The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 27, 1860, Image 3
£ . I ■ '' , Mid Iwfrmm... MH' Hft'tetijt/flMji 'wSj'. , . tiMxHtvk tooth. toviM MOitt ■ '■Wmm ’- •’■■'. tttt»t«ti»*i*t I s*/ sfef? -• * ' ■ rJMfltaaw r • i Y77-' /.K'.fvwif fOfAIICIAL Alfl> <H)*JIKKCIAIi. twwft.W.l. iW>. MghjwH fw. Tm iifjtmrir WiTrVtf rtrf~-~ ‘ -1 a r L » a **f ; MttHhu \ Bctn-oi *»»■ ilwlwrtjfcM* l«m« I£a* X . 1 ' , .n*«MUt iUc:t*af!»e* . t^, 1 Htewrtot lattewn* «U*tk* foltovui ciAiw** fro® Uw mite oiWUtor Idjjfcjl1 djjfcjlf 4 ’&**?- ;'** **"V/'’sV. V»i~ —•#’. . , Ha«l«»t«>»tjn< „; : '1...->-'-t:.—.. ._ iHfelS .1 [Tff *— *-*- - MK3lstt«*wfc «■*■*■/«« MjMf'ttAV Jpt»«| . EOoim it & K, SwntiJam,. a4)< W*l*ift'ilfW*i i .| imuhna z*»* wwoor^j^vag • ID TUct «rviae-*rti. I -ft Gr*cofttes.••**-.. «H ' ■ JL•,m..<•«,..sU<>ll v '| , ''i *■“•'• do .«..« liJi «><-^.:^ 4 «I’HtMOM S*i»' ’I.V«M. -'«•’•*; iMattw'o' * «Bt ; ?Sig3b«|4 k . it ■e§feii&s2 iiijLudil 00i a£dT»Svw»-&t «Be afurUwj , ' o ; %t TQK.-rTMr*O gyr»i»Uto ifcSnk* aodtfc* iQflftjti» firm?At ifla ?-? ,'i,- >.' 1 . i ,-i'i''‘- ! ••» ’ \ ltekiii»UfM, ‘,tS i ß!£X& mo 2!Vi!l£J?? m i SKi'f *?** *& °‘ ,;iH , »*erti»ivi|tesi.'fi : 'f J -20 1 : _-- P«KiM«Sip!<U»>> iS;-,r 2» ;•.■•».•-•iS^JjR lOSt fUt&ftt/MU! «jm«w» ; ,j vVc y y&i &?v ' r r#i * 3f) •: ✓.••'rf. ’• - f ifj : «»: ,nu i-'M-ijm? - \ipo' , \ 'St'*# .Vt- Immmi pfepiS «#>•#? ffifr \> V' tfttW-.-.'Jjj*- r ont i ' A.X Wl4ll»ini, Brwrtjtrn hkm ." •■•: 0j« liridj«* !». IV »x^iairfc«i2s,* ¥ t Georg* rota Virginia:.-.» J~L>padBD. Havana "ibwtSX&.SC jfeibn&L*: i’/i *-• vrKr^dojftiiN■ '" ! < JI owwtiiWi'TtM owi3p».up ~s*w™* >.y» ■, i, tfeauauii - ' J<sg»s'SrhßVfcl», l* , jTSSSßffiisan^. lB ''.^'.A Q Mollnia, V* - n Mms»sm!3K**“-sy.f.'MFSpMiy. Mm* „ - . JMraoatf»l* fl N I -A” igtffgi^Chattnat.aboVa Fifth. ;.: maSssi ; WH«E»M«,r» ijH HjjmvkU. NT .JOKWi HOXBIi-Chtt»»ut)rtmt.iit»T« Buth. K fan* t a «,Wt : v■■ -w *«rlc. Mil fS£«E&fci ■ glSfiS?iS r M* '-i3**3**&M £? V-fi Halt;. M®**?* >.> ijEM6S^^:sfiaawfr.^ i tl a«n,T»n«w>g;.-;i.;;. -• •■? is »-..•' SoSutma, gA: n'-; &' . «M« Fwa fstf' ''tsc"” Jtl£l£lB*!l ' y ,-.^,". ; -,; &1,C01»1M,..NY ■ - ' ; «Mi.'BAlitr ■OTEi.-ltoath «tr»4t.-heUw Aron. MSid*l.* 1 \£olJHM*ia.,Tror.N Y BpWrov*,lnminap©li?ll'J B«wtaKtotl..nld. '.ntMliutbertiflinYhatnp’n A J Itetjr^fiWetlfvU,- Iteur = t fIJP WiWM’.firifiUnco G GnawoULUbto . Jo»H»ipfcw>,p9» *fc-^v-v. :•',j:y.,' - - Z Lfcfra.r’ PUt»lwr« m ■W-ABsciatma fc la, NJr’ ' O Amite, New Haven a n S.qrßaymoyl, Albany *3 8!lAL HOTEL-*mJl *t. above Ohnetaut. esk'CtiwMtf/-; -R \YLevr», > WMfc Ch«*=er ?JLW* ; ; M^Mmnor f _Columbia • - ~ : -, f, , -- . V *»’ ~' jWr*TßBj/SfON faUTEL~-Maiks< etaeet. abase With. .;;: ’_-yr, yjtnul, WautyOTt. «d %i6vts 0Oif&, ■OTkE-A W M, •bowAiefc,*. W i .r/! . -fo •■ - ; 1. j, NATIONAL HQTJEX-mm *r»»l. .rwT. EhjMS. • f .VVati^SjSioomilrari f&JmrVtMSSmn ■, O Ldufl-r. Bobu,l H.v*n «fSIf V» *** ' uw'Ta»ioivMil’et»TiU« ■K«Bsd£ESffi;.. " ; : ; :BL4C* MUEHOTBiv-TMr, «..»&*, CUlnrtdH ri.t»SrJ(ii«id«r»‘ 'jWbto.'um.o < * w» RarMt, Penii.lwni InMriJUrUlritt., mt» •*£• ■ - r, ‘ JorYoun*■ AU.niow n Smith. YotMmrft Bi.inutid.By berry w KlßtfEMWlll. . 'H BUorer <>l»jr - into'ESaur. Sohorl co Jo. Straub SUhUjrlhill oo TMVWtKH.Ii •■•• Ib stoo«r,Bti».r«»aie JHKLtI.r.Fa ~- v> _ 1 BALD EAGLEHOTEL-ltitnl«t„»boT.CUowhill. •#as3S»fe? k ; ' :,v :iSsB&iv%-'ir, ImkstMaoo ; . MHBCBAKTr HOUiE-riUrd OrtlowUll. 1 £«polMrttm«.f» > V / AJ G Ds|», All«.fp»n M MMMlizcr, FrMßiaflktv H g!<w,-fiMuulk. yrl.T.»rbha WmOTim. Alje.lomn Ife® •ir AtSiiiJJi f. Sko Imm. I. JUbMoa, p» fOBUTAIW Hotßlf -amwaa .Sow riwrnt. iut«LfcY EHEAP HOTEL-«*«mit «.. Dflow Vm«. t »JfiUfcirt.-*JX.’ ‘-'i=t !i DUBn dWjd.WJ., ~ S itShtr, CtrbZn ea , » Hft». Socji.oo ,; KNMItM. 8n...«u Johnßeti. Back.eo 1 • : vjM)4a^J)*oJraco. x( Divuon, Pa ..... a. ms \*m;> 'Mm '•**» Jj* , •' ,; ; uupojßtations. tdq •woelK-MW gMamgSwami? tiSSroS^fe^iiy'g^g 1 ooW Orincti aftAsomK a do.'ißt Hpmmv«. £alfcMfrw£*mafß»it Uty of *iehmd»d, MitehsU .SuMtMßefn ♦'ttiaalt >*il»? H>do I(ofe*doMarodr& Atittf&rtSrCxt feado Wots *' Boontf; » bxa, S>£> do foortfsi Sl•jW,d#ts« do ttwkitoi't MaCatamon ho tfj lft<) **J & Co; HT ..y.:..., ili)ak«lUfr«ia Hioh rTSC«,*wBW‘J Bllpf/B K towr HHivo B.iWboy fawn; KWMiwtt; ■ai«»a*«<Mitk>» from Havana, gses^ps-.s.!?^ ....... '\~r Z*V."- yiriima? arrived atfilch- wtlrrt from Sicfemqnfl Vtr ' khf haudkorohiefi, pr?tanul from the BUnskho* of the celebmtad Tree' cdfjapan. l: The’,Meisr»« THALON pleaeore In eUtliti'.lbat the n*yr, extract hia never beenmijvaMeed for itastrength. aromatio#weetfteea and i Jaittaf-serforae. Copyright eeeared. -For sale everr !whVrt.' ,Pr«iar«<i only bj*.- 1 PHAtON k SON» i AIGMENK Btr..k, New York, j. ''MBT jia ® ’ 5 M»Aottijjua Vbbmly Db rthoykb, th« olri6«t bad l«tt rooud. known for F-*' t*ralniuh. : BAT*'And 'MIOK. OOCKKOACBEB SUQS. ANtB. aAAI« YFoMl»,«ul OARDBK INS HOT*. 613 BROADWAY, N. Y. ! 8o)d l7*ll|)ruittl*t« .T.rj'whn*. '■ inrlAStn ’ SaWino Maohihss.—AUi persous who, h»v.bbn*hts«nriii|‘ HwhioMEkloh **„ rr ?. ral the trork expected, am inform6d that SEPiUF.R [ S Ma obia.. ».y*r follto io mf had or work. Noon. dtuopointed ttt th. MnebiitM oJ -,, ' ' I. M, SINGER fc qOI, No. «0 CHESTNUT 81, .«N-*os v, ’\, :■ •■ . Balamandse Pirb Pboo» Sams.—A very -lur.o MBOttmeat of BALAMaNPEBB for «le At re*- MBAbto nlot., No. IN CHESTNUT St.. PhiUd.lphiA. ' ~ EVANS A WATSON. ■ ■ Oka Paid* ' Clothing or th* Latast SYTI,Ae. tnade In tho but ta»nn.r, ea.remlr for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST’RIIIn* Rioe. mtrkwUn Pltih Ftffnru. AU food. mtd. toorderwr-rrnntei! *ati«- Ototorr. Our ONE-FRICE eyetem is .tnptly Adhered IS, a. *e believe »hie to be the onU flit w»T of detUn. AUAr^rt^WdAUke, Sba m« » s Saving JUnd—Nobthwrst Coxnxa WkieNUT Stmbts.—Depoeita re ceived ib email and large amount*, from all clueei of the community, and allow* interest at the rate of FIVB PER OENT.ferannimi ' 'Money mar be drawn tiyofceoto without toes of in terest. ’ Ofilce open daily* from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon* day and' Saturday tantU nine in the evening. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS. M. MORRIS. Saving Funp—Natonal Safety Tatrsy Goenpainr.—Chartered by the State of Fcmurlva ia« rulrs. 1. Money i* teoeivad eyery day, and in any amount larpeorsmall. - , % FIVE PER GENT, interest i* paid fur from tbedayitiepatin*.. -. • A The money is always paid book in GOLD whenever It is eaUed lor,’ end without notice. , it Money isreoeivea fromßasearurs. Administrators, €Hnretiant t and other Trustees, in terse or small nwna to remain a tony or short period. S. The money received from, Depositors is invested is Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and other first class securities. . : S. 6ftce open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest omer Third street* Philadelphia. ' Jal* YARD—DRAPER.—On Tuosdny morning Kth in stant. by theßev, Jhlm Rath, Charles W, Yard to Annie Draper,allofth»Boitr. _ * ; -FOX— MaKTIW.—At Bethlehem. Pa, on Tuesday morning. ?61h instant, br Hev. Mr. Bigler. William M. Fox.ol this city, to Mrs Virginia 8., daughter of Dr. F- A. Martin. «f i eth‘ehem, Pa.' - , , ’ * BKOWN—HEAGtOn toe 23d instant, by Rev. R. Powers. Mr. Joseph (J. Brown to Mary A. Heayl, both offlndeeburp.Philadelphia. .‘-On the eth-instant, by‘Rev. Thos. Hraineidj D. D.. Mr. George H fUldt to Miss Amanda , •* OToKEB-WOOD.-On the 21st initant, in Trentoti. N. J., by Rev. A. !>. White, Mr Edwsrd H.' Stones to Mim PermeliA6..dNUghterofthelate Joseph 8. Wood, Esq.,ai!orihat<*HT. - i . *' XICUBDB—HaZZARD.—Cn tbe Slßt instant, at Lewes, Del., by Rev, a. Freed, Mr. Thomas P. Rloords to’Mies Bather R.,. daughter ot the late Rev. J. T. Haessrd, * jATRRRIGE—ELLIS.—On theB4 instant, by Rev. J. O. Clay, Mr. Caleb Ethengo to-Mu* Mery Jane:RUts, both of this city. * ERVIN.-Snddenly. on 85th instant, John Ervin* son ofl-we Alexander Krvin, in the 35th year of his age. , The reieMvesasii fnends of ihtiaouty Rip invited to attend his fnnerai from the late residence of h s father, No. 14M Worth Beeo*4 street, on-Thursday morning, 23thlust., atfio’clook. without further uouce. interr meat at Laurel fill. - -■ , BERRY.’—On the Ssth instant. Miss Kate C. Berry, youngest daughter of Wm. 1. and the late Ann Berry, 1 aged )8 reare and 4 months. T' e relatives and tnends and those of the family are. resMotfuUy invited to .attend.her. funeral, from "the resu>enpa of her aunt. Mr*. Mar*- Pormioh, No. Ml , Booth Front street, oil Thursday afternoon, at 1 o dock. RAND UVL,* i -On the S4tUifcita t, Ar.tterson L. Ran dull, eldest gonot theiate Hon. Archibald Randall, in tbeMih.yearofidsase. , „ • The male frients of the family are respeotfally in vited 'oettend the 1 ftmerei from h«s late residence. No. 141 North Taeifth street, on Thuriday,* at 8 o’o ooa; P, M. * i‘U: r' i. . ; . r, J ‘ ** r t'afiLTCO TT.—On Monday evening, the 25th instant, Wtl lam years. friends of *he family, are respectfully invited t > attend the funeral services, at sft Juue e Church, Frank lin street, above Rrown. this (Wednes in?) eveplng.ihe t7ih<n*iaur at 8 o'clock;' without farther notice. Rxe remains taken to the Ureeawooi cemetery, Rro'-klrn, N.y.. for Intarm mt. ’ * ;co OVER.—On the Mih instant, Jonathan R. Cono -tfr.after a severe Ulaeis. * Fuuere’ from bis late residence. No. &J 7 Coates strett, mornng at2t/o!ook.‘ ‘ 1 w EULIO iT.—On the 28th instant, James Hull Elliott, son of Joseph find L-cuua hlliott, la the 21st year of his from th*!residence of his parents, No. ini Foddr&ifttfrst. OvThnmd&v afternoon,atlo'olook. *’ cINJON,—On the' 25th instant, Rob»rt Lluton,in the CSthyearoi his ago.„ , Funeral front the residence of hi* ’*QQ-in*ltiwv Noth Hawkins'.B. W enrner oi Trn'hknd RiUe ttree s;this ,Wednesday)tUUrnr>on, at.d.o’clock. * , McHUGH.-Gathe 25th the 66th year of h«T Fge.'RTidgerMoHush, wir# of Patnok MeHtmh. ’ , FunerG uom her tats r sid “me. inMeohsaic street. ManayttiJt.thiatWedoe*d«j)afternopu,at4 o'ploofc .* ibstaat, Oharirs Prifyid, in t Father,. PhilipPri fold. No filSNorth Fit hat reel, above Browa, this {Wetlnesdav ).altern«on, at 2 o’olock. ’ . ' « BLEY.—Oa iba2l h instant, of ooniimption,.Mr. Henry a. Bav.agedae year*..- . . » - , - Foneral from the reaideooeof hia brotli«r-m-law Bar. Philip H«w, We. IJI3 Olive attest, on Thursday after the2sthinstant.Hugh Carroll,aged 58 am! fro-n his late. 'r?iMdeßce, N. E. corner of .Twclty-fourth anu Fpting Qarden streets» ou Thun* dapaaraing,' at So’clwk. * CUMMER MOURNING GOODS., (j Di,ck Meret*. S.«-«,74,uid s-4 wide; Black Bilk Gretudmei, Grenadine Barege*, Camel'# H»jrß*fMe».Snmmer Bombasines, Ch&HiYOrape Chau*. Tamartinea, TammMan*, fine Moutielme de Lalnes, -: >Oin*h»ras.OnttAdses. Bilks, Foulards. Chaus de i ainei, Bar*t*c Maatijlu and >Pcints: : Bare**, Grenadine Baraga and Grenadine Shawls; bun (.mb ellas, Fans, Summer .Gloves aad H °* ier,: Jel • • ~ No. 818 CHKRNuT Wrrael TUB ONLY BELT ABLE 1 ARTICLE— Of,ASK'S FaUdl fNOBtIBLB PENCILS. for' Marking all Kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly, They.aafbeir work better than ink, without its troube Or BI<W,Mng. K4«h Will mark J For Ul*,. Wholesale and rtetail,by D. C. TAYLOR *■ Cou Agents lor the Manufacturer, No. 911 dfKBTNUT? " ■ jeUSm ry-5-AT A MEETING OV TIIE STUDENTS lU 0?T«K UNIVERSITY OF VENN A, held June Mtb. 1860, 3; T. Chandler, of Mississippi. was called to the, Chair, and A* 0. Pallicra. of feßnetS'e. whs appointed Seeratary On ' motion the- following committee wara appointed to draft resolutions: • ,G. H. Fowler. Ala . T. J. Reid. I erm., T. A Oakley, N.O. h. Allan. la, H. Robbins. Va • J. C Speers. Del-. H. Rohtnton, H C., -H< Yarrow, fa., Bernardo y*!Janno,.Bouth America, J; J. Davis, Md., -John Bowen N.J. The Committee, after a short absence, presented the following resolutions, which were aa&ntmva sly whereas it hits pleased an Al-wise Providence to re move by death from uf oar friend and claasnute, a. Al. HOOT. ofMobi'e, Ala: Therefore be it - : . Roo’teii. '(hat we, hie lelow-studenta, to whom be vu end * ared by an many senero it dualities, on deeply deplore hit departure from ut, by wnmb have been de* •troredthe bright bop#* oi a saceesefal proteiaional career, entertained for him by all who knew him. ; k Resolved, That not only have we loat in himacbe rubed friend, hut oar Alma Meter a diluent ana earnest pupil,.bis native State, a-valuable oinzen, and the medical profession one who would nave been an orna ment tuts rants. ißesolvid, That we tender oar sincere »rmpathy and eoneulenoe to the lamily of the deceased la- their 1 sad bereavement Raolvtd, That a copy of these resolutions he sent to the faml y of the deeexsed. ard he published in the i fh pnia Pre*t and Ledger. Mobile Tnftwne, and the .other papers of Mob.le, Alabama. J. T.CHANpLRH. Chairman, „ . .‘ „ A. B. fUIiMAM, Secretary. ; UmversityofPenna.,June2J. iB6O. n* rr"s=* GERMANTOWM.—A GRAND CON- L3, l CENT OFJSAOBRII «US[p »ill be jriven at hSijmtoh orST. VINCBNT DK.i'aUl. Gkrman ' L’OW’Y, (Hev.M. Oomeneo, pastor.) on THURSDAY KVKNI W G. JI)NE M. ISSO, afSo-oioik. A olmiceie jsb? ho given by Pr«tes»hrTHUNi» v ‘K., organist andottnduo tor. assisted by the beat professional and amatenr talent of the city* ' Tiekets.One Dollar. to be had at the Orphan's store. Philadephn. anrt at Tourtelot’t and Hqutree dnw notes* Uermantoire. at the church on the evening of - ;he concert.' Cars leave Ninth and Green stverts at 7 o’clock, and return at io>s oo'ock jet 7 2t* EW UJf Tfcßi A(NMKN> will he, given ea thejirounds ofthe Orphan Asi lam. Wes' Philadelphia, on THURS-, DAY. the 23th last,, in aid ofthe large family of Orphan mildren. now numbering nearly.*3o, and.whose press ns .wants appeal to. the chanty of the'Community at Tf and many bf the Jtev. > Wilh jooßsUtof Masie'.AddTSSsea. fee., throughout the day.-eod eU whtrvisltthe avfbnds will tad ample .Refreshments. Come. theoy andehesr those lrlpleas little one*, by ’Contributing -something to thoir support. • „ ! R , f ' Nef-lyj£U h P tellro'ids with the Heston riPeVa'rfwsrtOß the asylum gate. ..Tickets, ggoeots. • Mar be had it the offici s ofthe = ° r ti' n o^-ffKß move in the right vlaee to enCourane all to visit the beautiful model. Packs of twelve tickets are sold at re? dueed rates, ♦'•very member pfth* Ymie* Men’* Chris tian Association.Mhoolt.Gnba.Societies,and the pah liegeeerslly. ought topeeitwoon. before its removal It remains city two week? lunger. ' ■ it’ is requested THIS EVt.NlNO.'luhtlftneM of-import anoewl'l be brought Ip fore'the Division, »nd Eleo-ion of Office’s. BV ringer of * 7 C. J. COOK, W- P. A. UAIZ.L!., A.K:B. • ■ It* ■ ■ Wednesday *. vi.king,- junb im • X?® to lie fdr Mr. MilUnrn-’V Be&efiti ’ ; • itft exdb'd faithseand«i*tnlnw«inMfe»r t dnd was teetfjvSf Wmrpeeisofl'pea’swHanghter.” “ **. •Area intellectual entertainment, combining solui'and Valuable if formation, with a,Hob fund of amusement. We have bad oothmg to compare with this mPhiladel- Jjt is believed that bur English r*s*denta would alone *ll the hnqse, wer«theyawareof the pfeaßaatthinga •aid about fcntland andthe Enai sh ohaiaeier, The r *reatands«Hini» Painting oTthe * I*l uoußTtiF death, will be exhibited and explained at the’ close of the lec ture, wiih-mt additional-charge. •• i * - • ' a • ‘Ticketsaccents. ’Fqrnn a -at- the Book Stores and at the doors . i" If- i.r . m«> vj > ‘ ! |}tqcftimne9geat;Bolelootr. jettst ioo, anivecjat New *New York) Mr > «_ rt-. %i - ihaf fab Jg, »r-' ' awi }ait for a* \i t fcoath of M bedrid lb the f <Uov<** order; * » , ■/ . MON DAY. ® t» II- A, M,, Sophomore#, bjr the Yie*-Prov<*t.(;shefln*trir pi the Met&li JandPreW menu by Prof. Kenrfoil. (G#oine»rf .> written. rram 11 ‘M Junlms. bv Prof. AUenatn* EleotrftofSopbopjew.) *U4sSlb *Y « jHtb —from 9to )l, Junior*, {if tn# J&ee •vm*. (Dynamic*,) .and Sophomore*, by Prof. K*n jr, (Analytical Geometry.) written. From 11 to 2, Cb'OclubJ And ropbnmorex. br wißl SwiMt. (tW'WitfMf ttiiifo- • ~ . 'lStAVi«tk-?-roni6toii.junior.;'W Prof. Co- • A?tH|!A 1 %umv Avmw **«»* m«BA! 'fitf!;kDAV!?ilh^Bro ( uSlfl!),l f tHi l roeil. V P'nf- MW* MfIBJUB’ AiIUMEA BAKIBQ SWJJER MAIUtIED. DIED. aaafsafesßSafeisgss^^ Those parsons who liafr*tic)tyetextended.i heir Bonds,, are yemipd.etl tUntny doing so uow. ihey will receive a BonuSoftenparoent.inoaeh, - • fjeM-tao B, BRAPFORD. Treasurer. SWOTIOE.-THE .ANNUAL MEETING BDAY. Jnce 28, >B6O, between Jhe hours of JO A. RL and 3 P. M.» at the oGlofl of the obmn&nv, Cooper’s Point, Camden, New Jersey, to elect Dlreotori or said rt^S m OFFICE O# THE PHILADELPHIA \y3 AND, READING KAIiiRQAP COMPANY. ■ { Maxon,lB66 - The holders of tho bonds of this Company, due July I, M 2, Nn how receive, upon application at this office, w are also entitled to th* benefit of a Fink ing Fund of $160,090 per auputn, as established by the. .stockholders atjheir annual meeting, held January 2, 1890, and In purtaanoe of meqbstract.entered into by I^'“ dulr fiottes to Ms jteJdws of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Morigan Ronds, dug July 1, lfifiO. These bonds are secured by the first mortgage* on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $8406.400. The net revenue for the last fisoal year was six timeethe amount 6f the annua) interest on these bends, , . The managers propose to extend them''for a penodof twenty years, the holders retaining thabonds and the •eounty of the mortsagmiln the .precise conditionin which fhey are now held. .Freeh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, wifi be toned. .. A bonus pf m per cent, given toft* boMertiin ponsteeration of their assenting, to tho extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearprs of the bonds; on their signing a reoeipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, and endorsement will be furnished oaappllpation. ' a OT w . f,h *W. f W?:Kny. . WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c, AMERICAN WATOHES. JfAKK BY Tan THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, MAB 3. I TO THE PUBLIC. Attention is invited to the following statemeht of fnc's in regard to these watches, and some considerations why they should bo preferred to those of foreign manu facture : Their sale has been constantly on the increase ever sinoe the business was con meueed; thus proving Mol MeyAaue grown into popular favor througk]their in* trinsicvietits . As on evidence of the extent to which they liavo received the endorsement of the publio, we may state, that uvwards of Thirty Thousand of them arc now in daily use in ihe United States, giving perfect satisfaction to their owners. This result has been effected in tho teelh of the most determined and violent opposition from the greater part of those in tho Watoh Importing Trade in the large cities, who have systematically usedall theirmfluence with their ouatumors to discourage their dealing in an article which threatened, by its superiority, to displace the fo*oign watch to a great extent. Many oPtho Jew ellers aud Watchmakers of the interior, a large propor tion of them foreigners,' seconded the efforts of the Watch Importers, being .persuaded by their counsels and misled by a contacted and imperfect view of their own interests; by the ftar of loss on their steak of im ported watches, and the apprehension that' thkir profit* might be diminished through competition' in a well known domestic article, with otuer groundless preju-' dices ariaing from a superficial inquiry into the subject Notwithstanding this, however, the watches halve stead ity gained in the estimation of the people, that retailers' have been constralned td keep them to supply the de mand, a-d by degrees. w« arc happy to add, tfeeir pro* indices and alarms are being dissipated.' i Our present system of making 'ha different part* of aaoh watch the exact counteipart of every other watch of the same series, lends to auniforuiity in quality which can never be attained by the foreign prooesa, If one of' our watches is good, all are good; whereas each foreign wstqh is only aprobabiiity by itself, dependingtapon the skill and fidelity of the particular workman>, fho may happen to be employed upon It. In addition ( to thesa primary conditions of success, every watch issued by the Comp m is mode of ihe most choice and enduring materials, carefully finished by the various processes to which they are subjecled, and then put together, in-- spected and severely tested by the best workmen in the - factory. Such has been the care with which these va rious duties have been performed, that out of the large uumber of watches sold, uot more than a dozen or two have been returned to the Company for exchange, from any cause whatever. • - y ’ Every patch Is guarantied by a guaranty that is goqd ■ for soD.otUlug, and by parties that can be readily reached, l-’oieign watches, of the most tiou,'nre oflen/ul/y guarantied by tbetr makers, whom it is impossible to o&U to acoount under any otreum- Btaoccs. American watches come to the consumer unburdened by tlie various expenses and profits incident to Impor tation— the total of which, including custom house du*. t es, more than Rouble the prune cost of tha watch ‘be fore it gets to the bucket of the ’ultfenkie owner. Tills, consideration of itself should deoide the question in our favor. Eveyy dollar diverted front3he purchase of foreign Watches isso saved to the country ; *o much en couragement to home industry, and so much added to the public wealth., -We do not atka preference on these, grounds, if our watches are act better, for the than the foreign. To onnclude—we claim that our watches are the best and most durable time-keepers In the wos!d besides be ing the cheapest; and w#assert thatnnorieaof wa’ohss' waa never mad« that would show so little average va riation from true time as those we have issued. .In in dividual instances their performance baa nnsar-. passed by au, thing recorded ib the history of horplogy. A descriptive pamphlet, eootamlng full information sndnnroerooscertificateafrtm we l-known Inaividuslf, may be had on application to ihe undersigned. , 0 .\U i loN.~A* our watoh in now extensively eoan terfeited by foreign manufacturers, wehavek'to inform the publio that no wa'ch is of war uasccompaaied by a certificate of tfid numberof ti»eK® ,cb riWdei*noi by our .Treasurer, M; K. ROBBING,’ Or by our TRACY, A CO.' / ' ‘ * ‘ C f As these watches are for sale by Jewelers generally th rouahotit the Union, we dfi not solloit otders for single watenes, for the American Watch Company; BOBBIN* k APPLETON, Wholesale Agents, No.IBSI BROADWAY, N» Y. mjSOwCtlf CETS OF JEWELRY) ~ , *!>• N.wmrt snd- MOST ELEGAN l oTVX.ES.. , . LADIES’ WATCHES, • dost received. * • , THOMAS C. GAHRBTT. - feW*t® Tl 9 OHKtJTtUT {street* NOTICES. I* THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY A "ID COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM. H. ELLIOTT And OK* MARINE, hu wife, 4 ,. „v«, U*Ni> ; ». E. DRRNftbL. Vend. Ex. tfn.l66. Maroh Term, 18T0 Thewnd tor appointed by-tbe comtto distrainee the fund in couitansin* from the sheriff's sale, under the above writ, of— , Altchaicenatalotorpfeeeof around. situate on th* north side ot Poplar street, at the «istanoe of 41 feet wesiwud from the west side oi Bobuj ki l Third street, now Iwontserh street, in the late district of PprmS jvarden now »n the city of thihdeiphia. containing in Tout or breadth ou the said Pop'ar street is fact,and £*ML n JS between lines parallel with u d Schuylkill Thjrd street, in lencth or depth Sllcettoa &£“*,? ?t, 4 ee fc Ml** v ”’Wftrd from the said Third street into Corinthian avenue, called *ooU street, twiioord nmtuward by said ttoott street, southward b) ; imd Poplar street, eastward by pound now or late o William J4.Bco*t and others, and westward by ground {rented to Daniel *\ Drenkel. 1 * N* ff—A hrlctmessaee or tenement is now erected on said lot. three stones high. n V ll the duties of his appointm-Titon MO*- o f July 18$o. at his office. No. 530 JH«{ UT M tlrd .' t ’ ;n «*a ony or Philadelphia, at 1! ™,l°» c £«\:« A !i* Then and where all parties interested must make their claims, or be debar*** from eoitiitia in u ? n s.*M dfund - JOHN Al. THOMaS. i f27lot Auditor, TO HOLDERS OF BONDS PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO„ Due lit JULY, 1850; AH hoMers of above K>nd« who do not intend to extend their bond9onthe terms of the Comps'hy’s Circular of FEBRUARY last, can'fiud purchasers lor the same ali par and accrued interest. , * * • ■After Ist of JULY no interest will l>e al.owed. Apply'to 1 ' DjREXEL A, CO., 34 SOOTH THIRD STREET. TV-iTIOE. —All connection between WM. i?rtPfßfPifi? , w ,, lv^ n A th « O’-OUCKKTEB MA**U HABnrlwlN2 , SMPANY*aniI the house of DAYID fi, BROWN it, 10., has ceased from tins da*e. ~ „ MKO. JANVIER. Treasurer Glono«st*r UftmifootmincCo. ■ , DaVIO 8. BROWN & CO. Phda., June 23 16,'6-je2s-ct* gfAEffINQ.; .lAMBS WILSON, , tkacher op thb manly art ok bEL^-DEFEN<3E. Is new in this city, for the purpose of giving instruo* ti6n*in;th» above art '.Por'lemV, tin., ripolyatth. ST, CHARM* HOrEL/THIHn StrMt, iWiow Arch, adhere all desirable vrtll be given. jeSG, U* ajBW LINEN X'msN'SHlN’a GOODS tJi.c '“V. Tolde Linen., I ante c, ntns, napkins, find Pm lit s, 1q «iaf rolr rev« a vSn ht” a Vsry Bu v* nor quali’ie., imported end for ’ HHEPPARD, VANHARIWO N.ifcARRISON. ' It* X 00» CHESTNUT atreit. SOMMER, JU/\NKF/J\S FOR Eedaapd Cribe, a delightful tmiole for.timmor ■ • HEPPAHD,yA!«DAIiI fNGWL A ADHIPOST. H* ■ IUO a CHESTNUT str.Bt, JMPROVFD SPRING SICI-XTS. The nhe;.,et.nb4 tnont easy, 1 light 'Aid gmoefnl trail irtyet introduced. *• , i * SHEPPARD; VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRIBON. ■ HI 1008 CHKBTNUT street. A WNING AND YfiBANDAII j^MIPFS Heavv soo'ls enn fUt cojici. ‘ MKEPPARD» yJtN JIARUrJOKN. A * RR’SDN, \f ' **oo3 QaßflTNtA’ street. OEIMfER’S FXTENSJVE FSTABLISH- J T MENT, BFCOND shove GreenT h'*s h£«n en larged, and now oflers an opportunity edgeumirkuperiof pictures ol a'l sizes ftp,{|RtTpefl. 1 * ™ . t . n*, ■OEOTNFD S r GAH.-1,000 Bamls LO* JAMEB GRAHAM & Co., I ETITIAeSrtVT * t * mm IT fihds nnd ra Barrels LOVRRmG*B No TluV Uttra. Sy rup, and extia Lpidert. Also,. Sutar-hbosg. Miuoo* “Ktt—: ~ _ PORTO RTOO SUGAR,-850 Jihds Tne diflm and fctn.lir prime Quality, Inr .ale by J A SI Ed UKaUASI tCO., LB Ull A .troet. EIO.V .2(.0 Tierces Prime Retailing Cbariferen Riee for sale by JaMKS ORABAIM * Co . I.CTl'flAntieet. ; , JUST RECEtV,GD~per ship -Edwin For rtjt."* ipltndld mforanmt of JAPANESE and CHINESE OOOUo oomliim* ofCabinitj and lAh en ricnlr inlaid ko, »o . »u*»nor bilk »rd Pm* j,‘+fw I) epn Good*, with Avar ot cy (niftt-'llhiitolwArltcleaidt aoiffiof MaBRBT.?; 1 .t-. mir ’ Urowß ar, iB6O. sunMEia bssOuts. gEA B ATHI-&G. - ‘ ' ■„ 'OOJfiil'ftoOT’p 'gitfw IStfcgfti, * .liiis iWcsk,'kt\iiwn DBt<>bluh taunt, the favorite resort of yiMtur*, it bowopsti foe tie tecepron dfgUMjj. It has b B?° u ,, n*tdombly ! enlarged, ami. refumuiiea,.tlie slaepibg fanm**&solouaand airy,.and'cbmmunioaU to •at« families.. The houße will be supplied with wat»r from the cold springs- . Person* desirous ofspendirig a f w week* of the snm yner m an agreeable manner could not do fetter than to gsvejho Ocean House a trm). IdRAEIi LK AiwlNG, . jeafl-fiw* • , proprietor, HOUSt,'MAUOH CHUNK, XwMi CARBON CO M PA,~Thi*fethB most comforta ble ftpd extensive hotel in Northern ronnsylvaHlß, *nd the prepnftor fl titer* htmieli that thus for he ha* ex ceeded in keeping it in & manner that cannot (ait to sa tisfy ailhje guests. - . . . .The Rooms are newly And elegsntly famished* an' l afford * always contains tno verjr best the Markets • TM, hotel is located ‘on the bank* of the Lehigh, idireotlr opposite the railroad depot, and at the wise of ,Maucu Chunk Mountain: A path leads from the rear of the house to the »op of this mountain, from which poin% elgnt hundred met'above the Lehigh, the most eublline scene UiuiKinaDle i* preMntedT t The House isabundintlv supplied with tie best and purest Mountain fianm water* K3C Hot and Cola Baths can be takon at all lira**, jeiafoi GfaOKGK HoffKS, Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUUH CHUNK, FA.—Thla HOTEL it now kept in a manner af fording every com ore to strangers and traveller*. Arrftnaementß.have been made this season to acoom nsoduteßUMMEß BOAKOERH. -The ranet sttbhme mountain scenery and rural oajoyments are here af forded. MIOHAbI/WILH* LM, . ‘ . GEO. W.WILMhLM. je2*»tsM - Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL. BETHLEHKM, Pa.—The Proprietorof this Hotel has newly fitted up hts house for the accommodation of visitors during the sun mer season. The American Hotolls situated on the most elevated B pot in th* Borough. Bethlehem is to 1 wet. known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view of rhe surrounding oountry, and lor its salubrious mountim air, to require oomment. The eubsouber is now prepared to reoatve Bjn.-dsr* and Famine*, aud promise* to do his best to render their stw with him pleasant amlaareeeble. Chants Moderate. J. W. R, PHARO. jeiS l*n Proprietor. EAGLE HOTEL, bwthlehbm, pa. Thie larre *nd old-established House, known as the •♦LEHIGH VALLEY BUMMER RETREAT," 'epownpen for the Seyson# The aooommod*tiops of this Bouse will bo found unsurpassed. The ride here, by 1 10 North Pennsi IvaniA Railroad is one o( the p'ea lanttst In our State, CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. J Ralll ' •- 1 > - 'AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, durln&the past season, been - nJLEAJuY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and i* sow in oapaoity and convenience scoond to none in the .interior of Pennsylvania, 'Jhe beautiful and heall- ful situation of Allentown "renders it a de lightful summer resort, tn view ofwhiob special ar rangements have been made by the proprietors toao commodate summer boarder*. J. Y. BECHTEL, jeg-ttel K W. BIGONV, MANSION HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, ifJL N. J., ISAAC THAYfcli, (late of Surf House,) Proprietor. Tlu«. House has been very much enlarged and im proved.-Roe no* alarae number ot Family Booms, not sunasted by eny hotel io this city. It;f uehted throughout,with gns. New and fine walks have been Kid t<> the ocean,.which will bo lighted at night, from the Hotel to the wator, by splendid reflect ing lamp*. Attached to, the house (but separata from the main building))*a Hail for Hops aud Parties*, with a first-class Ice Cream asdfonieotionerr attached Over the Ha» there.ateforty sleeping roi-mtrorsmilegentlo inen* There is also a. play ground for children, well shadedana enclose*. with awin'*. Ac. Tjie catering department will h* under my own es pecial supervision. end I trust tho.* my reputation is sufficiently established to satisfy all that my table wIU be unsurpassed. Tetms will be $l2 per week 'Traasient Boarders $3 per day. • Carriage* attached to the House will take Boarders to and from the coe&nfree ol charge during bathing hours. je2S-tf ‘ . ISAAC THAYER. M LIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, NEAR THB LIUHV-HOUSK ATIiANKO CITY, N. J., (the nearest b«n*e to the surf), is* now open for the re ception of Boarder*. The proprietor respectfully snholts a continuance of the patronage of hts friends and the public jeC Im* JONA H .WOO PTON. Proprietor. fTNtfED &TATFS HOTFX, Vi. s^ IL ,V? R BBURG, I)\nPHIN COUNTY. PA. 'i hi* well-known Hotel has been leated by the eub aonber; and Vas befit thoroughly rer ova ted and entirety newly furnished. Millershurg i* situated in one of the mottromanMc regions of Pennsylvania: the busqua hinna river nows immediately by the ro* n, and aliords fine fishing; the mountain scenery Uunauruaued m the State. Game abound* in great ptenty, affording fine sport mr huntsmen; the mountain stream* abiund with trout in great plenty. City visitors, who are desirous of spending a few months in the oottntrr, will find this one •J the most desirable place* in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania tfoiiyqod j»use* the town, and it is' in daily ooiumuntoanon with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. The subscriber will me every effort to make hi* guests comfortable.' m„, H. , AJ. WARFIEID, Proprietor. MlllSTsbuTg, June to. 18eo. je« 1m ' S BA BATHING. «.«,A NATIONAL w A T,t, . CAPE ISLAND., CAPE MaY. N. J. This fine, large, and airy house is NOW OPEN for visitor*.. It is distinguished for comfort, locality, and superior accommodations, with ample room for 900 per •oit- Terms moderate. Jg« 9m. AARON GARftETRON, Proprietor. Heath house, , , HOHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, N. J., is now osen for the reception of company Commttni catiops by.letter will bo promptr attended to. .. Icai-lin ’ - D A. CROWELL. Pmcrietor. T\EPJ USE HOUSE —ATLANTIC OITY. . . —Tbi* parutar and Eminently -avorita Hons« at .AtjanUo City has, since the closing of last season, been eolemed.: refitted, refurm>>bed, and completely re juvenated in every particular, and is now open for the season. * Fro in its • denghiful situatiou, near ness to alt piaofs rf interest, close proximity to the safese aud best part of tne it is rendered one of ffiemtat coayementaud decidedly the pleasantest house on the Is’and. .. , Terms—6lo per week; $1.60 per day, Children and servants half price, „ _ „ f JOHN BMICff, Proprietor. R. L. FtTREY, Boperloteadent. je2l-2m retreat, .'Beantifiiliy snd conveniently located at ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Bosrd.r, oeaommodatad On rM.on.Me term.. M. MoOLEEB, Proprietor. Cf)KGEU*BS; UALtr-ATLANTIC CITY, epa'Uoa*-J6evw. mttmted at Athmtio’ visitor* on the Ssth tost sat; by the subscriber. Tha ,Bouse (roots the beach ijrifeet, tivjag a splendid view unf SheHioeau. nn t is near the Fishing aud Salting point. No pain* will be epareu to secure the comfort anu con venience of *ne*ti« _ _ JeftHbn . THOMAS C. GARRETT. SJTAB HOTEL, nr.k%vi opposite tmt t. *. kotkt.» ™& p fc CBNTS ,.w".Boarder, aocommoilateil oa the moat reascnaWe term... (erOJm , CJBA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— , AKbaWAIiK HOUH K ie noarneea for tha se.iimi. jaHHm-J JAMES MKOiUy, Ptojnetor. TfIKMOtW HOUSE, 0-PJS INLAND, N. J.-HirMPHREY, HUGHES, Proprietor.-ThU house, bo>r]fluantlrsituated in olota proximity tothe beaph. will be open for the reception of visitor* cm the SSthinst. The large, apienauf lava in front ol the house; the fine shade, flood rooms Had tsble, render it the most desirable place on the island. Attached to (be premises are bowline saloons and buber shop, jelfl im A MERJCAN house, cape island— •**» Mrs. MREYNOLDS. Proprietor.- This favorite hotel prill op'O for the reoeptmn of visitors on MON DAY, JuneftUb. It has been fitted up in the best style, and every attention trill be paid to the comfort of its gnests. Jelfidtfrepl ' HfHITB SULPHUR AND OHALYBE " ▼ ATF. BPJUNGB, at DOUBLING GW. PA. These Springs ate in Cum erland county, 30 miles west of Harrisburg, and are aocessibi* from all the East* ern and ttoutbera eities hv railed to Harrisburg, thence on the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Newviile, thence rightmliesstaging, in cow and easy oo&ohes,to leaving Philadelphia. Baltimore.or Wash* initon.lnthe morning oars, airive at the Springs the same evening at eP. ftl. , _ This property, has changed hands, and has undergone a thorough repair;a arse building has been rreoted in whioh&ep warm and cold Baths, ande very arrangement has been mode for (ha comfort aud convenience of vi sitors. Nevst&blinr has been creoted: horses and carnages wilt n wavs be on hand for hire. Terms moderate. Mailt dally. For circulars and tartioulars. address the proprietors, Jew 1m ~ KERAGA. KQ3KR, COYLE, & CO. Lebanon valley house LEBANON, PA. CHAB. W, KUHNLE. Proprietor. Summer toardere taken. The house is new and com modious, with grouudi attached. Surrounding country beautiful and healthy, Railroad oommuaioation ’with the city twice a day, Charges moderate. ' Jeifi lm* 'raw SEA-SUf'RE—ATLANTIC giTY. * ‘ McKIBBINNS U/B. H PEL. The p*opn»,or ot-tho above-named house, henw-now prtp&rat to 'Teceive -guests, re epeotfullr snliuiu a tiara of the poblio patron age. Since' last anmnor mere has been added to this hotelatour sinned wing, jsq feet in length, con taining (beside the l)sd-(oorofl«) a suite of three Parlors, fan*idies;iSisfl -Vo lor iranuemsn; also, a reception room, wash room, and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons, Billiard Boom#,anri tot nod cod Salt-water Bath Moomt have been mnstraotvd tor the accommo dation of visitors, and tht whole house will be lighted with gas. The house hasbeen newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete ordir. A well manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent Bind of Music, have been en gaged for the season, J. McKiBBIN. JeH-tf- ’’J OURF HOUSE, OITIT. N. J. This gpocious Hotel. pnasessingtho most advanta geous t&o&Uop at Atlanta City, having-I>opa recently enlarged. will be opentd br the approaching season on the 9,h instant. • > . . . . Anew wing three sterDs high and 92 feet in length, with verandah simouodm? H.bas men odd* d contain ing 44 large and airy rooms andextanuin* to within 60 yards of the ocean, ft top,wutfeetof which is afforded from almost every room is the house. Ga« itueihg hjfrodtfeod into the bu Iding, additional bathhouses w II be erected,'and numerous other im provements made,it b*irt|lhenimof the praprtetor to make'the* &U*F- HoUBt£<ne of the most attractive plai»s of BUmrrer resort nmr Pniindelnlim, The table will be supplied!;! the mast’ liberal manner, and ail poanWo «a?e vUlbSexerolsed in the general ar rangement* (if the’hoiisw ifftfi a view to the comfort ana convenience of guretsi . -* ThernatHlng At Atlantic frunsnrrossed and the pnre dr( atmosphere hag proved to be particular beneficial to invalids. Parties wishing to engiwe rooms will pierce addicts the subscriber at the Serf House, op at the Ashland House, Arch street, PiuiadjilphiW j eSmwf-2ru f >T H. F. BENSON. spates hotel, long w-J BRANCH, N. J. —The subsonber takes this method of informing his fneutk and the publio that on and «f;er J ONE goth his bcuse will he papa for the re ception of guests,: when etar? o3o*r wiy *>e rnnde to please those who may fever hlm.‘ The house Is plea santly oiiunteg'Un a fine bhiff with lawn in front, a iutl'view of the ocean, good »ond«, stablii g, Ac., maho ItAs'attrnotlveaaany housain the country. The com munication is accessible bjtWo daily lihes from foot of Walnut street wharf, vis. 16 A. M., And? P M. Reference-Grandy, Warien, A Ci.v D«»‘Ohestnut strove, *>• A. fenOEM AKE n , Jo9-2m 1 ; - Proprietor. CUMMER BOARDING. —OLD SAND SPRING nearWopaelidorf. ''erkscnunty.Pa. The far-e and commod/ont HDTEo AfJIL BOARD ING HOUSb, at thiedsiuhtfai Pi.jnmerß now completed, vill b* tvefeed for Boarders on the afisr Ooriroanioa lon, twlos daily, from Philadelphia ond flarmbarg,' by the rte Ming and Lebanon Valley Railroads. ' . , 06 T Boarders received by Ihe wen* o? through the seasAn, on reasonable teyrua. t " "* ' Jeft-lm ' Proprirtor. OABJ.ISLE wl «S>;onte r-y., 300. Par pitUculm* send for Cirou vENi oiIhDEJHN- * VIBBCHER, 197*3(11 ! Carlisle Spring, Fa. Bedford spßisaa-This wou-known and delighiful Biimmer Resort will bo opened for the reoeption of Visitor* on-the Pltißl* OF JUNB* and kept open till the Ist of October. Toe Hotel will be und*r the .omnagementof Mr. A. 0 ALLAN, wy<*e experience, courteous crißnaers; and attention to bisi gaesU. give me ain*!wt of comfort and ku?d treatment, • l vyx »-. ••• _ # i Mt'O&.Uj Seo’y and Treajnufr, My^-Si ttj 1 Bedford B^ri c l|g MOUNTAIN SWINGS, {thnoasier County, JennsilYauia—'Tmi setab* Vshmsnt win y |?s <»P«n or fflV* »Vu qTJune. Tue ad- Yautaiieeofth'SDeautiiulrgsortare t Mountain sceoefy, iflraair.ano goR water) every variety of batns,ana amusements; a good stook of liverr iiontes.end oar Rages. For further particulars call on JOSKPH’B. MYERS, cornet Third and Vm4 Streets $ JAMES fS. EARLhI, No. 516 Chestnut Street, Phi)ddeiphia t orto the proprietor, JOSEPH. KOMOMACHKR, Eahrata foet Grace, Lancaster County. Pa, SUMHEK SESOUTS. dnaLUMBU HOUSB, OAPBISLAND Now, Jersey,-Thje large, first-claei HOT*<L will ba oueued. for tho reception or guests, on the 25th JunO.lB6o. Tho House pu been completely repaired epd refurnished. A new ooojrmg reuse. Ovoq*, steam boilors.and every modern improvement added, stabling attached to the premises ■ . - ' - T All letters add essea to the sabsoribers. Gspe Island, New Jersey, will be promptly attended to. * ' *• . LAIRD A James H. Laird Jate proprietor Franklin House, J- hilft selpniaj’fi. B. woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel, Cape iiland, - / Jell-dtia HAIL, OAPB ISLAND, MAY, N.’ J.—This well-known, first-olam , " c * pt,o “ of 8 “ M “? n fiA >The Bowling Alleys have been removed, add new ■leesing rooms added, sinoejast se&soa. • ieU-6w WEST A THOMPSON, Proprietor*. NEW PUBLICATIONS. fiOPPEE’S ACADEMIC SPEAKER. f uMishara SIXTH 8t„ Literatoreiniha Umvereity ot Pennsylvania. One voiiuns, ootavo. vebnon papers. b t E4«rd ' X’GHT AT'LABT. By Mrs. Qukilt ie*nn ; HILLES, THE POCKET ANATOMIST. rriHE If EAR OF GRACE. A 'IHEY’EAROFOR.CE: A Hutoryoftha Revt »»l I", r ? 1 “ nd ; 4 D J V v - ViJlwn Qibaon, B. 1). With an lolroduation Djr Rav. Barov htov. D. B. “Boulwmo HOURS IN PATMOS: ThaOpanlnrVi sion of the Apocalypse, and Christ's hpistles to the 'jevea Cbur.hes of Asia. By A. 0. Thompson. Ifmo. ?THE HGNRT RING, AND OTHER GERI 3. By Rev. J. De Ltefde. 16mo s3o»nts. BkBCE IN EASTERN AFRICA. Bj lb. RfV. Ur J. LcwisK'ftpf. with an App/ndix respecting the fiouroee ol the Nile, Languaces. and Literature of Eastern Afr.oa, lSmo. $1.25, . ** B. &A' FRBB MARTIEN, JaW No, bU(I CUES t«UT Strait. NEW NOVEL ’ . BY AUTHOR OF *•DOCTOR THOR^K.” MBiSRS. EUDiT’& CAKLETON liaVK NOW READY THE KELLYS AND O'KELLYS. A new Novel by author of *« Dr. Thorne," Reprinted from the last London Edition. OnT vot. IZmn. muslin. Fnoa $195. *.* The enormous olrcutotion in England, last year, of* Dojtor rhorne/'aDulfiemHny tbousandsoldinthi* oountri, is sufficient guaranty oi the excellence of this author s Wove**. The “Kellys and O'Kell)*" is a re print of one of hi* befit. I , ’ ALSO, NEW EDITION OF HUMBOLDT'S PBIVATJfI LETTER*. An Amencan translatfnu of this deeply-interesting work. One vo!.l2rao.,muslm,with Portrait. Price 81.25. jel3 wetf New books, FOR SAL* BY ■ BAAIUKL HAZARD, Jr,, 734 CHESTNUT S reet. _THK MOUNT VERNON PAPBRtf. By Edward tve/ett. Complete in «-ne volume. Wmo.. cloth. $123 KIGHTH up BANCROFT’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED 8 I ATK3, beine the second volume ■ of the Hispirr.of the American Revolution, amforra. with thepreoeding volunu*,,. THE THRbE OLKRKB. A Novel. By »h<* anthor of «• Doctor Thorne,” * , B*rcheB.erTow•^a, ,, &o. One volume- $lOO. • HAWK^VI»sW s Tha new Novel. By the author of "Sylvan Holt’eDaughter,” “ Kathießrand/' Ac. One voi. $lOO i , DANKMBURY BOUSE By Mrs. Henry Wood. $6OO Pn** tltory. CO cents. ' m THE FIJRBV BOHN : OR. A MOTHER’S TRIALS. ♦* My Lnrty.” SLCO. LUCY CROFTON the author of "Margaret Maitland ”. 7fl cents. THE KELLYS AND THE By Troflope. „THE REVELATION OP JOHN ITSVWPfINTER PRKTEB. By John Cochran. $t 00. A DICTIONARY OP TOE BIBLE. Comprising its Antiquitie#, Geograrhr, Biography, and Nararal His tory. By William Smith. Volume one, Bvo.. doth. $5.00. . RUTLEDGE. The new and well-written American Novel. looking at life ? or, thoughts and THINGS. By George A.Sala, author of " Journey Due North." g 1.25. • ■ Jrf3 | EXCURSIONS. GRAND EXCURSION TO igAd*Bßa»M3B THE GREAT B«LLOON, ON THURHDAY. June 28th. iB6O—T«K TRIAL TRIP of PBOFEB«ORILOWb’tt MAWMOm AERIAL 'RIk will take nlaoe from POINT BREKZtf Ga 6 WORKS. at 4 P. M. Ste.amer ECI.IPfIK, from Popi«r, Chre»nnt, and Pouth streets, and theFRFD GRAPF from Mar ket street, on the Pcbuyli-ill. will make several trip* during the da*. Faro and bonk, ineladingaliokotof admission tn the Awenaion 50 cem*. Bee adveitse' ment in the Ledger and inquirer ami its Rappiemantof 10-rrinrrow. _ A Lecture will be delivered by jProfeaaor LOWE- and ticket* for the trip may be had on *pp]ira-i tion to him. jr27-2t* - RAU.ROAII PINES. fgS»cggsßE3gi NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF,HOURS. On imd after MONDA y , July 2. IAXi. Passenger Trains of this road will leave Fiont and Willow street* a* fol lows) *■ t < For Bsthiehsra. and points in Lehigh Valiev and con necting ro-d*. at 630 A, M., *3O P. M«. and# F. M. For UojlestowuHtS A. M end 4 P.M. For Fort Washington at 1030 A. A!, and 660 P. M. > '“ w ft " b eh,ras: BM I>»v« i)o>iMtowa»iT3en.M,»naiHP.M. > i leave Fort’Washington at 69SA JJ. and |. WP, M. \ poyl,.townfur A. M. 1 U.tht.lMit) (or Flntol.lphls ,t A P. M. ‘ ELDS CLARK, A sent, i MEDICINAL. MORRIS 1 EUOEPHALOS* PROFESSOR MORRIS’;. i PKOPEvSAOR MORKIS' -i PROFESSOR MOR RIB* HU 0 E PHALOR JSUgEPHALOB, AN INVALUABLE I ' U^iS AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEiiy! FOR DPEABE, OF UwldK ISSJ»SsS3H%M »WS! . , JV . NERVOUS system; Aeoooaaioned by j nte&Be APPLICATION OF THE MIND to the reaearqhos, of Literstnre, the oc-noenss of CoituneTotaiand Fmanoial Business, audtue olTairs of Protes*tonal and Political Life, or as occasioned by aov other oause from which the Nervous System h&i be come exhaust’d ard diseased. The eymptoae covered by this valuable Preparation are tmrnrroas j of wbieu the moreprominentare, EXCIThMKyT OF THE BfiAIN. AGITATION AND DKPRFBBION OF * THE MIND, CHBOfrC NERVOUS HEADaCH*< The EUCEPiALOS is carefully prepared, by per misairn, from the Formci aof PROF, , MOhRIh, M: D., of tms oitr, to whioh he refers in his Philosophical Pamphlet. **PSUKiKwS.*’ On the relations of the Gangno-Nervoua System to th,e immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited tna « nneiples and commended the fltsteni of Composite Hormsopathr, Prolessor M. says: u it may be permissible that i should offer, as anil lustration, ray own case. A oontinous coarse of sta des for a number of years had, to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effects of extreme mental ap pboauon. by attenuating the prime centres of organic and lntelleotua) life,and iieaoearose a felt recesslty ol esrson&l relief. Having a well . founded confidence in ompoaite Honiceopathy and an intimate acquaintance with Materia Meaira ol the flomceopatmo Sohool I saleoted certain eubstanoee of asoeriained harmonious rotations and approved uses, and combined their essen tial properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened bv the possession of a medioinal resource.” Professor Morris descnlws the mode of apptidation, and then adds: “In this way the desifed.'rpllef hna been ob tained, the nutritive stetem invigorated, tflesanglio nervous system restored to its former tono, and mental olearnew, iraaqiliiiity.'hndvjgOr— at th^ageofnearly three soore- are'the much valued results ” Prepared, and sold w by MOCKRIDGE k CO., No. flti North FOUKTH Street, PtuUdUplna. and at RETAIL by Dnjggistagcneuuy. Pnoe, R 1 per buttle, large enxo-10oenta arnaU site. mr» Smif K (THU V" * " Pqt the INATANT RELIEF and PER- AulilSill MAN ENT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, use FENDT’S BRONCHIAL CIQABETTEB, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR A CO„ lft7 NASdAf Stroet, New York. Price 91 per ; sent free by post mrr-em iff FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. JJYSfEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIUS HAM’S AROMATIC MVIGORATJNQ&WIUT. This Medicine has been Cit public for six years with (ncreajftg Jav or. it is recommended to Cure Bv-pepsia, jy. trvousnets, Tfpart-Eurn, Colic Pains, 1 Vindin the Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Qi^ie'i ' Complaints, Low frj>ir(fs, iXiliztuui Tremens, Ifitesaptrancc, It tyiiet* nut Intoxicate or Stoteft. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, cur its the cnoatagsroyatedoiuesorDyspepsia, Kidney Qwisulsiuts, aLd all other derangements of the Stomaf a ana Bowels to a speedy manner. *' • ’ It will it aumljr rev\vs &* most nielanoholy and drooping spirits. £3*l t«*»lure the weak, nervous, and sickly to hyaltb, slrengtn,and vigor.' Parsons who, from tne injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, aud subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Delirium Tbambns, will, al most immediately, feel the happy and faeattny invigo rating efficacy ol it. Ham’s luyteorating dpirit, WH.AT r? VTftL DO. Doss.—One wipe glass lull as olten ns necessary. One iU»e vftU remove ail Bad &pmtx. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses wilt cure indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite, ' one dose wij stop the dtstrpniiu iftujYof Dyspepsia. Oue Uos® will reii.yvoute disjireqsing and disagreeable etfeots of wind ur TUtulence, aud as soon As the siou.aoh revive* th 6 ihviguAiting Bplht,tlie distress* i«8 l«*d dmi a PHinlul ieeiings will be removed. one dose will remove tne most distressing pain? of Coho, either in the stomach or bowels. f A tew doses will remove allobstmouon* fa the Kidney, Dladdor, or Urinary Organs, , -r f v . . ** Bersons who are WfHHUiW afiiioted ,wjth any Kiduey • ofapekoy rehet by a dose or two, a radical cure bv the use ol one or two, '• , NIGHTLY DiSdIPATiUM Persons who, from duwpaiiag too much Qvey right, and leel the evil etlects -> poisonous houprs. in vioieut headaches, siokness at stitnßyh. weakness, gidmuesi, &0., will find ons diiK® \vffi i dtove hll bad l^elinga. Ladisso! ddjistuutums aiiould take the Uvuoiating Spirn three umesaibti i it will make them strong, healthy, and hap-y, remove all übsuuo tiorisana mefeuiahtiesfroni'tw* menstrual organs,and restore the bloom of h?M I H<wL teauty to Umnaieworn .Utaiw pregnancy it >yill be fobud an Invaluable medi cine to remove iia*gree»bl* sensation* at the stomach. , Alt the bfoprtetor Mks is a mu, and to indue-, tins, he has put ui the Ixviqouatjno Spirit in pint buttles at 6Q cents. quarts 91. (Jensrai Depot,4B WATER Street, NewYoTk. . irYui'r fc bOMS, t y Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, Je7-thstaiv and lor sale uy all Druggists, JL.LUMIN ATOHs, hlht is uinteff m 3 ** UM) d Wherever . iign* Is vxijteu.* vcrottr thar.ptni.nii.n,wimis muSkS*.’®* “ w,, “ Ballin » rfor. wanted. oent »n U*ht» room SO feet equate for 1 cent an nourt tit Via tvira alt nieltt lor a lew cents. - tßrlHlufcm lv *‘n?a * attest A UJDITOK'B NOTlCE.—Tboundersigned Auditor. Appointed by the Orphans’ Court ol Lan caster county, to distribute the portion ol the balance in the hands of Daniel Kreider, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Kreider. Hr., late of Car narvon Township, LimcASier county, deceased, wi.ion belongs to, Jacob Kreider, to thosft l**g«liy entitled •hereto, will sit for tha pun os® ol his appointment in thei.ibrsry Room, mthoLoprt Hou-e, in the city of Lanoasier, up TUESDAY, the /th day of Ausiut next, at a o’clock V. M., when and where "Uperaons tn- may attend. WM. P. JBllltt'lOiV, j . ' j 1 • • WANTS, YaTANTKD—By a young man, who can ,* ▼ speak the Lnsl-shand - German ljras»*««u <» situation as Assistant Book-kse»er er w*«/H u make liint.uU'l. *?“o Commir o ,.T College. a large country oc<iuamta2S? e^i?^ yglagr* Elw °- T° BROKERS AND BANK.BRs. in , .2 tan * wko ,M* had icmg experience, who oorr.eotlons,can iiifliienoeaiarieamnn^ A N AOGOUNTANT AND B >OK. . kEE PER. of twelve year* practice i* now open to an engagement at a v«rv moae rate salary. -AAArmm * A Jennings," No. 7 13 Sooth dECOND Street. It* WANIBO —By a Young Man, a Situa * tion u FntrT.Cl.rk or /..num Book-kr.Mi 1 . .Would b. willini to mrt. bimwlr ieß.r.SjM.f.l. I. » A»duv« of a Cooj[ii.rcial Col ««*. j, n .ivYtl. Oat '’f AOdreM •• Clerk,”Fr«. oHlm* \V~ ANT£D —X situation by an experi -? 0 ' 11 Book-k««o.r, h.vinr » l*r,« ooantrTM- &® Dt m«X Mid eooßtrr rolerenoe. *{”"■ Address J, A. I)., rfo, IIUI north IhirTMoth - - je;p jt» “WANTED a person with 3?»i?V VrV *. fbftt a ®?ont to enter iato ebuiinoM (eiUierastm active or silsnt partoer)th«t,wiUpajr ao percent. Address ‘ Basinew.” at On* office. J<3e-lt* WANTED TO REST—A small cottage w J *,5? ar oity. easy of access. Rent not to mi osed $250 per annum. aMim COTTaGE, at ttS* —A young man, eighteen * * yeariofaKe,d#sir«*a*itoaU.niaaWhol«Rale Grooery.and Provisioa The but itrSnSui wi,l be given, balarjr noebjsot. Address •*K. r!’ l ™at thi* office. Je<-6t* TIfAP AND PRINT COLORING—Two \%TANI’EO—A Young Man, as Asaist- H ;.„ ®fi°!F* k *®®«L lD J t i 3 o™roia*ton House. Ad dresa with rvforSnoe. •» F. k Coihls office, ie»-4t* ANTED—A fcituation, by a mm. giv# the. aunt satisfactory reforences a* to ißUtrity. en.riy.aßd inum.u os,«iitr. A rood.rat. wfTfj fir »^s wIU * ow>wl - A<ldr( “ •• »■ Q - FOR SALE AND TO LET. PS TO RENT—The new four*story Notmf I?A?2Sf b* 1 ! fott r;?i? rr ?5 olt Bttiklio««, No.jQlu VlNfer Street, having ail the modern rniptovi wstßift? 3m - aps>i ij ”?• 140 d b i M npO LET—Throe well lighted Lofts, at » Stuart A Bro. Ap ply at No. » BANK street. r Je'4-gt GUIERBHOFER. LOEWf, k CO. ®FOR SALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about t*ir acres of Land, ani iinprovcmen s, near the Brandywine, six miles south ol West Chester* near the Baltimore Central Railroad. Addieea J. W L^uN, je jg-lm* Parker lie,Chester county, Pa. FOR SALE OR TO LET—A Double titone f ottage. Germantown, situate on DeWey’e lane, second house from Thorp s laae, five, minutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to - F. R, WILSON. 603 OfiIEBTNuT Street. m FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR HACiDIB&-Two two-story brick houses and lot or ground subject to iroprovemeßt. Heat for s7* per annum, each. A small amount of cash, and the batanoe in mercbAndiM required. Address A. 8.. Puss Offioo- . ® .TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR* story house. double book taildtn**, alt modern Im provements, in complete order: an elegant large yard. Terms low to a good tenant, thins ted No. 1824 Street. Apply At No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Maeopic Hau. - - tnyAMf m 10 CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— every convenience for carrying on aa extensive besi ness. A deiirable investment to persona of aaergy who can push the business. .For sale with or without the bn ldmr. Inquire at SB CHKBTNjrTB treat JalSwTmtf if ftARTTMQNtGOMERY. A CO. NURSERYMEN .iND FLORISTS A For Mill•,ten, lotiatkv&ntemMu* Mdtioaof qx> LET.—The-first floor of the fine build gm.yorr- c m#t% o^t. o U& H^ b ÜBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS, SOPHIA FURNACE* Ac.-By virtue of authority vested fa us u Irm* tees for certain cre ditors of Pollard AleCormiok. and in panraacceofa de cree of the District Court of Allegheny ooanty, m the Commonweath of Peßosylvania, tn Nr>. 3.ofNov*n.tor term, 1359, wft will expose to public sale, at the' MBR CHATiy WCOiiANGK,'oi» V F(«URTri Btrwt, Ja the city of Pittsburgh, an th® Ilth (twelftt) day of Jane. UOO, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M, tha Rolling Mill and Nail Factories, situated near New Castle. Law <J?r°9,ar?.t?:v^onn*ylvH,lia ’ known.mthe ORIZABA IKON WOKKB, co'tainmg 16-Boiling Furnooes, 6 Heanag Furnaces, Bar Rolle, J*mall Roll*. Nail Plata and Muck Rolij. 49'NaiLMaohinea. ana Wrought Bpike Maanioe. and Machinery for ttaaano turing Nail Kegs and Fire Brick. ' *s® Blast Furnace, known «- 9DP3VTA* ad joiaing alKtve works, which is oapaW* of turning out 430 tons of Pig Iron per week. V _ .Also, several lot* of ground, adjoin!**, and eevital m*cesof land odiacentto |ke lum Worha, contalamg CoaMroo ore, Limamojt*. and Fira Clay. - XEBv.a: Qac fourth of the purchaee bomv to be eaid in cash on the acknowledgment of tha deed; the balance m one, two, and three years from the time of sale,with interest from that time; the deferred pay ments to be secured by bond and morusse on the pro- K “ K *' CH.XLKS «» “■ , , JEM* O *■ fkNSock, J. 7 tltU wa. g. HIMIUK. ‘ ' BOARDING. JjSUMMffR BO AKDTNQ.—Persons wiabing v to ro to the country oau findplesaait Room* with Washington house, WOOi BUKY, fit, 4, .The House be* been enireiy re raodeleaanarefiirmsHed thrtnuhun*, For-terms, Ae., fMffM, , JU{l« f. PteiFFS. ' jex3 12t*. Letecf Mansion House, WeetChesfer, Pa pKIVaT£ BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen find -** their families,' or single gentlemen, eta toe aeeom modated with Board* vita plcasent and hndsome rooms, furnished or unßtrnisked, at 619 LuCUB r Be., •ourtt tide of Washington Hqaare. The location, brins opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the eity, is central, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the oily can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office. Jell-tf Families and gentlemen wxsn- IWG FIRST-CLASS BOARD, with cool Rooms, can now have oholce at WAL»UT St; je4-in*» YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with or without board,)jn a private family. Location cen tral. Address “ TOLBERT,” taroagh Stood’* patch. 1 . ■ Mfi DIVIDENDS. r»ORN EXCHANGE BANK, V/ Philadelphia* May 1, 18SBl The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend f THRfaE hkr CENT, on tne Capital Btook, elear of tate Tax, and payable on demand. mvl-tf J. W. TORJLRY, Cashier EDUCATIONAL. The semi-annual examination of Cand’dstea for admission as pact's of the Girls’ Rich Hohndl, will be commenced on MONDAY, Julf 2, lfcfiO, at 9 o'olock A'. M. lo be admitted the Candidate must be at least 14 tea aof age, and pass a satisfactory examination in OrthograpVy. Definition of Words, Reading* k&gliab Grammar, History of the United states, Geography, Arithmetic, and Peninsn»hip. All the Candidates must have been panils of the Pub lic Kckoosofthe First bohool District of Pennsylvania, tor the term of one year. The Cand dates will be examined on Monday, in Theorettoßl Anthi*>ti« and DeKoitioa of Words; Tueidiy, in Hta'ory of United States andOrtkogiaphy; Ihurfday. u Lnghsh Gramma? and Geography: Prioav, in Practical Arithmetic and Parsinr. * exananat on in Reading will be commesoed on Monday, andoentmued from day to day until finished. Je27 St IS A. CRnGAiC Principal. MJSS J.UOY B. MAYEB find Mrs. R. M. DTRDwill reopen their BCHO°L for Yoqng Ladies at 1010 BPRUCK Btreet, on MONDAY, Pep tsmber i7;b. 1860. KEJHOVALS. Removal. —small « chandler, WHOLESALE GROCERS, h&ve removed fboio M SECOND Str«tL WH» MARKET Street above Front, north »}pa. 4rS SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND 0 o’clock, and or MUNDiY till 8 m the ever Old has always paid in full, without nofice. INTEREBT FIVE PER O' ■ All soma paid back, on.demand,»» gc ALEX. WHILL BAMb. WORK, JohnC. , T. E.Haroer. John Anspaca, -*r„ Sami. T. Podine, John Aikman, Joraa Bowman, Wm. J. Howard. JOHNS.WIL JOHN C. BfM- 1 , Secretary, SPRING GAHiiEN SAY Office, 331 .North THIRD Btre and Callawhiu. Inaorpcrated by the 14th. Iklf. Open for Dopoaits ami Pay ftta Also.on MONDAY KvExINGS. from6toB o’clock. fnterest fi per cent, per annum, P*p> draw their.-vioneys by Checks, ifdesirt posits reoojved, JAMBS 8. PRINGL FkiHma H*pv. fteomterr. JULY IST. 1860. NBW FIRMS AND CHAKi MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANI be supplied from a very superior assortme I.iaon stock, or made to order. WARRANTED AT LOW PRICKS. , WM. P. MURPHY & SON’, NEW STORE. Stationers, Lithographers, and I.eUer-Pret SION or THE LSIJCUB. No. 339 CHESTNUT Street, jeJ sw-tf PURE fORT WINiS INVALIDS. FOR BALE BY C. H. MATTSOI. AROH AND TENTH BTREF very Family should posses. A-i •STEREO^COP*' 1 .—Ptereoscopic Instruments ; bufantured in the best sty Id; Ster oßcopiclVtureß the finest qual ties, recently imported, and sold at loir,SC prices tu rhecmmtr,, by * } FRli|K 119 Bouth FOUhTH St., below Chestnut. * OSTSpeotaoies and Eyeglasses, provided withifthe celebrated Fenecopio ulas es. aud correcOy suited for nil «k**. Micrnscopes nod Microscopic Pftotouraph.', Opera Glasses. Mathematical Instrument, sreat variety, an lat the most reasonable raise. ji2i-if-6t AM'UKAOITE INbUBANOE COMPA NY.-Authonzsd Capita! 8400.000-CHARTER Office No. 3U WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street. Philadelphia. This CqmjHtiy wiU insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene tatty. , < Also, Manna insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, a Freights, inland of the Uni«" ■ ' Jacob Esher* Joseph Masfield, ■ E. Lulber, - Dr. George N. Kc . Audenried, John R. Dtnkistf Davis Pearson, De& h Peter Sieger* J. t>. Baum. ‘ JACOB Pres WM. F.DKAN* Ytoe W, M,SMITH. Scoretary. SAND OKTJUIBLIS For ■WIiTH''FIU. fc BROTHER, 47 <• 6ECONP direct. TJE&ASBR WBDWKSDAy YYB9OWO* afts, ; *:;, L ~ MRS. A. PKNI?TArt, “* Who will ftppetria htz ti»rylui**nd loopaasioßed stno^ 1 • BStIOB of w ; « » L UJCRKTIA BOAGU. Mr. Riobsrd as Gatett*. ■■'■ - I , MISS ALICB MOIfTQ^MERY, Ayoon* lady oi th ; « cU/ f hy finf ayponriaoo on tar THR MKKcij%'l uj' vkmcg. ■ .1 ?AKB FISBT.> ' „ rcwt* h»TO kindly “Ttrtfl»t©*red J-M>* -i Bduotion in PRlfcl; oaj4tanf»jH|HreSil i ' >9 of 0w »il! e!°e* itZillSi. 2'lf , «0»»t.. M Witt. . - oojo «fr H.wml r KM.. apd (Von ® KIFL ® and pistol gal tAirlr jard. SiSSiSr. 00ai01... Gallery m SuSSf. P BALE'S COURT OP DEATH. . .Tbit smbtima Moral Painting, br Rjeifc BRAWnT WIU Cue KiQHT DAYaTatdno • T c .W-'™ciSo ?§mfy JDH£ a ■ Tbl«l« tbagrtat matter piaea of Mr> Peal?, fttovr* ;«S£.mS ft- ' . . 55 000 DOLLAR* i « - ji unpre*a,vw iuid nnd l—son «poo tha • vil« ofjßtea »araqee aud War, the oaaert&ioty ofba man Uft.jugt&a tnumpt* of ChristianFaithoverthe , tirrnn or P6AU. jltjjM iHaatration of thaPoam of Bisho* Fort**. oa Itj* fraa from thing repnUire. ' Thnaa who boo it oboo d«siro to too it again sed Wei/roan 3to 6. tad Bto IoP.H, • T>efcete36oenteo SaaaonTickate.Mwitß. je3:-6t ]|[oDONODGH’B GAIETIES —B A 0 E ..mVsNgK ATT*ACTIONt .JOHN HBOUGHAM’O OIt.UA. THE rl KATES OF THE MIMIBSIte. GWaNO OHO, ALL THE COUFANV, SOLOMON’S TEMPLE, 5* A l isi’ )****tM. and MrLot motel of tha nul. iSZIiSp *A» ■wonhip**™ ro- VfOMotod by M IttiN ■ arrayad ,1b Jewish aarronadiaf tfaowanteu ooarta, fire It a hfe-Sea^ . iS kS, a tma io . *° Ad minion, gS amt.: ohildrfn. half p-iee. *•*«? of l ?t J t . I ‘S" r,r to School., Clnhi. Boontte., fco„ not,l Jaiy 7. mri-tf : CHINA AND GLASSWARE. F EDIT JAMS! FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. , \ FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. ! THE BEST FRUIT JABS." ‘ ‘, THE VERT BEST FRUIT JARS. - ■ THE VERT BEST FRUIT JARS. . 0 THE FRUIT .fARsV WBIOHT, SMITH, fi CO., . No, $ NORTH FIFTH STREET, ; .. '- ' . ' ; vr-\ - Offer to the trade thebeUhrait Jere ont CII lad *ea thalr anahhaa ttrted hr exporisoota jelitjyl FRUIT JABS.—Xte yj^il!S.S¥SWiEK.^OTk?nK J A*B. flow in market*. Tha gemuae hare BartaU’s saaM 00 «• ecvoT. ’ Msnafacturer* tki patent. f , 4 , HARTBLU i LBTCBW^tK/. JalMmif* ~ Wo. 13 NonhFlFXligiwt. pOISON-^FBESH, FRUIT JAR^.^Tbc ‘J* aoi i.of fiTlitatwaji corrodes tha aarfaes of metal: ttovifore, tdHpnrebMa trtdss reliable andperfectlytafeiarinsuarVat , **4 “ HAHTfciiC k. 1/KTCHWORTTT. ial>-licif* , N. PIPi Bstraat. TlO NOT GO INTO "THE COUNTRY br % ted nook book, with fnU diraotioca for oattiwr'Bp Iraite. with Cm otksr natfal recalpte, J A*3. All,i, ' i ' 8 PAIRRTALL , HARTELI, a letchwohth; ’ J.UlmlA -. ■■ .. -North FIFTHBuwt INSURANCE COMPANIES; nTH® MUTUAL Lira INSURANCE A j cuxTANr oF ianr ron», SIS, JWLLARA , U,TMI “ ‘worth mkr^ lhi (iMfcra* mum Una h) Knar ocher Oaaje aiaa. anith. UiTidead. hRTe boea»..AT»x, - • Th(, &&h« ? fer> BRLOXW TO tH»UWBRa*. , i«fon=.eo».> t T t* te 4 Aw.« n £Fwrja , OTBiig&. ■ AHILADELPHIA ,IIEPB|tKNCEBi thajUlßptnu. TohaWetoh. . SwrjeH. Bm.'V Smk* M. Stroad,; K. A WhoSn, , » P ?(*"• LfteherLeimlnt, • MBS f*E-S ow * !tt SoorroVrToSs.i, Williani MoKoo. Thoo, Watttoo. irß-Trif* C'AMJC INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. a « CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORFORATEO THE CTATE Or •ONFINKD TO FIRE AND UTLAHI) SISRr _ , _ , , snKnu p.fc 4lenko Sura ' GEORGE W. DAY, Pi-' WILUAMB I. B F l\nGßal6.%c^~ CLOTHING. Jg t H. ELDKIDO “CONTINENTAL OLOTHL H. E. Corner EI3HTH ana Cl Outom«r Work made at ahf mhCAm-if {{ SHOEM ' Northeast O' aiyiS-flra A cr