The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 02, 1860, Image 3
/ board 900 Tbio&toerar lor GA»i- & -NoapoH taltnilitH Sardinia hiecauaeitkeae badpasaports for Staifif.' jone 'steinjer'had the Sardinian flag jtheother carried the Ajnerican. The. English AiqbUiudor. at Naples 'supported thisdettanh The lowwill beseribosto GAar* balm, in addition to the 800 volan teers/thera weipohboard 26,000 motets, 82 cannon, 2,000,000 pounds' of powder, and a large sum of money. Ammunition and arms are “ what Garibaldi moat required. Gasibaldi was organizing bla army,vahd was about convening a Parliament, under the Constitution of 1848, which would decree that the Bourbons had oeased to reign in Sicily, and that Victor Ewmahuxl should be achnow~ ledged os its sovereign. GißihAtw, it was believed, was preparing for an attack upon the Kingdom of Naples proper. The King continued to hold out hopes of a new Constitution, but no Italian places the slightest reliance on the promise of a Bourbon—whether voluntary or extorted by leer and the proximity of danger. "We are indebted to the politeness of Captain Charles Ksrlih, ol the bark Eli, of T. A. NeWhaU & Son's lino, for late Rio Ja neiro-papera. The gallant-Captain, wo are glad to announce, bas made remarkably, quick runs to and from-Bio. Public Amusements. “ The Naiad* Queen,” a singularly attractive spectacle, which.haa'been got up with no small degree bf display and splendor, is new performing ■t the Arch-street' Theatro. Mrs. Johq Brew and Clarke have the leading characters, and the pies# will have a few aroeks’ profitable run. MoDouough’s Gaieties, Bsoe street, closes this evening, with a variety of .performances—dra matio,.-vocal, instrumental, Ethiopian, Irish,' English, American, burlesque, saltatory, and so on. In the burlesque Of the “ Stranger,” old Dan Gardner will appear a> Mrs. Haller, Sharpley as the Strangsr, and T. A’Becket as Peter. Mr. Me- DoaoughnloMS a very profitable season, with the saUstterieo of haring honorably paid, his way all through, besides revising a large profit for his en terprise. The Rev. W; H. HUburn will this evening, at Concert Hall, repeat his oapltal lecture, “What a Blind l&an Sale in England/ 1 , after which, Peale’s “Court of Death ” will be gratoiteuily ex hibited to his audience. Terrible frsgedr Last Night. TWO Jimt SHOT—THU MCBDIBIR XSCAPSD. A horrible tragedy occurred last night, a few minutes before twelve o’clock, inthe.viomiry of Eighteenth street and Third avenue, in wh oh two meh were shot and instantly killed by a third per son. She samye of the killed are John W.. Mathews, produce dealer In Jefferson Market, end John Wal ton, who recently resided at 268 West Twenty third street. The name of the murderer we have not learned. It appears that the deceased persons and the murderer had. a quarrel of 'some nature, and that they accidentally met at the Lour named above, at the corner of Eighteenth street and Third avenue. Toe murder# rimmedutety pointed a'pistol at Wal? ton and shot him in the bead, behind the ear, and then ran up Eighteenth Street to Irving place, and then down Irving place, pursued by Maibewa, who overtook him near Sixteenth street, when Mathews was tamed upon and shot in the breast in the region of tb« heart. 'He fell, exclaiming, “I am killed! ” “O,Tot dead man! 11 lhe murderer ran up Sixteenth street towards Fourth aronue, crvioß “Police. 11 ] ‘ Walton was taken into the drug store on the oorner where he was shot, and his wound attended to, but be survived only a few minutes. Mathews was ilfo cerriSd to a drug store in. Third avenue, but he eeased ’te breathe before arriving there. —JIT. Y.Herald, yesterday. _ Letter from-Harrisburg. , (Corresvonneaoe of The Press.) HABRiSBvea, June 28, 1860. The nomination ef Douglas and Johnson is en thusiastically received by the. Democracy of the capital oity But few sympathise with the Seces sionists, and .although the organ of the National Administration hem dare not show its trae colors we believe the editors are for Douglas at heart! Public patronage,-however, holds its rod over them, and they aTe swayed by visions of the “loavesap#fishes. 11 We are oonfident that long before the election- they will come out for the “ Little Giant/ 1 , Oar city fs Douglas all overj and the Ides of next November will show the largest majority ever given for a Democratic President. Yesterday morning, about 3 o'slock, a very de structive fire took place near the county prison, in the Urery stable of F. K. Swarfs. So rapidly waa the spread of the flames that nine valoable horses with a namberoi carriages, were destroyed. The Franklin House,' 'contiguous to the stable, and a •mall dwelling house near by were neatly con sumed -Bad the mor&ing.not been eo calm the destruction to property would have been immense. As it is, $B,OOO will ©over the loss. The fire was the work, ef an incendiary, and several rewards are offered for hiedetCctfon Tttig «TM!*g, ihc seventh annual commencement of tb* Peontyfrattia Female College took place in tbeM. B Church, in Locust street. Thstapaoiotu ediffee was literally crammed with the beauty and lattlUftoee or, our city. After prayer By Rev, F (trilUee of the Baptist Church, the following addresses by the graduates were read: V Conee crated Spots/'ThesU; with Salutatory Address, by Miss.Margie,B* Rigbter, of Columbia; “ Fireside Angels/* by. Mbs Mary C Koser, of Harrisburg; ** Life’s a Struggle for something unattained/'.oy Mies Maria M. Zollinger, Harrisburg; “ A Glimpse througa lime’s Telescope/* by Miss Emma L. EtU#,of Harrisburg; “Star of Betbl«bem; ,} Thesis, wife Valedictory Address,, by Miss Jo sephine fiajtan, Cumberland county. The addressee.' without exception, were the finest we have ever listened to; and the large auditory duly appreciated the word-flowers given for tbefr benefit by a perfect shower of bouquets after etch reeding. The degree of F. S. L. (Proficiua Studiis Liberatitui) was then conferred upon the young tidies named, and the degree of Mis. tress of Arts, in course, on Miss Jane Culver, of Cumberland eonutv. The charge to the graduates was given by A J. Herr, Ksq , who also awarded the honors of the class in a neat address to Misses Margin Richter and Emma L Etla/jointly. Taste ©oasis* of beautiful silver medals, /stroek from the college die, ’ After benediction, the uudl* enee dispersed, every one gratified with the eve ning’s exercise# > > The worthy principal of the college, Rev. B. R Waugh; is deserving much encomium for his arduous labor* in the cause ot education, and we have no bed taper id saying that the Pennsylvania Female College l* second to'no institution for the inatruc tion ef young tediee The eollege.bandiDgs oecopy the site of the old Harris mansion on lh©T>ankg ; ot the Sosqueh anna, and the loveliest spot in its choicest valley Everything around and about the plate are so many Invitations to etadr* Our firemen are htisy preparing for their onntem- Slated parade -on ib«'SOvrth,rai that, with the andey School ple-nios, and the old-soldiers'oele.' bration at Lodepeodenoe Island, will Impartallttle more old-timd .enthujasin into the hearts of the children of the slrm of *7fi - 1 Alpha. . Arrival ol Auglo-Saxon. Fafin - Point. June 80—The steamship Anglo Saxiw, from Liverpool Wb* vi Londonderry Slst,hu pmeeditti eolot ©•» her way to (tueoeo. . jts§ Baden Coa eren e • nded on the 17th The French and Prussian journals declare the peace of Europe conwilidated* .. Ail W»eooi e<n 8 esly. „ „ ' was orfamziSf for an effort on the main* one of the ct#toied steamers earried the Amenoan L*TFI.T vr* I.ONDO'DBKBy. . . LoVMtt. Juaesi-Aa extraordinary meeting of ♦he Atlantia Roral mail team Navigation Company was caled wyeeterda? to adopt.a resolution for en t- crease of capita! from W,ard t. aothonte the director* to borrow' nw—r. Mr SarwyLevu who presided, Mhooneed tbatuhed been date mined ibat fho proposal or increaejns the repital should etaod over until th« remit of the first *o)age of the Counagfat is Iconwn. . * ?nti, Thursday.—The, o*f*t«»* JVbrtoaa/e has ra- aegoondwarnisf for vubl shine Vieto, Huso’s, speech. The reason f»»si*n« a i*.tt»*t the speech eon-- tatni a violent appeal to revolutionary partisans. Thirty-six villages are reponrd-burnt r»n -Mount La baf «n '* be arkich soldiers sent to protect th* Chris tlanMoiJHdthe Hrueeeand participated In the mas etcre • ' • \ . Msaathi has not sons to fiict’y. Lightning at Bouton** < Boevop^JunerO—The liibtning larinightstruct the boas# of Jonaihaa JH. Ooodenow at Brighton. killing Mr. O.sed his son, and seriously tnjur-n* Mrs G. The forae of the ga e wai texnfio. uyrootint iar<* trees, d - armimeirrh.mnsya sw?if*«s, and doing otfisr rsmage. Many saiHng bmtts in thehsrbor were up*-t v sad there are reports that several iv*-e were 1 st. but these re* porra ar* not confirmed, though there were nunynar? dered insensible for *»•*•* tune, hut wii recover, . - lad named Abner Huger IS jests of ats, wet killed by lighuont in Dedham. Fire in New Vork—A Double Merrier. NSW Yoaa ‘July I.—»be rteem planm c-miil of Geo. Tnfeot. the tniroM. fee.o.-, of Bar.ouKhe A Beneread the Stable of J. J. Yen Pelt an Bl.hieenlh »t,««t.*e>a bar-ea IMt - !■* 1.-s* i. 9U uw, upon wnich there iann Enenrnnae of B>S&>o ■ Jntin W. ttMlhn'.e ettri Irrh. W.'.ton trete ntni,«ien TMUldnr by an anluiavit pereott. . Hon. J. B. Bnrrett at Bt. liouis. Ct. Loot .June 'The Bon. J. E Bflriottwae en thoiiutioell, r.oeived br the I'emqofMT »t the feiry landing ihie ...nine. A latjn oro»d *ae In atMndnnoe mnd»Mlntenf93aani,mi eted in hoiwrof the rale in tjonirresmfavorafUeretaininrthe mm eiatmed by Mr, nW. . IjASoe Haw, or Soabk«, —Forty-three (harks were eitght at one Jianl In tin net of-the' Field Brothen, of Neok Beaob, at Maditen, Cotui., Monday, 24th iort lbs targcit n.eaeqr«l nine feet in length, rour and a half feet In elrenmferenee, and weighed orer 800 pound,'. The CATII.E DtsEAeK, —The cattle disease bow raging in eaitern Maeuohiuetla, (end said to be in New Jereey end in Bnokeoo.,Fa ,) prevailed in England from 1744 to 1754. In Nottingbam iblte, 40 000 head of cattle died in sir months; in Obeehlre. 80.000. During the third jeer of the dieeeae, were paid out of the poblio trea eary ae » rOeompetiw for alanghlered cattle. ;;In 1857, inftrty-three vUtegee in Holland, 14,000 bead ofoattiediedor werekilled. - Thi Habtiaed OnTSB Wa*.—Tlio oyeter eieltetoenr on tbw Baf tern Shore of Maryland la in' ao wa* abated.' TheSomereet l/neoit of Tneeday mva tbat ao far aa Itta-lnfonned ne attempt bee beeamedetoloeate the“oj«Wr.bad wartanl« V. in that eeeikm The <*sie paper up' Mean,. Mile, end Morgan, of Bt Maiy',, to tha •< oenraw of-ell booeet -■en-for-ibelr."p*rtiolpati<)a: in tie eebewMb” ‘*ad saft that the people of @omereet will reeUt It, furlbaraaee by fore, of n>at4, if noeesmry. ... - ~ •' - The .844)1*7' of. FeeihlHannftitdireEjiohlclii awn thewettr. power of the Pmealetifer, new Pat- 1 fuiw,bi< notiled Pejiava thatha een no longer have.ooe erf ef hi* rego f-fMM|,m ttelf jw, lhe rOM-.*attli§ in lkat vloinity 1, p£»e»&c^£se h5SS«U»'’5®7 ; « LATEI S T N E . : W S 1 By. Telegraph to_The Press. THREE BAYS LiTER ; FROST .EUROPE. ABRIVAIi OF THE AUKIATIC. , ; SIPXLT GiXJXHT. Garibaldi • Preparing for an Attack' on the . Vain land. The Baden Ccafcrcace Ended. One of Garibaldi's Steamers with American ' Colors Captured' HEiSI.AIT.nOV arrived. ■ .The U 8. mail ct*»amahip Adriatic* J. J. Comstook commanding. left Havre onthe morn nt of June 20th arrived at Cowes, and tailed stain on the evening of the tame day for New Yoik* where the arrived on Saturday. The Adriatio encountered a constant and umnterrupt ed succession of strong weaterly breezes with head tea. during tne entire votase. Bbe brings a hundred and ninety passengers and 6 0 tonsosrto Atnonx the passoncersper Adrlatto are M> Henri Meroier,tlie new* if appointed Freneh ambassador to Washiuxton with mo family salso H. be V. Glenhoorsh, United Statos ooosulat-Home,end bearer of despatches to the United St t*B - 0 Hoenan *s not a passenger. He will come by the Vnndorbilt. to sail from Southampton on July 4tb, " M. Merrier* the new french Ambassador, wat a pas* tenter hr tbo Adriatic. .. , The oburoh rate* abolition bill hn® boon thrown out of ihe Hou* o of by a great majority. Tweivt million of pounds of hrenoh railway ebu yations will be introduced tint month. The oity of Hans intend* making a new loan of AO OuO.COj. i 'I he • mp*ror retnmed to Fans on tho 18th. Tbo German Princes were nnamnious at a preliminary eon terenoe on the questions refernug to the rotations with foreign Powers. _ , . Napoleon repoaied ms peaceful nreuranoes, at an in terview with the Prince of Prussia, which were most . cordi 1. He did not allude to tho Questions regarding the German policy or to the Italian question „ , Switzerland protests against iho cession of northern Savoy to France. , . . ... The two steamers oaptured by the Neapolitans dio* placed Sardinian American flags. They contained 2 too musket*. 82 pieces of cannon, two million pounds o! powder* and considerable specie. Eight hundred armed pattenaera we»e made prisoners, and everything urns carried >0 Gaeto. The daidintna minister demanded their restitution* and the English ambassador supposed the demand. The concentration oi the Piedmontese army in Fer- FNGI , ANJ)ii Mr. Jam's called attention to the enlistment now going on in Ireland to funrnh the Font with troops in Italy* and ask'd tho Government what measures they intended to adopt, as there was abundant evidence to »Upp«rt a feroseoutton under the Foreign Enlistment Act* Jn the House of Lords. June W, the teoond read ng of the Church ft tee Aboli ion Bill was ihiownoutbya decisive majority., ... -'i lie Houses went into committee of supply on the Army Estimates. . THSMENDOCS PISS NEAR HULL. The v ry ex-ensive implement manufao‘orr of Messrs. Croski i was consumed by Are, on Friday* June U., Ths oost ofdamag*«it eatimutsd at £l5 ouG, . STOPPAGE OP A Bank AT BILBTO.V The ZYtnes says: *The bank of Messrs. J Foster A f'o. at liiUton, couth Bt&ffo dshire stopped payment on the ISth of Jane; the Loncon a enti were Mtwood Bhoener, &Co> Ihe liabilities will not exceed i'SU.OoO I-TEMUB OF ailiZ Alexandria. June 2. Ihe Times correspondent •a>s: Mr esaep’s proceedings sinoe his arrival h*ro are somewhat shrouded in mystery, and noth ng more it known than that ramediaieJr on his arrival at * lex* andria* he started on to seethe Vicerot from whom i.e met with a mott flattering recegti* n, &t-d tbatned-- clare* the works in the Itthmus are to be pushed on more aorive v >han ever. I learn that Mr Lesseps has received hombaid Pasha a ocnorstion Jor 99 wars • f Lake Menzaloh. an annual rent lomowhat abo e that at which the fisheries in the lake had hi therto been laraieu bj the Government. FK AN IE. THE BADEN CONFZRRKCS. Paris, Monday, Jane2B.—The Manittur publishes the foho*ing: Baden, Sunday.-A grand dinner took place to day at 6o clock, in the ducal pelade *<- Baden. Tne fcmpero leaves at ioP. M. at d-will arrive in saru on the 18th, at 10 A.M. . Pari*, Monday.—lt is asserted that the Emperor ad dressed to the German topeaoe. ’ihe Patti* says: •* Tbe Emperor presided atat ounc'duf Mimsteis, and aiterwards paid a visit to Prince Jerome.” , „ . ■ The Paris correspondent of tne Times sa; s .* “We are told from venous quarters that the visit to Badsn.wos with a view to prove that * IShmptre c’tgt la tarx ' «as so pleasantry, bnt downright tamest; aiidth&t the intentions o> Fiance are pneifio in the ext erne .The division of cavalry of the arm* of Lyons is dis solved. Marshal Vaiiiant hss arrived at Paris from Italy, ! 'ihe last monthly acoount of the Bank of France is admitted b> ad parties to be anything hut satisfactory. Wheat and flour had risen in Pans from 15 to 20 per cent. . BaDRN. June 15—The Duke%f Cohnrg-Gotha, and the Kings ofS&xon*. Hanover, and Autt-mburg arrived her tbis afternoon In the course of the day tbe sovereigns visited caohorher. Jt is asserted that at a preliminary conference of the German Princes to-day an agreeable unanimity was manifested on all questions referring to the ret tionsof U totally with foreign Power* wheie*»y tbe principal object of the meeting of the German Princes has already been obtained. _ ■ _ Badkk June 15,7 P. M —The Emperor Nape eon amved in private are t He was received with the usual honors. Ihe roperortas taken up Jus residence at the Villa Stephanie. B d v x June 28.—»he Fmvcror, after hisarrival yes terday dined with his suite. At about &30P. M., the Prince Kegent, who -onyeS' terday, paid the first visit to the German sovereigns. sent Lieutenant Von Leon to present his compbmeni* to rite v mperor. It vu the Emperor's intention to visit the Kegent first. »be t'noQC Kegent. however, c*meaiB3oP.M.totbe Villafctephanie. and remaited wi'hthe mperor till 810 F. M. 'I he Empetor tnen in tended to surpriie the liuchessofHamiUun.dauKhter u the Grand.Duohes* Stephanie, but did not find her at To day* a grant dejeuner, attended by all the Sove reigns, tok place m the old palace, The Emperor, the l’rmce Kegeot and the other sovereigns. breakfasted at the Grand Duke's palace, tomorrow the* will dineat the Grand Duke's oh&teau, a Intle distance oat ofSaoen. . .. Saturday Afternoon.— lt is agte’ted. on good au thority. .that at yes erday’s interview with tne Prince Kegent oTPrassia. tbe Emperor Napoleon repeated his peaoemi nsturanoes, an I said that h» desired the in terview in order to express them verbally. ’ihe Duke oi Nassau nee arrived. Paris. Saturday June 18—The Pay/ contains the following: The interview between the Emperor and the Prinoe Pegent was most cordial. It is asserte • that ooramonioations exoba* red between Berlin and Vienna repretf n the interview at B&denas a most auspioious ’event, end es a token of the general paoihoation of Ger many and I urope It is stated.on good authority* that Napoleon* in h s conversation with the German sovereuns* repented paeifioas uranees* wiihoot alluding to questions regard in* the interior or exterior policy of Germany or the Italian question. _ Madrid, June 18.—The Senate has unanimously re fus'd to receive the manifesto of Don Jum. Marseilles, 'aturdsy June 16.—Advices from Borne state that an official •lea'patob bad been received, from Naples, giving details of the capture of th* two steam ers with Gannaldians, by tbe Neapolitan frigate ’* Ful minante.” THE INSURRECTION IN BICILY. Turin. June 16.— -dvioey from Naples to the 13th state that several columns -if *roop« had been concen trated and would be-in readiness to march upon the places whioh might lie threatened. Ammamtioa had been sent to the Abruzzi—F.mmai uel Caraooiolo had been appointed Minister of General Police, and Signor Boeica wimsterof Public Works. Palermo, June 10.—A decree of Garibaldi fixes the IBrh June for the Jevy of m p famished hy the enntorip tion. and the 20:h of June for tb« ceparturc of the con sori pts to Palermo and I'etenia. . . . . The disembarkation of Garibaldians in Calabria is denied , Letters from Foma to the Win confirm the news of the Conc'ntiation of-the Piedmontese nrmy at Ferram. It is omcally asserted that Austria wau'd be able, in a fortnight, to unnz into the field 800,000 men. Naflba June 16>n.— The Pardinmn miniß-erhnsde m *n(ed tbe restitution of the two steamers and their eighthnndred passsn-era,who were caitured by *hc Neapolitan frigate “ Fulmmante.” as they had pass ports for Malta. Ins English Ambassador has sup por*eo this demand. , The French Government h’m'-g dec ined any inler ventmn, a eimnoil of tbe Rorai fsmilv sssemhled on the 12th to deliberate. A political demonstration was expectec on the 13tb. Great anxieiy pr-vai ed among .al oissses Eight Freroh and two English raen-of-war were in tbs Bay of Naples. . . Advii es from PAlarnio to the Wth. state that Gari baldi was natively organising his arrov. The convoca tion of a Sieil sn Parliament according to the laws of 1848 was shortly expeoted for the pa pose of ratifying the proc'amation whioh deoree* the forfeiture of the rigbiaof the Hourbon*. and tbe u*ion of Sicily to the kind«m of Bardi«ia under Fmroanuel. .. .. Turin. June 17.—M. Thouvenal and the Ma-quis d’Antoneni were present nt the interview of the Dorn raa«deroe Marimo wi>hthe Emperor Napoleon. Is is stated that tbe Emperor- in »eply to Maitino smn, •‘Kjx weeks ago f could have accepted, and ehou.d rave been glad to accept, t h e roUot a mediator, but hoste "or,,nwm^ Geneva. June 18.—TheFardinian Cabinet having of fioiAhy communicated »n the Federal Council the ces sonof f avo and Nice to Fmnoe. a new note baa been addiessed to the different Powers, protesting against the cession of Northern -avoy to Frauce. » MOROCIO. Ms 1 seilixs .June 17.—The brother of the Emperor of Moroeoo, with ths Moonsh ambsssadoraod a suits of filteeo persons, 1 kv* dtiemhsrkrd here - .They were re sites with military honors. They will leave for Paris on Tu-edsy or Wodneiony. Financial auri Commercial. Thera were no gold operations at the bank on Mon day The Times taysi A*u- equal to AI2OCO.OCO # ; f Fret ch Failway obligations is to be put forth ti-m inorth The citj of Paris also intends m king a loan of A 6 000.000. At Vienna a public bidding was to take place to-day for £l PW,WO ol obligations for the aUss oeth Hailway. 1 kb Ts* Tuapx. Jane 18.—The deliveries in London, estimated forth* week, acre 1..U9,11 It* . wtuohis an 'norease of 139 819 lbs. compared wi’h the previous •intfroent. The Times* Cl y Article of the *3th of June sari: The > n»!ithlundsthis roorni go cned with Ms* firm ness, bu th re wae eubeequent y a tendenoy to sUadt ne e,& though the we >iherw2>sb d ant the quotations from Fa is were not strong-oonsols for July were first quoted 9ltf, sue the* Jeltoff lt >e gene rally eipacttd that Saturday next will ne observed as a nstionefholiday in the city in order to faoiiita e the sr rsn*einent lor the review ot the volunteers. 'I he btook szchange will probably be closed. The do . and for dis count to-dey bee again keen rather active and at the Bank the applications were on an increased scale. In toe orei»n each ngee tlKre wae mother move meet In the rates on Vicuna and Trieste favorable to the An manourrenoy. . . m Ateleirratn iom Bomba* oftbeS4thult.,saya i There has bw-cn u movement in the rate of exo am.* from 2b *4d. wbieb is eqnsfto Ski per cent, in favor of EpKlsnp.. Paeha” his arrived fr, m Dnetbourne with L'ciooo The total* nown to be on the way by other ships is about fit to 000 of which £320,000 it due. Ante* ncan ercunties were firm. LIV> Ki'OOiA Cf-TTOA MARKET, June 18 and 10- Tfaere has been a large demand lor Cntt«.n tor the past t«o days, and sales amount to 18,000 baea, 6 000 on spec iation and for expert. Abetter feeling and priopa steadier, __ Later from California. IBy Overland Matl.l , „ fipßivrovtKLbe Mo., June 80 —Th** overland mill, with SanFrincircopapers and letterso tbs Bth lost.and telegraphic advices to ths 9th, reached here >*snrday. . Nothing definite hns been accomplished with regard tore-opening the Pony Express. , There hoe Men no more fighting between Col. Hayes’ party and the Indians. , _ A despaten fiom t a. f. Stuart, commanding the forces mCarsou Vnlley. steles thai the hostile indi-ns have prohubiy el. fled bejond the reach of the troops. The con rihutioDs at van Franc sco for supplies to Col Ha* es* troops amount to 9< 000. ... , _ 1 he fall lot of persons kill* 4 b> the Indians in Car son ino’udes the names of n»hty. , . The pony expr ss, which left Cargon Valley oh the 2&th last., had refurred. Judge’t erry wh iisunderindiotmentforkiMingSena tor Broderick, has applied lor a cv-anse of venue- on the ground inst he cannot obin-n » fair trial m San Frap- CIFCOe ' ' , The late Senator. Mr.Haun, died rn the Bth inrt. pf congestive ch'lls theefieotofditeaseoontraotedbp tlip voyage borr e from Washington- Four ships have arrived from thins with 1,000 passen gers. Important mineral diecoverks are reported in jtla* inatu county. OREGON. The election returns from Jackson oounty give Shlel (DemJ, for C-mgress. S 3 votes, and LokSn (Rernb lican), 4i3 The entire Demooiatip Legislative ticket t , . In Josephine count , Ebiel h*d 298 and Logan J 37, Login’s grin in Josephine county is iOO over last year, when hew**- »*• i> ■** ly 16, , . The returns frwn th* Bt§*e indioate the posßihiuky of the set - oi a m ,.7i ture that may elect two Republican lifted States Senators. vijfXICO. Dates from San B ae, Mexico to th«l3th. confirm lh o nccuUQts that two Ingush men 01-war had Innded ,vot tionsof their crews, and taken possession of the plaoe, to hold it a«amst the Liberals. . . The acting (iovemor and custom-house ompers had grnntedauifficerf.omthe rpeu of war th* piiyi legfi of t’ikiru a asextoan schooner and rutting anFngiish orew for \pm purpose pf •mwjsUp* silver up the . ’ THEL»TFf>T. SAtvFßAtrcrsco. Junes— Twenty men, well armed, left Gerson Valley to-day, escorting the pony expires. /They Will proceed along the route so ag to meet the com ng expresses, by way of re-establishing the route, i leaving tnen and animals <c the stations. , , . . t The iJndiaue have fipd from Fy»anul Iske wiihp|it givingfiifhvtpthe reaoßsotagaiCßtthem. The vptuq : leers will disband. * ”... J!o|»ntKpiAL Ha* Fravoiscp, June 9, j p. M.-Trade ha* path steady for the vast wep. acd thpre enjpprp ok ?l ifl*nd for tome degenptfon* of so Os rrovisipik pf* unchsnsrd. but firmer. Coffee is unchanged. Coal is JpaeHve Ip Rice tbpre is an improvement. Raw cniana’p heavy j refining |s ay hade more active at Inst aflotaiumi. Tfiere-h * hgen a slight miprovem* nt in gjnerel quimener goods. le‘9ti|l Jj .?BHIPPiNj3*~ FsAW'jico, Jona:v—Arrived Bth rilip New ¥oik; barkr'jheres*; fcam ggy ?thf for Kbnrf; Sterlight, Ma ; THE-pREsiM-PHri.ApEia l fflAr Miwteri'sort* 2,; |. ....... . Vjora Washington. \ ■Wusaisaion, July 1.-Th. Indian I.oen«sr ratified > y the Bena» we(« thow w th the Biwb and Fokes. of the Mississippi* the Kansas or- Kaw Indians, and the HeUwar** Indians all r-rdiog m Kansas.' The, treaties with th« twofi st named trine® prpVldo for the ailotmentoflandrtothemsmbersofthe re paotiv*tribe*, 'n severalty, and the sale of the surplus lands, after the alotinentshaveb*ert made; the propoed#of *uohsale to he applied for the benefit of the Said IntSiKny, •The new self-ruling stamped envelope which was .plaoed on sale during tbe last year by way of exr“ri ment, h*s been permanently adopted by the Boat Omoo Department, It will hereafter be supplied to postmoaters, on reque*t, and wtU be sold at the following rates; For a single package, the shine price as the old; when more than one package is taken, on advance of two cents per hundred envelopes upon the rates of the old.. ihe second edition will be a decided improvement upon the first, and will bathe most substantia! as well as one of the most beaurifubWtter envelopes in the market. Democratic Rejoicings* Oswego. June 30.— The National Democracy of this city are firing 100 gens m honurof the nomination of Breokinridie and Lane. , , tV Many or the most influential Demoorats ofthaoity, and alfthe Government officials, join in d e oclebration The demonstration is unexpectedly Urge and etthu- Bdsfalo, June SO—Tho, Democracy held a large nnd spirited meeting last night, to ratify the nomination of Douglas and Johnson. Funeral of a Clergyman* PoTTsviLLE. Pa., June 30 —The remains of the Kev. Joseph V. O’Keefe, pastor of t*t. Patrick’s Church were tak*-n from his residence here to the train for Philadel. phia this morning fer interment. There were at least three thousand persons in tbe funeral procession, 'ihe deoetsrd w >8 very much beloved and respeoted by his congregatioutanahisdoath is much regretted by the community at From Havana* New Orleans, June so.—The steamship Pljiladoiphia, Irora'Havana, on the 2Qth init, arrived at this port to day. , The health of the city was exoerent. Snears were steady at reals.* Stack at Hava na SfiO 000 Teals. Exports o* the \veek46XoU bbxos. Fx chango on London percent p cmium Ex oha-iRo on Now York2®l& per coat, premium. Freights aotivo. The Steamer Pocahontas for Vera Cruz. New Oblk*N6. June SO.— T iio steamer Pooaliontas wil sail for Cruz to-morrow* taking tho latest mails md important Wa«hiogton despatches, whioh wore rccoivtd tbis morning. Loss of the Schooner Arrogant. W EW Orleans, June 30.—The schooner Ar-ogant* from New Orlrans for Oampcaohy was lost on All o'anesMef. on the 7th mst. Her crow ami passengers wero saved, bnt her cargo is a total loss. Departure of Steamers for Europe. New York, June 3d — l The steamers Cttv o( Wash ington. 11l n-*ie -and Hammonia* s*i!eil for Europe this morning withLSjpasoengors and 91,300,1X0 in specie. Departure of the Niagara with the Ja«* * . pauese. New York, June SO —The‘Omted °taiessteam fri gate Niagara sailed this aftornoon for Japan, with tho Embassy. _ The Mozart Hall Democrats. New York, JunetfO.—The Mozart Hall Demooratio General Coi><mitt A e reccmmond.atjoint electoral ticket fortlie tare of New York, nnd. in oas® that courso Is not adopted, the eupporf of tbe Douglts ticket. The Ship Norway iu Distress. New York* Juno $u The ship w<yway, from Phila delphia, bound to Hong Kong, ia below, leaking badly. Southern Steamer Movements. Savannah, June 20.—The U. 8. steamship Florida ar ir d at her wharf at 4o’olook on Friday evoning* All well. Marine'lntelligence New Orleans June 30 —Arrived ships Luomda, Jo sh<>a ’nd ''auran. fiom Bottnn; Nouns Kqrlp, fr>m Cardiff*: Ooean rear- from * iverpnol; ihp Wellin<- fnn.and bark He ena 1-ftm fyew'kork. Barks Nashua, Comet* lrom Havre, and from Cardenas. Markets hy* Telegraph* Nriv Orlbans. Jun«» quietj sales to day 300 i*aies at IU>S®Ho tor H ardline; ■ 'es of the bhles: receipis^ftA* teak I*obales ntnlnst 2 000 bale *he same time fiiSt year. Exports 15 000 bales; total expo ta to date 2 Fccelpis nhend of lust jear.46o 000 baits. all Bouthe*-n po r is ahead of nst year. 751.50 U bales Stock’in Fort, 7IJ»00 bales. Pork firm, mess 9 1 P. 50. Coffee firm at l4K<v lG<c; sales of the wce» 30 000 baes Stock in port 77W batesatainst•'H,26o baKssame time last)ear Freights of Cotton 10 Liverfo j xchanue uoaltered. 34)00 do —. 93 2**6 Lehigh Ztno JK Sun) do 8* 200 do l 2 6000 do 96 M do IK IUOuO do 96 17 do ig 900 City 6a~~ 10)>4 20 N }onna JL 9 SOO do lIHK M do 9 2000 do OiK to 00 9 2000 Bend B 6**7o .. o Kl*< 13 North Lib Am ... *J{ 2U0(l w e»t Ches er7n.. 77 0 '"orrie Oi Prefd..ll* 1000 rfchuyl iNav 6»»82 . 73K 6 Far&Mi bk.stwn. *7K ______ BETWEEN BOARDS. TH E CITY. JOOOElmiraohat lQa... 23 \ 9Girardßanlc 47* AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. Wiir‘»iev4; Cl*rkr’o arch street Theatre. “The Natad Queen,” ’CoolasaCuoumDor.” MoDonocor s Gaieties, Kaoe street, below Third.— Entertainments nightly. Pennsylvania academy of Fins Arts, 2025 Chest out street.—The 37th Annual Exhibition. - National Hall Market, above Twelfth street,— ‘'Solomon’s Temple.” Fobmal Opening op Penrose Febbt Bridoe— By invitation of the Bridge Company, the member* Q j • Counoila, representativee ol tho press, and other invited tuesis. participated ia the lormat optnin< of this important improvement on tiatuiday aftrrnoon. Tne party left the front ol tne State House. at3tF Jjwk.ln omnibuses, lor th- bridge,atth* mouth of the tfouuylkill There was nothin* needed but this dnv through ihe First andSecon wards to exhibit the chriooter of the country m the neighborhood, ond its captbihties for pleas nt drives The party pjfteed atom: the r acs leading to tne bridge* and stopping at tno Point Breez* »sr< Hotel*-were hospitably enter tainer-. Pu-sin< on, the bridge itself wsssoon reached, and, arrived ill* re, 'he patty wero welcomed • y t o di rectors and escorted t-i tables spread uenesthtne sha <e ol a stately oak. After discussing the eataoics. Dr- Bond. as tne reprets< tative oftlin company, was called upon lor a speech, and m response he gave a brief tie saription of the Bridge Cunpauy, Ir6m the date ot its chattered existence down to iho present day. when the objects of the association have been accompli led Be set at every step by obstacles thrown in her way by ri val interests, the company stn- continued, and, not withstanding the repeated injunctio s, the ooropany n w ope-i to the community a bridge that will unite the First aid Twenty-lnurlh wards, and open a passage Jor the produce 01 Old ulieoter. At present, steps arc being taken to open anew road from the bridge to Old Chester* by whioh tho distance will be shortened from three to five miles. Mr. Demon, of Ueleot Council, followed, and urged that in return fortheemerprisedisp ayedintheeieotion of this bridge, Counoils should iurmsn good roads lead ing to it* bpeeohes were also made by Messrs. Bradford. Sellers, Quinn* Small. Crump and ort.ers, and alter visiting the tarmotD B.Keis aw in the vicinity, where they weic hospitably entertained, the party retu.titd to the city early in the evening. _ A full de&oription of this bridge was published in The Press two or three months ago. SUIT TO OBTAIN THE CU3TOD7 OF A CIIILD. —On Saturday. Judce Allison, gave a decision inaoase whioh was heard I’elore birn on the Saturd ty previous, on a wnt of habeas corpus, brought by the mother ot a littie gin. about f> ur yean of age, to obtain possession ol the ch Id. a < he mother, who is an Italian, was found a year or two ago in the street, with her child, in ades titute condition, by some ladies belonginn to the Society of Friends. Th*se ladies (sisters) took tne mother and olnld to their home, where ho h were oared lor. and an arrangement made by which the oi>i d wa» to be retain ed by the ladies. 7he mother was iurmshed with a plaoe at servioe. and, in order to prevent her irom squandenn* brr money, the ladies required her to lur- > msh something towards the support of herobil-*. No suited,snm was stipulated, but the mother was allowed to be the judko of the amount she could afford, in this way the matter stood until» few weeks ago, the Ldies, m the meantime, becoming much attached to their charge. , But the mother, hearing that the ladies were believers inßptuualum, maaeaneflorttoreturn the poareision of the child, and hence the writ of habeas ourpus. at the hearing, the lacies denied the charge ol beimtspi ritiahsts, but said they claimed the right to examine into all subieois. The rooiher, who is still at service, proposed to have the ''tula admitted into the fit Vincent s Homo. ’ Judge .Allison refused t- takotheo ild lrom the la dies, until tue motiipi, who had voluntarily >urrendered the child Aiid, informed the ladu s that she would not attain olaim it ooi<!d »h»w the court that she was pre pared to give the child as good accommodations. &c , as t ose m whose custody she now is; and uuM this was done, he cou.d not afleot the present relation of the parties. Tub Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marbiaoe-.—Toe act fur the registration of births, rnairmet*. ft l a deaths, in the ouy of i'hil&delphm. passed at the last session ul th© Legislature, went into effect y*st«rda,. he health Officer has distributee »o tii© phjflioi. i,s. olergymen. and a.deru,-n ol the oitv blanks, to be filled up whenever a birth, marriage, or death c< mes under their pro essionai notioe. i'his is a m st important law. and one which will be productive id the Lest results, if tbo kUitistics are correctly k*p ■ The same law was m existence in this cit* some years ago, but lailtd, owiuK to tlv noglueaoe of parties not keeping nccinate lute, in the new law there isape niiUy of fir© upoa every physicinn or ouronerwho ne glect* to perform the duties required ot them, and $26 u on «»ery sexton or u uertaker who inters a b. dy without a oertiu me being property n,ace out. Jtvery o-ergyiuan and nlderu an who neglects to perform tn© duue» required ot him ib 1m 1© to a fane ot $lO for each ottenc©. Th vatu© of au official register ot births, nmr nagea. and death*, whtou o«u b© usadasevtuenoe in law, cannot be too highly estimated. Discovery of Counterfeit Money.— Os Saturday, the detective police offi ers discovered upwards o> $J ..00111 counterfeit hve-do Ur buiM on tne Uunmionw*a th iUnk.uttfieresideroo of John Miers. agro er, con.eroi Twentieth snd Poplar streets. The noies were 0. ntau.eU m a paokose dirooteo to **lheo. Bart oare of John M>eis. grocer, corner of Twentieth and hoplar streets ” au. ( was lets -t tor pUoe by tne r x. res* mess© ger while the officers were wgtoning, Myers, and his pruthor O iver, wen arrested, and attei a hearing oelore Alderman Reiturwere commuted tn delimit of SS6OO tor a limiter hearing to-Uay. > lie counte'ieit five-didlar bit a ou this bank were reoentty sim umerous.aiid so welt xe-mted, the u«nkha«, lor some time past net issued any oil 60l this denomi nation, but has t keu fTic’bSurea t - redeem at the out* standinx uoies, and lies caned in about ,000 out of ■$C6 000 that were in circulation. iVe b-nn has issued uu-w $5 note from anew pUte,designed to take tj.e place ol the od issue. Alleged Fnbezzlbment of the Public Reco ds-Ot Saturday a man nam-dJno O Deylmnn wis before Aideimm Heitleron the cnarpe ol having leloniously abatraoied irora the Purveyor General’s office, at Harrisburg, a numoer of land warr-tms, d« eds ol conveyance, and several books copits ot certain <rktnal letters. Hejlmau was arrested on a warrantissusd by Alderman Kline of Harrisburg, it was alleged and stated by the witness, that he) (man ado ilted to him tn&t ho leioioopoiy and surreptitiously at>atr*oi«d many v&luable docu ents lrom the Lai d Office at Harrisburg, and also oodfussed to him that lie had adeed m his 40«ses$.on which he had traudulemJy iqken l»om the same, ana could get the sumo! eighty thousand dollars lb'it atany time h- was dispos.d to sehit The aldern nn rtabtred the delendant to give luiii in th* sum of 9i.ipo- to answer at tne 1 »xt term of the Court ot quarter a»s#i ns of Dauphin county. Suicide op a Wpman. —on Saturday njnrning, a Get man. woman, named Frederica r«peiler rnnn, oou.muteu suioioe et iiti> iesideno», by hanking ncraelt to ti»e tamsiers ot th© seoond-htoty staiiway. fch© ftPpeared,.to live hippiy with her husband and seemed t bo lively at the tuoakfast tablp. aftnr par taking of the meal she ascenoefithe euurs.and in a short time was uiscoiertd dupguns by the pecki The inmates mutead pf put mg Ltr down, t& in oivc-s dt rections for tbu , pace offioers, and luoce-dedm finding several, alter a search of ten or filtcon minutes ihe 4 fficers Jio*tentd 10 the hi übo, and uuniediatcly cut the woman down, tthe waadcud. \Mi«. hrst dutoveied, she wa. kicking and atru**)n<g. ana her life might h&v© been saved had sfie been cut down ut that timo. Npw I'ASSKNGKR Kaii.wat Caii? —’l !)e firepnd apd '1 hi d street Pußienger Railway Company now manufapiure ilieirown’cars Ihe first car ol their production was placed upon the traok on Fr-duy. Four cats manuUictued by Messrs. Kim hie <sc Gorton, of this ouy, were emppeu on Sa*uiday or Bust ,n. They are ipt* nwd for the Cliarlf-stown ami Boston Faxsenger Itaiway. These cars are much larger than those in ueo inou. oty,hLilwill acoommodaie, on the average, a pjmblo pjirpber ol yGasopser# t(mn the Fhi|adel|>hiq yp- ANOTiun Drowning Cash and Narrow F,BCapb.—On Saturd *y afternoon a boy named Wesley Van Horn, th.rteen years l oto, was drowned in the dam attached to the Taotny Pnnt Works, hear Frankloid, Twenty third waid. Ihe booy was recovered aLd taken to the retmence of his parents, in Church street: lielow i xipro. FrAphiprd. 'lhe sime mpm pg. p ad, eJrVen years old, tell overboard at Arob street and made a uarrow escape from drowning. He was rescuvd by a young man natm d Cha> les t'ettit. New Midiiart Pomtanv. — Last week, the Philadelphia Light Artillery was inspected by Bri gadellnspector Pu h. of the deoond Brigade. The corps will 1)0 ut ached to the cavalry organization 01 Penn* sylvamaDrag- one, Captain Charles thnmdson Jones, which will bp formed into a hatmlion, MbX Lihstein, ior|nerl captain ol the'Philadelphia Artillery, has been elepttd captain of tfie tew corps. .Building Improvements —During tko month of June permi slo erect 202 dwelling houses were token out from the offioe of tne Building idspeptors. WUhip ijie same period permits w*** aprhea for to Slour laptorißß, qne church one school-house, p and y ork streets,) one “ she ter tor o' 1* red rep. one laboratory • and a number of other build ings, in pludiag; shops, ioe-hougds, atabies,'packutg hopses, engine-popßes, Ap IBE Push to tee Sea-seore.—The very warm weather which prevailed on Saturday caused a rush of passrn.eis to Atlantic utjr. The train which leUln o pbmpnsed nipe cars, all well filled wi h Mr, Bryant, tfie agent ol the road, gives ilpticeofa change ip the npie of the running of the truips. 'J he expteaq uam, alter to wjllstoppnl* fprwrtop and water. An aeconimoAiation train leaving,at ito t*. M., for Lgg wilt bo pldpta upoa (tie road. Music at Fairmount — The project Qf etationicgabeDddCmusio.vdbr'nff the c»)nii ei afler-. nppns at Falrmountbquatevhasheen abapdonpd. The principal cause was that tbs farkiiad been so improved in appearance, the tiavol ifierebf’the better and quiet o'lasshas moreabed so largely that the rffllwaf q.inpa mes r-nning there doubt ififaueio would be ot any real benefit to them. ' . " -i*. Buesxisg p,f a Water Main,—^prni time durihg* Friday night, the thiyty-inohwatermain, attnohedto the Spring Garden Werss burst. The flow 6 wh*ey was soon stopped off, y It will take seyetoi day* to repair the damage. ’■' ' " * Painful Accident. Mr. Willis - J. Hooker was thrown from' hi? wagon, on Friday After noon, whi © driving along the Wieeahiokon, and nod on© or hi*fln»<*rB an badlyipjured u to o%u«e Appre hension of the necessity of Amputation; Tbo mishap 'ccurred in conscquenoe, of hie horse, a vers sviatea animal, taking fright and rnnoffag off". * •• Biown Down—During the sudfluniquaU of wind and rain which prevailed about five o’cloolt on nday aUornoon, a tor., portion-of the wall of the new building boing erected' at Kaighn’a Point, for the Hamden Manufacturing orapiny, was blown down. The building is a large one, and not roofed. Many * n various par sof our city were divested of some of their branches by the sudden gust of wirfo. Weekly Report of Interments. —The number of interments in the oity of Philadel phia, for the wook ending June 30, is 254 Last report 211 Increase Asthma.-—-. 1 As hyxis ] Anemia—. - 1 Apoplexy 1 Canoe' of uterus.. 2 Casualties - 2 Croup .......i. ...* c Congestion of r wigs —. 1 ■ u Brain 0 Cholera Infantum 88 Consumption of Lungs- 22 Soavulsions j 8 ip hena 4 Diarrhea*.•.............. C Drocsy, Hrtin 8 “ Chest...— —_ 8 Disease of Brain ... It “ 4 1 ** ttrnti l! Urowned.— 0 Dysentery 11 0-biluy ~11 Effusion on Drain 4, Epilepsy....... 1 Erysipelas 2| Fevor Bilious. - 1 “ Remittent..-—. 2 ‘ 50ar1et...—*..... 6 „ Typhoid 6 Hmniorrhago btomaoh.. 1 Inflammation, Brain 9 “ Bronchi 2 * Larynx-—, l ;* Liver- - 2 ** Lung 5,,...... 7 *' Pentontoum. 1 . , ’ St. & Bowels a Inanition- .. 1 'Jania-a-potu- l Maraomns 10 Old age... — 6 Palsy ~ „ j I Rheumatism 1 ,Bororula a Teething-- 8 1 Unknown 2 T0ta1,.....,—,, rr , 261 Of the above there wero : Adults....-...—. —. 72|Undor 1 year 'B3 Botwoen land 6..——— 42 Males..- 134 From the Almshouse-- 10 Fomnles—.ltOlPeoploofoolor is 8pya....— 92 1 From the ooualry. 3 Girls- Sill HUGHES. Health Offiner, "ARTHUR llospitai, Oases. — Lombard Buzzard, aged mnotoen. fell from a oherry tree at Rising Sun Tavern yesterday morning and broke his right arm, Charles Jobbio had his rirht leg broken yesterday af ternoon by be ng oauubt in the machinery of by ns* mill, about i-ovon niil*s fr«>m this c»ty. Thomas Mo- Glivuehlin agod thirty, who tell frpm the so flbld on Friday aftornnon, died at the hospital of his injuries yes'eidav morning. Suunr fine.—An alarm of lire was caused about half-post five o’olook yestMday afternoon by the burning i f « bs<> ut a hr use owned by Mr. Noblook, on Charlotte street, near Brown. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market* FuiLADStriiiA, June 30. The Stock Market was dull to-day, and very maotive, Investment securities were firm, but most of the fanoies were weak. The Indisposition oft the part of operators to buy, and the abseuoe of a nunibsr from the oitv who oontributo largely by thoir purchases daily to infuse activity to the market, was the principal toause of the oxtreme dullness that prevailed during the session 0. the Board. State 8s to a considerable amount were sold at 96, at whioh price they aro firmly held. There was little doing in passenger railway shares, the priooa of which are unchanged. in oonsequenoe of the counterfeit issues on the Com monwealth Bank, a new issue has been ma-e by the bank of the denomination of five dollars. Nearly all the old issue has been redeem d. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, June 30 1860. Rspouthd by 8. E. Slaymakkh. 314 K Walnut Street, * FIRST BUARD. 8100 Pennafis C&P.b5. 96 200 SchuylNav6s’B2 . 73tf 7001 do 96 SCO do ’83..73H 2000 00 96 do '82..73JS IOuO do - 66 1000 N pynna R 6t.. ..71 Philadelphia Markets* The export demand for (lour continues limited, and standard superfine is offer'd at 86 57)636 60 per bbl without finding burors. The only sale we hear of is IfioO bbls Diamond Mills fancy lamily on terms kept pri vate. 'J he trade are' buying moderately at from our lowest figures up to $6.73 for superfine and extras, $5 87>£aG.25for familr, end 86 60a>7per bblforfanoy bm.dsAß in quality. ihe receipts continue light and the market dui). Rre Flour and Corn Meal are but lit tle inquired for; we quote the former at 13.87 K and the hitter at $3 per bbl without sales Vi hkat.—T h* market is dull; there is not much of fer'd, but the demand is limited, and only at’O-'t 2.600 bushels found buyer* in lots at 132ft1350 lor fair to prime Pennsylvao a red and Hofl>*6oo lor white. Rye conti nn*s scarce and in demand at 77ft 7So. Corn is but little inquired for. and small sales o r prim© yellow are re yorted rv GBO afloat. atsa ednll and ower: wa quota ’ennsyliania at 36310, and Southern at 330 without sale*. } Dark.— lst No. 1 Quercitron is quiet At $2B ton. Cotton.—*7 ho market is quiet, bat without muon cbnngo m notice; some holders are not so anxiouß to eel! nt the errem rat-a. GBocfßixs.—There is rot muoh d'imr; a oarco of Br-zilßugar sold, to go out of the market, on terms kept private; and about 6wo bags Rio Coflee at J3>»® HVo on time. Paov 8105. S —The market ia buoyant, tbs h»gh views Jfho ders. however. Itn itmg operations ; 260 bbls Mess ’ork so'd At a private har*a>n 1 120 oaska bait boulders At and 100 .60 lbs Bulk hides on terms keptpn veto. Lard *s held hitrlior. anc Butter is dull. Whirry moves off as wanted at 22e> for Onto bbls, 21a 21)aO for Pennsylvania do, 200 for drudge, and 210 for hhds, CITY ITEMS. Memoirs op thr Parisian Police frou Louis XIV to Lorn* Philippe.—By Jacques Peuchxt —The translation of this thrilling and very important work from the Frenoh of Jaoqties Peuohet has been satiafao tonly completed, and it *s now in course < f publication in the United States Police Gazette, We have no hesi tation in eaymg that no memoirs of & similar kind h*ve ever been plac'd before American readers whioh em body so muoh historically valuable information and ro mantic adventures, and suoh ourious and exoitmg reve lations. Peuchet was for a time-keeper of the reoords of the police of Pans, and had th t best opportunities for collecting the remarkable documents ol that renowned department, Included in the series of sketches will ba found the unveiled m> stones of the Court, astonishing exploits of the deteotives, and startling piotures of Pa risian soo.ety at different periods. Tfo whole of these memoirs will be om nontly worthy of preservation and readers of all classes should not fail to avail them selves of so rare an opportunity to gain amusement and instruction, (From tho Calender Hartford, Augu5t27,1869.)’B Prepared Glue.—This article is the best preparation we have over used for the purpose of lepainug splintered veneers furniture, etc., where glue is required, and is so chemically prepared as to be always nad) for use. j>3,9W-2t Phrenological —By advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that tho Phrenological Cabinet of Mr. John L. Capen No. 92J Chestnut street, successor to Fowler, Wells, A Co., will be open ts usual on the 4< Fourth," for earamtna ions, V The Arrival op the GifteAT Eastern.—The Great Eastern arrived Thursday, and the New Yorkers, dropping the Japanese !i»c a calorified potato, have pre pared themselves to yo into an eostasy of excitement on ti,e shortest itotioe. In Philadelpma wo need no suoh material to stir up our euthusiasm, and render us hap py. We have here the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of flockbill 6c Wilson, Nos. 603 end 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, to gladden our eyes, and we clothe our selves elegantly, fashionably, comfortably, and cheaply with the garments sold therein. PABJKNGERB ARRIVED. In bark Joseph .viaxwell.lrora Puerto Cabello—J Bde Agioudtt, John eohahel, Feter Ciessolo, Barah Green, and rtenriette Morta, JHAKINJK INTiSJLIiLUENCB. ffEB FOURTH FA<?2. ARRIVED. Steamship Ffimeas Bi.rague, MaUhewe, <8 hours from Boaum, w,tu u.dao w H VViusor. oieAiiißiiip Boston, • rooaei, m heurs from Npw York, vin Gape him , wun mdse and posseugers to J Alifferdice. FofiUeU an un«.nowu hr g oft t|in Brundyvriue Li&nt, buuuu upi Prig 0 L.uaas, off ftiorr'S Liston’s; bark at cnuia lrom Cardenas iteedy lalauo; sclir J. i|athau Coup from New «'rieaua, wid brig Uoran Wavp. Ihuii Matanzas. at Quarantine 5 brig JKo ius lrom ot Barts, oi! Tinicmu,auusourßuuiiierner, lrom off ohester. ourK Jos Maxwell, Davis, from Puerto Cabello 11th June, wuh OuHeo, milts, Ao., to Dalle.t Brother*, Lett at brig Titus B v*aisou, Aiuuuay, from New fork, dirndl*. Bng aßhuus, Allen, IS days from Ht Barts, wi h fruit to-ißtkuo Ju«»ncb ae, Go. June Si, iatSusO, ton 7i 02 sp* ko »ntp 1 wa EOt.iof 4 >#tlo;,uaies, lrom oaiiao lor Hump tun ftoads tor uiueis fcciir b L Stovttus,B udley,Odajß from Boeton, with mdse to Cri-Wtll A Collins, Bin Back.—biig i.tkv«oca, Parker, hence 84th ult for MouUe, was strook by lightniug at 3AU B at on Friday last, w lieu uU Hie Biauuywiae dhOai, carrying aWay main n.n*t, lore lop gallant niuSt amljiblXHiu. oho re turned lustßaturuaj luoruihg to mo Bowderwnfirt to oibohtvrg© net uurtu, a p riiouoi wmoh oonsisuol guu powuer. Fortunately no person on board was injured by tne eleotneal disonargo. »t r», (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) m 4 CABK IBLaND.N. i, July J.6K F ftl. Two herm brisk possrd up mis inornuf. ; and u barks, with several brus'aud honrs tuis altefuoou.' Nutiudg observed going but, Wind W—weather oleaf anu pleas ant. Yomrg, _ TftOS. B. HUGHES. Ship pqvid Rotterdam, arrived at now Vorksotu ult Noiway.- ajor, hence for Hong Kong, put into rtew York eUth ult lor tepuirs, having experienceu a gale liuimv l. on tnu night* 1 tha 2d wmuii oonuuued ad the next day, Veoniis around to t,B tne snip and oaustng her to leak about .wo te tper bour; blew away a 1 tne t. puaus, maitum!, and ji b 3 will to d sonars© lor repair., " 1 omp niu. nitis LUnf, Jnhnßpn, hence January 17th, ar rived ffieanirunoisvJuTin utv. Snip Bmd Bunttr, Citißuy, lor Melbourne, at Bobtonautn uit. fti.ip Gamer Dove, Montel, from New York, arrived at J” rauoitoo 4'i. ult. Bsik B,r»r>) Bird, Cook, from Hong Kong, arrived at San hianoisco 7tu Uit - Bam J ll Johnson, Bluke from Matanaas, arrived at New iom sytli uip; fip ( k bfeen reported huvioß sailed for tin* port. Boilr Luoy,Churoh, hence arrived nt New York 29th uit. . ... schrs L S Levering, Corson, and North Paoifio, Mar cy, ncnoe at fiaietn doth uit. 1 fcohr B Boice. Boite, hence arrived at Beverly 29th ult. Sour Biueune mexe-, Tice, Sailed Irdin Brovioenae SOtn uit fur i'miadeipma. eunrs £n&a tnntn. tjintth and N Holmes, Hewitt, hence an ived at Bruvidenoe 29ui ult * ■ Buhr am'Aldridge.Corson, sailed from Frovidonce 30th uit for Bhl adelphin. 29t'°uu ** euulByn Mary nch'r R B Howlett. Bomers, cleared at WUtulagton. N CfSbthultror rhihidolplua; v schii a J Boott, cleolinapi Grace Girdler, Paines J’oroy Heilper, Marts! G J* btiohney, Garwood % Murv Lbaabeth, Reed; Snow Blase, Weaver; Suw»*Bfli '»rp*n; Now Jersey, Viihueman; 0 Ax Wl&onVSmittti Maij Haley, itoio, i B Adsnn, Da»ls; Alioe'Lea Vos- SlSia U at Bo.toi.’aUui'uii- ’ Jl^ar0 ’ ! ' rora Eel. Arrived Spn« tfflu. Mallet,; fieor*. WOummlnee, Whelden. " w ' ,oa ’ <J,earttl « Ro«on amii ult Bouts'Jane N Bakerr, Hondorson! Burrows O. Clark i Jatnawar. i-an(eto« ; tt Tay.rlnopporni C Looser, iEa*«i C'ttia mer.iok. Montgomeryt frank,En,- ish, and Montvue, Fumenbers. Me oe.and E N Ben tou. Taylor* tor IMaware Ouy arrived at eaten. 29th ult. N*tSiJth S t t>lUie ’ tjwam * heUoe amv ea at Wdmingwn, „ Sours J B Diokinson. Smith { W H Mailer, Colby • 8 V Simmons. Godliey; T Lake, ccull; R j Mercer. JtAhin sun} M B toanomy, La.e; J R Biator, Gaudy ; burar. Bnoe; j H w arnwright, 4.0i80n 3 H U wuson,Morris! > ugene. Parker; d fl per, usun. Smith [ Lebatmah, feaij W k Genu, Baoon 1 a Corson Ludlam; H A Ko- Annie Mugee. Wheaton; D ii Voife, Kunsoll, ar,a Hannah Warwiok. Bnropsh re, henca Ar lived at Bosh ni9ih ult. -, nonce ar 'fio,.r Juha Maria, i.aton, henoe for Haveihill. sailed fromXuiniea* Ho.e27ihult. • »iwu Bohr J F*»nder f Kuwyqwprtb; E T Smith, Fdwards, and Ann BOfmoutt, Powell.from Boston tbr Phnaddl- PhiQ-aild fivtiry Bdikiolf. Gbootieh. iroin Newburyoort \<yr 00 arnyed at Hmnleß* H ole oh the 2'tfi uu, 11,011 • tt’rivdd at N'«wbmy^ort -u’ 80 . 1 ** B J Thompson. Steelman, and Restless, .SmitliVhßnceatdalemzathult. forPl^iude!ptoQ. Fento ''' Ba,lod frow Afowwrtri* Soth ult f SPjEOIAXr NOTICES: ~ ! Tire CUisiwet, 922 Chest will be op.n ns nsnsl on July 4th, for examl .itstm,, ttn d t j, 6 sale of Boolis. JOHN L. CAPEN, ■’J7* 3t Suocessor to Fowlbk. Wei.i,., a Co. Boy Yoon Bathino Robes, for Ladies, Cents, and Children, at SLOAN'S, 800 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at his store, CAPE ISLAND, ”' J ' je3o-2t* Meyers’ Miracoloos Vermin De stroyer, the oldest and beat remedy known for Ex- BATS and MICK, COCKROACHES "COS, ANTS, MUeaUITOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, ORAIN -VYOHMS,and GARDEN INSECTS. Depot, 618 BROADWAY,N. Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. myl6-Sm Sewing Machines. All persons who have bought Bewing Maobinoa whioh will not perform the work expend, are informed that SINGER'S Ma ohines never fail to do any kind of work. No one i« ever disappointed in the Maohines of ap4-Bm l% BINGER & CO., No. 810 CHKSTNUT St Sbakb* s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner Second and Walnut Btrbbtb,—Deposit# re ceived in small and large amounts, from all dosses of and allowi interest at the rate of FIVE FER CENT, per annum. Money mar be drawn by oheoks without loss of in terest. Office open daily* from 9 until 8 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treaiurer and Seoretary* CHAS. M, MORRIH. Baving Fund—National Safety Trust Coh?abi.— Chartered by tho Stale of Pennsylvania! RULES, 1. Money is reoelvod every day, and in any amount tarro or small. ~ 1, FIVE PER OENT. inlorost is paid for money from the day it is put in, -■ 8. The money is always paid baok in GOLD whenever it U oalled (or, and without notiofl. 4. Money Is reoeiven from Administrators, Guardians, and-other Trustees, In large or small sums, to remain a tong or short poriod. 8- The money - reoeivod from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first class securities. 6. Office open everyday-WALNUT Street, southwesi orner Third straat. PhiladAlnhia j*U Onh Prior Oloteing of tea Latest Styles, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALKS. LOWEST selling puoes marked in Plain Figures, ‘All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICK system is striotly adhered to, efl we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are theroby treated alike, JONES A QOi, s«3-tf 604 MARKET Street. Salamander Fire-Proof Safes.— A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 804 CHESTNUT St„ Philadelphia. KVANB k WATSON. BAILF}— BMITH—-On Thursday, the sSth ult.. by Rev, Andrew Manship Mr. William Bailey \x> Miss ivjary Bmitli, both of Village, Phi adel- P CUNNIN^HaM—HORNER.—Aprit 10th. 1 660. by R v. 8. Wilson. Mr. Thumss K.i-unningham, ofOhio, to w,onje A, Horner of Haiutde phia, * DE BV—PaTTkRSON.—On tin 27rh u’t, by Rev. Tboinns G. Allen, Mr. Jaoob Denby to Alias Anna Maria Pat arson. * . HOHafaPER—MILBURN—On the2sth Bev. J. H Kennard, M i ..William M. fiehuefer to Miss K 1 za Miiburn, both of this city. * MARTlN.—Sunday* July lit. 1860, James S. MaTtin, Sr., aged 67 years and 2 months Ttae rei-tives and m*to fnends ar* invited to Attend h»s funeral from bis late lesidenoe. 622 Pine street on Thnrajay aiternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. **• HOGUFiT—On the 29tn ultimo, Mrs. Mary Louisa Ilotruet, in th»B6'h year of her age. Her friends and relatives are respeotfury nvited to Attend her funeral, irom the residence of her husband, Bristol. Pa. oath* 2d lost at 4 o'olock P. AL. " FLEMING—On the29ih u t., Mar;, daughter of Jas. and varj Fleming in the 6ih year of her a*e. ‘ihe frien* a of the femtly are re*ptetf lly invited to attend her funeral, fmm the residence of her parents. No 1619 Filbert street, thisr Monday) afternoon, at batf pas* 1 o'olock. without further not»oe. * KINGSiON.-On the Ist of July, Mary, daughter of Charles H and «'ort'eha Kingston. 'he relatives and friends ot the family, are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parent* l . No. 337 ashm iton avenue, on Tuesday alterno»n, the 3d inst, at 6 o olook * * HARMAN.—Oi June 30th. mary Loul*a, only child of the i-te LewisC. Harman, m the 3d « f her n*e. Funeral from the residence of her unole, ihomas Gnmth,No. 905 Chestnut street, on Monday aiUrnmm, sd luiu, at 4 o’clof k. Funeral servioe performed at the hous%- * CuOGAN.—At his residence, 81 Canal street, Jersey City, Mr ChTistopher Coog&n. a native «f county Meath, Ireland, in the CBthyearof his age, after a long and tedious itlncM. , , „ * .—Of dipthena. on fi*»t day the Ist inst., Robert G.,soa of George C. and Beulan P. Town send, aeed ;0 months. _ * McKINnKV—Un the3oth ult., Ebzabeth. daughter of Wilbamand Aon McKinney, inthel7tnye4rofher age. Funeral from her late residence. Cherry street, be tween Twontv-second and 'iweniy-imid, this (Monday* afternoon, at 4 o’clook * DEGAS —On the 30th ult., Mrs. Mario Anne Belas, in tbr BQth year of ber age. Funeral fro o her late residerc*, Almond street, third door be ow fieoond street, this (Monday) alter noon, at five o’olock, * June So—Fvbnino, CUMMER MOURNING GOODS. K? Biaok aretSkAUd Crape Maret*. 34.6-4,7-4, and 8 4 wide; Black SUk Grenadines, Grenadine Bate es, Camel's Hair Bareae#,Bummer Bombazines. Chnlls. Crape Chain, Tamartines, 'i ammatans, fine Mou selinede Lames, Lawns, Ginghams. Organdies, Silks, Poniards. Chaltade I ames, Barege Alantrlas and Pomis; Bareie. Grruadine Barege and Grenadine Shawls; Sun.Umb elloa, Fans,Summer Gloves and Hosiery; Veils: Collars, file ves, Ac. BESSON 6c fiON, MourninjrStore, Jel No. 91 * GHKRNIfT Htraet. THE ONLY REt* T AB lE article— CLARKS Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for Marking all kinas of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do tbeir work better without its trouble or risk q» Blotting. Kaoh will mark 2 000 article*. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, by D. w. ‘I AYLOR k CO., Agents for the Macofaoturer, ho. Oil CHESTNUT fitreeL ieU 3m ry?» SOLDIERS AND! DEFENDERS OF lkJ> the WAR OP *Bl4. The *nnua Meeting will beb»ld atttbe IOUNTY COURT HOUSE, fiIXTH and CH RBTN UT Struts, on Wednesday morning next, JULY FOURTH atflo’clock Punctual attendance is requested, as business ol importance will be laid before the meeting. By order of the Kxocu ive Committee. ». Jy2-2t* HIHAM AYRBB. heoretarv B MECHANICS* RANK, PHILADEL UJf PHlA.Jun# 30 1960. _ Directors have elected JOHN WIEGANP.Jr.. Cashier, in place of Joseph G. Jtfitohell, resigned, and JOSEPH G .Ml rCHE- L Vioe President, in place of Georee H. Stuart, resigned. jy2-3t J, B MITCHELL, President. fV5=» ALFRED JENKS A SON-GUIDES IL? BURG MaCHINB WORKS. July 2. 1860 JOSEPH G. MiTGHELL becomes a partner in this enabUsumentlrom this date, the name and style of tho firm to remain unchanged. The counting*h£»u»e has be*n removed from unoes >*urg to No 63 North FRONT Street, Philadelphia, where orders l*»r goods and all communications forth© rm may be »ont. ALFRED JENKfi 6c BON. BAR ‘OM H JKNKR. JOfiKpH G MIIV.HKLL Jy2 St fy-s=* PEALS of r.AUGIITER.-THE REV. kJ? WM. H. AID BURN. by special request, will repea* In* inimitable Lecure on__ „ WHaTA BLIND MaNaAVT IN ENGLAND, AtCONC • RT HALL.MONDAY EVENING. July 21. Thisis the raos amusing and exciting Leoture ever delivered in tmsoity,causing peal* on peals o« laugh' ter. At th* olosenf the Lecture the great and sublime naintiutof the COUR.TOKi»EAni will t« exhibited. TiokeU 25 oents, aumitting to the whole. 8 o'clock _ Je3J-2t fY*T=» UNIVERSITY OF PENN§YLVANIA- Jjj DM'aRI'MKNT O- AHTd.-Tfi-annual com mencement for conferring Degrees mtne Art* will be he'd on TUB*Da *. the thlid day of Jul* .in the MUSI CAL FUND HALL. The procession will leave the College Halt at ten o*o'ook A M. The Rovarerd Claret, Judges of the United State* and dt&te Court*, the Mayor of the city.beleet and Common Connells, the Board of irect ra Ann President of the G.rard College, the Principal of the Central High School, the candidates for the Degree of Mailer of Arts and other graduates of the University are invited to attend. GEORG- ALLEN. Je3ojy2 3-3 t Secretary of f e »acult> of Art*. rT5* UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— [I3 DBPaKTMKNP OF ARTd-lh***x-minftt’on of candidate* for admission will he bold at the UNiVER BITY on MONDAY, the saooud day of Jut, af ten pVook A. M. Students can apply fpr admission to pursue the full cour*<? for the degree of Haoheior of Art*, or onlr that portion pf it fur which the degreo or Bachelor of Boience is givpn, or any such portion as the Fepu'tv ma tahouad. ” GEORuK A L‘ N. Je2fl 3pJ>2 Secretary of the Faoulty of Arty. rfar* ROST OFFICE, DHILAPELPHIA, PA., Ik? , . * . . JPxssrth.JSdo. Tne lato Apt of Congress restricting the compensatton of coqtrao or* for oarryin* the Mail* to California. Ao., by sea. htv ng rendered it impracticable to nuke ron tr»ot«for#uoh aom-e, lettkr Miui.s will hereafter, be made up at this Office. daily, f r California, Oregon* and *v»*hington Territory to be conveyed by the Om laiut Route, via St. Louis, Mo. This Office has rote* yet been notified of Any arrange ment nv which Newspapers, Ao. f for three pom s can BSFOBW EDBD. A. B. BROWNE. JttZfl dt Praimaster. rrg* oum OF THfc i'HILAmPHIA ILSf AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. ’ MaBCH, 1860 The holders of the bonds of this Company, duo July 1, 1350.0 an now receive,upon applicationat this of&oe, 10 Ksr oent. in o&sh, upon the terms apeoified in the oirou irattached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink* ins Fund 6f 9140,000 por annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1850, and in pur*uanoo of the oontract. entered into by he company and duly recorded, to oarry the same into ffao ‘- ;..cir|4a4- ' Tr ™' Notice to She Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Ka*Jroa«J Componv Mortgage Rinds t rfu* July 1.1860. Thaw bpnda ate secured ay the first mortgages on th*. road, amounting in the aggregate to $3,308,400. The apt royenue for the last fisoal year was six time* the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty yean, the holders retaining the bonds and the seounty of the mortgages in the preoise condition in which they erenow held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued A bonus pf 10 per cent, will be given tp the holders, in consideration of their assents to the extension. This bonus will be paid wo&fh to the bearers of the bonds, on thpir cignuiil fcjeoeijt and presenting their respec tive toads at the office oft he Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. By Order of the Board of Managers. «> W VIrItWVWV. W*nr**Urv. ISAAC ROBERTS, REAL ESTATE . Agent, No. 233 south THIRD Street. Philadelphia, and Nor.iatotfn, Fa. City and country property for sale, exchange,and rent. Titles earnfully examined} conveyatoing correctly executed 5 money loaned on firrt mortra-ei. .. „ , Rkfkrkxcf.*.—Hon. D. M.jPmyser, President Judge, Norrittuwn P . » *ev. J Grier, Ralston, Principal Oakland Seminary, Nornstown, Pa. J?q St* TO HOLDERS OF BOJSDS PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CQ n AH holders of above bonds who do not tatwd to extend, their bonds on the tojmsof tho Company's Ciroular of FEBRUARY lasi, can find purchasers tor tho same at par and accrued interest. Aftor Ist of JULY no interest will be allowed. Apply to DREXEL & 00., jfc2S-m 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NOTICE—By the resig- V' jintion of WM. DWIGHT, Jr,, as Direotnr and Punenn*endent. all connection between him and the Gloucester Manufacturing Compftnr bea-ea from this date. b f 0. JAN VIER, Tpatulw. By.inutualarranrement between tbfl partios, all oon* n c o*ion of Whl DWIGH ', L., with tihe b* use of DAVID 8, BROWN & 00.. ceases tri'rn this date. DiVID 8. * CO, „ WM. DWIGHT, Jr. ytyladelgMa, June 22,1560. Je3a At* “'T'HEKE IS NO S,UOH WORD AS FAIL” . **■ intaking a Phonograph at Rcimer’a. SECOND, above OK RES How there be while every oooveni* for produoiug such gems as he ia daily K’JSIN.— 3000 bbls. Shipping Rosin, .Oibth store and for sale hr ROWLEY, *PR BURNER,* CO„No, Jan MARRIED* DIED. NOTICKS. Duo Ist JULY, JBfiQ. 186® - - excursions. 1177 ■■ f lllimilill l FOURTH .OF JULY via NORTH IKNNSYLV ANIA RAILROAD-Aion •lon iloken, to Bethlehem Gpoa FOR THREE DAYS, from roormn* ol dar of purohaee, will bo maed from tli*3d of July, until the 14th of July, from th*tioket o/hceo of the Company, at Willow street and Berks street- Fare for the Kxoursion S 3 These excursions will afford an excellent opportunity to parties oeslrous of spending the Fourth or July in the-plessantaatMu* tersstlnr town of BeUiUhem,-with \U hlstono assooia tlonsand beautiful ofvliiting the military encampment of the. National Guardi, of this city, which corps intends to oampout on the sth of July, in the im mediate vimmtjr of Bethlehem, andareraam m oamp until the 14th of July: Tjo}c*ts good on any of the THREE THROUGH 1 RAINS. Leave Philadelphia at 630 A. M., ~30 P.M.,andSP. M. Leave Bethlehem at.A3 AM.9 30 A M„ anu5.22 f. M. jyl ELLIS CLARK, »«ent. H 0! FOB A DIP IN THE BREAKERS!—GRAND AN;- UAL EX URSION of the AMP HIOaN ASSOOI ATI™. to the BHJFFLER HOSE to ATLANTIC OIT*. on THURSDAY, Fennaylimnia Comet Band is engajred for the oooaeion. Tlokeu 8125 Can be had of J G. Clothier, Frank* lord row. opposite the Wm. Perm Hue Hous* : Foster & 00 Vf..f?£ J. Pascoe, Fifth, abo re Chestnut street: I hoinas Mason, t-coondaod washing* ton streets; Shifter Hose House. Reert street, below tfe ex°urtlon *• Vme *® treet wharf on the morning of the The last boat leave, the Vine-.tree t wharf at 6 o’olook A. M. precisely. i jSSt* SUMMER RESORTS. JJEDLOE'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. At the terminus of the Railroad, on the left, bovond the Depot.—This House is NOW OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visitors, and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel in *tlantioCity. Ihe chambers have l>eon verv mu<*h improved, and rendered sioro comfortable by Venetian blinds having been put up at the windows. Charts moderate. Children and Servants Half Price. • ar {. ,e , s *i* , ?uldkeontheirs«atsuntUthecaTsarrive fro Aof the Hotel. The signs are conspicuous. Jyi-lra ALOYS SHAUFIER’B RAH ROAD road 7^S EL ’ ATJ ' ANIIC 01TY, oppoeita the Kail- SITUATION ON THE ISLAND. Newly fitted UP with new beds and bedding. Hunting and Lodging &\ p»rday. jyl NEW PUBLICATIONS. rriHR WATEfI-OORB JOURNAL FOR A JULY, now ready, oontamsi Hjgienio and Drag Medioat;nn Contrasted; Diseases of the Throat and Lungs i Home Praotioe or the Movement* Cure—'Treat iu?nn°‘i ho i9 ro { l «? * A Necessity : A. Home oa- Him Dose; Ur. Winship’s Exper enoe; The Cattle Dis ease t Lolluiion between Doctors and Druggists; and rauohothor matter useful to every reader. A Ntf.W VO UMh oommenoes with the fbxsbnt number- and now is the tin e to aubsorib*. Only at & ye*r. Address FOWLER Jr» atd43'.W 038 Phila. rriHE SWEDISH MOVEMKNT-CURE, .• s l *te rT and Philoaophy. with praotioal direo tiong for the treatment nf various Diseases, Illustrated with 70 ngravings storming a Complete Manual o - Exercises. ByUto. H. Payior. M. D. lvol. Umo, «d pate,. Price, aj^.. JOHN ... cftlj o *' or »2ii CHBBTNUT Street. Phila, This,is the firstcnniplete w-rk on this subjeot pub lished in Mneilca. It will be found unefu to all daises in nr out of the profession, and to all men women, and children. j>s 2tdiltW COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, Dt ‘■SOLUTION.—The partnership here* tofore existing under »h* C>m of POwELL lr HAZ. ITandPOW Li, HaZLET l. & CO.-is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Wm. H. Powell retiring from business. ’ WM. h. POW'LL, , ROBERT M.HaZLETT. June 30,15C0 3t* KDGAR C. LYONS. f] OPARTNEKSHIpTI The undersigned .V / J ,av ®r lh d s .il’} jr rw* nler F‘ l into & copartnership u' der the firm or HAZLE •, LA« ilftuP,* LYONB, as suc cessors of Powejl Hazleit. A Co , and will co'-duot the l , i*A n tS a V. u fP n, *&U hßo,l, i. Und 414 MARKgT, and 409 MbR LHANT Street, Philadelphia R BbwT M. HAZLRTT, July 3, IBfiO-St* EOGAR^cVLYONS, F * r IvUTED P P.—A limited partnership has this day been entered into by Thomas D. Pillinglias', -aii>uel M. Duffield, iSdw.n F. Partridge, and James Abbott. Ist. Toe name or.firm under which said partnership shall be,conducted is TiLuINGHaSr, DUFFIELD. A PAftlß'DGe;. 2d. The business to be transacted is the wholesale Boot and Bhoo busi ess. 3d. The general partoers are Thomas D. Tillinehast, Samuel M. Dumeid, and hdwin F. Partridge ; tne spe oial partner is James Abbott, all residing in the city of Philadelphia. 4h. The ameuntof capital contributed by the said speoiftlp »r«ner Is twenty thousand dollars. _ Oth. The pArtr ership shall commence on the 3d day of Ju<*. A.D. 1860 and shall terminate on theSlstdayof December, IB6i * T. D. TILLTNGHaBT* ) |dw L xn f. l part'w l dgb.( General p,rtners - JAMt.B ABBOTT, epeoial Partner. (Jy2 m6t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —L, S. V' HACKER, late of HACKER & CON aRD, has this day associated witn him »s copa-tners M. K. «E9AR. of Lancaster county, and B. FRaNK WINGER, of Fronklin county, under the Btjlo and title of •« ACKER, kEGAII Jc W INGFR,. for the transaction of a general Dry Go.-ds Jobbing business and will omtinue the samo at the old stand, 223 MARKET street. LBYI 8. HACKER, MARHN K. REGAR, T».„ , , , « frank Winger fhllada., July 2,18 30. jya*3t* COPARTNERSHIP —The undersigned have this day formed a r opartnersh p under the firm of AHUiHWATr. HART, Sc, Co., for the purpose of transacting the Wholesnle Boot and Shoe Buiitem. at No. 135 MARKET Bticet. LOWELL RHUMWAY, GE RG«! W. HART, D. JV CHANILbH. M. J. JOYCE. Phllsdelpha, July 2.1603. j;2 mw« 3t* C PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—JAPAN h .'i??« t Jl’.^ ,,l sLr," MOO i ,lted ourselves as COM MISSroN MERCHANTS, under the title of HABER -BHAiU A STEARNS, and shall be happy to Attend to business for our friends and others in the Ui.itrd Btates. A. W. HABRRBH • M K ~ „ JNO.O.P STEARNS. Yxkoltama KaxAGitVA, Japan, Jan.). 18u0. Jy2 mwf3mo TUB COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under tho firm of WEST. FnfltS k LLOYD, is this da> dissolved, by the withdrawal of H. P. LLOYI). The business will he settled by the re* meming partners, who will continue the i»AY GOODS 9°r.‘'\^ BlONß UBlNEBo, under the firm ofWxST ec FOoKS Philadelphia, June 30,1350, jyg.6t DHSOLUTION OF PARTNER'HIP. —The partnership heretofore existing between tne sabeontrers for oonductinc the seed business at 13» Market Street, has tins day been dissolved, by mutual consent. Jv2 St Philadelphia, June 30. 1860. UETAII> DRY GOODS. Glossy silk poplins, Reduced to muoh below usual prices. SHaRhLKSS brother*, jyj S-H CHESTNUT Bt. Gray travelling goods. Frioes much reduced. BH ARPLt-S3_BROTHriRB, BQf CHESTNUT BT. Barege and organdy robes. Many of them at one half of usual prices. SHARP L 8» BROTHERS, 801 CHESTNUTBt. FRE'CU LAWNS AND OPvQaNDIE^ Sslhnv the lummor B.rialf at vary lovr rate, BHARP EBB HKOI'HIS«B. «0 i CHE-TNUTSt pUARLhS . Dams a son yj Hfive made ANOHI'-'R REDUCTION OntliPi. stock of , , . . _ SUMMER GOODS, Ana oontinue tonifer GR“ AT INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS, fortwo weeks prior ta waking an alt iaion in their store. They prefer ai-il'i.-i below cost than carrying over goods to anther season. Frenoh Lace Bournous, French Lace ©bawls, Frenah Laos ttußeniss, Hrenoh Lace Points. Frenah L ae Pioooionuuieg, Bilk Mantillas In every variety. Dress Goods for *umine». • ressOnodufsirtbe Seaside, Drou ti i»aa for the country. Press Qonds far the city, Fine Organdies and Lawns, FouLA** 0 81 Lh B cl* si g out below cost. S' 4 W f hinUea 12>i0 * usually tt oents. l ' ffijuSvnnUD FURNIB INO GOODS is not surpagted, eitherm qualhyor pries. js3Q tf EIGHTH ANij aRuH OTREETB. LAWMS. — assortment fast colors figured LAWiidand rioh BAREGES, i ilkj Lawns, S'arrxe "ones, SlueLwi.s, Lutle F’oun-es, Pink Lawns, Luble'kirt, Brown Lawns, Gay Styles, Black l-nwig Neat Styles, ChopoMo L*wns, Black Bareges, Finer G-ades, Gren^oines, Fine Mohairs for Travelling Urns Goods, Excellent •» d cheap Mantilla Silks, Mantles and Punters Lace Points a dM ties, G od BlaokSUk Mantles. N. B.—Some bargains in oheap nress Goods at 12 to 18 oents. „ „ COOPEK a CUnAhjy, jeff 8. E. comer of NINTH and MARKET. jyjrii'US WEAR, BOYS* WEfjR, Cloths, Fancy Carsimsrss, Cheap Cassimeres, Linen Dribs, Marseilles Vestings, Cheap Ooatin s, A large atook of the best quality, and at oheaper rates than ever sold. COhPERa CONAHD. JeiSJ S. E. oorner NINi H and MARKET. MEDICINAL, JN. KLINE & CO., 110 WALNUT ST. • J. N. XLI»E k CO., 1-0 WALNUT Street. L N‘ KLINE * CO.’, 110 WALNUT SKt! arcmatc dioestive coAßial AROMATIC BICIEaTIVK CORDIAL AROMATIC BWESTIVK CORDIAL AROMA™ DIGEBTIVE CORI,IAL WILL CURE TBE DYSPEPSIA, WILL CURE THE HEARTBURN* WILL CURE CRAMP IN THE STOMACH,&o. Read the following certificate from Hon. J.B. S OST, U. 8. Marshal. Eastern Distuot of Pennsylvania* /»«*£*■ ®'« * J&ZSSES&fV of my family, hnvini Buaiir,.( with tho Uynpetnia for several year., was lutoly reoommemleil by a frieml to try your Cord M : and I am happy to ear tnat before ustna the oontenta of one bottle ahe could enioy her meals with a good appetite without feeling the least Inconvenience, l take treat pleasure in reooramending it to all who are afflicted. AROMATIC DIQEaT VE" , cbKm'AL- : 'hi» O M?M. lent and agreeable preparation is one of the bes* means of i4uprpving the appetite promoting digestion, and giving sirenslh and tono to tho storaaoh, which has yet boon offered to the publio. It is an old ‘(Mman receipt, and has been in use for many y*ars in the families or the manufacturers, whore it has proved an invaluable remedy for DYbPFPSiA HEARTBURN. FLATULENCE, and CR° MFS lN THB 'TOM ACH, from cold indigestion? AH persons having the least tendency to indigestion should never be without it, as a small wine-glass full, taken after meals, will exolude the possibility of contracting the dyspep»i&. * It |> composed of fifteen ingredients, Ritter, snd Aro maticß. nud only needs to bo tested to ho approved and appreowted. auu ft is a pleasant beverage, and may be used with thSU'trf.Sthf’ 4,4 b^ To be (tad nt all the leading Druggists’ and Qrooers’. ssnr Ut - Jel3-wfinSm Stre't. ODOMETER BAND COM. are durable cheap and efficient, ipsa, urmgwtth uner ring aoouraoy an> dtstanoa passed over hy.the vehiole towhioh they are attached. 1 hose eatra-finished Bando cost but a trifle ntora than inferior bands without the Odometer. E. s.-nGond, reliable AgenU Wanted in all parts of the PI*M« ■«.nd far wiril-lm Hair jewelry store and manu- PaCIORY Orders promptly attended to, DILKEB, lb North EIGHTH tttreet, abo\o Market. Je-» HAMS ! lIAMS! HAMS! primp new Siuat Cured Hams 10 cents per lb., (warranted.) CHAB. SMITH k BRO,. 12t* N. VV, oomer SIXTH PINE, uy^s? - * ■W/"AKTID A iSIXHATfON BY A Addraea. ‘SaleemaH.’ Blood’e ° U j ' ANTED—large score in a' business ’ * location, with dwelling attaoned. and Briva*A entrance. atiilr.M, Box," JSSI, tost office. A BOmC-KEfPEK WILL BE OPEN Ssi°" in a f' w d «»- iilJrees >• p,„. roan,' office ot this paper. i’JJ-St' W^ANTBD—A. situation in an Importing " * or Commission Home, or in a first-nlassDry Goods Jobbing House, as buyer or salesman by agen* tleman of Urge experience and qualified to fill eHher branohof that business. Addreis •• Stewart.” at this .offioe. je3o-3t* VyANTED—A Housekeeper’s situstion, _, T byalady wW thoroughly understand* the duty, and is Btnotlr honest Ha* no ohjeotion to go to the M?Si r J»» nT er fl D S? and required. Address “ Mrs, Marley/ 1 Dispatch. je29 4t* PARTNER WANTED.—The Advertiser *• .wishes to negotiate with an aotive busineee man. hav ng a oath capital of 83 000. to taka an interest in a sare and profitable manufacturing business, yielding already a handsome income. Particular* will be given on an interview being had. Address M Profit,” office of The rrtiS, * jo t * A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD ■f* muoh experience in the Dry Goods trade wishes & situation in a wholesale house as Book-keeper or Sales man, Undoubted reference given. Address “Wil ltam,” at this paper. j>» et* MAP and PRINT OOLORTNG.—Two 4 T * B * yonni ladies, who have had ocnsiderable expe rience at Map and Print Coloring, wish to secure work kind. Can furnish reference. Apply at9o9soatbniXTH ofreet jetff-lot* npo BROKERS AND BANKERS.—An ■ a ccountant who has had long experience, and who, through his oor nections. can influence a large araoont of dry goods trade paper, from Philadelphia and B xton houses wishes to mike an engasemen' with a first- JlM* Ranking House or Kroner. Address - P. P..” at this office. Je37-wfsm 4t* 'NTED—A Situation, by a man, tbirty-seyen years of age. of extensive experi ence in business, ol good ad. ress. and competent to fill almost any position, either as a clerk, suneriLtecdeDt. Of salesman is very respeotabty connected, ana can give the mo»t satisiactory references as to integrity, ca Dooity A moderate saUry for h® tWo39toti * Address *' B. G. H.j” office FOB SALE AND TO LET. jyjISSOTJJRI LAND!! Acr s ! fnr Sile ' at ® rioe .* ran.tai from 12K to T?vlP!* H’. r , Ao ' t ii" anjao.rmtie. reamred. for pwchi - rmn on av!°L™ in ‘ * poltl<o atan »'- WILSON, RaWLTNGS Sc CO., U. B. and General Land agents, „ CH -BTNUT Street, Between THIRD and *o> Rvii, ;i2-Sm WA,IRAMTS 'w«M.. o 1 ill a n d*l ooa te'iL 1 °' JUNTRY PLACE, 15 acres, to'rent for U *. m n m A r H°r. a r trpr ono ®» CaR- Germantown. Kent only owl) per annum. jeBo-3t* * r>UIVATE BALE—Of three hundred aud A«. ,^ ,rtjr j aort *t °/ •«Pcrior Land, a small sort’on olear d and remainder heavil* Umbered with Hiokurj, Walnut, Beeoh, Biron. Kird eie Mapl«, and White Pino, this hnd is not made upof stone moun tains or swamp, but is rolling la< d hand nmely ■ tuated mJaokson rownship Potter county. Pa.; and near KrU t -. vn ‘ A * taU land »* near the v\ r K,“®tehJL , P 7 , i, , ii?S t "“* ,p ,Dor * l “ “* i.m r m „ , . GEORGE MOORE. jg»-fmy 3 ISorrittuTa, 810 OAPITALIBTS—FOR SALE— •OI, Maohmen, Stock, and Fixture, of a Ur., manofaoton of PAPER HAROINOs, iSpliu with every convenience for oarrymg on an extenetve bnti- Qess. A desirable investment to persons of energy who can push the business. For tale with or without the bailing. Inquire at 323 CHESTNUT Street Jalfiwfmtfif HART. MONTGOMERY* * CO. JR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a . Whole«ale Boot and Shoe House, now dome a good buame*s. This is a good opportunity for any one wishiug to go into the business x>r a house wat.tmg to increase their tr'-de, B&tiaf otofr reasons givini for ■r'in. out. Aodreu “Fort 280” Pmlauelpbla Po.t Offloe, wi*h name. Je23-tf got FOR “ALE—A desirable COUNTRY ■si RESIDENCE, with about tan acres of Land, and improvemen s. near the Brandywine, six miles sonth of West near the Baltimore Central Railroad. Address J. W L ON, Je 19-im* Patkev lie,Chester county,Pa, SALE OR TO LET—A Double , Stone ottace. Germantown, situate on Dewey's lane, second house from Thorp's lane, five minute* walk from railroad Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to F. 8. WIL* ON, Jed-lm 60.1 CHEBTNUT Street, gi TO LET OR FOR HALE—A FOUR *Jtstory house* double book buildinr*, all modern im provemcuu, m complete order; an elerantlar«eyard. Termßlowio a *ood tansnt. Situated No. 1994 CHESTNUT Street, osplyat No. 719 CHESTNUT Btreet. in the Masonic Hhii roy»-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sales«large jot in the Boath western section of the city, well adapted foraNursery. Termsaooommoda ting. For particulars address •• K.” at this omoe. avl7-tt PIIO LET. —The first floor of the fine build* , ing. No.7(W CHLBTNUT street, formerly occupied for a wholesale (and late y a* a retail) fancy goods and perfumery store. Ajpplrat the office of JULES HAU&L fc CO., No, TO4 OHfcSTNII C street. Phils. j»4-lm TITEST CHESTER BOARDING.—PIea * * sant Room* and good Board can be had by as - West GAY Street, West Chester. ie24-th3tmU* CUMMER BQARDTNG.—Persons wishing to go to the country can find pleasant Rooms with £2^^A°''ommo d fttio n s*at the WASHING TON HOUSE, DURY./».J. The House has been e'tire'y re modeled and refura.shed throo*hou . For terra*. &0., , Jo«N P Pa’PPB. WoodvUTy,N.i.. ’ je23 13t* Late of Man*ion House, West Chester, fa. ISKIV *TE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and -R- their families, or single gentlemen, esc be accom modated with Board, with plea*ant ant! handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST 8t„ south side of Washington r>quare. The location, bring opposite to one of the handaomeit parks In the city, u oeq p ral,- and extremely pleasant. Transient person* as-sasaa) piAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN WISH * ING FIRBT*OLAB' BOARD, with cool Rooms, pan now have choice at 9 S WALNUT St. je4-lm* npWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE accommodated with good, aiTy apartments, (with orwitbrut board,)in a private family. Location cen tral., Address “ TOLBERT,** through Blood’s Dis patoh. »p» JOHN DICK, M.W. DICK. rjORN EXCHANGE bank, tate Tax, and payable on demand. J/WITOaREY, Cashier nPEAOHER WANTED*— Wanted, by tho jk first of September nix*, a ladr teooher is a Semi nary a few mileq irum tGhcity, in a pleasant and healtn ful ceighhothoou. To one co upetent. a fair salar* will bp sivflu, Address •• Academy,*’ Holmesbur P. «/., Landscape i« oil, pastell, DRAWING, an I FRENCH LANGUAGE, if de sired—a Parisian and hi* wife would like to find asi tuation in the above. No objection to travel; best re ference ; sp canon for ability. Address •* Artist ” at this office. JsM 3t* M’SS I UOY R MAYER and Mra. R. M. BIRD will reopen their for Yoqng Ladies at lnlO SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY. 8«p -temh*»r 17th. 1840. j»2-1m REMOVAL.— B. LIEBER has removed to \23 South SECOND street, between Chestnut and Walnut, and continues to import Brandies Wines, to. jy2 3t* KEMOVAL SMALL & CHANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have removed from M North SECOND Street, to Its MARKET Street above Front, north side. iaS fJAJLL’a PATENT PLATED ICE PITOHEj? Entirely different in their construction from all others rod WARRANTED to keep the ICE LONGER than toy Pitoher now in use at & temperature seventy oe trees Fahrenheit. The above Pitoners will keep the water oold for twtnty four hours. * A pound and a half of loe in three pints of water will last sevtn hours and fifty five minutes ; white the same mantity in an ordiaary stone pitoher. at the same em perature, only lasts two hours and fifteen minors l Persons shoutd not confound these Pitchers with those usually sold, but inquire for HALL’S PATENT. WM. WILSON & SON, ooia A,ant, for the Manufaoturer. 8. W. Comer FIFTH and CHERRY Streets, mylft-tf QHOICB OLARET WINES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Comer ELEVENTH and VINK Streets. HAVANA OIC^ARS.—Just received, per bark Ann Elizabeth, a 1a ge and varied assort ment comprising several new brands, together with others or the most celebrated— » BlnokSea,” Adorsolon, Figaro, Neptuno, Cabanas, 1 . Partagas. Lig l tnmg, ArrovoHondo, Arqußlln. pruebese &0,A*0.. all the Regalia, Concha. Opera, Londres. Mu'ar, Figurine*, and pressed sizes—now in store, snd for sals low. by CHARL* « TKTE, jeSO Sw 130 WALNUT Street. pyinann Havana cigars, of dir ferent brands, all »‘ze* a" d juices, in store, by reoent arrivals, and 'or sale bL_._ _ je.lo 3w OwARLKR Tl*Tf». 13Q WALNUT Street. AZUMBA ! AZDMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMBAi AZUMBA! AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKINS POWDER Menufeetnred FOURTH Street. for«»'» h ~ *'* w - mvM-aynif JLIjUMIMATORo. Every one isi'omelsinmg nrthßir exorbitant ra» bihs. At No. S3.South THIRD Street, may be seen th« " best Lamps in the wor>d ’* Can be used wherever light is wanted. Cneaper than coal, nil, or gas. are making $OO a week selling them. More wanted. $.80,000 sold. , The Gas Lamps will light a room SO feet square fori cent an hour, or will burn all night for a few cents. , . , DR. C. A. GRaENE * CO., mvai-thsfcm-lv Nn, 53 South THIRD Street. FIRST PREAHUM GAS-LIGHT SI COOK STOVES, &c.. FOR SUMMER USE.- To keep the kitchen and house ecoi-rto save time in mak and olearung alter fiiea—get one BHAW*B (of Philadelphia) Patent Gaslight Gooc Stoves. If you want a ctoye that the fire o%n be lighted and put out the samasaan ordinary gaslight, and will cost you Jem .for gas than tor coal fire, get one of T. BUAW*B Gaslight Cook Moves. Thet* Stoves are warranted to bake and boil, roast and broil, heat flaVuioni,they are also got up >n different Styles, to suit tailors, hatters, druggists, Hd. ISipand Who li th« fiola owoev ano lii.nufVc'.ursT,' , Nona Xenoioo vvitKrmt JuaN TfERSHAWB nama and number cait on tlia nania. "Can ba seen m oforation at all times. JW piaase out tM» <H)I for U)tnro referenda, wy9*fia-5m WANTS. BOABDING. DIVIDENDS. EDU CATIONAIi. 11EMOVAX.S. amusements. TXTHEATDS Y ft CMRKg’S AHOH* ▼ » “THVET TRE.T E. THIS/Mon*,,) KVBNIHO. JULY M,vm, fld Kvery bvenins * „ THK 1 3 „ - Or, The My«t«rie*of the Lurneburg,. Sir Rupert. Mr. Lewis Baker; Larlme, the • Queen. Mrs* John L'rew. To commence with the Cnmedielta, entitled COOL AS A CUCUMaER. Door* open at half-p&st7 o’clock. Performanoe Wiil co i D r^? n t ?« atSprecisely, a dmission34cts. BOX BOOK open r*N DAVB in advance. PUNNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE r«n£ Il ? 8 *“ :l , 025 CHESTNUT Street. ♦nVr i^! nins a large collection of Pamtinrs andJScnlp «,a.* frorn 8 * M. title P. Ad miwion «8 ptN.. children under 13 rears. 11 cents, jyk-tf KIFLK AND FlSlOLUflL f'!r.sTai,T> s. Ko ? »W*. comer of EIGHTH and tnJrlr rard?for r H.fIA nl* u ?- (i allerj h«e a distance of iHrltl Bhootinr, with two large Sky fea-lm* h mo,t COTBpI ® 10 Gallerr m the Union. 7 Qaiexies-raoe JOHH M HBOUIS^?'8 0 Sr > . ! ma THi PI«AT|| o/^HEMlsafc. ALL THE COMPANY, SALOMON'S TEMPLE. beautiful, andperwotisodeloftne grand e*t and most interegtmg buildutg ever built u erayel in the immense saloon of ,rwwi _ market, stheet. Thß Model is M feet long, 34 feetwide*andl9feet high; lighted by*» gas jete,and the preeentM bjr ®oJigareo arrayed in Jewish costume, surrounding the various courts, give it a life-like ap pearance. Read Ist Kir rs.Sth to Bth chap.; 1 Chron., 38th chap.; 34 Chrrm.. 4th and 7thi ohapa; and Exodus, «th chop., for oontents and description o? Solomon’s Temple, oil of which is iaithfallr represented in the Model. OPEN TO VISITORf. with explaaatwS*, &om 10 to IS A. iyi,. 3 to r, and 7H to 10 K. M Admission, 25 cents: ohildr*n. half price. n? ia . V* o *.* cC l *i A lo ..wer rates to Schools, Clubi, Societies, Sco., nnt l July 7 m y t tf CHINA AND GLASSWARE. CJTION—FR*>H FRUIT J ißS.—The are caationed a.aimt the v.rion, imitation, Of hah i ELL’S FATEJ.T ALL-'.LASS AIR-T GHT JARS, now in market. The genuine have Hortell's name on the cover n* der the patent, , KARTELL A I.ETCBWos fH, Jel3-lmif* No. 13 North FIFTH street POISON— FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The aoid of fmit alwaj* corrodes the surface of metal; be oarefal. therefore, to purchase nir Jais of (aai and Cover* of Gla«. HAKTE».L'S r'A i ENT AIR TIGHT ALL-GLar-8 Jeßs a r e admitted obe theomr reliable and perfectly eafeiar in m»r»st .... ~HA*;TbLL St I.ETCBWORTH, jel3-lmif* Manufacturers, No. 13 N. FIF H street. D > NOT GO INTO TH« COUNTRY without purchasing HARTELL'S ALL PATE V l AIR-TfGHT JARS.—Miss Nicholson’s oele br ted oook book, with full directions for suttinx up traits. Ao- together with «0 useful teeeipts, '■a£l - t LETCH WORTH. JeUlmifr ' Worth FIFTH Street INSURANCE COMPANIES. T<HB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAHY OF KEW YORK. BIZ OOL3JLRR, The premiums are lowxu than in many ether f-irwa niee, and the Dividends have been sinns, iiLoite to tbi imnn, Pamphlet*, and every information, mat b* eiATU, on application to - ■*. KATCHFORD STARF, Agnt, B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT SteeaU. S PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE i lomas Robins, John Welsh, SWWfcfi?* js&fi&s* it wi£as& John M. Arwootl, Artha- «”coai, \ JhonuuiH. Power,, Biorf, W. Tclalui, WtUiamMogee. Thoawuaor. -—*lyil. E»AME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. M. 4M CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED STATE OF CONFINES TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. . , „ , . tjlvicTole Samuel Wn,ht. D. B. Birner, HWm. w. Walter,, J. w. Brennan. Rrohardaon. Henrj Leirie, Jr.. SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND Com- Boildinr, sontheast comer WALNUT apd FOURTH .Streets. Open daily from 3 fill 8 o'clock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. This Old Insfituuon has always paid in full, on cemond, without notice. ~1. INTEREST five per cent. Ail sums paid ALEX, JfHILLDIN, President. 6AMb. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. UTHarper, George Nugent, John Auspaoh, Jr„ SomL T. Rodine, Ald. a Roberts, John Aikman,. Joras Bowman. H. H. Eldrtdge, JOHHB.WIMON,Trea»i»»w. JOHN C. 8IM I *. Seoretary. jeJO lm SJPRING GARDEN SATING FUND, z S®,? 6 * v 3 .? 1 , North THIRD Street, between Vine and CanpwhiU. Incorporated by the Legislature April 44tb, lSfil. Open for Deposits and Payment daily, from 0 per cent. p,r annnm. repoaitoT. can •witt draw their "oner, bj Check., if daatred. Special oe toatu received. JAMES 8. PJUNGLE, FreaidenL Frtaell H.nv. Banretar. aaan.«?if MEDICINAL. J>ROF. MORRIS’ EUCEPHALOS, PROPEB*OR MORRIS* PHOFBSBOR morr is * PROFESSOR MORRIS* EUCEPHALOS. fiJoEPHihoa. AN imbBiBLE^ 01^4108 * AN INVALUABLE AM INVALUABLE REMEDY* external remedy; FOR DISEASES OF THE TE^'AL RiiMSDY, FOR D18«A8E8 OF THE FOK DISEASES OF TRS NERVOUS BYBTEM. NERVOUS BYSTKM, NERVOUS SYSTEM, Asoooul6*ed by intense . APPLICATION OP THE MIND tp th® r*searehee of Literature, the tu-neera® of Commercial aad Financial Business. aadtne affaire of Proies*ional and Political Life, or a® occasioned br anr other cause f'ora irbioh th® Nervous bjstem has be* com® exhaust'd aid diseased. The sympions covered br this valuable Preparation are numerous: of whioa the aoreoronunentare. KXCIThMK ‘T OF THE BRAIN. AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND. CHKONCS NEURALGIA, NERVOUSHRAD*CHE Etc., He. The is carefully prepared, by p«r mlasifn, from the Formula or PH OF W. MORR[*», M. p., of this whioh he refers id hi* Philosophical Pamphlet; '‘PSUKIKoS.*’ On the relation* or the Ganmio-Nervous System to the immaterial soul of mac. Having exhibited tne orinoiple* and commended the system of Composite Homoeopath*. Proiessor M. ears: “It map be permissible that I should offer, u an il lustration, my own case. A continooe coarse of stu dies for annmber of sears had, to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effects of extreme mental ap plication, by attenuating the prime centres ofor»an»o and intellectual life, and hence arose a felt r ece*jity of personal relief. Having a well* founded confidence in Composite Homoeopathy and an ion mate aoquainUnoe with Materia Meat a ol the Homceopatnie School i seleoted certain substances of ascer ained harmomona relations and approved uses, and oombised their ewen tm) properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened br the possession of a medicinal resource." Professor Morns describes the mode of application, and then adds: “In this way the - desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, the cangho nervous system restored to its former tone, and mtatal clearness, tranquillity, and vj« or—at th- age of nearly thTee too re-are the much valued results.’’ IvV .Vvl V O MIV W.VJI •AJ UVU I DiUI M. Prepared.and sold *BOLE aLE, by MOCKRIDGR A CO., No. 63 North FOURTH Street, Piuladetpiua, ana at RETAIL by .Druggists generally. Pnoe, 91 per brittle, large size—fiO cents small size. m»23 Btmf inirnyi For the INbTANT RELIEF and PER- AolUMl MANENT CURE of this distressing oom- plaint.nac FENDT»B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B, SEYMOUR k. 00., 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Price 91 per box; tent fra# by poet myT-dm ifl FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. rpHE GENUINE “NEWBOLD” HAM, FOR SALE BY 0. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH BTREETS. £J # SHOEMAKER & Co. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Streets. myS9-fim card to the public, CONGRESS SPRING* SARATOGA, APRIL 16,1660, An attempt has been made to deceive the publio, by persons offering what they call “Consrsss Watxr “ from Fountains ; and at the price of six (61 cents pa? glass. The wholesale prioe of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about 1% cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, oartage, or breakage* is apparent; bat their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress 'Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening itM total contents. We have nevsr sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of o*y other description than ordinary sized ola.BB hottlrs. The oork of every bottle of the genuine is branded ** CONGRESB WATER "0. A W.,” and any, without those words and letters on the cork, is countbrvrit, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring! The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vu: FREDERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr.,oor. Ninth and Chestnut, CHARLES ELLIS Be. Co * fii Market street, J. C. TURNPE »NY A Co., 941 Spruce street, THOS. J. HUSBAND. 296 South Third Btreat, O. 6. HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut street, A. D. D. TAYLOR, oor. Ninth and Chestnut st/eeta. Are constantly supplied by us with the genuxtu “ Cort- ORRB3 Watxb” m bottles, fresh from Die Congress Spring. „„ CLARKE 6t WRITE. aplv-Simf SSCLDaII St. N*yr York City. CJLATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELCH, SLATHR, is prepared to put ou anv amount of roofing at low rates. All work warranted to give sa to THIRD utreet and GKR- Road will be promptly attended to. ‘tW-om rUARFTI CLARIT! ILAKET! ON DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! Claret on draught, from St per eallon uprrard. Alao. N»« other.kinds or Wines aim Liquors, imported direct, by VKRRIisR k LtSILUR, 119 South SEVENTH St?eet. jeai-m* - T(JST RECEIVER—per ship ‘‘Edwin, a *«»ttmtot of JAPANESE and CHINESE GOO Do consisting of Cabinet- and Table*, rjcnly inlaid *o, 40., superior ►ilk and Pine Apple Dress Goods. w»th article* At 8 BROAD ,"«> north of MARKhT, • < «,f AND GLaM SOLI’ served oPA»trjr dM ftrourhouttheeeaeoo (Sunder’, espied), by JAMES PROSSeR, f.o. 808 MARKET N. B. DinnT, from 1, »n 3 n’ntno,. J* FAIRBANKS' FbA'J FORM SOALAS, For «a!e br FAIRBANKS A Ewing. eS*-lr 71# CHESTNUT Street. J’Slla,