The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 22, 1860, Image 4
: v,*Jm 't'.-'A: y?.L A fM&m&trM*: :- '■&4&iihi-&umm her Majesty's llj.sirinietesrio tfi%lmta|l>'K«9«bli9,tuUMfn erected <JoiijfiAii : ; ; tteiron)i; AebvArfouiranirra. —The ' - - ilm&t df the:ljulte<lKtn|4om of Orest ■ Britain pmfci'lldlßMi *eto Esq., <<*«Mef !l J««i<to 'nf'MeW‘lealm»»T’*»!mU7Btedy, * Jui^Af-Sew^»4l^; : Jam«a Her- South totMl*,ohiitoailJ6m4SißHad,Km.,Bi>eaker I ' •of the V.- . the Capkot Gdod Hope; -V Welter Cutrlay.'lSsa.y CemmaodaWoftheJAraea MoMtedPoUcoaf sb* Cepe 1 Of:Goal Hope. ~ : W ‘tr*ivM»<tT .<)» Lcsdo*,—MerlMtoty hes no aSS!S^MK;Ssa®®SK: -.- Mr M. T,,Belnee,v; f '':riF ; - •- •*' '' '"' :i vi.v‘l Mb. .Job* "Httful, »t'M|prio, ?s 54;;,;S 4 ;;,; appointed Charge "d'AWm “>4,Consul-General c :i.*t;tSi .Heß«e’ Kw.;(fl«n>kot*,) in the rwm-of V . Cplohel a.vLoJdfH«fM,)»« WMoeted- ;Mt|J. : •■- /inttirMWSHlr- Wet*.-04»«rw.- -'.-'"f; . y '■- Moan-thau i12i,000,500 hava, beenpald e« la ■ • oemtVfhkvMnoi- M' wee re-establlsbad by the late . f# TiwJlfiiusCH I,I TEBAtv.'-rrlhe-4is*atiffaoUon . uaocg varioua EdgllshmeßifeotaMrsat the coil \ wiiiieStieaef the hMty militeila.Whlehthe French -jAk wHSWPP*^i a,, *5k B y l CnteSly la the silk dietriot*, where thelmmedUte ; lObßtoqwiDeee tothebpewitiv*# hatebeen especially i" dltsatroua, hat Also atjHqddersfleld, Leeds. Man - s eheeier, helceeter. ejid ether Importauttowße. li.Tan Ghat Beer»B».-rla ounsequepoeof the - ,jUe- tom*e»ine«i.>ireeiM»vhe?lßg math retarded hMbesnpa»tpqned,..The-startnowla»otllk*lyto Uke pltee bebre .iiie . 26tb, June, though it will ~ ,tortaUi*i(w|3tatfel*»ttf beyond the »4, ae longer : o detention would again loee thehigh tidee over tbe 7 ’• her at,-New York.-: ThadaUyls, perhaps, on the whole, not a» unfortunate ee It Bpptars, ineemnoh ee. we .belie Te. thet ad vantaje wul be taken of it ,iH» 16 starting to give e ■ brief,- though -most thorough, trial. of ,the augtutojbyurundown Channel and,b*okwBo«U»*pt<Bi.> ■v- i/ra* - Dritnc tons of - the. Great - 6hlp Company haTaSdaddedthattheGroatKastorß ahall return r-jK^ajSf.X6ikf-toi(l^»»iß4tepiv:..: s ;-; : •' -: ; A Coirraer 1> Mid to be in eouree oftormutibu . . :,h>''ritni'ii /line, ’ of- stouinins. .bettrOeh ; England and ilndievU the Cape, the veaaeld to be ofo,ooo tent . register, end pouffe enoughto perform the service luMeui'forty-flv.e days. r , /.- • : i -Bu Bctwiß Leyton's What will he do Willi It?;" hae been translated into French by M. Piohot, aoderthe title of ;tQu'en fera-t-il ?-’? hLinaxr Taeaaus has added, Garibaldi to her '' "htiSirical gallery. ; ’■ A aociarrhae ln liosdoafor at[jo °Mui lateltoato the deaeendeate ol the Bngnenots new rhaMindinfimtalitelda and BetkaalOreen; , V Taa CcaT ,or:i#‘.« P*n»r.”-ao<ne idea «f ti e -- ' amonitt whioh haa bua InToleed In this Derhy may be gathered froto the llect that bo leee th -m 3U home were, entered .fcr- lhe ,raoe. f; Fatting - doirli'theejtpeni* of thhtfelnlngol. eaohhoise- nt * fa ; tmagtae,fl«jtSe ; ander-lhe . £er>, r ihe whole eoettothfbwnerswonld Be £tl,- ;B*p. il Xn :addttlod: i6' thU,;jUB; has be’ paid for . r S«hhoheetWhl?hi46ei;hoi etait iwhleh In this,in - stance, aalOtdiraheht; thirty; ho(eee;Jtartedi woo'd' tin eotnedtHr like iM, OOO - IhtsaeWe the legiu mateexpwtoej butnow cpmea the betting. Who . . shall -My how many thousands, hundreds of thou sandfr—millions hare been staked oil this Derby ! . y-Uaitr. _ _ , . , '-StArabr tbb Sita TBAha.—The aooonnts from luanafaotarert of hfaoolasaeld, Ooventi y, : "and Mahehesfef, are.6f.a.wiy..adTerao.: eharaou r. ' A large ijortton of the mUls closed, and maty bf the remainder -work: orty fear -or are - days a areeki: Prayione to the’Preneh treaty the damand - - .was suohasto noeaasllata woriling orertime. Ac . cording to some altegatlons, tha trade hae not been, In a neoro depressed condition »tnoa iB2T. In the ; raw,eilk maraot, howover, prices are. firmly mai-i -‘ tallied, through the ektensiTe purohaees of foreign, V-'- -'W'----'. J who raoentlymade aomatil perimetata at Bight own with a rided oannon' of 1 is toreutioo, has Mtualetter totha nasM, In which: hVehalletoged Mr. Whltworthtoa trlalbfr»hgeV;o-' jtWaihl^tieS rtspeoUre guha af.dlftraht elafaUvos - ■ wp to dre’degroat.' Be.'eaiye.ho hha propwad a eauuan wUeh ho withal to plaea iti oompatiti n - withMr.Whitworth'sBolbgun,whlch has theis pataUoUorbeiogtho bestlu extstenooThe weight - of his own gun he atetei to be only about 48ewt.- Lokd Tarsaan o« - rac PaiTiiaaas or rna Ooanoss —Jbord Teyuham haa written a letter. ro . the eetretaryofitha .Sprthhfn :Jl«k>tm : Union, ,in whlcti ho oosdemns the TOte of the Lords ageiiiit the paper duty bill aa an Infraction of the'edo:- l tutional customs of Parliamaut Bis lordship quotes a number of oases to prose his point, though tney- are anterior to the pertod to whleh lt ls nr e posed the Odrainons’ Committea shall confine ttn ir inquiry; ahd'ho conolndei by ruling that as ihe tax hu beeome the prbperty 'of the Crown; 4 the' 'Commons hare' but topr»Mlnt>Baddreisprayliig hor Mejesty not to collect it, and no doubt, adds his'lerdship; the,Queen,'« not less; graeiotls th»u , Kdward 111,” will tell hor loTlog and falthlul Comnsona.that:Jhelr ; ‘- snltiia jqst.l' ,n'-y : t,. ■ THa Naw fiiSßor or DtrsitAK —The Hon. and Rev: Dr. Hi nry Montegu.yUtters, who has been nominated for the Bishopric of Durham, In tno room of Dr. L-ontlay. who has aooaptedth# Artu bishopric of. York,« thoififtb eou of tha late floh. . Osorge Vimert. fathsr of the preaentpstl of Cu norien; add>a* bornna the 4th ef yaniury, ; lßl.i Be was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, whore he took hls degree ofßaohelorbf Arts in 183 d, hut -his name-does not appear in the list of honor's. Having been for a ihort tfcne oarsle of the parish of Deane, Lancashire, he ,WU ‘presented -by- Lord Cotteuhsm, who:wu Lord 'Chauoillor in Loid MeibStr6aVOoTerhment; to the vicarage of Kecit worth. On the appotutment of Dr. I. Yowlitr Short .(now BWapyjt St. Asaph), to tha -Bishopric of Sodor .mid Man, ha/neetred trom the Lord Chancellor the rectory of 6t George's, Bloomsbury, and in 1847 was oomlnatod by Lerd John Hui e6U,;tb4;tha6;pruM'/lfißisf*r, to a ealnonry : resl ' dantlaty ta gt/ paui;s,oalh»dtal. Thesa two leSt aomed appointments ha held up to-hts uomioa .' Go hi: to the' hlshpprieof Cafllsle by Lord PalmVr ■ stoniaim - 'i ■-' ’ ,;o ; " ‘-i: IBBLAKD: 1 , Kn.WJt.Smra O’Bainn and Mi eldest sonhtve ,rethre*(lio DaWln from atoar irrSpeUt, ,' : 'l.Lnnt(X]i4(runtU thabno lam than B.OM .tfthe.ftfohMnatabittkrjar* willing to reeigo.with , ~a' d law,,of emikraunr.tO'Kome! and other ma >" triet,.'Aboul2oO oftiieoonnty of Limerick for>e, It is eddedj herealreedy doneio, or are eo disposed. “Indere, Cork, end Kerry the polloe hare nmiiar inclinations, endere proving : ' : ;,A!jSo«ti*irosDitird( : Ui«-iVor<i««»W’slwitite« tfcatiwbvonng men inßel&st..are'befog trained - M*enen;. ; ,j ;.*>£ ' -I«a;»Ai,war;Co*r»ao*i^Tba.CoaaaittM^iii - Oowtraeta hei itrougly ooMoraeed the tfolweveon - .trditiuariaWinTinorawia, aadlnoppoelfion to. i>>eViooio^traot^tM^Cwi«dU«tCoTarm)ient. . -TacyjtiWpiiacflilt benoeforth all eontraeta shall be; j. ~ ” ,®iz sorew-iteaoer PrlnoeiAlbmrt, with 746 pas-. MOaera, and a full cargo and'mails, tilled on the MS of Key from Galway for Newfoundland and -Si* York. • NorwirneraeniHG the intimation given by the Cfonti Of ihelllegalltyof religions lotierlei,advcr piaetteoi* respecting themoontlous toappeer in the Irish Soman OathoHoJouruaU; : : Th* Attorney General for Ireland hkataerefojf# oaaerda latter , to-Wteni ! Or4»(n orfkltor to 'th« X)alilln Morning Novi; containing the Intimation that . ■ parabnkwßo'. prlbtor publish 'tuehadvertlthnients - aabjeoflbecaHlTea topuudtlM.;\:\'- .£itrbii>£nAria Co tar—Among the sales op ' • ' the 20 th were twolols of . the Waterford aetata of John W. Baraieitersnd ‘older*; (foraarlyln the . ; po*MUlon of Jobs badleir,) and oomprislog part of . thalaidsaf COolnamnek, prodnelngtogetbar a bet rental of<MB a year/ which realised tue Ugh sum cf£l2,a9d. Ottthes*iaeday e property in the .ooanty..of Clare was aold la ten lota, which brought upwardsof4ls,ooo . , r Tna prcprletor of a large factory in Limerick , baa aechie oonntenanee .against the wearing of crleoline in the eeUbliohseeal, end tbe result hee been that tke fair employee* kide their hoop* In the long gram of the edjoinlDgnieedowl. ' fHa lluke of Oerentbireliae atgaallaed hlsvlsH , to Irelendby aeta oi generoeltv teirarda kla tenan try. Me has given to the lohabUantaefthe town o( Li«au>i* tlt» almoft prioelaM boon of aeupply -of pan water, from tie eaatl* recerroir. It la to • be beitowed' ihno etlnted measure, bat, will flow jn all parts ot tietnwh from public fountains, end . be oarried into the bonaea of tboae who choose to -1- SKinninod- iap ran lanan MAnkar—lhe . Clart Journal caila atteatlon to a markod feature ' 'la eonbOedoii with tke amlgrttko aovenest bow * inprogreH“Matwithaiaadtadtb* nnaberalcar ' lag' tbe ooaotijr, wbo are.all M the agricultural, iaall farieiojt, and laboriag elaaati, , when, - one would 'tblbkt J whole tract* of oonatrjr must be nn tenonted, the compatitlon' for lend la a* greet u arer, and land ,ia' aa diffienlt to proonre as : when the ruril popaletton was.lwioe aanumerour, ■ from which it enpeerd that there were formerly too -many depending on tbe land for awbcLstence, whit* tbe emigration ptOTfnte the lebor markOt Trom being overitooked, and tenure Snd bnt little (Ufficuit/’h gettlugthelr laad* tilled • they beV* to pef bi*be»w»g«. M dalwrlag men earn nearlyoiooblo now What they did formerly.'> „;..v . SCOIIjAHD. since t one of the Strathipey “ Med,’,’ ,or .ley iireecher*, held a meeting la tbe open air. vr Crowde of- people flocked from all perta of the ear; ronedtoj diitiiote to bearwhat they believed was aoperipr tpaeythisg ooialng from a pnlplt. The hcetof thkday waaoppremlTe, and alt'that the ; 'preaehw; poii!d;. S»y.waa not pnflelent to koep the . ■ talk dl Ah. heartr». awakai : Mnoh chagrined at tbetr 'idplnetieM and easing tbit neither law nor • goapdoouldrouaetkaia from their lethargy, boat ; . “»t J WtjnpW tbe lollowteg expedient; gioppiag •nddenly &hlidtaoonrse.afler apaneebe bawled r f _ ,lf by mkgio. aprang to tholr feet, On aeelnw tliat i , !tbeinit:had;taken, tbe preacher axoialnfodi -i oh, deviitJDw**: *«;.«£* m vonwonldnotbe >;SST*bVili»)^Kmeda^tnb#rgb: i«,*bove7,7o(l Wm*?'' in the Eternal Clfr Mjplritail thief, while Victor Emmanuel rules aUltefyli n temporal sovereign 4m tte plan of .the Jepwieee Qwunmettt. ox wbe thtr-he jßitlowe theAohe iilaWi tdwMiba' and j jraw»riett 5 tteted’ r i ofafcfi Ftenoh Ml wArt** ,Ktutt*er huiMtta permanent special m nek con- j ant it liencbester. Mine die first appointment of .thehind in.tttat b(ty/ ft has> quenceof ’the Ecnperor’i desl?t7*K*? rr y *&• »ew-treaty ionoweriwith the meTchantß there. The ooosttl.Ja the ahthor of eeVaral worka on corn raeroial eabjectß in i j V. 1 : = ✓ : a: W W7> with e million, to Abyssinia..has had v a private nudiewjeotthe presented the treatyeoneluaed with the king of Abyssinia, by whiehf thp* portof Adonlia andthe ialand bfDyud preceded to France. Kl*vbk ffrenoh offleera on hah-pay have re ceived permission to 'take aervloe in the Pontifiotl 'army without losing their rank in the Frenoharay. ' Fawrcs Miutabt FBavaaUfloHS.->The Minis ter of War has issued, a circular ordering colonels of regimonta hot to exempt >mnilU from the aer vice with the tame facility .as has invariably been theceeosinoe the first Empire: -The men are to be,exempted only when absolutely unfit for aervloe. Greetexertionr are;beinffmede tot: bring,np the lo the contingent) and camping utensile'end teats* have been aerved out to every regiment of the Guard and of the garrison of Paris, so m to enable them to be moved to amy point ofthe territory vyithout exciting alarm and awakehlog-publio attention abroad, wbfoh, to use the words orthe. gallant marshal, is so “ prejudi cial tb‘the suoooss of the preliminary operations of h campaign.” HjtuM Moiiithtr publishes the speech delivered by Mk FenM» : ,Minister of . State, at in agricultural pwetingat Tarbes. After having shown theme tCriU progress whioh has been obtained, the Mi obiter Fould salJ : “Theeconomioal coarse which bcecln&ugurated will oreate a fruit* fnl eraofwealth ani prosperity.” ;M. Fould re* tailed the moderation of the Emperor shown after thfi lata war, and said:'“This moderation in the past is guarantee'for the future. The Em peror 'has several, times proclaimed that he only wished toinsure to* France.'the rank whioh be longed'to her.” M. Fould advises, people not to be led away toy the feeling of uneasiness which parties are strenuously endeavoring to spread “ Not withstanding the event! which disturb some State’s, 'notwithstanding ; (he imitation and mistrust whioh those'parties attempt to etpiteih the public mind, France,^quiet.and prosperous, can devote herself with safely to public works. She knows the Bm /ttfot.tobe strong enough to inspire all with respect for hbrrightS) and to be too loyal a neighbor, and too- faithful an. al)y,rto menace the rights of others. ;• ; ■ . -A vnitUsconn of extraordinary power is at pre sent In course' of ereotlon at’ the Paris Observa tory';/ It is. to have a magnifying power of twenty thousand. ----- -- A Navigable Balloon.—The navigable balloon whleh, under the name of the u Flying Fish,” has been 1 Tor.some'time exhibited at the.Exhibitjon Palace. waion Wednesday afternoon taken to the * court-yard of the Tulierlea to be shewn to the Em peror. His Msjefety, leading the Prince Imperial ny the hand, inspeota* the apparatus.'and tho Em- S res* examined it frota oue of the windows. ' The alioon, which 2s somewhat in the form of a whale, is provided with paddle-wheels worked by a small engine, and made to act in any direction By means of a rudder plaoed at one dkthe extremities. The wbote was kept captive at the height of some yards, and;executed different manoeuvres, among whioh were a eirele and a stoppage before the, window, of the Empress.' The Emperor witnessed,the experi ments with' muoh interest, and addressed numerous questions 'to the inventor.— Galtgnant's Mes senger. - ■ DENMARK.' .Tax, prelected intervilfc, of the Kings of.Den markacdSweden lsto be of afriendly andun- Ceremonious character. The two sovereigns will .meet etihe fortress of Kromborg, near the Sonnd. The King of Sweden declines all official reception, even tbit of a grand dinner at court. From Krom borg tbo King of Denmark *ill proceed to the head quarters of the Swedish army, and assist at Its summer manoeuvres,' whioh are to take place under 'ihe'edmmapd-'of King Charles XV; during the lat ter half of June.- , c ..,,PRUSSIA... ' The Prusnah , Gazette of the 25th nit. publishes, an article affirmingthe "entente between Russia and-Franoe on the Eastern question, and insists on tho right of refusal ofthe Porto to admit the in terference' of the Powers in the Internal affairs of Turkey—a right founded upon thcr ninth article of 'the treaty of Paris. Sicily. :; The Island of Sicily is separated from the southern extremity of Italy by the Strait of Mes sina, and it several groups of small islands. It is aboht IsB miles in the laigest part— that is, from east to wdst; varies from’3l to 109 in wldih’; is 344 miles round, and 16,875 squaro miles in soperfleesi The island contains a range of high mountains, which is considered by geologists as a continuation .of the Apennines. Mount Etna, also called Monte Gibello, Is situated in the province of Gatana.’ This celebrated volcano, isolated like Ve suvius, is 3,608 yardi.above.tholevclof the sea, and,is from .81 to 88. miles round at the base. Towards the bottom of the mountain the vegetation la megnifioent, and hero.and there are to be seen noble iorests of Oik, chestnut, fir, and beech. - This, plains at the foot, «bd particularly those of Messina, Malasso, Palermo, Trapant, and Marsala, are fertile, and well' cultivated, produoinggrain, g! apes, and fruits of a superior quality. Bfolly is divided into seven intendencies or ptovinoes—Pa lermo, Messina, Gatana, Syracuse, Galtanlsetta. Uirgentij The first three, considered the most important in a military point of view, are united by a strategical road which runs along the northern coast to GlrgentJ, and which will one day be extendedifonnd the whole coast of the island. Palermo, the chief town of the intendency of that nemo, is the residence of the Governor General of f lolly, and Is the seat of the Government. It is a handsome town, about five miles round, containing some fihemoimments, and la protected by strong jortifisstionf, among which are the forts of Castel XTucio and CastoUamarai. * It is situated at ihe'bottom ofthe gulf which bears its name, and on the banks of tho Oseto, its population.bbing about'l7s,ooo souls. Messina, situated ia tha gulf of-the same same; iiossesScs the best port oa/ the Mediterranean. -It is de- formidable fortifications, among whioh are the Cltadef, Fort Ban Salvatore, and, the Bas tion Real ;Alto,! completely commanding tho en trance of tbe port. On the: heights, at less than one thousand yards from the citadel, are tho forts of Goasecue, Oaatel Ruoio, and Capuoini. The Straits, of Mamina/ separating Sioily from the kingdom of Naples, .are rather more than four miles across i a tne'widest part, and upwards of one mile in tho narrowest. The entrance to them is defended by a number .of batteries, well situated and well crated.' I The tewn of the most important mili tary position- of biaily, and, in fact decides the MMaasionr of the* whole island. Warlike opera tloiis are diffienlt in Slolly. Oavaliy And artillery cannot be easily moved,* and n very strong force of iofkntry is required te attack the numerous forti fied places. The fate of the country mnst be de eided in. the. provinces of Palermo,, Trapani, and Messina, especially the latter. It is there that the enemy must employ the greatest-efforts, and there that are the principal strategical points. A dis embarkation effected on other parts, of the coast would not produce any result; an enemy might maintain himself for a long time in the south or in the interior/of- the Island,jmt would be wasted in detail without attaining the object sought In tho wars sad Insurrections cf which Sioily has been tbs theatre at different periods, entire bands, re tired into the interior, have perished of hunger. Sicily can not be attacked with sudoess without the co-operation of a navy* the Command of tho sea giving itedefendera a vast advantage. The popu lation Of SleMy Is about 2,000,000, alf Roman Catho lics. The Sicilians are intelligent, gay, and witty. They possess' brilliant imaginations, strong pas sions, and entertain an ardent love or their coun try. .They are very fond of religious spectacles, and much attached to their religion. Their patri otism make# them conridar themselves as superior to other nations. Among themselves, moreover, they are engaged in a continual straggle for pre eminence; ana this;oonflict is particularly strong between Messina and Palermo. In addition to its natural advantages, Bloily, by tie situation in the Mediterranean,'!! n military position of the first order*-...,- - - Ta» Vacaht Suprekk Couit Jodorship.—lt (mbs to bo undsrstoodthst tbs question who shall till tbs Mat «n the Supreme benob, roosted bj tbs resent death of Mr. Justice Oanlel, rests between Judge Wia. L> Harris, of Mississippi, who is now supported by the delegation - from bis State, and Mr. Attorney. General Block, either of whom will admirably Ml the position. It seems to be thought that If Judge Harris Is not seleoted, Judge Black—Star. , . IMPORTATIONS* iJtssoned for the Press.) RlCHMOND—Steeuuhip Virginia, Kelly—S3 boies tnbeeai' Bnebnor, MoCammon k Co: 68 do Uoban A. Taiti TSdo Meroerst.Anteloi JS.Uo T Wester, Jr; so bales domestics ehialey. Hasard k Hutohinaon; as do Ihomas Sc Martin: Sempty oarbos a Powers & Weiahr maet'll bus seed 8 Morgans SO pigs lead CJ Adams it Ooiebbls fruit N Beilinas; ml do sundries S bis tobaooo lMsmpty bblsvarlouseonsunsss. .. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OP IRADK. GEORGE K. 'I ATfUM. / 3^ORGE M B!’Roa : i Cos,m ”« « *“* “»»*"■ a w „ .iMIER BAfii • At the MirehahU' hzcAahgty Philadelphia. -Liverpool, Jane ?s Bars Elisabeth J.Poalkes——.... .Tort BpAio.Jue Sr Barjr Kliaabetb, BrooAttan~~..... soon AtJ Cruse,. r .- - -Rio do Janeiro, soon gflhr Twee VneQden,(l)utoh)Meyrr. Havana, soon Bchr Kvsl/n, Yorte..,. soon •AIUROOP TH£ OCEAN SmNEKS, FROM THE UNITED STATES, ■■lp« , l*av* . .sos. . „ oats North Briton—. * •"Quebec.-Liverpool.*— ~ •• > • .June 23 Arafto. .New York..Havre... June 23 Y|No NewYork-JUverpooL ....June 23 Ntatfs’*. Bos ton.-Liverpool..,..—June 27 Bohemian ... lißebec. .Liverpool .June 30 111in0i5..... New York.,Havre.—.... Juosso HsmmoaiA..eJ..Ntv York,-Hamburg..July 9 Asia..‘. ..... New York. .Liverpool J olr 4 Bremen- New York.. Bremen July 7 Kangaroo.. New York.. Liverpool .. . July 7 t'niopa ....Bpston.VLirerpoo!...........Juy 11 AdriAtio....—.-New York—Havre.......— —July 14 Teatonta New York. .Hamburg -July Id Persia—-e..*. New —July 18 HoldenFleeoe...New York..Galway. July 19 Fulton..... New York..Havre July 21 Arabia. .Boston.. July 24 Yattderbilt~— .New York..Havre ......July 28 _ FROM EUROPE, saifs SSAVB . »QR DATS Bremen,,-—. Southampton.. New York ...June 13 Kangaroo.........Liverpool.-New York June IS North American. .Liverpool. .Quelieo—.«— June 13 New York...Bonthampton.-New York.. June 13 Europe —..... .Liverpool..Boston.. June Jfl Adriatlo;—. Southampton. .New v 0 rk...i. June2o Persia .........Liverpool..NewYork June %i Great Eastern... ,Boutb f toa.'.New Y0rk..........June *3 GoldenFiecce-- Galway.-New York June 33 Fulton , Southampton. .New York Jul« 27 Arabia Liverpool.-. Bosto- June 38 Palestine Liverpool. .Quebeo June 27 VanderWlt. York Jnly i Bavaria Sootftaoipton..Ney York ....jniy 4 The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on jnd 28th of,each month. - . - , , JgieHavana Steamers leave New \ork on toe 3d, 7th, U&iLl7|b f ftiid37th6i'etujhmonth. * , < - -Jivlam the above daces fau on Sunday, the steamers , viu emi on Monday, except from New Or»eaas. MAKIHK INTEIiIiIGEKCJi. FORT OF WnUDEIspHIA, Ja» 33. 18C0. *T~ 4 M-BUN BETS 7^15 hours fromJßpston, off-WiuninBiqn, gofo*7down. , < _ ,3>:t ~-t - - ■* l * '> --V.i,- - r « tail L(»J.r, id.ini, Id.;, from S.ll.bur;, with °Safe r V? 0«me«, HueCTd*; from Brnytki, D.f; witb com to Jul, iHnrl.T h. Go from B ’ nTtß ‘’ • Bohr,B»r«Kw«i»i.iHdlHgW*rottJ' l 1 d»; from Bm;r -. from tolisburr. •’ lohr J B Dickeraon, Smith, from Boston. , Pohr Robert Corson, (*udlam. from-Boston. ■dsaatfirinaaft? iionr,Tom K * w Yoft * y»5,M^i«53 0^. 1,0# ” from W * w Steamship Yoik, J AUderdioe. Steamship Fhineas Sprague, Matthews, Boston, H wmsor. - Snip Nprwar, Major, Hong K<m*,oaptain.; ' . . .Bark Impersdor, Hubbard, Pernambuco, Lewis k Damon. . Bark Prims Donna, McGmken, Londonderry, R Tay lor Sc Co. a Bark ,Wm A Banks, Harlow, Matanzas, D S Stetson k Co. Brjg JcMfeßhynaa, Con&nt. Salem, L Audenrled k Co Bng Bonaparte, Stewart, Salisbury, Van Dusen, Nor ton A Co; - v - - Bohr Maggie Van Dusen, Ireland, Boston, do ' Bchr J P Johoson, Jolmsoc, K Cambndre, do / - Bohr Mary P Stevens, Reed, Georgetown, do - , Schr Lucy R Wanttg, Chiveral, Savannah; Pettit, Martin k Co. i i Bohr Wm Collyer, Rsyner, ProvUlenoC, Noble, Ham mett A'CaldwelL Sohr Island Belle, Hutler, New Bedford, do * feohr Anna Bmith, Smith, Providence. Hepplier A-Bro. Sohri- B Diokerson, Smith, Cambridge, Tyler, Stone • Sohr R Coraon, Lndlow, Boston, Blakiston k Cox. , Sohr M Wnghtington.!Th&toher, Boston. 11 Wmsor. ' Bohr PethwavyLancfttafr, Salem, L Kcthermet k Co.l Sohr JSliaabeth B, Basset, ipswxoh, do StrHennr L Gaw, Iter, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Btr Yuloan, Morrison, New York, W M Baird A . 8T VXtKCBAfff.., . ’ CorrMpondenoe ofthe Philadelphia Lxohaoee.) • - ISLAND, N J, June SI-U.Sj A M. . The steamship Kensington, from ttoitqnra euip. and *”issr w,BtiSu, ' B,n «Bmm.. th^Pr-,^ The following boats item the Union Canal .pasted in to the SenuylkiU Canal to day, boiind to Vhiiadelphia, laden and consigned tur follows.* ’ -' Wm F Conner, lambrr to N L Jones; J M r opson, do to a*alone k Taylor;, Union, grain to oaptam; eunng Creek, meal, Hour and corn to Budd A Comly and Wm BPovts. ’ MEMORANDA. SShip Theresa, Wallace, from Calcutta for Fblladelr phia, (previously reported grounded at fttnau) put back to C 2d uit. and was discharging cargo on the 4th, by Or *Shii» S State, Aaulett, for San Franoisoo, olcare4 at New York SGihikst. - >_ , x ‘ BBhip Abbott Lawrence* from Calcutta, arrived at Bos ton Xfvhinst. „ - . . ’ titlark Tremont, Baker, hence, arrived at Kingston, Ja, Bohr J S Vee, Corson, from Charleston, at Wilming ton, NO. 19th ibst»: . Sohr Lookout, Nrfrth. hence, arrived at Norfolk 19th , Sohr F.Ha, IWaraton. from* St John, NB, for Philadel phia. arrived ot Booklaod 3?»h insj, ,« * «*t Sohr Flyaway, D&vis, ior Philadelphia, tailed ffdmJN Sohr War Steed. Smith, benee, arrived' at Newport 19th in&t todißobarge. , « _ * Sohr Clarissa Budd, Rose, hence for Fawtuoket, at Frovideooe 19thinit- ; i *; .• _ . .. Bohr* Clara Ellen, Dodge, and John Compton, Eluott, for Philadelphia, sailed Irora Providence l»'h inet. , , Sohr it 8 Dean, Cook, sailed from Tannton 19tb inet, for Philadelphia. . - . . _ , . Sohr John A exander. Apslegarth* cleared at Balti more 90th lost, for Camden, NJ. ■ NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notioe it hereby given that the Shovelful light vessel, Vioerard Sound, relieved for repairs on the lithinst, has been restationed. The Relief light vessel has been removed to Great Harbor, Wood’s Hole. - , . By order ofthe Liehthouse Board. • MELANCTON BMITH, COlnm’r U. 8. N. t Lighthouse Inspector. Second Diatriot, Bostoh, June 19,19 W. i ISSIiRANCE COMPANIES. gABINE ft'DDY, INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 42 4 WALNUT Street. Insure agMnst lom or damage by Fire, on Cotton ana Woollen Mills- and other Manufactories. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, and other property, on faro- MKTROPOLITAN C FIR < t*jn8 1 . , C0|“ , f PROVIDENCE jwJv? W ‘ ARCTIC PIRE INBURAIfcE | GOj. B OP f, fJ EWVORKI HOPE PIRB INBU^NcE‘ < 00“ oF I l! , rfBr®VoHK, l)a ‘ mry pire insura ncT^"cc)“, i ’c BERMANIA PIRK^NR^OmOF 1 1 ' „ Casn Capital and Surplus BIU 599 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INB. CO., OF NEW YU«K. . . Cash Capital and Surplus R 136,958 51. - Applications in person or by note will receive prompt attention. BAJ3LNE Jb DuY, Agents, Je4 3m * No. 424 WAtwf Street. 'J'HE JKNTEKPR3BE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEPHIA. . (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY,) COMPANY'S BUILDING. S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT SWEETS* DIRECTORS, F. Raichvosd Sraxm, Moedxcai h. Dawsob, William MoKss. Geo, H. Stoabt, Nalbbo Fba-zikk, John H. B&owr, SJohtt M. Atwood, B. a. Farnxstocx, bnj. T. Tikdicx, Andrew D. Cabo, XXKT WHARTOh, J. L. EsniROKB. X- MTOHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES W. COXB, Secretary. - fell AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., A INCORPORATED ISUM3HARTER PERPET* U 4 L SIO WALNUT BtreeW above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Btook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings. Btpr eB * Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted, • DIRECTORS. - John T. Itgwi*. , Jnmea JL Campbali r ' Edmund G. outllh f _ Oha*. w. Poultnar, Jtrael Morns. ALBERT C,L. oWS"® Tho*. R. Mari*, John Waiab. fiasifcjfe?"* OUAKEB CITY INSURANCE COMPA PLUS 8 »9,748.70.—1njures against Loes or Damage by Fire, and the fonts of the Sea, Inland Navigation ana Transportation. __ __ GEORGE R. HART, President, jfi. P. ROSS. Vtoe President. H. Hr COG G 8 HALL, Seo’y ana Treasurer, o. H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary, „ „ DIRECTORS. George H. Hart. E. P. Rosas, A. C. Cattell, Poster 8, Perkins, E. w, Bailey,' Andrew R, Chambers, H. R. Cosnhall. Samuel Jones, M» D.» . Hon. H. M. Fuller. • mhVtf INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE INGS. Chartered in 17M—Capital 9100,000—Assets, January I, 1818. 9847,448 80-196, -All invested in sound and available seonritiee—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, A0.,0n liberal terras, DIRECTORS: Henry D. Uherrcrd, George H. Btiusri, Simeon Toby. Samuel Grant, Jr,, Charles Alacaleste;. Tobias Wagner, william 8. Smith. Thomas B. watlsss a°s sssg* _ . PreMent. WihLIAM HAWPKR,H«nrstw» fe 9-wfre If Exchange insurance company HiJ No. 400 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, cither limited or per petual, DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsall, Edward D. Roberts, John d, Ginnodo, John J. Griffiths, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. K&ie. Thomas Marsh, John MopoweU, Jr., SamLL. Smedley. Jos. T. Haie. BeUefonte. BONSALL, President, JOHN ft. GINNODO, Vioe President. Edward W. David. Secretary mUg»wfmtf TVSLAWARE MUTUAL BAPETY IN Of OFFICE 8. K? CONNER WALHV7 F«S?ofcr | 7oall»arUortt* W«t«, _ _ . INLAND INSURANCES On Coodf * tv River* Canals, Lake*, and Land Carrlao _ to all parte of the Union, FIRE INBURANofe« On Merchandise tenerally. 01 Btor %a> u m , 'feAnv. November l, 189. !,£•£• m.« ji us . Marktt faliN BffißSa^^Td%fiaE=*WßS interest due ... u m* <j •50,000 U. B. Tr«Murr IFot, Note, and intir~ _ _ esttlue.-—— 00 •8,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Phila - _del*hia.. ..... .....ttim m •10(000, Pennsylvania Railroad Id Mortgage •»400, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mo’rf- 4S ’* W 00 UM< * Company 7 W ot. oouoon bonds..... 11,80 8 •U,WOi MO aharei stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal cnarantfed by the city of riiflW aelpaia—.— , ~, ISiW 00 •I.lB*loo shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company .... 1.771 H •0400. M 0 shares North Pennsylvania 1 road Company —_. ~,. ms aa •I*Bo, shares Philadelphia loe Boat and Steaa Tug Company. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ocean. Steam Navigation company, Philadelphia and Ha- vr<f da 7 'Grace Stoain Tow Boat Compear, Philadelphia Exohanr* Company &d Mortstf ec, and Real Estate* Of-* 108 ’* 18 Bfioe 70.N3 38 ills receivable lor Insurances made—jai.esa to alenoe due at Aaanoiee—Premium* on Ma rine Pouoiei, interest! and other debia due Scrip Md'suSiofaniidry DunnucVCcmpa?* 68 Cash on Deposit in Ejvnk.~.- 47,000 II > 9JKEC William Martin Edmond A. Bonder, Vheoohilai Pauling. John X. Penrote, John OJD&via, JftmMTrMiiair* william Byre, Jt., Jamw 0. Hand, , Williamp,i Ludwig. \ Jo*«h H.Seal, ur. R. M« Heaton, #eorg® 0, Laiyer, IffiMr, w WILLI AJ THOS. 0. HEWRY LYLBURN. Sao rroas. . Samuel E, Stoke*. L F. Peniston* Henry Sloan, f Edward Darlmgten* . Jone* Brooke, ffiS'jsr pryssa lamea B. M’FarbuuL Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple* Pittab’g • A B g,° r * an * tt i: M^Cted“l OTCtarr. al» T IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST OOM BOCK Street.. A««st«, 9437,631 61. • * INSURES LIVES for The whole term of (life—trend ennmtie. end epJowmentt-purohMe. life lnterorteln sml Eitete, end mekee ell contraote dependlniontue *‘'Bhe* "eot ”i°E*e?itore, Admlntatretore, AednM* »««.«,endOnerdi^ Daniel L.Milior, BamnelS.Stokecr, Wimam P.Haoker. Jo*epbH. Trotters . William H. Kern, J&mMEuatoO' Samuel C, Hoey« Vheophilu Fsaldlnr* Clwrlee H&llcnreil, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townwnfc panierL. fiutehinw*# aMr* mmss?,' WfiraerMeHaim, ! John(/• Brenner* Ft Js, Miehler, Euton. “ —-itarr. null JftSM W. HoftNOai, B«orti COAL. W. NEILL & 00.. YARD* 8. B. Corner BROAD and OALLOWHILL, DEAfSRB, IN Superior WHITE and LEHIGH Prepared and keptunder cover expressly for Fanfily use. - flsjr Grdem by Hlipatoh will receive prompt atten tion, - - - - . apCßm PRIME NEW fsT.JOBNS ALEWIVES. j, TAYLOR it Oft THE PEEB&--PHILAPBLPIIIA, FRIDAY* JUNE 22. 1860. IOHNALBABO TO L6T. - .! 1 .'—-aJiiiHiii-J -i - r»UBLIO SALS. OF. ORIZABA iron Jp: WORKS, SOPHIA PUIHACR. Jkc.-By virtQO of authority .vested la- us .a* TuwH* for certain ere ditots of pJSlafd HtOpTm&i Mfitn pursuance ofa ?«- or*e of the District Court of AUeinenycounty,in the Commonweatb of fenwyjrfcftla, 4n RQ* 5, orNaVeMgt* and Nan SBifer-TstesJ! mss ft Joal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. . TsrmS: One fourth of the sorol&Mm moHerte be said in oash ou the acknowledgment gfthejeed;the ialanee in one, two, and thres.year* from the time of sals,with interest from that time; the deferred pay *~u«d f A «.mocK. j,7 0,18 . WM. K. HIMIOK. ' . A FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— A most dellraWa Factory, with large lot. of ground, froutihg on three strbe.s, mutable'for almost ot to W. D. ROGERS. Ho. 100, OMWnUHt. miU-im JB TO LEI OR FOR SALE—A Potjfc- History house, double hook buildlttts, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant Ur, e yard. Terms low to a good tenant! Situated No. 1924 CHESTNUT Street Applyat No, Tl 9 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonic Halt mjaa-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For «rie a. 1a.,. joi in tb. Sonthweitam Motion of ads,tod ftrsSswrr. Torm.sooommMa , Fo. ‘ _K. al.thui 080e..w17-kt O-LEli—The first floor of the fine thiild -Ins. No. 7M C HtSTNOT .tract, fojitierlr oonli.iad for a whotOMle (and Isto.v *, a r.tatl) fan,, goods and narmniery.tore. Aoplyatthaoffioeo/ JuLBsHAUEL * 00., No. TO, OIIKSTN U r atraat, Phlla, Jet-lm JJYSPEPStA. " This fearful disease, Vith all its concomitants, subh as. Jadisesitoa, Heartburn, Water Brash, Sour Stomach, Acidity, Bilious Complaint, Jaundice, Headache, Fe mile Complaints, Debility, tc.,flnU in thh OXYGENATED SITTERS, OXYGENATED SIFTERS, OXYGENATED SiTtNRS, A remedy sufficient to obpe with and conduct disease in its direst' and moet affiiotive form. The best test» experience, and we submit the testimony of thole vho have experienced an entire ottre by the ole pf the re medy. 1 The high character of the teetlmomdls in favor of this remody is a sufficient guarantee of its astonishing power in the above disases. OXYGENATED SIITRRs, OXYGENATED bltteßs, OXYGENATED sitters. FROM HON. JOSEPH HOjtlE, President of the Commonwealth Insurance Company! No. g'Wjjtwet, New Yerk. Meters; FoWtx A Co.—GiftUctftf*; Ha Vint suffered in wr years from repeated attacks ef Dyftpepma lit its worst form! and almost exhausted my hopes of being able to obtitin any permanent reller, I drab in duced to have fMbnrse to the Oxvmaferf Dittos, pre pared by Green, iorwhloh you are agents It gives me-g rtajCjieasure to say, that its effieot upon me has been highly bwefloiai, eradicating the disease and restoring me to gbod health; and I sinoerely hope that all who seay be suffering from that dreadful dis ease will be induced to givdthd itlediditle a trial, fully believing they will not be disappointed in the result, JOSEPH HOXIE. Such testimony as the above is entitled to the confi dence of' Dyspeptics,>nd proves the effioaoy of the Oxygenated Bitten! Mr. Hoxie is well known as a highly respectable eitlxen. oxygenated bitters, oxygenated bitters, OXYGENATED SITTERS. reliable Testimony. We call the attention of the reader to the following etterfrom President Smith, of Wesleyan University * Bbth W. Fowls A Co.-QcntU-men i l first mads use of the Oxygenated Biitibi some seven or eight yearsamoo. Having suffered for twenty year* from* form of Dvspxpsi a, whioh was attended witn a nervous headache, on an average of not leu than one day in a week, 2 was induced by the unpretending recommenda tion of Dr. Green “to try one bottle, and if no benefit was received to discontinue the ueej£ ~ %. ’ The use of one bottle warranted a farther trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the accompanying directions. The result wm an almost entire relief from the usual dyspeptipsymptoms, and their depressing, painful donseauenoea. I believe these bitters produced an entire change" m tkeliabits my system, and upon th* active energies of the diges tive organs. I now deem mjsslfap exempt from dys pepsia as meet Yetttme. These bitteri have also S-een‘ of servioe to other members of my ■ family. Very respectfully yours. V * AUGUSTUS W, SMITH. OXYGENATED BITTERS , OXYGENATED SITTERS, OXYGENATED BITTERS , FROM THE LADY OP JOHN JONES, EbQ.» Well known and much respsoted in the southern part of New Jersey: _ Skavillk, N. J., Jan. IVIBOA Messrs, S. W. Fowls A Co.— Sirs: I have fakes more or less of the Oxygenated Bitten for the last three years, and have been rauoh benefited by their use« have been muoh troubled with Dyspepsia for many years past and found nothing that afforded me any re lief until 1 used the Bitters. Ido mew cheerfully re command their use to all who are afilioted with tha complaint Yours, Ac., DEBORAH JONES OXYGENATED BITTERS, OXYGENATED BITTERS , OXYGENATED BITTERS, SETH W. FOWLS A CO., Boston, T. W. DYOTT A SONB, 818 North Seoond atreei Philadelphia, BOLD EVERYWHERE, ap6-eofSra-dAW THE CHIEF AMONO TEN THOUSAND. HALLEY’S MABIOAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointment* andheadina »ovl lection, in both tha itaatem' and Weitafa Hemisphere,, wherever Intro duced! and ita lafrtajit mmt u the truccoret of tta inooaaa in all tajoa.Mii af.ttumi. whether tlia oausa be mcidiKt or dUt-w. BURNS t g SCALDS ate Inatantl, relieved of g their entnlah. min - and inflammapon, hr a timely 2 application of Oil* mor v.lloea dealer, and the 3 Saab ia renewed si if by » « ~n • » KfcteM: ...■me—therefore every g mother ehould have thi» * of d U?'‘sEA ANdT^D. 2 SXSfftE&iSSrBiZ o, acoid.nt from 2 trplcMon, k ref oreeiit eloo.ehonlo boar in inmd < that thi. Maaio Extractor la hit boat and only mend. X It ia t»th pStibla and pheap.and'aiionldevprbo bo biacomnanlnn,are friend 15 ?**&. *” ou ‘ S. •JS“ 6 ‘ IWni wltneaaaa to toatifl to iu marvellona S virtue, who ' owe thaiy •onnd limb. and muscle. 3 to ite .sving effloaoy. . The foUnwine are a few 3 of the ImUtulUmiu far ttSe^a!£&&“«* $3&. ».“*■ fjoils, Frost Aitef. Soroffla, Broken Breast, Fever Soree, Scurvy, Bites of Reptile*, Felons, Scald*. £ancer. GJanlhUar Die-Scurf, ‘ Cracked Lip*, eases, Se&fd H*a*. fe^.^s! 1 §xsk„ temdcord^lSE"* BSS7* Chafes, Poison, Jiloorti nwftf** of gbcumalism, venereal Sotee, §*??»... . .Raehoe, &o. .B. ol i a ‘S®f;i°oipalDepot ? ,Ußroadwar,New York, WDT?iu-r d fc nrt C rvT trea ,N?w Orleans, by J. •ESSr 1 !? 5. c f>-. General Agent. It oan also bo ob *i*,ns?*i‘i a p. I ®A Brngrlst* and Merohants throughout the United States ana Canada. T. W. DYOTT * SON*. fair ; ■Wholaaaio A?mi« B fo?°JSsiv(S!li. •toi.ttr.R Proposals for coal and wood MINT OF THE UNITED RTATRB.I ■n , r 'Juno 30,i860.. \ proposals forjnipplving the Mint of the United stated with Coal And Wood from the let of July proximo ( ) U> Bothof Junonext(lB6l,»will bo received t»Ttilauh* derelgned until 12 o’olookM ofSothinet. i The Coal rnuet be of the best Anthrnoite JLehigli. of the eg* and lump eizes. and entirely free Bom boi]e, slate, and, other foreign substanoea: eooh ton to weigh »J4O pounds. < The wood to be dry And of the best quality of hiokdry and spruce pine. The artioles must be delivered at the Mint, at such times ana m such quantities as may be required, free Irom canine or other charges, and aubjeot to the in spftotion and approval of the Bireotor of the Mint. - ? FroposAls may be made for each article ssp&rAteVr, and are to be endorsed “Proposals for Coal.” •* Propo -8^ 1,1 -C O S.^ 00d ' JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, Je»-dt29 Direotor of the Mint, ]|f ACKEBEL, SHAD. HERRING, WHITE ITJL FISH AND CHEEBE.-S,Colibl. Mackerel, No,’ lea, halvea, cua.ters, and eighth.., Halifax ana MssMohusetts inspseotion. i 25 bhls Eastern Mess Shad. 3UO hbts Eastport and Halifax Herring. 300 boxes Eastport Sealed do. ftiO half bbls White Fish «0 I boxes Herkemer County Cheese in store. For Ba leby C.C. GAOLER, h. CO., No, 103 ARCH Btreet. r pAR. —150 bbls. TAB, in store and for smrfllWßW’ as hburnbr, a co.. No. i« CPIRITS TURPENTINE.—27S bbls Spts. Turpentine, in store and fo* sale bv BOWITKY. ASHBURNBR, ft C0.,N0, 30 SOUTH WHARVES.’ FOR EUROPE.—Having been appointed Agents for WM. WILLIAMS & OOA Traniat mntio^pre^-e^pow^^redto^ceive i?n r »A ,, (n p ?h r i: uro * a “ a apl-Bw Booth FlFTHfftrert. 1 Cl FDGTJET & SONS, MEDtcrifAl.. Mitoustowji, Cohn., tab. 58, UM. PROPRIETORS. WnOLESALS AQINTS. SOLD EVERYWHERE, SOLD EVERYWHERE. RAILROAD LIKE; Philadelphia, geb 1, S, 1. 7 k, and lib ttiß. A. M.i li»mln./d, : ix. TOem «. a. ki^.OTJSSYiWf;-" 8 - maMX ' *■> I ana H, *’ T * »*■ »• 11 *• «, .«•«*, Ai *" iM ' FjMladel.Ma , and fi P M, Aea.a MawuniTiA. in, e;,, M d.3siP M. MiSKimmraißgptfaa.. SbMBD PHILADELPHIA KrSi - __ AFTERNOON LINES. BROAD and CALLOTV* A* (Passenger entrances sad pn Callowhill streets,) lor POTTS • )iflT/LNofis Reading Be;diß*....~_ —, WlPbll»delplu»»t'dHoWini fefc , .“TriS/ ta4L ' bailonVall "- B®elS6fir:.r."V"ffi Trevgrton Junotion. .lga . jy||p^ii&tr7yj| jfesfc"''®! LtfjyrHaven.~.«~.. I ' 9£i~==Si Wim *s dE “ ,a BsB& I VKKSteIIIWP" 10 C&U.OjVfiijl.Sstf'eau i ‘ HUi oomM ° f BROAB «>4 um-U, w! rf. MilLXElfNEY.Suratarr. SustranriutilEniß.lt. jSßHKmitts arßajsge ■KflHjKn MEN T. PHILADELPHIA^™^!™ .AND BALTI PABBENOER 11 TifiSlß For Baltimore at A* M 7, 18 aoon.CEinreai,) and I A• Ml U»t C Sj* ter ** ftMA L M, > a n<nm,l.U,l.X.T.a>auS jj'llf.'WiUnlnitoil at 8,13 A. M., U,, 3.00,7«0^1fl For fowl Cast)# at 8.13 A. M., and 3.00 P. M. For Middletown at 8.1! A. M., ands.ogp, M. For Dgver jtS.H A. M., and I.oo>, M. For Mjlforil at 8J« A, M., and a.OO P. M. For Bedford At 8.16 A. M,,ftndfi.QO J*. m; . For Laurel at B.U A. M.. and 8.00 P. M. For Salisbury at 8 lfi A. M., and 6.00 P. M. . TKAXNS FUR pillLApELPliiA MlSl ?^i imoreatBjQ A '«•» 3i*tro««,i lo.ll A.M„ atUMfc, and IMG A. fit, IM, Leave Salutary at &29 A< Mi» and 9£Q P. M. Leave Laurel at«il».A. And aAO >. ml Jsiave Dovor at Me A. M,, and IM p. M. Leave Middletown at 10.03 A. M. and 7,03 P. M I* are NewOaetle at Ado, 10.33 A. M„ and BM P. M. t Jjfg v «Ohe»terat 7,ej, s.lo, 11.04 A. M.,1.a, 131 aild , AiftiVe Or £d!:iit‘nrr and Delaware Rail ‘ ’’‘trains FOR BALtIMOM FREIGHT TRAIN, With PASSENGER OAR attdohed, 10? PerrrvUl t'and intermediate Leave. Mjmi niton for Pernrille and Intermediate plMMat A43p”6? n^Uedelphia and intermediate Leave Havre-de-Gracs for Baltimore and intermedi ate nlaoea at 3.00 A. M. at* plaOM afSjSI M H^Tre •^®• orao, interinWi 8® i\ ao» s. M. FELTON, President TO PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A RAILROAD. .. SCO MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. 1860. THE EttUAI. from Boston, New York, and alt points Beat, and in the Union Depqt at Fittabnrs with Through Traine to and from all point! in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —time furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers nngursaMed for speed and oomfort to anr other rpQto* < Eipj-ef* and Fagt Linee run through to Pittsbrirr, without change of Carsbt Cohrfuotdtt. AIL Ut/tragh Pm- MBfer Tmm* provided with Loughridge'a Patent unaer perieot control or the engineer. thn» adain* mtujh to the aafetr of travellers. SmokingjCaraare aVchehedto each Train; Woodruff's !»S C M uWhffif B T n^ days excepted. Mail Train loaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A, M. Feat Line “ “ 11.3QA.M. aVb as vim-*, Harrisburg Aoooinraodation* via Columbia, IP, M. Columbia “ 4AO P. M. Parkaabur* •* . Mo P. E West*Che»«lr r Passenger* wilMake the Mall, West Cheater Accommodation tend Columbia Train*. iM6lphia at f. 16 aTkl and IP. M. go directly regrUarLino of Steamers on the fiXusiiAippror Ohio JP" ®»» »l*4r« M low, ud time aa «mok, u br aur Tub completion of the Western connections of the raß IJißOonnoctiop of tracks oy the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburffravoiding a|l drama or ferriage of Freight, together withihe wring of time; are advantaeee readily appreciated by Shipppera of Freight, and the Travel ling Fublio, Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation Sf their Freight to this Company, oan rely with oonfi enoe on itsjpeeuy transit* <«iv If«~EIGHT to and from any point in the west by the Pennsjlvama Railroad are at alt titfus oi favorabls as are charstd fry et\sr llailroad Vompantts, far Be eartionlar to mark packages 4 ‘ via Fenna, Rail road, pany: . w „ D. A. STEWART, Fittsbnrg; i J«J« Johnstopj.Ripiey, F. Saw.Bhaler A Glass. St. Louis, Mo.; John jH. i fif* WasaviUe, Tenn.; Hams A Hunt. Memphis. Tenn.; ! A Co., Chicago, lib W. ft H. Koonts, Alton! ; Pm.ot Freight Agents oi Railroads at different points 11l KINGSTON. Jr., Philadelphia, fwin? A §9 Worth street. Baltimore. 0 ELMIRA ROUTE.— iIHA PHILADELPHIA AMD EL; AUiOKEST ROUTE to Taman na, Cstawissa, Ru pert, Wilkesbarre. Bpranton, Danville, Milton. Wil liamsport, Ralston. Canton. Elmira. Buffalo, Niagara Pall*, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, 8t« Louie, Milwaukee, and all point* North and , PwiaßKer traina |fUI leave the new Depot of the Phi tadelplitaand Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Street*. (Paasenger entrAnoe on Cal- JeWhiH e f reot,> daily <sundaje exoepted) r for above pant*, tu* follows: DAY EXPRESS ...9.00A. M. _ NIGHT EXPRESS 5.30 Pi m! .The 6.OQA. M. tram conncota at Rupert, for Wilkei parre, .Pitts on. Scranton, and alt stations on ihe LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBQURG RAILROAD. Ihe above trams make direot connection* at Elmira with the train* or the New York amfErie, Canandaigna and Niagara Fails, and Buffalo. New York and Erie, and New York Central Raibo&d*, from all pointe North and w eat, and the v&QfldUi Baggage oheoicu to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and jdli-irrmodiate point*. Tioketa oan t>j i rocured at the Philadelphia and Et- Ri vV^iir B v.r9n °“.°*» northwest corner of SIXTH and C iw * £MJT Streeta, and at the Passenger rDepot. corner ». b HIRTEENTHand CALI OWHILL. . THROIU EXPREBB FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the PhU leiphiaand Reading Depot, Broad and Stf&WLST, •ASSfedWH. 1 “ oetle,l,> &u .. r relghu mu be delivered before BP.M. to insure their going th> > amo day. mIV?LiP.Sv?S r information apply at Freight Depot. THIRTEEN l h and GALLO WTfILL, or to _ «HAB. 8. TAPPEN, General Agent, NorthwMt corner SlXffHand dIKSTMUTStrVeI., 2l Philadelphia. 1860. 1860. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEWYORK LINES. E, % O W p dWMV o n^w From Walnut-street Wharf, Will leave u follows—via: At 3 A M, via Camden ondAiuboy, C. A A. Acoom* A^** . m0dati0n..............., *«sa At 6 A M. via Camden and Jersey City (N. J.) Ac commodation..—. .... « «■ At 8 AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail— 3 00 At U A M, by Steamboat, viaTaoonrand Jersey City. Western Express,.... . , .....,.,,. 3 <vt AtlS>iPM,via Camden and Amboy, Aaoomrno dmlon-,.,—. .... ............ „ j j 3 At 1P M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex ifff M, by Steamboat via Taoony andjersey * C»tr, Evening Express.,.,.. .... 3 00 At 4 P M« by fitoamboat via Taoony and Jersey . Pi 1 !* 24 Cjasa Ti0ket,........ a a via Camden and Jersey City, Evening AUI Camden and Jersey* CityiSouthera °° ., J 25 At a P hi, Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,)— Ist date Tioket. 325 Sd f< M 160 The« FMMn.ilLins run. daUj. ThoUPM,South em Mail, Saturdays excepted. .f °r Belvidere, Easton, Lambertmlle, Fleminrton. 5 t o ** et 0A M and 4PM, from Walnut-street wharL and 7.10 AM from Kensington. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Boranton. Montrose, Great Bend, Ao., at 6 A,M, from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A.M. from Kensington, via Bela ware feaokawaima and Western A, R. For Mount floUy, at 0 and 9 A. M„ a and 4X P. M. For Freehold, utd *P. M. Jorßrlitol. Trenton, &0., st 2 k snd 4P. M. from KfiuiSn* to r ®"‘ wl “ rf, ‘' lo A ' M> » n d WP. M. from ForPilmTrft. Rivartoui Delanoo, Bovorlr, Burline hin.>,Bordentown, Ao„ at 12X, I,»nd<H P. ftl. -•“-.arnboat Jo, Mtaapforßamontown and Jnterjne <U*to Plaou, at 3h> P. M. • Bieamboat Trenton for Taoony, at 11 A. M. and Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol, at 4 P. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed eaoh Fossen ger. Pawenxers are prohibited from takiltg anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. Ail baggage over jyty pounds to be paid for extra. Tite Company limit (Mir responsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and wm not be liable for any amount bejond $lOO, ex ospt by i penial oontraot. _ MM WK. H. GATZMER. Agent. SwMMB PHILADELPHIA AND On and after APRIL sd, 1860. Commutation Tickets, trim twenty-six ooupons,will be issued, good for the holds? ami any member of his family, on any Passenger Train, aifi at any time. , They will be sold by the Treasurer, at the offloe of the company. No. 227 South FOURTH Street, at a roduottyn of twenty-five per cent, from the regular lares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country, will find this a very desirable route, the Bohurlkill and Lebanon Valleys being among PHILADELPHIA AND (KlfileSi oflS, WMtph«rf»r sad fhiliidglv&ia Railroad Co j Bwlr Qintß (ndMtrktl vtreets, at 7,0. A. M, sods,a» >D L*av« Dawt fttlO 75 A. ft • EmlS A 5 ?. M. LMve Avondale 8.10 A. M. and ACT F. M. _ . . Use toOOmJeotvHttl».« A. M Train from Dhia.afid A. In. tram froin Avondale. The beau uml*W*<)yi airo well-known healthfulnee* of Delaware imporTArtTo BUSINESS during the ioarm toeathej ~the usue nf Mcvßßion tickets, on and after CRBaSrfd, Altoona. Bedfobd and Erheata SpbißOb. and coupon fibntts for twenty-six tript, for the ttie of and frdihyolnw near the oitF. , Ticket* to Casesow HotbM , at the summit of the Al legheny mountain— good for a found <nj» within 10 days— lo be had fpr®7.6o. . , .. u Tickets to Attootift# Wb«« invalid* and other* will flMHpjendid hotel aaeomniOd&turaa, food for round Ji/p ßejfonffirjn/J^iwa enters tic^^d, to JR ope welJ|/m the Honringeoa find Jlrcad Top Ramfed* and Cor Uroad Tdi> City to Blair's MatitfU., EBourstOn ilO - single Ifii. Two dally line* Oi co.aonca oonneot with tee trains. Ifogfagfl on&figed at Huntingdon without extra chdfge. „ J'fuuensera to Springs jatti gtige fr6m Lait oaster. Tiokets for Round Trip. »3; Single Trip, 92,29, trifi gtfadibr any member of the family, at a discount of 25 per coni. Mrow regular rate*. 1 he above tickets fin a further informationjo be had after Jane 20th by application fit the office ofnhe Pemn sylvanla Railroad Co., southeast oornßr ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. Philadelphia. , . THUS. MOORE, Agefif. Lewis L. Houpt, Gen. Tioltet Agent Jeg-im StnEUIH WEBT CHESTER CTfffiiSßHßi AND PHILADELPHIA llaluKuAliiSH „ corner of Eighieenth end Market stte' 7.05 and 1045 A. hi., a d 2.M) and 5.45 P. M, Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Oeflrtf, off Eli# Market street, at 6.25 and 010 A. AI., and 1.55 anil£!l ..ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M.. and 2.00 ?. M. Leave Weft Chester, at 7.25 A. M . and4Asp. M. i „ HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. Hor, teoS! u ' 41 JSEMOMiittH NORTH PENNBYL IKSsRH vania Railroad. fIUMMEH ABRANOEMKNT. s®o®™%®KSSSyW T "E HAVEN, WILKKSBARfIE,^* _On and after MONDAY, Majr mh, UMLjAaencer Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW <foeW Phi ladelphia, DAILY* (Sundays excepted, t a* follow*; . AtA. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Alentdwh, Manoli6honk, Hazleton, WiJkesbarre, &o. *t Jltt J. ftl. ( Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Motfoh Chunk. &6, , This tram roaobei KKftoft at fiJO P. M y and make* o]p«e f conneotion with New J kt26r. Cimt&i Express Train for New, > ork. Passengers by thli tfftwreioh hlaueb Cnunk the same evening. At 8.40 A. M. and 4 3u P, M. (Accommodation). For Doylestown. At fA> A. M. and 6MP. M. (Aocommo^atiod) m , For Fort Washington. Thi 8 80. A. M. Express Tram makes close concoction with the Lehigh Vsi>er Railroad at, Bethlehem .being the shortest and most desirable roftteto Wiltesftarrs, and to all goint* in the Lehigh Region. point* in the Lehigh Uoa* TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA* Leave Bethlehem, (Express,; at 7.19 A. M. and CJIP. 84, , LftXTe Boylentown (Accommodation,) at djo A. M. and 4 P.M. , , Leave Fort Wajhiugtoi (AowmicwUaoa.Jat(TJs A, M. and 919 P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A.M. Pailadeiphia* for Doylsstown, at S P. ftf. Dorlestown for Philadelphia at C.JO A M- Bothlobero for Philadelphiaatfi.Ou P. M. Fare to Bethlehem. 81.50. lo Mauok Chunk, 82.60, To .ho«Ton.Bl.6Q. To OoyieroTTn Woents. Throuch Tiolmu innst be proonred at the Ticket Of fice* at wILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in cttder to secure the above rates offers. All Passenger Twin*'except ►nnday Tram*) connect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second ana Third-street Passenger Railroad* 30 minutes after leaving Willow street. 5uj73 ELLIS CLARK) Agent. NOTICE.—CHESTER wtXngsoH?na?iD P TKRMKDIATE »BTATIONB.-Oft afldaOer»fh May, lfl§6. the Passenger Trains for DOWNfNGTOVirN inn start from the,new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, oorner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (passenger an- WSlti Downingtown, leaves at 9.SQ 4 £FTERftOOft TJtAlft fn Powalngtowa, leaves at DAILY (Sunday* ecoepted.) By order of theßoerdor Manager* of the Philadelphia andßeuunxKulr'widCompany. . . apg • YT. H. McjfLHENNBY. Secretary. fffiswb—tti WEST CHESTER RAIL ROAD TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot, oorner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. dafir (except Sanday) at 7.18 A. M., 23.30 P. M.. and 4P. Ja. Leave Wejjt ghegtejnt 6.4 g A. M., 10 48 A.M. and 8.10 P.M. J>ti, PEm ST BAM ENGINE AND SaSalfcBOlLHR WORKS —NE* FIE' k LVVY, PK/>OTJC*i. AND THKORKTI AL ENGINEER MAOUIWSTS.BurbKR. makers, blacksmiths! and FOUNDERS, bavins, for maay year*, been in suooessfui operation, and been exclusively engined in building ana repairing Marine and River £fislne#, bf*E and low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks Propellers, &0.. «0., r*speoifully offer their services to the public, a« being fully prepared to contraot for Bngines of alt sizes. Marine. Btver, and Stationary, having sets of Saterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute or ers with quick despatch, pvery description of Pattern making nude at the shortest notice. High and unr Pressure, Flue,Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania obarooal iron. Forgings of all sues aod kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of audesoriptions; Roll Turning. Screw Cutting, and all other work con* nested with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of ohargo, and work guarantied. The subscriber* have ample whan dock room for re pairs tff boats, where they oan (16 in perfect safety, and are provided with shear!, block!, falls, Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights. _ Jacob g. neafiK, JOHN P. LKVV. BEACH and PALMER streets. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BKACHBtT®et,Hentiniston»PhiUaelphla.—'WlL iiiAAi H. TIERS informs hts friends that* Savins pur* ohased the entire atoek of Potters* at the above Foun dry, he is now prepared to reoeive order* for Rollins, Gnat, and Saw Milt Castings, Soap, Chemical, and House Work, Gearing. Castings made from Rever jyeratory or Cupola Purnaoes, in dry or green sender •AM9XL V. VXXmiOK, J. VAVSRAH JCUXICI COUTHWAS^FbMiy" FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MER&?CK , * n s6HB. , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine servioe. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Aq.: Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Frame Jjoofe for Gas Work*, Work Shops, Rail- Jteiorts and*Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved oonatruotipn. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar,Saw. and GnatMi’ls, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains,Defecators.Filtere,Pumping Engines, Ac. Bole Agents for N.Rilheux's Patent Sugar Boiling ing Machine. euS-r PKANKLIN SAVING FUND. No. 136 South FOURTH Street,between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays aO Deposits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort *«6 Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors’ money, but hare it at all times ready to return, with fi per cent, interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. . married or single, and Minors, can deposit in tbeirown right, and suoh deposits oan bo withdrawn okly by iheir oonsent Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylrama with authority to reoeive money J ; AflS'i'AN^ d a'SALt :> BUMB RECEIVED, Oraoe open daily, from 9to 3 o’olook, ana on Wednesday evening until 6 o’olook. . .y, „l DIRECTORS. „ Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Bhintiler, George Russell, Maiaohi W. bloan, Edward T. Hyatt* Lewis Krumbbaar, Henry Delany, Nioholas Rlttenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jot. 1L Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkea, _ Joseph W. Uppinoott, JACOB B. SHANNON, President. Cyrus Cabwallabbs, Treasurer. ap2B-y C&VING FUND—FIVE PER CENT ts - bafetv tri st com- TANT .WALNUT Btre.t, .oathweit oorner of Till ff I), Philadelphia. Inoorporated b, the Stale of Fennejl ranta. Moner u reoelveil m an. earn, tarre or .mall, and in terest paid from the da, of depoeit to the dar of with drawal. The offloe is open every day from nine o’olook in the rao/omg till five o’olook In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’olock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. tajsar"' viM F ™ idenL . DIBXCTOBS: Hon. Henry L, Benner, F. Carroll Brow&ter, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B, Barr Robert Selfndge, Francis Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munns, James L. Stephenson. Money is reoeived and psyments made daily. The .investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and suoh first-olass securities as will al ways insure perfeot security to the depositors, and whloh oannotfail to give permanency and stability to ttus Institution. &ul if CAVING FOND—UNITED STATES trust COMPANY, corner THIRD ami CHEST- Largo and smalt sums received, and jpaid b&ok on do* E& n A w i thout notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of ■with drawal* -Offipe fanpr«i from 9 until 3 o’clock every day, and on MON fro lsl l until 9 o’olock/ DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Bootland. Irom * 1 upwards. «M».VnV^. ford> PUNY FIBK. Actuary. [VIRS. FREDERICK DODGES, OF BOS ‘"tends opening a BCHOOL FOR YQUNG LADILB in this oity, commencing in September next. Mrs, H. has the honor of relerring to the. Her. Alex. H, Vinton, D. D , Rector of thoChuroh of the Holy Trinity. Cifoulnra. with full Mrtioolar., m.w be obtained of Mr. I - H. Hodftea. 101 VINE Btreet. apM-3m* A MJEKHJAN SOHOUL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium throuslnrliioh Schools end Faml lies may obtain oomnetent teoehers. Parent, may ob .“oh<j&?m,,OMlr' bM ' n»-t» a?teaaa^ ■RBYAfJT & STKATTON’S NATIONAL {TILS.—3, 558 gallons extra bleached Ele- AzL Phant Oil 1 1.530 f allons extra bleaohed Whale Oil t (In? 5 »LIS;H a Si e 4„ i m lO ct y,.fel | on» Wo. 1 Lard n*® saiio"* No. J AlAohiJery OiF; d 68P saltans ro *h°w r 3» ato J e •JwLwr «A® by ROWLEY. CO.. Wo. 16 South WHARVKS JeU TAYNE’S lIALU—2OO NEW OUSH'ONS n»t??i ta %™ t Cborebf", Lecture-rooms, *’o.. Benches. Bettees, Camp btool«tCurtain», &o. All selling at half rn*?HLfcMAN’B Ototh Store, No. Pi? d j n/ ,6 under the Hall, where you get those handsome Cloths, Coammeres, Vestings, &o.»bo ?? gfip : , , my29-lm WORK'S ODOMETER BAND COM* t> apJe.Coon .manufacture WORK'S PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE BANDS, whioh are durable, cheap and efficient, measuring with uner ring, acouroof anv distance passed over by the vehiole to which they are attached, ’these extra-finished Bands post but a trifle more than inferior bands without the Odometer. - F» a,-Good, reliable Arents Wanted in all parts of the ountrv Flaaii>» send for A»Fo»lnTt. invll-irn Briok-makinu aiauiiines whioh Mailboad lines. MACHINERY and iron. SAVING FUNDS. u A little, but often, fills the Purse.” *‘ A Dollar saved is twice earned.” EDUCATIONAL, BAI.EB BY AITCTXOfr , TJIOKNES3, BRINLEV 4 CO.. X 1 Nn. *2» MARKET BTKBET. ' ___ lV*» I.ABT BALK OF FJtVNOH DJIY GOODS OF THE *S BASON THIS<FRIDAY) MOttNINO, JBNE a'A r at m o'olooK. , , , , ei A O \RD.—The attention of nuroheaers le reA'urte*. am to Odf eele of Conor and etaple Frenoh d»r good., tm< ' (Friday) morning. June ». nt)o o'clock, bj calalorue, Alu»800 CARTONH, balance of thb iapomtlna. Sift cartons Nos. 4«8I nob poult d* erne bonnet rib bons, desirable corded edges and superior quality, for city sales. "• Last sale of french goods Tail season. This Morning, Jane ft, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on 4 HWf« oredib ij 9 ioU of faaoy and staple French dry goods. raE * OH IUNTI ‘ KS - ~- 4 M* “»f o W H^g , SooKg. - 300 dozen STo it sprmr superior hoop skirt*. UMBkELLAB. oases silk sun umbrellas. B SCOTT, J*„ AUCTIONEER, No. 431 « CHESTNUT Street o»pnrit« UwCuitom Ho jm, ”X.'D BOYS’HATS. Ac# Au -. On MondaT Mormng* r Jtf, b>" oatalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10/a ~™“ of ea Xii *- _ TOt-. GtfßMLEt’i AUCTION J Sale * This Morning. , . of At 10 o’clbok. wd rii>l sdlj a ge'iMf'ai (tt&MfWii clothing, dry goods. embfdJceneS, notiola,' BrNagiria Spoons, bcitet*, looking glasses, . ; ,yf f3Hrr.iP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, -f No. 630 MARKET Street, and *‘2l MINOR Street. . ST. LOUIS, MO. la/IILtAjMS, A CO., AUC V* tio/Seem a commission eerchantS, No. 6 North MAIN Bt, ST. LOUIS, Mo., <7tfnnejTy with Messrs. Myers, Cugborn, A Co.. Philada,> osar their services to the merohaflts,’ manufacturers, and other* of Philadelphia, for the said at dry goods, oar peta. boots, shoes, hards are, jewelry, ftd., Ac, * MST’ each odvaaoes made on receipt of goods, *F“ Bettlementfi made three days after sale. Messrs. Myers, ClMh* Philadelphia. “ Stuart Jc Brother, Philadelphia. !. Wyok, Townsend, A Warren*, flew York. ** L. 48. Curtis & Co., New York. “ Wood, Christy, A Co. St. Louis, Mo. ** Clow. MoCre«rT. & Co., *» mhis-thatulv gRUTiHe. a TBS BRITISH AND NORTH UHa AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTRAM ,no> mitt touc ,0 wrunu. oSief aSiaPM**,— (in Second (Jagg FCgaage. 7f FROM GOiftfP ?e I4TSUOOL* Chief Cabiq Pwwaga.. ....... I^o Second Cabin — . eg The snips from New York call at Ccrrk Harbor. The stupe from Boston oell at Halifax and Cork Har- Cot. Judkins, I CANADA, Capt. Lu», ARABIA, Chit. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Mifiar, ASIA, Capt. E. 0. LtfH, (NIAGARA. OapLAndencm AFJUOA.Capt. Pbrahon, |KUIiqPA,C*ft. J.Leitoh, BCDTIA, (now vnty&uu) These reatelf carry a dear white ug»t at masthead i Wmx- - APB (OA, ShaiJof! •; S York, WfdindM. Jan* tt. NIAGARA. MliUr, “ RWn. Berths not seemed until paid lor. - An experienced Surgeon on board, . __ The owners of thesefflusa willntrt besoeowtable fw Gold, Silver. Bnllion. Speolff, Jewelry,FrSeioUs Stone*, or Metals, unless bills of lading tf fa suned thewfor, and the value thereof therein expressed*- Farpeight or passage apply to KuPaUt myl 4 Bowling Green, N*V Yen. >fMk FOR THE SOUTH.—CHARLES. H.atj Freight at as areret, of lit nan *n oaat. b*- UnrN^Yotls^j^^ The tJ. 8. NMI Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles, P. BLfifSfeittuuwltt sail <f& motA iy» Jane *5 RAM. iSroathre « S.A. ThO U* S. Mall Steamship GEORGIA, CaMaln Jdna h Gkrvih# will tsiL on Wednesday, June jn. at loA. M. i hroogh inSStoCO hourp-ouly M hogri at Sea. days changed Croat smr Sstardsy to even fivedayiTwioasreceived, and fliUiCffiarfingsigned ° The n&ndldfint-oiMi side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATEOFGEORGIAnowrun as above every ten oftjs. thus fonhlAg.a fivs-dat oommu nio&tion with Chnrleaioil Bavanddh, ti&a the South and Southwest, At both Charleston, and Savannah, Mm Ships oon ?eot with steamers for f&llfoeds, Ac., or all places in the Boaj^to^ghweefc Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped Sepih will bo found to be. lower, by them ejuss than by sMiinJ t iweis, the prenuam being one-kali the "n/B.—lnsurance on all Freight is entirely unndottasary, farCier than pf Savaanaa, the EAUr^d Fat, I>j tM> ToAto B to re w otnt. oUMn ttAß.br the ZnlAnd Rod{9. m.will be tSnbi tte foliowiM nht the whole route, except from CoarlestOT and Bavan iMm to Montgomery r _ - nrr.Aira PASJ. To Charlegtob-.^w.00 Charleston—V Savannah 2900 SsVannifli MOO SSST~~. 51 WE~z=:z S 3 Atlanta SBoo AtlanU— it 88 OOO • Columbus -.... Met Albany—. S 4 oe Albany, a? w Montgomery—. MOQ Montgomery*- — • 83 00 Mobile MQC Mobile 41» New BP Tg NewOrleacf~~.~ nO6 No byte of lading signPdalter the ship has sailed. For freight or pamase apply' oa wirdT at seooad wharf above Vine street,Of fo_ Soathwwtconisr j^uixa _For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday, For Florida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary’s and St. John’s every Tuesday ana Saturday. NOTICES. TtfOTICE.—A Meeting of the Association f ’ known as the “ Amygdaloid Mtaifrt Company of Lake Superior,” wilt be held at office of the Company, iu. the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 3d of Jay, 1930, in pursuance of the provisions of the 3 i seo tioaot the act supplementary to an sot to authorise the formation of Corporations for Mining, Smelting, Ac., passed by the Legislature of Michigan,and approved on the Gth of February, 1865, for the purpose of electing Directors and adopting By-Laws for the government or »aid Association, ana the traossotion of such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Philadelphia, June Id, 1860. JelS IBt OFFICE OF _ SOHUYLKILL NAVIGA- T lON COMPANY. MAY J«b. I«0.-From and ftDer July 10th, 1860, and until September Ist, 1860. the. obarges for the use of Cars, aM for .Toil and Trans portation on Anthracite Coal, carried to Philadelphia, by way of the Schuylkill Navigation,will be increased Fifteen Cents per Ton on tbo ratee fixed March 13ih, I 860; and on the Ist of September, JfcW, a further in crease of Fifteen Cents per Ton will be madeonuid chargee, and so continue until the close of navigation. By order of the Managers, F. FRaLEY, , royliam President. OFFICE OF THEPJ READING RAILRO Phu. • 21< miss of/rtitki and u this company trtlJ etas J ttt furthtr neftes: I •HILADELPHIA AND DAD COMPANY. lapslpbia* Maroh It, ISOO. tolls on eesJ transported fry felloeas from March 'll vn- To Biohraood.- —■ Philadelphia.-—..—. Iz\oiinod Plane-.. Nice town Germantown R-. R..—,. Falls of SohuyUnll.—. Maasyunk.... Swede Furnace—,. Rambo’s Nomst’n or Bridgeport Fort Kennedy-... , valley Foige.— Fhtcmxville— Royer's Ford.—.— Aramingo— — Lbnenok,.——. rottstown DouglasaviUe—. Monooacy —. Birdsboro.———. Exeter....———. Heading —.— Tuokertoo- Leee port.. ———.. Mohrsnile....—— Hamburg - Orwigslrg and Auburn. After July loth to to Riohmond will be raiaec after September Ist, an adc per ton. By orde of the £ apkS-Pm W,; Bnard of Mai H. MoILHE VB. PALMER. THE . ADVERTISING •AGENT,. FIFTH and. CHBBTNUT. rives his views of the principle and best mode or Advertising, daily, between 10 and do'okwk, Addreu myll-Jm V. B. PALMER, EJ. BATLIS THOMAS. * , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has removed bis office from No. 823 Arch street to No. 429 WALNUT Street, .Particular attention Riven to the reoovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments, Bnefs of Title, nmd other Instruments of Writing. The managementof Executor ships. Administratorship#, and Trusts, superintended: anatho best seounties procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Satisfactory reference given when required. apS>4m* SAMUEL G. SLO»N. HEAL ESTATE BROKER AMD COLLECTING AQENTi Bt. Paul. Minnesota. mhJJ-Sra* Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, mid PATENT ATTORNEY. , No. 114 Routa tfiXTH Street* _ (Nearly oppoeite the bounty Courthouse,) Prepares rpeoificaticras, Drawines. &c., and transacts all other business connected with the obtainin* of Let tera Patent. ap2s 4m* J WAGNER JBRMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LA W, Office. No. 110 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square,} PHILADELPHIA, fir the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different point* Id the United States, is enabled to prosecute and oolleot claims of every description. , Particular attention riven to the examination and re* ©ovetyoftheolairas of Legatees and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and soouring the interest* of heirs and all persons interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. .. _ Has the Statutes of all the States end is Commissioner for most of them. , _ Depositions carefully taken under Commissions* apii-dm Henry e. keene, attorney-at-law, Has REMOVED from No. 630 Walnut street to No. 168 South THIRD Street. mhaWm* ALFRED L. HOUGH. PAPER MANUFACTURERS* AGENI. Orders soltoited for every deseription of * ren-em* 13AWSON A NICHOLSON, H-.weeu M &}«■«■»* .treat., jl™ PAWdOK. Kl m! B. NICHOLSON. TJj BNNKSSY BRANDY.— 7O c*ak*, in Si?“ *wasr* "Wttuiuw* ae^eamsem ohaite, * \ - > "Til OCXS, SPRING CO*"***- fw *,«» o-JctlL * «oW, far aaeoastorwhanttk -MMOenMMir #» 38 share* i<»rf&f Garden Ins*. Railroad c3b»St ‘ 10 liiarae Camden aim Atlantia . i Company—ie7 so share* Philadelphia £xchat*r 'tier Sunnki 30 shares Philadelphia ul Uik * ™ - VflBK panj—par fSue. THIRTY-FIFTH BPRIHB SALE-. ■' UI,K ** TH ‘ At U o'clock, boot. •ktnc.dce'C. v w,- ovposue-Franklip ?qo*re»eMtof seventh mrt. 13 feet 11 inches front. _ , . >*et. Elegant brown stone RESIDENCE* Broad - 0 h west side, sooth of Girard arenas, with stable p*moo± ■ bouse; b&s all the modern improvements MSMim* eneea. Lot© feet V) inches front, J® fert. May be examined one day previoo* tosaie. .. JKJerant brown-stone kh&IORACS* Brand abMh adjoining the above on the smith, of same Ameriitom Lot 37 feetd inches front. IGO feet deep. . Valuable Building Cots, Arch street - Two very desirable BUli £TnG LO 8, south mde of Arch street, west of Eighteenth, street j each IS fee* front by 1® fee> deep to a© feet wide street. ■ _ ELK COUNTY LANDS—Tract of «7 acres lead,Elk; county. Pa. WeQ watered and timbered. Three-story brick STOMEaod QWELLINQ, Kalflh Ridge avenue, north of Brown street. *i wo frame DWELLINGS. «os 1118 and UKBhaeka ruaxon street, northwest of Fraakin street. % * °J4-story stone BUILDING. occupied as a hotel* Main • .* \ Frankf<Kd. . - _ .. gfme. Rstate— Building W)T, adloraiuf. . , SUSk ‘ate—Three-story brick DWELLING, m the SMBdl*/ Nive, frontiacmtHreenetreetc f«atf ofiMfcu darn KEBID ENO*. with side lot. wor h- Hssdsoftejuu. ■* avenue aad sixteenth eWsat. Lot west eermt wr»»v -«p. Thrse froote. © fret from by l#9*v *e of James =TOkhMS. Jsetassd Executors' Sale—, sta» *te of George Maohea.deo d* orphans* nowrtSale—fat. MNG.N0.327 Washington ’lores-itery brick DWRL* re. street.opposite Jefferson &■»,. No. Ul4 Booth Sixth Tbree-stnry brick BWELLINv. . stfeet, below rtueral street. ‘er aad McKean Peremptory Safe. LANDS, fob. timber Mad. Totter ooutr. - ooonty. i 1 OWN LOTS. Coadersport,-Fotta» comity. R&UARE OF GROUND Southport McKean* •?* Bale of the whole ebsolnte; ' * -»f BUILDING LOT. seat tide of West street, worthy Cowtes stteef, fifteenth ward* £ - , VALUABuE BAKERY. Two-story brie k_ Mm ft r Wse and stable, Twsaty-liecotwl street, south of wow street. Va» GABLE FARM. tTJLLOW GROVE.—AIso. K* valuable Montgomery county Furm, 103 acres with sooed improvements adjoining the viUege of Willow Grove? Moreland township McrUomery eowtfy, Fa. See handbill* for partieulat*. Three- » New Market' sf rest, east side, above Vico street? with two tnree story brick dwellings in the rear. __ __ _ S-fßfl Estate—Five LOTS OF GROUND, WHt eise n. - Jiaaa street, n rib of Cooderiastreet. Some 1- stats—Few No. 13, class first, is JnlUtt-'i stree. ; Synagogue. Sameli state—Alto a Certificate of Loan In ssi<! go;?® jbr <>"• bn«dred dollars. BUBINE*tJ hTaND.—Three-story Brick Store ©ac- Dwe hm*. No. 164 North Fourth street b*low Jlac<> a: ELEOAHT OERMANTO9TN Aisct withoutrecervs a large new rfsUSeaoe.Talpehoptea street and WHsliuutori Mas, Germantown/ Lot Jvdb» 379 feet; twof<oa's. The house is osiit and finia&edin the mostsubstantial aad elegant modemstyle, end re plete with conveniences form winter aad sauungr ic<:- denes. Sale absolute* Fall descriptions is hn:u -:’ij Flan at tbs Motion roc me. Orshana’Court Balsa. ' Estate of Elliot Crown street. Eighteenth ward. _ Estate of George **. Fleming—Two Grrwnd Ke?ta * Estate of James Thomas—BTOßK and D WEot.;NG, two brick dwelling*, and two frame dwelUags> Currant al ey and Fallen place. _ _ Estate of James McConaslLdeo*d—Briek DWELL ING, Swanson above Cnnstian street. _ No. 533 North BECON D »t r^‘, stock of superior cabinet furn turf. This Mmains, / fid Inst., at 30 o'clock, at No S 3 north Beoond etrec'. atßjfVeJCace street.theeatinistocK of rapenor«wliu«t fariU'Fte. manufactured by A. I. Habba, expressly fu' wareroc?«fe»»«eedwarraßtad, t - . ■ mr MsT on the day previcaa ts tht aaU , SUPERIOR Vtrk“lD^^s-*«SufTlVe*rßV 35th hist., at 10 Nta^siteei,. theespenor furniture, fine Fr’acfc blsv—w.wbw* oral mirror, fine snsravinsa teeeswv e«. wli «*a . ylßFJuaj he examined »t ft o’uock oa !*» •*•*»a «a Pale If. W. comer Rlhtßihri'MASTEß ffisrh,'* HOrfSEB, CARTS. TRUCKS, HARNESS, 4c. On Saturday Morning, 93d isstast, at 11 o’e’ouk, at the northwest comer o f Ninth and Master streets, * horsss. 6 carts. 3 track wa gons, ftf rniture car, 3 pair of wheels for hanling marne, abklca. 3te. IF May be examined any time previous to the sale Sale N0.3*8 WHARTON Street. GENTEEL FURNITURE CARPaTS, 4c. On Monday Morning. R2Sth mat., at lOoVoek, at No, Sip Wharton street, the genteel furniture carpets. 40~ eomnrisiaa segenor walnut sofa and cbaira* u«a?bie topeota table, etegesp, ohainber furniture, feather bids, «e. A iso. the kitoben farmtore May be examined At l (/oioek oa themopatif at the sale. Pr re ms tor* Sale <m the Fre ns tees. DILLWVW StiwHt — .- On Wednesday Morning. , , 37th Instant at 10 o’eTock, will be aold at pebtie wif hoot reserve, on the premises, the seat modem reea desoe, withthree-etory back baitdjngs. and Us modem ttpproreaients and coßveaicnees, No. DILLWYN Stfest, between Third and Fourth, tooth of Green street—•r.fGO may remain <w mor.cage. . HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Tie entire household furniture will be aold ueaedi- after the sale of the house. Bfieof thewhoie ab« 8< in handbills and catalogues. . Bale at Nos. fe&J&P&TIti&Vk SUPKfttOR giiaNrfCds. KMsNCH-FLATjs Mfn- RORS, PIANO-#ORT», BRUc 8 fcLS CARPETS, • On ThuratWy **2™** » - ’ At 3 o’doek, at the Anetfcrf R»o»F« as.MpßrttoMM ed excellent second-hand ftwß.U^d2 # Ss2s T ff ,B iL!il r W! fine mirrors, oaxpets. etc., fronf ywusss houwkeepm;, removed to Ue atom Zw seavsmsnee H pale. - - : ]%fOSI3 NATHANS, ATJOTICNBIB 029«OOOtoloan.stthe lowest rates* on dif m<k, watches. Jewelry, silver plate, art goods, ek> thing, ra derie«,sefafst hardware, cutlery, piano*, aturroie, fajr mtflre. befloiog, and os goods of every dasenpttou, n larie of imsUamoents, from ope'dollar .1# tfetrtaa&ds, fpTxsv 1-pith of time weed pi*. • ‘ .. »y The Oldest fStAblishid Boom in this city, - Private entrance on RACE ttreet K^BsstoSsShours from**r.M. Heavy insnrauo* for tbe benefit of de»ositon. CHAKGI*BU*L'TWO PERCENT. Advaffwsof «l{oandBpw»rd*at two per oat. Advances of upwards, at one peroeat, for Some of the iBVER wd OWRunuMRTJKR WaTCrW. manufactured** half usual i*Hint prices, fold tfrfif «d lepme weSeet silver lever and leprae-waioheV'JwMtrt. Swiss, ami Freaohwatches,at astonishing Je7*lßole 7* l R 01 every description, very strumen’e. fir»t quality of Havana oisa**. ** o>tl importation price, in quantities to suit para. various other kinds ot roods. - OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. oj roj,. toMon „f M , and «™S<jy«» 8 S&^gWS. l * - HOTELS. «T. NICHOLAS HOTEL. MdAD IW*yoM. When completed. six years ago, the &tTNICHOLAS was universally pronounced the moat magniooent, om vtnient, and taorousMy organised establishment of t. • kind on this oontinent, vs hat it was then it remain* to day—without ayivaHnsise, in sampcnoasßees, and 10 the general elements of comfort and enjoyment The Hotel has socoannodnoou* tor on* thousand guests, ro eludipg one hundred complete snites of apartments for families, Six hundred personacaabecotniortanly seated at the tables of its three wblio dining too and no thing that modem art has devised for the convenience &sd social gratification of tbe IraveUinc p&fitio has five omitted in it* plan, or is neglectedin it* practical det*i la. The early reputation 01 the house at home and übro.iii derived from its macnitudo. iu superb appointment-/, and tta home like comforts ana luxuries, has been erv hanoed every year by the unwearied exertions of tha proprietors. __ _ . mrl7-3m TREADWELL* WHITCOMB, £ CO. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY and EIGHTH Btr«et, ft KW YORK. one block Above the N. k» Hotel. This sew and commodious Hotel i* now open for the reception of sneets.andwiU be conducted exclusively on the European plan. The long wsut of»a business hotel, in this portion of the city, has indued tbe proprietor to estabuan the prices on the liberal scale; Ehnxle rooms, 10cents per day; e'.-jeanr suites, SIAO. wimathorough knowledge of the budi geee, and strict attention to the wants of every guest, 1 ope to receive a libera) share of puWio favor. isHm J. H. GOODWIN. Prn&rim.»r. PIANOS. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PlAN<>9!t !nIH *. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODKO.NS, _Made by Raven, Baoon. A Co., Nunns & Claris Haller ♦.Davie, A Go,, and others. mjH-i SEVENTH isfb^BTS\)T. ffffVin STEINWAY A SON’S NEW PA |» » r* » TENT OVER-STRING GRAND fIANUS, SQ.UARJS GRAND, AND SQUARE riANOS. d‘*v pre ferred in concerts and in erivate circles by the best performer*. Received th£ first premiums ever tbe best makers, from jodzes like Gottachalk. Maaoe.and otfiam. OnallengealloompetiUoc. BLABIUB BKOTEERR, d6-lv - IDOS CHESTNUT Street. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. pACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—W* E. WOttM reapeotfclly call the attention of the Gene ral Hardware Trade to oor extensive Stock of SIR*- MIIfGHAM HARDWARE, whioh we effilr at asmaH advance by the paokage. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goods de livered either in this eity, New York, or New ♦Vreis W. G. LEWIS A Son. 411 COMMERCE Street, importing and Commission Merchanm. And Ataaii rer Fsretgt and Demesce Kiardwtra, *e»4f CAUTION ! ASTROLOGV .'—LOOK NEWS FOB ALL .-—The My.r -1&1UD, Mr®. VAN BORN is the beet; ,he nooecd. when all others have failed. Ail who are in trouble, aU who have been unfortunate, deceived by false promisee, fly to her for advice and comfort. la love affairs ski I never Sails, fihe has the seoret of winning the affeo (ioas or the opposite sex. It is this fact whioh induce* jlli erate pretenders to try to imitate he», and copy her r ei^ en t shows you the likeness of yoor fu or absent fnend.-It is well known A v * arp ? *i ia »* the first and only per iS&Yl 10 ®9- I l*howtheUkeneesin reality, andean five entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, which B » d L a s d . l>rov ! d hy thousands, both married ana single, who daily *nd eagerly visit her. Come one! oome a.I! to No. lW LOM.OAR.D Street, between'Juni- l\fEW LARGE NO, 3 MACKEREL— iIhr ‘ Ula 1 193 .rA,*4 hORTH WHARVFB. TfIAR AND PITCH.—27S fcbls Tar, 850 Tar, Pitch, in .tore uid for .al, b. ROWLKy. ASHBTJRNER, fc CO., 16 SOUTH WB 4 n VKB. lei * «’>APAND CANDLES.—4SO boxes Or- lean Soap. boxes Oliv* Boap, 6H> boxes /daman tine Candles. 826 boxes Hydraulic Candies. 45 boxes Spermaoetfi Candle*, ms'oreand forsajebrßOWLKY. ABHBURNLR, fc CO , No. 16 SOUTH WHARYES, Havana ofGrVßs—a large, Hj^nd. pome and Varied ASSORTMEHTj ironsis tmjeof bhoH bmnds m CABANUB. FIG/RO, NEP TUNu, FaHTsGAS i'.SPANULA AROUfLL*B, Ac , fee . • fall fix®« and i«n •ltiee, onhaiu ««n*Untiy, and for sale low, by CfIuJILES aKTE, 130 Walnut ttreet. ~ jelg-im PROA T ISI(» 5.—4,000 pieces Citr smoked Wf atom Cured * houliW*. 2 «X) tierres City Smoked Western Cured Hams. Mtieicr* Gardner, Plripps, & Co.’s extra s'ugai Cured SargedHams. ICO bbla. extra Heavy Western Mess Pork, 9 b v.> b n « “ Hnmirdo* .Vh :