. iittp ‘ • ■ l •- V. 1.. ' .• -I "jnJieAini-b -■ ..VMt -■ MSTAtt aBY tPQODI. : ! f oTTij-r-'r-V'’ •'*’ 45 ~ j. .1 --I-2 -•'*. WA»A7niM-Sin , ‘- .’ . EKTIRB ST 00 K •, r ,..j,.i; **,. v :> ’* \'y ; CLOAKS AHD Jf ANTtLLAB, / DEDUCED !\ »=.««,V ; •?j nrpaioEs. l ■ " • /Alburn Md ZIMMt AanrtAnt to tfttoat fma."' .- WM. JP. CAMPBELL i ? id^: , w 3 . KUUL, JLiOK HU - ' MANTJLUABBB.BB i V!i : ‘ : f''•''Vi»t ii B«AVY,»». •.!'■■- ■ iair ;.;W ..gfCIDBPLT TH*’WWT;»» ; n*M*rfet«rtl(Mtl*>«l>: aiMuntbcMMl «<«»■**>*» t»a»«ter wiittm* '- .- > •.•• 1 .: ; - •■/.■-.:; . : - Mgo»ttH WTHBtwt. k '' **•'*»•**!to tma anr TtaWwfb '^'V; »m->» :.*■?•. .'■ V;?w,«o>iftoßrßiwk i ACEPOINTS AND MANTILLAS. ! _ *T U&8 TKAnTHBtoXITOP IKFOKTATIOH, 1 ;■ A; 1 «>» •htlMw. wiaattwatoa.‘. ; ; ? t^fl J pißiiaobi)Bj' ; | ■ K«tlu i*ltu» from *!.*• W ••«. '' ABAJWAW » FRENCH LAO* POINTS, , pbsnor Do* piooolominis, ■ - r :"* ’ i ’> ' : V ‘ i wAHBUK TO N * 8 « 'ibo* Brans,- “'. •';.. I a«IMe 80DTH BSOOHD RUB. aoerANoxAos ■.. : *s>jfrtoroK:i»oß jouiurom me niinn,: ; tuitr ■ ;i -fro. <0 llngtt aßcMfflfetrt. I |*H4RL«B *DAMB * SON ' W)H olom ti»lr - ■=••■■■ ’JtTXbSi'Okd’kIUOEB, ' ■ -V"'- ' ’ ■vflß^aagiyg^.’V; =: V/>: 1 r wkBs*gf‘ ■■" D u TEH# ,AJ>p. MUSS STUFFS TO iff - • rePji |RR»3ISTIBiJS IHDUOKMKNTB TO 1 j ; L, xkohmt j ffADD'S PATENT .yy -| PLATED lOE PITCH! . | ' Jbttnlrdiftintia tkairMMtntttMAm tttcUmJ •atw^tuanmutm^tutas unrein itu i*t Ktelitrlw* fa «Mkt» twaMntan of Mmkr l*-i «WW]Trtm)Mit. TtoaßMr* Hfelmi will kx*y tIM «M«r«UI btlWU>/wr towM.y, Afoudaniahilf ofiMlßtkiMtintiigf vttar nil Ism' mm kmtri an* MtJlttmimittt ; sMte «M aUM luatity la u oKUauritaM liuiar, at rtk*KMal»tu*r, ;. ; ; u -A.w/c*rw^irra»o4 ; ! tint-". y_ . • ’ ' I JJLINDS AND SHADES; , B. J: WILLIAMS. i . No. 1* NOATHBIXTH STXKBT, •'Urtii(AMt&&kv*a*a«iMtanrW j .VENETIAN BLI]tfDS . ADD _ ’ Window shades, j habutfa* taMt'MMrtaMkt i» tfcoottr. Mtki fcwt prioM. • v ( STORE SBADSS wmd» Md totfcnd. -- mWBf *tU*M to. , ~, - SHOEMAKER A Go. j . ‘y/- riprap.' j ~ ;'.. OUM AJfD VAUnSUBK IfoithM* Ootntt roITHTM AND XACIS Stroot.. ■ rill. ... • f|*D FAMULUSaESipiNQ IN THI j simian. , -': { W*»*«»r»j»r»; a IST, KONTGOMEBT, & 00., 80. XU qjdSfHtft STRMT, Will Mil Slrt, &r««jrk till# —iet*)- tad ntxt tfzbit, ti«fr ......., .... .. litttttMkof • ‘ ; PA?EK H4NQHiGS. ! ttebMta««, V AI &RBAH.Y BBDUOBD PRIOEB. . nig nskoß paperr at m pbr orkt; br lowoos*. '«*•»*. nt otm BARGAINS. jpAPEB MAM Q-INGB. UWtto iht attaaticnif allnraona vbo mah to foootato tburHawaa, to oarlarfowd exiatnire afajok of FAFEft' HAfISINOSi at a Uttar of our MtebUih-! mmtti alloftha jurat and but atrloo, reitablo for ■tom Of dvaUiaca. wdntuf iuthocUy or LOOKIMG GLASSES. KING-GLASSES, -. portrait and picture frames, ENQRAVINGB.„ ' . ou, *c„ Ac. JAKES S. EARLE k SON, UtTORTBRS, tUNVTACTVRBRB, WHOLE BALSAND RBTAII DRALBRB. ; SABLES' .GALLERIES, ■ «• CHESTNUT STREET, ’■tij-g ;; v ; . ‘ Piui«d«wa». 1 MERCHANT TAItOHS. Jg # O. THOMPSON. TAILOR. •. k B. OOF. SBVBMTH AND WALNUT STREETS. CToftint undo TO OHPEK onlr. A Fisa Btook of Maurtolo alirara oa bond. H. 8.-StnafOia riaitiM tba Citr are' aolioitod to’ loan tbaif uaaaara*, .: opium 1 painEßTfibiDDS, JpHtENOHFLO WERB. MONTUERS. ■ iin> " STRAW BONNBT& Jut oveftAd,« A MLBNDID ABBOIITMBNT. THO 3. KENNEDY * BRO., Ho. TS9 CHBSTNUT BTJtEBT. MEDICINAL. TN.KmretOO.,iI6WAt WOBixIVE oo*s»al "WILL CUKE TBB.DYBPEPSIA, WILL CUKE TBK HEARTBURN, : WH/L OCEB CEAMP IN THE STOMACH, Jto, • x. «<„ t fetfiSSßriTiSl^ of my family, havinr soffiTfd with the Dyspepsia for •event jew. wee la»el? Ttccmmvodfd by a friend to, try j oor, Cord el; and I am happy to mi before Verne theoontente of bottle ehe ooufd enjoy her weewwitb a .good appetite without Seeling the least inumyenienee. I t*ke areat plessore is reoommending it to all who are uueted. . AJWMVriC DIOB«T 8 leaf aadameable preparation ie one of the bee* means, or jmproyisg,the e»petite> promoting dl***tion» and giving strength and tone to the stomach, Whioh hae set been offered to the tablto. ltut aa oW tfwreao riweipt. aod has been m as® for many y* are iatheramiltee of the maoafiurarer*. where TflK "TOMaCH, annus from eon or indfsesrion. All yeranghaviß* the leastfeeadenqy to indigestion should never be without it. as a small wiae-glam fail, taken after the possibility of contracting Okie oompoeed'of fifteen ingredients. Bitters usd Aro matics. and only needs to be tested to be approved and appreciated. Tt is a pleasant beverage, and may be used with safety, ntfaenre, and advantage by invalids and by those mheattb. <<>a To be had at *U the leading Drassists* wd Grocers’, patap ib enart bottle*. Price one dollar. Manqfeo.med and for sale b* . „ . ' ' i. N. KLICO., jelS-wfalm , 116 WALNUT Street. MHB.'WMUnr. : 8 O 0 T HIN G;8 Y R U P FOB OHILDBBH TBKTHIKO, ■>Tm INFANTS, n or twenty Iflbfim . M*d with Iwis. tnt in- TMt» wMitr. W!M . v*eroome «on tmedied. end in ®2!® urimr Rob WWMMrto TfroßW of Ip ---rKublfow the w»dt Fnu dire©- nwr< rid. Prinof " IIW-lT UXUtBOLP’B EXTRACT BtJOHU, i uajtßoiirti EXTJUfffffclftf* 1 ' J>l "^ ETia HXLMBOLD’B KXTHAOTbScW* 1 ® roßßria HKLMBOUt’SBXTIULCT||oW TOIUEE ' nQ ' u lb4 » Poeltive and "fe /. "ow/’* w *° p**°*Vi' r S , 1 T V l * ow I ""* nd ' ,n '. - - WE E , raMf-iv MARTIN* QUAYLE’S m a oo®* im.it 1 pHIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW BEANS—Wow crop; just re- JBWKIt 8 TURPENTINE.—2OO bbls Spts fj*Oß EUROPE.-Having been appointed *- 4 And I understood'Mr. WKBSTKii tosey thati.howM.aUthertsbd by to 'make that propaslHon, and I always regarded Judgeßlaoa m having exolnsivo oontrol of that , printing. That. lt was dene with the khqMedge cf -Mr; Bochawax all through, I have .doubt. . ifttfsioir’objeoted to tho rfcjelptof tho af 4rxnatioa«f the .wuaees ihfttfce bad no 4oubfc of > '.‘n ' • Q. I übddistanJ'yoß toiay that yap iusdefatood SR-. Wata+Bhfo state to yon that this ■»« a ‘pro* mlse from Judge Black? .'■•'Af-'Sii, sir.' : 1 "■ -" _ lj , , '7 , Q. Not that he wtrald nrt his’ Influeaoe,, hot a .Moinlaet. ' \'' " '' VA.'-IBOBhierstood it.' J 1 wish to remark that liras not know whati myfrlend,!CHAßt.*i Ebowk, WtHDeiJ V fcfMertd'lWiiy.; hqt if eeriatnlyregardMMr.'B&ewW, in his. Interview I'iflth'&e- Pre4ld,eSii7iiporf 'tiaf'sql)Jeit,'ia undpr standing the President as having; treated oh ' this m%tterofthePostol)9Behianks.‘' • ‘ ,I ' ■" By 1 the Chairman.—Q.' f. wtsti to 1 ask'yph.sopie questions with regard to money matters in Penn sylvania daring the canvass of 1856. Did yon, during’ the canvass of 1856, have freqnent Inter views with Mr. Buchanan relative to the use of. money in that oanvass? A. Wo had lntervlows. Q. Can you refep to any of thorn ? • A. lean'referto'no particular one; there were many of then?. We used money in that canvass, as’all panics do, aa'partfep aro using money now. Q> j)id Mr* Buquasah make any objections to using money In the election 7 ” A. No/sir. Q. Had you any letters or despatches on that suhjwfc? - i. A. Never; notone. * Q. Then, it was only conversations ? -A*.Conversations of a general ohataoter, and wholly unobjectionable. —Q- When was the Senatorial eleot/on in Pennsylvania ? * A. In‘January, i&67. Q. 1 think you said that you had the assistance of the President so f&raehe oould give it ? A. Tea. air; Iso said. ' Q, Who was you? opponent ? , r general Oavbbon. . Q. Do you know anything about any corrupt meats being used to defeat you in that election ?, A. I do not. Q. Whon was it that Mr«.WBNDBLL made the proportion to you of which you speak ? ~.4.l,mentioned that, in the testimony I ’ have already given. ‘ , - - l Q. xou*mentioned,‘.in the 'first place,'that the I’refideht'vrrote a ietfer to yob, and thAt after that fflel came to Philadelphia, and thpre ho ‘Made the same proposition to you?. :r‘A. I did not say that it was after the Utter of .th«Pferident;*-U was just about that time., The President wrotqme ajetter, just after the Senato rial election, and he'ivrote .me . another letter In the spring or sammer which I received vfhlle I was in New York. .. ft' Gan you tell me the time that Wsndbll came to you?' ; * •- 4. t eaw Hr. MVtMMLh ; at the Merchants’ Hotel, in Philadelphia, before tbe inaugur ation-r-I aabnot tell the exaot time—and I saw him .during the spring or summer, at JJfftrsJsal Hoovga’s, here. ,fl., I spqsk of this jfipft .projwßition that made Jpyou? • A. I oacnot ax the date exactly, Q, Was it subsequent or previous to the Presl dbntfsletterfo you A. Dtblbk' it was previous/ ' 5 ‘ ' J Do you know the date of the President’s let ter toyon ? •- -i • -*-• '-••• A. Isteoetyed the letter in Harrisburg on the day thftUbe State Democratic Convention met and nominated Hr. ?Aciflnrfof*4ijjv«fn..r. I got it at Burhler’s old hotel. Q. You say that you wero surprised at Wen dell's bringing tho proposition to yon, und you Hfueod it? A. I refused it; yes, sir. ■Q. Did you look upon it as at all a dishonorable proposition ? ' A. (After ft pause.) Well, it excited resentment, Q. For what reason ? A. Because It came from Mr. Wbwdbll, with whom I had not been on terns of close intimacy, and who had boon Hr. Buchanan's steady oppo nent before. Q This was the ground of your objection at that ;lme? A. That was the ground of my objootlon at the timo. But I ought to add that I oould see ho reason why so mnoh money should be offered to get me out of tho country. Q. What I want to get at is whether you re garded the proposition as an improper one, a dis honorable one, suoh as eoe gentleman ought not to make to anotbor ? Or whether your resentment was founded upon the foot that it was such an offer as you ought not to reoelve? A. I regarded Mr. Bcchanak's proposition in tho light of an insult in itself, and of oourse I oould not regard Its repetition by Hr. Wsndbll in any other light; much more so if ooupled with the offer of money. Q. Why did you regard the offer of the Presi dent as an insult? A. For the reason that I had borne to him a re lation of oonfidenoe; l had sacrificed years of time In his sorvioe; I had stood steadily by him, not only in the campaign which was concluded, bat all before. And I looked upon his proposition to seed me out of the country, away from the friends who bad served him and mo, as in some sort a degra dation, nnd it was so regarded by all my friends. Q. That is not a reply to my question, whether yon considered the proposition a dishonorable one ? 1 A. I desire to say that in the spring or summer of 1857 I Bsid that I was willing, in order to show to my friends that I was not doslrousof making trouble, to go to Liverpool; that plaoe,having been held by a number of distinguished gentlemen, it oould not have been a dlsbondrablo proposition because of the plaoe; but it was a dishonorable one, it was a degradation to me, as I have just stated, inasmuoh as it was made for the purpose mentioned. q. You do not apprehend me, I think; I speak of the offor of the plaoe In connection with this $10,000; did you consider that a dishonorable proposition? A- Yes, sir ; I did think that dishonorable. Q. Did you know the value of the Post Office blank printing ? A. By common rumor only. q. Were you not awaro of the value ef that print ing during Mr. Pibbce’s Administration ? A. Well, sir, I wbb generally aware of it, but only from rumor. Q. You neve? had any connection with that printing, then ? A. I rooeivod a portion ol it, but I did not know how muoh it was worth. Q. How mnoh did you receive ? A. I do not know that. Q. Who did the printing during Mr. Pierce's Administration ? A. Judgo Nicholson had It, I beliovo. Q. Bow did you como to get a portion of the Post Office printing ? A. I think I received one third or one-fifth of the proceeds of the Post Office blanks. Q. Do I understand you that you oannot recol leot tho amount of your portion ? A. I oannot. Q. How came you to get a part of the payment for it? A. I was an editor of the Unxon y and I was a partner with Judge Nicholson. Q. Were you Clerk of the House of Representa tives daring the whole term of Mr. Piercb's Ad ministration ? A Yes, sir. ft. What portion of that time were you editor of the Union ? A. Pretty nearly all the time. Q. Do you rocelleot tho preo’se time whon you went into the Unton? A. I was a salaried editor of the Union during a portion of Mr. Fillmore's term; I think I was salaried for say throo years; I oannot remember dates exactly; and I was Interested in the public printing for some months before I leit the paper and went to Pennsylvania. Q. I think you said that you got one-third or one-fifth of this printing ? A. One-third or one-fifth, X do not remember wbloh. Q. Who got the rest 7 A- Mr. Nicholson got one-third, 1 believe, and I do not recollect got the other. , _ ft. Mr. NicHOLSON then public printer ? „ 4- Yes, elri,](think ■,,, Q. And bad the printing of tile Post Office blanks? ’A. I think 00; Xam not spre as to these, facts, for I am somewhat carelessabout my own business relations. ’' Q- Do I understand you to say that yen never applied to the Administration for the printing of those Post Office blanks ? A. To my reoolleotion, never. , Q. Did you eye? make* any intimation to any of your friends would accept that printing? A. Yes, sir; prior to the offer by the Admdnis: tration as & means of settling the tweeu us. * Q. State when that was, as. near as you can re* collect? t • A. That was before the difficulties about Le oompton. Q. Do you mean the difficulties with the Admlui istration, orinsjde of the party, upon that aneal tion? ■ - y \ A, Yes, sir, of course; I oould have no offers were desirous m 1»8 of peounng the State. i t). Did you furnish money to toe different district* in* Pennijlvania. or to one man for all the districts ? A. dot entirely to onamau for the different districts. 1 took the advice of a friend of mine* in -whose judg ment I oonfided.and sometimee gave him the mmey » 0. Who Was tha principal agent in whom you had the moet confidence in these mailers \ , . t a. 1 had no particular agent, I conversed with tha leading men of, the party in the, State, and noted upon such information a a l them as to where money would be most useful in producing good results. . , Q. Can you give the nanus oi the different parties to; whom you have furnished, money r , A, 1 would rather decline answering that question, if the oommittee would excuse me. t>. His embraced an our, m«Diry. . , , j A. I would state that the samequestion has been asked me bi other committees, and 1 havedeolmedanswerms any further than stating that I have given money to difl ferent distnqttTl have declined foy fbareaton.asall gen 4 tlemen conversant with party affairs know, that there are certain thing# done bj partisans that they do not pan tieulaily j»;« .to have their opponents I have said that I furnished money to A. B- and C’s districts! and i certainly cannot have any objection to go so far as , that now; but to detail persons, times* and amounts, I i would, respeotfully decline. I do not wish to be oon -1 sldered captious at all. and if the committee insist per i i emptonly upon it, I am bound upon my oath to answer the question. , Q, We would faiUogetafua enswe* to our inquiry Without knowing to whom the money was paid. .The resolution Is carefully worded, fo cover the inquiry I wish to make. .. ’ , he chairman here read to the witness the second resolution,as follows: A . _ . .. ~ , . Resolved, further. That, as the President in hia let ter to tbo Pittsburg centenary celebratt»n of the Jsth November, 1868. sneaks of ‘the employment of money tecarry elections.’ said ooinmittee shall inquire into and ascertain the amount used in-Pennsylvania, and any other Slate or States, in what distriow it was expended, and by whom, and by whose authority was done, and from what souroes the money was penved, and report the names of tha parties implicated,”} ,A. Aato the souroas from which the money was da f r o. We do not want to inquire as to the sources now; but it U pepassary, to enable us to get at testimony, that we should know to whom the money went from you. • Mr. TxAiw.r-I.would suggest that, it would be well to syetematmMha investigation by questioning the wit ness in relation to one district at a time. , ’ihe CHMUWAtUto wunsssb-Q,. pan yon tell what amount you expended in the First distriot. Colonel Flo renoe’a pistriot, during the time you were doing Gove n<- ™A?Vcwmld not tell exactly; my judgment is that it was T, s. D fn whoao' hands was thatraoney put for the First distriot ? Was it all put it in the hands of one person t ■ • A. No,sir; ifmrroeinoryservesine,lgeveAir.Mor- W Q**What is his first name? A. Ido not know; he was the editor pa cer ; 1 made alittle arrangement with him tobring out our German oUizoos; I think he is now the editor of the PemijyitiantaA; 1 also put some money into the hands of Mr Megargee., * Q.. Whioh Megargee ? , T l , . 4 A. Sylvester J, Megargee; and I think some to Mr. Si Severns. . Q. Wh&t is Ins first name ? . _ _ 4 A- Joseph. My impression is that I put some in his yon furnish anydireotly to the member from ihat distnot? ... , _ A. loannot say positively that l did furnish anr to Colonel .Florence; l may have, given him some* but it does not ooour to me no*; I was paying him, as the agent or friend of the Arg a certain stipend out of the printing; but, whether 1 gave to him direotij for elec tion expenses, or whet' , entWM to bun as thearentof Mr< Severn* of the .drgus, in whom he took & warm in terest, 1 cannotsay.. q. Do you think of any other person m that distriot to whom jou furnished money r in wftat year was the most of that furnished ? A. The great bulk of it was furnished in 1653, at the last Congressional eleotioa. , .... 0. £o your books show the amount you famished in 1868 in thatdistriot ?, „ . . „ A, No, *«r 5 toe charges are generally against Mr. Severn*, of the Argus ; he WM to haveaoertAiq per centage on certain Government printing to eostain his paper; in the amount I mentioned I include what I have tiE'sßffiaEW districts lor printing, bringing up vote/e, bands of mu iio. and general eleotion cleanses, I otmhi not tell where the money went rot ,1 oould say. fonsstance. that I put 8&00 in such a distnot » I oould not follow it not pay more than that amount to the f X*paid the Argus some seven thousand and odd dollars, inoludmg what might have been used foreleo , tion expenses; how muoh that was I oould. not tell ex*- actiy: my ideais that about , #3,000 of the money was I expended in the distnot, ana tpe balanaefor the paper: 1 but I oould not say positively about that. Q. Was this in 1858? A. Yes, sir; about #7,000 during that-summer; the aggregate given to Mr. Severn* was over #7.000. If ray i memory serves me : X have the figures,- i q. Who was it. that made the arrangement by which I he was to set that money ? A. Well, sir, my knowledge hu been that it was through the Presidents.! was doing ail theprinting here. ancl the Ptnnsulvantan, claimed a pqrtionoiit, Mr.Severti* did, and through mends, Mr. Bigler, Colonel • PJorenoe. and other friends j it Was arranged that ‘hey should have spell a percentage of the were; that I should pay them so much. The reason riven was that the. patronage of the oitjr wMloatkOwmg to the triumph of thftospasition.end thp | paper* mutt be wefemedin some way. ard, therefore, therniuthare .portion of Ui« fork. .1 »»t? .dating th, j*»r, l ,hin«. to Mr. Hion.tMtwMii •««» and , SUOMi wa to;Wr.Sovnriu. InoludinrwtiMf «o*poit i *»« oj»d ft* WeolwnonriM sarooua, .boot 97,000. Q. Twothnufan,!dollar,of arhicli, yo*.«»r, was for. ?nrnj*m«morr that itwnnnbont tint i I, ■nanknowotUMl I bar.naidthntdiattwt hu ooatmt 8 J.OOO, diMtli or indir»otlt, tji.n cant font j„r«. | . tt. H.Trbmiiaraa thearrauj.meiitrr.Kl, to lake care ofthuoMMrtf r, . - ■ ' , A. M,»«e,)tne hy NUhnrlnrof thaPreeiiieni,. n 4k. Tka%JMnni.«M«.i Irwiatofet* to twin, tin,, , ... , "jO>/ .I ! jVIJVi? f‘ ■ » 1 >1 ”, “i, 1 J. Ixi U'j-J to-i i' H> ,41,1* fcii.J JO t TWO GENTS. levwd on; 1 ilnmkt I«u Übaralmowk ta ntad. all tin mouti looakrraaka oat at, Um trork. aadTSiTm>» atre to fay foffkfaia j 1 fetor twrored m *jlyama that the arrangement «u finally wadWv by yh oh 1 waetopay eteh spamenUseto'.MrTltre; whioh veroentagt w sAenraide reduced j a order that iur. Severn* might have tome; but the ewncrat wmm- 1 . ver definitely settled; there was a ooutihoat etnig gle to get more, anil waa©ontinaaUyi*sisticg it; tSs.o9sttn w Meda *««, I IW**» • 1 ' . t ,h« Wm tin* money-paid directly to the partis* or to other* for them? • - - • f, .« j ■ ■ > . «.i * j WM wid en their draft*. leaeraHy ;,the pntwi ‘ll o f By Mr. Olin-Q. Who was thiy Baker that yen spsaa j -A.'Collector of the port of; PUi ladel *)* *t ’he' >w»J .-very importunate far more; like OUver i*wist he war*l-i ways omni for more. ... , , ~i ; ■or the CHAEBhA*—tfc, Why_wse-.it-that HMvtwde suob a presanre upon you for money ? We* it beeMM j ou were favored with this Government work ?; j Ai I presum»-eo. Q. Had you refused to pay tbit money liberally,what;, m ycur opinion, would have been thdeonaeaaenoe ? 1! A. A poru/n of thetime'Jttr. Jtioe had the work; it 7[M l «fied in hi* name bom four or five months, f took it from tnni; I was the nub-igenteHor contractor. if I L e - Me * balance of the time, when it wae taken tome a* the attornfyof«r.H*r? H ? y vt* Tb ,‘*JW »n 1853. was it i. u By the OHAiEMAK-ft. You stated, insubetanoe, that the Presidentdiotated that arrangement. Didbh teqmrd Jotup pay a certain amoDifroaeh-year oat of yoirftuH A«Hereaajrad ( ail uadersioodtbat the?«etOSod blaska should be given to Mr. Aiee, that i aboutteent Hinue the printing of them. .Ail order we* made by the if my memory serve* me. about four months. Then the order .was revoked by Postmaster Genera) JUrowm and Q. The .ques Jon I asked you wm whether’ the Pr«si wor^M^^^ 7 t« pay,*, definite asoftiltbaf of sou t A He t»v. tee vrork.Bod He hid nothin, to, do with the hirtiotiler twwentuel tr.st I sra iwire of,. It wa.imnHin. peroentaxe neod g-™.; fort/ per.«»t,I r ttuafc,i..w*. to pay Hr Mr. Olis—Bo jonineiA fartjr.-ttiriw per cent or toe profit;, ‘ f , r \ s. Wo. nr oenUpfthegroßsemoanti We go by grOee amouata entirely .when w» seeakof part oenuce. I hayp.lMnin the haMrf dpwtfee work lor everybody whojaeeds it, having Aha maierieU here,,re* oemng.or ,peroent*ge* aa the case.mar bei Sometmra I aaThe sitorpey -or the oxir ginalperti. ... . .. - ' ~ . . t By the Chau max .-O. The President vtioft party to thatßrran«eraent. was ns l \ T A. The President was desirous that Mr.' KTcie and Mr. opveraa should both participate in ite Q.. He was a party to the arrangement.^ wa* he ? • a. Yes. sir; bat I oanuotsaij that he oyer designated, the particular amount to be paid. * Mr. BoAiaswN.-rltbiukit woaldte liento let the km ness explain tne whpie ukuaution-rgive ail the parr ticnlars and details of it. ’ By the chaixmsh (to frilriel*)rQ> WiH yon giveahir tory of the position that 70a oooupied dp*to the timd. hat yon sold the the amounts oCmoueyyou had to pay after you sold the Ifrmn, where that qKmky.eanie from, by whose direotinosthe arracxementwaa Mad;—whe ther by the President and tfie,Cabiflpt, Qr the - President, or any.member of the Cabinet; wio mada.tbe arrange ment that made if obligatory dpotryOuiotMlhia?' 73 a. If the oomoittee.wtU allow me, lyri .l famish them with & of a written detMlfd sWemehtWhiou I laid briore the special committed of the Senate—Pmtton Kiox’scnmrmt:se, Uis caiivdi whldn i ttuok will be a reply iotbo question. . T The CKAtiikAri— Yon will p eake do do; that the 00m mlttee mar have it at thei/next it^eti^c, FHOATV Ktnh U,im. CORNELIUS WENDELL recalled. .: 1 By the C{Uiajixx-Ci,.ln your exkmiaatidh on verier, day you.toid the oqmmitteeto whoa,go fir M yoareoul looted- the amount of money* and to whomltwas paid, in the Fir*tC<%nM*jooal4»ttiotorP«t»eyw#iM*.- , 3o whet other district mriattiyivamn auhyou furnish mo ney ? A. I contributed some in Air. Laedy’s district, Q. To whom vu that paid i a. Lreelly eould not say. - - , ' Q.. Wihyourbooksnatshow? < A. No* sir; 1 d . lJf ., , A. I gave him §3,C00 at one time, bat understood that was for the support of the I did that through Mr. Megargee. I did a ye/ihgevy busi ness with Mr. Megargeo, in the way oft stock, paper, and money* all together,; s ?vama 7° U inrsu>b Bn * to other district in Perm* A. I furnished some to Mr. White’* district. Q. To whom was that paid ? a. That I eould not say. f think I authorised some one in his district to draw on-merely'impression is dear that I authorised someone to draw oa me, hut who it was r onnldnotnowaay. I micht, perhaps, find that draft* <1 tbinklooatdasoertaitt frote looking over the oM drafts who drew on me in White’s district. Q.iDtdyou furnish money to more-thasi one man in White’* district } A. i do remember but one in that district.' O. What otherdistrict? A’. [think Mr. Reilly’* district? * • i / : i -v f Q. Bo you know to whom that was paid ? a. My impression is that I gave Areunby the uamo of Bui) some money for Reilly’s district: be was a clerk -iuaß*.o£tae department* at onetime,but ‘ 1 'have nut seeahlrafora-ya*so»sei' --r— „ ■ What ie his first name ? • > • > A.- Indeod. ( do not know. I remember hie 'ceiling upon me with a if ae* Of- absenet to’geMpith-re slection ttring, as he said, and l gave him some atone* asd. I think, aalhOrizedbim to draw on'me, or tell some one in the.distriot to draw oq me, ( _ §.* nhinfc X gavS pimmtoVsdiitrWt, In what weknewthenaathePttckerdlstrtot.'' ‘ Q. Did you use any m Scranton’s district?; ~ - A. I f that is the Luzerne distnot. X have the impres sion that I gave to Mr. Witte some ininjr to g(ve.to_»onio prominent pirtisan of that digtn rt, 1 have a faint re colleotion ofgmnr so ue there, l kept no, memoranda of those things, and mr memory ;pnot distinct he to de> 0. Wovr about my district l A. What is known as the Pouter district r I think I gave nothing there. Myimprerniqn is that I was op posed to sperding any money in that distnot. 1 thought it was bad judgment to spend anj there. „ A. I have a faint reoolleotion that there was,suoh a oooversation; bat with whom it was helddoespotoo °lQ.t I)oy outfit recollect the statement yda marie to the other committee a* to who handed you that letter?' A. Ido not remember that, testimony; I remember some testimony pertaining.to it, but Xdo not remember the details sufficiently to say now. - . ; w . s . 0. Goon and state what yoil recolleotaboqt it. a", lhavean Impression of conversation with the President upon the eatyecl of the Foster distnot. in which I stated that it wou’d be melee* doijjt anything the conversation was general ss to the State, and as to the different distriots- lieooUect giving my opinion bated upon information that X had picked up after a visit to Penn« Ivaaia. . . n. Doyou not reooJleotstatjng mtt hahandedyou a; letter assiog for a thousxnd dollars for thatdistriQti pad you replied that it would not pay? t A. Ido not remember that; it might nave beep-so: I yeme « ber hie reading different letteis to aue.wbich-he had in his hand, el'udmg to extmet* from them as to probable results; but l do not bring to mind tost par tioulaTthing; it micht hare been so: Z will statein this oonneotion that 1 was very active then, and daily and nightly talking and acting politics; not batata puMio sneaker or much of a writer, X Sid asmuohAS Xoould m the way ofxivmg sound ndvioe and what oontnbqtinna I feltaole to give to pay the necessary expeneesof elec tions, which are enormous in jon» Btate; it ie the most costly Wtote in the ci«e; I would not undertake to ewear to anything with a direct positivenesa; though tome ef the sacunts I could remember distinctly. (5, Bo you remember the Piegident s handing you a letter and calling your attention to it i A-1 remember several letters—one morning to par ticular f hut whether there wss a letter from the Foster district I oannot distinctly remember r now, sad yet it. well might have been; tao not say it wm not. Q. As you do not reoolleot the amount distmo ly, do you recollect Mr. Buchanan giving you a letter asking forthemoßey? _ . . A. Ido not; 1 romember oonversatmiu I had with him at different tim«swhen‘he had letters; I recollect that one morning, if m? roemor* nerves me, he said “ here are seven Tetter* ;** I leoolleot that; I have a distinot reoolleotion. tbst we mentioned Bawart's and Reilly’s distrioto; what other distnots those letters were from loouid notsay. _ , , * Ci. In referring to this matter before the Seaman com mittee, you said that if Mr. Witte bad spent any of the money you gave him in my district it was acsinst your judgment, and ne ought to loae it. in his final settle; ment with you did he retain the monev from you that he spent in my district i A-That I cannot ear. t , Q.You then stated that yon put money intoMri Witte.'a hands to be used in Pennsylvania. tAfteVsome consultation, the further examination of Mr. Wendell was postponed till Monday next, and tht chairman was nattiorized to address a note to Hon J'restnn King, requeaUng that the mmutos of Mr. Wen dell’s testimony before that oommittee be furnished to this committee.) CORNELIUS WENDELL recalled. ByMri Winslow: U. Do'you not know that Mr. tha Foat Office V'linkt, anior Uw Cl.vefllJi MclMn of the pnatingaet rflw? . A. yM,«r.Uormt«i»* Btoßth; as to Dm UMttu. muoh tbe printer of the Foat Offio* blanks as Mr Har ris ir as th* primer ot tos feenata. or Mr. Sternfmaa tbs primer oi tbs Hoase, With the compensation fiked by Ja A.‘ Ves, sir, I should sty he mi tha sains. (.1- Will you look at this piper, a»u«»y whether it is & oorroot oopj of tbs euthorry that Alr.Kioe lart to 3 *4, [ After examining the paper.] I should think it U ; I presume so. The paper was thenread as follows t • WaswijcotoXD. C.,Df osmbsr 51,15C7. ?• £i& •1 have appointed C. Weddell. Fsg., to mot at my scent in relation to Post Office.bl*nk«, «k*. Tbs oraeeptoase transmit to him. who will sire them dee W. AICE. *• Hon. A. V. Baowa'.’* Q Had he not the same Tight to make the snuii. meutwunyou to do the work as either of the tww Git named look, off a. The same ruhtuudertkelewr ft. Yea, sir; I meant*o» this; Di 4 you make an ar ranfemer t with Mr. Steadman to do the pnetmg of the Boses for him i • A. Yss.slr _ - ft. Had not Mr. Rtoe the same ncht to make an pr. rangsment with son as Mr Steadman had to make one* A. Yes- sir: l presume he hsd. ft. X uadentsno from the testimony that you have al* - ready given that yew had done the printing for Mr. Rice* ft! And I understand frpm your testimonr that yen m&e anArrangement with him tor forty-three cents l Y Giving Mm forty-threo cents in the dollar; yes. * I Q. And that you oeased, after a time, to pay him the mtma r, under that contract, and sitoivirdi paid a part of it to the jirgne. A. Yes, sir. ft. Did you rreeive any written or verbal order from the President of the United Mates, or the Postmaster- General, to divert any portion of that money—that for ty three percent.—from. William Bice, who, yousav. was entitled to reoeiro it tinder your agreement, and pay it to the Argus t « * Monda\, May M. A. No written order. CORNELIUS WENDELL mailed. ft that Mr. Be* IThe witness laid before the committee a few printed vanif should jwrfipipate in the forty*three per cent, fp pages of his testimony taken before the Senate commit* tee. and stated that he had been unable to obtain tbe Rice, whiobwaain Beoember. there wm» y*ra»i nn wbole ot it, out would produoe the remainder as soon o.ersia lAiDjjhrt Mr. Se veins, of tbe par* TJhJarmld h!eotLKSiLnnoi’ it 1 tieif jto in tots forty-three per cent. The idea was that there any other district in mr. Jt-os’s fortj-three percent. should be rednoed to PennSlvania^orwhich you‘furnished, money, that is twenyr-one and a half percent. not rnentioned in vour testimony of Fndaylast ? W. Let me stop yoo here fora, moment. Was not all not mennoned in vour ie ot mentioned there, his that matter after ro\x declined to go oamthyourar- I did furnish money there. rangeraentwithllr. Mce. . .. d n tjJi H d ,?A ? A No, sir. it was before. The idea wag that Mr. i* T«fS«w not say iit was for two elections, the elec- Rice** share-sbouldbe reduced to twenty-one and a half *i«« of fftisSSd also the election of 1838; I furnished percent. The other iwenty-one and a half per ecat. moner m that distriet for both elections $ l think ns was to be dtyided bstwa» MnJMyana u 4 my««lC‘ If «l MO. ’»t least, and perhaps more; if my my memory server me, that wPM uademaadmk* 1 , m*mnrV serves me it was more, that is, ft r the.two eleo waaoomplauuPK that Igot mr profitafpom ihie Work for »mn?oriBM and 1853., ' eMtoJPinf to® lomstod mpoa having the WJ vSont was th.it money paid ? Post Office. Itwaa an eternal struggle a I think a part of it weepald through a draft of the between Rioe and myeelf who shoald get the profits, treasarerof the local county cosflmtitee on me, And 1 bJ. toe CiUi*wup—(>. Wnat do yoa mean by & am not clear but l gave Mr. Jones himtCUConie direct- ‘‘verbal understanding W ith whom was that onset ly : but my mind is not dear on that head. I remember B «to ( Us*‘ T ,- . i _ ~ .. that the district host toe pretty heavily; my habit was .A. Ths Postmaster General; the orders esuue tbrnush to distribute some itt the Congressional districts, in- him; but it was understood that it was by tbe direction sfe*d of givins'sll to the chairman of the fiteto com- of the JPresidf**.: mittee L’fgtiveeometothechainiffluof theßtateoora- Mr. wikslow—ft. Da you mean toaay toaitM ibtitee 1 " ' Poetmnetetbesersl'gaveyuttavasbal order to direct a 1 ft. ( , , . . „ poUionof the aoney toKioi and payitto toe Argus t A. Colonel Forney was the oTialrman of the State A. About tn«;iune. of the revoeatieii of oik oMer, committee i»18M. f tecollect giving, him a cheak for whioh you have jntt read.whrahiravpastirm; if tnvme general purposes; I thick a portion of ?he money I mory serves - deMUnding wa» created that iha mousy sttoslu betli tnct—waeiiaid to the money officer of the county com* vided differently f.om what it fnrsißly amd boeu. • mittf P, sod a portion to Mr. Jones in person; bat I _ft* You w that Jmdthpwrwtmg ofto«port t oould not Oistinsunh the amount*. ' ■ Offioe ttMtterftd it tow, jottt*ay ,-ft. ftaveyou those drafts or aoeounU? .? hua forty-three . • Hunt theimpowlSlrty of d* lin rashm K Aha? i 4 Thai was* contract between yow Md JSr, Rioef me p^ -1)0 t l?'GS2?2l*iU2 l thi ‘Ptemdewt orthe -my oheck in Philadelphia, and swap oheok* waih sorhe ! Portmattst the friend in Philadelphia who would give me the money 1 mon «t due Rioe. ssuLheod'rt over'iw«t.;Be forini draft on my banker here; and I would divide the Vfae.tAat a par* of TOUvraptratt swtkßioef money up and give it out to difierent patties; l would, ! iLwaanviolatsena* sJtarstidiret tiiaebw psrhaps, makes bet of $6OO. and give from *OOl to . trap!wttoßice; iJoekedapuaMseanakafauoo-arvio- Bijno in different distnots. Bat this.was aU naxed ,u» lation of theopntract. • u- 3 s wy.* m that I really could niit tell ezaolly how it vaa.au - ft*,»fe wen not a part toe contract witkltr. Rws at ,done, as I did not keep a minute of ttkkatt f •• ' / thpogh my books will show the entire amount l spent A* No,sir tnotapartoi tbeongiaalpoatraot - * WfisacLY PHEBB. Tn WnxLY 4 Fnkttsbe '.mat W RMwCboiv b wSuaasß'serr—• feud c^Uonl. w—atom. . ■, , v Ybaraafcwtotbttw**:; .» . .- St Wwitih,- iii, N» »*rm WWIPW^W *«^SSSSa3T^2iif.“ d „ l ?!? i,, * i * raT,r "S*"*? .■Hsswssr *■? •s^w thf'd "ts« l “'~ tt: *** Ul * *»««Jitt« O* amag d&rz^s^teissugi J^.P'di o * WiMy'isim«y« i rkk him mm tht tr^t*? tof th ® ,a ConrpfnHil di^ A. TfOTttf»ffloi7 Mrv«i r m*,l dii T frirt aawiTM •fasißwMSiafi®B #s* wwww SSSfflSBSp?y A'. No, air; f csiLriot ny that U«r«*«r« My mnr made, •Jlrr**i — irmnniTTfnnifrifiraiihJltniTau jtnMr tiothS^or:? piyd'ildflrtfj; amwsS ee<* the Preeident, whether it wee woftsUty or Vereroa sS^H-S&SSSSS xpiasafa^i**’- PSjUdo^fafc, Ini bjoiVwap, utfCjnMl,.n*ttr mbieit *• ~j . q. B>d .ttwrwet £uMe giewtyon the nfriwge they oroaieedfoar; . «<•*» . aZTbmk »fMßtas*wsts genereiiyfay insdiaattoaiSet ‘*Ct ojlSiveqr .*i they k*r»- tikfe. •vert bit of‘ yatranu* 1 lonMrlr njoiM. Tknrmr eovereduevritk iMnud mntmmm U IWBaSßfig. I may have mstteeotee r—erh*mrf*a*d*o»w*nM. Me>totdt£i3«»*dgdrt'o« nuiikiaifMWM. Imay toviwal* vtupt attersinrMtl miimt ' htmpretty*fa*yeveryday. i;- ' - ftr Who ft ad tbeaheot—e rtmtrtH of thisweik? ~ a.'Tie Tin • UvKiT«a it to-the Mad; 4jf jfce rejeitneale Mt »**£- catioß# faarebees sad* directly to tht PimamSt Jt b. Yon stated that the President directed jcmipmtim certain permeate or iMtethtajt of that kisifc Wutvu the expression; yoo made see of J . A. *'Cert*aarra#*eeiaßt*?v “to makeeatisfaetory arr*a«einent*.” Be sever vpat iato; detail*udMJtf *• you ihull give Rioe ten thoaeand douare aed Severs* three thousand del ars,” hot ere vere teioske a&tiiac ir>ry arranietuent* and sot botbtT faun sfaost it. By Mr. ftominsos—Arrangement* snth Rise aad Severn* £ By Mj^Wihslow— Q.'A* I naderst&od it, Rioe cot the vork end you executed it sad **ve him forty-three Mr cent of the amount foretime; then you enrecfed it aoth&Moa rot the won, end the forty-three per cart. yruoontmaedtobeepeDtbrioe. - t A. Ye#, «ir; ud of Chet Severn* got tome u well &* B] l • Brtbe.OHAWMAH—Q. Who diotated that wTsfcge jeatl >* ■ * ■ 1 „ A.. 'i heee gentlemen. Bioe and Severn*, who h«l their -dvoeatse, prominent me* m the State of Ps**- dylvanla. 1 and they advocated them M they were identified with one party ’or-tbeother.:' There eras aeontmaalstruggle going;onldr a yew.' Every two or three weeks there wouUroe effort* made; IwasaiUov ed asd disturbed by them, and 1 thought I would tale the responsibility and cnt them all off, and 1 did to; and the old gentleman thought he would take the reepcnn bihty and oat me off. nod faedid it. i) - 0. £o you m*an that you lost the profits of the work bsoffUM you would sot continue' to make these pewtn butions? ' - ’ ' A. Mo, sir; this arrangement got to be ee hot and beavv tlmt fwsnted to get out of it; I aroposedto eeU the iTaiffit newspaper or give it away to somebody. Q. To whom an* you make that proposition ? f. To the President, and also to Judge Nioholana. Q. Were nay of the members pf the Cabinet Oonsnhsd at that tim* A- sir; not at that time. •>- • Q,. Who were the parties in ecraemdi&g the arrampe a. Judge Black was the only memtm of the’Cabinet that took anaotive part;! bel eve he drew up the pavers between Bowman and myielf, whes Bowman wentlnto the paper; as I suggested to the hoaorable eoamittee the other day, they will understand this Whole matter better if they- will first get my testimony before the Semite Committee and-look it over.