The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 21, 1860, Image 4
mi ““ e * »' x'p -f/f_ -* r .' ,"-, . .‘ , .:" ■ & privat. • -gNßfeMßggaatatg' to _*w wigigyßag? «fgwr>MLti be mKccjeotfrn* to ihAAirtrihatiaa oftraqt*. ■•eeohe*, !Mn&«SwMm«W Dt:«o»raptms. tbo froo- ertqT!BoSß«v xnCwntotHini » i';Ss7.'ttw «ril bHNMim -retiirbir. tba moot oarofat Jtrtottitatipi. uitttx j>® iliMrfrtriwiSiition, within ■■; to* •*T»nil Bt* , ?« er of. 9* Fodaial Cnntraia. ~ VfW wwn of »h» ftonnn «wm‘tta.»"*ftic»a<ra.hf to« ; < em»mit»» forjwxfm to oampelMr. Aotutttu WMI • tn ttntily-hattttt MiaioatoA; to y<mr oommittoo.ttiat : ■ tho. thoad ant Mnc* into th« oat/of nwniij !>r fndi-. . > H<f«si». t)»r th*>oft»oab%«Htmiad tint ljsoo/.m.oifT' itofomj«taetj(W,b»ta*anl»te » »?no4it'>«:f*«»;on jh-mncrotm Control Coatjttitte. pfPona*Tlvapia in M'o. to OKIW that Rtato fir BaohMiM: ol thl« sam h>°*n»; the different imirwt esite a iaria, iin thereof being dot tooted m the shape of afeeinmeatsweoa the emelerees of the G«**rn**snt in the offieesat Washier toe. and the custom (rate ejd-navy yard at Philadelphia. The fol-. lowing extract from tee teetttnbny of Isaac Wait, who ▼*•*«!"*»«*&»*?*:#»• customhouse daring the eleo> *» - <9 : - * - t Q. were von there At the time of th* election of IM6, ■* Ye*.wr. . ; iftrWTjiat Ho yon know shoot moneys >elng raised of the employee! of the cob tom nouee/»n that oce* tfon ? A. There wees certain tax levied on the ptrsoosconoecied With tfc«ttustom house. ; i• ' .' - ■ . -•ft. Whe» amount on each person ? A-AcerUm per * oeatsre on s .person reeeivi&f *1.86; l think thttax for the Presfdsnttal election vw frost thirty dollars to tbirt9-thr*e dollar*.:- , . s • - ft uny*aro«AO forth* Presidential election stone, or for both Prrsid*Dt»al and Congressional election* ? A. Lm»en the Pree»de«ttaLei«otipn Atone.. • ' , v Q. Whet shoot the other election ?' A. The amooai vm sot k *r«st for the State *toetioa.. - 1 ft. flow m«oh wee that? A. That it etrihea mo that itw«e from five doUsrs to eev» aol js’eieooMthnwhkethet. ', Q. then. Would omonnt to the nejthbor heud of forty doUiuv? A*'Yee« tir, is tfceineitbbor* Aood / f .-- . •■, -- i 0- Upon whet eeloried oflioerewM'thit? A, Thoee , oT VUdo. nr isther tIOM. . ■ Q. Wereth” UMUtd m proportion to thew neieriMi > a. Y«e.*tf., . Q.»Tow’omwae that money paid? A. Itwee *en erslly deooeitcd j ihstportiouwhioh 1 oo'leoted in my deps’tment. I gave to the deputy collator, Mr* Herbi ■ pna: 1 he W*a the treseurer. ao fsr u the oratom > hoaae vu eoaoeraed, and he paid it over to the execs* tire Qommttteewl believe. , . j Qi A aoJ ricoloommittee? A. Yea. air . - rt ’.'•Q; Oid all theeoipioyecapay ? A. 1 never toaewone to the impreaairo—that itw«i«r*tberobli gatory upon mv ? A. Thateeema 10 ba the lot* : vnunon t they »U feltTlt theit dity to pay that more promptly than *ome of their rferas that wM the. im- Va Veddrr, Joateh M. tceae. O. Podge, merkainthe Pepartment of the intenor, are sl«<\ in Jdat- The lrom’th*.testimony o' George li*t i'toihatameeneetJ - ■ - ' - - ft* Pid yoa know swathing ahant a; aortfOo of thia ; wSierheju* rjiard. off,Uie^«rapi«ya«a i of the Oovero - jaentin the onttom brwae and elee where? a. We)l«"l tbinlrtberewcast that time,bat 1 amaot fititaie: that ia oor general cottom. ■* _ rThwewtnbannna. upon ;he »v)4en2»,.*ttrtjiava ■ :1m; With the knowledge, and aMhe ie«tiration of the Mml» of PoaenmenU.abd the diahanemeufi of moaer tbs knowledge of ' yir. Qnchanan himrelfTTfaefollowincestraotefrom the. ..tdftimooy.of Mx. Wendell wiUeatabUth this Ustaaaer- ( ' ' Q* With toask yon a few farther aueetioha oonoern - it* the eteetwn In FeaatylvaniA.' When yea had an interview with Mr- flneheaea previonatothe etoepon , H FemrtvlveniAin 1868. did you not free!* talk wrtbhim .is trd to the na» ofmnaey to earn oortaio dbtncta? A.l talked with nim freeiraa to the use of motet in - eleottoirt; Ido not -remember aa to any tpeeine dia trietail talked AhcmtthaexpenMofeleetMmayeneraUy, '?s°nn?tell £»rn/oo*wer» ooropel>d ton* larye amounta of moiey i k, I cannot »ay that I waa ! ■ cMir*ittii u That yoa we're aainglarge amount* of money? A. g» WMiviwpi**nt of the uot that X contributed isrgalr with him on thitsnbjeftt ? . „ All wsa the enldeet of eoa venation at different tfaaes, theamonntsfastlcoptnhateo. _ . . . ft. Whet ww the. ehsractcr of the eever&l letters from Trnnn-lvaniA ♦hmt he read you portion* ot during one of the interview* you had with him about oarryia* certain dirtncta; how was it to. be dona? ff. ljhmk the most of thhm wanted material sid» they madcaac- differentdiatnctegenerai &,aad *he affair* of their aeverai diatyiots. ft. Wtir 10 he ell your attention to those letter* eafiinc for that kind of aid: waa it because be expeoted 70a to attend to it ? A. Well. I do sot know indeed wnat the motive waa; cur conversation waa generally about lotitiea «ad the eonteat corny on. and the letter* might *v*heen *howeieao«a#a»iort : wbich. in thoee day*, were cenemUy political, a'moat always: I might car my conversations with him were.' Always of a political oha * meter. ~ ' ft OnwhatoieoasiftuwaaUthatrout'd the*einter views with»- im; wna it not immediatety before the elec , tino, anu relative tot he mean* to be made nee of to eftrry ftaeleotion? A. Welt.leooldnotcAvsl hM the mat diffisreat times. I pretarae; dartng the time of electron*. - 1 had scToe lone interview* «id ecatn *t other, time*; f do not oallto mind any particular date when thee* intei views were ce’d; they were held at different timet dnrmc all m«. interviews with him. ft. r nwhat dava of the week did you have long inter view* with him. can you recollect? A. Pretty much , «v*fTdsr- ? Pretame; Idonot remember aarpartioa*- larday of the week. , the CuAixx*n.- Boron tappoee that he • took Aondaj*fof !h*tparp;w? Witnsea. Xhave had interviews with fiimonfcuP'iay*.' ■■ ,v -- By the Ohai»maa—ft. v Wiia it not year habit, pre v<da« to the spend the ffabbath dafwith Ur. Spebvnan. eonvemmg freely on polities, ard pArtJcu* 3a»)r with retard to the n*e of money to oarry election* ? A. I oanimt eay it was a usual habit ;l saw him on Sun data. I oannot say how many. ft. I am referring to immediately, preceding the elec tions.- A. Yes. air; I may have Menbini.on one or - two Sabfaahs immediately preceding the election of jgpff. w ~ . ft. On, those oooMionpJhsd you .conversation* with lumen that aabjtot? Ai.Couveraation* on politic*? . ft. In cennectioe t witb money-aatters ? A; The ex- of the election* would usually eoae up aurisg 3WBSSg JSachansa' object to carrying the elec tion* or helving to carry them inthsttnir ? . A. Never *°]?this eonnectioo yont eovi»\ttee would fail in their . doty did they not Ml) the ettennon ofthe Hopetoeos tpass proved to, exist, a**d- with- the. knowledge of the of altowiDg officers employed nnderthaOo venusnetto he ahseet qn leave from their post*, and . f»ptoyedi?wi«Ctiqseanng for the party to whieh they befooied. \ftrdeon G. Wettoolf 1* 9 notable ilfoatrttion . of tftl* practice. Jn 1855. bemf tben an appraiser in the anatom hqg*e at Rhiladalphia, he was* 4 absent on leave Arsta Ceitml uomfliittee? room aom* four , mgoth. daring which time he rendered no sendee tojho 6f>T*min«nt, rst .received hie resulnr sslarr. Thia pr*c*iee has also prevailed in Ifew York and other cos* fam bmuws. of appointing men tempomnlv/or the week preo dtn* the ejection*, and granting them leave of ab eeaea that they might eevote themjK>]ve**to election eering duties. -Thu rmplormerit of tbe senrantx rad ttoseysoftbe Government m aiding elections is a pal- of: law, and sahvarsion of tha rights of . la view of this avideboe/itiajiot fiiypnainy that the - President, tn . the Fittstmrr (Sctenary Celehratloß, ■liMidhnv'Qeed the following language: ..‘•I shall assmu" the privileye ofadvancing years ia jwftrrfßg to another nxhrfnc dangeroos evil.' fa thelutakv, nlihTOthou? ftthera, like quMlveaV war* -divided into .political pertier, whioh onan had severe conflicts with each other. yst we nsver hesrdv until wit-on arsesnt period, of the s«inl'T»Sßtof money to •arry election*., ohoeld this prsetjoe ontilthe ' vncsr* »S* »h*ir r*w*eenta»ive#in the State end Ma- Sti tseis’aure ieueted, Ue fountain roe govern»f»t will then be ooisoped at i’l scarce w* mustepdfawhiitftry prove* ina mritery des >oo«m. A. democratic repuUlo. all am*, oaunotloDS ■ervivouclMSsartafeed hv aahiie virtoe; when this is - WMvattM'tfnd the people 6eoome severed, there i* a . canker at the, root of the tree or libeity, whioh must • cepe* it to wither aoddls.” ■. It 1* welj known to the Ameriosn people that tre mendotts frAUd* w.ere.perpetratfd in the etootion of in ♦'ennsrlvania.' by means of forged and fictitious natural;rat<on pspew. your committee Jure.been r enatded- iurt at the ctoee of the fnvestiya ien«. to some toirtoe these fraads. lt wdl pe seta by tbs , fse«mony of were jfiSeriwed,And oWaiaed ia FhfUdeiiduat.some of tttectbavifigthe *eAiKP4.tke sUnsture of a pTethooo :.tsry year ImO. aed others with the ‘ »rg*d seels «edf>Jr»* teres, or gencfae oiiM obmined Jn some Monet liem, the proesr oOcers These were over tl'e flute by hundreds arnTprohebly : wymnpsMid*. ItWill h» the folWin* eit»*ots - fmmthe tsstimoUy of WWiam Yarn*#, that aa offteer of the Oofsnieieot. Beahee F. Brp«n r now receiving 81 sa'air ortvo thousand aoHaru in the custom t FJuuceiphia, vm* this Tou tMiile in ,heading in tip fall of ltt*?, A> yoa- at that time, receive * caantity of blank { htion wtners from PhitadeiphiA? A. Yes* wr, it some bUcfesatthat tune. - , ft..Hftw d‘d roa reeciys them—by mail or express, or fawhit war? A. I think atm* feweamato m*by Tu Bid they *om4 to you under the frank of any per . j*o*« aad- jfso. under wnoe* ?+. l-think eae or two e»A* under of Governor Bi tor. and •'•me cam* under thefmnk of other pereoas, bet amuottposi- < -tnw who .they w*n*; Governor Bigler’s frank is the . only one I. am positfveAboegj-aod I thtokihere were, aaefcagastat. and one ofttem, I know, • lmsinM*r the frank of Governor Bistor. ' . ft. -were (MrsjaTyeaaantitieeof tbese papers sent ■to von ? a. )Vo. sf r ; there were bat few. f JJ^HfXmsßydi• yoto,ge*‘eltMetjur.dovouthink? - ATWell, ihavsmtd fa persons that I had aw to#o bat r . apt is not so; I looked tbeni over on Honda/J**t« end , diegovr r*i that th>re were, perhaps POO, or 290 alto > gather 1 eota* of them, had what perported to be the . ceal of the coert aml the signature of the prothonotary, other* were mere blanks. : "ft* PWT2« *5*52 epphoation to Mr. Ballade, for the etoffovhi* haekrtiee/ A. Vo, sirg.2 did not. *■ > - ftilAdelphia?. . ApCh#rw»re*ith*fleftat*f house hrMr Brown.or, ' liude&me id person by him. lam notpoeftive whtoh; Thave (won trying to veemleet whether he gave them ' **me fa person, or left them *t my boose j'l think they , werekftby Mr. Brown at my house i at aoy rate, they ; ft > u « r rtlatlve fo the use h* 'was that tetter l. ju Thera wu no Q. Dio.o..ftkflfrtrth« h.odwritiD,of th. Irttor? . tott*. room,.Mil wiih »»oth«r I had from Phl trhiohwM«J.o«f Brows. %L'KOtktoir *. Bdlod? .. Yro. *ir. - a. t(d ,«« Jcaow ta. handvritfu of that I A. . ruKHMliltfeomiidimtlaf watthaiaa. u that.lcned .4- Uidjoasot kno* from otb.r olronm-UnpM that tk*iMtor*Mfrom Mr. Snnrar A Vo., ajf; foam .Mr. timrl toiak h. ukod.ia. afiww«rt(ft aottk. l«U.r. .• » * <t- w>mad«i. ood'tbat Ihl. totter sam. with thwa jMg* f ,A.f(oi «tft I do not know that it oaniewlth l A. A,Kr.a btutdla if »»- . jßS&UKteYSiffWdf s Th*ti* the letter sjs«£4» r”K Y*s.*lr, «f;tlie** pa ' * direction did ,he Kiv« yon 4A rsfotanee to "UTThe wmomlttoe kavs co deeddai. Mis Mutys OtotN, them wera sigmtturw. M they purported to be. - *■'JUh*. -isiPML fjothonojanes i seme >were Signed * Vm*jArd“or“ Viorard/nT amjsor porttive whies; bat wdeed; theht'WM-a pl«iMC|) cepuot mnlleot the letter exactly, thoush r r*MitlMJkMßV*tbi4 ifi fillmg up these papers they muft.bsrniw to eerrsssoad WHfir the date s.I eta not cH«aivdht ! dha»n,*M*.tßtom«wa».'v. -.5; - im * "* " did It dit«itlo« tod-unfaota thdm'f A. It V hoiß, oaod ,ot dlrtribotad, I doßot maSto* Lordhaa sbowadine \h*tthou cMtloo* Kmgo^br BvriVvThta mm al&waTdWW-Kieg by <tor orchis Mifar. end bars T Tiie tftMmoor fo® House, and Boat committee have no Jurthersasseetiomi to make iereon. Moi.'ertdohitraaggW^^m^tle^ CHARLKB k. TRAIN, ’ The Battle of the Belt. „ ,M ,0D» or. TH» CHARPIOSS—BATKBB iMD BKE- HA* I* {Prom tea Manohssfor Guardian, Jane 5.] Ibm gayer*- end: JohnG. Hawaii, having at leagtii aeroed <o a “ draw ” as to the fightfor the champion’s belt, commenced yesterday, in Man* cheater; a tour through the wotltwe*, for «e pur pose of exhibiting the near belt presented to each, »t 4 also of giving a few illMtrotlons of their styles of boxing. The Free Trade Hall was en? gagad, for-the ooeasion, 4nd> the eombatants ap peared there twioe -yesterday—at ttree in the af ternoon, and it eight in the evening.' The prices of admission as at . Aral, announced were bo evidently much too hkh‘thstthey-were reduced, a fear days oneself In each ease. S' , ■ - The attendance in the afternoon was small, in fact : but it wee larger than we had anticipated, considering the hoar end-the . charges. The 10s. seat* bad a fair sprinkling of occupants; but the great bulk of the vUUoh-ohoae. the 29. od. past of the.hall, the seats at ds. each being quite at a fits •aoaat, sot fifty persons being In them, upon the platform there was a moderately strong and very excellent orchestral band, which played some moo selections. . •-. ~ - „ -The applause wag enthusiastic when Sayers, ctoselr followed by Heenan, oame upon the plat form, each being in sparring costume, and weering glovrsT .They at onoe “,” and had seven bouts. With some sharp bitting in each. In the very first.Heenan gave a good sample of his left hand hitting; of which so much was said after the fight; and by whleb he did sp hraoh at Farnborougb, for he caught Bayers so fall and fait in the forehead, that the Englishman staggered backwards. In the third boat clayey* returned the compliment very cleverly. - . After a short pause, two athletes, Messrs. Mur .ray and Holland, were introduced; and they cer tainly did acme very-daring and astonishing feats,- one apparently being as much at hopie upon the head or shoulders of the other as upon the ground. Although it is "difficult to see wbat sash perform ances-have to do with the “reconciliation and final settlement of the great contest for the ohamplen ship,” the marked ability of the performers pan bet be qoeitfoaed, and wee freely acknowledged by the applause of the audience and by a recall. A table and three chairs were now brought upon the platform; and two leather oases having been placed upon the table, Bayers and Heenan again appeared, bnt now In ordinary dress; and Mr. J. Harris, an American, took the chair, with Sayers to hit right and Heenan to his left. The chairman, after some introductory remarks, narrated the frets, now so well known, as to the settlement of the question, remarking that when two brave men, who bad acquired respect for each otherisquatitUe, met face to face, they soon did that which months of controversy had foiled to effect. It was to be hoped new that their friendship would be sincere .and lasting.' [Applause. ] He believed that toe termination come to was In accordance with the desires of the great majority of the people of England and America—[applause; ] that it was felt that all that could he proved by a prise battle had been proved; that courage, en durance, • and skill had been, displayed in the greatest perfection, and that again to pit the men against each other would not only bo needless, but cruet and bsrb&rous. [Loud applause.] It was believed that the Interest taken in the fight, the settlement, and the men, wonld justify the repeti tion,.in various parts of ths country, of the cere fnoby of presenting the bells, whioh took place recently at the Alhambra Palace, London; and as Mr, Dowling, of Bell's Life* and Mr. Wilkes, of the New xork Spirit of the Tm*j, conld cot be expected to. travel, for the purpose, be (the chairman) would - read Hr. Dowling's address to Heenan, and Mr. Wilkes* address to Sayers. [They have already appeared in The Press.\ The chairman presented the glittering belt to each man. eaoh bearing; tike the original belt, the words “ Champion of England ” in b&rniahed sil ver. Continuing his remarks, ths chairman said : ft was reported la the papers that at that part of Mr. Wilkes 1 address which related to Heensn’s Intention to return the belt, had he won ft, to Sayan, there were some expressions of Incredulity. Hypocrisy is the vice of cowards; but do you be lieve one eo brave wonld descend to a mean and 'heedless piece of hypocrisy? [Cries of “ No,”) To show that the feeling expressed by Mr. Heenan is not exclusively his, I may mention that Mr. Dyer, one of the first American pugUlsta, said that if he were to fight Sayers, and could win, he would draw the battle rather than inflict disgrace upon so good a man. [Applause.] It hu been instnuated that the fight between Heenan and Bayers was likely to oreate ill feeling between England and America. [A cry of “No thing of the sort.” Laughter.] I believe this to bo, an error. Nations, tike men, respect those whefO qualities fcheybave proved and learned to admire. . The lion is the emblem of England—the eagle that of America. They have divided domin ions.- One is king of the earth, the otherof the air. England and America may well be content, one to ■be as the tiou, the other as the eagle. Let one he the great Power of the new, and the other the great Power of the old world; and let their only rivalry be. in scienoe, art, literature, good works, and— manly sports. [Applause.] ■ Sayers and Keenan now took off their coats, buckled on their belt*, stepped forward and shook haods, and acknowledged, by bowing, the loud ap plause with whioh tbe shake was greeted; the or chestra played “God save the Gooes,” and the audience retired. - ■ * \ In the evening there was a better attendance, the five-shilling seats being again the least patron ised; After the band hod play *d a couple of over tares, Messrs. Murray and Holland went through their original entertainment,” whioh certainly fa throughout as daring a*,'and more graceful than; anything else of tbe kind it has been bar let to wit ness.: Then, Mr.' Charles Sloman took the chair, Bayers and Heenan being received with long-con tinued and most entbusisstto applause. Mr. Slo* man, who -is an Improvlsatore, delivers 1 a more flowery address than that of Mr. Mortis, In the afternoon. It was, Indeed, strongly tinge 1 with “bounce,” and was exoruolatingly overdone with puns,, the points dealt with being those be;ore noticed. . - To occupy the interval between the presentation of the belts and tbe spaning—Sayers and Heenan haviog to change "their clothes—the chairman verrifled upon "Garibaldi,” “Cotton,” and the “ Bide ; Volunteer Movement, ” subjects given, by members of,the audience. The sparring, of course, was the thing of the evening; bnt it was, we think, not so good as in the afternoon. Sayers was very loudly applauded for the style in whioh he once Sucked to avoid Heenan’s left hand; it was a moat clsver piece of pugilistic agility, and well indicated one of tbe icuroec of his power to fight wtib such a man as Heenan for mdre than two hours. We found the impression general with those to whom we spoke npon v the subject, that Heenan's .superiority in height and reach did not strike the spectator at the first glance; bnt when the men “ put uptbeir hands,” the matter at onoe became clear, .nothing but the most consummate skill as a pugilist, combined with alaostsuperhoman pow ers of endurance, could have enabled Sayert, against sueh odds, to go through the Earcborough straggle. ■ - .There was, both inthe afternoon and evening, a groat crowd outride the Free Trade Hall, and the anxiety to get a glance at the combatants, as they framed into or out of the ball to a cab, was really ntense. In the evening 2,000 or 3.000 persons thus congregated, and the White Bear Hotel, Piccadilly, where the men stayed, was similarly surrounded. Would it sot have been better polioy to have still farther reduced the charges for admission? We fanoy that the receipts would have been larger if the two lower prices had been 2b fldand Is. To-day Messrs. Bayersnnd Heenan visit Liverpool, and we believe that Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham (or Lei cester), and Bradford will next be visited. Cold-Bloodetl and Unprovoked Murder. rmura paoiaeccotisLY into A'r&oirn. [From the Lanoactsr Fxpreu, June 18.1 On Saturday night last, about tvelva o’olook, one of the most cold-blooded and unprovoked murders ever commuted in this city, was perpetrated at the corner of Sooth Qaeen ana Vine streets, the victim being a German named Adam Bees, and the sup posed murderer Avln Kendrick. The particulars, of the affair are as follows: On Saturday evening last Mr. A.' W. BoUnlas gave an entertainment at the German Democratic olub room, Bomb Queen street, on the occasion of bis birtbnight, and to whioh he had invited the members of-the German Mceuneiehor and the !, Shooting Society, of both of whieh he is a member. Between li ana 12 o’clock the party broke up, and. Mr. Rees, with, several friends, and Mr. Myers, proceeded to the residence of the Ut ter, at the corner of Sonth Queen and Vine streets, with a- keg of beer, for the purpose of returning some plates used at the party. Jar. Myers entered the house in the rear/with the intention of opening the front door, while the remainder, of the party waited on tho front pave menfc While the friends of Mr. Myers were standing there, Kendrick, in oempany with a young man supposed at the time to be Henry Reed/came along and asked the Ger mans what they,were doing there; to which, we bslleyv no reply was made.. By this time Mr. Myers reached the door, with a light in bU band. Kendrick, or his companion, or both, made some intuiting remarks, and committed os indecency, upon which Mr. Myers fald .that they had bettor be at home, or words to the same effect The rowdier then retreated about tea feet, when one of them, supposed to bate been Kendrick, turned Suddenly around, drew a revolver and fired lato the orowd, the ball bttttag Hr. Rees, and kill* low him almost Instantly. The ball entered-the body, about »\x inches above the right bip-bone, going through the bowels, cutting the iliao artery, and anally deeply Imbedded itself in the hip-bone. Am soon ms the shot was fired, the assassin and his companions took to their heels. Mr. Rees was berried into the house, and Dr. H. Carpenter was immediately called in, but the an* fortunate man was beyond the reach of surgery. ; Twenty minutes after the shot was ceased to breathe. Mr. Kees is said to have been a hard-working and inoffensive German. He was originally from Berlin, Prussia, where he was engaged in the lager beer brewing business, and in very good oiroum stances, SeoomiDg involved in the Troubles con-' neetea with the revolution of 1848, he wes cons- P®llod,to flee from hie home forever. He has re sided in this city for some years, Mid kept a lager beer saloon at the upper end of West King street; at the same time following the oeefapauoh of a sooper. He was about forty years of sge, and leavae a wife and two ohildren—<ma throe years, and the other about nine months old. About one o’clock yesterday morning Deputy Ooroner Goraley was notified of the oecumnoe, and repaired to the ssene of the tragedy, where he summoned a jury and held an inquest over the eQdy>; ;i 1 ' - ; j, -f. ■v! Mbs; jamEsbetts* inventions of and hishlf reccm - by their phTatojMi* to use Ear jßarsioal Ayylienoea. She 'VIWBSAB.—SOO bbls Clarified -Cider SI TEW ART’S PAISLEY MALT.—IO Pun- . Itosnr, PITCH; AND TAR.-2,OCO.bMa ISBORtATW, (Reported tor The Frew.l , ' ' RIO DR JANEIRO—Bark Conrad—lB4s bars coffee Thot A N«wk*H A Bonn. PALERMO—Sohr Restless—Boo bxs lemmis I4<o do oranges 480 nantara brimetore Isaac Jesnee * Co. O AT. MARKS-Bci# Delhi, Danmby-SI,CCO Ids logwood 14 odes cotton Thomas Walloon So oops •PASSENGERS SAILED. In atesmsbiv State of Georgia, for Bavsnnah—S K Brown,Q W ffjtfng, A Q Bltd* and 3in the steerage PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM,I _ „ „ tHprOTHINGHAM, > CoHxrrixs of tax Moitvs, GEORGE 8. REED. I ____ At ike Mere£nts' J^xekanga i Philadelphia. Ship Saranak, Rowland— l an *22 mpNorway, wajor....—— —--...Hon*Rons,soon fork Elisabeth J, Foulkes.—- Port Spain. June So ark Priam Donna. MeGnUcen-.—Londonderry, soon ark Imperador. Pernambuco, soon MAHINK INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, June SI. 19C0. WN Rl£EB~—t SI-SUN 7 56 SIOH WATER.— 4 24 ARRIVED. SteamshipKenneheo, Johnson, SO hoars from N York, with mdse and passenger# to J Allderdioe. Steamship VfrKima. Kelly. <roin Riohmond, via Nor felk, *7 hnurs- with mdse to Tbos Webster, Jr. Reports that the U 8 Steamer Pawnee went to sea on Tuesday afternoon. Brig Delhi. Darnahr, from St Marks 6th mat, with log wood hWi ootton to Tho Wwtson A Sons. ’ gohr Restless. (Br) Webber, £0 days from Palermo, vnth fn»«t. Ac. to Imcc Jeanes St Co. Sohr Banougbs,6ciays from Boston, m ballast to N Sturtevant * Co. Sohr Adolph Huge). Mason, from Boston, Bohr P tieilner. Marts, tmm Boston, ' l*chrTL»ke, _ Pchr L Corson, from Bo»ten. , SohrßVWfttmmnss. Gandy, from Boston* Sohr R K Wilson, Marta, from BAitoo. Sohr H A Rogers. Honors, from Boston. ' SchT Chat M. Neal. Godfrey, from Bo*ton. PohrJ i Wainwnght, Corson, from Boston. Sohr R Rose. Barsess, from New Haven. S'thr “ E wrolfe, Ru«ieU,from Lynn. Sohr Jul(a Maine. Ea»on. from Neponset. „„ Steamer Jos°ohine. Green. 32 hours Lrom New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. _ t „ , Steamer VulcAn. Morrison, 2i hoars from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, N York, J Allderdioe. Shin George Haynes, Baobelder, Valparaiso, Wtrk- Charles E Lex, Almeida, Port an Prinoe,Thos Wattson A Sons. „„„ . _ .. Brie H B McGilvery, Clifford, Falnsouth, Jam, D N WetefarACo. Brig Resolute, Hill. Cienfiieroa. J M Cnolb'oth. Bng Forest State, Stowers, Portland* O A Hecksoher Sohr Peqaonnnok, Barrows,Boston, NSturterant A Co Sohr Ar'olph Hngel, Maann, Boston, do ’ Bohr Lake, BcuU. Boston. do SohrH A Rogers, Rosers, BobJou. 1 do Sohr R Rose. Burgess. Marblehead, . do Sohr L 8 Levering. Corson. Salem, do Bobr P«m?assett Keen. Bristol, do Sohr P Heilner, Marta, Roxbary, Van Dosen, Nortox A Co. Sohr S V W Simmons, Gaudy, Boston,Baum, Ogle A Co. Poor Julia Maine, Preston. Neponeet, do ffSohr R H Wilson, Marts, Boston, Reppher A Bro. Bohr J H Wamwright, Corson, Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. Bohr O M Neal, Godfrey, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. Bohr D R Wolf, Russell, Boston, L Audenned A Co, Bohr H P Stoner, Bergman. Charleston, J Baker. Str Riohd Willing, Claypooie, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, BAILED. The U 8 Mail sUamthip State of Georgia, for Savan nah, sailed at 10 A M yesterday, with a full freight and fft'odersnn. for Liverpool, left Ship pen street wharf at 11.80 A M yesterday, m tow of steam uk J L Pu»ev, with a cargo of 31 66$ bothols wheat 6,076 buahels corn* 7.361 bbls flour, 300 bb]»rosin, 4 oatks niokle 0re,69 hhds bark, 300 tierces beef, and CO bbls pork. fCorrespondence of tee Phn«lelpWaafohjnw.i g The only vessel at harbor is tbe bark wait ing orders. One brig, name nnknown, passed in this morning! also a ship and a bark, names not ssoortained. W. M. HICKMAN. ( % „, HTv nd^o f T|.P«»., n ijW The Wyoming left here this morning, with lo boats in tow, faden and consigned as follows: „ H H Alien. lumber to Landel A Bon: E W Chapin, do o Cadwalader A Co: Eci.nomy. do to Noroross ic Sheets; teter Sailor, jig iron to U Campbell A Co; C Lawrence. r> iger*Two Jisters, Bum Black, LilUe Jane, and Fron tier, ooal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA/ , „ t iai . . Steamship Kensington* Baker, cleared at Boston 19th mst. for Philadelphia, „ Ship Thereat, Wallace, from CalontU for Pmiadel vhia, (before reported* grounded at Nmau, A part of ieroar«o had been sent book to C in boats, previous to Mar 2, after whioh the ship floated. Snip Victoria Heed, Preble, for Philadelphia, was lofldinratCalouttaith ult. , „ „ Ship Geneva, Barnes, from Calontta for Boston, went to sea from Baocor April 2td« Ship Purington, for Boston, went to sea from cantor April SO.' „ Ship Geo Peabrdy, Panlien, for Hampton Roads, sailed from Callao 25th uft. bli p Tornado, Mumford, from Liverpool, at Bombay May 9th. Ships Emma. Agry, and Mafy Washington, Chapman, from Liverpool, arrived at Charleston 36th inn. Bark Karlr Bird. Cook, sailed from Hong Kong April 19th for Ban Francitoo. Bark Charles Hrddle, Crosby, for Philadelphia, sailed from Caroenas 13tfr (net. Bark Sarah HSnaw, fliggins, from Foo-onow-foo, at New York 19th isst. 1 _ Sohrs J C Brooks, GrafTsm, and Hero, X,akeman, old at Boston 19th mot. for Philadelphia. . ... SoUrJutla A Rich. Newton, from Riohmond, arrived atChaneatonldthmat. , , __ __ , Sohr A Townsend. Townsend, from New York, ar rived at Charleston 19th inst , Sohr Sophia Godfrey, Russell, benoe, arrived at Bos ton Mth inst. Schr Monterey, Crair, from New Bedford for Dela ware City,atNewport I6thinst. _ * Sohr Chas Whiting, Lippinoott, henoe, amved at Pro dence 29th inst, Bohrs J F Brognaxd, Williams, and Laguna, Gardner, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 19th inst. Passed Anjinr April 14. ships Nestorian. Goodhue, Ma nila for New York; Arthur, Hoyt, from Batavia for pa tiang; 8t Louis. Jacobs, from Sydney, NSW, for Smya tore; 18th,ship Magenta, Sears, from Boston Jan 7 for Ibssgkae: istn.ship Ringleader, White, from Manila for New Vork. MEDICINAL, THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Olntmento and healing applioations in both the flesteni and Western Hemisphere*, wherever intro aoed; and Its tutrirtste merit is the true eeoret of its cuooess in all ewraiwoirs ufserioaaa whether the'oattse are instantly relieved of R their aqguiibi pain and Efianmiataon, by »timely 2 avpiieatien of this m*r villout healer, and the 3 flesh |s renewed as if by a Children ore freaaentQ imfferersfromexternaljn uries, eepeoirily from r* fluid and Campktne Ex m.csim»s— every % mother shonld have, this lesling preparation .con- 3 atantiy on hand. It heals «or« Jfrgarts.and arnokly &: removes the TETTER or preta- . Unt tn the nursery. 10 TRAVELLERS 3 SEA AND LAND., TheiV.aohlnist.theTra- 3 veller,and every other In divilual whose lot in life « throws, him within the ohano* oi aooident from S explosion, gre. or eotii eiont shontd bear jd ?und 2 that this Magic Egtraotor a bis bestand only friend. S It is both, portable and cheap, andsnould ever be &q ms companion, as a friend in need. There are thou-sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous s virtue, who owe their ; sound limbs and muscles 3 to its saving einpaoy. „ The following are a few 3 of the ftadtardtJiiaifi for Sams, Erysipelas, Sore* of all lands, roues, Fistala, Shot Wounds, • oils. Frost Bites, Sorofola, roken Breast, Fevar Sore*, Bouryy, itea of Reptiles, Felons, Boalds, Canoar* Glanilular Dis-Sourf. , Oraokea Lips, eases. BaaldHead, Chapped Hands, Merounal Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, PeUas generally. Small Pox, Cramp, Pimples, Tumor*, Contracted Cords, Piles, Tetter, ghafes. , Poison, Ulcers, „ iseasas of the Kheamatiszn, Venereal Sores, Bold at the principal Depots, 14 Broadway, New York, ■Ad xi andul Chartres street, New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT A CO., General Agent. It can also be ob tained of all respectable Druggist* and Merchants throughout the United Stetes and Canada. . T. W. DYGTT A SONS, • . Sl9 Norte SECOND Street, felt Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIUS HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING BPIRIT. I7us Jf«d»eU« has been used by the public Jot six years ioith increasing favor, Jt is recommended to Cure jOy*pepsia t nervousness, Heart-Bum, Colic Bains, WtaJUlAc Stomach, or Fata* m the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney ( Complaints, Lous ipirits. Delirium _ . Tremens, Intemperance, Ir StIKPLATXB, ExHILABATES, InVIOOBATK3, BUT WIM. WOT IffTOXICATK OR STUPBPT. Asa Medioineit is quick and effectual, aur'ng the moitagrovatedoases of Dyscapiie, Kidney Complaint*, acd aifother derangements ot the stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the veak, nervous, and sicfely to health, strength, and vigor. Persons who, from the jnjudiotoo* use of liquors, have become dejeotea, ana their nervous ej stems shattered, constitution* broken down, and subject to that horrible corse to humanity, the Dem*ivh Tremens, will, al most immediately, feel the happy ami healthy invigo rating effioaoy ofj»r. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. . * «VHAT IP WiLL DO. Doss.—One vine glass full as often as nooessary, One dose will remove ail Bad ttpints. One dote wHlonre Heart-burn. Tnree doses will oure indigestion. One dose give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dote will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of VPinfl or Flatulence, and as soon aa the etoniaoh receives the Invigorating .Spirit, the distress ing load and All painful feelings wiUbe removed. o|ie dose will remove the most distressing- pains ot Colic, either tn the stomach or bowels. A few doses ipHTemove&Uobstrucuonsln the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. , , Persons who arc seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured ol speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical core bjr the use of ona or two botties. * N*GHTLy DISSIPATION- Persons who, from dissipating too muoh over night, ana feel the evil effects o. poisonous liquors, in violent hesdaohes. siokness at sttmooh, weakness, giddiness, Ac., will find one dose wifi t move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the InVlffoiatlng Spirit three times a day * it will make them strong, healthy., and hapiy, remqve o,H obatruo tions and irregularities from tin menstrual organa, and restore the bloom of health an<£ beauty to the careworn Daring prey nancy It will be found an invaluable medi cine to removo disagreeable sensations at the stomach. AU the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induo* this, he baspjitup fhs toyi9psa?iiFa Bpikit in pint buttles at 00 dents, quarts 91, General Depot, 48 WATER Street, Now York. ' ’ , , JiYOTT & SONS. Wholesale Ajrents in Pb»)3de)pnJa. Je7-thstmr and for sale by all Druggists. WINES AND LIQUORS. rjIHE VINE-GROWERS’ COMPANY OP CAPITAL. THRKEMILLIONB OF FBANCB. rav, doUNT JIB SAI«X-PE(iEB, FaseimNT. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst ij« share holders fonrtssn hundred Proprietors of the b«*t'V>no y&rds in the Distnotof Cognac, its exlenßive Establish menu being located lit the centre of the town of Umt name* wae organised for the express purpose ot mam by shipping that artiole, in a}l its dative purity and ex cellence, to Correspondent* m Foreign Countnes, and is bound down by ite Statute of Regulation to. confine ite transactions entirely to the BrarnTr growpwitliin the District of Cognac. and wholly the produce of Vine* yards in that nigniy-lavored locality ; on no condition whatevei admitting into ite storehouses any Brandy, whfoh may have been produced without the limits of said District, , With the object of extending the just reputation of their brand by suoh means only as will meetthe ap proval ana co-operation of the most respsotable wine 2?s£S h^ £ the United Btates. THE VINE GROW ERS COMPANY has authorized the Agenqy in New -York to put up their onoioe Cognac Brandy in cases ol ope dozen full-siaeu bottles each, and the same wiii be disposed or to tbeTradß and the Tubiio, by the under mentioned reswotabie firm. Kyety bottle is sealed with the capsule of the Com pany-fop corse bear ghe same stamp., and the labels .eouun MjNtisotAafajftStTon of the quality, duly signed fnJao-ejmiJe, by the Agent of tbs Company. - The, Brandies now offered consist el wo different saalittes, both gaaraatied to be equally pore In quality, ffli OL?, lal »*■ «*Mtl»nt‘.itlote of the age represented* suitable for family or medioinatpiir posest and enoUter-emditr thevIKI EGKOWKRV ANTEfIILDVj oafled on account of iu extreme s#, apd bccaue'i the ,remote year of its aotnal produotiop ls.beyond positive verification. Objection* having been urged that the bottles are too tane, and the Brandy ora greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the public, the Agent of the company ventures to express the opinion that a large bout# may be preferred to a sraiuiertone, and that In obtaining the article of the wm exported , from Cotuad.oon tamers may recognise the advantage of adding water tosuit their own twite, instead of pur cfiSsmg water at the srioe of Brandy, • ' BROTHER, fc COOPER, 6tfpet. opu-rtuAthSm* t-r.'fi ' ? THE PHEHa-PHUADSLPIUA, INBVBANOB COMPANIES, SABINE Sf DUY, INBUHAHOE AOBwfs, Sfo. ,** VALMBT Btntt. Insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Cotton aua Woollen Mills* and other Manmooiones, Bmldmga, Merchandise, Furniture, and other property, on favo rable terms, in the foltowmr well-known compnnies: PHCBNIX iNSURANOB CQ., OF HARTFORD . Cash Capital and Surplus 8682.325 91.’ METROPOLITAN FIRK INB. CO,, OF NEW YOhK, PROVIDENOK W»BHl < N8 I TON n iN8 U . r Bo* C&ah Capital and Surplus 8&i&766 18. ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NBWyoftK, HOPE PIKE CITY FJRE IMSimA«o2!ob“oF n B’fcW®HAir«fl; Cash Capital and Surplus 9324 Xt 77. GERMANIA FIRE iNfi. CO.. OF NEW YORK, Cash Capital and Fnrplus 8316 $39 07, HUMBOLDT FIRE INB. CO., OF NKtf YOkK. Cash Capital and Surplus 9238,058 6t. •Applications in person or by note will receive prompt attention. SABINE A DUY. AcenS, Je4 3m No. 424 WaLVut Street. rpHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 07 PHILADEPfIIA. (FIRE INSUHANOE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BVILDim, 8. W. CORNMIt FOURTH AND WALNUT ETRRBTg, F. Ratchpord Btasx, William MoKes, Nalbuo Fbazibr, John M. Atwood, Banr. T^Tmßbicx, Hxkrv Wear to if. F. KATOHFI CHARLES W. COXK. 8a AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., A INCORPORATED IfiId—CHARTER PEKPEV* No. 81G WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound ami available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings. Stpres, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their -cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU losses liberally ami promptly adjusted, PIRBCTOnS. „ Thos. R. Mans, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R, Campbell, Samuel O. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, „ Chas, W. Poultney, Israel Morns.. THOMAS It.jfcAins, President ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Seoretary, feM-ft a UAKER CITY INSTJRANUE COMP A NY-FRANXLIN BUILDINGS, 408 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR fLUfI $959,748.70.—1n5ures against Loss or Damage by ire, and th? Peril* of the Sea, Inland Navigation and “"IiWE H. HART, President, E. P. ROSS, Vice President, H. R. COGGBHALL, Sao’y ana Treasurer, S, H, BUTLER, Assistant Secretary, DIRECTORS, E. P. Robbs, Fosters. Perkins, Andrew R. CU&iubeiet Samuel Jones, At D., . mh9-tf Georg© H. Hart, A. 0, Cattail, E. W. Baiter,. Sog-rfAr. Anthracite insurance compa- NY.-Autfcorlwd Capital ®«MOO-CHARTER perpetual Office No. SU WALNUT Street, between Third And Fourth Street, Philadelphia. , Tine Company will Insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene* ’Vso, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freight*. ItuAud Insurance to all parts of the Union. . DIRECTORS.. „ „ „ Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfiem, p. Luther. Dr. George N. Eckert. L. Audenned, John E. Blakioton, Davie Pearson, Wm,F. Dean, Peter Sieger. J. K. Baum. / wa«w W. M. SMITH, Secretary. ap3-tuthstf TIELAWAEE MUTUAL SAFETY IN; OS OFFICE B. E* WAUIVI «iMoftWho, OH VKBBKLS, 1 C, FREIGHT, i KsunANOEB 0, toodp, br River, Canal., Lake., and Cut, Carriai, On Merchandise generally. ‘•'“BWffl’&m, November per. . Market Value !l i,O«, Philadelphia City t IP.eeat. Loam,„92JSJtt 0 lOOjOOOxPenufiylvaAiaSmteo 99«W0 n,60O PennsylvaniaßtoM(NctLoan. — tl&Q fO MfiVt, U S. Treasury 8)4 V* oent. Notes and interest Que ► 80JGI §4 980,000 U. S. Treasury® ot.Note*and roter , »st flue 80,618 00 1 988,000 Temporary Loan to the City of'Phils- - delphia ~86,000 00 980,000,' Penosylvaaia Railroad id Mortgage %W cent Bonds--——. 0,800 00 910,000* North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- , gate S V cent. Bonds. —— 11,800 00 9UJIOO WeetFmlaaelijnia Passenger Railway , Company 7 4P ot. oounon bonds..... UA6O 00 9&9n,tOQ shares stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Flula dtlphia ——— 28,000 80 91,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad BVMM CI,CDS, 100 Pennsylvania SaiT~ '■ 9SJSSB, icTßoatand*Blswa Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ocean . Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company 1410 00 908,030 9408,718 84 Bondsand Mortgagef, and Real Estate, Of fice Building...— —™.™*—~„TftAMS Bills receivable for Insurances ma4e_ 181988 • Balance due at Agencies—Premium* on Ma rine Follows, interest, and other debte flue Scrip SfsSclofsundrr 'ininrancVCompa-* **'*** nies.~~~.— 19000 Cash on Deposit in 8ank.,.., ■ 67J»081 9SUMI7 DIRECT] Sa Martin. d, A. Bouder, ulus Paulding* John R. Penrose, John C.Davis, JampsTraauair, William Kyre.JT,, James G. (land, , WuaainC, Ludwig, Joseph It. Seat, Dr. A. M. Hutton, Veorge G. Leiper, mA wrrrt , WTLLIAJ HEHBY LYLBuiS?. 3 a?oi T IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST OOM DOCK gt»ets. Assets, fPST.eei u» INSURES LIVES for the whole term of {life-grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all eontraot* dependinx on the •ooting enoies ofLife. They act as Executors, Administrators, Asslgstes Wrote... and ganlslL, Miller, gwnasl 8, RlaKe*. William ff. Kern, James Easton, aaraffi?* MentJ 0. Townsends paßieTLrHutohlnsp>i Rodoiphui Kent, John W. Hornor, Will tarn If. Car;« Ellis 8. Archer, WSn,,r M< TO Mil'fc?"* 1 Jesn W. HoxMon. Saoreuur. apM FOR SALE AND TO LET. PUBLIC SALE OP ORIZABA I TON WORKS, SOPpiA FVRNAOE, fco.-By virtue cr authority vested in ua as Trustees for certain cre ditors of Pottafd McCormick, sc.o m pursuance of a ao oree of the District Court of Allegheny oguntj, m the Conramnweath of Pennsylvania, in No. S.'of November term, 1868. we will expose to public Sale, at the -MEK CHAyt-v EXCKANUK, on FOURTH Street, in the city of Pittsburgh, #n the 12th (twelfth) day of June. 1860. wmnienDnig at 11 o’olock A. M , the Rolling Mill 4nd Nail Factories, situated near New Castle, Law* Wi55. 0 2H9 t J r .\,E* onß J lvr l in,a » known as the ORIZABA, IRON wTO&KB, co-talmn* 16 Boiling Fnraaof**, - 5 Paating Fqrnncef. Bar Rolls; RmaU BlntS and MucfcKoll*. Saudegers, 4SNail Mabtiins*, one wrought Spike hlaonlne. and Machinery for manufac turing Nail Kegs and Firo Briok. /Uo, the Blast Farcaoe, .known as SOPHIA, ad joining above works, whioh is oapable of turning out ISO tons of Pig lion per week. .Also, several lots of grpund,.adjoining, and several pieces of land adjacent to the Lon Works, containing Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. Terms: One fourth of the purchase money to be paid iu cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the balance in one, two, and three years from the time of sale,with interest from that time, the deferred pay ments to be scoured by bond and mortxaxe on the pre mises, h. hrady wilkins; CHARLES KNAP, ihaac m. pknnock, WM. K. NIMIOK. m FACTORY PROPERTY FORMAL®.— A most desirable Faotory, wit*' largo lot of ground' fronting on three stree e. suitable for almost any kind ol monnlanturmy. Terms easy. For particu lars. y*we of AbFttKfi FITLKR, Sixth .below Aroh, pr to W. i). BOQEKB, Wo. 1009 obgßtnutjst, myft-im Mto let or j?or sale-^afour. story house, double back buildings, all modern im provements'in complete order; an elcrantUrteyard. l 2 » sood tenant.„ tfitvatad Wo. itttM CHhSTNUT Street. Apply at No. TIO CJIESTWUT Street, in the Masonlo Half. mjjs-tt TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a«large lot in the Southwestern see isa9 of the city, well adapted foraNurserr. Terms eocommoda ting. For particulars address •* K.” at this office, apir-tt Jg[ TORRENT—Two beautifully situated UL doable houses, well shaded, with coach houses and gardens attached, on Taoony Plank Road•one mile below Tscony. and threo-auarters of a mile from Faa senger Railway depot at firideeburg. Apply dt 717 WALNUT Street mbl7-3m LET.—The first floor of the fine build •R. Ine, No. 701 CfItSTNUT street, formerly ©ocupied for a wholesale (and latey ns a retail) fancy goods and penurnerr tttoro.^Applr ef the office of JULES lIAUEL & CO.i No. 704 CHi,oTNUT street, Phila. jei-lm Mbs. stilvs CRYBT/LINE LIQUID H*lH COLORER! A .preparation new to the public, but which has loug b€sen to private use, for restoring Grnr Hair to its natir raloolor, impartintr toitaglosoj appearance, aud ren dering it softand silky. . , Xt }• entirely dijfferept in its nature and effects from any article ipv in u*e lor the same purpose, beinga dteanly flufJ, nearly m clcor ns.water, rpcuiritu: up washmc'beforo or after its application. free frdra tulph&r r any other objectionable ingredient, end applied as sfcily as an ordinary Hair Oil. Can be bad of the following persons: w. Z« Harberti, oorner Jumper and Pme btreats, E. J Fennell, No. 36 North Eighth street. Thomas jjinc&ater Bpruce and Eighteenth streets. Thomas weaver. Vine and Eighteenth streets. Wm. B, 'I hompson, Mt. Vernon and Seventeenth si’s, JSuward Gaillard. Jr., Aroh, l>elow Becond street. E. B. Garngues, Coates and Tenth streets. George Ci Bower. Vine and Sixth streets. A. H. Bowman, Spruce and Second streets. Charles Shivers, Bpruoe and Seventh streets. Caleb it. Keeney. Aroh and Sixteenth streots. For sale wholesale and retail hy„ FIFTEKHTKiincI lodus'fiftr *e!i, ■Philadelphia. TO THE PUBLIC. OALHOUN’B ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent it deemed, bf scientific find praotl oalmep. to be the very best ever offered to the public, and neeus only to be seen in actual operation Tpr its be appreciated. Nothin# ever introduced ig •o vgrfeotfy adapted for ventilating private and public buildings. aohoour, hospitals, angina houses, mines, steam an<l sailing vessels, and for the cure of smoky ornmnevs they have no equal. S Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Heating and Ventilating Warcrooms of OEAS. WILLIAMS, 1132 MARKET Street, Pkils. Personal attention will be given to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has been many years practically enraged in the abo* *e busi ness. Also for safe, Onlur’s justly-celebrated warm-air furnaces, oooiang ranges, bath boils, registers, Ao., by feia-stnthflm 0 H AS. w AMfe. ]|S ACKER EL, SHAD. HERRING, &0.~ AT*. 2QOO bbls Nos. 1, 2 and 8 large and medium Moo* VereUin assorted packages, of a.veiy choice qualvty; 80 bbls now No. 8 medium do. 60 do. new Eastern Mess Shod. 00 half bbls new do do do. WOQ bbls new KutpottMo. 1 Herring. M do da- Hab/SiNo.I do. |OO do now Boston No. l do. IUQ do do No 1 scale Fish. 20 do .prime No. l Salmon, 100 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 300 boxes new Herkimer county Cheese, Now landing and in store, for sale by j- ' . iMfoTOM. flTANNA—Small Leake, for sale by WE nwS3iS lU> * oaoimsk, *r .6 mga DIRECTORS. MoSPPC.IIi, Dawion. Gxo.H. StUAM, Jobw H, Bhown, B. A. Fa HKxerocg, AmmHW D. Cabu, J. L.Ehiunghb. ? ORD STARK, President scretary. this ITORS. Samuel E,Stokes, J.F. Penistoa, H. Jons# Brooke, Spencer M’livainSi IhomasC. Han4> Robert Burton, Jacob P, Joses, Jaroea B. M/F»rl&&dt Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Plttsb'g, JBKmftsasat iretarv. d!8 THIJRSOAY t JUNE2L 1860. LINES. “ I SoH r m °' , !,tete^j|| ! % ’’ ! '' w ‘ i ' DM min, A.’iL, I, a, a, TK.and Mij»p6«jmiuito»n 8.10 min.A.M., 1.10 rain., 4, CM, “ 'chestnut hill hailhoau. Loaf" Pluladalphla 8, 8,10. )> A, M„ >, 4, B, Cti, 8,0, &Dh lv«t Jr. tti L»ava Phwtimt Hill 1.10,7.10, .140, 01011.40 A. M., 1.40,8.40,0,10,8.40, and 1.-OT V.M. ’ ’ ’ „ ~ , ON SUNPAYS, fears Ftali4«lpluao.oB,A. M„l.t,end Vi t. M. Eoave Hill TM A. M., If AO, 0.10, andO.IO .“MipONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRIBTOY/N, Laave Philadelphia 8.80.7 X, O.OS, ilob, min., A. M., 1.01, i.tu. 411, 8.85, 8.50, and 1114 P. M. LeaveWorrUtown 8,7, 8.08, 8, 11 A. M., IX, 4X, • find 7J4 p. M, ON SUNDAYS, ta&Vd Philadelphia 0 A-*l. and 8 and 5 P. M. leave Norristown 7if A. M., 1 and 6 P. Mu FOR MANAYUNK. leave Philadelphia 6A0. 1%, 9.08. 11.08 A. M., 1.05,109, #4Je.4rt,l4s>o.«,BMiftnd UX P» M. Leave WanayunkaK.JH, 0.55, 9H,acdlU< A. M.,9, 8.0 fc 8.«4,8.«,d01,|.l^ W)Ayßi Ldave Philadelphia 0 A. M„ 9,8. and 8 P M. Ma*e ManayunUliA. M.,lK,o4,and«.£P.M. . JI. K, BMfTH. Uenorai Superintendent, Ctt-tf DEPOT, NINTH and PRKKN fitre^r, iffaiim rn—rwim Philadelphia MSUaJWggHg AND HEADING HAIL -9O AD.--P ABBENGaTr TRAINS' for FOTT3VILLK, REAPING and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINE, DAILY, (Sunday* oroeptod.) Leave Now Depot, aomar of broad ana UaLLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Fiuaenper entrances on Thirteenth and on CaltowhiU streets late.tOA. W,, connecting at Harrisburg; with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, l P. M. tram running to Pittsburg $ tho CUMBERLAND valley LCS P. M. train runnins to C.h&mberetmrr. Carlisle. An.: ana the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M. train, running to Bun bary.'Ao. AFTERNOON 7, INKS, t Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOVT IIIIiL Streets, PHILADELPHIA,! Passenger oulntnoos on Thirteenth and on Callowhill atioete,) lor POTTS - YU»LR wui HARIIISBURG.ata.SuP. M.. DAILY.for -***, at fi P. M., DAILY, (fiundaya ex- DISTANCES VIA PHIIApEIFHfA ANBKEAfIINO ItAIIHOAOi From PniLADHLrnu Miles. To Pftffimxville —. 23' Reading... . —.. 63 . Lebadon 86 Harrisburg..... —ll3, Dannhin ..—l2l MiHersburr........ 142 Trevortoa junotion. .168 fiuahurr 169 ’ Northnni6QrlajQd..~,.Ul Lewisburg ~.178 , Milton -.lB* Mnnoy..— — 197 Williamsport.,-*,,-.209 Jersey Shore ~,.222 . lK>ok Haven 235 J 'WUliamrporl Mil Elmira MmrVa ™Vjrr.'2B7< Hailroad. The 860 A. £d.« an') the 3AO P. M. tram connect daily at Jk>rt C[intnn, (Sundayß exoeptrd.) with the DATA WIBSA, WIUAMSPORT and EfUE RAU.ROAD, making olose oonneotions with lines to Niagara Falls, Canadai the West, And Southwest OAU,OWUII J ji l Stfo“t; LI ' 111j ‘' i C ° re6,of BROAD “ a apSS-tf W. h. MeTLHENNEY.6«ar«Urr. . Philadelphia aM Reculint; and Lebanon Valley jtii. Son bury and Kflo IL XL SlH|le7 s abrange- AND BAWI On and after MONDAY. AprilC, idffl, PASSENGER TRAINS LKAVK riUIIADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.19 A. M.» 13 noon,(Express) and P. M. For Cheater at 8.19 A, M., 13 noon, 1.15,5.00,7.00 and LIU P V M. / For Wilmington at 8.19 A, M,, 13, 1.15,5.00,7.C0;and 1.10 F. T»l. For Netr Castle at 8.25 A. M., and> F. M, For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and 6.00 P.M, For Dover at 8.16 A. M>> and o.CO P, M. for Milford at 8.15 A. M,, and 5.00 P. M, or Beatord at 8.15 A. M. t andAOO P. M, For Laurel at 8.15 A. M.*and 5.00 P.M, Leave Baltimore atBJO A. M.» (Express,; 10,15 A. M,, LeaveVTilminrton atMO,BS9, and 11J0 A. M„ 1.98, 84)0 and 8.85 F, M. Leave Salisbury at 5.90 A. M.» and 3.00 P. M, Leave Laurel atS.U a. Mm ends.4a P. M. Leave geaford at BM A. JVlVand 4.C0 P. M. Bve Milford at 750 A. M., and 450 p. M, ve Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 550 P. ML. ve Middletown at 10.06 A. Al. and 7.05 P. hi ve New O'&stle at B.UJ, 2055 A. hi., and 8.00 P. M. ve Cheater at 7,40, «,10, 13.04 A. Mr, 3,23.857 and 1.13 P. itl- , Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware RaiL iou at 10,U A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.49 A. M., 13.33 and 11.40 P. M* Leave Wilraincton at Mt A* M., 12M P. AL, and UK FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run ae follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perrrriiie and intermediate places at 5 P. M. Leave Wtlminjrton for Ferryrille and intermediate places at 55p P. JU. Leave Wilmington ior Philadelphia and. intermediate places at 4.43 p. M. Leave Havre-de-Graca for Baltimore and intermedi ate plaoea ai 600 A . M. Leave Baltimore for Mavro-de-Gr&oe and intermodi at# »laoe« at too p. Sundays Oplf at IUO P. hL, from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Onjr at 955 P« M», from Baltimore to Philadelphia. ap3o 6. M. FELTON* President rpUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X RAILROAD. 800 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. liH 1860. THE CAPACrry OF EQ.UAL , THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS between Philadelphia and pittbdvrq, , Connecting direot at riuladelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York* and, all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all point* in the west* Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passexgers unsurpassed for speed and comforter any other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Pittsburg, withoutcbaogeoi Car*or Conductors. AU through Pas senger Train* provided with Longhridire’e Patent Brake—speed under perfeqt control of the engineer, thus addinginuoh to the safety of travouers. smoking Cara are attached to eaohTrainj Woodruff’s Sleeping Care _to Express and Fast Train*. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY r Mail and Fast Lines. Sun days sxoepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 3£> A. M. Fast Line “ ** 11. M A. M. Kxoreu Train leaves “ 10.45 P.M, WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, IP. Id, ai s, i$ & Westchester *» ' tt&P.M, West Chester Passengers wu( take the Mall, West Chester Aoepmmodiriinn.and Columbia Trains. Pmsodr©iß for Sunbury, WUnamspoji, Elmira* Buffa lo, Niagara Palis, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at T.W A. M. and 3 F. A!, go directly through.C Tiekets Westward map be obtained at the offices ofDie Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important RailroadOflioesjn the West; also on board any of the regular Line of steamers on the Muaiasippi or Ohio nvers. •F'Fars always as low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion! Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioaco. make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. ...The conneotlop of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all dmmo or ferriage or Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantajresreadilr appreciated by Shipppors of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to Uiis Company, can rely with oonft d ■? to and from Mr, point lit the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad an at alt times qs fqvorqfiU as an chqrgfd bv other lta\hcM vompuntst. r JgF " 4p4rticul4r pockisw *• via Fauna. Bail- For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the com pany.* 1 „ „ P'A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.B.PJerpeA Co„ Zanesville,o.; J. J. Johnston. Ripley, 0.; H. MaNeely, Mar grille, Ky.; Ormsby A Cropper, , Portsmouth, 0.; Padupok A. Co., Jeflersoaville, Indi ana; H. W, Brawn A Co., Cmcuuwti, 0.; Athern A j O.; R. C. Melanim, Madison, lnd.j Jos. E. Moore .Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Riley A Co., Evansville, lnd.j N.W, Graham A Co., Cairo, III.; R, F* Sass.ShalerA Glass, St, tauis, Mo.: John k. if ar ris, Nashville, Toon.; Harris A Hunt. Memphis, Tetra.: sfcriw fc Co., Ch>agf fIUW. rfft.* IJJ.. or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. s »mn,o„. H, H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phil*. E, L.HOUVT,o©n>iTicketAgentfphiia, E. LEWIS, Gen’l Bup’t Altoona, Pa. ISMiaawan ELMIRA ROUTE.— and el- C£UlLf(E<i ROUTE to Tammua. Catawlssa, Rn pert, \tilkeabnrre, Scranton. Danville, Milton. .Wil liamsport. Troy, Ralston, Canton, Flmirn. Buffalo, Niagara Falla, Rochester. Cleveland, Daucit, Tolodo, Chicago, St. Louts, Milwaukee, autl all points Worm and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, ( Passenger entrance 'on' Cal lotrhtll s»reeM daily (Sundays excepted), for above points, as follows * 1 DAY EXPRESS. 800 A. flf, . WIGHT EXPRESS BSVP. &. The B.M A, M, trgm conneots at Rupert, tor Wilkes barre, Kittson, Boranton, ami all stations on iho LaoKAWANNA AND BLOOMSRURG RAILROAD. trains make’direcf oorinsottoniiat Elmira Viththe trains of Wm New Yorknna Krio,Canandaigua and Niagara Fails, and'Buffalo, Now York and Erlp, and Wpw V6rk Central Railroads, front all pqmti North alia Wuti fißjl the Lonadas. flaggagocheo'icj (o ET|mira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bndge.ana alii-irrmpuiaie points. Tiokeucanoj ,iooured at the Philadelphia and El- Leave the Flu* « elphia and Reading Depot, Broad and CallowhiiJ stro m daily (fcundays excepted), for all points Westa i North. at« P. M. r Freights mu be delivered before 3P,M. to insure their going tin Bmeday.- —For further inforiTlation apply at Freight Depot. THIRTEEN l>. and CALLOW jfILL, or to , OH AS. 8. TAPPEN. General Ay out, Northwest oorjrr SlXffHand CHESTNUT Streets. apl3-tf Philadelphia, 1860. 1860. DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD m>B *rnm walnut-street Wharf, will leave as foiiowa-=vi*t At 6 AM, via Camden and Ambov, 0, it A. Acoom* ARS * »tiodat!on..-~ &2£s is! ,» At 9 AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Afa) 3 00 At 11 AM, by Steamboat, viaT.ioony and Jersey -City. Western Express....- 3 00 Atiw P M,virCamden and Amboy, Accommo- 915 At 2 P M, via Camden and Amboy, C. aud A. Ex press 3 DO At ,l P m, by Steamboat via Tacony and Joney City, Kvenins: Express 3 00 At* P M, by Steamboat via Taaony and Jersey City. 3d Class Ticket 123 At 6 PM, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 8 03 AtU P M,viaCaWUlenond Jersey City, UuuUiern . .- 11 , • .;.. . %26 AtgFMvvia Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,>—Class Ticket. 3 25 Tha 0P M Mail Lino runs daily. The ll P 51, South cro-Mail, Saturdays excepted; * ‘ . Belvidcro, Eadton. Lambertvilla, Flomingtou, «o*i at 8 A M ami 4PM, from Walnut-street wharf, and LtOAMfrom Kefislngton. .For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, WilkesHrte, Montrose-, Groat uefid, O r A. M. jrom walnnt efreet ylhirf, and ttbA.W. from Kensington, vu> Dab* ware Lackawanna and Western It. it. For Mount Holly, atQ and 9 A, M., a and 4H P. M, For Freo * iolll ' M ‘ For Bristol, Tronton, Ao„ at t)i and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and P. M« from Kensington, rorPalmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burline- Fiofeaoe Bordautown, fro., at 13J4, l.and4)» P, fvl. Steamboat Jos Helknap for Bordentown andlntmme dmte Places, at 2)6 P. M, Steamboat Trenton lor Tacony, at H A. M. and Twopy, Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol, at 4 p. M, Fiitr Pounds of Baggage, only, flowed each Pasaen- Eer, i asseneors are prohibited from taking anything as AKgage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over uity pounds tp h? paid for extra. The Company limit their responsj bill ty ior baggage tP On# pound , w ■ aPIB , - f H. GATgMER. Agent, fig ~ CBMK) FmLAUJBLFaU'4NQ i “^*oSU D PI ( k^ EOAD - On and after APRIL 2d, 1860. Commutation Tickets, with twenty-six ooupons v will be issued, good! for the holder and anr member of his family, on any Passenger Tram, and-nt any time. . They will be, sold by the the office of ‘h? compaqy» %. *37 Sontu FOURI H Htreet, at a reduction of twenty-five per cent, from the rogular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer jn the Country will find this a very desirable route,’the Schuylkill and Lebanon, Valleys being among the most beautiful and healthy m the StAtQj ana>oce«- ll We by four traltur from and to Philadelinm daily, t; fggm»a«a«Ba FIIILADELPOIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.—SUMMER BOARDING/—Tjam« leave the depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co, Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.05 A.M. and 2.30 and 6.45 J». M. Leave Depot at 10 45 A. M. and 5 <3 P. M. ‘ Leave Avondale 8.15 A. M. and 430 P. M. The Stage Line to oonneotwith 10.45 A. M Train from Philadelphia and 8.15 A. M.Tram from Avondale, Freights for this hue received at No. IBJS Market 8t A daily line of stages to and from New London and Ox ford oonneotswith the 7.05 A. M. train from Philadel phia, and A. hL train from Avondale. The beau tiful soenery and welMnwwn healthlulnes* of Delaware und Chester counties offer superior inducements to those looking for summer boarding. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia- May 14,1860, 8m Superintendent. IMUP 0 k R sf. “ke B! T0 S W^W?NNBTCVAV/A E KAlffllblß E COStan Y offers advantages unequalled by any otherlh)*—V> per rons seoitinr HEALtII or RECREATION FROM BUSINESS during the warm weather w the issue, ol excursion tic&ets, on and after Jane 20th, 1860,t0 Cbessok, ai.toosa, BHDFoan and Epubata Springs. undcoupon tickets for txoenty-uz trips , for the useoi vAMifiEB. to and from points near the city. Tickets to o»k*son Hotels, at the summit of the Al ifgneny mountain—good. for a round trip Within 10 days— (o be had for 97.60. Tickets to Altoona, where Invalids and others will itna splendid hotel accommodations, good tor round trip within 10 days—fare 97 15. For Bedford Springs—Passr-neer* tleketed to Hope well, on tko Honungdon aud Broad Top Ratlrrad, and h>r Broad Top City to Blair a Station. Excursion tic kle, 8 7.,e; single trip, 86.40. Two daily lines of t'oftonea connect with the trains. Baggage changed at Huntingdon without extra charge. 7 Fassehgmra to Kpbrat* Springs rake stage from Lan caster. Tickets for Round Trip, fii; Single Trip, $2.26. . Piusenrers to looal paints ou Pennsylvania railroad Last OF DOWNINoTOWN con orooure tickets for 25 t'ips good for anv member of the family, at a discount < f 26 per cent, below regular rates. 'I he above rieieta and further information to be had r.ftor JimeSOth by application at the office of the Penn* 1 1 Ivanla ILiilrond Co., southeast corner ELEVENTH v ud MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. T rr „ THUS. MOORE, Ayent. Lewis L. Houpt. Gon. Tioket Agent- jeg lm ISiIfiXWEST CHESTER rHILADKLPHIA VIA MEDIA. „ ,OHAMB IS OF UOURa. On and after Mcndo*,June ilh, ISOO, tiio trains will FHILADKLPHIa, from the NtiSin. ASrihewt rornorof Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.05 and Ju 45 A- M., a- d 3.? y and 0.45 P, M. * na Leave WEST ORKS'I’ER, from the Depot, on En»t Market street, at C. 2& and 010 A. 61., and 155 and Gis r, M* ON BUNDAYB. Le&vo Philadelphia, at B.oo A. hi., and 2.00 P- M. Leave West Chester,at7.46A M t ond4ASP.M. . , „ HBNHY WOOD, jet-tf General Superintendent Northern Central Railroad. > •tajMPffigßW north PENNSYL £*®23*Bs3Si VANIA RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, For BETHLEHEM. DOVLKSTOWN. EASTON. MAUDIT CHtiNKT-KAZLBTON, EGKLEY. WHITE HAVEN, WrLKEB7URRE,Ao.' % On and after MONDAY, May 38th, 18S), Passenger Train.will leave FRONT and WlLlftwu’treiu. Phi ludelphia, DAILY. (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.80 A M. (Express/, for Bethlehem, ALentown, I.Uuch Chunk, Ilnxteton, Wilkesbarre, &o. _ At 2.30 P. Al. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauoh Chunk. An. \ Thistrnin roaches Koston at 6AO P. M.,and makes close Oonncotion with New Jerser Central Express i'rftin for New v ork. Passengers by this train resoh Mauoh Chunk the same evening. At 8.40 A. W. and 4 JO F, M. (Accommodation), For Doylestown. At 9.30 A. M, and 6.80 P. AI. (Accommodation). . . . „ . For Fort Washington. The 6 SO A. M. Express Train makes close connection vith the. Lehigh Valejr Railroad at Bethlehem being ike shortest and most desirable route to Wilkosforre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region. , TRAINS FOR FJIILADKLPJiIA: v Leave Bethlehem, (Express,)at7,ls A. M. and 6.23 P. >l. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation.) at &20 A. M* ur.d4 P, M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation,)at 6J5 A* M. and 315 P.M. „ VIJ ‘ , ON BUNDAYB: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Faiiadelpfjia.ior Doylestown* at 5 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at B.W P. M. Pare to Bethlehem, 9L60. i o Mauoh Chunk, $3 60. To Easton, SI.(W. To fioyies’own 80 cents. Through Tiokets must be prooured at the Ticket Of fices At WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of Tare. AH Passenger Trains (except funday Trains) conneot st Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second pod Third-street Passenger Railroads3o minutes after bavin* Willow street. my2B ELLIS CLARK, Agent. notice.—Chester valley railroad-pas- I'RNGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN aND I«- TERMEDJATE ffiTATIONR—On and afterXSthMay. 1300, the Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the newpasaenger Depot of the Philo detphia and Reading, Railroad Company, corner of irROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (passenger en t ranoes on CallowhilL ?.jORNIIfa TRAIN % Dimimjtown, leaves at AOO TRAIN for Dmrningtown, leave* at 8 P. AI. DAILY (Sundays excepted.) Byordor <*f the. Board or Managers of the Philadelphia auc RsoOing RallTMiA Ocjnwny. sp3 W, H, MctLHBNNEY, Secretary. whst Chester jSiPHB B AIL RO A D TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot,corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streeb. daily (except Ptinday) at 7.16 A. M., 13A0 P. M.. and 4 P. M.. Leave West Chester at 6.45 A. M.. 10 45 A. hf. and AID P. M. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND .SiSaisiBOILER WORKS —NE* FIE Sc LEVY, I’H -GTiGtL AND THEOR»*Ti AL KNGINEE»B, MACHINISTS. BUILEB.-MAKERB,BLaCKBMITHB, Had FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in Ftiocessrul operation, and been exclusively engaeed in building nnd repairing Marine and River Kueines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks Propellers, Ao>* ho., r-FpeotfulliLon'er their services to the publio, a» being fully prepared V> contract for Engines of all sixes. Marine. Rivpr, dad Stationary, having eef3 of V.fterus of different rues, are pyepaTed to exeouie or- Q9T9 With quiok deapafoh. Every uesoription of Pattern making m-da at the shortest notice. High aud iow Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania obarcoal iron. Forgings of oil sixes and kinds; Iron and Kress Castings, or all descriptions; Roll Turning, rferew Ootting. and all other work con nected with the above business. . Drawings and speoinoations for all work done at their csfoblishment. Deo or charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers hove ample wharl (look rpom for re pair's of i/Oattf. where they can ho in perfect edfotf* and are provided With shears, blocks, falls, t0.,&0., for raisin* hear, or light weight.. JoSn iP'LvVv^ 1 ' JoU-tf J3EACH .ud PAI.-MKit fltrert*. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY. No. 951 BEACH Streat.Xensmgtan, Philadelphia.—WlL- LlAM H.'llEßSlnforrfis hfa friends that, having.pnr* tjje entire r.tqcifol Pattersp at the above Pdnn d;f,he is ndw prepared to. reoeive orders for Rolling, Grist, and Saw MiU Castings, Soap, Chemioal, and House work, Gearing. Castings tnada from Rever beratory or Cnpola Furnaces, in dry or green sand, or loam. ' rnyp-tf SXMVXL V, KXXRICX, }, VAVUUIf XZXXICX «ooTnw^k l»mr & FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, rniLADstPBiA. •. MERRICK & SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture ’High and Dow Pressure Steam Engine*, for Land, River, and Marine service. Rollers, Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats, ko.s Castings of ail kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail, road Stations, fco. Reform and Gas Machinery of the latest and moot im* proved oonstrnoDon. . Evdry aesdription of Plantation Maobmery, suoh at Rngaf, Saw. and Gnst MPls, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains. Defac&tora, r meni, Pnmpin* Engines, ko. Sole Agents for N. RiUieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling lug MApfnnir. asf-v C’iIANKUN SAVING FOND, No. A 136Sonth FOURTH Street, between Chest nut aud Walnut, Philadelphia, pays ail Deposits on demand. Depositors' money Moored by Government, State, and City Lopnr, Ground Bents, Mort gages, Ao, •" Thie company deems safety better Uap Jureo promts, conseqaently vnll run depo •ltots maosf, 'naV haie if at all times ready to fiiryf B, tfith * per oeat. interest, to the owner, ae they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, oan deposit in theirown right, and euoh deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from trusteesand oxeoutora. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED, O/noe open daily, from 9 to 3 n’e’txk, adTon Wednesday evening tmSlfioWioclr, . DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon* Citus Cadw&lladar, John Shindlor, George Russell, Malaobi W. isloau, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krnmbhaar, Ilenry Delanr, Nicholas Hi Henhouse, Nathan Smedle/, Jos. li, oatterthwaite. Jones Yerkea, „ Joseph w. Lippmoott. „ „ JACOB B. SHANNON, President. Cyrus CADWAr-UDSB, Treasurer. C AVING POND—FIVE PER CENT IN JERKSt.-NATIONAL safet? TRI ar com. , WaLMJT Street, southwest comer of THIRD, lnoan?ora;t;d by the Utdte'of Pennsyl- VGuia. ' Mahey .is received uv any. sum, large or email, and th- from the day of deposit to the day of with and Thursday evenings till eight o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. RENNER, President. w ROBERT BELFRIDGE, Vice President. William J. Rbbd, Secretary. DJBBCTOBfI i Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, X’dward L. Carti a, ‘ Jofteph B. Barr Carter, ~ Bobort SeJfritlge, Granola Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph. Yerkea, O. LAmlroth Mium*, James L>. Stophenson. Money is rooeivod and payment* made daily. The investment* are maao, in conformity with the provision* of the Charter, in ileal Estate Mortgages, Ground Kent*, and auoh nrst-class securities as wilfal ways insure perfoot security to the depoifito’cs, which oannot fail to give permanency ana ftUVhty to thus Institution. &ul ly SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES Jff TRlrsT COMPANY, oornsr'THJHß ind CHEST NXJTStTeet. Large and email suras reoeived, and paid back oa de mand without noboe,-with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to day or wltn drawai. ' " “ 4 on DRA>TB for sale on England. Ireland, and Sootland, from 4-1 upwards. * I'rOßitfhut—STEPHEN R. CRaWFOftP. j ?fewiirer 7 JAMEH R. HUNTER, I’LtNY FIBR, Actuary, jiIRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS i °P e SII K a 9CSHQOI. FOK WJKG m . ul 111 ll? 1 *. 01 ?' iji geptembtiVtoxt. M«. H. has the hohor of relefr/ng to the JUr.AMH.' D* or the Church of the HolyTrmity. crrouiar*. with fall particular*, may be obtained of Mr. F.iI.HcKUeB.TOI vIKK atrest. ap2t-3m» A MfiRIOAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is * Jr** reliable medium throafeUwhioh Sobools and Fami* Leazaa? opiaia competent teaoher*. Parent* mar ob «wp» mtuitoutiy, information and oironlar* of tbo be*l •OhooDi, • SMITH. WOODMAN. A 00.. ■met YR'YANT * STRATTON’S NATIONAL —3>558 gallons extra bleached Flet IrzL ?M nto, iS^-SSOttaHnn* ex tra bleached Whale Oil; C>6ooKftitono raokctj whale Oil, gal oiYsNo. ILaiJ «i!iiiV^JPi«9si NO, 5 MaohUoryOlf; OCB9 gallons re tor Mf * hr ROWLEY. ABHHURNKH.* 00.. No. If» WHARVKfJ iel* TAYNE’S HALI—2OO NEW OUSU'QNS «f suitable for Churohej.Lactare-rooins.&o., Benches. Botttej, Dump Btqoln, gurtSin“.&o. Alt eollinAt hnlf Krthp Hail, you get m> a P handsome CaMimergs* vestings, ko, so T ‘ myW-lm _ WORK'S OOOMKTfJR BAND COM PANY. Hartford, Conn , manufacture WORK’S PATENT OD6METBK CARRIAGE ItANfltL wbYoE are durable, cheap and efficient. measuring van uner ring, accuracy an* distance pf&s#3 over by ihe vehiole to which they Me awtaeKed. '> Ease extra-fmuhed Bands QMt bate trine mdre than interior bands without the Odometer. . • P, B.—Good, reliable Acepte Wanted m all parts of the ountrr BKIUK-MaKJLNU wai.UXN'ES WlltUU temper the olay, and make 90,000 por day, Brick Presses, Tile Machines, Clay Wheels. Clay Spades, and RAILROAD lings. MACHINERY AND IRON, SAVING FUNDS. u A little, but often, fills the Purse.** u AjiaWir saved ig twice earned.** El) li MOTIONAL. SALES BY AUCTION. ■p’URNESS, BBINLBV & CO., y-' , Mo. 4*9 MARKET STREET. LAST SALE OP FPSNCH OOOIMS iSEASOM, y M On Friday Morning, June 22, at 10 o’atock. by qatalofae, on 6 mas. credit— 4odlou of fanoy and staple French dry goods. FRENCH I.ACE POINTS AND MANTLES. An \nvo\MtA twl aofaS'^and mantlaa. -'Nn£r££s.??. U M D ? RHINE DUSTaRS, ■ - JW new »tj)e An invoioe of check muslina o HOOP SKIRTS. SOQ dozen 8 to-40 rprinr superior hoop skirts. ... UMBUBLLAB. coses silk sun umbrellas. BSOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom Ho jso, Fourth and Fifth streets, LAD(EB% MIBSEB’. AND CHILDRENS’ T H B A& ,i V HAPE Bo ™ Eca ’ , Ob Monday Morning* June 76, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10)4 O oUvcK, Consisting in part of the most approved shape ladies*. Sisses , and children's fauojr hats, neptunae, Adelaides, oomers, Ac, Ladies* new shspeibiionets, men’s ana boys palm, senat, German, and Panama hats, &o Catalogues and samples sarly on tns morning of Philip ford & co , auoxionkers, mr««t N °' 830 MAJIKET Street, And uSI MINOR SALE OP 800 SHOES. AND STRAW Tlus Morning, Juno 21, at 10 o’alook preolsely, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' oredu. 'BOO eases men’s. novN . ar.d, youths'kip and calf boots; calf and patent taatber gaiters. Oxford ties. Ac.; baft. kip. and calfb-o gans; women’s, misses’, and ohddren’e goat, calf, and morocco boon and shoes. Also, a desirable assortment of City-made goods. STRAW GOODS, This Morning. Juno 31, at 13 o’olook, will be sold, 150 oases women’s and rni*ses straw bonnets, Leghorn, aud braid flats, brown btravr equestrian, adelaiuo do I men’s sod boys’ trimmed straw huts BT. I.OIHS, MU. Vf/TLX-TAMS. BOYLE, & GO., AUO J \ TIONE-EHS & COMMISSION MRR6haNTB, No. G N°'th MAIN Bt, BT. LOUIS, Mn., (form.rlr »!th Messre. Mrere, CtA*horn. A Co. PhilAtlA,l offal '“ytg?*, •? oi.rchsnts, masaTAotaran, asd 0 * * hiladejphia, for the sale of dry goods* oar paw. boots, shoe.. fiardA are. Jawelrr, toT.VoV^ IBT Cash advances made on receipt of goods. Settlements made three days altar raleu .. „ REPIKBNCKS. Messrs. Myers. Cl&ghors, A Co.. Philadelphia, *; Btuart A, Brother, Philadelphia. Van Wyok. Townsend, A Warrens, New. York, •' L. AB. Carai & Co., New York. ** Wood, Christy, & Coy St. I,owe. Mo, ** Crow. MoCrearT. k. Co.. «« mhlg-thstalT SHIPPING. TRE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM TOBI TO LIVWTOOL. Chief Cabin. Passage Beoond Cabin Passage tS , v*ok BOSTON ro LIVSB?OOZ., Chiof Cabii) Paisage 5110 Booond Cabin Punf, 50 The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. Tha ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Hai miSlA, C&pt. Judkins, (CANADA. Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMBRIci, Cipt. Mfilr, ASIA, Capt E. G. Lott, [NIAGARA, Capt Anderson AFRlCA*Capt.Shannon, iEUROPA,Capt. LLeitoh, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a dear white light at masthead; rreea on starboard bow; red on port bow# EUROPA. Moodie, leave Boston, Wednesday, May 30. PERSIA, Juoianx, ;* N. York, Wednesday, June A ARABIA, Stone, ** Boston, Wednesday, June 15. AFB 1C A, Shannon ’* N York, Wednesday, Jane s». Mul » r > ‘,‘l W«dnMdajr,Jan.W. “ fiiSsSf'Vs&sSS: Berths not secured until paid for. ' An experienoed Surgeon on board. The owners of these »hi» wiU not be aeoountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals* uulen bills 01. lading are eigned therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to .„..«£• OUNARD, TOT* 4 Bowling Craeq..New York. FOR THE SOUTH.—CHARLES. , Heavy Freishl at an averaca of niraut nar cant, be low New Yore Steamatua me*. _ ThwU. K mu nan tain Charles P. Manhman. will util on Monday, June 3f. at 18 A. M. Taronch w The. U. B. Mail Bteamship gTATF OF GEORGIA, Captain John J* Garvifii will sou on Wednesday, Jane M, at to A. Me ' Through in 68 to 60houre-only 48hours at Sea. „ •7~Ssiunx days changed from every Saturtiay to every five days. Goods reoeivea, and Bills of Lading signed every day. above every ten days, thus farming a five-dar omomu nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston osd Ship* con neot with •te«ner* for Florwa, sad with railroads, *«., for all plaoes in the Freight vid Insuronoe on a large* proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ship# than by sailing vessels, the premium being ono-haU tie rata. N. B.—lnsurance on alt Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the .Railroad Companies taking, all risks from these points. „ , GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. ' Fare by this routo 36t0 40 per oent. ohdaper than by the inland Route, as will be seen .bk the following eohe the whole route, exu»pt from Ohoileetea and Savan nah to Montgomery T To Charleston-,,—#U 06 Charleston 60 Savannah.-- 15 06 Savannah-.-. ..SI 00 Aagusta—. — JO CO Augusta—MOO Mooon—— - xi oq mmm as ti Atlanta S 3 00 Atlanta. ftlOO Columbus—l6o6 Colombo**— *— MM Albany: 34 00 A(h»7> ST 00 Montgomery—, Sfiw Sontgomery. 88 00 Mobile—S 06 Mobile 40 90 New Orleans—. 89 75 New Orleans-.- 51 00 No c-J’* onnxung signed after the ship has soilad. w&te‘v? n r ,WorT lr 00 POUMypfoHfesrrNUtr uttStubMWB#.(Sioa»» .rery V r .. fromiA«4iiMb,,ißua.n Bt, Kuy'. ud St- Jtjfic*. ewrj Tueadnr ud S.iardAT. | NOTICES, TVOTICE.—A Meeting of- the Association , , known as the ** Amygdaloid Mining Ccsttnnyof Lake Superior, will ne held at ofios or the in. the city of Philadelphia, un MONDAY, tbe fdo? da t* 1880' in parsuance of the Bbovtstons *tf the 9 > sec tion 01 Ibo act cupplementarr to an act to authorise the formation of for Mining, Smelung. ko., passed by the Legislature of Michigan, amt approved cn the 6th of February, 1805, for the porpoae vj *le6u'mt Directors and adopting By-Laws far tfeeMivsynlnent of raid -ssociat.’oa, and t*;q tfsussStibh of other business as may properly dome before said meeting. * ' ' JAMtH ,;ARBON. J. 8. WATROUs. Philadelphia, June 16, 1860. l^t OFFICE OF SCHUYLKIH, NAVIGA.- T lON COMPANY. MAY 15th. M».-From and M>,r July ,sth, ISM, had uutil Saptembar Ut, lisi). the onargea lor tho use of Oara, a p d for Toll and Trans uartatioo on Anthracite Coal t earned to, Philadelphia. fiJfJrVof the BchijyJlfill Navigation. »i!J be increased Fmoen Cents. per Ton on the rates fixed March l*ih. i 860; and on the Ist of September, iB6O, a further m oreaaioT Fifteen Cents per Ton will be made on said c&argos, and so continue until the close of navigation. By order ot the Managers. F, FR aI.EV, # . myii am Oe BIUE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. _ . pHtLauiLvxia, March TKftatt* offrti* At amf <o«s on cool tfytuf ortEl ip th*i company ifill bity /bH«|l hT/«riAsrfiotice.* To BtohroonJ*^- i iadadeipaia . t4linedTlain»-...w—. t00t0wn......... M „ srm&aiowa K* . ills of )!,_.. [anayaait Egbert's....... ——— Qoa*hobpcken.~~« Swede ,Ftircaoo~~._-.. Kambo’B NorrUPn or Bridgejprl Port Kenn?j[y . Royer's Ford..-....—... AramiuKO.... .. Jjiraenoic........ . POtUto'pn... Ika* laSflVlU* .. Monocaojr ffirdsboro. _—. Exeter... Tuol«irtM. X.««eport.. .. atnhyavilfa. r ,,, Hamburg . Orwifßb’s *pd Auburn. After July Mih to Beptem to Riohninnd will be raised after September Isti an adt' per ton. Brorde ofth«B< apJS-*m W. T BUSINESS CARDS. 17 0, SPICELAND, T i T i?F N H *•? Lav,. canton, kv. {« Election of claims * n , TriSJ. Marshall, Ljoo, Catdve’ and ooantiM. .Refer to H n. H. C. Barnett, M.C .3 Ho, H.J.Btil«3, Hon - YB. PALMER, the advertising • AGENT, FiFTH find CHESTNUT, tiven hl» va» sriroipio and beat mode of AdveuimM, dill?, between 10 and i o'clock, Addieait Wll lm V. 8 PALME*. fn J. BAYLIS TiIOMAS, .1 * A'TTORNJSV-AT-LAW, 43U''YALNV’r'SSlItf 1 ' 01 ” - • W-AroUrtteotto Mo. ..Mfjou'w attention riven to the recovery of Mercan tile Claim*. The drafting and examination of Wills, Conveyances, AwiKninente, Briefs of TitleV and otb« Inrimments or Writing. The management of Executor -S!I J ,?£.A? In .. 1D kt ra! iP p Sip». ani * TiubU. superintended: r e SS ntl ®* sr 2 oure J toavermanent in wtoaratmted, ° g,Tl S ‘ , “* lSolorT '.MtTEt SJ A “ Si SLOiN, REAL estate broijks ahd couleotinci _mL33-Bm* Bi. Paw,, Mishksoti. IPfORAOB SEE, maiT'” 1 No. 1H Noun Sixth Street, (JfeiViiy oppoiito the Soanty Courthouse.) Prepares Specifications, lirawinss. 4te., end transact* 4]l other business connected trith the obtainin'? of Let ters Patent. ap2s 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • -ATTORNEY" AND COU.N3EJXOn-AT-.L4Ty, Office, No. 116 South SIXTH Stroet, ' (Opposite Senate*) pHfI.ASgI.9aU, fir the aid of reliable Attorneys* at aioerent points in the United Station enabled to proseoute anilcollect olnirati of every desonption. Particular attention «▼*& to the M&Sunatian and re covery of tho claims orueiateea and Pevims, and the examination of Land Titles and securing the interest; of heirs and aU persons intexe»Ud i$ the same, in aU parts of the Uaiun. * _ Ho* the SUtdtfls of all tho States and is Commissioner carefully taken under Commissions. HENRY E. KEENE, A 1 ATTOB.NRv-AT't stir Alf RED L. HQUGH, l> AW SON & NICHOLSON,- NOH. 419 AN°D SsFltlfpfoA STSJHSaf, -. Beiwesn Mmmi »n£MMta*t (truth . JAMES PAWSO«f U ‘ JNWO, WOTOMOH. SALES Air AUCTION. M. ?® OMA B * SONS.' "t*-Wg-wAIAISouH. YOUHTHBUUt. and a too ki every ToeedsyTat ths •* v * vS JGT. HsSXjJSr -- RBAL ESTATE AT PRIVATR SALE ssarasa! \i mr Real estate entered on our private sale TMiitsT* mi adrerti.edooouionaUy in onr mblmuln .Sttut lof Whiott lm co»ie. are inntod mekly.) Ire. o,' charge. 'STOCKS.**!. SPRING GARDEN COMPANY, at la o’clock iKxm, at the Exchxn*#, nl] ba 1 «' i or account of whom »t way concatn— -28 sii&rea Spring Glides [aeanaee Compear, par 9SO THIRT :y-fipth spring sale-june asxE, ' _ , _ At IS o'clock, noon. O W£S£.SW *s*-£•*** of Sarah Hotefros, deo’d. jStSEgsaswiMSsns ™“„ < f“,IM JL., '“erovemente ami oeartm ■ .fa* "> feet 10 inehca front, ieo foet. Mar be examined one da. nronou- to aula. Elegant brown-atono >f» SI DKac" Broad etreet, adjororoa tie ah .ve on th« moth. of ea’mi deSciiSfon! JLot ST feet einohoe front, iso feet deep. p Valuable Bubdin. 1 ota. Arch .tract. Two ritr desirable BLT, D[n6 I,° S.aoath aide of Arch >treetv weal of Elahteenth.atreet; each 32 fact fion ■ hy 160 fee dee ptoa Jo feet vide street. EL^CiIirftTVBANBS-Tract of «7i2i« land,Elk oqonty, Pa. We)) w&tfired end timbered. Tbree-itory bnok BTOHE and DWELLING, No. jail Judge avenue. north of Bmwit street. *• »wo frame DWEL Lf f*GJ*. *oe lil3and USO Shaoka rajxon street, northwest of Frank m etreet. atone BUILDING, occupied as & hotel, Main street. Praokford. §*rca Estate—'Ruildiax LOT, adtotninr.* B*m* Estate—Tnree-story brick DWELLING, in the rear oi tne atJorerTrontinf «*r*«n street. Handsome modern HEBlDftNCP.trrth ride lot, nor h- Z fjj n r r::e l ?'rf < /-t d J areD^,.aad sixteenth street. Lo£ feet front hr tfi deep. Three fto-ut*. et * t6 of J&mea Thomtr deceased, t/maor Corn* Sa’;*-Estate of George Ataehen.deoM. three-etory brick DWELLS© N 0.327 Wi«m n ? frtn Street. opposite Jefferson &ca*T«. - Three-*.torytkick DWELLING, No. 1214 South Sixth street, below Federal street. Peremptory Sale. - LANDS, Potter and McKean counties, Pa., 2?®,. cres, timber land Potter county. Jjf'jHT *0 wff COTS, Couae reanrtv Potter county. oSffi*JSK?6{ &££!!s& wm *"•*• °° !th °S v^%..^^,7,v«?n?^r.o b u'jh°sf^ FARM, willaw GROYE.-M«>. a yam»bl« Mmtromejr/ eouatr Farm. JM mm.. w-itfiuod tnpnnrnuato adjolamj 111 vihajo or Willow Groro, mnr«i<Qd township Moi tgnixierj county, Pa, rSr See handbill* for particulate. Assignee’* PareiflDtorrSale. Thw-etory Brick DWELLING, >o, 29 New Market etreet, ease side, above Vine street, with two three story brick oweil*n« 10 the re»r. " p GROUND,wert aWe ot Haas meet, n rth of Condon*, street - teroe b State-Few Wo. 13, olats first, in Joli&na street ■ Samel* state—Alao s Certificate of Lean in said Syna- J*>t one hundred dol *rs. ; Three-stnry Brick Store as<3 Djj t*fo. 164 i Virih street h*!n» Raoe et ELEGANT GERMANTOWN without reserve a lar;e new rf«-deaee Tulpshocken srreet sod Washington Un»,6*nnanmwn. »ot it® by 378 feet; iwof-Ws. The boose j* ooiUanri finished in tne most suDsraotul amt elegant modern etyVe and re plete with convaniencse for a winter and sacnmer ioal aence. £We ahsolate. Pall descriptions In handbill*. Finn at the auction rooms. Orphans'Coart Sale*. st . . .■ at 1* o'clock uooru Estateof Elliot Oresson—Two Brick DWELLiNGc, Crown street, Eighteenth ward. Estate of GeorseFleming—Two Ground Rents. Jantes Thomas—ttfFOßE and DWELLING, two bnok dwellings. and two frame dwelling*. Currant al ey and > nlen plane. • T J<»tate of JaoiesMcConnelUdec’d-Briek DWELL ING, Swanson g reet, above Cnnstian street. BALE OP SUFERIOH FURNITURE. ELEGANT FIANO-FOKTE. WARDROBES. 6 LARuk GLASS HIDE BHOW CASE*. bUIT EbKGANTDKAWUiG ROOBd FDRKITUKE, BEWINQ M>cS nK BY A CO., BUPKVIf»R Htqft-CAS C» OCXS. BRUBSEI 8 AND OTHER uaRrETb. REDS aND CHINA AND OLASSWaAe. B*?-^5i.T*“ oar at the Auction Store, will comprise, betides BDd tote of excellent second hand mrDitnre.pmno fortes, wardrobe*, rtm of decent drains Toom faroifure 6 Urge class side show eases, sewaof machinemade by B»o*er k Co., i ssperter lush, ease eight-day clocks, a quantity of uniform coats, beds and bedding. Brussels and other carpets, Chiaa and glassware. Ac. Forming an attractive assortment, worthy the attention of ladies ana others desirous oj purchasing. . Catalogue* now ready, and the articles arranged fo> examination Bale at No*. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRKNCH-PLaTE Mttt- ROUE, PUNO-FORTES,'BRUSSELS CARPETS^ . , „ . This Morning, t At 9 o’olock, at the A action store, an* aswy.tfte B t o| excellent teoond-hand furn-ture, elegant jUso-fortea, fine mirrors, carpets, eto„ from UUfilliesdiiclißios housekeeping, removed to the stor% foieonvenienee m Also, a superior seww* awta* wide by Singer. A|*o, six large glass side afebw cases, Al«o, a suit elpsant walnut drawicn-room fnraltare. Also, a fiuantUj of use eioam freeaeja. VAUo, a mahogany billiard table 1 bails and ecec com - piste AUo, a superior atr run, cost *230. Worth SECOND Flr«ev STOCK OF SUPKILIOR UABIMiT FUSN TUfiE. _,, . ... V” Fiid»T laonunj, MiyL.npec'cp.'tllo *Eoo>tkg.«o»4 rtruet. above Race street, the entire stocs cu sooenor cabinet furmtnre, manufactured by A-L, Hubba. expressly lot wajeroom sales, and warrantor, Mi*» hi examined ob the day previous to the sale withcatalognej. MASTER Streets, Rs*fcSEB, CARTS. TRUCKS, HARNESS, ko. M 3 t . k On Saturday Morning, aM Instant, at 11 o ojooS, at the northwest comer of Ninth and. Master streets. 4 horses. 6 carts. Struck wa gons, Junuture ear, > pair of wheels for hauling marble, i am* ss. chains, kc. • WW May be examined any time previons to the sale DtLLWYN Street* NBA/iKOO^N^OFNCB^NDIUNOSOMK- M , . On Wednesday Morning, iTthinstant at 10 o’clock,will besomatsfcWtoMht, withont reserve, on the premises, the neg* OBOH SS dence,withtbree-storaJaok buildings,and thewodem improvements -and conveniences. t«\ DiLLWYN Street, between Third and Ettsrth, south of Green street—*2-9W may nimis &*> B^hriri. HANDSOME HOyREHOLD FURNITURR. Tl e entire bonaghold fnmiHire wi?l ti soM immddi tfeg&auf. Sale of the wholes^ •Sr Fatt particular* in handbills and catalogue^. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER 1U Airo coionsaioji MKacHAim. mum •anur of SIXTH attdJU.CE Rnidr™" ....... , MOirgy to t.<MA» 4eu« to 'ttiomaßdV Vj of th of tlW> aa?a«A an. Ki 1 ® OMm* Mi*aiiS{d Edom in thi*oitr. E! aattaucaoa RACE .treat. «T fiuaiaeaa hoars I'roin 9 A. M. to » p. m. W la.sraiie* for the benefit or dei n.>a>v gtuiaSsotii- twopehcEn^ . Advance, of $lOO and npvarfaa. too aareaat. ®lW * 1 ' 4 at oss m cent, foi AT* P 3 4 LB Some of the finest O&Lb PATENT LEV EH aad CP t manafeemred at half CjlO twnal s<?Ut&3Wi&€*, fold fever and lapis* wafefces. silver levs? an* irpine watohes. English. Swiss.and French Mratehes, at sstonuhmir low pneee- Jewefry of civ*<rdescription,very low.jnins, pistols.musicaun vnnjnen’s, fir»t utility oft&vua enters, at half tha importation price, in quantities to wut purchasers, and various other kinds oi foods. a*, OUT JH’OR' SALES Attended ta'personaliy by the Auctioneer. ~gm !aUof,,f “ d |N THE COURT FOR THE "*■ CI 'K fr’-VIOY OP PHILADELPHIA. „ . KjjtSto ftf JA.MKH Mci.ONi.BLT., I’e-'d. N- HM I.Verebr given that ANN McCONNfcLL. tha WW* *** the said decedent, fits filed in said Court an eiip?aisenj«*ntot the real estate claimed to be retained i>» her to the amount o’ £3OO under the fith section of the act oi l th Apn>, 1851, a*d the supplements thereto, and tha* she will apply to the Slid Court for approval of said appraisement on Friday. the 6th day of July, IM>- . , JOHN M. TUuMtl. JelfrtnthU i Attorney for the "Widow., £1.20 1.90 1.10 lA> UQ XJB I.SU Lis uo 1.07 \JX SJT. NICHOLAS HOTEL. BEOADWAV r * yost Whan completed,sixyean ago, the ST. NICHOLAS was universally pronounced the most maxmfioent- con venient, and thoroughly organized establishment of t, e clad on this continent. it eras then it remains to day—enthout a rival in size, in emsptaousness, and in the general elements of comfort ana enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ofie thousand ? lading one hundred complete suites of apartments for amtUea. tiix hundred pereonsoan be oomiortatriy seated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and no* thing ibatmoderpartha* devised forthoconvemence and social /ratification of the I ravelling puolic has be n omitted in its plan, oris neglected in it* practical detail?. The early reputation 01 the bouse at home and abroad, derived from its marnitudo* its superb appointments, and its home like comforts ana luxuries, baa been-en hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors, ml7-3m TREADWELL. WHITCOMB, & dX 1.16 I.U 14)7 1.01 ljy uot SST. LA.WRENUE HOTEL, BRO’DWAT f? Z n i^GHTHStroBt, ftEW black abovo the n.i. Hotel. This nay andootnmodious Hotelienow wep tof the reoeptKm of gueeta, and will be oondnoted anelnsivelr on (be European »sn. The loo* vaatSjf-a nunineis botfli til this potion of the oitj. has IndQAed the stoMieioi to aetubhJh the srioaaonthe,followin» liberal aoale: Single room*, eo cent* per daj: elegant tulles, 3 1.60. with a thorough knowledga of Ihe basi note, and etriot attention to the wants of ever* guest, 1 hose to tooeiva a liberal ahare ofnoblio favor. . art am j. H. GOOOWIN. Proprietor. * freigl per toi raaoec "f. W. NEllnli * Co., YABJ), S.' B. Corner RROAJ) and CALLQWHILI.*, a Superior WHITS A8B» TAMaQ.UA, and LEHI6H . c;OAli». a ad least undercover eapreeeiy for Family use. Order* by ihayatoh mil mei?« troayt atten- ayß-Sn PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!i PIANO-FOHTES. MELODEONB. PUNO-FOXTES. nSM* t/ * CO.l Nunns i? CtoU Hailef Mlsyis, & Co,* and others. ' J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. fISJH STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS* SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE fIANOS/npvsre itrnd is ooncertM and m private circles by tbs penormera. Received tbA first premiums over the beat others Cbslle&f e all oompe&tiex* BLASITJS BROTHERS, dMr KM CHESTNUT Sirek. TION '.—ASTROLOGY '.—LOOS. V* OUTI-GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never- IhxUng Mrs* VAN HORN is the best; she suooeed* when all others have failed* All who are in trouble, aR who have bssn unfortunate, deceived by false promise*, fly to mi; for advice and comfort. In lovs ajfair&jha nsvtr fails, She has the secret of winning toe affeo s<>ne of the opposite sex. It is this foot wI»QS ladooey uh'orate pretenders to try to imitate her, and copy hey advertisement. Bho shows yon the likeness of yonr fu ture wife, husband, or absent friend. It is well knows* to the public at laTge that she is the first and oniy per-, •on,who can show the likeness in reality, and e&n civ* enuie satisr&Qtion on all the concerns of life, wfcie* oao be tested and. proved by thousands, both sameg and smile, who daily *«e,ea*erfr visit her. Gaseoael come aU 1 to No. rail LOMBARD Street, belween'Jnak aw» WwiM. ipje fit" 1 "[WEW lARGB 80. 3 MACKfßll *’ ’ >J Itu laidim ,rKr jtrajtci, aidfoi 190 »-<* 194 NQPTTB rriAR AND PITCH.—27S bbla Tw. 850 % WH* WVf.M« hJ,^ T IQTORlOE—fcnow’s Italian,’’ for sal® PBIME NEW ST. JOHNS AiEWIVES. 30, bbl, foF>a], b, " an _ wm. j. k co. JAVA COFFEE.—I.OOO pockets prime s«nu {n m * bl ******* OQ LEGAL* HOTELS. COAL. PIANOS.