TH* WBUHBECTION IK SICIIY. '.WMk *t tMa«r:K»l»bar. 1 WAiioW ESCAPE OF LORD ELGIN AND ; baeoa geos. -,y '. ;. • IktaENH* LOSS OPTBE ABUSE. TluUren! ifoliatiSeA Be view in England. ,' xxputnw or com ..futwra- PlafcS W uT* Ithe'^’Kriiv.ff Naples. wLiisK ‘ yrjhtbiir china. Fiaaneiel ud Coauwreiul. Tin jiteiiniihip Fatten, from Havre June 2tj end Bou'hemploh June 27, arrived »t New York at an enrtyheur yeetOrdey morning. Aeynopela of her new« had already been forwarded,by telegraph, from Cape ftaoe, " Tba screw steamier .Blue, Captain Anderson, feognldverpool at alwat 1 o’clook of the afternoon ,o< '*baJ6tb,aod from Queenstown entte 27th, aleo at tba Sana port yesterday mornief. - Bor neiifa has. likewise bean partially telegraphed via Canada:' FfOai. ike mallsof theae steamers, however, we hard ike fullest and latest details of foreign non.' XBB IHBITBBBCTIOS IN BICILY. Genoa, Jane 21 —The Republican party ad. _ htrod to the Governmeatof Smraannet. Sardinian la«, yielding lath* oounocitofthe Em* W®Ji.B»» daelerad himieif resdy to enter frankly “»_}*• pstbof refcrsa by granting » litoral eonstf *■««, t. toploooiaador'tbeguaraatjrof Franeo asdEeglaid.. ft exeksnge for this tba King of NanlM.deinaods the guaranty of hit pns—niona by . ■ tjto~y»s{nrn Foyers. r This, however, haabeenre ,9tii Bornbtr of prisoners takes oh board the tiro steamer* csptorei by the Neapolitan-frigate la ; »bo«t slue hundred, all of whota arteoalaedlathe prtmusof deals.:?. ~ itpws, Juh* U slated, that Garibaldi la. ■uMUgagaiaatMeaaiaa; . .Xtrkla, Jane St —Count Carosr approves aod Bttautoe the protest which .we* lodged At hia* plea oa iha.lltb last., by tba Marquis da Vlllataa rtaa, ablest the capture of the SudinUnsteemer bytheFolesloante. 5 p<- Adviceshava been received herayrotu Nolly, etMCae that prises Xorrearsa had been appointed prarideatOf the Council, tnd.deputyto the Diets-, ter Garibaldi st Palermo. - s . ?». Psr«RSßuaa,June*3 —lt la add that by order 1 of hit Majesty, theßussian Minister at Turin .baoa .lnttriietoa tp declare to the Sardinlan DsUset thetjAhoold the: Sardinian Government not keooeforui prevent the departure for Blcllyof tba expeditions to oonrae of organization In the di*wijsportj of Sardinia, the minister, irlth the J*^a personnel of the legation, sruuhi quit Pied _ Sacitl, 3 one St. —lt Isatated lhat during the con ference at Baden the PriDOC Regent of Prussia di rected the attention of-the august assembly to the sfaie.of affairs in-Italy. The Prince Regent la asM toheVs declared that 1 the Sardinian Govera mcet was already ovarrue by rerulution, endihat If Be attention werepaH to the farther eoaras of •routs, alt Europe mikhtto threatened by revoln tiooary agitation. It m alaoSald that Baron Sohlol allg has been ordered to draw up a circular note informing the diplomatic agents of Prussia abroad of what had passed at the iatarrlew at Badoo. " In ibtsnoto partiealar mention will to madeot the wbrde prußoMMed before Napoleon by the I’rinoe Urgent on ths SSein of Italy.' .Pasts, June 20 —The correspondent to the Morning Pott says: “It is:believed that the Neapolitan tfoveniment will determine to restore ' the two ships lately captured by its cruisers ” , Garibaldi, aV.luteet dates, was preparing'.to rSareh bn Messina, hie delay of foot uey a at Paler too having already created aome dissatisfaction. Garibaldi has more difilcolty In governing than in cenuarins. . ' Thf prinoiirel liberal journals 1 of Prance and . North Italy, a* also the latest advices from Sicily, ' siaonr in noanifesdng some alarm test the growing dike recces and dirtensions of the national patty (foniadtadby agents of ,the dethroned princes, by she- great ecclesiastical dignitaries In particular, ‘ sad b/tbo ranetumistß of -all grades) attonld once moreen ip the .hopes of, ustionsl regeueration In , - Opinio ut, of Turin, for example — s repnted ; i onot Cavour—thus piotnres tba state of ln Klcily. and the poUtlesl Situation . .bis - Government, In faoe of the ' adverted to, IVe quota from its PA _ HMHtorpespondenen: ■ ■. "Garibaldi himself, is greatly loved, and the gratitoda of theSieUlSa people towards him knows uo bounds; hat there is no put-tic confidence In the minis tty lushes chosen, nor In their Admlnistn - tlon Thev complain ..ihathe due oheeen for Go yeraor tf Palermo n vary yomag man. teat nobody 'ktoWn.anythlng of. The goneral _wlsh is for an lgimodUloconvocation of the'Asaambiy to vote an , txatatied to Pladmont' and deoroa universal suf *',lra«e- fatiguedj harassed, and won anxletj, haa an*o ile, wltkt waive hundred men, under command ofßajortWrtt.-'’'A- Btaamship Franklla, Captain Origosi, left Genoa nttt.F..H,9thJun»,fiir, Leghorn, to receive on trandrod meo, under commend of Col, ‘ bteamer Oregon, Captain J. West Vievins, left Genoa ltuh Jane, 4 A. It .with two hundred men, under command of Major Chides!. Steamship Washington, of Maw York, flag-ship, Captain WulUmSeUohah.of Philadelphia, with fourteen hundred men, under oommand of Lien tenant Colonel BsMUseratto, an afieat of tba Sardi ttUtt navy, left Genoa at half'past three. A. M, 10th Juno. , "v . XoultfiMtire fure. 3,600 men, well eqaipped ud .ruled, thewhol. oiider the eomm.nd of Co taM'Uediei, eooompenied by » full ataff ' I don’t, u;m bue ne.ei heard ol nny ot them. - ITIUSnutHHAf LCS. Mil Mid IhatOaneral* Lama, LtUsla, Salzano. Catoldo—all of them difgraewd after their igoo mtaioiu return from Peiermo-T-are to be tried by court Martial aoder the presideney of Lieutenant Oasaralthe Marqute Delearatto. Colonnalathe ' enly general an iptad. Among other charges , against them ie the rather singular one, that-the three thousand botabehetU Srad upon Palermo aero - charged hail .with clay or common earth; and half with ponder—tbeeh officers pocketing the money 'ralaa oftba difTsraooe. ;' ' > Brand and maoearoai hare increased in price at Palermo'. . Moch misery was' said to presell, and ' that can be comprehended tinea Palermo has been -how for several months In a state of cruir. A - premie* has beaa givaa that bread shall he dittri rested to the poor, bat on oae ean say whether the money nottid hold oat long. Affairs do not appear to na in a more favorable position at Naples.- Stagnation In commerce and a gwserai feeling of uneasiness and mistrust have earned provisions to rise in price. - The people, lateen state, ware beginning to murmur. Three ’ JUartun steamers ladan with con on Sovernmaat , aeoount, had arrived Irmn Odtau. Bread was sold at« redoeed prise to the poor, bat'the puehue of It generally. led to 'disputes, thelast comets fear ing that the iupplywbuld ha exhausted if they re aeioedqalee to take their tarn. Apolloe-guard -;Weestatloned at tha shops, bat even that - precau tion was iusufficieut to prevent sceneaof uproar. - . . vaa raiLuso ik rtarnas. - The Naplesoofropondeittof tbe London Times writes, tinder data of Jnoe '2B: ' “X think tbaf the eonrt are folly, penaaded of tha dangers of the position, and evary one mast faelthadebpest sympathy for the young,. at tree tive, and right-nUhded-.priaoaae wbosS misfortnna It it to bo Queen at Naples. There can be no doubt . thatshehaa continually, though vainly, struggled ' against a system of government wbleh has brought V Mtn on thefamily. Prayafs - hava' been ordered , ‘gm Kege ’ dariog maat, eoda fart twfee a week ' ■ hat been enjainedon the cleigy for the] King in danger. ■ - . - ' ■ ' ■ . < A yet more significant fast upon .which yon ns ay depend, is tbat-the Jeaaits Save sent their pnptls home, assigning tt a reason tha' insecurity of their position, aadtbe Jesuit leathers have pro pared lay dresses. The work of plunder it not yet began in Naples, hat symptoms of &m boon in Sicily mty bo daily seen in Oosartn. I hava already menilotted - tats, but - take one fact: An oil!par, whose name I suppress, bought,; .a-fowl .days since, , twelve silver posate (a - ferk and aepoan fonaaposat*,) of a soldier tor twant;-air ducats, £d’£t. Bd. ‘I have mraplee , ebont lt, ! said the oflioer,, 1 but If I had not bonght "dtbars would.’ I ban also of diamonds and otnsr preotwos artioleSbeleg told for a smg. Bsaltig, then, the probability,. or poselldUty, of toon ? evented here, Iwould ask a -jueatiott whioh I have ■ already put—whether,’ In; the event s a Govern ■■-taent. being powerless to maintain. order,or elk i lear to nramote dlabrder. tbe united foreesof the .. several fleets In the bey are not called open to In teotfare in tbe Interest# of humanity ?” ' 'dns'HWsii Yliyutiiy council. st Bsrtas; j - IParu Co. resrondeaee or tha London Star. June SB ] V This determination hinted at 'am': having-, been :, adopted at the' family ooanell of Naples. It a tradi - tloa ot. tha 'forgotten polities of 1820. The idea originated With oae of the King’# uooloi. and li Mid ;d have mot With the entire eohourraoM of the whale family.. It thinga ehouldreaoh .their, last ’ a*tnuni*y< the King would retlfa dibit, to London ;of Vtenea, namingeltbar tha Print#' dsTrenl or v'. tka Prince da Blraonse as llegsnt In r hls steed—to - awaar a constitution end avety liberalfloatation -’.'-'dsdintldcd by the peejpls: Ike King, still Wader the - - delnstons Wbleh Csletber cherished, InsUteupon the option of teturntogto Naptoa amts' fine'day “. when trannaUttyahiulb* restored,” sndelslw. lag tha right of Mpporting or eboHahing ths Qoo. rffiutioa namedriffhi?l«utenant, «ioWdiug to ::Ut awn «Md willaad Maanta Aithleoendlpoo, ; fj hOnartr, would not lalaaeea *haj!ras«t,and ba toags to an ttnoertalnfatur*, itwul not affaot the nseoletion towhioh:UtaHiogtabelng driven by the meet argent aoiloUatfone of,bin reiaUvef. ' while da WM* vf the genertli in command at Vtr smodurisgdh« stegaaretoba judged bya eom •SMlon, pnMlded ov« by noleas a paraMagathen the famous Dsloarretto. Colonna lr tha only one . %MtAUd«biton hatnpt retehed j adthe other - .iininfi hiTfi Man ordered to JsebU, whan they J ; ■ - 2PISiSaS;dUavMMi reportsthsTavasy A warth ” is tap restated on board nmtaw ef priMMit Lken on board tha two laiMgwiii heals, aad of oondition it aa offensive , Auemcm •Lifb liiatjßAnoß asd I'nnsr Coa ted defanelve aUianoewHh Piedmont. . pA«r, S. E. co*. Fourth a*d Wainbt Bt*k*TB. _ oirrijHh*rd fl»Tor®bly. This company vu chartered April. 1880. commenced ItSf>r«aa2f*t(o*wiU take place la the beginning bnslaeia; in October of the same year, aad Um oonee- * ' c 1 , * A > '* ‘*■' weatly now bean in operation nearly ton yearn. - Jon* ~ D®** trom r Invoice respeota this company offers advantages not Palermo to tbeSOtb, them* or * xyapoiitan Qeoe- to be found elsewhere. Their total abstinence rateeof ral has called oo .the army to nie.agatnßt the insurance are the lowest in the world. For iiatances Boorbone. 'V- "’.L. » ** ‘.. t a m«ningo«d health at the age of 96 years mayln- Oartbaldl hat lama * proclamation inviting the anre 91 m on hie life at an annual premium of 910 21). olergytonpone «e revolution. ... . , while elsewhere he would be charged 0».OO. Their ' 1 ‘ - j joint-stock rates are about twenty pec oent. less than VISIT Of TB» TBUCB OF WADXS TO CANADA AND C*IT«D STAINS. , . ■ /Zheliondsn Times Oja that H. R. H. the Prince •f Wales will start on the 10th Instant flom Devonport, In. H. M. B Hero, Oaptiln Sey whioh will be aooompanied by her Majesty ! a ■bln Ariadne, CeptAin H. \V. Vanslttart, and her *S? ,, J'’ ,,w P' ,r| 3 ,ta B H*. Captain C W. Hope. •Ihe Prinoe will be attended by the Secretary of State for the Colonies,' his Crane the Duke of Non oasUothe Lord Steward of H. M.’s household, the Berl of Bt. Germans : hls B. H’s Governor, Major General the Hon. R. Bruee, and the Equer ries In Waiting/ Mgjor Teesdale, B. A., and Captain Grey, Grenadier Guards, and Dr. Aoland, bis B. H’sphydeieu. > The Prinsa of Wades will drat land at St John’s, Newfoundland, then visit Nova Scotia, and thence prooeed to New Brunswick and Prinoe Edward’s Island, and wlfl reach Quebec by the route of the Bt. Lawrence. He may be expected in Montreal about the 13d of August, and the opening of the Victoria bridge will take plane a few days later- U It H. will represent her Majesty upon this Oooaslou, and Will hold levees and receive ad | dresses in the capitals of the different colonies. It is intended that the Prinoe should visit the princi pal towns in both the' Canadian provinces. Urn his return from the Western districts, it i 3 intended that H. it. il. should drop all royal state, and, assuming the title of Lord Kenfew, under which he has before travelled upon the Continent of v ~ ft Europe, B. 11. H. will,visit some of the most Important and Interesting localities of the United SWh. Tho Times saps, also, that it Is understood (hat the Pneidoat, Hr Buchanan, having, in an auto graph letter to the Queen, expressed hie personal desire W receive the Prince at Washington, 11. K. B. will pap him a visit in that city, and that B. K. B. has also accepted an invitation from the city of New York'. This will be news to tho corporation or New York, who, although an Invi tation was. sent several weeks ago, have not, as pet, received any intimation that it had been ac cepted. H E B is expected to reaoh England, on his return,-abcut the middle or.end of l otober.' ,- rax aratoair snarx ibid*. In the Boaseof Lords, Jnne'SS, Lord Strathedcn ' moved that an bumble address he presented to her Majesn, praying her Majesty to begraelously pleased to appoint a consul at Mosamhigue with a view to promote the interests of oommeroa and tbs execution of the treaties between Great Britain and Portugal upon the slave trade .Lord Wodehouse objected to -the metion, and said that the reel aoame of the evil wae not on this, baton the other side of tho Atlantic, at Cuba, i ■ Lord Brongham inveighed against the harshness of the lehrs of the Dotted Statea In regard to the negroes. Lord Granville trusted Lord Stratheden would withdraw bit motion. After .a few words from Lord Stratheden, who declined tor withdraw the motion, the House divided, when the nnmbera were— . Content.... Hot content .....u 6 Majority 5 So the addms was agreed to. tbb review op raa volunteers. The review of tbe volunteers in Hyde Park os the 23d wae a most splendid end Impressive display. The force assembled in Hyde Park was estimated at about 20 000} and may be fairly said, to have re presented alt classes of the population. The Qaeen, accompanied by the Prince Consort, Prinoe of Waite, tho King of the Belgians, the Poke of Cam* bridge, and several foreign princes, and attended by a bniliast tulle, entered the park about 4 P M. Tbe inspection was at once proceeded with, and was of tbe simplestebsraoter; the Qaeen passed along the wholeoftheDne. after which the volunteers marched past her Majesty.. 2 here, was no opportunity of showing what they were capable of In the way of field operations, but it is agreed on all hands that what they were called upon to do they did the* roughly woll. Their fine martial bearing and won*' dorrut .steadiness and precision in marobtng elicit ed from experienced officers of the regular army expressions of wonder and surprise. The Duke of Cambridge stated to - the commanding officers of tho various brigades and battalions that he had never in his life seen movements carried out by a large body of men with greater precision. She volunteers were enthusiastic illy oboered along the route of the park.. The review passed off without any serious accident, end notwithstanding the well-known dictum of the Duke of Wellington, tho 20.000 volunteers were got safely and expeditiously out of Hyde Park. The hofidon Times asserts that England will soon compete, with Prance in her army, and that the time will oome when every man capable of carry* ing a musket will be enrolled as a volunteer. TBB. 08INA MISSION—THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH MINISTERS WRECKED. ' Tbibsts, June 21-r The steamer whtoh left Alexandra on the 18th instant, has arrived in one hundred and tweti oompletelj wltbont foundation '. On tho oooaeion of Piinoo Jerome’s deatb, tbo Emperor Napoleon goo. Into mourning for 21 days. OgnoA, a).—New. has boon reoei.ed hero ihst tho Dictator of biolly bed deoreed the demolltn n of Fort Cutellamero, and tho Ist division of tbo ro.olstloiiary foroos had been directed towards Syracuse. • The mdnioipslity of Palermo had sent an addrais to the Dictator, requesting the Immediate annex., tlon of Sicily to tho Italian kingdom. Tbo Dicta: tor replied tbat annexation was his aim—tbat hd was a great admirer of Viator Finminuel, and that be beliaTed the annexation would be asoom pllehed by/ and with him, but tbat at present tbe annexstion of Sicily alone wonld not be advisahle —besides, in ths exent of immediate annrxstion, bo wonld then bo under tho neeeastty of retiring. Tbo Wubington bu arrived at Genes with 16 wounded. * QsttxrA, 27tb —The journal Vc Geneva an nounces that, acoording to reliable Information, tbe Oonnt De Perslgny and Lord John Bnssellbsd agreed upon tbe convocation of a European Con gress for tbe adjustment ef tbe question of Savoy. Tuan, 27th.—Garibaldi is said to have sent one of his egsnts to hoodoo in order to negotiate a lout of 30,600,009 francs, the revenue of Sicily being offered a guarantee. Comme > ctsl Intelligence. .The Tm's'city article of June 26tb says: • _ ** The Lul ah load* ware flat on Mora y The Rue nan loan- theispeet of tbe Neapolitan question, and the abeenoa of key d oided improvement in th* wea ther, respectively contributed to the flatness. There were so inn"Mti«iaain bullion of any impoi tsnoe. ~ -bedouihaieptoßjfromAustralia*ia announced with £nta& I lh* long-expected proposals for the near Banian loan were i«*ued on Monday by Messrs - rtanwg. The total is £6 000 000 ot per cent, atook at 93. , .. . i be t»ui of bulii*mjih‘»wn in tt>* bank return of Mon day ovemoK is £ff 677 in excess of die highest amOnnt previously held dorm* t e present year, and the gene ral state of the Oreign exchanges affords the prospect ofaooatlousl augmentation,. This, however, may be loeome degree checked by the Russian loan. > The T»wwj ott> article of the S7ih eaya: *' rbeoon. se of exo, an*e at New >• rk oil iondon for bt aat 60 dare’ sight t* W ?* to W9jtf Voent. whiob, whan oO4ipared with the •ml par uetwe* n the, two coontnea, shows tea the exohong* ia slightly in favor of knsland; but. aftermaking allowance forchfmeßof transport and difference of interest, th pretent rate leaves scarcely any profit on the importation of gold from the United estates ■' .... . Conao's have been maotive to-day, but nave Closed witb a firmer tendency, ‘i be first Dsrg"iqs w» ro at 08 U to V,and ne>-r the tsrmin*>tionot business there vm an improvement to(e?«to>£< There was nothing of importance, to influenoe the market. and the final advance was owing partly to the weather becoming state that rumors are current of a new o»n of 000 009 being ab ut to bein trodooed. Tbs e were again no .r&r>sections in beil-cu at the bonk to-day. Two-more Australian gold-ships are announced- the Maroo Polo and the Owen olau dower—with 86447 ounces worth about £l4l wo. Too Wes- ludia steamer La Plata is also telegraphed with gmgHi. ~'i he Hoard of Trade returns for the past month show*, io comparison witb May 1860. an increase of £4W,Ui in th* declared value ofour exportations; Most of the principal breehes of manulacture BTUFFS MARKET. T TM>ro , fasabsea no regular market sines the sailing ef the Per sia. Messrs. Richardson, 8 penes,*. Co. report ve y ittle doing in any article, and prices unohan ed since F ii?sVrWl J be i-R^“ r I fe!r^RK^:-Vro i ; lRf o nB - are without any alteration, .North American 1 allow **jLoxn^.^otte*V-*-Coßsole—Money shut. Do—Ao ooantNew threes 913*. . Lokdox, 27m June—Noon—Consols flat at WJ6 to &X. Shares weaker, being in sympathy with consols deelm fdMo.imlasi night's rates. Bu«ue*»» Canadas flat. • LuNDOV Pm'DUCL MahKETi June 37—huger .steady Coir-e—No public sales. Tea ruaraet firm; ■alesof 40.0 W packages now on; Assam only si Id so fariWhidhUMgone at. full pnoes. etoe fair inquiry, S L'fifJ{R?,m i. tmlesi'inoloding 9,000 on epeouUtion and export; no [ ■IIoKuON TALLOW MARKETitwirtt f fleydon the spot and for delivery as the last three l months; . , CITY ITEMS. ' 1 MT. VERNON HOI EL—Second street, above Arsh, Doisd it HAKDBOMXLY.—Oar own immediate ILA Westbrook, N Y NDurfe;,Cantmsbure ciUaensiMedpot bo told that the magnificent busitess jw.nlSrf.’Kq'Siiuni? Rh ‘ Kelw“, r banonaffi^g palaeeofM#«re.Charles Ookford k Bods,under the AGrant,Cnnonsburg,Pa' HJaokson.BtClaire.O Oontioeotai NoteL is * model of completeness in all its J CPnce,Del Theo T Lines, Jr, Ny ! BAREEV 8 7 APM0Ti^ 8 . r * Wtor Vine. »lltr tiMcMroitiiiM mr. *ppnd,tin(. SnrpiiM lim owstookol i) D fllif.r, P» (toocoti,- bMn .zmwd koto firm (Mlliu,. u Ja, M Carvor. PoriMlown JooO Frfl.raad.Lauaiwt.r tk»» *<»«udtlwar< lb,«wu< ,owl». m»W J h .'„“, 1 !l.n l ' ura ' Kr '' « ,k tould MOc.MfallT oomf.te gJ™J i„h"n in ym« with houses of much less commanding im- . —m portaaoO. Th*eeoret is, toemts.Oakford *Sw have 1 MERCHANTS' HOUSE-Third at., above Callowhill, rP'sred tgeir pTSsent immense tmiinass upon a basis j o Billhelmer, Bntgtown John Franks. Bucks co bread encash had firm noashto make their present CbasFiunk, Books cu Jus Lejbgrt, BsthlWiem extensive establishment, •omptteated a* U may seem, j i?h?a?t P^ra,,a « Institaticn of: olpek-Work rogslanty, They tmy^ * A S WtfjßWi. goods chcgpsr;thna thsir rivals,sell them in larger John pfehthom, Berksoo Grabill Bear,Lanooo qnastltisf, and heaee oan aifloMtodiappse of them at Gabriel Herb J A Lcmbdoh, Pa _Nowooa.r I _tl , . , i'. t'M.nt BALDEBACLE HOTBE-Thlrd «„ abor. Cllowh.ll. ®k&mdr rM** *k in addition to the large *' accumula tions” of the past ten years; aud wo bolieve that no bettor *nd safer compan* oan be found anywhere. ‘Jlie officers and trustee* are well known, and rauk among onr most respectable citizens. ( The Saving Fund departmen tof this company has &l~ ! ways been oouduoted and managed with great ability, j No money is loaned or invested on personal >ecxtrity ; ! ho notes or check* discounted and to these unvarying rules is, perhaps, attributable the foot, that during the late money panio and bank suspension, the " *tneriosn” uevei filtered, but was always able to pay depositor* in * full, on demand. We reooramend this company lo our readers, feeling assured (bat itia one-of the most reliable in this or any other country. —Commercial Ltst, Tob Pi-tubers, silver-plated and Britannia, at low piiceh , Force aiu, galvanized iron, aid zino Water Coolers.- Pr. Kane- Refrigerators, Ice Chests, and Bathing Tubs, and a full stook of alUiuds of housekeeping arti cles useful a* d necessary in warm weather, at £. S. Farson 9c Co.V. southwest corner of Second and Pock. A Bifurcated Combt.— I The new comet is said vran- to have two tails, and thereby hong* a tale. Some Taney that the split caudal hat reference to the division in the .Democratic* party; others argue that it is a sign of im portance. as a great Bashaw has several tails, or more; a Pacha or many alee is familiar to all the readers of Marr.* att. Bc n tt has Immortalised the tatasof a grand father. Hogg’s tales are famous, and then there is the old and true tale which oannot be told too often that the best and most elegant garments for gentlemen and youths to be found { a the oity, are those made at the Brown*BtoueCk>thingHailofßookbill & "Wilson, Nos. <503 and 60S Chestnut street* above Sixth. Persons and families repairing to the differ ent ptaoes of summer resort should not fail to take with them Bower’s '’Udjcathd Fios, which are a safe, speedy, and certain cure for coitiveness habitual con stipation, dyspepsia, siok end nervous headache, and bilious affections generally. ’> hey consist of pure Alex andria senna, combined with the best quality of aroma tics, so skilfully inlaid in the fig os to prevent detection in taste. Price 3??* cants per Vox. Manufactured by Geo. C. Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. tf What is Life?—The mere elapse of years is not life* To eat, and drink, and sleep—to be exposed to darkness and the light—to pace round in the mill of habit, and turn thought into as iroptemaut of trade— tbit is not life. In all this bat a poor fraction of the consciousness of tmaanJty is awakened, and theiano tiiiee still slumber whioh make it worth while to be Knbwledse,'truth* love, beauty. goodness, filth. a’ono can give vitality to the mechanism of existence. The laugh of mirth that vibrates through the heart; the fear that freshens the dry wastes within; the mosio that brings childhood back; the prayor that calls the future near; the doubt whioh makes us meditate; the dea'h whioh startles us with mysteries ; the hardship whioh foroos us to struggle; the elegant styles gotten up at the t>*€• price Clothing Store of Granville Stoke*. No. 607 Chostnut strset—are the true nourishment of oar natural being. A useful and valuable gift accom panies each article sold. jj7-tf Re’ Coooh k la. Eugland barn Quincy. Phila HGCoooh- England R H »ni »b, Pittsburg .1 It Gendall k la. N Y B H Smith Va HR Finch k la. Va • Rev C A ♦'anli & !a,N J J H Johnson,N Y A B Elmer & wf, O -B Strange N Y J Stewart. Jr. N Y I,BilHman Ives, N Y Plata J H Ashbury k wf, ft O J J Bwover. Phila H B Parry, Lauoaator J Y Mae. Phiia L Neal, Lancaster LH K nda»l. Heading J E Dsllnv n k la, Chm . GI oe k a, Tonn 0 Yinglmg. Md T M MoCorkle. Va N K Adams, N Y Miss Risked, Ala , Prof Beretfor., Russia, ara Sraffer, Ala J urarleff. Russia Miss Clark, Ala Mr J Jurarleff. Russia J M dmith, Va 0 P Fie'd. London G M a urref k la, Va C Riabnrds & la. Pa Miss B J Ross, Va P Dr&vo, Jr. Pittsburg J Ross Va Gen Watkins. London J W Murrell Ala Va 00l Harrison. Lo don Miss Murrell A sis. Va 8 *hore. Prov. R I Mrs J Newman. N Y Miss J Hudson, K 1 Mrs John Johnson, NY A K Beach N Y John 0 Wyman, Boston H Stevenson, Phila MMoF-L.nY W 8 G’drien, Balt Simon ToWlo.Uomi K A Wales, J 11 MoDoweU. Jamaica John btaum k wf. Bait il L York, Pa p W Van loser, NY -J 8 Pelt, Gal M L P Porter. N V 4 R Partridge, N^ T) Briggs, NY J s^ffe ltoey i wv JW Ca vert Y D Griswold. N \ wGSturlmg k la,Pa "w BDuttoo Awf,BC ~ V W Saundersou. Y Geo W Bowers k wf, *Y \ Miss E G HalsUd, N J J C Brown. Miss T U Little. Autfuata, jio JS Taylor, Va Miss V E Philip*. Va Miss C Philips, Va A Winter,N> M Bruen Columbia, S C L W mith-Pittsburg D Louransty, Russia K Mallory, N Vork O 1 illotson. Mass PaJjwiueu GK Brown, NJ B R Plumly, Piul^ GIRARD H'>UB£-Ninth and Chestnut stroeU. J, P WctherHl, Phila G PWh-taker. Md J BGMQn.O.tta 'Miss G.een, Codu 8 G Burkett. Brooklyn ... L T Caudiff. . .. JH Pa tarson & it, N Y Miss Patterson; N Y Goldsmith. N J Miss Goldsmith, W J . •Ja^ i Vre n oh. N Y V Brown NY * Ker flKcv.srY H.hFeltsr NY PCrystol.NV J joees, N Y Geo Bolt m Alien, N Y J M Mathews, NY J Robley, Brooklyn , 6 Clafly, N 0 Thos Rawlings, Balt 8M Johnson, NY Win Crawford Balt W MoDnn&td Btll Thos‘beppard. Balt Jesse Murphy, Balt Rev C M t arkmau, Md aßrookeuDorousU, Kr JS Wiln er. Del iss Wiimer, Dei JCCuifield.BfUt AArnot N 0 JameaWlntfieul. 8C mm Whitfield A dau, 8C J B Howland, Md MraCrossoiuMd James Wilson, Va E Wilson Va J Bloaam A la, Brooklyu t Mr Kiog A la, Miss Miu Jacisoo, Miss « WattNV . -«ra * att- NY Miss Watt. NY H Howard, NY, J Johnson, Wilra, Dei F D Kennett, Balt A R Benner, PhiU J a Joues. St Paul, M in C K Moon, NY J w Williamson, wmspt H R Kitzs'moiis, Reading J 0 Raymond, Fia OColbns Pa MiasCodm.PA JB Montgomery. Pa DM Peck. Lockßaven w W wniard, Wmiport J B Hurray Awf Pitteb JM.Moorhead,Pa PRFmg. Reading Hon Jas T Hale. Pa A Repp rd, Newtown C W Dudie«. 8 C Thos Harrison, N Y J Watkins Ala, NV R Dunlap NY ~ F P Hammond, Mass - DSpenoer, Brooklyn J T * oover A la, Md Geo W Haver. Mo Mm Hoover. Md if a Roland. Lan aster Robert Kinx«r, Lancaster H K Kelly. Miss Mrs A Mehaffej. NY J P Honohatn. Balt • P Back,6c Louis Calis*o JosiNuoas. Balt DJCmter, C ItPRi hirdson 8C r HM Mason, NY J»s H R».s*e'l A la, NJ 8 Br adbent, Jr, Balt W L Moms A son, Can a D H w iokham. N T R L. aoh.N C „ „ G h McLean MD, Mib.i William Per-usnn N Y Miss McLean Miss K P Cornwall. NY Mias Neal Miss PrEHibce. N Y^ T ,_ Miss Oeoar Coles A la. NY Miss Lawriso , Rios G W Browne A la, N Y R • owber. Wash Miss PI tt. N Y „ HSoule,Miss La Osborne.N\ C A Bartlett, Miss Geo F McLean Pittsburg John Lendefoot- ff \ Artb F Conover, F^eehoM Mtssi'ornell. N Y - John VPerrine .Frosnold P Richards A In. N Y W «i Kerr. HSprisburg ■ Miss caifieCootiran.N Y J W Kenr. HStsburg M Malone. Pa T Lmerr- RiT Wei s CovesU Harrtsb'c A Price. fl®l. JRCtuninisky,Montreal J Robinson Ala, Boston Mrs Cnuipneay, Montieal miss Elliott, Boston AMERICAN HOPEL—Chestnut, above FifUn RR P MoCain,Madison R PBimpson, Boston H W Dallas tc son. Ga WE Ward tcyU N Y J K l*vm< Nonolk. Vo AHParkhaid Uaovillo A McCormick. Oxford P 8 Leviok. Pblla d N Al*en, Phila i»eo V 7 L Crook. Mempbia Geo H Hsitshue, Lanoaster John Dye. Alton, 111 * H Carson & la. Chicago OeoLnur’v, Po Robt H Smith, Del Jas MoCord Del H A Base. Easton R Sharp. - AHampbreys, N Y Miss C McAleer, N Y S St J Gardner N Y H J Eslcourt, N Y Al M Clear, NY J'»NFS* HOTEL—Chestnut strest, above Sixth. Alex Agar. NY . D Keener. Balt _ Wsrreo Waller, Balt Wash Goodrich, Balt 8 French, Balt „ , DJ rvm, Wilm, Dei ,TGW ew. J .NY HD^Mrien.NJ W F Miskev, Pa HAldorse, NO John Buck! r. Balt Ron Tbos •< bed. W Chest R M *>tnne< N Y Chas uxton. N J Or Sharp, Ba)em. N J J 1 efai er. N Y W Parmenter. N Y H Buotiox. NJ 8 »iyer, Woodbury W Mfchaliesp n, Del E Cox. Balt Jas R Andon, Bait Jas Powell, Norristown Jas M Meek Ala Sami Forsythe, Ga GW Bennett, NY THE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street, above Third. Sami Barney, Trot, N Y Geo W 1 tooksr. N Y M lioldiraith. Phtli Chas P Rfoliards, Fa A B L udsrman. Hhila John Cooh>an, Del Thoe Boaston. pci Wra via or. Potteville John 0 Reynolds, Ohio J K flickere, Huntingdon K Seligman. Port* nrbon B L Eshleman, Ft Carbon J H Briggs, N Y Mies Force A niooo, Ud COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixtli Street, ab. Chestnut. John or Chandler IMiila J Marshall A la, N Y AtnosKlmbio Pbeneroo Charles Cumber. Phila Davit Kimble. co 3ns Ki»k, Chestor oo Jns Scott Cooster 00, Fft Geo Perry, Chester co W A WiHianit Pa Geo Bogle, Columbia G • Leonard, Pa J Kachue Che«teroo John MHsi*Ror, Columbia mos K Hanna, Pa JJ II Leimnons, '‘lies co Mrs Jones Cliesco John oukli. Lancas or . J G Fisher, Che* co Jno K MorClsaick, W Woolsey, Md H C Bentley, Coateeviilo T B Jacobs, W Chester L N Freeman. * / hil& Win Levie, W Chester J Devoe. W Chester FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Markot. John Thomas, nel Ihoao Jonou-Del ThosLbcfa»ood. Del J FCleinentn,Camden,Del Jno Car ow. Frederica, Pel W A Cook, Frederica, Del WE Knowles,Fredenoe,Del Baral Pa.eruon, Phila P.l Bath. Del Jo« Je»tsr. Del J B Anderson, Del Jos L Voflhell, Dover, Del a H Cook, Dover, Del A F Btumug. Dover, Del James Ward, N J Geo Knnis. Dal o F Patterson, England B MoDonald, Del J Bowne,N J SPATES UNlON—Markot Street, above Sixth. J Huddleson, Newark H Wicohuian, N Y G L Phtt, Pittsburg J W Williams, Del G ltqhflrffl, Pt Deposit, Md 15 House. Pt Deposit, Md W MiUhoose. Baft W Roberts. Balt w ower A fam.Jowa W puoh&nan Cambridge D F Bmith, Clearfield oo A Laville, Wiming'n, Del Mrs Batlr, Pitishurg „ J Pa Miss N McKee, Blooinfiold j fTßnker'S, N J J h Smith, Pa J A Pu pie J B Adams, Lauc 00, Pa A J S.tpderson. Wash, i> c GDico.Pa C Sampson, Centre co, P» NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third, . R Darlln«ton,»arksbarg Chas Ochs. Pittsburg - John G Freeman, Lane W J Headier. Pottsvillo John Jones Del APfiultz. Newport P John, Uloouislmrg Jos Wright Wiuesitarre C il Turner, Towand* E A Frarmuller, ccranton PIU^.-4 i JIJLY 10, B*r. LOU 18 HOTEL—Cnestuut street above Third. LLoyunz, NY ' DM Moore, NJ Mrs Smith A ih. Phila J Jones Phil* . A L N J.„ J II Gardner, NJ _ lir Jno G Hartley, N Y 1. I nmvman,JerseT Citf D Cogael N Y !• CSolomouLN Y G *-Fr ck A la Balt K Renimea, Wash J Mnlineux, Wwh, I'B Jostram, Prov, RI .Ju'ius o Cook. Phila • , Mrs Himas n „ Mrs sdams John Coihoun, Balt j&s Smith, Balt MR*»CBANT8 f HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab. JD Owens. Pittsburg L Henry, NY „ RStilcon Ala. Phila MMter ,^Fott«T»Vt P Mixaell, Jr, Phi a . CD Knight. Phua _ Mr Bonne A la. PiUsburg Airs McOlurg, A oh. Pa 8 8 Casey, MoKenn co. Fa 8 G Fry A la, Tran. Pa A Stillman, Poland, N Y J U Robinson, West Cheat J MoMiHen, Texas N P Tyler A wf, N Y„ Mias lyter. NY 0 8 Fuster. Minrrsvillo Re A B Jack, NY »V Ma sh. Phila S 4Porter.NY 'PLOatlioart Dillsburg O F Parsons, N Haven J M Sauderson. N Y R Kear. Minsraville II Sanders A wf. Va F tilfenseit, Balt * II HufiorQ, Pitts ton H Wilbur, Pirston f Phuire, Phila Kobt Bayard. N Y Win Ramsey, Mo 1) McCook ill U A HumoflOD. Conn J Browne, Pittsburg Jas Cross, j* \ . BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st., ab. Caliowliill. JWHemdiii, Cal Abm Mattis, Dauphin co 1 Abm Aohey. fumneytowu John BoSiell. Bumneytowu H » ersh, Pennsburg Miltou Cooper, ooperburg Or Fnman.Coopersburg Col D Davis. Phila Sami M ms, Phila .Jacob K Hjll. u ariville Wm f Wayne, BernviUe Geo Boehringer, Reading Henry M Goodman. Reading * Reported for the Press.l SAVANNAH—Steamship State of Georgia. Gama— -170 babs cotton 8 Morris Wald »• Co; 4* do 0 r Relf; O do D Salomon A Cot 140 bales dome*tica Hay *,hours from Cape May. wi h4O passengers. Saw ship villa Franca, ,from Newcastle, at anohor off Reedy Point, CLEARED Sohr Sarah N Smith, Smith, Marblehead, Slnnioksou A Ciovcr . t-onr Banquet. Nowell* Suffolk, Blakistim A Cox. Sohr Joanna, Hand, westohestor, do HAILED. Fiiip Hoftensia, for Liverpool, left her l*rth at the toot of Lombard street at 3 P M yesterday, m tow of tug JF tar. having on board 3W3 obis flour, 2y,6UU bushels wheat, and 200 casks tallow. iLfctIORANIM . Steamihip Quaker City, Fohufeldt, from Havana 6tu inst, arrived at New Vork vesterday. Hteamship Fulton, Wotten. irom Havre June 28th, ar rived at New Voile yesterday. Steamship Etna. Anderson, from Liverpool June2st!r, arrived at New York yesterday. _ Steamship Parana, *m Galway June 29th, via-t Johns, NF. 6th Inst, arrived at N Vork yesterday. Ship Emily Augusta Strickland, otearod at Liverpool .2d uft for rhiiaaelphm. Ship T»scaroia Uunlevy, hence, arrived at Liverpool previous to 27th uIL Ship John fruoks, Teal, from New Orleans, arrived at Liverpool previous to 27th ult. , t Bhip Marathon, Vandyke irom Bordeaux, arrived at New Orleans sth Inst ..Ship Beaver, 'mith, from Bhanghae, arrived at New York yoatarday Ship Sooua, Mieke’ly, from Rotterdam, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. , Bark Thos Dal ett, Dill, hence for Laguavra was spo ken 30ih ult. lat 2532. ions 65—had been becalmed 4 days. Bark Elizabeth, B»ookinan. heuce for London,was spoken 6' h met, lat 38 23, long 74 48. Bark F Lonnig, Sumner, hence, arrived at N Orleans 4th mst B ig £1 zabotk Watts, Bryant, honco, arrived at New Orleans 4th uiat. , Brig Virginia, Harosor, sailed from Richmoud 7th inst. for Brazil. Brig Zee Nymph- Fchipper, hence, viaCapeof Good Ilupe, arrived at Antwerp 22d u t. .Brie ul&ok Dock, henoe, arrived at Queenstown 26th ult. „ Brig W Motiilverv. from Baueor far PhiladelphiH, was spokon 4th mst, £0 miles south of South Brig Au.ia Wellington Jackson, from Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr Charles A Hooksohor. Stubl>B, from Jacksonville, arrived at New York icsterday. Sohr Julia Anns. Harding for Philadelphia, oloared at Charleston 7th ins’, with IQO bales c-otton, 134 casks rtoe. IUJ bales yarn, 40 tone old irou,4tfJ empty barro;s, and sundries. „ Sohr AdMpli Huge], Mason,cleared at Boattm 7th iust for Philadelphia. Bchrs fCa’Sville. Aid L Mullord, J H Stroup. W i* Pbilhpf, B elah. J 8 Keooar, and J G Baboook, honco, arrived at Boston Bth mst. bobrs H E Wostou, Long, and North Pacific, Maroy, sailed from Salem Bth mst. for Philadelphia. Bdir c Simmons, Smith, hence, arrived at Pawtnoket btli mst Bohr. Virginia, Horton, sailed from Taunton 7th met. lor Philadelphia, to hmsh loading for Lavaca. rear Mary Helen. Smith, bailed from Richmond 7th inst. for Philadelphia, via Port Wultbai. Strainers, Mars. Mohols,aud Alida,Robinson, hence, arrived at New Tork yestord&y. SPECIAL NOTICES JSatjjing Roues.— One of the largest as sortments of bathing rubos in tho United States for La dios,GonU,aiid Children, at SLOAN’S 838 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at hlsstoro on CAPE IBLA v D, N.J. jylo 3t* Mhvms’ MiiiAODtoua Yjsjimin- J)js- BTRoViiR, the oldest and best remedy known for’ Ex terminating PAI’S aud MICE, COOKHOACHEB BUGS, ANTS, MUfcQUITOKS, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSECTS. 9T Principal Depot, 813 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. mylS-Sm Smambk s Satino Fohb—Noethwmt CoaifßS Sxcoit&and Walndt Steexts.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all olasses of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CEN T. per annum. Mona, ma, be drawn hr eheoke without lose of in terest. Oiboe open d&Ur, from, until 8 o’olook, and oo Mon day and Saturday until nine in ths eventnr. Preei oh'i'r ‘ Mur,r “ d Saving! Fund—National Safety Trust CoMrANis—Chartered by the State of I'enaajlvaudbVj RULES, ' 1* Moneys teceived every day,and in any amoent large or § mall. 2. FIVE PER CENT, intereil u paid for money from the day it la put io. > 8. The money ii always paid back in GOLD wheueTer it is o&lled for, and without notice. 4. Mouey isreoelvea from Executors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 0. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rants, and other first class securities. 6. Offioa open everyday—WALNUT Street, southwest ornar Third *tr**L PhiLufoinhia iaV On Peiob Clothing of tub Latest Sttlbs, made in the beat manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALISB. LOWEST selling pnoet marked in Plain Figures. All good* made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is etriotly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONF.B k CO„ seS-tf 004 MARKET Street. SalsAUANdkr Firs- Proof Bafbs. —A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 304 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia avSK-tf HVANB A WATSON SMITH—DAGER —On the 28th nit., by Rev D. C. Miilcit, Mr. isaoo W. Smith to Miss Raohel Matilda Dacor. * SHAW—ADAMS.—On the 25 Ji ult. hy the R ev. Win. M. Coombs, Mr. Junes 'Duw to Mies Margaret a. Adams, both «f Philadelphia. ” FdRHIG N—DUGa .—On the )st instant, by tho Rev. Father Dunn Mr. John Kerrigan, of Philadelphia, to Miss Mary Jano Dugan of Delaware county. * - , HOUGHTON.—On Sabbath Afternoon, the fith of July, m West Philadelphia. Rev. Daniel *\ Houghton. D D., editor of tho Amencaa Presbyterian, »g«d 49 years The fune’al services will he held at his late residence, Fortieth et.eot, near Walnut, on Wednesday, at 4 o’olookP. M. * MHK\OCK.-On Saturday, the 7th instant. Mattie £., only daughter of John H. and Rebecca J Shryook, aged Id «ears. 7 months, end 7 days. Funeral from the residen e'ok * PjIOWEHT.—On the 6th instant, Carohuo Missouri, only child oi Mrs Maria L. and tho late Wm. Frowert, ageu 5 years. tiAMILiON.—On tho 7th ins ant, Mr, Wni. Hamil ton. aged 60 years , h unoral from hie Uto rctidonce, No. 206 Monroe stroot, , n Wednesday ofterno n, at 4 o’clock. " ftIORRELL.—On the 7th-instant, William G., only son ot William 0. and buoy W. Morrell, in tho I3ih year of his -go. Jbuuoral from No. 1510 Green street, this (Tuesday) af'qriv on. at \ o’clock. * . McKiNNEY.-On the Bth iiiHlaut, Anil.ivifo of Wm. Alcktunoy tu the 68th ve rot her ago. Funeral from the residence of her husband iu Chcrrv atroet, brtwoen Fwentj second and 'iwontj-thud, this , on rno 7th instant, Mrs. Marga rotßimth. iu tho 61»t »ear of hei ago Funeral from tuo residence of Thomaa Lovlige. Rit tonhouso street. Germamown, on Wednesday after noon, ht3o’o!ook. * . , S PoD j .-At Maiiajuuk.on the Bth instant, Ebeuezer. intant eon of Jao -band Sarah Stout, aged 9 months and 30 days, Funeral from the residence of her parents. Hermitage street, between Jackson and Washington, this(Tues day) Afternoon, at 2 o’clook. * WISHART.—On the Bth instant, Bishsbo Wiahart, aged 62 years. Fuueral from the rea'denoe of her brolbor-m-lavr, Mr. Cornelius Dubois. Miaokamaxon street one door below Tltompsou on Wednesday afiornoon, at 3 o'ol'k BbfiOK AND PURPLE FOULARD SILK*. Plum black Fou nrd Silks. Illaok B 'loges, X. 0 4 7 4. aud 8-4 wide. Black Crape touretz sAme widths. Uray Cnsue S»ria Poplint. Gray Oliene Bare esaud *• ©hairs. Biook Bare e, ruffled points. ) upm’s oummor Bvinnazines aud Chalys. N. B.— During July ami Auguat wa oluae at e i l , _M. mUE ONLV BELIABbE AETI* XE— ■I CLARKS I'ttUnt INnEMBLK for Marking all kind, of Olotliln, nrnt)y anil iudelililv, Tlioy oolhair work taller than ink, wifiumT it, trouble or riikof Blottine. Kaoh wlll mark S.OOO BrtlcT,,. jr 0 r ■al,. Wliol.aai. and br 1). 0. (Af LOK A co„ Agent, lot th, MnnnfMtgr.r, No. till CHKBTNUT Striu. l.u sju IVsr* I>IULA»KLFIIIA, JUNE, JBGo.—wk, k 3 tb, under. »n«l i(ook«.lT«i.nndPubH«h,r,;b». Uo*lngtiiMo|ir».W«»»ua our .ipeiojr... will b, bent)- fited b, , iU,ht rolußiton from to, u.uui hour, of bu.t uom dunn. fit,w, m.itdij.of .uojuer, ,«,-«• to oloio Wr MARm Mt K - ! );3-tutiirtt - IMPORTATION*. MARRIED. DIED. {fflO THE PVBLIC.—XT IS WELL n known that au effort hasUeen made toalter tbo «|ay ofcattlesKlMatthe Av-nue and Union Drdte Yards. im« proposed ohsngo was suggested l»y a number o: r who prsierre# Tuesday InsUad of Mundsy of 53** for the yarding and wewhins of cattle. An nuvertißsmßQtwss published to tlnseffect and signed bra majority of the drovers wno deal at my yards- In taere was no speculating design or im p‘lr« motive. One oMeot was to prevent an infringe upon the a Area laws of the holy Babb*tli, and ”‘H} ■ view it was thought to meet with general ap . f-. Dltioa hut tbis does not eeeuito be the case. Some ”»er-ated speculators prefer no change, from the usual ”ey cn which cattle have always been sold and eoighed. *.<)u tho oonuequtnoe Is they have eitabhshrd a kind of ir /Xf 7»rd a abort distance below mr >ards. at John Jff; Gheen’s. Mr. Gheen was among the first to intro ; Y.^.° ll,e change of th* sale day. and a'niostono of tbo “A B ijnen to sign tbe advertisement; yet, in the face of ,/!: .l 118 he .soea towo r k, led oa bra cerain&aM (Qtaffitr, aud is tr. mg to nun mo. if possible, in my ,-‘T v e*yard operati us, by taking advantoeeof overy v..L~ B Jhiufi to acoomplish xhcir purposes. Bueiupsa , *v 19n wlt see, aiwr a short time. t»e object 1 ail tins th part of those who should be my irtouUa Instead of opposing me. nowoay th%* I had notbiug to do.direotlyor ia- m aUemptiuK to chsnso tho cattle mnike's ;;¥?• purely a voluntary aot of some of the drovers. wUr ii r w * J ioh act I have been unju Uj ' ensured, nml wumujr and maijoiously misrepresented. I have nothing *\*ay against an honorable opposition iu business ; b«t mr ’ l claudestmely plot togothor to affeot iiiy fin« per »‘, l 7 » n * business that I have always oonducted S"2V 0 / a bly, and to tho beat of my ability. 1 think it n* tit T*7** n ® public should know the ohiraoters I have to fSM’jod asainst, that they ina? act accordingly. No 1 TI I .?Y , * , a P® in fact no means havo i»ean Beared to ImVi .i l ““ n jy* t Rinpl* satisfaction to cattle dealers i for th© secondpurchased Av.Jf.?° d wi l and nxturea of Nel»e Werntz. first the , *\T*“ UO and lately the Union Drove Yard, at high P^£ 08s » with the most friendly understanding, and Uv «n* metmy engagements hon rably,yet f hue always cnoouutera dishonorable and uugratofnlvppo "•Jpurrom him. i ve now only to say that I have extended ms drovo jotos, oow yards, and pasture enclosures with lineac t »I, a *° water throughout almost every part of them, j firr, °orapletBd numerous improvements, and added to U l ®°f my ocoyrnmodaltons the large “ Hisnu Sun ' fr^ te r adjacent to ro% enclosure'., rendering the faoili fiTS.mrthe accommodation of drovers and dealers in stAok nuaurpassed by any oihora in the 8 ate. nJi Uaaalways been my desire and molination to ren ?verJ favor and accommodation to my friends that *ny power ForpMst patronare f ahal ever feci an d, tlieJuture I Imps will ■til] find me merit puWi cunt ’ conlidence of my frioeds and the f a(y ■ B.—Cattle can be weighed every day in the wo k (Pumlaya exeepted) at iny yards. A. P. PHILiJ PB, At Proprietor Avenue and Union ■ roveyaras. ALUMNI assouiation.-centiial ifarAi lu i’H SCHOOL.-1 he Beroi-Annual Meeting of ».«I.I A um « , FA? so A , s. t , lo 3l (^?~tra, Bohool, will be lieiu on Evening. Julj 11, )BCo.atB lb? U'JS* I ,Buildms, BttOni. “nu & R i»^iU r f&oteuS r 6^i?r m I OIIAB. R RTTCKW Pr ?;j^ ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIE- Vv; ,o A mee J tu ? VQL , ’ ra > e r nntl conference will be hold THIB nueeday) EVENING, in Ih • First U P. corner of OHO »D and Lombard streets, All friendly to the obubc are respectfully in- [Yr* OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA lu* AND READING RAILROAD COMPAn” ° r OF MILITARY ART 1 urge J2mo. i ARriLLLRISru MANUAL. By Johu Gib- I’on A. t'ne voi., large octavo. Jyli) TVEAY AND PI KASANT BOOKfTFOR SUMMER READING. For s*l« by SAMUEL VAS6 •RO.Jit.. IUCIIMOND. by Anthouy Trollop*, author °f«*. r h re '> Clerks The Bortrams. ’ko $1 FUW FANDHILLB OF JU I'LAND, by Hans Chris tiau Andersen, author oi “ Tho iuipruvisstore.” Ouo vol. 73 cont . LOVEL TllK WIDOWER. A Novel. By W. M. ih»ckoray. With illustr-tious. Taper. 26 cents. TRaV 18, REBEA«OttbH, AND LAB'iJUt JN E*B‘ EKN AFRICA, by (lie Rov. J. Lewis Kntl. Onovnl 91.26. , AUTOBIOOHAPHICAu iiECOLLKCTIONS. by the lato CwJes Robert Lesl-e, R. A. Edited by JohnTny- Jo;., Wuh portrait. One vol. 91.25 THE MOUN r VERNON FAkEHS. by Edward Eve *u*o cue volume, ffl 23 ftIOTRKH UOOBl5 FOR UilOWfl FOLKS. A new edition. "Scouts, .'*•»« THREE CLERKB. A Novel. By Anthony Irollope. One vol. 91. • TH*.KELLEYS AaD O’RKLLEYS, by tho name 3’ii’fe yoLLooulYs or euwajid osuornk. by "50- “S' lur of ” M*ove Green. it* UIRD TO THE PUBLIC. GONCHtESS SPRING, SARATOGA, APRIL 1«, Jt&UO. An altowpl has l*cen made to deceive the publio, b| persons ofifriug what they call '‘Co.nohjus Watkk*' From Fouilalue; and at tlio price of six (6) cents per claw. Tin wholesale price of the *««***« Congress Wa ter, at Not York, being about 7.!«t. No. 631 MARKET Street. SUMMER RESORTS, YELT/W SPRINGS HOUSE, CHESTER county, pa. 'Ah,® above-mentioned Homo haviue been tWru*hiv repairod and refittoi in tbe l»ft msnuer with new fur nifure,&o.,lsrowopen for Boarders i he ,Ye low Springs Homo offers <*<*err induarm«nt to visitor*. being laige and oomm<» I'«»t4, with shady walks aod romantic rides. &o. . jhe variety and duality of the Bpm* a auRENOE HBIGHIB H i EL.—THIS Hotel m now open for the reception of visitors, both pej-rannent and transient. Itit d stmsuinhod for com lort and superioraocommodai' one. with, ample room for two hun red persons, will compare favorably with any other house for a summer reson. The tost or cooks and servants have toon procured and no effort ali&U to spared to render the stay of guests agreeable. The inls°.? ar^f i? d ? ro K e,,o^io,mn , | t the mauslon (whiohis direotlv on the banks of the river, beautifully shaded,) present great inducements a* a su «,mer resort, having theoity severaltimesdailr. Terms 88 a week, children and servints half price. The catering of the i*nV. a under the direct Bupervuion of T, V. Dorsey. JIP-fo DORflttV & ROBBINS, Proprietors pANMN ’S EX Pi ESs IS RUNNING regu arly from No. 1 . KLBVBNTH RTRrkj* pmj a'nwi.nifiA TO JACKSON ST - FET, CApVISIiANn. n! j! ' i ▼ „.*• WM. 8. MANN. Pbilodelp ia, i>7 3t MAnK, CANNING, Cape island. UfANSIO* nOtTBK,M UNT CARBuN. ■L**- SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA. pi Familioi accommodated with good rooms at reduoed liisold-est'blished House, looiled in the gap be tween Sharp and Second mountains, immediately on the Im; of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a imle of Pottsvlbe, formerly • opt bv Jo-’ soph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia bits* *iuoe his demise, boon under the charge of his The House is prepared, at all seasons of iho year, for the reception of guests ami has been recently put in order The luree garden and‘nark adjoining presents great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing .Jo spud a short time away from the oust aod tur moil of the pities where they ca > b eathe fresh moun tain air andomoythe wild and beautiful soenery of the coal region, 1 Commutfltionpasseogcrtiokets.forihe use offaml lies are sold at a renuotion of twenty five par oent.. and an accommodation tram will leave Pottavilledailv during the summer mnntt.s, to enable those who may desire It to spend toe business portion of the day m the ®*H end return the same evening, on whioti tbe charges wil* be tliirty-three per cent below the usual rates. For terms, apply to MARY HEAD, * • « Mansion House, * ount Carbon. am SohuylkillCo. Pa. T BEAGH HOUSfi, opposite " TUIKERTON.N. J-This Hotel is now open SF. th ® reception of visitors, both permanent and tran- avin ? e , n at tt la/ge expense in refitting and ro-furntßlung I feel assured, that for comfort anu con venio ice it will compajro favorably with any honse on ljeB ,i cooks and servants havo been prooured, and no eiiorts shall be spared to render the «^i5 f i g - ueBta Q *reeab!e. The prospects for Onnmns ??.,„J“ ,In? i are , exoelleT l^..! , y Btora oi the finest quality ,n nbundanoe. With these, increased advan tages, am confident that the uioat fastidious wi l have nocuuse for complaint 5-'^ Ca . pt, i WU'UI AM wiP nm a daily , of fi«t-class packets from Hint o City to the ™ i C h« , ou ® w h|cU will be at Atlantio every morning oo tho arrival of Hie morning tram from Philadelphia, lames wishing to come by way ol Lced’s l’oint, or otherwise, by addressing mo a few days in advance, w l l ' i‘ avo a good boat to meet them at any point named. J e»-6w_ LBWia V. BTKWARi” B AT 111 N C, . OOEAN HOUSE CAI'K ISLAND, N.J. i hiM well-known ostablisluiieut, Uie favorite resort of ii"itoro, iouow open for tho reception of guests. It has boon c»ns dorably enlarged aud refurm iicd, the sleeping roomsspacious and airy, aud communicate io suit families. ?ho house will be supplied with wat-r from the * old springs lcrsouw desirous of upemhug a, f w wcokiof the sum mer in an agreeable manner could not do tieiterthau to give the Ocean Hourfo a trial. IBRAEU LKAMING. JOSO-SW* Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, BETULEUhII, Pi'—Tlio Propnotor of tine Hotel bus uewly littcd up ins house lor tho aocomitiodatiou of visitors during the suu.nier season. The American Hotel is situated on th* most elevated spot iu the Borough. Ueihlchfimstoowol known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view of.rhe surrounding country, aud lor its salubrious mouulMumr, to require oommeut. Ihe subscriber is now propared to receive Boarders and 1- AimhfH, and promises to do his best to render thoir styT with him pleasant aud agreeable, parses Moderate J. W. It, i’UARO. jeii lin Proprietor. ITIAGLE HOTEL. BETHLEHEM, PA. •*77 This largo and old-ebtablished House, known as the . LblllUil VALLISy bUMMiSR KETKEA'IV’ •snowopen for the season. Tho of this House will bo found .unsurpassed. The ride here. ”y t o North Peuns) Ivama Railroad, is one of the plea santest iu our Btato. CAiuEB YOKE, Proprietor, j 253 m AJURO.aN HOTEL, ALt ENTOVVN, PA.—This well-known aud popular hotel has, dunugthe pastsoason. been ••IIKATuY AND IMPROVED, aud is now in capacity and convenience second to none iu the interior of l’ennaylvau'n. The beautiful aud lieall Tui situation of AlFntown renders it a de lißlnfm rummer resort, in view ofwhnh special ar rangoments have Iwen made by tbe uronrietors toco commodate summer boarders. J. y. BFCHTEL, jflM t el K.W. BIGONV. CEA BATH'NU. • , CA V E I ” li^^CAPg o jfej; o ¥ ir ()PEN for' ■m■■ m . TAPin, , rrtCtf. je23»2m AARON GARBETfiQN, Proprietor. M LIGHT-SOUSES 1 OTTAGE, NEAR TUB LIGHT-HOUSE ATLAN TIC CITY, N. J.. (the no irest heuse to the surf), is now open for the re eepttou of Boarders. The proprietor respectful!* solicits acontiuuanoe of the p.itroua.e of his fnends and the publio- Jett lm* JONAH WCOTTON. Proprietor. . OTAR IIOTEI., nearly opfositk tits u. *. hotel, ATLANTIC Cl 1 Y, N. J. nIMMI BAMUKL ADAMS, PRdPRI^TOR. DINNER FIFTY CENTB, __ ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIKE. •7* Boarders accommodated on the most reasonable Urnis loio 3m X J.-HUMI’HREY HUGHEB, Propnotor.-This house, so. -leasantly aitua’ed in dose oroximit) to the beaoh will be open for the reception of visitors on the 25th mat. The large, splendid lawn in front of the house; the fine shade, good rooms and tablo, render it the most desirable place on the island. Attached to the promises are bowline saloons and bxrber shop. je!B lm BRIGANTINE HOrSF—Brigantine Ibils. Deach.'NewJerseT. 11. D. SMITH Proprietor. Tni* large and ‘'onmiodions Hotel is now open for the reception of viators. Persons visit’ng the seashore will find tin* the most desirable resort for Bathing. Gunnin*, Fishing, Ac.; iuprovemen. JeB~lm JOHN MANIUSKItaCIT, Proprietor. Tho Uvonto icsort f«»r ihoso • ; who appreciate Grand aeeucry, ixriri'iM.' Bin it) Turo Mountain A»r, JnvKoratiuff wu y,J'). B ,'vt'. l J lull Baths, Large ami Wall-ventilated CnmWrliiiff oa,’ Pa. ter- UooJ Suuiet >'- “” ami 1 roasurer. Hertford Miuoral springs Co. emuikata Fountain strings, M2J Lancaster County. i’omis>lvama---Tlim estab l-nltment wilt bo open uy lh r 1HI» of Juno Tbo ail . v untasea ol' Hub boautiftit resort ar*: Mountain aoenery, puro air, and Bolt, water; overy vanoty of baths, aud »n«u»emonta; a good stock of livery lioraos. and car riages. For furthor parlionlars call on JOSEPH B, MYKIbS, corner Thiru aud Vm* Streets ; JaMEB 8. EARLE, No. 818 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to tlio proprietor, JOSEPH KOMGMACHKR, Jinbrata Post Oflioe, Lancaster Cuoutv. Pa. uiv3o-fni pOLUMBIA HOUSE, OAPJS ISLAND— KJ Cape May, Now Jersey .—This large, firetclasa HOT*' L will be opened, for the reception of guests, on the 26th June, 1860. The House bai beau completely repaired and refurnished. A new cooking rante. ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improvement added. Extensive stabling attached to the preinisf* . , All letters add essed to the subscribers. Cape Island, New Jersoy, will be promptly attended to-,.,.,. v LAIRD A WOOLMAW. James U. LainLtate proprietor prankhn House, rbila delphla; B.Js. Woolman* formerly propnetorfilount Vernon Hotel, Cape island. Jeu-dgm CONGRESS HAIL, CAPE ISLAND, V/ OAPE MAY. N. J.—Till, -B.JI-imown, fitat-oIM, Hot.l will m opened for tn« roMptlon of gue.u on 8A- o| lloj 1 Ioj’ t ii»' , « been removed, and n«w sleenin? ntAtm nddeo* since last season. WEST A THOMPSON, Proprietors. «EA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— K? DELAWARE HQUSbJs now open forthe season. jeltMm 4 --i JAMES MLORA \ ♦ Fropnetor. SC#«EH UKSORTB. gEDLOR’S UOTNL, ATLANTIC QtTr. N£W JEHfIEV. thft nikV cr £l m ' , ?. , ‘ f ,0 Pnilrnad, on the left, bevpnd ami U '^' T,, l ia^ uuw ''* W OPFN for boarder* eeuai » Vand offers aeoommodations anT . ffotfi iu • thntic City. rcnderpH ra V®. 0 .” . v ® r , ,f improved, and b ®, > r U *o»®** 0 »®**RwSSw. bf VeMtiSn WmdB taViߥ IfnlfPrioe. A L uOTFi Su .o.i jl ' 1 KR ' S nah road road Uo?oh KL ' AIL ANI Io OITV, oppoe.te Hie Had- K lTdod l ' l u L o'V',V‘ N 0N ' J ' lrß ISLAND. D^rdiogoifq Lodrlu/Stv.r,VnJ Y lj9-2t b ftl K lII |O TO INVENT PERMANENT WIU i.Yiu MO*TO AGE SECURITIES, in sums not less than 93 600. Apply to E. TAYI.OK, Conveyancer, jy7 3t 111 North bIX.H Street. PAKTNER WANTED.—The Advertiser wishes to negotiate with an active businessman, having a cash capital of $5 000. to take an interest m a safe and profitable mamifaoturiuc liusiness. fielding already a handsome income. Particular* will be riven on an interview being had. Address 4 4 profit." office of The Pre-a. , ’ja» iOt* F'R MALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wholesale Boot and Bhoe House, nowdomg a good business. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business or a house wanting to increase their tr>-de. Satisf otory reasons giving for •’tin. out Address * v ßox *280,” Philadelphia Post Office, with name. JelB-tl W NTED—A Situation, by a man, thirty-seren years of age. of extensive experi ence in business, ot good adi ress. and competent to fill almost any position, either as a olerk, sueenatendent, or salesman Is very respectably connected, and can give the moot satisfactory references as to integrity, energy.and business capacity A moderate saHryfor will be aocepted. Address “ B. G. H.jJ^ofnoe FOR SALE AND TO LET. 4| FOR SALE -OR EXCHANGE For HL improved city property, a beautiful and nearly new Cottage Villa, with farg* lot of ground, elegantly improved; fine vegetable, flower, and lralt garden; exue tei.t soft and 000 l water; situated a quar er ol a mile from Doylestown Bu ks county, fa, and half a mre fr m Railroad -ration. *n exchanging, any differ .PC, WIU b. p..d m ouh. R E ,WBOTH jjrlOJJt* No. 430 WA* NUT Street, FlN«i BUSINESS ROOMS. MSOO'D and third stories, and attio, to let, COO ARCH Street ylO at-* F*lt At Uennantown, a desira ble Family Hnr*e and Wagon, Harne«»Saddle.&e Can be seen at Reger’s stables, Main street, opposite Mauhe.m. Sold forwantof use. Jy3-3t* EX«’.uUTORS' SALE.—Tho Stock fix tures, and lea«e of tho Wholesale Hat, Cap and Straw Goods ouse. No 417 Market street, for sate i nis is a good opportunity foi any one wishing to go into business, or a bouse wanting to increass their trade, ai it ib a long established and favorably known h use, and withal an excellent ucaton. Inquire on the preti i• lcroseopes. Telescope*, Opera; Glasses. Mathematical and Fhj sical Instruments, tleotrical Moohlnes. Jto., at the very lowest p.rloesin the ,ity, wholesale or retail. Special attention P. B T, V? trade jya-tutbsw CLATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELOU, Eln®'ra^. r<^“S°SS# ‘maSto'wi?rSswih bepranndly «mnd.lto. GER ‘«g 3m Qftfin RE'MS WRITING PAPERS, O.UUU Miorted, ielllng from 750. to S, Mr tram, at PERRY’9, rOURTII Bna RACE. jeS-lm AMUHEMENTB. 0 t) N CERT TOWN HALL, OISRIUNTOWN , Mm. ANNIE B. NEVJNS, br Mil-a O’CONNELL, • CoairslL i _ and - CIIAS. IL JARVIB, ,Tickets. *5O ceuts, t» lie had Jf¥SiiftnotJS*jJrßg Htore and Parker’s Book Sv»re, MATIf n nees town -it the Depo* at MINT and GREEN, MM Mine Boor unnu the evemnxot the Cmoevt jy# M WHEATLEY & CLARKE’S ABCB STRBET THB*T*r own aosrniiaM, to •eenre seato TH *EK DAYS in adv-ae^^^ CJOLOMO V ’S TEMPLE i n i?2!fl r ef MhooU that l.lead liiulor th* EM, h'litviU remain on ■to Timsan until the 16th insg. Tickets la Meks of mad tea, for families and cisbe, gr* sold h-low the regular rata. All SdnStLrf® P with ®, at Schools cut or the oity ere at a very low price. •aaemtaqpo a cents, children half pries. Jy«-tf Penna. ao a demy or, the mne fc T s -~ 1 ®25 CHhBTNUT Street, mmion a ct>. ■. childr.a aixlerU ft*n, Ueft*. j„-tf COLOMON’S TEMPLE. Admimum, 3d oente: children, half boos. c& 7 dSSS?,. S . v |,S *> ««> ot Ijn. fu, nKSanasgta EXCURSIONS. Itl-gr FOR CAPE MAY.—The iwife commodious bar tt earner, OKOIQE WA**vlNbTON. Caet W. »hilldia. leave A*oh streat wharf every Toes- ay* Tnnradey, aed mtir a A. m i >rB1&s at °'®hwk, retnißuif os the interne mate n ys. Fare, carriage hire meleded „..„...siso * are, ssrvots.osrrjage Hire inoluded. IV Maeontickets.camaie *>ir#extra. • gp _Horses. csrriaIK PARK. •2fiv2e-£ «2a». ruuis and star. tiem. T^ MFJ ; I> AND o*o*oB *, 2 J ® ’ ohansecs, besthia. sleav take aeWee that tlTe3y ** ’he.lastfrot hat thevTeUtoated nomvwill appear to a trial of speediu say nwklwthia city. It is expected tiuvt the fastrTumawUl bemad# tiit wm ever slaceo on record. CamJeavßreadaad Prime B r o**> two, asd three o’clock P/M, Darby oara nin rt ®t? r 3 r fi«««n minates. vmgwfomn ” 9 ’*£ J. B. KELLY. Preeident "OJARNEB FIFLK AND PISrOLGfIL* ftS 8 " CHINA AND GLASSWARE. rjA OTION-FRW-H FRUIT J vRS.—The \-Vpablo are oautioned agaiaat the vrfame of HAR t ELL S PATENT JARB* sow m market. Hie genauurlmv seiwi’a name on the cover, Maneihctererv a- UtaES! , __ _ RARTaL k, S^KBwSSrWr^ jeU-lmiP So. 13 Worth FIFA »nW POISON—FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The reliable and perfectly salejar in msrkei. .„, .• HAhTELL t UfiTCfIWOJLTH. jeU-inup Manufisotarers, No. 13 ft. FIF\ Wtseet. D > NOT GO INTO TH«! OOUNTBY Vi‘J t° Qt sUrph Mi a r HARTEM/3 ALL OLABB. PATEN! AIRTIGHT HicMM'iirio br ted cook book. with, full direction* •» lruit*» *o,. together with H 9 other WMltr^MU. MraL Sffi¥L jM3 lmif« INSURANCE COMPANIES. A MERICAN LIFE INSUBANOE AND -L*-TRUST COMPANY.—Pm* ADELPBU,J#If*. Hag, NOriC Tho Trustees have this dsy *,ooo sufferirs From DISRAPF#* of the NERVOUS BYftTBM, in the city of Philadelphia, who oan be oured by nwng PKOPiiS OK SIOjIKJS FUOEPHALOS, Whioh is an original and WONDFRFgL REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morris, M. P.. of this oity. It aou directly upon the Nervws „ . BV ABSORPTION through the pores, ana it needs bet the trial of a SINGLE BOTTLE to teat its marvellous nitues Sufferers from ooucre fciCITEUP*TOFTHK BRAIN. NERVOUS HEADACHE, GKNERAL DbBILiTY. NEUKALbIA. CHROnJc NERVOUSNESS, Ac., wm fmd tho ■» ugKi as directed n the Circular. . TI TRY T TRY T! TRY J TRY Tf IRY T TKY IT J TRY If TRY Tl If ! TR' IT! TRY IT! If i ou are exhausted by over-much study. If you suffer Irom sleepless mgh b, If you are a notira to neuralgia, it you aie pTOßtr&ted by excMsive gtief. It) ou crave drinks, TRY IT! TRY IT! TnYIT! TRY IT i TRY IT! As it will remove those miserable sensations which in duce a morbid disposition towards intempersnoe. „ . TRY IT* lf ’ouare tuffenog from Nervoos Debility to your nerves, and worth many times its cost, in the roffofafforded. . , „ Nunmrou* testimonials from the mo«t respootablo sources can be seen, by applying at tho offioo of the pm "r'opnred bj MOCKKIDGE ft CO., No. 63 North FOURTH*BtrseL ftg* And for Sqlo by Druggists generally. Jy7~ir HfcLMß' ld : s extract buchu. TBK IJPEAT DIURETIC For Among whioh will be found v r “ n i n „SSf B “Vn. EmthiM. univeiSalTassitulVe of thP'S'usculak 8»8* re. T '“ ,SO '’ ,h, ° h In. ariably removes. Soon I’WOOUt-E THE REMEDY AT d!*CE. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diurevio. HEuMBoLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great * iuretic, _ . . And is certain to have the dqsired effeotiu the dis eases enumerated wbeiherartsme front, l. t r«oril^ i »ndu«Ob , j .h.m rc . [ANg . Certifica'es of ouros of from que.montU ti tuentr years’ standing will accompany the Med owe, and evi dence of the most reliable and responsible oharacter is opeu tor inspection. Price SI per bottle, orsix for SS. Dcli\eied to any lO4 Booth. TEN * U Street, below C&ESTN UT. . ieg-lf A wnil I I> ' or tbs INSTANT RELIEF and FER* AMUAI MANENT CURE of thU dLitiMaUc oom- plaint* qm FEHDI'H BRONCHIAL CIGABETTKS, Mad* brag, beymoub ft co., iot nabsau Street, New York. Prioe*lpert»xieeiitfr»eby»oat ■v7-ta ifl FOB BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. AZtMIA ! AZUMEA t AZUMEA'. AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMBA! PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING WWDBB. MMrafaotared eolelj No. 69 North FOURTH Street, aed forealee- lir. nr-a* rn’ir TTINKGAB. —465 bbls. 0 aritted Cider Vi fysamsw™*"!?