iMSMSi thebliltoltaeondorfWiS tbfi*WoMotttent: “Sot allowed ;-h!pi«T*ti3ii#te*f?“' totd'-from that ap. -vya'af* ’-now .ten idM Coblnot—of oontoe Wfm fbltowed Wim mediate disnnion. Whether,’T«J|M* Mtremlty, Dr. Bu ohenea.’a.pniripttan’ drill Unf aufScient to • dis *ee*Ua,fabrl*;;er.'tM«f bo4w I MMs}(W#bu hf ‘.the Tori - ’ 11 '-lUUW. "•!» I , • 4 ’s?rSf““i- IFromtheßostonPeaU,,, /Vtf.Ompuitr’ i’Jinvunai-*®a*f*ll*wt*g i* »id Seward whteh lr to mnoh.talkpd aboutjnat now *'-i Ja ;xMSA TdOTHOWt WthU«'H.’Bn'WA*lasdSiT‘;:l id drawal of the junior fcttnWefthe Arm. i Whan I odlfcdJlbt/dJWrddvMitMAlbMy./ou mod yourfriehd* * acknowledged or my Inbornln year otoao, lnei»fating yon, tothyeHee rnsnSras po - 3i3SaoSS»oiWwj^t.-.,vW6w««w«i Herrtma wu elected PrtaMaatj whad-fUloon. trol of the Tedaralpetronsge Inthts received no eoeeHeratieev »t;,yoi»'fc*»d*.\'. When lgßgwen.eeUeetoroCithiaporVa **a.who_w«e Bpftjr . optitlod to.; the. confidence of. the Whig luteed of rewording men who Bad faithfully ad her*d toHeoryOlay aad to.J*U,'*u«h;m*tta* Zc-i . bedee Blog, a> oatout from Nora Beotia,; was ap pointed tinToyor of thepcrt r-DdyidA.Bokcc was BrSy.pdttfeMtor; Wllliamß. Leroy, navy agent; Hiram,Puller,»a vai timekeeper; John ‘Young, laVtreeearer. ard a man WMseleetodforEnlteaStateamirthelWhonl yeßtiiwTfiajiabt AW* xm*n. —•*'. And yet, while yhakntorlluW.loat erery dollar I-poeeeeeed in storting the Qalway .Haa of etealn paoketa to beße4tlrelpndandyoprMlf,noofirpM made mo efaaalateneeof place. Sabeeqnently, it wee understood by my frietfds that I ahoold be the candidate of oar party for Oovernor, and your oocaent waa given: bat, instead ' of supporting me, yon and year friends nominated that trimme? and nttlarillain Raymond ifbr.Llau- no advantage to our party, and a man whom to hnow la to dateet. In aiilhapoeitloea l hast labored to ptaoe you, the emolument* and the honor* here boon divided betweenyonrapif and Weed., I haVe noW to say that any support yon may hereafter receive from mo will be became it is no-' ceasery for the party, bnt not from poraonal oonsi derations, : ; ; j' ; ,Yourf,jfco;," atomaon dnnnzjiT. [Comaaondanoo of the /carnal oi Commerce.; PATBTT*Tii.r.n", N i"G. , 'liajt 17,18d0—At n De mooratio meeting heiiL reoently in the eapitilbf thia State, an oxpTension of .preiercoaa waadaeiarci fGr Stephen'A. Donatos as the Presidents eendi . date of the National Democraoy, and reaolutions wore passed signlfyiag the. confidence of North, . CarolinaDemoerat* inbls Sanrtdneaa and Inttgrltj* BeT*r*t°*me*tln|5 < havb'be*n eailad in different tb. Sooth i, confined almost enttreif to avowed dlauhtoplsti ep l the Oppotittdn, , t- iwo**ojr,?“Bjoow Hothingm’!; and whose opinion ia worth nothing. National/)«- mocrats lathe South are' not afraid to confide in a man who has fought her battle* fbr the laat twenty yam,' add who wna brave ‘ ehd- loyal s' friendship to entry in the point of his hand the “.fogitlTee-lave Itw” into the very den of Aboil ■ tiftniniHittSi4Sftrth, „..'j , ~ The New York DttoSooi does not minister to ■' the tutes er prejudices of the majority in this State, In ite very gratutioos abuse of Judge Deng ,lm Its ultreism is a little too greet to be ilncere, or to do much good. ■ ~The'imii!nititn>'orUMolkSuh!tgMncttliaUd Bougies, or et leeat ■ maur*d, ,hint' tto support of . North Oeroiin* id tho.Beltimere CenTentlon. -.rHV'.v t-j.-sr:: : , CifnMmnurn. PPiPador the eaptioadf V.whiatllig'tbtia baekt’ 1 of all fabtton,' dlaorgehluflon, Aid affiotto/tand, Smeoeds to'eaufueawd'' thefdeiairdtah from On free tatekßpda wbbm Ihs Bpadh' rely in ease bar delemkteareteraod to tba Conreation. Aftergiving the ilk, ituya : -“.ffeiavitptha attention of every M«y«i ; : diartroa* were it' approved by, tha.,pam(»i;|Maßdtoaa an wontd-ba, to out minf, adlarupa«n , » th* great natiaUalparty of thia gloriooa Union, We reaily hradn'doatit whe- bo Incurred, rather then witneae the degradation end abaaamaat th* Cehgreaaiosal emealof the igno bietrighteap[iNfflld.opunieithtfionthernasoaetion; ista fiom the NattmialDeaOinrntle ConTtntian to aooopt.”- ' ■ri r 3sit ’.t if S\2 X?, A»otb»h Poteoimio Cee* -rBreet ex6iteineot preieiU’etiLoodba; 8.H., ineoofajnanMoftfie ' infamise of s wife, denghtar, eon-in-law, end ear-' rant girl, with white Bo learn from the Masohutaf AftrroV thftt ' s ips of Mr. Aiejtindar Moore died ebmtVjear am, and beqaaathed hfaptbafrky>eonelfting of a how and as adreortwoef HSd;'to.,hla anther.; .JTith thie. arrangement Mr.. Moore wutdleeatUUd.aad in Angsetlut he Mt dre to ihehow, hat the dame. ■ were, ejrtisenifljeo..'Moore wee ameted and boond o«, hathntadOMm becoming reeponei ble for hie good behavior,’ ;be Me releeeed from jail; Moore then took hi. ele(er at But ,owwogdU After awbßeAoTOit - h6me, hot did abtafar,there perauaeatlr at dret: ' : - bonoinwTsai mvsawsm. ■ i«Mrap:aB»ns£ _ml?iihY^i \ to. ennpdrt.*! left horned CfariStMfrnete net Wp3mms«r%ZT& P»«J- I'm* Mlthaiwhu larrlVed ihaealwu a ««!*W»• *** ftfasdli Jfaf. t , ™.»* .ggtWgo :.J» nffwrwg. or that each a EnSSSfiJSr* I** 1 ** JssH•’;»•‘werted "fa "hie ~«ottMg?h«t boagltTfrom all■ SMaK**3PlWir-S? loth of Jnne at Wemmere withoat BMt timhli If I am alive aag%SEivMwSi»gg.gSS joa thatl ■lottion. He ie. in mTOgUSifaftaeat mtlL : Me man is the n«ttM ' of thenertr. : reert*t the noMoattoo. »IiWJ?W,',TSvt .'.; .ytig«tee,fa ithe Pannipfaeeda : \ wem .iilmfileo.eery eenplTeffiSeSSSSJ, load by eome of jldlSSUKr toted Tory anobinti&ljF To •: party would sorely follow hle nominatton. ,w rented my nation, I trait that I hare fairly ra- MManted the dilWet..' aoXMNjffcM, Md my . vote, do not meet tha approbation of the Demo " *sf3yy»m!?^ # *? instead* me. ■ '- • .2“t->V ? W-‘iosaHaireamsa. • ;»4 ixj- ! ;4_.A Mojrniof^'KleinibisceDce. ‘i»fi'™p(ind«ntaf the NeWiYork Evening Past, wpttug/roto KirUepd, |Ohlo, give* tha following iofi-thii. present «ppi*r*n6«‘(lf v ti*t PlMSirWtoiiihn Stotfqlsartofs of.JformonlsOj,:. ; V it ti ttiapliM nofed Sam* quarter of «’ °!SHTO ,iooe M.tho Mormon metropolis., MUesof ojj* »°t*, new, cultivated fields and mowing groand, hoases, pailt on the Illinois-prairie pattern —six- teeufeet by 'twenty—were .erected her* end there silos* tti’.'stieeto. J A-vtotoerotis bodyJofL»tto«- dey .tßOUer dWird ttOra.every nation un der; h**rot-eVeiry netlotoof the Oscosslah.race, at least—ooneMgatod there'.to worship Godlp obedience tothelast Revelation, mad obtamnda, price rices eibsittoeoe: 1 bV' afrtonltnre," financier ing, rand predator? Viiits among their Gentllo nejhhbpte,: -.-.‘i / - ti-i't.".' ,■•’ -.The.pUoe.eeiected doe* credit to. the judgment ot .pitjeoaed the Hoty Oity. fn the raldet of k >feKtle honntry, wlto’abumUnt water prtrijhdet, ltheibaly the arawbaokof cold bleak wintera''to prevent it from being a fit site fora tcittotrial paradise./ The remnant left behind in the. amlgratieha< of thia people itill beliere that tho plaoe wlllsTad'.'beppiae 'a home of the Mints. wi*.'stoto;')fi£tß?t^oh. they ,tH*is IfWiwiw, to KwS|4f£, converting' oh the promises, and aak-. log counsel ofHeeven. t saw MefUn Harris yesterday; the Soiribe of the Book of Jfor ato*;' one '■ of ? thtae - who ‘ Certified ;that the; hadbflndled the ‘ igdldeh ; pl*to» from , which, with the itHl cf -toe two atones in the, bow, Joseph Smith translated the mar*a booke ftondin the toil inPaimy tefiemKgyyi'an hletoglyphies into ongratomatloei English;. * Martin profeteses to hofdiha'itmre,orlgtoaX faith, as it was before adnl teratad by,Rrighsm,Yoaitg.Hß lives.onia torn in> Kirtlaad', .and hu become broken down and gsrrotousi faiswlfehas left hut and contracted a mawtage with another, ..He:ylsita wherever in vited,anddlaoonnes on the;“rare word of pro- iuapie standee monuwen t of departed glory. Theineeriplion upon the facade has been removed —to give place, it, 1* ( raid,, to- another.', The- few Mormons; left ' are''agttatltig whether, the junior Stofih, In'ih»*tMt<)rhli>thar, will a»U\together the taly people. Oooa*hmally, the effort Is made to febtmhase the (arms which had been out np into cny'fttoibnt the pftliwit tßHaMtanti. unwimng to undergo,rteether! inflietioß of. Moraonlem, have never contented to sell. . ilheheight of the temple is forty-rig feet J of the tower’diiehundrad and thirty. The 'order* gist flVen to the Prophet wen to build the etraetnn of awn stone.-.Bonr tiers were laid accordingly. It wosld seem that Divine. inspiration now began to count the cost, (hr it was diecovered that all .il tho. . means?, possessed' 7 by "the saints wopJd ~pot finish, the work- The. Prophet auncarne ad, that the remainder of (he walla might be ef brick, hut must bo so overlaid with cement es/to refembtn atone. It was so completed ; the iaeidework dona, and the bnilding dedicated to thofiOrd of Hosts, the God of Lehi and the father of theOhildren ef-Nephi. The interior .has been .greatly defaced, visitors having tori away , shreds and pieces as ratios of th'eiir pilgrimsee. The walls bear nomarosi names soribbied by irreverent bands, among which I re cognised. ;“Artemes’ Ward,” .the showman of .too CjovelaDd jPtosacisofsf, and.oho or two. tamlUsc friends: ::ikdies had also left their autographs. Tbe wallo ani banks Of tho.seats were decorated with outlandish scrawls and carvings , not unusnal I6.pabito%tade». i>- Uaon the first fimrsUU remain the slips as in anoieato times. ;At the. entrance are raised seats for . the digoitoriee,. belonging to the priesthood nnd council. CpnSplcOous In.the middle are three rows, .coniiaiing.of: three.'seatsetob.onthe front.of which ls iabeUed; inlniijti letters, the rank of the ooonpant. With the aid of Mr. ilioh, one of tho saints, I,made them ««t as follows : , On tho higher row ineTkhkis, P. A. P.f orßishops of the A« route Priesthood; qh thesecond/P, A. P., Preaidants’,; Ac. ; oh tbe lower tier, ?. T. A., Teaehera of tho’ Aaromle :PriMthood. At the farther, end of tho' nwm .'kto ’slihUar ralsed seati f first, M. P. Q . Coantouhrs of the'. Priesthood of Melchiaedea; I’i M, H , or Horaldp dd. (dmlth hUntelf, i believe); and M- H. P f Hiih Priests, to. : There were also presiding eldsrs, io.' The eneonjnt, however, dees notseem,e«ngraotu. > • There wee an apparatus over those seats by whloh. they conid be curtained so as to conoosi the’ func tlohariee from the congregation. They were said atsneh tisaee to be u ocmmnnication with the Dsltyt : -•- ... | IJpon the eeooad floor'were similar raised seals land hat no paws, ae on the first floor. Thp, warld’a. peopie nave converted this into a dHooieglull-raoeewhichit sibeorves very well. Thh'tUrd ttotT ssaa'- employed ah’ a school-room after,(ha|.Mormon ekodns - to Misaonri and Ifuuvoo,. and tha defeoed walls show the remains of tho blaok bhard,. Ao.‘ . Ibpre iS-to'k at times of renovating the building s’hjjfeaoying theae defomities; but this is .pro. Wamstipal..,. Thehalfdosen Monnonsthat renmia in Kirtlaed lUiind one of the aid Jews, as they welk sdeuniy through the streets, or sit on tho siap'f of the bouses ana converse of toe departed glo ries,of their Zfoh.Bntaetoe “converts ere to hart* deemed wUh righteousness,V I presume they are gMantug confidently sqmn * period when they shall “ niUk toc Gentiles,” find live Srott toe abundance jof totoewho cultivate the- fer Ole acres of Lake, Cnyihcga; ftoa»g», and Ashtabula’Chhntlee. 1 ;• aSreTO. < Co,ot,Ti " ,Ha i At the Mxthang% Philadelphia. M>oti Jvqd* CnbM.aooh ‘ TU.OceAH STEAMERS. | . FBOKTHK tTKITKO STATES, s* ** ~«o* ' pati- A,‘fitw Xork. .Rdinburr..... Jana ! EdinboTfh~— {far w—-... Jana 3 Adpatjer— t-nay Y6t]t_HaTTe. i Jana 2 »nc!o4uoa...e..i.sMta»dLj^«r9ooL..*._ M *Jane s rema^.. v* *.«. / »Ne* York- Livaraool .Jana o sraSSfa#a-e— OoabM—Lirartod.— < Arat**...., -.,rßMta»-i>ivarpMls. -Jase 13 JJramatu. New York,.Bremen.......—.Jana 13 Yorfe^Haatbarc—.Jana 15 iVuMirtHl t.——We wY°r*~fi»*Te. -i Jana 16 CoflUHimorf Not* BeotUa .Q.nabao4Livarpool Jana, 16 ::.:™ JSSS f] porth Briton.; .v..‘. May ao t'r*e»i--....'. .Sonlhaopton-Esw York- May 50 AtlSo... ..Livatsocl_Ne.;..Bontham»ton„lfatr , ..YOis....a—lnna 1 ft/toSto’-' -‘u-Livarepoi-g0et0n..... Jnna t IllinOla,......SooUiaairtoa.-New; York-. -.jnna e rtooefniiso.• • • L]yareopl-.flseb*p lane e pieat Baatara.Bonthame’n. .SmrTto*-.,.. lane, 9 SitSSudSfiSftfSSlfmlS^'^ 1 froßl y°to oa '’ Vear bp to* to, fth, HAitINK irTTEtWOEIfCE. mnoF.raiUßunnt.jut 1, isso. nLUtnj—«*ts—. rx i»irwai»g.—u _— z —— - »ia £••» if- ,f»T i woi^<^iUjjtoi»s, with btarrNKjralM. ”*wrpr|iy,ldf®?Jom New York, in d* y s ®fo ß *;^#w York,in 3i?^J:Ssev^£^i !^. from . oardenMi Bbaokfe/d r 6 days from Eastport* with IB b*,- bH Cfc«le*ton,*ltl. !^JSrT&,M^ft , Sl re *' WMh, "* tOT ' wc ‘ - frow D» IbSwS I. Bud fc Corel “coS .inmber to L MuntiarZ*Z. liiro’i. ' •'■ > : ■, .4., ctanrad »* •nttonjttjr itkltimoM for * *i«.a Mt!t nit. a -mi ten >1 P4ll*,of**r.ieiw Ez- Weeimd-theiefon every g motherehonld MVb thle peelinr preparation ,oon- a etantlr on hand. It heafi «n i «*'r 3 removee the TETTER or te®jgjggfs|Sgimßteii a r tK phanoe of aeoidentlirpm 3 «»Iorio», ,firs t or com baarin fomd 3 that this ntagio Extractor [sjiiebeetaadoiilrfneiid. * U is both portable and phcap.andthoaUrever be so hi*companion, u ftfriend Is There ere thou- t, sand* ofuving witnesses totesMytaitsmnmUqusc virtue, who owe their •oxnd, Umbe and-BUSolea 3 to its saving efficacy. Bfj£T8 f j£T OsS eTRfvamVE 3 m weUasCURRt earns, .. fcryslpeias, Anresofell kind*, fruit*,, FistaE ; . Shot Wound*, foil*, i- , Front Bites, -. JBcrofola, BSS&LWT" e ““-Send. fe&.sS£' feox, Cremy, imples, Turnon, gJJWtedCocde, Tetter, PJxeaeM of the IheuraatUm,' Vmumlal Sores, i Soi|«t the priucipaJDepat*, M Broad way,'New York, ggi Jgd. cKrtrea street, ;New Orleans, by J. WRloojc Cp.' t 6ehenl Agents .ft can also be ob tained of alt raeyeetabie Druggist# end Merchants throughout the united State* ana Canada, , ! ■* T/W. Dy6TT* BOWS, ; * *lB Worth SECOND Street, > rely - j - Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. UELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHUs SLmBoWs «•**«* KEWABOUPB BIUKBTIa bELMBOLD-S DfiBTI O’ I v A T» ».. ’ THE GREAT DIURETIC, i And ft Pom tire end Specific Remedy for Diseases of tut ■ ' ’• v * - j Bladder. . . Kldmve. • a.- ' u PAIFAND INpIaMMATION, end j ‘ . °kEN. i pomf pIKiWi^SNWI^iWSSiWo’Sif" j .. • " y~ , mh*i-lv A ROMATIO. .DIGESTIVE CORDIAL- agreeable preparation is one of ft{2«il , ?^S a 2 t J , JL' ni P ro7,n f. tbe; appetite, promoting strength and time to the stomach, w&ioh hie yet been offered to the public, Jt is an old Uerman receipt, and has beenln use for many years in J'LATULhNOE. end CHAMPS INT'hE STOMACH! arising from Cold or Indigestion. All persons having jthe least tenddnoy to Indigestion,shouldnevtr be with out it, u a sraall winegliisftil, taken after raeaia, wiU Bxolude all oTcontractjnx the DYSPEPSIA. mgredienti, BITTERS and AROMATICS, and only needs to be tested to be ap proved and eppreciated, It is a pleasant beverage, and may be used with safety} pleasure, and .advantage* by invalids, and by those in health- To be had at aUlead p,ice «• dokr - I - - MiAWASSiu- Ip'NGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARD- Sif HSP SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MT. JOY, Lancaster ooanty, Fe« . m. , , E. L. MOORE, Principal. L the location is. in every respect, a very desirable one. Pop/M of instruction ample and thorough. Pupils ad mitted at any nine. For particulars send for a circu lar. my4-lm* MRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS intends opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES in this city, commencing in September next. Mrs, H.has the honor offefernnrtothe Rev. Alex.. H. Vinton, D. D.. Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Circulars, withjulj K&nioularc, may be obtained of Mr. y. H. Hodges, TO 1 VINE street. gpM-3m* j A MERIOAK SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a jt* relihble medium through whiob Schools and Pami* lies may obtain competent teachers. Parents may ob j aM-tr JM j^RYANT 1 NAMONAI .; wS j~ nT77~-. PIAKCW. PIANGS! 1 IVUIi ' PIANO-FOHTEB. mklodeons. i - 1 > : J ’? AWO ' F s^ioDKONS, I Made & Karen, Kaeon, A Co., Nnace.A 1 Olukl piUef -.Davie, fc Co„ and other.. „ ooULli j uiVlfc',-'! . - BBVENTH and CHESTn'UT, pa lISTI I tbNT OVB R-STRING SXAND PIANOSj IIIUAItHfIRAND, AND BQ.UARE PlANOS,'Eowm feiMd.Tn-Wmoert. aqd in jriyate olrelM by tie Bert IwtfMnera. «*i«v«d the ffret ereimarai overlie b«H- WRIVY WjBLLS CLBANEb AT A LOW r , Pnp^,£iWfisto?ipo^tSofflee. tmyll.lro* ’* 4 No, iais North SECOND street ESENNRSBY BRANDY.—7O casks, in at,'OHds- Mfe'bWikiuj: recommendations.- TIMELY CAtJTIONI VIRGINIA TESTIMONY, SETH W. FOWLE A CO., BOSTON, PEOPBIXTOBS. JSDUCATIONAL. THE PHESS;ii4PHIIiADMIiI , JH4A, FRILJAYi; JUNE 1, 1860. rrEE PENNSTiVANU o K N I K A ‘h THHI Eft UAL —thus furnishing faoihtiei far the, transpprtatioa'Gi Passengers unsurpassed for speedond oomrortby any Express and Fast Lines nn through to Pittsburg, witiiootobangeof Oexfpr Condtctor*. All through Pas senger Traint provided with l Lovibyidge'irFatent flrske-spsed under Bsrftot eantrotV enginSer tiiua addmjTmoch to toe safttrof travellers* To* I»fesfiates® day • exofsteo. 1 JjßWmkAya nMMh, ■ SSSmb?™ »F. M. §rke«bunt “ a.» ft M'. WertCherter n •• . ' 1180 P.M. Wait Ohaatar will take kite Mall, Wert Chaster Accommodation, and Columbia Trams/ Company in Philadelphia, New York, Borten, o. kW* BBSadpffiSgSs^ regular Line«fSteamers on the MjJsLßsTppTor-Qhio rivers.' ,i otferlocte**** 7 * “ “ d Um# M «w*» as byaw mmm wwm THE toyetierwitMJie.aVin. of time, tioKWe* oFFrefijht, and the Travef- Marobanta and Shipper, antnutina the tramportation or their FraMt to thla Company, oaa rely with oontt- BUKO* g«w* a«/auora< ai art tka rc«rf,fty etUr Ratireai particular to mark paokages “ via Fenna. Rail ssk ftte & JWM: 1860, isan iB6O. BP ®SdSSQo d aH^ 8 ' ' From Walnnt-street Wharf, Will leave a« follows—vii: At BA M, via Camden and Ambor, 0. A A. Aooom****' Atfl A M?*Yr dinidoET*anf7eVaeV CiTy ** oommcdatfon...w. - . gag ;At9AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning AtllAM, by Steamboat, via TaconV and" Jersey; * ■!* • City. Western Express.... * ».800 Atl** p M* via Camden and Amboy, Aocomnio , (ration ........ SIB At 2 P M, via Camden and Amboy, Cl and A. Ex- I a ; A fcS.. vi . i : T . Monr^ .!» ‘AtfiPM.viatlanulen and Jeraey City, EveninK Mail,,.,— " Aoo At 11 P M, via Camden and Jeney City, Southern . t Mall., .. ,10 'At 0 PM, via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda : turn,(FroigtuandPat.eujer,>—litClaM Ticket. I a ■ The OPM Mall Line ran. IIP M, South? era Mail, Saturdaya amerted. For Belvidere, Earton, Lambertvilla, Fleminaton, *"}."• A M and i p M from Walnot-.treet wharYand 7,10 AM {tom Kenelngton. For Water Bap. Strondebnr*, Boranton. Wilkeaharra, Montraae, Gnat Bend, &0.,nl s A, M, from Walnnt ■treet wharf, and 7.10 A. M, from Xeneinaton, via Dala ware Laokatraitna and Weatern K. X. For Mount Holly, at e and * A. M., > and atf P. M, . For Freehold, ate A.MTand ,P. M, ° n • , ■ WAY LINEB. .For Bri.tol, Trenton. 4o„ at IX and < P. M. rrom Waln« mreet wharf, 7.10 A. M. and l\ P. M. from For Palmira, Hiverton, Delanoo, Beverly, Burllna ton. Florenoe, Bordentown, As., at UK, Land IX P. M. andlnurn wmßioamK.*’ Trenton.for Taoony, at 11 A. M. and Twony, Bevejly, Bnriinjton, and Brlatol, at e F. Mi KnfeOT? 3BS&MBSB H their rmponrtbiUty for baeaaee to One Dolkr Mr noand, endjpU not ba liable for any amount beronaßlw.ex oeat by .renin! oontrmot, aplfl WM, H. GATZMEB, Aaent' ISbimb KLMIBA ROUTE.— iSSSn and bl ‘ Q.inOKEST ROUTE to Tsmatus* Cstswissso Ra pe rt, Wilkesbarre, Soranton. D&nville. Milton, Wil*’ .ntuniport. Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmirs,' NiMars Falls, Roebester. Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo, ; Mihrsukee, and all points North and Pajuenger trains vrijt leave the «eiv Depot of the Phi lowbiU street,) daily (Sundays exoepted), for above point*, as follows t , - , > ~ The 8.00 A. M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes .ho above trains make direct oonpeotiona at Elmira withthe train, of the «*w York and Erie.Canandaiena and Niaxara Fade, and Bnffalo Railroada from all pofnti North and Weat, and the Canadu. „Bas»a«eobeokcd to Elmira, Buffalo, and Snipenaion Bndie, and all intermediate point.. I Tiak.Uaan iw.procured at Ae Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line's J icket Offioe, northwest corner of IIXTH and CHESrNUTitreeu. andatthe PaKMnjer DepoL corner o f Till ST EE NTH and CALLOWHIIL. r th roljgh express freight train - Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad am SSfifiWjßsttfSifedWip mi Freights must be delivered before 3 P. M, to insure their going the same day. d&ft mafkimiLt lt tht *** Nortbwart »pU-tf - - Philadelphia '£EjeHiesiß pUiladblphia, ger uffiWAffiT uessssm. M 'V _ Leave Philadelphia 9M num%*M., *,8,8, 7X t and Uo ft Me Desre Oejmaatoini HO mis. A. M„ 1.30 mis.,., SX, : «, , a-m -< rk p > W*^ WB •* 7 - *"• *' ll A ' M - **< ™ ON SUNDAYS, m‘3Vp 5 &. I*' 1 *' .., •*••«»* AM-p -, . , . ON SUNDAYS, Lear. Phlladelhhli, A.AI„ 3,8, and 8T M. leave BtoMTMjnLA. M/,«i,,2,*iiao,VP.M, i.mi.. 1,—.. - LI. .BEAaaiiM TO WEST CHESTER sS?ilßls 1 ANi> intekmediatb ■ Trams for West Chester leave Philadelphia from the depot, northeast ooruer of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7JB and IQJO A. M., aod at 2 and B.U P. M. On Sundays atB A. hf. andlP. M. -> Passengers for Stations on. the Philadelphia and Bal timore Central Railroad will take the 7>30 and 10.90 A. M„ and I B Pj M«,Tnuns. mh» PHILADELPHIA iHMKsBB9R'Xns„,H£ADjMo hail -Iror • iy ™ vn^ MOKNIMO LINE, DAJLY. Chamhersburg* Carlisle, Aq.i.andthe NORTHERN CENTRAL'RAILROAD IP. M. train, running to Sun burj,lAo. AFXf.roiOoNt,n»Eg. Le»T(l Mow Dopotj oorner of BROAD ood OALLOJV ffIBTANQEB VIA PgILAJKLPHU AND READING Fhom PniLAITKLPHiA Mile** ToFh®MxvflUh....—~ *£i „ , BSSfcLT.VZffi Miilersburt..... • •• • •}<* 1 Trovorton Junction..lM i Sunbury.... ••••a. •••16* forthuraberland,. LewUburg ~.178' Milton.— 183 Monoy.——— .... •• 197 , Williamsport.-.9W Jersey Shore. ....—.223 Xoook Haven S6J Ralston— —...AH, Elmira. —... 287* The 8.00 A. M.. and the SAC at Port CUntoMSnndftJs ei WIBSA, WILXAMSfORT making oloae connections wi 008-tf W. tl. M< e^RINQ ARRANQE fISsSsHSSRMENTi PABSENW^II^Wf,^'%TtoHIA, For Baltimore atB.U A. M„ « noon, (Express,) and U Fo*i)heiter at 6.15 A. AL, U noon, 5.15,6.00,7.00 and A. M.» 11, 1.15,6.00,7.00. and Nfw Cajtle at 8.15 A. M.,and 5.00 P. M. For Nuddletown atB.W A/SM*nqß.ooP. M. ' For DoveratB.lsA. For Milforqat B.U A, Mi> and AGO P. M. F or Brt 'MKsMaiA „ , M Leave Baltimore at 8.86 ATM,, (Expreee, ) 10.15 A. M,. t JiSsavsWilmington at MOi 6SO, knd 11.80 A. M., 1.0, ?!eaS* fiaUbari at lid A. Mm and 3i© P. M. Leave Laurel at fl.lf a. ltt|, andS.iop.M. Leave Beaford at 8,48 A. m., and 4.Q0 P. M. Leave Alford atTAO A; M„tod iAOFJd. Mi, andflAOP. M,' Leave Middletown at tod 7.85 P.M « ■ Leave New Oaetle at 8.00, 10£» A. M„ and 6.00 V U W - Leave Chester at 7.0, ».V), IUM A. M., I.H, 8.97 and *'lj£veßkltimore for Salisbury' and Delaware Fail ro**“W'U,r RAINS poa BAliT j MORE , . h»tOhMt.r»t e.u A.M.,IIAMdIMOJP. Mi - • Giro Wilmintton ( »t I* A. ft,, MAI P. M„ an! U.» FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OARattwWlS r E..M.,ftom fuiaMlphia to BalUmoia. . Jt*** * P> - JAVA COFFEE.—I,OOO pockets prime **iV3kS'bMi f 8 *»>» br JAME “ OEAHAM * .WEST.-CHESTER I HKStSpiSpH INC 1 PH IL A.DKLFHI/L . A train fill If&Va fh« de&dt. norUiflartAotn«r otEisk- Uanth ana Market Streets, oil BUND AY p':T ,00 1 P - M ' ; ’ »- ;PerMn»_ iMt,«.-»m plaua purobsjio their Ticket* ’«*S"«?id^p#lta*#f SW ' I'‘ 1 '‘ , * iu,ul " moe ' . : General^upelEumffetit;' fIEMOBaB NORTH PKNNSYL /■MKagSHSPi VANIA RAILROAD, V« n EASTON. imfiliPK“ LgY ’ WfllTß Mauoh Chunk, Hssleton.WJlkesbarre, arc. At BiW.F. M. (EJtprees); for Bethlehem*Easton, Maueh Chunk. ao. This tram reaches Easton at 640 P. M., and mitea close connection With New Jersey Central Express Train-for New > ork. Passengers by this train reach Maueh Chunk the same evening. Ai&4o A.M.and 430P.M.(Aooommndation). - At 9AO A. M. and,6.80 P. M. (Accommodation >. eBt ° Wn ’ „ r _ _ , Per Fort Washington. The 6SO A. M. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to WiJkesbarre, and to all points in the Lehtgh Goal Region. ; « TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA* M Leave Bethlehem* (Express,) at 7.15 A. M. and 6J3 P. andTt o,j 0 ,jJ oy lest°wn (Aooommodation,) at 6.30 A. M. Washington (Accommodation,) at 6JS A, ON SUNDAYS* Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Polladelphia. for Doylwtown, at 5 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia aWAOA. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 640 F. M. Fare to Bethlehem, SJ.6O. To Mauch Chunk, #3.60. ToEaston»#l.flO. ToDoylestown 80 cants. Through Ticketsi mast be proonred at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW- Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates ol fare. All Passenger Trainsfexcapt Monday Train*) connect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second “ a vi r nr' ! W r *l™ .rrT*' n8 * t Rai!rOlJ,2om ' Mt '* ‘ fto ' • ■ ,’• : ELLIS CLARK, Airont. lSwaßHn PHILADELPHIA AND %AHDIP(ol?-Tr» R iS TR »va the depotofthe West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad OoJisMe«nth and Market streets, at 7i30 A.M. and6:is A daily line ofetages to and from New London and Ox ford connects jriththe 7;30 A. M. train frornThil&deU phta, and the 9 A. >l. tram from Avondale. The beau tiful scenery and well-known heslthfnlnes" ofDelaware end- I Chester counties offer superior inducements to 'wr munrter boarding. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia, Way 14, iB6O. Sm Superintendent. NOTICE.—CHESTER A^iD RfN *)j‘ *her items incidental to the construction of the masonry, except cement and lime, which will be fumiiaed by the Railroad Company. proposals will be received for the delivery at the bridge of stone editable for the above work, i/.liojfdr fc the.hohlwucUoopf the, masonry,moluding {he expenses of the, foundations, x tlle fltode And edmen, to be furnished by the Railroad Company. ...... ... Parties propoeidfTnar submit plans for foafidmg the piers end abutments differing from the specifications. Plans and. specifications W|!l be ready for inspection on the Sth lust, at the Engineer's Office, West Phila delphia, where ail requisite information can be obtained. Proposals wit) be addressed to , -, . _ W. H. WILSON, . myg-tjell , Resident Engineer Penny R. OFFICE OP GERMANTOWN PASSEN- W GER RAILWAY COMPANV— Philadelphia, May XT, 1860. .Notice ie hereby given that an eieotion for President, niheMansgOrs, and Treasurer of Germantown Passen ger Railway Company, wilt be held at theoffioeof the Coifipear, SIXTH and DIAMOND Streets, on BATUR DA/73iine2,lS80,bet*eeh lhe ten A, M. and tWo P. M. WM. BINGERLY, IhylB-tje3 SeorStart. OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAtIGA- T lON COMPANY, MAY 10th. JB».-Frora and alter July 15th, IBQO, and until September Ist, 1860, the chance* for the use of Car#, acd for Toll end Trsns ‘uortationon Anthracite Cow, carried to Vhiladelpbia. ibr war of the Schuylkill Navigation, will be increased Fifteen Cent* per Ton on the rate* fixed MarohUth, 11800; and on the Ist of September, 1860, a farther in create of Fifteen Cent*per Ton will be made on said chargee, and to continue until the olose of navigation. By order of the Managers. F. FRALEY, t mrll-aa President. PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS offlo. o C r o t^ffll'»ffi’G W yiS WS $j Boulb SEVENTH Street, tatil noon of FRIDAY, iotte 6.1889, for any part or the whole of fifty thousand tons pf Bituminous Coals, saitablefor the manufacture of *Gas, to be delivered at the Gas Works, on the Schuylkill yiver, ;n sooh monthly quantities as may be specified in the contract. The first deliveries to oommenoe m the month of July next I The Coals mast be iresh, olean, and dry, and of a quali ty to m approved by the engineer. The proposals mast p tat©the particular variety of Coal it is intended to ftir pish.andifof a kind not before used at these works, samples of not lens than fifty tons for trial will be re quired previous to the time of opening the proposal*. Tfae gross ton of 3,240 pounds will be considered as the ‘weight Intended in the proposals, unless otherwise ex pressly stated, and. if it lie preferred to deliver by mea sure, the attack basbel of *,6» cubic inches will be used. In oase of failure to deliver the Coal according to agree ment, the trustees of the Gas Works reserve the right to purohaae wherever they may deem best, and oharge to the oontractors any loss or damage consequent on ■uoli failure. , The payments will be made in two ?qual instalments, at four and six months after the speoined periods of de livery, the lSth of eaoh month to be taken as the ave rage ortho moothly deliveries i or, at the option of the trustees, payment* will be made in cash, with interest deduoted. ‘Should the oontrhotors prefer to deliver the Coal ear lier than required, it may be reoeived, if convenient to Store, but payments will -be made to date from the time pacified, ' Satisfactory aeourifcy for the fulfilmentof the contract Vill be required, . JOHN C. CREBBON, __ „ Engineer Philadelphia Gas Works. , May,>, IMP., . myi-tieB tf^ATJTION*—The undersigned having -with the requirements oi the Aot of the (Legislature of J4th January, 1S«, and supplementary thereto, caution all persons against buying, Belling, or filling my bottles. 1, hereby announce ray determina tion to enforoethe penalties. Bottles marked William JiiOdle, K. Kiddle. apgfrftt HOBSfIT fllDOLfc OF THE I " . HEADING AAILR » Fmi The ratti of freight and t j this company \o\ll b* as . ■ til furtfur notice: To Fiohmond.-.—— , Philadelphia-—.,...... ■ t InolJned Plane—.— Nicetown Germantown A. B„—. Falls of SohuylkM Manayunk. —..... i Egbert’®... —.. 1 Conshohooken— Swede Furnace-. —.. Sambo’s.....,- —♦ orrißt’nor Bridgeport , Port Kennedy...— 1 Valley Forge.— PhoenlxviUe —• ■ Royer’s Ford——.— Ar&nungp... Ltmencg.. — inrdsbdro—. . I Exetfr. —.. Reading -.— — Tuokerton- —. Orwigab'g and Auburn. After July 26th to Septum to Riohmond will be yai#e< after September Ist. an adi per too. ; _ By orde’ of tJiel ] ap*f-Jm. W. Northern Central Railroad. fluobury and Ene A. R. fpISOATOKIAIi SPORTS. **' TAOKLI Suoh U Burgees* world-renowned .Trout, Bass, and Salmon Rods. .Superior Trout, Bus, and Salmon Flies TtPSW* Carlisle, Salmon, and mm Hook s. Baskets, Artifloial Bait, Bilk. Bilk and Hair, Grass. linen, ana Cotton Lines. \i Williamsport and Elmira ,r Railroad. 10 P. M. tram connect daily T B nAiM e m; rith lines to Niagara Falls. of BROAD and :eILHENN~EY. Beoretarv. TO 0. SPiOBLaNO,- *■£*• a ATTORNEY at LAW, CANTON, KY. ’ . ®jr.Special attention paid to the collection of olaime in .Trigg. Calloway, Marshall, Lyou, Caldwell, and Christian countios. , _ _ •. 7 Jo Hoo. H. Q. Burnett, M. 0.: Hon. H. J. Stiles, Judge' Court of Appeall; Bon. J. 0, Dabney. Circuit- Jndgg. Hopkinsville, Ky. , , ■ , . m>33Kt • Burgess' Trout. baSs, and sal ' ■ MON BODS.-PHILIP WILSON * 00., ID CHESTNUT Street, bavin, taken toe Bole Jtrenoy“ my Trouts Dace, and Salmon Roda, Reela.' fiSffi“* ,Sr SESf 4 V at s EUGUET, A: fciOJSS, . -. ■■ '"b«iVB'|egttlarlt anil! assortment of desirable Ol< aro^o^ff ODOMETER- JJAND. COM _ Urtfo rtf, GOim'VTaannfaotii re" WORK’S PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE BANDS, aje durable, oneap aad efficient, jneaatmnc .with mier-' ting- aaotnr&ayattjr dwtanee pawed, over br the vehicle to which they Are attached. Those extra* finished Baade “Mt wt* trifl* more than inferior bands without the • • 4 ~QQgdt I'etiaMe Ac'qttts Wanted in'all parts bfthfc oonntry; Please feefld for oironlara. * mySl-Sm ;[M;AOKBKKL,—343I)bIs. NoM, 2, and'S for' l*V* 1 -'ABgg Btr,gt. sgoptui Bfyir;»tnve Fro^t, STB.VVARt’S PAISLEY pil*: "‘f.pji.on. .'of t)ii« WHISKBY Jn»t TtMlTja and tor «*!&,in bond br • okokbk wjtjTELKY. i miu-sm ' 13* SOUTH FKONT RtriiK PROVISIONS.—and Shovi} <-Q«« ABniy «^ rv i r , 'Tfr* 'BHLS Prime Halifax and Eabtijort wgwbnsss: WHITH: F!BH.-194, h*lf^blq.,Maoki; . * vaiw^ Vnut* Fiji, Mnwriox but re-wired NOTICES. ’HILADELPHIA AND DAD COMPANY. ladhlpbia. Maroh U. 2880. tolls on coal transported by follows from March li un- • freight ant per ton. Oi 'anoe of l£ loard of Mi a. Moilh; N& S iV.Se< r pHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY QT FHILADEPHLL (Fireinsuranok kxcujmvely,) . ~ DIRECTORS. , , T. Ratcßsoxu BVA*m, Moud.scA.tL. Dawson ! YitUAM MoKxa, Gsd. H. StuaUt, , fALBPO FXAZIXS, JOHN H» BBOWH, . pbn : M. Atwood, B. A. Fabnuvoox, Bbiu. T. Tbsdicx, ahdbxw orOASH, CHARLEB W, COXErß.ofiMrl'. „ ~ ftu-lt AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., -Ml INCORPORATED MIG—CHARTER FERRET WWI-HUTStr..,, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stoe k and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, ©ontmn* to insure on -Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merehaadise. Vessels inrort and their cargos#, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. XIIAXCTOIS. Thos.Jt. Maris, John T, Lewis, t „ John Welsh. James.R. Campbell, Samuel O. Morton, BdAdfid O. JJatfUi, Patriok Brady, Chos. W. Poultnoy, Israel Moms. „ . r _ THOMAS R. MARIS, Preddeot. ALBERT C, L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. feM-tf QUAKER CITY INSURANCE OOMPA PLUS s3M,746.7o.—lnsures against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Penh of the Sea. inland Navigation ana Transportation. GEORGE H. HART, President. E. P. ROSS. Viee President.. . H. H.jpOGGHHALL, Seo'y and Treasurer. 8. ff. BUTLER, jbafstant- Secretary, Foster 8. Perkin*. Andretr R. Chamber*, Samuel Jones, M« D., •|*-t/ George R, Hart, A; 0. Cattail, tW. Bailer, . R- Coggsbal), Oil. H. M.Fnller. T NetTRANOE SOMPANY OP THE Jituttred Jo tXO,OOO-AjutU, Jswuur 1. MB. 9MT,M6 60-100. All invented in' sound and available securitles-eon tinne to insure on Vessels and Cargoee, Building s, S too Vs of Merchandise, & HenryP-Sherterd, George H. Btnart, Simeon Toby. Banmel Grant, Jr,% gharles Maoal ester, Tobias -'Wagner, williams.Smith, Thomas B.watbea, . o teKMsar* . Delaware mutual safety in BTJTLANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY'TUB LEGISLATURE OP OFFICE S. I AN» WALNUT StTMUt Philadelphia. _ oinvraaiSrJ® imbwVahck ’ i *>•“*«« 01 tt » ’•UfLAWD IWSUJIAKCES Oa •©ode, br Hirer. C&natt, Ldxe*. rffld Lend Gamete to all parte of the Union. FIHE INBUHANOK* Od Merohajidiee % enerallr. November 1« UM. MarittYtU* f U3,(iao, PoilAdelpaiS O:!70 VLMflt. CO ilOOjOOQ,r«ui»ivauaift State ftp M.M* 00 3xi,600 Pennsylvania State* trot, Loan.^—, 31,00 00 #ll,OOO, U.S.TreaerarrOK*' oent, Note* and - * interest one . MJt 04 #lO,OOO U. 8. Treasury 6 ¥ ot. Notes and inter- estaue.— oo •*B,OOO Temporary Loan to the City of Phila delphia - 9,000 00 •M,QOO» Pennsylvania Railroad *d Mortgage • w cent. Bond*.- 43J00 00 •9,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 6 cent. Sonde • 11. 100 00 •144)00 WeetPhiladelphia Passongor Railway Company 7 W ot. coupon bonds/.... UJOO 00 •IIiOQOiOOO share# stool Germantown Gas Company, interest and prinoipu guarantied by the olty of Phfla aelphia —L- . „ 21,000 00 •MOO,IOO' shares Pennsylvania Railroad . nOIMB"*---,- r - ' 1.778 00 •#,lW.lW»h3rMgwFP«rahe>]yMi*Rftjl •l,B9o, ToV Boat efld Steam ' *** 90 Tor Company. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ooean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha „rre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exohanr* Company , ~IJIO to •431.888 , •96,719 84 Bondsaed Mortgages, and Real Estate, OX- • 1 fioe 'BuiWmr...;.— _ 78 JM 08 BUlrreoeiraWe for Insurances made.-—. 131,49 9 iiolance dneatAgencies—rremiumson Ma nns Poliotes, interest, and othecafesbts due ; the Company—. - OMi <8 Scrip' and stock Of sundry Insurance Compa- ' met... *r- • - —«—~ ijiooii CMh on Dtypcit in B&nk~— gfjjm a: tauijH a •rnsGTosut Samuel E. Stoke* J. F, Pemiton# 1 8 y«& xnomM U/HanT, flobert Burton, Jacob P. JfTQM, HAND* Vloe President. »tarr. riljt-Yftntf Willi tun Martin ' Bdmund A. Bonder. Theoshilus Paald'** John IL Penrose. John OJJaiis* • WmiMglSjrre, Jr.. Jcmos O.JUftd, Willism C; Lqi£ ,x * ,r ? Be ??,Ji, a YS Jor the West and South from our Office. 330 CHESTNUT Street, daily, at 7 A. At, and at i PerNeW York, at 3.0, and 11 A. M..anddaadllP.M., daily (Sundays exosptedi. Steamship Express, for Charleston .and fiavsnnah, close at our offioe at 7 J\ M. on the days before sailing. • Our Wagoniwill call.tor Eotrts in any part of the city Within 1 the ibllowloi limits, Delaware and Sonuylkill rivers, and Coates and South streets, provided notice be (eft at our office before five o’clock P. M, Merchants banging out the Call Cards of the Adams Express Com pany,may depend upon our drivers giving stnot attotf*. tion to the same.' For particular®, please apply to the • - ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, Phila., Feb. 10,13G0. ape-2ra John Binouam, Sup’t DIVIDENDS EXCHANGE BANK;, ~ \-J • ' PHILADBLPHIAi May 1, 1880. The) Directors have THIS PAY declared a Dividend f THREE PEA CENT, on the Capital Stook, dear oi - tata Tax,-and payable on demand. «'■. kW Alova., id,, | ' BLACK MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. I ...An invoice new ttyle tnmminri fFBIjIT/ D BORDER CAMBRICHANDKERCHIEF low do«en printed border cambno handkerchiefs. Clftßttta'SALE OF FAftl3 PRINTED AND BRO CHE BORDERED OABHHKKS, AWD STELLA BHAWLS—'The entire balance of t&e importation, Tlu Morning, Jnne Ist, At 10 o’oloclr, on 6 months* oredit 30012-4 extra noh Pane printed border Cashmere ateild shawls. m bWH-t Paris broDbe border Cashmere and memo stella shawls. , Being the entire balance of the spring importation.", J>AtU3 BLA6 ; K -MAMTMiS, AMD For City .Retail Trade—Bah non of the Importation. Bra'-'S .This Morning, June Ist. at Ip o’clock. 70 lots of Pans guiidrd l**e points. Haris alencon points. » Pans pusober laoe points. guipure and alencon laoe mantles. very superior quality and desirable s'yles, the entire balance of tbe importation. EXTEA QUALITY BLACK GROS BE RHINE DL'SiERS, RICjfLY TRIMMED. tor Retail Trade. . , This Morn ng .. . 6W extra quality black grpa de Rhine dosters. riohly trimmed. . WHITE MAHSiILLFS tiUILTS. . For City Trade. 4 oases 20*1, 114, and 4 London white Marseilles emits. WHITE CHECK MUSLINS. COO pieces large and small cbeok musliiU. SALE OF FRENCH. GOODS. _ . ■ This Morning, Jane 1, at 30 o’clooi. oa 0 months credit-*' . flOOlots of lanoy ana staple French dry goods. B flixm*, Jr.j AUUTIOWBJCK, Jit, 481 • CHESTNUT tn'SLßET,,«wosite the Cttsto* nnttg* between FOURTReudFlFTRmreeu. LARGE CALK OF STERKoHOOpIC PICTURES, , REVOLVING AsD PLAIN BOXES. Ac. ’ On Saturday Mornine, June 1 OontmesalßS.aV MK o’clcok, embracing & Urge assortment of, English, American., and French plain and colored groups and views; a win, inah, aod American »o*nery: fine rpeewood instruments; revoiv in< boxes for£3and 00 pictures, Ac., A o.| LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE. SALE OP LADIES' AND MISSES’ STRAW BONNETS. FANCY DATS, FLATS, BLOOMERS. Ac., Ac. Os Mowtey M oraing June 4. b* cafcilOHafi, eotomencJD* at IQH o’clock. Consisting in . ' Ladiea ami misses’ Coborg split colored braid, English straw. iancr hair. ana Neapolitan bonnet*. PLATS, FAI'iC'V MATS, Ac , &C. Also, an attract! re assortment of ladie»\ muse**, sod children’a Leghorn hats, white ana colored ey Settlements made three days alter sale. nKfnUZKCBS, Messrs. Myers. Claghorn, A Co., Philadelphia. “ Stuart & Brother* Philadelphia. , '* Van Wyck, Townsend, A,Warrens, New York. [ ** L. 4 B.Curtis4t Co., KaWYork. '* i Wood, Chrtefy, ft Co., St. Lodis, Mo. '• Crow, McCreary, A Co.. - ** inhlf-thstßly HHXPPIWG. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MALL STEAM- raw mnr toxk to uvurooL. Chief Cabin Paatas®. ..f]» Second Cabin Padttge*-*u,.~.~». 71 PfcOM BO*TO5 TO ttftSPOOL. Chief Cabin Puma.;. .9110 , ±_. Second ..o# The ships from New York cad at Cork Harobf. The ships from Boston oall at Halifax and Cork Har rlitßlA, Capt« Judkins, I CANADA, Capt. Las*, S, Capt.l* Stone, (AMERICA,Capt. Miliar, pt. £. O- Lott, IN LAG AAA, Capt. Anderson i Capt. Shannon, IKUROPA, Caps. J. Leitoh, __ 800TtA,(now building.) i These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead { greed on starboard bow; red on port bow. t i.jjßOPA* Moodie, leave Boston, Wednesday, May 30. PERSIA, Jfldkias, *' N. Wednesday, June A ARABIA, Suj&e, - u Bo*toft, Wednesday, done H. AFRICA, Sbsnnort * 4 8 y<)Yk, Wednesday, Jane M. NIAGARA. Millar, “ Boston. Wedhaddgy, June J 7. ASLA.LotC ♦* N.York, Wednesday, July 4. EUROPA. Lskich; *' Boston, Wednesday, July It. ' PERSIA* Judkins. “ N. York, Wednesday, inly IS. ARABIA, Stone. '* • Boston, Wednesday, Julytt. Berth* not scoured until paid lor. An expenenoed Burgeon on board* < - . ■ , The owners of thene ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones* or Metals* nnless bills of lading are signed tbereior. and the. value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apeW to E. CUWaJID, ' myg-wfmtf 4 Bnwtlns Green. New York, FOR TQS SOUTH —CHARLES*. SHMLton AND savannah steamships. ' FREIGHT REDUCED* Heavy Freight at an average of f inns per oent. be low New York Steamship fates. ' FOR CHARLESTON, 8. C. The U. a. Mall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tami Charles P. Marihman, will tail on Wednesday, June 6, at 10 A. M. ... I Tnrongh - eatote at Sea. : The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Thursday, May SI. at 10 A.M. < 1 h rough in 661& 0 hour*—only 48 hours at Sea. i *F"Saiun« days changed from every Sernrdar tosyery 'five days. Goods received* and Bills of Lading- signed i° The first-oiasa side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE end STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day eommn nio&tion'wifo Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. • At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con neat with steamers for Florida,aad with railroad*, Ac., for all places m the South, and Sonthwaat. , INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by then ship* than by sailing vernels, the premium being one-half foe rate. N. B.—lnsurance on ell -Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN TABLE. . Fare by this route 28 to 40 per oent. oheaper than by too Inland Route, as-wilt be seen by foe following sche dule. Through tiokets from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: To OB S&V&lM&fa'f—lt 00 Auk»uU.-—.— ,au 0Q II | .Albany. . —SCO 2uont«Oßiffir~.~» ffi ot[ Montgomery—-. SB go Mobile—Bo OOi Mobil* 48 90 New Orleans^..-.'39 781 NewOrleans—_._ fil CO No bills of lading signed after the ship hM sailed. For freight or sassage apply -on board* at second wharf above Vine Biroot, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., . Southwest corner FOURTH and OBERTNU?.- Agenta m Charleston, 1. S. &T. G. BU1)I>. Savannah, HUNTER fc GAMMELL. For Florida Irom Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers SU Mary's and St. John’s every Tuesday and Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS. Yb. palmer, the advertising • AGENT, FIFTH and CHEBTNUT, civet hi* views of tbe principle and best mods of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’clock. Address xnyll-3m V.B PALMER. EJ. BAY LIS THOMAS. • , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hm removed nia office from No. SZ3 Axoh »tieet to No, 429 WALNUT Street. , Particular attention riven to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting- and 'examination of Wills, Conveyances, Auignmentet Briefs of Title- and other of Writing. The managementof Executor ships. Administratorships, and .Trusts, superintended; and tne best seonrities proonred for the permanent in vestmsnts of Money. Satisfactory reference given •when required. . ap3o-gm* CJAMUEL G. SLO*N, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTING Bt. Paul. Minnesota. inh&-3m* Horace see, .. MFCHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY* No. IH Pout i SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the Bounty Courthouse,) Prepares Specifications, Cravings, xo., aod transact* all other business connected with tho obtajmnv of Let ter* Patent. apts 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL I,OR-AT-LAW, Office, No. US South SIXTH. Street, (Opposite Independence Buuare,) 'Pmni.pßx.pHia, By the atd or reliable Attorneys, at different point* in the United States, is enabled to proeeoute and oolleoi olaitns of every description. - Particular ntceutioujriven to the examination and re covery of the claims orLoeatees ana Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and securing the intireste of heirs and all persons interested in the same, insli parts or the Union. „ . Has the Statutes of aU the States and is Commissioner lor most of them. ' Depositions carefully taken under Conmascons, apll-din - £|ENBY E. KEENE, . . Eu HKMOVEDTSm R Ko?K»Nfaimi» l street to No. »8 South THIRD Street' mhU-Sm* Alfred l. hough, J TAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AOh NT, Orders solicited for every description of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER’S MATFRIALB. No. 17 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, foll-dm* PAWSON k NICHOLSON, bookbindkks, NOS. ,19 AND Oil MINOR STHKiT, D.tW,« '"^fLAOKLPH^ 1 ™ 1 ■ JAMKB PAWSON. JAB. B. NICHOLSON. Jstf-ll* HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respectfully call the attention of the Gene ral- extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM Hardware, which we offor at aimaU vlVadce by tud package, _ Crders for direct importation solicited, and Bonds le dysrrd enter xa this sitr, New £°^^ft*£9jrtaUL 7 . *y imparting ana Commission Merohanak end At ents far Forsisn and Domssti* Hardware. autt-tf Bread and cakebakery, No. 823 North SECOND Stra.t; ¥ , . •, BetWMO BROWN and POFLAR. Hoyinsroiglnuedthf.BAk.n l formerly oconoied hj Willmra.H. Winh*rgl r wo aro oreosted to aupolj the publio with Broad mad, Iroiu tho boat Flour, rfam and ■ VKYL 4 STKCK. V ADLBS? TRAVELLING BAGS • "mSnufadtuPedand forsele by C. F. RUMFP, 118 North FOUR FH Street, above Arab, i n«omA'ii I S'i J . ssl< 'Andretiul mamiliwturni of „ PORTE-MONNAIES, POCKET-BOOKS* CIGAR M .‘ 'OASES. MONEY-BELTS, „ Baobabs, Parses. Cabas, Bankers' Cases, Dressing CMe#,,Wnting Desks, Port-Folios, Dili Boots. _ _ Jonpins promptly dona. apr-Sm- “■lfUYßbls. aml 310 hfa, l»rg«*• e*n?«ate.:- ssaa»«*s=««^®s REAL ESTATE At nUVATESALK. wr W&hmn »Una tmnOMpi iMaatataat rnrata aals, raoiadiof mrr MHAMMaTat, Mi «utr, p 3 nr - KrWttl aautantarad oa ov atrw aala t.tiM.. ami tirertiMti twoaaioaallT u cur paUxt abatiaet, (or whisk aorin art »nmi *..t>r>> flat or o (urge. THIRTIETH RMfl*® RUJS-JUHB A. At U o'riortoooA Exseoto>’sf!al>_lKatata of Baajaialt (taakill. t r-| r 1 i_Y A r is*? L E BUSINFSS P brick Etrr •*“»> and ralaab&Jot. mk Filth IlealTwlfcfS BTalnnt and Prone laW No ■«? tM?“ ERN RESIDENCE, with aide lane lJlw.^,» L Y REAL E-TAI E. NioMowd Ftaokrotd, Tweot,- LARGE BRICK AND 6TOf(K Ri/fr nt«(i M , Ba : A A u* soap. oaadte, and oilworki! mUm 1 iSStesiMSsa sssf**- ** Executors’ iSale—Ejtate [of Richard M WiUu*, b«| LAR(3» ANDVAU bttvtfa gnw<»f Third, and fine fed Lomb&rH street. . . Executor#' R*M—Estate of T. J. Heston. J —r —it Twy valuable lot*. itarfrf plank roif uf Passenger Railway.between Mary sad William stimi> rjipoeite the Woodlands Cemetery, Ute West FhiMsT P Tvrn Handsome MnpKßft mi sidendeb. Ha-' eeriord street, seat ot Thirty-eighth strset, jbataa* Twentv-frurth waf.s, NEAT MODERN ItEBIDENCE. Haverford street, east of Thirty-eighth street, Jfantaa, Trinity- fowrth "Seat MODERN RESIDENCE, Be. Hi South Six teenth street.«oath of WaluaL - NBaT MODEM DUELLING, No.M7 H. Treaty third street, berow Centra ftoat TWOJHRKK STORY JNUGKDWELUffg&SM. 008 and SloNnnh Tenth street ztfwrvs Poplar street. Business Sta&d—THHBK BTORY BRICK Sff£LL> IWfKenruerof Lehigh aveoue and Sa'iaen street, for merir Kirtitcofcd. Bakery. *re LB, AC., northwest corner offfevea . BU.IIfESs'IoCATION-Tlr.. Morr brick Dwmi between Foonh and Fifth street*, occupied by the Good Intent {free Company. TO.CAPITALISTS. BUILDERS. Ao.-geis ty ords, o' heirs Of the estate of Georre Ether—Large end vtfa able lot, about SI sores, Ridge avrane and Teealic seventh, Twenty-eighth. Twenty-ninth- No*»is aad piatmmd stieets, and Susioehaaa* aveooe, Teaati. first ward. See Litbocrephio pians. • .THIRTY-YIII&T SPRING BALE~itJNE 3. At 7H o’clock in the evening, BUSINESS PROPERTY - “ Pine-atr*et 3Urk«* House/; southeast eonier of Fine ano Ford streets, be tw«ea mneieenth and TveaLsth attests- TiBATjAOpkRX RhRIBENCE. No. 1»13 Pis* st. WRfIrSRCURJBD GROUND oi 8800. one ox aflOO. . THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 68 Lorn bs rd street, vest of Eighth street. THREE IHRES-SrORY BRICK DWELLING?. NosrTOdi 70T- and 7D9 Lombard street. KEaT DWELLING, Elin street, east of Lnoola street, Vantna. | TWO-BTORY, BRICK DWELLING, No. 4!» York 1 aveirtw. south of Bafnnwood >treet. THREK-9TORY BRICK DWELLING east sidaof Seventeenth street, sooth of Wall see street, Fifteestk. BP(CK JBWELLIKG.WMt ud. c( Nineteenth strict, north of Contes, FOUR-»T0«V BPICK.BWBLLINO, west «d« of Nineteenth street, north Orates. THREE-BTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. M» Fits waioj* street. THREE STORY BRICK DWELL(SG soaUaldeof OhversuArt. «ts, of Elsv.nts, Foartmith wart. Sola ffo. J3l Hath ETGHTEERTHstmt ' NEAT HOUSEHOLD ,EjLRHirURg I TaPBSTRR Ob MwHhy h|oniaf. Joae 4, at 1C o’clock, st ft 'NOTICE.—AiI persons baviag goo?a oa deposit with me, over the legal length of time, will call and redeem' the same, otherwise thsyjmll h*. eotd at pnbiieanlaea the shore day. sBRAHAM NATHAffeTßroker. . N. W. corner SIXTH nod CALLO WHiLL Streets. jeMOf , - PHIUP FOKD A CO, AUCTIONEFES, No. 530 MARKET Bt»at. lud <3l MINOR Btrwt. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTION*!* ifi ANDOTMMiaqON MHRCS&NT, auHheHel ?^|.£gSj *949,000 to loan, in la»e or amaU aatmuift. et stocks, told and silyer plate, dt anyndaTvatcfaea. J* vef ry, fo#Bng pieoee. dry. ffce-d*. motiUag, gan,hardvare,ouDery,iaaciciu ißetramente.fareitato. oedding, horses, vehicle?, harseae, and on ail artiolee a.. ▼ahie.fOT aay length of time agreed opoa, rs ami liberal tents tha& at aay other evsablijQusrtt la th » mty* * OUt-DOOR BALES Attested to pereondlly by the aaetionecr. atvpvr *O9 dinm , COIWI9NMBNTB aOUGKT> P« ; Oe&eigxuaenteof »U tad every kind of. seeds viUaitK for public sale; two-thirds the value of the tools wlc W. ad vanned in eubcreeHnn of the sale. SPLENDID HIINTING CARE GOLD PATENT LEVER WATCHER, M karat fine, extra fall of foe most approved and best makers, ocet 6tm |M to BMP eaon, at from gad to film. MOOKB NATHANK CT. NICHOLAS HOTEL. . YoRR When completed- six years ago, the BT. NICHOL* 8 was universally pronounced the most magniteent. con venient. and tnofougUy orcanized esbibUshmsat of the kind on this continent. What it was then it remains to day-rwithoat a rival tn site, in snmetaoneneee, (Sfji the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. Tfes Hotel has accommodations for one thoaa&nd gaests.u eluding one hundred complete ealUs of apartments for families, bix hundred persons can be comfortably sealed at.the tablet of itatbree voMie dining rooms, and no thing that modern art bos devised for the convenience aad sooial /ratification of the travelling puDlio has be- n omitted in its plan, oris neglected in it« practical details. The eany reputation ot the hones «t home and abroad, derived .from its magnitude. xu superb appointments, and its homelike comforts Ana luxnriee. has been en hanood every year by the-unwearied exertions of the proprietors, •* mjl7-3m -TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, A CO. INLAND yx&Z. Übnrlciton.- ~.,#23 M Bavancah 3ioo Aug tut& 28 00 Macon —, _' 33 75 * “ »ta 3100 rto* M 06 «T. LA WHENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY K 7 and JsJ GH THStrset, Wt W YORK, ose Week above theft.?. Hotel. This new ami commodiosM Hotel is now Open tor the reception of guests, and will be oondeoted exclusively on th« European plan. The long want of a business hotel, m thi* portion of the city, hae induced the proprietor to establish the pnoea on the following liberal scale: Single rooms, BO cents per day: elegant suites, SIAO. With a thoroorh knowledge of Uebttsr ness, and strict attention to the wants of every geest, l hope to reoeive a liberal share ofpahtic favor. acMm J. H. GOODWIN. Proerietor. Id THE ORPHAN’S COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. KsmteoffiOJßEK r McMSNAMIN, deceased. The auditor.appointed by the Court to audit.settle, and adjust the account of MATTHEW THOMPSON and ARCHIBALD H. GRAHAM, Executors of the last will and testament of Robert Mo"enanun* de ceased, and to repo* t distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, Jane4' 1880, at 4 P, M.. at his Ofioe, Ko. 949 go-th FIFTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia. T. J. BARGfcR, mj23-wfmfit v Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CiTY AND COUNTYTF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of Crmmodore DAVID CONNER, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, fettle, and adjust the account oft US AN DILLWYN CON NER. Executor or said decedent, as filed by Samuel Emlon Randolph. Administrator cent testamento annexo oi said Susan Dillwyn Cornier, and to make distribution of the balance in the band* of the accountant, will west the parties interested for the purpose* of hta appoint ment. on MONDAY, the fourth day of June. iB6O, at 11 o'clock A. m., at his office, No. *3O WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia, mjss-wlmst JOHN M. THOMAB, Auditor. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS CITY AND COUNTY OF MILA- la the «SKerof ‘he Petition 0 f ln»olrency of - .CIIAK\EST. a.MMONIN. Ifaet tha aaVscribcr has ap plied to the Con tof Common Pleas f«r a firal disoh'rro, und-.r theprariaio-s of the i neolvent laws of this f’cra ! m 'uwealta, whioh said application win be he^r' l by the I ‘ ?5 f l °s^°. n, ® on Fleas, as the oointroom of said court, midule beitiio* of tt*e State Boose, Philadelphia, on I toe 22d dar of June. A.JXISP, at 10 o’olook aTh., ; when and where all the creditors of the un.deraisn.ea may sttoad, if they think proper* iHAKLEtt F. >. *IM n Nlff. 1448 COLUMBIA Avenue, myZl-mwfift* CLARK’S JCA HIGHLY IMPROVED and neirtj Boltin. o, w •». « Daily in operation at No.*» HACK BTRRRT, BKCrOW ThißD, PHrLAD' , A. This unriddled Flour MiU, including the complete grinding and bolting machinery, occupies a space of only 4 feet Wide, euht feet highland twenty-nine feet long» manufacturing within this email oompaes. et a single operation, anuwitn but little more than six horse power, family extra, extra, superfine, and nU of thelow er grades of flour, and the different kinds of offal: pro ducing flour egnafin euahty to the best floor made from of wheat, by the best Merchant Flour Mills in th? united states, or in Europe, its average of grinding is two barrels of superior flour per Jfth« new, compact, oomplete, and celebrated flour mill has been carefully examined by many of the most experienced • millers in this country, ana they unani mously bestow upon it the highest commendations;, and have giveq their testimonials of its intrinsic (superiori ty, and its immense utility. Millers, mill-oWners, merohants, capitalists, specula tors, and the pubho in general, are respectfully invited to call ana examine this highly usefalacd jastly cele brated flour .min. . Information concerning the purchase of the Patent Rights for States and counties, and the mills, for every portion of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and other Agricultural eountnee, will be given to all persons addressing their letters to EDVFIS ULAR K, Patentee. Ko. >3O RACK »U below Third, Philadw. lurther information oonoermng this celebra ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de •onbinsit mil* Mrs. stills CRVBTALINB LIQUID H»IR COLORER! A preparation new to the public, bat which has tone been in private u*r, for restoring Gray hair to its nalu ralcolor, imparting to it a gloesy appearance, ami ren dering it soft and silky. - it is entirely different in its nature and effects Lorn any article now m use lor the same purpose, being a oleftQly nuio, nearly as clear. as water, re«•* FIFTKi f NT H‘ hotels. LEGAL.