto travel 2,000 mites at any time, between am points, an - in the No. 1 car of «iy Passenger Tra nno afenya Railroad or th? bptnfibpf falfl CoflP 5 Agmness mga ard oiherg, having occasion to travel frequpi.tly between different points, will .find this ar rangement conveniert and economical. For said tiokpta or other information apply to the T}p of Afcents on the Line W. A. JIC -LL*. oJueVal Superintendent,Reading,or to P. BRADFORD, jc23 1m Treasurer. Philadelphia. fgKgarSffifflfflfl ELMIRA ROUTE.— SlfisSr* AND sir QUICKEST ROUTE to Tam aqua. Catawissa, Ru pert, Wilkcsbarre, Scranton, Danville, Milton, Wil liurmpjirf, Tro*. Ralpton, Cantn, rimira, thiflalo* Fauen.er train, will leave the r jv Depot of the Phl- Kailroad. oorper BROAD and OALLOWHILX Httaet*. (Baaunrer eatraaoa on ,Cr,l l7n<,M* «s 6 ?(5«> for *H’? :.'.7~r.r.‘.'S3 p: M: ; The B.n> A, M. train oonneots at Rupert, for Wilkes %J^^4A«»3l!fBDWteM and NiagaraFalle nndliuffalo,New York and Erie,aim New York Central H*J|. oads. from aU points NortlJ and West, andjihe Canadas. ..Baggage oheiuc., to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, aild all i immediate points. Tiokete oan b) , rocured at the Philadelphia and El ‘ WmS2£;SKtt!?BS&s ‘BmnimwigKiP l ? (*“' * tlohia and Reading Depot, Broad sad p&Wo*i°. t&AW^J. 3 »or -in tbffr'M, SSfflST* belOT ° » P Northvre.c ap!B-tf Philadelphia. ffiiaSSSSSSB PHILADEi PHI A AND BMiTiMORE CENTRAL RAIL HO * D —«UM MF.RARRANGEMENT.-On and after MONDAY, JulyCtii, 1860, the trams will run tta follows: Leave the passenger depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Hs'-rond Co, oorner Market and Thirty-firststreets, West Philadelphia, daily (Sundays •JtCOptfip at 7 511 A. M.aniU 45 P. M. *’ph'Wpdogs<l*ys jJ Saturdays an train at | fig WveWgst Grove at M„ aud46# P.fij. Ihe 7-aO A. M, irainliorn Philadelphia connects reot w.to a «any line of blares via bew Lonnou ar.d Uklord. Returning leaves i xfordat 590.*A. M.. con necting with the 8W A. M. tmm from West G ove The lieautiful toenery and well-known beaithlulnes* of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior in dneementa to thoso looking for summer boarding. Freights for thin line rooeived at No. 1815 Market St. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia, Jane 28.1860 taulfl fiupermreodonf. Northern Central Railroad, finnburr and Erie U, R. Williamsport and Elmira Railroad, BE «»awm W KbT UiiLaTKR Leave ELEVENTH And MARKET Btreau, dafi? (azoept StindsT) at 7.15 A. M„ I2SO P. M.. and 4 I*. M. Leave WMlilUl.f tMOA M in 45 A. M. end 410 P M THE BRITISH AND NORTH SoSSSL AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS. ..VROM ICZW Tons SO UFST7?OQI, Chief Qaiun Pass-ago o 139 Scoops o?,bip ftjiAgc— rtL , vuom! CO4*Q'J 10 uvaa^QtjL. The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at ILUiT&jc and Cork Har iMiMsymr. lßßlCA.'ci;.“hkS“jn, lEuHm'Atbkp^te” « - SCOTIA,’(now building,) Thaw .vessels can j a clear white light at masthead; greed on stArboatd bjw 5 red on port buw. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston. Wednesday, June27* ABIA,Lott, , '* N. York. Wednesday. July 4. finite: ;• |?vs?K.^ d u^v r -/j;!r,Vi tftfifcfisffiM. »•to.’Wr.-aas.M ‘‘ floiton, Wednesdsy, Aug 8. 49Wa.V? u 7 L !! ft kork, Wednesday,/ng.lA P.UKOPAt Leitoh, 11 Boston, Wednesday, Aug w. PERSIA, iudkiue. •' N York, Wcdnaaday Aug. Si Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owner* of these ships will not be aoooantabio for Gold, Silver. Buuiqn, Speoia, Jewelry, Preoious Stones, or Motale. unlece bills or lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed, For freight or passage apply to E. CUNaRD, toy* 4 Bowlin* Green, New York. FOR tub' 80TJTH—OHABLSS. , Heavy ?«)«ht at an avorai, ter oent. ie ‘lew Now York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON. R. C. The U. 8. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P, Marshman, will sail on Wednesday, July 25, at 10 A, ill. Tnrouch » « »» at Baa. r. T JI?, U - STATE OF GEORGIA. wlatiSA? WUI **“ "f* in,/ 'through in 59 to £ohoars—only 41 hour* at Sea. &"Baiiin£ days ohangcit fromevonr Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading timed eveyy day. B sSL«la«^ above every ten days, thus forming a five-day commu- wfth CljsrUylon and and the South At yinh ojiSriestoh ami th«ge bkitu oon neot with steaa evs tor Florida, ana with Yai!roads, &o„ for all places in t-e South anil Sonthwdtt, 1 - INSURANCE. Freight and Ineuroneo on a largo proportion of Goods shipped South will be lound to be lower by these ships than by tailing vessels, the retnium being one-half the rate, U. I?.—litmagae on all Railroad ftsistifti* entirely onneoeasary, faHhpf Uutn Charlasvon or Savannah, the R^lroud Fare by this route 26 to « per oent. oheaperthan by the Inland Route, os will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tioketa from Philadelphia* via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: « „ IHLANB VAZI. To Charleston-,.—,5J9 CO Charleston—_„RM » |SBSft==rJ# ■ p fj co M^p/>.n rrT - _ yj ya S3 CO Atlanta——., at 00 Columbusis 00 Columbuj.—B9 00 Albany—24 00 Albany.- 97 00 Montgomery--, 35 00 Montgomery 83 00 Mobile.- w— 38 00 Mobile -. 49 90 New Orleans..-. 89 79 New Orleans--- 6100 No bills.of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For froight or passage apply on board, at second wharf stove Vice street, or to ALKX. HERON, Jtm . PRBtKrW! eontwFOURTH and CIQCSIWnf, * ,en ” - - ■ For Fiends from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. . For Florida from Savannah, sleaniars 81, Mary’s and St. John’s ever* Tuesday and Saturday. forwards Paroelu, P ,ob*Res. Morohnnd se.Uans Note®, sr t d >B«*pip.etttTprby its own Mn*f or in oonneotjoo o&&®aSSE£h. Mackerel, shad, herring, #o.— 1000 bhl* Noa, 1,2 and 3 targe and medium Mao* ktret,in assorted packages, of a very choioe quality} bb|s. new Wo. | large Mackerel, , 60 ha'f bble new No.3f> do, 80 bbls new No. 8 medium do. • 60 do new Eastern Mess Shad. CO half obis new do do do. Usu uuls new Kaatjlmt No. 1 Hurring, 800 do do Halilax No 1 do. do new Boston No. 1 do, 100 do do No 1 non e Fish. 25 do prime No. l Salmon, IUO quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 100 boxes new Herkimer county Cheese, RAILROAD LINES. SHIPPING. EXPRESS COMPANIES. INSURANCE COMPANIES. gABINE & DUY, KBURANOK AGENTS, No. 4‘4t WALNUT Street, osure against toss or damage by Fire* on Cotton ana r eoHen Mills., and other Manufactories, Buddings, Mero^andiße t Furniture. and other property, on fevo table terms, m tbe following Veil*known companies; PHffiNlX INSURANCE QO., Op HARTFORD, MWT ROrOLITAN C vfk°*VlsB.“cO,,o , #Nß^ ? YOK k! PROVIDBNOB -W°» , BBmB , |oN Il l'Nß.%o* AROTIO FIRE INin^tAtfcB 1 E^YORK; ', • /'eehOnpitHlend B orpins $188,142 UL HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF JtKW YODK, Cash Capital And Vorsins, 8224.8*4 PI. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO t , Op jfbW HAV.KN, Cosh Capital and HnroTos 4344 ait 77. GERMANIA FIRK INS.-GO., OP NKW YORK. * Casn Capital and Surplus 92lfi 399 07. HUMBOLDT FIRfcTNR. CO,, OF NB * YO«K. . . , . Cash Capital and Surplus 8236.988 PI. Applications m person or b? note will receive prompt attention. SABINE A DUY. Agents, J»* 3m No. 494 WALNUT Street. •yUE E3STEKPKISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHTLADEPHLA. (FIRE 11'iSDRJLNCK-EXOIiUfIrVEIiY.) eoi % A v \v H mm*# DIRECTORS. 1 . Katchtord Stabs, Mordbcai L. Dawior, Yilliam Moßxr, Obo. JL Stvabt, (albbo Fu&zibr, John H. Brown, OHH M., ATWOffID, ‘ B. A. PAHNISTOCI, lENJ.TjTskdicx, Andrew D.Cash, CHARLES W. COXK,Secretary. fqlH anthracite insurance oompa- PRRPETUAL th ° r, * ed C4pit * l Ofßoe No. SH WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loes or damage by Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, and‘Merchandise gene rally* ■ ' • Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights, Inland Insurance to all parts or the Union* ' . : DIRECTORS. . Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfield, p. Luther,, Dr. George N. Eckert, L. Audenned, , John R. Blakiston* Davis Pennon, Wra, F. Dean, Peter Sieger, J. K.Baura. JACOB I*SILER, President. w „ WM. F. DEAN, Vioe President. W. M. SMITH, Secretary. spS-tuthsu American fire insurance co., IBIO—QUARTER PERPET No. 810 WALNUT Street. stiove Third. Philadelphia. Having a largo paid-up Capital Stoak and Surplus In restoa m sound ana available SeoarlMoa, oonfmua to insure on Dwelling*; Stores, Furniture, Merohandiee, TesMlsjln Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU lone* ilberallv ana promptly adjusted. • „ ' DIHSCTOUS. Thos. R. Mari*» . John T, Lewis, John Welsh. Jameaß. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, r Edmund G. Datilh, Patnok Brady, , Chaj. W. PooUney, President. IRAWPOKD. Secretary. feM-tr ALBERT 0. t. Q UAKJSR CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. 40* WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL ANDBUR KVU S3M.74l7o v lojmn» a againfi Ussor/pSiiaSe by ] ? ire, and the Perils of the Sea, inland Navigatioa and TranacortatSon. ■- tEQRgE H. HART, President. freajruier, 8. H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary. DmKCTQRa.^^^ Foster S. Perkins, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuol Jones, M. D., raht-tf E. WHiiloT, I. R. CoKKsnall* lon. H. M. Fuller. | DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN* O3 OFFICE 8. E. CORNER WALIOT MAR 6 ffi'Wi'NoE _ . „ 'inland insurances On Roods,by River,Oanale,Lakes,andLandCarries# „ ia all part* of th© union. k , FIRE INS UR ANOSI On Merchandise generally. 18:0 Ssll a»WKtesa • Intereatrin* , WW fu U. S.Treaeury 9 V ot. Notes and inter - _ —trill* ao.tfll OB f *3,000 Temi*orary Loan to the City of Phila _ • _ . dalnht a , - . « wift iv> Pennsylvania Railroad Id Mortsac • <woow “*« •««*.•» &£»&■•• "•*“ <B ■ Company, inters and principal guarantied by tao oity of 01,K9i 159' shares R pornfytTania ' Railroad - U,WC W •MM.IKUiSm&i FWEwiJSSHST’ , ' 77 ’ “ road Com pa»y .. . ■DSD 9%&Q, shares Philadeipma loe Boat and Steam ■ Tug Company. Philadelphia and Sarannab Steam Navigation Oom oany, OoeanStoam Navigation Oompany.Pwladolphia ana Ha vre de Grace Swam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Oempany . ,1,919 69 *w» “ BiUe receivable for Insurances ... ljiAgg gp Balanoe due at Af^noiot—Premiums on Ma rine Poiioias, interest, and other debts due Spun &n!Psl!o&‘of‘inud*y TniufSoa *® tng« , - lr — - ~ , ~T 1 ,.,.., l.Wft 00 Cash on Daonrit in BinE: gy ofiO 3) William Martin. Sound A. Bonder, •ophiluo Paulding, nR. Penrose, n 0. Davie, James Tr&tualr, William Eyre, Jr„ James C. Hand, william C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr, CL M. Huston, •eorge G. Leiper, 52|r»y, _ REEKY LYLBUkNT Raoi Life insurance and trust com [PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBO - corner of TJ&RP «c HOOK Streets.- Asset*. 5837A91 A 3, INSURES LIVES for The whole term of dife—mcti ana «ndoirment»--porohase« life interest* Ir RealErtnte,and make* all oontracth depecdicconthe. •ontmgenoiesofLife. The; not as Ezeontora, Administrator*, Anlxseae Ynuteex.and Guardian*. * MMMi * uvw ” TRUSTEES. Raniol L. Miller, ' "fcwoecl 8. Stoke*. gWfe, llattu pS&MSSa. „ §£s£*’ fiMrar* jsdJhfidP* William H. Carr, Ellis 8. Arotier, William Rokertnn, So«ph M.^omS,* Wamar M. Jsg. n un,r. ijJM 17. Hoagpiß%&r*ta/T.. shU LEGAL. AUDITOR’S NOTK’Jff IN 'IHE OR PHANS’ CO’JRT OP MONTOOMP.Y COUNTY, kstattf of UAHY ROBERTS, la*© of Montgomery .township, in *ai« roasty, deceased.- Tnennn©r»liin»d, Auditor nppont*d bjr Mid court to rms diatrilniuon of the baldnroofrhe e*»afeors*id Kobortß.-nefiftAMil, la lh* handiof B. F. H*n pbpft, biq . (•xsentoror said to and among tboee l»naiir ehtitlfd io tho tr .l meet the legatees, creditors, and nil other part uninterested in said d-stn nuyon. Ci rti l® PU poses of hi* appointment, on WoD* N'J'OaY. Augu-t Ut IMO.at 10 o'dUok A. M., at ins Oftloe, i'o.tOi Mreet, in the borough of Wor- HHtown. CHA3. T. JttlLbßM, Auditor. COI'AKYNEIISHIP NOTICES. IVOXIUE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the partnership entered Into on the2i«t day of Jt’NE. IWB. l*etween JOdK*-H B. HUtCHf>5 »N and CHARlifc^HbNR v HRiAN is renewed aai ©on tinned Tor TWO YRAWS fron JVlifc 31, igjb 4 Ana the? do certify HWt lr,o n*m* of the i>ra M^5 T o? : JP^ r . ,n f. r,b, P »*>*>• conducted is OHAiy..feVi HfeNhY Brian, that the general nature of the tmsineei to be transacted is Tailoring and the same w II fee transacted in »he city of Pnnadelphia : that the name of the general parti.er of m>«l firm is CHARLES HENRY HklanV the rllr.f VSiSj" p »a on.l the oamo ot»hs epeoial pirme ibjOSEPH u. HU'ICDINbON, of EnstvSTig tSo State of ttynajl vanja 1 that the eajnftU contributed b> the said Joseph B Hutchinson, special partner. m two ihousatd fivo hundred dollars in cash. JOSEPH B. HUTCHINSON, Special Pa tner CHARLES H. ttRtAN, Ueoeral P*rtr.er. Philadelphia, June 21,185-3. BtfrSOi U riGN:~.Ttto "“TWinewWp heretofore existing between STEALING & WIN UAi*. is thiidsy disso'v d by mutual consent The business of the late brm will ba settled by HENRY STERLING, No. 181* ARCH Street, U y J. t*. ST -RLI NG, t> , , „ _ WALTER WIN GATE. PHILADELPHIA. July 7. 1860. J*l2-J2t fll/eiwi;ss CAitna, VB PALMFR, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, five, hit yiowa pf tho prinoipte and be.t mod. of Advortimn,. daily, bettre.n 10 and 4 o'olook. Addrots rnril 8m V. B PALMER. p] J. EAT LIS THuHAN. W'lvalWt'Strel/' O3^ ** Ar°"h Mr««t to’No. ConvejanoM. AMifnm.uti. Unaf. of Title and other Inetrumenu of Wntinf. The managementof Eoooa.er- BhiOT, Adimntetrstorehirs, aal Tfiwuii MWnitentled; Zalffiit B£iy*'l}i®9 itOduttll for th, permanent in wifiwntt of Moser. fiatufactory i.wr.noo rives When reqnired. Henry e. kebne. ATTORNRY-AT-LAW. Ha. REMOVED hi. nfhoe from No. M 0 Walnut .treat tone fee Hoath THIRD Street. mhf, CTORACE SEE, Poati biXTH Street, INearly opposite the.Connty Courthouse,) ml v r ?^ ar tf epeoifioatiaug, Drawing*. Ac., and traneaots w other business connected with the obtaining of Lev ters Patent ap2B Cm* J WAGNER JBRMON, • ATTpANEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Office, No. 116 BouthBlXTn Street, * (Opposite Independence Square,) n au a „ „ PniLamtLpßiA, By the old of reliable Attorneys, at ditersit points in the (Jmted States, iien&bljd to dollei t clAiras[of every desoilpt;cfn. T *• •*> ‘PaHloii ay attenuozrliven to the examination and re •overy of the o aims BfT.esatdes and ‘Devisees, and tne Aammation of Land Titles and securing the interest* il'ScnSiti'hr™ s ' tBrMtM ' a lh » hh«. *» H fo? priklltl1 * WiJ'S Ocwwiutoiior aoifim' 'd?'* s ’Qowwiupoiil g FUGUET & SONS, IMPOHTEHB OF HAVANA oioam, . . No. Sli Sooth FRONT Street, »> rsr * l .T*£ Tl ]P rij a full assortment of desirable CI -4ABS. whjefi ofTsT low mtw, for eash or ap! »“»*•« r,ui j. ALFRED L. HOUGH. f*-. PAPER MANUFAOWHKRa’ AGEHF, Order, .olioited tor every deeoriptJ "n or PAPER AND I‘APER-MAKKfI'aIdATEBIAU. , „ No. 17 South SIXTH Htreet. i'Mi.d.lrkl*. MHftll* DAWSON A NICHOLSON, NOS. 119 STREET, /AMES FAWSON. /AS.It. NICHOLSON. »W If* Xj’NVELOPES.—Over 2 .0 dtOerent stjles 4-A^and.jiiM.Mllißgfrom*o.per 1 (W)np-ward. Or payin' WUBNtSS, b&inley & 00., * ' No. «aa MARKET BTHKET. R SgOTT, Ja„ AUOWOSEBR, No. 431 p's-rem‘p°oSv’ WS'SMaJl*BTStfcit AMD FIXTURES OP S,6»f. IS'. 5 ■ P W -i 0,1 Podiy Mowinj.' . wot**' orvdit a'f“r»“ —t*— lAHltilf fobD & oo , auotioHjsbrs. No. 630- MARKET Street, And *2l MINOR FIRST LARGE SALE OP BOOTS AND SHOES FOR " THE FALL OP 1860. j 'CASES. , ' On Thursday Morning, , - * August 2d, at 10 o'clook precisely, we.will offer by oatalotfue.on four montlii’-credtt.tmoetenUuilveeud desirable M*ortcr.«nc of- I oqfe,Show., Gaiter*, tiro gm fte,;, Ap. t erabraomgaboqtf Oiu caees or the moat celebrated Eastern manufactures,.mad- of pity-made l goods.- . - , • . j f Tae_nbove sale will prove attractive to Southern and western barer* as the sale oorusnses invoices of fresh goods direct fromine manufacta era. - * Particulars m future advertisement*. ( WILLIAMS, BOYLE, & 00 ' AUOg J l TIONEERti A COMMISSION MERGEANT< No, P North MAIN St., ST/LOUIS, Me./(formerly with Messrs. Myers, Clsgborn, A Co, Phiteda,; offer their eemoeg to the merchants, manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, oar* peta, boots, shoe#, hard* are. jewelry, ftq., Ac. ter Cash advances made on receipt of good*. ■ Settlement* made three deysaftersalei -L • • BB»JW*NC*t»; i4e !f rfc i? yo l , V c l?*^P rn « ACp..?hiUdelphlA. !: Stuart & Brother, Philadejptua. : Vaa Wjok» Towroad. A.wureae, New York, ** Crpw. MoCrearv* A do.. “ mnif-thstulr gPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE l ECONOMY! ( DESPATCH A Stitch in Tims saves Ninb.’’^3B At attidenttvrill happen, <vw <» toeU-retwlatadfami ius t it la- very desirable, to have some cheap and con venient way for repairing Furniture, Toya, .Crockery, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meeta all suoh emergencies, and no hoaaeholdcan afford to be without it. It is always ready.and up to tbe stick ing .point. There is no longer a necessity fl»r limping chairs splintered veneers, b»adjets dolls* aftd broken oradles. it u jest the artiole for cone* shell,[and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste , . , . - This Admirable preparation is.used ootd, being chemi cal y held in. eolation, and possessing all t*ie valuable qualities of the. best cabinet-makers' Glue. ;It may be nsed in the, place of ordinary mucilage, bong vasty more adhesive. • j " USEFUL IN EYERY HOUSE.’’ .3. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle* Price 25 cents Wholesale Depot, No. 88 Platt St., Yosk, Address HENRY C. SPALDING ft Co., Tbox 3,600, New York. Put up for Dealers in cases containing font, eirht. and twelve dozen—& beautiful Lithographic Show-Oid accompanying each package. > *£A angle bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE wjUeave ten times iu oost annually! to every household.*** • .i - , Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grooera, add Fancy Stares. . t ,»9f?l l PU?.^? ro^ftn . t Mhould make a note of SPA’ D iNb S PREPfRh.II GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any.nlnnate. ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GIiUE! USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. . SPALDING’S PREPARED' GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. „ SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUeL SOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES, ' SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY FURNITURE DEALERS. BPALD B r O N L G U V^^ S ? LU 4 _ . „ SPALDING'S PREPARED OWE, BOLD Y COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY. Manafa tared by HENRY C.SPALDING ft CO., ... 43 CEDaR Street, New York. Address Post Office, Box No. 3,600.' Annexed Is an Alphabetical List of Article* which, if damaged, may be restored to their original strength and usefulness by SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. A—Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS*... Ji 8... .Mends BURRA US .7..* 77VT77J77t7777 B C*.*.Mends CRADLES. D«...Aland* DOLLS .-...._** d 8...,Mem1s ETaGERES B F. Mends FANS... G. Mends GUITARS . , ..a PziThleSds /nla^S-Work!.V!;;;P J. JARS 7 JTV...5 K. ..Mends Kr,OBS .... K L. .. .Mend* ,LE ATRER-WO RK.*.. -.. .L .Mends MIRROR,FRAMES M N Mends NE W EL-Pi »8 f 8 ~. ,7,777177777. .!< O. /.Mends OTTOMANS ........ P. Mends Pi AND* FORTES...... ... „1. ,7.*- *. P 6 ...Mend* QUILT FRAMES ****....;.. 1...7.0 H-..Mend* ROCKING-HORSES R «....Mepd* sofas .1.v..7..t71.777... 3 T. Mends TAhLKg “-7771. . T U. Mends UMiiHELLA-STICKS J U V. Menas VaßeS. , r v W„ Mend* WORK-BOXES. J7771T..W X. Msnds XYLOGRAHHIC-WORK. .X Y. YARD-STICKS,.. Y Z*...Mends ZEPHYR ..777. Z ft**..la conclusion, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUK is useful in Libranes and Schools. 1.. Mend* SOFAS ~ ... i 2.. . .P.... Mends PITCHERS -77777.7. P 2 A. .Mend* ACOUKDEONS A.... a ~...L....M«n<HLETTMI l S;:::Y;:v.MSS3: - • ■ • 5 9.. 8. .. .Mends SOHOOL-800K8_777. 9 H. .. .A... .Mend, ARM-CHAIRS A l. 1A,..R....Mend. RICKETY FURNII UHE....K!^.15 JA,..E....Mends FRASER HANDLES. —. E....is l7**~.D.*..Mends DESKS r ft ri , \7 IA ...G....MendsGLOBES..**. ..... Q..ig 19- -*L... -Mends LO< *SENBD LEAVES ... U.. .19 S:::S ,W*n*ls AOORN-WORK.***.. a t3_....Mend*CHEeB-BOARDS 7 m ..M«xd« FIDDLES .... ...77. . 777.77 * g «*.... Yldfcds SHELL-WORK .... Vs «——Mdods FILLET-WORK « O —Mends HOBBY-HORSES **.777 ■? Jh—— DOACOPES.. S B Mends HONEY-BOXES .7 S JC_*—Mend*PICTURE FRAMES.*** fti —Mends SECRETARIfiB v 77.7. ai 32.. m 3A Mend* SCIiUOirpuRNITURR. 7m M Mehd#pAprEk-MACHA.~77 ! M 3* ****.*...Mends Nvarohober .... L as ta fiend* Parian MARBLE « W **_....Mem s CKi1iti..—................ 37 Msms BABV-JUMPERS-*. » Mends fvORY-WORK. 77.777.77. w «0 ****.....Mends MATOfI-SAFES « (1 Mends PICTURfcti 7-77777.7.7 S a _*.****. Mends QUILL-WHEELS. 7 . a 13 Mends ToWEL-RaCK5T.—7777..777 S atenda WASHSTANDtj—* u 45 Mends BKDBTEAbs. —. . 77.1 a w-**- MsndsDfitMS ~7.7. 8 u *—.Mend*CHESbMEN..._ a <3 ... MeudißaLLOT-tiOXflb 1 7’"li W ....Menda HERBARIUMS jj Sfcr-Jfiaa s SJ —jjd* vifl f-r-lssf; life.-:::.::-;:.--:;;- 3 W. Al.ods CUPBOARDS ' «7 Mend, CURTaINS U 3 Mend, CASINGS .nTT..... S saoiACR VEfi&SSF* EfSStf lSJrllnrto»i ’ , K. Jones Brooke. fesfffiar Robertßurton, Jaoob P. Jonet. Jnmesß. M’Farlufc fifewKi Pitt*b*f, ■TIN, Praafde&t K Vioe Preudejit 6a ....Moods GADDIES ■ ' SJ 23 -.—. Moods QAU *- ..... ?n n Moiui. aa/nsVr £? ij m«EJi oriAßTs.fi B ——- Manila CLOTHEB-KHAMEB .... n l' Mends WORK-STANDS jr 7£__„.Mends DRAUGHT-BOARDS.... >4 29 ....»«-- Mends DISHES...».„ 75 SU~ Nends DIVANS..... ’.L m si Mend, d toi-u0iE5rx.r...:.....:::.;:: —Wends FLUTES SJ gs-.~ *ends BALLUSTERS V. w H ;l <1 Mends TO"s. ... ,'J*. ™“• Si Bir-.ifa; ®i|f:“ ACKINE 8 rANDS -y &=!» tf3Mends BIDKBOARRH. j/*l* m «.... WOODEN WARE..* ~ m w- Me ?i i, w a* e. :: ;;;:: r:iS SPAL B D o r [!g , |v p^« T e B.LEE SPAI,DING’D PREPARED GLUE. BOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. B oW N^cf^E^r D £-t&. B»EALLY,: M&nufaotnred by ' HENRY C. SPALDING & CO./ ... 48 OKOAU Street* N®w York, Address Post Oflioe, „ oo In oases containing either Four, Jiiaht. of AX“i VQ 4°5? d onch—A beautiful LiTHOfl*AP*lcShow u*Bpaobbnnianvmg each PApya>te. d?4-stj IMKS FRtOESIDK HODGES, OF BOS- J-;f 4 TW. «Und» opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUN6 LADIES ib Hue ~eity, commencitfg'm September cast A MMwUajN oOUUOiI IttSTiTUTE lTt B W»1« “Ad Uenii isi»hl*.>.B. eerafer SEVENTH MdcnKSTNUT IgA Cleaned at a lew price, , lh ? Address W*. TINSOJ2, 4ooydp*ftoi)ffra. IVIN North Peoomlstreet jyfd-Jro* Account books Tor.the iVt of Juir, made expressly for our Detail Seles. PEPHYy manufacturing htahoner, FOUH.TR and KAC V . lxQim <3fifth WRITING PAPERS, ?&2ifer«Ma •‘wh?- SAXES BY AUCTION. st. luuis, m>. PUEPAKEU GLUE. 1 SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. I SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! KDOCATIOJf2U. v / BY AUCTION. 11l THOMAB * SONS. No* and lil South FOURTH BtreeL £p° CK m * ND , bea L ESTATE-—TURSLUY NETT. * ir'lf'.w'i'; ,ia ‘ no* readj. ennUlni.t lull d.- 5, n *Jli! ’he oropert* to be sold on Tuesday nex», **‘h lust-, with a bit of •*’*a of Anratt 11th. and a grsat variety of rsai estate at private sale. _ STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. BALP£ AT THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUESDAY, During the buaineta Mason in July and August only oeeMional sales. * *7 RardbiUe of each property iiMed separably, in eddrtion to which we pnblish, noth# Saturday prevmns to each, sale-one thousand oetalognes, m pamphlet <f©rm, Rivtan full descriptions of all the property to be •edd on the following * ueeday. . * STOCKS AND RKAL ESTATE. Sal* at the Exchange Tofadav, rtth'July. Sale at the Pxchanxe Tneadav. 2<ih Jult. Part of the handbill* f«r each saie now read;, • .A 3 ;.B D.—Oar sales of real estate and stocks, at the will hereafter be held at U o’clock, jmi. , n the evening, at 7 o’eloetr. -Jfz,"? a l»r,, amount of real .date at arirata nie, ineiumjr rnwr OMenstinn of eitraod oounir, pfOMitr, INntjd lijt, raa, 5, had at the acotion ,tors. rA'/'TE (■XL*EKPISTER. enter*! private w!e reside)e Sfr m our paWie «e!e abrtreo', ohaije. h 1,000 00,! '* «• printed, vreekir.) free <1 THE I ’JFTS r .FtPTH K pHJ?M?FLPRI'A TRAD’' RALE OP- B CK.-l. SU F.RFOPYPK ArTt vnll commence on MCNDAY, Septemteir JJ, iSo. Cetetosui., la preei. RC*,L ESTATE BALE JULY *L Ex*9]Lo t * Saler-Fjtate.of dec’d. Handsome modern weil-l-mlt Nn 1125 ASSS fu r ’f®!' 1 *f Broad attert. 34 feet 9 inches m CSf-*^ 6 f?” 1 through t&Cntbbertstreet The bouse has the modernjmprovemsui* and conveniences. Neatm-Htem DWELLING, No. 5J6 i*rjw n street, souttr of Green street *lhe Souse fe wbU built end his the modem convemenoes, Ac, Q 2 9X may remainoa mortgage. Immediate possession. Execn ors’ Peremptory M'e-hstata. of James Ball, BUILDING LOT,> Pp:»t Camden. N. J. Same E*tate-150 ACURSTIMBER LAND, Lime stone township Warren county. Fennejlvanfa,about 10 mi!#s north of Warran. Sale ab'olur*. BUBIaL L0ih.N0a.433 act! W, »ectiODL, Hhiladelpmanemefery. Saleat«oia»e.» jrwo-«ory Briek DWELLING,No.W Rajes street, between Reed and Wharton streets, first ward. , .DUAL TESTATE-AUGUST 14. Orphans’ Court of John Hannan, dve’d. —Two story bnck DWELLING, Cathedral avenue, Tyreaty-foorth ward . Same Estate—Two-story Brick DWELLING, ad joining. Same Fatete—Two- story Brick DWELLING, ad joining. Rams£,»t**OßO(Ji>i> HLNTof,soajsar. VERY IMPORTANT SALE. , . By order of Trustees. V' n”«r rt deor«a of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvan; v. MONIOUR IRON ‘‘OMPaNY’SWORKti AND • ESTATE.- Os Tuesday,. S..L d, 1860, at 12 oVlooa, noon. At th, Philadelphia Rxobanse— The very valaable property belonging fertile Montour Iron Company situated in M.mtour county. Pa. con sisting or.about * 000acr*» very v&lnabte.tn neral lands, ore*, mmitur nchte. rolling nrille; furnaces nesrlj M aweilmtcs. offices. Ac.. *O. Terms—9M),oGoc&rti, when the property ie struck off, BAlanoe os the execution of the deed, within 30 days of VT Fall particulars ready in handbills. iSg&A«f* L f. AI,D TMuAuJoLfiffift. - On Tuesday Morning, t 2U at No. 3f aaNSOM Street, be low EIGHTH, ibe superior Watevt Parlor,Dining* Ro- m. and Ohamler Furniture, line French i-Ute Mir rors, fine Tapestry Bru»s*l* and Venetian Carpets, fine Bn«Tayio<s. China. Glassware, ftc. May be examined at Bo’clock on the morniag of the sale. LARGE BALE OF LIVERPOOL WARE-Contents of righ<een Crates, per Ship bhamroek. direct /rom Liverpool - On Monday Momine. Jhly Yd, At 10 6’olock. at the auction store. 139 end UI South Fourth street. Cousistmgofdiaaerrmd f ■» fceu. cham ber sets, plates, cups and cunoets. bovqred dishes, b°*i* pitchers, jugs* tea pots, mugs, bakers’ covered mampiDPtekfsSf sutars creams, fte. *» To be sold without ie>erv«, for cash. Sale at Noe. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, KSENCH-PLATIf ROBS, PIANti-FORTES. BRUeBnLS CARPETS. ~ v' OnThundayMorning, - Atfo clock, at the Auction Store, an eaeortmsnt ot excellent second-hand turn,tare, elegant pSno-iortes> fine mirrors, carpets,, -eto., from feautne deoiiniug hegtekeeptng, rtmored to th* nor* fotco&veuisnoe si T|fOSBS NATHANS, AUCTIONSXh i&lßMßSKßfflfia?*?*' —»« , HONEY TO LOAN. 825,000 toloan, etthe, lowest rates*.on diamond*, watches, jewelry, silver plate, ary goods, clothing, gro oerie*, segars, hardware, eutlsry, piano*, mirrors, tur nitnte* bedaing, and ou food* of every deeenptiou, in large orsmaU amounts, from one dollar to tnoueandgi i°lWrl*o*th or tune agreed on. *■ . Oldesc fcetabushed House in thiscltr. entrance on RACE Street. Business noun from 9 A. M* to t P. M. Heavy Insurance forth* benefit of deswdfArx CHARGESONL'TWO PERCENT^ IP”- Advacoea of RlOpandupwardsat two per oe-i, Adtruioes of RIOO and upwards,'at one percent, ioi enert limns. >• • * , AT P jrYATfi S-LR. . HMI&3E&J&F& eft the tutuai telling,pLoes, gold lever and lepine watohes, silver lever and lepme .watches, Kagjuh. Swiss, and French watoMs, at astonishing tow prices, jewelry oi every deson/tion, very pistols, musical in struments, first caaiity of Havana eigarr.at half the importation price, in euanttfce* to cut purchasers, and vanoos other ktndsoL roods. DUT DOOR HALES - Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. snj and eyor^r^kip.^ MACHINERY AND IRON* . PENN t'TKAM ENGINE AND JaWMbBOUiRR WORK&-NE»FIBji LFVV, and FOUNIthJIB. hiving, formany years. been m successful operation. a&d been ezeiostveir ensured in building And rspsuTng Marine and River twines, high ard tow prsasnre.lron Boats. WaterT&nks Propellers, ieu. &o Lt',*»«otfoUy obr that? »eTTio** to the ptibhe, a* beta* fall) prepared to contract for Engines of aH sizes. Mann®. Fiver. and Stationary, having sets o! patents of different sties. are prepared to execute or despatch. tvety description of Pattern racking m-de at the shortest notice. High and >ow Pressure, Flae.Tnbular.'aiid Cylinder fieileri, of the best Pennsylvania clusrooftl iroi*. fortiavs of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Vr»m Castings, orail description*; RoJi Turning, gerew Cutting, aseaH other wort con nected with the above business. . , Drawings and speoi&eanons for all work done at thaw sstabitshpient, free of charge,'and work canrantied. The subscribers hare ample vhpstdoek room for re pairs of boat*, where they can he -in perfect safety, >nd v* provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac-, .or raising heavy or ligfctwaiKh’s. JACOB G. neafeb, lOHW P. LKVY. BEACH and PALMER street* POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 9SI ehaeed the entire stock of Patters* at tfeeaboviF oca dry, be isno w prepared ta.recdiveorderiforSolan*. Gnit, and Saw Mill CaMi&ga, &oap f Cfcenueai, and House Work. Go an ay. Casting* madefiira Rever beratory or Cupola Fanaees. in dry or green sand, or team. mre-tf ■AJggfL v. vugici, 1. vaeesAN Mmisi, _ __ WXU.IAK h. waaticx, COUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRSCtt. PBn.an2l.rlnA. MEBEIOK A HNGINKERB AND MAOHIMHrTi fttanafaetore High and. Lot rrti-rmnr ftte>-ry*irLLE for Land, River, and s^rvioe. lron Boats, *O.; Caanaga &r ®* ta ’ R,iw Retorts and Gas Machinery of the lateet and lr»- ooneUttcron* Defecators. Filttni, Pnppins Swe Agents for N. RiU.enx e SsSeatccf&r Solhu Apparatus: Namth’t Patenti4*sa Hsnuaar: ac 4 Asjmw^l« Wolsei'e Pataaa {taatrifkiaJ Bn.w riraTa tu Msebiae. v,f . HOTELS. «T. NICHOLAS HOTSL, MROADW^T^ When ooiQaUted. six yean ago, the ET. NuSiOL Ah was ooiTprawiy pracoenoed the most tnagniWacu ret. • TtrucsUaMlhoroashiy orrsnised estabiietoaoat<» 1 «P«>3 oa this continent. osj—witboats nrtl in cxf, m euapuosassss. is the csnerml elements of eoefort sad TU« Hotel baa aoeommodsaons fee cee Oeatsand caests. ta •ladin* one honored eot&aisie eaties nf *p*rtm*eu irr »^***vf Cut haudfed can b* comiornal r tUM«&M\|MkasBarthae*maed ier toeeaaTtnisaee sr I ■oeiil e»afiifleaiaa cl to trareUiae paoU S«s be*« nuitUjlm iu pto, or is cssfeeted in it* paaatocai The ear It refutation ot to hnape at b£pea&d ahroe-W denved froas tm mareitsde. tli euerb appoiataMacs, asditshc«Qvueeoom«ons iiaianimlMj been n nanoad sverj year by to- aamaa/to. asemoes or t>e propnetom. »»17-an TRXADWRLL. WHITCOMB. A Ox SAVINO KL'.NUS. ** A little, tat oites, filU tae i*a».” Franklin saying fund, n O . 436,South FOURTH Street, between Chett natasd Walnut,Philedelpais, psysaS Deports on demand* mossr secured by GaT-.-u.jas-.., Fills, jjd CHr Louis, Groimd Mm(- YWs UnpuiT dMnts rafetj Httsr Usa lues ' oroits, o<mM,aenUj »ill rs» ea risk wui dapo utor.’ mon.T, bot Esv.il U.U UnwstMdj to .T?L n k.Ti tll fi ,r 6 *?*- “ tt * owner.as i tosr slrssis doll.. Thu navor' VMSStwiri.ii qrociU, and Minoifc »s wosjt m Iksir own right, and such davits esn be withdrawn qhlt by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated at to State ?££? Mthoilty toreoeiTe dmm; from trustees and exaenten. SRpEAND gatAVSTsuas received. Ofllca open 4e*F*f Som fttoSo k *ioc\, and on eveainc until 8 o’clcok. g.T, -v GIRECTOJIS. hR Blvuacn, Cyras Cadwall&df f, anindler. George Rus»i*r^ ohiW.bloan, Edward TTHpatt. s Krumbhaar, Hear; IWttni, slmm Bittenboose, NatkaaSmsaleT. LSatterth waite, JcuesYerkes, Or|gO*DWAiiAßsa,T»M«rer. Uar eared »« frwiea earned.** CJAVTNQ FtIND—FIVE PER CENT IN ?lNf J WALN,^^ of '. AI - BAFCT? TK ST CM jtefffitf asyssgMMf s.x'o^g: WIIUAJ, jrl^KwSS o ®®' vio * w _ . _ biiPcTosa; y. Carroll Urawßtsr, l£LY.V!%: a^ , 9gJ&J£S£ii wovaionsoFthe CharterTW such firat-elas# seoonaeeas vwif*'- f®rfoot, seennty to thfe ami this iiS?a C S? U toKIV * S§ si^jl^o CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES COM? AKy,«B«»rTHUI» udCHEST jg^sas«ati?fc' from u» Su of doont to th* daj U »iu|- £&£* —« “‘ aon soottaA aw® fcssa«»a. PLINY FISK.AoSmt, *^ PATENT U F „ r p, |C n 'TTIMO MAOBINEB, For PUu* Scoekißi ud Faaor Snittin* HuUm for Skirt., *«, ■ibMukinH ofliodl,« and l, » «„d i, ud s U d j_ju b .ooh«i(lMdBtrfotoonl«r MfcoUin*.(or »ndom a sr* JMi At.ror ud Skl*MajSr >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers