The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 09, 1860, Image 3
I Glfr UMala* 1M , :s»Js[l;G*Bimmi, Dal ’ SnCoaj*tf<33feßiO*i6 ’> HiatWAlU. NO •/fin.olTeMlußMi Luc* ■> H^fcfe^r 8 ' WWBgSirm: v; - MMCHeiiaararm, Pa .:- MMtar jjamlerßon.Pa •/■■•ifeMfiSSffinv £ B Noft<w, Balt*mor# < »> AnlUnfOi C«ntp4, 0 . . , a . J* O Foat«r~N*Bln-|ila - Mtaa 8 Paatar, Naahaille . ieiei ,ft P<>S<ir,:Na»l i »iU»jMi'_E«a* *' *iJV, M 4 '; A HoaiN-Y: .■>'-! <'M 8 W(tm*r,N y- ! ■- pwSSSSSVftitt'. sc* CoFa OCBrttn Pa ' T "., H.nJI.R H GairattiVa ;M PlFHaro, Bill r,' Begj§ Wslbrtte«a'll Y. •«; Jobn^wMtaengotten - , . v_ McHenry* All ' , B»»jßHaiß«til;Cae«ttr<>o , EtkOßlf'.',-,;. '■; ,Y O' of Wnlßac JP)i«ani«t. . oWalaß.Namrt WMSfIpU. C hioaao . : ■ ■ -p tWftiW *• wa»a^-MassMSsßr 6 <i yiC Norto». w>rt<m , woWrnifA U.Ct V. MCartii. N Y >< *• foho'HA^u;tnr- # ®rPOr«s*,Fo«k*w;in. .j)r BHilf. E r. ’ • <}•© Pjgtftith. rbu» ' ' Haorvdnrißt V» t.i<> -,t ' £fbnte *>oJ?ttoB» wtton • r * 2*i*iCw**on,«o‘lon. ~.: O jw W.iurarr. Ff Y WftSh»»a?k.KY ■ ttrsßhttittokjfc Soh.NY HJtattgvßctftntt-,. Mr HwrdiiNY;'-•>«. - • y IS Pitkin. NY ;,,•_ChA*H Pnoa&to, UtM f?A_Bor«.'NY ■” J Rm»«iT* iDit. Ga J.i *Bd«Kt. Do«^RH Yr cß«**l«r,NJ. ,■-, Wriitlri. Boatom'--...' r - Jnhu Madden,NY : , Mm a J stringer, lowa l r ;M«il«. i-tnafn. lowa • . B Wo«>d*aM :vt;-■"■NJfß®’®* I, P*SS » Matt ■ JBWtilte,Mtm&hia, Teem llPBnnaaa.Laaoartar iPYirta?! Wot* T Mm ifPiaka.B.ooklaß MOrtjwny,Brooklyn 1 ,’ ■AC Jtoaa, Portamonth ; R H (Mlink la, fl V ... MinBt*»foloo^lTY J.Molotira, Eljtton.Md . ,S J^!>lBart,-Kxaa -■ Jam»i I'rnaM «*!», « Y Mr Wiofa * * la, albanr RdvPaaaelt M X . ', ,•:■< _ ■ JONj’B’ HOTEL—Oh*«tnnt tflreat, abo»* Biath. Mi'Cannioiiaca, Md MmCnnmaghjm, Md , J itabtoiioa. Pa.v. - KDG4ntIM.Ya ■' . J»«mCß«ldl..Piila. WH/ltal atla, N Y - J V tlaYMr NY „ . 0, E Hajaa, Laooutar ~, > KAOramaojli, Balt KFfmlth.Tazaa -s a. D Waalm.NjY, • Oaoiuavaßa. Boaton , . ; Raaiv N_*'l PBiU ...' Fr■ d Bre»*t«r. t’bila Y • , . k . fMA&z AA«iSKIfY„ 4 KSJonfi.iWilraiiDal ; • ID jignafrtjgJWCk—tar Y, Meeo Chester Tw|lii*WP».;‘ • COwsttn.r««a •- rwiAl b€* no j Kramer, Va • . - v, ff 4 '.r—-J-* ST. lQm n^MiinWatre«t«a^TAlrd. j 0 srjTw«‘s*v*BDiy».\ ' rac&iTSgfemk sfi mSiMKII.j” . g T o)nrtSVil»»« . .. W : Hg&g&ffifcr, .. G Aa?*yto« ft : irf. P£illii J FSUva, Hn!mesborg PB tffjb*ini.i‘Ju‘* - KA Davis. Bethistwm j Wm&A&immay V:.. J q.Bfook*,« Y. KA?6fc».SM»j)3 vV? : * D P Fostsr, Mtf - . , A J Goo^n, MS, : . KCottWM Ala, Inland ■ I* EJLCBA&fB’ BQTRjd—Foiirth street. batow AWb. - A B Ch*v»«. Mm* W 0 Ford. j£tis,‘ ra ' S A Bfeippaosbarr N £ Strop s, LancMter .Ff K»l»sf^Te#t>*.wfti** •.•!* Psfgehaavft la,Wv , Bw-sSi*»>T'iE;»*n« 'goM*iiiw?fiS?*S»**. ' . i T&m Fi.hp Httutinrdoii JL/kfrn. . (? A KAnflrnsn, IjfinoHM^r itOJS«Ml»,.U*c»in«r v- J B OfebsMxn. Mmj . TjftSSf*,SY Mgticko.r,Ny - AMERICAN HOTEL—Cbeetnat. Above Fißh. W B Keel/* Reading- 1;,-./ .0 o;Lay*on; Del . : J !», gas* ~• Hft ftoottfcU- Mew: - 4 B Adams; N«w*rk,Del -. . Jm Mclalire. Del ' SftnlAWM .., .JF Baldwin. N Y - RBil<*r7'TW;;L: J Warte,h*arioa,lttd '; lt ffi%. ' C - ■ Missf«j*e®rint AH '*;j% E iH Frisbie. Tov&nda, HenryMahler,Baleuh N C IviJMcClees, Phila * TBKroflfflao. iAiw . , ~ - ' - • - • THE OHIOK HOTRL-Awb street. above Thirds B M (Mteattr, WtsdrW* , J BPotter. lf r J ~r ?ov,fe^ D^iVBS; „n r ?' s * t '? , ’ ,rj itra&atai: - G.oW Airter.WJ Hjii»um.NJj: . • AB*k«r Ala-Cbeslroo Mu* H H Phillip*, Chutoroo -~ ’•■•-- • ■ COMMKHOrAL' HOTKL--tiuuh nhtxir* Ckmtnut. J 0 »h»rpl*fi Oh«*f«*o. CGlb«ini Gl;'rT ’'III, fli, 1 BThWyiWUmiMwa M D/ikMr JWlrmln^oiT iSem&SS^.-fIMSa ■.sMarrMasafft^, Mi*i«.fitooke. pay,. ;_-..v £ STATEStiifION ttbxRLT-MarketstMrtiabove Sixth; JSSmitb-NJ ;VI -- Capt J B*)l;TjroB»Oity jfeSdjft-NY ; J Jeilifil*aoa*ter , t*ae**t*t rt>imiinf,«r"<>rjui€,. / JnMßwitti.V Y . A -* =; _v■ L,trobfl,Pa iXftjuer, Lafcosatar ** > S Zahm, Lanoa«ter H waller. CoatsviHe WTbompson.NY Jastover.Ya , OAU» IS AGkB et., above CalinwhiH. MartinPtebfjw. U«oo J,RSnyder.Pottsvilje , - Hw.Smtth. Boevs or» ; ; I*eWt» A W|t||ams, Pe SttkHeb /akarißM. Pa , M Smiths Backs oo 1 (i Smith, Backs oo W Bean*, Book* co irt.j-ai»ve flWiowfcUl. fit MBoodaafc.lteadiss CrneP Foster. Boekseo K 8 Aorer. Oiaey JaaM.<ctth»<c& Reedmx ,-ATrexler. Reading • A John ' «w, Soefca ocf ’ -. W paff, jfewtowij • jnnoa.j _ ImaoL iroxiar*Jtoartovm OMatMAi'Stitriaoitovii >Tfedßnada.guinae«toira ilva J B«adin«(. "'omertM - Caapor ftoaAe, B.birry Miav oimuls«- 7b«rry > . >Miss M Roads. Bybarry ; - - - BLinnert, Puombco fttfm wr ,r Geo-Clemens, ChesterYal MJULCBABTS* HOUSE—Third at/above EEekert. Pa_ Coopersbarg CBt;bri*t.AttBntown - WtleTeli,Allentown JeM > *ciUday.'AUentow». J D Jones. Freemambanc G Hoffmsa. Ailentosra " CF-Wilson, Moatp co. ra !<«fntßraner,J*Jtori., Jp« NJ_ 1 Joeia«fBiAhigr» AUenlniro H T Hi'naan* tsbahoa E it;W)Uiahl«. BaeMeo BenJ Moun, Headtae, Pa ." MOVZCT VC&JfOfi it. -above Aroh* i ' Tleta.NY\,V i MImpW.N v ! •*-' c 1 gffis&a,. : - AHM fr<3»nn.fltwtown Uouuier ■ A S?li&>n, i Kal>rill> W(r Ktiis, Fnrt«*t»ill» POWITAIH untt. iDort M«*•*. *GfKSbfiU« ■ ; {MS BiKkmMWr. D«l >- g W HeinoW.,B«l J S»jWM (tjrtiwl 8* mlHilnmm,Haitm, J BSl.wki*,fills, i-:-. H»V(t Frnßitmiß,„ p» fircEpirc 1 £{gsd fe fc D»|: AtfoiiHart, N J-/f - P4.L BUTKL-Bw MrMt. abowTlilnl. rjuHtttftt . u Stmrttarr ** X*jr • ~. J H KBmJ>kl. t anM4t«T , - >r. Sob Rma C I *ttu)n.*oh s»tm ‘J;W*f£m.eohHnv^ /SjmtiM^lUtainx: . Peur Haaek, AlUntown WeH mansteflayter eo , ; A A BeMtar. Sflh JiaY*a ' - BAMSMt MEAT BOTM ’mi tL, Iwtow.Vuw »&s3Bga»*. vill* jjw uitGrt, focklnpfhwa >" ..W *C«nriw, fttwtowa ■ rtoft- wttjHniiMtfK<ift<nrß - tett«©»■*': + HV-&2&. Tfi iiAttnnr^mw 1 »ft Wn Wi»» Oirvln.ffi hours %^ n i!'E, CF»bi»n. »nd »in WW* i'Nwr* Wi- M.lO mils* north of Capo atommkbin Keystons BhS«fiteiaß^jr J,^, w rsotr But. Cihoon, 1* dll,. from 8t BertL with pine g”** *ohr John Qilfin. from Baibadogg, lending for “Jpi'WWinA/fcnro'fcTteHnwiU.diMlif. AtSombre-- ro. KhrCbnagton* from knd for B.ltimore, d* guano. Onten liflnrt'-tatJ##* M, 10ng.7l M W. .gohgrorh Ca nsdnvfor MuanzSi: «th luatTatAf «,long 87 it, gagged nranlunY<*wban»M«<i tnbeaealrr-'. t ■ i ißehr P P Lewis-York, $ days from Portland, with -sSp>l hour* from Lee.- tfcrg, NJ, bavin; in toWnew eohr Jane DMoCarttyr. ißohr Northern Light, Lake, Sort Cambridge* Van Dn> «m».iHorton A ? - •' • Bchr Jod«e Connverapolman.Waahinfton, .. da ' -Bohr JCadwnladeraNaytor.JDanversport, “v do ; -•, . r,-»TT*xJtaaaPH, ", 1' .s,=. > ■ to iMtbU morn'ng. ?nia,li*lg .Fllyßaed, (?' w * nt fa S*!», .The berk v: - ‘ ii 2t e fbr*Ph?|Soipffl? OB ’ from Boston 7th L,Bteamshi» VJrmnta, Kelly/eailed from Riobmond 7th ia°t.forPhiMe)pbia,. ■ ? • • ■ -Steamship Kflna«beo«Johßson,elsArsd at New York Liverpool, cleaied : ... . r S’panwbipMatanzilKLiwegftnf.fonMataßSM, old at New York yocterday. ' -.. . 1 • . . - iBteam*t>ip,City of Manohekter, (Vota New York,tet tinea- etownSftluilt' .'.T- - , „ Wose# Taylor. Baxter, for Havana and N York. olaaredjU New Orleans 4th met.. ' -Ship Western Ocean. Simmon*. at Livernool 16th uit, -was np for Caloutt*—destination Changed from Pliilad. 'SbtrMatilda,- Cushing,Aleeredat Charleston fith inst. for Liverpool. = , " Kelly, Orleans 4th inst. cleared at ‘jloston 7th -inst, for Wilmington- <■ , - - ! Bark Taeoay. Bmwii; front New York for Naples, was ptaedttfc met. Ut4SI7. loesS 67: ' iftark C BTnntt, -Soull,■ for -Liverpool, cuted .from Qo'emtowntSdolt. . - , • •- r- .Sohre Marr ft‘Bliaabsth. Meda*r« Belle Conwayi Be> aney. and Mary k. Virginia, Todd, hence, arrived at -Biohmond 7th inst. f£ohr Coemine. Baker, for Philadelphia, cleared at ton. NO.Rhine*.'. .. J J 1 ‘ 1 ' • Bchrß B Wheeler. MeCkashlm,from New York, ar rived at Wilmington. No.'6th inst. «ohr Julia Maine, Preston, henoe, arrived at Boston 7th inst t c-. i <-. - - • • ► • , SehrWkr gUmi. Bmltb, .illed from Nov Bldford 7th lot. for Philadelphia . . M.rr NMt. Smith, and Anthreg, Cordorr. for, fVnm Provlaenn 7th ingt. ■ Mr fO Kni,ht, WhltlOTi arrived at BeUlmorefee terdir, from Beta., i Fehr a 1 ownwndjTo*A«e«d, forOtiarleiton, olearod atNevYorg,ea order ' , Sohr Althea, Coreon, at New Yorkretterdar from Pe tnedwe. ': • Beht Higbee; from Wilmington, NC, ar rived at New York yesterday. ' Slorrtps TraHilatioft. Hawkins, and 8 Hall. Tillottson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence Srb mat. , . 1 Qrdmley, for, Poiladeiphia. sailed fromHaitfordTth inst,-~ ■ Steamers Ann Elm. Robinson. Ironsides. V&ndervsr, and Novelty, Shaw, benee. amvee at N York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. | Deap Made to Hiar.—lnstruments to Msist the Rehring, in every'variety, and of the most approved construction, at'P; MADEIRA'S Ear Instru ment pepot,Na«lU SouthTENTH street, belowChsst otetfeeL i ■ - ■■ iTo doNsnMPTmts.-rQtnnKT’s Cod trvaa Oit Jbllt. t _ - : This great speoifio for Consumption is fast superse ding allothers in its curative efftots upon those with tubercular diseases, being twice as efficaoions as ttw.crnde oil. Prepared upon- highly, scientific princi ples of the pure oil, and robbed of the nauseous taste of the plain artiole, it is received into the stomach jn its jellified form, without mastioatioa, and is gradually dis solved and digested,- passinr into the small intestines drop by drop, supplying tbs vastes of the body by its nutritious properties,,and,thus assisting and sustaining nature in overcoming, tb* disease. Approved by the New. York Academy of Medicine- knd recommended by the faculty'everywhere; this preparation Is confidently offered as a remedy-for Consumption and »U Bbrofulons Affections. SoJd by PRKDERICK BROWN, comer of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets; FREDERICK BROWN, Jr„ Continental Hotel; and T. W. DYOTT A-80NE...,-- ah3l-stafSa , WATEK COOI.EBa FOB THE MILLION, at exceedingly low prices, at ,£. 8* PARSON A CO.'S Manufactory, corner of DOOR A PEAR Btreets. j«7-4t SiviNa Fond—National Safety Trust CdwrAKr.'T'Chartored by the State of Peoneyiva is. V' ■ •" RULES. - v ' V Money u.received every day, and in any'amount large or emaD. ' A -FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from thediyit is pot in. l'\ .. A The money, is always paid book in GOLD whenever It is stalled for, and without node*. •' 4. Money ureeaiveo frorofrcccvforj, Adminitt'ratorSt Guardian*, and other Trustee*,' in’lanre or email same, to remain a lone or short period. = C. The money received from Pepoeitore i# invested is Real Estate. Trtortsases, Ground Rants* and other first* oleeeeeourjtiei. ' #. oakoofeueverrdar—WAljfrOT Street, southwest orner . iaW SLuajrAjrsii Tf “ ! - JM-PK Iwe »«sonmentpfBALAMi»rcpKjtg for a 3» at re* •onaWo prioM* No. 0M OHKSTNTTrstSrPluladelphia. u»tr . ,'KVANSJk WAawntr ' > Sbwino Machinrs. Ail persons - who hava bought Sewing s£actnne» which will not ,c«Tfonn the work expected, are informed- that SINGER’S Mv chine* never failtpdoahy kind of work.' Noone is ever disappointed lQ.the Machines of ; I. M. SINGER & CO., No. filO CHESTNUT St*. , mM-Jm . . ,; Ok a Pbich Clothing ’of ma Latest StnsiVmadem the’beet manner, exv'ressb for RE TAIL. BALKS- EOWEST mIUm prioM marked ir. PUbFiiuwk Ail KMdfoudttoonUmTn&tad uti>- system Is Itriotljr adhettd to, o* we bsbevs.lhis to be the only fair way of dealing All iw'tberatytrcapd alike.. JONES A’ CO., '***:tf 7 AM VAWWWT HARRIER, McCOOL—VcAVOY.—*pril the Parsonage.' f o. 16t$ North Fifth street, bt the Rev, W m B. Wood, dr. Albert. McCool to Mies Jaiia IF.: Moavoy, both of fraabford. PRIOR—BAINES.—ApriI I9th at the same piece, by ie,eatne. 5 Mr. Obi Jss'Prioe. of Doyles town. t> Mim Camillas.Baines ofthiecity.' • WRiIftER—DiLLON.—On the 7th instant, at (be same pla™e, by the same, Mr. John A. Wodner to Miss Anna G; OiMon holb'of this oity. J',; the,sth inst.. by the,Rev. Alfred D. V.v.Mr 'ueene Jouin.. of Paris, to Miss Virginia, second* danjfitir or,the late Thornes ■ h Hemag, of this city.- (New Orleans papers please ;Y&HLKR—K PM((RE(L-On the tth'inet, at the re •UJeno' of the bride’s father by tbe Bev.E W. Hotter, W. F, Kbhler toMiss Kalhe, only daughter of Benjamin Kemsrer. ell of this c-ty. . . * , TILLUM— PEI HOP.— l On the 6th inst., by friends ceremony. in presenoe of Mayo Henry, Benjamin F. ' VPora, of Cheater county. Fa., to Ann, daughter of . oebue Peirce of Montgoroer* ooaotv. Md- * *rKWART-BTA‘*N»-R.—On the 6th inst. by Rev. w. R tJarroll. Mr Thomas M. Stewart and Julia Ann Staener. both of this.oitv. • hjLton—GIRK, N.—On the6‘hinst.,bv the Rev. J. liinnemath, Mr. .Tamos Hilton, of New Vo k, .o Miss Mary Gibson, of Coashohocken * DIED. ‘ <?AR7*NTBR.—t'nthetth inst., George W. Carpen ter, jB tbe 56th year of hisage. ... .The relatives and friends of the -family are respeo - fully invited *o atten-1 tbe luneral, from his late resi dence, Germanlriwn, on Sunday afternoon, the 10th inst, at 4 o’clock. Interment at Bt. Luke's Church, Ger —On tbe 7th mat.. Magnus P., son of Mm noa Fond Georgians A. Heratz. aged 1 year and ; months-- .Funeral from the residence of his parents, Tweaty ourth »treet above Nnudain, between iounard ana South. on eunlaj mnrntDir, at9oWr>ok. * - KIRKPA'I RTCK.~-<>n the 7th inst., Angelina Kirk pstri-k. youngest danent r of John and Mary Kirk* patnck, in the lfth year of her aye. Funeral from the residence of her, parents, No. 925 -Caltowtiil! street. on\Mondar Tcnin^dto o’o ook. * HAAS.—On the7th inst.. John Haas, aged 69 tears. 1 Funeral from his late residence. Tint North Third st., above Coates, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. * .YEO;-Oflthe7*h met, Mary Ann. wife of Wm. Yeo, in the ftHh year of her age. - Funeral from the resilience of her husband, 1558 Mont gomery avenue, below vrankford road, on Sunday af ejnoon, ntl n'clook __ *. HATCH.-'in the Bth inst., Pugh Hatch, in the 90tli year of bis ace. Funeral from Ms late residence, Camden, N. J., this (.*• eventh-dayj afternoon, at 5 o’clock * McOURDY —On th* 6»n inst. Charles Hoover, eldest eon of Charles Henry «qd Lizzie MoCurdy,aged 8 years and 4 months. * . ' - - ' . Funeral from the'residence of his parents. No. 929 Race street, this(Saturday morning mlO o’clock. * . 'HDGjJBT.-^n»be4th inst.. Mrs Mary Annlfoguet, wife of Francis Hoguet. vears. • Fuoer-l from, the residenoe of her brother. Marcus A. hsvis, .ill Wharton street, this (Saturday) aflercoon^at * the sth inst Ur*. Elizabeth Prevost, wife of Mr Francis M. Prevost Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 840 Catharine street this (Saturday, morning, at V?o'clock. •DHfijL.—On Ihefithinst.. after a short illness, Jacob 0, Deal, in the U»b year of his Age. Funeral from the restdsnoe or bis father in-law. Phi lip Himmllwn ht, Bodine street, (formerly Adams,) Above Norris street, Nineteenth ward, on Sunday after noon, atl o'clock. * J*j«HER.— Onthe4ih inst., John 65th year on Sunday afternoon next, at 4 o'olock. * . BLITER.—< n the dthlast., Edward Shter, in the 79th year or his age. Funeral from bis fate residence. No. 2)1 Jacoby street, this (Saturjav,) tbe j?th in» 1,0 o'clock- * CUMMER MOURNING GOODS. BliMik Bareges and Crape. Maretz. %, 6 4,7-4, and 8-4 wide j mack Silk Grenadines, Grenadine Bareges. Camel’* Hair Barezes. Summer Jlombasines, Ghana. Crape Chslis, Taroartines, , Tafflmttanir, 6ne Mott*selino de Laines, Lawns, t GinxM mi, Orcandier, Bilks, Poniards, C(MIis4*X«MMM, ttaattHis and Points; Bartse, GrenidmsßArege and Grenadine Shawls; * Puu.UMb* eJIM s Fans,SUmmer Gloves aid , . Hosiery 5 Veils: Collars. Bis ves. Ac, . ' - BEBSONt feON. Moanilng Siore. j#l , . Ho. «1S OHRSNUT Street. WMSS'K M'eMatat 4 F.M. Prenemng-at 4>s P. M.. by Rev, j*LPR?j) COOk«*N.,Md .l 8 P M. hr feor. O D. COOPER.' A great Children’s meeting this (HATUH- Atflo’oldek. Add res red by Bev.Mr. P(HAC|S..'Mmsionery from. Africa. Messrs. Martin, Bliss, end others., Come and bring juur children with you.- v " - * GkOrl I4INGINB. it* . . Suyeriptendent. IYTtIMBBRNkCU- BIPTIBT CHURCH, UU|a.'^stKULjraKET! WERT OP EMH .OTaiTtfonj... li. 11. D„ ot Hew York, Ahsrch to morrow morarng At Wio^tock,ana uießev.H, P. Rogers,D. D„ of Al ;b4ay.uitheevsanigatBo, ok)og. ~ it* fr3*- UNiTARIAN iEJRVICES WILL BE lii AND HAYDN' T hall TO iMQfiPWjhORNING,at Ulfpast iO : EVENING,at So’cock. Rev. Mr MoDANIEL. or Nortomberiaun. 4*a,, will omciate in tbe raomin", and Mr, FAIRCHILD, of maiaathusftts, )fl ike evening. Beat* free. It* ? ARCft.STREET PRESSVTE ILS CORNER OF EIGHTEENTH SEKLYE, Vi D. Of Schenectady, tN.Y, U this ( huroft TO-MORROW at 20)4 A.M.,andlU\H o) Hastinjcs, N. Y .at 8 r, M, -> *- , • U mmmmm iHUYM MEET,NO IS ; *♦ I# Mr will lecture wSfiKs!'! wku fPaiMfcjirjMiaiH p. M. MFB g PHI „ QL Jt * If*- NOTIC.,-TH* ANNUAL MEETING Is^r^piApe OAMDEN AND AT fc£y-TiC AILbO‘ UOMPAHY will be held on Jtt' e IND. between the hours of JO A. Point, eleoTl)?re6tor?i« I raid itimsc*. statement or the union bank, 'l3. ■•■ required by the second section of the Aot of General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the •istn day of Ootober, A. D., 1867. Amount of loan* and discount*... ~~.-,..;.965* MO 91 1 •-*-* . > «pe©ie.....-..w...1008*490 „ 1 dnefromother bank5...,.44 003 41 • ** '• ofnoteiin circulation.—.. 09,420 00 ■ , * deposit*, inoinding balances due ' ..i,'- to other banks:;- 432.63920 V - J ••• PHITJtDRLVHIA, June Bth, 1860. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, st: ;I. James Letter, Cashier of the-Union Bank, being ■worn > depose and any that the above statement is cor rect, to the best of my knowledge and belief ’ - * # JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. : ;Sworn before me, this eighth <jay of June* A. 8., 1860. jit P.'O.Bi-ii<MAKEh» Notary Public. - jV?* HEADQUARTERS, FIRST DIVISION. lk_3 P. V.— 1300. The. Major General^u/^treceived offioiaUnforma tif>n that the JAPANESE- EMBASSY will arrive, nr special train, at ten minute* past three on SATURDAY. Orders, No.4are, therefore. 4 so modified that theDi ,vuirtn will be formed,. a* already designated, at half pa'ttwo o’clock P. M., instead of half past one, . >By Command of Major General Patterson. ■. jcS 2t R. BU TfiER PfUC K, A. A. g. rYs=> STRAWBERRY AND FLORAL FES |x_3 , TIVAL.—A Strawberry and FioralFestival will tSTeld in the ODD FELLOW’S H LL, Frankford. on Hie 6tb. 7th, 6th. and 9th’of June.; bT the ladies of the Presbyterian Church. Open Afternoon and Evening. -Tiokets. 10 cento. ... ieS 6t^_ ITg- OmbK ur THE PHILADELPHIA LL§ AND heading haidhoad company. March, 1880, 'The holder* of the bonds of this Company, due July I. 1960, oan now receive, upon application at this offioe, 10 Kr cent, innash, upon the terms specified in the oirett r attached. > The holdersare alto entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1860, and in purauanoe of the oontraot, entered into by he oompany and duly recorded, to oarry the same into ffeot. SijtHApFOlibt Treasurer. • -. CIRCULAR. Notic» to the Holders of- Philadelphia and Reading .Railroad Company Mortgage Sonde, due July 1,1880. These bonds are scoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 95.908,400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was sir times the amount of the annual interest on these bond*. The managers .propose to extend them for a period of twenty Yean, the holders retaining the bonds and the seonrftY of the mortgages is the preoise condition in whieh they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for Jbe interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus pfiOueroent. will be given to the holders, m consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will hq paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the offioe of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. . , Forms of receipt and endorsement will be famished ob application.' By order oftheßoardof Managers, _ •ml-tf t*. H. MolLHENNY*Secretary* A N ATTRACTIVE LITERARY CURI JHAosiTy. CFao-simile of a Japanese Book. 1 A JAPANESE BOTANY, PLATES OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS, ’And their descriptions, in Japanese, with interlinear Translations, into English, with NOTES AND AN INTRODUCTION, Giving the Japanese Alphabet with the names and sounds of the letters, the names of the months, the hours of the day, and the measures of longth, Ac. Printed and bound in exact imitati n of Japanese bdoks. - This is amest interesting book, both for the curiosity ofit.aidalso for the information it gives of the lan guage and many peculiarities of a people with whom we seem destined to hold dose and oonstant intercourse.— North American. This very interesting and curious work will b* much sought after at the present time.— Evening Bulletin, ’ J. B LU’FINCOTT A CO., . Je9-3t 99 and 94 North FOURTH Street. fJTHS IRVING MAGAZINE, THE HANDSOMEST WEEKLY NEWBPA PER IN THE WORLD! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. , A SUPERB ENGRAVING WEEKLY. A CHOICE PIECE OF MUSIC IN E4CH NUMBER. COMBINING THE ATTRACTIONS OF A FIRR'f- GLABR MONTH* Y MAGAZINE. A LITERARY REVIKW, A JOURNAL OF FARHIoN AND ART, AND THE PoptJLAR WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. The first number of the Second Volume will be ready for delivery on MONDAY, June 18 1860. withanoocu* “** PORTRAIT OP WASHINGTON IRVING. K rich collection of choice reading matter consisting of ORIGINAL and SELECTED SKETCHES moR complete in itself} POKTRV. FBBATB. EDITORI ALS- MU*IC and ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES on the Toilet and Boudoir.; prepared by the best writers on *u"h sahjeot* known. Single Copies forSaibbt all Nbwsdbalsrs—Six Cents. Subscription* for Six Months. 91.60; One Year, 93; Four Copies for One Year. 810. With any one of Irving’s Works, as selected, neatly bound in oalf. apremiumto the getter-up of the olub: Ten Bab«or<ptions ..920. With Two Volumes as a Premium. Those d-sirou* obt«in'nir a copy of the first volume, oan done upon remitting 92 for it, handsomely bound, or 91.60 in monthly parts SPECIMEN NUMBERS tent POSTAGE FREE on receipt of Two Three-oen» Postage Stamps. C. Z, POND & CO„ Publishers, 15 8 J RUCE Street, New York, to whom all let'ere must be addressed. Dealers will send their orders to ROSS & TOUHEY; WHOLESALE AGENTS, je9 It 191 NASSAU Btreet, New York. Ho Jit e Lee ia winning for herself a high place m the ranks of fiotion. B«h new taft impioves upon its predecessor.”— London CVirie* "— — Now P*ady. HAWKSVIEW: A FAMILY HISTORY „ OUR OWN TIMES fc . By Holme Lea, Author of* Against Wind and Tide,” “ Sylvan Holt's Daughter,” ” Maude Talbot.” &o . fto. One vql. I2mo, cloth. Fr ea $l, Fourth Thousand, now read* j AGAINST wfflD AND TIDE. BV HOLME LEE. One vol.lSmo, olotb. Price 91. WORKS OF HOLME LEE. Onicionsoftb? rest: “ The Author is a litersrv artist of no common power. It is s model of condensation, without meagreness of style.”— Qfobe. “ A story which, dealing with the unrnmantlo events ofevery-aay life, yet sustain* to the end so unflagging an interest that few who oommenoe will leave it unfi nished.”— Aftrmng Chrtmtcls. “ The characters are developed with admirable truth . and artistloslull, and lay fast hold of the reader's in terest Leader, “ Great skill is shown in the development o* charac ter; several of t h e leading eharaoters are thoronrh studies, and the minor p-ri ms have no want of distinc tive features.”— Examiner. *' We donot envy tbe seusibilities of the man to whose eyes th* perusa or some of these psges would not bring adewydimness-the happy, healthful sympathy with sorrow.”— Philadelphia north American. “ It has all the strength and power of * Adam Bede/ with the refinement and grace whlob that book lacks. —Springfield Hep, • LIFE BEFORE H M. M> Thk New am*b can Novel. W l vol. 12mo. ointh. Price 91. J* From »he N-- Y. Evening Post', ** We have reed but few works of this olk*B that are so fnjthfully and forcibly written. The erratio artist life of some o r the characters is b a ppily presented.. *hile the dedontion* of t^eirexoerienoe are civenin a biting lutrol ioking manner. The strugelesand trials of those who seek .to ris« to eminence along the sometimes thorny paths of literature, are well depicted. L* short, the writer has woven a pleasing fiotionfrom purel, lo cal subjeots And has performed his task as few would have succeeded in doing.” In P«*as-“ MAUDE TaLBOT.” “GILBERT MABSKNGKR ” and**TBORKKY HALL.”By Holm* Lxb. Single copies of any of our publications prepaid by mail for the retail price. Catalogues free , W. A. IOWNHPND A Go.. Publishers, jc9-2t No, 46WALKER Street, New York. HP HE BOYHOOD OP MACAULAY— -I- Lette sof Hannah More to Zaohary Macaulay, Fsg., containing notices of Lord Macaulay's Youth. Now first published, 75 ce te. A D etionnry of the Bible, comurisinr its Antiquities, Bloeraphy.GconrAphy, and Natural History. Edited by William Smith, L. L. D. With many illustiauons. Bvo. $s * _Thn Bnbbip Boy $ Or-How Nat got h ; s Learning. An Example for Yonth. By, William M. Thayer. Illus* trated. 75 cents. „ John Lllard, the Newsboy. With fine portrait. 50 cema. ‘ . Mark Noble; Or, The Button Neoklace. 30 cents. r,a WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, Je9 No. fio6 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA DAILY INQUIRER I TO-DAY. GRAND JAPANESE EXTRA! PULL OF ENGRAVINPB JAPANESE HISTORICAL FACT O . AN EDITION FOR THE COUNTRY. The following is a portion o' the contests of THE Fao-eimile Antographs of the Japanese Ambassadors, PULI,-LENGTH u ROUP of tho Japanese Embassy, thetr Suite; and the Naval Commissioners who escorted them- containing 27 heeds. JAPANESE ’AMBASSADOR IN THE PARLOR, Japanese in the cooking apartments or the Hotel. Japanese clock. BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS. JAPANESE SHOES. CAUHNET-W/RE. INTERIOR VIEW OF A KITCHEN AND HALL IN JAPAN. j*W»V"an RY KNTEnTAININO THE .“TOMMY'.'—The Funny Japanese, among the FEAST OF LANTERNS.”—A very Comical Chinese Btorr. Bv Jingoe. “SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR.”—4. Pathetic DE„J , RB ENGLISH COMMON WEALTH REVt ’WED.*' JaPaNEBE LADIKR AND CHILDREN, with en graving and description of their styles of dress and -Wanese literature and drawino, with twocngravines, giving a history ofihe literature of the country, their stytes 01 drawing and designing, the 41 spv system,” as inaugurated bv the an interview with the Imperial Commissioners; descrip tion of a silk store in Japan JAPANESE JUNKS, with engraving, showing how thev are rigged And managed. FIRkT LA "DING OF AMERICANS IN JAPAN, with ongravinf, and a history or Urn roam mofdents of the landing of the Americans In tact country, GO* J), SILVER, COPPER, AND IRON COINS OF JAPAN, with engravings, gi«ng the fac-similes and toe value of e&ob ooin. , „ JAPANESE NTDK AND FRONT FAOF.-Bngrav ims showing how the male and female Japanese took JaPANK’IIs FRIlibT, with emcrayipg, end 4 History Oi their Religion and Mode of Worship. lT THE TEMPI.K OF BEN-TING, with Engraving.a Histop of its Construction, and Description of the B J AeI&BSE, CAGO. with Engraving, giving the Mode of Travelling lithe Country _ „„ JAPANESE POABTERFRS AT WORK, with Eng raving, showing how they do their work. CHINEE STORY—“ Married in a Mask,” showing how a Chinese Barber outwitted four lovers, and hau them married to their wrong mates. , THE PHILADELPHIA INQUjRER TO-DAY ALBO CON I'aINS Fall of the Foreign News received by the Some new and startling developments in the Covode investigations. “A full account of the departure of the Japanese from woshinjtfin. »PfJ fftejr reception in Baltimore ,e i Biographical Sketoh of the late George w. Carpen- latest News by Telegraph from all parts of the ° Together with full Reports of all Local matters of int«««t.- pricetTVO'CBNTS, , 89* copies for mailing, done up In strong wrappers, o an b. had at th. , w , w . HARDING, M Publisher of Inquirer, It No. 124 South THIRD Htreet. T Norristown Depot and St. R-d LawTenoe Hotel, CHESi’NUr Street.-a WALLET containing a large number nf Postage Stamps, and so full of Papers that one side was burst open. The finder will be suitably rewarded by living the game at the Bt. AWrenoe Hotel, for ALBERT NORTON,. It •nil!,-.i>Ri!ss- r vl , ;' T Saturday, June 9,.:ism. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Containing PRICE $1.25. ■j EXCURSIONS. . ; ; ■ammtJgm**-**' Philanthropic LpUgo. No. 15,1.0. of 0. F' v PhilaiftlrropioLoilce, ]g, LO.ofU. F. yhilanthropio Lodge, Wo. 25,1.0 of O. FV PhiianthropioXodjie, No. % LO. ot V* r, ' Exounion to Atlanl'oCity^, Excursion to * , ..j Atlantic City, Excursion tor Atianno vity* .'Exeurflion to Atlantio Citr, • i Excursion to . Atlantio City, , [ •. Wednrsday,, Ju , y i as « B ffi» Wfdneeday, July2s.’B» Wedueaday, » July . . Wednesday, • Wednesday, . , , Jn1i21»38.0. Ticket* 91.25 ‘ Tickets 91, TiokeU 91.86 ' Tiokets 91-f a i. Tiokets 9125. Ticket* 91 *h; It Tiokets 91.25. Tiokets 9125. _ 'fiS»ra«Ea—n FOR THE .8® A ’ Mn SHORE.-nAMPRN AND ATLANTIC Ra/LRoaD. Two trains daUy,<tunday exoepted,) for ATLANTIC CITY. ¥ Mail tram leave* Vma.streot Ferry... }»A* K* Returning, loaves AtKntio City IP V Sr Express Train leave* Vine atreet Ferry 401 *«gj* Returning leaves Atlantic C ty....CwA* The above trains stop at ail Stations. .. ' " « Fare, -91» Round tnpiickets (good for three dam).... 250 Freight must ba delivered at Cooper’* pom* by 8 P.M* The 'Company wilt not be responsible for soy !«?£■ until received and receipted for by their 4 sent at toe Point. , JNO.G. BRYANT,.. JeS-tf - ■ . Agent. EX URSIOK TICK ETS to the D.mooratio Oon- T I”b«Prt t IUADELPH(*.'WIT.MtNGTON, AND HAL TIMO«E RAltj' OAD COWPaNY Will imho,Round Trip Tiokets to the above Convention at 94 each, oora menoine on SATURDAY. June 16th. , These tiokets wnl not be good to return till on and after the adjournment of the Coovention. .. . jefl-JOt S. M. F m>TON, President.^ SAI.KS BY AUCTION. ninth and sansom /gyy STREETS AUCTION SALF OF HORSES, Ao. . On Saturday Morning, Commencing with ill® Carriages at o’oloolr, with the horses at 10/s o'oloi'k **a on noocunt of the weather, lcotuded in the oalalnauo will he over > FIFTY M-TCHED ANDBINGLh. HORSES. 'Also, a large lotof desirable carriages wasims, har ness. *O. ALFRc.iI ftl. HtsRKNKSh ,myB*2t(f . Auctioneer. B. KBED & GO., WHOLESAJ.B aBOOBRS, No. 115 AROH ST., ■ B i TWEEN FRONT AND SECOND ST3„ Desire to call tho attention of PROMPT t TIME and CASH BUYERS to their stook of GROCERIES, con sisting of MJGARS. New Orleans, P. Rica, Cuba, Sugar House, and Re fined. COFFEES. Java, MooUa, Rio, Laguyra. and Cape. SYRUP MOLASSES. \ New Orleans, Cuba Musoovado, and Rtoo. Honey in Tierces and Barrels. BRANDIES AND FINE WINES, Inatcre and in bond. LOVERING'S SYRUP AND HARD SUGARS always on hand. Cubical Cut*Su;ar. TEAB. A fine assortment of fresh Green and Black, at times on hand and for sale. it pURE PORT WINE «» FOR INVALIDS, For sale by C. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. fHE FINE ARTS. EARLES’ GALLERIES . bP PAINTINGS AND looking-glass warerooms, 816 CHESTNUT ftTREET, riIILADELVOIA. JAMES B. EARLE & SON have now in their Gcl len'osn very large and interesting collection of p a intin gss, The works of Native and Foreign Artists. Among the newest additions arc Pictures by Weber, Ed. D Lewis, Haaeltuio, Ling, waugh, Moran, Van Starkenoorgß, Wh tlrul r *p, and otho's. KOUIKR - KL’Mgro.testprodaction.COßlOLANUS AT THE UP ttobffi. .tHl.on KbibiU™. ° NEW ENORIAVINGB just received, uveiumng the latest subjects of Landsoor, Faotf, Ac., THE PALMER MARBLES. I’hotorraphsof the Marbles of I'ALMEU, the Sculp tor. comprising Sprint, Kesienation, Faith, Immortali ty, Peasant Boy, Indian Maiden, Sappho, Morning, evening. Ac. For sale only At EAKLE*’ oa-t evries, 810 CBKSTNUT BTBEET, S’HU.AIvhLViIIA. iellOt (JAST-3TEEL BELTS. FC!t CHUHUIIKB, FIRK ALARMS, Ac,, FOB SALE B V NAYLOR & CO.. jeT-lf 520 COMMKKCE Street. ||~SXxrs Patent plated ice pitone Entirely different iu tboir construction from all others and WAi RANTED to beep the ICE LONGER taan any Pitcher now in use at n temperature of seventy de grees Fahrenheit. The above Pitc/>ers will keep the water ooid for tionttv four hours. A pound and a half of ioe in three pints ol water will last seven hours and fifty Jive minutes ; while the same quantity in an ordinary stone pitcher, at the same tem peruture, only l&stB two hours omit fifteen minute! Persons should not oonfound these Pitchers with those usually sold, but inquiro for HALL’S PATENT. WM. WILSON & SON. Sole Agc.nts for the Manufaoturer, 8. W. Corner FIFTH aud CHERRY Streets, my JB-tf J, E. McOLEE>. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPH ES. TABLISHMENT, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST., (Over Robinson's Looking-Glass Store.) Jvorytypee, colored and plain Photographs. Da tuerreotyoes, ami Amhrotypes. mylB*lm • TVO 1 ICE—WILLIAM MAHAEQ having J-* execulod an. assignment to me. n trust, forth© bfinehtof mu oroaitors.all persons indebted to said ns signor are, requested to make pivment, and those having dainis against him 'o present them to „ HKnJAMIN O. UROOKKR, No. SOI North THIRD Stroeet, , A „ or his Attorney, THOM A- J. DIEHL, Je9*st* 030 WALNUT Street. DON’T BKBKIUND TJJS AGF, PON’T vet a Tainted Portrait when you can get a Life s Zp poutvgriph inOilat KhIMER*R GaIIery,SECOND Str-nt. nbovo GKEhN, at all hours m tfie day and e von; ng. ; J * it CSYEIW'SCOPIO INSTRUMENTS, manu in overy stylo, forsingle piotures, or re volving b»x*s, to hpk! ,rom 12 to 250 views. Stbhko scopu’ PiCTURRft original plans, American, English, find Fieuch, in great variety, and sold a» reduced prices. wholesale or retail, by M J. FRANKLIN. Op-ician,at . 11*J S. P*»o* THand sJO4 NSE 'ONO Bt. • /•pectacles, Microscopes, Optra Glasses, be meat reanrumb o tatrs in the c>t». jea ntif PR JVlfcToNS—'Hftpis—2,ooo Pitces Citv Smoked Western Cored llama. Hams—l.6UU Pieors City Hmobed Western Sugar Cared flams. Bhou)'pm—3 000 Piecps City Bmobed 'Western Cured Snnii dera, Siller—lso Pleoos Weet*rn Smoked Sides. Ilains—2o rierees. Gardener Phipps* Extra Sugar Car ed Hanged H«ms in lots. Beef—Smoked Biel on hand to suit pnrohaaerr, in store (or 8 Ifl;li) ' O. O BADL; K&CO.. «jt No-103 ARCH a^reot. "MATTINGS! MATTINGS! MATTINGS! -LfA 4.4 W hite and ohocked) A 4 m ii 1 Mattings. Fqr salo at lowest oash priops. by w KLEVK L. KNIGHT. ‘ . 1 aoa touth AKCOVO Street, JcS 2'.* nbovo SPRUCE, west side. IMMETSfc RhDIOnON ON J P.vNESE GO DP.—The ba’nnoo of t>‘e stock will be sold with out reserve, consisting of Brocade Satins, Silks. Pine Apples, Crapes. Pongee Handkerohiefs, Fans, Waiter. Vftaes Wo k boxes, &0.. Ac., at 8 WHB V PKNN SQUAftK, firht house north of Market, alwve Broad street JeB 6t Burning kluid, alcohol, and CAMPHKNK. in barrels and half barrels, nmmi faoiur«d daily and !<>' sale by KOWI.KY. ABHBUR- NhR, fc CO , No. 10 SOUTH WKaRVE*. y'NEGAR. —500 bbls Chrified Cider Vineiar. '450 bids WhiLo Winn VinOcar, in store nitu for «ho hi ROWLKy, ASHBUKNhR, & CO., No. 10 SOUTH WHARVES. SSii, BLINDS, SffUITEHS, WINDOW FRAMES, Ao., at the lowest cosh WjL oe i’.^ M fftBARD Avemle,(»eoo^tx,r 3! . iiNT IAA PIPES LION GIN, just re- Xv/Vr coivr»d. per brigs "Twee Vrlonden” and ‘‘Heinrich,” from linporteri. ami for salo. by JOoN GIBSON, SONS, Sc CO. JQS 6t* SWIFT-,SURG HARVESTER. 23us The nbovo named Machine Is undoubtedly the verv befit Mower nnd Reaper now ollered tor sale. It combines lightness of draught, ease of out, sdaptation to all kinds of srain or grass, simplicity and durability of cnnetrurtion. ‘i'iie nmchiius sold last season gavoun* qualified sa isfncti >n to the purchasers, and wo are safe in Kunrnntemng n nniPar result th's >ear. All persons wishing to purchase a first class mowing uni] reaping machine will plense oall and examine the Swift SUte Harvester. Manufactured ami for sale by * , I). LANDRETH & SON, AgrtouUural tranlemen* and Seed Warehouse, Nos. 21 and 23 fiouth SIX I H Street, It* between iMmkotnnd Chestnut Sts. lIILILMOND AND l loiiuvr.Kii.L Hul . , WAY, via Gira-d Avenue. Tlieoare of this Cmupiiiiy tun on SUNIAYB. rrom Blclve Avenue, thrnuili Fairmnunt l’ark to > g.le.Held nnil *el>u) IKIII Heivtite on tiie west Bide of the Bohurl kill, at lnlerval. of ten minute., Jea it PHBBNOLOUIOAL EXAMINA- A?/i TIONB made for M cent., with advleeaetophr aieal oulture and fitoeM lor oertain oooueation., b- J. w. KUI-I'ER, 8- hfH-B SIXTH AMI. BOjfTlt, BTfiEE’I'S; b° hF ASpff- HopAl if 'to STHE PHRENOLOGICAL OABiNKT , E»Ta!iT.iBHKD BY Fovtn, W.lli, A Co., Is open dav and evening, for the sale of Book, on Phranoloi!,, Fhfsiolosr, rvater-Oure, Ao. „ PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. , The Imnortanoe of Phrenology, in the trainln, of th. youuf, tbe seleotion of occupations ana companions and in every department of aotive life, is feltandoe* knowTedged by all inteLbgeat persons who are acquaint edwith Vsfgeta- 1 7 . Written deaeriptione from daguerreotypes will b* sent by mail for two dollar*. , Catalogues of books sent gratis. M JOHN Le vsf An, No. 0» CHESTNUT Street, second ■fpry. mhS-wftsSmif-Weow Philadelphub RETAIL DBY GOODS* J^EDUOTION. NEW STYLE PINA CLOTH ROBES OF THIS SEASON’S IMPORTATION, REDUCED FROM $22 TO $lO, AND PROM $lO TO $7.60. ■S GREAT BARGAIN. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., jeB 3t 818 and 830 CHESTNUT ST. IRRESISTIBLE INDUCEMENTS T O PURCHASE !!!! ORBAi REDUCTION IN BUMMER GOOFS I!! . RICH SILKR. rPI.ENDID L.CE GOODS !!.'! A CHISM have Ibis day Reduoed tbsir stock of Fancy Bilks , FROM as TO SO PER CFNT, , Under their usual Low Pnoes« we propose se’llng oil every Yard of «r i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. We al*o invite speoial attention to our rrenoh Laco Bournous and Eugenes, v reach Lace Shawls and Mantles, French Lace Pom s and Piocolominies, ' Cambria Laoe FniprO' 1 * Mantle*, Black Silk Mantilla*. Duster*. &0., &0., Wide Black Silks for Dusters „ THORNLEY & CHISM, N.E.O-mer EIGHTH k SPRING O.rBJEN. | INEN CRUMB CLOTHS. -* .. „ , Gray Linen Damask Drugget*. Gray Linen Stair Crash, -. Linen Table Cloths. Linen Diaper* and Towel*. M , Light Summer Quilt*. Mosnuito Nettings. f . . _ „„ Bath and Friction Towels. Linen and Fruit d’Oyliee. oa- . Wine Cloth*, Stand Covers. Buff and Dark Window Hollands. ~ „ fIHAKPLKSS BROrHERS. Je6-if CHESTNUT, corner of EIGHTH St*. LINENS. A fresh invoice of BHJRTING LINENS direct from the manufac turers, RICHARDSON, SONS, fc OWDEN, of Belfaat, jastreceived. These Goods are selected expressly for our famllv frade,and are guarantied free from any admixture of Cotton. PERKINS fc COj, apT 9 South NINTH Btreet. CLOTHING. govs- CLOTHING. ROCKHILL & WILSON. No. 003 AND 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Are offering to the publio, 'in connection with their TflgutAr tnume.i of MEN’S CLOTHING, f A superior ttook or BOYS’ CLOTHING. Ofthe latest Spring Goods, and made in the s MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. Measures taken and Garments made to (ftder at th» BHORl t EST NOTICE. my2l-1m H. ELDRIDGE, « CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” «. B, Corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Sti. Customer Work made at short notloe. mh9l Jm-if WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. AMERICAN WATCHES MADE BY THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, MaS3. Attention is invited to the following statement an accompanying letters of recommendations and testimo nials in favor of these celebrated Watches. A gold medal was awarded the Company by the .American Institute, at New York, in 1857. Tho Company also received the first premium—a gold medal—from tho Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, in \W. These Watches have now beon in the market for nearly ten years* 'during whioh time they have bean tested as to accuracy, durability* and reliability in every conceivable manner, and have proved themselves to be the mpst satisfactory tlme-picoes ever offered to the public. This result has been brought about by a strict applica tion of mechanical soienoe to the construction of the Watoh from its very inoeption. rendering it when finished, mathematically correct in all its proportions, and necessarily os perfect atimerkeeper as it is possi ble to make. The Company have tested their Watches in many in stances by actual daily noting, and the result of this test has been that they have exhibited a rate equal in regularity to the beet marine chronometer. N, fl.—We have just introduced a n«to style of Watoh, elaborately fla shed, and thinner than any we have hitherto produced, with several improvements calcu lated to insure the greatest aoouraoy of performance, and to prevent the usual accidents and derangements to which foreign watchrsare liable. The following is from Mr Porter, the well-known Marine Chronometer and Watohmaker: Boston, April 80, 1860. Mr. R. E. Robbins. Treasurer, 4*e. Rear Sir: Kinea uy note to *ou of September, 1859. I have sold a number of your Company’s Watches, and hear good reports from them without exception. They give me no trouble and ray oustomors every satisfaction. Reoently* a shipmaster, to whom I said one last year, called to say that his Ohronometor having broken down at sea, he navigated his vessel safely home by his Waltham Watoh. Yours truly, Guo. E. Pottbr. New York, January 83, 1860. R. E. Robbins, Esq. Roar Sir: The American Watoh made br your Com pany, which I have had in constant use fpr about ayear has kept exomlent time, and sustains your guaranty. It seems to be less disturbed by horseback and railroad oar jolting than tho generality or foreign watohee. Respectfully yours, Ghoboe P. Morris, Book Room, No, 200 Mulberry Street, New York . February 6, 1860. R. E. Bobbins. Treasurer Amtrican Watch Co.\ Rear Sir; I take great pleasure™ being able to certify that !or tne last ten months l have carried & watch from the manufactory of the American Watch Company, and that it has given perfeot satisfaction as a time keepe Judging from the one J havs, I do not hesitate to prediP , that the day is not far distant when watohps made ip ify United*:tates will supersede all othprf. Wilton Bluf?, 9. C.,0vt0ber20,1359. R E. Roddies, Esq, Bear Sir: The thTee watches of your manufaotur whioh I purchased to bo used on my plantation, har proved to bo the moat cor root time-keepers I have ever known. I gave my head servant, my head oarpenter, and my head engineer, each one of them*, and *™ce they have been in their respective po’se‘ssi r> n, every thing on the plantation has moved like olook-work. in ooreoqaen< , e of the extreme accuracy and regularity with whioli these watohee perform. ’Yours truly, Lewis Morris. Chicago, 111., MarohlSSO. American Watch Com?ant, Waltham, Mass. I havo tested with extreme rnro the ruiinipg of the watch I bought of you, now nearly since, and so, accuraie and equable has been its performances that } • bought it would interest you.apd nil others familiar with horology to see a record of its variations. It Was finally setto true time after it had been regulating in my possession for throe months; Juno 6 lost 4 seo. I October lost 8 sea. August 16 lost6seo. I Beoombor 16....95e0. Bin> e which time its average monthly variations have not exeoeded six seconds. N rman Wiabd. Caut ov.—As our watoh is now extensively oounter fei«ed by foreign manufacturers, wo have to inform the pubtiothnt no watch is of our production whioh isunfto oompamed by a certificate of genuineness, bearing the number of the wat< h, and signed by our Tiensuror, R. B. Robbins, or by our predecessors, Aiplrton, Tracy Sc Co. An theso watches are for atle br jewellers generally throughout tho Union, tho Amorionn Watoh Company do notsolioit orders tor single matches. HO>BBINS & APPLETON, WHOLESALE IGKNT9, in>26-s6t-if Wo. 183 BROADWAY, NEW PORif, JUST FEpBIVED BY TflE CITY OF VTASHINQTOPI, ‘ A LARGE STOCK OF JET BRACELETS. Both Plain and Gold Mounted, whioh will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES, DY THOMAS O. GARRETT. 1M,29 lm No. 713 CHESTNUT STREET JLLUMINATOR^. Eveiy one is complaining of their exorbitant gas bills. At No. do South THfRD Btreet> tuay Tm seen the 44 best Lamps in the wor'd • Can be peed wherever light is wanted- Oneapar than coal, nit, or gas. .«g*nls are making SeO a woek Bolling them. Moro wanted. 830 000 sola, 'I he Gas Lamps will light a room 20 feet square fori cent an hour, or will bum ail night for a fow cents. . . . BR. C. GR&ENK Sc CO., mySl-tlis&m-Iy No. 55 eouth THIRD Street. OIL.—IO3 bl>ls now in store and landing, made by the Walhonding Coal Oil Com quality, brilhanoy, and cheapness, this Oilis un surpassed. Samples wilt be furnished, and all information given, by WILLIAM M. WILSON, General Agent for the Company, Je7-6tif 3« 8 MARKET St eet. 1860. I0E! I0E! 1860. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. HD ALB OX* FAMILY PRICES. pound* daUy 40 oents per week, 13 44 “ 33 «» 44 90 »* 44 70 44 44 40 44 “ 105 44 44 76 44 44 173 44 •* Send your orders to the offices, or may be given to the Office*. a«i WALNUT Street.!?ond ?tory {PINE STREET-WHARF. Bohuylkill. City Depot, LOM BARDaod TWENTY-FIFTH Streets. apfe-Smlf rpRySSEtt! BR AO It’S ! SUPPORTERS I X Correctly adjusted at NEEDLES’, TWELFTH and RAG* Streets. Ladiesentranc? 153 Twelfthat+Af* fiHt’dwr below Ha.,.. Lad, attendant., Frenoh, S fish, and Amerloan, in great variety, Belts vui,... Biinulder Braoei, §{rlige,£to° TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG *1 J. The subscriber takes this mothnd of informing hts friends and the pnblio, that on and after JUNE 20th hia house will be open for the re ception of guests, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor him. The house is plea sant y situated on a fine bluff, with fawn in front. A full view of the ocean. KoodVoßi, stabUni? *o°.makl it as attractive as any house in the country. Thecom nmnioation is accessible by two daily.lmes from foot of Walnut-street wharf, viz.: eA. M.,and2 P.M. Referonoe-Grandy, Warden, Sc Co.. 2*29 Chestnut street. B. A. SHOEMAKER, je&-2m Proprietor* SJURF HOUSE* ATLANTIC OITY, N. J. This spacious Hotel, possessing the most advanta geous location at Atlantic City, having been recently enlarged* will be opened for the approaching season on thePihlnstant. A new wing, three stories high and 93 feet in length, with verandah surrounding it,has been add'd, contain ing 4S large and airy rooms and extending to within 60 yards of the ocean, a fine prospeotof whioh is afforded f rom almost every room in the house. Gas in being introduced into the building, additional bathhouses wl] be ereoted.and numerous other im provements made, it being the aim of the -proprietor to make the SU*F HOUSE one of the moet attracftve ■*°Lf nm ?r, e J re,oJ t near Philadelphia. Thei table will be supplied in the most liberal manner, an iL«L l £ o *. ll H 9 .£ ar f? be exercised in the general ar the house with a view to the comfort ind convenience of guests. ; The bathing at Atlantic is unsurpassed- and the pure, dir,, atmospherehasproved to be partioulsily beneficial Parties wishing to engage rooms will please address the subeonper at the Surf House, or at the Ashland House, Aroh street. Philadelphia. Jsgtutbs-Sm H. 0 BENSON. SUMMER BOARDING.—OLD SAND SPRING near Womelsdorf. "orko county. Pa. The lar*eand oommodious HOTEL. AND BOARD INGHOUSE, at this delightful Summer Retreat, is now completed, and will be opened for Boarders on the 15th o JUME t 1869. •9" Comraunioauon twioe daily, from Philadelphia by the Reading and Lebanon Valley Boarders reoeived by the week or through the season, on reasonable terms.' Jeß-lm JOHN MANDEBBACH, Proprietor. The loretto springs, oambria county, Pennsylvania, will be opened for the re ception of visitors, on the 20th day of June next, under the management of Major JOHN BRADV, well known as the highly competent and experienced landlord, for many years, of the Brady House, Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania. This now and delightful resort for-those seeking either health or pleasure, 1b situated one irnlA from the villaze of Loretto, and four miles from Cresson Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad—from whioh, to Lo retto. there -s awoll-oonstruoted plank road- The Springs are about 2.600 fret above tide-water, and the air is always b-aoing and invigorating} the thermo meter seldom ranging above 76 dentin summer. The bead-waters of the ‘■urcu-hanna and Clearfield abound in trout, and the mountain ranges are filled with game, affording fine sport to those who are fond of such amusements. The buildings are admirably constructed with respeot to room and ventilation, and the whole fitted up with every appliance that can contribute to the comfort and convenience of the guests—ball-alley, baths, billiard tables, Ac., Ao. The waters of these Springs have been analyzed b y se veral eminent Hiemista, and fourd to oontam. in large proportions all those valued mineral properties for which the Bprings of this spur of the Alleghany have long been celebrated. ’ In connection with the Springs Is a Water-Cure Fstablishment, obartered by the State, and under the charge of the celebrated Hycropathie Physioian. Dr. ei. Frease, of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, whowillgivehis entire attention to the cure of all diseases Terms $lO per week per patient Cpmn.Qiation tickets to Loretto Springs, for visitors, will b« issued from Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and all the way-stations on the ionte. „ A daily mail leaves Lor«tto for all parts of the Union. On the arrival of visitors atCresson.ooaohes will be in readme l s to convey them to the Springs. Those visiting the Water Cure should be provided with packing, covering, fro. je7-tjyl F. a. GIBBONS, Jr., Seoretary, QARLISLK WHITE BTTLPHUR SFXINGS, Cumberland oo. f Pa. Accommodations for 300. TEBMS LOW OWBN, C jc7-3m Mount holly springs hotel, PENNA. This favorite and .delightful BUMMER RESORT, Six Miles from Carlisle, Cumberland county, ia now open to visitors. The pure atmosphere, mountain air and water, with the beautiful dr*ves and walks, and othor attractions which are so welt known, make it a very desirable plane for Families to spend the Summer. For further particulars, address as above. ISAAC PARSONS. Jeg 12t June 5. 1860. Florence heights hotel.—^The extensive Hotel -will be openad for the reception of visitors on the 10th of June. The table arrangements will be under the direction of that eminent oaterer, THOMAS J. DORSEY, of this oity, to whom-pphcation may be made far rooms, at No. 1231 LOCUST Street Pio Nio, and other Parties on the lawn, will have eg pooial attention, without intruding upon the privacy of resuiar boarders. The subeoriber may be found at the Hotel, to make the necessary arrancements for boarders. je2-10t B. ROBBINS, Plorence, New Jersey. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Snminer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the FIRST OF JUNis, and kept open till the Ist of October. Tne Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. 0* ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, ami attention to his guests. give the amplest assurance ot comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishm* rooms, or any information in regard to the place, will address the subeonber, JNO. P. IiEKD, Seo’r ana Treasurer. Bedford Mineral Spring* do. Ephrata mountain springs, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania-—This esUb l<shment will be open by th« IXta of Jane Tfee ad vantages of this beautiful resort are s Mountain scenery, pure air, ana soft water; every, variety of baths, and ftiiiujements; a good stock of livery horses, and car riages. For further particulars call on JOSEPH B. MYERS, corner Third and Vine Streets; JAMES S. EARLE, No. 818 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIGMACJIKR, Ephrata Poat Office, Lancaster County. Pa. my3o-lm SACHEM’S HEAD HOTEL, GUILFORD.CONN The proprietor of this well-known first-class fashiona ble Summer-Uotio© wwJjl inform .lU formar. patrons aao the public generally, that he has built on three Hun : dred leet this spring, making seven y-four new bed rooms, new dining room forty by one hundred new parlor forty by seventy. Every room in the house is newly furnished with tteto Carpets and new Cottage Furniture. The Hotol is of mode n construction, built on an extensive scale, with accommodations for tour hundred guests; beautifully located on Long Island Pound, 'ourteon miles east of New Haven, on tne New London and Stomnxton Railroad ; pew Billiard Room, with three new tables, two now ten-pin alleys at a con venient distance from the houses and twelve new bath ing houses. Fishing ib not surpassed on th* sound. A new yaeht of forty-five tons, and several small sail boats, wl 1 be constantly on hand, ready for parties. Going from New York to Sachem’s Head, take the 8 A. M.train,and3 P.M.train; cheek and ticket to Sa chem’s head direot chancing oars at New Haven time through Hi hours. From New Haven to the Head at 7# A. M. ll a. M. and OP M.—time forty mi-utes. at the Sachem’s (lead depot will ba foand one of Cook’s best four-horse omnibuses, new and olean, to oarry you d reot to the House. A new barn, one hundred by fifty-two feet, has been built this spring, which will accomodate fifty horses Eight aores of land have been enclosed and filled with ornamental and fruit trees, walks, fleo- The House will be opened for the reception ofcompa ry on the 30th day of Judo next, Under the immediate superintendence of the owner, N. B.—Mosquitoes are never seen at the Head. jeS I7t TOMINJE HOTEL. NEWHAVBN conn. ■The subscriber has refurnished this fashionable first chaa Hutel entire this spring;,remodelled the o'd Dining Room; added a new Ladies’ < 'rdinary; and put in com plete orucrhis milliard and Bata Rooms. - F&mil es can have suits of at either House, as low as at an* first-class House in the Country. Boarders can go to and from the TONTINE to the HEAD, *hree times a day. by rai), and take their raeAls at either House, without extra charge, Having purchased and stooked a large farm at Ba ohom’s Head this spring, the two Houses Will be fur nishe t with meats, poultry, milk, butter, vegetables and liuit. ally, from the farm. A tele-rap!) line has been put up at Sachem’s Head, and at the Tontine, at the proprietor’s own expense, which oonnects with all the fines in the r nited States, jcS-fft H. LKtv 80UANIVN! JjMREWORKS ! FIREWORKS ! A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF BRILLIANT FIREWORKS, Uf the inahufQotut? of 1860< in store and for sate* Wholesale and Retail, hi STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, 1210 MARKET STREET. James Flov.B. D, INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT fiHeflt, PHILADELPHIA. THE STATE OP fONFINEB TO FIHE~AND INLAND RISK?, t-inKCTOBS Samuel Wright, D, B. Bimer, Win. W. Walter*, J. W. Everman, Ohos. Richardeon, Henry Lewi*, Jt„ beo. A. West, Jaoob W. Stout, o. wil»on Davit, Meqko Stern. XThos. 3, Martin, OKORGE W. PAY, President, FRANCIS N. BUCk. ViM PrM't WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. SeoriW. JaU-tf i JAPANESE SUPPLEMENT TO PBILA -0 DELPHIA INQUIRER. ctTdu? JS&AP K * IN Q UIRER will issue a BUPPLVMENI on SATURDAY containing the Por trait of Kfloh Member of the Embassy and the Commis sioners—Also one of the Celebrated Tomm?—The Visit ing Cards of the Ambassadors—'Their Kitchen Ar rangements and Mode of Cooking—Their Parlor Ar rangements and Mode of Sitting-*A Sketch of the His torj of the Japanese. PRICE TWO C -NT*. Agents should send it\ their orders at once, JAP.ANEaK SUPPLEMENT TO PHILA DELPHIA INQUIRER. THE PHILaDKI.PHIA INQUIRER will issue a SUPPLEMENT onBATURD*V, containing the Por trait ol each Member of the E ttbassy. and the Commis sioners—Also, one of the Celebrated Tommy—The Vi siting Cards of the Amba sailors—Their Kitchen Ar rangements, and-Mode of Cooking—Their‘Paror Ar ranKeinenls and Mode of Sitting—A Sketch of the His tory of the Japanese PRICE TWO CENTS. Agents should send in their ordors at onfe. JAPANESE SUPPLEMENT TO PRILA tP DELTHIA INQU RER. ' ' CX f /n i PHILADELPHIA„! NC * UIR ER Will issue a 8V Mt.Nl on SATURDAY containing: the Por trait ol each member of the embassy and the Commis sioners—also, one of the Colohrated Tommy—The Vi siting Cards of the Ambassadors—l heir Kitohen Ar rangements and Modo of Cooking—Their Parlor Ar rangements and Modo of Bitting—A Bketoh of the His tory of the Japanese. a , PKICK TWO GENTB. Agents should send in their orders at once. jeB*2t JAPANESE SUPPLEMENT TO PHI LADE' PHI A INQUIRER. THE PHILADELPHI* INQUIRER ypU issue a SUPPLEMENT on BATURDaY containing the Por trait ol eaoh Member of the Embassy nnd the Comm'B- Bioners—Also, onoof the Celebrated Tonimv—The'Vi siting Cards of the Ambossad. rs—Tbeir Kitonen Ar rangements and Mode of Cooking—Their Parlor Ar rangements and Modo af Sitting— A bketoh of the His tory of tn© Japanese PRICE TWO CENTS. Agents should send in their orders at onqe, joS-2t JAPANESE SUPPLEMENT TO PHILA DKLPHIA INQU'RER. THE PHILADELPHIA- INQUIRER will issue a SUPPLEMENT on SATURDAY oontSning the Por trait of Ketch Member of the Embassy and the Coramis sioners—Abo, one of the Celebrated Tommy—The Visiting Cards of the Ambassadors— I Their Kitohen Ar rongoinen a and Vlode of Coqkmg-Their Parlor Ar rangements and Mi'Ue ol Sitting—A Bketoh of the His tory of the Japanese. “ l 8 . . i TWO CENTS, Agents should send in their orders atones. iefi St TURTLE AND (Jl* AM SOUP served w. b', Dinner, from Uto 3 o’olnnlr. mria tf fW M«S. M. S. BISHOP’S PARISIAN t THE BEST ARE UiiEAJfKST.— Buy Umbrellas and Parasols of J* PARASOLS a no SUN UMBRELLAS, -I - ® in every vitriPt!’ °he»p, at t ■ n WM. fl. RICHARDSON’S, B»rU-H7'if .18 MARKET St, "pT FAIKB iNKS’ PLA'I FORM SCALts' SUMMER RESORTS. The favorite resort for those who appreciate Grand Scenery, Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating Baths, Large and Welbventilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good Table, , For particulars send for Circu lar. JLENDENIN. & VIBBCHER. Carlisle Spring, I FIREWORKS. WANTS* A FIRST-RATE CANVASSER wanted „ for this city, to obtain subscriptions for new Steel Fngrftvjngs of EDWARD .EVEICtSTT. and WABH of experience mar address “ W. B. B.i Continental Hotel, with reference. it Vtt^ANTED—AII Wheelwrights Wngon -B™th Pf I PT‘W I Cyach Builders, to call at 408 fclloe-bendia <itreat ’ and sc ® weuoeiui of heavy jn9 «» t.nCKENBAOH. MQKBBBQN, fc CO. VMTANTED— A Partner in acaihandsuc * ( *4“ ul, r fi'rried on buiintu. with a capital of 3S * or ® at «°ulan address Box 1381, Philadelphia. Post Office, ’ Je9-2t* MM7"ANTBD —An honest man. who can y * read and write, as porter in a wholesale grocery store. Good references required. Address “P. A Co,” office of this paper, ' jeT-4t* IyIfANTEO—A Purchaser for a first-class j Patent Tight; or 9floo would eccure an interest In owner ofthe invention. Ad urcy J. L. Jones.” Blood’s Dispatoh. j c g at* ANTED, by a young lad, seventeen i j/ a situation in a retail grocery *tore. Address AUGUSTUS, officeof this paper, je6-4t* JFOH SALE AND TO LET. SALE OF ORIZABA IRON 5 o„.^h?. K v;£ 0 /P ,a FWBNAnB, kc.-Br yirta. S* rnulM, for certain ore dt to r* of Polla rd M o Conn Io k. otd in pursuance of a ea oree of the DLStriot Court of Allegheny count*, us the Comraonweath of Pennsylvania, m No. 3 of Woven, be r term, 1858, we wilbexpote to pubho sale, at the mkr. CHAfIV EXCHANGE, onPi-URT& StrKt !5 the city of Pittsburgh, en the »th (twelfth) dar of Jane \m, commeooini at H'o’olook A. M, the R6ll?nx Mill and Nail Factories, situated near New Castle. Law- 1 repce county, Pennsylvania, known as the ORIZaBa IRON WOrtliS, 00 taininir H Boilms Fni-iiS/." j Heating Furnaoea, Bay Rolls, Small Rolls, Nail Plate Bqneesers, 49 Nail Machinesfone Wrought Spike Mac tune, and Machinery for manufac turing Nail K>g« and Fire Briok. Also, tne Blast Furnace, known as SOPHIA, ad ,«.n,l^s-a^r)n6 or k*. which, is capable •of turning out ÜBl tons of Pig Iron per week. S; f2’A°i 7er i? 1 * or ground, adjoining, and several adjacentto the Iron Works,containing oal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. n^a?n M 2n«P2 e /k attll i. of V 1? P money to be °.T acknowledgment of the deed; the and I br from the tune of sale, with, interest from >luvt time; th» deferred pay ments to be secured by bond and morLoxe on the pre hr a,a yAg”' "POR SALS OR TO LET—A Double :*• Stone « ottage. Germantown, situate on Dewey’s lane, second house from Thorp’s lane, five minutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to F.s. WILSON, leg' l ” 603 CHESTNUT Street A ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE for sale, replete with all the 'modem conveni ences,,in one ofthe most heal hful kections of Penn sylvania, convenient to the City, on the line ofthe Penn sylvania Railroad, with Access to and from the city se ver 1 times, daily. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or exebanned in part for merchandise or city property, or a large portion oi the purchase money may remain se onred upon the property. For farther particulars apply at thift office. jes-6t s MFOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR MERCHA 'DIBE—Two two-story briok houses aim lot ot ground subject to improvement Rent for 973 per annum, each. A small amount of cash, and the balance m merchandise required. Address A. 8., Press Office. gg factory property for sale.— A dtost desirable Factory, wit 1 * large lot of ground, fronting on three at ree e. suitable for’almost any kind oi manufacturing. Terms easy. Forpartiou lars, of AbFR KD FITLKR. Sixth below Arch, or to W. D. ROGERS, No. 1009 iieitnat st. C*OR SALE—A DES'RABLE FARM, * containing 112 ACRE’S OF LrND, situate in Rad nor township, Delaware count/, 12)4 miles from Phila delphia, on the old Lancaster Road, aboutone mile from Morgan’s Corner, and Eagle stations on the Pennsylva- Railroad,, with all necessary FAKJ4 BUILD IN G 3, conveniently di nded into fields with good spn gs and running water upon it, a small proportion «f wood land, good orchard of choice fruit, soil of the first qual ity. For a view of the oremises and further particulars appl/,t° THOMAS DAVIS on the premises, or CQAB. KUGLbR, Cabinet poat office, Montgomery county, i a. mySO-wAgot* OOR SALE—A veiy productive Farm, * cont tning 80 acres, situato in Radnor Township, Delaware oounty. twelve miles from Philadelphia, about one mile from .Morgan’s Corner and fcagle Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The old Lancaster Rnad Asses through it. it has all neqessary buildings, in tho rough repair; the soil is of the first quality, in a high state m cultivation, well watered, good orchard of vari ous kinds of choice fruit, about ten aores of woodland. JfiißnU* ‘ m ?. ded ,f desired. Apply to PETFR JA ,oaoth®^ BraiMB s or » CHARLES KUGLER, UABLNEI Poat Office. my23-w&s6t* gg TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR ■Slitory house, double back buildinve, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant large yard, iejms I°*vuj a good tenant. Situated No. 1924 CHLBT.NUT Street. Apply at No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonic Halt. myM-tf Xj*oß SALE, CHEAP—A new Ladd, Web * star, * Co.*s Sewing Machine—the best manu factured. Address “ Bewmg Machine,” offioe of The Presss myM-tf m furnished house to let.—a Ml furnished house to let, at the northwest corner of Ninth and Looust streets. Apply on the premises, or at No. 19 FA&CtUHAtt BUILDINGB. w>9-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For tale a, large lot in the Southwestern seotion of the city, well adapted fora Nursery. Terms accommoda ting. For particulars address “ K.” at this office. ap!7-tf ® TO RENT—Two beautifully situated doable houses, well shaded, with coach houses and gardens attached, on Taoony Plank Road, one mile below Tacony. and three-quarters of a mile from Pas senger Railway depot at Bridesburg. Apply at 717 WALNUT Street. mhlT-tf TO LET.—The first floor ofthe fine build ing, No. 704 CHEBTNUT street, formerly ooeupted for a wholesale (and lateiy as a retail) fancy goods Mid perfumery store. Apply at the offioe of JULESHADEL & CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT street, Phila. jel-lm . m' FOR SALE, od accommodating teims, th® STORK AND DWELLING, No. ait. Arch street. Apply to WM R. ALLEN, mj3l-I2t* 830 ARCH street. &FOR SAL«—A HANDSOME PRO PRRTY, in Germantown, within a few minutes walk of the depot. Fine garden, withnotbeds. Abun dance Of Fruit—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Stone House; gas and water throughout. Stone Stable. Large Lawn. Termi vary oooommodatins. nnd poaaeuioo riven when required. Apply to B. B. COMF.tiYS, apli-if at the Philadelphia H ,uk. LET.—THE OELE- V/BRATED LUKE FlrtLBR COLLIERY, aitoated at Shamokin, in the Shamokin Coal Basin- and on the line of the Shamokm Valley and PotUville Railroad, will be let upon the completion of the improvements now in progress. There are two vein* of Red Ash Coal opened on the property? each seven feet thick. The ooat is of a supe rior quality, and has attained a high reputation where ever it has been introduced It is highly valued and oommands a. ready sale in Baltimore and intermediate places, to union it is sent both by canal and railroad- A market has also been opened for this coal in the North and Northwest. For shipment to the East it may be taken to Delaware City, and, upon the completion in June next, of the extension of the Mine Hill Rai jread to connect with the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad, it can be shipped B,t Richmond. These veins will yield from three to four hundred thousand toot above water level. There are other veins of White, Red, and Gray Ash Coal on the pro perty. which are easily accessible. The capacity of the breaker is fifty thousand tons per annum. The Colliery can be examined on application to D< W, C. Cleaver, on the premise;, For farther information apply to A- M. KABTWICK, mhg-tqths if No. 831 VINE Btteet Philadelphia. BOARDING. rtOUNTRY BOARDING—At a firsf-class V* farm-house, thirty six miles from the City, near Avondale Btation, P. AB. C. K. R, access to and from the oity three times ad iy. Perrons desiring Board for their famines are invited to view the place. Cars leave Depot, riGHTEHNrH and MARKET Street*, P. M., and AVONDALE in time to reach the oity by 9 A. M. For pa ticulars.addrestE, W.HlCKS,Chatham, Che ster county, Penny,. jeA-Ut* Families and gentlemen “wish ing FIRST-CLAS* BOARD, withoool Rooms, cap now have ohoice at Q>& WALbUT ot. jeg lm* CUMMER BOARDfNG. Aocoinmoda- tions for two or three small rise families, and a few single hoarders, cap be secured at Eaton Academy, hynuett Square, Chester county, if application be made without delay. Access by oar* three times dailv. Address WILLIAM CHANDLER, | jeft-13t* I’nnoipal an > Proprietor. TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with or without board,) in a private family. Location cen tra). Address ** TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Pie palch- aptt DIVIDENDS. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, « m PHiLADXLpRiA, May 1,18». The. Directors have THIB DAY declared a Dividend f THREE CENT, on the Capital Stook, clear ol tate Tax, and payable on demand. mvl-tf J. W. TORRKY. Cashier EDUCATIONAL. MISS lUOY R. MAYER and Mrs. K. M. BIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Street, on AIONDaY, Sep tember 17th, 1860. je2-3m REMOVALS. Removal —small * ohandleb, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have removed Bom fid North SECOND Street, to 123 MARKET Street, above Front, north side. • la! PERSONAL. PERSONAL —To Wheelwrights, Wagon makers, and the trade in general. The undersigned would respeotfully oall the attention of such to their samples ol heavv felloe-bonding at 400 South FI eTH Street LUCRbNBACtt, NICKERSON, A CO. je9-2t* All persons are cautioned against harboring or tiustin* my Wife, AMANDA W. SCO IT. who left my bed and board wi.hout any cause or provocation, ns 1 will not pa) any debts ttat fltie contracts, alter this date. Jy.yga.lB6Q. It* ALEX, W. STOTT. PERSONAL. —A. D. ANCONA GIVES the Highest Cash Price for Ladiea’ and Gents’ caat-olf Clot him, at 330 SOUTH Street, ieS-6t* /'iASH will be paid, and the highest price for Indie*’ and gente’oast-off Llothing Please call at, or address D. D. ANCONA, No. SOUTH Street below Eighth. je6-6t* SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—.Oom- XWi B m,^i! dlo *' southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH .Streets. Open daily from 9 till J o’clock, and .oa MONDAY till ft in the evening. This Ola Institution has always paid in full, on demand, without notice. Alt ‘ INTEREST FIVE PER CENT- All sums paid back, on demand, in gold and surer. President. BAML. WORK, Vice President ■fe f.ted. j °saWii-Bo JOHN Q.RIMh. Secretary. mylS-lm CPItING' GARDEN SAVING FUND, KVE NINGS, from 6 to a o’olook. interest apet’eenL per annum. Depositors oan with drfiiy tboir. »roneys by Checks, if desired. Special De paßK* receive . j AMEQ g PHJHGLE( Preiidwt . FasNcis Haht. Beeretarv. apfo-tfif QABRI4GEB. 0» TU ttJUnWAOTBK* 0, WILLIAM I>. ROGERS. KEFOSITOEY, / He. 10U1 CHESTNUT STUFF*. No. 1011. ~ • i.tO-,mif AZUMEA ! AZOMEi ! AZUMEAt AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PH‘JF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING VOWDEB. Manufaotnred solelr at No. 02 North FOUIITH Street, and for eale bj urooere generallr. m,Q-3mif AJHJSESfEJiTS. A° m A PS, OT MUSIC. - THE GRAND i •• TO THFfil EXOKLI/gWtKS THE AMBASSADORS FROM JAP AX • Having, Commencing at SJf-o'eloek. , The whole nuder the immedi»to#ir#etion of . MEtSRfi, WHEATLEY & CLARKE, who have prepared the most and varied enttr fainmmtensr given is v AN AMERICAN THEATRE ! in the of which .no care, expense, or l&bnr has been spared to render it highly creditable to our oitv, and entirely worthy this important event. . They are happy to aai;oaßoe that an arrangement has been effected with the Directors of toe Academy of Plaatt’ New York whereby th* s*rvices of the fol lowing distinguished artists have been secured: ' vSSSBSSK - tre*Havana?** Academy and the Taoon Thta -BIGNOK URATI, Conductor. »wVsss.'og;“‘or 11 in «»«f »«“- . .LVCKKZU. BORGIA. oSSSSIf Borfl * r.MHa PARODf. The Orchestra* on this important occssicu, will com w.n . MR. J.S. OLARKE wiu make hi* first apoearanee herein a POPULAR COMEDIETTA w;n.. j.M’LL TERESA PARODI Will Sior the Ot%q(J National Bong of ... - ..THE star SPiKGL- O BAMMER. corabiosd forces of the iLfiN CIat]ONB VOUMB a«It«BKOHO* ABSO QJ? 209 Drvnpng rTt* I orTHB PRIEST*, from The Magio Plato,” and CHAPEL CHORUS. M«en nerchors, under the direction of CARg, SbNTZ. D'vsQA BLITZ ' ' The Renowned Magician in a nhoice eelsotionof Ap propriate and Extraordinary Feat* of Legerdemain. _ * M*GIC DANCK OF TWO NATIONS’ Rfprgsenting tbe UNION OF JAPAN AND THE Sm b, E §r®w:'w^d”' S * red W*"'’roiuS Ze>- Putomlmis *° ° oncl “ tio w > tll 10 »ppropri»ts Comio BALLET* in which will be introdoSd the fnmno. . ... _ . WAVPObJB DAMOE. from the Comedv of the M>N OP THE OLDEN TIME. »[ the “S'*.. ?'l,SlSd“ omli; d orTiXtl ho'sE* o i d A s v/ ,^?: yi?KB f AiHOT.£.°Si T ir;‘D <>f «h? ARCH STREET® iIEATRP d Jfta'rl Sh^tA* M. every day previous to the Matinee w.^s-i? loo l* >nel>o!lartoaU P*tU of the house. No reservea seats. ~ TtOLLIE DUTTON GIVES LEVEES AT , HALL. Uncfr. NEXT M'od.T Md Tasida. APTErtNOONmnd EVE.HNS.t3 .ad. a o olock, and no longer. It S*/ - ALNUT-STREE'i THEATRE. . Sfh Lauaa Mnt. M. A. GARRHTTBON . BB,i,#M A,ant .-V ' Mv Mfc *V UR HV * THISI SATURDAY) EVENING, jeni 9.1*0. vSsl\&ToTF^“ffl^E’g l ih SEARCH OF „ „ GLANCIb AT NSW YORK. . __M"ose. Mr. Chanfran j Karr, Mini Perry. r • mIdDL* man. r * F-B»Ch**nfrau: Mons. Vorare, Mr. ; Honor O’Carol&n, Miss Amue Wilks, ■wrnoesas usual. Door, avm .♦ Vi tpolock : Curtain will riu t wt 8, W'HEATLEY A CLARKE’S ARCH. * T STREET THEATRE. THIS SATURDAY. UAPT RIGHT OP DION BOUCIOAULT! LABT N GHT OP DiON I.OUCJ'-AU'T ' t BOIMCAULT 1 LAST N ORT OP THE COLLEEN HAWK! LAST NIG-T i’P THE COLLEEN BATON' LnST NIGHT OF THE CO'LeEN BAWNI PJST KI2SS ° l ' THE "eason i AA f ;T„2 T SS,T„ OP .. THK reason i secure your .eats in time. IVATIONAL T *FATRE—WALNUT w STREET. ABOVE EIGHTH'. ■ THIS (BATURDAY) Jon. 9. U», Will b. pre.ented .ntiti.d iJi > - I r b ., O, E. d . hfr °|? 0 2, rt ?-Coihn.: Th« Dttd Sp*“. I Tnl o'Brntw»An.<fr. Pillrim: Artful flodjer. Mr. Maginley. and Parquel, 3S cts., Family (iitolfi. 1& cts.i Orobestra Cham irnmnwl SO OM.; Coinred Boxea, 15 m FriStt’S', 76 ots.; Entire Private Box. $8 and 93. Doors open at 7?4 o’oiook; Performance will oom mejee punctually at 8 o’clock. «»® TIfcDONOUGH’S GAIETIFS RACE -i-rM. STREET. THREE NEW PLAYS. AND PADDY’S WBR>DINO >LIO! ? THE OMNIBUS. tine'Se FABiERp’ THE BEST COMPANY IN THE CITY. P*IRST GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL BANO-w 1 ! TIC-NIU OP THE PHILADELPHIA GLESFIELD r MONJ> AY, June 11, 18», at EG- The Committee have seleoted this beau trial and ro* muitio retreat, being easy of acccaa by all the G\\y Passenger HsjJ»»y Car*, connectinr with the Bir*rd uvenne JRftilar&r.or the Fairmount Steamboats, like wise by the Reading Railroad Cara MH i\ ITA V BAND, of THIRTY PER FORMERS, will perform a variety of Introductory Muaio. Danoinr will pommenee at 11 o'clock A M. A Grand Concert at o’clook P. M- At 4 o’olock Danc ing, to conclude ate o clock.* A Police force will be ia attendance »o preserve order. x Tioket*. 36 cents, (Children under ten years free). dat the Wnsio £5 tores of ANDftE A Co?, 1104 CHESTNUT Btreat, or of RECK A LAW TON. S-F c«n>erof St-VBNTH and CHEBTNUT Streets.! For further particulars eee Sunday y&psn (jeB St RECEPTION OF THE JAPANESE., BATURDAY AFTERNOON, AT 1 O'CLOCK.— 4 *r. r i?A n 4 robstantial cohered STAGE u being erected on BROAD street, adjoining the Academy of Mnsm. ©*- papf* of seating I.tOO persona oomfonably. Tickets ■ with seat are for sale at CHICKENING A CHESTNUT street. PriceMcenta, jee-kt* THEATRE. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT'! NIXON’S ROYAL EQUESTRIAN TROUPE! FROM NIBLO’S GARDEN, New York; BOSTON ACADEMY OF MUSIC; »nd ABTLEY’S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, London. At which place, the, have drawn the mo«t crowded audiencti, and created the ereateat aanaation erer made in America. Compriein* the moat fini-hed and aoeomelithed array of artiatea ever brought together on thti oontinent. Will for a _ . BRIEF BEABON, Commencin'' MONDAY, JUNE 11, 18,0. Ament the no vein nsthe f.mooa GUTTA FKRCHA RING. a»oidins aaw duatand tan-bart,'and inaldna the arena a« olean as a parlor. Among the A>tistes are Mre. 131-LA ZOYAftA. The greatest Equestrienne in the World. . _.♦JAMES. ROBINSON, whoae Ridmgand Vaulting qn a howe, without saddle or bnule, are beyond varare). .* . THfc HANLON BROTHERS', tha most wonderful bjnmaats ever seen in this or anv other oountry, • HERB CHARLTON, Thc areat Plilt D.ncet. c. s - DUVERNa, The Renowned Contortioniat. Supported by the entire Troupe of nAtm UNRIVALLfO ARTISTS. COURT JESTER. ...Mr. JOSEPH PENTL^NI). wUl'be 11 * tbC Jeadtn,f f * ator » B of the Performance THE BEAUTIFULTjUINED MARE, „ Z A I J> EE Managed by FLLA ZOVARA. „ BOX BOOS WILL OPEN On SATURDAY JUNE 9. at 10 A. M Seats secured three dare inJLdvance. „ will' y matjnkk . On WEDNEBDAY and SATURDAY. At 8 o’olook. Je7-4t T\ ATIOSAL AND HISTORICAL PANO RAMA. THIS nud fop & snort nanod at the ASBEHBLY BUILDINGS,TENTH and CHESTNUT otrp6Ui A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PANORAMA, , "tW'A'lit'llg TWENTY-FIVa REMARKABLE Vaw in amerjean History, e*oh picture co/erinx TWO HUNDRV;i> ear face feat or Can vim? n Th *S?Tpl> , s, l J B f£ ‘Nuftrate the Prominent HIBTORT p.v* events in the liv! s op the early IN ENGLAND, HOLLAND AND AME- AnU *l*o the toot* tbrttbnr event* of the „„ revolutionary war. VOCAL AND INtri&UMBNTAL MUSIC, * Appropriately illustrating each Scene, be perlormed by two accomplished Yoang La- P- M,i Esbiblti ™ oomm ' no « s Admittance 36cents. Children 10 cents. _*f Arrangements made with Teachers for the ad mittance of School* to Afternoon Exhibitions, onmo qerato terms. • Jed-de* THEATRE. MORRIB BROTHERS. PEEL A'TROWBRLDBE’S MINSTRELS. eighteen star performers. FOR TWO WEEK' 4 ONLY f'QMMENCINO MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 11. >ot full Particulars *ee future Advertiseraonls.Plaj Card*. Bhoir Bills and Programme. Admiwion . Secured Seats in tfoxes Oroheitra..—. ~,. Seat# in Private Boxes T 7 Gallery 777_. 17. _.. LON MORRIS, Manager. ' Je4 3t* CHARLES A. MORRIS, Agent. SOLOMON’S TEMPLE, A large, beautiful, and perfeot model of tn© grand est and moat interesting buildmg ever built is areotJd m the immense saloon of NATIONAL HALL. MARKET. ABOVE TWELFTH STREET. Tho Model is Sfifcet lone, 34 leet wide, and Jsfo«i high, lighted by apQ gas jets, end the worshippers re presented by 600 figures arrayed in Jewish costume, surrounding the various courts, give it a l.fe-hke ap pearance. Hradlit.Kirn.Sth toSthoh&D.; 1 Chron., 28th otmp.; SJ Cnmn., 4th and Tth ohaps.; ana Esoous. 25th chap , lor contents and description of Solomon’s Tornplerall of JJ faithfully represented m the Model. OPEN TO VlBlTkß‘*iff{nn 10 to It. A. M.,, 3 to b and 7tolo p. si. Leoture at 11,4, and 2X o’olook. Admission, 23 ©enta; two ekiltiren % il6 cents i single child. 13 cents. Liberal arrangements made with schools and churches with privilege of leoture by thsir pu&tor. myl-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street. TheSTth Annual Exhibition is now open daily, fzotri 9 o’clook A. M , until ? P. M.. ard from 8 till 10 P. M. Admission W cents. Season tickets, SO cents. Chil dren. nalf-.pneo-.,, . . Stockholders will receive theu tiokets at the office of the Academy. UaRQ 10 THE tUBLIO CONGRESS SPKINCi. SARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1860, An attempt has been made to deoeive the publio,by persona offering what they < 91l “Co ngks?s Water'* from Fountains; and at the price of six (6) cents pei glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New Vork, being about cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, aud without allowance for freight, oar tags, or breakage, is apparent; bat their probable course has been to empty on* bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christeniKi its total contents. We have never Bold Congress Water in Fountains, nor ia vessels of any other description than ordinary sized glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “ CONBREBS WATER”—” o. k, W.,'* and any, without those words and letters on the cork, ia coshtirieit,. whether from Fountains or CLARKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vis: l&l&EfltCK BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut eta., ?S£oEHICK BROWN, Jr M oor. Ninth and Chestnut,' CHARLES KLUS & Co, TU Market stSet, J-C. TURNPK “NY A Co., 941 Spruce street, THO 6. J. HUSBAND, 296 South Third Street, O, 8. HU BUELL. 1410 Chestnut street, A. 0, D. TAYLOR, oor. Ninth and Chestnut streets. Are constantly sapphoa by as with the genets* *• Con gress Water*' in bottles, fresh from the Con areas Spmm. ft _ CL.ARKK & WHITE. apl9-2mif 98 OhDftß Bt., New York City» JU*SE isUTi f<R—Yellow os -** gpld.andsweetasanut.inpaokaees from 7 to 100 pounds, received tw- c * a week at vio North “ KCOn 0 Street. (i®6 4t*J YT. P. HENRY. VANILLA —>tw crop, just re atid for sale b? __ , wT[',L'Um“m'.' WILSON, Wholesale Drureiit, i«7-u , au» market street. .—..25 oents .38 cents. —. 50 cents. ,_... —_ 75 cents. l3 cents.