The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 23, 1860, Image 4
JStiSRHPfif ■SSKwSssg^SSg the nSire ‘lnterest/ £«iree «e?^W/MW* wkenithaareat : SSS« “’•? T « Bt *V* ■ Ben nf oaramilier crafUKtdb ~ea yaohta and a team an wbote'SSieTe '.are deeplyjnterested in the - Sr«w3i«f «d*»tarehHebl*|<Klfospo|tomeetand. iwJmpanyherep the W > '.*®***Wfrs"*_ to J , iS' eltr, aur round «1 mthla mannerbyefleet of entail Msels, wtllonly teed to display to more utam‘ a’, >t«nt* c by tbe-eontrast bier. lmmeg|e' proporttone: to the arowdawHowlHipongragateonthe Battery, :oo tie wh wnw, aa anon u the foot of hererrt-. Tails known throughout thecity. '• '■-•■ > •■'' t«iriopt oprenaaaaPiAstaiitr. ,: t- | ! To order thatho preeaution might bermittad.ln bringing the threat Eaatern -into; opr.-herbor, Mr. . , >»«6. <a»ejt*nt of/the TeSel inthtaeitJj; thoeght bay,and '.'vfirtier with, whtehshe was prdvt4pd,it would be ’"well to. have a 'New York. nHotawoip nany 5® r ftem Eorn^e.. ! Ao«ertin«l» ) iir^Ml<i4»hlMurpby> eapt*tn l eftb«»rWaiitlngtt>nKo.4,waa to--.; - lfoteifor thU.pnrpoet, '‘Mr. -Morphy has been for fcmrtaeniieati Part engagtd ; In- wp pilotage boafc *ew J fo, Rework * ;an*lntedwlth all ttafeatarw. Hehomblneewith ’ th* knowledge deriredfromap many yeifo'-expe rlenoe tnet predeppeapd eklll (no aoeldenth«T;-j ins m* taken rdtee daring hia eapertMeft and i eete of aeteeel). phflte a meat,thorough seaman.; . Butarn he. will make ; .Unin ■ thoroughly ao .ouainted with bey eaHtncfpbwma ep- that r he mjy - ; more roadily ehabled togutde her op to the '-.'.leKy. ;•?" ' ’’‘"•V'"-.; ; THE PEOfIIIAMM 'OrWB *ECE2»nOI». . i-.r -'ißbtiadbitb* Greatl!««tern to]tfi« cKy It will ,be'neceeeary tooondoct her through QedaayX channel, which has twenty-nine feet ,of water at r blab tide. ship channel between Sandy Boi end Staten-l.laudb twenty-eight feet in .depth n that to pan' through eitherlocality tbe.Gceat pastern,, Ifahe aiTWes ~ befirehlgh watef, willhavafo.walt.; Ituai thla •- saeeaeat, theoj that the.akili of herpHot wH*. *>° $ Seeded, at aha i« expectedto draw twenty-six feet «f water at the least, calculation..ln order that all astistanee nfay he given Mr. Murphy in this work, ■ a pilot- wiUbo'waltlngat the Iteht •hlp, and two pilot hoats. the Aohilles and Yan kee, will proceed down to Sandy -Kook- to-morrow ' far ihe porposo. j u \. - "Cpdn ’ heriirriTal the Greatßretera will anchor -off the Bstieiy, wheip aha will -remote fcr atee tinjo, perhaps adey or, thew-proceed to . ..tkedoelt or balkhaed wklch Is now, being aotivel; fnr Aer 'reception, betweenne® Blond <■ Md Toy atreeti. lforth > fiver.. This doek. whlch . J sw»d'for lolling '»m unloading lumber, lime, ~ hriek. ead ether saeteHele,-- la the -langtet li> Jhe ■ itri h, vtii* afrootoflJW bet, and extending be-, ■ tireen tbe streeia abore; mentloned, end erasing .Backand Etethaoe atreets. ItugllLbe that; seen ' ’ aSttbo apace aliotled for the_Great Baatern Is i -t*»e« Hooke ia length,"a tp.eo of abiUt TOO feet - , . Xha eotamlttae of tha Oommen Coanoil on the ' toeeptinn Af the Teasel directed Captain Smith,.the —Meet ennimlastontr,' tohave thebalkhead dredged i Oatriethe depth ot twenty-etifeetetfow tide, and en WeineM.y morning last three dredgieg boats the- New York, Bolton, and another, commenced - the work Eaoh boat remnved Irom.teo to fifteen Soowafallof mad every day,,u>d Oieh eooweari- S:- taint 'ahont fifty cohle ‘yards, ad' that Mr.Ewcn, ,*nparintenileot ot.wharves, aodar -where charge ' -tte woik l, going on, expeetetohavo it oompleted on.oaafdayaTenlag-next.'v -i-- • ■ extends at a' 'distance -fTorethaehow’of Bffjftdet'-on its Iqner’ttmntUry, . and ; »tghty feet, on it* outer bouß4aty..Tki» is owl eg .» the width of the reeSel over wafetvapil berbroed.-xaards,wWoh'pretrenf theTewer.pertof ; net hull from apptoaeUsg' the'dook.—iVe» 'York JSemld; june li- ' \ ’\p - . V .; v .W«*t ‘tittir- navn featn,-^ 1 It would he dia henofahle andbutmllating for any delegate to go . beek to'BetiWd|*!Vr-jßaff.Tßn<3y.V : .1 ] “i.will never go lo the B.ltlsiore Convention;» help me God V’—R, O. Stall. ’* - 1 The - man .who would go foßulUuibre'woald - lorebla manhood, nerve, and honor. There.'are - no circomtlance* under which- oar delegates ceoid . go to Baltlmoro!”—J". C. U. Mitchell. - Now, only a few days hove passed/end alt three of these' 'gentlemen , have become, by a procure of bogus pocas;:onlyandentaodiahlghpolltlcatelr oles.inlavpf.ofßaltlniore.Por eharity’e cake, we will oot make (Ma.) Sen -ttnsi.'' . T From the New Gold Mines. , We find in The -Roc/ey Mountain News and - TAs Bulletin of May 10, the following interesting information from Jefferson Territory t Now dtscororlee oonllnaed to be mode in and arennd the Gregory district that equal, and in some raepeote far excel, the famous Gregory lead, that V-- ’-tho-eore iheada swore so zealously, alter all their 'other lying reports were refated and proven false] woe “ the only leed in the mountains that had any gold in It ” In addition to the Becrato. described . a few weeke eioee, and the-Ne'wfonhdland, and the Baker leads-reportod tsst.week, two'others have - been described since by Mcrtdn7Sinitli,& Co. They are cat.ed the Kenosha and Canada leads, and are of similar character and richness to tho Kew - foandland iesd:. Tbey.aM bhth oh the north Ne - vad* mountains, but a. short,dUtanco .apart, and . have beeu-treoed for moro than n thousand feet waafa. . ire are told, has,in no Instance-- Jiatded lest than 80 ■ cents to the pan or dirt, and ranges from thst sum np to - $3.60 to tß® Pltlr 1 _ ' .. .. tcohi Mr,Biaaelr, ~we learn that' the wnsoli dated ditebqi progreselog rapidly toward eomple • Mob. and will positively bring water to the mines la liHMrtbaojOne month,from thl? timer . trbm Mr. 'Jaylor, an experienced geologist and mineralogist, who hat spent the last Tall and win ter in the mines, earefatly prospecting and testing thetr tesenrees, w® : learp that rilver ore. in the form of argentiferous, galena, has ,betn tound in. e«eh^iaQtitig^,teto.eneotiragefaruarprospeeting 1 l»l»a s' - • ir :; - f'tM \ ' 1 Ifr.T. has tested some speclrneQa which yielded *l W tb the toa.ofror*,- and.' in olfo or , ,7W»3ftflaM«B JiM%fimDd'naggate of pdK allver *XM»r tta tarfooe. From his experience and ob*, •erTatloa,.-bfria eonvioeed that silver-mines' of ■mat rSteheeeaexUt in the immediato TlcinlQr of HoonialnCUy. hetxpeeta yet to dli* that:will rival, tea celebrated . Waahoe aiae® of Garten Talley; ■ 7 , 7 y /Iftylor baS:;plte7 ttetod elsnabar ore 1 that ytelM < terylafoe per outego of 1 muo qoiekeil* ‘ 7’ J a---? : , '‘JfUhM teatteindi over tha viarfaoe, the effort has,yet bees mvietopeaetratetbevein. r . , . . 7 : ' ~ ' Shnnld einpabar be. foand in enffiolent quantity te'wfeply the demand of the-eonntry with qhlekr 41var,1t will'not. only prove, a- sonroe of great wealth 4o the Ofrnorf, bat oi peenoiery advau tage to all who tre interested is - gold-mining ope i«3*ns;: "i"> .'.S'IK. ~lUstK*opl»ioßofthb«ewh»ditT«reeeßtlr till ted the Gregory intoee rhet a few weeks wilt see ta immense jtela of gold; .prospects are brlght, and thhoMnds of men nav* neatly ,or quite epa- Slete-i thelr pfeparmticnt for the remmsr’s work hafes arc sank, hundreds of tons of rioh quartz tre already out, and in gulches ditches are dug, stutaas are mads, p*y-d,rt stripped, and avery - wsaee all things are- In'readihaSs r,ir sueobisful Snd axtanslvo, oparations- From Ctaar Craak and Boulder reports are equally favorable, and a few days will wiutesa husy timaa lu the mioea. ' - Important Movement Among the Basks.—On Tbnndap evening; delegate! fromthe banka in Penoajtvanta, New Jercep.attdDela- Wkre. bald a saeatiag to thfe city fertile pnrpoSe of foreilpx eoeaeoclatiento prevent eoaitarfeiting and Simile t,meeting«.here. been., held dtpltni folio W« t * .J«>ll end every bank may berepreeeated by one oßrer.wba ttttpbeapreeldent, eachlar.or dlree •BroT iho bcnk.robeeppointed by. the board of jfHrkjjtorit.l Attnannal aajeaemeot day be made Op»s eaehbeak repraeanted la the awoeiatldq; M proporHoa to thk amondtof Its capital atoak,' MKal.Did.l4 ore board of managen.'but In no eseefoesteadtbe asm'ef ten- dollars per atranm ■ssatihbe band red thouehd dollkrt orlta capital. «»M»!'lßOM>Sit "f-ttw MMOl* tiio In PMlsdelnMa la tbe month of Map, of which foerteee deja’nolle*ahalib* given bra printed otsjHUOb Bailee .eddtomed to the enabler of the . 'A'«tbU.BtoetiDg all thooßcerref'the peer ahell bo alacfed bp, ballet to ebselct of a board of ifieae n»o*ker«.hvoef whom.ehall be from the dtp of nU adalphla, and ten from euoh other placet) aa the aeettngmnT decide. The managers eball choose a chelrmen.seero tarr, and treaaorer, Theehairaitn eball bo, tx eß*e,ipre»l4ent' or the aeebelaWan. Ih ease of Oaabaeoos, aap other lumber nap he chosen to ''•Tbeiporefarp-el'an|re<!ord'tb»(ioißfS‘Of;the W aoetctlaa acd of (be board of manager*. ■* . „ dell 'receive and dlabarfe tbe pasdtpf tße aroocUtion. under.the direction of the btmdo for the talibrel dtacbene Sf hUditlw. V-< Ap*dadmeetlag»yneybe called bp. the ohalf *ep , * tM 7>« *»J »*« two member* of the Tho m sugars sball htTa pewer to appoint eneb gawa^ateteafe «>u appointed .'(ball render a wrttten reMrt of theiriloinn, at each saarterlp «Mj|o*of;tbemaßa*er*,alidataoylnteimMlete Alßarb SanniMtlng af tbb aesaelatlon. the maoecert ahaU rendtr a detailed renort of their P|®*Md!af*-aodtheacti and dolngeof their agentr, ■ together with a tutement of ell fcßde reeeired bp lMMawr»r> and dlrbnreed bp hla ondar their dlteetl«Bi, all aacwnpaalrt witt proper rOac&hrr, pwooated te the aaaealatlon. . • c t"- -v jAV booomlog wpaHp tn tbla pies of ot*»- : » delr estborliad Ottoorrond pt%( lie p-poerttie of the Maaeamoptc, ahat! be entfUed to all th* prlrllo|M of the aiiociatUm. ,t -'A BoiA Bar TartsphTin —A letter from Ha drtd'«d»*:'la tfce triumphal entrance of tb*Mom' IMMMJIcIi; (Wlthtbe exception ef SoneretPrtin; whiiwae»> rrwtad that ho ba*- to ■ ■ Wl*or aaMwent fltnajjlr - UWfftttjribjdli *llt disturb tbe rtpowftf ' Jp&gfotto. Tot trampefcnr bftokgft to asigtei I*4m* wt »r tho qactUon; boiebrlght Jda*- "jipmir V iiiniWuX . .V. M w ' - - ■ -■ (Sesortsdfor thaßfsssUV^? Philadelphia board’Of TitADE, Mthe Merekb»Si^e^imtse*Phila4elpiitt- ShifSarattxksEowleod^——-— ..-tirarpooh Jupe Bwp&ii»betirj- fouikes-w.,,...P0ttgtmm- IfAJKINB INTEUJGBWCEs SORT OW WHII.AnWr.fMIA. Jaao 38-')SH, IWH RISESM-SBW BETS r . 755 aTaw wiATgRT--- - » n ■ ,'i-r iAFRIVED- 1 ‘ .- StMffisiiio Delaware. Cwnoo, 19 hours from N York, 'with md a andmueexsera to Jae AlloeTnloe., Off Bom* 'bar Hoek; pkMedabip R tJ&oobe, for liiveipoobat an ohon ehipaSt&Tn Jti«\te.from Uvcr»7oToff Reedy Font* mtoworuit pofphm. bound upt u S ship .Sara of-tusJ Ij Foae», and an unknownt fqll • ’rifted brit. Cattle} twoiohre'Mtbe Lafarotto. Pcßpeaux. 3 data from Hew York. t from Hew Bedford. wiUoU-eto. to.Btxr»ber. Baatmc* Co- , SoHr C P Btiekney, Giarwood. 6 days from East Cam hnd*e, ra beUait to R R Corson 4: Co. '• t goer fc,UMiU6r'f beeher.6 d-tys from Roetoti. with mdse <trt-Crowell & Collin*. Reports the,biig Amelia, from ' 'Bohr Clayton &.Lo»ber, Jackson, lday from enirrna. Del. w|thgri«n.toJ»*ljßfwleyfeCo. ' ' „-.dohr ply. Cheese man $4 days from Nantuoket. in bal t Sohr Parker, 6- daye from Boston, in ballast to L» Audenned & Co. , - > - « , . . ,v * gohr J B Austin. Davis,ddaysfrom Boston,m ballast aroer°BMA?i*sn. ti hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. ' w ' CLEARED. Steamship Boston. Crooker, *Jaw York. Jm Allderdlee. steamship Virginia, Kelly, Norfolk and Klohmond, T Roberta, Harbor Island. J 8 & E LPerot. Hohr Parser. ;Bob on. L Audetmed & \-o. tshr J U Austin, Davis. Boston. N Murtavant« Co. ohrffewJeMsy; Vannemin'. Boston, ' do.. _ Sehr H W MfWs. Phillips, Taunton,' L Rothefmel & Co Boftr Helen Mar,Nickerson. Weymoothi t Whittaker, - BohvFWVOhe*roman.Nsatnoket, WJt Jnhh«. „ . - SchrCaribaiana, Crnpo. N Rlskitton t Cox, .. Bohr David Carter, Hoover, Murfreesboro, do Bohr 0 P etiokney, Garwood, East Cambridge, R R 8 Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Grove, Jr. iOonmtmdenoeof thqFhilMMvhin KiohanMi 1 * LKi, d". Pel*. JQnr 21 The bark NareaVet. fiom Pernambuco, -with suzar, dauinad hare a few dars for orders- left this myrninr fo- Phlad.lphia "r Onaries Schelimjer, pilot, umlarl thia' whom I am tnitabtad for the following .reporft- The brnkThoaDalian. for Laruarra; .rig H C Brooke from WilmiusWa- Del. for In«ilea. and achriUatae-Law, for an eastern port, aao rea .«SJOTtta* n this moroinv, oatd to bo the U Bs]oopofw»r Saratosa. ff'«i Vera Crne A lighthnnso gnabW schooner and about twentjr others are at the Vlnd.troogfcomßK -I-.- ' , '{Oerreapondenoaof Kaunadr; Frank Bur. row* Md Par snasudotoNproross & Sheets; Golden <West. pis iron *<vl ft Ro'aod; Witoae A Aronrad. *»ain t«v captain: Dr Wfn Moore, do to Lavi Moser; wm A F Taylor, grain, <to. to Oep Lauer. ■- << ? o, m ß Srsi , G T R h s^!*fi , n. S t.,iw. ’ The Ktaffs+on left with 3 boats in tow, laden and oon- Smblem, Sarah’ Lecher, and Mary Elisabeth, lumber to Delaware City. - IWfeWORAWP* - Ship ConneoHont, Spedden, for Woosung, was in the river.Ljrerpooljeth inst. outward bound., - _ , ,Bbip Juniata. Wilson, from Liverpool, cleared atßal *lBb>»l? t ßeth{ah* Thayer, Muhroe, from Callao, arrived atfla’amoreSf«tinst. . _ , writ Adelaide.. >ohalken, for Philadelphia, sailed .from tfe*merhiven«th.«at •. - - - - ... .Bsrk Clifton. I.eeis, for Rio de Janeiro, oleared at • ' . C Book Coombs, from New York, arrived at jwilfltin<toit,>'oletistUate . ' . 4 -Behr'D L. Etsrgis, Noras, hence, arrived at Provi eohr Southerner; Bellows, o’M-red at Charleston 19th, intr. for P/Tlsdsiphia. with 370 bale* cotton, 104 empty oesks am) 473 pieces old railroad iron. ■ Bohr Python. Osgood, cleared at Charleston 19th met. for Jiesstmviile' Bohr, J PBerrill. Partridge, sailed from Alexandria dlst-inst. for. Philadelphia.. - ' « Gordo Iron*, end Elmira, Travers, ar rival) at Wllmlnffton, Del. JUt init. - Schr rianssa Bndd, Hose, hence, arrived at Paw> ' HqfimSli bVeliv. M A Maras. and J Honrs* Clark, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence *>tb inst. Steamer/N Hmitn, Bennett, oleared at Norfolk 90th lp«t.f»rPh'ladtlphia. . INSIBANCE COMPANIES. gABINE & DUY, iKBDRANCE AGENTS. No. 491 WALNOT Street, Insuraagainst loss or damage by Fire, on Cotton and 'Woollen MiUs. and other«Manufactories, Bmldinss, Merohandise. Furniture, .and other property* onfavo robin tnrms, in the followtn* welliknown companies: PHCBNIX fWBURANCB CO * OPJEIAHTFURD- - Cash Capital and Barplna #382.325 91. METROPOLITAN FIV. 1W8.C0.,‘ ‘KWJ2WyOhK. * Cash Capital and Borplus 60. PROVIDENCE W VSHINGTCN,INK. 00., PRO V. - ARCfrioFiRE n«i|i§foK SL^FjStwjroßK. HOFE PIRE INSUHA^6!co“I,p a trKwJvOKK. CITY FJHE INBratt«clB!'co“ GERMANtA FIR S m ' • - Cast! Capital and "orpins BOS c99OL 'AppllcatioM in person or br note will rteeive prompt attention. SABINE k DUY, Asents, , kits«a-^v- - - :^N0..444 WAfaVllfr Street. ffHE BNTJBBPJEOHK msUBANOE COMPANY (PIKE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMP ANTS BVTLDINO.B. W, CORNEA fOORTH AND WALNUTSTREETS. DIRECT Ftlimnulruii - MobdkaiL. Dawioii. wimiam MoKbe, Geo. H. BTOA*T, ■ Nalbuo F»*zi*h, Johm H. Biowk, John H. Atwood.' , a A. Fahhmtogi. fl«ai.T I TEHDKII, AIMIW B. CA»B, Hesat whaAtom. jt LiJSsSiFo*®-.. . MUMB& AMERICAN JtttE INSURANCE o <t., jt*UfOOJIPORATED UStrOHARTER JPEHPET- JtoSK) PtlUdelphi»A Jurtnr»large paid-ap capital Stool tnafiarvlns In- VMtedin aoondJMd. available Sanities, continue to issuotm Dvomavc.BtortSi Parmtnre, Merchandise, Vessel* in Portaod weir oargoee, and otter Personal Property. Ail losses liberally and promptly adjastea. - - piptejtoss. nuniwl 0. Morton. ' JMmand G. jJatilh, PMnokanidr, . oßm. W.Foaltßar, V. WWW O . „'®MA|^"j MAßtB ' F re <taecU ' ALBERT C. L. GRAWFORD. Secretary. fell-tl 4 NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA pN V.-AutWriiod Oapital s**>,MO-CHARTER No. SiIWALNUT Street, between Third and FgarUi Streets Philadelphia. • ' _Tittc Company wilt Inwre against loss or damage by Fiw» on BoUdißire, Furniture, nad MerchaadTee gene rtUf^- ■ Abo; Marine lunirandea ooVeeieli, Cargoei, and ritiwta Inland or the union* Jacob Ether* Joseph Mssfietf, J)*Ln»ber,; ljr« George 14, Eckert* Lt.&odennedf John R, Blakiston, Davis Pearson* , wm. F.De&n, apS'tothstf JACOB W. Heontarj!' fkUAKER CJITY INBDBANCE COMPA- AfiD l aui2 Kwft Periia ofrhe > BeaI I ]ElaS’r?ar?iaUon&S TnAiyortatiott. GEORQEHiHAlTjPrtildsiit ; r 1 ; 2?k*C«teuf rt, HKC^o^r t Bg?erWna, fotSfer. ,;^ sr^®-fetf IAtfLAWAKhi MUTUAL SAFETY IN INCORPORATgjffljfiltiffilEa'fiiLATVßß 01 offiob s.%d vcalhvt M g ON '*f * 0 ,ul »* rt, orUie World. On #oodti hr Carrlate ' »*'**"•'*»■ Mati7l r .„. KMtWtfc’K S art State CV’ ot, been.—UdWO 00 ilUNfc V XTieaeorr W T eentTTotee and OSQMt'U; S. BIP otTSoteaand inter- Te Loan tc the Gltj ofrhila- M uim.oo „ •IMNiM Iharea atoefc Germantown Gee -r g fMW*»*O g * Uroa * , „ bamioo ahateaTjogh Paewirania Rett- •’ r fevtaMftStiftftNan«ifon Com OnS«r»fJsSSlelSlhU .. OMaaur ———Wiooo Sica aa fAb.riS M Mortrcrea. andßeal Eatate, Of- ' EtCrSjiSE&Kr In«irili»M'madeUw~ ,, It JrW&X SSSSMWte p andatoo^cjanSfr '£uu£»»*Cozdv*^' OsSonfieichitla Bartlc—l wjoS H ;r,-v..*ioidii.w •nwotou. J'^llLgtok**, B&sfr*' a®* ■ Burton, \ Jones,* B. M’Fariand, L in INStrki44l* AND TRUST ail l ie" l 74l; NAZ COM qus,, 1 ---- o'rl .:. t "ir AGlArmiri tu•ln _ .Qa n arr 7 teftMul 4 •0 1 : ton ' 4 4!:A-4 , 4.. ~_, TE . MMori S , . su r:1 . 14, +, 2 '' _ ' Tivt kni ~,'•. : 1 1 . " .. k r "l ' .. '' '— , - .c - ~ im3v.)• r«i 'tJ i •- I»M ;▼.***!••*, I i’HEI'ABED GIiVEi- PEEP ARE) GLUE! ; J: SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY! DESFATOH . 4G* 1 -A Switch in Time saves Nine.” *5l As accidents will happen,even xnwell-resulatedfami is .very desirable, to have some oheapand con venient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Orookery, CCS, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no honsehold can afford obe without it. It is always ready, and up to the etiok ing point. There is no lonser a necessity for limping ' chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken oradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies ef refinement This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held jn solution, and possessing all toe, valuable qualities of the beßt cabinet-makers’ Glue. It-maybe used in the plaoe of ordinary muousge, being vast y more adhesive. ' “ USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE, 1 ” . - 3, B.—A Btash accompanies each bottle. Prfet 25 oenta Wholesale Depot, No. 80 Platt St., New Yobx. A4dre«.HENRY C. SPALDING & Co., Box 3,000, New York, Put up forDealor. in onaea containing four, eirht. and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithographio Show-Card accompanyius each package. single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its oost annually, to every h Boid h br aU*t>romment Stationer., Druggist., Hard rare and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fanoy Country 'merchants should make a note of SPALD ING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list, [t will stand any climate. ■: SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. SPALDTNG'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, - BOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. BOLB L ByFUitSitTUEK^SsALEHb, BPjU ' d b® s bV§l«? LUEi SOLD .S^COUNTRY B I^ER^HANTs'G^NtfeRALLY. Man a turad b * HENRY n BPAL1)IN0 j. COit 48 QEDaR Street, New York. Address Post Office, Box No. 5,600. Annexed is on Alphabetical List of Articles which, if damaged, may be restored to their original strength and usefulness by * . SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, 6— Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS-, —. -—. —. .A ....Mends BUREAUS— O—Mends CRADLES ... .0 D,,-Mends DOLLS D E.... Mends ETaGKRES—— —£ P.... Mends PANS .F G....Mends,GUITARS —. —G H-.. Mends HARPS., - -H L—Mends IfiLAID-W0RK......—- J.... Mends JARS ... K-.. Mends Kn 085........ —— .• L.*..-Meud» LEATHER-WORK ... M—. Mends MIRROR-FRAMES,— N-.Meilds NEWEL-PuSPS 0.... OTTOMANS „ P.... Mends PiaNO-FORTES . ,P 0 ...Mends GUILT FRAMES -G i R-.. Mends ROCKING-HORSES ——»...R 1 5... .Mends SOFAS .8 T... .Mends TA BLES .T Uu...Mentis UMBHELLA-BTICKB. U i V..*.Mend« V58E8.... . -V ; W—. Mends WORK-BOXES...—-- ~.W X— Mends XYLOGRAPHIO-WORK™ —.X Y—Mends YARD-STICKS .. —Y Z—Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK - Z £—ln conclusion,SPALDlNG’S PREPARED GLUE is useful tn Libraries and Schools. f. !;V,".'.'Mends £bTTKR E feEAUNG *.-k" 1 4 6.... D... .Mends DAGUERREOTYPE CASES..D.... 6 6~—.1 .Mends IMAGES —.. 1.... 6 7.. -N... .Mends NK w. BREAKAGES— a-.. 7 &. G... .Mends GUNS POCKS.. G.. *. 8 #—S-. .Mends SCHOOL-BOOKS—— B-- 9 10—P—Mends PARASOLS P.... 10 11—.. K Mends RULKRS ....R....11 12 E... .Mends KLECTRIOAL MACEINEB..K... .12 13—P....Mends PAPKR-HA*GINGS.— P....1S 14....A....Mends ARM-CHAIRS^— A.... 14 15.-.R....MendsRICKETY FURN1TURE....R.,..15 18. .. .E.... Mends FRASER HANDLES..— K... 46 17—D—Mends DESKS »—l7 13 - .G-. .Mends GLOBES- ~ - G... .18 19.—L Mends LOOSENED LEAVES—-...L-..19 U.... Mends Upholstered FURNITURE...U....BO 21—E....Mends EGG-BEATERS -—.— E-. .21 82 -, .Mends ACORN-WORK ——.- 'fljend* FILLET- —V 29 „ —Mends JRfiNEY-BOXES aoZ. ..MendaPWrURK FRAMES— 91 Mends SECRET ARIES ~i_—i.. 83—Mends VENEERING —, 53 Mends SCHOOL FURNITURE. 84-11—. Mends PAPIER-MACHE, 85 . ..Mends WARDkOBES Id—-.. Mends PARIAN MARBLE— , w . I/—-..Mends CRIBS..- ffiirtmrf MwpdS BAoY-JUMPERSi...«ih—. 89——Mends IVORY-WORK..—— 40 —..Mends MATCH-SAFES 41 Mends PICTURES 42 Mends GUILL-WHEELS. 43 ..-Mends TOWEL-RACKS,. 41.,.. mends wASHSTANDS— 45———Mends — ja 7— — . HERBARIUMS SfcmftS km&S 64 - Mends BILLIARD TABLES 55 - -'Mends BILLIARD-CUBS. 96 Mends BIRD-CAGES ... S7„—Mends BROOMSTICKS— , S3—Mends BOOK-CASES.., —— Menas BOOT-OfIIMPS 89——Mends BRUSH-HANDLES O——Mends BRUSHES....—— O .. .—Mends CABINETS- - - «——Mends CHURNS....- —... 64—. Mends CLOCK-CASES Mends CRUTCHES 86—--Mends CUPBOARDS— —,. fl7—.Mends CURTAINS—.— - 68————Mends CASINGS 69——. Mends OADDIEB— 78-..—Mends CAMMRAfi— -71 Mends CHAIRB 72- Mehdft CHARTS*. 78——Mends CLOTHEB-FRAMES - 74——Mends CARD-OASES..—-- 78 ........ Mends CHESTS 7:777 TT.SSSIa 777-777.7 Mende ORABGH.T-BOARDS, /s———Mends DISHES:.'... Meric/* 8l&t#0XE8 *-.. .V..;;.. S——Mends BCPR?Uyv*'”" 83—.-.. Mends DOMIwCS*-M.r FIRRBOARDfI - 85.™—Mends FLUTES a— mends BALLUSTERS.-. g—Meirds GLASSWARE - - 88 —Mends HANDLES. —Mendh GUTTA-PERCHA WARE 90—.... Mends KITES—. -...— 91—-Mends TOPS - Mends ORGANS- 95....—Mends MODELS..- - tt——Mends SKWING-MACHIHE STANDS-.,94 98— Meeds PASTEBOARD WORK, So 97.™—.Mends PATTERNS 97 98 - - ..Mentis SIDEBOARD* ,93 «0 .Meade WILIXIW WARE.. 7...100 SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY STATIONERS, / SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY DRUGGISTS, “5wa Gm ' «§£W } Wigl D s». SOLS B!?C0liSi I SSr B MEKOHAhTBOJENifcEALIjY. NRY 0 gPAU)INO t c 0 Tut np in ciuei containing either Four, Eight, of rwelve doses each—A beautiful Lithographic show* Csas accompanying each package* dgj-sjy BUSINESS CARDS. V B PALMER, THE ADVERTISING „* * AOKNT, FIFTH and CHESTKIIT, rlvea hia views of the prtnoiple and Met mode of Advertising, dnllf, between 19 and t cTolook. Addieesi 51 ™>» am V. B. PALMER. BJ. BAYLIS THOMAS, * ’ " _ , attorney-at-law. J£*’’vJalWt Btreet' 101 " No- 823 Aroh «tr,«t to No, .Particular attention jiven to the reooverr of Mercan tile Olnima. The.drafting and examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments' Briefs of Title, and other Instruments of Writing. The management of Executor ships, Admimstratoranipa, and Trusts, superintended: and the best securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Batisfootory reference given when required. ap 3o-fm* UENRY E. KEENE, as. - ATTORNEY-AT-tiAW Has REMOVED his office fr<£x H07«30 Walnut street u no. ass South THIRD Street. mbSS-Cro* GAMDEL O. BLO*N. ‘ ° REAL ESTATE BROKRR AND OOLLEOTINfI . .- _ AuKnXi _ mlitt-ftm* st. Paul. Minwbsota. Horace see, . MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORN EY, * . Nq, lt4 Pouti SiXTH Street, , (Neatiropposite the County Courthouse,) Prepares Fpecifications, Drawings. fee., and transaots all other business oonneoted with the obtainin' of Let ters Patent. apM 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Offioe, No. 116 South SIXTH Btreet, (Opposite Independence Square,} PmtApxLpniA, By the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the united States, is enabled to proseoute andooileot olaima of every description' Particular attention given to the examination and re covery of the claims ofLeratees and Dpvisees, and the examination of Land Titles ana scouring the interests of heirs and all persons interested in the same, in ail parts of the Union* - „ Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner forraostofthem. „ ’ , Depositions oarefully taken nnder Commissions* « fuguet & SONS, f .fgeeive regularly a foil assortment of desirable Cl •a*Bj wfeiofi they offer at low rates, for oaaß or ap‘ •wvMermm . TfeiiTr A lfred l. hough, agent, IffifflraWElHA IMI-ta 4 ”’™ - ' I ’* ®“ C * K Street, Philadelphia. DAWSON A NICHOLSON, AT- BOOKBINDERS. * NOS. iIOAND 9SI MfijoA STREET, jTAMEg PAWBONt J-AA. is. NICHOLSON, l|f ACKEREL, SHAD HERRING, WHITE •IMPISH AND CHEEBE.-3.C0 bbls- Maokeftl, No. If, 2s. aud Ss m wholes, halves, quaters, and eightlia, Halifax and Massachusetts inspseotion,, bafibbhihaatern Mesaßbad. *io, ibiB iaotport ai d Halifax Herring, , ‘ _ 2°2 Seated do. ‘ " . Aft half bWS'Whije Fish,. - , Herkemer. County Cheese Ip store. For THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1860. FOB OUiB AND. TO LET. PUBLIC YSAtE' OP ORIZABA IBON WOBIW.BOPFIIA FURNACE. fccT-Bj.Yirtuo of authority :vpated ia us as Trustees foroartam ere-, ditors of Pollard McCormick, asd m pursuance of a de cree of the oUtrjotCourt of Alleghany county, m the Commonweath of Penniiylv&nia.jn Wo. 3, of NoVfili j'ar term* 1858. we will expose to puqliq sale, at the MKR CHAVC^ 1 BXCHANWfcJ, on FOURTIf Street, in the city of Pittsburgh, «n the tlth (twelfth) day of June, IB6o,commencing at 11 n’oloctA> M. the Rolling,Mill and Natl .Factories, situated near New Castle, Law rence oonntTi Pennsylvania, known nathe ORIZABA IRON WOttkfl, oo* talninff J5 0 80 6 Beating FurnaoeaY Bar ttiflls, Jamil Rolls. Nail Plate and Muek Rolls, 'Soueegers, 49 Nall Machines, one Wrought Spike Maonjne. and Maohinery lor manufac turing Nail K*gs and-Ftre Brick. ’• „ , Also, the Blast Furnace, known as BOPHIA, ad joining above works, whioh is oapable of turning oat 130 tons of Pig Iron per week. .. . _ , Also, several lots of ground, adjoining, ana several pieces of land adjaoent to the I»na Works, containing Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. Terms: One fourth of the purohase money to be Kid in cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the lance in one, two, and three.yean from the time of sale,with interest from that time: oi<* deferred pay* meats to be secured by bond and mortgage on the pre- m factory property for sale.— A most desirable Factory* witj»largo lot of ground, fronting on three stree *• suitable for almost any kind ol manulootarinr. Terms «w. For particu lars, inquire of ALFRKDTITI.Ktt. Sixth below Arab, or to W. D. ROGERS, No. 1009 t.Ueatnutat. mytt-lin eTO LET OR FOR SALE—-A FOUK story house, double back buildings, all modern Im provements, in complete order? an elegant lane yard. i erms low to a good tenant. Situated .Nek 1924 CHESTNUT Btreet. Apply at No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, iatheMaaonio Half. mj23-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a, large lot in the Southwestern section of the city, well adapted for a Nursery. Terms accommoda ting, For particulars address ** K.” atthis office. *&plMf TO LET.—The first floor of the fine build' log. No. 704 CHESTNUT street, formerly occupied for a Wholesale {and late r *s » retail) [Rney goods and perfumery store. Apply at the office of JULES H AUEL EcO.. No. 704 CHEBTNUi’ street, Fhila. Je4-lm T)YSt'EPSIA REMEDY. Hr. DARIUS HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by the public far six years with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure ' Dyspepsia, nervousness, Hearußum, Colic Pains, Wind in the Stomarh,or Pains in the Bowels, headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low tpirits, Delirium Tremens. Intemperance. It STIJCULATas, ExH!LA.«tATRS, I?VIOORATS3, BUT WILL WOT IftIOXtCATK OB BTPPRPY... A** Mediome quick and effectual, cur ng. the most arc ravaged owes nf Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and derangements of the Stomaoh and^Bowela m it 8 stantlV’revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits* hud restore the weak* nervous, ana sickly to health, strenstn. and vigor. Persons who. from too injudloioas use of liquors navo become dejeoted. and the»r nervous systems shattered, ooostitntionß broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Deurium trkmbks, vrlli,. al most immediately, feel tneh*upr and health? invigO’ rating effioao? of • r. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit, Dose.—One wine glnsa foli as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bod apiilta. One doss will curs Heart-burn- Tnree doses will onre Indigestion. . On* dose will iiveyou a Good, Appeme. One doso will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsln, One doss will remove tbe distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and ft l ! painful feelings will be removed. unedcse will remove the m >st d strewing pains of Golio.elth«rtnth«Btoraachnrb"wela. , , A fewdoseswillremoreallobstructionstnthe Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary-Organs. Fenton* who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney are assured ol speedy relief by & done or two, and . n,|u f . or,«g, or two bott.,,. Personkwho; from dissipating too much over night, And fee) the evil effects')' poisonous liquors, in violent headaches *lokness at atnuach, weakness, giddiness, geo., will Gad one dp** Will t move all bad Palmes. Ladies of weaklnid smklr constitutions should take the invigorating Spin! three times a day; it wilt make them strong,'healthy, and hap-y, remove, all obstruc tions and irregularities from th k menstrual organs, and restore tbe bloom of health and beauty to the careworn During prognanoy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove • isagreeabl sensations at the atOfpAch. All the propnetor oaks is a trial, and to iaduo n this, he has put up the Invigorating fitiaiT in pint buttles at 00 cents, quarts,Bl. General Depot, 48 WATER Street. New York. dYOTT & SONS, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia. jef-ihstuly 1 and for sale or all Drugitet*. ~ .?< AiK ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. These B»rines aro situated in the .valley Of the bak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama, ftuims *6.. M Y.. eight miles south of the village of Medina,on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. - *ST The prfnotpal Apid Bpr n*s are three in noraber t besides these there sto six othero. They are all located within & circuit of about fifty rods., 'he ncdi-jimvl qualities of the watersarefnllyshown in the subjoined testimonials. They cootam a very large amount or phvr. Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Li me, and Proto- Sulphate of Iron. The great raedioinal virtues possess ed by these waters depend very largely upon tho pre sonoe* In such unusual quantities, ov these curative substances. ... . „ . Bnndredaof oases of disease.especially those result inglromthesorofulousdiathesLS. have been cured by -theiruse. . . ' . , - fl?” in skin diseases—oven in oonurjnea leprosy— the waters nave been signally successful. Opinions of medical and sotentifio gentlemen flre given in urn oiroulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the mcdloinAl value of these waters: Prof. Emmons.T. homeyn Book, M. D.« of Albany; Jas.Mehauuhton.M. D., of Albany; Edward Bprinx/M. Ai»of New York; Or. R. C&rapb4l, of Eltts field. Macs.; or. J. 8. Shuler, oi Loobport. N. Y. They reoommend the waters confidently. Vr Spring refers to a case a f chrome diarrhetb Of several years l standing, which was cured by the use of the t oattr Dr* Benh says. •• I am satisfied that these waters arc highly valuable an medicinal agents.” Dr. Campbell says, «■ Tnej must be highly beneficial for all ehronic diseases of the stomach Itr, 8, p. Whiteread a paper on the subject of these waters, before the Academy of Physicians, in the city of New York, in which he states »h t the. Waters pos sess decidedly tomo, refrigerant, and astringent proper ties; and that the olass of diseases to whioh they are more particularly adapted are chronio affections of tue digestive and urinary organs, and some of the cutane ous diseases; ehronic dysptpsia ; ehronic dtarrhaa ; ehronic dysentery j chroute diuresis; chrome ; Payer* The Water may also be ofien u#id with ml - vantage, ho cays, in cases of low typhoid fevers ;in ttoUjaieiCMtcefrdmzrotraettd fevers, to excite the ap petite aud promote digestion: to diarrheas, particularly suchasaredeperdentona relaxed or ulcorateq state of the mucous membrane of the intestines, idoslcu lous affeutipns. or iithiasis, attended with phospbatto pediments, it is the suitable remedy. being preferable to murf& home moro advent and less apt by continued 000 to disorder Ujo rtomaoh. <n febr>le dis eases, itenn ha used properly m a /efm.erfmt to dJmlpish thirst and preternatural heat Inikihdi*' eases— in those forms of dyspepsia connected wbh an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Pyrosis,ai wn ter-brash, it wilt prove better than hydrochloric Acid. In oasesof CaUcapictonum,o&d other injurious oun esoutnoes arising from the notion of lean, this water will prove to bo an admirable antidote. In thronit pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh, and humid asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerrted sore throats, incases of sali vation, and in leucorr/iea and gleet: and also inpt/es. When taken internally, a wme-glu»ful ot the Water, dilated, taken three times a day, is sufficient for an cdu't. Other testimonials from physiolans, and * ther re spectable individuals, may be seen on application to the Agent. , ' •“ • •Dealers supplied on liberal terms. Jfo Water genuine unless procured from - H, W. BOBTWICK. Sole Agent , fio. CT4 BROADWAY, ,l*ewYork. ..AO ...M *.63 ...63 _ For Bale at the following Agencies: FREDBwICtC' Drug and Chemical Store. Northeast corner of FIFTH end CHESiNUT Btreets, r ” ‘ •• Alio (oroide at FREDERICK BROWN. jß.’s.DnjK and f'hemiool Store. Continental Hotel, corner of HINT** and CHESTNUT S-reets. Philadelphia. * The Trado Burpltfcd at Wholesale Prices. roylg-swly THE CHIEF among TEN THOUSAND, DAILEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; ftnqlte ihtr*fi(ic mertt is ihe true secret of its euooess in&Hcufanjov* whether the cause be auidtnt or dtSMti, BUPNB & g BCALB3 ' are Instantly relived of H their anguish, win *nd inflammation, by a timely 5 application of this mcr vellous healtr % and the 3 flesh U renewed at if by a | meitsßßY. Children are frequent Q sufferers from external in tmes, especially lrom *_ Fluid and CampAcnt Ex p otions— therefore every g mother should have this lie-ling preparation oon- 3 stantly on hand. It heals toft jfnasts, and quiokly £ removes the TETTER or RINGWORM, so prwo- j lent tn ths nurseruc iO TRAVELLERS 3 BY SEA AND LAND. The * aohmist. tho Tra 3 veller,and every other In dividual whose lot is life ~ throws him within the ohanoe 01 .accident from 2 explosion, fin, or com- Sfon, shouta bear in mind 2 that this Magio Extractor i hia best and only friend. * It is both, portable .and ohcap.andsnorfw evor be a his companion, aa a friend in need. There are thou-1, of living witneesea to testify to its marvejloueg vmnp, who owe their sound limbs ana mugotes 3 tqfte saying cwpaoy, , - The following are a lew jof the hadtngdtsVnsai for which DALLKY’HMAGr- 3 CAL PAIN.EXtSaOT OR is a PREVENTIVE Sas wellasOUßEt , Burns, Erysipelas, Sprea oi ail kinds, Bruises, Fistuia, Shot Wounds, Boils, Frost Bites, Borofela, Broken Breast, Fover Bores, Bourvy, Bites of Reptilos, Felons, Scalds, Cancer, Gianiinjar Dis-Scurf, Craekaa Lips, eates. Scald Head, Chapped iTwiij, Merounal Sores, Spraioa, Chiinlains, F<uUii geu&r&liy, Small Pox, Chafes, . Poison, Uloers, Diseases of the Rheumaticiu, Venereal Sotos, Sinn, Rashes, &o. Sold at the principal Dopots.l4 Broadway, New York, and 81 end ISI Chartres street. New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT & CD., General Agent. It oan also be ob tained- of all reareofa-blp Druggists and Merchants throughout .he Udh *lB North SECOND Btreet, fepr • Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania, ijpHti VINK-GRU W OF CAPITAL, TIjnKP?AI?LLK>NB OF FBANOF, TIjKCUIINTDb. SAINT-J.EOEB, PBS..BMT. JULES DURET, i<sq.. Managkb. A&ENTIN NEW YORK t JOHN OSBORN. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst itssbare hoidera fourteen hundred i’ropnet/>rS of the best V»no yarde ip the Dtstriotof Cognao, its extensive Establish ments being located m the oentre of the town of that name, woe organised for the express purposed mam tollling tho stamHrd oharnoter of PURE COGNAC BRANDY, by shipping that artiole. in all ifs native purity and ex pcilenos, to Correspondents 111 Foroign Countries, and Is bound down by its Statute of Regulation to confine its transactions entirely to the Brand* grown within the District of Cognao, and wholly the produce of Vine yards in that JygUly-favored looality; on no oonuition whafevei ndmitting into its storehouses) any Brandy which pay h&ro open without the iimitgof said District. With the obj Bot of extending the Just reputaiionof th*ii brand by suoh means omyasWill meet the apl proval and 00-qperation of the most respectable Wine Merohanls in tho United States. THE VINE GROW ERS’ COMPANY hae authorised the Agency in New York to put up their onoioe Cosnsp Brandy in oases ot one dogen fuil-sisea bottles enoh, a**il the enme win be disposed of to the Trade and the Publio, by the under mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the capsulo of the Com pany—the corks bear the same stamp, and the labels oentam an exeat description of the quality, duly eigneu in fao-simile, by the Agent of tha Company. The. Brandies now offered consist oLtwo different opalines, both guarantied to be equally pure in quality, differing only in point of age, anq degrees of strength depending thereon, the oldest being the least potent, OnejdedorjEtlqtt. termed THE VINE-GROWERS* THREE YEARS OLD, exoelfept *rtiole of the age represented, suitable fqr family or mertioina) par of its extreme age. and because the remote year of its aotual production is beyond positive vorifipatjon. Obieotions having been urged that the bpttlps are too large, and the Brandy of a greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the publio, the Agent of tne .omp&njr ventures to express tho opinion that a large bottle may be preferred to a smaller one, and that in obtaining tho ?rtie!eof the exact strength atwhtoh it was exported rom Cognac, consumers may recognise the advantage of adding water to suit their own tasle, instead of pur* aaWKßßg^^ftaay- -P W. NEILL & Go.. YARD,' 0* E. Corner BROAD and Q4LLOWHILL, DB&LSBB IN Superior WHITJ2 ABHTTAMAQ.UA, and LEHIGH OOAtiH. Prepared and keptunder cover expressly for Family use. Orders by Dispntoh will rflosive prompt atten* tlon, ■ np*s 8m PRIME NEW ST.JOHNS ALEWIVES. WM J tayt.or * 00. t fcIL 1 LKMON—Grass, for sale by WE •YoK- 1 ' * BBOXHERB. 4T and MEDICINAL. wi'lTl do! i r WINES AM) X.IQUPRS. COAH. RAILROAD LINES, ' iSßimaamm Philadelphia, gee- TOW^^^ffiSl-tuKM t EI?AR t ßA^(aKM!§a^ ilium <W BUND AYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.0 S min. A. M,, 9,3,9, and ' t*9 Ju. Leave Germantown a.lO min. A. H., 1.10 min., 4, OX. “f* *' CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 0, 0,10. la A. M„ 1,4,1, BX, 8,9, and 10X P* M. Leave Oheomnt BUI 7.10, 7.40, 3.10, 9.4011.40 A. M., 1.40,9.40,0.J0,8.40, and 1.10 IP. iff. ’ ’ Leave Philadelphia and 7M P. M. £eave Chestnut HiU 7J» A. M., U. 60, <3.10, and 9.10 CONaHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6.80.7 X, 9.05. 11.08, min.. A. M., 1.08,8.(0.4*,f1AM.W, nndlllif PTM. Leav* Nomstown 6, 1, B.W, 9, u A. M., IX. 4X, f and 7X P. RL , ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and Sard 6 P. M. Leave Norristown Ik A. M., 1 and 6 P. M. . a , FOR manayunk. Leave Philadelphia AW. 7X.9.05.1L(8 A. 92., 140,1.08* AM. «*, 6.63, 6.10. 8«, and 1134 P. M. Leave M&naynnkefc, 7K, e.Sfl, 9«,andUK A.M.,3, 3.08,9,6 X» 9, and 9,\j P. M. ONBUNDAYS, Leave Philadeli hla 9A. M., 8.6, and 6 PM. Leave M&najuD*7KA.M., lX ,6X,and9^*P.M. . H.K.SAIItH. General Snperintendeni, al9-tf DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Street. I Svmn PHILADELPHIA MAseSand reading rafl- KOAD.-PABSENG-R TRAINS for POTTSVILLK, READING and HARRISBURG. * MORNING LINE, DAILY, (Sundays esoepted.) , Leave New DepoWcornerof tfßOAiianu OALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowmil streets 'at A. M., conneotmg at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD,.) P, Al. train rannw* to Pittshnre : the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.03 l'. M. train ranDiDßio Chamhersburß, Carlisle, *jj i and the NORTHERN OENTH AL RAILROAD IP. Al. train, running to Sou* bury,, 4 c. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, aorner of BROAD and CALLOW KILL Btreets, PHIjuAIjELPHI A.( Passenger entrances on Thirteenth andl pn Callowhill streets J lor POTTS YLLI..H A«jd HARRISBURG. ata,ay P. M.. DAILY, for * at S P. W», DAILV, (Sundays ex eeoTJ*a.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING railroad* From Philadelphia Miles. To PhfEnixville..... 281 Reading.. 38 1 Lebanon.....—.—. 86 Harrisburg..........-. 113, Dauphin.— ..U< Millers burs. .1411 Trevorton Junotion..lfi3 i Hungary 169; Northumberland 171 Leurisburg— ..1781 , Milton— *..188 1 Muncy..——-....197] Williamsport.—,2o9 : Jersey 8h0re....—_222 Look Haven -....233 J Ralston —.. £34, Troy 861 _ . Klnura-. 287 \ TneSOO A. M., an* the 3.30 at Port Clinton, (Sundays ex WiSSA. WILIAMSPORT making close oonneetions wm Canada the West, and South i J»KPOTIN PHILADELPKI UALLOWKILL Streets, j apj3-tf w. «. M/ , Philadelphia a»d Reading and Lebanon Valley.R.JL Bun bury and Kne K. K, \l "Williamsport and Elmira r\ Railroad. ■ M P. M. train connect daily Xoepted.) with the CATA and ERIE RAILROAD, r>th Unea to Niagara Falla, :hwest iIA: Corner of BROAD and IeTtBKNNEV. Reeratarf. li^S™ 9 ARR4NQ E- AKD BALTI Op and after MONJ)a Apn) 13, 1 880, PASSENGER TRAINS SEATO PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.16 A* M., U noon, (Express,) and 11.10 p, M. For Chester at 8.16 A. M„ U soon, 1.16, 6.00,7.00 and U.lO i\ M. Por WilminstoQ at 8.18 A. M., 11, 1.16,6.00,7.0H!and 11.10 P. M, For New Castle at All A. M., and 5.00 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M., and 5.00 P. M« For Dpver at 8.16 A. 51., and 6.00 P. M. For Milford at B.U A. M., and 6.00 P. M, ForBeafordatB.l6A. M.,and6.ooP M, For Laurel at 8.16 A. M..ana 6JX) P. M. Leave |Mtiinore at BJO A. M.,(yjcpresj,; 10.15 A. M,» “Xeave Wiirainston at5.W,880, and 11 JO A. M„, B JO and 835 P, &L Leave Sahaoury at SJO A, M., and 3.00 P, M. Leave Laurel at'o.l6 a. Mm and r. M. Leave Beaiord at 5.16 A. M., and 4.00 P. M. Leane Milford at 7JO A. M., and 4.80 P. M, Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and BJO PM. Leave Middletown at 10.00 A#l. and 7.06 P. M Leave New Castle at 8.00, IOJaA. M., and 8.00 P. M. , Leave Chester at 7.40, 9.10, 13.04 A. M., 3J2,5J7 and •«16 P. fti Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Sail* )OM at 10.15 A. M. .. TRAINS Foil, BALTIMORE leave Gheatarat &ifl* andll .40 P, M. Leave Wilmmston at 9JB A. M., UJ9 P. Mo and ISJO FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OAR attached, _ will run aa follows t Philadelphia for Ferrrrllle and Intermediate Leave Wllmtnrton for Pernnrille and intermediate pl&oesatfi.Op P.M. .Leave Wifminrton tor Philadelphia and intermediate places at «.4S P. M, Leave 9f>vro*do-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate places at COD a. al. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoo anil iotermcdi ate places ateiOO P. M. SUNDAYS Oply at 11.10 P. M.t from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Oajr at Mi P. M„ from Baltimore to Philadelphia. ap» a. M. FELTON. Preiideat THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD* 360 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. 1860. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD 18 NOW KQ.UAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New Y ork, and all points Last, and in the ymcn Depot at Pittabhrg with Through Trains to and from all points tn the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and oomfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines mu through to Pittsbnrg, without change of Carsor Conductors. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Loughridge’s Patent Hrase—epeed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding mnoh to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cara are aftsohed to eaohTr&int Woodruff's unys excepted. fMall Tram loaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. est Line ** «* 11 CO A. M, xpress Train leaves I0.«P. M. „ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, ap, M* Parkesjmrg ” 6.40 P*. M*. \Vest Chester ** 1230 P. M. West Chester Paseengera will take the Mail, West Chester Accommouatirm.and Oolnrabia Trains. Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Bnffa liraowl amiTlotatt%fVor<T»f tnr pfHijimwt&t Railroad Offices m the west; also on board any* of the regular Line of htaamen on the Mississippi or Oliio rivers. ' *9* Fare always os low, and time as quiok, as by any other Konte. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh amt Market Streets. The completion of the Western conueotiona of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioaco. make this the DIiIEGT him BKTWKE™ KASTAWI) THE The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pmsbnrg, avoiding all dra/age or ferriage of Freight, together xnththe saving of time, are advantages readily to HWwpere of Freight, and the Travei- Merchsnts and Sliippera entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tuts Company, can rely with oocli denoepn itsspeeditransit. . 'i'HK RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the west by the Pennsj lvama Railroad are at alt times an favorable as are charged by other Ha-.lroad Companies . rff ?? rtloul&r tomark PMtoges “ via Fenna. Rail ““T‘ D, A. STEWART, I'ittsbiuc; i H.S.PlerodACo.,Zftn«vilte,o.,J. J.Johnston,Ripley, * O.; R. MoNeelp.Marsvilie. Kj,; Ormsbj A trooper Portsmouth, 0.; Paddook A Co., Jeflerionville. Indi- ' H- W- Brown A Co., Chpoinnnti, O.; Atliern A j Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. Meld rum, Madison, Ind.j £ Jos. E. Mooro, Louisville, Kr.l P, 0. b’Rilej i! Co. s Evansville, Ind.: N. W, Graham/A Co., Cairo, 111.; R * F. fiMS.Shalor A Glass, St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Har- r, rli, Nashville, Tenn.i Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; £ Cjorlto 6 Co., C.VicSJO, 111.; W. U. H. Koonts, Alton! S sjalli < >4djstijii!}rintsouijj S K B.KIN(isTOW, Jr., Philadelphia. I 5 o North attack, Baltimore. 1 § . _ . E, LEWIS, Gen'lSup't Altoona, Pa. 5 JfcMr a E&Tffl_&sBa2(Bft3 ROUTE. — 9 AND EL- g Q.UICKL I *'! ROUTE to Tamaqua. Catawlssa, Rn- 5 pert, Wiikesbarre, Boranton, Danville, Milton, Wil- 5 liarasport, Truy. Ralston, Canton, Firnim, Buffalo, =s Niagara Falls, Jlooheßter, Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo, » Chicago,St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and <5 West. • t passenger trains -mil leave the new Depot of the Phi- UrbcqifimaQd Ro'vdtrjg Railroad, oorner BROAD aud i P A tfY, oWU *LL,6trej>t3. on Cr.l- i loyfhtli n'toot.) daily (Sundayfl e&eptddj,-' for r aUvrp • follows; r Ml (TIGHT EXPRESS. 3 50 P. M. v The.B.oo A. M. train connects at Rupert, lor Wilkes barro. Pittaon. Bo ran ton, and all stations on tho LAuftilVANflA AN u BCoOMSRUKO HAILHOAII. he above trains make direct connection# at Elmira withJhe trams of the New York and Erie, Canßndaigna and Niagara Falla, andßutf.ilo, New York and Eric, and New York Central Rail oade, from all points North and 17cyt* And the Canadas. Hagkageeheoiw <o Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and alu .crmedmte points. i pickets oanb> , Tooared at the Philadelphia and El- Sroira Railroad Ut t Vi toket Office, northwest corner of IXTHandOfr . i N OT Streets, and nt tho Passenger epot, porn.r , HIRTKKN'I HnnJ CAM OWHILL. TBROUJ EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN the Phu xlphiaand Rending Depot, Braid and ttdlte. Nffin'tWSl. 8 eXo '’P“' rtJ > for 811 mu be delivered before 3 P fit, to incnre their 1 gOingth; nmeday. " /• ' further information apply at freight Depot, THIRTEEN i a and CALI.OWHILL. or to 4 OBAB. 8. i'APPEN, General Agent, NprtWegt oornT BlXffHor}d GUEBTNUTgrraeta, spg-tf Pjniadpfphia. 1860. 1860, V« R^°® N W aXULI? 8 ' ’ From Walnut-street Wharf, WUI leave as follows—vis t At 6 A M, via Camden and Ambor, C. A A. Accom modation....- - 25 At6A Camden and Jersey City(N. J.) Ac commodation. . 3 25 At? AM, via C&mden &ml Jersey City, Morning M*ol— SCO At 11 A M, by BrddmDoat, via ?nd Jor?ey Ciw-Western 8 0& Ati»«PM,m Camden end Araloy, Accommo dation _• v 3 M At Jjpfil, via Camden and Amboy, C. rimi A. Ex- M, by B^pbo.}tViVtftoon7*and*Jeraey °° Citi.Evpnlog Exfres/....: 3 00 AmP M, w Bteambbat via Tacony and Jersey City.s<| Class Ticket 2 W At 01 M, via Camden and Jersey Oifcr, Evenipg ami P id, via Camden end Jersey City, Puiftbern man., .n-,,.,,',,,,,,, ,. T ,, ■ ■ ■ ~,,,,,,,, S 85 AtB PM, via,Camden and Amboy, Aooommoua tion, (Freight and Passenger,)—lst Cl&ts Ticket. 325 2d “ “ 1W The 8P M Mail Line runs daily. The lIP hi, South ern slail, Saturdays excepted. tor EelVidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemlnetcm, * Q ’* at ® A M and 4 P IM, from Walnut-street wharf, ami 7.10 A M from Kensington. ..For Water Cap. Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkes v arre, Montrose, Great Bend. Ao., at 6 A. M. from Walm»t ?ik£i t y’ ,,a . rl * r D ll J ? W A, M. from Kensington, via Dela Lackawanna and Western tt. It. For MbunrHolty, at 6 and 3A. $l., 3 amt 4 H P. hi. For Freehold, ot6 A. 2 ?! M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trontmi. Ac., at23* and 4 P. hi. from Kensington* l5 * vft*rf,7.ip A. M.Alld V? ?• AL from For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanoo, Beverly, Burling ton. Florenoe. Bordontown, Ac., at 12K, 1 and 4>fi P, M. oteamnoat Jos Hoiknap for &«lentown and Interme diate Places, at 2« P. hr. oieamboat Trenton for Tacony, at II A. M. and c <P T »n ßov °6y« Burlington, and Bristol, at 4 P. hi. . Fifty Pounds of Baggage, omy, allowed eaoh Pasßon g(>T, Paeaen/ersare prohibited from taking anything ns Put their wearing uppareb All li«.rgage over POupilß to bs pajd for extra. The Company limit thoir responsibility Dollai'per pound, and wih not be liable for any amount osjdfcaslW» ex speoial oontract. . aplfi , WM. H. OATZMER. Agent. rfim ~IIMI MM PHILADELPHIA AND REAOrNG railroad. On and leaf SofiiiSiUtlon Tic Vets, with twenty-eix coupons.'fill he gqdd ior tho holder and any member ofbis family, on any Tram, and at any Brae. They will be Bold by the company. No. ®T Bputh FuUR l‘H street, at a reduotlon oi iwenly-Rye oaUf. from the .regular fares, Parties Wishing to enjoy the Summer inthe Country will find this a vert deefrable route. the'SchuylkiU and Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautiful and healthy in the SlAte, and koce*- , iible by four trains from andfo Philadelphia daily. fgg mm L'mwnsauiwn PLHLADEI/PHI 1 AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL lUUUftO*D-SUMMER BOARDING.—Trains leave tbo depot oftho WeatClicaterand Philadelphia Railroad 00, Eighteenth ami Market etroota, at 7.05 A,M. and 2.30 ;ind 5.45 t. M* Lofivo Depot at 10 45 A. M.ands 45 T. M. Leave Avondale 8.15 A. M. and 4SOP. M. Tho 6tn*e tine to connect: with 10 « A. M Train from Philadelphia and 8.15 A. M. Train from Avondale. p'leiKhts for this lino received at No. 1818 Market Rt. A daily line of stages to and from New London and Ox iord connect? with the 7.05 A. M. tram from Philadel phia.and A. M. train from Avondale. The bean* Hful soenery And well-known healthlulnes* of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior jndnoAmenta to those looking for summer boardtug. A.B. BURTON, f hTladelpma. May 14.1860. Sm Superintendent. nr important to PLEASURE SEEKERS! T«EFKNNBYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY offers advantages unequalled br any other Hn*~fover tons seeking HEALTH or RECREATION FROM. BUBINK«8 during the warm in the issue of KxcußaioN tickut*. on and after Jun* 20ch. ISGd, to OnEesoN. Ai.toona. Bkdvobd and Ephbxta Bpbtkgs. anil coupon tickets for twenty-six tups, for the use of families. to and from pmniu near the city. Tickets to O-ebsoh Hotels, at the aftks Al legheny mountain—good /or a round trip within 10 daus—xo lie bad for $7.60. . ■ , Tickets to Altoona, where invalids And others will find splendid hotel aaoommodations, good for round trip within 10 day*—fare $7 15. t , For Bedford Bpnngs—Parsf nsers tioketed to Hope* well, on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railrrad, and lor Broad Top City to Blair’s Ptation. hzeursioo do li* t», $7.-6 5 single trip. 86.40. Two daily lines oi ooaohesounn*ot with the trains. Baggage changed at Huntingdon without extra oharge. Passengers to Kphrata Bpr»nnß take stage from Lan caster. Tickets for Hound Trip. 84; Single 'I rip. $2.20. Poaßsnvprs to local Pjints <m Pennsylvania railroad EAST OF DOWNINGTOWNcanoroonre tioketaforM tnps good for anr member of the family, at a discount of 25 per cert, below regular rates. 'I he above tickets and further information to be had after June 20th by application at the office of the Penn sylvania Railroad Co., southeast,corner ELEVENTH sml MaAKET Streets! Philadelphia,.. THUS. MOORE, Agent. Lmvtq L. Hourt, Pen. Ticket Agent Jes lm rxtjggrrWEPT OH£ST£ R AND PHILADELPHIA RAiLAOAD.«£S3 VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after Monday, June 4th, 1860. the trains will leave PHILADM.PIII *, from the Matron, Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.05 and 10 45 A. M..a d 2'o and 5.45 P. M. Leave W.RST OH H 8 rLR, from the Depot, on East Market street, pt 6.25 and 910 A. M„ and 1.65 and 6.25 ’ * ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 800 A. M.. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester, at 785 A- M . and *JU P. M. _ HENJI y WOOD. jei'tf General HnpoTintemrfent, Northern Central Railroad. Mmmmm NORTH pbnnsyl VANIA RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. For BETnLEHKM. DOYLKBTOWN. EASTON. AtATTOB CHUNK. HAZLETON, ECKLOY, WHITE HAVEN. WILKESBARRE, &0. ’ On anu after MONDAY, Mar 23th* 18®, Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and wILLOW lidelphia, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.' ns follows: At 6.90, A M. (Express). for Bethlehem, Ahentown* Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. W Ikesbarre, &o. At 2.30 P M.(Express),forßethlehem,Easton,Mauoh Chunk. Avn. This tram rMohes Easton at 6.W P. M., and makes dose oorlnection with New Jerse* Ceptrol Express Train for New * ork. Possengors by this train reach Mauch Chunk the same evening At 840 A. M and 480 P. M. (Accommodation), For Doylestown, AtoAoA.M.and6AoP.M.(Aooommn atinn) _ , For Port Washington. The 630 A. M. Express Train makes close connection wiih the Lehigh Vabey Railroad fit Bethlehem being the ehortest and ir-ost desirable route to Wiikesbarrs, and to all points in the Lehigh coal Region. TRAINS FOk PHILADhLmiAr Leave Bethlehem, (Expre»,)at 7.16 A, A!, and 822 F« M. Leave Doylfißtown (Aocommodation,) at 6JO A. M. and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington t Accommodation,) at 6J5 A. M. and 215 P.M. ON BUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. r uladetptiia. tor Uoytestown, at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philaaelphia at 6.20 A M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5.0 u P. M. Fare to Bethlehem. AO. io Mauch Chunk. 82 50. To Easton, $1.60 To iioyies’own 80 cents. _ Through Tickets must be procured at iheTioket Of fices at wILI.OW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to seoure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains 'except Minday Trains) connect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second nnd Thirl-street Passenger Railroaos 20 minutes otter leaving Willow street. myss ELMS CLARK, Agent. n NOTICE.—CHESTEB SRfiPEHBVALLBY RAILROAD-PAS SENGER Trains for downingtown and In termediate STATIONS.—On end after 28th May, 1860, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading. Railroad Company, corner of BROAD ana CALLQWHILL Streets, (passenger en trances on Caljowhill. TRAIN Cor Dcwninstown, leaves at 800 r AFTERNOON TRAIN far Downing town, Isavefl at DAILY (Sundays eccepted.) By order of the Board of Managers of ths PhUa4elpUa and nending Rallied Gomuanr. ap3 W. H. McILHENNFV, Seoretary. BE-o— WEST OUESTER Lmt. DMOt.^raer ASBff. M«fit West nnestsr af 64fl A M 1043 A.M. ar.d 8.10 P. M- PENN STEAM ENGINE AND TreSrtfrfcßOlLßß WORKS —NE * FIE Sc Lm, )‘l< - C'PlO 'L AND THhOßt'T* AL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BUILk R-ftl AKERS. BLACKSMITHS, niid FOUNbLnS, having, fur many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively emoted fn Ixiilding and repairing Marine and River engines, high aid low pressure. Iron Boats. Water Tanks Propellers, fco.. A o , r'npeotfully offer their services to the 'public. h« being fully prepared to oor.trAct for Rngines of all Eizet Marine. River, and Stationary, having ee:a of yatorns of ditferentsizes. are prepared to e;eoutb'of fers with quick Uespatoli. hverf description of Pattern maSiifg m de at the shortest notice. High and • nw Pressure, Flue, Tubular, And Cylinder Boilers, or the best Pennsylvania obarcoal iron. Porginsß of all sizes nnd kinds; Iron and Braga Castings, of aildeauriptions; Roll Turning. Screw Cutt-ng, ana all other work con nected with the above business. Dr&winjcS and speoidoations for alt work done at their estab'ishment, fren of oharge, and work guarantied. The subscribers havo ample whan sock room for re pairs of t,oafs where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &0., &0., for raising heavj or light weights. Jacob g. neafie, JOHN p. • jeU-tf BEACH and PALMER streets. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, Noi 951 BEACH Btreet, Kensington, Philadelphia.—WlL- Ll AM 11, TIERS informs his friends that, having pur chased the entire etook of Patterns at the above Foun dry., he is now prepared to. receive orders Tot Rolling, br*st, and Saw Mill Caitmge, boap. Chemical, end fip,we Work. Gearing,- Castings mode from Royer* j>ar4piT of Qufcbta Fuiwwei. la dry tir gtdett ganj, or txuvui, v. miurics, j. vavorow ammiox FIFTH AND WABHIN OTON gTRKEW. PB!L ADBLPnU. MERRICK t 80N8, „ , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manafaotura Hifh and Low Preworo Staam EneinM, for Land, River, and Marino service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks,lron Boats, to.; Casting* of all kinds either Iron or Brass, Irpg Frjune IJpofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail- Retorts and’Gae Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Maohmery, suoh a* Sliear, Saw. and Gnat Mi'Ls, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam I .? e VF II A R f?• Bumping Engines, <fco. ; Eroip Agedb fer U. Boilins ApMramPi fla»®yih f s‘ Pataat Bt%i Hammer: and AsfmwaU e Wolsey’s Patent Centrifiiialbagar Drain lur Maohine. *uB~v EjIHANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOURTH Styeet,between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors’ money scoured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, &o. This company deems safety better than large prontsrconsequently will run no rick with depo sitors' money, have if afuu times ready to return, with 6 per oent. interest, to the owner,as they b&vo always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, oan deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits oan be withdrawn oai/j by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to reoelve money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from D tp 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday evening uuLl 8 o'olook, DIRECTORS. Jaoob B. Shannon, Cyras C&dwaUaderi John Skindler, George Russell, Malachi XV. Moan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lowis Krumbhaar, Henry pelany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smealey, Jos. H. Satterthwaite, Jonea Yerkes, Cxaus Cauw am. ahsu, TroMuror. _ WM-T , "'•~ y * CAVING FUND—FIVE PEE CfSNT IN. SAFETY TR-'ST COM PAN Y, W ALNUT Street, aotuhwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia, incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania. Money is reoeived in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Tho offloe is opon every day from nine o’dlook in the morning till five o'olook In the evemng. andon Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'ohwk. • Hon-HENRY L. BENNfSR, President. w ROBERT BELFRIDGE, Vioa President, William J. RnxD, Peoretarj, „ niRBCTopa; Fon. HenryL, Benner, F.^Jarroilßrewstey, Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Brtt Robert Salfridge; Francis Lee, oatnupl K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, gL&ndreth Munns, James L. Stephenson. is reooived and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the pravvaoneof the Charter, In Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Renta, and suoh urst-olas* securities aa will al porfeot .security Jo the depositors, and T °u?us" ali pennanancy ana stability to LAYING FUND—UNITED BTATFS NUT§t?e S «. OoMPAHy ' corner THIRD mad CHEBT- Large and small sums received, and paid back on do* mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. JNTE- tbs day of deposit to the day of with ,o^ohoura,from9unU} 5 o’olook every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from *1 upwards. President—STEPHEN jR. CRAWFORD, Treasurer-JAftIES R. HUNTER, l j4PJY FlBR* Apt^arJ MRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS »3C9^» l 5 t f n ‘!? °s cn ’i! K 5 rgiiqol for young citytaojniftorfcir.s in September next. Mre. H. ha* tho honor of rolornns to the Rer. Alex. H. O. P , ReotoroftiieOhHrohof the Holy Trinity. uiroular*. withfull particulars. may be obtained of Mr. F, h. Hodges, TOl VINK etreot. ap34-Bm* A MERIUAN SUHOUL iMSTITuTiJ* is ft reliable medium throughwhioh Sohoole ana Fami ne* may obtain competent readier*. Parents indy ob tain, er&tuitouily, information and circulars of the be*i wheels. SMITH, WOODMAN, A CO., M BROADWAY, New York, or _ nll-tf 609 OHEBTNUT Street. Philadelphia, fgRYANT & STRATTONS NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, locnte'it atThila- Aolphu, 8. E. corner SEVENTH end CHESTNUT; Mt/r \ Tk, Buffalo, Cleveland. Chiosso, and St. Lo»lfc For lm rmation. oall or tend for Catalpusa. fes-ff OILS. —3,558 gallons extra bleached Kle pliniit Oil; .LMxallooa extra Meaohed Whole Oil; °;«W an lons raoked Whale Oil; axi gal on. No. 1 Lard Oil; 4WO gallons No. I Maehuerj Oil; a 559 gallons re- Lned GreMiu<on. mstore and lor sale liv ROWLEY. ASH HORN KR. A CO.. No. IB South WH ABV K 8 (el 3 fAYNB’S HALL.—2OO NEW OUSU ONS suitable for Churches, Lecture-rooms. &o., tfenohes, Set'eea, Camp Stools, Curtains. Ac, All eelling at nMf thbse handsome Ctoths, Casgimerea. Yeatmgß, &0., so Phenp. myg-lro \/yoKK’S OUUMETiiR KAMI COM «>» fiurable cheep and efficient, rfttnsunng with nner- ItBS. Miou'aoj an* dutance pn»«ed over bj the vehicle to tthipn the, are attached, i tie.eettra fmbheii Banda ro»t but a trifle more than inferior band. mttipßt fho K rellabla Agents Wanted in all partaof the o'infir» I’lo.B. k*nfl tnr /.le-e.r.Ur* BRiUK-W.iiilWU- aWAIDIWES WDJOH temper the May, and make-So.OOO per day. ’Briok rreesea, Tile Machines, Clay Wheal*. CUy Space*, and RAILROAD LINES. MACHINERY' AND IRON* SAVING FUNDS. 4. lijtip, cft?n» ' 1 u A Dollar saved is twice earned.” SALES BY AUCTION. •CtOBNESS, BRIN LEY & 00., - No. 439 MARKET STREET. JP SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 ”7* CHE«TNUT Street opposite the Custom Ho jse, b*tween Fourth and Fifth streets. &4S£ E £* AND CHILDRENS’ i^%? 8 A -M'L““ APE aONNE ™' , u Monday Morning, o'iSock'’’ by oatalo?nß * on * credit, commencing at V)}Z Consisting in part of the most approved shape ladies', misses * and children e fancy hats, neptunae, Adelaides! bloomers. Ac. Ladies’new sliapetbonnets. men’s aid boys’palm, seoat, German, and Panama hats. Ac *■ Catalogues and samples early on the morning of Philip ford & co, auctioneers No. 030 MARKET Street, and *9l MINOR Street, LAST RALE OF BOOTS. SHOES. LEATHER, AND STRAW GOODS »<»R THK SEASON, V (hi Thursday Morning, June 23, at 10 o’oloag precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, on four rnunths’ credit. 600 oases men’s, boys’, aud youth?* calf and kip boots; oolf. bad, kip, and goat b'ogans; patent leather and calf gaiters. Ox ford ties. &o.; women's, misses', and children's calf, grain, kip, gnat, and moroooo boots and shoes; aid slip pers, ties <tio. A'#o,« full assortment of City-made goods. Also, 25 dozen suo-roalf skins. Also 76 oases men's and >oys trimmed straw hats. The alvive sate being the last of the season, the attention c f buyers is particu'arly invited. ST. J.OUIH, no. WILLIAMS. BOYLE, & CO., AUC ▼ ▼ TidNEERS Sc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 6 North MAIN St,, 6T. LOUIS, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Claghorn, A 00. Pfeilad*,) ofler their setvioea to the merohants, monniaotarers, aud others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, car nets, boots, shoe*, hardware, jewelry, &0., Ac, tGT Cash advances made oh receipt of goods, ‘ teT Settlements made three days alter sale, BBPEBSNCB9. ° Van Wyok, Townsend. A warrens, New York. " L.St B> Curtis Sc Co.. New York. " Wood, Christy, St Co., St. Louis, Mo. «• Crow. MoCraarv. St Co.. •' mhll-thstoly SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH aUMfc AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- VBOM NBW TOBZ TO LIVXBPOOL* Chief Cabin.Paisage.,. . .fw Second Cabin Paseage _ 71 _ . . »ROM BOSTON to UVKBVOOL* Chief Cabin Passage —— _ Second Cabin Passage.^ —0 The shios from New Yotk oail at Cork Harbor. The ships from Beaton call at Halifax and Cork Har- PKRSIA, CapL Jndtans, (CANADA. Copt. Lang, ARABIA, Cant. J, Stone, I AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. Z. G. Lott, NlAGARAiC»pt.Anderson AFRlCA,Capt.Shannon, |EIfRO?A, CapL J.Leitoh, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a dear white light at masthead; green on starboard b.iw t red on port bow, EUROPA, Moodje, leave Boston, Wednesday, May 90, PERSIA, Jaakins, N.York, Wednesday, Jane 8 *so a t so n*' !! Boston, Wedneeday, June 18 AFPJCA, Shannon 41 N > ork, Wedneedav. June Sir. NIAGARA. Mnlar, “ Boston. Wednesday, June JT. ABIA,Lott, “ N. York, Wednesday. July 4- EUROPA. Leitoh, •• Boston, Wednesday, J-ly 11. PKKBlA,Judkins. M ILYork, Wednesday, July 19 ARABIA, Stone *' Boston, Wednesday, July 28 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver Bullion. Hpeoie, Jewelry, Preoiotu Stones, or Metals, unless bills ot lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to „ „ E. CUNaRD, mya 4 Bowline Hr»et>. W«»w Vnrlr FOK TUB nOtJTH—OHASLIS- Heavy Freight at an average of fiptsxh per oenh be low New York Steamship rate#. FOR CHARLESTON. 8. a The U. S. Moll Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Oh»- tain Charles p. Marehman, will nil on Mondap, Jose 86. at 10 A. >L Tnrough m 43 to 60 hours—only 40 hours at Sea. m „ FOR BAYANNAH. GA. The U, 8. Mail Steamship STa'TK OP GEORGIA. Oapt&in John J. Garvin, will sail on Wednesday. Jane 20, at 20 A. M. Through ip 53 to6ohonre-only 48 hours at Sea. KiTSaUing days changed from even Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed every day. ; above every,ten days, thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South , and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships oon ?ieot with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &o„ or all places in the South and Southwest, INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these sluse. than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely oaneoessary, farther than Charleston or Bavinau, the Fare by this rbnto »t 0,40 per pent, cheaper than by the inland Roam, as will be seen oy the following sche dule. Through tickets Trom Fhiladelphi&tVia Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, exQgpt from CharlegUut and Bigan nah to Montgomery: BS^~>W Augusta 90 CO Auynsta. MOO Mccon '2l 00 Macon .... „ s7l Atlanta. 23 09 Atlanta—— 2100 CotumDUg..... 23 00 Colamhas—jg 00 Albany MOO Albany. 87 00 Montgomery —. 25 oo Montgomery —. 88 00 Mobile -35 00 Wfihlfw 46 9q New 39 76 New Orleans ... uOO No bills of lading signed after the ship hag taUedT For freight ot passage apply on board, at second wherfabove Vice street, or |o _ ■ ALEX HERON, Jr., . Southwest corner FOURTH aodHHEaTNUT. Agents in Charleston.T. 8. *T. GrßUfiSj 4 ' _ ..Savannah,hUNTMfcGAMMitL. For Flonda frem Ceamer (SiroUna every Tueaaar, *' „ f toin &av«Baab, steamers St, Mary’s aud ' Bt. John's every Tuesday and Saturday. NOTICES. f ITCHFIELD, Coss., Mat 7tb, 1860. At a stat'd meeting uf the stnclthnlders of tho Con Id THIS BA Y. tho fnllinr m - gentleman were eleoten ftueetora toeerve for tae eneuin. >p.r; Oeu U. tVe.t. Thee. H. Bill, Jliremia Mareh, Car ton K. Moire. . • Joreneo W) eeler. Jno. W.Ttnell, "Wni. H. Croiaman, ... t Hiram S. Spencer. __ , Attttt, JNO. W. BU' LI,, J e2A ' 3l Sooretarr. „ Litchfieit/, Conn.. May 7, I&SQ. At a meeting nf the Bcvuuof uebtnr* of the Cun* neeticut Mime* Company held this day'. Geo. G. West was elected President. Mos'S BnwjnAfc Treasurer. Jno. W Buell was appointsd Secretary, and R. O. Lowry Absisthnt Secretary. Areoe. JOHN W. BUFLL, jejl-fit* Bee rotary. Proposals f<>r coal and wood. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES./ _ . . Philalklphia. June 30< IB'S). \ Proposals forsnpplymg the Mint of tbo United States with Goal and Wood Irom the istofJulv proximo 0860.) to SOth of June next'lB6l.-wib bo received by tho un dersigned until J2o clockM ofScthinst. Ihe Coal must bo of tho best Lehigh, of the eg* and lump sizes nod entirely free from bone, slate, and oih®r loreigq substances; each ton to weisb*.<4opouud* Tro Wdod to bdtlry and of the best quality of hickory and spruce pn o ,'fheaMlclesroustbedeUvered at the Mint, at snob times and m such quantities as may be required free from .carunq or other charges end subject to the in spection and approval of tho Director of the Mint. PtoposA-a maybe made tor each a tide separately, a«d are to i>q endorsed “ Fropoqai* for Coal " • A\b for Wood.** JaMLS HUSd BM)WDEN JfSd-d’S) Director of the Mint. TVOfJCE. —A Meeting of the Association 7 ; known as the “ Amygdaloid Mining Company of fiake £nperior. will be heldatoflioeof the Company, m. the city of Philadelphia, i-a MONDAY, the zd of Jn y, 1850, ip of the i <•( the 2» seo- Son ot ihe hot supplementary to ns not to authorize the irm4tioa of Corp »ratloaa for Mining, Smelting. &c.» passed by the Legislature of Michigan, and approved on the 6th of February, lew, for the purpoß* of eleoting Directors find adopting By-Laws for the government of »aid *ssooiat-on, and the transaction of other business aa may properly come smetrjiz.^ jf'f/wATsqvi'. Philadeltstya, Jnua 16,1500. jels ISt OFPrCE OF - SCHUYLKILL NAVI qJ- T lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. J860.-Prom #nd ftOer July Iflth, 18<S0. and until September Ist. 1860, the charges for tbe use of Caro, a* d for Toll and Trans portation on Anthraoitc Coat, carried \n rhitadelpoia, by way of the Schuylkill Navigation,wfll be increased Fifteen Cents per Ton op the rates fixed Mar oh 13 h, 185 U; and no the Ist of September. 18ft). a further in crease of Fifteen Cent* per Ton will be made on said chnrses. and io continue until the oloee cf navigation. By of tho Managers. ¥• FRaLFY, nnli3>n President EEGAL. WHI 'E & VANVLEIT vs. JOSEPH ii soHna>» , I; gie Oisl'TtCourt 0 f rtylsdsfobla. March term, 1060. No Ml Venn Exp. JOHN P PBWBC W vs. J. snnURR. In the Buprema Court of Pennsylvania to January term. ISCO. o 77. Vend Exp , The AmUbir appointed b* the Court to report distri bution of the monejs raised i»y sbenff sale under the above entitled writs;, of - Alt that certain three-story bnok a* u,-e at.a brewery, beer vault and mi of guinea.fttu ite on tho eas side of Germantown road, one hundred (Vet south of CtMibna street. iu the city of Fuiindeipht t. c»ntaimn< m front o' Germantown seventy five feet, and in dertn one hundred and uincty j>et to Hutch.iison str trill attend to the duties of hi* appointment on *1 U •BDAt' the 3J dayofJUiY, 1060. at * n’olock P M at he office No6OWALf»I I T 8 reet in the oity of Ph'Udelphu wheaftndwh real’ persons are requested to make their ciaims, or bo de barieu from coming in upon e«id fund. , M 4I „ THOMAS D. SMI^R, J*22-Uj3 AidPor. PIANOS. &&& damagfd pianos, help- LiTTi Lleons, Guitars,Violins- Bass Viol* rouble S/us Aonnrdenus Ftut'uas. Ac., from the late fire at 11W Ch*fttqut street, have beeii rep ined and all put in stijrfd order. For sal", at a great sacrifice, at 1102- CHVBTNUT blreet, of MARSH, Agent at one cent per pano nt 1116 M ARICKT St legMt PIANOS! PIANUSM -PIAnUS! I ' rtAHO-PORTES. WELODEONS. PUNO-FORTKS. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, BaoOn. A Co., Nauru A Clark. HallefVDavi*, & Co., and other*. my 14- 1 SEVENTH and CH^BTN*UT. STEINAVAY & SON'S NEW PA mrrn TENT OVER-STRING grand pianos. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE FIANOS, now pre ferred m concerts and in private ojpolcs by the best perforroeTß. Received the firgt premiums over the beat makers, from judgeslike Gottsonalfc, Maxon, and ethers. Challenge all competition. BLASIUB BKQTHKRB, flWr 10M CHESTNUT Street JLLXJMINATORF. Every one Is complaining of their exorbitant gas bibs. At No, 55 booth 'I HJRD Street, may he seen the * best Lamps in the wor d.” Can l>e used wherever light is wanted. Cheaper than coal, oil,or ras*. *g*-nts uio maVio* $6O a week selling them. More wanted. s3o.(w sold. The Gsa tumps witllight a room 20 feet aquaro fori cent an hour, or will burn all night lor a lev cents. . , DR. C. \. GRC.ENE & CO., roTSI-thsfcm-lT Nn. 55 Kouth, I HIH P street. Mm. James betts> inventions A** FOR'LADlEB.—Approved of and highly recom mended bv the Medical profession throujrhoutlne United Thirty Thousand lava ids having been advised by their pbvsioianet? use her Burgical Appliances. she would caution Merchants and others against purchasing except at her residence 1039 WALNUT Street, where spe dan bo consulted daily, between the hours of and's, Her book of testimonial* win Ha civa» aßo i, nation Sent froe to any part of the United States. He airnahirn i» op each amnia. nityfl h,*h» if RANDLES, WAX, PUKE BPERMACETI. CHEMICAL BPfeRM, Aj.sort.4 size*. ADAMANTIhs. Paoked in plain or fancy boxes to suitanr mnrVAt For Tff * sTirKnEr 1 > T “ rj\vii,r * Ato'-'tONE,» and «8. WHARVEP. JPOK EUR. >PE,—HaVing been appointed i*-.., for WM. WILLIAMS 4: OO.Vfraj^a!- - No. URotith FIFTH Btr.V| S2PIRITB TORPJJNTINE —275 bbls S?pts. » li'iVi/liY? I .?’ l n »t° r " and fo- sal, by RoWt-hY, asubhknls, & c0..N0. ie south wharvls. 711 iR.~150 bbla. TAR, in store and for 88ijSWAW- M “ raM,,u * co 'f°- 1B HEKNKBSY BRANDY.—7O casks, ;;in half pipes, quarter pipes, find* pipe*, tor sataiQ ttM *1 injtt-lmi CfiO. rfSJfBLEY . BALES BY AUCTIOH. 11l THOMAS * SONS. »» 139 and l tt South FOURTH Street. NEXT. 8TO0I?8‘AT Tk l “ Kxrn?Ns1 A l'i ESTATE Ahh ■ui^Ssasffi^r •ai., inoludm; every desenntion of oitjfcd diSt;; property. P^lmre . «»<»“ entered on onr prireu u!e regUten and adverttsedoccasionally in tmr pubtio eaie abetraot olmrTe L .' jh lm °° PIC ” lr * wUt.lSmo' 4o SPRING GARDEN INSURANCE COMPANY. «o!d U ?n?J!iJ* o’olook neon, at tha Exohan*t»wi« t* * m 5?S ounto t wh J > ® u raw concern— Wsha?M c*»3l G *rd*n fojnrance Company. per 930 jo !£*£« Pho??Pi “S?* Atlantic Raj 1 road Company. . jj!j*22 Eh!iMS p ik W -Kxchanye Company—parflOO. pS> -pS Phl * % “ d L * kacMt * r JHirnpiit Co»- TH! IRTY-FIFTH BP£IHG SALE-JUffE 96TH, At 18 o'clock, soon. Elegant brown atone RESTDKNOF. Girardavenae,withlUbUuuidcoach bouse, baa nil lbs modern improvement# and oonveni eaces. Lo» 60 feet IQ inches front, j oonveai ' May be examined tme day erevioc* to sale, hie ant brown-stone KrttlOßACa. Broad street, adjoinini the ab ve on the south, of tine description, hot S 7 feet e inches front. 150 feetdeep. *«C«PU"Q __ ValnaWe Budding 1 ore. Arch street. a2S°-»£7i det,ri J bl « BUI DING LO S.Mflft »deo t hH£ t £ t -i w^f t of Euh»eenth street) each a feet fr Sl syrJnfi%5 y rJnfi%3 e , e 'i JPA» SS® 1 wide Jgifi Of «7 acres lead, Elk 'Tkl--" a " w»>rcd and timbered. o^ b l®t:“ forjr bno * ®TO*»E and DWELLING. Ifo.UU Ridge arenae. north of Brown street »«k. Eltat.-Ruililin* LOT. .dloi-'i.. ! M : rtor » DWELLING, i, lh» re* p or toe above. front>nt **raen street. Handsome modern KhHDf‘.NC t ,Tntn side lot norh- X&gVSX &<?*,»n>no.M4 i ««~nth *t?.“Lot «f»etfront to l»dM». Thre. frost.. *<*■» W^toa P W rfo.HU South gilth street, below Federal street. oonmKKKf. Bak * ~ LAWM * PottBT AicXesn on |HDp nprumT&rftf^ftfport*Potteroonatr. BUILDING LOT. east side of West txn* t, north of Cont«» »tfeet, ward. , VAIUABj.K BaKERY. Two-ftory briek bake street, soathof Ytn* VA* IMBLE FARM, WILLOW GROVK-Atso, a yatoablAMontifomerf count* Farm. UB acres. with eootl ynprovemenu adjoining tee nllasa of Willow Grove, township Moi tgomerjr county, pa, fcr £ee nandbilh for p*rticula»s _ . AraicL.-e’s Peremptory Sale, ' Three-rt*]’ Bri Sr DW KLljiN'i, .o » S,» Miliet street, east aide, -.bove Vina afreet, with two three story brick the rear. 8 mo jbrr a i*-?na; Uiri i*F GROUND,west aideof Bua street, n r\*i if Condena street SAinePsiate—raw No. IS,olasa first, in Juliana street oJOSgOSUe. Pame iptata—.ll*o a Certificate of Low in said 9y&a gofu* f,»r or? fcu-idred doUrp. BUSINESS Three-story Brink Stem and Dw* t, n , ? ;££: Fourth Raaaat. ELEGANT GERMANTOWN Alla, without reserve a lar<e new r*e donee Tulpshcokea •rreet and Washington lan*, Germantown, <otl#obv 373 rear; tvofron's. The house is built sad finished in the mo3t BuhatanUHl and elegant modern style and re plete with conveniences for a winter sod Sumner resi dence. Rale absolute. Foil descriptions Jn hanabtlle. Flan at the auction rooms. _ Orphans* Court Saiga; „ , Jalr 10. at U o'clock uooii- Estate of Elliot Cr,Mon-T*a’ Brittle 3 WKLUNSS, Crown .treat. ti E htee- th w.rd. ‘ Estate of worse , Ground Rent*. Fstateof Jhme*Thoo.B*~«ToafcandOwEvUN&. two bncli dwellinrs, and two frame dwellings. vurrsut al «y and hakaa place. iJ&*3 9 of James McConnell. deoM-Brfck DWELL INQ, Swansons reet.above Canstiagtreat. ' IKvSfcfijS* Wr o£ 'f fttteJ * fortaiimtmubfe, 9BT Maj be examined tty time prevjoos to the tale GENTEJSL FURNITUPg CAftf*T9, &o. Monday Moraiac, HSJ„**?/ a . t^o’o, o«fc.atNo.3J Wbartim tffeot.the £mS?/«£r n L it 5 re V c * rpet **'v* o,: oomj>ri«ißir eopanor table.* w,*. AUo, the kitchen faniita-e •■ -" thS^e 41 ** 8 o’oloek ob tfcefeniac of *'<• ©to „SaJs - nr’""*’ ” thsProiDiw* KTLL-WTN Strut «KA^MOD #^ nth inttnf at B » o-tl^f*m°{S I »ii at public »a)», without rejerre. on the preMlsea. twsjaeat modern ren tt*oss. with lhree-«tou back tmilda#anrt tea aunjani jmgroTe.meca *nd«oV*»i;oc(M. ho SzS.DU4.WYN mS l ZS t !L2*W Foartb, amth-of Grun •“••IrAM® *b*7 remain on morija**. HANDSOMk HOUBSHPLD FBRWITIJRKr Tie entire household furniture will ha arid ia]iiiti atelr after the cale of the htmae. Baleof the arhoS &£» loinw, Fall »«itioalv»Uk handbill* aatologttM. „„ „ 1007 VTt.BEßT'«trwt. NEAT SSIWeVST®* Jon» 2f At Vilbart rrMt,th* fniirc dousebo dfiu&itara of i feinUr d:dinim &oqm he*ma-r. • tST Wty b* ei&mlnod os tbo eionuaf of tola, at S o dock. JlOitS, PIAfIO-FGRTBa, B&lfc.S'uUi C4BFETO, At 9 o'clock, ft? £ha Atwtfio* ttta»is**a' i—uiiimutot exoAUaaft**eoad-h.‘%ndfitrnitu»sV*l*jra»t mtmtfi, carpet*, etc., froafftoila** dftchnrac removed to tb* at©?*' fatomve&leae* *. R , N • ANTIQUE SILVER, af antlqac aUver 00111 bror^Bc °* vmntety A|s», a fine silver tea Eet t .«ix pieces, cskabedket, castor frame, soup ladles. _ Sale Vo. 521 South Vlnth Strait.' SUPERIOR FURNITUKE/JVItRRuI&VTAPESTRV CARETS, Ac. »th iusE. at Jaa’eleek.a?No?i?lWath fflVthetreet, th- Ruperiar furniture, fine Fr*uohplate mantel mirror. OTalmirror. fine engraviags. tapestry earp«r*. Jcs^ EF Mar be examined at 8 o’clock on tbe- monunf of the sale IVfOSES NATHANS, AUGTIONSXS SLiiausismiesff^”’ . WONKY TO LOAN.* £25,000 to loan. atthetowMLr&tes. on diamond#, watches jewelry, silver plate.orr goods, clo'hing, grt>- cene , nsgar*. hardware. eutlti-T; pianos, nUrro»w, iw-* niture. beaumx, and nn good* or every desenetion, is targe or small amounts from one dollar to thousanda, foranyl ngth of time asreed on. The Oldest e stablished House in this city. Private entranoe on RACE btreet. JGT* Business hourq from A A. V. to 9 P.M. Heavy umirano* lor the benefit of de oei'OTS. . CRAHGrSO'L TWO PBRCENT. tsr Advances of 8:00 and upwards at two per cent. Advances of 8100 ai.d upwards, at one per oeat, tor short bans. • » . ATpPIVATKB*LE. GOLD PATENT LEVER end nwKoNOMbTER WATCHFB; masufaotured at half the usual a* llm* n.'toes, gold lever and lepiue watches, silver lever and lepine watohes, tcslisb, Swiu.&ad t renoh watohes. at astonishing low prices, jewelry o? ever? description, very low,jruns, pistol*, musical m atrnmec’c. fir*t qq*lity of Havana cigars, at half the importation pnoe, in quantities to suit purchasen, and various other kinds of roods. OUT W»OR HALES Attended to persoßaHr L? the Auotioceet. fosslgnmeshi of any and every tied of roods otted. MOdKS NATHANS. HOTELS. TONES’ HOTBIy.—The subscriber would k* respectfully inform his friends and the poblie. that ha has purchased the lease and furniture of tbe Jones Hotel (mportaot additions are now being made to it® for the convenience and comfort of geests. Individuals °I/? I 5 1 ! 103 JR® oity will he eare to find a heme econd t«>none in Philadelphia, and every exertion will be made to merit their n«tTv&are ,is- SL^ r ?^ 1 *A a ‘^i ta IflH.h* «nade with persons d»- inng Board by the Week, Month, or Year. nW atwim AARON GAGE. gx NICHOLAS HOSEL, BHOABW.V7 _ , , , filfr YORK, Whe.n eo®tieted tix yean ago, the i-T. NICHOLAS was universally prouounced the tnnet «on venient, ana thoroughly organised establishment or t. e fcma on this ooutmenU .* bat it was then it reattnn* to day—-without a nvsnnsia*. in sumptaonsness. and in toe general elements of eomfort and enjoyment The Howl has aooommod&tiotii lor one guests, m eluding one hundred complete suites of ap«rtmanta for rami lie*. Six hundred persoaaoas be ooznlortetily seated at the tables of its three nsbfic dining rooms, and no thing that moderp art b&s devised for the convenience and gratification of the travelling public has be n omitted in its Blan,orisne«lectA«Hn it* praotieal details. The early reputation o< the houae at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude its superb appointments, and its home libeoomforts ami luxuries, has been en hanced every year-by the unwearied exertions of tKa proprietors, mvir-hm TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, A CO. ST. iiAWRBNOfc UoiEL, BKO DWAT »d bIGHTH&treet,NEW YORK, ona blockshove !ft*N.k.Hotel. TkunayandtxwamodiwuiHotel«now ofkp for the reoeption of greets, and anil be oocd*«t*4 eiolusively on the European pi* a, The loo* want of* a business nolet» la Ibis portion of tba oity, baa induced tfef proprietor to establish the prices na the following liberal jmalet Single rooms. 40 casts per day miles, st-tt.. With a tharoa?h knowledge of the bnsi ness, and strict Mention to the wants of every gneai, i hope to reoeivnfiberal share ofpablio favor. aos-tm x n QorfowrTx D :nbrlMnFi nAJIDIVAIt®. PACKAGE Houses. PACKAGE HARD WASH HOUBE.—W. *■ would rossQbtfnUy sail tha attrition of the Gene ral Hardware Trade to oar esteneiTW Stoek of hJk- MJNGHAW IIIRnWASJL which w» a fisfii aiyanod by tha paofcage. Orders for direot importation aohoited, and Hoods da llTkttd either in this aiirTHav York, or Maw Orleans, W. Gri LEWIS * SoaT* , d» COMMERCE Street. Imparting and Cucimsmon Merchants, And Agents XerFareign and OemaakiaHardware. TO THE PUBLIC. CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. d?®uied. bg miintiSo and praoti jUSSiI I? 17 b ® st - 07 * 1 °*“ re<l to th» public, and needs only to bo seen in actual operation Tor it. raor !, ttPbraciated. Nothing ever introduced ta Stirfi™ 1 l or v ?ntilatins private and poblio , l e.hooie, hoapitais, engine honsea. miaeiu !5L m i? Te,sel * »nd for tha tnre of emolnr chtMeye they have no eqcal. Manufactured and for ct.lPiWhoi9s.le and retail, at the tfe.tinitß.nd Ventilntias V.'arerooaiiof CHftS. WILLIAMS. IIM MARKET Street, fhila. h.^sfSi n . al mil be given to all deecrUtiona of heanng ana ventilating hi the underaigned. who haa bja, many years practically engaged in the .Bow basi neaa. Also Tor safe, Culur’i inatlycelebrated warm-air furnaoea, oooking rangej, bath boila, regieters. Ac., by IWB-ettttn6m CHAS. Wn.l.taMlt. NEW LARGE NO. 3 iIACKERIL— -1W L Lla landing from stean er K'nnnxtoa. and for ■nebr , 0 % am. j. taylom *ro 1 IStt and 194 NORTH WRABVK*. TAR AND PITCH.—27S bbls Tar, 850 Kegs Tar, 47* bbls Pitch, ia store ud for sale bv ROWLEY. ASkHURMEit, * CO,. 16 SOUTH WHARVES. |b»,: C'tAPANI) CANDLES. —150 boxes .Or lean Soap. 575 boxes Olive Soap, 670 boxes Adaira«- tind Candles. Sis boxes HjdrauKn Candies. 45 boxes Bperrr.acet*iCandle*. ros’oresnil fojrsaiebj ROWLEY, ABHBUitMLii, * CO, No, 10 SOUTH WiUJI Vr,B. Havana cigars—a large, hand some And VARIED,ASSORT MK.NP: cob sit tmgofeuoh brands as CABANOS, FIG/ 1 HO; NfcP TUNO, PaRTnGAB ESPaNOLA ARbU'LLiS. Ao , *o., nf alt siae»»nd qa bties. on hanJ cnn-t-mUy. and for sale low, by, CHARLES TJciTE, 136 WsJaot street. • .. jalS-im. PROVISIONS.— 4,000 pieces City smoked Western Cured'hoolders. 2 000 tieroea City Smoked Western Cored Hams. sotieroee Garddey, Phipps, * Co.’s extra Sugar Cared Bagged Hams. ' *• lOt) bW*. extra Heavy-Westers Mesa-Pock*' ' JS ** . . ° Rump do.: City Bmoked Beef in lots to suits purchaser*.' ISO bbla. Prime Western Leaf Lard in store. For »Wu fcy C. O. MADLFfI 4 CO. Wet v No, 103 A*Q|Uift«| .