The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 29, 1860, Image 4
41114ak i Cereiv,;"1: , ,' -:.4l l .**oirsidibilidod on floi - iioset - Of ,otovo; kid Noisoysit woo or Ai halo, the :74/FiiPloigoo:Of Milies , broken --.*illiitltt.,t,heiti;;.;B4** ll :tisirererktoo.. mait y to Nicety* the esteittithe -Thmettiet feted - crew' amid ,the ',reeelsand reekledi;mlit6 with 41doi Wel ameiglit meet beatable death, emu *mid the tolteerteg : • -= , •-•We ieteeeilththe iouediai • - - areamtue are here,• oo: tio tetahionaughteri • memo that the dead am there t' 7t a - "t n. ) ** ' • • lietee jeep tothe r asadaltetidi: ' lad biorrokto the pen thotthott gc*!_fis!viOxi• tki iie[ate twee." - -. 111111k4C Y tinitioatte ale growing. Mad dark en the fate yams Bet stand to you gltiesesetteditl And soon shall eniniideattime,; the deadeltes . , - ' Anttintrrakfes that,dies eighit* ikeloalett tatiles_ Not tear for the Meads that halt We'll-1011"midatthe btlia eneemykles. As Mete adths Whie'tse dralt. Boland to nom - ills** ! wrisja Otht - Oaltin 4 / 4 ,Oae told* Lad And hurrah for thettett that duel ' 'Time was while wafrowned at others. _ We thought ourselves wiser then; ma fhe fat them think Of mothers. , Whole** to lee them again; ' Ali staid to lour 'simnel Mead, I - The thoughtlem here's" the wise ;1 _ • 'A - ernito the demialreadi7w ' And Itorish for ttsejesit list"! There's many ahead theft There's many a eheitatiat'isank ; Satsuma.' though our hearts are breaking, ' • ' 'They'll beam Wile we'verinan, • So sand toomir, ;names IMMO Prighiliel the revival Iles! ,A Cepa the dead already-= And/lamb for the next that disk! There's a mist on the Slam mntalitig; ' • 'Tie the harlieintieiglem iireatit I , • And thus doth the warmth Offeellog ' Tent tee itrthe - grup of death.: • ' - • Talented to your glesseeirmedi ' " For a moment the viper Has; A eta to the dead already— " And herr& for the nest that dies! ' Who dreads to the dnet Murales f -Whit Shrinks from the sable shire Where the high: and haughty yearning Of thesoul shall Ming no mote. • Motstand tdyonr glee** steady. - Thbrirolid le a world of lies 21 . A mie for th - e - dead alreadi— And hurrah-for the next that dies , Cut off from the lend that bore us,- • Betrayed by the land we And. :.When the brightest have gone before us, the dullest remain behied. Stand I stand to roar slaws steady! vs hays left tontine ; - A Mato the dead &rear , ' = ' • '; And hnnah for the next that dim! Great:Men alwars Kliovreao6'-iither. When Mr. Clay-!lilted Hopkiniyville, Ken-; tacky, the first- year of the administration oil John Quincy Adams, to defend himself isgalustj the chargeof bargain, intrigue, sad corruption,l he 'mks called unon_by his ;Mende at ,a largo thee ' - !)f. that; f 0 140"; "0 11, 2'. Beeetlfteed of 104,01*Y-re' by hie; sld preaenting him _to .14 numerous , Mende as they,ctulii,foriaid.' Preece* the, Doctor saw the tall fortn 'of , the ecderitrie Go 2-, vernor ,Pittsur enter the door of thellialoenJ 7,a**y,-,,he - ,embraieethe- opportunity to poledlilni out to Mr. Clay,- and then whispered to; him 6 4 , Tbst, tall man at thedeor it(Governer Mir, of Pond River , Mind ireithy- , , , iitend of yoiirs, whoM,you mast know WObent ` op into= diction; Mar you rift* be certain; before he leaVia,4,wish that heMarneyer have another invasionif sOuirrels." • - • , • his gro und • Mum ported, - Mr. Clay stood his grottud in the centre of the aideen,Whilithe Governor, unconscious of the innocent Weir; approached him by degrees,' and saying as he.cans ' , sjpon't , introdice •me to Mr. Oily; he will kii e w me, and,l shall know him; for great men atiayliattoSieackother on sight. The. Giiiernor, looking everywhere lilt in The right place, asked,-as he ,pattsed on : • • Intern is the . god-like 'Many' and saying,. le I shill know him on eight, Torireat men like as never kno* each "other: ° .I, beg of you, gentlemen, not to IntrOducti us r . ,,we shall' know eackether, though-we • have never seen estehother. You say he is in this room ; good • shall find hit!? I" And away he stalked toward the place 'where Mr. ditty stood. ' - #4 Moware you, Governor Pittsnr, of Pond • }Mier imn rejoiced to see yett."-• cc Hear that!" said*die Governor;'" didn't telryon be would know_ me ? Yes; veff• tyanen; he is the gieSeatlßan 014-11yeej" - After•_Pordlally shaking bands, and - telling a of bin happy jekei, Mt. Gloy,"Said tt My._ dear - Governor , i , you may ilinalhoimand years; that health may alum* Miroughout_Your _wide domaiff, ind. , that you may never have, another invasion of the aqui!: ixio!" sailthe Ofiverni.f, .cditi:yo6 ,bsiiiottsin ; ffoli peti- - t•lelost their entini 'crop of Voiti latitrypar by *o4l'n#3t awls wy son!,-tte . knows everT- Wei! lionthirfat _ ! I itivqg 4 . you hiwne the - gteifiteet 'patie-hithe'viorhl; 'ilidn't4'hoye 7" - • - , - "And the Governor left ins state _ of perfeit 114 grauon of the gniet;stiliemeit::LikiiperPs 4fetaztne.,.; • , . , Tai MIITHODIST 4414i111LL Col4sassca.—The . following speech was , delivered before' , air body, . . ; motifs eassion at Beal° on the . Roth inst, by' RoV. J. alltiuThi; 4l 4ol4:4 l 4:- Bev-J. 0:- Murplaj;ed PhilididphlOald dint reward with many of /di bnithien meths door ; he ;mialrati,rinugimusjhut kb Continue had never " delis aurae* worthy,tArepreood it on this' minion bar been risked, shell Ideve}9 ." - be " foie , the„Ciluinik toil Um question fronowhitplice Ilavery be extir „, „ He denied Alutt":"slivery'lexlsted in the r. - 'Thelftdilation Of the Ohemokhroi `always Jtumnalit fervor ofeutanolvition;-, both within and Ohnieh: Tor aeventy-sht,"lyears the heibeen melted by the, Ohuroh; , done for the extirpation of slavery ?" and day ..the Church has borne 'testimony' to its podtiou. for ttdd testimony ~ -Ansaijrnsore would have been held in bondage than 'll,kprionet, and 'many more of itentrabers would hni,?, bimat :slaieholders: - But ;for" this - testimony • -' ,2lB 4,:d'ilin Wasiont Stales, rmw fois:weuld have Aleut ilybic - The ration 'proposed, which is likely _betsg;n l l 'hlte",direct, cullisicarMiththe lima of thitnera &sten CUlieg some' in the , aramb of the majority, • The mutant of 11dasobject atthe North has driven the th into tibia acalatiaimit of more stringent lowa „for tedium of slave property, until, in many (Ma, .. - ._!,innuncipation bar become impossible . - He would . • ilk !MI the Church 'prepared to take', a position force the South to pass iamb laws? WM thi Church prepared to array itself against the State? No "dictation front abroad was the principle of oar Government, and" the doetrine of e Pederel Government was .the doctrine of the .:_several Shack' ;We had SueOntiklesn'!ww=“ ol o 4 beeirMi whenan `attempt was Made to interfere with Stets rights:, people of Ilazylaut wait actually *lank ot their Mate :Watt - Wail the -11buroh- prepared- to take this extreme position?) Did the *idea Rule require: " , Did the Apostles so. understand it fj ',lt they did they did not - so Interpret 'Paul could not gointo Athens without restos, darn, and one of his test acts op' ntering PhliMpi was to hoer e dam- They MIMS in- aoutaat with .the arum ctuarriluirs, and yet they never reached against A.igavit . bit ilanuaitYaksi .=e p 0 by due Nowa of Inor,,and in the `present agate of public oglidari, no dm ,Uert be planed lit a' petit ion , or fttellty_with his measter. The emus of maneips ,. i 7 :West keel Wok retarded knindtideot =f i deauggeguos,, who have denoninti , 4 all' ."-Ibutern .4WIII the" Mid enure ups thou winch the majority' dadre to have' in • Nide& In of Dlielpline hive the - Whit Co' hasten , tirporiod of eimennelpation? -For a, century and a • Audible ue ators had ridded' hl the free , But... y irtirinnyekriihe had presehed' in a Olavelsoldbg Mot trovdd WM* Ito serer, in 'AI hie lit with *people mono thomOtynabued p ity. The often Akt thit'WhOh wren very ' nel&pes gm" by Northern bre/ben: mug be, twee**. trader and his vkitlnt.. Wituldlimee men nosiest tali* Urns eltuderni rind 'dernotite+l,4lweir , noleilkuuUtterbrajgded: with edini-.—and - atlll Ads thinitaneueettan ("hawk r Se eon: tended tliaftimioenee of the? alive :rroulg not be beselltittlit the notion portend, and he urged 1111•1“44111/0, to Pau , and Irotgli -Nell , the come - guinea shish Wefilitefliees bAre , theyAo,ok 11 1. 6 tV • watekoolid sorb! reteseed - - - mt. Ltatahti Iteintbileito emolidate for Prib , allow*, has it pieetiitdareilliog cola ft 6 `itedr,intellihlat;''.."4 totWOmpflehed lady, Wag eiai of three' slaters kliaglitais of Dr. Toddy or Ute'Afti;fitio ll es* KM/463 7 1 V 1 , 412 ?; - their Aigigir 4sp, WOri rfhltNW " "tit% - tietionet Btate`aitittal. She ti ely eowveroatiotudtei.; Mr. idaeoln Has three oluldrsit —ell toyi—two of whom are mere lade, end the other, agad'abotit elite" • know , a Andel:it at ihairled College, Cambridge, Nam The mime Of tla=l Pmatlti -ASO Youlte _ Sobert: Vf,':,"': -,-. ,V •', :•w/*-1 -1 Toj‘gAbnaa " 0' : , I L r3§lvffJ6*4 01'41 1 ~ A i c T ' ° h E i liNiTlbi b- i l i.T . . wan atior"`bed bin met in N ashvil le , Tenn., 21t.n7parleistatpa kleen, 7"ifto i trabiste, whiairj;ibin nun* ‘enhisirikal ttieThript ti il'hi!mikt n rwith tha t an d eri#o4l. "Ajila only a loving ;ILea4- ",,,"0#i4..4.=t ~Few . 7 4 I ,ir # i -the= 0 1 ,0 1, 40 ,/,:t 10,ti‘ i.:0110,4,":.t,ti1-th---i-dosiii ,:.., , - ~...,... .*atiiik,,..rilt ii• • f-.,'%14 -,5 :1 " T.:'-y . .. 4 ' ' 24.....77,,...Th.;-;-, .:11,,"-77,• '''' .. ii."—' '' hi thit ~-:,,r,1;1,'1.--;l•,,:','''.'-'-',',,,,,-,1-f .11 - r- -. -''4'.411/r.,,..1ini t— • •., _c. , ; ,,,,- - - ***, / , 00 - : , yr_ , „,.......r,-.ll",:iiaiutsc yr -1, 1 -, ii.L!...-- , ...--- -u-,66,fir, • ,toiliww - i- * - -- ~.4 0. ... - -.-- '• :' ' ' - ' ;.'c , : - -, , , , f.,..-,,, ,= . - • - ~9 ~i..i... :.S allr g4 l Y-o , Ar t i s, lEmortid &TIM Pross6l - 1-- ~---, .. , = ' ' , -, , PUPA I TO '1 0 1;16-41a`rk . , Vim' pallett, Dill -6841 414 es _We !Tariff do wed 3tw Old/363a Ix hit. ettthegi watt roe; *I hider }honor, Gravel, q0,=.1.4 Yoticoll Wee E Paveintadt &Co, dot,' 3 0 00 13 0 000000 Esmatho. do. _, - ; .1 , 4 , , , CA:RD 11 , 31.AEP- - Bn3 -13.hiirato, LamPhe 18 hticts ingor 3040 roralamea 30 bws do 19 a; W Welell.• • - . • ' 8 1 71gD. i-:.PARAIENGIr4t Ca bello—rohn from Puerto Ca H. Rob!, Fe. In beik.i.fie4Thille"'fi Lange -itv*P P; Lmnna littirax7 Nay. obild - end :remit " ILV' V-41.44 / 4 " 1 ".1 4,oafflllOr An 43 MILO bar4so6 - rinLeDshnits BoAßtr op TRAWL ' 1. ROSS SNOWDEN; COIIREITT/IX Olt lit' Motivi Rl C. DALE. • • • • -tIiTTER 8406' •itt Merehaßts' _Exchange, _Phslazielphia.. ....Liverpool, rune 1 8 2 b iU m . —*Ong' Kolltl• loon Bremen k Wsualington, Wetkoks.. --Lyndon. 110011 Biik , jaiiiio 0 Wilson. Penoook.........thenfueeoo, won Bark atimitton i letotesbuti.. • • •••—•—• • • •Mntsnlnte soon /lark Oordelle.Roberts... —,..—Barbados i soon nark Mary Ensabethationnorn........... Montevideo. soon Brice na, Moo& repo. limo do Otitis., Won gay Nom pat*, tineidon....Thwitne and Selitte i June 2 „laurXidi OW TAIT.- OCEAN ISTEAMEAS: • ~, F,JKIK THE UNITED BTATJW sue;' •- • moons • not •• • rain Surops;-:•• • • ••-• • • Boollon•-blYnilloOl. • • • •MaY ao Y6l.l2.Aiknit4; ..; Juno 1 Edinburgh— New York-Liver June 3 Adriatic ....New York.,Haare ' ' June 2 Anglo Ehmon....,.Quebeo....LinerpooL June 2 Penna. _ York-h_iverpool.— ....June 6. G'W ow: • 1 •New-Yorh.ailvereaol' June 9 Arabo;.••-• ••• • • ••• sverpool...• • ' June 13 daturas. York -Hamburg —June la - FROM EUROPE. - L 21.911 • Poe - 9.11.ta Palestine ... ~ - Liverpool..Queben- May 16' Bremen .....--JdoUtharneton-JenW York ----May 16 Nora Sootlark ....Liverpool.•.Quebeo May 16 G1artg0w.......,... Liverpool...NOW York • May 16: tilaxonia....•,„•BouthaMaton...New York May lA' ..... 19 Iranderbilt....BoUtham plop-New Zil Novh - Ameriesm.LiVerpool. Aueboo..; t 3 C or Battinlurn:..o 9 9r9ool.-Pleir Y0rk.....-..Mar 23; Afriors.---=—:-.l.lver9Ool..Neir York.— ... :May 20 • North Briton. ..... May 53 ' fAfl rago. i• - •Bou L th i a v m e pton_. ewArorc .....May so inaasnna.•.• nhMeten-New_ June. 1 , tuool.. Began_ , June 2. Illinois. -. ....13mithamotori..timi York June 6; 80hemian.0...•.....•...June-6 Uroat EsstelthsOuthamien...2lew Juno 9; , . • , ' The fhtlith i miCeJl Siemer! eall from New York on, the Ilth'and enact month. . The Havana amen leave New York On the 11c1.7111•; 12tAk• nth, ea% Slth - of tech month; When theabovn dates fall on bander the !Warners: will call MOnday# exempt from'rinw Qrleassn.- MARINE ,"INTELLIGiENCE. Mfl Or rIikLAJOIMPO Ms 'MOT 29 . VOW. 1014 111111111 ' t •'.4 lk-RgariSE'rtl—....._7 18 114111'NFATE11..-- , ,9 41' 41.61.111VED." Brig Gemuiters, (Dutch) Visitor, SS doe from Amster dam, with gin; wine. and madder, to Bohlen & Co. 1 Boa - IS Thurston, Latnpher. 10 days from Cardenas, with sntar Ind molasses to S . & W Welsh. Bohr - Rffort, Dunning. II days from Charleston, SC, with lumber to captain. Behr Vmdalia, Comer, 2 dais from f3assafras Md, with grain to Jas J Black. • Bohr Telegraph.' Comer. 1 day from Smyrna,. Del, with corn to Sae Barrett A. Son. Eleh , ....Stustmoas, Anderaon, g days from St George's 4 withhom to Jag J k • - - Charles LStiokney,Varwood, days from Fall Riwir. with fish to captain. 1 0 Z . Pr g Applegate. Cramer. from New York. f• BoliirmrA i rW . C°°°llY. from Nelr York. ham, Matthews, fro m New York. • • Behritememot: fromßoston. Bohr Brits;lGught.•Endieott, from Boston. "BotankweelsOMNsdrnsm&sitos. • hR ereelen, Matthews. from Portmeouth. • - Neer hours, from New York, wit indite to wm llimord AS 00. - • IIiLBABED. • Bteantehle Boston, Orooker. New Ydric, Jae Aildardlue. Bkip Berea, Magonigle: Imadonderry, TaYlor , & Co, Brig Aboe-Franklin, Clemente, Yarmouth, B A "Eider & Co. iiBehr G W Krebs. Emereoh, BaltimOny, T Webster, Jr: Bohr 8 Applegate, Cramer, Richmond, Va. N Stade t & Co. . Bohr Ezoeletor. 87ej, Cnelsea, Repplier & Bro, Bohr W G Bartlett Conelly,Boeton, do &be' Beheoas *Kai ght, Endloott, Beaton, Van ])we n, Bohr 11 A Weldor. Goilfreg. Salem, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bahr6teetet, Bisithews, Portsmouth, Eenartdt, Lain* Str KWh Willtuit,'Claigooole. Baltimore, A (troves. Jr. • (Cormspondenoe of The Pram./ RAYRE DE GRACE. MAY SS, INC' The Kingston left here this morning with 17 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Francis Marion, corn , rye. &o. to Rudd & Comb; Flemington Mills . whisk Aco. to L 0 M • tin ge r: %Itlfler./twitlietnfr. to raft Humphreys, tt i ti offin" bark g to t )Lihirle:'& Or3.ippinoott anin e kt•fli.. Pal mer, lowitLer toil Crooke,: Louise, do to Malone & Tag. lor; C D Weaver 11114 J E'ldsokwell. do to Dororose 3r. Sheets; Fenny' sink, ship plank to Simpson 8c Niel; John Wister,E C GIIIM , Elms, Clementine:Lillis Jane, Mary Emma, and 3 C Roffman, coat toaine. Delaware City. hIBMOBAND.O. Steamship Delnrare, Cannon, hence, arrived at New ork 117 th Ohio James Browne, Crabtree, from Hong Kong, u sed at Ban Framing. 17th ult. - • Bark American,Renney, for Philadelphia, sailed frail ardenos 16th inst.' Brig Model. Dow, hence, at Trinidad 13th ult. Brig_J C Brooks, Graffam,,for Philadelphia , at Matan maid /nat.' • Brughl E Milliken, Norden, from Havana, at Remo los NI inst. Brig H H MeGilvery. Clifford, for Philadelphia, oid t Motoring previous to 17d inst. Bohr J J finenoer, Dole, from Key West, arrived at srdenegleth inst. - - Bahr Panme, Vann. for Remedios and Philadelphia, • led front Havana lath inst. Bohr E Knight, Whirlow. from Havana, st Bona Oth ink.. • Bohr Byduey Pride, Godfrey, for Philadelphia, at Ma • ins= inst. Bohr Watson. Willehy, for •Nueyitas, sailed froin Anna 17th inst. . . . . - Behr Geo Byron, Hardy, for ,Philadelphia, cleared at Matanzas letn teat. Bedford eebr Swab, Bo neon, for Philadeloblo, Bailed from 14 Hith mar. . INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE .EbiTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIUII.AIRI'MA. (FILE issusANGl EXCLUSIVELY.) compAyrs BUILDING. S. W. CORNRA ITIURTH AND WALNUT STNEE2'S. DIRkICTORB. F. RATcll(7_94ll 611:111, WILLIAM MOUS, "NALSIIO FRAzuut. Jowl 114 ArwooD, 'BILNL T. Tiling; HIMIRY 11 WILAMTI3M, F. &AMU .0/1111•ES qoas. MORI/MOO L. DAWROX. 050.. H. Brvkar, Jolts H. BROWN AL A. FasszaTeclic, MDIImw D. QUIN. • ratan. . Pro f 11-11, AMERICAN 'IRE INSURANCE 00i, • INOORPORATED I,IIO=CIIARTS6 FERRET lr i l / 4 . _p Inj WALNU'l'lltreet above ThirdiPhiladelPhlit. Having s large Paid-uplatutal Stook and &mans /n -ye:tad m sound ;aid amyl abte Securities con ti nue, to mare on Perellumw.Eltpree, Funtitare, Merajmndise, Ptcsels in putt and their OallOOS, and other Pomona! Property. All lasso liberally sad promptly adjusted. DIZZOTORI. John T. Lewin, ohs We sh James B. Campbell, pet C. Morton, Edmund G. Barilh, atnot Brady, Chap. W. Ponlhmy, Israel Morris. . . TRW...A R. KAM Presidenti ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. qaeretarY. - ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authcirised - Capital $ lOO,OO0 — CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. ail WALNUT Street, between Third and Farth Street, Philadelphia. - This Company will insure against 1011 or damage by Fire, og Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. •__ Also. marine Jostrances on Velsids, ?orris'', and Freights: Inland Insurance to all Wall o the Union, DIRECTORS; iil'aimb Esher, lose ph Maxfield, - i P. Luther, , Dr. George N. Eckert, , I. Andenried, ' John R. Bledruiton, • !wiz keelson, Wm. F. Dean, star Sager, J. E. Baum. JACOB kiSHER4 Fresident. WM. F. DEAN. Vice President, W. M. SMITH. &oratory. asa-tuthstr QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 408 WALNUT STREET,PHILA,DRLPIIIA, - CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 113811,746.70.—1n5ures against Loss or Dwane by Fire and the Pouliot' the See, Inland Navigation and Tl : alr6ut traliGE H. 'BART, President. P. ' E 1 600 d Se o9B Vice d o" t erid Treasurer. S. IL BUTLER,lanuttantremarstarT. DLY.EOTORS, B. P. our, ' Porter B. Perkin,. Andrew R. Charobera, , - Damns' .Tortex.M. D.. - mho-tf George H. Hart • A t% tifits /MINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE 'I6,NAL INBURANCE COMPANY. P.LATTBBUR, MIBBOIIRI. Chartered in M.—Authorized Capital. 8100800: R. Whittimitom. W P . i .trz o lkliner, T. R Bradior. George W. Cuiver 'R. AlWRlPa r Aitkree. N.MOCKADAY. Beo. and Treas. pe/mai attention paid to Colleatlons, and Money romptly remitted.' munnemisolloited. man-3W I ;IFEJENSURANOE: AND TRUST 00M is-APARY_I-TRB 4B_NN‘.MUTUAL I.ly_g_Dreu-. wpi OOMPANydloamt ;per of THIRD and qfirldtgr i trift a tagra i t ie eins of dife-srlinte gannities and endirwmen*- 111 - Intereete in ]teal Estate, shilfrumi all °sutras:s li des:awns on,the e l e erer a se=toie, idaiedeeesong•4odemseg eletbsieHi and lineedthtlii. ... t om L. Mill•iri ""wrill . Psel lgirre. rein Coates. dham run, srd IL Neweold. , James 1 Fartand. asti s:. irm, Reset . totter. W enh I nu, Dint. tkeldel l • r ! ~- ,•- D. Torsepeed. ' Me • flatoktasor. b &sat, 0 . Horner, • tan, ' &Aram, • Waal! J. Catriallitai ; resati..:', .. . J o hn ph M. Thomas, , • en , few .- • • JQ . Bre eti ,- _ - • • V Yak -• , Ai. - 3 0 A t illegtrl t. LW W. MOl.llOll. rotary. tufa M • , ffB..STILL' •1i CRZATALINE LIQUID HAIR COLORER! A preparation new tp the public but which hes long been Onside MO, .or restoring ores Hair to an natu rstcolor, imparting Co itapkwoi appearanoe, and ren-: daring lt soft and stilly.' ' - - it is entiretrdifferent In its naturo 'And effects from Orr artiellinow in saw for the suns purpose, being a a Beni, Paid. semi, as clear sis water, requiring no washing berate _or a ft er its application. free from stgrphor or any other ohieotionablei ingredient, and Applied as 0 ailY as Pi prritnerg watr OH. • • ' N, be ben or the following PertiOne : .. W. Z. Harbert'. atones. Juniper and Pine streets. 8., 3 Fennell, No. 26 Worth JSiithth street. . ThomeaLaneaster Spruce and Eighteenth streak, Thomas Weaver, Vine and Eighteenth streets. wen. 11, Thompson. Mt, Vernon and ileventeenthM'si :kr a Ga tz d e4et rah. below Second street. :G•orpicfr iloweD-Nrine 'lt@ otTiTti h tr., gr . -- A. IL Bowman, npralle Ma 5800Qd ' streets. - ..italtVeraellenT and Eleventh streets. • . or b _Liitiursz annigrentit 'tree ts. . , -7... re a 1 TATEm. Drulgue, , lIIFTRENTR and wow Pt - rester • „ - lityM dm* Philadelphia, PISOATORIAL SPORTS. , . ! • ..s.- ' PHILIP WILSON ti'do.i- 434 OHESTNUT Si.. invite the !oven of PDWATORIAL SPORT to - m r u rtinent, lot lissA away, of TACKLE ,• in t Mts. world,ronownott Trout. Bon and . left. ' nor Moat; Buiro4d Se ft on Flies i strap , c,.-mg_kozweirefdad, ,„ ~ ,r; typti...Lten t OOO Cotton milt • - nitALlio pucmslows.-2,300 pieces Hams W 'arid City Smoked. Alma) bbla Cariiney. sn Litiyob l euida m ut 7 l Cowl lbsts it ange icime rink: -0, riA . Noon door aboi• Front. fACINVIEL--443 Bbls. Nos.l, 2, sod 3- JMIL Bde,okirteti*lilkde.bahnoi,Atmlortiatedeightbit faille or , u. N ULNA le Ofki AM" *NM' a t i'# l66 6olo4tritt sibmki Front. STE . ,rit,lllll4l l l - BLEY MALT. I -10 up tatif g f t r, §hotil 41114 • ' „ Po, , "i*' • donAnAd . Mr* ` 44 11114- 30011111.41,Pritise aslifaxsand • m et ixo a i• din minims lIIMIIII !;Cift: 11Alrir 'AA - P t , TO 1,.,P.1° ill FARMS, .FARMS, FARMS, FARMS. ®[—GREAT CHANCE Von BARGAINS.—Some of the finest Pm ernes over offered at Private Bale in Mont:ornery, Cheerer. and Books counties, by H. 11. cowsoN, Real 'Estate Agent aud ConveYsaos7. Morris town, Pa. - No.S, is a Farm of 78 acres, within a mile of Norris town ; will be sld a barga m in, • No. 6, le a Farm 9(4105,5, in Lower Providence tp, N 0.7, is a handsome property of 35 acres, near Centre B Virfl, is a Farm of 109 acres, in Gwynedd township. No. 10, is a beautifully-located Farm, of 103 acres, in Lower Providence, with fine improvements, water and fruit plenty., No. 15, is' a very fine proPerty of 39 sores, id White* marsh.on the turnpike, in a good neighborhood, and improvements very fair. No. 16, is a Country Beat with 32 acres, near the bo rougn ; a splendid property. ' No. 21,m a Country Beat , beautifully located, with BO Wes of good land, irater plenty, fruit, &c.; near the borough. No. sig, is sr Grist Mill. Lumber, and Coal Yard. with 10 sores, near Norristown, where a large burliness can be done. No. a 7, le a handsome little property of 2214 acres, only two miles from Norristown; improvements nearly new. No. 33. is a handsome little property_ of 10 acres, with privilege , of 14 acres, in Lower ProVldence township. No. SI, is a Farm of 70 (14340411 with fine improvements, good soil, ,aand very k r e=rl l . vaeridn Line - 1 Vet re: of land, in Upper Providence, all in good condition ; for sale a bargala. .No.Sil, le a Farm of 4134; acres, in Norriton township. ,• improvements quite fair, soil good, and water and frui t plenty. No. ST, isa ve productive and handsome property of aoree, in Whi ry, tpain ; water and (roll plenty. No. 39, lea Lot with acres and improvements, In Lower Providence, in a village. No. 43. ie Farm of 22% acres and very good improve ments, soil very produottve ; also. 1 Lot of 21 sores, sad 1 of 40 sores, &doming No 43. N 0.44, is a very productive Farm of 56 acres, in Lower Providence, - beautifully located; improvements good andsubstantial ; terms easy. o. 46; le a Farm of 90 acres in Montgomery, county, 3l miles from Norristown. N 0.60, is a splendid Farm of ST acres, near Borough limits, very convenient to the town and very pro ductive. • • • No. 51, is a Hotel and 14 acres, 314 milee from the bo rough ; a beautiful location. No. 56, ma Farm with new and handsome improve • wants, and 32 acres of good land, on the State Road. No. 59, Farm, Country Seat, and 26 acres, one mile from Norristown. No. 59. is a handsome and productive property, near the borough, with 20 acres. No. 60, m a splendid Mansion with 17 sores, near Potts town; fox vale a bargain. N 0.61, is a Farm of 43 cores, in Norriton township; improvements good. and water plenty. N 0.67.10 a Truck Farm of 7 acres, two miles from Norristown. on the Piko. Pio. 68, is a beautiful Country Seat and 5 acres, at Nor- No. 69. is a Country Seat, and 16 acres, within the bo rough limits ; one of the handsomest properties in this vicinity ;Aeries mbar. N 0.72, uipt Farm of 6134 acres, in Gwynedd township, with good improvements. No. 73, is . Stone Mansion and 2 two acres , in a village 7 miles from Norristown. N 0.74, is a Farnrof 45 acres, new buildings and prime laud, in woroester township,.No.7s, is a Lot of 10 acres, in Plymouth township, with goad bmidmgs , No. 76 , is a 11:n n iOn f ielL m •l t ii i o e a b t:i f l o ra l ;M of 116 acres. along Perkin en Creek, 18 miles from Norristown. No. 77, is a highly-improved and beautifully-located Farm 0f,50 acres in 'Worcester on the turnpike. No;78, is a Stone Grist Mill:with water and steam Dower, tomiles from Philadelphia, and doing a large business. No. at, Is a very fine and productive property, of 30% acres. near Port Kennedy ; for sale Cheap. No. 82 , is a Farm of 165 acres, in Limerick, with a stream of water passing through it. No. 83, is a Farm of 2934 acres, in Lower Providence, with very good improvements. No. 8•7 is a highly-cultivated Farm of 72 acres, in Lower Providenoe township, with new improvements. No. fel, is a Farm of 132 sores, a miles from the borough, fine buildings and would divide, making two very hand -1 some farms. . No. 9d, is a Farm of 83 notes, in Norriton township; a first-rate farm, and will be sold low. N 0.95. is a but of 11 mires and improvements, near Centre Square. No. 96, is a Farmof 103 acres and very fair improve ment!, in Whiteout township; the land in very good and and Moldy cultivated. No. 97, is a Farm of 60 acres and 9 time kilns, in Ply mouth; some of the best land in tho No. 100, is a Lot of 19 sores and improvements, near Norritonville. lvo. 101, is a Fenn of 48 acres, in ikirri ton, with good buildings • a beautiful location. No. 103; is a Farm of 62 acme, in Chester county; near a railroad. terms easy. No, 101, is a Budding Sao, containing 10 acres, near Fort Washington. No. Mg, lea &libelous Farm, in Worcester, of 24 acres and improvements. No. D 2, is a Farm of 76 acres near Pottstown, on the pike, and must become very valuable, owing to its prox imity to the borough. N 0.114, is a Farm of 87 acres in Upper Providence, with improvements nearly new. N 0.117, is a handsomely-located Property in Women ter, on a pike; Hmithshop on too premises; 24 acres of land. No.llB, is a beautiful Country Beat, with 17 acres of prime land, in Plymouth; buildings coat over 820,000; Will be sold low and on easy terms No./19, is a good Farm of a 0 scree . in Lower Provi dence township ,wiih first-rateimprovements. N 0.121, is a Farm of 83 acres, improvements very good. lamilin a high state of cultivation; only 3 miles from Norristown, . . 122, is a Farm of 40 acres, in Whitman:will be sold a bargain if applied for noon. No. 123, is a very ifine Property with 60 acres, in Ply mouth; land very goon and terms eg g , N 0.124, lea Farm 040 acres, in Wintpain; land good and improvements fait .• will bosold on easy terms. No. IM, Farm of 67 acres, in Whitplin ; a good lo cation; sme meadow land; improvements very fair. No. ix, is a model Farm of 126 acres, near Norris town; 3 sets of buildings; would divide conveniently, and must become very valuable, owing to its proximity to the borough. No. 12T, is a handsome Country Residence, on a pike, 4 miles from Norristown, with 6 acres of prime land ; will be sold a bargain. No. 122, is a good little Farm of 20 acres, in Worces ter: with good improvements. o.:130. is a Farm. of 30 sores, in Norriton, improve ments now and land good ; terms easy. No. 131, is a Farfn of 80 acres in Whiteout, op a pike, fine improvements, land good. fruit and water plenty. No. IM, is a cheap Farm of 87 acres , in Limerick, on a pike ; will be sold a bargain, N 0.133, is a very fine Farm in Whitpain. of 64 sores, beautifully located, and in first rate order. No. 134, is a Farm 0183 acres ' in the borough ; will be sold a bargain and on early ter ms. No. 1 3 5, is a Wharf and S acres of Land, with basin that holds 4 canal boats ; stone house with store and bar room.. and? oilier rooms, opposite Pottstown. • No 136, is a Farm of 110 acres, near North Wales eta with good improvements. No. IS% ma model Farm of 165 mires, in upper Merlon, 1 mile from a depot on i Mester Valley - Railroad. N 0.136, is a Farm of 78 acres, to Whitpatn, in the best of order, and will sell on easy terms. No. 140oe a Farm of 52 mores in Whitpatn, 1 mile from a depot on the North Pennsylvania Railroad ; Improve ments of the best kind, and no finer farm in the town ship. No. 143, is a cheap Farm to Meiner county of 100 acres. near the town of Meroor ; d good chance for a man of moderate means. N 0,148, is a handsome Country Seat, with 31 acres, near Norge:own ; a splendid location. N 0.105, is a Floor Mill of a ran of nonce, saw mill, and 10 acres of land ; mill nearly new ;'on a Railroad. N 0.147, le a Farm of diacres in Chester county. No 149, is a Country Seat and 10 acres of land," on a pike, No. IE2, is &Farm of 17 acres, in Gwynedd township. No, 163, is achesp Fatinof 78 acres. in Chester county; 30 iteites of timber land—will sores bargain. No 156, is a Farm of MU in Chester county ; near Phtenixville. • No, WI, is a cheap andproduotive Farm of 116 sores, sear Zleglersville, with fair improvements. No. 156, is a handsome litt,e Fenn of SS acres, in Gwynedd. near a station. 158, is a beawifully located Farm of 4.9 acres, in Gwynedd, with very fine Improvements, on a pile. The above properties are all for wale, or lonia will be exchanged for huger. and some for smaller francs. I have some very good Store and Tavern stands for sale, not included in the above list; also, smith and wheel wright shops, where a large business can be done. have several private residenoes in Norristown to ex change for Parma. Bonnie for sale in entails of the RPrough, ranging !rem 8600 to 810.000. Mortgagee ne gotiated at reasonable rates. Stocks bought end sold. Rouses for rent and rents collected. Fano Pales of Real and Personal Froperty made op reasonable terms. For Catalogues and full desoriptions of Farms &0.. &D., p lease address R. R. congoil A my mf 44M 29 11 & je2 Norrietown. ra. TO , RENT—A house situated on NM Haines et , Germantown, third door from Schaaf- CPT, having nine roome,lwath a large garden,_and fruit sod shade trees attached, Apply at B ROOKS'. PRICE: Street, Germantown, or at 138 ' , torte IHIRD Street, Philadelphia. myls-6t. pat?. SALE, CHEAP—A now Ladd Web atm., & Co.'a S ewing Moolnee—the beat manu factured. Mittens•°Sewing !doctrine, office or The ,press. m 7244, FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.--A Mak furnished house to let, at the northwest corner of Ninth and Limon streets. Apply_ on the P 9r tf or at No. 12 FARQUHAR BUILDINGS. TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For 'tale a, large jot in the Southwestern section of the oily, well adapted for a Nursery. Terms aoriommoda tine. For particulars address " K." at this office. ay T-tf di TO RENT—Two beautifully situated 11161: 'double houses well shaded, with coach houses and gardens attached: on Taoony Plank fload,_ Wone mile below Taoony. and three - quarters of a mile from Pas- ENll.llilltUe depot at Bridesburp. A01)1/.0,1417 17 O L L I ER Y TO LET.—THE CELE. SKATED LUKE FIDLER COLLIERY, situated at Shamokin, in the Shamokin Coal Basin, and on the line of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad, will pa let upon the complefton of the improvements now in progress. There are two veins of Red Ash Coal op ened on the property, each seven feet think. The coal i s of a dupe nor quality, and has attained a nigh reputation where ever Wham been introduced. It is highly valued and commands a ready sale in Baltimore and intermediate places to which it is sent both by canal and railroad. A market hes also been opened for this coaLin the North and Northwest. For shipment to the Emit it may be taken to Delaware City, and, upon the completion in June next, of the extension of the Mine Mill Raidgad to connect with the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad, it can be shipped at Richmond. These veins will yield from three to four hundred thousand_tone above water level. There are other veins of White, Red, and Gray Agh Coal on the pro perty, which are easily accessible. The enmity of the breaker is fifty thousand tons per annum. The Colliery can be examined on application to D. W. C. Cleaver, on the premises. • • For further information appll tO . M. EASTWICK, mbEl-tuths tf No. 1 VINE Street, Philadelphia. rip • W. NEILL, & Co.. YARD. R. E. Corner BROAD and CALLOWIIILL, Superior WHITE ASH, " I a itm I ZQUA, and LEHIGH UOALS. Pr ;P r gi:r d s k bri l aitrtria x ixtl Y eT.;ott atten tion, apE 3m EDwni OLARK'S ••-•,.. • • • H/OHLY IMPROVED sort newly Patented Combined Grinding and Bolting. or MERCHANT FLOUR MiLL, Daily in operation at 140.136 RACZ 8r lou r, BILOW THIRD, PHILAD'A.. This unrivalled Flour Mill, including the complete grinding and bolting machinery, occupies a enact of only 4 feet wide, eight feet high, and twenty-nine feet longmanufacturing within this email oompasa, at a operation, and wito but little more than ix horse power, family. extra, extra, surfine, and all of the low pe er grades of flour, and the diTerent kin& of cad ; pro diming flour equal in Q uality to the best flour made rm a given amount of wheat, by the best Merchant Flour Mills in the United States, or in Europe. Its average rate of grinding is two barrels of superior flour per h Tai. new, compact. complete , and celebrated flour mill has been carefully examined by many of the most experienced stutters in this country, and they unani mously bestow upon it the highestoommendatitms ;And have men their testimonials of its intrinsic superion tigand its IMMerile utility. merehants, ospitaliste, 'pecula tor, and the publio in general, are reepeotfully invited to Ali end examine thiii highly useful and Justly Gale brstpd flour min. information concerning the embalm of the Patent Rights for States and liountieg, and the mills, l i r every portion of the United .States, Crest Britain, ranee, Dormant ;Russia, and other Agricultural comity es; will be given to all persons addressing their le tter to EDWIN CLAR., Patentee, No. Alg RACE at., below Third, Yhilad'e. Mfr' For further information conceniing this celebra ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de seribine it. , vvilAr 1125. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS FOR LADlES.—Approved of and highly recom mended by the Medical profession throughout the United States,. Thin,' Thousand It/welds having been advised by their physicians to use her Surgical Appliances« She would caution Merchants and others against purohamag ezoept at her residenes, 1039 WALNUT Street, where she can be consulted daily, between the hours Of '9 and g. Her book of test:menials will be given on &poll nation. Bent free to any part of the United States.,ifer signature is on each article. nor) tutkie•tr A Nit* AND WONDERFUL,PJSUO forthVEß.lc e tßUeumatism and Omit. SUR B C AITHELITIO PILLS' This Medicin e is offered Irith'the utmost oon#durii,e,o! its being the most effeatual remedy, for t_ti e e ed a b o:v s t47 . peherogees ever rstudieeovherte Nodrimiczte, pride e l tgr. o orat i ti m r etil, rin i :n bl olosa the nsain i POG en ta t. 6. ,otePip end In=" c Zekff. ,HARPE • • • : 14e South ROAT i farl i l... m OR EUROPE.—Having been apijooksted Attie, for WM. WILLIAMS 00.'i Trattest , pretrar aff r loilr A tße i m s to o rgeive For all. to?..0• •• •3 7 Letups azia AIM, at ±priits ,unErsoi donid in this o A tjou . Cu., • IV n. 119 Beth FIFTH' BtNet 30 0 Bbls. and 340 hfu."largeNo. 3 Mack ,erod. 190 Ws., and Mk) MS. small No. I Mask liosmad btal r y i nannt . /1.07 i 1 1 ~ ,00 1 ) 4 ,f d *AY stki VOAL. RAILROAD LINE N THE PENNSYLVANIA • 0 E N T RA L IltAllillO.' 25) Anus poutLE AD TLWI. 186°. O R • Tim oa IfA& ER t le A s R M OAIOB 0 A 1 O 8 I OIEQ b U t AL BETWEEN PRILADE lIIAEMsDfP SBURG, Connecting direetat Phil elphm with Through Trains Rom Boston, New York: and all points East, and in the aeon Depot at Fittsbag witp Through Trains to an d om all points in the NY lin, ortnweat, and BOuthWeet. —thus furnishing facilities or the transportation of Passengers tininupaseed for speed and comfort by any other route. .. Expreu and Fact Lines run through to Flttsburg : without change of Cars or Conductors. All through Pas- Sengar Triune provided with Loughidge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of f the engineer: thus ed4Dag mutt to the safety of T r. :vs:tars: Braslung Cars are attaohed to esti Traini Woodruff's ilifisiPtaiN t : DAILY: I s hit 1 1 and Fast Bun dapsd'llllPrtalitleave P h iladelphia t 760 A. hi. s u a Fast Line " Mee A. X. mynas Train leaves n 10.46 P. M. BY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: In spars Acammnodition:y.ia2olambia : SI P. M. kikekr-g too P. M. 8.40 P. M. West Chester " 12 90 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, Welt Chester Accommodation and d Columbia Trains. passengers for Sun A r,,wimam...„, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, an in termediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 7.15 A. M and 2 P. M. go directly through, Tiokete We v trard may be obtained akthe aloes/if the Comvany o lP adelphia, New York, Batton, or sm. tiroore ;an lokete EsArward at any of the Important Railroad_ nes in the West ; also on board buy of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio riven. oar Fare always ea low, and time as wok, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennevlvama Railroad to Chicago. make this the DIRECT LINE BECitt . E TWEEN W THE EAST AND THE .AT EST, The oonneotion of tracks by the jtaliroad Bndge at pittebarg, avoiding MI drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are adventates readdr Appreciated by Shipppere of Freight, and the Travel hng Merohants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tins cOmpanY. can rely 'with min, doors on its speedy transit. THE RATE'S OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the POnnsylvanta Railroad are at all sinte3 as javorabk as are charged by ester Rafiread C° llVil l e " Articular to mark packages " via Penna. Rail road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany: • D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.B.Pieroe It Co., Hanesville, 0.; J.IJ Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. MoNeelY, Mal:Mlle, Hp .; Ormsby & Cropper, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock k go., Jeffersonville, Indi ana; H. W. Brown tc ,Co., Cmoiruaati, O.; Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.. It. C. Me drum Madison fad.; Joe. K. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. tpfillay k! Evansville, Ind N. W. Witham & Co., Cairo, 1114 R. F. Sass, Shaler It Glen, St. Louis, hioA John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris Hunt M emp his, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111.L.W. IL H. Koonta, Alton, Ill.; onto Freight Agents of Railroads at different Points in the West. S. B. KINGSTON, Sr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, Ni North street Baltimore. LEECH & CO., 1 Astor House, or I B.Wllham et., N.Y. LEECH & CO., No. 77, Statest?et, Boston. 11, H. HOUSTON, Gen'i reight Agent Phil*. L. L. HOUET, Can't Tio et Agony; Phi E. 1.,F.W18, Cen'i Sniet Altoona, ra, 1860. NWAMIN 1860. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. TRH CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAnES, Prom Walom-atreet Whml, Will leave m follows—mz At 6 A At, via Camden and Amber, C. A. A. Aooom-FAIR . modation..- . ..... ..., 4 -,..522# At aA M, via Camden and Jersey City or. j.) Ao aommodation.. . —. 929 At 9 A AI, via Camden and Jersey City, .Momin3 . ail— . 3 00 —.............. At 11A M, by Steamboat, via Tammy and Jersey City. Western Ex press....- 900 Atl2l 1' M, via Camden and Arataii, AtmommO dabon.— Camden and Amboy , At 2 P Al, via - ress - . . . .. 90 At ' 4 . Jersey City, Evenly.' Express.... . ' ... . 309 At 4P M, Steamboat. Tacony and Jersey City. 24 Claes Ticket. 440 At 6Y M, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening ... .. 600 At 11 P M, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern Mail—,..-- 226 At 5 P M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,)-lat Clam 10 Ticket. 226 id 64 64 1 The 0P M Mail Line rune daily. The 11 PM, South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. ko., at 6A M and 4 M, from Walnut-street wharf. and 7.10 A M from Kensington. For Water Cap,Strondsbarg. Soranton. Wilkeetwrre , Illontroge, Brent Bend, acc., at 6 A. M. from Walnut street wharf. and 7.00 A. M. from Kensington. via Dal ware Lacirmaral t s and Western ft. R. Ho For Mount . at 6 and 9 A. M., 2 and 436 P. M. For Freehold, a 6 AWAY. 3I LINE , and 2 S. P. M. . . . . For. Bristol, Trenton, /re" at and 4 P.M. from Walnut street viharf,T.lo A. a. and 6M P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Belem°, Beverly, Burling ton. Florence. Bordentown , /too at12)4,1, and eif, P.M. steamboatJoa Bencron for Boigentown and Interme diate Places, at 2)(i P. M. teambnat Trenton' for Taoony. at 11 A. M. and Tawny, Beverly, Burlington, and Bnetol, at 4 P. M. Fifty:Pounds of Itaggageoniy, allowea each humeri ger. Passenger, are prohibited from taking anythlng ae baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their reirponeibility for baggage to One Donator potted, and will not the liable for any amount bey and 4100, ex cept by opemal contract. apl6 WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. INWAININ PH ELMIRA ROUTE.- ILADELPHiA AND EL, MIRA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua, Catawissa, flu pert, Wilkesbarre,Soranton 4 Danville, Milton,' Wit nainsport, Troy, Ralston, (Anton, Elmira, floral° Niagara Falls, - Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit Toledo Chicago, St. Lonin. Milwaukee. and all points North an. West. Passenger I.- w II leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphta and it,ading Railroad, corner BROAD end CALLOWHILL Street., (Passenger entrance on Cal lo hill street„) daily tSandaya excepted), for above points. as fellows : DAY EXPRESS. ....... ..13A A. M. NIGHT EXPRES'S. .A SS P. M. The 740 A. N. train connect. at Rupert, for Wilke* bane. Patron Scranton, and all stations r the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAIL OAD. The above trains make direct oonneotions 'lnura with the trains of the New pork arid Erie, Canandaigua. and Niagare._Falls, andaudalo kissiroadatfOrn sit points North and West, and the Canada. Baggage olitielcod to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. and all intermediate points: Tickets can bikproeured at the.. Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line's 'ticket 0153 e, northwest corner of SIXTH and ORES 11 . 41.)T Streets at the Paseenger Depot, corner of TEHRTEENT GAIA,OI I IFHILL. THROUGH EXPRESS E El HT TRAIN , Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad and points West daily (Sandal. exoepted), for all points West and North, ate P. Al, Freight, must be delivered before 3P. M. to insure their going the same day. For farther informationeV at Freight Depot. THIRTEENTH and GALLO Lb, or to CHAS. S. PAPPE ,_Cenerat_ASent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, aP1441 - Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN, LitoAD-BUMMER ARRANGEkIENT.-- On and after AR/1610AY, Mar 15, PM, FOR ORRMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 0,9, 19, 11 and 11 A. M., 1,5, 536, Bern, 6, MC 7,8. 9, 104. and 9 ,10 % P. M. Leave antown 6, 7 736, 8,8% ,Mr /11A. 1,2, 8,4, LC 6%, 7, 8 2 nt( N P. Al. 0314 8 DAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.08 min. A. M., 2,2, 5, 73£, and 10% r. M. a nd Le 9% P . M ave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., LlO min., 4, M. • OGOESTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philedelshin 6, 8,10, 12 A. M., 2,4, 6, 634, 8,0, and /03( P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7.10 7.40, 8.40, 940 11.49 A. AL, 1.40, 6.49, 6.79,13.40, and I.lO ' P. M. ON SUDAY!. Assays Philadelphia 9.06 A. hi., 41,11, and 7% P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7. 60 A. AL, MO, 6.10, and 9.10 mui., P. M. FOR OONSLIOROCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 5.60. 734, 9.05. 11.0, rain., A. IC, 1,044 WA, .52.5, 6.50, and 112( P. M. Leave Norristown 0, 8.06, 2, 11 A M., 134, 434 . and T 3 P. AL • ON SUNDAYS, Leave e Fki riotie rlt A L. M rti. a . V . S n ean 6 d i p . P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia Am, 736. 9.06. M.OB A.14.,1.06, 2.06. Dm, 4g, 6.55, 6.60, 8% an 1134 P. M. Leave Manorial:lk 8.55, 534, and 1134 A. rd., 2, 1126, 5,13%, 8, and 9% M. 0.74 SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 5. 5, and 8 P M. heave Alansynnk2f r A.M., 134, 61, and 934 P. Al. 111947 H D' K E . P B O T and CT' 11`112Ntensteuets' lainamTO WEST CHESTER POI.NVIA MEDIA. AND INTERMEDIATE 13. Trains for West Chester leave Philadelphia from the depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.10 and 1040 A. M., and at 3 and 5.15 P. M. On Sundays at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M L Paszengere for Stations on the Philadehohia and Dal titnore Central Railroad will take the 7.39 and 10 10 A. M., and 6 15 y. 41. TIMMS. udl3o AND READING RAIL ROAD.-PASSNGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, A READING and HARRISBURG. PdORNINO LINE, DAIL,Y, (SindAye excepted.) Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADHLPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill etreets•tat 8.10 nonneoting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYL, VANIA RAILROAD. I P. M. train runniln , to Pittsburg, ; Ott CUMBERLAND VALLEY LOY P. M. train running to Chambersbur_ ,g Carlisle, Fen. and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bur74Ato• AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Stream, PHILADELPHIA efDorA entrances Wa tl l l , l4 o l 4,476tlTßlTlTlL w aB l .B . o t z er at 6 P. m., DAILY, (Sundays 'ex cel:n.o.l DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, Fuom PuiLene,Leure. To ..... 28 Reading••• • 88) Phrelahta and Retch(' Lehan9A. • • Se an Lebanon Valley R.l Harbsottrg. • • •• ..... • • Dauphin - -• ...... , ....... 1421 Trevortou Junotion..ll2 I Sunbury 169 Northumberland.. -..171' bewisburg—.......l7B itten— ...185 hlniloy.. .. Ht Wtl 197 ,LoneyShore Look 11aven..........235J Ralston.--. 134 Elm Troy . . ..... This 8.00 A. M., and the SAL at Port Clinton, (Sundays et WISSA, WILIAMBPORT making close connections wi Canada. the West, and Soul) DEPOT IN PHILADHLPH CALLOWHILL Streets. apIS-If W. 11. Mt Williamsport and Elmira Railroad, P. M. train oonneot xa a c n P d " th a !PADA IV, [titlra to Niagara Falls, hints IA: orner of BROAD and Tf. ) NNRY. PemMhr♦ FPRINN ARRANGE rIirLADELPILIA, WIL MINGTON, AND BAIT' MORE RAILROAD. On and after MONI/Y, April 13, INN PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.1. A. M., 18 noon, (Express, ) and MEI E. M. 11 FotOheater at 8.18 A. M., IS noon, 1.15, 6.00, 7.00 and 30 W i lmington For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M., 11. LH, 6.00, 7.00. and 11.10 P. M. Forty ew Cattle M 8.16 A. M., sad SAO P. M. For Middletown at ea A. and 6.00 P. M. For Dover 618,11 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. For Milford it 8.15 A. M. and LW P. M. For Seaford at B.IIIA. 1., and 5.03 For Laurel at 8.15 A. IL. and 5.00 P. M. • For Salisbury at 8.18 A. M. rd 590 r. AL TRAINS FOR PH LADELPRLi _AMT. pPP ßaltimore at 8.80 A, ~(Eariressil 10.11 A. M., 'Tetra 'lrm . ln_ston at 590, 8.50, and 1/.50 A. Mo B.End 8.31. P. M. earn Ralnibnry at 5.9) A. AL, and 1.00 P. M. VS angel et 6.15 anda.4o Y. M. Ave Seaford at 6.01 A. at. and 4.00 P.M. M ve Milford at lAA A. M., and 4.40 P. M. - IMMO Dover at 8.011 A. M., and 090 P. M. Leave IVddietown at 15.05 A. BS. 7.01 M LOWS Mewl:Male at 8.00 10.111 A. ~ and 8.99 P. M. U-ave Chester at TAO, 8 . 10, 11.01 . AL, pa, aal and 1,11 F. ro Leave lo Baltimore M. for Salisbury and Delaware Rail ad at.lB A. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Lerma Chester at &46 A. M., 12.1111 and ILO P. M. A Leave Wilmington at LMA ISA, AL' P. M., and alo FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, ,Lafaia t P a h p iliad m allTi l a RiProsigiVind intermediate IP P I y: - Wilnii; Atoll for Perryville and intermediate el es for Philedelpliis and intermediate places at LW P. M. Leave Havre-de-Graoe for Baltimore and Intermedi ate planes at 8.00 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Orace and intermedi ate slimes at AOC Y. M. SUNDAYS Ohl at 1110F.M., from Philadelplna Oh.y at LW P. M., from Baltirrior± to Picladelehie- Apra S. m. Fmurom. Proeldent O%S 7 I VA. rg i er br G ,COFFEE,-4000 po RA M it, cketk,_prime MaHA /1 NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILIAIL ft Lift EM a ARRAN GE MYN . • Ft BET EHEM BOVLESTOW . EASTON. MA OH Ola ECHL EY, WHITE HA N, NILE 888 RE, ko. On and after MOND Y, May 28t_ ,h Pawns* Trains! wilt leave FRON and WILLOW S treets. Phi • ladeiphia, DAILY. (flundac excepted:l At 6.10 A. M. (Express . for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Orr, Hazleton, km. - At 2.80 M. (Express), for Bethlehem ,_.Easton, Act. This train reaches , Easton at 2.60 P. M., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central Express Train for New I ork. At 8.41) A. M. and 430 P. M. (Accommodatio))), For Doylestown. At 9.30 A. M. and 8.80 P. M. (Accommodation) ; For Fortwastiingtoa. The 630 A. M. Express Train makes elate connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and mast desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to allpoints la the Lehight.loal Region. TRAINS FOR PRII,ADELPHIA t Leave Bethlehem, (Ewan,) at 7.16 A. M. and 6.32 P. la. and 4 P. Leave D oylestown (Accommodation, ) at 620 A. M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation.) at alla M. and 216 P. M.' ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. hf. Pailadelphia, for Doylestosrn, at P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 8.20 A. ht. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 3.00 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, 8).150. To mono Chunk, 82.60, To Easton, $l.OO. To Doylestown 80 cents. e T e h s r a ti t e g obkoewt must S tr e et, b e o p r rri o s E n r it e s a t s i t h , n e 0 e in Tike fiot order to tenure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth streets and 13aciond and Third-street Passenger Railroads 20 minutes after leaving Willow street, my2B NOTICE.—NORTH AtitAIMPENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MO v DAY. May 38th, ,WILLOWENGER TRAINs will leave FRONT and Streets, Philadelphia, aa follow : For Bethlehem, Mellott Chunk, Wilkesharrei Stc.i (Express,/ at 880 A. M. For Bethlehem, Easton. &o (Express) at 2.10 P. M. For Poylestown (Accommodation) at 8.40 A. AL, and 4.90 P. M. For Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 0.30 A. Al, , and 8.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILAD I LPIIIA, Leave Bethlehem (Express) at 7.15 A. M,Mad 5.22 P. M. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 830 A. M.. and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) ate.3o A. M.. and 0.16 P. hI. ON RONDAYS, • Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. or Doylestown at 3 P.M. Doylestown for Philatßuphia at 620 A. M. Bethlehem at 822 P. M. my23-3t ELLIN CLARK. Agent. iyagams sumtiF tE A NTRRANGE oHAttoE OP HOURS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY. the 28th of May, instant, the time of starting the PABBF,NGER TRAINS of the PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY be as follows: GOING NORTH AND WEST. Trains leave PHILADELPHIA for READING, POTTBVILLE, and HARRISBURG at 8 A. M., 5.30 P. NI., and 5* P...., (aaco ßE mmodation). TURNING. Trains leave POTTSVILLE at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., and leave HARRISBURG at 8 A. M. and 1.16 P. M. • The 5 P. M. Accommodation Train runs to READ ING only. The Down!) the. PARgENGE q TRAIN TRAINTTS VILLE: and 3.30 P.M. PABSENGE it from PHILADELPHIA, are the only Trains that run on him days. By order of the Hoard of Managers. W. H. McILHENNEY, Rooretarr. m 1244.19 1 INWANNE PHILADELPHIA ,MsID BALTIMORE CENTRAL; RAILROAD.—BUIRMER BOARDING.—Traine leave the depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co . Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7:30 A.M. and 5:15 r. M. Leave Avondale 6:15 and 9A. M., and 3:45 P. M. • Freights for this line received at No. 1816 Market Bt. A daily line of stages to and front New London and ford connects with the 7:30 A. M. train from Philadel phia, and the 9A. M train front Avondale. The beau, tiful scenery and well-known healthfulnes. of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior inducements to those looking for summer boarding. A. B. BURTON. Philadelphia. May 14.1860, 3m Superintendent. IdOTIOE.---CHESTER kintiIIMPIEVALLEY RAILROAD—PAR o irGorl II TRAINS FOR DOWNING gOWN AND [lli- TER/MEDIATE 18TATIONS.—On and alter Mth Afar, lone, the Passenger Trams for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Pmanger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading _Ritilrorul Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWEILL Straka, (passenger en-. tnumes on Oallowhill. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 9.00 A. bf... . . . tA . STERNOON TRAIN for Dotramstown. lassos at OP. M. DAILY (Sandas sy order of the /loud of Managers of the l'hilsdelpkii and Reowlins the Comosny, nnS W. B. MciLDENNEY, &oratory.' WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS VIA PENNeY LVANI A RAILROAD. Leave Depot, corner ELEVENPA and MARKET Strcete, daijr(except Bandar) at 7.15 A. Pd., 12.30 P. AL, and 4 P. IR. Leave Went Chester at 6.40 A. ht. 10.40 A. AL, and 3.10 P. AL NNWPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. REDUCDON OF FARES: On acid after APRIL ad, 1860, Commulation Tiaketi, with twenty - six coupons, will be issued, good for_ he holder and any member of his family, on any Passenger Train, and at any time. They will be sold by the Treasurer, at the cube of the company, No. IX South FOURTH. Street, at a reduction of twenty-five per cent. from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer In the Country will find this a very desirable route, the Sohn.ylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautiful and healthy in the State,.and well si ble by four trains from and to Philadelpha daily, S. BRADFORD, Treasurer.' put LATELPIIIA. March 26th, MO. mh27-t( NOTICE TO CONTRAOTORB. Proposals will be received at the Office of the PENNeIYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, until 3 o'clock P.M., on MONDAY, JUNE 11, for the con struction of the Masonry in the piers and abutments of a Bridge over the Schuylkill river, near the United States Arsenal, to the nit, of Philadelphia. The amount of masonry will be about 5,600 cable yards. a large portion of which will be under water. Primossis will elate the price per subioyard. including the numbing of all materials, and the expenses of coffer-dams , piling. and all o her Items incidental to the construction of the masonry, except clement and lime, which will be furnished by the Railroad Company. Separate proposals will be received for the delivery at the bridge of atone suitable for the above work. leo, for the commotion of the masonry, including the expenses of the foundations, the stone and cement to be furnished by the Railroad Company. Parties proposing mar submit plans for foundine the Piers and abutments differing. from the specifications. Plane and specifications will be ready for inspection on the 48th lust at the Engineer's Office, West Phil, &Wan, where all requisite information can be obtained. Proposals wilt be addressed to W. ff. WILSON. t0y.254Je1l Remittent F.netneer Penn. R. OFFICE, OF GERM tNTOWN PASSEN GER RAILWAY COMPANY—PHILADELPHIA, May 37, IMO. Notice is herebygiven that an election for President, nine Menigers, and Treasurer of Germantown Passen ger Railway Company, will be held at the olhaa of the Company. SIXTH. and DIAMOND Streets, on SAT UR DA Y. June 2, IMO, between the bourn of ten A. hi. and two P. al. Whi. SINGERLY. mylB-tje2 Secretory. OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA- T lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. 1850.—From and afior Jul" lath, 1860, and until September Ist, IMO, the charges (or the use of Cars. and for Toll and Trans bynation on Anthracite Cowl earried tojhiladelphts, way of the Schu_ylkill Navigation ' wilrbe increased moon Rama her Ton on the rates fitted March lath, 1860; and on the Ist of September. 1860, a further in crease of Fifteen Cent; per Ton will be made on said charges, end so continue until the close of navigation. By orderlat the Managers. F. FRALEY, my 11 2.n President. ROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS COALS.—healed propoeals will be received at the office of the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS, No. 20 South SEVENTH, Street, until noon of Fe IDAY, June 8. 1869, for, any part or the whole of fifty thousand tope of 131tummons Coals, suitable for the manufacture of Gas, to be delivered at the Gas Works, on the Schuylkill river, in such monthly quantities as may be specified in the contrast. The first deliveries to commence In the month of July next. The Coals miult be fresh, clean, and dry, and of a quali ty to be approved by the engineer. The proposals must state the particular variety of Coal it is intended to fbr nigh, and it of a kind not before used at these works, samples of not less than fi ft y tons for trial will he re quired previous to the time of opening the proposals, The gross ton of 2,2411 noun^ s will be considered as the weight intended in the yroposale, unless otherwise ex pressly stated, and. if it lie preferred to deliver by mea sure, the s h uck bushel of 2,648 cubic inchee will be used. in one of failure to deliver the Coal according to acres mut, thetrustees of the (las Works reserve the right to purchase wherever they may deem best, an•l charge to the contractors any loss or damage consequent on molt failure. The payments will be made in two equal instalments, at four and six months after the specified periods of de livery, the 16th of each month to he taken as the ave rage of the monthly deliveries: or, at the option of the trustees, payments will be made in cash, with interest deducted. Should the contractors prefer to deliver the Coal ear lier than required, it may be received, if convenient to store, but payments will be made to date from the time epeoifted. Satisfactory security for the fulfilment of the contract will be required. • JOHN C. CRESSON, • Engineer Philadelphia Gee Works. May 2, 1860. my4-ties NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TPAT 11 application will be made to the Hope Mutual In ausarten Company for the renewal of Certqloate No, 9, for ten shares of tho capital stook of the said company, la lien of one which lime been lost, festi-tusin OFFICE OF THE ItEADING RAILai Thu The rates ef freficht and this company welt be as tit further notice : ' 4 '"A'';l l ro c e"' To R ichniond •—• Inolined Plane.. Sunbury ana Eno It. II . . Pt --- 1.48 Germantown R. It., 1,48 Falls of Soling lk 1.43 Manayunk........—... 1.33 Hebert's... ...... 1.33 Conshohocken. ..... 1.28 Swede Furnace....... 1.26 Rambo's ... 1.24 Norrist'n or Bridgeport 1.23 Port Kennedy......... 1.17 Valley Forge 1.14 Phcemxville 1.02 Royer 's Ford, - 106 Ararning0............ . 1.08 .. 1.03 Pottstown .; • - 28 Donglassville 54 92 Birdsboro Rending ••—" • 111 Tucker ton— —....--- 21 Leesport. 78 Mohraville....— . 76 Hainburg I 73 OrWiseleg anir Auburn I 51 After July 15th to September 10 to Hiabinond will be raised 16 0 , after September Ist, an addition: per ton.. ap2B-21„ By order of tl4k IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Es tate of JACOI3 MOLL. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the widow of the said de cedent has presented and filed her petitton and appraise inentra the said court, claiming to retain real estate therein mentioned to tie value of 6.5 W, under the Act of Miserably of April 14th. 1861 and the supplements thereto, and that the seine will he confirmed by the coon on Friday, June lot, 1860, unless exceptions he filed thereto. UP.ORGIE 11. EARLE, inylB-10-28-29 It* Attorney for Petitioner. E. O. SP f OEL A ND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0 , NTON. KY. OP' pecial attention ipso' to tho collection of Maims in Trigg. Callaway, Marshall, Lyo', Caldwell, and Oh roman counties. Refer to R. n. H. C. Burnett, M. C.; Donal. j. Stiles, Judge Court of Appeals ; Eon. J. O. Dabney'. Ottani', Judge. Ilopkinsville, x Y. ipy23 24t BURGESS , TROUT, BASS, AND SAL MON RODE.—PRIMP WILSON & CO., 432 ORESTNUT Street, having taken the Sole Ageney of my celebrated Trout, Bass, and Balloon Rode, Reels, &q., will supply my friends and the trade, at the lowest esteem tiihe-tm 0. W. SUROF.Sti. SEMMET & SONS,_ * IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, • No. 216 South FRONT Street, R 0110 1 409 regularly a fullassortment ot desirable CI oreata GARB, erhlgh Um otter at low ratola f or Gal *IOUor alp staved ttAdMSOA.IO, ILJNe,:k ELLIS CLAIM Agent -NOTICES. HI D E IRMA AND AD CDIVIPA NY. nsit;tizA, Marah 12 18.50. tolls on coal transported by follows from Mara 12 un- 91.37 1.97 1.47 1.97 1.97 142 1.37 1.97 1.27 LEt'All. elikir"44 . " . 4t little, but ofton.'l!at thie Purse.'! VR.ANKLIN SAVING FUND,-No. 3.46 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Wildnut. Philadelphia, pays alt Deposits on demand. Depositors' money neared b 1 GoPerriment. I fltute; and City Loans. Oround Rents, Mort gab &o. 'ibis Company deemeeefety better then large profits, t consequently will run no risk with depo sitore mime!, but haye It at all times ready to return, with per cent, intereet, to the owner, au they have a way! done. This Company never " Pttt married or single, andlStinbrs. can deposit In their own right, ,tuideuch deposits can be withdrawn WILT by their consent. charter_perpemet. incorporated tiy. th e State of Pennsylvania. with authority to receive money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND Ballad., BUM RECIIifVEIL °moo open daily, from 9to o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'oloolg. • DIRECTORS, Jacob b. Shannon, Gyros Cladwaßader, ' John Shindler, George Russell, Malachi W. moan, Edward T ibatt, Lewia Krumbhaar. tlengi'e Sub Nioholaa Rittenhouse, at Summer, Jog. H. Sattetthwaite,_ Jones erten. JACOBB geld mocitt. JACOB B. BRANNON, President. Crane OADWALLADIR. Tree/taxer. ap2B-7 " A Dollar saved is twice earned. " AVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT: TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST_COM YANY. WALNUT Street, aontimeat corner of THIRD. Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of retinsyl lroariey le received in any sum, large or small,and in teract paid from the day of dep os it to the day at with drawal. The olEee is oven every day from, pine o'clock in Oie moron* till five o °look In the *yelling. end on Monday and Thuredr o in i npinV i lie f t pre • 14 9 ROBERT,..SELFRIDGE. Woe Freindent. WILLIAM J. Reap, eoretary. DIRECTOP.B: lion. Henry In Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. carter, /oomph B. Ban, Robert EleMadge, Frame L. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Fortes., C. Landreth Manna, James L. Stephenson. money is received and payment. made Gaily. The investment. are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Chatter, in Real Estate IWortgeges, tiround Rents, end such first-class seourities ea ways insure perfect seounty to the depositors, and which cannot Fan to give permanency and stability to this Inetitution. • out ly SAVING FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small sumereceived, and paid back on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE- RieST from the day of deposit to the day Of With drMgr Office al. hmirs: from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from XI upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FUME, Aotuary, WINES AND LIQUORS THE VINE-OROWERS' COMPANY OF •-•-• COGNAC. CAPITAL, THREE MILLIONS OF FRANCS. THE COUNT DE SAINT-LEGER, FRXIIII/BNT. JULES BURET, 141.,_....MANA13101. AGENT Pi NEW YORK, JOHN OSBORN. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst its share holders fourteen hundred Proprietors of the best Vine yarde In the District of Cognac, its extensive Establish= meats being located is the centre of the town of that name, was organised for the express pumas of main taining the standard character of PURE COGNAC BRANDY. by shipping that article. in all Its nativepurity and ex cellence, to Correspondents in Foreign Countnes, and is bound down by its Statute of Regulation to confine its transootions entirely to the Brand, grown within the District or Cognac. and wholly the produce of Vine yards in that highly-favored locality ; on no 'munition whate, ei admitting into its storehouses any Brandy which mai hare been produced without the limits of said District. • With the obJeot of extending the Just reputation of their brand by such means only ae will meet the an num,' and co-operation of the most respectable Wine Merchants in the United States. THE VINE GROW ERS' COMP ANY has authorized the Agency in New York to put up their Orme Cognac Brandy in cases of one dozen full-seed bottles each, and the came will be disposed of to the Trade and the Public), by the under mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the capsule of the Com pany—the corks bear the same stamp. and the labels contain an exact description of the quality, duly signed in fee-simile, by the Agent of the Company. The Brendle!' now offered consist of two different qualities, both guarantied to be equally pore in quality, differing only in point of age, end degrees of strength depending thereon, the 'oldest being the leant tent. One description, termed THE VINE-GROWERS' THREE YEARS OLD, is an excellent article of the age represented, suitable for family or medicinal par. Poses ;_and anotherualitis designated the VINE GROWEIts. ANTEDILUVIAN, so called on account its extreme age, and because the remote year of its actual production is beyond positive verifioation. Objections having beep urged that the bottles are too large, and the Brandy of a greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the public, the Agent of the ...orapany ventures to express the opinion that a large bottle may be preferred to a smaller one, and that in obtaining the article of the Slant strength at which it was exported from Cognac, consumer's may recognise the advantage of adding water to suit their own taste, instead of pur chiming water at theism') of Brandy, For sale only by GREEN, BROTHER, & COOPER, No. 115 WALNUT Street. apli-stu&th am. EXPRESS COMPANIES. SPRING TRADE. SPEED, ECONOMY. ND SAFETY THE AOAMS EX4EBB COMPANY. 390 CHESTNUT STREET. erepoottolly give nptive that they are prepared, with increased raoihtlEs A TEr the fermrpmpf 1.11 s, tor the forwarSPdin g . — "RING RCHABEB, "r all gaits of the , AND BouTHWgST. to ad to 01178$1 With rates inserted to destination, which we guaran tee will be as low as those of any other responsible Ex preen Company. The despatch with which we put all deseriptions of merchandise through to Pittsburg, CincinnatkColum bus, Cleveland, Chicago. Lexington. Louisville, St. Louis. Nashville, and all other Cities and Towns in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Express which has lately been established over the great him o f Railroads, via: Grand Junotion and Almaissappi Central, through to New Orleans. to Baltimore Washington, Washington, Alexandria , Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga , Nashville, H untsville, Memphla, Grande/unction, Canton...htekson, vicksburg, and new Orleans, and rill other cities and tonne in the South and Konthlietd. Odic "" L a y th %a r = l l237Nr eee , daily,A. M. t lor New York, at 6. 9, and 11 A. M. and 6 and 11P.M., daily (Sundays excepted,. Steams hip- Exprese,.. for Charleston and Savannah, aloes at our oMoe at M. on the days before sailint. vr Our agape :will nail or goods in any part of the oity within the following I mils. Delaware and Schnyikto rivers. and Coates and South streets. piovided notice be left at our office Infers five o'olook P.M. Merohanto hanging out the Call Cards of the Adams Sxpreas Coin. Puny. nuts depend goon a rs giving atria atten non to the same. Yor pa r t icular,please apply to the ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, Phila., Feb. 10,18 w. are-Sm /otos BING HAY, Sup't *EU[Ci tl.. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND HALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR 1.1 AS universally Supplanted all other A. at Ointments and healing applications m both the Eastern earl Western Remisrdieres, wherever intro duped ; and its intrinsic Pistil ti the true secret of ds success! In all curonsons mYsetions. whether the cause be accident or dinars, BUF NO & Mt SCALDS . 0 are instantly relieved of h their anmush, pain and inflammation, by a timely ',- application of this mar es/Mies Seater, and the dash is renewed as if by a charm,_no blemish or sear , remainin t 7 is THE FRIEND OF M THE rill ERY. Children are frequent sufferersfrom external In juries, especially from Enid and CllMPlidlit Ex- Nati Gas—therefore every .., mother should have this healing preparation oon- .4 stantly on ha TETHER als sore hreasts,and quickly il, removes the Or RINGWORM, so reva- p lost iis the nursery , TO T.RAVELLERS .4 BY SEA AND LAND. The Machinist, the Trei- 0 yeller, and every other in dividual whose lot in life .~ throws. him within the chance of accident from o __, explos i on , Are, or colii p on, should bear in mind ". that this Magic Extractor c is his beat and only friend. X It is both portable and heap. and should ever be m his companion, ass. friend n need. There are thou- sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous RI virtue, who owe their sound MIA and muscles to its saving ellioaof. The following are a few of the hadotg_diserises for which DALLEYIVIVIAGI- CAL PAIII EXT/tACT OR in a PREVENTIVE 0 as well as CURE Burns. Err/slime, Sores of all kinds, Bruises, Fistght, She% Wounds, Boils, , Front Bies, Scrofula, Broken Breast. Fever Sores, BourvY. Bitea of Reptiles, Felons,. &aide, `inner,. Glandular Dis- Scurf, ~ r ackeil Lipn, eases, Sr ileail, Chapped Hand., Mercurial Sores, Sprain!, Chilblainn, Pains generally. Spell Pox, Cramp, Contracted Cords, fta, l" ' 1 1 4 i l A ' . Chafes. mann, Chars. Disease, of the Rheumatism, Yeaereal Sores. Skin, Ranhes, w! ti at the principal Devote, It Broadway, New York, and 21 and 01 Chartres West, New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT & CO., General Mani. It can also be ob tained gf all respeetable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United States and Canada. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 11l North SECOND Street, felt Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. ELMBOLD'S EX TTIXICGTREBAUTCLE6Ti. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BU , THE CHU, GREAT DIURETIC. THE GRRAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Specafio Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organio Weakness. This Medicine increases the. power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into health action, by which the WATERY O ENLARGEMENTSeitione, and all UNNATURALare re duced. aa well as PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN. Depot . , 104 South TENTH Street, Below CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. Who endeavor to ditiPW "OF TNEIR OWN ' and TNNR" AATICLBS GEN U INEAPUTATION ATTAINED B 7 liELNIBOLD'S PREPARATIONS. roh2l-1. X 51.16 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.16 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.06 LW AROMATIC DIGESTIVE CORDIAL. This excellent and agreeable preparation is ono of tbe beet means of improving the appetite, promoting digestion, and giving strength and tone to the stomach. which hasyet been offered to the public, It is an old German, receipt, and has been in use for many years in the family of the many( ctureis.where it hes proved an FLATULENCE,y for DYSPEPSIA. ttEARTSURN, and CRAMPS IN Toll STOMACH, &lions from Cold or Indigestion. All persons having the beset tendency to Indigestion, should never be with out it as a small wineglassful, taken after meals, will exclude all possibility of contraotins the DYSPEPSIA. It is compounded of b y teen ingredients, BITTERS and ARC ti ATMS, and only needs to be tested to be Im proved and appreciated. It is a pleasant beverage. ad imay he used with safety % u pleasure. and advantage, h r invalids, and by those in h ealth To be had at zOl lead igs Draggle put up in art-bottle's. piles one dollar. Manufactured and for sale by J. N. KLINE & CO. 116 C 11h8TellIT Street ir3 273m0 DIVIDENDS C(RN EXCHANGE BANK, . PHILADIMpIITA, hilly I.IM. The Directors have TRIS DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT. on the capital Stook, olear of tate Tax, and payable on demand. ukyl-tt J. W. TORREY, Cashier, lit and toll n. On and of 16 ciente MACHINERY AND IRON. BAMVAL V. MIRRICK, 1. VAL:GRAN MMUMTCX. WILLIAM R. DIRARICi. -SIOUTHWARK FOIJNDRX, kJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PHILAWILPEITA. MERRICK tz SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufeature High and Low Pressure Steam Unglues, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, he.; Casting. of all kinds, either iron Gasass. Iron Frame Roofs for Works, Work Shops, Rail , road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved oonstructaon. Lvery_ description of Plantation Atachinerr, such as Sugar, Saw, and Gnat Mille, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains, Defeestors,...Filters Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for R. Alth e a's ro.tora Sugar Saba Apparatus ;_ Nasenyth's Patent Steam H ammer; and Aspittirtdl Wolsey a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain inr At/whine. coo-v WORK'S ODOMETER BAND COM _PANY, Hartford, Conn, manufacture WORK'S 'PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE BANDS, which are durable, cheap and efficient. measuring with uner ring accuracy any distance passed over by, the ye II lola to which they are attached. 't here extra- finished Runde coat but a trifle inure than inferior bands without the Odometer. P. s.—Good, reliable Agents Wanted in all parte of the country. Meatus send for circulars. tny2l-3m 11ENNESSY BRANDY.-79 casks, in bond tr 'ist;gralre' FURNYB9, CO., r4° ' 4 " if it i a" isTr R iVADID ciara cr ap ßE ; P u t r al kt E. OD ETa.LL EH/aWLE—The entire hatsnoe of thsimportstion. 'lock,thir Monnmi, Jana tat, at 10 on f 6 months credit. SOO 12-4 extra rich Parts printed border Cashmere stalls shawls. 10314-4 Paris 'Moshe border Cadman, and merino stens shawls. 'Being the entire balance of the spring impertation,l PARIa BLACK I,AOP, 'POINTS, MANTLES, AND BRAWLS. • For City Retail Trade—Balance orate Imioriation. n Fri day Mor s. nin June nit, at Xi o' O clock. 70 lots of Paris guipure lace - points. Paris &lemma points. •-• PST ia ;whet Moo Pointe. guipure and &lemma an Mantles. Very superior quality and desirable s'ylea, the entire balance of toe importation. EXTRA. QUALITY BLACK GROS DE MBE DUB'kERS, RICHLF TRIMMED. For Retail Trade. 04 Friday Morning, trßoo extra quality W u Week. grog de Rhine dbs's, richly immed. WRITE MARBEIkLEB QUILTS, Por City Trod.. • 4 oases 10-4, 21.1, .and Li 4 London white Marseilles quilts. WHITE CHECK MUBLINS. 600 gimes large and small shook mailing. HALF OF FMENCR 000J)B. On Friday' Morning. June 1. at 10 o'clock. on 6 months credit— lotA of fancy and staple French dry goods. 800TT, Jr., AUOTIONSIR, No: 481 • a/IEBTh UT 4TREET.aa•osite the Custom Souse. between FOURTH and FlETMStresta . SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, BONNET AND TRIM MING RIBBONS, FRSNOR FLOWERS, LAOR. GOODS. dm, &o. By catalogue, on a credit— MayOn Wednesdar Molting, M oommeneing at 10 o'clock preolsely, embrac ing an assortment of choice new 10°6, of style" and quelitie• lulled to present city retail sales. Included wilt be found— • . . EMBROIDERIES, IA line of riohlr embroidered laconetned oanibrio col, Lars and seta, of new and elegant designs, just landed, for best cite sales. infente embroidered isoonet waists and robes, betide, nouncinsi t edgioss Insertings, &c. BONNET 1.10011/1. cartons rich spring sty poult de spie r brocade, plain, and stripe bonnet ribbons. FRENCH FLOWERS. Also,Suo cartons rich, bish oat to medium, Parte arti ficial flowers. . SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARLS. Also, a line of ladies' fanny and nlion innmarinas, bronaue and ylain parasols, ho., &o. Also, oases super Sootaturinsham umbrellas. Nlttleuritie. .ilik.l7(3,gotlitruzgoigg6frop trimmings, all HOOP SRI Err c 4" 100 dozen of superior make. steel-spring trail skirt, etdaptrid to finest elisakeit, ntrxitinilea. J.EVYNLRY. Also, et earawenoement of sale, the balance of a stook of ajesreler declining business. c"' Catalogues and samples ready on the morning of sale. SALE OF_T TR HE ENTIRE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A UNKMAKiNG EST ABLISIIMSNT. On Thursday Morning. May 3ls b e lowhe premise c o mm e ncing Streit. two doora 817th MU dolook. If Consisting of, via: superior sole leather. russet striped, box swell, straight folio, ladies' Week brass band, and russet brass band trunks valises, carpet bus: .he. MATER I 41,8 AND 'FIXTUREI. Also, a. quantity materials and unfinished work, tools. fixtures. aro , to. Sir Open for examination early on the morning of sale VITILIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, •-• No. 530 MARKET Street. ar.d 521 MINOR Street. i3ALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING AND LINEN 8111RTS. This Morning, May 19, at 10 o'clock precisely, be *OM oata• logue, 300 lots .if superior ready-msde clothing. and hnea and muslin shuts, consisting of the usual Mann moot for spring and summer sales. Ifir The attention of buyers is requested to the above sale. SALE 01 , BOOTS SHOES. LEATHER LININOIg, AND STRAW GOODS. On Thursday Idorning• May 31, at 10 o'clock precisely', erill be men ' sy oata login, on 4 months oredit. , LINO cases boy's, and youths kip, calf, and Armand boom. brogan.. Ox ford nai l Congress gaiters, as ; women's, muses', and children s nail, kip, goat, and morrow:. boots and shoes, kid slippers. !to. - Also. Bdoz. lid and goat skins, 20 dos. white linings, 20 doz.ooohineal linings. STRAW GOODS. On Thursday Afternoon. AC t otelook preamble, NO oases fame goods, consist ing of ladies and mimes 'nodal and split 'tray'. Coburg and pearl bonnets. fiats, bloomers. &o. oases men's palm leaf and Canton braid, Panama, and trimmed Leghorn hats. F" Catalogues early on morning of sale. - NT. LOUIS, O. WILLIAMS. BOYLE, do C 0.,. ACC- TioNEERs & COMMISSION MIIRIGH&NTO, No. e North MAIN St., BT. LOUIS, Mo „ (formerl y wi t h Messrs. Claghorn. & CO. Phllada,l.offer their 'services to she merchant', manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry amide, oar pets, boots, shoes , hard. are. jewelry, tto., aO. Mr Cash advances made on receipt of goods. Irir Settlements made three days after sale. SZTICILIPICSIO. Mews. Myers. Claghoru. & co., Philadelphia. Stuart rother, Philadelphia. New York • " &B. Curti. & Co.. Mew York. " Wood, Christy, & Co,, St Lops, Mo. Crow. McCreary, & co.. rnhis-thstuly S tIIP PIN G FOR TIM SOUTH —OIIARLM TON_AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy &girt at an average tes of MATRIX per Gent. be low Now o r Steamship re OR CHARLESTON B. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship REYSIONE STATE, GAP- Min Chula' P. Ilarthmsti,vrili sail on Tuesday. May 29,M IQ A. AL Tarough in 43 to Se honer-only 10 Imam at Emu FOR SAVANN_AII, GA. The U. O. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, wilt rail on Thurslay. May 31, at 10 A. M. hroush in AS to OS honrs--only 48 hours at Sea. Elir Boding days oaanged from every Saturday to eveiy five days. lalooldi received, and Bale onAdinS signed every oar. The sp lendid first-ones side-wheel fiterEnshing KEY STONE STATE and STATE OR OEOROIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a IMII-day ruoataon with Charladon and Savatinsh i and th= and Southwest. At both Charleston a_nl.4. SaYarman. . -Mans gon cotairpth 'tenants Illiilac i wti t rall rams, co., Mee in s W „„.. ;At , rreight and Insurance on a lama proportion Of floods skipped South will be found to be lower by the.. ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the N. 11.—Inguranee on all Railroad Freight ls entirely unnemewary, farther than Charl or Savannah the Railroad Companies taking all rilfrom_theal po i nt.. GREAT RE 1:11XTION I RARE. Fare by this route `Mtn St set elmt. thealer than by the Inlam/ Route, LI will be amp the follcnnimuolthe dole. Through baked' from Pk: t au: via a - ton and Bavannalunoamehips. IN L LNG on the whole route, except front C and - nab to Montgomery : Yana. To Charleeton—..-1115 00 Chart:l2V —..839 00 Savannah.___... 15 00 Savannah— --. 31 CO Augusta-- 20 00 Augusta 36 00 Maoon.— 21 00 Macon.— Ss 75 Atlanta.-- —. 21 00 Atlanta CO Columbus_..._. 33 00 Columbus__...._ 36 00 7100 Albany...—. 00 ontgomery—. 36 00 Indhtgomery— . 38 00 0600 4570 New Orleans— —. SO 75 New Orloansl_._.‘ 51 NI No bills of lading signed alter the eine by For freight or passage. apply on Ward, at second wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERO N Jr, Southwest corner FOURTH and CHhariTiUT, Agents in Charleston T. S. & T. 0. BUDD. fiava Cha nelUN & OAMMELJ., For Florida froston. steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John's every Tuesday and Saturday. EDUCATIONAL. E'NGLLSH AND CLASSICAL BOARD ING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MZN AND BOYS, MT. JOY, Lancaster countppa L. MOORE. I.:Meisel. The location is. in everyrespect, a very desirable one. Course of instruction ample and thorough. Poplin ad raited at any time . For particulars sen fora circu lar. myCloci. MRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS TON, intends opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES in this city, patroxlello)og ot {September next. Mrs. H. has the honor of referring to the Ray. Alex. H. Vinton, D. II , Rector of the Church of the Holy Triniq. Ciroulars, 'With full particulate. may be obtained of air. F. IL Hodges, 701 VINE street. • ap24-3m. A MERIOAN SUIIOOL INSTITUTE ia 'a -,---, reliable medium through which Schools and F in ang: Sea may obtain comtent teachers. Parente may o taro, eratnitowdy, in fo rmation and circulars of the beet schools. S MITH, WOODMAN, & CO., INS BROADWAY, New York, or • est CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, FIERYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, tooated at Fhila !lowa., 0. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT ; ACM I rit Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louie. For int rdiation. call or send for Catalogue. fed-tj BUSINESS CARDS. B PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • • AGENT,. FIFTH end CHESTNU views of the principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o'clock. a ddress . J. BAYLIS THOMAS. ••• ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rae removed hie office from No. 91:1 Arch street to No. 42 . 9 WALNUT Street.. Particular attention given to the recovery of Merean tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments. Bnefs of Title. and other Instrumente.of Writing. The management of H.:et:inter /hips, administratorships, and Treats. auparintended; and the best securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. tiatisfaotory relerenos given when required. np3o4m. SAMUEL G. SLO AN, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECT/NO AGENT, Sr. PAUL. IWINNSPOTA. MEM HORACE SEE, • MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 Rout , t SIXTH Street. (Nearly opposite the Nonni,' Courthouse.) Prepares r•peedfieations. Drawings. /to., and transacts all other business connected with the obtainins of Let tern Patent. WAGNE ERMON, kr • ATTORNEY AND COUNEHLtiOE-AT-LAW, (Moe, No. 118 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Stowed ofjelis different "nts th l e j itl i gt e a d d 8 wee, to ° enable:to . prosecute anTotH I Deed Maims of every description. Pit7tieular ettentionyiiven to the examination and to oovery of the Maims of Lekatees and Daytimes, and the exwqmstion of Land Titles and nearing the monist, of hetre and all Deanne intereeted in the same, in all Parts of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Commu nione. apll tim HENRY E. KEENE,. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Has REMOVED from No.= Walnut street to No. 2sk South THIRD Btraet. matil-am* ALFRED L. 110U011, PAPER MANUFACTURERS , ADEN% Orders solicited for every description of PAPER Sou th APER-MAKE'S MATERIALS. No. I SIXTH Street Prdledelphta. fell-6m* L)AWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, NOS. 619 AND 621 MINOR STREET, Between Market and Chestnut streets. PH JAB . ILDEA. JAMES PAWSON. . B. MCIIOII3OII tIARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. YOKAGE HARDWARE 1101)8E.--We mould reepeotfaffy cab 'the attention of the Gene -al Hardware Ttade to ottr extesstve fftook of BIX 51lelOtiatd HARDWAR,E, which we offer at a Ma Wynne° by the vtelrage. Orders for direst importation solicited, toss Goats dr desre.l *Awe In this *it!, New Yorit,_ _or New Orleanr. W. O. LKWIgt. & Boor 411 UOItIMX,ROE Street, inttortne and Commission Nerototecs And Agents tor Foreign and Dornestia Hardware. im9ll-t, POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 HHACH Street. Kensington, Philedelphis.—WlL- LlA hi H. TIERS informs his friends, that, haring pur °hued the entire stook of Patterns at the above Faun , dry, he is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling, firm, and Saw Mil Castings, Hose; Chemical, atm House Work, Gearing, castinsii made from sever tory Pr Cupola Porn/kw, to dry or [nom sande mass, mums stir m3o*toir. AT THOMAS & - SONS. • • Has. /39 and 141 South FOURTH. &asst. (Formerly Ruoff "IA Mt STOCKS AND HEAL FATATE.—THIP DAY. Pamphlet catalog's.' nowready, eMiteinnaf rap ISP" licriptions of all the prosiest/ to be widow Turd*/ nals. 19th tart, with a list of sales Sons fith, nth. sail Hah, oompneing a large Amount sad mut variety of gm yerty °MM.—PUBLIC BALPA HEAL ESTATE - 09) wrocKfl AT TRW. IPXCHANHH—PaIes of real *slate and Moab, every Turday, at the Factions.. - ggr Con tnbutors having the option of either aisle: Air Handbills of each property issued beflinallii, in addition to which we Publish. on the 9 9. , 96/,' previous to the sale. one thousand catalogues.; pamp hlet ions, giving full descriptions of all the prone: tie HAS sold op the following Tuesday._ REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALT. gir We have &large onionskin' real esters at injure eels, including every de description of enty gad reentry Property. P-; ntsd lists m s had soma imation more. PRIVATE /3 REGINTRTL • MP' Real estate eater on our pivots male resiefeM end advertised ocumelonally in our yobbo sole abstract. (of wh i ton Letgi oopies are printed weekly.) free of charge. This so MILY. May29.* U o'clock. nom, at the Esohaard.liill 1* ld— 1 share Chastest Hill Agyfoultrual geology—par SW. 6 shares Philadelpha - Steam Tay Company. Pow No. 0. Trinity /IL E, Church. Eighth above Race. Sale absolute. 7wErrry-ratent sparse BALE-4EY 29. At 12 o'eteek. noon. ble VALUABLE BUSINESS B TAND—Lsree and veins fivo-story brier store. with iron front, N 05.20 and 237 North Third street; s leet by hin feet. adjohnitrine extensive dry good. house of Mesers. James, Kent, thin tee, & Os. HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1938 Sprees' street. west of Nine teenth street. Executors' peremptory Pale—Pilate of Junes P. 1013. deoesaed. NEAT MODERN TIANERZTORY BRICK ROD DEACE, No. 604 North Seventh street. above Green street. barna Estate—BßlCE STORES AND DWELLING, northwest corner of &teeth and Green streets. Sams Estate—VALUABLE LOT AND STONE QUARRY, Fenn street, formerly called Shoemaker's lane. Germantown. Same Estate—TlMEß LOTS, southwest corner of Mather and '1 iota streets, Jefferson Lend Angootlituni, Twenty-first ward. Same Et4/Mr—VACANT LOT,. Meredith street, Net of William street, No district of Serum - Garden: HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY SVCS BoIDENC it. No. UM Caramel. street, between Six- , ibenth and Seventeenth streets, LOVIII pears FOUR , TORY MI T ION BROWN-STONE FRENT RESIDENCE, fici.347 berth Sixth street. be low Callowhill street. NEAT THICEI4-11 tORY BRICK DWELLING, No. gm Buttonwood street, west of Fourth at TWO-STORY BUILDING . , no mosoutit nird stMA. coach of Herman street. with two Time-story Brisk Dwellings in the rear, is a Southwark. . VALOADLD LOT, southeast owner or SININIS RCS Seventeenth street._ • - LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, Twenty-misond street, between Walnut and LoJatetrests Executor's ' Sale FOUR NEAT TAREE-STOEY ERICK RESIDENCES.Itos. ngt, ME and Me North Nineteenth street. south of Carlton, near Logan Iltouste. BUSINESS S Tao D. 23f, story frame Store and Dwell ing, with a neat three-story bnok dwelling in the rear, northwestnerner of Coat& and Minna streets. between Fifth and Sixth streets. MODERN TEREERTORY BRICE DWELLING, No. 21 Juniper street, between Market and Filbert ata., "gair_sitemeLt:rgon44artlßE Tibt 4 E : ITIORY MUCK Nos. 21T. 019, and 921 wood street, be- I tween Ninth and Tenth streets. Executors' dale—TWO MODERN TERSE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 414 and 416 North Twenty second street,south of Lynn /vest. Di SAT AIODERN DWELL.ING, No. 10'13 ?delimit: between ye alien@ and Coates, and Tenth and Eleventh streets..EA MODERN STONE COTTAGE. Pries street, east of Ranson* street. Oermentovra, within three squares of Main street, and about five 11/ mutes' wide of the depot. Adounistrstries 11610—Rotate of Willutm R. Gieksr, cease VALUABLE FOUR de - STORY d. BRICK FLOURING STEAM _ENGINE. macaintur,Ac.(lllo-. dock street, east fro m Front street , late district of Rea-‘ steston. m - Yereptory Sale, for -account of whom it mav COIF Cerli—NE AT MODERN REA Ilk NCE, No. 31/ North Eta. h street. above Vine street. Bale absolute. NEW VIREE-STOAY DEICE DWELLiNG, No. 631 Feder -1 street west of Rifts street. HANDSOYIE COUNTRY Funt.;E„ eight &ore* Bfia tol turnpike, opposite Tammy, oze and a haft muss above Franiford BUSINESS AND— Three-story Brick Dwellin gyearner of Lehigh avenue and Salmon street, formerly Richmond. Pezemptory SaIe—VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. Utast street, east of Eighteenth street—Store and large Hall ; lot NS feet front, 176 feet deep to Barker et,— two fronts. Postponed Poremptory . Sale to close a concern. VBRY ItALUABLn. °PEATY, known as the on WorsaMckon avenue, near Chestnnt Bill, about nine meet from Philadelphia. large Ihnell imr, withextensvas atabbng and swat fire was of land. COMAGE RESIDENCE AND LARGE ANn VA LUA.B B LOT, Pine and Forty second arena, 4 7MIC` - ty- fourth ward. FOUR-81ORY BRICK STORB AND DWELLING. northwest corner of Almond and Penn streets. SALE OF POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. This Evening. May 29, at the auction store. an assortment of Popular *Owl hoods, from a bookseller deolinisfa basiesers. For particulars see catalogues, - Axle No. 417 rosin. BROAD Stmt. • 8 OPERIOR F URN! TURE,BIKRORA. _BAREBTRY ARPETS,. do. This Idorzung. 29th inst., at o'oloo k, 'at No. 417 South Broad strait, below Pine street, the furniture of a gentleinsa es °limns housekeeping, comprising a suit of Pam gado made parlor furniture. fine French plate 2Bll2ttal mirror, fine engravings, French mantel clock. nab- oat glass ware Ma y ha, silverware, tapestry carpets, de. - sir ne examined on the morning of safe at 8 o'clock. Executors Sale—Estate of - Nunes P. Ellie, dement No. 604 North altVEN't if treet. EQUSEDOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE. FIRE PROOF, CARRIAGES, aLEIOR. NARNR63I. ke, On Wednesday Morning, 30th inst.. at 30 o'clock. at No. 604 Korth Seventh et., above Green Street The housenold and °the* fintailstre of James P. bilis. deceased. including a supenor desk and book came, fire-proof, parlor, chamber, and kitchen furniture also, '.a superior faintly Carnage, trotting Wagon. sleigh and sleigh bells, Dingle and double har ass,. blanketa, covers. ko., ht. - Aar May be examined at , a o'clock on the morning of sale. SALE OF POPULAR' AND INTFRESTIND CELLANEOUB WOAND. Ant Wednesday Eveatuf May 30, at the auction core. a collection of interiattas lao➢e, 00 various epteeets. lOr Particulars in eatmlog _ Bnle at Nos. 139 and 141 South rOURTIII9% SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ft ENCR-PLATE R HORS, PIANO-FORTES. 8R1L , 3 &LAS CARP On Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction store, an aseortasent of excelloutsecroud.hand forn.ture, (Asnt plano-lortee , fine mirrors , carpets, etc., fromfamilies declining . housekeeping, removed to the score for ecovemende of Bale. Sale No. 1204 SPRUCE Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, i'LaPESPRY CARPETS . &o. &c. Oa Fnday A:Lorain", Juno Ist., at 10 o'clock, at Na INS Sepal etreet. the superior sunders. gee fixtures firwrnair mattresses, pitted tee set, mmors, fro., eta family declining house leopms• • also, the kitchen furniture. - Sir May be examinedwith catalogue.ou the morn ing of the sale at 8 o'oloe 'k. Sale N 0.134 south EIGUTEENTE street. NEAT ROUSEHOLD FURNITURE. TAPESTRY CARPE 18. do. On Monday Morning, June 4. at 10 o'olook. at No. 134 south Eighteenth etreet, by catalogue, the entire household and kitehen furniture, tapestry limpets. Ao. SET May be examined at a o'clock on the Morning of the sale. MOSES NAUSEAM, AU 0 T loN fait AND COMMIELDION MERCHANT; matieurt corner of SIXTH god RADE &tree te. MONEY TO LOAM tilllo,ooo to toes, in Ores or Rmall anotati. el Oretft g. bid and altar plate, diamorale s ottani*, jewel n pleor nu dry , m e n.wa oode, icat. clottur is ..vz *. nte. el rerdindarda, ti vni orrei, o velaget &meet, ad on elikaa7 — lesiel value, for any tenant 0 tune satinet japot. •Ittr terma than at any other *Embammeet 1.11 Uln SIM ,_ T-DOOR a Attended le pers OU onar by els u= as st MY wit CONSIGNMENTS - SOLICITED. Consignments of all and every kind of goods soligiten foe subtle sale ; pro-thuds the seine of the goods *III be advanced in nnbnlnntusn of On SPLENDID MINTING CARE GOLD PATENT LEVEE WATCHES. 18 karat fine, extra fall Jewelled, of the moaregmovect and best makers, coat from IWO to gm eaoh, at from SIO to &VC NOE= NATHAitIi. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. BROADWAY, NEW YORr. When completed. six years ago, the BT. NICHOL OR was universally pronounced the most istaenifteent. con venient. end thoroughly organised eatabhohment of the kind on this continent. what it was then it remains to day—without a rival in else, in sumptariesneas, end to the general elements of comfort and enrolment. The Hotel has accommodations for one thousand guests, in cluding one hundred complete mute"; of arstruts for families. Six hundred persons can be comfortably seated at the tables of its threepublic dining rooms, and no thing that modern art has devised for the oonveruenceand social gratification of the travelling public has be.n emitted in Ho plan, or is neglected in at prnetiositdeMile. The early rem:dation or the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude. its superb appointments, and its home like comforts ewe luxuries. has been en hanced every ear by the unweaned exertions of the proprietors. myrr-rm TREADWELL. WHITCOMB, & CO. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY and EIGHTH Street, h EW YORK, one block above the N.Y. Hotel. This new and oommodiortsHotel ianotr oxen or the reception of guests. end wilt be conducted exolusively on the European Ph.o. rbo long orn!at'l business hotel, in this Ammon of the city, has the proprietor to estahhek the prices on the toll liberal male: Snlgle rooms, 60 cents per day i.elegant suite,. $1.60. With s. thorough knowledge of the bust nem and ttriet attention to the wants of every guest, I hope to receive a liberal share of public favor. Sitit-3111 J. H. GOODWIN. Proprietor. B PALMER JONES' 110 TEL—The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that h_e has purchased the lease and Armitage of the Jones Hotel. Important additionsare now bang made toit: for the convenience and comfort of guests. Individuals or families visiting the city will be sure to find a borne eland to none in Philadelphia, sail every exertionsnit Mlmade to ment their beret arrangements will be made with persons de trine Board by the Week. Month. or Year. onhal etwam AARON GAOL Om PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTE§ PIANO-FOUES. mAzLODEONS. Made by Raven, Bacon, & Co., Nenne & Clark. Haller & Co., and o the rs. narli- /WM STETNWAY &SOWS NEW PA— TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOt3;noW pm felled to concerts And inrivate melee by ate but performers. Received the brat premiums over the bait rankers, from tud gee like Gottschalk, Mason and others,. Challenge an competition. BLASIUS BROTHERS, tout CHESTNUT Wreak. BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY, No. 823 North SECOND Street. Between BROWN and POPLAR. Having purchased the Bakery (formerly occupied by William B. Winbery) we are prepared to supply the publio with Breed made from the best Flour, plain and fano) Cakes and Pies; fresh every da_y. Famll.essep plied at 523 North SECOND Street. Philadeph.m. & srEcK. .ADLES' TRAVELLING BAGS 1 - 4 manufactured and &muds by C. F. RUMPP, 219 NotthFOURTH. Street, above Medi, Wholesale and retail manufaidarer of • PORTS-mONI CA VALE M S,_POCKET-BOONS, CIGAR SES. ONEY-BELTS, Michell. Purees. Cakes, Bankers' Caw, Dressing Cates, Writing Desks, Port-Folios. Bill Books. inbbitir prnmrtly Ann. arpf-Sm PAIITI ON !—ASTROLOGY !--LOOK OUT!-000D NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing hire. VAN HORN is the best; she seasoeeda when all others have failed, All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by falsecuuiee fly to her for advice and comfort. & love errs AI mover fails. She has the secret of winning - ass e _ tions of the opposite sex. It is this fact wine induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate het, as may bar iosertisernent She shows you the likens. of oar fu ture wife, husband, or absent friend. It neuron known to the public. at large that she is the Andean oaly per- Mn who vita show the likeness in ?saltily Mit minify° entire satisfaction on all the acumen& lie, whink. can be tested and proved by thou s ands, both married mid mingle. who dedly and eagerly visit her. Comae ose comend au li to No. Mbe e LoaciAwn Street. turossilard. per rul. MYlB4llt* PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Preoe. to obtain the oontents. Address WILLIAM MISCH. Pottdrette Ogedh _ 121 3 Now! ABOOND street. mill 1m• WHITE 1 1 18/11.--194 Tr i treAr woos% door Me.. Nat. HOTELS PLAN OS. kiE - LODEON . B and 0011LD._ SEVENTH CHESTNUT