The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 14, 1860, Image 1
JSfi«B£SfflSE!'£SS |g§Pfl|S«§ "**l.*™ ■-iSisiwaiaafe^&at iawsdsfi”; *SVMPwHVSVw t j Vj;; S||Bii®MSp|3 - iiiteii^w^» T r • -,'«t'-^" -•' "“■“" n -- -t • *V : BN£PARI^QOODtfc • iiiririli-g, i ■> ##'•» #•*;,- - ,rr r3y \ :x\r. ;&#£•*« &r riM-** .•'.f- , v^ v - fr •:■ «*- -;. r'-';.'-- ;* v Mmmmmo* 3 : -*S«RBflßl!Kffi'”3Ki: . ~'SUf s-o.'-v'" _ . , . . -V -tiiA f. tr .-ft-V; 1 f '<;■ ■ ■'■ ; • ti&if3‘'»•:••;,. ,•' <;.%r- - 3 -^- f l -: -y'-y . j>" ■ji£l vv iliul v j ffii ■ f“ s' 7 7- 10010tOit'-' 'feftftgr >.v. i%#^iii^triipww 5, .y.^' 5 a ' 7'', •" u h'* T»MAJ^»A^MeTT. u ' vf*e ' '•* W'r.y y. rtfs • -; •■. :c - ii--> ’ - '<*’?&&&£', U*»'\ Vr^v? , J2*.T»!W ,i^‘>s‘ - 'JC“..W ru ''*^' ; i" _ ; ,ff-§tfts! mm\ i"',§-A •■■■!’£ nr^T^i>.;^ \ilS&*?-Wr •!-* Vi, t.l y^ J - r l '-"■' ! - ’-i • * =IN= . Xiy! ‘ ,f , R : - 1 v«ntp>:nnmmiiiti uoods. ■; .iili'wA.A .liaii. fJEOR»E BPJBNOER, JIU MX :■--!!>%} : > -is" : \ r.jr «*HTO , i lDBHI8ai»0 GOODS ; br ~i MfcIwffBBBTHUT STJKBBT. (AxmOOM CUUWoiPMain ConnraiiTAt ' Bai chran or .. ... . - t fci',E • - •••'.• : m*s, OOLLAU, ’ STOCKS, m STORE MOVED dr skvknth and OHSSTNUT. . ,O*A.rAIS,»OABFB,TIKB ! PATENTISNAMBLLItD COLLARS; ' MOWn '.- AU. WNJ* UxbMM, WKIA-, rA : rain KADI TO OMSK r 0 FOR ®9. - ■ oMunrSMTH uh> chestnut. PROCLAMATION! I u3»!iKtft' lean'mb ny»4ya oftiMfliubf mu tin tfctitiMtfflM of hh »|»0 '.,s j PAPE^JHtAN^NaS. bwUMfc ' wi' n.*bb > okbx bb- LOWOON. ' tMMI ffcjfti■“ J.'l rM ± » r,4,^it^<iwrs. pAPKRHANGINGH. '■ Tclanl* tin iutnUaa ,or«a hrou wko vah Co 4wot« tteu »f—ll. to MtlMtal AttfwMnk ■r rArnju«emM,Mt tiikrtf.w auu lMWwtuifcMt atrlM, ntMM« for afei* Ik* tit* •TMMtrri hr “So'SFELt. & BOITRKE, '- r ■ ’ 7'■/ 3L o ?*™lfßOTF r ' TOMXMAJTXSH fafefWaJntAlQß, J i •'•• • • -, . aarokfxu, aUtmficTOknas, whole - ■ ; ■ balm aitd kmtail dealer ft. as,- 1 Viv: iV ; : .;.viipM^rore*'min. -.; s-f'' 1 ’ < : : ffeU»d»wi». *‘ : V <f Jg # O.TKOMPSON; ■4j WALHUT BTEEETB. : WOKMOtgaijr.. ' V' ■> ’ ■ * kud. - 'trtiiin .rtW** Uw Oltr «»' golMiua' to .... jnuinißiriiooiM. Xj •'/» ***«£»: . r>f : LY'V f- Vi.S -a % -y 1 |?RKNOH FLOWERS. ■ • ? MONTUERB. fiTWLgW BONNETS. '•?. ; ; ; AMrLMtfDW AmOMTMUKT. tHOS.KimnH>I4 3850.. '-■‘trim : ' .***»•, aufttovtmtaw, li r ’ ,j' ■. f ( ■ manittw -Aim, mow. 1 n, .jjni i i ‘’’ i’ —■—' ■inMt IfcMAt, ! CLOTHING. IttOTfS’ CLOTHING. , - ■■ , ' r, .„ ;BOOB:&ILL « WILSON; • No. 603 AltS 604CHE8TNUTSTRBBT. jXiw bßb’rihe to tht jublio, in connection with thair btuineaaof ... MEN’S CLOTHING. ! ‘ A superior Stock of BO*S’ OteOTHIN a. Of the Utebt B,rlnt Uoodi.end Bids In the : ~ MOST fashionable manner. : nude to order »t the I '-o-co cu^n n eytoißiOT'woWoi;ri.:-'...'*TB-««t; , i .M**HHBWaB«SHB«HS*Sa*SHgIS*S! V; .COWNUOS HOOTER. '; EVANS & CO.’S : : BOAB'S-HSAD SU-OOKD i SPOOL GbTTON. ‘ \ \ ..riortb ujr etiwiith.imwthMen. •iMtUtr.fhruuhlnearheadsewin*. ■' s ; • ... WftuyiiitTßD., •'./,' *O.CAAYILLK,GeneraIAmt. HepYoifc ■'<■ '• ■ ; '.j; b. howell, i --■! .« Amt forPhUddeleftln, .i^uEWAasss^ Ne jgUPLZY, HUTCHINSON, OOISwISbHiNTS o I ' l!s ] •■ .7<*<*Qfcs... : .. U* 111 - -? i-ug-’, < r ' t : ! ’» i IIOIJBE-FIIBNISIIING GOODS. :i . ~ • ißniiaiWtW’tiite ■■ ;. ■ -0 ■ i-- ! M •-"■-P r =■---• - UHILDRENr; GIGS AND CARRIAGES, I ' ' laGreat Variety, .',-r FURNITURE LIFTERS. 'l']. j . . Viif Mittal is iereedind Cnrtet, nod Mnttint. ’ / 1 WILLJAMYAKNALI.’S | aqwkKsi, Y'""' 1 if leiiMduUelre&oeite tkeAendem, ot Flu Arts, - si:.;;- ;yyy~ ••-••"■ ■ CARPETINGS. TO THE LARGE IMPORTATION \y \ ' OP • ; ;V • nnitciiMtuwtforcedUlti ' _ •Y '*-r ;w Ir ' 7. - j THROUGH‘THE AUCTIONS, ••”- i ' v ' , ‘ , . ’ ' ' - We.hnllOdbronr ’ l \ * ' , ■ I ' •; ENTIRE STOCK ;0P \ VELVET, BRUSSELS, AND TAPESTRY ’l \ 7 -/ - t •’ - * ,*’ CARPETS 7- ' ! AT : AUCTION PRICES, i BAILY & BROTHER, i , . . i , .i. , * ■ -’ ■ \ ; So. «M CHESTNUT STREET. ' 1 ‘NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. A-UOUST BELMONT & 00., B ANKERS. _ . anw yoke, t ‘ laNte Letter* af Credit to Travellan avallaUe 11 iofi, orxaa iroxu>, *b*o»«b.**»’\' MXbnC EOTHSCEILD, .Vi r. arts, Lojatom nuamron, tisniu, ma i StU&.Aim tBMKCOBRSBiOSDMHTS . i FIREWORKS. j^IKK-OBAOKIBS.—6,COO boxes No.T JjTORWOBKS ! FIREWORKS !! . 4 LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF i BRILLIANT FIREWORKS, Of! the nteM&atare of UN, (nrtore tutd for tale, Wholeeala aad Retail, bj STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, ' itsim ;1- . ' IBIK MARKET STREET. pATENT - ; ,lOE PITCHERS. - i ... TOii ia hours. ■fi'. - - iiEWIS LADOMUB * Co., ; i •W CHESTNUT STREET. myK-tt fJATS! HATS! HATS! MEN’S STRAW HATS. BOY’S STRAW HATS. EVERY DESIRABLE STYLE OF STRAW HAT NOW READY. LINCOLN. WOOD. A NICHOLS. TM CHESTNUT Street. rp> FAMILOS BISmiNG m TOT . RURAL DtiTiUOTB. We u> prepared, ae heretofore, to eenlr FamlUee at thrdr. eouatry nejnineitt every dMcrlrtfoa of Sae GROCERIES. TEAS. Ao. i * ALBERT 0. BOBEBTB> ■rt-tf Cor.XLKVBNTIIeedyDtB BtroeU. fLLUMIKATOHe. for 1 M -dtf.m »YACIBaiSHT AJIUY- ? 'ITX- Vl’ • nxVri 1 7 k Tip' f X*tXi As ? •y ’ 'syM^iEit^JtENjOßTS^ JOdira MAT, New liijMtojJ UMOIM A hew seektu nilk eji® Seam, foilwii. tutJTeyeiTi modern ,ita.ror.tnept eaewt xunnye «t«Pn* MUehed to the • "All lett.r. add rgnied to the .nt», Cipe Itdied* N.wJetMF. will hetrometijjetwoded^to^T^^» '1 Vjwnej H. Leird.litOjiroprietor rrauklmHoutie,/hii** rtMGHHas", hail, ’‘.caw;, .ismnk; The Bowlias Allere h.T. heen removed, »*d. B*« ■»nm^w i rT^gss , N.K». rt^ TtnMed states Hotel, long SJ„,BR*NpHI ,N.cJ. totlied ithli eeetloe of naeiU, when everi eUbit will tw made to sleue thoee who'. m»r favor him., ‘i ha’ hoeaa la aaetlr aitoatsd on a haa hlaffi.Wtth lawp 11l frodfc i A JiU.viaw ortho twean, ttaeettraotlVeahaur hcospiotha ooojatrr.'Tjtaoom mtnieatiod la twodailf liaea fmiafoot of wj!a»t-atr«rt wherf, via. , e A.Wt.aßi » P-»fcY. ' ■ it g.» n oe-Qranir,*a;d,|.|^.. i^g^at CU M MeR; HOABDiNG.-40IiD SAND O ■; SPRING: near WdattWorf. "*rka*n«Blr, Thg Ur*? Mj.wwi’Vwiwn BOARD.**- rWOIipUBE, at tMi d«ufhtful »rfmm#rßatfiet.U sow oottafatedp ae'd trill be oteaedlbFßMrden oa tae* , -R7T Boarders-rioelvsd br the Tl'* 'emits mart for tbsM. PMelnte Grand Seenerr,' Iwao 3tobdlooiety, and a Good CARLISLE :Camb«£; : Pa. ' 'AcconwKHiationsfdr 1 .r 900*.i : ia?-to .: ,■ ! - '' >For particulars send for Circa- ijjjxniNT : HOLLY , SP&INGS HOTliu, And deU|htfa\B\l MlffEß RESORT., Six 1 Miles from Carlisle, Comberland oountT* U,n<rtfi opentoViiitoTa.'. ; J '• * T * ! >Tiie »ur* atmoapberd. moant&m-airluid cwater« with’ tbe beautifiil-idnveAiuid viiki. and other atcreouow vhioh are eo y©il.knowft,.makejt a .very dtaifabla. jilaoe for FamilieetOipeHd the Sommer. . rotfvnhetvanioalsDtt'kddtaaaeaaborei f .: . ..---J. f . M . -,} *, 4 .t.... j, IfIAAaFARBOfi&tKi I Jnaeoe,l9W.,: f - ~y ■OLORENOEi HfiTGUTS HO?£li.^Th^ \M? ‘ttukiivs HofrflvW'be o»dh«d for the weeptida *T irisitore on the 10th oWnaeT. r* - 5 •:■ r* * iMnfm eitri tdirhom ; epb|iMti(m may be made for room*, at u■■ • /“ v ■- ■?» f *■ i Pio-Nio, and other Partief on the lawmiriU bareet 2 peoial aUeation. ynthoot ldtruoiafopon the priraofiff may "be kl the HoleU tomake, , ■ \ ~ - rrilE, LOREITO. SPRINGS,. OAMbSS county, ‘PennijlVaniß, oMndd fortbe‘n>* oektiea or ▼ffftorki oa the 20th derof Jan* next. under theuanMementof MeionJURM BAADV.*reH no*n aethe highly oompetent and experienced landlotifcfar; tnaay of th* ;Brady HoqM» Harrisburg, JPeansyi- a*w ami delightfsl resoh fofr those eeektag either health or.pleMare r ii simjM*d on* mile from fhoTillate retto, thereis a sraiUoonstrticted plaak road. / ' 1 i Tha Springe are about 1,600 feet above,tide*water; kad the airisalvay* bmoiu and yaviaorating f tka therjjip -7* ,ae?*ip sammer.. The - head*Vf**er* of the eusuttehanne ana OleeYfleld Abcuad iatrout.and the monauin ranges are filled vitkjfam*,' aibrdiu-.fise sport to those i»ho ar« ' {dad admirably oohriroctedUrUl fespeot \n worn asd venttlhtloa, ana -the wtioie fitted aplHth avery appliance thatoaa contribute to the comfortasA thp .gasst*—bail-^llor,, bathe, .biiiiMd'- ! The water* of th*a* Bpriaga have bees maty mtfW raral eminent Chetti#U,andffflind to con tain* in urta proportions.-all. thoee 'valued mineraf-properbee^fot ESSfUS’oeteWf th...p o roni,,Ali f «h.u,^T. ' la .oonaecttoß with the' Springs (a a Wattr-Cur* Pre*Mi of Pimberr. PemuTlpwia, whowillflrihit entire attention to the onre of nil' OMeeeee. Term, ,1, Om the arrival of visitor* at Orowoa, coaches wiU ** U| , l readineis to convey thamto tbe carings.' . , ’ Tho*e .viatier the 'Wawr-Cer 1 * should lie profidea :With peaking, oov#ring, do. ’ • • ' ijeu-thft, F.A.i3lßßOyB,Jr.,awr*Urya ;|l»Df<,»WSeWNas:UTWawelLkn6*a aedktatop*isit|lthe2stofUptober. ' *;■ . (The Hots! win be aaderthe managementof h(hA. G. ALLEN, whoa* ex per. enoe, courteous manners, ead stt*ntioh to hTs nests, gi va the am pleat asturanoa .of oomfort add kind treatment , •JPartise wUUina nm».oi any mfcmn&tioUin regard; to the place, wiiraddressthesabscnber, ■< ■TOHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. jXU, IABOMtor ttt4fi' il■ha•»t inti bo o»*Q of thi-mj* of Jin». ‘lkiidt wti#MoCtbwbMianialr«*ortßre: Moaafeki&ONßtry# *s7lß|T?aml soft. viUP ;^r*nr f v*ri®p of 7 otoV«tt£ita;>|UMM-«t9ot or uvorr borMr.RjQd Mr riUM. For forthor jortioulorf oul on JOSEPH £« SlfestfeailSfe JPortOife*! imafrHn EXCURSIONS. ' TO PLEASURE 7 'TRAVEL ! BBBSJHR LKRB-—(Jraad Exonreids Dob fhiladel- WilhtoNlainra Fall*! Moot real. QuebaO, Riverwu w, White Mouotam*, Portland, Boeton, JanitMa' Benue. Md See YorS. rle Ulto Ontario, River Bt, |#wrnm. Onuid Trunk Railway, Splendid jrteamor MAGNET for Saguenay River, and return to PhiUdel eWvla Portland andßoaton or saruoja Sprint*. Fare* for the round trip aa Jallowa; , • From Uoabao. White Eounlain.^Boa-' Ft om Ip *u adelphia vi a Mon treal , Sara to* aßprl n i *, , . and New York- «J 9 Tot Bioartion Tickets and all information u to route. i*ba orace &.• W. oorn»rof SIXTH ana CKfeSTMUT Strut*. *•, CHAS. S. TAPPEN. ! . JtlMm: . Aiont. FOR THE -SEAT ■HHHpiiore,-oamdEn and 1 ISP®* asfr.**s" ** r i t £V' BMftratoctMTM Atlantic City.. A 00 A.M. Thaabora trai&Esto* at atl stations. - Fare to Atlantic..... ....* sl© ■ \ Ronod trip tiokcta (good for three . SfO JPttUb t sun bad#U?*rad at Coourfa Point Ur S P.M. Tm’uoshmat. will not ,be rMpraaibla for enr goooa "“•IWd^^ent^tl.o jaMf -cg;, r! . ■ ; ■ ' (■ - A«Wt ex< ursion tiok- £TS to ihe3)MQoarttio Cos iSwWpMr^ Tfl» TiokeU to the Abovo Coavention at #4 aaek* ooa-> a w4fcat»,™iijw u d PreMdenW-; :■> SEWING MACHINES, j yy P. UHLINGH3K & CO.. MANUFACTORIES OP jSEWOSG;.MACHINES.,: Mhkini the Loop and Shuttle Stitch. The latter for all kind* of iqanafaotnnaf narpoeee, price QW> * The other* arc from $*C upward*. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. i>; b.-machine Silk, spool cotton,' oil,’ NEEDLES, &0.« constantly on hand. .. isiS>9m YJTHEEIjER & WILSON SEWING- MACHINES. . . HENRY COT, Agßat, . . ; rn CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, ! MuUau. with Optraten. on Jur* to Print* FasdUai. * • ibakob oifiena i/ i; . 1 Wwt STATE Street, Trenton, W. J, ,v 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Euton, V*. ’ " , )»!*-*» %MT IIrOOX 4 GIBBS’ BKWING MA- Sf- JJALI/S PATENT PLATED lOE PITO HE Entirely different in their eonetruotton from illothere and WARRANTED to keep.the IGE LONGER than any Pitcher now in nee at a temperature of seventy de crees Fahrenheit. The above Pitohera will keep the water eold for t«6tnty-four hours, • -'i i '*"< A pound and a half of ioe in thrte’pints hi- Water will fait <ie«n knrtandAftv-Jlvtminuttt /while thesame tuantity in an ordinary etone pitcher, <%t the said# tern perature. only lMte two boon and fifteen mumtoe! Peraons should not oonfonnd these Pjtoken with those usually sold, but inquire for HALL'S PATENT v -;’ WM. WILSON& SON, - Sol.A«ent. for th* Haimf«<>tnr.r, : S. W. Center FIFTH Bad CHEERY'StfSHa,' wrlLtf - ■'■il ■ (3AST-STEEL'^BEI^B ?Ii ;; FOR CHURCHES, FIRE ,ALARIfB,±o„ O .FO»i r,|-l. ,7ri!„V NAYLOR *'<m. Je7*tf , : g^opOMMEßdßstreet •« - , •' -t'" <’»«» rr'.'f: P'MiH' 11.>i, rt h PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPH S 3. " a;,';.- ttemotrFw.iißd AmbroWsM,,,,, to .-aJWMtMt: Burning fluid, alcohol, and* CAM,PHENE, In bsireln and half L B*ira- MEtwe mbwi lwh Amm - .tKfJUJ '.i llM;OiM' U, 1800. id ’TuNR lMaao. How JohnßtillisHtlffibuggod, h year; ago, ;on;the part,Bl Lord Palnifer ■t6n*» AdmlnlstnUoiiythata now Reform 1 BIU WM»mirlng,ttw present session' oftheßritieh Pvttjfoaentj' we boldly.jexpreasi£i 1 our' belief 9# thlawaa a mere promise.' to humbug , the BrttLh peopie. The Session opsnOdylh Jhnu *^|HtiithV1 jw , miae-\or. t , Pa6tunpbpiry.iJer form figuring' prominently‘on thktWmttefim nWnßesto oillsd the S'paechfroffi Ihe’Thfbne, Jcno* What slippery politicians Lord Jojt# Rosi siia add Imrd'P At iaaatoN'really, 4te 1‘ o i *: , : , ootJflJ-«S|ee, Mx t : ! when .to thunder and wfiMolm ‘ kTiS’-'/i-LJ '■’ L 1 'AT*' * 3 /)fr'i7 £'UJ?L i M *r Wfl?®; 011 . tW, of Beformupotr | last-year, he had ! been so logd<*i)B»Rl#P eißtjf, ahd; declared that : meafugeoißefonn from.tbe wilgsWumr than ■; let h forgerand Imtter measure BtisßnKia 6y the Tofips..,; Just intho,seme spirit pi , tpora.psr tissnsWpp v tbe:'late Joßrpn Hum, 1 dptfily ;ayowed, ji) tho House ol CdmmpnSj tbat thafoblack waswhlte.andwUiM black, If he thought that his doing so would ; keep his own friendslVoffloe.'. „ .. , , i speech Bbieinniy' [promised a new Reform Bill,-Lord John Rds | jsstfcj with great flourish of trumpets, produced this legislative bantlingl " It was the old story lot JF<mt promise and scanty performance., IChp, impstare was the. shabbiest compromise—pre. jtehcung to augment the humbdt M electors, jabd to adjust thedlstflbutlpn of legislative re tpjrpiitnlativea, anddoing neither, ...Even Mr. jßniOHt was .ashamed ,of Jiiv*' taken abhcist any, inatalmant'.oi Reform. [Public opinion, ■pronounced ' 'against' the the'measure at one®.' [lt .yds,' even less Uherfti than ' v Jjjtr. Disraelis ’ Reform -BUI of last year, which, at least, allowed edu cated people to wot< latParliamentaryoleitioM,, BVeit though tiffed did not tenant the whole of si dwelling hoartEMay, it was fesslibeftit’thin ahy tdihne, Rpgsjihnhns put ou t upon the angrjitide of’politics,-ih-tiiehepethat, likoao. hiapy.alr kW4fs/ltMy would float him intoof&ce.: 1 ;Lprd PAUrEBSTON has passed one-half of his; long political lifeM<tif ory official. Ho’commefo fFrot(jiiBl7j when he first took oft j flee a juniOELptd'WMJie Admiralty,, until I 860," When he Is Prime lighter, hohaa “idiflerently teen Xpry jor' Whig, BS it, suited hisinterefS': he haawdrked h&rdfqf'thb title ’ of political Vfoafof BHy- In the last fifty-threey ear*,' he has been forty-alx In high office, 'oltherpa Tory of Whig.' 1 He. iaknown to have aftmuch ohjectlon to Parliamentary- Reform ;as ever (IAaHjNQ oT WsEitNOTON had.' Moreo fer,he fe h Lordj 'and his Interests anti foatlnctami gq Aristocrat are all .arrayed -on tbs part of the principle of keeping the pOopledoWn. Thip >iau could .never have intended-to pass any Reformßlttln.lB6ot. . -r. . ' -ro - = J JUS colleaigne and Hv»l, Lord, John Rcairii,,,- .mm sconced public life by writing a book upon Constitution, In whlph h6, ; .'d&-| , flow,' the infamous practice of allowing tbein fioenee, rather the ! Sundry' peers, .midland lords, to put whomthey pleased into half the ,seats in the House of Commons. In ■l|Bl he' brought forward a Reform Eill for the 'tjrey ltinlstry, and must have been as aistonish 'eji as the sparrow who has hatched a cuchoo’s egg )* said to he at the strange aspect of the £ youngling. This measure; said he, shall be Forthwith, popular contempt gave him ickname of “Lord John Finality.” In ltss2, to obtain popularity, he brought in a wsw Reform Bill, to amend his,. own * 1 flnai ” Measure, Again In 1854,. in iB6O, in .1868; and now In 1860. Those bills were made for elect—as Fetor Pindar’s razors were mode— net to shave but to sell.. , : jAfler much delay, the Reform BUI was read ajsecond time, in' the! Commons, on the first Week in Hay i upon which, not to be too rapid, Lord JoHH fixed the fonrth of Juno' for It to gp into Committee—thereby losing a month. And new, PAuraasron and Russeil announce .tljat they have no chance of passing their Keiorm Bill, on the promise of which they trained office, and mean to «let it slide”—' ,upil next year! ■ j this is precisely what wo propheeied this battle of smoke mutt end in. And thus the. mitgoverned British people are fooled and humbugged. Yet, though guilty of the mean est hind of falsehood and trickery, in this.caso, PttMingiox and Russian claim, no doubt, to b« considered spotless statesmen. Of course, they are “ all honorable men.” Letter from Boston. (Oerreepondenoe of The i’rPM.] Boston, Juno 12,1820. .i BianPanss: la my last I spoke of the meeting which had been determined upon by ihe friends of;Stephan A. Douglas, In tss city. I paid that it Wbuldeolipse anything of the hind held here for years, with the exception of the great Union meet ingheldlaetfall. • . v The demonstration hasdaken place. It ex seeded evin the expectation! ofths “ Little Qiant’a" warmest friends., The Union meeting testified that! - tht people of Messachnietts loved and wesld pre serve the Unlen of the States. The Douglas meet-', .lng, on Thursday evening, ihdioated {he choice of - the people of Masaaohodefts as to Who ahonld guide, the ship of State on its next Presidential voyage.' •Bit to the meeting. . ’ Long before the hour of meeting had arrived, the tor the hell wee densely oirowded, and the Bos rigade Band, stationed la one of the galleries, aTthe company with patriotlo airs.. As it eaked out that it was the Intention pf. those tyed in the post offioe, 'custom house, and yard to oreata a disturbance, and, interfere ho business of the meeting, the,committee of, gemsnts thought it advisable to reserve 1 the and south galleries, for the delegations from 1, (of. the oltyproper,) and for the delega bom Bunker Hitt, . Bor this purpose several. . linen Were guard the entranses to plaees.' But as the crowd oontlnued toeolleot: It {was found Impossible to keep book the sea of men thst completely filled tho pass age-wsys lead ing to. the galleries; and just as tip).elock> an nounced the honr of eight the dense mass rushed L , past the guardians of Jtne nubile peaoe. overturn [ ing them in their,Zouave-llhe charge, and paoking cnry BOok end corner Of the oapaoious hall. ■ It was, Indeed, a noble sight , to. those who hove been denounced as rebels and renegades, to see tba people com* together In their majesty of strength, and uphold thim In their resistance to tyranny and oppression . . ’ just at this moment,'the delegation from Ward 1 Arrived, composed of hardy, mechanics, who know then rights and dare maintain them. They found H impossible to obtain even standing room in the hall: bat, after muoh difficulty, the transpa rencies borne by them were planted upon the plat fortn. One bore the Inscription: l •• Muouxs-oua viast Ann oast oßotcx,” i The mottoes upon the trensparenoiee were greet-' ed with the greatest, enthusiasm. : Tbe -meeting. was oalled to order’ by Joseph Smith, Bio., and organised in the ehoioeCf ex- Got. Wells, of Maine, as president, and Edwin o.’ : Balleji publisher of the Herald, assisted by about one hundred other vice presidents, and a corps of secretaries. •“ A series of resolutions, asserting thst the Demo cracy of Massachusetts favorsd the nomination of jjtsphen A. Douglas for the .Presidency, endarsing the Charleston platform, and maintaining that the Massachusetts delegation ware boung, by every honorable tie, to throw their votee for > the Illinois statesman, wore offered,[and, at a later stage of the meeting, adopted. . Speeches were made, by Er-Oovemor Wells, Oliver Stevens, Esq., Bon. Beverdy Johnson, add Hon. James M. Kavannaugh. The speech of Mr. Johnson is acknowledged on all hands to be an able yihdlflitton of Donglas and-popular sovereignty. It completely exposed the. Inconsistency of each ’ Senators es Benjamin, Who,-When the Kanpaa. blit was before the Senate, , upheld thb prlbeiple of - gob-intervention,- bat now denounce Senator Doug las, beeansa he would not, forsoothy Obey the dicta tion of J. 8., and gibe the; He to his ltre-leng do. - ' elaratlons of the right of - the people to " form and regulate their domeatio Institutions, In their own Way, subject only to the Constitution of the United 1 State*.”' . '■ ffheni the Hen, James M. fthyannattgh was in ' kfoduoed to the audience he was greeted with the Wildest anthutihsm, and.pWe oh'«rarr»«glyen for toe Stata of Mtneesota. He, bidofiyaddresAedtoe ' msntlng ln a speech ftlftiif ijWlt ,*nd' elSKenbe. bn;'^Whavlngb^sWsa,th^rMn«Utu : 1 As it we* found impossible to accommodate the ' immense throng inside toe hall, severghmeetlnga were formed outside, where an audleflß number- '.‘•B(s? ' •> -y-i \hn iTAnf o'iT brov'’ s \ * ■■V I.K :=n-:f..’uuaff e:0 v,( noauti-tA ' ss^txa'srsaw spicobSSdrSn made :by Maura. Johnson sndi'Kv vaenaughy.Ths "Wd-vono-dalogattoninurotmim Mt.r wtwSgl II was, indeed.W «ale.«kht wi&Utke 'Bmdba Bell-anti Everett men)' t rtiW 'slyY:' l * The street! roimi.^fc ! o ß t'.'Weraaott«tf ? w4W : W()»td# of "MrtiM mcn.iwbd ahaeted Doutfam ad ttnhrstfl eWatw fe^estemi fflOtfs fat Stephen A.' <A it??™ ■Dooglaemeetlngs. wwelPaad Townsend. till*: lj-‘j'L,r* *•> PriOif S'tljl piiiii Iwwit MdNMi kidNeSJ-friisi lJtlmiMMim! .j*F C .»?»'nr) HnAv/n Thti tSfefcesSoftSSw iiiCbtfricilWltirf}. . i . '(a,.e r!| -.'d •HMdftlJi J ’n!'.>'. '.)K It »ihm , THKXR.'MkajtDS—'fHfc'iiisSfaiipsi' tfD-'ibmi Sjp . > ; tor narAßp.ana iutok ,wDon~tt*tnrwataM< [FromouVSpecialCoiraatjohdent.] >! ' ”' ; ' • ? M=l .-• >• I t C&temSnrn, TUh-n, UHi? ThCSeiedors met in- convention -fo-doyat 12* ttftn>lpbUtan : ilit], , 'atid''ardariize.f by eleoling F. R. Lubbaok, of Tegedj sS'traßwriry Chairman, and, apMiattng'two Swratarioa,. one frotu ArkanBU, B&ptlStCharcb.tberewaa a oaU of th# delegates by Stfttds. The call ( was(toil raitygli^iqdftyarrtA unlit New York waa reached, when tbprMpowea £ w ¥r>- Matt noil, a boh or wtuuun Bsaoh. .LaKreoaq, .of Rhode Island, and. Dr, ,Stewart, ofthejW York Daily limit, compose ■ the: i delegation,'.' I believe, whloh brings credentials from 1 ■ : a : political club ;in the city of 'New York,' known as -the “ National Democratic AnsecUtioß.’ 1 < TOothes* most be added two delegates at large',' WhofeMM under- the imprtmnfnr of Mr. GMdeon Tucker* cv.Sectetary of State, and a bogus'Btate Central. Committee, with- which he is tootfnedted;' Theitflre-eaters. whO looked'gloomy and dleoo'nSOt' ate previously ,-ipioked' U P~ doiiiagn when theft' ahata-npreswtaUvedneNew-jTsr)f.inade jtroftiraffir themselves, and actually oheerod. When was oalled, Fisher, of AoootdaoT'wbo, at Charles torf, ‘”set thehall' in motion solitary and alone,' ’ Was grtetod'ahso With cheers. T Newlfork iitiS Vlr-'. ghalh received,ihWrefore, equally hoiorable'notiee from' (he SeCeders,'and properly, because the re presentatives from eeeh hive about' as/tatthhilghi to speak for the' Sthfe whoio hiiheji used as a OamaT&holhdtan or a Jf/otfentot. : However, their presenoe solaces the' Secede re from the cotton a 'luxury! without injury or compromise of the National Democracy.’ s- .{;• v \ ; .■. The Convention, adjoumed.-after an hour’s ses sion, until to-morrow at 10 A.,M.,- when the Com mittee on Permanent Organisation, appointed to day, will report.- —— - - ~ j <VB •:’lVtiMtnu’ikiiWaifdiMni’. i t} The SeoessionistswxpeorQSe'Tligiala delegation to bolt at Baltimore nnlemlheir pretensions an ro ttmWotuSjgsddon, of . Stafford, Lowia B. Harvey, or Amelia, and two mem aadlydinatuted #lth like bereeiss in the put, mey*jni»athlM:with the aaeessiondsovemont; but :raB»«wsw 'THt BVXAItD Of THS SBCKDXV^ , will- not ibow their hAndi’ Wil tomorrow. Meanwhile there> era tYldenoerbe* foreua in ihe rooent, ezpreuioos of their leafcre, aadthe aotldn of the Conventions whfoh honored them With “roving c6mmiasfon*,V,of the course , which they wilt pursue.; Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, inflate Utter fabject leave* no doubt a* to the concession which the -National Demoeraoy are required to make. He says: who^ret'lb main mthe Baltimore Convention. ean succeed *» r*r opening the platform question, or can give reasonable a*surane4 that; a proposition tonopon tkatquostion will be entertatned. ana unless this mope cita. beacon* ruminated by the adoption, at Baltimore, of a platform, not only ignoring squatter guarantit mstostave property protection bp the .Government, neeessaryJ ' I believe it to- be tb*' purnoee, aa it will certainly l* the duly, of the JBjohrojJCd Con vention to make'a nomination of the onaraocer inch oated.” • - ; - “ '• The friends of the Constitution" y.t remaining In the fictional Convention embrace none but those who supported the "tohjorlty platform," aa It is celled, at Charleston/and voted perttstentlyagainrt Douglas, and.aro prepared so to do *t Baltimore onto " the bitter , eod,;’ , Ail othwv, in the ,eyo of Ur. Ysrcoy, ere enemies of We Constitution; and yet these enemies of the Constitution, who ere for standing by the' Union, srhtoh lie is striving to break up, ere the majority! Tcey should yield,'of course, to Mr. Yanoey, The majority ebouJd al ways yield to the minority, especially when that minority threatens and denounces. The order of the Government should be reversed, Indeed, and lhe minority .principle prevail, nksmuob as ma jorities, according to the Yancey School, have no rights, or at least none worth talking about. 1 ' . [The Convention wbtoh endorsed We Seoeders In Mlsrissippi, and the dead Convention which Slidell, in hie fear of the people ofLonlslena, directed to reassgmple for the same purpose in that State, -each paused a resolution In harmony with the Yanoey manifesto. The resolutions to which I re fer are as follows: MISSISSIPPI BISOLUf/OK, u - ■ ?• Resolved, That, while reppslpg in thtentirt wisdom and fidelity of our said delegates to the Richmond Con v«ntlo».»o do herobjrrooommoid ttiomtnd«r« •otionet tho Riohmond Convonboo until after the ed- Journmentof the Omiveottaa to be held at Baltimore on tbe JBth day of June, and do accredit , thenc to the Baltimore Convention, with fall power*, dndwitjiout instruotioiUKtopunrtesaohooqraeiii reference to tee •aid Contention* aa m«y. in their discretion* be test calculated tosave the Constitution, to secure tho unity and harmony of the Democratic) nartjyand/o tetetn the nomination of d ieWid'mha, vfron U'}ldijQTWt em bracing the cardinal principles incorporated in lA« «ta jority tepcrt submitted to the late Charleston Conten tion* which are dearer than auooMS, and paramount to all the olaim# of party.” , LOOTSUKA BIhOLtTTIOKi, ’ :' •» That in wit th*BaltimoreCskvenOmshould re ■/vet a prdper modification of the platform adopted at Charleston* then our delegates are hereto inducted to retire from said Convention and meet , the delegatee of ■ such of our sister States a* may concur toith us in our views, and make such a platform and nominate such candidates at may be acceptable to the Democratic par ty,” . Her© is the whole question in.& nutshell. Here, 1 in Yancey's letter, and In the Mississippi and Loui-- slana resolutions, we hare the whole game of the Beceders—the game of Intimidation which they will’ playntßaltimore. , The majority, who stand by, tho Qinflaniti plat* fohn-~a platform' whioh many, of these Seoeders helped to make, and to which the Democracy, North, ana Souths are solemnly plcdged~are denounced and threatened by tarns, and Mr. Douglal, tbechtfce of two'thlrds of the party, is oooffed and soonted as worse than Seward; and yet, tt> conciliate traitors, and get ri,d of treason, thacntfTalWrtVtausVbe degraded, and the best men of the South trampled upon. Suoh is the selftdebfsement which the Sece deirs demand of' the National Democracy, This is what is oaUed. in.theSteesslon vooabqlaj-y, “ con ciliation,” , Wbftt a ooDoillatory Ret! Their oonde* eoenslon Is' overpowering, really; too mash for taqdest'natures entirely, “Just come down on yoar knees at Baltimore, gentlemen; let us dictate the platform, and name the candidate, and then,' in [consideration of your ready, acceptance of our terms* we will allow you the privilege, of voting, * and glorying In your owi\ shame,, too."* Such, in brief, is the attitude of thqse.moet right worthy, honorable. Union-loving, patriotic Secessionist* towards the National democracy* Doubtless all thoir wishes will be aoopmmodated. , SOUTH CABOLIHA BWITOHIS, OPP. ' South Carolina, to pie the facetious expression . of one pt the dolegetes,; “ has not obeoked har bag-. , e through to Baltimore.” We shall, therefore,' the aeryloof of the delegation from, that Stahl In "harmonising the part;,” and "sating the . Constitution,” at Baltimore It ia a' great pity that the South Carolina NulllCers are so- intraota ble, so hard-hearted, as to refuse to aid their brethren (rom Mississippi, Alabama, (leorgla, and other ootton States, In obtaining the" nomination of a sound men ” upon the " majority platform,” as it ia fashionable'ln Secession elroles to dub the resolutions which were rejected at Charleston. It Is really cruel thus to snub Yancey, and Meek, ant Barksdale, and Bunnells,' and Burrows, snd Jackson, after the gallant effort! which the; made'at Oharleeton, and ara still making, to " fire the Southern mind.” llaye a oare, molt amiable nnllilere, for wben you touch tbeso men you touch, not a <Commonwealth, hat you wonnd Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and (leorgla. ‘ That - is had enough: the worse, Is however, to come,. Such oonduot on the part of South Carolina, not only disheartens Fisher, of Aeoomao, tba lone Be* coder from Virginia, aod;ahooks,ito ieMnUblllty almost, Bayard, of Delaware, the great Beoeder,, who first seceded from the, ‘ Convention, "and then from the Beceders at Charleston. Mr. Hhett, Mr. Bhett-nray, sir, what do you mein?' Bare you no. oharlt;, no benevolence, : na, eosu miseration? Is there no blood .In yonr. heart, that you thui treat with ooldness.the flower of the Secession moTitnent T |Wo hays iihoWcjjwßhett; you are jealoue of these men. Tovt- hMstt la fllled withonvy; yon ara afraid that. I* all-that make* Secession odious, andjgtressubllmlty to impudence, - yon will be. ShtHerotled 1 the. neophtyes'whom you raeet at'Bichmond. Hjnee you mean tu be fUUen.unreaacnaMe; and negleot ftal. Yon may deny it,,Mr. Bbatt, but It Is no use. It was only the otber'daythat you said, in a speech.. at Columbia, f' l eaaa.Dli unionist—a DitiiifUn- 1 ntfroyi domair." ..Jhit sort pi • P**®**® 1 1,4 , wUI not do, Mr. Rhet t; snd you know It. A Disunion* Ist from bhblOe, a DlsunlonlSt for the. sake, ofjts-• union,' If the'stuff tbeee Secessionists ate made ef Hence thertvalry between yon anddhe old origi pal JiMbeae,;-hence.the Uttle jeatoudee betwefn yon and Yinoey. He it burning with *. desire A: “ precipitate thelootton Btatai Into a revolutioni’,’. ',:;»iTAW>u9rii'lW«f*««ilW:»m»43ißiHw»o»: ; >i . ' Thiroaro many Inquiries hew for ' jmnsnda Wood. Tfa« former wasnot actually ex pected after his retirement at Oharletten before tho battle begun, but the trne Seoeevlonltts feel kindly towards him, nevertheless, for his desertion ~<is y/ h" f .- rtf n Jijf' .[• a- i» o: )>o'’ .*yjq rrfi , iio 111 l 1 1| ~ 1v ‘ -w} f~j-it .o'.'iinon; i»t> >o woitx'i <*rtf sS^iSIsSSS; SMMnBME ttatt&s3Hg£| ssgsmsm s£mjߣm§& ~—YkM pll> ImUU MMIMWM ! - '■> <noMih ’ itl'MiW# • ’^m&#p£te!mißMb? h '* i ■I« M« Hits *tfu«ji^y fewV»W , ' f ?s2 ! Skrt l »T cfSittitUu te tM*)<M “ Tniafefs of the NatlonM l)<zn<MnUa HilV’ u the Btdt® : PtriApiT'ltfly wiO^/ »S t&jcM pittet d»l«j»*»« kiil»*t»l **«**!£>• [ . i S'-i:,, .-.-mi l)«ff utiW'l ». j' ii «*<t lone | i; : >/ . 'ron theWeatChsterilteatafaKff hr£* < <'.• W diftfUt ( «a>‘*i|arf «U> nil article in a recent nntabtref IbaOhaetei <rf wb£aa^t^{J^uW^J2l?lr uJOe;e|>p*ef*du»tfihe qtl m* n ’NbtfoffcMCMk a ftfcitfUftf Vtteß^Snl: >kliftlb«aml*ati«]J'> Ht “djier I tb*( hjiOMnM[wee eoeeramte~ 9Dtion«j in oonneotion with.dhe potUiaa, ead-lt ins thV loril/m record will'ahow(Sat hekteedilv olakad kat'wonfainati give tke eeep *TiU gagere It r'SderaScd'thopioMnt ‘pol(7ie»l'’warfalfp,! (t to brOak downj optbot, and nitarly destroy tbs mipt,Ada>ijdaWa<S««iißw ie l power. dWod'iieh We of-the Dwparattp KHOaiaiK'tn herewttrgs Si&raia.tho noblofffoj-t,,, ft, taoqjr.(**»( tM.wp aro etoodonthe nmpatta of Kntkanddalad the igiooimarahalledagaloetaa! 7 We’ Teteaedf flielr i ree J oftr 1 ■' We prsfeerM thd eiirtvf'i JseihT »thar,th»D yield d» itbe IntAay‘Of mkkingtMs free Kepnblto, to. nil Ue I tardgr».,*-,nedyew«i-,it»rt Jot ijegro slavery. W* ftrgotpßreetyaaJn. the (tori lefßfhrt oftourbefOTM coantry. We locked for irdPts-tbe interejtaof thewhlt* ma*l» the greed t yet TerrHonw-pf.tJtU weritrfal; lion. Party tier, in View df thia mat ;fatsia 9 re aa nothing do n»;‘ Wd wire ’ wUßak to'Wn nda,with alt good man to'aehteve ee eokTe a ban-. ttlei’fili eare; alrtytfwws cifcrid haVe Bhe<Ue.fc*ve Uftn; Miff, j£ : .a»)f*r*afrftMbs > North 6*ooos aadiHH -wotvforgel toewaHto rney and Ilaskta, and Knox, and Pecker, jaftd okman, and a host of equally br*T*uaDlriUia I DetooCratifi high meworhoneffind renown which ia jGatly.thhteiwwinithteihgWdU^’ [And jet,Jnyi_awotall.thlaj L it._aag»ato.kav».bee». the effort andthe plewur* of the Oheetec opunty ytea*t,fbrth'e>li«t B»eotrefjriiohfti«7 tomekediji worthjr etteoki lapdl ireimiatfcioii ■giuttofett Wt . •Mttar-tt> r iigbt>A*6oAUiim'dniiny > '< make a* Jefcn:Bi 1 Baskin ? ..But for men TjVaHaekin, endJUroWa* , ahd Soh twite, an? wonldTb*4*7. , hare had ibe organisation of the Hodeedt&'eprt * 1 sfntatiyes?., .Th&vßepnblicani ..thfemaelvea .were , within an ace, Into .the handaof the ' Bpnthin the’pemti orMr. 'PimthTof North Card- j lipa! In riew of there facte,' end of the 'p6Htio*l future which i* yet entirely underejepedy w* mfi ] geit’fhb propriety of attaching other, nen thap , Ijaakin, or Forney, 1 or even' botTglta. If the TV**** j will take a lesson of moderation from the : Naif \ York Tribune it wiij certainly loee nothin*, by, the \ r raa ° a - 3 !Mb. Gfc*EL*V’S Lstnx t6‘ -rGateroor Seward has placed the letter Wrtttento ! him by ,Mr< Greeley pp, itbvllthibf Uorambtr, 18M, in oar hands, with Instruetloiwto reUeve;Um. frjom the responsibility of itl bublieation.' * 4 '" ' !M'.:Gr«do9 eociplilbs > ihafcxtha iydopeti or'sab* sdanot of..hislatte r*M pttbUshai farted, to in the K4w York Time.*, does Bln* injustice.. JBvrs** sa&'.ofithla ’ tnbjfbilnJafttM’/lfir. G. demands Ed returo.of tho origins! lotterr-thafi ho aayj by its publication , entire in the Dally apd Weekly .jy>«, hf(ne % VdVindicated. fa this aspect of thecate we see no reaaon to change or modify ihe opinimi 'be fore expressed, rii: •that*’Mtt4H : eel«y,-'under the circumatanoes, Uln fairaesa entitled >t4'Ms letter: and, as one of the assumed “political firm’ 1 which Mr. Greeley “disillvad,'’ we respond to his de mand. ( jin returning this letter to Mr. Greeley,'!t Is per to aay that his impraelon that copies ofiVweff obtained, from Governor Sewapi k entirely erto n4ons. The letter was neither, oopAaiviatv shewn until after the 18th ultimo., and then as. • eolation of the hostility of Mr. Greeley and the Thbuna to Governor Seward. —Albany Evtniug Journal, Jun«\2, - 'i ' '■ . pan of oar afternoon cotemponriss ti trifling . with, the hopes of oureltlaens in a most enjostii** f hip manner. It mentions a rumor that the elder- r mfen and conubilmen who have made such eaten- - sire preparations for spending', (or pocketing) £ $30,000 in tho reception of-the Japanese, hare de- v tetmined*lf they do notoonie,to tmitata the Jana- ' ! nego cnstom,- and commit the “ happy dispatch.” +. The -Post must be perfectly, aware .iha t,this-paws la < a igTeaV deal teb gbod to ee.tnie.’'. It indteatea a, cruel indifference to tWobmfbrt' of the ohm* 5 inanity to spread neh cheering in foil knowledge of their utter lech of foundation.— Tf. t y, Times. . , . • : . ■ - ... JJ Ur. Jaxss P. Score Wakes the following eipla- g nation concerning the use of hie name' aSnmu&ber tl ofithe bogus Texas r " I find that'my name has Seen most nnwarrant- V. ably need by the contriver* of the Texal delegation' « friud in the Chioago National Convention, and yon T will confer a. favor by publishing the following sUtement of fnota r . , , , ® ’ « I was in Chioago daring the sitting of the Con* ® veution, arid the first -knowledge I received of nay h name haying been- feted in-this manner was from - reiding it in a newspaper. ; Calling Hon. 0. Hen- % defson to accoant to know wbatltflapaat, he said X wu till right as a delegate from Texas, baying been -fc chosen to fill a'vaeaney, or something of that kind. ’#) and that hfr.-Clmbb had atlekel- for me. Mr, - '*] Clubb,delegatees tickst l whtel|''X- placed In-my pooketj and use of itwhat- % ever, as I did not attend the Conventtaa aft jUI as a c delegate, and was not even In that pm oytlja wig* 1 warn* set anart fcr them.* Ispem tfiw Wicnt#* 1 looking at the saa of heads in thn'WtgWaWi on the S third day pf the session, wbteh was aU the time I 1 spent In.the Convention. . ,- r Q “ Hoping that thtS explanation will place jne aU Hght jrtth the public, and hmringnb desire (0 share the honor* ofibedirgneefat triek which was played « np6n the Convention with its author*; X am, yonrr * r«p.otft,l! y ,. ~..,, JuuhP. Bc°n.", C Tn* (MrSnitiiand Sentinel, pnbUshed ln Co-, tambus, Geo., foresee! »» iMae to the irrtt>ri««ible conflict different from (hat generally antlcipated. It says: {‘lt the eonfllet must commend Ifw* must be ‘ either ell alare 0r..a1l ftee,< op dUeoiye the connection, then one of two things, only, in-our judgment, must occur. Either theconnaotien.wUl be dissolved, or all the Statee wiit bacotae slave holding; for never, until wtton' haijimqoma use less. end sugar, Tie*, and tobaoho 'aha;out' otde-- tßaud. will.uia tliveboMleg Statee-’ abandon their mtem oflabor,gn.tlf tbepSeaet nhgeotSooald'' be roduced to en eyeraw Stetae would beeomeiUyebol4lßg,,N|lUier,,of these events being probable; the Net th .will ,oon tlhuea non-ttavelcidiag,' and the’'South’' a' ijave-. bolding,.country, -B#t the queitton ii,>bah th* Union .exist with Its dir.reeflWtems, ocanat Igbe: dissolved, for dtisolved it hertatoly wttljie, rather -than become all poh-rieveboidlog f Wehayestroug faith'to beiitve that the Unlon will cbhtintte, ndt wlthetandlng ttoantagonism ofthe eeettons On ttk 1 great leboiqnaittoa otthaege.*’: ■ id - > xw>*li vt r=.-,5 ,-rr: — — * » nr< l > \ * “Qxn wno. Knotts" , writes- to the Washlotte* 'i StatU dad Union M . follows : 11 Qwoe fer «U, i t may be well to 'say *t>» l HP ml«»OTrekenainn seed 1 h* indulged to wba.t %wT** wiILAaM will beok Shields irlth tod, the reel ooatore of affairs in tbo detention was fifty for Douglas end twenty for nil otheitN Of thfe twenty, at least ten, perhaps non, at* Federal ofioe-holder* or their dependents." n 'lit -+■ i- *f * <4 ? 7-MI ?iL!Sgf »r Br : Tven(*«4 »i -',.• •' & & Jii*fr»AON- i.ii.islltHl J*w»d atml-Moiklr to at far CUibnO '* <:<■ ; ii',! f -»if/ ’irtoft *T»nit ifiti 'Tate?'* iwreet..—' n» prWhdtidlb Wui VStUSKm ygaaaasiaea^ SgmWiCa d_l|aeedar ffrirewtJogeoe.'eeß fcsff: Mtts, mad William Almijtr <MhwibßriM ■tsSMssg&ssi- WSi &? lerformaaoe ot an o!tUM£] Jj-JT—" ; i KwrMiitoofew iSHSffySi^ aatiadbaaatrhr MiHMiWWM 'A*- ' t «nert*34 eMaealwi*that; wUtMe Ue*a«e« ; ■gesaaß sij^s3^EBB®’’ IrttitaAK-tta# wM*OoIMvMkMkW Um•:> ’ an aio»e •kanab t tbay; daatfaadToavr aaSeaMbael 'i T. !^^£^Ss^!PSSff, io»9Sfcls*iii <*“, P !1 lay the foandatran qmik-K u an %btAiH. nee p iiart aUtUim aatytSaira eaßbff aSSaEi ■•• t aee^dCTtipSjtoltiailapaaaaySliMaSffiS'blr~' 7 Ss-jISEfSSS '« ‘inrrt'-iiiMiliu»iii«aa ihpaa nrwniiiaS 1 •I ■' " BBWiihto;»*a«wriW l(lMtlialkM!tki::: r< &*&»& H m»«*.hiM ■firMriißilWßr'MriKhiM “ ■ *Y‘tmrnmrmrn Mr: r 7 ar«,haj proapered pad braeddUlMmUhSie , a lotKm.'-iu^'aMatiW^^ffltViMttaM O’er to tbiepn alphas nfaeifi ftaatjUlAm o onf viHr “And when thbmmmmeat shall be faahJansd, '- « "‘ d - J -‘-*' ~r" BffMßd’''' : ‘ d4rotfojp.VMh fti faJjaie j >> , re ., ? rw yinsrtlinn l>,-i?i ?«a&wwfae" ! > <Ue mpestfatguetlir giml*Mn» OMW'Mto' ''•' ffc b^i?-^^“^'w, ‘*' • «WWPMrfthl» ■ i W •" wltaMbegitte-nahanngaditeWßHHU-rt iSebee? < tl 11 iin j " r uf i'i r i i~ir it ilntln* i • flat luyanohhl be the* re it aal aietisl in the ~ eiFy . M ffinSLfittTftda Int pi aalaimad ardpehttsbe*.; tniy anae aMat ta ■ % - b. bmlf-of Uatetri frdhdifel'ua thbltehti ofleM, “ «1 dthfi ia*,pledfa fn» Btuaa to that is • • b< orerihtrnm. Where lather men; h# rehrtrirad; ? a! S . at tuadtßl»»»eVed : bbild, flid ipnimi laMUnpaird tt etfprtyCan^je^ i • mi ' Tt \na. As they irermjEMklak t3HtetxHa.4*ft of tfa . Jmptowo, escortedby»WMtemM^WndtWo, ro Ppcntrm-feir. iutamr'iki wsttf po Iraitoof ow bwft- r I*9J »WP«4 f *ar|># Mi- \: ridlt wunaaaswriiT i GratrnuatfcbetdtyehanK -1 ?ha lnlßteeS'repk(fed to and pr eea«ai|:la-'b<le[tiMa;'the' pMMeoi; c<il. W. C. A 1 i*»BiiaF, oth T itT .%'"■- [n asnais >■ thi tan ' M till eomiaHtee far eoHfeUAta ■feß*' rWttlrt; ' • .i r»»!pto ( w»»»<tapi»a c ip(a*«l]*{*er-a p*r^' s %£lswnsr%fifflsffw ra ioia»Btatai;*h. munriurTV"- J (},.,Wataftnan,' >f ’enmTlvirila, via apsolstad riamiipantpraai leat, atod' Jdr. J. Raeea FtT ww appointed panaa akit.paffletaisimsri : Boffs 9*:M*I.TA.--i-Thia. large nad mteN ra^«wj,»Si*ferKJis'. A ttiethrniailiin ora'Kate ooinHtdUoa hadba.lawa. Thu Cmrwttlee ia romad or all lhJOraflipoßnpa»det»..yiaa Q raaxl £«pn nadirt, Ini SHttd Chancellors in good itandlac of.lqdtM 3oW*«f th». Ottawlt M^.‘MStts*aar»rE J - W'S'llf .i 10 ) 10 , GoftHhr, Slant Wi'Jlacu, n W.«-i A SUOKAT, AIOIiSiCRAWBWBr. : Fbwitai,, • o Lid in the eraotion of a buUdtnx far the -Sandnv, ihboH’ of St. lMatthew’a Pnfanaai Kofarapal «tintiM'm:he:iiiidiiitftbeA>*ttai>iyißaeaid(t, Jeith end Choitnnt strata, bh*w p«i to-nwnan;; , vtraat good has already been aoearanußbad ia iha nkihiSrhood iO'wWA'tt i* , dWerisrW&K'«a boldinx.and as Ibe ladieinf iha Ohaheii Sira Wn.untiring in ttjelr lo aepoMUph, aanaala: • folly the (tdod work they have nndenaktn. we . eartiMtly hdpe their etorta will T h 4 etbwoed wtS rucpeM. ■ ■; v[r j;..,j , tl r_r _- s ?ri >• .■■<;;!>'■: t 1 - ; Jj sJSid 0 * % W% •' z ’J&Bifc ®srtpisiasrsa- ■ nji ndlteoeetajuiun: ft.ii .7. ■tf.-r-.roimT'o j!T55i ,•■ \ fci'ii*- ■'■ Tr '. i We idrdMUfiu! Bfltf t*Si3iot ®» iraWito ihS :■; ■•: '•"' )«)«*»»: ,:Bttwd*«w**ffb« b^MMlai ! " 1»1 Ml!o ■!«« > I Wt3*WP'" £B!dRS9WaK E*cOvk»ed —The body of »n unknown white nu tu fraud fioetice Is the Mewere et Otlar-otroot wh»rf, yootordoj »eraia*. The eon ■or heU eo iaqseot- .3TirogS« HSKlftTi,? n asrrtt. g** •'»«-•>! w M.-i-.'