The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 09, 1860, Image 4
KZyZ'*: s r , OaJtort>y>gg»»d>y> ' ' ggsLsrUehi to tom nteess.'ragoApflF *K«? M .? ; wMoli °^2^^^gswmite«tw."-::^-A;,‘?: 7' I ,' <A'/saterds*': : STttm-iuMMa< «rtW*; *ee»pd'to indicate. ##e.Ose wßaiei tewtm inj»»a mi a»r»* oharakse alwost ruined .'Cbm was noJOwof Ilfs, <msß)saMm/m aAMtsof Aa l«mo»M wereexppfienpSd-in' ' < •.•-<■• - .i.ivjiv., JttraTOrsed # distance- of aboat one bqßdradi ralltlg »V genefnilynortheast direction, oroesing the took of two; Msbon,, lieTebouaes si tbetsUtl<»,ret>eiig the principal part of the elllage.apd killing i«BO Aorapbat be-' fore reaching thefe wa hear of sixteen deaths. One rain of tbo stormpasssd north .ofMaehanioSTHJe,' demolishing eraryAitigln !ts:eoMse,'*ni:k-Wlßg Tbs root took to Iti Oonrao p»H of Onto* fttors,: and killed two person, Sod aw Onion Oiotb it. kin«i..flti ! « ) ;w>rtooi,> tt'wSftod.-«6*u»:W.-tto; rmilrtkf jsar;pew«tv TV; •oos, sixteen 06'the.ftnnlot Thomas HsinoM, ana deaolMsiAeMsidense of a.-WrA*n.;'lV tb t":. passed southof Itomeasa and Lew Moor, taklng in Its ootsreethe hones ofDarid Millard, BIIIssUb ania-portion of Us frntily.-alsoAe houseafTbor-y ban; MoKtoPay, aPdßileton’uitbdisTetal Uhera, It .Asa struck Oamanoheroo Aslosrs,andA\o»nj, on tbs’ mia'ols bank, thoaos it moisd aoroas Whiteside, into Lee ewnWwhenoe the latest ap-. onaats of its rars«#s odnio. . 'Ws si»dsnS« from As and Jonrrutl Aefkots wtkt follow : At Lisbon, loWsJthi railroad depot w»s destroyed, and One.ttainof. too freight oaks’#«*. lifted BwUr, from tbo. trMk, and dashed S A pi ass“m AtDesritt,. Otioteo; county, lowa, tumtt mite* weet of tbo riser, sixteen*) eighteen persons wetekniediAt last.aooounts eteren cor pseshad been reedrered,,.,- Cajnanohe, tbo boons of tbo moot fearful destruc tion, tiutpirn of: about LMOdahabitento, right Bliss south of Clinton. It cscupHS. a leril plain or piatooo, el«Tatod about’fifteen foot aboto Ao riser: Thetown was built albngnnd Immediately ■bob tta brink of theJHseiaslppi, and somewhat compactly ftr aWestern town, 1 this being one St;' tbo eomperntirely dderpolntx. and foandod in ISS7, It bad notnorous snbstantisl bandings, and othersiaorootion, andtbreecburebso. :kk Tho tornado oano upon Gamaaobo about aoron o’olook P. V. An oyo wtteoao deuribos it ia ap poaraneo as. rsatmbling an inTortsd.baTHspok, iA> broad poiot awoopiost Ao earth in itafaarfbl march. Asit eana a poeullar aioaßAg aound straok the ear, beard oron atsotno dfaUnoooaolAoraido the,- traok. All was orei io about. Araojsteatss. . At Aa expiration of Aat brief iatsmd not a StngU basiaefs bolldlng in tbo rillago remstasd standing.' Tbs lllllard Boass, a largo throS-storjkotol. srps . totally destroyed' and eoreral of Its iamatoa woro : killed. . ’ ' . - ’ * Throe obntahes were blown down. Tbo nnmber oi tbs'dead {U esUibatsd at »psr.'«ft*.. ! TJp to Stoadsy moraine thlity-olgbt oorpsoe bad boon ro oorarod, At Albany, OB the opposite-SUM, throe persons stsn killodi tea'fatally wopnded, ttroo are reported missing, and others! are badly kurt.. In London and Monnt Pleasant, in tbo samo county (Whiteside), fonr pereons waro kllled, and; about anetiualnuoaborwonndod. i .t j-I'r- r i;*j A mtleman,whojras a paasongornorthwaTdos Ao Illinois Centrai Bvirt>ad, oouated aooontoon balldings destroyed on the line where' the tornado oraised tbe raid. Fragments of o!spbf)trds, i!ding, Ao , were found at Fulton; belleTsd to bare been oarrtedfram Albany, a distance'of-eight miles. ' - 1 Tbe Yery snrfSoe of ths ground was rent and torn as by plangbiharas, along Ae course of.the destroyer - One eyewitness stated that tbe turf is A spots tom np. Ode xPan -bsek of Oamanoheon Aeprtlrie was bloirn from . Us' baa A distance of twwity’radii,. i!:)’ . The Meant of damage *t,Ci**aeb* alone’te estimated at ww.ow. , ' • ’:. c,\ WOSDAT’SOTOHItATDiTTOH. r ' . n* Emmra of Tneadiy afternoon statee tbit the, atorni’of Monday eftefnOon.wMeh wu omnpare ttrety light in-ClnelimeU, wee Tory itrere In that' ▼leihtty. It seys t<v’ 7; '' ’'' In the* Asylum It proetrtted • gnat many treee, and.Wew off the toot of Freak iMlty’e bun: ,ffd|ar*’weo4s wad aleo rleited, U)d• large nambetof trees,tomnpbyth»root* u Mated off.' Between Dgyton endXenla bootee' ’ aad benu were damaged, tree* trite-blown down; and; tha grabs erops twisted Into Hike and, atrewSjj upon the gronad. It was partioaisrly sarueinJ tbe netghberhood oi Hnrblae's Station. . ’' Ihe mail train on the Oalena and Milwaukee troadi.eOmihff edit; trM eyertakeh :by' tha’ tornado la tb* uramp, between Gordon town and Areanom. and, was feared that the (tain would be crashed and the patwogers killed ir ihefill ing timber The engineer, .who eeemedtotake tha matter eootly. baeked the train to the ri einity ofa wheat Said, where it remained antil tha ttaok'wu cleared so as to permit them to pro eaad. e ■ ■ * , L«xiir«Toir(Kr.)Mici> Ticrimnr. Tbe Oi*efvf r t*y* that on Mondey nfternoon Yelliaen’a hemp fnetory wni blown down, Morgen’* woollen ieetory.nnroofed, end > l»rge_ number of other bnildinge Were’ more..of. lees Injpxed, The' duntgeto Unit end foreet tieea wee grant.: One fanner In the wieinity of the. etty .report* the de •traethm of fire handred treee on hie own fined.-' Atßendererille, In Feyetle ooonty, the ntom tree eqoelly serene. A man named Cerena in mid to here been killed b ythe felling of * tree. - . ' y rasgini** cannery *r. J 'v * A oon-Mpondant of the Lexington Odserverwrites that Around NieholaxHHe,' Jeeninine ' oenntj, from' o&e*tblrd to one-half of tbe Umber to proetmtod, tad gr*htlnjory,lim heen donc to ftaete, As.'> - IMPORTATIONS. > CRenortodtorThe Pnw*.! ~ ST. Btor—#tl3 token' fine apple* 39 oottooS, nrik 1(a*H)l; >79*oK*Ua k Po.t*r; XtalMcoHon B, 6lft«n & ton: iSB to order. - - . WILMINGTON<NC—tohr Belle—l 7 ton eandlee 180 hb»e t»r Coehran ft Russel); H 8 to rosin w oipteewrito toreentine Knight ft BdUUidoll MMeotton Kates S Foster; 99 bags irtut P Kannwellen to bales yarn Hav Jk - MeDevitt: J, box mdse J Meier; MoMpty'Mikt 1 box mdse order. ». »>,’ " " r **.- s-. ’■ I •**#*£ : .... , its!- . LKTTKR BASH ■ : At the Merchant*' Exchange, Philadelphia. flhipSamnak, Jonefi Sms Norway, r..———....HtogKoM,pood ValparaSe,eoon ■ark Thomas Datlett. Dill_. Lacuarra, soon Bark Cordelia, Roberto.. * toon HXrtr Mary Eoxabeth. eoon MARIItIi I«TKI.r.ICKyCB. MRtw wnuottiwj*; iMii.iiit, HI«H WATER.— 0 49 Btoaauftie II .hoars from N York, with mtf-e sad pMseegers to Jac CiM.. m(to,*m»*HSd'tob»tfc. A^uUat.from ,nd * bn, unknown; below tbe Kuo, on tbe ' Klddl.. **w ».d**»l, Ud*n-brir» ; nd la th* tj*, anrt ri,^-emit* her of,w»ro bonwl. - - - s; Bohr ChitUen,*. P«rkm,. It dft,. from Ssnnii Oa> witblaober to RMkiU fc QftMn. - '’ • . i ■.. bobrH p Cbwtartos, with notion, fco. to Join. B.ker. Poh, ri*. Cot*.J d»,* fTOB ; VubiMton, IfO. with (amiwrV>a*aMl'Mltoß*.eau i-v. -vv ti .m- -r’-: Bob, Bodu.9«lfm,. X(**.U.<<l*,* froai BoMoa.ln ■ b.jl«t» S*ViM.K*w.*rfc O<u , 'jJ ", B»br H .B, WMlon. 1.00,, (4*M ftom Bo*to*.(* bolt lagt (nNStortevantftG>. - . 7T‘ r--/J ‘V % Gjrr*, 6day* from Eaecport, with mdse' days jfo» Provideaoe,in Bekr J-WiUia»eon. fr, Wms«iore,d days from Bos tMuinballsetto ft Bro.' . Bohr Mivf r MasnetiFerry, ddaya from Boston, in bal hmtto Reepttor ft Srn. ' * • , tohf "•ew J*rsfr r Ya&nemaa,4dAys from Hartford, fromßostoa* . 6Mir M*'W Flake-Weaver, from Boston. $Mr- Monterey -. Palfceoharr. from Boston, —'' BohrseoDah 3Utifda.PTiee,from Boetoo. - ? Sehr IT P Sfaraione, Godfrey, from Boston, fitorWnia frym Frotitoaoe* , , ft.Her.ftom «ob*m.t. Sebr 0 Mwllmbi Bmitb. from luario* Birer. clsarkp. •<*. Faaniayiv—f*, T—L ftiohmoftri. Thom** IHlip ft ixahafch. Chltont*,' 8t Joba.Nß. R Tailor 4k Co, _ flirt, American, Christian, Havana, Thoc watteon 4k Iklgßainwl Welsh; Colp.Antijros. DSBtstson It Co Bekr'TJiraa Bmkbers, Jfitroop A Co. P*r®L**l*K**o*t, Parry, Boston, Hspyher <fc Bro. . Mr cttWjfoq. Smith, RoaStf* - 'jfo -i Bafir Williamson, Jr, winswora, Boa ton. Sis liimtfeOlinnr. BakrH»onah If a i!da, Pnoa, Cfcartotoo,/- .do - - ' Bear LOrar. Weaver,- Boston, L endeuntd k. Co. _ Sir Clean, Be eridieee, X X Coraon <t Co Seer PliHliMr, - *. 1 A o Bun* *TskrMoeWray, Falkenbrarg, Selni, Van Dueen.Nor g£r%w imr.TuuHijUn, j, R White,' 4 Coraon Aekr Commerce, Mollw, Saoo« 7 EJfLjteodarfeCo *SS?J kkhnver, Deems, Belti»ora,A9rern, it. •; The feßowju eehoovers left the httbernfm^a:— w * iM ** ,Bß, w , rsfes'. ,' Sfueldji for Philadel ; fhla.biloee'toeorfd groandeden thejar in poming St. xtkelt.brsix to#*,After dieeharging .-V - S>iVf Cram New York, errivedet Hel ' nikKWokb, alMrad ’at 1 Port ■•}liNttn)M,; afrivedat Shield* F.heeee.erriyedet Portland «nWr, ««• adreitieed to lx oleared M|« l i|nnl *« Portland .BOiUd' frc*Ta«*too«h iatt' LEGAL. »M)AB JE FOR THE CtT? AN» CQt|NTY fIP ?HIL ADEE j eIJk#N9R t»r n«t friend. &o- Vf.. T , Ti^JP&?rjL < 2JW4 B ZENBKRGBJR.BMPOJM I ® I ?**" ! till I -rjko. *oHoe, u,»t the Coart of Cowmoa Flew I * muted a rule.on you to- ehow o&um why Adivoro* v a vyteulo m«rtf7wxM«.*hoaM Both* »l«y* cam. RetnrneUe ob SATURDAY, Ju»® fttteuo’cfoelcA. ;M. -. . ~ ~ '* • June 7,1860. mOtRIOK HEYER, for Llb«H»Dti psr .‘STATE OF JLAW»EN,PE JOHNSON, .iiDFCKHBBD;-L«tt»r»te*t»nMnUrT tothoeemte, or demode nreJaet the eeme ere to preiont them to ! ; aoe jansOM, eireet; 4 5 M r “«> 189 siatbl^TfeLt. Qo«2»t*UP*l't fr o* j£ orbimdtAoii the raid Welnet »*r®*t •eat tSiiTSumeto Ms ofi%P% ®*f r ffcuifcßlXTH-ltreet on i UKSDAY. the Uth,aer ol June, ifai ax 4 o'ntook ?■ ». «,» debarred from aPOn *'*foHN p: BMMTON. Auditor. MEDICINAL. lyys fEF@IA REMEDY. : 1 ' T ' ' Dr.DAftIOTHAM’S ' v•; x ikoMA-rig myiooßiTiNS spirit, T/iis JMiciiw hat bun used by the public for six years iierithincrtaSiHg fdver. It is’retomintnded to Cure ; Dytpeptia, \ XervoutntJt, ;Seart-Bum, Colic ) Pains* frind in the Stomach, or Pains in the I BoveU, Headache Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Lowbpirits, Delirium ‘ Tremens, Intemperance, ,; . :ItißxiuvLktU, Hiait4af*M, Isvioobatb*,but ‘ { . - • WtU>- HOT hIOXICATi OB BTOHTT. * ' 1 Aea Medietas it is quick and,effectual. curing. the ' ■net MnrT&T&tea ease* of Dysnemt Kidney Complaints, 1 Sd air other derangementsof the stomach and Boweli a spsoflr manner- ' 7 _ , .it* will listwatv. revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits,- and jrestoreths weak, nervous, and aFoklr,tq and vigor., r ~. . f Ferae** who, from, the injudicious nee of liquors. have become dejeoted.and their nervous sjstems ehatterert, obastitatiou* broken down, aod aotrioct to that hqrnble onree to humanity.' tbe pßUßinifl Ta*M*ss, el* moat immediateli, feel the h*ppr and healthy inviyo ratins.ffiowy O VHXTTp Wl V LL"Do" f * ij)oBß.—One wine glaea foil ae oftep as necessary. ; Oat does .will remove all Bad spirit*. xOne done wHI care Heart-burn. 7 «Three doeassrillcare Ibdigestion. ’ iOoedoae wilf give you a Good. Appetite.„ _ i me does will atop the distressing paini of, Dyspepsia, iOne'done will remove the distressing and disagreeable efieota of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigoratiosopint, the distress ! ifeg load and all painfnl feeiinss will be removed; I i one dose will remove the m at d stressing Spains \oi i doliOr either lathe stomach or bowels. v» - J A few does* will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder,or Urinary Organs. * * ! . _■ c Persons who are senooslr afticred any Kidney decs are assared of speedy relief by s dose or two, and a radical cure by the ose of one or two botues. * ; \ ffaaxlY DISSIPATION r Persons who, from d:**ipMang too mnoh over night, and feel the evil effects oT poisonous liquors, in violent headaches sickness at'stomaoh,* weakness, giddiness, Ac., will find one dose will remove alt bad feelings. il.adiss nf weak and siakly constitution* should take e Jnvicorattag Spirit three times a day i it will make Sieoratfoßg* healthy, and happy, remove , all obsinac osaand irregularities from tne menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn fees, ’ * * 1 ’ * ~ " ’ . i - ‘.Daring pregnanoy it will be found ah invaluable medi cine to remove fisagreeftM* sensations at theetomaoh. ; All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to indue* this, be hxvputupthe Invioobatikg Bpibit ippint buttles at WATER York. Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia. and for sale by nil Druggists. ja7-th*toljr f"|AK ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. -V' Thees Bp'rtncsare situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the townof Alabama, Ornate co.y N. P.veight mile*sooth of the village of Medina* on -the Erie Canal. sad fourteen miles from Batavia.. ' jCy The principal -Acid Strings are three in number; be j .dee these there ate six others." They are all located wiikin'* eirenit of about fifty;rods.* (he snedtomal ou klitiss of thevatera are fully shown In the subjoined testimonial*. They contain a very large atnountof Sul* phtir, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of, Lime, and Proto * Sulphate of Iron. The great medicinal virtues possess ed by these waters depend-very largely upon the pre sence, Jttsaoh unusual quantities, of these ourative sblwtanoes. fJlnndredßof oases ofdieease.especially those result ing from the scrofulous diathesis, have been oured by tfcaimse. inskindifleases-evenin confirmed leprosy—the WHtejrahave'beeii signally successful. (Oeinionsof msdloataadsoientmo gentlemen are given in the circulars. The jollowmg eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the mealoiual value of these Wfiteret Pw£Emmons,X.JKoralyn, Beck, M. D., of A’bany; Jes. NeNaughion.M. D.. of Albany: Edward reoosuaewi the waters confidently. Dr. Spring refer? ta a rate of chronic diarrhaa of several pears' standing* tbhith teas cured Air the uie of the tsattr. Dr. Beck says, i am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medieinalngSßts.’’ - ftr.CaropbeHsays, ’* They must be btrbly beneficial for all ohronio diseases of the stomacli end bowels- - ; Ur. 8. P. White reed a neper on the snhieot of these Waters, before the Aoademy of Physicians, in the oity of KewYorlr, in whioh he states thn the. Waters pos sens decidedly tome, refrigerant, and astringent proper tics sand that the owes of diseases to whiofi they are more particularly adapted-aye ohronio affections of the ditattvomnd urtnarU organs, and some of the cutane ous distant} chtontc dyspepsia; Chronic diarrhaa ; chronic dysentery: fihrontc dturens; chrome cystitis: dHttto; o*m* of naive mb ra hemorrhagica, and the eouiauaftve sweats of Bectu* Pover. The Water aaytauo be often used with ad vantage, he says, in eases of lout typhoid fevers ; in cmvaUteenee from protracted fevers, to oxoite the ap petite and promote digestion; in diarrhmas, particularly sc ok as are dependenton a relaxed or aloerated state of the tpUGoos membrane. of the intestines, in calou- Ums affections, or Ittkiasu, Attended with pbosphatic ssujmsnt#, it is the suitable remedy, being .preferable to muriatic being more solvent and less apt by oontrauedtise to disorder the stomach. »n febrile dis eases, it ean be 1 peed properly dilated. as a refrigerant to dimmish thirataaa»reteraatimU r hsat- In skmdis eases—in those forms of dyspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Pyrosis, or wa ter-brash, it Will prove better than hydrochloric acid. In oases of Colica jntionujft, and otber'i&juyioQß con aecddnees arising from the .acuop of lead, this water wifi prove to be an admirable antidote, In chrome pharyngitis, Utryntttit, chronte'mucour catarrh , and kstthtd-'- asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle m uleerntd sort throats, in cases of safi- Vfitfon,at)dm levcorrhea and gleet fand also inptles. *Wtoeu taken internelly, a'wine-gtassfiii ot the Water, dilated, taken .three timss a day, is sufficient for an (Other testimonials’ from physiofass, and other ra sjectsWeindiridaals, may ne seen on application to tiea&m supplied’on liberal terms. - W W't'T «»«« unUu ggm w[fcK| Sole Agent, flp.mßßO myH-swly THE 1 CHIEF AMONG TBIT THOUSAUp. DALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointments end healing. applications in both the Ba«t«ni uu WjßternHemispheres, wherever intro duced; andAttfMrwufe »£«< is»he true aeoret of its ■ s°K»;% ?he “ w ** °“ iC T BUPNB*g SCALDS are instantly relieved of g their anguish, pain and inllaamatuHi, br a timely 2 fppbeatieftt of this mar odious heater., and the 3 flash s renewed as if by a S Mfi&SBItY. • - Ohiltraa .’Reejeenta sftffeTvrsfrqmexteraaUc juries,' efpdci&Uy ' wpm 7* fluid and Camp Kim JSz pjortoaa-thawfwe ,ei?trrg wrther ehpuM. have this The BdaohiniM, the TVa £ roller, and every other in divwittai whose.totin hfe * within the I chance of accident Iron 2 txplctiotty Hr*,’ or colit j«oa, should hear in puna S that this Jttagio Entraotoi 1 is his bast and only friend.« It l islioth portable ansi oheap.andshoula ever be ® hie qomaeuion, as a friend tfc Jfcsrs »» tfeou- fc, eacds ofliving witnesses ito teettfr to its marvellous £ virtue, who owe their sound Jfmbe and swedes 3 tatta saving effipaoy. Hume. hiyilMiii)' - Sores of all hinds. ax** ... S'jsS:,*, 004*1 -• . rran Bites, Bcrotuia, Oanoer. GuuiuulaT Dls-Heurf, IssAb. &»., wri hiiblains, PainssensraUr, Small Pox, ramp, , Pimples, - Tumors, ontraoted Cords, Piles, letter, hafes. Poison, ' - Ulcers, issuse of the Rheumatism, Venerea! Sores, Skin, Rashes, Ac. Bold at the principal Depots, U Broadway, New York, a^hM.v,ss»4si , M * roh “- __ *lB Worth SKCON^sFrSIi, VTholssale Agents for Pennsylvania. AROMATIC .DIGESTIVE CORDIAL* n* Tbisexoetlant and agreeable prasayatiorn* ooe the best means of improving the appetite* promot digestion, and gTOßratrearth and too* to tne stomao -which hasyet tees offered to the public, It i* an old German receipt, and has been in use for many rears in jhe ittttllioaof tfctmanuf etare’t.wbersitba* urov aninvah»»Wa remedy forDYSPEPSU, **EART«URN PLATULaNCE, and CRAMPS ST.OMAO arisjat from Cold or Indigestion. All persons havi tee least tendency to Indigestion, shouldnever be with' ' out it asasmaH wiaeglassfu). taken alter meals, vill exclude eU possibility ofoontractics the DYSPEPSIA. It isoompraoded or fi teen ingredients. BITTERS and AROMATICS, and only needs to he tested to be ap sroved and appreciates, It }■ a pieftsant beverage, and ipay te need with safety. pleasure. and edyantageib? invalids; and by those in health To be had at nJTlgad ins Druggists, put upin quart-bottles* ptioe one dollar. Maaufaoiurea wwt for sale by mytrtfflo ■ • UO^WALNUT*Street. MACKEREL, SHAD, HERRING* &0.~ hrJL 1000 bbla Nhs. 1,8 and 3 large and mediam Vac ■ Icerel* in assorted package*, of a ve.y choice quality; K bbtejiew No. I medium do. . *) .do new Eastern Mess Shad* IWhalf bblenewdo -do “do. • IMS bbie new Ksstport No. 1 Herring. *OO do do 'Halifax No. 1 do. • 1 *fi< do new Boston No. 1 do. 5 -." WO do do No lsoale Pish. - JZ 40 erlme No. 1 Salmon, M quintals Grand Bank Codfish. , w '9®.»?.*«• new Berkimer county Cheese, now landing and in store, fnr sale hr m MURPHY 4c KOONB. J* 146NURT« WHARVAfi, 01L.—60 bbls l'obiu’s Cincinnati CJ FUGUET * SONS, - TAYNE'SHALL.—2OO NEW OUSH'ONS njM.„AwIT at EBBLEMAN’S Cloth Store. No, fitreat, under the Ball* wfiere yon ret thorn bamtooiM Cloth*, Caaaimerea, Vestings, Ao. r *o aaeap.. iny»-im CTBWABT’S PAISLEY MALT. —10 JPtm ►v> aheone of thie WHISKEY Juet received and for "tor»-... tsn°J%f^Vr h & t ISURGESS’ TROUT. BASS, AND SAL ay celebrated, Trout. Mf, uT Salmon Rod*, Keel*. SfoJ w» r dU.^'.^lyffri g~J.ABDEN ANDPAKLORVASES, ST A - \M tuarr, Fountain*. Ornamented Flower Pot*. Ranging Vaees, Ac., of Terra Cotta, lured and feretowholaaala and retuL ■ rariaw, *»««•«« 0. A* HARRISON* _ A« y s 1010 CHESTNUT 81, |>OSIN.— 2.OOO bbls 1 Shipping Rosin, in dnd fo’rylo to ROWLKV. ABHBURNJEK, fc J CQ..Nn lrtfl WWARVKS. • ■' '4JPIRITS TUKPFNTINB.—2SO bbls Spts WINES AND qpHB4INS.GaOWEaSI.GOMPAKY OF r^viK^WisieMija™. •mvskmh spa?*" ; i HIB CORPORATION, nUrfiberlnssmongßt itaabsra ' holder* fcurtMß huidred Froprietim of the fotytaa yanj. in tbeUiitriotot coghae. ita extensive Eitabluh mrou being looeted fm the oentre of the town of that name, ni ormnlxed foj; the expreu purpow.of buwh ■<■ byiluppintfthatarticle,inallits native puritraud ex fence,toCorrewtondentsm.Foreign Countries;and a bound db#n' hr its. Statute of Regulation to. oonfine its transactions entirely,to the’BranaV grown within the )jfltrif>t of Cognac, and'wholly tbe produce of Vine yards inthat nighlj-favored locality ; on no condition latevet admitting:, into ita .storehouses any ,Brandy i whioh piar have been producedwithout the limits of - d Diatriot. / >.i. «■ . „ ‘With the object of extending the jut reputation of: tlieii brand by noh means only M will meet the ap proval and co-operation of the most redouble. Wine letoharila in the United States. THEVINK GROW ERS’ COMPANY has authorized the Agenoy m New, one to pat up their ouoioe Cognac . Brandy in cases ot Sne dozen fnll-aixed bottles each, and .the came will be: ■posed of to the Trade and the Public»by.the under mentioned respectable firm. • . , - > t Kyery bottle is pealed .with the capsule of the Com pany—thecorks .hear the same stamp, and the labels ' commin an sxact description of the quality, duly signed f infac-simile. by the Agent of the Company. .-. • ~. , The JJrandies, now offered consist oi. two different SuaUtiesi both guarantied to be equally pure in ferine only in point of age, and degrees of strength depending thereon* the oldest beiM the least potent One description, termed THE ; VINE-GROWERS’ HREB YEARS old. is aa excellent irticle of the, exe represented, suitable for family or medioiual pur of its extreme axe, and because the- remote year of its 1 aotnal produCUtnlbs.beyond positive verification. .. 1 , Objections having been urged -that the bottles are too ' large; and the Brandy ora greater strength than i* usu-, ally supplied to the public, the Agent or the < -ompany 1 ventures to express the opinion- that a large bottle may be preferred to a smaller one* and that |n obtaining tbe : article or the exaot strength at which it was exported . from Cognac, consumers may Teoognise, the advantage ■ of adding water to suit (heir own taste, instead of pnr -1 °V U oi«r^^EN. f BROTfiEK, fe COOPER, No. 118 WALNUT Btreat. apl4*atu&thBm* PREPARED GLEE, gPALDENG’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ‘SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY! ? DESPATCH A Stimh in Tim* savss Nihx.” ' As accidents still happen, evenintvell-resulatedfami is very desirable to have some cheapana con venient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, orookery, Ao» SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without if. It is always ready, and up to the stack ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping ohairs. splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the artioie for oone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement preparation is used cold, being oheipi oally held in solution, and possessing all tae„ valuable qualities of the best.cabtnet-maker* r Glue. .ft may be used in the place of ordinary mtfoil*ge, being vast y more adhesive. . r ; * “‘USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” • 5*5. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Pries 36 cents iWholjVbaxx Depot, No. SO Platt St., Nrw Yobs, - Address HENRY C. SPALDING Sc Co., • Box 8,600, New York. Fat up for Dealers in coses containing four, eifht. and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithographio Show-Card accompanying eaoh package. single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household/"** ‘ „ , :Bold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists,-Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fanoy Country merchants should make a note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list, It will stand any climate. SPALDING’S PREPARED USEFUL IN EVERY pOUSE. s^vmiWrS. Lm ‘ SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY FURNITURE DEALERS* SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, 80LD BY QROOERB. SPALDING’S PREPARED BLUE. SOLD Y COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY, < M&nofa tura b, HENRY c. SPALDING & CO., 48 CEDaR Street, New York. Address Post Office* Box No. 3,600. Annexed ia an. Alphabetical List of Arties which, il damaged, mar be restored to their original strength and usefulness by ♦ SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. Mends ACCOUNT BOOKB A ..-..Mends BUREAUS B ....Mentis CRADLES.-.*. -5 §:-.r.M?SdI It ™ GUITARS'- H-.. Mends HARPS.... .. £ Mends INLAID-WORK—... J.... Mends JARS K- ..Mends KNOBS _.... L. Mends LEATHER-WORK M. Mends MIRROR-FRAMES.- N-. Mends NEWEL-POSTS - Sr.V.Mendl —- ™ 8... .Mends SOFAS— —.—- T.., .Mends TABLES U-,.Mends UMBRELLA-STICKS.. -- U V.... Mends VASES . . ---V W-.Mend* WORK-BOXES —W X—Mends XYLOGRAPHIG-WORK, -- - .'.X Y-—Mend* YARD-STICKS.— Y ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK— —..Z ft....1n oonelbsion, Sf ALDING’S PREPARED GLUE is useful in Libraries and Bohoois. . 1....8....Mends SOFAS.. .-8.*.. 1 2.. .Mends PITCHBRB,.. ~ P.-. 8 A.. JL.. .Mends ACCORDEONS ... .A.... S 4.. ..L... .Mtindk LKTTKK SEALING L.... 4 6.. . .D... .Mends DAGUERREOTYPE OASES..D.... 2 8. .Mends IMAGES . L..§ 7.. . .N.:..Mepds NEW BREAKAGES .. .6.... 7 A...G....Mends GUN STOCKS..—.. 8 9.. .B....MendsSCHOOL-BOOKS—ITT- f-.. 8 10.. . .Pi.: .Mends P ARABOLS —. P... .10 14.. ..A... .Mends ARM-CHAIRS A... .14 15.. . .JL.. .Mend* RICKETY FURNITURE... .% .I? 1A . .Mends FRASER HANDLES %.. .18 17—D--Menas DESKS 17 IA.. .G... .Mends GLOBES - -~, G... .18 J9L— .L—Mends LOOSENED LEAVES L 19 *0....U... .Mends Upholstered FURNITURE-.U....» SL.. .£-. .Mends EGG-BEATERS -_. _E.., Jll §" ACORN-WOR— K.„...;M«dSs CH HB3-BO ARDS——. —.- —23 l=a»iE-SEI 27 ~ Mends HOBBY-HORSES—. 27 28— —Mends KALEt DQSCOPES. —. --— 28 39..——Mends HONEY-BOXES. ——*9 M.i ..Mend*PICTURE FRAMES™ 90 SJ.. - ™ Mend; SECRETARIES i 81 MwFvje^ IS™r.".MeSd! PAfuSr} MARBLi2iii7!!irrr.‘.l SATmilVMenil §s!/?- JUMPERS7777.I7I* Hl’. S 8 S. Mends IVORY-WORK —B9 40— Mends MATCH-SAFES 40 41....™ Mends PICTUREB . .-41 42.... ™ Mends U UILL-WHEELB..... 42 49™.,-Mends TOWEL-RACK5..™...... -..43 44. —. Mends WABHSTANDSr - .44 40—.. Mends BEDSTEADS ii 48 Mends DRUMS ....48 47.. Mends CHESSMEN. 1 -.47 R:™JteSS M»4 n ; b „ :* 53.4 .... Mends BLAOK-BQARDS—4.—™£§ Menas BASS-VIOLS £3 If,— Mends BILLIARD TABLES *..64 » Mends BILLIARD-CUKB. 66 98. -.Mends BIRD-CAGES....™- 68 67-. Mends BROOM STICKS--. —. —67 S.— -.. ;Mends BuOK-CASES. .68 v...Mends BOOT-CRIMPS..- 69 60. Mends BRUBH-HANDLEB,. 60 61..-..- Mends BRUSHES . .-4-. 62.. Mends CABINETS - 69 . Mends CHURNS. 64 Mends CLOCK-CASES 68 Men* CRUTCHES 68. Mends CUPBOARDS— 67™— Mends CURTAINS.— 68... -.Mends CASINGS 69.... Mends CADDIES—. ™ 70.... Mends CAMERAS—— 71.... mm. Mends CHAIRS-.~ 71 73. Mends -CHARTS * - 73 7?... —Mends CLOTHEB-FRAMEB - 73 71...—Mend* CARD-CASES.— 74 76- —Mends CHESTS. 76 7f..—... .Mends DIARIES —. 77.-4- Mends WORK-STANDS 77 7A..._—-Mends DRAUGHT-BOARDS _7B 79. Mends piSHEsT.'. 18 81.... ——Mends DICE-BOXES™ 81 y DOORS . S 3 88™...-Mend* DOMINOES... ,7.V‘. 84.4-.^....Mends FIRKBOARDS....^*-4 U 87... Mends GLASSWARE ...87 88.... Mends HANDLES....,.-—.. —....88 69. -Mends GUTTA-PERdHA WARE......J» 90—.. -Mends KITES— —.— .90 91....—... Mends TOPS... «,...91 81...- Mends ORGANB—. —. 92 93...* —Mends MODELS..— 93 94——Mends SEWING-MACHINE 5TAND8....94 95.... .Mends PANELS.... .98 96.... n —Mends PASTEBOARD WORK 96 97...!{HHMeuda PATTERNS .....97 98 —4-..Menas BIDBBOAiIDB.. —....... . A 8 99.... —4 Mend* WOODEN' WA&E. .* TO 100—. ...Mends WILLOW WARE.. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, ' TfoLD BY BT4TfQ#EJIB. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD Bl gP.OQHRg. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BV HARDWARE STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLJJB. SOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY. Manufactured a BPAIIDINO 4 00 „ 48 CEDAR Street, New York. Addrets Poat Offloe* Box No. 8,600. Put up in eaaes oontaininr either Four. Right, of Twelve dozen eaoh—A beautiful Lithoqraphio Show* Cakd aouompanyins eaoh p&okaxe. dJ4-aly TO THE PUBLIC. CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR., The above patent ic deemed, by aciennfio and praoti oal me#, to be the very beat ever offered to the publio, and needs only to be seen in actual operation for ita menta to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced, i* foperfeotly adapted for ventilating private and publio Duudinrc. eohools, hospital*, engine houses,, mines. * r tb ° oßfe of l!rao ' lT 4 .**Spumotureti via for eaietjrholsaale and retail, at tne r aeagDKaDd Ventilating warerooma or . pOHaf*.WILLIAMS, IUS MARKET Street. PJrita. , ».^*f!^ n - a iA att * n^oa will be given to all descriptions of v entilating tor the undersigned, who haa b®*? Ii PRL 3 S! w iraonoaUy engaged in the above buai- 9 ei ?l-A «J c w mlb » Culur’s j'isily-oelebrated warm-air *WaSB3P* bath aigs. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS Avß* of and highly reoom raeuded by the Medioal praressW throughout the United Btatest-Thirty Thonaand lnva.ida having been advised by their phreioiane to use her Surgical Appliances. She would caution Merchants and others against purchasing except at her residence. 1039 WALNUT, Street, where she oan b* epmraltod df>ily. “tween the hours of 9 andB. Her book win he given nn apoU nation. Sent free to any part of the united States. He signature is op. eadn artioie. >nyB9 tii»lm-tf ST AND PITCH.—27S bbls Tar, 850 Tar,,75 bblj Pitch, iu «tor» aud for .alsbr AfefIBUHHER, A 00., ’ 16 SOUTH THE PRESS*—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1860. pt - RAILROAD LINRf. mUE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A RAILROAD* _ • »60 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. Sipp 1860. THE Earn „„ THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direot at Philadelphia with Through Train* from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittabnrg with Through Trains to and from all points in the west, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and oomfort by any Express andvFast Litis* ran through to Pitts tmri, withoutchangeol Carsor Conductors. All through Pas tenser Trains provided with Loughridge’a Patent Brake—epeed under perfeot oontrol of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travelers. • , - Smoking Cars are attached to eaoh Train; Woodruff’s ffieepine Cars to Express Md Fast Trains. The EXPRESB RUNS DAILY: Mail andFastLines,Sun days excepted. Mail 'Train leaves Philadelphia at 73Q A. M. Fast Line “ 11.60 A. M, ! Express Train leaves u 10.45 P.M. WAY TRAINB LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, t P, M. Columbia “ 4.00 p, M. , Parkesburg " 5.40 P. M, jWest Chester “ 1230 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, West . Chester Aocommodation»wid Columbia Trains. ■ Passengers for Sunbury, Wilhamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Palls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi lsdelphia M 7.15 A.M. and S O. so dtreill, thrSurti 'Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office softhe Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal-' ttmore: and Tioket* Eastward at any of the important Raiiroad Offioes in tha {Westi also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. JBT Fare always as low, and time aa uuiok, as by any other Route. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast eornerof Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western-connections of the Pennjnivama Railroad to Chioazo.make this the DIREOT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. 1 „The connection oftraoks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburgjavoiding ail drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shipppers of Freight, and the Travel ling Pubho. uerchants.and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, oan rely with eonfi enoe on its speedy transit. > THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad an at alt times as favorable as an charged by ether Railroad Companies. , ■ , IG?" Be particular tomarkpaokages “ vidsPenna»Rafl road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either or the following Agents of ths Com pany i / „ a D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; - I.S.Pieroe &Co„ Zanesville, 0.; J. J. Johnston,Ripley. ).} R. MpNeelytMaysville, Ky.; Ormaby ft 6ropper Portsmouth, O.; Paddpok ft Co., Jeflpwmville. Indi ana; tt, W, Brown 4 Co., Cincinnati, C.; Athern A Hibbert, Cincinnati,O.lH.C.Meldrnm, Madison,lnd.r Jos. E. Moore. Lomsvjjle. Ky.; P. G. b'Riley « cS SvmisviUe, Ind.; N. w. Graham A Co., Cairo, Ill.ißl ! Jr., Philadelphia. ' MAGRAW A K@QNS,,BC North street*.Baltimore. jEECH A CO., lAs tor House, or 18. william sti.N.Y. jEECH A CO. No. 77. State street, Botton. *’ H. H. HOUSToK, Gen’lFreieht Ajent. Phil*, Xj. CHOUPT, B,n l Ticket Agent, Phil*. ■ E. LEWIS, Gen’lSup’t Altoona, Pa. • Jat-iy EUmmamm route.- PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tanmqua, Catawissa, Ru iert* Witkesbarre, Soranton, Danville, Milton, Wil lamsport. Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rooheeter, Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo, ' Jhicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and 'alt points North and ' Y6st. Passenger trains will Ibave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphiaand Reading Railroad, oorner BROAD and 'JaLLOWHILL Streets. (Passengerentrance on Cal loiyhill street.) daily (Sundays excepted), for above points, as follows: DAY EXFREBB ...a.OQA.M. NIGHT EXPRESS 3 30 P. M. The 8.00 A, M,'train oonneota at Rupert, for Wilkes iarro, Pittaon, Soranton, and all stations on ihe LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBURG RAILROAD. *1 he above trains make direot oooneotions at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigna and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo Railroads from aU points North and West, and the Canadas. . Baggage oheckod to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points. Tickets oan be procured at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line’s '1 iqjket Office, northwest oorner of SIXTH and CHEB Streets, and at the Passenger Depot, com«r of THIRTEENTH and CALI OWRILL. Through express freight train veftve the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Brood anc Csllowhiii streets daily (Bondars excepted), for a! points West and North, at 6 P. M. Freights must be delivered before 3P. M. to insure their goine the same day. Fdr further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, or to CHAS. 8. TAPPEN, General Agent, Northwest oorner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. apU-tf * ' Philadelphia. 1860. 1860. BP ffi s ci^ A^W N l»7NT J PHJrLr delphia AND TRENTONRAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, From Walnut-ttrept Wh^rf* Will leave as follows-via i 7ABB. At 8 A M, via Camden and Amboy, 0. & A. Accom modation.— £3 25 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City (N*J.) Ac commodation jjg At 9 AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mat!—.. .. 303 At 11 AM, by Steamboat, viaTaeonyand Jersey City. Western Express..- - 300 Atl2&PM,via Camden and Amboy. Aooommo- ])s At 3 P M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- BOO At. 4 PM, by Steamboat via Taeony and Jersey City, Evening Express, 3 00 At4P M, by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City, Id Class Ticket. 135 At 6 PM, via Camden and Jersey City.Eveniag Mail.. 3 00 AUI.P M, via Camdon and Jersey City, Southern AtBPM.via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda ticn, (Freight and Passenger,Mst Ciats Tioket, 325 i • • 3d “ “ 150 The6PMlh'i i runs llPM,Sout hern Mail,Batuiuu/o 1 * * r ■ . For Belridere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. Jco., at 6 A M and 4PM, from Walnut-street wharf and 7.10 A M from Kensington. _ For Wator Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend* <Sco., at 3 A. M. from \Valnnt street wharf, and 7.10 A. JJI, from Kensington, via Delia ware Laokawonna and Western R.R. For Mount Holly, atB and 9A, M., 3 and4M P* M* For Freehold, at« A. M., and i p M, • „ „.. , _ WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Be o., at 3X and 4P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and 5X P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra. Riverton* Delanoo, Beverly, Burling ton. Florsnoe- Bordentown, Ae«* at 13K, 1. and 434 P. M. for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, at 234 P. ltd. _ Trenton for Taoony. at 11 A. M. ahd Taconr, Beverly* Burlington, and Bristol, ate p. Af. Fifty Pound* of Baggage, only, allowed baoh PaegOß ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking Anything as DMge*o tat thsir W.snn* appMeC All ba**a:« ovar TO pound, to bp paid for extra. The Company limit their recponublltty for baakage to One Reifarper pound, and .prill not be liable for aa, amount bj,omf SlW.ex- „ » ■ ■■ «*1» ‘ yw. H. QATZMER. Afept. ™‘™M ft Philadelphia, ger ..5JBS? I’l’&gmtW: M w’9-w - A-M -lm*« Philadelphia 0.04 I,S, 4, W.and lvll 4. M. * ijeave Germantown 8.10 min, A. Iff., 1.10 min., 4,0 X, and 0)4 P, M. __ , CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Philadelphia. 0, 8* 10,18 A.M., 1,4,0, 6«, 8,9, and wa p, M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40. 8.40, 9,4011.40 A, M„ 1.40, 8,40,6.10,8,40, and 1.10 P. M. k ' U * ON SUNDAYS* AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 0.90.7 H, 9.00. 11.00, min., A. M.. I.M.AUMtf.fiAS.e.M, and 11)4 p, M. * ' . Lt } v -,'i l i°'S" o ' wn *> *> 8 ( *> ». «A. M„ IK, 4X, s and 7)4 r. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 8 and 5 P. M, iB4v*^n,toFoMxis&l4P-,tt . Ii«;v» M>nwon6jH, fli, 8,58, W, and IIK A.M,,., 3.001 •» <)4,8, and 9)4 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M., 8,5, and 8 PM, * Leave Manayunk7MA.lL i l)4,6)4,and9)4P.M, * H. K.SMrTifjGluisraf Stiperintenfiflui, Ul9-tf DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets. EHIIiADJSLPHIA MOW LINE, DAILY, (Sundays exoepted.) Immw New Depot, corner of BRoaD ana CaLLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhtll afreet* > at 8.10 A. M., connecting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1 P. M. tram runnier to Pittsburg i the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 106 P. M. tram running to nhamhersburg, Carlisle. kn ; and the NORTH MIN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M, train, running to Sun bury.'&o. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Btreets. PHlLADELPHlA,(PauonKerentrßiicos ,op Thirteenth and on CallowhiU etieete.) lor POTTS YtLI.H and HAHRIBBURG, ataAO P. M.. DAILY, for L.*.,w., p,t 5 P. M., DAILY. (Sundays ex* cepwc.i v DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING KAILROaDi Fuom Philadelphia Mils*. To PhffinixviUe —. 281 Reading.... —. 68 Leban0n.....89 Harrisburg....ll2; Dauphin™- ..iM fttiUeraburg..... .1421 Trevorton Junotton. .1681 feS'mbiriri^V.V.'.-.ln' #fe=.d§! Munoy. .187! Williamsport— -.209 ' Jersey shore...._£23 Look Haven .....236] Ralston •£}{ Williamsport and Elnara Jimfr'a rr:S a »»«*«*• The 800 A. M., tha 3.30 P. M. train donneot dally making close oonneotions with lines to Niagara Palls. Canada, the West, and Southwest oliMrffir* Corner of'BROAD ana ap»-lf W. B. MoILHENNEY.gMrrtart. 62 ~ .64 &:&s£fMStß m™ N<3) ARRANG B w MLn PApsA^Wr^^iikMLPHlA. A. M>, u noon,(Eapross,; ana For Chester at 8.11 A. M., 12 noon, 1.15} 6.00,7.00 and 11.10 P. Hi Wilmington at 8.18 A. M., U, 1.15 j 6U», 7.oo:and For New Caatle at 8.16 A. M,, and 6.00 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M., and 6 OOP. M, For Boyer at?<lP A. M,, andß.co P. M. ?or IhafoWat blit A*. lim andl.® For Laurel at 8.15 A. SlT.and 6£0 p. M, Leave BJBroo:e «t B,®) A. M., (Exeresj.j f(US A. M„ and Ms *. Hi Tdeave Wilmington at6AO,BBO, and 11.80 A. M.» 1,41, BJMeuaB.MP.AI. Leave Salisbury at SJO A. M., and 3.00 P. M. Leave Laurel a; a. % ands.«u r. M, Leave Bedford at 6M A, M., end 4,00 P.Jd Leave Milford at 740 A. M.’ ahd iMV. M. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M„ end 6io P. ftL Leave Middletown at 104» A. M- eiui P. M Leave New Castleat 8.00,10 mA. ftL, and 8.00 F. M. Leave Chester at 7.40, 9.10, ISJMA. M„ 2.0, SJ7 and fiilPa At- *'■ Baltimore for Saliibnry end Delaware Rail- . TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE lx»TeCherter«B.« A. M.,u.ißSnaiY.£p. M. wfljnlßeton et 9.X A. M„ U.H P. M„ unt lMt FKfiiOHT PABBENOER OAR ettuheS, tor intermediate »^r?t®| 1 . ? 4? ,n for PerrrriUe “ 4 irtermeiiUe ,I«SS , |ttS n P B M" n f ° r Fhll » d * 1 «’ lli »» B d intarmedlete JESafKSSSS.IE“ f ° r '“tormedi .•t e tJ®.ftSL"SS'S f 2f HsT K>-de-Graoe end intermedi ate places ate>w “• xu. 8fIli!ii s p^M M ;vSSiKi,» «P” S. M. PEI.TON. I're.uieut feS» u——B PHILADELPinA AND **^Sfior„¥ , K! j R^ i ' KOAD ' On end efter APRIL »d, ia» Commutation Tiokote, with tW6ntj-«ii oounone, will be mined, good for the holder and anr member of hn famllr, on nur Panenger Tram, and »t. any time. Thej will be told by Che th, oomnany. No. 237 Sontb POURIH Street, at a reduotioa of twenty-five per cent, from the regular faree. Fartiee wishing to enjoy the Bummer in ihe Country will find this a very deiirenie route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valley* being among tho piMt beauurul and healthy in the State, and ncoes eibl, by four tram, from andto Philadelphia daily*., Meroh&h,^BW, F ° ’ Tf mtoPti IShEHB PHILADEIiPHIAAND ■WKagjggHß BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD-—SjiME R BOARDING*—Trains leave the depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad oJj and Marke t streets, at 7,05 A.M. and 2.90 " LeateOeSi't at JO <5 A. M.nndß.hl P. M. lS™ Avoidale 8.15 A. M. and < M P. M. The Stage Bine to epnneotwith 10.15 A, M Train from Philadelphia' A 3 M. Train from Avond&le. • • FreiKhts for this hnereoelved at No. ISIS Market St. A daily line of stages to and from New London and Ox ford oonneots with the 7.05 A.M. tram from Philadel phia,and the3.lo A. M. tram from Avondale. The beau tiful scenery and well-known heaJthfolnes* of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior inducements to those looking for/ummer boarding. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia, MaY 14,1860 , 3m Superintendent. SSwiaißHß important to PLEASURE SEEKERS! THEPENNBYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY offers advanUgf* unequalled by any other linn-tn per- SSns SeekinTHEALIH or RECREATION FROM 3USINESB -during the toarmteealAsr —jn the isaae of excursion tickets* on and after June 30th, 1860, to CSKSSON. AI.TOON4. Bedvohd AnCi Epiisata BpR'MOS* and cobPoK tickbt® u oenty-stz for tho use of vamiUes. to_and from joints near the city. Tickets to OhXssoK Hotbls, at the summit of the At lithenv mountain—tood for a round trip within 10 daw—lo be bad for 37.G0. * Tickets to Altoona, wher6 invalids and others wij' find splendid hotel aooommodatlons, good for rouno trip Within 10 days—fare $715. For Bedford Springs— Passengers ticketed to Hope- Well, Saxton* or Broad-Top City, via Huntingdon and 3road*Tnp railroad, connecting at HopeweUor Dudley station with two daily lines of ooaohes to the Springs. Fare £9 40, Passengers to Ephrata Springs take stage from Lan caster* Tickets for Round Trip, 84; Single Trip, 83.25. ‘Pai«Bn«ers to looal ooints on Pennsylvania railroad EABTUF DOWNINGTOWN oan vrooure tickets roe 38 trips.good for anv member of tbe family, at a discount of 2Aper cent below regular rates. i he above tickets ana further information to bo hod after June 90th b.r application at the office of the Penn sylvania Railroad Lo., southeast comer ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, Phtiadelpb a. n m . THUS. MOORE, Agent. Lxwis L. Hoppt, Qen. Tioket Agent. je6 lm fSwiriMMgi WKBT CHESTER AND Philadelphia RAILROAD.WS »» VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS, iOnand after Monde;, June 4th. 1860, the trains will Wave PHILADELPtiIa, from the station, Northeast corner ofLlgh'eentfi and Morket streets, at 7.05 and 10 49 A. Mj,a d B.’o and 5.45 P. M. Leave WE.9T from the Depot, on East darket street, at 0.25 and 910 A. M., and 156 and 8.2 S P ' M ’ ..onbondayb. Loavs i'hiladnlphiaata.Oo A. M.. and 2.00 F. M. 'LeaveWfest Chester,at7.23A M .and4.65P.M. HKNUY WOOD. Je4-tf ■ General Superintendent. fiSic—p TO WEST CHESTER iW AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. VIA MEDIA. ' ' * ' Trains for West Chester leavs Pbiladolphia from the depot, northeast oorner of Eighteenth and Market streets, and 10.30 A. M. ? and at 3 and 5.36 P. M, i hi Sundays at 8 A. M. and 3 F. M. Passengers for Stations on the Philadelphia and Bal timore Central Railroad will take the 7.30 and 10 30 A. M., and l l6 P. M. Trains, rnhSO SHAH NORTH PENNSYL fIRfIKH VANIA RAILROAD. ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, For BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, EASTON. MAUOH CHUNK. HAZLETON, ECKLRY, WHITE HAVEN, WILKEBBAHRE, &o. On ana after MONDAY, May 28th, 16C0, Passence Trhlns will leave FRONT and WILLOW Pli ladelpliia, DAILY. (Sundays excepted,) aa follows: ’At 6SO A.M. (Exprousj. forUotblehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wrlkesbarro, &a. P. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauoh Chunk, reo. This tram readies Kacton at 6.G0 P. M.,and makes olose connection with New Jersey Central Express Tram for New ) orlc. Passengers l»y this tram reach Manoh Chunk the same evening. At B.f) A. M. and 4 30P. M.(Aooo(nmodat>on). At 9.3 P A. M. and C,3pP. M.fApoommodationl 68 * 0 rm. ,ohi nw V m . For 1 Fprt Washington. lpe 650 A. ai. Express Tram makes dose connection With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilke&barre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region, ■ Trains for Philadelphia: Bethlehem, (Express,)at7.lo A. M. and 6.23 P. 'Leave Doylestowu (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. M. and 4P. M. _ Leave Fort Washington (Aooomir.odation,)at6.2s A, M. and 316 P, M. „ ON SUNDAYB: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A* M. P lilodelpbia, for Doylestown, atsP. M. .Dorlestown for Philadelphia at 6.20 A. M, 'Bothleliem for Philadelphia at 6 Ou P. M. ■•Fare to Bethlehem, SiAO. io Mauoh Chunk, S 3 60. To Koston, SIAO To tioylosfown 80 cents. 6 Through Xiokfts must bo procured at the Tioket Of- CPSAt WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, m order > secure the above rates of fare. ’All Passenger Tralntiexoept ►unday Trains) oonnoct at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Beoond and l biH-street Passenger Railroads 20 minutes after leaving Willow street, my2B ■ ELLIS CLARK, Agent. fgiurMM NOTICE;—CHESTER HMEftSSKHKVALLEY RAIL ROAD—PA 8- SKNGER TRAINB FOR BOWNINGWWN AND IN TERMEDIATE tQT4TIONB.-Ofl and afterttthMay, im the JPawonser Train* for J)OWNiNG'PGWN will Mart Erpm the .nov Pasuenger Depot of the Phila delphia. and Readme Railroad Company, .oorner of BROAD and CALLOWHILE Streets. (passenger en trances on Callowlull. TRAIN fprDoirßiaiftovp. leave* at 8.00 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downlnrtown, itavea at DAILY (Bandar* escorted.) By of the Board of Manager* of the Philadelphia and trading Reilmvi Conmany. apS \V. H. MpILREffNEYt Seorpt^ry. fSEm—a WEST CHESTER iK4SHfIE9BIIAILROAD TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot, oorner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, daily (except Sn»day) at 7.15 A. M., 13.90 P. M., and 4 P. M. Leave West Ohe»ter at 6.4 ft A. M.. 10 45 A. M. and 3.10 P. M. Notice to contractors. Proposal will be .received at the Office of the FENNo/IvaNIA RAILROAD COMPANY, until 3 o'olook F.M.. on MONDAY. JUNE 11, for the co stmotion of the Masopry in tne, piers and abutments o ' a Bndge over the Sohuylkili nvdr. near the-.UnUoi gtgteg Arsenal, fn the <nty Of Philadelphia; i'Jne anrfount Of .masonry will be about 6,C00 cubic yards, a large portion m pmoji will be ilnder water. .Proposals will elate tho price per cqpio yard, tnoluding tbo furnishing of all materials, apd tfio expenses of coffer-dams. piling, ana all o her itepte incidental to the construction of the masonry, except cement and lime, vrhioti will bo farnisned by tho Railroad Company. Separate proposals will be reoeived for the delivery at tbo bridge oi stone suttable (or the above work. - leo, for the construction of the masonry, including ’he expenses of the foundations, the stone and cemon: to be furnished fly the Railroad Company. . Parties proposing mar submit plan* for founding the on the 28th tne engineer’s Office, West Phila delphia, where all requisite information can be obtain*-* -Proposal! ill Übe aUdresssd *r> - tayflMjell OFFICE OF SOHOYLKIUi NAVIQA- T lON M4Y Iftth. 1350.-From at,d »>l T Qr Jyly Wth, apd until September Ist. l»o.the a&ar*e«fnrthe use ofCera, o.’-d for‘Toll and Trans portation on Antliraoite Cnal.oarried to i-hiladelplita, o? way of the Schuylkill Navigation, will be increased Fifteen Cents per Ton on the rates fixed MarohlSth. 1900; and on the Is» of September. 3860. a farther in crease of Fifteen Cents per Ton will bo madeonsaid S Parses. and so oonttnue until the oloso of navigation, y orderol the Managers. F. FiIaLRY, myll 3iU , President. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIEROA_D COMPANY. Pun Ihs rates affreight and t this company will he as . lit furthtrnoiict: To Richmond—— .. Philadelphia— —— inclined Plano-. iioalown —. Germantown It. H..—* Pallsot eoituyiktl).-.. Manayunk Egbort’s... Conshnhooken.— •Swede Furnace... . Ka in bo’s —..... Norrißt’n or Bridgeport Port Konnedy Valley Forge.— Phffimxville Royer’s Ford.-,.—.. A Doiislassville.—. Monooaoy —-. Birdaboro.. - Exeter. Heading...— Tuokerton- —_ Leeaport. ... -... , A10hr5vi11e.....—..... v Hamburg — Orwißflb'g and Auburn. After Jnly leth to Beptem to Richmond will be raised after September Ist, an adc per ton. By orde of the £ api3-2m W. MRS FREDERICK BODGES, OF BOS TON, intends opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES in this oity, commencing m September next. Mrs. H. has the honor of referring to the Key. Alox. H. Vinton* D. D , Rector of the Churoh of the Hply Trinity. Circulars. with full partioulars. may bq obtained of Mr. F,HJ4odgc»,TQl ViNKariot;- r»» fcp2i-3m* ' . Philadelphia ajd Reading and Lebanon v alloy R.R, Northern Central Railroad. A--MJKHIOAW SCHOOL ifISTiTUWfJ 9 reliabJo mediom through Vhip'h Sohflply and Fami lies way obtain cofabotcnt'.ttaoUbrs. parents ma 7 ob tain* gratuitously, information and circulars of tho bear) schools. SMITH, WOODMAN, * CO., S4§ BROADWAY*,New York, or cIU-tf COB QHEBTNUT Stroet, Philadelphia, Banbury and'Kne R. R. BRYANT & STRATTONS NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila. delphiv 8. K.* corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New Y rk, Buffalo,Clpvelf.gri. Chiparo, and Et. Louis, For wt vmatioo.eaU orcimaror Catalogue. fca-tf PIANOS I PIANOS !! PIANOS ! I FIANO-FORTEO. ’ - 1 -* MELOBEOWS. PIANO-FORTEB. M u „ „ m MELODEONB, Made by Raven, Bacon. & Co., Nunns k. Clark, Haller*,Davis, fc Co., and others, J, E. GOULD, mil- l SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. ggara STEINWAY & SON’S' NEW PA mrrn TENT over-string grand pianos, SftUARE GRAND, AND SGUMRE now we-* ferrad m conrarts and in jyivate' cjroWS'by the Best performers. ’Rfifitrtved'the flrtt premiums over the beat makers,from judges like Gpttn'ohalk, Maznn, and others. CtaUoni, ailootopetitibn. DI/ASIvShRQTHERB, «-»T 1005 OHKgTllln'atr.Jt. eOAPS, VAN HAAtiEN & MoKEONE’B CELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETERSIVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, EXTRA PALEb • PAI.E, • BROWN, „ , , FULLING TOILET, ftc. For tale uy tho aolo aceqts for the manufacturers. „ Til AIN ft MoKEONE, 22 and 24 9, WHARVES, Also wholesale dealers in _ COUOANUr, COTTON SEED, PALM AND ELA -INE OILS. folB-»wtf parraFine wax. PURE SPERMACETI, CHEMICAL SpfeltM. ADAMANTINE, Assorted sites. rooked in plain or fanoj boxes to suit an market. rJ.Hr' v WHWMfc raWWftwvM white Castile soap. v * egg ‘BOXES Warranted equal to tho oest Imported. Manufactured by VaN HaAGEN & McKEONE, _ AND FOR SALE Mr„„ „ Til AIN & McK iiP NE . M Nos. 22 and 24 SOUTH WHARVES. mvB3 wfttflf Piscatorial sports. PfllMP WILSON & CO., 432 CHESTNUT St. would invite the lovers of PISCATORIAL 8PO«T to the finest assortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE over ottered in this city. „ _ „ „ Snob a* Burgess’ world-ronowned Trout, Boas, and Salmon Rods. Superior Trout, Bass, pud Salmon Flies Super extra Limerlo, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and Bass Hook'. 'Reels, Baskets. Artificial Bait, Silk, Silk And Hair, Grass, Linen, and Cotton Lines. vnhS-Rn* PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Prioe.Jp obtain the contents. Address , .WILLIAM TIMSON, Poudrette Office, mjJl-lm* No. 1213 North SECOND street. HALLHOAJ) LINES. NOTICES. _ "W. H. WILSON, Resident Engineer Penna. H. tL*dblpiha, March 12. 1860, rolls on eeal transported by follows from March Hun- Ist, the freig) nenta per to: lal advance i oi Manatcet oIULKNNJi EDUCATIONAL, PIANOS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. {gABINE & DUi. NBURANCK AQENTS, No. ,3.i.W£LNUT Street, nnuro «**in«UoHi or linmaie bj FiroVon Cotton and oollen Mills- and other Manufaotonei, BoUdinra, Merobandiee, Furniture. aed/other sropeitr. on favol aUtbc-o ? ■ ,i ;€M!i Capital and Surplus $348,786 16. ARCTIC EIRE INSURANCE 00,, OF NEW YORK, * f'ash Capital and Surplus $288,148 02. HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, ■ , jCaah Capital and tiurplas $224,844 81. CITY EIRE INSURANCE CO„ OF NfcW HAVEN, Cash Capital and Surplus $324,302 77. GERMANIA FIRE INB. CO., OF NEW-YORK, 1 Casn Capital and Surplus $ll3 392 07, HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. CO., OF NE v YOhK. m Cash Capital and Surplas'£BBs ( oBB 61, Applications in parson or by nota will reoeive prompt attention, SABINE & BUY, Agents,' je4 3m No. 484 WALNUT Street. 'X'HE &NTERPRIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEPHIA- ' (FIRE INSURANCE EXOLUaiVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDINO, S. <W. CORNSX FOURTH AND WALIiVT STREETS. ' DIRECTORS, g. Ratohrord Stars, Morbmai I/. Dawior, william MoKire, Qso. H. Stuart, Nalbho Frazißß. John H. Brows, J£hh M. Atwood, B. a. Flbhxstocß, !«»/■• I. Trrdioi, Ardrsw B. Oaih, Hshry Whartoh, ’__ Jr. L.JErrisorr. . ■ K RATCHFOHD STARR, Freiident. CHARLES W, COXR.BeoratarT. felS-lr A MEMO AN FIRE INSURANCE CO., ■Cf; INCORPORATED' MU-CHARTER PBHPET UAli* No, SlO WALNUT Btreet, above Third, Philadelphia, a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Beonntiei, oontinue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels to Port and their oargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. • « r. • dibbctobs. Thos.R. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Bamufll G. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patnok Brady, , Chas. W. Poultney, Israel Morris. ALBERT O. L. Quaker city insurance compa. NY-I'RANKLIN BUILDINGS. <OB WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL AND BUR PLUS if»9 t 74e.?().—lnsure* asainat Loss or Damane bs Fire, and the .fenla of the Sea, Inland Navigation and T “" W muffl H. HART. K. P. ROSS. Vioe President. H. H. COGGSHALL, Beo’y ana Treasurer, 8. IL BUTLER; Awstant Secretary. DIRECTORS. E. P. How, Poster S. Perkins, Andrew it. Chambers, Samnel Jones, M* D., mhVtf Georgo H. jlart, A. 0. Cattail, E. W. Bailer, H. R. CogKßDall. Hon. H. M. Fuller, ANTHRACITE JNSXJRANCE COMPA- Ny.-Autliorlaad Capital' *4o&,oofr-CHARTER rJiKjr&rUAL. Office No, 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. .This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fjre,ou Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. 1 •Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights, Inland Imrajaijoa of the Uwop. Jaoob Esher, Joseph Maxfield, 1). Lather, Hr. George N. Eckert, h. Aadenned, John R. Biskteton, Davis Pearson, Wo. F. Dean, Feter Sieger, J. K. Baum. , JACOB fcSHER. President. w „„„„„ „ WM. F,DEAN,Vise President W. M, SMITH. Seoretary. ap3-tuthstf T VELA WARE MUTUAL 'SAFETY IN SJ SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OS PENNSYLVANIA, 18M. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIrA AND WALNTO Street*, • Philadelphia. INBuSIANCK FREIBHT ITo all part, of the , ‘ ’'INLAND INSURANCES On (acodi, by River. Canals, Lake*, and Land Carriai• to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, «. Oaßt ° ro lfe§l&W a l !| , ’c & O O MPAN y . ;< November 1,1869. 1 Far, Marktt Tnhu 8123,050, Philadelphia City 6 & cent. L0an....9129,000 00 8100,000. Pennsylvania State Loan—. MAM 00 821,000 Pennsylvania State 6 W ct.L0an....... 21,00000 $25,000, U. 8. Treasury oent. Note* and interest due - .38363 M 890,000 U. 3. Treasury ( Vot Notes and inter- i ' 3o,ns 00 925,000 Temporary*Loan to the CitT of Phila delphia ..... 253QQ 00 O.BOC #20,000, North Penniiylvjuua Railroad Mort . sagM^oent^Bond*—UJQo 00 914,000 West Philadelphia PasaenKerßaUway _ OoropanyY If.ot, ooupon bond*...., UAOO 00 •11300,300 eharea etoox German town Qu Company, interest and principal S&rantiea by the city of Pima- Iphia —~ ...... , _ 11,000 00 •1300,100 share* Pennsylvania Railroad Company . , f ,771 00 9*330, 190 shares North Pennsylvania •3330, ‘Tug Corner* Fhiladelpfaia^aiia Savannah Steam Na vyfatfon'Com pany, OoeanHteam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha- Svre de Grace Bteara Tow Boat ompany, Philadelphia Egohanxa erapany —,,— Mortwrw. andfiail Estate. oj.**® u fioe BuiWipi.y AS Bills receivable for Insurances IBI.WB 0 Bslaooe due at .Axenoie#-~Preiniujns on Ma rine Policies, interest, and other debt* duo tho Company e,«M &) * Borip and stoolc of sundry Insurance Ctuupa- <■ Cashc-nDeposit inlUnif—— rT -,„ BZ#qo ai mastv William Mitttin al^W n „K. ot o k ». Edmond A. Souder, J. F. Peniston, Yheagbiiue Fooldixs. Henry Sloan. {onn Ji. FenroM* Edward Darlington, John C. Davit, H. Jones Brooke, James Tranuair, Bjsncer M'liraip**' william Eyre, Jr<» Thomas 0. Hand* James u. Hand, Jtobert Barton, William 0. Luowik, Jooob P. Jan**, ‘ Joseph H. Seal, James 2t. lu’Farland, Dr. A. M. Jofhu* P. Eyre, .. ■fearcSu* s "' OaMI«,K.V r . I taSS’ ■ .I WILLIAI THOS.O. IY Set* rjIINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE. RAL insurance company, v PLATTSBURG, MIBBOURI. Chartered in 18S0.—Authorized Capital, 9100,000, DISBOTOBS: H. Whittington. Winslow Turner. T. R Bradley, George W. Culver. James H. Biroh, Jr. I. N. HOCKADAY, B.* 1 " 6101 '' Speeial Attention paid to Collections, and Money romptly remitted. Business solicited, znh23»3m* f IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM -H-«PaNY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast oorner of THIRD and l)OCIC Streets, Assets, 9837,01 62, INSURES LIVES for the whole term of ilife—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes ail oontraots depending on the contingencies of Life, They act as Executors, Administrators, Astdgneea Wnutees, and Guardians, TRUSTEES. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel S. Stoker, Benjamin Coates. William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold* James B. McFarland* william P. Hooker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Easton, Ismael C. Huey. Theophilue PatUdini". Charles H&UowelL „ Edmund A. Souder, Aenry C. Townsend* . Daniel L. Hutohmiov* Rodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, W i) ham H. Carr, Elba 8. Archer, KV. Dutton, fl&muel J. Christian! William Robertson* Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, . John G. Brenner, P. a, Miotiler, KMton. DANIEL L. MILLEH, President, _ . • BAML. E. STOKES, vioo Pres™ J«HH W. HoßHo&.Seoretarr. d U IB SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, but often, fills the Purse.” SAVINQ FUND, No. A 13QSputh FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. „ Depositors' money seoured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, so. This company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors’ money, but have it at all times ready to return, with 5 per oont. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, oan deposit m theirown right, and snoh deposits can be withdrawn only by their oonsont. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to reQsive'mofiey from trustees and executors, LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Urtioe open daily, from Bto3o’olock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o’olook. DIRECTORS. Jaoob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindler. Georgo Russell, M aiaohi W. tsloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Kruttibn&ar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouae, NaVhaiiSmoaley, Jo 3. R. SattertKwaUe. Jones Yerkes, Joseph W. Lippinoott. < • JACOB B. BHANNON, President. CYRUS CA.DWALLASKR, TfOaSUtO.T, " apSg-y ™ ** 11 A Dollar saved is twioe earned." CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT IN- SAFETY TRf ST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, southwest oorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Btate of Pennsyl vania. . "* Money is received in any bub;, large or small, and in terost from the day df deposit to the day of with- Tho office is open every day from nine o’olook m the morning till five o’olook In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’clock, Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. w ROBERT BBLFRIDGE, Vice President William J. Reed, Secretary. --‘ >r __ ‘ . „ DIRHCTOSa i Hon. Henry L. Benn«» V. Oa/rvoU Hrewater, tSsKl4iiVp9 T^» ' Aftwph B. Barr, JStrtJpttTSeifridße. Franois Lee, ABhtob, Joseph Yerkes, 0, Landreth Munns, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payment* made iTatly, The .investments are mailo, la'conformity with tho provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such firet-ojaas seoumies as wilfai ways insure perfect.seounty to the depositors, and rhiitagom 1 108ive !>ermMea °? SAVING OWED STATES NUT fStot V, corner THIRD ami CHEST- Large ana tmall euros received, and paid baolc on de xnahdwithout nptjoD, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE ur]> al dopomt t 0 th* day of with “d ™ DRAFTS for saloon England, Ireland, and Scotland, from i. 1 upwards. Proflldent—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. - PLINY FISK. AfWarj. * '*■' COFFEE’S PATENT ** KNITTW S - Maohines# For Plain Stocking and Fancy Knitting ; Maohines for Knitting dmwara, Skirl* &0., w of ailsiaes. flip Machines of 1 and 1,3 and l, 3 and 2 and 3 and 2-Rib, . on hand and u ade to order. Theso Maohines use the plain English Spring Needle, on a new pnnoipte. and are the choapesc and most rapid Maohines for Knitting in use. The Goffee Patont Family Knitting Machine, /or family and Plantation vse, is a new and successful feature in the useful inventions of the age; affd' ranks with the Sawing Maoj.ruo. "Agency and Salesroom. , No. 37r BROADWAY, New York. iel-Sm ; HENRY 0. LEE, Agent. WORK’S ODOMETER RAND COM * * PANY. Hartford, Conn . manufacture WOflK’B PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE B\NDS, wlnob are durable oheap and efficient, measuring with uner ring aoouraoy an* distance passed over by the vehiole to whioh they are attached, 'these extra finished Bands cost bdta trifle more than interior bands without the Odometer. P. S.—Good, reliable Agents Wanted in all parts of the ountrr Plans* send for circular* in?11-Sm POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Btreet. Kensington,‘Fhiladelpma,—WlL- LlAM H. TIERS informs his friends that, having pur chased the entire sto6k Oi Patterns at the above Foun dry,*he is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling, Grist, and Baw Mill Castings, Soap, Chemical. >'nd House Work, Qearing. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnaces, in dryer gropn sand, or loftin'. myr-tf JAVA COFFEE.—I.OOO pockets prime Juts Coffer), for Ml* br JAMES GRAHAM * 00, EWSIAJUIMt. SALES BY AUCTION, poflW juuNua^-m*._ r Nd, m M A RKET STR ELY. SALE OF FHJSNO m GOODS, . T On Friday Momm*» ' June U, at 10o’clock, by ©ataJogue, oak moi. credit— JOOIoU of fancy and atapta Krenohdry goods. B. gi'-aWgJ’J” HATsf if, * *^ B ’ BOy g, BbTRAW o’oPooV I,llr oatol o“Mu!">£mm«iioin» At KM f mi *”*’ n * W '“ t * lmM bet. end Wm‘T.l^*Md^P»^ m \\ d U bOI, ’ °“ bm Uthon ’ *»* aad Jfcnwto* «fcriy on the morning of PHUjI? FOBD & 00., AUCTIONEERS, No. 630 MARKET Street, and 691 MINOR HALE OF BOOTS, SHOES.LEATHBR.ANI)STRAW * GOODS. On Thursday Morning. SnttrTi, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by o&talogue. on four months 1 credit, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, aud youth*' calf and lap boots: calf, scat, patent leather, ana buff b'oK&ns, gaiters, Oxford ties. Ae.; women’s, mines’, and children's calf, goat; nod mo rooco boots, shoes, and - slippers ; also, an assortment of City-made xoous. ■At commencement of sale a large assortment of goat and kid skins, cochineal linings, calf, nod lap skins, j , __ STRAW GOODS. At IS o’clock, will toflSw??oowuSffidie»' and missed, •tra 7- bonnets, bloomer*, sacs and equestrian bats; men’s and boys' Leghorn. Senat, colored straw, braid, and Panama trimmed hats. *7*o<r ds arranged 'or examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. BT. LOCIS, MO. imriLLTAMS. BOYLE, & 00., AUO T T TIONEE&Bk COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BT. LOUIS, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, C&fhorn, A Co. PhiUdaJ offer their semoee to the merchants, manufacturers, am other* of Philadelphia, for the sale or dry goods* car pets, boots, shoe*, hard* are. jewelry, Ac., Ac. • IBF Cash advances made on receipt of goods. M 9“ Settlements made three days after saST .. BtrnißCir. Memrs. Myeie, Ctogborn, AjCo., Philadelphia, ,! Stuart A Briber, Philadelphia. Van Wyok. Towßsend. A Warrens, New York. !: L. *B. Curtis A Co., Now York. ** Wood, Christy, A Co., St. Iyfuis, Mo. Crow. McCreary. A do.. “ mhlg-thstoly " SHIPPING. the British and north* AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTKAM- -F*o«* N*W TOEX *0 UVXMOOI. , .Chief CabinFa««age BIJ6 ! Second (Mbin Fame. . „ , »*«» BO»TOB TO UTSBPOOI. Olu.f Cabin PMMre Seoond Cabin Paanga go Th. .hi,, from New York oallat Cork Harbor. .hip. from Rotten oaU. at Halifax and Cork Har- PEkslA, Cjtt. Judkin., ICANADA, Cant. Lane. ARABIA. Cant. J. Stone. I AMERICArOaoUMinkf These vessel* carry a clear white light at masthead; rreenon starboard bow» red on port bow. EUROPA, Mqodie, leave Boston, Wednesday, May SO. JPjgftSiA, JaaJans, •* N. York, Wednesday, June A •« Wednesday, June IS. APB 10A, Shannon N Vork, Wednesday, June So. AR?lPAsrtt Ml| k r ' .. «f°*V ln i, •’H"* *• E^6pA tt L.iw,, .. PERSIA. Jndkiu. ■■ N. York, WedSSKl,’ Soft 1* ARABIA, Stone “ Boston, Wednesday, July M, Berths not seoured until paid for. Aif experienced Surgeon on board. ■ owners of these ships will not be aooonntable for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and or toll 4 Bowlins Green. New York. ?OR THE SOUTH OHARLSS -9MSS.TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. ' „ 'PR EIGHT REDUCED.^^^ Heavy Freight at an average of piftxxr per oast, be low New York Steamship rales. ’’ _ . „ FOR CHARLESTON, 8. C, Thei U. 8. Mall Steamghip KKYBTONK STATE, Cap tain Charles P, Manhmaa, will sail on Friday, June 16. at 10 A* h L »wi BA™?mr ■* a ~ The. U. S.M&il Steamship WATS OF GEORGIA, Captain John -*• Garvin,' will rwerye freight until Saturday evomn*. Jype & and sail on Sunday summing, .tune lvj at ra, m. ASB ? S h ‘ 1 ' f* to V kowj-osly « hour, xt Sea. above every ten days, thns forming a five-day oommu nioation with Charleston and Savmmab, and the South and Southwest. • At both Charleston and Savannah, thea* Bhiss eaa neot with eteamen for Florida, and with lailiofcils. Am, for aU plaoes in the South * tow* oKhtfge proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these shis* than by sailing vessels, the premium being ont-halrtbe Ih»dtes,^^3, dole. Throngh Lcaetl'WMiPhiladel^ia,via Gh&rles- steamships, INCL UDING MKALS on naSi foMonSome^S o^ om and Sava^- To Ch»il«>toa„,„ Rif OO n SB»vum*h. nu BSRno»h___ .MOO MOO AOmhl. MOD i—U*- MOO M!w«&7_. 31 70 a-—SS 00 Atlanta g)M 33 00 Colnmlwif u _., |g i IlfpEr: Vi I ' New Orleans—. 3p 76 New Orleans nOO No hills, of lading signed after the ship has sailed. w!SfkWvS.»^{, e o ?g' 1 ' on bo “ 4 * a * -«« 4 SouthWMt oonier Aienta in ChorlMton. T. 8. AT. G. BUDD 7 - „ . Blvaiin.b, HUNTER A 6AMMELL, from »mr B. p f r u . ori ?i fro S- Sa T a >l» al ’-ktoMnoi, St, Marr'. kid St. John*. OTOry.T.QSukr Md SatßTdxj. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, Dissolution of partnership.— The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of tjTILbON & tiTONE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ROBERT BTILBON, Phils., May 31,1860, J. B. STONE.. UNDFR- Vy SIGNED have this day formed a copartnership under the firm of STILSON, STONE, A 00.. for tho purpose of transacting the Wholesale China, Glsxd. and Q.ueensware business, at No. 308 COMMERCE St. MOHFKT MIIUBON, J. fl. BTONB. Juno 1,1860-lot JOHN F. BENNETT. BUSINESS CARDS. EO. SP GEL-INO. • ‘ ATTORNEY at Law,.CANTON, KY. attention paid to the o ollection of claims in Trisg. Calloway, Marshall, Lyon, Caldwe l and Christian counties, # Refer to H a. IL C. Burnett, M. CL: Hp H.J.Btiles, Judge Court of Appeals; Hon. J. Circuit Judge. Hopkiusvilfe. Kr. inyXS-Mt VB PALMFR, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CHEBTNUT, live, hi. views or the pnnojple and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’clock. Address myll 3m V. B. PALMER. EJ. BAYLIS THOHdAS. * , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ba£ removed his olice from'No. m Arch street to No. 42fl WALNUT Street. .Particular attention given to the reoovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments, Briefs of Title, and other Instruments of Writing. The management of Executor ships. Administratorship*, and Trusts, superintended; and the best securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Satisfactory iAfetcnoA gives when required. ' ~ apJO-Sm* SAMUEL Q. SLo*Ur'* REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING AGENT, mhaa-Sm* - Bt. Paul. Mimresoya. Horace see,* MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY. No; 114 Pout i SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the bounty Courthouse,) Prepares rpemfioations, Drawings. Ac., and transacts all other business connected with the obtaining of Let ters Patent. njfii «ra* S f WAGNER JERMQN, 3 «F* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-L AW■ g. o to, Nil. 116 Bouth SIXTH Street, o (Opposite independence Square',) Z n Philadelphia, a* By the aid of rebable Attorneys, at different points in a united States, is enabled to prosecato i*=deon*ot 5? claims of every description. j# Particular atteption given to ♦ha %kamination and re r oovery of the ol&imsof Legatees ana Devisees, and the m, examination of Titles and scouring the interest; o of he>rs cud al! persons interested in the same, in aU s jj.yts«of the Union. m Haa the Statutes of all the States and ia Coauaiuioner ® for most of them. ■ ' OIL> o&r *^* ir ****& uud*r Oeuuauujons.' Hejnry f7"keene; : „ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED from No. MO Walnut street to No. Ul South THIRD Street. mhS-Sm* Alfred l» hough. PAPER MAN UFAOTD»EIt3* AtiENW, Orders soboited or PAPFR AND-PAYKR-MAKER'S MATERIALS, \f South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. feH-fim' PAWSON & NICHOLSON. BOOKBINDERS, STREET. Between M-rast SSi Cis.tmit itraeu. jasA'. hicholboh, COAU. W. NEILiIj & Co., YARD. 8. E. Comer BROAD a»a OALLOWHILL, nEALEXS' )If Bupenar WBITS A SB, and LEHIGH •• lOALS. Prepared audkeptundaroover expressly for Family use. . Orders oy Dispatoh will reoeive prompt atten tion. ap23 3m HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respeotfully oall the attention of tha Gena- Ba/dware TradVlioour extensile Brook of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at anaaU tuyanoe by the paokage. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goods de trend e> ther in this sity, New York, or New Orleans. W. G. LEWIS k Son, 411 . COMMERCE BCT«L . Importing and Commission MeKinania. Ind tt cuts for Foreign and Domsxiis Hardware. Mrs. still’s CRYBTALINE LIQUID COLORERI A preparation new to the public, but which has long been in private use, for restoringGrav Hair toits natfi ral color, imparting to it a glossy appe&raubJ, and ron doring it soft and silky - . _ . It is entirely different in its nature and effeoto from any arUolpnow in use tor the same purpose,.being a clean!)! fluid, nearly as clear, as water, requiring no washm* before or after its application, free from or any other objectionable ingredient, and applied as easily as au oymnary Hair Oil. Can be had or the following persons.* . W Z. Harperti, corner Juniper and Pine streets. E J Fennell, No. 30 North Eighthstmet.; Thomas < ancaster Spruce and LighYeatfth streets. Thomas Weaver, Vine apd Efghteentn streets. Wm, B. ‘t homason- Mt. Vernon and Seventeenth st’s, Eoward Gmllard, Jr., Aroh. b« , ow Second street, E. B. Garrigues, Coates and Tenth streets. ’ Georgo 0. Bower, Vine and Btxth streets." A. H. Bowman, Spruce and Supond'streets. Charles Shivers. Spruca and. Seventh streets. Caleb R. Keeney. Avih and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and retail by w • wyM 3m Philadelphia, FOR EUROPE.—Having Lean anpAinteS Agents for WM. WIU.IAJJB 4 Oa’i^armit imufdiJKiJ J&?“ rote * o c6!f M ’ Nn.» South FIFTH Street f IQUORIOE— <« Snow’s Italian.” for sale fc fIHOTHKB> * T SALES BE AUCTION. M '-THOUAB.*.aQH &< ,.„ __. - ‘ -*ofc 139 aadMlSo.til fourth SttML ®p2S K h\ NEXT. ifirt ? S 1 * 1 ? f of i»tFiSaKkS»;Sa lilt of real .Hat. at, rival* Mle.oompriliß. a Uttt amount and great ran.ljr of vaHmOT?OT.Sr. HARD.*—PUBLIC SALES REAL KftTATR AfiX) STOCKS AT THE «fcHMrSi.^ a gJ f A SS^J» to tffsUnJdSra^ilS “ JeaL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. amoustof real estate at private sale, inclodrag every deeonstinn of mtyaad eoesbr R«al ox our print. Ml. racutarr }S? >dnrtiged oooaconllr u our public «J« aStnat c^r?“° h J ’ a “ <">»**• Wl*«wc.klf t )fJi?o.- Tnuta.’, gale—STOC K g AND LOANS. onSr Bxobaaxa, b, road (SimnSf! 0 * »™«kin Valle, and Poturilie Hail Alao, ,7,100 conrartible loan. Bade Company. - STOCKS, LOANS pEW, Rp, r SUamo£S r 4l4 T a^ tUrill6 Rg i Doad po^,rr»r,^rp o « f „‘ h '' »d 100 .hare. PhiladHthUundofS?’ 11 . 0 !?;,. a ■, (fprnoe and Pine ) Pull S?d ’ * Fer,r *»■!»», Co. ,1 ehere Philadelphia LibratjCoropanr. 1 share Aoademr of Fm« Art*. 9 * 1 .hare Point Breexe Park Anooiation. El share Meruvnttle Library Comiianr ■lO ehare. NorthweM Minina Company, of MiehLar. of Vi?g r mii°' ! Kr^,oo“*“ efaOt °‘ lns “ 4 above <SCS ? ccrnn ! oranjnsaraDce company in liguida cSFf Com^fr t e full (^od^par*Sls.eK^aD ' J ‘“ i!r ° Vl *” d THIRTJY-gECOND SPRING BALE-JUNE 13TH. At 13 o’clcet.nooa. gCHOOL LANE and WRSAHICKON PROPERTY. Sale by o r der of Heirs—Estate late of Nicholas Rittsn- Laree and raluabb^lo'il.^l^M'aom, Sehooliane near Gerinactown,Twrntr-firm. ward. It might bead* mJS-jJFui. dl '' ,aa4 ,a '° '•’'oral heanttfar iltea for .FACTORY and Mil L PRO- Sit?for*Y3»afM“ ere.*,containing onr» th^SSiv'. WA ~ A valB “ l » LOT, onr3 acre., adjoining Sama.P.tata—A valuable LOT- over 8 acre., ou the aa a been A Il>n 01 a * * hoTe m “ r b° «t the auotion SS:i DENOE ’ N °- 110 S Vi “ «-.™t . SHAD FISHERY. TINICUM. Awigneea Peremptory Sale—V.lnaole FISHERY, the property known aa • Ufti« Tinioora I*la.jd7"ip th» I 1 ??' * «'«»«..pPl»ane the LaraaeiS. nSf liaS t 5 l reaponaibla and ptine'url tenant, at vine hur drtd dol m”rS?im nUm - “ bMl “ t *- •* *» •», "wlfSl ARCH STREET REVrDENCE AND SIDE LOT E aud RU f LDIN., LOT/mird Hrna,l*oo | W f*; BWi ' j4, t Arcl * * trf6 t- of aroad. on ao outlet toCherrv Ntrset: lctnh»iufMi with Bnok Stable end Coech Hemes. w&Misfoet* Three-story Brick DWH LING Wn *«i street, b*tw««n Third and Fou thstrami Frame Dwelling.n.he na^n-vararpiSi^'^ ni . /A UABLB tOTop a ArßH|.v Irußtees Peremptory B&te—Larse and valuable LOT dFJSgSifiSW* PrM ‘ U " «rM ll4 «-«». nn C oS ft Ph ß i Y s J> t L v CE ' Claymont, Delaware, H ia - Balbrnore turn pike, about 300 u 3V mffl fr:/tei; n D.ttm Dttoh “ a sbm “ BLEGA§TSS{f^Si^ f N I m & A»BY ; RIAQEB, farming STOCK. Ai. s ' CA ** Jane 18th. at iftetaSJtfrKn. on th. b"ro'ud*Et'.“* Co “ n,r J Real- Fn4iß?ra*Amfof t. ad?.rtSmenlsf “ hanibill. and Agaigneea’ Peremptorr Sale-Mannfactniinj Go. sss?JS^s r » < ?L»assss““ ■- ’ bm ‘ J&f'liZ I*"** 1 *"** ComSy, of ”■ dS Glo dS e *“ r ’ do • *> Vr EM. d ° h» to Mr kMe. THIRTY-THIRD BPRINO BALE-19th JUNE. dM?4e?’ OOBrt8 * to_^‘““’1 “° 0f ' WiU ““ oSy me.'lhmdcih"" B “ r °' * to,, Bfn°m°ne.f*£ Brownsts, BEER V*UI*T ground. BREWERY, and clumblaVenue“' U ” r3>t “ rMr k’’™* *»«.t aad £fffessrcsas:%s! SBSLSffis COUNTRY SEAT. BRISTOL TURN £!™?;'r-!.,*ii!tCoßnlsB*at’s Acrt«„wns kud •ome new atone Mansion, Mono stable, asm Oat Baild-- “Vof SHtoSSSI ’ N °- “* No ’ Ith T * , “ i *‘ h SUPERIOR --xxui im. at ro JxffinprTnmitnfe. axtenaion table*. *®TOra' Pj^® Brpetj ' china, &f>„ of a family deolining housr- " •*» LEAF AND SMOKINQTOBACCO, Also. T ... On Thursday Morning. June 14, at It o clock, at the An&tiia riwm Mm isa ud HI South FOUHI'H Ktreot. oae hSSSiidSJ? barrels leaf and smoking good quality. •Je.ff? oioek, at tu Auction Store, an uaptißMit ot excellent seoond-band fura.ture, elegant piano-fortM. fine mirrors, oarpets, etc., from houekeepmg, removed to the store SrcoaveSScS A Eixo^T m 3^?iVS®TSSSES%A*n-, ELEGANT FURNITDR*-’. SILVER SLATR pfr i On Monday Morning, JunolS.&tU o clook,wiihoDtreceive on the premi see, the elegeet coantrj .eat, farniture, 4o“ of L B. Roudet, E«q., going to iiuropo. It is sitnate on the Chester rose), ab. nt he>f a mile eoutl. or Derhr faSTe a rU.".m?it.f^ deMl^ 10M “ »** VALUABLE LONDON AND AMEEIOAN BOOKS— FROM A FRIVATE COLL>-CTION. v aa. 9® AMway Bveainr, June 12, ;hc Auction >6ora. will be sold a collectiotr ofimerflgtin* and valuable books, a number of ihen> London editions, m fine bindings. P_artionlari s sec catalogues, and the book» ybioh Tfill be arranged one da# previous. UfOSES NATHANB, AHOTIOMEBK ™iis£gsm£sstißF m - S®?'® < j ot O | k>»B?amySSe,t rate’s, on diamonds, aitnre. kede.ns, and on goods of erer, dereriS, j„ largo or sme ll amTODtsJrom one dollar to tnoSds, fe'irL.'-ntth or time as reed on. ', The Oldest hetabfiahvd House in this city. fGT Private entrance on RACE Street.' Business hours from 3 A. M. to 3 P* M. Heavy lnraiaoce tor the benefit of da-oM*©**. CHAKONS LNL TWO PUXfJ&NT. w Advances of 9100 and upwnrdx at two m, 5lOO »'-« npV v P oU Mr’?.ntT?o'f „ , . AT P°tvaTE d ‘LK Cw n ß n i'?NoMFTKu e li-?T^Sr£ ATKN T LV.VBK am) sk«. Sin Vi-manufactured at half the usual p'ices, gold lever and lepinft watches, and iepine watohes, English. Swiss.snij F r«?os watches, at astomshins: low crieee Jsvsltt of sve*v description, very low. xuns. pi b tols masi n Struraenfs, nr>t qu>«!)ty of Havaaa clears, at half the «SSo I S.eftan<i.'Sr I gSi , , ,, * a 10 ««»*«■«,. m. Vr? . . . OTJT DOOR RALES Attended to by the Auctioneer. a..»^J 1 " lgD^w ‘ Uof &n y a s d every sind of goods soii- Citpd ; k *M MQaKS NATHANS. JjJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, r li°bS w 4»W£ J^L Rn Ptr^o t below Walnut. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED PLEDGES, By order of AB«A HAM N ATHANSTBroker, M »»,at o^o e & ir A I ’Xi minf ’ boas, pencil coses, silver-ware. &b. vnß u,oaai CLbTHlNG,—Coita, p&nts. dresses, shawls* gona *. cl °uk?tt aad oae superior family tewing machine, carpq^, ®TICB.—AII peraoaa haying goo its on deposit with the . k»Eth of time, will ©all and redeem the aiherwise they will be sold at put-lie sale oa ttiepto* day. *brattam Nathans. ftnkS. jrt m 1 r SIXTH CALLOWHILL Streets HOTELS. SJT. NICHOLAS HOTEL, . : BROADWAY, NEvv vnis completed, six years ago, tho ST. NICHOLAS woeuniversaily pronounced the most magnificent, con venient, and thoroughly organized establishment oft.e kind on this continent. What u was day—without arivahnsixe, in sumptuoutness, and ia the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodation* lor one thousand guests, la oludinß one hundred complete suites of aperfmentefov omtttedin its plM.orisneglectpiiin it*pr&ctio&ldetail*. jf Ja early reputation oc the house at home and abroad* derived from its magnitude, its superb and its home lilreoomforts and luxuries, has beta en hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of tha proprietors, mj!7-3m TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, ft CO, JONES’ HOTEL.-sp-The subscriber woul^ respeotfully infwmhiafriende and the aablio, that he has urn Isko and furniture ofthe Joaes Hotel, addibocaare now being made to it* for convenience and comfort of guest*. Individual* ©I Tamihes vwmnt tho pitywill be.sure to find a home econd to none in T)ulad©iphia, and every exertion wili be made to merit theiy patrpaaro Liberal made with persons de jnng Board by the week, Month, or Year. mhJl stw3m AARON GAGF. S t HOTEL. BROi.DWAV Ijotel. in till. 'M,iwn of th» oitr. ff JfndSSS ht»ra?SMS 1 . r 8 t S,J'4 W ®^ 1 sri=e» on (h» folioJiS • jKsag fflwjys yte P*®’ attention to toe wants of every cneet, 2 r*A U T I ON!—ASTROLOGY!—LOOK ys OUT.’—GOOD NSWS FOR ALL!—The wi!- lailing Mrs. VANHORN w the best; pks sneoeedk when all othw* have failed. All who are in tronble, aU who have been unfortunate, deceived by fitke promises, to to her for advice and comfort. In fees ajfairs sks glvsr /a*L. She has the secret of winning tM afffce- of the opposite seje. It is this £set which induces illiterate pretendars to try to imitate her, and copy bar advertisement. She shows you the bkeness of your fh turewua. husband, or absent friend. It is well known tatks ppmio aS largj that she is the first and oab per son who can snow toe likeness in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on aJI the conosras of life, whioh nan be tejstad and proved by tfeousaads, both married and single, who dailf nod eagerly visit her. Come one 1 Xa&fl! to No. uai Street, between’Juni-. eyi Urgad* jes-di^ LAD!£S ! travelling bags anti for sale bj C. F. ns Katie FOVRTH Street, above Arch. ’ wholwala and retail TOanaiaotniar off M * TS - m Ws s . s eWAR Johbinc pmmptlT nnaa. - - WRICK-MAKING MACHINES WHICH mr&Ss^mssF^^Wr