MoSosoaa fctTKD:—Thogroßß amount vflferfVtil to Hhtai fqbd, from all sources, - —br 9^90%; u this fund .. : vffet*;:!?*' city’s charo of, judwmlnta, awards,; :Js^ciif»e' np^(nant,slo4s.6B,'AudL; ► v ;. *••Aeednht of rt*a| *yiate,s7M2(),72._: Total orahargee ~ ; ,Hst>4,dlshurBoh»outP,siir.2?7 70. in l: ;• r; V ,?; ifavoe-of the fund now on-han'd. is therefore $756,- 428 (ho foUo’wibj* items.: - Csih oq hand.sBl 490'.48;.i'qyeatc' 1 ► r-.. ■« TQeJMt fiiOludwlfc* nous for real legato sales.™ , . which * smaU sum m,WyM jwfcha»>?« • b« «44td Ih, unsold nMdoo»-'sj»™* *M* 'Chert «rt lo& rtmno « »jd lire. id ud than ut i\ ewOrleans r,V lt ;v • y. y:'y cdty items. Am InyALUABLE Panacka.—Tbe article “Ecct rsALos,”; an external preparation for restoring and y: y jabreng thening the uervod* srstera. advertised in »no /•: ihercolumnof oaf *Aper, : (risita, l with iihgolar com* ; ' thV-most, nnmtnxta plans of ills to . which the-preaeufc, age, of the Caucasian race mere '. . • espeefally, is Buhi«oted—derange »i«tf of ito wtreeM* '• - *vst m t in it'a?arionifoft*£ We hate taken pilar to**- ' • - certain the faots, experimentally sad otherwise* and the -evidences .are meet unequivocally in it* favor a* an ar-, ■\ tfole of real merit. ,tt ha*, in foot, to oar torn certain: V Ctaowledfe. been>o'*fficaelo«». in several, instances r- that wpifoel-that.wir'aie serving the pub jo. by that freely isoomiftefcdituf .the.Fuoephaloa •to their conh*. ~dcnoe, " lfVj / ‘ f , ; . „y ';yvtx OfiMAintxT to ChestHt StßßßTi—One of the V vrm*£ ; ftarftQ!ire.aad s w»*tay:*ar wrtatieail?, arianied, displays that meet the eye r o r pedestrians on outmost .. fashionable busman thorpugfcfofe, is the fear splendid /< show-window* in the front©! Messrs. Chgrles Oskford - - A Beft'swopalar: business emioriu®, under the Conti nental Hotel. There is a freshness and grace, both ir theaTraageteenf of the multifarious, beautiful, and use. - - -fill things exhibited that is at ones pleas ngatedsugxer , T tire,,aodasa proiude to entering ihemosteonipl*teu;t. loosed estabtishinent in'Phiiadelohia, wr /' oacimMue nothing m;,re-appfoptiatathaa a peep at the elegantly*dressed windows here referred to. ’ ' Whitman & Co.;s'CompAc«okibt—lt .; other words, the finest.eotfootionsry .tn&nor&oturtd, ' has tecome so aniversajy known and sought for. that with airibifir large and constantly increasing inanqiao t taring find It well pigh impossible to ill all . the otdarstfut Bjra constantly showered in upon themf 1 heir stare* t sound street, below Chostnut, is doth . . thronged with persons : about>&ving.tlie city A budget. ofthe*rlu*ciou» cafidi«B, by constuutei 1 -one .of th»;CbJeleM»Bti*ls in' tnaking preparations to • leave thecity. In addition, to confeotionery pro* < . per, they cithufac taring, of the finest and pureet materials' andseUingst wholesale apd retail a. ‘ 'vjknatgcf' deHcioue >eyrnpe ibr snmißtr diink. They make a delightful beverage, ;, V\ , ESHI/IITAM AaAXSST TDB lf flOt ::jnapy,c|ty. in the United Atatas another sing c beta* ‘vb’fshment. exactly similar’ to', the .renowned *• Cravat -jßwporihm*’ of MrrJ. A. 1 ehlemsn.known aa the ’* O. P. £. C.” (the plain Foklish of which is Go Furohsae ftWeawn’sCravats,land, arreoegt paragraph ia our - foreign news would eeeiu to indicate that neither Lon* ■ don nor Paris has sny; rneroanfle house devoted to the same speciality—weawstke fortlbe Beok, in the *Venoh 'oaeita! aa entatprire tomewhat similsr is about ,beiß* inaugurated by a few shrewd GaiUcf inerohanta who' . ViiitfdJMr. shortly before . his removal to bts preseat splendid and • commodious quarters, cn the,Northwest corner o' Chestnut and > Setea'U streets, marked wth the ** big red ' sign/’ which, bswur ■ reader*' are w«H Aware, gave so v BWehujwamnvasto 4 * the pewentfeatbe” ' Mnagias. W. P, Uhlihobr A Co., No. 623 Arch street, are the'tnftst extensive raa'uCaotnrers of Sew* tag aiachlhssiiiFhiladfiiphia.; They sot only manu foetur#. A larger .amount of-thete’invaluable labor* , i‘aavi*giits nfmehta, tnchey make a greater vanetj. «ni so present to.the pnbli * a bctter Msortmf nt to se* ' ' leotfrbm ; The] r machines make e vert stitch known .. : aad are adaeted te all knds-of work, tkynestio oi 1 - wanuftotorlng. Frokn thsir extensive operation* We may also state that their prices are unusually mode* : t .. r Jamxs Mfbbay’b CaEpkob^xiieCordial.— This Cordial. is designed especially for all thenre o^niplaint*’ incldspt to tbe beat of sum ; nwr: ‘ Diarrhea and severe .pains of the atomaoh. ▼otwhng, Ae.,readily yie!d to it* very *ootbing iafiu : ;«Mo. It is unite, plea**&t and gratefuV to the taste, - ' iitar a trikVfew.persbni will be willing to be without It. -Thoae leavinc for the country ahou d cot do so vithoat providing tks*s**lree wi h tbe Cordial. It is . soWby BOW*?, SOCTftaudVINE.. PricefiO cent* “ Witk-Tim* and Patixxcb th e Lear or rax ~ Mpts xiv Turk aEtrowa* Fatix," acd also with tmo *nd patiehoo. m depositing smaUfls weU as luge emonnte7& the Frtnk’m Bavins Fund. No. 136 South beJoWCbeetnut, Philadelphia, they wilt Myoma (d you'aii independent for une‘to retire upon in -old ate. This bavinc Fuad dways pays on demand; ■ with five per cert interest,*ndittev*r*uepenQcd. See 'advettlsecaeutinauotaercolumn.. ' • ' '■ In ojrsof our oolamnft will Wfonnd F. Brown’s advdrt>*era«jtof f* Faro Ceorgi* Arrow Root-’* ‘lnva lid* who need an artideof diet at oriee natriliousand .ddiicate, and auxlou* mother* who would secure for "their children the purest and moat healthy fooii, esc find in this farinaceous preparation s!! they seek or re . tain.' : • ■’ J>»» ~; ,„ oanJc*,Ci,a4«»-—Tfcort4*Siioi flfsm the L ‘ of tLe clt, t Kefor. fe.rin* forUi# qn'et .' ;>: '-.*&idss of the country, or visiting the *ea*shore should - ’ Wot fell «e,e*hta| Cemcert end purchsss a supply of hir eroi»ars, wverewith' to' regale -themselves. Hir 'V" d#»ot'jsat FtubdefpiijA Bank bsildisg, Chettnu , “ At»r# Fourth. Hiseiga ear# drthe choioeit quality. ’ webavetfied.theni,ahd*9*alrtmpwiMlr.'. Sor.oMOM'a TiwrLH wilf remaln oa oxhlbition " one week longer, A ‘visit to this Interesting structure / Will afford .more , pleasnre and ;ipBtraefiop than one ha dred time* the eoatof adetisslon. r . Oak ObciaWp Acxd Bpribg TFatrbl—Thia wa • ter Is gaisiag great celebrity, '*iid the; drmand for it i*inore*staic.rapidiyi Ita'. beneficial character ia at* , tasted h/.thoflsaads, Aud it Is pronouaced by distin - guisbed physieian to be superior- to any other .medi* • oUtal dpring Wstaitlowin use. Thi almost miraculous ouredWhiofa it udpefformed lead us to believe that it ' •ißd—ttnsdtoheqo'ms exfewtvelvtKed in the tteatmc 11 ! > vdrf-ptaaydieeaa«*wliich ordinary remedies foil to oate; Its enrhtifw properties are established beyond question, and we feel assured: that it,nms, to agreai Axtaut, shpersede mady of the artificial compounds ol - thpday. We lecdameed thoae of our readsra who may "heaafbrhigfmagußenil debility,.of fobaany of the ; diseases for which tbisWatar ia presorlbed, to five it a trlaU beeadvertiaament. -- inyta-sly ' Tcc Gprat Eastrrm Comixo to’ Capr Mav,— - •- ThaOreat-Bastem is going to make an-excursion trip ' to Cape Mav.- always supposing that ahe can be Jfot o 0 the mud gt. Few York. • Th« price of the. exeuraionha* , been--fixed at ten 'oUara, * ainxL’thaSHaeßld go far toward pr-wtrinftfof;any feaaonablaman, a ooaiplete oatfi'ofete* act ntßsler ferment* at the Brown-Stone Clothie* Hallof Jtoekhili fc,WU*on, Noe. 603 and 006 ' Cbeetsatetreet, abore Kfxth.”■■ * . . Kmo words never blister the tonioe or hi*. AM we have never beard of ear mental trouble eriiinc from tb)e aa»rter.Tfcort*h they do oof cost «neh. yet they aororopHib macb. They help one’s own food nature end eood .Will.’--, 80/V worde eoltenour owis «odl. Aarrywordrairefiiel to the flame of wrath; ;-fcy make it bcTimorefiereely. Kind worde wake* - otherpaopieyr-cd natored. Cold wo»d« freeze people ;,.e*d hot nyrde eeorob them'and bitter worde make Jhirn. bitter, and wr«tbful worde make them wrathful* Kmo . word# ahse produce their ownlma** on «oen*e wnlu.and a beautiful it .is. Ihey soothe, and eaiet. and eoa.fortlhe bearer. They ehajnehimoatof hiseour ' ‘moroee,“unkind feelings; and,~ propei ly appreciated. ■ lead him toporehase hie garment* atUhe **One Frier . Otothin*ltaporiiun” of Grakvillk Biokes, No. 6i? v Cbeetnnt street. _ .Aoaeti/aad wefalGie fit* presented to each por- 0 J - eheeer-] - ; v f , .i- .... tf . V,. . the differ pleoMefesnunerreeortefcMiW sot fkil to take with ''thee* VMdCATKb Fioe, whioh are a safe, -r/. ■pqedy.sedcertaincoreforcostivepea*.habitualoon* > ; etipatiae,dy*pfieie. eick and narrow headache, and > v bißoßVHMitionefeMraHy. They oOneietdf pare Alev 7 ■ abdrta senna* oorabinrd with the beet uaahty of aroma - ttee, ao inlaid in the figae to prerest detection via tact*.. frioeVK eente per too* ttauiteotnredby' 9pmt% Wow«r.BiXth andVfneetr—t». ,T ■ d . tWAI? IT. THB PBINCIPAI HOTELB, , mm 12 o’clock tin nittai.' ■ '-'OO’mNKipm L »OTEL~Cor(i«r "mtK'nd Chattmt A Hodcaos.l’ft ■ ->wCarro!l. Bull Adam*. Bait P w riewton. N Y - .ItKro.nY'- ~ P Baobnor, « Y Siii V Boat, Ohio - HBiimi.Horton OiolßMOfMh fa ColK fialjt. Pa -r. LJ AiCcrtanu fA - .> MTriatt.Ckarl«iton 15BtaSISSrawtoa . ©fe *WNY " - »figiddiogß. T>XBb -.K Lom*n)l« * ' «*nGf*#w,* C T C w7lt(to«. N O T J HnthM.^.C Qu W Cor*«r. N Y \ Roht PioMj. NH SY_ I A; O *V Mamtf'JkU, PbU* (j jFfftnKw^fkmciM : *iV£lvArFuiM* £S#ij%'£K!lV»le4oiO t a ttlteto. » n rt ’S»-S#p' f SWW- - 7«A£&& v .1,l • PteB&». iana?£ - ' f«®te(».k'U.Bo; .. ■ Jlls S f Mtrr. Tux-* ' H Mark; Maashi* , . It n { Chnr[r' ton J Htrfiii Alt, et nnit v/*fT»,Botlsr.OWatso *trf:Coan ; ,■ Km Boiter,Cli'cs/o fDMltef ’' ■■ •Sfe *o*U * •■» OhlMi® sauruu.Md , ' ; ,'ShP"/ dtfmmernill Etoarat t aaaaster ■-. (F Mvrar- flammerhilt tjantrd.Jsax A*«tur. Loolttillt # 8j5.w«1..., JrJOi (l Q , ifrwHraon, tax. Mo Wl. fho?iu«n, O* irfyr'Xls. K/u 1 " ?wlrff<7lV'’ - ' „ , iJMrtiv/lio ■ / * oV.v > RffwHraka. Balt; -. iMlfp? §&%f>sJfrinottui',Sl m**v& -JiM 'n (•> i ; -OlEMtb' HOtJse-Winth Md OhMtirat rtrwt*. maßSfg* .swfissa;* 0 * R k£s#*\ W«h,’ 00, W MitohaU. WmO 0 '■«V ' ONgoUft WtChamb’i? ffs&Ml.JwBA,_po • 0 M If?* ter, WMh, 0 C Wwh. DC W 0 Delude Chili, S A or&|«i Chili. BA' ' H Pare. OtaU.B A i J*me« * Hoffteker. pel . John Barbee. louisville W TSpnitaet.fflohiie •Ji J flmieh, Richmond • SHPa'kett,WiM B Rockefalioif ft w, Va John WOverspn, Dal LIJMI, Va - . W W LmdaayJNorrolk W f Brisco*. NorfhUc • JasH Harris. Norfolk ImniQin, Baft ** - - .T Witiane, Balt R Passmore. Green Caat ? e Mrs Faeamore.G Castle MssHrJP&tttfmre, 6 Cattle Geo Buot>ng. Green Caatle EJioWladd, Pairview. ft Persusou, Round Top WTertr r, % . - , Mrs Tarry Maitin.Dixey, Smith field Jno Wuiianiaon, Hudson ; . ST.LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. . C J Coais.Albaoy B H, Williams* Mo fFPbicjeas, N Y ' MUsCowp«nhw&ite,N J 'Ra*t«if.rd,!ir * mi** • >u.t» j * , JsaMoCurjejr, Bglt p ■ Jobtf Tboa p*on,N Y , PFfenehfcla'NY ‘ JobnF Roffej,NY - Henr*'Wis*?Balt ' A P Walton* Bjit Ferdinand Myhliat, Phi la A B Davis, N Y A'Blob. Balt' 1 J Crook.Phila J Creoiuw. Jr, Bt Louis . ■ AMERICAN HOrEiwlhettnut, above Fifth. ThosLon*. Carbon 00 . Robt Bards, Jr, Pel W John JBylemett.N Y $M' Cartis.Newiirttf Del G Chapman. Boston Jas VoLesn. Carbon co _ JH Barnard, Pa JM Martin,Carbon co JaaG Shaw, Del . JftNES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Bixth. P M Roll. Pbila * • J Pahles, Havana J Parko,.B*lt F Palanoi Havana •* K Ttifuer, Phtla R«nt*n Atiiier, Havara • 0 Hibt-afl. Pnlt Raiael Obiesou, Havana 1 0 Mrconkey. West Chester. D Carh A rt. h J , t* J Cnv»’. Albary C A Caihart, it J ft Bail. NY KCarhhrt,Md J AiS&sger. Favjca ,• K W Jtoolr, A»d Jose Monoe. Uavana - ' T Morrii*.Ho3d nx « W ale, AY- AH Hawkins,;i« Y f « Badaiey. NY G * .NY *8 Howe, N Y HW Ralph. N Y UMBtowers.NY W H eeifurd. St Louis .OB Wilson. Bt Lucia N Orejfp.Texas W R Bte«ra»r. Ph)U Com Simmons, Md WmAlwm,Md.. SRSiaekiMd THR UNION HOTEL-Arch street, above Third, t W Shackelford, Phi la JD Owens, Pittaburg ■w P Kauraond, PJa*a - Genrse Adams. Fa P Fricbt. Tamauua, Pa •SM Pirns, Pi-ttbarx FCluod Pitila LBJfurts, Wapenatowß , John rNicolson.Phila -BARLEY STRAP. HOTEL—Seoond at..-below Yine. i Rev C 8 ’Wilton. Jr, Vox O U Hoppook, Newtown . AP; Bertolet, Readme J) McNorri Newtown GOpdyke. Phiiada W P Croser. Bnoka eo •?Oubre ft dau«bter 8 Bookman. Baoks co W lit arse.'Bucks 00 < KGHu*t‘*«P& _ , < Ely, Buck!co W Satterthwait, Backs co M Hestburn, Hseka 00 Geo Snyder, Pa P Bnrpmebs, Lambenvibe i> Fell, Fa _ ‘ / A ftnitb, Baltimore Jos Palmer, Pa J fe‘Party, Attleboro • j 0 Cornell Mucks co ft Reefcer.Solrbury, Pa W KCamr. newtown OK) ukena.Mpntgoo I huo man. Fa W KDuaneVNewtown EW Bowen, MtHolly Geo Rnydsr. ra W Davuieon, Pa 8 Aloe. Bucks oo 8 Groff, Pa KT . Alionsshore. Buoktco KTompkins. Newtown j-.W’ Hallowell. w*ont 00 i Henr», Bucks eo R. Bean« t Hacks co , T LBrnilh Bnckeoo. K GAwififlon, Books co ’ Yerdley\ille BTATBB8 T ATBB UNION-Market Street. above Bixth. Jos Glbeoft Tnd, Pa ■ A Bleating k aon.Yorr oo S 0 BayWuka, Fa, .OH Woe»eiter, Altoona « M Campbell. Pit W GV«uelane,Altoona IRowland. Lewiitown, Pa J# Hamilton, J* Y 1 j* Parr Blair eo Levi He, bt, Patterson, Pa JTrevis. tlair «o Wm M Powgr Balt iaa B Brown. rmonviUe H woMury.We.tinoreland 0 E Push, Newport. GW Wilson.J ewiatown Wm H WfUtiPittubtirir • JatCannon.Ohesteroo A j Wolfkiel. Lewiamwn Win Bleak®. Blair oo JFFryer.Del co JtMoore, Louißnlte aJ William#, Pa 1 BLACK BEAR .HOTEL—Third at., sb. Callowhlll, B’epooner. F-hi 1 * " • Johi Birndt. Tremoafc H 8 Porer. oJne»* Pa Bob rt j Biddle,Pa Abraham Bachman, Pa, *lviu ►•art. Pa $ tibalt B~eJr» oo W P ff. Fa o . saaoTrexier, Pa a K J nea. Southampton W P Meal, Bblmgton MiurtTonlmton, tiomertoa Casper ► oad*. Bvberry S Lewie, Bucks co 8 A nleold. Bunkaoo - Mr» HJooaa.Pa *amt Morris. Phi la FI Beams, YsrdlervUle ,*8 Hrwwis. Southampton G Clemente, Cheater Valley »{ Tomlinson, Boattrion . %T. VKRNON BOIEL-flecond street, above Arch. J FdwardiL MrmntHolly ;MraSUM ore. Pblla W H HlmmoiiS, NY, J T Barne*. N _ J Thomas. Tnrreedale, Pa TjSterling & la. N J t HKiiiaht ,B» berry. * : .WKinesy, Bristol,Pa / Siokejs, Philo - V FOUNTAIN HOT£L—Seoond street. above Market. Chae M Sloan, Atlantia City J H Bow. N Y . , Jonathan Ames, It J Th e Preston, Bristol andrewK Jones, NJ J K Collins. Del -'oloroon Blooura Bel P w Mioseraon.Dal Hieii oven & ko< Phila J Titos. I>l Philip (5 Moody* N J Stiles, Del David Hudson, N J Sarol Warren. Del 0 P Keif, n J Howard Bennett* Pel MERCHANTS' HOUSE-Third at. above Callowhlll. Sami Nrce. Reading H D Yeager, Catasauqna Peter fcraiia, Pa. AOrtendo/f & la, Balt 0 Fisher, Lewirtown ' H Ulstan & U« Bait H Kucheober, Buo sen JB Klare.Bolt * 8 Thomaai Potuville, Pa Mias Klaie, Balt NATIONAL HOTEL-Roco street, above, Third. R Keller, Beaverspring' I* Hecketnjorn, N Berlin JHiohneblr, Cnamb’g - JPWi!aon t M D. Pa ■P Huerriba.: - - .. iaW«#lev. Lrbanwa .JW bewitt, NY. • P Bnsktrk. Wilheabarro lbs Cormier,Phil* • H J uendler, I’oltaviile r TJenkms, MineratiUe . - OALD EAGLE HOTEL-rThird ab. Callowhlll, W ff Benner. Mont 00.- Pa' ’ H GabrfeT, A Hehtown Geo P Wea; Allentown . ~H U bmith, BnoVaco Bnehaoo . B Bucks co w H Dangler, - yt Beans, £**k« oo nfTEI,IiIUENCE «EB FOVRTH PAtB. ARJUVFn Brie Sarah Wooster, Lower, 6 days Lorn Providence, in ballast to captain. . „ _ SohrM a* FreemabtNickerson.odays fromßcwfos, with 5Gb hags eateft to Henr* Sharpie#**, ; M Sehr Lucy L Sharp, Mer Iwre, $ days from Boston, in ballast ti banorofti Lewis « Co. Bohr Kairplay, Maxwell, 3 days from Georgetown, with 1074 cedar posts to Noreross a Bbeets« _ Steamer B*v*rly, Fierce. X hours from New Y ork, with mdie, *o, to w M Baird 4c Co, CLEARED. Str Putnam, Canfield, Albany, Danl MoC&rthy. * st tkuwxapjt. . „ w The U 8 steamer Pawnee went to era at 9 o’olock th e mornlpg,- >o vessels observed onming in. Winds Yours, Ac, - TKOB. B. HUGHES, MEMORANDA. Cost Coker, of schr filot’a Bride, aUiue port from foMue. reports tuata Danish brie, name not recollect* n, Ireland, hence, and Theresa C, Smith, from Baltimore; arrived at Providence 19th inst, Scbrs P Boise, B>ice, and Lamot JJupopt, Cqrson, hence, arrived at Salem 17th last. - - , . e , Behr Lady Ellen, Godfrey, henoe, arrived at Salem Minnesota. Baker, and M«rietta Tilton, Tilton, sailed from ta'am 17th In L for Philadelphia. Steamers Voloaa. Morrison, P T Heartt, SidelL Bris tol, Allen, and Ann Eliza, Robinson, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. . . . . , . tftesmabtp Pennsylvania* reported by telegraph as bavins been burnedoa James River 10th i<-»t,WH«4'O tons burthen, rated A 3, and was built at this jn t in ,*BW for tee Union fcteamebip Company* .oha was re oenYlyrhorouatuy overheated and repaired. There is no insurance on the veseeL NUTIOKb. Ohs Pbicb Clothutg op* tbb Latest STTbxs, xoada in tba best manner, txpmaly tot RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST 'selling prices marked in Plain Ficnree.' Allioode made to oraer warranted satis hotory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is stncUy adhered a, as are believe this to by the only iair way of dealing til are thereby treated aldfe JQNEB& CO.. Mt-tf mi MARKET Street. Mrtbrs’ MmACDLOUS Dr iTkoTSK, the oldest and beet remedy known for Ex* terminating RATS and MICK, COCKHOATOEB BUGS* ANTS, MUbQ.UITOEB, FLEAS, MOTHS, ?RAIN WORMS, and GARDEN INBfCTS. *T Principal Depot, 819 BROADWAY, N. Y, Sold by ail DntgciMs svamrhere. ayld-Sm SAL4KAHDIB JfIRS-P&OOF SAPRS. —A VCrj arge assortment of SALAM>NDKJiefor sale at rea saable wines, Wo, IN CHESTNUT 8|„ Philadelphia. n B-tf EVANS ft WAThOft. . Saving Fcnd—National Nafrty Trust OoMPAXf.-Chattered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES, L'Moheyis reoeived every day, and in anyamonnt RygebremaUi' A FIVE PER CENT, interaat is paid for money from the day it Is pn tin. . ft The 1 money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called lor.and witbont notice. A Money is reoeivea from Exetvtort, Administrate e««Mi m th. Ciljr. It 34 BnttmigD'rtmt 1 BAND-Bltl/ ,lttiTtNO',B»rt»n(i.Ch.sp««t in th. Cit,, »t 3* Milk jas«D rttMt. PAMFHI.BT P*l»H«o,and .var, other de.oilp t loti of Printlo,,of th. now n port or iiulity. st th, mortrMonsiil. raXit, it k'NSWaKT A BHOWN’3, Dmrt's Biutdlw, Si fcnth TfltßO, jrU tf Sbakbb b SAvna tciro—Noa-rirwaa, Oosna BanMii and Wan kb. »>uxt..- Dspoeita rs ■rnttmll swi tars, asmata, (roA all d th. asasrtnltr, and alhnra fntarMt a< tha rat. of FIVE 1-KA OBNT. ft aanu. dravn trahrtiki without loa. of is- M o& open daUy, from 9 until f o’clock, and o& Mon .Retsrday r antU' nine fe the eventny, FreN- Trveierer pod Beorftary, r Compound Kxtb act op S ars for | jMakinoJloo? Bahe.—A pleasant and heathy beve , race at *■ ight Cents a Gallon,-for family use.' FaU dl reotions aoroinp’sny eaoh bottle Its ufaireraal and in oreasint popul&Vltr la its best recommendation. Bo* ware of numerous imitations sold oa the credit of our extract and advertisinc. The gedsind prepared only by POTTER & CHAM PIN, Practical Chemists, WES TERLY, R. I. Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia, DYOTT & CO., 3*2 North StCOND Sireet. Hold by Druggists nnd Grocery generally throughout the Country* . Jyl9-thstulBt* .Bathing Robes.— One of iho largest as* aortments of BATHING ROBES in the United States for Ladies, Gents, and children, at SLOAN'S, 606 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, or at his store on CAPE ISLAND, N, J, JylO 3t* MARRIED. — r n the Bth instant, by Rev. S>imu9l Beck. Mr. Theodore Rittenhoute to Mm Emeline Scholl, all of Germantown, Twenty-second W *7fEILL—WINGERT.—An Potfaville, by tho Raw Father **’Bra"igan. Mr. John O’Neill, « r Phil -delphia, to Mim Victoria Wfn«ert, seoond detughtor of Mr. John 'Wingert. Eli., of IVtiavilte. * WiVo»N-r*eNlNGroN-n D thi Bth instsnN by the Rev. H. E Gilroy. Mr. Samuel Wilson, of Cape X«a». to M's* ►mma r»nin«tonjLof Hontlnydon NJ. * BCH*KFKR-MfLBnKN-0n the »Ui ultimo, by Rev J. H Kennard, Mr. Win. F. Coh&6if*r to Miss Elisa Milburn, both of this city. * DIED. GUGERTV.-On tho l«h Instant, Mar, Bliziboth Guserty, daughter of Afarsarer and the late John '.n* geity.a*ed 17years and S months The relari ves and friends of the family are reapeo»f«Uv invited to attend her funeral, from the Tesirfano* of her mother,-No.BlB Moilv«ine(lste marshall.) Filth a rest, above Wharton, on Monday morninc. at 8 o'clock. Funeral services St. Mary's anarch, interment at H • Mary's Cemetery. . „ . . _ FBNROSK—Oathe morning of July £0,1869, BoiM, infant son of R. A. F Penrose, M. D. * ■ FANS.—On the Uth instant, Mrs. Sarah Fans, relict of the late Christian Fans. - „ . Funeral fom her laLe residence, No. 793 Riohmond street (!»♦<»'Queen,) E.ghteentb ward, on Sunday after noon, at 4 o'olook. * btL*«K AND PURPLE FOULARD •D SILKS. Plain black Fou'ard Silks. Blaok B *reges, 64.7 4. and 8-4 wide. Bl&ok Craps Marets game widths. Gray Cnsne R*ria Pophnr. Gmy Chene Bire-es end * , ohnirs. Blaok Rare e, ruffled poiota. ) upin’a '•nmnier Bombazines and Ghalys, Blaok and white L- wns and Organdies, &o. BhJSSON A CON, MourninsjStore, No. 91* OHRSNIfT atreet. N. B.—Dnnng July and August we close at 6 P. M. The only reliable article— . CLARKS Patent INHELIBLB for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. *J hey do their work better than ink, without its trouble or risk of Blotting, haoh will mark 2 000 articles. For sale, Wholesale and Retail,-by i). C. ‘i A/LOft A CO.. A rents for the Maaufaoturer* No. 911 CHESTNUT Street. lel2 8m UNION SABBATH SERVICES —THE [L? 'I hfrd Refotmed Dmob Chnrrli. and the Sevang rresbyfenan Church of this city* will worship together during the months of July and August. .. . The Hev.Hr. W. J. R. T*YLOK will preach TO MORROW -MORNING. atlftX o’clock,in the THIRD AEFOHMEO DUTCH CHURCH, corner of TENIH and FiLßßHrStreets,and in the 04 eVook. in the BKV-NTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BROAD- above OHftgTNUT. THE YOOKO MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS -113 80CI*TL«»N OFPBILAD LPttlA.-The Tegu lar fionthi* Mm jo; m!l beheld oa Best MONDAY KVF.N»NG.*3Hn*t.,ot Boelno*,mtbft FiFTH BaP TWT CHUfiCH. Hansom street, below Ninth* The pub respectfully mvaeO Corresponding Seuretary. rvfss* WISBT SPRUCE STREET CHURCH.— \yjf ' ProfessorMOPFAT, of Princeton.wilipreach in vTest gpruoe-arreet Church. corner of r-EVHj* TEETH and *PRVCT3 Streets next Fundoy. jVLY 22d,a» luH <*. M. nd434**. M. The tunday-gohooJ will hold but one eetsion. beginning &tS p . M. It* rTS» “ DESTRUCTION OP THE WICK ILS JBD,”—R»v, Dr WAY, pastor 4, P M. It* rr?* SPIRITUALISH.-C O N FE R E PTC Eft IL? will be bed SAfttiOM-HTRKhT HAIL. on SuNDaY, at Jo>£ A. M. and A P, M. -Aomiwion 5 cants. ■ - Jt* OF TIIR tmiORBAKK, Ikjr as required by the i«flo«nd s**ctwn o' tho Act of the General Assembly of thia Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October, A. D. \HZU Amount orioans and discounts- ...~ ... .$5’2.992.18 ” specie Pt. 7 0 71 ** ' duo from other banks 4305875 M of totes in circulation.... 71,895 OQ “ deposits, including balances due ' to other banks . 4290*140 Phi* APEtVaiA, July 20,1800. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA., ss : ’ ' 1 James Lesley, Oaihior oi the Union Hark, being sworn, depose and say that the aoove *t&tement is cor ,.ct,to tho be.tofmr Sworn before me, fhis2o»*. A, !> 1830. It* f. O. KLLMAKER.Noiary Public. (Y 5» AT A URGE AND ENTHUSIASTIC IL3 Meeting of the Democratic pitizeca of the sixteenth Ward, held on Thursday evoniag. Jnlrlflth IBGQ.atrhehoui'eorjos-phO'ofieus.aNTiHEW NOBIE wascelLrtt-ithpobitir.andD MfNICK TORPAY and Jt*HN 8. BF.l&Lwefe ncpolntcd PeeretaTiM. JOHN F DKAL and JOHN 8 P IrtTEßwero ao poiDtcdaCommtUoeof Baperintedenoifrora the Wsid to meet sjrolta’ - Committee* from o*her Waits The following Preamble and Resoiutioce were then reed by hdwnrd P. Duon and tiDaoitnouely adopted: Wherca** the National Convention of the • emoorntio partv, which lately met at Bahlmnw bavtny placed m nomination *’ll*PHeN «. DOUGLAS for President, and H&RSOHEL V. JOHNSON for Vice President, it b*oomea Uie duty of every rood and true Democrat who withes to preserve the lntetritv aud organization of the parly, to tale ft bold end decided stand in the present crisis, therefore, l>e it tiesolved, That we. the Detnnoratio citfzens of the Sixteenth ward, resardmv regular comi. atious as b ud in* and obligatory upon us. mure nt the present than at ant otnertimein the lnstory of *hc tarty, pledge our undivided support In aid of the election of Douglas and Johnson. Ht>olvtd, the recommendation of the State Centra! Committee for tbe Demo iratic party to unite upon an electoral ticket pledged to no candidft’e pre sents to the reflecting m«nd the feature that the ia« no right to thnk.anj) ipoetsw>th opr disapproba tion attdeau pc viewed in no other h kt than that or an iniulttiftn eniuhtened and intelligent party, vhoso Watchword has heretofore b«en * Regular nom.n&tions and no terms wit - dirorjjaniz - rs.” lUralvtd, That the ca l for a utass C<>nvention, to as soluble at Harrisburg, to place before the people o* Pennsylvania an Vlectoral Tiok*t pledged to the sup port of STEPHEN A DOUGLAS and f, JOHNSON meets our unqualified and hearty ap proval* and that we lift-eby tl*dge our support to su-h ticket, and take this opportunity ol deolann< that we wi i support no other ’ ' Refolvtrf. That HE«RY D. FOSTER, our candi date for GpverDor. by lug antrobdents bag proved him self worthy of our support ondthat we hereby pledge >nr»elves to aid and assittto the extant of our power n placing him mthe Gubernatorial chair of Pennsyl vania. Resolved That (hlswastinx organize a Campaign Club, to aid and assist in oarryinrout rhe objects ofth« above reeilutions, a<>d plrd-iur ourselves, ns in times past, tosm port regular nominations made m accordance With the usages of tne parry. > Resolved, That tlie abov* rdsolutioni be published. ' _ ANDRpJW NOBul, T’.esidflDt. DOMIHTCK TorpaV,/ q*f.rfitAria* Joint 8. ksihl, f Hecrewnes. lt * nrs* 1 nineteenth ward inTio’tion.~ X 3 Pursuant to call by the Oi»y ►xeoutivo Com mi tee. the Demo ratio emvene qf the Nineteenth ward metatthr house of ;rt.F. Bower. July i# i On motion 001. RKflß \ Y t M ATHKR whs called «o he chair.end JAM' H L. BARRON appointed *eoretart. UheqhJeotor the mre'ingbe ng staedand call read, ou motion, Messrs. Ada n Wnrtnmab and Stephen 'l ay or were elected representatives of the ward in a General Comamtgp f aDnuulas electoral ticjc-t. Mrs*rs Megonsgal, Wartiirnsn, Taylor. Mather, and Barron. werftftppnintrdaconinii»tee todrafr resolutions wxprieAatv© of the sens* of this meeting m reference to the Baltimore n< mlnatioi-s. RffA’StP'’J I #}, tn/s meeting wi>) reet at this house op BV* , NlNGnrxt.moo jnnotionwiththo Dopgias Club of the Ninoteen'U ward. gbNRY MAI HER, Chairman. jAafgy L. Cagpoy, Bforetarr, it* nr|=* »®VENTEEMrH WARD REGULAU LL3 NOMtNaTI ’NS.—Atamee'ing of the Derao c-aue citizens of the I seventeenth ward, hold pursuant > public notice, ai the Ward Hopes, Oadwnlloder and taster streets on Thursday. ev«ning. th« I9ih instant, he tneeiinywas organzsd, bycalUng Wn. o. KfJNti Esq., to the chair, and appoiuilng JOHN d. LEMON, ssq., oeoreton. On mouoat tnemeeting formed itsefmtoa Oemo °J?^‘«t^!sOoi,^on npiim of « HE DOimL*B, OHN9*N, aNI» FOSTERDEMOGRATIO ASSOCIA riON OP THE feKVFNTBKN • H WARD, ami adopt ed a ponstiiution ProYidjpg for the eleotion of tho lot i-wins officers, wflo are sb follows t Tho* Jr. Haiklns* Prestden'. Jamee Htilowe-l, Vice President, John «• Lemon.apd Wm. 0. KMns, Secretaries. John Quinn. Treasurer . sadWra-O Kline, and John A. Ward, Committee of Superintendence. On motion, the meetingndjnnrned omeetat the First areoinethouse. Front and Mtut-w streets,on MONDAY EV next, g3d ins<., at So’cluok. DOUGLAS. JOHNSON, AND FOSTER 1 lUTa*CLI£AN VICTORY o*t A CLEAN D*‘ F ETaT.—At a meeting of the «‘f mocmUo citis*ns oftha hecond Ward, held at the house of 'timothy Mealy for he purpose of forming a Douglas, Joh son. am Foster Jiub, John Huliand was oalled to the oliair, and Joseph dogan app dntea aecretary. On motion, a comtn'Uee V»S appointed to draft rules, when t"e sasoofation per mahently organized by tneeleoMonof John flfi-lbimi Pre- i K.W.t'oqHf. Jas Richard News ham, WHi.N.TisdaD.pE,CftTyell. John Manrtre. F.E.De gan, D- Beasley, E- Duff. C Sweeny, and Hugh McClain, Vice-Presidents t M, a. Harrlmjnn and The %0 Beak Eleonrding Secfe>A»i»s 5 John McQuaid Corresponding eecretaryj William Treasurer. On motion. John MoCarthyand Henry A. Dildea were appointed a Commit*#, ot hUß.rlme„ o H | , 5 ,c 5 .o LLA5(i)i WW”’ i fl# oo . f 4ipg Bras ex times the amount of the annual interest on thw bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty Tears, the holders retaining th# bonds and the security of th# mortgagsrln Lie, precise condition ic shiea toev aresav held" Fresh sheets of ooupons for aon.u.rao<9> ofth.V MMOtlns toth. exMarien. Thi. bonU. -nU he fildmouibto th. hsinnofthebond., on their nrnhis . r#o#f.i>nd pr«Mntins thoir r«.p»o- Uts bond# rt th# ofio. of Ul# Comwar, or to its Htitij PormiTffriwiist xnd «ndorMto*llt wiU befuoJ,h,d THE PAUm-FHJHAHELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1860. NEW PUBLICATIONS* XIOKNOR * FIE 1.1)8 PDBUSH THIS BAY: MEMORIALS, OF . ’ T HOMAS HO OD . KDiTED BY HIS DAUGHTER, WITH A PREFACE AND NOTHB BY HIS SON, t , Illustrated with Hood’s own Bketobes. 3 volumes, muslin. Price,sl 75. These authentic memorials, prepared lor pubtieatiou by the children of Hood, oontain all that will be given to the pub ioof the private life of the genial bdmorist and sifted poet. They will be read with delight by all admirers of his genius, containing, as they do thftnost interesting extraots from bis correspondence.witbeeve ral new humorous poems and literary fraymentsi The illustrations are from sketches in Hood’s oharaotenstio vein. *7* FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. TIOKNOB & FIELDS. Jy-2t BOSTON. <§OXENCE A WITNESS THE BIBLE. BY REV. W. N. PENDLETON, D. D., OF LEXING TON, Va. llmo. $l. We cordially commend this jndiotous work to the at tention of those who would acquaint themselves with the present position of t*e diecuisi n that is always go ing on between scientific) men and the advocates of a literal interpretation of the Bible.— The Pretr. Every thouahtfol mind must interest itself in this de bate, standing ready te receive with gratitude any real oontnbnt on towards the settlement of the groat ques tion ? such a contribution is nffbrded by the present work. *'* * * It is at once soientlfio and orthrdox, and the writer oooomplishes the difficult feat of steering in safety between Bo> Ha and Chatybdia.—lnquirer. We commend the work to general study as the most recent and the most complete defence of Christianity that can now be scoured.— Episcopal Arcorder. j)2l-4t Boobs new and pleasant fob „ , SUMMER READING. For sale by . SAMUEL HAZARD. J*., A RUN THROUGH EUK^PR I®t/rf 1 ®t/rf SkiSiM*‘of Trave*. By E. O. Benedtat. On• vol, $126. JKS*IE CAMPBON. A HLbiend Mory. By the Lady Hi chel Butler. From the second London edition ■ Paper overs 25 cents. ‘•A nook who h, when taken in hand, will not be wil-* lituly I“id down by any novel reader, till be has finished* It.”—AtA««ffttfti. -a ‘-TWENTY .-A new novel by the author/ of “ Wildflower,” •* House of Elmore,” etc. Paper oqvrra so o ’Dts WILD UP*;; Or. Adventures on the Frontier. By Cant. M«vne Reid. On* vol sl.'G TIIK WOOD KANOBKB; tfr, Tiio Trappers of So nora. By the same author. One vol, si aa. » „sl’°OHlo>i:S COMPANION H. Si). BOOK OP TKaVaL. Beinv a complete guide to p'aces of interest and resort in the United states. Paper,M cents. Clou, 75 cents. LIFE OF KIT CARSON, the Nestor of Ihd Rocky Mountains,from fnnUnarr.ted by himself. By DeWjit C. Petes. tI.H A. With 24 illustrations. Onevol. $125. rn AN INTRODUCTIO TO THE «TUD7 OF ift* «y Tbeo. D. Wooisey, Presi d nt of Yale C'liege. $125. CLE RICHMOND. The new novel by Trollope. T S , S r S OB^ PHIO ,. I I EC 2 I * of c. r, .EsLKY, JPr-Bideot of the Royal Academy, London. Sotted by Tom Taylor, a most entertaining volume. »135* ; pai-st* Buy your books at evans* Girt BOOK store, 4.14 OtreSTNirr Street. , BUY Y<»UR GIFT BOOKS AT ► VANS’ Gift Bookstore, No. 4.i9 CHESTNUT Street. Books are sold as cheap as at any other Store, amt yon have the ndrantase of receiving a handsome Gift with each Book. , » N£WFOOKB.’ GOODBOO*S! Leslie’sßeoollecUoE.s, by Tom‘laylor. Pnoe $126, ' Woman (Ln *emine.l by Miohaiet. Price $l. klrmoirsofVidoeq.the »r«noh Policeman. Pnoe $1.28. itfeof Kit Carton, by C. Burden. Prt'-e $l. • low Could He *elp ft? by A. 8. Roe.. Pnoe $1.25. ’ 'he Doomed Chief, or. 200 Years A*o. Pnoe Si. The FiHar of Fire, by Ingraham. Price $125. Ltveiofthe Signer* of the Declaration of indepen dence. by BJ. rowing Price $l. ALL THE NEw BOOKS AS *GON AS OUT. , And a Gift with each., and one trial will assure you that tho best place in the city to nnrohsse hoots, is at - «?• EVANS’ Chojp Rook establishment, J|2l St No. 439 Chestnut Street. SUMMER BOOKS. FKESII AND ATTRACTIVE. A . the KELLYS and O’KRLLYa. A capital new Encl’sh novel, by Anthony Trollopd. author of*'Ooo.tor I borne/' stc. Oners ami reorders are fast coming m for thtoaptena.d biok, which is called Pnoo*^ t j^ mn,ernove l*bisyeA r . 1 voL. cloth bindini. noo Humboldts private letters. Trans.usd from ths.original German. A remark*b’o and gossip. coriespiudonce between Alexander VOll Humboldt and >uropeao celtbfitlta m Litera’nro, Staw, Art, and Soieneo, 1 ,vpfc 4 alotb bicdmg. Pace ‘ t WOMAN. (LA FBUMK.) “* A new work trann’atcd from tbarrench of Michelet, nntnor of **Loyo.”(L*AmourW .Thin book jins paused ftpamisaMamonntot i&rere tarao ivoism.hnd frssale bids fnir equal that of Us predecessor, ” L’Ampur,*’ J vql.,ciota ondinsi Price®*. . HABITS OF GOOD BGCIRTY. An attractive wottf flpon tn and Holy Ghost, By E. H bickersieth. M. A., with on n trodnotiou by Rev, F. D Huntingdon. D. D. lZtno 6So. hOMLAND COLLEGE. By j*.D. Huntingdon. 12mo, 20 cents. ' HE RELATION .OF TRE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TO TBk CHURCH, aj F. D. Huntingdon, p!l>, Pam phlet. 25 o»nt>. .in. MORNING HOURS IN PATAIOS. By Thompson. “thK?AND-HILLS OF JUTLAND. By Eons An dersen. 12mo. 76cen'». IKSoIR’-, AU OBIOGRAPBICAL RECOLLEC TIONS. 12mo. $l. 8 TRAVELS AND RESEARCHED IN AFRICA. J2mo $125. . •* Tmjs. KKLLYS AA4> By Anthony Trollope. $125. For sale by 1 • , , a WILLIAM 8. A AfFREP MARTIEN, le!8 No 806 OftRS IN(JT Street. V TNDSAY ft BLAKISTON, BOOK fOB "W.BKHB AND BIIPKI>ELI,BKS, No. 26'Eoath SIX TH abovr Choitout . PUBb)B9- apd cotsiantiyon hand, a general astownent of— MKDICAIji SUHOICAL, AND DUNI'AL WORKS. SCIENTIFIC AND AOtiICULTURIL flOOfffl, WORKS ON MILITARY SCIENCE AljD ART. HISTORICAL AND HOORAPHIOAL WORKS. WORKS OF GENERAL LITERATURE. ILLUSTRATED AND PRESENTATION BOOKS. ALL 3 HE NFW BUOKB OF THE DAY. , THBi ALfO Importtoordar Foreign Booksoncf j}lB JUST Pirn DON’S ANNUAL D GfcbT& for 1»I toIBCO —containing the amended Copstitut’oa, Oummon School * nv.Ccftupilijation Law and its Supplement, Corpora tiouL-tW, Militia Law. Criminal Loue, with report of the revisers; Free Banking Law. , «... „ , KA .Y k BROTH-R. Law Booksellers, Publishers, and Importers. Jyl7 IB South MXTH street. Q.BAND SPBOIAfi MEETING FRIENDS GT EREBDGM AND PROTECTION. THE HON. JOHN HICKMAN. i By invitation, will address thQ^esp'^PfithotH D 1 S T u, r «T 10,N OP PARTY, ON TUESDAY EYJENIN Q. AT CONCERT HAIL, street above lgib, on tho treat Issues of the dar. ' JiKMt 1 rpo THE UEMOORACY OF PF.NN SYL VANIA! DOUGLAS, JOHNSON, AND FOSTER! GRAND MASH CONVENTION. The undersigned, the representative of the Nations, Executive Committee, and member# oT the State Exe« cutive Committee, resident at Ha riaburg,only respoud to a voice ooming from all quartern of tbe Comroon we&llli, when they call upon all Democrats DR VOTE 0 TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PARTY, and who unequivocally* and without condition, recogmze STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS ond HKRBOHEL V. JOHN 80N as tte regular nominees of the Democracy for Pre sident and Yioe President of the United Matts, to meet at the STATE CAPITOL, IN HARRISBURG, on THURSDAY, July 2d, at 2 o'clock, P. M„ to oonsult together as so what J« best to be done to insure to DOUGLAS end JOHNSON the honest, faithful and en ergetic Buprortof the Democraoy of Pennsylvania. All who refuse to concede to a mere Executive Com* mrtee. (tbe creation of one man, its chairmnn.ithe right to IGNORKTHB NOMINKESOP A NATIONAL CONVENTION, and recoynize those of a seceding out side organization; all who will not concede that a miserable minority can dictate terras to a well-ascer tained mnjority ; ail who desire to support a clear and unequivocal platform of principles—the ron-intorven tion platform, whereon stand Douilos and Johnson—ra ther than march under the disunion banner ot Yancey, Rhett, ft Co., and those who make en open boast o hostility to the Union; all who would maintain the Cinomnati platform end the flsg which has so boldly waved over the ranks of the Demoor&oy from 1818 to the present moment; all who would stand by principle, and perish rather than resort to expediency, and fall to rise no more ; all who would stand os a wall of fire bs betwren AboUliorvsm at the North and Disuntonitm at the Sotith. are invited and expecUd to be present on thitoco&sion. Thousands of the true-hearted, independent, and principle*loving of the Democracy will be here. Able men, sages in the party, aud the best orators in the oountry, will be present.- Come i this day, well spent, aiM prove a valuable legaoy to the remotest future. B9”Exours!on Tickets will be issued on all the rail roads entering Harrisburg. R. J HALDEMAN, Of National Demooratlo Committee for Psnnqy.vania. A. L. ROUiIFORT, yr. d. boas, WM. H. MILLER, J. M. KREITER, WM. H. ECKELS, PHILIP DOUGHERTY, JNO. H. ZIEOLER, Members of the Demooratio State Executive Commit tae, resident at Harrisburg. Just Published, 0? 'PITR iSP.h inst., at 8 o’clock, MEDICINAL, pURB GEORGIA ARROW RO3T. oife of J*y«ialnn. anil families i« oiuad to the uMiiotnr oflhla attiolo. Itisiapnll; all Other »jn.,. and all iho.e who have uieil * lv ® the moat deoided preference. The following I r 9 ni C*HLfi.ofUOß 1U; the haodsof the manu *ftf« l i ier *Rp o jL* -HAX.I.OWES. -wfu show tne hlga esiima 2?J?jn which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by those of the merkoai profession who have fully ex amin*q it. pound, 6Wg cents, or two pounds for $l, instructions aonompanr each package, fjgwmg how to make the roost delirious artloles for the FOR sale, wholesale AND RETAIL. FREDEHIOK BROWN’S JdRUI? AND CHEMICAL ST ° K “fcgkVN 0 U H T^E P^ Ken '‘ i’HILADELPHIA, D B A R T OWN. Jr.’s Q ~ „ DRUG AND OHKfttIOAL tt'fOßE, s. h. COR. of NINTH AND OHHBTNUT Under the Continental Hotel, • PHILADELPHIA. “ I have examioed and prepared some Arrow Root, BW/?2 w !; ed by Q 9b H( dlowes, of tit. Mary’s, Georaia. " bo V e “ Quality of that varietf ot fa?cut, 1 have L'? 1 ?* fl up«nor to any Bermuda or other Arrow j\oot 1 have seen ue, ju* ' ••BaMUBL JACXSON, M. D., »« University of Pennsylvania ” paOP. MOKHIS’ EUCiPHALOS. J- 100.000 Sufferer. from OTHKABKH of NEitvoua Bjfoi'Elttt intheoltr of Philadelphia, whooan boouredby turns „ Wtol'i.B-OH MOKHIS’ K UCEPHAJjOH, Whioh ia an original and WONDERFUL REMEDY. fe^M. e D.. fr ofThi t a h o e ,ts. 18 ftfnMh ° f FrofeMor It acts direotly upon the Nerves .. vav BV ASSUMPTION through the pore», gf i^C L naedabaUh9 trial of a to teat It* marvellous virtues. SttfTeme from BJum ■ ' RHKUMaTIkM. w „ CHRONIC NEHVOUSNEBS. Ac.. Will find tbe desired relief by its kxteknau use, as directed n the Circular, TRY Tl TRY IT! TRY T TRYI^! * T&t T THY IT! t TkY Tt THY IT! L TRY TI TRY IT! - thy it! It! ,f Ml? I uJh h Mill If you are exhausted by over-much study, If you saner from sleepless nigh e, If you are a viotim to neuralgia, H you are prostrated by esoeasive griei. if you crave stimulating drinks. I THY ITT T § TS.VJT! " TRY IT I I TRY IT! I T Ti»YiT! x AB it villrpwove those inwerable sensation* which in uuoe&frjorbjddi*--«Jt]p a frjorbjd dispositiontowardsinteraperanbe. Tlcy IT?, if tou are suffering from Pteryoas Debility "“»* 01 fflfc'ffiSlffJilKf ArriTiCATioN 11110 ® "" !2i?°P r S 9r Jff • ana many times us cost, inths relief afforded* r«umerou< testimonials from the most respeotable souroea oan be seen, by applying at the offioe of :ha pro prietors. FOURTH 8tr T eet}° olUUl)GE * CO, » No * 63Nortb And for Sale by Druggists generally, Jy7-if 4 Gftni] 4 For the INSTANT RELIEF end PER nul J&MAf AIANENT OURfi of this distressing oom- »laiat,use K fi N D T » 8 BEOTT CHI All CIGAEETTES, Made by 0. B, SEYMOUR ft 00., 10T NASSAU Strut, New Yotfc. Fries 01 per box t sent free by post mT7-«m tn FOB BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. NOTICES. r)WCE (’F THE QUABDrANS OF THE vr TOOK, 42 North SEVENTH street. “ PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AM) IttUTfoh’” 0 ' I'eparatesea.led proposals, endorsed •’ Proposals for snpplj os B>el and Mutton to too Philadelphia Alms no; ono By tboteoreinrr. aabgOffioe, until lll o'olook A. M„ July i? e f f rt 4"if«d will bo about 209 000 wsll ftdoatto weighing not aadlhm, to fe«°xo'i./Vdj m “ Uo bo cut " p(l,g " liecks ’ Mutton will be required, anii must be from well fattened abeeo. to be delivered Em ll k? . oar 5 A V » aound and giiod markeiabl j meat 3, oll ?® red at such tunrsnnd *«H^ lt £^.* raw * b i ordere Jgti h, ard ojmb r Jluid oistnot, Slaih Kleventh, Twelfth, P™ rC**'£?* # nL ottnh disiTht, Tenth, &Y?£ t 2® ma, .*l ,flt ®* nth .» RBd Twentieth wards. The tfixteeuth, Hrventeenth, Eighteenth. and Nlneieenth wards. The Bixth district, theTwmt* • first K9£ff*, Seventh the iwenty-seo nd ward. Si ■/ts;"tr r .toir l l’ l f waru nlJr lbirC *™ d ' NiD,hdlEl ' io ’ gKMS A’MS? r Mi iMXkS'Vi J|*®flw® ef fl e»' v ep f ,acoprdanoeyyith tiocity l o.dl nance to that eflept, Teoeivedatthasama time for the Ail-St Feoretsry Ccmtrolbirß o'f nh^ois. njOTIOE. —Sealed Proposals, endorsed ♦is. »P»L r ? po .? a !!. Crashing tno Publio Schools of ) L' th,rd • a , r £ ItiK Lehign or Schuylkill £on . wi'l be r*op.yedby the undersigned at the Con tjjllei'd nffich, 8. K. Corner SIX» R ami A DELPHI until Mtmday, July So. JB5O at 12 n’clrok lft. The Proposals will include the storage of the Coal, l here will be two sixes required. Kg* and Store, and the ton to be 2 240 pounds. Proposals will bo received same time for the Charcoal nnd KipiUmC'Wo-d that may be required Jyn-at oKhe ’fecoffi-diinAv anl. HjfOT’lOE.— Sealed Proposals, endorsed, n. .n for forimhin* the Publio Bohnolsof w , a , Td .? l,h or Bohuylki\l ponl. 1 .»»•**» recoiyed by the undersigned, at the C6n troller’eOffioe Bouthesstcorner , «!XTH add AHELPhI stree;*. until MONDAY. July «th.'l«o, at 12 o’olook M. Ihe Froposais will mclu T e the storage of the coal. Ahpto Will bo two sixes required, ess nrd stovo t ntf the ton to be 5.2» pout ds. Theooal *s to be we ghed attho placeofde ivery, *n Rccordanoe to iho City t»c di&anee to that effect. Prosoea's will he recoivod at the same time for the Charcoal and Kindhnx Vfobd that war be required. ISA .CLh ECHTje.. j>?o St Coctrollerof the IVenty-four'h ward. ■jVOTiPE IS HEREBY GIVHN THAT Il il a P*?, n d???° , fiofttionBrorthoer* , otionof afirat clus GRAMMAR BGHO..L HOUSE in the Fi'teViilh br Die undersign.d at -ha oifl"e of the BO s RDop CON I'ROLI.► Rs.err;. Cn'r,o? SIXTH Blrfeta. ur.t,: the Bill do, orAa.iut, 136-1, at It oolnnlt . Toe .aid ocbool House to be erected on a lot of ground situate at the sou‘heast fr™% r u Wr re . n V*' ,h “"d Coates streets being lia feet o ril iL 75 -deep to North a root l the budding to be lo nennmnioilMo one thousand pl M'Ae d ,,i? a . lo e M i t ,3ver F'f'een Thousand Holla™. .hlltA'P. , of" 'ho pan approved, lo super mend the erection of smd tkhoul House and reoeive for hie "T l 'o'rdeV h "rlh P eCumm,Oe^Tr^S dbudd '" ? - ,M»» 1^ PftPAHT«E«Siqp NOTICES. C')P4RTEESIIIP NOTICE.-The under signed, having purchased the Merest of U. r*. Me tush, Jhaq., in the busings* heretoiore conducted by lum in Cinura ,ua, Georgia, have associated thetnVjiva/i vAito* firm name of LOClC^i-itr. YOUNG, A• ROBEKi.B, and will r> mtlnue bns’neiit ht the came place. ROiihßT H. lltJOK* RT. OKORU*. B VoiiNG. .a. c . JGS-A.ROBbJIIS. ~ Of the late firm of MoKee & Robert*. CotcafßL-a, Ga., July 2, 18,0. « jyEWB URY?.Q.P'" MESS MACKEREL, VERST LA (IQE AMI WHITE. 0. H. MATTSON, JjH-tf ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. IVEW EPICED AND SMOKED SAL- J-l h(U.N, Fresh every few days. Al, WERT C. EO BERTH, DEALER FINE GROCERIES!. J>3l Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Btr«eta. RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO • KLR AND CON VKVANCER, NORRIoTOWN, Bo^nMlvama. FARMa. STORES, MILLS, amt HOTELS FOR PALE in Montgomery, Buck*. Chester, and Delaware Counties, vanioK from 10 to 200 acre*, in good localities. Persons appljing will be shown properties free of charge. Mortgages negotiated at fair rotes. HAN D- SBm AMEB'OAN HOTEL, ABIENTOWN, PA.—Thie well-Imowa and popular hotel has, dunngjhe vast softaan, been EhjI.AROED AND IMPROVED, anaia now in oapaoity and convenience second to none in the Interior of Pennsylvania. *3 he beautiful and healt- fu) situation of Allentown • renders it a dfl liKhiful summer resort, m view of which asocial ar rangements have been made by tba toao* cqmmodateaummer boftyden. X. Yi BFCKTRI. ieaa i-ei k. w. Bin onv. m LIGHT’HOUSE < OTTAGE, NEAR Kl THELIUHT-HOUSB ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (the ne vest house to the suri), is now Oferj for the re ception of Boarders. The proprietor resMotfulW goHaite a ooutmnanoe of the patronage of his and the puhue Jefa lm* JONEw WODTTON. Proprietor. SPHINGS.—This well-known &nddeUghtfalBon»ner Bosort will ha opened for the reoeption of Visitors on the FUtSi* OF JU«JE, and kept open till the Ist of Optohej, .'vi?* **l* 1)6 under the manasementof Mr. A. G. ALLEN, wnoF,ea»nsnsn.'o,ooQrteonB manners, and attention tokia guests, give the amplest assurance ol comfort and. klpd treatment JfiJ'MlPi Si g.suste?^"* lE ra ‘ arf mriO-im JW °- f ‘ M |^°^nte , . tr d.. Jg ED L O E’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC OiTV. NEW JfcIHaEY. At tba terminus of the Rallrond, on the left, tieyond the Depot.—This House is NOW OPEN for Hoarders and Transient Visitors, am] olTera accommodations equal to any Hotel in MlanttoCity. The chambers have been ven muoli improved, and rendered store comfortable by Venetian blinds having been put ap at the windows. Chargrs moderate. Children and Servants. Half Price. . ParuesabouldkeeptheirseatsiiUtiltlterarsarrive in fro'it of the Hotel. The signs me conspicuous. jyi-im A LOY 5 ! SHAUELER’S RAILROAD HOTEL, ATLANHC CITV, opposite the Rail road v»epot. THE BK*T BITUATION ON THE ISLAND. „*r Newly futod up with neAV lieds nmi badding. Boar Him and bodong igi per (lav. )>- lm tveptune nau&s;—Atlantic"cit?. —This wolar and eminently •avorite House at Atiantio City hns, since the closing of Inst season, !/cen enlarged, refitted, refurnished, pad complete!) re juvenated m erery particuisr. and in now open fur the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all piaceg of interest, dose proximity to the safest and best part of the beach, it »s rendered nr.o ol the moat convenient and deoidedly tne pleasantest house ontno Island. Terms—Blo per week; per day. Ohit.l’vu and servants half price, ~ - „„„„„ « JOHN BMICK, Proprietor. R. Ij. FU REY, Superintendent, leSl-sm retreat, Beautifully and conveniently located ATLANTIC « ITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated ou reasonable torrns. je2o-3ra M. MoCLEKS, Proprietor. The sea*sh«»rb—ATTiANTio oity. McKIBUIN’H U. 8. H A’EL. The undersigned, propm or ol tbs above.named house, hetug now prepares to receive guests, ro ipßOtiuU* solicits a sharo of tba ynblio patron age. Bince last summer tnere has been added to this hotel a tour storied wtng, 140 feet id lenitb. con taining (beside the bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for lodiei, and >wo for gentlemen ; also, a reception room, wash-room, and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons, Billiard Rooms, am) hot am) co'd Falt-w>ter Bath Kooms have been constructed for the accommo dation of visitors, and the whole house wii) be lighted with gas. The house has been newly painted and Tnr niihod while the shaded grounds surrounding It have been put in complete order. A we!) manned pleasure Yucbt, and an excellent Band of Music, have been en gaged for tho season. J. NcKIBBIN. Jel4 tf CARLISLE The favorite rosort for those \t who appreciate Grand Scenery* WHITF SULPHUR o' 1 !? Mountain Air, Invigorating Wil SPfi/iVfl s. * Baths, Large and Woil-ventilated CumbertaJd J.\ Pa. ft®”* Ooodtoowiy, and a Good Accommodationtfor * ou ‘ f, 300. Fox pjytfioular* sand for Cirou- TBBWs tow- lar. OWEN. OLENDENIN. i VIPSOHER, Carlisle Spring, Pa* mountain springs, -*~i Lancaster Oounty. Pennsylvania—This estab lishment will be open by the )Un of Juno The ad vantages of this beautiful resort are: Mountain Boanery, pure air, ano soft water; every variety oi batna, and amusements; a good stock of livery horses. and oar riages- tor further particulars call on J*)BEFU B, M\KRB, corner Third and Vine Streets; JAMKB 8. EARLE, No. ol« Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIOMACHER, Epbrata rostOmre. Lancaster Howntr. Pa. mtVi-Sm /COLUMBIA HOUSE, GAPE ISLAND— !rSm 0i , 1 ’ I! •S 1 , AT ’ Now Jereor.-Tliu larse, flratolM, HOTeL will be opened, for the reeeprion of quests, on the Mih June, 1860. The House has boisu completely repaired ana refurnished. A new ooolnng r*o»e, ovens, steam boilers, and every modem improvement added. Extensive stabling attaohed to the promises AU letters adu;ea*ed to the subscriber*, Oape Island, New Jersey, will be promptly attended to, T tr t■« « . , LrAmo *>OOLMAN. James H. LalrdJate proprietor franklm House, r hila delphta; 8. B. Woolmar,. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Capa island. jeia-dftn f'iONGRRSS hail, cape island, CAPE MAY, N. J.—This well-known, firet-ciass Betel will oe opened for tne reception of guests on 8a- TUBDaV. the lfilh Inst. The Bowling allay* hare been removed, and new sleeping rooms added, sinoe last season. Jill-Ow WKST k THOMPSON, Proprietors. HALL—ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.— This epaoions House, situated at Atlantio City, will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the ttth instant, by the subscriber. The House fronts the beaoh IIJ feet, giving a splendid view of the Ocean, an* Is near the Fishing and BmUju point. No pains will be spared to secure the comfort ana con venience of guests, . LjC-Zm TNO.VAS tf GARRETT. A MERIOAN HOTEt, MAUCH CHUNK, +A. PA.—Thin HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every pom on to siramiera and travellers. Arrangement* ha* e been made this eeaion to accom modate SUMMER BOARDER*. Th« moat sublime mountain scenery and rural enJoymSS, l *. "J® pere al fo'dadT GEO. W. WILhpLM. jeas-teet Proprietors. SEA BATHING. National uall> Thi. fO I Uh r .S, n f^ ! !ffo S , 1, &, , 5 , r. *°l°«.^? rm * n ’°A«mjW GARRETBON. Proprietor. HEATH HOUSE, BOHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN. N. J„ !■ now open for the reception of oompany Commam- Aations by letter will be promptly attended to. lsli-lm D A. ChOWKLu. Proprietor. OEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— DIOK.-200 Tierces Prim, J BitAiUoi! Mgfr *» —*» «-*« SIIIWER resorts. KAA ° IIJAVtR ' ««• of 8«i H0m.,,5 li e rp XCrofp'.mif, '?[ «ur.».jed br RW liofefin thi."f® 101 - not «aiw o r!'af« kss to the house (but separata from lti» m«i- HftU for Hops aad n or# %® and CcntectiODery atta?iid W Ov«r ’ *Tii! f# i* r * f oTtj ■iMpJa* rooms for aiXßiaitk .Tfaersi. also a. play'ground for shaded Mdenoloseg, with swinre, Ao. r®» n*n!*l m?»roPm^ Pßrt ? e , llt P* Und * r OWn 9t- KMflienW^J2kSi%V a 1 tn ? , l W reputation in B to ■*&" * a " 1 my table wiU Terms wtll be* 912 per week. \ Transient Boarders 9> per daT. 1 INITBD STAiFS BOftL, : V v . millebsburg. dauphin COUNTY, PA _ Thts well-known Hots, has been loosed by tie rnh soriber, and has been thoroughly ret ovated entiroiv n«»Ir luroiejied. Millers burg is situafatf in oneoKtha most romantio regions of Peuneylvamatthe etuque h*nna nver flows immediately . v the to* n. wSSordo • oea#r T nnmiiaSSd iDth# ,n *reat t p enty. affording fine f£ .SSJlHlffi*?« lll i mountain streams abound with MS2WSWA. 9 lty , v ‘* ltorf ’ who are destrousof eouatr*. willlndthia one WArti?p!?n«Lil« ,r,lb!e in PennsylvMi^ The wiltii n,a , ha Urq*d passes the town 7 and it is and N(BvYo?t ail Thi»n>T lt^/ hI, M? elphja ’ Wtiraore, h'Ss, coSr«?> r w, “ “ «® Mni,r.bu, g . Jan, ,p A ia«). WAltFtEtl) - OTAR HOTEL, itSABLT oypomx thx v. k. hotel, ~ also, CARRIAGES TO HIRK. C£NTB ' terms BoardeT * &oa °mmodated ©a the most reasonable - ' ■ - lee) 3m * IJ N |TEI> STATES HOTEL, LONG t , Jii'2?i7^tiUi 9 « < i ofsn L ßOOfnJ<* thatthos fa?he hi! sno- Ssfy all his gue?ls * tin a mAnner thit cannot fail to sa •i.nt hundred feet above the Lehicb. ti. 'inlLl mb rme aoene ima.inable ia prewaMd. ’ “ pur^teuSJfe'^a'S?? I *'* wiU ‘ ,£o W KS? Md tiJUBF HOUSE, ATL -NTIITdITY. N, J v _ This spacious Hols!, pourisiarths non kdrante. geons location Bt Atlantic City, having been re&entlv tfo” h'r'.Sit!* op9n " l for 010 approeohm, eaaaenon ■‘orieahizh and 9J Teat ia length, JSV«• ,ro ’ ,ni,lllsbwnadd,d.eontain tug 44 lArge and airy roosts and extending to within fio : Ards of the ooean, a fine prospeotof which is afforded fromaliriosteterrroom inlhehouse. aora a j,produced into the bn Iding,additional bath houses wll be erected, and numerous mhnr im. "‘Tbi’ubffSiMHi"’ 0 '! liv altrv:uv ' l eiercis.^ir.'tha^e’n.nLUr* Sd' ! oom n eSa O L , , h Sf ,, SS”t.T iUI S Tiew to th " oomf< ’ rt ID,r . to . en^ < l. rooms will* ease aedreie™£Vtr«,M3lisSSr' w I«lmwf-»m H. 8. BHNSON. A MERIOAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— r,, . M.KBraoLDS, Propnator.-Tbia ftvont, J or I t ! 1 D viulora in MON- D * 1 ! June »th. It has been fitted no in the best style tULir®** attant on ** u ** paid to thecomfort of its ielB»dtffepX . HOARDING. XJOiRPXNG —For a gentleman, wife, and ~~f two «aa l ohUdren—i/ want'd m ft cenfril part of TWO I, y piS(fN re »»!?^ 18 K 0 n Dfo y* b ® Ad I rose aHU tiPtfON, tcroqgh B ood « Dispatch. jyl#-4t* and Gentlemen desiring supe nor board for tbo Biimmer can now have ohoic, oflar...coolroomaatayg WALNUTMraet. drit lm' ORIV * TE BOARDlNG.—Gentlenlen and 21 Ein *!? g.ntlemon, can be acoom mooated with Board, with pleasant and Handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 010 LOCUST St., south suteof Washingtonequare. The looabon. b*ini opposite to one of the handsomest parka in the oity, is c?Q*T»I, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the oity can be accommodated by me day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an offio*. Jell-tf TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE .accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with or without t>oard»lin a private family. Location oen tral. Address * TOLBERT» ,, through Blood's Die patch. apg) INSURANCE COMPANIES. MUTUAL LIFE INSUBANOI A 90MFANY OFJfBW YOU* , BIX MTLUoSJ?o£ DOLLARS,! IHVBITU IS VlftST MOMTtfAOSS OH BIUX XiVArB WORTH OVER ****** premlame areLOwxßthaaio aanj other Comp* aiee, and the Dmdenda have bees autifu, BBLOHe TO TQX RltVamß. .S^'n".VpM e ir *" * k * «, W. corner Fot?K'M npfwAfjN&TVg^U, „ PHILADKI.PHU KEFISRENCESi Wiomu UpbiM. John W.Ub, sssriftssa!* w&fer* John p Mj.r«, JVPUhor Lewnln,., Wlllmm CTLnSWur. John M. AtwoolT Artb«-»Coffln, tbomMli. Powom, SoorfoW.ToiKd, M.Keo. Ybo«. W.ttonr.. na-Iylt* ISIsUKANUE UUMPAWy, NO. ■ «M CHESTNUT Strut, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIITiSW.BY THE STATE DP PENNS Y LVANIA* SON FINED TO FIKEAND INLAND RISK I . _ DIBXCTOBS Samuel Wright, D. B. Birney, Wm, w. Walts re, J, W. Kverman, Choa. Wohardsoa, Henry Lewie, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jooob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stem. Thos. 8. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY .President. . a.. a FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vioe Pres't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary, [iall-ifti SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—Com panrle .Building, southeast oorner WALNUT and FOURTH Street*. Open daily froia 9 till I o’oloek, and on MONDAY till 8 m the evening. This Old Institution has always paid la full, oa demand, without notioe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All earns paid book, on demand, in gold and silver. TRUBTHEB. ALEX. JfHILLDIN, Preeider. L SaMl. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. HaraeT, George Nngent, John Anipaoh, Jr.» RaraL T. B *lice, Alb. C. Robert*, John Aikman, Jorss Bowman, IL H. Eldndge* VYm. J. Howard. JOHN s!wiLaON.Tr»unrer. JOHN C. SlM**. Beoretanr. JiM 1m OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, 3 Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vice and CallowhiH. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, ISftl. Open for Deposits and Payments, daily.from 9 to JH o’olook. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, fromhtoS o’olook. Interest 8 per cent, per annum. Depositors' con with draw their uoneys by Checks, if desired, fecial I>e eosita received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, rresMert. i Fsanci* Ha*t. Secretary. apAU-tfu ANDREWS & BON. T K U N K. VALISE, AND TRAVELLING- BAG MAKIIVAO I U K B H B, No. CIS CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, i Under Junes’ Hotel.* «STEACTOKY, NO. IT SOUTH SIXTH STREET. jrir-int • SPARKLING AND STILL OAITAWBA ►3 'WINEH, MANCFACTCRED BT J. E SHELBY. Cincinnati, Ohio, Always on hand, and in lols to suit pnrehas str*. by CHARLES F. TAGGART, Sulf Agent. jj9-8m No. 031 MaRK AT Street. HAVANA CIGARS.—Just rocijived. per bark Ann Elisabeth, a Ivge and vatied assort ment.comprising several new brands, together with others of the most oelebrated— ~ *• Black Sea," Adorsoion,. Figaro, Neptuoo, Cabanas, Partagas, j Lightning, ArroioHorwo, Aruaelie, Prnebeso. Jio , &6.* Of alltheßegshft, Concha, Opera. Lonqres. Mirar, Figurines, and preseed sixes—now in store. Sand for sale low, by CfIARLi-IUTIfiTE, jo&O 3w 130 WALNUT Btrect. OOAPS. 1 ►3 van HAAGEN k MoKEONE’B CEUEBRATED ORIENTAL DEITJRBIVE, CHRMT^AirOLIVE, s EXTRA Lh'i PALE, m 1 B FUUUI , NG TOB.ET. An. I '°ffi l » a k^M^K'L^K’ Also wholesale dealers in „ „ . ...... t-t * H?K tH£s.' )T * co ' i ' loti BEES> ’ rALK [%lll'i. JAMES BETTS’ INVR NTIONS 1»Sl FCR LAUIES.-Atcrov.dof.ndki WrT'Com mendedb. the Medial, Bute., Thiitj Th»»nd In.«!?5 C „ ffi! by their phTsiojaii# to use her Surgical App lance*. J»ne would oautioh Merchants»nil Slhera at&Mt P^ohMVß* If"^VS’clSSSlSr’iws.hou J of™ eho can &• on iai* win he riw *n on appli S. d ih. r BUr'A Ueited He ennatnre is on eaoh ariiolw. ♦****• _ Cancels, i parrafine wax, ‘ PURE Ht'tKMACE'IT, • CHEMICAL BPkttV. adamantine. Assorted sises. „ < . . Packed in plain or fancy boxee to rertl cy market. For sale by the agents oft&o maoufadarerj , THAIN k MoKEONE.a* and *4 0. Wl ARVK3. " AZUMEA ! A 3 .DMKA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA t A ZUMKA! AZUMBA PROF. MORRIS* AZUMLA BAKIIt© , POWDER. soltlr 80. 68 Korlki FOURTH uni* in* j myQ->rmi_ %JYHLP MOLASSES, Ac.—soo } ahds and Barrel. LoVRRINa’SN. flu. I'hraj rop, and .xtra Golden. Alio, Bnaar-boJ le. Muioo xado.andPortoßioo Molmm. in ii and har rail, for ula by JAM fad GRAHAM k . LfaTiriA %!?««!. r Cl LATE ROOFING.—JOHN 1 WELOU, U prepared !o put on airy aroonnt of roofinn nt lo»ratee. All work warrayiadi to tinfaotioe. ttrdera aaot to ill! HD Mreat and (IRK MANTOWaN HoaJ will t* prompU/ Ml u>. **2S 3m _ AML'SEHENTfI. SUMMER SENSATION! HOUBS BY THt? SEMtOE! By F&rdcoier Invitation MEMBERS OP THE frfILADELPHU, p Him OrflEK PROM£*k»T CITIZENS. henrv morforp Will read. . „ „at the IfiiTED BTA • ES HOTFIr, ATLANTIC CUY, ' Hlg SATIRICAL SUMMER LECTURE "THE JDtITy'op'oJIOMELniO,” SATURBAY-EVENIHO, JULY Six. T 000 of tho RAhdest bii> of THE bay full of RATIONS, amusemewt. jTso-ft 3 at aU th * Priaoipiil Hotel. »t Atlutic City. jVATIONAL THEATRE.—Q BoR G E Mssf!ar , ““ p» Proft »'<». Md 8 ATllVl) AY < iSt> ». j a i T n?PN??‘ JtIHTH WITH MUSIC. a«d ”• irabKV 5 a.huse’mknt WITH irtsTLVCniON. E E P* ES ENT A TION%V ; D% A^ D Li’p , L lrrßF ' n ' In which will which the ls so remarkab’e. Snoa?'?e t ni* ’* n r‘^T ions. Who evinee th-irdWte , /reSwid 2nd ««Str aaM - wi “ * iv ‘ « «•"«“«?ml!"iS nf Hailads. f>aDC»s Chorus**, Doftt. Quartet-,VojE B[*i Mots, Queer akviucr fnFphea” of-the Theatre ethbe brought forvrard Md«Mthft£°*l?w f Ai prodao i’ nff, . efteb i •* Din*, one Sfh2 ,t k*’ wre j*? m * IwLeomio eieeea, written tf' prengij f;'r hirafiiid in earh of whioh be s-unds For .MSS*SBAffifc *"* **■««■ pr... C . Orchestra Chair* >< pre^eJy^ 60 &t lo eomxence at eight o’cUwk, #I «W Peats invariably. reserved frr Ladies and G*b fcs & tSSSS r,a * ln,m - o,pUem ‘°^ OENNA. ACADEMY OP THE PINE ■V, AHTB.-J095 CHESTNUT Btreet. a lar l , ? ol J eo,ion ol Pamtins, and Senlv> “ISj**, from a a m. nil 8 8. it. a£ miaeiong cts.; children nnderUraara.l3cente. jyo-tf COLOMON’S TEMPLE, national Hall. . A%*YE TWELFTH htwkkt Wcti n . wh\al. a “ LEATHbfI > office of The Prut, jy!9 It* A YOUNG LADY FROM THE NORMAL ”• 89 H 99 Lvi * he ® a ®j to »tio''a» TRJtCH E in a S™ te *. a7TTviL r 'o or out of the city.. Ad* dress 1 UTOK t ,, this office. J>i Wf ANTRD —BY A YOUNG MAN, A ▼ » situation m& wholesale dry foods. gtooery.oT hardware house, uadeistaads bookkeepipr. and has hac eomeexperifflce in busin'ss. eaiary notsemaoh J 3 * o rart { * b th * htst i/f? lJt* 06 * J office of this paper. WAMfD—BY THE ADVERTISER, ▼ * who can jnvo first-ol&ss basiness a situation in a wbolesa'e-dry*Roods jobbing bou«e«as bookkeeper or smesman. Addrsm •• y.” offloe of T-» ric*.T. iy!7 lot* A YOUNG MiN, who has had some ex ** patience in the wholesale hardware bosicritt wishes a situatton »n a similar establishment. Will be eauefied w.tu a moderate ealary. Addreee “icgM. PEtfa* office of this paper. jylfet* MTANTEO—*SOO, FOR WHICH GOOD * * freehold security will be given, sod an inters?r m a vamsile patent. Address ** Patent,at this of Qce- jyt7«3: T?ir*NT£D—A young man as Salesman, J wkoiMhorottirhlracl3tf TArANTED—A Situation, by a man, ▼ v thirty-seyen years of axe. of extensive experi ence in basiness. o l good adoress. and competent to fiii almost any position, either as a clerk, caoencteodent, or salesman, is very respectably oonneoted, and ean give the mo»t satisfactory references as to integrity, enorgy and business capacity A moderate sal «ryJor thepresent will be accepted. Address “ B. G. H./* omoe of las Prex* FOR SALE AND TO LET. m ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT.-4)a E 2. tha Cantor roftd and Bastle’on turnpike. about a it.lie and a halt fr m the r.ntoad depot sc Fraakfora. Handsou e «toae mansion; tenant’* Route, and an nw* oeas&ry out* u\ldin<»; & beautiful sloping *awa. an abundance of shade and frtm tree*. 'J here is • siresra ot water rnnnios tbr utb the whole length uf the plane, r or fu.tber particulars apply to . . M. * v OMeS 8c Auctioneers, iy>1»3630 139 aud U 1 Sou'h FOU dTjStreet. PROPERTY. For Vdale or to Let, a larpe ard convenient House In Germantown; gas. water, la«jre lawn, and plenty of shad*, id ope or *he best looatiom ; wfl be an' /i low. atidreu Box I<£o, Fhi/aaglphia post office. jtl im FUR SALE.—One-half interest of a Re tail Coal Yard, centrally located, doinj, a busmen oreiyhtthousand tuns per annum. Address" /*. B. C." Blood sDis f atch, w*ea all necessary tnfi rmvio* w.U be given. j>Ji*3i- *¥*o t ET—Store and Basement No. 4f3 ■ ARCH Street, ahor® rGURTfI, tirnity-t*o feet r ront «'!ear,bt fonrfeet deep; achoic® locatjoa for Wholesale B ■men. to P. KEITE*LINUS. FOURTH apd ABCH Street#. AILaNTIC UlTY.—Two rooms in a •s* pottage. snltuNe for & rmsll family w-Il be RENTKDon reasonable terms. Andress,S A*SHußfc, Blood's Ocssetoh. Ti> BUD DER?.—A large lot hiving three fronts-suitable for immeejate imeroteireet. sitcaied 01TWEJ1T1ETB street, below f'ATia A JUNE. Wilt be sold oc aceocuLpd*tio{ terns to *»srvwlM wilnn-p'ore. For terms. 4c.. address “K, office of this paper. i>l3~tf Factory lot tor &alb. -a luge lot bavins three fronts, adn irably situated in the boathwesiero p>rt of th* city. Win t* rented or so.d on reasonable terms. For par lonian, apply *t this cffice. jyL3 tf Ij'Oß SALE—On Accommodating Terms, the Btore and Dw«Um« No. ni Ar. h street. ApoWro WIU laM R. Ai LrN, jyfo 6 * Ne.»3S ARCatstttet. Half interest in a literary PaPER FOR pal-E.—a rare opyo'tuotty to se cure a permiDcnt income is offered by the pi.-pr e>ors of one of the first Liters ry Pipe's in the cocctry- *hu wishes to meei a pnrohaser cf ofle-o*lf interest. '‘he Journal referred v» h*aa large and i creasing ci’CUES' turn, and it can M shorn, beyond all doubt. t*at n« a short time it will realize a splendid mooias. Toahte »n.*y man the opportunity i» a rare one; tosach. terms of tne most liberal character win !>e occepted. It is aos ateolutely necessary that the purchase. snoun be et U»erary tas’es; in that ewe. however, a good busmen* mao is indispensable. Ihe fullest information as to the present cnnmtion of the paper will be cheerlutjr given. For particulars, adore** or apply to a. WIaCW-320 CHEa l MU’ stree-. Phi adelphia- J> U-St TO BET—Tlie 2d, 3d and 4th stories ot' STORE No. S2S MARKET STREET. for whoteuU. Jobbing laqtxir. on tbo pro nnifß. )>” «t* TO BE T—The first floor of the fineßafid inz No 7C4 CR ESTN U r .trrct, formerls oooop,»i o* s wbuteMlo l and lately a» a retail) Fanoj Gooda.bJ Permmery Store. Aup Jr at'heufr.cei fj (ILLBiiAI EL &Co . Po J 704 ChEbTNUTfctrftct.ghri*. jyU lm jyjISSOU-RI LAND!! 300,000 Acres for Sale, at prices ranging from 12>a to M cents per Ac'*, in anv quantities required. TAXES pud, and PaTEnIS procured for purnhv sera of Land under the Graduation Aol Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage sump. For■Jf.T. WL'NfSS fc CO.. tf. g. and General Land agents. G. CH-STNUTtitreet. Between THIRD and r<»* Rln, St. iOUIS. MO. WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. jyg-gm FOR SALE —The Stock and Fixture) of a Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, new dome t good business. This is a good opportunity for any otf* wishing to go into the business ora house increase tueir ttfde. Satiaf ctorr reasons giving tor e» I in* ont. Address ** Box 3*?0,” Philadelphia Pott Office, wit}, Bunß. MTO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR. story house, double bach bnlldlnvs, all modern im • provements,in oomplete order; an decantlar.eyard Terms low to a iwd tenant. vi'-o CHEBTMJTstreet. Apply at No. 719 CrifcbTNlT Street, in the M&souto Halt. my• Sonthwerjrro uetion ■ t ThAcitT well adapted forsNursery. Termsaccommous.- S&? "K, nt thi. offle. .pir-tf Mrs. STILL’S CRVBTALINE LIQUID HUR COLQRER.’ A ureparation new to the puUio, but which hi* ice* been in private use, for restoring Gray Hair to ita natu ratcolor,imparting,ton a glowy appearance, ani rea aering it soft and silky. , _ in* entirely different in its nature and effects trou» u « article now in use lor the same purpose, be.r.c h oleanly fluid, nearly as clear as water. requiriuK n washinv before or alter its application- tree from swipt>. oranycthsroWecUonaWe ingreaiect, and appl:e-i us eisily as an ordinary f*air Oil. Can be had of the following persons: W. Z. HarberU, oorner Jumper and Pins street'. E.J PeoneU. No-si6 North Ei/thtn street. Thomas L-ancaster Bpruoe and Euhteentn *tr«u Thomas Weaver. Viteand Eighteenth s reeu. Win. B. ‘lhompeon. hit. Vernon and devecieeLt.i k-.*, Kuward Gaillard. Jr.. Arch bek»w Second street. E. B. Uarngoes, Contes and ienth streets. George C. Bower, Vine and Sixth streets. A. 11. Howman, Spruce and Seoond streets. Charles Shivers. Spruce and Seventh streets, Caleb R. Keeney, Aroh and Sixteenth streets. FIFTEEN HI and LOCUST »j* Sm Pnilad»>p*iA. PARIS GRESN—For s.le by IVETIi! . *UJ. * BROTHER, «T rad .9 North .Ki^LD Btrrat- CXIAIUUI uavaNa ciUaRS, of fiif. tRR/.UUv ferent brsr.-Ls.ail aixae sad jnres, •Sggp WKW&tfiFWm am