The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 21, 1860, Image 3
, MMflr • «^6ii?fc : ;TW.lliw«Mawwiirth<i gmatil qa* Mtunil S?i3S*fe**»* *Mrato£«4M,«o. whu»u» cmn , rflM 'Hojr.'ffi? MoiiimaTi from North -,,' t&rSm'Md ot>i*f» refuM tri wmoor i«rUi« r«»ort. ba- Xe wMtJSot.vot* fbr.ty till - wa TsviSliUon of tWwfoyißotii.of tht Caoiti- M ißoramd. .• ;0. ■/■£,_,, • vllfrßllAKCfrtriWihW tba raPwktM# WdJJ a»“4hsav™#!jg«26S : ’ 38Sc@&iKSKT? “' ' - |*ST#» uWn t>»* R6rubHeaa»id»-'{m,ito.f; *,- . llr. BxflllCß jwVtel thi prevkwi aiiMtioa* trader . , v rote oCrejectionvacreoon--, *T£f ffpart.Wi&fi then concurred in—yeaa 94,uy* 7S. '. •• Adjottmca;. -;. •. Jv . : , . i'lAto&er. Persoial Rencoatre at Haiti- A- .-'niotci. C "V V ifPßir pktwsbn Aim towxsXhd, of 'f v‘ X--.;', m*jAWA«*. ',4 ~ •' .. BaiTt*c*E.J^*'4fl-—*itotosr wraefaat enoounter ratLiyoMr* Last nirtt; bcTora iha -> CmnhtMonibttdftftfiM-fan*na» eof snexctlfd per , . i ntUhitMWr fMwd between Mr. Whiteley, the* ,m -radios cematrtnun X»e:»wsr*, and Mr. I owwindi tha ' fteuUsteat, eH«l]ewiß* hisseatintheUonwrtion. itockthJaawruio^tr-' Wh»t#}«jr aatawi the Eiltor J’odra, Whera Wf. TdwneraiLn etoppmir* imd «rah«srat>jtlra,®rasra®*w» IradtMtc.tfce waHlr tooit - Abeal-ft crater past ?i/c'ook- Mr. (owoseud - •' raiis down stairs into the office. laldhia cane on the onauunaedw** viking ieto the wash-room, having to .rajsWhUeUj onthewae...... . • • . Thafattefrera.aad.asTownssnd passed, struck him ; a vlo*M Mown* the eidoof ibe head. Mr- Towwjepd Wei ata«*rid by, the blow, bat recovered immediately, . and.ntldniaY oft yrs\t*ln. raised the front of \ hlccbirtand n'-ctc tie aod ran him aero*n the .office, • both striking rapidly, until -Whiteley felLMr..lownsend ' bem; over hirtt. Towesand the® shook Wlutcfeyßomo,.. aadsiid:’‘Sir. 1 want ao difficulty .with you, ami it r >ou bnttttto to behave ycurseii anu leave, me atone,! m>lied barthl*. ironura, .am) . aWli stratum*, ,-The- landlord nT-the -w/iO Alone -..iritr***«d the Encounter, railed for- assistance, and the B<Ura entered hod.fep*rated the partio*-WhsnWbtte t v '«ee,- fceiaißieaiafjljlhioa hi* baud into bis breast .tract, M.thuusU. f»«liat for acrmaibiog* when Town* iand ema, *1 may be a - . . •' ‘.WhiftMay after ftanatfn hie pocket, looked around him rathefloor;when-ToWßsend eav Wbiteleyjs re* Volrar lHrgnearhta T foet,‘ Ha initaatly secured it end . placed it mhU own pocket saying, *' 1 will take care or ’■(. 'ttrisfttprenfet.’’ - 'X' ,• vTfiitetar -was ta.ui teken'oa: of the hofre by .the police and tbeafisirjbr the. present terminated. Ttis ewppnstd tost-Townsend InD no' follow up tbe uuirrel. gorMinK h ddeUieti oat'wiU be prepared to defend Mntldcr of Womaa Another. - BosroW, idea 20.—Ecmnra' sevebtt jrraTs old. Was kilted last in her shop lnUUett street, by Mrs. Mvtr MeOuiro; The UtCsr oaued for more nim, and, dm&x rofssedp brat tbe ojd lady to dasth. The Sardinian Mission. •W AsmxoTOK, Jane Tbe name of Hon. Warren Winslow; or North Oarolißa. is mentioned in eonoeo* full bardietea kumioo, orratod under Mr. .Aeomsatns’s bit 1 . The .Richmond Convention.; HrcHMOxn juneto.— Kio{tmond Convention and several of tbe.leoedms delegates are •till there end «UI adjourn from day to day, until the result of tbs naitiroore Convention is scowc. Later front Mexico. r hfcitXT'At. or tun acpboirßit stab—»ißckKi*G rrr or ...-s-.M* JiTABKZ OF TBS BXO - THR TEBASUBr. - - IF/om^kaN f ChPiesyane, June 16.) . Abie ftfcooaer 6tbr, Captain Oaomon, arrived at Cits pert direst from Tara Croz. - Tm Star left Verb Crus on Friday last, the Oth iuii, and brings one weak later news thin we had t: . yeetenlay by the J!ogUsh steamer at Havana. -The 1 hews Isbf the ißOflt important character. The (ocg-peddfeg dtffereneefl in the. Cabinet of the thmstituubnal Govarnmact have at length come to . ahead,abd jiut as their arms were everywhere meeting with advene fortimo in the Interior, that . Oerernmeot Iteelf Would seem tb be bMaking up. three or four Cabinet - change's during the last few- months, and now we . hevc.intellig«&ee of fir, Lerdo do Tejada, well /. known' Seoreiary of the' Treasury, use real head and front of tbe Liberal party,'and widely known, Wet only in Mexico, but u thti'eoantry and in Ea* ’ as h man inrelHgenee, extensive in formation, and great l&aectcl skill. . ThU event the Ist instant; and has raattralfrmeftmednsUersble exeltement bt Vera r Sr Lerdo with, the rest of 'hts essoßiadaa, awlrapoeiaHy with the President, weraef a poliiioid ebarsoter; and have, been, for - soma time past. , Well known to their immediate ’ friends. ■ ♦ . • ‘ i v -- Tea last difficulty, however, and that which was tbe immediate oauae of the resignation of the Min ister, was as follows,: Sums moiitbfl, since, and coon alter'Mirainon’R . cgainat Vera Crux, the treasury of the . .CowHtaUonarawernment found Itself In an ex ' tuuMCcd state; and thp'Midster, with all his welt ‘ ' known fiaancul iklll, hardly knew whither to torn , to arai bis engagements. * r * The expeMtanec; essty for .the rapportof troops ia .tha interior, subsequently for the defenoe of thecjLty, had been iinaeuse : And, at the same time, the foreign counUe**e ef the port, the only ; 8«rj« of reretittfl; was fa great part destroyed- by" - 4hls mat* of things itself - As for the trade of the iaserio the opposing patty long since took' good dare to nave it entirety cut off. k '■ .An lye Lln .addition io all these econ&oas ex-: peases. Ifbeeaine to make still greater, . la organtclbg'the defeated army, for the pur* poet of carrylng ba the war in the interior... -Ic wra .in vieir of this state of things that the - Besretaryef tbe Treasory proposed as a last resort t&e idipecsioo. for tixe period of two months; of tin payment orthe foreign debt, forrwhieh nearly . two>tkftrd*|ef the custom dues were long since. . TfCedgedjChd havetinOeheen reg&larly antiebsted. The proportion was approved by tbe Prendeat •mbh Cabinet}- and' that there; might be no mia " wafirwtiiHltof la the matter, finally submitted to . CapUis AfdhatfjOf Hi B. M. ship Valofoeji .' .A~.,''of eourse. protected*>dt only .for 1 fbraVsake, as4twasvreUknown that It Was the ; ouly eoen* pklehy Ip view of the exhausted- eendl-. 4he,lres wiry, isoold be - parmed. All Went X wriliio ftir. aad the Heeretaty had already takcn oil ai onee he reeete '*~:ada noiiee from, toe TPresidrat that the •ehetno. mast be gives upland their engagement with foi elgtt maintained at ail hazards. This took .the tiraetary by snrpriM; he was already ooapremised, and he, of ooinvo, ntipMd. - An at ;’, tempt arsis rnbseqsehtly made to pafen up the dtifi-. eulty, bntUOllwl. ; A« to lienor ifordo'S Saeeessdr, wa hear the name ' idf tiorernor Slamora mentioned mdstprbmlnehtij. butit w vcry probable that will even-' Wj-ieate la Che entire; breaking up of the Cabinet, and > theefgaolifttioß of a hew one. WAa iX Tax ufTxardß. i , Of tas War In the interior, we have nothing of Importance,'eaoepc the remor that,-subsequently to the unforihoato attaek oh tiuadalsjara, the re-; . ~txeatLog.Lflberai:h>myJeli 'ln with kursajoa, end ' .:,WtlppM him. -.-Coe letter before ns adds, that the . .CoastdatkWriittraftirWArdtectetfed Unadalajara, whlch was how In tholr poeeendon. But this is '. very doubtful, though it is very possible tbe Libc reluts may have & turn of goed fortune, after their Iretirement frou* the city. •'' l; * . Or their .repulse from Clnadalsjara, we have an . abundance oCputicularv, bat they really add bat 'Uitie.tbWhat we,s4ready,knoW.'. nmo JfATCS iK6aTI97 TO VIXICO. Wfijaib*gtor MfVsra Oral, th,mtcirtcr, lit. ,■’MiLi*., Aii9 ‘ lit. 1 Elgtt, , sterstorycf legation, . ,««» afcsaat, on aa .aptoiUan with the Biooklyu . Mtotba; toast' On hu fetor*, says on* loiter,. -JSPtei. pjttMW*! irtlt go, into thelotoilorto ipeod the Ssanasr; Mother says that >h«atd the treaty not ho milled, be will retarn bojue. -■ > Ike fiset aotlon of the Benete on the treat;, who . not kuown in VemOCtriz whin the Bter left, end .ovvf.thiagwa. depending “We ere on Slptua shunt the treaty,” says aletter; “ifitia ’ . kot ratiShd.‘there will .bo bloodshed, eoofoalun, . (align*, alaery, starvation, and other thinga be yood descripttoband belief before long in this Mhepjy'toantry,” Tlic Ivikh Exodne. IProia the Cork Examiner, done S. I ' ', Theqneation of emigration atiil prrcsrves iU Ik* porteoce. The people still are Hying from Ire* lead, aalf lt were in 1850 as complete a peatbouse. ' ha itWas ta i A drain Isgoing on dally which : >**•l4 be taatamoaet to the toorrase In a coon .tty.of Ihree.tbaee the *txa of Ireland, and ie slow. , : ly. haj ateadily and certainly, depojinl.UngtM. -«, : ; Ike temptation, ; in’ a great; meeasre, aeaau from the other slde.of the water. Petaona , Who have made a home for thwmelve, in the New ■ .World are eo anxione to aee their relatlree end them that,’ by every, meaaa In their : power,: they atrire to raise foods to brtogth.m '■>aaroai. -;th»: -water. ■ >' ■ Moaay eomee hither yaatly la haadtod* of thohaanda hr thla purpoee, and aateraUy U an eaormooa addl tiea to want of emptoymawt or na* Maritywcahl drive from ibelr homae. Indeed, of ttaaewho’ao depart, not one in fifty is probably driven by the diSloaUy.offlnding a means of tab " sisWnee BiittE, atqaiaitios sit-this mon.y, whltoAli#tn»‘ih eaSy briage'to the sdvestarons .tmm Up oeean. has a collators! effoof' hardly “ lees pew«nhfr~:.Tha' Jrhieh money , to aaß,. umit needs K rlehi and ■ wha. swd it prorperoua, Ihe oonoln . ilsit to :» asstsM agtoat is cornet, M hJ no ' - sgwt ewWtaly to.-' la-'Acaertoa money-is of /■fitUsrvslM to proportlon to the. naoemarie* of lift thaif lt ls here; while careful’ observers, amongst whotn-wasno’ less an authority than the - grsstaaa phUanthtopte Father. Mathiw, ashert ' ; ’Uat ia thd of lnstaneM tbe mo twys sent from America to this country .arP! not the acqr offerings of annerfinity,.bqt are nlsed by ''advancesOn wages.endoften hardly repaid with’ . mach pinehiog, and on email outlay by way of in tetkit.. Tot the teodeney. araooget the minds of ' the people is eVar WeatwardiHo No family : ca&Mmattrithof whloh one, if not more, ..of its afCßbsrß/.ii l . Botwritlbg home, from.'America, ■/ -ivory ;,aetvarit; maid , think* of tholaod of ' 5:: pnwiua,, where wages; -are hlgh.' heips • and hiistremaf nearly on an rqualily. and, shall ; - w* ara thought-more proeara ' hie tkaii talfeUnd. Toevery young saan thare ts ' haUaufiUe lndaeeaiest of oxofMmeDt, a» walt as . vaeua. aed very oflan fallaoioua, hopes of bettering ' hir conditlon. It oannot be dented that those; . . feeilnga pad inollTM have. tahen a deep,root,-, and atoraryalldely rpread. • .. .. - iV .Tag’, Nnxr - lorai,; EcMrsa, or thp iil.' tollhwiag rcsolntion provtdicg for the obserratlon W», willed Ct; •MrtPPnth' day'. of J uiy ’next, bas paesed both *aa4 provlaioiu- ; fpr;.tka the %r6iUe'i,, * ; i', ; THU KVKiIH*. <U &Sv CN '* n&0B twtow Third.- 1025 che,t ' OpßbriNd of tub, People’s Headquar- T«2ji.—Last evembs, the new hall of the Common wealth BaildtofclChestnut street, above fiixtb, wsa for mailv opened. Tbe whole upper portion of the buildmz ■as been engaged br.ihe party, and the four smiller rooms’Oß the seeond story nave been fated up for the use of the People’s State Executive Committee, the City txecutive Oommittee. a foldinr-room- and read •tnx roorov alb of WWoh will be ukoo dnrm< the.eam paign. The last nieht tons place in the upper roooi.-wbieh was crowded with a largo audienoe, every seat being occupied, even in the gallery facing thernatrtim. 1 • . wm ; S. Mann presided. Henry Tonliqn* BJS. Kelly. J. M. Kennedy, Leonard Myers -and Wm. H. Kern were appointed noe presidents, and Rr**tna Poulson, James rreebom. and Wra- Andrew acted as seoretanesi Mr. Mann opened tbe meetißU with a speech of over annocrlp lengt;, m which he impressed; upon the friends of Bsll and Everett the importance of ueltiDg with the friends sfLinooln and Hamlin to defeat their eomtnonenemiL.the Oemocraey. weaaidmthe North ern dieteethe Beil and Everett ticket would not poll a Gorporaisfuard.butintnefioatiutwoulabe the only .©POMitioirto the rOemooreov. - . . , s fie nesurrd bis hearers that tf Lincoln and Hamlin were eleetsd. tbe B*‘l and Everett rasa of tHs Southern States would have their proportion of the offices, as the repraeentatives of the opposition to the Democracy in those States He anticipated a perfeot whirlwind in October, and that tbe State would be carried by SO 000 to 40,000 majority He svhffae addressed his reinarirs. pilnoipally to the ** * merman” portion of hit hearers, <a order to induce them to vote for Liacolu and Hamlin. Afforthb Hepuhlicaps, there .wan no denser of their going over to Bell and Everett. [Greatapplaute.J . , Mr Mann was follpwea by Philip 8. White ano other speakers. ThemeetmgW3« very end the remarks of tbe tpeakeis were loudl/ Appended. During theevrnin* colored Area ware lighted upon the balcony upon Chestnut street, whioh produced a brilliant effect. Handsome'Tbstdiokiai* to Philadel phia FiPEMKN.-The Constitution Engine Company. No 7. of Brooklyn, N. Y., who visited this oi»y fast Uo tober-and during their star were entertained by the Hibernia Knglne Company of tine city, have had pie pared a senes off etolutions, passed at a mootmx of the company,expressive of the kind feelings entertained towards the Hibernia Hiivtne Company for the hand some reception given, and the generous treatment ex tended to the strangers, during their eta* inthiecity. The-resolutions are executed m the highest style of penmanship, ornamented with a representation of a •tag,ihe.emblem of the Brooklyn company, which stands prominently near the ton.' The American flag, and e green nag with the Irish harp, are duped ttrace futlv overthe scroll work. At the s>d&s are represented firemen fully equipped, holding hose pipes m their tnuds. At the oottorats a .representation of the front of tbe house of the Constitution, and their hand engine The frame in winch this in enclosed is of the ricbe*.t description, being some four feet high, by three feet wide itiirTegaQtir.gilt, and profusely decorated with firemen’secuipnente and implement*, while on each side appears aiaddrr, upon wbiott a firemen is carry ing its a section ofhotc. This handsome afftir arrived in tineoiry on Tuesday evening, in chin:* ofacnmm t tee of the Constitution, and especial meeting of the Hi hsrntft Engine fomjany vm called for the purpose of receipting, it. 1 . Mr. wiltnm. Dorsey, chairman of the Bropkbncoqimutee presented the frame, in ft very fteataddiesa, whioh woe received by Col. Jan es Page, the president of the Hibernia, who made come appro priate remark* upon the oecas on. Tna PniL Adk i.rm a Commission to Intbs- TioAiETHSOiTii., JJi«E»ss.-At the lint meeting of the-Philadelphia Society Jor Promoting Agriculture. Dn. blwyn and. Emerson. «f this city, were appointed a committee to proceed to New hnßlaud and investigate the oharacter of the cattle disease, or plenro pneumo nia. prevailing >n Maseaohusetts and other Pastern States, The notice of their appointment was puDli«hed some two weeks ago. Before these gentlemen hadrio- Eartedon their mtiaion. Mr. ulemton, of the United tates Patent Office at Washington- oorfesnonded with Dra. ilwya and Jimerso’). reomw mg them to acoeet the appointment of United mates commissioners to make the same investigation, in conjunction with Dr. /ntisell, who bad previoutly been appointed by the effi cera of the Pateot Office to proceed to Maieachueetts upon the same mission _ Cn, K.lwrn and Emerson,Upon consoHitinn with Mr. Crtug President of the Philadelphia A*ri oaltoral tfocielr, decided to accept the appointment of the U. 8. Cr-mmiationsre. aa it wou'd not violate tne in tention of. their appointment by the Philadelphia So-, olety, and aecordinrivdeft for the fcaetward, for the pur pose of fulftitira their missiou, acting in concert v-ah l>r, AnticelL The reportof the commission, ustesd of Miniunadedirecfoihe President of the PhUnoelnhia Society, will,be mads to the Patent Office, m Washing— ton.probably la theoourseof oweeknr two.wnea the patHiowiH thi-n have some definite information ss to the rail character of the cattle duense ahicb has been •o destructive to the herds in the Eastern Btatcs, Removal op ,hb Coal Tbadb from :B»o»d In th« r«,St ,U« report of J. Ed,«r Thpmßon. Em.. In spMkinKoftheVArloß.fidvftttAr.s .to be derived from the looat'on of the terminus of the GieatCentralßsilrosdon the Delaware, at the 'oot of Prime street, sad. .the unantfmty which the di reotoraofthe.roidaßtcdiAthus making »ius location, ocean the following patsagf on page 141 ** A con neotioa with the latwr road»Philadelphia, ’Wilmington, nnd Baltimore Raiitoad) at the east end of Cray's Ferry bruiga.may be made at small expense, which, oommaed with an nyiensii n of the Philadelehta and Beadtnr Railroad to the Penneylvama Railroad on the west bank of the Schuylkill, would arable the former company to cupply the region oi c untry reached l» v tiie West Chester and Philsoeiehia, Wiln.ingtoo, and Bal timore Railroad with coal, *natead tf passing it, as at pr*st tt. along h'road strict ft It will betbus men th«t the recent noputar movement of eonvertins Broad street into its leritimate nse for fiist-eUss private residences, and which is now attsoe mg genera!attention, can be greatly feoibutvd by the removal of tbe city coal trade fr< m Brosd street to the river Schuylkill, not only without any sacrifice o'-detri ment to asp party, but greatly to the advantage of oil partita interested, apd should be acted ujon with as lit-, He deiay.asnosß the rail track on Broad street, used foycot! purposes,-is the only o’ stacie that now standi m the way of completing the important work of reuovatißf Broad etjoei mnvory short tuns, new that U l«s bad so favorable a beginning. List of Americans in Paris, from 20th May to 3UU .* • v R. Pousle* ard family, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Jgg. CoreeleiD. Jr., Baltimore James K. Cftldwelt and wife. Philadelphia; Mr, and- Mrs- Lonllard HonaM, New Yorkr.Mrs.J. B. ( artor, Boston; Gennre B. English, New York; Charles B. fitockwell. Philadelphia: Dr. Richard. Mans, Philat’elphia; Lemuel W. Morge. Miss Morse, John Lowa, Oavid 8. Draper, All of New York: Mrs. Pamuel L. Foote, Miss Foote, Harry Foote, all of New Haven; Frederick B Elliot. William H. Mnyth and Judy, ft’l of New Yo»k ; Miss Mitchell, Riohmond. yjttima; Jaaies B. Murrs*. Miss A. Murray, John Phflben, N. C Hexford. WiUiAin Scbaas. A. W. Ketchura, all of^ew;York • Clande Sibwin, i onieiana; gf. R Halsey, Virginia; Thomas Crofts. ork; Henry Lax eras & wife, Philadelphia; E. G. Duma k*Bt.Dr. ant! Mrs. Charles D. Bmitn, Jama* D. Davie, all of New. York j Anson. Dexter andfamilr. Poston ; CepUHtt D. B;Bnck«t. AJ.JB. a.; Mr. and Mr*. H. <5. Otia, A. ; Mr. anu Mrs. Chadwfok, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tucker. Miss Read, all of Boston ; r; GefttbJS. John X Townsend. E, Rh'Htei, F. Zogbaam. D. R.eAnford.aUof New York: T Pnm r«»se, Bt, Jxmts; W. D. Scott, T. Jay GnSer, both of New York. . New Board of Controllrrs.—Tho di tectonipf thevxTiouiy school .dje ricts of Philsdelphia met on 1 uesday evenmgafid eTTot«d the folio* Inc gen tlemen toservs as controllers of puhlio schools for the ienftfllhK.iesj« The. orgsmeation of the new bio-rd tok's p'nce oo the second of Jolt. Aswill beseen b* the sumoioed paragraph.' Teg esentattvas have been chosen Irom ad the ward*, t xcept the Nineteenth end Twenty-first; and, ** the board notrttands, the People’* party bave aranjorltrof two; First ward-Is&so RMnith- P.: ffaeoad—William W. ,-Tisdete. D: Ibird-Chavies Welsh, D ; Fourth-Wil bam J Heed,' D j-Fifth-Tr D; Bixtfi-W. ATTavlnA n.; Seventh—George I, Hmhe. P.; Eighth— p,ll?th B.t mith, P ;Ten‘h- J. S.Chsmbers, P.t Eleventh—Thome* W. Marchruent. D-; 1 welftb—fcdward MoCaßa, p.j Thirteenth—l ewis Sitting, P.;. Fourteenth— R. ,Q. Shelpirrdme, P ; Fif teenth—Thomas Wood. P.; Rixteenth—William M- Go minger. D; Seventeeutn-J D; Figh teenth—Heniy Buinm,-P.; Nin-t#enth-no election; Twentieth—Georce W. 6rult, P.riwentt first—no elro tion< Tweptj-second—John Fittonhouse. P.j Twenty- H, Fiiicrafr, 1),; Twenty-fomth—liaa'j Mbeoantilb Bas* Ball Club.—This Club, which is composed almost exclusively ofrrer chants, isoneot the largest and most spiri'ed in the city. Its members are almost Jtily their la vortte same; hot on Wednesday and Saturday more etpectajly in Their play-gronntf, which is admirable adapted io.thepurDote.ti situattd At Seventeenth and ifastey streets., yesterday amost, interesting and ex citing game was played, almost every member partici pating. Tcwatwitne'sud by a large number of ladies Andrentiemeir. who seemed to enjoy the sport almost asmuah as the players thornselves. r>n Satvirdsy next another exciting game may holoobrd for. We presume that on this occasion, as on Wedne*dav,the beautiful tent of the Club wdl be graced to tho mcaonoe of many of ** Kve’efairdsnrhters/’vpartfcultmr srt as the oo oommodations are ampin,nmt ever thing h**been done by the xsllanr end gentfamautr members of the Club to render their pretense - Suni>BK_DBATns coroner held »n tn-ine«t. won tne bortr of Jr jn«# Mooie. ated who re*iafrt In ftnv«a • iwnt. n«ar Twent-eth «nd Oh© rieora&td had son© nut fithine ineompanr.wifh two. nr thrift frinnc'c. and oppo '»ita HivtrlrtßaN J., heeot intoncmtll boat a'on©. in a short time hiR friends heard himmo'vn nnduben they reanhedMntphfs head And’nneof hi* arm? warn iniho .water* and he was found to be dead. He had complained ihe iwfor© of lit, nnd it ia ?uppnkpri he died in a fit, iZpieavesn femilr« Verdict, death fromnatnrni cause*. - - 1 h»noroe#r also he’d ait inquest upon a child, nntnrd Ehiabeib Hodmen, wlio died *nr»d©nfr- oi'l lue«d'>yftf 24l Georresireet. Seventeenth wnrdt while ; n her mother * lap. veidict, deatii from natural causes. ' Wom.D not Answer — The deputies ap pointed to lake the oencus are frequpntW put to a fjrrat deal ofinoonrenience. and the completion of this im~ portent work materialU reiarded, hr Jhe obstin A oy or Knnrrineeof oluzentsin refusmicto fnrnith ready ar.d correct the questions submitted foihim. ' a dap or two since, a physician residin'* on Arrh street. possessed of a hnndsom© property, declined telilne the centus«t»ker the vslpe of h*e rest estate; conU'.dim: that ihe Government had no ritht to compel him to answer the question. The penilty prescribed by- Iv* for this odenoe IS s&■. The case above alluded to will be heard before Alderman Ocle on Faturday n?x*. TnBTASBa—The amount of Ihe taxes for IG6O which have beeneaid ln»o thp city treasury, up to this tune, is At IST 078 82. which ia only about one half or the whole Amount Mscserd. The payment* *r» rosy made very s’owJv. imtaverafln? more than per week, come three thonsar.d n crchants have fai’fid to .pay tbeir mercantile tax for the‘pre*ent icnr, end Doles* this daty is Attended m before Monday next, aldermen will add additional bills of costs. Dishonest 'Washerwoman.—A colored washerwoman naked Margaret flnrton was arrested, yesterday r.ftsrnoon.oa rheehsrcenf a*ea!lnsftlot pf weannt apparel, the prorerty iT Wr. E. W, Carm, Fomo of the gf-od* were recovered at the pawnbroker’s shop of John Coney.- Coney WA*also taken >nto ou?to * fiy. and heldm default of $BOO bail* by Alderman Jle-t* Ist. to answer the eb*r*eof receiving goods kuowing them to hsv# been sto’en. . The Late Poisoning Case.—The cpro per’* inquest upon the body of the Isoy Bchwartzwa'der, whose death byeatian awn'.o pioked up in the street wasmenttoaed m yesterday’s Prcsx, was repomed reo teTday mormns. No evidence could be obtained to show now the arsenic got in the street, a verdict yas repderrd that death w<>? osused by eating areenio found .. ; Biohno.—The "Dogs” and th“ “ Spig gots.,, adherent* of two rival fire companies in the Piftesetb Into an altercation on Tuesday af ternoon at Lynn atd' Mechanics streets. Stones and brickbats wer* freely need. The police interfered ar rested « mail named William Piks, and took him before Alderman Hatcbtsson. who held him to bail to answer at court- , . Improvement in City K.AijjtOAi)S.—The Girard Cojlega Railroad has adopted Wiiarton’s patent turnout. The md>ia*hiei ed tnovaMe switohe* at Ninth and Arch and Tenth end Arch street* have been re meyed. asd the three different line* of cars using thn»e streets have, for some weeks, been froo from *1) the in convenience and expense attendant upon the old plan. ' Foundling.—f*n Tuesday evening two wotneni one white and, the other colored, called at 027 fi*raee street) inquired for the mlitreuof the hrm«e, ands dertne the ntseneve of the servant, depos-ted a female eniW, ased two months, in the entry, after wh’cb they auddenlr decamped. It was sent to the Almshouse yesterday momint.. , Serioes AdcioßNT —l.ast evening, about nine O’clock. Mr. 0.0 Sodd’er, provision ard 6”h nler nhant*do;nq business In Arch street, near .Front, was thrown from his carriage in "Arch street, below klevenih.V'd^mustyinjured. TheMokofhts head was badly lacerated, and one of his lo*s injured Ho wa« conveyed to hi* residence. 807 Nprth Third street. •/ CONSEOBATION;—Ciirist Church, at Media, ■Delaware (vuftty* jeill be codeeorated to-day by Vie Risht Fey. Biehoj’Tftt'fri the services to commence at neon. The consecration sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Vintcn. n» Name.—The coToner yestivday held en inqilest on the body of the hoy who wa* drowned at J ooost-strfiet wharf, on .Tuesday oven mr. His nnnte was PatiickDinan. ared.eivhtyears, and Us parents reside at Tweatr : fourth and Locust streets. Appointments dy the Mayor.—Mayor Jlenry^ ha* recently appointed Messrs.' Wm, Weigh, ohn aJ. Ogden. Joseph L*. Grubb, ami James J. Har cUy manarer* of the House of Correction, under the act passed by the last Legislature, . ScHtrTLKiLi/ Navy.—The boitts of the PchbylkiUpavrwill be reviewed by the commodore at six o’etook this nfternonfi.prepnrntorr to the reratta, which i* announced to take plac von Saturday nest. Naiieii.—The steamship Si ato of Georgia, Oast. Oirvii). ssil.d st ton-afatoakyesterday m rn'nz. foe S.vannah.jWitha fall fteif ht lyinth'following p,e *entfers:fl.k, Druwn, A.G Bird, G.W» Bitting, and ibre*.Wthe*teerftfe. . - = . - Tsowing AT poigT BaEsaE,^-ATrial of mrj.toolt plaee -yesterday sfierr.oop at; Point Brecse Ara* oetweeii the'celebrated hoieo* Taconrand Jim Farter.; two straight bent* Time 3 » ’tiJ X* " AddinENT —A man named Jsmes Smith, »Ki!,a< Itortl nn *Hb qf» new boj.n at ths Falla of »pli*ll)Hilfii**t,rssJr Sfienwoo, fell tj the SroaxS aadVaetorioMlr injatorl. A’”Na«E ibatoet: Hods*,—Woftmcn are '’ow- tauib Tavern and JuißSSa aM3*Mrifil«b<«d .< GiUewmU> 'Jfcf iprprpoNtmg a Legal I»itelu«e»pb—U; S. Dffim'ci COOET—Iu4|, 0ilw»i«l«r;—TLo court wa. on««.d la heannk the argument of oouneelin the case of tho bark Mary Holland. - . , DisTRtOT UounT— Sharswood, ctroud. and Hare.—Tho court is still engaged ou the argumeut bet. Common Pluas—Judges Thompson, and- Ludlow.—* Tne Contested Election Cases, fre —Until noon the oourt was engaged on the oertiomri Hetand Orphans court argument list. At IB o’olook the contested eleoUon case was resumed. . .. . • John M. Barnes was the first witness oaUed.-ti-nslde at No. 220 Wharton street, and have resided there lor the last five roars, and in the neighborhood foi »t years;! wa* Demooratio inspector in the.ihjrd> «XjBimi ofthe First ward, at tho last election. George w Rickards was my clerk; I was there all dar and counted the ballots; when the po ls were first opened some voters oame there whom I did not know and who were not on the assessors’ Hat; I required a vouoher lor thcir reei dencer,and that voucher waa sworn; I ®wpre ftbout four or five, when the other Inspeotor objected wit; l got the law and read it. and handed it to the JudgO, and after reading it he deolarea 1 should ewoar the vouoh ers ; five or six more were sworn after that by me, and then another objeotiou was mode by the opposi tion, inspector s the judge then re-read the law, and decided that they shpuij not to sworn, and but ono was sworn after that: this was about 0 o’olook in tho mnratng; I can’t tell,h*>w mnuy votes were polleduy toBo’olook; theycameinyeryfast; the polls were opened ateighto elock; I should judge there hod been between sixty and seventy-five votes polled up to nine o olook; they rams in ver* fast, and I think were taken at more than at the rate of one a minute: toing very familiarly acquainted with tbs inhabitants of tpat preomrt. and having the assessor’s book, I cou’d tick inem on ver*' fast; 1 did not reoetve the votes but kept the ixxik; I onn’l tell ho * many votes were challenged; there was a large number of them; m but oae of theße oases was a v<mch rt r ewom after nine o’otook : I helped counting OS'the tickets; they were printed differently, and from their appearsnoe 1 could teii what Dowers wera voted aa they laid on the box, pnd mi impression of the number of votes was sonfirmed by the count. A question was then put to the witness, what rnrnber of opposition tickets ware pulled, he Judging by the heading of the tickets ?. ...... The question was objeoted to on the ground that the witness could have no legal knowledgeof tae oojtems of the ticket* by their heading. ... ... Several other witness** * ere examined, but up to the hour of adjournwor.t nothing of nnportauoe was elicited CJuabtbr SKasiON*—•udgo Albsiin—Tho court was ooouplpdyeeterdfiy in trying a number of tmtiat eases.' William Smith was found guilty on the charge of steal ing some stiver spoons from iho residence of E. Sonleram, And sentenced to nine months* imprisonment inthee^natyprisrin, Robert Trai foid. alias Robert Peck, found guilty on the ohar f r e of assault and battery. William Gilmore was connoted on the charge of sell ing lot'ery policies. Conrfay Easton was oonvicted on the oharge of lar ceny of two ahiwls, and sentenoed to nine months* im prisonment. Robert Brody wns oonvicted on the oharge of adul tery. and sentenced to pay a fine of 9100, and undergo an impriHonraoi-t ofono year Ann Thomas was found guilty on the charge of lar oeny of two $2O gold pieces. - The proseoutor, a stranger, allaped th&r he visited tt’e defendant’s house, ami in the oourse of the evening he gave ner the money to keep for him-site remarking that it was safe. The next raornm,;, when asked to return the money, she rio niod having received it. and the prosecutor was com pelled to leave, minu* ¥4O. In this case the question arose whether the effonoa was larceny. The diatnot attorney contend'd that under the new penal code it was. whioh made it larceny fora bailee to retain arti cles in his custody. The counsel for the defence con tended, that this section did not applv, but thatanother scgtiun,making it a misdemeanor for a trustee to re tain monev. Ac. Sentence deforced. ■ J<me* Morrow was acquitted of the charge of Assault and battery. I’ftt Haly pleaded guilty on aoharge of committing an aejhult and tHtter*. Wijliam Monaghatt and Patrick Monaghan were ar raigned on the ch*r«o of committing an assault on an a'dermau, in his office, growing oot ofthe refusal of tho latter to allow one of them to affirm in preference to ■wearing, in a ooso before him. The former was con - vioted and the latter acquitted. cityTFems. Peale’s Court of Death.— This sublime paint* Ing, by Rembrandt Fenle, will be exhibited for ono week, at t!.e Concert-Hall, commencing Friday (to morrow) evening. The oetebnty whioh this work of art has acquired, end the praise it has elicited from artists and connoisseurs, give evidence of the high eratifioatioa it will afford our citizens to visit it. The painting covers 312 square feet of canvas, and contain* twenty-three hfe-s se figures. The advertisement will bs found in another column. A New Card or (Advertisement has been adopted by Granville Stokes, the celebrated fashtonur, No CO?.Chestnut street. Fo' each garment sold, ready made or mace Co order, one price only is seked, and never deviated'from, the purchaser always receiving a valuable and useful present therewith, tho cost of whioh is deducted from the price of the article, and is intended as a new mode of advertising, whioh, for generosity, is receiving, as it should, the kind.tnd .-p -preclanve consideration of the pubho. No bogus •’ gifts ” are presented; tho truth of wnioh assertion is being la«gely attested by the thousands of recipients who, in turn, send their friende to swell the army of those who patronise the *’ Gift Temple of Fashion,” No. 607 Chestnut street. Particular attention is paid to the customer depart ment, In which are engaged a oorpsofthe most skilful outtera in the country. SrntrruALissf.—Mr. Mansfield, tbe celebrated writing test-medium, wilt.remain but a few days longer in this oily. Tho communications through t<,is gontlo man from the spirit world are among the most remark able ever vouchbnfed to mort&'e. His rooms are at 635 Arch street. Pkbrless.—We have no hesitation in eayirg that those who aro m want of soorocable garments can bo bettor suited at tho Brown-stone Clothing Ball of Rookbiil & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 609 Chestnut street, above Sixth, than anywhere else in tho Union. Their stock of good j is immense and varied, their materials are the best in the market, their outtera skilful to a proverb, and toeir prices fair and just alike to the buyer -and the seller. Call and Judgo for j ourself. PxßSons and rsMiuss repaying to the differ* ent places of summer resoti, should not fail to take with them Bower’s Mroicatlo Figs, whioh a;e a safe, speedy, and certain cure for coslivenes*. habitnal con stipation, dyspepsia, sick and nervous head-.ohe, and bilious Affeotiont generally. They consistof pure Alex andria senna, combired with the best qualitr of aroma tics, so skilfully inlaid is the fig as to prevent detection in taste. Price 37K cents pkrbox. Manufactured by Geo, C. Bower, Sixthand Vine ats. tf FINANCIAL ANI> COHMJEIICIAIi. The JHpiter Market* Ph.-LadAlphia, Juno 20,1860. •The stock m&rket to-day waa active and firm, with a decided advancing tendency in most detoriptione of stocks and bonds, The ln>ge surplus of money unem ployed is seeking investment in the belter cl-ss of ie curities, which has considerably enhanced thelr'ralue. Tbe lower* priosd stocks erp also receiving the attention of capitalists, 'and are gradually improving. The pre ferred stock of the#chylkiil Navigation Company im proved H over yesterday’s quotation. The gradual appreciation is the value of this atock is owing to the inorenred business of the company. The rates of toll are remunerative, and there ie every prospect of a divi dend in January next. The wonimon stock of the Schuylkill Navigation is very low, and offers an excel lent margin for profitable investment. The New York Ttmcisoji that the directexrorts of produce from Now York loot up liberally this week, nnd include a grod share of breadstuff* and provisions. Tho gram markets etioad—in France and England—come firmer by this week’s steamers, and our market feels sensibly the export demand. The shipping interest is also much encouraged by the movement. The London Economist has the British trade returns for ths first four months of tho year, whioh show that the iravortatjtiß of raw .Cotton into Groat Britain from Jan. 1 to April SO is beyond comparison the heaviest •ver known* both in weight and value. The proportion from the United ttales is ge six to one to all other sources of supply. The following is ths official returns for 1359 and 1(H). first four months in each) ear: . Cotton, raw. DM IBGO. From United fctates, cßts .2,4W»,680 4,1e0A8l Proin B aell, cwta 35-<O3 -39,896 From P'rjot.csic 70,(rt1l 1*6.153 From Brit sh East ladies-ewt5211.734 406,512 From other couatnes.owts,--. ... 28 715 38,2 w Total cwta .8.6J1,6il 4.760,413 Or, in bales of 4 owt., or 444 lbs. each . * 716 Ul 2.190,118 Among th* passenyers for Fnxland in the Cunard •learner to-day will be Mr Bancroft Davis, one of the trustees for the of the New York nnd Krie Gompaty. He goes out on the business of the trust In view of the parly consummation of the plan heretofore sanctioned by the New York Legislature, for re estab'iahing the finances and credit of this important property. Hfaipmentsof Coal by the Barclay Railroad and Coaj Company t For tne week ending Jane IS, IflSO - 1125 GO Previous shipment* - u3 Amount for the seisnn Amo mtshipped to eoino date last year ....O.SG3 Increase 05 Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, June 80, 1860. EeroaTnu bt 8. E. Bi.4ys;a.sxx. 81iK Walnut Street, FIRST BOARD. 103 d Him Chattel 10t.... 2.V1 13 0«i Div Canal. ifiTi WO d i do 2D* 'll do do 47 Ww Ca nwiavtlBtmt?4.3l IsNPonua >? b% IWO d'» do .. ..M 20min“liul Canal 6i 3o 'lfi do 6j % 9.9 B*o & Thd St 7i . .9#i 10 Pcnna R. .*Blf soOOSoblWavCfl’Bi 6Jf.7'}£ 2 do Sau 20W do 'W 6 Harrisburg A 671$ 71 Leii!gtiBonp....l)4 36 6 do 671.* 10 do Ltad 7_ do 67&C fl» Grfan k. Coates... 2IK ltvßoh p m Mining, csh.B*s to do do IPP U>cß Island K...,t012K 10 do do SlHlltt) cio 812)1 34 do do 3»>fij M do IC.IStf M do do 21)5 {ai loth tc llth ht R.... 4j 2 c sio do 21)5 80 Mo'ria Canal 61 24 do do ..b5 21)Sl 2 Plnl t IJanic. BFTWKHN BOARDS. 7 Camden / ml'oy H. .137)51 4 Beadinu R. 2pJ* 21 do do «~.187J5j 6N WeatConrer ~9 do do ~ i^mrdflaßk, ft) do do 137H1J3 Voion Sunk. SEDU.Vi) BOARD. JfiOQTioga ...88 UOSchl NavFrefd,.ss..2l 5wJCa awitaxlitmt Bd3l 60 do SI m*o Kim it W’port 7j . ,t?l £0 do 21 600 Frink A South 7a. .95, s Penna R ~..,..38*s 8 Green k <;oatcs... -2IH frv Lt high Zino m 10 Minetiill R. 62 00 do 1?1 eu Lehieh Nav Sill d* |» JOBchl Nav frefd.... Juft RflCentfatMining..... Wa 40 do ........ 2i)« 100 Hohetn Mining., ..b6, Wa 6 do .s.lJiprsi G*J Green A Coatps 2lji 100 do ..sßwnfcint.2l 1 OLOHING PRICES—FIRM. Bid. Atked. Bid, Asked, Ph]!adelphia6s..lo]'i .. VkHR 1 i>tf Pliita 6a K mu .. WkEl 7s 1 mtg.. C7K 7u Phila 65.. L l>i .. Lonalaldft. 12 n'« Penna 6a ®ok 07 LehOl k N dvofT. 64<£ bi% Readmeß 20 21 SO 3 lehCl k N Rorip. 36% 3* Reading bds 70.. MH Sifi North Penna R... 8v BJ$ Bead mt65'44..,)62H 101 NorthPenns it fis.7u>2 71 Bead mtft’BB... 7HS 7& Nth Penna K 10a. 87 »s renua R SBV 3*BS CRta R lot mt bds 61 BD£ Pennaß2d rot6s 8»« 90 JFrkd&Kouthß.. .. 64 Morris Cnl con.. 63*2 «4>s.Bfo k ThdSts R. 46 4<3,V Momi Qnl prj'..ll4, H 6 Igaoe & Vine at ft .. 31h Bchnyl Nav 65>62 76'< 7flJf, West Phiia ft 68 Scbuvj Nav Iraft,Bl)s 81 [Spruce k Pine..'. .. I2)f c, ohuylNsvfltk..._m 8, (Green fcf'oates.. 91H 22 SohnylNavprf.. 20 2d#lCheat k Walnut, 28 29 Philadclpbift Markets. Joke 20-Evenine. The Flour market Is unchanged, wjth sales o! abont LKObbls to note at 95.20 for mod siiserfine and SS.iSSt foi family, including l.QQUbbls Western extrann terms kept private; there is not much inquiry for export, and 7 sales to the trade are to a nr derate extent, at from 46 25 up to 9697 bbl, the latter for fancy brands, as in quality. our is dull, aid offered at $387, and Pennsylvania Com Meal at ®3.37>4 bbl. without Mies. . , Wheat is but little inquired for, and millers nre holding off"; about 6.OQJ bus have been dispose d*<f, part for shipment, at from 9*15 to 9* 3* jor inferior ami oholce led.snd ®13591.60 f'>r fa r to prim* while. Rye is dull, and rnthsr lower, end Ab ut 600 bus Penna. sold at76o. Corn oontinnes in good demand, but prime tots poll,aye sal'nbloatO’to; about 2 600 bus inlermr to Air quality so dat 68c. afloat. Oats we nnohangt-d. with sal sof 3 UK) bus Penna. to note at 420, and 1,600 bus Delaware at 400, afloat. BAMK.—Qiiercitfon is dull, and offered at 829 ton for 6rst No. I without sates. Cotton is dull, and only about 160 bales have basn disposed of tq da' ni previous rets*. ttQitof Finns are held firmly, with a moderate business) to not ein Bu<! ars at full rates. Paovinotcs.—The market for barreled Meats and Bacon is quiet, but very firm. Green Meats are waived atfullprioro. Lard is better. nndSOO packages sold at 12&o on time Butter and Cheese vary little doing. Whskt cornea in slow}* 5!s sell as wanted at 2lcrBJKe, Western do, 3Ditt>B3o, drudge 19?X4T200, and hhds at 20$fo per gallon, New York Markets Yesterday. Ashes are unchanged, with sales of fO bbls at 95 25 for Pots, and $6 7fl tor Pearls. _ Fi.ubb.— i he demand for ttate and Western Flour tontinuee Active, and with raodrrve receipts price*ere rmsnd terdmg upwsrde At the close there whs a good export business noinv at full prices. Bales 10400 I>uls at #6-1596.211 for superfine State; #6 3095 86 for fx trado,* #64096 80 for superfine westeraj #6 259085 for common to medium extra j 806896 w for oommon to extra ronnd-boopOhio* Southern Flouris inreq*»e*t. and the market in steady .with sales of 1,200 bbl* at 95,60 •7.75. ■ exam.—Wheatis in expert demand end with rerripts 0f64,000 bushels, the market is a Mnde firmer, Sales, thus far' co 00> at 91.2391.80 for.Mitwaukee white Canada, and 8i.4; forwhjte Indiana, Blfl «J9t at 86966 e. Corn firmer, with brisk demand t uiee of 40,000 bushels at for Webern, mixed. Oats dull at I794i'cjbr Southewand forrforibtraaadWfttftn* > ■ THE THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1880. PPaovuWk,.—Tho market for Pojk, thouthetil!. vorr do. fiS.<2)£ foruew Prime, ana $ll6O forold’do. is quiet and unohajmd;solos iffj bids ft yetterdnja nrioes. Bocf Hams and Prime Moss Beet are nominal —the former slooie, ami the Tatter atfti3olB. Ba oouls qui*t. Cut Meats are stead* Qt9a>9Kofor Hama, and 7%07!£0 for Shoulders Lard la firm, and ad vancing ; sales 100 bbls at with low sellers below UHo. Butter is heavy at loalflfto for Ohio, and lltfP2ojforßtate. Cheese is in fair exp >rt demand at WnrsST is a shide eaeier, with aalesof 300 bbls at 2fa* NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET Wednesday June 20.— Ano’-hcr ixlui of Cattle—trices azain /.ou'cr.— At market, this week. 4 678 Beeves 137 (jows. 1.M3 Voais, 8 609 Bheep and Lambs, and 3,455 Bwine— show ing an increase of 663 Becv-sand 12 Cows, and a de crease of SO Venlfl. 3,i76 Sheep and Lambs, and'37o Pwine. The Keof cattle tr°de hieasnin experienced a deoline, andltwai vary difficult to eotl at a leduotiop. The rates this moruini and yesterday were from 6oup to 9o,witb a lev/all'tie over 9c. Th* averago ofthe market was less thai So. Messrs, C-uren 8s Co. hod the last of their slop-'ed Chicago stock la the yards, and they ardd at very near an ave rage ofSoantx. All Wednesday morning was exceed ingly dull. Brokersand owners had but little else to do than to eitupon the fence* and make Irequent oxcur- Flons to the Uesr-br btr rwuns, apple, stinas, «c. we did not see a sin-tie man about tho yards that did not think to-day wis the ioorca market this renr, or )ft£t year, orin many.vena. For a nmnbn of weeks price* have been steadily depreciating. ‘Jhe Aller ton’a wero very lull, and Ihi prospects are either that a number wilf 6e left over, or the** tails” will be sold at ruinous rates. Cows are rath 4 r better; sale* at ®3oa fio,extraatS63«6o. Veals are better at 3jtg cents, as to quality. Bwine have Rdvnnoed; sales at 63£/t6!6 ot«, gross. Rhseoand Ltmbi hav*> advanced cts, «r head, and have met with an native demand. The ality has avoraied g'ood. Lamto are moio plenty; some very nice fat soring stock sjld readilr nt ®46oe> 6. a few at s6fo. we asw some that would dress 12 lbs. to the quarter sold at 8660. Bomeofthe sales were equal to li«J9 oto dressed. VYashinstim market has been the largest bitter. This morning there were none at Browmnv’s. and very few in tbe citjr. Bales by Thos. C. LaTkin. 370 hesd Sheep and Lambs for 1680 tl. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, trr to 12 o’clock last hioht. CONTINENTAL—B. E, comer of Nlnlh and Chestnut. J II RuoVins. Vostou W Pollard. U 8 N Cspt Theo 'lolbns ft K Barnes. Thila Chas O M*mll. NO J H p lautfd. Ato J A.Hutehmson & w, Ohio Ri;e» & wf. N Y E N Carr, Balt R w Morrell fcwf, Phils O Marsh, rtoohpster 3 VOriasweM, Har iaburg J J Dull. Harrisburg ft Kllard.n* TT O J‘»bn Gtide. Pittsburg n, ** ? *J U®rt«linrn. Boeton. T Mofrcdee Aw. Albiny J VcP Bnurh, N Y 1 Y Miss.loyner* Prtonh’g.Vft « Y KSmith. Witoonam G J Hebert. I a. B A Hntort, l a ABimn*onA!a Miss MissMGl-de IMtsbhrg Thns Ho’iert A cli. I,a C H Matthews, Pa A Bates tirubb. Pa D.T Pailer G.\ - E Clark Aw. Min J T Wigwall, Mobile Mrs J Vintino fech.NY W HLranincott. Pittsbcrg D Root, Pitißbtirx K H Ffll Ada. 11l * SHudnoll. Riohmond Va w R Bnrky, Rlohmdnd.Va 11 trO Millnr 'ililwnnk-r. J M Mills’, MilmiKco W Dilworth A2l dtps, Fa R W Joßtnn A fa. N Y John G Robinsnn, NO J Brovs-n. Jr, Pfov, R 1 K Sladins. N Y 3*l Brigham, Boston GenßrodoeadAf la. N Y John MFernuson. Boston John \ ifa’eßiJ H t ouia L P Worthin/tm A fa. Pa I» B Bennett, Boston K Gov/ird, itosion • Ip, llo KW J John’Whitehead. NJ' rlif 5 L wrh,t P^ e J CTlhmson, Pittsburg J T Reynolds, Ny Tdiss N Cowan, Teno JasD Cowan, Tnnn rhrwß Knevnls & wf, N Y R G Babcock. NY V. M Tavler, Jr, Y JTTa*ler NY J G Blount. ÜBM A GW W Civ I *n. US M A J L Vnbirt. Bombiy > W Whiting. Maes WMFuk, NO W Itookor, Lancaster w J, Peiper & l*. Laiio John F «»nder«on Boston E** Terr*', N Y D Van Auhon Ala B Wells, Bladeniburtf GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets, J MnCraokon. N J W Kincaid. Pittahurc T B Lawrence e la, N C J-VHukill.NO 6 V TWmtara, NO T H -Unt A la. N O ■' R Morns. O ro och*»pin. Brooklvn BMcF-.rland.Brooklyn Mrwlr.throo&'la NJ Mi** Wintiirop, N j Mibs l.noas,N J* A H Dnnn, Now Yo»k T E Unton, Oopn J_ c T N“»hail A la. Canada Canute MJO’Bnon. Memphis TO Wilson. Mass H Gtimoro, Ma«s „ . R n Townaend,B C <k la Botin 'Ji*» Armstrong. Boston D 8 & fa. N York Mrs Babcock. New York Master D «chamk. N\rrk * Mfos FSchaocjr New York FRViff New York . N M f*nUwoll. Va P H Wharto*>, Tenn W Will,sms. Pa H H|ir%n Md TR Phillips Md W P Moo o A la, Del Mias Moore. D*t G W Fornrll. New York O 0 Stewart & In. La G W Sewall, Md R Fdgar, New York T A New York PC Baltae’l A wf. Md N P Gorden, New Vofk 2 r n T^ 8 !? #n ‘«fo w ' York H York K B G»ld*n Md M *r Winch tt fa. Mnas Mi*«M ir-eh. M*sa 3ton E Wooten, Del W J Weaver lc la. N Vork Miss M Weaver, N York M’V New York J Caruthers, N*w York J W Weir A h, Harrisburg R P D groot, N Y S Pun*. N Y DrC P I rarrin r - CMav Rami Marley. NY HP Henson; N Y 7 T I Van Bnren, Brooklyn D McKnicht. Reading •J Harris. NY , Mrs E Warns NY W O Briscoe- Canada Jts MrGdl, NY WWHtil. Wilmington A K Wi'son tc la, Del HA M right, N J , J Merrill. Md Miss Merrill. Md MrKelfay.Md Miss Kettoy, vu H MoTfieur, N O N PJbnjker, Jr, Lnnoaoter J v oK»nnin. Atlantio CUv M evT Wr T- Y -L os „W Peuehtwanger N Y M Johnston N 1 „ H M Johnson. Waih.D C W R t'littCTwotthjN Y J Mmnenn. N Y / A M Kastm»«. J* ii C *pt J R Dickinson, N Y G Fonabert, N Y V.FRCGANTR- flOTKL—Koorth rtrsot* bAlnw Arob< PT'JL'tGlwTfi'W. . NS.nV.u,Na.hvl'l, Mr. R FPtrnin, Wash- Pa Mi*. M R.ran. W-i.b. Pa A T Fox. Pbtla. N D C -rlri.h'. M C-uink . K Crueircr fc wl. Altoo-a Th- s While. York, Pa - W CroCT. I.ew-slmre, Pa R Mn-shall. I, J n , «.*!r , *"?” r l cin VPr" a ','T, Oineinnnli II.M Ynii An.en.ftliir.mLPa Then (, McNan ara. Pa - Tn hn Hiwell, .'O'-w.nrv WTabtrai & hi. Pa > Rig Reeves. PiitEoixvillo fohn H B trr, tin W Smith Oreton X r^9, nnHRI - w «ikeebarro Riehd Bear. Minersville C K Diema*®, Miiersville T a'oVam*ra. pa H Welsh, \orp,Ftt D Rip'ey,Newark,N J, AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut.abovo Fifth. Cart W H Bmn, Pa .T CJ Ha*cUon, N V JGerotne.NY * Mi*» Geromo. -y Y T H fforris kla Easton F G Vev, Mass Lnrn N Y ’ F Tamaqua E A Wilkin.NY 1 ABFiske.Pa FWnrno*' Mas* P R Coon*r. Conn Rev R R Clsdne*. Miss W H n Bell, N V G H I ewis. Mt Holly G Donald*r»a, N Y B W Lari. Reading Sulon.NY ■ S.^J«ns n^o . ri i, n "* n n J V 1 G-'esline. W T Mnoch, N \ FM Rose. pr,»v, ff T W E Warrenton, Boston G B JBailey Sc la, N Y JONEB* HOTEL—ChenttiUt street, above Sixth. CBatchelor,NY JR Andrews.N J JCfnenrer. Princeton .TV. Parnell. Princeton Mr* J Wiekerahsm. NY Wm Walton,NO* Ja* Turnelt fe la. Md J A n-u JPouden Jr Md »B Radnor. Md Mim Rod n*v• M(l J Pmtn Pa \ W fayinr. N R William* Poston TP Williams, Boston J*s Pwh'<rd« N Y ?PN ' Mr*RCnrrn’t, N V - John Rohe •« Md TtonryPibert Mtf J T prd n. Ph'fa Wnt ft l a won. Phil® B ft Powell. Phils W n K-le pa W Bnrwoll. Faston, Pa Gen Kidder, w H R P Woo s Md l, N Woods, M»s* ‘ ' J Td m. Pella Mr* TYa.toq KC AAdsmB,No ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ab. Third, HV 1 Aitefcla.Onio AWWiI's.NJ • W Pnlman. N \ J f Hanamsn Tfov Jl-von*, t.hifa T F BowJrer. Texas WII Mnpinnntl PiHtimrg D Root. Pittsburg C B n*fllct. Aft;'';,N Y A Dublin, Phila rha* DI one, NTt Pr Chas T. Allen, Yt J ■< Wherldon. N \ j Ames, N Y Geo W Smith, Trenton, N J Miss winstoWiNJ * OHNTAIN HOTFL—“•'•ond*treer. aboveM*r<st Can» Frederics. Del Co’ ft W Hampton, 8 C Dr NOLtifcewi.D"^ r /lVnn B9Moulton. Mo CO Norton Milford. Mich P’J a»b- Felton. Pol Gilbert 7 eonurri. Ba,t A w rook Dover. Del C.ptH ROnnwril.Del HCKlti, Phita J K FtAvenson. Phifa F Graoe, Pel Tims Rachnvsfnr, Del H tl Cooreriid.Pel Wilmteyton, Del O Gree”, Wilmin'ton. Dol W S Proase. Camden, Del J R Rich Ssaford, Del hSniithers, Wilmingtop. Del TWE TINTOH HOTEL—Arch ftreet, abov* Third. •I t .. Bn ,T or R A Mas’lnes. N Y R Mr Dowell. Pa W H Gmynr* Va TO B;iohtF|. Ohio R ••nwf'od. Prrt»v : l , e O M Grirr Aclfl. WChestor T H PenrfoM nnenster Fvr Roberts. 7a % rsnmqua .T M Lnn ne. N $ 1* W Wmfl, p* H M Nnstnn. n J Wm a’ujnr. Potfs.-ille P T Ci-rk. f ’hio ?/j o»ar. NY J Hunter 8r In? Mas* M TT Robson. Alhnnv Thos H Rrll. CarUnie A Van nruRFn.NY T 7 F lletchnm. N Y J W Pchcrmernorße, Phi a E Whitmore. N J STATES DNjf-N HOTEL^Markft street, above Sixth. Rd'vTiopn, New Britain AJT Heneh. Ferry cn. Pa Mr Ridcely, Md K M Rsehor HaFprstown M Meplces NJ J A Butb’o Phcenixville W S Foriney. Middletown Jim*# Soon « JohnFnx NY Philip TM'-uih. N Y J • wilbania.TH .1 ** nu>.ler, / co, Pa vdwßartlfy, Adame 00 Pa 8 W Sheldon, N*J HOTEL—Sixth *f. above Chsstnnt. A Thmnnir. Linwond Pa T.RWoodwsrd WCI-eafr ». Sm’th. Clcarßeld co. Pa .T Hutton. Clearfiebl on J« Allison. Clearfield 00 O Hunsiekar. -orristoßrn D ZohV, Mt.To* Pa John Jacobs. Pa T v XUl w ’ B 00 * VTonneh n. Chester co I. WThomaB A son Md .T « Purnite-Dd J N Bonjamini ,Md J Mo-Jhtre, Lanoco, Pa BI.ACK PF.AR. HOTEL,—Third st. above CaltowhiU, H SJ’opA. Clearfield R R Rucks co Dr J '•eib-rlinjr. Phi'a M Dankel Readme s I «wrj, V* IlminK’n, Del Geo Greenawait, Ta Sami Morris. Phiia SKS*dth. Pa H Maurer, Pa Geo Grubb, bumneytown dA RLKY SHEAF HOTEl<—Seoond st.» be'ow Vine' Rohr Be«nß. Bucks 00 Cha« Coulton, "01*© Togßtrnesley Bucks co .In* Thornton kla Pa Ci.fta Rosier Pa F J Farris k la Pa W James. Ducks co .Terse James Rucks go Tiro p Har vv. Do; lest’n J W Crnne Conn U Xj urnne, Conn Jesse Comfort. Bucks co MOUNT VP,FNON HOTEL-Seen-d at., atova Atcb Chns Walker N J Dr T H G Pa T Afihto '• 1 ewes. Dal A.Bimkmnn. Rurksco P o'ift Hnlmeatinrg Hiram C Clark, N J H Wor.hington,Trenton NATIONAL HOTFL—Race strs-t. above Third. Mrs Wil injTifi. Scranton * Matter'WiVmms Scranton Fam’l J*nkins Cohimhus R Moors. Danville* T 1 J He n -ller Pofurilla W We-ler, rV J John Henry, Lebanon Johu Carper, Lobanon co MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Vlurd «.. above Callowhill. J U Mimek, F«r?t A n , J Lcrcli. Jr. Bridoshur* WmH Baker Tyrone City GVertidge.Tyrons Citv 8 T Walker, Tj rone City J-Mouhaok, Bnyderco.Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—'I h'ni i;t., aVibve Oallnwhill. Andrew Oalyin, Easmi John Harbster, Reading Reprtried for the Proßs.l CHARLFBI ON—Pohr Homes PtopVs—K| bales cot ton H Shorn k Worn 16 do Greiner k darkness; 129 casks rtoe r ooh»au k Russ* I; 40 t«*ns old iron PI mux Iron Co; 43*6 nptv casks Massov. Collins k Co; IS emptv tunes An, J Q.hson.Ron k CO; 48 casks rice 21S empty pneks2 pkes mdse order. MAHLNK IWTELhIOSKCE. 9Ktt FOURTH PA9K. Bark Conrad. Palsliurv. from Rio de Janeiro Mav Ist. with coffee to Thoi A Newhall & Pons May 7th, Ist 20 MS. lon. 3130 W spoke bark H WenscU, from West Cn»Rt fM- xicn b* und to London 61 days out from Tat calm mo; l&rh. Int 7 <7 A. Inn* 31(4 W. snyrn. D*- lurk un der jurv mast stee.rinit north; 23d. bit o*6N.l<»ng B®fs, epoke Hr hark Alvsinn'A.frnm Mnntevid-o bound to Leeds June 14. IntB46s N, long 6741 W» exchanged sig n*»ln Mt*h Hr schr Vio'oria beund K. Schr n avid Carter. H over, 10 days from Moherin Ri ver. NC. wilh «hin 'lea tw Nornrom k Hlieets. cn.-ußtus Ho‘ «v, navis. 10 days from Surry, Vs, with lumber to Oeskill it Galvin Bcbr John whi'hv. HencerMiti, 1 day from Odeisa, DH with corn to Christian Sr Curren. Tug J F Starr. Th'inas 6 hours from Po nbny Hook, havi gtowrd fhernt l 'bark Thos Dillett,fnr Lai uavra At 8 A M. off Hominy Hook, parsed chip Pouthom Riuhts, from Liverpool comimr up under oanva*. Off the Powder Vt hnrl.saw Bi Bolirßeßtle?s, from Ralern.o. Steanu'hlp Doiton, Sellew. hence, arrived at N Yoik Star. Jones, lor Asplnwnll, o'eared at New Vork^>eat»*rilsy Skip 1 ilzabeth, Gillespie, hence, arrived at John, ND, Julius for Philadelphia, entered for loading at Liverpool 6th mst. 8« ip Phib’dcli'hia. IVnte, entered at Liverpool s!li Inst, to loud for Piii'sdHphia. . , Ship Bus »nG Owen, for Charleston, cleared at Livef 'ampion, Elwell, for Philadelphia, cleared &t l ivorpoH 4*t* ms*. ... _ _, ... Bhip Win V Kent. Wiienx. for New York, entered for loaning «t Liverpool 4th mst B<iip Rarihpnia, Hinton, from Calcutta far London, passed Dfolfith inet , , „ *, Ship »'o‘(ten Fleece, Manson, oleared at New York yesterday for Frauuiß (, o .... .... Bark C B Truitt, Scull, cleared at Liverpool 4tfi mat. for Vew York. I Prig W Nichols, Strnut, hence, arrived at Boston 19th instant. , Rohrs H E Weston 1 on*, G A Geefner, Weaver, and BueP.h. I.ewts. snW from Falem 19th inst for Phimti. ►jjhij Mail, Kelly, cleared at Providence 18th inst. for Wlnmion* for Philadelphia, oleared at St. John, NR. llth mst.. . „_ Schr Vircinia Price. Fldridgo, from Arroyo, PH, ar rived at New York yesterdav. . • . „ , Steamer Tscony.Lly. henee, arnved at New Yo’k yes*cidav. Propeller Novelty, Shew,, cleared at New York yester- The Lebanon, Hamilton, from Li verpool Jan 81 for Woosong- with coals, mu into this eort April .23 for a Ijowsprit, and to cnulk upper works, imvifii veiy bad Teat j*e? df tiioCupaofOovd Rope, IMPO RTATIONS* XFR'VEi* MEMORANDA. SPEOIAX, notiOeb. Tub New Perfumb—Pualokb’ Pau- LowAiA.-Thooelebrated JAPANESE EXTRACT for the liandkoroluef, prepared from the Blossoms of the celebrated Tree of Japan. The Messrs. PHALON take pleasure in stating that the new extract never been surpassed for its strength, aromatic sweetness and lasting perfume. Copyright secured. For sale every where. Prepared only by PHALON Sc SON, jeW-iot «1 GREENE Street, New York. Mar err 1 Miraculous Vermin Dk stxotkr, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating FATS and MICE. COCKROACHES BUGS. AMTS, MUfQUITOES, PLEAS, MOTHS, GHAIN WORMS, anil GARDEN INS h CTS. J*" frlmupal Cepot, 619 BItOADWAY, N. Y. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. myl6-8m Sbambb s Saving Fund —Nobthwsst Oo&Ksa Skcond and Walnut Steebts.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all classes of tbe community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER ORNT, per annum. Money may ha drawn by oheoks without loss of in terest. Offioe open daily, from 9 until 8 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday nntil nine in the eftemng. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS. M MORRIS. Sowing Machines. All persons who have bought Bowiug Maohmes whioh will not porform the workexpeoted, are informed that SINGER’S Ma chines never fait to do any kind of work. Noone irever disappointed in the Machines of I, M. SINGER & CO„ No. 810 CHESTNUT St, apJ-flm , Onb Pbiob Clothing op thb Latest flTYLß3,made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALEB. LOWEST selling prices marked In Plain Figures, All goods madotoorderwarranted satis footory. Our ONE-PRICE system Is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing AH are thoreby treated ahko. JONES Sc CO., •e9-tf 8M MARKET Btreefc Saving Fund—National Safety Trust Cokpahy,—Chartored by the State of Pehnsylva ia. RULES. I. Money is reoeived every day, and m any amount large or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. Interest ia paid for money from the day it Is pul in. 8. The money is always paid baok in COLD whenever It is called for, and without notioe, 4. Money is reoelvea from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or Bmail sums, to remain a long or short period, 6. Tho money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first oi&ss soourities. 8, Offioe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest orner Third strant. PMbutofahi* fall Salamandbb Fihb-Proof Safes. —A verj lareo aiEortmont of BAI,AM.‘ H DERS for sals at rea tollable prioe., No. SM CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia. .aW-tf i UVANH M WATSON. MARRIED. , M J t '' , % R 7 ; !J OOR T?-o 1 I l . l , h,a ciu ' on the )3thmet. by ' ? ~ „ ^„r . e ' ]i ,rT ■ F. 8. Millet to Aame, eldest dauth ter of W, \v. Moor a. . * NKVIL—MOORR.—At the same time, by the name, W- H Npvil to Lillto (Jlnra, second daughter of W. W. Moore..allor Philadelphia. * lULL\—YOUNG—February 19, by Rev. Dr Oha. Mr. Jofm W. Tuliy to Mus M*ry Young, daughter of- Ckd. Henry Yonog. * SINEXON—J L’STUS —Dn the morning of the 19th tns’ant. at Bt. I’pter’s Church, by the Hot. Geo. Leedi, Thomas Bmeson to Mary E., daughter oi the fate James ft. lustin', n>l of this city. * CARBON—BLACK —On the 9ih April, by Rev. W. Mullen# Mr. Archibald A. Cirson to Mies Anna). Black, b-dli of this oitv * HANSEL!.—GR» UL.—ln Manavunk, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. A. Culver. Mr. John HarisnU.of Lower Merion, to Mim Graul, of Roadiru, Pa. * _ BAINBSIftGE—.SHAW.—On the 11th mst., by Rev. J M. Douxlass V.r. Ro'-ert Bambridge fate of Ireland t°,M ’ rrarat daiuhtorof Mr- Wm. dnaw, of this city. * BhpK—BURT.— On the 11th instant, at Ounfoith, Illinois, by Rev. J. Watts, Mr. Cr.aries A. B<*ck, for meny of thisoity, to Miss Roccana M. Burt, daughter of DAmelß.Burt,of Dunleith,!!. * DIED. ASHTON.— r uddenly.on the 18th instant, Mr. Wm. Ashton. In the49'h >ear of his n. o. Funeral from his late residence, in Twenty-first ward, thisfThursday). morning at 10 o’olnok, * DlNAN.—Suddenly, on the lffth instant, Thomas Fd ward, eon of Timothy and MnrgATetDinan, Atted7years. Funerol from tho residenre cf hie parents. Twenty fnu’thand Locust stretts, this (Thursday; afternoon, atloolook. * FAUNCE.—On tho 19 th instant, William, son of Wm. H. and Kebjcoa Fannce, aged 2 vears And 13 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No-1107 Vienna e’reet, iighteenth ward, this < Thursday) after noon. at Bo’oiock. * aa.M.L*. a, uni.;,. TORmENS—On the 19th inntant. Charlotte, wife of Samuel Torrens, and daughter of Nathaniel Lloyd, in the 2Jd year of age. „ Funeral from the residence of her brother-in'law, Richar; Field, 8. W. oorner Franklin and Callowhill etroets. on Friday aftornoon. "t 3 o’cl ok. * WHITE —On tho 19th instant, Charlotte White, in the 62d year of her aae Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph StocktiU.No 1020 Carver street, on Friday morning, at 9 o’olook. * H A RVEf.—Oii tho Mill instant, Mrs. Martha Harvey, aged 2i years. • Funeral from the ronidenr** of her father* Feoond street. abo\e Oxford, this (Thursday) morning, a». 9 o clock. * MlittCKß —On the 19th insfant, Mrs. T lizibeth Mer cer. relict of the late David Meroer, in the 76ih year of her ago. Funornl from the residence of her son. Henry Mer nsr. Elm street. hclowGira-d avenuo, Eighteenth ward, on Frida* afternoon. at.s o’olook. * t jiOBbRTSO.V,—On t*»o I9th instant, Mrs, Arnißo oertsofi, wj To of David Roberlso;*. i'unor-il from the residence of her husband No. 320 South Front B«reet. above Union, this (Thursday) af ternoon nt 4 o’clock. * RYNK,—On the l!)th instant, Lawrenoo.fnfi-nt son of Margaret and the ate Lawrence Rrre, aged 13months. „ Punernl from tho reeufanoe of his mother, No. B’tf Ponth Twelfth street, this (Ihursdsy) afternoon, nt 4 o’clock * bHANON.—Op the 19th instant. Ella Jme. daugh ter of Alhm and iaueShanonta'od 2 years nnd 1 week. , Funeral fn»m the residence i-er parent*. Park and Market streets, West Philadelphia, this (Tnuraday) afternoon, ut 4 o’clock. * POUL PER KH.—tin the morning of tho 19th, Stephen Poulterer, m the ??d year of his age. His re'atives and friends are invited to attend his m rsratfrnfej ihe residence r»f los soa-in-law. N is 221 PouMi Eighteenth street on Fr d*y morning at 9 o’clock, Toproeeoil to Laurel Hill Cemeter*. * ” McKNIGH t- e morning oi the 19th mst.,, wife of Ro'jert MoKouht. Tke relatives snd friends of the family are respect fully invited toattond the funeral from the realriencanf her husband, No 1729 Barker,street, this (Thursday )af at i o'clock. T<j proceed to Woodland —.Tune 18th, Elisabeth, daughter of (he late Robert T. Evans. • Funeral from the residence ol her brother-in-law. W. H. Knight. /’O. 229 North Ninth street, at 1(1 o'clock A. M.on to-day 21stin*t. * GKEGAN.—tin the 18th instant, George Ghegan in the Mrh year of bis age. j-uneral from his lute residence, Williamson street, below Movamrnsinpnvenue, and below Morne street, thfaiThursdfti )nfternouo,at2 o’olook. * KENNY.-9n the 13*h instant, Joseph Kenny, in the ifth learof his age, aftir a long and painful iilnns. Funeral from hto late reeidenoe. No. 1621 Lombard street, on tiunday roorolug next, 24‘h mst., at 9 o’olook. .*•* CUMMER MOURNING GOODS. Black Bsroses and Grape Marets. JJ. 6-4,7-4, and 8-4 wide ; Hlaok Silk GrenodmoSi Grenadine Bareges, Caniel’e Hair Bareses. Summer . Bombazines, Chalis, Crape Chalts, Tamartine*, Tamm itan%. fine Mou.'sehne do Laines, Lawns, Ginrli ims,Organdie-*,Silks. Poulards, Chansde f-olnes, Bareee Manti'lis and Points; Bareie, Grenmlme B-iroge and Grenadine Shawls; limb elfas, Fans,Summer Gloves and HCtSiery; Veits t Collars, Me’veq, &o. BhSSON A cON, Mourning Btore, jel Nn. nHKSNUT Street, The only reliable article— CLARK'S Patent. INDELIBLE PENCILS, for Marine all kind 3 of Clcthing n«aily and indelibly. They da tooir work hotter t)\*>n ink, without its troobta or risk ol Blotting, bacli wvU mark 2 ooG article’. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, by 1). C. TA/I.UR A C(h. Agents for the Manufacturer, No. Dll CHESTNUT Mreet. jel2 8m CHOICE MUSICAL QKNTEIITAIN. 113 MBNT, by the Y'IUNG LATHE' ot r several Grammar firho-do, THURSDAY EVENING, Juno Hot 18-10. Doors epon nt 7 unlock; Concert to com mence utB preoiselv. ComJuotor, Prof. JOtiN BOWER} Pianist, Prof, A. TaYiOßj Hvnio„iimi, Mr. A. BAOHMANM. Ticket* 2S cents. If NOT I C K.-A MEETING OF THE LL3 BTOCKKOLD KRBOP THE PHILADELPHIA AND BAIjTIMORK Cr.NTRAt. RAILROAD Will l>e held at a VONDALE. on SATURDAY, the 30th mat., at 1 oV'-ck P M . to'take Into consideration the present f\ mno^ 1 conduit n of the Company, nnd to adopt such tnon*urefi as they may deem Judicious to secure the pn*teouuon of tho work pxtomlins the Railroad towards Baltimore, and the successful wnrkrg of the road. JeJMt* KQUT. HODGSON, Beoretary. notice.—the annual meeting IL*f otthe Stockholders or the CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on THU HBDAY. Ju~e23. 1850. botwe*n the hours of )0 A. M and J P. M., at the office of the company, Cooper’s Point, Camden, New Jersey, to elect Director! of said company to serve for the ensuing year. JeP-»Je2B ROBERT FRAZER, Pert. fY"S» OFFICE OF THE PHitAOELI'HiA Ikf AND KEADINQ RAILROAD COMPANY. „ ~ . , t March,iB6o. The holders of the bonds of this Company, due July J, 1858. can now reoeivo. upon application at this effioo, 10 per cent, in cash, upon tho terra* specified m the oirou larattachcd. The holders are aloe entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of @140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1850, end in pursuance of the oontsaot, entered Into by bo company afid duly recorded, to carry the same into Ifeot. 8- BKAUFORji, Treasurer, CIRCULAR. ffottee to rAt Holders of Philadelphia and Reading RaUroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1, 1860. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages onthc road, amounting in the aggregate to 93.308,<00. The net revenue tor the last fiscal year was six times the amount of the annua) interest on those bonds. The managers propose to extend thorn for a period oi twenty Tpara, the holdera retaining tho bonds £nd the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in' S ilon they are now hold. Fresh sheets ofooupon* for e interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per oent. will bo given to 1 be holdei?, in coneideratum of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing c, receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to us agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on aoplio^tion. By order of the Board of Managers. ml-tf V*. H. MoILHKNNY. Aeorotanr. WEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. 1 1 —This porulir and eminently ‘avorilo Houso at Atlantic City tins, aiuee tho closing of last season. boon enlarged, rcfi'ted, refurnished, and complete y ro iuvemvted m evaiy particular, and is now open fir the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all places r f interest, close proximity to the safest and bast part of the he nh, it *6 rendered one of the most convenient and dooid.'rtly the ploisantebt house tu tlio Is sitd. A , . '•* Terms—9lo per week ; 91 tv) por day. Children and servantn half price. JOHN BM*Cjl, Proprietor. R. L. FUREY, fiucerir,tendant. ' je2l-2m URATII HOtHE, M “ tinHOOr.F.Y’B MOUNTAIN. N.J„ Dnnwo.'cn fur the reception of company Coinmum rtifm' 0 by loiter will be promptly attended to. je2l lin D A. CROWELL. Proprietor, TM VERY FAMILY.SLOPED POSSESS A J-4 BTEREGPOiU* I **. InstTiimentfl ma nufimrureil in th® best style; Bteroosoopto Pi-lures, of too ft est q’.i d tieo. reconMy imported, Hi\d noUl at UlO lowest prices m the country, by „ , M J. FRANKLIN, US South frOUhTII Bt., below Chestnut. mhl RiOKlasacs, provided with tho celebrated I'onecopic Glaa-cn. and correoilv suited for nil ngea Miomscosea and Microscopic Photograph?, Op<*ra Gla*»os. MaiheipatiCHl Instrument, fito.rin t;r**at variety. *U lat the most reasoname rates. j Sl-jf-Ct S* PURPLE TOP YELLOW RUTA BAGA TURNIP S*-ED —Fnrm®rs desiring a pure and reliable-artiolo nt the lowest market rates, should purchase their supplier nt K. BUIBT A* SON’S Reed Warohoti*e. le2l-3t 988 and »34 MARKET Street, nh. NINTH. PERSONS HAYING DAGUEKREO TV PEB. AmbrotYpee, &0.. of deceased relatives or friends, and wishing to h%v4 them copied, ahou’d first call at RF.IM KR 8 Gallery, SI'.COND Street, above Green, befora going a nowhere. H* CuARK.T* CLARET! CLAKET! ON DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! Claret nt\ draught, from @1 per eallon upward, Also, all ether kinds of wines anil Liquors, imported direct, by VRKAIRR & LtSIEUR, IXU South SEVLKTH Street. ; jr3l-m* EE HN» fl PHOTOGBAPntO TSTA- B ISHMENT, IJI9 CHfcSi’NUr Street, for nierl: H2O Chestnut I’hiUograpJ’S, Ambrotypes, Ivorv types,,Card Puitures, Life endStereosoopio Por traits. x 1 » lt» ANP MANTT attendtd to, olt l dfreet, above Market* CHINA AND GLASSWARE. pRUIT JABS! FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JAUS. THE BEST FRUIT JARB, I THE I)EST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. the FRUIT JARS! WRIGHT, SMITH, & CO.. No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade the heel Fruit Jars out. Cali and see their qualities tested by experiments. r<A UTION—FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The \-inubl:o are oautioned against the various imitation* of HARUSLL’S PATENT ALL-GJpAB3 AIR-T GHT JARS, now m mafrn. The genuine have Hartoll’s name on the cover. Manufacturer* a»*di»r the patent. f BARTELL ft LKTORWOKTH, Jel3-lmif* No. 13 North FIFTH street. POISON—FRESH FRUIT JARS.—TLe add of fruit always corrodes the aurfuoe of metal, be o&reful, therefore, to purchase "nlr Jars of olaas lUli^i V ?5 B r°f.. Glaao ‘. KARTELL’S LATENT AIR WOK L ALLGLAbB JARS are ndmittod to be the only reliable and porfeotly rate jar m market. . „ , KARTELL &. USTOHWORTH. jel3-lrr.iP Manufacturers, No. 13 N. FlPi R street. H'J NOT GO INTO THE COUNTRY ™tbou«, Piirchniiiri -• KARTELL’S AI.L-GLASB. RATES l AllC-TIGHT JAll?.—Mis. Nicholson*,ccla hr ted cook boob, with ln’.l directions for putting up Iruita, Aq„ together witli sal other ineM! receipt., 6irisM?tffi^ r J X , H l s IAI - K, ' I/ai,ATKN ' rA£l -' HARTKJ.L A LETCHWORTB, jel3 Iraif* North FIFTH Btreet. CLOTHING. gj, H- ELDRIDGB. <« CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” R. E. Comer EIGHTH and CHESTNUT St*. Cuatomer Work made at ehort notic*. mh3l .Sm-if MEDICINAL. pROF. MORRIS 1 EUOEPHALOS, PROFES s OR MORRIS' PFOPERSOR MORRIS* PROFESSOR MORRIS’ AN INVALUABLE** F HALOS, AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE FOR DPEABFS OF RKMEI>V * FOR DIBRABKB OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM NERVOUS SYSTEP * • NERVOUS SYSTEM Asoocasioved by intense APPLICATION OF THE MIND to tho researches of Literature, the concerns of Commercial aud Financial Business, and the affairs of Professional and Political Life, or os occasioned by Any other oause from which the Nervous System has be oome exhausted and diseased. The symptona covered by this valuable Preparation are numerous: of whiou the more prominent are, EXCITKVtK'VT OF THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE Midi), CHRONIC n%?, u SALGM,^ NERVOUS HEADACHE Lto.. Jb-to. The EUCEP HALOS is oarefullr prepared, by per mission, from the Formula ofPHOF. W. MORRIS, M. D.* of this whioh he refers In hie Philosophical Pamphlet, PsUKIKUS.” On the relations of the Gangiio-Nervoua System to the immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited the principles and commended the system of Composite Homajopathv, Professor M. says: 4f It may be permissible that 1 should offer, as an il lustration, my own nm A oontinous courso of stu dies for a number of years bod, to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effects of extreme mental ap pbcation. by attenuating the prime centres ofortamo and intellectual lifo, end henno arose a felt necessity of Sprsonal relief. Having a well-founded confidence in kimprsite Hommopathy and an intimate acqunintanoe with Medica of the Homeopathic School. I selected certain subetanoos of ftscerfiwped harmonious relations and approved uses, end combined their essen tial properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened bv the possession of a medicinal resource.” Professor Morris describes the mode of application, and then adds: “Id this way the desired relief haft been •ob tained, tho nutritive system invigorated, the sangiio nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental clearness, tranquillity, and vigor—at the aga of nearly three score-are the much valued results.” Prepared.and Bold WHOLESALE, by MOCKRLDGE A CO.. No, 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. Price, 91 per bottle, large aiso-08 oents small wise. znrSS Sjsif ft QOT|flf ft For the INfcTANT RELIEF and PER MIIIMI MANENT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, ms FE.m>s BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Mud. ttr C. B. SEYMOUR * GO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Prioe 91 per box; eont free bj poet mY7-dm if] FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. WATCIfES, JEWELRY, &c. SJETS OF JEWELRY, and MOST ELEGANT STYLES, - , LADIES’ WATCHES, Just raoelved. THOMAS O. GARRETT, Tl 2 CHESTNUT fctreet. SPARKLING GELATINE, By tho gross, dozen, or single package, ALBERT 0; ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, je2l Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. r mJHFIfiLD, Conn., May 7th, 1800.— At a stat-'d meeting of the stockholders of tho Con necticut Mining Company, hvld THIS DAY, the follow ms gentlemen were tleoted Directors to serve for tho ensuing year: Goo ih West, Thus. H. Hill. Rtveriuj Marsh, Carlton R. Moats, •1 03, ™V , , B . ht 'r.* ‘ I orenso vvbeoler, Jno.W. Buell, Wm. H. Crorsman, Hiram 8. Spencer. , Attest, JNO. W. BUi’LL, jesi 3c - * Secretary, - „ Litchviblu, Conn.. Moj7, 1860. At a meeting of the Board of ibrectinrs of the lion* nectiout Mining Company held this dft». Geo. (J. West olected President, Moses Bowman Troasurer* Jno. W. Buell woe appointed Secretary, and R. U. Lowri Assistant Secretary, Attest, JOHN W. BUELL, Je2l-3t* ■ Secretary. A T. STEWART & CO. ARE PRE ;£*-• .FARED tojmake engagements with Salesmen for their various Wholesale Departments. Ip men of ability, having an availab’e connection with buyers, thoj can oiler situations, which, in regard to position and remuneration, will bo the first among the trade. New Vobk, June 19,1860. je)g-tnth2t rpilE VST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT for FOREIGN and DO- MtBl fC I CRTS, and days of sail, corrected daily, is published in tho PHILADp LPHIA INQUHIKk. br CARRtEHS JkVERYVYHERE, at •TWRLVb CKNTBa week. Offioem Fouth THIRD Street. rp HE LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT X of PHILADELPHIA for FOREIGN and DO MESTIC PORUS.and days of sail, corrooted daily, is pubtiahadin the PHILADELPHIA INWUIRER. mB]?^r V^ i> « b^»« CARRtBR B EVERYWHERE, at TWELVE CENTS a wi»ek. Office 121 South THIRD Street. jcgq-St The list op vessels in the port of PHILADELPHIA for FOREIGN .ml DO- MhB * IC PUflTS.and davs of sail, correqted daily, is pubiahed lathe PHILADELPHIA INOIHHKR. RERYED by OARHIERS EVERYWHERE, at TWELVE CENTS a week Office 121 Mouth THIRD Street. je2Q-3t Proposals for coal and wood. MINT OF THE UNITED BTATKB,* „ , - Puilalelphia. June 2MR*4). { Proposals for supplying the .Mint of the United Bt»tes with Coal and Wood frorij the lstoi July proximo (I 860,) to 30th of June nextllSdl,' will be reoeived bj the un dersigned until 19 o’clock M of 3Jth inst. Tho Coal must Ik* of the best Anthraoite Lehigh, of the egg and lump sizes, nnd entirely free from bono. slate, nnd other foroign imbstanoes; eaoh ton to 1 weigh s.*'4o pounds The Wood to bo dry and of the best quality of hiokory and spruce pine. * ; .Theartinles must bo delivered nt the Mint, at such times ana in suoli Quantities as may he required, free from.carting or other charges, and subject to tho in spection and approval of the Direotor of the Mint. Proposals may be made for each article separately, and are to bo endorsed “ Proposals for Coal.” •• Proco sajs for Wood.” JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, je2o-d<f}9 Director of the Mint. SS DAMAGED PIANOS, MELO- M • ■ f "deons, Guitars, Violins, Boss Viols. Double Boss Accnrdeons. Flufnas, Ao.,from the jato fire nt 1102 Chestnut street, have been repaired and all put in g*spd 170,1 at R great sserifiee, at 1102 CHESTNUT Street, of MAUSII, Agent N. B.—MUBIC at cue cent per paua. at lilt* MARKET Bt. je!«-4t IflAß.—lso bbls. TAR, in store and for S OuSi^ 7 H^v!;s Y ' AB HBURN E R. CO., NO, 16 VINEGAR. —350 bbls. Clarified Cider Yi . rejar. Ho White Wine Vinesar, in store end asheurner, & co„ no. to a()U HI WHS RYES. SJPrRITSTURPENTINE.— 27S bbls Rpts. Tnrrontine, In store and fo* sale by ROWIJV,y. ASHBttitN EH, A CO., No. 10 SOUTH WHARVES. GOAP AND CANDLES.—4SO boxes Or. P le«n Snap, fj{ tioie. Olive Soap, 070 boxee Adalr.atl tine Candles. 823 boxes Hydraulic Candles. 43 boxes Spermtu etn Candles, in e'ore and for sale hr ROWI.EV a- CO ,No. If*BQirCH WitAllVKg. HAVANA CIGARS—A LARGE, HAND SOME and VARIED ASSORTMENT; coneie tma nf euoh l'rnnda as GABA NOE. riGAftA.NI.p TlfNO, TARTAOM MPANOLA ARUUkLLKS. An , So., rfa I «iaea and aud ties, on haul eon.tantlv and lor sale low, by CHARLES 'I IiTK, ISO Walnilt t'lSUb lelB-im ARDEN ANDPARLOR VASES, STA nLLoW.,..r < i£T“ l !'fr Ornamented Flower PoU, teSfJfflkle o «S‘Staff' Co, “’ ““"'■“'“"I -A'fl pieces (Jity smoked * ~S r^Btern S Qr#d 2.000 tieroes Citr Smoked Western Cured flame. «» *• •« sides. 20 tierces Gardner, Phipps, & Co.’s extra Sugar Cured Baugod Hams. 100 bbls, extra Heavy Western MesS Pork, 23 ** Rump do, City Smoked Beef in lots to suits purchasers. , HO bbls. Prime Western Leaf Lara instore. Fortale by 0. O. bADLER &. CO. je!B 6t No. 103 AROfl street. AZUMEA I AZIIMfiA! AZUMEA! AZUAIEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA) PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured eulcly \t No. 62 North FOURTH 6^4et« and for atua by Grooera seneraUy, tsy99 toil WANTED A situation, by a young married mini. m an, hecan unite himavlr* generally a2ef a j lootor and salesmen. *ooyection to an»lfibn l ' sine** that is honorable. Can gi?a th® b« t of L b f “' rrnce* aa to cipaoity ami integrity! and SL™il$ f Vr Scm ed ' i ‘ lm3B ,c « rem "COLLECTOR,” Vthji * - • jfl!9 4t* AN experienced book-keeper r • of lw *' V9 years*-*experienee as Cashier, Bonk-’ keener, and Correspondent, wishes an engagement la a firsf-c[ass h-mae. The best of reference given? Ad? dress HALL, at the office of The Press. Jei9 FRUIT JARS. ■vy"ANXEDr-A Situation, by a man, * . thirty-Heyen years of age* of extensive experi ence in business, ol good adores*, and competent to fill almon any position, either as a clerk, superintendent, or salesman. Is very respeotably oonnooted, and can give the most satisfactory references as to integrity, energy.and business capacity. A moderate salary for thßwewnt will be accepted. Addresss, Q, fl »»office oi Trie rrej*. jel2-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. g| GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. —For mSjMi'f Sf U L’S’xf.'xi on *Mommodatjn, wrms, TWO STONE COTTiGiB. Call tt> foet .aoh . #t dcop to b I Btrpel. Situate on Waakinc t)u .v«mi", rwq atiuate. from Mnilmnd rtntton. Anolr “ K. TAYLOH, Convo,oncer, No. 141 North BlXf ft BtrMt ’ , j»ll-3t « fGK SALE—A three-story BRICK th,!l P w)crn imororrirmenr,: !^p^rn > .!tSL i, r ' A,p,r on ,h * Promlw», No. 314 REED itroet. J»H-tnth.6f «T 0 RENT —A very desirable three storied DweUlnk with back builJinn. and modem Wo * J7l)8 Locniit street, fn exceliem "'m' Apply to „ WM. BROWN, Js* o U ■ No. 163 i LOCUST Street. ©STORE TO LET—The Four-storied STORE. No. 305 North FRONT Street, ebov, »m Inmotii Apply to Dr. BKAU MONr. No.-1-y ARCH Street. ]«]B 6t» nno RENT FOR THE SUMMER—The . . foltuwingfuinished rooms of a Urge hones: Parlor, w!iL?«oP ra ’ * tltc h«n-,four chambers, and brah-rco/n. of the Tioga station on the uerinsD.own •ttailroau. Terms nimleratae App.y cn R l l .rnlBoii^ a o!"" ,ie ’ or MFOR SALE—a desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about ten aoies of .Land, anl the Brandy wine, tix miles south oi West Cheater, near the Baltimore Central Katlroad. , Address j. w L h DNT jo 19 Im* Parkev Ho. Cheater coonty, Pa. £>AI E. — A stock of Hardware and *> Fancy Goods. *3 ho Good-will ind Fixtures of a Store doin? a good Dusineus; terms easy, the present owner .having determined to 01000, for tho purpose of removing from the city. Address J. J. L., at thisoffioo, with nwmi and icfoieqno. jelO-at* PARLOR AKD BED •“jKOOMi to Jet, with Dnsril,' Gentlemen furnish cd with meals No. bgS SPRUCE Street. je>g-4t» TO RENT—A Sccond-story Room, 35 feet by SO feet, with steam power, lighted on four aides and he ated ;by steam, with hatchway, Ac. Apply to MoCAMBRJOGb, FRY, ft CO., jelS 7t aafi and 529 CHERRY Street. VALUABLE LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot, 160 feet by ICO. having three fronts, located in the southwesternpart < f the oity. m the midst of a rapidly improving neuhbomqod, is offered for sa'e on reasona ble terms. For paiticulars apply at this Office. Jelg-llt* MFOR BALE OR RENT—New Stone Mansioc,Bam, ftc.with extensive accommoda tionsnnd thirteen sores of land, on Chelton Hills. In quire at No. 0 North THIRD Street, jelS-l?t* FOR SALE or TO LET—a Double Stone f ottage, Germantown, situate on Dewey’s lane* second house from Thorp’a lane, five minutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modem conveniences. Apply to F. 9. WIL P *UN, Jed-lm 603 CHESTNUT Btreet fa FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE FOR JtetMKHCHA~DIBE—Two two-story briok booses and lot of ground subject to improvement. Rent for 973 per annum, eaoh. A small amount of cash, and the balance in merchandise required. Address A. 8.. Press Office. myg-lm PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at Cl 6 LOCUST fit., south sideof Wasbinutousquare. Theiooation, being opposite lo one of the handsomest parks in the city, is cental, and extremely p’easant. Transient persons visiting the oity can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office. Jell-tf- Famlltes and gentlemen wish- ING FIRBT-CLABJ BOARD, with cool Rooms, can now have chrloo jt9<{ WALftUT St. jM-lm* TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with orwithout board,)m a private family. Location cen tral. Address “ TOLBJfiKT,” through Blood's Dis patch. ap3B OORN EXCHANGE BANK, Pnir-AURLpma, May 1,1830. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT, on the Capital Stook, dear ol tate Tax, and payable on demand. mrl-tf. J.W. TORREY, Cashier MISS LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY. Bfp tember 17th, 1850. jr2-lm Removal small « chandler, WHOLESALE GROCERS.have removed from 56 North SECOND Street, to Its MARKET Street, above h»ont. north wide. lag American saving fund.—com panv’e m Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till 6 o'clock, and os MONDAY till Bin the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in foil, on demand, Without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sum paid AffVxTffHII.LDIN, Piwldent. ~ BAML. WORK, Yice President. John C, Farr* „ T. t. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Sami. T. Bodine, Alb. C. Roberts, John Aikmaa. Joras Bowman, H. H. Eldndge, Wm. J. Howard.. % JOHN S. WlLSON,Treasurer. JOHN Seoretary. je2o-im OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Btreet, between Vine and CallowhiH. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, 1831.! open for Deposits and Payments, daily, from 9 to *)& o'clook. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY KVE(slNGS,irom6to? o elocK, Interest S per oent. per annum. Depositors can with draw their Moneys by Checks, if desired. Speoial De posits reoeived. ** JAMES. 8. PRINGLE, President, Fa&RCift Hast. Reeretarr. a«9o*tf if INSURANCE COMPANIES, CARD— NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON, * No. 4-25 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. The undersigned bees to inform bis friends and the public xenerully, thit HUGO LIKbING, Esq., of this olty, is now associated with h rn in the AGENCY of this COM PANY, andthe stylo or the firm being GKTTY k. LIEBI.NG. ’ihe patronage heretulora so iihorallj hes'owrd upon the undersigned is respectfully solicited rortliofirm. WILLIAM wKT'I'Y. northern assurance company, LONDON. Capita), S 6 293,80-.) Incomo, over 81 000 (KXU Losses adjusted and promptly paid without reference to London. Kaleo moderate. _ GETTY fc LDJJVG, Agents, 420 CIUiRTNUT Street. JaZO-gt New Building, Philadelphia « , ank. rmiHjfi iMUTUAL Llfib INSURANUJi X COMPANY .OF NEW YOKK. SIS dollahs, WTlinS JM XtatT MORTJU3SS OH axat XSt&XXf WORTH OVER 9 U,0004)00. 7kepremiums are towst than in many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been anxavia. This is a striotly Mumax. Company.' There are ue Stookholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS IXLONO VO ¥US IHSSaSD, Pamphlets, and every information, mar be had •&A¥i6,ou application to . *v £ H-ATCHFORD STARR. Aient. 0, W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets- PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordeo&i L Dawson, • George H. Stuart, Geo»e M. Strand, £« 8, Whelen, John B Myers, J. Fisher Leaminf* Joseph Patterson, William O. Ladwif* John M. Atwood, Arthur G Coffin, Thomas n. Powers. George W.'Poland, William MeKee. Thos. Wattson. nM-lTif* Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED THE STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE~AND INLAND RW«, DSBSCXOJLSt Samuel Wright, D. B. Birnoy, Win, W. Walters, J, W. Ererman, Bhas. Riohardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., eo. A. West, Jaoob W. Stout, 0. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. - Thos. 8. Martin, GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIB N. BUCK, Vice Pres’t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seoretary. jali-ti riLINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PLATTBBURG, MISSOURI. Chartered in IB6o.—Authorised Capital, 8100,000. WBECTOBS: H. Whittingfon. Winslow Turner, T. II Bradley, George W. Culver, James H. Biroh. Jr. H. WHITTINGTON, Pres. I. N. HOCKADAY, Beo. and Treas, Speoial attention paid to Collections, and Money romptly remitted. Busineaseolioitcd. mh23-3n>* jjLiINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WJIjIjIAMS, No. 16 NORTH STREET, Is the most extensive of VENETIAN BUNDS AKQ WINDOW SHADES. Th* lwt»rt «nd Shut uurtant In th. oily, st lb. prio«». STORE SHADES tn„« nnd lottorod. Aopaitist promptly attended to. apz-dftn SHOEMAKER & Co glass, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Streets. my*9-6m 1860. I0E! iOE! 1860. COID SPRING ICE COMPANY. SCALE OF FAMILY PRICHB. 8 pounds daily 40 cents per week. 12 " i fid " ** 15 ** « 63 •• «« 20 “ •* 70 “ “ 4Q »* HJS «• u 78 " •« 175 •« « Send your orders to the offices, or may be given to the driver#, THOS. E.CAHILL. Offioeo. 325 WALNUT Street, second etorr; PINJE STREET-WHARF, Sohnylkill. City Depot. LOM BARD And TWENTY-FIFTH Stmetn. aoSS-touf Mackerel, piiad herring, white FISH AND CHEESE.—3,'X) blil3. Msckeiol. No, Is, 2s, and 3s in wholes, halves, qua.tors, and eighth.. Halifax and Mussaohurona luapseotion. k S 5 bbls Pastern Megs Shad. 5.0 bbls EHStport a>id Halifax Herring. SC<) boxei bastpart B#a)ad do. »0 hall bbls White Fish . . 4 . «0 bones H.rltemer County Cheesei in itnre. For »B a hv O. O, SADLER. &GO., jeiB 6i No. 103 ARdH Street. dHRUIIE TURPENTINE.—7S bbls Spts Torpentine. hard and aoft. in store and for eale by BOWLKY. ABII BURNER, & CO«, No. 16 couth WHAWVKB- . HENNESSY BRANDY.—7O casks, In half plmi ddarier piMii and V pipes, forml* in mtby "myll lm ** WrilWhY WANTS. BOARDING. DIVIDENDS. EDUCATIONAL. REMOVALS. SAYING FUNDS, amusewjsts. Wf ALNU T-STREBT THEATRE. . ▼ Sol. Less.B Mr,. M, A. GARBETSQN 3tu.n,u A,0n.....Mr. JOS. fl, MURPHY open at feifoimant-a comni.n-. at 5 o clock. INCREASED FURORF. HOUSES CROWDED otv w f, j*|f OF w — 1 KIX 2-o’. : S« R M-'.X.4l!,„ E 3uEB'rRIAtf TROUPE! FROM -NIHIjO’R UARDEN. jW York. . FIRST NIGHT dF Mr.jyitLUM HAN/.ON. FIRST NIGHT OF . . JjEB HOMES ARIANS. Among the Axtistes are _ MLc.JjLLA ZOYARA* or h tadtel baroccf para^cl? * -rithout «ddl. th. HANLON BROTHERS. othn ’rf’JOjnuiMteererM.n in thi, or«nj Th, *r«t SHl t H |? D * 1 0 r HAaLT0 K> T|;,?sfffl, ea thS^H ERirA . COURT JMTe£ A -.^Sir. 6 vknth , Nr) Among the leading features of the THE BEAUTIFUI, TRAINEIi Man«.d br ELLA ZOI-IbX on Wes d d 8 aV aTIG A grand afternoon performance P^2 D i ftt3 bfiloolr. Door*openat?s. for J 8 cS«Si lenxoon performano * Children are admitted At the hverrint Performances. SEATS A 8 W WITHOUT KXTHA C cilAßGl;. it« At PE ALE’S COURT OF DEATH.— This sublime Moral Paintine. hv RRMKRiNnf PEAI.E, will b. exhibited for ScJt DAYfITVrd so ° re ’ AT CONCERT HALL COMMENCING FRIDAY KVEN&q, JUNE M. Tmsis the great masterpiece of Mr. Peals Itcov-ra 5U square feet of canvas,{contains S 3 Life Size Fi gure*, and u valued at ° Tk 55,000 DOLLARS. • t/.iPr.Vr®.-o* &n ,n ipres«:ve and vivid lesson upon the * w *“ and tb ® oocertap*ty of bu terroraof^Oea of Christian Fairhover the Death* 11 iUuatration of thB of Bishop Porteas, on ft i« free ffomoverylhing repulsive, again* 0 **° 11 01150 to sea it again and «pen from 2 to 6, and 8 tr» 10 p. M. Tickets2scents. Beaaon Tickets.fOcents. je2b6t /CHOICE MUSIOAL ENTERTAINMENT. BF TUB YOUNG LADIES _ PEVERAL GRAMMAR PCHOOLS. _ THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 21. WA Doors open Rt 7. Concert to commence at Sprectsely, Condiifttny in-,,,, -I, Pnimst„ it Harmonium Prof. John Bower. -j-rtof. A. I'bj!o', .—-.Mr.A. Hachmaun. TICKETH 25 CENTS. M°6t™ TQU,S OAIE ™-EACE ,„IW'MENBE ATTRACTION! THE M^S W. AIJ. THE COMPANY. OOLOMON’S TEMPLE, . Alarxe. bf aulifnl, and perfect mod.Uf tee xraod- Mtii&d mart interutm. bmldlax .... builtiaeicated in th* lnunense Mloon of BTREET. The i* ssfaet lon*. 24 feet wide* and U feet high ? lighted by TO gas jets, and .the worshippers te presented by On figures arrayed in Jewish ocetume, surrouadms the venous courts, give it a life-like an pearance. „&»!* ?? «lt oh»? S 1 Chron., »h ohap^tSd Chron., 4th and 7th chaps.} ana kxoons* 25th chap.*Vor L°»?& n i! of Solomon’s TemsltTafl of ,a the Modal. 7nv W™F K *A fTQm 3? w 12 A’*V 3 to 6 an ?. T tol®F-«• Lectmre at 11. 4*andSXo’clock. olnM m is ! cenUu 08nlfl * tuo 25 cents; single ° h^ PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, 1023 CHF.STNUT StrMt. Exhibitioni,no*open dsliT.fttmi * 'iS oo^- IV’ “ n si 7 J f ' M ” »?d from S till IS V. s. d«nfffi D *“o. Ctui- will receive th«iftiok.t»*tth« o!Be»of the Academy. SEWING MACHINES. w. P. UHLINGEK 8s CO.. MAJnjVACTUBEBa 09 BE WING MACHINES. Making the Loop and Shuttle Stitch. The latter foreli kinds of manufacturing purposes, price Sso.‘ Tne others are from $25 upwards. OFFICE AND SALES BOOM, 65*8 ARCH BTREET. PHILADELPHIA, P-S.-MACiI!NE SILK, SPOOL COTTON. OJL, NEEDLES. 4c , conetanrlj on lined. jo 12-3rvi tIEELER & WILSON SEWING MACJHINEEw HUJRY COY, Agent, 08 CHESTNUT STREET* SECOND FLOOR* Maohinea, with Operators, on uire to Private Families, msca osticks: T West STATE Street, Trenton, FT. J, * 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Fa. ‘ Jal9fa* W IL OOXit GIBBS’ SEWING MA CHINE.--The great and increasing demand for Wilcox A Gibbs’Sewing .Machine is a guarantee of ita . Fnce $». For sale at FAIR BANKS’ Scale Warehouse, 73* CHESTNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TVSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— {"''JOPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER SIGNED hare this d at formed & eop*rtnarib<p under the firm of STIJL.SON, STONE, tc CO., for the purpoee of tranraotin? the Who’eteie China, Gfaaa,and Queens*are business, at No. S 0& COMMERCE St, ROBERT MILSON, J. E, STONE. JOHN F. BiifNETT, Jnna 1, 2860-Iq HARD IVARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.-~We would reapeotfolly call the attention of the Gene ral Hardware Trad® to oar extensive Stock ct BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at aeuU advance by the p&okate. . Orders for direot importation eolieited, and Goode de livered either la thi» eityTNew York, or Mew Orleana, W, G. LEWIS * Son, 411 COMMERCE Street, . 4 imoßtinc and CotamiMion MeroiiaaM. And Ajesbr ferFerein acd Demerit Hardware. i«frd FOR CAPE MAT—Persons feaSSarfa abent CAPE MAY 'con nave their cared for, checked from their Ttbi donee, and delivered on board tho Sea-Stosmers Dela ware. Hoston. ond Kcnnelwo, yhicli leave the Sm .wharf below SPRUCE Street, dailv, at s>£ oVlcck A. M.» by leavroc their address at the Office of URA BAM’B BAGGAGE EXPRFSS. No. 3 WALNU PFtrelt.orß. Sin.Ssi 011 ? 11 "’ Drasjut, THIRTEENTH B».S WALNUT Streets. Basgaso also delivered to the New York lines. Orders oarefully ar.d promptly attended to. Offica open from 6 a. M. nuul HP.M. j»l5-l2t Tire ADAMS EXPRESS CO..offlce33o CHRSfT'NUT Street, forwards, Fareols, Packages., Bai'k>otes, amt bpecie. either by its ovd Lit?* or mcoonaatiun with other Kxprsbs Companies, to all tte principal towns and cities of the United States. B. SANJDFORD, General Superintendent. CARD TO THIS PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA. APRIL Ift, IS6O, An attempt has been made todeoeive the public, by person* offering what they call “ Cokguuv* Wat*S “ from Fountains; and at the price of six (6; cents per glass. The wAotaalc price of the s<x«i»» ConffTess Wa~ ter.ftt New York, beingaboat7¥oents per glass, the im position or pretending to sell at retail at leas than cost* and without allowanoe for freight,Cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable oourse has been to empty esc bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. We hare nkvbb sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary sized olass bottlbs, The oork of ever; bottle of the genuine is branded “CONGRESS WATER”—“C. fc W.,” and any, without those words and letterson the oork, is conitritaFiiT, whether from Fountains or Bottles, CLARKE * WRITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring, The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, ns: FREDERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut era, FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., cor. Ninth and Chestnut* CHARLES KLLI3 A Co . 724 Market street, J. C. TURNPEnry k. Co.i #4l Spruce street, THOS. J. HUSBAND, K* South Third Street. O. S. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut street, A. D. D. TAYLOR, oor. Ninth and Chest%ftt streets. Are constantly supplied by ns with gratae *• Coif gress Water” in Wtlles, fresh from the Congress JJALTIMOKE CONVENTION. MANN ’S _ HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. RoGms with or Meals. Increased aocoramo d&tioa during the sitting of the Convention. The only House of the kind on tne principal street, 124 W. BALTIMORE STREET, Nearly opposite the Sun Building, a. M. MANN. jo!6-6t PROPRIETOR. GOFFEE’S patent _ KNITTING MACHINES. For Plain Stocking and Fancy Knitting; «... . Also. Machines for Knitting Drawers, Shirts. Ac., .. „ of all sixes. Bib Maohinea of l and L 3 and 1, J and 2, and 3 and I*Rtfc, „ .on hand and nade to order. These Machmeo use the plain English Spring Needle, on a new principle, nud are the cheapest and most rapid Machines for Knitting in use. The GofTee Patent Family Knitting Machine, for Family and Plantation use, is a new and sueoeselul feature in the useful inventions oi the age, and ranks with the Sewing Mao.'ino. AsenoT and Baieerown, * No. S’,V BROADWAY. New York, jel-jm HENRY C. LEE, Agent TRUSSES 1 ‘BRACKS! SUPPORTERS ! J. Correotly adjusted at NEEDLES’, TWELFTH and RACK Streets. Ladiesentrance 152 Twclfthstreet, firstldonr below Lady attendants. French. Eng lish, and in great variety. Belts, ElasMo Stockings, buspensonea, Shoulder Braces, Syringe*,l&r, mv|g-*omlvl it AND OLaM fcOUP served up every da* throughout the season (Sunday* f excepted), bj JAMES PRueSfaß, No. SOS MARKET Stieet. N. B. Dinners from 12 to 3 o’clock. jj>s MPS. M. S. BISHOP’S PARISIAN" ESTABLISHMENT. No. tOIG CHESTNUT street, next door to the St, Lawrence Hotel. m?ag-Pn tTHE BEST ARE OiIEAPEST Buy Umbrella* and Parasols of J WM.B, RICHARBSUK, «0.4t8 MARKET St. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, is #w it Variety, cheap, at mtll-tjylif jp FAIRBANKS'PLATFORM SCALES <**• Forealsbr FAIRBANKS It RWiNG, TIsnnKSTNHTStrut. rf[l«. OIL LEMON—Grass, for sale by WE * BIl0T,U!B8, <T 49