The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 05, 1860, Image 3
0-0^ .mgmmtfw >«™»rf»«it*<li» »«'li ■to Amt, tkat tot*** - Ipllppssiip^ •' :\V»f*M*.'akaMaMWjr wm uMiriWMltatlM -»»*«—«. *M * bum b to "j, j.w/'i,-, i. v'* ri' >^j-j -vs^gmmmm ■ w»«m m*W.*mtV«A wm*m»l of itoawr.atr - W *«*iM toB/k*;k*w«l**»«M. • “Ik* ‘ koto,ato BankijaßUfet *r» ' «t*m*M tor tk* «ufr to*toiti<( *a*k*MlM*rt*r aftansoa attk* Aba*' . fcaatotak*tato*r>**fc.a* tmlr*o’*le«k.*Bi*a*l*dt* &rapB3MS ’ ■Vt:lMMrk*'M**,*ttial*klMl**,\-.; , ■ ■;:^;<3^. : •M* fMi¥ tk»:o*—in.. 0* mi.fiiHrin« il*d.»*7«»»B«tot»rtnil •*<* tt*A»ntt**toik« r-: *iiri*to*;ito»*;i«»o«C'»*w*ltoank»«:<to*u*« ■ tk* wtolartMli anlTto M brik* naitomii. Malic* "Wt« nhrrt* M to Ik* wWM.Mt la * to tmni tfcm ttratt, ** •••<> mbrana *tol**«|t*f 4* a*t**i ant **t k**d of niwllu tk* v ■-•>< tk«>*tortti** ttatto tk*t lII* ••■ .- %Brtto*imum*n*iton*«iku an-.tfttotoiit** ~ oa Ro.itt»l *M Unuil* Aartaaito ratatotto to ****r: - tau. j|li*%Mta 'ii**t r -*» a l«*ta™ r»<M* la tk*lklii*tow*f Ilia la**t*lbalM - -ial.MiikfcftktokariMiMßlk* lu*totl»tk**nml ' lnWrtWtk«.wjr|to'*M., *tor*«Mt*ttk*ir ' -, «*tMwi»**M*iia»*. •• k*>*to to. .~Mr.*-iF»iM*4 lht» •* mtess* mmf*&M»**** ,!M , ll>lWO;,..i:- * A*M*rt*rVfcilM*f**atto4tk*t«*rt*xtk*toaatk «f Malta** tk*,ktl*lkiliM. «M ”' •, wl*»«*M>*»aHo*li»r*. ; --B»n»« featoa* **riod th*r awtafaato. .ortk***no**i***i*taf.cavil«arMi«f *<M«aa>dwki<t,MiaHMl|Ml* T*tal. •: 1 <tkrtiifooffi**tii«*i*; irt'itoof oil»r/»*it**f' :- - tk»»Hto**rt -V - /-ni3toisSS«**n**l«ij»;Uaii . MattohataiaMli.* trilk ta* Hmm'aSSilWm *MMto'«Nk**i* *U la*Hr*wb* ai**M*ta**ia .-' tktollWkfiartototktli atnwrrfot ta* tobor of tf» iaatUaUaataMalvtk* fkiafektooftko** dbakawd :to tk*|kdk>*.'trtto i*klT*«lM>* tkita*itk*Ytfc*r w>? , tk* ataaait ia-ad«ttk*ab*al*totk*r*ra iimaUi ->' Aft*<ttoa*d*k*M, tk*n*etotloa«**toto)t«L Y v:;, . Mf. n*>at«*;iiftnii a fi«bi»eo« ta*Mfc»o»witi*« i •* ***ft*»ttoa wlta ta* Sedoitoroftk*. B***toMMkto<**4totol»aotio* ia iMMali tot** .. *roi*a*too**aiMtofcrtk*f*awl**al*k*ilrs*dao*>~ -. a**r,*«tototototk»“WMklirl.t«t., , ’r*ra.>*r. - -- ±w MU*n4c a. < , 9M* Of jMMapMnK (P • JmiTßpiliM; • BnO|a :tj|9rfefl r . / Ib.Mau >WU tk«i U*;«t4*tll» #*•£ B*P>*>*- **latia>v***oitatkro«**riaaitoin**tUtka«aror Ik* railroad koatpaar. on* wiMtk* itroltMi IMtaMflg to »wto<l lk«U*to'ftot*M lto‘ f<OT l)»«*tta|«»tt;kT, «*b*ri*r*«lk awuu** W #obM M«ii* t« Ik* d**»tw ~ awn* i*to**at»ii*> r«r aai laad vkiak anikta*;iM«a'- 'toac-vtanml of u>* muton doaliMl to* i -****r;«l ' a* B«*i* ts totl cr *li**tl*.*ar *f tk*'*fdu*, *aik*r■ awnli *eff*.*»tnul««*. batia ianl*r toa***n«ia »r*> *iHlr koirtk*Bo*i<l rtobd i* Uw *uitler, fjjf S *" _v ' Mr. Lin**!* od*r*d.ft l**oliilioo tkol tto *n«*)fa>4 - k**lto*d **d*rtk«di*Mlio**f l(Lr.arek*abtM**r ■ «*a*r v «n Va*Mfl.«at« a* ki* nmum hr jinmit . tk* nnkiltoa.lkM ke«***Mi*k*d t ifMr.OrafcH* k*d akut* of tk* *rav*itoi.*<iM' of tt|* hall** aoiikl k* : ’ *sUivirtkti.«*M;dilniiaMl of, it .waaM>**»*<»]•■ ” tor Ml* adT*i**i**wt of aiMiad a*i*as*, *M ato fo» tk» ««i*tolaf totlml mmf in lk**«to*fdf tbstonoa *HU«»tk«*i. Hr: L. told k* did aot w**t |o Ull »U*» 'ka*w!***«*J**fc i ''V'?i;-.r‘.'A:V •avanl at tiM MatwtrpilfMM to tk* raaoiutloa. ; aetnikatoaak ' iUtotoaat.aadarttkdaaait. '-■ -T",-'-"?.'H''.' A. taaalaUoa ni aknauta tkata M«wl-kwd fir* dWfc~*~ /‘ • ■- .'■ < ■ ? v .’> .■- ■■ J : A ittghtlM *i»al»|t*tod to ret* U» MatarawaJl i " kr«rt»Krt»l>»*ai*w«W>l» !tk* ktoM/aad autariala aaaaOMjraaaiaM. ; Jdluaraad : j' __ ;' \ - BkmrjiC a~ lite’ioar oo6a»day> - **k»a m>» M oraaaaal k—r.-akakail kadadigdaltrariiktbaaa dratoaa latlia , aaatkaaalankaßafika attjr.a•hoi* ti*w •leak, na' *•; atoli*ld ■»I todlr >Wltl b? hit«»>wl»aTlat a tarfri . I«3Jilla*killatia«.aMrtka:ynrabrid*a,,l)aTi* t aftar totitftoataa. aaatto iroeareda ■ •'!■ yyi.»aw«»d ,ma.,a t»«Witftol-*.k:lli!,»ifM»d j :<kaiMft ke»to*ara'ak.T*W*j-f»wto aaddarisc Oar daa*<*ata.apd>a«fciaa tototoa tar-raaaitlanafahait - tkamafelliMfcMdaraaaattka ; H<*.■»<»M laratrar ■' aaialtokkaiatfi lakdNj. Barla.kdd akaaronUfera ' AHtrmi* Batakiaaaaraataraar -omlw. udwtk kaM to kaUtoaaawar-./-.-:. ; v : »BagBBBB - - Ui>#rtpfcOi# >toa atokaa ■ iruttif UMrir kaasaiarkta ■ .:fkaiip9Ml>W;S«torckaiW*d<k« iaallartd »r».ti«aa wka wk> ' toa kr. Tk« c<*»«r tol»rfrr»a. at* attamawd toarrM* fc*a*aM, akaaMid tottkraatatad. ika Soaaa.aaaaartil - • *>ikiaa«a.aadila*4at>'.<nraiMt-Uia.vkuk.ft« :r:mS^SSSmmSmmmm V «^n,'T«k J »-^ mm *aeaiaaa**n tarapk*. kotk kiaVnata mrabrakaa, ' aa«kiakaadkaatr>iaaral»<.»awaaaaa*»T*»ati»», Taapiiiaaiad aardwarioa-lißaaa, wharakU mada ‘ waaai anami* ta.k»a art—a.iatly rMaorni to Ida pm**,*****. w rttoauk *•«;m* onari . . kaaka -ktotor'to totoatof.' jjaat kla aaa-a, la dawk lnuiiunii Lcmak ika Mltor .d—tototaadtdjw ytaaek. »lakaid«.jk Co 4 •.Orant, ■ tuMQmm* B>aUt It.Coj lta| Hatolkia ja t ' Law.l^ : st»ai«'ijtailak,»aii<af’*FsJ'f*^3lsaf .*' . . Om iiifekitt>’.;A!JMt Cl>aria*/ r ,katonaa i.daatw M. ■Ukaitoakraaa.* Oataa.taas«>k Oat - klaaaw. caiaa. a?oa. t Wrilkt t Bto»k«>a.«o d&to, -- •lawaM- : toa*kaia;*Oa.! watoar.ltakar, .• *<*.-.;• ;H : ■*. ' Tak BidaM ; l'Mlaatr. / .BUhap, v---wlika<pktoa^^t>|kip'.>fttMi|!,lNiß*aii»fe»>^ .-.- - k*l»v ja tka •;> *»Ma»lU;kto»dV^qat;i?,; : ;»»«toM Ototo; : ;iMl; ~ sr^&x.-^r^i'irK «MtbMMtoMtoto«M,aiß : tfka-.rttonrt ika - kiaaa ll»>n a» a<a««u>ii»to« ika'Mmuth adlkll. Oiaaaafaa tokaa wtaaaMiatF. aid »aataidar af; tanaaa. «*Mat a kaaria*. «aa kald kf AUaroaa r-'-■iatorU»«yiia<lto.aaayatataa«tt..,-:- ;; ■ OaaakM'r'lkamaa.—Taktaadar ■anlai Oaro> :! :ntfaatott»aka-a*» , Wlait-k»'l»t»«toaw>kira«aT > MMnwkpMNM<*;iMimp> aa dtoiiad«»>r»ato«v: ; laka CnUtok. itoadatwaf tka.oar Ha M, atokia itaufca aklld atuaatid is aMia toa abaat :-, '•toftaaladitoiaaa.aadka atotoaad :: .V r naarf lanaadtotalraktdaaa (irldoara, aad aadMkd.kar' l: y»>iaaa,tk'i. ktoaaialas. ■ ■«S| ?££2X. TZZtJ* iuakaaTau*: ' tnUBUMU WeiaoUHMto,—A» »n «,tk* mnntfbm ut trttek niMilitoTOtoww stssssssssSfUt^S t6S®SGSrsS9j!fiS£!SS tktnntoteM to.ttw“?* »<l*. ,tf brojto.. of ««.»»-/ •SMt&fiMtM*.’ Tkt of • mate torn. ta'macntMßt 3^s^»«ssa?sar„%““ OoifAK r,-I» U fWV.*’"*™** hwiroon ftt»lot kim u ■Uw ItitfiM ..tote, jtouM br S*r,M. Dost, Front MroittftfiA tite liter, oypo«i'» tk* Tobvmo W.rohouro* 't* M «JI*A U.lnumfrt of UteraUr.rU. UwtSnvaa .AMMvluutf 1» *liwar.:Urt!«Mt rndrarau,forth* V*f r *»«•«'*»* itto .toVwras.rto., Un oratr* of ;0* Ob twfifc • i. liftfr .awoatofraralt*: .rodaro, too, MMmn.mi'miflMi if tifeuf* *ai Mavraitot jrarttt Ikon wm .root*). A soatujr bu teas or- J&aitod. and cm* kAITSf Uw'atMk Hi* been mbaoribed ; Or.ioaas following ia tba :itot of often, raratate* tor <h« Jwn»o.Md Ibn hara •feaaa ontenft to „*or for flat* to-dar r, ‘ u Oaaaaaudar l H, I< Hartataaa; Liaataaaata, ’Bamnal Jtero.r*T*oroa. O.Harri* Oaarca Brown; Samoa*. Iwal »ialalMi;)y«aaoiaH; e«aaall; Furaar, G«orr. «.Ciaikai ,l(aattrV;PUlia Confer rCkuiMte(ia..r, iteoftwlMWto; Fraaoia MaOhnd; Osnsar, Barnard Dareltar; HidaUanaa, G*crg. Paaoy!'Aaaiat aat Kaaiaaara, danaa J. Unadaa, f. KdßlwaU, John JohaaonjJfaa. 8lalMla«, 'WiUiam f hiUipa; Captain’. iOMfk, Wildaaa Bohartaoa; Foraar’a'Clark, Thomia ■taniton. , -• i .now Ifaw lo«K.—Com aaar' A, nth Saaimaat, or IVaar York, ruder aolhmand >fCaptaiaEnta*t jKrooa* aniaad ia tkia olrj raatordar tetenra om aad lwo o’eloek, and ware raoaiaad at iTahut-atraet wharf !>r the Ridabattalion of the Fint Bhfada, Major Jatai F.Balliar.ud Uw aorp. of Phila-. .HaNa' Zo«aYaa,-Wbo aaoortad the btraaieta tb their aaartare, at Military Ball, Third, atreet, below Oraen' The atraaKaia atadeahaa aaraaraooe, and wareao eoapaaiarf by Bubal’* fall band of nuaio, and the Fifth Ufiuaat draw ootpfc' Tier wilt remain aerarat daja. . h ta-nas A BAO.tray Tbick on Moot Sranat. —Wforhman ootawesoad early yaatordar nrornina to ay tba traok of tba Waat Fhlladelahia Faoaeacer Rnil t*g aloay Market atreet, ftoce Eitbth io Float, in the the atreet. - Tbay' oo«ainaaa*d. oferationa at tialtth BtKat, abd whta iha maa atopyed work, near Vaaiaa, alraaet rha whoianf thoraita batwaaa Bithth m& SeTenth atraata, hid Man' told. The .timber and aiM hare beendepooitedoatba atreet enrt oftb’a, and ha work will be proaeontad rljoraady, in order, not to aenmbet the atreet nnr lonier than to abaolntaly na. tj CnAaon sr Ornon. —The ofioo of tho Camden '•iad AUadtlo Railroad Contpeny haa bean ehanard from Oesirar'e Foint to Buokcrli'a baildlnr, No. 4tt WalnU; atrpat. Tbu ia a hood more. Tha 'roadtoohiaily np porttdty thoaa iiaiaa front (hie oitr, and it waa vary in '/aonaantont tothoee wtoh rut 'to: obtain intormatlon, to .be eompalled to oroia the river each time. This chan te , la, kotniwerr.tntdaabfhiaiiy avldanoaa of thadaalra of w oowipaay to aoooair.odnta lha public. . AnnMrnß;. POn, BnnnCK or rn Pbaox.—On ' a ’Taaior of. milk waa 'anaatad in T>ild atrimti below (tnaaa, at aa early hoar,' for b ow latahorntoaemoiim htooaatomara. trrd Aldatman Oartar, obartod with a btoaoh of the ptaee. nad bold to tail. ; i Fpubßal of Mb. Dora.—The ftnoral of Mr. Shan wilt taka, ptooa'thto manhagi at M o’oloek. from ukbuaa of Mr. tF. T. BnUirea, aao Catherine atreet. The raaorten of the mambere of the ftirard Brotherhood, and etMm of hto fkianda, are inritad. ; lOßtCMt.—The matoh between the second eleren of the Union and Fhlladelahia clahe terminated onSa nrday ia tovor of the former, by elrht wicketa. Tha ayifoaa and St. Gaorga'a Cl aba ptoyad a aaau on tha ohnda of tka Utter. bh Fnday and Saturday. Tha St. nraa’a *oa Urn matoh in one ininy. . ■" i IlrirAßt' Simbot .-—The dali|btfnl extrtiwi of the tbhntßahablwiii ba ropatuadiby rtanaat,) on Wednea day.Jnu eth,at Beaadia'ttnat Ohtirch, at hK o’clock ;'F;hfc .Adm'aaiod.ftae.; .:, ~- - ' ■ ; ißisioanp —Albert 8. Adimead, Brqpresident of the HaatonTiiW, Maatn and Feirmoaat Faaaanaer BaQway, bu remaned, and Mr. John Boater hu been wteadntolll the aaaaaey.. iFibb.—Yutoydaj (toning tha wbeelwrlght shop of Mr.BOeh ; aa.eitnetad on the Germaatown ro&d. ba k|r Otter atreet. waa dieiaied by an hoeidental fire, j ?tip»»it,n Cooßr.—Chief Jottioe Lowrie mad Jaatieae Woodward. Thompaoa, itrou. and Bead.-A dpoatol aaeaioa oftho court wtr held yea larder mortnita. and before tetany wp th* liet opini on worodoUybrad in the fotlawinyeaeea: L, Thaborourh ol Carliaiava. Jamaa W. Mntahall, trua . tee. Error to Cumberland eonntr. dadamentefhrn.ed . Bilkl’a apyoal. error to the Orahana’ Coart of l>e hiab noußty Faoraanf Orphana* Coart reraraad, and ' the rapoit «f lha additor, diatnbatina tha batoneo,' eon - "firmjd"iatt;dabruaatarad. 1" U- .. Oawaid'a appeal for Orphans* Conrt of lahiyh oounty. Deeraa rararaad at ooot obappelteot, and record remit tad, with dirrettonato proceed aoaoralna to. tow. -■ Mohr TS, Waibert.' Error to Comtooa Piaaa of North emptoaooaotr. .Jadamentaißrmod.' ■ Emtoy wo, Bnm, Error to Common Ple&a of lmaento bonaty. Jadamenteffirated. H' Thbmaaoa Te. Bortery. Jodtmeateflrmed. ■ Miur ra. Atbertoa. Judfment affirmtd, ' . Laardoie va, Tonlcan. Judrmant affirmed. .... tlmran Braraa BiaTnicr Couar—Jadae Cadwala dfir.-rEoery Noekeoa, one of the' men oh a riel with air attempt 1 fo'reaeue the. aiara Moau Honner, wu tried reatoidaiy,V'V;'\.‘... d - . - Comuot Pnia»-Jad«ee Thompaon and i.ndlow.— Thiiooartwealaeeiiion .' : iioaEtU JSnaiioTi-India Allieon —The June term of; the eocit domuemocd yeaterdar mommy, Jamea 'Bui WU’ .appointed foreman of the Grand fur.. 'After fteeirini return of the ooMtahlai the conrt adjourned. rniAXCIA). AMD COMMEKCIAI,. fThe jlsnir Maybet. . PIIUt^DXLfJHSA,Jaa#4,Uft. We han to-day to repoyt a« vrvud tendency in the s«oek market WithrsssonaUsaeiivitT. North Pennsvl- 7l, alecbsßles' Baxk fo IHf'Fariaiyf ,aed Meckanies’ Bank toSX« <Jity«*fot9l.iokemjAim|n{uif stock to 6)4. Green and (kius'itrsu PMtsnser fßaihray stock:to 21, aad jfekuyikUl Navigation Preform* ' ” ' OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. VJTPM.T AVMUOnS Of TKX nUIAB«L>MU XAUXI. '- ’* ../ , : tOA3ir»> 1 owtcn. Jbm 4. JflajM. Jua* 4. Mar 0 igxigfc *i#§ *ss« •Biss' vsi SSS IStS 3ivi» wj?* .umjna ljarm mm mm '. ' 1,744,10 IJM.IM . JttJtt 4S4M ' tfejn • IJSM man K. ISoS Wl tli *m&a mijb» BSS.9U VMM ItM« fiS.ffi ( ' man /.WM UI.W o*o7 ' I.MJR M.JM SIM , i£sa» im.tb» m»o s trtm jwjn mm bsotd : S,l«>a *J»7*4 INM iso .000 . -MB,TV- - ia,M 2008 118.40 10 731 - .009410 «I BM4I 09.073 ,870041 0M» ,148,** b ,übjs4 mm nm mm t mm .mw. {BJ? ..»,*§ f . MUM ;-,:/OMO, ;»,40 17,404 .rnrra: Ste CIBCCIA ttoKi Jb— Jaw t|Mi?a I: osar ms' ?®»rgg . Ttt*BC f OW lgjSS 17»«0 ■ .tsm urww iojm . iop 10JO0 man man .mS >.xnjo IOSO9 «n!W 4MM* 14900 144,774 £22! «*Sf .S2S : Sfi S?.SB IBS mr! . MJU, .. <OOl. 74JM 8100 :. ,mm * mm mm '■' MM- alp Sian . OMH ;; ntm -Maw nMf *: übjbi : tatm mm mm b .MW »»t, nm nt,m am*mum** mm. sum hm» btejii Sim M IjJMJtt 08BU0 llo4^gll lBlBTlß ,llMmr«(MoofVW9«ltlltbaa9 ofprariot* lUta mrefeMfoUoiri:•*> i*r,vao .... , 43»W# i&tAiQ .pm. 90s jtm 13»14» n ijooue..y*o. sijra 3ka.. *3749## 84H451..P*0. *»«* ....... 16 Wl-W ]93K3»..D00. BMAIU 1319.71#. #3*4.471.4»0. 8.749 .' B|sAi#.' OlreaUtio«. DopootU. /.4( WifiJM# , m«M .*.141.119-1M».78» a&isMmJfa sis IS! SSSilf iUr. i .VmftfSSr .* 43uas '' #jtf.tos i«,w«wi Iwnll 1.U1.M $.18934# 19.749U0 T‘ : 5314JW «!»i7i SiMsei ut&.m ’“ i 444 03 9,419.711 •" 9J*9.US M 0«9.140 imm i.u«jk: u£33» ** *fm«i S4S43TO ,tmm . isB*3*l 9477%# -#59484 187030# 9J9741# ftftair . u.rottt *mxr% 9919.71# u&4Jg >n# 4. m--f 898MJT 9394471 IQ3»J» - >( ;Hm MmriiiMiwv if-ttt tissiutiou if, •fe£ Bmm for, tho. weak oadiac lut 1, IH, ai ftniiiiil br titf Nwitri Boor*o B 'Arsolit Sm,! ...TV - ' .......... »i,ro».f»* « t 2 S.4MMO3 1 M 0 4W* i f«1...... mSmMM taStM JnMl. >Bll*l*2 181.J57 OS >.«*.!WM , HO.7MW im to ottSr jppMSfikf... v- tmmfaHi: ,n, ; II) Ml4*r»ak, w* Item’tbit Ik* Milk Tall*)’ Kail-, road CM»*ar brouikt 4«wn lor tfeawaak *iuliß( ff*- tardar. tka Id iattaal. 1$ W toaa.of aoal, nakina for Ik* •taaaa’ SOBuaaieiaa Daaaasbar Jtt, Mt,m torn, aatinn MajWtoaaU aorraajoidkw aknoa l*«t,,«*r. twins an morass* of MAM ewl.for.ais swath* aad'ni it** I, ill*. W* ara Tilboal Uaa usual »sskl) Its* -tMafcl**''• c- *’■, nUlldelrkia Slock Eickaaie Sales, , 1 ; j**a 4,' me. bNimn*.K hiTUin, .B4K Walast atraat. ,i:r< PHUfT BOARD. ISlsi |**#l M <{Ji»*M«k’*B'k. TOMir7i.>..... n 4 Union B'k 1 aaa. ... wsS M* ■ , r - <^ W *BBTWKBW BOA KITS.., - - . ■*oaga’la>*a<tr..\ »klUnLakl(kZia*:.tots. ; >K A :: BBOONBBOAKD. sKfctfjk listed & » Par F£«li';B’k. V/- 4-E»»lliBf. ttegggg&assKsjs ssSsWMitiaasK 111, SOT:'''- fifii'i- fiifXiASk- (fS’jiiiAi/.i AJ•> thauratoa; a aato of half bble wu mada ; at Ad’the pair. Th« Are Also beyinf»in a small way. at from **••* fo’ Cttperfiae and extras up to^ opt for extrt &mUy And fsisoy brudi< as in quality* RjePlour tfi held At ttfflltV, the laitsr for tetter b*wds,»ad PrunsyWAniA Corn Meal ai ft&ft bbl, with limited : f 1 4 ' « .^yf H *Al.-Therf unotmooh doing j come MOO bushels »W«-»i#wofor«odilAttiprHae fsajuwruds. lOe for, °hpM» ilcutVArc do. And 141*1450 lor cood Penn A.. whtto»in.AsmcUm;«c quote the latter at MpftliOo, MiuquslitTn Rta i» st«Ady v And About 1,000 testels Psuaa. toa At Wo. Corn Is firmer, end MOO bushels ycnoVfi cfioAt, cold andOOO busbeurNsw- York Bt*te At flJo. (Mts oooturns dull ; we quoto -PSBBA At 4C9490. Aad PelaWftre atSOo. t , >Bs>K.<«QMreitroa-iSi|«ict to dAy at Q&IP ton for fitStltOele', -« i 5 y • ’ 1«. . lsrerr little movement* &ud SO bAles Onwinissl I —¥lerJ !* very little raovement-tet lb* ; mAt kst fox aU kinds \9 firm * some L&gaayTA Cbffee At 19w«14o, on time.' , rnov sioivs.'-The msrket is firm, but qaiet* owing to At ICsoABd UO do At a price kest»rlv»te> now held for Fenny, for Ohio do; PXwftto for drudge j end 90H -■ Pjtiladeinhia Cattle Market#. . Mohdai, June 4, Dullness was the chief festure of the Cattle m.&rket to-dsr. The ofiennis srerf very Uhre, AinountJnc to AMrly MOO heed. Toe quuity of the cAttiowas gene rally (Air, though there wore, a number of inferior 3mvm bronght forward, The grOAtost proportion of the cattle were from Lancaster and Berks counties. :Thece brought ratherJugh prioes. sverAginc IVoin 88 tofluV'lOoJbs. At the oloee or the market* the trn deney for oil descriptions was deeidediy downwsrd, «mo«mtiag to A reduouon of ft to tfo. .Bven *t the de cline the whole could not be disposed of, and about five Jrandrtd head'AtlfAst remainedover onsoid. Tbeoat tie disease w&iohisssraAdingm the EasternBtAtes, has not mads its, appearanoe among any of the stook that ere usually disposed of at this market. The hheep mar ket is very, dull, and pnbet have deoltned. Hogs sell freely. For Oovrs a slight advance has been obtained, r' We give below the ounent prices for the week at all j BKrQjsiut.—Fiiatfivttilty 100fte SlO.HelOfiOi ordiearr to com aualitr* 69.7**10; common quality, 98A*alfi0j toisrabj* quality, WJOM. t Hit«cu Cows.—Plrst quality. 8W»60 i ordinary to good quality* 640«4S»common quality* BMi inferior cnalitVa WlßAla. ’ fHMSP awp liAitss.—Pirst quality W head, #4 IS* 4ft: ordinary,quality, fdftaCAO} ouremon quality, 93 ftoi; ioferior quality, 6SJ7. eullradW i»9 >4*734; corn fed ; At the Union Drove >Yaia the sales were ohieuy as 48 head S. Miller, Lancaster oounty. 99*10 100 lbs 40 L Kellar, Lenoaate 4 county, 99*10. , 100 0. Hqrshey. LanoAAter county * 9MO*9 75. 81 J. BteUsy. Chester oounty, 9BAOJO. v 14-- Erins, Lancaster oounty, 98*9,80. S7Mssteraon. Laaesster oounty. 99*0*10. ; 94 Bdomon .Rhodes, Berks oounty. 99*10. ft j. LcQau. LAnoMter oounty. #9alo. , 81—Eisermn, Lancaster oounty, SB 60*10JO. ■ ft —Hamaker.Laneaiter county. 9860*9ft. 13 Brougham, Lancaster county, 99*10. , At Aflrich’s yard some small lots were told at about the prioes given above. ' , At the Bull's He&d al out 400 were sold at about pren nm fates. , cows.—The offerings amounted to about ISO head, at from Bft to 9® W bsad. . , Shksv.—At ihe Avenue yard there were 10,000 head At market* selUus at 4*4kc. Boos —At the Avenue yard 476 head by Miller, aod at tUe'Ophra Hog yard I,4ft head, at from 87*8 WlOO &s net. Market brisk. • * At Phillips'Avenue Drove Yard, 1,400 head were at market. The following lots were arid: ( ft head I. Abrahams, Ohio 99 *lO W iOOIbs. 118 do JS. 0hi0.—...... 9 *l9 do (ft do Jcaitßanderson. Pa ...0 do - ft do Kenabdyac M’CieesyChest.oo.9)4*lo,, do 84 do Fellheimer ACo,Lano,oo.-. BH©Wl* do S 4 do Ullman. Berks c 0... 9 © 9)4 do 17- do Frau*. A Co.. ..,. .8 *9 do ft do 6h»mburg & 0'*.... - 7*9 do 84 do fl. Kurtz, LanpMter.,.......... 9 *lO do 280 do Mo >ney St Smith. Ohio A 111.. 814*10 do 40 do J. Vretter A Aull.Ohio 8 *9)4 do 18 do B. Baldwin. Lancaster 9 *10)4 do 79 do B. Seldomndge do 9)4*10 do 60 do J.&!domridge, Ohio--....- 9* 9)4 do «l do P. MoFillan . 854*10 do 87 do P.Hftoaway, Lancaster c 0... do 96 do WUJiara MoCall, do 8 *10)4 do 19 do Jams* Cochran, do.-. M . 8 *lO do SI do John Told. d 0...... 854*10 do 88 do J.McFiUin, do~_ 9)4*10 do Several small tots within the above range of prices. ;xchange—Jane 4 NewYdrk Stock SkCOUD lQOtt Tenn fl’s’ft ft 3000 Missouri 6*g cooo Mich SSFBda. 71)4 1000 Han’ hi A 8t Jos’p 71 aoo»LaOAMili.dG IW,' 100 Pacific MlSfibdOftS 900 do. ft . so do £194 61) d0...~...550 •114 W d0........b9091S ft Exib Railroad... AIM 60 - d0.,.-.- ....SIX 488 H Yo k Central, ftk 800 do bflOOg 100 do. bttfitk 40 do .... - m WHods'nßl RRb9O49 300 Reading RB 41k 300 do— ..MO4IKI UOMiohCen R... .bSOSS>4 100 d 0..., JS 200 Mioh 8 A N 1 R bSO 13k mo d 0.... 1154 100 Pei Lack AWR...91 100 Miob 8A NI G'td... 34k ftO do ...eSOtiC 100 Panama R...... MO 134)4 60 154)4 300 111 Cent R Scrip..WO 63» aoo do . • rax K» d0.....^..bft«314 900 do .63)4 lftnevA Pittsbgß.... 9)4 BOChi ARteklß...,.to2 100 do ...7014 WO • d 0.... b0Q70)4 ft < o 7054 THE MARKETS. . Athis are steady • sides of 90 bbls at 96 81 for Pots, and JVarl* at 9676. " . _ Fx.oup.—The market for State and* Western Flour is So better, but the advance check* the demand: gales of 10.- 000 bbls at 68ft*<aororsDperfi«eRtate: 96JS*A46<or extra do; 96 *6*3 ft for superfine Western: 96.40*6.06 or extra do; §696*8 for extra round-hoop Ohio. South- Sra Floor ia quiet, with saVso* 900bbla at 96 83*6 ft >r mixed to good.and 9680*7.76 for extra. Canadian ?iour is firm, with sales of 400 bbls extra at 63.40* 01*15.—Wheat is lo higher t sales ofl6 003 bushels at 1.39*1.80 for Milwaukee Club; 9160 for prime white Michigan: end §l6O for White Indiana. Con i«3o better; sale# of 40 000 bushels at *2*680 for Eastern. 64 nfido for shipping, and69)4ofor ye’low. Oats are quirt at 37*40e for Southern and .Jersey* and 40*i3)40 for Northern and Western. Rye »e quiet at Mo. PnovtstoH*.—Porkis neadr, with tales oflOO bbls at 917.40 for oM Mese; 917.87 for new do; 91340 for old Prime; and 913 ft for new do. yeef is n unchanged in tone or. price, with sauw oflOO bbls. Bacon >s quiet, 1 ’ut ISeam are dnU at 7)4c -for Shoulders, end ’,9)4*9)40 'or Hams. Lard is firm, with safes of UO bbls at ID4* llJ4o. Butter end Cheese.are unchanged. whepkbt Is better, with sales of MO bbls at ft94* Ifa. CITY ITEMS. "Bowrr’s Medicated Fiqs” Are composd of the purest Alexandria Senna. Oonibined with fine aro mitiot and Imeld in .the natural f u't. As a remedy for ooflftipation of the bowels, dyspepsia, siok and nervous heada-ibe, and billons affections generally, they stacd ; unrivalled. There Is but little taste about them, and they can be eaten by ohlldren as well ne grown person*. Manufactured by Bower, Sixth and Vine. Prioe tTK cents per box*' - Spiritualism ! . Spiritualism !—ls it trta 'or (kbw that spirits communicate with their-friend* An with? Jits tm, and atfttoMwhofoil?*»*y.oota muniost* with their friends in the spirit wcrridi by call ing on Mr. J. V. Mansfield, writing test-mtdium, 63S Arch street. Dr. Wolfe, healing physician, has room 9 At the same p'aoe. Facts Speak Louder tkah Woisds.—To sue:' oeed in life* attend well to your own bnsinesv The new system adopted by GraHVillt Stokes, of giving to every pore baser of a garment the faQ value of his money in elegantly* fMhionedelethiog, ana a handsome, valuable, and uaftol present besidee, is having itsefleot on the pnblio mind. *’ One price, and no abatement,” is print ed and marked on eaeh article sold, and striotly adhered to, the price being pnt down to the lowest figure'. The aeoompaeymg present, which is always of nse. and fre quently of'great value, is neyer added to the prioeo* the gannept sold t on the contrary* esoh garment is marked as low as the lowest, and warranted eeual to the best At allrespetts, the gift being merely an additional indnoement to eashcustomeni to bay, after having sa tisfied themselves that they can invest their money no better elsewhere. With the entirefairnessofthe whole traasaotion the pnblio are invited to oaL and make them* selves familiar, at the “Temple of Fashion,” N0.f07 CheetßDt street. ~ Japaresk Goods and Curiosities.—The largest collection of Japanese goods and curiosities in the eity is to be seen at B. W. C**ryl 4 Co.’s Bouse Furnishing Store, 7l< Chestnut street. They have their goid, silver, copper, and iron ooins, lacquered work, bamboo baskets, brooms* 4«* They also have a Japanese silk coat, worn by ft Tommy,” the interpreter to the Kmbaesy- It is of fine silk, ornamentfd with figures indicating his official rank. These cnrloaiUes are well worth going to see. .Clotbiro wom Bots.—-The making of clothing for youths has become * special branob of the tailoring business* and such garments are constantly gotten up more elegant, more datable, and more comfortable, than of old. Jtookhjll it Wilson have established a- depart ment for yoatha at their Brown Eton# Clothing Bali, Noe. *fi and 60# Chestnut street, above Sixth. Their •took w varied and very large, and parents who with to fit out thsir sons with becoming garments for the toa eonoan do so most advantageous!/ atthie popular estab lishment. . ' ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 o’clock last hirst. CONIINBNTAL-8. E. oorner of Ninth and Chestnut BBDsok. Meadville. Pa b Kunkel 4 wf. N J « ft McAllister, BellefonU, Jtr -nailing. Boeton J Cooper, Pa J£ Smith. Maes E B Coleman. Gin, 0 A. Bcoleman, «.in,o jWlajflcy.Ala LWrUht, Jr, Oswego Geo G, Washburn 4 la, 0 AW Fairbanks 4 la, 0 JasDamaat 4 la. Ohio Dr Hammond. USA rWeioberu, ft Y n Mies M K Paine, Frov, it 1 dips Annatady,Prov,Rl BHUt, Pa B V Lee, G» liW Lee, Ga / McConnell, 4 la. Ohio Mis Aucu ta, (hio W E -Baker, BcAtnn Lewis O Brion, M e sss.'tss&fr*"* Va HEBtntiU. N Y- JTB«iI.j,NY • A a Shaw. NY OR Uargily, N Y <i W Bradly. Tenn Colons Gore N Y LB Bubhaid, Brooklyn & Hanra.n. Brit M F Gardneri Balt & / merson, Cin. O BF Games. Ark CKWbWfnls W T Hutherlin, Danville Thosi J Patrick, Danville W B hiobarde, UBN Geo Diehl. Md Lft Hookios, Balt . . John Butler. NY Dr L 8 Buritfee 4 fm, Italy Bju Hotchkiss, Conn DrGnrrelli U 8 A , r „ Mrs Hostis £ daugh, N O nr Johnston. 4 la N O Isaac M Cate. Boston H;Ci*Jtoß, Bei w - S Johnston, Del W LPotaeroy,Jf Y. ■ Dr M/F Christian, U 8 N A ftmntar* 4 Wife, N Y JL Adams, NY John M BiU 4 la, Ga Jno G Falconer, N Y HI Vanoleve.Tenn 0 B Meliyaiae, N 0 gKßmjtb, W Y Jar Gould. Jr, Gouldiboro B Livingston. NY B G Boardmaa, Boston ebas H Moray, N.Y „„ Mr Mintern,'N Y Miss Mintura 4sister.NYJ wTewrenoe 4 la.N Y Miesßßßrown, WKMoDoneld, Newark fiSK-ASS**. SMSf , 5*v BMttn J Alexander, Matches J a Punderford, N Haven - GIRARD KODSE-HinlbnndCfiiiinnntreeu,• fhn ti Hunton, Va Mrs Hurtton. Va i>»HoDU>n.Y» Matter jiunton.Va Wilcox & la, La Mix Wil. pi, La Master Wilcox, La jamea Reime *Ta, N Y ■ 6 S<««*prih, Florida OolWF.Ba'aside, Fa B Meokail, P. SataaelAteiwt.t'a Jaa Uraumain fc la, lod MCStor.Oliio _ - Mr Btatohford.M i K H MaM.ab.rx> Reading Mre Mohlenberr Jr. da, Fa IO Torn, Readme .. . A’P RoWaion. Del 4 Hon T j York., ni Tho.BW,.t fc la, Canada Jotm mtohiuKi, N Y ' Y TNevins. Galveston, Tex DrR Frame, j**! Daniel Gurray, Del MissCurray, Dei H B riddemun, i/el Mrs Potter, Dal / Jae R Mitchell, Del Min M itohetl, Del Col Hewitts Canada Miie Alice Cnlbreth, Del S V Hoffeoker, Del 8 Green, Middletown, Del rt S i ayton, Georjet’n, Del P Stooker, N Y P F Causey ,3r, Del T 8 Randolpn, Lit Geo A Bell, N Y Min V Cameron. Harriet) Mm J Cameron, Lewisbnrg Jeliefonte ; John Bowen, PhiU , a Bachman, Phi la AG Gray. Pel , Dr Luther, Reading J H Bewlet, Smyrna, Pel J MOooibroth, Pbfia Jm Fieel. Bari Francisco Mn SFjgel, N V Mn Bfj ttaka. Cal . D C Mu&e, St Louis HoqJ Crair, 8t Joseph ,N W Newman, N Y j) W Gflnunew, N y W Palmar A la, Conn ft la, Albanr Jas E Watkins, N Y W w Stewart ft wf, ChFgo H 0 F.tok* wtf N J MmFUck.N J , John W Worth,N Y WJbeets.Pa 8 Purdy, Vo H Mart ft la, Brooklyn . Fatterspn, N Y MusPaUereon, N Y . MrsE Young, IM KobtL Muencbjlarrisb O A BmiUi, Pa J 0 Tatar ft la, N Bedford JLRioker, Jr, NY Ode P Field, NY Mrs Mayne&ich,N Y C BruceAliyne, London Geo Wood, N Y * isAx& 0 . fiftß»vH w4IW “ h w.^Ty B * ll JO Oieenbow * Is, n Max. Min William, H Mexico 15 < Ven^ar‘en,Sr«)klsn &i , sh,n a y teW 0 fSteflLon Mr Tqftniwn, Ga _ Lewis Gordon, cFarUst Asa Andrew*, Athens, 6a M LindeDm, er, Charleston fEthendge, Savannah Cot A W Johnson, Pa cues Libary, N Rochester J Carole, N Y *s»Y M 0 jA^rW.kf'xlonter wfeio .wsqjpssptr' : h&-%Zuoo' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1860. -■’ ifiMEWOhN.IWTUIf-GheetMi. nbbve Fifth. ' TW Gorman* Balt W b Birtel 1 , Phila - • M Barry, Lancaster John Mutter. Mo.. J Cheever. Boston S H.LevTs, 6U Holly EE Roes Aria. Pa; • wv;h Warren/N j W M PoJhemu*. Mt Holly J Donaldson. Tamsqua CtfftffSr" - ■, o 1 OCr*>ok*lianks,Md » rT« Phtterson,BohoO 0 W Shoemaker, Tamsqua J M Bowen, Usle WB Mendenhall, ra Jgs E Pennell, N Y ffWBSXn f^gS.te„ Conn Pfn n oi’ih«‘ n “ h VftßEWlhUf. w F Knowles, N Y HonE G Read Aa NO H Gifcad. N V OWflond.Ny BBRoot.NY WmDßewail&la,Del - Thee Murray A da, Del •• Benj Turner, N J Mourner* NJ Wfi VonSreSith A Ia,NY GH Perm*, NY Jsoob Reedy. Md v , MrConnel, Newerk ' Mrs J Wilond.Bt Paul J YD Ward, S'Paul b J mokes, OhAkter co .1 D Host, Chester oo . r(,n J F Miller. Olnoinnati 1 JB Thompson, PinU J Whitehead, N J Phila a B Appleman, Md . JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. Mrsß Fenner. NO R B'Parsons, Flushing FRTruropy.NY J Armstrong, Ala WABrown ij J aUßimon. i, V S Watkins, NY a Gordon. « C HE hvans, Gt, J,ilßletg, Ch W ATMoAfeo Md it ßCerlun*lt Y, . T LJHaU; N C J Wei». Fla G WwfotJowelL Fla J C Weller, Mioh • fPCßenerd. N J JNGaines, N Y R Learie. Ottawa, CW - J Parkho/se, Boston ■ P Camp, Phila v John Hancook. fhila 3 Carpenter. R t W A Clear, Cal W O Brown, Asheville, N 0 Sami waikine A la, N J Geo Pollard. Ni" 1 Henry Wilkins, Md Jos ft Carr Ala Md a G Thompson, NJ Edward Dudley* Del G Mtrvin, H Y NATIONAL ftOTLL—Rsoe "tract.ahnvaThird* Geo Brady. Pa PSHi«ins, Pa TV Rhoads, Allentown Ge *FRitter, Millv.lle A J RookaleUo vA wl Pd C Ulodes A Is, Balt W Waller, Balt J Mace, B/Ut J-Du JEtois, Pa „ Peter Hoffer, Pa AC Henry A la. Dr D Q Messer A la, Pa W ERtrdseil. Bethlehenr MM Seifridte, Bethlehem HE Warlord, N J OWarner.NJ Aug Remeok, Lancaster Jno It Deihn, Pa Wraj WtUiams. St Clare W Lewis, fit Clare Jno W Adams, Md H J Hendlcr, Pottevllle B B Martin, Lanoaster Jos Whitaker. Me Clare JSBrobst, Pa D Oliver, Fremont, Pa THE UN TON HOTEL—Aroh street, above Third. D MoCoHom, Wmsport .Wm Atel, Pitlobarg EHHeauings, Pittsburg Geo Terri; Pittsburg M Brook, lowa Geo 8 Coiun. Danville 8 W Ladd. Jleidm/ A /,r brand A la, Ohio JW HuMey, Lancaster J W Beaohem. Tusoarora Josßeaohem.'Aiacarora G W Heebner, Pt Carbon ColJt Itatoliff Tamaqua F J Posey. Hogeratovm RecJ Hayw od A la, Pottsv Mrs Kennedy, Lebanon John Kayser N \ Geo L Beading, Pa J Roberts, Ches oo DC Lee, Che* co Geo Wiggan, Tamaqua Jos Terry, Pittsburg W E Hensinu, Albany MISKO M * NTH* yoTF^*—Fourth street. lelowAroh. Gov 8 W Black, Nebrneba G H Bardwell, Pa Joe Young a la, ellontown R.F f Lancaster Miss Nicholes. Faeton Miss Heister. raston $ Geo Donor oe. Va HF Brown, Beading Wharton E Httinee, Phila Kobt Hatmll, Oak Hall. Pa Haml Keefer, Iml 14 8 stratioo, N J Kobt J O&vis. Hitlsburg Jo'3 Shoreless Bioomsburg n H Woodiu A la. Pa Mrs M w Jsoksou, Pa John G White, NY 8 d Maffit, Elktoo, Md Hon Geo Catawissa J LGets.Readins Gen W Karos, Reading Mihon J Karos, Allentown Walter enrnh, Allentown Allen Huber, Allentown TbosJ Hojt. « Y , LW Kenyon, Buffalo A J Fitoh, Jersey City M F Carman. Newark Allen T Harbor. Allentown C otettler. a Uentown Geo H Auger, Cbambersb'g J Robinson, Pa R France A la, Bolt J H Freeman A la, Ohio Hon J eclur.dle, i a CO McClelland, Pa A G Muiim, Phila BLACK HEAR HOTEL—Third st.« above CallowhiU. John F Mears, Reading D Seashols, Sumueytown John «*oßejnoldB. Mo H Butiner, TurbiUville Chas Hemlnger, Reading AugßosW. do Cbas Hahn. do Wjn Rahn* Reading John Hennmger, do D Bitting, . do Jacob Bitting, do Baml W Miller, Bcrnville 1) AGlas*,Freedensburg Henry F Groff, do Mj»s Glass. do John O'Neal, FetheroUviU S Morris, rhitn Mrs O'Neal, -do Michael ohisßler. Pa W E Wihman,Bnydertown AKoller, Berks oo lIM Goodman, Reading H £nutb, Bernville Jonas Smith. Pottstowu .Mrs Watson, Reading ■ Henry 8 Cope. Bellersville Mastev Watson, do laml Smith, Phila MERCHANTS* HOUSE-Third «t. above CallowhiU. J Watson, Woodward, Pa Charles Thompson, Pa Bami H BsUe, Blsir co, Pa J Myers. Mercer co, N J i o Bartlett, Bothlehem Wm H Piumer, Allentown , onasHnyder* U.Pa MrsHSiegfordAda,Bath J Whip. Bethlebem. Mrs Snyder, Bethlehem . KUokner Ala, Mooist'n And HhoU A la. Ohio drs J Mi’ler Summit 00, O Mis Wright, Medina 00, 0 Ars Chas Kahn. Ohio Catosaaua . eo I aubach, Kreiders'.ille J W Child. Tioga. Pa rtm C i oUe. Bethlehem. H 8 Getx. Reading . F Cresunian, Weaveraville H S Muller, Lebanon t Smith A ia, Lebanon J Foose, Berks oo I D ZWAixig, Reading \ 8 G Benner, Luzerne I M Hubb, Pa J Koob, LehUhton ;; AM. Hower,Pa > , r-nml Phollenberger. Pa & Mark, Lebanon 2> A Albright, Readings M Faust, Minerevilto J Roth A la, Allentown' BALD EAGLE HOTEL-Third ft., above Callowbil>. . aoob Miller, Bethlehem John 8 Clymer* Tylersport D Kuite A is, Lehigu oo J Zepp. Lanecdale H a Pieter, t ending M M Socks, Pennsylvania Benj Hookel, > Islington, Pa Benj Ssmmel, Lehigh oo .tev ’J' H C Bohier?nteok, O Wm Ney. Meyerst<wn Vra M Medy A wile, Pa Miss Meily, Cnmb'd oo,Pa . ley F Gsrlick.Brooklyn Wm Riegsl, HaTlertoim dr Baohmau, Beliertown And J Hay, 8r Easton lev - Frenoh A la, Hntli Mrs 8 Hay, Jiutcn P EH i.flmpe, PotUville FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Mamet J H Mickle. Phila 0 8 Rogers NO . V • Cannon. Del Rpbt A Cook, Mass Ward, btnyrna. Del Wm D Asset 1 el Nm KBalL w nyrna, jel MissßettieOliver.N Y din Fanny Heatings, h J AH Cook, Dover, Del Remington,Del . BTownsend,Del 8 Habermajer, B>lem, N J BTATEB LNU'N HOTEL—Marketetreet, ateve Sixth Mr* Rauk'n. >'ttt*burg. ► Hard, Bos .on Geo Vouges. Boston J A Marco Perry co, Pa J Powers. Perry co, Pa K M Rumsll, Perry 00, Pa Sami dhei er, Perry c®, Pa D Hife, Perry co. Pa A P Erb. Harrisburg J K Manm< g. Lancaster James Boon, Lancaster B Fitzsimmons, Pittsburg K. Wilson, 'a J J Jefferies. > unbury* Pa DrGilpiu Md J D Rohrer,Lano, Pa COMM >'KOIAL DOTKlj—Bixth st. above Chestnut MosesKiuc. Bir.h Run, Pa Chas CConnor v/m Henry Soby* Wilm Jos T K rk. Cheater co Davis Kimble, Chester co JasPcott, Chester co Amos Kimble, Chester co W Glaaeow, Harford co David P Crosby, Pott a town EJ) Yocum. Pottstown liOnls HiHmnn, w Chettrr 8 B Ford, Aid i»s Watson A wf.Chester oo B Pennook* Pine Grove liss Ma'oney, Ohm ter co Mr* Isabella Trainer, Pa Dr H Hammond. Del w A Atwood, Cheater oo K Well*. Pottstown 8 Border. Pottstown W Jr, Pottstown John H Orris. Lnok Haven J J WH« o , J Devoe. W Chester 8 Nightingale, Pa W 8 Maloney, W Chester ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ab. Third. J Kook. Pa Victor Faider, N Y E H Baldwin. Phila B Bieinthal, Phila Jssß Paso, virguna Chan MoCerthy, Virginia Wm Wilkins. Baltimore Otto Wilkins, Baltimorr w A.‘SK. , Ari“ - v -teWna&.nSr-' —* Jtt Blailfl. P' Ua John Khnar. Lancaster L 8 ficliuyler, Muuoy Wm C Bahrain*, N r H Bnhming. Nassau. NP F M Jones, Charleston, 60 John Dohmtv.Hcht! Haven Louis Oland. Bethlehem 8 Havard, Bethlehem K W Parsons A la, Conn 0 H Parsons. Hartford,Conn J B Browns. Pa K Bartlet, Beth'ehem B Mills, Jersey City H Solomon* NY J Larreu, N y John Middleton, NY C H Pitch, Mass Ja* Goodhead, Md W r UNT VERNON if UTFI ■—Serosd it.. above Arcb. GW Lord. Jr, Pbila .Thos England. Phila Mr■ Farl. Pike on. Pa Mrs 8 Huber. Pnila B B Williams Fliifa Mi:s A i dwards NJ IMPORTATIONS. [Aeported for the Press.! AHECCBO—Bark hltzabelh J—26o hhds sugar J F Peniston; Odks rook oil 8 4 W Welsh: It bbls sulphur C«pt Foullcee: & puncheons ram Geo Atlnns. TKINIDAD—Brir G LBuckman—2l3 hh<l« sugar 84 tee do 10 tea honey 71 hhds molusee S 4 W Welsh. ,yIATA>ZAB:--Schr Goo Bjron—2eo hhds Sltos mo* laei'6 8 4 tv Welsh. PALERMO— Bark Wnj A Banks—looo oantars brira stnoo 250 hales race 7S btgs hemuteed Odo corkwood 1500 boxes I* , mons2fioodo oranges 110 bales oorks Jeaces, BcfltterKOOil 4 Co, . EOTFkRDaM—Brig Heinrich—lS casks wine John Kokert; SBduJ Kohient 7do J Wolienwoberi 4doJost 2 d * Ferd Trittom 1 do A Ricker; SdoJM Hpiolinrd; BdoP J Debrot Ido Carl J Stephen!; 13dnJ G Papier; Bdo L Haag: 19 cases mdse F Lentz; Odo Dr/foos titt/s; 2<ioCBohad(er 4 Co; 2doQ Harendo/e; 1 sm a dtephani; 25 do J F Tobias 4 Co; 20 do Mitchell 4 Alien; SO oka do A G Craig 4 Co: 60 piprsdo J Gibioc,6on4 Co; 2 oases n,aohmery R F Weismsm 8# pipes rid 2& oks do B Walden: 12 oka wine P K l.Rultfr; 4 slabs Hanca tmTwelta, a-eilon 4 Co; 60 mats coffee W 8 Grant; 10 fi slabs gino 20 ca-es doN Trotter 4 Co; goo kegs homos W Cramelien: I cask brandy M Goldschmidt; 49 oks wine 88pipesgmilOcases wine 3 oks mdse order. A2AUINE INTKIiLIGKNCE EBB FOURTH PAGE., arrived, U 8 M steamship Ke>ston» state, Maishman. 48hours from Charleston, with mdse, Ao. to Alex Heron, Jr. P&nsonyer*—Alex Jr- 8 D Leonard. C Fleioher, K G Uima hurt lads MUs Emily Myers, G W MoOowell, D Wells, W Blatchfordv M M Leverett, WO Rnhmong, Ohas Stratton. Henry nuhmong, G W Lyon, J M Lesl'e. lady, two children, and satvant, JM Hilt and lady.Miu M Stevens. Miss B Watson. F M Jones, Dr Joe Yates. W J fipsupe. J H Johnson, R H Green and lads. Mrs Winters and two J WLong.Jady.obild.and servant, Alri < A Burt sod servant* Efinippen, lady, IwoohHdren and servant, WHart and 31 in steerage. Uo the Sd in»t, atS <9 P M, 10 mile* south of Cave Ho mam, exchanged suoals with steamship Stete of Geor gia bound Boarh. Passed, at the Buoy on the Fourteen Foot Bank, urive Aradaie and Tamtme; at the Buov nn the Middle, bolir Sidney Price and brig Harriet B Mo , G livery; at Bombay Hook, barks Chester and Elisabeth ; J, All lumtld up Bark tfhzaboth J. Foulkss. from Arooibn, PR, 12t*i utt, with su.«r. &o, to J > Peniston. Pauenzer* Mr B D heaver of Troy. N Y. Left bftTlc Miivy A Dunurorth, Hakrr, from fit Thomas lor New Vork, loading; eohr Volma fiom do lor oew Grlcan,, Uo tmg HcfUr cb { rtpck) Nciman. Mdarsfrom RTotter dam. ai»li Kin. 40. to A Stepham. Was towed up by Bteam-iuti J F ctarr. , ifolir Wm Ueorite, Uaxel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wlieut to .Ins L llewlov 4 Co. "■'nhf Y«iunk America T.qft 3 duys from Port Deposit, with gMiti in Jaa 1» Beolet fc Co. tfehr Vand-*ila, Coorpr. Iday from Smyrna, Del, with corn to,Jus L Hew!e> 4 Co. ricbr f- rcvmnsmr. Filrrmn 3 days from Indian River, Wlih corn hj Neill 4 eruman. titcauer ironsides. Vanderveer. 29 hours from New York with mdse to WM Baird 4 Co. wVvMORArvD* - jHeninhbip State orGeorsin, Garvin, honoe, arrl ved at havemibii yesierdAy rpormng, Steamsh P GranmJa, Howes, for Havana, cleared at New York ycaterd ty, Ship Rattler, Almy, from )p*la, west ooast of Moxioo. aifiveif rt NtW Vork yesterday. Sohr flvßoue, Pettiiigili, sailed from New Bedford 2d for Philadelphia. Schr Isaac ftiou, Oro veil, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bopton 2d mut. Strs Taconi, Ely; Blnpk Diamoml, Allen, and Sarah, Jones heitou nt New York yestanlav. btr Madgte. Oormley, henoe, arrived at Uali ax 2d inn. NOTION. To tub I adieB.~ Our lady readers who desire a fair complexion, will find an efficient agert in BURNEDT’B KaLLI TON. Those who have used it ai e loud in its praises, at a preparation which imparts a c ear. soft, and beautiful hue to the skip, without being Attended by any injurious effects. It Is pronounced one of the best toilet fixtures ever prepared.— St. Louis Evening Ntu>x. * it 'Jo Consumptives.—Qubru's Cod liybb On. Jelly. This great specific for Consumption is fast superse ding ail others m Us curative efoots upon those affliotid with tubercular diseases, being twice as effiosoiousos the crude oil. Prepared upon highly scientific princi ple's of (he pure oil, and robbed of the nauseous taste of the piaiu is roceived into the stomach in its jellified form, without mastication, and is gradually dis solved ami digested, .passing into the small intestines drop by drop, supplying the wastes of the body by it* nutritious properties, nndthua assisting and sustaining nature in overcoming the disease. Approved by the Now York Academy of Medioine and recommended by the faculty a erywhere, this preparation is confidently offered as a remedy for Consumption and all BJroftilouS affections. Bold by FR t DERICK BROWN, corner of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets; FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., Continental Hotel ? and T. W. DYOTT ft SONS. mh3l piuftm Photographs of tub Japanese, jost taken at WcOLKES’ Oallorj in Washington, are now on exhibitional Me ‘IiEES’ Gallery, Olf* CHfcSTNUT Street. Also, Portraits of Llnooln, Hamlin, Douglas, fieward, Bell, fto., fto. Copies of any of the above for •ale. jes-at BQHLBN S WE£SP ANCHOR GIN S‘JO Pipes now landing at first wharf, below Lom bard ttifo'., from on bond the bng Gezusters from Am sterdam, *nd for sale by the undersigned, sole int poUQ'BQf this brand in th« United States. . . HLNKY BOHLBN ft Co, . iop-8t ■ Nos SHI ard *J23 South FOURTH Bt. Trusses i bkaoes i supporters \ rorreotly adjusted at NEEDLES*. TWELFTH and K AGP. streets. Ladicsentranoe In# Twelfth street, first dour tielow Lady attendants. French, Ens- Mj.fud American, in great variety, Belts, Elastic Stoosints. euspewonMi, shoulder Braces, mylS-iojulytit MAIIRIUD. wrtmfniton B ® l^’ of tl - 18 Anna Jane Eaton, of On the lit I n.t, by Rey. Gap. A. Stja OO BS to Bophie Gsmbl., .ll^of t,. *lrt -ife^^ F , E Bu“ on th. JOthof March, UWO, wfathettat H,r3s ,o KiiM A ." fl DIED. of f h'ti“S, l . l, ' 3d lr,,t ” Patta, in the 2*l .namhlfitfriS 1 friend, nf the familr, officer, and t 2 ,# fl' r h' l '.“'‘>"!.orhoi)d, Bt. John’. Uternry u!S&i ‘ffiSlW '"Porter, of the preu, »re reepeotfally Ir RnUiMndh'. fnoerel, from the rfiidenee of W. floe «tins>«¥® p* th .V l«et, thie (fueeder)Blorn- HAoMiPnS! 00 !*.-ftuthet notice. . * t.r ef h*hi T Zt *“• ®“ TO‘-. Harriet itarrett, tnnpth.. B * BI * **'*.'•* Barrett, Hied 5 yean and. S r ■>.' SU Booth “ftßr?to*rS I’‘hiMTnjjdajrianernoon,atSo’clook. 1 ’‘hiMTnjjdajrianernoon,atSo’clook. » yearof hl.aief lh ° M in,t " °« o ' Brown,in the «tb i.L U . n ( ,'. r . , iA on ;> l « 'A'* rc.idenoe, No. 26 South Vl,h -eft'Mcon. at, o’olook* * thS!f«h7e%, , ,’ n a?.! M ‘"•‘•■Tl-onmeßuohand.iß -waH°w , i,f roln hi" labs restdenoe, No. 670 Larch utreet. vnSvin*; th X a ) afternoon, at 8 o'olook. • ?d inst, tn IheSOth yesrof her Bbadwici| abeth Chadw * ok ' fellot of the late Thomas vaFi^L BI M of her soa-ic-law, Henry at wXolr!” 9 GirardaVflnil ®» this (Tuesday) morning, id ~,a inst. Oitharine M. CIUI. aged fotteoluS ndS moot ,8 ‘ Jsaghter ° r Louis F, and Chat Rgisd'^yMrs A '^ l> ~° n tfl ° inuL. John Fitzgerald. fr< OT hl * ,at * jesidence. No. 1030 Filbert o olook ° W Eleventh, this (Tuesday) morning, at B>i «n}l! VS m [ n *[‘']? a, I Byrsna Hand,daughter ° r w&!E* kbzabsth Hand, axed 19 years. Residence of her parenU.No. IS* ftVSolooif**~ this{luesday) afternoon, tiH,sSiL R,O S® O Af , ‘“ At Laurerpeville. N. J, Mrs. Ann 8?f w 2) tB x! , ‘*? A 0 06111 year of her age. reliot of the la*? wm. Hendrickson. *• » Vn K n«*:rft? tb .® L w lDit ;* Mr,> Keyf* area 92 years, Funeral Irom the restdenoe of ber husband Twenty second street.ihelovr Hamilton, this (Tneeday) aftet urjnn. Aia° olook. * tl i° V‘tf nBt - Ellen Knott, wife of James Knott, in the fiOth year of her age. Funeral from* the residence of her busbar d. Weloh street, above Ghntnn, Chester, Pa., thiß (Tuesday) - •LEDGBR.nRfcj theSdins:., Wm. I the 4Slh yearof his age i-AJ?, 1 l fir i a . i / f ? I !! l v. hlB J ate .X, <said ? nGe >^ o> « South Eizh* * T ). »t II o'clock. • J,..,., - ann.C.thsrina Lentel. rji* °i tt « lat . Hclfrich Lcngcl in the 60th yoar of ncraee. JPHQfral from Hie residecco of her gon-in-law, J. F. McCullogh. iy-7 Lombard street, this (Tuesday) after noon . at 4 o'clook * fdILLER.— Un the 8d lust.. Miss Jennie Miller, in the *3th year of her age. funeral from the residence of Mr. John Christy, 837 North Tenth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 9 o olocr. * r inst.,after a lingering illness, jM-ph Mrers aged 41 years. »vJiP e f r , orn 1«* late residence, Federal street, above Fifth. Camden, N.J., to morrow (Wednesday) aft«r- Roon atSoVtonk. * fiK^;“‘Phf lo *Bl' l ,ult.. at Pennserove, N. J., CapL Griffith Nayter. in ihe 29th year of his age. /n..«?4 r , residence, at Pennsgrove, this 5 rnnrninn, at 10 o’olook. . * , the Ist inst. Mrs. Catharine Piter son, reliot of the late John Jhjterson, in the 84th year of Berate. , _FU n .? ra l from the residence of h?r daughter* Mrs. 9 h jl «S?2SiTi e fl?f , TW ao H? lI1B,ueo ® street,-above Wil -1 J“l? n ueaday) morning, at * o’clock. * the mßti * Mrs. Sophia Soheerer, wife or Gnttlieb oheerer* Funeral l»om the residence nf her husband. 637 North Twelfth street, to' morrow (Wednesday)afternoon, at SHfeKELEß.—Onthe2d inst.. Jacob Shekeler, aged si years. Funeral from the residence of Daniel Dlokes, No. 1010 Frankfort! road, belowOxforistreet,this(Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o’olook. * OBITUARY RESOLUTIONS PASBSD AT A SPVCTAL MFETIIO OV THE SENIOR OIH^RO iROTiiBBHoot), Monday evening, june 4th, 1860. .Wherttt*. Our oAmrade, friend, and fetlow-member WILLIAM DUNN. his, in the mysterious dispensa ttons of Providence, been suddenly and unexpectedly summoned from this world: and whereas, we have ever found in him virtues wniph deserve remembrance- a frmdltness ofheake.And generous sympathy which inked b m olosely With us all,and a briliiaooy ef talent andn,obihty of soul wjiioh equally fitted him to be our leader: therefore, bo it Resolved. That in the death of William Dunn we have sustained an irreparable loss, and a grief more sincere end pounant than ’he of Id formulas of lancuaxe oaavxpress; that, endeared to utbi innumerable kindly i offices of friendship, respeoted m our esteemed as oor prerifaent, associate, friend, and fellow-member, admired for his eminent ability, as for the shining qua* lines of his character- he has left a vacancy in our midst which oannot be filled. Resolved, wo oherish with brotherly regard his remembrance of us in his last bitter hours, and that we shall preserve saoredly and Ineffaoeabtrupon oar hearts the memory of hit life, and those endearing re coUeottone of our earliest days, “ when we were boys together.” > “ Fad tears upon his early bier FaU soft as aurom«r ram ” and cluster arounj his name all th* tender recitals oencee of youth—of the schoolmate, tbs leader, the fa vorite. v Resolved, That.we tender our sincerest oondotenoe to the afflicted family of the deceased, with a trust that Divio* oonsolation may soften the rigor of this tad lie reaviment; tha't&eY are not alone in their sorrow, for the manly v-rtaes of the deceased have caused a wide apd/general regret, And, we truss have commended him to God. Earth is not our abiding p’a-'e, oed ” we may rise on stepping-stones . Of our dead se'ves io higher th'Ugs ” Resolved, *> hat, as feeble tributes nf oar respeot and sympathy, this » oo<etv attend the funeral of the de ceeeedina body: and conies of these resolutions he presented to the family of the deceased, and inserted in the daily papers. * S‘ UMWKR MOIfRNING'GOODS. Black Bateses and Crape Matetz. %, 6-4,7*4, and 8-4 wide; Hlaokßilk Grenadines, Grennatne Bareges, Camel’s, Hair Bareres. Bummer -Bombasines, Chnlls. Crape Chalis, Tamartines, Taramttane. fine Mou?teunedo Laities, Lawns, Gioch .ms. Organdies, Silks, Foulards, Chalisde < aines. Barege Manti'h* end Points; Bare ice. Grenadine Barege and Grenadine Shawls: frun.Utob ellns. Fans,Summer Gloves and Hosiery; Yells: Collars, Me 1 vet, Ac. BESSON 4 dON* MourmnirStore. je! K No. 918 CHEBNUT Street IIEADGI/AR/TERS FIRST DIVISION, I U3 PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERB.—PmLA peIp ia, June 4th, 286t>. ?bdixp 'N 0.4.) < ' The Dlvtslonwill parade for the snrpose indicated fn Order No. 8 on earuraay next, the 9tb last The line will be formed« h*lL»ast I o’clock, on BROAD Street, rishtonCHß. STlANjftfeet. facing west. 11. The CavMry wit) Jor the day be detached from th»jr Bngsdqg/ foriaing a separate command S^yordertdirecffi^Bi^onffiaJfiStetfeS;*^^ 111. Conipantee from sdjacent nlvisions desirous of joining the parade, #fll report to either Brigadier Gen eral Cauwalaanr. Reiily, or Miles, m they mar prefer. IV. Doctor WilliamH. Taggart. Assistant Burgeon of the Ist Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry. Is Appointed Division Surgeon, wjih the rank of Lieut. Colonel. By oommana or - R. BUTLER PATCTMO <& A mTFD MCETIBro OF THE JU iLf NTOR ANTI-SLAVERY BOOIRTY will be heTd at Ci ARKSON HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, June 5. u» NTRAWBERRY AND FLORAL FEB - and Floral Festival will beneld in tbs ODD FELLOW’S H *LL, Frankford. on the 6th. 7th, Bth. and ath of June, br the ladies of the Presbyterian Church. Open Afternoon ana Evening, TiokeU, lOcents. jes Bt* fYS 81 PAIR AND CONSECRATION.—A FAIR I .will be held r.t RIVERTON. New Jersey, on the *tbT7th. and Bth mstsnt. for the benefit of Christ Churoh. just erected at that plaoa. Tfie Churoh will bs Gonseoiatod on SATURDAY, the 9tb instant, t>y the Rt, Rev. Bishop Odenukimer. •J’hs steamboat Riverton leavts ARCH-Street Wharf atfl a. at. and 2and6P.AL There are frequent means of access to the city, by steamboat and railroad, throughout the day. jeS Bt* fY-g* AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEO* LkJJ? PATuY.—The Annual Meeting of the Ameri can Institute of Homeopathy will ta>e plsoe on WED NL'jDaY. the 6th instant, at lOo’clook A. M., in the College Building. FILBERT street, above Eleventh. The Annual Address will be delivered on WEDNES DAY EVENING, at 8 o’clock, by F, R. McMANUB. M, D . of Baltimore, iq Concert Hall, CHESTNUT street, to which the pubho are invited. Je4-3t* [Ty* OFFICE OF THE HESTONVILLE, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Bixtb Instate meat of Five OoUars per Share of the Hestouvllle, Man tua, and Fairmount assenenT Railroad Company will be due and payable at the offioe of the Company on the 6th instant. jai-gt . B, MORTON ZULICK, Seorotary. rf* OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA 13 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Ma.&ch* 1860, The holders of the bouds of this Company, due July 1, 1860, can now receive, upon application at tnia offioe, 10 per cent, in o&sb, upon the terms specified fn the oirou lar attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of 8140/WO per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9. 1860,and in pursuance oftheoonlraot.entereaintoby he company and duiy rocorded, to carry the same into ffeot. _ j 8 -.jl*^ADFORu, Treasurer. Nodes to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Aforisag* Bonds , due July 1,1350, These bonds aro scoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $5,303,400, The oet revenue for the last fisoai year was six times the amount of tho annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty vehrs. the holders retaining the bonds and the seounty of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they aro now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the Interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per cent, will be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of tho Ccfiapany,o7 to its agents, tor endorsement. Forms of recoiptandendorsementwiH be furnished ox application. 8r order of the Board of Managers, mVtf *. H. MrILHKNNV. Xecreterr. QPE~ISQWfHS^BASON CAPE MAY. DAILY LINE, CHANUE OF HOUH TO 9>4 O’CLOCK, A, M. On and after.THURSDAY, 7th inst., Steamers for CAPE MAYplnd Nt.W YORK will leave DAILY, at 9)i A> M. Season Tickets for Cape May, good to 6th of Sep tember. $8 co . JaMBR ALtii ERDTCB, Agent. 314 and 310 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE. jes 4t important to B»jgfesgfie?fag» PLEASURE SEEKERS! Thn Pennsylvania Railroad Company oflers advan tare* unequalled by any other line to persons seeking health or recreation from business during the warm voeathnxn the ißsue of kxcubbion tickets. or and after Jan* 20th, Jeflo, to Ciibsbon, axtoona, Bjsdvord and Epheata Sfb'nqs. and coupon tickets for twenty-fir tnps, fori he usaol and from points near the city, TiOket* to C/Ksso.V Hotels, at the summit of the Al legheny mountain-good for a round trip within 10 dnw-o be had for «7.60 , Tickets to Altoona, where invalids and others will find splendid hotel accommodations, good for round trip teithin 10 days— faro 97 15. For BedfordSpnngs—Passengers.tioketed to Hope* well, Saxton, nr Broad-Top City, via Huntingdon and Broad-t'ou railroad, connecting At Hopewell or Dudley station with two diily lines of coaches to the Springe. Fare #640. Passengers to iooat points on Pennsylvania railroad east of Downingtown o&n procure tickets tor M trips, good for any member of the family, at a discount of 2S per cent, below regular rafps. i he above tiehtfs and further information to be had after June 20th by application at the offioe of the Penn sylvania Railroad Um, southeast corner KLEVENIH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. . . „ „ THUS. MOORE, Agent. Lbwib L. Hqupt, Gen. Ticket Agent. |ctt- im PERSONAL. -A. D. ANCONA GIVES the Highest Cash Price for Ladies' and Gents' cast-off Clothing, at 330 BUUTH Street. iefi-flt* YOU want A PICTURE AS WELL as a likeness; you desire an artistio light and shade* You should then resort to where you find skill. PHOrOGRAMIS gl£le®,“k- QOWP street, above Green, u» HfIAUKJSREU, oHAD. HJSRRIM*, ao.— *■"* lOCObms Nos, 1,3 and 3 large and medium Mao* kerei, in assorted packages, of a ve yefioioe quality; also 50 bbls. new No. 3 lance Mackerel. 60 half bbls ne\y No. 3do do, . 90 bbls new No. 3 medium do. 50 do. new Eastern Mess Bhad. 50 half obis new do do da. 1500 bbis new Knatcort No. 1 Herring. SCO do do Halifax Ao. 1 do. 2QO do new Boston No,] do, , ICO do do No 1 scale Fish. 25 do prime No. jSalmon. U*o quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 100 boxes new Herkimer oonnty Cheese, Now M«*and ].t no north WBARVhs. f ktL; CBDION- Grass, for sale by WE VA THKRUiX.-,tJ BROTHERS. 4T and 49 North second tst, my» RETAII DRY GOOD). T INENTORDMBToLOXHSrr ' Ew Line, Stair Cnuh?”’ LW * B ‘ m " k Lilian Dl.P.™ and Tow.!,. ' Li *‘ T * W< ’ Cto^ Moaquito N.ttinc., U«M ftamm.r Quito. lilnin and Fnut d-0y11,.. B *‘ h “ d3rrio ‘ ion To « u ' Buff and Dark Window H&*d. 010 lh *' Btatd ooT *™- : i^-if A LLENDALE COUNTERPANES and other SUMMKR BPREAIiS great variety, at CUMMER GAUZE BLANKETS—These deßirablejßdbdaforchmraarnM for sals by BH£i>PARDrVAN HAmUngSWo to ARjnSKW, ,_*t* 1008 CHRSTNUT street fPARLBTONS AND NETS, in nil, widths' £9 lQri i» fc* the piece or yard, at the lowest oath BotioS’ Mirrors, Ac., covered ;*tshort , HHKPP ABD , VAW HARLi^g^RfirSON.^ iCJ.ILT SHADES, PLAIN SHADES. 4c.. rot °Pt warranted to give satisfaction, .SBEPPaRB. A- fc^feN fe§T^m . t IRISH LINENS. A fresh invoice of « 7 9 South WiNfHStrMt. NEW PUBLICATIONS. AT ALL THE BOOKSTORES THE BOBBIN BOY, A TRUE LIFE OF , HOW. N. P. BANKS, who soar FROM A BOBBIN BOY TO BE GOVERNOR. Splendidly Ultutratod by Bilim*. , Prion:...— re Cento. J. B. TILTON t 00., Publiiheri, ies-lather Borton. SPIRIT OF THE TIME! PULL R EAT RACE PEREMPTORY OHALLKNOB® 'TO t ~ m __ MUmilCiarKY a letter, from Hannan! Lettorn from ths Fdilor: Let *®rA|^ro|Cp,®?? 0 l ,ant *£jSeraMoiaJ London correapond r‘tr}*2tt&,r'n To ? weraond the Editor of £< ' ° f ap r o“r t fin“ n No C w” r O.'e ?' **»*>'•“!“■< »'“>>• NOW OUT! NOW OUT! [lt tTONTJNGDON’S NEW VOLUME.— a { , ?kl o M ndCol i[® K6, aa An Address delivered in the Sy F?D. MoeSS! 1 " ° f a|r4“ o i!\H te itS^J, h li?s?. ph /»c f Su Sohoo! *'' a ' i wlß'Smdban^sao'.nto 01 Hj,mn “ dT ““ B#ok ‘ Bj For sale br WM, a. & ALFRED MARTIEN, >* >o OOP OHKBTwI? r Street. JAPANESE EDITION OF THE STRAN •F (JEK’S GUIDE!! Si rangers vuiiinr the city during ths sojourn of the Japanese wilt Jirut this little manual o f great value. * have new ready— -8 GUIDE IN PHILADELPHIA, to all thepubl.c bui dings. plnoeaof amusement. oom ro*roiat and religious institutions, and churches. princi pal hnteli, &0.. &o. WithftmapoftheoUy»andnurae roa» illustration*. Wrao. Price iu muslin. ....33 celts. M paper .. t& *» A POCKRT M*P OF THE ENTIRE CITY, it* oolored,)37c«nt*. pALb NEtv BuOKS can be procured at VERY LOW pVoaUoi? Qe * our own wblioation* furnished upon ap- ALL 'I HE NEW BOOKS OP THE PAY, and a large St ? tolow “r'pßtoVs Mi *°® llM0 °“* Fublioution., . . „ . LINDShY % BLAKIBTON. _JeB S 3 South SIXTH Btreet, above Chestnut. f)ONVENTfON CHORUS col . leotlon nf anthemi, ohorasei, glees, and onnoerted n b .^ e L t lV lg. a ,o D n^ Bo?i & C °- SUMMER RESORTS. SJURF HOUSE, ATL tNTJO CITY. N. J. , Thin apaotous Hotel, posaessingthe most lulvanta* geons ioc&tion at Atlantiovity, having been recently the 9 h*instant op * * or approaching seaaon on Anew wing three stories high and 9* feet in length. « !^« d « a V V loUn(iin * been add* d. contain *, D * ij *yfif “ r 9 on >®- and esteoding to within 6d , r^««i™.^? aD,a J n ® p fl9 B P? oto * is afforded from almost every room in the house. Gas it being introduced into the budding, additional bath houses w>Jl be erected, and numerous other im* %!Sf f he aim of the propristor to make the HoUBa, une of the most attractive or resort near Philadelphia. S l ?ii t iHS.T? n ** ««! *£<* in the most liberal manner. lbI f 9 .9 ar L w,[| h 0 e?«rcisetl in the general ar rangement* of the honse with a view to the oomfort and.convenience or gutste. oonuors ..tIno 1 no **«hing at AtTsmioi* unsurpassed, and the pure. Jj^JjP*P h « re has proved to 1» partioulaily beneficial address w “ ‘ h ' jastutt],-2m H. 8. BKNSOW. HEIGHTS HOTEL—Tho ffil?* W *• ®>»»e4 for tin r.oeption of vijitore on the 10th of June. I he tafile arrangemenU will be under the direction of M wh nt O,ta r ,r, .. THOMA ? i DORSEY, of thi. N^’l^goiriTStr. 0 ?!.”" 1 ” ’ nado for ro ‘ , “■’ “ oth.r Partiea oa th. lawn, will hav. «»- peo l *u«nHon, witbont intruding upon the privacy of regular boarders, \s. fheeubeonber may be found at the Hotel, to make the nocaasary snssMassts for boarders. _jc3-10t E. BOBBINS, Ftorenee, New Jersey. JSEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known °. p ? n **}} *J?* J*t of Ootober. a a ? tvK ] l)o » Dd *Mhe manaiemeat of Mr. A. •HanV,™ IiTSS 1 B ® e *P a f , e n e*i courteous manners, and to^rX=l,w^ i lf. r dX?i^Y. tt .?Li 3 ' 1 r& tion ta "*** JNO. P, jtKBD, Seo’y and Treasurer. my3o fim Bedford Mineral Springs Co. E'PHRATA mountain springs, f-f Lancaster County, Pennsylvania—This eatab \ shraent will be open by the )lth of June. The ad vantages of tbik beautiful resort are: Mountain scenery* pure air, ana soft water; every variety of beths, sSI amusements; a good stook of livers horses, and oar* 2n£§na For fun kU ®*» OB JOSEPH B. vYbFS* and VineStrsets; JAMES 8. EaRLK, No. SIB Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIGMAOHER, IphmS Post Office, Lancaster County, Pa. my 30-1 m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TVS’SOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership horetoforo oxi.tinx between i h lnN , ?n : fJ g 5' d , , ."i? lJl,r lll * E J n ' ot FOUNTAIN fc > Si '.‘h .day dieeolved. WIL Philadelphia, Jana 1, ISS^ Il ' BEfll ' LEOflA j}e. 3 t» T\ISSOiUTION.—The undersigned have “~r this day dissolved by mutual o'nsent. the partner- SBJl , r4 f W. tiosbl,WM June 1, IMP—JeB-at* ° HAK^B 8 ‘ mm ‘ OP PARTNERSHIP.— f.°D B IM ILBOK ’ — THE UNDER SIGNED have this day formed a copartnership under the. firm of BTILSON, BTONK, A CO., for the purpose of transacting the Wholesale China, Glass, and Queenswarebusiness, at No. 90s COMMERCE Ht. ROBRRT RTILSON, J. B. STONE. June 1, ISfiO-ln JOHN F. BENNETT. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND. FATR to at FLORENCE HKIGHTB HOTEL.—The ladies of ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, Florenoe, N. J., pro* DAY ard WEDNESDAY, the sth a'ddthof June, on which occasion a variety of useful and fanoy artioles will booffe.ed forstle. „ As the proceeds of the Festival and Falrare designed tr.the benefit of the younr Parish, and to add to the Building Fund of a Clutch edifice, the ladie* hope that their efforts in so good a cause may be appreciated and generous . Pars ns ein reach Florenoe from Philadelphia, on the above named dav*. by the New York lines, leavinr Wa NUT Street Wharf atSo’olook a.M. and at ISM and 3 o’olook P. M«. and return by the Railroad lines, leaving Florence Station at 013 and 040 o’olook H. M. The steamboat »d»m Forrest, whioh will leave ARCH Btreet Wharf on th« Stbof Jane, at IS o’clock M.,nnd oo the flih at 1 o’olook P, M., and will leave Florence, on h«r return, at ft and 6 o'clock P. M. on the above days, will afford to those who ma* preterit the ißieann of a pleasant river excursion. Carriages wilt Wrin waiting attheßUtion and Wharf, on the fjrrival of all the trains and of the boat, for the convenience of such os may desire them. je4 tt A STRAWBERRY FFS 'IViL, to aid in liouidstme the debt on CHRIST CHURCH. Media. See. Henry 8. Oete. Heotnr, wilt be held under the uu liitfr ttf® l5 d “,* of .f, h ? Feneh, on THUBSDAY next. iuNh.7th. •Mealewilt be euppliad on the .rounds, ae we.l ae a bountiful provie;e n In the w yor rafreahmapta. A number -f ueefnl and fanoy artiole. will he expo«ed for sale alao. To add to th, attraction., the Germania Bancs of Philadelphia (ten instruments) have beenen gaged for the day. Tiobets entitling the holder to a meal, 00 cent*. Trams leave HUH) KbNTH ana MA f KET at 7 05.10 45 A. M., and 2 90.5.46 PM. Leave Mediaat7 J 0,9 43A. ft!., and 240. 61U P M. Tiokets for the Kxo'ursion, 50 cents, to be bad at the Station. je4*3t* • MECHANICAL BAKERY.—Customers who have hitherto reoeived their BAhAD from the BTORE, at the corner of FIFTH and BPftuGK Streets, w H nlesse dmp a few lines to the uadeislgned. and they shall be promptly attendee to Je4 «t JOHN G. MOXHY.Supt. KSwbtPH—c WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA AAiIiKvAJ/i VIA MBDTA, „ t CHANGE OF HOURS, On Mid after Monday, Jane 4th,J6fiO, the trains will leave PHILaDKLPHI*, from the Station, Northeast corner of high'eenth and Market streets, at 7.06 and 10 46 A. Mm a d 2‘o and 6.46 P. M. Leave WEST OHt£B»’fcß, from the Depot, on East Market street, at C. 25 and 010 A. Mm and 1.66 and 6.86 P, M, , , ON SUNDAYS. ‘ - Leave PhiladelphiaatB.ob A. M.. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester, at 7 23 A. M. t smi4.WP. M. . , HENRY WOOD. Js4-tf General Superintendent. -giwTURTLE AND CL4M SOUP served lK up every day throughoutthe season (Sunday’s excepted), by JAMBS PJtOoSfcft, no, 808 MARKET Street, N.B, Dinners from 12 to 8 o’olook. myM-tf M-S. M. S 13'SHOP’S PARISIAN 'MfcMtLLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, next door to the St. Lawrenae Hotel, my2B-lm tTHE BEST ARE CHEAPEST.*—Buy Umbrellas and Parasols of WM. H. RIOHARDBON, myH-Uylif No. 4XB MARKET St. tPARASOkS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, in everr variety, oheap, at WM. H. RICHARDSON’S, mtH-tiylif *lB MARK Bl* fct 1860. IOEI 1860. COi.D SPRING lOE COMPANY, , BOALBO'r FAMILY PBIOB9. J pounds 46 oents per week. 18 “ «S’ « «« » “ “ TO- •» eo ’* ** let- «* «« 79 M « d tjeud your orders to the offices, or may be the OffioeSt "WALNUT Rtreet.’se.-oiid story! PlN^p' ll K H fer E | p »&Sgß- EC. bP.CKLsND, •’ ATTORNEY AT LAW. CANTON, KY. * •Sr^WaialaUeutionpaidtothSo in Trigg. CaHovsy, Mar*h*!li Lye", Caldwo' and te® s «a WANTS, A Cuh wT.J jBMAN: HAVINO $5,000 .in S™*AWWANMD.Ij^-o O n^I 0B - A GRADUATE OF A Ssffig#flwnmte LOT or AN AGED MAN, WHO uTa qooß \\T ANTED —A Bitu»tion by «young Man Coili n , I H,£!L aT £ st or P4CRMJ«»J»2 Good, or FOR SALE AND TO LET. m .WINTRY seat, beautifully asi^csa^MSSS?®^^ *■ 8. R.oorn.r FOURTH and WaLnuVm™!.. J££t I 800 ond Story P*OB SALE, ‘ ~ HENRY OSBORN. SALE—A no-top Watson Waroo.ond .at of Sailub.r, !• FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Elegant country residesck far sale, replete with all the modern oonmni one of mom heel.hful aeotioS offtSl •rlvania, convenient to,the etty, on the line or the Pees. s>] vania Railroads with eeeeee to and from the city ee w.l bjiM daily. Will ,1s arid m roowSilS urSi pro - rtjr - *” «sffiWESsgp KENT for THE iiUMMER—fhe m .following ROOMS, of a large bouse furnished—parlor, diniai'roomi kitohen. fAfirßhastaSSmT aniLbath-room, surrounded by a large tardea *J*O LET—The first floor of the fine baild- m for sale or exchange for |H:^iu‘to“p‘wV«' in aS ®BBK *W dress h. R.,” office of Ths Press. - jeS-St US TO RENT—TWO COTTAGES, sm o Ssssfter r A'SS I , R J ir -' rHla,> “* ba! i«TM.'thTtij?* n ” r PIFTH wd oommb*ctS.u. rjIO LET—Three large rooms, suitable , for anv bind of business. Apply on the prem*eea, 315 MfrtQß Street. Jr»3t* TO .BUILDERS. —A large Lot. in % ra« ■ .pidly-improving section in the southwest part of the oity, will be sold on eoaoDmodating terms. For panicutars address •» K.” office of this paper jol-g*» FOR BALE—Four Lots on Passyunk Road, west of Broad. Applr at 118 FhDKjtAk Street, jeldt* Stt FOR SALE, on accommodating terms, mSL the 8 TORS AND DWELLING, No Sll.Arcn wtraet. 'Anplj bo ALLKN, rojSl-Ht* B»rARCH MreeL m FOR SAI|*~~A HANDSOME PRO FBRTY, in Germantowa. within a few minutes the depot. Fine garden, with hot-beds, Abu danoe of Fruit—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Stone Honse; gas and water thronghont. Stone Stable. Large Lawn. leims very aooommodaUng, uapoaeaeMon given when required. Apply to , STB. COMEGYS, apl3-if at the PhilodeiphS Rank, BOARDING. BOARDING—At a firsi-class 7T fafm-hoos®* from the City, near Avondale Station, P. AB.C.K.R. toana from the city three a day. Periona desiring Board for ? their famtues are invited to view the place. Cars leave •not, •■IGHTJiKNrH MARKET Streets,** 1 5c * AYuNDALEjn time toreaoh the city -by» a. M. For pat ticulars, addreee E. W. HICKS, Chatham, Chester county, Ponna. ? AND GENTLEMEN WISH •R- ING FIRST-CLASii BOARD,' with cool Rooms, cannowhaveohoiceatDed WALbCT Bt. iei-lm* CUMMER BOARDING. AccommocU- tions for two or three small-aise families, and a few single boarders, can be secured at Eaton Academy, gennett Square, Chester county, ifapplioatiou be made without delay. Access by cars three times daily. Aedress . WILLIAM CHANDLER. Iti-lSt’' Principal ami Proprietor. TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN* BE .accommodated, with good, airy apartments, (with or without board,) in. asnvate family. tral. Address , M TOLBERT, f> through mood’s Dis patch. sph EXCHANGE BANK, V/ FkiusilpsUi Bis; Irltt, ‘ • The Director have THIB DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT, on the Capital fitook, dear oi tate Tax, and payable on demand. rerl-tf J. WTTORREY, Cashier; EDUCATIONAL, MfSS LUCY R MAYER and Mw. B. M. BIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY. Sep umber 17th, 1880. • jH-lm REMOVALS. Removal —small & chandler, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have recurred from 88 North SKOflTOjlirsat, to IMMARJBKT StreK above Front, north side, fal JJALJL’d PATENT PLATED lOE PITCHE Entirely different in their eonstraotion front nil other* and WARRANTED to keep the lOE LONGER than any Pitoher now in ate at a temperature of seventy de grees Fahrenheit. The above Pitobers will keep the water ooid for tietnty-four hours. A pound and a half of ion in three pints of water will fast seven hours and Afty-Jlvo miuuta / while the same quantity in an ordinary stono'pitoheT, at the same tern * pars turn, only taats two hours and fifteen minutes! Persons should not oonfoand these Pitchers with thou usually sold, but inquire for HALL’S PATENT. WM. WILSON & SON, Sole Agents for thn Manufacturer, 8. W. Comer FIFTH and CHERRY Streets. mylS-tf rjpo FAMILIES RESIDING} IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. Ws are prepared, as herstofore, to supply Families at their country residences with every description of fine GROCERIES, TEAS. &c ALBERT C. ROBERTS, * myB tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Street*. JUST RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, A LARGE STOCK OF JET BRACELETS, Both Plain and Gold Mounted, which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES, BY THOMAS O. GARRETT, rayM lra No. TIS CHESTNUT STREET (Q.OOr> GR.OOEBIES. FREP. E. SWOPE.. NO. ISOS MARKET STREET, Throe doors .bore Twelfth, Hu opened a erell-ieleoted assortment of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES fine"'T-E AS. Whioh he is prepared to famish at the LOWEST OA9H PRICES, • jal.frto.3m McCLEES. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPH ES TABLISHMENT, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST.. (Over Robinson’s Looking-Gla*a Store.) Ivorytypes, colored and plain Photographs. Da guerreotypes, and Ambrotypes. my 18-1 m CARD TO THE PUBLIC, CONGRESS SPRING. BAKATOGA, APRIL 16, 1666. An attempt has been made todeoeive the publio, by person* offering what they, call “Cokohxss Watbe’’ from Fountains; and at the price of six (6> oents per glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa* ter, at New York, being about 7H cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without ailowhnoe for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course han been to empty m bottle or eenrane ContreM W.ter into .1 Founts,o filled with their tnuih.aim thereby ohrittemn, it, total oontente. ... , ■ We hare nnvnn .old Coniroae Water in Foafitalne, nor Itt reuels of e»« olhw deuHprtw than ordinary lined mam BOitise. The cork of erery bottle of the lenuine le branded •• CONGRESS WATER C. ft W.." and any, without those word, sad letter, on the oork, i. conjniuruit, whether frogt' Fountainl or Bottle,. . CLARKE ft WHITE, Proprietor, of Cotunee fipriu. .The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vli t 3RIOK BROWN, oor. Fifth and Chestnut eta, IRICK BROWN, Jr., oor. Ninth and Cheetnat, .M KLiifefc Co; Tit Market .tree!, utetmefe Arc CMitaathrtfQMuan by us with Oi* gea««*s Coif obxss Watie ” Ui bottles, fresh l&Urs^8 rM> spring, t •' CLAJIKc.k WHilae, aplt-emif .- 99 OBDeft at.- NearVorir City. T ABD ( IL.--60 bbls Tobin’s Cincinnati it oo™ Uo. d AKVinnsn. THK4TSK. plOHSfg BB0XHB»k. 8^jBIIj * TIOWMIMI, EIGHTEEN *TAK PRHFOBMEM. JBM 11. c 5i r .x>r‘»is‘is ftS,sa t “” ,t, ~*7 u • ,i * l , ‘" "nil? Drohtstrft T SSS* ™~J3s f EON MOfltlS. *«««: •■ . CM4EI/M A. UOMUM. AltmL AU*ItT-MTKISKT THiTrut. t o2111,'? 0 |SS r ~ d «*• ’ S5 ‘ ; ifrfniNu ara«L a *ss.*sjsr Js&jsjsh* fSMysßt^- jgjXTß* ” J .KK£jpSf r< ~ * **"• TWru, <m U* hu “is 'To iiT# the Fi*m erarf yoMbit aM> ai nm*. IsmthHtenßada with/ *—• wße^iw- S^^^R2oB CHAMPIOW SJOIAMduN’S TEMPLE, mSs^^^**** m 3 *»• jet*. ud .the WOfehipfeve rw preeantM by *6 fifpret tmiid in Jewieh oStvae. •orrmndisc the nnooM oonrte, fir* ire . Head IrtCir M Mh to Silt oh**.; 1 CknNbJM oka*; M ooDtnja uinMeriftioß •jjlwwsi; l,vawia auademT or'fisJs A. AJtTS. loss CHMTWBT Street. Tto mi) Annul Krill bitios j BOV area dellT.frga »<£olook.A. M.SStll T V. M., S*eiroaTtilMg y.Jg. Admtenonls oests Season ttekela.* eeats. Chil dr*tt. buf'jnet. theAeertemr Irill ™o°‘ T « thair tioiata at tfca oinol POINT BKKEZE PAHK - TO-MORROW, it SP ML, two fi~ntijta of *»«ed t mile he*ta, m fire. betweeatW zst* , -‘~ o ate *•»•* *■"» “ . pmnibMee will l.are Mean. BENNBft k DOW ■lNffs BHOAO Btrert, ofposiM the Beltiaore Depot- ieS-W CLOTHING. V BOICS* CLOTHING. BOCKHILL & WILSON. Ho. Mg AND eo« CHESTNUT STHEIiT. Are offimns to the while, .in connection with their reftlartanneMof MEN’S CLOTHING. A auperior (took of BOYS’ CLOTHING. Of the Uteit Spring Good*, end made In the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. Meaenres taken and Garment* made to order at the SHORTEST NOTICE. myM-lm H. ELDRIDGE, “CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE'," It. K. Corner XIOHTH suit CHESTNUT Am. , tfr Cutomer Work made atihonnoOea -4phg Am-if SATING FUNDS. A MERIOAN SAVING FOND.—Oom- K*gy’e Baildinu, eoulhoeat mr»r WALNUT Old Inetitotum hwalmta wud in full, on doaunl, without notioe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All urn* paid back, on demand,!* gold and silver, trustFb*. __ ALEX. President. _ . _ _ BAML. WORK, Vice PnSSafc John C. Farr. T. K. Harper, GeonsTNageat, John Anspsch, Jr., Sami. T. Rodute, Ale. C._Roberte, JOHN 0. BIMx, flecietary. mvia-lm CJFRtNG GARDEN SAVING FUND. Offioe, 331 North THIRD Street. betvMa Vn# and CallowbilL Incorporated by the LafiAUrt Apffi lilh, law. .Openfor 6to»Bp'olMK. Alto, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 8 to 8 o’clock. Interest Bper ©eat. per annum.. Depositors eu with draw their *eoneys by Checks, if desired. Bpeeial Do posits received. § ■ „ . JAMES S. PRINGLE, Preffideet. r . F*A»ms Hapv. geeretarv. aain-tfif MEDICINAL. pBOF. MORRIS’ £U CEP HAL OS, PROFEB»OR MORRIS’ PkOPESSOR MORRIS’ PROFEBSOR BfORRIS' i58JfIlU:88: AN INyALUABLE Bl,C] “ P “ Al< Oa, AN INVALUABLE EXTERNAL REMEDY, ’ BXTKBNAt, RBMEIiV, FOR BIUEASER OF FOR DISkASKS OF THE Fot DISEASES OF THE^ SliVOU® btsteU’. br mtenM • APPLICATION OF*THB MIND to the researches of Literature, the ccnoerM of Commercial and Financial BiuinSM, and tae affairs of Profeseional and Political Life, or as occasioned by anv other oause from whioh the Nervooe bystem has be come exhaust'd atd diseased. UIMUD Muoaui as uau uiew^u. Tbesymptons covered bv this valaable Preparation are numerous: of whica the more prominent are, KXCITVMK'-T OP THIS BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND. CHFON-O “ Nls* VOU.NbSS.”NEDRALBIA, RHEUMATISM, NiSRVOIiS HEADACHE Etc., Etc. The EUCEP - A LO? is can tally prepared, by per miesKn, from the Foxsiula of PHOF W.WoRRi*. M. D.« of this oitv. to which he refers in his Philoepphteal Pamphlet. “ FSUKifCuS.*’ On the relstione of the Ganguo-Nervoa* System to the immaterial soul of wta&* Having exhibited toe nrineiplee and eommended the system or Compoeite Eommopath*, Pro)e«eor M. eaye: <r ltroay oe permissible that l should offer, ns an il laetration, my own cane. A oontmose eouree of sta ges for a number of yearn bad. to a eertsin extent, produced thn ordinary enacts of extreme mental ap pliovion by attenuating the prime centre* or crjaaio and mtelleeipal life, and hence arose a felt -ecemty oi personal relief. Having swell-founded or>Bftaea©e in Composite Honxeopatby nod an intimateaeguainunoe with Materia Medi-a oi the Horomopetnio Sohool [ selected oertam sabetanoes of ascer aipea hannooious relations and aoprovtd ui's. and combtned their essen tial properties in prop n rtional ueity, and was gladdened bv the possession of a meaioinal teeearee.” Professor Morris describes the mode of application, and then adds: “In this wty the desired relief has >wea ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, the sangho nerrona system restored to its former tone, tnd mental dearness, tranquillity, and vigor—at th»- ags of nearly threejsoore-arc the msoh valued results ” Prepared, and sold vtf ROLE* a i K, by MOQKFfDGE A CO., No. 63 North FOURTH Street, Phlladnlpitin, and at RETAIL by Druggists ssnerritr. Prioe, Ai per bottle, large use-so cents small rite. myS B»if ACf nil I For tbe INSTANT RELIEF and PEA dMuIAI MANENT CUKE of this distreeeing own- plaint, use lUDT’B BRONCHIAL CIGABETTBB, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR k CO.. 10T NASSAU Street. New York. Price Riper box; sent free by poet my7-8m ifj FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. gURNETT’ei OOCOAINE. aURNETT’S OOCOAINE. BURNETT'S COOOAINE. A compound of Coooanut OiLet©.,for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, itiawith- OI ?f prewSS* hair from falling off. It promotes tts healthy and vigorous growth. It is not greasy or sticky, jt leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair token hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin . It affords the richest lustre. It remains icxgtst in tffeti. Iteosts AAv cents for a half-pint bottle. . tm A Single application renders the hair (no matter bow stiff and, dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is oonoeded by all who have used it to be the BEST aND CHEAPEST HAIR DRESSING IN THE WORLO. BURNETT'S KAILISTON, As a wash for tbe oomplexion has, no equal. It is dis tinguished for its cooling, and soothing properties, aud is admirably adapted to all unnatural conditions or the skin; removing tan. sunburn, freckles, redness and roughness of the skin, eto., curing okapped hands, and alln!?bg the irritation caused bjifie bites of moesuitnee, an other annoying mseoto. Prepered by JOSEPH BURNETT k CO., Boston. Prtee, 80 oents per bottle. For sale everywhere. mydS-Wt-if (TAiiiU&GEb, o, m unnenii o* WILLIAM £>. KOGEHB, BIFOSITOBT. HfclfM OKBSTNUT STKKEV, ! AZUMKA ! AZDMfiA t AZUMEA! AZUMEft! ftZtJMEftt ftZUlfKftlv PMF.I MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKfm';MpVfi|a. MuuufiHtuied eoMi, ut Ho. 63 Stieeu eal loreoiewr t-v-jillT,*